* Coming Soon

D - d


d n. the sixth letter of the Chamorro alphabet, named de.


name. nickname for Natividad, Trinidad, Soledad. Håfa dei, ? How are things, ? Malak månu si ? Where did go? Variant: Da, Dåling.


då'da' vi. be blamed, liable for, inherit responsibility for, face consequences for. Kumu hu yulang esti na kosas, då'da' yu'. If I break this thing, I'll pay for the consequences.

vt. blame (oneself) for, face the consequences of. Ta na'utas i salappe'‑ta, ya mungnga na ta dåda'da' hit gi biahi‑ta. We will conserve our money, so that we won't be paying the consequences during our trip. Sigi ha' gui' mumaneska, dispues yanggin malångu, ha då'da' gui'. He continues to drink alcohol, and then when he gets sick, he pays the consequences. Reflexive verb. Variant: dadå'da'.


da'uk n. type of plant: palo-maria tree, ballnut tree. calophyllum inophyllum. Ifektibu i lañan da'uk gi chetnut låssas. The oil of the ballnut tree is effective on skin ailments. Bula trongkun da'uk gi gima'‑måmi. There are many palo-maria trees at our house. Dokku' i simiyan da'uk. The palo-maria seed germinated.


då'us vi. defecate, have a bowel movement, have diarrhea. Dumå'us yu' anai bula hu kånnu' mantika. I had the runs when I ate a lot of fat. Siempri håo då'us yanggin sigi håo chumotchu donni'. Eventually you will have diarrhea if you keep eating hot peppers. Kulan kumeke'då'us yu', sa' bula kinanno'‑hu papåya. I am about to have diarrhea, because I ate too much papaya. Syn: masinik.


dadå'da' vi. be blamed, liable for, inherit responsibility for, face consequences for. Sigi ha' ham manhugåndu, pues dadå'da' ham, sa' manatrasåo ham gi giput. We continued to play, and then we messed up, because we were late to the party. Sigi ha' gumåndu gui' gi poker, pues dadå'da' gui' sa' tåya' salappe'‑ña. He continues to play poker, then he loses out because he doesn't have any money.

vt. blame (oneself) for, face consequences for. Reflexive verb. Variant: då'da'.


dádagu vi. go north, move north (Guam); go west, move west (CNMI). Dadagu guennåo ya un atan kåo mañåda' i mannuk. Walk a little to the north and check to see if the chicken has laid an egg. Variant: ládagu.


dádalak n. 1) tail (of an animal). Bunitu dadalak‑ña i gayu. The rooster has a nice tail. Tai dadalak i ga'lågu. The dog has no tail. Hingåo i dadalak‑ña i ga'lågu. The dog has a hairless tail. 2) one who follows behind. Dadalak ennåo na påtgun as nanå‑ña sa' månu ha' ni gaigi si nanå‑ña, gaigi. That child is a follower of her mom because wherever her mon is she is there. O'sun yu' nu ennåo na tåotåo sa' mampus dadalak. I am tired of that person because he tags along too much.

vi. tag along, follow behind. Gef ya‑mu dumadalak para i tenda. You like to tag along to the store. Tåya' u dadalak yanggin humånåo yu'. No one is going to tag along when I leave. Meggai na famagu'un yan‑ñiha mandadalak gi as nanan‑ñiha. Many children like to tag along with their mom. Variant: dálalak.


Dadalak Guihan n. Alpha Cassiopeia, star used for navigation, Schedar.


dádanña' n. one who joins easily, team worker, sociable (person). Dadanña' si Antonio. Antonio is a joiner. Ti gef ya‑hu i dadanña' na tåotåo sa' tai diretchu gi che'cho'‑ña siha. I don't favor a joiner because he does not have direction in his actions. Derived by reduplication from danña'.


dádangsi n. 1) sticker, one that sticks, adheres, or causes adhesion. Gof dadangsi i dangis lemmai. Breadfruit sap is very sticky. Mana'sesetbi i dadangsin lemmai para u mana'chettun i hayu gi galaidi. Breadfruit sap is used for bonding the wood in a canoe. Gai dadangsi esti i chetda. This banana plant has a sticky substance. Derived by reduplication from dangsi. 2) type of plant: aramina, a type of grass. Urena lobata. Guaha gi hatdin lameggai na dadangsin palåo'an. There are a number of dadangsin palåo'an plants in the garden. Kalan hågun ubas i hagun dadangsin palåo'an. The leaf of the grape vine is similar to the leaf of the dadangsin palåo'an.


dadangsin å'paka' n. a white, long sticky threadlike subtance that is ejected through the anal section of certain types of sea cucumbers. Adahi na un gatcha' i balåti' gi mama'ti, sa' siempri manchettun i dadangsin å'paka'. Be careful not to step on the sea cucumber in the shallow water, because surely the white sticky substance will stick. Yanggin chettun i dandangsin å'paka' gi adeng‑mu, palåi unai yan hofyat ya u suha. If you get the sticky substance from the sea cucumber on your leg, rub it with sand to remove it. Kumu i balåti ha lakngus i dadangsin å'paka', siempri mandokku' ta'lu ottru na dadangsin å'paka' gi tatåotåo‑ña. If a sea cucumber ejects its sticky matter, it will just grow another one.


dadangsin machinga' n. type of plant: Caesar weed, medicinal plant. Chuli'i si nåna tres hågun dadangsin machinga' taftaf gi ega'an. Pick three leaves of the dadangsin machinga' early in the morning for grandmother Syn: dadangsin palåo'an.


dadangsin palåo'an n. type of medicinal plant: Caesar weed. Urena lobata. Guaha na suruhåna muna'sesetbi i dadangsin palåo'an gi amut tabatdiyu, åmut påsmun rekla, åmut ginehin chålan para påtgun, yan åmut para chetnut maipi. Some healers use the Caesar weed in these medicines: åmut tabatdiyu, åmut påsmun rekla, åmut ginehin chålan for children, and medicine for chetnut maipi. Kulot rosåt i floris dadangsin palåo'an. The flower of the plant dadangsin palåo'an is pink. Syn: dadangsin machinga.


daddåo adj. fierce, ferocious, vicious, mean (of animals, esp. dogs or insects), mean-tempered, easily angered. Gef daddåo na ga'lågu ennåo i magogoddi. The dog that's on the leash is very vicious. I na mandinaddåo na sasata esti i manggaigi gi floris. Boy, these wasps in the flowers are very mean. Ti mandaddåo i ga'‑hu ga'lågu. My dogs are not mean. Daddåo sensian‑ña esti na påtgun, sa' ti mafa'nå'gui taimanu mañungun. This child is easily angered because he was not taught how to be tolerant. Syn: malamåña.


daddik n. young fruit of a coconut, without any meat or water. Kånnu' i daddik yanggin puti tiyån‑mu. Eat the young coconut if you have stomach pain. Mana'sesetbi lokkui' i pineddung daddik para åmut. Fallen young coconuts are also used for medicine. I daddik tinattitiyi ni appluk gi dinangkulolon‑ña i manha. The daddik is followed by åppluk in the development of the young coconut.


Dåddu' name. nickname for Leonardo. Maguf si Dåddu' sa' pagamentu. Daddu' is happy because it's payday.


Dådu' name. nickname for Santiago. Ti propiu ma'ågang si Tihu‑mu Santiago Dådu', solu ma'usa Tun Dådu'. It is not proper to address your uncle Santiago as Dådu', unless you use Tun Dådu'. Para guaha lisåyu gi gima' Santiago, kumu mås matungo'‑ña as Dådu', gi puengin Lunis asta Mietkulis. There will be a rosary at the residence of Santiago Cruz, better known as Dådu', on Monday night until Wednesday.


dådu' n. malformed nose, cleft palate. Siña ma'opera i dado'‑ña mientras påpatgun ha'. His cleft palate can be operated on while he is still young.

adj. malformed (of nose), cleft (of palate). Pahya' kumuentus sa' dådu' i gui'eng‑ña. He has slurred speech because his nose is malformed. Dådu' si Manuel. Manuel has a cleft palate. Syn: ma'effung, ongngu'.


daffi' adj. weak, powerless, dull. Daffi' i se'si'. The knife is dull. Esti na tåotåo daffi'. This person is weak. Daffi' i åmku na tåotåo. An old person is powerless. Gof daffi' i si'se'‑ña. Her knife is very dull Syn: ñañu'. Variant: daifi', dafi'.


dafflokgui vt. indulge (heartily), consume (too much), gorge. Ha dafflokgui gui' nu i chandiha, dispues pumuti tiyån‑ña. He indulged himself with watermelon, then he got stomach pain. Kada tiempun mångga, hu dafflolokgui i manmåsan mångga. Every mango season, I indulge in eating ripe mangos. Mungnga madafflokgui håo ni manmaipi siha na klåsin nengkanu'. Don't indulge yourself with foods that are considered not fresh for the body.


daffluk adj. satiated with, have one's fill of, have more than an ample supply of. Daffluk i patgun ni apigigi' gi giput. The child was satiated with apigigi' at the feast. Daffluk yu' umegga' gi feria. I watched everything as much as I could. Syn: maluluk, tuhus, motgan, muteru', go'dan, logra, gosa. See: dafflokgui.


dågan n. buttocks, rump, butt, hips. Masisu yan po'dang dagån‑mu. Your butt is firm and very round. Guaha dågan mapatngas yan guaha lokkui' dågan na po'dang. Some rumps are flat and some are round. Sulun ya oggan gi dagån‑ña. He slipped and landed on his butt.


dagåo n. thrust hoe made of mangled mangrove tree or gagu. Usa i dagåo para un na'gåsgas i tirenun nappa'. Use the thrust hoe to weed the chinese cabbage patch. Mås måolik ma'usa dagåo sa' ti un chaddik yayas. It is best to use the thrust hoes as you will not become tired as quickly. På'gu na tiempu esta ti sessu ma'usa dagåo para ramenta. These days, thrust hoes are rarely used as farm tools. Syn: fusiñus.


dagga' adj. inflamed, reddened with inflammation or advanced infection, aggravated, have cellulitis. Puti adeng‑ña sa' dagga'. His feet hurt because he has cellulitis. Umagaga' i kalulot‑ña anai ha kassas ni applacha' na håyu. Her finger got inflamed when she scratched it with a dirty stick. Kalintura ni atdit anai nina'yi dagga'. His fever was very high when he contracted cellulitis.


dåggåo vt. throw. Mungnga mana'duru daggåo‑mu ni bola. When you throw the ball, don't make it very fast. Dåggåo i pipitas gi papa' i trongku ya u fandokku'. Throw the seed under the tree so it will grow. Ha dåggåo ha' i yabi gi lamasa, ya atyu na poddung. He just threw the key on the table, and that's why it fell. Syn: yotti, yuti', blångku, foyang, tira, tariku'.


daggi'1 adj. 1) over-mature but not decayed (of a root crop). Esta daggi' i nika sa' atrasåo makusetcha. The wild yam is already overripe because it was harvested late. 2) hardened (of a root crop). Daggi' i sini. The taro has hardened. Guaha na tåotåo ya‑ña kumånnu' i daggi' na dågu'. There are people who like to eat the hardened yam. 3) have burning sensation (caused by hot pepper). Ha botsa i denni' ya dinaggi' petnan‑ña. He felt the burning sensation on his thigh from the hot pepper in his pocket.


daggi'2 n. type of fish: rabbitfish after mañåhak stage. Family Siganidae. Ilek‑ku: daggi' i dagu; ti daggi' i daggi'. I said the yam is over-mature and not the juvenile fish is over-mature. I talayeru ha sodda' katdumin daggi' gi as Masalok. The net fisherman found a school of small fish at Masalok. Puti manduluk i daggi' na guihan. It's painful to get poked by small fish. Describes the second stage of growth of the rabbitfish. Syn: mañåhak, daggi'. See: sesyun, hiting.


dåggua n. type of coconut, dark orange in color, which is also used as medicine; the sprout of this coconut used as medicine. I manåmku' åntis mafa'å'amut i dåggua. The elders in the past used the dåggua as medicine. Kuntodu i hali' i dåggua ma'u'usa para åmut. Even the root of the dåggua is used for medicine.

adj. 1) dark red (similar in color to a type of coconut that is actually dark orange). 2) sunburned. Tåmpi i tatåotåo‑mu gi papa' somnak, sa' un dåggua. Cover your body under the sun, for you might get sunburned. Gof dåggua i tatalo'‑ña, sa' ti ha tåmpi nu i guafak. His back is severely sunburned because he did not cover himself with the mat. Syn: atagga'.


dagi vt. lie, not tell the truth, deceive. Ti malagu' i patgun gumimin åmut, achuka' madadagi na mamis. The child refuses to drink the medicine, even though he was tricked into thinking that it is sweet. Ilek‑ñiha i manåmku': chaddekña magacha' i mandadagi na tåotåo kini ke'yåo. It's an old saying: it's easier to catch a person who lies than a lame person. Ti siña un dagi i manåmku' nu i tiningu'‑ñiha. You cannot deceive the elders with their knowledge. See: dakun.


dågu n. type of root plant: yam (generic; includes some white or purple yams). Dioscorea alata. Gi kustumbrin Chamorro, mabuñeñelus i dagu gi tiempun Krismas. In Chamorro custom, the yam is made into fritters during Christmas time. Guaha dågun agaga' yan guaha dågun å'paka'. There are red (purple) yams and there are white yams. I matungu' kumu dagun agaga' era kulot lila. What is known as red yam is actually purple in color. Varieties of yam include: dågun å'paka', dågun agaga', dågun anåkku', dågun apåga, dågun halumtånu', dågun håya, dågun kunehu, dågun lila, dågun Lukas, dågun luluk.


dågun å'paka' n. the generic term for white yam varieties. Si nåna ha saibuk todu klåsin dågun å'paka' yan agaga'. Mother cooked all varieties of white and purple yam with coconut milk. Guaha mås ki un klåsin dågun å'paka' giya Luta. There is more than one kind of white yam in Rota. Kalan daggi' i dagun å'paka' ni hu håtgu gi halum tånu'. The white yam that I dug out in the forest seemed over-mature. See: dågun håya, gatdu, dågun luluk, dågun håya, dågun anåkku'.


dågun agaga' n. type of yam: purple yam. Måolik esti i dagun agaga' mabuñelus. Purple yams are good for making fritters. Gi magåhit, kulot lila esti i mafanana'an dågun agaga'. In actuality, purple is the color of what we know as red yam. Kinannu' nu i cha'ka i dagun agaga'. The rat ate the purple yam. Syn: dågun lila.


dågun anåkku' n. type of yam: long white yam, straight without fingers. Chaddik måhluk yanggin mahåhali i dagun anåkku'. The dågun anåkku' easily breaks when you dig it out of the ground. Mås finu esti i dagun anåkku ki i dagun håya. The long white yam is much more delicate than the white yam with fingers. Ma'utut i dagun anåkku' ya masahguan gi kestat para mabendi gi kantun chålan. The long white yam was cut and put in the sack to be sold by the road. Syn: dågun luluk, dågun å'paka'.


dågun galuti n. type of yam.


dågun halum tånu' n. type of yam: wild yam, white or purple in color, lumpy in shape, with lots of tiny roots. Bula lina'chuk dågun halum tånu' gi Sabåna giya Luta. There are a lot of wild yams sprouting at the Sabåna in Rota. Maguaiya esti i dagun halum tånu' sa' håssan esta manmahåtgu. The wild yam is much sought after because they are rarely harvested. Si tåta fumanu'i yu' taimanu mana'lågu i dagun halum tånu'. My father taught me how to cook the wild yam.


dågun håya n. type of yam: white-colored yam with fingers, sweet taste, best in saibuk and soup, does not grow large. Dioscorea nummularia. Umatulaika ham yan i bisinu dågun håya yan dågun luluk. My neighbor and I exchanged white yams with fingers and the elongated white yam. Mamaisin i patgun kåo ginin haya esti i dagun håya. The child asked whether the white yam with fingers came from the east. Na'fandanña' todu i dagun håya yan i dagun lila gi un lugåt para matånum agupa'. Gather all the white yam with fingers with the purple yam in one place to be planted tomorrow. Syn: dågun å'paka'.


dågun lila n. type of yam: ube yam, purplish in color from the skin through the whole meat. Månngi' i dagun lila mabuñelus. Fritters made out of purple yam are delicious. I dågun lila machalalapun i sinsen‑ña yanggin mana'lågu. Purple yam tends to break apart when cooked. Syn: dågun agaga'.


dågun Lukas n. one of the varieties in the yam species. Bula dågun Lukas gi Piña na lugåt. There are lots of Lukas yams at a place called Piña. Håfa taimanu pusision‑ña i dagun Lukas? What does the Lukas yam look like? Ti libiånu mahåli' i dagun Lukas på'gu na tiempu, sa' inipus hinassån‑ña. It is not easy to harvest Lukas yam, as it is very rare these days.


dågun mansahulu' n. type of yam.


dai adv. expression of greeting or to call attention in a friendly manner, mostly used by females, or to intimate friends. Ai dai che'lu, kåo siña un dispensa yu'? Oh sister, can you forgive me? Hekkua' håfa na ha håhafa dai yu' si Luis, låo ti umatungu' hami. I don't know why Luis is saying hello, close friend, when we don't know each other. Variant: dei.


daibang adj. large, huge, big, excessive. Daibang na guihan hu konni' gi paingi. I caught a big tuna fish last night. Puru ha' daibang na klåsin guihan guaha gi tenda på'gu na ha'åni. There were only large fish at the store today. Håssan para un sodda' daibang na ayuyu på'gu na tiempu. Big coconut crabs are rarely found these days. From: Jp.


daibitis n. diabetes. Tåya' esta daibites‑ña si Maria. Maria doesn't have diabetes anymore.

adj. afflicted with diabetes. Daibitis si tatan‑måmi. Our father has diabetes. Måolik malasa i kalulut i addeng‑ña i taotåo yanggin daibitis. It is good to massage the toes of a diabetic person. From: Eng. diabetes.


Daidai name. nickname for Soledad. Hu li'i' si Daidai mañuñugun gi chalan nigap. I saw Daidai driving down the street yesterday. Syn: .


daifi' adj. weak, lacking in vigor, not strong, fatigued. Daifi' i taotåo sa' tai ganas chumotchu. The person is weak because of his poor appetite. Trabiha ti siña macho'chu' i hagå‑hu sa' sessu daifi' an talu'åni. My daughter still cannot work because she frequently becomes fatigued in the afternoon. Nina'daifi' nu i maipin somnak gi tasi. He became weak from the heat at sea. Describes a more serious level of weakness than tufai. Variant: daffi'.


daigu' n. white radish. Juan, uko'ku' i daigu'. Juan, pickle the radish. Månngi' manå'yi daigu' i sushi. Sushi with pickled radish is delicious. Pika i daigu' ya ta kånnu'. Slice the pickled radish and we'll eat it. Syn: daikun, takkuang. Variant: daigo'.


daikun n. daikon, Japanese radish. Yanggin un åkka' i daikun, gegetmun. If you bite the daikon, it makes a crunchy sound. Fa'gåsi i daikun, pues sumai gi asiga yan binakli. Wash the daikon, then soak it in salt and vinegar. Syn: daigu'. From: Jp. daikon.


dais n. dice. Ha yotti i dais ya manggånna. He tossed the dice and won. Atan i dais sa' puru ha' sietti. Look at the dice because all the sevens are showing. Maguaiya esti i hugandun dais gi feria. The game of dice is popular in carnivals. From: Eng. dice.


dåkdak vt. knock on, rap, strike with a quick, sharp blow. Dåkdak i pettan‑ñiha ya uma hunguk. Knock on their door so they can hear. Esti siha na famagu'un yanggin mahunguk guaha mandådakdak, mansusustu. These children become afraid when they hear someone knocking at the door. Dåkdak fan i kahita kåo tai sanhalum. Rap on the box to check if it is empty. Syn: åddak, dåkkut.


dakklak n. stutter, speech impairment; involuntary or irregular speech. Guaha gi iskuela prugråma ni para u fanayuda i manggai prublema dakklak. The school provides services for those with speech impairments.

vi. Dakklak kumeke'ilek‑ña pahya' pat ti klåru kumuentus. Dakklak means not enunciating or speaking clearly. Dumakklak i taotåo anai påsmu. The stroke caused the person to stutter.


dåkkut vt. knock on, rap, strike with a quick, sharp blow. Dåkkut i petta. Knock on the door. Na'la'a'gang i dinakkot‑mu ya un mahunguk. Make your knocking louder so you can be heard. Dåkkut i tangkin hånum para un tungu' kåo guaha hånum gi sanhalom‑ña. Knock on the water tank to see if it has water inside. Syn: åddak, dåkdak.


dåkngas adj. bald-headed, bald, without hair. Gef dåkngas i tinanum dispues di i pakyu. The plant was completely bare after the storm. Ai, sa' ma na'dåkngas i trongkun niyuk anai ma utut todu i hagun. My, they really made the coconut tree bald when they cut off all the leaves. See: boyu', måtfus.

vt. shave (the head) bald. Madåkngas si Juan anai humålum gi militåt. When Juan joined the military, his head was shaved.


dakun n. liar, one addicted to lying, one who knowingly utters a falsehood. Gef dakun tåotåo håo. You are such a liar. Annuk gi che'cho'‑ña na ti dakun na tåotåo. His work shows that he is not a liar. Chadekña magatcha' i dakun kini i kohu. It is easier to catch a liar than a lame person.


dakun hudas n. treacherous liar, deceitful person, pernicious liar, chronic liar. Dakun hudas kumeke'ilek‑ña metgut pat åtdit yan ti otdinåriu na klåsin dåkun. Dakun hudas means a strong or powerful and not ordinary kind of liar. Cha'‑mu hohonggi esti na tåotåo sa' dakun hudas. Don't trust this individual because he is a deceitful liar. Ripåra ennåo na tåotåo sa' dakun hudas. Observe that person because he is a treacherous liar. Hudas refers to Judas in the Christian bible.


dalai intj. expression in relation to something that may be too much, questionable in nature, no way. Dalai na niñating håo! How come you're so slow! Dalai na hinebin, ya esta mañuñugun! No way! He is still young and he's already driving! Dalai ya ti ya‑mu atyu? How come you don't like that? Dalai håo, båsta ennåo! Why are you like that, stop it! Implies that the speaker does not accept the situation, because it is surprising or unexpected.


dalak vt. accompany, escort, follow. Hu dalak si Jose para i tenda. I followed Jose to the store. Ti ha dalak i asaguå‑ña para i tasi sa' nina'yi nu i chetnut dinalak. She did not go with her husband to the sea because she has gout. Ta fanadalak agupa'. We will be accompanying each other tomorrow. Syn: tattiyi. Variant: dálalak.


dalaki vt. follow. Put fabot dalaki i direksion siha. Please follow the direcctions. Dalaki ha' i chalan para påpa' gi gima'. Just follow the road down to the house. Variant: dalalaki (Luta also Saipan).


dálalai adj. thin, slender, slim, skinny. Gof dalalai i dinekku' tupu. The sugarcane plant is very thin. Manohgi i mandikiki' na paluma gi dalalai na råmas. The small birds stood on the thin branches. Dalai na dinalalai håo. How come you're very thin? See: masoksuk.


dálalak vt. follow, accompany, tag along all the way. Mungnga madalalak si Jose. Do not follow Jose all the way. Dalalak si Maria asta ki måttu håo gi gima'‑måmi. Follow Maria all the way until you reach our house. Ti ya‑ña dumalalak yu' para i tenda. He doesn't like to follow me all the way to the store. Syn: tattiyi. Variant: dalak.


dalalaki vt. 1) follow (something); trace along (something), as in drawing or a guide. Dalalaki ha' esti todu i råya sa' siempri un li'i' håfa na figura humuyong‑ña. Just trace along all those lines because you'll see what figure will emerge. Hu dalalaki ha' i plånun guput para i famagu'un. I followed the party plan for the children. 2) follow (someone's) example. Mungnga madalalaki si Juan taimanu lina''‑ña. Do not follow after Juan's way of life. Syn: tattiyi. Variant: dalaki.


daliling adj. not mature, fail to mature. Ti nahung abonu, pues mandaliling todu i tinanum. The crops failed to mature because of the lack of fertilizer.


Dalin name. nickname for Natividad.


dålli vt. 1) have sexual intercourse (informal, vulgar). Ya‑ña mandålli esti na tåotåo. This person enjoys having sexual intercourse. Ilek‑ña si Maria gi kotti na ti si Juan dumålli gui'. Maria testified in court that Juan did not have sexual intercourse with her. Guaha na idåt propiu umadalli. There is an age when it is proper to have sexual intercourse. Syn: båggai, sirik, kichi (Guam), fåkkai. 2) win over, defeat (someone) at a game of skill or chance. Ha dålli todu i tammå'‑hu si Joaquin anai humugåndu ham. Joaquin easily won all of my marbles when we played. 3) tell a lie to, fool (someone). Un dålli yu' nigap, sa' ilek‑mu na para un fåttu, låo ti måttu håo. You lied to me yesterday because you said you were going to come, but you did not. Ha dålli gui' ta'lu. He made a fool of himself.


daloggai adj. dented, malformed. Ti hu fåhan i tangki sa' daloggai. I did not buy the drum can because it is dented. Todu mandaloggai yan mantinaki' esti siha na tångki. All these drum cans are dented and rusted. See: madaloggai.


dåm n. dumping place, dump, dumpsite. Mafana'an esti na lugåt i dåm sa' esti nai manmanyuyuti' basulan i pupbliku. This place is called the dump because it is where the public rubbish is discarded. Para u mahuchum i dåm sa' dimasiåo hihut guatu kontra i plåsan batkun airi yan i inai tåsi para i pupbliku. The dump will be closed because it is too close to the air strip and the public beach. Gai minapput i asuntun dåm sa' ti bula lugåt para basulan tåotåo gi isla. The dump is a difficult issue because there are not too many places on the island for people's garbage. From: Eng. dump.


