* Coming Soon

H - h


h n. the tenth letter of the alphabet, named he.


ha1 agr. he, she, it (third person singular agreement for realis transitive verbs). Poddung i mannuk, sa' si Antonio ha dåggåo nu i atchu'. The chicken fell, because Antonio threw a rock at it. Si Antonia ha songgi i basula. Antonia burned the trash. Si Bruno ha utut i trongku. Bruno cut the tree.


ha2 intj. huh, what (indicating lack of comprehension), yes (in rhetorical questions). Ha, håfa ilelek‑mu, nåna? Huh, what are you saying, Mother? Ha, håfa makåkanta nu atyu siha? Huh, what are they singing? Ha, håyi håo na para un sångan ennao? What, who are you to say that?


- (from: ) pref. usually, often. Hámalangu i yetnun‑måmi. Our grandson is often sick. Háguha si Matilde. Matilde is often attacked by asthma. Båba esta i biskiletan Ina, sa' hámayulang. Ina's bicycle is bad already, because it's often broken.


ha' adv. very, really, still, alone, only. Mampus buruka ha' guini hålum. It's really loud in here. Na'ketu ha' håo guennåo. Make yourself keep still there. Håhagu ha' na maisa? Are you alone?


hå'a intj. yes. Hå'a, ya‑hu ennåo. Yes, I like that. Hå'a dei, hålum. Yes for sure, come in. Syn: hunggan. Variant: å'a, ha'a.


há'abak vi. usually lost, usually go astray. Ha'maleffa yan ha'abak i amku'. The old man often forgets and often gets lost. Nisisita un a'atan si nåna yanggin humuyung gi petta, sa' ha'abak. You need to watch Mother when she goes out that door, because she's usually lost. Ha'abak si Ben yanggin humålumtånu' Ben always goes astray when he goes in the jungle.


ha'åni n. day, daylight, daytime. Mampus maipi i ha'åni. The day is very hot. Si Ana kulang i fanihi: gi duråntin i ha'åni maigu', ya gi puengi manmåta. Ana is like a fruitbat: during daylight she sleeps and at night she's awake. Ti siña yu' maigu' gi ha'åni. I cannot sleep during the daytime. 2) weather. Ti måolik på'gu na ha'åni para pumeska. The weather today is not good for fishing. Kåtma i tasi, sa' kalan para maipi na ha'åni. The ocean is calm, because it could be hot weather.


ha'ånin apstinensia n. fasting day. Un biåhi ha' para bai hu chotchu på'gu, sa' ha'ånin apstinensia. I'm going to eat only once today, because it's a fasting day. Ti chumochotchu yu' hineksa' gi ha'ånin apstinensia. I don't eat rice on a fasting day. Sessu si Maria maleffa nu i ha'ånin apstinensia. Maria always forgot the fasting day.


hå'i n. forehead. Hu dåggåo si Ana åtchu' ya hu danchi i ha'i‑ña. I threw a rock at Ana and I hit her forehead. Guaha pokpuk gi ha'i‑hu. There is a lump on my forehead. Inakka' sasata si Julian gi ha'i‑ña. The bee bit Julian on his forehead. Mampus annuk i di'an nanasu' gi ha'in Ramon. You can really see the wart on Ramon's forehead.

vt. hit on the forehead. Maha'i si Marcus anai mumu. Marcus was hit on the forehead in a fight. Variant: ha'i.


hå'if n. 1) dried shoot of the coconut tree. Åntis na tiempu i taotåo ma u'usa i ha'if para kåndit. Long time ago the people used the dried shoot of the coconut tree for their light. Mafa'tinas esti na adotna ginin i hå'if. They made this decoration from the dried shoot of the coconut tree. Bula hå'if gi papa' trongkun niyuk. There are a lot of dried coconut shoots under the coconut tree. 2) torch, made from the dried shoot of the coconut tree. Ma u'usa i pi'åo lokkui' para hå'if. They're using the bamboo also for torches. Bula hå'if gi fandånggun Rita yan Mike. There were a lot of torches at Rita and Mike's wedding. See: hachón. Variant: å'if.


ha'iguas2 n. shell (of coconut). Usa i ha'iguas para totnin guåfi. Use the coconut shell to make fire. Månngi' gumimin åhu gi ha'iguas. It's good to drink åhu from the coconut shell. Hu usa i ha'iguas para mangguadduk. I used the coconut shell to dig. Usa i ha'iguas para basu. Use the coconut shell as a cup.


ha'ilas n. famine, destitution, starvation, hunger, general scarcity of food. Kuadiba hit yanggin tiempun ha'ilas. Imagine us during starvation. Sigun gi manåmku', makkat yanggin para ta ekspirensia i tiempun ha'ilas. According to the elderly, it's very hard to experience the days of famine. Bula manmåtai gi tiempun ha'ilas. A lot of people died during the famine.

adj. destitute. Manha'ilas na familia. It's a destitute family. Ha'ilas i sadduk nu i guihan. A lake destitute of fish. Variant: hahilas.


hå'lak vt. uproot, harvest (root crops). Humånåo si Pedro para u fanha'lak gi lanchu suni. Pedro went to harvest taro at the farm. Maha'lak i mås dångkulu na dågu gi lanchu. Someone uprooted the biggest yam at the farm. Tåya' malagu' manha'lak kamuti gi lanchu. Nobody wants to uproot sweet potatoes at the farm. Ha ha'lak si Carmen i tutoppu' gi entalu' floris siha. Carmen uprooted the grass in between the flowers See: halli'. Variant: hålak.


ha'mi vt. 1) warm (something) by heat radiation, make warm, cause (something) to wilt from heat. Ha'mi i hagun chotda. Heat the banana leaves. Ha'mi i lañan niyuk gi kannai‑mu gi dangis. Warm the coconut oil on your hand with the heat from the candle. Hu ha'mi i kannai‑hu gi guafi, sa' manenghing. I warmed my hands on the fire, because it's cold. Ha'mi i mapotgui na månnuk para u fañuha i mandikiki' na pulu. Put the plucked chicken near the fire so that the small feathers will be gone. 2) lightly hold (something, such as a leaf) over a flame, to make it flexible enough to cover a bruise or painful part of the body. Hami i hagun noni' para un usa an malilik ilu‑mu. Lightly heat the noni leaf to use when you have a migraine.


Ha'ofna name. name of a place in Luta. Gaigi esti na lugåt gi sigundu na eskalera gi fotmasion i ladera ginin i chalan Gagani ya sigi hulu' gi ladera para guatu gi Matan Hånum. Esti na lugåt prinsipatmenti ma'u'usa para paståhin guaka. Magualulu'i chotda lokkui' ya bula trongkun mångga siha. This place is located on the second plateau ascending from Gagani road toward the Water Cave. This place is principally used for cattle grazing. There are banana plantations also and a place to find local mangos.


ha'tan n. type of fish: rabbitfish, small sesyun. siganidae. Bula guihan ha'tan gi tasin Tinian. There are a lot of rabbitfish in Tinian's sea. Gof bunitu ennåo kako'‑ña na guihan i ha'tan. The rabbitfish looks beautiful. Bula gi tasin Pasifiku nu esti siha na guihan i ha'tan. We have a lot in the Pacific Ocean of this type of fish the rabbitfish.


ha'uf n. chest (body), usually refers to interior of chest cavity. Si Dolores ha lasa i ha'of‑ña, sa' puti. Dolores massaged her chest, because it hurts. Ma rikunosi si Domingo ha'of‑ña, sa' pokpuk. They checked Domingo's chest, because it's swollen. Bula kustiyas gi ha'of‑ta. There are a lot of ribs in our chest cavity.


hå'yan adj. recalls easily.


habåo vt. snatch, grab, take or seize suddenly. Guaha humabåo i katpetan Maggie anai mamomokkat. Somebody snatched Maggie's purse when she was walking. Esta hu gogo'ti låo måttu håo ya un habåo ha'. I was holding it already and you just grabbed it from me. Yanggin para un fañuli' åmut gi trongku, fanggågåo, ti para un habao ha'. When you are taking medicinal plants, ask for permission, don't just grab them.


habbun n. soap, detergent. Umo'mak ha' si tåta ya ha na'setbi i paopåo na habbun. Father showered and used nice-smelling soap. Hinågua i fasun i patgun, sa' guaguaha ha' habbun. Rinse the child's face, because there's still soap on it. Ha hålla i patgun i butsiyu ya ha chuda' i habbun mama'gåsi. The child pulled the bag and spilled the laundry detergent. Variant: hapbun. From: Sp. jabón.


hábubu adj. easily angered, given to anger. Båba ma'esitani si Jose, sa' habubu. It's not good to joke with Jose, because he gets angry easily. Sigi si Lawrence di ha akachayi si Ralph ya ti ha tungu' na habubu. Lawrence was joking to Ralph and he didn't know that Ralph is easily angered. Ti månngi' mana'såonåo si Merced gi huegu, sa' habubu. It's not fun to include Merced in the game, because she gets angry easily.


habuni vt. wash (something) with soap. Ti siña si Cecilia ha habuni i na'yan, sa' tåya' håbbun nå'yan. Cecilia cannot wash the dishes with soap, because there is no dish soap. Ti ha tungu' si Jun manhabuni nå'yan. Jun doesn't know how to wash dishes with soap. Ti ha habuni i addeng‑ña si Miguet. Miguet didn't wash his feet with soap.


hacha num. the indigenous Chamorro word for the number one. Syn: unu.


hacheru n. lumberjack, one who works in lumbering. Bula na håyu esta i hacheru ha utut. The lumberjack cut lots of wood. Makkat lokkui' i hacheru na cho'chu'. The lumberjack is a very hard job. Hacheru si Tito giya sanlagu. Tito is working as a lumberjack in the States. From: Sp. hachero.


hachi n. the name of h, the tenth letter of the alphabet. Mina'dies na lettra i hachi gi atfabetun Chamorro. The letter h is number ten in the Chamorro alphabet. Siña ha' i patgun ha tugi' esta i hachi na lettra. The child can write the letter h already. Makkat masångan i sunidun i lettran hachi. It's hard to sound the letter h. Syn: he.


haching n. large black ant, usually found in coconut trees. Dimasiåo puti manåkka' i hatting. The large black ant bites painfully. Ti sessu i hatting manåkka' tåotåo. The black ant doesn't often bite people. Syn: otdut. Variant: hatting, atting.


hachita n. hatchet. Adahi i hachita, sa' guaha famagu'un gi uriya. Be careful with the hatchet, because there are children around. Mampus kalåktus i hachita ni ha na'setbi si Ramona. The hatchet that Ramona used was very sharp.

vt. take a hatchet to, destroy with a hatchet. Ha hachita si Robert i petta ni lalalo'‑ña. Robert hatcheted the door, because he's mad. From: Sp. hacheta.


hachón n. torch (usually used when fishing). Na'yiyi petroliu i hachon. Put petroleum on the torch. Ma'lak ha' lokkui' i hachon para kåndit. The torch is bright enough as a light. Adahi si Albert na u tininu nu i hachon. Be careful, Albert might get burned by the torch. Variant: achón. From: Sp. hachón.


hachuman n. type of fish: mackerel. Family Carangidae. Gof påomata' esti i hachuman na guihan. Mackerel is a very smelly fish. Gof månngi' esti i hachuman ma'aflitu. Fried mackerel is delicious. Para bai hu famåhan hachuman gi tenda. I'm going to buy mackerel at the store. This type of mackerel resembles atulai, but has smaller eyes.


håda n. goddaughter, godchild. Malagu' yu' para hadå‑hu si Tita. I want Tita to be my goddaughter. Bunita si Lucy na hadå‑hu. Lucy is a pretty goddaughter of mine. Bula para hadå‑hu gi kunfitmasion. I will have a lot of goddaughters at the confirmation. From: Sp. ahijada.


hådu n. godson, godchild. Ti unu ha' na hådu para uma nå'i paketi. It's not only one godson that they will give a present to. Bråbu na hådu si Ryan. Ryan is a hard-working godson. Humånåo sumindålu esti i unu na hadu‑hu. One of my godsons joined the military. From: Sp. ahijado.


håfa pro. 1) what? (interrogative pronoun). Håfa bidåda‑mu? What are you doing? Para håfa håo nu ennåo na kahita? What are you going to do with that box? Håfa para deggam‑mu? What will be your footwear? 2) which? (referring to nonhumans). Håfa na lapis para u ma'usa gi tes? Which pencil will be used for the test? 3) any(thing) at all, whatever. Todu i tiempu ya håfa hu cho'gui gi che'chu', bula ginatdun. Every time and whatever I do at work, there is a conflict. 4) any(thing) (polarity item).

pro. 1) nothing. Tåya' ni håfa para bai hu sångan. There's nothing I am going to say. 2) any(thing) (negative concord item); How are you? (greeting).

pp. why?


håfa adai intj. hello, hi (informal greeting). Håfa adai, che'lu‑hu. Hello, my sister. Variant: håfa dai, håfa dei.


håfa dai intj. hello, hi (informal greeting). Håfa dai, che'lu. Hello, sister. Håfa dai mantatatmanu hamyu. Hi, how are you all? Variant: håfa dei, håfa adai.


håfa dei intj. hello, hi (informal greeting). Håfa dei, måmåolik ha'? Hello, things are okay? Variant: håfa dai, håfa adai.


håfa na klåsi n. what kind? (interrogative noun phrase). Håfa na klåsi si Juan ha atyik? What kind did Juan choose? Håfa na klåsin dåndan ma chuli' gi karetå‑mu? What kind of musical instrument did they take in your car? Håfa na klåsi siyå‑mu? What kind of chair do you have?


håfa taimanu pro. how? (interrogative pronoun). Håfa taimanu mafa'tinås‑ña i flitåda? How do you prepare the fritåda? Håfa taimanu mama'lepblu? How do you make a book? Humålum håo gi halum guma', lao håfa taimanu halom‑mu? You got into the house, but how did you get in? Håfa taimanu para ta na'gåsgas i ofisina? How can we clean the office? Variant: astaimanu, taimanu.


háfalagu vi. have a tendency to run away; often run away. Hafalagu esti na ga'lågu. This dog has the tendency to run away. Iståba hafalagu si Rosa. Rosa used to have the tendency to run away. Hafalagu si Kika' gigun lalålu'. Kika' has the tendency to run away when she's mad.


háfatta vi. usually absent, absent-minded, usually lacking something, usually has something missing. Mungnga ma'atendi, sa' hafatta. Don't mind, because he's absent-minded. Hafatta si David gi che'chu'. David is often absent from work. Ti siña håo ma'angokku, sa' hafatta hao. They cannot depend on you, because you're often absent. Ma nå'na' i amut sa' hafatta. They hid the medicine, because she's absent-minded.


håfkåo1 pro. what? (interrogative pronoun), stronger than håfa.


håfkåo2 adj. silly, foolish. Hekkua' håfa na håfkåo siha bidåda‑mu. I don't know what kind of silly things you're doing. Tinani' håo mama' i hafkåo guennåo. You are taking time being silly. Ti siña munhåyan i che'cho'‑mu, sa' sigi ha' humåfkåo håo. You cannot finish your work, because you're being foolish.


hafnu' n. incoming tide; high tide. Måolik tumalåya yanggin håfnu'. It's good to throw nets when it's high tide. Siempri manhålum i guihan, sa' esta håfnu'. The fish will come in, because of the incoming tide. Adahi i famagu'un, sa' esta håfnu'. Watch the children, because it is high tide. Variant: hafnut.


hafnut n. incoming tide; high tide. Måolik tumalåya yanggin håfnut. It's good to throw nets when it's high tide. Siempri manhålum i guihan, sa' esta håfnut. The fish will come in, because of the incoming tide. Variant: hafnu', hafñut.


hafñak adj. very fertile (of females), highly reproductive (of mammals), esp. of humans. Måmpus hafñak si Milagru. Milagru is very fertile. Ginin unu ha' na påtgun, dispues ha na'hafñak gui' si Barbara. Barbara used to have one child, now she's very fertile. Hafñak si Joaquina låo ti hinallang. Joaquina was very fertile and she's not tired of it.


