* Coming Soon

E - e


e n. the seventh letter of the Chamorro alphabet. Mina'sietti i lettra e gi afabetikun Chamorro. The letter e is the seventh letter in the Chamorro alphabet. Klåru i sunidun e gi esti na palåbra hekkua'. E is clear in the sound of the word hekkua'.

é'- (from: é'‑) pref. search for (something). Nihi ta fane'baratura. Let us look for sales. Ya‑ña si Pedro ume'suetti. Pete likes to search for good luck. Para ngaian ni ta fane'ayuyu? When are we going coconut crab hunting? This prefix attaches to nouns to form intransitive verbs. Variant: é‑.

é'baba' adj. 1) short, and therefore reachable; low (of things). Måolik, sa' e'baba' i trongkun manggåm‑mu. It's good because your mango tree is short. Mayabbåo i trongkun mansanita ya mana'e'baba'. They trimmed the manzanita tree and made it reachable. 2) humble, lowly. Ha na'e'baba' gui' gi halum manmenhalum. He humbled himself among the knowledgeable ones. Syn: takpapa', chibi', díkiki'. Variant: ébaba'.

é'guihan vi. go fishing, go look for fish. Nihi ta é'guihan. Let’s go fishing. Nihi ta fané'guihan. Let’s go look for fish. Manhånåo mané'guihan gi bantalan. They went fishing at the pier.

é'kahat vi. slow down, linger, quietly. E'kahat bumuruka sa' mamaigu' i neni. Slow down because the baby is sleeping. E'kahat sa' siempri manå'i håo ni malago'‑mu. Linger around and you will get what you want. E'kahat mama'pairi. Slow down showing off. Variant: e'kat, e'kakat.

é'kakat vi. walk or talk carefully and slowly; not to be noticed; in planning to do something, proceed cautiously. Gof ya‑ña si Henry ume'kakat an måttun atrasåo gi tatalu'puengi. Henry likes to walk carefully and slowly so that he is not noticed when he comes late at night. Umekakat i katu yanggin para u fanggacha' chå'ka. The cat walks slowly and carefully if it's going to catch the rat. I asaguå‑ña si Anita sessu ume'kakat yanggin para u falågu para i bar. Anita's husband often walks slowly and carefully out of the door if he's going to run to the bar. E'kakat fan hålum ya un engngulu' kåo gaigi i taotåo gi hiyung guma'. Walk quietly in and peek if the man is outside the house. Mane'kakat i sakki sa' putno u fanmagacha'. The robbers walked stealthily so that they will not be caught.

e'kat vi. slow, slacken speed, reduce speed, take it easy, walk stealthily. E'kat dumudus. Take it easy with your flirting. E'kat gi famokkåt‑mu. Slow down in your working. E'kat fan ya bai hu gacha' håo dididi'. Slow down so that I can catch up with you a bit. Syn: dispåsiu. Variant: é'kahat, é'kakat.

é'panglåo vt. hunt for crabs. Humånåo si tatå‑hu ume'panglåo. Father went crab hunting. Måolik ume'panglåo gi halum tånu'. It is good to go crab hunting in the woods. Meying ume'panglåo si Herman. Herman is skillful at crab hunting.

é'tokcha' vi. go hunting or fishing with a spear. E'tokcha' guihan para sena. Go spearfishing for dinner. Mane'tokcha' i lalåhi gi hiyung mama'ti. The men went to fish with spears outside the reef. Ya‑ña si Luis ume'tokcha'. Luis likes to fish with a spear.

é'tupak vi. fish by line, bottom fishing. Mane'tupak ham gi bantalan. We fish by line at the pier. Sessu mane'tupak ham atulai. We often go line fishing for bigeye scad. Gai piligru esti i ume'tupak gi taddung. Bottom fishing can be dangerous.

ébaba' adj. 1) mid-level, but reachable. Måolik, sa' e'baba' i trongkun manggåm‑mu. It's good because your mango tree is short. Mayabbåo i trongkun mansanita ya mana'e'baba'. They trimmed the manzanita tree and made it reachable. 2) humble, lowly. Ha na'e'baba' gui' gi halum manmenhalum. He humbled himself among the knowledgeable ones. Syn: takpapa', chibi', díkiki'. Variant: é'baba'.

ebanghelista n. evangelist. Gi Biblia, håyi siha na ebanghelista? In the Bible, who were the evangelists? Bula esta ebanghelista gi pariokun San Jose. There are many evangelists at San Jose parish. Mandibotu esti siha na ebanghelista. These evangelists are devoted. Variant: abanghelista. From: Sp. evangelista.

ebbang adj. crooked, curved, bent, arched. Atan i katu sa' ha na'ebbang i tatalo'‑ña. Look at the cat because it's arching its back. Adahi na un na'ebbang i antihos‑mu. Be careful not to bend your glasses. Na'tunas i filan‑miyu sa' ebbang. Straighten your line because it's crooked. Syn: etchung. Variant: chebbang.

ebidensia n. evidence, proof, testimony. I lastrun ådding siha ebidensia. The footprints are the evidence. Tåya' ebidensiå‑mu para un sokni yu'. You have no proof to accuse me. I litråtu na gaigi klåru i ebidensia na mamaigu' håo gi che'chu'. The photograph is clear evidence that you were sleeping on the job. Syn: testimoniu. Variant: ibidensia. From: Sp. evidencia.

ebita vt. evade, avoid, escape. Syn: disatendi, suhåyi, eskapåyi. From: Sp. evita.

echongña n. 1) surroundings. Gi echongñan i boti, manmåfattu bula na guihan. Around the boat, many fish come around. 2) path. Chachalåni i patgun gi enchongña‑ña. Guide the child on her path. Isgaihun i prohimu gi echongña‑ña. Provide the guidance to the person’s rightful path. Debi di u fankabilosu yan unestu i para manggiha gi echongña‑ña. There must be honesty yan cleverness when guiding people in their life path.

echóngñaña vi. be at the side of, be around, belonging to a side. Bai hu echongñaña gi gima' Juan. I will be around Juan’s house. Debi di un echóngñaña gi un lugåt. You must be at one side. Na'echóngñaña håo gi as Maria. Be at Maria’s side. Derived by reduplication from echongña.

édipuk vi. fish in tidal pools, fish from a cliff from a tidal pool. Måolik na må'ti på'gu na ha'åni, pues hånåo ya un edipuk. The low tide today is good, so go and fish in the tidal pools. Si Tan Ichang sen ya‑ña umedipuk. Elder Ichang loves to fish in pools created by low tide. Ti parehu siha na klåsin guihan yanggin umedipuk håo pat chumenchulu håo. Fish caught when fishing in tidal pools is different from those caught with net.

editoriåt n. editorial, leading article. I editoriåt put i presiun i kandit mås yahululu' gi gaseta. The cost of utilities is a leading article in the newspaper. Måolik si Maria månggi' editoriåt. Maria is a good editorial writer. I editoriåt i gaseta put asuntun federåt. The editiorial is on federalization. From: Sp. editorial.

editót n. editor, author, journalist. Kåo siña kumuentus yu' yan i editót? Can I talk to the editor? Si Carmen i editót esti na lepblu. Carmen is the author of this book. I gobietnu månggi' kåtta para i editót. The governor wrote a letter to the editor. Ti libiånu esti na cho'chu' i para un editot, sa' debi di un tungu' bula klåsin asuntu siha. It is not easy to be an editor, because you must have an understanding of a wide range of issues.

eduka vt. educate, teach, instruct, develop and cultivate mentally or morally. Eduka fan i patgun. Please educate the child. Måolek ta fanma'eduka. It is good for us to be educated. I mañaina ma'eduduka i famagu'un. Parents are educating the children. Ma'eduka pat ti ma'eduka, i sensian tåotåo ni a'annuk kåo gai bali i taotåo pat åhi'. Educated or not, a person's character dictates whether he is worthy or not. From: Sp. educa.

edukasión n. education. Estagui' i dipåttamentun edukasión. This is the department of education. Måolik u guaha edukasion put taimanu ta prutehi i tano'‑ta yan i tasi‑ta. It is good to have an education on how to protect our land and sea. Ti nahung edukasion put esti na lai. There is not enough education about this law. Mansuetti atyu siha na famagu'un sa' ma atituyi i edukasion‑ñiha. Those children are fortunate because they took their education seriously. I dipåttamentun edukasion manotdin na debi di mana'faniskuela todu i famagu'un siha. The department of education required that all children shall be educated. From: Sp. educación.

efektibu adj. effective, in operation, operative. Esta efektibu esti na lai. This law is already effective. Esti na lai para u efektibu ottru såkkan. This law will be effective next year. Ti efektibu esti na åmut para i chetnut gå'ga'. This medicine is not effective for animal illness. From: Sp. efectivo.

effi n. the name of f, the eighth letter of the Chamorro alphabet. Håfa siha na palåbra manggai effi? What words have the letter f? I ga'‑hu ga'lågu mafa'na'an effi. They named my dog Effi. I effi na lettra fine'nina gi na'an Francisco. The letter F is the first letter in Francisco’s name.

