* Coming Soon

B - b


b n. the fourth letter of the alphabet, named be.

bå' n. 1) cattle, especially as referred to by children. Kuåntu ga'‑mu na bå' gi paståhi? How many cows do you have in the pasture? Ai na dångkulun bå' ennåo i magogoddi gi papa' trongku. Wow, the cow tied under the tree is huge. 2) 

n. call or cry of the cattle. Ai na ina'gang bå' atyu i kati‑ña i guaka. My, that cry from the cow is loud. Syn: umbå'.

vi. 3) crawl (on hands and knee), walk like a cattle. Esta bumåbå' i patgun. The child is already crawling on her hands and knees. Bumå' si tåta gi papa' lamasa para u chuli' i bola. Father crawled under the table to take the ball.

ba'a' adj. flexible, fluid, not stiff, relaxed, easily bent, pliable. Ti libianu i manglu' ha tomba i trongkun pi'åo sa' ba'a'. The wind will not easily topple the bamboo plant because it is flexible. Mientras mås nuebu na kinenni' guihan, mås ba'a' ya libiånu mago'naf. The fresher the catch of fish is, the more flexible it is and easier to scale. I nuebu na finañågun neni gof ba'a'. The newborn baby is so flexible. Syn: ñaba'.

ba'an adj. late in waking up in the morning, oversleep. Ba'an yu' på'gu na ogga'an. I was late waking up this morning. Manatrasåo i famagu'un para i iskuela sa' manba'an na ogga'an. The children were late to school because they overslept this morning. I nana ba'an sa' disbilåo sa' ha na'funhåyan todu i che'cho'‑ña gi paingi. The mother woke up late from staying up all night finishing her work.

ba'ba'1 n. type of wild taro whose roots are large and yellow. Gai pilu mås i ba'ba' ki i sini. The large yellow type of taro has more tiny roots than regular taro. Masisu i ba'ba' na nengkanu'. The large yellow taro is firm in texture. Månngi' i ba'ba' masaibuk. The large yellow taro is good to cook with coconut milk. This type of taro plant survives for many years; the root takes a long time to cook, but when cooked, lasts for a long time. Syn: lak.

ba'ba'2 vt. spank, hit, scold. Maba'ba' i gurupun tanoris as påli' sa' mamburukentu gi sakristiha. The priest scolded the alter servers because they were making noise in the sacristi. Ha na'måmåolik gui' i patgun gi iskuela sa' sino maba'ba' ni mañaina‑ña. The child is behaving at school to prevent being scolded by his parents. Syn: såolak, sakudi, kastiga, lalåtdi.

bå'ba' adj. undeveloped when ripe (of fruit or seed), hollow, shrunken, deformed, defective, sterile, stunted. I mambå'ba' na kakaguåtis mantai sanhalum. The defective peanuts do not have meat inside. I ba'ba' na pugua' ti u la'chuk. The sterile betelnut will not sprout. Si tåta ha yuti' i pigua' ni mambå'ba'. Father threw away the defective betelnuts.

bá'chigu' adj. slant-eyed ]. Mamba'chigu' i patgun katu siha anai manmafañågu. The kittens had slanted eyes when they were born. Variant: batchigu'.

ba'ya' vi. fed up, oversatiated, flooded with (something), have too much of (a certain food). Adahi na un bina'ya' ni chandiha sa' sina ha' un nina'pisadiya. Be careful not to eat too much watermelon because you will have nightmares. Manbina'ya' ham ni masan mångga sa' in duruyi i pineddung gi papa' trongku. We had too much ripe mangoes because we ate too much of fallen ones under the tree. Esta ba'ya' yu' ni hineksa' sa' ennåo ha' hu kåkannu' kada diha. I am already fed up with rice because I eat it every day. See: binatya'.

ba'yak n. 1) coconut frond. Malåyu i ba'yak niyuk ya poddung påpa' gi hilu' i tinanum siha. The coconut leaf has withered and fell on the plants below. Siña mafa'kichålan dångkulu i ba'yak niyuk para manlehgua' nengkanu' gi ka'låhi. The coconut frond can be made into a big spoon to stir food in a big pot. Siña mama'tinas håo todu klåsin kosas ni ba'yak niyuk. You can make all kinds of things out of coconut frond. 2) white mold, usually inside the coconut frond. Mafa' å'amut i ba'yak niyuk. The white mold inside the coconut frond is used as medicine. See: Hagåssas. 3) seaweed. Hu rikohi i ba'yak gi tasi para abonu. I collected seaweed for fertilizer

ba'yak n. 1) type of fish: trumpet fish. Aulostomus chinensis, Family Aulostomidae. I guihan ba'yak chatpagu låo månngi' sensen‑ña. The trumpet fish is unattractive but its flesh is delicious. I ba'yak na guihan tai go'naf. The trumpet fish has no scales.

baba vt. open, disclose, reveal, divulge, expose. Baba i petta, Anne. Anne, open the door. I palåo'an ha baba i royun påppit. The woman opened up the roll of paper. Todu sikretu manmababa nigap. All secrets were revealed yesterday.

båba adj. bad, spoiled, worthless, evil. Båba mañåkki kosas tåotåo. It is bad to steal other people's property. Måolik ha' u manå'i i baba na hineksa' i babui. It is okay to give the spoiled rice to the pigs. Båba pat måolik, po'lu ya siha la'mun. Good or bad, it's up to them.

bábali' n. 1) moth. Bula babali' manggugupu an puengi. Many moths fly at night. Guaha na klasin babali' manmanduduluk gi tinekcha' lalangita. Some moth species pierce tangerine fruits. 2) eyelashes. Bunitu anakko'‑ña i neni. The baby's has beautiful long lashes. I babali' pruteksion para i ataduk. Eyelashes are protections for the eyes. Si Dolores ha nå'yi i babale'‑ña "mascara." Dolores applied mascara on her eyelashes.

baban buteya n. bottle opener. Ma'u'usa i baban buteya para mababa i buteyan kok. The bottle opener is used for opening the coke bottle. Si Raymond ha baba i gimen‑ña yius ni baban buteya. Raymond opened his juice with the bottle opener. Mantinaki' todu i baban buteya gi kusinan sanhiyung. All the bottle openers in the outside kitchen were rusty.

baban låta n. can opener. Såosåo ya un na'ånglu' i baban låta insigidas sa' u tinaki'. Wipe and dry the can opener right away so it does not rust. Bula diferentis klåsin baban låta. There are many different kinds of can openers. Ñañu' esti na baban låta sa' sessu ma'usa. This can opener is dull because it is used a lot. See: abrilåta (Guam).

babarihas n. foolishness, stupidity, stupid things, mischief. I babarihas gi sagan cho'chu' ti måolik. Foolishness at work is not good. Puru ennåo siha babarihas. All those are stupid things.

adj. foolish, stupid, mischievious. Sessu estu na tåotåo bumabarihas. This person often acts foolishly. I bumabaririhas na tåotåo ti siña ta honggi. We can't believe a person who acts with foolishness. Syn: binaba. Variant: barbararihas.

båbas n. chin. Inakka' i babås‑ña ni sasata. His chin was stung by a wasp. Mandokku' i batbas gi babås‑ña. Hair grew on his chin. Machåbba' babås‑ña anai matompu'. His chin got cut when he stumbled. Syn: achai.

båbasbas n. type of fish; general term for goatfish. Family Mullidae. Bula båbasbas dikiki' gi papa' åtchu'. There are many small goatfish under the rock. I båbasbas guaha batbås‑ña. The goatfish has a beard. Månngi' matunu i båbasbas. It is good to barbecue the goatfish. Syn: satmoneti.

båbbaba adj. silly, thickheaded, stupid, not good, somewhat crazy, mentally defective. Kulang båbbaba sa' duru bumaila gi chalan na maisa. She is kind of silly because she is dancing quite a bit on the street by herself. Bumabbåba ilu‑ña ni bulan prulema. He is becoming somewhat crazy because of his many problems. Derived by reduplication from båba.

baberu n. bib. Si nåna ha pega i baberu gi neni. Mother put the bib on the baby. Bunitu baberu‑ña i neni. The baby has a beautiful bib.

babui n. 1) pig. Bula lancheru manmamomoksai babui. Many farmers are raising pigs. Si Tun Jose guaha ga'‑ña otchu na babui. Tun Jose has eight pigs. Ma chåhan i babui para i giput. They baked the pig underground for the feast. 2) a term used in keeping track of the score by counting the number of games lost in the card game tres sietti. I dos tåotåo ma planeha para u manå'i i kontrariun‑ñiha ga'‑ñiha babui gi tres sietti. The partners plotted to win by giving their opponents losing points (pigs).

babuin baksia' n. type of pig with short snout. Manyommuk i ga'‑ña babuin baksia' sa' manmåolik manmapoksai‑ñiha. Her short snout pigs are fat because they are well taken care of. Bula ga'‑ña babuin baksia' giya Luta. He has a lot of short snout pigs in Rota.

babuin halum tånu' n. wild pig, wild boar. I babuin halum tånu' manmetgut na gå'ga'. Wild pigs are strong animals. I babuin halum tånu' mañochotchu todu klåsin tinanum. The wild pigs eat all kinds of plants. Månngi' makånnu' i sensin i babuin halum tånu'. It is good to eat the meat of the wild pigs. Syn: babuin machålik.

babuin kuaresma n. Lenten pig; a legendary pig used as a threat for small children to keep them quiet during Lent. Ilek‑ña si nåna na tåya' ni ha li'i' babuin kuaresma. Mother said that she has never seen the Lenten pig. Sessu manmafa'ñagui ham put i babuin kuaresma. They often scare us with the Lenten pig. Ilek‑ñiha i manåmku' na båba bumuruka yanggin kuaresma sa' i babuin kuaresma. The elders say that it is bad to make noise during the Lenten season because of the Lenten pig.

babuin lånsa n. type of pig with long snout. I babuin lånsa måolik mañufa' gi halum fachi'. The long snouted pig is good in rooting in the mud. Akadiduk sikos‑ña i babuin lånsa. The long snouted pig has a sharp snout. Mananåkku' esti i babuin lånsa tatalu'‑ñiha. The long snouted pigs have long backs.

babuin machålik n. wild pig. Gef månngi' i katnin babuin machålik ma'istufåo. The meat of the wild pig is good to cook in a stir-fry. Sessu mangonni' si tatå‑hu babuin machålik gi halumtånu'. My father often catches wild pigs in the woods. I babuin machålik gef dåñu gi tinanum. The wild pigs are very destructive to vegetation. Syn: babuin halum tånu'.

bach n. badge, name-tag, emblem worn to show rank, membership, etc. I pulusia ma'u'usa bach gi magågun‑ñiha. The policemen use badges on their uniforms. Todu i membrun militåt siha manmanu'usa bach gi uniform‑ñiha siha. All members of the armed forces use emblems on their uniforms. Ma premiu i sindålu singku na klåsin bach put i onrun chi'cho'‑ña gi gera. The soldier was awarded five kinds of badges for his bravery during the war. From: Eng. badge.

bådu adj. stooped back, hunchbacked, having a deformed back. Guaha na tåotåo mafañågu bådu. Some people are born with a deformed back. I kameyu na gå'ga' bådu tatalo'‑ña. The camel's back is a humpback. Bumådu gui' anai poddung gi trongku. His developed a stooped back when he fell from the tree.

bågai n. clothing, sarong. Hu usa i bagai para i giput. I wore the sarong to the party. Si Jema ha po'lu i bagai‑ña gi siya. Jema put her sarong on the chair. Guaha na tåotåo isla yan‑ñiha bumalutan siha ni bagai. Some island people like to wrap themselves with sarongs.

vt. wrap oneself with (loin cloth). Ha bågai ha' gui' sa' para u falak i tattin guma'. He just wrapped himself with a loin cloth because he was going to the back of the house. Ma babagai siha i famalåo'an ni tuhåya. The women are wrapping themselves with towels.

bagamondu n. loafer, moocher, vagabond. Ennåo na tåotåo bagamondu. That person is a loafer. Guiya ennåo na tåotåo i ya‑ña bumagamondu. That is the person over there who likes to be a loafer. Guaha un bagamondu mamomokkat gi chalan. There is a vagabond walking on the street. Syn: flohu. See: gagu'.

bagåsu n. dregs, waste pulp, sediment, grated coconut after the milk is extracted, coffee grounds, matter which settles to the bottom of liquid, tapioca waste pulp. I palåo'an ha po'lu i bagåsun kafe gi masetan floris. The woman put the coffee grounds in the flower pot. Madedengkut i mannuk i bagåsun niyuk. The chickens are pecking on the extracted grated coconut. Yanggin munhayan hu ngångas i pigua' mahettuk, hu lalakngus i bagåsu. After I chew the hard betelnut, I take out the chewed pulp.

båggai vt. 1) fight with. Umábaggai i dos påtgun put bola. The two children fought over the ball. 2) scold, lecture to. I amku' ha båggai i che'lu‑ña påtgun sa' humånåo sin mamaisin. The elder sibling scolded her younger sister for not asking permission to leave. 3) have sexual intercourse (slang) (of human or animals). Manguekuentus i taotåo na guaha mabåggai gi Makaka Beach. The people are saying that someone had a sexual experience at Makaka Beach. Syn: dålli, sirik, fåkkai, fa'um, kichi', uyu.

bågin n. type of plant: derris. Guaha na peskadot umu'usa i bågin yanggin manpeska. Some fishermen use derris when they fish. I bågin na klåsin peska pribidu. It is illegal to fish using the derris plant. Yanggin un usa i bågin na tinanum para un peska, båba sa' todu ha' gi uriya manpinininu'. If you use the derris plant for fishing, it is not good because it kills everything else around it.

Bågo' name. nickname for Milågro.

bagón1 n. gondola car, a railroad car with sides and end but without a top; flat car (for freight). Si tåta ha u'usa åntis i bagon para i lanchu. In the past, Father would use the gondola car to the farm. Meggai na kosas manmakåkatga gi bagon ni para u fanmana'hånåo para ottru bånda. A lot of cargo is being put in the gondola car to be transported to other places. Gi tiempun Hapones ma'u'usa i bagon para u maloffan i tipu siha. During the Japanese administration, the railroad car was used to transport sugar cane. Syn: kåru. See: kåria. Variant: bagu'un.

bagón2 n. salted seafood. Mampus ma'asin i bagon mañåhak. The salted rabbit fish is very salty. Månngi' mafadenni' i bagon uhang yan bulan siboyas. It is good to mix the salted shrimps with hot pepper and a lot of onions. I Filipinu yan‑ñiha i bagon para u makånnu' yan i maipin hineksa'. Filipinos lke to eat salted seafood with hot rice. Variant: bagu'on.

bågu adj. lazy, indolent, shiftless. Ennåo na palåo'an bågu mampus. That woman is very lazy. Ti bågu sa' brabu chumotchu. He is not lazy because he is a hearty eater. Ilek‑ña na bågu gui' sa' esta o'sun nu ennåo na klasin cho'chu'. She said that she is lazy because she is fed up with that kind of chore.

baha' vi. bend down, bend forward, drop low. Bumaha' i patgun påpa' anai para u hokka i lapis. The child bent down when she was going to pick up the pencil. Bumaha' i paluma anai para u hagu' i hagun para i chemchom‑ña. The bird bent down to reach for the leaves for its nest. Syn: diluk, dengha, dengnga.

bahåda n. hill, hilly descent, slope, dip (in a road). Bahåda i lugåt‑ña i lancheru. The farmer's place is a hilly area. Gaigi i gima'‑måmi gi fina' bahåda. Our house is on a somewhat hilly place.

båhadut n. bamboo tool used for collecting coconut sap (tuba) from coconut tree, bamboo container used for collecting sap in larger quantities from containers (bongbung) attached to individual trees. Si Mariano ha usa i bahadut anai para u famåkti tuba. Mariano used the bamboo container to collect coconut sap. I bahadut måolik para manrikohin tuba gi trongkun niyuk. The bamboo container is good for collecting coconut sap from a coconut tree. I bahadut hagas ramentan åntis para u mafåkti i tiba. The bamboo container has been a tool since the past for collecting coconut sap. Variant: båhdut.

bahåkki n. work clothes, house clothes, clothes not used for going out in public. Si tåta ha usa i bahakken‑ña para i lanchu. Father wore his work clothes to the farm. Yanggin måttu yu' gi gima' ginin i che'chu', hu usa i bahåkkek‑ku When I come home from work, I use my house clothes. Esta manodda' todu i bahåkkek‑ku. All my house clothes are dirty.

båhia n. bay. Gaigi unus kuåntus na båhia gi san lichan na påtti gi Islan Luta. There are several bays at the southern part of Rota. Båhia kumeke'ilek‑ña kuetpun hånum gi sadduk pat tåsi ni inaridondedeha ni pidåsun tånu'. "Båhia" means a body of water in a lake or ocean encircled by a piece of land. Manhålum i boti gi bahian Hagåtña. The boat entered Hagåtña Bay. From: Sp. bahía.

bahiga n. bladder. I bahiga sagan me'mi'. The bladder holds the urine. Yanggin bula i bahiga, debi ha' di un me'mi'. When the bladder is full, one must urinate. Variant: bihiga.

båhu n. bass voice. I danderu ha pega i gitåla gi båhu. The musician set the guitar on bass voice. I båhu muna'buninitu i bos i dandan. The bass voice makes the sound beautiful. Yanggin mampus metgut i båhun i dandan, kulang ti gof bunitu. If the bass voice is too strong, it does not make it as beautiful.

adj. slowpoke, lazy. Guaha na tåotåo mampus mambåhu. Some people are such slowpokes. I taotåo ni bahu mapput ha adilånta gui'. A person who is lazy will find it hard to improve himself. Syn: flohu.

bai hu agr. I (future) (first person singular agreement for irrealis verbs or adjectives). Bai hu chiku i neni gi fasu‑ña. I will kiss the baby on his cheek. Bai hu fañuli' såbanas gi kahun. I will take a blanket from the drawer. Bai hu famaisin månu ni gaigi i kemmun. I will ask where the restroom is.

bai in agr. we (future) (first person exclusive dual or plural agreement for irrealis verbs or adjectives). Bai in fanhånåo yan i familiåk‑ku para Amerika. My family and I will be going to America. Humånåo yu' yan i patgun para bai in li'i' i binådu gi kellat. I went with the child to see the deer inside the fence. Bai in kakai ham sa' esta la'atman sagan‑måmi. We shall get going because we stayed rather long already.

Bai' name. nickname for Jesus. Malågu si Bai' para i tenda. Bai' ran to the store. Mampus yommuk si Bai' na påtgun. Bai' is a very fat boy. Syn: Chumbai'.

baias n. bias, as in sewing; a line cutting diagonally across the grain of fabric. Etchung i baias i katsunis anai hu låksi. The bias on the pants was misaligned when I sewed it. Kulot agaga' na baias ma'usa para i pañun i sutterita. A red bias was used on the young lady's headscarf. From: Eng. bias.

baila n. dance. Bunitu esti na baila i bailan få'i. The rice dance is a beautiful dance. Para u guaha bula na klasin baila gi giput. There will be many different kinds of dances at the party.

vi. dance. Para bai in fanbaila chacha gi giput. We will be dancing chacha at the party. Ai na dikiki' påtgun ya esta bumabaila! My, what a small child and she's already dancing! Bumabbaila i patgun bailan Hawaiian. The child is dancing a Hawiian dance. See: dånsa. From: Sp. baila.

bailadót n. dancer (male), one who dances or likes to dance. Manlistu esta i manbailadot gi pisu. The dancers are ready on the stage. Bunitu yengyong‑ña ennåo na bailadot. That dancer has a graceful sway. Mansen atya i manbailadot yan i danderu. The dancers and the musicians are well matched. From: Sp. bailador.

bailan fåyåo n. stick dance, performed by women. Manbailan fåyåo i famalåo'an siha gi giput kuttura. The women danced the stick dance at the cultural party. Meggai na bailan fåyåo manmabaila ni famalåo'an giya Guam. There were many stick dances that were danced by the women on Guam. Yanggin para un såonåo gi bailan fåyåo, debi na un tungu' i pasu. If you are going to join in the stick dance, you have to know the steps.

bailarina n. ballerina, ballet dancer. Bumaila bailarina si Beth gi iskuela. Beth danced a ballerina dance at school. Bunitu ma'egga' i bailarina manbabaila. It is nice to watch the ballet dancers dance. Mandikiki' na famagu'un manbailan bailarina. Small children danced the ballerina dance. From: Sp. bailarina.

baina n. 1) sheath, scabbard, cover for blade of knife. I nabåha‑hu kueru bainan‑ña. My pocketknife has a leather sheath. I bainan i se'si' esta mådduk. The cover for the knife now has a hole in it. 2) seed pod. Mahettuk i bainan i pipitas trongkun åtbut. The seed pod of the flame tree is hard. Ha chåchak i nuebu na baina gi trongkun niyuk para u tuba. He cut the new coconut sheath to make coconut wine. From: Sp. vaina.

bainan niyuk n. sheath of flower shoot of coconut tree. I bainan niyuk akadiduk i puntån‑ña. The tip of the coconut sheath is sharp. Yanggin mababa i bainan niyuk, manannuk i floris. When the sheath of the coconut opens, the flowers appear. Yanggin poddung i bainan niyuk, pues esta bihu i pontan niyuk. When the coconut sheaths drop, then the nuts are old.

báitamina n. vitamins, vitality. Hu chuchuli' baitamina kada diha. I take vitamins every day. Bula todu klåsin baitamina guaha There are many different kinds of vatamins. Variant: báitamin, bitamina.

båka n. 1) female cow. I båka para u fañågu esta. The female cow is ready to give birth. Meggai ga'‑ña si Tun Ramon båka. Tun Ramon has many female cows. I båka na guaka mannåna'i letchi. The female cow gives milk. From: Sp. vaca. 2) woman (slang). Båstus macho'chu' esti na båka. This woman works in a rough manner.

bakalåo n. 1) cod. I guihan bakalåo ginin i manmanenghing na lugåt siha . Cod fish are from cold places. Manmakokonni' i bakalåo siha gi North America. Cod fish is caught in North America. Månngi' guihan bakalåo yan monggus ni maletchi niyuk. Cod fish is delicious with mung beans and coconut milk. From: Sp. bacalao. 2) cod liver oil. I lañan bakalåo påo måta'. Cod liver oil has a fishy smell. Guaha pitduras bakalåo. There is cod liver oil in capsules. Måolik i bakalåo para i tatåotåo‑ta sa' ti dåñu i mantikå‑ña. Cod liver oil is good for people because it is a good fat.

båkalu n. shooter marble; marble that is larger than normal, lead marble. Ha gegef adahi i patgun i bakalu‑ña. The child takes good care of his shooter marble. Puru manbåkalu esti siha na tåmma' i manggaigi gi butsiyu. These marbles in the bag are all bigger marbles. Ti para u gåndu esti na patgun, sa' tåya' bakalu‑ña. This child is not going to play, because he doesn't have a shooter marble.

bakåna n. bay. I bakåna gi Smiling Beach nai manhåhalum i boti pat i mandikiki' na båtku siha. The bay at the Smiling Beach is where boats and smaller ships go in to dock. Guaha dos bakåna guini giya Saipan. Saipan has two bays. I unu na bakåna gaigi Låolåo. One bay is at Laolao.

bakånti adj. vacant, unoccupied. Tåya' bakånti na siya gi kuåttun maestran‑måmi. There is no unoccupied chair in our teacher's classroom. Guaha bakånti na pusision gi ofisinan i atkåtdi. There is a vacant position at the mayor's office. Ti siña ma konni' i taotåo gi batkun airi, sa' tåya' bakånti. They cannot take the man on the plane, because there's no vacant seat. From: Sp. vacante.

bakasión n. vacation, holiday. Guaha dos mesis na bakasion para i istudiånti siha gi sakkan. There are two months of vacation for the students in a year.

vi. go on vacation. Manbakasiosion i famagu'un‑måmi giya Roma. Our children are vacationing in Rome. From: Sp. vacación.

bakeru n. herdsman, one employed on a ranch to care for cows, horses, carabaos. I bakeru muna'fañochotchu i ga'ga' siha tatkumu i guaka, chiba, i kabåyu, yan i binådu gi lanchu. The herdsman feeds the animals such as cows, goats, horses, and deer at the farm. Kada ogga'an i bakeru ha konni' i guaka ya ha påstu gi kantun i ladera. Every morning the herdsman takes the cows to pasture near the cliff. I bakeru umasisisti todu i ga'ga' siha gi lanchu. The herdsman takes care of all the animals in the farm. From: Sp. vaquero.

baketa1 n. ramrod for rifle, cleaning rod. Ma'usa i baketa para u chonnik i apu gi paki. The ramrod was used to push the ashes in the rifle. Mama'tinas i taotåo baketå‑ña. He made his own ramrod. Guaha na paki ha nisisita i baketa ni para u mana'gåsgas. Some guns

baketåsu vt. punish, hurt, injure, harm (Rota). Mabaketåsu i patgun gi as tatå‑ña sa' ti manosgi. The child was punished by his father because he did not obey. Mabaketåsu yu' gi as nåna nigap. I was punished by Mother yesterday. Bai hu baketåsu håo yanggin mumu hit. I will hurt you if we fight. Syn: sakutåsu.

bakiya n. female calf, young cow. Si tatå‑hu ha nå'i ga'‑hu bakiya. My father gave me a female calf. Bunitu ennåo na bakiya kulot‑ña. That young female cow has beautiful coloring. Ta atulaika un bakiya put dos na chiba? Shall we exchange a young cow for two goats? Punu' unu na bakiya para i finakpu' nubena. Slaughter one heifer for the final novena dinner. Mañaña' i katnin bakiya ya mås guaguan i presiu‑ña. Heifer meat is tender and more expensive. Bunita na bakiya sa' å'paka' yan chikulåti kulot‑ña. The heifer is pretty with its brown and white colors.

baksia' adj. muscular, firm, solid in appearance, stout (of humans). Masisu yan lotdu' sa' baksia' na tåotåo ennåo. That man is stout because he is muscular. Manbaksia' na tåotåogui i sumo' siha. Sumo wrestlers are huge and firm. Syn: yommuk, masisu, lotdu'.

bákudang n. bomb, explosives. I bakudang ti ligåt na åtti para pumeskan guihan. Bakudang is an illegal way of fishing. I Amerikånu ha yuti' i bakudang giya Hiroshima. The Americans dropped the bomb in Hiroshima. Bula bakudang ni ti manpåpakpak manggaigi ha' gi dispues di gera. Many bombs that have not exploded are still around after the war.

bakuku' adj. dark-complexioned. Ai na binakuku' esti na neni anai mafañågu! Oh, this baby had such a dark-complexion when he was born! Nina'bakuku' håo ni semnak. You became dark from being under the sun. See: åttilung.

båkulu1 n. crutch. I appling ha u'usa i bakulu para u inayuda mamomokkat. A person with sprained ankle uses a crutch to help him walk. I bihu ha daggåo i ga'lågu ni bakulu‑ña. The old man threw his crutch at the dog.

båkulu2 n. shooter (marbles), the marble used to shoot with in game of marbles. Bunitu bakulu‑hu na tåmma'. My shooter marble is beautiful. I bakulu mås dångkulu yan metgut. The shooter marble is the biggest and the strongest. I bakulu‑hu ha na'fanggånna yu'. My shooter marble made me win. Variant: båkalu.

bakuna n. vaccination. Manmaduluk bakuna i famagu'un iskuela. The school children were given a vaccination. Ti un bitguelas kumu maduluk bakuna håo. You will not have smallpox if you get a vaccination.

vt. vaccinate. Mabakuna yu' anai neneni ha' yu'. I was vaccinated when I was still a baby. I infitmera manmanbakukuna gi iskuela. The nurses are vaccinating students at the school. From: Sp. vacuna.

båla n. bullet, ordnance. I sindalu manmafa'nå'gui taimanu ma'uså‑ña i bala. The soldiers are being taught how to use bullets. Ma'u'usa i pipitas åtis para båla ni famagu'un gi gandun‑ñiha paki. The children are using the sweetsop seeds as bullets in their shooting game. Guaha na bålan gera siha manmasosodda' ha' gi edda' asta på'gu na tiempu. There is ordnance from the war that is still being found in the ground up to this day.

båla' vt. open by separating two things in contact, such as a book, envelope, or sac (Rota). Båla' i matå‑ña ya u fakmåta. Open his eyes so he could wake up. Hu båla' i paketi para bai hu li'i' håfa sanhalom‑ña. I unwrapped the package in order to find out what was in it. Ha båla' i kuttina gi bintåna para u fanatan huyung. She opened the window curtain to look outside. See: baling.

balåha n. playing cards. Ya‑hu humugåndu balåha. I like to play cards. I balåha mana'sesetbi lokkui' gi rifa. Playing cards are also used to tell fortunes.

vt. 1) shuffle (playing cards). Ya‑hu i balahå‑ña i biha. I like the way the old lady shuffles cards. Tarihå‑ña si bihu para u balåha. It is grandpa's turn to shuffle the cards. 2) read or consult (cards). Guaha malingu påtgun, ya mabalåha para u mali'i' kåo låla'la' pat måtai. A child was lost, and they consulted cards to see if he's still alive or not.

