* Coming Soon

F - f


f n. the eighth letter of the Chamorro alphabet, named effi.

fa' vt. pretend, make believe, feign, sham, change to. Ha fa' gof måolik gui' na tåotåo. He pretended to be a very good parson. Ha fa' iyun‑ñiha i kumpiuta. They pretended the computer is theirs. Hu fa' iyok‑ku. I made believe it is mine. Hu fa'hånum i kok. I drank the cola-like water. This bound verb is sometimes written as a separate word in the orthography.

fa'- (from: fa'‑) pref. make into. Ha fa'bateha i nangase'‑ña gi halum guma' sa' kå'ka' bateha‑ña gi san hiyung. She used her sink in the house as a washing board because her washing board outside the house is cracked. Na'sahngi i yemmuk na babui para ta fa'parandera. Separate the fat pig to be used as a breeder. Para bai fa'insalåda esti i patnitus trongkun niyuk. I am going to make a salad out of this coconut tree heart. This prefix attaches to nouns to create derived transitive verbs.

fa' i ninuk vt. cause to wait (idiom), keep (someone) waiting. Si nåna ha fa' i ninuk i che'lu‑hu gi gima' i amigå‑ña. My mother kept my sister waiting at her friend’s house. Ha fa' i ninuk yu' i ma'gas. My boss made me wait. Mungnga mafa'nunuk yu' sa' ti mångga yu'. Don't leave me to ripen because I'm not a mango. Variant: fa'nunuk, faininuk.

fa'a'ñåo vt. fearless. Ha fa'a'ñåo gui' na låhi. He is a fearless man. Si tatå‑hu ha fa'a'ñåo gui' na tåotåo. Father is a fearless man.

fa'abuk vt. make friends with, befriend, become acquainted with. Si Susana ha fa'abuk i palåo'an put para u gågåo flores‑ña. Susana befriended the woman so she could ask for flowers. In fa'abuk si Jennifer kosa ki siña ha pulan i famagu'un‑måmi. We befriended Jennifer so she could watch our children. Måolik manmafa'abuk i bisita siha yanggin manmåttu mågi Saipan. It is good to make friends with the visitors when they come to Saipan.

fa'aila' vt. report on, tattle, tell on, blab. Hu fa'aila' i amigu‑hu as nanå‑ña. I reported my friend to his mother. Hu fa'aila' si Antonio gi pulisiha na guiya chumuli' i salåppi'. I reported Antonio to the police that he is the one who took the money. Syn: keha, kehåyi. Variant: faila'.

fa'andi' vt. wheedle, cajole, flatter, gain or get something by flattery or coaxing. Hu fa'andi' si nåna para u nå'i salappe'‑hu. I flattered my mom to give me money. Hu fa'andi' i nobiå‑hu ya ha sedi para bai hånåo para i gima' mangga'chung. I cajoled my girlfriend and she allowed me to go to my friends' house. Syn: fa'chada'.

fa'baba vt. deceive, fool, trick, dupe, betray. Ha fa'baba yu' i madasai‑mu. Your haircut fooled me. Ha fa'baba yu'. He tricked me. Fina'baba ni asaguå‑ña. His wife betrayed him. Syn: trampåsi. Variant: fababa.

fa'babayun adj. gullible, easily fooled, tricked, or outwitted. Fa'babayun na tindera. She is a gullible cashier. Ti fa'babayun yu' na palåo'an. I am not a woman who is easily fooled.

fa'buresi vt. contribute, assist, offer favor to. Siña un fa'buresi yu' dos pesus? Can you contribute two dollars to me? Fa'buresi yu' put fabot. Please assist me. Yanggin un faburesi yu' på'gu, bai hu ayuda håo gi mamaila' na såkkan. If you do me a favor, I will help you next year. Variant: faboresi.

fa'chada' vt. flatter, laud (someone) in order to obtain favor, make a fool of (someone). Cha'‑mu yu' fa'chachada'. Do not treat me like a fool. Fa'chada' si Ana sa' siña fina'måolik håo. Flatter Ana because she might do you a favor.

fa'chalåni vt. make a path, open a path, create an entrance to. Fa'chalåni yu', put fabot. Please, open a path for me. Fa'chalåni para humålum gi gima'. Please make a path to the house entrance. Esta mafa'chalåni håo para i lanchom‑mu. They have made a path to your farm.

fa'chalik vt. make fun of. Ma fa'chalik i fino'‑hu finu' Alimån. They made fun of my German words.

fa'dagi vt. lie to, create a false impression to, use as an excuse, chronic liar. Adahi na un fa'dagi. Make sure you do not lie. Hu fa'dagi i amigu‑hu putno bai hånåo. I created a false impression to my friend so I won’t go. Mungnga mafa’dagi i taotåo put i intires‑mu. Don’t lie to the person because of your personal interest. Fa’dagi na guaha salappe’‑mu gi bangku. Tell a lie that you have money in the bank. Hånåo yan un fa’dagi put ekudasion‑mu. Go and lie about your education.

fa'denni' vt. prepare with (hot) sauce. Bai fa'denni' i guihan. I will make hot sauce for the fish. Kåo un fa'denni' i katni? Did you mix the meat with hot sauce? Ti bai fa'denni' esti na guihan para hågu. I will not make the fish with hot sauce for you.

fa'ga'ga' vt. treat dishonestly, play a trick on, fool, make fun of. Put fabot, mungnga yu' mafa'ga'ga' dos biåhi. Please do not fool me twice. Ti hu fa'gaga'ga' håo anai hu nå'i håo ni aniyu, sa' pine'lok‑ku na ya‑mu ennåo na klåsin aniyu. I wasn't trying to make fun of you when I gave you that ring, because I was thinking that you liked that kind of ring. Ha fa'ga'ga' yu' ta'lu si Fulånu, sa' ti måttu anai ilek‑ña na para u fåttu. That guy played a trick on me again, because he didn't come when he said he was going to.

fa'ga'ga'un adj. gullible, able to be fooled, easy to win over or persuade. Ti fa'ga'ga'un yu' na tåotåo. I am not a gullible person. Mungnga yu' mafa' i fa'ga'ga'on‑mu. Don't treat me as if I were the one you could fool. Håyi fa'ga'ga'on‑mu? Who is the person you're able to easily persuade?

få'gas n. something used for washing. Ti para un usa esti para fa'gas magågu. You're not supposed to use this for washing your clothes. Måolik esti para mafafa'gas magågu. This is good to use for washing clothes. Ti para fa'gas måta esti i langasi. The kitchen sink is not for face-washing.

fa'gåsi vt. wash. Fa'gåsi i matå‑mu. Wash your face. Bai fa'gåsi i magågu agupa' gi milak. I'm going to wash the clothes tomorrow in the stream. Fa'gågasi i na'yan ya bai hu båballi i satgi. Be washing the dishes and I'll be sweeping the floor.

fa'guaha vt. pretend to have. Fa'guaha aniyu‑mu. Pretend that you have a ring. Cha'‑mu fa'guaguaha håo yanggin tåya' guinaha‑mu. Don't pretend that you have something if you don't. Ti bai fa'guaha salappe'‑hu putno bai ma'ayåo. I will not pretend that I have money to avoid borrowers.

fa'håfa vt. make (something) into something. Achuka' un fa'håfa i kahita, memetgut ha'. Even if you make the box into something, it's still sturdy. Maseha un fa'håhafa håo, yaya‑hu håo ha'. Even though you're acting differently, I still like you.

fa'hanum vt. melt, cause to liquefy. Fa'hanum i ais. Melt the ice. Po'lu i ais gi sanhiyung kosa ki u fa'hanum. Put the ice outside to melt. Laknus i ais krim sa' u fa'hanum. Take the ice cream so it won't melt.

fa'hiyung vt. 1) despise. 2) slander, castigate. 3) exclude. Mungnga mafa'hiyung håo guini gi gima'‑måmi. Don't exclude yourself here at the house. Ti bai fa'hiyung yu' gi iskuela. I will not exclude myself at school.

få'i n. type of plant: rice (when growing). oryza sativa. Manånum yu' få'i. I planted the rice plant. Bai kusetcha i fa'i. I will harvest the rice plant. Åntis i Chamorro manmanånanum få'i. In the past Chamorros planted rice.

fa'it adj. salty. Mampus fa'it i guihan. The fish is very salty. Mungnga mana'fa'it i inasnem‑mu kåtni. Don't make the meat salty. Sa' håfa na un na'fa'it i tinala' guihan? Why did you make the dried fish salty?

fa'la'mun vt. seize control of (something) for (oneself), keep (something) for (oneself). Mungnga mafa'la'mun håo ni mangga gi lamasa. Don't treat yourself inconsiderately with the mangos on the table. Ha fa'la'mun gui' nu i salåppi'. He seized control of the money for himself. Mungnga mafa'la'mun håo nu i ti iyom‑mu. Don't take control of things that don't belong to you. Fa'la'mun håo ya un chuli' todu i guaha. Take control and take everything that's there. Reflexive verb.

fa'lasuyi vt. 1) make a lasso for. Fa'lasuyi i mannuk. Make a lasso for the chicken. Bai fa'lasuyi i binådu. I will make a lasso for the deer. 2) make a trap for.

fa'lik adj. sensitive (of teeth), as when eating sour foods such as young green mangos. Ha na'fa'lik nifen‑hu anai hu ngångangas i gada' mångga. My teeth became sensitive while I was chewing the young green mango. Måsña na'fa'lik i gada kini i to'a na mångga. Young green mango can make the teeth more sensitive than mango that is mature. Variant: failik.

fa'måolik vt. fix, repair, make good. Si tåta ha fa'måolik i kareta. Father fixed the car. Hu fa'måolik i salåppi'. I kept my money.

fa'måolikun adj. loyal, reliable, steadfast, one who reciprocates friendship, one who makes good on. Fa'måolikun esti na tåotåo. This person reciprocates friendship. Ti fa'måolikun ennåo na tåotåo, sa' ti ha tungu' manhassu anai gumuaha. That person does not reciprocate because when he has good fortune he doesn't

fa'na'an vt. 1) name (someone). Hu fa'na'an Fotte si Juan. I named Juan Fotte. Bai fa'na'an håo Kuriyos. I named you Kuriyos. 2) give (someone) a nickname, call someone by a name other than his own. Si Guelu' hu fa'na'an Labuchi. I gave Guelo' the nickname Labuchi.

adv. maybe, perhaps, presumably. Fa'na'an hågu yuhi i hu li'i' gi paingi. Maybe you were the one that I saw last night. Fa'na'an hågu mås tumungu' put diksinåriu siha ki guåhu. Perhaps you know more about dictionaries than I. Variant: fana'an.

fa'nå'gui vt. teach, educate, instruct, impart knowledge to. Hu fa'nå'gui siha i istudiånti. I taught all the students. Si Nåna ha fa'nå'gui yu' manaitai. Mother taught me how to read. Manmafanå'gui hamyu para in fanáfamåolik. You were taught to get along together.

fa'na'guiyun adj. teachable, readily trainable, easily taught. Ti fa'na'guiyun håo na påtgun. You are not a teachable child. Fa'na'guiyun si Jose. Jose is teachable. Båsta na un sångan na ti fa'na'guiyun håo. Stop saying that you are not teachable.

fa'nu'i vt. show, demonstrate. Fa'nu'i yu' nu i che'cho'‑mu. Show me your work. Bai fa'nu'i si Maria nu i pappit. I will show Maria my work. Cha'‑mu yu' na ti para un fa'nu'i si Juan nu i tes‑mu. Don't tell me that you will not show Juan your test. See: fåtta. Variant: fanu'i.

fa'ñagui vt. 1) haunt. Ha sienti na kalan mafa'ñagui gui' ni manmofo'na. She felt as if she is haunted by the ancients. 2) frighten, scare, threaten, menace, spook. Adahi na un fa'ñagui yu'. Don't scare me. Bula istorian birak para bai fa'ñagui i mannietu siha. There are many ghost stories to scare my nephews. See: ispånta, hongngang, aminåsa, huppa.

fa'ottru vt. disguise, exclude, act as if one does not belong. Mungnga mafa'ottru håo guini gi gima'. Don't act as if you do not belong in this house. Hu fa'ottru yu' put mungnga na bai ma tungu'. I disguised my self to be unrecognizable. Manmafa'ottru esti na gurupu gi dinanña'‑måmi. We excluded this group from our gathering.

fa'posgui vt. come over, pass over, pass along the side of. Hu fa'posgui si Jamie guatu gi gimå'‑ña. I have come over to Jamie's house. Mafa'posgui i eksu' åntis di u fanmåttu gi lanchun James. They passed over the hill before they reached James' ranch. In fa'posgui i lancheru siha guatu gi lanchun‑ñiha. We have come over to the farmers' farms. See: fattoigui, fa'posguan.

få'pus vi. go, leave, depart (irrealis). Bai na'få'pus i kattåk‑ku. I will send my letter. Ha na'få'pus i lepblon‑ña. He sent his book. Ti hu tungu' na un na'få'pus i un bebendi na lepblu. I don't know that you sent the book that you were selling. See: hånåo.

fa'sahngi vt. exclude, isolate, set aside, segregate (not sure about these definitions. see \st below. edr). Sessu i taotåo ha fa'sahngi gui' kontra i gurupun manmå'gas. The person often shies away from the group of officials. Mafa'sahngi i patgun sa' ti maguaiya. The child was set aside because she was not liked. Kalan matå'pang si Fulåna sa' sessu ha fa'sahngi gui' kontra i gurupun famalåo'an. Fulana appears snobbish because she often segregates herself from the group of women. See: na'sahngi.

fa'tåni vt. 1) placate, appease. Mungnga yu' mafa'tåni. Don't placate me. Ti bai fa'tåni håo. I will not placate you. Si Maria ha fa'tåni si Ana. Maria placated Ana. 2) concede grudgingly, give in. Ha fa'tåni i patgun bukåyu put para u påra kumåti. To make the child stop crying, she grudgingly gave him a coconut candy. 3) indifferent to, unconcerned with. Hu sienti na ha fa'tåni yu', sa' esta o'sun nu guåhu. I could tell that he became indifferent because he is fed up with me. See: hasnguni.

fa'tangngayi vt. pretend not to hear or know deliberately, ignore, refuse to consider, disregard. Ti un fina'tangngayi gi as nanå‑mu yanggin ha li'i' na magåhit i hinassosom‑mu put esti na asuntu. Your mother will not ignore you if she understands you are sincere about this matter. Sessu ha fa'tangngayinñaihun i familiån‑ña sa' ti malagu' umentalu' gi bandan tånu'. He frequently ignores his family because he does not want to be involved in land matters. Kåo un fa'tangngangayi yu' pat un kakassi ha' yu? Are you deliberately ignoring me or are you provoking me? Syn: disatiendi.

fa'tåotåo vt. treat (someone) with decency. Ha fa'tåotåo yu' i ofisiåt anai hu gågåo ayudu para i patgon‑hu. The official treated me with decency when I asked for assistance for my child. Debi di un fa'tåotåo maseha håyi un fåna' sa' ti un tungu' ngai'an na para un ma'ayuda. You should treat anybody with decency as you don't know when you will need help. Ha ekgu'i yu' ya ha fa' ti ha li'i' yu' yan ti ha fa'tåotåo yu'. He was envious of me and he pretended he did not notice me and treated me badly.

fa'tinas vt. 1) make, construct. Bai fa'tinas måolik na disision. I will make a wise decision. Fa'tinas dos na kasiyas. Make two chicken coops. See: fotma, otganisa. 2) cook. Ha fa'tinas i nengkanu' nigap? He cooked the food last night? Ti bai fa'tinas i satdinas. I will not cook the sardines. Variant: fattinas.

fa'ulus n. navigator (of sakman). Mana'tatkilu i fa'ulus giya' Saipan. The navigator is highly regarded in Saipan. Manhånåo i fa'ulus yan i manga'chong‑ña para Palau yan Satawal ginin Saipan nigapña. The navigator and his crew left for Palau and Satawal from Saipan the day before. Variant: fa'ulosña.

få'um vt. 1) knock down, beat, pound mercilessly, clobber, defeat. Adahi na un få'um i patgun. Don't knock down the child. Cha'‑mu yu' na bai få'um håo. Don't make me knock you down. Ti bai få'um si Ana put ti umiskuela. I will not knock down Ana because she didn't go to school. Fina'um si Jose gi as Juan gi hiyung i gima'. Joe was beaten down by Juan outside the house. Manmafå'um i sindålu ni inimigun‑ñiha. The soldiers were defeated by their enemies. Kumu ti un huchum pachot‑mu, bai hu få'um håo. If you don't shut your mouth, I'll clobber you. 2) have sex with (men's language). Fina'um si Rosa as Juan. Juan took sexual advantage of Rosa. 3) do (something). Få'um ha' guennåo guatu. Just do your thing over there. See: sapblåsus.

fa'yi'us vt. deify, make as a god. Ennåo sih na tåotåo mafa'yiyi'us esti na trongku. These people are treating that tree as a god. Un fa'yiyi'us håo nu ennåo i bidåda‑mu siha. You're acting like a god with the thing that

you're doing. Båsta mafa'yi'us ennåo na klåsin cho'chu'. Don't think that what you're doing is godly. Sigi ha' un fa'yiyi'us ennåo na cho'chu', låo para guåhu ti måolik håfa bidåda‑mu. You're acting as if you're doing godly things, but what you're doing is not good to me. Variant: fa'yu'us.

fåba' n. embryo. Gof dilikåo i fåba' tåotåo gi duråntin i primet eddas na mapotge'‑ña. The human embryo is very delicate during the first stages of pregnancy. Ti parehu i fåba' i ga'lågu yan i taotåo sa' atmanña i eddas gi taotåo gi duråntin i mapotge'‑ña. The embryos of an animal and a human are different because the human has longer stages of pregnancy.

fåbila di chispas adj. talkative, full of meaningless plans or talk, full of talk or plans without substance, full of b.s. Puru ha' håo fåbila di chispas. You're all full of talk. Puru ha' si Ana di fåbila di chispas. Ana is just full of talk. Mungnga masångan na puru ha' yu' fåbila di chispas. Don't say that I'm just talking without substance. Fåbila di chispas håo na tåotåo. You're a talkative person. Variant: fåbulas di chispas.

faboråpbli adj. 1) favorable, auspicious, well-disposed, propitious, advantageous. Estagui' mås faboråpbli na lepblu para guåhu. This is the most favorable book for me. Esti siha i trongkun åmut manfaboråpbli para i mana'amti. These medicinal trees are favorable for healers. Esti na lugåt faboråpbli para i manlancheru. This place is favorable for farmers. 2) accommodating, going out of one's way for other people. Faboråpblin tåotåo si Manny. Manny is a very accommodating person. From: Sp. favorable.

faboritu vt. favor. Estagui' mås hu faboritu na lepblu. This is the book that I favor the most. Guaha hu faboritu na kulot. I have a color that I favor. Faboritu fan esti na disision. Favor this decision. From: Sp. favorito.

fabót n. favor, kindness, courtesy. Kåo siña un cho'guiyi yu' fabot ya un yuti' i basula? Can you please do me a favor and throw out the trash? Nå'i yu' fabot ya bai kuentus. Please kindly let me talk. From: Sp. favor.

vt. favor; please. Un na'annuk na un fabot un påtgun mås ki ottru. It's apparent that you favor one child more than the other. Put fabot, ekkunguk. Please listen. From: Sp. por favor.

fabrika n. factory. See: fakteria.

vt. produce, manufacture. Bai fabrika i muñeka siha. I will produce the dolls. Adahi na ti un fabrika i lepblu. Make sure you produce the book. Kimason i lugåt manfabrikan magågu. The place that manufactured clothes burned down. From: Sp. fabrica.

fabrikan ais n. ice plant. Mababa i fabrikan ais. The ice plant is open. Kulot agaga' i faktirian fabrikan ais. Red is the color of the ice plant building.

fåbulas di chispas n. all sorts of nonsense. O'sun yu' sa' pinat fåbulas di chispas na kuentus gi inetnun. I am fed up with all the nonsense discussions at the gathering. Puru chålik ginin i fabulas di chispas bidan‑ñiñiha gi sanhiyung. There is a lot of laughter from all sorts of nonsence they are doing outside. Variant: fåbila di chispas.

fachi' n. mud. Adahi i fachi'. Watch the mud. Kulot chikulåti i fachi'. The mud is brown. Mutung i fachi'. The mud is stinky.