Dåm Kok name. Dump Coke, a western coastal strip on Tinian used by the American military after WWII to dump trash, including lots of sodas, primarily Coke. Åntis gi tiempun militåt, manmayuti' bula na buteyan Kok gi kantun tåsi gi sanhaya giya Tinian. During the military administration, there were lots of discarded Coke bottles near the ocean on the eastern part of Tinian. I taotåo Tinian mafana'an Dåm Kok i lugåt ni manmayuti' i buteyan Kok. The people on Tinian called the area where the sodas were dumped Dåm Kok. Gi prisienti, siña ha' un li'i' i manådan buteyan kok guihi na lugåt. Nowadays, you can still see many Coke bottles in the area.


dåma n. 1) checkers; a game for two played with flat small objects on the checker board. Guaha fåtta gi pidåsun dåma. A piece of checkers is missing. Kåo malagu' håo tumungu' humugåndun dåma? Do you want to learn how to play the game of checkers? 2) Manfifila hålum gi gima' yu'us i dama siha. The bridesmaids are lining up in the church.

vi. play checkers. Pairi si Jose dumåma. Jose is a good checker player. Maila' mågi ya ta dåma. Come over and let's play checkers.


dåma di notchi n. type of plant, night-blooming jasmine. Cestrum nocturnum. I dåma di notchi na trongkun floris guaha månngi' påo‑ña an puengi. The night-blooming jasmine has an attractive scent at night. I flores‑ña i dåma di notchi, kulot å'paka'. The night-blooming jasmine's flowers are white. Ti dilikåo esti i dåma di notchi na tinanum. The night-blooming jasmine is not a delicate plant.


Damenggu n. Sunday. I Damenggu na ha'åni nai mandadanña' i familia. Sunday is a day that families gather. I Damenggu i mina'sietti diha gi simåna. Sunday is the seventh day of the week. Ya‑hu i Damenggu na ha'åni sa' siña yu' dumiskånsa. I like Sunday because I can rest. From: Sp. Domingo.


Damenggun Råmus n. Palm Sunday. I hagun niyuk manmabindisi gi duråntin Damenggun Råmus. The palm leaves are blessed during Palm Sunday. I Damenggun Råmus tumutuhun i Simåna Sånta. Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week. I mabindisi na hågun niyuk gi Damenggun Råmus machuchuli' para i gima' para påtma para åmut. The blessed palm leaves from Palm Sunday are usually brought home to be used as medicine.


damla' adj. crunchy and sweet (of a root plant); phase of root crop toward being over-mature, stage in which yam is bright and shiny when cut. Damla' esti na nika. This wild yam is sweet and crunchy. Ai sa' esta damla' i sini. Oh my, the taro is becoming over-mature. Syn: kumé'daggi'. Variant: gamla'.


dámma'gas n. 1) thumb. Chinigit damma'gås‑su nu i pettan kareta. My thumb got squeezed by the car door. I neni ya‑ña chumopchup i damma'gas kannai‑ña. The baby likes to suck her thumb. 2) pincers of a lobster, grasping claw of a crab. I ayuyu ha usa i damma'gås‑ña para u puga' i piñut i niyuk. The coconut crab uses its grasping claws to pry apart the husk of the coconut. Variant: dáma'gas (Rota).


dammut n. testicle, scrotum. I doktun gå'ga' ha kapun i dammut i toru. The veterinarian castrated the bull's testicles. Ma gabi' i lassas i dammot‑ña i neni. They cut a little skin off the baby's testicles. Puti dammot‑ña si Jose annai dinanchi nu i bola. Jose's testicles hurt when he got hit with the ball. Syn: bolabola, kostatblutu, kurasón santatti.


damoha n. barrel. Ma yuti' i basula gi damoha. They threw the trash inside the barrel. Si Maria ha u'usa i damoha para u sahguan i ma'is. Maria uses the barrel to store corn.


damohåna n. jug, container. I damohåna na sahguan ma'u'usa para u mana'ma'aksum i tiba ni para binakli. The damohana container is used for fermenting tuba into vinegar. På'gu na tiempu ma'u'usa i damohåna para masetan floris. These days the damohana container is used as a flower vase.


danchi vt. 1) hit. Ha danchi si Juan i paluma. Juan hit the bird. Hu danchi i karetan tatå‑hu nu i atchu'. I hit my dad's car with a rock. 2) guess (something) correctly, answer (something) correctly. Hu danchi håfa si nåna para u nå'i yu' gi ha'ånin kumplihåños‑su. I guessed correctly what my mom would give me for my birthday gift. Si Rosa ha danchi umoppi i finaisin i ma'estra. Rosa answered correctly the teacher's questions.


dåndan n. music. Ti ya‑hu ennåo na dåndan. I don't like that music. Syn: músiku.

vt. play (a musical instrument), ring (bell). Pairi si Jose dumåndan gitåla. Jose is a good guitar player. Håfa taimanu i piånu dandån‑ña? What does the piano sound like? Dåndan fan i kampåna. Ring the bell. See: dilingding.


dåndan kampåna n. 1) music played by the church bell (esp. during Christmas). Kada Christmas, ta huhunguk i dandan kampåna ginin i gima' yu'us Mount Carmel. Every Christmas, we hear the music of the church bell from Mount Carmel church. 2) something used to ring a bell; bell ringer. Dångkulu esti na dåndan kampåna. This is a big object to ring the bell with. Esti na håyu siña ta usa para dåndan kampåna. This wood we can use as a bell ringer. Syn: tohki.


danderu n. a person who plays a musical instrument. Pairi na danderu si Jose gi piånu. Jose is an accomplished pianist. I danderun gitåla ha dåndan bunitu na sunidu. The guitarist strummed a beautiful melody. I danderu siha ma u'usa tåmbut, bibik, bulambåo tuyan, yan bandolinu. Musicians use drums, flutes, bulambåo tuyan, and banjos.


dandu' n. walking stick, cane. Figu' i dandu' tåta, sa' mafa'tinas ginin i hayun nigas. Father's cane is strong, because it was made from the nigas wood.


danña' vi. gather, congregate, be together, be joined, be combined. Mandadanña' i taotåo‑ta gi tasi. Our people are congregating at the beach. Mankeke'danña' i taotåo gi metkåo sa' para uma fotma unu na gurupun lancheru. The people are trying to gather at the market to form a farmer's association. I guihan mana'fandanña' sigun gi klåsi siha. The fishes were combined according to types.


dånsa vi. dance (Guam). Dumådansa si Tan Kika'. Tan Kika' is dancing. Bunitu i musiku, pues kahulu' ya un dånsa. The music is nice, so get up and dance. Syn: baila. From: Sp. danza.


Dånu' name. Cocos Island, a small island off the southern tip of Guam. Variant: Danåo.


dañåo adj. damaged, injured, spoiled, ruined, harmed. Dañåo ennåo na fektus. That merchandise is spoiled. Bula na uchan på'gu na ha'åni ya ha na'dañåo i tinanum. The heavy rain today ruined the plants. From: Sp. dañado.


dañosu adj. injurious, capable of harming or destroying, detrimental, mischievous. Dañosu dimasiåo i pakyu. Typhoons are major destroyers. Dångkulu na dañosu bidan i ga'lågu nu i gayu gi lanchu. It's a huge injury the dog did to the rooster at the farm. From: Sp. dañoso.


dåñu n. harm, damage, injury, loss. Mampus na'dañu i cha'ka gi lanchu. Rats cause major damage in the farm. Atdit na dåñu i chipa para i hinemlu'. Smoking is a major health hazard. Dåñu para i familia i huegun salåppi'. Gambling can destroy families. From: Sp. daño.


dangis n. candle. Songgi i dangis sa' gof homhum i halum guma'. Light the candle because it is dark inside the house. I dangis lemmai ma'u'usa yanggin sumi' i galaidi'. Breadfruit sap is used when there's a leak in the canoe. Potdung i dangis ya sinenggi addeng‑ña. The candle fell and burnt her foot.


dångkulu adj. big, large, great, huge. Dångkulu kininne'‑ña guihan. He caught a big fish. Dangkulonña kinenne'‑ña. Her catch is bigger. Syn: lamoddung, tåmung.


danglun1 n. a round or square handbag made from pandanus leaves. Mama'tinas si Tan Maria danglun para si Tun Kiko. Auntie Maria made a bag made of pandanus for Uncle Kiko. Lahi‑hu, chuli'i yu' hågun pahum para bai hu fa'tinas un danglun. My son, bring me pandanus leaves for me to make a pandanus bag.


danglun2 n. type of fish: cowfish, trunkfish. I famalåo'an manhånåo manpeska danglun. The women went fishing for fish thats sticks to rocks along the shoreline.


dangngi' adj. weak, feeble, frail, cowardly, timid. Nina'dangngi' anai sessu mabutleha. He became timid from being constantly ridiculed. Dangngi' yu' gi ennåo na klåsin kumpitensia. I am weak in that kind of competition. I tatåotåo‑hu dangngi' lao i kurason‑hu figu'. My body is feeble but my heart is strong. Syn: dolli, peddi.


dango vi. jump over, hop over. Variant: adango (Rota).


dangsi vt. 1) stick, cause to adhere, glue. Ma dangsi i ka'ka' gi båsu. They glued the crack in the cup. I dangis kamuti ha dadangsi i kannai‑hu kada hu håli'. When I harvest the sweet potato, the sap sticks to my hand. 2) flatter, play up to.


dangsun adj. sticky, glutinous. Gof dangsun i chigu' lemmai. Breadfruit sap is very sticky. Nina'måssa' nu i dangsun na nengkanu'. She was repelled by the glutinous food. Inamti i chetnut låssas nu i dangsun na hågun åmut. The sticky medicinal leaf cured the skin problem. Variant: dangsung.


dåsai vt. shear, trim, give a haircut to. Kumåti i patgun anai madåsai. The child cried when his hair was cut. Ha latchai dumåsai i floris anai nina'bubu nu i nubiå‑ña. He razed the flowers completely when he became upset with his fiancee. Manmadåsai todu i famagu'un gi iskuela sa' mannina'yi hutu. All the school children were given haircuts because they were infested with lice. Syn: låbbun, laklak.


dåsai adotfu n. type of haircut: crew cut with hair parted on one side and a longer part toward the front. Ai na sina'‑ña ma'adotfu. Goodness, he looks good with the adotfu haircut.

vt. give (someone) this type of haircut. Sa'‑ña madåsai adotfu ennåo na påtgun. The adotfu haircut fits him.


dåsai cha'ka vt. give an erratic haircut to. Låo håyi adai dumåsai cha'ka hao? But who gave you the erratic haircut? Manhinengngang anai mali'i' na mandinasai cha'ka todu nu i batberu. They were shocked when they realized that the barber gave them an erratic haircut. Na'tunas i dinasai, sa' ti bai hu apåsi håo kumu un dåsai cha'ka yu'. You cut my hair straight or I will not pay you if you cut erratically. Variant: dåsai dadalak cha'ka.


dåsai dåkngas n. type of haircut in which the head is completely shaved. I patgun låhi ya‑ña i dasai dåkngas. The boy likes his haircut shaved. Espisiåt na ramenta ma'u'usa para i dasai dåkngas. A special kind of tool used for a completely shaved haircut.


dåsai kabåyu n. bangs, a hair style in which front hair is cut straight across the forehead, Mohawk cut, crew cut.


dåsai malatchai n. type of haircut in which the head is shaved. Syn: boyu'.


dåsai San Vicente n. type of haircut, very short on the sides around the head over the ears (similar to St. Vincent, the Catholic saint), sometimes with a small patch of hair on the front.

vt. give (someone) this type of haircut. Madåsai San Vicente i lahi sa' binensi ni asaguå‑ña. He was persuaded by his wife to get a San Vicente type of haircut. Ti dåkngas i taotåo lao ya‑ña madåsai San Vicente, sa' fresku. He is not bald but prefers the San Vicente type of haircut, because it is cooler. Ti mapput mafa'gåsi ilu‑ña sa' madåsai San Vicente. It is easy to wash his head because he has a San Vicente type haircut.


dåsai tåpbla n. type of haircut: flat-top. Antis na tiempu bula lalåhi manmadåsai tåpbla. Back then many men had flat-top haircuts. Guaha na batberu ti yan‑ñiha manmandåsai tåpbla. Some barbers do not like to give flat-top haircuts.


dasu' vt. shift (the lead marble) when another marble is blocking the target marble in a game of marbles. Hu dasu' i bakalu‑hu. I shifted my lead marble.


de n. the name of d, the sixth letter of the Chamorro alphabet. I lettra "de" i mina'sais gi atfabetu. The letter D is the sixth in the Chamorro alphabet. I palåbra dellan ha tutuhun gi lettra "de". The word dellan begins with "de".


de'un n. a pinch (a small amount). Nå'yi un de'un ha' na asiga gi na'‑ña. Put a pinch of salt only in his food.

vt. pinch, tweak. Made'un i palåo'an nu i birak halum tånu'. The lady got pinched by the forest ghost. Dinigridu i patgun ginin i made'on‑ña. The child is bruised due to being pinched . Syn: chagga'.

Dea' name. nickname for Andrea.


debi aux. must, should, have to, ought to. Debi na u måolik esti. This has to be good. Debi ta magufi atyu na diha yanggin måttu i Añu Nuebu. We have to be happy on the day when the New Year arrives. Ti debi na un chuli' i ti kosås‑mu. You are not supposed to take what is not yours. From: Sp. debe.


debi di aux. must, should, have to, ought to. Debi di ta fanafa'måolik. We have to be on good terms with one another. Debi di ta fane'eksersais para i hinemlo'‑ta. We should exercise for our health. Ti debi di un hånåo para i tasi yanggin chåochao. You shouldn't go to the ocean when it's rough. From: Sp. debe de.


debit adj. debilitated, weak, sluggish, slow-moving. Kalan esta debit yu' sa' yayas yu'. I seem to be weak because I'm tired. Nina'debit si Manny ni yommok‑ña. Manny became sluggish because of his weight. Ha fa'debit gui' sa' ti malagu' matågu' para u facho'chu'. He acted weak because he does not want to be ordered to work. Syn: tufai. From: Sp. débil.


debu' adj. fat, obese, chubby. Åntis na tiempu, i mandebu' na famagu'un manna'magoddai. In the old days, chubby children were considered irresistible. Dumebu' i taotåo anai pumåra pumeska. The man became fat when he stopped fishing. Ripåra i taotåo yanggin mampus debu', sa' siña ha' siñåt chetnut mamis. Observe a person who is obese, because it could be a sign of diabetes. From: Jp.


déddigu n. heel (of foot). Linåssas i deddigu nu i nuebu na sapatos‑su. My new shoes scraped my heel. I deddigu sessu manehyuk yanggin å'amku' esta i taotåo. The heel frequently aches when one gets older. Tåmpi i deddigom‑mu, sa' manenghing. Cover your heels because it's cold.

vi. crawl on one's knees, walk on one's knees. Deddigu hålum sa' u fanlåstru i addeng‑mu. Crawl on your knees so you don't leave footprints. Ti siña åpmam para bai hu deddigu sa' puti. I cannot be on my knees too long as it is painful.


Dédedo name. village in northern Guam. Gaigi si Tun Pedro giya Dededo na songsung. Tun Pedro is at the village of Dededo.


dedu n. measurement equal to the length of the second joint of the index finger; an inch. Na'anåkku' i chininå‑mu maseha tres dedu påpa'. Lengthen your skirt about three inches down. Nå'yi un dedu hulu' i hanum yanggin para un na'lågu i pigas. Put about an inch of water above the rice when you're going to cook it. Syn: putgåda.


definisión n. definition. Nå'i yu' un definision "dedu". Give me a definition of "dedu". Ti klåru i definision esti na palåbra. The definition of this word is not clear. Nå'i yu' definision ni ti mapput makumprendi. Give me a definition that's easy to understand. Syn: kumeke'ilek‑ña. From: Sp. definición.


degga n. footwear. Pula' i deggåm‑mu yanggin para un hålum gi gima'. Remove your footwear when entering the house. Tai degga yu' nu ennåo na klåsi. I don't have that kind of footwear. I changkletas mås ya‑hu na degga. The traditional slippers are my favorite footwear. Variant: dogga.


deggu vi. tiptoe, stand on toes. Famokkat deggu sa' un mahunguk. Walk on tiptoe so nobody can hear you. Syn: le'yuk.


deha vi. squat, crouch, sit down on one's heels. Dumedeha si Tun Manet gi halum tånu'. Tun Manet is squatting in the forest. Fandeha påpa' yanggin para in attuki i babuin halum tånu'. Crouch if you are going to hide from the wild pig. Gai minakkat dumeha sa' i inamko'‑ña. His age makes it difficult to squat. From: Sp. deja.


dei adv. friend (used in direct address or greetings). Håfa dei. Hello, friend. Hu tungu' dei na... I know, friend, that... Mungnga dei inistotba nu i bidå‑ña i patgun, sa' ti mangumprendi tarabiha. Don't be offended by the child's action, because she is still innocent. Variant: dai.


dekabuku' adj. asymmetrical, lopsided, not smooth, full of potholes. Dekabuku' i fina'tinås‑ña galaidi. The canoe he built is asymmetrical. Tattiyi i ti dekabuku' na chålan para i gima'‑måmi. Follow the road that is not full of potholes to our house. Syn: todu etchung. Variant: dekobuku'. From: Jp.


dekka' n. pole, stick (used for picking). Guaha dekka'‑mu para i mangga. You have a stick for picking mangos.

vt. 1) poke, pick (with pole or stick), nudge, pick at (nose or ears). Si Jose ha dekka' i lemmai nu i gaoli. Jose picked the breadfruit with the pole. Ha dedekka' si Tun Jose i gui'eng‑ña. Tun Jose is picking his nose. Syn: gåoli, dossuk. 2) coax, call attention to, encourage, bring up. Mungnga madekka' esti hulu'. Don't bring this up. Ha keke'dekka' yu' si Jose para bai hu dalak gui'. Jose is trying to convince me to go with him.


dekka' nifin n. toothpick. Tåya' esta dekka' nifin. There are no more toothpicks. I dekka' nifin para i nifin ha'. Toothpicks are for our teeth only. Piligru i dekka' nifin para i mandikiki' na famagu'un siha. Toothpicks are dangerous for little children.


dekkis vt. 1) cause to hit or strike (one small object against another). Hu dekkis i tamma' duru para u fanhålum gi raya. I struck the marbles hard so they would get to the finish line. 2) snap (one's fingers). Ha dekkis i kalulot‑ña. He snapped his fingers. See: deska.


deklarasión n. declaration, statement, deposition, testimony. Meggai na deklarasion manmataitai låo ti makumprendi nu i taotåo siha. Many declarations were read but were not understood by the people. Ti båli i deklarasion ginin i tistigun esti na kåosa sa' ha tulaika i fino'‑ña dispues. The deposition from the witness was worthless because she changed her statement later. Si guellan‑måmi ma fa'tinas deklarasion na ti para u mabendi i tanu' ni ngai'an. Our ancestors declared that land shall never be sold. From: Sp. declaración.


dekobuku' adj. uneven, lumpy (of surface). Mandekobuku' i satgi. The floor is uneven. Matomba yu' gi chalan, sa' mampus dekobuku' yan fachi'. I stumble on the road because it was uneven and muddy. Variant: dekabuku'. From: Japanese for dekoboko.


Delan name. nickname for Adelia. Bunitu esti na nå'an i Delan. Delan is a nice name. Si Adelia ga'on‑ña ma'ågang Delan gi Adelia. Adelia prefers to be called Delan rather than Adelia.


deligådu n. delegate, representative. Si Tun Manet Sablan, guiya i deligådun Mariånas. Tun Manet Sablan is the delegate of the Marianas. Takkilu' na onru yanggin para un deligådun manhobinsitu siha. It is a high honor to be a delegate for the youth. Guaha na deligådu ti ha sungun i puestu ni manå'i gui' sa' put gai minakkat yan sa'pit. There are representatives who could not tolerate the position given due to the heavy responsibility and sacrifice. Syn: reprisentånti. Variant: delegådu. From: Sp. delegado.


dellang vi. balance (oneself) while walking on a narrow bridge or rope. Dumellang yu' guatu gi ottru båndan chålan. I balanced myself across the other side of the road. Nihi ta fandellang gi ramas trongkun kamachili. Let's balance ourselves and walk on the branch of the kamachili tree. Sigi ha' dumellang guennåo esta ki un basnak ya må'pi' kihadås‑mu. Yes, go on and keep balancing yourself there until you slip and break your chin. Variant: dollan.


dentista n. dentist. Matifi' nifen‑ña si Tun Jose nu i dentista. Tun Jose's tooth was removed by the dentist. Esta dumentista si Tun Jose. Tun Jose already became a dentist. Tres na dentista manggaigi gi espitåt. Three dentists are at the hospital. From: Sp. dentista.


dentru prep. within; used with di, inside, in. Syn: hålum, entri. From: Sp. dentro.


dengding n. snail (generic term). Esta sen håssan i akaleha' na klåsin dengding. The akaleha kind of snail is very rare now. Måolik esti i dengding para mafa'abonu. It is good to make fertilizer from snails. Tiempun uchan na manhuhuyung i dengding siha. Snails come out during the rainy season. Variant: dengdeng.

vt. create (for someone) a style of hairdo that is coiled, doughnut shaped, twisted in spiral shape. Atan ha' sa' madengding gapitulu‑ña si Tita kalan donat. Look, Tita's hairstyle is coiled like a doughnut. Bunitu madengdeng si Rosa sa' anåkku' gaputulu‑ña. Rosa looks beautiful in dengdeng hairstyle because she has long hair. See: akaleha'. Variant: dengdeng.


dengha vi. bow, bend over (with head lower than hips). Dengha påpa' yanggin maloffan i Maga'låhi. Bend down when the chief passes by. Ha na'dengha yu' si Fulånu anai ha hannan yu' nu i galuti. Fulanu made me bend over when he threatened me with a stick. Denghanñaihun fan ya bai hu galoppi håo. Would you bend over so that I can jump over you. Syn: diluk, deha. Variant: dengnga.


dengka' vt. nibble (food or bait), nip, peck, pick at, scratch off, scrape off. I guihan ha dengka' i katnåda. The fish nibbled the bait. Hu dengka' i pintura gi kareta. I scraped off the paint on the car. Variant: dengkut.


dengki' n. electricity, light bulb. Tulaika i dengki' sa' esta ti ma'lak. Replace the light bulb because it is not bright any more. Chuli'i si nåna dos na tamma' dengki' sa' mampus homhum i kuatton‑ña. Take two light bulbs for Nana because her room is too dark. Ha bira i dengki' gi brongku na manera ya ha pokka'. He turned on the light bulb roughly and he broke it. Mapunu' i dengki' gi paingi, sa' guaha tumotpi i haligin tilifon. The electricity was turned off last night, because someone hit the utility pole. Syn: kåndit, ilektrisidå. From: Jp. denki.


dengkut vt. 1) peck, strike with the beak. Ha dengkut yu' i ga'‑hu gåyu anai hu na'hålum gi tangkat. My pet rooster pecked me when I put him inside the cage. Mandedengkut i guihan, sa' binensi nu i ma'lak na katnåda. The fish was pecking because it was attracted by the bright bait. 2) pick at (one's food).


dengnga vi. bow, bend over. Dengnga yanggin para un hokka. Bend over if you are going to pick it up. Dumengha yu' sa' mampus makkat i kestat ni hu u'uma. I bent over because of the heavy sack I was carrying. Mandedengnga i famagu'un sa' hugåndun dengnga mahugagåndu. The children were bent over because they are playing a bowing game. Variant: dengha.


dengua' n. telephone, cablegram (Saipan). See: tilifón, uailis.

vt. phone, cable. From: Jp. denwa.


deris n. fish poison plant. Derris Elliptica. Guaha na ta sodda' deris mandodokku' gi kantun tåsi. We sometimes find poison ivy by the seashore. In isa deris anai manpeska ham på'gu. We used fish poison plant for fishing today. Ma na'påra ma'usa deris para mameska. They banned the use of fish poison plant for fishing.


desguas n. 1) pole for picking fruits, picking pole. Na'setbi i desguas ni gai kostat ya un tifi' i alageta. Use the pole with the sack to pick the avocado. Måolik mafa'desguas i trongkun pi'åo, sa' ñahlalang. It's good to make picking poles out of bamboo, because it's light. 2) pole with lasso at end for catching chickens. Para bai in fanmama'tinas desguas para bai in fanmangonni' månnuk para katdun‑måmi agupa'. We're going to make poles with a lasso at the end so we can catch chickens for our soup tomorrow.

