* Coming Soon

R - r


r n. the twentieth letter of the alphabet, named eri.

radis n. type of plant: radish. raphanus raphanistrum. Månngi' mako'ko' i radis. Radish is good for pickle. Siña lokkui' makåddu i radis. Radish can also be used in soups. Guaha na radis agaga', ridondu, yan dikiki'. Some radishes are red, round, and small. From: Eng. radish.

rai n. 1) king. På'gu na tiempu, ti bula manrai. Today, there are not many kings. Bumabaila i rai yan i raraina. The king is dancing with the queen. Mifuetsa i rai. The king has many powers. 2) king (in a suit of cards). Tåya' rai guini gi kattåk‑ku. I don't have a king in my cards.

intj. expression used in the card game tres i sietti to let your partner know that you have the ace of the suit being played. Ha panaki i manu na ga'chong‑ña ni parehu na klåsi yan ti metgut na kåtta ya ilek‑ña "Rai!" He slapped down a numbered card of the suit being played to his partner who was leading and said, "King!" From: Sp. rey.

raina n. queen. I nana guiya i raina gi gima'. The mother is the queen of the house. Ha fa' guiya i raina guini na ofisina. She acts as if she's the queen in this office. Variant: raraina. From: Sp. reina.

rainu n. kingdom, state. Dångkulu rainon‑ña i rain Espåña. The king of Spain's kingdom is big. Ha imbråbrasa ottru lokkui' tånu' siha i rainon‑ña i rai. The king's kingdom embraces other lands too. From: Sp. reino.

rakka' n. parachute (Saipan). Guaha iyon‑ña si tatå‑hu rakka' tiempun gera. My father has a wartime parachute. Dispues di gera ma'u'usa i rakka' para materiåt lupis ni famalåo'an. After the war the women used the parachute materials for slips. Ma'u'usa lokkui' i rakka' para tento'. Parachutes were also used as tents. Syn: parasiút.

vi. descend by parachute. Rumakka' påpa' i sindålu gi tasi. The soldier parachuted down into the ocean.

rakkiu' n. pickled scallion. I rakkiu' ná'ganas na nengkanu'. The pickled onion gives you a good appetite. Kulan mamamis dididi' i rakkiu'. The pickled onion is a little sweet. Ginin i Hapones esti i rakkiu'. The pickled onion is from the Japanese. From: Jp.

råmas n. branch, twig. Kana' ha' måmahluk i ramas trongkun mångga ni meggai tinekchå'‑ña. The mango tree branch with a lot of fruits is about to break. Ututi yu' fan råmas gågu para bålas. Cut me a pine tree branch for a whip. Måolik i mandikiki' na råmas siha para totngin guåfi. Twigs are good for fire starters. From: Sp. ramas.

ramenta n. hand tool. Kåo siña bai hu ayåo i ramentåm‑mu? May I borrow your tools? Espiha fan månu nai ha po'lu i kahun ramentåk‑ku siha. Would you please look where he put my toolbox. Chuli' i chachak luluk na ramenta ya un utut i paip. Take the hacksaw tool and cut the pipe. Variant: ramienta. From: Sp. herramienta.

ramienta n. tool. Na'ayåo yu' un ramenta para agupa'. Let me borrow a tool for tomorrow. Gof chaddik ha' munhåyan esti na cho'chu' yanggin guaha i mampropiu siha na ramienta. This work could be done quickly if we have the proper tools. Kabålis ramientan i katpinterun‑måmi. Our carpenter has a complete set of tools. Syn: instrumentu. Variant: ramenta. From: Sp. herramienta.

rånsiu adj. rancid, stale-smelling, strong-smelling. Gef atman i katni gi haichio' ya esta rånsiu. The meat has been in the hutch for awhile and it turned rancid. Manbåba i nengkanu' sa' manrånsiu. The food is spoiled because it is rancid. Ngingi' fan kåo rånsiu esta esti. Please smell if this is rancid already. From: Sp. rancio.

raraina n. queen. Bunita na raraina gi litråtu. The queen is pretty in the picture. Gi familia i nana i raraina. In the family the mother is the queen. Guiya manggånna para raraina gi July 4. She won as queen for the July 4 celebration. Variant: raina, laraina.

råsa n. race, ethnicity, breed, genealogy. Chamorro raså‑ña si tatå‑hu. My father's ethnicity was Chamorro. Dos na klåsin rasan tåotåo tåotåo Mariånas. There are two races of indigenous people in the Marianas. Bula rasan tåotåo på'gu na tiempu giya Mariånas. There are many races of people now in the Marianas. Marianas. See: håga'. From: Sp. raza.

rasimu n. stalk, bunch, stem (e.g. of fruit). Esta måsa i rasimun chotda. The bunch of bananas is already ripe. Bendi yu' fan maseha un rasimu na måsan mångga. Would you please sell me at least one bunch of ripe mangos? Måolik esta atyu na rasimun pugua' mamåma'. That bunch of betelnuts is already good for chewing. From: Sp. racimo.

rasiun n. ration, share, portion. Falak i Ret Kros yan un chuli'i yu' ni rasion‑hu nengkanu'. Go to the Red Cross and get me my share of food. I rasiun maditetmimina gi kuåntu na tåotåo guaha gi kada familia. The ration is determined by the number of people in every family. Manayuyuda yu' gi tiempun rasiun. I helped at ration time.

vt. ration (something). Mararasiun i hanum gi tiempun ånglu'. The water is rationed during the dry season. Syn: påtti. See: pattida. From: Eng. ration.

rasón n. reason. Tåya' rason‑mu, pus famatkilu. You don't have any reason, so keep quiet. Håfa na rason na para un hånåo para Tinian? What is the reason that you have to go to Tinian? Fana'an guaha måolik na rason na atrasåo håo mågi. Maybe there is a good reason why you came home late. Syn: eskusu. From: Sp. razón.

råspa vi. brush against lightly, hit just on the edge of or near target, side-swipe. Råspa ha' i bala gi binådu anai hu paki. The bullet just grazed the deer when I shot it.

vt. brush against lightly. I katu ha råspa i dadalak‑ña gi adeng‑hu. The cat brushed his tail against my leg. Ha råspa gui' guatu giya guåhu put para bai hu sienti gui'. He brushed against me so that I would notice him. From: Sp. raspa.

raspåda vt. brush against. Adahi na un rinispåda gi as Juan an mamomokkat. Careful lest Juan brush against you when he walks. Ai na yina‑mu manrispåda! Wow, you like to brush against people! Kadu para u patmåda yu', låo ha rispåda ha' yu'. He pretended to slap me, but he just brushed against me. Syn: etti. Variant: råspa, rispåda.

rastreha vt. track, track down, follow by tracking, pursue by following footmarks or footprints. Rastreha i lastrun binådu. Track down the footprints of the deer. Ha rastretreha i hinanåo‑ña i guaka. He is following the tracks of the cow. I pipeskan halum tånu' måolik manrastreha gå'ga' siha. The hunter is good at tracking animals. Syn: tattiyi. Variant: lastreha. From: Sp. rastrea.

råstru n. footprint, track. Ti parehu råstrun‑ñiha i katu yan i ga'lågu. The footprints of a cat and a dog are different. Tattiyi i rastru para un tungu' ginin manu. Follow the tracks to find out where they came from. Funas i rastrot‑ta ya mungnga ta masodda'. Erase our footprints so they will not find us. Syn: feggi'. Variant: låstru. From: Sp. rastro.

råta adj. low (of something thrown), low pitch, grounder, grounded throw. Råta dinaggåo‑ña i picha'. The pitcher's throw was very low.

vt. roll (something) on the ground, esp. by throwing. Marårata i bolan boling. The bowling ball is rolled. Ha råta i bolan goma gi hilu' tånu' ya mapatik ni patgun. He rolled the rubber ball on the ground and the child kicked it.

råtu n. short time, little while; every time. Nangga fan un råtu. Please wait for a little while. Sumåga un råtu si Nåna gi tenda. Mother stopped at the store for a short while. Un ratu ha' fan. Just a moment. Kada råtu yu' matuhuk. Every time I get sleepy. From: Sp. rato.