balaheru n. 1) card player. Kåo guaha giya hamyu balaheru? Is anyone among you a card player? 2) fortune teller, one who predicts using cards. Guaha siha manmåfattu gi balaheru para u fanmabalahåyi. There are people visiting the fortune teller to have their fortune read.

balakbak n. handbag, purse, small baggage. Mampus dikiki' i balakbak‑ku ya ti omlat i buteyan hånum. My handbag is very small and the water bottle would fit. Bunitu na balakbak iyon‑ña si Kumairi. My Kumairi's handbag is beautiful. Maleffa yu' ya ti hu chuli' i balakbak‑ku gi batkun airi. I forgot and left my small baggage on the airplane. From: Eng. black bag.

balakiyu n. young boar, shoat. Bula balakiyu gi halum tånu'. There are many young boars in the forest. Gåddung i balakiyu gi kellat babui. The young boar got stuck in the pig pen. Mañochotchu i balakiyu tinanum tåotåo gi lanchu siha. The young boars eat people's plants at the farm.

balåku n. 1) boar. Manmetgut i balåkun babui. The boars are strong. Måolik mañufa' i balåku gi halum tånu'. The boar is good at rooting in the forest. 2) principal actor or star of a play (slang); a mature male (slang). Manbunitu na balåku i manmaloffan gi papa' i bitåna. Those men who passed by the window were handsome. Håyi guennåo balåku gi mubi? Who is the star in the movie?

bålan granåda n. hand grenade. Piligru i balan granåda para i famagu'un. The hand grenade is dangerous for the children. Ma'u'usa i balan granåda gi gera. They use hand grenades in war. Ti debi na u guaha bålan granåda gi gima' sa' piligru. There should not be a hand grenade at home because it is dangerous. See: terudang.

bålan petdigón n. shotgun shell, shotgun pellet. I balan petdigon mandikiki' na båla. The shotgun bullets are small bullets. I kara' i balan petdigon siempri mamoddung huyung gi paki. The empty shell of the shotgun bullet will fall out from the gun. Mana'setbi i balan petdigon para u mapaki i cha'ka siha. They used the shotgun bullets to shoot the rats.

balånsa n. 1) scales (for weighing). Hu usa i balånsa para bai hu tungu' kuåntu minakkat‑tu. I used the scale to find out my weight. 2) balance of debt, the remainder of cash or credit in a business transaction. I balånsan i dibi‑hu guaha kuarenta pesus. The balance of my debt is forty dollars. 3) balance, equilibrium. I balånsan i siya måolik sa' ti kumalalamtin. The chair's balance is good because it is stable. 4) seesaw, teeter-totter. Manhugågandu i famagu'un gi balånsa. The children are playing in the teeter-totter. Nuebu esti na balånsa, ti ma'u'usa ni famagu'un. This is a new seesaw, the children have not played on it.

adj. balanced. Ti bumalånsa i lamasa. The table is not balanced. Variant: balånsi.

vt. balance, play at seesaw. Hu balålansa i lapis gi gui'eng‑hu. I am balancing the pencil on my nose.

balanseha n. rocking motion, swing, seesaw. Bumabailan balanseha yu' gi giput. I was dancing a rocking motion at the party. See: yengyung.

balånsi n. balance, balance of credit, the remainder of cash or credit in business transaction. Guaha balansek‑ku gi tenda anai hu apåsi i dibi‑hu. I have a balance at the store when I paid my credit. Anai hu apåsi i dibi‑hu gi bangku, tumåya' balånsi. I have no balance when I paid my loan at the bank. Variant: balånsa.

balangbang adj. loose, swaying, flowing (of e.g. clothes), flexible, flabby. Balangbang i magagu‑ña i bailadora. The dancer's clothes is loose and flowing.

vi. sway. Anai mumasoksuk i palåo'an, bumalangbang i papa' i kodu‑ña. When the lady lost weight the skin under her arm became flabby. See: máñaña'.

bålas n. whip. Malingu ta'lu i balas. The whip is lost again. Para bai fanutut anåkku' na bålas. I am going to cut me a long whip. Måolik esti i ramas gågu para bålas. This ironwood branch is good for a whip.

vt. whip, spank. Mabålas yu' nigap sa' ti hu cho'gui i che'cho'‑hu. I was spanked yesterday because I did not do my work. Para u mabålas i patgun sa' umo'mak gi tasi na maisa. The child is going to get a spanking because she swam in the ocean by herself.

balåskis n. type of small chicken. Meggai ga'‑hu bulåskis gi lanchu. I have a lot of small chickens at the farm. Mandikiki' i bulåskis na klåsin månnuk. Bulaskis chickens are small. I bulåskis na månnuk ina'anña ni gåyun mumu. The bulaskis type of chicken is weak against fighting roosters. Variant: bulåskis.

balasu' n. long narrow hard core of breadfruit; pith or core of breadfruit, soursop, or sugar apple. Ti makåkannu' i balasu' lemmai. The pith of the breadfruit is not eaten. Ya‑hu kumånnu' i balasu' i laguana. I like to eat the core of the soursop.

balåti' n. sea cucumber, sea slug, beche-de-mar, trepang. Holothuria atra (Class Holothuroidea, Genus Cucumaria). Guaha na balåti' makåkannu'. There are some sea cucumbers that are edible. I attilung na balåti' anåkku' yan dalalai. The black sea cucumber is long and narrow. I a'paka' na balåti yommuk. The white sea cucumber is fat.

balatura adj. on sale. Baratura esti anai hu fåhan. This was on sale when I bought it.

vt. put on sale. Mabaratutura i gima' Joan. Joan's house was put on sale. Maila' ya ta baratura todu i fektus guini na pagamentu. Let's put all the inventory on sale this payday. Esta gof atman desti ki anai mabaratura ennåo na kareta. It's been a long time since the car was put on sale. Variant: baratura.

balembåo påchut n. musical instrument (jew's harp) used by ancient Chamorros. Esta kana' tåya tumungu' taimanu bumalembåo påchut. Now hardly anyone knows how to use the balembåo påchut. Esta kana' tåya tumungu' fumatinas balembåo påchut. Now harly anyone knows how to make the balembåo påchut. Variant: bilimbåo påchut.

balensiåna n. red rice, Spanish rice, rice colored from anatto seeds. Muna'lagu yu' hineksa' balensiåna. I cooked red rice. Månngi' i hineksa' balensiåna yan i inaflitun månnuk. Red rice is good with fried chicken.

vt. cook Spanish rice, cook red rice. Guaha na ma'usa i timun nengkanu' para u mabalensiåna. Food coloring is sometimes used for making colored rice dishes. Para u fanbalensiåna agupa' They are going to cook red rice tomorrow.

balentia vi. fight (to the finish), try to outlast an opponent in a fight in which only one contestant survives (cockfighting jargon). Bumalentia si Chris gi mimu asta ki mampus yayas. Chris fought all the way until he was too tired. I ga'‑hu gåyu bumalentia yan i ottru gåyu esta ki ti siña mamåtik. My rooster fought all the way with the the other rooster until he could not kick anymore. Si Mohamed bumalentia yan si Sylvester Stalon ya manggånna. Mohamed fought with Sylvester Stalon and won. See: palitåda, gayera.

balentin påchut n. braggart. Si Pedro na låhi balentin påchut. Pedro is a bragger. Si Natividad ya‑ña bumalentin påchut put guiya. Natividad likes to brag about herself. Guaha tåotåo siha gof yan‑ñiha manbumalentin påchut put todu i manminaolik‑ñiha. There are some people who like to brag about all that is good about themselves.

båli n. worth, value, good price. Esti na chinina båli gi singkuenta pesus. This dress is a good price at $50.00. Ti båli esti na kåtni para esti na presiu. This meat is not worth this price. I balin i gima' på'gu na tiempu manunuk. The value of houses nowadays has dropped. Båli gai amigu. It's worth having friends.

balibågu adj. lazy, worthless (of a person). Si Manuel na tåotåo balibågu. Manuel is a lazy man. Guaha siha na tåotåo manbalibågu ya mañåsaga ha' gi chalan. Some people are lazy and they are just living on the street. Ti måolik i taotåo yanggin balibågu. It is not good when a person is lazy. See: bagamundo.

balienti adj. courageous, brave, daring. Si Sid balienti na påtgun sa' todu ha' para u cho'gui. Sid is a courageous boy because he would do anything. Si Vince mampus balienti sa' para u kahulu' gi ladera. Vince is courageous because he is going to climb up the cliff.

balilis n. wooden barrel. Manmasini i anistukun guihan gi balilis. The salted fish were put in the wooden barrel. Bula balilis manmasodda' gi mafondu na båtku. Many wooden barrels were found in the sunken ship. Variant: barilis.

baling vt. 1) open (up), pry open (something), bare. Ti mabaling i matå‑ña i neni anai mafañågu. The baby's eyes were not opened when she was born. Manmababaling i katga siha ni taotåo i warehouse. The packages are being opened by the warehouse people. Baling fan ennåo i paketi. Open the package. Afuetsåo na un baling i maletå‑mu gi plasa. You are required to open your luggage at the airport. Baling i pachot‑mu yanggin para un matifi'. Open your mouth when you are having your tooth extracted. Syn: la'muk, båla', puga'. See: chichi'.

balisa1 n. suitcase, valise. Hu sini todu i dokumentok‑ku gi balisa. I put all my documents in the suitcase. Dikiki' baliså‑ña si Elizabeth. Elizabeth's suitcase is small. Malingu baliså‑ña si Gonzalo gi plasan batkun airi. Gonzalo's suitcase got lost at the airport. From: Sp. valija.

balisa2 n. 1) buoy, channel marker, device for marking channels. Manuhuyung i boti siha gi entalu' i balisa. The boats are going out between the buoys. Mapo'lu i balisa gi taddung sa' para chalan boti yan båtku siha. They put the buoys in the deep area because it is the way for boats and ships. 2) long flexible stick, branch. See: boya.

bålli vt. sweep. Ha bålli si Rosa i petbus gi hilu' satgi. Rosa swept the dust off the floor. Manbinalli huyung i basulan tåsi gi inai ni napu. The debris from the ocean was swept onto the beach by the waves. Ilek‑ñiha na mungnga manbålli an puengi sa' un yuyuti' huyung i guinaha‑mu. They say that you shouldn't sweep at night because you are discarding what you have.

balotu n. ballot, voting ticket. Manmatufung todu i balotu åntis di u fanmapåtti i distritu nu i risutta. The ballots were counted before the results were distributed to the districts. Guaha tressi mit na balotu manma'imprenta para i botasion. There were thirteen thousand ballots printed for the election. Ti nahung balotu mana'fanhånåo para ottru islas siha. Insufficient ballots were sent to other islands. Syn: botu.

baluha vt. evaluate, estimate, put a value on. Mabaluha yu' ni ma'gås‑su. I was evaluated by my boss. Ma'ibaluha si Jennifer put i che'cho'‑ña. Jennifer's work was evaluated. Ha baluha si tåta i makusetcha siha na gollai. Father estimated the value of the harvested vegetables. Variant: ibaluha. From: Sp. evalúa.

balutan n. wrapped item(s), something used for wrapping. Ha chuchuli' ha' si Magdalena i balutan‑ña gi chalan. Magdalena was carrying her belongings on the road.

vt. wrap, enfold, bundle, cover by winding around. Hu balutan i litråtu ni balutan. I folded the picture in the wrapper. Mabalutan i neni ni sabanås‑ña. The baby was wrapped in her blanket. Fanbalutan sepblan guput para na'‑mu agupa'. Wrap up some leftover party food for your meal tomorrow. See: afuyut, falulun, royu.

båm n. bomb. Ti yan‑ñiha i manåmku' humunguk i kuetis, sa' nina'fanhahassu siha ni båm gi geran mina'dos. The elders do not like to hear firecrackers, because they're reminded of the bombs during World War II. Påkpak i båm. The bomb exploded.

vt. bombard, bomb. Mabåm i tanu'‑måmi. Our land was bombed. See: kåmpu'.

båmpa n. bumper (of vehicle). I karetan Joleen mayamak bampån‑ña. The bumper of Joleen's car is broken. Må'pi' i båmpa anai hu totpi i trongku. The bumber cracked when I hit the tree. I båmpa på'gu na tiempu siha manmafa'tinas ginin i matiriåt plastik. The bumpers nowadays are made from plastic material. From: Eng. bumper.

banaderu n. waterhole, esp. for pigs or carabao; mud wallow. Manggaigi i babui siha gi banaderu. The pigs are in the mud wallow. Humånåo si Faustino para i banaderun guaka. Faustino went to the cow's water hole. Manmå'hu i guaka sa' anglu' i banaderu. The cattle are thirsty because the waterhole is dry. Variant: bañaderu. From: Sp. bañadero.

banålu n. type of tree: Pacific rosewood, portia tree. Thespesia populnea. Måolik i hayun banålu mafa'botin gåndu. The portia tree wood is good to make toy boats with. Bula trongkun banålu gi kantun sadduk Susupe. There are many Pacific rosewood trees along Susupe Lake. I trongkun banålu siña lokkui' mafa'poksai. The portia tree can also be used to make paddles. See: kilu.

Bånchu' name. nickname for Bonifacio. Si Bånchu' ya‑ña umo'mak gi tasi. Bonifacio likes to swim in the ocean. Malålågu si Bånchu' para Presidenti. Bonifacio is running for President.

bånda n. side, corner, edge. Mungnga mapatcha atyu na bånda gi liga sa' på'gu mapenta. Do not touch that side of the wall because it is newly painted. Puti un båndan matå‑hu. One side of my eye hurts. Atan sa' guaha gaigi gi un bånda gi siya. Look! There's something at the side of the chair. From: Sp. bando.

båndara vt. strap on, wrap body with flexible cloth. Si tåta ha båndera' i hayu siha. Father strapped the woods. Manmabåndera' siha i siya kosa ki ti u famoddung. The chairs were strapped so that they do not fall off. Mabåndera' i petta sa' esta kallu. The door was strapped because it is loose. Variant: båndera'.

båndaras vt. cover by wrapping, wrap around. Hu båndaras i gaputulu‑hu ni pañu. I wrapped my hair with the handkerchief. Mabåndaras i ilu‑ña si Sylvia ni plastik gi gima' batberu. Sylva's head was wrapped with plastic at the beauty shop. Ha båndaras si nåna i tiyån‑ña nu i tu'åya. Mother wrapped her stomach with the towel.

bandeha n. tray, platter, serving tray. Guaha na bandeha adamellung. There are some trays that are round. Ha usa i palåo'an i bandeha para u famåtti gimin. The woman used the tray to serve drinks. Bula na bandeha siha manbunitu kulot‑ñiha. Many serving trays have beautiful colors. From: Sp. bandeja.

bandera n. flag. I banderan Amerikånu tres kulot‑ña: asut, agaga', yan å'paka'. The American flag has three colors: blue, red, and white. Gi banderan CNMI, guaha mwar, åtchu' Tagga', yan puti'un. The CNMI flag has mwar, Taga' stones, and a star. Todu nasion guaha banderan‑ñiha. All nations have their own flags. From: Sp. bandera.

båndu n. public notice, order, edict.

vt. look for by shouting, call out for (someone not in sight). Duru mabåndu si Francisco gi as tatå‑ña. Francisco was intensely being called out by his father. Malingu si Daniel gi halum tånu' ya sigi ma båndu. Daniel got lost in the woods and they continued to call out for him. Mandispåtta i peskadot siha ya duru mabåndu i pumalu sha. The fishermen went their separate ways and they vigorously were calling out for the rest. Syn: buska, ispiha, aligåo.

banduleru n. 1) bandit. Manhålum i banduleru siha gi bangku ya ma såkki i salåppi'. The bandits entered the bank and they stole the money. From: Sp. bandolero. 2) musician. Kada Påsgua mandådandan i banduleru siha. The musicians play every Christmas. Manbanduleru esti siha na manhobin. These young people are musicians.

bandulina n. mandolin. Chaddik yan bunitu ma'ekkunguk i dandan bandulina. The mandolin music is fast-paced and pleasing to hear. Måolik si Juana dumåndan bandulina. Juana plays the mandolin well. Ume'etyak yu' dumåndan bandulina. I am learning how to play mandolin.

bandunñaihun vt. announce, proclaim. Mabandunñaihun i na'ån‑ña si David gi giput. David's name was announced at the party. Manmabandunñaihun todu i manmanggånna gi kompitision. All the winners in the competition were announced. Ha bandunñaihun i na'ån‑ña si Bertha sa' manggånna gi rifa. Bertha's name was announced because she won in the raffle. Syn: agangñaihun, anunsia.

banidåt n. vanity, boastfulness, bragging, showing off, selfish pride. Ennåo na tåotåo mampus che'chu' banidåt bidåda‑ña. That person's actions are full of boastfulness. Puru banidåt ni salappe'‑ña sa' sigi ha dispitdisia. She is showing off her money with her wasteful spending. Achuka' anai tåya' salappe'‑hu, humånåo yu' manayåo put che'chu' banidåt. Even when I don't have money, I went ahead and borrowed just to show off. Variant: banidå. From: Sp. vanidad.

banidosu adj. showy, show-off, proud. Nina'banidodosu ni ga'‑ña babui. His pigs are making him proud. Banidosu sa' ånimu i lahi‑ña gi kumpitensia. He is proud because his son is doing his best in the competition. Fanbanidosu ni kutturan‑miyu. Be proud of your culture. Syn: andi', dudus. From: Sp. vanidoso.

bånik n. hollow form where two or more roots join the trunk of a tree, hollow of a dead tree.

bånna adj. swollen, swell. Bånna i dos adeng‑hu. Both of my feet are swollen. Bånna matå‑hu sa' bula hu kånnu' ma'asin na nengkanu'. My eyes are swollen because I ate a lot of salty food. Bula na biåhi nai bånna gi tatåotåo ginin chetnut kurason. Many times swelling in the body is an indication of heart disease. See: bånno.

bantalån n. seaport, harbor. Manmayamak todu i bantalån giya Tinian ni pakyu. Tinian harbor was totally destroyed by a typhoon. Bula na boti manmagogoddi gi bantalån. Many boats are docked at the seaport. Debi di un fanapåsi yanggin para un hålum gi bantalån. You have to pay a fee when entering the seaport. See: pantalån.

bånyu n. banjo. Malagu' yu' umetyak dumåndan bånyu. I want to learn how to play the banjo. Meying si Carlos dumåndan bånyu. Carlos is expert in playing banjo. Ti gof meggai manggai dandan bånyu. Not many people own a banjo.

bañaderu n. mudhole, watering hole, especially for pigs and carabao. Mama'bañaderu i uriyan lånchu ni bulan uchan. It turned muddy around the farm from the heavy rain. Yan‑ñiha i babui mano'mak gi bañaderu. Pigs like to wallow in muddy holes. Duru manhugåndu gi bañaderun‑ñiha i karabåo. The carabao are playing in their watering hole.

vi. wallow or be in a watering hole. Bumañaderu ta'lu esti na babui. This pig has been wallowing in the watering hole. Syn: fachi'. From: Sp. bañadero.

båñu n. shower, bathroom. Guaha dos na båñu gi gima'‑måmi. There are two bathrooms in our house. Poddung si nanå‑hu gi båñu. My mother fell in the bathroom. Gaigi gi san hiyung guma' i bañu‑ña si Juan. Juan's bathroom is outside his house. From: Sp. baño.

Bång name. nickname for Juan. Bunitu si Bång na låhi. Juan is a handsome male. Måolik si Bång para macho'chu' gi gualu'. Juan is good in working at the farm. Chume'lu si Bång yan si Lång. Juan and Froilan are brothers.

bangheliu n. gospel (Rota). Si Påli' ha taitai i bangheliun nigap. The priest read yesterday's gospel. I bangheliun i ma'pus na Damenggu sen bunitu. Last Sunday's gospel was very nice. Guaha na bangheliu ha såsangan put i minagåhit na sinisedi. Some gospels refer to events that really happened. See: ebangheliu. From: Sp. evangelio.

bångkas n. type of chicken, resembling black-breasted red game or old English. Måolik mumu i bangkas na gåyu. The black-breasted red game chicken is a good fighter. Manmetgut i bangkas na klåsin månnuk. The black-breasted red game chickens are a strong kind of chickens. Guaha ga'‑hu bångkas ya sen bunitu. I have a black-breasted red game chicken and it is very handsome. Syn: bulik bångkas.

bangkeru n. 1) banker. Si tatå‑hu bangkeru gi familia. My father is the banker in the family. Si Jordan i bangkerun i gurupun baila. Jordan is the banker for the dance group. Måolik na bangkeru si Thomas sa' ha na'balålansa i salåppi'. Thomas is a good banker because he balances the account. 2) dealer (in a card game). Tarihå‑mu bumangkera. It is your turn to be the card dealer. Meying håo bumangkera. You are skillful in being a card dealer. From: Sp. banquero.

bångku n. 1) bank, an establishment for the exchange of money. Manayåo yu' benti mit pesus gi bangkun Guam. I borrowed twenty thousand dollars from the Bank of Guam. Guaha tres na bångku guini giya Saipan. There are three banks here on Saipan. I bangkok‑ku i bangkun Hawaii. My bank is the Bank of Hawaii. 2) bench, seat, desk. Manmatåta'chung i famagu'un gi bangkun anåkku'. The children are sitting on the long bench. Mayulang i bangku gi sanhiyung guma'‑måmi. The bench outside our house is broken. Matå'chung yu' gi bangku, ti gi siya. I sat on the bench, not on the chair.

bångkun ådding n. footstool. Hu pega i addeng‑hu gi hilu' i bangkun ådding. I put my feet on the footstool. Guaha bångkun ådding gi papa' i lamasa‑hu ya hu o'oddas i addeng‑hu yanggin yayas. There is a footstool under my desk and I place my feet on it when they are tired. Kulot å'paka' i bangkun addeng‑hu. The color of my footstool is white.

båobåo adj. 1) hollow-sounding, as an overripe watermelon. I chandiha båobåo sanhalom‑ña. The inside of the watermelon sounds hollow. I pineddung pontan niyuk båobåo. The fallen coconut sounds hollow inside. Tai sanhalum i niyuk ni baobåo. The coconut that sounds hollow inside does not have anything inside. Syn: gueku. 2) plump (of a fat person), full of liquid, flabby. Anai mumasoksok yu', bumåobåo i tatåotåo‑hu. When I lost weight, my body became flabby. Put i ti umeksisiu yu', kulang bumåobåo i tatåotåo‑hu. Because I did not exercise, my body seems to be full of liquid.

båotismu n. baptism, christening. Para u guaha båotismu gi gima' Yu'us San Jose. There will be a baptism in the San Jose church. Tres na neni manmabåotismu giya San Antonio. Three babies were baptized in San Antonio. Matlinå‑hu si Susana gi baotismu. Susan is my baptism godmother. From: Sp. bautismo.

båotista (TBD) n. baptist, baptizer. Si San Juan Baotista i tumakpångi si Jesus gi Sadduk Hotdån. St John the Baptist baptized Jesus at Jordan River. I Baotista as Juan ume'essalåo, umå'agang para u fanmanotsut i taotåo. The Baptist John was shouting, calling for people to repent. From: Sp. bautista.

bapót n. large ship. Ma'udai yu' gi dångkulun bapot para Guam. I rode on the large ship to Guam. I bapot kumåkatga i katga siha. The large ship carries the cargoes. Guaha bapot para i kareta siha. There is a ship for the cars. See: båtku. From: Sp. vapor.

bapót lumi'uf n. submarine. Tåya' na ma'udai yu' gi bapot lumi'uf. I have never ridden in the submarine. I militåt guaha iyun‑ñiha bapot lumi'uf siha. The military has submarines. Macho'chu' si tatå‑hu gi bapot lumi'uf disdi anai disiotchu åñus gui'. My father has worked on the submarine since he was eighteen years old. Syn: båtkun lumi'uf.

bapotsitu n. launch, pleasure boat, outboat, small boat. I bapotsitu ha tototpi i atchu'. The small boat hit the rock. Manmakonni' i turis gi bapotsitu para u mana'fanpasehu. The tourists were taken on a trip in a pleasure boat. Uma'achikat i dos na bapotsitu gi tasi. The two small boats are racing in the ocean.

båra n. arm's length, yard (measurement). Guaha un båra anakko'‑ña i hayu. The piece of wood is a yard long. I inanåkku' i katsunes‑su kåsi dos båra. The length of my pants is about two yards. Mamåhan yu' gi tenda singku båra na materiåt magågu. I bought five yards of yardage at the store. See: abråsa, bråsa.

barakilan n. rafter, beam giving form to a roof, sloping lumber sustaining a roof covering. I barakilan gi atuf esta uma'akalayi' påpa'. The rafter on the roof is already hanging down. Mampus anåkku' i barakilan i atuf i gima'‑måmi. The beam of the roof of our house is very long. Ha atåni si Frankie i barakilan i gima' anai ha håksa. Frankie nailed the rafter of the house when he built it.

Baran name. nickname for Barbara. Guaha chi'lu‑hu na'ån‑ña si Baran. I have a sister named Barbara. Umiskuekuela si Baran gi iskuelan San Antonio. Barbara goes to San Antonio Elementary School. Si Barbara kariñu‑ña sa' Baran. Barbara's nickname is Baran. See: Barang.

barånda n. veranda, porch. Bula floris gi uriyan i barandan‑måmi. There are lots of flowers around our veranda. Ume'e'fresku si nanå‑hu yan si tatå‑hu gi barånda an talu'åni. My mother and father go to the porch in the afternoons to get some fresh air. Guaha guå'ut gi barandan‑måmi. There are steps by our porch. See: kahida. From: Sp. veranda.

barångai n. place in a village, district in a village. Gaigi i gima'‑måmi gi barångai giya Talufo'fu'. Our house is located at a place in Talufo'fu'. I sengsung Afetña, Obyan, yan Agingan manggaigi gi sanlichan na barångai giya Sa'ipan. The villages of Afetña, Obyan, and Agingan are at the sourthern part of Saipan.

barångka adj. 1) rugged (of a road), bumpy. Mampus barångka i chalan. The road is very bumpy. I chalan para Tapochåo mampus barångka para i sidan. The road to Tapochao is very rugged for a sedan. Yanggin uchan duru, mayayamak i chalan ya mama'barårangka. When it rains hard, the road breaks and it makes it rugged. 2) rough and tough. Sigi ha’ di bumarångka si Benitu esta ki madommu’. Benitu kept acting tough and rough until he got beaten up. Sessu si Santiago bumårangka gi halum gurupu. Santiago often acts rough when in a group.

barångka vi. flaunt, behave impudently, shamelessly, bold (Rota). Sigi ha' di bumarångka si Benito asta ki ginacha'. Benito keeps showing off until he was caught. Gof ya‑ña si Santiago bumarångka. Santiago likes to behave impudently. Sigi ha' si Jose bumarångka. Jose keeps showing off. Variant: barangka.

båras n. gravel, pebbles, small stones. I taotåo ha nå'yi båras i chalan‑måmi. The man put gravel on our road. Måolik i båras para u prutehi i fachi' gi kantun guma'. Gravel is good for protecting mud around the house.

baråtu adj. cheap, inexpensive, low-priced. Manbaråtu i mannuk gi as Joeten. Chickens are inexpensive at Joeten's. Mamåhan yu' chininå‑hu sa' baråtu. I bought myself a dress because it is inexpensive. I kes hånum gi tenda baråtu. The case of water at the store is cheap. From: Sp. barato.

baratura n. sale, discount sale. Yanggin tiempun tulusåntus, sessu in hinguk, "kurona, kurona, baratura, baratura" gi Saipan Style Center. Around All Saints Day, we often hear, "wreath, wreath, sale, sale" at the Saipan Style Center. Sessu guaha baraturan fektus gi as Joeten. There are often things on sale at Joeten. From: Sp. baratura.

vt. cheapen, lower the price of, put on sale. I sapåtus manmabaratura gi tendan‑måmi. The shoes are on sale at our store. I chininan famagu'un mabaratura gi tendan Lolli Pop. The children's clothes are on sale at Lolli Pop store. See: balatura.

barena vt. bore into. Si Ton ha barena i 2 x 4. Ton bored into the 2 by 4. I anai' yan‑ñiha manmanbarena håyu. The termites like to bore wood.

bareta n. steel hoe used for fence pole digger, hole digger made of metal, tool used to break rocks, digging iron, crowbar, large iron bar, a long, heavy rod used for digging holes in hard soil. Ma'usa i bareta para mamokka' åtchu' gi fanggualu'an. Steel hoes are used for breaking rocks in farming areas. I lancheru ha usa i bareta para u fanyamak åtchu' dångkulu. The farmer used the metal digger to break the big rocks. Ha duluk i edda' ni bareta para u na'tachu i iståka. He dug a hole in the ground with the bareta so that he could place a pole in it.

vt. pry, dig (with a digging iron), hit. Hu bareta i petta sa' ti siña mababa. I hit the door with a digging iron because it could not open. Ha bareta si tatå‑hu i atchu' sa' para u na'suha. My father pried the rock out with a digging iron because he was going to remove it.

bariåpbli adj. variable, inconstant, changeable, unstable. I taotåo ni mampus bariåpbli ti siña ma'angokku. The person who is inconstant cannot be trusted.

barigåda n. flank, soft area on sides underneath rib cage. I påtti gi katnin guaka ni månngi' era i barigåda. The part of the beef that is delicious is the flank. Mamunu' si Raymond guaka ya ha nå'i yu' ni barigåda. Raymond slaughtered a cow and he gave me the flank. Månngi' i barigådan guaka matunu. It is delicious to barbeque the flank. Guaha nå'an lugåt giya Guam Barigåda. There's a place in Guam that's named Barigada. Aflitu i pidåsun barigåda yan maseha tres na tataga' para senå‑ta. Fry a piece of flank steak and possibly three unicorn fish for our dinner.

barigeta n. fly, opening in men's trousers. Adahi sa' a'annuk i barigetå‑mu. Watch out because your opened zipper is showing. From: Sp. bragueta.

barigón adj. big-bellied, potbellied. Manbarigona esti na familia sa' mandångkulu tiyan‑ñiha. The members of this family have pot bellies because they have big stomachs. Sessu chumotchu si James ya bumarigona i tiyån‑ña. James often eats and his stomach became big-bellied. From: Sp. barrigón.

barilis n. barrel. Hu po'lu un klåsin anistukun guihan guini na barilis. I put one kind of salted fish in this barrel. I barilis mañiñini gimin. The barrel contains drinks. Manmapo'lu i barilis anistukun atulai gi budega. The barrels of Bigeye scad were put in the basement. Syn: tina. See: balilis. From: Sp. barriles.

barilitu n. keg, small barrel. Gai sinahguan asiga i barilitu. The small barrel contains salt. I barilitu ma'u'usa para nengkanu'. The small barrel is used for food. Kå'ka' i barilitu anai poddung gi atchu'. The small barrel cracked when it fell on the rock. From: Sp. barrilito.

bariu n. country, district, barrio. Si Cathy sumåsaga gi bariun Australia. Cathy is staying in the country of Australia. Humånåo si Donna para i sanhilu' na bariu. Donna left to the northern district. See: songsung, lugåt, distritu. From: Sp. barrio.

bariya n. ribs (of an umbrella), rod used for support, spoke (of a bicycle), steel rod, reinforcing steel. I bariyan i payu esta måhluk. The rib of the umbrella is already broken. Mananåkku' i bariyan i payu. The ribs of the umbrella are long. Etchung i bariyan i bisikleta. The spoke of a bicycle is broken. From: Sp. varilla.

baró n. driller, auger bit. Malingu i baró. The drill is lost.

vt. drill. I katpenteru ha baró i hayu. The carpenter drills the wood. See: barohu.

barohu n. drill. Måhluk i barohu anai hu barorohu i tapbla. The drill broke when I was drilling the plywood. Meggai si Ton barohu‑ña gi kahun ramenta. Ton has a lot of drills in his toolbox. Si Tom ha duluk i 2 x 4 ni barohu. Tom drilled a hole in the 2 by 4 with the drill.

vt. drill. Ha barohu si Manuel i liluk hålum gi hayu. Manuel drilled the nail into the wood. Månngi' manbarohu ni cordless na barohu. It is good to drill with the cordless drill. Manbarohu yu' tåpbla ni para bai hu na'chettun yan i hayun 2 x 4. I drilled a plywood that I am going to attach with the 2 by 4. See: båro', båru'.

baroti n. 1) headrest, wood pillow. Si nanå‑hu guaha barotin ilu‑ña. My mother has a wood pillow for her head. I manåmku' yan‑ñiha i baroti para i ilun‑ñiha. The elders like wood pillows for their heads. Si Marina gai baroti gi gimå'‑ña. Marina has a head rest at her house. 2) bar of wood, thick short piece of wood. Chule'magi ennåo i baroti ya bai hu panak esti i cha'ka. Bring the bar of wood on your way here and I will hit this rat.

vt. hit with heavy piece of wood.