håfut vt. bury. Kustumbrin manåmku' i para un håfut i apuya' neni yanggin måtgan. The traditional practice is to bury the baby's umbilical cord when it falls off. Para u mahåfut i tatåotåo gi simentetyu. There will be a burial for the deceased at the cemetery. Manmahåfut lokkui' unus kuåntus na tråstis i matai. There were some belongings that were buried along with the deceased.


håfyi n. protecting cover. Debi na un na'gai hafyi i kattri. You're supposed to make the bed have a cover.

vt. cover (something), lay down a protecting cover upon which something is placed. Håfyi i lamasa, sa' tesna i la'uya. Cover the table, because the pot is dirty. Nangga ya ta håfyi i bangku, sa' fotgun. Wait and we'll cover the chair, because it's wet. Håfyi i siyan i kareta. Cover the seats in the car.


håfyin kåttri n. bedcover, bedspread, quilt, coverlet. Fa'gåsi i hafyin kåttri, sa' gof applacha'. Wash the bedcover, because it's very dirty. Mamåhan yu' nuebu na håfyin kåttri. I bought a new bedspread. Bunitu i hafyin kattren‑ña si Joan. Joan's bedcover is beautiful. Syn: subrikama.


håfyin lamasa n. tablecloth. Ha hålla i patgun i hafyin lamasa ya poddung i basun hånum. The boy pulled the tablecloth and the cup of water fell down. Tulaika i hafyin lamasa, sa' kadada'. Change the tablecloth, because it's short. Bunitu na hafyin lamasa, sa' bula kulot‑ña. It's a beautiful tablecloth, because it is colorful.


håga n. daughter. Kuåntu hagå‑mu un kokonni'? How many daughters are with you? Unu guennåo na palåo'an hagan Jess. One of the girls is Jess's daughter. Kåo hagan Maria håo? Are you Maria's daughter? Syn: iha.


håga' n. blood. Tinaga' si Jesus nu i machetti ya bula håga' malaknus. Jesus got cut by the machete and a lot of blood came out. Såosåo i gui'ing i patgun, sa' guaha håga'. Wipe the nose of the child, because there is blood. Manåna'yi håga' i flitåda. Fritada contains blood.


hågaf n. soft-shelled rock-crab, generally found on rocks by the ocean, which runs very swiftly. Bula hågaf gi hilu' mama'ti. There are a lot of rock-crabs on the reef. Ya‑hu kaddun hågaf. I like crab soup. Hu konni' bulan hågaf gi Inai Dångkulu. I caught lots of sea crabs at Long Beach. Estigi' unu na kostat hagåhaf. Here is one sack of sea crab. Variant: hagåhaf.


hagåhaf n. type of crab: soft-shelled rock-crab. crapsus tenuicrustatus, herbst. Mangonni' si Antonio bulan hagåhaf gi paingi. Antonio caught a lot of rock-crabs last night. Månngi' i hagåhaf ma'aroskåddu. The rock-crab is very good to cook in a soup with rice. Ya‑ña si Maria kelaguin hagåhaf. Maria likes rock-crab that is made with lemon and hot pepper. Variant: hågaf.


hagåmham n. coconut frond. I istudiånti ma usa i nuhut hagåmham para iskoba. The students used the midrib of the coconut frond for broom. Gof måolik esti i anglu' na hagåmham para totnin guåfi. The dried leaf of the coconut tree is very good for making fire.


hagas adj. gone, past, in the past, a long time ago, for a long while (and still pertinent), since olden times. Hagas ha' humånåo ya på'gu måfattu. He left a long time ago and he just came back. Hagas ha' taigui si Joe guini. Joe has been gone from here for a long time. Esta hagas ha' ennåo na kareta mapo'lu guennåo. They parked that car here for a long time. Esta hagas ha' lai ennåo disdi tiempun antigu. That law was there since olden times.


hagåssas n. dried coconut leaf. Songgi i hagåssas ya un totni i guafi. Burn the dried coconut leaf and start the fire. Anai påkyu, todu manpoddung i hagåssas gi trongkun niyuk. When the typhoon came, all the dead leaves of coconut palm fell down from the tree. Bula hagåssas gi trongkun niyuk. There are a lot of dead leaves on the coconut tree.


Hågat name. village in central Guam (pronounced hågat). Manggaigi Agat i familiak‑ku. My family is in Agat. Variant: Agat.


Hagåtña name. the capital of Guam. Hagåtña i sentrun Guåhan. Hagåtña is the capital of Guam. Dångkulu i gima' Yu'us giya Hagåtña. The church is big in Hagåtña. Hagåtña nai gaigi gimå'‑ña tihå‑hu. My aunty's house is in Hagåtña. Variant: Agåtña.


haggan n. turtle, tortoise. Bunitu na gå'ga' i haggan. The turtle is beautiful. I haggan guaha tres na påtti gi kurason‑ña. The turtle has a three-chambered heart. Bula chadå'‑ña i haggan. Turtles have lots of eggs. Prubidu makonni' esti i haggan na gå'ga'. It's prohibited to catch the turtle.


haggan betdi n. green (sea) turtle. Echenei naucrates. Pribidu makonni' i haggan betdi på'gu na tiempu. It is prohibited to catch green sea turtles nowadays. Manmapulakis i haggan betdi gi paingi gi kantun tåsi. The baby turtles hatched last night at the beach. Ti meggai siempri manlå'la' na haggan betdi gigun manhuyung gi tasi. Not many green sea turtle hatchlings will survive once they enter the ocean.


hagi n. type of fish: pompano, jack trevally. scomberoides santi-petri (Family Carangidae). Manmehna ham hagi gi nigap na ha'åni. We caught a lot of trevally during the day yesterday. Cha'‑mu maleleffa nu i pisåo‑ta para ta e'hagi agupa'. Don't be forgetting the fishing pole for us to catch trevally tomorrow.


hagói n. lake, pond. Lå'la' i karisu gi hagoi. The long grass grew in the lake. Tåya' uchan ya kulang åppan i hagoi. There is no rain and the lake is dry. Bula chåda' kairu' gi hagoi. There are a lot of frog tadpoles in the lake. Sessu mano'mak ham gi hagoi. We often swim in the lake.


hågu pro. you (second person singular independent pronoun). Hågu para un kondukta i hunta? Are you the one to conduct the meeting? Ti hågu ha' para un makonni'. You are not the only one who will be given a ride. Hågu yan guåhu pumarentis. You and I are relatives.


hagu'1 n. sticky soil, type of soil that becomes very hard and cracked when dry. Måolik dumågu gi hagu' na odda'. It's good to plant yams in sticky soil. Guaha guini siha na lugåt hagu' na odda'. There are some places here that have sticky soil. Syn: fachi'.


hagu'2 vt. reach (something). Ti siña hu tifi' i kahit, sa' ti hu hagu'. I cannot pick the oranges, because I cannot reach them. Po'lu i se'si' anai ti para u hagu' i patgun. Put the knife where the chid cannot reach it.


hagu'i vt. reach for. Si Maria ha hagu'i si Rosa nu i magågu. Maria reaches the clothes for Rosa. Hagu'i yu', Pedro, nu i chigit magågu. Pedro, can you reach the clothespin for me. Si Ignacio ha hagu'i si Michael nu i bola. Ignacio reached the ball for Michael.


haguha n. needle (generic). Si Vicenta ha låksi i katsunes‑ña nu i haguha. Vicenta sewed her pants with the needle. Adahi na un diniluk nu i haguha. Be careful, you might get poked with the needle. Dalalai na haguha ha na'setbi si Nora. Nora used a very skinny needle.


háguha adj. asthmatic. Sessu si Lucia malak i espitåt, sa' háguha. Lucia always go to the hospital, because she's asthmatic. Båsta mana'falågu si Tom, sa' háguha. Stop making Tom run, because he's asthmatic. Siña ha' ti måolik i letchin niyuk para i háguha. It may be that coconut milk is not good for people that are asthmatic.


haguhan kånnai n. needle, used for sewing by hand. Po'lu i haguhan kånnai gi sagå‑ña. Put the needle used for sewing by hand in its place. Usa i láloddu' na haguhan kannai yanggin para un låksi i kestat. Use the bigger needle used for sewing by hand if you're going to sew the sack. Na'yiyi hilu i haguhan kånnai. Put thread in the needle used for sewing by hand.


haguhan måkina n. needle for sewing machine. Mamåhan yu' haguhan måkina giya Saipan. I bought a needle for the sewing machine in Saipan. Dångkulu dididi' i haguhan måkina ni chinile'‑hu. The sewing machine needle that I bought is a little bigger than what I need. Måhluk i haguhan måkina anai manlålaksi yu'. The sewing machine needle broke while I was sewing.


haguhan manlåksi n. sewing needle. Ti siña yu' manlåksi, sa' tåya' haguhan manlåksi. I can't sew, because there's no sewing needle. Hu na'setbi i haguhan manlåksi kuentan atfilit kabesa. I used the sewing needle in place of the straight pin.


haguhi n. sand crab, ghost crab. Chaddik malågu i haguhi na gå'ga'. The sand crab runs fast. Puru esti siha mådduk haguhi. These are all sand crab holes. Bula haguhi gi Inai Chulu, Tinian. There are lots of tiny white sand crabs at Chulu Beach, Tinian. Variant: haguihi.


hagui' vt. hand over. I doktu ha hagui' i ibidensia guatu gi pulisiha. The doctor handed over the evidence to the police. I nana ha hagui' guatu i neni‑ña gi nuebu na nanå‑ña. The mother handed over her baby to the brand new mother. Hagui' fan mågi i chinina‑hu. Hand over my dress, please.


haguihi n. 1) ghost crab. ocypoda arenaria. Guaha difirentis klåsin haguihi guini gi tasin Tinian. There are different types of ghost crab here in Tinian. Guaha kulot å'paka' yan guaha lokkui' kulot åttilung na haguihi. There is white and also black ghost crab. 2) sand crab (generic). Variant: haguhi.


haguihin åguas n. horn-eyed ghost crab. ocypode ceracopthalma pallas. Bula haguihin åguas gi kantun tåsi. There are a lot of horn-eyed ghost crabs at the beach. Gof na'ma'añåo esti i haguihin åguas. This horn-eyed ghost crab is very scary. Ti sessu manli'i' yu' haguihin åguas. I don't often see horn-eyed ghost crabs.


háguinafi vi. 1) excitable. Haguinafi si Pedro na tåotåo. Pedro gets excitable sometimes. Haguinafi si Jose kada ha li'i' si Maria. Jose is always excitable every time he sees Maria. Gof båba esti na tåotåo, sa' haguinafi. This person is not good, because he's always excitable. 2) often gets angry, easily angered. Ya‑ña si Jose macho'chu', låo haguinafi. Jose likes to work, but he gets angry easily. Månngi' kumonbitsasion yan tåotåo ni ti haguinafi. It's good to have conversations with people who are not easily angered. Ya‑ta manossitan, låo ti måolik yanggin guaha haguinafi. We like to joke, but it's not good when there's someone who can easily get angry. Syn: hálalalu'.


haguit n. hook, fish hook. Todu klåsin haguit guaha. There are a lot of different kinds of hook. Pumeska si Michael nigap ya diniluk nu i haguit. Michael went fishing yesterday and he got poked by the hook. Difirentis haguit guaha para difirentis klåsin guihan. There are different types of hook for different types of fish.

vt. hook (something) with a fishing hook. Si Justo ha haguit i kalulot‑ña. Justo hooked his finger with the fish hook.


hågun n. leaf, foliage, frond. Basulan hågun manmachalapun gi uriyan guma'. The leaf trash is scattered all over the house. Iståba ha' siha i hagun donni' gi hilu' lamasa. The hotpepper leaves were on the table. Un nisisita un hågun niyuk para un fama'tinas åla. You need one coconut frond to make a basket. Todu mankimason i hagun niyuk. All the coconut fronds were burned.


hågung vi. breathe, inhale, exhale, draw breath. I ma'a'ñåo‑ña si Rosa, kana' ti siña humågung. Rosa got so scared that she almost didn't breathe. Yanggin malågu håo chaddik, siempri bibu hinagong‑mu. If you run faster, you're going to breathe faster. Chatta' ha' humågagung yu' huyung. I'm exhaling very slowly.


håha vi. blow a breath in a short puff, as if to moisten glass or to allow someone to smell one's breath. Si nåna ha na'håha yu' para u ngingi' kåo gumimin yu' sitbesa. Mother makes me blow a breath to smell if I drank beer. Kada humåha si Rosa, gof mutung i hinagong‑ña. Every time Rosa breathes, I can smell her stinky breath. Gof åsgun i bintånan i kareta, sa' bula manhåhaha gi sanhalum. The window of the car is very cloudy, because everyone in the car is breathing.

vt. blow a breath at. Si TonTon ha håha i ispehus ya ha na'åsgun. TonTon breathed on the mirror and made it foggy. Hu håha i antios‑su, sa' åsgun. I breathed on my glasses, because they're foggy. Håha i imang ya u falaknus. Breathe on the hermit crab so it will come out.


háhatut adj. have itchy sensation in the mouth from eating wild yams or other foods. Gi kada chumotchu dågu, si nåna mampus hahatut i pachot‑ña. Every time mother eats yam, her mouth is always itchy. Yanggin ti un fa'gåsi i mangga, siempri kakatut i kinanno'‑mu. If you eat the mango before you wash it, then it will make your mouth itchy. Sessu ha na'kakatut yu' i hagun papåya. The leaves of the papaya always make my mouth itchy. Variant: kákatut.


hahilas n. famine, disaster, hardship. Adahi sa' siempri in fana' tiempun hahilas. Be warned that you will be facing the time of complete scarcity. Finene'na måttu iskåsis, pues tinattiyi ni tiempun hahilas. First the time of scarcity approached, followed by total disaster. Variant: ha'ilas.


håhnanåo vi. 1) go straight (to a location), go without stopping. Humåhnanåo ha' yu' guatu gi tenda gi egga'an. I went straight to the store this morning. Håhnanåo ha' para i gima', mungnga sumugu' månu. Go straight to the house, do not stop by anywhere. 2) at all, the whole time (used only in negative sentences). Humåhnanåo ha' si Juan ti manågang gi egga'an. Juan did not call at all all morning. Humåhnanåo ti mangattåyi disdi anai humånåo. She never wrote all the time since she left. Derived by emphatic reduplication from hånåo. Variant: hånanåo.


hai pro. who? (interrogative pronoun). Hai gai ga' ga'lågu esti? Whose dog is this? Hai manggaigi gi halum guma'? Who are inside the house?


haichio' n. pantry, provision closet. Huchum i haichio', sa' i lalu'. Close the pantry, because of the fly. Ti omlat i nengkanu' gi haichio'. The food does not fit in the pantry. Bula haichio' gi kusinan nåna. There are a lot of provision closets in Mother's kitchen. Variant: haichu'. From: Jp.


haigui n. coconut seedling, young coconut plant, young coconut tree before it bears fruit. Mandokku' bula na haigui gi uriyan lånchu. There are a lot of coconut seedlings growing around the farm. Hu gågåo si Marciana dies na haigui para simiya. I asked Marciana for ten coconut seedlings for planting. Ha nå'i yu' si Ben bula na haigui para i lanchu. Ben gave me a lot of young coconut trees for the farm.


haikiu' n. ration. Manå'i i famagu'un siha haikiu' ginin i militåt. The children were given rations by the military.

vt. ration, impose rationing (of something) on (someone). Anai Typhoon Jean giya Saipan, manmahaikiu' i taotåo nengkanu' yan magågu siha. When Typhoon Jean hit Saipan, the people's food and clothing were rationed. Syn: påttin ti'åo. From: Jp.


haiting n. type of fish: bigeye scad (mature). trachurops crumenophthalmus. Manmantika i kininne'‑ña na haiting si Luis. The bigeye scads that Luis caught are very fatty. Månngi' i haiting makåddu. Bigeye scad is good for soup. Måolik matåla' i haiting. Big eye scad is good to dry in the sun.


håkmang n. type of eel: moray eel, brown with spots except on the belly. gymnothorax meleagris (Family Muraenidae), echidna nebulosa, echidna zebra. Kalaktus mampus nifen‑ña i hakmang. The eel has sharp teeth. Tåya' nai hu chagi inakka' håkmang. I never experienced being bitten by an eel. Palaksi' i lassas i hakmang. The eel's skin is slippery. See: ñotak, títugi.