råya n. 1) line, as on ruled paper, or on the road to mark lanes; stripe, as in rank in service. Na'yiyi råya gi papa' i dinanchi na ineppi. Underline the right answer. Fitma na'ån‑mu gi hilu' i raya. Sign your name on the line. From: Sp. raya. 2) indication of rank (e.g. medals or ribbons). Bula rayå‑ña anai gaigi gi militåt. He had many medals when he was in the military.

vt. draw a line on, underline, scratch or mark (a smooth surface). Ha råya i inai para månu u fanohgi i famagu'un siha. He drew a line in the sand where the children were to stand.

rayåo adj. striped, streaked. Rayåo agaga' chininå‑ña i palåo'an. The lady has a red striped dress. Bunitu ennåo i rayåo amariyu. That yellow stripe is nice. Atyu i rayåon dalalai malago'‑hu na katsunis. I want the pin-striped pair of pants. From: Sp. rayado.

re n. the name of r, the twentieth letter of the alphabet. I masangån‑ña i r re. The Chamorro name of the letter r is re.

rediu n. radio. Na'on i rediu ya ta fanmanhunguk kånta. Turn the radio on so we can listen to music. Mås ki unu na estasion rediu guaha giya Saipan. There is more than one radio station on Saipan. Månu nai un fåhan i rediu‑mu? Where did your buy your radio? From: Eng. radio.

rega vt. 1) sow, sprinkle, scatter. Hu rega i pipitas donni' gi edda'. I scattered the pepper seeds on the ground. Meggai rinigå‑ña mai'is si tåta gi lanchu. Father sowed a lot of corn at the farm. Ha rega i simiyan mai'is gi tirenu. He spread the corn seeds in the field. See: biba, chalapun. 2) irrigate (plant), sprinkle water on (something). Rega hånum i edda' dididi' åntis di un tånum i simiya. Sprinkle little water on the soil before planting the seed. Nisisita marega i floris sa' manånglu' ni semnak. The flowers need to be irrigated because they are withered from the sun. Hu rega i guafi sa' esta kimasoson. I hosed down the fire because it was scorching. Syn: såtpi. Variant: riega. From: Sp. riega.

reguhón n. type of chicken: leghorn. Manyommuk yan mandångkulu i reguhon. Leghorns are fat and tall. Mungnga ma'istotba i reguhon siha sa' manguleleka. Do not bother the leghorns because they are laying eggs. Variant: regón. From: Eng. leghorn.

regulåt adj. regular, average, normal, typical. Regulåt ha' na klåsin gasolina hu nåna'yi i karetå‑hu. I am only putting regular gasoline in my car. Makondudukta i regulåt na huntan i otganisasion gi primet Såbalu kada mes. The regular monthly meeting for the organization is conducted on the first Saturday of each month. From: Sp. regular.

rehas n. railing, rail, fence, lattice. Kumunanaf hulu' gi rehas i aspåragus. The asparagus vine climbed up the lattice. Mana'yiyi rehas i gua'ut hulu' esta mina'dos bibienda. A railing was put on the stairs up to the second floor. Rehåsi i barånda sa' u famoddung i famagu'un. Put railings on the porch to prevent the childdren from falling. See: kollat. From: Sp. rejas.

rehåsi vt. put railings on. Rehåsi i kantun i kannat. Install railings on the edge of the ditch. Usa pi'åo yanggin para un rehåsi i barånda. Use bamboo if you are going to put railings on the porch.

rehistra vt. register, enroll. Kåo esta marehistra i lahi‑mu gi iskuela? Is your son already registered at school? Hånåo ya un marehistra ya un fanbota. Go and get registered to vote. Para u marehistra gi manåmku'. He is going to enroll at the senior center. From: Sp. registra.

rehistrasión n. registation, registry. enrollment, enlistment. Kuåntu i apas rehistrasion gi kulehu? How much is the registration fee at the college? Makondudukta i rehistrasion gi iskuelan Sister Remedios på'gu na ha'åni. The school registration at Sister Remedios's school is being conducted today. Chuli'i yu' lokkui' kopian i rehistrasion. Please get me a copy of the registration, too.

rekla n. menstruation. Nina'yi håo ni reklåm‑mu. You have your menstruation. Syn: chetnut pulan, malangun pulan.

vi. menstruate. Håfa kåo rumekla håo na gof ñamma' håo? Are you having your period that you are very sluggish? Ti siña malak i tasi sa' rumerekla. She could not go to the beach because she is menstruating. Syn: mahåga'. From: Sp. regla.

rektifika vt. rectify, set right. Un nisisita na un rektifika i linachi‑mu. You need to rectify your mistake. Manggågåo dispensasion para u rektifika i disgustu gi familia. He asked forgiveness to rectify the dispute in the family. Ha apåsi dibi‑ña para u rektifika i kotten‑ña gi kotti. He paid his debts to rectify his court case at the court. See: kurihi, na'dinanchi. From: Sp. rectifica.

rektót n. rector of a cathedral, one who assists the bishop. I rektot meggai responsabilidåt‑ña. A rector has many responsabilities. Bula cho'chu' ha chocho'gui i rektot. A rector does a lot of work. I rektot ha asisisti i ubispu gi kuatkuet manera. The rector assists the bishop in all his work. From: Sp. rector.

rektu adj. strict, rigorous. Gof rektu atyu na ma'estru. That teacher is very strict. E'kahat murektu sa' tåntu hågu lalachi. Do not be very strict because even you make mistakes. Debi i famagu'un u fanmarektuyi gi rispetu na bånda. Children must be disciplined in terms of respect. From: Sp. recto.

rekumendasión n. recommendation. Måolik ennåo i rekumendasion‑mu. That recommendation of yours is good. I rekumendasion‑ña era para ta nangga esta ki måttu i ma'gas. His recommendation was to wait till the boss came. I Gubetnu ha laknus rekumendasion para u tåya' cho'chu' agupa'. The Governor issued a recommendation not to have work tomorrow. From: Sp. recomendación.

remuebi vt. remove, change location, dislocate. Ma remuebi i pine'lu gi halum kuåttu. They changed the location of things in the room. Ha remuebi i kosås‑su ya ha po'lu i kosås‑ña. He removed my things and put in his things. Hu remuebi i sanhalum i kuåttu sa' para bai hu famenta. I removed things in the room because I am going to paint. Debi u maremuebi esti na kuåttu sa' lachi. We must change this room because it is wrong the way it was done. Hågu muterun esti na gurupu, na'siguru na maremuebi i planu. You are the leader of this team, make sure there is a change in the plan. Yanggin para u mafa'måolik esti na guma', debi di u maremuebi i chalan fine'nina. If we are to renovate the house, we must first remove or redo the entrance road. From: Sp. remueve.

reprendi vt. reprimand, scold. Maripendi si Edward ni Principal nigap. Edward was reprimanded by the Principal yesterday. Sessu mariprendi si Anna gi as nanå‑ña. Anna is often being scolded by her mother. Ti ya‑hu mariprendi. I do not like to be scolded. From: Sp. reprende.

Reprimånda (from: reprimånda vt. reprimand, reprove. I pulisiha ha reprimånda i draiban i kareta. The policeman reprimanded the driver of the car. Ha reprimånda i patgun sa' ha kassi i ga'lågu. He reproved the boy for teasing the dog. Mareprimånda yu' gi che'chu' sa' masotni yu' na guåhu yumulang i måkina. I was reprimanded at work because I was blamed for breaking the machine. Variant: reprimenda. From: Sp. reprimenda.

