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CH - ch


ch n. the fifth letter of the Chamorro alphabet, pronounced /ts/ and named che. Kuåntu na che guaha gi finu' Chamorro "chechettun"? How many ch are in the word "chechettun"?

chå n. 1) type of plant: tea plant. Camellia sinensis. Esta mandångkulu i trongkun chå gi kantun chålan. The tea plants along the road have already grown big. Mana'sesetbi i hagun trongkun chå para lavalava yan kurona yan balutan nengkanu'. The leaf of the tea plant is used for lavalavas, leis, and food wraps. 2) tea (drink). Hu na'lokkluk i cha para bai hu gimin. I boiled the tea to drink. Påopåo i cha ginin i kusina. The tea from the kitchen smells good. Måolik i cha para i tatåotåo‑mu. Tea is good for your body.

cha'- (from: cha'‑) vi. better not, don't, should not; don't tell me that... Cha'‑mu yu' fuma'chachalik. Do not make fun of me. Cha'‑miyu yu' umattokgui. Don't you hide from me. Cha'‑ña yu' umestatani na para u sotta ha' yu' guini. He better not kid me that he is just going to leave me here. Bound verb which takes possessive suffixes. Variant: chacha'‑.

chå'guan n. grass. Mandångkulu i cha'guan gi simintetyu. The grass is overgrown at the cemetery. Ha guåssan si tåta i cha'guan gi tattin guma'. Father cut the grass at the back of the house. Håyi bumokbuk i cha'guan gi hatdin? Who pulled out the grass in the garden?

chå'guan kakaguetis n. type of plant: grass. Teramnus labialis. Ti todu lugåt nai gaigi esti i cha'guan kakaguetis. Not all places have the cha'guan kakaguetis. Siña ha' buenti mafa'åmut i cha'guan kakaguetis. Maybe the cha'guan kakaguetis could be used for medicine. Kalang kunanaf ha' esti i cha'guan kakaguetis. Cha'guan kakaguetis is like a vine. Variant: chå'gun kakaguatis.

chå'guan lemmai n. type of plant: white kyllinga grass. Kyllinga nemoralis. Uma'achuli' i cha'guan lemmai yan i cha'guan Umåtak. The white kyllinga grass is similar to cha'guan Umåtak grass. Mås lokka' i cha'guan lemmai ki i cha'guan Umåtak. The white kyllinga grass is taller than cha'guan Umåtak grass. Mafa'å'amut esti i cha'guan lemmai. White kyllinga grass is used for medicine.

chå'guan Saigón n. type of plant: a type of grass, Cinderella weed or nodeweed. Synedrella nodiflora. I cha'guan Saigon måolik mana'setbi yanggin chinachak håo. Cinderella weed is good to use on cuts on your body. Mandodokku' i cha'guan Saigon gi bula lugåt giya Saipan. The Cinderella weed grows in many places on Saipan. Ti hu tungu' kåo lokka' pat ebaba' esti i cha'guan Saigon. I do not know if this Cinderella weed is tall or short.

chå'guan tåsi n. 1) seaweed. Guaha na chå'guan tåsi månngi' makånnu'. Some seaweed is delicious to eat. Guaha na chå'guan tåsi manannuk yanggin må'ti i tasi. Some seaweed can be seen when the tide is low. 2) type of plant: sea grass. Diplanthera uninervis. Difirentis klåsi na cha'guan tåsi manggaigi gi natatan tåsi. Different kinds of sea grass are in the shallow water. Yanggin nåpu i tasi, chaddik manyinamak i cha'guan tåsi. If there are big waves, the sea grass are easily swept away. Mañåsaga tengnga i guihan gi cha'guan tåsi. Usually the fish stays in the sea grass.

chå'guan tutokpuk n. type of plant: fine, low-lying, carpetlike grass. Ma na'setbi i cha'guan tutokpuk anai ma håtsa bilen. They used the fine grass when they made a Nativity scene. Sessu un li'i' i cha'guan tutokpuk gi simintetyun Chapanis. You often see carpetlike grass in Japanese cemeteries. Yan‑ñiha i ga'lågu manggalilik gi cha'gun tutokpuk. The dogs like to roll in the carpetlike grass.

chå'guan Umåtak n. type of plant: nutgrass. Cyperus rotundus. Abundånsia esti i cha'guan Umåtak giya Saipan. The nutgrass plant is in abundance in Saipan. Gof mahettuk mabokbuk esti i cha'guan Umatak. It is hard to pull the nut grass. Åmut lokkui' esti i cha'guan Umåtak. Nutgrass is also a medicinal plant.

chå'ka n. 1) rat, mouse, shrew. Family Soricidae or Order Rodentia. Mampus bula chå'ka giya Saipan. There are too many rats on Saipan. Malågu i cha'ka gi papa' lamasa. The rat ran under the table. Yan‑ñiha i cha'ka manhuyung an puengi para u fañotchu. The rats like to come out and eat at night. 2) protrusion in the bicep when pinched. Maila' ya bai hu na'li'i' håo ni cha'ka gi kodu‑mu. Come and let me show you the rat in your arm muscle.

chå'kan díkiki' n. mouse. Ya‑ña i cha'kan dikiki' umattuk gi halum guma'. The mouse likes to hide in the house. Duru kumåti i cha'kan dikiki'. The mouse keeps crying. Dinilalak i cha'kan dikiki' ni i katu. The mouse was chased by the cat.

cha'-mu (from: cha'‑mu) vi. do not, don't (second person singular). Cha'‑mu popo'lu na put i taiguihi i idåt‑ña, ti siña kumahulu' gi trongku. Don't think that because he's that age, he cannot climb the tree.

cha'ot- (from: cha'ot‑) vi. vulnerable to, sensitive to, allergic to. Cha'ot‑ña mångga. She's allergic to mango. Dilikåo sa' meggai cha'ot‑ña. He is very delicate as he has a lot of sensitivities. Gef cha'ot‑ña makassi låo guiya mismu sen kassi. She is very sensitive to being teased but she is herself a great teaser. See: chetnut, chu'ut, chetnudan.

chå'tan adj. choosy, selective, particular. Chå'tan si Bernadita gi magågu. Bernadita is particular with clothes. Chå'tan chumotchu si Benigno gi giput. Benigno was selective in eating at the party. Chå'tan i patgun gi bandan sapåtus. The child is choosy in terms of shoes.

cha'ut vi. be allergic to (something), have an allergy to (something). Cha'ut yu' nu esti. I'm allergic to this. Cha'ot‑ña si Margarita i panglåo. Margarita is allergic to crabs. Cha'ot‑tu i guihan. I am allergic to fish. Tåya' cha'ot‑mu. You're not allergic to anything.

chåba1 vt. cut notches in trunk of (tree) to facilitate climbing. Ha chåba si Antonio i trongkun niyuk para u kahulu'. Antonio cut notches on the coconut tree so he could climb. Hu gacha' si Mariano na ha chåchaba i trongkun niyuk. I caught Mariano cutting notches on the coconut trees. Måolik machåba i trongku para u mana'lå'la'. It is good to cut notches on the tree to keep it healthy.

chåba2 vt. reduce (fire, or one's emotions). Chåba i guafi. Reduce the fire. Chåba i ninanalo'‑mu. Reduce your anger.

chåba' vt. interrupt, chop, cut with a quick blow as in karate. Ha chåba' si Joaquin si Mateo annai kumuekuentus. Joaquin interrupted Mateo when he was talking. Ha chåba' si Andres i tangantångan. Andres cut the tangantångan. Hu chåba' i dos påtgun sa' uma'achonnik. I interrupted the two children because they were pushing each other. Variant: chåbba'.

chåbba' vt. interrupt, chop, cut with a quick blow as in karate. Cha'‑mu chåchabba' yu' yanggin kumuekuentus yu'. Do not interrupt me when I am talking. Fama'nu'i rispetu ya mungnga machåbba' i tåotåo yanggin kumuekuentus. Show respect and do not interrupt a person when they are talking. Achokka' ha li'i' yu' na kumuekuentus ha chåbba' ha' yu'. Even if she saw me talking, she just interrupts. Variant: chåba'.

chacha n. tree fern, type of plant. Cyathea lunulata. Åntis, manbundånti yan man lokka' i chacha gi halum tånu'. In the past, the tree ferns were abundant and tall in the forest. Guaha na chacha ma'u'usa gi amut natibu. Some type of are used in local medicine.

chåcha n. type of plant. Genus Cyclosorus. Ginin guaha munton na chåcha giya Chacha gi Saipan. There used to be a lot of chåcha at Chacha in Saipan.

chacha' adj. choosy, fussy, hard to please. I na chinacha' si Brenda chumotchu. Brenda is too choosy in eating. Gof chacha' si Andres chumotchu hineksa'. Andrew is very particular in eating rice. Chacha' minagågu si Lourdes. Lourdes is choosy wearing clothes. Båsta chumacha' tåotåo na un fakcha'i i lachi. Stop being too particular about people or you will find the wrong one. Mungnga chumacha’ ya un kånnu’ håfa maplantåyi håo. Don't be picky and eat what is served to you. See: cha'ut.

cháchaga' n. thigh, upper part of leg (of humans only). Masisu mampus i chachaga'‑ña i neni. The baby's thigh is very firm. Mampus dångkulu i chachaga'‑ña si Jose. Jose's thigh is very big. A'annuk i chachaga'‑mu. The upper part of your leg is showing.

vt. pinch in the thigh. Chumålik i neni anai chinachaga' ni biha. The baby laughed when the old lady pinched him in the thigh. See: pietna.

chåchak n. saw, cutter, slicer. Malåktus mampus ennåo na chåchak. That saw is very sharp. Adahi na un chinachak kannai‑mu ni chachak. Be careful not to cut your hand with the slicer.

vt. saw, cut, slice. Håyi chumåchak i pappit? Who cut the paper? Syn: pika, utut, dibåna.

chåchak luluk n. iron saw. Mana'sesetbi i chachak luluk para manutut paip. An iron saw is used to cut pipes.

chåchak manbotda n. pattern saw, used for carpentry or woodworking. I katpinteru ha usa i chachak manbotda para u fa'kakku'i i sagan na'famo'luyan. The carpenter used the pattern saw to create a decorative design on the shelf. Ñañu' i chachak manbotda. The pattern saw is dull.

chåchak mañisi n. rip saw. Hu usa i chachak mañisi para bai hu chåchak i tapbla. I use the rip saw to slice the board.

chåchak trumosu n. large saw, crosscut saw. Mañåñachak trosun trongku si Ramon ni chachak trumosu. Ramon cuts logs with the large saw. Guaha palapalå‑ña si Vicente ni ha popo'lu i chachak trumosu. Vicente has a shop where he stores his large saw.

chachalåni vt. demonstrate, show the way, give good advice, show (how to do something). Chachalåni si Maria taimanu nai siña mama'salåppi'. Advise Maria as to how to make money. Ayuda fan si Maria chumachalåni gi lina'lå'‑ña. Help Maria and give her advice about her life. Chachalåni si Jose taimanu para u na'lågu i mannuk. Show Jose how to cook the chicken.

cháchalun n. fat (fried), the fat of a pig cut in squares and fried until all the oil is removed, like crisp bacon. Guaha nai hu chagi mama'tinas chachalun. I tried making pork rings. Tinaka' åpmam para un fama'tinas chachalun. It takes long to make pork rings. Månngi' matotchi i chachalun gi finadenni' binakli. It is good to eat the pork rings with a vinegar sauce.

Chåchu' name. nickname for Ignacio. Sumåsaga si Chåchu' gi sanlagu. Chåchu' lives in the mainland.

chåda' n. 1) egg, ovum. Difirentis klåsin putåhin nengkanu' nai ma'na'sesetbi i chada'. Eggs are used in different kinds of food courses. 2) vagina (slang), private part. Ilek‑ña i biha ni sutterita: adahi i chadå'‑mu! The old lady said to the young lady: Take care of your private part! 3) lady (slang). Ginin manu håo, Chåda? Where have you been, lady?

chada' gueru n. egg with chick that failed to hatch; 01/Feb/2022. Bula manåmku' gumuaiya i chada' gueru. Many elders like the egg that did not hatch. Påkpak i chada' gueru gi semnak. The egg that failed to hatch exploded under the sun. This food item is made by boiling unhatched eggs for a very long time, then dipping them in salt.

chadda' vt. pinch on the inner part of leg or groin. Adahi na un chinadda' gi as matlinå‑mu. Be careful, you may be pinched by your godmother. Syn: de'un. See: cháchaga'. Variant: chagga'.

chaddik adj. fast, quick, hurried. Chaddik i kareta malågu. The car runs fast. Malålagu i bås gi singkuenta miyas na chinaddik. The bus runs at the speed of fifty miles. Adahi na ti un na'chaddik håo mågi. Be sure you come here quickly. Syn: gusi', såhyåo, alula, apreta, bibu.

cháflaki' n. nipple. Guaha siha na chaflaki' manmahettuk. Some nipples are hard. Yan‑ñiha i neni mañaña' na chaflaki'. Babies like soft nipples. Guaha på'gu na tiempu manmayuyuti' ha' i chaflaki' kumu ma'usa. Nowadays some nipples are thrown away once they are used. Syn: akådu', chipón.

chaflalak vt. twist, wring, weave, as in twisting rope. I palåo'an ha chaflalak i akgak para goddi. The women wove the akgak leaves for tying. Hu chaflalak si Biha i akgak para u fa'dililing. My grandmother twisted the akgak leaves to make handles. Bula na punut ha chaflalak si tatå‑hu para u fa'tåli. My dad twisted plenty coconut husk to make rope. Variant: chaflilik.

Chaflik adj. 1) quiver, jerk, give a quick and suddenly arrested push, pull, or twist, especially when dying, twitch, as in dying. Chachaflik si tatan bihu. Grandfather is having his last breath. Esta chaflik ha' i taotåo anai poddung gi trongku. The man quivered when he fell from the tree. 2) critically ill, at the point of death. Chumaflik i tåotåo gi paingi. He was at the point of death last night. 3) faint. Chaflik i neni annai kalentura. The baby fainted when he/she had high fever. Adahi na un chaflik gi maigo'‑mu. Be careful not to faint in your sleep. Syn: hagung åtuf, parasismu.

chaflilik vt. twist (something), wrap around, twist around. Ha chaflilik si Jose i talangan i patgun. Jose twisted the child's ear. Ha chaflilik i taotåo i alåmli gi karetiya. The man twisted the wire around the spool. Chaflilik i tali gi trongku. Wind the rope around the tree. Syn: chaflulun. Variant: chaflalak.

chaflulun vt. twist (something), wrap around. Chaflulun i hilu. Twist the string. Mungnga machaflulun i magågu, sa' siempri makalelu. Don't twist the cloth because it will be wrinkled. Chaflulun i guihan nu i papit. Wrap around the fish with paper.

chagga' vt. pinch on the inner part of leg or groin. Machagga' i patgun as nanå‑ña. The child was pinched by her mother. Mungnga machagga' i patgun. Don't pinch the inner part of the child's leg. Adahi na bai hu chachagga' håo. Don't make me pinch you on your groin. A'annuk i chachaga'‑mu. The inner part of your leg is showing. Syn: de'un. See: cháchaga'. Variant: chadda'.

chagi vt. 1) try, attempt, test. Para u chagi i taotåo ma'udai gi batkun airi. The man is going to try to ride on the plane. I ma'estru ha chagi i famagu'un ni leksion. The teacher tested the children on the lesson. 2) taste. Tåya' nai hu chagi binu. I have never tasted wine. See: tañña'. 3) experience (to benefit from something). Hånåo ya un chagi i dangkulu na tånu'. Go and experience other places. Tåya' ni hu chagi esti na klåsin cho'chu' i ma'estra. I never had experience teaching. Bula hu chagi anai humånåo yu' para Espåña. I had a lot of experience when I visited Spain. Chagi ya mungnga madagi. Experience (something) so you will not be fooled. Ai, sa' mañagi si Maria anai ma'irensia ginin as bihå‑ña. Well, Maria experienced being rich with the inheritance from her grandmother.

chago'ña adj. further, more distant. Chago'ña i gima'‑måmi kontra i tenda kinu i gima'‑ñiha si Maria. Our house is farther from the store than Maria's. Chago'ña hinanåo‑ña si tåta. Father traveled farther. Kåo un tungu' na chago'ña i atdåo kinu i pilan? Do you know that the sun is farther away than the moon? Variant: menchago'ña.

chågu' adj. far, afar, distant. Chågu' i gima' i patgun kontra i iskuela. The child's home is far from school. Dåggåo i bola na'chågu'. Throw the ball far. Håyi tumungu' amånu mås chågu', i pilan pat i atdåo? Who knows which is farther, the moon or the sun? Syn: distansiåo.

chågua vt. extinguish (fire) partially by using sand or soil, lessen the heat of (fire), cause to be calm, cause to die down. Hu chågua i guafi. I reduced the fire. Machågua i manglu'. The wind died down. Put fabot, chågua i minaipem‑mu. Please, calm your rage.

chaguångguan n. type of bird: Micronesian broadbill (blue, white, and buff). Myiagra oceanica, Myiagra freycineti, Family Corvidae. Håssan esta chaguångguan giya Saipan. Chaguangguans are already rare in Saipan.

chåhan n. underground pit. Na'dångkulu i chahan. Make the underground pit big.

vt. cook (something) in an underground pit or oven. Machåhan i babui para i giput. The pig was roasted underground for the party. Ya‑mu chinahan babui? Do you like underground roasted pig? Måolekña yanggin ta chåhan i kinenne'‑ta guihan. It's better if we roast the fish we caught.

chåhlåo vt. catch (in the air). I taotåo ha chåhlåo i bola. The man caught the ball. Cha'‑mu chåchalåo i baban bidå‑ña siha. Do not allow her ill works to befall you. Yotti ha' sa' siempri bai hu chåhlåo ha'. Just throw it because I will catch it. Variant: chålåo.