égaga' vi. get busy, do something about whatever the situation may be; make oneself available, prepare oneself, be ready, be poised to do something, be aware for. Égaga' ya un tungu' manrispeta. Make yourself available to learn how to respect. Égaga' ya un gai rispetu. Get busy and have some respect. Égaga' ya båsta kumuentus put tåotåo. Make yourself availlable to stop talking about people.

égagåo vi. beg, live on charity, ask, as a form of begging, solicit, appeal. Ume'egagåo gui' nengkanu'. He is asking for food. Lumala'la' sa' ume'egagåo gi taotåo siha. He is living because he is begging from people. Båsta umégagåo, sa' na'mamahlåo. Stop asking for something from anybody, because it is embarrassing. Manegagåo ayudu ginin i kumunidat put para mahåtsa i sagan manåmku'. They solicited assistance from the community to build the place for the elders.

egga' vt. watch, observe (as spectator), look at pictures, view. Para bai hu egga' movie. I am going to watch a movie. Nangga ya ta na'funhåyan umegga' i likåo. Wait and we will finish watching the procession. Na'egga' yu' fan ni litråtu siha. Please let me look at the pictures. Fa' kadu' håo na ume'egga' bola, låo na'siguru na un ripåra kåo gaigi i che'lu‑mu gi uriya. Pretend that you are watching the ball game, but be sure to find out if your brother is in the vicinity. Syn: atan.

egging vi. slanted, sloping, tilting, inclined, not level. Egging i lamasa. The table is tilted. Na'tunas esti, sa' ume'egging. Make this straight, because it is slanting. Adahi i pinikkat‑mu, sa' egging i satgi. Watch your steps, because the floor is not level.

egguis vt. scrape, scour, rub, erase, rub off. Ha egguis i la'uya. He scraped the pot. Si Maria ha egguis i tatalo'‑hu. Maria rubbed my back. Ayuda umegguis i chinggam gi satgi. Help scrape the chewing gum off the floor. Todu ha egguis i tinige'‑ña gi liga. He erased all his writings on the wall.

égigi n. 1) type of bird: cardinal honey-eater. Mycomola cardinalis saffordi. Bula egigi gi lanchu. There are a lot of cardinal honey-eaters at the farm. Atan na dangkulun egigi esti. Look, it’s a big cardinal honey-eater bird. Sen annuk i kulot agaga' gi paluman egigi. The red color of the cardinal honey-eater is very visible. 2) smallest marble. Ha na'laisin yu' i egigi na tamma' sa' sen dikiki'. I did not notice the smallest marble because it is very very small.

egoismu n. egoism, selfishness. Ginin i egoismu nai mama'titinas håo inimigu. Your selfishness is making you an enemy. Mampus bula egoismu na tåotåo. This man is full of egoism. Si Margarita gai egoismu. Margarita is full of selfishness. From: Sp. egoísmo.

ehi n. axle (of a wagon). Estigi' i ehin kalesa. This is the axle of the wagon. Metgut esti na ehi. This axle is strong. I ehi påtti gi kalesa. The axle is part of a wagon.

éhinassu vi. unthoughtful) dull, lacking in brains. Ti måolik i ehinasson‑ña si Jack. Jack’s thinking is dull.

Éhiptu name. Egypt. Esta måttu yu' Ehiptu. I’ve been to Egypt. Bunitu na tånu' iya Ehiptu. Egypt is a beautiful place. Manmasosodda' kantidå na kosas antigu giya Ehiptu. They are finding ancient artifacts in Egypt. Taya' nai hu li'i' i pyramid giya Ehiptu. I have never seen the pyramid in Egypt. Bula istoria siha put Ehiptu gi lepblu yan gi Internet lokkui'. There are many stories about Egypt in books and the internet.

ékalak adj. rare, seldom, infrequent. Si Jose ekalak fatton‑ña mågi. Jose seldom comes here. Hagas sessu håo mågi, på'gu ekalak fattom‑mu. You often come here before, now you seldom come. I paluma siha kulan ekalak esta manuriya mågi guini na lugåt. The birds rarely show up around this area. Syn: hassan, apenas. Variant: ékalåo.

ekgu' adj. jealous, suspicious (of infidelity). Mampus ekgu' ennåo na palåo'an. That woman is very jealous. Si Jose ha ekgu'i asaguå‑ña. Jose suspects his wife of infidelity. Umeggu' i taotåo gi amigu‑ña anai ti ha risibi i puestu ni ha malagugu'i atman tiempu. The person became envious of his friend when he was not given the position he had wanted for a long time. Ti debi di ta faneggu' nu ottru siha, sa' ti hita ha' tumungu' håfa måolik para ta cho'gui put esti na asuntu. We should not be envious of others, as we are not the only ones who know what is best to be done about this matter. Inipus eggu' ennåo na palåo'an sa' kalan dadalak i asaguå‑ña. That woman is extremely jealous because she is like her husband's tail. Syn: ugu'.

ekgu'i vt. suspect of infidelity. Ha ekgu'i yu' i asaguå‑hu. My husband is jealous of me. Tåya' bali‑ña para un ekgu'i i nobiå‑mu. It is useless to be jealous of your girlfriend. Uma'a'ekgu'i i dos kasåo. The two married ones are jealous of each other.

ekkis n. an X. Po'lu ekkis gi råya. Put an X on the line.

vt. cross out, strike out, put an X through, mark with an X. Mungnga ma'ekkis i tinige'‑hu. Don't cross out my writing. Ekkis håyi para un bota. Mark with an X who you are voting for. Unu ha' na ekkis guaha gi pappet‑tu. There is only one crossed out mark in my paper. Håfa para un ekkis, i hunggan pat i 'åhi'? What are you going to mark, the yes or the no? Syn: måtka.

ekklåo adj. crooked, curved, bent, arched, lopsided, unbalanced, uneven. Kåo siña un na'ekklåo mås i alåmli? Can you bend the wire a little bit more? Tattiyi ha' i ekklåo na chålan. Just follow the curved road. Kalan mampus ekklåo ennåo na chinina. That dress looks to be very uneven. Syn: ebang, echung.

ékkulu' vi. climb up, get on top of. Umekkulu' i patgun gi trongku. The child climbed up the tree. Håyi sumedi i patgun na u ekkulu' gi lamasa? Who allowed the child to get on top of the table? I katu umekkulu' gi hilu' guma'. The cat climbed up on top of the house. Syn: feddus, kahulu'.

ékkunguk vt. listen to, hearken, give heed, yield to advice. Hu ekkunguk i ma'estrok‑ku anai kumekuentus. I listened to my teacher when he is talking. Debi di un ekkunguk i manihåntin i gurupu. You have to give heed to the leader of the group. Mampus impottånti na un ekunguk i mañaina‑mu. It is important to listen to your parents. Variant: ékunguk.

eklesiastiku n. clergyman, ecclesiastic, one belonging to the church. I eklesiastikun gima' yu'us San Jose ti gef åmku'. The clergyman at San Jose Church is not very old. Si Påli' Antonelli åtman na eklesiastiku gi islan Luta. Father Antonelli has been a clergyman on Rota for a long time. I ubispu ha hoho'yu' i lalahi‑ta na para uma kunsidera i eklesiastiku na bokasion. The bishop urges our young men to consider the clergy as their vocation. From: Sp. eclesiástico.

ekonomiha n. 1) economy. Ti gef måolik i ekonomia. The economy is not that good. Ginin i baban ekonomia, manmamadedesi i taotåo. The people are suffering due to the bad economy. I ekonomian Nåna, ha na'utas i salappe'‑ña gi mes. 2) From: Sp. economía.

ekpi adj. impudent, disrespectful in answering, sassy, saucy, back-talking, quick to retort or dispute, argumentative, impertinent, someone who has all the answers. Guaha na famagu'un manekpi. Some children are impertinent. I taotåo ni ekpi para i guello‑ña tai rispetu. The man who is impudent to his elders is disrespectful. Ekpi na ogga'an si Carlos. Carlos is argumentative this morning.

ekpi' n. one who breaks (fragile) things. Ekpi' si Chåna', sa' mampus brongka. Chåna' breaks things because she is so rough. Mungnga mana'fama'gåsi si Jose mamaffak, sa' ekpi'. Don't let Jose wash breakable things, because he is careless. Bula manmå’pi’ na plåtu, sa’ dimasiåo ekpi’ i mama’gågasi. There were lots of broken plates because the dishwasher was careless.

eksakatibu n. executive. Nuebu na eksakatibu ma'impleha gi ufisina. A new executive is hired at the office. Takkilu' esti i pusisíon eksakatibu. The executive is a high-ranked position. Variant: eksekutibu.

eksåktu adj. 1) exact, marked by accuracy and thoroughness, precise and full, straightforward. Dinanchi yan eksåktu i fino'‑mu siha. Your words are correct and straightforward. Taggam yu' gi che'chu' gi eksåktu na ora. Pick me up at work at the exact time. Ma anunsia na i eroplånu para u gupu gi eksåktu na ora. They announced that the airplane will depart at an exact hour. 2) identical, exactly the same. Eksåktu esti yan esti. This is identical to this. From: Sp. exacto.

