* Coming Soon


T - t


t n. the twenty-second letter of the alphabet, named te.


ta agr. we (first person inclusive dual or plural agreement for realis transitive verbs and irrealis predicates). Ta hålla i siya‑ta. We pull our chair. Ta chuli’ i gimin gi tenda. We took the drink from the store. Ta taitai i lepblu på’gu. We will read the book now.


‑ta suf. our (first person inclusive du. or pl. possessor agreement). Go'ti i siya‑ta. Hold our chair. Båtsala i magagu‑ta. Pull our cloth. Iyom‑mu pat iyot‑ta esti? Is this yours or ours?


tå'an vt. threaten, by gesture of a fist doubled up as though to sock someone (Saipan). Ha tå'an i lahi annai lalålu'. He threaten the boy when he was mad. Adahi na hu tå'an håo. Watch it, maybe I will threaten you. Si Juan ha tå'an si Tåta. Juan threaten father. See: hannan.


tå'chung n. seat, chair, bench. Bai chuli' i ta'chung para i kantun tåsi. I will take the chair to the beach. Kuåntu esti na tå'chung? How much is this chair? Mayamak i ta'chung. The chair broke. See: matå'chung.


tå'chung pannas vi. sit cross-legged, sit the way you land, sit casually. Tå'chung pannas ha'. Just sit cross legged on the floor. Tå'chung pannas gi hilu' cha'guan. Sit cross legged on the grass. Variant: tå'chung patnas.


ta'håfkåo adj. puzzling, weird, not making sense. Ti hu tungu' na ta'håfkåo esti na tåotåo. I did not know that this person is wierd. Mano'sun nu guiya sa' kalan ta'håfkåo. They got fed up with her because she is not making any sense.


ta'lu adj. (do) again. Ta'lu hånåo para i lanchu. Go to the farm again. Ta'lu maigu' gi gima'. I will sleep at the house again. See: agun, agunta'lu.

adv. again. Kånta ta'lu. Sing again. Si Maria ha ta'lu chumuda' i gimin. Maria spilled the drink again. Bai hånåo ta'lu para Luta. I will go to Luta again.


ta'luyi vt. add more to, increase in quantity or number. Ta'luyi esti asukat. Put more sugar on this. Bai ta'luyi sumåolak håo sa' ti ume'ekkunguk håo. I will spank you more because you are not listening. Si Juan ha ta'luyi chumuda' i gimin. Juan spilled more of the drink.


tå'pang vt. rinse (salt water) by using fresh water, rinse (urine), douche. Tå'pang i neni. Rinse the baby. Bai tå'pang ha' yu'. I will only rinse myself. Manpinagu' sa' ti ma tå'pang siha anai mano'mak gi tasi. They got skin irritation because they did not rinse themselves from swimming in the ocean.


ta'pångi vt. baptize. Variant: tatpångi, takpångi.


ta'pi' n. container, wooden or metal, for food or water for animals (mostly pigs or cattle). Fa'tinas un ta'pi' para i chikeru. Make one container for the pig pen.


ta'yuk vi. jump, hop, skip. Adahi na un ta'yuk gi kattri. Don’t jump on the bed. Sigi si Juan na para u ta'yuk lokkui'. Juan keeps wanting to jump too. Mankeppan i famagu'un mana'yuk gi huegun tenggakko'. The children are agile skippers in the game of hopscotch.


tåba' n. the distance from any finger tip (small finger) to the tip of the thumb. kana' un tåba' ha inanchon‑ña esti i ga'hu guali'ik. My pet lizard is about the distance from my index finger to my thumb.

vt. measure. Bai hu tåba' esti na påppit. I will measure this paper. Sigi matåba' i guihan nu i taotåo. The men measured the fish. Syn: hemi.


tabatdiyu n. type of illness such as nose bleed, headache, skin rashes, bloody stool, nausea. Nina'yi yu' tabatdiyu anai singku åñus yu'. I got jaundice when I was five years old. I tabatdiyu chetnut minaipi, guaha na tinattitiyi ni momosmus håga', bulåchun ulu, masisinik håga' pat hálalangu. Jaundice symptoms include nose bleed, head ache, bloody stool, or fainting spells. Variant: minaipi.


tabinåkulu n. tabernacle. Si Påli' ha po'lu i ostia gi tabinåkulu. The priest put the host in the tabernacle. I attat nai gaigi i tabitnåkulu. The altar is where the tabernacle is at. Ha fåna' i tabetnåkulu ya pumutnisimåt. She faced the tabernacle and made the sign of the cross. Variant: tabitnakulu. From: Sp. tabernaculo.


tablón n. plank, thick board. Hu tugi' na'ån‑mu gi tablon. I wrote your name on the board. Maila ya un atan esti i tablon ifit. Come and take a look at this hardwood board. Variant: tapblón. From: Sp. tablon.


tåcha vt. criticize, blame, find fault with, reprove, reprimand (Rota). Ya‑ña si Juan mantåcha. Juan likes to criticize. Sigi ha' ha tåcha si Maria si Ana. Maria continues to criticize Ana. Ti ya‑hu na bai tåcha i patgun. I don’t like to criticize the child.


tachu vi. 1) stand up, rise up. Tachu gi direchom‑mu. Stand up for your rights. Mungnga mana'tachu hulu' i siya. Do not raise the chair up. Tumachu i floris anai hu abonuyi. The flower straightened up when I fertilized it. Na'tachu i masetan floris guini mågi. Make the flower vase stand upright over here. Ti malagu' tumachu i siya sa' kallu un patås‑ña. The chair would not stay upright because one leg is loose. 2) bristle (of hair). Tumachu todu i pilu‑hu sa' ti hu honggi na guiya mås måolik. My hair bristled because I did not believe he was the best. Tumachu pulu‑ña i nana ni minagof‑ña. Mother's hair bristled because of her execitement. Tumachu pulun i ga'‑hu katu anai ha li'i' i ottru katu. My cat's fur bristled when it saw another cat.


tachuelas n. tack, small nail, heel taps, taps for shoes. Mamåhan yu' tachuelas gi tenda. I bought small nails at the store. Mayamak i tachuelas sapatos‑su. My heels are broken. Takkilu' i tachuelas sapatos‑su. My heels are high. Syn: chapeta. Variant: atachuelas. From: Sp. tachuela.


tåddung adj. deep, profound. Tåddung manhassu esti na påtgun. This child is a deep thinker. Poddung yu' påpa' gi taddung na hoyu. I fell into the deep hole. Umo'mak yu' gi taddung tåsi. I swam in the deep ocean. Variant: tåhdung, tåtdung.


taffu' adj. 1) brash, tactless, insensitive to etiquette. Ha na'maipu yu' ni kalan taffu' i fino'‑ña. She irritated me with what seems like an tactless comment. Dispåsiu muna'taffu' håo, sa' ti un marispeta. Slow down on your tactless manner, because you will not be respected. Fa'nå'gui ennåo put taimanu ti para u taffu'. Teach him how not to be brash. 2) (one who) visits people in their homes often.


tåftaf adj. early, in advance, beat the time. Tåftaf måttu si Maria gi gima'. Maria came early to the house. Kåo tåftaf håo makmåta? Did you wake up early? Na'lataftaf håo guatu gi iskuela sa' mananangga håo esta nu i ma'estru siha. Go to school a little earlier because the teachers are already waiting for you. Chagi tumaftågui guatu sa' siempri un sodda' mås måolik na benta siha. Try to beat the time over there because you will find better items on sale. Taftågui guatu yanggin para un fanggacha' paking kareta. Go there early if you are to find parking space (for car) Syn: mo'na, mo'nånña.


tåfyi vt. thresh, remove husk from grain by threshing. Hu tåfyi i ma'is. I thresh the corn. Bai hu tåfyi i pigas. I will thresh the rice. Kåo ya‑mu na un tåfyi esti? Do you like to thresh this?


Taga' name. name of a Chamorro historical figure. Manggaigi i atchu' Taga' giya Tinian. The Taga' latte stones are in Tinian. Kåo un tungu' put i istorian Taga' yan i lahi‑ña? Do you know the story of Taga and his son?


tåga' vt. hack, chop, cut. Ha tåga' i trongku påpa'. He chopped down the tree. Manmanåga' bula na månha. They chopped many young coconuts. Adahi na un tinaga' nu i machetti. Watch out or you will be cut with the machete.


tagåfi n. type of fish: red snapper. lutjanus bohar (Family Lutjanidae). Mangonni' yu' un dångkulun tagåfi' nigap. I caught a huge red snapper yesterday. Guaha na biåhi na tataksi i tagåfi'. The red snapper is sometimes poisonous. Tåddung na manggaigi i tagåfi na guihan. The red snappers are in the deep water.


tagåfin sadduk n. type of fish: snapper. lutjanus argentimaculatus (Family Lutjanidae). Gof månngi' i tagåfin sadduk ma'aflitu. Fresh water snapper is so good to fry. In li'i' bula na tagåfin sadduk gi Betnis anai mampepeska ham. We saw a lot of fresh water snappers when we were fishing on Friday.


tagåhlu adj. superb, splendid, exalted, high. Si San Isidro tagåhlu na såntus. St. Isidro is an exalted saint. Si Pope John Paul II tagåhlu na Såntu Påpa. Pope John Paul II was a glorious Pope. Si Pope Benedict II tagåhlu lokkui' na Såntu Påpa. Pope Benedict II is also a superb Pope. Variant: tagålu'.


Tagålu n. Filipino. Meggai Tagålu guini giya Saipan. There are many Filipinos here on Saipan. Umetyak si Ben fuminu' Tagålu. Ben learned to speak Tagålu language.


tage'ti' n. type of tree. ficus tinctoria. Måtai i trongkun tage'ti' gi lanchun‑måmi. The ficus tinctoria tree died at our farm. Bula trongkun tage'ti' gi halum tånu' siha. There are many ficus tinctoria trees in the woods. Måhluk påpa' i tage'ti' nigap. The ficus tinctoria broke down yesterday.


Tagga' name. Taga (a legendary hero). Ha dåggåo si Tagga' i trongkun niyuk huyung gi tasi. Taga' hurl the coconut tree out to the ocean. Gof metgut na tåotåo si Tagga'. Taga' was a very strong man. Variant: Taga'.


tagga' adj. flush, become blotched. Nina'atagga' i patgun ni kalenturå‑ña. The child is flushed from his fever. Gof atagga' si Leng sa' umo'mak gi tasi todu i diha. Leng was so flushed because she swam in the ocean the whole day. Umatagga' si Jenny anai ma'ågang na'ån‑ña hulu'. When Jenny's name was called, she became flushed. Variant: atagga'.


taggam vt. 1) block, interfere with, blockade. Ha kassi yu' pues hu taggam para bai hu anña. He teased me then I blocked him to beat him up. Mantinaggam hami para mågi ni ichan. We got caught in the rain on our way here. Taggam i gurupu åntis di u fanmanistotba. Block the group before they create a disturbance. 2) pick up, meet. Mataggam ham ni che'lu‑hu gi plåsan batkunairi gi paingi. My brother picked us up at the airport last night. Mataggam si Judy gi finakpu' i iskuela. Judy was picked up after school. See: pattang.


tågu' vt. command, send on errand, send as a messenger. Hu tågu' si Vince para i tenda. I sent Vince to the store. Ha tågu' yu' si Ton para bai hu fanapåsi siha ni ubligasion‑ña. Ton asked me to pay his bills. Sessu ha tågu' si Rita. Rita was often sent to do something.


tagu'a n. type of plant: gourd. lagenaria siceraria. Manaligåo si Tåta åmut tagu'a gi halumtånu'. Father searched for lagenaria siceraria medicine in the forest. Manånum si Maria tagu'a gi hatdin. Maria planted lagenaria siceraria plant in the garden. Esta håssan i amut tagu'a. The lagenaria siceraria medicine is rare.


tågu'an adj. (see tagu'un). Variant: tagu'un.


tagu'un adj. obedient, trustworthy, dependable. Tagu'un si Rosa na påtgun. Rosa is a dependable child. Tumagu'un si Peter anai malalåtdi ni atdit. Peter became obedient when he was lectured.


tågung n. shell of a crustacean which protects the main body, usually the part where the eyes are located. Manggai tågung i dengding siha. The snails have shells. Månngi' makånnu' i tagung pånglåo. It is good to eat out of the shell of the crabs. Ha na'lågu si nåna i tagung i panglåo siha. Mother cooked the shells of the crabs. Variant: tåhgung, tåhung.


tåha vt. 1) estimate, calculate. I peskadot ha tåha i presiun i gamsun. The fisherman estimated the price of the octopus. Sessu mantåha i taotåo yanggin para u famåhan matiriåt siha. The man always estimates the cost of the materials if he is going to purchase them. 2) counteract, halt, prevent. Maila' ta tåha i piligru åntis di ha fåna' hit. Let's counteract the danger before it approach us. Ma tåha i chetnut buchi sa' manmabakuna. They prevented the mumps because they were vaccinated.


tåhdung adj. deep, serious, profound. Tåhdung manhassu ennåo na tåotåo. That person is a deep thinker. Na'latahdung i hoyu para ta tånum i trongkun sibukåo. Dig the hold a bit deeper for us to plant the sibukau. Variant: tåddung.


tahgui vt. substitute, take one's place. Ma tahgui yu' gi as Ana gi hunta nigap. Ana took my place yesterday at the meeting. Ma tahgui esti na låta asta atyu na låta. This can was substituted to that can. Ta tahgui si Annette gumu'ut i tali. Let's take Annette's place to hold the rope.


Tåhket name. Target, a place at the northern coastal tip of Tinian used at a shooting range for training by the U.S. military. Mangonni' si Felix dångkulun halu'u gi Tåhket. Felix caught a big shark at Target. Kuåndu it kuåndu, ma lili'i' tuninus yan bayena gi Tåhket. Every once in a while, dolphins and whales can be seen at Target. Sen klåru påpa' i chalan pumeska gi Tåhket ginin i ma'lak i pilan. The path down to the fishing area at the Target is very clear from the moonlight.


tahlang vt. weigh (using the hand), estimate weight by using one's body, esp. with the hand or hands. I tendera ha tahlang i minakkat i siboyas. The cashier weighed the weight of the onions. Manmatahlang i guihan anai para u mabendi. The fish were weighed when they were to be sold. Matahlang ha' i presiun i gellai ni lancheru. The farmer estimated the price of the vegetables. Syn: tanteha. Variant: talang.


tahlik vt. twist. Tahlik fan esti i tampin buteya. Can you please twist this bottle cap? Para u tahlik i patgun i kannai‑ña. The child will twist his hand. Manmatahlik i tali siha ni famalåo'an.. The women twisted the ropes.


tåhtåotåo n. body, shape, form, figure, bodily nature, physical shape. Adahi måolik i tahtåotåo‑mu. Take good care of your body. Manu nai gaigi i lala'it gi tåhtåotåo? Where is the gall bladder in the body? Variant: tåtåotåo.


tåhu n. grated, rotting coconut, used for coconut crab lure. Mangåmyu si tåta niyuk para tåhun ayuyu. Father grated some coconuts as coconut crab lure. Manmapega i tahu gi kantun åtchu' ni para u fankinimbida i ayuyu. They placed the grated coconuts on the rocks to lure the coconut crabs. Machuda' i tahu ni para tåhun umang lamu'na. The rotten grated coconut spilled that is for the hermit crab lure tonight.

vi. catch fish, catch (something) with flashlight during the night. Humånåo si tåta tumåhu gi mattingan. Father went fishing on the reef. Para bai in fantåhu gi halumtånu' gi tatalu' puengi. We're going to catch crabs in the woods at midnight.

vt. cut, slice, remove. Ha tåhu si nang i mantika gi mannuk. Mother sliced off the fats on the chicken. Anai numa'lågu yu' kåtni, hu tåhu i sanhilu' gi kaddu. When I cooked meat, I removed the fat from the top of the soup.


tåhung n. shell body (of crab), carapace. Para un fama'tinas kå'hi, po'lu i sensin i panglåo gi halum i tahung. To make kå'hi, put crab meat inside the carapace. Ha na'fanfila todu i agaga' na tahung pånglåo gi bintåna. He lined up all the red crab shell bodies on the window sill. Ha na'setbi i tahung ayuyu para u po'lu i aniyu‑ña anai para u fa'gåsi kannai‑ña. He used the coconut crab carapace to put his ring on when he was about to wash his hands. Variant: tågung, tåhgung.


tai vi. not have, have none, never ending. Tai salåppi' yu'. I don't have any money Manai hanum ham gi lanchu. We don't have any water at the ranch. Tai hinekkuk i guinaiyan i saina para i patgon‑ña. The love of a parent for her child is never ending. The child has no zories. This bound verb, a stressed prefix, is written as a separate word in the orthography. It attaches to a noun that describes the thing possessed. See: gái.


tái achaigua vi. incomparable, matchless, rare, unique. Gi hinasok‑ku, tai achaigua esti na dinangkulun mahongngan. To my knowledge, the size of this lobster is rare. Tai achaigua i minåolik nanå‑hu. My mother's kindness is incomparable. Syn: tai atparehu, tai parehu. Variant: tai'achaigua.


tái asi' vi. have no pity, cruel, merciless, unkind, mean. Gof tai asi' na palåo'an ennåo. That person is merciless. Ti mafanå'guin måolik gi mañaina‑ña sa' tai asi' sensiån‑ña na tåotåo. He was not taught properly by his parents because he has a mean personality. Variant: tái'asi'.


tái bali vi. have no worth, worthless, useless. Muna' tai bali i kanai‑hu anai ma upera yu'. My hand became useless after my surgery. Tai bali para un sangåni gui' ni håfa masusedi. It is so useless to tell her about what happened. Tai bali esti na kareta sa' ti siña mangåtga. This car is useless because it cannot load anything.


tái bisiu vi. have no vices, virtuous, without habits. Gof tai bisiu si tatå‑hu. My father does not have any habits. Mantai bisiu i taotåo ya machuda' i basula gi cha'guan. The people are virtuous and emptied the trash on the grass. Tumai bisiu si Dennis gi anai hohobin låo gi anai umåmku' na gumai bisiu chumupa. Dennis had no habits when he was younger but now he has a habit of smoking when he's older.


tái che'tan (TBD) vi. have no defect. Hues, i muna'fanlibri i taotåo siha, tai che'tan na tåotåo! Judge, the liberator of the people, person without any defect! See: tái lamin.


tái chetnut vi. have no wound, uninjured, free from defect or ailment. Tai chetnut si Anicia. Anicia is free from ailment. Poddung si Tona' gi trongku ya tai chetnut. Tona' was uninjured when she fell off the tree. Ya‑ña chumotchu si Anita babarihas na nengkanu' anai mapopotgi' låo tai chetnut i neni anai mafañågu. Anita liked to eat unhealthy foods when she was pregnant but the baby was free from any defects.


tái chi' vi. limitless, forever, vast. Tai chi' i minåolek‑mu nu guåhu. Your kindness to me has no limit. Gof tai chi' i nina'siñå‑ña i amigå‑hu gi bandan inayudan cho'chu'. My friend's strength is limitless when it comes to work.. Variant: tai chi.


tái chilung vi. have no equal, matchless, peerless. Tumai chilung i balin i pigas yan i sinahguan‑ña. The price of the rice is matchless with its content. Tai chilung i oru kontra i di'amånti. The gold is matchless to the diamond. Tai chilung i guinaiyan nåna kontra i guinaiyan asagua. The love of a mother is peerless to the love of a spouse.


tái ekspirensia vi. have no experience, inexperienced, unskilled. Mapput makonni' håo gi che'chu' yanggin tai ekspirensia håo. It is tough for you to be hired if you have no experience. Tai ekspirensia yu' gi bånda che'chu' ufisina. I'm inexperienced in the office job. Tai ekspirensia si Tom gi bandan makinista kareta. Tom is inexperienced in the auto mechanics. Variant: tai'ekspirensia.


tái finakpu' vi. have no end, endless, infinite. Yanggin kumåtim si Helen gof tai finakpu'. When Helen cries it's endless. Yanggin bumibik i kutneta, tai finakpu'. When the trumpet beepsm it is infinity. Tai finakpu' i patgun yanggin kumåti. When the child cries it is endless. Syn: tái hinekkuk, tái uttimu.


tái finatai vi. immortal, undying. Mamaisin i patgun kåo tai finatai i anti‑ta. The child asked if our soul is immortal. Hu bokbuk måolik todu i cha'guan låo kalan man tai finatai. I dug up the grass very well but it seemed like it never dies.


tái ga'chung n. solitary, isolated, alone. Tai ga'chung gi lina''‑ña. His life has been a solitary one. Josepha was solitary all her life. Tai ga'chung håo gi baila? You don't have a partner at the dance?


tái ganas vi. lack appetite, have no desire for food. Tai ganas i neni gumimin letchi. The baby has no appetite to drink milk. Tai ganas yu' chumotchu sa' kalentura yu'. I have no desire to eat because I have a fever. Esta tai ganas yu' manarekla gi halum guma' sa' manhåhalum ha' ni deggan‑ñiha. I have no desire to clean the house because they come in with their footwear. Tumái ganas i patgun anai malångu. The child had no appetite when he was sick. Tumái ganas i bihu sa' inatditi ni malinik ulu. The old man became nauseated because of a migraine headache.


tái guailayi vi. have no reason, unfit, useless, in vain. Tai guailayi ha' na para u dekka' i chenchun abeha ya ha na'fanmalågu todu. It was useless that he had poked the bee hive for he made the bees move away. Ilek‑ña si nåna na tai guailayi na u utut i trongkun chotda. The mother said that it was useless me to chop down the banana tree Masangåni na tai guailayi na u afa'måolik yan i pumalu siha na tåotåo put i mabidå‑ña. They told her it is is useless to reconcile with the other people due to what they have done to her. Variant: tuguailayi, tiguailayi.


tái gueku (TBD) vi. solid, not hollow. Esti na håyu tai gueku ni para bai hu huluk. This wood is not hollow that I could break it. Tai gueku esti na håyu. This wood is not hollow. Tumai gueku i tapbla. The plywood is not hollow.


tái ha'ani vi. have no (expiration) date, undated. Esti na fektus tai ha'ani. This product has no expiration date. Tai ha'ani i taotåo ni måtai. A dead person ran out of time. Tai ha'ani iya putgatoriu. Purgatory is perpetual.


tái hinassu vi. lacking in thought, unaware, thoughtless, ignorant. Kalan mampus tai hinassu ennåo i bidåda‑mu nu hami. It seems like what you are doing to us is very thoughtless. Ti debi di in fantai hinassu put i ginagagåo na areklamentu, sa' esta tåntu di manmafanå'gui hamyu. You should not be ignorant what is required in the regulation because you have been instructed often repeatedly. 2) innocent. Tai hinassu esti na påtgun sa' ti mangumprerendi trabiha. This child is innocent because she has yet to understand things. Variant: inusenti.


tái hinekkuk vi. have no end, timeless, endless, infinite. I langit tai hinekkuk. The heaven is endless. I råya tai hinekkuk. The line is infinite. I tiningu' tai hinekkuk gi lina'la' tåotåo. Learning is a lifetime process in life.


tái inadahi vi. have no care, reckless, careless. Tai inadahi gi bandan salåppi'. She is careless with money. Tai inadahi ni sinigogong‑ña ya esta ma presu. His reckless driving landed him in prison. I kunsintidot na tåotåo tai inadahi. A person that is too consenting has no care. Variant: taihinadahi, tai'inadahi.


tái inangokku vi. independent, does not rely on something/someone. Tai inangokku ennåo na tåotåo. She is an independent person. Tai inangokku yu' nu håyiyi ha'. I am not dependent on anyone. I familian‑niha mantai inangokku nu siha mismu. Their family does not rely even among themselves. Variant: tai'inangokku.


tái ine'sun vi. does not get bored, forbearing. Sen tai ine'sun yu' umekunguk put kutturan Chamorro. I am never bored listening about Chamorro culture. Manhånåo todu, låo unu sumåga, sa' tai ine'sun manayuda. Everyone but one stayed behind because she does not get bored helping. Variant: tai'ine'sun.


tái intires vi. have no interest, impartial, fair. Tai intires yu' ni guinahan i mañaina‑hu. I have no interest in my parents' assets. Manggof tai intires i famagu'un Susana ni gima' difunta Mary. Susana's children have no interest on the late Mary's house. Tai intires si Jose ni mambunitan famalåo'an. Jose is impartial of beautiful women.


tái isåo vi. have no sin, innocent, guiltless. Tumai isåo si Jordan ni pineddung i neni. Jordan is innocent with respect to the fall of the baby. Tai isåo si Denise gi masåkkin i ruedan kareta siha. Denise is innocent about the stolen car tires. Tumai isåo yu' sa' esta kumonfisat yu' gi as Påli'. I've confessed to the priest and I am guiltless .


tái kinalamtin vi. have no movement, no progress, idle, lacking energy or effort. Tumai kinalamtin i prugråman iskuela put tåya' para ufan mamanå'gui. Due to the lack of teachers, the school program did not progress. Lalålu' yu' ni che'lu‑hu sa' tai kinalamtin ni para u na'gåsgas i gima'. I was upset with my sibling because there was no effort to clean the house. Ti siña manggo'ti i agapa' na kannai‑hu, sa' tai kinalamtin disdi mafañagu‑hu. I cannot hold with my right hand, because it has had no sensation since I was born.


tái lamin vi. have no defect, without impurity. Gi Nubenan La Purisima, si Sånta Maria makunsidera kumu tai lamin na palåo'an. In the La Purisima Novena, the Blessed Mary is considered to be a pure woman. See: tái che'tan.


tái ma'a'ñao (TBD) vi. having no fear; brave; fearless. I båtbaru na tåotåo tai ma'añåo. A brave person has no fear. I katpitan tai ma'añåo gi halum båba na tåsi. A captain has no fear in rough water. I subetbiu na påtgun tai ma'añåo makastiga. An insolent child has no fear being punished.


tái mancha vi. have no stain, spotless, faultless, pure. I a'paka' na såbanas tai mancha. The white sheet is spotless. Tåya' tåotåo tai mancha. No one is faultless.


tái minaguf vi. lack happiness, sad, full of grief. Tai minaguf i patgun gi iskuela. The student is not happy at school. Mantai minaguf i implehåo put i ma'utut i oran i hutnaleru siha. The employees are not happy as their hours have been cut. Tai minaguf disdi finatai nanå‑ña. She hasn't been happy since her mother passed on.


tái minaolik vi. have no use, good for nothing, useless. I lamas fruta tai minåolik. Rotten fruits are useless. Tai minåolik masangån‑ña i lina''‑ña. Nothing good can be said about his life. Tai minåolik i plånu sa' tåya' salåppi'. The plan is not useful as there is no funding for it.


tái ninangga vi. impatient; unable to wait. Si nåna tai ninangga na ogga'an. Mother was impatient this morning. I tiempu tai ninangga. Time waits for no one. I lina'la' na tiempu, tai ninangga para i manmanman. Life today has no patience for those that are slow.


tái parehu vi. have no equal, unique, incomparable, matchless, incommensurable, cannot be compared with anything else. Tai parehu bunitå‑ña si Princess Diana. Princess Diana's beauty is incomparable. Gof taiparehu i lussos‑ña si Andre yan si Hondo. Andre's snore cann't be compared to Hondo's. Tai parehu i minaolik Isa yan si Tina. Isa and Tina's goodness is incomparable. I floris bunitu tai parehu gi halum hatdin. The flower was beautiful and was unlike any other in the garden. I yo'asi' na kurason tai parehu yan ottru. A kind and passionate heart is unlike any other. Tai parehu i lina'la' åntis yan på'gu. Life then is nothing like today. See: tai atparehu.


tái presiu vi. priceless; having no indication as to value. I fektus gi tienda tai presiu. The commodities at the store did not have prices. I amestan tåotåo tai presiu. Relationships amongst people are priceless. I tiningo'‑mu tai presiu. Your knowledge is priceless.


tái punta (TBD) vi. have no point, obtuse, dull. Tai punta i lapes‑su. My pencil is dull. Ma'utut i machitek‑ku ya tai punta. My machete broke and has no point. I ramentan peska måhluk ya tai punta. My fishing gear broke and now has no sharp point. I aridondu na kosas, tai punta. Rounded objects do not have pointed ends. Tai punta i lapes‑su. My pencil is unsharpened and has no pointed end. Tai punta i machetti sa' ma'utut. My machete has been cut and has no pointed end.


tái rimediu vi. have no solution, unsolvable, incurable, worthless. Kumplikåo i prublema ya tai rimediu para masåtba. The problem has become complicated and is now unsolvable. Tai remediu i chetnut i patgun. The illness of the child has no cure. Mana'hånåo i malångu sa' tai remediu guini na espitåt. The patient was sent off because there was nothing that could be done at this hospital. Hita fuma'tinas dångkulu na kumplikasion gi gubetnamentu ya tai remediu esta. We created a very complicated government system and it seems there is no resolution to it. Songgi i maninanai na håyu sa' esta tai rimediu. Burn the termite infested lumber as they are now worthless.


tái rispetu vi. have no respect, disrespectful, impolite, rude, have no manners. Tai rispetu na påtgun. The child is impolite. Gof tai rispetu i che'lu‑hu nu guåhu. My sibling has no respect for me. Tai rispetu i difendånti, pues madulalak ni hues. The defendant was very rude and was dismissed by the judge.


tái sabut vi. tasteless, have a bland taste, have no personality; boring (of a person). Nåyiyi asiga i kaddom‑mu, sa' tai sabut. Add salt to your soup because it is bland. Bula na klåsin nå'yi para u månngi' i tai sabut na boka. There are many flavoring to make to bland foods taste good. Ai na gof tai sabut ennåo na tåotåo. Oh dear! This guy is very boring.


tái saga vi. have no place, homeless. Tai saga i mannuk. The chicken has no place. Tai saga yu' ni para bai hu maigu'. I don't have a place to sleep. Tai saga i rilihon gi halum gubetnamientu. Religion has no place in the government.


tái salappi' vi. have no money, penniless, poor, lacking funds. Tai salappi' i kumpaniha. The company is broke. Tai salappi' na kåha. The cash register has no funds. Tai salappi' yu' ya umayåo yu' gi bangku para bai apåsi i kuentåk‑ku. I was broke and I had to borrow money from the bank to pay my account.


tái setbi vi. have no use, useless. Tai setbi na kareta, sa' mayulang. It is a useless car, because it is broken. Tai setbi i lepblu, sa' ti un taitai. The book is useless, because you did not read it. Tai setbi i kantidån implehåo, sa' ti nahung cho'chu'. The number of employees was useless, as there was not enough work to do.


tái sintidu (TBD) vi. have no feelings, insensitive, unsympathetic, cold (in relationships). Tai sintidu ennåo na kustumbrin påtgun. This child's character has no sensitivity. Tai sintidu na tåotåo gi manmalångu. He is insensitive to those who are sick. Tai sintidu gi bandan kutturan Chamorro. There is no sensitivity to the Chamorro culture.


tái tiningu' vi. have no knowledge, unaware, clueless. Ti tai tiningu' na' tai interes. It is not that he is not aware but he is not interested. Tai tiningu' put hafa masåsangan put guiya. She is clueless as what they are saying about her. Taimanu na un tungu' na tai tiningu' håo put esti na asuntu? How did you know that you have no knowledge about this issue?


tái uttimu vi. have no end, endless, infinite. Tai uttimu i kuentos‑ña. His talking was endless. Tai uttimu i guinaiyan‑ña. Her love is infinite. Humånåo si Tång sa' ha sienti na kalan tai uttimu i tinaitai. Dad left because he felt the prayer was endless. Syn: tai finakpu', tai hinekkuk.


tai'ai vt. put out to dry, hang clothes to dry, dry up, make dry, dry. Manmatai'ai todu i magågu sa' manfotgun. The clothes were dried out because they were all wet. Manmantatai'ai i famagu'un fotgun lepblu siha. The children are drying out wet books. Ha nisisita i sabanas manmatai'ai gi semnak. The blankets need to be dried out on the sun. See: tåla'.


taia' n. tire (of a vehicle), rubber tire. Humånåo si Gabby mamåhan taia' gi Joeten Motors. Gabby went to buy a tire at Joeten Motors. Esta gof båba i taia' i bisikletå‑hu. The tires of my bicycle are really worn out. Påkpak i taia' i tråk basula gi chalan nigap. The tire of the garbage truck busted on the road yesterday.




taiguailayi adj. irrelevant. Esta mås ki nahung ayudu pues taiguailayi mås para på'gu. There is more than enough support so more is irrelevant at this time.


taiguennåo vi. that is the way (something is done), that is how, that is why, that is the reason (referring to addressee). Taiguennåo kulot‑ña i karetå‑hu i karetå‑mu. That color on your car is the same as that color on my car. Taiguennåo un cho'gui yanggin mafaisin håo. That is the way to do it when you are asked. Ti taiguennåo na taiguini. It's not like that, but like this. See: ennåo na.


taigui1 vi. not present, disappeared. Taigui i katu. The cat is not around. Håyi taigui gi hunta? Who was absent at the meeting? Tumaigui i patgun anai ma'aliligåo gi gima'. The child disappeared when they were looking for him in the house.


taiguihi vi. that is the way (something is done), that is how, that is why, that is the reason (referring to a third person or persons). Tumaiguihi i macho'guen‑ña i bunuelus. That was the way the dougnuts are done. Taiguihi masugon‑ña i karetan guaka. That's the way the bull cart is driven. See: atyu na. Variant: taigui.


taiguini vi. this is how, this is the way (something is done), this is why, this is the reason (referring to speaker). Tumaiguini macho'gui i ensalådan batåtas. This was the way the potato salad is done. Taiguini malåksi i katsunis låhi. This is how you sew the men's pants. See: esti na.


táilayi adj. cruel, hostile, harmful, unkind. Mungnga i tailayi na sensia. Don't be unkind. Ha sungun todu i tailayi na ma' bidå‑ña. She endured all the hostility toward her. Yanggin tailayi håo, tåya' afa'måolek‑mu. When you are unkind, you will have no one to be friends and at peace with.


