* Coming Soon

K - k


k n. the twelfth letter of the Chamorro alphabet, named ke.

ká- (from: ká‑) pref. possessing (a characteristic or quality), often having. Kalaña esti na håyu. This wood is oily. Kahaga' magagu‑mu. Your clothes have some blood on them. Kakama'gas esti na tåotåo gi gurupu. This guy is of high rank within the group. This stressed prefix is unproductive; it attaches to a noun or adjective to form a derived adjective.

ká'diding vi. hop, skip (with one leg). Mangaka'diding i famagu'un gi sagan humugåndu gi iskuela. The children are hopping with one leg in the playground at school. Ka'diding mågi. Hop over here. Ti siña yu' kuma'diding, sa' puti addeng‑hu. I can't hop with one leg, because my legs hurt.

ka'guas vt. scratch. Ka'guas i tatalo'‑hu. Scratch my back. Ha kaka'guas i katu i pettan kusina. The cat is scratching the kitchen door. Ha kaka'guas i mannuk i edda' para u fanaligåo na'‑ña. The chicken is scratching the ground to look for food. See: kassas.

kå'hi n. stuffed crab. Chumotchu yu' kå'hi. I ate a stuffed crab. Para un fama'tinas kå'hi, po'lu i sensin i panglåo gi halum i tahung. To make stuffed crab, put crab meat inside the carapace. Gef manngi' mama'tinas kå'hi si Carmen. Carmen makes delicious stuffed crab.

kå'it n. crab shell with fillings. Ti lå'yiyi libiånu mama'tinas kå'it. It's not that easy to prepare a kå'it dish. Umatya' i ka'it yan i saibuk lemmai. Crab shell with fillings goes well with breadfruit cooked in coconut milk. See: kå'hi.

kå'ka' n. crack. Fanmanaligåo kå'ka' gi kisami. Look for cracks in the ceiling. Songsung siha i ka'ka'. Fill up the cracks.

vi. crack. Kå'ka' i chalan annai linåo. The road cracked when there was an earthquake. Kå'ka' i plåtu annai hu na'poddung gi halum labadot. The plate cracked when I dropped it in the sink.

ka'ka'mata' adj. worn out, overused (of rubber, e.g. tires). Ka'ka'mata' i chiubu'. The innertube is worn out. Ka'ka'mata' i goman tekcha'‑hu. The rubber of my spear gun is worn out.

ka'lak adj. healthy looking, attractive, (esp. of females or plants). Ka'lak i neni. The baby is healthy looking. Ka'lak atyu na suttera. That young lady is atractive. Ai na kina'lak i papayå‑mu. Oh my, your papaya looks very healthy.

ka'mang n. type of medicinal plant: musk mallow, ornamental okra. Abelmoschus. Manånum yu' ka'mang. I planted musk mallow. I nuebu na hågun ka'mang måolik para i taotåo ni nina'yi ni pisågun. The new musk mallow leaf is good for people who have difficulty urinating. Mana'sesetbi i ka'mang gi difirentis na åmut. Ka'mang is used in different medicines.

ka'mang tåsi n. type of medicinal plant: variety of musk mallow found by the seashore. Abelmoschus sp. Mana'sesetbi i ka'mang tåsi para åmut påsmun sinagu. Ka'mang tåsi is used as a medicine for those who have cold, flu, or related symptoms.

ka'ñåo adj. scared, easily spooked. Ka'ñåo yu' malak i simintetyu. I am scared going to the cemetery. Gof ka'ñåo i patgun gi halum homhum. The child gets really spooked going into dark jungles. Ya‑ña mangassi, låo mampus ka’ñåo na tåotåo. She likes to tease but she is really easily scared. Variant: kókañåo.

ka'u n. bean pole, usually three poles forming a tripod. Hu chuli' i ka'u para i lanchu. I took the bean pole to the farm. Ispiha trongkun tangantångan para ka'u. Find tangantangan tree to make a bean pole.

kabålis adj. complete. Ti kabålis esti na infutmasion. This information is not complete. I patgun ha na'kabålis i che'cho'‑ña. The child completed his work.

kabån n. 1) burlap sack, one-hundred pound burlap sack. Hu chuli' i kestat kabån. I took the sack. Matitik i kabån. The sack tore. 2) hundred-pound sack (as a unit of measure). Hu chuli' i kestat kabån kamuti, ya hu po'lu gi kareta. I took the sack of sweet potatoes and put it in the car. See: kostat, ganggochi, piku.

kabåña n. cottage, hut. Yinilang i kabåña anai Typhoon Yutu. The cottage was destroyed during Typhoon Yutu. I famagu'un mafa'guma' hugåndu i kabåña gi tattin guma'‑måmi. The children turned the cottage behind our house into a playhouse. From: Sp. cabaña.

kabayeriha n. cavalry. Manlulukåo i kabayeriha gi me'nan i gima' atkåtdi. The calvary is parading in front of the mayor's house. From: Sp. caballería.

kabayerisa n. stable. Tåya' ga'‑måmi kabayu låo esta guaha kabayerisa siha. We do not have horses but we already have stables. From: Sp. caballeriza.

kabayeru n. gentleman, horseman, knight, aristocrat. Guaha na tåotåo siha manmafa'na'an kabayeru. Some people have Kabayeru as their nickname. Måolik ennåo na kabayeru gi kabåyu. That person is a fine horseman. From: Sp. caballero.

kabayerus n. type of plant: pride-of-barbados. caesalpinia pulcherrima. Manånum yu' kabayerus. I planted some pride-of-barbados. Ma utut i kabayerus. They cut down the pride-of-barbados plant. Kulot betdi i kabayerus. The pride-of-barbados plant is green.

kabayeti n. 1) cross-beam of a house roof or ceiling. 2) attic. Hu po'lu i nengkanu' gi kabayeti, putno kinannu' ni cha'ka. I put the food in the attic so that the rats wouldn't eat it. Tatkilu' mampus yan homhum esti na kabayeti. This attic is too high and dark. From: Sp. caballete.

kabåyu n. 1) horse. Manggaigi i kabåyu gi kellat. The horses are in the corral. Yan‑ñiha i famagu'un manma'udai gi kabåyu. The children like to ride on the horse. 2) 

n. trestle, sawhorse. Gof figu' i ha fa'tinåsi yu' si tåta na kabåyu. The sawhorse that my father made for me is very sturdy. Variant: kabåyun katpinteru.

vi. crawl. Esta kumabåbayu ennåo i lahi‑mu? Is your son crawling already? Siempi kumabåyu i patgun åntis di u låhu. The child will crawl before walking. From: Sp. caballo.

kabåyun katpinteru n. sawhorse. Mapput mañåchak gi hilu' esti na kabåyun katpinteru, sa' tatkilu' mampus. It's hard to saw on this sawhorse, because it's too high. Tulaika i patas i kabåyun katpinteru, sa' putlilu. Change the legs of the sawhorse, because they're rotten. Variant: kabåyu.

kabåyun tåsi n. type of fish: seahorse. hippocampus. Mamifila kalan sindålu i kabayun tåsi gi halum cha'guan tåsi. The seahorses are lining up like soldiers among the sea grasses. I lahi na kabåyun tåsi pumopoksai i patgun kabåyun tåsi. The male seahorse raises its young.

kabesa n. 1) head, skull. Ma'å'ñåo yo' nu i kabesa. I’m scared of the skull. Adahi na un duluk kabeså‑ña yanggin para un ná'pinañu. Be careful not to poke her head while putting a veil on her. 2) brain, intelligent, bright. Na'facho'chu' fan mås i kabeså‑mu? Can you use your brain more? From: Sp. cabeza.

kabesåda vi. stagger, totter, walk or stand unsteadily. Atan si Juan, sa' kabesåda. Look at Juan, because he is staggering. Håyi kabesåda? Who staggered? Ti kabesåda yu'. I did not stagger. From: Sp. cabezada.

kabesånti n. leader. I na'an i kabesånti mapega gi liga. The name of the leader is placed on the wall. Kåda kumitehi guaha kabesånti gumehilulu'i. Every committee has a leader that leads it. I gubietnu i kabesåntin i tanu'. The governor is the head of the land.

kabesiyu n. foreman, headman, leader. Kabesiyu yu' gi iskuela. I am a leader at school. Matulaika todu i kabesiyu anai matulaika i mås må'gas na kabesånti. All the headmen were replaced when the top leader was also changed. From: Sp. cabecilla.

kabilosu adj. brainy, smart, intelligent. Kabilosu i ma'atyik na gubietnu. The selected governor is intelligent. Mankabilosu i manåmku', sa' bula ekspirensian‑ñiha. The elders are wise, because they have lots of experience. Nå'i ånimu ya in fankabilosu para in na'måolik i che'chu'‑miyu. Put in effort to be knowledgable so that you will do well in your work. From: Sp. caviloso.

kabisera n. 1) beam for roof. Ha na'apu' i guaili gi kabisera. He leaned the pole against the roof beam. 2) yard of a house, side of a house. Matå'chung yu' gi kabisera. I sat at the yard of the house. From: Sp. cabecera.

kåbiyun n. mosquito net. Kana' i kabiyun, sa' esta puengi ya bula ñåmu. Put up the mosquito net, because it's evening and there are a lot of mosquitos. Manomlat todu i familia gi halum kåbiyun. The whole family fits inside the mosquito net.

kabotsi vi. achieve the winning score, twenty-one points, in the card game tres sietti. Chaddik håo kumabotsi gi balåha. You reached the winning score in the card game very quickly. Håyi kabotsi? Who got the winning score? Ti kabobotsi håo. You don't have a winning hand yet. Variant: akabotsi.

kabrón adj. careless, rough, inconsiderate. Kabron låo siempri ha ekungnguk håo. He is rough but he will listen to you. Puru mampus che'chu' kabron ennåo i bidådå‑mu esta. Your actions are mostly very inconsiderate now. From: Sp. cabrón.

kabu n. corporal (rank in the military). Kabu si Juan gi militåt. Juan is a corporal. Guaha kabu giya Luta. There is a corporal on Rota. Kåo kabu håo? Are you a corporal? From: Sp. cabo.

kåbu3 adj. curved, not straight. Sulun i kareta gi kåbu' na chalan para i heksu'. The car slid at the curved road to the hill. Hålla yan un na' kåbu' fan i alåmli gi uriyan i kellat. Could you pull and curve the wire around the fence.

kåbu'1 n. curve. Faloffan gi kabu'. Pass by the curve. Siempri måttu håo gi kåbu' åntis di un li'i' i gima'. You will come to the curve first before you see the house. Sulun i kareta gi kabu'. The car slid at the curve.

adj. curved, not straight. Sulun i kareta gi kåbu' na chalan para i eksu'. The car slid at the curved road to the hill. Hålla yan un na'kåbu' fan i alåmli gi uriyan i kellat. Could you pull and curve the wire around the fence.? Mungnga iya' kumåbu', tunanas guatu gi gima'. Don't stray, go straight to the house. From: Jp. kaabo.

kåbu'2 n. share (of stock). Kåo guaha kabo'‑mu gi tenda? Do you have a share of stock in the store? Bula kabu'‑ñiha esti siha na familia gi kumpaniha. These families have a lot of shares in the company. Ma påtti i ganånsia kada Disembri para i mandueñu ni manggai kåbu’ gi metkåo. The dividend was distributed in December for the market shareholders.

kåbun negru n. type of plant: sugar palm. arenga pinnata. Tåya' guini kåbun negru. There is no sugar palm here.

kåcha' n. tool used to husk coconuts. Månggi i kacha', sa' para bai hu fangåcha' niyuk? Where is the husking tool, because I want to husk coconuts?

vt. husk. Håyi para u kåcha' i niyuk? Who will husk the coconut? Bula niyuk para bai hu kåcha', sa' para bai hu tika. There are a lot of coconuts that I'm going to husk, because I'm going to make coconut oil.

kåchang adj. lackluster, colorless, pale. Kåchang esti na magågu. This cloth is colorless.

káchidu' n. 1) movie, motion picture (Saipan). Umegga' yu' kachidu'. I watched a movie. Para u fanhånåo para u fanegga' kachidu' i famagu'un. The children are going to watch a movie. Syn: mubi. 2) movie theater, cinema. From: Jp.

kåchit vt. wear something that is not pleasing and subject to ridicule, put on a face, dress, or anything that would indicate a "show-off" behavior. Un kåchit håo ni ti uså‑mu na bistidu. You dress up in a way that does not compliment you. Ya‑mu kumåchit håo ni ti kosås‑mu. You like to put on something that does not belong to you. Ha kåtchit gui' ni nuebu na sapåtus ya nina'ke'yåo, sa' mampus mafñut. She put the new shoes on and was limping, because they were too tight. Reflexive verb. See: katsa.

kada art. each, every. Kada tåotåo guaha tiningo'‑ña. Each person has knowledge. Hu bisisita kada tåotåo gi isla anai para bai hu falågu para mayot. I visited each person on the island when I was going to run for mayor.

cnj. whenever, every time that. Kada hu ngingi' i ilangilang, hu hassu i finattok‑ku gi isla. Every time I smell the ilangilang, I remember my trip to the island. From: Sp. cada.

kada diha adv. every day, each day, daily, day to day, one day after another. Kada diha mannå'i yu' gråsia. Every day I give thanks. Kada diha manila' i atdåo. Every day the sun shines. From: Sp. cada día.

kada råtu adv. frequently, usually, almost always, every time. Kada råtu månggi' yu', sa' bula manmåfattu gi hinassok‑ku. I usually write, because a lot of things come to my mind. Kada råtu malak i kemmun yu'. I frequently use the restroom. Bula ñåmu ya kada råtu hu kassas yu'. There were a lot of mosquitos and I frequently scratched myself. From: Sp. cada rato.

kada såkkan adv. every year, annually, yearly. Kada såkkan pumasehu yu'. I travel yearly. Kada såkkan måfattu i tiempun uchan. Every year the rainy season comes.

kadåbit adj. clumsy, frail. Kadåbit si David. David is clumsy. Kadåbit yu'. I am clumsy. Kadåbit i neni. The baby is clumsy.

kádada' adj. short, brief, not long. Utut i hayu ya u fangadada', para un na'setbi gi feggun håyu. Cut the wood into short pieces for you to use in the wood stove. Kadada' i istoria, låo bunitu. The story is short, but nice. Na'fangadada' filan‑miyu; mungnga mana'anåkku'. Make your lines short; don't make them long.

kádagan n. type of plant, similar in taste to broccoli, used in cooking eskabetchi. Kulot betdi i kadagan, ya hagas gollai antigu. The kadagan plant is green, and it has been a vegetable since ancient times. I kadagan måolik na nengkanu', ya åmut para i tatkilu' håga'. Kadagan is a good food, and a medicine for high blood pressure. Guaha na kadagan papagu' chigo'‑ña. There are kadagan plants whose sap causes itchiness. Variant: káddagan, kátdagan.

kadakuåt art. each, on its own. Anai para u guput si Maria, kadakuåt muna'lålagu i nengkanu' ni para i giput. When Maria had her party, everyone was cooking their own food to bring to the party. I famagu'on‑hu kadakuåt chumocho'gui i chi'cho'‑ña gi halum guma'. My children did their own work inside the house. Kadakuåt konsu chalån‑ña guini na ileksion. Everyone according to his own way in this election. From: Sp. cada cual.

káddagan n. type of plant, similar in taste to broccoli, used in cooking eskabetchi. Guaha dos klåsin káddagan gi lanchun‑måmi. There are two types of káddagan at our farm. Hu kåtdu hagun káddagan para i malångu. I made káddagan soup for the sick person. Variant: kádagan, kátdagan.

kåddu n. soup, broth. Ma'asin i kaddu. The soup is salty. Måolik i kaddun månnuk para yanggin sinagu hit. Chicken soup is good when we have the flu. From: Sp. caldo.

vt. make (something) into soup. Kåddu i mannuk yan i sini. Make chicken soup with taro. Månngi' makåddu i dagun å'påka' yan månnuk. It is delicious to cook white yam with chicken soup. Variant: kåtdu.

kadena n. 1) chain, bracelet, necklace. Mama'tinas i patgun kadena ni rusalen. The child made a necklace with the beads of the rusalen plant. Ma sodda' bula na kadenan oru gi batku ni mafondu. They found a lot of gold chains in the sunken ship. 2) type of vine, considered invasive in the Marianas, with pink, yellow or white flowers. Ti siña lå'la' i tinanum siha yanggin mantinampi ni kadena. The plants will not survive if they are covered with kadena vines. Yan‑ñiha i abeha gi uriyan gima‑hu, sa' manmanfloris i kadena siha. The bees love to come around my house, because the kadena vine is in bloom. From: Sp. cadena.

kaderas1 n. hip. Syn: sensin lommu. From: Sp. caderas.

kaderas2 n. carcass, body of dead animal, parts of beef. Guaha kaderas siha gi kantun chålan. There were carcasses along the roadside. Bula kaderas kairu’ gi chalan. There are lots of frogs' carcasses on the road. Guaha kaderas bayena ni hinasa hålum gi inai. There is a whale carcass that washed in to the beach. From: Sp. caderas.

kadidak vt. tickle. Mungnga yu' makadidak. Don’t tickle me. Kadidakun yu'. I'm ticklish. I biha ha kadididak i neni. The old lady is tickling the baby.

kadidakun adj. ticklish. Kadidakun i neni. The baby is ticklish. Mankadidakun famagu'un esti siha. These are ticklish children.

kadiduk adj. sharp, pointed. Mangadiduk kulåling manggaigi gi kantun tåsi. Sharp pieces of coral are on the beach. Kadiduk yan anåkku' i machetti. The machete is pointed and long. Kadiduk i lapes‑su, sa' på'gu hu lalasgui. My pencil is sharp, because I just sharpened it. Variant: akadiduk.

kadu' vi. pretend, make believe. Kadu' mamaigu' håo. Pretend you are sleeping. Kadu' måmanggi' håo. Pretend you are writing. Kadu' ya‑mu yu'. Pretend that you like me. Kadu' para un påtik i bola. Pretend you're going to kick the ball. See: fa'‑.

kadukadu' adj. unreal, imaginary, pretend(ed), simulated. Hu sangåni siha, låo kadukadu' ha', na para bai hu falak Tinian agupa' sa' putno u bisita yu'. I told them making them believe I would leave for Tinian tomorrow so that they would not visit me. Ha hannan kadukadu' i patgun na para u såolak. She pretended to the child that she was going to spank him. See: kadu'.

kaduku adj. crazy, insane, demented. Mungnga mama'kaduku. Don’t pretend to be crazy. Kalan che'chu' kaduku esti na cho'chu'. This work is sort of crazy work. Mungnga iya' kumaduku yanggin bulåchu håo. Please don't act crazy when you're drunk. Syn: atmariåo, loku. From: Sp. caduco.

kafé n. 1) type of plant: coffee. coffea arabica. Guaha trongkun kafe giya Tapotchåo. There's a coffee tree in Tapotchao. 2) coffee (drink). Håfa malago'‑mu para un gimin, kafe pat chå? What would you like to drink, coffee or tea? Machuda' i kafe gi hilu' lamasa. The coffee spilled on the table. Månngi' påo‑ña i kafe an ogga'an. Coffee smells good in the morning. From: Sp. café.

kafetera n. coffee pot. Dikiki' esti na kafetera. This coffee pot is small. From: Sp. cafetera.

kafetiria n. cafeteria. Chumochotchu yu' gi kafetiria. I ate at the cafeteria. Guaha kafetiria gi kada iskuela. There's a cafeteria in every school. From: Eng. cafeteria.

kaffu' n. type of tree: pandanus, screw pine. Pandanus tectorius. Manokcha' i kaffu' ya manmåttu i fanihi. The pandanus bore fruit and the fruit bats arrived. Mana'achuli' i kaffu', i pahung, yan i akgak. The kaffu', påhung, and åkgak varieties of pandanus are similar. Fruit bats feed on the fruit of this tree. See: akgak, påhung.

káguaha adj. well-off, having money or material goods. Mankáguaha esti na familia. This family is well-off. Banidosu si Fulånu, sa' put i káguaha gui'. So-and-so is proud, because he is well-off. Bråbu, ya ennåo na káguaha gui'. He's hardworking, and that's why he's well-off. See: mangguaha.

kåguan1 vi. decrease, lessening, shortening. Kåguan i gradu‑mu. Decrease your grade. Kåguan i inaguaguat‑mu. Decrease your naughtiness. Kåguan i pigas gi la'uya. Decrease the rice in the pot. 2) 

n. gap, hole between two things through which one can see.

kåha n. steel box, safe, chest, drawer, place to put valuable things. Mamåhan yu' kåha nigap. Yesterday, I bought a safe box. Måolik un fama'tinas kåhan salappe'‑mu. It's good for you to make a money box for yourself. Bula kåha gi aparadot. There are many drawers in the chest of drawers. From: Sp. caja.

káhaga' adj. bloody. Adahi na un chinachak, sa' kahaga' håo. Careful not to get cut, because you bleed easily.

kåhåo n. type of fish: soapy. Family Leiognathidae. Hu go'naf i kahåo. I scaled the fish. Anai hu plantåyi si Maria ni kahåo, ha latchai todu i sensin. When I served Maria the soapy fish, she finished up all the meat.

kahat vi. sneak, stalk, crawl or move furtively, so as to be unobserved. Mangahat siha i taotåo gi halum tånu', sa' mane'e'binadu. The people crept around in the forest, because they were hunting deer. Kahat guennåo. Stalk over there. Mantududiha ham mangahat gi halum tånu', sa' mane'e'paluma ham. We were creeping around in the forest all day, because we were looking for birds.

kåhat vt. lift, raise up, hoist or raise with a tackle, promote, raise (salary), build (house). Kåhat hulu' i magagu‑mu gi látatkilu' na istånti. Put your clothes up on a higher shelf. Manmakåhat hulu' i apas‑måmi gi che'chu'. Our salaries were raised at work. Para bai in kahat i gima'‑måmi gi hilu' i eksu'. We're going to build our house on top of the hill. See: hatsa, sa'ang.

kahatgui vt. stalk, hunt stealthily. Ha kahatgui i binådu. He still-hunts the deer. Kahatgui i binådu agupa'. Still-hunt the deer tomorrow. Maila' ya ta kahatgui håfa na gå'ga' kumåkannu' i na' månnuk gi puengi. Let us hide and see what animal is eating the chicken feed at night.

kahåya vt. save, help, rescue from danger. Si Juan ha kahiya si Jose gi kurenti. Juan saved Jose from the current. Makahiya si Felipe sa’ sumi’ i boti‑ña. Felipe was rescued, because his boat was leaking. I pulisiha manmakahiya i pupbliku gi duråntin påkyu. The police rescued the public during the typhoon. See: libri, ayuda. Variant: kahiya.

kahåyan adj. clear (of conscience), safe, have a clean slate. Kahåyan i hinassun‑måmi gigun in tingu' na ti isåo‑måmi. Our conscience was clear as soon as we learned we were not at fault. Ta na'fangahåya hit ya mungnga hit manchathinassu. Let's have a clean mind so that we will not be anxious.

kaheru n. treasurer, cashier. Kaheru yu' gi tenda. I am a cashier at the store. See: tesureru. From: Sp. cajero.

kaheru' n. frog (Rota). See: tot (Guam). Variant: kairu'.

kahida n. veranda, porch. Gåsgas i kahida. The porch is clean. Yan‑ñiha manmatå'chung gi kahida, sa' fresku. They like to sit on the porch, because it's cool. Syn: barånda.

kåhit n. type of plant: orange, sweet orange. citrus aurantium, citrus sinensis. Poddung i tinekcha' kåhit gi trongku. The orange fell from the tree. Manmånngi' i kahit Tini'an. Tinian oranges are delicious.

kåhit dångkulu n. type of plant: citrus smaller than kahit må'gas. Meppa' i trongkun kåhit dångkulu. The kåhit dångkulu tree has lots of fruit. Mamis i kahit dångkulu. The kåhit dångkulu is sweet.

kåhit díkiki' n. type of plant: tangerine. citrus reticulata. Guaha na klåsin kåhit dikiki' ma'aksum yan guaha mamis. There are sour and sweet tangerine types. Månggan yu' kåhit dikiki'. I picked a tangerine. Syn: lalanghita.

kåhit må'gas n. type of plant: grapefruit. Citrus grandis. Meggai tinekchå'‑ña i kahit ma'gas på'gu na såkkan. The grapefruit tree produced a lot of fruit this year. Dångkulu yan mamis i kahit må'gas. Grapefruit is large and sweet. Manmatugan todu i kahit må'gas. They picked all the grapefruits. See: lalångha.

kahita n. box, carton, case. Mañuli' yu' kahita gi tenda. I took a box at the store. Potput esti na kahitan påppit. This cardboard box is thick. From: Sp. cajita.

vt. put in a box. Bai hu kahitåyi i plåtu siha ya mungnga na u fanmåffak. I'll box the plates to prevent them from breaking. See: kåhun.

kahiya vt. save, help, rescue from danger. Si Juan ha kahiya si Jose gi kurenti. Juan saved Jose from the current. Makahiya si Felipe sa’ sumi’ i boti‑ña. Felipe was rescued, because his boat was leaking. I pulisiha manmakahiya i pupbliku gi duråntin påkyu. The police rescued the public during the typhoon. See: libri, ayuda. Variant: kahåya.

kahlang n. Chamorro pendant made of giant clam shell in the shape of waxing of the moon (sinahi), traditionally worn only by men. Usa i kahlang ya u matungu' na un tungu' mama'tinas galaidi'. Wear the clam shell pendant so that they will know that you know how to build a paddling canoe.

vi. lean, hang. Mangakahlang i magågu gi tali. The clothes are hanging on the line. Mangakalang ham gi kareta. We're leaning against the car.

vt. lean (oneself) (on something), suspend (oneself) (from something). Kahlang håo mågi. Lean on me. Adahi na un kahlang håo gi petta, sa' un basnak. Don’t lean on the door, because you might fall. Reflexive verb.

kåhlåo n. type of bush used for medicine. microsorum scolopendria. Ya‑ña i kahlåo gi fofotgun na lugåt. The kåhlåo grows well in wet areas. Mana'sesetbi i kahlåo gi amut påchut. Kåhlåo is used for treating disease of the mouth. Månngi' påo‑ña i kahlåo. The kåhlåo has a pleasant scent. Variant: kahlåo.

kahna n. hex, sorcerer. Mungnga na un såonåo gi gurupun kahna. Don't join the hex group. Kahna ennåo na palåo'an. That lady is a sorceror.

vi. hex, wish failure upon someone. Kahna na tåotåo gui'. He is a person who can hex. I kahnåm‑mu na ti hu danchi i paluma. Your hexing made me not hit the bird. Mankahna esti na lugåt. This place has magic.

kahnåyi vt. hex, bewitch, cast a spell on. Mungnga na un kahnåyi yu'. Don't cast a spell on me. Mungnga umessalåo gi halum tånu', sa' siempri makahnåyi håo. Do not yell inside the jungle, because you might be bewitched. Kumaduku, sa' makahnåyi. He went crazy, because he had a spell cast on him. Variant: kakahnåyi.

kahulo'gui vt. climb on top of, get up on (something) for something. Kahulo'gui esti na trongku. Climb up this tree. Si Juan ha kahulo'gui i gima'. John climbed up on top of the house. Mungnga makahulo'gui ennåo na ladera, sa' bula sasata. Don't go climbing up that mountain, because there are a lot of wasps. Syn: feddus. See: feddus.

kahulu' vi. get up, climb up. Kahulu' gi kareta ya ta hånåo. Get up on the car and we will go. Bai kahulu' gi trongku. I will climb up the tree. Fangahulu', sa' esta manana. Get up, everyone, because it's already morning. See: ékkulu'.

kåhun n. box, case, drawer. Ti omlat i kosas gi kahun, sa' dikiki'. The stuff didn't fit in the box, because it's small. Kulot chikulåti esti na kåhun luluk. This metal box is brown. Mayamak i kahun gi taifun. The box was broken in the typhoon. From: Sp. cajón.

kåhun ais n. refrigerator, ice box. Gi esti na kåhun ais, gaigi i freezer gi san papa'. In this refrigerator, the freezer is on the bottom. Kada hu baba i kahun ais, guaha hu li'i' ya‑hu para bai hu kånnu'. Every time I open the refrigerator, I see something I want to eat. Syn: ais båks.

kåhun balotu n. ballot box. Para ta usa i kahun balotu gi oran botasion. We will use the ballot box during election time. Ma nanangga i kahun balotu siha ginin Luta yan Tinian. They are waiting for the ballot boxes from Rota and Tinian.

kåhun limosna n. collection box; donation box, usually found in church. Guaha kåhun limosna gi Gima' Yu'us. There is a collection box at the church. An tiempun Nochibuena, mapopo'lu i kahun limosna gi fi'un i Niñu. At Christmastime, they would put the donation box by the Christ child.

kåhun ramenta n. toolbox. Ha po'lu i iskopplu gi kahun ramenta. He put the chisel in the toolbox. Si tåta ha gef adahi i ma'irensia na kåhun ramenta ginin as bihu‑ña. Father takes special care of the toolbox that he inherited from his grandfather.

Kai' name. nickname for Francisca. Humånåo si Kai' yan si Pai' para i tenda. Kai' and Pai' went to the store together. Kai' i mås matungo‑hu. I am better known as Kai'.

kaiaku' n. gunpowder, dynamite, TNT, explosive powder (Saipan). Machuda' i kaiaku' gi satgi. The gunpowder spilled on the floor. Manila' i kaiaku', sa' mapo'lu gi fihun i guafi. The gunpowder flamed up, because it was placed near the fire. Syn: pótbula, asga', asiga'. From: Jp. kayaku.

kaiha adj. take a long time, take awhile. Kaiha måttu i batku. The ship took a long time to arrive. Kakaiha ha' måttu i batku. The ship is still taking a long time to arrive. Ilek‑ku as Juan, "Kakaiha ha' yu' maigu' trabiha." I told Juan, "I will still not be sleeping for a long time."

kaikai vt. start to move, start preparing to go. Kaikai håo ya ta baila. Move your body and we will dance. Kaikai hamyu ya ta fanhånåo. Start to move and we'll go. Debi di un kaikai håo ya un aligåo håfa para minaolek‑mu. You have to get yourself moving and look for what is good for you. Reflexive verb.

kaimån n. crocodile. Piligru esti i kaimån. Crocodiles are dangerous. Guaha kaimån giya Palau. There are crocodiles in Palau. Ginin guaha kaimån gi Satduk Susupe giya Saipan. There used to be crocodiles in Lake Susupe in Saipan. From: Sp. caimán.

kainito n. star apple. Chrysophyllum cainito. Manmabebendi kainito gi metkåo. Star apples are being sold at the market. Ginin Filipinas esti i kainito. Kainito is from the Philippines.

kairu' n. toad, frog (Saipan). Tuma'yuk i kairu'. The toad jumped. Yan‑ñiha i kairu' manmañåda' gi hanum. Toads love to lay their eggs in the water. Yan‑ñiha i ga'lågu pumalai siha ni matai mutung kairu'. The dogs love to smear themselves with stinky-smelling dead toads. Syn: tot (Guam), iråna. Variant: kaheru' (Rota). From: Jp. kaeru.

káka'guas n. scratcher, capable of scratching, claws. Mamåhan yu' kaka'guas gi tenda. I bought a scratcher at the store. Ti ginin kaka'guas låo på'gu ya‑ña manga'guas esti na katu. The cat was never a scratcher but now it likes to scratch. Hu na'setbi i kaka'guas gi tatalo'‑hu, sa' sessu makaka. I use the scratcher on my back, because it's often itchy. Derived by reduplication from ka'guas.

kaka'ka' n. type of fish: snapper, yellowish red above and silvery below, readily recognized by the black blotch on the lateral line below the front part of the soft dorsal fin. Family Lutjanidae. Para guåhu mannge'ña inaflitun kaka'ka' yanggin mana'påska. For me, fried snapper tastes better when it is crispy. Manggaigi gi taddung i kaka'ka' siha. The snappers are found in the deep ocean.

kakaguåtis n. type of plant: peanut. arachis hypogaea. Chumotchu yu' kakaguåtis gi iskuela. I ate peanuts at school. Manånum yu' kakaguåtis. I planted peanuts. Hu na'ånglu' i kakaguåtis. I dried the peanuts. From: Sp. cacahuetes.

kákagung n. 1) fontanel, an opening or soft spot on a baby's head. Mañaña' i kakagung i neni. The fontanel of the baby is soft. Hu nå'yi låña i kakagong‑hu. I put oil on my fontanel. Ñålang i neni, sa' haduk i kakagong‑ña. The baby is hungry, because there is a slope on his frontal lobe. Adahi na un tokcha' i kakagung i neni. Be careful that you don't poke the baby's frontal lobe. 2) top of the head, sagittal suture. Dåkngas i kakakung ilu‑ña si Leon. Leon's sagittal suture area is balding. Disu' i kakakung Judy, sa' dinanchi ni bola. Judy's head at the center top is swollen, because she was hit by a ball.

kákahna n. one who knows how to cast spells, usually in a negative sense. Gaigi Saipan i kakahna na låhi. The person who can cast spells is on Saipan. Makakanåyi yu' anai hu gatcha' i naftan gi papa' trongkun nunu. A spell was cast on me when I stepped on a burial ground under the ficus tree. Hu chek i kakahna annai malångu yu'. I checked the one who knows how to cast spells when I was sick. Variant: kahna, kákana, kaká'na.

kakahnåyi vt. curse, cast a spell on (someone). Ilek‑ñiha na buenti ma kakahnåyi, sa' pokpuk matå‑ña. It was said that perhaps they cast a spell on him, because his face got swollen. Variant: kahnåyi.

kákalamtin adj. able-bodied, capable of doing work. Kakalamtin esti na påtgun. This is an able-bodied child. Kakalamtin låo kamtin håo You are capable but you are uncontrollable. Kakalamtin anai hobin låo pågu esta tufai. She was able-bodied in her youth but now she is worn out. Derived by reduplication from kalamtin.

kákali' n. stem (of fruit, flower, leaf, etc.), vine. Hu måma' i kakali' pupulu. I chewed the pupulu vine. Mala'it i kakali' atmagosu. The bitter melon vine is bitter. Syn: kákayu. Variant: kálili'.

kákalik adj. bitter, sour, tart, acidic. Kakalik i lemmun. The lemon is bitter. Kakalik esti na nengkanu'. This food is bitter. Ti ya‑hu i kakalik na sabot. I don't like the bitter taste. See: kinalik.

kakalotis n. corn cob. Bai hu tåla' gi papa' somnak i kakalotis siha. I will dry the corn cobs under the sun. Bai hu usa i anglu' na kakalotis para guesguis. I will use the dried corn cobs for scrubbing. Ha tåmpi i madduk gi bateha ni kakalotis. She covered the hole in the washbasin with the corn cob.