håkmang kulålis n. type of eel: small white eel with dark bands. elaps (Genus Myrichthys). Tåya' ni hu kånnu' esti na klåsin håkmang i hakmang kulålis. I never tried eating this type small white eel with dark bands. Meggai håkmang kulålis mana'attuk gi halum chå'guan tåsi. There are many genus myrichthys eels hiding in the seaweed. Manchaddik mannangu i hakmang kulålis gi papa' tåsi. The genus myrichthys eels are fast swimmers in the ocean.


håkmang lisåyu n. type of eel: snake eel. myrichthys maculosus (Family Ophichthidae). Mangonni' si Henry gof dångkulu na håkmang lisåyu gi paingi. Henry caught a big snake eel last night. Tinichu' i guihan dikiki' ni hakmang lisåyu. The myrichthys maculosus eel ate the small fish. Manli'i' yu' håkmang lisåyu gi papa' åtchu' dångkulu. I saw a myrichthys maculosus eel under a big rock.


håkmang pakpåda n. type of eel: saltwater eel. Family Muraenidae. Sessu manmakonni' esti siha i hakmang pakpåda an manetokcha' i lalåhi. The boys always catch the saltwater eels every time they go spear fishing. Iståba i hakmang pakpåda gi fi'un addeng‑hu. The saltwater eel was beside my foot. Dinanchi i hakmang pakpåda ni pachingku' gi ilu‑ña. The slingshot hit the saltwater eel on the head.


håkmang palús n. type of eel: saltwater eel, conger eel. conger noordzieki (congridae). Sessu si tatå‑hu ha konni' esti i hakmang palus. My father always caught this type of conger eel. Guaha na tåotåo kumåkannu' i hakmang palus. Some people eat conger eels. Mayuti' tåtti i kinenni' Sam håkmang palus gi tasi. The conger eel that Sam caught was thrown back into the sea.


hakmang títugi n. type of eel: a type of moray eel that sometimes appears to be standing up. echidna nebulosa (muraenidae). Gof na'ma'añåo i hakmang titugi, sa' a'akka'. The muraenidae eel is scary, because it bites. Esti na klåsin håkmang i hakmang titugi gof piligru, sa' binenu manåkka'. This type of eel the moray eel is a very dangerous eel, because when it bites it's very poisonous. Anai inakka' si Gary nu i hakmang titugi, ma'espitåt un simåna, sa' kana' ti siña mamokkat. When Gary got bitten by the moray eel, he was put in the hospital for one week, because he could not walk.


håksa vt. lift, raise. Håksa i ilu‑mu; mungnga tumekkun. Lift your head up; don't bend down. Kada un håksa bos‑mu, un na'ma'å'ñåo yu'. Whenever you raise your voice, you frighten me. Kada såkkan mahåksa gradu‑ña. Every year his grade goes up. Variant: håtsa.


haku adj. paralyzed in a half-closed position (of fingers). Anai mafañågu, ma lipåra na muhaku i kalulot‑ña. When she was born, they realized that her fingers are paralyzed in a half-closed position. Ti siña manggo'ti si nåna, sa' haku i kalulot‑ña. Mother cannot grasp, because her fingers are paralyzed. Muhaku kalulot‑ña anai chinigit ni petta. His fingers became paralyzed when the door slammed on them.


hakut vt. snatch, grab, seize or take suddenly, nab (something inanimate). Guaha humakut i balakbak‑ku anai tumotohgi yu'. Someone snatched my bag while I was standing I neni ha hakut i pappit. The baby grabbed the paper. Hånåo ya un hakut un franela gi talin magågu. Go and grab one t-shirt from the clothes line.


håla n. basket, e.g. used by fisherman to store fish. Chuli' i halan guihan mågi. Bring the fish basket here. Manmanunufuk håla gi papa' trongku. They are weaving baskets under the tree. Esta bula na håla manmatufuk. Many baskets are already woven. Variant: åla.


halåhas n. jewelry. Antis na halåhas siha pinat oru. The antique jewelry are mostly made of gold. Mangguaguan i oru na halåhas gi tenda. Gold jewelry is expensive at the store. Variant: alåhas.


halaihai n. vine usually found near sea shore, beach morning glory; also used for medicine (one type with hairy underside of leaf). Ipomea pescarprae. Håssan na in setda' halaihai para åmut på'gu na tiempu. We rarely find halaihai for medicine these days. Manmabo'uk i halaihai gi kantun tåsi. The halaihai near the sea shore were uprooted. Guaha asut, lila, yan kulot di rosa na floris halaihai. There are blue, purple and pink halaihai flowers. See: abubu, alalak, alalak abubu, alalak tåsi, alalak guaka. Variant: alaihai.


halak adj. scarce, rare. Anai tiempun gera, halak i nengkanu'. During war, food is scarce. Halak esta på'gu na tiempu i ayuyu. The coconut crab is scarce nowadays. Esta i mahongngang manhalak på'gu na tiempu. We rarely have lobsters now.


hålang vt. cause to surrender, cause to have a feeling of defeat, cause to admit defeat, cause to give up, dread. Ti u halang yu' i mangguåssan. Weeding is not something that I dread doing. Hinalang si Kika' as Joey, sa' esta ti siña ma'arekla. Kika' dreaded Joey, because he could not be disciplined already. Ti manhinalang manmacho'chu' gi papa' somnak. They didn't mind working under the sun.

vi. dread (doing something) (passive).


halatcha n. past time (recent), previous time, some time ago. Gi halatcha na tiempu, abundånsia atulai, på'gu ti guiyaya. In the past there were a lot of skipjack, but not now. Iståba si sogråk‑ku gi halatcha guini giya Tinian. My mother-in-law was here in Tinian recently. Esti i halatcha ni manmåfattu ham. It was just recently that we came.


håli vt. harvest (root crop). Manhåli si Benedicto mendioka nigap. Benedicto harvested tapioca yesterday. Humånåo yu' para i lanchu ya hu hali i dågu. I went to the farm and I harvested some yam. Mungnga, Juan, mahåli i nika, sa' ti såsakkan trabiha. Juan, don't harvest the wild yam, because it's not ready. Variant: håli'.


håli' n. 1) root (of plant). Adahi, Juan, na un utut i hali'. Be careful, Juan, do not cut the root. Bula hale'‑ña i trongkun nunu. The banyan tree has lots of roots. Yanggin bula hale'‑ña, siempri guiya mås lå'la'. If it has a lot of roots, that is the one that will grow healthier. 2) source, origin, ancestry. Rastreha ginin manu i hale'‑mu mågi. Trace where your family originates from. Kåo un tungu' ginin manu i hali' i hagå'‑mu? Do you know where the source of your bloodline is from?

vt. uproot (anything that has roots). Håli' i kamuti, sa' esta såkkan. Harvest the sweet potatoes, because they're ready. Ti ya‑ña humåli' i mendioka, sa' esta manloddu' sinsen‑ña. He doesn't like to uproot the tapioca, because the roots are too large. Nihi na ta fanmanhåli' kamuti gi lanchu. Let's go and harvest sweet potatoes at the farm. Variant: håli.


haligi n. fence post, pillar, house post used for structural support. Na'tachu i haligi ya uma goddi' alåmli. Let the fence post stand up so they can tie it with the wire. Kuåttru na haligi ma nisisita para i palapåla. They need four pillars for the hut. Fitmi esti i ifit para i haligin guma'. This hard heavy wood is very good for the pillar of the house. Variant: aligi.


hålla vt. pull, haul, drag, tug. Båsta mahålla i hilu, sa' u måktus. Stop pulling the thread, because it might break. I tråk dångkulu ha håhalla i kareta gi chalan. The big truck is hauling the car on the road. Måktus i kadenan i batku ni ha håhalla i boti. The chain that is pulling the boat from the big boat broke.


halli intj. word used when driving a cow or other animal hitched to a bull cart, giddyap. Kada ogga'an si Tåta debi di u essalåo "halli" ni para u na'hånåo lachaddik i guaka. Every morning Father has to shout "giddyap" to the cow to make the cow go faster. Esta i guaka ha gof tungu' håfa para u cho'gui yanggin ma'essalågui gui' "halli". The cow already knows what to do once they shouted "giddyap" to him.

vt. urge (a cow or other animal) to go faster. Yanggin ma'udai i taotåo gi karetan guaka, ha hahalli i ga'ga' ni para u falågu chaddik. When the person rides in the bullcart, she says "halli" to make the bull go faster. Variant: alli.


hallum vi. surmise, presume, guess, assume, suspect. I pulisiha humahallum na dos na tåotåo yumamak i kareta. The police surmise that two people smashed the car. Mungnga humahallum yanggin ti un tungu' siguru. Don't presume if you don't know for sure. Manhallum i familia na para un fåttu. The family thought that you're coming.


hálokkluk adj. easily angered, hot-tempered. Mungnga makassi, sa' halokkluk hagå'‑ña. Don't tease her, because she's hot-tempered. Halokkluk kustumbren‑ña. She tends to anger easily.


halomgui vt. go inside (for). Maria, halomgui fan si Rosa guennåo gi iskuela. Maria, go inside the school for Rosa, please. Halomgui fan i gimå' Tita ya un nå'i nu esti i pappet‑ña. Go inside Tita's house and give her her paper. Hu halomgui i halumtånu' para bai hu tifi' i denni'. I got inside the woods to pick hot peppers. Tåya' ni hu halomgui ennåo na halumtånu'. I never go inside that jungle.


halu'u n. type of fish: shark. Family Carcharhinidae. Kana' ha' inakka' yu' nu i halu'u. I almost got bitten by a shark. Ma'å'a'ñåo si Peter nu i halu'u. Peter is scared of the shark. Mantekchu' i halu'u gi Aguiguan. The sharks at Aguiguan are very aggressive.


halu'un unai n. type of fish: sand shark. Family Carcharhinidae. Bula halu'un unai gi tasin Unai Dångkulu. There are a lot of sand sharks at Long Beach. Malagu' yu' para bai hu chagi sinsen‑ña esti i halu'un unai kåo månngi'. I want to try the sand shark meat to see if it's delicious. Manhålum i mandikiki' na halu'un unai gi kantun tåsi. The small sand sharks moved toward the shore.


hålum n. inside, in, into. Maila' hålum gi gima'‑måmi. Come inside our house. Pasensia, yanggin gaigi håo gi halum tåotåo. Be patient when you're with people. Ti hu tungu' håfa gaigi gi halum ilu‑ña. I don't know what's inside her head.

vi. enter, go inside. Hu faisin si Rita para u hålum gi kumpitensian baila. I asked Rita to enter the dance competition. Ti ha na'hålum si Liz i magågu. Liz did not bring the clothes in. Manhålum i atulai gi paingi. The atulai came in last night.


halumtånu' n. woods, forest, jungle, thickly wooded area. Guaha ayuyu gi halumtånu' Luta. There are some coconut crabs in Rota's jungle. Iståba sessu yu' humånåo para i halumtånu'. I used to go into the jungle before. Na'manana dididi' i uriyan guma', sa' esta mama'halumtånu'. Clear around the house a bit, because it's starting to look like a jungle.


hålun n. thread, string, twine, cord, thin rope.


ham pro. we, us (first person exclusive dual or plural weak pronoun). Puru ha' ham Chamorro gi hunta. We are all Chamorro at the meeting. Manma'apunta ham ni Mayot para membru gi kumitén lingguåhin Chamorro. The Mayor appointed us to be the members of the Chamorro language committee. Si siñora Diaz ha atyik todu ham para bai in reprisenta i iskuelan‑måmi giya Guåhan. Mrs. Diaz picked all of us to represent our school in Guam. Variant: hami.


hámafak vi. fragile, brittle, easily broken. Manhamafak esti siha i kriståt na kosas. Crystal things are brittle. Anai linåo, todu i manhamafak gi kusina mankå'ka'. When there was an earthquake, all the brittle things in the kitchen cracked. Mungnga mamåhan kosas ni manhamafak, sa' bula famagu'un gi gima'. Don't buy things that can easily be broken, because there are a lot of kids at the house. Variant: mámafak.


hámalangu adj. sickly, sick easily or often. Måmpus hamalangu na påtgun. He is such a sickly child. Anai umåmku' si Freddy, hamalangu. When Freddy got old, he got sick often. Metgut i tatåotåo‑hu, atyu na ti hamalangu yu'. My body is very strong, that's why I hardly get sick.


hámaleffa adj. forgetful, forgets easily. Ti ha hassu si tåta esta håfa masusedi gi duråntin gera, sa' hamaleffa. Father does not remember what happened during the war, because he's a forgetful person. Guaha chetnot‑ña si Kika' na sessu hamaleffa. Kika' has an illness that she's forgetful. Ti siña hu angokku si Juan, sa' hamaleffa. I cannot trust Juan, because he is so forgetful.


hámanienti adj. sensitive, touchy, irritable, sensing (i.e. feeling energy). Ti siña para un ossitan yan si Lou, sa' hamanienti. You cannot joke with Lou, because she is sensitive. Ti siña manossitan hit yan si Ping, sa' hámanienti. We cannot joke to Ping, because he is very sensitive. Hamanienti na tåotåo gi halumtånu'. He easily feels energy around him in the forest. Syn: sentidu, le'an. Variant: hámañenti, hámanenti.


hamås adv. never again. Hamås ti bai hu fattoigui håo. I'll never visit you again. Hamås ti bai hu konni' ta'lu si Colleen para i tasi. I'm not going to take Colleen to the beach ever again. Hamås ti bai hu ma'udai gi boti ta'lu. I'm not going to ride on the boat ever again. From: Sp. jamás.


hambientu adj. avaricious (Guam). Mampus i bisinu hambientu nu i piguå'‑ña. My neighbor is avaricious with his betel nut. I ga'lågu mampus manhambientu ni na'‑ñiha. The dogs are very greedy with their food. Nina'hambientu si Carlos nu i bolå‑ña, sa' på'gu ha chachagi gai bola. Carlos became avaricious of his ball, because he's just got a ball for the first time. Syn: paduk, girik. See: gåtgat2. Variant: hambrentu, ambientu, ambentu. From: Sp. hambriento.


hambrentu adj. greedy, rapacious, avaricious, eagerly desirous. Ti hambrenta si Rosa nu i na'‑ña mångga. Rosa is not greedy with her mango. Magåhit na ti hambrentu si tåtan bihu. Grandfather is not really greedy. Ya‑hu si Kiko para ga'chong‑hu, sa' ti hambrentu. I like Kiko to be my partner, because he is not greedy. Syn: paduk, girik. See: gulosu. Variant: hambientu.


hami1 pro. we, us (first person exclusive plural independent pronoun). Hami ha' manngatyu. We're the only ones who picked firewood. Para hami ha' esti para in chili' guatu. We are the only ones who are going to take this there. Todu hami manmasangåni na para bai in fanmaigu' tåftaf gi paingi. All of us were told to go to sleep early last night.

vi. do (something) together (of speaker and some third person or persons). Manhami yan si Påli' manmamokkat. We walked together with the priest. Manhami yan i gurupun tåotåo Marpi mane'donni' nigap. We went with the Marpi community to pick hot peppers yesterday. Humami chumuli' i kareta gi as Joeten. We took the car at Joeten. See: ham, in.


hamlak n. type of tree: American beautyberry, from which a medicine is made for treatment of boils. callicarpa candicans. Mana'sesetbi i hamlak gi amut pasmun sågun tatkalum. Hamlak is used in some severe cases of cold or flu. Malagu' yu' bai hu na'setbi hamlak yanggin grånu matditu yu'. I want to use hamlak if I have boils.


hammun n. ham. Månngi' i hammun na kåtni. Ham is a delicious meat. Mantika i hammun na nengkanu'. The ham is a fatty food. Månngi' i hammun mana'danña' yan i titiyas. It's delicious to eat ham with tortillas. From: Sp. jamón.


hamoktan n. type of fish. acanthurus guttatus (acanthuridae). Unu gi mås ya‑hu na guihan i hamoktan. One of the types of fish that I love to eat is the hamoktan. I hamoktan makokonni' gi talåya. The hamoktan is caught from the net. Sessu i subrinu‑hu mangonni' hamoktan. My nephew always catches hamoktan.