Reprisenta (from: reprisenta vt. represent, stand for, act in place of. Guaha mureprisenta yu' gi miting sa' malångu yu'. Somebody represented me at the meeting because I was sick. Hu reprisenta i mañe'lu‑hu gi fandånggun i primun‑måmi. I represented my siblings at the wedding of our cousin. I famagu'un ma reprisenta i kutturan‑ñiha gi prugråma. The children represented their culture at the program. From: Sp. representa.

reprisentasión n. representation, exhibit. Esti na litråtu ti måolik na reprisentasion i taotåo tånu'. This picture is not a good representation of the indigenous people. Ti umatya i odå‑hu yan i reprisentasion gi katålagu. My order doesn't match the representation in the catalogue. Na'chilung håfa un sångan yan håfa iyom‑mu reprisentasion. Link what you stated with your exhibit. From: Sp. representación.

reput adj. inactive, slow. Esta reput, sa' åmku'. He's not very active, because he's old. Munhåyun i che'chu' sa' tåya' reput giya siha. The work was completed because no one of them was slow. Kalang reput sinente‑hu dispues di meggai hu kånnu' gi sena. I felt slow after eating a very big dinner.

reputasión n. reputation, what people think and say the character of a person or thing is, good name. Adahi i reputasion‑mu na un na'båba. Be careful not to make your reputation bad. Maseha malak månu håo, na'tachu i reputasion‑mu. No matter where you go, keep your good name high. Ti manmåolik reputasion‑ñiha atyu na familia. That family doesn't have a good reputation. From: Sp. reputación.

responsabilidåt n. responsibility, obligation, trustworthiness, reliability. Bula responsabilidåt‑tu gi familia. I have lot of responsibility with my family. Responsabilidåt i mañaina para u ma'adahi i famagu'un. It is the parents' responsibility to take care of their children. Angokkukuyun i taotåo put i måolik responsabilidåt‑ña. The person is reliable because of his level of responsibility. From: Sp. responsabilidad.

resta vt. subtract (in mathematics). From: Sp. resta.

reståt n. subtraction.

resulusión n. resolution. I lehislatura manmanpåsa resulusion. The legislature passed a resolution. Ma'onra i taotåo ni resulasion. The person was honored with a resolution. Variant: resulasión. From: Sp. resolución.

resureksión n. resurrection, rising from the dead. Guaha na hinenggin kilisyånu ma'onra mås i resureksion kini finatai Jesukristu. Some Christian beliefs honor the resurrection more than the death of Jesus Christ. I Påsguan resureksion i mås takkilu' na silebrasion gi kalendåriun i gima'yu'us katoliku. Easter is the highest celebration in the church's calendar. From: Sp. resurrección.

reyis n.pl. kings; the three kings, the three wise men (in New Testament). På'gu na tiempu, ti meggai reyis gi tanu'. Nowadays, there are not many kings in the world. Gi hinanåo‑ñiha i tres reyis para i bilen, mañugu' gi as rai Herodis. On their way to the manger, the three kings stopped by at King Herod's. From: Sp. reyes.

rialisa vt. realize, be fully aware of. Ha rialisa na atrasåo gui' para i miting. She realized that she was late for the meeting. Hu rialisa na ti bunitu i bidå‑hu. I realized that what I did was not nice. Kåo ma rialisa i piniligru ni siña masusedi? Did they fully realize the risks that they are taking? From: Sp. realiza.

riåt n. dime, a coin worth ten cents. Un riåt ha' salappe'‑hu. A dime is all I have. I un riåt gof meggai para guåhu anai påpatgun yu'. A dime was plenty for me when I was young. Dies na riåt guaha gi un pesu. There are ten dimes to a dollar. From: Sp. real.

ribåha vt. reduce. Ribåha i dandan sa' mampus a'gang. Reduce the music volume because it is too loud. Maribåha i sinturå‑hu anai hu ribåha i kinannono'‑hu. My waist became smaller when I cut down my intake. Anai hu ribåha i kinanno'‑hu, kulang rinibåha yinimmok‑ku. When I reduced my food intake, my body seems to reduce my chubbiness. Rinibåha i che'lu‑hu gumimin maneska anai mumalångu. My brother had cut down from drinking alcohol when he became sick. Ant: umenta. See: utut. From: Sp. rebaja.

ribåna vt. slice (bread or cake), cut (bread or cake) into slices. Hu ribåna i pån. I sliced the bread. Ha tågu' yu' si nåna para bai hu ribåna i kek. Mother told me to slice the cake. Mañotchu ham rinibånan pån para mirienda. We ate sliced bread for midday snack. See: chåchak. Variant: dibåna. From: Sp. rebana.

ribåt n. rival, competitor. I dos låhi manribåt gi kumpitensia. The two boys were rivals at the competition. Tåya' ribåt‑tu para bai kinentra. I had no rival to compete with me. Mamfotti atyu siha na ribåt i mañåonåo gi huegu. They were tough competitors at the game. Syn: kontråriu. From: Sp. rival.

ribentasón n. part of the reef towards the shore, lagoon side of the reef, inner reef. Bula palaksi' gi ribentasón. There are many parrotfish in the lagoon side of the reef. Variant: rubentasón, rubentasión.

ribirensia vt. 1) revere, give reverence to. Ribirensia i mañainan‑miyu mientras manlåla'la'. Revere your parents while they are still alive. 2) console, soothe. Hu ribirensia si tatå‑hu sa' triristi. I consoled my father because he is lonely. Ha ribirerensia i patgun para u påra kumåti. She is consoling the child so that it will stop crying. Syn: uga. See: kumplåsi. From: Sp. reverencia.

ribisa vt. revise. Ma ribisa i tinige'‑hu para u mana'lamåolik. They revised my writing to make it better. Gof dångkulu i che'chu' maribisan i diksiunåriun Chamorro. The revising of the Chamorro dictionary is a huge task. Hu ribisa i anåkku' na istoria ni hu tugi' para bai hu na'lakadada'. I revised the long story that I wrote to make it shorter. Syn: rinueba, ripåsa. From: Sp. revisa.

ribit n. rivet. Syn: rimåcha. From: Eng. rivet.

richåsa vt. reject, deny. Ma richåsa i rigålu ni hu na'hånåo. They rejected the gift I sent. Marichåsa i taotåo nu i familian i nubiå‑ña. The man was rejected by his girlfriend's family. Ha richåsa si tatå‑hu i planu‑hu para bai hu kandidåtu gi ileksion. My father disapproved my plan to run as an election candidate. Syn: diroga. From: Sp. rechaza.

ridima vt. redeem. Ridima i kupon gi tenda. Redeem the coupon at the store. Tåya' para bai hu ridima. I have nothing to redeem. From: Sp. redime.

ridondeha vt. encircle, go around, surround, go in a circle around, encompass. Maridondeha yu' nu i familia para bai makantåyi gi kumpli'años‑su. I was surrounded by the family to sing a happy birthday song. Hu ridondeha i hatdin ni floris amariyu. I encircled the garden with yellow flowers. Maridondeha i gima' ni kellat. The house is encircled with a fence. Syn: aridonduyi. Variant: aridondeha.

ridondu n. circle. Dångkulu esti na ridondu. This circle is big.

adj. round. I ridondu na kosas libiånu mangiluluk. Round things can easily roll. I gualåfun i pilan gi paingi sen ma'lak yan gof ridondu. The full moon last night was very bright and round. Na'tunas i chinachåk‑mu, håfa na sigi ha' rumidondu? Make your cutting straight, why is it turning into a circle? Variant: aridondu.

ridu n. noise, commotion, disturbance. Bulan ridu gi paingi gi finakpu' giput. There was a lot of commotion last night at the end of the party. Tåya' ni guaha ridu guini na songsung. There's never any disturbance in this village. Sessu ennåo na tåotåo ha na'guaha ridu. That man often causes disturbances. Variant: ruidu. From: Sp. ruido.

riega vt. 1) sow, sprinkle. Ha riega i simiya. He sowed the seeds. 2) irrigate, sprinkle water on. Ma rieriega i chalan sa' mampus potbus. They put water on the road because it's very dusty. Variant: rega. From: Sp. riega.

rifa1 n. raffle, lottery, the issue of events as determined by chance. Bula difirentis klåsin premiu gi rifa. There were many different prizes at the raffle. Maipi yu' chumånsa gi rifa sa' tåya' yu' nai manggånna. I have bad luck with raffles because I just never win.

vt. raffle (something). Marifa i ga'‑hu guaka gi fiesta para premiu. My bull was raffled at the fiesta as a prize. From: Sp. rifa.

rifa2 n. freezer, deep freeze. Hu po'lu i katni gi halum i rifa. I put the meat in the freezer. Ha chuli' si Maria i ais krim ginin i rifa. Maria took the ice cream from the freezer. From: Eng. reefer.

