G - g
g n. the ninth letter of the Chamorro alphabet, named ge.
ga'- (from: ga'‑) n. animal, pet. Mangonni' ga'‑ña ga'lagitu i patgun gi papa' såtgi. The child took his pet puppy from under the house. Håyi gai ga' esti na katu? Whose pet is this cat? Bula ga'‑ñiha guaka manmasåkki gi paståhi. Many of their cows were stolen from the pasture.
ga'- (from: ga'‑) vt. prefer. Ga'ok‑ku macho'chu' gi sanhiyung ki macho'chu' gi sanhalum guma'. I prefer to work outside more than working inside the house. Ga'ñan‑ñiha i famagu'un manmanteks mås ki u fanmanågang gi tilifon. The childen prefer to text more than calling on the phone. Variant: ga'ña‑, gaña‑, ga'o‑, gåo, go‑, ga‑.
gá'- (from: gá'‑) pref. (one who) likes, prefers, is prone to, tends to. Ti ga'hineksa' yu'. I'm not that much of a rice eater. Ga'chumålan esta si Antonio sa' guaha karetå‑ña. Antonio now likes to be on the road much because he has a car. Ti ga'kumåti na neni. The baby is not prone to crying much.
ga'chålan adj. 1) liking to be on the road, liking to roam around. I na gina'chålan håo. Oh my, you just like to roam around. Mangga'chålan ennåo na famagu'un sa' tåya' para u fanpinilan. Those children tend to roam around because they have no one to watch them. 2) liking to roam around looking for men, liking to make oneself available (of a woman). Dispåsiu, sa' siempri masångan na ga'chålan håo. Be careful, or people will say that you're just making yourself available. Un na'fanmamåhlåo i familia sa' ma tungu' na ga'chålan håo. You shamed the family because they know you like to roam around.
ga'chung n. partner, associate, friend, mate. Si Maria, si Tita, yan si Jose mangga'chung gi tendan kandi. Maria, Tita, and Jose are business associates of a candy store. Si Tito måolik na ga'chung para pumeska. Tito is a good fishing companion. Guma'chung esti na tåotåo yan i che'lu‑hu. This man and my brother have teamed up. Håfa, ga'chung, kåo måmamolik ha' håo? What, friend, are you still ok? See: amigu, kimi'.
— vi. live together, cohabit without being married. Hagas gumaga'chung ennåo i dos. Those two have been living together for a long time. Guma'chung ennåo na tåotåo yan i che'lu‑hu. That man lived together with my sister.
ga'chungi vt. accompany, escort, chaperone. Ga'chungi i che'lu‑mu para i tasi. Accompany your sibling to the ocean. Ti ya‑ña maga'chungi yanggin para u hånåo. He doesn't want to be accompanied when he goes out. I biha malagu' para u maga'chungi gi gimå'‑ña an puengi. The old lady wants to be accompanied at her home at night. See: akumpåña, isgaihun, tattiyi.
gå'das n. type of fish: wrasse, with dark gray spots. cheilinus chlorourus (Family Labridae). Bula ga'das gi halum tåsi. There are a lot of wrasse in the ocean. Variant: gådas.
gå'ga' n. animal, including birds, reptiles, insects, fish, or any live organism. Bula gå'ga' gi halum tåsi. There are many animals in the sea. Manggaigi i ga'ga' gi trongkun talisai. The insects are on the tropical almond tree. Ti gå'ga' tåsi ennåo na gå'ga' halum tånu'. That is not a marine animal but an animal of the forest.
gå'ga' karisu n. type of bird: Saipan reed-warbler. acrocephalus hiwae. Bunitu i ga'ga' karisu kumånta. The reed-warbler sings beautifully. Atyu' ha' na siña manli'i' håo gå'ga' karisu giya Saipan yan Alamågan. You can only see the reed-warbler in Saipan and Alamagan. I ga'ga' karisu anåkku' piku‑ña. The reed-warbler has a long beak.
gå'ga' månglu' n. 1) type of bird: Pacific man-o-war, frigatebird. Fregata minor minor. Hu li'i' dos na gå'ga' månglu' talulu' gi matan Typhoon Jean gi mit nuebi sientus sisientai otchu. I saw two frigate bird in the eye of Typhoon Jean in 1968. Mamoksai yu' gå'ga' manglu' disti ki mapulakis. I reared a frigate bird since it hatched. See: fåkti. Variant: paluman månglu'. 2) pinwheel.
gå'ga' mutung n. type of insect: stink bug. Hemiptera Pentatomidae. Manggugupu i gå'ga' mutung gi uriyan tamma' kåndit. The stink bugs are circling around the light bulb. Variant: gå'ga' mímutung.
gå'ga' sirenu n. cricket, gnat. Maloffan i ga'ga' sirenu guini. The cricket passed this way.
gå'ga' tåsi n. 1) sea animal. Munton na gå'ga' tåsi gi kantun unai. There is a multitude of marine life on the shore line. 2) sea dog, mariner, old salt. Gå'ga' tåsi ennåo na tåotåo disdi ki anai på'gu sumutteru. That man has been a mariner since he first became an adolescent. Bula tiningo'‑ña ennåo na bihu put tåsi, sa' gå'ga' tåsi. That old guy knows a lot about the ocean, because he's an old salt.
gá'isåo adj. commit sin. Hu li'i' i ga'isåo na tåotåo. I saw the person who committed sin.
gá'kumuentus adj. 1) talkative, (someone who) talks a lot. Gof adahi håo sa' ga'kumuentus ennåo na tåotåo. Be careful because that person is a blabbermouth. Tåddung manhassu, låo ti ga'kumuentus. He thinks deeply, but does not talk much. 2) gossip. Ti ma'atan måolik, sa' ga'kumuentus. She's not regarded well, because she's a gossip.
ga'lagitu n. pup, puppy, young dog. Guaha ga'lagitu gi gima'‑måmi. We have a puppy at the house.
ga'lågu n. dog, hound. I ga'‑hu ga'lågu ginin abak låo ha sodda' tåtti chalån‑ña. My pet dog strayed but found his way back. Ma hokka dos na ga'lagitu gi kantun tåsi para guåhu låo esta nahung ga'‑måmi ga'lågu. They picked two puppies by the seashore for me but we have enough pet dogs already. Guaha bulan klåsin ga'lågu siha gi tanu'. There are many different types of dogs around the world. Konni' i ga'lågu para ga'‑ta. Take the dog for our pet. Variant: gatlågu.
gå'ma adj. flexible, soft, yielding easily to pressure. I manggå'ma na famagu'un siña manbailan ballerina. The nimble children can dance ballerina. Måolik si Ben na babaila, sa' gå'ma i tatåotåo‑ña. Ben is a good dancer, because he has an agile body.
gá'maigu' adj. liking or tending to sleep. Ga'maigu' si Ton. Ton likes to sleep. Disdi ki anai malångu yu', mampus yu' ga'maigu'. Since I became ill, I tend to sleep a lot. Yumommuk, sa' ga'maigu'. He became fat, because he likes to sleep.
gá'mumu adj. liking or prone to fighting. Ga'mumu atyu na påtgun sa' sessu makassi. That child is prone to fighting because he was frequently teased. Ti kubåtdi, sa' ga'mumu. He's not a coward, because he likes to fight. Mungnga manarima guennåo na gurupu, sa' mangga'mumu. Don't hang around that group, because they tend to fight.
ga'ña- (from: ga'ña‑) vt. prefer, choose, like better. Ga'ñan‑ña manistudia kini humugåndu. She prefers studying to playing. Ga'ñak‑ku guihan kini kåtni. I prefer fish to meat. Yanggin guaha ga'ñak‑ku, ti ga'ñan‑ña. If there's something I prefer, he doesn't prefer it. Variant: ga'‑, ga'o‑, ga'na‑.
ga'ñak-ku (from: ga'ñak‑ku) vt. I prefer, I would rather (first person singular). Ga'ñak‑ku bai hu såga guini ki guennåo. I prefer to stay here than there. Ga'ñak‑ku na un facho'chu' åntis di un asagua. I would rather that you work before you marry. Mås ga'ñak‑ku kulot fachi' gi kulot åttilung. I prefer the color brown more than the color black. Variant: ga'ok‑ku, gok‑ku.
ga'o- (from: ga'o‑) vt. prefer, like better, would rather. Ga'ok‑ku mångga kini papåya. I prefer mango over papaya. Ga'un‑ñiha manhugåndu gi sanhiyung kini u fanegga' TV. They would rather play outside than watch television. Variant: ga'‑, ga'ña‑.
ga'ok-ku (from: ga'ok‑ku) vt. I prefer, I like (first person singular). Gåok‑ku na bai hu na'funhåyan esti i checho'‑hu ki bai hu mamaigu'. My preference is to finish the job rather than to be sleeping. Variant: gåok‑ku, ga'ñak‑ku. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
ga'otgan vi. choke on food stuck in one's throat, get something stuck in one's throat. Chumotchu yu' guihan ya ga'otgan yu' ni te'lang. I ate fish and the bone got stuck in my throat. Mungnga mana'chotchu i patgun guihan, sa' u ga'otgan. Don't let the child eat fish, because the bone might get stuck in her throat. Ga'otgan, sa' sigi chumålik anai chumochotchu. She choked, because she kept laughing while eating. Variant: gotgan.
ga'plaitu adj. combative, argumentative, liking to cause conflict with others. Ga'plaitu anai hohobin ennåo na tåotåo. That person was quarrelsome when he was young. Ti mangga'plaitu esti siha na familia. This family is not argumentative. Masuhåhayi i taotåo sa' ga'plaitu. The person is being avoided because he is argumentative.
ga'rumesturán adj. bar-hopping, (one who) likes to go to bars. Ti hu chagi guma'rumesturan sa' tåya' salappe'‑hu. I did not experience going to bars because I did not have money. Ti ma'atan måolik esti i taotåo yanggin ga'rumesturan. One who goes bar-hopping is not well regarded. Sessu bulåchu sa' ga'rumesturan. He is frequently drunk because he goes bar-hopping. Variant: ga'sumalón. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
ga'sumalón adj. bar-hopping, (one who) goes to bars, bar-fly. Ga'sumalón i dos amigu kada Betnis. The two friends go to bars on Fridays. Tai salappi' sa' ga'sumalon. He has no money because he goes bar-hopping. Ga'sumalon ennåo na bulacheru asta ki tokpung. He goes bar-hopping until he's dead drunk. Variant: gá'rumestoran.
ga'tut n. fold in skin; ridge, wheal or raised growth resulting from tying a wire or string around something to restrict growth, as when a wire has been tied around a young tree. Bula ga'tut gi trongkun niyuk. There are ridges on a coconut tree. Guaha tres na ga'tut gi adding i neni. There are three folds in the skin of the baby's leg. Guaha tumungu' umatan i ga'tut i neni kåo para låhi pat palåo'an i mamaila' na neni. There are those who know how to look at the skin folds of a baby to predict the gender of the next baby.
gå'um vt. 1) pick by pulling off from branch, break off (something) from branch, bend. Ha gå'um i lamas na råmas siha. She broke off the rotten branches. Ga'ónmagi fan ennåo i ramas åbas para åmut. On your way over, pull off a guava branch for medicine. Adahi sa' ti libiånu magå'um ennåo na trongku. Be careful because it is not easy to break off the branch of that tree. 2) touch, affect. Ha gå'um i kurason‑hu i che'chu' diksinåriu. The dictionary work touched my heart. Manggina'um anai ha sångan i piniti‑ña. They were affected when she expressed her sorrow. Nina'gå'um sa' makariñu, ti mana'mamåhlåo. He was touched because he was treated with affection, not humiliated. 3) perform the first step (cutting) in making tuba. Ha gå'um i pengka anai para u tuba. He did the first cut on the coconut sheaf to prepare tuba. Usa i sen kalaktus na nabåha yanggin para un gå'um para i tiba. Use a very sharp pocketknife if you are to do the first cut for tuba.
ga'uméssitan adj. liking to joke, or poke fun, or play tricks or practical jokes, not serious. Ga'umessitan si Rosa. Rosa is a good joker. Variant: ga'umóssitan.
gabbi' vt. slash, lop, cut (something hanging) with one stroke, as a banana stalk. Hu gabbi' i fruta gi trongku. I cut the fruit from the tree with one stroke. Para uma gabbi' i tangantångan siha gi lanchun‑måmi. They will chop off all the tangantangan trees at our farm. Hu gabbi' i trongkun chotda nigap. I cut off the banana tree yesterday. Magabbi' i cha'guan ni lancheru siha. The farmers cut off all the grass.
gacha' vt. catch up with, detect, find out. Ti magacha' håfa kumeke'ilek‑ña gi tinige'‑ña. They did not understand what he meant in his writing. Magacha' i dakon‑ña. They detected his lying. Mangginacha' ni ichan gi chalan. They were caught in the rain on the road.
gåchai n. ax. Dangkulonña i gachai ki achita. The ax is bigger than the hatchet. Usa i gachai para mamakngas håyu. The ax is used for chopping wood. Hu usa i gachai para bai puta' i hayu. I used the ax to split the wood.
— vt. split with an ax. Ha gågachai i hayu si Manuel. Manuel is splitting the wood with an ax.
gåchu adj. sticking out (of ears). Gåchu talanga‑ña i taotåo. The person's ears stick out. Gåchu talanga‑ña sa' manhunguk gi as bihu‑ña. His ears stick out because he inherited from his grandfather. Tinihung para ti u annuk na gåchu talanga‑ña. He wore a hat so it wouldn't show that his ears stick out.
— n. person with ears that stick out. Ennagui' mågi i gachu. Here comes the person with ears that stick out. I gachu ilek‑ña na todu ha' ha huhunguk. The person with ears that stick out said he hears everything. I batberu ha na'sen dispåsiu anai para u dåsai i gachu. The barber was very careful when cutting the hair of the person with ears that stick out.
gada' adj. 1) young, not ripe (of fruit). I famagu'un yan‑ñiha kumånnu' i gada' mångga yan i tinemplan asiga. The children like to eat young mangos with a mixture of salt. Mamoddung todu i manggada' na lemmai anai påkyu. All the immature breadfruits fell when the storm happened. Failik yu' sa' hu kånnu' i gada' mångga. My teeth became sensitive because I ate green mango. 2) immature, young (of mind). Pasiensiåyi kumuentusi i famagu'un sa' manggada' titanus‑ñiha. Speak to the children with patience because their brains are still young. Mampus gada' trabiha ennåo na plånu para u matattiyi. That plan is still not ready to be implemented. Gada' mangumprendi låo åmku' idåt‑ña. His mind is immature but his age is ancient.
gådåo n. type of fish: grouper, sea bass. Family Serranidae. I mandångkulu na gådåo siha libiånu ma galamuk un dångkulu na tåotåo lokkui'. The huge groupers can easily swallow a large person as well. Ha baba insigidas pachot‑ña i gadåo, pues ha tuchu' i mahongngang. The grouper suddenly opened its mouth, then lunged at the lobster. Guaha na biåhi na i'ina esti i gadåo giya Saipan. There are times when the grouper in Saipan is poisonous.
gådåo alåtdu n. type of grouper: giant grouper. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gådåo díkiki' n. type of grouper. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gådåo maloslus n. blue spotted grouper, similar to sea trout. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gådåo mama'ti n. type of fish: grouper with regular brown spots, found in shallow reefs dwelling in or under rocks. Epinephelus elongatus (Serranidae). Ti bunitu i gadåo mama'ti, låo sen månngi' ma'aflitu gi låñan niyuk. The grouper is not pleasing to look at, but it is delicious fried in coconut oil. Guaha ti gumaiya esti i gadåo mama'ti sa' mapput mago'naf. Some people do not like to eat this grouper, because it is difficult to scale. Ga'ñak‑ku gådåo mama'ti ki i kichu'. I prefer the grouper fish to the convict tang.
gådåo taddung n. grouper banded like a leopard, usually found in shallow water. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gaddai vi. do in excess, too much, do excessively. Gaddai esti na kareta gås. This car uses a lot of gas. Gof gaddai si Cecilia boka. Cecilia consumes too much food. Gof gaddai si Maria hapbun mama'gåsi. Maria used too much laundry detergent. Variant: gatdai.
gaddas n. type of fish: wrasse. Un klåsin gaddas mafanana'an tangisun gi finu' Chamorro. A kind of wrasse is called tangisun in the Chamorro language. Ti hu tungu' esti i gaddas na klåsin guihan. I don't know this gaddas type of fish. Tåya' ni hu kånnu' esti i gaddas na klåsin guihan. I never eat this gaddas type of fish. Månngi' i ga'das matunu. The fish is good to barbeque. Variant: ga'das.
gaddi' vi. catch fish (at night, using palm leaves or long net). Ti ha tungu' si Fritz gumadi. Fritz doesn't know how to catch fish at night by using palm leaves. Bula kininne'‑ña si Tomas guihan gi paingi anai pumeskan gadi. Tomas caught a lot of fish last night using the long net. Nihi ta fanggadi lamu'na. Let's go fishing (using palm leaves) tonight. Variant: gadi.
gåddi' vt. catch, entangle with snare, lasso. Gof ya‑hu manggåddi' chiba gi halum tånu'. I like to catch goats in the boonies. Mungnga madulalak i binådu, måolekña ta gåddi'. Don't run after the deer, better if we trap it with a snare. Hu fa'nå'gui si Manet manggåddi' ni tali. I taught Manet how to snare with a rope. Variant: gådi.
gaddu' n. agenda, plan, plot; hidden agenda (slang). Guaha ha' gaddo'‑ña put ennåo na asuntu. He has a hidden agenda on that subject. Ti ma ripåra na ottru gaddu' ha keke'cho'gui. They did not realize that he is trying to push another agenda.