eksalenti adj. excellent, outstanding. Todu i che'cho'‑mu maneksalenti. All your work is excellent Eksalenti na cho'chu' a'annuk gi rekot‑mu. Your record shows outstanding performances. Eksalenti i disision‑mu. Your decision is excellent. Variant: ekselenti. From: Sp. excelente.

eksamina vt. examine, investigate, scrutinize, interrogate closely, try or test by question. Eksamina fan i lina'lå'‑mu kåo måolik pat båba. Please examine whether your life is decent or not. Eksamina i patgun ya ta li'i' kåo mandadagi. Interrogate the child and we will see if he is lying. I ma'estru ha eksaminan siguru i ripot estudiånti. The teacher carefully scrutinized the student’s report. From: Sp. examina.

eksekutibu n. executive, administration, the seat of the government. I gubietnu må'gas i eksekutibu. The governor is the executive. Måttu i otdin ginin i eksekutibu. The order came from the executive. Tres guaha na råmas gubetnu, i eksekutibu, lehislatura, yan yudisiåt. There are three branches of government, the executive, legislative, and judicial. Variant: eksakatibu.

eksis vt. shred. Eksis i dagu. Shred the yam. Måolekña ma'eksis i papåya' yanggin para u ko'ko'. It is better to shred the papaya if for pickles. Matågu' si Pedro para u eksis i mango'. Pedro was told to shred the ginger root.

eksisti vi. exist. Tåotåo, gå'ga', yan tinanum umeksisti gi tanu'. åxe People, animals, and plants exist on earth. I dinosor esta ti umeksisti gi tanu'. The dinosaurs no longer exist on earth. Atman umeksisti esti i pinadesi‑hu. My sufferings existed for a long time. From: Sp. existe.

eksklamasión n. exclamation. Yanggin un tugi' "Ayuda yu'!" an luhan håo, un na'setbi i puntun eksklamasión. When you write the words "Help me!" when you're scared, you use the exclamation point. Esti siha na palåbra ma'u'usa i eksklamasión na tinigi': Båsta! Åhi'! These words are used in the exclamation kind of writing: Stop! No! From: Sp. exclamación.

ekspekta vt. expect. Ma ekspekta i manglu' na u fåttu Mariånas. They expect the storm to come to the Marianas. Ma ekspepekta na para u huyung i anunsiu gi Ineru na mes. They are expecting that the announcement will come out in January. In ekspekta i gubietnu na u fåttu gi sirimoñias agupa'. We expect the governor to come to the ceremony tomorrow. Ti taiguennåo na kinimprendi in ekspekta ginin esti na gurupu. We did not expect that kind of understanding from this group. Variant: ikspekta.

eksperensia n. experience. Menus eksperensiån‑ña si Magdalena gi bandan finansiåt. Maggie has very little experience in the field of finance. Månngi' i nengkanu' gi restaurant, sa' gai eksperensia i kusineru. The food is delicious at the restaurant, because the chef has some experience. Bula experensiåk‑ku gi bandan edukasion. I have a lot of experience in the area of education. From: Sp. experiencia.

vt. experience. Tåya' ni ha eksperensia i taifun. She never experienced a typhoon. Hu ekspererensia på'gu måolik na lina'la'. I am experiencing a good life now.

eksperiensiåo adj. experienced, have expertise. Eksperensiåo gi bandan lingguåhi si Dr. Chung. Dr. Chung is an expert in linguistics. Eksperensiåo na tåotåo si Antonio. Tony is an experienced person. Håyi mås eksperensiåo gi kontra todus hit? Who is the most experienced amongst us? Ti båli i eksperiensiåo na tåotåo yanggin ti angokkuyun. A person with expertise is of no value if he is not reliable.

ekspert adj. expert, skillful. Kantidå na famagu'un manekspert put technology. Many kids are expert in technology. Malagu' si Teresita umekspert gi bandan katpinteru. Terry wants to be an expert in carpentry. Ekspert na buseru si Vicente. Ben is a skillful diver. Syn: meying; påyun.

eksplika vt. explain, expound, describe, relate, make clear. I ma'estru ha eksplika i leksion para i istudiånti. The teacher explained the lesson to the student. Ti hu kumprendi i eksplikå‑ña put i propositu. I do not understand her description of the proposal. Kåo siña un eksplika i direksion? Can you explain the direction? Ti hu kumprendi håfa ha ekspliplika si påli' gi setmun nigap. I did not understand the sermon that the priest was explaining yesterday. From: Sp. explica.

eksplikåo adj. explicable, explainable, capable of explanation. Ti eksplikåo esti na prublema. This problem is not explainable. Kåo eksplikåo ennåo i bidå‑mu? Is your action explicable? I sinientek‑ku ti eksplikåo para ottru. My feelings are not explainable to others. See: pula'. From: Sp. explicado.

ekspresia vt. express, state, verbalize. Makkat bai ekspresia i sinientek‑ku. It is hard for me to express my feelings.. Put fabot, ekspresia i hinassom‑mu. Please express your thoughts. Ha tungu' umekspresia gui' gi tinigege'‑ña siha. He knows how to express himself in his writings. From: Sp. expresa.

ekstendi vt. extend, lengthen, elongate, prolong, protract, expand, enlarge. Kuåntus tiempu para un ekstendi i bakasion‑mu? How long will you extend your vacation? Ma ekstetendi i gima'‑ñiha. They are extending their house. Put fabot ekstendi i agradesimentok‑ku para i mañaina‑mu. Please extend my appreciation to your parents. Syn: umenta. From: Sp. extiende.

ekstensión n. extension, act or state of extending. Manå'i yu' dos simåna na ekstensión para bai na'funhåyan i che'chu'. I was given a two-week extension to complete the work. I ekstensión i gima' muna'guaha mås kåmpu. The extension of the house created more space. I kariñosu‑mu era ekstension i sensiåm‑mu Your kindness is an extension of your character. From: Sp. extensión.

ekti vt. touch slightly, brush against very lightly. Ha ekti i ispehus pues kå'ka'. She brushed slightly against the mirro and it cracked. Makmåta i neni anai hu ekti kannai‑ña. The baby woke up when I touched her very lightly. Variant: etti.

eku n. echo. Mampus a'gang i eku gi halum esti na Guma'yu'us. The echo is so loud in this church. Kåo un hunguk i eku? Did you hear the echo? Libiånu mama'eku gi hilu' sabåna yanggin umessalåo i taotåo. An echo can easily be produced on a mountaintop when a person yells. From: Sp. eco.

ékunguk vt. listen to, harken, give heed, yield to advice. Hu ekunguk i ma'estrok‑ku anai kumekuentus. I listened to my teacher when she is talking. Debi di un ekunguk i manihåntin i gurupu. You have to give heed to the leader of the group. Mampus impottånti na un ekunguk i mañaina‑mu. It is very important that you listen to your parents. Ti ume'ekunguk i taotåo sa' atyu ha' ki atyu ha chocho'gui kada råtu. The person is not listening because he continues to do the same every time. Variant: ékkunguk.

elifånti n. elephant. Ti u maleffa esti i elifånti nu i lugåt ni mafañågu. The elephant will not forget where it was born. Variant: alifånti. From: Sp. elefante.

elimentåriu adj. elementary. Kana' kada songsung giya Saipan guaha iskuelan elimentåriu. Almost every village in Saipan has an elementary school.

elli n. the name of l, the thirteenth letter of the alphabet. Elli i mina'tressi na lettra gi atfabetikun Chamorro. L is the thirteenth letter in the Chamorro alphabet. Elli i tutuhun i na'ån‑ña i lahi‑hu as Leonard. L is the initial letter of my son Leonard’s name. Lista singku na palåbra ni matututuhun gi elli. List five words that begin with the letter l. Unu na lettra gi atfabetikun Chamorro mafanana'an elli. One of the letters in the Chamorro alphabet is L.

Ellu' name. nickname for Cornelio or Pedro. Måttu si Ellu' ginin Guam gi dispues di talu'åni. Ellu' arrived from Guam in the afternoon.

embahadåt n. embassy. I ufisinan i embahadåt Hapones gaigi giya Susupe. The office of the Japanese embassy is located in Susupe. I ufisinan i embahadåt i unu na lugåt ni siña un na'macho'gui i pasapottem‑mu. The embassy office is one place where you can have your passport processed. Impottånti na u guaha ufisinan embahadåt kada nasion. It is important to have an embassy office for every nation. From: Sp. embajada.

embahadót n. ambassador. I embahadot i unu ni mås takkilu' na pusision representånti gi kada nasion. The ambassador is one of the highest-ranking positions in the nation. From: Sp. embajador.

embaråsus n. obstacle, junk, barricade, scrap, trivial objects, trifles, refuse, trash, litter. Na'fañuha i embaråsus gi uriyan guma'. Remove the junk around the house. Syn: trumpisón. From: Sp. embarazos.

embot n. floating fish container boxes made of wood, wood and tin, or styrofoam. Båtsala i embot mågi gi boti. Drag the fish container here to the boat. Mafondu i embot anai må'pi talu'. The wooden floating fish container sank when it broke in half. Derived from M-boat or LCM Mike Boats by U.S. Navy personnel.

emi n. the name for m, the fourteenth letter of the alphabet. Emi i unu na lettra gi atfabetikun Chamorro. M is one of the letters in the Chamorro alphabet. Emi i mina'katotsi na lettra gi atfabetikun Chamorro. M is the fourteenth letter of the Chamorro alphabet. Emi i uttimu na lettra gi palåbra "chinggam". M is the last letter in the word chinggam.

