* Coming Soon


A - a


a n. the second letter of the alphabet, pronounced /æ/. Sigundu na lettra i a gi atfabetikun Chamorro. A is the second letter of the Chamorro alphabet. Sessu yu' lachi ni a yan i å yanggin hu tugi' gi finu' Chamorro. I frequently err with the a and the å when writing in Chamorro. I palåbra gima'-ñiha yan i gimå'-hu ti parehu usun i a yan å. For the words gima'-ñiha and gimå'-hu, the usage of a and å is different.

á- (from: á‑) pref. do (something) to each other. Ta fanali'i' agupa' ta'lu. We'll see each other again tomorrow. Ta fanaguaiya todu i tiempu. We will love one another always. Ágo'ti kånnai na dos. You two hold hands. This stressed prefix is added to transitive verbs to form (intransitive) reciprocal verbs.

å n. the third letter of the alphabet. I lettra å muna'difirensiåo i para an i påra na palåbra. The letter å differentiates the Chamorro words para "for" and påra "stop". Tåya' lonnat gi a gi palåbra "asagua". There is no ring on the a in the word asagua "spouse". Gi finu' Gilita, håssan na ma'usa i lennat gi a. In Rotanese, the ring on the a is rarely used. The Chamorro name for the circle over the a is lonnat.

å'a intj. yes (indicates agreement). Å'a nai. Yes, I agree. Å'a nei. Yes, you are right. Å'a, na'å'a' ya ta li'i' kåo dumang i kutniyos‑ña. Yes, make him open his mouth wide and we will examine if his canine tooth is decayed. Syn: hunggan. Variant: hå'a, a'a, å'å.

å'a' vi. open mouth (wide), gape (with mouth open) as in wonder or surprise. Umå'a' anai på'gu ha li'i' i ma'lak pulan. She gaped when she saw the bright moon for the first time. Ti siña hu åmti i pachot‑mu yanggin ti umå'a' håo. I cannot put the medicine in your mouth if you do not open it wide.

á'adahi n. protector, guardian, caretaker, person in charge. Ma disikna yu' a'adahin i famagu'un i lahi‑hu. They designated me the guardian of my son's children. In na'a'adahi i amku' na che'lun‑måmi nu i mañainan‑måmi. We made our oldest sister the caretaker of our parents. Hågu para un a'adahi ni todu i kosas bola. You are to be in charge of all the baseball equipment. Derived from adahi by reduplication. Syn: pípulan, ingkatgåo.

á'adda' n. imitator, mimicker, mocker, impersonator, one who imitates closely or copy one's actions. Gef á'adda' i nietu‑hu ni dos åñus ha' idåt‑ña. My two year old grandson is a good mimicker. I á'adda' kalang guaha nai na'bubu. A mimicker can sometimes be irritating. Derived from adda' by reduplication.

á'addak n. knocker, one that knocks, one who raps the head. Ya‑hu na para guåhu á'addak nu i kampånan i nubena gi bisinu anai påpatgun yu'. When I was young I liked to be the one who rings the bell for the novena in the neighborhood. Si Tun Pedro á'addak ni ilun manåguaguat na famagu'un. Tun Pedro raps the heads of the stubborn kids. Bisiun a'addak ennåo i para u åddak i petta para u na'bubu. It's the habit of a knocker to knock on the door just to be irritating. Derived from åddak by reduplication. Syn: dádakkut.

á'akunseha n. adviser, counselor, one who warns, one who informs. Sen måolik na á'akunseha i tihu‑hu para i manhobin, sa' magof rispeta. My uncle is a very good adviser for young people, because he is well respected. Måolik yu' na á'akunseha para i gai prublema, sa' pasensia yu' hu na'kumpreprendi nu i linachi‑ña. I am a good adviser for someone with a problem, because I patiently make him understand his mistakes. I á'akunseha gi iskuela ha ågang i mañainan i istudiånti para u infotma nu i kinalamtin i patgun‑ñiha. The counselor at the school calls the parents of the student to inform them of their child's behavior. Derived from akunseha by reduplication. Syn: kunsiheru.

á'amti n. healer, physician. I á'amti ha fa'gågasi måolik i kannai‑ña åntis di u patcha i chetnut. The healer washes her hands well before touching the wound. Yo'amti si Tun Jose na a'amti, sa' bula tiningo'‑ña. Tun Jose is a master healer, because he is so knowledgeable. Si Tan Maria á'amti ni chetnut dagga'. Tan Maria is a healer for cellulitis. Derived from åmti by reduplication. Syn: ná'homlu'.

á'aposta n. gambler, one who bets or wagers. Á'aposta si Miguel. Miguel is a gambler. Insigidas manmalingunhalum i manmapetdi na mana'aposta. The losing gamblers suddenly disappeared into nowhere. Gannadot na a'aposta si tatå‑hu. My father tends to win in betting. Derived from aposta by reduplication.

á'arekla n. fixer, repairman, arranger. Sen måolik na á'areklan kareta i che'lu‑hu. My brother is a very good auto repairman. Ma gof rispeta i tiå‑hu na á'arekla gi halum familia. They respect my aunt very much as an arbitrator in the family. I hadå‑hu attista yan ånimu na á'areklan floris gi halum i gima'yu'us. My goddaughter is an artistic and diligent flower arranger in church. Derived from arekla by reduplication. See: fáfa'måolik, nána'måolik.

á'atti n. sorcerer, trickster, magician, one with special power. I á'atti guiya gaigi gi hilu' i eddas. The man on stage is the magician. Gof adahi håo nu i maná'atti, sa' siña ha' mana'malångu håo. Beware of sorcerers, because they can cast spells on you. Gof siña i á'atti ha fa'baba håo yanggin ha na'chaddidik i aksion‑ña. A magician can be very tricky when he acts very quickly. Esti na a'atti ha konni' i binådu låla'la' sin håfa na dåñu gi ga'ga'. This person with special power can catch a live deer without any sign of injury on the animal. Derived from åtti by reduplication. See: kákahna.

á'ayuda n. helper, assistant. Mampus á'ayuda si Anita yanggin guaha che'chu' familia. Anita is a great helper at family functions. Bula bendision‑ña i á'ayuda na tåotåo. A helpful person receives abundant blessings. Á'ayuda esti na påtgun, sa' ennagui' fina'na'guin i mañaina‑ña. This child is a great help, because that's what she was taught by her parents. Derived from ayuda by reduplication. Syn: ayudånti.

á'baba' adj. feeble-minded, stupid, slightly crazy. Esti na påtgun á'baba' ya manåna'i ayudu gi iskuela. This child is feeble-minded and is being given help at school. Fuminu' á'baba' si Rosa ya guaha inistotba ni sinangån‑ña. Rosa was talking stupid and someone was disturbed by her comments. Båsta di manmama' i a'baba', na'guaha pinikuran‑miyu gi håfa in cheche'gui. Stop acting like crazy people, put your minds into what you're doing. See: bå'ba', ti nánahung. Variant: á'baba.

á'duku' adj. idiotic, moronic, foolish, crazy. Kalang á'a'duku' håo. You are like an idiot. Átaktak ilu‑ña, sa' á'duku'. He is a hard-headed person, because he is foolish. Puru ha' kåntan á'aduku' kantåtan‑ña. He is singing only foolish songs. Syn: áttamus. See: duku', loku, kaduku'.

å'fi n. sling, support band. Ti siña hu sodda' i a'fek‑ku ya puti i kannai‑hu. My arm hurts and I cannot find my sling. Hu nisisita i å'fi gi tiyan‑hu. I need a support band for my belly.

vt. put (something) in a sling or support band. Hu å'fi i kannai‑hu ni piti. I used a sling for my painful arm. Ma å'fi i kannai‑hu anai matomba yu' ya appling. They put a sling on my arm when I fell and sprained it. Gaigi i a'fem‑mu gi papa' i apuyå'‑mu ha'. Your bandage is just underneath your bellybutton.

a'gang adj. 1) loud. Maloffan i talangan hulu ya a'gagang esta ha yeyengyung i gima'. Rolling thunder passed by and it was so loud that even the house was shaking. I ina'gang kampanan guma'yu'us gof hongga gi todu i sengsung. The resounding of the church bell can be heard throughout the entire village. 2) obtrusive or offensive (in color or pattern). Kalang a'gang i kulot magagu‑mu gi paingi. Last night, your clothes were a little too showy. Dididi' a'gang kulot labios‑mu para i misa. The color of your lips is a little too bright for mass. Variant: atgan, atgang.

a'gu vt. change (location), put one thing in place of another, shift, substitute, exchange. A'gu fan i kustumbrem‑mu ya un mås na'maguf. Please change your attitude, so you can be more pleasant. Malagu' yu' hu a'gu i karetå‑hu, sa' esta ti gof måolik. I want to change my car, because it does not run well. Manma'a'gu i pine'lu gi tenda ya ti siña hu sodda' i para bai hu fåhan. They are shifting things around in the store and I cannot find what I needed to buy. Ha a'gu chalån‑ña i manglu', iståba ginin hahaya, på'gu ginin lilichan . The wind shifted direction; it was coming from the east, now it is from the south. A'gu ennåo i sapatos‑mu. Change your shoes. Syn: tulaika.

á'guatu vt. move over a bit. Ha na'a'guatu i siya anai para u láhihut gi neni‑ña. She moved the chair a bit to where she could be closer to her baby. Na'a'guatu dididi' i masetan floris, sa' u potdong. Move the flower vase over a little, because it might fall. Ha na'a'guatu si Mona i litråtun Jesus put para u annuk i litratu‑ña. Mona moved over Jesus's picture a bit so that her own picture will show. Variant: hátguatu.

a'guyun adj. changeable, variable, fickle, not firm or steadfast (in disposition or character). Ti a'guyun kustumbren‑ña si tatå‑hu. My father's attitude is not changeable. Ya‑hu na u a'guyun i che'cho'‑hu gi kumpaniha. I like my job to be variable in the company. I mås a'guyun gi tåotåo i magagu‑ña. The most variable thing in a person is their clothes. A'guyun si Juan kustumbren‑ña na tåotåo. Juan's personality is fickle.

å'if n. 1) dried shoot of the coconut tree. Ha usa i hå'if para hachon sumulu'. He used the dried coconut shoot as a torch for night-fishing. 2) torch, made from the dried shoot of the coconut tree. I a'if muna'guaguaha kåndit an puengi gi lanchu. The torch gives us light at night at the farm. Mama'tinas si Tåta å'if para inan i kareran‑ñiha guatu gi liyang. Father made a torch to light their way into the cave. Ma'lak ininå‑ña i a'if an puengi. The torch light is bright at night. See: hachón. Variant: hå'if.

á'langa' adj. 1) sort of crazy, mentally unstable, not all there. Á'langa' yuhi na tåotåo. That person is mentally unstable. Esta i amku' kalang á'alanga'. The old man is sort of losing it. Håfa kåo á'langa' ilu‑mu? What, are you, like, crazy? 2) physically unstable (of things). Tulaika i siyå‑mu, sa' á'a'langa'. Change your chair, because it is unstable.

å'ñåo vt. overpower, defeat. I ga'lågu ha å'ñåo i katu. The dog overpowered the cat. Maila' fan ya ta chagi kåo un å'ñåo yu'. Come and we will try if you can defeat me. Mumåhñåo yu', sa' ha å'ñåo yu' i tropå‑mu. I backed up, because your group overwhelmed me. Ha å'ñåo yu' i che'lu‑hu ni heniu‑ña. My brother's strong attitude overpowered me.

å'pagun adj. stale, damp, not crispy. Umå'pagun i biskuchu, sa' ti matåmpi måolik i sahguan. The crackers were stale, because the container was not covered good. Manå'pagun i magågu gi tali anai umuchan dididi'. The clothes on the line became damp when it rained a little. Mungnga mapatcha, sa' å'pagun trabiha ennåo na tuba, mampus tåftaf. Don't touch it, because that tuba is still not ready, it's too early. Syn: maggim, úmidu.

å'paka' adj. 1) white. Å'paka' i mapagåhis. The clouds are white. Å'paka' kulot‑ña i gima'‑måmi. The color of our house is white. Amigå‑hu atyu na palåo'an i å'paka' chininå‑ña. The lady wearing a white dress is my friend. 2) light-colored (of skin). Å'paka' i ma'estråk‑ku. My teacher is white. Å'paka' si Fred, låo esta nina'åttilung ni semnak. Fred is white, but he became dark-skinned from the sun.

å'paka' chåda' n. egg white. Ya‑hu i å'paka' chåda' para amotsan ogga'an. I like egg whites for my breakfast. Å'paka' chåda' ma'u'usa para sanhilu' i lemmun pai. Egg whites are used for lemon pie topping. Håfa ya‑mu gi sinetnin chåda', i a'paka' chåda' pat i agaga' chåda'? Which do you prefer in a boiled egg, the egg white or the yolk?

a'pi' n. cleft lip; congenital openings or splits in the upper lip. Finu' i manåmku' na båba i mapotgi' para u atan i pilan yanggin kinilis, sa' siña ha' uma'pi' i labius i patgon‑ña. It is an old saying that it is not good for a pregnant woman to look at the eclipse of the moon, because her baby can have a cleft lip. I taotåo ni a'pi' labios‑ña siña ha' mana'måolik yanggin ma'upera. A person's cleft lip can be corrected with surgery. Syn: piri', kinilis låbius.

å'tamus adj. 1) hard-headed, foolish, a little crazy, irresponsible. I å'tamus na pitsona mapput mangumprendi. A crazy person has difficulty comprehending. Mampus å'tamus håo makuentusi. You are a very hard-headed person to talk to. 2) malfunctioning (slang). Å'tamus ha' esti i rilos‑su. My wristwatch is malfunctioning. Syn: kaduku. Variant: åttamus, áttamus, áttama'.

a'uk n. wedding gift from the bridegroom to the bride before the wedding ceremony. I nobiu ha pripåpara i a'uk kuntiempu. The groom prepares the wedding gifts ahead of time. Åntis na tiempu, kosas yan gå'ga' maprisesenta para a'uk. In the old days, goods and animals were presented as gifts from the groom to the bride for the wedding. Dångkulu na ayudu i a'uk para i che'chu' fandånggu. Gifts to the bride are a big help for wedding functions. The gift could be money, goods, jewelry, clothing, animals, and other materials needed for the wedding feast.

ababbang n. butterfly (generic). Family Papilionoidea. Manggugupu i ababbang gi todu i uriyan floris. The butterflies are flying all over the flowers. Finu' i manåmku' na yanggin sigi ha' gumupu gi uriyå‑mu i ababbang åttilung, pues inabibisa håo na para u guaha dinimålas. The old saying is that when a black butterfly flies around you repeatly, it is warning you of something bad to happen. Dudus mampus i hagå‑hu sutterita kalan ha' i ababbang. My teenage daughter flirts just like a butterfly.

ababbang amariyu n. butterfly fish ornamented with black and yellow stripes, refers to many small fish. Families Zanclidae, Chaetodontidae. Manggururupu i ababbang amariyu gi uriyan kuråling siha. The school of butterfly fish are near shore. Na'maguf ma'egga' i ababbang amariyu na guihan. It is so nice to watch the butterfly fish. See: ababbang gupallåo.

ababbang kåhit n. type of butterly: swallowtail. Papilio xuthus L. I ilu' ababbang kåhit dåñu gi frutan ma'aksum siha. Citrus swallowtail caterpillars are damaging to citrus fruits. The caterpillars of this swallowtail butterfly feed on citrus.

abåhu vt. 1) clear (land) by felling all trees and bushes. Abåhu i lugåt ya u gåsgas. Clear up the land so it can look clean. 2) tear (a house) down. Anai ma abåhu i tanu' nai umannuk i dinangkulon‑ña. The size of the property showed when they tore down everything on the land. 3) take down (everything). Abåhu todu ginin i liga kosa ki libiånu mapenta. Take down everything from the walls so that it will be easy to paint.

abak vi. lost, go astray, go the wrong way. Abak i taotåo. The man is lost. Siña umabak i patgun yanggin ti magiha måolik. The child may go astray if he is not guided properly. Hu nisisita i måpa para i gima'‑miyu sino abak yu'. I need the map to your house or else I will be lost. A'abak chalån‑ña. He's going the wrong way.

åbaka n. 1) a species of banana plant indigenous to the Philippines. Musa textilis (Family Musaceae). 2) abacá, Manila hemp, used for making rope and other products such as hats, furniture, decorative ribbons, shawls, and crafts. Ti unu ha' na klåsin åbaka na matiriåt, sa' guaha finu, yan lafinu, dipendi gi manu na bånda gi tinanum ni ma'usa. There is more than one kind of abaca fiber; some are fine and some are not so fine, depending on the part of the plant used. Gi tendan kuttura giya Manila, kantidå na manbunitu na kosas manmabebendi ni mafa'tinas ginin åbaka. The handicraft shops in Manila sell numerous beautiful items made of abaca. Kalan trongkun niyuk i abaka, sa' bula ma'uså‑ña kuntodu åmut, påppit salåppi', matiriåt para kompiuta, kareta, pintura, yan mås ottru siha. Like the coconut, the abaca plant has numerous uses, including medicine, paper for currency, insulation for computers, cars, paints, and many more. From: Sp. or Tagalog.

ábali' vi. have sexual intercourse, make love. Ábali' sessu yan i asaguå‑mu. Make love often with your spouse. Uma'abali' i guali'ik gi tattin potta. The geckos are having sex behind the door. Syn: ásirik, ádalli, á'uyu, ábubu' (Rota).

abandona vt. abandon, forsake. Ma abandona todu i pineksai gå'ga' duråntin i pakyu. They left behind all the animals during the storm. I dos mås åmku' na che'lu ma abandona i intires yan palitun‑ñiha gi pidåsun tånu' ni manå'i i mås påtgun na che'lun‑ñiha. The two oldest siblings put aside their interest and conflict about a piece of land that was given to their youngest sibling. Ma abandona i batku anai esta mañoñokñuk. They abandoned the ship when it was sinking. Syn: dingu. See: sotta, disatiendi. From: Sp. abandona.

abandonåo adj. 1) abandoned, left, forsaken, left alone. Esta abandonåo i batku anai mañokñuk. The ship was abandoned when it sank. Kalan manabandonåo i famagu'un bisinu. The neighbor's children seemed forsaken. 2) likely to be abandoned. Abandonåo Anatåhan put guaha butkån. Antahan is likely to be abandoned, because there's a volcano. From: Sp. abandonado.

abaniku n. hand-held fan, folding fan. Hu gof nisisita abaniku, sa' mampus maipi. I need a fan, because it is extremely hot. I patgun Chapanis sen måolik bumailan abaniku. The Japanese girl danced the fan dance so well. Siña ha' mama'goha håo yanggin un dopblan abaniku i pappit. You can make a fan if you fold your paper in fan style. Syn: boha, goha, goia. From: Sp. abanico.

abånsa vt. 1) go forward with, move on with, make progress with, advance, improve. Abånsa i lina'lå'‑mu. Improve your life. Abånsa i un chocho'gui, sa' siempri munhåyan. Go forward with what you are doing, because it will finish somehow. Ha abånsa i malago'‑ña si Maria. Maria went forward with what she wanted. 2) pay in advance. Ma abånsa singkuenta pesus fine'nena, åntis di u empas. They advanced fifty dollars first, before the payment was complete. See: ånimu. Variant: atbånsa, abånsi. From: Sp. avanza.

abånsi vt. advance (payment), pay in advance. Hu abånsi i apas atkilun guma' put dos mesis. I advanced the house's rental payment for two months. Manggågåo si Jose na u ma'abånsi i suetdon‑ña. Jose asked for an advance on his salary. Måolik yanggin un abånsi i apas i debi‑mu, sa' menus i intires. It is wise to make advance payments on your loan, because the interest would be less.

Åbas name. name of a place on Tinian. Åntis na tiempu, bula na åbas manmatånum guini na lugåt, atyu na mafana'an Åbas. In the early days, a lot of guavas were planted at this place and that's how it got the name Abas. Sessu ham manhånåo manpeska gi Abas. We often go fishing at Abas. Hihut i Abas na lugåt yan i sanlagu na plasan dångkulu. Abas is near the north field.

åbas n. type of plant: guava. Psidium guajava. Månngi' i chigu' åbas mana'danña' yan i chigu' kåhit. Guava juice mixed with orange juice is a delicious combination. Mana'sesetbi i tinekcha' pat i hagun åbas para åmut masisinik. The fruits or leaves of the guava are used for diarrhea medicine. Bula trongkun åbas gi lanchu. There are a lot of guava trees at the farm.

abåtga vt. rely on, depend on, trust, have faith in. Hu abåtga yu' na ti u uchan. I trusted that it would not rain. Ha abåtga gui' si Roman as Kuri ni kinalamtin ginagåo salåppi' gi lehislatura. Roman relied on Kuri regarding the process of seeking money from the legislature. Mungnga ma'abåtga håo nu i fino'‑ña, sa' dåkun ennåo na tåotåo. Don't trust his words, because that guy is a liar. Variant: båtga.

abeha n. honeybee. Puti manåkka' i abeha. The honeybee's sting is painful. Ha chochopchup i abeha i mamis gi halum floris. The honeybee sucks out the sweet from flowers. Mama'titinas miet i abeha. The honeybee is making honey. From: Sp. abeja.

abesti vt. decorate. Fuyut i butsiyun aising ya un abesti i kek. Squeeze the icing bag and decorate the cake. Abesti i palapåla ni hagun niyuk, sa' para guaha fandånggu. Decorate the hut with coconut leaves, because there's going to be a wedding. Manma'abesti i kalesa siha para i likåo. The floats were decorated for the procession. Variant: besti.

abettura n. 1) opening, aperture. Guaha tres na abettura gi esti na liyang. There are three openings in this cave. Måtka esti na abettura para intrådan i halumtånu'. Mark this opening for the entrance to the forest. 2) ladies' wear that is revealing. Abettura magagu‑ña atyu na palåo'an. That woman's clothing is revealing. Variant: atbettura. From: Sp. apertura.

abiba vt. 1) encourage. Abiba i patgun ya u gånna i kumpitensia. Encourage the child so he can win the competition. Abiba i malångu ya u maguf sinienten‑ña. Encourage the sick person so he can feel better. 2) give praise to. Maila' ta abiba si San Isidro, patron lancheru. Let us give praise to San Isidro, the patron saint of farmers. 3) honor, show pride in. Maila' ta abiba i kutturå‑ta. Let us honor our culture.

abiettu adj. 1) open, wide open. Atbettu i petta. The door is wide open. 2) uncovered, unfastened. Atbettu i yippa' i magugu‑ña. The zipper of his clothing was unfastened. Atbettu i nengkanu' gi hilu' lamasa. The food is uncovered on the table. 3) naked. Atbettu tatåotåo‑ña put para u marikunosi ni mediku. His body was naked for the doctor to examine him. Variant: atbettu. From: Sp. abierto.

abilidåt n. 1) ability, capacity, power (to acquire something). Manggai abilidåt hit para ta fanmanhassu måolik. We have the ability to think wisely. Mana'iskuela håo para un gai abilidåt macho'chu'. You were sent to school so you would have the ability to work. 2) skill, natural talent. Kada unu giya hita gai abilidåt. Each one of us has a natural talent. Mi'abilidåt si tåta para manhåtsa guma'. Father has lots of skill in building houses. See: kapasidåt, nina'siña. From: Sp. habilidad.

abiridåo adj. confused. Abiridåo yu' anai måtai si nanå‑hu. When my mother died I was confused. Abiridåo yu' anai mapångun yu' gotpi. I was confused when I was woken up abruptly. Anai måttu si Rosa guatu gi sanlagu gof abiridåo, sa' ti ha tungu' para u taimanu ni dinangkulon‑ña. When Rosa went to the States she was confused, because she did not know what to do, because of its size.

abirigua vt. interrogate, question or investigate in order to find out. Ma abirigua yu' put si Juan. They interrogated me about John. I pulisia ha abirigua i manhobin put i sinisedi. The police interrogated the youths about the incident. I ma'estra ha abirigua i famagu'un anai guaha malingu kosas gi kuåttu. The teacher investigated the students when something was lost in the class. Syn: kuestiona, imbistiga. See: faisin. From: Sp. averigua.

abisa vt. 1) advise, notify, inform. Abisa i amigu‑mu na u gef adahi gui'. Advise your friend to be cautious. Abisa i membru siha put i hunta. Notify the members of the meeting. 2) give alarm, give warning. Manma'abibisa i taotåo ni maga'låhi put i pakyu ni mamamaila'. The governor gave warning of an approaching typhoon. From: Sp. avisa.

abisu n. warning, danger signal. Måttu ha' gotpi i abisu. The warning came suddenly. Manmanå'i abisu i taotåo put i para u hålum i tasi. The people were given notice of the approaching tsunami. I abisu ha na'fanmanunungu' i taotåo na esta gof hihut i pakyu. The warning is letting people know that the typhoon is very close. From: Sp. aviso.

åbiu n. support, help; stronger in meaning than ayuda. Manna'hanåo ham åbiu para i mandisgrasiåo. We sent help for those involved in that accident. Ma sen agradesi i abiu ni in na'hånåo. They so appreciated the support we sent. Para bai in na'hånåo åbiu para i manna'ma'asi' giya Anatåhan. We are going to send supplies to the needy in Anathan. Sotta i taotåo ya u guaha alibiu‑ña mungnga na u måtai. See: mantensión.

abladoriha n. gossip, rumor, idle talk especially about private affairs. Puru abladoriha guini na dinanña'. This gathering is a place for gossip. Ti hu honggi ennåo i fino'‑mu, sa' pinat abladoriha ha'. I don't trust your words, because it is full of rumors only. Variant: apbladoriha.

abladót n. tattletale, one who gossips or spreads rumors. Gigun ha tutuhun kumuentus, manseha, sa' ma tungu' na abladora. As soon as she started to speak, they moved away, because she is known to gossip. Fatkilu låo abladora gi tattem‑mu. She does not talk, but she is a tattletale behind your back. Variant: apbladora, apbladót.

abona vt. 1) pay, purchase, buy. Hu abona i rilos che'lu‑hu. I bought my brother's watch. I subrinå‑hu ha abona i tano'‑hu. My niece purchased my property. Hu na'ma'abona todu i kosås‑hu anai para bai hu dingu Saipan. I made them buy all my things when I was leaving Saipan. Syn: fåhan. 2) do a favor to, side with. Ha abona yu' i amigu‑hu gi atgumentok‑ku. My friend sided with me in my argument. From: Sp. abona.

abonu n. fertilizer, manure. Manlå'la' i floris siha, sa' manmanå'yi abonu. The flowers are healthy, because they were fertilized. Na'fansahngi i ansopblan gollai para abonu. Set aside the leftover vegetables for fertilizer. Manmåolik i taki' gå'ga' para abonu. Animal manures are very good fertilizers. From: Si. abono.

abråsa n. unit of measurement from fingertip of outstretched arm to opposite shoulder. Un abråsa ha' inanakko'‑ña i tali. The length of the rope is about a yard long.

vt. encompass, cover a certain area. Ha abråsa todu i manmåolik na chå'guan i kellat guaka. The fenced-in area for cattle encompassed all the good grass. I kellat ha abråsa todu i sitiun i gima'. The fence covered all the area around the house. From: Sp. abraza.

abråsu vt. hug (by having arms meet together), enfold in the arms, encircle in someone's arms (Rota). Syn: toktuk. From: Sp. abrazo.

abribiasión n. abbreviation. Ti manisisita i abribiasión i na'ån‑mu para i dokumentu. The abbreviation of your name on the documents is not needed. Tugi' abribiasión ha' i palåbra siha kosa ki u lakadada' i lista. Write only the abbreviation of the words so that it can shorten the list. From: Sp. abreviacion.

abribiet vt. abbreviate. Manma'abribiet todu i na'an, ya mapput hu tungu' håyi siha. They abbreviated all the names and it is hard for me to know who they are. Abribiet ha' i na'an para u omlat gi tapbleru. Just abbreviate the name to fit in the signboard. From: Eng. abbreviate.

abrilåta n. can opener. Mantinaki' todu i abrilåta gi gima'‑måmi. All the can openers in our house got rusted. Måolik na guaha abrilåta, sa' puru ha' latiriha gi haichio'. It's good that there's a can opener, because there are only canned goods in the cupboard. Syn: baban låta. From: Sp. abrelatas.

Abrit n. April. Mina'kuåttru na mes i Abrit gi sakkan. April is the fourth month of the year. Abrit na mes i kumplihaños‑mu. Your birthday is in April. Ai, sa' ågua di Abrit! Oh, the first rain of April is here! See: Lumuhu. From: Sp. abril.

abubu1 n. balloon. Guaifi i abubu siha para i famagu'un. Blow up the ballons for the kids. Påkpak i abubu ya ha na'luhan i patgun. The ballon popped and frightened the child. Manmakana' i abubu gi palapåla, sa' para u guaha guput. The ballons were hung on the pavilion, because there was going to be a party.

abubu2 n. 1) type of plant: morning glory. Stictocardia tiliaefolia. Mansen bunitu i kunanaf floris abubu gi kantun chålan. The morning glory vines by the roadside are so beautiful. Guaha kulot å'paka', asut yan lila na floris abubu. There are white, blue and purple colors of morning glory flowers. See: alalak abubu, fofgu. 2) balloon vine. Cardiospermum. Kalan chå'guan esti i abubu na tinanum. The balloon plant is considered as a weed. Mansen la'la' i abubu achuka' ånglu' i edda'. The balloon vine thrives even in dry soil.

abubun pápagu' n. Portuguese man-of-war. Physalia. Adahi, sa' fa'na'an i abubun papagu' ennåo. Be careful, because that could be a Portuguese Man of War. Mankinilili i abubun papagu' hålum gi inai ni napu. The waves are carrying the Portuguese Man of War up to the shore. Mampus puti yanggin pinagu' håo ni abubun papagu'. It is extremely painful to be stung by the Portuguese Man of War.

abuchuelas n. type of plant: common bean, green bean. Phaseolus vulgaris. Månngi' i abuchuelas gi kaddun kåtni. The green beans is good in beef soup. Yanggin gada' i abuchuelas ni måolik makånnu'. When the beans are young is when they're good to eat. See: fiolis. Variant: abuyelas. From: Sp. habichuela.

abugådu n. lawyer, attorney. Meggai manmenhalum na abugådu. There are many lawyers who are wise. Måolik dumibåti i abugadu‑hu gi kotti. My attorney debates very well in court. Manggånna i abugådu, sa' matatnga umatgumentu gi kotti. The prosecutor won in court, because he was very persuasive. See: difinsót. Variant: abugåo. From: Sp. abogado.

abugåo n. lawyer, attorney. Kåo esta gai abugåo håo? Do you already have a defender? Ekkunguk håfa ilelek‑ña i abugåo‑mu. Listen to what your counselor says. I abugåo‑mu para u difendi håo. Your lawyer will defend you. Variant: abugådu. From: Sp. abogado.

abuk n. friend, pal, confidante, mate. Ha prutetehi yu' i abok‑ku. My friend protects me. Hågu abok‑ku. You are my pal. I abuk Juan sen måolik yan fa'måolikun. Juan's pal is really good and loyal. An manhobin i famagu'un, bula abuk‑ñiha. When kids are young, they have many friends. Syn: amigu.

abundånsia n. abundance, profusion, plenty. Maguf yu' nu i abundånsian i fruta siha gi lanchu. I am happy with the abundance of fruit at the farm.

adj. abundant. Manmakonni' gi paingi abundånsia na guihan. There was an abundance of fish caught last night. Abundånsia i chandiha på'gu na tiempu. The watermelons are abundant at this time. Abundånsia na frutan makupa gi Abrit na mes. There is a profusion of mountain apple in April. Syn: abundånti. From: Sp. abundancia.

abundånti adj. abundant, plentiful, bountiful, ample. Abundånti i tinanum gi gualu'. There are abundant plants at the farm. Abundånti i kusetcha gi tanu'‑måmi. The harvest is bountiful on our land. Abundånti i sagan kareta. The parking lot is ample. See: abundånsia. From: Sp. abundante.

ábuni n. 1) food sac, esp. in the crustacean family. I ábuni mas månngi' gi ayuyu. The best part of a coconut crab is the food sac. Mansen mantika i abunin i imang. The food sacs of hermit crabs are very fatty. Yanggin mafotgi i abunin umang yan lemmun, paiririri yan i titiyas. The hermit crab's food sac with lemon juice is best eaten with tortillas. 2) testicle (slang). 3) brain (slang). 4) double chin (slang).

abura' n. exposed excess fat on abdomen or belly. Tatfoi i padok‑ña, gotpi ha' manhuyung abura'‑ña. Due to her greediness, all of a sudden excess fat is showing on her stomach. Ginin i gai ganas‑ña chumotchu, piot i mantika na nengkanu', gotpi ha' manhuyung i abura'‑ña. Due to his appetite for eating, especially fatty food, his fat suddenly showed. From: Jp. fi: abura.

aburidu vi. 1) make a ruckus, disturbance, racket, fuss, riot. Manakassi i manhobin asta ki guaha aburidu. The teenagers were teasing each other until there was a ruckus. Gotpi ha' umaburidu si Jack anai ma kuentutusi. Jack made a fuss all of a sudden when they were talking to him. Guaha manaburiridu gi kantun tåsi. There was a riot going on at the beach. 2) disturbed, confused (in mind). Aburidu i ilu‑hu anai sigi ma essalågui yu'. My mind got all confused when they kept yelling at me. Manaburidu i mannuk anai humålum i katu. The chickens became disturbed when the cat came in. From: Sp. alboroto.

abusu n. abuse, ill-treatment. I abusu ni manmachocho'gui på'gu na tiempu manma'e'etyak gi tilibision. The abuses that are happening now are imitated from television. Marikunosi ennåo na familia, sa' guaha abusu. That family was investigated, because there was abuse. From: Sp. abuso.

achá- (from: achá‑) pref. equally, similarly. Acháchamatuhuk ham na dos ni mamumulan. Both of us caregivers are sleepy. Achágigu måttu i dos. They both arrived at the same time. Achama'gas i dos palåo'an guini na lugåt. Both ladies are equally ranked leaders in this place. Variant: chá‑.

Åcha' name. nickname for Ignacia. Variant: Åchalang.

achá'ikak vi. 1) have the same speed, run at the same speed. Achá'ikak si Manny yan si Ben. Manny and Ben run as fast as each other. Umachá'ikak i dos kabåyu låo i dikiki' manggånna gi uttimu. The two horses competed but the smaller one won at the end. Ta achá'ikak påpa' gi eksu'. We will race at the same speed down the hill. 2) plunge down, tumble. See: karera.

áchagu' adj. be some distance apart (of two objects), far apart, have a gap between. Mana'achagu' i trongku siha anai manmatåtmi. When they planted the trees, they planted them some distance apart. Yanggin manachagu' i familia, siempri sessu manmahålang. When families live far apart, they will miss each other often. Manachagu' nifin i hagå‑hu ya para u ma'arekla nu i dentista. There are gaps between my daughter's teeth and the dentist will work on it.

acháguasguas n. peer, equal. I manachaguasguas na manhobin manggof afakcha' sessu. The young peers always get along together.

åchai n. chin, jaw. Ma'ottu i achai‑hu gi kantun lamasa. I hit my chin at the edge of the table. Ha poksai i batbas achai‑ña si Tatå‑hu ya nina'matan åmku'. My father grew a beard on his chin and it made him look older.

vt. lean (the chin) on. Che'lu‑hu atyu i ha å'achai gui' ni kannai‑ña. That's my brother who's leaning his chin on his hand. Syn: kihådas.

achaigua n. person or thing equal or similar to another; one able to cope with another; one suitably paired with another; one equal or similar in importance, rank, or respect; one who matches another. Mañodda' achaiguan‑ña i palåo'an. The woman found a suitable partner. Ti siña hu esitani si Nanå‑hu yan Tatå‑hu, sa' ti manachaiguak‑ku siha. I cannot joke or make fun of my mother or father, because they are not of my age level. Ti debi para un patcha i tatåotåo i matai, sa' esta ti achaiguam‑mu gui'. You are not to touch the corpse of the deceased, because he is now in a different reality. See: parehu.

achåka vt. 1) blame, reproach, hold responsible for, find fault with, accuse. Gof lachi para un achåka ottru tåotåo put i linachi‑mu. It is very wrong to blame others for your own wrongdoing. Håfa na un achåchaka yu'? Why are you putting the blame on me? Ha achåka yu' si nanå‑hu anai ti måttu i che'lu‑hu gi ora. My mother held me responsible when my sister did not come home on time. Ma achåka i taotåo anai malingu i ramenta. They accused the man when the tool was missing. 2) speak of or address with irreverence; blaspheme. From: Sp. achaca.

achåki n. 1) incident, happening, unpredictable happening (negative). Gumai achaki si Juan gi egga'an. Juan had an incident this morning. Gumai achaki yu' gi paingi, atyu na ti måttu yu' gi hunta. I had an incident last night; that is why I did not come to the meeting. Sigi ha' si Ben ha aligåo achaki‑ña, sa' ti ume'ekkunguk ni saina‑ña. Ben looks for trouble, because he does not listen to his parents. 2) cause of death, incident leading to death. Atyugui' achaki‑ña. That was the cause of his death. An ti matomba, guaha siempri ottru achaki‑ña, sa' esta orå‑ña. If he hadn't fallen, there would have been another cause of death, because it was already his time. From: Sp. achaque.

achakma' n. person who is living with someone outside of marriage. Puminiti si nanå‑hu, sa' gumai achakma' i che'lu‑hu. My mother was very hurt when my brother lived with someone else outside marriage.

vi. have sex outside marriage, have an affair, shack up. Ti ma tungu' na umachachakma' ennåo i dos. They don't know that those two are having an affair. Bula famagu'un‑ñiha, låo umachachakma' ha' i dos. They have a lot of kids, but they're just shacking up.