vt. catch (a chicken) with a pole. Para bai in fandesguas månnuk lamuna. We're going to catch chickens with a pole tonight.


desikna vt. designate. Madisikna si Linda para manihåntin i ofisinan i manhobin. Linda was designated as the head of the office on youth. I gurupun istudiåntin Luta manmadisikna para u atendi i kumfirensian hinemlu'. The group of students fron Rota were designated to attend the health conference. Variant: disikna. From: Sp. designa.


desimåt n. fraction whose denominator is a power of ten, represented by a point; decimal; tenth. Nisisita un istudia put desimåt yanggin malagu' håo na un mahåtsa hulu' gi ottru grådu gi iskuela. You need to study about decimals if you want to be promoted to the next grade level. Ma'introdusi i istudiu put desimåt gi kuåttru grådu. The study of decimals is introduced in grade four. Variant: desimu. From: Sp. decimal.

n. decimal point. Po'lu i puntun desimåt gi dinanchi na lugåt. Put the decimal point in the right place. Maleffa i istudiånti para u pega i puntun desimåt anai masinsusura gui'. The student forgot to place the decimal point when taking the test.


deska vt. flip (with fingertip), flick (with fingertip), toss with a quick jerk, hit or strike (someone or something) with one's finger (usually from the release of the index or middle finger after binding with the thumb). I taotåo ha deska i riåt hulu' para u matungu' håyi manggånna. The man flipped the dime up to see who won. Kumu ti hu ekkunguk si tåta, siempri ha deska talanga‑hu. If I do not listen to father, he will flick my ear. Hu deska i tamma' ya malågu dies putgådas chinago'‑ña. I hit the marble and it rolled ten inches away.


desnik vi. appear (unexpectedly), appear at a place, come to a place. Mandesnik todu i familia gi gimå'‑hu gi ma'pus na Damenggu. My family all came to my house unexpectedly last Sunday. Ai adai sa' desnik i bisinu‑hu gi giput i familia. Thank goodness my neighbor came to the family party. Desnik si Pali' Jesse gi duråntin i duttrina nigap. Father Jesse appeared unexpectedly during catechism class yesterday.


destinasión n. destination. Hu sangåni i draiba na para i American Memorial Park i destinasion‑hu. I told the driver that my destination was the American Memorial Park. Hu tugi' gi pappit na Guam ha' destinasion‑hu. I wrote on the paper that Guam was my only destination. Kumu siña håo pumasehu maskiseha månu gi tanu', månu mohon para destinasion‑mu? If you were to travel to anywhere in the world, where would your destination be? From: Sp. destinación.


deta vt. restrict (someone) from eating (a certain food), restrict (someone) to eat the minimum of (a certain food). Ma deta yu' ni manmamis na nengkanu' siha. They restricted me from eating sweet food. Sessu hu kånnu' i mantika maseha madeta yu'. I frequently eat fat even though I'm supposed to be limiting it. Un deta yu' asukat. You restricted me from sugar. Bai hu deta yu' asukat. I'm going to limit my intake of sugar. Variant: dieta. From: Sp. dieta.


di cnj. conjunction found in phrases borrowed from Spanish. Debi di ta fañåchalik kada diha. We should laugh every day. Sigi håo di mama'baba fan ta'lu. You are fooling around again. Båsta di le'li'. Stop fooling (you're wasting your time). From: Sp. de.


di'åo n. game of hide-and-seek,base (used in a game of hide-and-seek). I famagu'un yan‑ñiha i huegun di'åo. The children enjoy the hide-and-seek game. Mangachayi i patgun ya ha na'suha i di'åo gi sagå‑ña. The child played a trick by removing the hide-and-seek touch base from its place.

vi. play hide-and-seek. Nihi ta fandi'åo gi kantun tåsi. Let's go and play hide-and-seek by the beach. Variant: di'u.


di'åriu adv. daily, occurring regularly, often happening easily, easy to occur often, daily. I mediku di'åriu ha rikunosi i malångu. The doctor easily checks on the patient often. I pulisia ma usa i ufisiåt na chininan‑ñiha di'åriu para i che'chu'. Policemen wear their official uniform to work every day. Todus hit umu'usa i hanum di'åriu. We all use water regularly. From: Sp. diario.


di'u n. 1) base (in a game of baseball). Ti siña manhugåndu i famagu'un bola sa' tåya' di'u. The children couldn't play baseball because there are no bases. Guaha kuåttru na di'u gi plåsan bola. There are four bases at the baseball field. 2) hide-and-seek. Manmaguf i istudiånti sa' para u fanhugåndu di'u. The students are happy because they will play hide-and-seek. Variant: dihåo.


diåblu n. devil, usually a bad word used when one is angry. Diåblu na tåotåo siha, sigi ha' ma distrosa i halum tånu'. Those devils, they keep destroying the forest. Diåblu sa' måttu i sakki ta'lu tåtti. What the devil, the thief is back again. Syn: dimoniu. From: Sp. diablo.


diablura n. mischief, foolishness. Bidan diablura i taotåo ni tailayi. When a person is bad, his actions are mischievous. Puru che'chu' diablura siha ofision‑ña si Pedro. Pedro is full of mischief.

adj. mischievous, up to no good. Sigi di mandiablura i famagu'un mientras ma nanangga i ma'estran‑ñiha. The children were up to no good while waiting for their teacher. From: Sp. diablura.


diahlu intj. it's okay, never mind, no thanks, a gentle way of saying no. Diahlu, ti bai hu hånåo. It's okay, I will not go. Ilek‑ña si nanå‑hu, diahlu ya guiya ha' para u cho'gui i na'yan. My mom said, never mind, she would do the dishes herself. Diahlu ya hågu ha' un hånåo na maisa. It's okay, just go by yourself. Diahlu, mungnga yu' umaksepta ennåo. No thanks, I wouldn't accept that. Syn: gusi' ha', tåya' guaha. Variant: dialu.


dialektu n. dialect, regional form of a language. Tattiyi i ma'u'usa mås na dialektu. Follow the most commonly used dialect. Difirentis na dialektu guaha giya Mariånas. There are many different dialects in the Marianas. Rispeta i dialektun i ottru siha na lingguåhi. Respect the dialects of other languages. From: Sp. dialecto.


dialu intj. it's okay, it's allright, never mind, no thanks, a softer way of saying no. Dialu ya ti bai hu hånåo. It's okay, I will not go. Ilek‑ña si nanå‑hu, dialu ya guiya ha' para u cho'gui. My mom said, it's allright; she would do it herself. Dialu ya hågu ha' un hånåo na maisa. It's okay, just go by yourself. Variant: diahlu.


diamånti n. diamond. Hu fahåni i hagå‑hu diamånti na aniyu. I bought a diamond ring for my daughter. Mangguaguan i diamånti na kosas. Diamonds are very expensive things. Hu prenda i nobiå‑hu diamånti na aniyu. I gave my fiancé a diamond ring. From: Sp. diamante.


diametru n. diameter. I dinangkulun i tangkin hanom‑hu dies pe i diametru‑ña. The size of my water tank is ten feet in diameter. I bolan tåsi kana' dos pe diametru‑ña. The beach ball is almost two feet in diameter. From: Sp. diametro.


diåntri intj. gosh, gee, my goodness, used to express surprise. Diåntri na nina'chalik tåotåo håo. Gosh, you're a funny man. Diåntri na maninaguaguat famagu'un hamyu. My goodness, you are very naughty kids. Diåntri sa' ti ha na'funhåyan i che'cho'‑ña. Gee--he didn't finish his work. Variant: diåntris. From: Sp. diantre.


dibåna vt. slice (bread, cake, etc.), cut (in slices). I panaderu ha dibåna i pån gi kuåttru påtti. The baker sliced the bread into four parts. Esti na se'si' måolik para mandibåna. This knife is good for slicing. Hu dibåna i fruta para i giput. I cut the fruits for the party. Madibåna potput i pån soku‑pån. The loaf of bread was sliced thickly. Variant: ribåna.


dibåtdi adj. free, not costing anything, gratis. Nihi ta fanegga' kachidu' sa' dibåtdi. Let's watch a movie because it's free. Dibåtdi ha' i diluk sågu. The flu shot does not cost anything. Bula dibåtdi na lepblu gi kumfirensia. There were lot of free books at the conference. From: Sp. de balde.


dibåti n. argument, dispute, debate. Para u guaha dibåti gi kampen. There's going to be a debate in the campaign. Ti nahung dibåti put esti na asuntu. There is not enough debate about this issue. Annuk na manmetgut siha na dibåti manmayotti huyung nu i gurupun istudiånti siha. It is clear that the arguments by the student groups were powerful.

vi. debate, quarrel, argue. Duru mandibåti gi hunta. They debated fiercely in the meeting. Dumibåti si Tun Jose yan si Tun Pedro put taimanu matånum i pipitas papåya. Tun Jose and Tun Pedro argued over how to plant papaya seeds. Ma yuti' i che'chu'‑ñiha ya mañåonåo madibåti put håyi mås måolik che'cho'‑ña. They dropped their work and joined in debating whose work is the best. Syn: atgumentu. From: Sp. debate.


diberas adv. honestly, certainly, for sure, surely, truthfully (declaring or asserting as true, to be believed). Diberas, ti mandadagi yu'. Honestly, I'm not lying. Diberas, båsta yu'. For sure, I quit. Diberas na ti humånåo håo para i tenda? Are you sure you did not go to the store? From: Sp. de veras.


dibetsión n. entertainment, recreation, diversion. Håfa na klåsin dibetsion ya‑mu? What kind of entertainment do you like? Bula klåsin dibetsion guaha para i manhobin. There are many kinds of recreation for young people. Imputtånti na u guaha dibetsion‑mu gi lina'la'‑mu. It is important to have recreation in your life. From: Sp. diversión.


dibetti vt. put (oneself) at leisure, put (oneself) at ease, make oneself free (from business). Debi di un dibetti håo gi lina'la'‑mu. You should have leisure time in your life. Bula manera ni siña un na'dibetti håo. There are many ways that you can have leisure time. Bai hu dibetti yu' ottru simåna sa' bai hu bakasion. Next week will be my leisure time because I will be on vacation. Variant: dibietti. From: Sp. divierte.


dibi n. debt. Apåsi i dibi‑mu. Pay your debt. Esta tåya' dibi‑hu gi tenda. I have no more debt at the store. Dibi esti i chinchuli'. A chinchuli is a debt to be paid.

vt. owe, be in debt to, charge (something), borrow. I amigå‑hu ha dibi yu' benti pesus. My friend borrowed twenty dollars from me. Para bai hu fandibi sa' tåya' salappe'‑hu. I am going to charge it because I don't have money. Syn: fiha.


dibibiyun1 n. division. I tano'‑hu esta munhåyan i dibibiyun para i famagu'on‑hu. The land has been divided among my children. I dibibiyun i che'chu' esta munhåyan intri i gurupu. The division of work has been completed among the group.

vt. divide. Hu dibibiyun parehu kosa ki todu u fanmañagi. I divided equally so everyone will get a share or try.


dibibiyun2 n. lender. Ti ha fatoigui ham i dibibiyun. The lender did not visit us. Bai apasi i dibi‑hu åntis di hu fåttu i dibibiyun. I will pay my debts before the lender arrives.


dibidi vt. divide, split evenly, sever, cause to be separate, share, separate into parts. Dibidi i salåppi' parehu. Divide the money equally. Ha dibidi si tåta i tanu' intri i famagu'on‑ña siha. Dad split the land among his children. Dibidi gi dos påtti. Divide it into two parts. Syn: påtti, ápatti, kumpåtti. From: Sp. divide.


dibietti vt. liberate. Debi di un dibietti håo gi lina'la'‑mu. You should have leisure time in your life. Bula manera ni siña un na'dibietti håo. There are many ways where you can have leisure time. Variant: dibetti. From: Sp. divierte.


dibina n. guessing game, riddle, puzzle. Ti ya‑hu humugåndu dibina. I don't enjoy a guessing game. Dalai na anåkku' dibina ennåo. My, what a long riddle that is. Esti un dibina para un hahassu gi lina'la'‑mu. This is one puzzle for you to ponder over during your lifetime.

vt. puzzle over, guess (as in a guessing game), foretell, foresee, give riddle. Maila' ya ta dibina kåo para u bira gui' tåtti pat åhi'. Let's bet on whether he will return or not. Ha dibina na ti u åtman gi ennåo na cho'chu'. He foresaw that that he would not last in that job. From: Sp. divina.


dibina dibina intj. riddle riddle, guess what (as in a guessing game). Dibina dibina, håfa mumuta' hånum? I grifu. Riddle, riddle, what vomits water? Faucet. Dibina dibina, håyi gaigi gi papa' lamasa? I biha ni malasa. Riddle, riddle, who is under the table? The old lady who was massaged. Dibina dibina, håfa pulu sanhilu' yan pulu sanpapa'. Yanggin un huchum, månngi'? I mata. Riddle riddle, what is hairy on top and hairy on the bottom and when you close it, it feels good? The eye. This is a riddle that rhymes the way it is said.


dibinu adj. divine. Dibinu i Ñinu Jesus. Baby Jesus is divine. Yanggin u atan ennåo na påtgun, kalan i dibinu. If you look at that child, he looks divine. Manbisita i Niñu Jesus dibinu gi gima'‑måmi gi Påsgua. The divine Baby Jesus visited our home on Christmas. From: Sp. divino.


dibisión n. partition, dividing wall, subdivision, division. In isa dibision para bai in sipåra dos påtti gi kuåttu. We used a partition to make two separate areas in our classroom. Mansatisfetchu i mañe'lu ni dibision tånu'. The siblings are satisfied with the division of the land. Parehu todu i dibision cho'chu' entri i mangga'chung. The division of the work is equally distributed among the team members. From: Sp. división.


dibittåo adj. at leisure, free from demands, at liberty, permitted. Dibittåo håo para un cho'gui håfa malago'‑mu. You are at liberty to do as you wish. Mandibittåo i sindålu. The soldiers are at liberty. Maguf yu' sa' dibittåo‑hu. I am happy because I have leisure time.


dibotu adj. devoted, dedicated, pious, religious, devout. I dibotu na amigu‑hu todu siña ha cho'guiyi yu'. My devoted friend would do anything for me. Dibotu si Victoria sa' tåya' ni fåtta gi misan Damenggu. Vicky is devout because she never missed Sunday Mass. Bulan mañaina mandibotu gi edukasion famagu'un‑ñiha. Many parents are devoted to their children's education. From: Sp. devoto.


dibuetta vt. make a round trip, return from a trip, come back from traveling. Ha dibuetta gui' nigap si Liz ginin Hawaii. Liz returned from her Hawaii trip yesterday. Para u dibuetta gui' mågi ginin Guam. She is going to return here from Guam. Ngai'an ni un dibuetta håo ginin i bakasion‑mu? When did you return from your vacation? Reflexive verb. From: Sp. de vuelta.


dibuha n. croquet (game). Manhugåndun dibuha i famagu'un gi iskuela. The children played croquet at school.

vi. play croquet. Håfa taimanu tungo'‑ña si Juana na mandibuha i manamigå‑ña na ha'åni? How did Juana know that her girlfriends played croquet today? Ti gustun‑ñiha mandibuha, låo manhugåndu para u makumplåsi si nang. They really don't care for croquet games, but they played to please mom.


dibuhu vt. crochet (something). Hu dibuhu i sabanas neni. I crocheted a baby blanket. Ha dibubuhu si nanan biha i pañulon para si nanå‑hu. Grandmother is crocheting a shawl for my mom. Malagu' umetyak si Kita mandibuhu låo tåya' tiempon‑ña. Mary wants to learn to crochet but she has no time for it. Syn: ganchiyu.


dibusión n. devotion, prayer. Bula dibusion‑ñiha i famagu'un para i mañainan‑ñiha. The children offered many prayers for their parents. I taotåo mandidimu yan manmananaitai nu i dibusion‑ñiha gi gima' Yu'us. The people are kneeling and saying their devotions in church. I dibusíon i lancheru ni para u guaha uchan, måttu giya siha sa' duru uchan. The farmers' prayer was granted because it finally began to rain. From: Sp. devoción.


dibusiunåriu n. prayer book. Hu taitai i dibusíunåriu kada puengi åntis di bai hu maigu'. I read from the prayer book every night before I sleep. Para bai hu taitai i nobenan San Antonio låo ti siña hu sodda' i dibusiunåriu. I wanted to pray the Saint Anthony novena, but I couldn't find my prayer book. Todu i tiempu ha chuchuli' i dibusiunåriu para i gima' Yu'us. She always brings her prayer book to church. From: Sp. devocionario.


dibutsia vt. divorce, dissolve marriage contract by legal authority. Dispues di dies åñus na kasamentu, madibutsia i dos. After ten years of marriage, the couple were divorced. Meggai na biåhi na ginin i adutteriha ni manmadibubutsia i mangasåo. Many times it is from adultery that married people get divorced. Manna'ma'si' i famagu'un sa' madibutsia i mañainan‑ñiha. The children are unfortunate because their parents are divorced. From: Sp. divorcia.


díchiching adj. tiny, small, minute, very little, short. Mandíchiching i kalulut neni. The baby's' fingers are tiny. Kalan gai dínichiching esta i lapes‑su. It seems like my pencil is getting rather small. Na'fansahngi fan ennåo i mandíchiching na åtchu'. Could you set aside the tiny stones? Syn: chibi', díkiki', po'yit.


dichosu adj. faithful, loyal, devoted, dedicated, blessed, conscientious. Sen dichosu si Leon sa' listu manayuda gi che'chu' familia. Leon is very conscientious because he is ready to help in family matters. I mandichosu na sindålu ti u matraiduti i tanu'‑ñiha. Loyal soldiers do not betray their country. Mansen dichosu i suruhånu siha gi manmanåmtin chetnut påtgun. Native healers are very dedicated in treating children's illnesses. Syn: dibotu. From: Sp. dichoso.


dichu adj. appropriate, right; the very (thing). Dichu ennåo para un cho'gui guennåo na momentu. That's the appropriate thing to do at that moment. Gi dichu ora anai aksidenti håo, gotpi manfugu yu'. The very moment of your accident, I suddenly felt cold. Hu hunguk na gi dichu ha'åni ni måttu håo, humånåo yu'. I heard that on the very day you came, I left. From: Sp. dicho.


dídibina n. fortune teller. I didibina gi feria para u dibina i håfa para bai susedi gi manmamamaila' na tiempu. The fortune teller at the carnival will predict what will be happening to me in the future. Mampus fayi ennåo na didibina. That fortune teller is very clever. I dos na didibina ti parehu lini'i'‑ñiha put guåhu. The two fortune tellers did not see the same things about me. Derived by reduplication from dibina. Syn: ririfa.


dídidi' adj. few, a little, not many, not much. Dídidi' ha' yu' un nå'i na chinchuli' gi giput familia. You only gave me a small donation at the family party. Dídidi' ha' na tåotåo manmåttu gi hunta. Only a few people came to the meeting. Dídidi' ha' gaputilu‑ña si Tåta sa' måmatfus. Father has not much hair because he is balding.


didiluk n. thorn, sharp object. Adahi na un tinekcha' ni didilok‑ña i gadåo mamati'. Be careful not to be poked with the thorns from the shallow reef grouper. Gai didiluk i trongkun lemmun. The lemon tree has thorns. Diniluk kannai‑ña nu i didiluk‑ña i floris rosa. The thorns of the rose pierced her hand. Derived by reduplication from duluk.


diduk adj. dark, intense, deep, profound, steep, much. Diduk na asut kulot‑ña i matå‑mu. You have dark blue eyes. Diduk håo manhassu na tåotåo. You are a deep thinker.


dies num. ten. Dies pe i tinatkilo'‑ña i trongkun mansanita. The height of the Panama berry tree is ten feet. Dies ha' na hagun latda para ta chuli'i i suruhåna på'gu na ogga'an. We will only gather ten noni leaves for the healer this morning. Kåo siña un sodda' dies na åtchu' Tagga' gi halum hatdin? Can you find ten latte stones in the garden? From: Sp. diez.


dieta vt. restrict (someone) from eating (something), put (someone) on a regimen. I suruhåna ha dieta yu' guihan agaga'. The lady healer restricted me from eating red fish. Madieta si Frankie na ti para u chochotchu bula sa' mampus yommuk. Frankie is restricted from eating a lot because he is so overweight. Ma dieta yu' mantika, pika, yan atkahot put i kondision‑hu. They restrict me from eating fat, spicy hot food, and drinking alcohol due to my condition. Variant: deta. From: Sp. dieta.


difektu adj. defective, flawed, having a fault, damaged. Difektu esti na masetan kriståt, sa' kå'ka'. This crystal vase is defective, because it is cracked. Difektu esti na rilos, sa' ti dumililingding gi ora. This clock is defective, because it not ringing on the hour. Poddung i atuf i gima', sa' difektu i haligi. The roof of the house collapsed, because the post was defective. From: Sp. difecto.


difendånti n. defendant. Gi pappit a'annuk na si Patrick i difendånti. On paper it's showing that Patrick is the defendant. Gi kotti debi di u guaha kehånti yan difendånti. In court there must be a plaintiff and a defendant. Anai makotti si Miget, guiya i difendånti sa' inakusa ni asaguå‑ña. When Miguel went to court, he was the defendant because he was being accused by his wife.


difendi vt. defend, protect, shield, guard, safeguard. Kumunfotmi i abugådu na para u difendi i taotåo ni ma'akusa na mañåkki. The lawyer agreed to defend the person accused of robbery. Malågu i patgun sa' ti siña ha difendin maisa gui' kontra i dos na hobinsitu. The child ran because he couldn't defend himself against the two teenagers. Hu difendi i interes i familia put i asuntun tanu'‑måmi gi kotti. I defended our family's land interest in court. See: guåtdia. From: Sp. defiende.


difensa n. defense, protector. Metgut difensan‑ña i Amerikånu. The Americans have a strong defense. Tumohgi i che'lu‑hu palåo'an para guiya difensa gi kåosåk‑ku. My sister stood as my defense on my case. Na'brabu håo ya u metgut i difensa para i hinemlo'‑mu. Be active so that your defense of your health will be strong. From: Sp. defensa.


difina vt. define. Kåo siña un difina håfa kumeke'ilek‑ña i palåbra? Can you define what the word means? Esti na tinigi' Tun Juan, ha dififina put unu na asuntun kutturan Chamoru. This written work by Tun Juan defines one aspect of Chamorro culture. Debi di un difina kada palåbra ni manggaigi gi lista. You have to define each word on the list. From: Sp. defina.


difinsót n. defender, protector, guardian, legal counsel, attorney. Guåhu i difinsot para esti na kåosa. I am the legal counsel for this case. Manmåttu manmetgut na difinsot para i uma ayuda i tano'‑ta. The powerful defenders came to protect our land. From: Sp. defensor.


difirensia n. difference, variation, dissimilarity. Guaha difirensia gi dos na ineppi. There is a difference in the two answers. Siña ha' masåtba i difirensian‑ñiha sin mumu. It is possible for their differences to be settled without a fight. Tåya' difirensia gi kutturan Chamorro gi entalu' i islas siha giya Mariånas. There is no difference in Chamorro culture among the islands of the Marianas. From: Sp. diferencia.


difirensiåt n. difference, dissimiliarity. I taotåo alåhas ha tungu' håfa na difirensiåt guaha gi magåhit na diamånti kontra i kadukadu ha'. The jeweler can tell the difference between the real diamond and the fake one. Håfa na difirensiåt i hokkuk yan i Hocog? What is the difference between hokkuk and Hocog? From: Sp. diferencial.


difirentis adj. different, various, variety, diverse. Bula difirentis klåsin tåotåo giya Saipan. There are a lot of different kinds of people on Saipan. Difirentis na kulot mana'annuk gi isa. Different colors are visible in the rainbow. In bisita difirentis na lugåt anai manbakasion ham. We visited various places when we were on vacation. From: Sp. diferentes.


difuntu n. dead person (male), deceased, one who passed away (male), the late; euphemism for måtai. Håyi na'ån‑ña i difuntu? What is the name of the male deceased person? Ottru simåna i kumpliañus i finatai‑ña si difuntu Juan. Next week is the death anniversary of the late Juan. Si Joaquin tatå‑ña si difuntu Jose. The late Jose is Joaquin's father. From: Sp. difunto.


diga n. raffle. Para ngai'an i diga gi fiestan Saint Jude? When is the raffle for Saint Jude? Manggånna yu' kareta gi digan i fiestan Luta. I won a car at a raffle drawing at a fiesta in Rota. Tåya' malagu' mamåhan tikkit diga na tiempu. Nobody wants to buy raffle tickets these days.

vt. bid, raffle. Tåya' kosas para u fanmadiga, låo guaha gå'ga'. There are no dry goods to be raffled, but there are livestock. Manmadiga todu i kareta ni manggaigi gi kantun chålan. All the cars along the roads are to be raffled. Madiga i magågun JesuKristu. Jesus' clothes were bidded (out). Syn: rifa.