adj. oversaturated (with liquid); brown (colored). Yanggin bula mampus hånum gi pigas, siempri fachi'. If you put too much water in the rice, it will become water-logged. Na'lafachi' fan esti i ahu. Can you make the ahu drink a little thicker? Mapenta i ligan i gima' kulot fachi'. They painted the wall of the house brown.

facho'chu' vi. work, be busily employed (irrealis). Facho'chu' gi lanchu agupa'. Work at the farm tomorrow. Kåo para un facho'chu'? Are you going to work? Adahi na un facho'chu' gi papa' uchan. Make sure you don't work when it rains.

fadang n. type of plant: cycad, federico palm. cycas micronesica, Family Cycadaceae. Ti debi di un punu' i fadang, sa' esta håssan. You should not kill the cycad because it is now rare. Gai titika' i fadang. Cycad has thorns. Debi di un tungu' fuma'tinas fadang yanggin para un kånnu'. You need to know how to process the cycad for eating.

fáfa'baba n. 1) swindler, deceiver, cheater, crook. Suhåyi i fafa'baba. Avoid the deceiver. 2) 

adj. confusing, misleading, tricky. Fafa'baba esti na litratu‑hu maseha kulan guåhu. This picture is misleading even though it looks like me. Derived by reduplication from fa'baba.

fáfa'it n. type of fish: snapper. lutjanus gibbus (Family Lutjanidae). Mangonni' yu' fafa'it nigap. I caught snapper yesterday. Hu aflitu i fafa'it para sena. I fried the snapper for dinner.

fáfa'nu'i 1) retriever. I ga'‑hu ga'lågu fafa'nu'i. My dog is a retriever. Ti fafa'nu'i yu' nu i pappet‑mu. I am not going to retrieve your paper. 2) n. one who shows the way. Guaha na paluma fáfa'nu'i guihan gi tasi. There are birds that show where the fishes are in the ocean. Derived by reduplication from fa'nu'i.

fáfa'ñagui n. one who scares, bogey man, spook. Fafa'ñagui i halum liyang. It's scary in the cave. Ti fafa'ñagui si Taga'. Taga' is not scary. Håyi fafa'ñagui guini na isla? Who are the scary ones here on the island? Derived by reduplication from fa'ñagui.

fáfa'pus adj. 1) transitory, fleeting. Kada råtu yu' maleffa, sa' fáfa'pus i hinassosok‑ku esta. I often forget because of my fleeting thoughts. 2) going ahead. Fáfa'pus guston‑ña ennåo na låhi. That man has a habit of going ahead. Derived by reduplication from 'pus.

fáfa'tinas n. 1) maker, creator, inventor. 2) cook. Ti fafa'tinas yu' para guput. I am not a cook for the party. Håyi fafa'tinas guini na guma'? Who is the cook at this house? Si Maria fafa'tinas kåddu. Maria cooks soup. Derived by reduplication from fa'tinas.

fáfacho'chu' n. worker, one who can work. Ti fafacho'chu' yu' an puengi. I won't work at night. Si Ana fafacho'chu' gi lanchu. Ana works at the farm. Debi na un fafacho'chu' para un måolik na implehåo. You have to be a good worker in order to be a good employee. Derived by reduplication from facho'chu'.

fáfalagu n. runner, one who runs. Fáfalagu yu' gi kumpitensia. I am a runner for the competition. Ti fáfalagu yu' sa' puti addeng‑hu. I am not a runner because my leg hurts. Difirentis klåsin fáfalagu manggaigi gi feria. There are different runners at the fair. Derived by reduplication from falågu.

fáfalu n. flower at the end of a banana stalk. Hu fa'tinas i fafalu. I cooked the fafalu. Yahu muna'lågu i fafalun chotda. I like to cook the banana flower Variant: fáffalu.

fáfamfuk n. weaver (of baskets or mats), one who crochets. Ti fafamfuk yu' tuhung. I am not a hat weaver. Derived by reduplication from fåmfuk, a form of tufuk.

fáfanaitai n. reader, literate person, one who can read, one who can recite a prayer. Håyi guini fáfanaitai lisåyu? Who is a reader for the rosary? Ti fáfanaitai yu' lepblu. I am not a book reader. Derived by reduplication from fanaitai, a form of taitai.

fáfañagu n. one capable of bearing young. Trabiha ti fáfañagu yu'. I can't bear a child yet. I amigå‑hu fafañagu meggai na famagu'un. My friend is capable of bearing a lot of children. Derived by reduplication from fañågu.

fáfatkilu n. silent (person), quiet, peaceful, not talkative. Ti fafatkilu si Juan gi iskuela. Juan is not a quiet student at school. Adahi na ti un fafatkilu gi Gima' Yu'us. Make sure you be quiet in church. Derived by reduplication from fátkilu.

fáfatna n. core of a boil. Adahi i fáfatna na un patcha. Make sure you don't touch the boil. Puti i fáfatna gi kannai‑hu. The boil hurts on my hand. Kulot amariyu i fáfatna gi kannai‑hu. The boil on my hand looks yellow. Debi di malaknus kabålis i fafatna gi granu matiditu o sino ti u mågung. The core of the boil has to be extracted completely or it will not heal. Manmandokku' i granu matiditu sa' ti todu i fafatna manmalaknus. The boil multiplied because the core was not fully extracted.

fafatta adj. attention seeker, show-off. Meggai guinaha‑ña låo ti fafatta. Fafatta put i tiningo'‑ña ginin i tinige'‑ña siha. He shows off his knowledge from his written works. Syn: She possesses much but she does not show it.

fáfatta 1) adv. frequently absent, habitually absent. Fáfatta si Jose gi iskuela. Jose is frequently absent at school. Fáfatta si Juan kada Lunis. Juan is habitually absent every Monday. Derived by reduplication from fåtta. Syn: hafatta.

fáfayi n. 1) strongest part; usually used with possessor agreement; often used to describe handedness. I agapa' fafayi‑mu? Are you right-handed? Todu i dos payon‑hu, agapa' yan akakgui, fáfayi‑hu mångi'. I am used to write with both my right and left hand. Derived by reduplication from fayi.

fáffalu n. flower bud at the end of a banana stalk. Debi di un hotyat i pinikan faffalu yan i asiga para u mana'huyung i chigo'‑ña. You should rub the chopped banana flower bud with salt to bring out the sap. I paluma yan‑ñiha i floris gi faffalu. Birds like the flowers in the banana flower bud. Ma utut i faffalu para u ladangkulu i tinekcha'. They cut the banana flower bud to make the fruit bigger. Variant: fáfalut, fáfalu.

fafi'a adj. how much (interrogative adjective). Fafi'a na guihan sinipok‑mu? How much fish have you caught?

faga n. slightly sloping roof of house, poor for water runoff. Hu håtsa i faga gi gima'. I fixed the roof. Tåla' i katni gi hilu' faga. Dry the meat on the roof.

fágahut adj. understanding (of a person), (one who) comprehends things well. Si Juan fágahut na tåotåo. Juan is an understanding person. Kuentusi i fágahut na må'gas ya un ma ayuda. Talk to the understanding boss to help you. I ma'gas‑måmi fágahut gi che'chu'. Our boss at work is so understanding.

fagapsan n. baby cradle made from woven pandanus. I nana ha hohoggui i patgon‑ña gi halum fagapsan. The mother is carrying her baby inside the baby cradle. Måmangfuk si nåna akgak para fagapsan. Grandma is weaving pandanus to make a baby cradle. Syn: kuna.

faggai vt. hit with fist, punch. Måolekña un suha sa' siempri hu faggai håo. You better move away because I will punch you. Variant: fakkai (Guam).

faggas vt. punch, hit, smash, hit by throwing. Adahi na un faggas i asaguå‑mu. Don't hit your wife. Ti bai faggas matå‑mu. I will not punch your face.

fagu n. leader (for fishing line). Anåkku' i fagu gi pisåo. The leader on the fishing line is long. Måolik i fagu ni mappu mali'i' ni guihan. The leader that the fish can't really see is best. See: fagut1, fo'i.

fagu' n. type of tree. ochrosia oppositifolia. Sessu mandokku' i fagu' gi kantun tåsi. Fagu' typically grows near the shore. Åmut esti i fagu' Fagu' is a medicinal plant.

Faguålu' n. October. Mafañågu yu' gi Faguålu'. I was born in October. Syn: Oktubri.

fagut2 n. leaf of akgak (pandanus) tree, used for weaving mats and thatching roofs. Neisosperma oppositifolia. Hu utut fagut para bai hu fångfuk guåfak. I cut pandanus leaves to weave a mat. Adahi na un tinekcha' nu i fagut. Make sure you don't get poked by the pandanus leaf.

fåha n. waistband, cummerbund, cloth wrapped around the waist. Kadada' i faha nai manå'i yu'. The waistband that was given to me is short.

fåha' n. 1) coconut at the seedling or sprouting stage. Yanggin tåya' kaddon‑ña i niyuk, pues buenti esta mama'fåha'. If the coconut doesn't have juice in it, then the coconut is already at the seedling or sprouting stage. 2) spongy, sweet white meat of the coconut at that stage. Gof månngi' i fåha' makånnu'. The coconut at the seedling or sprouting stage is very good to eat. Siña ha' i fåha' mafa'insalåda. The coconut at the seedling or sprouting stage can be used for salad.

fåhan vt. buy, purchase. Bai fåhan i gimin. I will buy the drink. Bai fahåni håo sapåtus. I will buy shoes for you. Esta manfinahåni nu i lepblu put åmut natibu. The traditional medicine book were already puchased for them.

fahånun adj. sellable, easily bought. Måolik na må'gas sa' ti fahånun. He is a good leader because he cannot be bought. Ti fahånun esta kako'‑ña i kareta, sa' bula madaloggai‑ña esta ya ti mama'cheche'chu' esta i signal light. The car, by its appearance, is not sellable, because it has a lot of dents and the lights are not working. Fahånun esti na gimin. The drink sells well. Ti fahånun esti na siya. The chair is not easily sold. Ti fahånun esti na kareta. The car is not sellable.

fåhang n. type of bird: common noddy, black sea gull. anous stolidus pileatus. Guåha fåhang giya Luta. There are black sea gulls on Rota.

fåhna adj. easily sold, in great demand, well-liked. Ti fåhna esti na nengkanu'. This food is not easily sold. Mås fåhna i tataga' ki i gadåo gi metkåo. The surgeon fish is more sellable than the grouper at the market. Manfåhnanña i agaga' na kareta ki i a'paka'. The red vehicles are more sellable than the white. See: fåhan.

fai'a n. type of tree. tristiropsis obtusangula. Måolik para håyu i trongkun fai'a. The fai'a makes

faiduk vt. pull out, root out, dig out. Hu faiduk i sini nigap. I pulled out the taro yesterday. Ti bai faiduk i kamuti gi lanchu. I will not pull out the sweet potato at the farm. Syn: håli'.

faihetgui vt. 1) take, gather all the good parts or things from. Gof ya‑ña si John fumaihetgui i katni gi platu‑ña. John likes to take all the meat on his plate. Yanggin mana'lågu i gelai yan i mannuk, i patgun ha faihehetgui i gelai siha. When the vegetables and the chicken are cooked together, the child would take out all the vegetables. 2) take all the flesh, debone. Si Maria ha faihetgui i sensin babui. Maria deboned the pig's meat.

faila' vt. notice, report, tell on. Faila' put i sinisedi. Tell me about the incident. Ti bai faila' gi ma'gas. I will not tell on the boss. Håyi para bai faila' put i prublema? Who will I tell about the problem? Esta hu faila' håo. I already told on you.

faila'muni vt. estimate, calculate. Bai faila'muni i salåppi'. I will estimate the money. Faila'muni kuåntu un nisisita. Estimate how much you need. Ti bai faila'muni para i ma'gas. I will not estimate for the boss.

failåhyi adj. betray, untrue to. Ha failåhyi kontra i amigu‑ña. He betrays his friends. Ti failåhyi yu'. I am not a betrayer. Ti bai failåhyi na påtgun. I will not be an untrue child. Variant: failå'yi.

failik1 adj. dizzy. Ti un failik kumu dididi' ha' na amåska un usa para i mamå'un. You will not get dizzy if you use little tobacco for betelnut chew. Adahi na un failik gi fata'chong‑mu. Don't be dizzy on your seat.

vt. cause dizziness (from something eaten). Ha failik yu' i mama'. The betelnut made me dizzy. Finailik si Liz ni mamå'un. The betelnut made Liz dizzy. See: kalik, pina'lik.

failik2 adj. have an uncomfortable sensation in (one's) teeth after eating acidic or sour food. Anai sessu hu kånnu' i gada' na mångga, fumailik yu'. After I ate so many green mangos, my teeth felt uncomfortable. Kalan hu sienti na failik i nifen‑hu anai gumimin yu' limonåda. My teeth felt uncomfortable after I drank lemonade. Ti un failik nu i esti na kåhit. You won't get that uncomfortable sensation with this orange.

vt. make (one's) teeth acidic and uncomfortable. Ha failik yu' i mangga. The mango made my teeth feel uncomfortable.

faini n. sling, bandage used for sprained or broken arm. Chuli' mågi i faini. Bring the sling. Na'mafñut i faini gi apagå‑mu. Tighten the sling on your shoulder. See: å'fi.

faininuk vt. 1) put aside to ripen. Faininuk i atis. Put aside the sweet sop. Bai faininuk i mangga. Put aside the mango. 2) cause to wait, keep (someone) waiting. Hu faininuk i asaguå‑hu. I made my wife wait.

faiseknani vt. say falsely of, use (someone) as an excuse, accuse. Ha faiseknani yu' i patgun. The child used me in saying that I gave permission. Mungnga mafaiseknani i taotåo yanggin ti klåru para hågu. Don't accuse the person if it's not clear for you. Variant: faisiknåni.

faisensini vt. cut or remove (meat from the bone), debone. Faisensini i mannuk. Debone the chicken. Fa'gåsi åntis di un faisensini i tataga'. Wash before you debone the unicorn fish.

faisiknåni vt. accuse (falsely), blame falsely. Mungnga yu' mafaisiknåni put i salappe'‑mu. Don't accuse me about your money. Ti bai faisiknåni håo put i taiguin salåppi'. I will not accuse you of my missing money. Debi un faisiknåni i sakki. Accuse the stealer. See: sokni, suspetcha. Variant: faiseknani.

faisin vt. ask, interrogate. Faisin yu' put i tes. Ask me about the test. Ti bai faisin håyi gui'. I will not ask who he is. Faisin håyi na'ån‑ña. Ask what her name is. See: abirigua, kuestiona.

faisini vt. ask (something of someone) for (someone). Faisini si Juan ya u fa'tinåsi hit bateha. Ask for Juan to build us a washing board. Debi un faisini yu' as nåna. You have to ask mom for me.

fakcha' adj. lucky, successful. Adahi na un afakcha' na dos gi gima'. Make sure you two are lucky. Bai na'fakcha' yu' gi che'chu'. I will be lucky at work. Ti bai fakcha' gi lanchu. I will not be lucky at the farm.

fakcha'i vt. 1) arrive (at propitious moment), meet by chance. Hu fakcha'i i lahyan na famagu'un gi feria. I came across a big group of children at the fair. Pumåsmu anai finakcha'i ni ichan gi ma'pus na simåna. He got sick with pneumonia when he happened to get caught in the rain last week. Ha fakcha'i i kuntråriu‑ña gi kumpitensian achikak. She happened to meet her opponent at the race competition. 2) discover, find. Ti hu fakcha'i si Juan gi giput. I did not find Juan at the party. Bai fakcha'i i ma'gas gi ofisina. I will find the boss at the office.

fakiki vt. do, take, use or eat excessively, doing something in a big way, indulge. Mafakiki siha ni chandiha. They indulged in the watermelon. In fakiki ham ni baratura gi as Joeten gi Sabalu. We indulged ourselves with the sale at Joeten on Saturday. Mafakiki siha i dos påtgun ni kandi. The two children took so many candies.

fakka' n. inner stem of red taro plant; inner stem of red taro plant, used to cook with; mixture of unorganized things (poetic). Kulot lila i fakka'. The inner stem of the taro is purple.

fåkkai1 vt. 1) beat up, injure, harm, hurt. Ti bai fåkkai håo. I will not beat you up. Mungnga mafåkkai yu'. Don't beat me up. 2) test. Fåkkai siha nu i fina'na'guem‑mu. Test them in what you taught them.

fåkkai2 vt. give. Fåkkai ham nu i tinemtom‑mu. Give us your wisdom.

fakkut vt. delouse, rid (someone or an animal) of lice or fleas. Fakkut yu'. Check my lice. Tudutdiha ha fakkut i ga'‑ña katu. All day she picked her pet cat's fleas. 2) 

vt. examine carefully, go through (something) carefully. Maila' ta fakkut nåya esti na asuntu ya ta na'mås kabålis. Let's go through this matter more carefully so that it will be more comprehensive.

fakmåta vi. wake up, get up from sleep (irrealis). Adahi na ti un fakmåta gi oran alas sais. Make sure you wake up at six o'clock.

fákmata adj. light sleeper. Mungnga bumuruka, sa' fákmata si Tåta. Don't make noise, because Grandfather is a light sleeper. Fákmata. Ha hunguk pasu‑hu anai humålum yu' gi fanmaigu'an. She is a light sleeper. She heard my foodsteps when I entered the sleeping place.

fåkpi n. type of bird: Pacific man-o-war, frigate bird. fregata minor minor. Guaha na islan Pacifiku mafa'ga'‑ñiha i fakpi. There are islands in the Pacific that make the frigatebird as pet. Hu li'i' dos fåkpi lumililiku' gi matan påkyu. I saw two frigate birds flying in circles in the eye of the typhoon. Variant: fåkti.

fåkpu' vi. end, stop, finish, completed, over (irrealis). Para u fåkpu' esta i miting. The meeting is about to end. Na'fåkpu' esti na leksion. Finish this lesson.

fåkti2 n. type of bird: Pacific man-o-war, frigate bird. fregata minor minor. Hu li'i' tres na fåkti mankikiluluk gi matan månglu'. I saw three frigatebirds flying in circle in the eye of the storm. In peksai i puyitus fåkti asta ki dumångkulu na in setta. We raised the frigatebird hatchling and set it free when it matured. Syn: gå'ga' månglu'. Variant: fåkpi.

fåktiyun adj. easily caught and collected by setting a container under it (of liquid). Ti fåktiyun i hanum ginin i atuf. The water cannot be caught and collected from the roof. Fåktiyun ha' gi haga' i babui. The pig's blood is easily caught. Mampus chaddik i hanum gi maktan ya ti fåktiyun. The water runs fast on the gutter and could not be caught.

fåktu n. 1) fact. Debi un tungu' håfa fåktu yan ti fåktu. You should know what is a fact and what is not. 2) reality, actuality. Sångan fan i faktu. Say the truth. Ti ya‑hu ennåo i ti fåktu na infotmasion. I don't like that fiction story.

fåla' vt. eat raw (food). Bai hu fåla' i katni. I will eat that meat raw. Ha fåla' i guihan sa' gef ñalang. He ate the fish raw because he was starving. Syn: tuchu'.

falåggui vt. go and get, pick up. Put fabot falåggui i lemmai. Please take the breadfruit. Ti bai falåggui ennåo para hågu. I will not get that for you.

falågu vi. run, move swiftly, hasten, go rapidly (irrealis). Mungnga na para un falågu para i lanchu. Don't run to the farm. Cha'‑mu na para un falågu guini na iskuela. Don't run away from this school.

falak vi. go to (irrealis). Bai falak i tenda. I will go to the store. Kåo para un falak i ispitåt? Are you going to the hospital? Bound verb that forms a unit with its goal, which is in the unmarked case.

falaknus vi. go out, be expelled (irrealis). Falaknus pågugu ha'! Go out right now! Siempri u falaknus i imang yanggin un guaifi. The hermit crab will go out when you blow on it. Ilek‑ña si Nåna, "Ai ya' siña mohon hu na'hålum håo, dispues di hu na'falaknus håo!" Mom said, "If only I can put you back in, after I let you go out!"

falingu vi. get lost, disappear (irrealis). Ketu, adahi na un falingu gi giput. Keep still, don't get lost at the party. Cha'‑mu na para un falingu esta. Don't tell me that you will disappear already.