Åchalang name. nickname for Ignacia. Variant: Åcha'.

achamcham n. jaw, lower jaw, jawbone. Guaha pokpuk gi achamcham Juan. There is a swelling on Juan's jaw. Guaha na tåotåo humuyung mås achamcham‑ña. There are people with prominent jaws. Anai aksidenti, dinisfigura i achamcham‑ña. When he got into an accident, his jawbone was disfigured. Syn: kihådas, achai.

achámoddung adj. same in size or height. Achamoddung i ga'‑ta babui. Our pigs are the same size. Esta achamoddung ha' i dos påtgun. The two children are the same height.

achampåo adj. very competitive (of person). Gof achampåo na tåotåo. He is such a competitive person.

achang n. lower class in pre-Spanish Chamorro society. I che'chu'‑ñiha i manachang gi åntis na tiempu era i gualu'. The work of the Chamorro lower class in ancient times was the fields. Tåya' esta manåchang gi kustumbrin Chamorro på'gu na tiempu. There is no longer an achang class in Chamorro culture today.

achátåotåo n. peer, one equal in age and status, one of the same people or race. Ya‑hu mambisita gi lugåt anai manggaigi i manachatåotåo‑hu. I like visiting the place where my peers are. Ha diseseha si Nåna para u asagua i lahi‑ña i achatåotåo‑ña. Mother is wishing for her son to marry someone of his race. Ti siña un tungu' ottru tåotåo yanggin i achatåotåo‑mu ha' mangga'chochong‑mu. You can never know other people if you only hang out with your peers.

achetgi vt. wink at. I lahi ha achetgi i palåo'an. The boy winked at the girl. Siña mannå'i håo señas yanggin manachetgi hao. You can give signals by winking. Gigun ha achetgi yu' si Tåta, esta hu tungu' håfa kumeke'ilek‑ña. When my father gives me a wink, I already know what he is trying to say.

áchettun vi. next to each other, close to each other, stick together. Achettun na dos. You two be next to each other. Umachettun i aseru yan i liluk. The magnet and iron stuck together. Na'achettun i lamasa para u nahung lugåt para i nengkanu'. Put the tables together so there's enough room for the food.

achibåo adj. be a troublemaker, have a bad record. Achibåo ennåo na tåotåo. That guy is a troublemaker. Ti angokkuyun i achibåo na tåotåo. A person with a bad record cannot be trusted. I achibåo na tåotåo ya‑ña mandagi. The troublemaker tells lies. Variant: didike.

achigu' vi. 1) close one's eyes, shut eyelids deliberately. Achigu' fan. Please close your eyes. Umachigu' esta si Nåna. Mother closed her eyes already. Achigu' ya bai hu nå'na' i sikretu. Close your eyes and I will hide the surprise. 2) sleep for a little while, take a nap. Bai hu achigu'ñaihun. I'm going to take a nap.

achihak n. large gecko. Manhåhanåo i achihak guatu gi kandit an puengi para u fañotchu gå'ga' manggugupu. The large geckos go to the lights at night to eat insects. Ti ya‑hu i achihak para u etti yu', sa' manenghing i lassås‑ña. I hate when the gecko gets in contact with me, because its skin feels cold. Ya‑hu umekkunguk i katin achihak an puengi. I like to hear the cry of the gecko at night. Bula achihak gi entalu' luga gi halum guma'. There are lots of larger lizards in between the walls in the house.

áchikak n. race. Manggånna i lahi‑hu gi achikak kareta. My son won the car race.

vi. compete in running, participate in a race. Maila' ya ta achikak na dos. Let us race together. Manachikak meggai na bisikleta gi Sabalu. Many bikers raced on Saturday. Variant: áchikat.

áchikat n. race. Manggånna gi achikat iskuela. She won in the school race.

vi. compete in running, participate in a race. Umachikat si Fred gi Triathlon gi ma'pus na såkkan. Fred joined the Triathlon competition last year. Variant: áchikak.

achita n. hatchet, pickaxe. Hu ipi' i hayu nu i achita. I split the wood with the hatchet. Måolik i achita para manutut to'lang kåtni. The hatchet is good for cutting meat bones. Ha u'usa si Tåta i achita para mamuta' niyuk. Father uses the hatchet to split coconuts. Variant: hachita. From: Sp. hacheta.

achón n. torch. Ma songgi i achon para u ma'ina i chalan‑ñiha hålum. They lighted the torch to see their way in. Ha u'usa si Tåta lañan niyuk para u ma'lak i achon an puengi. Father uses coconut oil to make a torch bright at night. I achon unu na nisisidåt i manamko'‑ta para kåndit an puengi. The torch was one necessity of our elders for light during the night. Variant: hachón. From: Sp. hachon.

achoti1 n. 1) type of small tree, sometimes called lipstick tree. Bixa orellana. Hånåo ya un fåmfi' achoti. Go and pick pods from the lipstick tree (achoti). Bula dinekku' achoti gi lanchun Tun Ansetmu. There are lots of lipstick tree seedlings at Elder Ansetmu's farm. This tree bears red prickly capsules containing seeds which are used for coloring rice, known as hineksa'_agaga'. 2) achoti seeds, annatto (food flavoring and coloring from the seeds). Gof fåhna i achoti gi tenda, sa' bula guput na tiempu. Achoti seeds are a sellable item at the store, because there are a lot of parties these days. I achoti ha na'agagaga' yan måmanngi' sabot‑ña i nina'lagun kåtnin babui. The achoti gives red coloring and good flavoring to pork dishes. From: Sp. achiote.

achoti2 n. working middle class of pre-Spanish Chamorro society. See: atchå'ut.

Åchu' name. nickname for Ignacio.

achuk cnj. although, even though. Achuk dididi' ha' guahan‑ñiha, låo manmamaguf ha' i familia. Though they have little, the family is contented. Achuk dididi' ha' guaha‑hu, siña hu na'fanmañagi i bisinu. Little though I have, I still can share with the neighbor. Ti riku yu' låo achuk ha' dididi' guaha ha'. I am not rich, but at least I have a little. Achuk ha' dididi', bai na'fanadumididi' ya todu u fanmañagi. Even though it is very little, I will divide it smaller so that everyone will share. Syn: maseha.

áchuka' cnj. although, even though, not even. Achuka' malagu' yu' humånåo, tåya' karetå‑hu. Although I wanted to go, I did not have a car. Mamaguf ha' yu' achuka' tai salappi' yu'. I am still happy even though I do not have any money. Achuka' popbli yu', tåya' yu' nai ñålang. Although I am poor, I am never hungry. Achuka' mamaigu', pångun ha'. Even if he is asleep, just wake him up.

Ada name. family name (pronounced adda'). See: adda'.

adá intj. 1) you mean (implies a question, something unexpected). Ada un ispiha yu' nigap? You mean you looked for me yesterday? Ada måttu håo gi paingi? You mean you came last night? Ada ti un tungu' na esta ora ha'? You mean you didn't know that it's time already? 2) so (in a confrontational sense). Ada håfa yanggin ti humosmi misa yu'? So what if I don't attend mass? Ada håfa ada? So what? Ada si Fulånu lachi? So? Was it Fulanu who erred (in life or direction)? Håfa ada yanggin ti humosmi misa yu'? So what if I don't attend mass? Ada ya håfa yanggin humånåo yu'? So what if I go?

adåba n. padlock. Ha nå'yi adåba si Tåta i kahun pine'lu. Father put a padlock on the cabinet doors.

vt. put a padlock on (something). Kåo un adåba i kellat? Did you put a padlock on the gate? Ma adådaba i kahun limosna. The donation box has a padlock.

adahi intj. 1) careful, watch out, look out, beware, be sure (warning). Adahi, sa' kalang bråbu håo, Ben. Watch out, Ben, you seem kind of hyper. Adahi, guaha ga'lågu! Watch out, there's a dog! there. Variant: adai. 2) it could be, it looks like (acknowledgment). Adahi, sa' kalang esta hit mansen yayas. Could be, we are feeling so tired already.

vt. guard, protect, take good care of, pay attention to. Adahi i familia, sa' duru mannå'yi i sagu. Protect the family, because the flu is going around. Adahi fan i na'‑ta gi lamasa. Please watch our food on the table. Hu adadahi håfa para bai hu kånnu'. I'm careful with what I eat.

adai1 intj. careful, watch out, look out, beware, be sure (warning). Adai iya' na ti un fåttu lamu'na. Make sure that you come over tonight. Adai na un hånåo ya ti un ågang yu'. Be sure you call me before you go. Variant: adahi.

adai2 adv. friend, two who care for each other (used in direct address or greetings). Håfa adai. Hello, friend. Variant: dai.

ádalak vi. work together (to do something), help one another, help out, accompany one another (happily in labor), go together. Umadalak pumeska i dos chume'lu. The two brothers accompanied each other fishing. Mana'adalak i taotåo åntis na tiempu para u fanmacho'chu' gi lanchu. In the past, people helped each other to work at the farm. Umadalak ham yan i che'lu‑hu para bai in fangguåssan. My sister and I helped each other in weeding out grass. Manadalak para uma tufuk i hagun niyuk para higai. They went together to weave coconut fronds for the hut. Syn: á'ayuda.

adamellung adj. oval, egg-shaped. Guaha na chandiha adamellung yan guaha lokkui' aridondu. Some watermelons are oval and some are round. I lemmai mahlus aridondu, ya i lemmai dokduk adamellung. The smooth breadfruit is round, and the seeded breadfruit is oval. Manadamellung i chada' månnuk. Chicken eggs are oval.

ádanchi vi. 1) agree. Mana'adanchi i hinassun‑ñiha para taimanu masåtba i prublema. Their thoughts are in agreement on how to solve the problem. Ti uma'adanchi i dos tåotåo, sa' ti parehu i rilihon‑ñiha. The two people often did not agree, because their religions were different. 2) rhyme. Mana'adanchi i palåbra gi kantan Chamorrita. Words rhyme in the Chamorrita songs.

adånggua' vt. jump over (Rota). Hu adånggua' i fachi'. I jumped over the mud puddle. Syn: agua', goppi.

adåpta vt. adopt. Si Nanå‑hu ha adåpta i nenin i che'lu‑ña. My mother adopted her sister's baby. Ma adåpta i patgun anai mumalångu i nana. They adopted the child when the mother became sick. Manchaddik manmanadåpta i famagu'un kustumbrin ottru. Children are quick to adopt others' behaviors.

adda' vt. mimic, copy, imitate closely. Ha adda' i katin katu. He mimicked the cat's cry. Ha a'adda' si Juanito si Tan Rosa ni ke'yåo‑ña. Juanito copied Tan Rosa's limp. Måolik manadda' si Frank nu i kakanta. Frank is good at imitating the singer. Syn: kopia.

åddak vt. knock, rap. Ha åddak i ilu‑hu ni baston‑ña. He rapped my head with his cane. Ha åddak si Ben i kampåna ni liluk. Ben struck the bell with a metal object. Nisisåriu na un åddak duru i ruedan kareta para u kallu i tutniyu. You need to knock hard on the wheel to loosen the screws. Syn: dåkut, dåkdak.

ådding n. foot (of a human). Puti addeng‑hu. My foot hurts. I taotåo manggai adding, lao i ga'ga' yan kosas manggai patas. People have feet, but animals and things have legs. I adding yan såtnut haligi para i taotåo. The feet and legs are the pillars of the body. Manehyuk i addeng‑hu yan kannai‑hu, sa' nina'yi yu' attraitis. My feet and hands are painful, because I have arthritis. Dångkulu i addeng‑hu para i dikike'‑hu. My feet are big for my height. Syn: såtnut. See: påtas.

adetfa n. type of flower: oleander. Bunitu yan difirentis kulot‑ña i floris adetfa. The adetfa flowers are beautiful and can be found in a variety of colors. Todu gi trongkun adetfa binenu. The entire oleander tree is poisonous.

adibina vt. 1) predict, foretell. Hu adibibina na para u måolik i nuebu na såkkan. I am predicting that the new year will be good. Hu adibibina na para u anåkku' i ha'ani‑hu gi tanu'. I am predicting that I will have a long life. See: rifa. 2) wonder, figure out, search for an answer to, try to decide. Hu adibibina kåo para bai hu hånao para Guam. I am wondering if I should go to Guam. Hu adibina kåo måolik pat båba i para bai hu cho'gui. I am trying to decide whether what I am going to do is good or bad.

Adik name. nickname for Margarita.

adiktåo n. addict. Malångu i adiktåo. The addict is sick.

adj. addicted. Guaha na tåotåo manadiktåo ni huegun salåppi'. Some people are addicted to gambling. Manna'ma'si' i familia yanggin manadiktåo i mañaina gi apostan salåppi'. It is sad for a family when parents are addicted to gambling. Adiktåo esta i malångu ni bulan åmut debi di u kåkannu'. The patient is already addicted with all the medications he has to take.

adilånta vt. improve, progress, advance. Adilånta fan i lina'lå'‑mu, che'lu‑hu. Please improve your life, my brother. Ha gof adilånta gui' si Maria gi iskuela. Maria really advanced herself at school. Manma'adilålanta i chalan siha gi sengsung. They are improving the roads in the village.

adilantåo adj. advanced, progressing, ahead, improving, improved. Mampus adilantåo i rilos. The clock is too advanced. Adilantåtåo si Ton gi che'cho'‑ña. Ton is progressing with his work. Hobin låo adilåntao manhassu. He's young but he's advanced in thinking.

adilåntu n. improvement, progress, advancement, advantage. Bula adilåntu manmasusesedi gi iskuela. There is a lot of progress going on at school. Tai adilåntu i taotåo ni gagu'. There is no progress for people who are lazy.

adj. organized. Ennåo na tåotåo gof adilåntu. That person is very organized.

ádiluk adj. sloping (of cliffs and other formations). I ladera kulan dididi' adiluk. The mountain has a somewhat sloping section. Adiluk i eksu'. The hill is sloping.

adimås cnj. 1) rather than, apart from, instead of. Adimås di un hånåo, måolekña un såga. Rather than going, it is better that you stay. Adimås di u mamaila', måolekña guåhu bai u hånåo. Instead of her coming, it is better that I go. Adimås di mambåba, guaha ha' manmåolik. Besides the spoiled ones, there are some that are good. Syn: inlugåt, fuera di. 2) moreover. Matuhuk yu'; adimås, maigu' yu' gi kareta. I was sleepy; moreover, I slept in the car.

ádingan vi. converse, talk, speak, utter. Maila' ta adingan na dos. Let us converse with each other. Malagu' yu' na u fanadingan i familia put i mamamaila' na guput. I want the family to talk about the upcoming party (event). Malagu' yu' umadingan yan hågu. I want to talk to you.

adingani vt. speak to, talk to, advise. Ti manma'adingangani ennåo siha na famagu'un put rispetu. Those children are not given advice about respect. Put fabot adingani i lahi‑mu, sa' ti måolik bidåda‑ña. Please talk to your son, because he is not doing the right thing. Manma'adingani ham as Tåta anai guaha lachi bidan‑måmi. Father talked to us when we did something wrong.

adinganiyi vt. intercede, speak in favor of (someone), talk on behalf of (someone) to (someone). Si Maria ha adinganiyi hit nu i lahi‑ña. Mary intercedes to her son for us. Hu adinganiyi si Jose as Nåna, sa' ma'å'ñåo nu i bidå‑ña. I talked to Mother for Jose, because he is afraid of what he did. Hu adinganiyi i patgun, sa' mampus luhan. I interceded for the boy, because he was too frightened. See: kuentusi.

ádingu vi. part ways, leave one another, separate. Na'maguf yanggin mandanña' hit låo na'tristi yanggin manadingu. It is good when we meet with each other, but it is sad when we part. Mampus yu' mahåhalang disdi ki umadingu hit. I have been so lonely since we parted ways. Ti måolik para u adingu i dos umasagua la'apman. It is not good for married people to be separated for a long time. Syn: ádispatta.

adiós intj. goodbye, farewell. Pues adios asta ki manali'i' hit ta'lu. Then goodbye until we meet again. Hu aluf adios todu i umupus yu' gu chalan. I waved goodbye to all who passed me on the road. “Adios” i mås bunitu na sinangan para umadingu, sa' sumåsåonåo si Yu'us. “Adios” is the most beautiful parting word, because God is included. From: Sp. adios.

ádispatta vi. disconnected, separate, break away. Hu na'adispatta esta i alåmlin kåndit. I disconnected the electrical wire already. I famagu'un managotti kånnai, dispues manadispatta. The children held hands and then they separated. I che'lu‑hu umadispatta yan i asaguå‑ña. My sister separated from her husband. Syn: siparåo.

Adit name. nickname for Margarita. Variant: Adik, Agit, Teti'.

adobu n. type of food: way of cooking meat (poultry, beef, venison, etc.) by seasoning with garlic, onions, vinegar, black pepper, soy sauce, and salt. Månngi' i adobu makånnu' yan i mamaipin hineksa'. Adobu is delicious when eaten with hot rice. Entri mås un na'maipi i adobu, mås mumåmanngi'. The more you reheat the adobu, the tastier it becomes. Syn: estufåo, istufåo.

adora vt. adore, love and admire greatly, idolize. Hu adora håo, kiridå‑hu! I adore you, my love! Hagas hu adora esti na chininå‑hu. I have adored this dress of mine for a long time. Guaha na tåotåo ma adodora i pilan. There are people who adore the moon. From: Sp. adora.

adorasión n. adoration, worship. Guaguaha adorasion kada Betnis gi Gima' Yu'us para i Santissimu Sakramentu. There's always an adoration on Fridays at the church for the Blessed Sacrament. Gi rilihon Katoliku, i Santa Misa i mas takkilu' na adorasion para si Yu'us. In the Catholic religion, the Holy Mass is the highest form of worship for God. Ma silebra i adorasion para i atdåo. They celebrated the adoration of the sun. From: Sp. adoración.

adotna vt. adorn, decorate, beautify. In adotna i bilen gi lamasa. We adorned the manger on the table. Ma adotna i trongkun Krismas. They decorated the Christmas tree. Maila' ya ta adotna i uriyan i tano'‑ta. Let us beautify our island. Syn: besti. From: Sp. adorna.

adotnu n. adornment, ornament, decoration. I manamigå‑hu duru ma nå'yi adotnu i kuåttu para i giput. My friends are busy decorating the room for the party. Bunitu i adotnu siha gi kalesa. The adornments on the carriage are beautiful. Yanggin bula mampus adotnu gi gima', siempri singåo. If you add too many decorations in a home, it will look tiresome. From: Sp. adorno.

adotsi n. type of plant: wild passion fruit. Passiflora Foetida. Adotsi na'‑måmami para mirenda anai mandikiki' ham. Adotsi was our snack when we were young. Gof hassan esta adotsi guini gi tano'‑ta. The adotsi plant has become very rare on our island. Variant: dotsi.

adu'1 vt. peep at, peek at, observe furtively. Hu adu' i che'lu‑hu gi tattin i kuttina. I peeked at my sister from behind the curtain. Ma tågu' yu' para bai hu adu' i famagu'un håfa bidan‑ñiñiha. They asked me to watch the children to see what they are doing. Hu adu' i patgun gi ka'ka' i petta. I peeped at the child through the crack of the door.

adumídidi' adv. a little bit (at a time), gradually, by degrees, slowly. In kannu' adumididi' ha' i na'‑måmi ko'ko' mångga para u utas. We are eating our mango ko'ko' a little at a time so it can last long. Adumididi' i neni ha chachagi i lamahettuk na nengkanu'. Slowly the baby is trying to eat more solid food. Adumididi' esta måmagung i chetnut gi addeng‑hu. The sore on my foot is gradually healing.

ádutgan vi. pass (through something), penetrate, make a hole (through something), make a tunnel, go through (something). Umadutgan i liluk kontra i hayu. The nail penetrated the wood. Umadutgan i bala gi trongkun niyuk. The bullet passed through the coconut tree. Atåni i liluk dispåsiu ya mungnga na u adutgan. Hammer the nail so that it won't go through.

adutteriha n. adultery. Mungnga masångan put adutteriha gi me'nan i famagu'un. Don't talk about adultery in front of children. Guaha na tånu' atdit i kastigu put adutteriha. Some countries have strict penalties for adultery.

adutteru adj. adulterous, unfaithful to one's spouse. I adutteru na tåotåo ha atmiti na gai patgun gi san hiyung. The adulterer admitted that he has a child outside of marriage. Umadutteru i che'lu‑hu un tiempu, dispues mañotsut. My brother committed adultery at one time, but later he repented. Ti mannåna'i måolik na ihemplu i umaduttetera. An adulteress does not give good examples. See: adutteriha. Variant: adutteriu. From: Sp. adúltero.

afa'fa' n. armpit. Hu habubuni måolik i afa'fa'‑hu yanggin umo'mak yu'. I wash my armpits thoroughly with soap when I take a shower. Ma'i'ut malaksen‑ña i afa'fa' i magagu‑hu. The armpit section of my dress is sewn a little tight. Hámasahalum i afa'fa'‑hu. My armpits are usually sweaty.

afa'fa'i vt. carry under the armpit. Ha afa'fa'i i pottan munedå‑ña, dispues ti ha tungu' månggi. He carried his wallet under his armpit and later did not know where it went. Hu afa'fa'i matå‑ña i asaguå‑hu ya umessalåo. I wrapped my armpit around my husband's face and he screamed. Måolik yu' manafa'fa'i kosas, sa' siguru na hu go'ti. I am good at carrying something under my armpit and holding onto it. Syn: apeching.

áfa'måolik vi. help out, cooperate with, be friends, come together in good spirit. Manafa'måolik tåtti i mañe'lu‑hu dispues di guaha chinatkumprendi. My siblings came back together in good spirit after there was some misunderstanding. Afa'måolik na dos. You two be good friends with each other. Manggof afa'måolik ham na familia. We're a family that gets along well.

áfabot vi. do favors for each other. Månngi' umafabot yan ottru, sa' yanggin guåhu munisisita, siempri listu para bai hu ma'ayuda. It is good to do favors for others, because when I am in need, the favors are returned back to me. Mana'afabot ha' hamyu. You are just doing each other a favor. Mana'afabot ha' i mambuleru. The players are doing favors for each other.

afagåo adj. hoarse, having a husky voice, harsh-voiced, lose one's voice. Kalang para bai hu sinagu, sa' afagåo yu'. I think I am catching a cold, because I have a hoarse voice. Duru yu' kumånta ya esta ha na'afagåo yu'. I was singing so hard and I ended up losing my voice. Mampus bos afagåo håo. You really have a harsh voice.

áfakcha' vi. 1) match. Umafakcha' i dos kulot pintura para esti na potta. The two colors of paint for this door match. Uma'afakcha' mo'na i hinassosot‑ta. Our thinking is in synch. 2) rhyme. Måolik muna'afakcha' palåbra gi kantån‑ña Chamorrita. He is good at rhyming words in his Chamorrita songs.

áfana' vi. face one another, confront one another, meet. Umafana' put fin i dos para u akumprendi. Finally the two faced each other to come to an understanding. Ti siña ma såtba i prublema solu manafana' hamyu. You cannot solve the problem unless you meet with each other. Maila' ta fanafana'! Come, let's face off!

afañe'lus n. brothers, sisters, folks, friends (form of direct address). Afañe'lus, hu gof nisisita i botun‑miyu gi mamaila' na ileksion. Friends, I really need your vote in the upcoming election. Hu kumbibida hamyu todu afañe'lus para i hunta gi lehislatura. Folks, I am inviting you all to a meeting at the legislature. Afañe'lus, måttu yu' på'gu para bai hu fanggågåo dispensasion. Folks, I come today to ask for forgiveness. Variant: hafañe'lus.

afåo n. fog, mist, haze (Rota). See: åsgun.

afatigåo adj. 1) fatigued, weary, uncomfortable, restless. Umafatigåo si Tåta gi maigo'‑ña, sa' mampus maipi. Father was uncomfortable during his sleep, because it was very warm. Gotpi ha' umafatigåo i malångu. All of a sudden the sick man became restless. Guguha i neni ya umafatigåo. The baby is suffering asthma and is very restless. 2) comatose, of the condition just preceding death. 3) hoarse. Afatigåo bos‑su. My voice is hoarse. See: afagåo.

afekta vt. affect. Maninafekta i taotåo anai sessu tåya' kåndit. The people were affected when blackouts occurred frequently. Inafekta i gualu' nu i måtmun uchan. The crops were affected by the heavy rain. Ha afekta yu', sa' ti magåhit i sinangån‑ña. It affected me, because she did not tell the truth. From: Sp. afecta.

afitma vt. affirm, allege, assert. Ha afitma i hues i sinisedi. The judge affirmed the incident. Hu afitma i dokumentu siha na mandinanchi. I affirmed that the documents were correct. I gubietnu ha afitma i che'chu' i kunggresu. The governor affirmed the work of the congress. From: Sp. afirma.

aflitu vt. fry. Hu aflitu i guihan para amotsan talu'åni. I fried fish for lunch. Mana'ayuda ma aflitu i tempura' para i giput. They are helping each other to fry the tempura for the party. Mañuñuli' yu' inaflitun kamuti para tengguång‑ta. I brought fried sweet potato for our packed snack. See: kema.

afloha vt. loosen, slacken. Na'afloha i tali‑ña i guaka sa' gatdun. Loosen the cow's rope, because it is tangled. Afloha i talin i ga'lågu sa' mafñut. Loosen the dog's rope, because it is tight. See: gomgum, kamkam, kalu. From: Sp. afloja.

åfti vt. put a roof on, cover with a roof, install a roof on. Hu åfti di nuebu i atuf gimå'‑hu, sa' esta bula sumi' ya mamamaila' i tiempun uchan. I changed the roof of my house, because it had leaks and the rainy season is coming. Manmangonni' ayudu i hagå‑hu, sa' para u ma'åfti i gima'‑ñiha på'gu. My daughter got some helpers, because they are going to put a roof on her house. Hu åfti tempuråriu i lugåt manunu, sa' maipi i semnak. I put a roof temporarily on the barbeque place, because the sun is hot.

afuetsåo adj. obligatory, required, forced, forceful. Ti afuetsåo para un fanlaknus para i giput. It is not mandatory to donate for the party. Afuetsåo na un fañuli' lisensiåm‑mu åntis di un fañugun. It is required to get a license before you drive. Afuetsåo yu' na bai apåsi i dibi‑hu. It is my obligation to pay my debt.

afuetsas vt. force, demand, compel, require. Ha afuetsas gui' hålum. He forced his way in. Hu afuetsas gui' para u atan yu'. I compelled her to look at me. Nå'i yu' insigidas, sino bai hu afuetsas håo. Give it to me at once or I will force you to. Syn: opbliga. Variant: fuetsa. From: Sp. a fuerza.

åfuk n. lime, limestone (soft). Sumai nåya i papåya gi afuk åntis di un na'lågu para kunsetba. Soak the papaya with lime for a while before you cook to preserve. Ha songgi si Tåta i atchu' para u fama'åfuk. Father burns some rocks to make lime. Nina'titisu yan påska i nengkanu' yanggin masumai ni afuk. The food becomes stiff and crispy when soaked in lime.

afuki vt. put lime on (betel nut). Hu afuki i mamå'‑hu. I put lime on my betel nut chew. Hu afuki i papåya. I put lime on the papaya. Variant: åfgui.

afulu n. 1) hem lining of skirt. 2) cuff (of shirt sleeve).

áfulu' n. wrestling. Ya‑ña si tatå‑hu umegga' afulu' Chapanis. My father loves to watch the Japanese wrestling.

vi. wrestle. Håfa na uma'afulu' ennåo i dos påtgun gi cha'guan? Why are those two children wrestling on the grass? Ya‑ña umafulu'. He likes to wrestle.

afuyut vt. wrap up, roll up, enfold, make a ball of (by squeezing). Ma'afuyut i kelaguin månnuk ni titiyas. The chicken kelaguen is wrapped in the tortilla. Hu afuyut i ampulå‑hu ni tuhåya. I wrapped my dirty clothes with the towel. Ma afuyut i alunan ni guafak. The pillow was rolled up in the mat. Afuyut ha' ennåo i ineksa'. Make that rice into balls.

åga n. type of bird: Mariana crow (black). Corvus kubaryi (Family Corvidae). Manmachålik esti i åga na gå'ga', sa' sessu manmapaki. The Mariana crow is now wild, because they are frequently being shot at. Håssan ta li'i' i åga giya Saipan esta. It is now rare to see the Mariana crow in Saipan. Maila' ta tånum trongku siha para na' åga. Let's plant trees for food for the Mariana crow.

aga' n. banana (ripe). Mama'tinas yu' kek aga' nigap. I made banana bread yesterday. Bula siña un fa'tinas ni masan aga': madoya, saibuk, buñelus, kek, tamålis, yan siña mås. There are many ways to cook ripe bananas: fried, with coconut milk, doughnuts, cake, tamales, and more. An måsa i chetda, umaga'. WHen the green banana ripens, it becomes a ripe banana.

agå'ga' n. neck, throat. Hu nisisita malasa i aga'gå'‑hu, sa' yåfai. My neck needs to have a massage, because it is a little stressed. Måolik aga'gå'‑hu para kumånta. I have a good throat for singing. Ma'u'usa i lassas agå'ga' månnuk para mutsiyas. The skin of the chicken neck is used for mutsiyas.

agå'ga' kannai n. wrist. Loddu' agå'ga' kannai‑hu. My wrist is thick. Ma'luk agå'ga' kannai‑ña si Joaquina annai sulun. Joaquina broke her wrist when she slipped. Puti agå'ga' kannai‑hu annai hu dommu' i liga. My wrist hurt when I punched the wall. Syn: koddu.

agå'ga' tommu n. part of leg behind the knee above the calf, popliteal. Gef puti i agapa' na agåga' temmok‑ku anai kumalåmli gi paingi. The area behind my knee was so painful when I had cramps last night. I måmahnan satnut gaigi gi papa' i agå'ga' temmu. The calf of the leg is below the area behind the knee. Na'metgut i agå'ga' tommom‑mu yanggin para un såonåo gi achikak malågu. Strengthen the area below the knee if you are joining in the running competition. Syn: tommu.

agaga' adj. red. Sen bunitu i minachum åtdåo på'gu, sa' agaga' i mapagåhis. The sunset today was so beautiful, because the clouds were red. Gof yan‑ñiha i nietu‑hu i hineksa' agaga'. My grandchildren love red rice. Ma'lak i agaga' na kulot. Red is a bright color.

agaga' chåda' n. egg yolk. Bula sustånsia gi agaga' chåda'. There are good nutrients in egg yolks. Mungnga mopokka' i agaga' chåda yanggin manaflitu. Don't break the egg yolk when you fry. I agaga' chåda' ha' mana'sesetbi gi atmondigas. Only the yolk of the egg is used in meatballs.

agaliya1 n. stretcher, used to carry sick person. Makåtgan agaliya i malångu guatu gi ambulan. The sick person was carried on a stretcher to the ambulance. Makkat ennåo na tåotåo para esti na agaliya. That person is too heavy for this stretcher. Ai, sa' ma na'poddung i malångu gi agaliya. My goodness, they let the sick person fall from the stretcher.

agaliya2 n. type of plant: castor bean. Ricinus communis. Mafa'titinas låña ginin i agaliya gi tiempun Hapones. Oil is made from castor beans during Japanese administration.

Agaña name. capital of Guam. I katidråt gaigi giya Agaña. The cathedral is in Agåña.

Agaña Heights name. village in central Guam, formerly known as Tutujan. Sumåsaga i che'lu‑hu giya Agaña Heights. My brother lives in Agaña Heights.

ågang vt. call (someone), beckon, summon. Ma ågang si Juan para u facho'chu'. They called Juan to work. I kotti ha ågang si Juan para u fåttu. The court summoned Juan to come. Nihi ta fanmanågang para ta fanma'ayuda. Let's call people to help us. Variant: ågan.

agångi vt. call for, send for, invite. Agångi yu' fan as Pedro. Call Pedro for me. Na'ma'agångi i bisinu ni pulisiha. Call the police on behalf of the neighbor. Manma'agångi todu para i lisåyu. They were all called to the rosary.

agangñaihun vt. announce for awhile, call for awhile, invite to. Ma'agangñaihun gi redio put i hunta agupa'. It was announced for awhile on the radio about the meeting tomorrow. Ma'agangñaihun na tåya' cho'chu'. It was declared that there was no work. Manma'agangñaihun para u fanboka. They were invited to eat.

ágåodi vi. cross legs, cross arms, cross one thing over another. Agåodi i addeng‑ña anai matåta'chung. She crossed her legs when she was sitting. Agåodi i kannai‑ñiha anai manmananaitai. They crossed their arms while praying. Mana'fanagåodi i friholis yan i abuchuelas gi kao. The string beans and the green beans were crossed over on the bean stake. Variant: ágåoli.

ágåoli vi. cross legs, cross arms, cross one thing over another. Na'ágåoli i addeng‑mu yan i kaknai‑mu, fan. Would you cross your legs and your arms.

agapa' adj. direction to one's right. Bira i kareta gi agapa' na chålan. Turn the car into the road on the right. Agapa' i fafayi‑ña i lahi‑hu. My son is right-handed. Matåta'chung i nobia gi agapa' i nobiu. The bride is sitting at the right of the groom.

agåsi n. type of plant: parasite plant, dodder plant. Cassytha filiformis. Åmut esti i agåsi. The parasite plant is a medicinal plant. Munton na agåsi gi eksu' giya Luta. The parasite plant is rampant on the hill in Rota.

Agat name. village in central Guam (pronounced hagat). Agat i mås ya‑hu na songsung. Agat is the village I liked most.

agate'lang n. type of plant: hardwood tree. Eugenia palumbis. Ya‑hu kumånnu' i frutan agate'lang. I like to eat the fruit of the agate'lang. Bulåña pipitas ki sensin i frutan agate'lang. There's more seeds than meat in the agate'lang fruit. Sessu i agate'lang mandokku' gi sagan åtchu'. The agate'lang plant often grows in rocky places.

agate'ti n. the first plants that appear after a place has been burnt. Manannuk i agate'ti anai uchan gi ma'pus na simåna. The first plants appeared after the rain last week. Ti åtman disdi kimason i sabåna, manmandokku' kantidå na agate'ti. Not long after the plain burnt down, new plants have sprouted.

agga' n. Marianas crow. Håssan esta agga' giya Mariånas låo guaha dididi' giya Luta. Variant: åga.

agguas n. type of fish: baby mullet. Neomyxus chaptalii, Family Mugilidae. Månngi' i anistukun agguas. It's good to make salted baby mullet. Manmanaflitu ham agguas gi paingi. We fried baby mullet last night.

åggun n. staple food (such as rice, taro, yam, etc.), starchy food. Pugas, suni, chotda, kamuti, dågu, yan mendioka åggun siha para i manChamorro. Rice, taro, banana, sweet potato, yam, and cassava are the Chamorros' staple foods. Nå'i ham på'gu ni aggun‑måmi. Give us this day our daily bread. Håfa para adanña'‑ña esti na åggun? What will go with this starchy food?

ågila n. eagle, hawk. Guaha ågila gi salåppi' Amerikånu. There is an eagle on American money. Bunitu ma'atan i ågila gumupu. It's pleasant to watch the eagle fly. I ågila unu gi mandångkulu na paluma siha. The eagle is one of the large birds. From: Sp. águila.

aginåtdu n. early morning mass, held for nine days just before Christmas. Manmamaigu' tåftaf, sa' para u fanhosmi misan aginåtdu. They're going to sleep early, because they're going to attend early morning mass before Christmas. Mangigimin kafe yanggin måkpu' i misan aginåtdu. They drink coffee after early morning mass before Christmas. See: misan chatanmak. From: Sp. aguinaldo.

Agit name. nickname for Margarita.

ágo'ti vi. shake hands, hold hands. Umago'ti i dos chume'lu. The two brothers shook hands. Mana'ago'ti kånnai esta på'gu. They are still holding hands. See: ámantieni.

ágofli'i' n. partner, lover. Dumanña' i dos umagofli'i'. The two lovers are together. Ha ispipiha i agofli'e'‑ña. He is checking his partner. Diningu esta ni agofli'e'‑ña. His partner has passed away. See: átungu', amigu, ga'chung.

vi. be nice to one another. Agofli'i' fan na dos. Be nice to each other.