Chai' name. nickname for Rosa. Si Chai' mås matungo'‑ña. She is mostly known as Chai'.

Chaifi name. name of an evil spirit, a supernatural being. Gai fuetsa si Chaifi. Chaifi is powerful. Mungnga mamburuka sa' u fåttu si Chaifi. Don't make noise or else Chaifi will come. Sasalåguan sagå‑ña si Chaifi. Hell is Chaifi's place. Syn: manganiti.

chaiguan n. type of plant: type of seaweed. Bula chaiguan gi tasi. There are a lot of chaiguan in the ocean. I chaiguan nengkanu' guihan siha. Chaiguan is food for the fish. Guaha siha chaiguan manmamakånnu'. Some chaiguan are edible. Syn: chå'guan tåsi.

chåk n. chalk. Ha usa i ma'estru i chåk para u fånggi' gi pisågra. The teacher used chalk to write on the board. Måtka i satgi ni chåk. Mark the floor with chalk. Syn: yesu. From: Eng. chalk.

chakchak n. 1) crack (of dawn). Makmåta' yu' gi chakchak i atdåo. I woke up at the crack of dawn.

adj. cracked. Chachak i te'lang adeng‑ña i patgun. The child's leg bone is cracked.

vt. crack (the bone of a joint), pop (the knuckles). Ha chakchak i kalulot‑ña. He cracked his fingers. See: chakka', chekchik.

chakchak manana n. dawn, daybreak. Kahulu' yu' gi chakchak manana. I got up at dawn. Ti u åtman chakchak manana. It won't be long before dawn. Mangåkanta i paluma gi chakchak manana. Birds sing at daybreak.

chakka' vi. titter, chuckle. Chakka chalek‑ña si Carmen. Carmen chuckled.

adj. cracked. Chakka' i te'lang adding i patgun. The child leg bone is cracked.

vt. crack (the bones of a joint), pop (the bones of a joint). Ha chakka' i kalulot‑ña siha i taotåo. The man cracked his fingers. See: chakchak, chekchik.

chalakilis n. type of food: a stew-like dish of chicken, coconut crab, or clams grilled in ground toasted rice or corn and seasoned with achoti. Mama'tinas si Nåna chalakilis ayuyu. Mother made coconut crab chalakilis. Månngi' ha' lokkui' i chalakilis tapun. Chalakilis with clams is also tasty. Ha mulilinu si Nåna i pigas para u fama'tinas chalakilis. Mother is grinding rice to make chalakilis. Variant: charakilis.

chalamlam vi. blink, wink, twinkle. Ha na'chalamlam i kandit karetå‑ña. He blinked his car's headlights. Ha na'chalamlam i matå‑ña si Jose guatu as Celina. Jose winked at Celina. Atan ha' i chalamlam puti'un. Look at the twinkling star. Chumalamlam i patgun anai hu na'kesuha i inai gi matå‑ña. The child blinked when I tried to remove the sand from his eye. Syn: achetgi.

chålan n. road, street, highway, path. Kåo humånao esti na chålan para i hospitåt? Does this road lead to the hospital? Håfa na'ån‑ña i chalan gima'‑miyu? What is your home's street name? Piligru humugåndu i chalan. It is dangerous to play on the road. Syn: katsåda.

Chalan Famalåo'an name. place name in Tinian. Åntis puru ha' famalåo'an manmaloloffan guini na chålan, atyu na mafa'na'an Chalan Famalåo'an. Back in the old days, only women walked in this particular path and that's why it's called Chalan Famalåo'an. På'gu na tiempu guaha ha' nai mahunguk katin palåo'an guini na lugåt i Chalan Famalåo'an. To this day, a woman's cry can be heard at the place called the Chalan Famalåo'an. Gaigi i Chalan Famalåo'an gi arian Matkpo' gi sanhilu' i Kanada. The Chalan Famalåo'an is within the Marpo Heights area.

chalan håga' n. veins. Gof chaddik si Juanita masodda' chalan hagå'‑ña sa' manloddu'. Juanita’s veins were easy to find because they are big. Ma chuchuli' håga'‑mu ginin i chalan hagå'‑mu. They draw blood from your veins.

Chalan Kanoa name. village in Saipan. Sumåsaga yu' giya Chalan Kanoa. I am living in Chalan Kanoa. Dångkulu i Chalan Kanoa na songsung. Chalan Kanoa is a big village. Gaigi i Post Office giya Chalan Kanoa. The Post Office is in Chalan Kanoa.

chalan kaskåo n. gravel road. Chalan kaskåo ha' i chalan gima'‑måmi. The road to our house is only a gravel road. Barångka i chalan kaskåo. Gravel roads are bumpy. Gastadot mampus i chalan kaskåo sa' kada råtu ma'arerekla. Gravel roads are very expensive because they are always being repaired.

Chalan Pago name. village in central Guam, linked with the village of Ordot. Guaha amigu‑hu Guam sumåsaga giya Chalan Pago. I have a friend in Guam who lives in Chalan Pago. Gaigi Chalan Pago gi fi'un Ordot. Chalan Pago is near Ordot. Bunitu i fiestan Ordot‑Chalan Pago. The Ordot-Chalan Pago fiesta is nice.

chalan simentu n. paved road. Puru ha' chalan simentu i chalan siha giya Saipan esta. Most of the roads on Saipan are already paved. Yånu i chalan simentu. The paved road is smooth. Chalan simentu chalan‑måmi. Our road is a paved road. See: chalan atkitrån.

chalåni vt. lead, guide, instruct, give advice, give counsel. Ha chalåni yu' si Påli' ni prublemå‑hu. The priest guided me on my problems. Chalåni i estrangheru guatu gi ufisinan Maga'låhi. Guide the stranger to the Governor's office.

chålåo vt. catch (e.g. a ball). I taotåo ha chalåo i bola. The man caught the ball. Cha'‑mu chachalåo i båban bidå‑ña siha. Do not allow his works fall unto you. Yutti ha' sa' siempri bai hu chalåo ha'. Just throw it because I will catch it. Variant: chahlåo, chalåo.

chalåochåo adj. bouncy, wavy. Chalåochåo mampus i tasi. The ocean is very wavy. Chalåochåo i kareta gi hilu' chålan barångka. The car bounces on bumpy roads.

vt. rinse. Matågu' i patgun para u chalåochåo i galon åntis di u na'yiyi hånum. The child was told to rinse the container (by shaking) before she fills it with water. Variant: chåochåo.

chalapun vt. scatter, disperse, dispel, dissipate, distribute, spread. Ha chalapun i lancheru i simiyan tumåtis gi tirenu. The farmer scattered the tomato seeds in the field. Guaha fina'dinagi machalapun gi entalo' i familia. There were rumors spread amount the family. A'gang i pulisia ya u machalapun i manatburutåo na tåotåoguis siha. Call the police to disperse the riotous people. See: biba.

chalehgua' vt. stir, agitate. Hu chalehgua' i nina'lagu‑hu. I stirred my cooking. I makinan mama'gåsi ha chalehgua' i magågu siha. The washing machine agitated the clothes. Chalehgua' fan i limonåda. Please stir the lemonade. Syn: båtti, lehgua'.

chaleku n. vest, waistcoat, undershirt (for babies), sleeveless shirt. Mafa'tinåsi i nobiu chaleku para i fandanggon‑ña. The grom has a cnaleku made for his wedding. Mamåhan i matlina chaleku para i hadå‑ña. The godmother bought an undershirt for her goddaughter. Guaha franela‑hu chaleku. I have a sleeveless t-shirt.

chålik vi. 1) laugh. I a'gang na chålik siña mahunguk. The loud laugh you could hear. Bula chålik annai i burego' ha fa'nu'i un aksion. When the clown performed a funny act there was laughter. Chålik fan a'gang. Please laugh loud. Mañålik todu i taotåo anai umistorian na'chalik. Everyone laughed when he told a funny story. 2) smile, the upward curving of the mouth. Esti na klåsin chålik ti un hunguk. This type of smile you do not hear. Ilek‑ña i litratista, "Chålik, fan." The photographer said, "Smile, please."

chalonchun vt. shake, disturb by moving or touching. Chalonchun i buteya. Shake the bottle. Machalolonchun yu' gi kareta, sa' barångka i chalan. I'm being shaken in the car, because the road is rugged. Variant: chalongchung.

chámbara' n. sword. Anåkku' i chambara'‑ña si Mariano. Mariano has a long sword. I chambara' parehu ha' yan i sapbli. A Chambara' is the same as a sword. Syn: såpbli.

vi. fight with swords. Chumachambara' i dos patgun låhi. The two boys are swordfighting. Syn: mumonsåpbli. From: Jp.

chámoddung adj. of the same height, length, size. Chamoddung i dos chume'lu maseha ti parehu ånus‑ñiha. The two siblings have the same height even though they are different in age. Kana' chamoddung i islan Luta yan Tinian. Rota and Tinian are about the same size. Chumamoddung gima'‑ñiha giya Kagman. Their houses are the same size. See: parehu. Variant: achámoddung.

Chamorri n. highest class in pre-Spanish Chamorro society. Åntis di tiempun Espåña, i Chamorri klåsin manmå'gas giya Mariånas. Before the Spanish time, the Chamorri were the highest class in the Marianas. Mandångkulu yan fuetsudu i Chamorri åntis na tiempu. The Chamorri were big and strong a long time ago. Esta på'gu tåya' klåsin Chamorri giya Mariånas. There are no more Chamorri in the Marianas nowadays.

Chamorrita n. 1) Chamorro style of two people, or two groups of people, singing competitively, responding to one another in alternating verses, using rhyme. Nuebu esti na Chamorrita. This Chamorrita is new. 2) (any) Chamorro song. Para u kånta si Sandy Chamorrita. Sandy is going to sing a Chamorro song.

vi. sing a Chamorrita, sing a Chamorro song. Gof måolik Chumamorrita si nanå‑hu biha. My grandmother is a good Chamorrita singer. 3) young Chamorro (female). Håyi atyu na bunitan Chamorrita? Who is that beautiful young Chamorro girl? Manggof ayudånti i Chamorrita siha åntis gi gima'‑ñiha. Long time ago, the young Chamorro girls were very helpful at their house.

Chamorritu n. young Chamorro (male). Håyi atyu na bunitun Chamorritu? Who is that handsome young Chamorro man? Manggof ayudånti i Chamorritu siha åntis gi gima'‑ñiha. A long time ago, the young Chamorro boys were very helpful at home.

Chamorro n. 1) one of the indigenous peoples of the Mariana Islands. I Chamorro tåotåo Mariånas. The Chamorro are people of the Marianas. 2) language of one of the indigenous peoples of the Mariana Islands. Kåo un tungu' fuminu' Chamorro? Do you know how to speak Chamorro? I Chamorro finu' tåotåo Chamorro gi as islas Mariånas. Chamorro is the language of the Chamorro people in the Mariana Islands. Variant: Chamoru.

chamosga vt. burn off the hair of an animal, sear. Chamosga i pilun i chiba åntis di un låssas. Sear the goat's hair before you skin it. Ha chamosga si Tata i patas guaka ni para u kåtdu. Father seared the cow's feet that he was going to make soup of. Kana' ha' ha chamosga i guafi i gaputulu‑hu. The fire almost burned off my hair. Variant: chamoska.

chamoska vt. burn off the hair of an animal, sear. Chamoska i pilun i chiba åntis di un låssas. Sear the goat's hair before you skin it. Ha chamoska si Tata i patas guaka ni para u kåtdu. Father seared the cow's feet for making soup. Kana' ha' ha chamoska i guafi i gaputulu‑hu. The fire almost burned off my hair. Variant: chamosga.

chamoskådu n. pot pourri, a mixture or blend of edibles in a stew-like dish. Maila' ya un chotchu chamoskådun kåtnin guaka. Come and eat beef stew. Ti gof ya‑hu chamoskådun kåtnin guaka. I don't really like beef stew. Na'yiyi batåtas, karot yan tumåtis gi chamoskådun månnuk. Put potato, carrot, and tomato in the chicken stew. See: kåddu.

chåmpa vt. show off to. Si Juan ha champa i ottru siha na famagu'un gi kuentas. Juan show off his great skill in mathematics. Båsta umachampa na dos. You two stop competing with each other. Uma'achampa si Jesus yan i bisinu‑ña. Jesus and his neighbor are showing off to each other. See: kontra.

chåmpan n. scow, large flat-bottomed boat with a square end, sampan. Ma'ayåo si Nicholas chåmpan para u peska. Nicholas borrowed a scow to go fishing. Kamtin i champan gi halum nåpu. The scow is unsteady in waves. Siña yu' ma'udai gi champan guatu Managaha. I can sail on a scow to Managaha. Syn: boti, bapusitu.

champulådu n. cooked chocolate soft rice. Mama'tinas si Nåna champulådu para amotsa. Mother cooked chocolate soft rice for breakfast. Gof måolik i champulådu para famagu'un siha. Cooked chocolate soft rice good for little children. Sustansiåo i champulådu. The cooked chocolate soft rice is very nutritious. See: alåguan.

Chana' name. nickname for Susana. Måsña matungo'‑ña si Susanan asaguå‑hu Chana'. My wife Susana is better know as Chana'. Variant: Chanang.

chånda vt. 1) challenge, contradict, interrupt, object to. Ha chånda i amigu‑hu i fino'‑hu. My friend contradicted what I said. Ha chånda lokkui' i amigu‑hu i planu‑hu. My friend also objected to my plan. Syn: kontra, kuestiona. 2) shove, push. Basnak anai ma chånda gi fila. She fell when she was pushed on the line. See: chåba'. 3) prevent. I pulusia ha chånda yu' humålum gi piligru na lugåt. The policeman prevented me from going into a dangerous place. Syn: pribi.

chandiha n. type of plant: watermelon. Citrullus vulgaris. Dångkulu tirenu‑ña chandiha i tihu‑hu. My uncle has a big watermelon field. Ipi' i chandiha ya un ofresi i bisita siha. Cut the watermelon and offer it to the visitors. Ai na minamis i chandiha‑ña lancheru. Wow, the farmer's watermelon is vey sweet.

chånnu vi. walk briskly with arms swinging, take big steps while walking. Alulåyi! Na'chånnu i pokkat‑mu! Move fast! Walk briskly! Kuåntu påsun chånnu finedda'‑ña i chalan? How many big steps is the width of the street? Chaddik mamokkat si Jesusa, sa' chumåchannu. Jesusa walks fast, because she is taking big steps.

chånsa1 n. chance. Kåo guaha mohon chansåk‑ku yan i bunita na palåo'an? Do you think I would have a chance with that beautiful lady? Hu chuli' ha' i chansåk‑ku anai para hu ke'fahan atyu na kareta. I took a chance when I was going to buy that car. From: Sp. chancea.

vt. take a risk. Hu chånsa ha' chumuli' i katgåm‑mu. I took a risk to bring your cargo. Mungnga machånsa håo para un cho'gui i ti un tungu' chumo'gui. Don't take the risk of doing what you don't know how to do.

chånsa2 n. joke, jest. Bula chansan‑ña atyu na tåotåo. That person has a lot of jokes. Chånsa ennåo i ha såsangan si Jose. What Joe is saying is a joke. Maila' ya ta ekkunguk chånsa siha gi rediu. Come and let's listen to jokes on the radio. From: Sp. chancea.

vi. joke, jest. Si Juan ya‑ña chumånsa. John likes to joke.

chanseru n. one who takes risks. Mampus chanseru na tåotåo si Miget. Miguel takes a lot of chances. Guaha na biåhi nai suetti i chanseru. There are times when a person who is chanseru is lucky. Mambåtbaru esti siha na tåotåoguis i mañanseru. People who take lots of risks are brave. Syn: chansadót, á'aposta. From: Sp. chancero.

chañapitu' intj. god forbid, what if (some negative event), oh my, unbelievably. Chañapitu' sa' mapotgi' si Maria. It's unbelievable that Maria is pregnant. Mungnga guennåo, sa' chañapitu' na un poddung. Not over there, because god forbid you might fall. Chañapitu' na yinemmuk håo. Oh my, you're so fat. Variant: chanapitu'.

chångka' vt. hang, suspend (with a strap), carry over one's shoulder from a strap. Hu chångka' i katpeta‑hu ya humånåo yu' para i iskuela. I hung my school bag over my shoulder and I went to school. Chångka' fan i fallut gi tiheras kisami. Please, hang the lantern on the ceiling beam. Ha chångka' i insåttan guihan. He slung the string of fish over his shoulder. See: kana'; Luta pronunciation (changka') known to Aniceto Mundo.

changkletas n. sandal, slipper. Ha na'puputi i addeng‑hu i changkletas‑su nuebu. My new sandals are hurting my feet. Ya‑ña i hadå‑hu i hu fahåni na changkletas. My goddaughter likes the sandals that I bought her. Potput i suelas changkletas prinsesa. The soles of the princess' slippers are thick. Syn: sandålas. From: Sp. chancletas.

changkotcha vt. boil, cook (protein food) in water, sterilize. Chotchu chinangkotchan chåda'. Eat boiled egg. Ha changkotcha i sini para åggun amotsan talu'åni. He boiled the taro for the starch portion of the lunch. See: na'lokkluk.

chångku adj. limping, club-footed, bow-legged. Chångku mamokkat sa' appling addeng‑ña. He walks with a limp because he has a sprained foot. Mafañågu chångku. She was born with club feet. Nina'chåchangku mamokkat ni kohun addeng‑ña. His bow-leggedness makes him walk with a limp. Syn: makabebi', kohu, ke'yåo.

chångnga adj. pale, light-colored (when compared to another shade of the same color); often used to refer to a type of betel nut. Guaha gumaiya i chångnga na pugua'. There are those who prefer betel nut that is light in color. Pururu ha' pugua' chångnga guaha gi tenda. All the betel nuts in the store are changnga. Changngånña na asut i karetå‑ña kini i karetå‑hu. The color of her car is a lighter blue than mine. Syn: kåchang. Ant: ugam.

chåochåo vi. 1) tremble, shake, rough (of water when waves are breaking), choppy water on the ocean. Ti chåochåo i tasi na simåna. The water is not choppy this week. Esta chåchåochåo i patgun ni mina'a'ñåo‑ña. The child is trembling with fright. Syn: låolåo.

vt. shake, rattle. Hu chåochåo i hanum gi halum tångki. I shook the water inside the tank. Sigi ha chalåochåo i hanum gi buteya. He was shaking the water in the bottle. Variant: chalåochåo.

chåoli vi. wag (tail), switch (tail), swing (hips). Ha na'chåoli i ga'lågu i dadalak‑ña anai hu ågang i na'ån‑ña. The dog wagged its tail when I called its name. Bibu chåolelen‑ña i dadalak ga'lågu ni minagof‑ña anai ha li'i' yu'. The dog wagged its tail fast in excitement when it saw me. Chåoli mampus si Maria mamokkat. Maria swings her hips when she walks.