falingunhalum vi. suddenly disappear, disappear without notice, vanish (irrealis). Ripåra i taotåo, sa' u falingunhalum. Watch the man, because he will disappear without notice. Mungnga masedi na u falingunhalum, sa' mampus yommahlåo. Don't let him disappear without notice, because he is very shy.

fållut n. lamp, kerosene lantern. Na'listu i fallut åntis di puengi. Prepare the lamp before night time. Tinahung låña para todu na fållut gi gima'. The oil is not enough for all the lamps at home. Syn: kåndit.

faloffan vi. pass a place, move in a certain direction (irrealis). Tåya' yu' nai para bai hu faloffan guini na chålan, sa' ti libiånu. I never think to pass this path, because it is not easy. Guaha na hu faloffangui i chalan para i tasi ya hu li'i' dies na ayuyu manlulucha para i tasi. I sometimes take the path to the beach and I saw ten coconut crabs moving in a line toward the beach.

fålu n. game of marbles, tracks; a marble game in which two players take turns shooting at each other's marble. Bai hugåndu fålu gi gima'. I will play marbles at the house. Ågang si Jose ya ta fanhugåndu fålu. Call Jose so that we can play marbles. Ti ya‑hu esti i falu na huegu. I don't like to play marbles. From: English follow (probably).

falulun vt. wrap, enfold, cover by winding around or folding, enwrap, roll up. Falulun håo nu i sabanas. Wrap yourself with the blanket. I manglu' fumalulun i magagu ni makakana' gi tali. The wind rolled up the clothes that were hanging on the line. Falulun fan i geddi. Roll up the rope. See: balutan, afuyut, royu.

fåma vt. laud, praise highly, extol. Ha fåma si Tåta i lahi‑ña. The father praised his son highly. Ti bai fåma i ti måolik na cho'chu' tåotåo. I will not laud the wrongdoing of a person. See: tuna. From: Sp. fama.

fama' vi. make, act like (irrealis antipassive). Fama' tåotåo ya un mafa' tåotåo. Act like a man and you will be treated like one. Fama' må'gas sa' må'gas håo ya un marispeta. Act like a boss because you are the boss and you will be respected. Fama' i maching gi Halloween. Act like a monkey during Halloween. Adahi na un fama' i dikiki' patgun gi iskuela. Don't act childlike at school. Fama' hafkåo para i famagu'un. Make whatever you think for the children.

fama'åyan n. rice field, rice paddy. Bai falak i fama'åyan. I will go to the rice field. Mangguåssan yu' gi fama'åyan. I pulled grass at the rice field. Ånglu' i fama'åyan, sa' ti fanuchånan. The rice field is dry, because it is not the rainy season. See: fanfa'iyan. Variant: famahåyan.

fama'gasiyan n. washbasin, sink, lavatory. Gaigi huyung gi bateha i fama'gasiyan. The washbasin is at the washing board outside. Variant: mama'gasiyan.

famagu'un n.pl. children, kids, infants, babies. Meggai na famagu'un gi gima'. There are a lot of children at home.

famahåyan n. rice field, rice paddy. Åntis guaha famahåyan giya Luta. In the past, there were rice fields in Rota. Ånglu' i famahåyan sa' tiempun fanomnågan. Variant: fama'åyan.

famai'che'chu' vi. work hard, struggle, strive. Ti bai famaiche'chu', sa' gof puti i addeng‑hu. I won't work hard, because my feet hurt. Famaiche'chu' ya un na'måolik håo. Work hard and be good. Variant: famaiche'chu'.

famakiyan n. rifle range, place of shooting, shooting range. Ma nutisia i pupbliku na uma suhåyi i famakiyan agupa'. The public was notified to avoid the shooting range tomorrow. Ta asudda' gi famakiyan. We will meet at the rifle range.

famaktiyan n. place where one puts the container for catching water or sap from tree. Falak i famaktiyan ya un fanlotgi hånum. Go and get water from the water catchment. Usa buteya para famaktiyan tuba. Use a bottle to catch sap for making toddy. Na'gågasgas kada råtu i famaktiyan. Clean the water catchment every time.

famalåo'an n.pl. females, women, ladies, girls. Para guaha huntan famalåo'an. There will be a meeting for women. I kutturan Chamorro matuna i famalåo'an. Women are held in high regard in Chamorro culture.

famåo adj. 1) admirable, praiseworthy, laudable. Matuna i palåo'an, sa' gef famåo i che'cho'‑ña siha. The lady was praised for her highly admirable accomplishments. The person is ad 2) well-known, famous. Ginin i che'cho'‑ña ennåo na palåo‑an muna' sen famåo. The lady is very famous from her accomplishments.

famåstuyan n. pasture land, meadow. Mankulot betdi i cha'guan gi famåstuyan. The grass was green at the pasture. Hihut i famåstuyan para chiba yan i guaka. The pasture for the goat and the cattle are nearby. Variant: fanpastuyan.

famatkilu vi. 1) silent, quiet (irrealis). Bai hu famatkilu. I will be quiet. Put fabot famatkilu, sa' buruka. Famatkilu, sa' mamaigu' i neni. Be quiet, because the baby is sleeping. Ti bai famatkilu kumu diretchok‑ku. I will not be quiet if I know that I'm right. 2) hush, shut up (irrealis). Famatkilu i pachot‑mu. Hush your mouth. See: silensiu, påkaka'.

fambinaduyan n. deer hunting region, place where deer are abundant. Mane'binådu ham nigap gi sagan fambinaduyan giya Makpi'. We went deer hunting at the deer hunting region in Marpi yesterday. Esta ti gef meggai binådu gi fambinaduyan. There are not that many deer at the deer hunting region. Manmehna ham binådu gi paingi gi fambinaduyan giya Anatåhan. We caught a lot of deer at the deer hunting region at Anatahan last night.

fåmfi' vi. 1) pick fruit, break fruit off a tree (irrealis antipassive). Bai fåmfi' kåhit para i iskuela. I will pick oranges for school. Fåmfi' fan fruta gi lanchu. Pick fruits at the farm. Para bai fåmfi' na'‑hu mansåna. I will pick apples for me. See: tifi'.

famikåyan n. cutting board, chopping block. Na'fansahngi i famikåyan para kåtni yan gollai. Separate the cutting boards for meat and vegetables.

familia n. 1) family. Guaha inafamåolik gi familia. There is peace in the family. Kåo guaha familia gi gima'? Do you have a family at home? Tåya' familiak‑ku. I don't have any family. 2) tribe, clan, folk. Manfamilia ham yan hamyu giya Guåhan. We are members of the clan with you on Guam. An guaha måtai na sessu manatungu' ham yan i familia siha. It is during funerals that we get to know our families. 3) category (of plants or animals). Håfa na familia i tupu gi tinananum siha? Sugar cane is what family of plants? Mañiha i ayuyu yan i umang gi un familia na klåsin gå'ga. The coconut crab and the hermit crab belong to the same family of animals. From: Sp. familia.

famo'luyan n. 1) place to store or place things, storage. Manmama'famo'luyan gi tattin guma', sa' ti manomlat i pine'lu siha gi halum guma'. They built a storage behind the house, because they ran out of space in the house. 2) lee platform (part of sakman). Tampi i famo'luyan gi sahyan. Cover the place for storing our supplies on the canoe.

famokkat vi. walk, roam, stroll, rove (irrealis). Bai famokkat un råtu. I will walk for a bit. Sigi ya un famokkat para i tenda. Go and walk to store. Famokkat fan mo'na. Will you walk forward. See: pokkat.

famosu adj. famous. Håyi manmatungu manfamosu giya Marianas? Who in the Marianas are known to be famous? Ti ha na'a'annuk na famosu gui'. She does not show that she is famous. From: Sp. famoso.

fåmta' vi. 1) propagate, produce by generation, or by seeds, cutting, etc. Ti bai na'fåmta' esti na klåsin gollai sa' båba. I will not produce this vegetable because it is not good. 2) become popular, famous. Mana'fåmta' i gima' påtdit put i metgut para i pakyu. The concrete house became popular for its capacity to withstand typhoons. 3) made known. Na'fåmta' i tiningo'‑mu put gå'ga'. Share your knowledge about animals. Sigi muna'fåmta' i nengkanu' Chamorro. Continue spreading about Chamorro food.

famu'luyan n. storage place, warehouse, shelf, drawer. Esta bula i famu'luyan ramenta. The storage place for the tools is full . Mampus dikiki' i sagan famu'luyan‑måmi. Our storage place is very small. Gaigi i paini gi hilu' i famu'luyan gi såla. The comb is on the shelve in the living room.

famunu'an n. slaughterhouse, place where animals (pigs, cows) are slaughtered. Manhåtsa si Gabby sagan famunu'an gi lanchun‑ñiha. Gabby built a slaughterhouse at their farm. Dångkulu i sagan famunu'an giya Tinian. The slaughterhouse in Tinian is big. Bula manmapupunu' gå'ga' gi sagan famunu'an. There are many animals being slaughtered at the slaughterhouse.

fan1 adv. 1) could you, would you, please; indicates politeness. Maila' fan. Please come. Chuli' fan i siya. Please take the chair. Yuti' fan esti na lemmun. Please throw the lemon. 2) used figuratively to dare someone. Maila' fan ya ta li'i' kåo siña un sungun esti. I dare you to come and we will see if you can stand it. 3) used to indicate repeated action. Ha fafan gui' fan ta'lu nu i ladangkulu na fan. There she goes again fanning herself with a bigger fan. Ha yågai gui' fan ta'lu ni i kassen‑ña. There she goes again with her teasing.

fan2 n. hand fan, mechanical fan. Manhånåo ham para i tenda para bai in fanmåmahan fan. We went to the store to buy a fan. Ha fafan gui' fan ta'lu nu i ladangkulu na fan. There she goes again fanning herself with a bigger fan. Syn: boha, abaniku, bohåo, bohu, gueha.

vt. blow with a fan. Ha fafan gui' fan ta'lu nu i ladangkulu na fan. There she goes again fanning herself with a bigger fan. Fan fan ennåo ya u ånglu' chaddik. Blow the fan, please, on that so it will dry more quickly. Syn: boha, bohåo, bohu. From: Eng. fan.

fan-1 (from: fan‑) pref. plural subject agreement (for irrealis intransitive verbs and adjectives). Fanakumprendi ya mungnga na u guaha disgråsia gi familia. Come to terms with each other so that there won't be any disgrace in the family.

fan-2 (from: fan‑) pref. antipassive (irrealis); attaches to transitive verbs to form irrealis antipassive verbs. Fanbålli gi iskuela. Sweep at the school. Fanhålla guennåo na'‑mu. Grab some food for you.

fåna' vt. 1) face, withstand. Hu fåna' i ga'lågu ya luhan yu'. I faced the dog and I was scared. 2) stand up to look at (someone) sharply in the face. Fåna' mågi i ma'estra. Look at the teacher. Ti bai fåna' håo esta. I will not look at you. Ha fåna' yu' låo ti ha ispånta yu'. She faced me but she did not intimidate me.

fana'an vt. name (someone or something). Mafana'an Higånti sa' fana'an gai linekka' na tåotåo. He is named Higånti (Giant) perhaps because he could have been a tall person. In fanana'an esti na lugåt As Teo sa' ginin sagan Te' åntis. We called this place As Teo because it was Te's place long time ago. Mafana'an nu ennåo na nå'an låo diputsi ti ennåo na'ån‑ña. She was given that name but that is not her name.

adv. might be, could be, maybe. Fa'na'an ti para u såga guini na tånu'. It could be that he may not stay on this land. Ti ya‑hu sumångan låo fana'an guaha istotbu gi entalu'‑ñiha. I don't want to mention it but there could be a problem among them. Manggef lå'la' i tinanum siha sa' fana'an sessu uchan. The plants are very healthy because it might be raining often. Mafana'an Higånti sa' fana'an gai linekka' na tåotåo. He is named Higånti (Giant) perhaps because he could have been a tall person. Syn: siguru. Variant: fa'na'an.

fanå'an vt. create as a name. Ti debi na un fanå'an ennåo na palåbra para tåotåo sa' un fa'gagaga' i taotåo. You should not name a person with that word because you are insulting that person. Ngaian na mafanå'an i tinanum ni esti na nå'an tåotåo? When was the plant named after this person? Mafanå'an Iliyang esti na liyang giya Saipan. This cave was named, Iliyang (The Cave) in Saipan.

fanaganum n. bottleneck ravine. Iya fanaganum gaigi gi hilu' Garapan. The bottleneck ravine is above Garapan.

fanaitai vi. 1) read (irrealis antipassive). Bai fanaitai lepblu. I will read a book. Sigi ya un fanaitai lepblu. Go and read a book. Bai fanaitai gi Gima' Yu'us. I will read at the church. 2) say prayers, pray (irrealis). Si Rosa para u fanaitai nubenan sainan Ina. Rosa will say the Sainan Ina prayer.

fanalå'an n. 1) drying space or place. Si tåta ha na'gåsgas i lugåt fanalå'an. Father cleaned the drying space. 2) dryer. Hu po'lu i fanalå'an gi gima'. I put the dryer at the house. Muna'ånglu' yu' gi fanalå'an. I dried at the dryer. Hu usa todu i fanalå'an kåtni. I used the meat dryer.

fanamtiyan n. dressing station, clinic, hospital. Ma'åmti si Tonie chitnot‑ña gi sagan fanamtiyan nigap. Tonie's sore was treated at the dressing station yesterday. Mampus meggai tåotåo gi sagan fanamtiyan gi egga'an. There are a lot of people at the clinic in the morning.

fan-...-an (from: fan‑...‑an) pref-suf. place where. Fanbinaduyan esti mågi. This is the place to hunt deer. Na'gåsgas i fanbinaduyan. Clean the hunting place. Ti dångkulu i lugåt fanbinaduyan. The hunting area is not big. This prefix-suffix combination is used to derive nouns from verbs.

fanangklåyan n. anchorage, anchoring grounds or place. Tåya' fanangklåyan giya Aguiguan. There is no anchorage at Aguiguan.

fanapu'an n. place to lean on, thing to rely on for support. Poddung i fanapu'an gi siya. The part of a chair where we lean on has fallen off. Hu nisisita i fanapu'an. I need to rely on a wall for support.

fanasunan n. bed, lair, place to sleep or rest on. Umå'assun si Daina gi sagan fanasunan gi apusentu. Daina is lying down in bed in the bedroom. Machalapun i alunan gi fanasunan. The pillows are scattered on the bed. Dikiki' mampus i sagan fanasunan Nang. Mother's bed is so small.

fanátahguiyan adj. changeable, unstable, unpredictable, able to alternate. Manfanatahguiyan i pumupulan i famagu'un siha. The people who are watching the children are able to take turns. Ti manfanatahguiyan i kantan guma'yu'us. The church songs are very stable.

fanatchu'an n. quarry. Humånåo yu' para i fanatchu'an. I went to the quarry. Macho'chu' i asaguå‑hu gi fanatchu'an. My spouse worked at the quarry. Ginin i fanatchu'an na manrikohi yu' kaskåo. It was at the quarry where I collected gravel.

fanatukan n. 1) hiding place, hideout. Mafa'tinas gotpi i fanatukan sa' maninaliligåo nu i pulisiha. The hiding place was quickly done because the police are searching for them. Ha upus i fanatukan sa' tinampi nu i hagun niyuk. He passed the hideout because it was covered with coconut leaves. Yan‑ñiha i famagu'un manattuk gi fanatukan yanggin mandidi'u. The children enjoy hiding in the hideout when they play hide and seek. 2) bomb shelter.

fandanggeru n. place for holding a wedding. Umasagua si Maria gi fandanggeru. Maria got married at the wedding place. Mana'besti i fandanggeru. We decorated the wedding place. Muna'gasgas si Juan gi lugåt fandanggeru. Juan cleaned at the wedding place. From: Sp. fandanguero.

fandånggu n. wedding celebration, nuptial celebration, nuptial festivities. Para u guaha fandånggu gi Huliu na mes. The wedding will be in July. Manbaila i taotåo Luta gi fandånggu para si Jose nigap. The people of Luta danced at Jose's wedding party yesterday.

vi. have a wedding, attend a wedding. Bai fandånggu giya Saipan. I will attend the wedding in Saipan. From: Sp. fandango.

fandiskansåyan n. haven, rest space or place. Bula fandiskansåyan giya Luta. There are many resting places on Rota. Tåya' fandiskansåyan guini na båndan chålan. There is no resting place at this side of the road. Ginin i fandiskansåyan yu' yan si Lou. Lou and I were at the resting place.

fanela n. t-shirt. Kulot å'paka' i fanela. The t-shirt is white. Mamåhan yu' fanela. I bought a t-shirt. Gaigi i fanela gi halum maleta. The t-shirt is inside the baggage. From: Sp. franela.

fanetnun vi. unite, join, gather (irrealis pl.). Na'fanetnun hamyu guini mågi. Group yourself here. Bai in fanetnun gi iskuela. We will group ourselves at school. Fanetnun gi gima' Maria para i giput. We will gather at Maria's house for the party.

fanfa'iyan n. rice field. Guaha fanfa'iyan giya Filipin. There is a rice field in the Philippines. Dångkulu na fanfa'iyan giya Luta åntis na tiempu. During the early days in Luta the rice field was huge. See: fama'åyan.

fanfa'pusan n. passageway, walkway, a place for passing through. Guaha fanfa'pusan gi iskuela. There is a walkway at school. Kulot betdi i fanfa'pusan na lugåt. The walkway is green. Tåya' fanfa'pusan guini na iskuela. There is no walkway at school. See: må'pus.

fanfachi'an n. mud puddle. Bula fanfachi'an gi iskuela. There were lots of mud puddles at school. Meggai guini na fanfachi'an anai sessu uchan. There are many mud puddles around this area when it was raining frequently. Åppan i fanfachi'an gi tiempun somnak. The mud puddle dried up during the hot season.

fanhafutan n. cemetery, burial place. Esti na tåtåotåo debi na u mapo'lu gi fanhafutan giya Chalan Kanoa. This body must be buried in Chalan Kanoa cemetery. Todu måtai gå'ga' debi na u guaha sagan fanhafutan‑ñiha. All dead animals must have a burial place. Esta bula i sagan fanhafutan giya Chalan Kanoa. The cemetery in Chalan Kanoa is already full.

fanhakman n. entrance. Ha bababa i fanhakman i langit. He opens the entrance to heaven. See: fanhaluman.

fanhalluman n. 1) place for thinking or reflection. Guaha fanhalluman gi iskuela. There is a place for thinking at school. Gaigi si Rosa gi fanhalluman na lugåt. Rosa is in the place for thinking. 2) retreat.

fanhaluman n. 1) entrance. Hålum gi fanhaluman. Enter at the entrance. Mungnga humuyung gi fanhaluman. Do not go out at the entrance. Dikiki' esti na fanhaluman. The entrance is small. 2) passage. Mababa i fanhaluman gi entalu' lugåt Jon yan si Jose. The passage between Jon and Jose's place was open. 3) inlet. Guaha dikiki' na fanhaluman i patgun ha fa'tinas para i hanum. The child built an inlet for the water.

fanhuganduyan n. playground, gambling house, any place designated for playing games. Bula istudiånti gi fanhuganduyan gi talu'åni. They were many students at the playground in the afternoon. Mampus dångkulu na sagan fanhuganduyan gi feria. The gambling house at the carnival is very big. Buruka na fanhuganduyan. The game room is noisy.

fanhusgåyan n. court of justice, place where justice is administered, judging place. Humånåo si Juan para i fanhusgåyan. Juan went to the court. Guaha fanhusåyan giya Luta. There is a court place on Rota. Dikiki' esti i lugåt fanhusgåyan. The court place is small. See: kotti.

fanhuyungan n. exit, passage for going out only. Atyu na potta fanhuyungan. That is an exit door. Humuyung si Alice gi fanhuyungan santatti. Alice went out the back exit door. Gi kada guma' debi u guaha sagan fanhuyungan. Every house has to have an exit.

fani'ippan n. 1) a place, such as a valley, surrounded by cliffs. Achuka' chatta' umessalåo håo giya Chalan Galaidi, oppan a'gang i bos‑mu sa' fani'ippan. Even if you shout slightly at Chalan Galaidi, you will hear a loud echo. 2) direction to the west (traditional navigation). Tulus mo'na para fani'ippan. Move forward in the direction to the west. Variant: fañi'ipan.

fanigi vt. distinguish oneself, identify. Fanigi håyi håo. Identify who you are. Ti bai fanigi håyi håo. I will not identify who you are. Bai fanigi i patgun. I will identify the child.