— vt. search in bushes, search in woods. Hu na'gaddu' i patgun anai hu panak i bola. I let the child search for the ball in the bushes when I hit it. Manggaddu' ham dågu gi halum tånu'. We searched in the bushes for yam.
gaddu' n. wild yam, very thorny yam plant that could be harvested in three to six months. Discorea esculenta. Bula på'gu na tiempu gaddu' gi halum tånu'. Nowadays there is a lot of wild yam in the forest. Hu saibuk i gaddu', låo daggi'. I cooked the wild yam, but it has abnormally developed parts and is overripe. Kulot å'paka' i gaddu'. The wild yam is white. Ha tokcha' kalulot‑tu i gaddu'. The wild yam's thorn poked my fingers.
gadi vi. catch fish (at night, using palm leaves or long net). Ti ha tungu' si Fritz gumadi. Fritz doesn't know how to catch fish at night by using the palm leaves. Bula kininne'‑ña si Tomas guihan gi paingi anai pumeskan gadi. Tomas caught a lot of fish last night using the long net. Nihi ta fanggadi lamu'na. Let's go fishing (using palm leaves) tonight. Variant: gaddi'.
gaffu' n. type of plant: a shrub also used as ornamental plant. melastoma malabathricum. Hu li'i' i gaffu' gi papa' i trongkun niyuk. I saw the young palm tree under the coconut tree. Hu guådduk hulu' i gaffu' ya hu tånum gi me'nan guma'. I uprooted the young palm tree and planted it in front of the house.
gåfi vt. 1) harvest (sugar cane). Magåfi i tupun netti nigap. The netti sugar cane was harvested yesterday. Matåopichi' i ginafin tupu. The juice was extracted from the harvested sugar cane. 2) make intensely angry, raise the anger level of (someone). Ha gåfi yu'. He made me intensely angry. Variant: guåfi, tifi'.
gåfi' vt. pick (something) from a plant, break off (something long) by chopping. Manggåfi' tupu si Maria gi tåttin guma'. Maria picked sugarcane at the back of the house. Si Jose ha gåfi' todu i hagun niyuk. Jose cut all the coconut leaves. Ma gåfi' i manha gi lanchu. They picked the young coconut at the farm. Hu gåfi' i trongku sa' piligru para i famagu'un. I broke the tree by chopping it because it was dangerous for the children. See: tifi'. Variant: gåfi, guåfi'.
gafu' n. coconut (barely ripe on tree). Bula gafu' gi trongkun niyuk. There is a lot of barely ripe coconuts on the coconut tree. Mamoddung i gafu' gi lanchu. The barely ripe coconuts fell down at the farm. Hu tifi' i gafu' para kelaguin månnuk. I picked the barely ripe coconut for chicken kelaguin. See: måtsun.
gafu' n. type of plant: palm tree. melastoma mariana.
gåfus n. type of plant. Medinilla rosea (?). Guaha gåfus siha gi kantun chålan. There are some Medinilla rosea plants by the road.
gåga n. type of fish: flying fish. Family Exocoetidae. Bula gåga gi uriyan i boti. There are a lot of flying fish surrounding the boat. Anai iståba yu' gi padiron, hu li'i' bulan gåga. When I was at the cliff, I saw a lot of flying fish. Mankinimbida i gåga nu i achon. The flying fish was attracted by the torch. Variant: gåhga.
gagagui n. mediator. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gågak vi. shriek, screech, cry out. Hagas gumågak i mannuk gi halum tångkat. The chicken has been screeching in the cage. Manggågak i puyitus sa' manñålang. The chicks are screeching because they are hungry. Gumågak i patgun anai ti manå'i ni malago'‑ña. The child cried out when she was not given what she wanted.
gágalak n. sphincter.
— vt. eviscerate, remove the intestines of (a person or animal). Gagalak ennåo i guaka. Eviscerate that cow. Håyi gumagalak i babui, ya ti ha na'sen gasgas? Who took out the intestines of the cow and did not do a clean job? (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gågalak n. piles.
gågåo vt. ask for, request. Hånåo ya un gågåo si nanå‑mu tres låpis. Go and ask your mother for three pencils. Måolekña manggågåo ya ti manå'i kini ma'ufresi ya ti ma'agradesi. It's better to ask and not be given than to be offered and not appreciate (proverb). Makkat i ginagåo‑mu nu hami. Your request is a heavy burden on us.
gågåo asi'i vt. ask forgiveness, apologize, beg pardon. Hu gågåo asi'i' si Yu'us put i isåo‑hu. I ask God for forgiveness for my sin. Manggågagåo asi'i' si Tomas ni bidå‑ña. Tomas asked forgiveness for his wrongdoing. Si tåta ha gagågåogui asi'i i lahi‑ña gi kotti. Father is asking forgiveness for his son in the court. Manggågåo asi'i as nanå‑ña. She apologized to her mother.
gåggåo dálalai n. type of plant: wild bean. Mucuna gigantea. Bulan gåggåo dalalai gi uriyan lanchu. There is a lot of wild bean around the ranch. Binenu esti i gaggåo dalalai na tinanum. This wild bean plant is poisonous. Ti siña mandokku' esti na klåsin tinanum i gaggåo dalalai guini giya Tinian. This type of plant, the wild bean, cannot grow here in Tinian. In istudiådiayi esti na tinanum i gaggåo dalalai gi iskuela. We're studying this type of plant, the wild bean, at school. See: bayogun díkiki', gåyi'.
gågu n. type of plant: ironwood tree. casuarina equisetifolia. Fresku gi papa' trongkun gågu. It's very fresh under the ironwood trees. Si tåta ha tånum i trongkun gågu gi linderu. My father planted the ironwood tree on the boundary. Si Antonio ha usa i trongkun gågu para haligin i palapåla. Antonio used the ironwood tree as a pole for the hut. Bula trongkun gågu gi kantun tåsin Saipan. There are lots of ironwood trees along the beaches of Saipan. Gi put åmut na bånda, maipi i gagu. In terms of medicine, the casuarina equisetifolia is considered maipi. Ti un klåsi ha' na trongkun gågu guaha. There's more than one kind of ironwood tree. See: maipi.
gagu' n. bum, loafer, lazy person.
— adj. lazy, idle. Gof gagu' si Juan. Juan is very lazy. Put i gago'‑ña, ha cho'guin båba ha' i che'cho'‑ña. He did his work poorly, because he's so lazy. Ti siña manggånna salåppi' sa' gagu' macho'chu'. He can't earn money because he's so lazy. Mungnga gumagu' para i prubetchom‑mu. Don't be lazy if it's for your own benefit.
gågun tåsi n. black coral. Guaguan i alåhas ni mafa'tinas ginin i gagun tåsi. Jewelry made from black coral is expensive. Pribidu på'gu na tiempu machuli' i gagun tåsi gi tasi. Now it is prohibited to remove black coral from the ocean. Variant: nigas tåsi.
gåhga n. flying fish. Family Exocoetidae. Variant: gåga. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gåhu n. 1) node, joint, section (of stalk of bamboo, cane, corn, etc.), section (of citrus fruit). Hu huluk i gahun tupu. I broke off the section of the sugarcane. Yanggin un tånum i gahun i pi'åo, siña ha' i dinekku' dumångkulu. If you plant a section of the bamboo, the sprout will survive. Bula gahon‑ña i kahit na fruta. There are many sections in the orange. Ti bula gahu‑ña i tinanum mai'is. The corn stalk doesn't have many joints. Mananåkku' gahun‑ñiha i tipun‑måmi. Our sugar cane has long segments. Bula gahu‑ña esti na lalanghita. This tangerine has a lot of segments. 2) handful. Chuli' dos na gåhu gi kinamyun niyuk yan dos lokkui' na gåhun punut. Take two handfuls of the grated coconut and two bunches of the coconut husk. Variant: gåo, gahu.
gahut n. gout. Putin chetnut esti i gahut. Gout is a painful sickness. Gimin i amut gahut ya u fina'måolik i puti‑mu. Drink the gout medicine to help ease your pain.
— adj. have gout. Gahut si Steve nigap. Steve had an attack of gout yesterday. Variant: chetnut dinalak.
gai vi. have, own, possess. Gai kustumbri esti na ga'lågu. This dog has a personality. Gai che'chu' si Jose gi lanchu. Jose has work at the farm. Gai asi' nu hami. Be kind to us. See: guaha.
gái asi' vi. have mercy, be merciful, have pity, be kind, be forgiving. Nanå‑hu, gai asi' nu guåhu. Mother, have pity on me. Sangåni si Pedro ya u gai asi' ni asaguå‑ña. Tell Pedro to be more forgiving to his wife. Un latchai pasiensiåk‑ku, låo gagai asi' ha' yu' nu hågu. You exhausted my patience, but I'm still forgiving of you. Ant: tai asi'. See: yó'asi'. Variant: gai ma'asi', gai mina'asi'.
gái difektu vi. have a defect, be incorrect, be faulty. Gai difektu i kareta na ti siña humånåo. The car has a defect. Gai difektu esti na kareta. This car has a defect. Gai difektu i lai ni ha fa'tinas i kunggressu as siñot Edwin. The law that congressman Edwin made was incorrect. Gai difektu ennåo na kåtta. That letter is faulty.
gái finetti vi. have strength, mischievous, tend to be a rascal. Gai finetti ennåo na donni' i ginin Tinian. That hot pepper from Tinian has a strong bite. Gof adahi håo ni ennåo na tåotåo, sa' gai finetti; ha tungu' mama'chada'. Beware of that person, because he's a rascal; he knows how to flatter.
gái ganas vi. have an appetite, have a desire for food. Gai ganas chumotchu si Talia. Talia has an appetite to eat. I katdun pånglåo muna'gai ganas si nånan biha. The crab soup gave grandmother the desire to eat. Gagai ganas yu' chumotchu gigun hu ngingi' i påo nengkanu'. I have a desire for food as soon as I smell food. 2) have interest, desire. Ha na'mås gai ganas yu' manayuda anai mulameggai umagradesi i che'chu'‑måmi. My desire to help increased when more people appreciate our work.
gái hinassu vi. be sensible, be reasonable. Gai hinassu i patgun na probleman i gima'. The child is sensible about the problems of the home. Gai hinassu si Te' na påtgun. Te′ is a sensible child. Si Dylan gai hinassu para si nanå‑ña. Dylan is sensible toward his mom. Gof gai hinassu si Bill gi asaguå‑ña. Bill is sensible for his wife. Gof gai hinassu esti na tåotåo. This is a reasonable person. Gai hinassu esti na hues. This judge is reasonable. Esti na dokumentu gai hinassu put båndan salåppi'. This document is reasonable in terms of money.
gái idåt vi. of age, mature, meet the age requirement. Debi di un gai idåt ni para un hålum gi sagan gumimin. You have to be of age to enter the bar. Esta gai idåt si Rosa para u asagua. Rosa is old enough to get married. Ti åpmam esta gai idåt si Frank para u hålum sumindålu. Frank is almost of age to enter military service. Gai idåt ennåo na låhi. That man is mature.
gái ilu vi. intelligent, thoughtful, wise. Ekkunguk i tihå‑mu, sa' gai ilu. Listen to your aunt because she is wise. Matanchu' i mås gai ilu yan rispitåo na tåotåo para guiya hues. The most intelligent and respected person was appointed to be the judge.
gái inali' vi. be insulted, have misfortune, make a mistake. Mana'gai inali' i taotåo anai masångan i hagas na bidå‑ña. The man was insulted when his past actions were mentioned. Ha asi'i si Jesukristo atyu siha i umanña yan muna'gai inali' Gui'. Jesus Christ forgave those who assaulted and insulted him. Guaha siña ta cho'gui para i prohimu ni gai inali'. There is something we can do to help someone who had made a mistake.
gái iyu vi. 1) have, possess. Gai iyu GPS i karetå‑hu. My car has a GPS. Iståba gai iyu yu' foggun håyu. I used to have a wood stove. Gai iyu sustånsia i fino'‑mu. Your words have substance. them. 2) have genitals. In tingu' ha' na gai iyu håo; låo achuka' ti un fatta'. We know that you have private parts, but you don't have to be blatant about it.
gái lugåt vi. 1) have (spare) time, have the opportunity. Yanggin gai lugåt yu', bai hu hånåo para i tenda. If I have the time, I'll go to the store. Gai lugåt yu' pumeska agupa'. I have spare time to go fishing tomorrow. 2) have a place. Gai lugåt gui' giya Luta. He has a place on Rota.
gái ma'asi' vi. have mercy, be merciful, have pity, have forgiveness. Gai ma'asi' nu i patgun. Have mercy on the child. Rektu i nana låo gai ma'asi' lokkui'. The mother is strict but also forgiving. Fanggai' ma'asi' sa' malångu ennåo na tåotåo. Have pity because that person is unwell. See: yó'asi'. Variant: gai asi', gai mina'asi'.
gái minetgut vi. have strength, have (potential) power. Gai minetgut ha' si Freddy para u su'un i dangkulun boti. Freddy has the strength to push the big boat. Gai minetgut si Jose sa' ha uma i kantaru. Jose has the strength because he carried the large can. Manggai minetgut i manmofo'na na guellot‑ta. Our ancesters have power.
gái sabot vi. have flavor, have taste; savory, delicious. Gai sabot esti na kelaguin månnuk. This chicken kelaguen is savory. Esta dokngus i guihan låo gagai sabot ha'. The fish is burnt but it still has flavor. Na'gai sabot ennåo na tininu. Put flavor on that barbeque. Variant: månngi'.
gái sensia vi. have (common) sense. Gai sensia si siñot Julian gi iskuela. Mr. Julian has common sense at school. Gai sensia manplånu si Maria. Maria has common sense when she makes plans. Måolik u såonåo gi hunta yanggin gai sensia. It's good to participate at the meeting if you have common sense. Gai sensia si Maria na para u na'påra i mumu. Maria had the common sense to stop the fight.
gái tåotåo vi. have someone, have a visitor. Gai tåotåo si Vicente gi paingi. Vicente had visitors last night. Gai tåotåo si Rosa. Rosa has a man. Gai tåotåo si Juan gi finakpu' lukåo. Juan had people at his house after the procession. See: gai bisita. 2)
— vi. possessed, inhabited (by ghost or supernatural being). Gai tåotåo esti na trongkun nunu. This ficus tree is inhabited by a spirit. Kalan gai tåotåo ennåo na lugåt. That place seems to be occupied by a ghost. Metgut si Juan sa' gai tåotåo. Juan is strong because he is possessed by the evil spirit (tåotåomo'na). See: gai birak.
gaigi 1) vi. be there, be here, be present. Gaigi buenti na pumepeska gi tasi. He may be fishing in the sea. Debi di u gaigi i lepblu gi katpetå‑mu. Make sure that your book is in your backpack. Gaigi pat taigui, bai hu trangkilu. Whether here or not here, I will be relaxed. 2) imagine if. Gaigi yayas‑mu anai munhåyan i che'chu', no? Imagine how tired you must have been after you finished your work, right? Gaigi sa' mås nina'ma'åñåo sa' homhum gi talulu' gi ha'åni. Imagine how frightened she was when it turned dark right in the middle of the day. Gaigi mohon ya manhånåo hit nigap ki på'gu. What if we had gone yesterday instead of today.
gakgåo n. beggar, mendicant, one who has the habit of begging. Mampus gakgåo chupa. He likes to beg for cigarettes too much. Guaha ha' bula salappe'‑ña låo sen gakgåo. She has a lot of money but she still begs a lot. Ti ha yuyuti' ha' i gakgåo na bision‑ña. He has not stopped his habit of begging. See: takgagåo.
gåki' adj. selfish, stingy, miserly, glutton, eats a lot. Gåki' i amigå‑hu; ti ya‑ña mamanå'gui ni tiningo'‑ña. My friend is selfish; she doesn't want to teach anyone what she knows. Ti ya‑ña manofresi ni na'‑ña sa gof gåki'. She does not like sharing her food because she is very selfish. Gåki' chumotchu i ga'‑hu babui. My pig likes to eat a lot. Syn: hambientu, gulosu. See: miskinu, chattåo. Variant: gakki'. From: Jp.
gakma vi. able to float. Gakma i niyuk gi tasi. The coconut floats on the ocean. Måolik gumakma si Teresa gi halum hånum. Teresa is a good floater in the water. Bula na basula manggagakma gi halum satduk. There is lots of trash floating in the lake. Mampus gakma si Juan na pepeska. Juan is a good floater kind of a fisherman. Syn: må'ya'.
gakna n. winner. Gakna na palåo'an si Bernie gi bola. Bernie usually wins at the ball game. Ti gakna na tåotåo si Pedro. Pedro is not a winner. Sessu gakna sa' animu gi todu ha chagi. She usually wins because she works hard at everything she attempts. Variant: gaknadon.
gaknadót n. winner, one who usually wins, champion, hero. Gaknadot si Jose na tåotåo. Jose is a person who usually wins. Gaknadot ennåo na gåyu. That rooster is a champion. Ti banidosu achuka' gef gaknadot. He is not proud even though he wins a lot.
gålabuk n. lower bowel, rectum, spincter. Puti galabok‑ña si Juan gi talu'åni. Juan's lower bowel was painful this afternoon. I mediku ha rikunosi i galabuk i malångu. The doctor examined the sick man's rectum. Guaha chetnut gi sagan galabok‑ña. There is a tumor in his lower bowel.
galafåti n. caulk. Kåo siña un famåhan galafåti para i bintåna? Can you buy caulk for the window? From: Sp. calafatea.
galagåla n. caulk, mastic, putty, sealing compound used to seal gaskets or stop leaks in boats.
— vt. caulk. Ha galagåla si Tino i boti. Tino stopped the boat from leaking water through.
galagitu n. pup, puppy, young dog. Guaha galagitu gi gima'‑måmi. We have a puppy at our house. Mungnga mana'chotchu i galagitu to'lang. Don't feed the puppy bones. I na niná'magoddai galagitu ennåo! Oh, that puppy is so cute! See: ga'lågu. Variant: ga'lagitu.
galaidi' n. canoe. Guaha galaidi' Juan. Juan has a canoe. Poksai i galaidi' huyung gi mama'ti. Paddle the canoe out to the reef. Guaha achikak galaidi' gi fiesta. There is a canoe race at the festival.
gålak n. type of fern. asplenium nidus. Hu tånum i galak gi hatdin. I planted the asplenium nidus fern in the garden. Ma'u'usa i galak gi amut måkpung. The asplenium nidus fern is used in medicine to restore equilibrium in your body. Måolik i gålak na tinanum. The asplenium nidus fern is a good plant.
gålak dálalai type of plant. microsorum punctatum. Ispihåyi si nåna gålak dálalai para amot.‑ña. Find gålak dálalai for grandmother for her medicine. There are a lot of microsorum punctatum plants around the house.
gålak fedda' n. type of plant: bird's nest fern. asplenium nidus. Prisisu i kurason gålak fedda' gi amut måkpung åmku'. Asplenium nidus is an important ingredient in adult internal cleansers. Anåkku' i hagun gålak fedda'. Asplenium nidus leaves are long. Bula gålak fedda' gi lanchu. There are a lot of bird's nest ferns at the farm.
galamuk vt. gulp, swallow whole. I patgun ha galamuk i na'‑ña. The child swallowed his food whole. Gotgan, sa' ha galamuk i lemmai insigidas. He choked, because he swallowed the breadfruit quickly. Gimin chaddik, sa' un galamuk dångkulu na kåtni. Drink right away, because you swallowed a big piece of meat. Variant: kalamuk, kalamut, galamokmuk.
gálilik vi. roll (on the floor or ground). I lahi ha na'galilik i ga'‑ña ga'lågu gi edda'. The boy made his dog roll on the dirt. Na'galilik guatu i tangkin hånum. Roll the water tank over there. Gof puti tiyån‑ña esta gumagalilik gi hilu' såtgi. His stomach was so painful that it made him roll on the floor. Duru chumålik si Jose esta gumagalilik gi kusina. Jose was rolling on the kitchen floor with laughter.
galón n. gallon. I presiun galon gas esta mahåtsa. The price of a gallon of gas has already been raised. Fahåni yu' un galon tuba, put fabot. Please, buy me a gallon of coconut sap. Yuti' i galon, sa' må'pi'. Throw away the gallon, because it's broken. From: Sp. galón.
galoppi vt. jump over, gallop (as a horse). Malågu i chiba, sa' ha galoppi i kellat. The goat ran away, because he jumped over the gate. Kalan manggaloloppi yangin malålagu. He runs like he's galloping. Ti ha taka' gumaloppi i atchu', pues sulun ya disu'. He could not jump over the rock than he slipped and bumped his head. From: Sp. galope.
galun n. insignia or star, signifying rank of general. See: grådu; råya.
galuti n. club, cudgel, bat, war club, stick. Suha sa' un dinanchi nai galuti. Move or the club might hit you. Ha åttan yu' i pulisiha ni galuti. The police hit me with the club. Fanutut galuti‑mu sa' påkpak håo. Cut your own bat because you're going to get it.