rifa3 vt. discover (by reading cards or consulting spirits), find out about (by reading cards or consulting spirits). Ha rifa håfa na malålangu i patgun. She consulted the spirits to find out why the child is sick. Ha na'marifa para u tungu' håfa chitnot‑ña. He consulted with the spirits to find out what was his sickness.

riferi vt. refer. Ma riferi yu' para i mås må'gas. They referred me to the big boss. I ma'estråk‑ku ha riferi yu' guatu gi konseheru. My teacher referred me to the counselor. Mariferi i malångu guatu gi doktu nu i imfitmera. The nurse referred the patient to the doctor. From: Sp. refiere.

riflekta n. reflector. I riflektan i liluk muna'sodda' yu' ni chalån‑hu. The metal reflector made me find my way. Måolik i ispehus na riflekta para u tutuhun i guafi. A mirror reflector is a good way to start a fire.

vt. 1) reflect, as in a mirror reflecting something. Ha riflekta gi ispehus i matå‑hu. My face reflects in the mirror. 2) think back, reflect on (something). Nå'i tiempu para un riflekta håfa siha i manimpottånti. Take time to reflect what things are important. I bidan i patgun ha riflekta i mafa'na'guen‑ña. The child's actions reflect was he was taught. From: Eng. reflector.

rifotma vt. reform, make better, correct. Hu rifotma i båba na kustumbrek‑ku. I reformed my bad habits. Ma rifotma todu i areklamentu put iskuela. They reformed all the regulations on education. Ha prumeti i taotåo para u rifotma gui' yanggin manå'i ta'lu chånsa. The man promised to reform if given another chance. From: Sp. reforma.

rifotmatoriu n. reformatory. Inayuda i patgun para u rifotma gui' ni rifotmatoriu. The reformatory helped the boy to change and improve. Guaha manmåolik na prugråman manhobin gi rifotmatoriu. There are good youth programs in the reformatory. Mangguågualu' lokkui' i mañåsaga gi rifotmatoriu. Those living in the reformatory are farming also. From: Sp. reformatorio.

rifresku n. refreshments. Yan‑ñiha na u guaha rifresku yanggin manhuhunta. They like for there to be refreshments when they have meetings. From: Sp. refresco.

vi. refresh (oneself), freshen up. Manrifresku ham gi kantun tåsi. We refreshed at the beach. Na'rifresku håo ni basun chå. Refresh yourself with a cup of tea.

vt. refresh, freshen, replenish, renovate. Ha rifresku i hinasson‑ña. He refreshed his mind.

rigålu n. 1) present, gift. Hu nå'i rigålu si Maria. I gave Maria a present. Håfa rigalu‑mu gi Krismas? What was your Christmas gift? Marigålu si Maria alåhas. Maria was given a gift of jewelry. 2) award, reward. Håfa rigalu‑mu? What is your reward? Syn: nina'i. From: Sp. regalo.

vt. award (someone), give a prize to. Manmarigålu i famagu'un ni måolik bidan‑ñiha. The children were awarded for their good deeds. Syn: premiu.

rihuma n. rheumatism; a disease with inflammation, swelling and stiffness of the joints. Puti yu' mamokkat sa' nina'yi yu' rihuma. I had a hard time walking because I have rheumatism. Manmanehyuk i kuyinturå‑hu ginin i rihuma. I have painful joints from rheumatism. I gai chetnut rihuma ti måolik gi manenghing na lugåt. A person with rheumatism is not good in cold places. From: Sp. reuma.

rikahida n. Ti dinanchi na rikahida un hanåogui para i lugåt‑tu. You took the wrong street to my place.

rikesa n. wealth, affluence, riches. Ha nå'i hit si Yu'us meggai na rikesa. God gave us abundant riches. In risibi rikesa ginin i mañainan‑måmi. We inherited wealth from our parents. I rikesan Yu'us para todu i hinerasion. The wealth of God is for all generations. Syn: guinaha. From: Sp. riqueza.

rikohi vt. gather, collect, assemble, bring together. Rikohi i basula. Collect the trash. Rikohi mågi i famagu'un ya bai hu kuentusi. Gather the children here so I can talk to them. Manmanrikohi ham pruduktu på'gu gi gualu'. We collected crops at the farm today. See: etnun. From: Sp. recoge.

riku adj. rich, wealthy, affluent. Gof riku yu' sa' bula famagu'on‑hu. I am very rich because I have a lot of children. Manriku hit sa' bula siña ta kånnu' gi tano'‑ta. We are rich because we can eat many things on our island. Annuk na manriku sa' sen dångkulu guma'‑ñiha. It's apparent that they're rich because they have a big house. See: géfsaga, míguaha. From: Sp. rico.

rikuesta vt. request, solicit, ask. Manrikuesta si nåna para u marikunonosi i gumå'‑ña gi duråntin tumaiguen‑ña. Mother requested that her house be checked on during her absence. Guaha na iskuela manmanrikuekuesta ayudu para i rifan‑ñiha. Some schools are soliciting assistance for their raffle prizes. Manmarikuesta ham para bai in fanhånåo para i matai agupa'. We were asked to go to the funeral tomorrow. From: Sp. recuesta.

rikuetdu n. 1) token, remembrance, keepsake. Meggai klåsin rikuetdu siha gi tenda. There are many kinds of souvenir at the stores. Hu chuli' i litråtun tatå‑hu para rikuetdok‑ku. I took my father's picture as my remembrance of him. Sessu hu atan i rikuetdok‑ku ni ha nå'i yu' si nåna. I often look at my remembrance that my mother gave me. 2) inheritance, legacy. I gima'‑måmi i rikuetdun‑måmi as tatan‑måmi. Our house is our inheritance from our father. From: Sp. recuerdo.

rikuhida n. collection (of money in church). Meggaiña rikuhidan Damenggu kini ottru dihas. Sunday collection is more than on other days. Bula manmanayuyuda para i rikuhida gi misa. Many are helping with collection at mass. Matutufung i rikuhida kada finakpu' misa. The collection is counted after every mass. From: Sp. recogida.

rikuknisa vt. recognize, acknowledge. Ma rikuknisa si Rosa ni finatton‑ña gi hunta nigap. They acknowleged Rosa's coming to the meeting yesterday. Manmarikuknisa i istudiånti siha put mana'annuk i intires‑ñiha gi prugråma. The students were acknowledged for their interest in the program. Manmarikuknisa siha i implehåo put i che'chu'‑ñiha ni manmåolik. They recognized the employees for their good work. From: Eng. recognize.

rikumenda vt. recommend. Rikumenda fan håfa siña ta cho'gui på'gu. Please recommend what we can do now. I ma'estra ha rikumenda i patgun ni maolik bidå‑ña para u mana'såonåo gi premiu. The teacher recommended the student who did good work to be included in the award. Malagu' yu' rumikumenda ya hågu un ge'hilu'i i tim bola. I would like to recommend for you to lead the baseball team. See: rikuknisa. From: Sp. recomienda.

rikunosi vt. check, look for, search, investigate, examine closely, probe. Rikunosi ha' ta'lu i balakbak‑mu, sa' gaigi ha' i yabi. Look into your bag again, because the key is there. I taotåo ha rikunosi i ga'‑ña guaka siha kåo manmåolik ha'. The man checked his cattle to see if they were still okay. Marikunosi si nåna ni doktu sa' malångu. Mother was checked by the doctor because she was sick. From: Sp. reconoce.

rilihión n. religion. Miembru yu' gi rilihion Katoliku. I am a member of a Catholic religion. Ta rispeta kada rilihon gi tanu'. Let's respect every religion on earth. Kantidå na klåsin rilihion siha gi todu i tanu'. There are so many different kinds of religion in the world. Variant: rilihón. From: Sp. religión.

rilihiosu adj. religious. Mampus si Tun Juan rilihiosu na tåotåo. Tun Juan is a very religious person. Gof rilihiosa si Tan Rita. Tan Rita is very religious. Si Tun Juan gof rilihiosu sa' tåya' na fåtta gi gima' Yu'us. Tun Juan is very religious because he never missed church. From: Sp. religioso.

rilihón n. religion. Bula na rilihon para todu klåsin tåotåo. There are lots of religions for all kinds of people. Tåya' na rilihon tåotåo mås måolekña kini ottru. No religion is better than other religions. Kantidå na tåotåo manmanhonggi gi rilihon Katoliku. Many people believe in the Catholic religion. Variant: rilihión. From: Sp. religión.