fanihi n. bat (mammal), Mariana fruit bat. Pteropus mariannus. Magululumi i fanihi i manmåsa siha na papåya gi kestat. The fruit bats devoured the sack of ripe papayas. Humassan i fanihi gi halum hatdin på'gu na tiempu sa' masen guaiya para makåddu. The fruit bat is now scarce because it is a delicacy in soup.

fanihin gånas n. Pacific sheath-tailed bat. Emballonura semicaudata. Ginin guaha fanihin gånas giya Aguiguan. There used to be Pacific sheath-tailed bat at Aguiguan. Ispisiat esti i fanihin gånas para nengkanu' Chamorro. The Pacific sheath-tailed bat is a Chamorro delicacy.

fanihin tåsi n. type of fish: manta ray, sting ray, leopard ray, skate, devilfish. Family Dasyatidae. Atdit putin sinaolak dadak fanihin tåsi. The whiplash of the stingray's tail is extremely painful. Mansen dangkulu na klåsin fanihin tåsi manggaigi giya Yap. The stingrays in Yap are very huge. See: hafula'.

fanistilåyan n. distillery. Ginin guaha fanistilåyan giya Saipan. There used to be a distillery in Saipan. Kalan yan‑ñiha manarima gi fanistilåyan an puengi. It looks like they like to gather around the distellery in the evenings.

fanlasuyan n. enclosed area of a pasture where cattle are caught by lasso, place where a loop trap is set to catch wild game. Giya Ritidian guaha lugåt fanlasuyan. There is a place where a loop trap is set at Ritidian. Gaigi si Augustine gi fanlasuyan. Augustine is at the loop trap. Måolik mangonni' kabåyu giya fanlasuyan. It is good to lasso horses at the loop trap.

fanlatu'an n. slippery place. Ti måolik esti na lugåt sa' guaha fanlatu'an. This place is not good because there is a slippery place. Adahi i fanlatu'an na un sulun. Don't slip because it is slippery. Amånu nai gaigi i fanlatu'an? Where is it slippery?

fanlihengan n. shelter. Guaha fanlihengan gi tiempun påkyu. There are shelters during the typhoon season. Meggai manma'otdin para u fanhånåo gi fanlihengan siha. Many were ordered to go the shelters.

fanlugåyan n. passageway, thoroughfare. Guaha fanlugåyan gi ispitåt. There is a walkway at the hospital. Håyi ginin maloffan guini na fanlugåyan? Who happen to pass by on this walkway? Ginin fanlugåyan esti na lugåt låo esta på'gu mama'hatdin. This place used to be a walkway but now it has turned into a forest. See: loffan.

fanmaigu'an n. sleeping place, roost. Tåya' fanmaigu'an esta. There is no place to sleep. Applacha' i fanmaigu'an. The sleeping area is dirty. Atan i fanmaigu'an i mannuk. Look at the sleeping area for the chicken.

fanmasinikan n. toilet, restroom, a small room or shack provided with facilities used as a toilet. Humålum si John gi sagan fanmasinikan ya esta gof åpmam. John has been in the restroom for a very long time. Mayamak påpa' i sagan fanmasinikan. The toilet broke down. Manhåtsa si Paul sagan fanmasinikan gi lanchu. Paul built a toilet at the farm.

fanmatåyan adj. vital, mortal, essential. I hanum mås fanmatåyan gi tiempun ira. Water is the most vital supply during disaster. Syn: fanmunu'an.

fanme'miyan n. place to urinate, urinal. Guaha fanme'miyan gi iskuela. There is a place to urinate at school. Dikiki' ennåo na fanme'miyan. The area to urinate is small. Ti bai hånåo para i fanme'miyan. I will not go to the place to urinate.

fannunokguan n. place for hiding things, warmer place to store matured fruits to make ripe such as bananas, avocados, mangos, sweetsop, etc. Hu pega i na'‑hu åtis gi sagan fannunokguan para u måsa. I place my sweetsop in the warmer hiding place to ripen. Guaha sagan fannunokguån‑hu gi tattin kåhun. I have a hiding place behind the chest. Sessu mannunuk yu' mångga gi fannunokguån‑hu. I often hide mangos at my hiding place.

fano'lå'an n. 1) spitting place. Mungnga ennåo sa' fano'lå'an. Not there, because it is a spitting place. Estagui' i fano'lå'an na lugåt. This is the spitting place. Månggi i lugåt fano'lå'an? Where is the spitting place?

fano'måkan n. 1) bathtub. O'mak gi fano'måkan. Shower at the bathtub. 2) shower room. Guaha fano'måkan gi sanhiyung yan gi sanhalum guma'‑måmi. There is a shower room outside and inside our home. 3) swimming place. Kåo guaha lamåolik na fano'måkan gi Sadduk Susupe? Is there a decent swimming place at Lake Susupe?

fanomnågan n. dry season. Esta tiempun fanomnågan. It is dry season. Måttu i tiempun fanomnågan. Dry season is here.

fanoppuk vi. persuade, entice (irrealis antipassive). Fanoppuk gi ma'estra ya u na'dididi' chi'cho'‑ta. Persuade the teacher so that she can give us minimal work. Bai fanoppuk nu i mangga'chong‑hu ya uma cho'gui i che'chu'‑ñiha. I will persuade my friends so that they can do their work.

fanpastuyan n. pasture, place to tie a cow to graze. Humånåo yu' para i fanpastuyan para bai chek i ga'ga' siha. I went to the pasture to check the animals. Kulot betdi i cha'guan gi fanpastuyan. The grass at the pasture was green. Dikiki' esti na lugåt i fanpastuyan. The pasture is a small place.

fansagåyan n. dwelling, place where one stays. Ma håtsa fansagåyan gi Sinapalo. They built the dwelling in Sinapalo.

Fånsin name. nickname for Estefania.

fansuluyan n. slippery place. Adahi håo gi fansuluyan. Watch yourself at the slippery place. Tåya' fansuluyan guini mågi. There is no slippery place here. Asisti si nåna gi fihun fansuluyan. Assist your mother near the slippery place.

fantåsma n. 1) fantasy, illusion. Ti hu atetendi fino'‑ña, sa' puru fantåsma. I am not paying attention to what he said, because it is pure fantasy. Manayåo ham pinat fantåsma na lepblu. We borrowed mostly fantasy books. 2) a figure that appears in a vision, phantom. Hu guifi na mafattoigui håo fantåsma. I dreamed that a phantom visited you. Syn: birak. Variant: plantåsma. From: Sp. fantasma.

fantupuyan n. sugarcane plantation. Macho'chu' yu' gi fantupuyan. I worked at the sugarcane plantation. Manå'i ham kantida na sinisun tupu para i fantupuyan. They gave us a lot of sugarcane sprouts for the sugarcane plantation. Guåfi'i yu' fan un kostat ginin i fantupuyan‑miyu? Could you please harvest a sack for me from your sugar plantation?

fanuchånan n. rainy season, wet season. Tiempun fanuchånan esta sa' manmandokku' munton na chå'guan. So many weeds are sprouting because it is already the rainy season. Manfloloris i trongkun åtbut gi tiempun fanupnåkan låo på'gu na såkkan, manfloloris gi tiempun fanuchånan. The flame tree blooms during dry season but this year it is blooming during rainy season. Songgi i pinut niyuk ya un fa'eddu' sa' esta måttu i tiempun fanuchånan. Burn coconut husk to repel mosquitoes because the rainy season is here. Ant: fanupnågan, fanupnåkan. See: chata'an, tiempun uchan.

fanuchångan n. rainy season. Fanånum friholis an fanuchågan. Plant beans during the rainy season. Na'fanhålum i chiba gi tangkat an fanuchångan. Bring the goats inside their pen during rainy season. Variant: fanuchånan.

fanuchångi n. place where it often rains. Pega i nuebu na initut råmas gi sagan fanuchångi. Put the branch cuttings where it often rains. Esta sessu ånglu' i sagan fanuchångi ni tåya' uchan. The place where it often rains becomes dry due to no rain. Manggof lå'la' i tinanum guihi gi sagan fanuchångi sa' fofotgun ha' i edda'. The plants are very healthy over at the place where it often rains because the soil is always wet.

fanumåkan n. shower. Na'fano'mak i famagu'un gi fanumåkan. Let the children shower in the shower room.

fanunågan n. dry season. Manmalåyu todu i tinanum gi tiempun fanunågan. All the plants withered during the dry season. Mankåka' i edda', sa' fanunågan. The soil cracked, because of the dry season. Variant: fanomnågan.

fanunuyan n. roasting grill, barbeque pit for broiling. Manunu si George meggai månnuk gi fanunuyan. George barbequed many chickens on the barbeque pit. Mayulang i fanunuyan nigap anai poddung påpa' gi tanu'. The barbeque pit broke when it fell down on the ground.

fanupnågan n. dry season, usually from November to March in the Mariana Islands. Tånum i simiyan tumåtis gi tiempun fanupnågan låo rega lokkui'. Plant tomato seeds during dry season but water it also. Guaha na tinanum matåtanum gi tiempun fanupnågan yan guaha gi tiempun fanuchånan. Some plants are planted during dry season and some during wet season. Ant: fanuchånan. See: fañomnågan.

fañe'lu n.pl. brothers and sisters, siblings (irrealis)]. Fañe'lu, estagui' i fino'‑ta. Brothers and sisters, these are the words. Fañe'lu, maila' ya ta fanguentus. Brothers and sisters, let's talk.

fañetnut vi. wounded, harmed, damaged, infected (irrealis). Adahi na u fañetnut i inakka' abeha. Don't let the bee bite get infected.

fañomnågan n. dry season, from December to June, hot season, summer. Esta tiempun fañomnågan. It's now dry season. Sessu mankimason i karisu gi susonyan siha gi tiempun fañomnågan. The reed grasses in the marsh often catch fire during the dry season. In asni i katni yan i guihan siha para bai in tala' sa' tiempun fañomnågan. We salted the meat and fish to sun dry during the dry season. See: tiempun somnak. Variant: fañomnåkan, fañumnågan.

fañotchuyan n. dining room, mess hall, restaurant. Manmakonni' todu i manåmku' para i fañotchuyan gi pupuengi ni para u fañena. They brought all the elders to the dining room to eat dinner in the evening. I sindålu siha mañochotchu gi sagan fañotchuyan an talu'åni. The soldiers eat in the mess hall in the afternoon.

fañotdåyan n. banana plantation. Bula chotda gi fañotdåyan. There are a lot of bananas at the banana plantation. Manma'utut todu i trongku gi fañotdåyan. They cut down all the trees at the banana plantation.

fañotsut vi. repent, be sorry for (irrealis). Fañotsut ni isåo‑mu ya mungnga mata'lu. Feel sorry for your sin and never do it again. Ti malagu' si Juan na para u fañotsut put i bidå‑ña sa' ilek‑ña na ti lachi gui'. Juan refused to repent because he did not think he did anything wrong. Fanmañotsut sa' ti in fanhålum guini na guma' kumu ti manma'asi'i hamyu. Repent or you will not enter this house if you are not forgiven. Kåo mañotsut håo put i masusedi gi entalu'‑miyu yan i che'lu‑mu siha? Are you regretting due to what happened among your siblings?

fañudåyan n. place for disposing of liquids, such as soapy water. Gaigi Tatachok i fañudåyan. The dump is at Tatachok. Mutung atyu na lugåt i fañudåyan. The dump smells bad. Applacha' i fañudåyan. The dump is a dirty place.

fañupåyan n. 1) tobacco field. Bai falak i fañupåyan. I will go to the tobacco field. Åntis manggai fañupåyan i Chamorro para chupa, mamå'un yan åmut‑ñiha lokkui'. In the past Chamorros planted tobacco fields for smoking, beetle nut chew and for their medicine as well. 2) smoking area. Manmana'fanungu' i pupbliku na mana'påra i fañupåyan gi todu sagan chumotchu. The public was notified that smoking areas are not allowed in eating places.

fangachå'an n. 1) place to husk coconuts. Na'fanetnun gi un bånda i niyuk siha gi fangachå'an. Set aside the mature coconuts in one area at the place for husking coconuts. Manhinatmi i fangachå'an nu i cha'ka. The place to husk coconuts was infested with rats. 2) device used in husking coconuts, usually a sharp pointed stick placed on end in the ground. Håyun ifit i iyok‑ku fangachå'an. My coconut husking stick is made from ifil wood. Adahi na un tinekcha' nu i fangachå'an. Be care that you don't get stabbed with the coconut husking stick.

fangamutiyan n. potato field. Manånum yu' gi fangamutiyan. I planted at the potato field. Hu hålli' i kamuti gi fangamutiyan. I harvested the potatoes at the potato field. Macho'chu' yu' gi fangamutiyan. I worked at the potato field.

fangfang vt. 1) drop or strike (something) abruptly with force. Si nanå‑hu ha fangfang i tininun lemmai påpa' gi hagun chotda. My mother slammed the grilled breadfruit down on the banana leaf. 2) sit or squat carelessly. Gof ya‑ña si Doris fumangfang gui' maseha månu na lugåt. Doris loves to squat carelessly any place. 3) wash something roughly. Matågu' yu' para bai fangfang i magågu gi bateha. I was asked to roughly wash the clothes on the washing board.

fångfuk vi. weave (e.g. baskets, mats, etc.)(irrealis antipassive). Fångfuk fan un guafak? Could you weave a mat? Mandanña ham yan i amigån‑måmi para bai in fanfångfuk kanåstra. We got together with our friends to weave baskets. See: måmfuk.

fanggacha'an n. footrest, stepping stone, something to step on. Guaha fanggacha'an gi iskuela. There is a footrest at school. Applacha' i fanggacha'an. The footrest is a dirty place.

fanggågåo dispensasión vi. apologize, beg pardon (irrealis antipassive). Bai fanggågåo dispensasion put lachi fino'‑hu. I will apologize for what I've said wrong. Ti bai fanggågåo dispensasion sa' ti guåhu lumachi. I will not apologize because it's not me who did wrong. Malagu' yu' na un fanggågåo dispensasion nu i ma'estra. I want you to apologize to the teacher.

fånggan vi. pick fruit, pluck a fruit from tree or vine. Bai fånggan fruta agupa'. I will pick the fruits tomorrow. Si Jose para u fånggan na'‑ña mångga. Jose will pick fruits for himself. See: tifi'.

fanggiminan n. 1) drinking place, watering-hole. Guaha giya Santa Lutdis sagan fanggiminan. There is a place at Santa Lourdes where drinking water is available. 2) water fountain. Gaigi i fanggiminan gi hiyung kuåttu gi iskuela. The fountain is outside the classroom.

fanggoddiyan n. place to tie things, such as a hitching post or dock. Tåya' fanggoddiyan guini gi gima'. There is no place to tie things at the house. In fa'tinas fanggoddiyan para i chiba. We build posts to tie our goats.

fanggualu'an n. field for planting trees or vegetables. Dångkulu na fanggualu'an gi lanchu. The field is big at the farm. Bai fangguåssan gi fanggualu'an. I will pull grass at the field. Describes fields in which crops have begun to grow; fields in which growth has not yet occurred are called guinassan.

Farallon de Pajaros name. Farallon de Pajaros, the northernmost island of the Mariana Islands. Matungu' lokkui' kumu Uracas i islan Farallon de Pajaros. Farallon de Pajaros is also known as Uracas. Manlå'la' i butkan giya Farallon de Pajaros. The volcanoes are active on Farallon de Pajaros.

Farisehu n. Pharisee. Gaigi gi Bipblia istoria put i taotåo Farisehu. There is a story about the Pharisees in the Bible.

vt. be strict, stern, or tough with (someone). Hu farisehu si Jose put i che'cho'‑ña. I was tough with Jose about his work. Ti ya‑hu na para bai farisehu håo. I don't like to be strict with you. Farisehu fan i istudiånti siha. Please be stern with the students

fasilidåt n. 1) facility. Ti nahung fasilidåt gi ispitåt. The facility at the hospital is inadequate. Guaha fasilidåt bola gi iskuela. There is a ball facility at school. 2) resources, conveniences. 3) appliances. From: Sp. facilidad.

fasit adj. 1) easy, manageable, yielding. Fasit i gaputilu‑hu. My hair is manageable. Mampus fasit esti na cho'chu'. My work is manageable. 2) likely. Syn: Fasit na u funhåyan i diksinåriu ti åtman. From: Sp. fácil.

fastidia vt. 1) annoy, bother. Esta yu' un fastidia nu i kustumbrem‑mu. You annoy me with your attitude. Ti un fastidia yu' kumu un na'klåru finaisen‑mu. You will not bother me if you are clear about what you asking. 2) bore. Manlannan anai mannina'fastidia nu i istoriå‑ña. They snored when they became bored with his story. From: Sp. fastidia.

fastidiosu adj. fastidious, meticulous. Na'o'sun håo, sa' mampus håo fastidiosu macho'chu'. I am getting impatient with you, because you are too fastidious in your work. Fastidiosu i katu yanggin ha ngångas na'‑ña. The cat is fastidious when chewing her food. From: Sp. fastidioso.

fåsu n. 1) cheek. Pokpuk i un bånda na fåsu‑ña ginin inakka' ni atting. One of her cheeks is swollen from the sting of the black ant. 2) face. Atan i fasu‑hu. Look at my face. Uma'achuli' fasu‑mu yan si nanå‑mu. Your face and your mom's look alike. See: kåra, maskaran måta.

fata'chohngi vt. 1) sit down on. Adahi na un fata'chohngi i antihos‑mu. Don't sit on your glasses. Fata'chohngi yu' fan, sa' bai hånåo esta. Please sit down on my behalf, because I will be leaving already. 2) sit in on (a conversation, game, meeting, etc.). Hu fata'chohngi i kumbetsasion. I sat in on the conversation. Variant: fata'chungi.

fatå'chung vi. sit down (irrealis). Put fabot fatå'chung fan. Please sit down. Sigi ya un fatå'chung. Go and sit down.

fatda' vt. eat (fish, poultry, or meat) without bread, rice, or anything else. Fatda' esti na nengkanu'. Eat this food. Bai fatda' i aga'. I will eat the banana.

fatfat num. the indigenous Chamorro word for the number four. Syn: kuåttru.

fatigåo adj. 1) fatigued, weary, mentally or physically exhausted. Sen yayas i amku' låo ti fatigåo. The old man is very tired but not exhausted. Finatigåo yu' ni le'lu' asta kana' ti hu taka' hinagong‑hu. The cough exhausted me to the point where I almost could not catch my breath. 2) be in death throes. From: Sp. fatigado.

fátkilu adj. quiet, silent, not talkative, taciturn. Fatkilu si Jose na istudiånti. Jose is a quiet student. Gef menhalum låo fatkilu na nåna si Tan Maria. Tan Maria is very knowledgeable but not talkative. Fatkilu yan attendidu na palåo'an. The woman is quiet and attentive.

fåtsu adj. 1) broken (mechanically), out of order. Fåtsu i petta ya poddung. The door is broken and fell off. Mungnga mana'fåtsu i pettan i kareta. Don't break the car door. 2) rendered immobile or noisy, usually due to lack of oil (of machinery). Na'siguru na un lañå‑yi i kareta putno u fåtsu. Make sure to oil the car to keep it running smoothly. 3) false, unreal, not genuine. Kalan fåtsu ennåo na tinigi' gi lepblu. The article in that book seems unreal. 4) not abiding by one's word, unreliable. Ti bai hu honggi håfa masångan put siha mismu, sa' kalan manfåtsu. I doubt the veracity of their statement about themselves, because they are rather unreliable. From: Sp. falso.

fåtta adj. 1) absent, missed. Adahi na un fåtta gi iskuela. Don't be absent at school. Fåfatta i para manmama'tinas tuba. The ones who would be making coconut toddy are still missing. See: tetenan. 2) absent-minded, forgetful, inattentive, sick in the head. Kalan fåfatta i hinassom‑mu put tumaimanu esti. Your thinking about how this came about is unclear. Dispensa ha' sa' esta fåtta manhassu sa' ginin i sinisedi‑ña gi tiempun gera. Don't blame him because his mind has been affected from his experience during the war. See: malångun ulu. From: Sp. falta.

fåtta' vt. boast by exposing (something) to view, show off, display something to call attention. Ha fåtta' i alåhas‑ña gi giput. She showed off her jewels at the party. Mungnga mampus mana'fåtta' i litratu‑hu gi gaseta. Don't show my picture too much in the newspaper. Sigi ha' ha fåtta' i nobiå‑ña esta ki mapottu. He kept showing off his girlfriend until someone took her.