— vt. hit with a club or stick. Hu galuti i babui. I hit the pig. Ha galuti yu' si Francisco ni i hayu. Francisco hit me with the stick. Kume'yåo yu' dispues di magaluti addeng‑hu. I was limping after my leg was hit with a stick.
gama vi. float, buoyant, buoyed up. Masodda' na gumagama i taotåo gi tasi. They found the man floating at sea. Na'gama i patgun nåya ya u payuni nu i tasi. Make the child float first to get used to the sea. Na'gamanñaihun i boti esta ki pumåra i manglu'. Let the boat float a while until the wind subsides. See: må'ya.
gambuleru n. gambler, one who gambles. Mampus gambuleru i che'lu‑hu låhi. My brother gambles too much. Ti lå'yiyi manggambuleru ennåo na batkåda. That group is not really into gambling. Ha chachagi' ha' umesuetti låo ti gambuleru. He is just trying his luck but he is not a gambler.
gamla' adj. slightly past the harvesting period, now crunchy and sweet (of root plants). Båba mabendi i mendioka sa' esta gamla'. It's bad to sell the tapioca because it has passed the harvesting period.
gåmsun n. octopus. Hu li'i un gåmsun kumahulu' gi trongku gi kantun tåsi. I saw an octopus climb a tree near the sea. Månngi' makelaguin i gamsun. The octopus is good to make with lemon, salt, and hot pepper. Guaha na klåsin gamsun binenu. There are certain kinds of octopus that are poisonous.
ganånsia n. profit, gain. Dångkulu na ganånsia ha chuli' i bangku ginin i karetå‑hu. The bank gained a huge profit from my car. Tåya' ganånsia humålum gi benta. There was no profit gained from the sale. Kuåntu na ganånsia un chuli' para i gima'? How much profit did you take home? I pine'lo‑hu na salåppi' mama'ganånsia esta. I already made profit with the money that I had saved. From: Sp. ganancia.
gånas n. appetite, desire, will, energy, motivation. Ti malagu' si Carmen chumotchu sa' tai ganas. Carmen doesn't have the appetite to eat. Tåya' gånas para ta fanhugåndu bola. We have no desire to play baseball. Tai ganas yu' manayuda put esti sa' tåya' para ganånsian‑mami. I don't have the motivation to help with this because we have nothing to gain.
ganchiyu n. crochet. Måolik esti na hilu para ganchiyu. This thread is good for crocheting. Ti ha tungu' amånu ni para u po'lu i maganchiyu. She doesn't know where to put the crochet.
— vt. crochet. Bunitu bidå‑ña si Ana nu i matiriåt sa' ha ganchiyu. The material is pretty because Ana crocheted it. Gof måolik mangganchiyu i tihå‑hu. My aunt is very skillful in crocheting. Variant: gansiyu. From: Sp. ganchillo; Sp. ganchillo.
gånchu n. gaff, hook. Hu na'setbi i ganchu sa' mampus dångkulu i guihan. I used the gaff because the fish was very large.
— vt. hook. Ha na'seha si Julian i kareta ya ha gånchu i tali. Julian backed the car to hook the rope. Ha gånchu i ganchu gi råmas trongkun nunu. He hooked the gaff on the ficus tree branch. Adahi na un ginanchu nu i tumalak hihiyung na luluk gi liga. Take care not to get hooked with the nail that is sticking out on the wall. From: Sp. gancho.
Gåni name. all the islands north of Saipan in the Marianas chain. As Gåni giya Inalåhan, Guam, mafana'an put i tåotåo Gåni ni manmakonni' ni Ispañot gi 1698. As Gåni is named after the people of Gåni who were relocated by the Spaniards in 1698 to Inalåhan in Guam. I Chamorro manggaigi disdi Gåni asta påpa' Guåhan. The Chamorros inhabited Gåni down to Guam. Manlålala' ha' i butkån gi isla siha giya Gåni. The volcanoes in the islands of Gåni are still active.
gåni vt. cause to run aground, cause to stall. I batku magåni nigap. The boat ran aground last night. Ha gåni si Max i lugåt åntis di u hånåo guatu. Max stalled the place before he goes there. Ya‑ña si Ton Bette' gumåni i kellat. Uncle Bette' likes to stall the pasture.
gånna vt. 1) win (something), as in a raffle. Manggånna yu' gi balåha pågu. I won at the card game today. Ha gånna si Thomas i kareta gi rifa. Thomas won a car at the raffle. 2) defeat, overpower (someone), beat (an opponent), outmaneuver. Ti maguf sa' magånna gi pingpong. She was disappointed because she was defeated at pingpong. I gurupun asut ma gånna i gurupun betdi. The blue team beat the green team. Hu gånna si David gi kodu. I beat David at arm wrestling. 3) earn. Manggånna håo låo ti chumilung sa' tåya' ganånsia kunta ginaståm‑mu. You won but it is not worth it because you did not gain anything. Hu gånna i råyan sarentu. I earned the sergeant title. Hu cho'gui i che'chu' ya hu gånna i kreditu. I did the work and I earned the credit.
gannadót n. champion, defender, one who wins often. I che'lu‑hu palåo'an gannadot. My sister is a champion. Guåhu i gannadot na kandidåtu. I'm the champion candidate. I gurupun manhobin mangannadot gi bola. The youth team are the baseball champions. Guiya si Lisa gannadot gi kumpitensia. Lisa is the champion at the competition.
gansiyu n. crochet needle. Kalaktus esti na gansiyu. This crochet needle is sharp. Variant: ganchiyu. From: Sp. ganchillo.
gånsu n. goose. Ha pongli si Juan i ga'‑ña gånsu. Juan put his goose in the cage. Daddåo i ga'‑ña si Juan gånsu. Juan's goose is mean. Dangkulonña i gansu ki i nganga'. The goose is bigger than the duck. Inipus burukentu esti i gansu. The goose makes too much noise. From: Sp. ganso.
gånta n. unit of measurement, equal to a gallon. Usa i ganta para midin hånum pugas. Use the gallon as a measure to add water to rice. Rega i tumåtis dos gånta na hånum. Water the tomato with two gallons of water. Hu nisisita singku na låtan gånta para i hanum. I need five gallon cans for the water. Nå'yi un kichåla na abonu kada låtan gånta na hånum. Put one spoon of fertilizer for every gallon of water. Variant: gåntu.
gånti n. giant. Hu li'i' kalan un gånti gi halum tånu'. I saw what looks like a giant in the jungle. Sessu guaha gånti gi istoria para famagu'un. Children's stories frequently include giants. Pine'lok‑ku na gånti låo era ånining ha'. I thought it was a giant but it turned out to be just a shadow.
ganyi vt. select. Ma ganyi si Ignacio para u kundukta i hunta. They selected Ignacio to conduct the meeting. Ga'ok‑ku na ta ganyi i subetbiu na tåotåo para esti na cho'chu'. I'd rather prefer a brave person for this kind of work. Tåya' magaganyi trabiha para ma'estran Chamorro. No one was chosen yet to be the Chamorro teacher.
ganggochi n. sack (burlap), typically large and of coarse material, as in rice or potato sack. Sahguan i lalångha siha gi kestat ganggochi. Put the sour oranges in the burlap sack. Håssan esta ta sodda' ganggochi. Burlap sacks are now hard to find. Ganggochi katsunes‑su åntis na tiempu. In the old days, my trousers were burlap material. See: kostat, kabån, piku.
ganggosu n. chronic sore, irritation or sore that will not go away. Esta ganggosu i kannai‑hu, sa' esta dos simåna maloffan. Two weeks has passed and the sore on my hand will not go away.
gåo n. nodes, parts of bunch of fruits as bananas or sugar cane nodes. Chuli' unu na aga' gi kada unu na' gåo gi rasimun aga'. Take one banana each from one hand of the banana bunch. Tufung asta sietti gåo gi tipu anai siña un påtti i bisita. Count up to seven internodes of the sugar cane when you may share with the visitors. Variant: gåhu.
gåodi adj. crossed (of legs or feet). I patgun gåodi addeng‑ña. The child's feet are crossed.
gåogåo n. coral tree or tiger claw tree. Erythrina variegata. Manmalåyu i trongkun gåogåo siha giya Saipan sa' åtman ti uchan. The coral trees in Saipan have withered due to the prolonged drought. Mafa'å'amut esti i trongkun gåogåo. The tiger claw tree is used for medicine. Tinekcha' i reda nu i tituka' gi trongkun gåogåo. The tiger claw tree thorns punctured the tire.
gåogåo díkiki' n. type of tree. Mucuna. Guaha gåogåo dikiki' gi gima'. There is a small Mucuna tree at the house.
gåogåo uchan n. type of bush: phyllanthus. phyllanthus marianus Müll. Arg. Måolik i gaogåo uchan para åmut. The gaogao uchan is good for medicine. Mana'sesetbi i gaogåo uchan gi amut måkpung åmku'. Phyllanthus is used in adult medicine for restoring equilibrium in the body.
gåoli n. pole, stick (used for picking). Hu po'lu i gaoli gi kusina. I put the pole in the kitchen. Si Ramon ha tifi' i lemmai yan lalångha nu i guaili. Ramon picked the breadfruit and the sour orange with the stick. Ma dekka' i laguana nu i gaoli kåo måsa pat gada'. They poked the soursop with the stick to see if it is ripe or still green. Chuli' i gåoli ya un tifi' i mangga. Take the pole and pick the mango. Ti hu taka' i lemmai, pues hu na'setbi i gaoli. I could not reach the breadfruit, so I took the pole with the hook on the end and picked the breadfruit. Guaha ottru klåsin gåoli para lemmai. There is another kind of pole for picking breadfruit.
— vt. pick (with pole or stick), pull (with hook or stick). Hu gåoli i tinekcha' kamachili. I picked the kamachili fruit. Ti nahung inanakko'‑ña i guaili para bai hu gåoli i niyuk. The pole is not long enough for me to pick the coconuts. Mungnga madossuk i papåya yanggin para un gåoli. Don't pierce the papaya when you pick it with the stick. See: dossuk, dekka'. Variant: guaili.
gåosåli n. torchwood. bikkia mariannensis. Manmandodokku' gåosåli gi fina' åtchu'. Torchwood grows in rocky areas. Å'paka' flores‑ña i gåsåli. The torchwood flower is white.
gåpgap n. type of bush: arrowroot. tacca leontopetaloides. Håssan masodda' i gåpgap gi halum tånu'. It's very rare to find arrowroot in the jungle. Mana'sesetbi i gåpgap para åmut. They were using the arrowroot for medicine. Halli' i gåpgap ya ta fa'asentu. Uproot the arrowroot and we will make starch.
gåpi vt. resemble, as son to father; take after. I patgun mampus manggåpi as tatå‑ña. The child is so much like his father. Variant: osgi.
gåpi n. anger. Si tåta kumahulu' i gåpi nai lalålu'. Dad's anger rose up when he was angry.
— vt. make angry, vex. Variant: guåfi, guåhi.
gåpit n. loop of rope or bark through which feet are placed to aid in climbing trees. Sessu hu usa i gåpit yanggin para bai kahulu' gi trongkun niyuk. I often use the loop of rope when I'm climbing the coconut tree.
gåpit atayåki n. type of plant. wikstroemia elliptica. Binenu i pipitås‑ña i gapit atayåki. The seed of the wikstroemia elliptica is poisonous. Mandodokku' i gåpit atayåki gi sagan åtchu' lokkui'. The wiskstroemia elliptaca also grows on rocky areas.
gåput n. hair (general term).
— vt. pull (by the hair). Paini i gaputulu‑mu sa' kulang ma gåput håo. Comb your hair because it's like they pulled your hair. Måolekña un ketu o sino hu gåput håo. You better keep still or I will pull your hair. Ti ya‑hu håo fumilak yu' sa' un gågaput yu' mampus. I don't like you to braid my hair because you are pulling my hair too much.
gaputulu n. hair. Si nåna ha na'sen ånglu i gaputulu‑hu åntis di ha sedi yu' para bai maigu'. My grandmother dried my hair well before she allowed me to go to sleep. Anåkku' gaputulu‑ña si Vicenta. Vicenta has long hair. Penta i gaputulun Maria åttilung sa' esta chuchungi'. Dye Maria's hair black because it is turning gray. Variant: gapitulu, kaputulu, kapitulu.
garantiha n. guarantee, promise, pledge, vow, assurance. Ha nå'i ham garantiha na para u båsta bumulåchu. He gave us his promise that he will stop drinking. Ti bumali i garantihå‑ña nu hami sa' bumulåchu ta'lu gi paingi. His pledge to us did not mean anything because he got drunk again last night. Hekkua' håfa ta'lu na garantiha para u ufresi ham på'gu. I have no idea what promise again he will offer us now. From: Sp. garantía.
— vt. promise, pledge, vow, assure, guarantee. Ha garantiha i nobiu i nobia ni lina'lå'‑ña. The groom promised the bride his life. I abugådu ha garantiha na para u gaigi i difendånti gi kotti. The lawyer guaranteed that the defendant will be present in court. Hu garantiha si tatå‑hu na bai na'na'lu i machetten‑ña. I assured my father that I would return his machete. See: asigura, prumesa, prumeti. Variant: garentiha.
garañón adj. lustful, lewd, lascivious. Mampus garañón esti na sutteru. This bachelor is very lustful. Suhåyi ennåo na garañon tåotåo. Avoid that lascivious person. Ti put håfa låo i garañon‑ña na ti mana'såonåo gi gurupu. It is not for just anything, but for his lewdness, that he was not included in the group. From: Sp. garañon.
Gárapan name. name of a village on Saipan. Mayamak i guma'‑måmi giya Garapan gi duråntin i mina'dos na gera. Our house in Garapan was destroyed during WWII. Mås sessu uchan giya Garapan ki ottru siha na lugåt giya Saipan. It rains more frequently in Garapan than any other place in Saipan. Manmasodda' to'lang yan tråstis i guellat‑ta gi kantun tåsin Garapan. Bones and materials of our ancestors were found near the beach at Garapan.
garapåtas n. type of insect: tick. Dåñu i garapåtas na gå'ga'. The tick is a harmful insect. Åmti i guaka sa' bula garapatås‑ña. Treat the cattle because it is infested with ticks. "Kulan garapåtas håo, sa' chechettun håo ha' giya guåhu," ilek‑ña si nanå‑hu. "You are like a tick because you keep clinging to me," says my mother. From: Sp. garrapatas.
garentiha n. assurance, confidence. Tåya' manå'i garentiha na ti para u guaha irida gi manmamaila' na tiempu. No one is given a guarantee that disaster will not happen in the coming years. Gai minetgut i garentiha ginin as tåta na para bai hu lancheru. My father's assurance is strong that I will be a farmer. Ha na'maguf yu' nu i garentiha na para u funhåyan esti i che'chu' diksinåriu. I was pleased with the assurance that this work on the dictionary will be completed. From: Sp. garantía.
— vt. guarantee, give security. Garentiha na bula tåotåo gi giput. Guarantee that there are a lot of people at the party. Ha garentiha para u fanggånna gi gayera. He guarantees that he will win at the cockfight. Ti la'yiyi siña bai garentiha esti na kareta sa' ti hu angokku i sisigun. I can't very well guarantee this vehicle because I cannot trust the driver. Variant: garantiha.
garutåsu vt. beat up, harm, hurt, injure, punish. Si nåna ha garutåsu i ga'lagu. Mother beat up the dog. Kumu ti ketu håo, hu garutåsu håo. If you don't keep still, I will beat you up. Hu garutåsu håo kumu ti un osgi si tåta. I will punish you if you don't obey father. See: fueyis, anña, kastiga, galuti. From: Sp. garrotazo.
gas n. 1) gasoline, gas, petrol, benzene. Tåya' gas gi karetå‑hu. I don't have gas in my car. Sen anåkku' i filan kareta para gas gi finakpu' Typhoon Saudelor. The line of cars lining up for gas was very long after Typhoon Saudelor. Mungnga mangingi' i gas sa' un malångu. Don't inhale the gas because you will become ill. 2) gas, vapor, air, steam, fume. Guaha gas guennåo na gimin. There is gas in that drink. Bula klåsin gas manmafa'titinas para usun tåotåo. There are many kinds of gases being developed for people to use. Nilaisin nu i gas ya nina'lalangu insigidas. He was distracted with the gas and he immediately lost consciousness. Gogonggung i istomagu‑hu sa' bula gas. My stomach is growling because there is a lot of gas. Variant: gasilina, gasolina. From: Eng. or Sp.
gåsa n. gauze. Mabalutan i amut nu i gåsa. The medicine was wrapped in gauze. Tåmpi i chetnut nu i gåsa ya u chaddik mågung. Cover your sore with the gauze so it will heal fast. Hu usa i gåsa para bai hu tåmpi gui'eng‑hu kontra i asu. I used the gauze to cover my nose from the smoke. From: Sp. gasa.
gaseta n. newspaper, journal, periodical, gazette, publication. Gaigi i litratu‑mu gi på'gu na gaseta. Your picture is in today's newspaper. Ti siña un angokku todu håfa gaigi gi gaseta siha. You can't trust everything that is in the newspapers. Ga'ok‑ku bai hu masangåni håfa masusesedi ki bai hu taitai put ennåo gi gaseta. I prefer to be told what is going on than to read about it in the newspaper. See: nius, påppit. From: Sp. gaceta.
gasetiria n. media. Manimpiråo i gasetiria put sinisedin i dos påtgun palåo'an. The media were excited over the incident of the two young girls. Metgut i gasetiria mansohyu' opinion tåotåo. The media has strong influence on public opinion.
gåsgas adj. 1) clean, pure, unsoiled. Ha na'gåsgas i aparadot. He cleaned the cabinet. Na'gasgåsi i bisinu‑mu sa' inutit. Have your neighbor's place cleaned because he is disabled. Gasgåsña esti na lamasa ki atyu. This table is cleaner than that one over there. Muna'gasgas gi simintetyu para i tiempun manmåtai. He was doing cleaning at the cemetery for All Souls' Day. 2) neat. Esta na'bubu sa' mampus gåsgas. It is close to irritating because he is too neat. Ti siña hit manggåsgas sa' inipus bula kosas guini na guma'. We can't stay neat because there is just too much stuff in this house. Asentådu magåhit i lugåt‑ña. Her place is really neat. 3) decent, chaste. Marispeta sa' gåsgas yan unestu na tåotåo. She is respected because she is a decent and honest person. Gåsgas intension‑ña låo ti makumprendi ni gurupu. Her intentions are pure but she was misunderstood by the group. Gåsgas yan fiet i kurason‑ña. His heart is chaste and faithful. See: disenti, asintådu.
gasilina n. gasoline, gas, petrol, benzene, naphtha. Guaguan i gasilina giya Luta. The gas in Rota is expensive. Hu usa bula na gasilina gi kareta. I used a lot of gasoline for the car. Hu nisisita gasilina gi karetå‑hu. I need gas for the car. Variant: gatsilina, gasolina, gas. From: Sp. gasolina.
gáso'su' n. soap plant. colubrina asiatica. Todu ni sumetbi para amut i gaso'su'. Colubrina asiatica is an all-purpose medicine. Gai minamis i chigu' gaso'su'. The juice of the colubrina asiatica is slightly sweet.