Barrigada name. village in central Guam. Sumåsaga si Carmen giya Barrigada giya Guam. Carmen lives in Barrigada in Guam. See: barigåda.

båru' n. crowbar, lever. Si Denise ha bo'uk i liluk dångkulu siha ni båru' Denise pulled out the large nails with the crowbar. I båru' siña un usa para mambo'uk luluk pat para mamuga' håyu. The crowbar can be used to pull out nails or to pry wood. I båru' makkat na ramenta. The crowbar is a heavy tool. I båru' ramentan katpinteru. The crowbar is a carpenter's tool.

barumetru n. barometer, barometric. I taotåo Emergency Management Office ma'u'usa i barometru para u mamidi kinalamtin i klema. The EMO staff are using the barometer to measure movement of the climate. Poddung i barometru ya mayamak. The barometer fell down and broke. Kå'ka' i barometru anai malaknus gi paketi. The barometer was cracked when it was taken out of the package.

bås n. bus. I bås iskuela siha kulot amariyu. The school buses are yellow. Bunituña i bås turis kini bås iskuela. The tourist bus is nicer than the school bus. Manma'u'udai i famagu'un gi bås an ogga'an yan an måkpu' i iskuela. Children ride the bus in the morning and after school. From: Eng. bus.

basiha vt. pour out, empty out. Si Rita ha basiha huyung i hanum. Rita poured out the water. I neni ha basiha i basula gi sagan basula. The baby emptied the trash out of the trash can. Si Nora ha basiha i hineksa' ginin i satten. Nora emptied the rice from the pot. Syn: chuda'. From: Sp. vacía.

basihu n. emptied container. I palåo'an ha yuti' i basihun tåru. The woman threw away the empty jar. Bula basihun tåru gi gima'‑måmi. There are many empty jars at my house. Si Maria ha popo'lu ha' i basihun met para u nå'yi ta'lu. Maria kept the empty honey jar to fill it up again. Syn: ánbasihu.

basnak vi. fall accidentally, fall down, fall into. Basnak i neni gi halum båñu. The baby fell inside the bathroom. Para u basnak påpa' i pentan niyuk. The old coconut will fall down. Bumasnak si Sylvia sa' ti ha a'atan chalån‑ña. Sylvia fell down because she was not watching her steps. Mungnga na in fanbasnak gi tentasion binenu. Don't fall into the temptations of drugs. Syn: poddung.

båsta vi. stop, quit, enough (command), leave it; don't tell me that... Bumåsta mandåggåo åtchu' si Pedro ni ga'lågu. Pedro stopped throwing rocks at the dog. Båsta ha' ni hu na'laguyi håo, para bai hu na'chotchu håo ta'lu? Isn't it enough that I cooked for you, am I going to spoon-feed you as well? Bumåsta si Antonia gi gurupu. Antonia stopped joining the group. Ti måttu si Cora gi huegu sa' bumåsta. Cora didn't come because she stopped. Mungnga bumåsta sa' måolik i binifisiu. Do not stop because the benefit is good. Syn: påra. From: Sp. basta.

båsta hiya' intj. 1) no kidding, really? (as a response). Manman si Juan ya ilek‑ña "båsta hiya'" anai masangåni gui' na para u falak Anatåhan. John was perplexed and said "no kidding" when he was told that he was going to Anatahan. Båsta hiya', ilek‑ña si Kioni na manli'i' gui' tåotåo mo'na? Really, Kioni said that he saw an ancient spirit? 2) would you stop. Båsta hiya' humånåo para Guam kada simåna. Would you stop going to Guam every week? Båsta hiya' mandagi. Would you stop kidding? See: magåhit.

bastånti vi. enough, sufficient, ample, adequate. Bastånti ha' i pigas nu i hanum. The rice has enough water. Bastånti yu' nengkanu' para i mantension påkyu. I am sufficient with food for the duration of the typhoon. Bastånti si Henry håyu para i fandånggu. Henry has enough wood for the wedding.

baståtdu n. illegitimate child, child born outside of marriage. Si Dolores baståtdu na påtgun. Dolores is an illegitimate child. Si Rita na påtgun baståtdu sa' ti tatå‑ña si Augustin. Rita is an illegitimate child because Augustin is not her father. Bula manbaståtdu na famagu'un på'gu na tiempu. Many children are illegitimate nowadays. From: Sp. bastardo.

båstun n. cane, walking stick. Para u fanånum si Bek floris båstun San Jose. Bek's going to plant the plant that's called St. Joseph's staff. Guaha na tåotåo siha man'appling adding‑ñiha ya ma u'usa i bastun. Some people have a sprained ankle and they use a cane. I taotåo ni ma'utut addeng‑ña ha na'sesetbi båstun. A person whose leg is amputated uses a cane. From: Sp. bastón.

båstun San Jose n. type of plant: tea leaf. Cordyline fruticosa. Guaha gi gima'‑måmi båstun San Jose na tinanum. There are tea leaf plants at our house. I hagun i bastun San Jose mafa'titinas kadena. The leaves of the tea leaf plant are used in making leis. Si Gina ha fa'tinåsi yu' kuronå‑hu ni bastun San Jose. Gina made a tea leaf lei for me.

båstus1 adj. rough, harsh, rugged, not neat, coarse. Båstus kumuentus ennåo na tåotåo. That man speaks roughly. Båstus pilu‑ña i babuin halumtånu'. The hair of the wild pig is coarse. Båstus macho'chu' si David. David works sloppily. From: Sp. bastos.

båstus2 n. (card in the suit of) clubs. Åttilung kulot‑ña i bastus na kåttan balåha. The color of cards in the suit of clubs is black. I ås na båstus bali gi tres sietti. The ace of clubs is valuable in the card game called tres sietti. I bastus na kåttan balåha tres kalulut hagon‑ña. A club in cards has a three-fingered leaf. From: Sp. bastos.

båsu n. tumbler, (drinking) glass. Ya‑hu gumimin gi dangkulu na båsu. I like drinking from a big drinking glass. Guaha na båsu "plastic" yan guaha na båsu mamaffak. There are cups made of plastic and there are cups made of glass. From: Sp. vaso.

basula n. trash. Si Connie ha yuti' i basula. Connie threw the trash away. Ha hokka i patgun i basula gi cha'guan. The child picked up the trash on the grass. Para guaha na tåotåo, ti basula i hagun ni mamoddung gi papa' trongku. For some people, the leaves under the trees are not trash. From: Sp. basura.

basuleru n. trash man, garbage collector, someone who picks up trash. I basuleru humokka i basula. The trash man picked up the trash. Kada Såbalu mana'fanggåsgas i kantun chålan ni basuleru. Every Saturday the streets are cleaned by the people who pick up trash. Si Ben basulerun kåntun chålan. Ben is the person who picks up trash along the side of the road. From: Sp. basurero.

båta' n. baptismal gown, esp. for infants. Mana'usa i neni ni bata' anai matakpångi. They made the baby wear the baptismal gown when he was baptised. Manaliligåo si Ofing båta' gi tenda. Ofing is looking for a baptismal gown at the store. Guaha asut, amariyu, yan å'paka' na kulot båta'. There are blue, yellow, and white colors of baptismal gowns.

båtadut n. 1) urinal used for bed patients. Si Tom ha u'usa i batadut. Tom uses the urinal for bed patients. I taotåo yanggin ma'upera, debi na u na'setbi i batadut. When a person has an operation, he should use the urinal used for bed patients. Guaha båtadut para famalåo'an yan guaha para lalåhi. There are urinals used for female bed patients and there are urinals used for male patients. 2) vessel for churning chocolate or coffee. See: batidot.

batakåsu vt. punish, hurt. Mabatakåsu si lahi gi as tatå‑ña. The man was punished by his father. Para mabatakåsu hit nu i bidåta. We will be punished for what we did. Manmabatakåsu i famagu'un sa' manhånåo para i tasi. The children were punished because they went to the ocean. Syn: sakutåsu. See: baketåsu.

båtalan n. plank, diving board. Mayamak i batalan ni napu. The plank broke from the waves. Poddung i patgun anai mamomokkat gi batalan. The child fell down when he was walking on the diving board. Guaha si Jack iyon‑ña tres na båtalan. Jack has three diving boards.

batångga n. a type of sled, pulled by a cow or carabao. Esta måolik dinangkulon‑ña i batångga. The size of the sled is already good. Para batånggan karabåo esti. This is going to be a carabao sled.

vt. drag, pull. Ha batångga i taotåo i tangkin basula. The man dragged the trash drum. Ha batångga yu' i napu huyung gi taddung. The waves pulled me out into the deep. Mabatångga i kestat pontan niyuk guatu gi karetan guaka. The sack of coconuts was dragged to the bull cart. Syn: båtsala.

batåtas n. potato. Bula batåtas manmabebendi gi tendan Joeten. A lot of potatoes are sold at Joeten store. Si nåna ha nå'yi batåtas i katdun kåtni. Mother put potatoes in the meat soup. Mama'tinas yu' insalådan batåtas para i giput. I made potato salad for the party. From: Sp. patatas.

batåya n. war, battle. Guaha batåya kada diha gi tanu'. There is war going on every day in the world. Bula na Amerikånu manggaigi gi 1944 na batåya. Many Americans were in the 1944 war. Iståba si tatå‑hu gi batåya gi 1944. My father was in battle in 1944. See: gera; batiya. From: Sp. batalla.

batayón n. battalion, infantry, regiment. Gaigi si Lino gi unu na batayon. Lino was in one of the battalions. Si Gabriel må'gas i batayon. Gabriel is the head of the battalion. I ma'gas i batayon debi na u ma'osgi. The head of the battalion should be obeyed. From: Sp. batallón.

batbaridåt n. foolishness, stupidity, boldness, overconfidence, daring. Inakka' si Susana ni sasata put i batbaridåt‑ña. Susan was stung by a bee because of her foolishness. Ha sufa' yu' i toru put i batbaridåt‑tu mangassi. The bull charged at me because of my boldness in teasing. Gine'ti yu' ni kandit put i batbaridåt‑tu. I had a electric shock because of my foolishness. Puru ha' siha batbaridåt. All of that is just overconfidence. See: batbaridå; bobada. From: Sp. barbaridad.

båtbaru adj. daring, bold, venturesome, rash, wild, brave. Båtbaru si Jack ni para u ta'yuk gi takkilu' na åtuf guma'. Jack is daring to jump from a high rooftop. Båtbaru i patgun para u kassi i ga'lågu. The child is brave to tease the dog. Båtbaru si Manuel na tåotåo. Manuel is a brave person. From: Sp. bárbaro.

båtbas n. beard, mustache, whiskers. Esta anåkku' batbås‑ña si Joey. Joey's beard is already long. Bula chungi' gi batbås‑ña si Pete. There is a lot of gray hair in Pete's beard. Bunitu batbås‑ña si Kioni. Kioni's whiskers look beautiful.

idiom. (of young males) touch the chin of (another young male) as a fighting move, to assess who is stronger. Si Juan ha patcha batbås‑ña si Francisco anai maloffan gi fihon‑ña, para u chagi mumu. Juan touched the chin of Francisco when he passed by, to try to fight with him. From: Sp. barbas.

vt. trim, shave, cut hair. Mabåtbas i floris as Josephine. The flowers were trimmed by Josephine. Si Marina bumåtbas si Mariano. Marina shaved Mariano. Binatbas si tåta as nåna nigap. Father was shaved by Mother yesterday.

båtbas guihan n. whisker of fish, esp. goatfish or catfish. I satmuneti na guihan gai batbas. The goatfish has whiskers. I guihan katu gai batbas. The catfish has whiskers. I ti'åo na guihan gai batbas lokkui'. The small goatfish has whiskers also.

båtbas ma'is n. corn silk. I ma'is na tinanum gai batbas ma'is. The corn plant has corn silk. I batbas ma'is mafa'a'amut. The corn silk is used for medicine. Mana'susuha i batbas ma'is yanggin para u matunu i ma'is. The corn silk is removed if the corn is to be barbequed.

båtbas uhang n. feelers of shrimp. I batbas uhang mampus anåkku'. The feelers of the shrimp are very long. Mana'susuha i batbas uhang yanggin para u mana'lågu i ihang. The feelers of the shrimp are removed from the shrimp when the shrimp is going to be cooked.

batbena n. type of plant: wild clary. Heliotropium indicum. I suruhåna ha na'setbi i batbena gi amot‑ña. The healer used wild clary in her medicine. I batbena gai tiempu. The wild clary has its season to grow. I batbena gai floris. The wild clary has flowers.

batberia n. barbershop. Humånåo si David para i batberia para u madåsai. David went to the barbershop to get a haircut. Gi batberian Marina baråtu i dasai. At Marina's barbershop, the haircut is cheap. Machocho'chu' si Gloria gi batberia. Gloria works at a barbershop. From: Sp. barbería.

batberiha n. fearless act. Che'chu' batberiha muna' taigunenåo. That is the outcome of a fearless act. Hassuyi mås åntis di un cho'gui che'chu' batberiha siha. Think about it more before you embark on a fearless act.

batberu n. barber. Batberu si Mång gi batberian Alex. Mång is a barber at Alex's barbershop. Guiya batberu si Mandy agupa'. He, Mandy, is the barber tomorrow. Machocho'chu' si Ben gi as Roman kumu batberu. Ben works at Roman's as a barber. From: Sp. barbero.

batbón adj. bearded. Si Hardy na tåotåo batbon. Hardy is a bearded person. Meggai na lalåhi manbatbon. Many men have long beards. See: batbudu. From: Sp. barbón.

batbudu adj. hairy, shaggy, bearded. Si Tom mampus batbudu. Tom is a lot of beard. Guaha na palåo'an batbudu lokkui'. Some women have beards too. Si Bråbu na ga'lågu batbudu. The dog, Bråbu, has shaggy hair. See: mepplu. From: Sp. barbudo.

bátchigu' adj. slant-eyed, with eyelids very close together, squinted (of eyes). I Eskimo' siha na tåotåo manba'chigu'. The Eskimo people have slanted eyes. Si Mariana gof batchigu' ya an chumålik, måmatchum todu i matå‑ña. Mariana has very slanted eyes and when she laughs, her eyes are all closed. Batchigu' esti na neni. This baby has slanted eyes. Gof batchigu' matå‑ña si Marie. Marie's eyes are slant-eyed. Hu li'i' un batchigu' ga'lågu gi chalan. I saw a slant-eyed dog on the street. Yanggin chumålik si Ignacio, gof batchigu' matå‑ña. If Ignacio laughs, his eyes become slanted. Guaha siha na tåotåo manbatchigu'. There are people who are slant-eyed. Ha na'batchigu' matå‑ña sa' ha kekeli'i' klåru i litråtu. She squinted to see the picture clearly. See: ba'chigu'.

båtchit adj. blind. Puti esti na sinienti yanggin båtchit hit. It is a painful feeling should we be blind. Si Jose Feliciano na kakanta båtchit. The singer Jose Feliciano is blind. Madåggåo matå‑ña si Ben ni bola ya bumåtchit un måta. Ben's eye was hit by a ball and one of his eyes is blind.

batdeha vt. pour water on (something), wash (surface) by pouring water on. Ha batdeha si Anna i tinanum ni hanum. Anna poured water on the plants. Hu batdeha i garåch ni hanum sa' para bai hu na'gåsgas. I poured water in the garage so that I could clean it. Si tåta ha batdeha i babui nu i hanum. Father poured water on the pig.

båtdi n. pail, bucket. Hu usa i batdi para bai hu rega i tinanum. I used the bucket to water the plants. Si Sandra ha u'usa i batdi para u hinågua i lampåsu. Sandra is using the bucket to rinse the mop. Si Alex ha nå'yi odda' i batdi para u tånum i tumåtis. Alex put soil in the bucket to plant the tomato. From: Sp. balde.

båtdu vi. have no pairs or members of the same suit (in a card game). Manhugåndu ham tres sietti ya båtdu i ga'chong‑hu nu i diamånti. We played the card game tres sietti and my partner had no diamond cards. Bai hu po'lu ås sa' bumåtdu yu'. I am going to put an ace because I do not have the suit that is being played. Sessu håo bumåtdu ni espådas. You often do not have the spade cards.

bateha n. washtub, washboard, esp. for clothes. Åntis na tiempu, i taotåo manmama'gågasi gi bateha. Long time ago, people washed in the washtub. Simentu i batehan‑måmi. Our washtub is concrete. Si nanan‑måmi sessu ha na'o'mak ham gi bateha. Our mother often bathed us in the washtub. See: batehan mama'gåsi.

bateriha n. battery, dry cell. Ti siña lå'la' i karetå‑hu sa' måtai i baterihå‑ña. My car cannot start because its battery is dead. Binenu i halum bateriha. The content of the battery is toxic. Mungnga masonggi i bateriha. Do not burn the battery. From: Sp. batería.

båtga vt. trust, depend on, entrust, have faith in. Hu båtga yu' giya hågu. I put my trust in you. Ha båtga gui' na guiya mås angokkuyun. He trusted himself that he is the most dependable. See: imbåtga, abåtga.

båtidót n. mixer, beater, one who mixes. Si Jeffrey i batidot i pån gi bakery. Jeffrey is the bread mixer at the bakery. Si Jess i batidot i kek gi gimå'‑ña. Jess is the cake mixer at his home. I batidot bumåbatgi todu i para u mana'lågu na nengkanu'. The mixer mixes all the food that is to be cooked. From: Sp. batidor.

batingting n. triangle (musical instrument). Unu gi danderun i ban umu'usa i batingting yanggin mandåndan. One of the band members uses the triangle when they play. Gi prugråman Påsgua gi iskuela guaha na påtgun siempri umusa i batingting. In the school's Chrismas program, there will surely be one child who would use the triangle. Bunitu sunidu‑ña i batingting. The triangle has a beautiful sound.

batiya n. war, battle. Sumåonåo si Greg gi batiyan Vietnam. Greg joined in the Vietnam war. Manggaigi i sindålu Amerikånu gi batiyan Irak. The Americans had soldiers in the Iraq war. Manmasohyu i nasion siha para mana'påra batiya gi entalu' tånu' yan tåotåo siha. The nations were obligated to cease wars between nations and peoples. See: batåya. From: Sp. batalla.

batkåda n. group. Manmåttu i batkada para u fanmanayuda gi giput. A large group came to help at the party. Guaha tres na batkåda guini: famagu'un, famalåo'an, yan manåmku'. There are three groups here: children, women and elders.

vi. be in group(s). Manbatkåkada mågi i taotåo para uma chuli' i suetdun‑ñiha. The people are approaching in groups to get their paychecks. Mana'fanbatkåda i guihan para mabendi. The fish were grouped to be sold.

batkadót n. 1) branding iron. Esta maipi i batkadot? Is the branding iron hot already? Ha chuli' si Patrick i batkadot para u måtka i guaka. Patrick took the branding iron to brand the cow. 2) small vessel or carrier.

batkón n. balcony. Humuyung yu' gi batkon gi paingi. I went out to the balcony last night. Månngi' ume'fresku an puengi gi batkon. It is pleasant to get fresh air at night on the balcony. From: Sp. balcón.

båtku n. ship, any large seagoing vessel. Ma'udai yu' gi batku para Tinian. I rode the ship to Tinian. I batku kumåkatga i kosas ginin ottru siha na lugåt. The ship carries cargo from other places. Båtkun gera siha mampus mandångkulu yan manchaddik. War ships are huge and fast. Syn: bapót. From: Sp. barco.

båtkun airi n. airplane. Ginin manmaudai ham båtkun airi giya Aslitu'. We used to board the airplane at Aslito. Guaha na klåsin båtkun airi humåhalum ginin i kantun tåsi. There is a type of plane that approaches from the shore. Ti siña yu' dumiskånsa gi batkun airi. I cannot relax in the airplane. Syn: eruplånu.

båtkun gera n. warship, battleship. Manma'udai i sindålu siha gi batkun gera. The soldiers rode on the warship. Durantin Geran Mina'dos, guaha lameggai na båtkun geran Hapones manmafondu giya Chuuk. There are quite a number of warships that were sunk in Chuuk during WWII. Gaigi i atmirånti gi batkun gera. The admiral is on the warship.

båtkun låyak n. (big) sailboat. I manglu' ha na'håhanåo chaddik i batkun låyak. The wind makes the big sailboat move fast. Månngi' ma'udai gi båtkun låyak. It is pleasant to ride on a big sailboat. See: botin låyak.

båtkun lumi'uf n. submarine. Ma'udai yu' gi batkun lumi'uf. I rode in the submarine. Mafondu i båtkun lumi'uf anai ha sufa' i mattingan. The submarine sank to the bottom when it hit the reef. Månngi' ma'udai gi batkun lumi'uf, sa' mampus sånu i karera. It is enjoyable riding in a submarine, because the ride is very smooth. See: bapót lumi'uf.

batnís n. varnish. Manå'yi batnis i kahun nå'yan gi as Jerry. Jerry put varnish on the china cabinet. Ma penta batnis i pettan i kuåttu. They applied varnish on the door of the room. Måolik i batnis para manprotehi kulot gi bandan pinenta. Varnish is good in protecting colors in paintings.

vt. apply varnish to. Bunitu i kahun nå'yan mabatnis sa' lumamlam siempri. It will be nice to apply varnish on the china cabinet because it will be shiny. Cha'ot‑tu batnis, pues hu suhåyi i kuåttu sa' på'gu mabatninis. I am allergic to varnish, so I stayed away from the room because it has just been varnished. Tinaka' tiempu para u ånglu' i hu batnis na såtgi. The floor that I varnished will take time to dry. See: banis. From: Sp. barniz.

båtsa n. raft. I batkun dångkulu siha manggai båtsa. Large ships have rafts. Mafondu i båtsa gi Sadduk Susupi. The raft sank to the bottom of Lake Susupe. I galaidi bumåtsala i batsa guatu gi pantalan. It was the canoe that towed the raft to the dock. See: båtsai (?). From: Sp. balsa.

båtsala vt. drag (something) on any surface, pull. I ga'lågu ha båbatsala i pinino'‑ña månnuk. The dog is dragging the chicken that it killed. Hu båtsala i siya sa' makkat. I dragged the chair because it is heavy. Ha båtsala si Brenda i mahluk råmas trongku. Brenda dragged the broken tree branch. Syn: batångga. See: arastra.

båtsu n. waltz. Bunitu na baila i bailan båtsu. The waltz is a beautiful dance. Gef måolik si Evelyn dumåndan båtsu gi piånu. Evelyn plays the waltz on the piano very well.

vi. dance the waltz. Si Lucille bumåtsu yan si Pedro nigap gi Gardiña. Lucille and Pedre danced the waltz yesterday at the Gardinia. Gef umatya yu' yan si Linda bumåtsu. Linda and I danced the waltz.

báttalan n. porch. Manhugågandu i famagu'un gi battalan. The children are playing on the porch. Ta fanggimin tuba gi batalan. Let's drink coconut toddy on the porch.

båtti vt. 1) stir, mix, agitate. Hu båtti i mannuk ni siboyas yan asiga åntis di hu na'lågu. I mixed the chicken with onions and salt before I cooked it. Si Joe ha båtti i simentu. Joe mixed the cement. See: lehgua', yaka', dañña'. 2) brew, make liquor. Na'dispåsiu yanggin para un båtti i aguayenti. If you are to mix the brew, do it slowly.

battu n. marlin. Mangonni' si tåta dångkulu na battu. Father caught a very big marlin. Ha aflitu si LeeRoy i katnin battu para sena. LeeRoy fried the marlin for dinner.

båtu n. type of game. Guaha båtu gi gimå'‑ña si Franklin. There is a game of båtu at Franklin's house. Manggånna si Brian gi batu. Brian won at the båtu game. The equipment consists of a round stick four to six inches long, one to one and a half inches in diameter, and flat on both ends, and discs made of stone or metal, approximately three inches in diameter. Players stand ten or more feet away from the stick, which has been placed on end, and take turns trying to knock down the stick with their discs. Whoever knocks down the stick is declared the winner.

batunis1 n. button. Gi chininå‑hu guaha singku na batunis. There are five buttons on my shirt. Esti na batunis mafa'tinas ginin i ha'iguas. This button is made from a coconut shell.

vt. button (something). Batunis i chininå‑mu, Pete. Button up your shirt, Pete. Na'atya i batunis yanggin para un batunis magagu‑mu. Match the buttons when you are buttoning your clothes.

bayena n. whale. Gi tasi guaha todu klåsi na bayena. In the ocean there are many kinds of whales. I bayena na gå'ga' tåsi mandångkulu. Whales are huge sea animals. Guaha na biåhi manoggan bayena gi kantun unai. There are times when whales get beached. From: Sp. ballena.

båyi n. vale, valley. Måolik manånum tinanum gi bayi sa' fresku. It is good to plant plants in the valley because it is cool. Ai adai, yuhi guatu i bayi mås kapås para fanggualu'an, sa' måmasmai i edda', no? Well, that valley over there is much better for farming, because the soil is moist. See: kañåda. From: Sp. valle.

bayila' n. trachoma, inflammation of the eyelids, badly swollen eyes. Kora, atan si Velma sa' bayila' matå‑ña. Kora, look at Velma because her eyes have inflammation of the eyelids. Si Dwayne bayila' matå‑ña anai duru kumåti. Dwayne had badly swollen eyes when he was crying a lot. A chronic, contagious form of conjunctivitis, characterized by inflammatory granulation of the mucous membrane of the surface of the eyelid; in Guam, it is known as putin matan Saipan.

bayineru n. whaler, person who hunts whales, sailor. Gi åntis na tiempu, manhålum i bayineru giya Micronesia. Whalers landed in several of the islands in Micronesia a long time ago. Makkat na cho'chu' esti i che'chu' bayineru. The whaling profession is a hard job. Esta guaha siha na nasion ti manmasedi i bayineru para u fanmangonni' bayena. Now there are countries that prohibit whalers from hunting for whales. From: Sp. ballenero.

bayineta n. bayonet. I sindålun Chapanis ma u'usa i bayineta yanggin gera. Japanese soldiers use bayonets when there is war. I bayineta gaigi gi un punta gi paki. The bayonet is on one end of the gun. See: bayuneta. From: Sp. bayoneta.

bayogu1 n. ankle bone, knuckle, knee cap. Dinanchi i bayogun addeng‑hu ni bola. My ankle was hit by a ball. Pokpuk i bayogun kannai‑hu anai matomba yu'. My knuckles were swollen when I fell down. Mana'suha i bayogu gi addeng‑hu. My knee cap was removed.

bayogu2 n. seed of any of the sea bean plants. Na'fanångnglu' todu i bayogu gi semnak. Dry all the sea beans under the sun. Na'fansahngi i mandångkulu yan i mandikiki' na bayogu siha. Separate the big from the small sea beans.

bayogun ådding n. ankle. Måhluk bayogun addeng‑hu. My ankle broke. Mambula yan makaka bayogun addeng‑hu. My ankle is swollen and itchy.

bayogun dångkulu n. type of plant: sea bean. Entada phaseoliodes, Pursaetha also? Bunitu i bayogun dångkulu mafa'kadena. The sea bean is beautiful to make into a lei. Siña lokkui' mafa'tinas muñekan bayogu ni bayogun dångkulu siha. The sea beans can also be made into sea bean dolls. Guesguis i bayogun dångkulu gi atchu' sa' mumaipi. Rub the sea bean against a stone and it will become hot. Syn: gogu.

bayogun dikiki' n. type of plant: wild bean, small sea bean. Mucuna gigantea. I bayogun dikiki' manmandodokku' gi halum tånu'. The small sea bean plant grows in the forest. Si Ana mama'tinas kadena gi bayogun dikiki'. Ana made a lei out of the small sea beans. Syn: gåyi'.

bayogun hålum tånu' n. type of climbing plant, false rattan. Flagellaria indica. Bula bayogun hålum tånu' gi sabana. There are a lot of flagellaria indica growing on the mountain. Humånåo si Jose para u fañuli' bayogun hålum tånu'. Jose went to take some flagellaria indica plants. Sumåsåonåo i bayogun hålum tånu' gi amut bulachun ulu. Flagellaria indica is one of the medicines used for headache. Bula bayogun hålum tånu' giya Luta. There are lots of flageellaria indica in Rota.

be n. the name of b, the fourth letter of the alphabet. Bula nå'an tåotåo matutuhun siha gi be. Many people's name begin with b.

be' n. calf, young cow. Guaha tres na be' gi halum kollat guaka. There are three calves inside the cattle fence. Malångu i be' sa' ti malagu' chumotchu. The calf is sick because she did not want to eat. Unu na be' ga'‑ña si Loling. One calf is Loling's pet. Syn: bakiya.

be'e n. bandage. Bula be'e gi ispitåt. There are many bandages in the hospital. Para bai famåhan be'e. I am going to buy bandage. Hu nå'yi i kannai‑hu be'e. I put bandage on my hand. See: be'i.

be'i vt. put bandage on. Be'i fan esti. Could you bandage this? Ti ya‑hu manbe'i. I do not like to bandage.

bebi' n. vagina, female sex organ. Fa'gåsi bibe'‑mu gi labatoriu. Wash your vagina in the herbal douche medicine for women. Ti debi i bebi' malabatoriu sessu. The vagina should not be douched often. Syn: iyun palåo'an, chåda', pangkek. See: bebe'.

bebi' Underwood n. type of plant, a popular name for chaioti in Guam. Guaha gi gimå'‑ña si Benette bebi' Underwood na tinanum. There is a bebi' Underwood plant at Benette's house. Variant: bebi' andaut.