Émilin name. nickname for Emelia.

emmuk vt. take revenge on, get even with. Bai emmuk håo put i bidå‑mu nu guåhu. I am going to get even with you for what you did to me. Hu emmuk håo sa' un påtik yu' gi iskuela. I took revenge on you because you kicked me at school. Syn: bengga.

emmut vt. cut down (spending) as if to save, avoid using (something) as much as possible, hold or keep (something) from spreading, collect in one place, a keep (an idea) within oneself. Hu emmut todu i piniti‑hu. I hold onto all my pain. Emmut håo gi manggåsta. Cut down your spending. Na'emmut palu gi kusås‑mu. Save some of your belongings. Na'fanemmut i mandikiki' na magågu gi un bånda. Collect the small clothing in one place. Variant: hemmut.

empas adj. evened up, completed (of payment), done with. Empas i dibi‑hu gi bangku. My bank loan is paid up. Ha na'empas i fina'cho'cho'‑ña på'gu na mes. He completed his work this month. Esta empas hit na dos. We two are done with each other.

empi' n. piece, part of a whole, a broken piece, a half. Puru empi' sopblån‑ña. Her leftovers are mostly in pieces. Maila' fan empi' biskuchu? May I please have a broken piece of biscuit? Ha nå'i yu' ni empe'‑ña. He gave me his broken piece. Syn: pidåsu.

empi' buteya n. piece of broken glass. Adahi, sa' bula empi' buteya gi satgi. Be careful; there are many pieces of broken glass on the floor. Siña ha' chinachak håo ni empi' buteya. You can get cut from a piece of broken glass. Bula empi' buteya gi sagan basula. There are a lot of pieces of broken glass in the trash bin. Syn: piridoma.

empiridoma n. broken glass fragments. Pesasa' empiridoma i chalan anai aksidenti karetan Juan. The road was covered with broken glass when John’s car crashed. Maneyuk i adding Luis sa' ha gatcha' i empiridoma. Luis's foot hurt because he stepped on the broken glass. Syn: empi'buteya. Variant: empididoma.

empitosu adj. impetuous, abrupt, hasty, forceful, violent. Ha nisisita mapasensiåyi sa' empitosu. We need to be patient with him because he has an abrupt attitude. Ti siña ta angokku sa' empitosun tåotåo ennåo. We cannot rely on him because he is an impetuous person. Empitosu håo mampus na tåotåo. You are such an impetuos person.

en agr. you (dual or plural) (second person dual or plural agreement for transitive verbs and irrealis verbs or adjectives). Kåo en li'i' håyi chumuli' i kareta? Did you see who took the car? Kåo en na'chotchu i neni? Did you feed the baby? Variant: in.

Enchu name. nickname for Lorenzo.

endotsa vt. endorse. Hu endotsa i chek‑ku. I endorsed my check. Ti uma'apreba i aplikasion‑mu kumu ti un endotsa. Your application will not be approved if you do not endorse it. Impottånti na un endotsa todu i dokumentu. It is important that you endorse all documents. From: Sp. endosa.

eni n. the name of n, the fifteenth letter of the alphabet. Eni i mina'kinsi na lettra gi atfabetikun Chamorro. N is the fifteenth letter of the Chamorro alphabet. Kåo siña un lista singku na palåbra ni matutuhun gi eni? Can you list five words that begin with the letter N? Eni i primet na lettra gi na'an Noel. N is the first letter of Noel’s name.

enimigu n. enemy, foe, hostile force, adversary, opponent. Manma'abisa ham na metgut i enimigu. We were advised that the enemies are strong. Si Bin Ladin enimigun Amerika. Bin Ladin is America’s enemy. Bula enimigu gi taotåo. There are lots of enemies among people. Syn: kontråriu. From: Sp. enemigo.

enmienda vt. amend. Manggågåo dispensasion i patgun put i baban bidå‑ña kuentan enmienda para i ma'estru. The student made amends for his rude behavior by apologizing to the teacher. Makkat para u ma'enmienda i covenant. It is a complicated procedure to amend the covenant. Siña ha' ta enmienda i planu. We can still amend the plans. From: Sp. enmienda.

enmosa biåha n. type of plant. Amaranthus tricolor. Bunitu esti i enmosa biåha para gatbesa sa' mikulot. Amaranthus is a beautiful plant for display because of its many colors. Difirentis klåsi esti i enmosa biåha. Amaranthus comes in different varieties.

énnagui' pred. is (right) over there (near addressee), there is (near addressee), that is (near addressee). Ennagui' nai para u masusedi. That’s what will happen. Ennagui' na aniyu bunitu. That is a beautiful ring. Ennagui' mågi i munton na tåotåo. Here comes the crowd of people. This locative predicate is derived from the demonstrative ennåo. 2) 

interj. That's what... Ennagui' na'‑mu! That’s what you get! Variant: ennigi'.

ennåo dem. that (near addressee). Ennåo nai umiskuekuela yu'. That’s where I attended school. Ennåo hu kånnu' gi paingi. That’s what I ate last night. Ennåo i ofisinå‑ña i gubietnu. That’s the office of the governor. Variant: nåo.

ennåo guatu adv. over there (place near addressee). Ennåo guatu nai ta asudda'. We will meet over there. Ennåo guatu i lugåt i manriku na tåotåo. Over there is the place for the rich people.

ennåo ha' pred. that's all, that's it, all there is (near addressee). Ennåo ha' bidåda‑ña kada diha. That’s all he does everyday. Ennåo ha' siña para u laknus para i giput. That’s all he could bring for the party. Ennåo ha' guinaha‑hu. That’s all I have.

ennåo ki ennåo adv. over and over, repeatedly (said of the hearer). Ennåo ki ennåo ha' un såsangan. You keep repeating the same thing over and over. Ennåo ki ennåo ha' bidåda‑mu. That's all you've been doing repeatedly. Esta na'o'osun ma ekkunguk gui' sa' ennåo ki ennåo ha' ha såsangan. ennao ki ennao ha' ha såsangan.

ennåo na adv. that (near addressee) is why, that (near addressee) is the reason. Ennåo na humånåo yu' para i tenda, sa' tåya' esta nengkanu'. That’s why I went shopping, because there is no more food. Ennåo na ti måttu, sa' malångu. That’s why she didn’t come, because she was sick. Ennåo na båba gradu‑ña gi sinsura, sa' ti manistudia. That’s why he got a bad grade on his test, because he didn’t study. Ennåo na båba i entalu'‑ñiha i dos, sa' unu tai rispetu. That's why the two do not get along well ,because one is disrespectful.

ennåo nai adv. that (near addressee) is where, that (near addressee) is when. Ennåo nai para u guaha guput. That is where the party will be held. Ennåo nai ya‑hu chumotchu sena. That’s where I enjoy eating dinner. Ennåo nai manggaigi i baråtu i fektus siha. That where you find the cheap groceries.

enpadrona n. census when everyone is called to a location to be counted. I enpadrona gi kada iskuela matutuhun nigap. The census at each school started yesterday. I enpadrona tåotåo hiyung mana'fanfo'na. The outsiders were counted first. Kåo un tungu' månu guatu i enpadrona na såkkan? Do you know where the census location will be this year? From: Sp. empadrona.

enredus n. slander, aspersion. I hunta enredus put para bai mafaia. The meeting was a slander to get me fired. Kalan mayuti' yu' enredus put kriminåt ti hu cho'gui. I had aspersions cast on me over a crime I did not commit. From: Sp. enredos.

enridadót n. slanderer. Adahi håo ni ennåo na tåotåo sa' enridadót. Be caution of that man, he is a slanderer. I enridadót yumulang i gurupun kantora. The slanderer was responsible for the break-up of the choir. From: Sp. enredador.

ensåhi vi. hitch a ride. Gai piligru um ensåhi. Hitching a ride can be dangerous. Håyi muna'ensåhi håo? Who did you hitch a ride with? Tåya' kareta‑ñiha, pues manensåsahi ha'. They do not have a car, so they always hitch-hike.

énsahi vi. hurry, walk fast. Nihi ta ensahi. Let's hurry Håfa na ume'ensahi håo? Why are you in a hurry?

ensaiklopidia n. encyclopedia. I Britanika un klåsin ensaiklopidia. The Britanica is one kind of encylopedia. Na'setbi i ensaiklopidia para un aligåo todu klåsin infotmasión. Use an encyclopedia to find all kinds of information. I Wikipedia gi internet kalan ensaiklopidian kompiuta. The Wikipedia on the internet is like a computerized encyclopedia. From: Eng. encyclopedia.

ensimasión n. donation. Manmanrikokohi ensimasion para i taotåo Yap. They are collecting donations for the people of Yap. Maila' ta fanmanrikohi ensimasion para i matai. Let’s collect a donation for the funeral expenses. Si Joeten ma nå'i ensimasión para i edukasión. Joeten made a donation to the public school system.