intj. goodness, oh my gosh. Los kakalotis! Håfa gaigi gi ilu‑mu na un sedi ennåo? Goodness! What got into your head to allow that? From: Sp. cacalote.

kåkalum vi. come into, enter. Fangåkalum gi lanchu agupa'. Come to the ranch tomorrow. Kåkalum gi liyang. Go inside the cave. Bai in fangåkalum yanggin måkpu' i che'chu'. We're going to come after work. See: hålum.

kákana' talanga n. earlobe. Maduluk i kakana' talanga‑hu. My earlobe got poked. Ma'atilik i kakana' talanga‑ña si Pedro, sa' ti mano'osgi. Pedro’s earlobe got twisted for not obeying. Ha atilik si Rosa i kakana' talanga‑hu. Rosa twisted my earlobe.

kakarondi' vi. 1) spin (of a top) hop while spinning, like a playing top; skip around. Ilek‑ña i ma'estra ta fanhugåndu kakarondi'. The teacher said we will play hopping. Ha sotta i tulompu ya kumakarondi'. He let go of the spinning top and it hopped. See: kakaroti.

kakaroñu' adj. blunt (of the point of a spinning top). Esta kakaroñu' esti i tulumpok‑ku. The point of my spinning top is already blunt.

kakaroti adj. fickle, mischievous. Kakaroti si Juan na påtgun. Juan is a mischievous child. Na'måolik håo ya mungnga iya' kumakaroti gi iskuela. Be good and please don't act silly at school. Sen kakaroti patgon‑hu. My child is very mischievous. See: kakarondi'.

kåkattan vi. go north, move north (Northern Marianas), go east, move east (Guåhan). Kåkattan i manglu' guinaifefen‑ña. The wind is blowing from the east. Kåkattan si Juan gi lanchu. Juan is going to the east side of the farm. Fangåkattan gi gima' ya ta fañena. Go north to the house and we'll eat dinner. See: kåttan.

kákatut vi. cause to have an itchy sensation in mouth from eating wild yams or other foods. Siña kumakatut i hagun suni. The taro leaf can produce an itchy sensation. Hu kånnu' i katdagan ya kakatut. I ate the katdagan and it gave me an itchy sensation. Guaha na kannai tåotåo ti u na'kakatut i hagun suni. Some people's touch will not make the taro leaf cause an itchy sensation. Variant: háhatut.

kåkaya vi. go east, move east (Northern Marianas), go south, move south (Guåhan). Kåkaya i binådu gi lanchu. The deer is coming from the south. I manglu' ginin kåkaya. The wind is blowing from the south. Falågu kåkaya gi iskuela. Run from the south side of the school. See: håya.

kákayu n. stem, midrib of a leaf. Hu chåchak i kakayu. I cut the stem of the leaf. Ya‑hu esti i kakayu. I like this stem. Siña makånnu' i kakayun chotda. Banana stems are edible. Syn: kákali'.

kaki n. khaki, type of fabric. Kulot kaki esti siha na katsunis. These pants are khaki. Kulot kaki i kestat. The sack is khaki. Kulot chukulåti na kaki ya‑hu umusa para i lanchu. I like to wear the blue khaki to the farm. From: Eng. khaki.

kaki' vt. scribble on, put large marks on. Mungnga makaki' i pappet‑mu. Do not put large marks on your paper. Tåya' guaha achuka' ha kaki' i patgun i lepblu. It's okay for the child to scribble on the book.

kakkak n. type of bird: least bittern. ixobrychus sinensis. Dispåsiu mamokkat i kakkak. The least bittern walks slowly. Håfa na kalan kakkak håo ni masuksok‑mu? Why are you like a least bittern in your thinness?

kåkkåo n. cacao, cocoa; a South American tree of the chocolate family. Hu tåla' i kakkåo gi semnak. I dried the cacao beans in the sun. Gumimin yu' kåkkåo. I drank cacao. Manånum yu' trongkun kåkkåo. I planted a cacao tree. From: Sp. cacao.

kakku' n. looks, appearance, posture, position (Saipan). Ti ya‑hu kakkoko'‑ña ennåo na tåotåo. I don't like the way that person moves around. Håfa na kakku' chinina ya‑mu? What dress style do you like? Na'måolik kakko'‑mu gi iskuela. Make your appearance look good at school. From: Jp. kakkou.

kaknu' n. eater, glutton, one with a craving for a particular food, one who snitches or eats another person's food. Kaknu' håo fruta. You are a fruit eater. Kaknu' yu' chandiha. I am a watermelon eater. Kaknu' si Jose gollai. Jose is a vegetable eater. Derived from kånnu' by reduplication and syncope.

kåksaka n. stupid idiot (expletive; very derogatory). Kåksaka, båsta kumuentus. You idiot, stop talking. Ai na kinaksakan tåotåo atyu i yumulang esti na chålan. What a stupid idiot that guy is who ruined this road. From: Eng. cocksucker.

kakti n. crybaby, one who cries at slight provocation. Kakti ennåo na neni. That baby likes to cry. Mungnga na un kakti gi iskuela. Don't be a crybaby at school. Derived from kåti by reduplication and syncope.

kaku vt. touch gently, rub one's hand softly on. Ya‑ña mangaku si Maria. Maria likes to move her hand gently on people. Sigi ya un kaku i neni. Go and rub your hand softly on the baby. Ant: ka'guas.

kala'u adj. messy, unkempt (of hair); untidy, disheveled, bedraggled, (of clothes). Kala'u i gaputilu‑mu. Your hair is messy. Kala'u pusision‑mu. You look messy. I manglu' ha na'fangala'u i gapitulun i famagu'un. The wind messed up the children's hair. See: makalehlu.

kalabåsa n. long squash. Mamåhan yu' kalabåsa gi tenda. I bought a long squash at the store. Ya‑hu chumotchu kalabåsa. I like to eat long squash. Månngi' makåddu' kalabåsa yan månnuk. Kalabasa soup with chicken is delicious. See: kundót. From: Sp. calabaza.

kalabera n. skeleton, skull, bones. Siña i kalabera mafa'haguit. The skeleton can be used for fishing hooks. I Chapanis ha chuli' i kalaberan i sindålun‑ñiha ginin Mariånas para guatu Hapon. The Japanese removed the bones of their soldiers from the Marianas and sent them to Japan. Guaha kalabera gi halum liyang. There are skeletons in the caves. From: Sp. calavera.

kalabista n. binoculars. Usa kalabista yanggin para un li'i' måolik i batku gi tasi. Use the binoculars to see the ship at sea. Chågu' mampus lini'e'‑ña ni paluma, sa' ha na'åtlibis i kalabista. The bird appeared very distant to him, because he reversed the binoculars. Variant: lagabista, latgabista.

kalabosu n. jail, prison. Machocho'chu' yu' gi kalabosu. I am working at the jail. From: Sp. calabozo.

vt. imprison. Kalabosu si Juan, sa' åguaguat. Put Juan in jail, because he's naughty. Ti ya‑hu na un makalabosu. I don't like you to go to jail. Syn: presu.

kalachucha n. type of plant: plumeria. plumeria obtusifolia. Påopåo i kalachucha. The plumeria smells good. Matungu' lokkui' i kalachucha kumu floris måyu. Plumeria is also known as floris måyu. Difirentis kulot esti i kalachucha. Plumeria comes in different colors. Syn: floris måyu.

kálaguak n. 1) ribs, side portion of the body from hip bone to armpit. Kumåti si Justo annai pinatik kalaguak‑ña as Jose. Justo cried when Jose kicked his ribs. Pumuti kalaguak‑ku annai hu na'bibu yu' mamokkat. My ribs started to hurt when I walked very fast. Annai aksidenti si Robert, måhluk kalaguak‑ña. When Robert got into an accident, he broke his ribs. 2) planking, part of the sakman. See: tollai. Variant: kálaguat.

kálaguat n. ribs, side portion of the body from hip bone to armpit. Hinatmi månglu' i kalaguat Vicente. Vicente's side by his ribs had some air pockets. Inetchu' kalaguat‑ña si Estefania ni ramas håyu. A branch poked Estefania's ribs. Manmafa'nå'gui i famagu'un para u fanma'å'ñåo ni masongsung i kalaguat plantåsma. The children were taught to be scared of the monster with plugged up ribs. Variant: kálaguak.

kalåhi n. huge helmet-shaped pot, vat used for cooking or mixing liquids in large quantities, huge wok. Hu chuda' gi edda' i hanum ni gaigi gi kalåhi. I spilled the water that was in the huge pot on the dirt. Hu fa'gåsi i kalåhi. I washed the huge pot. Libiånu mana'lågu bula na nengkanu' gi kalåhi para fandånggu. It is easy to cook large quantities of food in the large pot for weddings. Variant: kalai.

kalakas adj. very dirty, yucky. Chuda' i kuchinu na hånum, sa' kalakas. Spill the dirty water, because it's yucky.

intj. yuck! (expression of distaste or revulsion). Kalakas, applacha' ennåo. Yuck! That's dirty. Kalakas, milalak i mikos‑mu. Yuck! Your mucus is dripping.

kalåktus adj. 1) sharp. Kåo kalåktus i se'si'? Is the knife sharp? Guåsa' i machetti, sa' ti kalåktus. Sharpen the machete, because it is not sharp.

2. sharp, keen, acute (in mind). Kalåktus ilu‑ña esti na påtgun. This child has a sharp mind. Variant: malåktus.

kalakun adj. dirty, filthy, unclean. Machachatgi si Glen, sa' mampus kalakun i gui'eng‑ña. Glen is being laughed at, because his nose is dirty. Kalakun kumeke'ilek‑ña applacha', ti gåsgas, o sino kutchinu. Kalakun means dirty, filthy, or unclean. I! Måssa' yu' nu ennåo, sa' kalakun. Yikes! I am put off by that, because it is dirty. Variant: kalakas.

kalamái n. sweetened corn pudding made with corn flour, coconut milk, and sweetener; coconut gelatin. Chumotchu yu' kalamai. I ate corn pudding. Maguf yu' sa' kada mama'tinas yu' kalamai, malalatchai ni famagu'un. I am happy, because every time I make corn pudding, the children eat it up. Månngi' i kalamai, parehu ha' maipi pat manenghing. The corn pudding is good whether it is warm or cold.

kalamansi n. type of plant: calamondin, a citrus-kumquat hybrid widely cultivated in the Philippines. Citrofortunella microcarpa. Månngi' malimunåda i kalamansi. Kalamansi is delicious to make lemonade from. I kalamansi na trongku bula tinekchåcha'‑ña gi sakkan. The kalamansi tree produces a lot of fruit throughout the year. Ti dångkulu tinekchå'‑ña esti i kalamansi. The fruit of the kalamansi tree is not large.

kalamasa n. type of plant: gourd, pumpkin, squash. cucurbita moschata, legenaria siceraria. Hu tånum i kalamasa. I planted the pumpkin. Siña mabuñelus pat mabuchibuchi i kalamasa. It is possible to make doughnuts or fritters out of pumpkin. Månngi' yanggin mana'lågu esti i puntan kalamasa ya maletchin niyuk. When pumpkin tips are cooked with coconut milk, it is delicious. From: Sp. calabaza.

kalamelu n. caramel. Mamåhan yu' kalamelu gi tenda. I bought caramel at the store. Mamis i kalamelu. The caramel is sweet. Anai dikiki' yu', gef ya‑hu atyu na kalamelun gai gandu. When I was little, I loved the caramel that had a toy in the box. From: Sp. caramelo.

kalamendu' n. type of plant: tamarind. tamarindus indica. Ma tånum i kalamendu' gi lanchu. They planted the tamarind at the farm. Ma'aksum esti i kalamendu'. The tamarind is sour. Dångkulu esti i trongkun kalamendu'. The tamarind tree is big. Variant: kamalendu.

kalåmli adj. cramped, convulsed, having spasms. Kada malågu yu', kalåmli addeng‑hu. Every time I run, my feet are cramped. Mungnga muñangu gi tasi insigidas dispues di chumotchu håo, sa' siña ha' kalåmli håo. Don't swim in the water right after eating, because most likely you will have cramps.

kalammuk vt. swallow (something) whole or speedily, quickly, abruptly. Sumen ñalang yu', ya anai hu sodda' i buñelus dågu, duru hu kalammuk. I was starving so much that when I found the yam doughnut, I gobbled it. Syn: mañut trosu, pañut gotpi. Variant: kalamut.

kalamtin vi. start motion, set to action, move. Na'kalamtin fan i kannai‑mu. Could you move your hand? Si Juan ha na'kalamtin i karetå‑ña anai para u hånåo para i iskuela. Juan started his car to go to school. Guaha kalalamtim gi halum esti i kahita. There's something moving around inside this box.

kalamut vt. gulp (something), swallow (something) whole. Kalamut i na'‑mu. Gulp your food. Ti ya‑hu na bai kalamut i nengkanu'. I don't like to gulp my food. Cha'‑mu na un kalamut i chingam. Don't swallow the gum. Variant: kala mokmuk, kalammuk.

kalan adv. like, sort of, as if, seems to be. Kalan para u påkyu esti ottimon‑ña na månglu'. This wind seems like it may end up being a typhoon. Variant: kalang, kulang, kulan.

kalang1 vt. hang, lean on. Cha'‑mu na un kalang håo gi siya. Don't lean on the chair. Bai kalang yu' giya hågu. I will hang myself on you. Ha kalang i tihong‑ña gi ganchu. He hung his hat on the hook.

kalang2 adv. like, sort of, as if, seems to be. Kalang si nanå‑ña esti na påtgun. This child is like her mother. Variant: kalan, kulang, kulan.

kalangkångi vt. sprinkle (something) with (something). Kalangkångi i guihan ni asiga. Sprinkle the fish with salt. Si nåna ha kalangkångi i gellai ni petbus åhus. Mother sprinkled the vegetables with garlic powder. Mungnga makalangkångi i katni bula na asiga, sa' u fa'it. Don't sprinkle the meat with too much salt, because it will be so salty. Variant: kalangkani.

kálangki' n. little toe, little finger, pinky. Makaka i kalangki' addeng‑hu. My little toe is itchy. Chinigit kalangki' addeng‑hu nai petta. My little toes got hit with the door. Yanggin atdit i daibitis gi taotåo, guaha na biåhi na debi u ma'utut i kalangki' adding. When diabetes gets bad, sometimes one of the little toes must be amputated. Ya‑hu pusision‑ña i kalangke'‑hu. I like the way my little finger looks. I kalangki' mås kadada' na kålulut. The shortest finger is the pinky. Mambula i kalangke'‑hu. My pinky is swollen. Syn: kálili'.

kalaskas vi. rattle, make a crackling sound (of dry leaves), rustle, make noise. Bula hågun mangalalaskas gi chalan gi lanchu. There are a lot of rustling leaves on the road at the farm. Mungnga mana'kalaskas i pappit. Don't make the paper rustle. Guaha kalalaskas gi halum tangkin basula. There's something making noise inside the garbage can.

kalattun adj. rough (in surface), uneven (in surface), not smooth. Kalattun esti na se'si' mañåchak. This knife cuts roughly. Mangalattun i kannai‑hu. My hands are rough. Mampus kalattun i lassas babui. The skin of the pig is very rough.

kaleru n. container for lime used for mixing with betel nut. Tåya' esta åfuk gi kaleru‑hu. There's no more lime in my lime container. Dångkulu i kaleru‑hu. My lime container is big. Sessu hu chuli' i kaleru‑hu yan i puguå'‑hu. I often take my lime container and my betel nut. From: Sp. calero.

kalesa n. carriage, buggy, cart. Hu chonnik i kalesa gi halum tenda. I pushed the cart in the store. I kabåyu ha hålla i kalesa. The horse pulled the carriage. Hu sahguan i fektus gi kalesan i tenda. I put the merchandise in the store's cart. From: Sp. calesa.

kalili n. ukulele. I tunådan i kalili gef bunitu. The tune of the ukelele is very nice. Guaha si Bryce John kalile'‑ña. Bryce John has a ukelele. Esti na kalili guaguanña ki un gitåla. This ukelele is more expensive than a guitar. From: Sp. or Eng.

kálili' n. 1) little finger. Variant: kálangki'. 2) petiole, stem of a leaf. Hu huluk i kalili'. I broke off the stem of a leaf. Hu usa ennåo na kalili' para åmut. I used that stem of a leaf for medicine. Guaha påo‑ña ennåo na kalili'. That stem of a leaf has a smell.

Kålin name. nickname for Candido. Para u hånåo si Kalin para i tenda. Candido is going to the store. Bunitu i karetan Kalin. Candido's car looks nice. Kalin, gimin esti. Candido, drink this.

kalindåriu n. calendar. Hu po'lu i kalindåriu gi hilu' lamasa‑hu. I put the calendar on my desk. Manbunitu i litråtu siha gi kalindåriu. The pictures on the calendar are beautiful. Bula na kalindåriun tåotåo Pasifiku guaha tressi mesis gi sakkan. In many Pacific island native calendars, there are thirteen months in a year. From: Sp. calendario.

kalintura n. fever. Kumahulu' kalinturå‑ña i neni. The baby's fever went up. Mana'såga yu' gi espitåt, sa' tatkilu' kalinturå‑hu. They made me stay at the hospital, because my fever was high.

adj. feverish, have a fever. Hu chuli' i Tylenol, sa' kalintura yu'. I took the Tylenol, because I had a fever. Mungnga humånåo para i iskuela yanggin kalintura håo. Don't go to school if you have fever. From: Sp. calentura.

kaling n. ornament. Manbunitu i kaling gi trongku Krimas. The ornaments on the Christmas tree are beautiful. Tai parehu i kaling gi kada trongku. The ornaments are unique on each tree. Bula yan lamlam kaleng‑ña si Kita. Kita has a lot of shiny ornaments on herself.

vt. dress up, adorn (oneself), make attractive. Kumu ha kaling gui' si Dung, pues kumeke'ilek‑ña na guaha palåo'an para ali'e'‑ña ta'lu. If Dung dresses up, then it means that he will be seeing a girl again. Gof ya‑ña si Nena kumaling gui' maseha ti umo'o'mak gui' trabiha. Nena likes to adorn herself even if she has not showered yet. Kana' ti hu ripåra si Juana, sa' ha kaling måolik gui' gi paingi. I almost did not recognize Juana, because she really dressed up last night.

kålis n. chalice. Dångkulu i kalis Guma' Yu'us San Francisco De Borja. The chalice of the San Francisco De Borja Church is big. Kulot oru i kalis. The chalice is golden in color. Ma po'lu i hostia gi kalis. They put the host in the chalice. From: Sp. cáliz.

kallu adj. 1) loose, not tight. Esta kallu i nifen‑hu. My tooth is already loose. Gof adahi, sa' kallu i aniyu‑mu. Be careful, because your ring is loose. Kallu i tutniyu. The screw is loose. 2) loose (of mind), absent-minded. Kallu esta i titanos‑su, sa' sessu yu' maleffa. I am already absent-minded, because I am often forgetful. Esta kallu i tutniyu‑ña. Her mind is already not all there.

kålulut n. 1) finger (generic). Anåkku' kalulot‑tu. My fingers are long. Bunitu kalulot‑ña i palåo'an, sa' mapenta papakes‑ña. The lady's fingers are beautiful, because her fingernails are painted. 2) legs (of crab). Hu na'lågu i kalulut ayuyu. I cooked the legs of the coconut crab.

kålulut adding n. toe, toes. Poddung i mattiyu ya ha danchi kalulut addeng‑hu. The hammer fell and it hit my toes. Ma'utut si Juan dos na kalulut addeng‑ña. Two of Juan’s toes were amputated. Påguan i kalulut adding Tåta, sa' nina'yi satbayonis. Dad's toes smell, because they are infected with fungus.

kålulut dåma'gas n. big toe. Manrikokohi chugu' i kalulut dama'gås‑su. My big toe is infected and it is collecting pus. Poddung i mattiyu gi kalulut dama'gås‑su. The hammer fell on my big toe. Chinachak kalulut dama'gås‑su nai chachak. My big toe got cut with the saw.

kålulut talu' n. middle finger. Hu na'li'i' i taotåo nu i kalulut talu'. I showed the guy the middle finger. Hu aksidenti chumåchak i kalulut talu' Juan. I accidentally cut John's middle finger.

kåma n. bed, cot, bedstead, resting place, sleeping place. Hu arekla i kaman‑måmi. I fixed our beds. Applacha' i sagan kåma. The resting place is dirty.

adj. bedridden, confined to bed while sick. Kumåma yu' annai kumalentura yu'. I was bedridden when I had fever. From: Sp. cama.

káma'gas adj. high-ranking, having a high position. Kama'gas esta si Juan gi chi'cho'‑ña. Juan is already in a high position at work. Mankama'gas esti siha na tåotåo i para u fanmanbisita. The people coming to visit have high positions. Håyi kama'gas guini? Who has a high position here?

kamachili n. type of plant with edible fruit, either green or red. pithecellobium dulce. Dångkulu i trongkun kamachili. The kamachili tree is big. Esta tiempun kamachili. It's kamachili season. Åmut lokkui' esti i trongkun kamachili. The kamachili tree is also a medicinal plant. From: Sp. camachile.

kåmalin n. hut. Guaha un dångkulu na kåmalin gi lanchun Tun Jose. Uncle Joe has a big hut at his farm. Si tåta ha po'lu siha i ramentån‑ña gi kamalin. Dad put his tools in the hut. Gaigi i boti gi kamalin. The boat is in the hut. From: Sp. camarín.

kamaroti n. attic, place above the ceiling. Dångkulu i kamarotin‑måmi. Our attic is big. Hu sodda' un dångkulu na kahita gi kamaroti. I found a big box in the attic. From: Sp. camarote.

kameyu n. camel, dromedary. Siña i kameyu humånåo chågu' na lugåt sin gumimin hånum. The camel can travel to a far place without drinking water. Tåya' kameyu guini. There is no camel here. Manma'udai gi kameyu i famagu'un. The children rode on the camel. From: Sp. camello.

kåmias n. sour fruit, tree of sour fruit, pickle tree. Averrhoa bilimbi. Manchechettun i tinekcha' i kamias gi trongku. The fruits of the kamias tree hang from the tree trunk. Månngi' makåtdu i kamias yan guihan. Soup made with kåmias and fish is delicious. I mandikiki' na kåmias mås påska makoko'. The sour fruit that is very young is the best for pickling.

kåmiks n. comics, cartoon, comic strip. Gof ya‑hu manaitai kåmiks. I really like reading comics. Sessu hu oda X‑Men na kåmiks. I often order X-Men Comics. Guaha siha na kåmiks manmabebendi gi tenda. There are some comics being sold at the store. From: Eng. comics.

kamina n. journey. Chågu' na kamina para bai hanåogui. I am going on a long journey. From: Sp. camina.

kamisita n. 1) half-slip. Ti bula esta muna'sesetbi i kamasita. Not many people wear half-slips these days. I manåmku' åntis yan‑ñiha muna'setbi i kamasita. The elders in the past liked to wear half-slips. 2) baby's undershirt. Hu fa'tinåsi i neni kamisitå‑ña. I made an undershirt for the baby. Hu chuli'i i neni difirentis na kamisita. I got the baby different kinds of undershirt. From: Sp. camiseta.

kamisola n. petticoat, underskirt, slip, long camisole. Usa i kamisolå‑mu. Use your petticoat. Å'paka' i kamisola. The slip is white. Matitik i kamisolå‑hu. My underskirt tore. From: Sp. camisola.

kåmma' n. sickle. Malåktus na kåmma'. It is a sharp sickle. Kuåntu presiu‑ña i kamma'? How much is the sickle?

vt. cut (something) with a sickle. Kåmma' i pigua'. Cut the betenut with the sickle. Mungnga makåmma' i floris. Don't cut the flowers with the sickle.

kåmpai' intj. bottoms up; an exclamation pledging health while drinking.

vi. toast (in drinking). Ta kampai' nu i gimen‑ta. Let's toast with our drink. Bai kampai' gi sagan gumimin. I will toast with my drink at the bar. From: Jp. kampai.

kampåna n. bell. Madandan i kampåna. The bell was rung. Hongga i kampåna giya Kristo Rai na gima' yu'us gi Garapan. The Kristo Rai Church bell could be heard in Garapan. From: Sp. campana.

kampaniya n. small bell. Guaha kampaniya gi iskuela. There is a small bell at school. Ti a'gang i kampaniya. The small bell is not loud. Ma po'lu i kampaniya gi chiba. They put a small bell on the goat. From: Sp. campanilla.

kampañeru n. bell ringer, one who rings the bell. Listu i kampañeru para u dandan i kampåna. The bell ringer is ready to ring the bell. Ti madandan i kampåna, sa' tåya' kampañeru. The bell did not ring, because there was no bell ringer. From: Sp. campanero.

kåmpu n. space, room, area in which to work or stay. Na'guaha kåmpu gi kuåttu para i lamasa. Make space at the room for the table. Bula kåmpu gi klas para un fatå'chung. There is a lot of space in the classroom for you to sit. Ti mikampu i santattin gumå'‑hu. The back of my house isn't spacious. From: Sp. campo.

kamtin adj. restless, active in mischievous way, not keeping still. Kamtin mampus si Juan na påtgun. Juan is a restless child. Mungnga na un kamtin gi iskuela. Don't be restless at school. Månngi' mapulan esti na neni, sa' ti kamtin. It's enjoyable to watch this baby, because she doesn't move around much.

kamuti n. type of plant: sweet potato. ipomoea batatas. I kamuti guaha difirentis kulot‑ña. Sweet potatoes have different colors. Hu na'lågu i kamuti. I cooked the sweet potato. Måolik para i tatåotåo i taotåo esti na kamuti. The sweet potato is good for the body.

kåmyu n. coconut grater. Guaha tres na mannuebu na kåmyu gi gima'. There are three new coconut graters at the house.

vt. grate (coconut). Bai kåmyu i niyuk. I will grate the coconut. Si Juan para u kåmyu i niyuk. Juan will grate the coconut.

kana'1 vt. hang, hang up, suspend. Kana' hulu' i magagu‑mu gi tali. Hang your clothes on the line. Bai kana' i katni gi fanalå'an. I will hang the meat on the meat drier.

adj. sagging, saggy. Kana' i talanga‑mu. Your ear lobe is saggy. An åmku' håo, guaha na lassås‑mu mankana'. When you're old, some parts of your skin sag.

kana'2 adv. almost, nearly. Kana' ha' yu' poddung gi siya nigap. I almost fell down from the chair yesterday. Kana' ha' kumåti si Peter annai ti måolik gradu‑ña gi tes. Peter almost cried when his test grade was not good. Kana' ha' esta ti hu tungu' håfa para bai hu sångan, anai ma faisin yu' put hågu. I almost didn't know what to say when they asked me about you.

kana'fístula n. type of tree: golden shower. cassia fistula. Manånum yu' kana'fistula na floris. I planted a golden shower tree. Guaha siha kana'fistula gi kantun chålan. There are some golden shower trees along the road. Åmut lokkui' esti i trongkun kana'fistula. The golden shower tree is also medicinal.

Kanadan Makpo' name. place name in Tinian (Marpo Valley). Unus kuåntus Chinu mangguågualu' gi Kanadan Makpo'. A few Chinese are farming at Kanadan Makpo'. Gaigi i Kanadan Makpo' gi papa' i Puntan Raion. Kanadan Makpo' is right below Rion Point. Bula månnuk fresku gi Kanadan Makpo'. There are lots of local wild chickens at Kanadan Makpo'.

kanåriu n. canary. Bunitu kantån‑ña i kanåriu. The canary sings beautifully. Bula kanåriu giya Luta. There are a lot of canaries on Rota. Mama'chemchum i kanåriu gi trongkun mångga. The canary makes its nest in the mango tree. From: Sp. canario.

kanåstra n. basket. Mama'tinas yu' kanåstra ginin i hagun niyuk. I made a basket from the coconut leaf. Ya‑hu esti na kanåstran nengkanu'. I like this food basket. Po'lu i magågu siha gi kanåstra. Put the clothes in the basket. From: Sp. canastro.

kandålu n. lock. Dikiki' esti na kandålu. This is a small lock. Tåya' kandalu‑ña esti na potta. This door doesn't have a lock. From: Sp. candado.

vt. lock (something), fasten (with a lock). Bai kandålu i petta. I will lock the door. Kandålu i petta ya mungnga na u hålum i katu. Lock the door so that the cat doesn't come in.

kandi n. candy. Bula kandi gi tenda. There's a lot of candy at the store. Mamåhan yu' kandi nigap. I bought candy yesterday. Ya‑hu esti na klåsin kandi. I like this kind of candy. From: Eng. candy.

kandidåtu n. candidate; nominee. Guaha tres na kandidåtun mañaina para i presidentin PTA. There are three parent nominees for the PTA president. Ya‑hu si Simeon na kandidåtu. I like Simeon as a candidate. Kandidåtu si Lou para i STUCO gi iskuela. Lou is a candidate for STUCO at school. From: Sp. candidato.

kandileru n. candle holder. Tåya' kandileru gi tenda. There is no candle holder at the store. Poddung ya mayamak i kandileru. The candle holder fell and broke. Na'gåsgas i kandileru. Clean the gold candle holder. From: Sp. candilero.

kåndit n. 1) light, lamp, flashlight, kerosene lamp. Put fabot chuli' esti na kåndit. Please take this light. Ti malagu' kalamtin esti na kåndit. This lamp cannot work. 2) electricity. Tåya' kåndit gi gima'. There's no electricity at the house.

kanifis adj. thin, flimsy, sheer. Kanifis i sabanas. The blanket is thin. Mampus kanifis esti na påppit. This paper is too thin. Guaha na lalangita kanifis lassås‑ña, guaha potput lassås‑ña. Some tangerines have thin skins, and some have thick skins.

kånilu n. horn. Kalaktus i kanilun i toru. The bull's horns are sharp.

kaniya n. shin. Malåssas i kaniyå‑hu annai poddung yu'. My shin got scratched when I fell. Puti i kaniyå‑hu. My shin hurts. From: Sp. canilla.

kanna' adv. nearly, almost. Kanna' manhånåo hit, sa' ti ta chuli' i yabin kareta. How can we go, because we haven't taken the car key.

kånnai n. 1) hand, arm (up to shoulder). Håtsa kannai‑mu. Raise your hand. Applacha' i kannai Mike. Mike's hand is dirty. 2) hand (of clock or watch). I kadada' na kånnai gi lilos ha tatanchu' i ora. The short hand of the watch points to the hour.

kånnat n. ditch, trench, pit, canal, channel. Poddung i kareta gi kannat. The car fell in the ditch. Losgun i addeng‑hu gi kannat. My foot slipped into the pit. Guaha milak gi unu na kånnat. There's a stream in the channel. From: Sp. canal.

