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ñ n. the sixteenth letter of the alphabet.

‑ña suf. his, her, its (third person sg. possessor agreement). Si Pete patgon‑ña. Pete is his child. Ilek‑ña si Ashley na iyon‑ña i Toyota na pickup. Ashley said that the Toyota pick-up is her pick-up. Ha sångan si Arnold na mayuti' i lepblon‑ña gi basula. Arnold said that his book was thrown in the trashcan.

‑ña suf. more (comparative), attaches to adjectives and certain verbs. Måolekña i karetå‑hu kini karetå‑mu. My car is better than your car. Meggaiña salappe'‑hu kini hågu. I have more money than you.

ñå'ña' vt. mix grated coconut meat with (raw fish, shrimp, or meat) (Rota). Hu ñå'ña' i guihan yan i sensin må'sun niyuk. I mixed fish with the almost ripe coconut meat. Manñå'ña' si nanå‑hu uhang para i giput. My mother mixed some shrimps with grated coconut for the party. Gof månngi' manñå'ña' si Grace kåtni. Grace mixes meat so good.

ñå'ut n. crab eggs, fish eggs. Månngi' i ña'ut i ayuyu makånnu'. The coconut crab eggs are good to eat. I ña'ut esti siha na gå'ga' manggetmun. The eggs of there crustaceans are crunchy. Atan fan kåo guaha ñå'ut para senå‑ta? Could you check if we have fish eggs for our dinner? Syn: mangulålis, figan.

ñaba' adj. relaxed, pliable, flexible, easily bent. Gof ñaba i talin magågu. The clothesline is easily bent. Kulang ñaba' i tohgen‑ña si Benigno gi kantun luga. Benigno seems so relaxed standing in the corner of the wall. I hos hånum ñaba'. The water hose is flexible. See: ñåohan.

ñáfula adj. flabby, weak in appearance. Mampus ñafula si Austin mamokkat. Austin is so weak in appearance in walking. I familian Ño'ño' manggof ñafula. The family of Ño'ño' are very weak in appearance. Si Aussey ñafula na påtgun. Aussey is a flabby child. Syn: ñaba'.

ñagung vi. take shelter from the rain (Saipan). Bai hu ñagung gi kareta. I will shelter myself from the rain in the car. Ñumagung yu' nigap. I sheltered myself from the rain yesterday. Ñagung gi gima'. Shelter yourself from the rain in the house. Hu na'ñagung i amigu‑hu gi gima'. I sheltered my friend from the rain at the house. Variant: nagung.

ñáhlalang adj. light (in weight), easy. Ñahlalang i batdi ni ha kåkatga si Irene para i kellat babui. The bucket that Irene is carrying to the pig pen is light. Gof masoksuk i patgun Marie ya gof ñahlalang. Marie's child is so skinny and she's very light. Ñahlalang esti na niyuk. This coconut is light. Variant: ñálalang.

‑ñaihun suf. 1) awhile, for a while, for a moment, for a short time. Saganñaihun asta ki måttu yu'. Stay for awhile until I come back. Sugu'ñaihun gi gima' gi biradå‑mu. Stop by at the house for awhile on your way back. Atanñaihun i nini‑hu sino u poddung gi kåttri. Watch my baby for awhile so it won't fall off the bed. 2) a little, a little bit. Ballinñaihun. Sweep a little bit. Rikohinñaihun i basula siha. Collect the trash a little bit. Go'tinñaihun i pappit sino u gupu. Hold the paper a little bit so it does not fly away.

ñaka' vt. hang (someone or something) to death, suspend by the neck until dead, strangle. Ma'otdin ni hues na para mañaka' i prohimu. The judge ordered the person to be hung. Niñaka' i guaka ni tali anai kumekeke'huyung gi kellat. The cow got strangled when it tried to escape from the fence. Si Bernardo muñaka' i chiba gi trongku nigap. Bernardo hung the goat on the tree yesterday.

ñálalang adj. light (in weight), easy, not heavy. Gof ñalalang yu', sa' gof masoksuk yu'. I'm very light, because I'm very skinny. I kahitan kåhit gof ñalalang mahåtsa hulu'. The case of oranges is very light to lift up. Variant: ñáhlalang.