énsinahyåo vi. hurry up, walk fast (imperative, used when addressing a group). Esta hit manatrasåo, ensinahyåo. We’re late, hurry up! See: láchaddik.

éntalu' prep. in between, among, in the middle of. Gaigi i islas Marianas gi entalu' i Pasifiku. The Mariana Islands are located in the middle of the Pacific. Gaigi gi entalu' i lepblu. It’s in between the book.

vi. meddle. Båsta umentalu' gi prubleman ottru tåotåo. Stop meddling in other people’s problems. Ya‑mu umentalu' gi gurupu. You like to meddle in the group. Sessu si Lucia umentalu' gi entalu' lalåhi. Lucia often meddles in the boys' business.

entalu'i vt. interfere, meddle, interrupt, mind another’s business. Båsta ma'entalu'i si Maria yanggin kumekuentus. Do not interrupt Maria while she is talking. Mungnga ma'entalu'i i dos asagua yanggin umatgumementu. Do not interfere when the couple is arguing.

enteru adj. 1) entire, all of. Enteru i taotåo manhånåo para i sirimonias gubientnu. The entire community went to the Governor’s ceremony. Enteru mahettuk ennåo na atchu'. That rock is solid. Enteru i taotåo‑ña manronchas. She has rashes on her entire body. 2) solid, not hollow. From: Sp. entero.

entieru n. funeral, burial. Agupa' i entieru Tan Marian Dikiki'. Tan Marian Dikiki’s funeral is tomorrow. Para u guaha entieru sirimonias para i mayot Chetan. There will be a ceremonial burial for the late Mayor Chetan. From: Sp. entierro.

entinådu n. stepson. Si Ando na patgon‑hu entinådu. Ando is my stepson.

entonsis adv. then, so, well then, by the way. Entonsis humånåo si Jesus. So, Jesus left. Entonsis nihi ta fanhånåo. Well then, let’s go. See: pues, sinó. From: Sp. entonces.

entonsis na adv. you mean to say, one’s intention is, one's wish is, what is expected is. Entonsis na mungnga humånåo. You wish you did not go. Entonsis na hågu umintension na ti pa un fåttu. You intended not to come.

entut n. piece (of). Adahi na un yuti' i entut alåmli. Do not throw the piece of wire. Chuli' mågi un entut håyu. Bring me a piece of wood. Maila' entut pån. Give me a piece of bread.

enyineria n. engineer. Enyineria si nanå‑hu. My mother is an engineer. Ta nisisita enyineria para esti na cho'chu'. We need an engineer for this project. Måolik na enyineria si Efrain. Efrain is an excellent engineer. From: Sp. ingeniería.

enggåncha vt. enlist. I ma'gas militåt ha enggåncha siha para i army. The sergeant enlisted them in the army. Gigun matutuhun i gera, bula manma'enggåncha gi Navy. Many enlisted in the Navy as soon as the war broke out. Libiånu i famalåo'an enggåncha gi militåt på'gu na tiempu. Nowadays, women can easily enlist in any military branch. From: Sp. engancha.

enggånsa vt. engage, hire, secure the service of. I iskuela palin manmanenggånsa tres na ma'estra på'gu na såkkan. The catholic school hired three new teachers this year. I familia ma enggånsa singku na setbenti. The family secured the service of five servants. Syn: ariendu, atkila.

enggåtsa vt. enclose, encompass. I kollat chå'guan ha enggåtsa i gima' i bisinu. The hedges encompassed the neighbor's house. I iskuela ma'enggåtsa ni kollat. The school is enclosed with a fence. Ma'enggåtsa floris rosa i naftan nåna. Mother's grave is enclosed with red roses. Syn: uriyåyi.

enggrudu n. glue, paste, mucilage. I enggrudu ha na'chettun tåtti i maseta. The glue put the pieces of the vase together. Arina yan hånum ma'u'usa para u mafa'tinas enggrudu. Paste is made of flour and water. From: Sp. engrudo.

éngingi' dågan vt. brownnose; flatter one's superior in hope of gaining favor. Båba manengingi' dågan. Brownnosing is not admirable. Ma'atyik para må'gas, sa' ya‑ña manengingi' dågan. He was chosen to lead, because he flattered his boss. Måolik si Cathy manengingi' dågan. Kathy is great at being a brownnose.

engkantåo adj. mysterious, magical, enchanted. Mungnga umessalåo, sa' engkantåo i lugåt. Do not shout, because it’s a mysterious place. Adahi sa' engkantåo na lugåt ya siña ha' håo malångu. Be careful because the place is enchanted and you may get sick. Ti gef måolik i Forbidden Island sa' engkantåo na lugåt. Forbidden Island is a mysterious site. From: Sp. encantado.

engkåosa vt. put under investigation. Si Juan ma'engkåosa put i baban bidå‑ña. Juan is under investigation for his wrongdoing. Ma'engkåosa i direktot i CHC put kåosan finatai un malångu. CHC’s director was investigated because of a patient’s death. Kuåntus tiempu na engkåosa ennåo na sinisedi? How long is that incident under investigation? From: Sp. encauza.

engkåtga vt. commission (someone), order, entrust, put in charge. Hu engkåtga si nanå‑hu ni salappe'‑hu. I entrusted my money to my mother. In engkåtga i bisinu ni ga'‑måmi ga'lågu. We entrusted our neighbors with our dogs. I mañaina ma engkåtga i manma'estru ni famagu'un‑ñiha. The parents put the teachers in charge of the welfare of their children. From: Sp. encarga.

engkåtgu vt. make responsible for, leave in charge of, assign. Hågu ma'engkåtgu ni famagu'un. You are assigned the responsibility for the children. Guiya ma'engkåtgu put i mapåsan imbitasion. She was given the responsibility to distribute the invitation. Håyi muna'engkåtgu håo? Who gave you the responsibility? From: Sp. encargo.

engkatmadura n. chancre, a wart that opens up and will not heal, venereal sore or ulcer. Humånåo si Vicente para i hospitåt put i engkatmadura gi patås‑ña. Vicente went to the hospital because of the chancre on his foot. Guaha dikiki' na engkatmadura gi da'magas Manuel. Manuel has a small wart that opens up and will not heal on his thumb.

engkattidu n. pickle, food preserved by pickling. Månngi' esti na engkattidu papåya. This papaya pickle is tasty. Dinanchi matempla‑ña i engkattidu makarol. The mix of the pickled mackerel is just right. Mama'tinas yu' engkattidu pipinu. I made preserved cucumber. From: Sp. encurtido.

engkibukåo n. confusion, fuss; trouble, worry; inconvenience, disorder, whine. Bula engkibukåo sa' ti klåru i direksion. There was a lot of confusion because the direction was not clear. Put håfa i engkibukåo? What was the whining about? Syn: plaitu, yinaoyåo, atburotu. See: ingkibukåo.

engkrós adj. criss-cross, zig-zag. Hu usa i engkros na tiheras para mañåchak. I used the zig-zag scissors for cutting. I istudiånti manmama'tinas engkros na modelu. The students made a criss-cross pattern. Hu adotna i uriyan lepblok‑ku ni engkros na modelu. I decorated my book cover with a zig-zag pattern. From: Sp. en cruz.

Englatera n. England. Kåo guaha ni pumasehu håo para Englatera? Have you taken a trip to England?

Englis n. English (language or people). Manåda na Englis giya Saipan. There are numerous English on Saipan. Bula na Englis manmama'nåna'gui gi Saipan Southern High School. A lot of Engish are teaching at Saipan Southern High School.

éngngelu' vt. peep at, peek at, as through a crevice or small hole, take a look at, check on. Engngelu' si nåna kåo humåhanåo mågi. Peek if Mother is coming. Magacha' si Kiko ha engngelu' si Kika. Kiko was caught peeping at Kika. Engngelu' i neni kåo mamaigu' esta. Check on the baby if she’s asleep. Syn: adu. Variant: ngelu' (Rota); éngngulu', englu'.

éngngulu' vt. look for hole, search for hole. Engngulu' månu na mådduk ni susumi'. Look at which hole is leaking. Håyi ume'engngulu' mådduk chå'ka? Who is searching for rat holes? Variant: éngngelu', ngelu' (Rota).

Epa name. nickname for Josepha.