Kannat Tåddung name. place name on Tinian. Bula manpepeska ayuyu gi Kannat Tåddung. There is a lot of hunting for cocounut crabs at Kannat Taddung. Duråntin tiempun uchan, dimasiåo barångka i halum tånu' gi Kannat Tåddung ya guaha na ti siña mahåtmi. During the wet season, the jungle at Kannat Taddung becomes dense and oftentimes difficult to access. Bula tinanum ni siña makånnu' gi Kannat Tåddung. There are lots of edible plants at Kannat Taddung.

kånnu' vt. eat, consume, devour. Kånnu' i na'‑mu. Eat your food. Bai kånnu' esti na nengkanu'. I will eat this food. Bula na nengkanu' hu kånnu'. I ate a lot of food. See: chotchu.

kannu'un n. 1) type of coconut that can be eaten from inside to outside when young. 2) pandanus that bears sweet fruits.

adj. edible, fit to be eaten. Kannu'un esti na niyuk. This coconut is edible. Kannu'un i kahit esta. The orange is fit to be eaten. Variant: kanu'un.

kanoha1 n. 1) trough for pig's food, feeding place for pigs. Po'lu i na' babui gi kanoha. Put the pig's food in the trough. Applacha' esti na kanoha. This trough is dirty. 2) large water container. Machuchuda' i hanum gi kanoha. The water is overflowing from the large container. Manggigimin i guaka gi kanoha. The cattle are drinking from the large water container. From: Sp. canoa.

kanóniku n. register book, record book maintained by the church that has important data on birthdates, etc. Gaigi i na'ån‑hu gi kanoniku. My name is in the church's record book. Bula na nå'an manggaigi gi kanoniku gi as Påli'. There are a lot of names in the record book at the refectory. From: Sp. canónico.

adj. 1) tired, exhausted, worn out. Mampus yu' kansådu. I am very tired. Gof kansådu yu'. I am very tired. Si Juan matå'chung, sa' esta kansådu gui'. Juan sat, because he is really exhausted. Syn: yayas. 2) barren, infertile (esp. of land). Tåya' si Dee famagu'on‑ña, sa' kansådu gui'. Dee has no children, because she is barren. From: Sp. cansado.

kansela vt. cancel. Bai hu kansela i miting esta agupa'. I will cancel the meeting until tomorrow. Kansela i miting, sa' taigui si Rebecca. Cancel the meeting, because Rebecca is not here. Esta tres biåhi esti na miting makansela. This meeting has been canceled three times. From: Sp. cancela.

kånsit n. cancer. Esta guaha dididi' rimediu para i mannina'yi nu i kansit. There is some remedy for those with cancer. I kansit higadu mannina'yi i sessu manggimin atkohot. Liver cancer is prevalent among those who often drink alcohol. Gai kansit si Fulånu. So-and-so has cancer.

adj. have cancer. I chipa muna'kånsit si Jose. Smoking caused Jose's cancer. From: Sp. or Eng.

kansunsiyu n. underwear (for men or boys), briefs. Manistrena nuebu na kansunsiyu si Jose. Jose has new underwear. Ti påyun si Juan kinasunsiyu, sa' ilek‑ña na mampus maipi. Juan is not used to wearing underwear, because he said it is too hot. Manmatåtala' i kansunsiyu siha gi tali. The men's underwear are being dried on the line. Variant: katsinsiyu, katsunsiyu. From: Sp. calzoncillos.

kånta n. song. Ya‑hu esti na lepblun kånta. I like this song book. Bunita kantåm‑mu. Your song is beautiful.

vi. sing. Put fabot kånta. Please sing. Bai kånta gi giput. I will sing at the party. From: Sp. canta.

kantåda adj. performed or celebrated by songs, as in high mass. Bula tåotåo umatendi i misan kantåda gi Gima'Yu'us Katridåt gi anai gaigi i bottun Fatima. Many people attended the high mass when the statue of Fatima was here. Manhånåo siha para i silebrasion kantåda gi kulehu. They went to the celebration of the high mass for the college. From: Sp. cantada.

kåntan Chamorrita n. traditional Chamorro song involving call-and-response. Ekkunguk i kantan Chamorrita. Listen to the Chamorrita song. Ya‑hu i kantan Chamorrita, sa' mana'ayotti. I like the Chamorrita song, because they exchange verses. Åntis na tiempu i kantan Chamorrita mampus masilelebra ni taotåo. In the old days Chamorrita singing was much celebrated by the people.

kantang adj. easy, simple. Na'kantang fan i tinige'‑mu. Would you please write in a simple way? Gotdin kantang i tali gi uriyan i trongku. Make a simple tie of the rope around the tree. From: Jp.

kåntaru n. large round can, such as a 50-gallon can or oil drum. Poddung i kantaru gi kareta. The large round can fell from the car. Mutung i kantaru, sa' guaha måtai chå'ka. The large round can smells stinky, because there's a dead rat. Mapo'lu i basula gi halum i kantaru. Trash is put inside the drum. From: Sp. cántaro.

kantidå adj. many, lots of, plenty. Kantidå na floris gi hatdin. There are many flowers in the garden. Kantidå na guaka gi lanchu. There are a lot of cows at the farm. Mamåhan yu' kantidå na fruta para i giput. I bought lots of fruits for the party. From: Sp. cantidad.

kantít n. cliff, bluff. Poddung i kareta gi kantit. The car fell off the cliff. Guaha kantit giya Luta. There is a cliff on Rota. Manggaigi i chiba gi kantit. The goats are on the cliff. Syn: padirón. See: ladera. From: Sp. cantil.

kantora n. 1) choir. Sumåonåo si Maria gi kantora para i matai. Maria joined the choir for the church funeral service. Håyi siha mañåonåo gi kantora para i misa? Who were the ones that joined the choir for the mass? Si Nicolasa i manihåntin i kantora siha. Nicolasa is the manager of the choir. 2) singer (female). Kantora si Bågo' gi Guma' Yu'us. Bago' is a singer at the church. From: Sp. cantora.

kantoris n. choir, chorus. Mangåkanta i kantoris gi Gima' Yu'us. The choir is singing at the church. Bunita kantun‑ñiha i kantoris. The choir's songs are beautiful. Esta munhåyan i kantoris mangånta. The choir has finished singing. Syn: koru. From: Sp. cantores.

kantót n. singer (male). Mana'gangña i kantót kinu i kantora siha. The male vocalists are louder than the female vocalists. Bunitu kantån‑ña esti na kantot. This singer has beautiful songs. Umatya i gitåla yan i kantót gi giput nigap. The singer and the guitar went together well at the party yesterday. From: Sp. cantor.

kåntu n. edge, border. Mungnga matå'chung gi kantu gi kareta. Don't sit at the edge of the car. Tohgi gi kantu ya un nangga yu'. Stand at the edge and wait for me. Na'latathalum ennåo na båsu, sa' gaigi gi kantun lamasa. Move that glass further in, because it's at the edge of the table. From: Sp. canto.

kåntun tåsi n. seashore, beach. Manhugågandu i famagu'un gi kantun tåsi. The children are playing at the beach. Ti dångkulu kantun tasi‑ña esti na lugåt. This place doesn't have a large beach. Mañochotchu i dulili gi kantun tåsi. The sandpipers are eating on the shore. See: chepchup tåsi, chepchup unai.

kanu'un n. 1) type of coconut whose husk can be eaten when young, sweet edible coconut. Måmfi' si Roman månhan kanu'un. Roman harvested sweet coconuts. Manånum yu' haiguin kanu'un gi lanchun‑måmi. I planted sweet coconut seedlings at our farm. 2) type of pandanus that bears sweet fruits. Ya‑ña i fanihi kanu'un. The fruitbat likes sweet pandanus fruit.

adj. edible, fit to be eaten. Esti na donni' kanu'un. This hot pepper is edible. Ti kanu'un esti na nengkanu', sa' mampus fa'it. This food is not edible, because it's too salty. Variant: kannu'un.

kanyashi' n. hairpin, also game using hairpins. Poddung i kanyashi gi gaputulu‑hu anai matomba yu'. The hairpin came off my hair when I fell. Åntis sessu manhugåndun kanyashi' ham. In the past we used to play the hairpin game. Variant: kányasi'.

kányasi' n. hairpin, bobby pin. Mamåhan yu' kanyasi'. I bought bobby pins. Manhugåndu yan i kanyasi'. They played with the bobby pins. Ya‑ña i patgun palåo'an muna'setbi kanyasi' gi gaputilu‑ña. The little girl likes to wear bobby pins in her hair. From: Jp.

kañåda n. valley. Fresku i manglu' gi kañåda. The breeze in the valley is cool. Guaha kapiya gi kañåda. There's a chapel in the valley. Manånum si Nang kangkung gi kañåda gi fihun i milak. Mom planted water spinach in the valley near the stream. From: Sp. cañada.

kanggrena n. gangrene. I kanggrena piligru, sa' siña ha' pininu' håo. Gangrene is dangerous, because it can kill you.

adj. infected with gangrene. Kanggrena addeng‑ña anai diniluk luluk, sa' ti ma'åmti. His foot was infected with gangrene when he stepped on a nail, because it wasn't treated. Ma'utut si Andres addeng‑ña, sa' esta ha' kanggrena. Andres' foot was amputated, because it was already infected with gangrene. From: Sp. gangrena.

kånghilu n. horn (of animal), antler. Ya‑ña si Juan para u adotnu gi halum guma' i kanghilun binådu. Juan likes to decorate his house with deer antlers. Ha låsu si Jesus i guaka gi kanghilu låo malaknus ya malågu. Jesus lassoed the bull by the horns but it got loose and ran away. Piligru i guaka pat chiba yanggin akadiduk i kanghilun‑ñiha. Cattle or goats are dangerous when they have a sharp horn. Variant: kånilu.

kangkang n. fluffy, stiff skirt with wide open bottom. Åntis na tiempu, i famalåo'an yan‑ñiha umusa i kangkang na iskatu'. The women before liked to wear fluffy stiff skirts. Ha u'usa si Denang i kangkang para i giput gi paingi. Denang was wearing a fluffy stiff skirt to the party last night. Ha fahåni yu' si nanå‑hu kangkang‑hu gi as Joeten. My mother bought me a fluffy stiff skirt at Joeten. From: Sp. cancán.

kångkiri' n. can opener. Dikiki' ennåo na kångkiri'. That is a small can opener. Hu na'setbi i kangkiri' para bai hu baba i latan satdinas. I used the can opener to open the can of sardines. Sessu hu usa i se'si' sa' tåya' kångkiri' gi gima'. I often use a knife, because there's no can opener at the house. From: Jp. kankiri.

kangkung n. type of plant: kangkung, water spinach. ipomoea aquatica. Kulot betdi i kangkung. The kangkung is green. Lå'la' esti na kangkung. This kangkung plant is alive. Kånnu' i kangkung, sa' måolik para hågu. Eat the kangkung, because it's good for you.

kangtang adj. simple, not complex. Ya‑hu i kangtang na magågu. I like simple outfits. Kangtang magagu‑ña si Maria. Maria's clothes are simple. Kangtang esti na lanchu lanchun‑måmi. Our farmhouse is simple.

kåo1 cnj. 1) marks yes-no questions. Kåo umalii' hamyu yan i mediku? Did you meet with the doctor? Kåo para un hånåo para Saipan agupa'? Are you going to Saipan tomorrow? Håfa kåo kakaiha håo ha'? What, are you still taking a long time? 2) whether, if. Kunsisti gi as nanå‑hu kåo bai hu fåttu pat åhi'. It depends on my mother whether I will come or not. Atan i listan pasaheru kåo humånåo håo gi esti na hinanåo båtkun airi. Check the passengers list to see if you are going to go on this flight.

kåo2 n. bean stake. Mana'fanagåodi i friholis yan i abuchuelas gi kao. The string beans and the green beans were crossed over on the bean stake.

kåohåo n. storage chest, box, esp. for safekeeping of possessions. Ha nå'na' si Nåna i salåppi' gi fondun i kaohåo. Mother hid the money at the bottom of the chest. Ti måolik na bisiu i manbaban kåohåo yanggin esta puengi. It's not a good habit to open storage chests when it's already night. Åntis na tiempu ma'u'usa i kaohåo para u masahguan i trastis i nobia yanggin para u ma'intrega nu i nobiu. In the old times they would put things for the bride in the chest when they were going to be given by the groom.

kåosa n. court case, lawsuit, a situation involving a problem. Bula kåosa gi kotti. There are a lot of cases in the court. Ti nahung ebidensia si Leon gi kaosån‑ña ya mapeddi. Leon didn't have enough evidence in his case and he lost. Guaha ennåo kåosån‑ña gi kotti ya ti munåhayan. That guy has a court case that hasn't been settled. From: Sp. causa.

kåpa n. cape, cloak. Manggånna si Becky para raraina ya ma'na'usa nu i kåpa. Becky won the queen competition and they made her wear the cape. Malitråtu si Ana yan i kåpa. Ana was photographed with the cape. Bunitu na kåpa ha fåhan si Agnes. Agnes bought a beautiful cape. Tåmpi i ilu‑mu ni i kåpa yanggin para un huyung gi ichan. Cover your head with the cape if you are going out in the rain. From: Sp. capa.

kåpa de la raina n. type of vine. clitorea ternatea.

kapås adj. capable, qualified. Si Pedro kapås gi bandan katpinteriha. Pedro is qualified in carpentry. Mungnga mabota yanggin ti kapås. Don't vote for her if she is not qualified. Bula manma'estra mankapås para u fanmama'nå'gui. Many teachers are capable of teaching. From: Sp. capaz.

kapasidåt n. capacity, ability. Måolik i lahin i bisinu kapasidåt‑ña chumotchu. The neighbor's son has a good capacity for eating. Na'såonåo gi achikat malågu ya ta li'i' kapasidåt‑ña. Make her join the running race and we'll see her capacity. Cho'gui ha' amånu i kapasidat‑miyu. Do what you're capable of. From: Sp. capacidad.

kåpbli n. telegram, cable. Manrisibi i dipattamentun pulisiha kåpbli na guaha hinasa boti. The police department received a cable that a boat had capsized. From: Sp. cable.

vt. send telegram to (someone), receive telgram from (someone). Malångu si Kika' ya ma kåpbli i asaguå‑ña. Kika' was ill and they sent a telegram to her husband. Ma kåpbli si Jesus, sa' ti måmåolik si nanå‑ña. Jesus was sent a telegram that his mother was not in good condition. Variant: kåbbli.

kapitalisa vt. capitalize. Na'siguru na un kapitalisa i fine'nena na lettra gi na'an tåotåo. Be sure that you capitalize the first letter of a person's name. Kapitalisa i tutuhun i sintensia siha. Capitalize the beginning of sentences. Funas i na'an Maria ya un kapitalisa i fine'ne'na na lettra. Erase Maria's name and capitalize the first letter. From: Sp. capitaliza.

kapitan n. captain. Ti malagu' i kapitan i batku para u hånåo sa' dimasiåo nåpu. The captain of the boad didn't want to leave, because there were a lot of waves. Mafondu i batku, sa' bulåchu i kapitan. The boat sank, because the captain was drunk. Yanggin bula kapitan, pues siempri abak i batku. If there are a lot of captains, the boat will surely go astray. From: Sp. capitán.

kapitåni vt. command, lead, be the captain of. Si Antonio malagu' para guiya u kapitåni i gurupu. Antonio would like to be the captain of the group. Si Andres ha kapitåni i batku. Andres commanded the ship. Bai hu kapitåni i gurupu yanggin para bai u manå'i nu i ko'oporasion‑ñiha. I'll be the captain of the group if they would give me their cooperation.

kapitåt n. 1) capital, money. Todu bisnis ma ninisita kapitåt yanggin para uma tutuhun. All businesses need capital in order to start. 2) capital. Washington D.C. i kapitåt i Istådus Unidus. Washington D.C. is the capital of the United States. From: Sp. capital.

kapiton n. raincoat. Chule'guatu i kapiton yan i payu yanggin para un hånao para as nåna. If you are going to grandmother's, bring along the raincoat and the umbrella. Kinapiton ni kapiton‑hu sin mamaisin. She wore my raincoat without asking me.

kapiya n. chapel, shrine. Guaha kapiya gi espitåt para sagan manaitai. There's a chapel in the hospital as a place for prayer. Måolik på'gu i kapiya giya Makpi' sa' påtdit. The chapel now at Marpi is good, because it is concrete. From: Sp. capilla.

adj. bodily, corporeal. From: Sp. corporal.

kåppun n. capon, eunuch. Månngi' katnen‑ña i kåppun na torun guaka. The meat of a castrated bull is delicious. From: Sp. capón.

vt. 1) castrate. Para u makåppun i babui lamu'na. The pig is going to be castrated tonight. 2) cut short. Ha kåppun si Edu i kalamasa, sa' esta mampus anåkku' kunanåf‑ña. Edu pruned the pumpkin plant, because the vines were long. I katpinteru ha kåppun dididi' i tapbla, sa' para u na'omlat gi liga. The carpenter cut a little of the plywood so that it could fit on the wall.

kápsulas n. pill. Ha na'bulåchu yu' atyu i kápsulas ni manå'i yu' nu i mediku. The pill that was given to me by the doctor made me dizzy. Ilek‑ña i doktu para bai hu chuli' dos kada sais oras na kápsulas. The doctor said that I should take two pills every six hours. Mala'it sabot‑ña atyu na kápsulas i kulot chukulåti. The brown pill has a bitter taste. Variant: kátsulas. From: Sp. cápsulas.

kapuchinu n. Capuchin, Franciscan friar. Bula åntis mamåli' kapuchinu giya Mariånas. In the days before there were a lot of Capuchin priests in the Marianas. Guma' kapuchinu esti. This is a Capuchin house. From: Sp. capuchino.

kaputi vi. fail to win a point in the card game tres sietti. Esta dos biåhi in na'kaputi hamyu. We made you fail to win a point two times already. Ennåo na kaputi håo. It's because of that that you failed to win a point. Ti ya‑hu na bai in fankaputi gi tres sietti. I wouldn't like us not to win a point in the tres sietti game.

kaputón n. raincoat, poncho. Dos kulot na katputón ha fåhan si Rick. Rick bought two different colors of raincoat. Ti para bai hu usa i kaputon, sa' para bai hu usa i payu. I'm not going to wear a raincoat, because I'm going to use the umbrella. I katputón ma'u'usa yanggin uchan. Raincoats are used when it's raining. Syn: pånchu. From: Sp. capuchón.

kåra n. face. Syn: fåsu, måskaran fåsu.

intj. darn it! (mild expletive). Karå‑hu na båban tåotåo atyu. Darn it, he's such a bad person!

kåra'1 n. bullet shell, shell casing (Saipan). Ma na'setbi i kara' para sagan maseta. They used the shell casing as a vase. Guaha ha' siha kåra' gi lanchu. There are some bullet shells at the farm. Ha sodda' si Marcus i munton kåra' ya mañuli' palu. Marcus found a pile of bullet shells and took some. Variant: kåskara'. From: Jp. kara.

kåra'2 adj. 1) broke, bankrupt, destitute (Saipan). Sumåonåo si Ricardo umaposta ya ma na'kåra'. Ricardo joined in the betting and they made him broke. Kåra' si Carmen ya etyu na humånåo. Carmen is broke and that's why she left. 2) zero, absolutely none. Ti siña yu' mamåhan gimen‑hu, sa' kåra' salappe'‑hu. I cannot buy a drink, because I have absolutely no money. Variant: kåskara'.

karabåo n. water buffalo, carabao. Tåya' karabåo giya Tinian. There are no carabao on Tinian. Guaha ha' na tåotåo ha kåkannu' kåtnin karabåo. There are some people who eat carabao meat. I karabåo ya‑ña i halum hånum. Carabao like to be inside the water.

karåhu intj. darn it, heck (mild expletive). Karåhu na båban tåotåo atyu. Darn it, he's such a bad person! Karåhu, sa' guaha mañuli' gi lanchu! What the heck, someone took something at the farm!

karái n. 1) turtle shell. Atan putsirås‑ña si Kina, sa' karai. Look at Kina's bracelet, because it's made of turtle shell. Piligru esta mana'setbi karai para alåhas. It is dangerous to use turtle shells for jewelry. 2) stiff plastic, plexiglass. Bunitu kulot‑ña i asut na tasun karai. The plastic cup has a nice blue color.

karai' n. large basin, large container. Ma na'o'mak i patgun gi karai'. They bathed the child in the large basin. Syn: katderu. From: Jp.

karakót n. shell, seashell. Håssan esta atyu i karakót pentu. The spotted seashell is now rare. Manmifila i karakot gi gimå'‑ña. The seashells are lined up at his house. Bubula ha' karakot gi tasi. There are still a lot of seashells in the ocean. See: do'gas. From: Sp. caracol.

karåmba intj. Great Scott, gosh, golly, for crying out loud. Karåmba dei, sa' matomba yu'! My gosh, I fell down! Karåmba, kåo siha ta'lu ennåo i manbururuka? Darn it, are they the ones again who are making noise? From: Sp. caramba.

karåmbut intj. gosh, golly, darn it, heck. Karåmbut na mantai rispetun tåotåo! Darn it, what disrespectful people they are! Ai karåmbut na hinaspuk yu'! Oh gosh, I'm so full! Variant: karåmba, karanchut.

karånchut intj. shoot, oh my. Ai karånchut, ti siña kalamtin i kareta! Oh shoot, the car won't start! Karånchut, håfa, ti siña håo pumåra kumuentus? Oh my, what, you can't stop talking? See: karåmbut.

karåti' n. karate, type of Japanese judo. Måolik esta si Derek gi karåti'. Derek is good at karate. Måolik manmafa'nå'gui i famagu'un karåti' para proteksiun‑ñiha. It's good to teach the children karate for their protection.

vt. hit (something) using karate. Ha karåti' si Eloy i tapbla ya ha ipi' ha'. Eloy hit the table with a karate chop and he split it.

karera n. journey, voyage, trip. Adahi hamyu gi kareran‑miyu tåtti. Take care on your journey back.

vi. travel, make a trip. Para u karera i hagan‑måmi para i islan Luta agupa'. Our daughter is going to travel to the island of Rota tomorrow. Para u fankarera ha', achuka' båba i tiempu. They're going to make a trip, even if the weather is not good Syn: rumbu. From: Sp. carrera.

kareta n. car, automobile, bull cart. Dimasiåo bula esta kareta gi tano'‑ta. There are already too many cars on our island. Manhugågandu i famagu'un gi chalan ya ti ma lipåra i kareta. The children were playing on the road and they did not see the car. Atan i sinigon‑mu, sa' atyu i un totpi i ottru kareta. Watch your driving, so that you don't bump into another car. Syn: tumobit. See: sahyan. From: Sp. carreta.

karetiya n. 1) small cart, shopping cart. Hu usa i karetiya anai para bai hu famåhan fektus siha gi tenda. I used the shopping cart when I was going to buy groceries at the store. Guaha dos karetiyan‑måmi gi gima'. We have two carts at home. 2) spool (of thread). Manmalaknus i hilu gi karetiya anai sigi hu hålla. The thread came out of the spool when I kept pulling it. Guaha meggai na karetiyan hilu gi halum i kahitan manlåksi. There are many spools of thread inside the sewing box. From: Sp. carretilla.

kari n. curry. Månngi' i karin månnuk yanggin manå'yi gollai. Chicken curry is good when they put vegetables in it. Mama'tinas si Lucille karin kåtni nigap na talu'åni. Lucille made meat curry yesterday afternoon.

vt. make into curry. Mamåhan yu' potpus kari ni para bai hu kari i mannuk. I bought curry powder to make chicken curry.

karidåt n. 1) charity. Ai na karidåt tåotåo ennåo! He's a very charitable person! I karidåt‑ña måfattu ginin i kurason‑ña. His charity comes from his heart. 2) alms, donations. Manmanå'i karidåt ginin sanlagu. They were given alms from a foreign place. See: geftåo. From: Sp. caridad.

kariñosu adj. affectionate, loving, kind. Gof kariñosu si Jonas na tåotåo. Jonas is so affectionate. Esti na palåo'an gof kariñosa yan atendida. This woman is so affectionate and attentive. Månngi' i taotåo yanggin kariñosu pat kariñosa. It is so nice if a person is kind. From: Sp. cariñoso.

kariñu n. 1) kindness, fondness, affection. Ya‑hu i karinu‑mu gi famagu'un. I like your kindness to the children. Chinachagua i linalålu' ni i kariñu. Kindness softens anger. 2) sweet, loving, soft talk. I nana ha tungu' numå'i kariñu i neni‑ña. A mother knows how to talk sweetly and lovingly to her baby.

vt. caress, soothe, show fondness to. Si Måttin ha kariñu i lahi‑ña dispues di ha lalåtdi. Martin soothed his son after he scolded him. I nana ha kariñu i neni‑ña ya duru chumålik. The mother caressed her baby and kept laughing. From: Sp. cariño.

karisu n. common reed, type of tall grass. phragmites karka. Ti chågugu' siempri duru mankumason i karisu, sa' tiempun somnak. It won't be long before the reeds will start burning, because of the dry season. Bula karisu gi bandan hagoi. There's so much tall grass at Susupe Lake. Guaha paluma ma'ågang gå'ga' karisu. There is a bird that is called 'ga'_karisu. See: pi'åo.

karitatibu adj. charitable. Karitatibu esti na tåotåo. This person is charitable. Inayuda ni karitatibu na tåotåo. He was helped by a charitable person. Bula na tåotåo yan kumpaniha på'gu na tiempu mankaritatibu. There are many people and companies nowadays that are charitable. From: Sp. caritativo.

karitét n. 1) small pulls of a machine. Adahi na un yuti' i karitet måkina. Please do not throw the machine's thread pull. 2) large spool of thread. Hu chaflulun i hilun loddu' gi karitet gi egga'an. I spun the thick thread on the large spool of thread in the morning. From: Sp. carretel.

Karolinas name. place name in Tinian. Iya Karolinas gaigi gi fina' oksu' na bånda hihut yan Kastiyåo giya Tinian. Carolinas is on the hillside close to Kastiyu on Tinian. Guaha nuebu na songsung giya Karolinas. There is a new village at Carolinas. Åntis na tiempu puru Hapones yan Okinawa mangguågualu' giya Karolinas. In the old days, Japanese and Okinawans were mostly farming in Carolinas.

kas n. cash. Tåya' kas‑su ni para bai hu famåhan gas. I have no cash to buy gas. Ti mañuli' yu' kas gi bangku nigap. I did not get cash at the bank yesterday. Manå'i si Tonie kas gi as nanå‑ña gi egga'an. Tonie's mother gave Tonie some cash this morning From: Eng. cash.

kåsa vt. 1) cock (a firearm). Ha gof ispånta yu' si Henry anai ha kåsa i paki gi me'nå‑hu. Henry really scared me when he cocked the gun in front of me. Kalan manhunguk yu' kinasan paki. It seems like I hear the cocking of a firearm. 2) cover (a bet). Ha kåsa si Pedro i apoståk‑ku gi gayera gi paingi. Pedro covered my bet at the cockfight last night.

kasadót n. one who covers a bet, as in cockfighting. Misalappi' si Tun Kiku', sa' guiya sessu kasadot gi gayera. Tun Kiku has a lot of money, because he is usually the one who covers the bets at the cockfight. Ilek‑ku kasaheru yu', ti kasadot yu'. I said I am the treasurer, not the one who covers bets. Syn: dimandadót.

kasadulis n. chaser (in hunting), one (usually a dog) who chases the animal to an open area to be shot by the hunter.

vi. hunt on land. Manhånåo mankasadulis gi halum tånu'. They went hunting in the woods. Humånåo si Tony yan si Roman kumasadulis babuin halum tånu' gi Sabalu. Tony and Roman went hunting for wild pigs on Saturday. Para u kasadulis binådu i dos tåotåo agupa' na pupuengi. The two individuals are going to hunt deer tomorrow night. Variant: sakadulis. From: Sp. cazadores.

kasaheru n. treasurer, one who keeps account of funds. Ilek‑ku kasaheru yu', ti kasadot yu'. I said I am the treasurer, not the one who covers bets. Ma tanchu' si Juana para guiya kasahera, sa' angokkuyun na palåo'an. Juana was appointed as treasurer, because she is honest. Ti ma sotda' i kasaheru anai måkpu' i lisayun måtai. They could not find the person who kept the money after the rosary for the family.

kasamientu n. marriage, wedding. Sessu si Greg kumuentus put kasamientun Gima' Yu'us. Greg often talks about church weddings. Para u guaha kasamientu gi talu'åni. There will be a marriage in the afternoon. Kumekuentus i dos put asuntun kasamentu. The two are talking about marriage issues. See: ákkamu'. Variant: kasamentu. From: Sp. casamiento.

kasåo adj. married, not single. Esta kasåo si John na tåotåo. John is a married person. Meggai gi mañe'lu‑hu mankasåo. Many of my siblings are married. Ti kasåsåo si Joleen trabiha. Joleen is not married yet. From: Sp. casado.

kaserola n. saucepan, frying pan. Si nang ha usa i kaserola para u katdiyu i katchu' yan u aflitu i guihan lililuk para senan‑måmi. Mother used the saucepan to sautee the tuna and fry the lililuk fish for our dinner. From: Sp. cacerola.

kåsi adv. perhaps. Esta kåsi manmåttu gi tanu'‑ñiha. Perhaps they've already arrived at their place. Kåsi bula salappe'‑ña, sa' sigi mamåhan kosas. Perhaps he has a lot of money, because he keeps buying things. Siña ha' kumåti, låo kåsi ha' siña ha' åhi'. He may cry, but he might also not cry. See: siña ha'.

kasinsiyu n. underwear (for males). Chuli' tres na kasinsiyu para i karerå‑mu. Take three underwears for your trip. Tåla' i finagåsin kasinsiyu gi semnak. Hang to dry the washed underwears under the sun.

kasinu n. casino, a place for gambling. An Lunis humåhanåo si Deding para i kasinu. Deding goes to the casino on Mondays. Atyu ha' na humåhanåo si Carmen na kasinu ni gaigi gi Indian reservation. Carmen only goes to the casino that is on the Indian reservation. Manmalak i Pala na kasinu ham para bai in fanhugåndu poker gi talu'ånin Damenggu. We went to the Pala Casino to gamble on the poker machines on Sunday afternoon.

kasiyas n. coop, chicken coop. Manhåtsa si Jose tres na kasiyas månnuk para i ga'‑ña gåyu siha. Jose built three chicken coops for his roosters. Todu manmayamak i kasiyas siha gi duråntin i pakyu. All the chicken coops were broken during the typhoon. Bunitu i kasiyas i puyitus siha. The chicks' coop is nice. From: Sp. casillas.

kaskåo n. coarse (coral) gravel. Mamåhan ham dos tråk kaskåo ni para u mafa'måolik i chalan i gima'‑måmi. We bought two trucks of gravel to have the road fixed at our house. Ma basiha todu i kaskåo gi hilu' chå'guan. They unloaded all the gravel on the grass. Hu påla hulu' palu kaskåo gi tråk ni bai hu chuli' para i gima'. I shoveled some coral onto the truck to take to the house. Variant: kaskåhu.

adj. 1) empty, hollow. Esta kåskara' i sagan salappi'. The money box is already empty. Ti chalålåochåo i kahita, sa' esta kåskara'. There is no swishing sound in the box, because it is already empty. See: kåra'. 2) having lost everything (money), as in gambling. Mapetdi gi gayera ya kåskara'. The man lost at the cockfight and ended up having no money at all. Kåskara' humuyong‑ña anai ha dingu i poka. He lost everything when he exited the poker arcade. See: kåra'. Variant: kåsku, va kåskara. From: Sp. cáscara.

kåskaran chåda' n. eggshell. Måolik manå'yi i masetan floris siha nu i kåskaran chåda'. It is good to put eggshells in the flower pots. Hu yuti' todu i kaskaran chåda' gi basula. I threw all the egg shells in the trash can. Mapput malåssas i kaskaran chåda'. It is hard to peel egg shells. Syn: låssas chåda'.

kaskas n. rustling. Manhunguk yu' kaskas gi paingi gi halum i kemmun. I heard rustling in the bathroom last night.

vi. rustle, make soft rustling sounds. Kakaskas i sin anai sigi guinesguis ni hagun i trongku gi hilu' guma'. The branches of the tree are rustling on the roofing tin on top of the house. Mankakaskas i mannuk gi hilu' sin. The chickens on top of the tin are making rustling sounds.

kåsku adj. empty, broke, used, esp. referring to money when gambling. Kåsku yu' dispues di i huegun balåha gi paingi gi bela. I was broke after the card game at the wake last night. See: hokkuk, kåskara'.

kasói n. type of plant: cashew tree, cashew nut. anacardium occidentale. Binenu i pipitas kasoi mafåla'. It is poisonous to eat the raw cashew nut seed. Håssan på'gu kasoi giya Saipan. It is rare to find cashew trees in Saipan nowadays. Ha pagu' pachot‑tu i kasoi, sa' cha'ot‑tu. My mouth developed rash from cashew fruit, because I am allergic to it.

kåspa n. dandruff; skin peeling off caused from dryness, as in sunburn. Sessu makaka i ilu‑hu ni bulan kaspåk‑ku. My head is often itchy, because I have so much dandruff. Yanggin ti un fa'gågasi i kapitulu‑mu, na'kaspa ennåo. Not washing your hair creates dandruff. Gof meggai kaspån‑ña si nang, sa' duru ha kassas i ilu‑ña. Mother has so much dandruff, because she's been scratching her head. From: Sp. caspa.

kassas vt. scratch, as when one itches. Hu kassas i tatalo'‑ña si Tåta, sa' makakaka. I scratched Father's back, because it's itching. I neni ha nisisita na u makassas tatalo'‑ña ni para u maigu' The baby needs to be scratched on the back in order to sleep. Anai inakka' yu' ni eddut, sigi mangassas yu'. When the ants bit me, I kept on scratching. See: ka'guas.

kassi vt. tease. Båsta mangassi, sa' un ma'anña. Stop teasing, because you may be beaten up. Kassin tåotåo ennåo. That guy's such a teaser. In kassi i ga'lågu ya ha tugung ham huyung gi chalan. We teased the dog and it ran after us on the road.

kastaneta n. castanet. From: Sp. castañeta.

kastiga vt. punish. Makastiga si Dolores, sa' ha yuti' i chininå‑ña gi basula nigap. Dolores was punished, because she threw her dress in the garbage can yesterday. In kastiga si Glenn, sa' ti ha cho'gui i che'chu' guma'. We punished Glenn, because he did not do his house chores. Ha kastiga yu' sa' ti hu fa'gåsi i lampåsu. She punished me, because I did not wash the mop. See: fuegis, anña, galuti. From: Sp. castiga.

kastigåo adj. punishable, liable to punishment. Bula mankastigåo, låo ti mankastitiga. Many are candidates for punishment, but are not punished. Esta kastigåo si Jerry, sa' put meggai biåhi na mañåkki gi tenda. Jerry is liable to be punished, because he has stolen many times at the store. Ti kastigåo si Jun, sa' ti guiya chumuli' i salåppi' gi kahun tatå‑ña. Jun is not punishable, because he did not take the money from his father's drawer. From: Sp. castigado.

kastigu n. punishment. Ti chumilung i kastigu‑ña yan i chi'cho'‑ña. Her punishment is not in line with her work. Manå'i si James ni kastigu‑ña anai måttu ginin i mubi, sa' put ha anña i patgun na che'lu‑ña. James was given his punishment when he came back from the movie for beating up his younger brother. I kastigu‑hu gi as nanå‑hu, sa' put humånåo yu' para i gima' i amigu‑hu, na para bai hu loffan todu i manha siha para i chikerun babui. The punishment my mother gave me, because I went to my friend's house was to bring all the young coconuts to the pig pen. See: pena. From: Sp. castigo.

Kastiliånu adj. Castilian. From: Sp. Castellano.

kastiyu n. castle, fort. Guaha na tånu' siha, mañåsaga i manriku yan i manmå'gas gi kastiyu. The rich and the leaders reside in castles in some countries. From: Sp. castillo.

kåstum n. costume. Bula famagu'un umu'usa i kåstum yanggin Halloween. Many children wear costumes on Halloween. Yanggin guaha prugråma, sessu ma'usa i kåstum. The costumes are used when there is a program. From: Eng. costume.

kåsu n. case, matter, event, point. Tåya' kåsu put i malabidå‑ña i taotåo. There is no case about the injury done to the person. From: Sp. caso.

kasualidåt n. casualty. Gi iran i gera giya Iraq meggai na kasualidåt. There were many casualties in Iraq war. Anai tinetpi i World Trade Center ni dos na batkunairi gi ma'pus siha na såkkan, meggai kasualidåt. There were many casualties when the two airplanes hit the World Trade Center in past years.

kasungái n. large staple, used for joining heavy pieces of lumber, horseshoe shaped nail. Ha usa i kasungai anai ha håtsa i ligan håyu kontra i gima'. He used large staples to build the wooden wall against the house. Ma'u'usa i kasungai yanggin manmanhåtsa guma' higai. Large staples are used in building a thatch house. I katpinteru siha ma u'usa i kasungai para mana'metgut i ligan guma'. The carpenters use large staples to make the house walls strong.

kåt n. cot. Ya‑ña si Tåta maigu' gi kåt. Father likes to sleep on the cot. I sindålun militåt ma u'usa i kåt para sagan maigu'‑ñiha. Military soldiers use cots for their beds. Mamåhan yu' dos na kåt para bai hu nå'i si tatå‑hu para uså‑ña yanggin para u hånåo para i lanchu pat piknik. I bought two cots for my father's use in case he is going to the farm or to the picnic. See: kåma. From: Eng. cot.

katålagu n. catalogue. Sessu manoda yu' magagu‑hu gi katålagu, sa' mambaråtu. I often order my clothes from the catalogue, because they are inexpensive. Mana'fattutuyi yu' katålagu ginin i JC Penney. JC Penney sends me catalogues. Meggai na tenda giya Amerika manggai katalagu. Many stores in America have catalogues. From: Sp. catálogo.