Chapanís n. Japanese. Karetan Chapanis i Nissan Maxima. The Nissan Maxima is a Japanese car. Iståba Chapanis gumubiebietna iya Islas Mariånas. The Japanese used to govern the Mariana Islands. See: Nippong. Variant: Haponés.

chapós adj. clumsy, unsteady. Gof chapos yu' anai hohobin ha' yu'. I was very clumsy when I was growing up. Chapos mamokkat i bulacheru. The drunkard walks clumsily. Gof chapos kannai‑ña i patgun sa' kalåmli. The child's hand is unsteady because it is cramping. Syn: kadåbit.

chappak n. tight chest.

vt. peel off, remove. Ti bai hu chappak nåya i teip gi bintåna asta ki måkpu' i manglu'. I won't remove the tape from the window until the storm ends. Ha chappak si Matias siha i penturan i ligan apusentu. Matias scraped the paint of the wall in the bedroom. Gof ti mapput machappak i tapbleru gi sagå‑ña. It's very easy to remove the sign from its location. Duru kumåti i patgun anai machappak gi as nanå‑ña. The child was really crying when she was being removed from her mother. Variant: chåppak.

chåppak vt. detach, rip off (something stuck, as an adhesive bandage). Hu chåppak i kandålu gi petta. I detached the lock from the door. Chåppak i manmama'ais na guihan siha. Break apart the frozen fishes. Ha chåppak i pisåra gi liga. He ripped off the board from the wall. Syn: dispega, tupa. Variant: chappak, yapak.

chåpun vi. become pale, turn white. Anai hu sangåni na ma'å'agang gui' i pulusia, chåpun ha'. When I told her that the police were calling her, she suddenly turned pale. Chumåpun fasu‑ña i patgun ni mina'a'ñåo‑ña. The child's face turned pale because of his fright. Chåpun kulot matå‑ña anai ha tungu' na mahospitåt si nanå‑ña. The color of her face turned pale when she learned that her mother was hospitalized. See: betmehu, boksion, chupun, diskuluråo, påsmu.

chapuseru n. cheater, deceiver. Ti ya‑hu humugåndu yan si Jose, sa' gof chapuseru. I don't like to play with Jose, because he's a cheater. Mungnga mahonggi si Jose, sa' chapuseru lokkui'. Don't believe Jose, because he is also a liar. I chapuseru na tåotåo parehu ha' yan sakki. A cheater is just like a robber. See: digeru, dakun. From: Sp. chapucero.

chåra n. type of plant: grass that grows near the sea. Sesuvium portulacastrum. Bula chåra gi kantun tåsi giya Obyan. There are a lot of chara at Obyan beach. Kåo un tungu' kao mama'kannu' i chara? Do you know whether chara is edible? Trongku pat kumukunanaf esti i chara na tinanum? Is the chara plant a tree or a creeping vine?

charakilis n. type of food: a stew-like dish of chicken, coconut crab, or clams to which toasted ground rice or corn is added, seasoned with achoti. Mama'tinas si Nåna charakilis ayuyu. Mother made coconut crab charakilis. Månngi' ha' lokkui' i charakilis tapun. Clam charakilis is also good. Ha mulilinu si Nåna i pigas para u fama'tinas charakilis. Mother is grinding rice to make charakilis. Variant: chalakilis.

Charangka' name. Chalan Kanoa (informal). Sumåsaga yu' giya Charangka'. I am living at Charangka'. Dångkulu i Charangka' na songsung. Charangka' is a big village. Gaigi i Post Office giya Charangka'. The Post Office is in Charangka'.

charera n. teakettle for boiling liquids. Na'maipi i chareran hånum. Heat up the water pot. Lolokkluk esta i hanum gi halum charera. The water in the teakettle is boiling. Na'yiyi hånum i charera ya un na'lokkluk. Fill the pot with water and boil it. See: la'uya, satten, katdiritu.

Chåru' name. nickname for Amparo or Rosario. Mås matungo'‑ña si Rosario kumu Chåru'. Rosario is better known as Charu'. Chåru' ha ma'å'agang si Rosario ni manatungo'‑ña siha. Rosario is only called Charu' by her friends. Kariñosa na palåo'an si Chåru'. Charu' is a loving person.

chåsku n. trace, speck, stain. Ni chåsku ti sopbla dispues di giput. There wasn't a trace of anything left after the party. Funas fan i chasku gi pappet‑mu. Please erase the mark on your paper. Variant: chåtku.

vt. trace. Ti siña hu chåsku tåtti i chalån‑hu gi halum tånu'. I can't trace my way back in the forest.

chát- (from: chát‑) pref. slightly, hardly, barely (negative or derogatory). Chatbunita si Maria. Maria is slightly pretty. Mapeddi si Benito sa' chatmalagu. Benito lost because he did not run fast. Ti ha sodda' si Benita i håfa ha espipiha sa' ha chatespiha ha'. Benita did not find what she was looking for, because she wasn't really looking for it. Ha chathassu ha' yu' si Benigno, atyu mina'maleffa nu guåhu. Benigno hardly thinks of me; that's why he forgot about me. See: chatta'.

cháta'an adj. rainy (season), not good (day), bleak, dreary (weather). Kumeke'chata'an i ha'åni på'gu. It looks like it's going to be a rainy day today. Tiempun chata'an i Agostu na mes. August is a rainy season month. Homhum i ha'åni sa' chata'an. The day is bleak because it's rainy. Syn: mattiempu. Variant: chatta'.

chatanmak n. early morning (before dawn). Kahuhulu' yu' gi chatanmak kada diha. I get up before dawn every day. Ya‑hu humosmi misan chatanmak. I like attending early morning mass. Meggai mangahuhulu' gi chatanmak sino u fanmadingu gi che'chu'‑ñiha. A lot of people get up before daybreak, or else they would get to work late. Syn: tåftaf ogga'an. Variant: chatatmak, chatangmak.

chátanti n. bad spirit. Guaguaha' manchatanti mañåsaga gi halum tånu'. There are still bad spirits living inside the jungle. I chatanti siña ha' nina'malångu håo. The bad spirit can make you sick. I chatanti pumatdåsu fasu‑ña si Felix giya Mochung. The bad spirit slapped Felix's face at Mochong. Syn: chathinallum.

chatatan vt. look at distastefully, look in a mean way at, look down on. Machatatan si Juan sa' gof apbletu. Juan is not looked at positively because he gossips a lot. Manmachata'atan i familian Gadao put mamopbli. The Gaddao clan are looked down on because they are poor.

chatda' adj. 1) not enough, insufficient in amount (of food or money). Chatda' i nengkanu' gi giput. There was not enough food at the party. Ti siña hu fåhan i malago'‑hu na kareta, sa' chatda' salappe'‑hu. I can't buy the car I wanted, because I'm short of money. 2) hardly, scarcely, slightly. Chatda' kalalamtin si Maria ni yinayas‑ña. Maria could hardly move because she is very tired. Adahi na un hånåo chågu' sa' chatda' i gasolinan kareta. Make sure that you don't go far, because the car has little gasoline. Chatda' chumochotchu i patgun sa' malångu. The child barely eats because he is sick. See: kana', kana' ha'. Variant: chatta', chatta' ha'.

chátfañagu vi. miscarry, give birth prematurely, have a stillbirth. Chatfañagu i primet na mapotge'‑ña si Rita. Rita had a miscarriage on her first pregnancy. Chatfañagu mafañagu‑ña i neni. The baby was born prematurely. Mungnga macho'chu' makkat, sa' un chatfañagu. Do not work too hard, or else you will have a miscarriage.

chátfinu' n. profanity, blasphemy, foul language. Ti ya‑hu atyu na chatfinu'. I don't like that profanity.

vi. swear. Ti måolik chátfinu'. Swearing is not good. Mungnga chumatfinu' gi me'nan famagu'un. Do not swear in front of the children. Båsta chumatfinu'. Stop swearing.

chatfinu'i vt. swear at, curse at, blaspheme at. Un chatfinu'i i digeru. You swore at the cheater. Chatfinu'i i lahi ya u båsta mandagi. Curse at the boy so that he will stop lying. Cha'‑mu chatfinunu'i yu' yanggin tåya' båba bidå‑hu. Do not swear at me if I did not do anything bad.

chatgi vt. laugh at (someone) for being funny, by mocking, or to show friendship, kindness, or gratitude; smile at (someone). Ha chatgi yu' anai ha gånna i tes. She laughed at me when she scored high on the test. Mungnga machatgi i taotåo. Don't laugh at the person. Månngi' chinatgegen‑ña i patgun gi nana. The child's smiling at the mother is very pleasant. I palåo'an ha chachatgi i lahi gi tasi. The girl laughted at the boy at the ocean.

chatguahu vi. not feel well (said by the speaker referring to self), not be myself, be nauseous. Chatguaguahu yu' kada ma'udai yu' gi boti. I become nauseated every time I ride on a boat. Ha na'chatguahu yu' anai hu fåla' i chada'. I felt nauseated when I ate raw egg. Atyu bai hu chatguahu yanggin un na'kiluluk yu'. I might feel nauseated if you make me go round and round. See: chatguiya. Variant: chatguåo.

chátguaiya vt. despise, dislike. Hu chatguaiya sumåga gi hospitåt. I despise staying at the hospital. Chinatguaiya i patgun ni pairastron‑ña. The child is disliked by his stepfather. Ha chátguaiya i patgon i ma'estron‑ña. The child despises his/her teacher.

chatguiya vi. not feel well, be nauseous. Chatguiya i patgun. The child is not feeling well. Chachatguiya ham na dos. We're both not feeling well. Manchatguiya siha. They are not feeling well. Kåo chatguiya hao? Are you not feeling well? See: chatguahu, malångu.

chatgun adj. smiles easily or often. Atan i chatgun na fasu. Look at the face that smiles easily. Chatgun na tåotåo si Jose. Jose smiles. Gof chaddik mana'chålik si Rosario, sa' chatgun. Rosario could easily be made to laugh, because she laughs easily.

cháthinallum adj. vexed, angry. Chathinallum yu' anai hu sodda' na ti macho'gui i otden‑hu. I was angry when I found out that my order was not followed. Chathinallum yu' anai ti måttu håo gi giput. I felt vexed when you did not come to the party. Mampus chinathinallum si Nåna anai atrasåo finatton‑ña si Jesusa. Mother was really mad when Jesusa came home late. See: lalålu', matguiya.

cháthinassu vi. worry, be concerned. Mampus yu' chathinassu put hågu. I worry a lot about you. Ha na'chathinassu yu' i taiguem‑mu. I am concerned about your absence. Mungnga chachathinassu, sa' bai hu na'na'lu ha' i inayåo‑hu salåppi'. Don't worry, because I will pay back the money I borrowed. See: mathassu.

chathinenggi n. superstition, disbelief. Unu na chathinenggi guini Saipan atyu put yanggin kumåti i katu, guaha måtai. One superstition here on Saipan is that when a cat cries, somebody died. Chathinenggi ha' atyu i yanggin i taotåo ni mapotgi' asaguå‑ña ha kana' i tuhåya gi aga'gå'‑ña, siempri mafañågu i neni ya u niñukut ni tilipas apuya' i nanå‑ña ya siempri måtai. It's just a superstition that if a man whose wife is pregnant hangs a towel around the nape of his neck, the baby will be born with the umbilical cord around its neck and will certainly die. Meggai siha na istoria manchathinenggi. There are a lot of stories that are not believable.

chátilu adj. hard-headed, stubborn. Ai na chinatilu si Benamin. My, Benamin is very stubborn. Ti siña un tulaika hinasson‑ña i amku', sa' gof chatilu. You can't change the elder's way of thinking, because he is very stubborn. Mungnga iya' chumatilu ya un tattiyi i mayoria. Please do not be hard-headed and follow the majority. See: åguaguat, átaktak, manåtma, subetbiu, tarugu. Variant: chátulu.

chåtku n. stain, spot. Guaha chåtku gi kasunes‑mu. There is a stain on your pants. Variant: chåsku.

adj. stained, spotted, discolored with foreign matter. Chåtku i chininå‑hu ginin i machuda' letchi. My shirt is stained from the spilled milk. Adahi na u chåtku i magagu‑mu ginin i manha. Be careful not to stain your cloth with the young coconut's husk. Nina'chåtku i chininå‑mu nai pintura. The paint made a stain on your shirt. Guaha tumo'la' ya ha na'chåtku i satgi. Someone spit and left a stain on the floor. Siña nina'chåtku i magagu‑mu nai chigu' lassas månha. The juice from the young coconut skin can make a stain on your clothes. Syn: måncha. See: pekas.

chátkuentus n. gibberish, unintelligible language. Mungnga mahonggi sa' puru ha' chatkuentus. Do not believe him because it's all gibberish.

vi. gibber, speak incoherently. Esta nina'chachatkuentus ni minalangu‑ña. Her sickness is making her speak incoherently. Båsta chumatkuentus, sa' ti siña hu kumprendi håo. Stop gibbering, because I can't understand you. See: påya'.

chatli'i' vt. hate, detest, abhor, abominate, loathe. Ha chatli'i' yu' atyu na tåotåo. That man hates me. Hu chatli'i' ma'afuetsas håfa ti ya‑hu chumo'gui. I detest being forced to do what I hate doing. Cha'‑mu chatlili'i' gui', sa' para minaolek‑mu ha' ha chocho'gui. Do not hate her, because she is only doing what is for your own good. Guaha siha si Juan ha chatli'i' tåotåo gi halum komunidåt. Juan hates some people in the communty. I pairåstun‑måmi ha chatli'i' ham. Our stepfather hates us. Manachatli'i' i mañe'lu ya mantristi i familia. The brothers and sisters hate each other and the family felt sad over it.

chátli'i' vi. misunderstand, fail to see clearly. Chátli'i' yu' håfa masusedi gi mubi. I do not understand the movie.

vt. fail to see clearly. Ha chatli'i' håfa ha ispipiha sa' gof homhum. He could not see what he was looking for because it was very dark. Atendi håfa ha såsangan o sino un chatli'i' håfa ilelek‑ña. Pay attention to what she is saying or else you will miss her point. See: chatmata.

chátmafañagu vi. ill-born, difficult birth. Malångu i patgun sa' chátmafañagu. The child is sick because he was ill-born. Ti metgut i korason‑ña i neni sa' chátmafañagu. The baby's heart is weak because she was ill-born. Difirensiåo kakko'‑ña i patgun kontra i pumalu siha na famagu'un sa' machátmafañågu. The child looks different from the rest of the children because he was born prematurely. Chátmafañågu i mina'dos na patgon‑ña. Her second child was ill-born. Syn: machatfañagu.

chátmanhula vi. lie, perjure, swear falsely. Chátmanhula i taotåo gi halum i kotti. The man swore falsely in court. Chátmanhula si Pedro anai makuestiotiona ni pulisia. Pedro committed perjury when the policeman was questioning him. Mapresu sa' chumatmanhula' gi kotti. He was incarcerated because he lied in court. Ti siña mahonggi sa' sessu chumatmanhula'. She cannot be trusted because she always swears falsely. Puru ha' chinatmanhula' ennåo na dåkun tåotao. That liar is full of perjuries. Variant: cháthula'.