digeru adj. cheater, swindler, hoax. Etyugui' mågi si digeru. Here comes the cheater. Digeru ennåo na ufisiåt. That official is a cheater. Digera håo na palåo'an. You're a cheating woman. Digeru ennåo na tåotåo. That person is a swindler.

vi. cheat. Para u digeru ta'lu si Juan gi batu. Juan is going to cheat again at the batu game. Variant: dugeru.


digiriha n. falsehood, fraud, action done not by the rule or by commonly acceptable way of doing things, cheating. Bula digiriha gi gayera. There is a lot of cheating at the cockfight. Ti ya‑hu esti i digiria gi huegu. I do not like cheating in games. Che'chu' digiria esti. This is a fraudulent work.


digiruyi vt. cheat, swindle, shortchange, trick. Ha digiruyi yu' si Marikita ni salappe'‑hu. Marikita shortchanged with my money. Manmadigiruyi ham gi basketball. We were cheated at the basketball game. Manpiniti i famagu'un sa' manmadigiruyi gi kumpitensia. The children were sad because they were cheated at the competition. Variant: dugiruyi.


digueya vt. behead, cut (someone's or something's) head off, kill, ruin, destroy. Hu digueya i agå'ga' i babui. I cut off the pig's head. Mungnga yu' mana'lalålu' osino hu digueya håo. Don't make me mad or else I'll behead you. I sindålu ha digueya i inimigu. The soldier cut off the enemy's head. From: Sp. degüella.


digula adj. stuffed from overeating, feeling heavy from eating too much. Digula i neni sa' bula kinanno'‑ña. The baby had a stomach ache from eating too much. Mungnga chumotchu mampus bula na nengkanu' sa' un digula. Don't eat too much food, because you will have a stomach ache. Digula yu' nigap. I overate yesterday and I had a stomach ache. See: binatya'.


diha n. day. Machocho'chu' si tatå‑hu kada diha. My father works every day. Po'lu ya ottru diha ni ta kuekuentus. We will let it go and we will talk about it another day. Un diha fuera på'gu, siempri un hahassu yu'. One of these days you will be thinking of me. See: ha'åni. From: Sp. dia.


diha dihuisiu n. judgment day at the end of the world. Guaha na rilihon manmanhonggi put i diha dihuisiu. Some religions believe in judgment day at the end of the world. Variant: diha dethuisiu. From: Sp. dia del juicio.


diha' intj. you see (what happens?), look at what happens. Dia' sa' poddung håo. See! You fell down. Dia' sa' malalatdi håo sa' inipus åguaguat. See! You got scolded because you are so mischievous. Dia' ilelek‑ku ha' na måolik ha' todu. See! I have been saying that all is well. Dia' na basnak håo. See there, you fell down. Dia' na guiya mås måolik na istudiånti på'gu na simåna. You see what happened--she's the best student this week. Dia' na un na'falingu i salappe'‑mu. See there, you lost your money.


dihåkunu n. deacon. I dihåkunu muna'komutgan gi misa. The deacon is giving holy communion at mass. Malagu' i lahi‑hu para u dihåkunu yanggin munhåyan i iskuelå‑ña kulehu. My son wants to be a deacon when he graduates from college. From: Sp. diácono.


dihåo1 adj. careless, sloppy, disorganized, (one who) misplaces things frequently. Dihåo i håfa un tugi' gi pappet‑mu. You were careless in what you wrote on your paper. Dihåo håo ni kosås‑mu siha. You are careless with your things. I gima' mampus applacha' sa' dihåo håo. The house is dirty because you are sloppy. Syn: diskuidåo.


díkiki' adj. small, little, diminutive, tiny, petite. Gi gimå'‑hu, guaha un dikiki' na kuåttu. In my home, there's a small room. Ai na dinikiki' ga'lågu ennåo. My, that dog is so tiny. Kåo siña un na'fanladangkulu i lettra kosa ki siña ta taitai måolik, sa' mampus mandikiki'. Could you enlarge the letters so that they will easy to read, because they are too small. Syn: chibi, po'yit, dichiching.


diklåra vt. declare, assert openly, affirm, announce, proclaim. Hu diklåra na måkpu' chi'cho'‑hu agupa'. I declared that tomorrow will be the end of my work. Madiklåra na typhoon condition tres esta. They declared that it's typhoon condition three already. Syn: pruklåma. From: Sp. declara.


diknidåt n. dignity, nobility, worthiness, state of being honorable. Mana'guaha diknidåt para i interun sindålu. The fallen soldier was laid to rest with dignity. Tåya' diknidåt gi fino'‑mu. Your words have no dignity.

adj. dignified, noble, worthy, honorable. Hu gågagåo i diknidåt na dispensasion‑mu. I seek your forgiveness with dignity. Ennåo na gurupun tåotåo mandiknidåt pusision‑ñiha. That group of people is of noble rank. Ti para in fanhugågandu guini na sirimonias sa' diknidåt na okasion. You are not to be playing in this ceremony because this is a solemn occasion. From: Sp. dignidad.


diknu adj. dignified, majestic, noble, magnificent, honorable, glorious. Diknu ennåo na tåotåo. That man is honorable. Bula kumunsidera i Santu Påpa kumu diknu na tåotåo. Many consider the Pope to be a dignified person. Diknu ennåo na hinassu. That thought is noble. Syn: onråo. From: Sp. digno.


diksinåriu n. dictionary. Usa i diksinåriu para un tungu' håfa kumeke'ilek‑ña i palåbra. Use the dictionary to learn the meaning of the word. Mabebendi i diksinåriu gi tenda. Dictionaries are sold at the store. I maribisan diksinariu tinataka' anåkku' na tiempu. Dictionary revisions take a long time. Variant: diksiunåriu. From: Sp. diccionario.


Dikta1 name. nickname for Benedicta. Para u fåttu ta'lu si kumairek‑ku Dikta para bai in emmangga. My kumairi Dikta will come again for us to look for mangos.


dikta1 vt. dictate, say aloud to be taken down in writing. I guatdia ha dikta i kinalamtin i huegu. The point guard dictates the play. I sainan i gima' dumidikta i areklun familia. The parent dictates the family rules at home. From: Sp. dicta.


dikta2 vt. guide, direct. Dikta yu' gi tinas na disision. Guide me with the right decision. I lai ha dikta i aksion i siudadånu. The law directs citizens' actions. From: Sp. dicta.


diliba vt. deliver, turn over, hand over. I militåt ha diliba nengkanu' para i manna'ma'si' na tåotåo. The military delivered food to the needy people. Hu diliba i katga guatu gi tenda. I delivered the cargo to the store. I ma'gas ha diliba i che'chu' gi sigundu må'gas. The manager handed over the workload to the second boss. From: Eng. deliver.


dilihenti adj. diligent, hard-working. Mandilihenti esti siha na implehåo sa' para ma na'funhåyan i che'chu'‑ñiha kuntiempu. These are diligent employees because they finished their work on time. Bai hu na'dilihenti yu' gi che'cho'‑hu disti på'gu para mo'na. I will be diligent from now on in my work. Ai na dinilihenti si Juan mungatyu sa' uma'andi' gi as Maria. My, Juan is so diligent in gathering firewood because he is courting Maria. From: Sp. diligente.


dilikåo adj. tender, delicate, fragile, sensitive. Dilikåo si Tita yanggin inakka' sasata sa' cha'ot‑ña. Tita is sensitive to wasp stings because she is allergic to them. Dilikåo i asuntu put Attikulu Dossi sa' put asuntun tånu' yan kuttura. Article 12 is a sensitive issue because it deals with land and culture. Adahi i fino'‑mu, sa' mampus dilikåo si Teresa. Watch what you say, because Teresa is very sensitive. From: Sp. delicado.


dilikora vt. sound out (words) syllable-by-syllable. Ha sen ekkunguk si Judy i palåbra anai ha dilikora i ma'estra. Judy listened carefully when the teacher pronounced the word syllable by syllable. Mås ti mapput masångan i palåbra yanggin madilikora. It is much easier to say the word if it is pronounced syllable by syllable. Yanggin på'gu un introdusi i palåbra, na'dispåsiu ya un dilikora. When you introduce a new word, say it slowly syllable by syllable.


díliling n. handle (as on a washtub or briefcase). Anåkku' ennåo na dililing katpeta. That schoolbag handle is long. Gu'ut i dililing i kanåstra ya u mås ketu. Hold the basket handle to make it more stable.

vt. carry, pull. Si Manet ha totchi siha i lata ya ha dililing gi chalan, sa' mangganna i kayu‑ña. Manny strung the cans together and dragged them on the road Díliling maisa i maleta‑mu. Carry your own luggage. Mungnga madililing i neni taiguennåo. Don't carry the baby that way.


dílingding n. ring. I dilingding kampåna mampus a'gang. The sound of the bell ringing is too loud. Hu hunguk i dilingding sinsiyu gi betsan Juan. I heard the coins rattle from Juan's pocket.

vi. ring, chime. Dumililingding i kampånan guma' yu'us. The church bell is ringing. Kada dumilingding i hugeti, chakka' chalek‑ña i neni. Every time the toy chimes, the baby cracks up laughing.

vt. I ma'estru ha dilingding i kampåna para oran chumotchu. The teacher rang the bell for lunch.


dilingkuenti adj. delinquent, behind e.g. in payment, in tasks. Apåsi i dibi‑mu sa' dilingkuenti. Pay your debt because it's delinquent. Cha'‑mu dumilingkuekuenti nu i dibi‑mu gi bangku. Don't get behind in your bank payment. Dilingkuenti yu' manoppi gi katta. I am behind in my correspondence. From: Sp. delincuente.


diliti vt. dissolve, melt, dilute. Madiliti i asukat gi hanum. The sugar is dissolved in the water. Ti annuk i asiga sa' esta madiliti gi hanum. The salt disappeared because it is dissolved in the water. Chaddik madiliti i ais gi basu‑hu sa' maipi i ha'åni. The ice in my glass melted easily because it was a warm day. Variant: diriti. From: Sp. derrite.


dilitreha vt. write, spell. I istudiånti ha dilitreha i lettran atfabetu. The student wrote the letters of the alphabet. Taimanu madilitreha esti na palåbra? How do we spell this word? I utugrafihan Chamorro guaha areklamenton‑ña para mandilitreha. In the Chamorro orthography there are rules for spelling. From: Sp. deletrea.


dilubiu n. deluge, flood. Na'dañu i dilibiu. Floods cause damage. Manisisita ayudu i taotåo siha anai måttu i dilubiu gi sengsung‑ñiha. The people needed help when the flood came to their village. Syn: milak. From: Sp. diluvio.


diluk vi. 1) bow, bend, prostrate, tilt. Dumiluk yu' para bai hu li'i' håfa poddung gi papa' lamasa. I bent down to see what fell under the table. Na'diluk i hara ya un na'bula i taså‑hu kafe. Tilt the pitcher and fill my coffee mug. Guaha na kustumbrin tåotåo mandidiluk para u fanmannå'i rispetu. Some cultures bow to show respect. Syn: dengha, tekkun. 2) humiliated, shamed. Mungnga yu' mana'diluk gi me'nan tåotåo. Don't humilate me in front of people. Dumångkulu ha' yu' ya ti hu na'diluk si nanå‑hu matå‑ña. I became an adult without ever shaming my mother.


diluk cha'ka vi. 1) have one's head upside down. Dumiluk cha'ka i hobinsitu singku minutus sin paråt. The young man stood on his head for five minutes without stopping. Båsta dumiluk cha'ka sa' un chetnudan. Stop standing on your head or you will get hurt. 2) knocked down, overpowered. Famatkilu pachot‑mu sa' hu na'diluk cha'ka håo. Shut your mouth or I'll knock you down. Siempri hu na'diluk cha'ka håo kumu sigi ha' yu' un kassi. For sure I'll knock you down if you keep teasing me. Syn: sakadåtchi', salamångka.


dimålas adj. have bad luck, be in an unfortunate situation, not receiving or getting anything. Mandimålas ham gi tasi sa' mapuha i boti. We had bad luck at sea because our boat capsized. Dimålas yu' anai hu chagi manggågåo ayudu. I didn't have any luck when I requested assistance. Mandimålas ham anai manpeska ham sa' tåya' kinenni'‑måmi. We didn't have luck when we went fishing. From: Sp. de malas.


dimånda vt. demand, exact, require, claim, strongly desire, command, order, direct. I taotåo ha dimanda i salappi'‑ñiha tåtti put i difektun i laptop. The men demanded a refund of their money because of the defective laptop. Ya‑ña si Rose mandimånda. Rose likes to command. I che'cho'‑hu ha dimånda na bai facho'chu' kada diha gi simåna. My job demands that I work every day of the week. From: Sp. demanda.


dimandadót n. demander, demandant, one who expects to get what he wants, the plaintiff in a legal action. Si Siñot Cruz, kumu unu gui' na dimandadot, mantestigu put i kåosan i bisinu‑ña. Mr. Cruz testified as one of the plaintiffs in his neighbor's case. I dimandadot siempri ha tungu' un diha na ti todu siña ha sungun i ginagåo‑ña. One who demands will one day learn that he will not be able to tolerate his own demands. Si Jose dimandadot gi gurupun‑måmi. Joe is the demander in our group. Syn: kasadót. From: Sp. demandador.


dimasiåo adj. superfluous, extravagant, overemphasized, too much, very much so, extreme. Dimasiåo ekgu' håo na tåotåo. You are an extremely jealous person. Dimasiåo håo ya‑mu kumuentus. You like to talk too much. Dimasiåo tåddung esti na tåsi. This ocean is extremely deep. From: Sp. demasiado.


dimokrasiha n. democracy. Metgut i dimokrasihan Amerikånu. American democracy is very powerful. Gi dimokrasiha i mayuriha ma'e'e'kunguk. In a democracy, the majority is listened to. I dimokrasiha na areklamentun gubietnamentu, manggai fuetsa i mayuriha. In a democratic system of government, the majority has power. From: Sp. democracia.


dimoñu n. demon, evil spirit, devil. I gera dimoñu sa' ha na'dådañu i lina'la' yan i tanu'. War is a demon because it destroys life and the land. Ke dimoñu! Ha latchai i cha'ka i ma'is. What the devil! The rat devoured all the corn. See: manganiti. From: Sp. demonio.


dimu vi. kneel, bend the knees. Mandimu ya manmanaitai i taotåo mås di una ora. The people knelt and prayed for more than an hour. Dimu påpa' ya un fanggågåo asi'i. Kneel down and ask for forgiveness. Esta si nanan biha ti siña dumimu sa' puti temmon‑ña. Grandmother can no longer kneel because her knees hurt.


dinagi n. lie, deception, inaccurate information, misrepresentation, untruth, fabrication. Puru dinagi i kuentos‑ña si Tiku'. All that Tiku' said were lies. I istoria ni manmatugi' guaha na biåhi na guaha dinagi. Written histories sometimes contain inaccurate information. Si Nanan Iyang malagu' na u tåya' dinagi gi entri i familia siha. Grandma Iyang desires no dishonesty among the family members.


dinalak n. gout. I taotåo yanggin nina'yi dinalak na chetnut, debi di u deta gui' chumotchu mantika, uhang, pånglåo, yan aliling. A person with gout should refrain from eating fats, shrimps, crabs, and shellfish. Esti i dinalak ilek‑ñiha na chetnut i manggefsaga. They say gout is a disease of the rich. Syn: chetnut dinalak.

vi. 1) be followed, be accompanied (passive). Sessu dinalak i patgun nu i ga'lågu para i iskuela. The dog often follows the child to school. Måolekña un dinalak gi as Maria kini as Rita sa' mås bumuchåcha si Maria. It is better if Maria accompanies you to work because she is more diligent than Rita. 2) (of illness) be transferred from a patient to a healer (cultural belief), (of a person) be affected by spirits. Guaha na mana'amti ma adadahi siha na u fandinalak nu i chetnut i ma'å'amti. Some healers are cautious of transference of illness from their patients to them. Nina'yi i neni chetnut dinalak chetnut maipi. The baby contracted illness caused by spirits. Nina'yi ta'lu chetnut dinalak, sa' malak i halum tånu'. He had symptoms of spirits affecting him again, because he went into the forest. Variant: dinálalak.


dinálalak vi. being possessed by spirits (passive). Ginin mandinálalak i famagu'un ni ispiritun i tasi. The children were possessed at one time by the spirit of the sea. Ginin manmadálalak ham, sa' ti in rispeta i halum tånu'. We were at one time possessed by spirits, because we did not respect the forest. Variant: dinalak.


dinamita n. dynamite, TNT. Piligru esti i dinamita na kosas. Dynamite is a hazardous thing. Pribidu ma'usa i dinamita para pumeska. It is not allowed to use dynamite for fishing. From: Sp. dinamita.

vt. blow up with dynamite. Ma dinamita i liyang para u mana'dångkulu. They dynamited the cave to make it bigger.


dinanchi adj. appropriate, correct, right, accurate, exact, precise. Dinanchi para un fannå'i agradesimentu para i taotåo ni manmanayuda. It is appropriate to give appreciation to people who provided assistance. Mandinanchi i ineppin‑ñiha i istudiånti gi tes. The students gave the correct responses on the test. Dinanchi si nanå‑hu anai ilek‑ña na para u uchan på'gu. My mother was correct when she said that it would rain today.

vi. be hit (passive). Dinanchi i kareta ni atchu' ya kå'ka' i ispehus. The windshield cracked when the ball hit the car. Mandinanchi ilun‑ñiha ni mangga anai manmatåta'chung gi papa' trongku. The mango fell on their heads while they were sitting under the tree.


dinanña' n. 1) gathering, reunion, coming together. I dinanña' i mañaina gi huntan i iskuela sen imputtånti. It is important for parents to come together for school meetings. Guaha dinanña' i Flores na familia gi Susupe Beach Park. There is a Flores family reunion at the Susupe Beach Park. 2) mixture, blend. I kulot di rosa ginin i dinanña' kulot agaga' yan å'paka'. Pink color is from the mixture of red and white. I sabot i kaddu tinilaika ginin i dinanña' i asiga yan i lemmun. The taste of the soup changed from the mixture of the salt and lemon.


dinekku' n. seedling, sprout. Ginin i pipitas sibukåo ennåo na dinekku'. The young seedling plant is from a sibukao seed. Kuåntu na dinekku' chotda esta guaha på'gu? How many banana seedlings are there now? Ha tånum si Akin i dinekku' chandiha gi gualu' giya Dugi' giya Luta. Jack planted the watermelon seedling at the farm at Dugi on Rota.


dinida n. doubtfulness, suspicion, state of being questionable, uncertainty. Tåya' dinida na måolik ennåo na tåotåo. There is no doubt that she is a good person. Guaha dinidå‑hu put ennåo na kuentus. That statement is questionable. Mampus bula dinida gi intri i mangga'chung. There is a lot of uncertainty among the team. Syn: buebuenti, suspichosu.


dinigridu n. bruise, contusion, livid. Dinigridu i tatalo'‑hu anai basnak yu' gi bisikleta. I got bruised on my back when I fell off the bike. Manmagoddai i tåotåomo'na gi as Tita sa' mana'dinigridu fasu‑ña. The taotaomonas have strong feelings for Tita because they left a bruise mark on her cheek. Maila' ya ta implåstu i dinigridu gi ilun Manet. Let's put the poultice on the bruise on Manet's head.


dinisdisi n. dried meat or fish put on top of breadfruit, banana, or taro and cooked in coconut milk. Ta fandinisdisi agupa' para senå‑ta. We will will cook disdisi for supper tomorrow.


Ding name. nickname for Leonardo. Malåti' si Ding na tåotåo. Ding is a smart man. Ma'å'agang si Leonardo Ding pat Daddu'. Leonardo is called Ding or Daddu'. Ya‑ña si Ding ma'ågang nu ennåo na nå'an. Ding likes to be called by that name. Variant: Daddu'.


dinga' n. twin, double, fork (of a tree), junction. I amigå‑hu guaha dinga'‑ña. My friend has a twin. Esti na fletcha ginin i dinga' i ramas trongkun åbas. This slingshot was made from a forked branch of a guava tree.

vi. separate into two, fork. Umabak si Beck sa' duminga i chalan para i gima' amigå‑ña. Beck missed her way to her friend's house because the road separated into two.


dingu vt. abandon, depart, desert, forsake, leave behind. Manpiniti i Chamorro anai manmafuetsa nu i Españot para u madingu i tanu'‑ñiha. The Chamorros despaired when they were forced by the Spanards to abandon their land. Mungnga yu' dumingu si nåna sa' guaha achaki‑ña på'gu. I will not leave my mother because she is facing difficulties today. Kumu mapatcha i chenchun paluma, siempri i paluma ha dingu i chenchon‑ña. The bird will abandon its nest if someone touches it.


Diós n. god. Ai Dios mihu na åguaguat påtgun håo. Oh, my god, you're a very naughty kid. Asaina di Dios sa' ti ha chocho'gui i che'cho'‑ña. Oh, God, because he's not doing his chores. Yu'us Dios‑måmi na dångkulun prublema in fafana' mo'na. God, our God, what a big problem we are facing ahead. See: asaina, Yu'us. From: Sp. Dios.

intj. have mercy!

idiom. anyhow.

adv. not at all.

intj. mother of God.


dipåtta vt. depart with, separate (oneself) from, isolate. Ti manmalagu' i famagu'un madipåtta siha gi as nanan‑ñiha. The children did not want to be separated from their mother. Hu dipåtta yu' kontra atyu na gurupu i yan‑ñiha manapbleta. I separated myself from that group that likes to gossip. Hu dipåtta yu' kontra i taotåo siha. I separated myself from people.


dipåttamentu n. department, section, division. Machocho'chu' yu' gi dipattamentun hinemlu'. I worked at the health department. Håfa diferensiån‑ña i dipåttamentun edukasion yan i dipåttamentun kuttura? What is the difference between the department of education and the department of culture? I dipåttamentun tånu' guaha areklamentu yan i ofisina ni ma'inkåtga put i atkilun tånu'. The department of land has arrangements with the office that is entrusted with the collection from the land lease. Variant: dipattimenti. From: Sp. departamento.


dipendensia n. dependence, addiction, reliance. Manna'masi' i mandaibitis sa' atdit dipendensian‑ñiha gi bula na amut. We feel for the diabetics because they have dependence on a lot of medicine. Siempri ta koko'ku' hit kumu makkat i dipendensia gi salåppi'. We will be regretting if we have too much dependence on money. From: Sp. dependencia.


dipendi vt. depend, depend on, rely on. Mientras sumåsaga håo gi pisun i gimå'‑hu, siempri un dipependi håo giya guåhu. As long as you are in my house, you will be depending on me. I sinientin‑måmi put hågu dipendi gi sensiåm‑mu. Our feelings toward you depend on your attitude. Bai hu dipendi ha' yu' gi håfa guinaha‑hu. I shall depend only on what I have. From: Sp. depende.


dipendienti adj. dependent, relying for support. Guaha kuåttru dipendientek‑ku. I have four dependents. Ti na'maguf esti yanggin mampus hit mandipendienti gi yine'asi' ottru tåotåo. It is not a good feeling to always be dependent on other people's charity. From: Sp. dependiente.


diploma n. diploma. Ma'intrega si Maria nu i diploma anai magraduha gi iskuelan Rai. Maria was presented with a diploma when she graduated from the public school. Kumu un na'funhåyan i iskuelå‑mu gi katpinteria, siempri manrisibi håo diploma. When you finish your carpentry school, you will receive a diploma. See: settifiku. From: Eng. diploma.


diplomåtiku adj. diplomatic, tactful. Mampus mandiplomåtiku i taotåo na tiempu. People are so diplomatic these days. I kunggresista mandiplomåtiku gi dilibrasion i aktu. The legislature are diplomatic during the deliberation of the bill. I ambasadot manma'obliga para u fandiplomåtiku. Ambassadors are obliged to be diplomatic. Guaha na ti klåru esti i diplomåtiku na kumbisasion. There are times when diplomatic conversations are ambigious. From: Sp. diplomático.


dipósitu n. storage, warehouse. Manmapo'lu i kosas siha gi dipósitu. The things were stored in the warehouse. Motmut esta i dipósitu. The storage is already full. Fanlaknus fan ta'lu lepblu gi dipósitu, sa' esta manmafåhan i pumalu. Please bring out more books from the warehouse, because the rest have been sold. Syn: soko'. From: Sp. depósito.


dipositun hånum n. reservoir (for water). Ai na dångkulun dipositun hånum atyu i gaigi giya Papago. Gosh, the water reservoir at Papago is huge. I dipåttamentun kåndit yan hånum responsåsapbli nu i dipositun hånum gi kada songsung. The utilities department is responsible for the water reservoir in each village. Manhåtsa yu' dipositun hånum para usu‑hu. I built a water reservoir for my own use. Syn: tångkin hånum.


dipotta vt. deport, send away, exile. Madipotta i prisuneru para i fasilidåt fediråt gi sanlagu. The prisoner was sent away to a federal facility in the U.S. mainland. Magacha' i taotåo manbebendi binenu ya madipotta. The man was caught selling drugs and was deported. From: Sp. deporta.