ñålang adj. hungry, feel hungry. Ti ñålang i hagå‑hu gi finakpu' iskuela på'gu. My daughter was not hungry after school today. Chumotchu si Isabel kantidå. sa' gof ñålang. Isabel ate so much, because she was very hungry. Ñålang yu'. I am hungry. Ñålang i patgun, sa' tåya' nengkanu'. The child is hungry, because there was no food.

ñamma' adj. sluggish, slowpoke, slow to move, weak. Guaha atyu na tåotåo manggof ñamma' mangalamtin. Some people are very sluggish in their movement. Ilek‑ña si tatå‑hu na gof ñamma' yu'. My father said that I'm a slowpoke. See: manman.

ñamñam n. good food, good snack. Mamaisin si Juan kåo guaha ñamñam gi halum kåhun ais. Juan asked if there is something good in the refrigerator.

vi. pause suddenly, then swallow (of someone who is asked a surprising question). Anai hu faisin si Jose kåo guaha nobiå‑ña ottru fuera ki asaguå‑ña, muñamñam nåya, dispues ilek‑ña, "Åhi'." When I asked Jose whether he has a female friend other than his wife, he said, "No."

vt. chew, eat. Fanñamñam ko'ku' papåya, Helen. Eat some pickled papaya, Helen. Hu ñamñam i fina'tinas Maria pie. I ate the pie that Maria baked. Manmanñamñam ham nu i kek. We ate the cake See: ngångas, tanña', chagi.

ñåmu n. mosquito. Inakka' yu' ni ñamu gi paingi gi lanchun‑måmi. I was bitten by the mosquito at our farm last night. Meggai ñåmu manhuhuyung yanggin tiempun uchan. Many mosquitoes come when it is the rainy season. Cha'ot‑tu inakka' ni ñamu. I'm allergic to mosquito bites.

ñañak n. type of rock: pumice, a very lightweight stone found in the Marianas. Mañodda' si Glenn ñañak gi kantun tåsi gi egga'an. Glenn found a pumice rock on the shore in the morning. Ha dåggåo yu' si Anthony ni ñañak ya dinanchi i ilu‑hu. Anthony threw the pumice rock at me and hit my head. Ilek‑ñiha na guaha ñañak na åtchu' giya Mariånas. They said that there are pumice rocks in the Marianas.

ñañas adj. weary, exhausted, tired (physically), done in, worn out, prostrate, haggard, all in (Rota). Sessu yu' ñañas ginin i che'chu'. I always get exhausted from work. Manggof ñañas ham, sa' ginin manmamokkat ham gi eksu'. We were very tired, because we came from walking up the hill. Esta gof ñañas yu', sa' disdi ogga'an yu' mama'gåsi. I'm already worn out, because I've been doing laundry since this morning. Syn: yayas.

ñañu' adj. dull, not sharp. Ti siña hu chåchak i katni, sa' gof ñañu' i se'si'. I could not cut the meat, because the knife is very dull. Gof ñañu' i machetti ya ti siña ha utut i hayu. The machete is very dull and it cannot chop the wood. Ti un chinachak ni padaråo, sa' ñañu'. The long machete cannot cut you, because it is not sharp. Syn: daffi'.

ñañu' vt. cause to sniff, cause to smell, put something close to (someone's) nose to smell a scent (usually malodorous). Mañañu i nana ni påo i patgon‑ña. The mother was made to smell her child's odor. Mana'fanñañu' yu' kåo påopåo pat mutung i lugåt. I was made to smell whether the place smells nice or stinks. Ñañu' guatu i kannai‑mu gi gui'eng‑ña ya u ngingi' i mitung. Move your hand to his nose to smell the bad odor.

ñånggu n. 1) hip, haunch, loin, hind leg (of animal). Månngi' i kaddun ñånggu. The loin soup is delicious. I ñånggu na påtti gi ga'ga' mañaña'. The loin of the animal is tender. Mås bula sensin gi ñanggu kini i petna gi guaka. There is more meat on the hind leg compared to the thigh of a cow. 2) pelvic bone (of person).

ñangnang adj. talkative, entertaining. Ñangnangña gui' ki guåhu. He is more talkative than I. Mandanña' i manñangnang ya bula chålik. The talkative group got together and there was much laughter.

ñangñang adj. cute (of baby), cooing, smiling. Magotdai ya ha de'un fasu‑ña i ñangñang na påtgun. She could not resist from pinching the cute baby's cheeks. Bunitu ñangñang fasu‑ña i neni‑mu. Your baby has a cute face.