gåsta vt. 1) spend, expend, use up. Hu gåsta i salappe'‑hu. I spent my money. Hu gåsta i tiempok‑ku gi tenda. I used up my time at the store. Ha gåsta i salappe'‑ña nigap. She spent her money yesterday. Si nåna para u gåsta i salåppi' gi tenda. Mother will spend the money at the store. See: usa, na'sietbi. 2) wear out. Hu gåsta i sapatos‑su. I wore out my shoes. 3) waste. Hu gåsta i tiempok‑ku gi gimå'‑mu. I wasted my time at your house. From: Sp. gasta.
gastadót n. spendthrift, spender, someone extravagant or lavish. Ti siña gai salappi' si Joan, sa' gastadot na palåo'an. Joan cannot have money, because she's a spender. I gastadot ti ha ripåra na siempri un diha mañotsut nu i bidå‑ña. A spendthrift does not realize that he will regret his action one day. Ti gastadot yu', låo gastadot yu' para i chinchuli' na banda. I am not a spender, but I am extravagant when it comes to donations (for funerals, for example). From: Sp. gastador.
gastådu adj. worn out, worn, used up, threadbare, worn to a thread. Ya‑ña si Kika' u malåstra i yore' ya todu ha na'gastådu. Kika' likes to drag her slippers and make them worn out. Duru si Juan ha na'chekchik i taia' ya todu ha na'gastådu. Juan burned the tires and wore them out. Unu ha' sapatos‑ña si Carlos sa' todu esta gastådu i ottru påt. Carlos has only one shoe because the other is all worn out. Gigun munhåyan ya ti ha na'gastådu si Pedro ennåo, siña ha' ta agun umusa. If Pedro is done with that and didn't use it up, we can still use it. Kada simåna si nanå‑ña si Ed ha fahåni lepblu para matugi' sa' todu tiempu ha na'gaståtadu. Every week Ed's mom buys him notebooks because he's always using them up. From: Sp. gastado.
gåstadut adj. costly. Mampus gåstadut i chalan yanggin ti mapåtdit. The road is too costly when it's not paved. Gåstadut esti na guma', sa' sessu mayulang. This house is very costly, because it often breaks. Guaha na biåhi na i baråtu na cho'chu' mås gåstadut. Sometimes the cheap labor is more costly.
gaståo adj. consumable, capable of being consumed or worn out. Bula i iskuela ha fåfahan na lepblu ni manggaståo siha. The school has been buying consumable books. Esta gaståo esti na magågu. This clothing is worn out already. Puru ha' esti na kosas siha manggaståo. All of these things are consumable. From: Sp. gastado.
gåstu n. expense, cost, expenditure, disbursement, consumption. Sessu i bisinu mangguput ya ti ma hahassu i gastu. The neighbors always party and they are not thinking about the expense. Ti ya‑hu malak ottru tånu' sa' måmpus bula gåstu. I don't like to go to other places because it's a lot of expense. Guaguan i gastu yanggin para i batkun airi ni para ta ma'udai. It cost us more to fly on the plane. Dididi' ha' na gåstu para u maguåssan i uriyan guma'. The cost for cutting the grass around the house is small. Ti bumalånsa i gastu yan i kapitåt. The expenditure and the capital do not balance. Ti chumilung i gastom‑mu yan i binendem‑mu. Your expenditure does not balance with your sale. From: Sp. gasto.
gata'chongan n. armchair. Guaha gata'chongan na siya gi tenda. There is an armchair at the store.
gatbånsu n. chickpea, garbanzo. Mahangi' i gatbånsu. The chickpeas are stale. Gai sustansia esti i gatbånsu. Garbanzo is nutritious. Hu fa'kåtdu i gatbånsu yan i te'lang månnuk. I made soup from chickpeas and chicken bones. From: Sp. garbanzo.
gatbesa n. decoration, ornament. Aksidenti si Beltran sa' bula gatbesa gi uriyan i ispehus i karetå‑ña. Beltran had an accident because there is too much decoration around the mirror inside his car. Ti ya‑hu si Vicenta para u ayuda yu' sa' para gatbesa ha'. I don't like Vicenta to help me, because she's just going to act like a decoration. I hagun niyuk siña ha' mama'gatbesa. The coconut leaves can be an ornament.
gåtbu adj. splendid, sublime, superb, grand, awe-inspiring, elegant, pretty, nice. Gof gåtbu tånu' Tinian. Tinian is a splendid island. Tåya' siña gumånna esti na gåtbun yininga'. Nothing can beat this superb drawing. Kada diha gåtbu para guåhu sa' brårabu ha' yu'. Every day it's a grand day for me because I am still in good health. From: Sp. garbo.
gatcha' vt. step on. Humugåndu i patgun gi halum hatdin ya ha gatcha' kana' ha' todu i tinanum. The child played in the garden and stepped on almost all of the plants. Malagu' yu' bai hu gatcha' i tano'‑hu un biåhi ta'lu åntis di bai hu inutit. I desire to step on my island once more time before I become incapacitated. Sulun i patgun anai ha ke'gatcha' i kairu' gi fachi'. The child slipped when he tried to step on the frog in the mud. Hu gatcha' i nifu' ya kana' malingu hinassok‑ku sa' sen puti. I stepped on the stone fish and I almost lost my mind because of the great pain.
gatdai adj. excessive, too much, extravagant. Gatdai esti na kareta gas. This car uses a lot of gas. Gof gatdai si Maria hapbun mama'gåsi. Maria used too much laundry detergent. Gatdai ennåo na palåo'an. That woman is extravagant. Variant: gaddai.
gåtdas n. type of fish. Family Labridae.
gåtdun adj. 1) entangled, trapped. Pumeska si Ramon gi paingi låo ti mangonni', sa' gåtdun i kutdet‑ña. Ramon went fishing last night but he didn't catch anything, because his line was entangled. Umimpiråo i guaka ya todu gåtdun i tali. The cow went crazy and the rope got all entangled. I mismu fino'‑mu muna'gåtdun håo. You entangled yourself with your own words. 2) intricate, complicated. Todu gåtdun i istorian Lisa. Lisa's story is all tangled. See: sumåonåo, uméntalu', abiridåo, kumplikåo.
gatgånta n. uvula; the small fleshy mass of tissue hanging from the center of the soft palate above the back of the tongue. Ha tokcha' i gatgantåk‑ku i te'lang guihan. The fish bone poked my uvula. Ti siña yu' chumotchun måolik sa' pokpuk i gatgantåk‑ku. I cannot eat good because my uvula is swollen. Ha baba i doktu pachot‑ña i taotåo para u rikunosi i gatgantån‑ña. The doctor opened the man's mouth to check his uvula. From: Sp. garganta.
gåtgaras vt. gargle, rinse (one's mouth). Hu gåtgaras i pachot‑tu ni tibiu na hånum yan i asiga. I rinsed my mouth with warm water and salt. I dentista ha tågu' si Ana para u gågatgaras, sa' puti mamañut. The dentist told Ana to gargle, because she has pain swallowing. Måolik un gåtgaras håo yanggin munhåyan håo chumotchu. It is good to rinse once you're done eating. From: Sp. gargaras.
gåtgat adj. unpleasantly sweet. Manggåtgat esti siha na fruta. These fruits taste unpleasantly sweet. Chagi i måsa na mångga sa' guaha na biåhi ni manggåtgat. Try the ripe mango because sometimes they're unpleasant. Esti na kandi mampus gåtgat. This candy is unpleasantly sweet.
— vt. 1) taste unpleasantly sweet to. 2) choke (of liquid or food going down one's windpipe).
gåtgat adj. greedy, avaricious. I patgun gåtgat nengkanu'. The child is greedy with food. See: hambientu.
gatnadót n. winner, one who wins easily. Gatnadot ennåo na tåotåo låo ti ya‑ña muna'annuk åntis di huegu. That person wins easily but does not want to reveal himself before the game. Makkat ta aposta håyi para u gånna sa' todu manggatnadot. It is difficult to bet who will win because all of them can easily be winners. Mafa'tinas atyu na kumpitensia para un gatnadot. They organized that competition so that you can easily win. Variant: gannadót, gaknadót. From: Sp. ganador.
gatsilina n. gasoline. Tumunuk i gatsilina gi Mobil. The gas went down at Mobil. Variant: gasilina, gasolina, gas.
gayadeha n. type of plant: gaillardia. Bula gayadeha giya Tete'to. There's a lot of gaillardia at Teteto. From: Sp. gaillardia.
gayera n. cockfight. Umaposta yu' gi gayera nigap. I bet at the cockfight yesterday. Hu poksai esti na gåyu para u fangganna gi gayera. I raised this rooster to win at the cockfight. Atdit na buruka gi halum gayera sa' bibu i manmanapoposta. The noise at the cockfight was intense because the betting was very exciting. From: Sp. gallera.
— vi. have a cockfight. Kalan gumayeyera hamyu na dos kada umasudda' hamyu. It is like you are having a cockfight every time you two meet. Mana'fanmutta i taotåo ni manggayera nigap sa' ti ma tattiyi lai. The people doing the cockfight were fined because they did not follow the law. Sessu manbulåchu i taotåo yanggin manggayera. People frequently get drunk when they have cockfights.
gayeru n. cockfighter, one who fights cocks. I båtbaru na gayeru siempri ha latchai i salåppi' i familia. A speculative cockfighter will spend the family money. Fuera ki gayeru si Juan, måolik na nabaheru. Besides Juan being a good cock fighter, he's also good in tying the knife on the rooster. Hu chagi gumayeru låo ti gatnadot yu'. I tried to be a cockfighter but I am not a winner. From: Sp. gallero.
gayetan n. type of plant. Mucuna gigantea (?). Ti siña machuli' meggai na gayetan. See: bayogu.
gåyi n. type of climbing plant, a type of bayogu: sea bean, St. Thomas' bean. Entada phaseoloides. Variant: gogu, bayogun dångkulu.
gåyi' n. type of plant: wild bean. Mucuna gigantea. Bula gåyi' gi hagoi. There is a lot of wild bean in the swamp. Bunitu na kadena i pipitas i gayi'. The necklace of the wild bean is very pretty. I hagun gåyi' mana'sesetbi gi amut tininu yan putin istomagu. The leaves of the wild bean are used in medicine for piles, back pain, and stomach pain. Syn: bayogun díkiki'. See: gåogåo dálalai.
gåyu n. rooster, cock. Umo'o' i tres na gayu kada tatalu' puengi. The three roosters crow every midnight. Dinengka' i patgun nu i gayu. The child got pecked by the rooster. Para u aposta si Ben gi esti na gåyu gi gayera, sa' måolik mumu. Ben is going to bet on this cock, because it's a good fighter. From: Sp. gallo.
ge n. the name of g, the ninth letter of the Chamorro alphabet. gef sessu tasotda' i ge gi finu' Chamorro. We find the "ge" in Chamorro words very often.
Ge' name. nickname for Miguel. Ha chuli' si Ge' i basu. Ge' took the cup.
gé'- (from: gé'‑) pref. (go) further (in a certain direction). Mungnga yu' masuhåyi; ge'magi fan. Don't avoid me; move here a bit, will you. Adahi na un poddung gi kantit; ge'tatti dididi'. Be careful and don't fall from the cliff; move back further. Kume'ge'halum i napu gi tanu' anai duru månglu' yan uchan. The waves are about to move further inland when it was very windy and raining heavily. See: hát‑.
gé'halum vi. 1) go inside further, deeper inside. Gaigi si Tina gi ge'halum na lugåt gi Sinapalu. Tina lives further in Sinapalo. Ge'halum gi gima' ya un chotchu. Do come inside the house and eat. Atan gi ge'halum na kåhun i pappit. Look deeper inside the paper container. 2) belong to the inner circle or in-group. See: háttalum.
gé'haya adj. further south (Guam, Rota), further east (Saipan). Gaigi i tendan mångga gi ge'haya na bånda. The mango store is further east. Bula mandångkulu na trongku gi ge'haya na lugåt. There are a lot of trees further south. Ti ge'haya i gima' na mås ge'kattan. The house is not further east but even further north.
— vi. move further east (in Saipan, Rota, Tinian) or south (in Guam). Ha na'ge'haya gui' si Gavin. Gavin moved further south. Suha fan ya ge'haya dididi'. Move a bit further south. Gume'haya pues malingunhalum ha'. She went further east and simply disappeared. See: háttaya.
gé'hilu' adj. upward, higher up. Ge'hilu' mås gi trongku ni manggaigi i fanihi. The bats are much higher up on the tree. Kumahulu' gi eksu' låo mås ge'hilu' i para u hanåogui. She climbed the hill but her destination is even higher up. Kada gume'hilu' gi lamasa i katu, sinåolak gi as nåna. Everytime the cat tries to go up on the table, mother spanks it.
— vi. move higher, move up more. Ge'hilu' fan ya un chuli' i pappit. Move up higher and take the paper. Gume'hilu', pues basnak påpa'. She went further up, then fell down. Ge'hilu' dididi', sa' ennåo na gaigi i makaka gi tatalo'‑hu. Move up a bit, because that is where the itch is on my back.
ge'hilu'i vt. superimpose, put on top of. Hu ge'hilu'i i katgåm‑mu ni katgåk‑ku. I put my cargo on top of your cargo.
gé'hiyung adj. further out.
— vi. move out further, go further out. Put fabot ge'hiyung gi petta. Please go further out the door. Gume'hiyung yu' put para bai hu suhåyi buruka. I moved out further so that I can get away from the noise. Kume'ge'hiyung gi hunta sa' o'sun esta. He tried to move further out from the meeting because he is already bored. See: háttiyung.
gé'kattan vi. move further north (Saipan, Rota, Tinian) or east (Guam). Mangge'kattan ham mientras guaguaha ora para bai in fanmanbisita gi as nåna. We went further north while we still have time for a visit with mother. Gume'kattan i pakyu, pues ha bira ya gume'lichan. The typhoon moved further north, then turned and moved furter south. Ha na'ge'kattan i gimå'‑ña put para u hihut yan i famagu'on‑ña. He moved his house further north to be closer to his children. See: hátkattan.
gé'lagu vi. move further west (Saipan, Rota, Tinian) or north (Guam). Ti ya‑hu gume'lagu sa' bula åtchu' na lugåt. I don't want to move west because the place has too many rocks. Ge'lagu ya ta hita gumuålu' na dos. Move further west so that we can farm together. Muna' mangge'lagu siha sa' esta ti masungun i minaipen‑ña gi sanlichan. The reason they moved further west is because they could no longer bear the heat in the east. See: háttagu.
gé'lichan vi. move further south (Saipan, Rota, Tinian) or west (Guam). Ginin lumåoya pues fa'na'an malingu anai gume'lichan. He went for a stroll and he may have gotten lost when he went further south. Ge'lichan, ge'kattan, ge'lagu pat ge'haya, tåya' lugåt siña un sotda' taiguini na gåtbun hatdin. Move further south, north, west or east, you won't find a beautiful forest like this. See: hattichan.
ge'min n. drunk, alcoholic.
gé'papa' adj. downward, lower down. Fa'na'an gaigi i chiba gi ge'papa' na paståhi. Maybe the goat is at the lower pasture. Ti tåddung esti na sadduk låo gi ge'papa' lataddung. This lake is not deep but farther down it is a bit deeper.
— vi. move farther down, lower. Gé'papa' dididi' sa' siempri un li'i' i gima'. Go farther down a little and you'll see the house. Mangge'papa' ham gi halum liyang para bai in fanattuk. We moved lower in the cave to hide.
ge'papa'i vt. 1) put underneath, go underneath. 2) detect, dig out, find out without the person knowing. Hu chagi gume'papa'i si Jose, sa' sessu mandagi. I tried detect what Jose is doing because he frequently lies. Nangga ya ta ge'papa'i i kuntråriu. Ma ge'papa'i i prohimu put i bidå‑ña åntis di ma imbistiga futmåt.
gef adv. very, extremely (degree word). Maseha ti gef bula guinaha‑hu, låo gefsaga kurason‑hu. Even though I don't have much wealth but my heart is full of luxury. I tunådan i kalili gef bunitu. The tune of the ukelele is very nice. Variant: gof, gos, ges.
géfa'an adj. sunny (of the day). Para u gefa'an na diha. It's going to be a sunny day. Måolik mangguåssan na diha sa' gefa'an. It's good to weed grass today because it's sunny. Nihi ta tåla' i niyuk sa gefa'an. Let's dry the coconut because it is sunny. Variant: maipi; géfha'an.
géfha'an adj. sunny (of the day), clear and bright (of the day). Tåla' i alunan sa' gefha'an. Dry out the pillows because it's a good clear day. På'gu na ha'åni måolik manåla' guihan sa' gefha'an. It is a clear day, it's good to dry fish. Variant: gefha'åni, gófha'an.
géfmata adj. sharp-sighted, eagle-eyed, perceptive. Gefmata håo gi halum homhum. Your eyes are very sharp in the dark. Hågu un taitai i pappit sa' gefmata håo. You read the paper because you have a better perception. Gefmata si Ming. Ming has a sharp eye. See: akli'i'.
géfpa'gu adj. pretty, beautiful. Gefpa'gu si Rosa annai humånåo para i tenda. Rosa looked pretty when she went to the store. Mampus gefpa'gu i ha'åni, sa' fresku i guinaifin månglu'. Today is a beautiful day because of the cool breeze. Månngi' i pumiknik sa' gefpa'gu i ha'åni. Today is beautiful and good to go on a picnic. Ant: gef chátpa'gu.
géfsaga adj. well-to-do, wealthy, well off. Manggefsaga esti na familia sa' manånimu. This family is well-to-do because they are industrious. Ti manggefsaga ham låo måolik ha' lina'la'‑måmi para på'gu. We don't have much but our life is good for now. Hassu si nanan‑miyu yan si tatan‑miyu kumu esta manggefsaga hamyu. Think of your mother and father when you are well off. Variant: gófsaga.
geftåo adj. generous, unselfish, having no regard for self. Gof geftåo si Ina ni kosås‑ña. Ina is very generous when it comes to her things. Ti siña i tendan Juan dumångkulu sa' gof geftåo para i taotåo. Juan's store cannot grow big because he's so unselfish to the people. Famaisin ayudu sa' manggeftåo i taotåo. Ask for help because the people are very generous. Variant: goftåo.
gegi n. type of plant. limnophila indica (?). Hu tånum i gegi gi lanchu. I planted the gegi at the farm.
gegi sansoñan n. type of plant. limnophila fragrans (?). Mandångkulu i gegi sansoñan gi lanchu. The gegi sansoñan at the farm are large.
geha fan woven from coconut leaves. Mama'tinas si Jose geha sa' mampus maipi. Jose wove a fan because it's very hot. Fanhålla hågun niyuk ya un fa'tinas un geha. Pull coconut leaves and make one fan. Gumupu i geha asta i guåfi ya kimason. The woven fan flew to the fire and it burned.
gekmin n. 1) one who drinks a lot. Sessu bulåchu sa' mampus gekmin tuba. He is frequently drunk because he drinks tuba too much. Gekmin si Lucio na tåotåo para u labrabu. Lucio is someone who drinks a lot of water to be more healthy. Manggekmin i famagu'un nigap sa' maipi i ha'åni. The children drank a lot of water yesterday because it was very hot. 2) one who snitches or drinks another person's drink. Ti ya‑hu esti i gekmin na tåotåo. I don't like the person that snitches another person's drink. Si Billy gekmin na klåsin tåotåo, atyu na ti ma gef lamin. Billy is the kind of man who snitches, that is why they don't appreciate him. Variant: gá'gumimin.
gekmun n. Adam's apple, vocal cords, larynx. Gof dångkulu i gekmon‑ña si Josh. Josh has a big Adam's apple. Yanggin sutteru esti i patgun låhi, siempri dumångkulu i gekmon‑ña. When a boy becomes a man, his Adam's apple grows bigger. Gof impottånti esti i gekmun gi aga'gå'‑ta. Our Adam's apple is very important in our neck. Puti i gekmon‑hu. My larynx is hurting. See: guitgueru. Variant: getmun.
gekmun n. gristle, cartilage. Mampus mahettuk esti i katnin guaka sa' bula getmun. The cow meat is very hard because there is a lot of gristle. Gof ya‑hu kumånnu' i te'lang månnuk sa' bula getmon‑ña. I like to eat the chicken bones because they have a lot of cartilage. Gof mañaña' i talanga‑ta sa' i getmun. Our ears are very soft because of the cartilage. Variant: getmun.
gekpan adj. good at jumping. Måolik humugåndu bolan machåhlåo si Felix, sa' gekpan. Felix is a good ball catcher, because he's a good jumper. Si Jose gumånna i kumpitensian ta'yuk, sa' guiya i mås gekpan. Jose won the jumping competition, because he's the best jumper. I ti manggekpan ti mana'siña magoppi i fachi'. Those who are not good at jumping did not manage to hop over the mud. See: goppi. Variant: geppan, getpan.
gekpu n. flyer, one that is capable of flying.