Katbåriu n. Calvary, place of the cross, suffering, tribulation. Mamokkat si Pedro hulu' gi eksu' katbåriu. Pedro walked up to the Calvary road. I chalan i lanchun‑måmi kalang chalan katbåriu. The road to our farm seems like the Calvary road. Ti gef måolik atyu i chalan eksu' katbåriu. The Calvary road is not a very good road. From: Sp. Calvario.

kåtbun n. charcoal, coal. Mambebendi si Escolastica kåtbun. Escolastica sells charcoal. Mama'titinas kåtbun håyun tangantångan. He's making tangantangan wood charcoal. Guaha munton kåtbun i fihun i chalan. There's a pile of coal by the road. From: Sp. carbón.

katbuneru n. coal vendor, charcoal vendor. Hagas si Jerome katbuneru na tåotåo. Jerome has been a coal vendor. Manmafa'titinas i katbun gi gima' i katbuneru. Charcoal is being made at the charcoal vendor's. Ennåo na palåo'an katbunera. That woman is a charcoal vendor. From: Sp. carbonero.

katbúngkulu n. carbuncle. From: Sp. carbunclo.

katbureta n. carburetor. Mayulang i katbureta i karetå‑hu ya para u mafa'måolik gi as Joeten Motors. The carburetor of my car broke and it'll be fixed at Joeten Motors. Ha bendi si Derick i katbureta i karetå‑ña put sientu pesus. Derick sold his car's carburetor for a hundred dollars. Hu tulaika i katbureta i motosaiko'‑hu sa' mayulang. I changed my motorcycle's carburetor, because it broke down. From: Eng. carburetor.

kåtchit vt. put on a face, dress or anything that would indicate a "show-off" behavior. Ma kåtchit siha para i Halloween. They dressed up for Halloween. Un kåtchit håo ni ti uså‑mu bistidu. You put on a dress that's not for you. Ha kåtchit gui' si Jose ni nuebu na sapåtus ya nina'ke'yåo, sa' mampus mafñut. Jose put the new shoes on and he was limping, because they were too tight. Reflexive verb. Variant: kåchit.

katchu' n. type of fish: tuna. katsuwonus pelamis, gymnosarda unicolor. Ume'e'katchu' si Ton gi buti‑ña. Ton catches tuna fish with his boat. Månngi' masasimi' i sensin katchu'. It is good to make sashimi with tuna. Gof guaguan i libran i katchu' gi tendan guihan. The price of tuna is very expensive at the fish market.

katderu n. tub, large container. Sumai i etda' magågu gi katderu. Soak the dirty laundry inside the large container. Syn: karai', tarai'. From: Sp. caldero.

katdiba intj. imagine if, what if. Katdiba no ya hågu gumånna i rifa! Imagine if you win the lottery!

kátdiding vt. hop on one foot. Yan‑ñiha i famagu'un manhugåndun katdiding. The children enjoy the game of hopping using one leg. Kumatdiding huyung gi gima', sa' ma'ottu i temmun i ottru addeng‑ña. She hopped on one leg out of the house, because she hurt the knee on her other leg. Dumellang gi haligin trongku, tuma'yuk påpa', pues kumatdiding gi uriyan i kellat guaka. He walked balancing himself on the tree trunk, jumped down, then hopped on one foot around the cattle fence.

katdinåt n. cardinal. Bula katdinåt siha gi rilihon katoliku. There are many cardinals in the Catholic religion. I katdinåt mansantu påpapa'. Cardinals become popes. From: Sp. cardenal.

katdiritu n. small pot. Muna'lagu si Tåta kåtdu gi katdiritu. Father cooked soup in a small pot. Ha bendi si Antonia i katdiritu‑ña gi as Beling. Antonia sold her small pot to Beling. Dididi' ha' na kåtni para bai hu na'lågu gi katdiritu. I will cook a small amount of meat in the small pot.

katdirón n. large kettle, cauldron. Ha usa si Jeanette i dangkulu na katdiron para u na'lågu i hanum para u malåssas i babui. Jeanette used the large kettle to cook water to take the skin off the pig. Ma usa i katdiron para i nina'lågun fritåda. They used the large cauldron to cook the fritåda. Gof guaguan i katdiron siha gi tenda. Large cauldrons are so expensive at the stores. From: Sp, calderón.

kåtdis n. type of plant with edible leaf and young stem. Todu i kåtdis manpininu' ni pakyu gi ma'pus na såkkan. All the kåtdis bushes were destroyed by the typhoon last year. Månngi' magollai katdis gi katdiyun hiting osino satdinas. It is delicious to sautee kåtdis with rabbit fish or sardines. Syn: kádagan.

katdiyu n. soupy food made with onions, vinegar, and soy sauce. Muna'lagu si Nang katdiyun guihan para sena gi paingi. Mother cooked fish in onions, vinegar, and soy sauce for dinner last night. From: Sp. caldillo.

vt. cook (something) with onions, vinegar, and soy sauce. Para bai hu katdiyu i guihan. I'm going to cook the fish with vinegar, soy sauce, and onions. Månngi' makatdiyu i ilun katchu'. Tuna fish head cooked in vinegar, soy sauce, and onions is delicious. From: Sp. caldillo.

kåtdu n. soup, broth. I katdun pika ti kåtdu låo era istufåo ni mana'pikaka. Kåtdun pika is not really a soup but istufåo made very hot. Na'yiyi letchin niyuk i katdu. Add coconut milk to the soup. From: Sp. caldo.

vt. make (something) into soup. Ya‑ña si Nåna kumåtdu i mannuk yan letchin niyuk. Mother likes to make chicken soup with coconut milk. Variant: kåddu. From: Sp. caldo.

katdumi n. crowd, group, school (of fish), flock. Meggai katdumin mañåhak gi kantun unai gi egga'an. There were so many schools of baby rabbitfish near the shore this morning. Pumeska si tatå‑hu gi tasin Låolåo ya ha sodda' un katdumin guili. My father went fishing at Laolao beach and found a school of guili fish. See: gurupu, inetnun, aliånsa.

vi. form a group, be in a group. Mangkatdudumi i paluman såli gi hilu' trongkun lemmai. The sali birds are in a group on top of the breadfruit tree.

katdumin abeha n. swarm of bees. Bula pineksai‑ña si Pedro katdumin abeha gi lanchon‑ña. Pedro has raised swarms of bees at his farm. Ti ha tungu' si Jose na bula katdumin abeha gi hilu' trongkun niyuk. Jose did not know that there are many swarms of bees on top of the coconut tree. Ha songgi si Mateo i katdumin abeha gi trongkun floris rosa. Mateo burned the swarm of bees on the rose flower tree.

kåtga n. cargo. Bula kåtga manmåttu gi batku. A lot of cargo arrived on the ship.

vt. carry, transfer, haul, transport. Ti siña si Maria ha kåtga i makkat na kosas sa' i ma'operå‑ña. Maria cannot carry heavy things, because of her operation. Ha kåtga si Vicente i todu i matiriåt gi karetå‑ña para i lanchu. Vicente hauled all the lumber on his truck to his farm. Manmakåtga i taotåo ni bås para i feria. The people were transported on the bus to the fair. See: loffan. From: Sp. carga.

katgaderu n. pendant, neck ornament, weight. Gåtbu na katgaderu gi kadenå‑ña. The pendant on her necklace is beautiful. Kana' fina' katgaderu ya ti u guinaifi ni manglu'. Hang some weight to prevent the wind from blowing it off.

adj. overloaded, heavy. Kinatgaderu nai puti'on‑ña anai manå'i nai milayå‑ña. He felt the heavy burden of his star when he received his medal. Katgaderu si Francisco nu i kostat suni anai ha umpang påpa' ginin i lanchu. Francisco was overloaded when he hauled down the bags of taro from the farm. From: Sp. cargadero.

katgadót n. loader, stevedore, carrier, mover. Manyayas i katgadot, sa' humålum i batkun dångkulu. The stevedores are tired, because the large ship came in. Na'fanlistu i katga siha, sa' ti u åpman mågi i katgadot. Make the boxes ready, because the movers are almost coming. Agupa' i katgadot para u maloffan i kosas Anaståsia guatu gi nuebu na guma'. Tomorrow the movers are coming to transfer Anaståsia's things to the new house. From: Sp. cargador.

katgådu adj. overloaded. Katgådu atyu i karetan Luis nigap. Luis's car yesterday was overloaded with many things. Mampus katgådu i kareta, sa' esta hihut mayamak. The car is so overloaded with things it is almost going to break. Mungnga mana'katgådu i kareta, sa' ti gof måolik i taia'. Don't overload the car, because the tires are not that good. From: Sp. cargado.

kåtgamentu n. carrying, loading. Getmun tatalo'‑ña si Juan durantin i katgamentu. Juan's back popped while loading. Ti ha sienti si Antonio yayas asta ki munhåyan i katgamentu. Antonio didn't feel tired only after he was done loading. Sulun si Ignacio gi duråntin i katgamentu. While loading, Ignacio slipped. From: Sp. cargamento.

kåtgat n. nylon fishing line. Chuli' mågi i katgat ya bai hu pripåra para lamu'na. Bring over the nylon fishing line so that I can prepare it for tonight. Ha fahåni yu' si Jose måolik na kåtgat para manupak. Jose bought me a good fishing line for line fishing. See: gugat.

adj. overloaded. Kåtgat esta i karetan guaka. The bull cart is already overloaded.

kåtgu n. charge, order, responsibility. Manå'i si Herman kåtgu nu i paståhi. Herman was in charge of the pasture. Ti ya‑ña si Vicente manå'i kåtgu nu i lanchu. Vicente does not like to be in charge of the ranch. Ha aksepta ha' si Bernie i katgu ni put pripårasion i giput. Bernie accepted the responsibility of preparing for the party. From: Sp. cargo.

katgueti n. 1) annoyance. Ti månngi' macho'chu' yanggin bula atkagueti. It's not fun to work when there are a lot of annoyances. Masangåni esta si Josephine na para atkagueti ha' gui' yanggin sumåonåo. Josephine was already told that she would only be an annouyance if she joined the team. 2) puppet. Håyi atkagueti‑ña gi ofisina? Who is his puppet in the office?

adj. culpable, permitting others to do wrong, overly permissive. Ya‑ña si Laura sumåonåo gi gurupu put para u atkagueti ha'. Laura likes to join the group just to annoy others. Syn: istotbu.

vt. use in a playful way, use as a toy. Håfa na un atkagueti si Jose? Why did you use Jose as a toy? See: hugeti. Variant: atkagueti.

kåti n. cry. A'gang kåti guaha annai ma sångan na måtai si Nåna. There was a very loud cry when they mentioned that Mother died.

vi. cry, weep, sob. Ha na'kåti si Gene i lahi‑ña anai ha lalåtdi. Gene made his son cry when he scolded him. I infitmera ha duluk i neni ya kumåti i patgun. The nurse gave the baby a shot and the child cried. Syn: tångis.

katiguråt n. category. Måtka håfa na katiguråt åntis di un na'fila. Before you line it up, mark down what category it belongs in. Atan håfa na katiguråt na gaigi håo ya atyu un tattiyi. Look what category you are in and follow from there.

vt. categorize, put into categories. Mungnga mayalaka' i lepblu, sa' esta manmakatiguråt sigun gi titulu. Don't mix up the books, because they are already categorized by title.

katisismu n. catechism book, a manual for religious instruction. Tåya' esta na tiempun dottrina nai mana'setbi i katisismu. They don't use the catechism book anymore at catechism school. Maleffa ni katisismu anai humånåo para i luttrina. He forgot his catechism book when he went to catechism. Åntis lokkui' ti siña un måtka pat un titik i katisismu osino mana'fanapåsi håo. In the past, you couldn't mark or tear off the page in the catechism book or else you'd pay a fine. From: Sp. catecismo.

katiyi vt. cry for, weep for, call for. Na'katiyi ni kareta ya uma tungu' na manggaigi hit. Honk the horn of the car so that they know that we're here. Håfa un katitiyi? What are you crying about? Ha katitiyi si nanå‑ña, sa' taigui. He is calling for his mother, because she's not there. Syn: tångsi.

kåtkat vi. clear one's throat. Sessu mankåtkat yanggin guaha chumochotchu. They always clear their throats when there's someone eating. Ya‑ña si Jesus kumåtkat yanggin ha gueguesguis nifen‑ña. Jesus likes to clear his throat when brushing his teeth. Chatpa'gu para un kåkatkat gi me'nan tåotåo. It's not polite to be clearing your throat in front of people. Variant: kåkak, kåkat, kokkuk.

katkuet adj. any which way, any order. Påttin katkuet i salappe'‑ta. Distribute our money in any which way. From: Sp. cualquier.

katkula n. calculation. I katkulå‑mu ni kuåntu para u ginasta i gima' måolik. Your calculation in terms of how much the house would cost is good.

vt. calculate, estimate, compute. Listu si Kika' mangatkula kuåntu i balin i guihan. Kika' is very fast to calculate how much the fish cost. Katkula kuåntu para un ginasta yanggin para un håtsa i gima'. Estimate how much it will cost you to build the house. Katkula kuåntu i sais libra gi tres pesus kada libra bali‑ña. Calculate how much six pounds is worth at three dollars a pound. From: Sp. calcula.

katkulasión n. calculation, estimate. I katkulasion i dos ti pumarehu. The two calculations were not the same. Yanggin munhåyan i katkulasion, ispiha i katpinteru ya un na'li'i' åntis di un chuli' i materiåt. After the estimates are done, find the carpenter and show them to him before buying the materials. Syn: katkula. From: Sp. calculación.

katkulu n. calculation, estimate. Na'malilik esti siha na katkulu. These calculations are confusing. Syn: katkulasión. From: Sp. cálculo.

kåtma adj. calm (of wind, sea, weather). Mampus maipi na ha'åni, sa' kåtma. It is hot today, because it is calm. Bunitu ma'atan i tasi, sa' kåtma. It's nice to look at the ocean, because it's calm. I na kinatma i tasi! Oh my, the ocean is so calm! Bumula mampus ñåmu, sa' mampus kåtma. There have been a lot of mosquitos, because the wind is so still. From: Sp. calma.

katna' adv. almost, nearly. Manyayabbåo si Joaquin ya katna' ha tåga' i satnot‑ña. Ti hu a'atan hinanåo‑hu ya katna' ha totpi yu' i kareta. Katna' ha sufa' si Justo i trongku. Variant: kana', kanna', kana ha'.

katna'yan n. storage for food or dishes, pantry. Humålum i lalu' gi katna'yan, sa' atbettu. The fly got inside the pantry, because it was ajar. Såosåo i katna'yan åntis di un po'lu hålum i inaflitun månnuk. Wipe the pantry before putting the fried chicken inside. Contracted form of kåhun na'yan. Syn: haichio'.

katnåda n. bait, lure. Humånåo si Rosa manrikohi duk para katnåda. Rosa went to collect small hermit crabs to use as bait. Mamåhan si Ramon katnåda giya Saipan. Ramon bought bait on Saipan. Måolik atyu i nosnus para katnåda. The squid are good for bait. From: Sp. carnada.

katnadåyi vt. set out bait for, set out lure for. Bula chå'ka gi uriya ya si Juan ha katnadåyi i okkudu para u fangonni' chå'ka. There are a lot of rats around and so Juan baited the traps to catch rats. Hu katnadåyi i haguit Lisa, sa' ti ha tungu'. I baited Lisa's hook, because she didn't know how. Fa'nu'i i patgun taimanu para u katnadåyi i haguet‑ña. Show the child how to bait his hook.

kåtni n. meat, flesh (esp. of mammals). Ti gof måolik sessu para ta kånnu' kåtni. It's not good to eat meat often. Ti todu kåtni ya‑hu kumånnu'. Not all kinds of meat do I like to eat. Månngi' i tinala' kåtni mapo'luyi i saibuk. Dried meat is good to put on top of saibuk. From: Sp. carne.

kátokcha' n. spear-fishing (Rota) (small spear for small fish). Månngi' i guihan an makonni' kátokcha'. The fish caught with a spear is good to eat. Ha konni' kátokcha' si Juan siha i guihån‑ña The fish that Juan caught were with the spear.

vi. go spear-fishing. Kumatokcha' si Tomas gi paingi. Tomas went spear-fishing last night.

Katóliku adj. Catholic. Katóliku yu' låo si Nåna yan si Tåta ilek‑ñiha bai in rispeta i hinenggin ottru tåotåo. I'm a Catholic but my Mom and Dad told me to respect other people's religions. Humånåo yu' yan si Maria humosmi misa gi Gima' Yu'us katóliku. Maria and I went to mass at the Catholic church. Kada Damenggu guaha oran katóliku gi telibision. Every Sunday there's the Catholic hour on television. From: Sp. católico.

katolisismu n. catholicism. Ti kabålis matuge'‑ña i katolisismu trabiha, sa' bubula ha' ti ta tungu'. What's written about Catholicism is incomplete, because there's much we do not know. From: Sp. catolicismo.

katotsi num. fourteen. Ha tungu' i patgun mångfung asta i katotsi. The child knows how to count up to fourteen. Dispues di un tugi' tressi, tugi' i katotsi. After you write thirteen, write fourteen. Katotsi ga'‑ña na månnuk si Juan. Juan has fourteen chickens. From: Sp. catorce.

katpeta n. wallet, briefcase, suitcase. Bunitu na katpeta ha didililing si Tom. That's a nice suitcase that Tom is pulling. Siña ha' buenti omlat un påt magågu gi katpeta ginin as Maria. Maybe it can fit one pair of clothes in the suitcase from Maria. I istudiånti ha sahguan i lepblu gi katpeta. The student placed the book in the briefcase. Finalaiguaihun yu' nu i katpeta gi betsåk‑ku. I inadvertently lost my wallet from my pocket. Syn: balakbak. From: Sp. carpeta.

katpinteru n. carpenter. Finu si Jose na katpinteru. Jose is a very meticulous carpenter. Ti munhåyan i che'chu' i katpinteru, sa' sessu tatnun. The carpenter's job was not completed, because he tends to loaf a lot. From: Sp. carpintero.

kåtsa vt. 1) brace, support. Kåtsa i tinanum siha. Brace the plants. Matomba i trongku ni ti makåtsa. The tree that wasn't supported toppled. 2) dress up, put make-up on, apply cosmetics. Ha kåtsa gui' para i giput. She dressed up for the party. Dudus si Berrang piot yanggin ha kåtsa gui' todu. Beth is flirtatious, especially when she is all decked out. Asentådu na palåo'an achukka' ti ha kåkatsa gui'. She is an attractive lady even without make-up. Reflexive verb. Syn: kåchit. From: Sp. calza.

katsåda n. gravel road, street. Umaksidenti gi katsåda. He got into an accident on the gravel road. Ha na'duru si Ton i kareta gi katsåda, ottimon‑ña ha sufa' i trongku. Ton drove very fast on the gravel road and ended crashing onto a tree. Syn: chålan kaskåhu. From: Sp. calzado.

katsadera n. 1) dresser. Kada kuåttu gi hotel guaha katsaderå‑ña. Every room at the hotel has a dresser. 2) person who dresses up another person, such as a bride. Todu manmalagu' mankatsadera para i nobia. Everyone wants to be the one to dress up the bride. 3) wedge, something holds or maintains a larger thing in place. Mapega i lamasa gi ti yånu na lugåt ya kalalamtin, pues machuli'i katsadera. The table was placed on an uneven place, so they brought a wedge to keep it balanced.

kåtsit n. prison, jail. Hu bisita i amigu‑hu gi katsit. I visited friend in prison. Ti bai mapongli gi katsit, ennagui' na hu tattitiyi i masanganek‑ku. I won't be imprisoned; that is why I obey what I am told. From: Sp. cárcel.

katsón n. type of plant: blue rat's tail, Brazilian tea, wiregrass. Stachytarpheta cayennesis. I otru na'ån‑ña i katson, tintan China. The other name for katson is tintan China (China tint/dye) Unu gi amut esti i katson giya Mariånas. Katson is one of the local medicines in the Marianas. Lila flores‑ña yan kalan gai dadalag esti i katson. The katson has small purple flowers and an extension like a tail.

kåtsu n. holder, thing that holds up other things.

vt. hold open. Usa i ladriyu para un kåtsu i pettan santatti. Use the brick to hold the back door. Kåtsu i petta ni ladriyu. Use the brick as doorstop.

katsulas n. cartridge shell, the brass shell portion of a bullet or artillery shell. Masotda' singku na katsulas gi fihun i tatåotåo. They fund five cartridges near the body. Gi finakpu' Geran Dos sessu manmasotda' katsulas giya Marianas. After World War II cartridges were often found in the Marianas. See: kara'.

kåtsulas n. pill, tablet (medicine). Hu tungu' kåtsulas ni ginulik hågun hamlak yan laguana. I know processed medicine using mashed hamlak and soursop leaves. Variant: kåpsulas. From: Sp. cápsulas.

katsunis n. pants, trousers, female underwear. Ti ha lipåra si Emy na matitik i katsunis i patgon‑ña. Emy didn't notice that her child's pants were torn. Chatpa'gu para un tåla' i katsunis sanhalum gi chalan matan tåotåo. It is not nice to hang undergarments where people can see. Manmalåksi dies na katsunis para usun i huegu gi iskuela. Ten pants were sewn to be used for the school play. From: Sp. calzones.

katsunis siyu n. undershorts (for males). Ha låksi si nana singku na katsunsiyu para i famagu'on‑ña lalåhi. Mother sewed five undershorts for her boys. Manmatåla i katsunsiyu gi papa' somnak. The undershorts are dried under the sun. Esta bula na klåsin katsunsiyu på'gu na tiempu. These days, there are now many kinds of undershorts. Variant: katsunsiyu, katsunis siyu.

katsunsitu n. type of fish: juvenile shark. Family Carcharhinidae. Sessu i katsunsitu manhålum gi pantalån. Baby sharks often enter the harbor. Akka' ha' lokkui' i katsunsitu. Baby sharks do bite. I katsunsitu sessu manmali'i' gi tasin Tanapag yan Chalan Kanoa an puengi. Juvenile sharks are often seen in the waters of Tanapag and Chalan Kanoa at night.

katsunsiyu n. undershorts (for males). Ha låksi si nana singku na katsunsiyu para i famagu'on‑ña lalåhi. Mother sewed five undershorts for her boys. Manmatåla i katsunsiyu gi papa' somnak. The undershorts are dried under the sun. Esta bula na klåsin katsunsiyu på'gu na tiempu. These days, there are now many kinds of undershorts. Variant: katsinsiyu, katsunis siyu. From: Sp. calzoncillos.

kåttan balåha n. playing cards. Guaha fåtta gi esti na kåttan balåha. This playing card is not complete. Chuli' mågi i kattan balaha ya ta fanhugåndu. Bring over the playing cards and let us play.

kattåyi vt. write letter to (someone). Si Simeon ha kattåyi i che'lu‑ña ni gaigi Amerika. Esta si Frank munhåyan ha kattåyi si Betran. Ma kattåyi yu' put i kinalamten‑hu gi che'chu'. Syn: tugi'.

kåttri n. bed, cot. Maila' ta hita, sa' dångkulu i kattri. Come and we'll be together, because the bed is big. Ya‑hu maigu' gi kåttrin pi'ao, sa' fresku. I like to sleep on a bamboo bed, because it is cool. Na'hihut i kuna yan unu na kåttri. Place the crib and the bed close together. From: Sp. catre.

kattuchu'1 n. clip of bullets, bundle tied with fiber, string, or wire. Mamåhan yu' un kattuchun båla. I bought a clip of bullets. Guaha un kattuchun siboyas tetehnan. There is one bundle of onions left.

n. stringer.

vt. put (fish) on a stringer. Usa i talin halaihai para un kattuchu' i kinene'‑mu guihan. Use the beach morning glory vine to string your fish catch. From: Sp. cartucho.

kattut adj. feel a numbing sensation in mouth from eating certain foods. Muna'lagu yu' gollai hagun suni, låo ha na'kattut i pachot‑tu. I cooked taro leaves, but it left a numbing sensation in my mouth. Guaha na kattut i kadagan yanggin ti dinanchi nina'lagu‑mu. At times the kadagan can leave a numbing sensation in the mouth if it is not cooked right.

katúnggalak vi. strum (a guitar). Chuli' mågi ennåo i gitåla ya ta fankatunggalak. Bring that guitar here and we can strum. Tudu diha si Rufinu di kumatunggalap. All day Rufinu is strumming. Variant: katúnggalap.

katupat1 n. woven container, usually made from coconut leaves, used for cooking rice. Månngi' i hineksa' katupat. The rice cooked in woven coconut containers is delicious. Gof chaddik i bisinu‑hu mama'tinas katupat. My neighbor weaves coconut leaf containers for rice quickly. Påopåo i hineksa' katupat. Rice cooked in woven coconut containers smells good. A box-like container woven from coconut leaves, into which rice is placed, then submerged in boiling water for cooking. Variant: atupat.

katupat2 n. slingshot, used in during ancient Chamorro period. Ma sotda' katupat gi guinatduk giya Anåguan. They found ancient Chamorro slingshot during the dig at Anåguan. Si Noel ha gef tungu' mama'tinas katupat. Noel is an expert in making the ancient Chamorro slingshot.

katut n. type of tree: medium-sized tree with smooth grey stems and dense compacted leaves. claoxylon marianum. Matågu' yu' para bai hu tåga' påpa' i katut. I was told to chop down the claoxylon marianum. Hu tånum i katut gi lanchu. I planted the claoxylon marianum at the farm. Ti hu tungu' kåo måolik ha' matånum i katut gi kantun guma'. I don't know if it is all right to plant the claoxylon marianum near the house. Syn: pånåo.

kåtyun vt. path, street, trail, road, alley. Måolik si Juan mankåtyun, sa' ha na'gåsgas ha' mo'na. Guaha esta mofo'na ombris esta guaha makåtyun. Adahi na un tinaga' yanggin para un fankåtyun. Syn: kåyi.

adj. able to move forward, determined or committed to act. Ta na'fankåtyun hit para ta såtba i prublema disdi på'gu para mo'na. Let's be committed in solving the problem from here onward.

kåyi n. path, street, trail, road, alley. Abak si Mateo anai lachi na kåyi ha chuli'. Mateo lost his way when he took the wrong trail. Tattiyi si Jesus gi ottru na kåyi, sa' ti barångka. Follow Jesus on the other road, because it is not bumpy. Gaigi si Jose gi atyu na kåyi i para guatu gi as Mareus. Jose is at the path leading to Mareus. See: kåtyun. From: Sp. calle.

kayu'an adj. expert in husking coconut. Disti dikike'‑ña si Antonio, kayu'an. Antonio is an expert in husking coconut since he was a child.

kåyun vt. mark one's path so as to find the way back. Na'siguru na un kåyun i chalån‑mu mo'na ya un tungu' taimanu hinanånåo‑mu. Be sure to mark your movement forward so that you will know how you are progressing. Ti un abak yanggin un kåyun i chalån‑mu. You won't be lost if you mark your path. Variant: kåtyun.

ke1 n. the name of k, the twelfth letter of the alphabet.

ke sibåyi intj. it doesn't matter; it doesn't matter, I don't care, it's up to you. Kisibåyi ya un basnak yanggin ti malagu' håo manosgi. You don't want to listen, so I don't care if you fall down. Variant: kesibåyi.

ké'- (from: ké'‑) pref. try (to do something). I famagu'un ma keke'konni' i apatcha'. The children are trying to catch grasshoppers. Båsta matåktak i liga, sa' kumeke'maigu' i neni. Stop hitting the wall, because the baby is trying to sleep. Kåo siña un ke'tungu' håfa manma'e'egga' gi mubi på'gu? Can you try to find out what is showing at the movie today? Variant: ké‑.

ké'chuli' vt. attempt to take, try to take ownership of. Hånåo ya un ke'chuli' i talåya as tihu‑mu Martin. Go and get the fishing net from your Uncle Martin. I patgun ha ke'chuli' i hugeti ginin i estrangheru, låo muma'å'ñåo. The child tried to take the toy from a stranger, but then he was apprehensive. Ha ke'chuli' i aputunidåt para u kuentus låo dimasiåo yommahlåo. He tried to take the opportunity to say something but he was just too shy. Variant: kéchuli'.

ke'churai vi. hitch a ride; ask for favor. Kumechurai yu' gi as Juan para i tenda. I hitched a ride with John to the store. Esti i "kechurai" na palåbra ginin finu' Hapones. The word "kechurai" comes from the Japanese langauge. Nihi ta kechurai, sa' tåya' ma'udai‑ta para i giput. Let's hitch a ride, because we don't have transportation to the party.

ké'danchi vt. try to correct, try to make right, try to be on target, try to make amends. I istudiånti ha chagi månu i nina'siñå‑ña para u ke'danchi i kuestion kuentas. The student tried his best to give the correct answer to the math question. Chagi ya un ke'danchi i matka. Try to hit the mark. Mandåggåo i patgun åtchu' para u ke'danchi i bintåna. The kid threw a rock to try and hit the window. Variant: kédanchi.

ké'danchiyi vt. try to hit the mark for, try to give correct answers for. Si nang ha ayuda si Justo ni istudiu‑ña para u kedanchiyi ni kuestion siha. Mom helped Justo with his studies so she can try to give the correct answers to the questions. Hånåo ya hågu un fanfletcha ya un kedanchiyi si David ni matka. Go and shoot the slingshot so you can hit the mark for David. Kedanchiyi i machåchak i mostra para si Virginia kosa ki ti u låstima i matiriåt. Try to cut from the sample correctly for Virginia so that the material will not be wasted. Variant: kédanchiyi.

ké'hatsa vt. attempt to lift, attempt to raise. Si Felipe ha ke'hatsa i suetdun i implihåo siha. Felipe attempted to raise the employees' wages. Si Mariko ha ke'hatsa i båtdi låo dimasiåo makkat. Mariko tried to pick up the bucket but it was too heavy. Hagas ha' si Tun Ben ha ke'hatsa i presiun i fektus siha gi tendån‑ña. Elder Ben has been trying to raise the prices of goods at his store. Variant: kéhatsa.

ke'hu n. lame person, lame animal. Na'fa'tå'chung i ke'hu. Let the lame person sit. Ti sessu ta hunguk esti na fino'‑ta i ke'hu, ko'hu yan ke'yåo. We hardly hear our words for ke'hu, ko'hu and ke'yåo.

adj. lame. Kume'hu, sa' ginin basnåk anai hohobin. She became lame, because she fell when she was young. Variant: kohu, ko'hu, ke'yåo.

ké'lali adj. prone to sudden tripping, accident-prone. Esti na pitsona ke'lali. This person is accident-prone. Ya‑mu sumåonåo gi fina'huegu yan i ke'lali‑mu. You like to join sports with you being accident prone. Esti na påtgun disdi i mafañagu‑ña, ke'lali. This child has been accident-prone since birth. Variant: kélali.

ké'latchai vt. attempt to finish off, try to use or eat all of. Make'latchai i hinekkan mångga ni sakki. The thieves tried to finish off all the picked mangoes. Si Rosita ha ke'latchai i fina'denni' aliling. Rosita tried to eat all of the pickled conch. Insigidas ha ke'latchai i mana'i‑ña salåppi' put para u manå'i mås. He quickly used up his allowance hoping to get more. Variant: kélatchai.

ké'li'i' vt. try to see. Tuma'yuk i galagitu put para u ke'li'i' i amu‑ña. The puppy was jumping trying to see its owner. Tumohgi gi bintåna put para u ke'li'i' i finattun Tang. She was standing by the window trying to see Dad's arrival. Kalan ha na'achigugu' si Nang i matå‑ña put para u ke'li'i' i lettra gi katta. Mom squinted her eyes trying to see the words in the letter. Variant: kéli'i'.

ké'sangan vt. try to say. Guaha si Merced para u ke'sangan låo ha tulaika hinasson‑ña. Merced tried to say something but changed her mind. Ha ke'sangan i asuntu gi duråntin i dinanña' låo atrasåo. He was trying to say something during the meeting but it was too late. Si Kayla ha ke'sangan i sinisedi låo tåya' oputunidåt. Kayla was trying to talk about the incident but there was no opportunity. Variant: késangan.

ké'tungu' vt. try to learn, try to know, try to be informed. Maria, maila' ya un ke'tungu' mama'tinas brohas. Maria, come and try to learn how to make sponge cake. Humånåo si Balbina umiskuela para u ke'tungu' mås put hinemlu' tåotåo. Balbina went to study to learn about public health. Variant: kétungu'.

ke'yåo adj. walk with a limp. Mañodda' si Tåta unu na galagitu ni ke'yåo ya ha konni' para i gima'. Father found a puppy that limps and brought it home. Ke'yåo, sa' poddung ya måhluk i addeng‑ña. Elder Ramon walks with a limp, because he fell and broke his leg. Variant: ke'hu, ke'yåo.

ké'yuti' vt. try to dispose of, try to drop, try to throw, try to jump. Ha ke'yuti' gui' si Caridad gi tasi. Caridad tried to jump into the ocean. Si Angela ha ke'yuti' i nengkanu' låo hu chomma'. Angela tried to get rid of the food but I stopped her. Ha ke'yuti' gui' si Carlos gi taddung låo muma'å'ñåo. Carlos tried to jump off on the deep part but he was scared. Variant: kéyuti'.

kebra adj. left having to deal with a situation or issue brought about by others or by oneself, from not having a good grasp or understanding of what is going on. Duruyi i dibi, dispues hågu kebra manapåsi. You keep charging and you are going to end up paying for it all. Ti un kumprendi håfa masusesedi ya på'gu hågu kebra ni che'chu' siha. You didn't understand what was going on and now you are stuck with all the work. Hågu para manatan gi sinakkin Juan pues hågu kebra gi isåo. You were the look-out person when Juan was robbing and now you are left having to deal with the violation. From: Sp. quiebra.

kebrånta adj. Dimasiåo kebrånta håo put bumaila, dispues mapeddi håo gi kumpitision. You were enthusiastic about your dancing skills, but you lost in the competition. Ti gof maguf yu' put ennåo na tåotåo, sa' dimasiåo kebrånta gi kuentos‑ña. I am not too fond of the person as he is too over-confident with his statements.

vt. show assertiveness or over-confidence in self, edging on bragging. Un kebrånta håo muna'lagu låo ni håfa tiningo'‑mu. You were close to bragging about your cooking but you don't know anything. From: Sp. quebranta.

kechi' adj. stingy, tight, not willing to share. Ti put tai salappi' na kechi' ha' ennåo na tåotåo. It is not for lack of money; he is just stingy.

keha n. complaint. Masodda' na guaha keha kontra i ma'estra gi iskuelan pupbliku. There was finding that a complaint has been lodged against a teacher at a public school. Si Kina ha na'hålum keha kontra as tatå‑ña gi pulisiha. Kina submitted a complaint against her father to the police. Bula na mes manna'halum keha put asuntun peska. There are lots of complaints submitted about fishing issues this month.

vi. complain, report a violation, snitch. Mungnga kumeha solo un tungu' håfa magåhit masusedi. Don't report something unless you know the facts of the event. Ha keha i che'lu‑ña gi as nanå‑ña. She snitched on her sibling to her mom. From: Sp. queja.

kek n. cake. Kada mes mama'tinas si nang kek para i familia. Every month my mom bakes cakes for the family. Si nanå‑hu biha ha nå'yi låssas lemmun i båttin i kek para u månngi' påo‑ña. My grandmother added lemon rind to the cake batter to make it smell good. Si nåna ha tosta i sepblan kek siha para miriendan famagu'un. Mother toasted the leftover cakes for the children at tea time. From: Eng. cake.