hamónika n. harmonica, mouth organ. Si tåta ha tungu' muna'setbi i hamonika. Father knows how to use the harmonica. Bunitu yanggin un hunguk i hamonika. It's so nice to listen to the harmonica. Ti todu tåotåo tumungu' esti i hamónika. Not everybody knows how to play the harmonica. I taotåo ni humugågandu i hamónika, guaha nai bumaila lokkui'. The person that plays the harmonica sometimes dances also. Syn: bibik. From: Sp. armónica.


hamottan n. type of fish: surgeonfish, with black stripes on gray in the front half of the body, and gray dots on black on the back half. acanthurus guttatus (Family Acanthuridae). Bula si Antonio ha konni' na hamottan gi talåya. Antonio caught a lot of surgeonfish with the net. Ti ya‑hu esti na guihan i hamottan, sa' ti mantika. I don't like this surgeonfish, because it's not fatty. Bula hamottan gi Inai Dångkulu. There are a lot of surgeonfish at Long Beach.


hamyu pro. you (dual or plural) (second person du. or pl. weak pronoun or independent pronoun). Todu hamyu guini gi halum kuåttu ti siña manhuyung. All of you guys here in the room cannot go out. Manhånåo todu hamyu ya ti in hichum i pettan i gima'. All of you guys left and you didn't close the door at the house. Esta todu hamyu siña maniskuela, sa' esta ti manmalångu hamyu. Now all of you guys can go to school, because you are not sick anymore.

vi. do (something) together (of more than one addressee). Fanhamyu manma'udai. You ride with them. Ti para en fanhamyu yan i manåmku' manhunta. You are not joining the elders in the meeting.


hånåo vi. 1) go, leave, depart. Esta humånåo i batku anai måttu yu' påpa'. The boat departed already when I got down there. Hånåo ya un o'mak. Go and shower. Ti para u hånåo i ma'gas på'gu. The boss will not leave today. Nihi ta hånåo ume'ayuyu lamu'na. Let's go coconut crab hunting tonight. 2) Esta humånåo. She already passed away.


handa1 intj. used to chase dogs away. Si Maria duru umessalåo 'handa', sa' bula ga'lågu gi halum guma'. Maria is shouting to chase the dogs away from the house. Esti na palåbra i handa ginin i Españot ya ta u'usa para ta sugun i ga'lågu. This word to chase away dogs came from Spanish and we use it to chase the dog away. I ga'‑måmi ga'lågu esta ha tungu' ha' håfa handa. Our dog knows what is the word to chase away dogs.

vt. chase away (dogs). Si nåna ha handa i ga'lågu ni gaigi gi halum kusinan sanhiyung. Mother chased the dog away that was in the outdoor kitchen. Handa i ga'lågu, sa' para u kånnu' i nengkanu'. Chase the dog away, because it will eat the food.


handa2 intj. flip card facing up, esp. in the card game tres sietti. Si Antonio gof ya‑ña para u sångan "handa" yanggin manhugågandu hami påris. Antonio likes to say flip card facing up when we're playing a pair game. Gof na'luhan yanggin manhugågandu hami tres sietti ya ma sångan "handa". It's very exciting when we're playing tres sietti and they call to flip cards facing up.

vt. call to flip (the card) facing up. Ha handa i balåha' gi mina'tres påtti. He called to flip the card facing up on the third hand. Ya‑ña si Ben humahanda i balåha. Ben likes to call to flip cards facing up. Variant: hånda.


hanhan vt. threaten with raised forefinger, shake finger at (someone) as admonishment. Hannan ya un li'i' håfa para ottimom‑mu. Go ahead and shake your finger at me and see where you're going to end up. Ti siña para un hannan i åmku' na tåotåo, sa' disatentu. You cannot shake a finger at the elderly, because it is disrespectful. Mungnga' yu' mahanhan. Don't point at me. Variant: hannan.


hannan vt. 1) threaten with raised forefinger, shake finger at (someone) as admonishment. Anai hu hannan si Rosa, manman. When I threatened Rosa, she was surprised. Gof ya‑ña si Pedro manhannan tåotåo. Pedro likes to threaten people. 2) startle, give (someone) a shock. Mungnga mahannan, sa' chetnut kurason. Don't startle her, because she has a heart problem. Variant: hanhan.


hånum n. water, liquid. Na'yiyi hånum i charera. Put water in the kettle. Malagu' si Roland gumimin hanum maipi. Roland wants to drink hot water. Tåya' esta hånum gi håra. There is no more water in the pitcher. Ya‑ña si Jun gumimin hånum sinaga. Jun likes to drink rain water. Bula hånum gi halum i tatåotåo‑ta. There is a lot of water in our bodies.

adj. on fire, burning. Esta hånum i magågu sa' un po'lu gi feggun. The cloth is already on fire, because you put it on the cooking place.


hånum bo'bu' n. water from spring. Mamis esti i hanum bo'bu' ginin i eksu'. This spring water from the hill is sweet. Tåya' hånum bo'bu' giya Mañagåha. There is no spring water in Managaha. Ti gåsgas i hanum bo'bu', sa' gai hanum tasi. The spring water is unclean, because it is mixed with sea water.


hånum grifu n. tap water. Mahuchum i hanum grifu nigap. The tap water was shut off yesterday. Na'lokluk i hanum grifu åntis di un gimin. Boil the tap water before you drink it. Ma'asin i hanum grifu gi sanlichan Saipan. The tap water from the southern part of Saipan is brackish.


hånum sinaga n. rainwater, water in water catchment. Gi manmaloffan na tiempu, mineggaiña ma gigimin hanum sinaga. In past years, people drank more rain water. Tåmpi i tangkin hanum sinaga, ya mungnga na u applacha'. Cover the rainwater tank, so that it will not be dirty.


hånum tåsi n. seawater. Fanlotgi hånum tåsi ya ta fansalinas. Bring seawater and we will make salt. Yanggin munanangu yu', guaha ni hu gimin i hanum tåsi. When I swim, I sometimes drink salt water.


hånum tika n. watery residue left after coconut milk is boiled to extract the coconut oil.


hånun adj. burned, incinerated, consumed by fire. Hånun todu i tininu‑ña månnuk si Lucas. Lucas barbequed chicken and it is all in flames. Todu i magågu mannina'hånun nu i guafi. All the clothes were consumed by fire. Ti siña hånun i hayu, sa' gof fotgun. The wood cannot catch fire, because it is wet.

vt. incinerate, burn (something). Todu i kosas gi halum guma' manhinanun nu i dångkulun guåfi. All the things in the house were incinerated by the big fire. Todu i tirenun chandiha manhinanun nu i guafi. All the watermelon patch was consumed by fire.


hangkut n. type of fish: halfbeak. Family Hemiramphidae. Mangonni' yu' dos hangkut gi Nasarinu. I caught two halfbeak fish at Lepers beach. Sessu mantika i hangkut na guihan. The halfbeak fish is often fatty. Piligru i pikun i hangkut para i matå‑ta. It's dangerous the beak of the halfbeak fish for our eyes. Variant: hangut.


hångun n. type of fish: surgeonfish, black with dark orange around the tail blades. naso lituratus (Family Acanthuridae). Pumeska si Kiko' nigap ya mangonni' sais na hångun. Kiko′ went fishing yesterday and he caught six surgeonfish. Adahi na un chinachak nu i nabåhan i hangun. Be careful, because the surgeonfish's fin might cut you. Ha totni si Victor i guafi para u fanunu hångun. Victor lit the fire to barbeque surgeonfish.


håo pro. you (second person singular weak pronoun). Håfa tatatmanu håo? How are you? Tumaimanu anai poddung håo, Juan? In what manner did you fall down, Juan? They cannot investigate you if you haven't done anything. Hu chulili'i håo na'‑mu kåhit. I brought oranges for you.


håohåo vt. bark at (someone). Ti hu na'chotchu i ga'lågu, sa' duru ha håohåo yu'. I didn't feed the dog, because he was barking at me. Ha håohåo yu' i ga'lågu anai maloffan yu'. The dog barked at me when I passed by. Duru i ga'lågu ha håohåo i katu. The dog kept on barking at the cat.


hapbun n. soap, detergent. Umo'mak ha' si Tata sin hapbun. Father showered without soap. Gof ya‑hu ennåo na habbun, sa' påopåo. I really like that soap, because it smells good. Hinagua i fasun i patgun, sa' guaguaha ha' habbun. Rinse the child's face, because there's still soap on it. Variant: habbun.


hapbun mama'gåsi n. laundry detergent. Ha hålla i patgun i butsiyu ya ha chuda' i habbun mama'gåsi. The child pulled the bag and spilled the laundry detergent. Bula na hapbun mama'gåsi ha nå'yi si Tes gi halum i låndri. There is a lot of laundry detergent Tes put in the washing machine. Gof måolik esti na habbun mama'gåsi ya baråtu. It's a good laundry detergent and it's inexpensive.


hapbun umo'mak n. bath soap. Bula klåsin hapbun umo'mak esta guaha gi tenda på'gu na tiempu. There are a lot of different bath soaps that are available in the stores nowadays. Maila' fan ennåo i hapbun umo'mak. May I please have the bath soap?


Haponés n. Japanese. Ha ekspirensia si tåta manånum tupu gi tiempun Hapones. Father experienced planting sugar cane during the Japanese time. Esta på'gu na tiempu bula ha' na Hapones manmåfattu Mariånas. Now there are still many Japanese coming to the Marianas. Måolik lokkui' ta tungu' i lingguåhin Hapones. It's good to know also the Japanese language. Syn: Chapanís.


håra n. pitcher, jug, crock. Na'yiyi hånum i hara ya un po'lu gi kahun ais. Put water in the pitcher and make it cold. Fa'gåsi i hara, sa' potbus. Wash the pitcher, because it's dusty. Åntis mansen dångkulu i håra siha. A long time ago the jugs were very big. Ma u'usa åntis lokkui' i håra para anistukun. Before they were also using the jug for salty fish. From: Sp. jarra.


harina n. flour. Panadera si nanå‑hu, pues meggai harina ha na'sesetbi. My mom is a baker, so she uses a lot of flour. Mamåhan harina para u fama'tinas pån. She bought flour to make bread. Ha fåhan meggai na måsa harina para u fama'tinas titiyas ma'is. He bought a lot of corn flour to make corn tortillas. Variant: arina. From: Sp. harina.


hasienda n. hacienda, house. Fanmåfattu gi hasiendan‑måmi agupa'. Go to our house tomorrow. Kalan hasienda atyu guatu i hu a'atan. What I'm looking at looks like a house. See: guma'. From: Sp. hacienda.


hasmín n. type of plant: jasmine, ginger (edible). Jasminum. Kumunanaf i floris hasmin gi kellat. The jasmine plant wound itself around the fence. Månngi' påo‑ña esti i floris hasmin, piot an puengi. The scent of the jasmine flower is delightful, especially in the evening. Utut i ramas hasmin ya un tånum insigidas, sa' siempri lå'la'. Break a branch of the jasmine plant and plant it right away, because it will grow.


håsngun vt. do deliberately or intentionally, intend to, mean to, do purposely. Ti hu håsngun chumonnik i patgun. I didn't deliberately push the child. Adahi, sa' ti hu håsngun sumångan ennåo. Be careful please, because I didn't purposely say that. Lalålu' si Pedro ya ha håsngun chumuda' i tiba. Pete was irritated and he deliberately spilled the coconut toddy.


hasnguni vt. overdo, do deliberately, as in anger; exaggerate, carry too far. Adahi, sa' kalan manhasngunguni hao. Be careful, it seems like you're doing something on purpose. Hu hasnguni ti guma'chungi håo un simåna, sa' un na'latyu' yu'. I deliberately did not accompany you last week, because you disappointed me. Ha hasnguni matompu put para u mana'påra macho'chu'. He deliberately tripped himself so that he would be stopped from working.


håsngut n. type of plant: ginger. zingiber zerumbet. Si Rudy ha tånum bula na håsngut gi lanchu. Rudy planted ginger at the farm. Hu bendi i hasngut gi metkåo. I sold ginger at the market. Si Antonio ha hålli' todu i hasngut para u bendi. Antonio harvested all the ginger to sell.


håspuk adj. 1) full (from food), satiated. Håspuk yu', sa' bula nengkanu' kinanno'‑hu. I am full, because I ate a lot of food. Håspuk si Juan gi giput. Juan was full at the party. Ai na hinaspuk i babui! Atan ha' i tiyan‑ña. Oh gosh, the pig so full! Look at its belly. Syn: bula, håfnut. 2) filled (by pregnancy), pregnant (slang). Mañahguan håo? Sa' kalan håspuk håo. Are you pregnant? Because you look pregnant.


håssan adj. infrequent, rare, seldom, scarce, not often, not abundant. Håssan yu' måttu gi gima'‑ñiha. I seldom come to their house. Håssan gima' paddit giya Mariånas åntis na tiempu. Back then, there were only a few cement houses in the Marianas. Esta sen hassan i fanihi giya Mariånas disdi ki gumuaha paki. Fruit bats are rare now in the Marianas since the introduction of guns. See: apenas, iskåsu.


hassu vt. think, remember. Ti siña hu hassu ngai'an nai måttu yu' Guåhan. I cannot remember when I first came to Guam. Måolik manhassu si nåna. Mother can think very well. Si Lucia ha hassu ha' i tiempun gera. Lucia remembers the time of the war.


hastan bandera n. flagpole. Si Juan ha feddus i hastan bandera. Juan shinnied up the flagpole. Si Francisco ha penta å'paka' i hastan bandera. Francisco painted the flagpole white. Guaha dos na hastan bandera gi me'nan i ofisina, unu para i banderan Amerika, i ottru para i banderan CNMI. There are two flagpoles in front of the office, one for the US flag and the other for the CNMI flag.


hastan batberu n. barber pole. Un tungu' ha' na sagan madåsai ennåo, sa' guaha hastan batberu. You know that that's a hair salon, because there's a barber pole. Nuebu ennåo siha na hastan batberu. Those are all new barber poles.


hásupak adj. (one who) puts themselves forward, (one who) likes to join groups, whether invited or not. Mampus hasupak ennåo gi giput. She comes often to parties. Mampus hasupak gi halum tåotåo. He pushes himself forward. Taimanu na u hasupak ennåo, sa' mampus yohmahlåo. How can she be pushy, because she's very shy. See: taffu'.


hát- (from: hát) pref. farther (in a certain direction), move farther, more. Hatkattan guennåo gi giput. Go farther over to the party. Bula guma' gi hattayån‑ña ennåo na tenda. There are a lot of houses farther east to that store. Hatfe'na ya ta fanomlat gi fila. Move forward so we can fit in the line. Attached to location or direction words. Syn: '‑.


hatchim vi. sneeze, act of sneezing. Mampus potbus ya esta ha na'hatchim yu'. It's very dusty and it's making me sneeze. Kada hu ngingi' esti na påopåo, ha na'hatchim yu'. Every time I smell this perfume, I sneeze. Kada humatchim yu', hu huchum i gui'eng‑hu. When I sneeze, I close my nose. Kada maguåssan i cha'guan, ha na'hatchim yu'. Every time the lawn is mowed, I sneeze. Variant: hachim.


hatching vi. sneeze. Sessu yu' humatching dos pat tres biåhi. I often sneeze two or three sneezes in a row. Mamåhlåo yu' para bai hatching gi duråntin i hunta. I'm embarrassed to sneeze during the meeting. Sessu humatching yu' an ogga'an. I always sneeze in the morning. Variant: hatchum.


hatchum vi. sneeze. Humatchum si Pedro. Pedro sneezed. Sessu yu' ha na'hatchim i petbus. The dust often makes me sneeze. Duru yu' humatchim, buenti para bai hu sinagu. I keep sneezing; maybe I am catching a cold. Variant: atchum, hatchim, hatching.


hatdín n. garden. Bunitu i floris nåna gi hatdin. Mother's flowers in the garden are beautiful. Si nåna ha rerega i tinanum gi hatdin. Mother is watering the plants in the garden. Kada diha si nåna ha bisisita i floris gi hatdin. Mother visits the flowers in the garden every day. From: Sp. jardín.