dipusita vt. deposit, place. Hu dipusita i salappe'‑hu gi bangku. I deposited my money at the bank. I kaheru ha dipusisita i salåppi' gi kaohåo kada ha huchum i tenda. The cashier put the money in the safe box whenever he closes the store. Hu dipusita todu i alahås‑su gi halum kåohåo para asiguridåt. I placed all my jewelry in the safe box for security. From: Sp. deposita.


diputsí adv. supposed to, was meant to be, should be. Diputsí para u guaha guput nigap. There was supposed to be a party yesterday. Diputsí para ta fanhita, låo ti humånåo yu'. I was supposed to go with you but I didn't go. Ti diputsi na para u taiguennåo humuyong‑ña esti na sinisedi. This event was not meant to come out this way.


direksión n. direction, a way to follow, instruction. Tattiyi i direksion. Follow the direction. Chuli' i tinas na direksion sa' ti un abak. Take the right direction because you would not go wrong. Klåru i nina'i‑mu na direksion. The instruction you gave is clear. From: Sp. dirección.


direktoriu n. directory, book of instructions. Para u mana'guaha direktoriun i manmakinista siha giya Luta. There is going to be a directory of mechanics on Rota. Kada såkkan ma ribisa i direktoriun i telefon. Every year they revise the telephone directory. Dibåtdi i direktoriu gi todu klåsin kosas elektrisidåt. The book of instructions is free with any electronic item. From: Sp. directorio.


direktót n. director. Håyi siha direktot gi kada dipattamentun gubietnu? Who are the directors for each government department? Åtman na direktora si Margarita gi Ofisinan i Manåmku'. Margaret has been a long-time director at the Aging Office. Kåo hågu direktot i library? Are you the director of the library? From: Sp. director.


diretcha iskietda adv. scattered left and right. Variant: diretchas kuetdas. From: Sp. direcha izquierda.


diretchas kuetdas adv. scattered in all directions, going in many different directions, lacking direction. Diretchas kuetdas ni manmachalapun i kosas siha. The things are being scattered all over the place. Diretchas kuetdas ha' si Manet hinanåo‑ña gi chalan. Manet is going many different directions on the road. Diretchas kuetdas ni ta huhunguk i gayu mano'o' an ogga'an. We hear the roosters crowing from many different directions in the morning. From: Sp. direchas cuerdas.


diretchu1 n. right, entitlement, privilege, prerogative, personal right. Tåya' si Juan diretchon‑ña para u kuentus gi kotti. Juan had no right to speak in court. Todu i dos saina guaha diretchun‑ñiha para u fanmama'tinas disision para i famagu'un‑ñiha. Both parents have the right to make decisions for their children. Todu siudadånu manggai diretchu para u fanguentus. Every citizen has the right to speak. Diretchok‑ku esti i para bai atyik håyi para asaguå‑hu. It is my personal right to choose my spouse. From: Sp. derecho.


diretchu2 adj. right side out, in the right way. Månu diretchu gi esti na magågu? Which is the right side out of this skirt? Na'diretchu ennåo i magagu‑mu sa' atlibis. Wear your clothes right side out because they are inside out. Todu i metyas mandiretchu esta. All the socks are right side out already. Ant: átlibis. Variant: atdiretchu. From: Sp. derecho.


diretchu3 n. (direction towards) the right-hand side. Bira håo gi diretchom‑mu guennåo gi biråda. Turn to your right at the corner. Atan gi diretchom‑mu guatu si Maria. Look toward your right at Maria. See: agapa'. From: Sp. derecho.


dirihi vt. direct, lead, guide, conduct, administer. I pulisia ha diririhi i kareta siha gi chalan. The police officer is directing traffic on the road. I ma'estran kånta dumirihi i leksion piånu. The music teacher conducted the piano lesson. I atkåtdi para u dirihi i prugråman i ofisinå‑ña. The mayor will administer the programs under his office. Syn: kundukta. From: Sp. dirige.


diripenti adv. suddenly, abruptly, accidentally, unexpectedly. Manmatåta'chung ham gi sanhiyung, ya diripenti ha' måttu dångkulun månglu' ya ha na'fanluhan ham. We were sitting outside, and suddenly a big wind came and scared us. Debi di un na'tungu' na para un fanbisita sa' ti para un fåttu ha' diripenti guatu. You have to let her know that you're coming to visit because you're not going to just show up there unexpectedly. See: gotpi. Variant: duripenti. From: Sp. de repente.


diriti vt. melt, dissolve, mix. Madiriti i asiga gi katdu. The salt dissolved in the soup. Ti u mala'it i amut yanggin madiriti gi hanum. The medicine will not be as bitter if it is mixed with water. Ha diriti gui' esta i ais. The ice has already melted. From: Sp. derrete.


diritiyun adj. soluble, dissolvable, able to melt. Esti siha mandiritiyun: arina, soda, yan asentu. These are soluble: flour, baking soda, and starch. Diritiyun i ais gi papa' somnak. Ice has the quality of melting under the sun. Diritiyun lokkui' i asukat. Sugar is also soluble.


diroga vt. revoke, abolish, countermand, repeal, change (something) after agreement has been made. Håyi dumiroga i disision familia? Who repealed the family decision? I kontratista ha diroga i plånun guma'. The contractor changed the house plan. Madiroga i lisensian karetan Kindu' sa' brongku mañugun. Jack's driver's license was revoked because he is a rough driver. See: richåsa, rimåti. From: Sp. deroga.


disapåtta vt. take apart, separate. Si Manning ha disapåtta i manohun ubas. Manny took apart the bunch of grapes. Maná'adisapatta i dos chume'lu anai manmakonni' nu i pulisiha. The two siblings were separated when the police apprehended them. Manádisapatta i mannuk sa' manhinengngang nu i cha'ka. The chickens scattered when they were frightenend by the rat. Go'ti kannai‑hu osino ta ádisapatta gi hemhum. Hold my hand in case we get separated from each other in the dark. Variant: dispåtta.


disåsi vt. demolish, destroy, ruin, wreck, annihilate, take off (something). I ga'lågu ha disåsi i alunan ni nifen‑ña. The dog ruined the pillow with his teeth. Ha disåsi i magagu‑ña sa' ti ya‑ña. She destroyed her dress because she didn't like it. Madisåsi i dokumentu ni måkina. The document was destroyed by the machine. Syn: distrosa, disåtma.


disatendi vt. ignore, disregard, pay no attention to, slight, treat as unimportant. Un disatendi yu' anai måttu yu' gi gipot‑mu. You paid no attention to me when I came to your party. Hu chagi dumisatendi i buruka, låo mampus a'gang. I tried to ignore the noise, but it was too loud. Yanggin un li'i' na tumekkun yu', disatendi ha' yu'. When you see me with my head down, just leave me alone. From: Sp. desatiende.


disatentu adj. disrespectful. Mampus disatentu håo. You are very disrespectful. Disatentu i patgun sa' ha oppi tåtti si nanå‑ña. The child was disrespectful because she talked back to her mother. Disatentu umessalåo gi halum gima' yu'us. It is disrespectful to shout in church. Variant: disatientu. From: Sp. desatento.


disatientu adj. disrespectful. Gof disatientu si Ken na påtgun. Ken is a very disrespectful boy. Tåya' esti na famagu'un ni manmafanå'gui rispetu ni mañainan‑ñiha, atyu na manggof disatientu. Parents never teach these children respect, that's why they were very disrespectful. Båsta dumisatientu gi manamko'‑mu. Stop being disrespectful to your elders. Variant: disatentu. From: Sp. desatento.


disåtma vt. disarm, disassemble, take (something) apart; for example, by using a knife to cut a chicken, or a box knife to open a box; debone (a chicken or other meat). I pulisia ha disåtma i paki. The policeman disassembled the gun. I katpinteru dumisåtma i gima'. It was the carpenter who disassembled the house. Si Ben ha disåtma i hugeti. Ben took the toy apart. Syn: disåsi. From: Sp. desarma.


disayunu n. breakfast. Gi kada måkpu' i misan Damenggu, i familia ma na'guaguaha oran disayunu. After every Sunday mass, the family make time for breakfast. Håfa malago'‑mu para disayunu‑mu? What do you want for your breakfast? Anai måkpu' i misan kumplihåñus finatai, manmakumbida i taotåo para i disayunu. The people were invited for breakfast after the death anniversary mass. Syn: amotsa, na' ogga'an. Variant: lisayunu. From: Sp. desayuno.


disbela vi. stay awake, lose sleep. Guaha malångu gi familia, ya mandisbela ham. There is someone sick in the family, and we lost sleep. Disbela yu' ni bulan chi'cho'‑hu gi paingi. I had so much work last night that I didn't get enough sleep. Mandisbela ham gi paingi. We stayed awake last night. Variant: disbelu. From: Sp. desvela.


disbelu vi. stay awake, lose sleep. Mandisbelu i danderu, sa' ma nanangga i risuttan i kumpitensian‑ñiha. The musicians stayed awake, because they were waiting for the results of their competition. Hånåo ya un diskånsa ya mungnga dumisbelu. Go and rest and don't stay up all night. Variant: disbela. From: Sp. desvelo.


disbilåo adj. restless, sleepless, disturbed. Ha na'fandisbilåo hami todu anai sigi humåohåo i ga'lågu sin paråt. We became restless when the dog continued to howl without end. Dumisbilåo yu' anai u hunguk na disgrasiåo i amigå‑hu. I was sleepless when I heard that my friend got into an accident. From: Sp. desvelado.


disbira vt. dislocate. From: Sp. desvira.


disbuetga vt. deprive of virginity. Ti ma disbuetga åntis di umasagua. She was not deprived of her virginity before she got married.


disdi prep. 1) since. Disdi un åñu na tiempu asta på'gu, hu nanangga ha' i inefresi‑ña nu guåhu simiyan kakkåo. Since a year ago up until now, I've been waiting for her offer of cacao seeds to me. 2) from. Disdi esti asta atyu guatu gi kantun tåsi lugat‑måmi. Our property is from here to that place by the beach. Para bai in facho'chu' disdi alas sais gi egga'an asta alas kuåttru gi talu'åni. We're going to be working from six o'clock in the morning until four o'clock in the afternoon. See: ginin. Variant: disti. From: Sp. desde.


disdi ki cnj. since, ever since. Disdi ki humomlu' yu', ya‑hu umeffresku gi papa' trongku. Since the time I got well, I like to get fresh air under the trees. Disdi ki hu li'i' håo, hågu ha' hu hahassu. Ever since I first saw you, you're always on my mind. Disdi ki humuyung gi presu, ha adahi gui' yan mumåolik mo'na i lina''‑ña. Since the time he got out from prison, he was careful and his life improved. Variant: disti ki. From: Sp. desde que.


disdi ngai'an pp. since when? (interrogative prepositional phrase). Disdi ngai'an ni tumaiguihi gui'? Since when did he become like that? Disdi ngai'an na taiguennåo håo, che'lu‑hu? Since when have you been like that, my sister? Disdi ngai'an ni un tutuhun humåksa i gumå'‑mu? Since when did you start building your house? Variant: disdi nai'an.


disdicha vi. encounter misfortune, be destroyed, encounter disaster. Mampus disdicha anai kimason i gima'‑måmi. It was a misfortune when our house burned down. Ginin i milak hånum na dumisdidicha i gima' tåotåo yan i tinanum gi gualu'. As a result of the flood, the homes and crops were destroyed. I tirenun chandiha disdicha anai måttu i dangkulu na mattempu. The watermelon crop was a disaster when the bad weather came. From: Sp. desdicha.


disdichåo adj. unfortunate, unlucky, unhappy. Syn: dimålas? From: Sp. desdichado.


disdisi n. dried meat or fish put on top of breadfruit, banana, or taro and cooked in coconut milk. Ta fandinisdisi agupa' para senå‑ta. We will will cook disdisi for supper tomorrow. Unu na klåsin fina'tinas para fandånggu i disdisi. One of the dishes on the wedding menu is disdisi. Kuåntu na putåhin disdisi para ta chuli' para i giput? How many platters of disdisi are we bringing to the feast?


diseha vt. wish, want, desire, hope, crave, covet. Hu diseseha na u uchan sa' mampus maipi. I am wishing that it will rain because it is so hot. Si Sandy ha diseseha na u filis esti na cho'chu'. Sandy is hoping that all will be well with this work. Hu diseha na un fanggånna gi rifa. I desire that you win in the raffle. From: Sp. desea.


disehu n. desire, longing, craving. See: diseha. From: Sp. deseo.


disembra vt. thin; remove excess seedlings (of plants). Hu ayuda si tåta mandisembra gi gualu'. I helped father thin out the seedlings at the ranch. Ti mapput i nuebu na dinekku' madisembra gi hatdin. Thinning the young plants in the garden is not difficult. Yayas yu' sa' tududiha manmandisembra ham. I am tired because we were thinning the plants all day. Variant: risembra.


disendensia n. descendants. I bisinun‑måmi disendensian Chapanis. Our neighbors are Japanese descendants. I mañaina‑hu disendensian Chamorro. My parents are Chamorro descendants. See: disendenti. From: Sp. descendencia.


disendenti n. descendant, offspring (usually remote). Disendentin Maria yan Pedro hamyu. You are Mary and Pete's desendants. Manlibiånu i disendentek‑ku lina'la'‑ñiha. My descendants have a comfortable life. Disendentin Karolinas yu'. I am of Carolinan descent. See: disendensia. From: Sp. descendiente.


disenti adj. decent, appropriate, proper, clean, suitable. Disenti esti na prugråman telebision para i famagu'un. This television program is appropriate for children. Ti disenti ennåo na magågu para i gima' yu'us. That outfit is not proper for church. Kåo disenti ha' esti na kuåttu para i nisisidåt‑mu? Is this room suitable for your needs? Syn: asentådu, gåsgas. From: Sp. decente.


disetcha vt. 1) ignore, disregard, neglect, pay no heed to, pretend not to see. Hu disetcha i neni anai duru kumåti. I ignored the baby when he was crying. Matågu' i palåo'an para u disetcha i nota ginin i bangku. The lady was told to disregard the notice from the bank. I ma'estru ha disetcha i istudiånti dumigeru. The teacher pretended not to see the student cheat. 2) disinherit, disown, cast out. Hu disetcha håo esta; hånao gi karerå‑mu. I disown you; go on your own path. Put i ti bunitun bidå‑mu, hu disetcha håo esta. I disown you for your bad deed. 3) curse (someone). I sindålu ha disetcha i enimigu. The soldier cursed the enemy. I kakana na tåotåo ha disetcha i bisinu. The witch doctor cursed the neighbor. Inlugåt di u bindisi i taotåo, ha disetcha. Instead of blessing the man, he cursed him. Syn: matdisi. From: Sp. desecha.


disettu n. desert. Manlålåoya i kameyu gi disettu. The camels are roaming in the desert. Kumu mangguaifi i manglu' gi disettu, manggugupu i inai. The sand in the desert gets scattered when the wind blows. Variant: disiettu. From: Sp. desierto.


disfaboråpbli adj. ominous, unfavorable. From: Sp. desfavorable.


disfatfaråo adj. 1) disorderly, untidy, messy. Mampus esta disfatfaråo na tåotåo disdi ki anai diningu ni asaguå‑ña. The man is very untidy since his wife left him. Tai ganas umatendin maisa gui' pues esta mampus disfatfaråo. He lost interest in taking care of himself and he became very messy. 2) disturbed. Kada måttu esti na tåotåo gi mañaina‑ña, ha na'fandisfatfaråo i familia. Everytime this person comes to his parents' he creates a disturbance in the family. Variant: buskaplaitu.


disfigura vt. disfigure, deform, distort, deface. Mungnga na un disfigura i matå‑ña yanggin un penta. Don't disfigure her face when you paint it. I patgun ha disfigura todu i matan i amigå‑ña anai ha yunga'. The child disfigured the image of her friend's face when she drew it. Mungnga madisfigura i sain ni mapopo'lu na ti siña pumeska gi Tank Beach. Do not deface the sign that says that you can't fish at Tank Beach. From: Sp. desfigura.


disfigurådu n. disfiguration, disfigurement. Variant: desfiguråda. From: Sp. desfigurado.


disfiguråo adj. disfigured, deformed, defaced. Disfiguråo dididi' matå‑ña sa' inakka' ni sasata. His face is a little disfigured because he was stung by a wasp. Mandisfiguråo esta esti siha i lettra, ya ti siña hu taitai måolik. The letters have become disfigured, and so I cannot read them well. Ginin esti i baban matå‑hu na mandisfiguråo i håfa hu a'atan. It's from my bad eyesight that whatever I see is deformed. From: Sp. desfigurado.


disfila vt. pass by, as a parade. From: Sp. desfila.


disfonda2 adj. bottomless, unfathomable, without bottom. From: Sp. desfonda.


disfruta vt. open one's mouth, divulge, expose, reveal; criticize, put down, shame. Put esta un disfruta yu', maila' på'gu ya bai hu sångan todu malago'‑hu. Now that you have exposed me, I will say what I want. Ha disfruta i ti debi di u matungu' na asuntu ya ha na'piniti todu i amigå‑ña siha. She divulged something that should not be known and she hurt all her friends. Ennåo na tåotåo sessu ha disfruta i sinisedi gi entalu' i familian‑ña. That person frequently reveals incidents within his family. From: Sp. disfruta.


disganåo adj. dispirited, disappointed, disheartened, discouraged. Esta i famagu'un mandisganåo ni che'chu'‑ñiha, sa' atyu ha' ki atyu ma chocho'gui. The children don't have the spirit to do their work, because they have been doing the same thing over and over again. Esta disganåo yu' humunguk ennåo siha na kumplen, sa' mantai bali. I'm tired of hearing those complaints, because they're worthless. Disganåo i patgun, sa' kada manaplika cho'chu', ti makonni'. The child is discouraged, because every time he applies for work, he isn't chosen. See: disgustu. From: Sp. desganado.


disgrånu vt. break into pieces. Madisgrånu i båsu anai poddung påpa' gi patdit. The cup broke into pieces when it fell on the cement. Yamak i atchu' todu asta ki manmadisgrånu kabålis. Smash all the rocks until they are completely broken into small pieces. Anai umahalla ham ni kadenan petlas, måktus ya madisgråna. When we were each pulling the pearl necklace, it broke and the pieces fell apart. Variant: disgråna.


disgråsia n. accident, misfortune, calamity, disaster, disgrace. Ai na dångkulun disgråsia guaha giya Haiti gi dos mit dies. Alas, there was a major disaster in Haiti in 2010. Puedi tåya' disgråsia gi nuebu na såkkan. Hopefully there will be no disaster in the new year. Fanakumprendi ya mungnga na u guaha disgråsia gi familia. Come to terms with each other so that there won't be any misfortune in the family. From: Sp. desgracia.


disgrasiåo n. accident. Taya' disgrasiåo på'gu na såkkan. There were no accidents this year.

vi. get into an accident, be in a state of disgrace. Grasias a Dios sa' ti mandisgrasiåo hamyu! Thank god because you did not get into an accident! Dumisgrasiåo si Fulåna sa' mapotgi' sin umasagua. Fulana fell into an accident because she got pregnant without being married. Syn: aksidenti. From: Sp. desgraciado.


disgusta vt. 1) disgust, displease. 2) discourage, dishearten. From: Sp. disgusta.


disgustu adj. disappointed. Gustu, gustu asta ki disgustu. Continuous over-indulging until you end up disappointed.

vt. not get along with, have friction with, quarrel with. Mungnga manádisgustu gi che'chu'. Don't be not getting along at work. Tåya' magåhit ni manádisgustu siha yan i bisinun‑ñiha. They never have friction with their neighbors. From: Sp. disgusto.


dishilåchas vt. remove (strings or shreds) from cloth. Hu dislåchas i pilu gi magagu‑hu. I removed the lint on my cloth. I sastri ha dislåchas i hilu gi yatdas. The seamstress removed the shreds from the yardage. See: hilachas. Variant: disilåchas, dislåchas. From: Sp. deshilachas.


disidi vt. decide, resolve, settle, come to a conclusion, bring to a decision. Hu disidi na ti bai facho'chu'. I decided not to work. In disidi na para bai in satba i prubleman‑måmi. We concluded that we will settle our problem. Tåya' ma disidi guihi na hunta. They did not resolve anything at that meeting. From: Sp. decide.


Disiembri n. December. Esta måttu i mes Disembri ya bula guput ta'lu. The month of December has come and there are a lot of parties again. Manmamaguf i taotåo an Disiembri sa' guaha Christmas. People are happy when December comes because there's Christmas. Na'maguf yan na'mahalang i Disembri na mes sa' uttimun i sakkan. December is a happy and nostalgic month because it's the end of the year. See: umayang. Variant: Disembri. From: Sp. Diciembre.


disiettu n. desert, barren or arid region, sand dune. Maipi i disiettu na lugåt. The desert is a hot place. Ti todu klåsin tinanum siña dokku' gi disiettu. Not all kinds of plants can grow in the desert. Variant: disettu. From: Sp. desierto.


disimpeña vt. break lease. From: Sp. desempeña.


disimula vt. 1) express, pour out, make transparent, unload (one's negative feelings). Bai hu disimula på'gu i sinintek‑ku. I'm going to express my feelings now. Hånåo ya un disimula i piniti‑mu gi kantun tåsi. Go and unload your feelings at the beach. 2) spoil (in a positive sense), indulge, give everything to (someone). Un disimula yu' mampus gi duråntin i umasagua‑ta na dos. You spoiled me too much during our marriage. Si nanan biha mampus ha disimumula i famagu'un famagu'on‑ña. Grandmother is over-indulging her grandchildren. From: Sp. disimula.


disintunådu adj. inharmonious, out of tune. Båsta kumånta sa' disintunådu i bos‑mu. Stop singing because your voice is out of tune. Mandåndan i familia gi giput, låo ai na mandisintunådu! The family played at the party, but boy were they out of tune! Måolik sa' ti mandisintunådu på'gu i famagu'un mangånta. It is good because the children this time did not sing out of tune. Syn: disintunåo. Variant: disintunåda. From: Sp. desentonado.


disintunåo adj. inharmonious, out of tune, out of harmony, off-key. Arekla fan esti i gitåla sa' disintunåo. Please tune this guitar because it is off-key. Tåya' ni mandisintunåo esti na gurupu mangånta. This group never sings out of tune. I bos‑hu ha' muna'disintunåo i kanta. It was my voice that made the song off-key. Syn: disintunådu. From: Sp. desentonado.


disiosu adj. desirous, eager. Si Jose disiosu na para u tungu' håfa masusesedi. Joe is eager to know what's happening. I ma'estra mampus disiosu ni istudianten‑ña para u magånna i kumpitensia. The teacher's desire is for her students to win the competition. Todu i mana'achikat mandisiosu para u fanmanggånna. All the competitors are eager to win. From: Sp. deseoso.


disiplina n. discipline, training, rule of conduct. I gima' yu'us guaha disiplinå‑ña nai para u matattiyi nu i taotåo. The church has a rule of conduct for the people. Ti klåru i mapupblika na disiplina ginin i iskuela. The rule of conduct published by the school is not clear. Kada mes mana'guaguaha para i mañaina finanå'gui put disiplina para i famagu'un‑ñiha. There is a workshop every month for parents on the discipline of children.

vt. discipline (someone), keep (someone) in order. Debi di un disiplina todu i istudiånti gi kuåttu. You must discipline all students in class. I patgun debi di u madisiplina kosa ki u måolik kustumbren‑ña. The child must be disciplined so that he will be of good character. From: Sp. disciplina.


disípulu n. 1) the disciples. Dossi disípulu‑ña si Jesukristu. Jesus had twelve disciples. Si San Pedro unu gi disípulu. Saint Peter is one of the disciples. See: apostoles. 2) follower, gang, children, those under one's care. I disipulun Pangkåsiu sumotta huyung i guakan påli'. Pangkasiu's gang let loose the priest's cattle. Kuåntu disipulu‑mu gi gima'? How many children do you have at your house? From: Sp. discípulo.


disisais num. sixteen. I lalåhi magigimin i amut nietu åntis di u fandisisais åñus. Young boys drink a medicine for puberty before they reach sixteen years of age. Esta disisais yu' fumaisin; hågu mina'disisietti. I have been courted by sixteen already; you are the seventeenth. Disisais na famagu'un manhånåo maniskuela giya Amerika ya todu ma na'funhåyan i istudiun‑ñiha. Sixteen children left for school in America and they all completed their studies. From: Sp. dieciséis.


disisión n. decision. I hues fuma'tinas i ottimu na disision. The judge made the final decision. Tåya' disision humuyung ginin i ofisinan gubietnu. No decision was made from the governor's office. Si Maria ha fa'tinas i disision‑ña na para u asagua. Maria made her decision to get married. From: Sp. decisión.


diskadera vt. carcass, body parts, body of a dead animal or human, cadaver. Ha diskadera todu i katnin guaka para mapåtti huyung. He divided the carcass of the cow to be distributed out.