— adj. able to fly easily, jumpy. Ti gekpu esti na paluma. This bird is incapable of flying. Gekpu si Ben yanggin makadidak. Ben is jumpy when he is tickled. Pongli esti na paluma sa' mampus gekpu. Cage this bird because it easily flies. See: gígipu.
gelli'appan aga' n. cooked banana: ripe banana cooked with coconut milk. Ma gof guaiya i gelli'appan aga'. They really like the ripe banana cooked with coconut milk. Un putåhi na gelli'appan aga' maplånta gi lamasa. One platter of ripe banana cooked with coconut milk was placed on the table. Bulan cho'chu' yanggin para mafa'tinas esti i gelli'appan aga'. Preparing ripe banana cooked with coconut milk requires a lot of work. See: gollai åppan, saibuk.
gelli'appan chotda n. cooked banana: green banana cooked in coconut milk. Chuli' mågi i letchin niyuk para i gellai'åppan chotda. Bring over the coconut milk for the gellai'åppan chotda. Ti sessu esta mamafa'tinas i gellai'åppan chotda sa' mantinemba i chetda nu i metgut na månglu' gi ma'pus na såkkan. Gellai'åppan chotda is rarely prepared now because the bananas were turned over by the strong wind last year. Matotni i guafi para mafa'tinas i gellai'åppan para senan‑måmi. The fire was prepared to cook the gellai'åppan for our dinner. Variant: gollai åppan chotda, gellai åppan chotda.
gemba' n. place for hanging out, hangout, favored gathering place for specific group. Sessu manasudda' i amigu‑hu gi gemba'. My friends frequently meet at our hangout. Mahåtmi i gemba'‑måmi ni kuntråriun‑måmi på'gu. Our opponents broke into our hangout place today. Ta fanhunta gi mamaila' na mes gi gemba'. We will have a meeting next month at our hangout. From: Jp.
gencha' vi. Guaha bidå‑ña ti måolik ya i amigu‑ña muna'gencha'. He did something bad and his friend inadvertently exposed him. I linihån‑ña ha na'gencha' na guiya mañåkki gi tenda. Her nervousness revealed that she's the one that stole at the store.
— vt. give (the truth) away, reveal (something) unwittingly. Ha gencha' maisa gui' annai sigi kumuentus. He exposed himself when he kept talking. Todu cho'chu' ni båba chaddik manmagencha'. All bad deeds are inadvertently exposed very quickly.
Gengi' name. nickname for Miguel. Ti ya‑ña si Vicente si Gengi' sa' banidosu. Vicente doesn't like Miguel because he's a real show-off. Ti ya‑ña si Miguel ma'å'gang Gengi'. Miguel doesn't like to be called Gengi'. Taigui si Gengi' gi che'chu'. Gengi' is not at work.
geppan n. bouncy, springy, good at jumping. Libiånu ha goppi i kellat sa' gof geppan. She easily leapt over the fence because she is a good jumper. Ya‑hu bumaila yan guiya sa' geppan. I like dancing with him because he is bouncy. Tuma'yuk låo ti ha upus i raya sa' ti geppan. He leaped but did not go over the line because he is not a good jumper.
— vi. jump, spring or leap suddenly. Geppan tåtti sa' nina'luhan nu i kaimån gi sadduk. He sprang back because he was surprised by the crocodile in the lake. Gotpi geppan hulu' i gayu anai manå'yi nabåha para gayera. The rooster suddenly jumped up when they attached the knife for the cockfight. See: goppi. Variant: gekpan, getpan.
gera (Tita starts here up to "guaha") n. war, battle. Difirentis åtmas manma'usa gi gera. Different types of weapons were used during the war. Bula manmåtai gi duråntin i gera. There were lots of casualties during the battle. Manggof na'ma'asi' i famagu'un gi tiempun gera. The children were miserable during the battle. From: Sp. guerra.
— vi. have a war, be at war. Duru manggera i Amerikånu yan Koreånu. The Americans and the Koreans are at war. See: batåya.
gereru n. warrior. Un tiempu ginin gumereru si Juan. At one time Juan was a warrior. Malagu' si Vicente para u huyung metgut na gereru. Vicente wants to become a strong warrior. See: sindålu. From: Sp. guerrero.
getmun n. 1) gristle, cartilage. Mampus mahettuk esti i katnin guaka, sa' bula getmun gi entalo'‑ña. The cow meat was very hard, because there was lots of gristle in between the meat. Gof mañaña' i talanga‑ta, sa' bula getmun lokkui'. Our ears are very soft, because they have lots of cartilage. Månngi' esti i getmun månnuk. This chicken cartilage is tasty. 2) crunchy sound, cracking of bone when chewing. Hu hunguk i getmun anai un åkka' i pipinu. I heard the crunchy sound when you chewed the cucumber.
— vi. 1) make a crunchy sound. Getmun i se'si' gi guihan. The knife made a crunchy sound as it cut the fish. Ha åkka' i mansåna ya getmun. She bit the apple and it made a crunchy sound. 2) pierce (through a solid object). Na'getmun i se'si' gi katni. Make the knife pierce through the meat. Getmun i tekcha' gi liga. The spear pierced through the wall. Variant: gekmun.
getpan adj. bouncy, springy, able to leap or fly high. Mampus håo getpan yanggin tuma'yuk håo. You can really fly high when you jump. Getpan i kareta gi chalan gi bula hoyu. The car was bouncy on the road with lots of holes. Guaha ga'‑hu gåyu måolik para gayera sa' getpan. I have a rooster that is good for cockfights because it can jump high. Variant: gekpan, geppan.
getta' n. wooden Japanese slipper. Piligru esti i getta' na dogga para i taotåo ni ti tumungu' umusa. The Japanese wooden slipper is dangerous for those people who don't know how to walk in it. Måolik ma'usa i getta' yanggin bula fachi' gi chalan. It is good to use wooden slippers when there are a lot of puddles on the road. Ginin i tiempun Hapones esti i getta' na dogga. The geta footwear was from the Japanese administration. See: suekus. From: Jp. geta.
gi case. at, in, on, from, with. Hu po'lu i yori' gi sagan dogga. I put the slipper on the shoe rack. Humålum i cha'ka gi halum guma'. The rat went in the house. Sahguan i salåppi' gi pettamuneda. Put the money in the wallet.
gi as case. at, in, on, from, with. Gaigi i pastahin chiba gi as Matuis. The goat pasture is at Matuis. Manma'adadahi i atchu' latti' gi as Masåluk giya Tinian. The latte monoliths are being protected at Masåluk on Tinian. Masodda' i taotåo gi as Tan Maria. The man was found at Tan Maria's.
gi guatu adv. (over) there, in a location away from speaker and addressee. Gi guatu nai gaigi si Trinie gi gima' Lee. Trinie is there at Lee's house. Tåya' malagu' matå'chung gi guatu yan guini mågi. No one wants to sit over there and over here. Gi guatu na cho'chu' manisisita mås ayudu. The work over there needs more support. Variant: guihi guatu.
giga' adj. loose, loose-jointed, lax, spread apart. Kallu i bisågra sa' giga'. The hinge is loose. Matå'chung si Juan ya ha na'giga' i siya. Juan sat down and he made the chair loose. Poddung i amåka, sa' giga' esta. The swing fell down, because it was loose. Giga' i nifen‑hu. My tooth is loose.
— vt. spread (something) apart. Gof ya‑ña si Kika' gumiga' i petnån‑ña. Kika' likes to spread her legs apart. Anai matå'chung si Jose gi siya, ha giga' gui'. When Jose sat on the chair, the chair spread apart.
gigåo n. fish trap, usually long and made from wire. Pribidu ma'usa i gigåo giya Guåhan. It's prohibited to use fish trap in Guam. Debi di u anåkku' i gigåo yanggin para un fangonni' bula na guihan. The fish trap should be long in order to catch a lot of fish. Tåya' alåmli ni para u mafa'tinas i gigåo. There's no wire to make the fish trap.
gigik vi. cry or yell out in pain, squeal, shreak. Manggigik i babui sa' manñålang. The pigs are squealing because they are hungry. Gumigik yu' annai malasa i kannai‑hu. I shrieked with pain when my hand was massaged. Ha na'gigik yu' anai ha gatcha' addeng‑hu. She made me yell with pain when she stepped on my foot. See: kåti.
gigik n. intestinal worm. Ma'otdin na debi u mana'fanggimin åmut gigik todu famagu'un iskuela. It was ordered that all schoolchildren shall be required to take the deworming medicine. Måssa' yu' åmut gigik låo masså'ña yu' kumu hu li'i' gigik. I am squeamish drinking the deworming medicine but I get more nauseated seeing the intestinal worm. Mumasoksuk i patgun ginin i gigik. The child became undernourised due to intestinal worms.
gigu vi. (perform an action) at the same time. Manggigu ham yan si Te' para Saipan. We went together with Te' to Saipan. Chumagigu si Ana yan si Nang para i bangku. Ana went together with Mother to the bank. Ti gumigu i dos para i iskuela. The two didn't leave together to school.
gigun cnj. when, as soon as. Gigun hu na'kåti i piripiri', falågu. When I blow the whistle, run. Gigun somnak, tåla' i alunan. When the sun comes out, dry up the pillow. Ti hu li'i' i aksidenti gi giput, sa' gigun munhåyan yu' chumotchu, humånåo yu'. I didn't see the accident at the party, because as soon as I finished eating, I left.
giha vt. guide, steer, point out the way to be taken. Hu giha i galaidi' hålum gi sagua'. I steered the canoe into the channel. Gi kada pumeska si Ton, ha gigiha gui' ni munton påharu ni para u sodda' i tanu'. When Ton goes fishing, he's guiding himself with the flock of birds to find the land. Hu giha yu' gi puti'un anai abak yu' gi halum tånu'. I guided myself by the stars when I was lost in the woods. From: Sp. guia.
giha n. gear (of vehicle). Hu tulaika i giha gi kareta. I shifted the gear in the car. Mayulang i giha anai disgrasiåo i kareta. The gear broke when the car got into an accident. Bulan klåsin giha siha para esti na måkina. There are lots of different kinds of gear for this machine. From: Eng. gear.
gihas n. graftage of vine, vine cutting for planting. I lancheru ha tånum i gihas kamuti nigap. The farmer planted the graftage of sweet potato vine yesterday. Guaha gihas kangkung gi sadduk. There are lots of kangkung vines at the river. Åntis na tiempu giya Tini'an gof bula ginihas gaddu' para mafa'simiya. There used to be a lot of wild yam shoots in Tinian for planting.
gihas kamuti n. shoot of sweet potato. Sigi i gihas kamuti mananåkku'. The sweet potato shoot keeps getting longer. Ha rikohi i gihas dågu para u matånum gi lanchu agupa'. She collected the shoots of yam to plant at the farm tomorrow. Un tiempu giya Luta sumen bula gihas kamuti. There was a time in Luta when sweet potato shoot was abundant.
gilagu n. caucasian, foreigner. Ginin gilagu na lugåt si Joe. Joe is from a foreign place.
giligilík n. tiny black insect (gnat?) that usually infests during rainy or humid season. Na'makaka esti i giligilik. The giligilik causes itching. Humålum i giligilik gi talanga‑hu. The giligilik got inside my ear. Magululumi i mannuk nu i giligilik. The hen was covered with giligilik.
Gilita n. one who speaks with a Luta accent. Si tatå‑hu sessu ha usa i tunådan Gilita. My father frequently speaks with a Luta accent. Un tungu' ha' i taotåo na ginin Luta sa' yanggin manguentus, un hunguk ha' na guaha tunåda, tunådan Gilita. You can tell if people are from Rota because when they speak, they have an accent, Rota accent. Esta tres åñus disdi ki sumaganñaihun yu' Luta ya på'gu esta tumunådan Gilita yu'. It has been three years that I've lived in Rota and now I speak the Rota accent.
gimin n. drink, beverage. Kåo ya‑mu esti na gimin? Do you like this drink? Ti måolik todu i gimin ni manmabebendi gi tenda. All the beverages at the store are not good to drink. Ha gimin i maipi na gimin. She drank the drink that is hot.
— vt. drink, sip, imbibe. Na'gimin i patgun sa' må'hu. Make the child drink because he's thirsty. Ti ya‑ña gumimin åmut Chamorro. He doesn't like to drink Chamorro medicine. Si Påli' ha gimin dispåpasiu i binu gi duråntin kumuñon. The priest sipped the wine slowly during communion.
gin cnj. if, when. Gin para un hånåo, na'siguru na un huchum i petta. If you are leaving, make sure you lock the door. Pues gin taiguennåo, tåya' mås siña bai hu sångan. If that's how it is, then I have nothing more to say. Suhåyi ennåo na tåotåo gin mama'baba. Move away from that person when he misbehaves.
ginacha' vi. be caught by, caught up by (passive). Ginacha' ham ni ira gi benti mit disiotchu. We got caught with the disaster in 2018. Maila' gi papa' trongku sa' un ginacha' ni ichan. Come under the tree or you will be caught in the rain. Mangginacha' ni sagu anai manhånåo gi halum tånu'. They caught the cold when they went into the forest.
ginagåo n. request, something asked for. Ginagåo esti siha para ayudun tåotåo. These are things requested to help the people. Bula na ginagåo ginin as Lucia. Lucia gave a lot of things that were requested. Aprubecha i ginagåo sa' ma'ufreresi håo. Take advantage of the things requested because they are being offered to you. See: pitisión.
ginagu' n. idleness, laziness. Bula na ginagu' gi gima'‑måmi. There is lots of idleness at my house. Gai ginagu' ha' esti na påtgun. This chiild is lazy at times. Gai ginagu' para u o'mak i patgun. There are times when kids show laziness to shower.
ginai hetdan n. sickness that has no remedy, sickness caused by being bewitched.
— adj. seriously sick, about to die. Anai mana'malångu, pumåsmu asta ki ginai hetdan. When she was bewitched, she became very weak until she was near death.
ginanna n. victory, gain, profit, acquisition. Masilebra ni buleru i ginanna gi paingi. The players celebrated their victory last night. Håyi bula ginannå‑ña gi botu? Who got the most from the votes? Siempri tåya' ginanna guini na binendi sa' bula dibåtdi. We're not going to make a profit from this sale because so much is for free.
ginasta n. waste, cost, expenditure, something worn out. Ginasta kinientus pesus gi giput. The party cost five hundred dollars.
ginatdun n. complication, obstruction, barrier, hindrance, impediment, entanglement. Guaha ginatdun gi kotti. There was a complication in court. Hu fåhan i tanu' familia ya bula ginatdun gi bandan påppit. I bought the family land but there were a lot of obstructions with the paperwork. Atrasåo yu' sa' guaha ginatdun guini na hinanåo. I was late because there were obstacles on this trip. Todu i tiempu guaguaha ha' ginatdun gi lina'lå'‑ta. There is always an impediment in our lives.
gine'hi vi. be supported (passive).
gine'hin chålan n. health condition of someone, usually a child or baby, who has fever and other symptoms of illness acquired away from home; usually from the spirits. Gine'hin chålan i patgun ginin kareran‑åiha gi chalan. The child's fever is from their travel on the road. Fuera di gine'hin chålan, guaha gine'hin tåotåo ‑‑ minalångu ginin minaipin ottru tåotåo. Aside from fever acquired from outside the home, there is fever acquired from the heat of another person.
— adj. have fever or other symptoms of illness acquired away from home. Mana'gine'hin chålan si Juan. John was made sick by the spirits while he was away from home. Påopåoyi i patgun åntis di un konni' huyung an puengi sa' u gine'hin chålan. Put perfume on the child before going out at night because he/she will get sick. Inamti si Juan as Tan Birinia anai mana'gine'hin chålan. John was cured by Auntie Virginia when he was sick from the spirits.
ginéfli'i' n. love, caring, devotion, affection. I ginefli'i' i nana para i patgun sen fiet. A mother's love for the child is unwavering. Ha na'fanu'i yu' nu i ginefli'e'‑ña. He showed me his affection. I ginefli'i' ginin i familian‑måmi tai finakpu'. The devotion from our family is endless.
gineflinan vi. experience a sensation in the eye caused by an object (usually, dust or a small object). Sessu ha yiluluk i atadok‑ña, sa' gineflinan. She frequently rubbed her eye, because the dust got into her eye. Åhi', ti kumåkati yu' na gineflinan yu'. No, I am not crying, something got into my eye. Tåmpi i matå‑mu kontra i manglu', sa' un gineflinan. Shield your eye from the wind, or you will get something in your eye.
ginéfsaga n. tranquility, freedom from commotion, serenity, peacefulness, luxury. Mansuetti i manlå'la' gi ginefsaga. The people that enjoy tranquility are lucky. Hu nisisita bai hu chagi lina'la' ginefsaga. I need to try the life of freedom. Yanggin esta håo umasagua, ti siña un gosa i lina'la' ginefsaga. Once you get married, you cannot enjoy the life of freedom. Mansuetti hit na tåotåoguis guini giya Notti Mariånas, sa' siña ta gosa i lina'la' ginefsaga. We are very lucky here in Northern Marianas because we can enjoy the freedom. Gof ya‑ña si Corrine ginefsaga na lina'la'. Corrine likes the life of luxury. Kåo ginefsaga lina'lå'‑mu guennåo giya Luta? Is your life filled with peacefulness there on Rota?
ginettun n. fold (in skin); imprint (on skin), impression (on skin), caused by something tied or pressing against, such as the elastic in socks or watchband. Yanggin esta biha esti i palåo'an, siempri ha' bula ginettun gi lassås‑ña. When a woman gets old, she will have wrinkles on her skin. Kulang esta biha i taotåo, sa' bula ginettun gi fasu‑ña. If there are lots of wrinkles on the face, it shows getting old. Anai mumasoksuk i bihu, bula nai ginettun gi petnån‑ña. When an old person lost weight, there were lots of wrinkles on his legs. Bula ginettun gi satnut i patgun ginin i chetnot‑ña. There were lots of imprints on the child's legs from his sore. Ti gof bunitu esti i kannai låhi yanggin bula ginettun ginin i tatu'. It's not very pretty on a man's hand to have a lot of imprints from tattoos. Gof måolik manyunga' ginettun si Romeo. Romeo is very good in doing imprints. Ti gof bunitu ennåo na ginettun gi fasu‑mu. It's not a pretty impression on your face. Måolik na ginettun gi matan nåna anai magraduha yu'. There was a good impression on mother's face when I graduated. Hinengngang si siñora Basa ya annuk bulan ginettun gi fasu‑ña anai ma'anunsia na'ån‑ña. Mrs. Basa was surprised when they called her name, it showed in the impression on her face. Kada hu usa mafñut na katsunis, todu manannuk i ginettun gi katsunis. Every time I use tight pants, it shows the shape against my pants. Ti gof bunitu gi yommuk na palåo'an para u annuk i ginettun gi magagu‑ña. It's not pretty for the fat lady to show her body tight against the clothes. Yanggin ma'esposa håo, siña un sienti i ginettun i posa. If they handcuffed you, you can feel the tightness of the handcuff against your skin.