chátmasa adj. unripe, immature, not cooked. Chátmasa i nina'lagun ineksa'. The rice is not cooked. Ha kånnu' i patgun i chátmasa na aga'. The child ate the unripe banana. Nunuk i manggan karabåo sa' chátmasa. Conceal the carabao mango until ripens because it is immature. Syn: måta'.

chátmata adj. having poor eyesight, nearsighted. Chatmata si tatan bihu sa' esta åmku'. Grandfather had poor eyesight because he is old. Chatmataña si Ricardo ki si Ramon sa' putpotña i antihus Ricardo. Ricardo's eyesight is poorer than Ramon 's because his eyeglasses have thicker lenses. Na'chatmata esti i chetnut daibitis, kumu ti un adahi. Daibetes disease, if not controlled, causes poor eyesight. Syn: chátmanli'i'.

chátpa'gu adj. ugly, unpleasant, disagreeable, contrary to beauty, offensive to the sight. Mampus chátpa'gu i kulot magagu‑ña si Rosa. The color of Rosa's dress is very ugly. Ti ya‑hu manli'i' basula gi kantun tåsi sa' mampus chátpa'gu para i tano'‑ta. I hate to see rubbish at the beaches because it is contrary to the beauty of our island. Nina'cháchatpa'gu ha' si Carla ni mata'pång‑ña. Carla's negative attitude has made her so unpleasant. Siña ha' chatpa'gu ma'atan, låo sanhalom‑ña bunita. She may look ugly, but inside she is beautiful. Ti atanun esti i chatpa'gu. One who is ugly is not pleasant to look at. Syn: chura. Ant: géfpa'gu.

chátpachut adj. foul-mouthed. Masakudi i patgun, sa' chátpachut. The child was spanked for being foul-mouthed. Ti para u guaguaha bisita yanggin guaha binibu‑ña si Tåta, sa' guaha nai chumatpachut. It is not good to have visitors when Father is in a bad mood, because he would sometimes be foul-mouthed.. Mungnga iya' chumatpachut gi me'nan famagu'un siha. Please don't swear in front of the children. Ti maguaiya si Jose sa' gof chatpachut. Nobody likes Jose because he swears a lot. Syn: cháchatfinu'.

chátsaga adj. difficult, hard, incapacitated, incapable, disabled, preoccupied, inconvenienced. Kulan chumatsaga si Juana på'gu sa' gotpi malångu si tatå‑ña gi tatalu' puengi. Juana was somewhat incovenienced today due to the sudden illness of her father in the middle of the night. Chátsaga manayuda yu' sa' tåya' salappe'‑hu. I am not able to assist because I do not have any money. Chátsaga yu' kumonni' håo para i che'chu' på'gugu ha'. It is inconvenient for me to take you to work right now.

chatta' adj. 1) not enough, barely, insufficient in amount (of food or money). Chatta' i nengkanu' gi giput. There was not enough food at the party. Ti siña hu fåhan i malago'‑hu na kareta, sa' chatta' salappe'‑hu. I can't buy the car I wanted, because I'm short of money. Cha'‑mu hahassu bumiåhi yanggin chatta' salappe'‑mu. Don't think of going on a trip if you don't have enough money. 2) hardly, scarcely, slightly. Chatta' kalalamtin si Maria ni yinayas‑ña. Maria could hardly move because she is very tired. Adahi na un hånåo chågu' sa' chatta' i gasolinan kareta. Make sure that you don't go far, because the car has little gasoline. Chatta' chumochotchu i patgun sa' malångu. The child barely eats because he is sick. Chatta' fotgun i magågu siha. The clothes were slightly wet. Chatta' chumotchu i taotåo. The man barely ate. Chatta' malålagu si Mariano. Mariano was hardly running. See: kana', kana' ha'. Variant: chatda', chatda' ha', chetta', chutta'.

chátta'an adj. stormy (of weather), rainy and cloudy (of day). Esta dos dihas na chatta'an ya ti manånglu' i magågu. It's been rainy the last two days, my laundry is still wet. Bai hu fanånum floris sa' chatta'an na ha'åni. I am planting flowers today, it is cloudy and rainy. Mungnga mana'o'mak i neni sa' chatta'an i ha'åni. Don't bathe the baby because it is a rainy day.

cháttanu' adj. barren, infertile, unproductive (esp. of land or soil). Chattanu' i lugat‑måmi para i tinanum siboyas. Our land is infertile for planting onions. Chattanu' atyu na lugåt sa' pinat åtchu'. That land is infertile because it's mostly rock. Syn: kansådu.

chattåo adj. selfish, greedy, niggardly, avaricious, caring unduly or supremely for oneself. Gof chattåo i yo'amti ni tiningo'‑ña. The healer is very selfish of her knowledge. Guaha rason muna' chumachattåo gui'. There is a reason why he is being selfish. I na chinattåo esti na påtgun ni hugandon‑ña. My, this child is very selfish with his toy. Variant: interesåo, meskinu, hosguan.

che n. the name of ch, the fifth letter of the Chamorro alphabet. I lettra che mina'tres gi atfabetun Chamorro. The letter che is third in the Chamorro alphabet. I palåbra "chålan" tinituhuhuni nu i che na lettra. The word chalan starts with the letter che. I lettra che tinattitiyi nu i de na lettra gi atfabetun Chamorro. The letter che is followed by the letter de in the Chamorro alphabet.

che'chi' adj. very small, midget-like, esp. as a relatively small member of a litter. Ai na chine'chi' babui ennåo. My, that pig is really small. Mapagolum si Manet meggai cho'chu' muna' chume'chi'. Manny was loaded with work that caused him to be short. Che'che'ña si Luisa kini i papa'ña na che'lu‑ña. Luisa is smaller than her younger sibbling. Che'chi' si Luisa sa' påsmu. Luisa is small because she was born prematurely. Variant: díkiki', nånu, chibi', siori.

che'chu' båba n. 1) evil work, bad deeds. Manininak i taotåo as Satanås ni che'chu' båba. People who do evil work are influenced by Satan. Guaha na tåotåo ti ha suponi na che'chu' båba bidåda‑ña. Some people assume they are not doing anything wrong. Gof adahi na in fanlosngun gi che'chu' båba. Be careful not to fall into bad deeds. 2) work bungled, work carried out clumsily or incompetently, leading to failure or an unsatisfactory outcome. Ni unu u maguf ni esti i che'chu' båba. No one will be happy with unsatisfactory work. Låstima i tiempu ni magågasta para u mata'lun chumo'gui i che'chu' båba. It is a waste of time to redo the work that is unsatisfactory. Tåya' minaolek‑ña todu fina'che'chu' båba. There is nothing good in every work that is done bad. Che'chu' båba macho'guen‑ña i kuntratan tanu'‑måmi. Our land agreement was botched irreparably. Malingu salappe'‑ña nu i che'chu' båba na tråtus. He lost his money in a bad deal. Variant: cho'guin båba.

che'lu n. sibling, brother, sister. Che'lu‑hu låhi si Atdåo. Atdåo is my brother. Siña ha' un tråta un fiet na amigu‑mu kumu che'lu. You can treat a good friend as your sibling. Maseha håfa masusedi, chume'lu hit na dos. No matter what happens, we are siblings. Lameggai ham na mañe'lu gi familia. There are a lot of siblings in my family.

che'lun låhi n. brother. I che'lun låhi na finañågu makkat katgon‑ña. Being a brother has a great responsibility. Gof na'maguf esti i che'lun låhi ni ha tungu' manestima. It is pleasing for a brother whom treats people with dignity.

che'lun palåo'an n. sister. Bumuchåcha ennåo na che'lun palåo'an. That sister is very industrious. I mås åmku' na che'lun palåo'an kalan nånan guma'. The eldest sister is like a mother.

che'tan adj. injured (esp. of the back or a joint), painful. Nina'che'tan si Maria ni sulon‑ña. Maria was injured when she slipped. Che'tan tatalo'‑ña si Antonio anai ha uma i kestat kinacha' niyuk. Antonio injured his back when he carried the sack of husked coconuts. Che'tan kuyunturan addeng‑ña nu i chetnut dinalak. His ankle hurts from gout. Ha na'che'tan tatalo'‑hu i makkat na åtchu' anai hu håtsa. My back got injured when I lifted a heavy rock. Puti tatalo'‑ña si Mark sa' che'tan. Mark's back hurts because of his injury.

che'up n. basket woven from coconut leaves and made worn on the back or waist. Åntis na peskadot ma u'usa i che'up yanggin manpeska. The fishermen of long ago used the woven basket for fishing. Matutufuk i che'up ginin i hagun niyuk. The basket is woven out of coconut leaves. Kada isla giya Mariånas ma u'usa ottru nå'an para i palåbra "che'up". Every island in the Marianas uses other names for the word che'up. Åntis sessu i taotåo siha manmama'tinas che'up para i katgan‑ñiha. Before people always wove baskets to carry things. Saguan i kinacha' niyuk gi halum i che'up. Put the husked coconuts in the basket. Guaha siha na lugåt fuma'titinas che'up para i neni siha. There are places where baskets are also made for babies. Variant: guagua'.

chebbang n. chip. Måolik i chebbang håyu para totnin guåfi. Wood chips are good for fire starters. Ekakat chumålik sa' a'annuk i chebbang nifen‑mu. Don't smile too much because your nicked teeth are showing.

vt. nick, chip, put a nick in (a piece of wood or metal); chop off, break off. Ha chebbang i tinaki' gi kareta. He chipped off the rust of the car. Ti bunitu i kosas yanggin esta machebbang. Things that are nicked do not look good. Adahi na un chebbang ennåo i platu. Be careful not to chip that plate. Syn: måfti'.

chebut adj. fat, chubby, plump, obese. I na nina'magoddai ennåo na chebut neni. That chubby baby urges me to squeeze her. Esta mana'guaha siha prugråma para i famagu'un putno u fanchebut . There are programs that prevent the children from being obese. Meggai manchebut ginin i nengkanu' putkirihas. Many are obese because they eat unhealthy food. Håfa ti u chebut, sa' ga'chumotchu. No wonder why he's fat, because he likes to eat. Kadada' yan chebut si Jose. Jose is short and stout. Variant: yommuk.

Checha' name. nickname for Teresa. Guaha ottru siha na nå'an para Checha', tåtkumu: Che', Chechang, yan Nesang. There are other names for Teresa, such as: Che', Chechang, and Nesang. Variant: Teri, Nesang; Che', Chechang.

chechu adj. adjacent, next to, bordering, boundary line. Chechu i istasion pulisia yan i istasion kimason. The police station is next to the fire station. Umachechu iya Chuuk yan Pohnpei. Chuuk borders on Pohnpei. Variant: chehchu.

chedduk vt. 1) insert partially between two objects for support or carrying. Hu chedduk i lepblu gi afa'fa'‑hu. I held the book under my armpit. Ha chedduk i katpinteru i lapis gi talanga‑ña. The carpenter put the pencil behind his ear. Machedduk i salåppi' gi entalu' i pahinan lepblu. The money was inserted in between the pages of a book. 2) tuck (something) under fold of garment at the waist. Yanggin tåya' betsåk‑ku, hu chechedduk i yabi gi katsunes‑su. If I don't have pockets, I tuck my keys in my pants.

chefchif vt. 1) dislocate, partially break (a branch or arm). Hu chefchif i ramas trongku. I partially broke the branch of the tree. Machefchif i kannai‑hu. My arm was dislocated. Manmachefchif i ramas trongku siha nu i pakyu. The tree branches were broken by the typhoon. 2) 

vt. trim (a tree), get a small amount (of e.g. betelnut, bananas) from a bunch. Nå'i ham maseha dos ramas yanggin un chefchif i katdagan. Give us at least two branches when you trim the katdagan.

cheffla vi. whistle (with lips). Nina'chachaddik munhåyan si Juan checho'‑ña yanggin chumecheffla. John's work is done faster when he is whistling. Båba chumeffla an puengi, sa' manå'agang håo båba na ispiritu. It is bad to whistle at night, because you are calling the bad spirits. Ti todu siña mañeffla. Not everyone can whistle. Måolik na chicheffla si Jose. Jose is a good whistler. Chumeffla i ma'estru para u na'fanmamatkilu i istudiånti siha. The teacher whistled to quiet the students down. Esta nina'checheffla i taotåo ni minagof‑ña. The man's happiness is making him whistle. From: Sp. chifla.

chefflågui vt. whistle at, whistle to. Hu chefflålagui i ga'‑hu ga'lågu yanggin u å'agang. I whistle at my dog when I'm calling it. Yan‑ñiha i lalåhi chumefflågui i famalåo'an. The guys like to whistle at the girls. En lugåt di u chechit i palåo'an, hu chefflågui. Instead of hissing at the girl, I whistled to her. Chefflågui yu' fan nu i taksi. Please whistle a taxi for me. Ha chefflågui i bunita na palåo'an He whistled at the beautiful lady.

cheggai n. type of shell: small cowrie, money cowrie. Family Cypraeidae. Humånåo ume'cheggai gi kantun tåsi. He went to look for cowrie at the beach. Bunitu i cheggai ma'usa para kurona. Cowrie is nice for necklaces. In i'isa i cheggai para tantus chongka. We're using the cowrie for chongka. Mana'sesetbi i cheggai gi huegun chongka. The small cowrie is used in the chongka game. Gof usu i cheggai giya Marshalls para u mafa'alåhas yan gatbesa. The small cowrie is widely used in the Marshalls for jewelry and decorations.

cheggai påpaguan n. vagina (slang). Ekakat suma'sa' sa' a'annuk i cheggai papaguån‑mu. Do not spread your legs much, because your vagina is showing. Para kuentus ositan ha' esti i cheggai påpagaun na palåbra. Cheggai papaguan is only a slang word for vagina. Variant: bebi'.

chehchu adj. adjacent. Chumehchu i tano'‑mu yan i tano'‑hu. Your land is next to my land. Chehchu i istasion pulisia yan i istasion kimason. The police station is next to the fire station. Umachehchu iya Susupe yan Chalan Kanoa. Susupe and Chalan Kanoa share a border. Variant: chechu.

chek1 vt. check, examine. Chek fan i famagu'un åntis di un huyung. Please check on the children before you come out. Put fabot chek fan i chek nanå‑hu kåo esta humuyung. Please check if my mother's check has already come out. Variant: atan, ispiha. From: Eng. check.

chek2 n. check, written order for transfer of money; checkbook. Na'malinik ulu esti i manbalånsan chek. Balancing a checkbook is a headache. Ti siña ta usa i chek yanggin tåya' salåppi' gi bangku. We can't use checks when there is no money in the bank. Ma'u'usa i chek para u ma'apåsi i implehåo yanggin pagamentu. Checks are used to pay the employees during payday. From: Eng. check.

chekchik1 vi. 1) titter, chuckle, clicking sound of geckos. Nina'chekchik si Jose ni istorian Juan. Juan's story made Jose chuckle. Ai adai i famalåo'an yanggin manchekchik! My, these girls when they titter! Manchechekchik i guali'ik gi liga. The geckos are making clicking sounds on the wall. 2) crack (the bones of a joint), pop (the bones of a joint). Ha na'chekchik i keyunturan kannai‑ña. He cracked the joints of his fingers. 3) squeak, make a squeaky noise from grinding together (as the teeth in anger or while sleeping). Chekchik i petta anai hu baba. The door squeaked when I opened it. Hu hunguk i chekchik i nifen‑ña. I heard the grinding of her teeth. Ha na'chekchik i redan karetå‑ña anai para u na'påra. He made his tires squeak when he put on the brake. Chekchik mampus i kareta, sa' tåya' låña. The car squeaks a lot, because it doesn't have any grease. Variant: chikchik.

chekchik2 vi. squeak, make a squeaky noise from grinding together (as the teeth in anger or while sleeping). Chekchik i petta anai hu baba. The door squeaked when I opened it. Hu hunguk i chekchik i nifen‑ña. I heard the grinding of her teeth. Ha na'chekchik i redan karetå‑ña anai para u na'påra. He made his tires squeak when he put on the brake. Chekchik mampus i kareta sa' tåya' låña. The car squeaks a lot because it doesn't have any grease. Variant: chikchik.