diskalintåo adj. 1) spoiled, damaged, so as to make useless; ruined (esp. of eggs); spoiled (of food), especially due to over-beating or over-cooking; impure. Diskalintåo esti na nengkanu'. This food is damaged or spoiled. Ha changkotcha si tåta i diskalintåo na chåda'. Father boiled the spoiled egg. Mungnga makånnu' i diskalintåo na hineksa'. Do not eat the spoiled rice. Sessu malehgua' i alåguan gi la'uya ya uttimon‑ña mana'diskalintåo. The rice gruel got overstirred in the pot, so it got spoiled. 2) mentally disoriented or affected, usually after head trauma. Diskalintåo anai poddung i niyuk påpa' gi ilu‑ña. She became mentally disoriented when the coconut fell on her head. Syn: gueru.


diskånsa vi. 1) rest, repose, sleep, slumber, relax, take a break. Hu li'i' na dumiskånsa ennåo na tåotåo. I saw that man has rested. Diskånsa yanggin yayas håo. Take a break if you are tired. Yayas yu' mamokkat, pues dumiskånsa yu' gi papa' trongkun niyuk. I was tired walking, so I rested under the coconut tree. 2) die, be dead. Dumiskånsa i malångu na palåo'an. The sick woman died. Atdit pinadesi‑ña i palåo'an nu i chetnot‑ña; po'lu sa' esta dumiskånsa. The woman suffered from her illness; now she is at peace. Mana'diskånsa i ga'lågu sa' mampus mamadedesi. The dog was suffering so they put it to sleep. Syn: måtai, maigu' diskånsu. From: Sp. descansa.


diskånsu n. rest, repose, sleep, slumber. Anåkku' i diskansok‑ku gi gima'. I had a long rest at home. Tåya' diskånsu nu esti na cho'chu'. There is no rest with this work Kuåntus tiempu diskansom‑mu gi talu'åni? How long was your rest this afternoon? From: Sp. descanso.


diskarådu adj. indecent, careless; unclean, shameless, brazen, obscene. Diskarådu håo na påtgun. You're a shameless child. Gof diskarådu håo dei na påtgun. You are a very shameless child. Diskarådu i tai manggas na chinina para un usa gi Gima' Yu'us. A strapless dress is indecent to wear to church. Hokka i basulå‑mu, ya båsta dumiskarådu. Pick up your mess and stop being unclean. Båsta dumiskaråda. Stop being indecent. Si Celina mampus dumiskaråda gi halum tåotåo. Celina is very indecent in public. Mamåhlåo i nana sa' dumiskaråda i hagå‑ña gi giput. The mother was embarrassed because her daughter was brazen at the party. Used more commonly in the feminine than in the masculine. From: Sp. descarado.


diskaråo adj. indecent, shameless, unclean, careless. Mungnga dumiskaråo. Don't be careless. Mandiskaråo i unifotmin‑ñiha i famagu'un bola. The baseball players' uniforms were unclean. Dimasiåo diskaråo i magagun‑ñiha bola i famagu'un sa' duru ha' i huegu gi halum fachi'. The children's baseball uniforms are very dirty because they were playing even when it was very muddy. Mampus diskaråo pusturå‑ña i palåo'an gi fata'chong‑ña. The lady's manner of sitting was indecent. Syn: ápplacha', kuchinu, diskarådu. From: Sp. descarado.


diskareta vt. 1) cut tendon on the rear leg of a four-legged animal or two-legged creature. Diskareta i petnan guaka. Cut the rear leg of the cow. Ha diskareta si tåta i patas guaka. Father cut the tendons on the rear legs of the cow. 2) unhook (a cow from bull cart). Matågu' si Pedro para u diskareta i guaka ya u konni' para i paståhi. Pedro was told to unhook the cow from the bull cart and bring it to the pasture. Syn: disåtma. See: kadera. From: Sp. desjarreta.


diskåsa vt. unload (a gun). Diskåsa i paki‑mu. Unload your gun. Si Juan ha dikåsa i paki‑ña åntis di u maigu'. Juan is unloading his gun before going to sleep. From: Sp. descasa.


diskåta vt. expose, reveal, release in anger (feelings, thoughts, information). Ya ki esta un sånganñaihun yu', maila' ya bai hu diskåta håo. Now that you have talked about me, let me now expose you. I abugådu ha diskåta i sinisedi gi ofisinan mayot. The lawyer exposed the happenings at the mayor's office. Si Maria ha diskåta i sininten‑ña put si Manet. Maria angrily released her feelings about Manuel.


diskåtga vt. 1) unload, remove from. Diskåtga i katga gi kareta. Unload the goods in the car. Ha diskåtga i binibu‑ña guatu gi i che'lu‑ña. He unloaded his anger onto his sibling. Hu diskåtga i makkat na inimåma‑hu. I unloaded the heavy object that I was carrying. Manmadiskåtga i katga gi batkunairi. The cargo in the airplane has been unloaded. Hu diskåtga todu i problemå‑hu esta. I unloaded all my problems already. 2) deliver (a baby). Esta mandiskåtga i mapotgi'. The pregnant lady delivered already. See: diskåsa, diskåta. From: Sp. descarga.


diskita vt. take revenge, take out (frustration or anger) on (someone or something), desire to inflict harm in return. Hu diskita i binibu‑hu gi as Jesus, ya hu titik i magagu‑ña. I took out my anger on Jesus, and I tore his shirt. Cha'‑mu diskikita håo gi patgun, sa' inosenti. Do not take out your anger on the child, she does not know what she is doing. Si Maria ha paniti i lamasa anai ha diskita i binibu‑ña gi as Jose. Maria hit the table when she took her anger out on Jose. Syn: laknus. Variant: diskuita. From: Sp. desquita.


diskriminasión n. discrimination. Mungnga na u guaha diskriminasion gi taotåo siha. Let there be no discrimination among people. Mungnga yu' machånda put i raså‑hu sa' diskriminasion ennåo. Don't hold me because of my race because that's discrimination. Kalan ta lili'i' na guaha diskriminasion gi håyi manmanåna'i cho'chu'. It appears to us that there is discrimination in who gets employed. From: Sp. discriminación.


diskripsión n. description, statement describing. I pinentan Juan guaha diskripsion‑ña put i islan Luta. Juan's painting has a description of the island of Rota. Kulot agaga' chininå‑ña yan åttilung i katsunes‑ña i diskripsion i magagu‑ña i sakki. The description of the robber's clothes was red shirt and black pants. From: Sp. descripción.


diskuatisa vt. divide into shares. Mapåtti gi esta madiskuatisa. The distribution was as determined who will be given. Mandanña' para uma hassu taimanu ma diskuatisa i kinenni'‑ñiha ayuyu gi paingi. They gathered to decide how to divide the coconut crabs they caught last night. Syn: makumpåtti.


diskuattisa vt. 1) cut (meat) into pieces. Diskuattisa i trosun kåtni. Cut the whole meat into pieces. Si Cetu ha diskuattisa i guaka. Cetu cut the beef into pieces. 2) take apart, destroy by shredding to pieces, tear to pieces. Ha diskuattisa todu i magagu‑ña anai nina'bubu gi as Maria. He tore his clothes apart when Maria made him angry. Ha diskuattisa i måkina para u fa'måolik. He took the machine apart to fix it. Ha diskuattisa i guinahan i familia. He destroyed the family's belongings. From: Sp. descuartiza.


diskubri vt. discover, explore, disclose, make plain or evident. Chagi kåo siña un diskubri i manmanå'na' na dokumentu siha. See if you can discover the hidden documents. Si Juan ha diskubri i liyang. John discovered the cave. I pulusia dumiskubri i masåkki na paki gi paingi. The police discovered the gun that was stolen last night. From: Sp. descubre.


diskuenta n. discount. Ha nå'i yu' diskuenta gi tiket‑tu. She gave me a discount on my ticket.

vt. give a discount on, reduce from usual or from price list. Hu faisin i tendera para u diskuenta i finahån‑hu. I asked the cashier to give me a discount on my purchases. Bula manmadiskuekuenta gi tenda duråntin Christmas. There are a lot of things on discount at the store during Christmas. From: Sp. descuenta.


diskuida vt. be off guard, inattentive, careless; ignore, neglect; not pay attention. Hu diskuida yu' ni patgun ya poddung gi bangku. I neglected the child and he fell off the bench. Hu diskuida yu' ni finatinås‑su ya dokngus. I was not paying attention to my cooking and the food got burnt. Ti para bai in diskuida ham esta nu i salappi'‑måmi. We are not going to be careless any more with our money. Reflexive verb. From: Sp. descuida.


diskuidåo adj. careless, neglectful, heedless, reckless, inadvertent, irresponsible. Si Maria mampus diskuidåo na palåo'an. Maria is a very careless lady. Diskuidåo atyu na disisión i para u ma'utut i fondun salåppi' edukasión. That decision to cut funding in education was irresponsible. Diskuidåo i nana nu i hinemlu' i famagu'on‑ña. The mother is neglectful of her children's health. From: Sp. descuidado.


diskuidu n. carelessness, negligence. Ginin i diskuidun i lancheru na manmalågu i guaka huyung gi kellat. It is from the farmer's negligence that the cows ran outside the fence. Ginin i diskuidu‑ña i nobiu na tumåya' che'cho'‑ña. It is from his carelessness that the groom does not have a job. Masusedi esti na prublema put i diskuidu‑mu. This problem happened because of your carelessness. See: diskuida, dihåo. From: Sp. descuido.


diskuita vt. release, let out. Umessalåo yu' para bai hu diskuita i binibu‑hu gi sanhalom‑hu. I screamed to release the anger inside of me. Mungnga madiskuita i binibu‑mu gi patgon‑mu. Don't release your anger on your child. Variant: diskutta.


diskuluråo adj. pale, ghostly, faded. Diskuluråo si Juan ginin i chetnot‑ña. Juan looks pale due to his sickness. Siña ha' dumiskuluråo i katsunis levis yanggin mafa'gåsi. Blue jeans may fade when they are washed. Diskuluråo mali'e'‑ña i buttu gi halum homhum. The statue had a ghostly appearance in the dim light. Mandiskuluråo fasun‑ñiha anai ma hunguk put i aksidenti. Their cheeks paled when they heard about the accident. Syn: boksiun. From: Sp. descolorado.


diskunfiånsu n. distrust, lack of trust, doubt. Gumuaha diskunfiånsu put ennåo na tåotåo anai hu li'i' i che'cho'‑ña. I lost trust in that person when I saw his work. Sigun gi i fino'‑ña si Luis, guaha diskunfiånsu gi halum i gurupu. According to what Luis said, there is distrust within the group. Disdi un dagi yu', puru ha' diskunfiånsu kontra hågu. Ever since you lied, I only have doubts about you. Variant: diskunfiånsa. From: Sp. desconfianza.


diskunsuela vt. sadden, make (someone) feel depressed, sad, or down. Ha diskunsuela yu' mampus i sinisedi. What happened makes me feel down. Ha diskunsuela ha' yu' i churan fino'‑mu. Your unpleasant words didn't make me feel good. Ha diskunsuela yu' i mapresun i chi'lu‑hu. It made me depressed when my brother was put in jail. See: disanima. From: Sp. desconsuela.


diskutasión n. discussion. Ti nahung diskutasion put esti na asuntu. The discussion on this matter is not sufficient. Manetnun i familia para uma'ekkunguk i diskutasion put i tanu' familia. The family gathered to listen to the discussion about the family land. Meggai mantåddung na diskutasion gi kumfirensian lingguåhin Chamorro giya Luta. There were profound discussions at the Chamorro Language Conference in Rota. From: Sp. discutación.


diskuti vt. discuss. Maila' ya ta diskuti håfa para ta cho'gui. Let us discuss what we are going to do. Ti u masåtba i prublema sin madiskuti. The problem will not be solved if it's not discussed. Maila' ta diskuti put i prubleman i binenu gi tano'‑ta. Let us discuss the drug problem on our island. From: Sp. discute.


diskutta vt. release, let out (violently). Ha diskutta todu i binibu‑ña kontra i amigu‑ña siha. He released his anger toward his friends. Ha chomma i sinienten‑ña ya ti ha diskutta i binibu‑ña put para u na'tåha i atburotu gi gurupu. She held back her feelings and did not release her anger to prevent controversy in the group. Achuka' fatkilu ennåo na tåotåo, guaha lokkui' na gotpi ha diskutta i sinienten‑ña siha. Although that person is reserved, she sometimes let out her feelings unexpectedly. See: sotta. Variant: diskuita.


dislåtchas vt. 1) remove strings, shreds, or lint from cloth; unravel, tear apart. Hu dislåtchas i pilu gi magagu‑hu. I removed the lint on my clothes. I sastri ha dislåtchas i hilu gi yatdas. The seamstress removed the shreds from the yardage. 2) remove (fat from meat), skin. Hu dislåtchas todu i mantika gi katni. I removed all the fat from the meat. Dinislåtchas i katu nu i ga'lågu. The cat was torn apart by the dog. See: dismurona, sisi, laknus. Variant: dishilåtchas.


disminuyi vt. 1) decimate, destroy a large portion of, reduce number of, decrease. I lancheru ha disminuyi todu i tangantångan gi halum i kellåt‑ña. The farmer destroyed all the tangantangan inside his fence. I fodo' ha disminuyi interu i tinanum gi gualu'. The bulldozer razed all the crops on the land. Anai manhålum i Españot, manmadisminuyi i Chamoru ginin i chetnut yan i gera siha. When the Spaniards came, a large proportion of the Chamorro population was reduced due to diseases and battles. Mampus ha disminunuyi yu' nu i tano'‑hu. He has been reducing my land holding so much. 2) give rations to, distribute in fixed portions to (someone). Ha disminunuyi ham si tatå‑hu gi nengkanu' sigun gi idåt. Our father gives us fixed portions of food based on our age. From: Sp. desminue.


dismonti vt. clear (path or fields) through cutting. Mandismonti si Fernando gi lugåt‑ña. Fernando did some cutting of trees on his property. Ha dismonti i uriyan i chikerun babui si tihu‑hu Jesus. My Uncle Jesus cleared the area around the pigpen. Manmandismonta gi lanchu, dispues ma håtsa i palapåla. They cleared the land at the farm, then they built a hut. Syn: yabbåo. Variant: dismonta. From: Sp. desmonte.


dismurón vi. daydream, not pay attention. I istudiånti mandismurón gi istudiun‑ñiha. The students are not focused on their studies. Aksidenti si Jose sa' dumismurón gi sinigon‑ña. Jose had an accident because he was not paying attention to his driving. Båsta dumismurón gi duråntin i misa. Stop daydreaming during mass.


dismurona vt. tear down, disassemble, dismantle, destroy by breaking into pieces. I makinista ha dismurona i måkinan kareta. The mechanic disassembled the car engine. Ha dismurona si Joseph i båsu anai finalaguaihun. When Joseph accidently dropped the glass, it broke into pieces. Ha dismurona todu i magagu‑ña. He tore up all his clothes. I abarambåo na bulacheru todu i tiempu ha dismurorona todu i kosas gi gima'. The unstable drunkard always destroys everything in the house. See: dislåtchas, sisi. From: Sp. desmorona.


dismuronu adj. daydreaming, preoccupied, paying no attention.


disonra vt. dishonor, disgrace. Si Maria ha disonra i familiån‑ña sa' ha konni' para i kotti. Maria disgraced her family because she took them to court. Anai ti manå'i si Jack irensia, ha tutuhun dumisfruta ya ha disonra i mañaina‑ña. When Jack was not given an inheritance, he began to expose and dishonor his parents. Mungnga madisonra maseha håyi na tåotåo. Do not dishonor any person. From: Sp. deshonra.


disonru n. dishonor, disgrace, shame. Ti disonru yanggin un atmiti na lachi håo. It is not dishonorable to admit your mistake. Dångkulu na disonru yanggin un na'mamåhlåo si nanå‑mu. It is disgraceful when you put your mother to shame.

vt. disgrace (someone), dishonor, put to shame. Madisonru i mås åmku' na påtgun sa' ha na'dåñu i lina'la'‑ña todu. The oldest child was dishonored because he ruined his whole life. From: Sp. deshonra.


dispåra vt. fire (a gun). Dispåra i paki. Fire the gun. Ha dispåra i paki‑ña si Jack. Jack fired his gun. I pulisia ma dispåra i pakin‑ñiha gi matai para ma onra i sindålu. The policemen fired a gun salute at the soldier's funeral. From: Sp. dispara.


disparadót n. trigger of a gun. Sangåni i patgun ya mungnga mapatcha i disparadot i paki. Advise the child not to touch the trigger of the gun. I sindålu ha etti i disparadot i paki ya påkpak. The soldier slightly touched the trigger of the gun and it went off. Ti ha håsngun na ha patcha i disparadot i paki ya ha na'låmin i patgun. He accidently touched the trigger and hurt the child. From: Sp. disparador.


disparådu n. shooter.

adj. desperate, despairing. Disparådu i taotåo sa' ha latchai todu i salappe'‑ña gi balåha. The guy is very desperate because he finished off his money in (card) gambling. I balaheru mampus disparådu salåppi' ya para i bisiu‑ña. The poker player is desperate for money to support his habit. I familia mandisparådu anai kimason i gima'‑ñiha. The family was filled with despair when the fire destroyed their house. Variant: dispiråo. From: Sp. desperado.


disparateru n. one who administers an oath.

adj. foul-mouthed, (one who) uses obscene language. Disparateru pachot‑ña ennåo na palåo'an sa' ya‑ña chumatfinu'. That lady has a foul mouth because she likes to say or use bad words. Disparateru na tåotåo si Herman, ya an lalålu', puru ha' chatfinu' palabråra‑ña. When Herman is angry, he always uses foul language. Adahi na atyu i disparateru u famulan nu i famagu'un. Be sure that the children are not watched over by that one who uses obscene language.


disparåti adj. obscene, dirty (of words). Mungnga ma'usa i mandisparåti siha na palåbras. Do not use obscene words. Manma'agunpenta i lihing guma' bås sa' puru disparåti na tinigi' siha gi liga. The bus shelters were repainted because obscene words were written on the walls. Disparåti na palåbra ennåo. That's a bad word. Syn: matdisión. From: Sp. disparate.


dispåsiu adj. slow, soft (of voice), diminished, slowed down, lowered. Na'ladispåsiu i pachot‑mu sa' mamaigu' i neni. Lower your voice a bit because the baby is sleeping. Mampus dispåsiu i mubimentun i kareta siha gi chalan sa' guaha aksidenti. The traffic is so slow because there was an accident. I finalågun i manbinisikleleta dumispåsiu anai sigi mo'na i ha'åni. The bikers' speed diminished as the day wore on. From: Sp. despacio.


dispåtcha1 vt. give (in exchange for), sell. I tendera ha dispåtcha difirentis klåsin fektus gi tenda. The sales clerk sold different kinds of merchandise in the store. Kada Nubiembri i lancheru manmandispåtcha produktu para i giput‑ñiha i manåmku'. Every November the farmers gave produce to the elders for their party. Kåo siña un dispåtcha yu' un låtan Spam? Can you sell me a can of Spam? Syn: fåhan, tulaika, bendi. From: Sp. despacha.


dispåtcha2 vt. send away, dispatch. Dispåtcha i patgun para i gimå'‑ña. Send the child away to his home. Mammadispåtcha i pulisiha guatu na lugåt anai guaha atburotu. The police were dispatched to the scene of the disturbance. Put esta mano'sun nu guåhu, madispåtcha yu' tåtti para i sagå‑hu. Because they got tired of me, I was sent back to my place. From: Sp. despacha.


dispåtta vt. take apart, separate, split, distribute. Ha dispåtta si nåna i rasimun aga' ya ha påtti kada patgon‑ña un iting. Mother divided the bananas and gave a bunch to each of her children. Dispåtta i katni gi gurupu. Distribute the meat among the group. Syn: dispåtcha.


dispegavt take off, remove, detach. Hu dispega todu i litråtu gi liga. I removed all the pictures on the wall. Madispega i na'ån‑hu gi listan botasion. My name was removed from the ballot list. I tindera ha dispega i presiu gi paketi åntis di ha balutan. The salesperson removed the price tag from the gift (packet) before wrapping it. Syn: na'suha. See: pega. From: Sp. despega.


dispensa vt. forgive, pardon, excuse. Ha dispensa yu' si nanå‑hu put i baban bidå‑hu. My mom forgave me for my bad deed. Madispensa si Jose nu i dibi‑ña sa' mumalångu atman. Jose's debt was forgiven because of his prolonged illness. Dispensa yu'. Excuse me. Also: pardon me, forgive me. See: asi'i. From: Sp. dispensa.


dispensasión n. pardon, excuse. I hues ti ha sedi ni håfafa na dispensasion para i sakki. The judge did not grant even a single pardon for the thief. I yo'asi' na palåo'an mannå'i dispensasion anai mafaisin. The compasionate woman granted pardon when asked. Ti un miresi dispensasion sa' ti magåhit na mañotsut håo. You do not deserve a pardon because you are not truly remorseful. See: dispensu. From: Sp. dispensación.


dispensiya n. 1) pantry. Ai na dångkulun dispensiya. Wow! it's a big pantry. Po'lu todus latiriha gi halum dispensiya. Put all canned foods in the pantry. Mayulang i dispensiya. The pantry is broken. Syn: haichio'. 2) dispensary. From: Sp. despensilla.


dispensu n. forgiveness. Ti nahung ginagåo‑mu dispensu, sa' mampus makkat i bidå‑mu. Your request for forgiveness is not enough, because of the gravity of your deed. Put fabot nå'i yu' dispensu. Please give me forgiveness. Bula dispensu gi halum korason‑hu. My heart is filled with forgiveness. See: dispensasión.


dispidi vt. bid farewell or good-bye to. Hu dispidi i amigu‑hu. I bid farewell to my friend. Dispues di manadispidi ham, in dingu i giput. After saying our good-byes to each other, we left the party. Dispidi si Nang adios, sa' esta para ta fanhånåo. Say good-bye to Nang, because we are already leaving. Syn: dispidida. From: Sp. despide.


dispidida n. farewell, good-bye. Maila' ta na'guaha giput dispidida para i bisita siha. Let's have a farewell party for our visitors. Tåftaf i dispididan i iskuelånti. The students had an early dismissal. Sen na'piniti i dispidida gi entalu' i mangga'chung, sa' esta ti para uma bira siha tåtti gi tanu'‑ñiha. The farewell among the companions was very sorrowful, because they will not be returning to their island. See: dispidi. From: Sp. despedida.


dispiråo adj. desperate, hopeless. Ayuda yu' put esti i mandispiråo na kåosåk‑ku siha. Help me with my hopeless cases. I dispiråo na tåotåo ha chachagi todu månu i nina'siñå‑ña para u måolik i lina'la'‑ña. The desperate person is trying with all his might to improve his life. Manchenglung gi liyang i manmachocho'chu' ya manggaigi siha på'gu gi dispiråo na situasion, sa' tåya' hanum‑ñiha. The workers are trapped in the cave and they are now in a desperate situation, because they lack water. From: Sp. desperado.


dispitdisia vt. waste (purposefully), squander. Mungnga madispitdisia i pappit sa' ti dibåtdi ennåo na klåsin kosas. Don't waste the paper because that item is not free. Un dispitdisia i salappe'‑mu anai un fåhan ennåo i mayulang na bisikleta. You wasted your money when you bought that broken bicycle. Båsta manmadispitdisia esti siha na nengkanu'. Stop wasting these foods. See: dispetdisiu. Variant: biskleta. From: Sp. desperdicia.


dispitdisiåo adj. wasteful, lavish. Dispitdisiåo håo mampus na tåotåo. You are a very wasteful person. Dispitdisiåo esti i para un yuti' i sepblan nengkanu'. It is wasteful to throw out leftovers. Puru esti dispitdisåo na cho'chu' sa' manma'imprenta i lachi na påppit inbitasion. This is all wasteful work because they printed the wrong invitation. Puru ha' che'chu' dispitdisiåo chi'chocho'‑mu. All your work has been wasteful work. From: Sp. desperdiciado.


dispitdisiu n. waste, useless expenditure, that which is wasteful, misuse. A'annuk na bula dispitdisiu gi giput anai manmapåtti huyung i sepblan nengkanu'. It was obvious that there was a lot of waste when the leftovers were distributed out. Na'påra i dispitdisiu sa' siempri un diha un tåtangnga håfa un dispitdisia. Stop the waste, for one day you will long for what you have wasted. Bula na dispitdisiu gi bandan salåppi' hu fa'tinas anai humånåo yu' bumakasion. There was a lot of misuse of money when I went on vacation. Syn: låstima. See: dispitdisia, dispitdisiu. From: Sp. desperdicio.


dispondena n. answering back. Mano'oppi mampus, pues sinangåni gi as tatå‑ña: Na'påra i dispondena. He was answering back then his father said: stop that (answering back).


disponi vt. control, govern, do as one pleases, manage, direct (by influence or counsel). Ha disponin maisa gui' i patgun sin i aturidåt nanå‑ña. The child acted on his own without his mother's authorization. I mañaina dumispoponi i areklamentun i gima'. The parents govern the rules at home. Mungnga mandisponi gi i ti kosås‑mu. Do not do as you please with what is not your property. Mungnga yu' madisponi ni tano'‑hu; guåhu la'mun håyi para bai hu nå'i. Don't tell me what to do with my land; it is up to me who I will give it to. Syn: maneha, atrebidu. From: Sp. despone.