rilós n. watch (timepiece), clock, wristwatch. Ki ora på'gu guennåo gi rilos‑mu? What time is it now with your watch? Måtai baterihan rilos‑su. My wristwatch's battery is dead. Sigun gi rilos‑ña, esta ti atman para litiråda. According to his watch, it is almost quitting time. Variant: lilós. From: Sp. reloj.

rimåta vt. 1) kick out, chase away, cause to depart by threatening, beat up. Marimåta lahin Jose huyung gi gima' Susana. Jose was kicked out from Susana's house. Manmarimåta i famagu'un Jessica gi giput gi Damenggu. Jessica's children were kicked out at the party on Sunday. Rinimåta si Joey ni ma'gås‑ña gi chi'cho'‑ña. Joey was kicked out from his job by his boss. Måolekña un rimåmata håo guini sino hu chonnik håo påpa'. It is better to get away here or else I'll push you down. Manmarimåta ham gi gurupun inetnun. We were gotten away from the group. Manrinimåta siha i famalåo'an ni taotåo ginin i lanchun‑ñiha. The women had been chased away from their farm. 2) completely destroy, kill, ruin. I pakyu ha rimåta i tanu'. The storm destroyed the land. 3) ring (church bell) for the last time. Marimåta esta i kampånan Guma' Yu'us. The last church bell has rung already. Yanggin esta marimåta i kampånan i Gima' Yu'us, ti månngi' humålum. It is not so good going into the church when the last bell had already rung. From: Sp. remata.

rimedia vt. remedy, revive, relieve, aid, redress, restore. Na'fatå'chung ya u remedia hinagong‑ña. Sit him down to restore his breathing. Måolik i hagun åtis para u remedia i lalangu. The sweetsop leaf is good to revive the one that fainted. Håfa siña para u remedia i chetnut gagu'? What can cure the laziness disease? Gimin kafe ya u remedia i matuhok‑mu. Drink coffee to cure your sleepiness. From: Sp. remedia.

rimediu n. remedy, cure. Månggi i remediu ni un ufresi yu'? Where is the remedy that you offered me? Na'ma'si' sa' tåya' esta rimediu‑ña i chetnot‑ña. It's a pity because there is no remedy for her sickness. Na'maguf sa' guaguaha ha' rimediu para si nanå‑ña. It's joyful because there's still a remedy for her mother. See: impeñu. From: Sp. remedio.

rimenda vi. mend, repair. Rimenda i matitik magagu‑mu insigidas. Mend the tear on your cloth right away. Åtman tiempu esta disti ki marimenda i ligan i kusina. It has been a long time since the kitchen was repaired. Tai bali para un rimenda esti låo gai usu para talåpus. It is worthless to repair this, but it is usable as a rag. Variant: limenda. From: Sp. remienda.

rimiti vt. remit. Siña marimiti salåppi' ginin Saipan para maseha månu. The money can be remitted from Saipan to anywhere. Para u fanrimiti dididi' na salåppi' para i familiån‑ña. He will remit a little money to his family. From: Sp. remite.

rimoa vt. wash again. Rimoa i magågu sa' kalan mafa'gåsin kakalotis ha'. Wash the clothes again because it appears like they were washed with the corn cob.

rimpesa vt. clean (outside the house) thoroughly. Rimpesa siha i masetan floris gi uriyan gima'. Rearrange the flowers around our house. Apasiyun si Bing sa' bråbu manrimpesa. It is worth paying Bing because she works hard cleaning. Matågu' si Felix para u fanayuda manrimpesa gi lanchu. Felix was asked to help do the thorough cleaning at the farm. Variant: limpiesa. From: Sp. limpieza.

rimpuha vt. overturn, turn upside down, upset, disarrange, topple over, turn over, capsize. Ha rimpuha i masetan floris i katu gi hilu' lamasa. The cat overturned the flower vase on the table. Oddas ennåo sa' u marimpuha. Secure that, so it won't overturn. I dångkulun nåpu ha rimpuha i boti. The big wave capsized the boat. From: Sp. rempuja.

rimulinu n. 1) waterspout, whirlpool, whirlwind, tornado. I manglu' guaha na biåhi na manhålla hånum tåsi ya mama'rimulinu. The wind sometimes pulls in seawater and it becomes a waterspout. Hu li'i' i rimulinun månglu' gi fihun i sengsung San Antonio. I saw a tornado near San Antonio village. Guaha na biåhi na annuk i rimulinun i tasi gi airi. Sometimes the whirlpool can be seen from the air. 2) cowlick, crown (of the head); a place on the head where the hair grows in a whirl pattern. Si Edward gai rimulinu dos gi ilu‑ña. Edward has two cowlicks on his head. Ilek‑ñiha na yanggin gai rimulinu i patgun mås ki unu, pues pikaru. They say that if a child has more than one cowlick, then he's mischievous. Guaha na rimulinu gaigi gi sanme'na gi ha'i. Some cowlicks are at the front of the forehead. 3) having two cowlicks. From: Sp. remolino.

rinaya (from: rinaya n. etching, engraving. I rinaya gi ispehus bunitu. The etching on the glass is pretty. I rinaya gi pensiåna kulang måolik mabidå‑ña. The etching on the louvers was done right.

rinifresku n. refreshment. Kantidå na rinifresku maplånta gi lisåyun Ted gi paingi. There were a lot of refreshments being served at Ted's rosary last night. I familian Reyes madisidi na para u mana'guaha rinifresku agupa' gi talu'åni. The Reyes' family decided to provide refreshments tomorrow afternoon. På'gu na tiempu mampus esta guaguan i rinifresku. The refreshments are very expensive nowadays.

rinola n. chamber pot, portable container for urinating or defecating. I manåmku' ma'u'usa i rinola an puengi yanggin para u fanme'mi'. The elders use the chamber pot at night if they are going to urinate. Si nanå‑hu ha fa'gåsin måolik i rinola gi egga'an. My mother washed the chamber pot well in the morning. Po'lu i rinola gi kantun i kattrin i malångu na tåotåo. Place the chamber pot by the patient's bed.

rinueba vt. renew, revise, redo, do again, do over. Bai hu rinueba i lisensiåk‑ku sa' para u fåkpu'. I will renew my license because it is expiring. Rinueba todu i che'cho'‑mu ya un na'dinanchi. Revise all your work and make it right. Kåo siña un rinueba i aplikasion‑mu sa' guaha ti manklåru na infotmasion. Can you redo your application, because some information is not clear. Syn: ribisa. From: Sp. renueva.

rinunsia vt. renounce, refuse, decline, reject. Si Antonio ha rinunsia i patten‑ña salåppi'. Antonio renounced his share of the money. Ha rinunsia para u ma'åmti gi hospitåt. She refuses to be treated at the hospital. Bai hu rinunsia i pusision ni manå'i yu'. I will decline the position given to me. From: Sp. renuncia.

riñón n. kidney. Si Theodora mana'suha i riñon‑ña disdi åpmam na tiempu tåtti. Theodora's kidney was removed a long time ago. Månngi' matunu i riñon guaka. The kidney of the cow is good to barbeque. Sessu inafekta i riñon yanggin ti sessu håo gumimin hånum. Often the kidneys get affected if you don't consume much water. From: Sp. riñón.

ringkón n. corner (of a location), edge (of a location). Hu na'gåsgas måolik i ringkon siha. I cleaned the corners well. Kumantun ringkon chalån‑ña mågi si Rita gi halum tåotåo. Rita edged her way here around the corner in the crowd. Ha sodda' i neni i bolå‑ña gi fina'ringkon gi såla. The baby found his ball in the corner of the living room. From: Sp. rincón.

ripåra vt. notice, be aware of, take notice of, be cognizant of, observe, check on. Ti hu ripåra si Edward gi hunta gi egga'an. I did not notice Edward at the meeting this morning. Manripåra yu' na todu i taotåo gi giput ti ma patcha unu na sintåda. I noticed all the people at the party did not touch one food item. Rinipåra si Isabel as Maria gi talu'åni gi espitåt. Maria noticed Isabel at the hospital in the afternoon. Maripåra i chitnot‑tu gi addeng‑hu ni doktu. The doctor noticed the sore on my leg. Variant: lipåra. From: Sp. repara.