Agostu n. August. Måolik manånum gi Agostu, sa' tiempun uchan. It's good to plant in August, because it's rainy season. See: Tenhos. From: Sp. agosto.

agradesi vt. appreciate, value, cherish, accept. Ma agradesi mampus i nengkanu'. They really appreciated the food. Mampus ma agradesi i fina'na'guem‑mu. They really valued your teaching. Agradesi, sa' ma nåna'i håo. Accept it, because they are giving it to you. From: Sp. agradece.

agradisidu adj. 1) well-received, acceptable, able to be appreciated. Mampus agradisidu i nina'in Josie pån, sa' gof månngi'. The bread from Josie was well received, because it was very good. Ma nå'i yu' siboyas låo ti agradisidu, sa' mambåba todu. They gave me onions but they were not acceptable, because they were rotten. Mungnga mannå'i ni ti agradisidu na kosas. Don't give something that will not be well received. Managradisidu mampus i che'chu'‑ñiha siha. Their work is much appreciated. 2) appreciative, grateful. Ti agradisidu si Juan na påtgun, sa' tai rispetu. Juan is not an appreciative child, because he is so disrespectful. Syn: agradisiyun. Variant: atgradisidu. From: Sp. agradecido.

agradisimientu n. gratitude, thanks, reward. Hu ekstendi i agradisimientu para todus hamyu. I extend my gratitude to all of you. Mannå'i agradisimientu put todu i nina'in‑miyu siha. He gave gratitude for all your gifts. Manrisibi yu' agradesimientu put manggånna yu' gi huegu. I received a reward for winning in the game. From: Sp. agradecimiento.

agradisiyun adj. 1) well-received, acceptable, able to be appreciated. I tumåtis ni ha nå'i yu' si Susana ti agradisiyun. The tomatoes that Susana gave me were not such as to be appreciated. Agradisiyun magåhit i fino'‑mu. What you said was really appreciated. Syn: agradisidu. Variant: atgradisiyun; atgradesiyun.

agramaderu vt. bind (an animal) securely with rope, usually for butchering or to prevent from escaping. Ha agramaderu i toru putno u falågu. He tied the bull securely to prevent it from escaping. See: kotma (used for humans and small animals).

agraminsót n. surveyor. I agraminsot chumo'gui i mapan tanu'‑måmi. The surveyor did our land map. From: Sp. agrimensor.

Agrihan name. island located in the northern part of the Mariana Islands, the sixth island north of Saipan (pronounced agrigan). Gi islan Agrihan bula ayuyu. There are many coconut crabs on the island of Agrihan.

agrikuttura n. agriculture. Gi Dipåttamentun Agrikuttura ni sina un sodda' mås put mamoksai gå'ga' yan put tinanum ni mana'fansesetbi para nengkanu' tåotåo yan gå'ga'. At the Department of Agriculture is where you may find more about raising animals and growing plants for human and animal consumption. From: Sp. agricultura.

ågua2 n. water (used only in liturgical language). I agua bendita. The holy water. From: Sp. agua.

ågua bendita n. holy water. Guaha ågua bendita gi kantun i pettan guma'yu'us. There is holy water at the side of the church door. Manmasåtpi ågua bendita anai manmabendisi. They were sprinkled with holy water when they were blessed. From: Sp. agua bendita.

agua' vt. step over. I patgun ha agua' i fachi. The child stepped over the mud. Agua' fan i pala. Can you reach out for the shovel? See: goppi, adånggua'. Variant: hagua'.

åguaguat adj. naughty, mischievous, stubborn. Si Jose gof åguaguat yanggin bulåchu. Jose is very stubborn when he is drunk. Manåguaguat i famagu'un i bisinu‑hu. My neighbor's kids are very naughty. Åguaguat ha' achuk ha' ilek‑mu mungnga. He is still stubborn even if you say no. See: ataktak. Variant: águaguat.

aguaguåti vt. argue for, quarrel with, disagree with,, dare (someone), persist strongly. Ha aguaguåti para u mana'hålum gi huegu. He argued for himself to be included in the game. Aguaguåti, sa' ti ha tungu' håfa bidådana. Argue for it, because he does not know what he is doing. Anai ha aguaguåti nai manå'i putfin nu i kareta. When he persisted strongly was when he was finally given the car. Syn: risisiti.

n. naughty, mischievous person. Måttu ta'lu mågi i aguaguåti. The mischievous one has come here again. Esti na aguaguati‑hu gai amigu bula. This naughty son of mine has a lot of friends.

águaiya vi. love one another. Yanggin mohon managuaiya todu i taotåo siha, siempri u guaha pås gi hilu' tånu'. If only people love each other, there will be peace on earth. Put fin umassagua i dos umaguaiya. The two lovers finally got married.

aguånun adj. watery, not as thick as cream. Aguånun esta i aruskåtdun månnuk. The chicken rice porridge is now watery. Variant: guånun, aguåhnun.

åguas n. gill (of fish). Nå'i i mannuk nu'i aguas. Give the fish gill to the chicken. Mana'susuha i aguas yanggin mana'gågasgas i guihan. The gill is taken out when the fish is being cleaned. Syn: guåsang. See: atgåyas.

aguayenti n. hard liquor; distilled liquor made from fermented fruit. Mampus fotti na aguayenti humuyonnia. The hard liquor became too strong.

Sen fotti i aguayentin måsan aga'. The liquor made from ripe bananas is very strong. Syn: agi, inistila.

aguguiyi vt. 1) take sides with, esp. in an attack.

Ma'aguguiyi i prohimu ni tres, sa' manbulåchu. The guy was beaten up by the three, because they were drunk. Syn: agululumi. 2) help (to do something so it is done right away). Maila' ya ta aguguiyi muna'gåsgas i uriyan guma'. Let us all help in cleaning around the house. Munhåyan ha' i che'chu' kumu ma aguguiyi. The work will be done if they all help out. Variant: aguiguiyi.

aguhi n. ghost crab. Åntis sessu manli'i' håo aguhi. In the older days, you would often see ghost crab. Na'maguf, sa' na'chalik ma'atan i patgun yanggin mandudulalak aguhi gi kantun tåsi. It's pleasant and amusing to watch a child go after the ghost crab on the beach. Variant: haguihi.

Aguigan name. the island south of Tinian. Bula chiba giya Aguigan, ya atyu na ma'å'agan lokkui' Goat Island. There are many goats on Aguigan, and that's why it is also called Goat Island. Variant: Aguihan.

Aguihan name. the island south of Tinian; also spelled Aguijan, Aguigan. Tai oksu' dångkulu Aguihan. Aguihan does not have high hills. Variant: Aguigan.

åguit vt. throw, cast, fling. Ha åguit i tamma' gi kannai‑ña. He threw the marble from his hand. Åguit ennåo i talayå‑mu. Cast your fishing net. Måolik manåguit na talayeru. The net fisherman is a good thrower.

ágululumi vi. 1) band together against, gang up on. Mungnga managululumi fan. Don't go against each other. Syn: asaguåni, aguguiyi. 2) work together, help (to get something done), act together. Munhåyan ha' ennåo na cho'chu' kumu managululumi i taotåo. That work will be done if the people work together efficiently. 3) swarm (of fish when eating). Månngi' ma'atan i guihan yanggin mana'agululumi mañotchu. It's pleasant looking at the fish eating together.

agumentu n. argument. Ti uma'akuentusi i dos, sa' guaha agumentun‑ñiha. The two don't talk to each other, because they had an argument. Guaha ha' na biåhi na ti båba esti i u guaha agumentu para u guaha inakumprendi. Sometimes it is not bad to have an argument so that there is an understanding. From: Sp. argumento.

vi. argue. Påra fan managumentu. Please stop arguing. Variant: atgumentu.

agun vt. do again. Ha agun tumufung i salåppi'. He counted the money over again. Agun tumåla' i magågu, sa' ti manggef anglu'. Dry the clothes again, because they're not very dry. Agun ta'lu chumo'gui ennåo. Do that all over again.

adv. really, are you sure? Para un fåttu agun? Are you really coming? Ai agun håo. Are you sure? Is that so? Used to elicit verification of a statement just made.

agunihas n. agony, pangs of death. Ha na'piniti yu' anai hu sienti i agunihås‑ña åntis di u måtai. I felt said when I felt his agony before he died. From: Sp. agonías.

vi. be in agony before death, be in the final stage of life. Umagunihas åntis di u måtai. He was in agony before he died. Umaguninihas i taotåo. He is on the last stage of his life. See: pinadesi.

agupa' n. tomorrow. Adios esta agupa'. See you tonorrow. Kåo siña umali'i' hit na dos agupa'? May we see each other tomorrow? Ennåo ha' ilelek‑mu i "agupa', agupa'", ya tåya' ni måttu i agupa'. All you're saying is "tomorrow, tomorrow," and tomorrow never comes.

agupå'ña n. day after tomorrow. Tåya' iskuela gi i nagupå'ña. There's no school the day after tomorrow. Asta i agupå'ña siha mågi. They're coming the day after tomorrow. Nagupå'ña ta'lu. Tomorrow again. Variant: nagupå'ña.

ahensia n. agency. Håfa na ahensia ni macho'chu' håo? What agency are you working for? From: Sp. agencia.

ahenti n. agent. Si Antonio i ahentin i Mobil Oil. Antonio is the agent for Mobil Oil. Syn: eyenti. From: Sp. agente.

åhgaga n. type of plant: medicinal vine. Melothria guamensis. I åhgaga na åmut bula giya Luta. The medicinal plant Melothria guamensis is abundant in Rota.

åhgåo n. 1) type of plant. Premna obtusifolia. Gai du'an i hagun åhgåo. Premna obtusifolia leaves have warts. Figan guafi‑ña i hagun åhgåo. Premna obtusifolia leaves burn intensely. 2) wood used for building materials. I ahgåo mana'sesetbi gi manhåtsan guma' åntis. The åhgåo wood was used for building houses a long time ago.

åhi' intj. no; negative reply to a yes-no question. Åhi', ti ennåo malago'‑hu. No, that is not what I want. Oppi åhi' pat hunggan. Answer no or yes. Åhi', mungnga masångan ennåo. No, don't say that.

åhu n. type of food: young coconut meat cooked with water, sugar, and starch. I ahu gof måolik para i manhobin yan i manåmku'. Ahu is good for young and old people. Månngi' ma'o'o' i ahu gi ha'iguas. It's pleasant drinking up ahu in a coconut shell.

vt. cook young coconut meat with water, sugar, and starch. Gof ya‑hu umåhu i manha. I like to make porridge with the green coconut.

ahunhuli n. 1) type of plant: sesame. Sesamum orientale. 2) sesame seed. Gof månngi' i ahunhuli gi nina'lagun Chinu. The sesame seeds taste good in Chinese cooking. From: Sp. ajonjolí.

åhus n. type of plant: garlic. Allium sativum. I ahus muna'påpåopåo yan månngi' i nina'lågu. Garlic makes cooking smell good and delicious. Åmut lokkui' esti i ahus. Garlic is also medicinal. From: Sp. ajos.

ahusta vt. adjust. Ahusta ennåo i fallut. Adjust the lamp. Ti ha ahuhusta gui' trabiha gi klema. She hasn't adjusted to the climate yet. Frm: Sp. ajusta.

ai intj. oh, ouch, wow. Ai na påtgun ennåo!Oh my goodness, that child! Ai na piniti yu'. Ouch, I am hurting. Variant: i ai adai intj. oh dear, oh my gosh, please Ai adai, ma'åsi' nu guåhu, sa' esta malålangu yu'. Oh, please, be kind to me, because I am not in good health. Ai adai, sa' esta taigui, no? Oh dear, he is no longer here, right ? Ai adai, po'lu båsta! Oh my, let it be! Commonly used to express kindness, sorrow, sympathy. Sometimes pronounced aidei.

aidentifika vt. identify. Esta ma'aidentifika i matai. The dead person has been identified. Kåo siña un aidentifika ennåo na tinanum? Can you identify that plant? From: Sp. identifica.

aidentifikasión n. identification. Kåo guaha aidentifikasion‑mu? Do you have any identification? Esti na tinanum siha guaha aidentifikasion‑ñiha. These plants have their identifications. From: Sp. identificación.

aiki intj. well, what do you know, look at that, goodness. Aiki, sa' ha fa' ti ha tungu' yu'. Look at that, she pretended she did not know me. Aiki, sa' manentalu' gi ti entalu'‑ñiha. What do you know, they are getting into something that is not their business.

airi n. 1) air, wind. Maipi, sa' tåya' airi. It's hot, because there is no wind. Nå'yi airi i ruedå‑mu. Put air in your tire. 2) sky. Esta i batkun airi gaigi gi airi. The plane is already up in the sky. Syn: månglu'.

vt. air out, ventilate. Ma airi i kuåttu, sa' gai paguan. They aired out the room, because it has an odor. From: Sp. aire.

ais n. ice. Lalagu' esta i ais. The ice is already melting. Po'lu i hanum gi dipfris ya u fama'ais. Put the water in the freezer so that it will become ice. From: Eng. ice.

ais båks n. ice box, refrigerator. Bula esta sinahguan‑ña i ais båks. The refrigerator already has a lot of items in it. Iståba na tiempu puru haichio', på'gu puru ais båks. In the old days, it was all screened cabinets, now it's all refrigerators. Syn: kåhun ais. From: Eng. icebox.

ais krim n. ice cream. Håfa na klåsin ais krim ya‑mu? What kind of ice cream do you like? Månngi' i ais krim makånnu' gi isla. Ice cream is satisfying in the islands. From: Eng. ice cream.

aiskeki' n. ice popsicle, now usually in plastic holder. Maguaiya nu i famagu'un i aiskeki'. Children love popsicles. Bula esta na klåsin aiskeki' guaha. There are now all kinds of popsicles available.

akabotsi vi. reach the the winning score, twenty-one points, in the card game tres sietti. Maila' ya ta li'i' håyi fine'nina para u akabotsi. Let's wait and see who will be the first one to have the winning score. Esta guaha ham nuebi buenas ya siempri manakabotsi ham gi esti na biåhi. We already have nine buenas points and we'll have the winning score this time. Variant: kabotsi.

akadakuåt art. each (on its own), each separate (individual). Para akadakuåt u apåsi i na'‑ña. Each will pay for his own meal. Si Manet akadakuåt ha' ha kokonni' para i baila. Manny just takes anyone to dance with. Ti para akadakuåt ha' na kosas para un popo'lu guini na kåhun. You're not to be putting just anything in this box. Variant: kadakuåt.

akademia n. academy, school for instruction in a particular science or art. Ha atetendi i akademian pulusiha. He is attending the police academy. Guaha esta akademian pulusiha gi Northern Marianas College. Northern Marianas College already has a police academy. From: Sp. academia.

akadémiku adj. academic, scholastic. Bula leksion akademiku manmafa'nåna'gui gi kulehu. There are many academic subjects being taught at the college. Ti leksion akademiku ha' manisisita para cho'chu', låo måolik lokkui' manungu' trades para un fama'salåppi'. Academic subjects are not the only way to make money; learning trades can do that too.

akadiduk adj. sharp, keen. I lapis akadiduk i puntån‑ña. The pencil has a sharp point. Manakadiduk esti na piridoma. These broken pieces of glass are sharp. Hu na'sisita akadiduk na kosas para bai hu tokcha' i manha. I need a sharp-pointed object to poke the young coconut. Variant: kadiduk.

akådu' n. nipple, teat. Kulan tai akadu' esti na palåo'an. It's like this lady has no nipples. Syn: cháflaki. See: chipón.

akaga n. young lady (slang). Håyi ennåo na akaga? Who is that young lady?

akakgui n. direction to one's left; opposite from right. Bira guatu gi akakguem‑mu. Turn to your left. Akakgui fafayi‑ña. He is left-handed. Ha hohoggui i neni gi akakgui na kannai‑ña. She is holding the baby on her left hand.

ákalayi' vi. 1) hang. Ma na'akalayi' i babui dispues di mapunu'. They hung up the pig after it was slaughtered. Uma'akalayi' i guaili gi trongku. The pole is hanging on the tree. Mana'akalayi' bula na tinekcha' gi råmas. There are lots of fruits hanging on the branch. 2) withhold (for a time), suspend. Maila' ta na'akalayi' ha' i håfa ta diskukuti asta ki ta bira hit tåtti. Let's suspend what we were discussing until we come back.

akaleha' n. 1) snail (small), found on taro leaves and used for purses, earrings, and other ornaments. Partula gibba. Meying si Kåtu' mama'tinas balakbak akaleha'. Kåtu' is an expert in making akaleha' bags. Esta på'gu na tiempu, håssan akaleha'. It's rare to find akaleha' these days. 2) large land snail (Guam); African snail. See: dengdeng.

akaleha' Luta n. Rota tree snail. Partula lutaensis. Gai amariyu mås i akaleha' Luta. The Rota tree snail has more intense yellow.

ákaling vi. 1) hang down. Umakaling i talangan i babui, sa' ti må'tut. The pig's ear was hanging down, because it wasn't cut off. 2) become dislocated, twisted, deformed. Akaling i te'lang kannai‑ña. His arm bone is dislocated.

akangkang1 n. type of vine: creeper; a twining vine used for herb medicine, usually grows near beach area, sea bean, beach bean. Canavalia Megalantha. I akangkang malulåsa måolik yan fresku na åmut. The akangkang malulåsa is a good and fresh herbal medicine. Guaha ottru klåsin akangkang: akangkang dångkulu, akangkang malulåsa, akangkang kalattun/babui. There are other types of akangkang: akangkang dångkulu, akangkang malulåsa, akangkang kalattun/babui. Siña un ngångas i hagun akangkang, sa' fresku para i tatåotåo‑mu. You can chew on the akangkang leaf, becuase it cools your body. See: akangkang dångkulu, akangkang malulåsa, akangkang kalattun/babui.

akangkang dångkulu n. velvet bean, type of vine. Mucuna pruriens. Gai pipitas i akangkang dångkulu kalan fiolis. The velvet bean has seeds that look like green beans. Åmut i akangkang dångkulu. The velvet bean is medicinal. Adahi na un pinagu' ni akangkang dångkulu. Careful you might get itchy if you touch the velvet bean

akangkang lila n. purple bush bean. Macroptilium atropurpureum. Mandokku' i akangkang lila gi halum i kellat guaka. The purple bean bush grew inside the cattle fence. Ya‑hu kulot‑ña i akangkang lila, låo ti måolik na tinanum para guålu'. I like the color of the purple bush bean, but it is not good for the farm.

akåontan n. accountant. I akåontan gi bisnis ha fa'tinas i ripot finansiåt i bisnis kada mes. The accountant in a business makes the financial report of the business every month. Syn: kontadót. From: Eng. accountant.

akapuku n. type of plant: candle bush, a Mexican shrub, also called acapulco or ringworm tree. Senna alata. Bula akapuku gi halum kellat guaka. There are a lot of ringworm trees inside the cattle fence. Tosta i hagun akapuku, yamak, ya un na'danña' yan i lañan niyuk ya un nå'yi guatu gi månu ni guaha gupu'. You toast the leaf of the ringworm tree until it becomes black, smash it, and mix it with coconut oil to apply to your ringworm. Syn: taki' biha, floris åmut gupu', anadosi.

akåsu cnj. if, in case; short form of siakåsu. Angkåsu na måttu håo Saipan, bisisita yu'. In case you come to Saipan, visit me. Akåsu na ti manmalångu hit, ta fanasudda' Amerika. In case we don't get ill, we'll be visiting each other in America. Variant: angkåsu, engkåsu, siangkåsu, siakåsu.

akatcha n. teaser, joker, prankster. Ennagui' mågi i akatcha. Here comes the joker. Akatcha ha' ennåo na påtgun. That child is a teaser. Akatcha håo dei na tåotao. Goodness, you're a joker and a teaser.

akatchayi vt. 1) tease, harass. Si Pedro ha akatchayi si Juan. Pedro teased Juan. Manma'akatchayi i familia. The family was harassed. See: óssitan. 2) deceive, cheat, rob. Guaha umakatchayi i lanchok‑ku. Someone robbed my farm. Ai, sa' guaha umakatchayi yu' gi ramentåk‑ku. Gosh, someone cheated me with my tools. Exceptionally, the antipassive is mangatchayi.

akda' n. mimicker, imitator. Akda' ennåo na tåotåo. That person is an imitator. Probably derived from á'adda'.

aketyu' n. plait, hair that is coiled on top of the head, braid, tress, hair bun. Bula aketyu' un lili'i' gi manbiha. You see a lot of hair coiled on top of old ladies' heads.

vt. coil (someone's) hair on head. Para u aketyu' yu' si nanå‑hu. My mother is going to coil my hair on my head. Bunitu i inaketyon‑ña si nanå‑hu nu guåhu. My mother made a beautiful coil of hair on my head.

akgak n. type of tree: textile pine, whose leaves are famous for weaving. Pandanus tectorius. Måolik i akgak mafa'guåfak. Pandanus is good for making mats. Guaha akgak giya hami. There's pandanus at our home. Fedda' i hagun akgak palåo'an. The female pandanus has wide leaves. See: kaffu', påhung.

akidi cnj. it takes so much time, so much time passes. Akidi un arekla i karetå‑mu, måkpu' ha' i karera. It takes so long to fix your car that the race will be over. Akikidi ta fanamotsa, tåya' tiempot‑ta para ta fano'mak gi tasi. If we're going to eat first, which takes time, we won't have time to swim in the ocean. Hånåo, sa' akikidi bai in tulaika ham, atrasåo håo. Go, because by the time we've finished changing, you'll be late. Akikidi un o'mak, maigu' yu'. I'll be sleeping by the time you finish taking a shower. Variant: kíkidi.

akihum vt. 1) clench, grip tightly with hand, hold or grasp firmly. Håfa na un akikihum kannai‑mu? Why are you clenching your fist? Bai hu nå'i håo nu esti, ya akihum, adahi na un baba, asta ki måttu håo gi gima'. I'm going to give you this, grip it tightly with your hand, don't open it until you come home. Ma'e'etdut kannai‑hu, ya ti siña yu' manakihum. My hand becomes numb, so I can't grasp anything. 2) hold within oneself. Mungnga ma'akihum i håfa para un sångan. Don't hold within you what you have to say.

akihut adj. close together. Manggof akihut i lapida siha gi simintetyun Charangka. The gravestones at Chalan Kanoa cemetary are too close together. Ti måolik manokcha' i trongkun pugua' siha, sa' manggof akihut. The betel nut trees do not produce well, because they are planted too close together. Para u madentista si Goro', sa' manggef akihut i nifen‑ña siha. Goro' will be going to the dentist, because his teeth are too close together.

åkka' vt. bite. Ha åkka' yu' i kaimån. The crocodile bit me. Inakka' addeng‑ña si John ni atting. John was bitten on the leg by a large black ant. Puti inakka' sasata. It's painful to be stung by a wasp.

ákkadu' susu n. breast nipple. Mamuti akkadu' susu‑hu. My breast nipple hurts. Makaka akkadu' susu‑hu. My breast nipple is itchy.

ákkamu' n. marriage. Ma risibi i sakramentun umakkamu'. They received the sacrament of matrimony. See: kasamientu.

vi. get married. Kåo un tungu' ngai'an na para u akkamu' i dos? Do you know when the two are getting married? Bula manakkamu' esta famagu'on‑ña. She has a lot of children who are married already. Ti siña yu' humånåo agupa', sa' para bei akkamu'. I cannot go tomorrow, because I'm getting married.

akli'i' adj. sharp-sighted, perceptive (of physical objects), good as a watchman or lookout. Akli'i' ennåo na tåotåo gi halum tånu'. That person is able to see things in the forest. Ilek‑ña na akli'i' gui' tåotåomo'na. He said that he is a person who sees tåotåomo'na. Båba talanga‑ña låo gef akli'i'. His hearing is not good, but he is sharp-sighted.

akmangåo n. type of crab: mangrove crab, Samoan crab. Scylla serrata. Family Portunidae. Ti bula akmangåo giya Sa'ipan. There are not a lot of mangrove crabs on Saipan. Månngi' makåtdu i akmangåo yan letchin niyuk yan mangao. Cooking mangrove crab with coconut milk and turmeric is delicious.

aksepta vt. accept, receive; agree, comply; be content with. In aksepta todu nina'in tåotåo. We accept all gifts from the people. Manggågåo si Lucio dispensasion ya inaksepta ha' as Jose. Lucio asked for forgiveness and Jose accepted it. Si Simon ha aksepta i manmatugi' siha na kondision put makumpattin fingkas familia. Simon accepted the written conditions regarding the division of family assets. Syn: kunfotmi, kuntentu, risibi. From: Sp. acepta.

akseptåo adj. acceptable. I inifresin‑ñiha akseptåo para hami ya in sen agradesi. What they offered was very acceptable to us, and we are very grateful. Si Juan akseptåo na tåotåo gi komunidåt. John is a very acceptable person in the community. Kalan ti akseptåo ennåo na bidå‑mu para guåhu. What you did is sort of unacceptable to me. From: Sp. aceptado.

akseptasión n. acceptance, act of accepting. I akseptasion‑mu nu i fino'‑hu hu sen agradesi. Your acceptance of my words, I truly appreciate. Guaha nina'in‑ñiha tåtti para i akseptasion‑ñiha nu i rigålu. They have something in return for the acceptance of the gift. From: Sp. aceptación.

aksidenti n. accident, mishap. Siña ha' guaha aksidenti gi chalan, sa' guaha pulusiha. There may be an accident on the road, because here are policemen. See: disgråsia. From: Sp. acidente.

vi. happen by chance, have an ccident. Umaksidenti si Juan gi chalan. Joh had an accident on the road. Dispensa, sa' aksienti ha' yu' na måttu. Forgive me, because I'm just here by accident.

aksión n. action, deed, behavior. Tåya' aksion machocho'gui nu i kumite trabiha. There's no action yet done by the committee. Sigun gi aksiosion‑mu, guaha bidå‑mu. According to your behavior, you've done something. Maila' ya mungnga hit ni puru' kuentus ya tåya' aksion. Let's not be in a situation where we just all talk and no action.

aktibidåt n. activity. Bula aktibidåt siha guaha gi selibrasion July 4. There are many activities on the July 4th celebration. Na'guaha aktibidåt para i famagu'un gi iskuela. Provide activities for the children at school. Ti propiu ennåo na aktibidåt para ennåo na idåt. That activity is not proper for that age. From: Sp. actividad.

aktibu adj. active, alert, vivacious, having power of quick motion. Ai na inaktibun påtgun ennåo! My, what an active child she is! Manaktibu i famagu'un gi iskuela. The children are active at school. See: makalåmya. From: Sp. activo.

åktu n. 1) act, action. I aktom‑mu mås a'gang kini i fino'‑mu. Your action is louder than your words. 2) (legislative) act. Ti bula åktu siha manmapåpasa gi leyislatura. There are not a lot of acts being passed by the legislature. From: Sp. acto.

akudi vt. assist, help, aid. Listu manmanakudi i pulusiha. Policemen are quick to assist. Manggågagåo ayudu ya tåya' umakukudi. He's asking for help and no one is assisting. Akudi i patgun, sa' gaigi gi fihun i chalan. Help the child, because he's by the road. See: ayuda, åosiliu. From: Sp. acude.

akumpåña vt. accompany, escort. Para u inakumpåña i nobia hålum as tatå‑ña. The bride is going to be accompanied by her father. Kåo siña un akumpåña yu' para i tasi? Could you accompany me to the beach? See: isgaihun, ga'chungi. From: Sp. acompaña.

akumpañamentu n. convoy, escort, accompaniment. Guaha akumpañamentu gi giput. There is an escort at the party. Malångu i akumpañamentom‑mu ya siempri hågu na maisa. Your escort is sick and so you'll be by yourself. From: Sp. acompañamiento.

akumpåra vt. compare, make a comparison, contrast. Akumpåra ha' i dos, sa' ti parehu. Just compare the two, because they're not the same. Mungnga ma'akumpåra si Juan yan si Jose. Don't compare Juan and Jose. Si Maria ha akumpåra i dos mañågun månnuk. Maria compared the two mother hens. Variant: kumpåra.

akumparasión n. comparison. Para akumparasion, mås ha' i famalåo'an ma na'sesetbi i kurason‑ñiha kini i lalåhi. For comparison, women use their hearts more than men. Aksepta sin akumparasion. Accept without comparison. Ennåo na akumparasion ha na'a'annuk na ya‑mu mangumpåra. That comparison shows that you like to compare. Variant: kumparasión.

ákumprendi vi. agree, understand one another, reach an understanding, reach an agreement. Akumprendi yan i che'lu‑mu palåo'an. Reach an agreement with your sister. Bai in akumprendi yan i asaguå‑hu. My husband and I will reach an understanding.

akunseha vt. advise, counsel, console. Bai hu akunseha håo, sa' un nisisita. I will give you some advice, because you need it. Kininseha si Juan as tatå‑ña na mungnga malågu, sa' u matomba. Juan was advised by his father not to run, because he might fall. Hu akunseha si Jose, sa' kumåkati. I consoled Jose, because he was crying. Variant: kunseha. From: Sp. aconseja.

akunseheru n. 1) counselor, adviser. Machocho'chu' yu' kumu akunseheru. I am working as a counselor. Akunseheru si Ben gi iskuela. Ben is a counselor at school. 2) councilman. Akunsehera si Bernie gi munisipåt. Bernie is a councilwoman at the municipal government Variant: kunseheru.

akunsehu n. advice. Nå'i yu' akunsehu åntis di bai hu hånåo. Give me advice before I leave. Na'takkilu' esti i akunsehu ginin i mañaina‑ta. Honor the advice of our elders. Hu nå'i akunsehu siha i famagu'un gi iskuela. I give advice to the students at school. From: Sp. consejo.

akusa vt. accuse. Mungnga yu' ma'akusa, sa' tåya' bidåda‑hu båba. Don't accuse me, because I am not doing anything bad. Hu akusa si Antonio na guaha nobiå‑ña. I accused Antonio of having a girlfriend. Ti ya‑hu manakusa tåotåo. I don't like accusing people. From: Sp. fi: acusa.

akusadót n. accuser, plaintiff. Ha gånna i akusadot i kåosån‑ña. The plaintiff won her case. I akusadot lalangu gi halum kotti. The plaintiff fainted in court. See: dimandadót.

akusasión n. act of accusing, charging or blaming for faults; accusing evidence. I maprisenta na akusasion sufisienti para u makumbikta i lahi put mañåkki. The evidence presented was sufficient to convict the man for stealing. See: achåka, faiseknani.

akustumbra vt. accustom (oneself), make (oneself) familiar by use. Mungnga ma'akustumbra hamyu na para en fanmasesetbi kafe kada ogga'an. Don't accustom yourselves to being served coffee every morning. Kalan ha akustutumbra gui' si Ne' para u å'assun gi amåka kada talu'åni. Manuel is getting used to lying in the hammock in the afternoon. I bisita ti ha akustutumbra gui' gi kutturan i tanu'. The visitor hasn't accustomed himself to the local culture.

åla2 n. 1) basket, usually made from coconut leaves. Un dusena na chåda' guaha guini gi ala. There are a dozen eggs here in the coconut basket. Chaddik mama'åla si Carmen. Carmen can weave coconut baskets quickly. 2) sack, bag. Kåo guaha alå‑mu para i dekduk? Do you have a sack for the breadfruit seeds? Variant: håla.

álachi vi. mix up, confuse, mistake for, mistakenly exchange. Umálachi siyå‑ta. We sat in each other's chairs by mistake. Chumålik ham anai umálachi na'‑måmi ya esta in kannu'. We laughed when we ate each other's food by mistake. Ginin i inalulan‑måmami, esta umálachi yori'‑måmi. In our hurry, we even mixed up each other's zoris. Atan måolik i yure'‑ta ya mungnga na ta alachi. Let's watch our zoris carefully so that we won't get mixed up.

alådu n. plow. I alådu esta listu para u fanmatånum i simiya. The plow is ready for seeds to be planted. Ti nahung alådu para todu i tinanum. There's not enough plows for all the plants. From: Sp. arado.

vt. plow. Para uma alådu i lanchu. They're going to do some plowing at the farm.

alageta' n. type of plant: avocado. Persea americana. Sustånsia esti i alageta'. Avocado is nutritious. Ti bula alageta' på'gu na såkkan, sa' mangguinaifi i floris ni pakyu. There is not much avocado this season, because the flowers were blown off by the storm. Variant: lageta', alagetapeha. From: Sp. aguacate.

alagetapeha n. type of plant: avocado. Bula trongkun alagetapeha gi lanchu. There are numerous avocado trees at the farm. Mampus månngi' esti i alagetapeha yanggin un nå'yi gi ensalådan gollai. Avocado is very delicious when added to your vegetable salad. Variant: lagetapeha, lageta.

alåguan n. type of food: rice soup; a mixture of ripe coconut milk, rice, and water, cooked by boiling. Sessu i alåguan gi sintådan manåmku'. There is often alaguan at the elders' table. Månngi' ha' i alåguan sin ma'åsni. Alaguan is good by itself, even without seasoning. Mana'chotchu i neni alåguan, ya ya‑ña. They fed alaguan to the baby, and he liked it.

alaguåni vt. make alåguan for. Alaguåni i neni. Make alaguan for the baby.

alåhas n. jewelry. Bula alåhas akaleha masotda' gi naftan antigu na Chamorro. There were many pieces of shell jewelry found in the ancient Chamorro burials. Måolik si Pedro mama'tinas alåhas petlas. Pedro is good at making pearl jewelry. Chinili' i alåhas nu i sakki. The jewelry was snatched by the robber. Variant: ålas, halåhas. From: Sp. alhajas.

alaihai n. type of plant: morning glory, beach morning glory. ipomoea tuba/tiliaefolia/pes-caprae. Åmut esti i alaihai. The morning glory is a medicinal plant. Meggai alaihai gi inai gi kantun tåsi. There's a lot of morning glory on the sand along the beach. Måolik i hagun alaihai para muna'gåsgas antihus tåsi. The leaves of the morning glory are good for cleaning snorkeling goggles. See: abubu, alalak, alalak abubu, alalak tåsi, alalak guaka. Variant: halaihai.

alaihai tåsi n. type of plant. ipomoea tuba. Bula alaihai tåsi giya Garapan. There are lots of ipomoea tuba in Garapan. See: abubu, alalak abubu.

alakuenta adv. as counted, as an example. Ta po'lu esti, alakuenta, put kusås‑ña todu. Let's put this, for example, as all his belongings. Alakuenta ha umaki hit i tinderu. The salesman gave us a bonus, as we can see now. From: Sp. a la cuenta.

alalak n. type of plant: beach morning glory. Ipomoea tiliaefolia. Chaddik i floris alalak mumalåyu. The beach morning glory flower is quick to wilt. See: abubu, alalak, alalak abubu, alalak tåsi, alalak guaka.

alalak guaka n. type of plant: woodrose. Operculina ventricosa. Bunitu i alalak guaka flores‑ña. The woodrose flowers are beautiful. Put fabot yabbåo i alalak guaka. Please cut the woodroses. Ha latchai i chiba kumånnu' i alalak guaka. The goat ate up all the woodroses.

alalak tåsi n. type of plant: morning glory with pink flowers. Ipomoea pes-caprae. Manmanfloris i alalak tåsi. The alalak tåsi have bloomed.

Alamagan name. the fourth island north of Saipan. Para u hånåo i batku hulu' Alamagan. The ship is going up to Alamagan.

alåmli n. wire, cable, metallic thread. Gåtdun i tali gi alåmli. The rope got tangled on the wire. Putlilu esta i alåmlin kåndit. The electric wire is already corroded. Mañaña' esti i alåmlin plomu. The lead wire is malleable. See: uaia'.

alåmlin manunu n. gridiron, grill for cooking over open fire. Tåntan i alåmlin manunu, sa' mañettun i inai. Shake out the grill, because sand is sticking to it.

alåmlin títuka' n. barbed wire. Makollat i guaka ni alåmlin tituka'. The cattle were fenced in with barbed wire. Malåssas i chiba anai humålum gi kellat alåmlin tituka'. The goat got scratched when it entered the barbed wire fence.

álanga' adj. 1) acting crazy or unreasonable. Kalan a'alanga' ennåo na tåotåo. That man seemed to be a little crazy. Manhånåo i manalanga' para i tasi. The group of crazies went to the beach. Siriosu fan ya båsta umalanga'. Please be serious and stop being crazy. 2) 

alangilang n. type of tree. Canagium odoratum. Mafa'kurorona esti i floris alangilang. The flowers of the alangilang are used for making mwarmwar. Manpåguan i alangilang giya Papagu'. The smell of the alangilang is strong in Papagu'. Åmut lokkui' esti i alangilang. The alangilang is also a medicinal plant. Variant: ilangilang, langilang.

alapåt vi. paired up, side by side, parallel. Umalapåpat mo'na i dos botin katchu'. The two tuna boats moved forward parallel to each other. Na'alapåt i deggåm‑mu. Put your shoes side by side. Ti ta tungu' månu guini degga'‑ta, sa' ti manalapåpat. We don't know where our footwear is, because they're not together side by side. See: atparehu. From: Sp. a la par.