Taimanao name. family name.


taimanu adv. how (interrogative adverb). Håfa taimanu na ta upus i palåbra? How did we skip the word? Håfa taimanu para bai na'fanafakcha' i palåbra? How do I align those words together? Håfa taimanu ta adilånta i lina'la' gi tanu'? How do we improve the quality of life in this world? Variant: håfa taimanu.


Taimanglo name. Chamorro surname. Håsan esta ta li'i' esti na apuyidu gi taotåo Chamorro. It is now rare to see this surname among Chamorros.


Taisacan name. family name.


Taisague name. Chamorro surname. Aputyidun Chamorro esti i Taisague, Taitano, yan Taimanåo. Taisague, Taitano and Taimanao are Chamorro surnames.


taitai vt. read. I ma'estra ha taitai i lepblu. The teacher read the book. Matågu' i patgun para u fanaitai låo ti ha tungu' håfa para u taitai. The child was asked to read but he did not know what to read. Taitai yan kumprendi i infotmasion åntis di un såonåo dumibåti. Read and understand the information before you participate in the debate.


Taitano name. family name.


Taitingfong name. family name.


ták- (from: ták) pref. very, too. Dimasiåo takfe'na i manamigu‑mu siha. Your friends are too forward. Takfe'na i hinassun i manåmku'. The elders are foward-thinking people. Taklayu' yan taklalu' dimasiåo na biha. The old lady is too sensitive and irritable. See: .


taka'1 vt. reach, achieve, arrive at, made it to, reach into, probe. Kahulu gi siya para u taka' i kandit. He climbed on the chair to reach the lightbulb. Ha taka' si nåna i mina'nobenta åñus na kompliaños‑ña. Mother her ninetieth birthday. Ti nahung edukasion, pues makkat ha taka' i puntun i dibåti. There is not enough knowledge, therefore it is difficult for him to get the point in the debate. Taka' hålum i kestat kåo guaguaha ha' soblan laguana. Reach into the sack if there are still some soursop left.


takfiha vt. give extra effort to, move on to do (something) despite difficulty. Makkat esti na cho'chu' låo ha takfiha muna'funhåyan. The work is difficult but she pushed on and finished it. I komiti ma takfiha umistudiåyi i lina'la' ansiånu na manChamorru. The committee made extra effort to study the ancient life of the Chamorro. Si tång ha takfiha muna'funhåyan guinassån‑ña. Dad pushed on and finished weeding. Kubåtdi låo ha takfiha gi hinanåo‑ña.


tákgagåo adj. one who tends to beg. Takgagåo sa' hagas ti masuetdu. She tends to beg because she has not have an income for a while. Masuhåyi sa' takgagåo salåppi' para chupa. He is avoided because he tends to beg money for cigarettes. See: gakgåo.


tákhalum adj. deep inside; way inside. Variant: tákkalum.


tákhilu' adj. high, in a high place, eminent. Takhilu' mampus i hinassosom‑mu put hågu mismu. You opinion about yourself is too high. Ha na'takhilu' i rispetu para i manåmku' siha. She had a high respect for the elderly. Pega i litråtu gi latakhilu'. Place the picture at a higher place. Variant: tákkilu'.


tákhiyung adj. near the outside (of something), slightly outside or beyond (a structure). Hålum sa' kalan takhiyung håo mampus ya ti siña manhunguk klåru. Come in because you are rather far and you won't hear clearly. Muna'takhiyung i taotåo sa' applacha' i deggan‑ña. The person was a bit outside because his footwear is dirty. Na'takhiyung ennåo i kalåhi ya u chåhlåo i hanum uchan. Move the basin outside a bit so that it can catch rain water. Variant: tákkiyung.


tåki' n. feces. Bula tåki' ga'lågu gi hiyung guma'. There are lots of dogs feces in the yard. Guaha tinanun mafananna'an tåki' biha. There is an herbal medicine called old lady's feces.


tåki' biha n. type of plant: candle bush, used for treating ringworm. Senna alata. Asentådu i taki'biha put i ma'lak amariyu flores‑ña. The candle bush is an attractive plant due to its bright yellow blossoms. Ti mapput ma tanum taki'biha ginin simiya. It is easy to plant candle bush from seed. Fan utut råmas taki'biha para bai lomukki amut si nåna. Cut me a branch of candle bush to pound medicine for mother.


tåki' gå'ga' n. manure. Mafa'abonu i taki' gå'ga'. Manure was used as fertilizer. I taki' gå'ga' ginin i mannuk mås måolik na abonun floris. Chicken manure is one of the best fertilizers for flowering plants.


tåki' luluk n. pieces or dust of rust from iron metal. Mannuebu ennåo siha na luluk, pues ti debi di u guaha tåki' luluk. Those are new nails so there should be no rust. Ti siña ma'usa i ramenta sa' puru tåki' luluk esta. The tools can no longer be used as they are rusty already.


tåki' uchan n. green or slightly transparent moss normally found in wet and soggy areas. Bula tåki' uchan gi halum tånu'. There are lots of moss in the jungle. Måolik i taki' uchan para i tinanum floris. Moss is good for the flowers. I taki' uchan ha na'frefresku i tinanum. Moss keeps the plants moist and cool.


takka' vt. feel one's way around in the dark, grope, search blindly, reach for. Takka' i dångis gi hilu' tapblita. Feel the candles on the shelf. Hu takka' i salappe'‑hu gi betsåk‑ku. I felt for my money in my pocket. Takka' fan i rason kåo måolik. Explore the reasoning if agreeable.


tákkalum adj. 1) deep inside; way inside. Takkalum dimasiåo si Ramon gi halum liyang. Ramon is too deep inside the cave. I hinassom‑mu put i lingguåhin natibun Mariånas takkalum guatu gi para malingu‑ña. Your thoughts about the native language of the Marianas are more toward its eventual disappearance. 2) 

vi. come inside or toward a place. Takhalum mågi sa' i ichan. Come inside because of the rain. Takhalum ya ta fansena. Do come inside and we will have dinner. Variant: tákhalum.


tákkilu' adj. high, in a high place, eminent. Tatkilu' i atuf i gima'. The roof of the house is too high. Ti hu hagu' i kahit gi trongku sa' dimasiåo tatkilu'. I can't reach the oranges as they are too high up on the tree. I ideha‑mu gi esti na klåsin kuentas dimasiåo takkilu' ya i istudiånti ti ma hagu' ma kumprendi. You ideas on this particular math is much too high for the students to comprehend. Variant: tátkilu', tákhilu'.


tákkiyung adj. near the outside (of something), slightly outside or beyond (a structure). Hålum sa' kalan takhiyung håo mampus ya ti siña manhunguk klåru. Come in because you are rather outside (something like a door), and you won't hear clearly. Muna'takhiyung si Jose sa' applacha' i deggan‑ña. Jose is (lingering) outside because his footwear is dirty. Na'takhiyung ennåo i kalåhi ya u chåhlåo i hanum uchan. Move the basin a bit to the outside so that it can catch rainwater. Variant: tákhiyung.


takkuang n. pickled white radish, dyed yellow. Ya‑ña si nang takkuang. Mom likes yellow pickled white radish. I takkuang ha na'måma'hu yu'. Pickled white radish makes me thirsty. I takkuang ginin i masumai na daigu'. Takkuang is pickled white radish. Variant: takkuang.


táklalu' adj. easily agitated; prone to anger, hot-tempered. Nina' taklalu' ni malangu‑ña. Her illness made her prone to anger. I maestråk‑ku dimasiåo taklalu'. The teacher gets upset easily.


tákleffa adj. forgetful. Esta åmku' låo ti takleffa. She's already old but is not forgetful. Tumatakleffa yu' sa' dimasiåo meggai para bai hu atendi. I am getting forgetful because I have so much to attend to.


takmi adj. contagious. Ti takmi esti i putin tuyan. Stomach pain is not contagious. Mantatakmi sarampion, buchi, yan sågu yan bitguelas. Measles, mumps, colds, and chicken pox are contagious.


takmi' vi. bed wetter; urinate frequently. Yanggin yayas si Jesus, takmi' gi maigo'‑ña. When Jesus is exhausted, he can be a bedwetter. Takmi' i ga'‑hu ga'lågu sa' malångu. My pet dog often urinate because he is ill. I mediku ti siña ha kumprendi håfa si Carmen na takmi' esta kinsi åñus. The doctor couldn't understand why Carmen wets her bed up to her fifteenth year.


takpångi vt. baptize, christen, name. I pali' ha takpångi i neni. The priest baptized the baby. Si Susana ha takpångi si Maria as Marian Kamuti. Susana named Maria as Sweet Potato Maria. I kunggresu yan i kunsiliu ma disidi para ma takpångi i lugåt as Plasan Chamorrun Ansiånu. The congress and the council decided to name the park as Ancient Chamorro Park.


tákpapa'1 adj. low; lacking height, lacking. Takpapa' i kisamin i gima'. The ceiling of the house is low. Takpapa' i kinimprendi put ikunumihan Mariånas. The understanding about the economy in the Marianas is low. I ma'gas ha na'takpapa' gui' ya ha na'fo'na i intires pupbliku. The leader lowered himself and put the interest of the people first.


taktak vt. 1) tap, knock. Båsta mataktak i liga sa' kumeke'maigu' i neni. Stop hitting the post, the baby is trying to sleep. Taktak i la'uya siha kosa ki u fanpinangun i istudiånti siha. Start hitting the pots and pans so that they will wake up the students. I maestra ha taktak i ilun i patgun sa' dimasiåo aguaguat. The teacher knocked the child's head as he was being very naughty. 2) mince, chop, cut up into slices.


tåktak vi. tap, knock. Tåktak i petta yangin para un fan dåkkut. Tap the door if you are going to knock.

n. tapping sound, knocking sound. U hunguk un biåhi ha' na tåktak gi petta. I only heard one knocking sound on the door. See: talåktak.


taktamudu adj. dumb, stupid. Ai sa' fina'na'an as tåta tattamudu. Oh my goodness, dad called him an idiot. Kulan che'chu' tattamudu ennåo i kada mapåsa i lai, ma'amenda gi sigenti notchi. It seems idiotic that laws are passed only to be amended the following night. Variant: tattamudu.


takuan n. pickled white radish. I takkuan ha na'måma'hu yu'. Pickled radish makes me thirsty. I takkuang ginin i masumai na daigu'. Pickled radish comes from curing the radish over time. Variant: takkuang.


tåkung n. 1) heel (of shoe). Si nåna ya‑ña tatkilu' na tåkung sapåtus. My mom likes high heeled shoes. Mayulang i takung sapatos‑su. The heels of my shoes are broken. 2) back part (of the coconut crab). Mantika na tåkung ayuyu. The back part of the coconut crab is full of fats.


takuri n. kettle, used esp. for boilng water for tea or coffee. Na'maipi i hanum gi takuri para chå. Boil the water in the teapot for tea. Ha irensia yu' si Nåna takuri. I inherited a teapot from Mom.


tåkus vt. punch, hit, inflict harm or injury, strike, whack. Ha tåkus i lahi anai nina'mamåhlåo gi me'nan tåotåo. He punched the man when the man humiliated him in front of people. I dos påtgun mumu ya umatakus. The two kids fought and struck each other. I dibåti gi pisun kunggresista dumiduk ya matåkus i ispikadot. The debate on the legislative floor was intense and the speaker was punched.


tåla' vt. dry out (something); hang (something) to dry under the sun. Tåla' i katnin fresku åntis di un fa'tinas. Dry out the fresh meat before you cook it. Si nang ha ingkola i pañålis åntis di u hinagua, pues ha tåla'. Mom soaked the diapers before rinsing, then hung them to dry. Tåla' i mamis lemmai para essuk. Dry the ripe breadfruit under the sun to make chips.


tala'yuk vi. hop, jump, skip. I istudiånti manmafa'nå'gui mantala'yuk. The students were taught to jump. I kumiti ma disidi para u mana'tala'yuk si Deborah sa' takfe'na dimasiåo hinasson‑ña. The committee has decided to jump Deborah because her thinking skills are very advanced. Sigi i manåmku' mantala'yuk para u faninayuda hinemlu'‑ñiha. The elderly were hopping to help with their health.


talak n. grooved cone-shaped sinker. I guelok‑ku mås ya‑ña i talak na para manfondu. My grandfather prefer the grooved cone-shaped sinker. Gi prisienti ti ma u'usa esta talak. At present, grooved cone-shaped sinkers are no longer used. I manantigu na Chamorro ma u'usa talak para u fondu i kutdet‑ñiha. The ancient Chamorro used the grooved cone-shaped weight as their sinker for the fishing line.


talak- (from: talak‑) pref. face in a certain direction. Talakme'na ya un fåna' yu', Matua. Matua, turn around and face me. Bira håo ya un na'talakmågi i tatalo'‑mu. Turn around and have your back face me. I hinassun i kumitin hinemlu, ha disidi na u mana'talakkåttan i bintåna gi planun i nuebu na hospitåt. The Health Committee decided to have the windows facing east in the design of the new hospital. Attached to locational nouns or directional nouns.


talaksan vt. cut down (raw trees). Hu talaksan todu i trongkun lemmun china gi uriyan i gimå'‑hu sa' gof kalåktus i tituka'‑ña ya piligru para i famagu'un. I cut down all the lemmun china trees around my house because the thorns are sharp and dangerous for the children. Syn: utut påpa', kåtyun.


talåktak n. rattling or clanging sound. Un hunguk i talåktak gi kareta? Do you hear the rattling sound in the car? Tåya' esta nai in hinguk talåktak karetan guaka på'gu na tiempu. We never hear the rattling sound of the bull cart these days.

vi. tapped for noise or sound purposes; rattle, clang. I famagu'un ma na'talåktak i lata siha anai masilelebra i Añu Nuebu. The kids tapped the tin cans when they were celebrating New Year's. Na'fantalåktak i lata siha para u sinigun i birak siha. Tap the tin cans to drive the ghosts away. Mantalålaktak i satten sa' manhålum i chå'ka gi kusina. The pots were clanging because the rats got into the kitchen.


talang vt. weigh. Kada ayuyu debi di matalang kosa ki siña madititmina kåo siña esta makonni'. Every coconut crab caught must be weighed to determine if it can be taken. Talang kada pidåsun kåtni ya u manå'yi presiu. Weigh each piece of meat so we can put a price on them. Manmatalang todu produktu para mabendi gi metkåo. All the produce was weighed for sale at the market. Variant: tahlang.


talanga n. ear. Yan‑ñiha i Chamorru talangan guaka gi flitåda. Chamorros like beef ears in flitåda dish. Ti siña manhunguk i patgun gi agapa' na talanga. The child cannot hear with her right ear. Umessalåo gi fi'on‑hu låo hu tampi talanga‑hu. He yelled next to me but I covered by ears.

vi. twist or pull the ear. Ha talanga i patgun anai inila'gui. She pulled the child's ear when the child stuck her tongue at her.


talangan håyu n. type of fungi, dark brownish and jelly like texture, wood ear. Auriculariaceae. Gotpi manhuyung i talangan håyu anai umatdit i ichan gi paingi. The wood ear fungi suddenly sprouted when there was a heavy rainfall last night. Guaha nai ma kema i talangan håyu yan otru siha na' fina' golai para senan måmi. We sometimes saute wood ear fungi with other vegetables for dinner. Bulan talangan håyu mana'akalayi' gi lamas håyu gi halum tånu'. There are lots of wood ear fungi dangling from the rotten stumps in the forest. This fungus usually attaches to decayed wood and looks just like a human ear; it is often found on dead tree trunks.


talangan hulu n. roll of thunder, bolt of lightning; after a storm, disorders of thickets or woods are attributed to it. Anåkkuku' talangan hulu anai påpakyu. The thunder rolled for a long time during the typhoon. Ti hu hunguk i talangan hulu sa' tåtdung maigo'‑hu. I did not hear the roll of thunder because I was deep asleep.


talåpia n. type of fresh-water fish, originally imported from the Philippines. tilapia (genus). Ginin mane'tupak ham talåpia gi Sadduk Susupi. We used to fish for talapia at Lake Susupe. Månngi' i talåpia yanggin ma'aflitu gi lañan niyuk. Tilapia is tasty when fried in coconut oil. Variant: tilapia.


talåpus n. rags. Lampåsu i satgi ni talåpus. Mop the floor with the rags. Mama'talåpus i magagu‑hu. My clothes turned to rags. From: Sp. harapos.


talåya n. fishing net. Håfa na klåsin talåya ennåo? What kind of fishing net is that? Si Juan ha fa'nå'gui yu' mandåggåo talåya. Juan taught me how to cast the fishing net.

vt. catch with a fishing net. Matalåya i i'i' gi tasi. The i'i' were caught with the fishing net.


talayan fakkut n. netfishing at night without the aid of light or torch. Måolik mandåggåo gi talåyan fakkut. He is good in casting fishing net in the dark. Nisisita un dimimoria i figuran i tasi åntis di un dåggåo i talayan fakkut. You must memorize the movement of the water before you cast the fishing net in the dark.

vi. go netfishing at night without the aid of light or torch. Manhånåo si Tang yan si Napu mantalåyan fakkut. Dad and Napu went net fishing in the dark.


talåyan mañåhak n. throw net with very fine mesh, used for catching small fish inside the reef particularly young juvenile rabbit fish. Ma chule'guan i yokku talåyan mañåhak. My throw net for rabbit fish was taken away by someone.


talåyan ti'åo n. throw net with small holes and small lead sinkers. Gåtdun i talåyan ti'åo gi kulåling. The throw net for ti'åo got tangled in the coral. Tumalåyan ti'åo si tåta sa' ha tåtanga si nåna anistukun ti'åo. Father went net casting for ti'åo because mother is craving for salted ti'åo.


talayeru n. fisherman who uses a throwing net, one who fishes with a throwing net. Mandanña' i talayeru para u fantalåyan mañahak. The fishermen who use throwing nets got together to catch juvenile rabbit fish. Gef åtman na lancheru yan talayeru si tihu‑hu. My uncle is a long time farmer and fisherman with throwing net.


talentu n. talent, ability.

adj. brainy, smart, intelligent. Mantalentu esti siha na famagu'un. These children are talented. Ti ha na'a'annuk i talenton‑ña sa' yomahlåo. She is not showing her talent because she is shy. See: tomtum, intelihenti, malåti'.


tåli n. rope, twine. Hålla mågi dossi pie na tåli ya bai hu gotdi kontra i trongkun haga'te'lang. Pull toward me twelve feet of twine so that I will tie it around the haga'te'lang tree. Si bihu‑hu ha yiyiluluk i piñut para u fama'tåli. My grandfather rolls the coconut husk to make twine. Nina'bubu i kapitan båtku sa' todu gåtdun i talin ångkla. The ship captain was furious because the rope for the anchor was all tangled up.


tålin guaka n. whip made from bull tail. Ha kana' si tang i talin guaka para bai in li'i'. Father hung the bull whip for us to see


tålin manåla' n. clothesline. I talin manåla' bula nu i magågun i lalåhi. The clothesline is full of boys' clothes.


talisai n. type of tree: Indian almond (bears nuts). terminalia catappa. Tifi', hokka, tåla, pues atcha i talisai para ta kånnu'. Pick from the tree, gather, dry under the sun, then crack the talisai for us to eat. Ma u'usa para åmut i hagun yan i puntan råmas talisai. The leaf and the tips of the talisai stem are used for medicine. Mantinemba todu i trongkun talisai gi sagan‑måmi ni pakyun Saudelur gi ma'pus na såkkan. Typhoon Saudelur toppled all the talisai trees at our place.


talisai gånu n. type of plant. terminalia litoralis (?).


talisåya n. type of chicken: with yellow feathers.


Talofo'fo' name. name of a place in northeast Saipan, name of a village in southern Guam, sometimes spelled Talofofo. Guaha lugåt mafana'an Talofo'fo' giya Guåhan yan giya Saipan. There are places named Talofofo in Guam and in Saipan. Mano'mak yan manmangonni' ham uhang giya Talofo'fo'. We swam and we collected shrimps at Talofofo. Åntis i familian‑måmi manpaståhi yan mangguålu' giya Talofo'fo'. In the past, our family rasied cattle and planted crops at Talofo'fo'.


talu' n. center, central point of anything. I patgun gi agaga' katsunis gaigi gi talu' na lucha. The child in red pants is at the center of the line. Ha danchi i talu' gi asuntu sa' menhalum. She got the central point of the issue because she is knowledgeable. See: sentru.


talu'åni (MB ends here) n. afternoon, noon. Sessu matuhuk yanggin talu'åni. He usually becomes drowsy in the afternoon. Åntis di talu'åni, rega todu i tinanum. Water the plants before noon.


talu'guan n. eating at midday. Ngai'an na chumotchu håo? Gi kanuguan, talu'guan, pat piniguan? When did you eat? Early in the morning, midday or in the evening?


tálulu' (TH starts here and ends at tanganu) n. bullseye, right on the spot. Tálulu' gi manu i ma'a'ta. Right on the bullseye. Talulu' un danchi håfa kumeke'ilek‑ku. You got my meaning right on the spot. Na'talulu' i aligi kuntra i liga. Place the lumber right in the center of the wall.


Tålung n. nickname for Gonzalo.


tamålis n. type of dessert made from root crops or bananas, which are ground, sweetened, wrapped in banana leaves or foil, and steamed. Fåhna i tamålis gi tendan Tan Esco sa' gof månngi'. Mrs. Esco's tamales are marketable because they are delicious. Bula preparasion‑ña esti i mama'tinas tamålis. Making tamales takes a lot of preparation. Manmaplånta todu klåsin tamålis gi giput. They served all kinds of tamales at the party. See: tamålis chotda, tamålis mendioka, tamålis suni.


tamålis gisu n. type of corn tamale, one half spicy and the other half plain. Gof fåhna esti i tamålis gisu. Tamålis gisu is very sellable. Guaha na gai mantika i tamålis gisu. At times tamales gisu is oily. Ya‑hu todu klåsin tamålis: tamålis gisu, tamålis mendioka, aga', tamålis suni. I like all kinds of tamales: tamålis gisu, tapioca tamales, banana, taro tamales.


tamålis mendioka n. type of tamales, made of tapioca.


tamanegi' n. onion (round bulb). Tåya' adai tamanegi' låo guaha siboyas lila. It happens that there are no round onions but there are red onions. Nina'kåti ni tamanegi'. The onion made her cry. Mapput mandokku' i tamanegi' guini giya Saipan. It is difficult to grow round onions here in Saipan. Variant: tamanengi'. From: Jp.


tåmbu' n. unit of measurement, approximately 1,000 sq. meters (Saipan). Dies tåmbu' hu nisisita para paståhi. I need ten tåmbu for pasture land. From: Jp.


tåmbut n. drum. Manisisita i tambut na ramienta gi musiku The drum instrument is needed in the band group. Hu fa' tåmbut i låtan biskuchu. I used the biscuit can as a drum.


tåmma' n. (ball) bearing, marbles (Saipan). Kallu i tamma' gi karetå‑hu. The bearing on the car was loose. Para u guaha huegun tåmma' gi Betnis guatu gi gima' arirondu. There will be marble games this Friday, at the round house. Guaha na'an‑ñiha i tamma' yan huegun tåmma' siha: kodomo, båkalu, dasu', menning. There are terms for marble games and types of marbles: kodomo, båkalu, dasu', menning.


tåmma' dengki' n. lightbulb. Bai hu famåhan tåmma' dengki' para i kusinan sanhiyung. I'm going to buy a lightbulb for the outside kitchen. Guaha amariyu na tåmma' dengki'. There are yellow lightbulbs. Syn: tåmma' kåndit. From: Jp.


tåmma' kåndit n. lightbulb. Kimason i tamma' kåndit gi kemmun. The bathroom lightbulb burned out. Poddung i tamma' kåndit ya måffak. The lightbulb shattered when it fell. Menus ilektrisidåt hinallålan‑ña i mannuebu na tåmma' kåndit. The new lightbulbs consume fewer kilowatts. Syn: tåmma' dengki'.


tåmpat n. type of fish: flounder, flatfish. bothus mancus (Family Bothidae). Mapput makonni' i tåmpat sa' kulan i inai gi halum tåsi. It is not easy to catch the flatfish because it blends with the sand in the water. Mantika na tåmpat kininne'‑ña gi tasin Chalan Kanoa. The flatfish he caught at Chalan Kanoa beach is fatty. Inispånta i patgun nu i tampat sa' gaigi i dos matå‑ña gi un bandån‑ña. The child was startled by the flatfish because the eyes are on one side of its body.


tåmpi n. cover, lid, cover (for books).

vt. cover (something) up, put lid on. Tåmpi i guihan sa' i lalu'. Cover the fish because of the flies. Ma tåmpi gui'ing‑ñiha anai ma fåna' i måtai gå'ga'. They covered their noses when they came across a dead animal. Ha fuñut i fino'‑ña put para u tinampi i intension‑ña. He suppressed his words to cover his intention. See: huchum.


tåmpin kåttri n. bed cover.


tåmpin lamasa n. tablecloth.


tampoku adv. by no means, not in the least, in no condition, in no way, not even, not so much as. Tampoku para un sedi gui' para u na'dåñu ottru. Under no condition will you allow him to hurt others.


tamtam 1) vt. test, try out, sip, taste. Hu tamtam i katdun kåtni. I tasted the beef soup. Kåo un tamtam i kelaguin guihan kåo nahung pikå‑ña? Did you try the pickled fish to see if it is hot enough? Ha tamtam i tiba ya ilek‑ña: yum, yum. He tried the toddy and he said: yum, yum. 2) 

vt. desire, crave. Ha tatamtam gada' mångga sa' mapotgi'. She is craving for green mango because she is pregnant. See: taña', chagi.


Tamuning name. village and commercial center in central Guam. Mana' fan såga i taotåo ginin i mandikiki siha na islanYap giya Tamuning dispues di i iran påkyu gi islan niha giya Karolinas. The people from the small islands Yap were allowed to reside in Tamuning after the typhoon devastation in the Carolines. Gåtbu na lugåt Tamuning sa' gaigi kantun anåkku na unai. Tamuning is a scenic place because it has an extensive beach.


Tan n. madam; a respect term placed in front of the first name of an older woman or older female relative. Humånåo si Tan Maria asta Guam. Madam Mary went to Guam Si Tan Martha esti. This is Madam Martha.


Tanan name. nickname for Juliana.


Tanåpag name. village located south of San Roque on Saipan; pron. tanåpak. Åntis ti sessu manhånåo ham para Tanåpag sa' lachagu'. Back then, we rarely traveled to Tanåpag because it is rather far. Abak i taotåo anai humånåo para Tanåpag sa' sumigin Tapotchåo. The man lost his direction to Tanåpag because he took the route to Tapotchao. I Gupallåo na tåotåo siha guaha giya Tanåpag yan guaha lokkui' giya Oleai yan Chalan Kanoa. The Carolinian people are in Tanåpag and also in Oleai and Chalan Kanoa.


tanchu' vt. select, nominate, point, elect. I lalåhi ma tanchu' i lugåt para i giput‑ñiha. The boys selected the site to have their party. Ma tanchu' i amku' para u kabesiya i gurupu. They nominated a chairperson for their group. Na'påra mananchu' sa' un machatfinu'i. Stop pointing because you will be cursed. See: apunta.


tåndan n. young rooster.


tandindin intj. playful chant, said when playing with babies.


tanduki n. plantain. Håssan esta ta sotda' chotdan tanduki. It now rare to find plantains. Månngi' makåtdu i chetdan tanduki yan månnuk. Plantain in chicken soup is delicious. Siña mafåla' i masa na chotdan tanduki låo ti siña yanggin gada'. Ripe plantain can be eaten as is but not the green one.


tåni' 1) vt. detain, prevent from (doing something), distract, keep from (doing something). Atrasåo tatti para gimå'‑ña sa' tinani' gumåndu gi chalan. She returned to her home late because she was distracted playing on the street. Ha tåni' yu' i malångu na patgon‑hu pues ti hu atendi i hunta gi paingi. My sick child detained me so I did not attend the meeting last night. Tåni' fan ennåo ya u lasaga. Distract him please so that he will stay a while. 2) 

n. distraction, something to pass the time. Manånum floris ha' guston‑ña sa tai bida. Her pastime is growing flowers because she has nothing to do.


tånmi vt. plant, cover something with soil, bury. Ma tånmi i lemmai gi fanuchånan. They planted the breadfruit during the rainy season. I ga'lågu ha tånmi i te'lang para na'ña dispues. The dog buried the bone for his next meal. Ti ma tånmin måolik is go'naf guihan sa' påpaguan ha'. The fish scales were not buried properly because it still stinks. Variant: tåtmi.


tanoris n. altar boy. Tåya' tanoris umasisti si Påli' gi misa på'gu. There were no altar boys assisting the priest at the mass today. Åntis lalåhi ha' siña mantanoris; på'gu guaha famalåo'an lokkui'. In the past only boys served as alter boys; now there are also girls. Manminagågun agaga' i tanoris gi misan Nochibuena. The altar boys wore red attire for the Christmas mass.


tånsu' n. clothes closet, wardrobe (usually portable) (Saipan). See: aparadót, kumuda.


tåntan vt. 1) shake, brush off. Tåntan måolik i magågu sa' inetdut. Brush off the cloth well because its infested with ants. Tåntan i butsiyu yan un na' siguru na tåya soblan pugas. Shake the bag to be sure that there is no rice left. Talåntan fan esti i petbus gi alunan? Could you shake off the dust from the pillow? 2) start a new beginning. Tåntan håo. Shake off your old self and start a new beginning. Maila' ya ta tåntan hit sa' esta ti åtman matutuhun i lisayu. Let's get going because the rosary will begin shortly.


tanteha vt. weigh (by lifting), estimate weight by using one's body, esp. with the hand or hands. (Rota). Hu tanteha i minakkat‑mu. I weighed your weight by lifting you up. See: tahlang. Variant: tantea.


tanteya vt. keep doing, keep up until something is accomplished. Maila' ya sigi ha' ta tanteya i che'chu' diksinåriu asta ta na'dinanchi månu siña. Let us keep doing the dictionary until we do it right to the best of our ability.


tåntu2 adv. including, even. Tåntu hågu mana'hålum gi lista. Even you are included on the list. Tåntu guiya. Including him, even he is included, he is also included, he is included too, so is he.


tåntus di adv. so much of, so many times, so much time, often, repeatedly. Tåntus di ti un atan i pinekkat‑mu, ennåo muna'matomba håo. You were not watching your step often, that was why you fell. Tåntus di hu ispiha håo asta ki guma'chung hit. I looked for you often until we became partners. Variant: tåntu di.


tånu' n. world, earth, land, soil, ground. I tånu' nai gaigi i mañaina‑hu mås chettun gi kurason‑hu. The land of my ancestors is closest to my heart. Sin tånu', tai bali yu'. Without land, I am worthless. I tanu' ni mangguågualu' hit para lina''‑ta, debi ta prutehi månu siña. The land that we plant to survive, we must protect to the best of our ability. See: sitiu.


tånu' maipi n. tropics, tropical land. Meggai na klåsin tinanum kunto floris siha giya Saipan sa' tånu' maipi. There are all kinds of plants including flowers in Saipan because it is a tropical land. Mangginin tanu' maipi ham, pues ti in singun i tanu' manenghing. We are from the tropics, so we can't tolerate cold places. Para håfa ada i saku gi tanu' maipi? Of what use is a suit in the tropics?


tånu' manenghing n. cold region, cold place. Ti påyun ham nui i tanu' manenghing. We are not used to cold places. Guihan tånu' manenghing esti i satmon. Salmon is a fish from a cold region.


tånum vt. plant (seeds or seedlings). Kåo guaha un tånum simiyan sibukåu gi lanchu? Did you plant any sibukau seed at the farm? Ha' tånum i tronkun da'uk para måtkan tano'‑ña. He planted the da'uk tree to mark is land. See: tåtmi.


taña' vt. taste, sip, try out, test. Hu taña' i denni'. See: tamtam, chagi.


tånga vt. long for, hope, crave for, wish for. In tåtanga na u mafa'måolik insigidas i manmayulang na guma' siha. We are hoping that the repair to the broken homes will be done quickly. Hu tåtanga para u sånu i hinanåo‑ta disdi på'gu para mo'na. I hope that our way will be safe from today onward. Variant: tångnga, tamtam.


tangantångan n. type of plant: a large bush, introduced after WWII, which proliferates on many of the high islands in Micronesia and is good for cattle feed and fuel. leucaena leucocephala. Makåkannu' i puntan tangantångan kalan gollai. The tangantångan tip is eaten as a vegetable. Mapput mabo'uk i trongkun tangantångan sa' tåddung hale'‑ña. Uprooting the tangantångan tree is difficult because of its deep roots. Fanutut haligin trongkun tangantångan fan para kollat chiba. Please cut tangantångan tree trunks for making goat fences.


tångganu (TH ends here) n. 1) stick, about six inches high and one to two-inches in diameter, used in the game of båtu or in horseshoes. Måolik i håyun paipai para tångganu. The paipai wood is good for making tångganu. Tira i ‑‑‑‑ ya un tomba i tångganu. See: pituma. Variant: tånggalu. 2) type of game in which contestants try to throw rings onto a vertical stick.


tångis vi. cry, weep, sob. Ma na'tångis i neni sa' made'un fasu‑ña. They made the baby cry because she was pinched on the cheek. Tumångis anai ti siña masotda' i amigå‑ña. She cried when her friend could not be found. Syn: kåti.


tangisun n. type of fish: large wrasse, with markings under the eyes that suggest that it is crying. cheilinus undulatus (Family Labridae). Un klåsin gaddas mafanana'an tangisun gi finu' Chamorro. A kind of wrasse is called tangisun in the Chamorro language. I katnådan pånglåo mås måolik para u makonni' i tangisun. Crab used as bait is very good for catching tangisun. Guaha na tangisun mås ki singkuenta libra. A tangisun could be more than fifty pounds. See:


tångkat n. cage, a place of confinement, pen. Humålum i paluma gi tangkat. The bird went into the cage. Mayulang i tangkat sa' poddung påpa'. The cage broke because it fell down. Hu sini i punidera gi tangkat gi paingi. I put the hen in the cage last night.

vt. put (a small animal, such as a bird) into a small cage. Ha tångkat i gåyu nigap. He caged the rooster yesterday. In tangkat todu i puyitus sa' ma guaguådduk i tinanum. We caged all the chicks because they're digging the plans. Manmatångkat i nganga' sa' manhåhanåo para i bisinu. They caged the ducks because they are going to the neighbor.


tångkat gåyu n. cage for rooster, esp. at cockpits. Mama'titinas si tåta tångkat gåyu. Father makes cages for roosters. Gof bunitu i tangkat gåyu ni infahan. The cage for roosters that we bought are really nice.


tångki n. tank, drum (can), large cylindrical can. Esta bokka' i tangki ni basula. The drum can is already full with trash. Daloggai i tangki ni ha nå'i yu' si Antonio. The drum can that Antonio gave me is dented. Maila unu na tånki para sagan hånum sinaga. Give me a tank for rain water catchment.


tångku' n. tank, a heavily armored combat vehicle (Saipan). Guaha mayulang tångku' giya Quarter Master na kåntun tåsi. There's a broken heavy armed tank at the Quarter Master beach. I tångku' mana'sesetbi ni militåt. The tank is used by the military. I tångku' puru mampotput luluk matiriåt‑ña. The tank is made of thick metal materials.


tangnga adj. deaf, hard of hearing. Tumangnga i patgun anai mamachetnut talanga‑ña. The child became deaf when his ears got infected. Yanggin esta å'amku' i taotåo, adumididi' tumatangnga. If the person is getting older, he will slowly become hard of hearing.


tångnga vt. wish for, long for, hope for, crave, want, set one's heart upon; to wish for something that is unlikely to happen. Hu tångnga lumi'i' Hapon. I wish to see Japan. Un tångnga chumuli' pues un yuti'? You set your mind to get it then you discarded it?


tångsi vt. cry for, weep for. Anai måtai i hagan i che'lu‑hu, mampus ha na'tångsi yu' sa' måolik na påtgun. When my niece died, it really made me cry for her because she's very good. Håfa un tåtangsi, kåo put ti manå'i håo salåppi'? What are you crying for, is it because they did not give you any money? Si tatå‑hu ha tåtangsi si nanå‑hu sa' gof malångu esta. My father is crying for my mother for she's really sick already. See: katiyi.


tangsung adj. high pitched (of voice). Tangsung i kati‑ña i patgun. The child's cry is high pitched. Pumåra si Rosa kumantadora gi Gima' Yu'us sa' put mampus tangsung bos‑ña. Rosa quit being a choir member at the church because of her high pitched voice. Gi åntis na tiempu meggai mantangsung na kantadora siha. In the old days, there are many singers with high pitched voices.