Bek name. nickname for Isabel. Humånåo si Bek para Australia nigap. Bek left to Australia yesterday. Si Bek ya‑ña kumånta. Bek likes to sing. Sessu linaisin si Maria håyi Bek yan håyi Sabet gi manprimå‑ña siha. Maria frequently gets confused between Bek and Sabet among her cousins.

bela n. wake, vigil. Iståba si Esther gi bela gi Sabalu. Esther was at the wake on Saturday. Ma plånta biskuchu yan kafe gi bela. They served ship biscuit and coffee at the wake.

vi. attend a wake, hold a wake (for a dead or dying person). Bumela yu' gi paingi gi bisinu. I attended a wake last night at the neighbor. Ti manbebela esta i taotåo. People are not holding wakes anymore. From: Sp. vela.

belu1 vi. totter as a child just learning to stand, balance (upright) (Rota). Hu na'belu i lapis. I balanced the pencil upright (caused it to stand on its end). Si Aiden esta ha tutuhun bumelu. Aiden is just starting to learn how to stand. I nenin Victoria esta bumebelu. Victoria's baby is already learning to stand.

belu2 n. veil, esp. that used in a wedding ceremony. Ha nisisita si Yvonne i belu yanggin para u asagua. Yvonne needs the veil if she is going to get married. From: Sp. velo.

Benbinidu name. nickname for Benaventura. Si Benbinidu mampus na'chalik na tåotåo. Benbenidu is a funny guy. Bumuchåchu si Benbenidu macho'chu'. Benbenidu works very hard.

béndabat n. 1) direction midway between two cardinal points of compass, such as northeast. 2) western wind; a wind that comes from a direction that is not normal, usually bringing rough seas and rain.

adj. 1) rough (of weather). Kulang bumebendabat i tasi på'gu. The waves seem rough today. Båba umo'mak gi tasi yanggin bendabat. It is not good to swim in the ocean if it's rough. Ti pumeska si Isidro gi paingi sa' mampus bendabat i tasi. Isidro did not go fishing last night because the ocean is rough. 2) change direction (of wind). Maipi i ha'åni sa' bendabat i manglu'. The day is warm because the wind has shifted direction. Nupblådu i mapagåhis sa' bendabat i airi. The wind direction changed and the sky turned cloudy. Gotpi bendabat sa' para guaha påkyu. There's a sudden change in wind direction because of an approaching storm. See: béndibat.

bendas n. blindfold, bandage. Ha yuti' si Jane i bendas Maria gi sagan basula nigap. Jane threw Maria's blindfold in the garbage can yesterday. From: Sp. vendas.

vt. blindfold, bandage, put on a bandage. Mabendas i patgun matå‑ña anai para u fanhugåndu bendas. The child was blindfolded when they were going to play blindfold. Para u mabendas matå‑ña i taotåo yanggin para u makana'. The man will be blindfolded when he is going to be hung. Yanggin mabendas håo, ti siña håo manli'i'. If you are blindfolded, you cannot see.

bendi vt. sell, hand over (something) for money. Ha bendi i tano'‑ña put sientu pesus. He sold his land for one hundred dollars. Para u bendi si Jesse i papayå‑ña gi metkåo. Jesse will sell his papayas at the market. Siempri humånåo yu' mambendi guihan gi talu'åni. I will go sell fish in the afternoon. Humåhanåo si Celia mambendi donni' gi gima' tåotåo. Celia sells hotpeppers at people's houses. I Chinu mambebendi meggai na gollai gi kåntun chålan. The Chinese guy sells a lot of vegetables by the side of the road. I peskadot mambebendi todu klåsin guihan gi chalan. The fisherman is selling all kinds fish on the street. See: dispåtcha, tulaika. From: Sp. vende.

bendisión n. blessing. Ha nå'i yu' si Påli' ni bendision‑ña anai måttu yu' gi Gima' Yu'us gi egga'an. The Priest gave me his blessing when I came to church this morning. Anai umasagua si Dora, nina'i bendision as nanå‑ña. Dora's mother gave her the blessing when she got married. Siña manå'i si Henry ni bendision as Påli' yanggin ha faisin. Henry can be blessed if he asks the priest. From: Sp. bendición.

benditu vi. with hands together close to chin, and head slightly bowed. Debi i taotåo na u fambenditu yanggin para u fangomutgan. The people have to position their hands in a praying pose when they receive communion. Mana'benditu si John Doe anai måtai. John Doe was put in a praying pose when he died. I famagu'un luttrina debi na u fambenditu yanggin manmamomokkat hålum gi Gima' Yu'us. The catechism students have to do a praying pose when they are walking into the church. From: Sp. bendito.

bendiyun adj. sellable, marketable, able to be sold, for sale. I manchetnudan na pipinu mambendiyun ha'. The damaged cucumbers are still sellable. Mambendiyun todu i guihan dikiki'. The small fishes are sellable. I manggof måsa na aga' esta ti mambendiyun. The overripe bananas are no longer sellable.

beni' n. lipstick. Todu klåsi guaha bene'‑hu. I have all kinds of lipsticks. Måhluk i beni' Rita anai poddung gi satgi. Rita's lipstick got broken when it fell on the floor. Mamåhan si Carmen kulot agaga' na beni' gi Town House. Carmen bought a red lipstick at Town House.

vt. apply lipstick to (Saipan). I palåo'an ha beni' i labios‑ña. The woman put lipstick on her lips. Mabeni' i labios‑ña si Jeremy ni palåo'an. Jeremy's lips were lipsticked by the woman. Manmabeni' todu i famagu'un anai Halloween. All the children were lipsticked on Halloween.

benidiksión n. benediction. Si Påli' ha nå'i si Susan ni benidiksion‑ña. The Priest gave his benediction to Susan. I Obispu ha cho'gui i benidiksion gi sirimonias Kumfirensia. The benediction was done by the Bishop at the Conference ceremony. Sessu si Påli' mannå'i benidiksion gi duråntin silibrasion graduha. The Priest often gives his benediction during the graduation celebration. From: Eng. benediction.

benifaktót n. benefactor. I Marianas Housing Authority i benifaktot i taotåo ni mantai guma'. The Marianas Housing Authority is the people's benefactor for those who do not own a house. I Food Stamp na Prugråma i benifaktot i taotåo ni mantakpapa' suetdun‑ñiha pat ti manmachocho'chu'. The Food Stamp Program is the benefactor for those with low income or no income. I Medicaid lokkui' i benifaktot i taotåo ni ti gof meggai suetdon‑ña. Medicaid is also the benefactor for those with less income. From: Sp. benefactor.

benifisiu n. benefit. Guaha benifisiu put i che'cho'‑hu para i iskuela. There are some benefits from my work for the school. Bula na benifisiu siha manmasångan låo ti manmakumpli. There were many benefits mentioned but they were not being done. Bula na tåotåo mambenifisiu ni i Section 8 na prugråman housing. There are many people who benefited in the Section 8 Housing Program. From: Sp. beneficio.

beniknu adj. benign, gentle, mild, kind. Gof beniknu si Manuel na tåotåo. Manuel is a very gentle person. I beniknon‑ña si John muna' gof maguaiya ni famagu'un. The children love John because of his kindness. From: Sp. benigno.

Benit name. nickname for Bernadita. Humånåo si Benit para u famåhan guihan gi tendan Rudy giya San Vicente. Bernadita went to buy fish at Rudy's store in San Vicente. Ha na'fañotchu ham si Benit gi gima'‑ñiha gi Sabalu. Bernadita made us eat at their house on Saturday. Bumaila si Benet chacha yan si Danny gi giput fandånggu gi Betnis. Bernadita danced the chacha with Danny at the wedding on Friday. See: Bitang, Ditang.

benni n. plywood. Mamåhan si tåta dies na benni gi Guangdong. Father bought ten pieces of plywood at Guangdong. Manmabalatura siha benni. The plywood was on sale. Må'pi' i benni anai poddung gi chalan. The plywood broke when it fell on the road.

bensi1 vt. 1) persuade, convince. Ha bensi si tatå‑ña na para ma påtti parehu i fringkas para i famagu‑un. She convinced her father to divide the inheritance equally among the children. Ti binensi nu i fino'‑hu put håfa masusedi ginin guiya. He was not convinced by my statement about what has happened because of him. 2) impress, influence, affect strongly. Ti ha bensi yu' atyu na tåotåo. That man does not impress me. Ha bensi yu' put i hinenggen‑ña nu hågu. Her belief in you affected me strongly. Mampus ha bensi yu' i bunitun flores Måyu. The beauty of the plumeria really impressed me. From: Sp. vence.

bensi2 vt. defeat. Mabensi i kuntråriu. My opponent was defeated. Anai mumu si Henry yan si Peter, binensi si Henry as Peter. When Henry and Peter fought, Henry defeated Peter. I bulerun Tanapak mambinensi ni bulerun San Vicente gi ma'pus na Damenggu. The Tanapag ball team were defeated by the San Vicente team last Sunday. From: Sp. vence.

benta n. merchandise, commodities, stock. Tåya' bentan‑ñiha si Kiyu pugas. Kiyu do not have rice stocks. See: fektus. From: Sp. venta.

benteru n. salesman, agent. Si Jerome i benterun insurance gi Moylan. Jerome is an insurance salesman at Moylan. Benterun kareta si Glenn gi Triple J Motors. Glenn is a car salesman at Triple J Motors. Si Crispin i benterun gollai gi metkåon Cathy. Crispin is a vegetable salesman at Cathy's market. From: Sp. ventero.

benterun magågu n. clothing salesclerk. I dueñun i tenda Moonlight i bentirun magågu. The owner of the Moonlight is the clothing salesman. Meggai bentirun magågu guini Saipan. There are many clothing salesmen here in Saipan. Si Steve bentirun magågu giya Filipina. Steve is a clothing salesman in the Phiippines.

benti num. twenty. Esta ha kumpli benti åñus si Julian nigap. Julian has just turned twenty years old yesterday. Guaha ga'‑hu benti na ngånga' gi lanchok‑ku. I have twenty ducks at my farm. Manånum yu' benti na fiholis gi hatdin‑hu. I planted twenty string beans in my gardin. From: Sp. veinte.

benti i unu num. twenty-one. Benti i unu i idåt‑ña si Chilang. Chilang is twenty-one years old. Guaha benti i unu na mångga gi kanåstra. There are twenty-one mangos in the basket. Todu i benti i unu na istudiånti para u fanmåttu mågi gi iskuela. All the twenty-one students will come to school.

bento' n. box lunch. Ya‑ña i bento'‑ña si Nånu. Mariano likes his box lunch. Si Nåna mama'titinas bento' kåda diha. Mom makes box lunch everyday. Manoda si Kika bento' ginin i sagan chumotchu as Mitsue. Kika ordered a box lunch from Mitsue Restaurant.

vi. pack lunch.

bentura n. venture. Ti kumbieni ennåo na bentura. That venture is not feasible.

vi. venture. Ya‑ña si Margarita bumentura gi halum tånu'. Margarita likes to venture in the wilderness. Nihi ya ta fanbentura guihi hulu' gi sabåna. Let's go venture up in the mountains.

bengbing1 n. drone, buzz, buzzing sound, as of an insect in flight. I sasata sessu bingbing gi fi'un talanga‑hu. The bee always make a buzzing sound near my ears. Anai ha dåggåo si Juan i atchu' kontra i paddit ha na'bingbing ha'. When Juan threw the rock to the concrete, he made it buzz. Si Ana mampus ha na'pika i kelaguin‑ña kåtnin binådu ya esta ha na'bingbing talanga‑hu. Ana made her venison so hot and it buzzed my ears. See: bingbing.

bengbing2 n. type of bird: painted quail. Coturnix chinensis. Meggai bengbing gi hilu' trongkun tangantångan. There are many Coturnix chinensis birds on top of the tangantangan tree. Sessu manggupu i bengbing gi hilu' gimå'‑hu an talu'åni. The Coturnix chinensis birds always fly on top of my house in the afternoon.

bengga vt. take revenge on, avenge. Mampus si Jeremy ha bengga si Ignacio ni lalalo'‑ña nigap. Jeremy took revenge on Ignacio for his anger yesterday. Binengga i katu ni ga'lågu. The cat has been avenged by the dog. Ha bengga yu' si nåna anai ti u osgi. Mother took revenge on me when I did not do what she had asked me. Kumu måttu i ha'åni pulitika, manabengga i kandidåtu. When politics time comes, candidates take revenge on each other. See: emmuk. From: Sp. venga.

benggadót n. avenger, revenger, retaliator. Gof benggadot i taotåo nu i ottru tåotåo. The man is such a retaliator to other people Mambenggadot i taotåo siha kumu manlalålu'. The people are such avengers if they are mad. Båba bumenggadot. It is not good to be a retaliator.

adj. vengeful. Ti mambenggadot sa' manyo'asi' na klåsin tåotåo esti. These people are not prone to revenge because they are kind-hearted. From: Sp. vengador.

benggånsa n. vengeance. Tåya' benggånsa gi halum familia. There is no vengeance in the family Tai benggånsa yu' nu hågu. I have no vengeance against you.

adj. vengeful, serving to gain vengeance. Benggånsa kustumbren‑ña si Laura Jean. Laura Jean's attitude is vengeful.

benggatibu adj. vengeful, vengeance-seeking, grudge-bearing. Guaha na tåotåo gof benggatibu yanggin lalålu'. Some people hold grudges against others if they are mad. Mumu ham yan si Lorna ya mampus benggatibu gui'. Lorna and I fought and she is very vengeful. Mampus benggatibu i heñiu‑ña si Andrew. Andrew's vengeance-seeking temper is too much. From: Sp. venggativo.

Béngkili' name. nickname for Vicente. Gof måolik si Bengkili' na tåta kontra i famagu'on‑ña. Vicente is a very good father to his children. Machocho'chu' si Bengkili' gi Power Plant. Vicente is working at the Power Plant. Para u asagua si Bengkili' gi Sabalu yan si Agustina. Vicente and Agustina will be getting married on Saturday. See: Bengbing, Bengku'.

bes1 n. time, occasion, round. Atrasåo yu' gi che'chu' tres besis. I was late to work three times. Måttu yu' gi gima' Ariel esta meggai besis. I came to Ariel's house many times. Ha bira gui' si Ton singku besis gi uriyan i chalan. Ton turned five times around the road. See: biåhi. From: Sp. vez.

bes2 n. base. I patgun malålagu guatu gi bes. The child is running toward the base. See: di'u. From: Eng. base.

besbis vi. zoom, flash, make a hissing sound, as of leaking gas, or water poured on a fire, squirt, sizzle (of frying fat), fizz. I katni bisbis anai ma'aflilitu. The meat sizzled when it was being fried. Bisbis i lata anai mababa. The can fizzes when it was opened. See: bisbis; petsan.

béspira n. vigil, vesper, night before a religious feast. Guaha bespira gi paingi gi guma' Yu'us. There was a vigil last night at the church. Ta arekla hit para i bespiran guput. We will prepare ourselves for the eve of the feast.

béspiran Añu Nuebu n. New Year's Eve. Sigi ha' ham manatani' gi bespiran Añu Nuebu. We kept on spending time with each other on New Year's Eve.

béspiran guput n. evening before a festivity. Bula tengnga cho'chu' siha gi bespiran guput. There usually is a lot of work in the evening before a festivity.

béspiran nochibuena n. Christmas Eve. Na'maguf yan na'mahalang esti i bespiran nochibuena. Christmas Eve is both a happy feeling and a homesick feeling.

besti n. decoration, ornament. Mamoddung i besti siha gi gima' ni manglu'. The decorations in the house fell because of the wind. Mungnga ma'usa i mandångkulu siha na besti. Don't use the big decorations.

vt. decorate, adorn, garnish. Si Maria ha besti i me'nan gumå'‑ña. Maria decorated the front of her house. Para u mabesti i kuåttu para i hunta. The room is going to be decorated for the meeting. I nengkanu' mabesti yan mana'månngi'. The food was garnished and made to be tasty. See: abesti. From: Sp. viste.

bestida n. gown, dress, clothes for women. Si Rosa ha usa i bestidå‑ña. Rosa wore her gown. I bestidan famalåo'an mampus manbunitu. Women's clothing are very pretty. See: magågu; bestidura (?). From: Sp. vestida.

bestidu n. suit, clothes for men. Si Juan ha u'usa i asut na bestidu. John is wearing the blue outfit. From: Sp. vestido.

bestidura n. frock, dress, gown, garb, garment. I bestidura ni makakana' sen bunitu. The dress that is hanging is very pretty. From: Sp. vestidura.

betdi adj. green (color). Si Ana ya‑ña kulot betdi. Ana likes the color of green. From: Sp. verde.

beterånu n. veteran. Si Pete esta beterånu gi militåt. Pete is already a military veteran. Bula esta na tåotåo manbeterånu gi militåt. Many people are already veterans from the military. From: Sp. veterano.

Betnis n. Friday. Para bai hu hånåo para Guam gi Betnis. I will be going to Guam on Friday. Betnis på'gu na ha'åni. Today is Friday. Guaha na implehåo siha mampagamementu an Betnis. Some emplyees get paid on Fridays. From: Sp. viernes.

Betnis Såntu n. Good Friday. Ti siña chumotchu kåtni an Betnis Såntu. Meat is prohibited to eat on Good Friday. Ma'u'uma i kilu'us hulu' gi Takpochåo an Betnis Såntu. The cross is carried up to Mt. Takpochao on Good Friday. Ti debi na u guaha buruka gi duråntin Betnis Såntu. There should not be any noise during Good Friday. From: Sp. Viernes Santo.

betsu n. verse. Hu pula' i betsu gi finu' Ispaniot para betsu gi finu' Chamorro. I translated the verse in Spanish into a verse in Chamorro. Håfa kumekeilek‑ña ennåo na betsu gi tinige'mu? What is the meaning of the verse that you wrote? From: Sp. verso.

bi'udu n. widower. Måtai i asaguå‑ña si Francisco, pues esta bumi'udu gui'. Francisco's wife died, so he is now a widower. Bula manbi'udu na lalåhi ya dispues manasagua ta'lu. Many men became widowers and then they married again. Si Matt hagas bumi'udu ya ti uma'asagua ta'lu. Matt has been a widower for some time now and he has not gotten married again. See: bi'udu låla'la' (sa' mayuti'). From: Sp. viudo.

biaheru n. traveler, voyager, adventurer, wanderer. Biaheru si Donald ya meggai ha fatotoigui na lugat. Donald is a traveler and he visits many places. Håssan nai huli'i håo sa kalan biaheru håo. I seldom see you because you are like a wonderer. From: Sp. viajero.

biåhi n. 1) time, round. På'gu na biåhi siempri malågu yu' para gubietnu. This time, I will have to run for governor. Ottru biåhi siempri humånåo yu' para Roma. Next time, it will be that I will go to Rome. Gi mina'tres biåhi, siempri yayas håo. At the third round, you will become tired. 2) journey, trip, voyage, excursion. Humånåo yu' biåhi para Amerika. I went on a trip to America. Måttu si Donicio ginin bumiåhi. Donicio came from a trip. Måttu si Då ginin bumiåhi gi todu i tanu'. Da came from a voyage around the world. Syn: hinanåo. See: bi'åhi. From: Sp. viaje.

biåtiku n. beatitude. Si Rit ha dimimoria i biåtiku siha. Rit has memorized the beatitudes. Guaha måolik na pågat siha gi biåtiku siha. There is some good advice in the beatitudes.

biåtiku1 n. ringing of bell when the priest is on his way to administer the sacrament of Extreme Unction; Extreme Unction; last rites. Mampus malångu si Vicente ya manå'i ni biatiku gias påli'. Vicente is very sick and the priest administered the Extreme Unction. Put biåtiku, ti yanggin gof malångu ha' i malångu ni siña manå'i ni biatiku gi as påli'. Regarding extreme unction, it is not only when the patient is very sick that he can be given the Estreme Unction by a priest.

adj. blessed. See: såntus olius.

biåtu adj. blessed, beatified. Esta mabiåta si Madri Margarita. Mother Margarita has been beatified. Kulang biåtu si Jack sa' sessu manaitai. It seems like Jack is blessed because he often prays. From: Sp. beato.

biba intj. hurrah, viva. Nigap gi giput Sånta Maria manessalåo i taotåo "biba Sånta Maria." Yesterday at the feast of Mother Mary the people shouted "biba Sånta Maria." From: Sp. viva.

vt. 1) shout hurrah for. Manggånna si Greg gi botasion ya mabiba ni taotåo. Greg won in the election and the people shouted "biba" for him. 2) scatter. Ha biba si Matt todu i abubu hulu' gi airi. Matt scattered all the balloons up in the air. Bai danchi i tamma' siha ya bai biba todu huyung gi aridondu. I am going to hit the marbles and I am going to scatter them all out of the circle. See: rega.

Biban name. nickname for Oliva. Måttu si Biban ginin Guam gi paingi. Biban came from Guam last night. See: Bibang.

Bibbang name. nickname for Primitiva.

bibenda n. story (of building), floor (of building). Gai guma' si Dolores dos bibenda. Dolores has a two story house. Ginin sumåga yu' gi sientu dos bibenda. I once stayed on the 102nd floor. I Hyatt hotel sietti bibenda hulu'. The Hyatt hotel is seven stories high. See: bibienda. From: Sp. vivienda.

bíbendi n. seller, salesman. Si Maria i bibendin guihan. Maria is the fish seller. Si Tun Manet i bibendi gi tendån‑ña. Tun Manet is the seller in his store. Bibendi Rose. Rose is a saleswoman. Derived by reduplication from bendi. See: tindera.

bibensi adj. persuasive, impressive. Bibensi mampus i fino'‑na si Ramon. Ramon's speech is very persuasive. Ti bibensi i istorian Minako'. Minako's story is not too persuasive. Gof bibensi i kantån‑ña si Maria gi kumpitensia. Maria's song was impressive at the competition.

bibienda n. story (of building), floor (of building). I tres bibienda na gima' che'lu‑hu mampus makkat mana'gåsgas. My sister's three story house is very hard to clean. Pa'gu na tiempu gof makkat manhåtsa guma' dos bibienda sa' mampus mangguaguan i matiriåt siha. Nowadays it is very hard to build two story buildings because the materials are expensive. See: bibenda.

bibik n. harmonica, horn, whistle. I hagå‑hu ha fahåni yu' bibek‑ku. My daughter bought a harmonica for me. Maila' ta fa'bibik esti i hagun niyuk. Let us make a whistle with this coconut frond. See: hamonika.

bíbinenu n. poisoner, one who poisons, that which poisons. Bibinenu odda' esti na låña. This oil poisons the soil. Bibinenu tåotåo yan gå'ga' esti na pipitas. This seed poisons people and animals. Derived by reduplication from binenu. See: hihina; tatatsi.

bibingka n. type of food: rice pancake. Si Terry manbebendi bibingka. Terry sells rice pancakes. Mampus mamis esti na bibingka. This rice pancake is too sweet. Guaha atyu i ya‑ña mås i potu kini i bibingka. There are some who like the rice cake more than the rice pancake.

bíbiris n. beverage (alcoholic). Bula klåsin bibiris gi tenda låo tåya' tuba. There are many kinds of alcoholic beverages at the store except toddy. Si Timothy ya‑ña maseha håfa na klåsin bibiris. Timothy likes to drink all kinds of alcoholic beverages. Ti masedi i tenda siha na u fanmanbendi bibiris duråntin botasion. The stores are not allowed to sell alcoholic beverages during election. Syn: maneska. From: Eng. beverage.

bíblia n. bible. Manaitai si Paz biblia desti i påhina unu asta i påhina benti. Paz read the bible from page one to page twenty. Mabebendi i biblia gi finu' Chamorro gi Rectory. The bible in Chamorro is sold at the Rectory. Kåo manmapula' gi finu' Chamorro i mannuebu siha na biblia? Were the new versions of the bible translated into Chamorro? See: historia sagråda. From: Sp. biblia.

bibliku adj. biblical. Finu' bibliku esti. This is a biblical saying. Para u fanmama'tinas istorian bibliku para i famagu'un. They are going to make a biblical story for the children. From: Sp. bíblico.

bíbotda n. one who embroiders. Guiya si Susana i bibotda alunan. It is Susana who is the pillow case embroiderer. Esti na måkinan manlåksi bibotda. This sewing machine is an embroiderer. Ginin bibotda yu' låo esta pumåra yu' sa' mamuti kannai‑hu. I used to be an embroiderer but I stopped because my hands are painful.

bibu adj. 1) fast, strong, speedy, forceful, having lots of pressure. Si Laura mampus bibu mañugun. Laura drives very fast. Mampus bibu i hanum. The water pressure is very strong. 2) elaborate, lively and well attended (of a party); big (of a party). Bibu i giput. The party was lively. Na'guaha baila para u bibu i giput. Include dancing to make the party lively. Bibu na fandånggu. The wedding party was very big and lively. From: Sp. vivo.

bibuk n. lower intestine of a fruit bat, considered a delicacy in the Marianas by Chamorros. Ga'ok‑ku i bibuk i fanihi ki i ilu. I prefer the lower intestine of the fruit bat to the head. Ha kåtdun niyuk i bibuk låo malingun hålum anai para makånnu'. She prepared the soup of bibuk with coconut milk but it disappeared when it was ready to be eaten. Ti hu kumprendi håfa na masen guaiya esti i bibuk låo magåhit na tåya' nai hu chagi. I don't understand why the bibuk is considered a delicacy but I have never tasted it.

bíburas adj. get angry, destroy things when angry (temper tantrum). Mungnga bumiburas, sa' ti måolik. See: taklalu'.

bida n. work, act, action, doing, creation. I bidan i Saina ha nå'i yu' lina'lå'‑hu. God's act gave me life. Puru bidan tåotåo esti siha. This is all people's doing. Esti na bida ti gef måolik. This act is not so good. Syn: fina'tinas, cho'chu'.

vt. do, work, act. Bula bidå‑hu gi che'chu' diksinåriu. I did a lot in the dictionary work. Tåya' bidå‑hu nigap na maigu' ha'. I did not do anything yesterday but only slept. Håfa bidå‑mu ni patgun? What did you do to the child? See: cho'gui.

bien binidu intj. welcome, greeting, hearty reception. Bien binidu, famagu'un, para i nuebu na såkkan iskuela. Welcome, children, to the new school year. Bien binidu para hamyu todu. Welcome to all of you. Bien binidu! Fanhålum gi gimå'‑hu, put fabot! Welcome! Please come inside my house! From: Sp. bienvenido.

bienetchu intj. good for you, see what happened, that's what you deserve. Bienetchu! Good, see what happened! Hagas un fa'ga'ga' yu', pues bienetchu! You have been insulting me for a long time, so that's what you got. Bienetchu! Ennagui' na'‑mu. Good! You are asking for it! See: bitnetchu.

bigoti n. moustache, whiskers. Finu bigoti‑ña si Dorotheo. Dorotheo has a fine mustache. Esta manchungi' i bigoti‑ña si Pete. Pete's whiskers have turned gray. Todu i tres na dinga' manggai bigoti. All the triplets have mustaches. Syn: båtbas. From: Sp. bigote.

biha n. 1) old woman, grandmother. Esta in bisita si bihå‑hu. We already visited our grandmother. Sumåsaga yu' gi gima' bihå‑hu. I am staying at my grandmother's house.

adj. old (of females). Esta biha si Maria. Maria is already old. Kalan biha ennåo na påtgun kumuentus. That child talks like an old lady. See: åmku'. From: Sp. vieja.

bihiga n. bladder, specif. the urinary bladder. Mampus ma'empung yu' ya siña må'pi' i bihigå‑hu. My need to urinate is intense and my bladder may explode. Sessu mañetnut i bihigå‑hu sa' ti sessu yu' gumimin hånum. My bladder often gets infected because I do not often drink water. See: bahiga. From: Sp. vejiga.

bihu n. old man, grandfather. Gef ya‑hu si tatå‑hu bihu. I am really fond of my grandfather.

adj. not young, aged, old. Esti na chinina esta mampus bihu. This dress is already very old. Matan bihu esta si Pop. Pop's face has aged. See: åmku', åpmam, åtman, atmam, hagas.