kekoñu intj. you silly person, son of a gun, darn it. Kekoñu! Fansigi para i gima'‑miyu. You silly people! You all go home. Koñu dei, sa' mapetdi yu' gi batu. Darn it! I lost at the båtu game. Kekoñu si Maria, sa' ha kåtsa gui' na Såbalu. Son of a gun! Maria is all made-up this Saturday. See: dimoniu.

kélaguin n. popular dish of raw or half-cooked beef, fish, or poultry prepared with lemon juice. Ha tunu si Marianu i mannuk para i kelaguin. Marianu grilled the chicken for the kelaguin. Si nåna ha nå'yi bula lemmun i kelaguin kåtnin binådu ya ha na'sinimai un notchi åntis di u maplånta. Mother added a lot of lemon juice in the deer meat kelaguin and marinated it in the refrigerator overnight before it was served.

vt. make a dish of raw or half-cooked beef, fish, or poultry prepared with lemon juice. Månngi' makelaguin i satmon ya mana'yi tumåtis. It is delicious to make a dish of half-cooked salmon with added tomatoes.

kélali adj. wobbly. Mampus kelali i patgun, kada biråda poddung. The child is very wobbly, she will always fall down. Manu'utut håyun kelali para tokpung iskoba. He cut the wobbly wood to use for a mop head. Matomba ginin i kelalin addeng‑ña she stumbled due to her wobbly legs. Variant: ké'lali.

kema vt. 1) stir-fry. Gof ya‑hu bula na siboyas kumema yanggin mama'tinas yu' adobun månnuk. I like lots of onion when I am going to cook chicken. Si Maria ha kema påpa' i katni yan i gellai para senan‑måmi. Maria stir-fried down the meat and vegetables for dinner. Si nanå‑hu todu biåhi ya para na'lågu maseha håfa na kåtni, ha kekema fine'nena. Whenever my mother wants to cook, she first stir-fries the meat. 2) saute with onions or garlic. Matågu' si Juan para u kema i biringhenas. Juan was told to saute the eggplants. Ha usa si bihå‑hu lañan niyuk para u kema i gellai. My grandmother used the coconut oil to saute the vegetables. Månngi' makema i satdinas yan i biringenas. Sardines sauteed with eggplants are delicious.

vt. beat in wooden board game with 7 opposite holes on each side and a large hole on both ends. Hu na'kema i kuntråriu, sa' linaisin anai hinengngan ni talangan hulu. I beat my opponent in chongka, because he got startled by the rolling thunder. From: Sp. quema.

ken sabe intj. doubtful, I doubt it. From: Sp. quien sabe.

kepis n. chef's smock. Ha usa si nåna i kepis para u fama'tinas boka. Mother used her chef's smock to cook food. Si nåna ha laksiyi i che'lu‑hu palåo'an kepis para rigalu‑ña gi påsgua. Mother made my sister a chef's smock for her holiday gift. Ya‑hu i chitan donni' na matiriåt para kepis. I like the chili-pepper design materials for a chef's smock.

kesang vt. estimate, calculate. Anai makesang kuåntu bali‑ña i tanu', ti chumilung yan i kinegagåo. When they estimated the value of the land, it did not meet what was requested.

kesibåyi intj. it doesn't matter, I don't care, it's up to you. Kesibåyi ya un basnak yanggin ti malagu' håo manosgi. You don't want to listen, so I don't care if you fall down. Kesibåyi låo ti guailayi macho'gui ennåo. I don't care, but don't do that. Kesibåyi, låo nihi ta asagua na dos. It's up to us, let's go get married. Variant: kisibåyi.

kesnudu adj. nude, naked, bare, uncovered. Kesnudu i neni anai malågu huyung gi pettan sanme'na. The baby was naked when he ran out the front door. Kesnudu i ilu‑ña si Melissa gi halum somnak. Melissa's head was bare in the sun. From: Sp. desnudo.

kesu n. cheese. Bula kesu manmanå'i i taotåo dispues di pakyu. Lots of cheeses were distributed to the people after the typhoon. Ya‑ña si Tang atyu na kesu i kalan ottru påo‑ña. Dad loves the kind of cheese that has a funny smell. Ya‑ña i patgun fumåla' i kesu. The child likes to eat cheese by itself. From: Sp. queso.

ketchap n. soy sauce, tomato ketchup. Sessu ma'usa i ketchap para i atmondigas. Ketchup is often used with meatballs. Ya‑ña si Lukas muna'danña' i ketchap yan i hineksa'. Lukas likes to mix ketchup and steamed rice. Si nåna ha fa'tinåsi ham ketchap. Mom made ketchup for us.

ketu adj. keep still, stay quiet with no movement. Guaha na ti siña si Marcus ketu duråntin i istudiu. Sometimes Marcus cannot keep still during study time. Na'ketu i addeng‑mu, sa' bai hu nå'yi ni amut. Keep your legs still because I am going to apply the medicine. An bulåchu si Jesus, ti siña ketu gi gima'. Variant: kietu. From: Sp. quieto.

ki ora n. what time? (interrogative phrase). Ki ora i misa? What time is the mass? Ti ha tungu' ki ora esti na batkun airi para u hånåo. She does not know the time for the airplane to depart.

ki såbis vi. have no information, connotes "you don't know". Sa' håfa na para un såonåo kumuentus put i asuntu ni ki såbis håo. Why do you want to get into such conversation, you don't know anything about the issue. Ai adai, ki sabis gui' si Anuncia di manlåksi. Oh dear, Anunsia don't know anything about sewing. Hekkua' håfa si Jose ha såsangan gi madiskutin ennåo na lai; ki sabis gui'. I don't know what Jose is talking about in the discussion about the law; he doesn't know anything. From: Sp. qué sabes.

kiåmas n. sour frut, fruit which grows on a tree and is used for pickling. Averrhoa bilimbi. Åmut esti i kiåmas para lo'lu'. Kiamas is medicine for cough. Makåtdu i guihan yan i kiåmas para sena. Fish soup with sour fruit was prepared for dinner. Variant: kamias.

kiba' vi. frown, clown around in one's facial expression. Kalan kiba' i matå‑ña låo diputsi taiguihi ha' disdi mafañagu‑ña. His face appears like a frown but he was born that way. Ha na'kiba' i matå‑ña i patgun put para u kassi i che'lu‑ña. The child made a face at his sibling to tease him.

kichåla n. spoon. Håfa yamu, sipit pat kichala? Which do you prefer, chopstick or spoon? Si tåta ha fa'tinas kichåla ginin i lassas månha. Dad made a spoon out of the young coconut husk. Siña mafa'tinas kichåla ginin i ha'iguas. Spoons can be made out of coconut shells. Variant: kuchåla. From: Sp. cuchara.

kicharita n. teaspoon, small spoon. Gimin un kicharitan åmut lo'lu'. Drink one teaspoon of cough medicine. Nå'yi un kicharitan asiga. Add one teaspoon of salt. Na'setbi i kicharita yanggin para un na'chotchu i neni. Use a small spoon to feed the baby. Variant: kucharita. From: Sp. cucharita.

kicharón n. ladle. Ha usa si nåna i kicharon para u na'yåni yu' ni kåddu. Mom used the ladle to serve me soup. Usa kicharón ha'iguas para åhu. Use a coconut ladle for serving sweetened coconut porridge. I kusineru ha usa i mås dångkulu na kicharon para u midi i kantidå na sopas para kada tåotåo. The cook used the biggest ladle to measure the amount of soup for each person. Variant: kucharón. From: Sp. cucharón.

kichi' n. sexual intercourse (slang). Makkat si nåna ha kuentusi i famagu'on‑ña put kichi'. Mother finds it difficult to talk about sexual intercourse to her children. Sessu i patgun manhunguk put kichi' ginin i manamigu‑ña finene'na. Children usually learn about sexual intercourse first from friends.

kichu' n. type of fish: sergeant fish, convict tang. acanthurus triostegus (Family Acanthuridae). Ya‑hu maletchin niyuk i kichu. I love sergeant fish cooked in coconut milk. Bula kininne'‑ña kichu si Felix. Felix caught a lot of sergeant fish. Manmantika i kininne'‑ña kichu si Halaihai. The sergeant fish that Halaihai caught are fatty.

kidera vt. cut the ligaments of (an animal). Variant: diskareta.

kihådas n. jaw. Matomba si Jose ya malåssas kihadås‑ña. Jose tripped and scratched his chin. Grånu matditu si Bang kihadås‑ña. Bang has a boil on his chin. Pumuti i kihådas i neni anai matompu' kontra i lamasa. The baby's jaw was hurt when he fell against the table. I kihådas påtti gi ilu na bånda. The jaw is part of the head. From: Sp. quijadas.

vt. hit in the jaw. Hu kihådas i lahi‑hu, sa' ha oppi yu' tåtti. I hit my son's jaw, because he was sassy with me.

kihåyi vt. tell on (someone), bring an issue to the people about (someone). Mananña i ma'estru unu na påtgun iskuela ya makihåyi ni mañaina. The teacher hit one of the school children and the parents reported on him. Guaha gi halum i otganisasion tumugi' i sinisedi ya ha kihåyi hålum gi pulisiha. There was someone in the organization that documented what had happened and submitted a report to the police. Håfa na un kihåyi yu' as tatå‑hu? Why did you tell my dad on me? Hu kihåyi i manihånti put magåstan salåppi' pupbliku. I reported the spending of public funds by the management. Variant: kiåyi.

Kika' name. nickname for Francisca. Finu' Kika', esta todu yåfai i tatåotåo‑ña. As Kika stated, her body is totally fatigued. Ti umadanchi si Kika' yan si Kiku', låo chume'lu. Kika' and Kiku' don't get along, but they are siblings. Malak månu si Kika'? Where did Kika' go?

kikanyiu' n. machine gun (Saipan, usually refers to Japanese WWII machine gun). Masodda' dos na kikanyiu' gi liyang. They found two machine guns in the cave. Muna' guaha kikanyiu' gi liyang, sa' manmayuti' nu i sindålun Hapones. There are machine guns in the caves, because the Japanese abandoned them there. Ti ya‑hu na u fanhugåndu i famagu'un nu i hugeti na kikanyiu' pat maseha håfa na klåsin hugetin paki. I don't like the children to play with the toy machine guns or any kind of toy guns. Variant: kikanyo'. From: Jp. kikanjuu.

Kiku' name. nickname for Francisco. Malingun hålum si Kiku' anai esta o'sun nu hami. Kiku suddenly disappeared when he got bored with us. Ti si Kiku' na si Ne' ennåo kumonni' na guihan. It is not Kiku' but Ne' who caught that fish. Sotni si Kika', ti si Kiku', put ennåo na chinalapun. Blame Kika', not Kiku', for that mess. Humånåo si Kika' humugåndu gi bisinu. Kika' went to play at the neighbor's. Matågu' si Kika' para u gulik i eskommi. Kika' was asked to grind the boiled corn. Mama'tinas si Kika' titiyas ma'is. Kika' made some corn tortillas.

kílili vt. carry along, drag along, pull along, bring along. Na'siguru na un kilili todu i dokumentom‑mu para i kotti. Make sure to bring along all your documents to court. Kinilili nu i kurenti gi tasi. He was pulled by the current at sea. Hålla hulu' i maletå‑mu; mungnga makilili pat mabåtsala gi edda'. Pull up your bag; don't drag or pull it on the ground. I ga'lågu ha kilili i degga para i amu‑ña. The dog carried the shoes to its master. Ha kilili si Juana todu i famagu'on‑ña para i tasi. Juana took all her children to the beach. Ha kilili i mannuk i tinala' kåtni. The chicken dragged away the dried meat. See: båtsala.

kilisyånu n. Christian, a good person, Catholic. Na'hålum ennåo i un kilisyånu gi gima', sa' yayas. Welcome that good person into the house, because he is tired. Mankilisyånu esti siha na tåotåo, sa' manmatakpångi. These people are Catholics, because they were baptized. Uniku ha' na kilisyånu malagu' umayuda yu' anai hu sodda' chinatsaga. Only one Christian was willing to help me when I encountered difficulty. From: Sp. cristiano.

kilu'us n. cross, crucifix, the cross of Jesus. Ma'u'uma i kilu'us hulu' gi Takpochåo an Betnis Såntu. The cross is carried up to Mt. Takpochao on Good Friday. Ha råya si påli' kilu'us gi ha'i‑hu. The priest made a cross on my forehead.

kiluk vi. revolve, roll in a circle, turn around (on an axis), spin. Na'kiluk i tali gi haligin trongku. Tie the rope around the tree. See: kíluluk.

kíluluk1 vi. revolve, spin, roll in circle, turn around. Ha na'kiluluk si Juan i redan kareta. Juan rolled in circle the tires of the car. Håfa na ti kumiluluk i tulompu anai ha sotta? Why didn't the top spin when he let go? Ha na'kiluluk si Martin si Juan anai ha påtik. Juan spun around when Martin kicked him. See: kiluk.

kíluluk2 n. type of plant: Portia tree. thespesia populnea. Siña un sodda' meggai trongkun kiluluk gi kantun tåsi. You can find many Portia trees by the seaside. Variant: kiluk.

kilumetru n. kilometer. Kuåntu kilimetru inanakko'‑ña? How many kilometers is the length? Kåsi kinsi kilimetru chinago'‑ña esta i kareta. It is approximately fifteen kilometers to the car. Håfa taimanu tungo'‑mu na dos kilumetru ha' i distånsia esta i sengsung? How do you know that the distance to the village is only two kilometers? Variant: kilimetru. From: Sp. kilómetro.

kimådu adj. burned, inflamed, scorched, as in burnt rice, soup or the like. Ha na'kimådu si Nang i nina'lagu‑ña hineksa'. Mom scorched the steamed rice she was cooking. Kimådu i nina'lagun alåguan hagåf. The ghost crab porridge is burned. Kimådu i champulådun chikulåti para i neni. The chocolate porridge for the baby is burned. Variant: kumådu.

kimasón n. fire, conflagration. Hu li'i' i kimason gi eksu' Takpotchåo. I saw the fire on the hill at Takpotchåo.

vi. consumed by fire, burn, on fire. Kimason i cha'guan duråntin tiempun ånglu'. The grass burned during the dry season. Mapput kimason i hayu yanggin fotgun. It's difficult for the wood to catch on fire when it's wet. Kumason i katsunis Pedro anai mampus humihut kontra i guafi. Pedro's pants caught on fire when he got close to the fire. Kimason påpa' todu i iskuela nigap. The entire school burned down yesterday. Ginin i dangis na kimason i gima'. It was from the candle that the house burned down. Syn: kimådu, kumådu. Variant: kumasón.

kimi' n. pal, buddy, friend. Kimi' si Maria yan si Juana. Maria and Juana are buddies. Ti kimi' si Kika' yan si Rosa, sa' ottru ha' ofisiun‑ñiha. Kika' and Rosa are not friends, because they both have different interests. Mankimi' ham yan i famagu'un bisinu. We are friends with the neighbor's children. Håyi kime'‑mu gi iskuela? Who is your friend at school? Kumimi' ham disdi ki anai mandidikiki' ham. We were friends since we were children.

adj. having slanted eyes. Hinassok‑ku na Chinu, sa' put mampus kimi' i atadok‑ña. I thought he was Chinese, because his eyes are really slanted. Variant: kumi'. From: Jp. kimi.

Kin name. nickname for Joaquin. Håyi kumonni' si Kin para i iskuela? Who took Kin to school? Ti makonni' si Kin para i giput, sa' malingu maigo'‑ña. Kin was not taken to the party, because he fell asleep.

kina'lik adj. have a burning sensation in mouth (from lime used in betelnut chewing). Kina'lik yu' ni afuk. I feel a burning sensation in my mouth from the lime.

kinahit adj. all in orange, mostly in orange color. Ennåo i kinahit na franela ya‑hu. I like the t-shirt all in orange. Mansen bunitu i mangga yanggin esta mankinahit. The mangos were really pretty when they turned all orange. Ha atyik si Maria i kinahit na kareta. Maria picked the car all in orange.

kinahulo'guan vi. angry, upset, impulsive; change suddenly in mood from positive to negative, lose one's temper. Kinahulo'guan si Ana gi as Maria anai atrasåo måttu. Ana was upset when Maria came late. Ti bai kinahulo'guan mohon yanggin un sångan i magåhit. I wouldn't have lost my temper had you told the truth. Kinahulo'guan si Tomas gi fakmatå‑ña. Tomas was angry when he woke up.

kinahulu' n. 1) growing up, rising, climbing up, moving upward. Manatdit na kinahulu' famagu'un na tiempu. Children growing up these days are challenging. Manbunitu siha na floris gi kinahulu' i eksu'. There are beautiful flowers as you go up the hill. Håfa na kinahulu' famalåo'an na manataktak dimasiåo? Why are the young ladies of today so stubborn? 2) 

n. score, number of points, record of points made by competitors. Kuåntu na kinahulu' magånna gi huegun bola? How many points were won at the ball game? Mana'dos biåhi i kinahulu' kuntråriu ki hami. The opponents' score was two times more than ours.

kinahulu' åtdåo n. sunrise, dawn. Para u tåftaf i kinahulu' åtdåo agupa'. The sunrise tomorrow is going to be early. Bai hu hånåo umo'mak gi tasi åntis di kinahulu' åtdåo. I will go swimming at the beach before sunrise. Sen gåtbu i kinahulu' atdåo gi egga'an. The sunrise was so beautiful in the morning.

kinalamtin n. movement, motion, progress. Ti gof måolik i kinalamtin i måkinan kareta. The movement of the car engine is not very good. Dispåsiu i kinalamtin i pokkat‑ña si nånan biha. The movement of Grandmother's steps is slow. Bråbu i kinalamtin i tatåotåo yanggin nahung sustansiån‑ña. The movement of the human body is healthy when it is well- nourished. Esta lameggai na kinalamtin i che'chu' diksinåriu. There's already some progress on the dictionary project.

kinamyu n. grated coconut. Håfa para un nå'yi ni esti i kinamyu? What are you going to use with the grated coconut? Ha letchi ni kinamyu si Nåna i fina'tinås‑ña guihan. From the grated coconut, Mom added coconut milk to the fish she cooked. Po'lu i sopblan kinamyu gi halum kåhun ais. Put the leftover grated coconut in the refrigerator.

Kindu' name. nickname for Joaquin. Malak månu si Kindu'? Where did Kindu' go? Si Kindu' mås påtgun gi ñietu siha. Kindu' is the youngest amongst the grandsons. Muma'å'ñåo si Kindu anai ha li'i' i torun guaka gi kantun kollat. Kindu was frightened when he saw the bull by the fence.

kinékhiyung tåsi n. ebb tide. Humånåo si Joaquin tumalåya gi kinekhiyung tåsi. Joaquin went netfishing at low tide. Bula guihan gi bu'an gi kinekhiyung tåsi. There were lots of fish in the bay at low tide. Måolik umekarakot gi kinekhiyung tåsi. It is good to look for shells during low tide. Variant: må'ti.

kinententu n. contentment. Guaha kinententu gi implehåo siha anai manmapåtti parehu. There was contentment among the employees when they were paid equally. Tåya' kinententu as nåna anai ti måfattu si tang ginin pumeska. There was no contentment for mother when dad has not returned from fishing. Tai kinententu yu' yanggin ti hu lili'i' i famagu'un yanggin mano'o'mak. I find no contentment when I don't see the children swimming at the beach.

kini prep. than (in comparatives). Ga'ñak‑ku håo kini guiya. I love you more than the other. Bulåña salappe'‑mu kini guåhu. You have more money than me. Variant: ki.

kini hutu n. lice comb. Ni kini hutu siña muna'suha i hitu gi ilun i patgun. Not even the lice comb could remove the lice from the child's head.

kinibåtdi n. fear. Gai kinibåtdi si Magdalena ma'udai gi batkun airi. Magdalena has fear of flying in the airplane. Tai kinibåtdi si Francisco ni pulisiha, sa' tåya' båba bidå‑ña. Francisco was not fearful of the police, because he didn't do anything bad.

adj. fearful, spooked. Ti u hånåo si Ramon na maisa, sa' dimasiåo kinibåtdi. Ramon will not go by himself, as he is very fearful.

kinientus num. five hundred. Kinientus pesus bali‑ña esti na kareta. This car cost five hundred dollars. Ha nisisita si Vicente kinientus libra na kåtnin guaka para i fandånggu. Vicente needs five hundred pounds of beef for the wedding reception. Guaha kinientus na kumbiti para i baotismun i neni. There are five hundred invitees for the baptismal party for the baby. From: Sp. quinientos.

kinilak adj. 1) watery (of stool), loose (of stool). Kinilak i taki' i neni. The baby has watery stools. Dimasiåo bula kinanno'‑ña i patgun mångga ya kinilak take'‑ña. The child had water stool from eating a lot of mangoes. 2) look very sick due to lack of energy or illness. Måtan kinilak si Justo ni malangu‑ña. Justo looks weak due to his illess.

kinilis n. eclipse. Ma såsangan na båba ma'atan i kinilis ni manmapotgi' na famalåo'an. It is said that it is bad for pregnant women to look at the eclipse.

adj. 1) eclipsed. Agupa' i kinilis i pilan gi pupuengi. The eclipse of the moon will be tomorrow night. Guaha na biahi i lancheru masotni na ginin kinilis yanggin ti manmåolik i kusetchan lånchu. Farmers sometimes attribute a poor or defective harvest to an eclipse. 2) cleft (of lip). Ma'upera i pachot‑ña i patgun palåo'an, sa' kinilis labios‑ña. The young girl's mouth was operated on, because she has a cleft lip.

kinilót di rosa adj. all in pink, pinkish. Ya‑ña si Ana i kinilot di rosa na balakbak. Ana like purses in pink. Ti ha atyik si Martha i kinilot di rosa na floris. Martha did not choose the flower all in pink. Mamåhlåo si Kindu' frinanelan kinilot di rosa. Kindu' was embarrassed to wear a pinkish t-shirt.

kintó prep. and also, along with; shortened form of kuntodu. Chuli' ennåo i chinina kinto i katsunis. Bring that shirt and also the pants. Variant: kuntodu.

kintu adj. fifth. Gaigi si Kai' gi mina'kintu grådu. Kai is in the fifth grade. Sa' håfa na asta i mina'kintu åñus na para un gopti i patgun? Why did you wait until the fifth birthday to celebrate the child? Ti ha lipåra si Rosa na ha upus i kintu na misteriu gi lisåyu. Rosa did not realize that she skipped the fifth mystery of the rosary. From: Sp. quinto.

kingké' n. kerosene lamp; lamp. Na'fañila' i kingke' åntis di u hommum. Light the lamp before it gets dark. Ti siña mana'fañila' i kingke', sa' hokkuk pitroliu. The lamp cannot be lit, because there is no more kerosene. Ha kilili si Juan i kingke' para u peska ayuyu. Juan took the lamp to hunt for coconut crab.

kingki' adj. tightly curled (of hair). Kingki' gaputilu‑ña i neni. The baby has tight curly hair. Ha båtbas si Tang i batbas‑ña, sa' mampus kingki'. Dad shaved his beard, because it was too curly. Manma'agoddai ni kakko'‑ña si Kika', sa' dimasiåo kingki' gaputilu‑ña. They were very fascinated with Kika's curly hair. From: Eng. kinky.

Kingking name. nickname for toddlers named Joaquin, similar to terms of endearment such as Jim Boy, John Boy, etc. Sen maguf si Kingking anai ma fahåni sapatos‑ña. Kingking was elated when they bought him a pair of shoes.

kiores adv. more so, moreover. Yanggin siña si tatå‑mu mandispensa, kiores håo na måolik påtgun. If your dad can forgive, more so, you being a good child.

kirida adj. favorite, dear (term of endearment referring to females). Sa' håfa na si Kika' kirida ya ti guåhu? Why is Kika' the favorite one and not me?

n. dear, darling. Kirida, maila' fan ya un chiku si nåna. Dear, come and kiss mother. From: Sp. querida.

kiridu adj. favorite, dear (term of endearment referring to males). Si Kindu' i kiridu as Tang. Kindu' is Dad's favorite.

n. dear. Håfa, kiridu, siña bai hu ayuda håo? How can I be of help, my dear? Si kiridu Juan ha fahåni yu' nu esti na bunitun aniyu. My dear Juan bought me this beautiful ring. From: Sp. querido.

kisåbis vi. not know, be ignorant about something. Mungnga mafaisin yu' put ennåo, sa' kisåbis yu'. Don't ask me about that, because I have no idea. From: Sp. qué sabes.

kísami n. ceiling. Ma arekla i kisami gi gima' Juan. They repaired the ceiling at Juan's house. Maninanai' todu i tapblan kisami. The wood ceiling is all termite-ridden. Ti pumusipbli para u macho'gui i kisami, sa' fanuchånan na manggaigi hit. It is not possible to do the ceiling now, because we are in the rainy season. Variant: kísamin.

kisibåyi intj. it doesn't matter, I don't care, it's up to you. Anai hu å'agang håo para un chotchu, ti malagu' håo, kisibåyi ya un ñalang. When I was calling you to eat, you didn't want to, so I don't care if you are hungry. Si Ana ti ya‑ña manistudia, kisibåyi ya ti ha pas i tes‑ña. Ana does not like to study, it doesn't matter if she doesn't pass her test. Kisibåyi ya un basnak yanggin ti malagu' håo manosgi. You don't want to listen, so I don't care if you fall down. Kisibåyi låo ti guailayi macho'gui ennåo. I don't care, but don't do that. Kisibåyi, låo nihi ta asagua na dos. It's up to us, let's go get married. Variant: kesibåyi.

Kita' name. nickname for Maria, Marikita. Si Kita' ha låksi i talåya. Maria mended the fishing net. Si Kita' ha goddi i chiba gi trongkun niyuk. Maria tied the goat to the coconut tree. I dos dinga', si Maria yan si Marikita, sessu manlinaisin yanggin hu ågang, "Kita'!." The twins, Maria and Marikita, often get confused when I call, "Kita'!." Variant: Kitta', Kitalang.

Kitalang name. nickname for Rita. Variant: Italang.

kitan adj. cross-eyed. Si Juan ha na'kitan i atadok‑ña. Juan made his eyes crossed. I katu kitan atadok‑ña. The cat has crossed eyes. Esta yu' kitan ginin i tåntu umegga' mubi gi cell phone. I got crossed-eyed watching too many movies on my cell phone.

kitånlaña' adj. cross-eyed, idiotic. I amigu‑hu ha na'kitånlaña' i atadok‑ña. My friend made his eyes crossed-eyed like an idiot. Esta kitånlaña' fanatan‑ña ni bulachu‑ña. He was so drunk his eyes were crossed and looking like an idiot.

kiya n. timber. Si Markus ha sufan i ramas trongkun lemmai para kiya. Markus peeled the branch from the breadfruit tree to make timber. Manmanutut kiya para i batku. Timbers were cut for the ship. Tåya' kiya guini na båtku. There is no timber in this ship.

klå'an n. pronoun. Si Juan ya‑ña umusa i kla'an gi todu i tinige'‑ña istoria. Juan likes to use pronouns in every story that he writes. I istudiånti siha gi iskuela manmafa'nå'gui ni kla'an gi manmånggi' sintensia. The students at school learn how to write sentences with pronouns. Guaha kuåttru na klåsin klå'an gi Chamorro. There are four kinds of pronouns in Chamorro.

klåba vt. crucify, hold down. Maklåba si Jesukristu gi haligi put i isåo‑ta siha. Jesus Christ was crucified for our sins. Klåba i chiba guatu gi trongkun mångga. Pin the goat against the mango tree. Klåba i ga'ga', sa' u falågu. Pin down the animal, because it may run away. From: Sp. clava.

klåbu n. clef (in music). Na'klåru i klåbu gi sotfa. Make the clef clear in the music notes. Håfa i singku na klåbu gi sotfa? What are the five clefs in music? From: Sp. clave.

klaridåt n. clarity. Debi di u guaha klaridåt gi lingguåhi siha. There has to be clarity in the language. From: Sp. claridad.

adj. clear. Kåo klaridåt i palåbra gi dokumentu? Are the words clear in the document? Na'klaridåt i obligasion gi che'cho'‑mu. Make sure your duties at work are clear.

klarifika vt. explain, make (something) clear, clarify. Put fabot klarifika esti siha na palåbra. Please clarify these words. Kåo siña un klarifika i che'cho'‑mu siha? Can you explain your duties here? Ma klarifika i fundamentun matrimoniu. They brought clarity to the fundamentals of marriage. From: Sp. clarifica.

klåru adj. clear. Klåru! Very clear! Na'klaru fan i fino'‑mu? Would you please clarify your statement? Ti klålaru trabiha håfa para u macho'gui. It is not clear yet what they are going to do. Madiroga i plånu, sa' ti klåru. The plan was revoked, because it was not clear. From: Sp. claro.

klaruyi vt. make (something) clear, provide clarity to. Si Melvin ha klaruyi si nåna‑ña håfa bidå‑ña gi paingi. Melvin made clear to his mother about what he did last night. Hu na'klaruyi ni diretchok‑ku. I made clear about my rights. Kåo un na'klaruyi ni obligasion‑ña? Did you make clear to him about his obligation?

klåsi n. kind, class, type. Håfa na klåsi esti na ga'lågu? What kind of dog is this? Håfa na klåsi esti? What kind is this? Håfa na klåsin guma', Mariano, malago'‑mu? What type of house do you want, Mariano? From: Sp. clase.

klasifika vt. break down into some order, separate, organize, classify. Kåo siña un klasifika esti na lista? Can you organize this listing? Ti klåru taimanu man maklasifika i amut natibu. It is not clear how the native medicines are classified From: Sp. clasifica.

klasifikåo adj. classifiable, able to be classified. Kåo klasifikåo esti na sinedda' åtchu'? These rocks that were found, are they classifiable? Kuåntu na dokumentu manklasifikåo? How many of the documents are classifiable? Esti na sinedda' ramentan antigu klasifikåo gi prisienti na sisteman klasifikasion. The new findings of the ancient tools are classifiable under the current classification system. From: Sp. clasificado.

klasifikasión n. classification, system of organization. Håfa na klasifikasion esti? What classification is this in? Bula na klasifikasion råsan tåotåo. There are lots of ethnic classifications. Amånu na siña ta sodda' mås klasifikasion put esti na gurupun gå'ga'? Where can we find more classifications about this animals? From: Sp. clasificación.

klema n. climate, weather. Håfa na klåsin klema iya Alaska? What kind of climate does Alaska have? Håfa taimanu i klema ha afekta i tanu'? How does the climate affect the land? I klema giya Tinian måolik para manånum. The climate on Tinian is good for planting. Variant: klima. From: Sp. clima.

kleptomånia n. kleptomania. From: Sp. cleptomanía.

klima n. climate. Matulalaika i klima gi tanu'. The world climate is changing. Variant: klema. From: Sp. clima.

klimensia n. mercy, clemency. From: Sp. clemencia.

klimenti n. affection, kindness. Kåo guaha sinientin klimenti para si Juan? Do you feel kindness toward Juan? Isplikåyi i sinientem‑mu klimenti para guiya. Explain your affection for him. Kåo guaha sinientin klimenti para guåhu gi halum i kurason‑mu? Do you have any feeling of affection for me in your heart? From: Sp. clemente.