Tangulu name. an outcast, frightening, evil, harmful spirit or person, similar to Bigfoot. Cha'‑mu humånåo para i kantun tåsi sa' gaigi si Tangulu. Don't go to the beach because Tangulu is there. See: birak.


tångyåo n. juggling. I patgun måolik gi tangyåo. The child is good in juggling.

vt. juggle, perform juggling (Rota). Hu tångyåo i dos bola gi airi. I juggled the two balls in the air Ya‑ña si Estaban tumångyåo ni tamma'. Estaban likes to juggle with the marbles. Variant: tamyåo.


tåo n. coconut used for coconut crab bait. Esti na tåo metgut påo‑ña. This coconut crab bait has a very strong smell. Nihi ta sotdi i tåo‑ta ni ta kana' nigap. Let's go check our coconut crab trap that we set yesterday. Ta rikohi i niyuk para tåo ya ta sotdi agupa'. Let's gather coconut for a coconut crab trap and we will check the trap tomorrow. Kada unu ha sotdi i tåo‑ña. Each one checked his own coconut crab trap.


tåoasi' n. scrub brush, brush for washing clothes (Saipan). Sessu si nanå‑hu ha usa i tåoasi' para u fangguesguis i edda' magågu siha. My mother often used the scrub brush to scrub dirty clothes. Hu usa i taoasi' para bai hu na'gåsgas i båñu. I used the scrub brush to clean the bathroom. Syn: brotchas magågu.


tåohan adj. become aggravated, get worse (of a wound), increase in inflammation, heighten in pain. Tumåohan i chetnot‑tu. My wound became aggravated. Tinaohan i chetnut gi addeng‑hu anai sigi yu' mamokkat. The sore on my foot got worse when I keep walking. Tumåohan i dagga' gi satnut Chai ya nina'kalentura. The wound on Chai's leg got worse and she has fever. Syn: sinilu'.


tåotåguis n.pl. people (of a place). Atyu siha na tåotåguis giya sanhaya na' bånda manmetgut. Those people on the eastern side are powerful. Malagu' yu' bai hu dalak ennåo siha na tåotåguis. I want to follow those people. Variant: tåotåguiyis, tåotåogui.


tåotaguiyis n. people (of a place).


tåotåo n. 1) human being, person, people, folk. Bula tåotåo manlukåo gi Damenggu. There were many people at the procession on Sunday. I taotåo Luta yan tåotåo Saipan ti mamparehu i tunådan‑ñiha. The people of Rota and Saipan do not have the same accent. Duru mambaila i taotåo gi giput gi Sabalu. The people were really dancing at the party on Saturday. 2) man, guy. Atyu na tåotåo ti gef måolik heñu‑ña. That man does not have good attitude. I taotåo ha chuli' todu i guinaha‑ña ya må'pus. The man took all his belongings and left.


tåotåo guma' n. member of a household, household. I taotåo guma' para u fanmama'tinas para i giput nubenan San Isidro. The household will cook for the San Isidro novena. Ti siña humålum håo gi sitiu yanggin ti tåotåo guma' håo. You cannot enter the property of the house if you are not a member of the household. Tåya' tumungu' håfa masusedi gi ma'pus na såkkan na i taotåo guma' esti ha'. No one knows what happened last year but the members of this household.


tåotåo isla n. people from the other islands of Micronesia, islander. Umasagua si Juan yan tåotåo isla ni ginin Pågan. Juan married a woman from the island of Pagan. Mafañågu si Maria giya Luta, pues tåotåo isla gui'. Maria was born on the island, so she's an islander. Mafañågu si Jennifer giya California, pues ti tåotåo isla gui'. Jennifer was born in California, so she is not an islander.


tåotåo tånu' n. local people, indigenous people.


tåotåomo'na n. ghost, spirits of ancestors in Chamorro belief. Mana'malångu yu' ni tåotåomo'na. I was possessed by the ghost. Manli'i' yu' tåotåomo'na gi halum guma'‑måmi gi paingi. I saw a spirit inside our house last night. Hu honggi na guaha tåotåomo'na gi trongkun nunu. I believe that there are spirits of our ancestors in the ficus tree. Syn: birak.


tåp n. tub, vat, cask. Hu usa i tåp yanggin para bai hu fama'gåsi magågu. I use the tub if I am going to wash clothes. Hu fahåni tåp para umo'mak i neni. I bought a tub for the baby's bath. Meggai na famagu'un yan‑ñiha mano'mak gi tåp. Many children like to bathe in the tub. Syn: tarai', kalai. From: Eng. tub.


tåpbla n. board (wood), lumber, plywood. Mama'tinas yu' chikerun babui ni tapbla. I built a pig pen with the plywood. Ma'u'usa i tapbla siha lokkui' para tapblerun imfotmasion pupbliku. The plywood is also used for public informasion signboards.

adj. have a draw, break even, have no winner, as in a cockfight or boxing match or game. Tåpbla ha' i hugandok‑ku nigap. I broke even with my game yesterday. Anai mumu i dos gåyu, humuyung tåpbla. The fight between the two roosters resulted in a draw. Tåpbla ham yan si Anita gi kumpitensian baila. Anita and I were even on the dance competition.


tapbleru n. post, traffic sign, signboard, guidepost. Bula na tapbleru manmafa'tinas gi tiempun pulitika. A lot of signboards were made during the political campaigns. Manmapepega tapblerun imfotmasion siha para todu i pupbliku gi bandan hinemlu'. Sgnboards are being put up for public information on health. Guaha tapblerun sumåga gi chalan siha. There are stop signs on the roads.


tapblita n. shelf, cupboard, hob, mantel, banquette, counter, panel. Mama'tinas si John tapblita gi todu halum kuåttu siha gi gima'. John made shelves in all the rooms in the house. Mamåhan si Joey tåpbla para u fama'tinas tapblitan såntus. Joey bought plywood to make shelves for the saints. Mapega i dangis gi hilu' tapblitan kuattok‑ku. The candle was put on top of the shelf in my room. Syn: istånti.


tapblón n. plank, thick board. Ha po'luyi si Chai tapblon gi hiyung i petta. John put a board outside the door. Mungnga mapega i tapblon gi bintåna sa' mampus maipi. Don't put the board on the window because it is very hot. Nå'yi tapblon i kellat i babui ya mungnga malågu. Place a thick board on the pig fence so it won't escape. Variant: tablon.


tapblung vt. repeat, reiterate. Sigi si Jack ha tapblung i che'cho'‑ña gi bandan makinistan kareta. Jack keeps repeating his work on the part of an auto mechanic. Gof na'o'sun kumenbitsasion yan si Juanita sa' sigi ha tapblung i kuentos‑ña. It is very hard to have a conversation with Juanita because she repeats what she's saying Mampus ñating si Jerome månggi' sa' ha ripipiti i tinige'‑ña. Jerome is very slow in writing because she repeats it. Variant: tapplung.


tåpis n. apron, wraparound. Usa i tapis yangin para un fan aflitu. Use the apron when you are frying. Yahu umusa tåpis yangin dumiskåkansa yu'. I like to use a wraparound when I am resting.

vt. put an apron on, protect dress with an apron. Hu tåtapis yu' anai numana'lagu yu' gi giput. I was using an apron when I was cooking at the party. Matåpis yu' ni tapis anai para bai hu fama'tinas tamålis. I was covered with the apron when I was going to make tapioca cake.


Taponan name. a place in Rota west adjacent to Manmak. Måolik oddå'‑ña iya Taponan na lugåt para tinanum gollai siha. The Taponan area has good soil for vegetable planting.


Tapotchao name. name of the highest point in Saipan. I Tapotchao ginin i otdin i ma'gas sindålu: Nangga asta ki manmåttu hit i sanhilu' i eksu'. The word Tapotchao came from the commanding soldier: "Wait until we reach the top and we'll chow." I eksu' Tapotchao mafa'nana'an åntis I Eksu' pat I Bekka', i finu' Siñot Borja. Mount Tapotchauo was known in the past as The Hill or The Mount, according to Mr. Borja.


tappi' n. 1) Ancient Chamorro chief's head covering shaped like a shark's tail, pith helmet with brim. Ha usa i maga'låhi i tihong‑ña tappi' para u fan batåya. The chief is wearing his head dress to prepare for a fight. 2) trough, a feeding trough made from hollowed log. Ma fa'tinas håyu na tappi' para i sagan na' babui. They made a wooden trough as a container for the pigs' food. Na'yiyi hånum i tappi' para u fanggimin i ga'ga'. Put water in the trough for the animals to drink. 3) 

n. flat bamboo basket used for threshing rice. Chuli' i tappi' ya un tåfyi i fa'i. Take the bamboo basket and toss the rice grain.


tapun n. oyster, clam, any of the marine bivalve mollusks. Genus Ostrea, Family Ostreidae. Kada diha humånåo ume'tapun si tatå‑hu gi kantun unai giya San Antonio. My father often catches clams on the shore at San Antonio. Månngi' macharakilis i sensin tapun. It is good to make clam soup. I hima na klåsin tapun tinaka' tiempu para u dångkulu. The giant clam takes a long time to grow.


tåra vt. account for, make responsible for, assign. Matåra si Maria para u fama'tinas sena. Maria was assigned to cook dinner. Matåra i implehåo siha na u ma'usa i kumpiuta para u ma fitma na'an‑ñiha. The employees were responsible to sign their name using the computer. Matåra na manmacho'chu' ham ginin oran alas otchu gi egga'an esta alas otchu gi pupuengi. We were accounted for that we worked from eight in the morning until eight in the evening.


tarabiha adv. yet, still. Tarabiha ti mama'titinas si nåna sena. Mother has not cooked dinner yet. Tarabiha ti munånayan i gimå'‑hu. My house is still not finished. Tres dihas esta maloffan disdi finattok‑ku, låo tarabiha ti hu bisisita håo. It has been three days since I arrived, but I have not visited you yet. Usually used with a negative. Variant: trabiha, todabiha. From: Sp. todavía.


tarabira vt. 1) turn over again, turn back around. Tarabira i guihan yanggin un aflitu. Turn over the fish when you fry it. Hu tarabibira i kåttri yanggin hu tåla' huyung gi semnak. I turned the bed over over when I dry it out in the sun. 2) turn in the opposite direction. Anai ha li'i' yu' i taotåo, gotpi ha tarabira gui' para ottru chålan. When the man saw me, he abruptly turn around to the other road. Yanggin i åtlibes‑ña i kåttan, pues i tarabirå‑ña luchan, pues i ottru direksion i håya asta lågu. If the opposite direction of north is south, then the other is east to west.


tarai' n. metal tub, vat, cask (Saipan). Mama'gågasi yu' magågu gi tarai'. I washed clothes in the metal tub. Hu u'usa i tarai' para manchalåochan tilipas. I am using the metal tub to rinse out the intestines. Gagaigi ha' i tarai' nanå‑hu disdi på'gu na tiempu. My mother's metal tub still exists until now. Syn: tåp, kalåhi. Variant: karai'.


tarakitiyu n. type of fish: bigeye trevally, approximately four to seven inches long. Caranx sexfasciatu (Family Carangidae). Sessu mangonni' si tatå‑hu tarakitiyu gi talayå‑ña. My father often catches small skipjack in his net. Ya‑hu kumåddu niyuk i tarakitiyu. I like to cook the skipjack with coconut milk. Makonni' dies na tarakitiyu gi kantun tåsi gi para pupuengi nigap. There were ten small skipjacks caught near the shore yesterday evening. Used for a skipjack when it is slightly larger than i'i', but smaller than tarakitu. See: tarakitu.


tarakitu n. type of fish: skipjack. caranx ignobilis (Family Carangidae). Mangonni' si Beltram tres na mandångkulun tarakitu gi peskan tokcha'. Beltram caught three big skipjacks while spear fishing. Ti ya‑hu i tarakitu yanggin mampus dångkulu. I don't like a skipjack when it is really big. Månngi' makelaguin i tarakitu. It is good to prepare the skipjack with lemon, soy sauce and hot pepper. A tarakitu is a skipjack from seven to approximately twenty inches long; it is in between tarakitiyu and mamulan in size.


tarapatu' vi. flip, turn upside-down, do somersaults. Na'bubu yu' ya hu na'tarapatu' håo. Anger me and I'll flip you upside-down. Humålum i mannuk gi kusina ya ha na'fantarapatu' todu i na'yan. The chicken got into the kitchen and messed up all the dishes. Ha gof tungu' tumarapatu'. She really knows how to somersault.


tararåñas n. spiderweb, cobweb. Bula tararånas gi gima'. There are a lot of spiderwebs at home. Oggan i lalu' gi tararånas. The fly landed on the spiderweb. Siña un tungu' håfa na klåsin sanye'yi' ginin i tararåñas. You can tell the kind of spider by its web. Variant: tararånas. From: Sp. telaraña.


tareha n. chore, assignment. Cho'gui i tarehå‑mu gi gima'. Do your chore at home. Bai na'guaha tareha gi klas. I will provide assignments in class.

vt. assign responsibility, give (someone) a portion of a task to be completed (Rota). Ti bai tareha håo muna'gasgas. I will not assign you to clean.


tariko' vt. throw; aim. Un klåsin huegun tåmma' i gandun tariko'. One marble game is the aim and throw method. Debi di un tariko' i tangganu. You need to aim the horseshoe rod. Iyom‑mu ha' i tamma' ni un tariko' yanggin un danchi. The marble that you hit after you've aimed it is yours.


tariku' vt. strike or hit with force (in marble game). Ha tariku' i patgun låhi i tamma' ya ha gånna. The boy struck the marble and won. Måolik i lahi‑hu mantariku' gi hugåndun tåmma'. My son is good at hitting in the marble game. Matariku' i tulompu ya må'pi'. The top was hit and broke.


tåru n. jar, jug, flask, mug, earthen jar with broad mouth. Måffak i taru. The jar broke. Famåhan dos na tåru para sagan asukat yan asiga. Buy two jars for to store sugar and salt.


tarugu2 adj. stupid, stubborn, mischievous. Mungnga na un tarugu gi halum klas. Don’t be stupid in class. Ti bai tarugu esta. I will not be stubborn. Cha'‑mu na un na'tarugu håo. Don’t be a blockhead.


tåsa1 n. cup. Tåsa yan plåtitu guaha guini. There are cups and saucers over here. Mamafak esti na tåsa. This cup is breakable. Syn: pusuelu.


tåsa2 n. value. Håfa taså‑ña esti na lepblu? What is the value of this book? Ti hu tungu' håfa na tåsa esti. I don’t know the value of this. Ya‑hu na bai na'tåsa esti. I like to figure out these things.

vt. figure out, put a value on, put a price on.


tasåhus vt. slice, chop, cut into smaller portions esp. meat or clothes. Bai hu tasåhus i katni. I will slice the meat. Ya‑hu na bai hu tasåhus i guihan. I like to slice the fish. Tasåsahus ennåo i katni mientras måfattu yu'. Cut the meat into strips while I return.


tåsi n. sea, ocean, beach. Kåo i tåsi mås hihut giya hamyu pat i hagoi? Is the ocean closer to your place or the lake? I tasi muna'fanlåla'la' hit. The ocean is why we are surviving. Taimanu na esta bula basula gi tasi? How is the ocean so polluted now?


tåsmi vt. sharpen to a point. Bai tåsmi i si'se'‑hu. I will sharpen my knife. Na'tåsmi esti na machetti. Sharpen that machete. Tåsmi fan i se'se'‑hu. Sharpen my knife.


tåsna n. ash mark or smear. Guaha tåsna gi fasu‑mu. There's ash mark on your cheek tesna


tasón n. mixing bowl, bowl. Na'yiyi kåtdun guihan gi tason. Put fish soup in the bowl. Esti na tason, gef utas sa' ma'adahin måolik. This bowl is lasting a long time because it is used with care.


tåsyan n. ocean or sea mist. In senti i tåsyan gi airin San Vicente. We tasted the sea mist in the air at San Vicente. I tasyan ginin sinatpin i napun tåsi. Maput gumuålu' sa' tåsyan i lugåt‑hu. It is difficult to farm on my land because of the sea mist. Måsmai i inai ginin i tåsyan. The beach sand is moist from the sea mist. Ana'fugu' yu' i mesgu' tåsyan. The thick sea mist made me feel cold. Yangin guha håo flak i kantun tåsi ya un taggam yan hagungi i tasyan sa' lå'yiyi na åmut.


tat- (from: tat‑) pref. not, un- ; shortened form of taya', attached to words to form their negation. Tattamudu si Jose na påtgun. Jose is a naughty child. Mungnga na un tattamudu. Don’t be a naughty boy. Tattamudu ennåo na babui. That pig is naughty.


tåt adj. such (a), (a) certain. Iståba giya Tinian un tåt Johnson yan i familiån‑ña. There was on Tinian a certain Johnson and his family. Tåt ki un sångan put guåhu, maila på'gu ya bai hu sångan put hågu. Now that you have mentioned about me, I will now talk about you.


tåta n. 1) father. Makmåta si tåta gi lanchu. Father woke up at the farm. Si tåta yan nåna manggef saga på'gu ginin i makkat na finache'chu'‑niha. Father and mother are very well off now from their hard work. 2) grandfather. Fanmanbisita gi as tåta kada simåna. Visit grandfather every week. Si tåta muna' manma'eduka hit. It was grandfather who made it possible for us to be educated.


tátaga'1 n. chopper, cutter, one who is capable of cutting. Måolik na tataga' si Jose. Jose is good in cutting. Derived by reduplication from tåga'.


tátaga'2 n. type of fish: unicorn fish. naso unicornus (Family Acanthuridae). Hu tungu' i tataga'. I know the unicorn fish. Mantika i tataga'. The unicorn fish fish has a lot of fat. Ya‑hu esti i tataga' na guihan. I like this kind of unicorn fish. This fish is brown with thick leatherish skin, a horn on the forehead, and sharp bony knives on the tail. Variant: táttaga'.


tátaga' halu'u n. type of fish: surgeonfish. Family Acanthuridae. Mungnga mago'naf i tataga' halu'u. Don't scale the surgeonfish. Mantika yan mamakannu' i tilipas tataga' halu'u. The intestine of the surgeonfish is fatty and edible. This surgeonfish is gray with thick leatherish skin, has a spur resembling a horn on the forehead and sharp bony knives on the tail.


tátagu' n. commander, foreman, supervisor. Må'gas i tatagu' gi militåt. The commander is the boss of the military. Tatagu' yu' gi che'chu'. I am the foreman at work. Derived by reduplication from tågu'.


tátaitai n. reader, literate person, one who can read. Tataitai si Ana gi gima'. Ana is a reader at home. Tataitai si tåta. Father is a literate person. Si Ben, tataitai yan fifinu' gi Ispaniot. Ben can read and speak in Spanish. Derived by reduplication from taitai. Syn: fafanaitai.


tátalu' n. back, backside (of person or animal). Puti tatalo'‑hu. My back hurts. Duru si nåna macho'chu' gi gualu' ya todu gui' mamuti gi tatalu'. Mother was working very hard at the farm and she is having back pain. Ti siña si tåta kahulu' gi siyå‑ña sa' inatåka putin tatalu'. My father is not able to get up from his chair because he suffered from back pain.


tátalu' puengi n. midnight, middle of the night. Kada tatalu' puengi, manhuyung i birak siha. Every middle of the night the ghosts come out. Manhuhuyung i ågila kada tatalu' puengi. Every midnight the crow comes out. Kada tatalu' puengi, kumåti i ga'ga' siha. In the middle of the night, the animals cry.


tátanchu' n. forefinger, index finger. Pokpuk i tatanchu'. The forefinger is swollen. I tatanchu' na kålulot‑hu måhluk anai matomba yu'. My index finger broke when I fell. I hobin na påtgun låhi ti siña tanchu' månu dámma'gas, kalangki', kalulut talu' yan tatanchu'gi kanai‑ña. The young boy is not able to point which is the thumb, little finger, middle finger and the forefinger on his hand. I patgun sigi ha' humugåndu yan i se'si' esta ki ha chåchak i tatanchu' na kalulot‑ña. The child kept playing with the knife until he cut his index finger. Formed by reduplication from tanchu'.


tátåotåo n. body, shape, form, figure, bodily nature, physical shape. Bunitu i tatåotåo‑mu. Your body is nice Dångkulu tatåotåo‑ña i patgun. The child's body is big. Yunga' i tatåotåo gi pappit. Draw a body on the paper. Variant: tåhtåotåo.


tatatmånu pred. used exclusively in the expression håfa tatatmånu 'how is?'. Håfa tatatmånu håo? How are you? Håfa mantatatman hamyu todu? How are you all? Håfa tatatmånu si Jose gi iskuela? How’s Jose at school? Variant: tatatman.


tátatmi adj. infectious. Tatatmi esti i chetnut tibi, buchi', yan nasarinu. Tuberculosis, mumps and leprosy are infectious diseases. Derived by reduplication from tåtmi.


tátatsi n. poisoner, one who poisons. Ti ya‑hu ennåo na tåotåo i tatatsi. I don’t like that poisoner. Tatatsi si Juan na påtgun. Juan is a poisoner. Mungnga na un tatatsi gi klas. Don’t poison me in class. Derived by reduplication from tåtsi. Syn: híhina, bíbinenu.


tåtatti1 n. progeny, offspring, descendant, future generation. Para i mantåtatti esti na irensia. This legacy is for the future generation. Tugi' i istoriå‑mu para i mantåtatti. Write your autobiography for the coming generation.

adj. coming later, following behind (progressive). Sigi ya un tåtatti. You can come later. Bai tåtatti guatu. I will go later. Ilek‑ña para u tåtatti para i gima'. She said she will be coming to the house afterward. Derived by reduplication from tåtti.


tåtchi vt. tag (someone) with an object, as in a game, counter (someone) in argument, counterattack with a better point in an argument, give a counterexample. Adahi na un tåchi yu'. Don’t tag me. Ti bai hu tåchi håo nu i bola. I will not tag you with the ball. Ma tåchi i patgun gi huegu. They tagged the child at the game. Variant: tåchi.


tåtdi adv. never; almost always, usually, always. Tåtdi nai atrasåo yu' para i che'chu'. I am never late to work. Tåtdi nai chumotchu yu' ayuyu. I never try eating coconut crab. Tåtdi ti hågu mås tåtaftaf guatu asta i che'chu'. You are usually the earliest one there to work. Variant: tåtki ti, tåtnai ti.


tåtdis n. afternoon; used only in the greeting buenas tåtdis 'good afternoon'. Buenas tåtdis todus. Good afternoon, everyone. Buenas tåtdis, famagu'un. Good afternoon, children. Syn: talu'åni.


tatfiét adj. so much, so great. Tatfiet dinikike'‑ña, esta ti hu ripåra. He is so small that I didn’t notice him. Tatfiet ñalång‑ña, esta puti tiyån‑ña. He was so hungry that he had a stomach ache. Tatfiet minannge'‑ña, esta tutuhu' te'la'‑hu. It tasted so good that my saliva is dripping. See: tatfoi.


tatfoi adj. so much, so great, despite the fact that. Tatfoi inapmam‑ña ti hu chagi ayuyu, esta inisgaihun yu'. It was so long since I tried coconut crab; I even had a stomach ache. Tatfoi hagas mafa'måmåolik ni bisinu‑ña ya på'gu ha kokontra put basulan ga'lågu. Despite the fact that his neighbor had been good to him for so long, he is now against him just because of the dog's mess. Tatfoi guinaiyan‑ña mumåma', nina'tai mamåhlåo manggågåo pugua' tåotåo. His craving for betelenut made him shameless enough to beg from others. Syn: tatfiét.


tatgågåo vi. always ask. I che'lu‑hu tatgågåo salåppi'. My brother always asks for money. Mantatgågåo i mañaina nu i nisisidåt iskuela. The parents are always asking for support from the schools. Tatgågåo i manmalångu put ayudun hinemlu'. Those with health problems are often asking for support from the health services


Tatgua name. place in Rota. Pumeska yu' Tatgua. I went fishing at Tatgua. Gi mit nuebi sientu sitentai nuebi ma kundukta unu na istudiu para ma måpa giya Tatgua. A mapping study was conducted at Tatgua in 1979. Siña ta li'i' Tatgua ginin i "airport" giya Luta. We can see Tatgua from the airport in Rota.


tatheta n. name card. Guaha tatheta gi klas. There is a card in class. Mamåhan yu' tatheta gi tenda. I bought a card at the store. Ti kabålis i tatheta. The card is not complete.


tåtki vt. defecate on. Ha tåtki gui' i patgun. The child defecated on himself. Adahi na un tåtki håo gi katsunes‑mu. Don’t defecate in your pants. See: masinik.


tátkilu' adj. high. Tatkilu' i atuf gi gima'. The roof of the house is high. Ti hu hagu' i kahit gi trongku, sa' dimasiåo tatkilu'. I can't reach the oranges, because they are too high up on the tree. I idehå‑mu gi esti na klåsin kuentas dimasiåo tatkilu' ya i istudiånti ti ma hagu' ma kumprendi. Your idea on this particular math is much too high for the students to comprehend. Variant: tákkilu'.


tátkiyung adj. at the outer limit, on the edge. Kalan tatkiyung dimasiåo i famagu'un gi tasi. The children are a little out into the deep water. I patgun matåta'chung gi tatkiyung na padiron. The kid is sitting on the outer edge of the cliff. Tatkiyung dimasiåo i hinassom‑mu put planun militåt. Your thoughts about the military plan are on the outer edge of things. Variant: tákkiyung.


tatkumu prep. such as, for example, like. Estagui' siha aksion tatkumu malågu. Running is an example of an action. Chotchu tatkumu gollai siha. Eat, for example, vegetables. E'kunguk tatkumu un huchum i pachot‑mu. Listen, such as closing your mouth. Mañaña' esti tatkumu i atgidun. This is soft, like cotton. Variant: tåt ki.


tatkunguk Variant: tat hunguk?


tåtmi vt. 1) plant (seeds or seedlings). Bai tåtmi i simiya gi gima'. I will plant seeds at the house. Tåtmi i floris gi lanchu. Plant the flowers at the ranch. 2) contaminate (someone) with (a disease). Mungnga mana'maigu' akihut i dos påtgun sa' siempri umatatmi i dos ni chetnut saranpion. Don't make the two children sleep too close together because they will contaminate each other with measles. Yanggin sessu sumiha yan i amigå‑ña ni gai chetnut mandagi, siempri tinatmi gui' lokkui'. If she keeps company with her friend who is a habitual liar, then she will acquire the same habit. 3) cover up, bury. Tåtmi i hoyu sa' piligru. Cover the hole because it is dangerous. Ha tåtmi i pinekkåt‑ña gi inai putno u magacha'. He covered his tracks on the sand to prevent being detected. I ga'lågu ha tåtmi i te'lang gi papa' såtgi. The dog buried the bone under the floor of the house. Variant: tånmi.


tåtnai adv. never, at no time, not once, certainly not. Tåtnai hu li'i' håo esta. I never see you anymore. Ginin sessu manhami låo esta la'atman tåtnai desnik. We used to be together but now he has not shown up even once for a while. Tåtnai hu sångan ennåo na palåbra. At no time did I ever say that word.


tatnai ti (Tita ends here) adv. almost always, usually, always. Tåtnai ti un chalehgua' sikos‑mu. You almost always open your mouth. Tåtnai ti un imbilikera håo. You are almost always minding someone else's business. See: tåtdi ti. Variant: tåtni ti.


tatneru (Liz starts here to the end of the list) n. male calf. Hu påstu i tatneru gi halum tånu'. I put my calf to pasture in the forest. Sen mansu i ga'‑hu tatneru sa' ha dadalak yu' todu biåhi gi lanchu. My pet calf is so tame because he follows me all the time at the farm. Malagu' i bisinu‑hu para u fåhan i tatneru, ti i toru. My neighbor wants to buy the calf, not the bull. See: be', turiyu.


tåtni vt. bury, cover with soil. Ha tåtni i måtai katu. He buried the dead cat. Si Luis tumåtni i simiyan papåya. Luis covered the papaya seeds with soil. Månu ni ma tåtni i tesoru? Where did they bury the treasure? Syn: håfut. Variant: tåtmi.


tatnun n. dawdler, one who gets distracted easily or carried away easily. Tinaka' dos oras para u fåttu mågi sa' tinani tumatnun gi chalan. It took him two hours to arrive here because he was distracted on the road. Apreta fan ennåo na påtgun sa' ai na tinatnun. Will you please hurry that child because she is easily distracted. Ha halang yu' bumisita si Tihu Jose sa' mampus tatnun. I dread visiting my uncle Joe because he dawdles so much.