ripåsa vt. 1) weed out (grass), remove (weeds) from a cultivated area. Manripåsa si Tåta gi lanchun‑måmi nigap. Father weeded the grass at our farm yesterday. Manmanripåsa ham gi halum tinanum gi ma'pus na simåna gi gualu'. We weeded among the plants at the farm last week. Ripåsa i tirenu ya ta fanmanånum. Clear the terrain so we can plant. Dispues di ma'alådu i lugåt, i famagu'un‑måmi ma ripåsa todu i cha'guan siha. Our children removed all the weeds from the cultivated areas. 2) revise. Para u maripåsa i diksiunåriu. The dictionary is going to be revised. From: Sp. repasa.

ripenta vt. repent, be sorry for something done. Hu ripenta i båba na bidå‑hu. I repented the wrong I did. Ha ripenta gui' i taotåo anai kumonfisat. The man repented when he confessed. Nina'måolik sinenten‑ña anai ha ripenta gui' ni nina'piniti‑ña. He was relieved when he repented about the person he hurt. From: Sp. arrepienta.

ripiti vt. repeat, say again. Ma ripiti i prugråman famagu'un sa' meggai ti lumi'i'. They repeated the children's program because many did not see it. I neni ha ripiti i ginagåo‑ña letchi. The baby repeated his request for milk. Maripipiti i anunsiun påkyu para i pupbliku siha. The typhoon announcement has been repeated again to the public. From: Sp. repite.

riplika n. replica, reproduction. I attista ha fa'tinas riplika nu i litråtun antigu. The artist made a replica of the old painting. Ma fa'tinas riplika nu i åntis siha na kåntan Chamorro. They made reproductions of the old Chamorro songs. From: Sp. réplica.

vt. replicate. Manmariplika todu i litråtun i antigu na maga'låhin Chamorro para u fanmanå'i i iskuela. All the pictures of ancient Chamorro chiefs were reproduced to be given to the schools.

ripotti vt. report, notify, make known, make an announcement (Guam). Ha ripotti gui' si Manuel guatu gi ma'gås‑ña. Manuel reported himself to his boss. Manmaripotti i mansakki guatu gi pulisiha sa' manmañåkki bras. The thieves were reported to the police because they stole some brass metals. Manmaripotti ham put i pakyu. We were notified about the storm. Para u fanmaripotti i mañaina put i mababan iskuela gi Septembri. The parents will be notified about the opening of the school in September. Siempri maripotti yu' yanggin måttu si nåna ginin Amerika. I will be notified eventually if Mother comes from the Mainland. See: nutisia, ripót. From: Sp. reporte.

ripoyu n. cabbage. Månngi' manå'yi ripoyu i kaddun månnuk. It is good to put cabbage in the chicken soup. Mamåhan si nåna ripoyu gi metkåo nigap. Mother bought a cabbage at the market yesterday. I fafalu uma'achuli' sabot‑ña yan i ripoyu. The banana flower bud is similar in flavor to cabbage. From: Sp. repollo.

riprisentånti n. representative, delegate. Måttu i riprisentåntin i maga'låhi gi sirimonias. The governor's representative came to the ceremony. Kåo malagu' håo riprisentånti? Do you want a representative? Bula riprisentånti manmåttu ginin ottru lugåt para i kunfirensia Many delegates from other places came for the conference. Variant: ripresentånti. From: Sp. representante.

riseta vt. listen to (someone's) heartbeat with stethoscope, give (someone) a medical check-up. Mariseta i neni ni doktu gi espitåt CHC. The doctor listened to the baby's heartbeat at CHC. Manmariseseta i manmapotgi' na famalåo'an gi Sentrun Hinemlu' Pupbliku. The pregnant women are being checked at the Public Health Center. Mariseta si bihå‑hu para u mali'i' kåo nimoña. My grandmother was checked to see if she has pneumonia.

risibi vt. receive. Manrisibi yu' kåtta nigap. I received a letter yesterday. Hu risibi atyu i ti hu gågagåo. I received that which I wasn't asking for. In risibi i bisita gi gima'‑måmi. We received the visitors at our house. Hu risibi i nina'i‑ña, låo ti hu miresi. I received his gift, but I don't deserve it. See: aksepta. From: Sp. recibe.

risibu n. receipt, invoice. Hu tugi'i si Lydia risibu ni apas i gellai. I wrote a receipt to Lydia for the payment of the vegetables. Yanggin mamåhan håo gi tenda, siempri manå'i håo risibu. If you bought something at the store, then they will give you a receipt. Kada manapåsi si Lillian nu guåhu, hu nå'i risibu. I give receipts to Lillian every time she pays me. From: Sp. recibo.

risidensia n. residence. Esti na lugåt puru residensian sindålu. This place is the residence of soldiers. Sumåsaga si Daniel gi risidensian Peter giya Tanåpag. Daniel lives at Peter's residence in Tanapag. Malagu' si Johnny sumåga gi fina'risidensian tåotåo tånu'. Johnny likes to live at local people's residences. From: Sp. residencia.

risiembra vt. replace (a seed or plant that failed to survive). Si tåta ha risiembra i simiyan biringhenas. Father replaced the eggplant seeds. Yanggin ti lå'la' i simiya siha, pues debi na un risiembra. If the seeds did not sprout, then you have to replace them. Manånum i lancheru meggai simiyan kamuti ya ti manmåolik, ya ha risiembra. The farmer planted a lot of sweet potato stems and they were not good, so he had to replace them. Variant: disembra. From: Sp. resiembra.

risikna vt. resign, withdraw. Hu risikna yu' gi gurupu‑hu nigap. I resigned from my group yesterday. Ha risikna gui' si Frank gi militåt. Frank resigned from the military. Ha risikna gui' si Jose gi bola. Jose withdrew from the ballgame. Nalålu' si Mariane ya ha risikna gui' gi pusision. Mariane was mad and she withdrew from the position. Reflexive verb. From: Sp. resigna.

risisti vt. resist, oppose, act against. Ti siña hu risisti chumålik. I could not resist laughing. Kumu bråbu tatåotåo‑mu, libiånu un risisti i chetnut. If your body is healthy, it's easy for you to resist illness. Hu risisti kumånnu' i manmamis na nengkanu'. I resist eating sweets. From: Sp. resiste.

riskåta n. bail. Ma'obliga si Luis na u fanapåsi riskåta åntis di u masotta huyung ginin i presu. Luis was mandated to pay bail before he is released from jail.

vi. escape. Rumiskåta i babui kontra i guafi. The pig escaped from the fire.

vt. bail out, rescue, give a chance to. Mariskåta yu' gi bangku på'gu na biåhi. I was given a chance at the bank this time. Ti chumilung i isåo‑ña si Carmen yan i kantidå ni mariskåta. Carmen's violation was not comparable with the amount of her bail. Tåya' u fåttu para u fanriskåta yanggin un cho'gui i babå‑mu ta'lu. No one will come to the rescue if you mess up again. Ma riskåta i malingu na boti. They rescued the lost boat. Ha riskåta yu' i che'lu‑hu anai dilingkuenti yu' nu i dibi‑hu. My brother rescued me when I was delinquent with my loan. From: Sp. rescata.

risonåpbli adj. 1) reasonable. I puntom‑mu todudu risonåpbli. Your points are all reasonable. Risonåpbli esti na tåotåo. This person is reasonable. Variant: rasponåpbli. From: Sp. razonable. 2) argumentative, combative, stubborn. I na rinisonåpbli håo ni guåhu. Wow, you're so argumentative with me. Ti un nisisita murisonåpbli put esti na sinisedi. You don't have to be stubborn about this situation. Båsta murisonåpbli sa' ni ngai'an na ta påra umatgumentu. Stop being combative because we'll never stop arguing.

rispeta vt. respect, feel or show honor or esteem for, care for, show consideration for. Rispeta i mañaina‑mu todu i tiempu. Always respect your parents. Manarispeta i taotåo guini na isla. In this island, people respect each other. Magof rispeta si Ana nu i manamigå‑ña. Ana is very respected by her friends. From: Sp. respeta.