Bik name. nickname for David. Si Rita guaha che'lu‑ña ma'å'agang Bik. Rita has a brother who is called Bik.

bikåriu n. vicar. Si Påli' Jose Billoti guiya i hagas na bikåriu gi diosesis iya Chalan Kanoa. From: Sp. vicario.

biktima n. victim. Dos na biktima gi anai manmumu i lalåhi siha gi plåsan bola guini gi egga'an. There were two victims when the boys fought this morning at the baseball field. Låhyan biktima gi Geran II giya Marianas. There were many victims in the Marianas during WWII. From: Sp. víctima.

biktoria n. victory, conquest, triumph. Mambiktoria ham gi huegun bola giya Guåhan. We won the victory at the ball game in Guam. Mambiktoria i istudiåntin iskuelan San Antonio gi Kumpitensian Lingguåhin Finu' Chamorro gi ma'pus na såkkan. The San Antonio students won the victory in the Chamorro Language Competition last year. See: ginanna. From: Sp. victoria.

biktoriosu adj. victorious, prize-winning, triumphant, conquering. Si Anabel mampus biktoriosu sa' sessu manggånna gi rifa. Anabel is such a winner because she often wins in raffles. Si Bill ta'lu biktoriosu gi malågu. Bill again was the winner in the race. Si Minoru gof biktoriosu gi kumpitensian malågu nigap. Minoru was the winner at the race competition yesterday. Si Jerome biktoriosu gi huegun salåppi' gi Casino. Jerome was the victorous one at the casino game at the casino. Gof biktoriosu si James kada humånåo para i gayera. James is always a winner when he goes to the cockfight. From: Sp. victorioso.

bíkulu' n. ghost, evil spirit (baby talk). Bula bikulu' siha gi halum tånu'. There are many ghosts in the forest. Gi gima'‑måmi sessu manhunguk yu' burukan bikulu'. At my house I often hear noise made by ghosts. Fina'ñagui si Frank ni dangkulun bíkulu' gi paingi. Frank was frightened by the big ghost last night. Kulang taklalu' atyu na bíkulu' i muna'malångu si Ben. The ghost that made Ben sick seemed to be mean. Syn: birak. See: fáfa'ñagui.

bilemba vi. blow, twirl, whirl. Bumilemba todu i munton håyu siha guatu gi bisinu anai mangguaifi metgut månglu'. When the strong wind blew hard, it blew all the pile of wood to the neighbor. Ha na'bilemba si Jun todu i pappit anai ha na'on i måkinan månglu'. The air from the fan blew all the papers when Jun turned it on. Bumilemba i basula siha anai maloffan i måkinan mangguåssan. All the trash was being blown when the lawnmower went by.

Bilen name. Bethlehem. Mafañågu i Niñu as Jesus giya Bilen, Jerusalem. Baby Jesus was born at Bethlehem in Jerusalem. Guaha siha gå'ga' gi bilen giya Bilen, Jerusalem. There are some animals in the manger at Bethlehem, Jerusalem. Giya Bilen ni mafañågu si Jesus. It is in Bethleham where Jesus was born.

bilén1 n. manger, an animal house replica with statues or figurines of Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus and some animals inside. Si Tatå‑hu ha håtsa i bilen gi hiyung guma'‑måmi. My father built the manger outside our house. Bunitu i niñu pusision‑ña gi halum i bilen. Baby Jesus's position looks nice inside the manger. Masini i Niñu gi bilen anai para u mana'liliku' gi gima' siha. Baby Jesus was placed in the manger when he was to be brought to the people's houses. Mambunitu i bilen i Niñu siha. The mangers of Baby Jesus are beautiful. Gai bilen i Niñu‑hu gi Natibidåt‑tu. My Baby Jesus has a manger in my Nativity.

bilengbing vi. buzz, make a buzzing sound, as of an insect, make a droning sound, as of a distant airplane or spinning top. Humålum i ñamu gi talanga‑hu ya bililengbing gi sanhalum. The mosquito went inside my ear and it is making a buzzing sound inside. Guaha kukunitus na sessu bilengbing an puengi. There is a cricket that often makes a buzzing sound at night. Yanggin ma såsangan håo, pues bumilengbing siempri i talanga‑mu. If they are talking about you, then your ear will buzz. See: bengbing, bingbing.

biliba vt. scatter, throw in random directions. Maila' ya ta biliba i salappe'‑ta guatu gi munton tåotåo siha gi sanhiyung. Come, let us scatter our money to the crowd of people outside. I neni ha biliba todu i na'‑ña gi satgi. The baby scattered her food on the floor. Såtpi hånum, pues biliba i na' månnuk gi hiyung kasiyas. Sprinkle water, then scatter the chicken feed outside the chicken coop. See: såtpi.

bilikeru adj. meddling, snooping, curious, nosy, poking into others' business. Bilikeru si Joseph. Joseph is nosy. Guaha siha na tåotåo manbilikeru. There are some people who poke into others' business. Basta bumilikeru sa' esta na'o'sun ennåo na kustumbrem‑mu. Stop being nosy because that habit of yours is getting to be tiresome. Atan sa' umaririma i bilikeru gi fihun i kantun hoyu. Look at that nosy person walking near the pit. See: imbilikeru, imbilikera.

bilimbåo1 vi. shake, sway, as the leaves of a palm tree swaying in the breeze (Rota). Duru bumilimbåo i ramas i trongkun flores ni durun i manglu'. The branches of the flower plant are swaying hard from the strong wind. I sakåti lokkui' mambilimbåbåo ni minetgut i manglu' i pakyu. The tall grass is swaying very hard from the strong wind of the storm. Bumilimbåbåo i atuli gi halum i tason ni tini'ok‑ña. The thickness of the porridge is shaking in the big bowl. See: bilinbåo.

bilimbåo2 n. Jew's harp. I danderu ha u'usa i bilembåo para u dåndan. The musician uses the Jew's harp to play music. Guaha si Tun Jose bilimbåo‑ña. Jose has a Jew's harp. Mayulang i bilimbåo‑ña si Andresina. Andresina's Jew's harp is broken. See: bilimbåo tuyan.

bilimbåo påchut n. mouth harmonica. Sessu dumåndan yu' ni iyok‑ku bilimbåo påchut. I play my harmonica frequently. Ya‑ña si tatå‑hu dumåndan mambunitun musiku ni iyon‑ña bilimbåo påchut. My father likes to play nice music with his harmonica. See: balembåo påchut.

bilimbåo tuyan n. musical stringed instrument which is held against the belly while the musician plays; the belly is used as a sounding device, traditional cordophone. Ha u'usa si Alex i bilimbåo tuyan yanggin para u dåndan. Alex uses the belly instrument to play music. I manåmku' matungu' mandåndan ni bilimbåo tuyan. The elders know how to play music with the belly instrument. Gof måolik si Johnny humugåndu ni bilimbåo tuyan. Johnny is really good in playing with the belly musical instrument. See: balembåo tuyan, bulambåo tuyan.

bilimbinis n. type of plant: star apple, star fruit. Averrhoa carambola. Månngi' i bilimbinis na fruta. Star apple is a delicious fruit. I frutan bilimbinis måolik para muna'nåo'åo håga'. The star apple fruit is good as a blood thinner. Sumåsåonåo i hagun bilimbinis gi amut tatkilu' håga'. The star apple tree leaf is an ingredient in high blood pressure remedies. Kantidå na trongkun bilimbinis gi lanchun‑ñiha si Rita yan si David. There are a lot of star apple trees at Rita and David's farm. Manma'utut todu i trongkun bilimbinis gi uriyan gima'‑måmi. The star apple trees were all cut around our house. Mampus manmamis i bilimbinis‑ñiha si Dolores. Dolores's star apples are very sweet. See: bilembinis, bilinbinis.

bilinbåo vi. shake or roll (one's fatty belly). Ha na'bilinbåo i tiyan‑ña. He rolled his belly. See: bilimbåo.

biling adj. slightly intoxicated, tipsy, intoxicated with liquor. Sessu si Alan biling sa' kulang para u maigu' ha' malago'‑ña. Alan seems to be always tipsy because all he wants is to sleep. Ya‑ña si Modesta bumiling sa' nina'mamaguf. Modesta likes to get intoxicated because it makes her happy. Esta biling si Francisco ginin i tuban mamis. Francisco is buzzing from the sweet coconut liquor. Ha atisa gui’ si Rudotfu annai esta biling. Rudolfo became more assertive when he was tipsy. Areståo esta si Chong sa’ biling gi mañugon‑ña. Chong can be arrested as she was driving while intoxicated. Syn: telis.

bilingbing n. buzzing sound, as of an insect, droning sound, as of a distant airplane or spinning top. Esta i batkun airin dångkulu bilinglingbing mågi Saipan. The big jet is already buzzing over to Saipan Anai manggugupu i sasata, sigi mambilingbing gi uriyan‑måmi. When the bees were flying, they keep buzzing around us. Nigap nai duru manmanaligåo i gonggung sagan‑ñiha ya hohongga ha' i bilingbing‑ñiha. When the bumble bees were searching for their place, their buzzing sound was loud. Unproductively derived from bingbing. See: bingbing, bilengbing.

bilingbingi vt. drone at, buzz at, make a buzzing sound at, like flying an airplane over someone. Si Maryann ha bilingbingi si Jonas ni kampåna. Maryann made a buzzing sound at Jonas with the bell. Si Ton ha barorohu i hayu ya ha bilingbibingi i talanga‑hu. Ton is drilling the wood and it is making a loud buzzing sound in my ears. Si Åndu' ha na'a'gang mås i dandan ya i son ha bilingbingi i neni talanga‑ña. Andu turned the music louder and then it made a buzzing sound in the baby's ear. Ha bilingbingi i talanga‑hu i sasata gi fi'un i trongkun flores. The bee buzzed to my ears by the flower tree. Mabilingbingi talanga‑ña si Demitry gi as Donald ni piripiri'. Demitry's ears were being buzzed by Donald with the whistle.

bina'ya' vi. satiated. Bina'ya' yu' ni hanum. I've satiated myself with water. Put i mampus mineggai‑ña kinanno'‑hu guihan, esta kulang ha na'bina'ya' yu. Because I ate too much fish, it feels like I am satiated. Gof chaddik yu' bina'ya' ni nengkanu'. I'm satiated with the food. See: binatya'.

binaba1 vi. opened, left open, aperture, an opening. I binaban satdinas esta mafa'denni'. The opened sardine can has been seasoned with hot pepper. Hu sotta i binaban latan letchi gi lamasa. I left the can of milk that has been opened on the table. Måolik u guaha binaba gi hinassun tåotåo siha para u guaha inakumprendi. It is good to have openings in people's minds to have understanding. See: atbiettu.

binaba2 n. foolishness, stupidity, folly, evil, bad state of affairs. Båsta masångan i binaban tåotåo. Stop talking about other people's badness. Ai na binaban cho'chu' esti. My, this is such a bad deed. I binabå‑hu ha' ma tungu' ya ti ma tungu' i minaolek‑ku. They only know my badness and they do not know my goodness. Båsta i binaba siha. Stop the foolishness. I binabå‑ña si Jill, tåya' umagradesi. Because Jill's foolishness no one appreciates her. I binaban tåotåo ha' magogof ripåra ni pumalu tåotåo. The stupidity of a person is highly noticed by some people.

binådu n. deer. Si Santa Klåus guaha ga'‑ña sietti na binådu. Santa Claus has seven reindeer. Månngi' i katnin binådu makåddu. Deer meat is good to make into soup. I binådu ti siña makonni' yanggin ti tiempon‑ña. Deer cannot be hunted when it is out of season. From: Sp. venado.

binakli n. vinegar. Mama'tinas yu' binakli ni ginin i mansåna. I made a vinegar out of the apples. Gof ma'aksum i binakli. The vinegar is very sour. Hu nå'yi i adobun månnuk binakli. I put vinegar in the chicken adobo.

binanidosu n. assumption, pride. Gai binanidosu si Edward na tåotåo. Edward has some pride. A'annuk na gai binanidosu si Christin sigun gi finono'‑ña. It show that Christin has so much pride according on the way he says things. Guaha na manriku na tåotåo manggai binanidosu. Some rich people have so much pride in them.

binatti n. batter. Machuda' i binattin bunuelus gi satgi anai matomba yu'. The doughnut batter spilled on the floor when I tripped. Gof månngi' i binattin kek ni fina'tinas Connie nigap. The batter that Connie mixed yesterday was so good. Ti mumåolik i binattin harina sa' ti numahung nå'yi. The flour batter did not turn out right because of the lack of ingredients.

binattin tiratira n. 1) ice cream. I binattin tiratira esta gof lagu' gi pusuelu. The ice cream is really melted in the cup. Tåya' binattin tiratira gi tendan James. There's no ice cream at James's store. Manmanå'i ham meggai na difirentis na sabot binattin tiratira. We were given a lot different flavors of ice cream. 2) syrup mixture for coconut candy. Mama'tinas si nanå‑hu binattin tiratira nigap. My mother made some syrup mixtures yesterday. Ha nå'i yu' i bisinu‑hu binattin tiratira para i bukåyu. My neighbor gave me syrup mixtures for the coconut candy.

bindidu adj. sellable. Bindidu i muñekan bayogu sa' magåhit na kosas Chamorro disdi åntis na tiempu. The bayogu doll is sellable because it is an authentic ancient Chamorro product. Nihi ta fanpeska atulai sa' gef bindidu. Let's go fishing for atulai because it is very sellable. Ma na'lameggai pugua' gi kanåstra put para u mås bendidu. They added more betelnut in the basket to make it more sellable. From: Sp. vendido.

bindisi vt. bless. I pali' ha bindisi i taotåo siha. The priest blessed the people. Mabindisi i nengkanu' gi lamasan guput gi talu'åni. The party food on the table was blessed in the afternoon. Måolik si Lillian mambindisi nengkanu'. Lillian is good in blessing food. From: Sp. bendice.

binenu adj. poisonous, venomous. Gof binenu i inakka' i Cobra na kulepbla. The cobra snake bite is so venomous. I tinanum poison ivy gef binenu na tinanum. The poison ivy plant is very poisonous. Ha kånnu' si William i binenu na åmut. William ate the poisonous drug. From: Sp. veneno.

binenuyi vt. poison (someone). Mabinenuyi si Jeremy i gimen‑ña gi Night Club. Jeremy's drink was poisoned at the Night Club. I taotåo ha binenuyi i amigu‑ña ya måtai. The man poisoned his friend and died. Manmabinenuyi ham anai in kannu' atyu i nina'in‑ñiha na guihan. We were poisoned by the fish that was given to us to eat. See: hina, tåtsi.

binetdi n. green color. Esti na chinina gai binetdi yan binileta. This dress has greenish and violetish color. Gai binetdi esti na pinentan litråtu. This picture has greenish color. I matan Susana kulang gai binetdi. Susana's eyes have some greenish color.

binila adj. bloated, distended (of belly). Kulang hu siesienti na binila yu'. It feels like I am bloated. Gof binila i neni gi paingi, atyu na duru kumåti. That's why the baby was crying very hard last night: because she's bloated. Gof binila yu' ni meggai kinanno'‑hu kåddun kåtni. I am made full by eating a lot of meat soup.

binilåchu n. intoxication, state of being intoxicated, or drunk. Ai, na binilåchu si Joel nigap gi giput. Wow, Joel was so intoxicated yesterday at the party. I binilachu‑ña si Diana, esta ha mutå'i i magagu‑ña. Diana's drunkeness even made her vomit on her dress. I binilåchun‑måmi nigap esta ti in hassu håfa ilek‑ku nu hågu. Our intoxication yesterday made me forget what I said to you.

binileta n. violet color. I blusan Ann gai binileta. Ann's blouse has a violetish color.

bintåha n. advantage, benefit. Bula bintåha para i taotåo ni mitanu'. There are lots of advantages for a person with a lot of land. Meggai bintåha para i mamopbli siha. There are many benefits for the poor. Gof ya‑ña si Magdalena mañuli' bintåha gi taotåo. Magdalena llikes to take advantage of people. From: Sp. ventaja.

bintåna n. window. Mababa i bintånan Susie gi kusina. Susie's kitchen window is opened. Mayulang i bintåna gi gima'‑ñiha si Cinthia. Cinthia's house window is broken. Gof dångkulu bintånan‑ñiha si Roman. Roman's window is very big. From: Sp. ventana.

binu n. wine. Meggai todu klåsin binu manmabebendi gi as Joeten. There are a lot of different kinds of wine being sold at Joeten store. Månngi' gumimin binu. It is good to drink wine. Guaha binun agaga' yan binun å'paka'. There is red wine and white wine. From: Sp. vino.

binga n. new bud or shoot (of a plant). Esta gai binga i trongkun niyuk yan i pupulu. The coconut tree and the pepper plant vine have new shoots already. Måhluk i bingan i sini. The taro shoot broke.

vi. have a new bud or shoot. Bibinga i flores gi trongkun rosåt. The rose bush is blooming.

bingbing n. noise, sound, vibration (in the ear), hearing, buzz. Hu hunguk bingbing gi talanga‑hu. I hear a sound in my ear. Yanggin maloffan i sasata gi fi'on‑mu. siempri un hunguk bingbing. If the bee pass by you then you'll hear it buzzing.

vi. vibrate, ring (of the ears). Bingbing gi talanga‑hu na para u asagua si Maria. It reached my ears that Maria is going to get married. Siempri bingbing i talanga‑mu yanggin guaha sumåsangan håo. Your ears will ring when someone is talking about you.

adv. buzzing sound. Sessu bingbing i talanga‑hu. My ear is always buzzing. Sigi bingbing i lalu' dångkulu sa' manaliligåo amånu na para u tohgi. The large fly keeps buzzing because it is checking where to stand.

biola n. viola. Humugåndu si Johnny ni biolå‑ña. Johnny played his viola. From: Sp. viola.

biombu n. room divider, screen for dividing a room. Si nana ha pega i biombu gi entalu' kattrin‑måmi yan si Glenda. Mother put the room divider in between my bed and Glenda's. Poddung i biombu ya måhluk i kuetpon‑ña. The room divider fell and broke its frame.

bira vt. 1) turn, revolve, rotate. Hu bira i alunan ni hu tåtala' gi semnak. I turned the pillow that I'm drying in the sun. Ha bira si Nolie i spam ni ha aflilitu. Nolie turned the spam that she's frying. Ha tågu' i ma'estråk‑ku na bai hu bira yu' tres biåhi. My teacher asked me to rotate three times. 2) invert, change direction, divert, turn about. Ha bira gui' i manglu' chalån‑ña. The wind changed its path. Diputsi si Helen para u hånåo para i Gima' Yu'us, låo ha bira i hinanåo‑ña. Helen was supposed to go to church but she changed her direction. From: Sp. vira.

biråda n. 1) corner, curve, (of road). Gåddung si Hilary gi birådan i chalan. Hilary got stuck in the corner of the road. Bira håo gi birådan i chalan, Jose. Jose, turn at the curve of the road. Sumugu' si Janice gi biråda anai ha li'i' si Jennifer. Janice stopped by at the corner when she saw Jennifer. 2) return trip (to a place), turning or returning, the act of going around. Adios asta i biråda. Goodbye until I return. Bai hu chuchuli' i lepblom‑mu gi biradå‑hu. I will bring your book when I return. Adahi gi biråda sa' palaksi' i chalan. Be careful at the curve because the road is slippery. From: Sp. virada.

biradót n. 1) tool that twists or turns (such as a drill, grinder, or tool for making rope or cord from fibers). Estigi’ i biradot para u mapega i kuadru gi ligan apusentu. Here is the drill to hang the frame in the bedroom. 2) one who operates a tool that twists or turns. Biradot mulinu si Lino para i titiyas ma’is. Lino was the operator of the manual grinder to make corn tortillas. Gi tiempun Ispañot, si Manuel guiya biradot i rilos Gima’ Yu’us. During the Spanish period, Manuel was the winder of the church clock.

birak n. ghost, demon, disembodied soul, specter, spook. Manli'i' si Champs birak gi talu'åni gi halum guma'. Champs saw a ghost in the house in the afternoon. Gof bula birak giya Arizona na lugåt. Arizona has a lot of ghosts. Si Antonio gof ma'å'ñåo birak. Antonio is so much afraid of ghosts. See: tåotåo mo'na.

biringhenas n. type of plant: eggplant. Solanum melongena. Gof ya‑hu i biringhenas na gollai. I really like eggplants. Månngi' ma'aflitu i biringhenas yan i chada'. It is good to fry the eggplants and some eggs. Guaha anåkku' yan kadada' na biringhenas. There are some long and short eggplants. See: beringenas. From: Sp. berenjena.

biringhenas halum tånu' n. wild eggplant. Solanum guamense. Adamelung yan dikiki tinekcha'‑ña esti i biringhenas halum tånu'. The fruit of the wild eggplant is round and small. Gef hasan esta i biringhenas halum tånu'. The wild eggplant is now very rare.

bisabuella n. great-grandmother. Ti hu li'i' i bisabuellå‑hu anai dådangkulu yu'. I did not see my great-grandmother when I was growing up. Kåo ha tungu' kumånta Chamorrita i bisabuellå‑mu? Did your great grandmother know how to sing the Chamorrita? From: Sp. bisabuela.

bisabuellu n. great-grandfather. Gi ma'pus na såkkan nai måtai i bisabuellu‑hu. My great-grandfather passed away last year. Gagaigi ha' i finatinås‑ña sakman i bisabuellun‑måmi. The sakman that our great-grandfather built is still here. From: Sp. bisabuelo.

bisågra n. hinge. Si Tony ha tulaika i bisågran i pettan i kemmun. Tony changed the hinges of the bathroom door. Måhluk i bisågran i bintåna anai guinaifi ni manglu'. The hinges of the window broke when it was blown by the wind. Hu nå'yi bisågra siha gi nuebu na potta. I put hinges on the new door. From: Sp. bisagra.

bisikleta n. bicycle, tricycle. Mafahåni i neni bisikletå‑ña gi as nanå‑ña. The mother bought her baby a bicycle. Guaha tres bisikletå‑ña si Peter. Peter has three bicycles. Måolik i bisikletan Jeremy sa' gof chaddik. Jeremy's bicycle is very fast.

bisinu n. 1) neighborhood, vicinity. Eståba ha' yu' gi bisinu ya hu disidi na bai hu bisita i amigå‑hu as Nanny. I decided to visit my friend Nanny when I was in the neighborhood. Måttu si Joseph mågi gi bisinun Koblerville gi paingi. Joseph came to the Koblerville neighborhood last night. Sessu mandañña' i taotåo guini na bisinu siha. The people often get together here at this vicinty. 2) neighbor. Si Trinidad bisinu‑hu. Trinidad is my neighbor. Manggof måolik i bisinu‑hu siha. My neighbors are very nice. Måttu i bisinu‑hu ginin Guåhan gi Damenggu. My neighbor came from Guam on Sunday.

bisita n. visitor. Mampus bula bisita siha manmåttu ginin Hapon gi egga'an. There were many visitors who came from Japan this morning.

vt. visit. Humånåo yu' mambisita gi espitåt gi talu'åni. I went to visit at the hospital in the afternoon. Mambisita si Reina gi as Sophie gi lanchon‑ña. Reina visited Sophie at her farm.

bisiu n. habit, custom. Esta bisiu ha' para i taotåo ni para u fañångan ottru tåotåo. It is a habit for some people to gossip about other people. Ti ya‑hu bision‑ña si Frank ni para u fanggågagåo chupa. I do not like Frank's habit to be asking for cigarettes Ti bunitu bision‑ña si Janet ni para u fana'ayåo salåppi' gi katkuet tåotåo. Janet's habit is not nice for her to be borrowing money from different people. 2) vice. Gai bisiu si Manuel ni mama'. Manuel's vice is chewing betelnut. Mampus bula bision‑ña si Magdalena. Magdalena has many vices. Guåhu tåya' bisiok‑ku. I do not have any vice. See: kustumbri.

biskuchu n. biscuit, cracker. Gof månngi' i biskuchu yan i maipin kafe an ogga'an. The biscuit is really delicious with coffee in the morning. Gof ya‑hu i biskuchu yan i mantikiya yan yam. I like the biscuit with butter and jam. Sessu muna'hanåo yu' biskuchu para Amerika. I often send biscuits to the Mainland. See: krakas.

bisnieta n. great-granddaughter. Manmakumbida i bisnieta siha para i giput. The great-granddaughters were invited to the party.

bisnietu n. great-grandson. Tåya' bisnietun‑måmi trabiha. We do not have any great-grandson yet.

bisnis n. business. Meggai manmahuchum esta na bisnis. Many businesses are now closed. I bisnes‑hu, bentan magågu. My business is selling cloths. From: Eng. business.

bitbena n. type of plant: wild clary. Heliotropium indicum. I bitbena na tinanum mana'sesetbi para åmut. The wild clary plant is used for medicine. See: batbena.

bitguelas n. chicken pox. Bula famagu'un mannina'yi bitguelas gi ma'pus na såkkan. Many children had smallpox last year. Addit bitguelås‑ña si Juanita. Juanita's smallpox is severe. Paladang fasu‑ña ginin i bitguelas. The scars on her cheek are from the smallpox.

bithen n. virgin, maiden. Guaha gi tinaitai esti na sinangan i bithen sånta Maria. There is in a prayer this statement of holy virgin Mary. Åpmam na bumithen gui'. She had been a maiden for a long time. From: Sp. virgen.

bitmehu1 adj. blonde, pale, fair-complexioned. Meggai na tåotåo manbitmehu gaputulun‑ñiha. Many people have blonde hair. See: blandina.

bitmehu2 n. mold, cavity, decay. Esta bitmehu i pån gi lamasa. The bread on the table has already molded. Puti nifen‑ña si Isabel sa' bitmehu i nifin. Isabel had a toothache because the tooth has a cavity. I patgun ni ya‑ña chumotchu kandi siha siempri bumitmehu nifen‑ña. A child who likes to eat candies will have tooth decay.

bitnetchu intj. good for (you), see what happened, it serves (you) right (a reproach or negative remark). Bitnetchu na ti makonni' håo gi bola sa' mampus håo dilikåo. It serves you right that you weren't taken to play ball because you are so sensitive. Bitnetchu na matomba sa' sigi ha' yu' ha kassi. It serves him right that he fell down because he kept on teasing me. Bitnetchu, po'lu ya u kåti. See what happened, let him cry. See: bunetchu, buenetchu, binetchu, butnetchu, bienetchu.