tatpalu adj. (need to discuss the translation; does it mean so what if, so what then if we don't have something, your loss). Mungnga manmamåhlåo put tåya' alåhas‑miyu sa' tatpalu. Don't be humiliated that you don't own jewelry--so what then. Tatpalu lokkui' sa' ti hu malagu'i i håfa un fafatta'. So what then since I am not craving for what you are showing off about. Ti maguf nu i inifresi‑mu pues tatpalu lokkui'. She was not happy with what you offered, so it is her loss then.


tåtsi vt. kill (by poison), infect. Ha tåtsi yu' i guihan. I got fish poisoning. Tinatsi si Nåna ni ihang. Mother was poisoned by the shrimp. Ti ha tåtsi yu' i tagåfi sa' ti cha'ot‑tu. I was not poisoned by the red snapper because I am not allergic to it. Syn: hina.


táttaga' n. type of fish: unicorn fish. naso unicornus (Family Acanthuridae). Hu tunu i tattaga'. He barbequed the unicorn fish. Mantika i tattaga'. The unicorn fish is fatty. Ma guaiya i tilipas tattaga' yanggin ma tunu. They like the barbequed unicorn fish intestine. This fish is brown with thick leatherish skin, a horn on the forehead, and sharp bony knives on the tail.


tattamudu adj. dumb, stupid, slow-witted, dull, slow to learn or understand, not intelligent. I tattamudu ha' na tåotåo ti u kumprendi ennåo na óssitan. Only a slow-witted person will not be able to understand that joke. Ha laisin yu' sa' fatkilu, ti tattamudu. I got fooled because she does not like to talk; she is not slow-witted. Che'chu' tattamudu ennåo i mapåsa i lai dispues ma'amenda sigienti diha. It is an idiotic action to pass a law, then amend it the next day. Variant: taktamudu.


tåtti n. back (of), behind, rear. Ha tattiyi gi lachagu' gi santatti sa' putno u masienti na tumåtatti. She followed a bit far behind so as not to be noticed that she is following. Bira håo tåtti gi alas tres gi talu'åni. Come back at three o'clock in the afternoon. Matåta'chung yu' gi tattin i amigå‑hu gi iskuela. I sit behind my friend in class.

vi. follow, come after, come later. Tumåtatti i patgun gi as nanå‑ña. The child is following his mother. Esti fine'nena, pues tumåtatti ennåo. This is first, then that comes later. See: tumåtatti.


tattiyi vt. follow, pursue, chase, trail. Tattiyi esti na chålan påpa' gi eksu' ya bira para i akakgui gi tapblerun påra. Follow this road down the hill and turn left at the stop sign. Matattiyi si Cathy ni pulisiha sa' ispiding sinigon‑ña. The police pursued Cathy for speeding. Tinattiyi i patgun ni ga'‑ña ga'lågu. The child was followed by her pet dog.


tatu n. tattoo. Litråtun ababbang tatu‑ña si Juan gi akakgui na kodu‑ña. Juan's tattoo on his left bicep is a butterfly. Guaha na tatu para un klåsin tåotåo ha'. There are tattoos for specific individuals only. Åntis ti ma'u'usa tatu gi manChamorro. Ancient Chamorros did not wear tattoos.

vt. mark (someone) with a tattoo. Matatu si Juan gi akakgui na kodu‑ña. They tattooed Juan on his left bicep. Måolik manatu si Antonio. Antonio is good in tattooing. Tatu fan un tuninus gi apagå‑hu. Will you please tattoo a dolphin on my shoulder.


tåtus n. bet, wager. Kuåntu tatos‑mu para esti na gåyu? How much is your bet for this rooster? Sientu pesus tatos‑ña gi balåhan poker. One hundred dollars was his wager in the poker game. Håyi mås tatkilu' tatos‑ña? Who has the highest bet? See: aposta.


tåya' vi. there is not, does not exist, be without. Tåya' ni ta li'i' håo chumålik. We never see you smile. Åntis, tåya' ni un hunguk i manåmku' manchatfinu' gi me'nan famagu'un. In the past, using foul language in the presence of children by adults is unheard of. Tumåya' prubensión pugas anai ti måttu i batku. We ran out of rice supply when the ship did not arrive. Åtman tiempu tåya' uchan gi ma'pus na såkkan. For a long time, there was no rain the previous year. Tåya' minaolek‑ña i para un sigi ha' fumatta' i guinaha‑mu. It is not becoming for you to flaunt your wealth. See: nungka, hokkuk.

tåya' guaha intj. it's okay, it doesn't matter, not to mind. Kåo tåya' guaha ya bai hu faisin håo dididi' na asiga? Would you mind if I ask you for a little amount of salt? Tåya' guaha, hålum ha' sin mamaisin gi gimå'‑hu. It's alright, come inside my home without asking.


tåya' nai pred. never, none at all, to no degree. Håfa na tåya' nai pumeska håo na tiempu? Why do you never fish these days? Tåya' nai hu chagi gumuput gi fiestan San Jose giya Tinian. I have never attended the San Jose Fiesta in Tinian. Ha faisin yu' si Tåta kåo tåya' nai mafuetsa yu' chumupa. My father asked me if I was never forced to smoke cigarettes. See: tatnai, ni nungka.


tåyuyut vt. pray. Maila' ya ta fanmanåyuyut para i antin i difunta nåna. Come let us pray for the soul of our beloved mother. Manånayuyut yu' para bai hu såfu mo'na gi linalå'‑hu. I am praying for a peaceful life forward. Tayuyuti i manggaigi på'gu gi piligru siha na lugåt. Pray for those who are now in dangerous places.


tayuyuti vt. pray for. Håyi in tayuyuti? Who are you praying for? Taimanu empas i isåo‑mu yanggin ti ma tayuyuti? How will your sins be forgiven if they are not prayed for forgiveness? Na'yo'asi håo ya un tayuyuti i manmalångu na mañe'lu‑ta. Be merciful and pray for our sick brothers and sisters.


te n. the name of t, the twenty-first letter of the alphabet. Te na lettra tutuhon‑ña i na'an Teresa. Teresa's name begins with the letter t. Te i talu' na lettra gi palåbra "lettra". The letter t is in the middle letter of the word "lettra".


te'chung adj. type of tying.


te'i vi. sprinkle (of water), rain very lightly. Te'iyi dididi' ta'lu asiga. Sprinkle a little more salt. Atan fan kåo ti tete'i i ichan. Please check if it is raining very lightly. Na'hålum i tinala' magågu sa' tete'i uchan. Bring in the laundry from the clothes line because it is sprinkling rain. Variant: tetti, te'ti.


te'ti vi. sprinkle (of water), rain very lightly. Manhugågandu i famagu’un gi te’ti. The children are playing in the light rain. Fanmalågu para i lihing‑miyu saesta tete'ti i ichan. Run for shelter as it is starting to rain. Maguf si Jose sate’ti i ichan ya måolik para i nuebu na tinanum chandiha. Jose is happy because it's drizzling rain and good for the newly planted watermelon. Variant: te'i, tetti.


te'uk adj. thick (of liquid), strong (of coffee or tea). Tungu'un ha' kumu si Juan mama'tinas kafe sa' ha na'tete'uk. You'd know if Juan brewed the coffee because he makes it strong. Debi na u te'uk i kaddun kåri. The curry soup must be thick. Mampus te'uk esti na binatti. This mixture is very thick.


tebbut n. large earthenware jar, ceramic container. Håssan esta ta sotda' tebbut antigu. It is rare to find ancient earthenware jars. Ma'u'usa i tebbut para i inasnintukun. This container is used for preservation of salted fish. På'gu na tiempu ma'u'usa i tebbut kumu adotnun halum såla. Today, this particular container is used as a decoration in living rooms.


tébiu adj. warm (of liquid). Na'tébiu i hanum pues sumai i chetnut gi dama'gås‑mu. Warm the water then soak your sore toe. Gimin i kaddun to'lang mientras tététbiu ha'. Drink the bone soup while it is still warm. Na'tébiu i letchin i neni åntis di un na'gimin. Warm the baby's milk before you make him drink. See: ha'mi. Variant: tibiu.


tefan n. woven mat used to serve meal about 1.5 yard in width and 15 to 20 ft long. Hutu' i tefan ya u ma po'lu i manmåsa na nengkanu siha. Spread the woven food mat to put the cooked food. Hutu' i tefan gi satgi. Roll out the woven


teha n. tile, shingle (for roofing). Mannuebu na teha bentån‑ña si Joeten. The tiles sold at Joeten are new shipment. Kuåntu na teha ma nisisita para i atuf? How many shingles they need for the roofing?

vt. put tiles on, put shingles on. I katpinteru para u teha i atuf. The carpenters will shingle the roof.


tehnan adj. left over, remaining. Håyi tehnan para u malitråtratu? Who else is left to be photographed? Kuåntu tehnan‑mu? How much is your leftover? Månggi i tetehnan na låpis siha? Where are the remaining pencils?


tekcha' adj. fruitful, prolific, fertile. Tekcha' i mangga na såkkan. The mango trees are fruitful this year. Tekcha' i edda' guini na propiedåt. There is very fertile soil on this property. Mana'ñåo i manfanggualu'an sa' tekcha' i produktun‑ñiha. The farmers are overwhelmed because their crops are prolific. Tekchaesti na trongkun lalangita. This tangerine tree is productive. Syn: meppa'.


tekchu' adj. predatory, carnivorous. Ti todu halu'u mantekchu'. Not all sharks are predatory. Adahi i ga'‑mu påharu, sa' mantekchu' i katu. Look out for your pet birds, because the cats are carnivorous. Adahi håo gi halum tånu' sa' guaha tekchu' na babuin halum tånu'. Watch out in the forest because there are wild pigs that are predatory.


tekgung adj. aggressive. Achatekgung i dos ga'lågu. Both dogs are equally aggressive. Tekgongña i palåo'an kinu i lahi. The lady is more aggressive than the man. Mungnga mana'lalålu' i katu sa' tekgung. Do not anger the cat because it is aggressive.


tekkin n. gill net, fish net. Ma fahåni si tåta nuebu na tekkin sa' ya‑ña pumeska. They bought Father a new fish net because he loves fishing. Ti siña hit mehna sa' matitik i tekkin. We cannot have a big catch because the fish net is torn. Håfa na klåsin guihan siña esti na tekkin ha konni'? What kind of fish can this net catch?

vi. go gill net fishing. Para bai in fantekkin gi Inai Dångkulu gi talu'åni. We will be net fishing at Unai Dangkulu this afternoon. Masedi tekking; ti masedi deris. Gill net fishing is allowed; fish poisoning is not. Variant: tekking.


tekking n. rod used in construction, such as a rebar, reinforcing steel rod (Saipan). Tekking mana'setbi para i haligin i gima'. Ribar is used in the construction of the poles of houses. Guaha siha na guma' ma'usa i tekking gi bintåna para siguridåt. Some houses use rebars to secure the windows. Mantinaki' i tekking, pues ti debi u ma'usa. The rebars are rusty, so they should not be used. See: bariya.


tekkla n. key (of piano), typewriter key. Ha danchin måolik tumanchu' todu i tekkla gi pianu. He successfuly pointed at all the correct piano keys. Måppla' i unu na tekkla gi pianu. One piano key came off. Manmåfnas todu i tekkla gi kompiuta sa' esta bihu. The computer keys are faded because it is old.


tekkun vi. 1) bow, bend head and body down. Tekkun ya bai såosåo tingu‑mu. Bend your head so I can wipe the back of your neck. I tåotåo Hapon mantekkun para rispetu. The Japanese bow to show respect. Tumekkun sa' mamåhlåo. She bowed because she was ashamed. 2) humiliated, shamed, dishonored (of one's family, clan, parents, community). Ha na'tekkun i mañaina‑ña put båban bidå‑ña. His illegal activity brought shame to his parents. Mungnga yu' mana'tekkun mientras låla'la' yu'. Don't humiliate me while I am alive. Mannina'tekkun nu i tai rispetu na fino'‑ña gi manåmku' siha. They were put to shame by his disrespectful comments to the elders. See: ñehum. Variant: tokkung, tekkung.


tekkung vi. bow low, bend low. Tekkung ya un fanu'i na mañotsut håo. Bend low and show your remorse. Na'mås tekkung håo ya bai hu lasa tatalo'‑mu. Bend down more and I will massage your back. Variant: tekkun.


teknikåt adj. technical. Mampus teknikåt ennåo siha na lepblu. Those books are too technical. Na'påra i teknikåt gi kuentos‑mu. Cut the technical jargon in your statement. Manmatanchu' håyi siha muna'siña pumula' i manteknikåt na infutmasion siha. They selected those who can explain the technical information.


Telang name. name of place in Rota. Gaigi esti na lugåt gi papa' padiron i laderan Fanlagon. Chettun gi sankattan yan Kattan Afato; gi haya‑ña iya Mamotgue. Tåddung hålum tano'‑ña ya hassan mafattoigui sa' tåya' chalån‑ña. Barångka na lugåt ya bula påharu yan gå'ga' siha. This place is located at the foot of the cliff of Mount Fanlagon (a part of the highest mountain range of Rota). It is bordered to the north by Katan Afato and to the east by Mamotgue. It is a deep forest rarely visited because there is no passage. It is a very rugged terrain. It is dominated by deep jungle and rich in wildlife.


telebikbik n. television, TV (Guam). Ma na'fanegga' i istudiånti leksion put hinemlu' gi telebikbik. They made the students watch a health lesson on the television. Åntis na tiempu kulot åttilung yan å'paka' ha' i litråtu gi telebikbik Back then there were only black and white shows on television. Nuebu mudelun i telebikbik‑måmi. Our television set is a new model. Syn: telebisión.


telis adj. very drunk, very intoxicated (Rota). Esta ta'lu telis si John. John is already very drunk again. Chetnudan si Pedro sa' sinifa' ni telis. Pete was injured because he was struck by a drunken driver. Chumåchalik ha' i palåo'an sa' telis. The lady kept giggling because she was very drunk. Syn: bulåchu.


teliskopiu n. telescope, viewer, binoculars, spyglass. Gef klåru i sumåhin i pilan anai hu atan gi teliskopiu. The waning of the moon was very clear when I viewed it through the telescope. Guaha sen dångkulu na teliskopiu giya Hawaii. There is a huge telescope in Hawaii. I kapitan båtku impiråo anai finalaguaihun ni teliskopiu. The sea captain became agitated when he accidently dropped the telescope. See: lagabista, kalabista.


templa vt. 1) adjust, tune (engine or musical instrument). Templa fan i gitalå‑mu. Please tune your guitar. 2) mix, blend. Håfa na un templa todu i gimin? Why did you mix all the drinks? Templa unu na låtan letchi yan singku na kuchålan chukulåti. Blend one can of milk and five spoons of chocolate. Kumu un templa dididi' i amut yan hånum, siña magimin. Syn: By mixing the medicine with water, it becomes drinkable.


templåda n. adjustment, mixture, tuning, blending. Chagi fan i kaddun guihan kåo månngi' i templåda. Please try the soup and see if the mixture is tasty. Na'kabålis i templåda åntis di un tutuhun muna'lagu. Prepare all the mixtures before you start cooking. Ti hu danchi i templåda para simentu pues potdung i atuf anai linåo. I did not mix the cement properly so the roof collapsed during the earthquake.


templåo adj. mixable, tuned up, tunable. Ti templåo ennåo na pintura sa' mampus te'uk. The paint is not mixable because it is too thick. Båba esta esti na gitåla, sa' ti templåo. This guitar is no longer good because it cannot be tuned. Templåo i tiempu, sa' manenghing yan a'annuk dididi' i atdåo yan i ichan gi sankattan. The weather is mixed because it is cool and partly sunny and raining in the north.


templu n. temple. Manhålum ham sindogga gi templu. We entered the temple with our barefeet. Mangåtbu i templu giya Hapon. The temples in Japan are magnificent. Na'manman i istoria put esti na templu. The story about this temple is very unusual.


témpura' n. tempura; fish, shrimp, or vegetables that have been dipped in a batter of flour and starch and then deep-fried (Saipan). Månngi' tumémpura' si tihå‑hu Nia. My aunt Nia can make delicious tempura. Maguaiyanña ni taotåo témpura' uhang kini tempura' gollai. People prefer shrimp tempura rather than vegetable tempura. Mungnga makånnu' i ti måsa na témpura' sa' siempri binila håo. Do not eat an undercooked tempera because you will get bloated. Syn: totta.


tempuråriu adj. temporary. Ada tempuråriu ha' i sagå‑mu guini? Isn't your space here only temporary? Ti metgut sa' guma' tempuråriu ha'. It is not strong because it is only a temporary house. Sungun sa' tempuråriu esti na ira. Let's persevere because this disaster is temporary.


temus n. thermos bottle (Rota). Na'bula kafe i temus. Fill the thermos bottle with coffee. Amånu ni un fåhan ennåo i temos‑mu? Where did you buy your thermos bottle? Måolik esti na temus para manenghing pat maipi na gimin. This thermos is good for either hot or cold drinks. Syn: tetmosa.


ten n. tent, canopy (Guam). Ta nisisita sais na tentu' para i giput. We need six tents for the party. Mampus guaguan esta i atkilun ten. The rental fee for tents is very expensive these days. Bula kumpaniha tentu' giya Saipan. There are a number of canopy rental companies on Saipan. Syn: tentu'. From: Eng. ten.


tenda n. store, supermarket, shopping center. Humånåo si nåna para i tenda. Mother went to the store. Amånu na tenda ni siña mañodda' yu' sapåtus agaga'? In which store could I find red high heels? Sessu baratura i katni guini na tenda. Meat is often on sale at this supermarket. Variant: tienda.


téneki adv. surely, certainly, definitely, must. Téneki manali'i' gi kotti. We will definitely see each other in court. Put fabot tunuk guennåo gi lamasa sa' téneki poddung hao. Please get down from the table because you will surely fall. Téneki mapremiu håo sa' måolik gradu‑mu. You will certainly be rewarded because of your excellent grades. Variant: tiéneki, téniki. From: Sp. tiene que.


Tenhus n. August. Mafañågu si tatåhu gi Tenhus na mes. My father was born in the month of August. Para u matutuhun i iskuela gi Tenhus na mes. School will resume in the month of August. Sessu guifun yan maipu giya Marianas an Tenhus. In the Marianas it is often rainy and hot during August. Syn: Agostu.


tenhus adj. impatient, jealous (Rota). Mampus tenhus na pitsona. He is a very impatient person. Tenhus i kustumbren‑ña annai u umåmku'. He was a jealous type of person when he got old. Disdi mumalångu si Tomas, menus tenhos‑ña. Tomas's impatience has lessened since he became ill.


tenidót n. bookmaker, one who keeps track of the betting on one of the cocks at cockfights. Håyi tenidót gi gayera på'gu na puengi? Who is the bookmaker at the cockfight tonight? Dugeru si Vicente na tenidót. A bookmaker like Vicente is a cheater. Piligru esti na cho'chu' esti i tenidót. Being a bookmaker at cockfights is dangerous.


tenidót di libru n. accountant, bookkeeper. Si Angela tenidot di libru. Angela is an accountant. I tenidot di libru umadadahi i rekot salåppi' ni magågasta yan marisisibi. The bookkeeper keeps a record of money spent or received. I pitsona ni mahåyu' para u adahi i lepblu finansiåt ma'å'agang tenidot di libru. The person who is trained to keep financial records of a person or business is called an accountant.


ténidut n. fork. Usa i tenidut yanggin para un chotchu saibuk aga'. Use the fork when eating cooked bananas. Payon‑hu sipit ki tenidut. I am used to chopsticks rather than forks. Maleffa si nåna ti ha nå'yi tenidut, kichåla, yan se'si' i bento'‑hu. Mother forgot to put a fork, spoon, and knife in my lunch box.


ténidut basula n. pitchfork. Tenidut basula unu na ramentan lancherias. The pitchfork is one of the tools for farming. I basuleru ha u'usa i tenidut basula. The trash collector is using the pitchfork. Machule'guan si tåta ni tenidut basula gi lanchu. Someone stole Father's pitchfork at the farm.


téniki adv. surely, certainly, definitely, must. Téniki manali'i' gi kotti. They will definitely see each other in court. Put fabot tunuk guennåo gi lamasa, sa' téniki poddung håo. Please get down from the table, because you will surely fall. Téniki mapremiu håo, sa' måolik gradu‑mu. You will certainly be rewarded for your excellent grades. Less definite than siempri. Variant: tiéneki, téneki. From: Sp. tiene que.


tenta vt. tempt, seduce, entice. Mungnga matenta sa' siempri ti inekkunguk håo ottru biåhi. Don't tempt him because he will not listen to you next time. Makastiga sa' ha tenta i patgun. He was convicted because he seduced the child. Ha tenta yu' mampus sa' månngi' påo‑ña i pan. The smell of baked bread is so tempting.


tentanchinu n. type of tree. cestrum diurnum. Måolik esti i tentanchinu na trongku gi kantun guma' para u atåha i manglu'. The cestrum diurnum tree is good to plant near houses as a wind breaker. Dumådangkulu i tentanchinu na klåsin trongku. Cestrum diurnum is a huge plant.


tentasión n. temptation. Bula tentasión på'gu na tiempu. There are lots of temptations these days. Sigi ha' manaitai ya mungnga na un basnak gi tentasión. Keeping praying so you will not fall into temptation. Mampus tentasión esti i manmånngi' nengkanu'. These delicious foods are such a temptation.


Tenti' name. nickname for Vicente. Ti ya‑ña i Tenti' na nå'an. He doesn't like his nickname Tenti'. Bula manggai na'an Tenti' guini giya Saipan. There are lots of people with the nickname Tenti' on Saipan.


tentu' n. tent, canvas supported by poles, canvas. Månu nai siña yu' mamåhan dångkulu na tentu'? Where can I purchase the big sized tent? Manatkila si Maria dies na tentu' para i giput gi Sabalu. Maria rented ten tents for the party on Saturday. Syn: ten. From: Jp. tento.


tenggakko' n. hopscotch. Sessu i huegun tenggakko' åntis gi bisinu. Playing hopscotch was common a long time ago in our neighborhood. Guaha kanyasi' para ta fantenggakko'? Are there hairpins for us to play hopscotch?

vi. play hopscotch. Ti mantenggako' ham nigap, sa' fachi' i edda'. We did not play hopscotch yesterday, because the ground was muddy. Guaha kumpitensian tenggako' agupa' gi gima'‑måmi. There will be a hopscotch competition tomorrow at our house.


tengguang n. food (carried as supplies), provisions (food), box lunch. Mama'tinas yu' tengguang para i asaguå‑hu. I prepared a lunch box for my husband. Bula tengguang para i peskadot. There are plenty provisions for the fishermen. Håfa tengguång‑mu på'gu? What is your lunch today?


tengnga adv. usually, often, most of the time. Tengnga un butleha i taotåo, pues uttimon‑ña asaguå‑mu. Often times you mock the person, then you end up being his/her spouse. Tengnga ilek‑mu na mungnga mañotchu, pues hågu fine'nina gi fila. Usually you advise us not to eat, then you are the first in line. Tengnga guåhu un atyik. Most of the time you choose me.


tengngu n. back of the neck, nape. Pumeska si Juan tulanotchi ya på'gu ha padedesi putin tengngu. Juan was out fishing all night and now he is suffering from pain at the back of his neck. Lasa fan esti i tingngu‑hu sa' ai na piniti. Please massage the back of myneck because it is very painful. Syn: kueyu. Variant: tongngu, tonghu, tenghu.


tengting vt. nick (blade), chip, put a nick in the blade of (a tool), break off (a hard or brittle substance) (Rota). Ma na'tengting i machetti anai ma pika i te'lang kåtni. They nicked the blade of the machete when they cut the meat for soup. Adahi na un tengting i se'si'. Don't chip the blade of the knife. See: doffi', måfti'.


tengu n. nape of neck, back of neck. Puti tengu‑hu. My back neck is aching. Ånchu i tengu‑hu. My back neck is wide. Tåmpu i tengom‑mu sa' manenghing. Cover the back of your neck because it is cold. Variant: tonghu.


teppang n. metal sheet (Saipan). Usa i teppang yanggin para un na'lågu i apigigi'. Use the metal sheet to cook the coconut cake. Måolik muna'lagu gi teppang. It is good to cook on a metal sheet. See: piesan metåt.


teripbli adj. terrible. Teripbli ennåo na aksion. That is a terrible action. Teripbli i para un na'mali'i' i baban kustumbrem‑mu. It is terrible to show your bad manners. Teripbli i fino'‑mu ni patgun. That is a terrible thing to say to a child.


teritoriåt n. territory. Guåhan teritoriåt i Estådus Unidus. Guam is one of the United States territories. Luta unu gi teritoriåt i Notti Mariånas. Rota is one of the territories of the Northern Marianas.


teritoriu n. territory, domain, land. Mungnga mahåtmi i teritoriun‑måmi. Do not enter our territory. Esti na pidåsun tånu' påtti gi teritoriu. This piece of land is part of the territory. From: Sp. territorio.


terudang n. hand grenade, bomb (Saipan). Måtai i sindålu annai dinanchi ni terudang. The soldier died when he got hit by a hand grenade. Bula ma sodda' terudang gi propiedat‑måmi ni manmahåfut gi duråntin i gera. They found a lot of hand grenades on our property that were buried during the war. Ha dåggåo i terudang låo ti påkpak. He threw the grenade but it did not explode.


tesgui vt. cheat, deceive, defraud, dupe, trick. Un na'puti i kurason‑hu anai un tesgui yu'. You hurt my feelings when you deceived me. Mungnga matesgui i asaguå‑mu. Do not cheat on your spouse. See: fa'baba.


tesna n. charcoal dust, soot. Todu tesna i kusinan sanhiyung. The outside kitchen is covered with soot. Fa'gåsi fasu‑mu sa' todu tesna. Wash your face because it is full of soot.

adj. covered with charcoal dust. Adahi na u tesna i magagu‑mu. Don't get charcoal dust on your clothes. Mantinesna todu i la'uya gi sagan manhotni. All the pots at the cooking place are covered with soot.


tesoneria n. treasury. Debi di un apåsi i kontribusión‑mu gi tesoneria CNMI. You must pay yout tax at CNMI treasury. Chuli' i dokumentu gi ofisinan tesoneria. Pick up the document at the office of the treasury. See: tresuråt. Variant: tesoreria. From: Sp. tesoreria.


tesoru n. treasure. Tesoru esti siha na kosas ginin i mañaina‑hu. These are treasured things from my parents. Debi di bai agradesi todu i tesorun alåhas ginin as nanå‑hu. I have to treasure all the jewels that were given to me by my mom. From: Sp. tesoro.


tessun n. fire stick (partly burned), charred stick, small pieces of wood for starting fire. Rikohi i tessun ya un yuti'. Gather the charred sticks and throw them away. Adahi na un gatcha' sa' mamaipi ha' ennåo na tessun. Be careful not to step on those embers because they are still hot. Fan rikohi tessun para songi. Collect pieces of wood to start a fire. Håfa esti siha: tessun, tesna, pinigan, yan åpu? What are these: fire starter, soot, ember and ash?


testamentu n. testament, sign of something. Guaha dos na testamentu, i nuebu yan i bihu na testamentu. There are two testaments, the old and the new testaments. I minaolik kurason‑mu testamentu na mangguiya håo nu hami. Your kind heart is a testament of your love for us. Hu diklåra na esti na testamentu para u ma'onra todu i tiempu. I declare that this testament shall be honored forever. From: Sp. testamento.


testigu n. witness, testifier, one who gives testimony. Guiya i testigun i gubetnamentu. He is the government witness. Håyi para u testigu gi kåoså‑mu? Who will testify in your case? From: Sp. testigo.


testiguyi vt. testify, attest. Bai testiguyi na dinanchi håo. I will attest that you are right. Kåo guaha para u testiguyi håo gi kotti? Do you have anyone to testify for you in court? Variant: tistiguyi. From: Sp. atestiguar.


testimoniu n. testimony, attestation, act of testifying. Ma prisenta i testimoniu fine'nena ki i ebidensia siha. They presented their testimony ahead of the evidence. I testimoniu‑ña mås muna'suspetchu na ha kontra i lai. Her testimony increased the suspicion that she had broken the law. I testimoniun Nåna mås gai sustansia. Mother's testimony has more substance. From: Sp. testimonio.


tetcha n. prayer leader, prayer director. Håyi para u tetcha gi lisåyu? Who will lead the rosary? Klåru ya a'gang si Rita na tetcha. Rita is a perspicacious prayer director. Umetyak yu' para bai hu tetcha disdi ki otchu åñus yu'. I learned to lead prayers since I was eight years old. Variant: tutcha.


tetchu n. roof, ceiling. Siña ha' ha patcha i tetchu ni nilokkå'‑ña. He is so tall he could touch the ceiling. Tatkilu' i tetchu ennåo na guma'. The roof of that house is high. Sin tetchon‑ña i ottru na garach. The other garage has a tin roof. Syn: åtuf.


tétenan adj. remaining, something that is still missing, unfinished. Ti bula tetenan na kosas para mayuti'. There are not many things to discard. Ti låyiyi maguaiya i tetenan na nengkanu'. The unfinished dishes are not really well liked. Håfa tetenan na magågu gi måkina? What clothes are remaining in the laundry? Kuåntu tetenan salappe'‑mu gi bangku? How much money do you have left at the bank? Håyi tetenan ti manlalaknus ni para i giput? Who else remains to donate for the party? Estigi' tetenan na cho'chu' para ta cho'gui. This is the unfinished work we need to do. See: sopbla. Variant: tétenhan, tétehnan.


tétenhan adj. remaining, something that is still missing, unfinished. Variant: tétenan.


Teti' name. nickname for Margarita, Vicente. Ya‑ña i Teti' na na'an. He likes his nickname, Teti'. Ti ya‑ña si Margarita na u ma'ågang Teti'. Margarita does not like to be called Teti'. Umasagua i dos Teti': Margarita yan Vicente. The two Teti's got married: Margarita and Vicente.


tétminu n. time, period, alloted time, a period of time alloted, as for a visa, contract, etc. Manå'i yu' dos åñus na tetminu gi kuntråtan i che'cho'‑hu. I was given two years in my job contract. Un åñu tetminok‑ku kumu membrun ufisiålis direktot. I have one year term as a member of board of directors.


tétmumentru n. thermometer. I doktu ha usa i tetmumentu para u li'i' kåo gai kalentura i patgun. The doctor uses a thermometer to find out if the child has a fever. Impottånti na u guaha tetmumentru gi gima'. It is important to have a thermometer at home. Sigun i tétmumentru annuk na gai kalentura i neni. According to the thermometor, it shows that the baby has a slight fever. From: Sp. termometro.


tetnu adj. matching, very similar (in sort or degree). Tetnu i chininå‑ña yan i sapatos‑ña. Her blouse and her shoes match. Esta tetnu i aksidenti guini na lugåt. The same kind of accidents happen at this place. Tetnu si Ana yan si Maria karetan‑ñiha. Ana and Maria have very similar cars. Todu i famalåo'an mantetnu i magågun‑ñiha. All the women have matching blouses and skirts. Para u fanmalaksiyi todu i gurupu tetnu na unifotmi. They will sew matching uniforms for the entire group. See: påt, parehu. Variant: totnu.