Chekeru name. name of rugged place in Luta. Gaigi esti na lugåt gi papa' paderun iya Ysang gi sanlichan na bånda ya i lichan‑ña iya Lodogåo ya i hayå‑ña iya Sagua' Pagpag. This place is located at the foot of the cliff of Ysang on the southern side and is bordered on the south by Lodogåo and Sagua’ Pagpag to the east. Diduk Chekeru halum tano'‑ña, mampus barångka yan tåya' chalån‑ña. Chekeru has very rugged and rocky terrain with very deep forest and no road access. Håssan esti i Chekeru na lugåt mafattoigui ya sagan inetnun fanihi yan mandångkulu siha na ayuyu. Chekeru is rarely visited, which makes it ideal for fruitbat colonies and large coconut crabs.

chikeru n. pigpen, pigsty. Påddit chikeru‑hu. My pigpen is made of concrete. Daggåoyi halum i chikeru an'ipi' niyuk. Throw some cracked coconuts into the pigpen. Variant: chikeru.

chekka' adj. weak, delicate, susceptible to sickness or illness. Guaha siha na manamku' esta mampus chekka' tatåotåo‑ñiha. There are some older people who now very weak. Mampus chekka' i taotåo sa' hamalangu. The man is weak because he is sickly. Na'ma'añåo i taotåo ma'estrupeha, piot yanggin chekka'. It is not safe to startle a person, especially when they are in a delicate state. Chekka' na gå'ga' i nganga'. Ducks are delicate animals. I machatfañagu na påtgun gof chekka'. A premature baby is very susceptible to illness. Gof chekka' i taotåo sa' gof ñålang. The man is very weak because he is very hungry. Variant: hámalangu, delikåo.

chekklang n. male with one testicle. Sungun ya un pañut ombris i turiyu humåhanåo ya chekklang. Endure and swallow, because even a young bull roams with one testicle. Syn: un bolabola.

chekli' n. robber, thief, stealer. Gogof adahi i kosås‑mu sa' todu i tiempu guaha chekli'. Take care of your things because there is always a thief around. I chekli' na tåotåo måolik manripåra yan dakun. A thief is a good observer and a liar. Memeggaiña ha' na ha tutuhun gui' gi gima' i chekli' na tåotåo. A thief usually starts at home. Gogof atan atyu na tåotåo sa' gof chekli'. Watch that man carefully because he is a stealer. Åntis na tiempu esti i chekli' manma'u'utut kannai‑ñiha. A long time ago the hand of stealers was cut off. Cha'‑mu angongokku i chekli' nu i kosås‑mu siha. Do not trust a stealer with your things. Variant: sakki, ladrón, pakcha.

chekpa n. heavy smoker, one who smokes too much, one who smokes someone else's cigarettes. Sessu mankånsit esti i manchechekpa siha. Heavy smokers are susceptible to cancer. Gof chekpa gi chupan ottru låo hassan mamåhan chupå‑ña. He smokes other people's cigarettes but rarely does he buy his own. Mayuriha na manchekpa mannina'yi ni chetnut kånsit. The majority of heavy smokers have cancer. Guaha atyu na chekpa gai bisiu manggågåo chupa. Some heavy smokers have the habit of asking others for cigarettes.

chenchi' n. bedbug. Variant: chenchi.

chenchulu n. net, seine, long fish net, a large net, one edge having sinkers and the other floats. Para u fanchenchulu i lalåhi. The men were to set the net. Måolik machenchulu i atulai. It is good to catch atulai with the large net. Nisisita meggai na tåotåo para peskan chenchulu. A lot of people is needed to fish with the net. Variant: chinchulu.

Chenchun name. Bird Sanctuary (in Rota). Guaha manmasodda' kosas i manmofo'na gi Chenchun giya Luta. There are ancient artifacts found at Chenchun in Rota. Fresku yan silensiu i Chenchun giya Luta. Chenchun in Rota is cool and peaceful.

chengli adj. stuck, attached. Ha na'chengli i dos påhina nu i tep. He attached the two pages with the tape. Variant: goddun, chenglung.

vt. 1) keep (something that was borrowed temporarily), fail to return (something borrowed). Ha chengli si Jose i lepblu nu i ha ayåo. Jose kept the book that he borrowed. Ha chenglin hanåo si Fulåna i pottan muneda‑hu. Fulåna took my wallet along with her. Sen siguru yu' na guiya chumengli i tilifon‑hu. I am certain he took my cell phone. 2) attach. Ha chengli i litråtu nu i liluk. He attached the picture with the nail.

chenglung adj. stuck, caught in (something), trapped between (things), immovable. Chenglung ilu‑ña i patgun gi rehas. The child's head got stuck in the railing. Chenglung i deggak‑ku gi entalu' i bangku. My slippers got stuck in between the bench. Hu gue'gui' i pidåsun kåtni ni chenglung gi entalu' i nifen‑hu. I took out the piece of meat that was stuck in between my teeth with a toothpick. Mungnga mana'hålum i kalulot‑mu gi tangkat paluma osino u chenglung. Do not stick your finger into the cage's screen or you'll get stuck. Chenglung i binådu gi halum motmut tilitis ya måtai. The deer got stuck in the bushes and died. Chenglung i babui gi kellat. The pig got stuck between the fence. Manchenglulung todu i basula gi matduk. The trash are really stuck in the hole. Variant: chengli, goddun.

chepchup tåsi n. water by the shore, seashore, coast, water at the edge of the seashore. Meggai tapun gi chepchup tåsi. There are many clams by the seashore. Yan‑ñiha i famagu'un manhugåndu gi chepchup tåsi. The children like to play by the water's edge. Tinilalaika i chepchup tåsi nu i ma'ti yan hafnut tåsi. The water's edge changes with the ocean's tide. Variant: chepchup unai, kantun tåsi.

chepchup unai n. seashore, sand at the edge of the sea. Meggai tapun gi chepchup unai. There are many clams by the seashore. Yan‑ñiha i famagu'un manhugåndu gi chepchup unai. The children like to play by the sand at the edge of the sea Tinilalaika i chepchup unai nu i ma'ti yan hafñut tåsi. The water's edge changes with the ocean's tide. Variant: chepchup tåsi, kantun tåsi.

cheribiyan å'paka' n. hyacinth bean, type of vine. Lablab Purpureus. Månngi' cheribiyan å'paka' makåddu yan kåtnin guaka. Cheribiyan a'paka' beans are good to make soup with beef. Un klåsin abuchuelas esti i cheribiyan å'paka'. Cheribiyan a'paka' are one type of beans.

cherin Surinam n. Surinam cherry. Eugenia uniflora. Maguaiya i cherin Surinam ni paluma. The birds like the Surinam cherry. Estaki lila kulot‑ña i cherin Surinam na mumamis. The Surinam cherry becomes sweet when it turns purple. Meggai sustansiån‑ña esti i cherin Surinam. The Surinam cherry has many nutritious value.

chetchit vt. whisper. Hu chetchit si Maria. I whispered to Maria. Hu chetchit håo, låo ti un hunguk. I whispered to you, but you didn't hear me.

chetnudan adj. injured, hurt, wounded. Chetnudan yu' annai hu sufa i labadot. I just got injured when I hit the sink. Chumetnudan si Maria annai aksidenti gi kareta. Maria got injured when she got into a car accident. Chetnudan si Pedro annai dinemmu' as Damian. Peter got injured when Damian punched him. Variant: hiridåo.

chetnut n. wound, sore. Mama'chetnut i chinachak gi addeng‑ña. The cut on his foot has turned into a sore. Mapput mågung i chetnot‑ña sa' daibitis gui'. It is hard for his sore to heal because he is diabetic. Be'i i chetnot‑mu sa' i lalu'. Put a band-aid on your wound because of the flies. Variant: hirida.

chetnut båba n. illness caused by spirits. Gimin åmut para i manglu' maipi sa' chetnut båba ennåo. Drink medicine for the illness of månglu' maipi because it is caused by the spirits.

chetnut dinalak n. gout. I taotåo yanggin nina'yi chetnut dinalak, debi di u deta gui' chumotchu mantika, uhang, pånglåo, yan aliling. A person with gout should refrain from eating fats, shrimps, crabs, and shellfish. Esti i chetnut dinalak ilek‑ñiha na chetnut i manggefsaga. They say gout is a disease of the rich.

chetnut impåtchu n. type of illness, whereby a person is tired of eating a certain food. Nina'yi si Ambrosio ni chetnut impåtchu. Ambrose has the illness where he's tired of eating certain foods. Makkat ma'åmti i chetnut impåtchu. It's difficult to treat the illness that makes one tired of eating certain foods. Ma'åmti si Ambrosio ni åmut chetnut impåtchu gi nigapña. Ambrose was treated the day before yesterday with the medicine for chetnut impåtchu. Kalan tumaiganas si Maria sa' nina'yi nu i chetnut impåtchu disdi ma'pus na mes. Maria appeared to have lost her appetite because she acquired the disease of being tired of eating certain foods.

chetnut manman n. type of condition when a person stares blankly into space and can't remember anything. Dispepensa ha' i bihu, sa' esta nina'yi nu i chetnut manman. Just don't mind the old man, because he is senile. Kalamtin sa' un nina'yi nu i chetnut manman. Move around or else you'd become senile. I gagu' sessu nina'yi nu i chetnut manman. Lazy people often get senile.

chetta' kalalamtin vi. not budge, hardly move. Chetta' kalalamtin i kareta. The car would not budge. Chetta' kalalamtin i bihu sa' mamuti kuyunturå‑ña. The old man could hardly move because his joints are hurting. Atdit chetnot‑ña sa' gof chetta' kinalalamten‑ña. Heis sickness is severe because his movement is limited. Variant: chatta' kalalamtin.

chettun vi. stick to, adhere, cohere, cling to, connect. Hu usa i tep annai para u chettun i litråtu gi liga. Put glue on the paper so it will stick. Mampus chettun i patgun as nanå‑ña. The child is really close to her mother.

chi- (from: chi‑) n. distance, destination, limit, boundary. Amånu chi‑ña pinekkat‑mu? How far did you walk? What is the distance of your walk? Amånu chi‑ña che'cho'‑mu? How far along is your work? Månu chi‑ña nina'siñå‑mu? What is the limit of your strength? Månu chi‑ña lugåt‑mu? Where does your land boundary end? Bound noun that takes possessive suffixes.

chi'uk n. dew, drops of rain on leaves of plant. Fotgun i cha'guan nu i chi'uk ogga'an. The grass is wet with the morning dew. Gimin i chi'uk gi hilu' hågun siha yanggin tåya' esta gimen‑mu hånum gi halum tånu'. Drink the drops on the leaves if you run out of water in the jungle. Siña ha' fina'gåsi kannai‑hu nu i chi'uk ogga'an. I can wash my hand with the morning dew. Variant: chi'up.

chi'up n. dew. Fotgun i cha'guan nu i chi'up ogga'an. The grass is wet with the morning dew. Gimin i chi'up gi hilu' hågun siha yanggin tåya' esta gimen‑mu hånum gi halum tånu'. Drink the drops on the leaves if you run out of water in the wild. Siña ha' ta li'i' i chi'up tåftaf gi egga'an. We can see dew early in the morning. Variant: chi'uk.

Chian name. nickname for Lucia. Lucia na'ån‑ña si Chian. Chian's name is Lucia. Variant: Chiang.

chiba n. goat. Guaha ga'‑hu chiba. I have a goat. Månngi' lokkui' i katnin chiba. Goat meat is also good. Ispiha i chiba kåo gåddun. Check the goat if it is tangled.

chibaling adj. blink. Ha na'chibaling i kandit karetå‑ña. He blinked the light of his car. Na'chibaling i matå‑mu yanggin guaha umistototba håo manatan. Blink your eye if there is something bothering your sight.

chibi' adj. tiny, minute, small; smaller than díkiki'. Chibi' na palåo'an si Chian. Chian is a small woman. Chibi' låo gof matatnga. He's small but very fearless. See: díkiki', díchiching, po'yit. From: Jp. chibi.

chíbiling adj. small marble. Meggaiña tama'‑hu chíbiling ki hagu. I have more small marbles that you. From: Jp. chibi'.

Chicha' name. nickname for Luisa. Ma'å'agang si nanå‑ña Chicha' Her mother is called Chicha'. Kariñosa na palåo'an si Chicha'. Luisa is a very caring woman. Chuli'i na'‑ña si tihå‑mu Chicha'. Get some food for your Auntie Luisa. Variant: Chiang.

chícharus n. peas. Na'yiyi i bistek chicharus. Put some peas in the steak. Un klåsin abuechuelas lokkui' i chicharus. Chicharus is also a kind of beans. Manåna'yi lokkui' chicharus i tempura'. Peas are also used in tempura.

chichi' vi. grin (showing teeth), smile (showing teeth), grit one's teeth. Kada chumichi', annuk i båban nifen‑ña. Every time she grins, her bad teeth show. 2) 

adj. gap, opening. Na'chichi' i petta ya u hålum i manglu'. Make a gap on the door to let the breeze in. Chichi' mampus nifen‑ña i palåo'an. The woman's teeth are very spaced apart.

chichi'i vt. bare one's teeth at (to show contempt). I patgun ha chichi'i i ma'estran‑ña. The child bared his teeth at his teacher. Chichi'i ha' yanggin ti ya‑mu håfa ha chocho'gui'. Just bare your teeth at me if you don't like what I am doing. I ga'lågu ha chichi'i i istrangheru. The dog bared its teeth at the stranger.

chichibanda n. radio. Atilik i chichibanda ya ta ekunguk put i asuntun ritiråo. Turn the radio on so we can listen to the retirement issue. Bira i kuetdas i chichibanda esta i finu' Chamorro. Turn the radio dial to the Chamorro station. Mansu'åbi na sunidu gi chichibanda an Såbalu. On Saturday, the music on the radio is sweet and relaxing. From: I think this is a borrowed work--Japanese.

chíchigit1 n. pincer, as a crab's pincer, clip, hairpin, clothespin. Gof adahi i chichigit pånglåo. Be careful with the crab's pincer. Ha usa i chichigit para i gaputulu‑ña. She used a hairpin for her hair. Kana' i magågu siha nu i chichigit. Hang the clothes with the clothespin.

chíchigit2 n. type of insect: a black insect with pincer at one end. Kulang ha' otdut i chichigit. The chichiget is like ants. Mungnga tumohgi guennåo, sa' bula chichigit ya un inakka'. Do not stand there, because there are many chichigit and you might get bitten. Siña ha' kalentura håo yanggin inakka' håo nu i chichigit. You could get fever if you get bitten by a chichigit.

chichigua n. babysitter. Måolik na chichigua si Maria. Maria is a good babysitter. Hu nisisita chichigua, sa' guaha para bai hanåogui lamu'na. I need a babysitter, because I have someplace to go tonight. Si nanå‑hu chumichiguayi yu' nu i famagu'on‑hu. My mother babysits for my children.

chichurikan Tinian n. Tinian monarch, a species of bird endemic to the Mariana Islands. Monarcha takatsukasae. Hagas guaguaha chichurikan Tinian lokkui' guini giya Luta. We have had the Tinian monarch since way back here in Luta.

chigålu n. cigar. Chumuchupa si tatå‑hu bihu chigålu. My grandfather smokes cigars. Mafa'titinas ha' chigålu siha åntis na tiempu. Cigars were made here in the past.

chigåndu'1 vi. suck one's thumb. Chumigågandu' i patgun. The child is sucking his thumb. Esta dångkulu låo chumigågandu' ha'. He is already big but he is still sucking his thumb. Båsta chumugåndu', sa' kulang håo ha' i neni. Stop sucking your thumb, because you look like a baby.

chigåndu'2 n. pipe (for tobacco). Hu fahåni si tatå‑hu chigando'‑ña. I bought my father a pipe. Ya‑ña si tatå‑hu chigålu låo ga'ñan‑ña chigåndu'. My father likes cigars but he prefers pipes. Metgut mampus i chigålu yan chigåndu' para guåhu. A cigar and pipe are too strong for me.

chigåndu' pi'åo n. bamboo pipe. Chigåndu' pi'åo ha' ma'u'usa åntis. Bamboo pipes were used before. Ha tungu' ha' si tatå‑hu bihu mama'tinas chigåndu' pi'åo. My grandfather knew how to made a bamboo pipe. Ti mapput mama'tinas chigåndu' pi'åo. It is not hard to make bamboo pipes.

chigit n. hairpin, clothespin, tweezer. Usa i chigit magågu para un fanåla'. Use the clothespin to hang the clothes. Variant: kányasi'.

vt. run over (something), crowd together, clip, sandwich in, tuck in. Hu chigit i cha'ka nu i kareta gi chalan. I ran over a rat with the car on the road.

chigu'an n. brine, salt-brine, any strong saline solution. Ha sumai i pipinu gi halum chigu'an. He pickled the cucumber in brine. Ha totchi i mangga gi chigu'an. She dipped the mango in salt-brine. Fanliti fan chigu'an para i kimchi'. Please mix some salt-brine for the kimche.

adj. of or related to juice or sap of fruit, tree, etc. Mampus chiniguan i lemmun, sa' esta sen masa. The lemon is full of juice, because it is overripe.

chihit adj. friendly, very outgoing (of a baby or child); affable, docile. Ai, na chihit påtgun si Ping. Ping is a very affable boy. Gof na'maguf ennåo na påtgun sa' gof chihit. That child is very pleasant because he is very friendly. Chaddik mafanå'gui i chihit na påtgun. A docile child is easy to teach.

chikas n. ten points in the card game tres sietti. Esta chikas ham. We already have ten points. Fåtta unu ha' para ta chikas. We are only short by one to get ten points. Mo'nånña siha manchikas, låo ta gånna ha'. They got ten points first, but we still beat them.

chikeru n. pigpen, fence, pen, corral, pigsty, pigpen, stockade. Pongli i babui gi halum chikeru. Put the pig in the pigpen. Na'dångkulu chikeru‑mu ya bai nå'i håo kuåttru na babui. Make your pigsty big and I will give you four pigs. Gaigi i chikerun‑måmi gi lanchu. Our pigpen is at the farm. Variant: kollat. From: Sp. chiquero.

chikitu adj. tiny, very small. Chikitu na påtgun si George. George is a very small boy. Ipi'i yu' chikitun kåtni. Cut me a small piece of meat. Syn: dikiki'. From: Sp. chiquito.