bittut n. virtue. I pinasensia, i gineftåo, yan guinaiya mambittut na cho'chu'. Patience, generosity, and love are acts of virtue. Bula bittut‑ña i palåo'an. She has a lot of virtues. Yanggin tåya' bittut‑ña i gai idat na tåotåo, pues siempri chaddik tumai pasensia. If a mature person does not have virtues, then he becomes impatient. From: Sp. virtud.

biyas n. buckle, a fastening for two loose ends. Ha panak yu' si Meriam ni biyas sinturon‑ña. Meriam hit me with her belt buckle. Mayulang i biyas sandaliås‑hu anai matomba yu'. The buckle of my sandals broke when I stumbled. Mampus dikiki' i biyas i sinturon‑ña i lahi‑hu. My son's belt buckle is so small. See: hebiyas. From: Sp. hebillas.

biyåt n. billiards, marbles. Månngi' humugåndu biyåt. It is fun to play billiards. Manggånna si James gi huegun biyåt gi Damenggu. James won in the billiard game on Sunday. Si Vince yan si Vincent guaha biyåt‑ñiha ya sessu manhugåndu. Vince and Vincent have a billiard and oftentimes they play. From: Sp. billar.

biyeti n. ticket, fare. Mamåhan yu' biyeti para Luta gi Mattis. I bought a ticket for Rota for Tuesday. Mampus mangguaguan esta i biyeti gi batkun airi. Airline tickets are very expensive. I balin i biyeti kulang bålin un guaka. The cost of the ticket is almost the price of a cow. From: Sp. billete.

blådu adj. gloomy (of the weather). Blådu i tempu låo fresku yan ti somnak. The weather is gloomy but it is cool and not sunny. See: nupblådu.

blandinu adj. blonde, a blonde (person). Mampus blandinu gaputilu‑ña si Jose. Jose's hair is very blonde. Gof ya‑ña si Rosa na u na'kulot blandinu gaputilu‑ña. Rosa really likes to make her hair blonde. Kana' ha' ti hu ripåra si Ben sa' ha na'blandinu gui'. I almost couldn't recognize Ben because he suddenly became blonde. Syn: bitmehu, pellun.

blångka adj. white. In penta i gima'‑måmi kulot blångka. We painted our house white. Ya‑hu esti i kulot blångka. I like this white color. Klåru esti i kulot blångka gi inatan‑hu. I see the white color as a clear (easy to see) color. Syn: blangka, å'paka'.

blangkeha1 vt. paint white, make something white, become bleached. Putno un gof mapput, blangkeha ha' ennåo na luga. Instead of making it hard on you, just paint the wall white. Båttin måolik i pintura kosa ki u kulot blangkeha. Mix the paint well so that it becomes white. Nina'blangkeha i chalan ginin i kaskåo. The road became bleached from the coral. Siña ha' un blangkeha i gima' pues nai un penta ottru kulot. You can paint the house white, then paint with another color later.

blangkeha2 vt. throw, hurl, cast, fling. Ha blangkeha todu i munton påppit gi tangkin basula. He threw the pile of paper in the dumpster. Sessu si Ramon ha blangkeha ha' i magagu‑ña maseha månu. Ramon always throws his clothes anywhere. Yanggin un blangkeha i talayå‑mu guini, siguru na mehna håo. If you cast your net here, you'll surely catch plenty. Syn: dåggåo, yotti, blångku.

blångku1 adj. out in the open, in full view, wide open. Fåsit un li'i' i gima' Maria sa' blångku kontra i chalan. It is easy to see Maria's house because it is in full view from the road. Siña ha' un li'i' tatten‑ña sa' gof blångku ginin me'na. You can see what's behind because it is in full view from the front. Gof blångku atyu na guma' i mahåtsa gi hilu' ladera. The house built on the mountain is out in the open space.

blångku2 vt. throw, cast, hurl, fling, sling. Ha blångku si Jose i ga'‑ña ga'lågu ni achu' sa' gof burukentu. Jose threw a rock at his dog because it is very noisy. Gof yayas si Juan esta ha blångku ha' i lepblon‑ña gi satgi. John was so tired that he just threw his books on the floor. Blinangku hulu' si Tony ni ga'‑ña guaka. Ton was hurled up by his pet bull. Syn: yotti, dåggåo, yuti', foyang, blangkeha.

blet n. blade, the cutting part of an instrument. Ha usa si Beck i blet para u pula' i hilu gi magagu‑ña. Beck used the blade to cut the thread from her dress. Gof adahi i patgun na u chuli' i blet. Be careful not to let the child take the blade. Chinachak si Tita ni malåktus na blet. Tita got cut from the sharp blade. From: Eng. blade.

blusa n. blouse. Sa'‑ña si Rita i blusa ni ha u'usa. Rita looks good in the blouse she is wearing. Gof ya‑hu umusa i kulot fachi' na blusa‑hu maseha månu hinanåo‑hu. I like to wear my brown blouse wherever I go. Atan måolik si Carmen sa' atlibis i blusa‑ña. Look carefully at Carmen because her blouse is inside out. Syn: chinina.

Bo name. nickname for Ramon. Guaha na biåhi nai ti maguf si Ramon yanggin ma'ågang Bo. Sometimes Ramon is not happy if someone calls him Bo. Ma'u'usa Bo para Ramon sa' kadada' yan para kariñu. Bo is used for Ramon because it is short and as a caressing name. I manamko'‑ta åntis tumutuhun umusa Bo gi na'an Ramon. Our elders were the ones to use Bo as a nickname for Ramon. Syn: Bobo'.

bo n. sound for calling pigs at feeding time. Manlistu i babui gigun un ågang "bo, bo, bo." Pigs are alert when you go "bo,bo,bo." Matungu' ha' ni babui na oran chumotchu gigun un ågang "bo." Pigs know it is their feeding time as soon as you call out "bo." Ti hu kumprendi håfa na ma'usa i "bo" para sunidun ma'ågang babui. I don't understand why "bo" is used as a sound to call pigs. Syn: nena'. Variant: bu.

bo'an n. foam, froth, scum. Ya‑hu umatan i be'an i napu. I enjoyed watching the foam of the waves.

adj. foamy, bubbly, swollen. Adahi na un kånnu' i kaddun månnuk sa' bo'an. Don't eat the chicken soup because it has foam. Annuk ha' na hinina i patgun ni na'‑ña sa' bobo'an i pachot‑ña. You can tell the child got poisoned from his food because his mouth is foamy. Syn: bo'u'.

bo'bu' n. fresh-water spring. I be'bu' hånum masosodda' parehu gi hilu' tånu' yan gi fondun tasi. Fresh-water springs are found both on land and at the bottom of the ocean. Nihi ta fanmañuli' hånum gi be'bu'. Let us go and get water from the spring. Lameggai na bo'bu' giya Luta siña ta sodda'. We can find several springs on Rota.. Syn: måtan hånum.

bo'ok vt. uproot, pull out. Guston‑ña si Ana mambo'ok chå'guan gi uriyan guma'. Ana is fond of pulling the grass around the house. Bo'ok ennåo na chå'guan. Pull out that grass. Bo'ok fan i chingi' gi ilu‑hu. Please pull out my grey hair. Syn: bokbuk. See: bo'uk.

bo'u' n. bubble, foam, lather. Gof ya‑hu umatan i be'u' i napu. I love to watch the bubbles from the waves. Adahi i gimin gi buteya sa' duru bo'u'. Be careful with the drink in the bottle because it has many bubbles. Kumu mamis i tiba, esta bobo'u' gi båsu. If the sap is sweet, you see bubbles in the glass. Syn: bo'an.

bo'uk vt. pull off (something) from, uproot, pull out. Adahi sa' kalan ya‑mu manbo'uk chungi'. Well, it appears that you enjoy pulling out gray hairs. Chagi fan kåo siña bine'uk måolik i tinanum nu esti na fusinus. Try and see if this hoe can easily uproot the crops. Anai påpatgun ha' yu', ma'istoriåyi yu' put si Taga' anai ha bo'ukñaihun i trongkun niyuk para u konni' i ayuyu gi entalu' i hali' siha. I was told a story when I was a young child about Taga when he uprooted the coconut tree to catch the coconut crab in between the roots. See: bo'ok.

bobia n. wedding (gown). Dumañña' i bobia yan pañun nobia gi inatyik i matlina. The wedding gown and veil came as a set as selected by the godmother. Ha fåhan si Annale' i bobia gi tendan Pablo. Annale' bought her wedding gown at Paul's store. Bunitu i bobia ni ha låksi si Tan Ton para si Juanita. The wedding gown that Aunt Ton sewed for Juanita is beautiful.

bobolóng1 n. 1) meatless coconut, a fully grown coconut with no meat. Manlåstima esti siha na niyuk sa' puru ha' bobolong. These coconuts are wasted because they are all meatless. Meggaiña bobolong guini na trongkun niyuk. There are more fruits that are meatless on this coconut tree. Kada mamuta' yu' niyuk, puru ha' bobolong. Every time I cut a coconut open there is no meat at all. 2) half wit (slang, sometimes used in jest). Malak månu ta'lu si bobolong sa' taigui gi sagå‑ña! Where did that good-for-nothing go again because he is not where he should be!

vi. goof around, act imlessly. Basta bumobolong gi halum tåotåo sa' na'mamahlåo para i idat‑mu. Stop goofing around people because it is embarassing at your age. I manhobin gi sanlichan yan‑ñiha para u fanbobololong ha' kada mandanña' yan i batkadan ginin sankattan. The young people from the south enjoy goofing around every time they get together with the gang from the north.

bobolóng2 n. tuba container made of bamboo, one coconut shell used to collect tuba. Måolik macho'guen‑ña esti na bobolong. This container was well made. Kada diha ha na'bula si tatå‑hu i bobolong ni tiban mamis. Every day my dad fills the container with sweet coconut sap. Siña ha' un usa i bobolong para sagan hånum. You can use the bamboo container to hold water.

boha 1) n. fan, blower, instrument that causes air to blow. På'gu na tiempu guaha boha ni nina'kalalamtin ni batteria. There are battery-operated fans nowadays. Syn: abaniku, gueha. See: bohåo. 2) 

vt. fan, ventilate manually, aerate. Kåo siña un boha i tatalo'‑hu, sa' mampus maipi. Can you fan my back because it is very hot. Chuli' fan i bohåo ya un boha i neni. Please take the fan and ventilate the baby manually. Ai na freskun månglu' bumoha yu'. What a fresh breeze swept across me. Syn: gueha, abaniku. See: bohu.

bohåo n. fan, blower, instrument that causes air to blow. Guaha nai maipi guinaifen‑ña i bohåo. Sometimes the fan blows hot air. Siña mama'tinas håo bohåo ginin i hagun niyuk. You can make a fan from coconut leaves. Syn: gueha, abaniku, fan. See: boha.

bohbu1 vt. spit out, spray out (a mouthful of). Bohbu huyung i kinanno'‑mu sa' binenu. Spit out what you ate because it is poison. Ha bohbu i neni i pan ginin i pachot‑ña. The baby spit out the bread in his mouth. Gai bisiu si Juan bumohbu i nengkanu'. Juan enjoyed spitting out food from his mouth. Syn: luga'. See: bobu.

bohbu2 adj. swollen, puffed up. Kana' yu' måtai gi paingi sa' todu yu' mambohbu. I nearly died last night because my whole body swelled up. Todu i tiempu bobohbu ha' kannai‑hu yan addeng‑hu. My hands and feet are swollen all the time. Gof puti sahyan nifen‑hu sa' todu mambohbu. My gums are so painful because they are all swollen. Syn: mambula, bocha, pokpuk. See: bobu.

bohbu3 adj. crowded, massing, filled up, abundant. Bohbu kairu' gi kantun sadduk. The lakeside is filled with toads. Yanggin guaha mabutdosa lugåt, meggai mambohbu såpu'. When the land was bulldozed, a lot of young plants appeared. Yanggin sessu håo manåyuyut, bobohbu i gråsia giya hågu. If you pray often, you will be blessed abundantly. Syn: motmut.

bohu n. hand fan. Chuli' fan i bohu ya un bohu i neni. Please take the fan and fan the baby.

vt. fan, ventilate manually, aerate. Kåo siña un bohu i tatalo'‑hu, sa' mampus maipi. Can you fan my back because it is very hot. Ai na freskun månglu' bumohu yu'. What a fresh breeze swept across me. Syn: gueha, abaniku, boha, fan. See: boha, bohåo.

boi hu agr. I (future); first person singular irrealis agreement. Boi hu na'bunitu ha' i palåbra. I will only make the word to be beautiful. Boi hu usa i tiningo'‑hu. I will use my knowledge. Måolik, boi hu fa'nå'gui månu i maolik. Good, I will teach what is right. See: bai hu.

boi in agr. we (future); first person exclusive dual or plural irrealis agreement predicates. Boi in che'gui i dinanchi na cho'chu'. We will do the right thing. Boi in tattiyi i dinanchi na disision. We will follow the right decision. See: bai in.

boka n. food. Bula manmånngi' na boka manmaplånta gi lamasa. A lot of delicious food is served on the table. I dinesdisi na boka mås månngi' para guåhu gi hilu' tånu'. Dried beef or fish cooked with banana and coconut milk is the best food for me on earth. Dinanchi na boka på'gu na talu'åni. The food is suitable this afternoon. Syn: nengkanu', na'‑.

vi. eat. Maila' ya ta boka tinala' kåtni. Let us eat dried beef. I mås ya‑hu na bisiu i bumoka. Eating is my favorite habit. Bukåyi duru kosa ki un metgut. Eat heartily so that you will be strong. Syn: chotchu, kånnu'. From: Sp. boca.

bokåo n. mouthful, morsel, bite. Kumu sustånsia i nengkanu', nahung håo ni unu pat dos bokåo. If the food is nutritious, one or two mouthful is enough. Un bokåo ha' kinnano'‑ña, madilingding i tilifon. She only had one bite and the telephone rang. Ya‑hu bomoka yan si Rita sa' ti gef chumotchu sa' nina'haspuk ha' ni un bukåo. I like eating with Rita because she barely eats and is satisfied only a morsel.

bokasión n. vocation, career, profession. Lameggai na bokasion siña ta chagi kumu ta nå'i ånimu. We can attempt several careers if we make an effort. Ta fanmanåyuyut ya u mås meggai lalåhi uma atyik i bokasion påli'. Let us pray so that more men will chose the vocation of priesthood. Ti umatya i bokasion‑mu yan i yommahlåo‑mu. Your shyness does not match your profession.

bokbuk vt. uproot, pull out. Adahi na un bokbuk i tinanum. Be careful not to uproot the plant. Bokbuk i cha'guan gi uriyan i siboyas. Pull out the grass around the onion. Ya‑ña bumokbuk i chinge'‑ña. He likes to pull out his gray hair. Syn: bo'uk, håli'.

bokbuk luluk n. crowbar. Ha fa' hugandon‑ña i patgun esti na bokbok luluk. The child pretends to be using this crowbar as his toy. Tåya' nai hu sodda' i maolik na bokbuk luluk. I never find a good crowbar. Ha fa'mattitiyu i bekbuk luluk. He is using the crowbar as a hammer.

bokka' n. bump, heap, mound, knoll, pile of soil. Adahi na un matompu' sa' puru ha' fina'bekka'. Be careful because there are mounds everywhere. Bula bokka' otdut gi uriyan guma'. There are many ant hills around the house.

adj. hilly, steep, full, swelling. Mungnga mampus mana'bokka' i basu sa' u machuda'. Do not fill the glass too much or it will spill. See: boka', hoksu'.

boksion adj. pale, pallid. Ti nahung alimentu i neni sa' mampus boksion. The baby is not well nourished because he is very pale. Mampus boksion kulot‑ña esti na kåtni. This meat is very pale. Esta kumulot boksion si Ton anai sumåga sanlagu. Ton became pale when he stayed in the mainland. Syn: chupun. Variant: boksiun.

boksu n. mission grass, foxtail grass. pennisetum polystachyon. Mankimason todu i boksu gi heksu'. The mission grass on the hill were completely burnt.

boksu elifånti n. type of grass used for cattle feed that was imported during the Japanese period; two types of grass use same name: boksu. Pennisetum purpureum. Nihi ta fane'boksu elifånti, sakåti yan fofgu para i ga'‑ta guaka, chiba yan babui. Let's go gather elephant grass, sakåti and fofgu for our cattle, goats and pigs. Asta på'gu siña ta sodda' boksu gi kantun chålan para guatu Kagman. We still can find elephant grass by the roadside going toward Kagman.

bókungu' n. man-made cave used for shelter during storms or war, tunnel. Ma'adopta esti na palåbra bokungu' ni Chamorro ginin i finu' Hapones. The word bokungu' was adopted by the Chamorro from the Japanese word. Bula na tåotåo manattuk gi bokungu' duråntin i gera. Many people hid in the cave during the war. Ti gof meggai na bokungu' giya Luta. There's not a lot of man-made caves for shelter on Rota. See: bokugu'. Variant: bokungo'. From: Jp.

bola n. ball, ballgame, baseball, softball. Guaha difirentis klåsin bola ma'u'usa gi difirentis klåsin huegu. There are different kinds of balls that are used in diferent kinds of games. Mana'tatkilu' esti i huegun bola gi tanu'. Ball games are valued highly in the world. Sessu guaha kumpitensian huegun bola an Damenggu. Often on Sundays, there are ballgame competitions. From: Sp. bola.

vi. play ball. Nihi ta fambola. Let's go play ball.

bolabola n. testicle, global shape. På'gu na tiempu guaha lalåhi mannina'yi ni chetnut bolabola. Nowadays some men are having testicle illnesses. Guaha na tåotåo kumåkannu' i bolabolan babui. Some people eat pig testicles. Mafa'nana'an i bolabola kurason santatti. The testicle is also known as heart from behind. \ Syn: dammut dollan, kurasón santatti. Variant: balabola.

bollan n. foam, esp. in spoiled coconut, spoiled soup, or other cooked food that is becoming spoiled. Tungu'un ha' na båba esti i nengkanu' sa' puru ha' bollan. It is obvious when the food is spoiled because it is full of foam. Gi halum un simåna, siempri ha' un li'i' i bollan gi nengkanu'. Within a week, you can see the foam on the food. Cha'‑mu kåkannu' i bihu na kåddu ni bollan sa' un nina'malångu. Do not eat the old soup with foam because it may make you sick. Syn: bo'an.

bolu n. machete. Fåsit un sodda' i bolu giya Manila. It is easy to find machetes in Manila. Diariu un sodda' tåotåo lancheru yan i bolun‑ñiha. You will find farmers with their machetes on a daily basis. Guaha na tåotåo ha u'usa i bolu para atmås‑ña. Some people use the machete as a weapon.

bomba n. pump. Nisisita bomba gi gima'‑måmi para u hålum i hanum gi gima'‑måmi. A pump is needed to bring water into the house. Pångku' i ruedan i karetå‑hu ya hu ayåo i bisinu ni bomba. My car had a flat tire and I borrowed a pump from the neighbor. Siña ha' lokkui' un usa i bomba para mangguaifin abubu. You can also use a pump to inflate balloons. From: Sp. bomba.

vt. pump, put air into. 1) Hu bobomba i reda sa' pångku'. I am pumping air into the tire because it is flat. 2) bombard with words as in hard scolding, scold. Sen mamåhlåo yu' sa' duru si nanå‑hu ha bomba yu' gi halum tåotåo. I was so embarrassed because my mom scolded me in public. Esta puputi talanga‑hu yanggin sigi yu' si tanå‑hu ha bomba håfa na ti hu osgi si bihå‑hu. My ears hurt when my dad continuously scolded me why I did not obey my grandmother.

bomban guåfi n. fire extinguisher, extinguisher. Gof prisisu esti i bomban guåfi gi gimå'‑ta. A fire extinguisher is very important in our home. Siña sinatba håo gi gima' ni bomban guåfi. Fire extinguishers can save lives at home. Achuka' i halum kareta, kumbieni ha' lokkui' esti i bomban guåfi. Even in the car, a fire extinguisher is also important. Syn: bomban kimasón.

bomban kimasón n. fire extinguisher, extinguisher. Gof prisisu esti i bomban kimason gi gimå'‑ta. A fire extinguisher is very important in the home. Siña sinatba håo gi gima' ni bomban kimason. Fire extinguishers can save lives at home. Achuka' i halum kareta, kumbieni ha' lokkui' esti i bomban kimason. Even in the car, a fire extinguisher is also important. Syn: bomban guåfi.

bombatdeha n. bombardment. Bula distrosu gi kantun tåsi ginin i bombatdeha ginin i tasi hålum gi tanu'. There is a lot of destruction at the beach from the bambardment cominng from the ocean to the land. Guaha siha na tåotåo maninafekta gi mismu gima'‑ñiha ni bombatdeha. Some people got affected in their own homes by the bombardment. Syn: yotti, bomba, blecha. From: Sp. bombardeo.

bona1 vt. favor, show favoritism to, side with. Gef ti måolik para un saina para u bona unu gi famagu'on‑ña. It is not proper for a parent to favor one of their children. Adahi na un bona unu kontra i pumalu gi mismu familiam‑mu. Be careful not to favor one from within the rest of your family. Kumu un bona unu nai na patgon‑mu, un na'fanmañohyu' mahettuk i pumalu. If you favor one of your children, the others will hold strong grudges. Syn: fabót.

bona2 vt. buy, purchase. Kuåntu na un bona i gimå'‑mu? How much did you pay for your house? Cha'‑mu yu' na para un bona i ha'ani‑mu. Don't tell me that you're going to buy your life. Adahi na ti un bona i nisisidåt guma' siha. Be sure to buy your house needs. Syn: fåhan. See: abona.

bonita n. type of fish: snapper. caesio caerulaureus (Family Lutjanidae). Månngi' sensen‑ña esti na guihan i bonita. The meat from the bonita fish is very delicious. Makokonni' esti i bonita gi taddung na tåsi. Bonita is usually caught from the deep water. Bula na tåotåo gumuaiya esti i guihan bonita. Many people like bonita fish.

bonga n. digging stick used by the ancient Chamorros for planting. Si tang ha usa i bonga para baston‑ña. Dad used the digging stick as a cane. Ma panak si Marcus as biha ni bonga. Grandmother whipped Marcus with the digging stick. Ha kadidak i babui ni dalalai na bonga. He tickled the pig with a thin digging stick.

bongbung1 n. bamboo container used to hold liquid. Åntis na tiempu, puru ha' bongbung mamifila gi gima' tåotåo sa' ma'u'usa para sågan hånum. Long time ago, lots of bamboo containers were lined up at people's homes, because they used them to hold water. Ma'u'usa lokkui' i bongbung para u fanmanlupuk i taotåo hånum gi tipu'. Bamboo containers are also used to draw water from the well. Guaha nai ma'usa i bongbung para hachon. Sometimes bamboo containers are used for torches.

bongbung2 n. heartbeat, sound from heart. Luluhan yu' kumu chaddik i bongbung kurason‑hu. I am worried when my heart beats fast. Guaha nai gof a'gang i bongbung kurason‑hu. At times, my heart beat is very loud.

vi. beat (of heart). Kumu luhan yu', duru bongbung i kurason‑hu. When I am frightened my heart beats fast. Ekkungu' ha' sa' bobongbung i kurason‑hu. Just listen because my heart is beating.

bongbung fagut n. bamboo tubes used to carry tuba (coconut toddy). Ha fa'tinas si tatå‑hu lameggai na bongbung fagut para u na'yiyi tuba. My father made several bamboo tubes to fill with fermented coconut toddy. Guaha na biåhi nai asta tres na bongbung fagut gi trongku. Sometime there are three bamboo tubes on the tree. Meggai na siña ma'usa esti i bongbung fagut. The bamboo tube has many uses. Syn: båhadut.

bos n. voice. Gof na'maguf i bos‑ña si Rita. Rita's voice is very pleasing. Gof ya‑hu kumånta låo ti a'gang bos‑su. I love to sing but I have a weak voice.. Manmåolik bos‑ñiha atyu siha i mangånta gi giput gi paingi. The singers who sang at the party last night have very good voices.

bosbus vi. 1) swarm, as bees when leaving a hive. Mambosbus i sasata gi me'nå‑hu. The bees swarmed in front of me. 2) spurt, flow (of liquid), from an opening such as a water faucet. Bosbus i hanum gi grifu. The water spurted from the faucet. 3) break out suddenly (of skin rash or boils). Mambosbus todu i chetnut gi tatåotåo‑hu. My skin broke out with rashes all over my body. 4) grow suddenly or in abundance, sprout (of weeds). Mambosbus todu i åmut tumåga' gi tattin gima'‑måmi. The ant bush medicinal plants suddenly sprouted in bunches behind my house.

bosbusi vt. swarm at, spurt (something) on or at, squirt, gush out at. Bosbusi tatalo'‑ña ni amut gi pachot‑mu. Spurt his back with the medicine in your mouth. Ha bosbusi yu' i hanum anai hu baba i grifu gotpi. Water gushed at me when I opened the faucet suddently. Binosbusi ni neni ni ti'la'‑ña. The baby's saliva spurted on her.

bossat n. 1) bridle (made of rope), halter (for leading an animal). Siña ha' un usa gi guaka atyu na bossat i ma'u'usa gi kabåyu. You can also use the bridle from the horse on the cow. 2) gag (for tying a person's mouth). Masodda' na mabossat pachot‑ña i taotåo. They found that the man was gagged. 3) pouch in fishing net where fish are trapped. Alula kumonni' siha i guihan gi bossat, sa' u fanmalågu. Catch the fish fast, otherwise they will escape from the pouch. 4) condom (slang). See: bosat.

bosung n. boss, foreman. Båsta ki bosung, tumohgi ha' ya mandirihi. Just because he is a boss, he just stands and directs. Gof måolik i bosung‑måmi. Our boss is very good. Kumu måolik i bosung, pues måolik i che'chu'. If the boss is good, the work is good. Syn: må'gas, mentu', pilung. See: bosun.

bota vt. vote for, cast a vote for. Bota i maolik na kandidåtu para i tano'‑ta. Vote for the good candidate for our island. Ta fambota na såkkan. You and I will vote this year. Siempri mabota håo sa' måolik bidåda‑mu. You will be voted in because you are doing a good job. From: Sp. vota.

botåna n. 1) botany. Meggai siha para un tungu' guini gi istudiun botåna. You will learn a lot of things in the field of botany. Malagu' yu' umistudia put botåna. I want to study botany. 2) finger food, type of appetizer.

botas n. boots. Guaha siha difirentis klåsin botas. There are different kinds of boots. Bulan botas hu chagi, låo tåya' omlat‑tu. I tried so many boots, but none of them fit me. Ti usu i botas guini na lugåt sa' maipi. Boots are not used in this place because it is hot. From: Sp. botas.

botasión n. election, popular vote on a question of public policy. Måttu ta'lu i sakkan botasion. Election year has come again. Bula siha para u fanmambota guini na botasion. There is a lot who are going to vote in this election. Hu diseseha na u mafa'tinas ni taotåo dinanchi na disision guini na botasion. I hope people will make the right decision in this election. Syn: ileksión. From: Sp. votación.

botcha n. black eye, swelling on the facial area. Botcha i matå‑hu anai inakka' yu' ni sasata. My face swelled when I was stung by the wasp. Bula kinanno'‑hu ma'asin muna' mambotcha yu'. My face is swollen from eating too much salt. Fana'an duru kumåti i patgun sa' todu botcha matå‑ña. The child must have cried so much because her eyes are swollen. Syn: pokpuk.

botda vt. embroider, stitch. Ginin mambobotda yu' anai hohobin ha' yu'. I used to embroider when I was younger. Chaddik i måkina mambotda låo ti gof bunitu binitdådaña. The machine embroiders quickly but the embrodery is not that beautiful. Todu klåsin binetda gi magagu‑mu siña ha botda i måkina. The machine can embroider all kinds of embroidery that you want on your dress. From: Sp. borda.

botdadura n. design, embroidery, fancy work used to decorate something, not limited to embroidery. Gof ya‑hu i botdaduran flores gi betsun alunån‑hu. I like flower embroidery on my pillowcase. Gof ya‑hu lokkui' i botdaduran fruta gi tampin lamasa‑hu chumotchu. I also like the fruit embroidery on my dining table cover. Guaha na tåotåo libiånu manbotda maseha håfa na botdadura. Some people can easily embroider any embroidery design. From: Sp. bordadura.

botdåo n. embroidery, lace. Bunitu na botdåo gaigi gi magågun Ina. Ina's dress has a beautiful lace. Guaha na tåotåo ya‑ña umusa i magågun botdåo. Some people like to use clothes with embroidery. Guaha na råsan tåotåo usu esti i botdåo na magågu para siha. Certain groups of people wear clothes with embroidery. Syn: ingkåhi.

botdu vi. 1) zigzag, tack; term used when boat is circling while waiting to enter a harbor. Puedi ha' ti u oggan i boti sa' sigi ha' bumotdu. I hope the boat won't get stranded because it keeps zigzagging. Apmam esta di bumotdu i boti. The boat zigzagged for a long time. 2) tack, as in embroidery. Nisisita u magiha i boti sa' sigi ha' bumotdu. The boat needs to be guided because it keeps zigzagging. 3) wander around aimlessly.

botdu lågas n. type of plant: vine used for medicinal purposes. Portulaca oleracea. I botdu lågas chå'ka mås åmut na botdu lågas. The botdu lagas chå'ka is the more medicinal kind of botdu lågas. Håssan esta ta sodda' esti i botdu lågas. It is hard to find the botdu lagas. Bula na tåotåo na tiempu ti tumungu' håfa esti i botdu lågas na tinanum. A lot of people nowadays do not know what the botdu lågas plant is.

boti n. boat, small craft, small vessel. Guaha na biåhi i famagu'un manmama'tinas botin sin. Sometimes children make tin boats. Bula na peskadot manggai boti låo ti todu usunun. A lot of fishermen have boats but not all are usable. Yan‑ñiha i famagu'un manma'udai gi boti. Children enjoy riding on the boat. From: Sp. bote.

botin låyak n. (small) sailboat. Ti usu i botin låyak giya Mariåna pa'gu na tiempu. Nowadays sailboats are not usually used in the Marianas. Gof bunitu ma'atan yanggin mammifila siha i botin låyak. It is beautiful to see when all the sailboats are in line. Bula botin låyak manmana'fanggågasgas gi kantun tåsi nigap. There were many sailboats being cleaned near the shore yesterday. See: båtkun låyak.

botiyón n. bottle (half gallon). Dos pesus ha' i botiyon binakli. The bottle of vinegar is only two dollars. Guaha nai bali‑ña mafåhan i botiyon ki i buteyan dikiki'. Sometimes it is better to buy by the half gallon bottle than to buy a smaller bottle. Manispipiha si Tåta botiyon para i fina’tinås‑ña aguayenti. Grandpa is looking for large bottles for his homemade liquor. Variant: butiyón. From: Sp. botellón.

botlas1 n. sarcasm. Guaha na tåotåo pinat botlas kuentus‑niniha. Some people are full of sarcasm in their conversation. Guaha ha' atyu na klåsin botlas i para un inayuda. There's sarcasm that would be helpful to you. Syn: kassi, botla.

botlas2 n. 1) ornament, decorations worn on clothes. Ti gustok‑ku bulan botlas gi magagu‑hu. I do not prefer too much décor on my clothes. Guaha na tåotåo amantes‑ña i meggai botlas. Some people are lovers of decorations. Ottru tåotåo siha mientras mås bula na botlas gi magagun‑ñiha, mås nina'fanmamaguf. Other people feel happier when there are more ornaments on their clothes. 2) tuft of hair, tress.

botlehu n. sarcasm, ridicule, mockery, insult, harsh remark. Ti ya‑hu umekkunguk guini na hunta sa' puru ha' botlehu. I do not like to attend this meeting because there are many insults. Måolik ha' ta atendi i hunta yanggin para u ayuda hit i botlehu siha. It is okay to attend the meeting if the ridicule is helpful. Puru ha' botlehu manhuhuyung gi pachot‑mu. All that comes out of your mouth is ridicule. Syn: botla. Variant: butlehu.

botlu n. sarcasm, put-down. Bula botlu gi duråntin i kunbetsasion. There was a lot of sarcasm during the conversation. Tristi si Tåta put i botlu siha kontra i hagå‑ña. Grandpa was sad because of the put-downs of his daughter. Tåya' minaguf gi taotåo siha yanggin bula botlu gi rasan tåotåo siha. People are not happy when there are lots of put-downs on ethnicities.