Tetogi name. a place in Rota, located west of Apulu. Bula trongkun mångga giya Tetogi. There are a lot of mango trees at Tetogi.


tets n. target, as in a game of marbles or batu, in which contestants throw marbles, coins, discs at a target; also used at times to refer to a base in games. Dåggåo na tunas ya un danchi i tets. Aim straight so you would hit the target. Makkat madanchi i tets. It is hard to hit the target.


tetseru adj. third. Hu atendi i tetseru na kumfiriensian Chamorro. I attended the third Chamorro conference. Ha gånna i patgun i mina'tetseru na premiu gi kumpitensia. The child won third place at the competition. Syn: tetsét. From: Sp. tercer.


tetsét adj. third. Bunitu i planun i tetsét na kumfirensia. The plan for the third conference was well organized. Para månu guatu i tetsét na hunta? Where will the third meeting be held? Håyi mina'tetsét gi fila? Who is third in line? Variant: tetseru. From: Sp. tercer.


tetti vi. sprinkle, misty, overspread (with drops or particles of water). Tetti i ichan anai humånåo yu' para i iskuela. There was a sprinkle of rain when I went to school. Ma'anunsia na para u tetti i ichan på'gu na ha'åni. It was announced that we will have scattered showers today. Mungnga humuyung yanggin tetetti i ichan. Do not go outside if it is starting to rain. Variant: te'i, te'ti.


ti neg. not. Ti debi na un chatfinu' yanggin lalålu' håo. You are not supposed to curse when you are angry. Ti siña si John umiskuela sa' malångu. John cannot go to school because he is sick. Ti malagu' umékkunguk i patgun. The child does not want to listen.


ti chuma'igi vi. not have a draw (of a game), not have an even score. Ti chuma'igi i dos iskuela gi bola nigap. The two schools did not have a tie at yesterday's ball game. I dos na pattisipånti ti chuma'igi. The two participants got an even score.


ti chuma'un incorrigible, can't be stopped. Ti chuma'un i chetnot‑ña sa' mampus atdit. Her illness is incorriagible because it is too severe. Ti chuma'un i prublema‑ña sa' ennåo bision‑ña. His problem is incorriagible because it is a continuous habit. Syn: tái remediu.


ti guáilayi adj. not necessary. Ti guailayi na un såonåo gi militåt. It is not necessary for you to join the military. Ti guailayi na ta na'anåkku' put esti na asuntu siha. It is unecessary to prolong these matters. Ilek‑ku na ti guailayi låo yanggin malalagu' håo ha', pus sigi. I say that it is not necessary but if you insist, then go ahead. Ti guailayi malak i sagan gumimin atkahot. It is not necessary to go to the bar. Ti guailayi na un såonåo humånåo. It is not necessary for you to tag along. Ti guailayi mana'annuk håfa pinadesisi‑mu. It is not necessary to show what you are suffering. Ti guailayi ennåo na un sångan, sa' ti bunitu. Don't say that, because it's not nice. See: guáilayi.


ti mapput adj. simple, easy, not difficult. Ti mapput manungu' yanggin malagu' håo. It is not difficult to learn if you are willing. Ti mapput mama'tinas eskabetchi. It is easy to prepare eskabetchi. Ti mapput i sinsura. The test is simple. See: ñalalang.


ti sungunun adj. overbearing, domineering. Ti sungunun i pikan i denni'. The spicy hot pepper is overbearing. Ti sungunun i fina'tinas ennåo na palåo'an. The action of that lady is domineering.


ti'åo n. type of fish: (small) goatfish. upeneus vittatus (Family Mullidae). Mangonni' i peskadot bulan ti'åo. The fisherman caught a lot of goatfish. Månngi' i inaflitun ti'åo piot ya påttun. Fried goatfish is delicious especially if it is crispy. Huliu i tiempun ti'åo. July is the season for goatfish. This goatfish has black blotches above and is silvery below; when it becomes large it is called maninen, then sakmoneti.


ti'åo Santa Maria n. type of goatfish (blue in color).


tibi n. tuberculosis, TB. Nina'yi i taotåo tibi anai hohobin. The person contracted tuberculosis as a young man. Guaha na tibi ti siña ma'åmti. There is a type of tuberculosis that is not curable.

adj. tubercular, consumptive. Sessu lo'lu' i palåo'an ya masuspepetcha na tibi. The lady coughs frequently and it is suspected that she has tuberculosis. See: soksuk.


tíbiu adj. tepid, warm. Na'tíbiu i hanum. Warm up the water. Na'tíbiu i letchin i neni åntis di un na'gimin. Warm the baby's formula before feeding. Na'tíbiu i nengkanu' ya ta fañotchu. Warm up the food and let us eat. Variant: tébiu. From: Sp. tibio.


tiempu1 n. weather, time, length of time. Kuåntus tiempu para sumagå‑mu? How much time will you be spending here? Kalan ti gef måolik i tiempu para pumeska. It seems like the weather is not good for fishing. Variant: tempu. From: Sp. tiempo.


tiempu2 n. season (for planting, fishing, storms, diseases, etc.), weather, climate. I Abrit na mes i tinituhun i tiempu para manånum. In the old days, April signals the planting season. I tiempu para matånum i tumåtis gi Nubembri ya i tiempu para ma kusetcha i Måtsu. Tomatoes are planted in November and harvested in March. 3) 

n. weather, climate. Esta matulalaika i tiempu para fanuchånan yan fanomnåkan. The climate is changing for the wet and dry seasons. Anåkku i tiempu ni u'uchan. The rainy weather is long. Ti åtman guaifun, sa' esta tiempun fanuchånan. It will soon be stormy, because it is now the rainy season.


tiempun nupblådu n. cloudy weather. På'gu na simåna kulan tiempun nupblådu. The weather this week appears to be cloudy. Måolik macho'chu' gi lanchu yanggin tiempun nupblådu. It's good to work at the farm when it's cloudy season. Tinattiyi tiempun nupblådu ni tiempun somnak, låo atrasåo på'gu na såkkan. The dry season follows the wet season, but it is late this year.


tiempun somnak n. dry season, summer, sultry conditions. I Huniu na mes i tinitihun tiempun somnak. June is the beginning of the dry season. Sessu guaha påkyu gi tiempun somnak. Storms often occur during the dry season. I tiempun somnak na marikokohi i asiga gi padiron. Salt is collected off the shoreline during the dry season. See: fañomnagan.


tiempun uchan n. wet or rainy season. I hinenggin åntis, ti siña i palåo'an humuyung gi tiempun uchan yanggin rumekla. In the early days, it is believed that it's not good for a woman to be out in the rain during her menstrual cycle. I tiempun uchan ha tutuhun gui' gi Agostu na mes. The rainy season begins on the month of August. Bai fanånum chotda siha gi tiempun uchan. I will plant bananas during the rainy season. Syn: fanuchanan, fañata'an.


tienda n. store. Guaha Saipan Tendan Store na tienda. Saipan has a store named Tendan Store. Variant: tenda.


tiéneki adv. then, surely, probably, certainly. Tieneki ti humånåo yu' sa' tåya' para u fanpinilan i famagu'un. I am probably not going because there is no babysitter. Tieneki masåolak håo sa' humånåo håo sin mamaisin. You will surely get a spanking because you left without permission. Tieneki bai hu bisisita håo. I will certainly be visiting you. See: siempri. Variant: téneki, téniki. From: Sp. tiene_que.




tienta vt. tempt, persuade, lead into evil, endeavor to lead into evil. Atyu na mañåkki' sa' matienta ni manggachong‑ña. She stole because she was tempted by her friends. Ha tienta i gurupu ni bunitun palabrås‑ña. He persuaded the group with his good speech. Ha gogof tienta yu' i paopåo finatinås‑mu. I am very tempted by the aroma of your cooking. Variant: tenta. From: Sp. tentar.


tieras n. scissors. Måolek‑ña i aridondu puntan‑ña na tieras para påtgun. A rounded edge scissors are better for a child. Usa sahngi na tieras para mañåchak påppit yan magågu. Use different scissors for paper and cloth. Variant: tiheras. From: Sp. tijera.


tifi n. skirt of grass or leaves or of gunot. Nihi ta fanmånfi' hågun niyuk para tifi manbaila. Lets go pick some coconut leaves to make skirt for dancing. Siña mama'tinas håo lokkui' tifi ginin i poksi'. You can also make skirts from dried hibiscus bark.


tifi' vt. 1) pick, break off, esp. the fruit from trees, vines, etc., pick by hand or picker, pull (a tooth). Puti matifi' yanggin pokpuk i uriyan nifen‑mu. It hurts to have your tooth pulled when your gum is swollen. Matågu' yu' para bai tifi' todu i måsan mångga. I was told to pick all the ripe mangos. Tifi' lalangita yan ottru na gulusina. Pick tangerines and other fruits. Ma tifi' muelås‑hu sa' puti mampus. My wisdom tooth was extracted because it was very painful. 2) irritate, bother (someone) a lot. Ha tifi' yu' kustumbren‑ña si Maria. Maria's attitude bothers me a lot. See: iting, tugan.


tigiri n. tiger. Guaha tigiri gi Saipan Zoo. There is a tiger at the Saipan Zoo. Piligru na gå'ga' esti i tigiri. Tigers are dangerous animals. From: Sp. tigre.


tigis vt. smash, crush, mash, crumble with finger. Tigis i denni' gi fina'denni'. Crush the hot pepper in the spicy sauce. Manmatigis i mandångkulu na tumåtis para yus. The large tomatoes were mashed to make juice. Ha tigis i ilu' annai ha gatcha'. He crushed the worm when he stepped on it. See: yamak.


tigri n. neck tie plant, snake plant. Asparagaceae. Gef påopåo i floris tigri. The snake plant flower has a very nice scent. Bula na klåsin tigri gi hatdin. There are many different kinds of snake plants in the forest. Ti mandilikåo i tigri na tinanum. The sansevieria plants are not delicate plants.


tiha n. aunt. Amko'ña yu' ki i tiha‑hu låo manngingigi' yu' nu guiya. I am older than my aunt but I still kiss her hand (our of respect). Mana'såsaga i tihå‑ta gi hospitåt. Our aunt is been hospitalized. Todu i mañe'lun mañaina‑hu famalåo'an yan priman mañaina‑hu siempri tihå‑hu. All my parent's sisters and their female cousins are my aunts. Variant: tia. From: Sp. tia.


tiheras1 n. scissors, cross-beam. Hu fahåni i istudiånti siha tiheras‑ñiha. I bought the students their scissors. Gof malåktus i tiheras. The scissors are very sharp. Måhluk i tiheras anai poddung gi satgi. The scissors broke when they fell on the floor.

n. crossbeam. Na' siguru na dinanchi macho'gueña i tiheras. Make sure that the crossbeam is done right. Måhluk i tiheras i kimå'‑hu gi Typhoon Yutu. The crossbeam at my house broke during Typhoon Yutu. Variant: tieras. From: Sp. tijera.


tiheras pugua' n. special type of scissors for cutting betel nut. Kalåktus i tiheras puguå'‑ña si tåta. Grandpa's betel nut scissors are sharp. Hu fahåni si nanå‑hu biha nuebu na tiheras pugua'. I bought my grandma a brand new betel nut scissors. Tinaki' i tiheras puguå'‑hu, pues hu a'atcha ha' på'gu yanggin para bai måma'. My betel nut scissors are rusty, so I just pound the betel nut to chew. Variant: tieras pugua'.


tihu n. uncle. Sumåsaga si tihu‑hu gi lanchu. My uncle is staying at the farm. Fanmanngingi' gi as tihun‑miyu yan tihan‑miyu kada manasudda' hamyu. Kiss the hands of your uncles and your aunts every time you meet them. Todu i mañe'lun‑ñiha lalåhi yan primun mañaina‑hu siempri tihu‑hu. All my parents' brothers and male cousins are my uncles. Variant: tiu. From: Sp. tio.


tika n. coconut oil, oil made from the coconut by boiling grated coconut meat and filtering the oil. Måolik mama'tinas tika gi Bietnis Såntus. It is good to make coconut oil on Good Friday. Mapput esti na cho'chu' i mama'tinas tika. It is hard to make coconut oil. Humånåo yu' gi halum tånu' para bai u ngatyu para tika. I went to the forest to gather firewood for making coconut oil.

vi. make coconut oil. Manggaigi guennåo i famalåo'an na mantitika. The women are over there making coconut oil. Guaha na un chagi tumika? Have you ever tried to make coconut oil?


Tika' name. nickname for Francisca. Bula manggai na'an Tika' giya Luta. There are many Franciscas nicknamed Tika in Rota. Nina'gef banidosa si Tika' ni na'ån‑ña. Francisca is very proud of her nickname Tika.


tikit n. ticket. Baratuña i plen tikit gi ma'pus na tiempu ki på'gu. The air fare was cheaper back then than now. Famåhan fan tikit rifa? Could you please buy a raffle ticket?

vt. give a ticket to, give a citation to. Matiket si Juan ni pulisiha sa' duru sinigon‑ña gi chalan. John was given a citation because he was speeding. Variant: tiket. From: Eng. ticket.


Tiku' name. nickname for Francisco. Gof ya‑hu i che'lu‑hu Tiku'. I really love my brother Francisco. Humånåo si Tiku' esta para u na'chotchu i babui siha gi lanchu. Francisco has gone to the farm already to feed the pigs. Syn: Tikuling, ku', ko'.


Tíkuling name. nickname for Francisco. Tihu‑hu si Tikuling. Tikuling is my uncle. Animosu si Tikuling na tåotåo. Tikuling is an industrious man. Syn: Kiku', ko', ku'.


tilåpia n. fresh water fish; also found in brackish water. Mangi' låo ti guaguan i tilåpia na guihan. Tilapia fish is tasty but not expensive. Ti manpåyun ham kumannu' tilåpia. We are not used to eating tilapia. Humånåo pumeska si tihahu tilåpia gi Satduk Susupi. My aunt went to fish tilapia at Lake Susupe. Variant: talapia.


tilifón n. telephone, phone. Oppi i tilifón sa' madilingdingding. Answer the phone because it is ringing. Chuli' mågi i tilifón ya bai ågan i 911. Bring the phone so I can call 911.

vt. call by telephone, communicate by telephone to, speak on a telephone with. Tilifófón yu' agupa'. Call me on the telephone tomorrow. Tilifoniyi ham fan put i finaisin‑måmami? Could you call for us about what we are requesting?


tilifón alaihai n. gossip, something heard through the grapevine. Gef chaddik i infutmasión gi tilifón alaihai. Information from the grapevine is very fast. Para håfa ma'atendi i tilifón alaihai. Do not listen to the gossip. Ni håyiyi ha' siña umikat gui' ni tilifón alaihai. No one can surpass her with gossip. Variant: tilifón halaihai.


tilifón halaihai n. rumor spread through the grapevine, gossip, hearsay. Ha na'fanatburutåo i taotåo siha ni tilifon halaihai. The gossip created uneasiness among the people. Chaddekña i tilifon halaihai kini i Internet. Gossip travels faster than the Internet. Syn: finu' halaihai. Variant: tilifón alaihai.


tiligråma n. telegram, dispatch. Håssan ma'usa i tiligråma på'gu na tiempu. Telegrams are seldom used these days. På'gu na tiempu måsña ma'usa i email pat tilifón kinu i tiligråma. Today, dispatching information is through email or telephones rather than telegrams. Håfa na mensåhi gaigi gi tiligråma? What message is on the telegram?


tilintinis n. trinkets, such as shells, beads, sequins used for ornamenting hair or clothes. Manmama'tinas i istudiånti tilintinis para i nanan‑ñiha. The students made trinkets for their mothers. I kulålis tilintinis mås bunitu. The trinkets made of beads are most beautiful. Variant: tirintinis.


tilingting vi. clink, ding, tinkle, jingle. Mantilingting i basun måmaffak siha anai linåo. The glasses clinked during the earthquake. Tilingting i kampånan dikiki ya ta yå'u i famagu'un. Jingle the small bell and we will wake up the children. See: tingting.


tilipas1 n. intestines, entrails. Yuti i tilipas guihan sa' mutung. Throw away the fish intestine because it stinks. Fa'gåsi gi tasi i tilipas babaui para fritåda. Clean the pig intestines for fritada in the ocean. Si Juan ha konni' i che'lu‑ña para i mediku sa' ha padedesi sagi' tilipas. Juan took his brother to the doctor because the brother is suffering from ulcer.


tilipas2 n. hose, garden hose (Guahan). Usa i tilipas para mañåtpin floris. Use the garden hose to water the flowers. Ti nahung anakko'‑ña i tilipas para guatu gi garatch. The hose is not long enough to reach the carport.


tilipas dálalai n. small intestine. I sustansia gi kinano'‑ta ginin i tilipas dalalai. The nutrients from what we eat are from the small intestine. Variant: tilipas dáhlalai.


tilipas loddu' n. large intestine. Si Maria ha estudiådiayi håfa bidåda‑ña i tilipas loddu' gi halum i tåotåo. Maria is studying the function of the large intestine in the body.


tilitimu n. bastard. I mås bumubuska para asuntun tånu' i tilitimu.


Tima' name. nickname for Thomas. Bumuchåchu si Tima' na tåotåo. Tima' is a very industrous man.


timik n. direction north.


timón n. rudder. I batku gai timón. The ship has a rudder. Mayulang i timón i boti. The rudder of the boat is broken.

vt. steer (with a rudder), guide (with a rudder). Timón i boti hålum gi bantalån. Use the rudder to steer the boat into the pier. See: sugun, draiba. From: Sp. timon.


timoneru n. steerer, guide, driver. Måolik na timoneru si Joe. Joe is an excellent guide. Manaliligåo yu' timoneru para i nuebu na batkok‑ku. I am looking for a steerer for my new ship. From: Sp. timonero.


Timu' name. nickname for Maximo. Puminiti si Timu' anai malingu i ga'ña loru. Timo' is saddened when his pet parrot disappeared.


Tina name. nickname for Faustina, Justina, Cristina. Fitma gi ufisiåt na na'ån‑mu Faustina ti Tina. Sign using your formal name Faustina not Tina.


tina n. barrel (small), keg. See: bariles. From: Sp. tina.


tinachu' n. type of sickness believed to be caused by being stared at while eating. Nina'yi i neni nu atyu na chetnut i mafa'nana'an tinachu'. The baby has the type of sickness called tinachu'. På'gu hu huhunguk esti na klåsin chetnut i tinachu'. This is the first time I heard of this type of sickness called tinachu'.


tinaddung n. depth. Kuåntu tinaddong‑ña i hoyu? How deep is the hole? Dies pie tinaddong‑ña i tipu'. The depth of the well is ten feet. Diduk tinaddung i guinayak‑ku nu hågu. The depth of my love for you is tremendous.


tinaga' vi. be cut (by heavy object). Tinaga' si Jose ni machetti anai mungangatyu. Jose got cut by a machete when he was chopping wood. Adahi na un tinaga' ni puñåt. Do not get cut by the pocket knife. See: chinachak.


tinaha1 n. crock, a container made of clay. Tånum i floris orchid gi masetan tinaha. Plant the orchid in the container made of clay. Manli'i' yu' manbunitun masetan tinaha gi tendan Chinu. I saw lots of beautiful crocks at the Chinese store. From: Sp. tina.


tinaha2 n. unit of measurement (bushel), twelve gantas. Kuåntu tinahan yåtdas hu nisisita para i chinina‑hu? What will be my unit of measurement for my dress? Manå'i yu' un tinahan lalangita gi kumplihaños‑su. I was given a bushel of tangerines on my birthday.


tinaichi adj. eternal, long-lasting, limitless. Tinaichi i finatai. Life is eternity after death. Mampus guaguan sa' tinaichi na kosas. It is an expensive item because it is long-lasting. Tinaichi i guinaiyak‑ku nu hågu. My love for you is eternal.


tináifondu n. hell, abyss. Para un mayoggua gi tináifondu na lugåt. You will go to hell. Manguekuentus i taotåo put i tináifondu i mamahlåo‑mu. People are talking about your abyss of shame.


tinaitai1 n. tree bent by wind and still attached to the land. Låla'la' ha' i tinaitai na trongkun gågu. The pine tree that was bent by the wind is still alive. Utut i mantinaitai siha na trongku. Cut down all the tress that were bent by the wind. Variant: lamasa.


tinaitai2 n. prayer, reading. Si Juan para u taitai i fine'nina na tinaitai. Juan will read the first reading. Imputtånti na u kabålis i tinaitai para på'gu. It is important for the reading today to be complete. Mana'lakadada' i tinaitai sa' maninalulula. They shortened the reading because they were in a hurry.


tinaki' adj. 1) tarnished, rusted. Para u fanmatulaika i mantinaki' siha na sin. The rusted tin roof will be changed. Ti oru i alitus sa' tinaki'. The earring is not gold because it is tarnished. 2) worn out, useless. Esta tinaki' i titanos‑su sa' hamaleffa yu'. My brain is worn out as I am often forgetful.


tinaklahiyun adj. arrogant, quick to anger, prone to rage, hot-tempered. Sumiña makuentusi anai måpåo i tinaklahiyong‑ña. It became possible to talk to her when her feeling of anger has subsided. Ginacha' nu i tinaklahiyon‑ña sa' mamadedesi ni dinalak. He is quick to anger because he is suffering from gout. Mapput mana'humitdi i tinaklahiyun na tåotåo. It is not easy to make someone who is quick to anger become humble. Anai nina'yi ni dinalak na sessu tinaklahiyun. When he got the gout, he became irritable. See: subetbiu, táklalu'.


tinaktak n. type of food: a meat dish in which the meat is chopped into small pieces, the process of chopping or mincing meat. Månngi' i tinaktak kåtni. The meat dish which was chopped into small pieces is delicious. Håyi fuma'tinas i tinaktak kåtni? Who cooked the meat dish that is chopped into small pieces?


tinani' vi. 1) be busy, occupied, preoccupied. Tinani' yu' kumuentus ya ha laisin yu' i ora. I was so busy talking that I lost track of the time. Ti ha cho'gui i matago'‑ña sa' tinani' humugåndu. She did not do her chore because she was busy playing. 2) use the toilet. Ha nisisita i patgun tuminani'. The child needs to use the restroom. Humånåo para i kemmun para u tinani'. He went to the bathroom to use the toilet.


tinanum n. plant, cultivated plant, plant growing in the garden. Såtpi i tinanum. Sprinke water on the plants. Manlå'la' i tinanum gi tattin guma'. The plants in the backyard are healthy. Bokbuk i cha'guan gi entalu' tinanum. Pull the weeds among the plants.


tinanga n. craving, desire, longing. I tinala' kåtni tinanganga‑ña i malångu. The patient is craving for dried meat. Hagas tinanga na un lini'i'. He was longing to see you. I tinangak‑ku para pås gi tanu'. Peace on earth is my desire.


tinangnga n. deafness. Prublema i tinanganga gi famagu'un på'gu na tiempu put iPads yan MP3s. Due to iPads and MP3s, deafness is a concern in our children these days. Ma tåtanga na ti ufannina'yi ni prubleman tinangnga. They are hoping that they will not contract the problem of deafness.


tinaohan n. inflammation. Debi di un adahin måolik i tinaohan sa' teneki mås umatdit. You need to take care of the inflammation so that it does not worsen. See: sisitan. Variant: tinao'an.


tinasa n. pliers, tongs, pincers, tweezers, forceps. Usa i tinasa para manbira tininu. Use the tongs for barbeque. Bokbuk i chingi' ni tinasa. Use the tweezer to pull out the gray hair. Mampus setbi esti na ramenta i tinasa. Pliers, tongs, pinchers, tweezers and forceps are useful tools. From: Sp. tenazas.


tinatmi vi. contaminated, infested, infected. Tinatmi i hanum ni applacha' potbus. The water is contaminated with dust. Tinatmi i lugåt ni cha'guan båba. The place is infested with bad weeds. Na'ma'asi' i galagitu sa' tinatmi garapåtas. The poor puppy is infested with fleas. Tinatmi gui' nu i chetnut sarampion. He got infected with the measles.


tináyuyut n. prayer. Ha nisisita i taotåo i tinayuyot‑ta sa' sen malångu. He needs our prayers because he has a severe illness. Maila' ya ta kuntinuha i tinayuyut para todu i tanu'. Let us continue to pray for the whole world.


tinderu n. sales clerk, storekeeper, cashier. Tumindederu si Mark gi tendan Joeten. Mark is a cashier at Joeten. I tinderu murisisibi i salåppi' yanggin mamåhan håo tråstis gi tenda. The storekeeper receives the payment when you purchase items at the store. Åtman na tinderu si Ramon sa' ma'angokku na implehåo. Ramon has been a long time sales clerk because he is trusted employee.


tinekcha' n. fruit (on a plant), puncture. Bula tinekcha' mångga på'gu na såkkan. There is an abundance of mango fruits this year. Manbåba i tinekcha' åbas. The guava fruits are spoiled. Meggai tinekchå'‑ña i manggan‑måmi gi lanchu. Our mango tree at the farm produced so much fruit.

vi. punctured, struck with a sharp object or sharp meaning (passive). Tinekcha' kannai‑ña ni tituka' gi floris rosa. Her hand was punctured by the rose thorn. Tinekcha' i kurason‑hu ennåo i fino'‑mu. My heart was struck by your words. Mantinekcha' ham todu ni nifu'. We all got punctured by the stone fish.


tinéktika' vi. point at, deal with, involve, pertain to. Hågu tinektika' nu atyu na essitan. The joke points at you. Manmalalåtdi ham gi iskuela, sa' guaha malingu, låo tåya' tinektika' giya hami. We were scolded at school, because something was missing, but none of us was involved in it.


tinemba vi. be down, as in strength. Mantinemba i famagu'un ni sagu. The kids are down with the flu. Tinemba i trongkun chotda ni manglu'. The banana trees are down due to the tropical depression.


tinemtum n. wisdom, good judgement). Ai na tinemtum para mama'disision. He has the wisdom in making decision.


Tini'an name. a place in Rota, north and adjacent to Manmak. Bula manåmku' na trongkun niyuk giya Tini'an. There are a lot of old coconut trees at Tini’an.


Tinian n. Tinian, the island immediately south of Saipan in the Northern Marianas, pronounced tini'an. Bulåña yånu na lugåt giya Tinian kini i oksu' siha. There are more flat areas than sloping areas in Tinian. Bula tåotåo manhånåo para Tinian kada fiestan San Jose. A lot of people go to Tinian for the feast of Saint Joseph. Pikaka donni' Tinian. Tinian's chili peppers are very very hot.


tinienta vi. tempted (passive). Tinienta si Mariano as Jose. Mariano was tempted by Jose. Maleffa i palåo'an ni deta‑ña sa' tinienta ni manngi' kek. The woman forgot about her diet because she got tempted with the delicious cake. Adahi na un tinienta ni babarihas. Do not get tempted with bad habits. Såonåo si Thomas mañåkki sa' tinienta ni amigu‑ña. Thomas was one of the robbers beacuse he was tempted by his friend. From: Sp. tentar.


tinifuk n. woven mat, woven or braided work. Manbunitu i tinifok‑ña guafak si Nåna. Grandma's woven mats are beautiful. Esta manmunhåyan i tinifuk hagun niyuk ni para i palapåla. The woven coconut leaves are ready for the hut. Todu esti na tinifuk che'chu' i famagu'un gi singku grådu. All this braided work was done by the fifth grade kids.


tinilåda n. ton, 2000 lbs. Manbendi i lancheru un tinilåda na ma'is. The farmer sold one ton of corn. Manoda si Joeten un tinilåda na odda'. Joeten ordered one ton of potting soil. Dos tinilåda minakkat‑ña. It weighs two tons. Variant: tunilåda, tunulåda. From: Sp. tonelada.


tinilaika n. alteration, mutation, variation. Guaha tinilaika gi planu. There is a variation in the plan. Hu na'guaha tinilaika gi mudelun i chinina. I made an alteration on the style of the dress. Håfa na tinilaika para un na'påra? Which variation would you stop?


tininas n. honesty. I tininas na disision i mås måolik para un cho'gui. Honesty is the best policy when making a decision. Atyu na maguaiya ni taotåo sa' i tininas‑ña. People like him because of his honesty. I tininas na manera hu gågagåo håo. In all matters, your honesty is what I seek.


tininu n. piles, hemorrhoids. Bula na tåotåo mansinasa'pit ni tininun pudus ginin i mantika na nengkanu'. A lot of people are suffering from hemorrhoids from eating fatty foods. Nina'yi si Pedro ni chetnut tininu. Pedro has hemorrhoids. Ti siña matå'chung sa' puti i tininu‑ña. She couldn't sit because her hemorrhoids are painful.

vi. burnt (passive). Tininu kannai‑hu ni pinigan anai hu tutunu i mannuk. I got burnt with the charcoal when I was roasting the chicken.


tininun nifin n. loosening of teeth due to gum.


tiningu' n. knowledge, learning, enlightenment. Håfa tiningo'‑mu på'gu gi iskuela? What did you learn at school today? Bula tiningu' Tåta put åntis na tiempu. Father has vast knowledge about the past. Håfa tiningo'‑ña put i sinisedin nigap? What does she know have about yesterday's incident?


tinisongguan n. erection. Ti ha ripåra na tinisongguan. He did not realize that he has an erection.


tinitu n. shelled rice, pounded coffee. Sahguan i tinitu gi latan pitoliu. Put the pounded coffee in the can. Mamåhan yu' singku kostat tinitu. I bought five sacks of shelled rice. Na'lagu dididi' tinitu para mirenda. Brew a little pounded coffee for mirenda.


tinta n. ink. Machuda' i tinta. The ink spilled. Usa i agaga' na tinta. Use the red ink. Esta hokkuk i tintan esti na pluma. The ink for this pen ran out. From: Sp. tinta.


tintågu' n. servant, attendant, messenger or runner. I tintågu' ha ayuyuda si nanå‑hu kada diha gi gima'. The attendant helped my mother every day at home. Månggi i tintago'‑mu na ti humahamyu na dos? Where is your messenger that he is not with you? Ma'impleha yu' gi ofisinan gubetnu kumu tintågu'. I was employed at the governor's office as a messenger.


tinteru n. ink maker. Håyi tinteru guini na tenda? Who is the ink maker in this shop? Kåo ha tungu' i tinteru mamatinas kulot ginin i tinanum siha? Does the ink maker know how to make dyes from plants? From: Sp. tintero.


Tinung name. nickname for Faustino. Bråbu si Tinung macho'chu'. Tinung is a hard working guy. Si Tinung i mås påtgun na låhi. Tinung is the youngest male.


tingting vi. clink, ding, tinkle, jingle. Tingting i kareta gi barångka. The car clinks on bumpy road. Tingting i ilu‑hu ni minaipen‑ña. My head tinkled from the extreme heat. Tingting i dilingding i neni. The baby's rattle jingles.


tiot adv. forever, all the time. Tayuyuti i famagu'on‑mu siha para todu i tiot. Pray for your children at all times. Guiya i familiåm‑mu gi todu i tiot. Love your families forever. Tiot guinaiyak‑ku nu hågu. My love for you is forever.


tira vt. pitch (underhand), throw (underhand), toss, as horseshoes, or when skipping a flat rock on the surface of water. Tira i batu. Toss the horseshoe. Fanå'gui yu' taimanu matira i batu. Teach me how to pitch the horseshoe. Ha tira todu i basula gi uriyan guma'. She tossed all the trash around the house. From: Sp. tira.


tirånti n. strap, suspender. Goddi ni tirånti ya mungnga na u måppla'. Tie with the strap so it will not get loose. Hu sangåni i patgun para u usa i tirånti. I told the child to use the suspenders. Si tihu‑hu ha payuni umusa i tirånti. My uncle is so used to wearing suspenders. From: Sp. tirante.


tiråo adj. thrown away. I kantun tåsi yan i chalan, tiråo ha' i lata. At the beach and along the roadside, cans are just thrown away. See: tira.


tiratira n. thick syrup for making candy. Nå'yi tiratira yanggin para un fama'tinas kandin papåya. Add thick syrup when making papaya candy. Usa i tiratira ni para u månngi'. Use the thick syrup to make it taste delicious.


tiråyi vt. throw to, throw for, sic (used as command to a dog). Tiråyi ni tunas na bola. Throw a straight ball. Tiråyi ni måolik na bola ya u panak. Throw a good pitch so he can hit. Ha tiråyi yu' ni salåppi' sa' nalålu'. She threw me the money because she was mad.


tirenu n. field, area for planting, tract, plot. Ma håli i tirenun kamuti giya Sabåna. They harvested the sweet potato field at Sabana. Manånum yu' dos na tirenun chotda gi ma'pus na såkkan. I planted two plots of bananas last year. Mabendi yu' dos na tirenun suni gi dos mit pesus. They sold me two plots of taro for two thousand dollars. From: Sp. terreno.


tirintinis n. trinkets such as shells, beads, sequins used for ornamenting the hair or clothes. Manbaråtu i tirintinis gi tendan Modern Stationery. Trinkets are cheap at Modern Stationery Store. Ha fa'tinåsi yu' i hagå‑hu kadenan tirintinis. My daughter made a bead necklace for me. Mampus mana'hulu' i tirintinis shells gi intri i manhobin. Shell trinkets are very popular amongst the youth. Variant: tilintinis.


tiripiya n. small intestine. From: Sp. fi: tripilla.


tiru n. sound of gun shot, round of shots. Mamaki yu' un tiru. I fired one shot. Hu hunguk i tiru anai un paki i binådu. I heard the sound of shots when you shot the deer. Hu paki i binådu dos tiru. I shot the deer two times.


tisågi' n. hand bag (made from weaving), woven bag (Rota). Bunitu matufok‑ña ennåo i tisage'‑mu. Your hand bag is beautifully woven. Kuåntus tiempu tinaka' håo para un fa'tinas ennåo na tisågi'? How long did it take you to make that hand bag? See: kottut, balakbak.


tistiguyi vt. testify, attest. Bai tistiguyi na dinanchi håo. I will attest that you are right. Kåo guaha para u testiguyi håo gi kotti? Do you have anyone to testify for you in court? Variant: testiguyi. From: Sp. atestiguar.


tisu1 adj. erect, stiff, straight, rigid, tense, taut. Mantisu i tinanum anai uchan. The plants stood up straight when it rained. Usa i atbidun para u tisu i magågu. Use the starch to make the clothes stiff. Tisu tinghu‑ña sa' lekngai. Her neck is tensed because she has a stiff neck. Na'tisu i katsunes‑mu yanggin un prensa. Make your pants firm when you iron them.


tisu2 adj. unconscious, having fainted, knocked out. Tisu i buleru anai dinanchi ni bola. The baseball player was unconscious when he got hit by the ball. Tisu i neni ni tatkilu' kalenturå‑ña. The baby fainted due to high fever. Tisu i taotåo anai madommu'. The man got knocked out when he was punched. See: lálangu, mamaitaguan.


tisun chili n. erection (of penis). Nina'yi tisun chili i patgun anai ma'empun. The child had an erection when he needed to pee. Naturåt i tisun chili gi manhobin yanggin manmangguiguifi. It is natural for teenage boys to have a erection when they are experiencing a wet dream. Variant: lalålu' chili.