Chikkit name. place name in Tinian, traditionally spelled Chiget. Måolik lokkui' para pumeska giya Chikkit. Fishing is also good at Chikkit. Gaigi i Chikkit gi ma'atkila ni militat na bånda. Chikkit is within the leased military area. Gaigi i Chikkit gi sankattan‑haya giya Tinian. The Chikkit is on the northwestern part of Tinian.

chiko n. sapodila, fruit tree. Manikara zapota. Ti manmanonokcha' i chiko gi lanchun‑måmi. The sapodila has not produced any fruit at our farm. Guaha danges‑ña i chiko kumu gada'. The sapodila has sap when it is not ripe.

chiku1 vt. kiss, touch or press with the lips. Ha chiku i taotåo i nobiå‑ña. The man kissed his girlfriend. Ya‑hu chumiku i nietu‑hu siha. I like to kiss my grandchildren.

chiku2 n. type of plant: a type of tree, Chico. Manilkara zapodilla. Esta meggai chiku manmatanum giya Saipan. There are now lots of chico planted in Saipan. Meppa i chiku annai tiempun uchan. The chico produced a lot of fruits during the rainy season. Kalan mampus mamis i chiku para guahu. The chico is a bit too sweet for me.

chikulåti n. chocolate (Rota). Månngi' gimen‑hu chikulåti sa' te'uk. My chocolate drink is delicious because it is thick. Guaha trongkun chikulåti gi lanchun‑måmi. There are chocolate trees at our farm. Variant: chikolåti, chokolåti, chukulåti.

chikun påkpak vt. kiss on the cheek making a whistling or a smacking sound, kiss loudly. Si Matrusalen ha chikun påkpak si Corona gi hilu' trongkun nunu. Matrusalen kissed the cheek of Corona with a whistling sound up on the banyan tree. Månngi' machikun påkpak i neni. It's a good feeling when you kiss the baby loudly. Chikun påkpak kumeke'ilek‑ña chiku ni tinattitiyi påkpak na sunidu. Chikun påkpak means a kiss that is followed by a smacking sound.

Chilang name. nickname for Cecilia. Humånåo si Chilang para i tenda. Cecilia went to the store. Chilang nå'an kariñu para si Cecilia. Chilang is the fond name for Cecilia. Ginin humånåo si Chilang para Amerika. Cecilia had been to America. Variant: Sil.

chili n. penis (of humans and animals). Ti malagu' i taotåo sumåonåo gi militåt sa' ilek‑ña na siempri ma'atan i chili‑ña. The man refused to enlist in the military because he said they will examine his penis. Guaha mås propiu masangån‑ña esti i chili gi halum famagu'un siha. There is a more appropriate way of using the word chili among minors. Makåppun chili‑ña anai mafañågu. His penis was circumcised when he was born. I patgun låhi mafañågu yan chili. Boys are born with a penis. Dångkulu chili‑ña i ga'lågu. The dog has a big penis. Variant: chimbuku' (Guam), iyun låhi, paluma.

chili'airi adj. naked (of males, esp. older males). I bihun‑måmi guaha na biåhi nai chumili' airi gi halum gumå'‑ña yanggin guiguiya ha'. Our grandfather sometimes goes naked in the house if he is by himself. I lalåhi meggai biåhi man chili'airi gi halum tåsi an homhum esta. The men often go naked in the ocean when it is dark.

chili'guagua' n. matchmaker, go-between. Si Stan i chili'guaguå'‑ña si Ton. Stan is Ton's matchmaker. Kulan ya‑mu para un chili'guagua', no? You seem to enjoy being a matchmaker, don't you? Sessu si Jose ha lalåtdi si Maggi sa' gof ya‑ña chumili'guagua'. Jose often chides Maggi because she likes to be a matchmaker.

chilung adj. proportionate, equal, uniform, of like measure. Chilung i tiningo'‑mu yan i che'cho'‑mu. Your knowledge is proportionate to your work. Chilung i guaka yan i apås‑mu. The value of the cow is equal to your payment. Na'chilung i hinanåo‑mu guatu Hapon. Make your trip to Japan worthwhile.

chimboku' n. penis, male sex organ (Rota). Makappun chimboko'‑ña anai mafañågu. His penis was circumcised when he was born. I patgun låhi guaha chimboku'‑ñiha ya i patgun palåo'an guaha bebi'‑ñiha. Boys have penises and girls have vaginas. Dångkulu chimboko'‑ña i neni. The baby has a big penis. Variant: chili, chingching, iyun låhi, paluma.

chimichimi intj. expression used to call cats. Sångan 'chimichimi' yanggin para un ågang i katu. Say 'chimichimi' when you're going to call the cat. Malingu i katu, ya sigi ha' ha ågan 'chimichimi'. From: Japanese word for same meaning.

chimineha n. chimney. Kulang ha' chimineha yanggin chumupa. He is like a chimney when he smokes. Å'asu i chimineha. The chimney is emitting smoke. Guaha chimineha‑ña i feggun. The oven has a chimney. Variant: chumuneha. From: Sp. chimenea.

China name. China. Dångkulu na lugåt China. China is a big place. Esta meggai tåotåo mangginin China guini giya Saipan. There are a lot of people from China here on Saipan. Memeggaiña esta siha na kosas manmafa'tinas giya China. More things now are made in China.

china'guak n. hernia, displacement of muscle or organ from its normal location. China'guak i taotåo anai ha uma i kestat pugas. The man hot a hernia when he carried the sack of rice. Syn: chinada'.

chinachak n. slash, long cut, slice. A'annuk na lamagung esta i chinachak‑ña. It is showing that his cut is almost healed. Bula chinachak magågu manmachalapun gi sagan basula. There are lots of cut fabrics scattered at the dump. Atan ha' sa' mahåhaga' chinachak kalulot‑ña. Just look at it because the cut on his finger is bleeding.

chinachalani n. instruction. Kumu ti siña un tattiyi i chinachalani put i amut ni para un inamti, put fabot mungnga machagi. If you are unable to follow the instruction about the medicine to cure you, please do not try. Taitai i lepblun chinachalani para un tungu' håfa taimanu mañuli' lisensian mañugun kareta. Read the instruction manual to learn how to get a driver's license. I ma'estra ha sienti na ti bula tumataitai i chinachalani put taimanu usu0ña i kumpiuta. The teacher sensed that not many read the instructions on how to use the computer. Variant: finana'gui, finanu'i.

chinada' n. 1) inguinal rupture, condition in which the groin is enlarged, hernia. Gof sasa' mamokkat nu i chinada'‑ña. He walks with legs wide apart due to his enlarged groin. Nina'yi i che'lu‑hu nu i chetnut chinada'. My brother has a hernia. 2) someone who walks straddle-legged or with bent back. Famokkat chaddik, kulang håo ha' i chinada'. Walk faster, you look as if you have an enlarged groin. Syn: china'guak.

chinaddik n. speed, haste, swiftness, briskness. Taimanu chinaddek‑ña finalagu‑ña si Ed? How fast did Ed run? Ai, na chinaddik si Maria ha oppi i finaisen‑hu siha. Gee, Maria answered my questions very quickly. Siña ha' måttu hulu' sientu miyas gi ora chinaddek‑ña i karetå‑hu. My car can go as fast as one hundred miles per hour.

chinagi n. examination, test, trial. Nigap i chinagi gi iskuela. The test was yesterday at school. Ha pripåpara i chinagin difendenti. He is preparing for the defendant's trial. Chinagi si Ana as Merced gi doktrina. Ana was tested on the catechism by Merced. Variant: sinsura, eksamina.

chinagu' n. remoteness, isolation. Kuadiba chinago'‑ña i gima' Juan. I wonder how remote Juan's house is. Håfa taimanu chinago'‑ña i dinaggåo‑mu? How far did your throw go? Måolik ha' chinago'‑ña yanggin para un famokkat. It's a good distance if you are going to walk.

chinakguat adj. having swollen lymph glands, usually caused by infection, bee stings, etc. Kana ha' ti siña mamokkat si Jose sa' chinakguat chachaga'‑ña. Jose could hardly walk because his thigh has swollen lymph glands. Puti mamokkat si Jose sa' chinakguat. Jose walks with pain because he has swollen lymph glands. Variant: chinatguat.

chinatguat adj. having swollen lymph glands, usually caused by infection, bee stings, etc. Kana ha' ti siña mamokkat si Jose sa' chinatguat chachaga'‑ña. Jose could hardly walk due to swollen lymph glands on his inner thigh. Variant: chinakguat.

chinathassu vi. project evil thoughts, imagine bad conduct in others. Chinathassu i taotåo nu i amigu‑ña anai ha fa'baba. The man thought badly of his friend when he cheated him. Mungnga machinathassu i kuntråriu. Do not think evil of the opponents.

chinatkinimprendi n. misunderstanding. I chinatkinimprendi muna'guaguaha minimu. Misunderstanding is the cause of the fight. Guaha chinatkinimprendi gi entalu' i dos tåotåo put håyi manggånna gi gayera. There is a misunderstanding between the two individuals about who won in the cockfight. Ti na'maguf yanggin guaha chinatkinimprendi gi entalu' familia. It is sad if there is misunderstanding in the family.

chinátpachut n. blasphemy, profanity, curse. Puru ha' chinatpachut finono'‑ña kulang manganiti. He is full of blasphemous talk like the devil. Mungnga ma'ekkunguk sa' puru ha' chinatpachut. Do not listen to him because he is full of blasphemy. Mungnga iya' i chinatpachut gi me'nan påli'. Please, no blasphemy in front of the priest. Variant: chátfinu'.

chinátsaga n. 1) suffering, distress, misery. Ai, na chinatsaga' i lina'la' på'gu na tiempu! My, life is a misery nowadays! Sungun ha' i chinatsaga‑mu. Just bear your suffering. Hita ha' mismu muna'guaguaha chinatsaga. We are the only ones who create our own suffering. Variant: pinepbli. 2) discomfort. Guaha chinatsaga‑ña si Lucas. Lucas has some ailment. Gaigi i chinatsaga‑ña gi tatalo'‑ña. His discomfort is in his back. Sessu malinik ulu chinatsaga‑ña i patgun. The child has a constant headache discomfort. Variant: chetnut.

chinchuli' n. 1) present (of money), donation, thing that is given away, gift (in Chamorro cultural customary exchange during events such as funerals or festivities). Matufung i chinchuli' anai måkpu' i interun tatan‑ñiha ya maripåra na mansen geftåo i familian‑ñiha yan i atungu'‑ñiha. They counted the donations after their father's funeral and realized the generosity of their family and friends. Esti i chinchuli' na kustumbri, machocho'gui para ayudu gi håfa siha na achaki. This custom of donating is being done to help during times of need. Adahi na ti un nå'i si matlinå‑mu nu i chinchule'‑hu. Do not forget to give my donation to your godmother. Chuli' i kestat pugas para chinchule'‑mu. Take the sack of rice for your donation. 2) change (of money), such as pocket money. Duru manchilingching i salappi' chinchuli' gi balakbak‑ña si Rosa anai ma'u'udai gi karetan guaka para i gima' Yu'us. The coins were making a chingling sound in Rosa's bag as she was riding the bullcart to church. Ai sa' ti nahung salappe'‑hu para bai hu fåhan i latiriha siha, solo guaha dididi' na chinchuli' gi botsam‑mu. Gosh, I am short of money to pay for the canned goods, unless you have some change in your pocket. Na'ayåo yu' fan maseha dididi' na chinchuli'? Could you loan me at least a little pocket money? Guaha guennåo dididi' na chinchuli' para ta fåhan i gimen‑ta tuba? Is there some change for us to buy our tuba drink? Variant: rigålu; nina'i.

vi. give a donation to. Chuminchuli' ha' lokkui' si Maria gi matai nåna. Maria also gave a donation when mother died.

chinchulu n. long flat fishing net. Si Tang sessu mama'tinas haguit para i chinchulun‑måmi. My father frequently makes needles for our net. Falulun måolik i chinchulu osino u gåtdun. Roll the fish net well or else it will get tangled up. Si Herman ha gof tungu' put todu siha na klåsin chinchulu yan taimanu i usun‑ñiha. Herman is very knowledgeable about all kinds of nets and how they are used.

vt. catch (fish) in a long flat fishing net. Machinchulu i atulai gi paingi. The young mackerel were caught with the long fishing net last night.

chinepchup vi. be swallowed up, absorbed (passive). Chinepchup todu salappe'‑ña nu i poka. Poker swallowed up all his money. Ha na'chinepchup i machuda' hånum nu i saosåo magågu. He used the rag to absorb the spilled water. Chinepchup i fachi' nu i bomba. The puddle of water was sucked up by the pump.

chini'ut vt. affected by, hurt by, hurt a feeling by (passive). Mungnga chini'ut ni håfa para bai hu sångan put ennåo na asuntu. Don't feel bad with what I am going to say about that matter. Chini'ut chetnot‑ña anai ha totpi i haligi. Her injury was affected when she bumped against the pole. Ti ha chu'ut yu', låo manchini'ut i pumalu, sa' ti ma kumprendi håfa kumeke'ilek‑mu. That does not hurt my feelings, but it hurt the feelings of the others, because they do not understand what you meant.

chinikulåti na kulót n. brown color, brownish color. Penta i kellat mås chinikulåti na kulot. Paint the fence with a brown color. Håfa siha na kulot siña un na'huyung chinikulåti na kulot? What colors would make a brown color? Chinikulåti na kulot i magagu‑hu. My shirt is of brownish color.

chinili' vi. taken, seized, grasped, clutched, snatched, grabbed (passive). Chinili' i premiu as Jose. The prize was taken by Jose. Chinili' i alåhas nu i sakki. The jewelry was snatched by the robber. I te'lang chinili' nu i ga'lågu. The bone was taken by the dog.

chinilung adj. equal to. Ti chinilung i malingu‑ña nu i mana'i‑ña na salåppi'. The money given to him did not cover his losses. Chinilung i matarehå‑ña yan i tinaiguen‑ña. His assignment is equal to his absence. Kåo chinilung i ma'apasi‑mu yan i che'cho'‑mu? Is the payment you received equal to the work you performed?

chinina n. dress, shirt, clothes. Håfa kulot chininå‑ña? What is the color of his shirt? Bastus malaksen‑ña magagu‑ña i patgun. The child's dress is not skillfully sewn. Fahaniyi i neni chininå‑ña giya Guåhan. Buy some clothes for the baby in Guam. Variant: magågu.

chininan nobia n. bridal gown. Bulaña na å'paka' i kulot chininan nobia. Bridal gowns are generally white. Pa'gu na tiempu ti nisisåriu na u chininan nobia para umasagua. Nowadays it is not necessary to wear a bridal gown to get married. I hobin na palåo'an sessu ha guifi na chuminininan nobia gui'. The young lady often dreams that she is wearing a bridal gown. Nina'mancha i chininan nobia ni lassas lalanghita. The tangerine skin stained the bridal gown. Gef sa'‑ña i sutterita chumininan nobia. The young lady looks very becoming in a bridal gown. Mafa'tinas kånnai i chininan nobia para i hagan‑måmi. Our daughter's bridal gown was handmade.

chinipón vi. suck something, like one's thumb. Esta gai idat låo sigi ha' chinipon. He is already of age but he keeps sucking his thumb. Mungnga mampus muyu' sa' kalan chinipopon håo. Don't pout too much because you look like you are sucking something. Manachinipopon i galagitu sa' diningu ni nanå‑ña gi paingi. The puppy is being fed with a bottle because its mother left him last night.