— adj. have an imprint, be imprinted. Ginettun i kannai‑na annai hu hålla gui'. My finger was imprinted when I pulled her hand. See: ga'tut.
gini'ut vi. be shocked, as from electric shock (passive). Ti gigi'ut esti na tålin kåndit sa' mapunu' i elektrisidå på'gu. This electric wire is not live because the power was turned off today. Gini'ut i taotåo ya nina'lalangu. The man got shocked (electric) and it knocked him out. Pininu' i taotåo anai gini'ut nu i ilektrisidå. The man died when he got shocked by the electricity.
ginigik adj. infested with intestinal worms. Ginigik i patgun. The child is infested with intestinal worms. Nina'masosoksuk ha' i patgun yanggin ginigik. A child becomes emaciated if infested with intestinal worms. Mangginigik i famagu'un sa' ma gimin i applacha' na hånum. The children got infested with intestinal worms because they drank unclean water.
ginin prep. from. Ginin i ispitåt yu' mågi. I came here from the hospital. Ginin manu håo mågi? Where did you come from? Kåo ginin ennåo na tumaiguini esti? Was it from that that this happened?
— aux. used to (imperfect). Ginin lumåoya, pues fa'na'an malingu anai gume'lichan. He went for a stroll and he may have gotten lost when he went further south.
ginipu vi. blown away by wind. Ginipu i magågu. The clothes flew away. Adahi na un ginipu yanggin guaifun. Make sure that you don't get blown away when it gets too windy. Ha tåla' si nana i magågu ya ginipu. Nana hung the clothes and the wind blew them away. Ginipu i sabanas asta i bisinu. The wind blew the blanket to the neighbor's. Ti ha hoksi i salåppi' ya ginipu. She didn't put something on top of the money and the wind blew it away.
ginisa n. something sautéed with garlic or onions. Påopåo na ginisa ginin i bisinu. The sautée smells very good from the neighbor. Ginisa i gollai. The vegetable was sauteed.
ginitus finihu n. in Chamorro custom, the part of the marriage process when the parents from both sides agree to the marriage. Masiñåla i ginitus finihu para i diha dos gi Febreru på'gu na såkkan. They set the marriage agreement for February second this year. Esta på'gu na tiempu tåya' nu esti i ginitus finihu para i dos umatungu'. Nowadays there is no more of this kind of marriage agreement between the couples. Åntis i mañainan i lahi yan i palåo'an ha' sumiñåñala i ginitus finihu para i nobia yan i nobiu. A long time ago, only the parents of the couples could set the marriage proposal for the bride and groom. Gof bula mulestiån‑ña esti i setban ginitus finihu. There is a lot of work to set the marriage proposal. Esta ginitus finihu åntis di kumplimentu. The marriage agreement was said before the rehearsal dinner. Gi kutturan Chamorro, i lahi para u chine'gui esti i ginitus finihu. In Chamorro culture, the male is the only one who is supposed to do the marriage proposal. Åntis manåna'i tiempu esti i ginitus finihu gi nobiu yan i nobia. A long time ago, the parents of the groom and the bride would give a lot of time for the marriage proposal. Tåya' esta esti i ginitus finihu na tiempu, sa' mana'påha' i dumanña'‑ñiha i dos tåotåo. Nowadays there is no more of this marriage agreement set by the parents for the bride and groom, because the couples will stay together first.
giñu n. type of fish: silverside. Atherinomorus insularum (Family Atherinidae). Dikiki' i giñu na guihan. The silverside fish is small. Månngi' i giñu ma'aflitu ya mana'påttun. The silverside type of fish is very good when fried and made crispy. Mangonni' si tåta bula na giñu gi talayå‑ña. Father got a lot of silverside type of fish with his net. Variant: giño.
girigirik n. type of bird or fish??
girik adj. 1) greedy, ravenous, having a keen appetite for food or drink. Put achapaduk ha' i dos tåotåo, håyi gi hinassom‑mu mås girik? Since both people have big appetites, which one is more greedy? Bula kinanno'‑hu, låo gigirik ha' yu'. I ate a lot, but I am still ravenous. Ha na'girik yu' kada hu hassu fanihi. I have a keen appetite whenever I think of fruitbat. 2) avaricious, covetous. Mampus girik i taotåo put tånu'. The person is extremely covetous of land. Kana' måmatai ñalang låo girik ni salappe'‑ña. He is starving but he is greedy with his money. Ha atan girik yu', atyu na hu panak ni lampåsu. He gave me a covetous look, so I smacked him with the mop. See: hambientu.
girrim vt. go get them or him, attack. Mumalamåña ennåo na ga'lågu anai mafa'nå'gui manggirrim. That dog turned vicious when he was taught how to attack.
— intj. get out! Anai umessalåo i amigu‑hu "girrim" guatu gi ga'lågu, guiya mismu dinilalak ke di i sakki. Instead of the thief, my friend was attacked by a dog when he yelled "girrim". Si bihå‑hu guaha na ilek‑ña "girrim", låo gi hinasson‑ña para u sångan "get out!." At times my grandmother would say "get him" when she meant to say "get out!".
gisa vt. sautee (meat or chicken) in a shallow pan, mixing with onions or garlic. Ha gisa si nåna i gellai. Mother sauteed the vegetables. I nengkanu' manmagisa para i giput. The food was sauteed for the feast. Ti gof mapput esti i manggisan gollai. It's not hard to learn to cook vegetables mixed with garlic and onions.
gitåla n. guitar. Poddung i gitåla ya må'pi. The guitar fell down and it broke. Ya‑hu si Julian dumåndan gitåla. I like Julian when he plays the guitar. Suåbi i tunådan esti na gitåla. The tone of this guitar is soothing. Variant: kitåla. From: Sp. guitarra.
giya case. at, on, in, from, with; at our (excl) house, our (incl) house, your (pl) house, their house. Todu i taotåo giya Tinian manatungu'. All the people on Tinian know each other. Tåya' sumåsaga guihi giya Aguiguan. Nobody is staying in Aguiguan island. Ya‑ña i asaguå‑hu guini giya Tinian sa' silensiu. My husband likes to stay here in Tinian because it's very peaceful.
Giyanggua' name. ancient Chamorro name. Maila ya ta ågang hit Giyanggua'. Let's call ourselves Giyanggua'.
glop n. light bulb. Poddung i glop påpa' gi satgi ya måffak. The bulb fell down the floor and it broke. Kulot å'paka' esti na glop. This bulb is white. Hu tulaika i glop. I changed the light bulb. Variant: tåmma' dengki'. From: Eng. globe.
gloria n. glory, blessing, adoring praise, gratitude. Hu nå'i gloria i saina sa' bula nengkanu'. I gave my gratitude to god because of there is a lot of food. From: Sp. gloria.
glorifika vt. glorify, celebrate. Ma glorifika i mafañågun Jesu Kristu. They celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ. Tatkilu' na onru anai ma glorifika i finattun i Såntu Påpa giya Guåhan. It was a high honor when they celebrated the arrival of the Pope in Guam. Ti ma glorifika i ha'ånin i santus sa' manmaleffa. They did not celebrate the saint's day because they forgot. See: silebra. From: Sp. glorifica.
glorifikåo adj. glorified, glorifying. Mangglorifikåo i che'cho'‑ña. His work is glorifying. From: Sp. glorificado.
glota n. the name of the first letter of the alphabet, glottal stop, written '. Kana' gotgan yu' anai para bai usa i glota gi fino'‑ta. I almost choked when I tried to use the glottal stop in our language. Gai mineggai glota gi "si Yu'us ma'åsi'." There are a lot of glottal stops in "si Yu'us ma'åsi'." Guaha na biåhi na ti ta ripåra i glota gi fino'‑ta. There are times when we do not recognize the glottal stop in our language.
go- (from: go‑) vt. prefer, would rather. Variant: ga'o‑, ga'ña‑.
go'dan vi. overindulge, overextend, overdo, have too much of. Go'dan i ma'estra nu i leksion‑ña. The teacher overextended her lesson. Adahi na un go'dan gi huegu. Make sure you don't overindulge yourself with play. Go'dan si Ana umistoria. Ana went overboard telling her stories. See: daffluk, maluluk, motgan, muteru', tuhus.
go'hi vt. 1) hold, support. Hu go'hi håo nu i disision‑mu. I supported you in your decision. 2) retain by force, grasp. Hu go'hi i kannai annai mumu håo. I grasped your hands when you were fighting. See: go'ti, gu'ut, sustieni.
go'naf n. 1) scale; a thin coating, covering, or incrustation. Båstus i lassås‑ña si Kanice kulang go'naf. Kanice's skin is so rough like a scale. Atan i mapagåhis sa' kulang go'naf. Look at the cloud because it looks like a scale. Penta esti i petta na kulang go'naf ha'. Paint the door with a thin coating only. Na'suha todu ennåo i tumåtampi na go'naf gi lamasa. Remove all the thin coating that is covering the table. Gof mahettuk i go'naf i haggan. The turtle's carapace is hard. Kana' ha' todu i manggai kåskara na gå'ga' gi tasi manmahettuk go'naf‑ñiha. Almost all the shellfish in the ocean have hard scales. Guaha lokkui' na gå'ga' gi halum tånu' mahettuk go'nåf‑ña. Some animals in the jungle also have hard skins. 2) fish scale. Bula go'nåf‑ña i atingit na guihan. This atingit fish has a lot of scales. Si Sirena lamitå ha' gi tatåotåo‑ña tinampi ni ge'naf. Half of Sirena's body was covered with scales.
— vt. scale, take scales off of, pare off. Para bai go'naf i guihan. I will take the scales off of the fish.
go'ti vt. 1) hold, support, retain by force, grasp. Go'ti i tali sa' u falågu i guaka. Hold the rope because the cow might run away. Si Veronica ti ha go'ti i patgun ya poddung. Veronica didn't hold onto the child and he fell down. Ti ha go'ti si Joaquin i petta ya chinigit si Antonio. Joaquin did not hold the door and Antonio got hit. I haligi gumogo'ti i gima'. The pole is supporting the house. Hu go'ti i kareta ni para bai hu taka' i hinagong‑hu. I held onto the car so I could take my breath. I måkina ha' gumogo'ti i lina'lå'‑ña. The machine is supporting his life. Mago'ti si Rudy ni pulisia sa' tåya' lisensiån‑ña. Rudy was retained by the police officer because he doesn't have a driver's license. Anai humånåo yu' para Hapon, mago'ti yu' ni imigrånti. When I went to Japan, the immigration office retained me. Bula na famagu'un manmago'ti gi iskuela sa' manma'inbestitiga. A lot of students got retained at school because they were being investigated. Esti na tåotåo ha go'ti i kannai‑hu ya ha na'ma'å'añåo yu'. This man grasped my hands and he scared me. Gi paingi guaha gumo'ti addeng‑ña si Jun. Last night someone grasped Jun's feet. Ha go'tin måolik si Ben i kannai Maria. Ben grasped Maria's hand very tight. Na'go'ti yu' nu i kannai‑mu. Let me hold your hand. Hu go'ti håo annai para un mumu. I retained you by force when you were about to fight. 2) hold onto (the memory of), keep in memory, not forget. Hu go'ti i fino'‑ña si Juan, sa' un diha bai hu na'hassu gui' nu i fino'‑ña. I held onto Juan's words, because one day I will remind him of his words. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
goddas n. snare, lasso tied to the end of a pole.
— vt. catch animals, esp. by the neck. Magoddas i aga'ga' giraffe kontra i haligi. The giraffe was lassoed by the neck and tied to the end of the pole. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
goddi n. string, knot, hairband. Gaigi i goddi gi lamasa. The string is on the table.
— vt. tie up, fasten. Si Pileng ha goddi i ayuyu nu i gayi'. Pileng tied up the coconut crab with the wild bean vine. Ha goddi si Ramon i chiba nu i tali. Ramon tied up the goat with the rope. Si Carl ha goddi i ga'lågu sa' putno u fanåkka'. Carl tied up the dog so it won't bite. Ti ha tungu' gumoddi i sinturon‑ña si Bill. Bill does not know how to fasten his belt. Chinigit si Ton kalulot‑ña anai ha goddi i sinturon‑ña. Ton's finger got clipped when he fastened his belt. Ilek‑ña i pulisiha, "Goddi håo gi kareta." The police officer said "Fasten your seatbelt in the car." I tapbleru ilek‑ña "Goddi håo osino matiket håo." The billboard said, "Buckle up or you'll get ticketed." Guaha lai na debi kada humålum håo gi kareta, todu debi di u fanmagoddi. According to the law, every time you enter the car, every one in the car should buckle up. See: tramoha, gramaderu.
goddin kabåyu n. bowline (knot), any knot that will not slip or tighten up the loop on a post. Ti hu tungu' pumula' i goddin kabåyu. I don't know how to untie that type of knot.
— vt. tie with a knot. Magoddin kabåyu i binådu guatu gi trongku. The deer was tied up in a knot to the tree.
goddin sapåtus n. shoestring. Applacha' i goddin sapatos‑su. My shoestring is dirty. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
goddun vi. entrapped, trapped (with a snare). Goddun yu' gi lasu. I was trapped in the lasso. I binådu goddun gi lasun Tåta. The deer was trapped in Father's lasso. Sigi i patgun di umistoria put i håfa masusedi gi tenda nigap, pues ha na'goddun ha' gui'. The child was sharing a story about what happened at the store yesterday, and he entrapped himself.
gof adv. very, extremely (degree word). Gof malagu' i kumairek‑ku humugåndu bingo'. My godmother really wants to play bingo. Gof maipi i ha'åni på'gu. It's so hot today. Gof lalålu' si nåna sa' applacha' i halum guma'. Mother is very mad because the house is dirty. Esta gof sen lalålu' yu' gi as Joshua. I'm extremely mad at Joshua. I gof lalalo'‑ña si tåta, esta manlålåolåo i bos‑ña. Because father is extremely mad, his voice is shaking. Gof sen maguf si Chong anai manggånna salåppi'. Chong is extremely happy when she won money. Variant: ges, gos, gef. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gofgufan adj. scaly. Ha pagu' yu' i dagu ya todu gofgufan i kannai‑hu. The yam irritated my hand and it looks scaly. Todu i tasi ha na'gofgufan yu'. The sea makes me scaly. Guaha åmut natibu para i gofgufan. There's a native medicine for scaly skin. Variant: gosgufan.
gófha'an adj. sunny (of the day), good weather. Måolik manmatåla' i alunan sa' gofha'an. It's good to hang the clothes because it's a sunny day. Bula fina'gasen‑ña si Carmen sa' gofha'an. Carmen has a lot of washing because it's a sunny day. Måolik macho'chu' sa' gofha'an. It's good to work because it's a sunny day. Gofha'an na mes sa' tåya' påkyu'. It's good weather this month because there is no typhoon. På'gu na simåna gofha'an para pumeska. This week it is very good weather for fishing. Todu tiempu guini gi Måyu na mes gofha'an maseha para håfa. The month of May is a good weather for anything. På'gu na diha para gofha'an. Today is going to be a sunny day. Variant: gofhå'an, géfha'an. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gofis n. lung. Na'gåsgas i gofis binådu para fritåda. Clean the lungs of the deer for fritada. Hinatmi hånum i gofis Dennis. Dennis's lung has water. Guaha ma sodda' chetnut gi gofis Abraham. They found disease in Abraham's lung. Måtai si nanå‑hu ginin i kånsit gofis. My mother died from lung cancer.
góflamin adj. 1) charitable, beneficent, liberal in judging others. Mampus goflamin i ma'estra. The teacher is very charitable. 2) likable, well-liked, agreeable, pleasing. Si Maria goflamin na palåo'an. Maria is a pleasing woman.