fattadosa adj. show-off. Kalan fattadosa ennåo na palåo'an disdi ma'irensia kantida na salappi'. The woman is rather a show-off ever since she inherited a lot of money.

fattadót adj. show-off. Ti ma'atendi, sa' fattadót. He was ignored, because he is a show-off.

fattåo adj. absentee, lacking or missing. Ti fattåo yu' na implihåo. I am not an absentee employee. Fattåo yu' gi miting. I was an absentee at the meeting. From: Sp. faltado.

fatti vt. catch water from a falling rain or waterfall. Fåtti i tebut sa' u'uchan. Collect water in the ceramic vessel because it is raining. Mungnga malotgi i hanum gi fachi esta ki u'uchan ya un fåtti. Catch water when it is raining; don't scoop water from the puddle.

fattinas vt. make, cook. Bai fattinas kåddu agupa'. I will make soup tomorrow. Fattinas fan esti na kåtni. Please cook this meat. Ti bai fattinas esti para hågu. I will not cook this for you.

fattista adj. truant, absent (from business, school, etc.) without leave. Esta maribåha fattista gi che'chu'. The truant rate at work has declined. Ma matka yu' na fattista gi iskuela. I was marked absent at school.

fåttu vi. arrive, come to, show up, reach (irrealis). Fåttu fan gi iskuela agupa'. Please, come to school tomorrow. Hu tatanga na para u fåttu i tiempun uchan lachaddik på'gu na såkkan. I am hoping that the rainy season will be a bit early this year.

faya n. type of fish: anchovy. Thryssa baelama (Family Engraulidae). In fa'anistukun i kinenni'‑måmi faya. We salted the anchovy fish we caught.

fayåo1 n. 1) pestle, club. Usåo esti na fayåo. This is a second-hand pestle. Nå'na' i fayåo gi papa' såtgi. Hide the club underneath the house. 2) stick used in dancing by women, women's stick dance. Suhåyi dididi' i bailan fayåo. Don't be too close during the women's stick dance. See: bailan fayåo.

fayåo3 vi. move in an erratic, excited manner, as in rigorous dancing. Håfa ha' na fumafayåo håo guennåo guatu? Why are you making frantic gestures over there? Ti ta tungu' håfa na fumafayåo si Maria. We don't know why Maria's making frantic gestures. Bailan fayåo fan. Dance erratically. See: bailan fayåo.

fåyåo2 n. type of fish, juvenile milkfish. Chanos chanos. Mangonni' yu' fåyåo gi mångli. I caught juvenile milkfish in the mangrove. Ti libiånu makånnu' i fåyåo, sa' mite'lang. It is not easy to eat the juvenile milkfish, because it has a lot of bones. Variant: fåya, faya, fayåo.

fayi n. talent, expertise, aptitude, skill, forte. Månu fafayi‑mu, agapa' pat akakgui? Which are you more comfortable with, the right or the left hand? Ume'ayuyu fayi‑ña i asaguå‑hu. My husband's expertise is hunting coconut crabs.

adj. sly, tricky, clever at avoiding obligation, designing. Ha bensi hami i fayi na magåhit fino'‑ña. The sly person convinced us that her words were true. Nina'disbilåo anai trinaiduti ni fayi na che'lu‑ña. She became sleepless when her sister betrayed her.

fecha n. date. Håfa na fecha nai mafañågu håo? What is the date of your birth? Variant: fetcha. From: Sp. fecha.

fedda' adj. 1) wide, broad. Fedda' mampus addeng‑hu. My feet are so wide. Ti fedda' esti na chålan. This road is not wide. Mampus fedda' i petta. The door is so wide. 2) spacious, roomy. Nahung lugåt para i kosås‑mu, sa' fedda i kuåttu. There is enough space for your things, because the room is spacious. See: anchu.

feddus vt. shinny, climb up (a tree or pole without branches or footholds). Ti bai feddus hulu' i trongkun pugua'. I will not climb up the beetlenut tree.

federåt adj. 1) federal. Gaigi i ofisinan federåt giya Sinapalo. The federal building is in Sinapalo. 2) federated, linked together.

adj. Mandanña' para un federåt i pulitaka giya Kosrae, Yap, Chuuk yan Pohnpei. Kosrae, Yap, Chuuk and Pohnpei joined as one federated entity. From: Sp. federal.

federiku n. type of plant: palm tree, cycad. Cycas. Antigu esti i federiku na tinanum. The cycad is an ancient plant. Mafa'aririna i pipitas federiku. The cycad seed is being made into starch. Syn: fadang.

feggi' n. footprints. Guaha siha feggi' gi halum guma'. There are footprints in the house. In setda' mandångkulu na feggi' gi inai. We found large footprints on the sand. See: råstru.

fehman adj. 1) steadfast, serious, profound, intense. Fehman yan tai chi i guinaiyak‑ku nu hågu. My love for you is deep and endless. Fehman i hinengin‑måmi put i minetgut kutturan‑måmi. Steadfast is our belief on the strength of our culture. Ha bensi yu' sa' fehman yan tunas na tåotåo gui'. He convinced me because he is a serious and honest man. 2) furious. Variant: feman.

fektus n. 1) merchandise, goods, wares. Mabaratura i fektus gi tenda. Merchandise is on sale at the store. Esta manbihu i fektus gi haichio'. The merchandise in the pantry is outdated. See: benta. Variant: efektus. From: Sp. efectos.

felís adj. happy, merry, pleasant. Felis si Maria gi hinanåo‑ña. Maria was happy. Na'felis i hinanåo‑mu. Make your journey pleasant. Puedi felis todus hamyu. I hope you will be safe. From: Sp. feliz.

Felis Åñu Nuebu intj. Happy New Year. Felis Åñu Nuebu para todus hamyu. Happy New Year to all of you. From: Sp. Feliz Año Nuevo.

felis biåhi intj. farewell. Felis biåhi para hågu, nåna. Farewell to you, mother. Felis biåhi asta ki manasudda' hit ta'lu. Farewell until we meet again. Na'såfu hinanåo‑mu, felis biåhi. Safe trip, farewell. From: Sp. feliz viaje.

Felis Påsgua intj. Happy Easter, Merry Christmas. Felis Påsgua para hamyu todu. Happy Easter to all of you. Gigun makmåta i patgun, umessalåo, Felis Påsgua! As soon as the child woke up, he shouted, Merry Christmas! Sångan fan Felis Påsgua. Say, "Happy Easter." From: Sp. Feliz Pascua.

felisidåt n. happiness, joyousness, felicity. Para u guaha guput felisidåt agupa'. There will be a happy occasion tomorrow. Ta nå'i felisidåt si Nåna gi ha'ani‑ña. We will give thanks to Mother on her day. Mampus felisidåt sinienten‑ña si Ana. Ana felt very happy. From: Sp. felicidad.

felisita vt. greet. Hu felisita hamyu buenas notchis. I greet you good evening. I Mayot ha felisita todu i bisita siha. The mayor greeted all the visitors. Felisita i mangga'chong‑mu siha. Greet your friends. See: saluda. Variant: filisita. From: Sp. felicita.

feman adj. 1) serious, deep, profound. Na'feman håo gi che'cho'‑mu. Be serious at work. Bai na'feman yu' gi iskuela. I will be serious at school. Adahi na ti un na'feman håo. Make sure to be serious. 2) sincere. Variant: fehman.

fendas n. fender; something that protects or defends the hood of a wheel on a vehicle. Mapannas hålum i fendas i karetå‑ña si Geri. Geri's car fender was smashed in. Mamåhan si Tåta fendas pickup ni para u tulaika i bihu na fendas. Father bought a pickup truck fender so he can change the old fender. From: Eng. fenders.

feria n. fair, carnival, large celebration where games or activities are held. Guaha feria gi iskuela. There is a fair at school.

fetcha n. date (in time). Tugi' i fetcha gi pappet‑mu. Write the date on your paper. Håfa na fetcha på'gu? What's the date for today? Variant: fecha. From: Sp. fecha.

fetchan mafañågu n. date of birth. Ngai'an fetchan mafañagu‑mu? When is your birthday?

fi'un n. near, beside, close to, next to. Tohgi gi fi'on‑hu. Stand beside me. Gaigi i siya gi fi'on‑mu. The chair is beside you. Fatå'chung gi fi'un Maria. Sit next to Maria. Variant: fihun.

fianiti n. type of vine, vining pandanus. freycinetia mariannensis or Freycinetia Reyneckei? Kumunanaf i fianiti gi gima'. The vining pandanus is climbing up the house.

Fibreru n. February. Ti gef maipi gi Fibreru na mes giya Marianas. The month of February is not very hot in the Marianas. See: Maimu. From: Sp. febrero.

fiesta n. 1) party, celebration. Ma silebra i fiesta put niyuk, kamuti yan åmut giya Sinapalo. The fiesta to celebrate the coconut, sweet potato and local medicine was celebrated in Sinapalo. Meggai gumuaiya i katdun ayuyu yan fanihi gi fiesta giya Luta. Many enjoyed the coconut and fruitbat soup at the fiesta in Rota. 2) festival celebrating saint's day. From: Sp. fiesta.

fiét adj. 1) loyal, true, faithful. Na'fiet håo nu i asaguå‑mu. Be loyal to your wife/husband. Na'fiet disision‑mu. Be firm with your decision. Manfiet ham gi hinenggin‑måmi. We are faithful with our belief. 2) sincere, cordial. From: Sp. fiel.

fifiha n. entry. Tugi' i fifiha gi pappet‑mu. Write the entry on your paper. Tåya' fifiha put hågu gi ripot. There is no entry about you in the report.

vt. enter (something) in writing. Ti bai fifiha i na'ån‑mu gi pappit. I will not write your name on the paper.

figan1 n. fish eggs. Guaha na biahi tataksi i figan guihan. There are times when the fish eggs are toxic. Ha fåla' i figan guihan satmon. She ate raw the salmon fish eggs. See: ña'ut.

figan2 adj. 1) intensely hot, shining with intense heat, radiating heat and light. Mampus figan i semnak. The sun is so intense. Ti gof figan på'gu na ha'åni. Today is not really a hot day.

figis vt. smash, crush. Figis i denni' gi fina'denni'. Smash the hot pepper into the fina'denni'. Gi nina'lalo'‑ña, ha figis i pappit kuntråta gi kannai‑ña. In his anger, he crumpled the contract paper in his hand. Para u figis malago'‑ña sa' nina'bubu ni kuntråriu. In his rage he wanted to crush his opponent. See: fuegis.

figu' adj. 1) tough, tenacious, strong. Ai, bai na'figu' yu' gi che'chu'. I will be tough at work. Ti bai figu' gi kumuentus. I will not talk tough. Kåo figu' håo? Are you strong? 2) stout, sturdy.

figura n. 1) figure, model. Yunga' i figura gi pappit. Draw the model on your paper. Kalan ha na'fanhahassu yu' un tåotåo i figura gi litråtu. The figure in the picture reminds me of someone. See: bottu. 2) emblem, type, sign. From: Sp. figura.

figurín n. figurine. Håfa na klåsin figurín sinedda'‑mu? What kinds of figurines did you find? Må'pi' talu' i figurín anai poddung. The figuríne broke in half when it fell. From: Eng. figurine.

fihadót n. debtor, one who owes something on credit. Fihadót yu', sa' manayåo yu' salåppi' para bai fåhan i karetå‑hu. I became a debtor when I had to borrow money to buy my car. Esta empas todu dibi‑hu, pues ti fihadot yu'. I paid all my debts, so I am no longer a debtor. Esta ti chathinassu yu', sa' ti fihadót yu'. I am no longer worried, because I am not a debtor. See: fifiha.

fihu adj. often, frequent. Fihu hu hunguk i na'ån‑mu gi iskuela. I often hear your name at school. Fihu tengnga nai hu lalalu'i i istudiånti. I often got mad at the students. See: sessu.

fihum adj. serious, grave, very important. Si Yu'us Ha nå'i hit fihum na tinagu'. God gave us very important commandments. I tåta ha otdin fihum i famagu'on‑ña åntis di u dingu. The father gave his children important orders before he leaves. I familia fihum pinadesin‑ñiha anai måttu i iran Yu'us. The family’s suffering was grave when they were stricken with natural disaster. Fihum i guinaiyam‑mu para hami. You have grave love for us. Siña gof piligru i fihum na nåpu gi tasi. The grave waves in the ocean can be dangerous. See: fehman.

fihun n. near, beside, close to, next to. Tohgi gi fihon‑hu. Stand beside me. Gaigi i siya gi fihon‑mu. The chair is beside you. Fatå'chung gi fihun Maria. Sit next to Maria. Variant: fi'un.

fila n. column, row, line. Na'tunas i etchung na fila. Straighten line crooked line. From: Sp. fila.

vi. form a line, line up. Fan fila fan, put fabot. Please, form a line. Fanfila huyung gi kuattu. Form a line out the room.

filak n. 1) braid, plait. Anåkku' na filak ennåo. That braid is long. 2) 

vt. weave, braid. Bai filak i neni gaputilu‑ña. I will braid the baby's hair. Filak yu' fan. Braid me please.

filisita vt. 1) congratulate. Hu filisita todu i istudiånti nu i tatkilu' na che'chu'‑ñiha. I congratulate all the students for their high achievements. 2) salute, greet. Bai filista håo giya Luta. I will greet you on Rota. Filisita i bisita. Welcome the visitors. From: Sp. felicita.

filisitasión n. greetings. Filisitasión para hamyu todu. Greetings to you all. Meggai filitasión para hami ginin San Lagu. We received a lot of greetings from the U.S. Mainland. From: Sp. felicitación.

filu n. blade, sharp edge. Adahi i filu na un chinachak. Make sure the blade didn't cut you. Lasgui i filu, sa' esta ñañu'. Syn: Sharpen the blade, because it is already dull. From: Sp. filo.

fin n. end, outcome. Put fin munhåyan yu'. At last, I'm finished. Put fin maguf si Ana. At last, Ana is happy. Put fin yayas i neni. At last, the baby is tired. Used in the expression put fin. From: Sp. fin.

fina'baba n. deception, trick, fraud, cheat. Mungnga yu' fina'baba guini. I don't like any deception here. Na'påra i fina'baba gi entalu'‑miyu. Cease the trickery among yourselves. See: dugeriha.

fina'denni' n. hot sauce, made of pepper, onion, soy sauce, vinegar or lemon. Pika yan ma'asin na fina'denni' mås maguaiya. The hot and salty fina'denni' is the most popular.

fina'eksu' n. mound, a man-made hill, hill-like. Guaha fina'eksu' gi lanchu. There is a hill at the farm. Tåya' kalan fina'eksu' sinedda'‑hu giya Mañagåha. I did not find a hill-like area at Mañagåha. Fina'eksu' na manmatånum i kamuti gi lanchu. The sweet potatoes are planted on mounds. Variant: fina'oksu'.

fina'maipi n. something hot referring to food. Tåya' fina'maipi na nengkanu' ma plånta. They did not serve any hot food. Kafe ha' na fina'maipi guaha gi sagan chumotchu. The only hot item available at the eatery is coffee.

fina'mamis n. pastry (sweet), dessert, cake. Bula fina'mamis gi tenda. There are lots of pastries at the store. Mama'tinas si tihå‑hu Juana fina'mamis ginin papåya, niyuk yan iba'. My aunt, Juana, made desserts from papaya, coconut and the sour berry fruit. I baked pastries.

fina'måolik n. possession placed in a safe place, safekeeping, something desirable or good. Guaha si Nåna ha irensia ham unus kuåntus na fina'måolik ni ha rikohi disdi anai umasagua. My mother bequeathed us some possessions that she saved since she got married. Håfa siha na fina'måolik guaha gi gimå'‑ta, sa' sen ñalang hu' esta. What kind of goodies do we have at home, because I am very hungry now.

vi. 1) be corrected, be put in one's place (passive). Fina'måolik ni finu' i saina. She was put in her place by her parents' words. Mama'baba si Maria asta ki fina'måolik nu i matlinå‑ña. Maria was misbehaving until her godmother corrected her. 2) be taken care of, be cured (passive). Siempri fina'måolik håo as Ana yanggin måttu håo gi gimå'‑ña. Ana will certainly take care of you if you go to her house. Fina'måolik i patgun nu i amut minaipi. The child was cured by the traditional medicine.

fina'oksu' n. hilly place, hill-like, hilly shape, mound, having the characteristics of a hill. Guaha fina'oksu' gi lanchu. There is a hilly place at the farm. Atan i fina'oksu' gi gima'. Look at the hill at the house. Muna' fina'oksu' i sanlagu na lugåt gi islan‑måmi, sa' para u fama'butkån. The western part of our island appears to be hilly because it will become a volcano. Ti siña hu li'i' i guaka siha sa' guaha fina'oksu' gi me'nåk‑ku. I could not see the cattle because there is a hilly place ahead. Bula fina'oksu' Sinapalo. There are a lot of hill-like places in Sinapalo. Variant: fina'eksu'.

fina'tinas n. 1) action, act, deed, something that happened (usually in the negative sense). Makkat na fina'tinas ennåo sa' mana'fanmamåhlåo i familia. That deed was so disgraceful that it put the family to shame. Esta ennåo dondiståo na fina'tinas! That action is excessive. 2) prepared food. Tåya' fina'tinas gi gima'. There is no cooked food at the house. Atan i fina'tinås‑su. Watch my cooking. Håyi gai fina'tinas esti? Who cooked this? See: aksión.

finaga adj. have an irritated throat, have deep coughing in the throat caused by irritation. Finaga yu' nai ginimen‑hu atmåyas. I have a scratchy throat from the corn soup. Hu nå'yi i katni meggai binakli ya ha na'finaga yu'. I put too much vinegar on the meat and it caused me to cough deeply. Guaha na biåhi na yanggin mampus metgut i påo, na'finaga. Sometimes if the odor is too strong, it can cause an irritated throat.

finaila'iyi vt. trick, treason. Gof ya‑ña si Ronald na u finaila'iyi i mangga'chung siha. Ronald likes to trick his classmates. Mungnga na un finaila'iyi yu'. Don't trick me. Ti bai finaila'iyi håo. I will not trick you. Finaila'iyi si Juan nu i bidå‑ña gi paingi sa' masodda' na mamaigu' gi fihun i kellat chikeru. Juan revealed his actions the night before, because he was found sleeping near the pig pen. Mungnga umuriya gi sagan i gurupun ennåo na kandidåtu, sa' siempri finaila'iyi håyi un supopotta. Don't hang around that candidate's group's place, because you will reveal who you are supporting.

finailik n. heartburn. Inipus ginimen‑hu kafe na finailik hu'. I drank too much coffee that I got heartburn.

finaisin n. question, inquiry, query. Bula finaisin i tata para i patgon‑ña sa' nina'luhan anai ti umiskuela na ha'åni. The father had many questions to his child because he was concerned that he missed the day's classes. I finaisin i lahi kontra i palåo'an guaha bula kumeke'ilek‑ña. The question of a male to a female has many meanings.

vi. be courted, be asked to be romantically engaged (passive). Finaisin si Maria gi as Juan låo ti ha aksepta. Maria was courted by Juan but she declined.

finakpu' n. end, conclusion, finish, end of a rosary for a deceased after nine days. Kåo guaha finakpu' guput? Is there any party? Para un atendi i finakpu' lisayun i difunta? Are you going to the feast at the end of the rosary for the deceased? Tai finakpu' kuentos‑ña si Jose kumu esta ginacha'. Jose's speech is endless once he gets into the mood. På'gu finakpo'‑ña i giput. Today is the end of the party. Estagui' finakpo'‑ña i istoria. This is the end of the story.

finakulu'an vi. choke (on food or liquid). Finakulu'an yu' nu i gimen‑hu. I choked on my drink. Adahi na un finakulu'an. Make sure you don't choke. Ti bai finakulu'an esta. I will not choke anymore. Kana' finakulu'an yu' anai kumuentus yu' mientras kume'gimin yu' hånum. I almost choked when I spoke while drinking water. Mungnga mahongngan i patgun, sa' u finakulu'an. Don't frighten the child or she will choke.

finalaguaihun vi. let slip, lose (something), commit an oversight or omission. Finalaguaihun yu'; hu sångan i ti debi masångan. I committed an oversight; I said what should not be said. Finalaguaihun si Ana nu i neni. The baby slipped away from Ana. Pine'lok‑ku na gaigi i salappe'‑hu gi betsåk‑ku låo hu ripåra na finalaguaihun yu'. I was under the impression that my money is in my pocket only to realize that I lost it.