dispongnga vt. cut off (point), break off (tip), prune (plants), nip. Manmadispongnga i rosåt. The roses were pruned. Ha dispongnga si Rosa i puntan kalamasa para u nå'yi gi kaddun månnuk. Rosa cut the pumpkin tips to add to the chicken soup. I hatdineru ha dispongnga i matai na råmas. The gardener nipped the dead branch. Syn: dispunta. From: Sp. desponga.


dispresia vt. ridicule, mock, humiliate, shame (someone), say bad things about, downgrade. Ti dinanchi yanggin para un dispresia i ottru tåotåo. It is not right to ridicule another person. Håfa na ya‑mu dumispresia i taimanu pokkat Ana? Why do you like to mock the way Ana walks? Ha disprepresia i lugåt ni sumåsaga gui'. He is downgrading the place where he is staying. See: butleha. From: Sp. desprecia.


dispresiåo adj. contemptuous, contemptible, disdainful, scornful. Mampus dispresiåo ennåo na hobinsitu, sa' ya‑ña mañångan tåotåo. That young man is contemptible, because he likes to put people down. Si Jack dispresiåo na påtgun kontra si tåta gi kotti. Jack was insulting to his father in court. From: Sp. despreciado.


dispresiåpbli adj. contemptible, worthless, insignificant, negligible. Todus i aksion‑ña mandispresiåpbli. All her actions are contemptible. Mandispresiåpbli todu i animu‑ña put para u gånna i rispetu‑hu. All her efforts to gain my respect are insignificant. Puru dispresiåpbli na abisu ha ofrefresi i famagu'un. All he offers the children is worthless advice. From: Sp. despreciable.


dispresiu n. sarcasm, mockery, bitter or humiliating remark. Ti hu agradesi i dispresiu ginin hågu put i che'chu'‑måmi. I do not appreciate your sarcasm about our work. Ti magof lamin håo na tåotåo, sa' sessu in hinguk dispresiu ginin hågu. You are not well liked because of your frequent humiliating remarks. Puru dispresiu i palabrå‑ña si Mona gi katta. Mona's letter was full of sarcasm.

adj. sarcastic, mocking, bitter. I dispresiu na ineppin Rita manna'piniti. Rita's bitter remarks are hurtful. Na'suha i dispresiu na hinassu gi taotåo siha. Dispel unkind thoughts of people. From: Sp. desprecio.


dispribinåo adj. unprepared, unready, unexpected. Humånåo i istudiånti para i iskuela dispribinåo. The student went to school unprepared. Dispribinåo yu' anai måttu i bisita gi paingi. I was unaware of our visitor last night. Dispribinåo ham ni mahuchum i chalan. The roadblock was unexpected. Variant: dispribinidu. From: Sp. desprevenido.


dispribinidu adj. unprepared, unaware, unready, unexpectant. Variant: dispribinåo. From: Sp. desprevenido.


dispues adv. then, later, afterward. Hu kånnu' i sanguich, dispues i mansåna. I ate the sandwich, then the apple. Po'lu båsta ya asta dispues ni ta cho'gui ennåo. That's okay and we'll do that later. Håfa! Ilek‑mu na ti para un chupa, dispues chumupa håo ha'. What! You said you weren't going to smoke and then you went ahead and smoked. From: Sp. despues.


dispues di prep. after, next. Na'tungu' yu' dispues di misa. Let me know after the mass.

cnj. after. Måttu yu' dispues di homhum. I arrived after it was dark. Dispues di un konni' i neni, po'lu yu' gi plåsan bola. After you pick up the baby, drop me off at the baseball field. From: Sp. despues de.


dispuestu n. disposal, arrangement, ordering. Dos oras tinaka' para u madispuestu i lepblu. Arrangement of the books took two hours. Manbunitu na dispuestun floris i flureru ha mostra gi tendån‑ña. The florist displayed beautiful flower arrangements at her shop. I dispuestun matiriåt kaiha måttu. The ordering of materials is being delayed. From: Sp. despuesto.


dispunta vt. cut off (the point of), break off (the point of), nip. I lancheru ha dispunta i ramas i trongkun talisai. The farmer nipped off the branches of the tropical almond tree. Mungnga manmadispunta i lapis siha. Do not break off the tips of the pencils. Manmadispunta i papakis i katu put ya‑ña manga'guas ya piligru para i famagu'un. The cat's claws were nipped because the cat likes to scratch and it is dangerous for the children. Syn: dispongnga. From: Sp. despunta.


dispusisión n. disposition, tendency, temperament. Ennåo dispusision‑mu. That's your disposition. Muna' taiguini yu' sa' hu chuli' i dispusision tatå‑hu. I am this way because I took after my father's temperament. Maila' ya ta na'atya i dispusision i gurupu yan i asuntu ni para ta ina. Let's match the disposition of the group with the issue to be addressed. From: Sp. disposición.


distånsia n. distance. Yanggin para u måolik i tinekcha'‑ña i trongkun niyuk, debi di u guaha maseha tres pe na distånsia gi entalu' i hagun i trongku siha. For healthy bearing coconut trees, there should be at least three feet of distance between the leaves of the trees. Ti chågu' na distånsia guaha gi entalu' Saipan yan Tinian. The distance between Saipan and Tinian is not that far. Ta ana'i distånsia ya mungnga hit umátongtung. We will give each other some distance so that we do not bump into each other. From: Sp. distancia.


distansiåo adj. far. Mampus distansiåo håo ni gaigi. Where you are is so distant. Mampus distansiåo i hinassosom‑mu para esti na asuntu. Your thinking is too remote from this topic. Kalan gai distansiåo i karera ginin i gima' para i iskuela para i tres åñus na påtgun. The journey from the house to the school for a three-year old is too far. From: Sp. distanciado.


distempla vt. 1) melt down (metal). Madistempla i putserås‑su anai hu na'ma'arekla. My bracelet was melted down when I had it fixed. 2) lower (a substance, one's temper, or feelings) in intensity, put out of tune. Un distempla i kalili' anai sigi ha' un kuetdåsi. The ukelele got out of tune when you kept adjusting it. Bai hu distempla i katdu sa' mampus ma'asin. I will add more water to the soup because it is too salty. From: Sp. destempla.


distemplåo adj. out of tune, not mixed well. Distemplåo esti na gitåla. This guitar is out of tune. Distemplåo i kaddun kåtni. The beef soup is not mixed well. Mungnga mana'distemplåo ennåo i kaddun månnuk sa' esta månngi' sabot‑ña. Don't ruin the seasoning of the chicken soup because it is already delicious as it is. From: Sp. destemplado.


disti ki prep. since, ever since. Ha na'sahngi gui' i che'lu‑hu disti ki anai måttu ginin Iråk. Ever since my brother returned from Iraq, he kept himself apart. Esta tåya' ni desnik si Ben disti ki anai lalålu' nu guåhu. Ben stopped showing up ever since he became upset with me.

cnj. since. Sen maguf i patgun disti ki ha gånna i premiu gi rifa. The child has been happy ever since he won a prize in the raffle. Variant: disdi ki. From: Sp. desde que.


distieru vt. exile, relinquish, abandon, force out. Gi tiempun Ispañot manmadistieru i taotåo Saipan guatu Guåhan. During the Spanish colonial period the people of Saipan were exiled to Guam. Un tiempu i nasarinu manmadistieru guatu Tinian. At one time, the lepers were exiled to Tinian. Gi tiempun Alimån, guaha gurupun tåotao Samoa manmadistieru para Tanapag. During the German colonial period, there was a group of Samoans who were exiled to Tanapag. Syn: distilådu. Variant: disteru. From: Sp. destierro.


distilådu vt. banish, exile, send away, deport, expel. Manmadistilådu todu i prisineru guatu giya Agrihan. All the prisoners were sent away to Agrihan. Bai hu distilådu yu' guatu sanlagu sa' bai hu bisita i familiåk‑ku. I am sending myself away to the States to visit my family. Gi 1909, duråntin tiempun Alimån, onsi na manmå'gas ginin Samoa manmadistilådu guatu Mariånas ya mañåga Tanapag asta ki mana'fanhånåo tåtti para tanu'‑ñiha duråntin i tiempun Hapones. In 1909, during the German time, eleven Samoan chiefs were exiled to the Marianas and resided in Tanapag until they were returned home during the Japanese administration. Syn: dipota. From: Sp. desterrado.


distilipas vt. eviscerate, remove the guts or intestines. Ha distilipas i mannuk. He removed the chicken guts. Madistilipas i babui para u mafritåda. The pig intestines were removed to be prepared for fritåda. Ti malagu' si Teresita mandistilipas guaka sa' måssa'. Teresita refused to take out the cow's intestines because she could not stand it. From: Sp. destripas.


distinåo adj. destined. Esta distinåo i taotåo na para u måtai diripenti. The man is destined to die unexpectedly. Put i bunitun bos‑ña, distinåo na para u kakanta. Because of her beautiful voice, she is destined to become a singer. Distinåo yu' na para bai hu fañetbi. I am destined to be of service to others. From: Sp. destinado.


distinu n. fate, destiny. I distinu‑hu un tiempu guåhu bai maneha i kumpanihan familia. My destiny one day is that I will manage my family company. I distinu‑hu para bai hu fañetbi tåotåo. My destiny is to be of service to people. Håfa na distinu munanangga håo? What fate awaits you? From: Sp. destino.


distinggidu adj. distinguished. Mandistinggidu na bisita, amigu, yan familia, maila' hålum. Distinguished guests, friends and family, come inside. Buenas dihas, mandistinggidu na siñot yan siñoras siha. Good morning, distinguished ladies and gentlemen. Distinggidu i che'chocho'‑ña si Tita giya islan Luta. Tita's work in Rota is very notable. From: Sp. distinguido.


distinggui vt. distinguish, differentiate, tell apart, discern. Distinggui håyi manggai iyu ennåo siha. Distinguish whose are those. Ti siña hu distinggui håyi guihi Isa gi dinga'. I cannot distinguish who is Isa between the twins. From: Sp. distingue.


distritu n. district, region, precinct, tract (of land), territorial division. Sumåsaga yu' gi distritu sietti. I reside in district seven. Garapan mås dångkulu na distritu giya Saipan. Garapan is the biggest district on Saipan. Kuåntu na distritu guaha giya Tinian? How many districts are there on Tinian? From: Sp. distrito.


distrongka vt. trim or cut leaves or branches from trees. I taotåo ilektrisidåt ha distrongka i trongkun gågu ni chechettun gi i talin dengki', sa' piligru. The electrician cut the ironwood tree that was touching the live electrical wire, because it was hazardous. Distrongka ennåo na trongku, sa' esta para u etti i talin telefon. Trim the branches of that tree, because it is getting close to the electric line. From: Sp. destronca.


distrosa vt. destroy, wreck, demolish, ruin. I manmangångahat guma' ma distrosa i gima' bihu ya ma na'manana i lugåt. The builders demolished the old house and brightened up the area. Achamadistrosa i dos kareta anai umasufa'. The two cars were both destroyed when they crashed into each other. I linåo dumistrosa i sengsung. The earthquake destroyed the village. Syn: disåsi. From: Sp. destroza.


distrosu n. disaster, wreck, destruction, damage. Dångkulu na distrosu i linåo bidå‑ña. The earthquake caused major destruction. Meggai na distrosu i pakyu bidåda‑ña gi tinanum. Typhoons cause a lot of damage to the crops. Yanggin håfa na distrosu guaha, i Red Cross manakukudi. Whenever there is destruction, the Red Cross provides assistance. From: Sp. destrozo.


distutniyadót n. screwdriver. Ti umafakcha' ennåo na distutniyadot yan esti na tutniyu. That screwdriver does not match this screw. Kuåntu na distutniyadot manisisita ni katpinteru? How many screwdrivers does the carpenter need? Si Francisco uttimu ni distutniyadot anai ha disåtma i petta. Frank was the last one who used the screwdriver when he took down the door. Syn: disatmadót. From: Sp. destornillador.


disu'1 n. lump (on head), weal, welt. Disu' ilu‑ña si James. James has a lump on his head. Ha tongtung ilu‑ña ya disu'. He has a lump (on his head) when he bumped his head.


disu'2 n. diesel fuel. Mamåmahan disu' para i genereta'. He is buying diesel fuel for the generator. From: Eng. diesel.


disunestu adj. indecent, shameful, unsuitable, lewd, filthy. Kana' todu i istorian Pangkasia mandisunestu. Almost all of Pangkasia's stories are filthy. Mungnga mataitatayi i famagu'un nu ennåo na lepblu sa' disunestu. Do not read that book to the children because it is unsuitable. Mandisunestu ennåo siha na magågu, ya ti para u ma'usa gi Gima' Yu'us. Those are indecent clothes and should not be worn to church. From: Sp. deshonesto.


Dita name. nickname for Bernadita. Dita i ottru nå'an para Bernadita. Dita is another nickname for Bernadita. Syn: Bittang.


ditetmina vt. determine, conclude, decide. Hu ditetmina na ti para bai hu hånåo maseha kuåntu biåhi yu' mafaisin. I determined not to go no matter how many times I am asked. Maditetmina i risuttan i botasion gi pupuengi. The election result was decided at night. Hu ditetmina na para bai hu na'funhåyan i che'cho'‑hu. I decided that I will finish my work. From: Sp. determina.


ditetminasión n. determination, decision. Fitmi i ditetminasion‑hu na para Hawaii na bai hu såga. My determination to reside in Hawaii is firm. I gubietnu mama'tinas ditetminasion put i areklamentun kåndit yan hånum. The governor made a decision concerning the power and water regulations. Mungnga mama'tinas ditetminasión nåya put håfa para humuyong‑ña esti na plånu. Don't make a determination on the outcome of this plan yet. From: Sp. determinación.


ditieni vt. delay, prolong, retard, slow, slacken, detain. I bulan fattåk‑ku gi iskuela dumitieni yu' magraduha. My many absences from school delayed me from graduating. Si Bernie ha ditieni i finatton‑ña dos dihas. Bernie delayed her visit two days. I bulan istotbun tilifon dumitieni yu' gi chi'cho'‑hu. The numerous phone calls delayed my work. From: Sp. detiene.


do'ak n. white spot on pupil of eye (deformity). Dångkulu do'ak‑ña si Miguet. The white spot in Miguet's pupil is big.

adj. have a bad eye, one-eyed, lose an eye. Ti la'yiyi yu' manaitai sa' do'ak yu'. I can't read well because I have a white spot in my eye. Do'ak i matå‑hu anai ha fletcha yu' si Jose. The white spot in my eye was caused when Jose shot me with his slingshot. Nina'do'ak anai tinekcha' matå‑ña ni hayu. He lost his eye when a piece of wood pierced his eye.


do'an vt. carry (something) on the shoulder with a stick. I lancheru ha do'an i rasimun chotda. The farmer carried the banana bunch. Bråbu i tintågu' mando'an galon hånum ginin i tipu'. The helper is energetic in carrying water jugs from the well. Ha do'an i balutån‑ña si Antonio. Tony carried his belongings. Syn: oddu', uma. See: pengga.


do'du' vi. fart, break wind. Gotpi mutung, håyi do'du'? Suddently there is a stinky smell, who farted? Minanglu' si Rosa ya sigi do'du'. Rosa keeps farting because she has gas. Kumu sigi håo chumotchu dokduk, siña hao ha' sigi dumo'du'. If you keep eating dokduk nut, you may be farting a lot.


do'gas n. small shell, seashell, portion of spider shell. Bula do'gas gi kantun tåsi. There are a lot of seashells on the beach. Manmanhokka ham do'gas para kadena. We picked small shells to make necklaces. Bunitu na kadenan do'gas manmanå'i i bisita siha. The visitors were presented with beautiful seashell necklaces.


dobla vt. fold, do twice. Dobla i magågu. Fold the clothes. Un tungu' ha' i påppit tånu' sa' manmadoblan måolik. You can tell the land documents because they are folded properly. Variant: dopbla.


dobladura n. hem, as in a skirt or shirt sleeve; border of a garment or piece of cloth. Chinina, sukåtu', katsunis, yan ottru magågu manggai dobladura. Dresses, skirts, shirts, and other garments have hems. Fedda' i dobladurå‑ña esti na kuttina. The hem of this curtain is wide. Måppla' i dobladuran i manggas chininå‑mu. The hem of your sleeve came off. Variant: dopbladura. From: Sp. dobladura.


dobli adj. double, twofold, two of a sort. I istudiånti mandubli katsunis‑ñiha para i iskuela. The students wear double shorts to school. Manenghing gi puengi, pues hu na'dubli i sabanås‑su. I doubled my blanket because the night is cold.

vt. make double. Ha dubli i ora sa' bula cho'chu'. He doubled his time because there was a lot of work to do. Variant: dopbli. From: Sp. doble.


doddak n. thimble, used to protect finger when sewing. Hu na'setbi i doddak para hu chonnik i haguhan kånnai. I used the thimble to push the sewing needle. Mafa'titinas i doddak ginin i plastik, håyu, pat luluk. Thimbles can be made from plastic, wood, or metal. Mampus dångkulu esti na doddak para i kalulot‑tu. This thimble is too big for my finger.


doddu n. any of several damsel fishes, dark gray stripes with spot on tail, up to 8-9 inches long. Family Pomacentridae, Actitis hypoleucos. Mehna i peskadot doddu. The fisherman caught a lot of damsel fish. Ma bendi palu doddu sa' kantidå i kinenni'‑ñiha. They sold some damsel fish because there was a lot. Aflitu fan ennåo i doddu. Fry some damsel fish.


dódichan vi. go south (Northern Marianas); go west (Guahan). Nihi ta fandodichan guatu San Antonio ya ta fangguput. Let's go south to San Antonio and attend the party. I pakyu dódodichan Tinian ginin Saipan. The typhoon is heading south to Tinian from Saipan. In Saipan, luchan is south and in Guam, luchan is west. Variant: lódichan.


dodoli' n. part of bird from which tail feathers grow, tail. Dåkngas i dodoli' ennåo na paluma. That bird's tail does not have feathers. Esta manannuk i pilun dågan månnuk gi dodole'‑ña. The feathers are already appearing on tail of the chicken.


dóduli' n. testicle, scrotum, penis, vagina, sexual organ. Kada me'mi' si Ricardo, puti dodule'‑ña. Rick's penis gets painful every time he urinates. Todus ha' i taotåo pat gå'ga' guaha doduli'‑ñiha. All animals have sexual organs. I doduli' låhi yan palåo'an ti parehu. The sexual organs of males and females are different. Syn: dammut, bebi', afe'na.


doffi' adj. 1) have a missing tooth. Doffi' yu' sa' matifi' yu' på'gu. My tooth is missing because I had a tooth pulled out today. Håyi muna'doffi' håo? Who made you have a missing tooth? 2) chipped (of blade). Esta doffi' esti na se'si'. This knife is already chipped. Siempri un na'doffi' i se'si' yanggin un tåga' i niyuk. You will chip the knife if you chop the mature coconut.


dofin n. type of fish: dolphin. Coryphaena hippurus. Sessu manmali'i' dofin gi tasi. Dolphin sighting is very frequent at the beach. Manmalåti' esti i dofin na klåsin gå'ga'. Dolpins are very intelligent creatures. Manggururupu i dofin yanggin mangarerera. Dolphins swim together when they are traveling. See: tuninus. From: Eng. dolphin.


dogga n. footwear (generic). Guaha bula klåsin dogga på'gu na tiempu. There are a lot of different kinds of footwear these days. I yori' mås ya‑hu na klåsin dogga. Zories are my favorite type of footwear. Todu linassas deddigon‑ña si Juan sa' dinegga ni nuebu na sapåtus. John has skin cuts on his heels because he wore a new pair of shoes.


dohlan n. cyst, varicose veins. I mediku ha sodda' na guaha dohlan gi unu na sisu‑hu. The doctor found a cyst on one of my breasts. Puedi ti kånsit esti na dohlan. Hopefully this cyst is not cancerous. Gef annuk i dohlan gi kannai‑hu. My varicose veins can really show on my arms. See: cho'li. 2) testicles (slang). Månngi' makånnu' i dohlan gåyu. The roosters' testicles are delicious to eat.

adj. lumpy or thick (as in soup). Mampus dohlan i kaddun månnuk sa' te'uk i harina. The chicken soup is too lumpy because there is too much flour.


dokduk n. type of plant: breadfruit with seeds, the seeds of a particular kind of breadfruit. Artocarpus mariannensis. Guaha trongkun dokduk gi lanchu. There is a dokduk tree at the farm. Dinira tiempu an mana'lågu i dekduk. It takes time to cook the dokduk seeds. Bula dokduk giya Luta. Rota has a lot of dokduk trees. See: hutu.


dokku' vi. sprout, shoot forth, germinate, come up. Dokku' i nifen‑ña i neni. The baby's teeth came out. Mano'o' i gayu åntis di u dokku' i atdåo. The roosters crowed before the sunrise. Gi månu na lanchu ni para un na'fandokku' i mangga? In which farm will you grow your mango? Syn: la'chuk.


dokngus adj. burned, scorched, crispy, dehydrated, dried from heat. Dokngus i nina'lagu‑hu sa' tinani' yu' ni telibision. My cooking got burnt because I was distracted with the television. Ai na minaipi gi papa' somnak, hihut dokngus yu'. Oh my, it is very hot under the sun; I am almost roasted. Na'ladokngus fan i inaflitun beikon. Please make the bacon a little more crispy. See: tostus.


doktu n. 1) doctor, physician, surgeon, practitioner. I doktu ha na'homlu' i taotåo ni amut. The doctor cured the sick man with medicine. I doktun måta para u eksamina i matå‑hu. The eye doctor will examine my eyes. Ti mandoktun espitåt i suruhåna siha, låo mannana'homlu' ha' lokkui'. Native healers are not hospital doctors, but they can also cure people. Syn: médiku. 2) holder of advanced degree. Esta si Chong ha risibi i titulun doktu gi edukasion. Chong has received her doctor of education title. Prikura studiu‑mu sa' un diha siempri unu håo na doktora giya Luta. Be diligent in your studies so that one day you will be one of the doctors in Rota. From: Sp. doctor.


dokumentu n. document, deed. Chuli' mågi i dokumentun antigu. Bring the ancient document over. Si tåta gumogo'ti i dokumentun tånu'. Father is holding the land document. Adahi na un maleffa ni dokumentu. Be careful not to forget the document. From: Sp. documento.

vt. document (something), record (something), write (something) down. Maila' ya ta dokumentu i che'chocho'‑ta på'gu na ha'åni. Let us document what we are doing today. Ha dokumentu si Rosa i lina''‑ña gi tiempun geran mundu dos. Rosa recorded her life during World War II.


dolenggua' adj. easily frightened or intimidated, cowardly. Esta i ga'ga' dolenggua' ginin sessu ma'anña. The animal became timid from frequent beatings. Mungnga mafa'ñagui sessu i patgun sa' un na'dolenggua' sin håfa. Don't frighten the child because she will become easily frightened for no reason. Ti ma ripåra na esta dolenggua' i gayu anai ma konni' para i gayera. They did not realize that the rooster was already frightened when they brought it to the cockfight. Syn: kubåtdi, dolli.


dollan1 n. testicles (of an animal). Guaha na tåotao kumåkannu' i dollan i babui. There are people who eat pig testicles. I medikun gå'ga' ha chechek i chetnut gi dollan i guaka. The veterinarian checked the wound in the testicles of the cow.


dollan2 vi. balance (oneself) while walking on a tightrope or bridge. Mandollan ham gi pi'åo gi hilu' i milak. We balanced on the bamboo over the stream. Mungnga dumollan gi tali, sa' un poddung. Don't balance on the rope, because you might fall. Manmåolik i famagu'un mandollan. Childen are good at balancing. Variant: dellang.


dolli adj. weak, weakling, feeble, frail, cowardly. Nina'dolli si Alejandro anai trinimpåda as Fernando. Alejandro became weak when Fred hit him. Iståba kuba i ga'‑mu gåyu; på'gu dolli. At one time your rooster was fearless; now it is a weakling. Esta mampus dolli i amku' sa' bula chetnot‑ña. The old man is so frail because he has a lot of illnesses. Syn: peddi, dångngi'. Ant: kuba.


dómina n. domino (game). Humugåndu yu' yan si Viola dómina. I played dominos with Viola. Håyi malagu' sumåonåo gi kumpitensian dómina? Who wants to join the domino competition? Manå'i yu' dómina gi kumpliaños‑su. I was given a dominos game on my birthday. From: Sp. dominó.


domitoriu n. dormitory. Guaha domitoriu siha para istudiånti gi kulehu. There are domitories for the students at the college. Tåya' domitoriu gi Northern Marianas College. There is no dormitory at Northern Marianas College. Sumåsaga si Teresita gi dotmitoriu. Teresita lives in the dormitory. From: Sp. dormitorio.


dommu' vt. punch, sock, strike, hit with the fist. Ha dommu' yu' si Juan. John punched me. Lalålu' si Jose ya ha dommu' i lamasa. Jose got mad and he hit the table with his fist. Debi na un adahi håo as Juan, sa' guse'kannai ya ya‑ña mandommu'. You should be careful with Juan, because he is quick with his hand and he likes to punch. Syn: paniti, seku, trompunåsu.