Titan name. nickname for Teresita. Tatkilu' pusisíon‑ña si Titan gi gubetnu. Titan has a high ranking government position. Santa' na palåo'an si Titan. Titan is a comedian. Faisin si Titan ya un dinalak. Ask Titan to follow you.


títanus n. brain, mind. Usa i titanos‑mu ya un fangumprendi. Use your brain so you can understand. Todu hit manmanå'i titanus para ta usa. All of us are given brains to use. Håfa na gå'ga' mås dångkulu titanos‑ña? Which animal has the largest brain?


títenta n. dying agent, stainer, painter (Saipan). Títenta si Jose. Jose is a painter. Baba na matiriåt sa' títenta. The material is bad because it is a stainer. Adahi na u måncha i magagu‑mu ni granåda sa' titenta. Be careful with the pomagranate because it will stain your dress. Derived by redupliation from tenta. See: pépenta, tútumu.


títienta vt. tempter, enticer, one capable of enticing. Titienta adai esti na manngi' nengkanu' siha. These dishes are so tempting.

n. Hafa guaha na klåsin titienta para i sakki? What is available that would be an attraction for thieves? I titienta ti siña ta angokku mampus. We cannot really trust one who entices. Derived by reduplication from tienta.


titik vt. tear off, rip. Adahi na un titik i pappit. Make sure you do not tear the paper. Matitik i fañela. The t-shirt is torn. Titik adumididi' i katton. Rip the cardboard flap little by little. See: sisi.


titimu n. type of grass. jussiaea suffruticosa, eclipta alba. Bula dinekku' titimu gi tattin guma'. There is an abundance of grass growing in the backyard. Ma'u'usa i titimu para åmut. Jussiaea suffruticosa is used in herbal medicine. I titimu sumåsåonåo gi amut påchut påtgun. Eclipta alba is an ingredient in baby's cold sores. Attilung kulot i tintan i titimu. Eclipta alba's ink is black.


titing vt. carry (of two people using both hands as in carrying a stretcher); carry (something with a handle). Ayuda yu' tumiting i masetan floris. Help me carry the flower pots. In titing i batdin na' babui guatu gi chikeru. We carried the bucket of pig food to the pig pen. Para uma titing ha' i ata'ut guatu gi simintetyu. They will just carry the coffin to the cemetery. Variant: titin.


titingting adj. characterized by searing heat (e.g. of the sun). Ai sa' titingting i semnak anai manhånåo ham guatu gi simintetyu. Oh, the heat from the sun was so hot when we went to the cemetery. Ti parehu i semnak yanggin titingting yan i maipin i guafi ginin i håyu na materiåt. The searing heat from the sun is not the same as the heat from burning wood. Gof måolik manåla' kåtni sa' gof chaddik ånglu' sa' esta titingting i semnak. It's good to dry meat in the sun because it's very hot and it can get dry fast.


títiris n. buffoon, oaf (a stupid or awkward person). Cha'‑mu umuriyåyayi i titiris na tåotåo. Do not mingle with an oaf person. I títiris na tåotåo ha nisisita ayudu ginin i familia yan i kumunidåt. A buffoon needs the help of the family and the community. From: Sp. titere.


titiyas n. tortillas. Chumotchu yu' titiyas yan satdinas. I ate tortillas and sardines. Mama'tinas si nåna titiyas para sena. Mother made tortillas for dinner Håfa ga'ñam‑mu, titiyas ma'is pat titiyas harina? Which is your preference, corn tortillas or wheat tortillas? From: Sp. tortillas.


titmina vt. terminate, limit. Matitmina håo gi che'chu'. You are terminated from work. Matitmina na sais ha' na latan tuna siña u fåhahan. You were limited to purchase six cans of tuna only. From: Sp. terminar.


titmosa n. thermos. Na'bula hånum maipi i titmosa fan. Please fill up the thermos with hot water. Mabaratura i titmosa gi as Joeten. The thermos is on sale at Joeten. Kå'ka' i titmosa anai hineksi nu i ladriyu. The thermos cracked when the brick landed on it. Variant: temos. From: Eng. thermos.


títokcha' n. bee stinger. Inakka' i patgun ni títokcha' sasata. The child was stung by a bee stinger. Pokpuk i labios‑ña ginin i títokcha' sasata. His lips got swollen from a bee stinger. Derived by reduplication from tokcha'.


Titu name. nickname for Jacinto. Bråbu si Titu na tåotåo. Jacinto is a hardworking guy. Ha silebra si Titu i mina'singku åñus na kumplihaños‑ña. Jacinto celebrated his fiftieth birthday.


títufuk n. weaver (of mats or baskets). Måolik i biha na titufuk. The old lady is an excellent weaver. Håyi siña ta impleha ni måolik na titufuk? Who can we hire that is good in weaving? Derived by reduplication from tufuk. See: mámamfuk.


títugi n. type of eel: moray eel. gymnothorax pictus (Family Muraenidae). Adahi na un inakka' ni titugi. Be careful not to get bitten by the eel. Hu li'i' un dångkulun titugi. I saw a big moray eel. Derived by reduplication from tohgi, because the moray eel sometimes appears to be standing upright. See: håkmang, ñotak.


títugi' n. writer, author, calligrapher. Disdi gumuaha kompiuta ti gef usu i títugi'. A calligrapher is not in demand since the computer came about. Ti títugi' ennåo na tåotåo låo måolik kumuentus. That man is not a writer but he is a good speaker. Si siñot Sanchez i títugi' esti na lepblu. Mr. Sanchez is the author of this book. Derived by reduplication from tugi'.


títuka' n. thorn, usually comes from trees, bushes, or vines; barb. Mitituka' i floris funainis. The Bougainvillea has lots of thorns. Diniluk i lancheru ni tituka' lemmun. The farmer got pricked by the lemon thorns. Bula titukå'‑ña i cha'guan ispåña. The stickle burr grass has lots of thorns.


títula n. title, inscription, heading, caption, position, style, appellation, rank. Na'siguru na un tugi' i titulan i lepblu. Make sure you write the title of the book. Håfa titulå‑ña esti na kåtta? What is the heading of this letter. Kama'gas titulå‑ña si Jennifer gi ofisinan gubetnu. Jennifer has an official position at the govenor's office. See: pusisión, grådu. Variant: títulu. From: Sp. titulo.


títulu n. 1) title (descriptive heading). I titulun i istoria put si Sirena. The title of the story is about the Mermaid. Na'ladangkulu i titulun i dokumentu. Enlarge the title of the document. 2) title (formal name or rank). Mana'tatkilu esti na titulu gi halum ofisinan iskuelan pupbliku. They considered this title high in the public school system. Ti umatya i titulu‑mu yan i bidåda‑mu siha. Your title does not fit your actions. Variant: títula.


títumu n. dyer, stainer, one who dyes. Ma usa i simiyan achoti kumu títimu para i bistek. They used the anatto seeds to add color to the beef steak. Adahi na un chuda' i tinta sa' títimu. Be careful not to spill the ink because it stains. Títumu lokkui' i pipitas mångga. The mango seed also stains. Derived by reduplication from tumu. See: titenta.


to'a adj. 1) almost mature (of fruit), ready to be picked. Mungnga ma tifi' i mångga sa' ti måmasa; trabiha to'a. Don't pick the mango because it is not ripe yet; it is almost ripe. 2) almost mature (of mind). Esta to'a hinasson‑ña i hagå‑ta. Our daughter's thinking is almost that of a mature adult.


to'chung n. type of knot: slip knot, flat knot, reef knot. Håfa na dångkulu i te'chong‑mu? Why did you make a big knot? Kallu i te'chung i talin magågu'. The knot of the clothes line is loose. Pula i te'chung. Untie the knot.

vt. connect by tying. To'chung i tali ya u la'anakku'. Connect the line so that it becomes longer. Na'ato'chung ennåo i dos håyu para guaili. Tie the two sticks to make a picking pole.


to'hi vt. put (liquid) into, give a drop (of liquid) to. To'hi matå‑ña ni amut. Give a drop of medicine in her eye. To'hi tres gota na ketchap ya u nina'i kulot. Add three drops of soysauce to give it color. See: gota. Variant: to'i.


to'i vt. put liquid into, drop liquid into. I mediku ha to'i matå‑hu dididi' åmut måta. The doctor dropped a little bit of the eyedrop in my eyes. Tine'i addeng‑hu ni hanum maipi. I had a drop of hot water on my foot. Hu to'i sirasami' i satten anai para bai hu gisa i katni. I put a few drops of salad oil in the pot when I was going to saute the meat. Variant: to'hi.



to'la' n. saliva, spittle, sputum. Mungnga mapatcha sa' to'la' ennåo. Do not touch that because it is saliva.

vi. spit out, expectorate. Mungnga tumo'la' gi me'nan tåotåo. Do not spit in front of people. Makonni' i taotåo para i ospitåt sa' tumomo'la' håga'. The man was taken to the hospital because he was spitting blood. Mientras mås lo'lu', mås tumo'la' flema. The more he coughs, the more he espectorates phlegm


to'lå'i vt. spit at. Hu to'lå'i matå‑ña. I spat at her face. Kada kumuentus manulala'i. Whenever she speaks se spits. Håfa na un to'lå'i yu'? Why did you spit at me? Variant: tu'la'i.


to'lang n. bone. Sen masoksuk sa' i te'lang‑ña esta a'annuk. He is so emaciated because we can now see his bones. Kumåkatdu si Patricia kåtdun to'lang. Patricia is making bone soup. Ma sodda' bulan to'lang tåotåo antigu gi halum i Liyang Kalabera. They found a lot of prehistoric human bones at Kalabera Cave. Syn: kalabera.


to'lang satnut n. shin bone. Metgut to'lang satnot‑ña si Vicente sa' ti måhluk anai basnak. Vicente's shin bone is strong because it did not break when he fell. Manehyuk to'lang satnot‑ña si tata. Father's shin bone is aching. Loddu' to'lang satnot‑ña si Victoria. Victoria's shin bones are thick. Variant: to'lang såtnut.


to'tu vt. clip tips of (vine); clip leaves from (plant). Ma to'tu' i pupulu. They clipped the pepper leaves.


to'tu' vi. lie down on back, recline on back, person on a deathbed. Mana'to'tu i neni sa' matuhuk. They made the baby lie down because she is sleepy. Gef ya‑hu maigu' tumo'tu. I really like to sleep on my back. Tumo'to'tu i amku' sa' chachaflik. The elderly person is on his deathbed.


todabiha adv. yet, still. Todabiha ti mama'titinas si nåna sena. Mother has not cooked dinner yet. Todabiha ti munånayan i gimå'‑hu. My house is still not finished. Tres dihas esta maloffan disdi finattok‑ku, låo todabiha ti hu bisisita håo. It has been three days since I arrived, but I have not visited you yet. Usually used with a negative. Variant: trabiha, tarabiha. From: Sp. todavía.


todu art. all, every, entire. Na'lågu todu ya ta fannahung. Cook everything so that we have enough. Todu ennåo siha na istudiånti mangginin i iskuelan Oleai. All those students are from Oleai Elementary School. Todu i taotåo manmåttu. The entire population came. See: puru, interu. From: Sp. todo.


todu esta everything, already. Todu esta manhånåo para i gima'. They all went home already. Kåo todu esta munhåyan i che'cho'‑mu? Are you already finished with all your chores? Kåo todu esta manmåttu? Is everyone here already?


todu i diha np. all day. See: tududia, tudutdiha.


todu i dos art. both. An para un hånåo mågi, konni' mågi todu i dos påtgun. Bring both children on your way over. Todu i dos saina sumåsåonåo gi Motheread/Fatheread Program. Both parents are participating in the Motheread/Fatheread program.


todu i lugåt (TBD) np. everywhere, in every place, places, all over, in all throughout the world. Todu i lugåt guaha iskuelan publiku. In every place there is a public school. Todu i lugåt guaha manñañalang. In all throughout the world there is hunger. Gi todu i lugåt guaha guinaiya. In every place there is love.


todu i tiempu adv. all the time, every time. Debi di ta fanlistu todu i tiempu. We have to be on alert all the time. Todu i tiempu si nåna mananaitai. Mother is praying all the time. Bibisi håo todu i tiempu kada hu bisita hao. You are always busy every time I visit you. Ant: ni ngai'an. From: Sp. todo el tiempo.


toftuf ? ?, as in: åmut toftuf.


tohgi vi. stand up, erect. Tohgi hulu' ya un difendin maisa håo. Stand up and defend yourself. Tohgi gi hilu' i eksu' ni para un li'i' klåru. Stand on top of the hill to see clearly. Tumohgi ya manngingi' gi as tatå‑ña. He stood and kissed his father's hand. Variant: togi.


tohki n. chime, stroke of the hour, ring of the bell. Pega i tohki gi petta kosa ki siña ta hunguk yanggin guaha måttu. Hang the chime at the entrance door so that we can tell if someone comes.

vi. chime, strike (of a clock), ring (of a bell). Ti hu hunguk anai tohki i rilos. I did not hear the stroke of the hour. Tohki sa' esta oran iskuela. Ring the bell because it is time for school.


tohlai n. bridge. Famokkat gi tohlai ni para un falak i ottru bånda. Walk over the bridge to get to the other side. Mayulang i tohlai. The bridge is broken. Variant: tollai.


tohni n. brace, strut, prop. Chuli' mågi åtchu' para tohnin i petta. Bring over a rock to prop the door.

vt. brace (something), support so as to give firmness, support with a brace. Hu tohni yu' gi lamasa anai bulåchu ilu‑hu. I braced myself against the table when I got dizzy. Hu tohni i trongkun chotda sa' u poddung. I braced the banana tree because otherwise it might fall. Variant: toni.


toka vi. caught, trapped, snared, hit. Toka i ga'lågu anai hu fletcha. I hit the dog with the sling shot. Toka håo gi litråtu. You were caught in the picture. Hågu ni tottoka i essitan. The joke is on you.


tokånti adv. as long as, so far as. Tokånti ki ti un cho'gui. As long as you don't do it. Tokånti ki ti hu hunguk. As long as I don't hear it. Tokånti ki måttu håo åntis di oran cho'chu'. As long as you return before my work time. From: Sp. tocante.


tokcha' n. spear, lance. Månu ni un po'lu i tekcha' tåta? Where did you put father's spear? Mamatinas i che'luhu dies na tokcha' para pumeska. My brother made five spears for fishing.

vt. spear, stab, pierce (with a sharp object), puncture. Humånåo si tata umé'tokcha' guihan. Father went spear fishing. I sakki ha tokcha' i tendera. The robber stabbed the cashier. Kåo matokcha' esti na guihan? Was this fish speared? Tinekcha' i addeng‑hu ni liluk. A nail punctured my foot. See: lånsa, fisga.


tokchi vt. extend, splice, connect, make longer (attach). I bisinu‑hu ha tokchi i kusinå‑ña. My neighbor extended his kitchen. Hu tokchi i dos håyu para u la'anåkku'. I connected the two pieces of wood to make it longer. Na'fanatokchi i siya ni para u inus. Connect the chairs so that more will fit. Variant: totchi.


tokchin me'na n. prefix. Tokchin me'na i "fan" gi palåbra, fanli'i'an. The prefix in the word fanli'i'an is "fan." (meaning window)


tokchin talu' n. infix. Tokchin talu' i "na" gi måhnanåo. (meaning long gone or extended onward) The infix is "na" in måhnanåo.


tokchin tåtti n. suffix. Tokchin tåtti i "tåt" gi tåttatti. The "tåt" in tåttatti is the infix. (meaning to be following behind or later)


tokpung n. handle (of tool). Måhluk i tekpung mattiyu‑hu. The handle of my hammer is broken. Go'ti i tekpung satten putno un tininu. Hold the pot handle to avoid being burned. Fa'tokpung esti i hayu para i iskoban hågun niyuk. Use this pole as a handle for the coconut midrib broom.

adj. until whenever, no sense of time. Ti hu fåttu gi gima' esta ki tokpung. He won't come home until whenever.


tokpung iskoba n. broom handle. Tulaika i tekpung iskoba. Change the broom handle. Ha ispånta i ga'lågu ni tekpung iskoba. He scared the dog with the broom handle. Siempri hu tekpung iskoba håo. Soon I will get you with the broom handle.


tokpung lampåsu n. mop handle. Håyi humuluk i tekpung lampåsu? Who broke the mop handle? Ha galuti i che'lu‑ña ni tekpung lampåsu. He hit his brother with the mop handle. Go'tin måolik i tekpung lampåsu yanggin un lampåpasu i satgi. Grip the mop handle tightly when you are mopping the floor.


tokpungi vt. make handle for. Hu tokpungi i achita sa' måhluk. I made a handle for the axe because it is broken. Hu faisin i lancheru para u tokpungi i fusiñus. I asked the farmer to make a handle for the hoe. Håyi tumokpungi i iskoban sanhiyung? Who made a handle for the rake?


toktuk vt. hug, embrace, hold fast (hold tightly). Hu toktuk yan hu chiku si nåna anai måttu manbisita. I hugged and kissed grandma whan she came to visit. Toktuk måolik i neni sa' u basnak. Hold the baby tightly so that she won't fall. Toktuk yu' sa' manenghing. Hug me because I am cold. Umatoktuk i dos umasagua. The married couple embraced each other.


tollai n. 1) bridge. Ti siña un faloffan gi tellai sa' mayulang. You can not cross the bridge because it is broken. Mahåtsa un dångkulu na tollai todu ginin trongkun pi'åo. They constructed a huge bridge all from bamboo trees. Fa'tellai fan esti i trongkun ifit sa' figu'. Can you please construct a bridge from the ifil tree because it is very sturdy. 2) hyphen. Manåna'yi tellai gi lameggai na lingguåhi siha. The hyphen is applied in a lot of languages. Tåya tellai gi esti na palåbra gi finu' Chamorro: sungunun. The hyphen is not applied in this Chamorro word: sungunun. Variant: tohlai.


tolling vt. cause to stumble, trip by catching (someone's) foot. Ha tolling yu' i chinalapun hugeti siha. I stumbled because of the scattered toys. Tolling si Joe ni atchu'. Joe go tripped by the rocks. Adahi na un tinolling ni hali' trongku. Caution and do not get tripped by the roots of the bunyan tree. See: guå'ding. Variant: tohling.


tomba vt. knock down. Matomba i neni sa' ti ha a'atan i chalån‑ña. The baby was knocked down because she was not watching her way. Ha tomba yu' i haligi anai potdung. I got knocked down by the pole when it fell. Manmatomba todu i trongku gi duråntin typhoon Pongsona. The trees were all knocked down during Typhoon Pongsona.


tomma padisét vt. make (someone) aware, bring to (someone's) attention. Si Rosie ha tomma padiset yu' put i planun umasagua. Rosie brought to my attention about the plan for the wedding.


tommu n. knee, elbow. Måhluk i timmon‑ña si Mona anai matomba. Mona broke her knee when she tripped. Dimu påpa' gi timmom‑mu ya un fanggågåo asi'i'. Kneel down on your knees and ask for forgiveness. Sessu i patgun matomba ya ha padedesi putin tommu. The child falls often and he is suffering pain in his knees. Paladang todu i temmok‑ku sa' sessu yu' sulun. My elbows are all scarred because I often slip.


tommun kånnai n. wrist. Kåo siña un lasa i tommun kannai‑hu? Can you massage my elbow? Adahi na u hugåndu si Pedro sa' måhluk i tommun kannai‑ña. Make sure that Pedro does not play because he broke his elbow. Diniluk ni tituka i tommun kannai‑hu. The thorn pierced my elbow. See: tommun kodu.


tommun koddu n. elbow. Kå'ka' i tommun koddu‑ña si Tåta. Father has a fractured elbow. Ma x‑ray i tommun koddu‑hu. They took an x-ray of my elbow. Sessu yu' umoppup yanggin manaitai yu' lepblu ya todu kayus i tommun koddu‑hu. I frequently lie on my stomach when I read books and my elbow is all calloused.


tompu' vt. trip (someone), cause to stumble, stub one's toe. Matompu' yu' sa' ti hu li'i' i madduk gi chalan. I stumbled because I did not see the hole on the road. Adahi na un matompu' gi atchu'. Be careful not to trip on the rocks. Tinempu' i patgon ni mismu hugeti‑ña. The child tripped on his own toy. See: tolling.


tomtum adj. wise, smart, intelligent, clever. Tomtum i ma'estrok‑ku. My teacher is smart. Mantomtum i famagu'un på'gu na tiempu. The children these days are clever. Ha ripåra na mås tomtum i amigu‑ña ki guiya mismu. He realized that his friend is wiser than he himself. See: malåti', kabilosu, ménhalum.


Tona' name. nickname for Antonia. Humånåo si Tona' para i tenda. Antonia went to the store. Para u guput si Tona' gi fandånggun Bek gi Betnis. Antonia is going to Bek's wedding party on Friday. Malågu ham yan si Tona' para i huegun bola. Antonia and I ran to the ball game. Variant: Tonang, Nonang, Nona'.


tonnas n. stick, larger than bålas. Manutut si nåna un tonnas para såolåk‑ña ni manåguatguat na famagu'un. Mother cut one stick to whip the naughty children. Hu nisisita dies na tonnas para bai hu tohni i flores‑su. I need ten sticks to brace my flowers. Mamampus anåkku' esti na tonnas. This stick is too long.


tonteriha n. stupidity, nonsense, folly, silly action, blunder, foolish pranks. Puru ha' che'chu' tonteriha un cho'cho'gui. All you are doing are stupid stuff. Mungnga ma'usa i palåbran tonteriha. Don't use nonsense words. Båsta macho'gui che'chu' tonteriha. Stop doing silly actions. See: tontu. From: Sp. tonteria.


tontu adj. foolish, nonsensical, silly. Tontu håo na påtgun. You are a silly boy. Mungnga mama'tontu. Don't act foolish. Puru tontu na hinassu. It's all silly thoughts. From: Sp. tonto.


tontun vt. bump (on the head). Sessu i patgun matontun ilu‑ña gi petta. The child frequently bumps his head on the doorway. Matontun ilu‑ña si Antonio annai humålum gi kareta. Tony bumped his head when he got into the car. Umatontun i dos påtgun annai manhugågandu. The two kids bumped into each other's headwhile they were playing. Variant: tongtung.


tonu n. tune, tone. Faisin fan ya una' måolik i tonu siha gi gitalå‑hu? Could you ask if she can fix the tunes of my guitar. Håfa na klåsin tonu ya‑mu? What kind of tune do you like? Ti yahu i tonun i fino'mu. I don't like the tone of your statement. From: Sp. tono.


toñiak-ochu (from: toñiak‑ochu) vt. poke the eye of (someone). I bachigu na palåo'an ha toñiak i matan i asaguå‑ña nu i do'ak.


Tong name. nickname for Antonio. Si Tong i kandidåtun atkåtdi på'gu na såkkan. Tong is a candidate for mayor this year. Si Tong yan si Ton sen umamigu. Tong and Ton as very good friends. Ha asagua si Tona' si Tong. Tona' married Tong. Variant: Ton.


tonghu n. nape (of neck), back side of the neck. Guaha un tungu hayi tumungu' manlasan tonghu? Do you know anyone who knows how to massage the back of the neck? Dinanchu' i tinghun i buleru ni bola. The baseball player's nape was hit by the baseball. Lengngai tingho‑hu. I have a stiff neck. Syn: kueyu.


tongtung vt. pound, beat, batter, bang against, strike heavily or repeatedly with fist, bump. Ha tongtung gui' i neni anai lalålu'. The baby banged his head when he got mad. Hu tongtung i ilu‑ña kontran i liga. I pounded his head against the wall Huyung gi papa' lamasa, sa' atyu un matongtung. Get out from under the table because you might bump yourself. Umatongtung i ilun‑ñiha. They bumped into each other's heads. See: tutu, fongfung.


tori n. tower. Guaha un dångkulun tori giya Hapon. There is a big tower in Japan. Bula siña un li'i' yanggin gaigi håo gi tori. You can see many things if you are in the tower. I mås tatkilu' na tori gi tanu' atyu i ma'å'agang tower. The tallest tower in the world is called the ______tower.


toru1 n. spider shell, seashell. Kuåntu un konni' na toru gi Breakwater na tåsi? How many spider seashells did you get from the Breakwater Beach? Ti debi di un chuli' toru gi tasi. You are prohibited from taking the spider shell from the ocean.


toru2 n. bull, buck. Ha goppi i toru i kellat. The bull jumped over the fence. Esta kumatin totoru anai madingu ni bus. He cried like a bull when he missed the bus. From: Sp. toro.


torun binådu n. stag, male deer, buck. Manli'i' yu' torun binådu gi kantun chålan gi paingi. I saw a male deer on the side of the road last night. Ha tokcha' yu' i torun binådu sa' hu istani. The male deer gored me because I was taunting him. Bunitu ma'atan i torun binådu yanggin humugågandu na maisa. It is nice to watch a buck when he's frolicking by himself.


torun pentu n. spotted seashell often found in Chamorro homes as a decoration. Kåo torun pentu ennåo? Is that the spotted seashell? Bunitu na torun pentu para gatbesa. The spotted seashell is beautiful for home decoration. Kåo siña un bendi yu' nu esti na torun pentu? Can you sell me this spotted seashell?


torupidu n. torpedo (Rota). Fanattuk sa' en fandinanchi ni torupidu. Take cover because you might get hit by a torpedo. Piligru i torupidu na åtma. A torpedo is a dangerous weapon. Syn: totpidu.


tosta n. toast. Mås ki tostan pån i tinala' magågu ni maipin somnak. The laundry is like toasted bread from the sun's heat.

vt. toast (something), scorch (something), parch, dry (something) up, cook (something) to a crisp. Tosta i ma'is para charakilis. Toast the corn for charakilis. Dokngus todu i pån anai ha tosta. All the bread got burnt when he toasted them. Ha tosta si Tang i ma'is para gimen‑ña cha. Dad toasted the corn to make his tea. From: Sp. tosta.


tostus adj. burned, crispy, dehydrated, dried from heat, toasted, overcooked to a crisp. Chumotchu yu' tostus ineksa'. I ate crispy rice. Håfa na un na'sen tostus i biskuchu? Why did you make the crackers too crispy? Aflitu i i'i' ya un na'tostus. Fry the fish and make it crispy. See: akung.


tot n. toad (Guam). Håfa kulot‑ña i tot? What color is the toad? Manmåtai i tot sa' ånglu' i tanu'. The toads died because of the dry season. Syn: kairu'. From: Eng. toad.


totbus vt. bump against, collide with. Matotbus i lamasa ya poddung i masetan floris. They bumped against the table and the flower vase fell. Umatotbus i dos kareta. The two vehicles collided. Hu chonnik sa' hasngun ha totbus yu'. I pushed her because she purposely bumped into me. Umatotbus ham yan si Juan gi fila. I collided with Juan in the line. Sigi ha' yu' umatotbus yan tåotåo gi giput sa' mampus bula. I kept colliding with people in the party because it was too crowded. See: totpi. Variant: totpus.


totchi n. protein food, food. Håfa na totchi un chagi esta gi lamasa? What protein food did you try at the table? Hokkuk totchi låo sopbla saibuk suni. The protein food is gone but the taro with coconut milk is left.

vt. dunk, dip (something) into liquid. Totchi i na'‑mu pån gi kafe. Dip your bread in the coffee. Ti ya‑hu tumotchi i guihan gi fina'denni'. I don't like to dip fish in spicy sauce. Na'fanotchi yu' fan gi na'‑mu asiga. Please allow me to dip in your salt mixture.


totda n. roof of vehicle. Fåhan i kareta ni siña un baba i totdan‑ña. Purchase a car that can open its roof top. Madaloggai i totdan i kareta anai poddung i niyuk. The roof of the car was dented when the coconut fell on it.


totku adj. idiot, fool, utterly senseless (of a person), blockhead. Mungnga mama'totku. Don't be a fool. Totku håo na pitsona. You are an utterly senseless person. Kumåti si John anai ma'ågang totku. John cried when he was called an idiot.


totni vt. ignite (a fire), light (a fire), set (a fire). Totni i guafi ya ta tunu i katni. Ignite the fire and we will barbeque the meat. Ha totni i guafi pues tininu sa' ti ha atendi. He lighted the fire and got burnt because he was not paying attention. Adahi na un maleffa; totni i guafi para u isgaihun i sakman hålum gi sagua an puengi. Make sure you don't forget to light the fire to guide the sailing canoe into the channel at night. See: songgi. Variant: totngi.


totnin guåfi n. kindling, fire starter. Usa punut para totnin guafi. Use coconut husk as kindling to start the fire. See: totngi.


totnu n. turn (in scheduling), shift (at work), (alternate) order. Totnon‑ña si Mrs. Sablan gi Betnis. It is Mrs. Sablan's shift on Friday. Totnok‑ku makonni' ottru simåna. It is my turn to be picked up next week. Håyi gai totnu mamulan påtgun? Whose turn is it to babysit? See: tåra, tareha.


totngi vt. ignite (a fire), light (a fire), set (a fire). Totngi i guafi sa' ta tunu i katni. Ignite the fire and we will barbeque the meat. Ha totngi i guafi pues tininu sa' ti ha atendi. He lighted the fire and got burnt because he was not paying attention. Adahi na un maleffa; totngi i guafi para u isgaihun i sakman hålum gi sagua an puengi. Make sure you don't forget to light the fire to guide the sailing canoe into the channel at night. See: songgi. Variant: totni.