— vt. approve of, view as charitable. Ti hu goflamin si Rosa put i bidå‑ña. I don't approve of Rosa because of what she did. Ha goflamin yu' si Nåna sa' måolik bidå‑hu. Mother approved of what a good thing I did. Magoflamin si Martin sa' gai rispetu. Martin was viewed as charitable because he is respectful. Esti i taotåo yanggin måolik bidåda‑ña, siempri ha' magoflamin. When a man does good things, of course he will be viewed as beneficent. Ti ma geflamin ennåo na palåo'an i che'cho'cho'‑ña. What that lady is doing is not beneficent. Magoflamin si LeeRoy as nanå‑hu sa' gof måolik na tåotåo. My mother really likes LeeRoy because he's a very beneficent man. See: guaiyayun. Variant: géflamin. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gofli'i' vt. like, befriend, love (platonically). Hu gofli'i' i bisinu‑hu. I like my neighbor. Mafa'nå'gui yu' na bai hu gofli'i' i chumåchanda yu'. I was taught to befriend those who disagree with me. Ha gofli'i' i bisinu‑ña taimanu i che'lu‑ña. He loves his neighbor like his brother. Mampus si Oscar ha gofli'i' i amigu‑ña. Oscar really likes his friend. I istudiånti ti ma gofli'i' i ma'estra. The students did not like the teacher. Si Miguel ha gofli'i' si Esteven sa' bråbu. Miguel likes Esteven because he's active. Malagu' si Cecilia para u gofli'i' si Angelene. Cecilia wants to befriend Angelene. Tåya' gumofli'i' si Jun gi iskuela. There is no one at school wants to be friends with Jun. Bula malagu' para u gofli'i' si siñot Obama. There are a lot of people who want to befriend Mr.Obama. Hu gofli'i' mampus i asaguå‑hu. I really love my husband. In sen gofli'i' todu i famagu'un‑måmi. We really love all our children. Ma sen gofli'i' ennåo na ma'estra. They really love that teacher. Magofli'i' na palåo'an si Maria. Maria is a likeable woman. Syn: guaiya, ya‑. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gofli'i'un adj. amicable, friendly, benevolent, kind, warm-hearted, harmonious. Si Ana gofli'i'un na tåotåo. Ana is a kind person. Ti gofli'un na tåotåo si Carlos sa' kuchinu macho'chu'. Carlos is not a amicable person because he's a dirty person. Mås gofli'un si Abel kinu si Justo. Abel is more amicable than Justo. Håyi mås gofli'un gi famagu'on‑mu? Who is the most amicable child among your children? Ti gof gofli'un si Jose na tåotåo. Jose is not a friendly person. Gof ya‑hu si Maria na påtgun sa' gofli'un. I like Maria very much because she is a friendly girl. Mampus manggofli'un i taotåo Tinian. All the people of Tinian are friendly people. Ti hu tungu' na gofli'un si Ana na palåo'an. I did not know that Ana is a benevolent girl. Måolik tåotåo ennåo sa' gof gofli'un para todu. That man is a good man because he's benevolent. Mampus gofli'un si nåna na palåo'an. Mother is a very kind lady. Todu i istudiånti ma guaiya ennåo na ma'estra sa' gofli'un. All the students like that teacher because she's so kind. Anai umiskuela yu' sanlagu, ti manggof gofli'un siha i istudiånti. When I went to school in the States, some of the students were not really kind. Tåya' ni manli'i' yu' gof gofli'un låhi. I've never seen a warm-hearted man. Bunitu ennåo na palåbra i gofli'un para un bunitan palåo'an. Harmonious is a beautiful word for a beautiful girl. Gof gofli'un ennåo na palåo'an as Rita. Rita is very harmonious lady. Anai umasagua yu', i familian i asaguå‑hu ma fanu'i yu' na ma gofli'un yu' When I got married, my husband's family welcomed me with warm hearts. Kada måttu hami yan i asaguå‑hu ginin i che'chu', esta i dos påtgun‑måmi gaigi na para u gofli'un hami. Every time my husband and I came from work, our two children were at the house ready to welcome us with warm-heartedness. Variant: gofli'un.
góflinan vi. have foreign matter get in one's eye, usually forcing one to shut the eye. Ha na'goflinan yu' i petbus. The dust went into my eyes. Puti matå‑hu anai ha na'goflinan yu' i inai. My eyes hurt when the sand went into my eyes. Ha istotba i inatan‑hu anai goflinan yu'. When something got into my eyes it disturbed my eyes.
gófsaga adj. wealthy, rich, affluent, characterized by abundance. Gofsaga i che'lu‑hu giya Oregon sa' guaha chi'cho'‑ña. My sister in Oregon is wealthy because she has a job. I gofsaga na tåotåo siña mamåhan guma'. The affluent person can buy a house. Gofsaga yu' på'gu na tiempu. I'm wealthy nowadays. Ti gofsaga i taotåo nai gagu' macho'chu'. A lazy person would never be wealthy. I brabu macho'chu', siempri ha' gofsaga. If you work hard, you can become rich. Iya Luta na isla gofsaga sa' bula fringkas gi halum tånu' yan i tasi. The island of Luta is rich in food, both on land and in the ocean. Variant: riku, míguinaha; géfsaga.
goftåo adj. generous, unselfish, selfless, having no regard for self. Goftåo si Jose na tåotåo. Jose is an unselfish person. Fåttu ha' giya Luta ya un li'i' håfa goftåo na tåotåo. Just visit Luta and you'll see generous people. Variant: geftåo.
goggui vt. save, rescue from danger, help, safeguard, protect, take care of. Manayuyut si Oscar gi as Yu'us para u goggui gui'. Oscar prayed to God to save him. Magoggui yu' nu i mañåntus. The saint saved me. Hu promesa si San Antonio para u goggui i sindålu siha. I asked Saint Anthony to save all the soldiers. Kumu måtmus si Anita ya måttu si Jun ya ha goggui. Anita almost drowned and Jun rescued her. Hinasa si Bete' gi boti ya måttu i pulisiha ya ha goggui. Bete' drifted away on a boat and the police rescued him. Kimason i gima' ya måttu si Juan para u goggui i familia. The house burned and Juan came to rescue the family. Ha goggui yu' si Rosa gi gima'. Rosa helped me at the house. Bula na tåotåo ma goggui si Pedro yan si Maggie gi duråntin chinatsagan‑ñiha. A lot of people helped Pedro and Maggie during their hardship. Ya‑ña manggoggui si Kika' na palåo'an. Kika' likes to help others. Che'cho'‑ña si Te' para manggoggui guma'. Te''s work is to safeguard the house. Bula ga'lågu para manggoggui istrangheru. There are a lot of dogs to safeguard the strangers. Tåya' siña gumoggui i gima' Gubetnu. There is no one to safeguard the governor's house. Todu i tiempu i amku' na påtgun gumogoggui i papå'‑ña siha. Usually the older sibling is the one who protects the younger siblings. I punidera mampus ha goggui i puyitos‑ña. The hen is protecting her chicks. Kada para u ma'udai si Jun gi biskletå‑ña, ha usa i mahettuk na tuhung para u goggui gui' yanggin aksidenti. Every time Jun is going to ride his bicycle, he wears a helmet to protect himself from accidents. Anai dikiki' si Joshua, si nanå‑hu gumogoggui. When Joshua was small, my mother was the one that took care of him. Håyi para u goggui si Nita yanggin humånåo i muchåcha? Who is going to take care of Nita if the maid goes? Libiånu si Tita sa' guaha muchåcha para u goggui i famagu'un gi gima'. Tita has no problem because she has a maid to take care of her children. I sindålu ma goggui i Prinsesa ginin i manbåba na tåotåo. The soldiers saved the Princess from the enemy. I mañågu na ga'lågu ha goggui i galagitu ginin i istrangheru. The mother dog saved the puppies from the stranger. I tata ha goggui i patgon‑ña anai para u aksidenti. The father saved his child when she was about to have an accident. Put fabot goggui yu' ni lachi‑hu siha. Please protect me from my mistakes. Kuntinuha gumoggui yu' mo'na gi karera‑hu. Continue protecting me on my journey.
gogu n. type of climbing plant: sea bean, St. Thomas bean. Entada phaseoloides. Dångkulu bayogu‑ña i gogu, ya mafa'muñeñeka. The seed of the sea bean is large, and is used to make dolls. Åmut i hagun gogu, ya mana'sesetbi gi mapga' mañågu. The leaves of the sea bean are medicinal, and are used to treat pelvic injuries. Syn: gåyi, bayogun dångkulu.
goha n. fan.
— vt. fan. Put fabot goha yu'. Please fan me. Si Mariano ha gueha i asaguå‑ña sa' mampus maipi. Mariano fanned his wife because she's very hot. Maila' ya un gueha yu' ya bai hu maigu'. Come and fan me so I can go to sleep. Gueha i nengkanu' sa' i lalu'. Fan the food because of the flies. Syn: bohåo. Variant: gueha, geha, goia.
gohi vt. loom over and cast a shadow, protect, as of a tall building or person. Gohi ennåo na kareta. Protect that car. Ha gohi yu' i trongku ginin i semnak. The tree protected me from the sun. Gohi håo kontra i semnak. Protect yourself from the sun. Gohi håo gi kantun guma'. Protect yourself by going next to the house. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
goia n. fan, blower, instrument to cause air to blow on.
— vt. fan, ventilate, aerate, cause air to blow on. Hu goia i guafi. I fanned the fire. Syn: bohåo. See: abaniku. Variant: gueha, goha.
gok-ku (from: gok‑ku) vt. I prefer, I would rather (first person singular). Gok‑ku na un saganñaihun dididi' ki un dingu ham på'gu. I rather you stay a while than leave us today. Gok‑ku na bai hu facho'chu' ki bai hu lalailai ha'. I rather work than just loaf around. Gok‑ku esti; hafa gom‑mu? I prefer this, what do you prefer? Variant: ga'ñak‑ku, ga'ok‑ku.
goleta n. schooner. Dångkulu ennåo na goleta. That schooner is big. Ya‑hu esti na klåsin goleta. I like this schooner. Ti bai hu na'guaha goleta guini. I will not have a schooner here. Måolik esti na goleta. This schooner is good. From: Sp. goleta. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gollai n. vegetable (generic). Bula gollai gi tendan Chinu. There were a lot of vegetables at the Chinese store. Månngi' i nappa' na gollai. The Chinese cabbage is a good vegetable. Kumåddu si nåna månnuk ya ha nå'yi gollai. Mother made chicken soup and she put vegetables in it. Ti gof bula gollai gi tenda. There are not a lot of vegetables at the store.
gollai åppan n. process of cooking (something) in liquid until the liquid evaporates.
— vt. cook (something) in liquid until the liquid evaporates. Månggi' i mendioka magollai åppan. The cassava is good when it's cooked until all the liquid evaporates. Variant: gelli'appan. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gollai åppan aga' n. ripe banana cooked in coconut milk; cooked banana. Månngi' i gellai åppan aga' makånnu' na maisa. It's good to eat ripe banana cooked in coconut milk by itself. Bula na famagu'un ma guaiya i gellai åppan aga', sa' mamis. A lot of children like to eat ripe bananas cooked in coconut milk, because they are sweet. Ha fa'nå'gui yu' si Nåna mama'tinas gollai åppan aga' anai singku åñus yu'. Grandma taught me how to cook ripe bananas in coconut milk when I was five years old. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gollai åppan chotda n. green banana cooked in coconut milk; cooked banana. I manåmku' ma guaiya i gellai åppan chotda na åggun. The elders like to eat green bananas cooked in coconut milk as a staple food. Ti maguaiya ni famagu'un i gellai åppan chotda. The children don't like the green banana cooked in coconut milk. Måolekña i gellai åppan chotda kinu i hineksa'. The green banana that is cooked in coconut milk is much better than the rice. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gollai åppan mendioka n. cassava cooked in liquid until the liquid has evaporated. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gollai åppan suni n. taro cooked in liquid until the liquid has evaporated. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gollai chotda n. type of food: chicken or meat cooked with bananas and coconut milk.
— vt. cook chicken or meat with bananas and coconut. Månngi' i bacon magollai chotda. The bacon is good to be cooked with bananas and coconut milk. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gollai fakka' n. dish made from cooked peeled stem and leaves of a red taro plant (Luta). Dinanchi i fina'tinås‑ña na gollai fakka'. Her dish made from taro stem and plant was cooked right. Gof månngi' masopas i hineksa' ni gollai fakka'. It's so delicious to put the prepared taro dish on rice. Tinaka' tiempu mana'lagu‑ña esti i gollai fakka'. Preparing the taro dish takes time.
— vt. mess up, not do a good job, not do something good. Adahi na un gollai fakka' håo. Be careful, don't mess yourself up. Sigi ha' si Jose di bumiråda asta ki gumollai fakka'. Jose keeps fooling around until he messes himself up. Tåt ni un banidosu ti gumollai fafakka' gui'. Not a single proud person does a good job.
gollai hågun suni n. type of food: taro tops cooked with coconut milk. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gollai kalamasa n. tender shoots of pumpkin vine. Ya‑hu ennåo i gollai kalamasa. I like that pumpkin vine. Mama'tinas yu' gollai kalamasa. I cooked pumpkin vines. Månngi' esti i gollai kalamasa. This pumpkin vine is good. Månngi' i mannuk fresku mafa'tinas yan i gollai kalamasa. Fresh chicken is good cooked with tender shoots of pumpkin vine.
goma n. 1) rubber, rubber band. Ha na'setbi i goma gi gaputulu‑ña. She used the rubber for her hair. Påo goma ennåo i kimasoson. The fire smells like rubber. Si Ina ha fletchi si Lillian nu i fletchan goma. Ina shot at Lillian with the rubber band. I famagu'un ma u'usa i goma para u fanhugåndu ta'yuk. The children used the rubber band to play high jump. Bula goma gi gaputulu‑ña si Cha'. There are a lot of rubber bands in Cha's hair. Mañuli' yu' goma gi tenda. I got some rubber bands at the store. Mandikiki' esti siha na goma. These rubber bands are small. Ti ya‑hu ennåo na klasin goma. I don't like that kind of rubber band. Hu usa i goma para i gaputulu. I use the rubber band for my hair. 2) innertube, tire. Nuebu esta i goma para i taia'‑hu. The innertube for my tire is already new. Gastådu i goma gi rueda ya påkpak. The innertube in the tire is worn out and it popped. Esta si Elloy ha na'nuebu i goman i taia'. Elloy put a new innertube in the tire. Tåya' ennåo gomå‑ña na biskleta. That bicycle has no innertube. Ti omlat i goma gi rueda. The innertube doesn't fit in the tire. Mampus ånchu i goma para i rueda. The innertube is too wide for the tire. Gof guaguan ennåo na goman kareta. That tire is very expensive for that car.
— vt. put a rubber band on. Ha balutan i lapis ya ha goma. He wrapped the pencil and then he rubber-banded it. From: Sp. goma. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gomgum adj. loose. Yengyung fan ennåo i nifen‑ña ya u gomgum. Shake his tooth so it can be loosened. I dentista ha tugan i nifen‑hu ni esta gomgum. The dentist pulled my loosened tooth. Anai hu yuti' påpa' i librå‑hu, todu i kasunes‑su manggomgum. When my weight went down, all my pants were loose. Hu na'gomgum i nifen‑hu. I loosened my tooth. Esta manggomgum i siya. The chair are already loose. Ti manggomgum i nifin Nåna. Mom's teeth are not loose. Esta i nifen‑hu gomgum. My tooth is loose.
— vt. jerk loose, loosen, pry loose. Si Jose ha gomgum i pettan santatti ni para u baba. Jose jerked loose the back door to open it. Guaha gumomgum i bintåna ni para u hålum. Someone jerked loose the window to go in. Hagas ha' magomgum ennåo i pettan suko'. They've jerked loose the door of the closet. Hekkua' håyi na påtgun gumomgum esti i pettan sanme'na. I don't know who pried loose my front door. Gof makkat magomgum ennåo na potta. It's very hard to pry loose that door. Sessu i pettan i kuåttun iskuela manmagomgum. The doors of the rooms at school are always pried loose. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gonggung n. mud wasp. Bula gonggung gi lanchun‑måmi. There are a lot of mud wasps at my farm. Si Anuncia ha galuti unu na gonggung gi halum guma'. Anuncia hit one mud wasp in the house. Manli'i' yu' dos na gonggung mumumu. I saw two mud wasps fighting. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gonggung vi. 1) grumble, growl. Gonggung si Manuel anai mapetdi. Manuel grumbled when he lost. Ti pumåra si William gonggung asta ki maigu'. William never stopped grumbling until he fell asleep. Gonggung si Lourdes sa' ti ma nå'i salappe'‑ña. Lourdes grumbled when they didn't give her money. Kada puengi i ga'lågu manggonggung. Every night the dogs growl. An lalålu' si tåta, gogonggung. When father gets mad, he growls. Sessu i ga'lågun hålum tånu' manggonggung. The wild dogs always growl. Sessu hu hunguk gonggung i bisinu. I always hear the neighbors grumble. Manggonggung i ga'lågu. The dogs growl. Gonggung si Maria annai lalålu'. Maria growled when she got mad. 2) rumble. Kada ogga'an si Tomas ha na'gonggung i måffura' karetå‑ña. Every morning Tomas make the muffler of his car rumble. Kada diha i batkun airi manggonggung gi hilu' i gima'. Every day the airplane rumbled on top of my house. 3) snarl in deep tones. Na'ma'añåo si Ton Ramon yanggin gonggung. When uncle Ramon snarls in deep tones, he's so scary. Guaha na biåhi ni hu hunguk gonggung gi san hiyung guma'. Sometimes I hear a sound like snarling in deep tones outside the house. An kumentus si De', a'gang gumonggung. When De' talks, he snarls in deep tones. 4) mutter, show vexation or anger by muttering under one's breath. Ti siña si Martha matågu' ya ti u gonggung. Whenever you ask Martha to do something, she's always muttering. Ti u gonggung si Ignacia yanggin un tågu'. Iguacia won't mutter if you ask her to do something. Ya‑hu si Alex kumonni', sa' ti u gonggung yanggin ti un fahåni gimen‑ña. I like to take Alex because he won't mutter if you don't buy him a drink. I lalalo'‑ña si Ben, esta hu lili'i' ha' gumogonggung gi matan Neng. I can see Ben when he was so angry muttering under Neng's face. Kada lalålu' si Jun, gogonggung gi me'nan fasu‑mu. When Jun gets angry, he will mutter under your face. Tåya' ni hu li'i' si Long gumonggung taiguihi gi as Nelly. I never saw Long get so angry like that, he even muttered under Nelly's face. Gonggung si Ana annai ti manå'i salappe'‑ña. Ana muttered when she didn't get any money. Gonggung i ma'estra sa' manåguaguat i famagu'un. The teacher muttered because the kids were naughty. Kada ma lalåtdi si Rosa, gumonggung. Every time they scolded Rosa, she muttered. Ti ya‑hu humunguk si Cecilia gumonggung. I don't like to hear Cecilia mutter. Gi paingi sigi si Kika' gumonggung gi maigo'‑ña. Last night Kika' mumbled in her sleep. Kada huntan ma'estra ya kumentus si Maria, mangonggung i ma'estra. Every time there is a teacher's meeting and Maria talks, all the teachers mutter in a complaining way. Kada ma tågu' si Te', tåya' na ti u gonggung. Every time they asked Te' to do something, he muttered in a complaining way. Todu tiempu i mañaina manggonggung ha' put i ma'estra. The parents mutter all the time about the teachers. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
goppi vt. jump over, leap over. Hu goppi i siya gi iskuela. I jumped over the chair at school. Ha goppi i kabåyu i kellat ya malågu. The horse jumped over the fence and ran away. Hu goppi i kellat anai ha dulalak yu' i guaka. I jumped over the fence when the cow chased me. Hu goppi i trångka sa' ha dulalak yu' i ga'lågu. I jumped over the cage when the dog chased me. I kairu' ha gogoppi i hagun siha. The frog leaped over on the leaves. Hu goppi i kattri si Jun kulang kairu'. Jun leaped over the bed like a frog. See: agua', adånggua'.
gopti vt. celebrate, commemorate. Ma gopti si Bernadino sa' kumpliaños‑ña. They are celebrating Bernadino's birthday. Ma gopti i nenin Ton sa' ma takpångi. They celebrated Ton's baby because they baptized her. Ma gopti si Flora anai måttu ginin sumindålu. They commemorated Flora when she came back from military service. Anai munhåyan i kulehu‑ña si Connie, ma gopti. When Connie graduated from college, they commemorated her for her accomplishment. Gi uttimun i iskuela, hu gopti siha i famagu'un ni todu i bidan‑ñiha. At the end of the school year, I commemorated the children for all their good work. Hu gopti i hagå‑hu gi gima'. I had a celebration for my daughter at the house. Ti ma gopti si Juan sa' åguaguat. Juan was naughty so they didn't have a celebration for him. Gopti i patgun sa' måolik bidå‑ña. Celebrate the child's accomplishment. In gopti i måolik na bidå‑ña si Lino gi iskuela. We celebrated all the good things Lino did at school. Kada såkkan magogopti i patron as San Jose giya Tinian. Every year the people of Tinian celebrate the fiesta for Saint Joseph. Variant: silebra.
gora n. cap. Ya‑hu ennåo na gora. I like that cap. Ha usa i gora gi ilu‑ña. He wore the cap on his head. Bula gora gi gima'. There are lots of caps at the house. Syn: tuhung. From: Sp. gorra.
gosa vt. enjoy, have satisfaction. Ha gosa gui' i patgun ni mångga ya nina'masisinik. The child overindulged himself with the mangeos and he is having diarrhea. I patgun ha gosa gui' anai gaigi giya Estådus Unidus. The child was overwhelmed when she was in the United States. Ha gosa gui' i taotåo åntis di u asagua. The person enjoyed himself before getting married. Hu gosa i minagof‑hu. I enjoyed my happiness. Ha gosa gui' i palåo'an. The lady enjoyed herself. Hånåo ya un gosa håo bumaila. Go and enjoy yourself dancing. Bai hu gosa yu' gi giput. I will enjoy myself at the party. Adahi na ti un gosa håo gumimin. Make sure that you enjoy yourself drinking. Duru i nana ha gosa gui' ya maleffa ni patgun. The mother is enjoying herself and she forgot the baby. Ti hu gosa i na'‑hu mahongngang sa' unu ha'. The lobster didn't satisfy me because there was only one.
gosgusan n. medicinal plant that grows near the ocean. Bula gosgusan di kantun tåsi. There are lots of medicinal plants at the beach. Variant: gosgufan. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gosni n. crustacean that has molted. Guaha gosni gi nengkanu'. There were some molted crustaceans in the food. Bula na gosni gi plåtu. There were a lot of molted crustaceans on the plate. Ti ya‑hu ennåo na gosni guini. I like that molted crustacean here.