finalakse'guan vi. accidentally verbalize a secret, curse word, or name inappropriately (slip of the tongue). Finalakse'guan i ma'estra sa' ha sångan håyi gi halum kuåttu dumigeru gi sensura. The teacher accidentally named in front of the class who has been cheating on the test. Mamåhlåo si tåta sa' finalaskse'guan ni sikretu. Father was embarrassed when he accidently let slip a secret.

finalingu n. 1) loss. Adahi esti na finalingu i masusesedi. This is a great loss we have. Tåya' finalingu‑hu. I don't lose anything. Bula siha na finalingu guini. There is a lot of loss here. Munton na finalingu gi tanu'‑måmi anai påkyu. We suffered much loss on our land during the storm. 2) bankruptcy. See: malingu.

finalisa vt. finalize. Finalisa fan i che'cho'‑mu. Finalize your work. Estagui' finalisa‑hu. This is final. Bai finalisa esti na istoria. I will finalize my story. From: Sp. finaliza.

finalulun n. something enfolded, wrapped, or rolled up. Imbilikera esti na påtgun sa' sigi ha' umarima gi uriyan i finalulun siha. This child is curious because she keeps hanging around the wrapped items. Ha plånta i manma'lak na finalulun gi fihun trongkun Christmas. She placed the brightly wrapped items near the Christmas tree.

vi. be enfolded or rolled up, be covered around with something, be wrapped around (passive). Adahi na un finalulun nu i pappit. Make sure you don't get enfolded by the paper. Finalulun kannai‑hu nu i kulepbla ya malåssas yu' todu kunto i kalulot‑tu siha. The snake wrapped itself around my hand and scraped all over my skin including my fingers. Ti bai finalulun nu i sabanas. I will not be enfolded by the blanket. Mangguaifi i metgut na månglu' ya finalulun i chiba nu i ramas trongku. The powerful wind blew and the goat got covered with the tree branches. Sigi finalulun si Ana nu i magågu. Ana was enfolded by the cloth. La'yiyi kana' ti siña finalulun i dinalalai na haligi nu i tinanum dågu pues tulaika ya usa i lafedda na haligi. It is very likely that the yam plant will not wrap around the thin pole so use a much wider pole.

finansiåt n. finance. Ti måolik i finansiåt‑ta på'gu na såkkan. Our finances are not good this year. Kakaiha kumahulu' i finansiåt interu mundu. It would take awhile for the world's finances to rise.

finañågu n. 1) offspring, progeny of a plant or animal. Bula siha na finañågu giya Luta. There are a lot of offspring on Rota. Håyi gai finañågu håo? Who are your parents? Månggi i finañågu‑mu? Where is your offspring? 2) progeny of a plant or animal. 3) product, result.

finatai n. death. Guaha finatai gi gima'. There is death in the family. Humånåo yu' para i finatai. I went to the funeral. Na'piniti na finatai ennåo. It's a sad death. See: måtai. Variant: minåtai.

finátkilu n. silence, absence of sound. Måolik na finatkilu gi iskuela. There was silence at school.

adj. quiet, silent. Finatkilu esti na påtgun. This child is quiet. Ti finatkilu esti na neni. This baby is not quiet.

Finato name. place name. Ginin mansakadulis ham binådu gi Finato. We hunted deer at Finato. This place is located at the foot of the cliff of mount As Rosalia and bordered on the north by as Gauguan Hulo' and by Ginalangan to the east. It is dominated by deep forest of Yoga', Dokdok and Pahong Trees. It is a natural habitat for many species of birds and wild chickens.

finattu n. arrival. I finattu na'maguf. The arrival makes us feel happy. Duru i finattu gi plasa. There are a lot of arrivals at the airport. Bula finattu ginin ottru tånu'. There are a lot of arrivals (visitors) from off island. Mansen atrasåo i finattun‑måmi guatu gi dinanña' i familia gi ma'pus na simåna. We were very late arriving at the family gathering last week. See: måttu, fåttu.

fine'na adj. first (in time). Fine'na ekkunguk. Listen first. Gaigi yu' fine'na gi fila. I am first in line. Fila fine'na åntis di un såonåo. Line up first before you join. See: primét, primeru, mo'na. Variant: finene'na, finé'nena, finé'nina.

finedda' n. width. Sen måolik finedda'‑ña i lamasa. The table's width is just right. Ya‑hu esti na finedda'. I like this width. Atan i finedda' i atuf, sa' ti umatya yan i tinatkilu' i liga. Examine the width of roof, because it does not match with the height of the wall. See: fedda'.

finéne'na adj. first, first of all, former. Guahu finéne'na gi iskuela. I am the first to arrive at school. Bai fila finéne'na. I will line up first. Ti finéne'na yu' gi iskuela. I am not first to come at school. Si Tåta ha na'klåru na i finene'na para bai hu tungu', put rispetu. My father made it clear to me that the first thing for me to understand is respect. See: fine'na. Variant: finé'nana.

finetti n. strength, power. Ai na finetti håo. You have all the strength. Mampus gai finetti esti na neni. This baby has a lot of strength. Na'finetti ennåo na estoria. Put more strength in that story.

finihu' n. 1) words, saying. Taitai esti na finihu'. Read these words. Måolik esti na finihu'. These words are good. Guaha sustansiån‑ña ennåo na finihu gi halum entalu' familia. That saying has significance among the family. Bula esti siha na finihu'. There are a lot of words. Manmaguådduk i antigu siha na finihu ni ma'u'usa para masåffi esti na chetnut. They researched the ancient sayings used to cure these illnesses. 2) commitment.

finikåda n. scent (Chamorro belief that ancient spirits are present due to the scent); scent of disinfectants, particularly in hospitals. Adahi sa' manggaigi guini i tåotåomo'na sa' påo finikada. Be mindful that the spirits of the ancestors are around because there is a scent. Påo finikada i ospitåt, sa' på'gu mana'fanggågasgas i kuattu siha. The hospital has a scent, because the rooms have just been disinfected. Gi hinenggin Chamorro yanggin guaha påo finikåda, pues manggaigi i tåotåomo'na. In the Chamorro belief, if there is a particular scent then it means the ancient spirits are present. Påo finikåda i mafuti' yanggin tumugap. The snapper's burb has a unique scent.

fininut n. bundle. Gai fininut esti na påppit. This is a bundle of papers. Ai gai fininut ennåo na lepblu. This book is in bundles. See: manó.

finu adj. 1) smooth, frictionless. I neni finu lassås‑ña. The baby has smooth skin. Chuli' magi ennåo i finu na tåpbla ya ta usa para mamika kåtni. Bring that smooth piece of wood and we will use it to dice the meat. Mås finu i lemmain mahlus an makumpåra yan ennåo na lemmai. This mahlus breadfruit is much finer compared to that breadfruit. (get the name of the rough skinned breadfruits later. edr) 2) fine, done with care. Gef finu che'cho'‑ña esti na katpinteru. This carpenter's work is very fine. Båstus esti na tåotåo manarekla; sen ti parehu yan i che'chu' manmå'pus na tåotåo siha. The arrangement by this person is coarse and very different from the workmanship of the previous individuals. Mapput kuntentu si Juan, sa' ha angokku na debi di u sen finu i fina'tinas para i sintåda. Juan has a difficult time being satisfied, because he expects the food preparation to be done with great care. 3) refined (of a person), fastidious, picky, discriminating, careful, clean. Mampus finu si Ana gi bandan nengkanu' siha. Ana is very fastidious when it comes to food. Ti u dalak hit si Maria gi karetå‑ta, sa' gef finu put tumobit. Maria will not join us in our car, because she is very discriminating about cars. Na'bubu ennåo na tåotåo, sa' inipus finu achuka' ti manimputånti siha na asuntu. That person is aggravating, because he is overly careful about unimportant issues. See: måhlus.

finu' n. word, language. Taitai esti na finu'. Read these words. Taimanu matuge'‑ña i finu' siha gi biblia? How were the words in the bible written? In pila' todu i finu' siha gi lepblun Hapones. We translated all the words in the Japanese book.

vi. speak (a language). Fanfinu' Chamorro yanggin manChamorro hamyu. Speak Chamorro if you are Chamorros.

finu' håya n. indigenous Chamorro words. Finu' håya ennåo. That's an instance of Chamorro language. Kåo un tungu' ha' i finu' håya? Do you know how to speak Chamorro? Ya‑hu kumuentus finu' håya. I like to speak in Chamorro.

finu' lågu n. words of foreign origin, borrowed words, foreign language. Ti payun si Nåna nu i finu' lågu, sa' mapoksai gi as bihå‑ña. Grandmother is not familiar with foreign words, because she was raised by her grandmother. Kantidå manhålum gi fino'‑ta finu' lågu siha. There are numerous foreign words included in our language. Umånchu i lingguåhi siha yanggin mana'fanhålum lokkui' i finu' lågu gi måolik na manera. Languages expand when foreign words are adopted in the right way.

fingkas n. materials owned. Manmånggi siha i fingkas ginin i tano'‑ta? Where are all the assets from our land? Variant: fengkas.

fiolis n. type of plant: long bean, string bean. Phaseolus. Ti mapput muna'dokku' fiolis. Growing string beans is easy. Ha kusetcha i fiolis gi lanchu på'gu. She harvested the string beans at the farm today. Hu aflitu i fiolis yan satdinas para senan-måmi. I fried the string beans with sardines for our dinner. From: Sp. frijoles.

fisga n. spear, harpoon, a pointed weapon with sharp tips made from bone, wood or metal. Ha dåggåo i fisga ya toka i palaksi'. He threw the spear and caught the parrot fish. Gai minakkat i fisga ni ha fa'tinas si Tun Kuang. The spear that Tun Kuang made is rather heavy. Esta hassan ta li'i' i peskan fisgan antigu på'gu. It is rare to see the ancient spear fishing today. See: tokcha', lånsa.

fiskat n. attorney general. Ekkunguk fan i fiskat‑mu. Listen to your attorney. Macho'chu' yu' gi fiskat. I worked for the attorney. Malångu i fiskat. The attorney is sick. From: Sp. fiscal.

fita' n. dictator. Ti fita' i ma'gas‑måmi. Our boss is not a dictator.

vt. overpower, overcome. I gubietnu mampus ha fita' todu tåotåo. The governor dictates to the people. Ti ya‑hu na para bai fita' gi taotåo. I don't like to dictate to the people. See: hulat, å'ñåo.

fiti num. the indigenous Chamorro word for the number seven. Syn: sietti.

fitma vt. sign, convey, write. Hu fitma i pappit. I signed the paper. Sigi ya un fitma i na'ån‑mu. Go and sign your name. Bai fitma yu' guini mågi. I will sign here. From: Sp. firma.

fitmi adj. 1) certain, sure, resolute. Na'fitmi sinientem‑mu. Make sure your feelings are true. Ti gof fitmi hinassok‑ku. I am not really sure of my decision. Na'fitmi håo nu guåhu. Make sure you wanted to be with me. (or: Be sure on my account? edr) See: mettun. 2) durable, lasting, strong. Fitmi ennåo siha na magågu. Those are durable clothes. See: ma'uk. From: Sp. firme.

fium n. film, camera film, movie. Mamåhan yu' fium. I bought a film. Ti ma u'usa esta fium disdi mafa'tinas i digital camera. Films are no longer used since the introduction of digital cameras. Tåya' fium gi tenda. There is no film at the store. Guaha na fium åttilung yan guaha lokkui' gai kulot. There are black and color films. Ma yuti' i fium gi iskuela. They threw away the film at school. Gai initas esti i fium kumu mapo'lu gi anglu' na lugåt. Film lasts long if placed in a dry place. Ma hugågandu i fium put i uttimu na senan Hesukristu gi as Matsumoto na movie giya Chalan Kanoa. They were showing the movie about Last Supper of Jesus Christ at Matsumoto's theater in Chalan Kanoa. From: Eng. film.

fiús n. fuse. Mayamak i fius gi kareta. The fuse in the car is broken. Bula na fius gi tenda. There are a lot of fuses at the store. Matulaika i fius i makinan manguåssan, sa' påkpak. The lawn mower fuse was replaced, because it blew up. Atyik håfa na fius malago'‑mu. Choose which fuse you want. From: Eng. fuse.

flamengku n. eggnog; mixture of eggs, milk, sugar, and whisky. Gumimin yu' flamengku. I drank eggnog. Bula mampus esti na flamengku. This is too much eggnog. Si Biha ha na'gimin yu' flamengku, sa' para bai u gai ganas. Grandma made me drink eggnog, so that I would have an appetite. See: punchi. From: Sp. flamenco.

flåota n. flute. Guaha flåota gi iskuela. There is a flute at school. Dikiki' esti na flåota. This flute is small. Mamåhan yu' flåota gi tenda. I bought a flute at the store. From: Sp. flauta.

flåotista n. flute player. Si Ana flåotista na påtgun. Ana can play flute. Guaha flåotista gi iskuela. There is a flute player at school. Sigi manmaigu' i flaotista på'gu. The flute players are sleeping. From: Sp. flautista.

flema n. phlegm. Bula flema‑hu. I have a lot of phlegm. Duru i flema manggupu huyung ginin i pachot‑tu. Your phlegm is flying out of your mouth. Applacha' esti i flema. This phlegm is dirty. Guaha minaolek‑ña esti na flema, sa' ha chåchahlåo i mankuchinu siha gi hinagong‑ta åntis di u hålum gi tatåotåo‑ta. Phlegm has a good purpose, because it helps prevent bacteria from entering our body when we inhale. I flema mås umistototba i taotåo yanggin sinagu, sa' mapput humågung yan nina'lolo'lu' kada råtu. Phlegm is more bothersome when a person has a cold, because it obstructs breathing and makes one cough every time. From: Sp. flema.

fletcha n. slingshot, bow, arrow. Bai fama'tinas fletcha‑hu. I will make a slingshot. Tåya' fletcha gi tenda. There is no bow at the store. Mayamak i fletcha. The bow is broken. Manhugågandu yan i fletcha ya dinanchi atadok i patgun. They were playing with the slingshot and hit the child in the eye.

vt. shoot at (with bow or slingshot). Ha fletcha i cha'ka gi hilu' guma'. He shot (using the slingshot) the rat on the roof. Yanggin para un fletcha i paluma, hassuyi nåya kåo nisisåriu ennåo para un cho'gui. If you are going to shot the bird with a slingshot, think first whether it is necessary for you to do so.

fleti n. 1) fare. Guaguan i fleti esta. The fare is expensive. Guaguan i fletin batkun airi para Punape esta. The air fare to Pohnpei is already expensive. Bula esti siha na fleti ginin i iskuela. There is a lot of fare from this school. Mungnga yu' nu ennåo na klåsin fleti. I don't like that fare. 2) freight. Kuatu i fleti para unu na kahitan chotda para Luta? How much is the freight for one box of bananas to Rota? 3) cost of freight.

flitåda n. type of food frequently served in fiestas and family events, meat or organs cooked with blood. Månngi' esti na flitåda. I like this kind of food. Mafa'gasi i tilipas guaka gi hanum tåsi para ma'usa para flitåda. The intestines of the cow to be used for flitada was cleaned in sea water. Maipi i fritåda. This food is hot. Gai sustansia esti i flitåda låo ti gef måolik yanggin mampus bula un kannu'. Flitada is nutritious but it is not very good if you eat too much of it. Bula esti na flitåda gi giput. There is a lot of this kind of food at the party. From: Sp. fritada.

flohu adj. 1) slack, not stretched tight. Mampus flohu esti para guåhu. This is too slack for me. 2) lethargic. Ginin flumohu, pues tumufai, asta ki dumaifi'. First he was lethargic, then he became worn out, until he became really weak. Describes a lesser level of weakness than tufai. See: gagu'.

floreru n. 1) vase, vessel (with various forms), floral urn. Bunitu esti na floreru. This vase is pretty. Poddung i floreru anai linåo. The vase fell down when there was an earthquake. Ya‑hu ennåo na floreru. I like that vase.

floris n. flower, blossom. Ti bunitu ennåo na floris. This flower is not nice. Gåtbu yan finu esti i floris nobia. The elderberry blosson is beautiful and dainty. Bula esti na floris. There are a lot of flowers. Åntis na tiempu, sessu si tiå‑hu mama'tinas kuronan floris para i tiempun manmåtai. Long time ago, my aunt used to make floral wreaths for All Souls' Day. Påopåo ennåo na floris. The flowers smell good. Manlamas i floris niyuk anai sen maipi i semnak. The coconut blossoms withered when it became very hot. From: Sp. flores.

vi. bloom, blossom. Flumofloris i rosåt. The roses bloomed. Flumofloris todu i floris gi gima'. The flowers bloom at the house. Flumofloris i floris Måyu. The plumeria blooms. Manfloris i trongkun lalangita, ennåo na bula abeha manuririya. The tangerine tree bloomed, that is why the bees are coming around. Na'huyung dididi' i masetan chichirika ya u inina nu i semnak sa' siempri manfloris. Move the pot of vinca to let the sun shine on it so it can bloom. Guaha na tinanum manfloloris dos biåhi gi sakkan ha'. There is a plant that blooms only twice a year.

floris abubu n. type of plant: morning glory. Stictocardia tiliifolia. Mansen bunitu i kunanaf floris abubu gi kantun chålan. The vines of the morning glory by the roadside are very beautiful. Guaha kulot å'paka', asut yan lila na floris abubu. There are white, blue and purple colors of the morning glory. Guaha i nuskuåntus siha na klasin floris abubu giya Saipan. There are several types of morning glory plants in Saipan. Esta sen hassan ta sodda' i dikiki' na floris abubu gi uriyan guma'. It is now rare to find the tiny morning glory plant around the house these days. An ogga'an na manmabababa i floris abubu. The morning glory blooms in the morning. Variant: fofgo.

floris åhus n. garlic creeper, type of vinc with purple flowers and garlic scent. Adenocalymma alliaceum. Kumunanaf i floris åhus gi hilu' i kasiyas. The garlic creeper climbed over the chicken shed.

floris åmut gupu' n. type of plant: candle bush, a Mexican shrub, also called acapulco or ringworm plant. Senna alata. Meggai floris åmut gupu' giya Susupe. There are lots of candle bush plants at Susupe. Lommuk i hagun floris åmut gupu' ya un palai i gupu' gi adengmu. Pound the leaf of the ringworm plant and apply it on the ringworm on your leg. Syn: akapuku, tåki' biha, anadosi.

floris asusena n. type of plant: tuberose. polianthes tuberosa. Påopåo ennåo na floris i floris asusena. That tuberose flower smells good.

floris batåtas n. deadly nightshade, type of vine. Solanum saeforthianum. Pininu' i babui anai ha kånnu' i floris batåtas. The pig died from eating the deadly nightshade.

floris chichirika n. type of flowering shrub, plant, vinca, periwinkle. ipomoea aquatica. Påopåo esti i floris chichirika. This ipomoea aquatica plant smells good. Kalan påo åmut esti i floris chichirika. The scent of the vinca flower is like medicine. Dångkulu i floris chichurika. The ipomoea aquatica plant is big. Ma sodda' na siña mafa'amut i floris chichirika. They found that the vinca plan has medicinal qualities. Figu' esti i floris chichirika ya ni håfa na gå'ga' gumuaiya fera di i dengdeng. The vinca is a hardy plant and no insect likes it except the snail. Bula na floris chichurika gi lanchu. There are a lot of ipomoea aquatica plants at the farm. Variant: floris chichurika.

floris guåfi n. African tulip, a type of tree with large, bright red flowers. Spathodia campanulata. Dångkulu yan sen agaga' i trongkun floris guåfi gi eksu' siha. The African tulip tree on the hill has large, bright red flowers. Guaha na biåhi na istotbu esti i trongkun floris guafi. At times, the African tulup tree could become invasive. I paluma yan‑ñiha i floris guafi sa' gai hanum. Birds like the African tulip flower because it holds water.

floris hoya n. star flower, a type of vine with star flower clusters. Hoya Australis. Påhguan i floris hoya, piot an puengi. The star flower scent is stong, especially at night. Ti mapput esti i floris hoya mana'lå'la'. The star flower is easy to grow. Guaha kulot å'paka' yan kulot lila na floris hoya. There is a white and a purple type of star flower.