Toto name. name of village in Guam.


totpi vt. bump (against), collide with, strike, knock, or thump. Umatotpi i dos patgun. The two kids bumped each other. Guaha tres na kareta manatotpi giya Garapan. There were tree vehicles that collided in Garapan. Atan i famokkåt‑mu sino manotpi håo. Watch were you are walking or you will knock someone down. Syn: totpus.


tottut n. Marianas fruit dove. Ptilinopus roseicapilla. Maprutehi i tottut på'gu giya Mariånas. The Marianas fruit dove is now protected in the Marianas. Mikulot esti i tottut gi aga''‑ña yan i ilu‑ña. The Marianas fruit dove has many colors on its neck and head. Ha tungu' i asaguå‑hu taimanu katin i tottut. My husband knows the call of the Marianas fruit dove. I manmofo'na na tåotåo Chamorro ma ufresi i tottut para sakrifisiu. The ancient Chamorros offer the fruit dove as sacrifice. Variant: totut.


totu vt. tear off (leaf,) break (branch off tree). Hu totu i manmåtai na hågun gi floris. I tore off the dead leaves on the flower. I metgut månglu' ha totu i ramas gi trongku. The strong wind broke the branch off the tree.


tótunuk vi. go down. Bai hu tótunuk put para bai ayuda i hagå‑hu. I will go down to help my daughter. Umasodda' ham yan i ma'estråk‑ku gi chalan anai tótotunuk yu' para i tenda I met my teacher on the road when I was going down to the shopping center. Tótunuk ya bai hu sosodda' håo guatu. Go down and I will meet you there.


totut1 n. type of bird: Marianas fruit dove. Ptilinopus roseicapilla. Tumohtohgi i totut gi ramas i trongku. The Marianas fruit dove is standing on the branch of the tree. Mangonni' si tåta totut para ga' i lahi‑ña. Father caught a Marianas fruit dove for his son's pet. Manggaigi i tetut gi trongkun mansanita. The Marianas fruit doves are gathering on the mansanita tree. Variant: tottut.


totut2 vi. cluck, as when the hen calls for her chicks. Otru klåsi sa' tumototut sin puyitus. Strange that it is clucking without any chicks. Variant: tottuk, tuktuk.


tråba n. bond. Båba i traba intri i dos umasagua. There is no more bonding between the couple.

vt. tie, bond, twist (rope), entangle. Matråba i chiba gi kantun chålan. The goat was tied by the road. From: Sp. trabar.


trabadót adj. industrious, energetic. Trabadot si Danny na indibiyuåt. Danny is an industrious individual. Todu i tiempu ha na'a'annuk na trabadot gui' na tåotåo. He always shows that he is an energetic person. Måolik na facho'chu' si Alvin, sa' mampus trabadót na tåotåo. Alvin is an excellent worker, because he is very industrious. See: bråbu, butmuchåchu, bumuchåchu. From: Sp. trabajador.


trabahadót adj. industrious, energetic. See: bråbu, butmuchåchu. Variant: trabadót. From: Sp. trabajador.


trabiha adv. yet, still. Trabiha ti matulalaika i hinassok‑ku put esti na asuntu. My thinking about this issue has not changed. Trabiha ti munhåhayan i gimå'‑hu. My house is still not finished. Tres dihas esta maloffan disdi finattok‑ku, låo trabiha ti hu bisisita håo. It has been three days since I arrived, but I have not visited you yet. Usually used with a negative. Variant: tarabiha, todabiha. From: Sp. todavía.


trabisåñu n. transom, a transverse in a structure, the horizontal bar of a cross, gallows, etc. Mayulang i trabisåñu. The crossbeam (transom) is broken. Ti ma nå'yi trabisåñu i gimå'‑hu. They did not put a transom in my house. Variant: atrabisåñu. From: Sp. travesaño.


trabuka vt. mess up (something), disarrange, dishevel, make a mess of, disorder. Guaha humåtmi i gima' ya ha trabuka i kosas siha. Someone broke into the house and messed up all the things. Cha'‑mu trabubuka i kosas‑su. Do not disarrange my belongings. Ha trabuka todu i pappet‑tu. She disheveled all my notes. From: Sp. trabucar.


tradisionåt adj. traditional. Håfa siha i tradisionåt na kustumbrin i isla‑ta? What are the traditional customs in our island? Cha'‑mu tumulalaika i tradisionåt kuttura yan lingguåhi. Do not change the traditional culture and language. I manngingi' Niñu unu na tradisionåt‑ta gi duråntin Påsgua. The kissing of the Baby Jesus is our tradition during Christmas season. From: Sp. tradicional.


tragón adj. greedy, gluttonous, avaricious. Mungnga mutragón sa' ti måolik. Do not be gluttonous because it is not good. Tåya' para un guinaiya yanggin tragón håo. No one will like you if you are greedy. Na'mamahlåo esti i tragon na kustumbri. It is shameful to be greedy. Describes the highest degree of gluttony. From: Sp. tragon.


tråhi n. looks, appearance, suit of clothes (for men). Ispot trahi‑ña si tåta gi giput. Dad looks sharp at the party. Håfa na taiguennåo trahi‑mu? Why is your appearance like that? Na'asintådu trahi‑mu sa' para i gima' Yu'us håo. Wear your decent suit, because you are going to Church. From: Sp. traje.


trahoma n. trachoma.

adj. having trachmoa. Chetnut måta i trahoma. Trachoma is a disease of the eye. Ti siña manli'i' måolik sa' trahoma. She cannot see clearly because he has trachoma


traiånggu' n. triangle (Rota). I traiånggu' unu gi fotma. Triangle is one of the shapes. Tres bandån‑ña i traiånggu'. There are three sides in a triangle. Mama' traiånggu i tano‑hu. My land is shaped like a triangle. Variant: triånggulu. From: Eng. triangle.


traianggula adj. triangular. Traianggula i fotman i gimå'‑hu. My house is trangular in shape. Traianggula fotmån‑ña esti na lamasa sa' tres puntån‑ña. This table is trangular in shape because it has three angles. From: Sp. triangular.


traidót n. traitor, treacherous, disloyal. Piligru ennåo na tåotåo sa' traidot. The person is dangerous because he is a traitor. Ginin angokkuyun ennåo na tåotåo låo esta matulaika. That person used to be trustworthy but she has changed. Dimålas i bisnis sa' mantraidót i mangga'chung. The business collapsed because the partners were disloyal. From: Sp. traidor.


traiduti vt. betray. Ha traiduti i mismu che'lu‑ña. She betrayed her own sibling. Ni ngai'an na bai hu traiduti håo. I shall never betray you. Låstima sa' ma sen angokku låo uttimon‑ña mantrinaiduti. It is a shame that they trusted him so much but they were betrayed in the end. See: trampåsi, fa'baba, dugeruyi.


traitu n. theater. Unu ha' na traitu giya Saipan. There is only one theater on Saipan. Bunitu i mubi gi traitu Hollywood. The movie showing at Hollywood theater is great.


tråk n. truck, vehicle. Fåhan i trak sa' siña un usa gi difirientis manera. Buy a truck because it is useful in many ways. Binatsala i sidan ni tråk. The sedan was towed by the truck. Ma usa i tråk para ma kåtga i lamasan piknik. They use the truck to transport the picnic table. From: Eng. truck.


tråk guåfi n. fire truck. Impottånti na u guaha un tråk guåfi gi kada songsung. It is important to have one fire truck in each village. Ågang i ofisinan tråk guåfi sa' guaha guma' kimasoson. Call the fire truck office because there is a house that's burning. Atrasåo i trak guåfi, pues todu kimason i gima'. The fire truck was delayed, so the entire house burned down. Syn: tråk kimasón.


tråk kimasón n. fire truck. Mana' fan fila i tråk kimason gi Dipattamentun Kimason. The fire trucks were lined up at the Fire Department. Suhåyi sa' ennigi' mågi i tråk kimason. Move aside because the the fire truck is approaching. Syn: tråk guåfi.


tramoha vt. tie (something) down, lash (something) down, knot (something), secure (something). Tramoha i trongkun mångga ya mungnga na u måhluk yanggin duru i manglu'. Tie down the mango tree so that it will not break during heavy rain. Tramoha i talin magågu. Secure the clothes line. See: gramaderu, goddi.


tråmpas n. trick, stratagem, artifice, ruse, wile. Ginin i trampas na bumåba i inágofli'i'‑ñiha. It was due to the artifice that their friendship went sour. I trampas muna'bubu yu'. It was the trick that got me mad. From: Sp. trampa.


trampåsi vt. trick (someone), defraud, cheat, dupe, swindle, double cross, deceive (someone) by cunning or artifice. Trinampåsi si Diego gi as Juan. Juan double crossed Diego. Ha trampåsi i gubietnu anai sigi ha' manrisibi ayudun federåt, låo esta gui' machocho'chu'. He defrauded the government when he continued to collect welfare while already employed. Ha trampåsi yu' gi balåha. She tricked me at playing cards. See: fa'baba, traiduti.


tramposu adj. swindler, rogue, crook, cheating, tricking. Tåya' para un guinaiya yanggin tramposu håo na tåotåo. No one will like you if you are a crook. Ti ma'apela sa' tramposu na tåotåo. She is not trusted because he is a swindler. From: Sp. tramposo.


transferi vt. transfer, transport, convey from one place to another. Esta matransferi i ufisinå‑hu guatu Susupe. My office is already being transferred to Susupe. Ma transferi i kosas‑ñiha para ottru lugåt. They transported their belongings to another place. Håfa na matransferi i istudiånti para ottru iskuela? Why did the student transfer to another school? Variant: trasfieri. From: Sp. trasferir.


translåda vt. translate, decode, turn from one language into another, interpret. Ta nisista tåotåo para u translåda håfa masåsangan. We need someone to translate what is being said. Ti hu tungu' mantranslåda gi finu' udu. I do not know how to interpret sign language. Variant: transulåda. From: Sp. transladar.


transplånta vt. transplant, replant, plant in a new place. Måolik mantransplånta na ha'åni sa' uchan. It is good day to transplant because it rained. Transplånta i floris gi nuebu na maseta. Transfer the flower into the new pot. Ha transplånta i dinekku' mångga para i santattin guma'. He replanted the mango seedling to the back yard. From: Sp. trasplantar.


transpotta vt. transport, transfer, convey from one place to another. Bulan chandiha manmatranspotta ginin Tinian asta Saipan. Lots of watermelons were transported from Tinian to Saipan. Bai hu transpotta tinilådan ma'is para Guam. I will transport tons of corn to Guam. Ma transpotta i malångu para i hospitåt gi ámbulan. They transferred the patient to the hospital via ambulance. Variant: traspotta. From: Sp. transportar.


transpottasión n. transportation. Bula difirentis klåsin transpottasión på'gu na tiempu. There are many different kinds of transportation these days. Bai hu angokku transpottasion airi ki kareta. I will trust air transportation rather than car. Esti siha na' transpottasión para gi sagan hånum; boti, båtku, yan galaidi. Boats, ships and canoes are transportation used on water. From: Sp. transportacion.


trångka n. cage, bar to prevent children from going out the door of a house; enclosure, gate, gateway, entrance of a fence. Huchum i trangka ya mungnga na u hålum i ga'lågu. Close the gate so the dogs will not come in. Håyi bumaba i trangkan i paharu? Who opened the bird cage? Mayulang i trangkan i nuebu na kollat. The gate of the new fence is broken. From: Sp. tranca.


trangkilu adj. tranquil, peaceful, calm, undisturbed. Trangkilu na tåotåo. He is a calm guy. Yanggin un tungu' umadahi i fina'chu'cho'‑mu, pues trangkilu lina'lå'‑mu. If you know how to manage your income, then you will have a peaceful life. Atan i neni, sa' trangkilu maigogo'‑ña gi halum kuna. Look at the baby sleeping peacefully in the crib. From: Sp. tranquilo.


trapåt n. canvas (tent). Håtsa sais na trapåt para i giput. Set up six canvas tents for the party. Kuåntu bali‑ña i trapot? How much does the canvas cost? See: brin.


trapichi n. sugar mill, the device used to squeeze the sap of the sugar cane. Chuli' un tråk na tupu guatu gi trapichi. Take one truck of sugar cane to the sugar mill. Usa i trapichi ni para u fugu' i tipu. Use the devise to squeeze the sap of the sugar cane. From: Sp. trapiche.


trås adv. besides, moreover. Trås mama'papairi håo ni ti iyom‑mu. Besides, you are acting tough and it is not even yours. Trås guiya para u kundukta i hunta ni tåya' tiningo'‑ña. Moreover, he will be conducting the meeting without any knowledge of what is happening. Po'luyi yu' un pidåsun kek, trås guåhu fumåhan. Save me a piece of cake, besides, I bought it. From: Sp. tras.


tråsa Bai hu tråsa håo gi kuantu malago'‑mu.


trasfieri vt. transfer. Variant: transferi.


traskila vt. shave (sideburn), trim lower part of haircut all around. Hu traskila i batbås‑su. I shaved my sideburn. Bunitu kakko'‑ña anai matraskila. He looks handsome when he shaved. Todo biahi ma traskikila si Ben, sa' mampus mipilu gaputilu‑ña. Ben's is so hairy that they always need to shave his lower hairline. From: Sp. trasquilar.


trasoras adv. occasionally. Trasoras na uma'ali'i' ham. We see each other occasionally. Trasoras i familia ni mandadanña'. The families get together occasionally. See: asolas.


traspotta vt. transport. Variant: transpotta.


tråstis n. 1) material, equipment, device, implement, instrument, tool. supplies. Na'siguru na un fåhan i dinanchi na tråstis kareta. Make sure you buy the right device for the car. Ma bebendi i trastis lancherihas gi as Joeten Hardware. They are selling farming equipment at Joeten Hardware. Kåo kabålis i trastes‑mu para i iskuela? Are your school supplies complete? 2) stuff, things, unspecified objects. Nihi ya ta li'i' håfa na tråstis guma' mabebendi. Let's see what household stuff are being sold. Hekkua' kåo puru tråstis esti ni para mayuti' agupa' pat på'gu. I am not sure whether all these are stuff to be disposed tomorrow or today. Bulan tråstis ti manma'u'usa gi gima'‑ñiha. There are lots of stuff not used in their home. From: Sp. traste.


tråta vt. treat, act toward, behave toward. Tråta i patgun kumu mismu patgon‑mu. Treat the child as your own. Tråta i famagu'on‑mu parehu. Treat your children equally. Håfa na un tråtratan båba yu'? Why are you treating me badly? From: Sp. trata.


tråtus n. bargain, deal. Bula sentrun tråtus giya Garapan. There are a lot of bargain centers in Garapan. Håfa tratus‑miyu yan si Tåta? What is your deal with Father?

vt. bargain, make a deal, contract. Hu tråtus i karetå‑hu as Joeten Motor. I made a deal on my car at Joeten Motor. Trumåtus ham yan si Nåna na kumu måolik grådu pues guaha premiu‑hu. I made a contract with Mother to have good grades and be rewarded.


trela n. trailer; a highway vehicle designed to be hauled, esp. by an automotive vehicle. Båtsala i trela para as Ta Hiko. Pull the trailer to Uncle Hiko's place. Kåo siña un na'ayåo yu' ni trela‑mu? Can you loan me your trailer? Estigi' mås dångkulu na trela giya Saipan. This is the biggest trailer in Saipan. From: Eng. trailer.


trenta num. thirty. Trenta pidåsun mångga matifi'. Thirty pieces of mango were picked. Trenta años‑su. I am thirty years old. Esta para trenta dihas disdi måttu håo tåtti. It has been thirty days since your return. Variant: trienta. From: Sp. treinta.


trentai unu num. thirty-one. Guaha trentai unu dihas gi Huliu na mes. There are thirty one days in the month of July. Kåo esta trentai unu i idåt‑mu? Are you thirty one years of age? Nå'i trentai unu pesus salappe'‑ña. Give him thirty one dollars for his allowance. Variant: trientai unu. From: Sp. treinta_y_uno.


tres num. three. Sumåga yu' tres dihas Tinian. I stayed three days in Tinian. Kåo tres libra na siboyas un fåhan? Did you buy three pounds of onions? Tres kostat pugas chinchule'‑hu. I donated three sacks of rice. From: Sp. tres.


tres sietti n. Chamorro card game, similar to hearts. Meying håo humugåndu tres sietti? Are you good at playing three-seven card game? Un biåhi gi mes, mandanña' ham yan i familia para bai in fanhugåndu tres sietti. Once a month, I get together with the family to play tres sietti.

vi. play the card game tres sietti. Maila' ya ta fantres sietti. Let's play three seven card game. Un tungu' tumirisietti? Do you know how to play the three seven card game? From: Sp. tres siete.


tressi num. thirteen. Tressi åñus ha' i patgun. The child is only thirteen years old. Mina'tressi yu' gi fila. I am number thirteen in line. Tressi ham na famagu'un gi familia. There are thirteen children in our family. From: Sp. trece.


tresuråt n. treasury. Håyi må'gas i tresuråt? Who is the treasury director? Maguåtdian måolik i tresuråt. The treasury is well guarded. Ti salåppi' ha' manmapo'lu gi tresuråt na kunto måppan tånu' yan i mangguaguan siha na kosas. Not only money is in the treasury but also land documents and other valuable items.


tresureru n. treasurer. Si Bernadita i tresureru gi gubietnu. Bernadita is the government's treasurer. Bakånti i pusision tresureru. The treasurer's position is vacant. Debi i tresureru na tåotåo u hunestu. The treasurer needs to be trustworthy. See: kaheru. From: Sp. tesorero.


triånggulu n. triangle. Kakku' triånggulu i gima' Maria. Maria's house is a triangle shape. Masetan triånggulu ennåo. That is a triangle shaped pot. Tres bandån‑ña i triånggulu. A triangle has three sides. Variant: traiånggu'. From: Sp. triangulo.


tribu n. tribute. Para u guaha tribu para si Tan Maria. There will be a tribute for Mrs. Maria. I tribu ni manonra si Rita ginin i kurason. The tribute honoring Rita is from the heart. Sinseru i tribun tåta yan nåna. The tribute for Mother and Father is sincere. From: Sp. tributo.


tribunåt n. prison, jail, correctional facility. Gaigi si Lucia gi tribunåt. Lucia is in jail. Dångkulu i tribunåt fediråt. The federal prison is a huge facility. Gaigi i tibunåt Saipan gi sensung Susupe. The Saipan correctional facility is in Susupe village. See: kalabosu, presu. From: Sp. fi: tribunal.


trienta num. thirty. Variant: trenta. From: Sp. treinta.


trientai unu num. thirty-one. Guaha trientai unu dihas gi Huliu na mes. There are thirty one days in the month of July. Kåo esta trientai unu i idåt‑mu? Are you thirty one years of age? Nå'i trientai unu pesus salape'‑ña. Give him thirty one dollars for his allowance. Variant: trentai unu. From: Sp. treinta y uno.


trigu n. kind of plant: wheat, rice, and other grains. Bula trigu gi gualu'. There is a lot of wheat at the farm. Måolik sustansiån‑ña esti i trigu. Wheat has a lot of excellent nutrients. Tåya' manånanum trigu giya isla‑ta. Nobody is planting wheat on our island. Manånum si tatå‑hu un hektaria difirentis klåsin trigu. My father planted an acre of varieties of grains. I mås maguaiya na trigu i fa'i. The most favorite grain is the rice. Guaha bula na klåsin trigu gi prisienti. At present there are many different kinds of grains. See: få'i. From: Sp. trigo.


trinchera n. trench. I sindålu manmangguådduk trinchera. The soilders are digging trenches. Trincheran i sindålu ennåo. That is a soldier's trench. I trincheran Mariånas mås tåddung gi tanu'. The Marianas Trench is the deepest in the world. From: Sp. trinchera.


Trinidåt n. trinity, triune God, threefold unity, the trinity in unity, name. Santa Trinidåt! Holy Trinity! Guaha dikiki' ha' na buttun Santa Trinidåt gi gima'‑måmi. We only have a small statue of the Holy Trinity at our house. Si Trinidat matanchu' para guiya tetcha para i nubenan Santa Trinidåt. Trinidad was selected to lead the novena of the Holy Trinity. From: Sp. trinidad.


trinisti n. sadness, melancholy, unhappiness, despondency, cheerlessness, deprivation of joy. Guaha trinisti anai humånåo si Marie. There was sadness when Marie left. Bula trinisti anai mandiningu' ni nanan‑ñiha. There was great sadness when their mother passed away. From: Sp. triste.


trinsiyas n. rickrack, a type of decoration for clothing. Pega i trinsiyas gi kueyu yan gi manggas i chininå‑mu. Put rickrack on the collar and on the sleeves of your dress. Ha tufuk i hagun niyuk kalan trinsiyas para u usa kalan sinturon. He wove coconut leaves like rickrack to use as a belt. From: Sp. trencilla.


tripulasión n. tripling (of large numbers). Tripulasión i numirun botadot na såkkan. The number of voters is tripling this year. Tripulasión i bisitan ginin Hapon på'gu na mes. The number of tourists from Japan is tripling this month.


tristi adj. sad, depressed, gloomy. Tristi sa' humånåo i lahi‑ña. She is sad because her son left. Mantristi i bisinu sa' guaha achåkin familia. The neighbor is sad because there's a tragedy in the family. Tristi i kurason‑hu sa' ti un guaiya yu'. I was sad because you don't love me. Mampus tristi yu' anai ha dingu ham si nåna. I was full of grief when my mother passed away.


troki vt. exchange, trade off, swap, change for another. Hu troki i lugåt‑tu yan i gubietnu. I traded off my land with the government. Bai hu troki i karetå‑hu bihu put nuebu. I will exchange my old car for a new one. Troki fan esti i kulot asut na påt metyas para ottru kulot. Please change this pair of blue socks for another color. From: Sp. trocar.


tronu n. throne. Ha fa' tronu i siyå‑ña gi ofisina. She pretended her chair is her throne at the office. Mamifila hålum gi me'nan i tronun i raraina. They were lining up as they approach in front of the queen's throne. From: Sp. trono.


trongku1 n. trunk, stem, tree. Bula trongkun mångga gi lanchun‑måmi. We have a lot of mango trees at our farm. Mit yan mit na trongkun niyuk gi islan Saipan. There are thousands and thousands of coconut trees in the island of Saipan. From: Sp. tronco.


trongku2 vt. punch, sock. Ha trongku yu'. He punched me. Ketu sino hu trongku håo. Be still or else I will sock you. Hu trongku sa' ha kassi yu'. I punched him because he teased me. See: paniti, dommu'. seku, trumpunåsu.


trongku3 n. head of family, head of household. Si tatå‑hu i trongku gi familia. My father is the head of the family. Marispeta kumu guiya i trongku gi familia. She is respected as the head of the family. From: Sp. tronco.


trongkun agalondi n. type of plant. vitex negundo (?). Månu ni guaha trongkun agalondi? Where are there vitex negundu plants? Guaha trongkun agalondi giya Makpi' na bånda. There is a vitex negundo plant at the Marpi area.


trongkun buforing n. type of plant. acacia kauaiensis, acacia koaia (?). Bula trongkun buforing gi lugat‑måmi. We have a lot of acacia kauaiensis plants on our property. Manånum si tåta trongkun buforing gi lanchu. Father planted acacia kauaiensis plants at the farm.


trongkun gåogåo n. type of plant. erythina corallodendron (?). Dispensa låo tåya' trongkun gåogåo guini. Sorry, but there is no erythina corallodendron plant here. As Nan Lia ni siña un sodda' trongkun gåogåo. You can find erythina corallodendron plant at Nan Lia's place.


trongkun gåogåo uchan n. type of plant. phyllanthus marianus (?). Dispensa, låo ti hu tungu' håfa taimanu kako'‑ña i trongkun gåogåo uchan. I am sorry, but I do not know what a phyllanthus marianus plant looks like.


trongkun håyu n. tree. Guaha ennåo na trongkun håyu gi lanchu. We have that tree at the farm. Bula trongkun håyu gi kantun chålan. There are a lot of trees on the roadside. I ifit mås fitmi na trongkun håyu. The ifit (intsia bijuga) is the strongest tree.


trongkun kalaskas n. type of tree whose seed pods make a rattling sound. Påopåo flores‑ña i trongkun kalaskas. The flowers of the trongkun kalaskas have a nice fragrance. Dångkulu esti i trongkun kalaskas, ya bunitu. The trongkun kalaskas tree is big and beautiful. Mapput mapunu' esti i trongkun kalaskas. It is difficult to kill the kalaskas tree.


trongkun lila n. small tree with purple and while flowers, firecracker tree. Clerodendrum quadriloculare. Ginin bula trongkun lila giya Saipan. There used to be a lot of firecracker trees in Saipan. Ti mapput esti i trongkun lila mana'låla'. It is not difficult to grow the firecracker tree.


trongkun mamis n. type of tree. albizia lebbeck. Guiya ennåo na trongku ma'å'agang trongkun mamis. That is the tree called trongkon mamis. Ti un fañodda' trongkun mamis Tinian. You will not find albizia lebbeck trees in Tinian.


trongkun mariposa n. orchid tree. Bauhinia monandra. Bula na klåsin trongkun mariposa guaha giya Saipan. There are several kinds of orchid trees in Saipan. Chaddik ha chalapun gui' esti i trongkun mariposa. The orchid tree spreads quickly. Bunitu i trongkun mariposa mana'fanfila gi kantun chålan. The orchid tree is nice when planted along the side of the road.


trongkun niyuk n. coconut tree. Manmatåtmi i trongkun niyuk siha gi uriyan i linderu. They planted coconut trees round the property. I trongkun niyuk i mås prubichosu na trongku. The coconut tree is the most useful of all trees. Ha feddus i taotåo i trongkun niyuk para u fåmfi' månha. The man climbed the coconut tree to pick some young coconut.


trongkun papåya n. type of plant: papaya. carica papaya. Maseha månu håo guatu, un li'i' trongkun papåya. Wherever you go, you could see papaya plants. Guaha dos klasin papåya gi lanchok‑ku. There are two kinds of papaya trees at my farm. Gof meppa' i trongkun papayå‑mu. Your papaya plant is very fruitful.


trongkun pugua' n. type of tree: betelnut tree. Mantatkilu' i pigua' sa' esta åmku' na trongkun pugua'. The betelnuts are high up because the betelnut tree is old. Kalan trongkun salåppi' esti i trongkun pugua' sa' måolik i bentan i pigua' Betel trees are like money trees because the nuts they produce are marketable. Esta impatchu masåkki pigua'‑ña, pues ha utut todu i trongkun pugua' gi egga'an. He got so frustrated with people stealing his betelnut, so he cut all his betelnut trees this morning.


trongkun sósigi' n. type of plant. acacia kauaiensis, acacia koaia. Gef påopåo i flores‑ña i trongkun sósigi'. This acacia kauaiensis flower is very fragrant. I simiyan sósigi' ginin Hapon. The acacia kauaiensis seed came from Japan. Mahettuk hayu‑ña i trongkun sosigi'. The wood of the acadia kauaiensis is hard.


tropa n. troop, army, something organized in groups. Manmåttu esta i tropan militåt ginin Iraq. The military troops from Iraq have returned. Adahi i tropan otdut agaga'. Watch out for the army of red ants. Ennagi' mågi i tropan famagu'un. Here comes the troop of youngsters. From: Sp. tropa.


trosu1 n. chunk, a short, thick fragment, as of wood, meat, metal, etc., timber, section of cut wood, log, solid whole mass. Makkat na trosun håyu i haligin tilifon. The telephone pole is a heavy log. Sotni ennåo i trosun kåtni ya u mañaña'. Boil that chunk of meat so that it becomes tender. Bula trosu gi atulin Nåna sa’ ti ha lehguamåolik. Nana’s portridge had a lot of lumps because she did not stir it well. Mamo’lu trosun ais si Nåna gi halum i ditfris. xe Grandmother put blocks of ice in the freezer.

adj. chunky, lumpy, forming a solid mass. Trumosu i asentun gapgap sa’ ti matalamåolik gi semnak. The Polynesian arrowroot starch hardened because it was not dried out in the sun well. From: Sp. trozo.


trosu2 n. type of food: pot roast. Puru trosu manmaplånta gi giput. It was all pot roast that was served at the party. Guiya muna'lågu' todu i trosu para sena. He cooked all the roast for dinner.


trosun låmlam n. thunderbolt, bolt of lightning. Ha na'manghang yu' i trosun låmlam gi paingi. The thunderbolt startled me up last night. Hinengngang i patgun ni trosun låmlam. The bolt of lightning scared the child. Tinattiyi i trosun låmlam ni hulu. Thunder follows lightning. See: talangan hulu.


trukus vt. punch (in the face), sock (in the face), hit (in the face). Mapresu i lahi sa' ha trukus i asaguå‑ña. The man was jailed because he hit his wife in the face. Botcha i lahi sa' trinikus ni asaguå‑ña. The man had a blackeye because the wife punched his face. Hu hannan anai para u trukus yu'. I stopped him when he was going to punch me. in the face. See: paniti, dommu', seku.


trumpåda vt. sock, punch in the face, slap in the face. Suha' sino hu trumpåda håo. Move away before I punch your face. Ma trumpåda pachot‑ña sa' mampus mangassi. They slapped her mouth because she likes to ridicule. Nina'ma'å'ñåo anai para u trinumpåda gi as nanå‑ña. He became frightened when he mother was going to slap him. See: trumpunåsu, seku. From: Sp. trompada.


trumpeha vt. slap, punch, hit with your elbow. Ha trumpeha todu i kosas gi me'nån‑ña. She hit with her elbow everything in front of her. Ma'aresta annai ha trumpeha i asaguå‑ña. He was arrested when he hit his wife. Mu'atmariåo ya ha trumpeha i liga. He went crazy and punched the wall. Variant: trompeha.


trumpisón n. junk, waste, refuse, scrap. Na'fañuha i trumpisón gi hilu' lamasa. Remove the junk from the table. Bula trumpisón gi uriyan guma'. There are a lot of scraps around the house. Yuti' todu i trumpisón. Discard all as worthtless. See: embaråsus. From: Sp. trompezon.


trumpón n. fist, clenched hand. Dångkulu trumpon‑ña si Jose. Jose's fist is huge. Ha fafata' si Jose i trumpon‑ña. Jose is showing off his fist. Guaha pumopo'lu na yanggin dångkulu i trumpon‑mu, pues metgut håo na balåku. Some think that if you have a large fist, you are a powerful guy. Variant: trunpón. From: Sp. trompon.


trumpunåsu vt. sock, punch, hit with the fist, slap, strike, whack. Suha sino hu trumpunåsu håo. Move or else I will punch you. Håyi trumumpunåsu håo? Who slapped you? Yanggin mampus kakaroti pat ti areklåyun i sutteritu, ha nisisita matrumpunåsu. If the young man is incorrigible, he needs to be whacked. See: seku, paniti, dommu', patmadåsu. Variant: trunpunåsu.


trunpón n. fist (fingers folded into the palm). Yanggin dångkulu trunpon‑mu, metgut håo na balåku. When your fist is big, you are a strong dude. Bumanidosu ya sessu ha hannan yu' ni trunpon‑ña. He became a show off and often aimed his fist at me. Variant: trumpón.


trunpunåsu vt. smack, whack, strike with fist. Yanggin mampus kakaroti esti i lahi, ha nisisita na u matrunpunåsu. When a man is so undisciplined, he needs to be whacked. Linatchai pasensiån‑na anai sessu makassi, pues ha trumpunåsu i mås burukentu na tåotåo. He lost his patience when he was often made fun of, then he smacked the loudest person. Variant: trumpunåsu.


trung ki trung adj. every which way, in no direction, disorganized. Puru che'chu' trung ki trung gi paingi. Last night's activities were all disorganized. Ti hu kumprendi trung ki trung ha' manhåhalum na infutmasion siha. I do not understand because the information is coming every which way. Tåya' areklu gi kinalamten‑ña; puru trung ki trung. There is no sense in his action; all with no direction.


tu'la'i vt. spit at. Hu tu'la'i matå‑ña. I spat at her face. Båba esti i para ta to'la'i i taotåo. It is bad to spit at a person. Håfa na un tu'la'i yu'? Why did you spit at me? Variant: to'lå'i.


tu'u' vi. drip, leak, trickle, fall in or form drops, spot with rain, pour drop by drop (Rota). Adahi na u tu'u' i dangis. Be careful that the candle wax doesn't drip. Guaha tutu'u' gi nangasi' kusina. There is leaking in the kitchen sink. Såosåo håo sa' tutu'u' håo masahalum. Wipe yourself because you are dripping with sweat.


tuban chå'ka n. type of plant: wild jute. corchorus aestuans. Amånu ni guaha tuban chå'ka'? Where do they have corchorus aestuans? Bula gi islan Luta tuban chåka'. There is a lot of corchorus aestuans in Rota.


tubatuba n. type of tree, physic nut. jatropha curcas. Tugan dos ohas tubatuba para åmut gine'hi. Pluck two leaves of tubatuba for ___ medicine. Meggai tubatuba para åmut giya Gåni. There are lots of tubatuba trees for medicine in the Northern Islands of the Marianas. Binenu i tinekcha' ya i tumungu' ha' usuña debi u nina' setbi. The fruit of the tubatuba is poisonous and only those who know should use it.


tubun ilektrik n. light bulb. Nuebu na tubun ilektrik esti. This is a new light bulb. Mampus ma'lak ennåo na tubun ilektrik. The light bulb is too bright. See: glop.


tubun pi'åo n. reed pipe, bamboo pipe. Ma'u'usa tubun pi'åo gi tuba. Bamboo pipe is used to collect coconut juice tapped from the bud. Si tåta ha na'sesetbi i tuban pi'åo gi hanum. Father uses reed pipe for a water line.


tucha vt. 1) puncture, pierce. Ha tucha i pekpuk ya ha foksi. She pierced the boil and squeezed it. 2) lead, recite (prayer, rosary). Guahu tumutucha i nubena. I led the novena prayer. I tetcha ha tucha i tinaitai San Juan.


tuchu' vt. 1) eat (raw meat or fleshy foods such as eggs), eat (cooked food) without any manners, eat savagely. I ga'lågu ha tuchu' i chada' månnuk. The dogs ate the raw eggs. Ha tuchu' i nengkanu' sa' sen ñalang. He attacked the food because he was starving. 2) catch (prey).


tudutdiha adv. all day. Chata'an tudutdiha. I rained all day. Tudutdiha maipin somnak. The sun was hot all day. Mahålang si neni ya kumåti tudutdiha. Baby was lonely so she cried all day. See: todu i diha. From: Sp. todu el día.


tufai adj. haggard, worn out, fatigued from old age (Rota). Esta sen amku' låo ti tufai. He is very old but not haggard. Ha na'tufai yu' i manåguaguat na famagu'un. The rowdy children made me worn out. Esta tufai si nanan biha ni inamko'‑ña. Grandmother is fatigued from old age. Describes a less serious level of weakness than daifi'. See: debit.


tufuk vt. weave. Tufuk dos na kanåstra para i giput. Weave two baskets for the party. Si Juan ha tufuk un dångkulun guafak. Juan wove a large mat. Si nåna ha tufuki yu' un tuhung yan un boha. My grandmother wove for me a hat and a fan. See: måmfuk.


tufung vt. count. Tufung kuåntu salappe'‑mu åntis di un falak i tenda. Count how much money you have before you go to the store. Tufungi si Jose kuåntu na tinanum un bendi gi metkåo. Count for Jose how many plants you sold at the market. Benti na paluman agaga' tinifong‑hu gi trongkun agate'lang. I counted twenty red birds on the agate'lang tree. See: måmfung.


tufungun adj. countable, able to be counted, easy to count. Tufungun i ga'‑ña guaka, sa' onsi ha'. His cows are countable, because he only has eleven. Ti tufungun kuåntu mineggai‑ña pineksai‑ña na månnuk si Antonio. It is hard to count how many chickens Antonio is raising. Tufungun i salappe'‑ña si Francisco, sa' puru ha' påppit sientu. Francisco's cash is easy to countable because they are all 100 dollar bills.


tugan vt. break off, pick from tree, pull (tooth). Ma'å'ñåo yu' matugan nifen‑hu ni dintista. I'm afraid to have my tooth pulled by the dentist. Hu tugan i pigua' para bai hu bendi. I picked the betelnut to sell. Ha tugan i manlamas na hågun gi floris. She broke off the dead leaves of the flowers.