ñangu vi. swim. Ñangu gi nátata gi tasi. Swim in the shallow part of the sea. Kana' måtmus i palåo'an, sa' ti ha tungu' muñangu. She almost drowned, because she did not know how to swim. Muñangu yu' guatu gi sagua'. I swam to the open channel. Variant: nangu.

ñangun vt. whisper, talk with a soft voice or constricted vocal cords, speak covertly esp. to conspire or criticize. Ha ñangun yu' si Becky put i sikretu‑ña. Becky whispered to me about her secrets. Ya‑ña i neni‑hu manñangun. My baby loves to whisper. Chathunguk håo yanggin kumuekuentus, sa' kulang manñañangun håo. It is hard to understand you when you talk, because you seem to be whispering.

ñåo n. brother-in-law. I na'ån‑ña i ñåo‑hu si Ken. The name of my brother-in-law is Ken. Meggai ñåo‑måmi siha. We have a lot of brothers-in-law. Humånåo si ñåo para i lanchu. My brother-in-law went to the farm. Syn: kuñådu, kuña.

ñåohan adj. flabby, loose, slack. Muñåohan i tiyån‑ña anai mumalångu. Her belly became flabby when she became ill. Malågu i guaka anai muñåohan i tali‑ña. The cow escaped when her rope became loose. See: ñaba'.

ñåtas n. scum, layer of froth that forms on the surface of soupy food or liquid. Sohgui i ñatas gi katdu ni mana'lålagu. Skim the scum from the soup that is being cooked. Gai ñatas i menggus yanggin masotni. Beans have scum when boiled. Malehgua' hålum i ñatas gi fina'tinas atmåyas. The scum was stirred into the corn soup. Variant: natas.

ñating adj. slow (to arrive). Håfa na gef ñating håo måttu? Why did it take you so long to come? Adahi, sa' ñating yu' mamokkat, sa' puti addeng‑hu. Be careful, because I'm slow in walking, because my feet hurt. I ñateteng‑mu muna'fanatrasåo hit. Your slowness makes us late.

ñeduk n. adolescent male. Guaha åmut ñeduk para i manñeduk. There is native medicine called åmut ñeduk for boys at puberty. Esta ñeduk ennåo i lahi‑mu? Has your son reached puberty? Esta ñeduk, låo ti matulalaika bos‑ña. He's already an adolescent, but his voice hasn't changed.

ñega vt. deny, contradict, nullify, break (contract). Mañega i disision‑mu. Your decision was contradicted. Måssa' yu' mamaisin fabot, sa' siña ha' mañega. I hesitated to ask a favor, because it might be denied. Hu prisenta i kuntråta, ya mañega ottimon‑ña. I presented the contract, and it was ultimately broken. Variant: niega. From: Sp. niega.

ñehngun adj. shady, shaded (area), where soil is fresh and moist. Variant: lehngun.

ñehum vi. lurk, duck, bob down, evade. Ñumehum yu' gi tattin i atchu'. I ducked behind the rock. Variant: ñehung.

ñehung vi. lurk, duck, bob down, evade. Variant: ñehum.

‑ñiha suf. their (third person du. or pl. possessor agreement). Chuli'i na'‑ñiha i famagu'un. Bring some food for the kids. Na'atarantåo i dos, sa' guaha prubleman‑ñiha. The two separated, because they have a problem.

ñinnun åtaduk n. pupil of the eye.

Ñiñu name. Baby Jesus (Rota). Variant: niñu.

Ñiñu Jesus name. Infant Jesus, Baby Jesus, the Child Jesus. Ta silelebra i kumpliåñus i Ñiñu Jesus an Disembri. We celebrate the birth of the Child Jesus in December. Ma kåkanta i kantan Ñiñu duråntin i tiempun Krismas. They sing Baby Jesus songs during Christmas time. Ha bisisita hit i Ñiñu Jesus gi gimå'‑ta gi duråntin i Krismas. The Infant Jesus visits us at our homes during Christmas. Variant: Ñiñu.

ñohmun n. soil that is watery, almost muddy, such that one's feet will sink in 3 to 4 inches when walking over it.

ñokñuk vt. cause to submerge, push (something) into, stuff (something) into. Siña un ñokñuk ennåo i basula gi entalu' i madduk? Can you push that trash into the hole? Ñoknuk todu esti siha gi halum balakbak‑mu. Stuff all of these things into your bag. Mañokñuk i addeng‑hu gi inai. My foot sank into the sand. Syn: supuk.