épapa' adj. low. Mampus epapa' i gua'ut. The steps are low. Amånu chi‑ña malago'‑mu na i epapa'? How low do you want it? Variant: ébaba'.

epidemia n. epidemic. Esta i chetnut diabitis epidemia giya Mariånas. Diabetes has reached epidemic levels in the Marianas. Animu i ufisiåt public health manmacho'chu' ni para ta fanmaprutehi ni håfa na epidemia. The public health officials are working hard to ensure our protection against any epidemic outbreak. From: Sp. epidemia.

eppuk vt. persuade, entice, urge. Eppuk i patgun ya u fanaitai istorian Mariånas. Keep urging the child to read the Marianas history. Håyi para u eppuk i taotåo put i benta? Who will entice the people about the sales?

era adv. as it turned out, actually; also used as a pause particle. Era guiya chumuli' i litråtu. As it turned out, it was her who took the photo. Ilek‑mu na yayas håo, era matuhuk håo. You said you were tired, actually you were sleepy. From: Sp. era.

eramienta n. equipment, tool. From: Sp. herramienta.

vi. look for tools. Eramienta gi soku. Look for tools in the shed. Si Joe ume'eramienta gi tenda. Joe looked for tools at the store. Variant: ramienta, eramenta.

erensia vt. give as an inheritance. Dos pidåsun tånu' ma'erensia si Tomas gi as tatå‑ña. Tomas inherited from his father two pieces of property. Si Jose ma'erensia ni tanu' familia giya Luta. Joe inherited the family land in Rota. Variant: rensia, irensia. From: Sp. herencia.

eruplånu n. airplane. Atan sa' gumupu i eruplånu. Look, the airplane flew. Eruplånu transpotasion hilu' airi. Airplanes are our air transportation. Syn: båtkun airi. From: Sp. aeroplano.

esgin vi. go by way of. Esgin sanme'na an para un hålum. Go by the way of the front side. Esgin i entalu' mågi. Go by the middle way. Variant: isgin, esik, isik.

esginpapa'i vt. pursue indirectly or secretly, discover through deception. In esginpapai'i låo ti in setda' håyi na'ån‑ña. We tried to indirectly learn his name but we were not successful. Variant: siginpapa'i.

esik vi. pass through. Ume'esik månu håo? Where did you pass through? Esik i chalan i tendan niyuk ya un atan kåo mababa esta. Pass through the road by the store that sells coconuts to see if it's open. Variant: esgin, isik.

ésinahyåo vi. hurry up, walk fast, walk quickly. Esinahyåo, Juan. Hurry up, John. Esinahyåo esta i neni mamokkat. The baby could walk fast. Variant: éssinahyåo.

eskabetchi n. type of food: fried fish cooked with vegetables. Månngi' i eskabetchi yan letchin niyuk. The eskabetchi tastes good with coconut milk. Na'yiyi meggai na gollai i eskabetchi. Put a lot of vegetables in the eskabetchi. From: Sp. escabeche.

eskalera n. segment, stage, phase. Månu na eskaleran istudiu nai gaigi håo pa'gu? Which phase of your study are you at now? Mientras mås mo'na, mås mamapput i eskaleran lina'la'‑miyu siempri. As time goes on, your phases in life will become more challenging. Sen chaddik ha gacha' mo'na todu i eskalera ni para u fåttu gi uttimu na eskalera. She went through the phases very quickly to attain her goal. Variant: iskalera. From: Sp. escalera.

eskåpa vt. escape, avoid, evade, elude. Hu eskåpa i che'chu' gi gima'. I escaped the work at the house. Bai hånåo para Guåhan put bai eskapå i giput giya Luta. I'll go to Guam to avoid attending the party on Rota.

eskobeta n. whisk, broom. Chuli' yu' mågi nu i eskobeta fan. Please bring me the whisk. I eskobeta yan i eskoba uma'achuli'. A whisk and a broom are similar. From: Sp. escobeta.

eskobiya n. type of plant used for making brooms or medicine. Bai fa'tinåsi håo eskoban eskobiya. I will make you an eskobiya broom. Guaha åmut eskobiya. There is an eskobiya medicine. Syn: apaka', papagu', sabana. See: eskobiyan adamellung.

eskommi n. corn soaked in a mixture of lime and water in order to remove the hull. Mungnga mayuti' i eskommi an ti para un latchai. If you do not finish the eskommi mixture, do not throw it away. Kuåntus tiempu tinaka' i eskommi? How long does it take to soak the corn before the hull is removed?

eskribienti n. writer, clerk, accountant, one who writes, scribe, scrivner. Nuebu na eskribienti ma'empleha gi as Joeten. Joeten hired a new accountant. Impottånti esti i eskribienti gi duråntin kotti. A clerk is important during court proceedings. Malagu' si Lucia umeskribienti. Lucia wants to be a writer. From: Sp. escribiente.

eskritura n. writing, esp. sacred writings. Bula eskritura manmasodda' gi kumbentun sistet. There were a lot of sacred writings found at the sisters' convent. Mannå'i si Obispu petmisu para u mapupblika i tinigi' eskritura. The bishop permitted the sacred writings to be published. Hu taitai i eskrituran mamåli'. I read the priest’s sacred writings. From: Sp. escritura.

eskurosu adj. have a fetish for cleanliness, afraid of being dirty or contaminated, squeamish, fussy, too delicate. Mampus eskurosu i estumagu‑hu. My stomach is very sensitive to being dirty or grossy. Meggai na tåotåo maneskurosu tatåotåo‑ñiha ya ti siña macho'gui todu klåsin cho'chu'. Some people are afraid of being dirty or contaminated and cannot do any kind of work. Ti u hålum gi kuåttun ispitåt, sa' mampus eskerosu. He wouldn't go to the hospital room, because he was too squeamish. Variant: askerosu.

eslabón n. chain link. Ma u'usa i eslabón para goddin ångklan båtku. They used a chain link to anchor a ship. Ha trångka i kabiserå‑ña i bisinu ni eslabon. The neighbor gated his yard with a chain link. Esta tinaki' i eslabon gi me'nan iskuela. The chain link in front of the school is rusted. From: Sp. eslabón.

espehus n. mirror, looking glass. Siña ha' hu li'i' yu' gi espehus. I can see my reflection in the mirror. Mampus si Marikita dudus, sa' kada biråda ha atan gui' gi espehus. Marikita is a flirt, because she keeps looking at herself in the mirror. Måffak i espehus anai hu totpi. The mirror broke when I bumped onto it. Variant: ispehus. From: Sp. espejos.

espektadót n. spectator. Bula espektadot gi prugråma iskuela. There were a lot of spectators at the school program. I espektadot i mås mantai bida na tåotåo. Spectators are the least busy people. Kada puengi pepesa espektadot i plasan bola. Every night the baseball field is packed with spectators. From: Sp. espectador.

esperånsa n. hope, expectation. Animu manmanistudia i istudiånti sa' ma esperånsa tatkilu' na grådu. The students studied hard and had expectations for a high mark. Hu esperånsa måolik na lina'la' para i fama'gu'on‑ta. I hope for a comfortable future for our children. Si San Hudas patron i manesperånsa. Saint Jude is the patron of the hopeless. From: Sp. esperanza.

espidisión n. expedition. I espidision Magellan muna'fåttu giya Mariånas. It is Magellen’s expedition that the Marianas was discovered. Malagu' si Juan sumåonåo gi espidision. John wants to join the expedition. From: Sp. expedición.

espinåsu n. backbone, spine, nape. Ha na'piniti i espinåsu tatalo'‑hu. My backbone is so painful. Adahi na un na'chetnudan i espinasu‑mu. Be careful and do not hurt your spine.

espiniya n. shank. Espiniyan guaka. Cow’s shank. Dångkulu na espiniya ennåo. That is a big shank.

Espíritu Såntu n. holy spirit, holy ghost, third member of the Trinity. Maila', Espiritu Såntu, ya un giha yu' Come, holy spirit, and guide me. I Espiritu Såntu unu gi tres na petsona. The holy spirit is one of the three persons of the Trinity. From: Sp. Espíritu Santo.

espirituåt adj. spiritual. Espirituåt na tinaitai. Spiritual prayer. Espirituåt na kosas. Spiritual things. From: Sp. espiritual.

espisifiku adj. specific, precise, exact, definite, clearly stated. Na'espisifiku håo yanggin kumekuentus hao. Be precise when you are talking. Nå'i yu' un espisifiku na konparasion. Give me a specific example. From: Sp. específico.

espongha n. sponge. Hu usa i espongha para mañåosåo. I used a sponge for wiping. From: Sp. esponja.

vi. swell up. I kusuberu ha nå'yi mås libadura put para u espongha. The cook added more yeast so that it will swell up.

esposu n. spouse, husband. Mayot Saipan i esposu‑hu. My husband is the mayor of Saipan. Tugi' i na'an i esposu‑mu. Write your spouse’s name. Machocho'chu' i esposu‑hu gi hospitåt. My husband works at the hospital. From: Sp. esposo.

espresa vt. express, esp. by use of language. Si yu'us ma'åsi' sa' un espresa i sinientem‑mu. Thank you for expressing your feelings. Hu espresa un sinseru na agradesimentu put todus ayudåntin i parentis yan manatungu'. I expressed a sincere appreciation for the help by all our relatives and friends. Ha espresa i piniti‑ña anai kumåti. She cried to express her pain. From: Sp. expresa.

éspulun n. spur (of chicken). Hu utut i espulun i gayu. I cut off the spurs of the rooster. Anåkku' i espulun i mannuk. The spur of the chicken is long.

éssalåo vi. shout, cry (loudly), cry out, howl, clamor. Essalåo yanggin guaha lini'e'‑mu ti maolik. Shout when you see something strange. Mane'essalåo i ga'lågu gi halum tånu'. The dogs are howling in the forest. Håyi mås a'gang umessalåo? Who can shout the loudest?

essalåogui vt. shout at. I ma'estru ha essalåogui i istudiånti. The teacher shouted at the student. Si tåta ha essalåogui i famagu'on‑ña anai bulåchu. Father was drunk and shouted at his children.