Botneo name. Borneo (an island in Indonesia). Tåya' nai måttu yu' Botneo gi bandan Indonesia låo guaha nai måttu yu' gi bandan Malaysia yan Brunei. I have never visited the Indonesian part of Borneo but I have been to the Borneo of Malaysia and Brunei. Mana'achuli' i taotåo Botneo yan Chamorro. The people of Borneo share similar features with Chamorros. Guaha manhassan siha na gå'ga' yan tinanum giya Botneo. There are rare animals and plants in Borneo.

botsa n. pocket, pouch. Dos ha' botsån‑ña i katsunes‑su. My pants have only two pockets. Guaha na katsunis asta otchu botsån‑ña. Some pants have eight pockets.

vt. put (something) in pocket. Ti kabålis i salåppi' ni marikohi sa' mabotsa palu. The money collected was not all accounted because some of it was pocketed. From: Sp. bolsa.

botsan alunan n. pillowcase. Bula botsan alunan ha låksi si Tan Maria para u bendi gi feria. Tan Maria made many pillowcases to sell at the fair. Kana ha' todu botsan alunan manmanå'yi botlas. Almost all the pillowcases have decorations. Mungnga manå'yi batunis gi botsan alunan sa' siempri ha pagu' i agagå'‑ña i neni. Don't put buttons on the pillowcase because it will irritate the baby's neck.

botu n. vote, suffrage, franchise, plebescite, referendum, poll, ballot, selection of choice. Bula botu manlåstima gi ileksion. Many ballots were wasted during the election. Hu fa'tinas i botu‑hu para hu setbi i Saina. I made my choice to serve God. I botun tåotåo ti båli yanggin ti mana'dinanchi matuge'‑ña. A person's vote is worthless if not filled properly. Mås måolik på'gu macho'guen‑ña esti na klåsin botu. This ballot is better now. Syn: balotu. From: Sp. voto.

botusaiku' n. motorcycle, motorscooter. Hu chagi aksidenti gi botusaiku'. I had an accident on a motorcycle. Ti gof usu na tiempu esti i botusaiku'. The motorcycle is not of much use nowadays. Guaha siha na tånu' bula muna'sesetbi i botusaiku'. In some places a lot of people use motorcycles. See: botosaikut.

botusaikut n. motorcycle. A'gang makinå‑ña i botusaikut. Motorcycles have loud engines. Ma'u'udai i che'lu‑hu gi botusaikut para i che'chu'. My brother rides his motocycle to work. Ha chuchuli' i botusaikot‑ña i taotåo anai måttu mågi. He was taking his motorcycle with him when he came here. See: motusaiku'.

boya n. buoy, float, floater. Guaha nai masufa' i boya ni peskadot an puengi. Sometimes the fishrmen hit the buoy at night. Åntis na tiempu puru ha' boyan mamaffak manma'u'usa. In the old days only glass floats were used. I boyan mamaffak ti sessu esta manmasodda' gi kantun tasi. Glass floaters are rarely found these days by the sea shore. Syn: balisa. From: Sp. boya.

boyu'2 vt. drink (esp. an alcoholic drink). Sigi ha' ha boyu' adumididi' i gimen‑ña. He keeps drinking his drink little by little. Kadu' ha' ha boboyu' i gimen‑ña låo esta muettu bulachu‑ña. He pretends he is drinking a mouthful each time but he is very drunk. Ti gekman yu', atyu na hu boboyu' ha' i gimen‑hu. I am not an alcoholic, that is why I am only drinking a little at a time.

boyu'3 n. shaved-head type of haircut, a haircut with no hair left. Gof ya‑ña i lahi‑hu madasai boyu'. My son loves a shaved haircut.

vt. shave the head bald, cut all the hair on the head. Boyu' si Jose sa' mihitu. Cut off all the hair on Jose's head because he has lice. Maboyu' i flores‑su ya kana' ha' ma punu'. The branches of my flower was trimmed so low and they almost killed it. Mamboboyu' i batberu sa' guaha påtgun mihitu. The barber is doing shaving of the head because there is a child that has lots of lice. From: Jp.

boyuk vt. 1) spit out (mouthful), spew or spray out of mouth by blowing, such as a mouthful of chewed coconut meat after juice is gone. Hu boyuk i bagåsun niyuk ginin i pachot‑tu. I spewed out the coconut meat from my mouth. Hu boyuk i mamå'un gi sagan basula. I spewed out the bittlenut in the trash place. Ha boyuk i ningangas åmut gi chetnut. She spit out the chewed medicine at the sore. 2) gulp. See: bohbu, boyu'.

bråbu adj. healthy, industrious, hard working, energetic, animated, active. Grasias adios na esta bråbu si Ben. Thank God, Ben now has an energetic good health. Måolik lina'lå'‑ña si Benito sa' mampus bråbu. Benito has a good life because he is industrious. Sessu aksidenti si Juan sa' ai na bråbun påtgun. Juan often gets into an accidents because he is such an active child. Syn: butmuchåchu. From: Sp. bravo.

bråsa n. fathom, measurement from fingertip to fingertip, with both arms stretched out at arm's length. Mangonni' si Miguel guihan ya kana' un bråsa. Miguel caught a fish that was almost the length of my extended arms. Dos bråsa ha' na yåtdas magågu hu nisisita. I only need a yardage that is the length of twice my extended arms.. Achokka' un pie na mineddung guihan kininne'‑ña si Bruno, ilek‑ña ha' un bråsa. Even if Bruno caught a foot long fish, he would say it's the size of his extended arms. From: Sp. braza.

braseha vt. embrace, encircle with arms, measure with arms outstretched or encircling something, hug. Hu braseha i che'lu‑hu palåo'an anai måttu ginin lagu. I embraced my sister when she arrived from the U.S. mainland. Ya‑hu brumaseha i alunan yanggin para bai hu maigu'. I like to hug the pillow when I sleep. Hu braseha si nanå‑hu sa' esta håssan nai hu li'i' disdi anai humånåo yu' umiskuela. I hugged my mother because I don't often see her since the time I left to go to school. Syn: embråsa.

bråsu n. arm, thoracic limb. Mampus figu' i dos brasu‑hu. My arms are very firm. Kada tiempun manenghing, mamuti i brasu‑hu. My arms get painful in cold weather. A'anuk i dangkulun brasu‑ñå. His big arms are showing. Syn: kodu. From: Sp. brazo.

brilu n. brillo, steel wool. Chaddik muna'gasgas i brilu. Brillo cleans very fast. Baratura i brilu gi tenda på'gu. Brillo is on sale at the store today. Ya‑hu umusa i brilu para muna'gasgas låo ti gef utas na kosas. I like to use the brillo for cleaning but it is not durable. From: Eng. brillo.

brin n. canvas. Åntis na tiempu, ma'u'usa i brin ginin i Yeep siha na kareta. In the past, they used the canvas from the Jeep vehicles. Ti potput åntis i brin ni ma'u'usa låo gof metgut. The canvas used in the past was not thick but very strong. Anai ginipu i atuf i gima' ginin i Typhoon Jean, in isa i brin para pruteksion ginin i ichan. When Typhoon Jean blew away our roof, we used canvas to protect us from the rain. Syn: tråpat.

brinabu n. health, soundness of body, freedom from disease, well-being, healthfulness. Ai na brinabu si Tan Ana maseha åmku'. Tan Ana has good health even if she is old. Sessu umetsisiu si Rosa, atyugui' brinabu‑ña. Rosa's health is determined by exercising continuously. I brinabu‑ña muna'anåkku' ha'ani‑ña. Her well-being makes her live longer.

brinda vt. toast (one's drink), bottoms up. Ispisiåt na guput, pues brinda i gimin‑miyu. Toast your drinks because it's a special day. Brinda i gimin‑måmi yan i asaguå‑hu sa' benti åñus kasamentun‑måmi. My husband and I toast our drinks because we have reached twenty-five years of marriage. Todus hit ta brinda i gimen‑ta sa' ta gacha' i nuebu na såkkan. Let us all toast our drinks to bring in the new year. Syn: kampai'.

n. offering. From: Sp. brinda.

brohas n. sponge cake. Malagu' yu' tumungu' mama'tinas brohas. I want to learn how to make sponge cake. Månngi' malantiyas i brohas. It is good to use the sponge cake to make pudding cake. Sessu maplånta brohas kada guaha bisita gi gima' Tan Juana. Sponge cake is served every time there are guests at Tan Juana's home.

broka n. drill (hand), brace and bit. Ha u'usa si Jesus i broka para u fama'tinas kadenan karakot. Jesus uses the drill to make shell lace. Usa i atyan‑ña na broka, sa' u yinamak i ispehus. Use the right bit, otherwise it will break the glass. Guaha difirentis na mineddung siha gi pattin i broka. The drill has different sizes of bits. From: Sp. broca.

bronsi n. brass, bronze. Ginin manhohokka yu' bronsi para bai hu bendi anai didikiki' yu'. I used to collect bronze to sell when I was small. Mabebendi åntis i bronsi. Brass was being sold before. Bula hu sosodda' gi halum tånu' kåra' båla ginin i gera ni mambronsi. I am finding in the forest a lot of bullet shells from the war that are bronze. From: Sp. bronce.

brongku adj. reckless, careless, heedless of consequences, rough. Brongku mampus na påtgun. He is a very careless child. Mambrongku manmañugun i manhobin na tiempu. The teenage drivers are reckless nowadays. Achuka' i pinekkåt‑ña si Kiko' mampus brongku. Even in his steps Kiko' is very rough. Syn: aribatåo, båstus.

brotchas n. duster, brush\. Manaliligåo yu' brotchas gi tenda. I am looking for a brush at the store. Esta toppung ha' esti na brotchas guaha‑ña. This brush only has a handle now. From: Sp. brochas.

vt. brush, remove dust from. Sigi ya un brotchas i edda' addeng‑mu. Go and brush off your dirty feet. Brotchas ennåo i tesna gi kodu‑mu. Brush off that black spot on your arm. Hihut hu titik tatalo'‑hu sa' sigi di hu brotchas. I nearly skinned my back because I kept brushing it. Syn: guesguis, guåksi.

bruha n. witch, sorcerer, wizard, mean person, wicked person. Tåya' nai manli'i' yu' bruha. I have never seen a witch. Mampus bruha na biha si Tan Kika'. Auntie Kika' is a mean old person. Puru che'chu' bruha bidåda‑ña i palåo'an. All the woman does is sorcerer's work. From: Sp. bruja.

brusiha n. brassiere. Tåya' omlåt‑tu nu esti siha na brusiha. I don't fit in any of these brassieres. Puru ha' esti siha na brusiha entri mansen dångkulu osino mansen dikiki'. All these brassieres are either too big or too small. Ya‑hu esti na klåsin brasiha sa' manfitmi. I like this brand of brassiere because they last long. See: brasiha.

brutu n. brute, scoundrel, man without honor or virtue. Håyi ennåo na brutu i umaririma gi gimå'‑mu? Who is that brute loitering around your house? Mungnga mama' i brutu gi me'nan famagu'un, sa' un na'fantailayi siha. Don't act like a brute in front of children, because you will ruin them. Guaha na kalan brutu gui' kumu ti un tungu' put i malangu‑ña anai påpatgun. You may think that he is a brute if you are not aware of his childhood illness.

adj. unwise, foolish, idiotic, imbecilic, moronic, stupid, loony, brainless, dumb. Puru ha' che'chu' brutu bidåda‑ña si Bruno. All Bruno does is stupid work. Mampus brutu ennåo na tåotåo. He is such a brute guy. Sangåni gui' ya båsta brumutu. Tell him to stop his foolishness. Syn: loku, kaduku. See: brutunåsu. From: Sp. bruto.

bu vt. call (pigs). Bu fan i ga'‑ta babui siha. Call our pigs, please. Cha'‑mu bububu yu' sa' ti babui yu'. Don't bu me because I am not a pig. Nina'bubu si Maria anai binu as Jose. Maria became enraged when Jose bu'd her. Syn: bubu, nena'.

bu'a n. type of fish: snapper. Lutjanus vaigiensis, Family Lutjanidae. Månngi' sensen‑ña i bu'a na guihan. The meat of the snapper is delicious. Guaha na biåhi nai binenu i bu'a. Sometimes snapper could be poisonous. Guaguan esti i bu'a na guihan. Snapper is an expensive fish.

bubu adj. mad, enraged, angry. Ha na'bubu yu' si Maria. Maria made me mad. Tåtfoi i binibu‑ña asta ha yamak i kareta. Because of her anger she broke the car. Na'bubu mampus bidåda‑mu. Your actions are enraging. Syn: lalålu'.

bubulåo n. a frightening person or thing. Ennagui' mågi i bubulåo. Here comes the frightening thing. Tåtnai manli'i' yu' bubulåo. I have never seen a frightening person.

adj. scary. Kumu un li'i' atyu na tåotåo na'ma'añåo sa' kalang bubulåo. If you see that person, it is frightening because he looks scary.

buchi n. mumops, goiter, tumor on the neck. Åpmam di ti mambuchi i taotåo sa' esta todu manmabakuna. The mumps has not been around for some time because everyone has been innoculated. Tåya' nai hu chagi buchi. I never had the mumps. I famagu'un mandikiki' mås manninana'yi buchi ki i manåmku. Young children are more prone to catch the mumps than adults.

buchibuchi n. turnover (pastry). Månngi' mama'tinas si Tan Kika' buchibuchi. Auntie Kika' makes delicious turnover. Ya‑hu atyu na buchibuchi i påpaska. I like the turnover that is a little bit crispy. Gai mulestia i mama'tinas buchibuchi. Making turnover is tedious process.

budega n. cellar, basement, vault, storeroom. Puru ha' pine'lu i budega. The cellar is full of stuff. Maipi mampus i budega. The basement is very hot. Måolik umattuk gi budega. It is good to hide in the cellar. From: Sp. bodega.

budu1 n. type of tree: Polynesian chestnut. Inocarpus fagiferus. Fana'an uma'achuli' i budu na tinanum yan i abubu. Maybe this plant looks like a balloon. Siña ha' lokkui' i budu kalang i imbudu pusision‑ña. This plant may also look like a funnel. Mås siña ta tungu' i budu na tinanum kumu guaha litråtu. We will know better what the plant is if there is a picture of it. I trongkun budu lokka' na trongku. The Polynesian chestnut is a tall tree.

budu2 n. empty can, empty container for waters. Na'setbi ennåo na budu para un sohgui i amut gi satten guatu gi imbudu. Use that container to scoop medicine from the pot into the funnel. Tåya' budu para ta na'setbi. We don't have an emty container to use. See: imbudu. Variant: dudu.

buelas intj. that's what you think, usually with "un". Un buelas håo; ti ennigi' masusedi. That's what you think; that did not happen. Un buelas håo; båsta iya' umistoria. That's what you think; will you stop telling tales.

buelu n. ruffle. Ti ya‑hu bulan buelu gi chininå‑hu. I don't like too much ruffles on my dress. From: Sp. vuelo.

vt. put ruffle on (dress). Buelu i sanpapa' gi bistidu ya u labunitu. Put ruffles on the bottom of the dress to make it look nicer. Siña ha' mabuelu i tampin lamasa. Ruffles could be put on tablecovers.

buen n. approval, approbation, being well (healthy).

adj. approved, agreed to, good (as in approval), well (healthy). Hu fitma i buen kontråta. I signed the approved contract. Ta a'ali'i' gi buen såttu na ora. We will meet at exactly the approved time. Buen yan maguf magåhit i tatåotåo‑hu. My body is indeed well and happy. From: Sp. buen.

buen binidu intj. welcome. Buen binidu todus hamyu ni manggaigi guini. Welcome to all who are here. Hu saluluda hamyu, buen binidu. I salute you all, welcome. Kun rispetu yan saludu, buen binidu todus hamyu. With respect and salute, I welcome you all. See: bien binidu. From: Sp. bienvenido.

buen etchu intj. good for you, see what happened (slang). Buen etchu na un gånna siha. Good for you for winning over them. Buen etchu na matomba håo, sa' hu abisa håo ha' na mungnga malågu. That is what you get, falling down, because I warned you not to run. Buen etchu ya hu tungu' i liksion‑ña! Good for him so that he learns his lesson! See: buenetchu.

buen prubetchu intj. you are welcome. Dos åñus ha' i ñietu‑hu, låo ha tungu' sumångan buen prubetchu. My grandson is only two years old, but he knows how to say "you are welcome". Yanggin masangåni håo si "Yu'us ma'åsi'", oppi "buen prubetchu." If someone says "thank you", respond by saying "you are welcome". Fa'nå'gui i famagu'un para u masångan " buen prubetchu." Teach the children to say "you are welcome". From: Sp. buen provecho.

buena1 n. 1) lethal area of the body, around heart area. Hu talulu' buenå‑ña i binådu anai hu paki. I hit directly to the heart area of the deer when I fired the shot. Ma gof tungu' månu buenå‑ña i babui yanggin para u mapunu' chaddik. They really know where the area of the heart is on the pig when aiming to kill it fast. 2) weakest spot, vulnerable spot. Cha'‑mu papatcha i bandåk‑ku sa' buenå‑hu esti. Do not touch my sides because they are my weakest spot. Gaigi i buenåk‑ku gi tatalo'‑hu. My weakest spot is on my back. Kumu un patcha i buenåk‑ku siempri påkpak håo. You will get hit if you touch my weakest spot.

vt. hit in the chest (slang). Adahi ha' na hu buena håo. Be careful, I can hit directly to your chest.

buena2 n. twelve or more points in the card game tres sietti. Fuera sin buena, kumeke'ilek‑ña onsi puntu. "Fuera sin buena" means eleven points. Esta sais buenas ham na dos. The two of us have already gotten to seventeen points. Kuåntu buenas in chili'? How many points more than eleven have you gotten?

buenaplånta n. good spread of food.

vt. shape nicely, build well, construct well. Atan ha' si Sara sa' mabuenaplånta. Look at Sarah because she is nicely shaped. Mabuenaplånta esti na guma'. This house is well constructed. Kalang ha' mabuenaplånta esti na trongku. It looks like this tree is well built.

buenas intj. greetings (hello, good day), short form of buenas dihas and similar greetings. Buenas, todus hamyu. Hello to all of you. Buenas, mañe'lu. Hello, brothers and sisters.

vi. say greetings, say hello. Bumuenas yu' ya ti un oppi. I said hello and you didn't respond. Syn: håfa adai; måolik ha'?

buenas dihas intj. good morning. Buenas dihas, famagu'un. Good morning, children. Esta manana, pues aluk buenas dihas. It is morning already, so say good morning. Un u'usa buenas dihas desdi pasåo alas dossi gi egga'an asta ki åntis di alas dossi gi talu'åni. You use "good morning" from past twelve midnight until before twelve in the afternoon. From: Sp. buenos dias.

buenas notchis intj. good evening. Disdi alas sais gi pupuengi asta åntis di alas dossi gi tatalu' puengi, manmañaluluda hit, "buenas notchis". From six in the evening until before twelve midnight, we greet with "good evening". Buenas notchis para todus i manggaigi guini. Good evening to all who are here. See: buenas nochis. From: Sp. buenas noches.

buenas tåtdis intj. good afternoon. Buenas tåtdis disdi alas dossi gi talu'åni asta alas sais gi pupuengi. "Good afternoon" from twelve in the afternoon until six in the evening. Todus hamyu na'aggang aluk buenas tåtdis. All of you say out loud good afternoon. Buenas tåtdis mane'lu‑hu yan mañaina‑hu. Good afternoon, brothers and sisters and elders. From: Sp. buenas tardes.

buenetchu intj. better, preferable, see what happened, it's what (someone) deserves, good riddance, serves (someone) right; used in a derogatory or disdainful manner. Buenetchu na humånåo. Good riddance that he is gone. Buenetchu na hokkuk salappe'‑ña. It's good that he has no more money (and he deserves it). Buenetchu na mapongli, sa' tai areklu. It's good that he is caged, because he has no discipline. Buenetchu na un gånna siha. Good for you for winning over them. See: buenechu, betnetchu.

buenti adv. maybe, perhaps. Para u uchan buenti. Maybe it's going to rain. Nahung ha' esta nengkanu' buenti. Maybe there's enough food already. Po'lu sa' buenti ha na'sisita. Let it go because perhaps he needs it. Syn: fa'na'an.

vi. unsure. Bumuebuenti ha' trabiha si Tony. Tony is still in the not sure situation..

buenu intj. good, all right, okay, well. Buenu, hu aksepta ennåo. Good, I accept that. Buenu, cho'gui ha' i maolik. Okay, just do what is right. Buenu, måolik bidå‑mu. Good, great job. Syn: esta måolik. From: Sp. bueno.

buetta vi. travel, journey, make a tour, cruise, tour, go strolling. Bumuetta yu' ta'lu anai måttu yu' tåtti ginin i hinanåo‑hu giya Hapon. I traveled again when I came back from my trip to Japan. Håfa na sigi ha' håo bumuetta? Why do you keep strolling? Mambuetta i familia guatu Amerika. My family journeyed to America. Syn: karera, biåhi. From: Sp. vuelta.

buf n. booth. Difirentis klåsin buf gi silibrasion. There are different kinds of booths at the carnival. Guaha siha buf dikiki' gi kantun chålan. There are small booths along the road. Guaha siha ya‑hu na buf gi Sabalu 'market'. I like some of the booths at Saturday market. From: Eng. booth.

bufón n. mask covering the entire face and head. Guaha na bufon manna'ma'añåo. Some masks are scary. Ti hu aprueba esti na kosas i bufon. I do not like the masks. Guaha na tåotåo ha u'usa i bufon yanggin para u cho'gui ti måolik. Some people use masks if they plan to do something bad. Syn: bendas. From: Sp. bufón.

bukåyu n. coconut candy. Nina'manehyuk i nifen‑hu anai hu ngångas i bukåyu gi paingi. My tooth ached when I chewed the coconut candy last night. Maguåiya esti na fina'mamis i bukåyu ni famagu'un. Children like the coconut candy. Mampus mamis esti na bukåyu sa' inipus na asukat mana'yen‑ña. This coconut candy is too sweet because they put too much sugar in it.

buké n. flower bouquet usually for bride. Bunitu i floris siha ni manmapo'lu gi buké. The flowers in the bouquet are beautiful. Ti umatya i kulot agaga' na buké yan i lila na magagu‑ña si Juana. Juana's purple dress does not go well with the red bouquet. Gof ya‑hu i bukén‑ña si Matgarita sa' gef påopåo yan gatbu macho'guen‑ña. I really like Margarita's bouquet because it has a nice scent and it is beautifully done. From: Eng. bouquet.

bukiki' n. type of vine plant, butterfly pea. Clotoria Tornatea. Sen lila i kulot floris bukiki'. The color of the butterfly pea flower is dark purple. Håssan esta ta sotda' bukiku'. It is rare now to find butterfly pea. Malista na åmut esti i bukiki giya Mariånas. The butterfly pea is listed as medicinal plant in the CNMI.

bukiya n. 1) valve of a tube where air or gas is pumped in. Sumi' i bukiya gi ruedan karetå‑hu. The valve of my car tire tube leaks. Nisisåriu ta nå'yi månglu' i bola siha ginin i bukiya. We need to pump air in the basketballs through the valve. Ta na'setbi i bukiya para ta bomba i bola. We used the valve to pump air into the ball. 2) calf.

bula adj. 1) much, plenty, lots of. Na' bula tiningo'‑mu gi iskuela.. Learn a lot at school. Bula salappe'‑ña i bisinu‑ña. His neighbor has a lot of money. Syn: meggai, låhyan. 2) full. Inipus na binila i basun hånum. The cup is much too full. Bula ha' hulu' i kestat ni kinenni'‑måmi guihan. The sack was able to fill up with the fish that we caught. Maguf yu' sa' bula i tangkek‑ku ni hanum uchan gi paingi. I'm happy because my water tank is filled with rain water from last night.

bulacheru n. drunkard, tippler. Ti hu tungu' håfa si Antonio na ha na'bulacheru gui'. I don't know why Antonio made himself to be a drunkard. Bulacheru pat ti bulacheru, debi di u tungu' na ti para u latchai i tiba kada puengi. Drunkard or not, he needs to understand that he cannot consume all the coconut toddy every night. Guaha ha' na tåotåo atyu i bulacheru. Someone just chose to be a drunkard. See: buklacheru, butlacheru. From: Sp. borrachero.

bulacherun tatti n. one who becomes an alcoholic late in life, latecomer alcoholic. Si Juan, anai ha kumpli sisenta åñus bumulacheru, pues matungu' kumu bulacherun tatti. When Juan reached sixty years old he became an alcoholic, and now he is known as a late-comer alcoholic. Bumulacherun tatti si Juan anai sessu mandañña' yan i amigu‑ña mambulacheru. Juan became an alcoholic late in life when he often got together with his alcoholic friends.

bulacherúntatti vi. come back drunk. Bumulacheruntatti i asaguå‑hu anai måttu ginin i giput. My husband came back drunk when he came from the party. Bumulacheruntatti anai ha dispidi i asaguå‑ña. She came back drunk after seeing off her husband.

bulåchu adj. drunk, intoxicated, dizzy, seasick; drunk and talkative; drunk and peaceful, quietly drunk; drunk and aggressive, drunk and quarrelsome. I para bai hu atan ha' i batku gi pantalån, esta yu' bulåchu. Just looking at the ship at the dock, I get dizzy. Chaddik yu' bulåchu maseha dididi' ha' na atkahot hu gimin. Even if I drink only a little alcohol, I easily get drunk. Guaha siha tinanum siña ha' nina'bulåchu håo. Some plants can make you drunk.

bulåchun tåsi n. seasickness. Gof putin chetnut i bulåchun tåsi. Seasickness is a painful sickness. Kumu ti ha nå'yi yu' bulåchun tåsi gi batku, pues siempri bulåchun tånu'. If I don't get seasick on the ship, then I will get land sickness. Guaha yuhi na tåotåo i ti ha tungu' bulåchun tåsi. Some people never experienced seasickness.