floris kadena n. vine with pink, yellow or white flowers, chain of love, considered invasive. Antigonon leptopus. Mungnga matånum i floris kadena gi uriyan guma', sa' siempri ha punu' todu i pumalu tinanum. Don't plant the chain of love around the house, because it will take take over all the plants. Mapput mapunu' i floris kadena. It is difficult to get rid of the chain of love plant. Kalan kamuti i dinekku' floris kadena gi papa' odda'. The chain of love plant has a root tuber like sweet potato.

floris kamana n. purple alamander, type of vine considered invasive in the CNMI. Thumbergia sp. Hu bo'ok i floris kamana sa' chå'guan. I uprooted the purple alamander because it is a weed. Bunitu kulot‑ña i floris kamana sa' lila yan guaha lokkui' å'paka'. The purple alamander is pretty because of its color and there is also a white variety.

floris Krismas n. type of flower: poinsettia. Bai fanånum floris Krismas gi gima'. I will plant poinsettia plants at the house. Guaha na tåotåo cha'ot‑ña floris Krismas sa' gai dangis ni papagu' para i lassas. Some people are allergic to poinsettias because it has sap that could be irritating to the skin. Bula åntis i mandikiki' na floris Krismas gi kantun chålan. Long time ago, there were lots of the small, wild poinsettias on the sides of the road. Bula na floris Krismas gi bisinu. There are a lot of poinsettia flowers at the neighbor's. Utut påpa' i floris krismas. Cut down the poinsettia plant.

floris kucharita n. type of flowering plant: croton with small leaf at end of larger long leaf shaped like a spoon. Magåhit na guaha kalan kucharita gi floris kucharita. There really are small spoonlike leaves on the floris kucharita.

floris kúnanaf n. crawling vine. Hu tånum i floris kunanaf gi gima'. I planted the crawling vines at the house.

floris mala'it n. mile-a-minute vine, bitter vine. Micania micrantha. Esta o'sun yu' humålla i floris mala'it gi tinanun siha. I am fed up pulling the mile-a-minute vine from the plants. Sen chaddik ha chalapun gui' i floris mala'it. The mile-a-minute vine spreads very rapidly. I trongku gi lanchu mantinampi todu ni floris mala'it. The trees at the farm are all covered with the mile-a-minute plant.

floris mariposa n. type of plant, type of flower. Bauhinia. Å'paka', lila, kulot di rosa na dinekku' floris mariposa manmatånum gi kantun chålan giya Susupe. White, lilac and pink Bauhinia seedlings were planted by the roadside in Susupe.

floris Måyu n. type of plant: plumeria. plumeria rubra. Å'paka chigu i floris Måyu. The sap of the plumeria is white. Gef påopåo i floris Måyu. The scent of the plumeria flower is very pleasant.

floris rosa n. type of plant: hibiscus, rose. hibiscus rosa-sinensis, schizopetalus. Guaha na floris rosa amariyu, kulot di rosa, å'paka' yan agaga' siha. There are some yellow, pink, white, and red hibiscus flowers. I ti mababa na floris rosa måolik para åmut grånu matditu. The hibiscus buds are good as a boil medicine.

floris rosåt n. type of plant: rose. Rosa. I floris rosåt gi gima' ginin as nanan nanan nanå‑hu. The rose at my house was handed down from my great grandmother. Ututi yu' fan kulot di rosa na floris rosåt? Please give me a cutting of the pink rose?

florisi vt. decorate with flowers. Bai florisi i gimå'‑hu. I will decorate my house with flowers. Sigi ya un florisi håo. Go and decorate yourself with flowers. Ti bai florisi i iskuela sa' i famagu'un. I will not put flowers at school because of the children. Manmaflorisi i uriyan atchu' latti' giya Mochung, Luta, anai manmabisita nu i manåmku' gi ma'pus na simåna. The latte monuments at Mochong, Luta, were decorated with flowers when they were visited by the elders last week. Atyik atyu siha i mana'paka' na floris yanggin para un florisi i kaputulun i nobia. Select the white-colored flowers if you are to decorate the bride's hair.

fo'i n. leader (for fishing line). See: fagu.

fo'na vi. ahead, go on ahead or in front, first (irrealis). Bai na'fo'na håo gi fila. I will make you first in line. Ti un fo'na, sa' ti tarehå‑mu. You will not be first, because it is not your turn. Fo'na fan humånåo. Go first, if you will.

name. Fo'na: Chamorro mythological woman.

fodo' n. bulldozer. Ha ayåo i fodo' ginin i munisipåt para u na'yånu i lanchon‑ña. He rented a bulldozer from the Municipal Office to level his land. Gai minakkat esti na fodo', sa' ma'u'usa nu i militåt para u fanmayamak påpa' i tangkin simentu anai måkpu' i Geran Mina'dos. This bulldozer is heavy, because it was used by the military to break the cement water catchments after World War II. Mafa'nå'gui i lahi‑hu taimanu mañugun fodo' gi as tihu‑ña. My son learned how to operate the bulldozer from his uncle.

vt. bulldoze. Para u mafodo' agupa' i gualu' gi lanchu. The tractor is going to be used to plow the field at the farm. Mungnga nåya mafodo' i gualu gi lanchu sa' tåya' simiya. Do not use the tractor to plow the field at the farm because there are no seeds.

foffu vi. 1) snort (make a noisy expulsion of air through mouth and nose). Adahi na un foffu gi maigo'‑mu. Don't snore in your sleep. Dikiki' påtgun låo foffofu' sessu gi tatalu' puengi. He is such a small child and yet he snores in the middle of the night. 2) fume, exhale (sharply), esp. as sign of anger. Foffu si Juan anai sigi di un kassi. Juan fumed when you kept teasing him. A'annuk ha' kumu figan esta si Tan Rosa sa' esta fofoffu' yanggin humågung. You can tell by her breathing when Tan Rosa is getting enraged because she is fuming.

fofgu n. type of plant: vine similar to morning glory, used for animal feed and for medicinal purposes. ipomoea hederacea. Hu rikohi fofgu para åmut yan para na'‑ña i ga'‑hu babui. I gathered the fofgu' for medicine and for my pet pig's food. Mungnga mana'måmta' i fofgu sa' siempri ha punu' i pumalu na tinanum. Don't let the morning glory vine spread because it will kill the othe plants. Ti mala'it i fofgu. Fofgu is not bitter.

fofo'na go ahead of, go first. Siña un fofo'na ki guahu para i hunta? Could you go ahead to the meeting before me? Fanfofo'na fan, sa' esta yafai yu'. Please go ahead, because I am worn out.

foggun n. 1) stove, barbeque pit, oven. Applacha' ennåo na foggun. That stove is dirty. Mayamak ennåo na foggun. That stove is broken. Poddung ennåo na foggun. That stove fell down. Na'gåsgas i feggun åntis di un bendi. Clean the stove before you sell it. Sen manngi' i pan yanggin mahotnu gi feggun atchu' taiguihi i machocho'gui åntis na tiempu. Bread baked in the traditional stone oven used in the old days is very flavorful. 2) fireplace for cooking. Nå'yi mås unai gi feggun guåfi. Add more sand in the fire place for cooking. Esta håssan ma'u'usa foggun guåfi gi gima' siha. Nowadays, homes rarely use a fireplace for cooking. From: Sp. fogón.

n. electric stove, electric cookstove.

n. electric stove.

fogguneru n. stoker, fireman, one who tends to the stove or cooking. Macho'chu' i fogguneru nigap. The fireman worked yesterday. Ti ya‑hu ennåo na cho'chu' i fogguneru. I don't like to be a fireman. Si Jose fogguneru gi gima'. Jose is the fireman at the house. From: Sp. fogonero.

fohmu' n. type of fish: small damsel fish. Family Pomacentridae, Family Apogonidae. Hu li'i' amariyu na fohmu' gi entalu' kuråling. I saw a yellow damsel fish among the corals. I ate a small damsel fish. Pinat mandikiki' i fohmu' na klåsin guihan. Most damsel fish are small. Hu kelaguin i fohmu'. I made fish kelaguin out of the damsel fish. Variant: fomhu', fomu'.

fohmu' gaduduk n. type of fish: damsel fish, clown fish. Amphiprion (Family Pomacentridae). Bula fohmu' gaduduk giya Luta. There are a lot of damsel fish on Rota. Ti mamakannu' ennåo i fohmu' gaduduk. That kind of damsel fish is not edible.

fohni vt. smoke out (something), apply like medicine to a wound. See: pohni. Variant: fohngi.

vt. smoke out. See: pohni. Variant: fohni.

fohyan vt. 1) fight off. Mungnga na un fohyan si Jose. Don't fight with Jose. Ti bai fohyan håo. I will not fight with you. Cha'‑mu na para un fohyan si Ana. Don't fight with Ana. 2) debase. 3) say negative things about (someone).

fokfuk n. soft ground, as in sand or swamp. Humugåndu yu' tåmma' gi fokfuk na lugåt. I played marbles on the soft ground. Hu bålli i fokfuk gi gima'. I swept the soft ground at the house. Hu nå'yi kaskåo i fokfuk gi santattin i gimå'‑hu. I put some gravel on the soft ground behind my house. Sigi manhugåndu ham gi fokfuk na bånda. We played on the soft ground. See: luñu'.

foksi vt. 1) milk (a cow). Hu foksi' i guaka. I milked the cow. Foksi i guaka tåftaf gi egga'an mientras freresku i airi. Milk the cow early in the morning while it is cooler. Sigi ya un foksi' i chiba. Go and milk the sheep. Ha foksi i chigu' gi kannai i patgun ya nina'mås kalintura. He purged the pus on the child's hand, causing the child's fever to worsen. Bai hu foksi' i guaka agupa'. I will milk the cow tomorrow. 2) squeeze out (something), as in milking a cow. 3) squeeze (pus) out of a wound or boil. 4) clean (intestines of an animal) by squeezing out the interior contents. Variant: foksu'.

foksun n. 1) gum. 2) abcess of gums, inflammation (of gums), pyorrhea. Guaha foksun gi pachot‑tu. My gum is swollen. Foksun todu hålum pachot‑tu. My mouth is swollen. Kåo foksun håo? Do you have a swollen gum?

vt. focus. Put fabot fokus håo gi istudiu‑mu. Please focus yourself on your studies. Fokus i hinassom‑mu. Focus your thinking. Ti bai fokus yu' giya hågu. I will not focus on you. From: Eng. focus.

fondan alunan n. pillowcase. Hu fa'gåsi i fondan alunan. I washed the pillowcase. Ha botda floris i fondan alunan. She embroidered flowers on the pillowcase. Guaha binetdan floris gi fondan alunan. There's flower embroidery on the pillowcase. Variant: fundan alunan, fondun alunan.

fondasión n. foundation, establishment. Debi u guaha fondasion‑mu. You should have a foundation. Håfa na fondasion un tattiyi anai un tugi' ennåo na dokumentu? What was the foundation when you wrote that document? Na'siguru na guaha fondasion i gimå'‑mu. Make sure you have a foundation for your house. Håtsa i fondasion guma'. Build your house foundation. Tåya fundasion‑ña esti na kåosa. This case has no foundation. From: Sp. fundación.

fondu 1) n. bottom, base, foundation. Atan i fondu gi tasi. Look at the bottom of the ocean. Tåya' fondon‑ña i batku. The boat doesn't have a bottom. See: san papa'.

fontun vi. hiccup, have hiccups. Fontun yu'. I have hiccups. Sigi ha' yu' fontun. My hiccups continued . Fontun i neni. The baby has hiccups.

fongfung vt. 1) pound (something against something), tamp down. 2) pound one's head or fist against. Mungnga yu' mana'bubu, sino hu fongfung håo. Don't make me angry or else I'll pound you. Kåo malagu' håo mafongfung guatu gi liga? Do you want me to pound you against the wall? 3) pound (someone's head), bump (someone's head). Mafongfung si Juan ilu‑ña gi liga. Juan's head bumped into the wall. Ha fongfung si Pedro si Jose kontra i lamasa. Pedro pounded Jose's head against the table. See: tongtung.

fósforu n. phosphorus, match. From: Sp. fósforo.

adj. successful. Fósforu i hinanåo‑hu para Guam. My trip to Guam was successful. Fósforu i famagu'un gi iskuela. The kids at school are successful. Gof fósforu yu' gi giput. I was very successful at the party.

fotda n. worn blade, blade with a shallow cutting edge like a chisel. Tåya' fotda gi tenda. There is no blade at the store. Mayamak i fotda. The blade broke. Guaha fotda gi gima'. There is a blade at home. Ant: håtma.

fotgi vt. 1) squeeze (a citrus fruit) to extract the juice. Ti bai fotgi i lemmun. I will not squeeze the lemon. Sigi ya un fotgi i lemmun para i neni. Go and squeeze the lemon for the baby. Ma fotgi i chigu' niyuk para saibuk. They squeezed the coconut milk for saibuk (way of cooking). 2) squeeze citrus juice on (something). Bai fotgi lemmun para i fina'denni'. I will squeeze lemon for the (fina'deni') sauce. See: fugu'.

fotgun adj. wet, watery, not dry, soaked, drenched. Adahi na un fotgun sa' u'uchan esta. Be careful about getting wet because it is already raining. Fotgun i pigas sa' madduk i kestat. The rice got wet because there was a hole in the sack. Kalan fofotgun esti na magågu sa' ti matåla' gi papa' semnak. This cloth seems wet because it was not hung under the sun. Ga'ok‑ku na u ånglu' i edda' para tinanum ki u mampus fotgun. I prefer soil that is dry for the plant than a drenched (soil) one. See: måsmai.

fotgunñaihun vi. damp, slightly wet. Fotgunñaihun yu' ginin i ichan. I was slightly wet from the rain. Fotgunñaihun i addeng‑hu ginin i gimin. My feet were slightly wet from the drink. Adahi na un fotgunñaihun kannai‑mu. Don't wet your hand.

fotma vt. form, make, shape, fashion. Bai fotma miting para todus hit. I will call a meeting for everyone. Manmafotma i gurupun diksinåriu gi kada isla. A dictionary group was formed in each island. Kåo esta un fotma plånu para i giput agupa'? Did you make a plan for the feast tomorrow? Mafotma esti na dogga ginin i ritåsus magågu siha. This footwear was made from pieces of cloth. Ti bai fotma i notisia para hita. I will not make a notice for us. Fotma fan i gurupu‑mu. Form your group. See: fa'tinas, otganisa. From: Sp. forma.

fotmalidåt n. formality, seriousness. Na'guaha fotmalidåt gi miting. Adopt formalities for the meeting. Tåya' fotmalidåt guini sa' puru ha' manatungu' manggaigi. There is no formality here because these present are all acquaintances. Impottånti esti i fotmalidåt gi iskuela. Formality is important at school. I fotmalidat na dinanña' tinattitiyi yan i kabålis na dokumentun dinanña' lokkui'. A formal meeting is also accompanied with complete meeting documents. From: Sp. formalidad.

fotman n. foreman. Guaha fotman giya Luta. There is a foreman on Rota. Måolik esti na cho'chu' i fotman. Foreman is a good profession. Bai facho'chu' kumu fotman gi che'chu'. I will work as a foreman. See: kabesiyu. From: Eng. foreman.

fotmåt adj. 1) formal. 2) serious, earnest. Muna'futmat si Ana sa' gaigi i matlinå‑ña gi tatten‑ña. Ana is being serious because her godmother is behind her. Ti todu i tiempu ma'u'usa i futmåt na finu' Chamorro. Formal Chamorro is not used at all times. Maninispåpanta i famagu'un sa' kalan mampus futmat i maestrun‑niha. The children are feeling uneasy because their teacher is too formal. From: Sp. formal.

fotograferu n. photographer. Macho'chu' yu' kumu fotograferu. I work as a photographer. Ya‑hu esti i fotograferu na cho'chu'. I like to be a photographer. Si Ana fotograferu gi iskuela. Ana is a photographer at school. See: litratista.

fotografiha n. photography. Esta gef ti parehu i fotografiha disdi gumuaha cell phone. Photography changed a lot since the availability of the cell phone. From: Sp. fotografía.

fotogråfu n. photograph, picture. Bai chuli' i fotogråfu‑mu. I will take your picture. Guaha fotogråfu put hita. We have a photograph together. Bunitu ennåo siha na fotogråfu. This photograph is nice. See: litråtu.

fottalisa n. potency. An ogga'an ni mås manggai fottalisa i tinanum. In the morning is when the plants are most potent. Mås gai fottalisa i fine'nina na chigu' åmut, sa' te'uk. The first squeeze of medicine is the most potent, because it's thick. From: Sp. fortaleza.

fotti1 adj. 1) powerful, robust. Mampus fotti håo. You are so powerful. Fotti si Jose na påtgun. Jose is so powerful. Ti fotti yu'. I am not powerful. See: atdit. 2) strong (in taste). 3) lusty, energetic. 4) excessive, strong. Ai na finetti esti na påtgun! Gosh, this child is too much. Na'láfotti i finadenni' para si Tåta. Make the finadenni' stronger (by adding more hot peppers) for Father. Fotti mandåggåo nabaha si Jose. Jose is a strong dagger thrower.

fotti2 adj. sure, certain. Na'fotti i disision‑mu. Be sure with your decision. Mampus fotti yu' na ennåo malago'‑hu. I am certain of what I want..

fottuna n. fortune, destiny. Yanggin un setbi i saina‑mu, siempri måolik fottunå‑mu. If you serve your parents, you will have good fortune. Ennåo fottunå‑mu. That is your destiny. Hu faisin i guellåk‑ku håfa para fottunå‑ta gi mamaila' na tiempu. I asked my grandmother what would be our destiny in the future. From: Sp. fortuna.

fotyang adj. dented, misshapen, partly damaged, changed in shape from the impact of falling. Anai matå'chung pa'ngas yu', hu na'fotyang i siya. When I sat down hard, I left a dent in the chair. Anai duru i manglu', mamoddung i lemmai ya manfotyang. When there was a strong wind, the breadfruit dropped and were partly damaged.

vt. bring (something) down, push (something) down, put (someone) down. Bai fotyang håo påpa'. I will push you down. Mungnga mafotyang påpa' i taotåo. Don't put people down. See: blångku, dåggåo, yuti', pannas. Variant: fotyun, fotyung.

fotyun adj. dented, misshapen, partly damaged, changed in shape from the impact of falling. Anai duru i manglu', mamoddung i lemmai ya manfotyun. When there was a strong wind, the breadfruit dropped and were partly damaged.

vt. bring (something) down, push (something) down, put (someone) down. Siña un fotyun i alunan gi botsan alunan. You can push the pillow into the pillowcase. See: blångku, dåggåo, yuti', pannas. Variant: fotyang, fotyung.

fotyung adj. dented, misshapen, partly damaged, changed in shape from the impact of falling. Anai matå'chung pa'ngas yu', hu na'fotyung i siya. When I sat down hard, I left a dent in the chair.

vt. throw down. Bai fotyung håo påpa'. I will push you down. See: blångku, dåggåo, yuti', pannas. Variant: fotyang, fotyun.

frågas n. blacksmith, ironsmith. Ginin guaha unu na frågas åntis giya Chalan Kanoa. There used to be a blacksmith in Chalan Kanoa.

frågua n. forge, blacksmith shop. Na'sen maipi i frågua åntis di un tutuhun macho'chu'. Bring the temperature of the forge to its highest before you start working. Matempla i liluk gi frågua. The iron was tempered in the forge. Tåya' esta frågua giya Saipan. There are no more forges in Saipan.

vt. forge. Hu frågua i na'an i asaguå‑hu. I forged my husband's signature. Mungnga mafrågua na'an ottru tåotåo. Don't forge another person's name. Duru ha frågua si Ana i na'an mangga'chong‑hu. Ana forged the names of our classmates. From: Sp. fragua.

franela n. t-shirt. Ma imprinta i litratu‑mu gi franela. Your picture was printed on the t-shirt. Måncha yan matitik todu i franelå‑hu. My t-shirt is stained and torn all over. Variant: fanela. From: Sp. franela.

Frånsia name. France. Ya‑hu Frånsia na tånu'. I like France. Dångkulu Frånsia na lugåt. France is a big place. Manbunitu esti siha i lugåt Frånsia. France has nice sights. Frånsia ni masusedi i geran rebulusion para u fanhålum gi demokrasiha. It was in France where the revolution for democracy happened. Yan‑måmi i binu ginin Frånsia. We like wine from France.