Ko' name. nickname for Francisco. Kåo si Ko' ennåo? Is that Francisco? Variant: Kiku', Tikkuling, Ku'.

ko'hu adj. lame. Variant: kohu.

ko'ku'1 n. type of bird: Guam rail, white-browed rail. rallus owstoni.

ko'låo vt. bring (food) to, bring (information) to. Hu ko'låo siha infotmasion si Winnie. I brought information to Winnie. Håfa un ko'låo si Justo? What food did you bring to Justo? Kåo un ko'låo si Maria gi che'chu'? Did you bring food to Maria at work?

ko'operasión n. cooperation, teamwork. I ko'operasion‑mu hu nisisita. I need your cooperation. I ko'operasion gi halum gurupu sen måolik. Teamwork in a group is very good. Kåo guaha ko'operasion gi esti na gurupu? Is there teamwork in this group? From: Sp. cooperación.

ko'operatibu adj. cooperative. Guaha ko'operatibu na nina'siña gi intri i mangguagualu'. There is cooperative effort amongst the farmers. Yanggin guaha ko'operatibu gi kumunidåt, siempri guaha mås inafa'måolik. If there is co-operative effort in the community, there will be more peace. Kåo pusipbli ko'operatibu gi sitbision hinemlu'? Is there the possibility of cooperative effort in the health services? From: Sp. cooperativo.

kobra vt. hold down, secure. Si Thomas ha kobra i chiba kontra i tanu'. Thomas held the goat down on the ground. Si Pedro ha kobra i guaka. Pedro secured the cow on the ground. Si Pedro ti siña ha kobra si Juan. Pedro could not hold down Juan. From: Sp. cobra.

kochi1 n. carriage, coach. From: Sp. coche.

kódigu n. code, system of principles or rules From: Sp. código.

kodu n. upper arm. I kodu mås sessu matatu. The upper arm is most often tattooed. Balangbang i kodu gi kannai Tåta, sa' esta åmku'. Dad's arm muscles are flabby, because he is old. Maguaiya i kumpitensian kodu ni lalåhi. Men love arm wrestling competitions. Dångkulu i kodu‑ña si Juan. Juan has big arm muscles.

vi. arm-wrestle. Maila' ya ta kodu na dos. Come, let's arm wrestle. Variant: koddu.

kohu adj. lame, crippled, having a crooked leg, one-legged. Chadekña magacha' un dakun kini un kohu. It's easier to catch a liar than a crippled person. Nina'kohu ni makkat chi'cho'‑ña. He was made lame from hard labor. Kumokohu, sa' puti addeng‑ña. He's walking one-legged, because his leg hurts. Syn: chångku, ke'yåo.

kókañåo adj. cowardly, scared, easily spooked. Kokañåo si Juan na tåotåo. Juan is a cowardly person. Ti siña mumu, sa' kokañåo. He cannot fight, because he is not strong. Ka'ñåo si Jose malak i simintetyu. Jose gets scared going to the cemetery. Variant: ka'ñåo.

kokas adj. 1) tangled, twisted. Esta kokas i kutdet‑ña si Soledada. Soledada's fishing line is tangled. Mampus kokas i hilun i tulompun Luis. The cord of Luis' spinning top is too tangled. 2) empty. Sigi ha' manaposta esta ki kokas salappe‑'ña. He kept gambling until he ran out of money. Håyi muna'kokas i latan biskit? Who finished up the cookie jar?

kokkuk vi. clear one's throat.

kókkulu' vi. go up. Anai mankokokkulu' hami gi eksu', guaha mansulun påpa'. When we were going up the hill, some slipped down. Kumekekkulu' i guali'ik gi liga. The gecko is trying to go up the wall. Fangokkulu' hulu' gi gima'. You all go up to the house. Probably related to kahulu'.

koko' n. pickle (made from cucumber, mango, papaya, radish). Guaha gi metkåon Sinapalu manmabebendi mansen pika na koko' papåya. There are very hot papaya pickles on sale at the market in Sinapalo. Mungnga mana'bisiu i koko', sa' todu mampus ti måolik. Don't make it a habit to eat pickles, because anything too much is not good.

vt. pickle (something), make (something) into a pickle. Ha koko' i pipinu ya ha na'sen ma'asin. She pickled the cucumber and made it extremely salty. Ya‑hu kumoko' i gada' mångga para bai chuli' guatu gi giput familia. I like to pickle the young mangos to bring there at family parties.

kokonsunånti n. geminate consonant, a combination of two identical consonants. Kokonsunånti i dumanña dos konsunånti gi palåbra. Geminate consonant is a combination of two identical consonants in a word. Ihemplun kokosunanti siha: pp salåppi’), tt (tåtti), gg (tåggam). Geminate consonants examples: pp (salåppi’), tt (tåtti), gg (taggam).

kókulu' vi. go up, move upward. Anai kokokulu' i karetan guaka, gotpi sulonpapa', sa' fachi' i edda'. As the bull cart was going uphill, suddenly it slipped down, because the soil was muddy. Mungnga iya' mankokulu' gi gua'ut tåt nisisidåt in famoddung. Don't be climbing the ladder, there's no need to fall.

kóladut n. strainer, filter. Ha tågu' yu' si nåna para bai famåhan un koladut. Mother asked me to buy a strainer. Usa i keladut para un na'tuhu' i gellai. Use the strainer to drain the vegetables. Hu nisisita dikiki' na koladut para bai hu changkotcha chå. I need a small filter to brew tea. From: Sp. colador.

kolåyi vt. put train on (a dress). Ma kolåyi sen ånakku' i chininan nobia. They put a long train on the wedding dress. Dimasiåo anåkku' i makolåyi gi bistidu. The train is much too long on the dress.

vi. get a college education, be educated in college. Siempri mås måolik i kualidåt lina'la' yanggin manmakolehiu todu i taotåo. The quality of life will increase if all the people get a college education.

koleksión n. collection, gathering (of), exhibit, donation. Dimasiåo dididi' na koleksion salåppi' gi misan Damenggu. There was very little collection of money at the Sunday mass. Tåya' koleksion mutta gi dinanña' i otganisasion. There was no collection of fines at the gathering of the organization. Manmama'tinas bunitu na koleksion litråtun familia. They made a beautiful family photo collection. From: Sp. colección.

kolektót n. collector. Guaha kinientus pesus na koleksion che'cho'‑ña i kolektot. The collector worked and collected five hundred dollars. Esta o'sun si Martin na guiya kolektot. Martin is tired of being the collector. From: Sp. colector.

kólera n. cholera. Tåya' esta esti na chetnut i kolera giya Guam. There is no longer this disease called cholera on Guam. Guaha esta åmut para u inamti kolera. There is already medicine that cures cholera. From: Sp. cólera.

kollat n. fence, corral, pen, barricade. Mama'tinas kollat si Tang para i ga'‑hu chiba. Dad made a coral for my pet goat. Guaha siha alåmli para i kollat‑måmi guaka. There is barbed wire for our cattle fence. From: Sp. corral.

vt. put a fence around (something), barricade. Ha kollat si Nang i petta putno u poddung huyung i neni. Mom barricaded the door so the baby will not fall out of the door.

kollat chå'guan n. hedge, fence formed by shrubs or trees. Si David mama'tinas kollat chå'guan para u kollat i ga'‑ña galagitu. David made a hedge to fence in his puppy. I bisinu mama'tinas kollat chå'guan gi me'nan gimå'‑ña. The neighbor planted hedges at the front of his house. Bula sasata gi halum kollat chå'guan. There are lots of bees inside the hedges.

kolumna n. column. I fine'nina na kolumna un usa para un fitma håo. Use the first column to write your signature. Måtka i sigundu na kolumna para un bota i malago'‑mu na maga'låhi. Mark the second column to vote for who you want to be the governor. Ti siña si Tang ha li'i' i tinigi' gi tetseru na kolumna. Dad couldn't see the writing in the third column. Syn: fila, lucha. From: Sp. columna.

koma n. coma. Gof målangu si nåna ya esta gaigi gi koma. Grandmother is very sick and is now in a coma. Esta guaha tres mesis disdi koma i biha. The old lady has been in a coma for three months. From: Sp. coma.

adj. be in a coma. Ma'å'ñåo si Joseph na u koma gi malangu‑ña. Joseph is fearful of being in a coma when he gets sick.

komeya n. comedy. Manegga' i famagu'on komeya na sho. The children watched a comedy show. Ti na'chalik i shon komeya ginin Inglatera. The comedy show from England was not funny. Nina'bubu si Tang ni shon komeya ginin Filipinas sa' hinasson‑ña na mampus manhåfkåo. Dad was angry at the comedy show from the Phillipines, because he thought it was too silly. From: Sp. comedia.

komidiånti n. comedian. Si Rufu i komidianti giya hami. Rufu is our comedian. Ha chagi para u komidiånti låo ti ha na'siña. He tried to be a comedian but failed. From: Sp. comediante.

komisiånti n. merchant, trader, businessman, dealer, storekeeper. Guaha inetnun komisiånti giya Mariånas. There is an organization of businessmen in the Marianas. Bula komisiånti ginin hiyung Mariånas. There are lots of businessmen from outside the Marianas. Guaha unu na komisianti sessu mannå'i salåppi' para i iskuelan pupbliku. There is one businessman that always donates to the public schools. From: Sp. comerciante.

kommat n. griddle, flat metal sheet used to make tortillas, pancakes, and to toast. Usa i kommat nåna para mama'tinas dångkulu na titiyas ma'is. Use Grandmother's griddle to make big corn tortillas. Si nåna ha nå'i si Kina' ni iyon‑ña kommat para titiyas. Grandmother gave Kina her griddle for making tortillas. Si tang ha fa'tinåsi si nang kommat. Dad made Mom a griddle. From: Sp. comal.

kommun n. toilet, bathroom, restroom. Kåo guaha esta kommun sanhalum gi gimå'‑mu? Do you have an indoor bathroom already? Ti malagu' i patgun dikiki' ha usa kommun iskuela. The toddler refused to use the bathroom at school.

kompas n. compass (mariner's), a device for determining directions by means of a magnetic needle. Kada marineru gi batku gai kompas. Every mariner on a ship own a compass. From: Sp. compás.

kompiuta n. computer. I iskuelan ilimentåriu manmafa'nåna' kompiuta, sa' prisisu para u matungu'. The elementary school is teaching the computer class, because it is very important. Si Peter ha fahåni i hagå‑ña kompiuta gi ha'ånin kumpliaños‑ña. Peter bought her daughter a computer on her birthday. Mås chaddik yu' macho'chu' yanggin hu usa i kompiuta. I work faster when I use a computer. From: Eng. computer.

kómuda n. chest of drawers, bureau. Ha fa'tinåsi yu' si tang iyok‑ku komuda. My dad made me a chest of drawers. Bunitu fina'tinas Gabriel ni komuda para i hagå‑ña. Gabriel made a beautiful chest of drawers for his daughter. Ha bendi si Sigundu i komuda ni nina'in bihå‑ña. Sigundu sold the chest of drawers that his grandmother gave him. Syn: tånsu'. From: Sp. cómoda.

kómudu adj. useful, handy. Sen komudu si Judy duråntin i sirimonias. Judy was very handy during the ceremony. I ramientan Tång gof komudu anai mahåhatsa i gima'‑måmi. Dad's toolbox was very useful during the construction of our house. Guaha siha nuskuåntus ramenta mankomudu gi gima'. There are a couple of tools that are very useful around the house. From: Sp. cómodo.

komunidåt n. community. Manfafa'cho'chu' esti siha na komunidåt. These communities are industrious. Guaha sinientin komunidåt guini na lugåt. There is a sense of community in this place. Håyi gi komunidåt‑ta para ta tattiyi put esti na asuntu? Who in our community are we to follow regarding this matter? Variant: kumunidå.

kómutgan vi. receive holy communion. Manma'otdin i famagu'un na u fankonfisat åntis di u fankomutgan. The children were instructed to go to confession before receiving holy communion. Manlukåo mo'na i taotåo para i attat para u fanmankomutgan. The people lined up to the alter to receive holy communion. Kana' gotgan si Fulånu anai kumomutganñaihun sa' tinani' ha' manatan håyi siha manhohosmi misa. Fulanu almost choked when he received holy communion, because he was distracted observing who was attending the service. From: Sp. comulgan.

konbikta vt. convict (someone). Makonbikta i prohimu dispues di mahunguk i kaosan‑ña. He was convicted after his case was heard. Debi guaha manmetgut na ebidensia para uma konbikta i taotåo. There must be strong evidence to convict a person.

koncha n. seashell. Syn: karakót. From: Sp. concha.

konsikuåt art. each, on its own. Kadakuåt konsikuåt hinanåo‑ñiha gi paingi ya anai manmåttu gi gima', mansen bulåchu. Everyone went last night on their own and when they came to the house, they were all drunk. Syn: kadakuåt. Variant: konsukuåt.

konsu prep. with one's own. Kadakuåt konsu chalån‑ña para guini na ileksion. Everyone according to his own way in this election. From: Sp. con su.

konsunånti n. consonant. I hagå‑hu mafanåna'gui' put konsunånti ni ma'estrån‑ña. My daughter was taught about consonants by her teacher. I sunidun i konsunånti prisisu na para u matungu' para u fanggina'chungi gi bandan månggi'. The consonant sounds are important to learn in writing. Debi un tungu' todu i konsunånti gi finu' Chamorro. You need to know all the consonants in Chamorro. Variant: kunsunånti. From: Sp. consonante.

kontra prep. against. Ha pega i hayu kontra i liga. He placed the stick against the wall. Ha na'apu' i bisikleta kontra i liga. She leaned the bicycle against the wall. Chettun i chinggam kontra i gaputulu‑ña. The chewing gum is stuck in his hair. From: Sp. contra.

vt. challenge, compete with, be against (someone). Mana'akontra gi gayera. They challenged each other at the cockfight. Cha'‑mu yu' kokontra, sa' ti un tungu' fuetsåk‑ku! Don't you challenge me, because you don't know what I can do!

kontrapesa n. counterweight, weight that balances another weight. From: Sp. contrapesa.

kopbla vt. dun, demand payment of credits, funds, demand for return of items, etc. Måttu i dueñu ya ha kopbla yu' nu i kamyon‑ña. The owner of the coconut grater came and demanded its return. Makopbla i istudiånti nu i apas i matitik na lepblu. They demanded payment from the student for the torn book. Mungnga manangga na un makopbla nu i dibi‑mu; apåsi kuntiempu. Do not wait to be told to pay your debt; pay it in advance. From: Sp. cobra.

kopbladót n. collector, one who has the habit of demanding payment. Kada bångku guaha kopbladot‑ña. Every bank has a collector. Ha tungu' muna'mamis i fino'‑ña i kopbladót put para u chuli' malago'‑ña. The collector knows how to sweet-talk to get what he is after. From: Sp. cobrador.

kosas n. thing, item, object. Bula kosas gi halum guma'. There are many things in the house. Bunitu na kosas låo tai setbi. That is a beautiful but useless object. Gi kada kosas, guaha para ma'uså‑ña. There is a way to use every item. Ma'usa ennåo na kosas gi duråntin i hunta. That item was used during the meeting. From: Sp. cosas.

kossus adj. filthy, smutty, muddy, dirty. Mampus kossus i neni. The baby is very dirty. Fa'gåsi i addeng‑mu åntis di un hålum, sa' kossus. Wash your feet before you enter, because they're muddy. Esti na kossus magagu‑hu, ti bai hu hånåo para i tenda taiguini. With my clothes being dirty, I won't go to the store like this. Syn: måskara. Variant: kosus.

kosta1 n. cost, expense, rate, fare, charge, face value, market price. Kuåntu i kosta i kostat pugas? How much is a sack of rice? Kuåntu i kosta ginagagåo‑mu ni esti? What is your asking price? Kuåntu i kostan ferry para Tinian? How much is the ferry fare to Tinian? Syn: gåstu, presiu. From: Sp. costo.

kostas n. issue, matter, business, concern. Hu sangåni si Juan na ti kostås‑ña para u såonåo gi mumun‑ñiha i dos na umasagua. I told Juan not to get involved in in the quarrel between the married couple. Cha'‑mu umentalu' gi kostas ottru tåotåo. Don't get involved in someone else's business. Yanggin ti kostås‑mu, båsta kumuentus put åguaguat tåotåo. Stop talking about other people's stubborness if it is not your concern. Variant: kosas. From: Sp. cosas.

kostat n. sack, bag, typically large and of coarse material; small sack. Guse'‑ña tumachu i kostat yanggin guaha sinahguan‑ña. The bag will stay upright when it is full. Guse'‑ña poddung i kostat yanggin tåya' sinahguan‑ña. The bag easily tips over when it is empty. Mamåhan yu' un kostat suni. I bought a sack of taro. Syn: butsiyun ganggochi, butsiyu, kostat påppit. From: Sp. costal.

kosturera n. seamstress. I kosturera lumålaksi i chininå‑hu. The seamstress sews my dress. Kåo måolik ennåo na kosturera? Is she a good seamstress? I kostureru lumåksi i saku‑hu umakamu'. The tailor sewed my wedding suit. I kostureru lumåksi i katsunes‑su. The tailor sewed my pants. Måolik atyu na tendan kostureru. That is a good tailor shop. From: Sp. costurera.

kot n. coat, jacket. Usa i kot, sa' manenghing. Use a coat, because it is cold. Guaguan ennåo na kot, sa' kueru matiråt‑ña. That is an expensive jacket, because it is made of leather. Syn: såku. From: Eng. coat.

kotcha n. cork, stopper, stopcock. Na'suha i kotcha gi buteya. Remove the cork from the bottle. Usa i kotcha ya mungnga machuda' i miet. Use the cork to stop the honey from leaking. Hu na'setbi i kotcha ni para bai lotgi i nangasi'. I used a stopper to fill the sink. Variant: kocha. From: Sp. corcha.

kotcha2 n. slipper, light shoe easily slipped on (usually for indoor use), sandal, slip-on, house shoe. Ti ulat i adding i patgun nu esti na kotcha. These slippers do not fit the child's feet. In fa'tinas kotcha yan tuhung ginin i hagun lemmai. We made slippers and hats from breadfruit leaves. Variant: kocha.

kotchun n. mattress, cushion. Manana' kotchon‑ña esti na kåttri. This bed has a soft mattress. Månngi' matå'chung gi manana' na kotchun. It is comfortable to sit on a soft cushion. From: Sp. colchón.

Kotdun di San Francisco n. type of flower. Lycopodium phlegmaria (Family Lycopodiaceae). Bunitu atyu na floris ni mafanana'an kotdun di San Francisco. The type of flower called Kotdun di San Francisco is very beautiful. Difirentis klåsin kulot esti i Kotdun di San Francisco. This type of flower called Kotdun di San Francisco comes in different colors.

kotdura n. wisdom, good judgment (Saipan). I kotduran i Saina para u giha hit. The wisdom of God will guide us. Fa'tinas måolik na kotdura. Make a good judgement. From: Sp. cordura.

kotma vt. hold with a headlock, wristlock, etc., so as to prevent movement; clamp, tie down, pin down, pin against. (Saipan also Rota). Kotma i matiriåt kosa ki ti u poddung. Clamp the materials so that they will not fall. Kotma kontra i haligi, sa' ti u gupu i magågu. Pin the cloth against the pole so it will not be blown off.

kotneteru n. trumpeter, trumpet player. Gof bunitu na sunidu ni ha dandan i kotneteru gi misa. The trumpeter plays very nice sounds during mass. Ha tungu' i kotneteru muna'suåbi i sunidu ni ha lalaknus. The trumpeter knows how to deliver mellow sound. From: Sp. cornetero.

kotpurasión n. corporation, firm, company. Sigi ha' i kotpurasion ha huchum adumididi' siha. The corporations keep pulling out one at a time. Måolik na kontribusion mana'håhalum ni kotpurasion para i tano'‑ta. A good amount of contribution is given by the corporation to our island. Ha na'manman yu' i difirentis klåsin kotpurasion ni manggaigi guini gi tano'‑ta. I'm surprised how many different kinds of corporation we have here on island. From: Sp. corporación.

kottådu adj. curdled, changed into curd, coagulated, thickened. Mungnga magimin i letchi, sa' kottådu. Do not drink the milk, because it curdled. Mungnga matåmpi i ahu, sa' siempri kottådu. Do not cover the coconut porridge, because it will curdle. Yuti' i letchi, sa' kottådu. Throw the curdled milk away. From: Sp. cortado.

kottesiha vi. genuflect, bow (in respect). Kottesiha yanggin manånayuyut håo. Guneflect when you worship. Kumottesiha si påli' gi me'nan i attat gi gima'yu'us. The priest bowed in front of the altar in church. I Hapones mangkottesiha put rispetu. The Japanese bow in respect. From: Sp. cortesía.

kotti n. court, trial, the hearing at a trial. Masupina yu' para i kotti. I was summoned to court. Fanggai rispetu gi halum kotti. Behave respectfully in court. I abugådu yan i prisineru manmafaisin na'an‑ñiha gi halum kotti. The lawyer and the prisoner were asked to identify themselves in court.

vt. try, put on trial. Para u makotti si Jose på'gu na ha'åni. Jose will have a court hearing today. Mungnga yu' ma'ågang yanggin para un makotti, sa' tai isåo yu'. Don't get me involved when you are taken to court, because I am innocent. Ti parehu yanggin makotti håo, sa' siempri mahusga håo na umisåo håo magåhit. Being put on trial is different, because you will be judged and found really guilty of your crime. From: Sp. corte.

kottidu n. pickle. Mamåhan yu' dos na tårun kottidu. I bought two bottles of pickles. Manåna'yi binakli esti i kottidu. Vinegar is added to pickled foods.

vt. preserve (food) by pickling. Hu kottidu i mangga put sino u båba. I pickled the mangos so they would not spoil. Na'bula asiga yanggin para un kuttidu. When pickling, use a lot of salt. Debi di un kuttidu i pipinu gi asiga un diha yanggin para u påska. You need to pickle the cucumber in salt for a day for it to be crunchy. See: sinimai. Variant: engkattidu. From: Sp. encurtido.

kottut n. basket woven of akgak (pandanus leaves), woven bag. Hu nå'i i amigå‑hu un kottut fruta. I gave my friend a fruit basket. Mama'tinas si nåna kottut ginin i akgak. Mother wove a basket made of pandanus leaves. Kalan guaguan i kottut gi tendan turista siha. It appears that the woven baskets in tourist shops are expensive. See: tisågi'.

koyukai n. related to money (change, pocket money, etc.). Guaha dididi' koyukai para un apasiyi yu' nu i na'‑hu? Do you have small change to pay for my food? Inayuda i lancheru ginin i tinanom‑ña para koyukai‑ña. The farmer's produce provided him with some pocket money. From: Jp.

krakas n. cracker, biscuit (hard or crisp). Hu kånnu' i krakas anai kalan båba sinientek‑ku. I ate crackers when I started feeling faint. Bumento' yu' krakas yan latan tuna. I packed crackers and canned tuna for lunch. Na'yiyi krakas i kaddu para i giput agupa'. Add crackers to the soup for the feast tomorrow. Syn: biskuchu. From: Eng. crackers.

kredensiåt n. credential. Kana' ha' memeggai‑ña na istudiånti mås yan‑ñiha chumuli' digrin‑ñiha kinu kredensiåt. Most students would rather get their degrees than a credential. Dilikåo på'gu na tiempu yanggin para un bisnis, sa' debi ha' u guaha kredensiåt. It's critical nowadays if you're going to open a business, because you have to have a credential. Meggai iskuela giya Amerika ni siña un chuli' kredensiåt‑mu. There are many schools in the U.S. where you can obtain your credential. From: Sp. credencial.

kréditu n. credit, esteem, merit, honor. Un miresi tatkilu' na kreditu put i che'cho'‑mu gi kuminidåt. You deserve high honor for your work in the community. Manå'i kreditu put i måolik che'cho'‑ña gi kulehun Saipan. She was credited for doing well at the college in Saipan. Ti ya‑ña si Francisco manå'i kreditu na maisa put i che'chu' i linahyan. Francisco disliked being given credit when the work was performed by a team. From: Sp. crédito.

kredu n. creed, belief. Tattiyi i mafana'gume‑mu na kredu. Follow the creed that you were taught. Håfa mås tatkilu' na kredu gi hinenggem‑mu? What is the most important creed in your religion? From: Sp. credo.

krehadót n. creator. Si Yu'us i krehadot i langit yan i tanu'. God is the creator of heaven and earth. Ti bula siña sumångan na mankrehadot siha. Not many could claim to be creators of anything. Kåo magåhit na guiya krehadot put esti na måkinan mama'gåsin nå'yan? Is it true that he is the actual creator of this machine for washing dishes? Syn: fáfa'tinas. From: Sp. creador.

kresienti n. crescent, used when referring to the moon. Atan i kresientin i pilan, sa' kalan aga'. Look at the crescent moon, because it is shaped like a banana. I kresientin i pilan guaha siha siñåt ha nåna'i hit. The crescent moon signifies certain meanings for us. I kresientin i pilan ha fa'nunu'i hit månu na bånda na gaigi i atdåo gi langit. The crescent moon shows us the source of the sun's rays in the sky. From: Sp. creciente.

krestan gåyu n. type of flower: cockscomb. Celosia argentea (Family Amaranthaceae). Manånum yu' krestan gåyu na floris. I planted flowers called krestan gayu. Bunitu i krestan gåyu na klåsin floris, sa' guaha kulot agaga' yan kulot di rosa. Cockscomb flowers are beautiful, because they can be red or pink colors. Bula floris krestan gåyu gi uriyan i gima' bisinu siha. The neighbors have a lot of krestan gayu plants around their homes.

kreståt n. crystal, (dinnerware) glass. Adahi na un pokka' i basun kreståt. Do not break the crystal glass. Mangguaguan i kreståt na kosas. Crystal products are expensive. Kabålis i na'yan kreståt anai hu tufung nigap. The set of crystal dinnerware was complete when I counted them yesterday. Variant: kriståt, okristat. From: Sp. cristal.

kret adj. ruthless, pitiless, cruel, harsh. Si Mike mampus kret na tåotåo. Mike is a cruel person. Måolik ha' kumekret, låo mungnga para i famagu'un, sa' maninusenti tarabiha. It is okay to be harsh, but not on the children, because they are still innocent. Esti i kret na tåotåo, ti måolik manå'i puestu para u fanmånda tåotåo. It is not wise to place a cruel person in a supervisory position. Variant: kruet. From: Sp. cruel.

kriådas n. jaw, jawbone (Rota). Ma'ipi' i kriadås‑ña si Juan anai mangguåntis. Juan’s jaw was broken during the boxing bout. Pumuti kriadås‑ña anai matugan i nifen‑ña. His jawbone became painful when his tooth was pulled out.

vt. punch in the jaw. Kiniådas gi as Juan anai manimbesti si Jose. Jose got punched in the jaw by Juan when he threatened Juan. Variant: kiådas (Saipan). From: Sp. quijada.

kriådu1 vt. create. Håyi kumikriådu i langit yan i tanu'? Who created heaven and earth? I saina krumiådu todu i kosas siha. The Lord created all things. Ya‑ña mankriådu kosas. She likes to create things. Syn: fa'tinas. From: Sp. creado.

kriådu2 n. servant, messenger, laborer. I manma'ilihi na manma'gås‑ta kriådun pupbliku. Elected officials are public servants. Si Calistro manaliligåo palåo'an para kriadu‑ña. Calistro is seeking a woman to be his servant. Mungnga yu' mafa'kriadu‑mu. Do not treat me as your servant. Syn: muchåchu, sitbienti, tentagu'. From: Sp. criado.

kriånsa n. treatment, manner of treating (a person), way of treating (a person), breeding, training, upbringing.

vt. raise, treat (someone), train (someone). Bråbu na påtgun, sa' måolik makriansån‑ña. The child is active, because he was properly raised. Manmakriånsan måolik ham ni mañainan‑måmi. We were treated well by our parents. Taimanu i makriansåm‑mu, taiguihi i kustumbrem‑mu. The way you are trained, that is how you will behave. From: Sp. crianza.

kriminåt n. criminal. Kriminåt ennåo na tåotåo anai hohobin, låo esta ha kumpli i sintensia ni manå'i gui' presu. That person was a criminal but he has served his sentence in prison. Che'chu' kriminåt esti i mamatcha salåppi'. Embezzlement is a criminal act. From: Sp. criminal.

krisidu adj. huge, great, large, gigantic, giant, vast, enormous, robust. Hu li'i' un krisidun låhi mamomokkat gi chalan. I saw a huge guy walking on the road. I elifånti krisidu na gå'ga'. Elephants are large animals. Ti ulat ennåo na gå'ga' gi tangkat, sa' gef krisidu yan makkat. That animal cannot fit in the cage, because of its enormous size and weight. From: Sp. crecido.

Krismas n. Christmas. Ta silebra i Krismas na hå'ani. We celebrate Christmas Day. Hu tutucha i nobenan Sagråda Familia gi duråntin simånan Krismas. I recite the Holy Family novena during Christmas week. Famagu'un mås manmamaguf yanggin tiempun Krismas. Children enjoy themselves the most during the Christmas holiday. From: Eng. Christmas.

kriståt n. crystal (dinnerware). Mamåhan yu' dies na platun kriståt. I purchased ten crystal plates. Sumåsåonåo yu' manbendi kriståt na kosas. I am one of the crystal product dealers. Variant: okristat. From: Sp. cristal.

Kristiånu adj. Christian. Mankristiånu ham na gurupu. We are a Christian group. Ha tulaika si Del i rilihon‑ña guatu gi Kristiånu. Del changed her religion to Christianity. From: Sp. cristiano.

Kristu n. Christ. I Kristu u åsi'i i anti‑ña. Christ will forgive his sins. Månu nai gaigi i Kristu? Where is Christ? From: Sp. Cristo.

kritisisa vt. criticize, reproach. Ti bunitu mankritisisa tåotåo. It is not nice to criticize people. Ilek‑ña i lahi‑hu na krinitisisa gui' ni che'lu‑ña gi me'nan tåotåo. My son said that his sister criticized him in front of people.

kruet n. cruel, strict. Mampus kreut na biha si Tan Maria. Tan Maria is a very cruel old lady. Kruet yu' ni famagu'on‑hu. I am strict with my children. Syn: malamåña, tái asi', såkat. Variant: kret. From: Sp. cruel.

krusa vt. cross over, pass over. Makrusa i chalan ni gurupun buleru. A group of baseball players crossed the road. Nihi ta krusa hit gi tattin i gima' para i tenda. Let's pass behind the house to go to the store. From: Sp. cruza.

krusifihu n. crucifix, cross. Manmapegåyi krusifihu kada kuåttu. They placed a crucifix in each room. Usa i krusifihu yanggin puengi. Wear the cross at night. Håfa na makana' i Saina gi krusifihu? Why was the Lord crucified on the cross? From: Sp. crucifijo.

krusifika vt. crucify, put to death upon the cross. Makrusifika gi kilu'us. He was crucified on the cross. Håfa na makrusifika si Jesus? Why was Jesus crucified? Syn: klåba. From: Sp. crucifica.

‑ku suf. my (first person sg. possessor agreement). Guaha na palåbra ti ha u'usa esti i kla'an \‑ku. There are some words that do not take the pronoun ‑ku. Nisisita u dopbli i konsunånti gi uttimun i palåbra ya u tinattiyi ni buet yanggin para un usa i kla'an ‑ku, tåtkumu tåtti, tattek‑ku. It takes a word to end with a double consonant followed by a vowel to use the pronoun \‑ku, as in \tåtti, \tattek‑ku. Variant: ‑hu.

Ku' name. nickname for Francisco. Variant: Tíkuling, Ko', Kiku'.

kuådra n. carpenter's square. I katpinteru ha usa i kuådra para u na'siguru na tunas i mididå‑ña. The carpenter used the square to make sure that his measurement is straight. Syn: kuadrånti.

vt. square (a house) by using a carpenter's square or by measurement. Hu kuådra i gima' sagan manunu. I made the barbecue house square. From: Sp. cuadra.

kuadrånti n. square (carpenter's), quadrant. I kuadrånti unu gi ramentan katpinteru. The quadrant is one of the carpenter’s tools. Debi di un usa i kuadrånti ni para un na'dinanchi i mididå‑mu. You need to use a square to make sure that your measurement is correct. Syn: kuådra. From: Sp. cuadrante.

kuadråo n. square. Put fabot, fanyunga' tres na kuadråo. Please draw three squares. Kuadråo fotman‑ña ennåo na lamasa. The shape of that table is square. Esti na tånu' metru kuadråo. This land is square in shape. From: Sp. cuadrado.

kuådru n. frame, picture frame. Bumunitu mås i litratu‑mu anai mapega gi kuadru. Your picture looks better when you place it in the frame. Siña mafa'tinas i kuadru ginin bulan klåsin matiriåt. Picture frames can be made from many kinds of materials.

vt. Håyi kumådru i litråtun Maria? Who framed Maria’s picture?

kuådrun bintåna n. window sash, window frame. Mayulang i kuadrun bintåna. The window frame is broken. Na'siguru na un pega i kuadrun bintåna. Make sure you place the window sash.

kualidåt n. quality, feature, characteristic, grade, trait. Gef kualidåt i katni gi tendan Joeten. The meat sold at Joeten is of quality standard. Kualidåt bidadå‑ña ya atyu na måolik grådu‑ña. He does quality work and that's why his grade is good. Kåo mås måolik esti na kosas kualidåt‑ña kini ennåo? Is the quality of this item better than that one? From: Sp. cualidad.

kualifika adj. qualified, fit. Kåo kualifika håo para esti na cho'chu'? Do you qualify for this job? Kualifika si Anton, sa' kapås para esti na pusision. Anton qualifies for this position. Ti ha kualifika esti na tåotåo, sa' ti mafa'nå'gui nu ennåo na cho'chu'. This person could not qualify, because she was not taught that kind of work. From: Sp. cualifica.

kualifikåo adj. qualified, competent, eligible, fit, capable, able, proficient, skillful. Ta bota atyu na pitsona, sa' kualifikåo yan måolik na tåotåo. Let’s vote for that person, because he is qualified and a good citizen. Kåo kualifikåo håo para i pusision? Are you eligible for the position? From: Sp. cualificado.

kualifikasión n. qualification, fitness, capacity, efficiency, skill. Håfa kualifikasion‑mu? What is your qualification? Håfa na kualifikasion ta nisisita para ta hålum gi kulehu? What qualification would we need to enter college? Achuka' guaha kualifikasion‑mu gi istudiu na bånda, ti nanahung ha' sa' bula mås mankualifikåo kini hågu. Even though you have academic qualifications, that is not enough, because there are more people who have higher qualifications than you. From: Sp. cualificación.

kualitai n. type of plant. Callicarpa candicans. Ma'u'usa i kualitai para åmut. Callicarpa candicans is used for medicine. Manånum yu' kualitai gi uriyan gumå'‑hu. I planted callicarpa candicans around my house.

kuåndu adj. so many, so much. Kuåndu besis di hu adingani, låo ti ume'ekkunguk. I told him many times, but he is not listening. Kuåndu biåhi bai ripiti para un kumprendi? How many times do I have to repeat for you to understand? From: Sp. cuanto.

kuåntu adj. how many, how much (interrogative adjective). Kuåntu finahån‑mu na kostat pugas? How many sacks of rice did you buy? Kuåntu bali‑ña i karetå‑mu? How much does your car cost? Kuåntu biåhi bai na'hassu håo? How many times do I have to remind you? From: Sp. cuánto.

kuåntus adj. how long (interrogative), used with time expressions. Kuåntus tiempu sumagå‑mu Hawaii? How long did you stay in Hawaii? Kuåntus åñus håo? How old are you? Kuåntus oras para u tinaka' i huntåt‑ta? How long will our meeting take? From: Sp. cuántos.

kuåra n. 25 cents. Yanggin kuåra ha' guaha‑ta, ti mañotchu hit. If we only have 25 cents, we won't be able to eat.

kuarenta num. forty. Mamomoksai i lancheru kuarenta na babui. The farmer is raising forty pigs. Kuarenta åñus si tatå‑hu. My father is forty years old. Guiya mina'kuarenta gi fila. She is number forty in the line. From: Sp. cuarenta.

kuarentai unu num. forty-one. Kuarentai unu na mañaina manprisenti gi hunta. Forty-one parents are present at the meeting. Kuarentai unu istudiantek‑ku na såkkan iskuela. I have forty-one students this school year. Kuarentai un pesus bali‑ña. It cost forty-one dollars. From: Sp. cuarenta y uno.

kuarentena vt. quarantine. Makuarentena, sa' nina'yi chetnut tibi. He was quarantined, because he has tuberculosis. I doktu ha kuarentena i malångu. The doctor placed the patient under quarantine. Gaigi i gayu na makuarentetena. The rooster is under quarantine. From: Sp. cuarentena.

kuaresma n. Lent, time for fasting. Bai hu chotchu un biåhi ha' gi diha duråntin i kuaresma. I will only eat one meal a day during Lent. I sinisa tutuhon‑ña i tiempun kuaresma. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lenten season. Bai ayunat gi duråntin kuaresma. I will fast during Lent. See: Sinisa. From: Sp. Cuaresma.

kuastariha adv. 1) probably. Kuastariha ti siña un cho'gui. Probably you can't do it. Kuastariha ti ya‑mu. Probably you don't like it. 2) especially, particularly. Bunitu todu i kumpitensia, kuastariha ya gaigi håo. The contest went well, especially if you were there. Kuastariha ya gaigi yu', todu siempri manbaila. Every one will dance, especially if I am present. Kuastariha ya hågu kumånta, mås manatmariåo i taotåo. The fans will become more wild, particularly if you sing. Variant: kuat isteria.

kuat isteria adv. especially, particularly. Gai fuetsa esti na tåotao kuat isteria yanggin mana' bubu. This person is strong especially if he is angered. Båsta yu' ma kopbla, kuat isteria anai hagas hu ayuda håo. Stop forcing me to pay you back, especially when I have been helping you since way back. Variant: kuastaria.

kuåtis adj. having a double yolk (of eggs). Hu li'i' kuåtis na chåda'. I saw an egg with a double yolk. Ti hu honggi i patgun anai ilek‑ña na kuåtis i chada'. I didn’t believe the child when he said he found an egg with a double yolk.

kuatkiera adj. whatever, whichever. Kuatkiera giya hamyu siña chumo'gui i che'chu'? Which of you can do the job? Kuatkiera håfa masusedi, disision‑mu ennåo. Whatever happens, it is your decision. Kuatkiera månu un atyik, un nisisita ha' salåppi'. Whichever choice you make, it will still need money. Variant: kuatkuera. From: Sp. cualquiera.

kuatkiét adj. no matter, any at all. Kuatkiet giya hamyu siña sumåonåo. Any of you could join. Kuatkiet tåotåo maloloffan guini na propiedåt. Any person can cross this property. Kuatkiet håfa hu sångan, un cho'gui ha'. No matter what I say, you still do it. Variant: kuatkuet. From: Sp. cualquier.

kuatkuera adj. whatever, whichever, any at all. Kuatkuera giya hamyu siña dumalak yu'. Any one of you can follow me. Atyik kuatkuera maseha håfa. Select whichever whatever. Variant: kuatkuet, kuatkiera. From: Sp. cualquiera.

kuatra vt. prepare (for an action), get ready (to do something). I gurupu ma kuatra siha para i kumpitensia. The group prepared themselves for the competition. Hu kuatra yu' para i kuntråriu. I got ready myself for my opponent. From: Sp. cuadra.

kuatta1 n. handspan (unit of measure). Nå'i yu' un kuatta na hilu ya bai låksi i katsunes‑su. Give me one handspan of thread to sew my pants. Chuli'i yu' kuåttru kuatta na hilu. Bring me four handspans of thread. From: Sp. cuarta.

kuatta2 n. whip, slim leather instrument made from cow's tail used as a whip. Ha usa si Tåta i kuatta para mañåolak. Father used the cow’s tail for whipping. Håyi muna'na' i kuatta? Who hid the whip? From: Sp. cuarta.

kuatta3 n. quarter, fourth (as in three-fourths). Tres kuatta påtti para hågu. Three-fourths is your share. Hu kånnu' un kuatta gi lemmun pai. I ate one-fourth of the lemon pie.

kuattåsu vt. whip (with a belt), beat with a whip. Ti apman bai hu kuattåsu håo. Pretty soon I will whip you. Ha kuattåsu yu' si Nåna. Mother whipped me. Båsta mama'baba sino hu kuattåsu håo. Stop fooling around or I will whip you.

kuattét n. quarters, barracks. Applacha' i kuattét‑ñiha. Their quarters are very dirty. Månu na kuattét na sumåsaga håo? Which barracks do you live in? Håyi siha mañåsaga guennåo na kuattét? Who are residing in that barracks? From: Sp. cuartel.

kuåttru num. four. Kuåttru na famagu'un‑måmi manmagraduha gi kulehu. Four of our children have graduated from college. Kuåttru siha para u fanhånåo para u fankumpitensia giya Guåhan. Four of them will go to Guam to compete. From: Sp. cuatro.

kuåttru sientus num. four hundred. Kuåttru sientus ha' na turista manmåttu ginin Hapon. Only four hundred tourists arrived from Japan. Kuåttru sientus salappe'‑ña. He has four hundred dollars. Mås ki kuåttru sientus na tåotåo siña manomlat gi Katedrat Chalan Kanoa. More than four hundred people can fit in the Chalan Kanoa Cathedral. From: Sp. cuatrocientos.

kuåttu n. room. Månu guennåo kuattom‑mu? Which room is yours? Na'gåsgas i kuåttu. Clean your room. From: Sp. cuarto.

kuba1 n. digging tool with straight, sharp blade and heavy handle, used for digging large holes. I lancheru mamåhan kuba para i gualu'. The farmer bought a digging tool for the farm. Umayåo si Tåta kuba. Father borrowed a digging tool. Ma'u'usa i kuba para i kellat guaka. They used the digging tool for fencing. Variant: kubu.

kuba2 n. type of chicken, resembling black Sumatra rooster, Cuban breed. Mamomoksai si Tåta kuba na klåsin gåyu. My father is raising a Cuban breed rooster. Mandångkulu yan manmatatnga i kuba na månnuk siha. Cuban breed chickens are large and fierce. Variant: kiuba.