hatdineru n. gardener, one who watches the plants at the farm. Lalålu' si Maria, sa' ti ha tånum i hatdineru i floris rosåt. Maria was upset, because the gardener did not plant the rose. I hatdineru ha rerega i tinanum floris tåftaf an ogga'an. The gardener waters the plants early in the morning. I hatdineru yan i lancheru sessu manadingan put tinanum. The gardener and the farmer often converse about plants. From: Sp. jardinero.


hatgu vt. harvest (root crops) in the jungle. Ma hatgu i dagun hålumtånu'. They harvested the wild yams. Hånåo ya un hatgu i gaddu' yan i nika, sa' un diningu nai babui halumtånu'. Go and dig up the gaddu' and nika yams, before the wild pigs get them ahead of you. Nihi ta fanhatgu. Let's go harvest in the wild.


hátkattan vi. move farther north (in Saipan, Rota, Tinian), move farther east (in Guam). Hu faisin si Juan para u na'hatkattan i muhon linderu. I asked Juan to move the boundary marker farther north. Hu sangåni si Josepha para u hatkattan, sa' maipi i atdåo. I urged Josepha to go farther north, because the sun is hot. Hu nisisita bai hu hatkattan nai siña hu li'i' i batku. I needed to get farther north for me to see the boat.


hatman n. deep cutting blade, like a sharp machete. Bula iyon‑ña hatman si tatå‑hu. My father has a lot of that deep cutting blade like a sharp machete. Tåya' nu ennåo na klåsin hatman guini giya Mariånas. There's no sharp machete like that here in the Marianas. Guaha unu na hatman na gof guaguan na kosas. There's one particular sharp machete and it's very expensive. Ant: fotda.


håtmi vt. 1) trespass, get inside, enter. Magacha' anai ha håtmi i gima' i bisinu‑ña. He was caught when he entered the neighbor's home. Yanggin para un håtmi i halumtånu', debi di un gai rispeta. If you're going to enter the forest, you have to have respect. 2) put on (something). Si Lucio ha håtmi i satbabida åntis di u ma'udai gi boti. Lucio put on the life jacket before boarding the boat. Ya‑ña i patgun humåtmi i sapatus nanå‑ña. The child loves to put on her mom's shoes. 3) invade. Manmahåtmi tanu'‑måmi gi tiempun gera. Our land was invaded during the war. Hinatmi Guåhan nu i kulepbla. Guam was invaded by snakes. 4) cover over. I napu ha håtmi i sanlichan Saipan dispues di linåo. The waves covered the southern part of Saipan after the earthquake. Manhinatmi ni tasi. The land was covered over by seawater.


hatpuyidus n. rash. Gai hatpuyidus si Maria gi tatåotåo‑ña. Maria's back has rashes. Ha nå'yi potbus kuttikura i neni, sa' gai hatpuyidus. She put talcum powder on the baby, because it has a rash. Variant: satpuyidus.


håtsa vt. 1) lift, raise up, hoist or raise with a tackle, promote, raise (salary). Håtsa i kannai‑mu yanggin guaha para un sångan. Raise your hand if you have something to say. Håtsa i kestat pugas. Lift up the sack of rice. Ti para u påra si Kindu macho'chu', sa' mahåtsa i suetdon‑ña. Kindu will not quit working, because he has a salary raise. 2) build, erect. Ma håtsa un guma' higai gi kantun tåsi giya Susupe. They built a thatch hut near the beach in Susupe Village. See: kåhat, sa'hang. Variant: håksa.


háttagu vi. move farther west (in Saipan, Rota, Tinian), move farther north (in Guam). Hattagu ya atyu na un do'du'. Move slightly, and that's when you fart. Hattagu ya atyu na un yuti' i basula. Move slightly to the west, then throw the trash. Hattagu ya atyu na un faisin yu'. Move slightly, then ask me. Syn: gé'lagu. Variant: hátlagu.


háttalum vi. move farther inside or inward, go in farther or deeper, come in farther. Hattalum, sa' un poddung. Come in closer, because you might fall. Hattalum, sa' ini'ina håo nu i semnak. Go in farther, because the sun is shining on you. Hattalum ya maila' ta fanhita mañotchu. Come in and we'll eat together. Syn: gé'halum.


háttaya vi. move farther east (in Saipan, Rota, Guam), move farther south (in Guam). Kumu humattaya håo, siempri ha' un li'i' i gimå'‑ña. If you go farther south, you can see his house. Nihi ta fanhattaya guatu gi papa' trongku. Let's go farther down to be under the tree. Manhattaya ham, sa' pinåo bai in fanfotgun ni ichan. We went farther east, so that we wouldn't get wet from the rain. Syn: gé'haya. Variant: háthaya.


háttichan vi. move farther south (in Saipan, Rota, Guam), move farther west (in Guam). Nihi ta fanhattichan ya ta fanmañuli' mås chåda' månnuk. Let's go farther south, and we'll collect more eggs. Gaigi ha' gi hattichan‑mu si Maria na mamaigu'. Maria was just farther south from you and sleeping. Hu li'i' i paluma ni manggugupu, dispues manhattichan. I saw the birds that were flying, then they flew farther south. Syn: gé'lichan. Variant: hátlichan.


hatting n. very large shiny black ant, usually found in coconut trees. Puti kannai‑hu, sa' inakka' nu i hatting. My hand hurts, because it was bitten by the large black ant. Inakka' si Pedro nu i hatting anai mangguåssan gi hatdin. Pedro was bitten by the big black ant when he was mowing in the garden. Ma'å'ñåo si Lucia humånao para i hatdin, sa' bula hatting. Lucia is afraid to go to the garden, because there are a lot of black ants. Syn: otdut. Variant: haching, atting.


háttiyung vi. move farther out, outward, or outside. Nihi ta fanhattiyung, sa' maipi guini hålum. Let's move farther out, because it's hot in here. Adahi i patgun, sa' humahattiyung guatu gi me'nan i petta. Watch the child, because he is moving farther to the front of the door. Nihi ta fanhattiyung, sa' mamaigu' si nåna. Let's move out more, because Mother is sleeping. Syn: gé'hiyung.


håya n. 1) east (Northern Marianas), south (Guåhan). Gaigi i kareta gi sanhaya. The car is over in the east. Guaha guåfi gi sanhaya. There's a fire in the east. Aksidenti un kareta gi hayan i tenda. A car had an accident south of the store. 2) away from the ocean, inland, indigenous. Maila' ya ta fanfihu' håya ya mungnga manfinu' lågu. Let's speak in the vernacular, and not in a foreign language. Exceptionally, the possessive forms are hayåk‑ku, etc.


håyi pro. 1) who? (interrogative pronoun). Håyi håo? Who are you? Håyi munå'i håo chotda? Who gave you bananas? Para håyi ennåo? Who is that for? Håyi chumuli' i sapatos‑su? Who took my shoes? 2) which? (referring to humans). Håyi na palåo'an un li'i' nigap? Which woman did you see yesterday? Håyi gi intri hamyu pumenta esti? Which of you painted this one? 3) any(one) (polarity item). Maseha håyi. Anyone at all.

pro. 1) no one. Ni håyi ha' tumungu' esti, fuera di guåhu. No one knows about this, except me. Ni håyiyi ha' hao. There's no one like you. 2) any(one) (negative concord item). Ti manli'i' yu' ni håyiyi ha' gi hunta. I didn't see anyone at the meeting.


håyi ha' pro. whoever (polarity item). Håyi ha' manggågåo, un nå'i. Whoever asks, you give. Håyi ha' kumåti, kumåti håo lokkui'. Whoever cries, you cry, too. Håyi ha' siha un nåna'i. Whoever else are you giving.


håyu n. stick, wood. Humånåo yu' manrikohi håyu. I went to pick wood. Ottru klåsin håyu ha rikohi si Juan. Juan picked other kinds of wood. Na'yiyi mås håyu i guafi. Put some more wood on the fire.


he n. the name of h, the tenth letter of the alphabet. I he gaigi gi atfabetun i Chamorro. The H is in the Chamorro alphabet. He i primet lettran i apuyidu‑hu. H is the first letter of my last name.


hechura n. 1) dough, made from flour in preparation for baking. I libadura muna'espopongha i hechura. The yeast is making the dough spongy. Ti hu tungu' fuma'hechura i para pån. I don't know how to make the dough for bread. Fa'hechura fine'na, dispues aflitu. Make the dough first, then fry. 2) form, figure, shape, image, outline. From: Sp. hechura.


heddu 1) tuck, pull up (something) in a fold or folds, roll up. Heddu i sukato'‑mu, sa' u fotgun. Pull up your skirt, because it may get wet. Bai heddu i katsunes‑su. I will roll up my pants. Syn: limångga, dopbla, falulun. 2) bend head or body down, crouch, fold arms around self. Hu heddu yu', sa' manhenghing. I held my arms together, because it is cold. Ha heddu gui', sa' mamåhlåo. She bent her head down, because she was embarrassed. Ha heddu i sehas‑ña kada lalålu'. He puts his eyebrows close together whenever he is mad.


heggåo n. coconut husker; a pointed stick or piece of metal used for removing the husks from coconuts. Manutut yu' håyu para heggåo. I cut a log to make a coconut husker. Dikiki' esti na heggåo. This coconut husker is small. Adahi na un aksidenti nu i heggåo. Be careful not to get into an accident with the coconut husker. Syn: kåcha'. Variant: hehgåo.


hehgåo n. coconut husker; a pointed stick or piece of metal used for removing the husks from coconuts. Mama'tinas yu' hehgåo. I made a coconut husker. Adahi i famagu'un gi hehgåo, sa' piligru. Be careful with the children around the coconut husker, because it's dangerous. Hu usa i hehgåo gi gima'. I used the coconut husker at the house. Syn: kåcha'. Variant: heggåo.


hekkua' intj. I don't know, I have no idea (expression of doubt, uncertainty, indecision). Hekkua', taigui yu' anai masusedi ennåo. I don't know, I was not there when that happened. Hekkua' ti hu tungu' håfa para bai hu oppi. I have no idea, I don't know how to answer it. Hekkua', ti malagu' chumotchu. I don't know, she refuses to eat. Hekkua', kisåbis yu'. I don't know, I'm not familiar with it.

hektária n. hectare. Manånum yu' un hektåria na kamuti. I planted one hectare of sweet potato. Hu na'gåsgas un hektåria gi lanchu. I cleaned one hectare at the farm. Madibidi i hektåria singku påtti. They divided the hectare into five parts. From: Sp. hectárea.


hemmut vt. cram, stuff, fill (something) full, press, compress, jam tightly, pack in, overcrowd, crumple, wad. Bai hu hemmut i hagun gi kannai‑hu. I will compress the leaves in my hand. Ha hemmut hålum gi madduk i magågu. He stuffed the clothes into the hole. Ma hemmut i pappit siha gi klas. They crumpled the papers in class.


hemplu n. story, tale, event, example. Manaitai yu' hemplu para i istudiånti. I read a story to the children. Guaha hemplu gi gaseta. There is a story in the newspaper. Måolik na hemplu i sitbision‑ña gi taotåo. Her service to the people is a good example. Syn: istoria, sinisedi. From: Sp. ejemplo.


henerasión n. generation. Mungnga madistrosa i sagan fanihi ya u mali'i' nu i ottru henerasion. Do not destroy the fruitbat's habitat so that the next generation can see it. Manbanidosu på'gu na henerasion lalåhi. The males of this generation like to show off. Gi åntis na henerasion siha, sessu i taotåo mangånta gi entri i lina'la'‑ñiha. In past generations, people often sang throughout their lives. From: Sp. generación.


heneråt n. general public. Guaha notisia para i heneråt. There's a notice for the general public. I dipattamentun hinemlu' ma adadahi i hinemlu' i heneråt. The department of health protects the health of the general public. Ma baba i fiesta para i heneråt. They opened the fiesta to the general public. From: Sp. general.


hentu n. 1) head cover, bandana. Gumupu i hentu. The head cover flew. Ya‑hu esti na hentu, sa' ma'lak kulot‑ña. I like this bandana, because it has a bright color. 2) splashguard (part of sakman).

vt. cover (hair) with a bandana, put a bandana on. Hentu i ilu‑mu, sa' i ichan. Cover your head, because of the rain.


Hesuitas n. Jesuit. Hu taitai put i Hesuitas. I read about the Jesuit. I Hesuitas na mamåli' manggaigi gi Mariånas gi tiempun Chapanis. The Jesuits were in the Marianas during the Japanese time. Ya‑hu i infotmasion put Hesuitas. I like the information about the Jesuits. Variant: suitas. From: Sp. jesuitas.


hígadu n. liver. Chumotchu yu' higadun guaka. I ate calf liver. Sinenggi i higadu‑ña, sa' bula ginimen‑ña maneska. His liver burned from too much alcohol. I neni nina'yi chetnut higadu. The baby contracted liver disease. From: Sp. hígado.


higai n. woven palm leaves, roof made of coconut palm or nipa, thatched roof. Måmfuk yu' para higai. I wove for a thatched roof. Guaha mådduk gi higai. The thatched roof has a hole. Mimilalak i higai. The thatched roof is leaking.


higam hima n. clam shell adze. In sedda' un antigu na higam hima gi liyang. We found an ancient clam shell adze in the cave. Ha atcha i ha'iguas nu i higam hima. He cracked the coconut shell with the clam shell adze. Manispiha dångkulu na hima para u fa'tinas i higam para i lahi‑ña. He searched for a large clam to make an adze for his son.


higånti n. giant, huge person. Lokka' si Toyo', håfa na higånti. Toyo' is tall, like a giant. Dangkulun tåotåo si Kindo', kulan higånti. Kindo' is a huge person, like a giant. Guaha si Bo karetå‑ña ya kulan i higånti gi chalan. Bo has a car that looks like a giant on the road. From: Sp. gigante.


híhina adj. poisonous. Guaha na guihan manhihina. There are fish that are poisonous. Hihina i abunin ayuyu yanggin chumotchu i ayuyu hihina na nengkanu'. The food sac of the coconut crab can be poisonous if the coconut crab eats poisonous food. Nå'i i ga'lågu nu i guihan ya ta li'i' kåo hihina. Give the fish to the dog and we'll see if it's poisonous (because if it is, the dog will not eat it). Derived by reduplication from hina. Syn: bíbinenu, tátaksi.


hihut adj. near, close to, almost at (in place or time). Hihut esta i tiempun Påsgua. Christmas season is close by. Ha tånum si Juan i haigui ya manhihut dimasiåo. Juan planted the coconut seedlings and they're too close to each other. Hihut i linderun‑måmi yan i bisinu. Our boundary is close to the neighbor. Usually followed by a noun in the locative case.


híkamas n. type of plant, type of root vegetable: jicama. Pachyrhizus Erosus. Håssan esta esti i hikamas ni matånum giya Tini'an. The hikamas is rarely planted on Tinian these days. Gof månngi' i hikamas mafåla', sa' fresku yan mamis. It is very delicious to eat the hikamas raw, because it tastes fresh and sweet. Hu guådduk i edda' para bai håli' i hikamas. I dug the soil to uproot the hikamas. Variant: íkamas. From: Sp. jícamas.


hila' guaka n. type of plant: cochineal cactus. Bula hila' guaka gi lanchun‑måmi. We have a lot of cochineal cactus at our farm. Åmut lokkui' esti i hila' guaka. The cochineal cactus is also a medicinal plant. Kantidån hila' guaka giya Hagoi na lugåt. There are so many cochineal cactus plants in the Susupe Lake area.


hila'gui vt. stick tongue out at (someone) as a gesture. Ha hila'gui yu' i patgun. The child stuck her tongue out at me. Ha hila'gui i neni si Susana. The baby stuck her tongue out at Susana. Manmahila'gui i famagu'un nigap. The children had someone stick their tongue out at them yesterday.


hilåchas n. shreds of cloth, small pieces of leftover cloth. Meggai hilåchas ginin i anchachak magågu. There are many small pieces of leftover cloth from the cuttings. Hu usa i hilåchas para påtman såbanas. I used the small pieces of cloth for patched up blankets. Manadispatta i hilåchas gi linaksin såbanas. The inseams of the sewn blanket came apart.