rispetåo adj. polite, respectful. Rispetåo ennåo na tåotåo gi manåmku' todu i tiempu. He was always respectful to older people. Yanggin rispetåo håo, manå'i håo tåtti rispetu. If you are respectful, respect comes back to you. Manggof rispetåo i famagu'un‑ñiha. Their children are very respectful. From: Sp. respetado.

rispetåyun adj. respectable, worthy of respect, honorable, having a good reputation. Mamopbli i mañaina‑hu låo manrispetåyun. My parents were poor but respectable people. I rispetåyun na siudadånu ha o'osgi i lai. Respectable citizens obey the laws. Ti nisisåriu para un gof malati' para un rispetåyun. You don't need to be very smart to be respectable.

rispetu n. respect, high regard, honor, esteem, reverence, veneration. Fa'nå'gui i famagu'un rispetu. Teach the children respect. Debi ta na'guaha rispetu gi kosas yan propiadåt pupbliku. We should show respect to public things and properties. I rispetu unu gi mås takkilu' gi kuttura. Respect is one of the highest values in the culture. From: Sp. respeto.

rispondi adj. showing lack of respect, rude, insolent, talking back. Guaha na tåotåo rispondi yanggin un kuentusi. There are people that talk back when you talk to them. I che'lu‑hu gof rispondi yanggin esta mumaneska. My brother is very rude when he drinks. Ti bunitu i famagu'un para u fanrespondi guatu gi mañainan‑ñiha. It's not nice for children to talk back to their parents. From: Sp. responde.

rispondón n. one who talks back, one who answers back. Ti ya‑hu sumangåni håfa, sa' mampus rispondon. I don't like to tell him whatever, because he talks backs too much. I dikikeke'‑mu yan i rispondodon‑mu. You're so small and you talk back too much. Ti guailayi na para un mampus rispondon gi esti na inadingan. It is not necessary for you to talk back too much in this kind of conversation.

rispondu n. response, reply, answer. Håfa rispondom‑mu gi finaisen‑hu? What is your response to my question? Kåo guaha rispondu ginin i famiia gi sanlagu? Is there a response from the family abroad? Meggai na rispondu manmanå'i ham, låo tåya' yan‑måmi. We received a lot of responses, but we didn't like any of them. From: Sp. respondo.

risponsåpbli adj. responsible, accountable. Gof risponsåpbli ennåo na tåotåo nu i che'cho'‑ña. That person is very responsible with his work. Kada istudiånti risponsåpbli para u adahi i lepblon‑ña ni manå'i gui'. Each pupil is responsible for the care of the books given him. Hågu risponsåpbli nu todu i kosas ni manma'ayåo. You are accountable for all the things that were borrowed. From: Sp. responsable.

risponsu1 n. vigil prayer for the dead. Manmano'oppi i taotåo gi tinaitai‑ñiha gi risponsu. The people were responding in their prayers for the dead. Ninana'i kunsuelu i familia nu i tinaitai risponsu. The prayer for the dead gives consolation to the family. From: Sp. responso.

vt. say a vigil prayer for (the dead), say a prayer for the repose of the soul of (the dead). Ha risponsu si Påli' i matai. The priest prayed for the dead. Ma'ågang si Påli' para u risponsu i matai åntis di u mahåfut. The priest was called to pray for the dead before his burial. Prayer said for the repose of the soul of the dead by an ordained priest or deacon minister of the church, who also blesses with holy water and incense.

risponsu2 n. responsorial. Ki ora i risponsu ni ha asietta si påli'? What time did the priest set the responsorial service? Madingu si Jose para i risponsu. Jose was late for the responsorial service. Atrasåo si påli' ha tutuhun i risponsu. The priest started the responsorial service late.

rispuesta vt. answer, respond, reply in words, make a reply. Ha rispuesta chaddidik i kuestion. He responded quickly to the question. Esta ma rispuesta i finaisesen‑ña. They already answered her concern. Manmaguf ma rispuesta i inbitasion para i giput. They happily responded to the party's invitation. From: Sp. respuesta.

risutta n. result, consequence, effect, outcome, answer. Gof måolik i risutta ginin i mediku‑hu. The result from my doctor was very good. Maseha håfa na ti måolik na bida, siempri guaha risuttån‑ña. Any wrongdoing will havet a consequence. Måolik na risutta måfattu ginin i maolik na fafa'cho'chu'. A good outcome comes from a good worker. Siempri un risibi i risuttåm‑mu gi katta. You will receive your result in the mail. From: Sp. resulta.

ritåchi vi. ricochet. Anai poddung i plåtu gi satgi, rumitåchi tåtti. When the plate fell on the floor, it ricocheted. Rumitåchi i bala gi liga. The bullet ricocheted from the wall. From: Sp. retache.

ritåsus n. leftover cuttings, usually of small pieces of clothing, wood, etc.; chips, remnants. I såstri ha u'usa i ritåsus siha para u fa'såbanas. The seamstress uses the remnants of cloth to make blankets. Manyuti' si David ritåsus matiriåt siha ginin i faktirian magågu. David threw some yardage remnants from the garment factory. Kada mapatngas i hayu, siempri guaha mandikiki' siha na ritåsus. There would be wood chips every time wood is chopped. From: Sp. retazos.

ritira vt. dismiss, return (something), chase or send away, take back, withdraw. Maritira yu' gi che'chu' gi oran alas tres. I get off work at three o'clock. Manmaritira i infitmera siha gi che'chu'‑ñiha. The nurses were dismissed from their work. Ha ritiran maisa gui' si Joanne gi espitåt. Joanne discharged herself at the hospital. Måttu si Jerome gi gimå'‑hu nigap, ya hu ritira gui'. Jerome came to my house yesterday, and I sent him away. Variant: litira. From: Sp. retira.

ritiråda n. dismissal, liberty to depart, permission to go. I ritirådan cho'chu' era alas kuåttru i media gi talu' ha'åni. The dismissal time at work is 4:30 in the afternoon. I ritirådan Maria gi espitåt i oran ala sais gi pupuengi. Maria's shift at the hospital ends at 6:00 in the evening. Esta ritirådan i implehåo gi ofisina siha. It's already dismissal time for office employees. Variant: litiråda. From: Sp. retirada.

ritiråo adj. retired. Hobin na tåotåo, låo esta ritiråo. He's a young person, but he's already retired. Ritiråo esta si Laura ginin i che'cho'‑ña. Laura is already retired from her work. Meggai na tåotåo manritiråo esta gi che'chu'‑ñiha. Many people had already retired from their work. From: Sp. retirado.

ritumbu vi. vibrate (caused by loud noise), oscillate, echo, resonate. Esta ritutumbu mågi i pakyun Yutu gi isla siha. Typhoon Yutu was vibrating as it approached our islands. Anai manmalågu i tropan guaka gi kellat, esta ritutumbu gi halumtånu'. When the herd of cows escaped from their fence, there were vibrations in the wilderness. Manritutumbu mågi i kabåyu anai mana'achikak. The horses were making vibrations as they were racing. From: Sp. retumbo.

rodo' n. type of chicken: Rhode Island red. I gåyun rodo' sessu umo'o' an chatanmak. The Rhode Island rooster often crows early in the morning. Bula ga'‑ñiha si Ton gåyun rodo' gi lanchun‑ñiha. Ton has a lot of Rhode Island roosters at their farm. Tinichu' i punideran rodo' ni ga'lågun bisinu nigap. The Rhode Island hen was attacked and eaten by the neighbor's dog yesterday.

rolo' n. curlers, rollers for curling hair. Si Jeanette ha usa i rolo' para u na'mulåta gui'. Jeanette used the rollers to curl her hair. Pa'gu na tiempu, bula na klåsin rolo' guaha gi tenda. Nowadays, there are all kinds of hair rollers in the store. Variant: rora'.