Kubånu name. Cuba. Bula tåotåo giya Kubånu. There are a lot of people in Cuba.

adj. Cuban. Kubånu esti na gurupun tåotåo. This group of people are Cubans. Kåo Kubånu ennåo na palåo'an? Is that lady Cuban? From: Sp. cubano.

kubåtdi adj. cowardly, easily scared, timid, not brave. Kubåtdin tåotåo håo. You are a coward. Cha'‑mu didingu si Juan, sa' gef kubåtdi. Do not leave Juan alone, because he is easily scared. Mampus kubåtdi disdi ha chagi mafa'ñagui nu i birak gi halum tånu'. He became a coward ever since he was frightened by a ghost in the forest. From: Sp. cobarde.

kubietta n. deck (of ship). I kubiettan i batku anåkku' yan ånchu. The deck of the ship is long and wide. Manotohgi i taotåo gi kubiettan i batku. The people are standing on the deck of the ship. From: Sp. cubierta.

kubiettu n. silverware, small items which are easy to handle.

adj. covered with, abundant. Kubiettu pipinu gi metkåo. The market is flooded with cucumbers. Kubiettu na nengkanu' mafa'tinas para hita todus. They prepared a great amount of food for all of us. Syn: abundånsia. From: Sp. cubierto.

kubransa n. bill (due for payment). Humuyung i kubransan kåndit. The power bill has been sent out. Hu risibi i kubransan ospitåt. I received my hospital bill. Gi Lunis bai apåsi i kubransan i selfon. I will pay my cell phone bill on Monday. From: Sp. cobranza.

kubri vt. 1) help (someone) out, cover (a bet). Hu kubri i nisisidåt i familiåk‑ku. I took responsibility for my family’s needs. Kåo siña un kubri yu' på'gu'? Can you cover for me now? 2) travel over, pass through. Ha kubri todu i isla gi biradå‑ña. He passed through the islands on his return. From: Sp. cubre.

kubu n. digging tool with straight, sharp blade and long heavy handle; used for digging large holes, such as for planting banana trees. I lancheru manayåo kubu giya guåhu. The farmer borrowed the digging tool from me. Måhluk i kubu, sa' chinigit ni karetan guaka. The kubu broke when the bull cart rolled over it. Variant: kuba.

kuchåla n. spoon. Usa i kichåla yanggin para un chotchu kåtdu. Use a spoon to eat your soup. Manapplacha todu i kichåla. All the spoons are dirty. Mås u'usa tinidot kini kichåla guini na lugåt. Forks are used more than spoons in this place. Variant: kichåla. From: Sp. cuchara.

kucharita n. teaspoon, small spoon. Gimin un kucharitan åmut lo'lu'. Drink one teaspoon of cough medicine. Nå'yi un kucharitan asiga. Add one teaspoon of salt. Na'setbi i kicharita yanggin para un na'chotchu i neni. Use a small spoon to feed the baby. Variant: kicharita. From: Sp. cucharita.

kucharón n. ladle. Månu nai un po'lu i kucharon? Where did you put the ladle? Ta nisisita i kucharon para i katdu. We need the ladle for the soup. Chuli' mågi i kucharon para i alåguan. Bring over the ladle for the porriage. Variant: kicharón. From: Sp. cucharón.

kucheru n. chauffeur. Kåo kucheru håo, Juan? Are you a chauffeur, Juan? Håyi na kucheru sumusugun i tumobit maga'låhi? Who is the chauffeur that is driving the governor's car? Ya‑ña i che'chu' kucheru. Rudolfo loves being a chauffeur. From: Sp. cochero.

kuchetis n. snap used in clothing, usually made of metal. Måppla' i kuchetis gi katsunes‑su. The snap on my pants came loose. Tulaika i tinaki' na kuchetis. Replace the rusty snap.

kuchikuchi intj. expression used to call dogs (usually puppies).

vt. call (dogs). Ha kuchikuchi i galagitu para u chotchu. He called the puppy to eat. I patgun ha kuchikukuchi i ga'‑ña ga'lågu. The child is calling his pet dog.

kuchinåda n. dirtiness, dirty trick, dishonesty, vulgarity, obscenity, deceitfulness. Ti ya‑hu humunguk kuchinåda na essitan. I do not like to hear dirty jokes. Puru kuchinåda ennåo na kuentus i un såsangan. What you are talking about is full of obscenity. I kuchinadå‑ña, i matungo'‑ña. He is known for his vulgarity. From: Sp. cochinada.

kuchinu adj. dirty, filthy, foul, vulgar, obscene, nasty, squalid. Kuchinu ennåo na lugåt. That is a filthy place. Ha u'usa i mankuchinu na palåbra siha. He is using vulgar words. Puru kuchinu na cho'chu' bidåda‑ña. His actions are all nasty. Syn: ápplacha'. From: Sp. cochino.

kuddét n. fishing line. Atyik i dinanchi na kuddét para tuna. Select the right fishing line for tuna. Ha utut i kuddét ni nifen‑ña. He cut the fishing line with his teeth. Chinachak kannai‑ña ni kuddét anai hinalla ni alu'u. The fishing line cut his hand when the shark was fighting to escape. Variant: kutdét. From: Sp. cordel.

kuenta n. 1) account, balance statement, reckoning of charged purchases and credits rendered periodically. Kuåntu kuentåm‑mu gi tenda? How much is your credit account at the store? Hu risibi i katta put i kuentåk‑ku. I received a letter about my balance statement. 2) substitution, replacement, alternative, something in place of or representative of. Guåhu kuentan i familia. I am the family’s representative. Håyi guennåo kuentan i malångu na bailadora? Which one of you is the replacement for the sick dancer? Estigi' dididi' na salåppi' kuentan ayudun‑måmi. Here is a little cash as our contribution. Kåo siña humånåo håo para kuentåk‑ku? Could you go on my behalf?

vt. 1) include, enclose. Kuenta yu' guennåo na gurupu. Include me in that group. Kåo bai kuenta i hagå‑mu gi kumpitensia? Should I include your daughter in the competition? Kuenta i litratu‑hu gi kattåm‑mu. Enclose my picture in your letter. Variant: na'såonåo. 2) substitute for, go on behalf of, stand (in) for. Si Maggie kumuenta i ma'gas. Maggie substituted for the boss. Hånåo ya un kuentåyi yu' gi hunta. Go and substitute for me at the meeting. From: Sp. cuenta.

kuentadót n. accountant. Ti meggai na famagu'on‑ta maninteresåo ni esti na cho'chu' i kuentadot. Not a lot of our children have an interest in being accountants. Nisisita un måolik gi kuentas para un kuentadot. You need to be good in math to be an accountant.

kuentas n. mathematics, arithmetic. Mapeddi i gurupu‑hu gi kumpitensian kuentas. My team lost the mathematics competition. Ti ya‑hu kuentas na leksion. I hate math lessons. Mamanåna'gui si Pedro kuentas. Pete teaches arithmetic. Syn: arufmitika. From: Sp. cuentas.

kuentåt ki cnj. as long as, so long as. Kuentåt ki ti manistototba, måolik ha' yu'. So long as he’s not a bother, it’s allright with me. Kuentåt ki humihita, para håfa yu' ni ottru. So long as we are together, I don’t care about others. Variant: kuntåt ki. From: Sp. con tal que.

kuentåyi vt. substitute (for someone), replace (someone). Hu kuentåyi i amigå‑hu gi iskuela. I substituted for my friend at school. Manmangonni' ottru na ma'estra para u kuentåyi atyu i bumåsta. They hired another teacher to replace the one who quit. Ti hu nisisita makuentåyi, sa' hu na'siña ha' chumo'gui håfa malago'‑mu. I don't need a substitute, because I am able to do what you want.

kuentus n. talk, speech. Ti kumbieni ennåo na klåsin kuentus gi me'nan famagu'un. That kind of talk is not appropriate in front of children. I kuentus yan i tinigi' mana'guaha gi leksion finu' Chamorro. Speaking and writing are included in the Chamorro lesson. Dos åñus ha' idåt‑ña, låo gof mikuintus na påtgun. He is only two years old, but he talks a lot. Ya‑hu dumalalak si Nan Tona', sa' gof mikuintus, tåya' ti ha tungu'. I like to go with Nan Tona', because she is very conversant, there is nothing she does not know about.

vi. speak, talk, converse, chat. Debi di un kuentus gi hunta. You have to speak during the meeting. Mafaisin yu' para bai kuentus gi finu' Chamorro. I was asked to speak in Chamorro. Håyi kuentusem‑mu gi paingi? Who did you chat with last night? Syn: kumbetsa. From: Sp. cuentos.

kuentusi vt. talk to, speak to. Håyi un kuentusi gi tilifon? Who did you talk to on the phone? Ha kuentusi si nåna i hagå‑ña ni gaigi giya Hapon. Mother spoke with her daughter who is in Japan. Taimanu kuentusem‑mu put i asuntun salåppi' gi gurupun manmå'gas siha? How did you convey the matter of money to the group of leaders? Variant: kuintusi.

kueru n. leather, rawhide. Mayulang i sapåtus kueru. The leather shoe is broken. Kueru na sandalias finahån‑hu. I bought leather sandals. Guaguan esti i kueru na matiriåt. Leather is an expensive material. From: Sp. cuero.

kuestión n. question, query, puzzle, problem, point in dispute. Tugi' singku na kuestion put i istoria. Write five questions about the story. Mamaisin i patgun kuestión, sa' ti ha kumprendi. The child asked a question, because he didn’t understand. Cha'‑mu o'oppi i kuestión asta ki måttu i abugådu. Do not answer questions until the lawyer arrives. Syn: finaisin. From: Sp. cuestión.

kuestiona vt. question, ask, interrogate, inquire, quiz. Manmakuestiona i famagu'un put i sinisedi nigap. They questioned the children about the incident yesterday. Håyi kumestiona håo? Who interrogated you? Håfa na un kuestiotiona i disision‑hu? Why are you questioning my decision? Syn: faisin, abirigua. From: Sp. cuestiona.

kuetdas n. winding mechanism. Mayulang i kuetdas i rilos. The clock's winding mechanism is broken. Månu na gaigi i kuetdas esti na hugeti? Where is the winding mechanism for this toy? Esta håssan ma'usa kuetdas gi kosas på'gu na tiempu. These days it is rare to find objects with winding mechanisms. From: Sp. cuerdas.

kuetdåsi vt. wind (a clock or watch). Kuetdåsi i rilos åntis di u måtai. Wind your watch before it dies. Debi di un kuetdåsi yanggin para u kalamtin. You need to wind it so it will move. Mungnga mampus makuetdåsi i rilos, sa' un yulang. Do not overwind the clock, because it might break.

kuetis n. firecracker, match head. Bula kuetis mana'påpakpak gi hinalum i nuebu na såkkan. There are lots of fireworks on New Year’s Eve. Difirentis klåsin kuetis manmabebendi. Many different kinds of firecrackers were sold. Piligru i kuetis para i matå‑ta yanggin ti ta adahi hit. Firecrackers are hazardous to the eyes if we are not careful. From: Sp. cuetes.

kuetpu n. body, (physical) appearance, figure. Dångkulu kuetpun tatåotåo‑ña. He has a muscular body. Atan i kuetpun i palåo'an. Look at the female figure. I kuetpon‑ña kalan malångu. Her appearance is rather unhealthy. From: Sp. cuerpo.

kueyu n. neck, back of neck, nape. Lasa fan i kueyu‑hu. Could you massage my neck? Hatsa i galagitu ginin i kueyu‑ña. Pick up the puppy by the nape of its neck. Puti i kueyu‑hu anai hu uma i batdin simentu. My neck hurt when I lifted the bucket of cement. Used (slang) as a warning for physical pain in the neck.

vt. collar (someone), hit or grab on the back of the neck. Adahi na hu kueyu håo. Be careful or I will grab you by the neck. From: Sp. cuello.

kueyun chinina n. collar (of shirt or blouse). Applacha' i kueyun chininå‑mu. The collar of your blouse is dirty. Matitik i kueyun chinina åntis di hu usa. The collar of my shirt was torn before I wore it. Gai chatku i kueyun esti na chinina. There is a stain on the collar of this dress.

kuha n. hoe. Si tåta ha usa i kuha para manripåsa. Father used the hoe for weeding. Ma'u'usa i kuha para manpuha tinanum. A hoe is used to make mounds of dirt. I lancheru ha usa i kuha para u guåssan i gualu'. The farmer uses the hoe to weed at the farm. Mahulokguan si tåta ni kuhå‑ña. Someone broke the handle of father's hoe. Fa'nu'i si Ben taimanu ma'uså‑ña i kuha gi hatdín. Show Ben how to use the hoe in the garden. Usa i kuha para mangguådduk. Use the hoe for digging.

kuidåo vi. watch out, be careful of. Kuidåo ni ga'lågu. Watch out for dogs. Kuidåo ni hoyu siha. Be careful of the holes. Kuidåo ni atchu' an un upus i sabåna. Watch out for falling rocks as you pass the boulder. From: Sp. cuidado.

kuíkuentus n. orator. Måolik håo na kuikuentus gi pupbliku. You are a good speaker in public. Håyi i mås matåla' na kuikuentus gi iskuela? Who is not shy in speaking at school? Derived by reduplication from kuentus. Variant: kuíkuintus.

kuintusi vt. talk to, speak to. Håyi un kuintusi gi tilifon? Who did you talk to on the phone? Håyi un kuintusi put i prubleman hinemlu' famalåo'an? Who did you speak to regarding the problem with women's health? Ti bunitu kuentusem‑mu put ennåo na sinisedi, sa' un na'piniti i patgun. Your way of speaking about that incident was not appropriate, because you hurt the child's feelings. Variant: kuentusi.

kuka' adj. crazy, insane; shortened form of kaduka. Kuka' na pitsona. An insane person. Ti maguaiya, sa' kuka'. No one likes her, because she’s crazy. Esta si Mariana kumeke'kuka'. Mariana is becoming insane. Variant: kaduka.

Kuku name. nickname for Juan. Variant: Ku, Iku.

kuku n. lump or swelling on the head. Ha totpi i liga ya kuku ilu‑ña. She bumped into the wall and has a lump on the head.

kukunitus n. beetle, bug. Bula kukunitus gi papa' såtgi. There are a lot of beetles under the house. Hu punu' todu i kukunitus. I killed all the beetles. Håssan ta li'i' kukunitus på'gu na tiempu. Beetles are seldom seen nowadays.

kukuracha n. cockroach. Bula kururacha gi sagan pine'lu. There are lots of cockroaches in the storage room. Applacha' esti na gå'ga' i kukuracha. Cockroaches are filthy creatures. Kumåkati i patgun, sa' ma'åñåo ni kukuracha. The child is crying, because he is scared of the cockroach. From: Sp. cucaracha.

kukurandi vi. circle (slang), move in an erratic circular motion such as a spinning top, or when flirting or wasting time. Si Juan kumukurarandi gi uriyan gima' Margarita, sa' uma'andi'. Juan is going around Margarita's house, because he is flirting. Ti måolik i dinaggåo‑ña tulompu, sa' kukurandi mampus. The way he threw his top is not good, because of its erratic spinning motion. Båsta kumukurandi gi dinanña', sa' ti debi di un gåsta i tiempun i manggaigi siha na tåotåo. Stop saying nonsense at the meeting, because you should not waste people's time.

Kula name. nickname for Escolastica. Syn: Esko, Atika.

kula vt. 1) filter, strain, sift. Hu kula i harina para bai fama'pån. I sifted the flour to make bread. Debi di un kula i achoti. You must strain the achoti juice. Kula i letchin niyuk åntis di un nå'yi i katdu. Strain the coconut cream before you add it to the soup. From: Sp. cuela. 2) scrutinize, examine carefully. Kula måolik håyi lachi. Examine carefully who is at fault. Kula i ora ya u fanparehu todu. Keep track of the time so that everyone will have equal time. Kula i istoriå‑mu ya un na'siguru na magåhit. Analyze your story carefully to make sure that it is accurate.

kulakung adj. scorched, dirty. Mampus kulakung na lugåt. It’s a very filthy place. Kulakung esti i satten, sa' bibu i guafi. This pot is scorched, because the heat is high.

kulakung talanga n. earwax. I doktu ha na'gåsgas i kulakung talanga. The doctor cleaned the earwax. Bula kulakung talanga gi halum talanga‑hu. My ears are fall of earwax.

kulålis1 n. roe, eggs of fish, lobsters, or crabs. Ya‑ña si tatå‑hu kulålis guihan. My father loves fish eggs. Guaguan i kulålis satmon. Salmon roe is expensive.

adj. have eggs. Månngi' i panglåo yanggin manmangulålis. Crabs taste good if they have eggs.

kulålis2 n. beads. I patgun ha fa'tinåsi si nanå‑ña kadenan kulålis. The child made a bead necklace for her mom. Usa i kulålis para mama'tinas misteriu. Use the beads to make a rosary. Manmanhokka ham kulålis gi halum tånu'. We picked beads in the woods.

kulålis3 n. type of plant: rosary pea. Abrus Precatorius. I patgun ha fa'tinåsi si nanå‑ña kadenan kulålis. The child made a bead necklace for her mom. Adahi, sa' binenu i pipitas kulålis. Be careful, because the rosary pea is poisonous. Ma'lak agaga'‑ña esti i kulålis. The color of the rosary pea seed is bright red. The rosary pea is a vine-like plant with seeds that are red with a black tip on one end; sometimes used for necklaces, the seeds are poisonous but can also be used as medicine. Syn: kulålis hålum tånu'.

kulålis hålum tånu' n. type of plant. Abrus precatorius (Family Fabaceae). Binenu i kulålis hålum tånu' låo gof bunitu. Abrus precatorius are poisonous but beautiful. Yabbåo i kulålis hålum tånu', sa' mampus hihut gi iskuela. Cut down the Abrus precatorius, because it is too close to the school. Attilung i un bånda yan agaga' i pipitas kulålis halum tånu'. Abrus Precatoriuns seeds are red with a black tip on one end. Variant: kulålis.

kulålling n. coral (living or dead). Meggai klåsin kulålling gi sanlagun Saipan. There are many different types of corals on the western part of Saipan. I peskadot siha ma gogof adahi na u mayulang i atchu' kulålling. The fishermen are trying not to destroy the coral. Piligru i kulålling para u machuli' gi tasi. It's dangerous to take coral from the ocean. Ha fa'tinas si nåna afok‑ña ginin i kulålling. My grandmother made her lime mixture (for betel nut chew) from the dead coral. Guaha na mana'annuk i kulålling gi atchu' kaskåo. There are instances when we can detect corals in limestone rock. Variant: kuralling.

kulan adv. like, sort of, seems like, as if. Kulan paradisu esti na lugåt. This place is like paradise. Kulan uma'achuli hamyu na dos. You two seem to look alike. Kulan hu lili'i' håfa para u masusedi agupa'. It's like I could perceive what would happen tomorrow. Variant: kulang, kalan, kalang.

kulanda n. colander, a bowl-shaped sieve or strainer. Ma'u'usa i kulanda para mangula. The colander is used for straining. Usa i kulanda para un na'tuhu' i hanum ginin i gellai. Use the colander to drain the liquid from the vegetables. From: Eng. colander.

kulanisa vt. colonize. Matulaika i hinassot‑ta, sa' hagas hit manmakulanisa. Our thinking has changed, because we have been colonized for a long time. Mafa'gåsi i hinassot‑ta put manmakulanisa hit disdi tiempun Ispañot. We have been brainwashed, because we have been colonized since the Spanish administration. From: Sp. coloniza.

kulang adv. like, sort of, seems like, as if. Kalang parehu ennåo yan i rilos‑su. That is similar to my watch. Kalang ya‑mu lumåoya. It seems like you enjoy strolling. Kalang håo si tatå‑mu. You look like your dad. Variant: kulan, kalan, kalang.

Kulås name. nickname for Nicolas. Syn: Kuling, La'

kulehu n. college; post-secondary education. Kåo esta munhåyan i iskuelan kulehu mahåtsa? Have they finished building the college? Umetyak si Juana fuminu' Hapones gi kulehu. Juana learned to speak Japanese in college. From: Sp. colegio.

vi. get a college education, be educated in college. Unu ha' na patgun‑ñiha makulehu. Only one of their children went to college.

kuleka adj. ready to lay eggs, broody (of hens). Kuleka i puñudera. The hen is laying eggs. Malamåña i kulekan mannuk. A hen that is laying eggs is fierce. From: Sp. culeca.

kulepbla n. snake. Guaha na in sedda' dikiki' yan båtchit na kulepbla gi papa hågun yan åtchu' siha gi tanu'‑måmi. We sometimes find tiny blind snakes under leaves and rocks at our place. Ti todu klåsin kulepbla manmañåñada'. Not all snakes lay eggs. Un klasin kulepbla kana' lumatchai paluma giya Guåhan. A kind of snake eradicated almost all the birds in Guam From: Sp. culebra.

kuleru n. ballot box, collection, container placed where donation is solicited in the church, box--usually found in church. (Saipan). Kåo siña hågu un na'liliku' i kuleru gi misa på'gu? Would you pass the collection box at mass today? Supuk i pappit botu‑mu gi kuleru. Insert your ballot in the ballot box.

kuleta n. butt (of firearm). I paki ni mamåtka puti'un gi kuleta ti masodda'. The gun with a star imprinted on the butt could not be found. Annuk na inatcha ni kuleta ginin un paki. It shows that he was struck with the butt of one firearm. From: Sp. culata.

kulitis n. type of amaranth, pigweed. Amaranthaceae. Kalan chå'guan yanggin manmandokku' i kulitis, piot gi tiempun uchan. The amaranth is like weeds, especially during the rainy season. Maila' ya ta changkotcha i kulitis, sa' sustånsia. Let's blanch the amaranth, because it is nutritious. Meggai på'gu ti tumungu na mamakannu' i kulitis. Nowadays, not many know that the amaranth is nutritious.

kulót n. color, hue. Bunitu na kulot. That’s a nice color. Kulot agaga' mås ya‑ña. Red is her favorite color. Guaha difirentis klåsin kulot gi isa ni ti siña ta li'i'. There are many different colors in the rainbow that we cannot see. From: Sp. color.

kulót åpu n. gray (color). Kulot åpu i mapagåhis yanggin para u uchan. The clouds are gray if it is going to rain. Kulot åpu i katsunis. The pants are gray.

kulót chukulåti n. brown (color). Manmabendi kulot chukulåti na månnuk siha gi metkåo. Brown chickens were sold at the market. Kulot chukulåti i kareta ni maloffan. The car that passed by is brown. Variant: kulót chikulåti.

kulót di rosa n. pink (color). Kulot di rosa i kuattun i nenin palåo'an. The baby girl’s room is pink. Bunitu i kulot di rosa na magågu para i mandikiki' na famagu'un famalåo'an. Pink colored clothes are pretty for little girls.

kulót kåhit n. orange (color). Månu nai siña bai fañodda' kulot kåhit na frañela? Where can I find an orange-colored t-shirt? Mapenta i gima' kulot kåhit. The hourse was painted orange.

kulót lila n. purple (color). Manmatåmpi i santus siha kulot lila na magågu duråntin Kuaresma. The saints are covered with purple-colored cloth during Lenten season. I mås bunitu na floris para guåhu i kulot lila. Purple-colored flowers appeal to me the most. Kumulot lila i fasu‑ña anai ti siña humågung esta. Her face turned purple when she could not breathe anymore.

kulót salåppi' n. silver (color), silvery. Ha u'usa kulot salåppi' na sapåtus. She’s wearing silver-colored shoes. Lista singku na kosas ni kulot salåppi'. List five items that are silver-colored. Kulot salåppi' todus i kichåla yan tenidut. All the spoons and forks are silvery.

kulu1 n. 1) trumpet shell, used to announce events, welcome special guests, or call attention during a special occasion. Usa i kulu para ta tutuhun i lalai. Use the trumpet shell to start the chanting. Hu fa'tinåsi kulu i gurupun baila. I made a trumpet shell for the dance group. Mahongga i kulu anai para u matutuhun i sirimonias. The trumpet shell sound was heard when the ceremony was about to begin. The kulu is also used to sound the call for a meeting or an emergency. 2) praise, recognition, honors, hats off to. Kulu para i manhobin, sa' mannåna'i ånimu gi istudiun‑ñiha. We recognize the youth for their effort in their studies. Hu nåna'i kulu para hamyu, sa' sin hamyu ti u adilåntu i tano'‑ta. I extend recognition to you all, because without you, our country will not move forward.

kulu3 cnj. if. Ti ya‑hu humånåo para i giput kumu para bai in fanhami yan i famagu'un siha. I don't like to go to a party if we take the kids. Si Maria ha sangåni i hagå‑ña na båsta manoppi tåtti, sa' kumu ha patmadåsu si Maria buenti lalangu. Maria told her daughter if she doesn't stop talking back, she'll slap her and she might faint. Kumu ti ya‑hu i taotåo, ti bai ayuda ha' ni håfa. If I don't like the person, I will not help in any way. Variant: kumu, kunu.

kululo'ña adv. especially. Hinalang yu' humånåo para umefloris, kululo'ña yanggin tiempun uchan. I find it difficult to gather flowers, especially during rainy season. Ti gef ya‑hu sumåonåo gi pattidan pulitika, kululo'ña yanggin para bai matanchu' para lehislatura. I hesitate joining political parties, especially if I am to be nominated to serve in the legislature.

kumairi n. child's godmother; term of address used between the parent of a child and the child's godmother. Kumairek‑ku si Ana, sa' matlinan i hagå‑hu. Ana is my kumairi, because she is my daughter’s godmother. Sumåsaga si kumairin Susana giya Guam. Kumairi Susana

kumbida vt. invite. Manmakumbibida hit para ta fanlisayunu yan i gubetnu. We are being invited to have formal breakfast with the governor. Lumatyu', sa' ti hu kumbida para i giput. Her feelings were hurt, because I did not invite her to the party. Manmapega i tahu gi kantun åtchu' ni para u fankinimbida i ayuyu. They placed the rotten grated coconuts near the rocks to lure the coconut crabs. See: sohyu', eppuk. From: Sp. convida.

kumbieni adj. proper, right (to do). Achuka' i halum kareta, kumbieni ha' lokkui' esti i bomban guåfi. Even in the car, a fire extinguisher is also important. Mås kumbieni yanggin hågu un tohgi para i familia. It is more proper if you represent the family. Variant: kumbeni. From: Sp. conviene.

kumbiti n. guest. Mayoria na kumbiti manmåttu gi giput‑måmi gi Sabalu. The majority of the guests came to our party on Saturday. Guaha kinientus na kumbiti para i baotismun i neni. There are five hundred invitees for the baby's baptismal party. From: Sp.

kumbokas adj. confused.

kuméke'- (from: kuméke'‑) pref. beginning to, starting to, about to, trying to, planning to (realis sg. or du. progressive). Kumeke'hanåo i ma'gas para Luta. The boss is about to go to Rota. Kumeke'ilek‑mu na ti un kumeke'manaligåo chicho'‑mu? You mean to say that you haven’t tried to search for a job? Formed from '- by reduplication plus the ‑um‑ infix.