hilang n. type of rooster, white and black. Humuyung hilang i pineksai‑hu na puyitus. The chick that I raised turned out to be a black and white rooster. Ti hu konni' i gayu‑hu hilang para i gayera. I did not bring my black and white rooster to the cockfight.


hilengga vt. insert a suppository into (someone), do a suppository procedure on. Mahilengga i neni gi hespitåt, sa' ti siña masinik. The baby was given a suppository procedure, because he couldn't defecate. Puti mahilengga. It hurts to have a suppository inserted. Para u mahilengga i palåo'an, sa' para u ma'opera agupa'. They will do a suppository procedure on the woman tomorrow, because she's going in for an operation. Variant: lilengga, lengga.


hilitai n. lizard (large monitor lizard), iguana. Mangonni' si Tålung hilitai gi halumtånu'. Tålung caught a large lizard in the woods. Mañigit yu' un dångkulun hilitai gi chalan. I ran over a big lizard on the road. Malågu i ga'‑hu hilitai gi kellat. My pet lizard ran away from the cage. Variant: alitai, halitai.


hilu n. string, thread. Na'siguru na dinanchi na hilu un fåhan para ganchiyu. Make sure to buy the right string for knitting. Todu manggåddun i hilu. The string is all tangled. Ti siña humålum esti na hilu gi madduk haguha. This string cannot go into the eye of the needle.


hilun chotda n. basting thread. Hu usa i hilun chotda para manggoddi. I used the basting thread for tying. Mamputlilu esta i hilun chotda para manggoddi. The basting thread is weak for tying.


hima n. clam, giant clam, various bivalve mollusks (venus mercenaria). Tridacna maxima. Matunu i hima gi kantun tåsi. The clam was grilled at the beach. Mafa'sinahi esti i karakot hima. Sinahi is made from clam shell. Gotpi ha huchum gui' i hima anai inetti nu i panglåo. The clam quickly closed when it was slightly touched by the crab.


hina vt. poison (someone). Hinina si Joseph ni guihan agaga'. Joseph was poisoned by the red fish . Hihina i tagåfi na guihan. The red snapper fish is poisonous. Ha hina yu' i mahongngang. I was poisoned by the lobster. Ma'å'ñåo si Ton para u kånnu' i buri', sa' atyu i u hinina. Ton is scared to eat the rainbow runner, because he might get poisoned. See: binenuyi, tåtsi.


hinafa n. thing, object.


hinaga' n. dysentery. Nina'yi i taotåo ni hinaga'. The person caught dysentery. See: masisinik, masisinik håga'.

adj. 1) bloody, have blood. Hinaga' take'‑ña i taotåo. The person's stool has blood. 2) have leaves that have turned red (of plant crops), considered a bad sign for harvesting crops. Hinaga' i tinanom‑hu mai'is. The leaves of my corn are turning red.


hinågua vt. rinse (something). Matågu' si Anuncia para u hinågua i lampåsu. Anuncia was asked to rinse the mophead. Hinågua ta'lu un biåhi i magågu. Rinse the clothes one more time. Hinågua i addeng‑mu, sa' bula unai. Rinse your feet, because there's plenty of sand.


hinagung n. breath, breathing, respiration. Esta måktus hinagong‑hu ni lalalo'‑hu. I was out of breath from being very mad. Kulang båba hinagong‑ña si Beatrice. Beatrice's breathing is not so good. Ti ha hahagu' hinagong‑ña, sa' atdit sinagu‑ña. He could hardly catch his breath, because his flu is severe.


hinalang vi. dread. Hinalang yu' mantranslåda finu' Englis guatu gi finu' Chamorro. I dread translating sentences from English to Chamorro.I istudiånti hinalang esta ni bulan homework. The student is already bothered by having much homework. Ti manhinalang hamyu manmamokkat tudu diha gi chalan? You don't dread walking on the road all day? See: tifi'.


hinallum n. intellect. Dimu påpa' ya un tucha yan un sångan i håfa gaigi gi hinallom‑mu. Kneel down and begin to say all that is in your mind. Manggai hinallum na famagu'un. These children have much intellect.


hinalula vi. in a hurry; rush, quick. Ga'otgan i patgun, sa' mampus hinalula chumotchu. The child choked, because he was rushing with his food. Hinalula yu' humånåo, sa' ma'å'ñåo yu' umatrasåo. I am rushing, because I'm afraid to be late. Hinalula yu' umo'mak dispues di måttu håo. I was rushing with my shower after you arrived.


hinanåo n. trip, voyage, journey, excursion, traveling. I hinanåo‑ña si Antonia kulang ti maguf. Antonia's departure showed some sadness. Gi hinanåo‑måmi para i giput gi paingi, dumuru uchan. In our trip to the party last night, it rained a lot. I hinanåo‑hu para Amerika gof na'maguf. My trip to America was so nice. See: biåhi.


hinanum adj. watery. Hinanum i hineksa' anai hu na'lågu nigap. The rice I cooked yesterday was very watery. Hinanum i saibuk lemmai ni meggai letchi. The breadfruit was watery from having so much milk in it. Gof hinanum i plasan suni. The taro field is full of water.


hinanun adj. scorched. Hinanun i frañela anai hu prensa nigap. The shirt scorched when I ironed it yesterday. Manhinanun i tinanum gi uriyan i guafi. The plants around the fire are scorched. Adahi i chininå‑mu na u hinanun, sa' hihut håo mampus kontra i guafi. Be careful that your dress doesn't get scorched, because you're too close to the fire.


hinasa vi. drift away, be carried along by the current (passive). Mama'baba i måkina ya manhinasa i peskadot. The engine was broken and that caused the fishermen to drift away. I dikiki' na batkun airi hinasa, sa' gof månglu'. The little plane got blown away, because it's so windy. Sessu i boti hinasa nu i metgut kurenti. The boat frequently got carried along by the current. Variant: inasa.


hinatmi vi. 1) be invaded, be saturated (passive). Hinatmi Tinian ni sindålun Amerikånu gi tiempun gera. Tinian was invaded by the American soldiers during the war. Hinatmi i asukat ni etdut. The sugar is covered with ants. Hinatmi i gima' ni hanum. The water entered the house. 2) possessed, acting strange. Kulan hinatmi ispiritu, sa' ottru ha' bidåda‑ña. It seems like he got possessed by spirits, because he's doing much of other things.


hinatmi månglu' adj. have flatulence, have intestinal gas. Hinatmi månglu' yu' ya puti estomagu‑hu. There's gas in my body and that's why I feel pain in my stomach. Kåsi hinatmi håo bulan månglu', atyu na sigi håo ha' dokduk. Perhaps there's much gas in your body, that's why you keep farting.


hineksa' n. cooked rice. Muna'lagu yu' hineksa' agaga' para i giput. I cooked red rice for the party. Bulan sopblan hineksa' gi giput gi Sabalu. There was so much rice left over at the party on Saturday. Ginin få'i, dispues pugas, dispues humuyung hineksa' yanggin mana'lågu. From rice plant to rice, and then cooked rice.


hineksa' agaga' n. red rice made with achotti coloring. Gof månngi' numa'lagu si Rita hineksa' agaga'. Rita cooks delicious red rice. Mana'guaguaha hineksa' agaga' gi giput todu i tiempu. Red rice is always provided at the party. Ti guput i giput kumu tåya' hineksa' agaga'. The party is not a party if there's no red rice. Rice cooked with red coloring from the seed of the achoti, usually served at parties.


hinemhum n. darkness. Huyung gi hinemhum ya bai hu li'i' måolik håo. Get out of the darkness so that I can see you clearly. Manfinañagui i famagu'un ni hinemhum sanhalum i liyang. The darkness inside the cave frightened the chldren. Umattuk i patgun gi hinemhum putno u magacha'. The child hid in the darkness to avoid being caught.


hinemlu' n. recovery, restoration to health, health. I hinemlo'‑mu un gof adahi. Your health is what you need to take care of most. I hinemlu'‑måmi yan i asaguå‑hu mås imputtånti. My husband's and my recovery is very important. Na'menus i stress ya u mås i hinemlo'‑mu. Reduce stress and your health will improve.


hinenñu' n. pressure, as from a footprint; oppression. Tåddung hinenño'‑ña i guaka gi fachi'. The cow's footprint in the mud was deep. Gagaigi ha' i hinenñu' i mangaduku gi taotåo. The oppression by the crazy people still survives in people. Mungnga mana'makkat i hinenño'‑mu gi lasa‑mu. Don't put too much pressure in your massaging.


hinenggi n. belief, faith, notion, inclination. I hinengget‑ta dumuririhi i lina'lå'‑ta. Our beliefs guide our lives. I hinenggin‑måmi atyu i debi na un ekkunguk i mañaina‑mu. Our belief is you have to listen to your parents. Gof metgut i hinenggin‑måmi gi kutturan Chamorro. Our belief in the Chamorro culture is very strong.


hineplat n. stain. Tai hineplat gui'. She is without stain.


hiniebra n. gin. Metgut na gimin maneska i hiniebra. Gin is a strong alcoholic drink. Bulåchu si Jose, sagumimin hineibra. Jose is drunk, because he drank gin. Mafa’tinas i gimin hiniebra giya Filipinas. Gin is made in the Philippines. From: Sp. ginebra.


hinigua n. disaster, calamity, storm, small typhoon, sudden rainstorm over land, strongest gust of a typhoon. Guaha na lugåt sessu i hinigua. Some places are often visited by disasters. Gotpi i hinigua gi paingi. The rainstorm was sudden last night. Ti parehu i chubåsku yan hinigua, sa' chubåsku i tasi nai masusesedi. Chubasku is not the same as hinigua, because chubasku occurs at sea. See: ira.


hinila n. strand of a rope. Manggof metgut i hinilan hilu para tåli. The strands of strings are very strong for making rope. Para u mana'setbi i hinila para u magoddinñaihun i haligi. The strand of rope will be used for tying the pole.


hinina vi. be poisoned (from eating food) (passive). Manhinina ham ni abunin ayuyu. We got food poisoning from eating the abdomen of the coconut crab. Ti sessu i taotåo manhinina. It's not often that people get poisoned from food.


hininguk vi. effective, cured (of humans) (passive). Hininguk anai ha åmti yu' nu i yo'åmti. I was cured when the healer treated me. Hininguk anai ha gimin i amut makpung, pues insigidas homlu'. The amut makpung medicine was effective and he got cured quickly. Ti hininguk ni amut hospitåt anai hinina. The hospital medicine did not cure him when he had food poisoning.


hiniyung n. effect, consequence, outcome. I hiniyung i anåkku' na hinassoson‑ña måolik ottimon‑ña. The outcome of his long thinking had a good result. Håfa para hiniyong‑mu yanggin sisigi håo ha' gagu'? What will your outcome be when you grow up if you continue to be lazy? Gi hiniyung i atgumentu, guaha kinimprendi. As a result of the argument, there was understanding.


hingåo adj. hairless (of the body), not bushy, not hairy, featherless. Hingåo esti na puyitus. This chick is featherless. Gof hingåo si Andresina addeng‑ña. Andresina's legs are hairless. Hingåo si Manny. Manny is hairless. See: dåkngas.


hipokrisiha n. hypocrisy, pretending to have a character (beliefs, principles, etc.) one does not possess. Ti måolik i hipokrisiha. Hypocrisy is bad. I hipokrisihå‑ña esta mampus para guåhu. His hypocrisy is too much for me. From: Sp. hipocresía.


hipokritu n. hypocrite, dissembler. Ti ma'aksepta ennåo na tåotåo gi gurupu, sa' hipokritu. That person is not welcome in the group, because he's a hypocrite. Ha fa' sen tunas gui', låo ma tungu' ha' na hipokritu. He acts as if he's very honest, but people know that he's a hypocrite. Adahi håo nu ennåo siha na tåotåo, sa' manhipokritu. Be careful of those people, because they're hypocrites. From: Sp. hipócrita.


hireru n. blacksmith. Hireru gui'. He is a blacksmith. Keketu ha' i hireru. The blacksmith is keeping still. Hu li'i' i hireru. I saw the blacksmith. Sungasi' i hireru gi hetnon‑ña. The blacksmith is busy at his over. From: Sp. herrero.


hirida n. wound, sore. Guåha irida gi addeng‑hu. I have a wound on my foot. Atdit hiridå‑ña i ga'lågu anai mapaki. The dog had a severe wound when it got shot. Adahi i piridoma gi satgi na un nina'hirida. Watch out for the broken glass on the floor, so that you don't get hurt. See: chetnut. Variant: irida. From: Sp. herida.


hiridåo adj. wounded, injured, hurt. Umiridåo si Pedro gi iskuela. Peter got wounded at school. Bula sindålu manhiridåo gi geran Vietnam. A large number of men got wounded in the Vietnam war. Tåya' hiridåo anai manátotpi gi chalan. No one got injured when they collided on the road. See: chetnudan. Variant: iridåo. From: Sp. herido.


historia n. 1) story. Bunitu i historian‑ñiha i manamku'. The story of the elders is beautiful. 2) history, a narrative of events. Esta kalan lameggai matugi' historia siha put tåotåo Chamorro. Now there seems to be more stories written about the Chamorro people. Bunitu historiå‑ña i tanu'. The history of the world is beautiful.

vi. tell stories. Ya‑ña humistoria si tåta put i Geran Dos. Father likes to tell stories about World War II. Historiåyi i patgun ya u maigu'. Tell the story to the child to make him sleep. Humistotoria si Ana gi såla. Ana is telling stories in the living room. Variant: istoria.


historia sagråda n. bible history, sacred history, bible stories. I mamåli' katoliku ma istudia i historia sagråda. The Catholic priests studied bible history. Guaha si nanå‑hu lepblon‑ña historia sagråda. My mother has a book of bible stories. See: bíblia. Variant: istoria sagråda.


hit pro. we, us (first person inclusive dual or plural weak pronoun). Nihi ta fanhålum, sa' u gacha' hit i ichan. Let's go inside, so that the rain doesn't catch up with us. Mungnga hit manatrasåo. Let's not be late. Guiya hit umayuda. She's the one who helped us.


hita pro. we, us (first person inclusive dual or plural independent pronoun). Hita ti fumåhan i gima'. We were the ones who did not buy the house. Hita na tåotåguis, maila' ya ta fanmamaguf ha'. We people, let us continue to be happy.

vi. do together (of speaker and addressee(s)). Kåo para ta fanhihita hit pat åhi'? Are we going to keep on being together or not? Kåo manhihita gi kinimprendi? Are we together in our understanding?


hitbåna n. something mended or patched. Si Juan ha usa i hitbåna na frañela para i giput. Juan wore the patched shirt to the party. Ya‑hu umatan atyu i hitbåna na sukåto'. I like to look at the patched skirt.

vt. mend, patch (clothing). Hu hitbåna i matitik katsunis. I patched the torn pants. Si Flor ha hitbåna i chininå‑hu. Flor mended my dress. See: rimenda, inpåtma.


hiting1 n. type of fish: rabbitfish. siganus punctatus (Family Siganidae). Månngi' i hiting ma'aflitu. The rabbitfish is delicious when fried. Puti manduluk i hiting. To be poked by a rabbitfish is very painful. Mambebendi hiting gi kantun chålan. He's selling rabbitfish by the roadside. Describes the final stage of growth in the rabbitfish. See: mañåhak, dåggi', sesyun.


hiting2 n. type of plant. hippobroma longiflora. Å'paka' flores‑ña i hiting. The hiting's flowers are white. Adahi, sa' siña ha' binenu i hiting na tinanum. Be careful, because the hiting plant can be toxic.


hiya' adv. again, by the way (idiomatic). Mungnga hiya' madagi yu' ha'. Don't be kidding with me again, ok? Kåo para u fåttu hiya' si Maria agupa'? Is Maria coming, by the way, tomorrow? Båsta hiya'! Stop it again! Variant: iya'.


hiyuk n. type of fish: surgeonfish with yellow, black, and blue horizontal stripes, and a ring around the mouth. Family Acanthuridae. Bula hiyuk kinenne'‑ña. He caught a lot of surgeonfish. Gai aridondu rayå‑ña i hiyung. The surgeonfish has a round line.