Roma name. Rome. Humånåo i che'lu‑hu para Roma para u istudia put antigu na Roma. My brother went to Rome to study about ancient Rome. Malagu' yu' lumi'i' i siudån Roma un diha. I want to see the city of Rome one day. Anakku istoriå‑ña Roma. Rome has a long history.

ronchas n. spot, rash, weal, red. Guaha ronchas gi tatalo'‑mu. You have rash on your body. Manronchas fasu‑hu anai hu kånnu' i denni'. My face turned red when I ate the hot pepper. From: Sp. ronchas.

rora' n. 1) roller, a heavy vehicle used to smooth or harden the surface of the ground (Saipan). Mayulang i rora' chålan ni iyun i Public Works. Public Works's roller is broken. Yanggin para u mana'finu i chalan, debi na u ma'usa i rora'. To smooth the road out, they should use the roller. 2) rollers, used to curl hair; curlers. Si Jeanette ha usa i rora' anai para u na'mulåta gui'. Jeanette used the rollers to curl her hair. Mamåhan yu' rora' gi tenda gi Damenggu. I bought rollers at the store on Sunday. From: Eng. roller.

vt. smooth with a roller. Ti siña marora' i chalan sa' må'pi' i manggon‑ña. They cannot smooth the road because the steering wheel of the roller cracked. Variant: rolo'.

rosa n. type of flower: hibiscus. Kantidå na floris rosa gi kantun chålan siha. There are many hibiscus flowers at the side of the roads. Guaha na floris rosa amariyu, kulot di rosa, å'paka' yan agaga' siha. There are some yellow, pink, white, and red hibiscus flowers. I ti mababa na floris rosa måolik para åmut grånu matditu. The hibiscus buds are good medicine for boil. See: floris rosa. From: Sp. rosa.

rosåt n. type of flower: rose. Si Julian ha nå'i yu' tres na floris rosåt gi Valentine. Julian gave me three rose flowers for Valentine's Day. Guaha na floris rosåt sen påopåo. Some roses are very fragrant. Gof ya‑hu i amariyu na floris rosåt siha. I love the yellow roses. From: Sp. rosal.

roskas n. type of bread, toasted until it becomes crisp, and sometimes twisted like a roll. Variant: rosku. From: Sp. roscas.

rosketi n. traditional cornstarch cookie. Chaddik i rosketi mayamak. Cornstarch cookies break easily. Månngi' i rusketi yan kafe. Cornstarch cookies are good with coffee. Mahohotnu i rusketi. Cornstarch cookies are baked in the oven. Variant: rusketi.

rosku n. type of bread, partially toasted, dry, with a powdery top, crumby and shaped somewhat like a half moon. Månngi' i roskun Maria sa' mandikiki' yan ti manånglu'. Maria's rosku are so good because they are small and not dry. Ya‑ña si tatå‑hu kumånnu' i rosku yan kafe an ogga'an. My father likes to eat rosku with coffee in the morning. Mamåhan si Del tres na balutan rosku gi Herman's Bakery para chinile'‑ña para Amerika. Del bought three packages of rosku at Herman's Bakery for her to take to America. Variant: roskas. From: Sp. rosco.

Rota name. Rota, the southernmost island of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Sumåsaga si Tita giya Luta. Tita lives in Rota. Bula binådu siha gi halum tånu' Luta. There are many deer in Rota's wilderness. Gaigi Luta na tånu' gi kattan Guam. Rota is north of Guam. Variant: Luta.

royu n. roll. Ha songgi i royun påppit. He burnt the roll of paper. Chuli' mågi i royun tikkit. Bring the ticket roll over here. Fina'royu i hilu anai machaflulun ni famagu'un. The string became rolled up when the children wrapped it. From: Sp. rollo.

vt. roll up. Hu royu i hos anai munhåyan yu' manrega floris gi paingi. I rolled up the water hose last night after I finished watering the flowers. Manroyu si Stephanie ni hilun rakka'. Stephanie rolled up the parachute string. Rinoyu i tali anai gåddun gi alåmli' The rope rolled up when it got tangled with the wire. See: falulun, afuyut, balutan.

rubentasión n. part of the reef towards the shore, lagoon side of the reef, inner reef. Mangonni' gamsun gi rubentasion. He caught octopus on the lagoon side of the reef. In sedda' i sakman gi rubentasion. We located the canoe inside the reef. Mattigan ni manggaigi i tagåfi siha, ti i rubentasion. The red snappers are found in the deep water beyond the reef, not inside the reef. Syn: mama'ti. Variant: rubentasón, ribentasón.

rubentasón n. part of the reef towards the shore, lagoon side of the reef, inner reef. Bula guihan dikiki' gi rubentason. There are many small fish on the lagoon side of the reef. Mampus piligru malak i rubentason i mama'ti. It is very dangerous to be at the lagoon side of the reef. Bula kulålis gi rubentasion. There's a lot of coral in the inner reef. Variant: ribentasón, rubentasión.

rubetbit n. pistol, revolver. I pulisiha debi na u fanggai rubetbit sa' piligru i che'chu'‑ñiha. The policemen have to have a pistol because of their dangerous jobs. Pinaki i sakki na tåotåo as Roy nu i rubetbit gi paingin Lunis. Roy shot the thief with his pistol on Monday night. Yanggin para un gai rubetbit, debi na un gai lisensia ginin i Dipattamentun Pulisiha. To have a pistol, you have to have a license from the Department of Public Safety. See: pistola, paki. From: Sp. revólver.

rueda n. wheel, tire. I ruedan bisikleta pångku'. The bicycle tire was flat. Kantidå na an'usan rueda siha manmayuti' gi dåm. Many used tires were discarded at the dump. I ruedan otubai' ottru klåsi kako'‑ña. The wheel of the motorcycle has a different look. Variant: reda. From: Sp. rueda.

ruidu n. 1) roar, loud noise. Gotpi ruidu sa' manmåttu i famagu'un ginin i iskuela. It's noisy all of a sudden because the kids came from school. Dångkulu na ruidun hulu gi egga'an ya nina'luhan i patgun. A loud thunder roared this morning and frightened the boy. 2) commotion, uprising, fight, disturbance. Guaha ruidu gi paingi gi intri i manhobin. There was a commotion last night among the young people. Sigi manggimin, dispues guaha ruidu. They continued to drink, then the fight happened.

vi. make noise, make commotion. Kalang manruiruidu gi giput sa' guaha manguekuentus a'gang, guaha mañåchalik, guaha mangåkanta. They were sort of making noise at the party because some were talking loud, some were laughing, and some were singing. Variant: ridu. From: Sp. ruido.

rula n. ruler, measuring stick. I istudiånti siha ma'usa i rula gi iskuela para u fanmanmidi. The students use rulers at school to measure. Guaha mås ki un klåsin rula. There are more than one kind of ruler. Hu usa i rula para bai hu midi i mineddung i sapatos‑su. I used the ruler to measure the size of my shoes. Syn: sasi'. From: Eng. ruler.

rusalén n. plant, similar to lemon grass. I pipitas rusalen siña mana'setbi mafa'kadena. The seeds of the rusalen can be used to make necklaces. Måolik si Chai' mama'tinas kanåstran rusalen. Chai' is good at making baskets with rusalen. Ti bula esta chå'guan rusalen giya Sa'ipan. There is not much rusalen grass on Saipan anymore.

Rusia name. Russia. Esta meggai bisita siha guini Saipan ginin Rusia. There are many tourists here on Saipan from Russia. Rusia na lugåt gof dångkulu. Russia is a big country. I amigå‑hu ginin Rusia. My friend is from Russia.

rusketi n. traditional cornstarch cookie. Chaddik i rosketi mayamak. Cornstarch cookies break easily. Månngi' i rusketi yan kafe. Cornstarch cookies are good with coffee. Mahohotnu i rusketi. Cornstarch cookies are baked in the oven. Variant: rosketi.


Total number of entries: 200


adj.  adjective
adv.  adverb
agr.  agreement prefix
art.  article
aux.  auxiliary
cnj.  conjunction
dem.  demonstrative
Eng.  English
infx.  infix
intj.  Interjection
Jp.  Japanese
n.  noun
n.pl.  plural noun
neg.  negative
num.  numeral
part.  particle
pp.  prepositional phrase
pred.  predicate
pref.  prefix
prep.  preposition
pro.  pronoun
Sp.  Spanish
suf.  suffix
Syn  synonym
vi.  intransitive verb
vt.  transitive verb