Kumekesulu' name. something is changing and usually refers to the waning moon, or change in the weather, Rising Crux, Southern Cross (constellation, used in navigation). Kumekesulu' i pilan. The moon is decreasing in size toward a new moon. Kalan kumekesulu' i tiempu. The weather appears to be changing. Related terms: Sinilu'_Pulonnun, rising of the trigger fish, (used in navigation), and Sinihuf Pulonnun, setting of the trigger fish. Sulu means a tpe of fishing in the moonlight (from Mario Borja).

kumetsiu n. commerce, trade, business, bargain. Ispiha håyi siha na kumesianti manma'apreba gi dipåttamentun kumetsiu. Search the businesses that were approved at the department of commerce.

kumi' n. friend, gang, partner, buddy, pal, chum (Saipan). Fanaligåo måolik na kumi'. Find a good friend. Mampus kariñosa i kume'‑hu. My partner is very kind.. Kume'‑hu si Agnes disdi dinikike'‑hu. Agnes is my friend since childhood. See: amigu, ga'chung. Variant: kimi'. From: Jp. kimi.

kumida n. meal, eating, eating time, time for eating. Ta fankumida gi gimå'‑hu. We will have dinner at my house. Kåo esta oran kumida, sa' manñålang i famagu'un. Is it time to eat? because the children are hungry. From: Sp. comida.

kumisión n. commission. I gubietnu tumanchu' i membrun kumisión lingguåhi yan kuttura. The governor appointed the members of the commission on language and culture. Mapupblika i ripot ginin i huntan kumisión tånu'. The report from the land commission meeting was published. From: Sp. comisión.

kumité n. committee. Ti membru yu' gi ni unu na kumité. I am not a member of any one of the committees. Matuka' meggai na asuntu put areklamentun gubietnamentu ni kumité. Many matters about the organization of the government were brought up by the committee. Variant: kumitehi.

kumiti vt. commit, obligate, promise, pledge. Tåya' mankumiti salåppi' para i Gima' Yu'us. No one committed any money for the Church. Ti ha kumiti gui' si Jose para u fanayuda. Jose did not commit to provide assistance. Tåya' ha kumiti si Francisco put kasamientu as Margarita. Francisco did not commit to a marriage to Margarita.

kumitsiånti n. merchant, trader, dealer, storekeeper.

kumotgatoriu n. communion rail (in church). Mandidimu i taotåo gi kumotgatoriu para u marisibi i kumuñion. People are kneeling at the communion rail to receive communion. Todu guma'yu'us katoliku guaha kumotgatoriu. All Catholic churches have communion rails. Ti ma'u'usu på'gu na tiempu i kumotgatoriu. The communion rail is not used nowadays.

kumpairi n. child's godfather; term of addressed used between the parent of a child and the child's godfather. Kumpairi yan kumairi, fan halum gi gima'. Godfather and godmother, please come inside the house. Gai diretchu i kumpairi put i hadu‑ña. The godfather has some say about his godchild. From: Sp. compadre.

kumpåra vt. compare, contrast, make a comparison. Kumpåra i dies kåo guaha tinilaika. Compare the ten if there was a change. Mungnga ma kumpara i tiningo'‑mu yan i tiningngu' ottru sa ti man parehu tåotåo. Don't compare your thinking with others because people are not all alike. Variant: akumpåra. From: Sp. compara.

kumparasión n. comparison, contrasting. Ti bålu kumparasión ni ma cho'gui gi kumpitensia. The comparison that was done at the competition was not valid. Ta kumprendi i kumparasión miyu nu esti na asuntu låo ti man kuntentu ham. We understand your comparison about this matter, however, we are not satisfied. From: Sp. comparación.

kumpås1 n. tempo, rhythm, beat of music. Bibu i kumpas gi kanta. The tempo in the song is fast.

vi. gesture like conductor. Mungnga kumumpås yanggin sumesetmun håo, adai. Don't gesture when you are giving a sermon, will you?

n. conductor. Matanchu' yu para kumpås gi musika. I was selected to be the conductor of music. From: Sp. compás.

kumpitisión n. competition. Håfa na kumpitisión para un atendi? What competition will you attend? See: kumpitensia, achá'igi. From: Sp. competición.

kumplåsi vt. placate, pacify, soothe, reconcile, conciliate. Kumplåsi i patgun sa' mahålang gi as nanå‑ña. Pacify the child because she misses her mother. Mungnga yu' ma kumplåsi put i bidan‑miyu nu guåhu. Don't placate me for what you have done to me. From: Sp. complace.

kumpli vt. complete, accomplish, done with, fulfill, comply. Hu kumpli i obligasion‑hu. I completed my obligation. Ma kumpli i mission‑ñiha i sindalu siha giya Afghanistan na giera. The soldiers accomplished their mission in the war in Afghanistan. Esta hu kumpli i tinagu' nana. I am done with mother’s assignment. From: Sp. cumple.

kumplidu adj. complete, brought to completion, fully realized, concluded. Kåo un na'kumplidu todu i matago'‑mu? Did you complete everything you were told to do? Todu i dokumentu mankumplidu. All documents are complete. Syn: kabålis, munhåyan. From: Sp. cumplido.

kumplihåñus n. birthday, anniversary. Biba kumplihåñus. Happy birthday. Esti na såkkan i mina'benti singku na kumplihåñus i umakamo'‑hu. This year is my 25th wedding anniversary. From: Sp. cumpleaños.

kumplikåo adj. complicated. Mampus kumplikåo esti na sinseriu. This test is very complicated. Ti siña si Juan ha danchi i direksion, sa' kumplikåo mampus. Juan cannot understand the direction, because it’s very complicated. Kumplikåo esti na lugåt, sa' bula chålan yan kareta. This place is complicated, because there are a lot of roads and cars. From: Sp. complicado.

kumplimenta vt. compliment, congratulate. From: Sp. cumplimenta.

kumplimentu n. 1) compliment. Nå'i dididi' kumplimentu si Jose put i kariñosu‑ña. Give Jose some compliments for his kindness. 2) rehearsal dinner (for wedding). Kåo guaha kumplimentu gi para umasaguan David? Is there going to be rehearsal dinner for David's wedding? Ti nahung salåppi' para kumplimentu. There is not enough money for a rehearsal dinner.

kumplisi n. accomplice. From: Sp. cómplice.

kumpradót n. purchaser, buyer. From: Sp. comprador.

kumprendi vt. understand, have learned, comprehend. Kåo esta un kumprendi i kaosa? Do you now understand the case? Ti ha kumprendi i patgun i tinaitai. The child did not understand the reading. Kåo un kumprendi i masanganem‑mu? Did you understand what you were told? From: Sp. comprende.

kumprendiyun adj. understandable, comprehensible, legible. Ti kumprendiyun i tinige'‑mu. Your writing is not legible. Gof kumprendiyun na tåta. The father is very understanding. Kumprendiyun i dokumentu anai ma pula' gi finu' Chamorro.

kumprimeti n. compromise. Guaha dångkulun kumprimeti gi entalu' i diligådu siha. There was a major compromise amongst the delegates. Ha tungu' i liheslatura amånu na debi u guaha kumprimeti gi pisun kunggresista. The legislature knows when there is a need to compromise on the floor. Anai ma chocho'gui i areklamentu siha, bula na kumprimeti gi entalu' i membru siha. When they were working on the regulations, there were lots of compromises among the members.

kumprimisu n. compromise, agreement. Ti nisisita bula na kumprimisu, sa' esta mangunfotmi. There is no need for compromises, as there have been agreements reached already. Debi di guaha kumprimisu gi entalu' i dos umasagua. There has to be a lot of compromises between the married couple. Mampus mapput si Abrahm na u såonåo gi dinanña' para kumprimisu. It is very difficult for Abrahm to sit in for the purpose of compromising.

kumu cnj. if, in case, such as, as, when. Hånåo kumu ennåo malago'‑mu. Go if that is what you want. Kumu ti un tungngu' cha'‑mu kuekuentus. If you don't know, don't be saying anything. Younger speakers sometimes use kulu or kunu. Variant: yanggin, komun, kulu, kunu, komu. From: Sp. como.

kumu mohon cnj. if it was, if only, if in case. Kumu mohon un cho'gui esti, ti un fañoñotsut. If you had done this, you wouldn't be regretting it. Kumu mohon manlárektu hit put imigrasion, ti ta susesedi esta på'gu i manhinatmi hit bula tåotåo ginin sanhiyung. If we have been stricter with our immigration, we wouldn't have been experiencing this influx of people from outside. Kumu mohon un osgi si nåna‑mu, ti u puti i kannai‑mu. If you had listened to your mom, your hand wouldn't be hurting now.

kumuderu n. place where fish congregate. I talayeru ha tungu' i kumuderu siha giya Pågan. The fisherman knows where the fish congregate in Pågan. In li'i' alu'u siha gi kumuderu. We saw sharks at the place where the fish congregate. From: Sp. comodero.

kumuleka adj. lay eggs (of hen)(realis sg. and du.). Kumuleleka i punidera. The hen is laying eggs. Kumuleka esta i punidera. The hen laid eggs. Gef burukenta esti i ga'‑hu punidera, sa' kumuleleka. My pet hen is very noisy, because she is laying eggs.

kumunidå n. community. Bula cho'chu' gi halum esti na kumunidå. There is a lot of work in this community. Sessu tres na kumunidå man danña' para mana'gåsgas i chalan. Three communities frequently join cleaning the road. Silensiu yan pås esti na kumunidå. This community is peaceful and quiet. Variant: kumunidåt, komunidåt, kumiunidå.

kumuñón n. communion. Kåo guaha kumuñon gi Lunis na misa? Is there communion at Monday's mass? Tåya' påli', pues tåya' kumuñon. There was no priest, so there was no communion. From: Sp. comuñión.

kuna n. baby crib, cradle. Po'lu i patgun gi halum kuna. Put the child in the crib. Maigu' i neni gi halum kuna. The baby slept in the cradle. Chenglung i neni ilu‑ña gi kuna. The baby's head got stuck in the crib. Tulaika i ketchun kuna. Change of the mattress of the crib. Syn: kunåo. From: Sp. cuna.

kúnanaf vi. crawl on belly or on hands and knees, creep, trail in line or file, slide (toward). Kumukunanaf i kulepbla gi uriyan i kellat månnuk. The snake is moving around the chicken pen. Esta ha tungu' i neni kumunanaf. The baby already knows how to crawl. Mangukunanaf mågi i ilu' yan i etdut siha. The worms and the ants are trailing over here. Kumunanaf i karetan guaka gi kantit anai ha totpi i haligi gi fihun chålan. The bullcart slid toward the cliff edge when it hit the pole on the side of the road. Annuk na kunanaf guatu gi tasi i låstrun ayuyu siha. It is obvious that the coconut crab tracks led directly to the ocean.

kunbetsasión n. conversation, discussion. Håfa ennåo na klåsin kunbetsasion? What kind of conversation is that? Ti ya‑hu esti hinanånåo‑ña na kunbetsasion. I don't like where this conversation is going. Ya‑hu esti na klåsin kunbetsasion gi entalu' i familia. I like this kind of conversations within the family. From: Sp. conversación.

kundena vt. condemn, censure, prove to be wrong or guilty. I hanum ginin i sadduk gi fihun i chikerun babui makundena na ti såfu' para gimin tåotåo. The water from the lake near the pig pen was condemned as unfit for human consumption. Ma kundena put i bidåña låo ti guiya ha' lachi. He was condemned for his action but he was not the only one who did wrong. From: Sp. condena.

kundenasión n. condemnation, damnation. Kåo manhonggi håo gi kundenasion? Do you believe in condemnation? Bula na rilihon mahonggi put kundenasion. There are lots of religions that believe in condemnation. Ha na'fanma'å'ñåo i famagu'un anai manmasangåni put kundenasion. The children were frightened when they were told about condemnation. From: Sp. condenación.

kundensa n. condenser. Guaha kundensa gi esti na makineriha. There is a condenser in this machinery. Ti ha tungu' håfa taimanu para u pega i kundensa. He doesn't know how to place the condenser. Ti dinanchi esti na kundensa para esti na måkina. This is not the right condenser for this machine. From: Eng. condenser.

kundisión n. condition, status, state of being, way, manner. Båba i kundision i tiempu på'gu. The condition of the weather is not good. Håfa na kundision madisidi gi hunta gi ma'pus na simåna? What condition have they decided at the meeting last week? Si Siñora Diaz ha sangåni i gurupu na siña ha' mañåga ya u fanhugåndu gi un kundision, na u fanhugåndu sin buruka. Miss Diaz told the group that they can stay and play on one condition, that they play quietly. Malaknus i taotåo gi presu gi hilu' un kundision. The person was released from prison on one condition. Debi ha' i taotåo na u mapongli sigun i kundision i hues. The person should be imprisoned based on the condition from the judge. Ilek‑ñ si Kika na ti guiyaya i kundision‑ña måolik. Kika said that her condition is not very good. Syn: iståo. From: Sp. condición.

kundukta n. conduct, behavior. Makastiga i istudiånti, sa' båba kunduktån‑ña gi iskuela. The student was punished for her bad behavior. Prublema i kunduktån‑ña i lahin Jose gi huegun bola. Jose's behavior at the ball game was problematic. From: Sp. conducta.

vt. direct, lead, guide, conduct. Si Juan matågu' para u kundukta i pasaheru ni manmåfattu. Juan was instructed to guide the passengers that are arriving. Guaha ha' esta ma'apunta para u kondukta i karera. Someone has already been appointed to direct the trip. Si Ramona para u kondukta i hunta. Ramona will lead the meeting. See: dirihi.

kunehu n. rabbit. I kunehu ha kånnu' i tinanom‑hu. The rabbit ate my plants. Ti umafakcha' i kunehu yan i ga'lågu pat katu. The rabbit does not get along with the dog or the cat. From: Sp. conejo.

kunfesót n. confessor, spiritual advisor, one who confesses or shrives. Si påli' kunfesot‑ña si Lukas. The priest is Lukas' confessor. Kalan guiya kunfesót gi gurupu sa' ma'angokku. She is like the confessor in the group because she is trusted. From: Sp. confesor.

kunfiånsa n. confidence, trust, reliance, assurance, aplomb, self-possession. Tåya' esta kunfiånsa gi esti na tåotao, sa' tåya' ha' na ha na'funhåyan i che'cho'‑ña. There is no longer any reliance on this person because he never completes his work. Malingu i kunfiånsa sa' tåya' tunas gi manmå'gas. Trust is lost due to lack of integrity among the leaders. Yanggin taigui i kunfiånsa gi taotåo, pues tåya' bali‑ña para u mabota. If there is no confidence on a person, then it is a waste to vote for him. From: Sp. confianza.

kunfirensia n. conference. Mana'guaha kunfirensia giya Saipan gi halatcha. There was a conference convened in Saipan recently. Guaha bali‑ña esti na kunfirensia para i taotåo? Does this conference have any benefit for the people? Variant: kumfirensia. From: Sp. conferencia.

kunfitma vt. 1) confirm. Ma kunfitma si Joaquin kumu direktot gi dipattamentun hinemlu'. Joaquin was confirmed as director for the department of health. 2) confirm (in the Catholic church), administer confirmation to. Malagu' yu' para bai na'makunfitma i hagan‑måmi. I want to have our child confirmed. Gaigi si Antonia na ha atetiendi i dottrina, sa' para u makunfitma. Antonia is at the catechism because she will be confirmed. From: Sp. confirma.

kunfitmasión n. confirmation. I famagu'un man fila hålum gi gima' yu'us para kunfitmasión. The children lined up inside the church for confirmation. Håyi matlinå‑mu gi kunfitmasión? Who is your godmother at confirmation? From: Sp. confirmación.

kunfotma vt. conform, adjust to fit, agree, accept. I pupbliku ma kunfotma i mahåtsan i apas i hanum. The public accepted the increase of the water tax. I istudiånti siha ma kunfotma i areklamentun i iskuela. The students conformed to the school rules. From: Sp. conforma.

kunfotmi vi. agree, concur, coincide, conform. Esta kunfotmi si Beth para u såonåo gi huegu. Beth has agreed to join the game. Put fin i infitmera ha na'kunfotmi i patgun para u maduluk. Finally, the nurse made the child agree to get the shot. Kunfotmi si Edu ya ha fitma i pappit. Edu agreed and signed the paper. From: Sp. conforme.

kunitas n. small insect, gnat. Bula kunitas gi tiempun uchan. There are lots of gnats in the rainy season. Fañonggi gi uriyan guma', sa' bulan kunitas. Make a fire outside, because there are lots Of small insects.

kunkrebinu n. infidelity, cheating (related to married partners). Madibutsia i dos, sa' guaha kunkrebinu masusedi. The couple divorced, because there was a case of infidelity.

kunsågra vt. transform, consecrate. Manmakunsågra i binu yan i ostia gi misa. The wine and the host were consecrated during mass. From: Sp. consagra.

kunsagrasión n. transubstantiation, consecration, blessing. Esta lamitå i kunsagrasion i misa anai måttu si Judas. It was halfway into blessing of the communion when Judas arrived. Todu mana’fansesetbi gi santa misa, mana’fo’na i kunsagrasion. Those to be used during the holy mass must be blessed first. From: Sp. consagración.

kunseha vt. advise, counsel, give advice to, recommend a course of action to. Akonseha i lahi‑ta ya mungnga macho'gui i båba na cho'chu'. Advise our son so he will not do anything wrong. Sessu si Fred ma'akunseha, låo atan ha' sa' lumachi. Fred was advised often but look he made a mistake. Variant: akunseha. From: Sp. aconseja.

kunsensia n. conscience, mind. Taigui ennåo gi kunsensia‑hu para bai hu cho'gui atyu. It isn't in my conscience that I would do that. Ha istotba i kunsensiak‑ku anai hu fa'tinas i disision. It bothered my conscience when I made the decision. Klåru i kunsensian i taotåo put i disision ni ma fa'tinas. The people have a clear conscience on the decision that they made. From: Sp. conciencia.

kunsienti vt. consent, permit, allow, give permission for. Mungnga makunsienti ni malago'‑ña. Don't consent to his wishes. Yanggin ti makunsienti håo, pues cha'‑mu håhanåo. If you are not allowed, then don't go. Ti ma kunsienti nu i finaisen‑ña ya mamatani. She became stubborn when her request was not allowed. From: Sp. consiente.

kunsigi vt. continue, keep on. Malagu' si Remedio para u kunsigi i planu‑ña. Remedio wants to continue with her plan. Para u makunsigi ha' i fandånggu gi Sabalu. The feast on Saturday will be held as planned. From: Sp. consigue.

kunsiheru n. adviser, counselor, lawyer conducting a case. Måolik si Påli' na akunsiheru. Lameggai na famagu'un manhånåo para i ofisinan i akunsiheru. Ti måttu i akunsiherun Jose gi kotti. Variant: akunsiheru. From: Sp. consejero.

kunsiliu n. council, legislature. Kada dos åñus ma'ililihi tres na kunsihiliu para i kunsiliu tiya munisipalidåt Tinian. Every two years, three council members are elected to the Tinian Municipal council. Ma'impleha si Jesus gi ofisinan kunsiliu. Jesus is employed at the council. Ma tågu' yu' para bai hu bisita i kunsiliu put asuntun komunidåd. I was told to visit the council regarding community matters. From: Sp. concilio.

kunsisti1 vt. consist of, include, contain, involve. I kostat ganggochi ha kunsisti dies na niyuk. The burlap sack contains ten coconuts. I inetnun Tagalog ha kunsisti benti na membrus. The Tagalog group consists of twenty members. 2 adj) depending on, according to. Kumeke ilek‑mu na i che'chu' diksinåriu para u kunsisti yan i utugrafiha? Do you mean to say that the dictionary work should be according to the orthography? 3) 

vt. the same, fit, in agreement with. Kunsisti i hinasosom‑mu yan i hinasosok‑ku. Your thinking and mine are in agreement. From: Sp. consiste.

kunsoladót n. sympathizer, soother, alleviator, reliever, condoler. From: Sp. consolador.

kunsolasión n. consolation, comfort, sympathy. From: Sp. consolación.

kunsuehu n. advice. Hu nå'i si Ana kunsuehu na u hånåo ya u na'funhåyan i iskuelå‑ña giya Amerika. I gave Ana advice to go and finish her schooling in the States. Ha nåna'i kunsuehu na mungnga na u dingu i asaguå‑ña na maisa. He advised not to leave her spouse alone. From: Sp. consejo.

vt. advise. Si nanå‑hu ha kunsuehu si Juan na mungnga nåya umsagua. My mom advised Juan not to get married yet. Variant: kunsehu. From: Sp. consejo.

kunsuelu n. consolation, empathy, cheer, happiness. I kunsuelu‑hu na u fanbråbu i famagu'on‑hu. My consolation is that all my children are healthy. Bai hu gaigi ya u guaha kunsuelu para hågu gi tiempun chinatsagam‑mu. I will be present so that there will be consolation for you during your difficult times. From: Sp. consuelo.

kunsunånti n. consonant. I hagå‑hu mafa'nåna'gui' put kunsunånti ni ma'estrån‑ña. My daughter was taught about consonants by her teacher. I sunidun i kunsunånti prisisu na para u matungu' para u fanggina'chungi gi bandan månggi'. The consonant sounds are important to learn in writing. Debi un tungu' todu i kunsunånti gi finu' Chamorro. You need to know all the consonants in Chamorro. Variant: konsunånti. From: Sp. consonante.

kunsutta vt. consult, seek counsel from, ask advice of, seek the opinion of. Manå'i nuebu na åmut ginin i ottru na hospitåt ya må'pus para u kunsutta i mediku‑ña. She was given new medicine from another hospital and went to consult her doctor. Para u makotti si Juan ya ha kunsutta un abugåo. Gai prublema si Marcus gi bangku, pues ha kunsutta i amigu‑ña put håfa para u cho'gui. From: Sp. consulta.

kuntadót n. accountant, bookkeeper, auditor, comptroller, inspector of accounts, examiner of business accounts. Manmanaliligåo kuntadot para i bisnis‑ñiha. They are looking for an accountant for their business. From: Sp. contador.

kuntåt especially. Ti bai honggi håfa ilek‑mu; kuntat, sa' guåhu mismu gaigi guihi. I will not believe what you said; especially when I myself was there.

kuntåt ki cnj. as long as, so long as. Kuntåt ki ti manistototba, måolik ha' yu'. So long as he’s not a bother, it’s allright with me. Kuntåt ki humihita, para håfa yu' ni ottru. So long as we are together, I don’t care about others. Variant: kuentåt ki. From: Sp. con tal que.

kuntra prep. compared to. Håfa mås ma'lak kuntra i puti'un? What is brighter compared to the star? Variant: kontra. From: Sp. contra.

kuña1 n. brother-in-law. Malångu i kiñadu‑hu. My brother-in-law is sick. Måolik na tåotåo i kiñadu‑hu. My brother-in-law is a good man. Kumiñadu si Jesus yan si Jose. Jess and Joe are brothers-in-law. Variant: kuñådu, kuñåo. From: Sp. cuñado.

kuña2 n. cotter pin, used esp. on axles of the bull carts. Malaknus i kuña ginin i karetan guaka. The cotter pin came out of the bull cart. Tulaika i bihu na kuña. Change the old cotter pin. Kåo fitmi i kuña ni un atyik para i karetan guaka? Is the cotter pin that you picked out strong enough for the bull cart?

kuñåda n. sister-in-law. Humånåo i kiñadå‑hu para Guåhan. My sister-in-law went to Guam. Ti ya‑hu i kiñadå‑hu. I do not like my sister-in-law. Kåo kumuñåda si Maria yan si Soledad? Are Maria and Soledad sisters-in-law? Variant: kiñåda. From: Sp. cuñada.

kuñåo n. brother-in-law. Peskadot si kuñåo. My brother-in-law is a fisherman. Humami pumeska yan si kuñåo. I went fishing with my brother-n-law. Manbisita si kuñåo Vicente gi familian‑måmi nigap. My brother-in-law Vicente visited our family yesterday. Variant: kuñådu, kiñådu.

kunggrayulasión n. congratulations. Kunggrayulasion para si Emy, sa' magraduha gi iyon‑ña digri. Congratulations to Emy, for completing her degree. I ma'gås‑su ha kumbida yu' para sena yan ha nå'i yu' konggrayulasion put i måolik na chi'cho'‑hu gi che'chu'. My boss invited me to dinner to congratulate me for the job well done at my work. Hu nå'i i hagå‑hu konggrayulasion, sa' mampus ånimu yan måolik i ripotkåt‑ña. I congratulated my daughter for her very hard work and good report card. From: Eng. congratulation.

kungkista vt. acquire, conquer. From: Sp. conquista.

kungkung n. penis (of little boys). Fa'gåsi i kungkung‑mu. Wash your penis. Ha pula' i patgun i katsunes‑ña para u fatta' i kungkung‑ña. The child took off his pants to show off his penis.

kuota n. quota, allotment. Kuåntu i kuotå‑mu? How much is your quota? Ti gof nahung i kuotå‑hu kada mes ginin i sueddok‑ku. My monthly allotment from my salary is not really adequate. I gubetnu ha susugi kuota para pine'lu siha gi bangku. The government encourages allotments to bank accounts. From: Sp. cuota.

kura n. parish priest. Si påli' Jesse para kurå‑ta på'gu na misa. Father Jesse will be presiding over mass today. Masen guaiya i kuran esti na gima'yu'us. The priest for this parish is well-liked. Si Påli' Isaac para kuran i Nanan Kilisyånu. Father Isaac will be the priest for the Christian Mothers. From: Sp. cura.

kuråhi n. temper tantrum, anger. Båba kurahi‑ña. He has bad temper tantrums. From: Sp. coraje.

adj. angry. Sigi di kumuråhi anai ti manå'i ni malago'‑ña. He was really angry when he was not given what he asked for.

kuråling n. coral. Mafa' a'afuk esti i kuraling para måma'. Coral is used for betelnut chew.

kureha n. 1) motherhood, religious organization for older women who are married, an organization similar to Christian Mothers. Manhosmi misa i kureha. The married women's religious organization attended mass. Ha nå'i yu' i kureha ni skapulariu‑ña. The married women's religious organization gave me the scapular. 2) belt, strap worn by the members of Christian Mothers. Maleffa i biha ni kurehå‑ña. The old woman forgot her religious belt. Anai pumåra i patgun kumuentus, sa' makonni' ni duendis, kumuentus anai mahongngan ni kureha. When the child stopped talking, because he was abducted by the elves, he started talking when he was hit lightly with the belt. From: Sp. correa.

Kuri' name. nickname for Crispin. Ånimu si Kuri gi che'chu' gualu'. Kuri is an industrious farmer. Mås matungo'‑ña gi kumunidat‑måmi si Crispin, Kuri' Crispin is better known in our village as Kuri'. Manlinaisin put håyi na Kuri manggånna gi achikak, sa' lameggai guini na tåotåo mås matungu'‑ñiha kumu si Kuri'. They got mixed up which Kuri' won the race, because there are quite a few people here known as Kuri'.

kurienti1 n. current, flowing of liquid or electricity. Adahi i famagu'un, sa' metgut i kurienti gi tasi. Be mindful of the children, because the sea current is strong. Ti siña ma'usa i ilektrisidå, sa' tåya' kurienti. Electricity is not available, because there is no current. Nina'duda, sa' gef kåtma, låo gotpi matulaika i kurienti gi tasi. He was puzzled with the sudden change in the current when it was very calm. From: Sp. corriente.

kurihi vt. 1) correct, rectify, discipline. Siña ha' makurihi i linachi. Mistakes can be corrected. I nana yan i tata gi familia debi di u kurihi i famagu'un‑ñiha yanggin manåguaguat. The mother and father in the family should discipline the children if they are unruly. Esta makurihi i linachin tinifung. The error in counting has been rectified. Syn: rektifika. 2) lead, show the way, guide, bring together. I lancheru kumurihi i famagu'un gi sagan gå'ga'. The farmer guided the children at the zoo. Guåhu kumurihi ni lugåt i giput. I showed the way to the party. Håyi para u kurihi i gurupu på'gu? Who will lead the group today? From: Sp. corrige.

kuriosu adj. curious, inquisitive. Kuriosu i patgun na u tungu' håfa u manå'i yanggin måolik gradu‑ña. The child is curious to find out what will be his reward for getting good grades. Kuriosu na u fanungu'. He is curious to learn. Mampus kuriosu na istudiånti, bula kuestion‑ña. He is an inquisitive student, he asks a lot of questions. Variant: kiriosu. From: Sp. curioso.

kurispondi vt. correspond to, correlate with. From: Sp. corresponde.

vt. put a crown on. Makurona i hagan i primå‑hu gi paingi. From: Sp. corona.

kúruruk intj. used to call chickens. Sångan "kururuk" yanggin para un ågan i mannuk. Say "kururuk" if you're going to call the chickens.

vt. call (chickens). Ha kukururuk i mannuk para u fañotchu. He is calling the chickens to eat. Variant: kórurut.

kusetcha n. harvest, crop, yield (of crop). Hu aprubetcha i kusetchan i gualu'. I reaped the harvest in my farm. I bentan i fanggualu'an gi metkåo i kinisetchan i lancherihas. The produce at the market was the harvest of the farmers.

vt. harvest, gather in, reap. Manmakusesetcha i dagu un biåhi gi sakkan. Yams are harvested once a year. From: Sp. cosecha.

kusina n. 1) kitchen, cooking structure. Dångkulu kusinå‑mu, sa' bula un na'fañochotchu na famagu'un. Your kitchen is huge, because you are feeding many children. Pinat gi kusinan sanhiyung ni mannana'lagu hami. We mostly cook in the outdoor kitchen. 2) cuisine. Guaha kusinan Chinese gi Pacific Islands Club. There is Chinese cuisine at the Pacific Islands Club. From: Sp. cocina.

kusineru n. cook, one who prepares food, chef. Kuåntu un apåpåsi i kusineru? How much do you pay the chef? Måolik na kusineru ennåo as Juan. That John is a good cook. Åtman na kusineru si Ben guihi na sagan chumotchu. Ben is a long time chef at that restaurant. From: Sp. cocinero.

kusio' n. air raid, outbreak of war (Saipan). Manmalagu' i taotåo para u fanattuk anai måttu i kusio'. The people ran and hid during the air raid. Manluhan i taotåo anai måttu i kusio'. The people were terrified during the outbreak of the war. I kusio' na palåbra ginin i lingguåhin Hapones. Kusio' is a Japanese word. From: Jp. kuushuu.

kusiun n. cushion, pad, stuff made of spongy material. Matitik i kusiun i kauch. The couch’s cushion is torn. Låksi i kusiun i siya, sa' matitik. Sew the chair’s padding, because it is torn. Mañaña' i kusiun esti na kåttri. The mattress on this bed is soft. From: Eng. cushion.

kustiyas n. rib. Måhluk i kustiyås‑ña anai poddung gi trongku. He fractured his ribs when he fell from the tree. Hu fåhan i kustiyan guaka para makåddu. I bought the beef ribs for soup. Manmanunu i manhobinsitu kustiyas. The young men barbecued spare ribs. From: Sp. costillas.

kustråfas n. gristle, tendon. Mungnga ma fåhan gåtni ni gai kustråfas. Don't buy meat with gristle. Ti siña hu ngångas i kustråfas. I can't chew the gristle.

kustumbri n. habit, custom, tradition. Tattiyi i kustrumbrin i tano'‑mu. Follow your local tradition. Måolik kustumbren‑ña na påtgun. The child has a good habit. Debi di ta praktika i kustumbrin Chamorro. We should practice our Chamorro custom. From: Sp. costumbre.

kustura n. seam, where two pieces of cloths are joined together. Ti umannuk i kusturan i bistidu‑ña. The seam does not show on her dress. Ti ma kusturåyi i katsunes‑ña. They did not make a seam on his pants. Mabuelu i kusturan i chininan nobia. The seam of the wedding gown was ruffled. From: Sp. costura.

kusukake' n. hoe. Usa i kusukake' pare manripåsa gi halum tinanum. Use the hoe for weeding in the garden. From: Japanese from kusakariki meaning grass cutter.

kutba n. curve. Mungnga mana'duru sinigon‑mu gi kutba. Do not drive fast on the curve. Piligru atyu na chålan, sa' puru kutba. That road is dangerous, because it is mostly curves. Na'kutba i kantu siha yanggin para un chåchak i pappit. Make the corners of the paper into curves if you are going to cut it. From: Sp. curva.

kutbåta n. necktie, cravat, scarf. Hu fahåni i lahi‑hu kutbåta. I bought a necktie for my son. I presidenti ha u'usa i kutbåta di'åriu. The president wears a necktie daily. Ha atyik i kutbåtan åttilung. He chose the black cravat. From: Sp. corbata.

kutchetis n. snap, a fastening which closes or locks with a click (usually used for clothes). Nå'yi un kutchetis i chininan neni. Put a snap on the baby’s gown. Kuåntu na kutchetis un usa? How many snaps did you use? From: Sp. corchetes.

kutderu n. lamb (as used in scriptures). Kutderun Yu'us ni fumufunas i isåo siha gi tanu', gai asi' nu hami. Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Kutderun Yu'us ni fumufunas i isåo siha gi tanu', nå'i ham pås. Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace. Ma u'usa i kutderu gi lepblun dibusion. The word "lamb" is in the book of scriptures. From: Sp. cordero.

kutdét n. fishing line, made of nylon or other strong material. Mamåhan i peskadot kutdet. The fisherman bought fishing line. Måktus i kutdet. The fishing line broke. Difirentis klåsin finedda' esti i kutdet. There are different thicknesses of fishing lines. Syn: tupak. From: Sp. cordel.

kutdísia n. courtesy, respect. Maila' ya ta na'guaha kutdisia para i taotåo hiyung. Let us give courtesy to our visitors from outside. Håfa na tåya' kutdisia yanggin mañuñugun håo gi chalan? Why are you not courteous when driving on the road? From: Sp. cortesía.

kutdísiu adj. greedy, asking for things one already has. Mungnga kumutdisiu. Don't be greedy. I che'chu' kutdisiu muna'fandisganåo i pumalu tåotåo siha. Greed makes other people dissatisfied. Puru ha' ennåo siha che'chu' kutdisiu. All of those things are the product of greediness. Syn: hambientu. From: Sp. codicioso.

kutdón n. line, rope, belt. Si tåta ha goddi i guaka ni kutdón. Father ties the cow with a rope. Usa i kutdón, sa' popoddung i katsunes‑mu. Use the belt, because your pants are falling. From: Sp. cordón.

kutkåti vt. catch (fish) by feeding over a period of time until the bottom feeders begin to approach the area. Ha kutkåti i guihan bagåsu un simåna nåya asta ki manuriya.

kutmåsu n. process of issuing court-martial. Manmakutmåsu i mansakki siha nigap. From: Eng. court‑martial.

kutneta n. horn (musical), cornet, trumpet. Dandan i kutneta. Play the trumpet. Na'kåti i kutneta. Sound the horn. From: Sp. corneta.

kutniyus n. canine tooth, bicuspid, tusk, dog tooth, fang. Anåkku' kutniyos‑ña i elifånti. The elephant has a long tusk. Kalåktus kutniyos‑ña i ga'lågu. The dog has sharp canines. From: Sp. colmillos.

kuttiba vt. cultivate, educate, enrich, till. Esta makuttiba i lugåt ni para u matanumi. The land is already cultivated for planting. I lancheru ha kuttiba i lugåt, sa' para u tånum i ma'is. The farmer cultivated the land, because he will plant the corn. Taimanu ha' makuttiba i tanu', taiguihi lokkui' makuttiba i famagu'un gi iskuela. Educating the children is like cultivating land to grow food. From: Sp. cultiva.

kuttina n. drapery, curtain. Manlåksi yu' nuebu na kuttina. I sewed new curtains. Manbunitu na kuttina manmabebendi gi Liberty Plaza. There are beautiful draperies being sold at Liberty Plaza. Ya‑hu i ti gof potput na kuttina para i apusentu, sa' mås ha na'ma'lak i sanhalum. I prefer light curtains for the living room, to allow more light inside. From: Sp. cortina.

kuttinåyi vt. put curtains on. Kuttinåyi i petta. Put curtains on the door. Guaha siha na bintåna manmakuttinåyi. Some windows have curtains put on them. Mungnga ma kuttinåyi i bintåna åttilung na kulot sa' siempri mås maipi i gima'. Don't put black curtains on the windows because it will make the house hotter.

kuttura n. culture. Mamopbli ham salåppi', låo riku i kutturan‑måmi. We are poor financially, but we are rich in our culture. Månggi' si Jose kånta put kutturå‑ta. Jose wrote a song about our culture. Ma agradesi mampus i kutturan mañainan‑ñiha. They highly valued their parents' culture. From: Sp. cultura.

kutturåt adj. cultural. Tattiyi i kutturåt i tano'‑ta. Follow our island's cultural heritage. Para u guaha bailan kutturåt siha gi giput. There will be cultural dances at the party. Gef bibu i kutturåt na kånta siha gi fiestan San Jose. The cultural songs were very lively at the San Jose Fiesta. From: Sp. cultural.

kuyintura n. joint, where two bones are joined. Ha hina yu' i guihan ya mamuti todu i kuyintura gi tatåotåo‑hu. I was poisoned by a fish and all my joints were painful. Malasa si Manuel gi kuyintura siha ya mågung i puti‑ña. Manuel had a massage and the pain in his joints went away. Guaha duluk para kuyintura. There are shots for the joints. Variant: kuyuntura. From: Sp. coyuntura.

kuyuntura n. joint, where two bones are joined, chink, fissure. Mamuti todu i kuyunturå‑hu. All my joints are painful. Ti siña yu' umachikat, sa' manetyuk i kuyunturå‑hu. I cannot join the race, because my joints hurt. Håfa na kalang manbula kuyunturå‑mu? Why are your joints kind of swollen? From: Sp. coyuntura.




adj.  adjective
adv.  adverb
agr.  agreement prefix
art.  article
aux.  auxiliary
cnj.  conjunction
dem.  demonstrative
Eng.  English
infx.  infix
intj.  Interjection
Jp.  Japanese
n.  noun
n.pl.  plural noun
neg.  negative
num.  numeral
part.  particle
pp.  prepositional phrase
pred.  predicate
pref.  prefix
prep.  preposition
pro.  pronoun
Sp.  Spanish
suf.  suffix
Syn  synonym
vi.  intransitive verb
vt.  transitive verb