ho'yi vt. 1) grant, promise (Guam). Ho'yi yu' ni ginagåo‑hu. Grant me my request. 2) urge, convince, persuade (Saipan). Nihi ta ho'yi si Juan ya u såonåo kumånta. Let's urge Juan to join in the singing. Mungnga maho'yi yu' na para bai hu cho'gui esti. Don't persuade me to do this.


ho'yu' vt. urge, convince, persuade. Hu hoho'yu' hamyu para in atituyi umusa i kutturå‑ta todu i tiempu. I am urging you all to use our culture all the time. Ha ho'yu' yu' si Vicente para bai in hami pumeska. Vicente urged me to go fishing with him. Nihi ta ho'yu' i famagu'un ya ta fanhugåndu gi sanhiyung. Let's encourage the children for us to play outside. Variant: ho'yi, sohyu', so'yu'.


hobin n. youngster, youth, young person. Meggai manhobin manpipiknik gi tasi. A lot of young people are picnicing at the beach.

adj. young. Hobin sinientin kurason‑hu. My heart feels young. Hobenña si Jose kini si Juan. Jose is younger than Juan. From: Sp. joven.


hóbinis n.pl. youngsters. Bula hóbinis gi kantun tåsi. There are a lot of youngsters by the beach. Manmaguf i manhobinis. The youngsters are happy. See: manhobin. From: Sp. jovenes.


hobinsitu n. teenager, youth, adolescent. Manngingi' i hobinsitu gi as tihu‑ña para u fanu'i rispetu. The youth kissed his uncle hand to show respect. Puru ha' hobinsita gi tendan magågu'. There are only teenage girls at the clothing store. Puru ha' hobinsitu famagu'on‑ña si Lucia. Lucia's children are all teenagers. From: Sp. jovencito.


hobintút n. adolecents, youth. Manhånao i gurupun hobintút para Tapotchåo. The youth went to Tapotchåo. Puru homintút mangaigi gi giput kumpliåñus i lahi‑hu. All adolescents were at my son's birthday party. From: Sp. juventud.


hodda n. type of tree, used as medicine for treatment of sore throat. ficus tinctoria. Umáchuli' i hodda yan i trongkun nunu. The hodda is tree is similar to the banyan tree. Tiempon‑ña manmanokcha' i trongkun hodda siha. It's the season for the hodda trees to bear fruit.


hoflak vt. lick, pass the tongue over (something). Hineflak si Donald fasu‑ña ni ga'‑ña galagitu. The puppy licked Donald's face. Chaddik humoflak i na'‑mu aiskrim, sa' lalagu'. Lick your ice cream fast, because it is melting. I katu ha hohoflak i pilu‑ña. The cat is licking its fur.


hógadut n. gambler. Si Jose hógadut gi gayera. Jose is a gambler at the cockfight. Kåo un tungu' na si Maria hogadut gi poker? Do you know that Maria is a gambler at poker? See: gamboleru, gandot, humugåndu. From: Sp. jugador.


hoggui vt. carry (something) in the arms. Pumåra i neni kumåti anai hu hoggui. The baby stopped crying when I held her in my arms. Hoggui i galagitu osino u falågu. Hold the puppy or it will run away. Si nåna ha hoggui i malångu na påtgun para u trangkilu. Mother held the sick child to comfort him.


hoi' intj. hello. Hoi', tåya' guaha ya bai hålum? Hello, is it ok if I enter?

vi. call for someone, call attention casually when approaching someone or knocking on door; without greetings, without talking, without saying anything. Tåya' hu li'i' gi uriyan guma', pues sigi yu' di humoi'. I didn't see anyone around the house, so I started calling out hoi'. Guaha umo'oi' gi me'nan guma'. Someone is calling out in front of the house. Humålum si Juan sin ni hoi' ni goi'. Juan just entered without saying anything. Variant: hoi', oi, hoi (Rota).


hokka vt. collect, pick (up), gather. Manhokka yu' åtchu' yan låta. I picked up rocks and cans. I famagu'un humokka i pineddung mångga. The children gathered the fallen mangos. Hokka i basula. Pick up the trash.


hokkuk adj. no more, all gone, nothing else, ran out of, empty. Esta hokkuk siningon‑hu nu esti na tåotåo. I am out of patience with this person. Hokkuk ha' i para un nangga yu' ya u fåkpu' i misa. All you have to do is to wait for me until the mass is over. Ti hu suspetcha na u hokkuk i sinimai papåya gi paingi, sa' dididi' ha' manmåttu manlisåyu. I did not think that the pickled papaya would all be gone, since not that many came for the rosary. Hokkuk sinaguan‑ña i latan rosketi, sa' ha daflokgui gui' si Roque nigap. Roque indulged yesterday, he emptied the rosketi canister. Syn: tåya'. See: latchai. Variant: hokuk.


hoksi vt. hold down, press down, pin down to prevent movement or being blown away. Mahoksi yu' gi maigo'‑hu. Someone held me down in my sleep. Hoksi i pappit ni atchu', sa' u guinaifi ni manglu'. Hold the paper down with a stone, because it may be blown away by the wind. I famagu'un manhugågandu ya ma hohoksi si nanan‑ñiha gi kattri. They children are playing and jumping up and down on their mom in the bed. See: honñu'.


homhum adj. dark, dim, obscure, dusky, gloomy. Mampus homhum inatan‑hu. My eyesight is very dim. Mahongngang yu' gi hemhum ni amigu‑hu siha. I was startled in the dark by my friends. Songgiyi dangis i kuåttu, sa' kalan homhum. Light a candle in the room, because it is rather dark.


homhum uchan n. rainclouds. Humomhum i mapagåhis ni homhum uchan. The sky became dark with rainclouds. Esta humåhanåo i hemhum uchan. The rainclouds are drifting away. Ennagui' mågi i hemhum uchan, siempri u uchan. Here come the rainclouds, it's going to rain.


homlu' adj. healed, revived, recovered (from sickness). Sinagu yu' gi nigapña, ya homlu' yu' på'gu na ha'åni. I had the flu the day before yesterday, and today I got well. Meggai na tåotåo nina'humlo'‑ña i suruhåna. The healer cured a lot of people. Kåo homlu' si nanå‑mu? Did your mother already recover from her illness? See: mågung.


hommi vt. block (from view), shield (something), protect (something), break the natural course of light, vision, etc. I trongku ha hohommi i gima'. The tree blocks the house. Ti siña hu li'i' mo'na i baila, sa' lokka' tåotåo humohommi yu'. I cannot see the dance in front, because a tall person is blocking my view. Na'hinemmi i tinanum ni på'gu un tåtanum kontra i semnak ni hagun chotda. Shield the plant that you just planted from the sun with a banana leaf.


homran n. home run, homer. Tåya' homran gi bola. There was no home run at the game.

vi. hit a home run. Humonran si Joe gi binata'‑ña bola. Joe hit a home run when he batted the ball. Na'homrun gi bola. Hit the ball for a home run. Variant: homerång. From: Eng. home run.


homurång n. homer, home run. Gi ma'pus na huegu, guaha tres na homurång. At the last game, there were three home runs.

vi. make a home run, hit a home run (Saipan). Humomurång si Ben gi huegu. Ben made a home run in the game. Variant: homran. From: Eng. home run.


honñu' vt. press down, hold down, pin down to prevent movement or being blown away. Honñu' fan kannai‑hu. Please press down on my hand. Honñu' i batunis ya u kalamtin i måkina. Press the button so that the machine will start. Mungnga mahonñu' guini, sa' puti. Don't press on this side, because it hurts. See: hoksi, yemmi', ye'ti.


honoråpbli adj. honorable. Honoråpbli na tåotåo si Tomas. Tomas is an honorable man. Manhonoråpbli todus hamyu. You are all honorable. Para u fåttu i honoråpbli. The honorable person is going to come. From: Sp. honorable.


hontu n. ointment, salve, medicinal ointment. Hu nå'yi hontu i malåssas addeng‑hu I put ointment on the scratch on my feet. Ma nå'yi hontu gi kannai Joaquina. They put ointment on Joaquina's hand. Mamåhan si Bertha hontu gi as Joeten nigap. Berth bought an ointment at Joeten yesterday. See: ingguenti.


hongga adj. audible, be heard. Hongga mågi i kati‑ña i biuda, sa' sen piniti ni asaguå‑na. The widow's cry of grief over the death of her husband could be heard from here. Låmlam, hulu, pues linåo, låo ti sen hongga i hilu. There was lightning, thunder, then earthquake, but the thunder was not very audible. Anai umessalåo håo, hongga asta i sengsung? When you shouted, was it heard all the way to the village? See: oppan.


honggi vt. believe, have faith or confidence, accept as true. Hu honggi i fino'‑mu gi paingi. I believed your word last night. Kalan ti fa'honggi esti na milågru låo meggai tåotao manmanhonggi. This miracle is rather hard to believe but many people believe in it. Ti gef efektibu i amut yanggin ti un honggi. The medicine will not be very effective if you don't believe it.


honggiyun adj. believable. Honggiyun mampus si Emilio umistoria. It's so believable how Emilio tells a story. Kalan ti honggiyun na esta para u fåkpu' i sakkan. It's almost unbelievable that the year is going to end. Honggiyun esti i finu' manåmku'. The sayings of the elders are believable.


honggu' vt. harvest (bananas). Mahonggu' i chetda para mafa'aga'. The banana was harvested to be made ripe. Hineksi ni chetda dispues di ha honggu' i tinekcha'. The banana plant fell on him after he harvested the bunch of fruit. In hinguk anai ma hohonggu i chetda siha. We heard when they were harvesting the bananas.


hongngang vt. 1) startle, scare. Mahongngang guatu si tåta ni finattun‑ñiha. Father was startled because he was unprepared for their arrival. Silensiu i gima' ya ti mapput para ta hongngang si nåna. The house is very quiet and we can easily startle Mother. Båsta mahongngang si Pedro, sa' kokañåo kurason‑ña. Stop scaring Pedro, because he has a weak heart. 2) smash open (cooked breadfruit). Hongngan ennåo i lemmai ya ta fañotchu. Smash open the breadfruit and we'll eat. Syn: pannas. Variant: hongngan.


hopba vt. lick, draw or pass tongue over, lap up, as a dog drinks water. Ha hopba i ga'lågu i hanum gi lauya. The dog lapped the water in the pot. Ti ha gimin na ha hopba i katdu gi plåtu. He did not drink rather he licked the soup in the plate. See: hoflak.


hoplat adj. dirty, filthy.


hopyat vt. rub, wash (by rubbing), scrub (with a cloth). Hopyat i frañela, ya u suha i chatku. Scrub the t-shirt, so that the stain will go away. Hånåo ya un hopyat håo. Go and scrub yourself with water. Manmanhohopyat magågu gi tasi. They were scrubbing clothes in the ocean. Variant: hotyat.


hos n. hose. Hu na'sesetbi i hos, sa' manrerega yu'. I'm using the hose, because I'm watering the plants. Måolik, sa' anåkku' esti na hos. It's good that this hose is long.

vt. hose (something) down. Hos påpa' i liga, sa' bula tararåñas. Hose down the wall, because there are a lot of spiderwebs. See: tilipas (Guam). From: Eng. hose.


hosguan adj. jealous, envious. Hosguan ni pumalu, sa' ti marikuknisa i inayudå‑ña. He was jealous of the others, because his contribution was not recognized. Hosguan i patgun ni che'lu‑ña neni. The child was jealous of his baby sister. Tåya' sinientin hinesguan gi entalu' i kumiti siha. There are no feelings of jealousy among the committee members.


hosmi vi. attend (mass), be present at (mass). Nihi ta fanhosmi misa. Let's go and attend mass. Manhosmi ham misa gi Christmas. We attended mass on Christmas.


hóstia n. host, the bread consecrated in the Eucharist. Yanggin kumomutgan håo, manå'i hao hostia. When you receive communion, they give you a host. Ma ipi i hostia para u fannahung i taotåo. They broke the host so there would be enough for people. From: Sp. hostia.


hota n. name for the letter j in an older Chamorro orthgraphy. Hota i tutuhun i lettra gi na'an Jose. J is the beginning letter in the name Jose.


hotdi vt. 1) climb (something), ascend, mount. Ha hotdi i trongkun mångga. He climbed the mango tree. I ga'lågu ha hotdi i ottru ga'lågu. The dog mounted the other dog. 2) impregnate. Nangga ya bai hu na'hinetdi i ga'‑hu guaka ni figu' na råsa. Wait and I will have my cow be impregnated by a strong breed. Syn: yågai (slang), uyu (slang).


hotkun n. pillar, a column to support a building, usually extending from ground to floor of building. Na'tunas ennåo i hetkun i palapåla. Straighten the pillar of the hut.


hotma n. mold, such as a jello mold or cake pan, or a mold for making baskets. Bula hotmån‑ña si nanå‑hu para i balakbak siha. My mom has a lot of molds for making baskets. Po'lu i hotma siha gi istånti. Put the molds on the shelf.

vt. 1) mold or shape (something). Ha hohotma i titiyas. He's molding the titiyas dough. [?? \rm form (something)] 2) thread (something) through a needle. Hotma fan i hilu gi haguha. Thread the thread in the needle. From: Sp. forma.


hotni vt. pierce, thread (needle), lace (shoes). Mahotni talanga‑ña ni hilu. They pierced her ear and put a thread through it. Hotni fan i hilu gi haguha. Thread the thread in the needle. Syn: hotma, duluk.


hotnu n. oven. Guaha si bihå‑hu iyon‑ña hotnu gi san hiyung i gimå'‑ña. My grandmother has an oven outside her house. Esta måsa i pån gi hetnu. The bread is already cooked in the oven.

vt. bake (something) in an oven. Ya‑ña si bihå‑hu manhotnu gi san hiyung, sa' fresku. My grandmother likes baking on the oven outside, because it is so much cooler. Manhotnu si Joseph unu na babui gi gima' nåna. Joseph roasted a pig at Grandmother's house. From: Sp. horno.


hotyat vt. rub, scrub. Kåo esta manmahotyat i magågu? Have the clothes been scrubbed? Hånåo ya un hotyat håo gi båñu. Go and scrub yourself in the bathroom. Ha hohotyat gui' gi tasi. She's scrubbing herself in the ocean. Variant: hopyat, hofyat.


hoyu n. hole, pit, fissure, concave. Adahi na un poddung gi hoyu. Be careful not to fall into the pit. Tåtmi i hoyu, sa' piligru. Cover the pit, because it's dangerous. Ai na bulan hoyu gi chalan! My goodness, there are a lot of pits in the road!


hu agr. I (first person singular agreement for realis transitive verbs). Hu guaiya håo. I love you. Hu li'i' håo nigap. I saw you yesterday. See: guåhu, yu'.


‑hu suf. my (first person singular possessor agreement). Amigu‑hu si Juan. Juan is my friend. Chi'lu‑hu atyu i kumåkanta. The one singing is my sibling. Variant: ku.


hu'u intj. yes, okay, sure, yeah, of course. Ilek‑ña si Maria, "Hu'u." Maria said, "Yes." Hu'u, hu sen li'i' gi dos matå‑hu. Yes, I surely saw it with my two eyes. See: hunggan, hå'a, a'a.


huchum vt. close (something), shut, cover. Huchum i pachot‑mu. Close your mouth. Huchum i petta, sa' atyugi' mågi i ichan. Close the door, because there comes the rain. Huchum i grifu, sa' manggågasta mita'. Close the faucet, because it's using the meter unnecessarily. See: tåmpi.


Hudas n. devil, Satan, Judas. Para guåhu, ti hu tungu' håfa na koneksión guaha kontra i palåbra Hudas yan manganiti. For me, I don't see the connection between the words Hudas and devil. Si Hudas unu gi disipulun Hesu Kristu. Judas was one of Jesus Christ's disciples. See: diåblu, aniti, satanås, manganiti, maknganiti, dimoniu.


Hudihus n. Jew, Israelite, Jewish person. Hudihus ennåo na tåotåo ni sumåsaga New York. He's a Jew who lives in New York. Kåo guaha tiningo'‑mu Hudihus? Do you know anyone who is Jewish?