donda' adj. flirtatious, teasing, tantalizing. Mampus donda' i hagå‑hu anai sutettera. My daughter was very flirtatious when she was a teen ager.


dondiståo adj. excessive, exceeding something, such as one's patience. Esta ennåo dondiståo. That is already too much. Puru ha' ennåo siha dondiståo na hinassu. All those thoughts are just too much.


dondun adj. spotted, dotted, stained, pitted, speckled, smudged. Bulan dondun gi kapit sa' machuda' i kafe. There are lots of stains on the carpet when the coffee spilt. Ha kåtga i applacha' na kostat kamuti ya nina'dondun i magagu‑ña. He carried the dirty sweet potato sack and stained his shirt. Mungnga mana'setbi ennåo na påppit, sa' bula dondon‑ña. Don't use that sheet of paper, because it has a lot of spots.


donni' n. type of plant: hot pepper. Capsicum annuum. Nå'yi dididi' asiga i denni'. Add salt to the hot pepper. Månngi' esti i hagun donni' makema yan i satdinas. The hot pepper leaf is delicious when sauteed with sardines. Meggai esta na donni' ta nå'yi i fina'denni'. We have already put a lot of hot pepper in the hot pepper sauce.


donni' chosing n. a type of mixture consisting of very hot peppers and other condiments, related to or similar to Korean hot pepper mixture. Månngi' esti i donni' chosing sa' sen pika. Donni' chosing is delicious because it is very hot. Ha pagu' i pachot‑tu i denni' chosing. The donni' chosing burned my mouth. Linaisin ya ha nå'yi bula na donni' chosing gi tinala' kåtni. He did not realize that he put too much donni' chosing on the dried meat.


donni' gollai n. type of plant: bell pepper. Dångkulu na donni' gollai manmatifi' gi lanchu. Big bell peppers were picked at the farm. Na'yiyi donni' gollai i insalada. Add bell pepper to the salad. Mungnga manå'yi donni' gollai i na'‑ña si Miget, sa' cha'ot‑ña. Do not add bell pepper to Miget's food, because he is allergic. Syn: donni' mamis.


donni' i sisu idiom. the breasts have budded. Esta donni' i sisu‑ña i patgun palåo'an. The young girl's breasts have budded. Donni' i sisisu‑ña si Maria anai kinsi åñus. Maria's breasts budded when she was fifteen years old.


donni' pika n. type of plant: chili pepper. Genus Capsicum. Donni' pika esti i denni' såli. The sali pepper is also a hot pepper. Nå'yi dididi' donni' pika i anistukun guihan. Add a little chili pepper to the salted fish. Maipi esti i denni' pika na nengkanu' gi kustumbrin Chamorro. Hot pepper is considered in the category of hot foods in Chamorro belief.


donni' såli n. type of plant: small pepper, very hot in taste. Capsicum frutescens. Donni' såli i mås pika na donni' giya Mariånas. The sali hot pepper is the hottest pepper in the Marianas. Siña ha' ma'usa i puntan donni' såli gi amut påchut. The tips of the young leaves of the small hot pepper can be used in the medicine for sores in the mouth. I sali siha yan‑ñiha kumånnu' i denni' såli. The Micronesian starlings like to eat the small hot pepper. This pepper is named after the Micronesian starling because the bird eats the pepper.


donni' ti'åo n. pepper, larger than the regular pepper. I na inanåkku' donni' ti'åo ennåo. Wow! that's a long pepper. Nå'yi dos na donni' ti'åo i kaddu. Put two peppers in the soup.


donseya n. 1) virgin. Donseya i palåo'an. The lady is a virgin. I donseya na palåo'an måolik masangån‑ña. A virgin lady has a good reputation. 2) From: Sp. doncella.


donseyan nobia n. bridesmaid. Guaha tres na donseyan nobia anai umasagua si Maria. There were three bridesmaids when Maria got married. Yanggin umasagua yu', bai na'guaha dos ha' na donseyan nobia. When I get married, I will have only two bridesmaids. From: Sp. doncella novia.


donseyu n. best man. Dimasiåo bula ennåo i singku na donseyu. Five best men is too many. Tåya' donseyu anai umasagua si Jesus, sa' i patlinu‑ña dumimuyi. There was no best man when Jess got married, because his godfather stood for him.


doña n. Mrs.; title used for older women, especially used in stories. Ha bisita hit si Doña Maria gi paingi. Doña Maria visited us last night. Istera si rai, gi un tånu' guaha Doña Paz ni gef kariñosa para i ga'ga' tåsi siha. Once upon a time, there was a Doña Paz who was very kind to sea animals. From: Sp. doña.


dongdung vt. 1) poke repeatedly. Sigi ha' i patgun ha dongdung i liga ni lapes‑ña. The child keeps poking the wall with his pencil. Ha dodongdung si Bihu i edda' ni baston‑ña kada mamokkat. Grandpa repeatedly pokes the ground with his cane every time he walks. 2) hit. I patgun ha dongdung i ilun i muñeka kontra i tampin i kahita. I child hit the head of the doll on the cover of the box. Meying yu' mandongdung tulompu. I am good at hitting tops. 3) sting (of bees). Dinengdung ni sasata. He was stung by the bee.


donggat n. 1) type of fungus (mushroom): white, tiny, soft and luminous, usually found in decayed matter, and lights up in the dark. I denggat siha manmaninila' gi hemhum. The luminous mushrooms glow in the dark. Guaha donggat gi halum tånu'. There is a luminous mushroom in the forest. 2) reflector, speck or point of light, as a single lantern in the distance. Atan i puti'un sa' donggat. Look at the star because it is shining like a bright speck of light.

vi. glow and light up. Atan, sa' dodonggat. Look, it's glowing.


donggat2 n. type of insect: lightning bug, firefly. Coleoptera lampyridae. Tåya' na inli'i' donggat giya Marianas. We have never seen fireflies in the Marianas.


dopbla vt. bend, fold, do twice. Dopbla i man'ånglu' na tuåya siha. Fold the towels that are dry. Dopbla hulu' i katsunes‑mu sa' fachi' i chalan. Fold up your pants because the road is muddy. Doblåyun na kahita esti. This box is foldable. From: Sp. dobla.


dopbli adj. double, twofold, two of a sort. Ha na'dopbli katsunes‑ña si Juan, sa' manenghing. Juan is wearing two pairs of pants, because it is cold. Dumopbli på'gu prublemå‑hu, sa' i ga'‑hu babui humålum gi i tirenun kamutin Jose yan Manet. My problem now is twofold, because my pig entered Jose and Manet's sweet potato crop fields. Dopbli para apås‑mu yanggin atrasåo håo manapåsi as Tita. You will be paying Tita double if you pay her late. Variant: dubli. From: Sp. doble.


dos num. two. Dos lugåt para hinanåo‑hu på'gu na ha'åni. I am going to two places today. Dos ha' na ayuyu guaha guennåo. There are only two coconut crabs in there. Dos chume'lu kumåkanta gi papa' trongkun mansanita. Two siblings are singing under the mansanita tree. From: Sp. dos.


dos sientus num. two hundred. Dos sientus ha' para bai diposita gi bangku. I am depositing only two hundred at the bank. Guaha salappe'‑hu dos sientus pesus. I have two hundred dollars. Siña un na'fandibi yu' balin dos sientus pesus? Can you allow me to buy two hundred dollars worth on credit? From: Sp. docientos.


dossi num. twelve. Dossi na chåda' guaha gi un dusena. There are twelve eggs in a dozen. I lahi‑hu esta siña mångfung asta i dossi. My son can count up to twelve. Guaha dossi mañe'lu‑hu put todu. I have twelve brothers and sisters altogether. From: Sp. doce.


dossuk vt. pierce, poke, pick (with pole), stick (something) in. Dossuk hulu' i mangga ya u poddung. Push up the stick to the mango so that it can fall. Ha dossuk ni i hayu si Lourdes i madduk pånglåo. Lourdes poked the crab hole with a stick. Mungnga madossuk i måsa na papåya ni kalulot‑mu. Do not poke the ripe papaya with your fingers.


dotchun vi. penetrate, thrust in, stick in. Dotchun i liluk gi taia' bisikiletå‑hu. The nail stuck in the tire of my bicycle. Dotchun i tekcha' gi tatalu' i tataga'. The spear penetrated the back of the unicorn fish. Hu sienti anai dotchun i haguha gi talanga‑hu. I felt it when the needle was pierced into my ear lobe.


dotgan vi. penetrated, penetrated out. Dotgan i te'lang gi lassas. The bone penetrated the skin. Dotgan i pachingku' gi tataga'. The spear penetrated the fish. Dotgan i liluk gi addeng‑hu. The nail penetrated my foot.


doti n. inheritance, deed, gift. Un tånu' manå'i yu' na doti. My inheritance is a piece of land. Ni un doti manå'i yu' ginin as tatå‑hu. Not even one inheritance was given to me by my father. From: Sp. dote.

vt. deed, bequeath. I nana ha doti i patgun bendision. The mother bestowed her blessings on the child. Ma doti todu i fringkas‑ñiha si nåna yan si tåta. My mother and father deeded all their estate. Madoti para guiya yo'amti gi familia. She was selected to be the traditional healer for the family. Syn: irensia. Variant: dokti.


dotmienti n. beam, crossbeam. Ma nå'yi dotmienti i satgin palapåla. They put crossbeams on the floor of the hut. Ma nå'yi dotmienti i tiheras para u sinapotta i satgin palapåla. They added a beam to the crossbeam to support the floor of the hut. Variant: detmienti. From: Sp. dormiente.


dotmilådu adj. drowsy, sleepy. Dotmilådu siniente‑hu dispues di sena, pues hu disidi dumiskånsa. I felt drowsy after dinner and decided to take a nap. Siempri nina'dotmilådu håo ni amut. The medicine will make you drowsy. From: Sp. adormilado.


dotmilón n. sleepy-head, one who feels sleepy often. Ilek‑ña si nanå‑hu na mampus dotmilón yu'. My mother said that I'm too much of a sleepy-head. Cha'‑mu yu' sangångani na dotmilon yu'. Don't tell me that I'm a sleepy-head. Guaha dos na dotmilon gi halum kuåttu. There are two little sleepy-heads in class. From: Sp. dormilón.


dotmitoriu n. dormitory. Bula na kulehu guaha dotmitoriun‑ñiha para istudiånti siha. Many colleges have dormitories where students live. Variant: domitoriu. From: Sp. dormitorio.


dotsi n. type of plant: wild passionfruit. Passiflora foetida. Mamis i dotsi yanggin måsa. Wild passionfruit is sweet when it is ripe. Bula åntis dotsi gi kantun chålan. In the past there were a lot of wild passionfruit plants along the roadside. Guinaiya ni paluma esti i dotsi. Wild passionfruit is loved by the birds. Variant: dutsi. From: Sp. dulce.


dragón n. dragon. Dångkulu yan gai pappa na gå'ga' esti i dragón. A dragon is a huge animal with wings. Tåya' dragon låla'la' på'gu na tiempu. There are no dragons alive today. Masåsangan na humåhagung guåfi i dragón na gå'ga'. They say that dragons breathe fire. Syn: gå'ga' guåfi. Variant: draggón. From: Sp. dragón.


draiba n. driver. Måolik na draiba si tatå‑hu, sa' tåya' ni aksidenti. My dad is a good driver because he never has an accident. Bula draiba på'gu na tiempu. There are many drivers nowadays. From: Eng. driver.

vt. drive. Hu draiban maisa yu' para i espitåt. I drove myself to the hospital. Håyi para u draiba i bås iskuela? Who will drive the school bus?


du'an n. 1) wart, verruca, bud, a glandular excrescence or hardened protuberance on plants or animals. Puru du'an i tatåotåo esti na kairu'. This toad has a lot of warts on its body. Guaha du'ån‑ña si Catalina gi damma'gås‑ña. Cathy has a wart on her thumb. 2) mole. Guaha du'ån‑ña si Catalina gi aga''‑ña. Cathy has a mole on her neck. I di'an unu na måtka gi taotåo ni siña chaddik masodda'. A mole is one of the marks on a person that can be easily found. Dångkulu na du'an ennåo. That is a huge mole. I du'an unu gi identifiku‑mu. A mole is one part of your physical features. Syn: lonnat. Variant: duan.


du'an nanasu' n. 1) wart, verruca, bud, a glandular excrescence or hardened protuberance on plants or animals. Guaha dos du'an nanasu' gi kannai‑ña si Miguet. There are two warts on Miguel's hands. Chatpa'gu esti i du'an nanasu' gi tatåotåo. Warts are gross on the body. Syn: cho'li. 2) type of medicinal plant: a small tree. Premna obtusifolia. Gef amut esti i ahgåo ni gai du'an nanasu'. The ahgao that has warts is considered a more effective medicinal plant. Syn: åhgåo.


duda vi. doubt, be uncertain, doubtful, equivocal, dubious. Duda yu' kåo nahung gimin para i giput. I doubt whether there are enough drinks for the party. Ti siña ta fa'tinas i disisión sa' dududa ha' si Jose. We cannot make a decision because Jose is still uncertain. Mungnga duda nu guåhu. Don't be doubtful of me. From: Sp. duda.


dudosu adj. doubtful, dubious, questionable. Todu i inifresi‑ña mandudosu. All his offerings are questionable. Ti siña mahonggi i taotåo ni palabrå‑ña, sa' mampus dudosu. We cannot believe the person with his words, because he's very dubious. From: Sp. dudoso.


dudu n. container: typically tin can for getting water, dipper (for liquid). Dikiki' ennåo na dudu. That dipper for the water is small. I dångkulu na dudu måolik sa' chaddik hit siempri manmunhåyan lumotgi i båtdi. The big container for getting water is good because we will then be fast in filling up the bucket. Mama'tinas dudu‑ña si Manet ni latan letchi. Manet made a dipper from the milk can.


duduk vt. encircle by making the two ends of something meet. Ha na'setbi i tali para u duduk i trongku. He used the rope to encircle the tree. Hu duduk i sinturan i patgun ni kannai‑hu. I encircled the child's waist with my hands. Hu duduk si Manning ni kannai‑hu. I encircled Manny with my hands.


Dudung name. nickname for Pedro. Syn: Ellu'. Variant: Dung.


dudus adj. show-off, flirtatious (only of females). Nina'dudus si Victoria ni nuebu na karetå‑ña. Vicky's new car made her show off. Kalan gai dinidus esti na påtgun sa' ya‑ña umatan gui' gi ispehus. It seems like this child likes to show off because she enjoys looking at herself in the mirror. Ti put banidå na ha cho'gui ennåo si Ana; guse'‑ña put i dinidos‑ña. It's not necessarily out of vanity that Ana did that; it's more that she's just showing off. Syn: andi'.


duendis n. ghost in the form of a dwarf or fairy, elf, imaginary being in the form of a dwarf or fairy frequently used to warn children. Manggaigi i duendis gi papa' i trongku. The elves are under the tree. Mandikiki' esti i duendis. Elves are small. Mangguifi yu' na ina'adu' i duendis nu i ayuyu. I dreamt about a coconut crab stalking a dwarf. From: Sp. duendes.


dueñu n. owner, proprietor. Guåhu i dueñu. I am the owner. Håyi dueñu guini na tånu'? Who is the owner of this land? Hågu la'mun nu i ma'areklan i gimå'‑mu, sa' hågu dueñu. It is your decision how they renovate your house, because you are the owner. From: Sp. dueño.


dugeriha n. unfairness, falsehood, foul play, fraud, deceitfulness. Guaha dugeriha guini na huegu. There is unfairness in this game. Båsta i dugeriha. Stop the cheating. Variant: digiriha.


dugeru adj. cheater, swindler, hoax. Etyugui' mågi si digeru. Here comes the cheater. Dugeru i ufisiåt. The official is a cheater. Digera håo na palåo'an. You're a cheating woman. Dugeru ennåo na tåotåo. That person is a swindler.

vi. cheat. Para u digeru ta'lu si Juan gi batu. Juan is going to cheat again at the batu game. Variant: digeru.


dugiruyi vt. cheat, cheat on, swindle, defraud. Un dugiruyi yu' gi huegu. You cheated on me in the game. Ha dugiruyi yu' si Jack. Jack cheated me. Ma dugiruyi yu'. They cheated on me. Variant: digiruyi.


duhat n. Java plum. Syzygium cumini. Manmanokcha' i simiyan duhat. The Java plum seeds sprouted. Mamis i frutan duhat. The Java plum is sweet. Kulot lila i frutan duhat kumu mumåsa. The Java plum turns purple when it ripens.


duk n. small hermit crab. Mangonni' si Ann un duk gi kantun tasi. Ann caught one small hermit crab on the beach. Hu sotta i duk ya u ladangkulu. I let go of the small hermit crab so it can grow bigger.


duktrina n. religious instruction. Tåya' duktrina på'gu na simåna. There is no religious instruction this week. Ma'estran duktrina si nanå‑hu. My mother is a religious instructor. From: Sp. doctrina.

vt. indoctrinate, give religious instruction to. Maduktritrina si Jose yan si Rita sa' para u ákamu' i dos. Joe and Rita are receiving religious instruction because they will be getting married. Ti maduktritrina yu' tarabiha para bai primera kumunion. I am not getting religious instruction to receive my first holy communion yet. Amånu na guma' Yu'us ni manmaduktritrina i famagu'un‑miyu? At which church do your children receive their religious instruction? Variant: duttrina.


duku adj. imbecile, idiot, moron, feeble-minded, crazy. Båsta mama' i duku. Don't act like an idiot. Ai si James, kalan i duku na tåotåo. Oh my, James is like a moron. Esta mama' i duduka si Dolores. Dolores is almost acting crazy. Short and soft form of kaduku. Syn: áttamus, kaduku.


dúlalak vt. chase, pursue, chase away. Dulalak i mannuk siha. Chase the chickens. I pulisia ha dulalak i karetå‑hu. The policeman pursued my car. Madulalak i babui huyung gi papa' såtgi. The pig was chased out from under the house.


dulalas n. type of insect: dragonfly. Order Odonata. Dångkulu na dulalas gaigi gi trongku. A big dragonfly is on the tree. Na'magoddai esti i dulalas na gå'ga', sa' anåkku' i pappan‑ña yan dångkulu i atadok‑ña. The dragonfly is an adorable animal, because it has long wings and big eyes. Hassan esta ta li'i' i dulalas gi sengsung, sa' manma'utut meggai na tinanum yan manmayamak i sagan hanum‑ñiha. It is rare to see dragonflies in the village now, because many plants have been removed and their water sources were destroyed.


dulalas Luta n. Rota blue damselfly. Ischnura luta. Bumabaila i dulalas Luta gi hilu' i tangkin hanum sinaga. The Rota blue damselfly is dancing over the rain water catchment. This small damselfly is endemic to the island of Rota, and endangered.


dulili n. 1) type of bird: Pacific golden plover. Pluvialis dominica fulva. 2) type of bird: common sandpiper. Actitis hypoleucos (Sclopacidae). 3) type of bird: gray-tailed tattler. Heteroscelus brevipes. 4) type of bird: American wandering tattler. Heteroscelus incanus. 5) type of bird: turnstone. Arenaria interpres. 6) type of bird: marsh snipe. Gallinago megala. 7) type of bird: sanderling. Crocethia alba. 8) type of bird: sharp-tailed sandpiper. An puengi giya Saipan, siña un hunguk meggai na kåtin dulili. On Saipan at night, you can hear a lot of sandbirds cry. Sessu ta li'i' i dulili yanggin på'gu maguåssan i cha'guan. We often see the sandpiper after the grass is freshly cut. Mapput makonni' i dulili sa' parehu i kulot‑ña yan i mananåkku' na chå'guan siha. It is hard to catch the sandpiper because its color blends with the tall grasses.


duluk n. needle used for giving shots; hypodermic needle, syringe. Dångkulun duluk esti. This hypodermic needle is very big. Ma'å'ñåo i patgun nu i anåkku' na duluk. The child is fearful of the long hypodermic needle. Ma'usa un biåhi ha' esti i diluk gi hospitåt, pues mayuti'. Syringes are used only once in the hospital, then discarded.

vt. poke, puncture, perforate, penetrate, give a shot to (someone). Ha duluk i infitmera i kannai‑hu. The nurse gave me a shot in my arm. Mungnga yu' maduluk. Don't give me a shot. Diniluk yu' nu i tituka' anai sumindodogga yu'. I got poked by a thorn while I was walking barefooted.


dumang n. 1) missing tooth. Dumang un nifen‑hu. One of my teeth is missing. 2) blackened teeth, tooth decay. Ha tampi i dimang gi nifen‑ña anai para u chålik. He covered his blackened teeth when he was about to smile.

adj. 1) have a missing tooth. Siempri dumang håo yanggin sigi hao chumotchu kandi. You're going to lose your teeth if you keep on eating candy. 2) have rotten or blackened teeth. Ilek‑ña i dentista na dumang yu'. The dentist said I had a decayed tooth. See: doffi'.


Dung name. nickname for Pedro. Humånåo si Dung para u fåmfi' lemmai. Pedro went to pick breadfruit. Umasagua si Dung yan si Loli' gi Sabalu. Pedro and Dolores got married on Saturday. Gai gima' si Dung dos bibienda giya San Antonio. Pedro has a two-storey house in San Antonio. Syn: Olu', Ellu'. Variant: Dudung.


dura vt. take (someone) a certain amount of time. Ha dura yu' dos oras. It took me two hours. Dinira putlumenus tres oras para u masalinas un galon na hanum tåsi. It takes at least three hours to make sea salt from a gallon of sea water. Kuåntus oras un dinira mohon para un guådduk i hoyu? How much time is required for you to dig a hole in the ground? Variant: dira. From: Sp. dura.


duråntin prep. during, for the duration of, while. Duråntin i tinaitai, bula mangåti. During the prayer, many cried. Duråntin esti na simåna, ta fanhånåo manpiknik. During this week, we will have a picnic. Ta diskuti i prublema‑ta gi duråntin i sena. We discussed our problems during dinner. Probably durånti plus the linker ‑n, but durånti on its own is rarely used. From: Sp. durante.


duråo adj. durable, long-lasting. I ifit na trongku, duråo matiriåt‑ña. The ifit tree has durable material. Ti duråo esti i finihu' kumu ti tinattiyi ni bida. Words do not last long if not accompanied by action. Syn: fitmi, duråpbli. From: Sp. durado.


duråpbli adj. durable, lasting, long-lasting. Mampus duråpbli ennåo na matiriåt. Those are long-lasting materials. Atyu muna'guaguan i lamasa, sa' duråpbli. What makes the table expensive is that it is long-lasting. I planchan sin mås duråpbli ki pappit estånu. Tin roofing is more durable than aluminum foil. Syn: ma'uk, figu', fitmi, duråo. From: Sp. durable.


duru adj. fast, with pressure, speedy, vigorous, continuously. Duru manmacho'chu' i taotåo. The people are working vigorously. Na'duru huchom‑mu ni grifu. Make your closing of the faucet tight. Duru manistudia i patgun sa' guaha sinsura agupa'. The child is studying continuously because there is a test tomorrow. From: Sp. duro.


dusan vi. suffer. I ti umosgi finu' åmku', dusan na anåkku'. If you don't obey the elders, then you will suffer for life. Dusan yu' på'gu sa' ha dingu yu' i guinaiyak‑ku. I am suffering because my lover left me. Variant: famadesi.


dusena n. dozen. Un dusena na chåda' guaha guini gi ala. There are a dozen eggs here in the coconut basket. Båtti un dusena na chåda' para amotsan i famagu'un. Beat one dozen eggs for the children's breakfast. Mås ki un dusena na tåotåo gi fila ma nanangga i ripotkat i famagu'un‑ñiha. There are more than a dozen people in line waiting for their children's report cards. From: Sp. docena.


duttrina n. catechism, instruction (esp. in religion), doctrine. Guaha duttrina an Såbalu gi kada Gima' Yu'us. Catechism is conducted on Saturdays at each church. I manhitmana sessu siha manmama'nå'gui duttrina. Nuns often teach religious classes.

vt. teach catechism to, influence, give religious or moral instruction to. Manmaduttrina i famagu'un dos åñus åntis di manmakunfitma. The children were taught catechism for two years before they receive confirmation. Manhånåo i famagu'un para u fanmaduttrina put i rispetu. The children went to be taught about respect. Variant: duktrina, lutrina. From: Sp. doctrina.


duya' n. yaws, frambesia, advanced sores. Gai duya' si Pankasio. Pankasio has yaws. Mungnga mapatcha i diya' sa' båba. Don't touch the advanced sores because it is bad.




adj.  adjective
adv.  adverb
agr.  agreement prefix
art.  article
aux.  auxiliary
cnj.  conjunction
dem.  demonstrative
Eng.  English
infx.  infix
intj.  Interjection
Jp.  Japanese
n.  noun
n.pl.  plural noun
neg.  negative
num.  numeral
part.  particle
pp.  prepositional phrase
pred.  predicate
pref.  prefix
prep.  preposition
pro.  pronoun
Sp.  Spanish
suf.  suffix
Syn  synonym
vi.  intransitive verb
vt.  transitive verb