ålas n. currency, money. Syn: guini, lukåo‑hugua, lailai, pinipu, guinahan famagu'un.

alatcha n. recent past, last time, previous time. Gi alatcha ha' nai un sangåni ham na para ta fanmacho'chu'. It was only recently that you told us that we will work. Mungnga iya' na un fama' gi alatcha anai atburutåo håo. Please don't be like last time when you were very flared up. Ilek‑ña na gi alatcha anai ma'åmti gui' mumåolik sinenten‑ña. siguru yu' håfa na diha pat ki ora. She said that it was last time that she was treated, she felt better. Variant: halatcha.

alåtga adj. extravagant, overgenerous, giving or taking more than needed. Alåtga gui' nengkanu' para i piknik. She took a lot of food for the picnic. Alåtga munå'i bilimbinis, sa' mamopoddung ha'. She helped her take so much star fruit, because they're just falling off the tree. See: låtga.

alatgåyi vt. load (something) generously, heap up (something) generously. Ha alatgåyi i pikap ni hayun foggun. She loaded up the pickup with firewood. Humånåo si Juan para u fanayuda manalatgåyi chandiha i pikap, sa' meppa'. Juan went to help load the pickup with watermelons, because there were lots of them. E'kat umalatgåyi i keståt‑mu, sa' siña ha' ti un langak. Slow down from filling up your burlap sack, because you might not be able to carry it.

alegriha n. merriment, glee, rejoicing. From: Sp. alegría.

alentus n. breath. Påo pupulu i alentos‑mu. Your breath has a pepper plant scent. See: fuetsa, alimentu. Variant: alientus. From: Sp. alientos.

alibia vt. ease, relieve, alleviate, facilitate. I pilan ha alibia i piniti‑hu. The moon eased my sorrow. Fatå'chung gi fion‑ña ya un alibia i katiti‑ña i patgun. Sit next to the child and ease her crying. From: Sp. alivia.

alibiu n. relief, aid, freedom from pain. Lasa yu' fan ya bai hu sodda' i alibiu‑hu. Would you massage me so that I can find some relief? Tåya' ta lili'i' siñåt na para u fåttu i alibiu chaddik. We're not seeing any sign that aid will come soon. From: Sp. alivio.

alientus n. 1) breath. Åntis di ottimu na alientos‑ña, manggågåo asi'i. Before he had his last breath, he asked for forgiveness. 2) energy (Guam). Mahahassu kåo pumusibli alientus ginin i minaipin tånu' giya Notti Mariånas. Geothermal energy is being considered as a possibility in the Northern Marianas. See: hinagung. Variant: alentus. From: Sp. alientos.

aligåo vt. search for, seek, try to find. Yanggin un aligåo, siempri un sodda'. If you look for it, you will find it. Aligåyi yu' fan mångga ni gada'. Would you please find a young mango for me? Håfa un aliligåo? What are you looking for? See: ispiha, buska.

aligi n. fence post, pillar, post used for structural support. Poddung i gima', sa' inanai' i aligi siha. The house fell down, because the pillar was infected with termites. Esti na påkyu ti båli aligin simentu, ha yulang ha' i gima'. Even though the post of the house is cement, this typhoon broke it. I katpinteru ha na'setbi simentu para i haligi. The carpenter used cement to make posts. Variant: haligi.

aliling n. cateye shell. Para u fane'aliling gi gualåfun. They'll be searching for seashells during the full moon. Pribidu esta makonni' i aliling. It's illegal to harvest seashells.

aliling pulan n. sea shell that has a full-moon shaped operculum. Bula aliling pulan gi Inai Dångkulu an må'ti. There are lots of moon sea shells at Long Beach during low tide. Kuåntu un konni' na aliling pulan gi paingi? How many moon sea shells did you harvest last night? Månngi' makelaguin i aliling pulan. It's delicious to make kelaguin with moon sea shells.

aliling tulompu n. crochus, a controlled sea shell. Pribidu makonni' i aliling tulompu. It is illegal to harvest top sea shells. Siña un fa'tinas alitus pat batunis ginin i aliling tulompu. You can make earrings or buttons from the shell of the top seashell. Siña un tunu osino kåddun niyuk i aliling tulompu. You can grill or make soup with top sea shell with coconut milk.

Alimån n. German. Manmåttu i Alimån anai manhånåo i Ispañot giya Luta. The Germans came after the Spanish left Rota. Ti anåkku' i Alimån sagan‑ñiha giya Mariånas. The Germans did not stay long in the Marianas. Guaha na Alimån manasagua yan tåotåo tånu'. Some Germans married local people.

Alimånia name. Germany. Ti bula na turis manmåttu ginin Alimånia. Not too many tourists come from Germany. I Alimånia na tånu' gaigi giya Europa. The country of Germany is in Europe.

alimenta n. nutrition, energy. Tai alimenta, sa' ti chumotchu kåsi ki singku dihas. She is suffering from malnutrition, because she has not eaten for almost five days. Kulan manai alimenta i taotåo bola, sa' mandispåsiu manmalågu. It looks like the players don't have much energy, because they run slowly. From: Sp. alimenta.

alimentu n. energy, power, strength, force, might. Tåya' alimentu gi patgun. The child doesn't have strength. I alimentu gaigi gi suruhånu. A native healer has the power to heal. Chochotchu amotsan ogga'an ya un gai alimentu gi ha'åni. Be eating breakfast so that you'll have energy during the day. See: fuetsa, alentus. From: Sp. alimento.

álingking adj. turned upside down, turned over, in an upside-down position. Håfa na manalingking todu i kosas siha? Why are all the things upside down? Ha na'bulåchu yu' anai hu a'atan i litråtu, sa' kalan uma'alingking. I got dizzy looking at the picture, because it seems to be upside-down Ha na'fanalingking todu i lalåhi siha anai manmumu. He toppled all the men when they fought.

alipatu adj. turned upside down. Manmana'alipatu todu i siya. All the chairs were turned upside down. Si Ramon ha na'fanalipatu siha i la'uya. Ramon turned all the pots upside down. I neni ha na'fanalipatu todu i degga. The child turned all the shoes upside down. Syn: talakpapa'. See: biran åtlibis.

alipika n. last bell for mass (Rota). Hu hunguk i alipika gi tiempun kuaresma. I heard the last bell during Lent season. Ti madandan i alipika nigap. Yesterday, the last bell did not ring for mass. See: marimåta.

alitus n. 1) earring. Mayamak i alitus oru. The gold earring broke. . Ma'irensia yu' ginin as nanå‑hu singku na klåsin alitus. My mother bequeathed to me five different kinds of earrings. 2) lobe, earlobe. Maduluk i alitus talangan i patgun anai tarabiha neneni ha'. The child's earlobe was pierced when she was still an infant. Pinagu' i alitus talanga‑ña, sa' cha'ot‑ña ti oru na materiåt. Her earlobe got infected, because she is allergic to materials that are not gold.

n. cocoon. Hinengngang nu i alitus ababbang anai gotpi kumalamtin. He was startled by the butterfly cocoon when it suddenly moved. Ti hu tungu' håfa esti na klåsin alitus ababbang. I am not familiar with this kind of butterfly cocoon.

alli intj. giddyap (said to a cow or other animal hitched to a bullcart to speed it up). Ti guaka ha' lokkui' siña masangåni "alli", na kuntodu i kabåyu. The cow is not the only animal that you can say giddyap to, but the horse also. Ilek‑ña i patgun ni tatneru alli, alli gi chalan. The child said "giddyap, giddyap" to the calf on the road.

vt. urge (a cow or other animal) to go faster. Mungnga mampus mahalli i guaka. Don't rush the cow to move too much. See: láchaddik. Variant: halli.

alosóttimu adv. at the very end, eventually, ultimately. Alosóttimu siempri mumalåti' håo yanggin sigi ha' hao umiskuela. Eventually, you will be smart if you keep on attending school. Alosottimu måkpu' i atgumentu. Finally the argument came to an end. Tattiyi ha' i chalan, sa' alosottimu siempri måttu håo gi gimå'‑ña. Just follow the road, because eventually you'll come to her house. See: gi óttimu, put óttimu. From: Sp. a los últimos.

ålu n. type of fish: barracuda. Family Sphyraenidae. Adahi guennåo, sa' guaha ålu. Careful there, because there's a barracuda. Siña i alu dumångkulu esta singku pe. Barracudas can reach up to five feet in length.

aluf vt. wave at, beckon, signal to. Ha aluf yu' gi chalan. He waved at me on the road. Åntis i Chamorro, todu tiempu mana'aluf kumu manasudda' yan ottru gi hinanåo‑ñiñiha. In the past, Chamorros always waved to each other when they were passing on their way. På'gu Luta ha' mana'aluf i taotåo gi chalan, yan ennåo na mafa'na'an Islan Aluf. Now it's only on Rota that people wave to each other on the road, and that's why it's known as the Island of Aluf.

alugåt di cnj. instead of (Rota). Alugåt di un maigu', måolekña na un fanistudia. Instead of sleeping, it is better for you to study. Alugåt di u kuentus, kumånta. Instead of talking, she sang. Alugåt di kuentus, kånta. Instead of talking, it's singing. Variant: inlugåt di. From: Sp. en lugar de.

åluk vt. say like this, say this way. Åluk måolik para todu i chalik. Say that laughter is good for everyone. Ma'åluk na måolik tåotåo ennåo. It is said that that person is pretty good. Bålli i basula gi me'nan guma', sa' håfa u ma'åluk ni tåotåo. Rake the trash in front of the house, because what would the people say. See: ilek‑. Variant: aluk.

alula vi. hurry up. Alula, sa' u fåttu i bås. Hurry up, because the bus may be coming. Alula ya ta fanhånåo manpiknik. Hurry up so that we can go picnicking. See: såhyåo.

alulåyi vt. expedite, hurry, hasten. Alulåyi ya ta fanhånåo manpiknik. Hurry up so that we can go picnicking. Jose, alulåyi i chi'cho'‑mu. Jose, hurry up with your work. Jose, i chi'cho'‑mu un alulåyi. Jose, it's your work that you're going to hurry up with. See: apura.

ålum n. type of plant: a small, native, somewhat weedy euphorbiaceous tree. Melanolepis multiglandulosa var. glabrata. Gai tinekcha' i trongkun ålum ya kalan ubas. The alum tree has fruit that looks like grapes. Åmut esti i hagun ålum. Alum leaves are medicinal. Siña dumångkulu i trongkun ålum asta kinsi pe. The alum tree can grow up to fifteen feet.

alunan n. pillow. Hu bira i alunan ni hu tåtala' gi semnak. I turned the pillow that I'm drying under the sun. I ga'lågu ha disåsi i alunan ni nifen‑ña. The dog tore apart the pillow with his teeth. Mampus mañaña' i alunan nanå‑hu. My mother's pillow is so soft.

alunan aniyu n. pillow used for bride's and groom's rings during wedding ceremony. Ma gatbesåyi i alunan aniyu. They decorated the ring pillow. Å'paka' ha' na alunan aniyu hu lili'i' gi sirimonias. I'm only seeing white ring pillows at ceremonies.

alunan håyu n. wooden pillow, made of short piece of wood. Ma na'setbi i ifit para alunan håyu. They use the ifil wood for making wooden pillows. I alunan håyu ha sesetbi i tengngu gi ilun tåotåo. The wooden pillow serves the neck of a person's head.

alutung n. granite, type of volcanic rock, basalt rock. Guaha alutung mana'sesetbi para lommuk åmut. Some basalt rock is used for pounding medicine. Guaha alutung åntis siña un sodda' gi Northern Marianas College. You can find old granite on display at Northern Marianas College. Dos maddok‑ña esti na alutung. This piece of granite has two pounding holes.

åma n. mistress, owner, boss. Humånåo i amå‑ña para Guam para un simåna. Her boss went to Guam for a week. Gaigi si Åma gi amåka. The boss is on the hammock. From: Sp. ama.

amåka n. hammock, swing, hanging bed or couch. Manggaigi i famagu'un gi amåka. The children are on the swing. Bula amåka gi iskuela para gåndun famagu'un. There are a lot of swings at the school for the children to play. Månngi' umåssun gi amåka gi papa' trongkun mansanita. It's very comfortable to lie on the hammock under a manzanita tree. From: Sp. hamaca.

amånu pro. where?, which? (interrogative pronoun). Amånu mohon ni para ta sodda' si Juan? Where do you think we might find Juan? Månu ni gaigi si Juan? Where is Juan? Amånu na bola ya‑mu guini? Which ball here do you like? Variant: månu.

amariyu adj. yellow. Amariyu chininå‑ña para i iskuela. She wore a yellow dress to school. Guaha lokkui' kulot amariyu na hibiscus. Hisbiscus flowers come in yellow as well. Håfa na amariyu atadok‑mu? Why are your eyes yellow? From: Sp. amarillo.

amåska n. tobacco leaves; chewing tobacco. Tåya' esta amaskån‑ña si Maria. Maria doesn't have any more tobacco leaves. Månngi' esti na amåska. This chewing tobacco is delicious.

vt. chew (tobacco). Ta amåska esti. Let's use this as our chewing tobacco. Ti ya‑ña umamåska i anglu' na chupa. She doesn't like using the dry tobacco as her chewing tobacco. From: Sp. masca.

ambaråsus n. pieces of things that are of little value and to be discarded, junk. Rikohi todu i ambaråsus gi hiyung guma'. Collect all the useless things around the house. Na'sahngi i ritåsus magågu gi entalu' i ambaråsus siha. Set aside the clothes rags from the useless items. Hu aliligåo i alåhas Nåna gi halum i ambaråsus siha dispues di Typhoon Yutu. I was lookiing for Mother's jewelry among the debris of junk after Typhoon Yutu. Variant: embaråsus. From: Sp. embarazos.

ambasadót n. ambassador. Kasi todu i mandångkulu na nasion manggai ambasadot. Most large countries have ambassadors.

åmbri adj. hungry, starved, starving, famished. See: ñålang. From: Sp. hambre.

Amérika name. America. I palåbra Amerika ginin i na'an un Italiånu. The word America comes from the name of an Italian. Dångkulu esti na tånu' iya Amerika. America is a big land. Kåo para un hånao para Amerika? Are you going to the United States?

Amerikånu n. American. Un Amerikånu yan un Chapanis humånåo para Mañagåha. An American and a Japanese went to Managaha.

adj. American. Esta manAmerikånu i taotåo CNMI. The people of the CNMI are now Americans. Bula tåotåo ginin difirentis nasion manAmerikånu. Many people from different nations are Americans. From: Sp. americano.

amesta n. friendship. Tåya' esta amesta gi entri i taotåo. There's no more friendship among people. From: Sp. amistad.

Ami' name. nickname for Carmen, pronounced åmmi'. Che'lu‑hu si Ami'. Ami' is my sister. Si Ami' mås åmku' na che'lu‑hu. Ami' is my oldest sister.

amibat n. tuba syrup, boiled into a honey-like substance; any type of syrup. Hu nå'yi i pån amibat. I put syrup on my bread. Machuda' i amibat. The syrup spilled. Mamis esti i amibat. This syrup is sweet. Variant: anibat. From: Sp. almíbar.

amigu n. friend, buddy, pal, partner, companion, comrade. Umamigu si Jose yan si Ana. Jose and Ana are pals. Tåya' amigu‑hu. I don't have a friend. Si Juan amigu‑hu. Juan is my friend. Syn: ga'chung, kumi', kimi'. From: Sp. amigo.

amín adv. I mean, that is to say. Chuli' eti, amin go'ti esti. Take this, I mean, hold it. Falågu, amin ta'yuk. Run, I mean, jump. Kuentus, amin ñangun. Talk, I mean, whisper. Fro: Eng. I mean.

åmin1 intj. okay, fine. Baila, åmin. Dance okay. Kuentus hulu', åmin. Talk, okay. Kant, åmin. Sing, okay.

åmin2 vt. kiss the hand of (as a sign of respect) Åmin si nåna. Kiss mom's hand. Åmin yu'. Kiss my hand. Bai hu åmin si Påli'. I will kiss the hand of the priest. Syn: ngingi'. Variant: åmen.

amistå n. relationship, good relationship, friendship. Na'guaha amistå giya hågu. Have a friendly attitude in you. Tai amistå yu'. I don't have a feeling of friendship. Chaddik homlu' i malångu, sa' gai amista yan i yo'amti. The sick person got well quickly, because he has a good relationship with the traditional healer. Variant: amista. From: Sp. amistad.

åmku' adj. 1) old, worn out, ancient. Åmku' esti na istoria. This story is ancient. Bula na kosas mansen åmku' esta gi tiempu. A lot of things are old through time. Esta sen åmku' esti na trongku. This tree is really very old. 2) old (person), adult. Guaha Sentrun Manåmku' giya Garapan. There's a senior center in Garapan. Ta rispeta i manåmku'. Let's respect the elders. Amko'ña yu' kini esti siha. I'm older than them. Syn: bihu.

ammi' n. chewing tobacco, remnant of betel nut or chewing tobacco. Yuti' i ammi' gi sagan basula. Throw the chewed betel nut in the trash can. Kuchinu esti i ammi'. The chewing tobacco is disgusting. Kulut agaga' i ammi'. The chewed betel nut is red. Syn: bagåsu, mohmu.

vt. chew betel nut for someone, usually a toothless person.

Åmmi' name. nickname for Carmen. Variant: Min, Ming, Ami'.

amotsa n. breakfast, lunch, morning meal; for some speakers, any meal. Kada diha guaha amotsa. Every day there's breakfast. Månngi' na amotsa på'gu. The breakfast today is good.

vi. eat breakfast. Bai hu amotsa gi iskuela. I will eat breakfast at school. From: Sp. almuerza.

n. breakfast.

n. lunch.

ampaia' n. umpire, referee. Ha guaifi a'gagang i piripiri' i ampaia'. The umpire blew loudly on the whistle. Dinanchi ni bola i ampaia'. The umpire was hit with a ball. Måolik si Juan na ampaia'. Juan is a good umpire. From: Eng. umpire.

Ampan name. nickname for Amparo. Gaigi si Ampan gi iskuela. Ampan is at school. Si Ampan mås hobin na påtgun . Ampan is the youngest child. Variant: Anpang.

ampang n. pastry filled with sweet beans (Japanese). Chuli' dos na ampang ya un kånnu'. Take two ampang and eat them. Mamis i sanhalum i ampang. The ampang filling is sweet. I ampang na fina'mamis Hapones maguaiya nu i taotåo Mariånas. The Japanese pastry ampang is a favorite of the people of the Marianas.

ampåra vt. protect (esp. our souls). Ni håfa u guaha, i nana siempri u ampåra i patgon‑ña. No matter what, a mother will surely protect her child. Bai hu ampåra håo. I will protect you. Ampåra i anti‑ña. Protect and save her soul. Used especially in church prayers to refer to the protection of our souls. Syn: difendi, hulut, protehi. From: Sp. ampara.

ámpula' n. clothes that were just used or worn. Po'lu i ampulå'‑mu gi sagan magågun odda'. Put the clothes that you just used in the dirty laundry box. Håfa na manggaigi i ampula' siha gi hilu' såtgi? Why are the clothes that have been just worn on the floor?

amsun n. small marine bivalve found in sand, edible baby clam. Månu siña na un sodda' i amsun? Where can you find amsun? Tåya' amsun gi tenda mabebendi. There is no amsun sold at the store. Nihi ya ta fanispiha amsung. Let's go look for baby clams. Ginin un tiempu, abundånsia i amsung. At one time, baby clams were abundant. Variant: amsung.

åmtåo adj. experienced, knowledgeable. Åmtåo si Juan na katpinteru. Juan is an experienced carpenter. Kumu åmtåo håo esta na pilotu, siña chågu' hinanåo‑mu. When you become an experienced pilot, you will be able to travel far. Maila' ya ta ekkunguk i manamtåo gi bandan lingguåhi. Let's listen to those who are knowledgeable about the language.

åmti vt. apply first aid to, treat (someone's) wound, cure (someone's) sickness. I doktu ha åmti i chetnot‑tu. The doctor treated my wound. Ma åmti i malinik ilu‑ña. They treated her headache. I siruhåna manå'amti ya ha usa i tinanum siha. The native medicine healer cures sickness using plants.

amtiyun adj. curable, able to respond to treatment. Ti siña ta tungu' kåo amtiyun solu ta chagi. We cannot know if it's curable unless we try. Amtiyun i putin tuyan. A stomach ache is curable.

åmu n. boss, master, employer, head. Ånimosu i amu‑hu. My boss is hardworking. Ha apåsi yu' i amu‑hu. My employer paid me. Ågang ya un sangåni i amu‑mu an ti para un facho'chu'. Call and let your employer know if you ae not going to work. Syn: må'gs.

åmut1 n. medicine, herb, drug. I amut natibu par un inamut nu i chetnot‑mu. The local medicine will take away your illness. Manmanhongi i familian‑måmi nu i amut natibu. My family believes in local medicine. I trongku, i haun, i ramas yan i hali', todu esti siha mana'sesetbi para åmut. The trunk, the leaf, the branch and the root, all these are used as medicine.

åmut2 vt. take (something) away from (a person or animal). Mungnga na uta fanma'åmut nu i diretchot‑ta manmanbota. Let us not have our right to vote be taken away from us. Åmut i patgun nu i se'si' osino u chinachak. Take the knife from the child or else he will get cut.

åmut agaga' n. iodine, merthiolate, reddish medicine. Gaigi i amut agaga' gi buteyan dikiki'. The iodine is in the small bottle.

åmut chetnut n. medicine for a wound or injury. Måolik esti na åmut chetnut para i lassås‑mu. This medicine is good for your skin. See: åmut hirida.

åmut chetnut maipi n. medicine for treatment of illness believed to be caused by spirits. Si Tan Ignacia ha tungu' put åmut chetnut maipi. Tan Ignacia knows about medicine for treating illness caused by spirits. Guaha tinaitai sumåsåonåo gi amut chetnut maipi. There is a prayer that is included in the medicine for treating illness caused by spirits. See: åmut fresku.

åmut fresku n. medicine to maintain balance in the body. Åmut fresku i nengkanu' ayuyu siha. The plant nengkanu'_ayuyu is used as a medicine to maintain balance. Påo niyuk i nengkanu' ayuyu ya ma'u'usa para åmut fresku. The plant nengkanu'_ayuyu has a coconut scent and is used as a medicine to maintain balance. Åmti i chetnut ni amut fresku. Heal the illness with medicine to maintain balance.

åmut ginehin chålan n. medicine for treating illness acquired when traveling. Åmti i neni ni amut ginehin chålan, sa' mana'huyung gi gima'. Treat the baby with the medicine for illness acquired outside, because she was taken out of the house.

åmut lila n. gentian violet, a liquid purple medicine, used for ailments of the mouth. Sessu åntis mana'setbi i amut lila gi famagu'un. In the past, the amut lila was used more often with children. See: åmut påchut.

åmut måkpung n. medicine for urinary troubles or bed-wetting. Måolik magimin i amut måkpung yanggin ti maguf tatåotåo‑mu. It's good to drink the åmut måkpung when your body is drained out.

åmut månglu' n. medicine for bloating. Mama'titinas si nåna åmut månglu' para guåhu. Mother is making bloating medicine for me. Gof måolik esti i amut månglu' yanggin minanglu' håo. The medicine for bloating is the best cure if you have lots of air. Ha gef tungu' si Tito mama'titinas åmut månglu'. Tito really knows how to make medicine for bloating.

åmut måpga' n. medicine, taken internally, to stop bleeding after labor and delivery and for dislocation of the pelvic bone. Mañoñotni si nanå‑hu åmut måpga'. My mother is boiling åmut måpga'.

åmut muná'maigu' n. sleeping pill, drug, or other agent used to induce sleep. Guaha prublemå‑hu maigu', ya gumimin yu' åmut muna'maigu'. I have a problem sleeping, and so I drink sleeping medicine.

åmut påchut n. medicine for the mouth. Ti unu ha' esti i amut påchut. Åmut påchut is not just one kind of medicine. Mana'sesetbi lokkui' i tumåtis chå'ka gi amut påchut. The plant tumåtis chå'ka is also used for medicine for the mouth.

åmut palai n. topical medicine, applied to a particular place on the body. Åmut palai esti, ti åmut para magimin. This is topical medicine, not medicine for drinking. Måolik i chinigu' letchin niyuk yan mango' mana'setbi para åmut palai para i lassas tatåotåo. The milk from squeezed grated coconut and turmeric are good ingredients for topical medicine for skin.

åmut påsmun rekla n. medicine for abnormal menstruation. Siempri ha' inayuda håo nu i amut påsmun rekla. You will eventually be helped by the medicine for abnormal menstruation.

åmut sinagu n. medicine for common cold. I lodigåo måolik na åmut sinagu, piot ya lolo'lu' hao. The lodigåo plant is a good medicine for the common cold, especially if you're coughing. Guaha åmut tenda yan guaha åmut natibu para åmut sinagu. There is store-bought medicine and native medicine for the common cold.

åmut tabatdiyu n. medicine for headaches and for general cleansing of the body. Måolik esti i amut tabatdiyu para u na'fresku i tatåotåo i taotåo. Åmut tabatdiyu is a good medicine to restore the body's health. Masosotni esti i amut tabatdiyu. Åmut tabatdiyu is a medicine that's boiled.

åmut tininu n. medicine for piles or back pain. Mañotni si Ami' åmut tininu nigap. Ami' boiled åmut tininu yesterday. I amut tininu yan i amut fresku måolik magimin sessu. The åmut tininu and the åmut fresku are good to drink often.

åmut tumåga n. type of medicinal plant. Håssan i amut tumåga på'gu na tiempu. Åmut tumåga is rare nowadays. Ha na'sesetbi si Nan Ngina åmut tumåga gi amot‑ña. Aunt Regina uses åmut tumåga in her medicinal preparations. Put fabot tånum åmut tumåga gi gimå'‑mu. Please plant åmut tumåga around your house.

åmut ulu' n. de-worming pill. Mana'fanggimin i famagu'un åntis åmut ulu' gi iskuela. The children were given deworming pills at school in the old days.

amuti vt. 1) apply medicine or treatment to. Siña un gimin i hanum grifu, sa' esta ma'amuti. You can now drink the tap water, because it has been treated. 2) bewitch, place under a spell. Umottru klåsi, sa' ma'amuti. She became different, because she was under a spell.

an cnj. if, when (future, habitual); shortened form of yanggin, anggin. An måttu håo, tutuhun i che'cho'‑mu. When you get there, start your work. An munhåyan håo, diskånsa. When you are finished, rest. Ti siña håo humånåo an ti munhåyan i che'cho'‑mu. You cannot leave if your work is not done.

án- (from: án‑) pref. leftover of (something). Ni i katu ti malagu' ni ánsopblan i ga'lågu. Even the cat does not want the dog's leftovers. Mungnga makånnu' i ánsopblan ottru. Do not eat another person's leftovers. Yuti' i ánsopblåm‑mu. Throw away your leftovers.

anadosi n. type of plant: candle bush, a Mexican shrub, also called acapulco or ringworm tree. Senna alata. Kulot amariyu i flores‑ña i anadosi. The color of the flower of anadosi is yellow. Mana'sesetbi i hagun anadosi para åmut gupu'. The anadosi leaf is used as a medicine for ringworm. Syn: akapuku, tåki' biha, floris åmut gupu'.

anadót n. baby walker, a ring on wheels inside which a baby stands when learning to walk. Chaddik i neni malågu gi anadot. The baby runs fast in the baby walker. Siña chumaddik i neni mamokkat yanggin mana'usa ni anadot. A baby can learn how to walk faster when she's given the walker to use. Variant: andadót.

anai cnj. when (single event). Gumupu i sin anai mangguaifi i manglu'. The tin flew when the wind blew. Anai kahulu' i atdåo, makmåta si Juan. When the sun came up, Juan woke up. Humåohåo i ga'lågu anai ha li'i' estrangheru. The dog barked when he saw a stranger.

anai' n. termite. Gai tiempu i anai' para u fanhuyung huyung. There's a season when termites come out. Mapunu' i kandit gi sanhiyung anai mañochotchu i taotåo, sa' i anai'. They turned off the lights outside where the people were eating, because of the termites.

anåkku' adj. long, extended in time or length, not short. Anåkku' gaputilu‑ña. Her hair is long. Mannangga yu' anåkku' na tiempu. I waited a long time. Kåo siña un na'la'anåkku' i kantåm‑mu? Can you make your song longer?

analisa vt. analyze, examine critically, study. Taitai esti i tinige'‑hu, pues analisa. Read my writing, then analyze it. Analisa i situasión. Analyze the situation. Ta analisa esti, pues ta diskuti. We will study this, then discuss it. From: Sp. analiza.

Anatåhan name. the first island north of Saipan. Trentaitres miyas inanakko'‑ña Anatåhan. Anatahan is 33 miles long. Primet isla kåttan Saipan i islan Anatåhan. The island of Anatahan is the first island north of Saipan.

ánbasihu n. empty container. Fa'gåsi i ánbasihun kafe. Wash the empty coffee jar. Pinidongguan yu' ni i ánbasihun kafe ya måffak. I dropped the empty coffee jar and it broke. Fa'miseta i anbasihun yam. Make the empty jam jar into a vase. Syn: basihu.

Ancha' name. nickname for Esperansa. Måolik tiha esti as Ancha'. Ancha' is a good auntie. Bunita si Ancha'. Ancha' is pretty.

ånchu adj. wide, spacious, roomy. Ånchu i petta. The door is wide. Kåo siña un na'la'ånchu i kuattok‑ku? Can you make my room more spacious? Na'ånchu i soku', sa' meggai kosas para ta po'lu. Make the storeroom spacious, because we have a lot of things to store. Syn: fedda'.

Anchun name. nickname for Esperansa. Chatgun mampus si Anchun. Anchun is very smiley. Bunita si Anchun chininå‑ña. Anchun's dress is pretty.

Ånda' name. nickname for Candelaria. Malagu' malak i mubi si Anda'. Anda wants to go to the movie. Sumiha si Anda' yan i manamigå‑ña para i mubi. Anda went with her girlfriends to the movie. Variant: Anda, Kånda'.

andåba n. padlock, lock. Mamåhan yu' metgut na andåba para i pettan san me'na. I bought a strong padlock for the front door. Bai hu nå'i håo yabi para i andåba. I will give you a key for the padlock. Kandålu i andåba an para un hånåo. Lock the padlock when you are leaving. Variant: adåba.

andadót n. baby walker, a ring on wheels inside which a baby stands when learning to walk. Mamåhan i nana andadót para i neni‑ña. The mom bought a baby walker for her baby. Ya‑ña i neni i andadót‑ña. The baby likes his baby walker. Umetyak i neni mamokkat gi andadót. The baby learned to walk with the baby walker. Variant: anadót. From: Sp. andador.

åndas n. barrow, stretcher. Ma konni' åndas si Juan, sa' ti siña mamokkat. They took Juan on the stretcher, because he could not walk. Ma uma si Juan hålum gi andas gi espitåt. They carried Juan on the stretcher into the hospital. Ma'udai gi andas i patgun ya ya‑ña. The child rode on the stretcher and liked it.

andi' adj. show-off, showy, gaudy. Andi' i lahi. The guy is a show-off. Båsta umandi'. Stop showing off. Andede'‑mu. You are a show-off.

andi'i vt. flirt with, show off to. Nina'mamaguf si Maria an ma'andi'i ni lalåhi. It makes Maria happy when the boys flirt with her. Sigienti diha ti siña ha andi'i, sa' masåkki i sapatos‑ña yan ma'åmut ni mañaina‑ña ni kareta. The next day he couldn't show off, because his shoes were stolen and his parents took back the car.

anibat n. syrup, honey. Sen månngi' i buñelus dågu an matotchi gi anibat. Yam doughnuts are very delicious when dipped in syrup. Dangsung mampus i anibat. Syrup is very sticky. Månngi' lokkui' i anibat yan pankek. Syrup is also delicious with pancakes. Variant: amibat. From: Sp. almíbar.

anibetsåriu n. anniversary. Ma silebra i anibetsåriun‑ñiha i dos åmku'. The old couple celebrated their anniversary. Ottru simåna i anibetsåriu‑hu. My anniversary is next week. Kåo siña hao måttu gi selebrasión i anibetsåriun‑måmi? Can you come to our anniversary celebration? From: Sp. aniversario.

ånima n. inspiration, encouragement, spirit, energy. Si Juan munåna'i ånima si Maria. Juan inspires Maria. Tai ottimu i animå‑ña. Her energy is endless. Nå'i ånima ya u hånåo ya u iskuela. Encourage her to go to school. I palabrå‑mu munå'i gui' ånima. Your words gave her encouragement.

adj. elated, enthusiastic. Ånima i palåo'an macho'chu' anai ha hunguk na para u fanmåttu i famagu'on‑ña. The woman worked enthusiastically when she heard her kids were coming. I inanimå‑ña esta atrasåo para i che'chu'. In her elation she was late to work. Ånima si Maria anai ha li'i' si Juan. Maria was elated when she saw Juan. Variant: ånimu.

ånimas n. soul, spirit, ghost. Tayuyuti i manånimas ya u fandiskånsa. Pray for the departed souls so that they rest in peace. Mahonggi na guaha na ånimas mulalailai ha' dispues di måtai i tatåotåo. Some believe that some departed souls still linger after the body is dead. Hu siesienti ha' i animas mañaina‑hu kada råtu. Every now and then I feel my parents' spirit. From: Sp. ánimas.

animåt n. animal (usually used figuratively). Kalan håo i animåt. You are like an animal. Animåt dimasiåo si Juan. Juan is such an animal. Båsta mama' i animåt. Stop acting like an animal. From: Sp. animal.

animosu adj. courageous, energetic, spirited, hardworking. Animosun tåotåo si Juan. Juan is a courageous person. Ha fa'nåna'gui para u animosu i lahi‑ña. He is teaching his son to be hardworking. Tåya' mås kumu animosu na tåotåo. There is nothing like an energetic person From: Sp. animoso.

ånimu n. courage, spirit, effort, enthusiasm. Si Juan mås ånimu kinu håyi na atungo'‑hu. Juan has more enthusiasm than anyone I know. Ha ripåra i åmu na ånimu yan måolik håo macho'chu'. The boss noticed that you are spirited and a good worker. Nå'i ånimu gi lina'lå'‑mu. Show courage and effort in your life. Variant: ånima. From: Sp. ánimo.

ånining n. shadow. Maseha månu hu hanågui ya guaha kåndit, ha tattitiyi yu' i anineng‑hu. Wherever I go and there's light, my shadow follows me. Fina'ñagui i patgun ni mismu anineng‑ña. The child was scared of her own shadow. Humugåndu i patgun yan i anineng‑ña. The child played with his shadow.

ånis adj. honest, true. Hu fa'nå'gui i famagu'on‑hu para u fanånis. I taught my kids to be honest. Mañaina, fa'nå'gui i famagu'un‑miyu para u fan'ånis. Parents, teach your kids to be honest. Ti båli bunitu kumu ti ånis håo na tåotåo. Good looks is meaningless if you are not an honest person.

intj. truly. Ånis hu sen honggi håo. I truly believe in you. Ånis sen guinaiya håo as Juan. Juan truly likes you. From: Eng. honest.

anistukun n. salted fish, fish preserved with salt. Sigun gi kannai tåotåo, guaha na anistukun mañaña', guaha tisu. According to people's hands, one can make anistukun soft or stiff. Ma'anistukun i atulai. The atulai is preserved. Variant: asnintukun.

anít n. bluing agent, for laundering. Sessu åntis i labandura ma na'setbi anít para i magågun å'paka'. The laundress in the past often used a bluing agent for white clothes. Ti hu lili'i' anít mana'setbi na tiempu. I don't see bluing agent being used these days. From: Sp. añil.

aniti n. devil, Satan. Mampus gui' båba, kalan i aniti. He is so evil, like the devil. Debi di un mabendisi ya u falaknus i aniti giya hågu. You should be blessed to expel the devil in you. Suhåyi, sa' kalan i aniti. Stay away from her, because she is like a devil. The original meaning of this word is 'soul', as in anti.

aniyu n. ring, rim, any circular band. Hu na'falingu i aniyu‑hu. I lost my ring. Bunitu i aniyu‑mu. Your ring is beautiful. Unu ha' aniyu‑hu. I have only one ring. From: Sp. anillo.

ánkannu' n. garbage, food left over after eating. Nå'i i ga'lågu ni ankanno'‑mu. Give the dog your leftover food. Yuti' i ankanno'‑mu. Throw away your leftover food. Na'gåsgas i ankanno'‑mu, sa' i etdut. Clean up your leftovers, because of the ants.

ánlasgui n. wood shaving, a thin slice pared off with a knife, plane, blade, etc. Gineflinan ni ánlasguin låpis. He got wood shavings in his eyes from the pencil. Usa i anlasguin i hayu para totnin guåfi. Use the wood shavings to start the fire. Bålli huyung i ánlasgui. Sweep out the wood shavings.