bulåchun ulu n. nausea, dizziness. Guaha na tåotåo achuka' ma'udai gi kareta, nina'yi ha' bulåchun ulu. Some people get dizzy even when riding in cars. Guaha nai ha nå'yi yu' atdit na bulåchun ulu. I sometimes get a really bad headache. Esta mumuta' yu' kumu ha nå'yi yu' bulåchun ulu. I end up vomiting when I feel nauseated.

bulambåo tuyan n. ancient Chamorro stringed instrument. Ha gof tungu' si Steve dumåndan i bulambåo tuyan. Steve really knows how to play the ancient Chamorro stringed instrument. Åntis na tiempu mafa'titinas i bulambåo tuyan ni Chamorro siha. Long time ago, the Chamorro people were making the ancient Chamorro stringed instruments. Guaha si Johnny iyon‑ña bulambåo tuyan. Johnny has the ancient Chamorro stringed instrument. See: bilimbåo tuyan.

bulåskis n. 1) type of chicken resembling small Hamburg. Apenas hu li'i' esta i bulåskis na månnuk. I hardly see this type of chicken (bulaskis). Ti meppa' raså‑ña esti i bulåskis. The bulaskis does not produce well. 2) term used for small people (slang). Magåhit ha' Maria na kalang håo ha' i bulåskis. For sure, Maria, you look like the bulaskis type of chicken. See: balåskis.

bulenchuk adj. have a hooked, pointed, sharp or long nose. Bulenchuk påtgun esti. This child has such a sharp nose. Meggaiña na tåotåo gi sanlågu mambulenchuk. Most of the mainlanders have pointed noses. Ti bulenchuk gui'eng‑hu. My nose is not hooked. See: bulenchut.

bulenchut adj. have a hooked, pointed, or long nose. Gof bulenchut gui'ing‑ñiha i pabu. Turkeys have very long noses. Hu li'i' un tåotåo ni gof bulenchut gui'eng‑ña. I saw a man who has a very long nose. Guaha ha' nai ti bunitu i bulenchut. Sometimes a long nose doesn't look good. See: bulenchuk.

bulengngu' adj. dented, flat (of a nose), dull (of a point), crumpled. Mampus bulengngu' gui'eng‑hu. My nose is very flat. Bulengngu' i karetan Juan. Juan's car is very dented. Ti siña manduluk i si'se'‑hu sa' bulengngu'. My knife cannot poke because it has a flat end. Syn: daloggai, maheffung, ongngu'.

buleru n. baseball player. Numiru unu si Pedro na buleru. Pedro is a number one player. Manmalagu' mambuleru esti siha na famagu'un. These children want to be baseball players. I maolik na buleru sessu prumaktis. A good baseball player often practices. Bula buleru manhugågandu gi plåsa gi me'nan iskuela. Lots of baseball players play in the field in front of the school.

buliku n. donkey, jackass. Enlugåt di u riku, humuyung buliku. Instead of becoming rich, he became a donkey. I buliku‑mu mås yommuk kini i buliku‑hu. Your donkey is fatter than my donkey. Mesngun na gå'ga' esti i buliku låo adahi na un pinatik. The donkey is a patient animal but be careful, it might kick you. Malagu' yu' gai pineksai buliku. I want a pet donkey.

bulokbuk2 vt. stab. I palåo'an ha bulokbuk i taotåo. The woman stabbed the man. Adahi håo ni ennåo na tåotåo sa' ya‑ña mambolokbuk. Beware of that man because he likes to stab. Ha bolokbuk ha' i babui ti ta sienti. He just stabbed the pig without our knowing.

bulosbus vi. spurt, bubble. Sigi bulosbus i hanum gi grifu. The water keeps spurting from the faucet. Gotpi bumulosbus huyung i gimen‑hu soda anai hu baba. My soda drink suddenly bubbled over when I opened it. Bulolosbus i te'la' ginin i pachut i patgun anai ha chagi kumuentus. The child's saliva was bubbling from her mouth when she tried to speak. Unproductively derived from bosbus.

buluntåriamenti adv. voluntarily, willingly, deliberately, intentionally. Ha arekla ha' i gima' buluntåriamenti. He repaired the house voluntarily. Ha atyik ha' i ga'chong‑ña buluntåriamenti. He chose his partner voluntarily. Hu cho'gui ha' i che'cho'‑hu buluntåriamenti. I voluntarily did my work. Syn: buluntåt. From: Sp. voluntariamente.

buluntåriu vi. volunteer. Bumuluntåriu yu' manlaknus dies pesus. I volunteered to donate ten dollars. Mambuluntåriu i mangga'chong‑hu para u mana'gåsgas i gima' i matai. My group volunteered to clean the house of the deceased person. Buluntåriu ha' fan ya un ayuda yu' agupa'. Just volunteer and help me tomorrow. From: Sp. voluntario.

buluntåt n. voluntary will; volition. Humåhanåo ha' gi buluntåt‑ña. He just goes on his own will. Ha chocho'gui ha' i malago'‑ña gi buluntåt‑ña. He does what he wants voluntarily. Ha tutugung ha' mo'na maseha månu malago'‑ña gi buluntåt‑ña. He just rushes ahead anywhere that his volition takes him. From: Sp. voluntad.

vi. volunteer. Håyi malagu' bumuluntåt? Who wants to volunteer? Syn: buluntariamenti.

bumåbaba vi. talk or act silly, act foolish, talk nonsense (progressive). Bumåbaba ha' si Anita gi palabrås‑ña. Anita is just talking nonsense. Mungnga ma'atendi ennåo, sa' bumåbaba. Do not listen to that, because he is just talking nonsense. Ti siña ta fiha hit ni fino'‑ña sa' bumåbaba ha'. We cannot trust him because he is just talking silly. Derived from the adjective båba. Syn: mama'baba.

bumarångka vi. flaunt,behave impudently. Sigi ha' di bumarångka si Benito asta ki ginacha'. Benito keeps showing off until he was caught. Gof ya‑ña si Santiago bumarångka. Santiago likes to behave impudently. Sigi ha' si Jose bumarångka. Jose keeps showing off.

bumuchåchu adj. industrious, hardworking. Gof bumuchåchu si Juan. Juan is very industrious. Apasiyun si Andres sa' gof bumuchåchu. Andrew is worth paying because he is very industrious. Måolik påtgun si Beltran sa' bumuchåchu. Beltran is a good boy because he is hardworking. See: butmuchåchu, bunmuchåchu. From: Sp. buen muchacho.

bunetchu intj. have something happen that is not good, karma, deserving of something bad, an expression of revenge. Bunetchu na masakengguan sa' ti ha adahi i kosås‑ña. He was robbed, and he had it coming because he did not take care of his things. Hagas manmadispitdisia i nengkanu' pues bunetchu sa' ma tungu' på'gu taimanu ñålang. For a long time, food was wasted so they had it coming because now they know how it is to be hungry. See: buenetchu.

Buninas name. Bonin Islands. Gaigi si Juan primu‑hu giya Buninas. My cousin John is in the Bonin Islands. Gai chinagu' Boninas kontra Tokyo. The Bonin Islands are quite a distance from Tokyo. Guaha Chamorro mañåga Buninas. There are Chamorros who settled in the Bonin Islands.

buninas n. type of fish: deep water snapper. Lutjanus kasmira, Family Lutjanidae. Håssan hu li'i' esti i guihan i buninas sa' mapput makonni'. I seldom see the buninas fish because it is difficult to catch. Guaguan lokkui' na guihan i buninas. Buninas is also an expensive fish. I peskadot ni gai boti ha' siña kumonni' i buninas. Only fisherman with boats can catch the snapper.

bunitu1 adj. handsome, pretty, pleasing, nice, gracious, neat. Bunitu na låhi si Tomas. Tomas is a handsome man. Bunitu esti na litråtu. This is a nice picture. Buninitu ha' bidåda‑mu. You are doing a nice job.

bunitu2 n. type of fish: bonito, white tuna. Thunnus alalunga (Family Scombridae). Guihan tåddung esti i bunitu. White tuna is a deep-sea fish. Håssan hu li'i' i bunitu na guihan. I hardly see the white tuna fish. Måolik makånnu' i bunitu sa' å'paka' katnen‑ña. It is good to eat this tuna fish because it has white meat.

bunituyan adj. rather handsome. Nånalåo adai sa' bunituyan si Jose. Well, well, I believe Joey is rather handsome. Bunituyan ha' si Ben låo bunituña si Pedro. Ben is rather handsome but Peter is more handsome. Ya‑mu si Ike sa' bunituyan ha'. You love Ike because he is rather handsome.

bunmuchåchu adj. industrious, hard-working. Gof bunmuchåchu si Ramon, ti ya‑ña dumiskånsa. Ramon is so hard-working, he does not like to rest. Bunmuchåchun påtgun si Frankie, meggai na tåotåo ha ayuyuda. Frankie is a very hard-working child, he has been helping a lot of people. I bunmuchåchu na tåotåo bula siña ha na'funhåyan. An industrious person can produce many things. Ant: gagu'. See: butmuchåchu.

buñelus n. doughnut, fritters, pastry in the shape of little balls. Guaha siha difirentis klåsin buñelus. There are different kinds of fritters. Guaha na tåotåo ti ya‑ña buñelus sa' mampus mamis. Some people do not like doughnuts because they are very sweet. Unu esti i buñelus gi gurupun påstri. Doughnuts are one of the types of pastries. From: Sp. buñuelos.

buñelus aga' n. banana doughnut. Siña un usa maseha håfa na klåsin aga' para mafa'buñelus. You can use any kind of banana to make doughnuts. Ti gustok‑ku buñelus aga' sa' guaha nai chepchup låña. I am not fond of banana doughnuts because they absorb too much oil. Kumu dinanchi i buñelus aga', gof månngi'. If the banana doughnut is mixed right, it is delicious.

buñelus dågu n. yam doughnut. Kumu tiempun Krismas yan anu nuebu, debi di u guaha buñelus dågu. There has be yam fritters during Christmas and New Year. Gof ya‑hu buñelus dågu. I love yam doughnuts. Ti libiånu mama'tinas buñelus dågu. It is not easy to make yam doughnuts.

buñelus kamuti n. sweet potato doughnut. Yan‑ñiha i taotåo Luta manmama'tinas buñelus kamuti. The people in Rota like to make sweet potato doughnuts. Gof manngi' i buñelus kamuti. Sweet potato doughnut is so delicious. Mapput mafa'tinas i buñelus kamuti. Making sweet potato doughnuts is hard.

buñelus lemmai n. breadfruit fritter. Bula buñelus lemmai kumu tiempun lemmai. There is plenty of lemmai friters if it's breadfruit season. Nangga sa' siempri mambendi yu' buñelus lemmai an måttu i tiempun lemmai. Wait because I will have breadfruit fritter for sale during breadfruit season. Nisisita u måsa i lemmai yanggin para un fama'tinas buñelus lemmai. The breadfruit has to be ripe if you are making breadfruit doughnuts. Maguaiya i buñelus lemmai ni manåmku'. The elders love breadfruit friters.

buñelus machaflilik n. twisted doughnut made of flour, coconut milk and sugar. Bula na tåotåo gumaiya esti i buñelus machaflilik. Plenty of people like twisted doughnuts. Esti na buñelus machaflilik siña ha' un simåna ya ti u båba. This twisted doughnut can last a week without spoiling. Mafa'nana'an buñelus 'typhoon' esti i buñelus machaflilik sa' ti u båba chaddik. The twisted doughnut is called "typhoon" doughnut because it will not spoil fast. Syn: buñelus taifun, buñelus månglu'.

buñelus månha n. doughnut made with young coconut meat. Nuebu na fina'tinas esti i buñelus månha giya Luta. The buñelus månha is a new invention on Rota. Ti hu chachagi i buñelus månha låo ilek‑ñiha na sen manngi'. I haven't tried the coconut doughnut but people say it is very delicious. Malagu' yu' tumungu' taimanu machu'guen‑ña esti i buñelus månha. I want to know how to the comakeconut doughnut.

buñelus månglu' n. fritter made from flour, shortening and yeast. Esti i buñelus månglu' mås maguaiya ni famagu'un. Children like the storm doughnut best. Sessu mafa'tina esti i buñelus månglu' yanggin tiempun månglu'. Storm fritters are often made during stormy weather. Fåhna esti i buñelus månglu' gi tenda siha. Storm doughnuts are saleable at the stores. Syn: buñelus taifun.

buñelus Okinawa' n. round fritter made from flour, eggs, milk, shortening, and baking powder; a traditional Okinawan pastry. Chaddik mafa'tinas esti i buñelus Okinawa'. It is quick to make buñelus okinaua'. Kumu dinanchi mapo'lon‑ña gi laña, esti i buñelus Okinawa' sumesen adamellung. If you place the dough in the oil properly, the buñelus Okinaua' comes out perfectly round. Esti i buñelus Okinawa' mafa'titinas ispesiatmenti yanggin påkyu sa' ma'uk. Buñelus Okinawa' is made especially during typhoons because it keeps well. See: buñelus kinåo'a'.

buñelus uhang n. shrimp doughnut. Åntis na tiempu uhang fresku ma'u'usa para i buñelus uhang. In the early days, fresh shrimp was used to make shrimp doughnuts. Kana' ha' an guput ha' nai mafa'titinas esti i buñelus uhang. Shrimp doughnut is mostly cooked at parties. Ti gustok‑ku kumånnu' esti i buñelus uhang. I don't really have the appetite to eat shrimp patties.

buregu' n. person in disguise or incognito, clown, ghost. Hu li'i' i buregu' gi duråntin i silibrasion. I saw a clown during the celebration. Kalang ha' håo i buregu' yan i tihong‑mu. You look like a clown with your hat. Na'ma'añåo gi halum tånu' sa' bula buregu'. It's scary in the boonies because there are many ghosts.

buremus n. type of chicken, resembling Plymouth Rock (barred variety). Tåya' nai hu li'i' i buremus na månnuk. I have never seen a buremus chicken. Yommuk esti na buremus. This buremus chicken is fat. Para bai in kaddu i buremus agupa'. We're going to make buremus chicken soup tomorrow. See: bremus.

bureti n. young burro. I torun bureti, ha goppi i kellat, yan i ke'yåo‑ña. The young male burro, jumped the fence, with its lame leg.

burón adj. blotchy, messy, scratched out (of writing or printing). Sessu mapatcha i tinigi' gi pisåra ya ti klåru esta sa' buron. The writings on the blackboard are often touched and so they are not clear anymore because they are scratched out. Ti siña makumprendi i tinige'‑hu sa' mampus buron. No one can understand my writing because it is blotchy. From: Sp. borrón.

buru n. burro, donkey. Gi bilen, guaha båka, kabåyu, yan buru. In the nativity scene, there is a cow, a horse, and a donkey. Chenglung i patgun i buru gi hali' i akgak siha. The baby of the burro got stuck in between the roots of the pandanus tree. From: Sp. burro.

buruka n. noise, racket, loud noise. Guaha na lugåt siha mampus buruka para guåhu. Some places are too noisy for me. Puru ha' buruka gi tiempun kampen pulitika. There is so much noise during political campaigns. Ti pasensia yu' esta gi buruka. I have no patience with noise already.

vi. make noise. Båsta bumuruka. Stop making noise. Nihi ta famburuka. Let's make noise. Båba bumuruka gi tasi. It's not good to make noise at the ocean.

burukåo adj. noisy, irritated. I kanåriu gi trongku afagåo yan burukåo. The canary in the tree has a hoarse voice and is noisy. See: buruka; burutåo.

burukentu adj. noisy, racket. Burukentu mampus i halum espitåt. It is very noisy in the hospital. Gof burukentu atyu na kareta. That car is very noisy. Todu i tiempu burukentu mampus i mannuk gi tattin i gima'‑måmi. The chicken behind our house are always making a racket.

burutåo adj. uneasy, irritated, noisy. I kanåriu gi trongku afagåo yan burutåo. The canary in the tree has a hoarse voice and is noisy. See: buruka; burukåo.

buseru n. diver. Ya‑ña i buseru i taddung na tåsi. The diver likes the deep ocean. Buseru lokkui' i che'lu‑hu låhi. My brother also is a diver. Bai hu atotga bumuseru yanggin gaigi håo gi fondun tåsi, ilek‑ña i kanta. I will attempt to be a diver if you are at the bottom of the ocean, the song says. Syn: lili'uf.

vi. 2) dive in water. Ti bai hu buseru ta'lu gi tasi sa' ginin kana' måtmus yu'. I am not going to dive again in the ocean because at one time I almost drowned. Kinassi ni amigu‑ña: Buseru fan påpa' gi fachi. His friend taunted him: Dive, please, in the mud. Hinatmi hånum i talanga‑hu anai bumuseru yu' gi tasi. Water got into my ears when I dove in the ocean..

busga vt. broach, bring up or to ask about something difficult or uncomfortable. Mungnga mabusga put håfa na ti måttu gi che'chu'. Don't broach the subject as to why she did not show up at work. Esta o'sun mabusga put i irensian i familia. He got fed up being asked about the family inheritance. Ha busga put asuntun i diretchun kumunidåt gi hunta. She raised the issue about the rights of the community at the meeting.

busina n. siren, whistle. Kada diha mana'kåti i busina ni pulisiha. The police officer turns on the siren every day. Gof a'gang i busina gi sengsung. The siren is very loud in the village. Mana'kåkati i busina yanggin guaha håfa na ira. The siren is sounded when there is a disaster.

busisi n. type of hand-made drill, turned by hand, tool for planing. Ma'u'usa i busisi para mama'tali. The drill is used to make rope. Måolik ha' i busisi macho'chu'. The drill does a good job. Nisisita ha' tåotåo para u kalamtin i busisi. The drill needs a person to make it work.

buska vt. 1) search for, seek, look for. Hu bubuska si Maria sa' ti måttu gi paingi. I am looking for Maria because she did not come home last night. Håyi bumuska si Ana? Who searched for Ana? Mungnga yu' mabuska gi halum tåotåo. Do not look for me in the crowd. Syn: aligåo, båndu, espiha. 2) investigate, dig for information, find out. Maila' ya ta buska si Juan put i asuntun i kåosån‑ña. Let's find out from Juan about the matter of his case. Sigi ha' yu' un buska put ennåo, låo tåya' tiningo'‑hu, sa' ti masangåni yu' put ennåo. You keep digging for information about that but I have no knowledge, since I was not informed about it. Mambubuska si Maria put i salappi' ni malingu gi halum guma'. Maria is investigating about the money that was lost inside the house. From: Sp. busca.

buskabida vt. be up to (something that is none of one's business or a waste of time) idle, wasting time, or doing bad deeds. Guaha buskabidåda‑mu na ti a'annuk håo. You are doing something wrong that is why you are not showing up. Masangåni yu' na guaha buskabidåda‑mu. Someone told me that you are doing something crazy. Håfa na buskabida para ta cho'gui na ha’åni? What trouble are we going to do today?

buskaplaitu adj. argumentative, looking for fights, looking for trouble. Para bumuskaplaitu ennåo na tåotåo ni håyiyi ha'. That person is like no other in being argumentative. Ti u kontentu si Benigno yanggin ti bumuskaplaitu. Benigno will not be satisfied if he does not make any trouble. Un håtmi i gurupu para un buskaplaitu. You joined the group looking for trouble. Syn: akatcha, ga'mumu, palåcha'.

busu vi. dive. Ma'å'ñåo yu' bumusu gi tåddung na tåsi. I am scared to dive in deep water. Hu faisin si Jose para hu busu gi mattingan. I asked Jose to dive out to the reef. Yan‑ñiha i famagu'un mambusu gi na'tata na lugåt gi tasi. Children enjoy diving in the shallow part of the ocean. Syn: li'uf.

busu' n. lump, protuberance, swelling, hump. Guaha busu' gi kannai‑mu. There's a lump on your hand.

adj. lumpy, swelling, bumpy. Busu' mampus labios‑ña si Maria. Maria's lips are too bumpy. Atan si Rosa sa' busu' dagån‑ña. Look at Rosa she has a lumpy buttock. Adahi na un nina'busu' ni ma'ottom‑mu gi trongku. Be careful because you may swell up from your bumping into the tree. Syn: pokpuk, disu'.

butdosa n. bulldozer, earth mover. Humåhanåo i butdosa para u fambutdosa. The bulldozer is moving along to bulldoze. From: Eng. bulldozer.

vt. bulldoze. Sessu ma butdosa i chalan‑måmi. They often bulldoze our road. Dångkulu na butdosa mambutdodosa gi gualu'. A large bulldozer is bulldozing the farm lot.

buteti n. type of fish: blowfish, puffer fish, swellfish, globefish. Tetraodontidae (Family Tetraodontidae). Ya‑hu umatan i buteti siha. I like to watch the puffer fish. Todu klåsin buteti guaha gi tasin Pasifiku. All kinds of puffer fish exist in the Pacific Ocean. I mås na'ma'añåo na buteti atyu i butetin tituka'. The scariest one of the puffer fish is the spiny puffer. Any of the puffer fish family which inflates its own body when frightened or wounded; also includes members of the family ostraciotidae.

butetin malulåsa n. type of fish: a member of the large group of puffer fishes. Arothron nigropunctatus. Sessu makonni' ni talaya i butetin malulåsa. The puffer fish is often caught with the net. Betdi kulot‑ña i butetin malulåsa. The puffer fish has a green color. Ti mamakannu' i butetin malulåsa. The puffer fish is not edible.

butetin pentu n. type of fish: spotted blow fish, spotted puffer fish, smooth puffer. Family Canthigasteridae. Guaha nai mangonni' yu' butetin pentu. Sometimes I catch the spotted puffer fish. Ilek‑ñiha na mamakannu' i butetin pentu. They say that the spotted puffer fish is edible. Tåya' nai hu li'i' gef dångkulu esti i butetin pentu. I have never seen a very big spotted puffer fish.

butetin títuka' n. type of fish: porcupine fish, spiny puffer (blowfish with long sharp spines all over the body). Diodon hystrix, Family Diodontidae. Ma'å'ñåo yu' kumonni' i butetin tituka'. I am afraid to catch the spiny puffer fish. Mamakannu' ha' esti i butetin tituka'. Spiny puffer fish is edible. Ti sen dångkulu esti i butetin tituka'. The spiny puffer fish is not very big.

buteya n. bottle, glass bottle, flask, beaker. Miyon na klåsin buteya guaha. There are a million kinds of bottles. Mås ya‑hu i gimin kumu masisini gi buteyan mamaffak. I prefer the drink that is in a glass bottle. Unu ha' prublemå‑ña esti i buteya sa' guaha mamaffak. The only problem with bottles is that some are breakable. From: Sp. botella.

butiyón n. bottle (half gallon). Masasahguan i ketchap gi butiyon. The shoyu sauce is in the half gallon bottle. Dos pesus ha' i butiyon binakli. The bottle of vinegar is only two dollars. Guaha nai baliña mafåhan i butiyon ki i buteyan dikiki'. Sometimes it is better to buy by the half gallon bottle than to buy a smaller bottle.

butkån n. volcano. Påpakpak i butkån gi dos na islas Marianas. Volcanos are erupting in two islands of the Marianas. Sessu giya Hawaii påkpak i butkån siha. Volcanos frequently erupt in Hawaii. Guaha lokkui' nai påkpak i butkån giya Washington State. Sometimes the volcano erupts in Washington State. Syn: butkånu. From: Sp. volcán.

butkånu n. volcano. Påkpak i butkånu giya Pågan. The volcano erupted in Pagan. Bula potbus yanggin påkpak i butkånu. There are lots of ashes when the volcano erupted. Bula manlåla'la' na butkånu gi san hilu' na isla siha gi islas Marianas. Threre are many active vocanoes in the northern islands of the Mariana islands. See: butkån.

butlacheru n. drunkard, boozer, alcoholic, dipsomaniac, one with whom drunkenness has become a habit. Ti manli'i' yu' butlacherun tåotåo ennåo. I have never seen such a drunkard like that person. Ti hu kumprendi håfa si Martin na bumutlacheru. I do not understand why Martin became alcoholic. Gof ma'å'ñåo yu' ni butlacheru na tåotåo. I am scared of drunkards. See: bulacheru.

butleha vt. ridicule, make fun of, taunt, mock. Ti dinanchi yan ti bunitu na ta butleha maseha håyi na tåotåo. It is not right nor nice to ridicule anybody. Håfa na binitleleha håo gi as Jose? Why is Jose mocking you? Binitleha si Maria as Antonia put i churan bistidu‑ña. Antonia ridicules Maria because of her ugly dress. I mismu atungo'‑ña ha' si Ben bumutleha gui'. Ben was mocked by his own friend.

butleha vt. mock, ridicule, make bitter remarks to, be sarcastic to. Ti måolik mambutleha tåotåo. It is not good to ridicule people. Ginin i binetlehan amigå‑hu na hu tulaika i bistidu‑hu. I changed my dress due to the ridicule from my friends. I mismu atungo'‑ña ha' bumotleha. Even his friend mocked him.

butlehu n. sarcasm, ridicule, mockery, insult, harsh remark. Ti ya‑hu umekkunguk guini na hunta sa' puru ha' botlehu manmayuyuti' huyung nu i taotåo siha. I do not like to attend this meeting because there are are too many insults being thrown about by people Tåya' nai na'maguf esti i taotåo yanggin butlehu i sensian‑ña. A person who mocks is an unpleasant person. Puru ha' butlehu manhuhuyung gi pachut Antonio. All that comes out of Antonio's mouth is sarcasm. Syn: botla.

butlón adj. one who ridicules, mocker, one who mocks. Esti i butlon ya‑ña manadu' tåotåo. The one who ridicles likes to observe people. Siña ha' butlon yu', låo butlonña håo. I may be a mocker but, you are more so.. Ti ya‑hu bumutlon sa' atyu u oggan giya guåhu. I don't want being a mocker because it might come back to me.

butlonu n. mocker, insulter, taunter, jeerer, hooter, ridiculer. Na' suha todu i fina' butlonu na tinigi' gi dokumentu. Remove all the insulting words in the document. Ti ha ripåpåra na guaha na biahi butlonu fino'‑ña. She did not realize that at times her words or insulting. See: butlón.

butmuchåchu adj. industrious, hardworking, laborious, diligent. I butmuchåchu na tåotåo siempri måolik lina'lå‑ña. An industrious person will have a good life. Måolik påtgun si Mateo sa' gof butmachåchu. Mateo is a good child because he is hard working. Chaddik un sodda' suettem‑mu yanggin butmuchåchu håo. You can easily find luck when you are industrious. See: bumuchåchu, bunmuchåchu.

butón agaga' n. type of plant: a type of flower. Gomphrena globosa. Na'maguf ma'atan i buton agaga' siha. It is so pleasing to see the red flowers. Ya‑hu muna'besti i lamasa‑hu nu i buton agaga'. I like to decorate my table with the red flowers. Guaha nai ti tiempon‑ña i buton agaga'. Sometimes the red flower is not in season.

butonsiyu n. type of plant. Cyperus kyllingia. Ti todu lugåt nai siña un sodda' esti i butonsiyu. It's not in all places that you can find this plant. Bunitu ha' na tinanum esti i butonsiyu. This plant is a nice one. Buenti ti siña mafa'besti esti i butonsiyu. Maybe this plant cannot be used for decoration. See: chå'guan humåtak.

butsiyu n. 1) bag, small sack. Kalan bunitu ennåo na butsiyu i un kikilili mågi. The bag you are carrying over here looks pretty. Hu tungu' manganchiyu butsiyun salåppi'. I know how to crochet money bags. 2) fabric bag used for åras in wedding ceremony. Ma nå'yi ginanchiyun floris siha gi butsiyun i nobia. They applied crochet of flowers on the bride's wedding bag. From: Sp. bolsillo.

vt. put (something) in a bag, esp. a paper bag. Mambutsiyu si Maria kantida na kelaguin månnuk sa' sen ya‑ña. Maria bagged a lot of chicken kelaguin because she really likes it. Butsiyu esti i pigas sa' u båba. Put the rice in the bag or it will spoil. Nangga sa' ha busiyuyuyi i pån. Wait, because she is bagging the bread.

buttu n. 1) mass, bulk, magnitude, size, configuration, indistinct form or image, silhouette. Guaha gi tattin guma' un dångkulun buttu. There is a large object at the back of our house. Dångkulun buttu ennåo. That's a big mass. Hu li'i' buttun åttilung gi tattek‑ku. I saw a black indistinct form behind me. 2) figure, statue. Manli'i' yu' un dångkulun buttun åttilung gi paingi. I saw a big, dark figure last night. Kalang håo ha' buttun taotaomo'na. You look like an ancient statue. Guaha difirentis klåsin buttu gi halum gimå'‑hu. There are different kinds of statue in my house.





adj.  adjective
adv.  adverb
agr.  agreement prefix
art.  article
aux.  auxiliary
cnj.  conjunction
dem.  demonstrative
Eng.  English
infx.  infix
intj.  Interjection
Jp.  Japanese
n.  noun
n.pl.  plural noun
neg.  negative
num.  numeral
part.  particle
pp.  prepositional phrase
pred.  predicate
pref.  prefix
prep.  preposition
pro.  pronoun
Sp.  Spanish
suf.  suffix
Syn  synonym
vi.  intransitive verb
vt.  transitive verb