Chinu n. Chinese. Anåkku' i historian tåotåo Chinu. The Chinese have a long history. Maninasa i taotåo Chinu ya manoggan giya Palau. The Chinese got lost at sea and ended up in Palau. Guaha na ti siña ta tungu' håyi Chinu pat håyi Chosing. There are times when we cannot tell who is Chinese and who is Korean.

chinu adj. stingy, selfish (slang), miserly. Ginin chinu låo esta gof geftåo på'gu. She was stingy but now she is very generous. Gof chinu nu i salappe'‑ña. He is a miser with money. Båsta chuminu sa' ti un chuli' påpa' i salåppi' gi naftån‑mu. Stop being selfish because you won't take your money with you into your grave. Syn: chattåo, gakki'.

chi-ña (from: chi‑ña) n. (his, her, its) distance, destination, limit, boundary. Amånu chi‑ña hinanåo‑mu? How far did you go? Ilek‑ña si Tita na esta ti atman para u fåttu chi‑ña gi uttimu na sentensian i diksiunåriu. Tita said that she is approaching the last sentence in the dictionary. Esta ennåo na tåotåo ini'ipus chi‑ña. That person is already passing the limit of his prerogative. Ripåra kåo asentådu yan kabålis chi‑ña i chi'cho'‑mu åntis di un paranñaihun. Assess if the extent of your work is well done and complete before you stop. The noun chi‑ plus the third person singular possessive suffix.

chingching n. penis, male sex organ. Makåppun chingcheng‑ña anai mafañågu. His penis was circumcised when he was born. I patgun låhi guaha chingching‑ñiha ya i patgun palåo'an guaha bebi'‑ñiha. Boys have penises and girls have vaginas. Syn: chili, iyun låhi, paluma. From: Japanese word: chinchin.

chiodo' adj. just right, perfect fit, exact. Mungnga mana'daña'i mås i nengkanu', sa' esta chiododo' i taña'‑ña. Do not add any more anything to the food because its taste is just perfect. Chiododo' i hanum gi håra para todu i sietti na båsu. The water in the jug is just right for the seven glasses. Chiodo' i chigu' månha para todu i bisita. The coconut juice is just enough for all the visitors. From: Jp.

chipón n. nipple (esp. of baby bottle). Manggi i chipon mamadot i neni? Where is the nipple for the baby bottle? Gof fa'gåsi i chipon mamadot i neni. Wash the nipple of the baby bottle.. Sumi' esta i chipon mamadot i neni. The nipple of the baby bottle is already leaking. Variant: akådu', chåflaki'. From: Sp. chupón.

chipun adj. become pale. Chipun kulot matå‑ña kulan manli'i' birak. His face color paled like he had just seen a ghost. Chipun åsut kulot magagu‑ña. His clothes are pale blue in color. Chipun kulot‑ña sa' hålum guma' ha' na sumåsaga kada diha. He looks pale because he only stays in the house every day. Variant: chapun, chupun.

chirigåmi' n ]\re toilet paper. toilet paper, or tissue (Saipan). Chek kåo guaha chirigåmi' gi halum kommun siha. Check if there is toilet tissue in the restrooms. Etgui i neni nu i chirigåmi'. Wipe the baby's bottom with the toilet tissue. Syn: påppit etgui. From: Japanese.

chispas vi. 1) splatter, squirt, spurt, splash, rush out. Na'chispas i hanum gi kareta ya un fa'gåsi. Splash the water on the car and wash it. Duru chispas i hanum gi sumi' na grifu. Water is spurting from the leaky faucet. 2) spark. Guaha chispas låmlam anai kimason i halin kåndit. There was a spark when the electric cable caught fire. 3) zoom by, take off with high speed. Man chispas hulu i mannuk anai man inispånta nu i ga'lågu. The hens suddenly flew off when they were surprised by the dog. Variant: besbis, petsan.

chita n. flower prints (of cloth). Guaha chininå‑hu chita. I have a flowery printed shirt. Ya‑hu chita siha na magågu. I like flower-printed clothes. Bunitu magågun chita para kuttina. Cloth with flower prints is nice for curtains.

chitan Hawaiian n. Hawaiian print. Guaha magågu‑hu chitan Hawaiian. I have Hawaiian print shirts. Ya‑hu chitan Hawaiian na magågu siha. I like Hawaiian print clothes. Bunitu chitan Hawaiian para kuttina. Hawaiian print cloth is nice for curtains. Variant: magågun chita.

chiubu' n. tube (referring to rubber tube of car tire). Tulaika i chiubu' gi kareta sa' sumi'. Replace the rubber tube of the car because it is leaking.

cho intj. whoa, halt, used mainly when driving a bull cart. Åluk "cho!" yanggin para un na'påra i guaka. Say "cho" if you want to stop the bull. Ti pumåra i guaka anai ilek‑ku "la!", låo pumara anai ilek‑ku "cho!" The cow did not stop when I said "la!", but she stopped when I said "cho!" Cho! Stop!

cho'chu'1 n. work, job, employment, task, position. Håfa na cho'chu' che'cho'‑ña si tatå‑mu? What is your father's job? Guaha cho'chu' bara i man tai che'chu? Is there work for the unemployed? Variant: bida, cho'gui, implehu, facho'chu', hotnat, macho'chu', nina'huyung, obra, ofisiu.

cho'chu'2 n. coral rock. Ha tåtmi i hoyu nu i cho'chu'. He filled the hole with coral rock. Meggai potbos‑ña i che'chu'. Coral rock has lots of dust. I kaskåhu ginin cho'chu'. The gravel is from coral rock. Variant: kaskåhu.

cho'chu'3 vt. reach into (an opening), extend into by reaching, grab from inside (something). Hu cho'chu' hålum i madduk para bai konni' i panglåo. I reached into the hole to catch the crab. Cho'chu' hålum i kestat ya un konni' i panglåo. Reach into the sack and catch the crab. Variant: hagu'.

cho'guan adj. overworked, tired from overworking. Esta malålangu si Mariana sa' mampus cho'guan. Mariana is getting weak because she is so overworked. Bumuchåcha si nåna låo esta cho'guan. Mother is hardworking but she is now overworked. Mancho'guan i hutnalerus sa' mantai diskånsu. The workers are overworked because they don't have rest time.

cho'gui vt. do, render, perform, work. Sigi ya un cho'gui i che'cho'‑mu. Go and do your work. Hu cho'gui esta i che'cho'‑hu. I already did my work. Båsta mangguifi ya un cho'gui i che'cho'‑mu. Stop dreaming and do your work. See: bida, na'funhåyan.

cho'guiyi vt. serve, work for (someone), wait on. Cho'guiyi yu' fan nu i che'cho'‑hu. Please do my work for me. Kåo siña un cho'guiyi si Antonio nu i karetå‑ña? Can you fix Antonio's car? Håyi chumo'guiyi si Ana nu i leksion‑ña? Who did Maria's lesson? Variant: tahgui.

cho'li n. cyst, lump, swollen lymph gland. Kana' ti siña mamokkat, sa' cho'li petnån‑ña. He could hardly walk, because he has a cyst on his thigh. Ha pacha i agagå‑hu i infitmera kåo cho'li. The nurse felt my neck if my lymph gland is swollen. Syn: chinakguat, chinatguat.

cho'mi vt. pour, splash, spill (something) on (someone or something). Cho'mi hånum i guafi. Pour water on the fire. Chine'mi yu' nu i fachi'. The mud splashed me. Cho'mi unai i patgun. Pour sand on the child. Variant: chuda'.

choffi1 vt. push gently, push aside (a lightweight object, such as paper or a leaf). Ha choffi i atchu' nu i addeng‑ña gi chalan. He pushed the rock with his foot on the road. Ha choffi i pappit gi papa' lamasa. He pushed the paper off the table. Choffi i amåkan neni. Push the baby's hammock gently. Variant: chonnik.

choffi2 vt. block (something), shield from (something, esp. wind). Choffi i ininan åtdåo gi kannai‑mu. Block off the sunlight with your hand. Ha huchum i bintåna para u choffi i manglu'. He closed the window to block off the wind. Variant: tampi.

Cholai' name. nickname for Concepcion. Mås matungo'‑ña si Concepcion, Cholai'. Concepcion is mostly known as Cholai'. Syn: Chai', Chong chongki'. Variant: Chonai'.

Choma name. place name in Tinian. Gaigi Choma gi entalu' Manmag yan Guata giya Tinian. Choma is located within Manmag and Guata in Tinian. I lago‑ña Choma giya Tete'to yan i hilo'‑ña giya Tinian. Choma is above Tete'to to the west in Tinian. Kåntun tåsi påtti guini na lugåt giya Choma ya i sanhalum edda', åttilung. Måolik na fanggualu'an yan bula lokkui' trongkun niyuk. Part of Choma is near the seashore and the inner area has dark soil. It is good for farming and there are lots of coconut trees.

chomchum1 n. type of sickness, usually afflicting babies, whose symptoms include low grade fever. Nina'yi i neni chetnut chomchum. The baby is infected with fever. Un klåsin chetnut esti i chemchum. Chomchum is one type of sickness. Aspirina amot‑ña i chomchum. Asprin cures the chomchom. Variant: kalentura.

chomchum2 adj. bushy, overgrown. Chomchum na yånu. The field is overgrown with bushes. Chomchum gaputulu‑ña i neni. The baby has thick hair. Variant: kantidå, mekpi', potput.

chomchum abeha n. bees' nest. Mungnga humålum guennåo, sa' guaha dångkulu na chomchum abeha. Do not go in there, because there is a big bees' nest. Machuchuli' miet ginin i chomchum abeha. Honey is from the honeybees' hive. Atyu ha' nai siña sumuha i sasata yanggin un na'suha i chomchum. The only way to get rid of the bees is to remove the nest. Variant: chomchum sásata; chonchun.

chomma' vt. forbid, prevent, impede, obstruct, intervene, stop. Chomma' i chi'lu‑mu låhi, sa' kumeke'mumu. Stop your brother, because he is aiming to fight. I guatdia ha chomma' i taotåo anai kumeke'halum gi ofisina. The guard prevented the man as he was entering the office. Variant: na'påra, pruibi.

Chonai' name. nickname for Concepcion. Siña ha' ma'å'gang si Concepcion Cholai' pat Chonai'. Concepcion could also be called Cholai' or Chonai'. Syn: Chai', Chong, Chongki'. Variant: Cholai'.

chonchun1 n. nest, den, haunt. Mungnga humålum guennåo, sa' guaha dångkulu na chonchun sasata. Do not go in there, because there is a big wasp nest. Ma chuchuli' miet ginin i chonchun abeha. They are getting honey from the bees' nest. Atyu ha' nai siña sumuha i sasata yanggin un na'suha i chenchun. The only way to get rid of the wasp is to remove the nest.

chonchun2 n. vagina, female sex organ (slang). Mungnga sumasa' sa' u annuk i chonchon‑mu. Do not spread your legs apart because your private parts might show. Na'kinatsunis i patgun ya u tampi i chonchon‑ña. Make the child wear pants to cover her vagina. Variant: bebi', cheggai påpaguan.

chonchun sasata n. wasp hive. Mana'ákalayi' ha' i chenchun sasata gi ramas trongkun kamachili. The wasp hives are just hanging on the branches of the kamachili tree. Guaha nai un sodda' mansen dångkulu na chonchun sasata. Sometimes you find huge wasp hives. Meggai kuatton‑ña i chenchun sasata. Wasp hives have many cubicles.

chonnik vt. push, thrust, shove, propel. Chinennik i boti ni metgut månglu'. The boat was pushed by the strong wind. Håyi chumonnik yu'? Who pushed me? Chonnik mo'na ennåo na lamasa. Push that table forward. Chonnik fan ennåo i petta kåo mababa. Could you push the door to see if it will open. Båsta mañonnik gi fila. Stop pushing on the line. Variant: su'un, aronsa.

Chong name. nickname for Consolacion, Concepcion, Asuncion.

chongka n. type of game played by two persons, with the objective to collect all the shells. Ututi yu' fan trongkun da'uk ya bai hu fama'tinas chongka. Cut me a palo-maria log and I will carve a chongka. Fanå'gui yu' fan taimanu gumåndu chongka. Please teach me how to play chongka.

vi. play the chongka game. Pairi yu' chumongka sa' sessu hu na'kema i kuntråriu. I am an expert in chongka because I frequently collect all my opponents' shells. In the game of chongka, the players have a wood tray with several cups carved into the top of the tray; each player has a handful of marbles or small shells which they place in the cups successively until all the pieces are in the goal cup at each end. Variant: chonga. 2) the equipment used in the game of chongka, with seven shallow holes on each side and one large hole on each end.

Chongki' name. nickname for Concepcion, Consolacion, Brisentasion, Purificacion, Asunicion, Asuncion, Encarnacion, Anunciacion. Kariñosa na palåo'an si Chongki'. Concepcion is a friendly woman. Kada yu' malak i tenda, hu sodda' si Chongki'. Each time I go to the store, I find Chongki’. Gof ya‑ña si Chonke' gumimin kafe. Chongki’ like to drink coffee. Variant: Chongki.

chopak n. type of plant; type of tree. Mammea odorata. Bula trongkun chopak gi kantun tåsi giya Låolåo na lugåt. There are many Mammea odorata trees near the ocean at Låolåo. Fitmi yan metgut esti i hayun chopak ya sessu ma'usa para tokpung siha. Mammea odorata wood is solid and strong and is frequently used for handles. Måolekña håyun chopak para panak bola kini hayun gågu. Mammea odorata wood is better than pine wood for baseball bats.

chopchup vt. suck, absorb, draw in (smoke from a cigarette or cigar), take up (moisture). Ha chopchup i neni i dama'gås‑ña. The baby sucked his thumb. Na'chinepchup i machuda' hånum gi satgi ni talåpus. Use the rag to absorb the spilled water on the floor. Guston‑ña si Miguel chumopchup i chigalu‑ña. Miguel enjoys puffing his pipe.

chopchup unai n. shoreline, the exact point where the water comes into shore on the beach. Hu istira yu' gi chopchup unai. I stretched out on the edge of the sand. Istretyu i chopchup unai gi Inai Kammer. There is a long stretch of sand edging on the water at Kammer Beach. Fatå'chung gi chopchup unai ya un atan i minatchum åtdåo. Sit on the edge of the sand and look at the sunset.

Chopia name. nickname for Estefania. Unus kuåntus ha' na famalåo'an manggai nå'an esti i Chopia giya Sa'ipan. Only a few ladies have Chopia as their nickname here in Saipan. Malångu esta si Tan Chopia. Auntie Chopia is sick already. Ha tulaika si Maria na'ån‑ña ya Chopia på'gu. Maria changed her name and now it's Chopia.

chosgu n. type of plant; a type of tree. Glochidion marianum, Genus Glochidion. Bula tinanum chosgu gi lanchun Tun Pedro. There are many glochidion trees at Uncle Pedro’s farm. Mafa'å'amut i hagun chosgu nu i suruhånu. Healers use the leaves of glochidion for medicine. Måolik i hayun chosgu para tokpung fisga. The wood of the glochidion tree is excellent for making spear handles.

Chosing n. Korean. Åntis na tiempu, un Chosing ha' sumåga giya Luta. Back then, only one Korean remained in Rota. Meggai Chosing på'gu na tiempu giya Sa'ipan. There are many Koreans now in Saipan. Lábula esta tendan Chosing guini giya Sa'ipan. There is a considerable number of Korean stores in Saipan.

chotchu vi. eat. Malagu' yu' chumotchu ayuyu, låo esta sen hassan. I want to eat coconut crab, but it is now very rare. Chumochotchu si Juan tininun lemmai. Juan is eating roasted breadfruit. Ngai'an na chumotchu håo? Gi kanuguan, talu'guan pat piniguan? When did you eat? Early in the morning, midday or in the evening? Variant: boka, kånnu'.

chotda n. 1) green banana. Musa textilis. Diferentis klåsin chotda guaha Sa'ipan. Saipan has different kinds of bananas. Chetdan tanduki i mås ya‑hu na chotda. Tanduki banana is my favorite banana. 2) banana tree. Guaha na chotda mansen lokka' trongkun‑ñiha. Some banana trees are very tall.

chotdan bunita n. type of banana that turn pinkish color when ripe; rare in Guam. Tåya' chotdan bunita giya Sa'ipan. Chotdan bunita does not exist on Saipan.

chotdan dåma n. banana, similar to chotdan Manila. Månngi' i chetdan dåma sa' masisu. Dåma banana is very delicious because the meat is firm.

chotdan Fiji n. type of banana: short eating banana imported from Fiji. Guaha na tåotåo ga'on‑ña esti i chetdan Fiji sa' mamis. Some people prefer Fiji banana because it is sweet.

chotdan gålayan n. type of banana, long, light green in color when almost ripe, soft in texture. Gof månngi' makåddun fresku i mannuk yan chetdan gålayan. It is delicious to cook fresh chicken together with gålayan banana.

chotdan guahú n. type of banana; short tree type. Dikiki' trongkon‑ña i chetdan guahú, låo dångkulu rasimu‑ña yanggin manokcha'. The guahú banana tree is short but produces a large bunch when it bears fruits.

chotdan halum tånu' n. type of banana: wild banana found in the jungle. Mafa'å'amut esti i chetdan halum tånu'. The wild banana is used for medicine.

chotdan Lakatan n. type of eating banana, similar to chotdan Makåo, with yellowish skin and orange pulp when ripe. Mamis yan masisu esti i chetdan Lakatån yanggin umaga'. The lakatån banana is sweet with firm pulp.

chotdan long n. type of banana, used mainly as cooking banana, but also eaten when ripe. Gof meggai chetdan long Sa'ipan sa' ti chå'tan matånum. There’s plenty of chotdan long bananas in Saipan because they are easy to plant.

chotdan Makåo n. type of banana, longer than chotdan Manila, whose meat turns orange when ripe; also known as Chinese banana. Abundånsia i chetdan Makåo giya Guahan yan Luta. Makåo bananas are plentiful in Guam and Rota.

chotdan Manila n. short banana. Åmut lokkui' esti i chetdan Manila. The Manila banana is also medicinal. Månngi' chotdan Manila na buñelus sa' mamis. Manila bananas fritters are delicious because they are sweet.

chotdan påhung n. type of banana which grows on very large trees with very tight bunches (fingers close together). Ma'uk esti i chetdan påhung yan månngi' mafa'saibuk. Påhung banana stores well, and is delicious cooked with coconut milk.

chotdan palådang n. type of banana, similar to chotdan long but with brown skin. Apenas masodda' i chetdan palådang. Chetdan paladang is hard to find.

chotdan Taiwan n. type of banana which turns lighter green when ripe, generally eaten uncooked. I mås ya‑hu na chotda yanggin aga' i chetdan Taiwan. My most favorite banana when ripe is Taiwan banana. Fåhna esti i chetdan Taiwan gi metkåon Såbalu. Taiwan banana is most sellable at the Saturday market.

chotdan tanduki n. type of cooking banana with long fingers. Esti i chetdan tanduki i mås måolik na chotda para mamadoya. The tanduki banana is the best for making banana fritters. Variant: tanluki.

chotgi vt. 1) hand-feed. Hu chotgi i neni masan aga'. I hand-fed the baby ripe banana. 2) apply by dropper, apply liquid to (the mouth, eyes, nose, etc.) by an eyedropper or cotton that has been soaked in the solution and then squeezed. I mediku ha chotgi matå‑hu ni amut. The doctor squeezed medicine into my eyes. I nana ha chotgi i matan patgon‑ña ni amut måta. The mother applied eye medicine to her child’s eye.

chotti vt. insert, squeeze (something) into. Ha chotti i amut gi halum agå'ga' i patgun, sa' nina'yi ni chetnut mahulat. She inserted medicine inside the child's throat, because he contracted disease of the throat. Chotti dididi' binakli yan asiga gi fina'denni'. Squeeze a bit of vinegar and salt in the hot pepper sauce. Variant: sotti.

chu vt. direct or call (a bull pulling the cart) to turn right. Si Manning ha chuchu i guaka para u bira gui' gi agapa' na chålan. Manny is directing the bull to turn to the right. Na'a'gang håo yanggin para un chu i guaka. Speak loudly when you are telling the bull to turn right.