ñongñung adj. talkative, entertaining, gabby. Variant: ñangñang, nongnong.

ñora n. 1) respect term used when kissing a woman's hand when performing manngingi'. Ilek‑ña i patgun, "Ñora, Tan Kika'." The child said, "Ñora, Tan Kika'." Åluk "ñot" yanggin para un fanngingi' gi as bihu‑mu, yan "ñora" yanggin para si bihå‑mu. You say, "ñot" if you are kissing your grandfather's hand, and "ñora" for your grandmother. 2) respect term used when answering an older female's call, or when trying to get the attention of an older female. Ñora, Tan Juana. Kåo malagu' håo ma'udai para i gimå'‑mu? Ñora, Tan Juana. Would you like to ride (on vehicle or bull cart) to your house? See: siñora.

ñot n. 1) respect term used when kissing a man's hand when performing manngingi'. Ilek‑na i patgun, "Ñot, Tun Kiku'." The child said, "Ñot, Tun Kiku'." Åluk "ñot" yanggin para un fanngingi' gi as bihu‑mu, yan "ñora" yanggin para si biha‑mu. You say, "ñot" if you are kissing your grandfather's hand, and "ñora" for your grandmother. 2) respect term used when answering an older male's call. Ñot, Tun Juan. Kåo malagu' håo mau'dai para i gimå'‑mu? Ñot, Tun Juan. Would you like to ride (on vehicle or bull cart) to your house? See: siñót.

ñotak n. type of eel, grayish white brown covered with very fine dots (Rota). lycodontis pictus. Bula ñotak gi tasin‑måmi. There are many eels in our ocean. Na'ma'añåo i ñotak na gå'ga', sa' a'akka'. The ñotak is scary, because it bites. Inakka' i peskadot ni ñotak gi paingi anai pumepeska gi laguna. The fisherman was bitten by the eel last night when he was fishing on the reef. See: hakmang.

ñudu n. knot (in wood).

adj. hollow, not solid, having a cavity within a solid substance. I hålo blåk ñudu na påtdit. The hollow block is a hollow concrete. I ispongha ñudu na materiåt . The sponge is a hollow material. From: Sp. nudo.

ñufu' n. type of fish: scorpionfish, stonefish. Family Scorpaenidae. Guaha na nufu' makåkannu' nu i taotåo. There are stonefish that are eaten by some people. Manmasodda' na manmåtai meggai na nufu' gi hilu' unai nigap. A lot of stonefish were found dead on the sand yesterday. I lassas trongkun talisai åmut para i binenun i nifu'. The bark of the terminalia is a medicinal remedy for the scorpionfish's sting. Variant: nufu'.

ñukut vt. strangle, choke, suffocate by choking. Mañukut i mannuk as tatå‑hu, sa' ha guådduk todu i tinanum. My father strangled the chicken, because it dug up all the plants. Ha ñukut yu' i kandin mahettuk. The hard candy choked me.

ñuña vt. 1) flatter, pacify by stroking or petting. Manñuñuña si Jeffrey gi as Gabriella, sa' yaya‑ña. Jeffrey is flattering Gabriella because he's having a crush on her. Hu ñuñuña si Ton put para u mås mangguaiya nu guåhu. I'm flattering Ton so he will love me more. Mañuña i neni gi as nanå‑ña anai sigi kumåti. Mother pacified the baby when he kept crying. Ñinuña i patgun gi as nanå‑ña. The child was comforted by her mother. 2) boost (someone's) morale. Hu ñuña si Ben na manggånna gui' gi lottery, sa' ti ha tungu'. I boosted Ben's morale that he won the lottery, because he did not know about it.





adj.  adjective
adv.  adverb
agr.  agreement prefix
art.  article
aux.  auxiliary
cnj.  conjunction
dem.  demonstrative
Eng.  English
infx.  infix
intj.  Interjection
Jp.  Japanese
n.  noun
n.pl.  plural noun
neg.  negative
num.  numeral
part.  particle
pp.  prepositional phrase
pred.  predicate
pref.  prefix
prep.  preposition
pro.  pronoun
Sp.  Spanish
suf.  suffix
Syn  synonym
vi.  intransitive verb
vt.  transitive verb