ánna'yan n. 1) untouched food. Mungnga makånnu', sa' anna'yan tåotåo. Don't eat that, because it's someone else's food. 2) used dishes, used kitchenware. Mungnga ma'usa ennåo na plåtu, sa' anna'yan tåotåo. Don't use that plate, because it's someone else's used plate.

annai cnj. when. Maguf yu' annai kumuentus yu' yan i lahi‑hu gi tilifón. I was happy when I spoke with my son on the phone. Annai kumuentus i tata, ume'kunguk i patgun. When the father spoke, the child listened. Mehna i taotåo annai humånao ume'guihan. The man caught a lot when he went fishing. Variant: anai.

annuk vi. appear, be exposed, visible to the naked eye, come into sight. Annuk ha' na guaha sinientem‑mu para si Juan. It's apparent that you have feelings for Juan. Un na'annuk na un fabot un påtgun mås ki ottru. It's apparent that you favor one child more than the other. Håfa na ti annuk håo gi litråtu? Why aren't you there in the picture?

anña vt. beat up, overpower, punish, harm, hurt, injure. Mungnga ma'anña i patgun. Do not beat up the child. Kumu un anña yu', bai hu kehåyi håo. If you beat me up, I will tell on you. Ti siña hu anña håo. I cannot overpower you. Nina'kåti ni ma'anñan‑ña. His injury made him cry.

ánngasngas n. something chewed, like betel nut husk or any food. Un tungu' ha' na guaha måttu mamama', sa' guaha anngasngas pugua'. You can tell that a betel nut chewer came, because there are chewed betel nut husks. I patgun ha nå'i si bihå‑ña ni anngasngas‑ña. The child gave his grandmother his chewed food.

ánngatnan n. leftover crumbs. Såffi i anngatnan gi lamasa. Brush the leftover crumbs on the table. Puru ha' anngatnan famagu'un esti i gaigi gi papa' lamasa. All these crumbs under the table are from the children I katu ha kånnu' i anngatnan ga'lågu. The cat ate the dog's leftover crumbs.

ánobiu vi. be lovers, have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Umanobiu i dos anai hohobin. Those two were lovers when they were young. Manpinalålala i manhobin para u fananobiu. The young are eager to be lovers. Ti åtman umanobiu i dos. Before long the two were lovers.

anonas n. type of plant: custard apple, bullock's heart. Annona reticulata. I trongkun anonas mandodokku' esta trentai tres pie hulu'. The Annona reticulata tree grows up to 33 feet high. Meggai trongkun anonas gi halum tånu'. There's a lot of Annona reticulata in the forest. Måolik masotni låssas anonas para labatoriu. The bark of Annona reticula is a good ingredient boiled as a douche for women. From: Sp. anonas.

Anpang name. nickname for Amparo. Kumairek‑ku si Anpang. Anpang is my kumairi.

ansiånu adj. 1) experienced, initiated, skillful. Ansiånu i taotåo na katpinteru. The man is an experienced carpenter. Kåo ansiånu hao muma'estru? Do you have experience teaching? Ti ansiånu trabiha na katpinteru. He is not an experienced carpenter yet. Gof ansiånu si Juan mama'tinas boti. Juan is very skillful in making boats. Ansiånu si Juan muna'gupu papaloti. Juan is skillful in flying a kite. Ansiånu håo, mungnga mana'låstima. You are skillful, do not waste it. 2) ancient. I ansiånu na tiningo'‑ña i bihu esta ansiånu. The old man's skillful knowledge is already ancient. Achuka' ansiånu tiningo'‑ña, låo sisiña ha' mana'setbi na tiempu. Even though his knowledge is ancient, it can still be used nowadays. Håfa ta chocho'gui på'gu ansiånu teniki kumu ta hagu' i idåt‑ña i bihu. What we are doing now will be ancient when we reach the old man's age. From: Sp. anciano.

vt. initiate. Ha ansiånu i che'chu' yan ha na'funhåyan. He initiated the work and he finished it. Mungnga manansiånu maseha håfa kumu ti para un na'funhåyan. Do not initiate anything if you are not going to finish it. Kåo siña bai hu ansiånu esti ya hågu un na'funhåyan? Can I initiate this but you finish it?

ånsias adj. anxious, longing, eager. Ånsias para u hånåo anai ha hunguk na ha gånna i primét na premiu. He was anxious to leave when he heard that he won the first prize. Gof ånsias esta tumata'yuk. She was so eager she was jumping. I ansiås‑ña para u hånåo esta maleffa ti ha paini gapuilu‑ña. She was so eager to leave she forgot to brush her hair. From: Eng. anxious.

ánsupiyu n. wood shaving, a thin slice pared off with a knife, plane, blade, etc. Ha na'gåsgas i ánsupiyu anai munhåyan macho'chu'. He cleaned the wood shavings when he finished working. Ginéflinan ni ánsupiyu anai mangguaifi i manglu'. He got wood shaving in his eye when the wind blew. Na'setbi i ánsupiyu para totnin guåfi. Use the wood shavings to start the fire. See: ánlasgui.

ånti n. soul, spirit, ghost. Hågu un sen tungu' i minaolik i anti‑hu. You know the goodness of my soul. Na'fandiskånsa i antin‑miyu. Let your spirits rest. I antin i matai mulålåoya. The spirit of the departed lingers. Exceptionally, the possessive forms are anti‑hu, anti‑mu, etc. See: ånimas.

antigu adj. ancient, primitive. Sessu i manåku' manistoria put i tiempun antigu. The old folks often tell stories of the ancient times. Senti parehu i antigu na tiempu para på'gu. The ancient times is so different from today. Tiningu' antigu i finana'guen‑ña i bihu. The old man's teachings are of the ancient knowledge. I famagu'un på'gu yan‑ñiha manma'istoriåyi put i tiempun antigu. The kids nowadays like to hear stories about the primitve days. From: Sp. antiguo.

antihós n. 1) eyeglasses, sunglasses. Ti siña yu' manaitai sin antihos. I cannot read without eyeglasses. Kada såkkan matulaika i antihos‑su. Every year they change my eyeglasses. Sessu hu na'falingu i antihos‑su. I often lose my eyeglasses. 2) face mask (for skin diving). Ha na'gåsgas i antihos ni hagun alaihai åntis di u hålum gi tasi. He cleaned his face mask with the alaihai leaf before entering the ocean. Variant: antiohus. From: Sp. anteojos.

antikristu n. Antichrist. Guaha ha' na tåotåo manmanhonggi ni i antikristu. Some people believe in the Antichrist. From: Sp. Anticristo.

antiohus n. 1) eyeglasses, sunglasses. Esta dies åñus disdi ki hu tutuhun manusa antiohus. It's been ten years since I started using eyeglasses. Sessu di hu na'falingu i antiohos‑su. I often misplace my eyeglasses. Hu nisisita ta'lu para bai hu tulaika i antiohos‑su para lametgut. I need to replace my eyeglasses with a stronger one. 2) goggles, face mask. Variant: antihós. From: Sp. anteojos.

åntis adv. before, in the past, in former times (of history). Åntis i kuttura yan i lingguåhi mapratitika yan ma'infisisisa mampus. In the past, culture and language were practiced and emphasized. På'gu sessu yu' mås yayas, låo åhi' åntis. Now I often get more tired, but not before. From: Sp. antes.

åntis di prep. before. Manma'atbånsa ham ni pagamientun‑måmi ni gubietnu åntis di påsgua. We were advanced our payday by the governor before Christmas. Kumu un pripåra håo åntis di i miting, ti un gåsta tiempu. If you prepare for the meeting beforehand, you will not waste time.

cnj. before, prior to, beforehand, previous to. Na'fañila i kandit åntis di u homhum. Turn on the light before it gets dark. O'mak åntis di un hånåo. Shower before you go. Introduces an irrealis predicate. From: Sp. antes de.

antisipa vt. anticipate. Hu antisipa na hu tungu' siempri håfa taimanu macho'guen‑ña. kumeke'ilek‑ña. I anticipate that I will therefore know how it will be done. Hu antisipa lokkui' na bai hu ågang si Juan put i ayuda‑ña. I anticipate also that I will call John about his help. Hu antisipa na ha ayuda yu' siempri si Juan. I anticipate that John will surely help me. From: Sp. anticipa.

antisipånti adj. anticipant, expecting. Antisipånti gui' na nåna. She is an expectant mother.

antisipasión n. anticipation, foretaste. Gi antisipasion‑ña para u hånåo para i mubi, ha na'funhåyan todu i che'cho'‑ña. In her anticipation to go to the movies, she finished all her work. Dångkulu antisipasion‑ña gi nuebu na chi'cho'‑ña. She has great anticipation in her new work. From: Sp. anticipación.

antu'åsi adv. but at least. Nå'i gråsia, sa' atu'åsi ha na'fansena hit. Thank him, because he at least fed us dinner. Atu'åsi hu pokkåti håo para i gimå'‑mu. At least I walked you to your house. Kumu ñålang håo atu'åsi bai hu na'chotchu hao. I can at least feed you if you are hungry . Variant: atu'åsi.

Antung name. nickname for Antonio. Bisinu‑hu si Antung. Antung is my neighbor. Kiridun Ampang si Antung. Antung is Ampan's favorite.

ántupa n. scrap, debris, rubbish. Guaha luluk gi antupan i tapbla. There's a nail in the wood scrap. Må'pus manaligåo ántupa. He went to look for scrap. Nihi ya ta yuti' i ántupa. Let's go dump the scrap. Båsta manrikohi ántupa, yuti'! Stop collecting scrap, dump it!

anunsia vt. announce, publicize, broadcast, inform. Ma anunsia gi rediu na para u påkyu. They announced on the radio that there's going to be a typhoon. Anunsia i na'an i manggånna. Announce the winner's name. Ma anunsia na manggånna si Anuncia. They announced that Anuncia is the winner. Syn: pupblika. From: Sp. anuncia.

anunsiu n. announcement, message. Malakngus i anunsiu gi pappit. The announcement came out in the paper. Imputtånti ennåo na anunsiu. That is an important announcement. Hu hunguk ennåo na anunsiu gi rediu. I heard that announcement on the radio. From: Sp. anuncio.

ánusa n. something used, second-hand. Esta esti na chinina anusa. This dress has already been worn by someone. Guaha tenda ni manmabebendi anusa na magågu. There's a store that sells second-hand clothes. Fanå'i nu i anusåm‑mu na sapåtus, sa' esta ti omlat håo. Give away your used shoes, because they don't fit you anymore. Variant: án'usa.

åñu n. year. Un åñu åmku' si Juan kini si Manet. Juan is one year older than Manuel. Un åñu maloffan disdi ki umali'i' hit. One year has passed since we saw each other. Un åñu idåt‑ña esta i patgun. The child is already one year old. Singkuenta åñus na tiempu, bula ayuyu yan pånglåo gi interu Mariånas. Fifty years ago, there were a lot of coconut crabs and land crabs in the entire Mariana Islands. Syn: såkkan. From: Sp. año.

Åñu Nuebu n. the New Year. Felis Åñu Nuebu! Happy New Year! Ta fanhosmi misa gi Añu Nuebu. We will attend mass on New Year. Ta fanmanngingi' Niñu gi Añu Nuebu. We will kiss baby Jesus on New Year. From: Sp. año nuevo.

Angel name. Angel (pronounced Ånghit).

anggariya n. stretcher, litter. Ma na'setbi i anggariya para uma kåtga i malångu. They used a stretcher to carry the patient. Ti malagu' i malångu ma'udai gi anggariya. The patient did not want to get on the stretcher. Ti båli machuli'i anggariya, sa' mamokkat i malångu. It was useless bringing the stretcher, because the patient walked.

anggin cnj. if, when (future, habitual). Mås måolik anggin ti un nananalu'. It is better if you won't be getting angry. Tåya' guaha anggin ti siña un konni' yu' para i tenda. It is okay if you cannot take me to the store. Na'tungu' yu' anggin un na'siña kumonni' yu'. Let me know if you can pick me up. Variant: yanggin.

ånghelis n.pl. angels. Mangåkanta i manånghelis. The angels are singing. Hu guifi put i manånghelis. I dreamt of the angels. Manhonggi yu' na guaha manånghelis. I believe there are angels. From: Sp. ángeles.

ånghit n. angel. Kalan ånghit i nenin‑måmi. Our baby is like an angel. I palåo'an kumånta kalan i ånghit. The lady sings like an angel. Ha fa' i ånghit gui' si Juan, sa' gaigi i nobiå‑ña. Juan is acting like an angel, because his girl is here. From: Sp. ángel.

ångkas vt. 1) have (someone) ride with, either in front or behind, on a motorcycle or bicycle. Bai hu ångkas håo. I will have you ride behind me. Kåo siña un ångkas yu'? Can you let me ride with you (in front or behind)? Kumåti si Juan anai ti ma'ångkas ni che'lu‑ña. Juan cried when he was not given a ride by his sibling. 2) freeload, mooch.

angkåsu cnj. if, in case; short form of siakåsu. Angkåsu na måttu håo Saipan, bisisita yu'. In case you come to Saipan, visit me. Angkåsu na ti manmalångu hit, ta fanasudda' Amerika. In case we don't get ill, we'll be visiting each other in America. Variant: akåsu, engkåsu, siangkåsu, siakåsu.

ångkla n. anchor. Ma yuti' gi halum tåsi i angkla. They threw the anchor into the ocean. Makkat i angkla. The anchor is heavy.

vt. anchor. Ma'ångkla i boti gi pantalån. The boat is anchored at the dock. From: Sp. ancla.

ånglu' adj. dry, dried up. Ånglu' mampus i pån, esta ha ñuñukut yu'. The bread is so dry it is choking me. Manånglu' i magågu. The clothes are dry. Sigi ya un na'ånglu' håo. Go and dry yourself.

angokku vt. rely on, depend on, have confidence on someone, have faith in, trust. Hu angokku na para un cho'gui i hu faisin håo. I trust that you will do what I ask you. Kåo siña bai hu angokku håo? Can I rely on you? Hu angokku håo. I have faith in you.

angokkuyun adj. trustworthy, dependable, reliable. Angokkuyun håo. You are dependable. Ti angokkuyun gui', sa' sakki. He is not trustworthy, because he steals. Angokkuyun na påtgun. He is a reliable child.

åoditót n. auditor, accountant. Malagu' si Juan umiskuela para u åoditót. Juan wants to go to school to be an auditor. Måolik i taotåo na åoditót. The man is a good auditor. I konstitusion Mariånas ha na'guahåyi åoditot pupbliku para i gubietnamentu. The Marianas constitution made provision for a public auditor for the government. From: Sp. auditor.

åomenta vt. augment, add to, expand, extend, increase. Ma'åomenta i tiningo'‑hu palåran Chamorro disti ki sumåonåo yu' gi gurupun diksiunåriu. My knowledge of Chamorro ords has expanded since I joined the dictionary roup. Ma'åomenta i bisnes‑ña i taotao. Theman's business is expanding. Ha åoment i bakasión‑ña. She extended her vacation. Variant: umenta. From: Sp. aumenta.

åosiliu n. aid, help. Fannå'i åosiliu para aty i munisisita. Give help to those who need it. Manggågagåo åosiliu. He's asking for help. From: Sp. auxilio.

vt. aid, help, assist, give support. Aosiliu i famagu'un. Help the children. Aosiliu i mañaina‑mu gi inamku'‑ñiha. Assist your parents in their old age. Ya‑hu umåosiliu i manåmku'. I like assisting the old.

åoturidåt n. authority, right to command, sovereignty, jurisdiction. Manå'i åoturidåt ni' ma'gas para u maneha i kumpaniha. He was given authority by the boss to manage the company. Tåya' åoturidåt‑ña åntis para u fanågu'. He had no authority in the past to boss anyone around. Guaha på'gu åoturidåt‑ña; mampus maguf. He now has authority; he is very happy. Variant: aturidåt. From: Sp. autoridad.

åoturisa vt. authorize, permit, empower, give authority to, license, commission. Ma'åoturisa para u fitma i katta. He is authorized to sign the letter. Inaoturisa ni' ma'gas para u fitma i chek. The boss authorized her to sign the check. Ha åoturisa i famagu'on‑ña para u fanhånao para i mubi. He permitted his children to go to the movies. Variant: aturisa. From: Sp. autoriza.

åoturisasión n. authorization. Manå'i åoturisasión para u fanimpleha nuebu na tåotåo. He was given authorization to hire new people. Ha nå'i yu' åoturisasion i lahi‑hu para bai hu bendi i karetå‑ña. My son gave me authorization to sell his car. Håyi håo munå'i aoturisasion para un sångan ennao? mañaina‑ña. Who gave you the authorization to say that? From: Sp. autorización.

apåga n. shoulder. Apu' mågi gi apagå‑hu ya un diskånsanñaihun. Lean on my shoulder and rest awhile. Umapu' gi apagå‑hu ya duru tumångis kalan neni. She leaned on my shoulder and cried like a baby. Puti i apagå‑ña. His shoulder hurts.

vt. carry (something) on the shoulder. Hu apåga i balakbak‑ku. I carried my purse on my shoulder. Ha apåga i ningatyon‑ña. He carried the firewood on his shoulder. Ti siña manapåga, sa' mamadedesi. He cannot carry anything on his shoulder, because he is hurting.

apagåyi vt. carry on shoulder. Ha apagåyi i hayu. He carried the wood on his shoulder. Puti i apagå‑ña, pues ni håfa siña ha apagåyi. His shoulder was in pain so he could not carry anything. Ti masedi para u fan'apagåyi, sa' didikiki' ha' trabiha. He was not allowed to carry anything on his shoulder, because he is still too young.

apåka' n. type of bird: white-throated ground dove. Gallicolumba xanthonura. Guaha na manli'i' yu' paluman apåka' gi tutoppu'. I sometimes see a white-throated ground dove in the grass. Å'paka' guitgueru‑ña i apåka'. The white-throated ground dove's throat is white. Håssan på'gu na tiempu un li'i' paluman apåka'. It is rare to see a white-throated dove nowadays.

ápanak vi. clash, strike violently together, hit one another. Umápanak esta ki masangåni para u påra. They were hitting each other until they were told to stop. In pangas i dos put para bai in na'påra umápanak. We had to hold them down to stop them from hitting each other. Mafa' huegu i para u fanápanak. They make a game of hitting each other.

ápaniti vi. box, punch each other, fight with each other. Duru umápaniti i dos esta ki yayas. The two were boxing with each other until they got tired. Båsta umápaniti. Stop punching each other. Sangåni ya u påra umápaniti. Tell them to stop punching each other.

aparadót n. closet, cabinet, clothes wardrobe. Ti nahung aparadót gi gima'. There are not enough closets in the house. Bunitu i aparadót låo dikiki'. The closet is nice but it is small. Ha kana' i magagu‑ña gi aparadót. She hung her clothes in the closet. From: Sp. aparador.

aparehu2 ? mule pack. Aparehu i balutån‑mu. Pack your bag. Aparehu i magagu‑mu gi balutån. Pack your clothes in the bag. Bai hu ayuda håo umaparehu i balutån‑mu. I will help you pack your bag.

åpas n. payment, wage, salary, stipend, fee. Maguf si Juan ni apås‑ña. Juan was happy with his wage. Ta negosiu put i apas. We will negotiate about the wage. Macho'chu' i taotåo sin åpas. The man worked without payment.

apåsi vt. pay, make payment, compensate. Apåsi i dibi‑mu. Pay your loan. Ti ha apåsi i dibi‑ña. He did not pay his loan. Manma'apåsi siha ni' i che'chu'‑ñiha. They were compensated for their work.

apasoti n. type of plant: wormseed. Chenopodium ambrosioides. Siña mana'setbi i apasoti para u tråta guha yan minanglu'. Wormseed can be used to treat asthma and flatulance. Siña masodda' apasoti påtti giya Amerika yan Europa. Wormseed can be found in parts of the United States and Europe. Påopåo i hagun apasoti. The leaves of wormseed are fragrant. I hali' ha' gi apasoti ma'u'usa para åmut. Only the roots of wormseed are used for medicine.

Apatang name. surname.

apatcha' n. grasshopper. I famagu'un makeke'konni' i apatcha'. The children are trying to catch grasshoppers. Ya‑hu muli'i' apatcha' gi hatdín. I like seeing grasshoppers in the garden. Ma såsangan na i kulot betdi na apatcha' gi gima' måolik na siñåt. They say that a green grasshopper in the house is a good sign. Guaha na apatcha' betdi, guaha kulot chukulåti. Some grasshoppers are green, some are brown.

apatcha' suetti n. type of insect: green grasshopper. Family Locustidae. Guaha manmanhonggi na siñåt måolik na suetti i apatcha' suetti gi gima'. Some believe that the green grasshopper is a sign of good luck. Månsu i apatcha' suetti an ma'akumpara yan i apatcha' måtai. The green grasshopper is tame compared to the brown-spotted grasshopper. Kulot betdi i apatcha' suetti. The green grasshopper is green. Syn: apatcha' suesuetti, gå'ga' suesuetti.

apåtta vt. remove, take away, separate, set apart. Ha apåtta gui' gi situasión. He removed himself from the situation. Ha apåtta i kosås‑ña. He removed his belongings. Apåtta i baba yan i maolik. Separate the good and the bad.

apattåda adj. scattered about, spread out, separated. Ginin manapattåda lameggai na pidåsun antigu na tebbut siha gi hiyung Liyang Kalabera. There used to be quite a lot of shards from ancient ceramic vessels outside of Kalabera Cave. Ha na'fanapattåda i trongku siha kuntra i gima'. He spread out the trees away from the house. Håfa na un na'fanapattåda i lamasa siha, sa' kalan mampus manapattåo esta. Why did you separate the tables, because they look too spread out now.

apattåo adj. separated, isolated, divided. Ti umapattåo i dos umasagua. The couple are not separated. Ha na'apattåo gui' yan i familian‑ña. The man isolated himself from his family. Apattåo esti kontra atyu na sinisedi. This is an isolated incident from that one.

ápatti vi. divide, share, split evenly (reciprocal). Ha na'fanápatti i famagu'on‑ña ni i tano'‑ña. He divided his property amongst his children. Manápatti ni i salåppi' intri siha. They divided the money amongst themselves. Hu nå'i i famagu'un balutan kandi ya manápatti. I gave the children a bag of candies and they shared it. Guaha na påtgun ti malagu' umápatti yan i che'lu‑ña. Some children did not want to share with their sibling.

apayuhak n. large spider (generic). Ma'å'ñåo i patgun ni i apayuhak. The child is scared of the spider. Kumåti anai ha li'i' i apayuhak. He cried when he saw a spider. Yan‑ñiha i famagu'un manhugåndu yan i apayuhak. The children like to play with the spider. Mama'tinas gumå'‑ña i apayuhak gi gima'‑måmi. The spider made a home in our home.

ápayuni vi. get used to each other, be acquainted, know well, become accustomed to each other (reciprocal). Ti manapayuni ham, sa' ti sessu manali'i' ham. We're not used to each other, because we seldom see each other. Ti åpmam i famagu'un manápayuni. Before long the children will get acquainted. Manápayuni esta i ma'estra yan i famagu'un. The teacher and children got acquainted.

apbla vi. gossip. Mungnga iya' umapbla gi bisinu. Try not to gossip with the neighbor. Estagui' ta'lu si Juan para u apbla. Juan is here again to gossip. Sigi fan manapbla hamyu, dispues guaha kumåti. You continue to gossip with each other, then someone ends up crying. See: apbleta, apbletu.

apbladoriha n. gossip. Båsta i apbladoriha. Stop the gossip. Na'påra i apbladoriha mientras ti atrasåsåo. Stop the gossip while it is still not too late. Yayamak i apbladoriha. Gossip is damaging. Variant: abladoriha.

apbladót n. slanderer, gossiper. Adahi håo ni ennao na tåotao, sa' mampus apbladót. Be careful with that person, because he is a gossiper. Tåtfoi i apbladót‑ña esta guaha tåotåo siha ha na'fanmumu. He is such a gossiper that he had some people fighting. Tåya' måolik humuhuyung gi pachut apbladót. Nothing good comes out of the mouth of a gossiper. Variant: abladót.

apbleta vi. gossip (spread rumors). Mungnga iya'na un apbleta put i sinisedi. Try not to gossip about what happened. Apbleta na tåoto humuyong‑ña. He ends up being a gossiping person. Syn: apbla

apbletu adj. gossiper, habitually gossiping. Apbltu håo na låhi. You are a gossipy man. Ti bunitu esti i lahi ni apbletu. It is not nice for a ma to be gossipy. Cha'‑mu sasangan håfa na sikretu gi me'nan Joseph, sa' mampus apbletu. Do not tell any secret when Joseph is present, becaus he is a gossiper.

apeching vt. carry under armpit. Ha apeching pottan munedå‑ña, dispues ti ha tungu månggi. He carried his wallet under his armpit and later did not know where it went. Måoik yu' manapeching kosas, sa' siguru na hu go'ti I am good at carrying something under my armpit and holding onto it. Syn: afa'fa'i

apédiluk vt. crumple, roll up. Ha apédiluk i papit pues ha yuti'. He crumpled the paper and threw it away. I bihu‑hu ha apediluk i hagun chupa. My grandfather rolled the tobacco leaf. Tachu putno un na'apédiluk i magagu‑mu. Straighten up so you don't crumple your clothes.

apenas adv. rarely, seldom, hardly, infrequent, not often. Apenas ha dingu i gimå'‑ña. Rarely does he leave his house. Apenas manli'i' tåotåo. Rarely does he see people. Apenas hu bisita gui'. I rarely visit him.

apetching vt. cling, carry (something) under the arm, hold. I patgun ha apetching gui' gi as nanå‑ña. The child clings to his mother. Ha apetching i balakbak‑ña. She carried her purse under her arm. Apetching i finahån‑mu ya un apåga i balakbak‑mu. Carry what you purchased under your arm and place your purse over your shoulder.

apígigi' n. coconut-type sweet, dessert made of coconut (manhan biha) and tapioca starch, poured in banana leaf and grilled. Na' Chamorro esti i apigigi'. Apigigi' is a Chamorro dish. Sessu esta mañodda' håo apigigi' gi tenda. You now can often find apigigi' at the stores. Påopåo i apigigi' ni mabalutan gi hagun chotda. Apigigi' wrapped with banana leaf has a pleasant fragrance.

apiyidu n. surname, family name, last name, middle name. Håfa apiyidu‑mu? What is your surname? Ha tulaika i palåo'an apiyidu‑ña anai umasagua. The lady changed her surname when she got married. Ti malagu' si Maria ha tulaika apiyidu‑ña. Maria does not want to change her surname. Variant: apuyidu.

aplika vt. apply for, put to use, apply. Bai hu fanaplika ya bai hu hålum gi kulehu. I am going to apply and attend college. Manaplika yu' chi'cho'‑hu. I applied for my job. Esta manaplika yu' para bai hu såonåo kumånta. I already applied to be included in the singing.

aplikåo adj. applicable, fit, suitable, relevant. Ti aplikåo ennåo para esti na situasion. That is not applicable in this situation. Aplikåo i tiningu'‑ñiha gi che'chu'‑ñiha. Their knowledge is applicable to their work.

aplikasión n. application. Ha na'hålum i aplikasión‑ña para i che'chu'. He turned in his application for the job. Ti kabålis i aplikasión ni ha na'hålum para i che'chu'. The application he turned in for the job is incomplete.

aplokatting n. type of plant: a type of tree. Psychotria mariana. Dikiki' yan å'paka' flores‑ña i aplokatting. The Psychotria mariana bears small white flowers. Mama'kannu' i tinekchå'‑ña i aplokatting. The Psychotria mariana bears edible berry-like fruits. Siña masodda' i aplokatting giya Mariånas. The Psychotria mariana can be found in the Marianas. Variant: aplokating.

åpmam adj. long ago, past, gone, awhile, for some time, since olden times. Åpmam disdi ki umamiga ham. We have been friends for a long time. Åpmam tiempu esta ti hu li'i' i amigå‑hu. It has been a long time since I saw my friend. Umistoria i biha put i manåpmam na tiempu. The old lady told stories of long ago.

aposta vt. bet, wager. Hu aposta na siña ha' bai hu gånna håo. I bet that I can beat you. Umaposta si Juan ya mapetdi. Juan made a bet and lost. Båsta umaposta. Stop betting. Kuåntu umapoståm‑mu? How much was your betting?

apostadót n. one who bets (on odd bets). Unu gi apostadot gi gayera gumånna i singku mit pesus. One of the bettors at the cockfight won five thousand dollars. Si Ben na apostadot, gannadot. Ben who is a bettor, wins often. Syn: lílogru.

apostóliku adj. apostolic; pertaining to the apostles, or to the Pope and his authority. I disipulus mansinseru yan seriosu nu i apostóliku na che'chu'‑ñiha . The disciples are sincere and serious with their apostolic duties. I Santu Påpa ha nå'i agradesimentu i taotåo put i makkat na cho'chu' apostóliku. The Pope gave thanks to the people for the hard apostolic work.

apóstulis n. apostles, disciples, follower, scholar. Si Jesus ha fattoigui i dos apostules‑ña gi chalan Emaus. Jesus visited his two apostles on Emaus road. Si Jesus ha fattoigui i Apostulis siha ni mane'etnun gi eksu'. Jesus visited the Apostles that were gathered on a hill. See: disípulu.

apótalang n. box crab. Mañotchu ham apótalang gi paingi para sena. We ate box crab for dinner last night. Meggai apótalang kinenni'‑ñiha gi paingi. They caught a lot of box crabs last night. Sen ya‑ña apótalang i che'lu‑hu. My sibling likes box crab a lot.

åppan vi. recede (of water), dry up, become dry, evaporate. Måsa i hineksa' kumu åppan i hanum. The rice is cooked when the water disappears. Na'lokkluk i hanum, låo mungnga mana'åppan. Boil the water, but don't let it dry up. Saibuk i chetda esta ki åppan i letchen‑ña. Boil the banana until the liquid dries up.

ápplacha' adj. dirty, unclean, impure. Tulaika i chininå‑mu, sa' ápplacha'. Change your dress, because it is dirty. Ápplacha' i kannai‑mu. Your hands are dirty. Fa'gåsi i ápplacha' addeng‑mu. Wash your dirty feet. Variant: kuchinu, kossus.

appling n. condition resulting from sprained joint.

adj. 1) sprained, dislocated, twisted (of muscle or bone). Tåtfoi i bastos‑su, sessu appling kannai‑hu. I am so rough I often sprain my hand. Anai ha chåhlåo si Juan i bola, umappling kannai‑ña. When Juan caught the ball he dislocated his wrist. Poddung si Juan gi hoyu ya appling addeng‑ña. Juan fell in the hole and dislocated his leg.

adj. slang, markedly colloquial (of language), nonsense, incoherent (of speech). Appling dimasiåo i taotåo kumuentus. The man talks so much nonsense. Appling yu' fuminu' Inglis, sa' ti mafa'nå'gui yu'. My English is not fluent, because I was not taught it. Na'chalik fuminu' Chamorro, sa' a'appling. Her Chamorro makes one laugh, because she is mixing it all up.

åppluk n. coconut (without any meat), young coconut. Fåttu gi gima' ya un fånfi' åppluk kumu un nisisita. Come to the house and pick young coconuts if you need them. Ya‑ña i bihu åppluk. The old man likes young coconuts. Ti yan‑ñiha i manhobin na tiempu ma gimin i appluk. The young people nowdays do not like to drink young coconuts.

apreta vt. speed up, cause or force to hurry, hurry (someone), hasten. Apreta si Juan, sa' manatrasåo hit. Tell Juan to hurry up, because we are late. Ti ya‑ña si Juan ma'apreta. Juan does not like to be rushed. Ti siña yu' macho'chu' måolik kumu ma'apreta yu'. I cannot work efficiently if I am being hurried. Malågu si Juan para i tienda anai ma'apreta. Juan ran to the store when he was told to hurry.

apretadót n. one who presses or hurries others. Apretadót dimasiåo si Maria yan i gago'‑ña. Maria likes to hurry others and she's so lazy. Måolik ha' esti i taotåo umapretadót komu bumuchåcha gui' mismu. A person can very well hurry others if they themselves are hardworking. Sangåni si Maria ya u påra umapretadót. Tell Maria to stop being a person who hurries others.

apretåo adj. hasty, speedy, expeditious, done or made quickly. Mungnga umapretåo nu i disisión‑mu. Do not be hasty in your decision. Kåo siña un na'la'apretåo hao? Can you be a bit more expeditious? Apretåo si Maria, sa' atrasåo para i che'chu'. Maria was in a rush, because she was late for work. See: pakiåo. Variant: apretåt.

apretåt adj. hasty, speedy, expeditious, hurried, done without deliberation or due caution. Mungnga umapretåt. Do not be hasty. Dimasiåó apretåt disisión‑mu. Your decision is too hasty. Adahi ha' na un matompu' ni apretåt‑mu. Make sure you don't stumble in your haste. See: pakiåo. Variant: apretåo.

aprihendi vt. apprehend, seize, arrest. Ma'aprihendi i sakki. The thief was apprehended. Ti ma'aprihehendi tarabiha i taotåo, sa' ti siña masodda'. They have not apprehended the man, because they cannot find him.

apropósitu adj. fit, suitable, appropriate. Ti siguru i amu kåo apropósitu håo para i che'chu'. The boss is not sure if you are fit for the job. Apropósitu i magagu‑mu para i okasión. Your clothes are suitable for the occasion. I komidiånti ha sen tungu' i apropósitu na palåbras para u na'fañålik i aodensia. The comedian knows so well the suitable words that will make the audience laugh.

aprubetcha vt. use, make use of. Dispues di umali'i' yu' yan i doktok‑ku, hu aprubetcha ya hu bisita i amigå‑hu ni mana'såsaga gi hospitåt. After seeing my doctor, I took advantage and visited my friend who was laid up in the hospital. Hu aprubetcha i hinanåo‑hu para Hawaii put para bai hu bisita i lahi‑hu ya umali'i' yu' lokkui' yan i doktu. I made use of my trip to Hawaii to visit my son and visited my doctor as well. Aprubetcha i tiempu ni manå'i håo. Make use of the time that you are given.

aprueba vt. approve of, test (the reliability of), verify. Hu aprueba i disisión‑mu. I approve of your decision. Hu aprueba håfa i bidåda‑mu. I approve of what you are doing. Ti ma aprueba i disisión i ma'gås‑su. They did not approve my boss's decision. Variant: apreba.

apruebåo adj. approved, acceptable. Apruebåo i pappit ni ha na'hålum. The paper he turned in was approved. Ti apruebåo i pappit ni hu na'hålum, sa' ti hu na'kabålis umoppi todu i kuestión. The paper I turned in was not approved, because I did not answer all of the questions. Kåo apruebåo i rinikueståm‑mu? Was your request approved?

apruebasión n. approval, approbation. Maguf i patgun anai nina'i apruebasión gi as tatå‑ña. The child was happy when his father gave him his approval. Atyu ha' magågagåo ni i patgun i apruebasión mañaina‑ña. All the child is asking for is the approval of his parents. Ti uma nå'i i apruebasión‑ñiha i mañaina, sa' mampus manrektu. The parents will not give their approval, because they are too strict.

apsolusión n. absolution, acquittal. Anai kumonfisat yu', ha bendisi yu' si Påli' yan ha nå'i yu' apsolusión. When I confessed, the priest blessed me and gave me absolution. Sen maguf yu' anai ha nå'i yu' apsolusión si Påli'. I was very happy when the priest gave me absolution. Gåsgas i sinienti kumu mabendisi håo yan apsolusión. You get a clean feeling when you are blessed with absolution.

apsolutamenti adv. absolutely, without limits. Hu aprueba i disisión‑mu apsolutamenti. I absolutely approve of your decision.

adj. absolutely sure. Kumu ti apsolutamenti håo put ennao, pues mungnga makunsigi i plånu. If you are not absolutely sure about that, then do not go ahead with the plan. Ti apsolutamenti si Juan nu i disisión‑ña. Juan is not absolutely sure of his decision.

apsolutu adj. 1) absolute, complete, total. Apsolutu na mamis kirida si Maria. Maria is a complete sweetheart. Ha na'annuk i apsolutu na apruebasión‑ña. He showed his absolute approval. 2) absolute, certain. Apsolutu si Juan ni' inippen‑ña. Juan was absolute in his response.

apstinensia n. abstinence. Ha'ånin apstinensia. It's a day of abstinence. Måolik ta praktika apstinensia maseha para un diha. It's good to practice abstinence at least for a day.

adj. abstinent. Ti mesngun umapstinensia chumupa i lahi. The man cannot endure abstinence from smoking. From: Sp. abstinencia.

apstråktu n. obstruction, obstacle, block. Ti siña hu li'i' i gima' ginin i chagu', sa' meggai apstråktu. I could not see the house from afar, because there was a lot of obstruction. Siña un hulat ennåo na apstråktu. You can overcome that obstacle. Mungnga mapo'lu apstråktu gi chalan. Don't put obstacles on the road.

vt. obstruct, block. Un apstråtraktu i inatatan‑hu. You are obstructing my view. Mungnga na un apstråktu i inatatan‑ña. Don't block his view.