tugap vi. burp, belch. Na'tugap i neni åntis di un na'åssun. Make the baby burp before you make him lie down. A'gagang tugap‑ña si tatan bihu. Grandpa's belch is very loud. Påo ma'aksum tugåp‑ña si nanan biha. Grandma's burp smelled sour.


tugi' vt. write. Tugi' i numiru disdi unu asta sientu. Write the numbers from one to one hundred. Na'siguru na un tugi' i na'ån‑mu gi pappit. Make sure you write your name on the paper. Tugi' i listan inbitasion ni para i giput. Write your invitation list for the party.


tugi'i vt. write to (someone), write for (someone). Hu tugi'i si Jose ni katta. I wrote the letter for Jose. Hu faisin si nåna para u tugi'i yu' ni tinaitai gi finu' Chamorro. I asked mother to write for me the prayers in Chamorro. Humallum i ma'estru na matugi'i si Jason ni i ripot‑ña. The teacher was suspicious that someone wrote Jason's report.


tugua' n. scythe. Usa i tugua' ya un yabbåo i chå'guan. Use the scythe and cut the grass. Guåsa' i tugua' sa' ñañu'. Sharpen the scythe because it is dull.

vt. 1) cut with a scythe, mow with a scythe. Tugua' i sakåti gi kantun chålan. Cut the tall grass by the road. 2) strike down, throw down, hit down, as in the game batu.


tugung vt. rush, charge at. Ha tugung yu' i toru. The bull charged at me. Maila' ya ta tugung i che'cho'‑ta ya ta na'funåyan. Let 's rush into our chores so we can finish them. Ti siña ti u matomba i patgun sa' manunugung ha'. The child cannot avoid stumbling because he is always rushing. Syn: sufa'.


tugut vt. crush with fingers, as to crush a flea or louse. Ha tugut i hitu. He crushed the lice. Debi di un tugut i garapåtas ni para u måtai. You have to crush the tick in order for it to die. Dispåsiu mama'pairi sino hu tugut håo kalan i garapåtas. Take it easy before I crush you like a flea.


tuhåya n. towel, wash cloth. Hokkuk todu i gasgas tuhåya gi kahun. There are no more clean towels in the drawer. Poddung i tuhåya gi tali ya fotgun gi fachi'. The towel fell off the clothesline and got wet in the mud. Ha falulun i tuhåya gi ilu‑ña. She wrapped the towel around her head. Usa i gasgas na tuhåya an un såosåo håo. Use the clean towel to wipe yourself. Chuli' i tuhayå‑mu para i tasi. Bring your own towel to the beach. Hotyat håo ni tuhåya. Scrub yourself with the towel. Variant: tuåya. From: Sp. toalla.


tuhu' vi. drip, leak. Tuhu' i hanum. The water dripped. Huchum i grifu sa' tutuhu'. Close the faucet because it is leaking. Nina'tuhu' lago'‑ña ni piniti‑ña. Her sorrow caused her to tears to come out. Variant: tu'u'.


tuhung n. hat, sombrero, cap. I Chamorro ma u'usa tuhung disdi åntis. Since ancient times, Chamorros wore hats. I lancheru ha fa'tinas tihong‑ña ginin i hagun lemmai. The farmer made his hat out of the breadfruit leaf. Kulot asut tuhong‑ña gi bola. Her baseball cap is blue.


tuhung chinu n. seashell that sticks to rocks along the beach and is shaped like a Chinese hat or mushroom. Kåo siña un sodda' tuhung chinu gi kantun tåsi? Can you find a Chinese hat shaped seashell at the beach? Syn: opili'.


tuhung tåppi' n. helmet, hat. Na'usa i patgun ni tuhung tåppi' yanggin para u binisikleta. Have the child use a helmet when he is riding a bike. Baratura i tuhung tåppi' gi tendan Joeten. The helmet is on sale at Joeten Department Store. Ilek‑ña i lai na debi di u ma'usa tuhung tåppi' yanggin ma'udai håo gi motosaiko'. The law mandates us to wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle.


tuhus vi. have too much fun, have a good time, have access, have available, have surplus, overindulge, overdo. Mantuhus i familia gi piknik. The family had a good time at the picnic. Guaha tuhos‑ña si Carmen gi kaminsiria. Carmen has access to the comissary. See: daffluk, muteru', motgan, go'dan, dafflokgui, maluluk.


tuka vt. start, commence, begin. Håyi tumuka ta'lu i prublema? Who started the problem again? Esta ti åtman matuka i huntåt‑ta. Our meeting will commence shortly. Ni ngai'an ni bai tuka i che'cho'‑hu ni bulan bisita. With all these visitors, I could never begin my work. See: tutuhun.


tukadót n. dressing table, boudoir. Po'lu i paopåo gi tukadót. Put the perfume on the dressing table. Mangguaguan i tukadót gi tendan Taro Sue. The dressing tables are expensive at Taro Sue store. Makkat ma'aronsa i tukadót. The dressing table is difficult to move. From: Sp. tocador.


tuktugák vi. cackle, make a cackling sound (of a hen, esp. after laying an egg). Anai kumuleleka i punidera, duru tumutugak. When the hen was incubating, it was making a cackling sound. Tumutugagak i punidera sa' esta munhåyan mañåda'. The hen is cackling because it finished laying eggs. Tumutugak i punidera sa' esta ha dingu i chenchon‑ña. The hen made a cackling sound because she left her nest. Variant: tutugák.


tuktugåk vi. cackle, cackling, sound of a hen, esp. after laying. Duru tumuktugåk i punudera anai dinidilalak ni ga'lågu. The hen was cackling when the dog chased it. Håfa na gå'ga' tumuktugågak? What animal cackles? Mañåda' i punudera sa' duru tumuktugåk. The hen laid eggs because it is cackling.


tuktuk vi. cluck, as when the hen calls for her chicks. Kada tumutuk i mannuk, manarima i puyitus. The chicks gather around the hen whenever she clucks. Variant: totut, tottuk.


tulaika vt. exchange, trade, replace, substitute. Para u matulaika i ma'estrun rilihon, sa' ha tulaika i rilihon‑ña. The religion teacher will be replaced, because he changed his religion. Ha tulaika i sinsiyu para påppit. She changed her coins to bills. Håyi tumulaika i siyå‑hu? Who substituted my chair? See: dispåtcha, a'gu, kuentåyi.


tulaikayun adj. exchangeable. Ti tulaikayun sa' irensiåk‑ku esti na aniyu ginin as bihå‑hu. This ring is not exchangeable because it is my inheritance from my grandmother. Mantulaikayun na ideha siha manmadiskuti gi hunta. There were exchangeable ideas discussed at the meeting. Tulaikayun ennåo na rilos sa' kalalamtin ha'. That watch is exchangeable because it is still working.


tulanotchi adv. all night, all evening. Ti maigu' i neni tulanotchi ni tatkilu' kalenturå‑ña. The baby did not sleep all night because of high fever. Macho'chu' i che'lu‑ña tulanotchi. Her sister worked all night. Ti måttu gi paingi sa' tumulanotchi gi chalan. He did not come home last night because he was out all evening. From: Sp. toda la noche.


tuleti n. oarlock. Na'måfnut i tuleti. Tighten the oarlock. Tulaika i tuleti. Change the oarlock.

vt. row, propel with two oars. Atyik sais na tåotåo ni manmetgut para u tuleti i galaidi. Choose six strong people to row the canoe. I lalahi para u tuleti i boti. The men will row the boat. Chaddekña i botin måkina kinu atyu i boti ni matuleleti. A speed boat is faster than a boat that needs to be rowed.


tulisån adj. devilish, rascally, hussy, scoundrel, rogue, tricky (of a person), foolish. Cha'‑mu kumbibida i mantulisån na famagu'un. Do not invite the rascal kids. Tulisån ennåo na palåo'an. She's a hussy lady. Gef adahi håo gi as Benny, sa' tulisån na tåotåo. Be cautious with that guy Benny because he is a scoundrel. See: mahaderu, pitbetsu.


tulompu n. spinning top. Bibu i tulumpok‑ku. My spinning top is fast.

vt. play with a top. Nihi ta fantulompu. Let us play spinning tops. Ha fa'tinåsi yu' i che'lu‑hu låhi pairi na tulompu. My brother made me a fine top.


tulongtung vt. pound, as in hammering or washing clothes; pound against, as in a car going over a bumpy road; bump against. Sigi manmatulongtung ham gi kareta sa' mampus bula madduk gi chalan. We kept bumping our heads in the car because there are a lot of potholes. Åntis i labandera ha tulongtung i fina'gasen‑ña gi atchu'. In the past the washerwoman would pound the clothes against the rock. Manmatulongtung i pasaheru gi batkun aire sa' mattiempu. The passengers in the airplane bumped against each other because of the turbulance.


tulu num. the indigenous Chamorro word for the number three. Syn: tres.


tulus 1) n. pole for moving the boat, oar for rowing or steering a boat. Usa i tulus para un poksai i boti. Use the oar to row your boat. Måhluk i tulus pi'åo gi duråntin i umachikat boti. The bamboo oars broke during the boat race.

vt. 1) propel or steer a boat. Tulus mo'na i galaidi' ni peksai. Propel the boat using the poles. I barakilan ha tulus i batsa gi halum sådduk. The rafter propelled the raft around the lake. 2) move or push forward (an idea or desire) in spite of opposition, thrust ahead, move ahead in a straight line. Kisibåyi! Måila' ya ta tulus mo'na esti na asuntu. Never mind! Let's move this agenda forward. Sigi ha' ha tulus mo'na i minalago'‑ña låo ti ma ekungnguk ni pumalu. She kept pushing her demand but the others did not pay attention. Bai tulus mo'na para bai hu na' tachu' i aligin tilifon gi kantun chålan. I will move forward in a straight line to install the utility poles by the edge of the road. See: poksai.


Tulusåntu n. All Saints' Day. Kada såkkan memeggai tåotåo gi simentetyu an Tulusåntu. Every year there are a lot of people at the cemetery on All Saints' Day. I primet diha gi Nubembri i ha'ånin Tulusåntu. The first day in November is All Saints' Day. Gef bunitu i fina'tinås‑ña kurona si tihå‑hu para ha'ånin Tulusåntu. The wreath that my aunt made for All Saints' Day is very beautiful. Variant: Tulusåntus.


tuma'lu vi. return, restore to original size, shape, or condition (singular or dual realis). Tuma'lu tåtti gi hagas che'cho'‑ña. He returned to his previous job. Anai hu laknus i airi gi abubu, tuma'lu tåtti gi hagas figura. When I deflated the balloon, it restored to its original shape. Mana'lu tåtti i cha'guan siha anai tiempun uchan. The grasses grew back in the rainy season. Variant: na'lu.


tumachun pulu TBD vi. bristle, as when an animal's hair bristles when excited. Tumachu todu i pilu‑hu sa' ti u hongge na guiya mas måolik. My hair bristled because I did not believe he was the best. Tumachu pulu‑ña i nana ni minagof‑ña. Mother's hair bristled because of her execitement. Tumachu pulu i ga'hu katu anai ha li'i' i ottru katu. My cat's fur bristle when it saw another cat.


tumaiguennåo vi. become like that (near hearer), become (of negative outcome)(singular or dual realis). Håfa na tumaiguennåo lina'lå'‑mu? Why did your life become like that? Tumaiguennåo i pinadesi‑ña sa' ti ha e'ekkunguk i mañaina‑ña. His suffering became like that because he did not listen to his elders. Båsta tumaiguennåo guatu gi mañaina‑mu! Stop being like that to your parents! Ant: .


tumaiguihi vi. become like that (away from speaker and hearer)(singular or dual realis). Tumaiguihi håo siempri chunge'‑mu i bihu‑hu. Your hair will probably become as white as that of my grandfather. Anai tumaiguihi i asaguå‑ña kustumbren‑ña, atyu nai matulaika si Jose. When his wife's attitude changed, Jose became a different person. Mana'gimin i patgun åmut ni ti dinanchi ya tumaiguihi i kulot‑ña. The wrong medicine was given to the child then that's when the color of his skin became like that.


Tumaiguini name. January. Mafañågu gi Tumaiguini na mes. She was born in January. Tumaiguini i fine'nena na mes gi sakkan. January is the first month of the year. See: Eneru.


tumaiguini vi. become like this (near speaker)(singular or dual realis). Tumaiguini i lassås‑ña anai matunu gi guafi. His skin became like this when he was burned in the fire. Tumaiguini i tali na gineddi i katu. The rope got twisted when the cat got tied up. Tumaiguini, ti tumaiguennåo. It became like this, not like that.


tumåtatti vi. subsequently, later (following, tagging) (progressive). Tumåtatti i amigu‑ña. Her friend is coming later. Tumåtatti i patgun gi as nanå‑ña. The child is following his mother. Esti fine'nena, pues tumåtatti ennåo. This one is first then that comes subsequently.


tumåtis n. type of plant: tomato. solanum lycopersicum. Manånum i lancheru bulan tumåtis. The farmer planted a lot of tomatoes. Ha nå'yi i tumåtis binakli yan donni'. She added vinegar and hot pepper to the tomato. Månngi' magisa i tumåtis yan latan tuna. Stir-fried tomatoes with canned tuna is delicious. From: Sp. tomate.


tumåtis agå'ga' n. tonsils. Mala''la' tumåtis aga''‑ña i patgun. The child's tonsils are swallon/inflamed. Mama'tinas i yo'amti åmut tumåtus agå'ga'. The traditional medicine healer made tonsil medicine. Gumimin si nanå‑hu biha åmut tumåtis agå'ga'. My grandma drank tonsil medicine.


tumåtis aniti n. type of plant: tomato. desmodium gangeticum. Bula dinekku' tumåtis aniti gi tattin guma'. There are a lot of tomato seedlings growing in the backyard. Håfa nai ma'u'usa i tumåtis aniti? What is this type of plant desmodium gangeticum used for?


tumåtis chå'ka n. type of plant, used in native medicine. physalis angulata. Mala'it i tumåtis chå'ka na åmut. Physalis angulata is a bitter herb. Ma'u'usa i tumåtis chå'ka para åmut putin agå'ga'. Physalis angulata is used for tonsilitis. Ngångas i tumåtis chå'ka yanggin puti aga'gå'‑mu. Chew the physalis angulata if you have a sore throat. Gof hassan esti na tinanum i tumåtis chå'ka. This type of plant physalis angulata is very rare these days.


tumåtis kaputi n. type of plant: cherry tomato. physalis lanceifolia. Månngi' magisa i satdinas yan i tumåtis kaputi. It is delicious to saute sardines with cherry tomatoes. Siña un usa i tumåtis kaputi gi difirentis klåsin insalåda. Cherry tomatoes could be prepared in a variety of salads. Syn: tumåtis halum tånu'.


tumåtis ubas n. type of plant: cherry tomato. solanum lycopersicum. Manbebendi i lancheru tumåtis ubas. The farmer is selling cherry tomatoes. Ha nå'i yu' i bisinu tumåtis ubas. My neighbor gave me cherry tomatoes. Manlamas yan måtai todu i tinanom‑hu tumåtis ubas. My cherry tomatoes plants wilted and died.


tumåttånu' v. being on land. Tumåttanu' si Jose; tumåttåsi si Antonio. Jose spending his time on land; Antonio is spending his time in the ocean. Ga'ok‑ku tumåttånu' sa' yahu manånum. I prefer to be spending my time on land because I like to plant. Ant: tumåttasi.


tumobit n. automobile, car, sedan, vehicle. Håfa na klåsin tumobit ya‑mu sumugun? What kind of automobile do you like to drive? Achamayamak i dos tumobit anai u masufa'. Both vehicles got wrecked in the collision. I ga'lågu ha dudulalak i tumobit, pues ha åkka' i reda. The dog was going after the car, then he bit the tire. See: kareta, såhyan. From: Sp. automovil.


tumoto'tu' vi. laid to rest. Mansilensiu anai tumoto'tu i difuntu. They were silent when the deceased was being laid to rest. I amigun i tumoto'tu' umanunsia ngai'an para u mamisåyi. The friend of the person being laid to rest announced the date of the funeral mass.


tumu n. coloring, dye. Månu na tumu para un usa gi ko'ku' papåya? Which coloring are you going to use in the papaya pickle?

vt. dye, stain. Tumu i katsunis kulot asut. Dye the pants blue. Tumu fan i chingi'. Please dye my gray hair. See: tinta.


tumulus vt. forge ahead, push forward, put effort toward. Sigi ha' tumulus mo'na i kutturå‑ta. Keep forging ahead our culture.


Tun n. mister, sir--placed in front of the first name of an older man or older male relative. Gaigi si Tun Antonio yan si Tan Maria gi lanchu. Mr. Antonio and Mrs. Maria are at the farm. Malåti' si Tun Elias na tåotåo. Mr. Elias is an intelligent person. Måolik si Tun Jesus manlasa. Mr. Jesus is good in massaging.


tuna1 n. type of fish: tuna, bonito. katsuwonus pelamis. Aflitu i tuna. Fry the tuna fish. Chaddik bumåba i tuna kumu ti ma'ais. Tuna gets spoiled fast if it is not on ice. Sen yan‑ñiha i sasimi' tuna gi fiestan San Jose giya Tinian. They really enjoyed the tuna sashimi at the San Jose Fiesta in Tinian. From: Eng. tuna.


tuna2 vt. laud, extol, praise highly, compliment. Imputtånti na un tuna i patgun put i animu‑ña. It is important to praise a child for his efforts. Sessu matutuna i taotåo put para u mås animu gi che'cho'‑ña. The person was complimented often so that she will be more enthusiastic in her work. Yan‑ña manuna yanggin guaha malago'‑ña. He likes to compliment when he wants something. See: fåma.


tunåda n. 1) tune, tone, sound. Bunitu tunadå‑ña i kantan‑ñiha. The sound of their music is beautiful. Ti ya‑hu tunådan i bos‑mu gi tilifon. I do not like the tone of your voice on the phone. 2) dialect, accent. Ti manparehu tunådan‑ñiha i Chamorro ginin Luta yan Saipan. The Chamorros of Luta and Saipan have different dialects. Guaha na tiempu ni ti parehu i tunåda gi mismu lingguåhi. Sometimes even in the same language the accent is different. From: Sp. tonada.


tunånti adj. disrespectful, rogue, lewd (of a person). Guaha siha na manhobensitu mantunånti. There are some youths that are disrespectful. Giha måolik i famagu'un sa' putno u fantunånti. Guide the children so that they will not become rogues. Tunånti ennåo na påtgun sa' ha imbesti si nanå‑ña. The child is disrespectful because he attacked his mother. From: Sp. tunante.


tunas adj. straight, erect, upright. Tunas yan gatbu i macho'guen‑ña i luchan floris. The planting of flowers is straight and attractive. Na'tunas i fata'chong‑mu sa' siempri poddung håo. Sit upright or you will fall down. See: tachu. 2) 

adj. straight, honest, trustworthy Tunas esti na tåotåo ya ti un fina'baba.

n. a symbolic stick made from mangrove wood beautifully carved and carried by ancient Chamorro males to signify that he is unmarried (ulitåo). Ti debi i kasåo u go'ti i tunas sa' esta ti ulitåo.


tunåyun adj. praiseworthy, laudable, admirable. Mantunåyun todu i bidåda‑ña sa' i minaolik i kumunida. All her actions are admirable because they are for the good of the community. Tunåyun i fina'na'guen‑ña sa' diduk tiningo'‑ña put lingguåhi yan kuttura. His teachings are praiseworthy because he is very knowledgeable about language and culture. Tunåyun kustumbren‑ña disdi ki anai påpatgun. Her personality is admirable since she was a child.


túniku n. garment, habit. Si Doris prumeprensa i túnikun mamåli'. Doris is the one who irons the priests' habits. Manmahuchum todu i fakterian túniku. All the garment factories are closed. From: Sp. tunica.


tunilåda n. ton, 2000 lbs. Manbendi i lancheru un tunilåda na ma'is. The farmer sold one ton of corn. Ha nisisita un tunilåda na odda' para u fanånum. He needs a ton of soil for planting. Achamakkat i un tunilådan åtchu' yan i un tunilådan atgidun. A ton of rocks and a ton of cotton weigh the same. Manånum si Tåta un tunilåda na ma'is. Father planted one ton of corn. Mamåhan si Joe dies tunilåda na pugas. Joe bought ten tons of rice. Mås ki un tunilåda minakkat‑ña i bås iskuela. The school bus weighs more than 2000 lbs. Variant: tinilåda, tunulåda. From: Sp. tonelada.


tuninus n. porpoise, dolphin. Bula na tåotåo sumåsangan na i tuninus mås malåti' na gå'ga' tåsi. Most people say that the dolphin is the most intelligent sea animal. Manfafañagu esti i tuninus na gå'ga'. Dolphins are mammals. Dångkulu i tuninus na gå'ga', låo dangkulonña i bayena. Dolpins are big sea animals but whales are bigger.


tuntus n. points. Kuåntu na tuntus un nisisita para un kualifikåo? How many points do you need to qualify? Guaha si Maria tuntos‑ña låo mapetdi. Maria has points but she lost.


tunu vt. burn, barbeque, scald, broil, roast. Ha tunu si Abrahan i guihan para sena. Abraham barbequed the fish for dinner. Tininu kannai‑ña i patgun sa' humugåndu ni matchis. The child burned her hand because she played with matches. Ha tunu hila'‑hu i gimen‑hu kafe sa' mampus maipi. My tongue was scalded because my coffee was steaming hot.


tunuk vi. get down, go down, descend. Na'setbi i gua'ut ya un tunuk påpa' ginin i atuf. Use the ladder and get down from the roof top. Na'tunuk påpa' i patgun sa' u famokkat. Let the child down so he can walk. Ti todu presiun fektus mana'fanunuk. Not all merchandise prices were reduced. Tumutunuk i atdåo. The sun is setting.


tunulåda n. ton, 2000 lbs; lots, loads. Fanoda un tunulåda kaskåo. Order a load of gravel. Ma'usu un tunulåda bolan golf gi driving range. A ton of golf balls were used at the driving range. Manisisita un tunulåda tangantångan para kåtbun. Lots of tangantangan is needed for charcoal. Variant: tinilåda, tunilåda. From: Sp. tonelada.


tunus adj. saturated, have one's fill of. I sadduk kabåyu tunus ginin i ichan. The Horse River is saturated with water from the rain. Båba i tunus mantika para i tatåotåo‑ta. Saturated fat is bad for our body.

vt. fill (oneself). Ha tunus gui' si Ed ni kantidån hånum. Ed filled himself with lots of water.


tungu' vt. know, acquainted with, have knowledge of, recognize. Ma tungu' na bula atungo'‑ña i gubietnot‑ta. They know that our governor has a lot of acquaintances. Kåo un tungu' håyi para maestråm‑mu? Do you know who will be your teacher? Tomtum si Juan sa' bula tiningo'‑ña. Juan is clever because he knows a lot.


tungu' manungu' v. not to be ungrateful, to be aware of what you receive and your obligations to others. Ma gef atendi i a'amti sa umitdi yan ha tungu' manungu' put i taotåo guini. The were very deferring to the tradtional healer because of her humility and sense of obligation to the people here.


tungu'un adj. comprehensible, perceptible, understandable, intelligible, knowable, obvious. Tungu'un ha' yanggin yayas i patgun, sa' tåftaf maigu'. It is understandable that the child is tired, because he went to bed early. Tungu'un ha' kumu pagamentu sa' bula tåotåo gi tenda. It is obvious that it is payday because there are lots of shoppers in the store. Guaha un klåsin manåmti ti tungu'un para i ma'å'amti. There is a type of healing that is not perceptible to the person being healed.


tupa vt. tear off, knock down, rip, rend, split, cleave, rive, pry, peel off. Maleffa ni yabi, pues ha tupa i petta. He forgot the key so he pried open the door. Tupa i tampi. Tear off the cover. I pakyu ha yengyung i chikeru, pues ha tupa i kellat. The storm rocked the pig pen, then knocked down the fence. See: chåppak.


tupak n. fishing line, pole with fishing line. Månu ni mamåhan håo tupak pi'åo? Where did you buy your bamboo fishing pole? Gåtdun todu i tupak gi turupelan i boti. The fishing line got tangled in the boat's propeller. Manhånåo ham mane'tupak gi bantalån. We went pole fishing at the pier.

vt. catch fish with a pole and line or lines. Nihi ta tupak i'i' gi kantun tåsi. Let's catch baby skipjack with a pole and line by the shore. See: kutdét.


tupu n. type of plant: sugarcane. saccharum officinarum. Gi tiempun Hapones kana' enteramenti gualu' tupu giya Saipan yan Tinian. Saipan and Tinian was almost entirely planted with sugarcane during the Japanese administration. Månngi' mangångas i tipu, piot ya mamis. It is good to chew the sugarcane, especially if it is sweet. Guaha na biåhi nai matå'pang i tipu. Sometimes, sugar cane can be bland.


tupu' n. well, a pit sunk into the earth to reach a supply of water. Guaha tupu' gi fi'un gima'‑måmi. We have a well near our house. Åppan i tipu' siha anai tiempun fanunåguan. The wells dried up during dry season. Ta nisisita prumutehi kontra binenu todu i tipu' gi isla. We need to protect all the wells on the islands from contamination.


tupun ayuyu n. type of grass that grows in rocky areas. elatostema calcareum. Manlå'la' i tipun ayuyu gi sabåna sa' tiempun fanuchanan. The elatostema calcareum grows wild on the savannah because it is the rainy season. På'gu mana'annuk i dinekku' tupun ayuyu gi ladera. The elatostema calcareum on the cliff is just beginning to sprout. Todu i dos, tupun ayuyu yan tupu, chå'guan. Both the tupun ayuyu and the sugar cane are grasses.


tupun netti n. type of grass. miscanthus floridulus.


tureru n. bullfighter. Piligru i che'chu' tureru. A bullfighter's job is dangerous. Malagu' si Joaquin para u tureru yanggin dångkulu gui'. Joaquin wants to be a bullfighter when he grows up. Umatya i tureru yan i toru sa' achamalamåña. The bullfighter and the bull are matched because they are both fierce. From: Sp. torero.


tureti n. steer, ox (young). In setda' i tureti na gåddun gi tali‑ña. We found the steer tangled in its rope. Hu konni' i tureti para u paståhi. I took the steer to pasture. Ya‑ña i patgun esti na tureti sa' gef mansu. The child likes this young steer because it is very tame.




turiyu1 n. young bull. Dos na turiyu manmapunu' para i fandånggu. Two young bulls were slaughtered for the wedding celebration. Ha goppi i turiyu i kellat. The young bull jumped the fence. Kuåntu ga'‑mu na turiyu? How many young bulls do you have? From: Sp. toro.


turiyu2 n. type of fish: cowfish, a small fish with hard plates with two frontal spines resembling horns. Mangonni' si William turiyu anai humånåo pumeska nigap. William caught cowfish when he went fishing yesterday. Gof na'ma'añåo i turiyu na guihan. The cowfish is a frightening kind of fish. Guaha na hu li'i' i turiyu må'ya kalan buteti. At times, I saw the cowfish float like a ballon fish.


turoru vt. cradle (in one's arms), rock (in one's arms), swing, as in a hammock or playground swing, rock to sleep. Kumåkati i neni sa' malagu' maturoru. Rock the baby because he is crying. Esta påyun maturoru i neni. The baby is accustomed to being cradled. Turoru i neni ya u maigu'. Rock the baby to sleep.


turu sommuk n. type of fishing with a stick or small spear for small fish between corals. In kenni' meggai na hattut anai man turu sommuk ham giya Luta. We caught a lot of hatut when we went foraging among corals in Rota.


turun binådu n. male deer. Hu li'i' un turun binådu gi kantun chålan Papago. I saw a male deer along the road side at Papago. Bula turun binådu gi halumtånu'. There are a lot of buck in the woods. Variant: torun binådu.


turupela n. propeller (Rota). Mayulang i turupelan i batkun airi. The airplane's propeller is broken. Na'gåsgas i turupelan i fan. Clean the fan's propeller. Bibu esti na boti, sa' dångkulu turupelå‑ña. The speedboat is fast because it has a huge propeller.


tutåt n. total, sum. Ti klåru håfa na tumaiguini i tutåt. It is unclear how this sum came about. Hinengngang anai mana'tungu' ni tutat suetdon‑ña. He was shocked when he was told about the sum of his salary.

vt. sum up, add, total. Tutåt fan todu i finahån‑hu. Please sum up all my purchases. Lachi tutåt‑mu ni todu i dibi‑ta. The way you added up our debt is wrong. Tutåt kuåntu na tåotåo para u fansåonåo. Add up all the people who will participate. From: Sp. total.


tutmentu n. torment, anguish, torture, pain, severe illness, hardship. Hu ikspirensia tutmentu anai guaha prubleman familia. I experienced anguish when we had a family problem. Tutmentu kumu humånåo i guinaiyam‑mu. It is painful to lose a loved one. Mås ki tutmentu sinientek‑ku anai aksidenti si nanå‑hu. I felt tortured when my mother was in an accident. Siempri ta padesi un tutmentu put ginin i båban ikunumiha. Because of the economy we will experience hardship in life. From: Sp. tormento.


tutniyu n. screw, bolt, a pin or rod, esp. of steel. Tulaika i tutniyu sa' mayulang. Change the screw because it is broken. Pegåyi ni metgut na tutniyu. Put a strong bolt. Yuti i mantinaki' na tutniyu. Throw away the rusty screws.


tutnu vt. turn on a lathe, shape by turning on a lathe. I katpinteru ha tutnu i tapblita. The carpenter cut the shelf on a lathe. Ha tutnu i botdadura. He designed the cabinet door on a lathe.


tutoppu' n. 1) fine, deep-rooted grass, called genie grass. Ginin Hapon esti i tutoppu'. The genie grass is from Japan. I tutoppu' metgut manggo'ti otda' an milak. Genie grass holds the soil very well, preventing erosion. 2) yard. Si Nåna ha ingkola i magågu gi tutoppu'. Mom bleached the cloth naturally in the sun in the yard. Bunitu maguassån‑ña i tutoppu'. The yard was beautifully mowed. Sessu manhugåndu i famagu'un gi tutoppu'. The children frequently play in the yard.


tutpidu' n. torpedo. In setda' gi kantun tåsi un tutpidu' ginin tiempun gera. We found a torpedo from the war near the shore. Manmarikohi todu i bala kunto tutpidu' para mana'fanpåkpak gi Makpi'. The ordnance including the torpedoes were collected to be exploded at Marpi. Variant: toropidu, torupido'. From: Eng. torpedo.


tutu vt. pound, strike heavily or repeatedly with fist, beat, pulverize, make into pulp by beating. I suruhånu ha tutu i tinanum para åmut. The local doctor pounded the herbs for medicine. Ha tutu i atchu' tåsi para åfuk. He pulverized the coral to make lime. See: lommuk, tongtung.


tutugák vi. cluck (of a hen). Tumutugak i punidera sa' para u fañåda'. The hen was clucking because she was about to lay eggs. Ai na biniruka esti i sagan‑måmi sa' i tutugak månnuk ha' in hihinguk tududiha. Oh, our place is so noisy because we only hear the hens clucking all day long. Gef na'chalik anai bumailan tutugak. She was hilarious in her performance as a clucking hen. Variant: tuktugák.


tutuhun vt. start, commence, begin, set out. Maila' ya ta tutuhun i hunta. Come let us begin our meeting. Ngai'an ni para uma tutuhun i iskuela? When will they begin school? Håyi tumutuhun i mimu? Who started the fight? See: tuka.


tutuni vt. begin; shortened form of tutuhuni. Ha tutuni yu' sumåolak si Nåna sa' ti hu cho'gui i matago'‑hu. Mother began to whip me because I did not do as instructed. Maila' ya ta tutuni gumo'naf i guihan. Come let us begin scaling the fish. Ha tutuni kumåti i neni anai diningu as nanå‑ña. The baby began to cry when the mother left her.


tutung vt. pound, grind (corn, rice, wheat or coffee). Matututung i pigas para mama'potu. Rice is pounded to make rice cake. Tutung fan i ma'is ya fa'tinas titiyas. Could you grind the corn and make tortillas? Påopåo i tinitung kafe. The aroma of ground coffee is delicious.


tuyan n. stomach, belly, abdomen. Puti tiyån‑ña i lahi. The boy has a stomach ache. Dångkulu tiyan Ana, sa' mapotgi'. Ana's abdomen is big because she is pregnant. Inamti sa' ha palala'i i tiyån‑ña ni lañan niyuk. She was cured because she applied coconut oil on her belly. See: istómagu.




adj.  adjective
adv.  adverb
agr.  agreement prefix
art.  article
aux.  auxiliary
cnj.  conjunction
dem.  demonstrative
Eng.  English
infx.  infix
intj.  Interjection
Jp.  Japanese
n.  noun
n.pl.  plural noun
neg.  negative
num.  numeral
part.  particle
pp.  prepositional phrase
pred.  predicate
pref.  prefix
prep.  preposition
pro.  pronoun
Sp.  Spanish
suf.  suffix
Syn  synonym
vi.  intransitive verb
vt.  transitive verb