Huebis n. Thursday. Agupa' Huebis. Tomorrow is Thursday. Ti machocho'chu' yu' an Huebis. I don't work on Thursdays. From: Sp. jueves.


huegu n. game, sport, contest, recreation, program, performance, act, amusement. Maila' ta na'guaha meggai na huegu para i famagu'un. Let's provide a lot of games for the children. Adahi, sa' ti huegu esti i para ta cho'gui na cho'chu'. Be aware that the work that we will be doing is not a game. Håfa na huegu mahugågandu ni famagu'un? What kind of game are the children playing? See: hugåndu. From: Sp. juego.


hues n. judge, the presiding magistrate in a court of justice, umpire, referee. Matåta'chung i hues gi siyå‑ña. The judge is sitting on his chair. Kuåntu na hues guaha gi CNMI Supreme Court? How many judges are there on the CNMI Supreme Court? Nuebu ennåo na hues. She's a new judge. From: Sp. juez.


huettun olibas n. garden of Gesthemane, where Christ was betrayed by Judas. Si Jesukristu malak i huettun olibas. Christ went to the garden of Gesthemane.


hugåndu n. game, toy, recreation. I neni ha chachatgi i hugandon‑ña. The baby is smiling at her toys. I patgun o'sun humugåndu nu i hugandon‑ña. The child is tired of playing with his game.

vi. play, amuse, toy with, perform, gamble. Nihi ta fanhugåndu. Let's go play. Manhugågandu i famagu'un gi sanhiyung. The children are playing outside. See: huegu. From: Sp. jugando.


hugeti n. toy, something to play with. I famagu'un manmanrisibi meggai na hugeti gi Krismas. The children received a lot of toys on Christmas. Adahi i hugeti‑mu ya mungnga na u mayulang chaddik. Take care of your toy so that it won't break soon. Rikohi i hugeti siha gi sanhiyung, sa' u'uchan. Collect the toys outside, because it's raining. From: Sp. juguete.


hugua num. the indigenous Chamorro word for the number two. Guaha hugua na månnuk. There are two chickens. Syn: dos.


huguåyun adj. ambidextrous. Huguåyun si Juan na tåotåo. Juan is ambidextrous.


hugum vt. 1) bend (something); cause to sag, lose firmness, resiliency, or vigor. E'kahat humugum i trongku, sa' u måhluk. Don't bend the tree so much, because it may break. Hugum i ramas i mångga, yanggin para un fåmfi' mås bula. Bend the branch of the mango, if you're going to pick a lot of it. 2) squeeze with arms or legs as in wrestling, give a bear hug to.


hugupåo n. type of fish: small surgeonfish. Family Acanthuridae. Guaha tres na hugupåo gi halum i aquarium. There are three small surgeonfish in the aquarium. Si Susan malagu' para u fåhan i hugupåo para i lahi‑ña. Susan would like to buy the juvenile surgeonfish for her son. I hugupåo ha kånnu' i cha'guan tåsi ni dokku' gi hilu' i kulaling. The small surgeonfish eat the seaweed that grows on the corals.


huisiu n. judgment, decision, verdict, sentence. Manå'i i prohimu ni huision‑ña gi kotti. The person was given his sentence in the court. I kabesiyun i jury ha taitai i huisiu huyung. The chairman of the jury read out the verdict. See: sintensia.


hula' n. tongue. Gof anåkku' i hila' i kulepbla. The tongue of the snake is very long. Gof agaga' i hila'‑hu. My tongue is very red. Hu fa'nu'i i mediku ni hila'‑hu. I showed my tongue to the doctor.

vt. swear, vow, take an oath, pledge by oath, make a solemn promise; used esp. in legal procedures. Manhula' yu' na bai hu hånåo agupa' para i gimå'‑mu. I swear that I will go to your house tomorrow Manhula' yu' gi me'nan Hues gi kotti. I took an oath in front of the judge at the court. Manmanhula' i kunggresu na para uma cho'gui i prinimetin‑ñiha ni pupbliku. The Congressmen had sworn that they will abide by their promises to the public.


hula'gui vt. stick tongue out at (someone), as a form of insult. Ha hula'gui yu' i patgun gi chalan nigap gi pupuengi. The child stuck his tongue out at me yesterday evening. Ya‑ña manhula'gui i neni. The baby likes to show her tongue. Madeska i hila'‑ña si John anai ha hula'gui i taotåo. They flicked John's tongue when he showed his tongue to the man. Variant: hila'gui.


hulat vt. 1) overpower, overcome, subdue, overwhelm. Ti ha hulat yu' esti i che'chu' sanhiyung. Working outside does not overwhelm me. Manmahulat ham ni mañaina gi hunta. We were subdued by the parents at the meeting. Manhinilat ni maipin ha'åni ya ti ma na'funhåyan i guinassan‑ñiha gi lanchu. They were overcome with the heat and they did not finish clearing the grass at the farm. 2) have the nerve to do something (pejorative), have the guts, resolve or courage to do something. Ti hu hulat sumangåni put i sinisedin familia. I don't have the courage to tell them about the family incident. Ti hu honggi na ma hulat para ma cho'gui taiguihi na bida gi taotåo anai hagas maninayuda siha. I could not believe that they have the nerve to do something like what they did to the person when she has been helping them for so long. See: å'ñåo.


Huliu n. July. Mafañågu si Franklin gi Huliu na mes. Franklin was born in the month of July. Para u guaha achikat malågu gi Huliu diha 4. There will be a running race on the 4th of July. Siempri guaha raraina siha para i silebrasion gi Huliu diha 4. There will be queen candidates for the July 4th celebration. See: Semu. From: Sp. julio.


hulongtanu' adj. filled with din, filled with loud continuous noise, in an uproar. Esta hulongtanu' i kuattu anai manmasotta i famugu'un iskuela. The room became a din when the students were left by themselves in the classroom. Sessu hulongtanu' anai mattiempu na simåna. There was frequent loud continuous noise during the stormy week.


hulu n. thunder. Duru hulu yan låmlam nigap na ha'åni. There was a lot of thunder and lightning yesterday. Ha hongngang yu' i hilu. The thunder startled me. Manmåffak i ispehus siha anai hulu. The mirrors cracked when the thunder rolled.


hulu' n. up, above, (on) top (of). Humånåo hulu' i palåo'an gi attat. The woman went up to the alter. Nihi ta fanhånåo hulu' gi lanchu. Let's go up to the farm. Atan hulu' i mapagåhis. Look up at the clouds. See: sanhilu'.


huluf vt. cover, shelter, protect, screen. Hu huluf I neni ni sabanas låna putno ú fugu samampus manenghing yan guaifun. I covered the baby with the woolen blanket because it is very cold and windy. See: lihing, attuk. Variant: luhuf.


huluk vt. break by bending (a long object). Ha huluk i patgun i hayu ni kannai‑ña. The child broke the stick with his hand. Ma huluk i aligi anai masufa' ni kareta. They broke the pole when they ran over it with the car. In hiluk siha i trongkun tangantångan gi lanchu. We broke all the tangantangan trees at the farm.


hulus vt. smooth out, rub (gently), pet by stroking. Ha hulus tatalo'‑hu i patgun. The child rubbed my back. Hu hulus i neni ilu‑ña para u maigu'. I rubbed the baby's head so it would sleep. Hu hulus i ga'lågu para u månsu. I rubbed the dog in order for it to become tame.


humåhnanåo vi. keep on (continuous), up to now, in the end. Humåhnanåo ha' ti manmanoppi nu i katta. Up to now they never replied to the letter. Humåhnanåo sumåga Luta. In the end she kept staying on Rota. Humåhnanåo ti mandispensa. She never forgave after all. Formed by emphatic reduplication from the reduplicated humåhanåo.


humayu1 adj. overripe, almost woody (of a root crop, usually yam). Muna'humayu i dagu, sa' ti mahåtgu gi dinanchi na mes. The yam has turned woody when it was not harvested in the right month. Maleffa ya ha na'lågu i humayu na dågu. She forgot and inadvertently cooked the overripe yam See: håyu.


humayu2 adj. hanging down, as a branch of the tree creating shade, somewhat like an umbrella. Humayu i trongkun mansanita ya måolik para fanhugåndun famagu'un. The manzanita tree is shaped like an umbrella, providing good shade for children to play under. Nihi ya ta fatå'chung gi papa' talisai, sa' humayu yan fresku. Let's go and sit under the tropical almond tree, as it is shady and has cool breeze coming through. Malalåtdi si Alvin yan humayu i tatåotåo‑ña, sa' båba sinienten‑ña. Alvin was scolded, and his whole body was hanging down as he was embarrassed.


humentan vt. discover.


humitdi adj. humble, low-key, meek. Gi halum i hinumitdi na sinienti ni chaddik guaha pås yan inakumprendi. Peace and understanding comes easy in an atmosphere of humbleness. Gof humitdi si Joanne na palåo'an. Joanne is a very humble woman. Ya‑hu si Rita na palåo'an, sa' gof humitdi. I like Rita, because she's very humble.


humuyongña adv. as a result, end up, what it turned out to be. Kumu hu nå'i håo nu esti, humuyongña tåya' yu'. If I give you this, I will end up with nothing. Humuyongña guåhu ha' guini yanggin un dingu yu'. I would end up by myself here if you leave me. Ha nå'i yu' si Renea ni salåppi' para tengguåk‑ku låo humuyongña ti nahung. Renea gave me money for my food but it turned out not to be enough.


humuyung vi. go out from, come out, become (realis singular or dual). Anai mabåtti i kek, humuyung mampus te'uk. The batter of the cake became very thick. Mañågu i katu ya humuyung uminutit. The cat became disabled when she gave birth. Humuyung na gai tiningu' put åntis na tiempun manmofo'na. It became obvious that she has knowledge about the ancient times.


hun adv. quotative marker; used to distinguish a reported statement from a statement known to be fact; usually follows the predicate. Måttu hun gui'. She said she came. Ilek‑ñiha hun na para u fåttu i Presidenti mågi Saipan. They said that the President will come here to Saipan.


hunik tåsi n. type of plant. heliotropium ovalifolium. Papagu’ i hagun i hunik tåsi yan påska i trongkonña. The leaf of the hunik tåsi can cause skin irritation and the stem is easily broken. Meppatinekchå-ña i hunik tåsi ya i frutåña manohu gi puntan i ramas. The hunik tåsi produces a bunch of fruit on the tip of its branches.


Huniu n. June. Mafañågu yu' gi Huniu na mes. I was born in the month of June. Para u guaha silebrasion gi Huniu diha 4. There will be a celebration on the 4th of June. I Kumfirensian PIBBA para i Huniu giya Pohnpei. The PIBBA Conference will be in Pohnpei in June. See: Manånaf. From: Sp. junio.


hunta n. meeting, gathering, assembly. Måttu su Joe gi hunta gi talu'åni. Joe came to the meeting in the afternoon. Amånu na gaigi i hunta på'gu? Where is the meeting now? Para u guaha hunta gi ufisinan i atkåtdi. There will be a meeting at the mayor's Office. See: miting. From: Sp. junta.


hunggan intj. yes; used to express affirmation, assent, or comfirmation in answer to a question. Hunggan, hu chuli' i iskoba para i kusina gi paingi. Yes, I took the broom to the kitchen last night. Hu oppi si Helena, "hunggan," anai ha ågang yu'. I answered, "yes," to Helena when she called me. Kåo hunggan pat åhi na atrasåo håo gi hunta? Were you late to the meeting, yes or no? See: hu'u.


hunguk vt. hear, perceive by the ear, gain knowledge, heed. Kåo un hunguk, sa' ti ume'ekkunguk håo! Did you hear, because you were not listening! Hininguk håo ni tåotåo ya manman. The person heard you and became perplexed. See: ékkunguk, hininguk.


huppa vt. frighten, scare, drive (away or into), force (out), threaten, menace. Ha huppa yu' si Charles para bai alulåyi para i che'chu'. Charles drove me to be quick to work. Manmahuppa i taotåo para u fanhuyung gi Auditorium. The people were forced to get out of the Auditorium. Mahuppa si Henry para u kalamtin. Henry was driven to get moving. See: ispånta, fa'ñagui, hongngang, aminåsa.


huradu n. jury. Manggågåo si Freddy para u ma'ekkunguk i kåosån‑ña ni huradu. Freddy requested that his case be tried by a jury trial. Makkat i kaosa mahunguk yan madidisidi ni huradu, sa' dimasiåo dikiki' i kantidån tåotåo yan sisteman parintela gi kustumbri. It is difficult to try and hear cases by jury trial, because of the small population and the culture of the extended family system. Måolik i idehan i hurådu na klåsin kåosa para i mandångkulu na lugåt. The jury trial is a good idea in a large place. From: Sp. jurado.


huramentu n. pledge, vow, swear. From: Sp. juramento.


husga vt. judge, pronounce judgement on, pass sentence on. Mahusga i taotåo put i sinakken‑ña gi tenda. The man was sentenced for what he had stolen in the store. Tekkun ilu‑ña anai mahusga. She faced down when her sentencing was announced. Ti hues håo na para un husga hami. You are not a judge to pass judgement on us. From: Sp. juzga.


hustisia n. justice, rightfulness, rectitude, integrity. Manmafanå'gui ham håfa hustisia gi kulehu. We were taught what is justice in college. Guaha hustisia anai ma husga i taotåo ni ti isåo‑ña? Was there justice when he was sentenced for something he did not do? From: Sp. justicia.


hustu adj. just, upright, fair, righteous. Ya‑hu i taotåo ni hustu. I like a person who is righteous. Si Chu' hustu na tåotåo. Chu' is a fair person. From: Sp. justo.


hutnaleru n. laborer, helper, day laborer. I hutnalerun Frances gof bumuchåchu na tåotåo. Frances' helper is a hard working person. Guaha hutnalerun Rita. Rita has a laborer. Guaha tres na hutnaleru gi lanchun‑måmi. We have three helpers at our farm. From: Sp. jornalero.


hutnåt n. labor, work, job, employment, manual labor, hard work. Bai cho'gui maseha makkat na hutnåt. I will do even hard labor. Makkat esta manmañotda tåotåo para meggai na klåsin hutnåt giya Saipan. It is hard to find people for many types of jobs in Saipan. From: Sp. jornal.


hutu n. louse, lice (insect). Bula hitu‑ña i patgun. The child has a lot of lice. Gof na'makaka ulu i hitu. The lice causes so much itchiness on the head.


hutu' vt. unfold, spread out, extend. In hitu' i dangkulu na såbanas gi satgi. We spread out a big blanket on the floor. Hu hutu' siha i hagun lemmai påpa' gi cha'guan. I spread out the breadfruit leaves on the grass. Ha hutu' si Jamin i guafak gi barånda. Jamin unfolded the mat on the porch.


hutun dokduk n. seed of breadfruit. Manhokka meggai na hutun dokduk gi lanchun‑ñiha. He picked a lot of breadfruit seeds at their farm. Numa'lagu si Tan Maria hutun dokduk. Auntie Maria cooked some seeds of the breadfruit. Ha na'hånåo si Anthony i hutun dokduk para Guam nigap. Anthony sent some breadfruit seeds to Guam yesterday.


hutus vt. put (a bowlegged baby) right with soft cloth to straighten the legs out; massage the bow leg in the direction to straighten it out. Hutus i neni‑mu ya mungnga na u patuleku. Massage your baby so he won't turn out bow-legged.


huyung n. outside. Guaha tåotåo mannanangga guihi huyung. There is an individual waiting out there. Hålum mågi osino un ginacha' ni ichan guenåo huyung. Come in or else you will get wet from the rain.

vi. go out, get out, bring out, emerge, come out, have as a result. Esti na binatti humuyung kalang atuli. This mixture came out like a porridge. Man huyung i ayuyu para u fanmañåda' gi tasi. The coconut crab came out to lay their eggs in the ocean.



adj.  adjective
adv.  adverb
agr.  agreement prefix
art.  article
aux.  auxiliary
cnj.  conjunction
dem.  demonstrative
Eng.  English
infx.  infix
intj.  Interjection
Jp.  Japanese
n.  noun
n.pl.  plural noun
neg.  negative
num.  numeral
part.  particle
pp.  prepositional phrase
pred.  predicate
pref.  prefix
prep.  preposition
pro.  pronoun
Sp.  Spanish
suf.  suffix
Syn  synonym
vi.  intransitive verb
vt.  transitive verb