åpu n. ash, the remaining substance of what was burned. Yuti i åpun chupå‑mu. Dump your cigarette ash. I apun i kimason manggupu guatu gi bintåna. The ashes from the fire blew into the window. Kulot åpu esti na kareta. This car is the color of ash.

apu' vi. 1) lean against, rest in a recumbent position, lean the head back. Ha na'apu' i ilu‑ña ya dumiskånsa un råtu. He leaned his head and rested awhile. Umapu' i patgun gi apagå‑hu. The child leaned on my shoulder. 2) depend on. Esta mankasåo låo mana'apu' ha' gi mañainan‑ñiha. They are already married but they are still depending on their parents.

apunta1 vt. aim, point at, note down, write down, direct at. I istudiånti siha ma apunta tatkilu' gi istudiun‑ñiha. The students aimed high in their studies. Apunta påpa' håfa ha såsangan. Write down what he is saying. Ha apunta i paki. He aimed the gun. Måolik manapunta. He is a sharpshooter. Syn: tanchu'. From: Sp. apunta.

apunta2 vt. appoint. Para u ma'apunta si Jose para u ge'hilu' i kumite. Jose will be appointed to head the committee. Kumu ma'apunta håo, aksepta i pusisón. If they appoint you, accept the position. Apunta gui', sa' måolik macho'chu'. Appoint her, because she is a good worker.

apupang adj. tight, solid, hard. Apupang sisu‑ña si Ana. Ana's breast is hard. Syn: mahettuk, masisu.

åpus n. cigarette, cigar. Guaguan i apus. Cigarettes are expensive. Fahåni yu' åpus. Buy me cigarettes. Syn: sigariyu, chupa.

vi. smoke (cigarettes, cigar). Malagu' yu' pumåra umåpus. I want to stop smoking cigarettes. Syn: chupa.

apusentu n. bedroom, lodging, room. Na'gåsgas i apusentu. Clean the bedroom. Areklåo i apusenton‑ña. His bedroom is tidy. Maigu' gi apusentu. Sleep in the bedroom. See: kuåttu. From: Sp. aposento.

apuya' n. navel. Na'gåsgas i apuya'‑mu. Cean your navel. Kadidakun gi apuya'‑ña. He is icklish at the navel. Mapalai låña i apuya' i neni Oil was applied on the baby's navel.

apuya' tåsi n. deep, deepest part of th ocean, central part of the ocean, equator. I apuya' tåsi mås tåddung gi hilu' tånu'. The navel of the ocean is the deepest on earth. Kåo siña hao muñangu gi apuya' tåsi? Can you swim in the deepest part of the ocean?

apuyidu n. surname. Håfa apuyidu‑mu? What is your surname? I apuyidu‑mu muna'tutungu' i taotåo håyi familiåm‑mu. Your surname lets people know who your family is. Matulaika i ottimu na apuyidu‑ña i palåo'an anai umasagua. The lady's last surname was changed when she got married. Variant: apiyidu. From: Sp. apellido.

Arabia name. Arabia. Pumasehu i taotåo giya Arabia. The man took a trip to Arabia. Nihi ya ta fanpasehu para Arabia. Let's go tour Arabia.

arångka vt. budge, move, relocate (an object). Ti ha arångka gui' gi fatå'chong‑ña. She did not budge from her seat. Hu arångka i kosas hålum guma' anai muna'gasgas yu'. I moved the furniture when I cleaned. Ti siña hu arångka i bångku, sa' mampus makkat. I could not move the bench, because it was heavy. Arångka i lamasa ya bai hu lampåsu i satgi. Move the table and I will mop the floor. From: Sp. arranca.

åras n. 1) wedding ring, ring, jewelery given by groom to bride. I nobiu ha nå'i i nobia ni i åras. The groom gave the bride a wedding ring. Sen maguf i nobia anai manå'i ni åras. The bride was very happy when she was given the wedding ring. 2) coins used in marriage ceremony. Ha baba i kannai‑ña ya poddung i åras gi hilu' i kannai i nobia. He opened his hands and the coins fell on the hands of the bride. 3) pledge. From: Sp. arras.

aråstra vt. drag, pull along, draw along wearily. Ha aråstra i balakbak‑ña gi edda', sa' makkat. She dragged her bag on the ground, because it was heavy. Ya‑ña i ga'lågu umaråstra gui' gi tutopu' dispues di mana'o'mak. The dog likes to roll on the ground after being given a bath. Hu gacha' i patgun ha arårastra i galagitu gi tutopu'. I caught the child dragging the puppy on the ground. From: Sp. arrastra.

arekla vt. 1) fix, arrange, repair, keep in order. Arekla i kareta. Fix the car. Kumu ti mayamak, mungnga ma'arekla. If it's not broken, don't fix it. Un råtu ha' ha arekla i para umakkamu'‑ñiha. He quickly arranged for their wedding. Arekla i kuåttu. Arrange the room. 2) discipline. Arekla i famagu'un, sa' manhåhanåo gi chalan. Discipline the children, because they go out on the road. From: Sp. arregla.

areklamentu n. rule, regulation, condition, measure. Tattiyi i areklamentu, sa' ti un lachi. Follow the rule, because you won't go wrong. Håfa ta'lu areklamenton‑ña i nuebu na chairman? What is the new regulation from the chairman? Måolik mana'guaha areklamentu. It is good to have rules. From: Sp. arreglamiento.

areklåo adj. 1) orderly, neat. Areklåo i kuatton‑ña. His room is orderly. Todu i tiempu tåya' ni areklåo i kuatton‑ña. All the time his room is never neat. 2) disciplined, conditioned, regulated. Tåya' prublemå‑hu yan ennåo na påtgun, sa' mampus areklåo. I have no problem with that child, because she is very disciplined. Areklåo famagu'on‑ña si Maria. Maria's children are disciplined. Ti manareklåo ennåo na gurupun tåotao. That group of people are not disciplined. From: Sp. arreglado.

areklåyun adj. fixable. Areklåyun i karetå‑hu. My car is fixable. Ha dagi yu' i taotåo anai ha sangåni yu' na ti areklåyun i karetå‑hu. The man lied to me when he said that my car is not fixable. Kåo areklåyun i prublemå‑mu? Is your problem fixable?

areklu n. rule, regulation, measure, condition. Guåhu pumupblilika i areklun i tax. I publish the tax regulations. Trenta dihas dispues di mapruponi i areklu, siña esta ma'adopta kumu tåya' kumuntesta. Thirty days after a regulation is proposed, it can be adopted if there is no contest. Guaha na dipattamentun gubietnu manmaleleffa para uma adopta areklun‑ñiha. Some government departments forget to adopt their own regulations. From: Sp. arreglo.

aresta vt. arrest, seize, apprehend. Aresta i taotåo, sa' båba bidå‑ña. Arrest the man, because he did wrong. Ti un ma'aresta kumu ti un yulang i lai. You will not get arrested if you do not break the law. Ma'aresta si Juan gi paingi. Juan was arrested last night. From: Sp. arresta.

arias n. are (unit of measurement), approximately 100 square meters. Kåo nahung un arias para mahåtsa un guma'? Is one hundred square meters enough to build a house? Hunggan, nahung un arias para u mahåtsa un guma'. Yes, one hundred square meters is enough to build a house. Un arias ha' tano'‑ña si Juan. Juan has only 100 square meters of property. From: Sp. área.

aridondu n. circle. Fama'tinas aridondu. Make a circle.

adj. round, circular, spherical. I neni ha gof osgi i aridondu na fasun tatå‑ña. The baby has the same round face as his dad. I aridondu na kiosi giya Chalan Kanoa masiñåla para u ma'onra todu i kabisånti ni ma'abånsa i kutturå‑ta. The round kiosk in Chalan Kanoa will be dedicated to all the leaders who advanced our culture. Aridondu i pilan. The moon is round. Aridondu i lettra "O". The letter "o" is round. Syn: adamellung. Variant: ridondu, adirondu. From: Sp. redondo.

arikáisari' vt. go back, as in a game; do over again. Tåya' guaha ya ta na'arikaisari', sa' ti ha tungu' put esti na hugåndu. It's ok to have it done over again, because he does not know this game. Håfa na sigi håo ha' umarikaisari' i huegu? Why do you always want to start the game over? Variant: arikasi'. From: Jp.

arima vi. get close, draw near, bring oneself nearer. Nai ha hunguk i kanta "Apu mågi i apagå‑hu ya bai hu istoriåyi håo nu guåhu", mås umarima si Kolasa guatu gi as Nano. Fanarima, famagu'on‑hu, guaha para bai hu sangåni hamyu. Come closer, my children, I have something to tell you. Manarima i taotåo anai oran manaitai. The people got together when it was time to pray. Umarima i patgun anai ha li'i' na mañuñuli' kandi i bihu. The child got closer when she saw that the old man had candy. From: Sp. arrima.

arimåyi vt. come close to, get around (something). Ma arimåyi mås si nanan‑ñiha anai måtai si tatan‑ñiha ya ma bebela. They came close to their mother when the father died and they were having the wake for him. Un arimåyi si Juan Malimanga sa' bula salappe'‑ña på'gu. Now that Juan Malimanga has lots of money, you surround him.

arina n. flour. Kumu migutgohu i arina, mungnga mafåhan. If the flour has bugs, don't buy it. I a'paka' na arina ti sen måolik para i hinemlo'‑ta. White flour is not good for our health. Måolekña atyu i trigun interu na arina u ma'usa gi pån. It is better to use whole wheat flour for bread. Panadera si nanå‑hu, pues meggai arina ha na'sesetbi. My mom is a baker, so she uses a lot of flour. Mamåhan arina para u fama'tinas pån. She bought flour to make bread. Ha fåhan meggai na arina. He bought a lot of flour. Variant: harina. From: Sp. harina.

aroma n. type of plant: a spiny shrub. Acacia farnesiana. I trongku yan floris i aroma mana'sesetbi para åmut. The bark and flower of the Acacia farnesiana is used for medicine. Giya Europa mafa'titinas påopåo ginin i aroma. In Europe they make perfume from the Acacia farnesiana. Ginin i aroma, mafa'titinas lokkui' tinta yan tumu. From the Acacia farnesiana, dye and ink are also made.

aronsa vt. rearrange, move. Humålum i ga'lågu gi såla ya ha aronsa todu i siya. The dog went into the living room and moved all the chairs around. Kåo siña un ayuda yu' umaronsa i lamasa ya u guaha mås kåmpu gi kuåttu? Can you help me move the table so that there will be more space in the room?

aronsåda vi. stagger. Umaronsåda para i gima' put bulachu‑ña. He staggered to the house, because he was drunk. Umaronsåsada i patgun ginin i malangu‑ña. The child staggers from his disability.

arufmitika n. arithmetic. I arufmitika pat kuentas na istudiu gof mapput para guåhu. The arithmetic or math is a hard subject for me. Måolik na ma'estrun arufmitika. She is a good arithmetic teacher. Meggai istudianten‑ña manmalåti' gi arufmitika. A lot of his students are smart in arithmetic. Ti ya‑ña i hagå‑hu arufmitika. My daughter does not like arithmetic. Syn: kuentas, matematika. Variant: arifmetik, arismetika, arismetik. From: Sp. aritmética.

arurú n. type of plant: arrowroot. Maranta arundinacea. Mana'sesetbi i arurú para mama'tinas atuli. Arrowroot is used in cooking starchy soup. Siña un fåla' i aruru. You can eat the arrowroot raw. I arurú måolik asienton‑ña. The arrowroot makes good starch. From: Sp. arrurruz.

aruskåddu n. porridge made with rice. Ya‑hu aruskåddu ni manå'yi månnuk. I like rice porridge that has chicken in it. Ya‑ña i biha aruskåddu, sa' libiånu ha kånnu'. The old lady likes rice porridge, because it's easy for her to eat it. From: Sp. arroz caldo.

as case. by, at, with, of. Guinaiya håo as Acha, sa' nina'i hao fine'nena ni i stimulus check. Acha likes you, because you are the first to get the stimulus check. Ti guinaiya håo as Magalåhi Huråo put i bidå‑mu. You were not liked by Chief Huråo, because of what you did. This oblique case marker for proper nouns is used for agents of passive verbs, oblique objects of antipassive verbs, second objects of applicative verbs, oblique complements of intransitive verbs or adjectives, etc.

ås n. ace (in cards). Manggånna yu' anai hu chuli' tres na ås. I won with triple aces. Ariesgåo yu' kumu mangogo'ti yu' ås. I am risky when I am holding an ace. I amtåo na gagandu ti nisisåriu u fanggo'ti ås para u na'fåkpu i huegu. An experienced player does not need the ace to end the game. From: Sp. as.

As Abed name. a 5-hectare farmland, owned by a Chamorro named Abel Quichocho and now known As Abed, located in the northern part of Marpo. Duråntin 1950 i tåntus, bula tinanum fruta, ottru siha na manmamakannu', yan lokkui' pineksai gå'ga' gi As Abed. During the 1950's there were lots of fruits and other edibles, as well as as domesticated animals at As Abed. Manmanå'inñaihun i lugåt As Abed. The property at As Abed has been given away. Åntis guaha un dångkulu na kollat babui gi As Abed. There was a large piggery at As Abed back then.

As Måtamam name. the eastern point of Tinian harbor, named after a Yapese man who fell into the water and drowned. Esti na tiempu pribidu pumeska håo gi As Måtamam. Nowadays, fishing is prohibited at As Måtamam. uñangu si Ben ginin As Måtamam esta i inai Tachogña. Ben swam from As Måtamam toTachogña Beach. Måolik pumeska i'i' gi As Måtamam. Matamam is a good fishing spot for young mackerel.

As Mintagua name. place name in Tinian. I As Mintagua nuebu ha' na nå'an lugåt. As Mintagua is a newly named place. I As Mntagua ma'å'agang ha' nu esti na nå'an, sa' put i sumåga si Antonio Borja, mås matungo'‑ña as Antonion Mintagua. As Mintagua is called by this name, because Antonio Borja, also known as Mintagua, lived in the area. I federåt na gubietnamentu ha atkikila i As Mintagua na lugåt para sientu åñus. The federal government leased As Mentagua for a hundred years.

As Onan name. place name in Rota. Gaigi As Onan gi papa' i padiron i laderan Fanlagun, hilu' i Palanga yan Ayulajag. As Onan is located at the foot of the cliff of Mount Fanlagon (a part of the highest mountain range), bordered by Palanga and Ayulajag. Maloloffan i paip hånum guini gi As Onan para guatu Sinapalo. The water pipeline passes through As Onan to the Sinapalo village. Guaha sabanan netti yan sakåti gi As Onan ya bula binådu. There are a lot of plants used for roofing and swordgrass at As Onan, and many deer roam there.

As Sekmani name. name of a place in Tinian, owned by an old Korean man who lived most of his life on Tinian since before WWII. Esti lokkui' na lugåt mafanana'an As Sekmani put sumåga si Tun Sekmani guini åntis na tiempu. This place is named As Sekmani, because Elder Sekmani lived there long time ago. Gaigi i As Sekmani giya Makpu. As Sekmani is located in Marpo.

As Juanitu name. a part of Marpo, a farmland settled by Juanitu Untalan, a Chamorro migrant from Yap. Gaigi i As Juanitu gi Makpu. As Juanitu is located in Marpo. Bula suni gi As Juanitu åntis. There was a lot of taro at As Juanitu back then. Åntis, karetan guaka mana'sesetbi para hålum gi As Juanitu. Back then, carts pulled by cows were used to go to As Juanitu.

åsa vt. cause to blow away. I botin‑ñiha inasa ni manglu', sa' ma ariensa i mattiempu. Their boat was blown away by the wind, because they dared the storm. I nana ha sangåni i lahi‑ña na para u adahi gui' gi botin låyak, sa' metgut i manglu' ya u inasa. The mother warned her son to be careful with the sailboat, because the wind is strong and he may be blown away. Variant: håsa.

asåda n. pickax, hoe, mattock, plow. Ha fahåni yu' si tatå‑hu asåda kosa ki siña bai hu ayuyuda gui' gi lanchu. My father bought me a hoe so I could be helping him at the farm. Baråtu i asåda siha gi as Joeten. The pickaxes are on sale at Joeten. From: Sp. azada.

vt. plow. Hu asåda i tanu' ni asåda. I plowed the land with a plow. Manasåda si Alex gi lanchun tatå‑ña giya Tapochåo. Alex plowed at his father's farm at Tapochåo. Duru si Henry manasåda gi gualu'‑ñiha gi Sabalu. Henry was really plowing at their farm on Saturday. Hu usa i asåda para bai asåda i edda' ni para bai hu tånum i gellai. I used the hoe to plow the soil to plant the vegetables. From: Sp. azada.

asadót n. roasting spit. Gof månngi' i letchun, sa' måsa ha' gi asadot, ti i hetnu. The roasted pig tasted so delicious, because it was roasted in the spit, not in the oven. I Herman's bakery tåya' iyon‑ña asadot, pues mahotnu ha' i babui, låo månngi' ha'. Herman's bakery doesn't have a roasting spit so they roast pigs in the oven, but it's still delicious. Asta på'gu na tiempu håssan ni ma'usa i asadót sa' mampus makkat na cho'chu'. Nowadays the roasting spit is seldom used, because it's very hard work. From: Sp. asador.

asagua n. spouse, husband, wife. Hu li'i' i dos asagua gi lanchu. I saw the married couple at the farm. Atan ha' i dos asagua, sa' gef umaguaiya. Look at the husband and wife, because they really love each other. Syn: kasåo.

ásagua vi. wed, get married, marry. Umásagua i dos gi gima' Yu'us. The two wed at the church. Umásagua si Anton yan si Filisia gi kotti. Anton and Filisia got married at the court.

asaguan maga'låhi n. first lady. Bunita i asaguan maga'låhi na palåo'an. The first lady is a pretty lady. Guaha mision‑ña i asaguan maga'låhi ya debi na u kumpli. The first lady has a mission and she has to fulfill it. I asaguan maga'låhi umutut i lestun. The first lady cut the ribbon. See: maga'håga.

Asaina name. Lord, God. Asaina, Yu'us, bendisi todu i taotåo gi tanu'. Lord God, bless all the people in the world.

ásaina intj. oh Lord, oh my God (expression of surprise). Asaina na åguaguat låhi håo, sa' un atotga fumaisin kåo kasåo yu'. My goodness, you are a naughty man to have the nerve to ask if I am married. Asaina! Kada diha atrasåo yu' para i miting låo magåhit ti ya‑hu umatrasåo. Gosh! Every day I am late to the meeting but really I don't want to be late.

asaiti n. oil, salad oil. Ha usa i asaiti para u aflitu i bunuelus aga'. She used salad oil to fry the banana fritters. Ya‑hu i satdinas asaiti. I like the small sardines packed in oil. I palåbra asaiti esta ti gof ma'usa på'gu, mås ma'u'usa laña ki asaiti. The word "asaiti" is not used now, instead the word "laña" is used more often. From: Sp. aceite.

asaitin olibia n. olive oil, produced from fruits of olive trees. Påguan pachot‑ña si Konchita, sa' ha mokmuk pachot‑ña ni asaitin olibia. Konchita's mouth smells, because she gargled with olive oil. Syn: låñan oliba. Variant: asaitin oliba.

Asan name. village in central Guam. Gaigi i primå‑hu na sumåsaga Asan. My cousin lives in Asan.

asåyun adj. nauseated, affect or become affected with nausea (Rota). Asåyun yu' gi paingi. I was nauseated last night. Umasåyun yu' anai hu kånnu' i makaro' gi talu'åni. When I ate the mackerel this afternoon, I became nauseated. Nigap na ogga'an, mampus asåyun yu'. I was so nauseated yesterday morning. Variant: atsåyun.

asembli n. assembly. Yanggin guaha dinanña' gi put håfa na achåki, siempri u guaha asembli. If there is a gathering for whatever reason, then there will be an assembly. From: Eng. assembly.

vt. assemble, put together. Si Joaquina ha asembli i bisiketan i lahi‑ña gi Sabalu. Joaquina assembled her son's bicycle on Saturday. I fakterian tumobit manmanasesembli todu klåsin kareta siha. Automobile factories assemble all kind of automobiles. Si nanå‑hu ha asembli i måkinan manlåksi anai para u fanlåksi magågun famagu'on‑ña. My mother assembled the sewing machine when she was to sew her children's clothes.

asensión1 n. ascension (of Christ). Guaha na tåotåo humonggi i asension Hesukristu. Some people believe in the ascension of Christ. From: Sp. ascensión.

asensión2 n. type of plant: curacao, milkweed. Tåya' magåhit na hu li'i' i tinanum asension. I have never seen a milkweed plant.

asenta vt. 1) iron (clothes), press (clothes) with an iron, act upon by steady pushing or thrusting while in contact. Hu asenta todu i magågun cho'chu' gi Sabalu. I ironed all the work clothes on Saturday. I ayudånti måolik manasenta magågu siha. The helper is good at ironing clothes. Bunitu minagågu ni ma'asenta. It nice to wear the clothes that are ironed. 2) wet (clothes) for ironing. See: prensa. Variant: asienta.

asentådu adj. decent, appropriate, proper, suitable, pleasing, moderate. Gof dångkulu guma'‑ñiha yan sen asentådu i dekorasion i sanhalum i gima'. Their house is big and its interior decor is pleasant. Ya‑hu i lahi ni asentådu kumuentus yan minagågu. I like the guy who is pleasant in his speech and dresses neatly. Gef asentådu magagu‑ña. Her clothes are so pleasing. Syn: disenti. Variant: asientådu. From: Sp. asentado.

asentu n. starch, carbohydrate. Si Antonia ha usa i asentu para u na'te'uk i alaguån‑ña. Antonia used the starch to thicken her porridge. Sessu mamåhan yu' asentu para i nina'lågu. I often buy starch for cooking. Ma'u'usa asentu para i atbidun magågu. The starch is used to starch the clothes. Variant: asientu.

aseradura n. padlock, lock. Manmamåhan ham bula nuebu na aseradura para i nuebu na guma'‑måmi. We bought a lot of new padlocks for our new house. Si Susan ha na'falingu i aseraduran i petta. Susan lost the padlock for the door. Esta ma nå'yi aseradura i pettan i gima'. They already put a padlock on the door. See: andåba, adåba. Variant: seradura, seladura. From: Sp. cerradura.

aserín n. sawdust. I aserin ya manå'yi pitroliu måolik para totnin guåfi. Sawdust with kerosene good to start a fire with. Hokkuk esta aserin gi feggun sanhiyung. There is no more sawdust by the outside wood burning stove. Po'lu i aserin gi låta. Put the sawdust in the can. Variant: asirín. From: Sp. serrín.

aseru n. magnet. Måolik manhålla luluk i aseru. The magnet is good to drag nails. Guaha sietti na aseru gi lanchu. There are seven magnets at the farm. Gai aseru esti na tiheras. These sissors have magnets in them.

asga' n. spark-producer, that which produces a spark, such as a flint, wheel on cigarette lighter, match head and carborundum, flint, match head. Bula asga' gi halum paki. There's so much flint in the gun. Chaddik mañila' i asga' yanggin un songgi. The flint ignites fast if you light it. Machuda' i asga' påpa' gi tanu'. The flint fell on the ground.

åsgui vt. smoke (food), dry out. Manåsgui si nåna guihan nigap. Mother smoked fish yesterday. Manåsgui yu' meggai na kåtni. I smoked a lot of meat. Ti ya‑hu manåsgui kåtni. I do not like to smoke meat. See: fohni, pohni.

åsgun adj. foggy, misty, hazy, blurry. I lugat‑måmi an ogga'an mampus å'asgun. Our place is always foggy in the morning. I bintånan i karetå‑hu sessu åsgun yanggin manenghing. The window of my car is always foggy if it's cold. Ti gof måolik mañugun yanggin åsgun i airi. It's not really good to drive if there is fog in the air. See: åfåo.

asi komu cnj. like this. Asi komu un cho'gui esti, måolik. If you do it like this, it's good. Asi komu i lain lingguåhin Chamorro mapåsa siempri mås måolik. If they do it like this, the Chamorro language policy will be good. Asi komu mana'siriosu siha, pues siempri guaha adilåntu. If only like this, making them serious then there will be an improvement. Asi komu, ta fåfatta i tiningo'‑ta ginin i man mofo'na na tåotao put i niyuk kumu påtti esti gi kuttura, hinemlu', yan lina'la' Chamorro. That being the case, we celebrate our knowledge from our ancestors about the coconut as part of the culture, good health and livelihood of the Chamorro. (excerpt from Coconut Proclamation, 9-11-12, 2009, by Major Joseph Inos) Variant: asi kumu.

asi'i vt. forgive, pardon, excuse, condone, grant forgiveness to, exculpate. Hu asi'i i palåo'an ni bidå‑ña ni guåhu. I forgave the woman for what she did to me. Put fabot asi'i si Mariana. Please excuse Mariana. Fanasi'i ya un ma'asi'i. Forgive and you will be forgiven. See: dispensa.

asi'iyun adj. excusable, pardonable, forgivable. Asi'iyun ha' i taotåo ni bidå‑ña. The man is forgivable for what he did. Kulang ti asi'iyun si Martin ni båban bidå‑ña ni che'lu‑ña. Martin seems not to be forgivable for what he did to his brother.

åsidu n. acid. Machuda' i asidu gi garåch anai poddung. The acid got spilled on the floor of the garage when it fell down. Manå'yi åsidu i ramenta anai para u mana'gåsgas. They put acid on the tools when they were going to clean. Mampus metgut i asidu ya siña ha' sinenggi i sinsen‑mu yanggin ti un adahi håo. The acid is so strong that it can burn your skin if you are not careful. From: Sp. ácido.

asienta vt. iron (clothes), press (clothes) with an iron. Ti manma'asiesienta tarabiha esti na magågu siha. These clothes are not ironed yet. Variant: asenta.

asientådu adj. decent, appropriate, proper, suitable, pleasing, moderate. Ai na manasientådu famagu'un esti! My, what pleasant children are these! Variant: asentådu.

asientu n. starch, carbohydrate. Måolik i asientun gåpgap para i tatåotåo i taotåo. The Polynesian arrowroot is good for the health of one's body. Variant: asentu.

asiga n. salt. Mamåhan si Alicia tres na katton asiga gi Payless Supermarket. Alicia bought three boxes of salt at Payless Supermarket. Machuda' i asiga gi hilu' såtgi gi egga'an. The salt was spilled on the floor this morning. Hu nå'yi i kaddun månnuk asiga ni para u månngi'. I put salt in the chicken soup to make it tasty.

asigura vt. make sure, secure against change or risk, insure, confirm, give confidence to, ensure. Bai hu asigura na hu pega i yabin i kareta gi petta. I will make sure that I will put the car key at the door. Ha na'asigura si Gabriel na ti u mayuti' i sepblan nengkanu' gi na' babui. Gabriel will make sure that they will not throw the leftover food in the pig's food bucket. Siempri ma'asigura na matugi' na'ån‑mu gi pappit. They will make sure that they write your name on the paper. From: Sp. asegura.

asiguråo adj. sure, assured, insured, indubitable. Mana'asiguråo i hunta na u kuorum. The meeting was assured that there was a quorum. Manasiguråo ham na esta måolik i måkinan boti. We were sure that the engine of the boat is good. Ha na'asiguråo si Modesta na para u famprisenta gi workshop. Modesta made sure that she's going to present at the workshop. From: Sp. asegurado.

asikna vt. assign, appoint. Ma'asikna yu' na bai hu kuentus gi tilibision gi Måttis. I was assigned to talk on the television on Tuesday. I ma'estra ha asikna si Alexandro na para u atan i mangga'chong‑ña siha. Alexandro was assigned by the teacher to watch his classmates. Siempri guaha para u ma'asikna para u chuli' i kanåstran nina'i mo'na. Someone will be assigned to bring the gift basket forward. From: Sp. asigna.

asipudera adv. should have, wish (contrary to fact). Asipudera un asi'i gui', sa' ginagagåo håo asi'i. You should've forgiven him, because he asked you for forgiveness. Asipudera bai hu tai salappi' kumu hu apåsi i dibi‑hu siha. It's allright if I should have no money after I pay my debts. Asipudera u matomba, sa' i mata'pång‑ña. It's allright if she falls down, because of her aloofness. Variant: pudera, sipudera. From: Sp. así pudiera.

asirín n. sawdust. Sessu manrikohi si Howard asirín para totngin guåfi. Howard often collects sawdust for building a fire. Manåna'yi i asirín disu' ni para u ma'lak i guafi. The sawdust is mixed with diesel to jumpstart the fire. Variant: aserín. From: Sp. serrín.

asistensia n. assistance. Si Josephine i asistensian Marie. Marie is Josephine's assistance. Sessu manå'i si tåta asistensia. Father is often given assistance. Yanggin esta åmku' hit, siempri ta nisisita i inasistensian i famagu'on‑ta. If we are already old, we need our children's assistance.

asisti vt. assist, help, succor, be of service, give aid. Gof måolik i inasisti gi kontra i palåo'an. The help given to the woman was good. Ya‑hu manasisti gi iskuela. I like to assist at the school. Malångu si Adresina ya ma'asisti ni che'lu‑ña. Andresina was ill and was assisted by her sister. See: ayuda, faburesi, fa'chi'chu'i.

åsni vt. pickle (something), salt (something), apply salt to. Ma'åsni i guihan ni para u matåla' agupa' yanggin ma'lak i semnak. The salt was applied on the fish to be dried if the heat temperature is good tomorrow. Hu åsni i katni anai para bai hu aflitu. I salted the meat when I was going to fry it. Para ti u båba i katni pat i guihan, debi na un åsni. For meat or fish not to be spoiled, you need to salt it.

asnintukun n. 1) pickled fish, small fish soaked in brine. 2) anything soaked in brine. Gof manngi' asnintukun ti'åo. The small pickled salted goatfish is so delicious. Mama'tinas si Ignacia asnintukun atulai gi paingi. Ignacia pickled (salted) some atulai fish last night. Mamåhan yu' asnintukun katchu' gi Metkåo. I bought salted pickled tuna fish at the Market. Variant: anistukun.

ásodda' vi. meet with, fall in with. Hu na'asodda' i dos tåotåo gi chalan. I made the two people meet on the road. Umasodda' i tata yan i lahi‑ña gi tenda gi Huebis. The father and the son met at the store on Thursday. Para u asodda' i nobia yan i nobiu gi mubi lamu'na. The girlfriend and the boyfriend will meet at the movie tonight. Variant: ásudda'.

asosiasión n. association, group, organization. Kada såkkan gi Huliu diha kuåttru meggai klasin asosiasion mañåsåonåo gi likåo yan gi silibrasion. Every year, many kinds of organizations participate in the July 4th parade and the celebration. I asosiasion‑måmi ni manåmku' in tatangnga na u makumpli todu håfa ginagagåo‑måmi gi mamaila' na tiempu siha. Our association of elders is hopeful that all of our wishes will be accomplished in the years to come. Syn: gurupu, otganisasión.

aspirina n. aspirin (brand name); medicine used to relieve symptoms of fever, pain, and related illnesses. Sessu gumimin si Anastacia aspirina. Anastacia takes aspirin often. Måolik i aspirina para u na'nåo'åo i haga'. Aspirin is good for thinning the blood. Manmabebendi bula na aspirina gi tenda. Lots of aspirin is sold at the store.

assohni vt. lie down with. Assohni i patgun. Lie down with the child. Variant: assuni.

åssun vi. recline, lie down. Sessu dumiskånsa gi siyan umåssun. She frequently relaxes on the recliner. Umå'assun anai masusedi i linåo giya Luta. He was lying down when the earthquake occurred in Rota. Na'åssun, mungnga mana'oppuk. Make her lie on her back, not on her stomach.

assuni vt. lie down with, sleep with. Si nanå‑ña si Antonia ha assuni i neni‑ña gi paingi. Antonia's mother lay down with her baby last night. Hu assuni i hagå‑hu gi kattren‑ña gi nigapña na puengi. I lay down with my daughter on her bed the other night. Atan i katu, sa' i nana ha assuni ha' i famagu'on‑ña. Look at the cat, because the mother is lying down with her children.

asta prep. until, to, toward, up to. Ti bai hu hånåo para Tinian asta agupa'. I am not going to Tinian until tomorrow. Siempri måttu si Donicio, låo asta i ottru simåna. Donicio will come, but not until next week. Famokkat mo'na asta i chikerun babui. Walk forward until you come to the pig pen. Variant: esta. From: Sp. hasta.

asta ki cnj. until, if, when. Ti bai hu fåttu asta ki humånåo i ichan. I will not come until the rain stops. Ti siña måsa i gellai asta ki un na'takkilu' i guafi. The vegetable won't be cooked until you increase the temperature. Ti u ånglu' i katni asta ki un po'lu gi papa' i semnak. The meat will not get dry until you place it under the sun.

asta ngai'an pp. until when?, when? (interrogative prepositional phrase). Asta ngai'an na para un bisita yu'? When are you going to visit me? Asta ngai'an na para un tamålis? Until when are you going to make tamales? Asta ngai'an si Susan na para u låksi i magågun Joseph? When is Susan going to sew Joseph's clothes?

astronomiha n. astronomy. Sumåsåonåo i inistudiu put i atdåo yan pilan gi astronomiha. The study of the sun and the moon is included in astronomy. I astronomiha matutungu' lokkui' put i kinalamtin gi universe. Astronomy also knows about the movement of the universe. Måolik ta tungu' put i inistudiun i astronomiha. It is good for us to learn about the study of astronomy.

åsu n. smoke, smudge, steam, vapor, fog, the gaseous products of burning organic materials which finally settle as soot. Meggai mampus åsu ginin i kumason trongku siha. There is so much smoke from the burnt trees. Mampus meggai asu‑ña i guafin para manunu. There is so much smoke from the barbeque fire. Anai gaigi yu' California ya manhånåo ham para San Francisco, in li'i' meggai na åsu gi airi. When I was in California, we went to San Francisco, we saw so much fog in the air. Gi hilu' i sabåna sessu guaha åsu gi airi. On the mountains there is always fog from the air.

adj. smoky, steamy. Å'åsu i guafin basula ni masonggi as Peter. The fire that Peter burnt was so smoky. Anai hu baba i satten hineksa', å'asu mampus. When I opened the rice cooker it was so steamy. Hu nå'yi i prensa hånum anai para bai hu famrensa ya dispues å'asu ginin i minaipen‑ña. I put water in the steam iron when I was to iron and then later it was steaming hot.

asu' vi. tilted, leaning, bent; bend over, lean against, deflect. Na'asu' i trongku gi kellat åntis di un tånum. Lean the tree on the fence before planting. Todu i mai'is manasu' dispues di bibun månglu'. All the corn plants were leaning after the strong wind. Na'asu' un ratutu i lamasa ya u ånglu'. Tilt the table so that it will be dried. Uma'asu' si Ben gi trongkun niyuk, sa' yayas. Ben is leaning against the coconut tree, because he's tired. See: må'ngak, apu'.

ásudda' vi. meet (each other), fall in with. Hu na'asudda' i dos tåotåo gi chalan. I made the two people meet on the road.

ásufa' vi. collide, clash, bump into each other. Umasufa' i dos gurupu gi bola. The two teams collided at the ballgame. Atan i dos binådu, sa' para u asufa'. Look at the two deer, because they are going to clash. Umasufa' i chiba yan i ga'lågu gi halum i paståhi. The goat and the dog clashed with each other in the pasture.

ásugi' n. quicksilver, mercury, glittering object. Fina'baba i talayeru ni asugi' gi tasi. The fisherman was fooled by the glittering object in the ocean. Esti i asugi' na kosas lalamlam. Mercury is a glittering object. Syn: lálamlam.

asugiyi vt. cover with quicksilver. Ha asugiyi i riåt ya lumåmlam. He coated the dime with mercury and it became shiny.

asukat n. sugar. Ya‑ña i etdut asukat. Ants love sugar. Hu nå'yi asukat i kafe‑hu gi egga'an. I put sugar in my coffee this morning. Ginin guaha kantidå na tinanum tupu para mafa'asukat gi Saipan gi tiempun Chapanis. There were once a lot of sugarcane for making sugar here on Saipan during the Japanese time.

asuli n. type of eel: fresh water eels. Anguilla marmorata, (Family Anguillidae). I asuli mañåsaga gi sadduk siha. The eels live in lakes, rivers and streams. Guaha na tåotåo kumåkannu' i asuli. Some people eat eels. Månngi' mana'lågu i asuli yan i mangu'. It is good to cook the eel with the turmeric. Variant: hasuli.

asuma vt. assume. Mungnga ma'asuma maseha håfa yanggin ti siguru håo. Don't assume anything if you're not sure of it. Hu asuma na un chuli' i lepblom‑mu esta. I assumed that you already took your book. Ma'asuma na esta mapåsa i resulasion gi Kunggresu. It was assumed that the resolution was already passed by Congress.

Asunsión name. 1) the seventh island north of Saipan. I Asunsion na isla gaigi gi mina'sietti na isla gi sangkattan islan Saipan. Asuncion island is the seventh island north of Saipan. Tåya' tåotåo mañåsaga giya Asunsion. There is no one staying in Asuncion island. I islan Asunsion mås dikiki' kini Saipan. The island of Asuncion is much smaller than Saipan. 2) a person's name. Mama'nåna'gui si Asunsion gi Marianas High School. Asunsion is teaching at Marianas High School

asunsión n. type of plant. Asclepias curassavica. Kantidå na asunsion manmandodokku' gi uriyan i gima'. There are a lot of Asclepias curassavica plants growing around the house. I asunsion na tinanum mafa'a'amut. The Asclepias curassavica plant is used for medicine. Manmåtai todu i dinekku' asunsion gi lanchu. The sprouted Asclepias curassavica plants were all dead at the farm.

asuntu n. notice, topic, reason, concern, subject, issue. I asuntu era put tånu'. The issue is about land. Ma laknus i asuntu na para u guaha hunta. They put out a notice that there will be a meeting. Si Connie ha laknus gi gaseta put asuntu siha put håfa manmasusesedi gi uriyan i tanu'. Connie reported in the media about what's going on around the world.