éssinahyåo vi. walk briskly. Ume'essinahyåo yu' guatu gi gima'. I was walking slowly home. Si nåna umessinahyåo para u li'i' håfa masusesedi. Mother’s is walking briskly to see what is happening. Variant: insinahyåo.

éssitan vi. joke, jest. Ya‑ña i asaguå‑hu umessitan. My wife likes to joke. Mungnga manessitan båba gi me'nan manåmku'. Do not use bad jokes in front of the elders. Bula essitan gi kombitsasion. The conversation was full of joys.

essitani vt. joke with, banter with, make merry with. Hu essitani si Maria gi giput. I joked with Maria at the party. Si Tony ha essitani i manggachong‑ña. Tony bantered his friends.

éssugun vt. round up (animals), drive (animals or fish) into a corral or trap. Éssugun todu i ga'ga' gi un lugåt. Round up all the animals in one place. I peskadot ha éssugun i guihan guatu gi gigåo. The fisherman drove the fish into the trap. Variant: usggun.

essuk n. dried breadfruit, dried either in the sun or in an oven. Mammapika i lemmai para essuk. The breadfruits were chopped to be preserved.

vt. preserve by drying (root crops, staple products, or other produce). Ma'essuk i kamuti. The sweet potato was baked. Esta ma essuk i katni. They dried the meat. Mahettuk i inessuk na nengkanu'. Preserved staple foods are tough.

essuk somnak n. breadfruit dried in the sun. I lemmai ma'essuk somnak. The breadfruit dried in the sun. Månngi' i lemmai ni ma'essuk somnak. The breadfruit tastes good if it’s dried in the sun.

esta1 adv. already. Esta humånåo. He left already.

intj. okay (expresses approval), ready. Esta, ta ali'i' dispues. Okay, I will see you later. From: Sp. esta.

esta2 prep. until. Esta un tufung kuåntu miyas i tano'‑hu esta i landerun tano'‑mu? Did you already count how many miles between my land until the boundary of your land? Kåo ginin esti mågi pat esta ennåo guatu i pinekkåt‑mu? Was your stride from over here to over there? Ispiha i malingu esta in setda'. Search for the lost (person) until you find (him). Variant: asta. From: Sp. hasta.

esta ki cnj. until. Esta ki manali'i' hit ta'lu, no? Until we meet again, yes? Ti bai hu oppi esta ki un oppi yu'. I will not respond until you respond to me. Esta ki tokpung nai dedesnik. He won't show up unexpectedly until whenever. Variant: asta ki. From: Sp. hasta que.

eståba vi. was, used to be (there). Eståba ha' si Kika guennåo. Kika was there earlier. Eståba yu' gima' Kika. I was at Kika’s house. From: Sp. estaba.

eståbli n. stable. Mafañågu i Niñu gi eståbli. Christ was born in a stable. Ti gåsgas esti na eståbli. The stable is unclean. From: Sp. establo.

estadu n. 1) state, territory. Månu na estadu ni sumåsaga håo? Which state do you live in? I CNMI unu gi estadun i Estadus Unidus. The CNMI is one of the United States’s territories. 2) status, condition. Håfa na estadu nai gaigi håo gi che'cho'‑mu? What status are you at in your work? From: Sp. estado.

Estadus Unidus name. United States. Si Kiko i presidentin i Estadus Unidus. Kiko is the president of the United States. Bula ayudu ta risisibi ginin i Estadus Unidus. We are receiving lots of Federal funds from the United States. Riku i Estadus Unidus. The United States of America is rich. Metgut i Estadus Unidus. The United States is strong.

éstagui' pred. here is; indicates presence of something near speaker. Estagui' yu' mågi. I am here. Estagui' na hu sodda' i salappe'‑mu. Here, I found your money. Estagui' dos kånta. Here are two songs.

estaguiya pred. here is. Estaguiya mågi i dinanchi na råya. Over here is the right line. See: éstagui'.

estasión n. station, station house, stop-off, depot, post. Guaha estasión tren gi tiempun Hapones. There was a train station during the Japanese time. Gaigi yu' gi estasión pulisiha. I am here at the police station. Adyu guatu estasión‑mu na puengi. That will be your post tonight. From: Sp. estación.

estasionis n. stations, stations of the cross. Bula estasionis‑ñiha i militåt. The military have many stations. Ma taitaitaiyi i estasionis i Kilu'us. They are praying the stations of the cross. Guaha na songsung manggai estasionis kumason. Some villages have fire substations. From: Sp. estaciones.

estatua n. statue, statuette. Bunitu na estatua Santa Maria. It is a beautiful statuette of our Blessed Mother. Bula estatua gi halum guma' yu'us San Jose. There are a lot of statues inside the San Jose church. I estatua chief Agurup mahåtsa giya Mañagåha. The statue of chief Agurup is erected in Mañagaha. See: buttu. From: Sp. estatua.

esti dem. 1) this (near speaker). Håfa esti na gaigi guini? Why is this over here? Guaguan esti na kareta. This car is expensive. Esti pat ennåo na, tåya' mumalagu'i. This or that, no one is interested. 2) the current. Put esti na asuntu på'gu na mandadanña' hit. It is for this matter now that we are meeting. Esti på'gu ta fåfana' i tinilaikan tiempu ya siempri ti ta na'siña sumåtba. We are now facing climate change (lit. different times) and we will not be able to solve it. From: Sp. este.

esti ha' pred. this is all, this is it, this is all there is (near speaker). Esti ha' para på'gu. This is it for now. Esti ha' guaha gi tenda. This is all they have at the store. Esti ha' para un cho'gui. This is all you need to do.

esti ki esti adv. over and over, repeatedly (said of the speaker). Esti ki esti ha' hu kåkannu'. I'm eating the same thing over and over. Na'o'sun kumu esti ki esti ha' un såsangan kada råtu. It is boring if you keep saying that over and over every time.

esti mågi adv. over here (near speaker). Esti mågi ni un fatå'chung. Sit over here. Esti mågi ni para ta fangguput. We will have our party over here. Maila', esti mågi fan. Come over here please.

esti na adv. this is why, this is the reason (talking about the speaker). Esti na fina'tinas ti bunitu. This is not a good thing to do. Esti na umatgumentu i dos tåotåo. This is the reason why the two argued. Esti na hu cho'gui ennåo. This is why I did that. See: taiguini na.

esti nai adv. this is (the place) where, this is (the time) when. Esti nai bai facho'chu'. This is where I will work. Esti nai ora nai ta fanasodda'. This is when we will meet. Esti nai manmahafuti i mañaina‑hu. This is where my parents are buried.

estiendi vt. extend, enlarge. Estiendi i kannai‑mu huyung gi kumunidåt para un fanayuda. Extend your helping hands to the community. Hu estiendi i litråtun i familia. I enlarged the family picture. Variant: ekstendi. From: Sp. extiende.

estima n. esteem. Tattiyi i estiman i tatåotåo‑mu. Follow your self-esteem.

vt. appraise, set a value on, hold in high regard or prize. Ma estima i balin esti na tånu'. They appraised the value of this land. From: Sp. estima.

estimasión n. estimation, esteem, valuation. Nå'i yu' estimasión kuåntu para u gåsta guini na cho'chu'? Give me an estimation of the cost of this project. Mangguaguan i estimasión alåhas. The jewelry's valuation is expensive. From: Sp. estimación.

estirånti adj. taut, stretched (something that is slack, such as a rope). Estirånti i talin kana'magågu. The clothesline is taut. Ha usa i sinturon sa' estirånti i katsunes‑ña. He used the belt because his pants are stretched.

estiyas n. splinter, splint, chip, small piece of metal or wood. Guaha estiyas gi kannai‑hu. I have a splinter in my hand. Chuli'i yu' mågi nu ennåo na estiyas håyu. Bring me that small piece of wood. From: Sp. astillas.

estola n. stole, a long loose garment worn by priests reaching to the feet; a vestment, consisting of a long narrow band worn around the neck. I mamåli' ma u'usa estola. The priests use vestments. Ma'u'usa estola gi tiempun manenghing. Stoles are worn in cold weather. From: Sp. estola.

estoria si rai idiom. once upon a time (way of beginning a story). Estoria si rai, guaha un biha. Once upon a time, there was an old lady. Estoria si rai, un påtgun malagu' humånåo para i langit. Once upon a time there was once a child who wanted to go to heaven. Variant: istera si rai.

estrabiyu adj. superb, finishing touch. Manggaigi gi estrabiyu na cho'chu'. They are working on the final touch. I che'chu' katpinteru estrabiyu. The carpenter’s work is superb.

estråktu n. structure. Guaha mahåtsa estråktu para u rinikohi i ichan. There is a structure to collect rain water. Guaha estråktu na håtsa gi milak hånum para u rinikohi i fuetsan i hanum para mama'tinas ilektrisida. There is a structure built at the waterfall to harvest energy to produce electricity. Ti kabålis i estråktu para tumunuk mandångkulu yan manmakkat na ruplånu. The structure to accommodate big and heavy airplanes landing was not completed. Manhåtsa si Thomas estraktun simentu. Thomas built a structure made of cement. I estråktu ni mahåtsa mampus gueku para u masagåyi. The structure built was weak and not safe for habitation. Bula na estråktu manmasodda’ na ti matattiyi i areklun ahensia. There are a lot of structures found not in compliance with regulations.