Fransis name. Francis, Frances. Humånåo si Ana para guma' Fransis. Ana went to Francis' house. Chågu' na manggaigi i familian Fransis. Frances' family are residing in a far place. I na'an Fransis, guaha na ma'usa para palåo'an yan lokkui' para låhi. Fransis is both a male and a female name. Syn: Francisca, Francisco.

frangkamenti n. frankness, straighforward, forthright. Na'guaha farangkamentem‑mu. Be frank.

adv. frankly, openly. Frangkamenti maila' ya un chotchu. Frankly, you need to eat. I hues ha dimånda si Antonia frangkamenti na testimoniu. The judge demanded of Antonia to be frank with her testimony. From: Sp. francamente.

frångku adj. 1) frank, candid, honest, truthful. Na'frångku håo put i sinientem‑mu nu guåhu. Be frank about your feelings for me. Esti i frångku na tåotåo, guaha na biåhi na ti måolik para todu na klasin inetnun. A candid type of individual is not really fit in any type of gathering. Ti bai hu na'frångku yu' yanggin umasudda' ham. I will not be candid when we meet. See: magåhit, sinseru, unestu, siguru. From: Sp. franco.

fråsa n. phrase. Fånggi' fråsa gi pappet‑mu. Write a phrase on your paper. Na'guaha fråsa gi istoriå‑mu. Write a phrase in your story. Bula mampus esti na fråsa. There are a lot of phrases. From: Sp. frase.

frenu n. bit (part of horse's bridle). Guaha frenu gi kabåyu. There is a bridle on the horse. Yuti' ennåo i frenu. Throw down the horse bridle. Ti ya‑hu ennåo na frenu. I don't like that horse bridle. From: Sp. freno.

fresa n. strawberry. From: Sp. fresa.

fresku adj. fresh, cool, refrigerated, nonchalant, sassy. Chuli' mågi i fresku na fruta siha. Bring over the fresh fruits. Gai frinesku i lalangita anai mana'manenghing gi kahun ais. The tangerine acquired a fresh quality when it was cooled in the chiller. Ripåra, sa' kalan fresku ennåo i ineppem‑mu nu i saina‑mu. Watch it, because your response to your elder seems fresh. From: Sp. fresco.

frigåta n. frigate, sailing vessel. Humånåo i frigåta para Guam. The vessel left to Guam. Tåya' nai hu li'i' ennåo i frigåta. I never saw that vessel. Dikiki' esti na frigåta. This vessel is small. From: Sp. fragata.

frihón n. joker, jester, buffoon. Ti frihon yu'. I am not a joker.

adj. mischievous. Frihon si Jose mampus. Jose is very mischievous. Sigi ha' na para u frihon si Ana. Ana keeps trying to be mischievous.

frihonåda n. pleasantry, jest, joke, silliness. Puru' ennåo siha frihonådan tåotåo. Those are all jokes coming from people. Taitai i gaseta, sa' bula frihonåda. Read the newspaper, because there's a lot of silliness.

adj. joking, foolish. Mampus frihonåda håo. You are a joker. Gof frihonåda si Ana. Ana is a joker. Frihonåda ennåo na tåotåo. That's a foolish person.

frihonera n. joker. Frihonera håo mampus. You are a joker. Cha'‑mu na un frihonera gi iskuela. Don't be a joker at school. Båsta na un frihonera mågi. Don't be a joker here. Syn: frihonåda. See: manggua'.

fringkas n. real estate, land, property, assets, inheritance. Hu irensia i fringkas nanå‑hu. I inherited my mother's assets. Ti mankuntentu i famagu'un put i håfa guaha na fringkas. The children were not satisfied with what's in their inheritance. Variant: fingkas. From: Sp. fincas.

fritåda n. type of food made from viscera of ruminating animals, swine, or poultry. Månngi' esti na fritåda. This fritåda is tasty. Maipi i fritåda. The fritåda is hot. Bula mampus esti na fritåda. There is too much of this fritåda. Variant: flitåda. From: Sp. fritada.

fritchis vt. arrange, adorn, decorate, make up. Arekla håo ya un na'mafritchis i gaputulu‑mu. Get yourself ready and have your hair arranged. Matulaika i palåo'an anai mafritchis. She became a different person after she was made up.

fruta n. fruit (sweet), citrus fruit. Manånum yu' fruta gi lanchu. I planted fruit trees at the farm. Chumotchu yu' fruta. I ate fruit. Bula ennåo na fruta. That is a lot of that fruit. See: gulusina. From: Sp. fruta.

fuegis vt. 1) beat up, overpower, hurt, harm, injure. Bai fuegis håo. I will beat you up. Para u fuegis malago'‑ña sa' nina'bubu ni kuntråriu. In his rage he wanted to crush his opponent. Ti bai hu maleffa anai un fuegis yu'. I won't forget when you beat me up. See: anña, kueyu, figis.

fuera prep. without, excluding, except, minus, not including. Ya‑hu esti siha fuera ki i lepblu. I like these things without a book. Un diha fuera di på'gu, siempri bai hu mapa'uk giya Mochong, Luta. One day except for today, I will be given a name at Mochong in Rota. Bai gimin ennåo siha fuera ki sitbesa. I will drink those but not beer. Bai baila fuera ki bai kånta. I will dance but not sing. Fuera di i gurupun famagu'un Saipan, kantidå na iskuelånti manmåttu para i dinanña' put i lingguåhi yan kuttura giya Tinian. Except for the Saipan children, a large number of students came for the language and culture gathering on Tinian. See: sin. From: Sp. fuera.

fuera di prep. besides, outside of, aside from, except for. Ya‑hu ennåo fuera di esti. I like this besides that. Kumånta yu' fuera di bumaila. I sang besides dancing. Ekkunguk yu' fuera di un kuentus. Listen and don't talk.

fuera sin buenas n. eleven points, in the card game tres sietti. Gi tres sietti, chikas dispues fuera sin buenas. In the card game tres sietti, ten points comes first, then eleven points. Ti atman ham fuera sin buenas. Soon we will have eleven points.

fuetsa n. energy, power, strength, force, might. Gai fuetsa esti i fatkilu na palåo'an sa' mapput matungu' håfa hinassoson‑ña. A quiet lady has power because it is difficult to discern what is in her mind. Nå'i fuetsak‑ku para bai hu arekla esti na kåosa. Grant me the power to take charge of this case. Ti båli i fuetsa yanggin ti mapo'lu gi månu na u gai bali. Might is not worth anything if it is not placed where it is valued. See: alimentu, minetgut, alentus.

vt. force. Variant: afuetsas. From: Sp. fuerza.

fuetsan hustisia n. judicial powers or authority. I fuetsan hustisia (kotti) matugi' gi Konstitusion i San Kattan na Mariånas. The powers of the judiciary are delineated in the Constitution of the Northern Mariana Islands. I hustisia siha ma sen kumprendi na i fuetsan hustisia na gaigi i aturidåt para mapula' i fundamentun i lai siha. The judges fully understand that the judicial power holds the authority to interpret the substance of the law. Guaha na biåhi na ti manafakcha' i fuetsan hustisia yan i kutturan tåotåo gi nuskuåntus siha na lugåt. At times judicial powers are in conflict with the cultures of people in some places.

fuetsan ikiekatibu n. executive power, authority granted by constitution or statute to a chief executive, such as a president, governor, or mayor. I konstitusion ha nå'i i ma'elihi na maga'låhi dångkulu na fuetsan iksikatibu. The constituion granted a major executive power to the elected leaders. Fuetsan iksikatibu kumeke'ilek‑ña aturidåt i tatkilu' na ufisiåt i gubietnamentu, tatkumu i presidenti, maga'låhi, mayot (atkåtdi) siha. Executive powers refer to the authority of the highest officials in government, such as the president, governor, and mayor.

fuetsan lehislatura n. legislative power or authority. I attikulu dos gi Konstitusion i San Kattan na Mariånas ha defina i fuetsan lehislatura (kunggresu). Article II of the Northern Marianas Constitution defines the legislative powers. I fuetsan lehislatura na gaigi i tinitihun i lai siha. It is in the legislative power that future laws are initiated. I manbobota debi di uma ina kada råtu i fuetsan lehislatura ya uma na'atya yan i ginagagåo nu i tiempu. The voters must revisit often the powers of the legislature to fit the issues of the time.

fuetsåo adj. 1) forceful. Baba fuetsåo i petta. Force the door to open. 2) obligatory, required, demanding. Mungnga yu' na un fuetsåo kumuentus. Don't force yourself to talk. Adahi na un fuetsåo kumånta. Don't force yourself to sing. Esta kalan fuetsåo ennåo i un gågagåo na ayudu ginin guåhu. Your way of asking for my help is rather demanding already. A'annuk na mattuchina gi fuetsåo i gineftåo‑ña ya ti magåhit. It is obvious that his generosity is forced and not sincere. Ti fuetsåo na para ta fanggaigi gi lisåyu sa' manåmku' hit esta. We are not obliged to be at the rosary since we are elderly. Variant: afuetsåo.

fuetsudu adj. muscular, having well-developed muscles. Ti fuetsudu. You are not muscular. Annuk na fuetsudu si Pankasio sa' esta ti ulat gi magagu‑ña. It is obvious that Pankasio has well-developed muscles because his shirt no longer fit him. Ånimu yan gai minetgut måmfi', manuma yan mangåcha' niyuk si Mala'it, sa' fuetsudu na tåotåo. Mala'it is industrious and has strength in picking, carrying and husking coconuts, because he is muscular. I istorian Taga' ha na'mångta na manfuetsudu na tåotåo i Chamorro. The story of Taga revealed that they are of muscular build.

fueyis n. forge, furnace where metal is heated for shaping.

vt. forge, create a counterfeit copy of. Bai fueyis i na'ån‑mu. I will forge your name. Toka si Fulånu sa' ha fueyis i ti na'ån‑ña gi chek. Someone got caught when he forged someone else's name on the check.

fugera n. bonfire, campfire, grass fire. Guaha fugera gi kantun tåsi. There is a bonfire at the beach. Mungnga manhihut gi fugera. Don't get too close to the grass fire. From: Sp. hoguera.

vt. set a brush fire for purpose of clearing a field. Mafugera i tirenu. The terrain was set afire to clear it.

fugu adj. cold, chilly, freezing, icy, frigid, shivering (goosebumps on the skin). Mampus yu' fugu. I am very cold. Fugu yu'. I am cold. Ti fugu si Jose gi lanchu. I am not cold. Esta nina'fugu si Fulana ginin i karintura‑ña. Fulana's fever caused her to shiver. Manfugu i famagu'un anai mansinangåni nu i amigun‑ñiha put i duendis gi halum hatdin. The children felt goosebumps when their friend told them about the fairies in the forest. Hu sienti fugu anai kumahulu yu' gi puntan i tatkilu' na oksu' giya Hapon. I felt cold when I climbed to the top of a mountain in Japan. See: manenghing.

fugu' vt. wring, squeeze. Fugu' i lampåsu. Wring the mop cloth. Bai fugu' måolik i magagu‑hu. I will wring my cloth well. Fugu' todu ennåo na talåpus. Wring that cloth for the mop.

fuhut vt. bind lightly, put a slender hoop around (a barrel). Bai fuhut esti. I will bind this lightly. Fuhut fan i pappit. Bind the paper. Sigi ya un fuhut ennåo. Go and bind that.

Fulånu name. someone, Mr. So and So; used for an imaginary person, such as John Doe. Adahi si Fulånu gi gima'. Watch Mr. So and So at the house. Fulånu maila' fan. Mr.So and So, come here. Atan si Fulånu guennåo. Look at Mr. So and So there. Ti hu tungu' håyi na Fulånu pat Fulåna muna'aksidenti i kareta. I don't know the Mr. John Doe or Ms. Jane Doe who caused the car accident. From: Sp. Fulano.

fulu' vi. wrestle. Para bai fulu' agupa' na puengi. I will wrestle tomorrow night. Sigi ya un fulu' na dos. Go and wrestle. Mampus metgut si Juan, ennåo na para u fulu' i dos agupa'. Juan is so strong that's why he will wrestle tomorrow.

fulut n. sensation or taste on tongue from eating unripe banana, tingling sensation from eating certain things.

funai n. type of fish: snapper. lutjanus kasmira (Family Lutjanidae). Hu konni' i funai nigap. I caught the snapper yesterday. Chumotchu yu' funai. I ate a snapper. Hu aflitu i funai. I fried snapper.

funainis n. type of plant: Bougainvillea. Esta meggai na kulot floris funainis guaha på'gu. Now there are many different colors of the Bouganvillea flower. Gåtbu i funainis låo gef adahi sa' gai tituka'. The Bouganvillea flower is beautiful but beware because it has thorns.

funas vt. 1) eradicate, erase, rub out, wipe out, put an end to. Adahi na un funas i na'ån‑mu. Make sure that you don't erase your name. Mungnga mafunas i pisåra. Don't erase the board. Funas fan i pisåra. Please erase the board. 2) clear (of sin). Ilek‑ña si påli' na yanggin kumonfisat håo, mafunas i isåo‑mu todu. The priest said that if you confess, all your sins will be forgiven.

funda n. covering, case. Guaha funda gi halum kuåttu. There is a case in the room. Mamåhan yu' funda gi tenda. I bought a case at the store. Dikiki' esti na funda. This case is small. From: Sp. funda.

fundamentu n. meaning, substance, something fundamental, essential, basic; significance. Guaha fundamenton‑ña ennåo na palåbra. That word has significance. Ha såsangan håfa fundamenton‑ña si Jose. Jose is saying the meaning out. Bula fundamenton‑ña ennåo na palåbra. There are a lot of meanings for that word. Tai fundamentu ennåo i un kekesangan fuera di istotbu para i hinassot‑ta. What you are trying to explain has no substance other than to bother our thoughts. Na'klåru gi kada unu gi atpåhun håfa fundamenton‑ña siha. Clarify the meaning of each proverb. Guaha fundamentun i ginagagåo gi lai ya debi di i makumprendi nu i taotåo siha. There is substance in the requirements of law and it should be understood by the people. From: Sp. fundamento.

fundan alunan n. pillowcase. Hu fa'gåsi i fundan alunan. I washed the pillowcase. Ha botda floris i fundan alunan. She embroidered flowers on the pillowcase. Guaha binetdan floris gi fundan alunan. There's flower embroidery on the pillowcase. Variant: fondan alunan, fondun alunan.

fundan kåttri n. sheet, bedsheet. Hu na'suha esti na fundan kåttri. I changed the bed cover. Put fabot na'gåsgas i fundan kåttri. Please clean the bedsheet. Hu chuli' i fundan kåttri. I took the bedsheet. Syn: tåmpin kåttri, såbanas kåttri.

fundiyus n. 1) groin. Guaha grånu matditu gi fundiyus i patgun. There is a boil on the child's groin. 2) loincloth, clothing that touches the groin. Ta usa fundiyus para bailan antigu. We use loincloth for traditional dance. From: Sp. fondillos.

funhåyan vi. completed, finished, done (irrealis). Bai na'funhåyan esti na cho'chu' åntis di ottru simåna. I will finish this work by next week. Na'funhåyan i che'cho'‑mu. Finish your work. Debi un na'funhåyan i tes‑mu. You have to finish your test. Na'funhåyan nåya i iskuelå‑mu åntis di un falågu gi lehislatura. Complete you education first before you run for the legislature. Mansen maguf i manåmku' siha anai mana'funhåyan i hatdin para tinanum åmut siha. The elders were very pleased when the medicinal plant garden was finished. I kutturå‑ta ginagagåo na debi di u guaha fina'nengkanu kada manggai bisita. Our culture obliges that there should be food when there are visitors.

funógrafu n. 1) phonograph, record player. Guaha funógrafu guini na iskuela. There is a phonograph at this school. Manmalingu todu i funografu anai atdit na uchan yan månglu gi ma'pus na såkkan. All the phonographs were lost during the heavy rain and storm last year. Hu taitai i funógrafu. I read the phonograph. Esta hassan esti i funografu, sa' tinilaika nu i CD player yan i iPod. Phonographs are rare these days, since they have been replaced by the CD player and the iPod. I plakan kånta siha manggagaigi ha' låo mayulang i funografu. The music records are still available but the record player is damaged. Hu na'hånåo i funógrafu. I sent the phonograph. 2) music. See: musiku, dåndan. From: Sp. fonógrafo.

funut vt. tighten up, clamp down. Funut ennåo i katsunes‑mu. Tighten up your pants. Bai funut esti para hågu. I will tighten this for you. Sigi ya un funut i magagu‑mu. Go and tighten your clothes. 2) stifle, subdue, suppress. Båsta yu' mafunut kada håfa para bai hu sångan, sa' hu tungu' ha' put ennåo na asuntu. Stop suppressing me from what I am about to say, because I know about that issue. Piniti i palåo'an låo ha funut i suspiros‑ña asta ki måkpu' i giput. The woman felt sorrow but stifled herself from crying until after the party. Variant: fuñut.

fuñut vt. 1) tighten up (a bundle), bind, squeeze. Fuñut ennåo na katsunis. Tighten your pants. Na'fuñut si Ana nu i katsunes‑mu. Make Ana tighten your pants. Put fabot fuñut esti. Please tighten this. Finiñut hinagong‑ña si Maria ni mafñut magagu‑ña. Maria was barely breathing because of her tight dress. 2) withhold, suppress, hold in (feelings), keep (feelings) to oneself. Ha fuñut i piniti‑ña, ya pininu'. He kept his hurt to himself, and it killed him. Mungnga mafuñut i piniti‑mu, sa' un pininu'. Don't hold in your suffering, because it will kill you. Putno u na'mamåhlåo i amigå‑ña si Estaban, ha fuñut i tiningo'‑ña na sikretu. Because Esteban does not want to embarrass his girlfriend, he withheld the secret he knew. Variant: funut.

fungsión n. function, activity, an event. Håfa ennåo na fungsion? What is that function? Ti bai hånåo para ennåo na fungsion. I will not go to that function. Bula mampus esti na fungsion. That is a lot of functions. From: Sp. función.

Fusan name. place name. Gaigi esti na lugåt gi papa' iya Ibe'bu' yan hilu' iya Fogon. Esti na lugåt prinsipåtmenti sabånan Nete. Gaigi guini i sadduk ni ginin Ibe'bo'. Bula gi halum sadduk asuli yan uhang. This place is located below Ibe'bo' and above Fogon. The river passes through both locations from Ibe'bo'. Netti, a type of grass, mainly grows in the savanna area. There are an abundance of shrimp and freshwater eels in the river.

fusiñus n. long-handled hoe with straight blade, used for weeding. I ma'uså‑ña i fusiñus para manripåsa. The hoe is for used for weeding. Ma'u'usa i fusiñus para manupan chotda. The hoe is used to extract banana seedlings.

fusu' vt. scape (coconut meat) from a young coconut. Fusu' fan i alak i manha, låo so'su' i niyuk. Scrape the young coconut meat, but slice out the mature coconut meat. Ti siña un fusu' esti na sensin, sa' esta niyuk. You can't scrape the meat out of this coconut, because it's already mature. Na'danña' i finisu' månha yan i chigu' månha. Combine the scraped young coconut meat with the young coconut juice. See: so'su'.

futut vt. block (pathway), barricade, set up roadblock. Bai futut si Jose gi chalan. I will block Jose at the road. Mungnga yu' mafutut gi hinanåo‑hu. Don't block me on my way. Duru ma futut i patgun sa' malågu ginin i iskuela. They blocked the child because he ran from school.

fuyut vt. make (something) more compact, mold (something), squeeze (something), esp. with the hand. Fuyut i pan ya un totchi gi kafe. Squeeze the bread together and dip it in coffee. Fuyut i hineksa' para musubi'. Squeeze the rice in your hand to make rice balls. Fuyut i butsiyun icing huyung ya un abesti i kek. Squeeze the icing bag and decorate the cake. See: balutan, falulun, afuyut.




adj.  adjective
adv.  adverb
agr.  agreement prefix
art.  article
aux.  auxiliary
cnj.  conjunction
dem.  demonstrative
Eng.  English
infx.  infix
intj.  Interjection
Jp.  Japanese
n.  noun
n.pl.  plural noun
neg.  negative
num.  numeral
part.  particle
pp.  prepositional phrase
pred.  predicate
pref.  prefix
prep.  preposition
pro.  pronoun
Sp.  Spanish
suf.  suffix
Syn  synonym
vi.  intransitive verb
vt.  transitive verb