ásupak vi. put oneself forward physically, insert oneself into a group, too forward (in manners), aggressive. Asupak ennåo na tåotåo, sa' ya‑ña humålum gi gurupu siha. She's pushy, because she likes to include herself in different groups. Taimamahlåo, sa' gef asupak. He is shameless, because he is very aggressive. Ti u fåttu ha' gi dinanña', sa' ti asupak. She will not come to the gathering, because she does not want to be where she is not invited.

asusena n. type of flower: tuberose. Manbunitu i asusena na tinanum. The tuberose plants are pretty. I asusena ti chå'tan na tinanum. The asusena plant is not a delicate plant. Påopåo magåhit esti i asusena na floris. The asusena plant is indeed fragrant. Syn: floris asusena.

asusta vt. frighten, excite. Syn: animåsa, fa'ñagui. See: sustu.

asuståo adj. frightened. Esta si Martina asuståo ni matai tatå‑ña. Martina became so frightened of her father's death. Manasuståo i taotåo siha ginin i pakpak butkån. The people were frightened from the volcano eruption. Umasuståo si Diane ginin i poddong‑ña gi halum sadduk. Diane became frightened from her fall in the lake. Syn: luhan, haluhan. See: sustu.

ásustieni vi. embrace each other, support each other, hold on to. Uma'asustieni i dos tåotåo anai kume'poddung gi kantit. The two men held on to each other when they were about to fall off the cliff. Si Juanita yan si Anuncia uma'asustieni anai para u makrusa i chalan. Juanita and Anuncia held on to each other when they were going to cross the street. Uma'asustieni i dos chume'lu kada gumuaha achåki gi halum familian‑ñiha. The siblings support each other whenever there is a challenging situation in their family. See: ámantieni, ágo'ti.

asút adj. blue, azure. Minagågagu si Brittney asut na chinina gi talu'åni. Brittney was wearing a blue dress in the afternoon. Guaha sabanås‑su kulot asut na gof mañaña'. I have a soft blue blanket. I langit asut kulot‑ña. The sky is blue. From: Sp. azul.

ata'út n. coffin, casket. Mampus guaguan i ata'ut na tiempu. Coffins these days are very expensive. Un tiempu. manmafa'titinas tåpbla na ata'ut. At one time, they were making wooden coffins. Ma usa i tali gi ata'ut anai para u mana'tunuk gi naftan. They used the rope to lower the coffin into the grave. Variant: ata'ót.

åtaduk n. eye, eyeball (used mainly for animals). Gof ya‑hu kumånnu' i ataduk guihan. I love to eat fish eyes. I matan hågun na klåsin guihan mampus dångkulu atadok‑ña. The bigeye emperor fish has very big eyes. Dinanchi atadok‑ña ni bolan mahettuk. His eye was hit by the hard ball. Syn: måta.

åtaduk haguha n. needle's eye. Esta ti siña hu hotni i hilu gi ataduk haguha. I cannot put the thread in the needle's eye anymore. Mampus dichiching i ataduk haguha ya ti siña humålum i hilu. The needle's eye is so tiny that the thread cannot be inserted. Guaha na haguha dångkulu atadok‑ña ya ti prublema mahotni. Some needles have big eyes and there's no problem inserting the thread.

átaga' vi. cut each other. Umataga' si Jesus yan si James nigap na talu'åni. Jesus and James cut each other yesterday afternoon. Umataga' i dos chiba anai mumu gi halum kollat. The two goats cut each other when they were fighting in the corral. Adahi na in ataga' na dos ni machetti yanggin manu'utut hamyu håyu. Be careful not to cut each other with the machete when you're cutting wood.

atagga' vi. 1) blush. Umatagga' si Bertilia anai sinangåni as Jess na guinaiya gui'. Bertilia blushed when Jess told her he loves her. I ma'gas Josephina ha na'mamåhlåo si Josephina ya esta umatagga' gui'. Josephina's boss embarrassed her and she blushed. 2) have a reddish color or flushed complexion, as when sunburned. Umo'mak i patgun gi tasi disdi ogga'an ya mampus umatagga' gui'. The child swam in the ocean since this morning and he was sunburned. Mangguåssan si Derek gi gima' Emma ya umatagga' mampus. Derek mowed the lawn at Emma' house and he got sunburned. Mambola ham gi kantun tåsi gi Damenggu ya manatagga' ham todu. We played ball on the beach on Sunday and we all got sunburned.

atåha vt. counteract, halt, prevent, contravene, stop, forestall, impede. Manma'atåha i taotåo kontra i riot. The people were halted from the riot. Kana' chinigit i patgun ni kareta ya inatåha as Isabel. Isabel prevented the child from being run over by the car. Hu atåha si Vince kontra i chipa, låo esta på'gu chumuchupa ha'. I prevented Vince from smoking but up until now he's still smoking. Syn: pribeni, chomma'. Variant: tåha.

átahgui vi. alternate, take turns. Umatahgui Si Jack yan si Moståfa gi espitåt mamulan as nanan‑ñiha. Jack and Moståfa take turns at the hospital to watch their mother. Para u atahgui i dos chume'lu humånåo para Guam. The two sisters will alternate going to Guam. Guaha atahguen‑ña si Juan gi iskuela. John has an alternate at school.

atåka1 vt. do repeatedly, do (something) a lot. Guaha baratura as Joeten gi Sabalu, ya manma'atåka i hapbun siha. There was a sale at Joeten last Saturday and a lot of soaps were bought. Manmanatåka ham bula na atulai gi metkåo. We bought a lot of atulai at the market. Manatåka si Dolores manådan magågu gi fakteriha. Dolores bought a lot of clothes at the garment factories. See: atråka.

atåka2 vt. assault, attack. Mungnga manatåka tåotåo. Don't attack people. Manma'atåka ham ni gurupun lalåhi gi bantalån. We were assaulted by the group of boys at the dock. Inatåka yu' ni ga'lågu gi lanchun Lydia. I was assaulted by the dog at Lydia's farm.

atakeru n. attacker, (one) on the offensive. Atyu na påtgun mampus atakeru. That child is an attacker. Yanggin mumu si Beltram yan si Vicente, todu i tiempu si Vicente i atakeru. If Beltram and Vicente are fighting, it's always Vicente who is the attacker.

atåki vt. attack (someone); said, for instance, of an ailment. Inatåki si Aaron ni guhå‑ña ta'lu. Aaron was attacked by his asthma again. Sessu inatåki si Myra ni putin atayu'. Myra always gets her back pain attacks.

atåkin guha n. asthma attack. Sessu si Erika nina'yi atåkin guha. Erika often has asthma attacks. Yanggin háguha håo, siempri ninana'yi hao atåkin guha. If you are an asthmatic person, you'll always have asthma attacks. Yanggin inatåtaka håo ni atåkin guha, siempri sessu håo un usa i tangkin oxygen. If you are having an asthma attack, then you often have to use the oxygen tank. Variant: inatåkin guha.

atåkin kurasón n. heart attack. Si Roman na che'lu‑hu nina'yi ni atåkin kurason. Roman my brother had a heart attack. Guaha na nuebu na finañågun neni esta nina'yi ni atåkin kurason. Some new-born babies have heart attacks. Ti gof måolik atyu i chetnut kurason, sa' gai tiempu i inatåkin kurason. Heart disease is not a good illness, because it has its time for heart attacks.

átaktak adj. stubborn, slow-witted, feather-brained, unheedful, disobedient. Si Vikki mampus ataktak ilu‑ña. Vikki has a stubborn head. Hu kuentutusi gui' ya kulang ataktak, sa' ti malagu' umekkunguk ni håfa hu sangångani gui'. I'm talking to him and seems like he's so stubborn that he does not want to listen to what I'm saying. Mampus makkat mana'fangumprendi si Jose, sa' mampus ataktak titanos‑ña. It is hard to make Jose understand, because he has a stubborn mind.

atalak n. stare, fixed look. I atalak‑mu bunitu. Your stare is beautiful.

vi. stare, open eyes wide. Umatalak si Maria anai kume'poddung i nini‑ña gi gua'ut. Maria opened her eyes wide when her baby was about to fall on the stairs. Manatalak i taotåo anai mali'i' i plen gera. The people opened their eyes wide when they saw the war plane. Umatalak yan kumåti i neni anai hinengngang ni che'lu‑ña. The baby opened her eyes wide and cried when her sister startled her.

atalaki vt. scowl at, look at menacingly, give a dirty look to, warn (as when parents wordlessly warn children). Inatalaki si Juana gi as Acinta, sa' ha dådaggåo i katu ni atchu'. Acinta scowled at Juana, because she threw a rock at the cat. Si Pedro ha atalaki yu', sa' månman put håfa ilek‑ku. Pedro scowled at me, because he was surprised at what I said. I mañaina ma atalalaki i famagu'un‑ñiha yanggin para u manå'i siñåt para u fañuha. Parents would look hard at their children as a sign for them not to be around.

atan vt. look at, glance at, perceive. Hu atan si Derrence anai malitråratu gi as Josie. I looked at Derrence when he was having a picture taken by Josie. Uma'atan si James yan si Carmen gi paingi. James and Carmen looked at each other last night. Håyi para u faninatan i famagu'un? Who would look after the children? Gi inatan‑hu nu hågu, mampus boksiun håo. My perception of you is that you are very pale. See: pulan.

atani vt. look after (someone or something). Si Ton ha atatani si Shiela ni famagu'on‑ña siha. Ton is looking after Shiela's children. Maninatani si Rita yan si Margarita ni famagu'un‑ñiha as Rosario. Rosario looked after Rita and Margarita's children. Manma'atatani si Henry yan si Hilda ni gima'‑ñiha ni bisinun‑ñiha. The neighbors of Henry and Hilda are looking after their house.

atåni vt. nail (something), attach, join, fix, fasten, pin. Ha atåni si Andrew i liluk gi sin. Andrew nailed the nail on the roofing tin. Ma'atåni i dos håyu guatu gi liga. They nailed the two pieces of wood against the wall. Manmanatåtani i taotåo siha gi atuf guma' Acinto. The people are hammering nails on the roof of Acinto's house.

atanun adj. handsome, good-looking, pretty, pleasant to look at. Mampus manatanun na famagu'un mambabaila. The children dancing are very good-looking. Atanun måskaran matå‑ña. His facial features are handsome. Manatanun ha' na guma' atyu i manmahåtsa dispues di taifun. The houses built after the typhoon were good-looking.

åtayu' n. small of the back, portion of the back just above the hips. Ma'opera atayo'‑ña si Inez gi ma'pus na mes. Inez had an operation on her lower back last month. Sessu puti atayo'‑hu. My lower back is often painful. Na'ma'a'ñåo si Rosa malasa, sa' nina'yi putin åtayu'. It's scary to massage Rosa, because she has lower back pain.

åtba n. dawn, first church bell in the morning. Esta madåndan i atba gi Gima' Yu'us Chalan Kanoa. The first bell has been rung at Chalan Kanoa church. I madåndan i atba yu' pumångun gi chatangmak. The ringing of the church bell woke me up early in the morning. Tres dandån‑ña i atba. The first bell of the church has three rings.

atbahåkat n. type of plant: sweet basil. Ocimum basilicum. I Carolinian ma'u'usa i atbahåkat gi mafa'tinas mwarmwar. The Carolinians use basil flowers in the making of mwarmwar. I atbahåkat na tinanum påopåo. The basil plant has a good fragrance. Guaha na ma'usa i atbahåkat para åmut. The basil plant is sometimes used for medicine.

atbånsa vt. 1) advance. Manma'atbånsa ham ni pagamientun‑måmi ni gubietnu åntis di påsgua. We were advanced our salary by the governor before Christmas. 2) move (oneself) forward. Si tåta ha atbånsa gui' mo'na anai para u hagu' i grifu. Father moved forward in order to reach the faucet. Si Enrique ha atbånsa gui' guatu gi as Marlyn. Enrique moved forward to Marlyn. 3) improve. Malagu' yu' para bai hu atbånsa yu' mo'na gi lina'lå'‑hu. I would like to improve my life.

adj. (in) advance. Manggågåo yu' atbånsa na leave, sa' ti nahung yu' ni guaha. I asked for advance leave, because I do not have enough. Variant: abånsa.

atbetbu n. adverb. I palåbra esta unu gi hemplu put atbetbu. The word 'already' is one example of an adverb. From: Eng. adverb.

atbeti vt. advise. Manma'atbeti ham gi as nanan‑måmi. We were advised by our mother. Si Ursula ti ya‑ña ma'atbeti. Ursula does not like being advised. I taotåo ni ti malagu' ma'atbeti siempri ti måolik para humuyong‑ña. If a person does not like advice, eventually he'll go wrong. Syn: akunseha.

atbettåo adj. always wide open. Ennåo na potta todu i tiempu atbettåo. That door is always wide open. Håfa na ma na'atbettåtåo ha' esti na potta? Why are they leaving this door wide open? Variant: atbettu.

åtbidun n. starch (for ironing). Hu nå'yi åtbidun siha i magågun iskuela. I put starch on the school clothes. Gaigi i atbidun gi hilu' tapblitan i sagan mama'gåsi. The starch is on the laundry shelf. Måhluk i latan åtbidun anai poddung gi satgi. The starch can broke when it fell on the floor.

vt. add starch to, put starch on. Hu å'atbidun i magågun‑måmi siha. I am starching our clothes. Manåtbidun si Nang meggai na magågu gi talu'åni. Mother starched a lot of clothes this afternoon.

atbientu n. advent. Guaha kuåttru na Damenggun atbientu gi Disembri. There are four Sundays of advent in December. Gi duråntin atbientu mana'guaguaha misan atbientu gi alas singku gi chatangmak. During the advent season they have a five o'clock mass in the morning. Meggai na tåotåo manhohosmi misa gi duråntin atbientu. There are a lot of people attending the advent mass during advent season.

atbiettu adj. opened, left open, advertise by keeping door open. Si tåta ha na'atbiettu i pettån‑ña gi paingi para u hålum i manglu'. Father left his door open last night for the breeze to come in. Månngi' maigu' ya un na'atbiettu i bintanå‑mu sa' fresku. It is good to sleep if you keep your window opened, because it's cool. Håfa na un na'atbiettu i pettåm‑mu nigap? Why did you leave your door open yesterday? Variant: atbuettu, abiettu.

atbinu n. albino (person). Ti atbinu si tatå‑hu. My father is not an albino. Mansensitibu i atbinu na tåotågui gi semnak. Albinos are sensitive to the sun.

atbladoriha n. gossip. Yanggin mandanña' si Bertha, si Ana, yan Marie, puru che'chu' atbladoriha machocho'gui. If Bertha, Ana, and Marie get together, they gossip. Bula na atbladoriha siha manmasåsangan gi halum i manhobin. There is a lot of gossip being said among the young. Ti gef måolik i atbladoriha gi halum i che'chu'. The gossip is not very good in the work department. Variant: apbladoriha.

atbladót n. gossiper. Mampus atbladora si Margarita na påtgun. Margarita is a gossipy child. Si Anuncia mampus atbladora ya esta mapatmåda sikos‑ña as Susanan che'lu‑ña. Anuncia is such a gossiper that she was slapped on the mouth by her sister Susana.Variant: apbladora

atbuettu adj. ajar, open. Sessu atbuettu esti na potta. This door is often open. Mungnga mana'fanatbuettu i petta, sa' u fanhålum i ñamu. Don't leave the door open, because the mosquitos may come in. Variant: atbiettu.

atburota vt. 1) disturb, upset, bother, annoy, irk, instigate, incite. Sessu i infitmera ha atburota yu' gi maigo'‑hu. The nurse often disturbs me during my sleep. Yanggin mamaigu' si Mary, sessu inatburota ni hagå‑ña. If Mary is sleeping, her daughter often disturbs her. Kumåti i neni, sa' hu atburota gi anai humugågandu. The baby cried, because I bothered her when she was playing. 2) stir up. Hu atburota i binattin kek. I stirred up the cake mixture. Si Nang ha atburota i yinalaka' potu. Mother stirred up the rice cake mixture. Ha atburota si Ton i binattin simentu. Ton stirred up the cement mixture.

atburotu n. fuss, trouble, inconvenience, worry, troublesomeness, uproar, disturbance, disadvantage. Mampus bula atburotu gi halum ilu‑hu. I have so many worries in my head. Dispensa yu' che'lu‑hu ni atburotu‑hu siha. I am sorry, my sister, for the inconvenience. Meggai atburotu ya ti pumusipbli i dinanña'‑måmi. There were so many inconveniences and our gathering was not possible. Syn: plaitu, engkibukåo. From: Sp. alboroto.

atburutåo adj. troublesome, irritating (of an activity); troubled, disturbed, irritated (of a person). Si Angelica duru umatburutåo gi paingi, sa' sinangåni as Linda na ti para u hånåo para Guam. Angelina was irritated last night, because Linda told her that she's not going to Guam. Manatburutåo todu i taotåo anai ma'anunsia na para u tåya' bentan pugas. The people were disturbed when it was announced that there's rice available at the stores. Manatburutåo siha i mannuk anai humålum i ga'lågu gi kellat. The chicken went out of control when the dog went inside the fence.

åtbut n. type of plant: flame tree, poinciana. Delonix regia. I trongkun åtbut mampus bunitu yanggin mamfloris. The flame trees are very pretty when they bloom. I trongkun åtbut i ofisiåt na trongku guini giya Saipan. The flame tree is the official tree here in Saipan. Meggai trongkun åtbut gi chalan para i plåsa. There are a lot of flame trees on the road to the airport.

åtbut det fuegu n. type of plant: formal name of flame tree used on Guam; flame tree, poinciana. Delonix regia. Guaha dos kulot esti i atbut det fuegu, kulot amariyu yan kulot kåhit. Flame trees have two colors, yellow and red.

atcha vt. pound, beat, as in pounding roots, hit. In atcha i liluk hålum gi tapbla. We pounded the nail on the plywood. Ma atcha i atchu' para u mayamak. They pounded the rock to break it. Inatcha i katu ni mattiyu anai manggaloppi påpa'. The cat was hit by the hammer when he jumped down. Syn: åttan.

atchå'ut n. middle class of earlier Chamorro society. Esta hagas manmåtai i atchå'ut na tåotåogui. The early Chamorro middle class passed away long ago. Manmetgut i atchå'ut na tåotåo. The early Chamorro middle class were strong people. Syn: achoti.

åtchu' n. rock, stone, pebbles. Bula difirentis klåsin åtchu' siha guaha. There are many different kinds of rocks. Manhokka yu' meggai na åtchu' tåsi gi kantun tåsi. I picked up some ocean stones on the beach. Ma'u'usa i atchu' lokkui' para i fletcha. The stone is also used for the sling shot. Syn: båras. Variant: åchu'.

åtchu' atupat n. slingstone. Manåna'yi i fletcha åtchu' atupat. They put slingstone on the sling. Mambunitu i atchu' atupat. Slingstones are pretty. Mama'tinas yu' fletcha ya hu usa i atchu' atupat. I made a slingshot and I used the slingstone. Variant: åchu' atupat.

åtchu' mulinu n. millstone, grinding stone. Åntis na tiempu meggai umu'usa i atchu' mulinu para manmulinu pugas pat ma'is. Long time ago, there were many people using the millstone for grinding rice or corn. Gof måolik atyu i atchu' mulinu, sa' gof sumetbi gi todu manera. The millstone is very useful, because you can use it many ways. Si Nan Maria ha u'usa i atchu' mulinu para u mulinu i amut. Auntie Mary uses the millstone to grind the medicine. Variant: åchu' mulinu.

åtdåo n. sun. Maninila' i atdåo tåftaf an ogga'an. The sun shines early in the morning. Tinampi i atdåo ni mapagåhis siha. The sun was covered by the clouds. Mampus ma'lak i atdåo nigap. The sun was very bright yesterday.

atdiretchu adj. right side up, in the correct position, in the right manner. Na'atdiretchu i magagu‑mu. Put your dress in the correct position. Ha låksi si Susan i chininå‑ña ya ti atdiretchu. Susan sewed her dress and not on the correct side. Todu i magågu siha manatdiretchu manmadopblan‑ñiha. All the clothes were in the right position when folded.

atdit adj. severe, strict, serious, intense, rigorous, strong (in spirit), robust; excessive, too much. Esta mampus atdit diabetes‑ña si tatå‑hu ya esta tåya' rimediu. My father has a severe diabetes problem and has no remedy. I malinik ilulu‑hu mampus atdit ya esta ha na'kåkati yu'. My headache is so severe and it's making me cry. Si tatå‑hu mampus atdit rinekton‑ña. My father is so strict. Syn: fotti. Variant: addit.

atditi vt. inundate, overcome, attack (of an illness). Inatditi si Josephine ni guhå‑ña gi paingi. Josephine was overcome by asthma last night. Maninatditi i New Orleans ni milak ginin i levee. New Orleans was inundated with water from the levee. Inatditi yu' ni putin tiyån‑hu gi chatangmak. I was overcome with a stomach ache early in the morning.

atendi vt. attend to, heed, pay attention to, take into account or consideration, be attentive to. Ti ha atetendi yu' si Ana anai hu kuentutusi gi talu'åni. Ana was not paying attention to me when I was talking to her in the afternoon. Mampus i istudiånti siha manmanatetendi nu i leksion‑ñiha. The students were really paying attention to their lessons. Gof ya‑hu para bai hu atendi i kosås‑su siha. I love to take care of my belongings. Syn: atituyi. See: pulan.

atendidu adj. courteous, attentive, sociable, agreeable, complimentary, showing good manners, hospitable. Bula na famagu'un manatendidu kontra i manåmku'. Many children are courteous towards the elders. Anai manegga' i famagu'un mubi, kulang mampus manatendidu sa' put i bunitun i mubi. When the children watched a movie, they seemed so attentive because of the nice show. Magef guaiya, sa' atendidu. He is so likable, because he's sociable . See: atendi.

atensión n. attention. Kumåkati i neni, sa' malagu' atension. The baby is crying, because he wants attention. Tåya' atension‑ña si Rosa gi as Maria nigap. Rosa did not pay any attention to Maria yesterday. Si Antonio bula atension‑ña gi asaguå‑ña gi anai på'gu umasagua. Antonio paid a lot of attention to his wife when he just got married.

atentu adj. attentive, courteous, polite. I kustumbren‑ña si Jessica mampus atentu. Jessica's personality is so polite. Mampus atentu si Manny na tåotåo. Manny is very polite. I Chapanis na tåotåogui manatentu. The Japanese people are polite. Syn: atendidu.

atesta vt. attest, confirm, corroborate. Esta ki ta atesta na estigi' malago'‑ta, ti ta fanmama'tinas disision. Until we confirm that this is what we want, we will not come to a decision. Ta kulan måolik todu i guaha na puntu put para ta atesta na dinanchi i infutmasion. We shall screen all the issues that are available in order for us to confirm that the information is correct.

atfabetikamenti adv. alphabetically, in an alphabetical manner. Si Siñot Taisacan ha tugi' i na'an famagu'un siha gi atfabetikamenti na manera gi mapa. Mr. Taisacan wrote the names of students on the chart alphabetically. I Ofisinan Mayot manmalista todu i na'an i chalan siha gi atfabetikamenti na manera gi anåkku' påppit. The Office of the Mayor listed the names of the streets alphabetically on the long paper. I sisteman i iskuela manmapega i istudiånti sigun gi na'an‑ñiha gi atfabetikamenti na manera gi kada kuåttu. The school system assigned students according to their names to each room alphabetically.

atfabetiku n. alphabet. Ha tungu' si Te'ana i atfabetiku. Te'ana knows the alphabet. Guaha benti kuåttru na lettra gi atfabetikun Chamorro. There are twenty-four letters in the Chamorro alphabet. Siña ha diletreha si Kai i atfabetikun Chamorro. Frances can write the Chamorro alphabet.

atfabetu n. alphabet. Guaha benti sais na lettran atfabetu gi English. There are twenty-six letters of the English alphabet. Gi Chamorro na lettran atfabetu, guaha benti kuåttru. In Chamorro alphabet, there are twenty-four letters. I B na lettra, guiya esti i mina'kuåttru na lettra gi atfabetun Chamorro. The letter B is the fourth letter of the Chamorro alphabet.

åtfilit n. pin, safety pin. Si nåna ha usa i atfilit gi pañålis i neni‑ña. Mother used the safety pin on her baby's diaper. Gai atfilit si Monica difirentis klåsin kulot siha. Monica has different colors of safety pins. Mampus manakadiduk i atfilet‑ña si John. John's safety pins are very sharp.

vt. pin (something). Åtfilit ennåo. Pin that. Ha åtfilit i pañu‑ña. She pinned her scarf.

åtfilit kabesa n. pin, straight pin. Hu u'usa i atfilit kabesa para bai hu åtfilit i bluså‑hu. I'm using the straight pin to pin my blouse. I atfilit kabesa siha siña ma usa para mamprendin magågu. Straight pins can be used for clipping clothes. Umetchung i atfilit kabesa anai hu tokcha' i petput na materiåt magågu. The straight pin bent when I poked the thick material.

vt. pin (something) with a straight pin. Ha åtfilit kabesa i pañu‑ña. She pinned her veil with a straight pin.

åtfilit makandålu n. pin, safety pin. Ha usa i atfilit makandålu gi pañålis. She used the safety pin for the diaper. Kåndalu i atfilit makåndalu. Close the safety pin. Syn: åtfilit.

atfombra n. rug, carpet, floor covering. Si Martha ha po'lu i atfombra gi kantun potta. Martha put the rug at the doorstep. Mama'gåsi yu' bulan atfombra gi Sabalu. I washed a lot on rugs on Saturday. Kulot asut kulot‑ña i atfombra gi salan‑måmi. The color of the carpet in our living room is blue. From: Sp. alfombra.

atgan adj. loud. Na'atgan an kumuentus håo. Speak loudly when you talk. Ai na atgan båla atyu i pakpak! My goodness, what a loud-sound bullet that was! Manatgan i famagu'un gi sanhiyung. The children outside are loud. Variant: a'gang.

atgåyas n. gill. Hu na'gåsgas i guihan ya hu laknus i atgayås‑ña. I took out the gills of the fish when I cleaned it. Guaha na atgåyas mampus chachachak. Some gills are very sharp. Si nåna ha na'suha i atgåyas i katchu'. Mother removed the gills of the tuna. Syn: guåsang. From: Sp. agalla.

åtgidun n. cotton. Guaha trongkun åtgidun gi lanchun‑måmi. There is a cotton tree at our farm. I atgidun ma'u'usa para alunan. Cotton is used for pillows. Guaha na åtgidun mampus å'paka', guaha åhi'. Some cottons are very white, some are not. From: Sp. algodón.

åtgidun Manila n. type of tree: kapok. Ceiba pentandra. Guaha gi gima'‑ñiha si Ofing trongkun åtgidun Manila. At Ofing's house there is a kapok tree. I trongkun åtgidun Manila mampus meggai tinekchå'‑ña. The kapok tree has so much fruit. Tinemba i trongkun åtgudun Manila ni metgut månglu' gi paingi. The strong wind knocked down the kapok tree last night. Variant: åtgudun Manila.

atgimat vt. 1) cast a spell on (with words or medicine). Ma'atgimat i palåo'an, na taiguennåo. Someone cast a spell on the woman, that's why she's like that. Mampus ha atgimat yu' i frineskun månglu' Luta. The cool breeze of Rota cast a spell on me. Inatgimat yu' ni bunitun kantån‑ña si Elvis. Elvis' beautiful songs cast a spell on me. 2) cause (someone) to fall in love. Si Bill ha atgimat si Monica. Bill made Monica fall in love with him.

atgoya n. nose ring (of animal), hole for nose ring. I torun guaka gai atgoya alåmli gi gui'eng‑ña. The bull has a wire nose ring on its nose. Guaha na palåo'an ma nå'yi atgoya gi kantun labios‑ña. Some women have a nose ring around their lips. Si Josephine ha na'mana'suha i atgoya gi gui'eng‑ña. Josephine had her nose ring removed.

vt. put a ring on (an animal). Atgoya i guaka. Put a ring on the cow.

atgradisidu adj. grateful, appreciative. Manatgradisidu na tåotåo. They are very appreciative people.

atgradisiyun adj. well-received, grateful, able to be appreciated. Fanå'i nu i atgradisiyun na kosas. Give something that can be appreciated.

åtguasit n. foreman. Si Donald i atguasit i kunstraksiun‑måmi. Donald is our construction foreman. Meggai na lalåhi manåguasit cho'chu' siha. A lot of men are work foremen. Si tatå‑hu i aguasit i Dipattamentun CUC power plant. My father is the Department of CUC power plant foreman.

atgumentu n. argument, quarrel. Ginin i atgumentun Antonio yan si Pedro, esta ti malagu' si Antonio na para u kuentusi si Pedro. Because of the argument between Antonio and Pedro, Antonio did not want to talk to Pedro anymore. I atgumentun‑måmi yan si Linda nigap ti gef atdit. My argument with Linda yesterday wasn't that severe. Mampus atdit i atgumenton‑ña si Helen yan i tendera ya esta mapruibi si Helen na u fåttu gi tenda. The argument that Helen had with the salesperson was too much and she was prohibited from coming to the store.

vi. argue. Manatgumementu ham. We are arguing. Mungnga manatgumentu put i babui. Don't argue about the pig. Syn: dibåti. Variant: agumentu.

atgun2 vt. do again, do over. I ma'estra ha atgun chumo'gui i kuentas. The teacher redid the math work. Atgun sumångan ennåo, sa' ti ha hunguk. Say that over again, because he did not hear it.

atguyosu adj. stubborn, self-opinionated. Atguyosun påtgun ennåo. That child is very stubborn. Mungnga mana'li'i' i bisita nu i atguyosu‑mu. Don't show the visitor your stubbornness. Variant: otguyosu.

Åtika name. nickname for Escolastica. Si Åtika gof ya‑ña chumotchu tamålis mindioka. Escolastica loves to eat tapioca cake. Gof månngi' i fina'tinas Åtika fritådan babui nigap. Yesterday, Escolastica's cooking of pig fritada was very good. Humånåo si Åtika para u bisita i famagu'on‑ña giya San Francisco. Escolastica went to visit her children in San Francisco.

atilik vt. tweak (by the ear), ear-twist, pinch. Ha atilik yu' i ma'estråk‑ku nigap, sa' aguaguat yu'. My teacher tweaked my ear yesterday, because I was naughty. Ya‑ña si nanå‑hu manatilik. My mother loves to tweak the ears. Ma'atilik si Juan sa' ti ume'ekkunguk. Juan's ear was pulled for not listening. See: de'un.

åtis n. type of plant: sweetsop, sugar apple. Annona squamosa. Månngi' mampus i atis‑ñiha si John gi lanchun‑ñiha. John's sugar apples at their farm are very good. Mandångkulu todu i atis‑måmi gi gima'‑måmi. Our sugar apples are big at our house. Meggai manlåstima na åtis, sa' bula manlamas. There are a lot of wasted sugar apples, because they are rotten.

atis tåtti vt. fool (someone), play a joke on (someone). Ai sa' ma'atis tåtti i taotåo nu i amigu‑ña siha. Oh, the man was fooled by his friends. Syn: fa'baba, pikaruyi.

átiting vi. carry for each other. Umatiting si Josepha yan si Jacinta ni batdin hånum para i chikeru. Josepha and Jacinta carried the bucket of water to the pig pen. Mampus makkat i babui anai para u ma'uma, pues umatiting i dos tåotåo ni para u malangat. The pig was very heavy so the two people helped to carry it Umatiting ham nu i munton håyu guatu gi gima'. We carried the bundle of wood to the house.

atituyi 1) vt. heed, pay attention to, be attentive to, observe. Ti hu atituyi håfa sinangan Ben gi hunta. I did not pay attention to what Ben said at the meeting. Si Isidro sessu ha atituyi i masångan na kuentus. Isidro always pays attention to what is being said. Ma'atitutuyi håfa ha såsangan si Patricia gi kotti. They were paying close attention to what Patricia was saying at the court. 1) 

vt. put extra effort to do something, persevere, follow through. Attituyi muna'fåmta' i kutturå‑ta. Persevere in promoting our culture. Maila' ya ta attituyi muna'funhåyan is chi'cho'‑ta gi diksinåriu. Let us follow through and complete the revision of our dictionary.

åtka n. ark, Noah's ark. Si Angela ha håtsa i atka gi Damenggu. Angela built the ark on Sunday. Dångkulu i atka ni munhåyan. The ark that was finished was big.

atkagueti n. 1) hindrance, impediment, obstruction (to the accomplishment of something). Guaha atkagueti gi lina'la'‑måmi yan si Denise. There is a hindrance in our life with Denise. Tåya' atkagueti gi entalu' Tina yan si Tino. There is no impediment between Tina and Tino'. Bula atkagueti gi lina'la'‑måmi yan si Terry. There is a lot of obstruction in our life with Terry. 2) puppet. Håyi atkagueti‑ña gi ofisina? Who is his puppet in the office?

adj. culpable, permitting others to do wrong, overly permissive. Ya‑ña si Laura sumåonåo gi gurupu put para u atkagueti ha'. Laura likes to join the group just to annoy others. Syn: istotbu.

vt. use in a playful way, use as a toy. Håfa na un atkagueti si Jose? Why did you use Jose as a toy?

atkahót n. alcohol. Hu usa i atkahot para bai hu na'gåsgas i kannai‑hu. I used the alcohol to clean my hands. Gumimin si Cecilia atkahot gi paingi. Cecilia drank alcohol last night. Ha latchai si Ausgustin un buteyan atkahot gi ma'pus na Damenggu. Augustin finished one bottle of alcohol last Sunday. Variant: atkót.

Åtkan Aliånsa n. Ark of the Covenant. Ma mensiona i Atkan Aliånsa gi tinaitai. They mentioned the Arc of the Covenant in a prayer.

atkånghilis n.pl. archangels, angels. Mangåkanta i atkånghilis. The archangels are singing.

atkapåras n. type of plant: wild caper. Capparis cordifolia.

atkåtdi n. commissioner, mayor, chief, head of the community, justice of the peace. Si Ambrosio ginin atkåtdin sangkattan na isla siha. Ambrosio was the mayor for the Northern Islands. Si Pedron Tenorio ginin atkåtdin distritu dos. Pedro Tenorio was the District Two village commissioner. Guaha ofisinan atkåtdi giya Chalan Kanoa. There is a mayor's office in Chalan Kanoa. See: mayót. From: Sp. alcalde.

atkayådas n. gills (of fish). Ha yuti' si Francisco i atkayådas gi halum chå'guan. Francisco threw the gills of the fish in the grass. Ti månngi' muná'gasgas guihan dångkulu, sa' guaha na biåhi na chachachak i atkayadås‑ña. It is no fun cleaning the gills of a big fish, because sometimes they cut your skin. Mahettuk malaknus i atkayadås‑ña i guihan tåddung. The gills of a deep sea fish is hard to remove. Syn: guasang. Variant: atgåyas.

atkila vt. rent, lease (a house). Ha atkikila si Bertha i gima' Susana. Bertha is renting Susan's house. Manatkikila si Laura guma' giya California. Laura is renting a house in California. Para u fanatkila si Henry kareta yanggin måttu Guam. Henry will rent a car when he gets to Guam.

atkilón n. rental, rent. Si Rita chumuchuli' i atikilon i gima' Jesse. Rita is taking the house rental of Jesse. I atkilon kareta siha mampus mangguaguan. The car rentals are very expensive. I atkilon guma' pat apåtmen giya California mampus manakkilu'. The house or apartment rentals in California are very high. Syn: arendut.

Atkitrån name. name of a place on Tinian. Bula gi Atkitrån pi'åo ni ma'u'usa para pisao pumeska. There is lots of bamboo at Atkitran that is used for fishing poles. Esta på'gu na tiempu guaguaha ha' machuda' yan lalagu' atkitrån gi lugåt ni mafanana'an Atkitrån. To this day, there is still spilt and melted tar at the place called Atkitran. Esta på'gu i atkitrån manmåma'ya ha' gi hilu' i edda' gi Atkitrån. To date, there is still floating tar on top of the ground at the Atkitran.

atkitrån n. tar. Ma'u'usa i atkitrån para ma'ispichi' i atuf guma'. The tar is being used to patch the roof of the house. Siña un usa i atkitrån para fotgun pat ånglu' na pisu. You can use the tar for wet or dry surfaces. Måolik i atkitrån para mañongsung mådduk. Tar is good to patch holes. From: Sp. alquitrán.

atkiya n. large hairpin, usually used to hold up a braid. Mamåhan si Bernie atkiya para si Antonette. Bernie bought a large hairpin for Antonette. Si nåna guaha atkiyå‑ña ni ha fåhan Amerika. Mother has her large hairpin which she bought in America. Måolik i atkiyan dångkulu para i anåkku' yan chomchum na gaputulu. The large hairpin is good for long and bushy hair. From: Sp. horquilla.

vt. pin up (hair). Ma'atkiya i gaputulun i neni. The baby's hair was pinned up. Bunita si Maria yanggin ma'atkiya gaputulu‑ña. Maria is pretty when her hair is pinned up. Hu atkiya i gaputulu‑ña i patgun, sa' mampus anåkku' sanme'na. I pinned up the child's hair, because the front is very long.