estråña vt. alienate, annoy, disturb, bother, trouble, irritate, harass, irk, vex. Ha estråña yu' i finu' i ma'estru. The teacher’s statement irritated me. Mungnga ma'estråña i taotåo yanggin kumekuentus. Do not disturb someone when he is talking. Syn: istotba. From: Sp. estraña.

estråñu adj. strange, queer, unusual. Suhåyi i estråñu na tåotåo. Stay away from strangers. Estråñu mudu‑ña i mediku. The doctor’s behavior is unusual. Estråñu sinientek‑ku kada ha atan yu'. I have a queer feeling every time he looks at me. Syn: sahngi. From: Sp. extraño.

estrangheru n. stranger, foreigner, immigrant, alien, outsider. Meggai na estrangheru yan estranghera manmachocho'chu' gi islå‑ta. There are a lot of alien workers on island. I islå‑ta unu gi destinasión i estangheru. Our island is one of the foreigners' destinations.

estreyas n. star, sparkle, spark, asterisk. Ma'lak na estreyas. It a bright star. I estreyas ha giha i tres na rai. The star guided the three kings. Si siñot Manuel yan Joaquin Borja ma fana'an i lepblun‑ñiha “Estreyas Marianas”. Mr. Manuel and Joaquin Borja entitled their book “Stars of the Marianas”. Syn: puti'un. From: Sp. estrella.

estropeha vt. manhandle, treat rudely, give a quick shove to, push roughly. Cha'‑mu yu' mu'estropepeha. Do not treat me rudely. Estopeha ya u na'funhåyan i che'cho'‑ña. Push lightly so she could complete her assignment. From: Sp. estropea.

estruktura n. structure. Metgut i estrukturå‑ña i gima'. The building’s structure is strong. I engineria chumo'gui i estruktura na plånu gi plasan batkunairi. An engineer designed the structure’s plan for the airport. From: Sp. estructura.

estufåo n. pot roast. Estufåo na'‑hu na talu'åni. Pot roast was my lunch today. Bai hu fanlaknus estufåo gi giput. I will bring pot roast to the party. Syn: adobu. From: Sp. estofado.

esu intj. expression used when there is a doubt about a statement made. Put esu na debi ha' di ta cho'gui esti para i minaolik todus. That is why we must do it for the good of all. Put esu famaisin yanggin guaha dinidå‑mu put i mapan i tanu'. Ask if you have doubt regarding your land map.

etcha1 vt. bless, give out blessing, as a parent or priest to his child. Etcha i bendision‑mu gi as Manny. Give out your blessings to Manny. Si påli' ha etcha i bendision‑ña si nanå‑hu, sa' malångu. The priest blessed my mother, because she is sick. Hu etcha todu i hadu‑hu yan hadå‑hu gi Christmas. I blessed all my godchildren at Christmas.

etchu adj. completed, finished, done with regret. Etchu sinagån‑hu ni patgun. My words are said toward the child. Båsta sa' etchu i finahan på'gu. It is purchased, no sense recalling. Etchu i bidå‑mu nu guåhu. Your action toward me is done. Esta buen etchu håo na un imbesti yu'. You are at the right age that you are challenging me.

etchung adj. crooked, curved, bent, arched. Etchung ennåo na råya. The line is crooked. Mungnga mana'etchung. Do not bend it. Na'tunas i fila sa' etchung. Straighten the crooked line. Syn: ekklåo.

etdichu adv. exactly, unquestionably, definitely. Etdichu kabålis na kantidån salåppi' ha nå'i yu' si Kiko. Kiko gave exactly the correct amount of money. Etdichu dinanchi håo, tåya' dinidå‑hu. You are correct and I have no question. From: Sp. el dicho.

etgui n. toilet paper, toilet tissue, anything used to wipe the anal area. Guaha påppit etgui gi kemmun. There is toilet paper in the restroom. Utas esti na påppit etgui. This toilet tissue is long-lasting.

vt. wipe the anal area. Si nåna ha etgui i neni. Mother wiped the baby. Na'siguru na un etguin måolik håo kumu munhåyan tuminani håo. Make sure you wipe well after defecating.

etmåna n. nun, sister, religious woman, anchorite. Manayudånti mampus i etmåna gi halum kuminidåt. Nuns are very helpful in the community. Guaha siha etmåna manmama'nåna'gui gi iskuelan Mt. Carmel. There are sisters teaching at Mt. Carmel School. Syn: mådri. Variant: hetmåna. From: Sp. hermana.

etmitånu adj. hermit-like, solitary. Si Kika' yan si Kiku' sumåsaga gi etmitånu na lugåt. Kika and Kiko live in a hermit-like place. I malångu ga'o‑ña etmitånu para sagå‑ña sa' ti malagu' ma atburota. The sick lady does not want to be disturbed so she prefers a solitary room. From: Sp. ermitaño.

etnun n. assemblage, congregation, gathering, combination, collection. Pega i etnun kosas guini mågi. Place all the collection over here. I inetnun famagu'un para guatu gi gima' Yu'us. The children’s gathering will be at church. Syn: rikohi, muntohun.

vt. Na'fanetnun i kosas gi un bånda. Gather the breadfruits in one area. Manetnun i mannuk gi papa' såtgi anai uchan. The chickens gathered under the house when it rained.

etsis n. grater, tool used for grating. Usa i etsis para ma'etsis i papåya. Use the grater to grate the papaya.

vt. grate. Etsis finu i mangu' ya u mås påopåo. Finely grate the ginger to release its aroma more.

etsisiu n. 1) drill (for soldiers). Gaigi i lahi‑hu gi etsisiu militåt. My son is in military drill. 2) exercise. Måolik i etsisiu para i hinemlo'‑mu. Exercise is good for your health. Yanggin munana'gasgas håo, pues etsisiu ennåo lokkui'. When you are cleaning, you are also exercising. From: Sp. ejercicio.

etti1 vt. 1) touch (slightly), perceive by feeling, barely touch, brush past (something) very lightly. Etti ennåo. Touch that. Chat ha' hu etti, låo kumåti ha'. I barely touched her, but she still cried. Ha etti i lamasa ya poddung i platu ya måffak. She nudged the table and the plate fell and broke. Syn: patcha. 2) bunt (as in baseball). I buleru ha etti i bola, pues malågu. The batter bunted the ball and ran. Meying si Kindu manetti bola. Kindu is a pro at bunting baseballs.

etti2 vt. tear off with teeth, rip off (skin of fruit, or meat from bone) with teeth, peel with teeth. Hu etti i mangga. I peeled the mango with my teeth. Atan sa' ha etti i katni. Look, she ripped off the meat with her teeth. Syn: u'us.

éttigu adj. low, short (in height), below the normal height, low (in elevation). Ettigu i kisamin i gimå'‑ta. The celling of our house is low. Ettigu ennåo na tåotåo, kalan nånu. That man is short like a midget.

etyak vt. imitate, copy, mimic, follow as a pattern, model, or example. See: kopia.

etyu dem. that (far from speaker and hearer). Kåo etyu na tåotåo chumuli' i karetå‑mu? Is that the guy that took your car? Gof måolik etyu na iskuela, sa' manmalåti' i ma'estrån‑ña. That is a good school, because it has intelligent teachers. Variant: atyu.

étyugui' pred. is over there (far from speaker and addressee). Ti esti mågi na étyugui' guatu na para un fatå'chung. You sit over there not here.

dem. that (far from speaker and addresssee). Hu sagångåni håo ha' na mungnga dumisatentu, sa' un masåolak, pues étyugui' na'‑mu. I have been telling you not to be rude or else you will be punished, so that's what you got. Variant: etyigi'.

Europehu n. European. Umasagua yu' yan Europehu. I married an European. Håfa siha na lingguåhin Europehu un tungu'? What European languages do you know.

eyaf n. small louse. Makaka i ilu‑ña sa' mi'eyaf. Her head is itchy because she has small lice on her head. Fotti ma'åkka' esti eyaf. The small louse bites well. Describes a louse at the stage of growth prior to hutu.

eyuk n. pain.

adj. painful. Maneyuk i addeng‑hu. My feet are painful. Mampus maneyuk i chetnot‑hu. My wound is very painful. Syn: puti. Variant: etyuk.





adj.  adjective
adv.  adverb
agr.  agreement prefix
art.  article
aux.  auxiliary
cnj.  conjunction
dem.  demonstrative
Eng.  English
infx.  infix
intj.  Interjection
Jp.  Japanese
n.  noun
n.pl.  plural noun
neg.  negative
num.  numeral
part.  particle
pp.  prepositional phrase
pred.  predicate
pref.  prefix
prep.  preposition
pro.  pronoun
Sp.  Spanish
suf.  suffix
Syn  synonym
vi.  intransitive verb
vt.  transitive verb