Chu' name. nickname for Jesus. Para månu håo, Chu'? Jesus, where are you going? I na'ån‑hu si Jesus Babauta, låo mås matungo'‑hu as Chu'. My name is Jesus Babauta, but I am better known as Chu’ Babauta. Maria, månggi si Chu'? Mary, where is Chu'? Variant: Chumbai.

chu'ut vt. 1) aggrevate a wound from contact with something. Ha totpi yu' si Juan ya ha chu'ut i chetnut gi kannai‑hu. John bumped into me and hurt the wound on my hand. Mungnga mapatcha si Tomas, sa' siempri un chu'ut i chetnot‑ña. Do not touch Tomas, because you might aggravate his wound. 2) 

vt. aggravate, hurt someone's feelings, suffer. Un chu'ut yu' nu i fino'‑mu. Your statement hurt me. Chini'ut si Juan gi as Maria anai ti mañåsåonåo gi inetnun familia. Maria hurt Juan's feelings when he was not allowed in the family gathering. I finu' tåotåo ni ti asentådu, guaha na biåhi ni chichi'ut. Insensitive comments from people can sometimes hurt people's feelings.

chubåsku n. storm over open water, strong wind accompanied by heavy rain out at sea. Manginacha' ni chubåskun tåsi gi kareran‑ñiha para Tini'an nigap, pues ennåo na ma bira siha tatti Sa'ipan. They encountered the storm at sea on their way to Tinian, and that is why they turned back to Saipan. Gof piligru esti i chubåskun tåsi para i peskadot siha. Storm at sea is hazardous for fisher folks. Siña håo manli'i' chubåsku ginin oksu' Tapotchåo. You can see an ocean storm from the top of Tapotchåo.

chuchuku' n. type of bird: reef heron, plumed egret. Demigretta sacra sacra. Bula paluman chuchuku' gi lanchun‑måmi. There are many demigretta sacra sacra birds at our ranch. Famatkilu pachot‑mu sa' kulan chuchuku' håo. Shut your mouth because you look like a demigretta sacra sacra bird. Gof chaddik gumupu esti i chuchuku' na paluma. This demigretta sacra sacra bird flies very fast.

chuchurika1 n. type of bird: rufous-fronted fantail. Rhipidura rufifrons urania. Na' abak esti i chuchurika gi halum tånu'. The chuchurika can lead you astray in the forest. Esta håssan chuchurika giya Guåhan. The chuchurika is rare in Guam. Ti siña ketu i chuchurika gi tronku. The chuchurika can't keep still on the tree. Variant: chichirika.

chuchurika2 n. type of plant, type of flower: periwinkle, vinca. Catharanthus roseus. Gof bunitu esti i flores chuchurika gi kantun guma'. This periwinkle flower is very beautiful around the house. Tres klåsin flores chuchurika ha' tiningo'‑hu. I am familiar with only three kinds of periwinkle flowers. Motmut flores chuchurika gi gima' Tan Rosa. Auntie Rose’s house is full of periwinkle flowers.

chuda' vt. pour (liquid) out, empty, spill. Ha chuda' i neni i na'‑ña katdu gi basu‑ña. The baby spilled her soup from her cup. Machuda' i tangkin hånum anai sinifa' nu i karetan Juan. The water tank spilled when John crashed his vehicle into it. Machuda' i kafe anai matomba si Jose gi satgi. The coffee spilled when Jose fell down on the floor. Mañuda' bula na salåppi' si Florensia anai matitik i kestat ganggotchi ni ha nåna'na'. Floresia spilled a lot of coins when the burlap sack she was hiding ripped open. The cat spilled the milk. Cha'‑miyu chichida i amut dinalak duråntin i kareran‑miyu siha. Do not spill the gout medicine on your journey to your homes. Variant: Chinida' nu i katu i letchi.

chuffla vt. puff out, spit out, blow out. Ha kalammuk si Maria i guihan ya ha chuffla huyung i te'lang putno u gotgan. To avoid a bone being stuck in her throat, Maria spat out the bones of the fish she swallowed. Variant: foffu.

chuga vt. stop, halt, put a stop to, make (something) end. Ha chuga i famagu'un ni manmumumu. She put a stop to the children who were fighting. Dångkulu pachot‑ña si Jose kada bulåchu ya ha nisisita machuga. Jose has a big mouth when drunk and he needs to be stopped. Maria, måolekña na un chuga' si Tomas sa' kumu guåhu bai hu paniti pachot‑ña. Maria, you had better stop Thomas because if I am to do that, I will punch his mouth. Variant: na'båsta, na'påra.

chugu'1 n. 1) sap, juice. Bula chigo'‑ña i kahit. The orange has lots of juice. Fa'gåsi kannai‑mu ya hu suha i chigu' lemmai. Wash your hands so that the breadfruit sap will be removed. 2) pus. Gof michigu' i chetnot‑ña si Juan gi addeng‑ña. John’s sores on his foot are full of pus. 3) semen. I mediku ha rikunosi i chigu' ginin as Juan ya ha sodda' na tåya' chetnot‑ña. The doctor examined the semen from Juan and found that he is not sick. The police nowadays use examine the semen to identify rapists Variant: I chigu' låhi på'gu na tiempu, marikunonosi ni pulisiha para matungu' håyi mana'låmin palåo'an.

chugu'2 vt. hand-feed, feed by hand, as in feeding a baby. I nana ha chugu' i patgon‑ña nu i nengkanu'. The mother hand-fed her baby with food. Ha nisisita si Maria machugu' sa' ti siña chumotchu ni kannai‑ña na maisa. Mary needs to be hand-fed because she cannot eat with her own hands. Esta si nåna machuchugu' sa' gof åmku'. Mother needs to be hand-fed because she is very old. Maseha åmku', låo ti malagu' si tåta machugu'. Even though old, still, father does not want to be hand-fed.

chugu' niyuk n. coconut milk. Månggi' nengkanu' esti katdun guihan yanggin manadina'i yan chugu' niyuk. Fish soup is delicious when mixed with coconut milk. Na'bubula chugu' niyuk yanggin para un saibuk lemmai. If you are to boil breadfruit, put plenty of coconut milk. Chalegua fine'ne'na i saibuk suni, pues na'yiyi ni chugu' niyuk. First you stir the taro, then pour coconut milk.

chuguångguang n. type of bird: flycatcher. Gof dikiki' esti i chuguångguang na paluma. Flycatchers are very small birds. Hålum liyang ni manmamaigu' esti siha i paluman chuguångguang. Flycatcher birds sleep inside caves. Bula paluman chuguångguang giya Måkpi na lugåt. There are plenty flycatcher birds in the Marpi area.

chukan vt. 1) swing, cause to rock, cause to sway, cause to waver. Hu chukan si Pedro gi siya. I rocked Pedro in his chair. Chinikanñaihun i uma'akalayi na hugeti nu i metgut na manglu'. The hanging toy was swayed by the strong wind. Sessu bulåchu si Pedro gi tasi yanggin mampus chinichikan i boti nu i napu. Pedro frequently gets seasick when the waves cause the boat to rock too much. 2) roll (something) around in (something). Umåssun si Jose gi satgi ya ha chukan gui' gi halum guåfak. Joe lay down on the floor and rolled inside the mat. Ha chukan si Maria i patgun gi halum såbanas. Mary rolled the baby inside the blanket. Humålum si Tomas gi halum tangki ya ha chukan gui' påpa' gi eksu'. Tomas went inside a drum can and rolled down the hill. Variant: chungat.

chukulåti n. chocolate. Månngi' i chikulåti. The chocolate is good. Guaha trongkun chikulåti gi lanchun‑måmi. There are chocolate trees at our farm. Te'uk i chikulåti. The chocolate is thick. Variant: chikolåti, chikulåti, chokolåti, chukulåti.

chule'guan vt. take (something) without permission or in a fraudulent manner. Machule'guan i patgun ni sapatos‑ña. Someone took away the boy's shoes. Ha chule'guan yu' ni machitek‑ku. He took my machete. Hu chule'guan si Luis ni pine'lon‑ña. I took Luis' safekeeping.

chule'magi vt. bring here with you, bring on your way here. Chule'magi i papåya yanggin para un fåttu. Bring the papaya on your way over. Maria, kåo siña un chule'magi i balakbak‑ku? Mary, can you bring my bag while you are coming here? Mamaisin si nåna kåo siña håyi chule'magi i mamå'‑ña sa' ti siña mamokkat guatu. Mother asked if anyone can bring her betel nut over because she cannot walk over there.

chuli' vt. take, bring, grab, snatch, grasp, clutch, seize. Chuli' mågi i na'‑mu ya ta kånnu'. Bring your food over and we’ll eat it. Mungnga machuli' i kosas ottru yanggin ti iyom‑mu. Do not take someone’s belonging if it is not yours. Fåttu mågi ya un chuli' håfa manåna'i håo. Come over and take what has been offered to you. Chinile'guan si Fulanu fusinos‑ña nu i sakki. Fulanu's hoe was seized by the thief. Variant: risibi, aksepta.

chuli'un adj. portable, capable of being carried. Chuli'un si Pedro na tåotåo sa' gof ñáhlalang. Pedro is a capable person to be carried because he is very light. Gof chuli'un esti siha na kanåstran nåna sa' ñáhlalang. Mother’s baskets are very portable because they are very light. Libiånu ma'uma i kahun sa' gof chuli'un. The box is easy to carry because it is very portable.

chuliguagua' n. one who performs an errand. Sessu mafaisin yu' para bai chuliguagua' låo esta yu' o'sun. I am often asked to do an errand but I am already bored with it. Variant: chili'guagua.

chulugaigai vi. hop on one foot, shuffle on one foot, hopscotch. Båsta muchulugaigai, Jose, sa' dos addeng‑mu. Joe, stop hopping because you have two feet. Nina'chulugaigai si Tomas anai diniluk addeng‑ña ni liluk. Tomas started hopping when he stepped on a nail. Manhugågandu i famagu'un iskuela nu i huegun chulugaigai. The children at the school are playing the game of hopping. Variant: ka'diding.

Chumbai' name. nickname for Jesus. I na'ån‑hu si Jesus Babauta, låo ma'å'agang yu' Chumbai. My name is Jesus Babauta, but they call me Chumbai.

Chumin name. nickname for Jesus (pronounced Hesus in Chamorro). Variant: Chuming.

chuminchulu vi. fish with long nets (singular and dual realis). Pairi chuminchulu lamu'na sa' gualåfung. It is good to go net fishing tonight because it is full moon. Ha gof tungu' si Juan chuminchulu disti anai dikiki'. John really knows how to net fish since he was a child. Chuminchuchulu si tatå‑hu kada tiempun sesyun. My father nets fish during rabbit fish season. Variant: chinchulu.

chumineha n. chimney, smoke stack. Bula chumineha siha gi fakterian magågu giya Sa'ipan. There are many chimneys at the factories on Saipan. I asu muhuyung ginin i chumineha. The smoke comes out from the chimney. Gaigi giya Tinian i mås dångkulu na chimineha. The biggest chimney is on Tinian. Variant: chimineha. From: Sp. chimenea.

chungat1 vt. cut the belly of (someting) open. Hu chungat i babui nigap. I cut open the pig’s belly open yesterday. Mapunu' i guaka gi paingi ya ha chungat si tatå‑hu. They killed the cow last night and my father cut open the belly. Anai munhåyan ma go'naf i guihan, ma chungat. After they scaled the fish, they cut open the belly.

chungat2 vt. rock (someone or something) back and forth. Ha chuchungat i patgun gi amåka She is rocking the baby on the swing. Mungnga machungat i boti sa' siempri muta' yu'. Do not rock the boat for I might vomit. Bulåchu si Tomas sa' ti papara machungat i galaidi. Tomas is dizzy because of the canoe's continuous rocking. Variant: chukan.

chungi'1 n. gray hair, white hair. Yanggin esta gof åmku' håo, siempri bula chunge'‑mu. If you are very old, then you will have plenty of white hair. Esta a'annuk chunge'‑ña si Pedro sa' gof åmku'. Pedro is showing gray hair because he is getting old.

adj. gray-haired, white-haired. Mås matungu'‑ñiha kumu familian Chungi' sa' pururu ha' manchungi'. They are better known as the gray-haired family because all of them have white hair.

chungi'2 n. type of bird: white-tailed tropic bird, white tern. Phaethon lepturus dorotheae. Gof a'paka' esti i chungi' na paluma. These white-tailed tropic birds are very white. Bulåña chungi' manmamaigu' gi trongkun gågu kini ottru trongku siha. There are more white-tailed tropic birds sleeping on pine trees than any other trees. Ti månngi' makånnu' esti i chungi' na paluma. White-tailed tropic birds are not good to eat.

chupa n. 1) type of plant: tobacco. Nicotiana tabacum. Bula tinanum chupa gi lanchon‑ña si Mala'it giya Luta. Mala'it has many tobacco plants at his farm in Rota. Ha gof tungu' si tåta muroyu i hagun chupa. Father really knows how to roll tobacco leaves. 2) tobacco, cigarette. Bula klåsin chupa mabebendi gi tendan Joeten. There are many kinds of cigarette being sold at Joeten store. Variant: sigariyu.

vi. smoke (tobacco, cigarette or similar items). Ti siña chumupa gi halum guma' pupbliku esta. Smoking in public places is no longer allowed. Kalan chimineha si Kandido yanggin ha tutuhun chumupa. Kandido is like a chimney when he starts smoking. Ilek‑ña i mediku na na'kansit esti i chipa. The doctor said that smoking is a cause of cancer.

chupón n. pacifier (for baby). Difirentis klåsin chupón mabebendi gi tendan Joeten. There are many types of pacifiers being sold at Joeten store. Na'chopchup i neni ni chupón yanggin kumåkati. Have the baby suck the pacifier if he is crying. Guaha ottru klåsin chupón yanggin malångu i neni. There is another type of pacifier if a baby is sick. See: chinipón.

chupun adj. pale, ghastly. Nina'måtan chupun si Jose anai ha gimin i amut. Jose looked pale when he drank the medicine. Mungnga makånnu' ennåo na nengkanu' sa' siempri nina'måtan chupun håo. Do not eat that food for you might looked pale. Disdi anai mafañågu si Pedro, måtan chupun. Since Pedro was born, he looks pale. Variant: boksion, påsmu, bitmehu.

chura adj. ugly, unpleasant, disagreeable, contrary to beauty, not pretty. Dimasiåo chura lamasa‑ña si Jose. Joe’s table is extremely ugly. Makalelu, bihu, yan gof chura magagu‑ña si Rosa. Rose’s dress is wrinkled, old, and very ugly. Båsta ma'usa i maskara, sa' nina'chuchura i fasu‑mu. Stop using make-up because it is making your face ugly. Variant: chátpa'gu.

churai adj. pitiful, sorrowful, wretched, suffering. Man churai i familia anai man diningu ni nanan‑niha. The family suffered when the mother left them. From: Japanese. same meaning.

churisus n. sausage, frankfurter, roll of salami, bologna. Mannge'ña churisus Españót kini churisus Amerikånu. Spanish sausage is more delicious than American sausage. Åntis na tiempu, ma'u'usa i tilipas babui para mama'tinas churisus. In the old days, pig intestines were used for making sausages. Difirentis klåsin churisus mabebendi gi tendan‑måmi. There are many different kind of sausages being sold at our store. From: Sp. chorizos.

Conchita name. nickname for Asuncion, Concepcion, Consolacion, etc. I na'ån‑hu si Asuncion, låo mås matungu' yu' as Conchita. My name is Asuncion, but I am better known as Conchita. Måolik si Conchita kumånta yanggin guiguiya ha' na maisa. Asuncion sings well when she is all alone. Guaha che'lu‑hu na'ån‑ña Conchita låo måtai anai påpatgun. I had a sister named Conchita, but she died in childhood.


Total number of entries: 375


adj.  adjective
adv.  adverb
agr.  agreement prefix
art.  article
aux.  auxiliary
cnj.  conjunction
dem.  demonstrative
Eng.  English
infx.  infix
intj.  Interjection
Jp.  Japanese
n.  noun  plural noun
neg.  negative
num.  numeral
part.  particle
pp.  prepositional phrase
pred.  predicate
pref.  prefix
prep.  preposition
pro.  pronoun
Sp.  Spanish
suf.  suffix
Syn  synonym
vi.  intransitive verb
vt.  transitive verb