åtkus n. arch (of a building or house), archway. Ma håtsa i atkus para i likåo. They put up the arch for the procession. Guaha na Gima' Yu'us gai atkus gi intråda. Some churches have an archway at the entrance. I tinanum ni kumukunanaf måolik mana'åtkus. The vine plants are good to make into an arch.

åtlibis adj. 1) opposite. I hulu' na palåbra atlibes‑ña påpa'. The word "up" is the opposite of "down". Meggai na palåbra siha manggai atlibis. A lot of words have opposites. I atlibis i yemmuk era i masoksuk. The opposite of "fat" is "skinny". 2) upside-down. Umåtlibis i batdi gi hilu' lamasa. The bucket is turned upside-down on the table. Malålagu si Jon påpa' gi eksu' ya umåtlibis. Jon was running down the hill and then he went upside-down. I kareta umåtlibis anai duduru finalagu‑ña. The car went upside-down when it was running fast. 3) inside-out. Minagågu i neni ni atlibis na magågu. The baby was wearing an inside-out shirt. Si Antonio ha usa i atlibis frañelå‑ña para i tenda. Antonio wore his inside-out shirt to the store. Ti hu ripåra i chininå‑hu na åtlibis. I did not notice that my dress was inside-out.

åtma n. arms (of war), weapons. Puru esti siha åtman i gera gi 1944. All of these are weapons of the war in 1944. Variant: åtmas.

vt. assemble (parts of an object), set up, set trap. Si Juan ha åtma i okkudun chå'ka. Juan set up the rat trap. Si Juan ha å'atma i biskileta para u ma'udai si Chai. Juan is putting the bicycle parts together for Chai to ride. Si Juan munhåyan ha åtma i tutniyun i taia' kareta nigap. Juan was done assembling the screws of the tires yesterday. Syn: fitma, chettun, danña'. From: Sp. arma.

atmadót2 n. 1) one who sets traps, assembler. Si Juan i atmadot i para mangonni' guihan gi tasi. Juan is the who who sets the trap for catching fish in the ocean. 2) form (hollow container) for molding things, mold. Ma na'setbi i atmadot para u fanmama'biskuit. They used the form to make cookies. I famagu'un manhugågandu yan i atmadot gi inai. The children are playing with the mold in the sand.

atmagosu n. type of vine plant: balsampear, type bitter melon. Momordica charantia. I tinekcha' yan i hagun atmagosu ma'u'usa para åmut. The fruit and the leaf of the bitter melon are used as medicine. I atmagosu na gollai siña lokkui' mafa'tinas koko' pat insalåda. Bitter memon can be pickled or made into a salad. Agaga' pat kulot amariyu an måsa i atmagosu. The ripe bitter melon's color is red or yellow.

atmahåyan n. type of plant: silvery pipturus. pipturus argenteus. Bula atmahåyan giya Låolåo lichan. There are a lot of silvery pipturus at south Låolåo. Ma'u'usa i lassas i atmahåyan para grånu matditu. The bark of the siilvery pipturus plant is used for boils. I tinanom‑ña si Maria ni atmahåyan mampus bunitu gi uriyan guma'. The silvery pipturus that Maria planted is so beautiful around the house. Variant: amahatyan.

åtman adj. awhile, for some time, lasting long. Åtman siempri sumagå‑ña si Raena sanlagu, sa' para u iskuela. Raena is going to stay for awhile in the States, because she's going to school. Anai humånåo yu' para Guåhan, sumåga yu' åtman na tiempu. When I went to Guam, I stayed there for awhile. Åtman tiempu ni hu nangga håo. It has been a long time since I waited for you.

atmangåo n. spotted sea crab. Bula atmangåo makokonni' giya San Antonio na tåsi. Many spotted sea crabs are being picked in the San Antonio ocean. Månngi' makåddu i atmangåo yan i letchin niyuk. It is delicious to cook spotted sea crab with coconut milk.

atmåo adj. assembled, put back together, finished (by being assembled). Si Tom mampus malagu' para u atmåo i måkinan i boti låo tåya' ramentån‑ña para u usa. Tom was so eager for the boat's engine to have been fixed but he did not have the tools to use. I makinista guiya ha' na maisa ha na'atmåo todu i tatåotåo i kareta. The mechanic, all by himself, caused the car to be wholly assembled. Si Juan ha na'danña' todu i alemlin kollat para u atmåo kontra i uriyan atchu' siha gi gima'. John put together all the fence wire around the rocks at the house. See: arekla, kalamtin. From: Sp. armado.

atmariåo adj. lunatic, insane, demented, fool, idiot, crazy, maniac, out of one's mind. Si Joe atmariåo anai taigui i hagå‑ña gi iskuela. Joe went out of his mind when his daughter was not in school. Mungnga mana'atmariåo ennåo, sa' ti un tungu' kustumbren‑ña. Don't make her crazy, because you don't know her temper. Atmariåriåo si Pedro yanggin gumimin sitbesa pat fotti na gimin. Pedro becomes insane when he drinks beer or hard liquor. See: kaduku, brutu, loku, fåfatta, ti nanahung, bumåba ilu‑ña, hafkåo.

åtmas n. weapon, firearms, gun, rifle, pistol. Gi dipåttamentun i pulisiha nai siña un sodda' difirentis klåsin åtmas siha. At the police department is where you can find different kinds of weapon. Mungnga mana'setbi i atmas gi pupbliku. Don't use firearms in public. See: åtma, ramenta. From: Sp. armas.

atmåtyas n. type of food; gruel, corn porridge with coconut milk. I atmåyas mafa'tinas ginin i ma'is ni ma'eskommi para usun i familia gi gima'. The corn porridge with coconut milk is made from corn that is ground for family use in the house. Si nanå‑hu ya‑ña muná'lagu atmåyas para mirienda. My mother likes to cook corn porridge with coconut milk for a mid afternoon snack. A mixture of coconut milk, ground corn (eskommi), water, and salt cooked by boiling. Syn: atuli.

atmåyi vt. restore, reassemble, put back correctly, assemble. Si tatå‑hu ha atmåyi yu' ni kunan i nini‑hu. My father assembled my baby's crib for me. Atmåyi yu' fan nu esti i amåkan i famagu'on‑hu. Please assemble my children's swing for me.

atmåyun adj. fixable, repairable. I bisikletan Juan atmåyun ha' maseha mayulang. Juan's broken bicycle can still be fixed. Mampus i karetå‑ña si Tun Kiko mayulang, ti atmåyun esta. Tun Kiko's car is really broken, it is not repairable. Ti mapput ma'arekla i makinan boti, sa' atmåyun. It is easy to fix the boat engine, because it is fixable. See: areklåo.

atministradót n. administrator. I che'lu‑hu mås åmku' na låhi, guiya atministradót i tanu'‑måmi giya Luta. My oldest brother is the administrator of our land on Rota. Si siñot Francisco Ada, guiya mås anåkku' tiempon‑ña na atministradót giya Saipan. Mr. Francisco Ada was the longest administrator on Saipan. Si tatå‑hu anai måtai gi ma'pus na såkkan, i che'lu‑hu palåo'an manå'i para u atministradót gi bandan påttin salåppi'. When my father died last year, my sister was made the administrator of the distribution of the money among our siblings. See: manehånti, pudét, kabesa. From: Sp. administrador.

atministrasión n. administration. I atministrasión ma pruhibi para u fanmangonni' implehåo maseha para månu na ofisina. The administration has prohibited the hiring of employees in any government offices. Mampus manrektu i manmå'gas på'gu na atministrasión. The bosses are very strict in this administration. From: Sp. administración.

atmiñudu vt. chip in, help out in little bits (Rota). Si Juan kumuntråta yan si Jose para uma atmiñudu i dos ya uma håtsa i gima'‑ñiha. Juan and Jose chipped in to build their house. Atmiñudu fan esti i kandit, så' mampus guaguan ya siempri ma'utut. Help one another with the power, because it is very expensive and it might get disconnected. Variant: aminudu.

atmirånti n. admiral. Para u fåttu i admirånti ginin lagu. The admiral is coming from the States. Takkilu' håo na tåotåo yanggin hågu i atmirånti. If you are the admiral, you are a high-ranking person. Si Greg guiya i atmirånti gi Navy. Greg is an admiral in the Navy.

atmiråpbli adj. admirable, wonderful. I manmañeñetbi siha na tåotåo gi Gima' Yu'us manatmiråpbli. The people that are serving the church are admirable. Si Tun Kiku' mampus atmiråpbli na tåotåo. Tun Kiku' is a wonderful person. Atmiråpbli i fino'‑mu. Your words are admirable. From: Sp. admirable.

atmiti vt. admit, allow, grant, concede. Si Maria ha atmiti na guiya muna'setbi i kareta para i tenda. Maria admitted that she was the one who used the car to go to the store. Si Ana ha atmiti na umayåo gui' salåppi' gi bangku para i gipot‑ña. Ana admitted that she borrowed money from the bank for her party. Si Linda ha atmiti gi as nanå‑ña yan tatå‑ña na mapotgi' gui' tres mesis. Linda admitted to her mom and dad that she is three months pregnant. From: Sp. admite.

atmóndigas n. meatballs, fishballs. Gof månngi' i atmondigas ni dinanchi matemplån‑ña. Meatballs that are mixed well are very delicious. Ya‑hu i atmondigas gi kaddu. I like the meatballs in the soup. From: Sp. albóndigas.

atmóniku n. accordion. Si difuntu Dengki' dumådandan atmoniku gi Gima' Yu'us San Antonio. The late Tun Dengki' played the accordion at San Antonio Church. I che'lu‑hu palåo'an umiskuela Guam put dåndan atmoniku. My sister attended accordion school on Guam. Gof yan‑ñiha si Ana yan si Mateo dumåndan atmoniku. Ana and Mateo love to play the accordion. From: Sp. armónico.

atmoniu n. organ. Si Lisa mama'nåna'gui atmoniu gi iskuelan Katridåt. Lisa is teaching organ at Mt. Carmel School. Si Margaret dumådandan atmoniu gi duråntin i misan Damenggu. Margaret plays the organ during Sunday mass. Mampus guaguan i atmoniu gi tenda på'gu na tiempu. The organ is very expensive at the store nowadays. From: Sp. armonio.

atmuhåda n. pillow. Si nanå‑hu ha tulaika todus i atmuhåda gi paingi. My mom changed all the pillows last night. I atmuhåda gi tenda mansen guaguan. The pillows at the store are very expensive. Tåla i atmuhåda gi semnak. Put the pillows under the sun. Syn: alunan. From: Sp. almohada.

atmuneda n. auction, public sale. Kåo para u guaha atmuneda agupa'? Is there an auction tomorrow? Ti hu gatcha' i atmuneda på'gu na ha'åni. I didn't make it to the auction today. From: Sp. almoneda.

vt. auction (something), mortgage (something). I tanu' para u ma'atmuneda agupa' guatu gi ofisinan i Gubietnu. The land will be auctioned tomorrow at the Governor's office. I kareta siha gi Toyota para u fanma'atmuneda gi Sabalu na ha'åni. All the cars at Toyota will be auctioned on Saturday.

atmunesta vt. admonish, advise, warn (Rota). Hu atmunesta si Fred na mungnga madingu i gimå'‑hu sa' siempri guaha mañåkki. I admonished Fred not to leave my house for the thieves might come. Si tatå‑hu ha atmunesta si Maria na mungnga humånåo para i mubi, sa' siempri masåolak as nanan‑måmi. My father warned Maria not to go to the movies, because our Mom will spank her. Si Juan ha atmunesta i lahi‑ña na mungnga humålum gi sindålu, sa' mampus makkat. Juan advised his son not to join the military, because it is very hard. From: Sp. amonesta.

atnibat n. syrup. Si Pedro mama'titinas anibat ginin i tiba. Pedro is making syrup from the coconut toddy. I anibat ma'u'u'sa para un palai i pankek. Syrup is used to spread on pancakes. Ti gof måolik i anibat para i famagu'un, sa' mampus mamis. Syrup is not really good for children, because it is very sweet. Syn: miét. Variant: anibat. From: Sp. almíbar.

atokgui vt. hide from. Mungnga ma'atokgui yu' yanggin måttu yu' gi gimå'‑mu. Don't hide from me when I come to your house. I famagu'un manmanatotokgui unu yan ottru gi huegun di'åo. The children are hiding from each other in the hide-and-seek game.

atópalang n. box crab. Calappa calappa. Bula siha na atopalang gi kantun tåsi nai siña manmakonni'. There are many box crabs on the beach that they can catch. I atópalang månngi' makåddun niyuk. The box crab is good to cook with coconut milk. I famagu'un yan‑ñiha manhugåndu ni atópalang gi inai. The kids like to play with the atópalang in the sand. Variant: apótalang.

atotga vt. dare, risk, brave enough to. Hu atotga ha' humånåo, låo gi magåhit ti måolik sinentek‑ku. I pushed myself to go, but actually I don't feel well. I nobiu ha atotga makastiga put i guinaiyan‑ña nu guåhu. My boyfriend risked being punished for his love for me. I che'lu‑hu ha atotga masåolak put para u tattiyi yu' gi mubi. My brother dared to get a spanking for following me to the movie. See: atrebi.

atotgånti adj. daring, venturous, bold. Mampus atotgånti håo para un chuli' i kareta nai tåya' lisiensam‑mu mañugun. You are daring to take the car without a driver's license. Atotgåntin tåotåo håo para un sångan ennåo. You are bold to say that. Mungnga umatotgånti måttu gumuput yanggin ti makumbida håo. Don't dare to come to the party when you are not invited. Mungnga umaguaguat yan mungnga umatotgånti. Don't be stubborn and don't be daring.

átotpi vi. collide, clash, bump into, meet head on. Umatotpi i dos påtgun gi anai malålagu. The two kids bumped into each other when they were running. I dos dångkulun bus umatotpi gi chalan dikiki' sa' tåya' kåmpu. The two big buses collided on the narrow road for the space is too small. Guaha manatotpi gi chalan. There's a collision on the road. See: asufa'.

atotta1 n. sexual organ, penis (male), vagina (female). Ti parehu i atottan i lahi yan i palåo'an. The male and female sexual organs are not the same.

atotta2 vt. put cement on. I gima' metgut, sa' ma atotta ni simentu. The house is strong, because it is cemented. Ma atotta i gima' ni simentu. They put cement on the house. Ma atotta i satgin Ana nigap na ha'åni. They put cement on Ana's floor yesterday.

åtpa n. harp. Måolik dumåndan åtpa si Luis. Luis plays great music with a harp. Tåya' bentan åtpa gi tenda. The store does not sell harps. Variant: håtpa. From: Sp. arpa.

atpåhun n. proverb, maxim (popular saying). Bula atpåhun ginin i biblia. There are a lot of proverbs from the bible. I atpåhun ni ha usa si Rosa gi istoriå‑ña mampus tåddung sustansiån‑ña. The proverbs Rosa referenced in her story have deep substance.

atparehu adj. parallel, side by side (Rota). I gima' siha manmahåtsa atparehu kada bisinu. The houses were built parallel to their neighbors. I siya siha gi halum guma' mana'atparehu yan i lamasan chumotchu. The chairs in the house were placed parallel to the dining table. See: alapåt.

atrabisånu n. transom, top of the door jamb. I atrabisånu gi hilu' i petta ha na'fifigu' i intråda. The transom above the door strengthens the entrance. Variant: atrabisåñu, trabisåñu. From: Sp. travesaño.

atrabisåo adj. upside-down, askew, in disarray. Mungnga mana'atrabisåo i tihong‑mu gi lamasa. Don't put your hat upside-down on the table. Si tatå‑hu ha na'atrabisåo i lamasa todu anai måkpu' i giput. My father turned all the tables upside-down after the party. Mana'atrabisåo todu i kosas anai linåo. Things were in disarray during the earthquake.

atråka vt. buy extravagantly, purchase more than one needs (of something). Si nanå‑hu ha atråka bulan kostat pugas gi tenda. My mom purchased so many sacks of rice at the store. Ma atråka i kahitan kåtni, sa' baratura. They purchased the cases of meat, because they were on sale. Hu atråka meggai na sapåtus famagu'un, sa' mampus baratura. I purchased a lot of children's shoes, because they were really on sale.

atrasåo adj. late, tardy, not on time. Si Lucia mampus ti ya‑ña umatrasåo guatu gi iskuela. Lucia really hates to be late to school. Mungnga, Maria, mana'atrasåo håo mågi gi giput yan i nengkanu'. Maria, don't make yourself late with the food to the party. Si tatå‑hu sessu atrasåo gi che'cho'‑ña, sa' tåya' karetå‑ña ya mamomokkat ha'. My father is always late to work, because he has no car and he just walks. From: Sp. atrasado.

atrebidu adj. bold, daring, insolent. Si Pedro atrebidu mampus i palabrå‑ña guatu gi famagu'un. Pedro was so bold with his language to the children. Mampus på'gu na tiempu i famagu'un manatrebidu gi manåmku'. The kids nowadays are so insolent to their elders. From: Sp. atrevido.

vt. borrow without permission. Si Gus ha atrebidu i sakapiku. Gus borrowed the pick without permission.

atrebimientu adj. nosy, touching something. Mampus si Jack atrebimientu na tåotåo. Jack is a very nosy person. Si Margarita gof atrebimientu, sa' achuka' ti bisnes‑ña, ya‑ña umentalu'. Margarita is so nosy that even though it's not of her concern, she'll interfere. Si Åndre atrabimientu na ga'lågu sa' ha chuchuli' i hugetin Bråbu. Andre the dog likes touching Brabu's toys. See: imbilikeru, kamtin. From: Sp. atrevimiento.

atrisión n. attrition. I atrision i rueda esta makkat malågu gi chalan. The deflation of the tire causes the car to run slowly. From: Sp. atrición.

adj. in a condition of attrition. Atrision si nåna, sa' i bulan famagu'on‑ña. Mother is in poor condition, because of her many children. Esta atrision i sin siha gi hilu' guma', sa' mambihu. The roofing tins are in poor condition, because they are already old.

atsådu adj. stray (of an animal), go astray, as a domestic animal that leaves its home, go wild, stay away from. Esta gef atsådu i binådu ya ti måfattu mågi. The deer has gone so astray and is not coming here anymore. Disdi ha chuli' si Herman i salåppi', esta atsådu gi gima'‑måmi. Since Herman took the money, he has not been coming to our house. Bula na ga'lågu manatsådu gi halum tånu'. There are many dogs that have gone astray in the woods. Variant: hatsådu.

atsåyun adj. nauseated, affect or become affected with nausea (Rota). Variant: asåyun.

åtta vi. discharged (from the hospital). Åtta i che'lu‑hu gi espitåt. My brother was discharged from the hospital. Bula manåtta na manmalångu gi espitåt gi ma'pus na simåna. Last week, there were many patients who got discharged from the hospital. Mana'såga si Celia gi espitåt nigap, låo esta åtta guini gi egga'an. Celia was admitted at the hospital yesterday, but she was discharged this morning.

áttama' adj. a little crazy, hard-headed, idiotic, stupid. I na inattama' håo dei na tåotåo! You're such a hard-headed person! Mungnga mafa' attama' håo, sa' måolik håo manhassu. Don't pretend to be a little crazy, because you can think well. From: Jp. atama.

áttamus adj. hard-headed, foolish, a little crazy, irresponsible. Mampus håo attamus gi che'chu'. You are very foolish at work. Kulang a'attamus si Miguel. Miguel seems to be foolish. Esta nina'attamus ilu‑hu ni mampus bulan hinassosok‑ku. My head is frivolous, because I have so much in my mind. Syn: áttama', kaduku. Variant: å'tamus.

åttan vt. pound, hammer. Hu åttan i liluk ni mattiyu. I pounded the nail with the hammer. Ha åttan si tåta i mantinaki' na luluk siha. Father pounded the rusted metals. Ma å'attan i sin ni liluk. They are pounding nails on the tin roof.

åttat n. altar. Humånåo si Påli' hulu' gi attat. The Priest went up to the altar. Mamokkat i nobiu yan i nobia guatu gi attat. The groom and the bride walked up to the altar. Manma'adodotna i attat siha meggai na floris. The altar is decorated with a lot of flowers. From: Sp. altar.

åttayu' n. loins, portion of back immediately above the buttocks. Månngi' makåddu i attayu' guaka. The loin of a cow is good for soup. Magaluti i attayo'‑ña i ga'lågu ya nina'inutit. The loin of the dog was hit and it became handicapped. Puti attayo'‑ña si tåta gi paingi. Father had a backache last night. Variant: áttayu'.

åtti1 n. trick, artifice, maneuver, undermining. Måolik attem‑mu nu guiya. Your undermining of him was good. Usa ennåo na åtti para ennao na aguaguat påtgun. Use that trick on that naughty boy. From: Sp. fi: arte.

vt. 1) trick, play a trick on. Maila' ya hu åtti hamyu, ya in fanpåra manmangassi. Come and I'll play a trick on you guys, so you will stop teasing. Manma'åtti i famagu'un ni managuaguat. Someone played a trick on the naughty children. 2) undermine, react in a cunning way. Hu åtti si Manuel nigap put i bidå‑ña nu guåhu. I undermined Manuel yesterday, because of what he did to me.

åtti2 vt. 1) pour into, pour slowly, cause to drip. Ha åtti i basu ni limonåda. He poured the lemonade into the cup. Ha åtti i batdi ni pinturan amariyu. He poured some yellow paint into the bucket. Ma'åtti i gimin Francisco ni maneska gi paingi. Alcohol was poured into Francisco's drink last night.

attíkulu n. article, item. Unu na attikulu gi lai, ha nisisita u mata'lun ma'atan. One of the articles in the law needs to be looked at. Meggai na attikulu gi halum i kuåttru na initiatives ti makumprendi ni mambibota. The voters did not understand some of the articles in the four initiatives. Meggai na attikulu finahån‑ña si Josephine gi Town House. Josephine bought a lot of items at Town House. From: Sp. artículo.

åttilung adj. black. Bunitu i attilung na kulot. Black is a beautiful color. Chuminina si Frank åttilung gi Sabalu para i misa. Frank wore a black shirt to mass on Saturday. Mampus åttilung esti na kareta. This car is dark black.

atting n. very large shiny black ant, usually found in coconut trees. Inakka' addeng‑ña si John ni atting. John was bitten on the leg by a large black ant. Bula atting gi papa' i manlamas håyu siha. There are many large black ants under the rotten pieces of wood. Gumigimin i atting gi tiba. The ant is drinking coconut toddy. Variant: hatting, haching.

attisa n. artist. Si Douglas Rankin gof måolik na attisa. Douglas Rankin is a very good artist. Esta meggai na attisa guini Saipan There are many artists here on Saipan. Guaha na attisa attisan mamenta, manyunga' pat mama'tinas kosas. Some artists are painters, illustrators or creators of things.

attuk vi. hide (oneself), conceal (oneself), remain out of sight. Uma'attuk si Ryan gi tattin trongkun åtbut. Ryan is hiding behind the flame tree. Para u attuk i patgun gi papa' lamasa. The child is going to hide under the table. Manattuk ham gi liyang anai para u påkyu gi ma'pus na såkkan. Last year, we hid in the cave when there was going to be a typhoon. See: nå'na'.

åtu' vt. take, snatch, grab, seize, nab, get hold of (Rota). Si Vicente ha åtu' i chupan Juan gi halum i kareta. Vicente took Juan 's cigarette from the car. Hu åtu' i balakbak Leslie gi hilu' lamasa. I grabbed Leslie's purse off the table. See: hakut.

atu'åsi adv. but at least, (you should be grateful because) at least. Håfa na umu'ugung håo, atu'åsi guaha mana'i‑mu. Why you complaining, at least you were given something. Agradesi, sa' atu'åsi ma'ayuda håo. Be accepting, because at least they helped you. Sångan atu'åsi maseha håfa. Say at least something. Used in response to a disparaging or negative statement. Syn: putlumenus. Variant: antu'åsi.

åtuf n. roof. Tatkilu' atof‑ña si Pedro. Pedro's roof is very high.

vt. put a roof on (something). Si Pedro ha åtuf i gimå'‑ña nigap. Pedro roofed his house yesterday. Åtuf i gimå'‑hu ni kulot agaga' na sin. Roof my house with red-colored tin. See: tetchu.

åtuf higai n. thatched roof, usually made of leaves. Ma'u'u'sa i hagun niyuk para åtuf higai. Coconut leaves are used for thatched roofs. I Chamorro siha yan‑ñiha ma usa åtuf higai. The Chamorros like to use thatched roofs. Siña ha' lokkui' ma'usa i hagun kafu' para åtuf higai. Pandanus can also be used for roofing.

åtuf sin n. tin roof, roof made of tin. Anai måkpu' i gera, i taotåo ma håtsa i gima'‑ñiha ya ma usa i atuf sin. After the war, people built their houses and they used tin roofs.

vt. put a tin roof on (something). I che'lu‑hu ha åtuf sin i gimå'‑ña gi ma'pus na Såbalu. My brother put a tin roof on his house last Saturday. På'gu na tiempu mampus makkat para uma håtsa ni taotåo guma' ya para uma åtuf sin. Nowadays it's hard for people to build their houses with tin roofs.

átugan vi. pull apart. Umátugan i dos gåyu pilun‑ñiha. The two roosters pulled out each other's feathers. Humåhalla si Dolores yan si Anuncia ya umátugan kadenan‑ñiha. Dolores and Anuncia pulled each other and they broke each other's necklaces.

atuhung n. type of fish: large parrotfish with big bump on forehead. Family Scaridae. Månngi' ma'aflitu i atuhung na guihan. The large parrotfish is good to fry. Mangonni' si tatå‑hu dos na atuhung gi paingi. My father caught two large parrotfish last night. Måsgi' i dångkulun atuhung gi kutdet Jerome. The large parrotfish went off the hook on Jerome's fishing line.

atulai n. type of fish: big eye scad (small). Trachurops crumenophthalmus. Mangonni' si Fred kantidån atulai gi talu'åni. Fred caught a lot of atulai this afternoon. Ma'anistukun i atulai. The atulai was preserved in salt. Måttu esta i tiempun atulai. The atulai season has come. Variant: hatulai.

átulaika vi. interchange, exchange, be in lieu of. Umatulaika si John yan si Herman ni låpis‑ñiha. John and Herman exchanged their pencils. Manatulaika i famagu'un siha ni magågun‑ñiha gi kuåttu. The children exchanged their clothes in the room. Umatulaika yu' yan i che'lu‑hu kareta. My sister and I exchanged cars. Anai ha nå'i yu' i tindera ni sepblåk‑ku, hu na'atulaika yan floris. When the cashier gave my change, I had it exchanged for a flower.

atuli n. mush, puree, porridge. Gof ya‑hu atulin kalamasa. I love pumpkin porridge. Mafa'atuli i eskommin ma'is. The corn was made pureed. Mama'tinas si Maggie atulin oatmeal para senå‑ña. Maggie made an oatmeal mush for her dinner. I yinalaka' harina kulang mama'atuli. The flour mixture seems mushy. One type of atuli is ground corn boiled and seasoned with coconut milk.

vi. make porridge. Umatuli si Margarita atulin måsa harina gi egga'an. Margarita made corn flour porridge this morning. Atuliyi si nanå‑mu. Make a porridge for your mom.

átungu' n. friend, pal, partner, acquaintance. Si Jill atungu' Mariano på'gu. Jill is now Mariano's partner. Tåya' atungo'‑ña i palåo'an gi giput. The woman did not have a friend at the party. Todu i manatungu'‑måmi manmåttu gi gima'‑måmi para u fanmambisita. All of our friends came to our house to visit.

vi. be acquainted, be apprised of, know about, talk about. Debi di ta atungu' put i giput Marcela gi Sabalu. We should talk about Marcela's party on Saturday. Esta umatungu' si Ben yan si Johnny put i plånun‑ñiha. Ben and Johnny already apprised each other of their plans. Humånåo i patgun ni para u atungu' yan si Vince put håfa masusedi. The child went to Vince to know about what happened.

atupat n. 1) sling, slingshot. Ha usa i atupat para u dåggåo i mannuk machålik gi halum tånu'. He used the slingshot to shoot the wild chicken in the forest. I antigu na Chamorro bula fina'tinas‑ñiha atupat ginin i hima, åtchu' alutung, yan fachi'. The ancient Chamorro manufactured a variety of slingstones from giant clam, basalt, and clay. Menchagu' i atupat mandåggåo. The slingshot throws far. 2) container for boiling rice, woven from a strand of the coconut leaf. Si nanå‑hu ha sini i pigas gi atupat para u na'lågu. My mother put the rice in the woven rice container to cook. Mama'tinas yu' meggai na atupat nigap. I made a lot of woven coconunt rice containers yesterday. I figurå‑ña i atupat kulang di'amånti. The shape of the woven rice container is like a diamond. Variant: katupat.

aturidåt n. authority, jurisdiction. Si Ana gai aturidåt para u fanfitma chek siha. Ana has the authority to sign checks. Tåya' manå'i aturidåt para u hånåo gi gima'. Nobody has the authority to leave the house. Bula aturidåt‑ña esti na tåotåo. This person has a lot of authority. Variant: åoturidåt.

aturisa vt. authorize, empower, commission, permit. Ti ma'aturisa yu' na bai hu hålum guennåo na lugåt. I was not authorized to enter that place. Ma'aturisa si Cynthia gi as Richard para u chuli' i salåppi' gi kahun lamasa. Cynthia was authorized by Richard to take the money in the desk drawer. Ti ma'aturisa i patgun para u hånåo para i mubi gi paingi. The child was not permitted to go the movie last night. Variant: åoturisa.

atut1 n. Filipino (Guam). Bula na atut mañåsaga gi barracks giya San Antonio. Lots of Filipinos are staying in a barracks in San Antonio. I atut na tåotåoguis yan‑ñiha manhånåo mampeska. The Filipinos like to go fishing.

åtut n. hardship, poverty related to ownership (guinaha), beginning of hardship. I tinitihun riku, pues tinattiyi ma'atut, pues iskåsis yan ha'ilas. In the beginning was richness, then followed by poverty, then scarcity and famine.

atya vi. match, fit, suit, resemble; be equal to, appropriate for, a mate of. Ya‑ña i amigå‑hu muna'atya i magagu‑ña kada diha. My friend likes to match her outfit everyday. Gof umatya i dos umamigu kustumbrin‑ñiha. The two friends have matching attitudes. Maila' ya ta na'fanatya i sinientet‑ta ya ta fanmaguf mo'na gi che'chu'. Let us synchronize our spirits so we can have joy in our work. Syn: tetnu.

atyik vt. choose, pick out or select from a number of items, prefer, decide on a preference. Hågu un atyik håfa måolik para hågu. You must choose what is good for yourself. Hu atyik i ya‑hu para bai hu kånnu'. I picked the one I like to eat. Hu a'atyik i gellai åntis di bai hu fåhan. I choose the vegetables before I buy them.

atyu dem. that, those (away from speaker and addressee). Atyu na tåotåo gof pasensia. That person is very patient. Håyi na'ån‑ña atyu i bunita na påtgun ni matåta'chung gi siya? What is the name of that beautiful child sitting on the chair? Variant: ayu, etyu.

adv. at that time. Åntis manmamomokkat ham ha' para i iskuela, atyu na tiempu ti bula kareta. In the past, we only walked to school, since during that time there were not too many cars.

atyu guatu adv. over there (away from speaker and addressee). Atyu guatu na para bai in hatsa i gima'. Over there is where we'll build the house. Atyu guatu i kantun tåsi nai para bai in fañotchu. We are going to eat over there by the beachside. Håfa adai na atyu guatu ha' un atan? Why is it that you're only looking over there?

atyu ha' dem.pred. that's all, that's it, all there is (far from speaker and addressee). Atyu ha' in sedda' i dididi' na simiya. We only found very few seeds. Atyu ha' para in kenni' i håfa in kannu'. That's all you're going to catch, whatever you're going to eat.

atyu ki atyu adv. over and over again, repeatedly (said of a third person). Atyu ki atyu ha' ha chuchuli'. He keeps bringing the same thing over and over again. Atyu ki atyu ha' un såsangan. You kept saying the same thing.

atyu na adv. that is why (something is done), that is the reason (when talking about a third person or persons). Atyu na maguf yu', sa' bråbu yu'. That's why I'm happy, because I'm healthy. Atyu na måolik umo'mak gi tasi, sa' na'homlu'. The reason why it's good to swim in the ocean is because it makes you healthy.

atyu nai adv. that is where, that is when, that is the place or time (away from speaker and addressee). Atyu nai mañåga ham gi pakyu. That's where we stayed during the typhoon. Atyu nai masodda' i te'lang. That is where they found the bone.

átyugui' pred. is over there (far from speaker and addressee). Atyugui' i iskoba ni hu aliligåo. There's the broom that I was looking for. Atyugui' i tinekcha' lemmai gi tattin hågun. The breadfruit is over there behind the leaf. Atyugui' mågi esta i likåo. There is the procession coming already. This locative predicate is derived from the demonstrative atyu. Variant: áyugui', éyigui', áyugi', éyigi'.

ayåo vi. borrow (the opposite of lend). Umayåo salåppi' gi bangku. She borrowed money from the bank. Manmanayåo i taotåo iskoba gi bisinu. The people borrowed a rake from the neighbor. Hu na'ayåo si Isidro ni kareta. I lent the car to Isidro. Syn: presta.

ayektibu n. adjective. Un ihemplun ayektibu era esti i "maguf" na palåbra. An example of an adjective is the word "happy".

ayenda n. agenda. Dos na ayenda guaha gi huntan‑måmi gi Betnis. We had two agendas at the meeting on Saturday. Ha pripåra i ma'estra i ayenda put håfa para u madiskuti gi hunta. The teacher prepared the agenda about what should be discussed at the meeting. From: Eng. agenda.

ayi' n. monosodium glutamate, ajinomoto. Kåo un nå'yi ayi' i nina'lagu‑mu? Have you put some ajinomoto in your cooking? Guaha na tåotåo cha'ot‑ña i ayi'. Some people are allergic to ajinomoto.

ayu'us vt. wave goodbye to (someone), signal to (someone) by waving. Anai para u hånåo i neni para i gimå‑ña, sigi manayu'us. The baby kept waving goodbye when she was going to her house. Yanggin håyi para u hånåo, siempri manayu'us. When someone is going, she will wave goodbye. Umasudda' ham yan si Kathyn hagå‑hu gi chalan ya ha ayu'us yu'. I met my daughter Kathy on the road and she waved goodbye to me. Syn: aluf.

ayuda vt. help, aid, assist, succor, be of service to, give aid to. Hu ayuda si Laura ni flores‑ña. I helped Laura with her flowers. Inayuda si Kaya as Aaron ni chi'cho'‑ña para i iskuela. Kaya was assisted by Aaron with her schoolwork. Manmanayuda ham manmannå'i nengkanu' para i taotåo Samoa anai guaha tsunami. We gave some food assistance to the people of Samoa when there was a tsunami. Syn: faburesi, fa'che'chu'i, åosiliu, akudi.

ayudånti n. helper, collaborator, aide, assistant. Hu nisisita ayudånti para i mapripåran i lamasan guput. I need a helper for the set-up of the party table. Bula ayudånti gi klas un grådu. There are plenty of assistants in the first grade class. Tåya' ayudånti måttu gi sentrun manåmku'. No aides arrived at the senior center.

adj. helpful (of people). Ayudåntin tåotåo ennåo. He's such a helpful person.

ayunat vt. fast, esp. for Lent. Dos åñus yu' umayunat, ti chumotchu hineksa'. I fasted for two years, I didn't eat rice. Gai minakkat manayunat gi tiempun kuaresma. It is hard to do fasting during the Lenten season. Ya‑hu umayunat, ti chumotchu kandi. I like refraining from eating candy. See: kuaresma.

ayuyu n. coconut crab, robber crab (generally found in Micronesia). Birgus latro. Mangonni' si Matthew dångkulun ayuyu gi fi'un i atchu' dångkulu. Matthew caught a big coconut crab near the big rock. Mandångkulu i ayuyu giya Pågan. Coconut crabs on Pagan are big. Mannge'ña i sensin ayuyu ki sensin mahongngang. The meat of the coconut crab tastes more delicious than lobster meat.





adj.  adjective
adv.  adverb
agr.  agreement prefix
art.  article
aux.  auxiliary
cnj.  conjunction
dem.  demonstrative
Eng.  English
infx.  infix
intj.  Interjection
Jp.  Japanese
n.  noun
n.pl.  plural noun
neg.  negative
num.  numeral
part.  particle
pp.  prepositional phrase
pred.  predicate
pref.  prefix
prep.  preposition
pro.  pronoun
Sp.  Spanish
suf.  suffix
Syn  synonym
vi.  intransitive verb
vt.  transitive verb