— vi. 1) pull out. 2) molt (of crustaceans), as when a crab becomes soft after it sheds its shell. Kuåntu na ayuyu kinenne'‑mu ni manggosni? How many molted coconut crabs did you catch? Ha na'lågu si Marcos tres na ayuyu ni manggosni. Marcos cooked three coconut crabs that had molted. Manggosni i ayuyu ni hu konni' gi kantun chålan. The coconut crabs that I caught by the road had molted. Mungnga makonni' i hagåhaf ni manggosni. Don't catch the sea crabs that are molted. See: manggosña.
gosu n. hymn, sung at a novena in addition to the regular songs. Ya‑hu i gosu na kånta. I like the hymn. Kumånta yu' nu i gosu. I sang the hymn. Ågang i gosu ginin i giput. Call the person who sang the hymn at the party. Bunitu ennåo na gosu. That hymn is beautiful. Kada ogga'an hu hunguk gosu ginin i gima' Yu'us. Every morning I hear hymns from the church. Bunitu na gosu si Alice ha kånta gi nobena. Alice sang a beautiful song at the novena. I nobenan Sånta Maria bula na gosu siha manmakåkanta. In Saint Mary's novena there were a lot of extra songs they were singing.
— vt. sing (a hymn). Ya‑ña si tåtan bihu gumosu bunitu na kånta. Grandfather likes to sing nice hymns. Gof bunitu ma'ekkunguk i kantora manggosu. It's very nice to listen to the choir's hymn. From: Sp. gozo. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gota n. drop (of liquid). Un gota ha' na åmut para un chuli' kada diha. You're only going to take one drop of medicine a day. Ma na'gimin i patgon‑hu tres gota na åmut måkpung. They made my child drink three drops of bed-wetting medicine. Kalentura i neni ya ma na'gimin un gota na aspirina. The baby is sick and they made her drink one drop of aspirin. Na'gimin i patgun dos gota kada kuåttru oras. Make the child drink two drops every four hours. Variant: to'hi. From: Sp. gota. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gotdin kabåyu n. type of tying or knot.
gotgan vi. 1) get something stuck in one's throat. Adahi na un gotgan nu i te'lang guihan. Make sure that you don't get the fish bone stuck in your throat. Adahi na un na'gotgan i neni nu i nengkanu'. Make sure that you don't get the food stuck in the baby's throat. Gotgan yu' ni tolang guihan. The fish bone got stuck in my throat. 2) be caught by surprise. Esta un na'gotgan ha' yu' nu i fino'‑mu. You startled me with your words. Variant: ga'otgan.
gotgut adj. 1) characterized by telling tales, gossiping, telling on others. Gotgut atyu na palåo'an. That lady is a gossip. Adahi håo guihi na songsung sa' bula gotgut. Be careful in that village because there are lots of gossips Si Alice ti ya‑ña si Rosa sa' gotgut. Alice doesn't like Rosa because she's a tale-teller. Humånåo si Ana para i bisinu ya duru ta'lu gotgut. Ana went to the neighbor again and she told tales again. Gof gotgut si Maria mampus na palåo'an. Maria is a gossiper. Ti ya‑hu esti i taotåo yanggin gof gotgut. I don't like a person that gossips a lot. Bula gotgut na tåotåo gi halum ofisina. There are a lot of gossipers in the office. 2) characterized by berating others. Sessu si Rosa gotgut. Rosa berates others often.
— vt. berate. Sessu si Chå' ha gotgut put si Rose. Chå' likes to berate Rose. Håyi gumotgut put si Jose? Who is the one that berates about Jose? Esti siha na famalåo'an para u fanggotgut ha' put ottru. These women like to berate other people.
gotpi adv. suddenly, abruptly, instantly. Gotpi kumåti i neni sa' poddung. The baby cried all of a sudden when she fell. Gotpi tuma'yuk yu' annai tinekcha' dagån‑hu. I jumped up all of a sudden when I got poked on my buttocks. Mamomokkat yu' gi chalan ya gotpi humuyung i katu. I was walking on the road and suddenly the cat came out. Linåo ya gotpi kå'ka' i chalan. The earthquake came and the road abruptly cracked. Anai hu dåggåo i kutdet, gotpi måktus. When I threw the line, it suddenly snapped. Gotpi ha' måffak i basu. All of a sudden the glass broke. Ti siña un chuli' gotpi ennåo. You cannot take that instantly. See: diripenti.
gråba n. grave, place where one is buried. Hu na'gåsgas i gråba. I cleaned the grave. Mampus dikiki' esti na klåsin gråba. This grave is so small. Na'gåsgas fan i gråba. Please clean the grave.
— adj. grave, serious. Sen gråba i malångu‑mu. Your illness is very serious. Variant: gråbu, gråbi. From: Sp. grave. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
grådu n. 1) rank, status, degree of relationship. Håfa ennåo na tåotåo gradu‑ña guennåo na ofisina? What is that man's rank in that office? Ma håtsa gradu‑hu gi che'cho'‑hu. They gave me a rank at my work. Tåya' gradu‑ña si Mike gi sindålu. Mike has no rank in the service. Si Abbie ti ya‑ña låhi ni tåya' gradu‑ña. Abbie doesn't like a man that doesn't have status. Ti båli guaha gradu‑mu låo tåya' rispetu‑mu. It's useless to have status but do not have respect. Gof na'maguf yanggin guaha gradu‑mu gi kumunidåt. It's so great to have status in the community. 2) grade, mark indicating a student's level of achievement. Kåo måolik gradu‑mu? Is your grade good? Ti nahung gradu‑ña gi iskuela. His grades at school were not enough. Ha cho'gui måolik na cho'chu' ya ma nå'i måolik na grådu. He did good work and they gave him a good grade. 3) grade, class in school. Kuåntu grådu håo? What grade are you in? Hu na'funhåyan i dossi grådu. I finished the twelveth grade. Ti ha kumpli si Juan i dies grådu. Juan did not complete the tenth grade. From: Sp. grado.
graduha n. 1) thermometer. Poddung i graduha gi butsiyu. The thermometer fell from the bag. Mayamak esti na graduha. This thermometer is broken. 2) temperature. Hu chuli' i graduhå‑ña i neni. I took the temperature of the baby. Ti måolik i graduha gi kareta. This temperature inside the car is not good. I graduha para på'gu na diha sen maipi. The temperature for today is hot.
— vt. check the temperature of, take the temperature of. Tatkilu' i kalenturan Maria anai ma graduha nigap. Maria's temperature was high yesterday when they checked it. Ma graduha i nenin Isabel låo tåya' kalenturå‑ña. They checked the temperature of Isabel's baby but she doesn't have any fever. Hu konni' i patgun para i espitåt para u magraduha. I took the child to the hospital to have his temperature checked. Ha tungu' ha' si Corrine grumaduha i famagu'on‑ña. Corrine knows how to take her children's temperature. Todu i imfitmera debi di uma tungu' manmanggraduha. All the nurses should know how to take someone's temperature. Anai hu graduha si Kavika, gof tatkilu' kalenturå‑ña. When I took Kavika's temperature, it was very high. See: magraduha. From: Sp. gradua. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gramaderu vt. secure, tie down, lash down, knot. Gramaderu i babui ya ti u falågu. Secure the pig so that it won't run away. Gramaderu i tentu' sa' u gupu. Tie down the canopy so it won't fly away. Mungnga magramaderu i asaguå‑mu. Don't tie down your spouse. Esta gramaderu i lina'lå'‑ña sa' bula salåppi', guaha guma', yan cho'chu'. His life is already secured because he has a lot of money, a house, and work. See: tramoha, goddi. Variant: gramadera.
gramaderu n. type of plant. cynodon dactylon (?). Bula gramaderu gi lanchu. There are many cynodon dactylon plants at the farm. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gramåtika n. grammar. Usa i propiu na gramåtika. Use the proper grammar. Na'setbi i dinanchi na gramåtika gi sintensia. Use the correct grammar in the sentence. Ha cho'gui i sinsura gi gramåtika na seksion ya ti ha danchi. He did the test on the grammar section and he got it all wrong. Måolik gramatikå‑ña si Ming gi istoriå‑ña. Ming has good grammar in her story. From: Sp. gramatica.
granåda n. type of plant: pomegranate. punica granatum. Ya‑hu esti na granåda. I like this pomegranate. Manokcha' i trongkun granåda. The pomegranate tree is starting to bear fruit. Måsa i granåda. The pomegranate is ripe. Månngi' i granåda makånnu'. The pomegranate is delicious to eat. I suruhåna ha usa i granåda para åmut. The local doctor used the pomegranate for medicine. I tinekcha' granåda bula pipitås‑ña. The pomegranate fruit has a lot of seeds. Nihi ya ta tånum i granåda gi lanchu. Let's plant the pomegranate tree at the farm. From: Sp. granada.
grånu n. piece, part, fragment, any single object or individual of a class or group; not a bit. Hokka ennåo na grånu gi satgi. Pick up that fragment from the floor. Manpoddung siha i grånu gi lamasa. All the fragments fell down from the table. Bula na grånu ginin i plåtu‑mu. There are a lot of crumbs on your plate. Un grånu ha' na plåtu. There is only one plate. Hu tånum dos grånu na pipitas kåhit. I planted two orange seeds. Fahåni yu' siboyas yan dos grånu na mai'is. Buy me onions and two ears of corn. Un grånu ha' hu nisisita na siboyas. I need only one piece of onion. Ni un grånu ti ma påtti gi tanu'. Not even one part did they give him on the land. Ti ma påtti si Kiko' ni un grånu na guihan. They didn't give Kiko' even one part of the fish. Tåya' sopbla ni un grånun pidåsu gi katu. There is nothing left over, not even a part of the cat. Esta bisiu ya ni un grånu ni ha cho'gui. He is doing it frequently. Sessu esta humånåo ya ni un grånu ni ha sångan. He frequently goes out and he never tells. Kulang esta sessu chomotchu si Tess ya ni un grånu ha na'sosopbla. Tess is frequently eating and she never saves any. Todu manhånåo ya ni un grånu sumåsaga. Everybody is going and none of them is staying. Ni un grånu malagu' sumåga gi gurupu. No one wants to stay in the group. Todu atyu i manmalångu put kånsit, ni un grånu låla'la'. All the people that have cancer, none of them is still alive. From: Sp. grano.
grånu matditu n. boil, large festering of the skin. Mås mumeggai grånu matditu yanggin sessu un tufung. If you always count the boils, you will have more. Guaha grånu matditu gi papa' afa'fa' Rosa. There is a boil under Rosa's armpit. Dångkulu matå‑ña i grånu matditu gi adding i patgun. There is a big boil under that child's foot. Sessu nina'yi si Elloy ni grånu matditu. Elloy always has a large festering on his skin. Gof måolik i amut Chamorro para esti i grånu matditu na chetnut. The Chamorro medicine for large festerings of the skin is very good. Båsta chumotchu chandiha, sa' ennåo muna'bubula grånu matditu gi tatåotåo‑mu. Stop eating watermelon, because that is why there is always a large festering on your skin. Na'machek håo nu ennåo i grånu matditu sa' esta sala'. Go and get yourself checked with that boil because it is getting more severe. Mungnga mana'atdit ennåo i grånu matditu gi kannai‑mu. Don't make that boil in your hand more severe than before. Atdetña esti i kånsit kini ennåo i grånu matditu. The cancer is more severe than the boil. Ti ya‑hu ennåo i grånu matditu. I don't like that boil. Nina'yi grånu matditu si Jose gi dagan‑ña. Jose has a boil on his buttocks. Bula mannina'yi grånu matditu giya Luta. There are a lot of people getting boils on Rota. Humånåo yu' para i espitåt annai guaha grånu matditu gi kannai‑hu. I went to the hospital when I had a boil on my hand. Pokpuk yan puti esti i granu matditu. The boil is swollen and it hurts. Ti ya‑hu na para bai hu gai granu matditu. I don't like to have a boil.
— adj. have boils. Grånu matditu si Ana gi addeng‑ña. Ana has boils on her leg.
gråsia n. grace, kindness. Bula gråsia giya hågu. You have a lot of kindness within you. Ya‑hu esti i måfattu i gråsia giya hita. I like it when all the kindness is coming to us. Gef adahi ennåo na gråsia i ginin hilu'. Make sure you take care of all the grace that comes from up above. Bula gråsia yanggin manaitai håo. You'll receive a lot of grace from praying. Måmpus bula grasiå‑ña si Che'. Che' has lots of kindness. Iståba tåya' grasiå‑ña si Joann. Before, Joann was not kind. Bula gråsia ginin as Yu'us. There is a lot of kindness from God. Båba manbålli yanggin esta puengi sa' un na'susuha i gråsia ni para u hålum. It's bad luck to sweep at night time because you're removing the grace from the Lord that is coming inside. From: Sp. gracia.
— vt. give thanks to. Ta nå'i gråsia i saina sa' ti manpinakyu hit gi ma'pus na såkkan. Let's give thanks to the Lord that we didn't have a typhoon last year. Si Antonio ha nå'i gråsia i saina sa' pumeska ya mehna. Antonio gave thanks to the Lord because he went fishing and he caught a lot.
gråsias adios adv. fortunately, luckily, it's a good thing, thank God, how fortunate. Manpeska si Isidro ya nåpu, låo gråsias adios na esta manhålum. Isidro went fishing and it was very rough, but fortunately they came in. Poddung si Dylan gi trongkun niyuk ya gråsias adios na ti måhluk. Dylan fell down from the coconut tree and fortunately he didn't break anything. Gråsias adios sa' manaluf si Benita. Luckily Benita waved. Mamåhan yu' tikit ya gråsias adios na manggånna yu'. I bought a ticket and luckily I won. Esta gof atrasåo yu' anai måttu yu' gi plasan batkun airi, låo gråsias adios na ma konni' ha' yu'. I came late to the airport and luckily they let me go. Mañågu i ga'‑hu babui ya gråsias adios na felis todu i letchun. My pig gave birth and it's a good thing all the piglets are alive. Ti manistudia yu' låo gråsias adios na hu gånna. I didn't study and it's a good thing I passed. Anai machek si Elloy addeng‑ña sa' esta todu manmala'la', gråsias adios na tåya' ma sodda' mås. When they checked Elloy's feet because they were all sore, it's a good thing that they didn't find anything serious other than the sore. Anai manaksidenti si Calvin gi kareta, gråsias adios na ti måtai. When Calvin got into a car accident, thank God that he didn't die. Anai manhinasa si Ben yan i familiån‑ña, gråsias adios na manmasodda' chaddik. When Ben and his family drifted away, thank God that they were found quickly. Ti siña hu sodda' todu i pappit tånu', låo gråsias adios na guaha kopia gi kotti. I couldn't find all the documents for the land, but thank God that there were copies at the court. Gråsias adios na uchan sa' esta gof ånglu'. How fortunate it rained, because it's very dry. Gråsias adios na bakasion sa' esta gof yayas yu'. Thank goodness it's vacation, because I'm very tired. Anai måtai si Tun Pedro, manmapåtti todu ni guinaha, gråsias adios na ma nå'i si Long lokkui'. When Uncle Pete died, the children got some wealth and how fortunate that they gave something to Long also. Gråsias adios na låla'la' ha' si nåna ya siña ha ayuda yu'. How fortunate my mother is still alive and she can help me. Gråsias adios na uniku ha' na påtgun si Rudy ya guiya chumuli' todu i guinaha. How fortunate that Rudy was the only child and he got all the wealth to himself. From: Sp. gracias a Dios.
grasiosu adj. graceful, charming, delightful. Grasiosu mampus i asaguan i Atkåtdi. The Mayor's wife is a graceful lady. An mamokkat si Cecilia, mampus grasiosu. When Cecilia walks, she walks gracefully. Mampus manggrasiosu esti siha na famalåo'an an manbaila. When the girls dance, they dance gracefully. Yanggin grasiosu i taotåo, siempri bula afa'måolek‑ña. When a person is very charming, he has a lot of friends. Gof grasiosu si Juan na tåotåo. Juan is a charming man. Tåya' ni manli'i' yu' un grasiosu na palåo'an kumu si Diana. I've never seen a charming lady like Diana. I grasiosu na tåotåo mampus ma guaiya. They like a delightful person. Gof grasiosu si Ben na tåta. Ben is a delightful father. Mampus manggrasiosu esti siha na famagu'un. These children are delightful children. From: Sp. gracioso.
gratifika n. reward. I ma'gas‑måmi ha nå'i hami gratifika put i måolik na che'chu'‑måmi. Our supervisor rewarded us for our good work. Bula gratifikan‑ñiha i famagu'on‑hu ginin i iskuelan‑ñiha. My children have a lot of reward from their school.
— vt. gratify, reward, repay, compensate, remunerate. Si nåna ha gratifika yu' sa' manosgi yu'. Mother rewarded me because I listened to her. Mampus hu gratifika i famagu'on‑hu sa' manmano'osgi todu i tiempu. I showed gratitude to all my children because they were listening all the time. Tåya' esti siha na famagu'un ni ma gratifika si nanan‑ñiha. These children never show gratitude to their mother. Hu gratifika i istudiånti sa' ma kumpli i che'chu' påppit. I rewarded the students because they completed their paperwork. Ti hu tungu' taimanu para bai hu gratifika si Jose ni che'cho'‑ña. I don't know how to repay Jose for the work that he did. Ti siña hu gratifika si tatå‑hu yan si nanå‑hu ni ha na'dångkulu yu'. I cannot repay my dad and my mom for raising me. Debi di uma gratifika si Joann ni todu i bidåda‑ña gi iskuela. They have to compensate Joann for all the things that she's doing for the school. Magratifika si Arsene salåppi' ni bidå‑ña siha gi kumunidåt. They compensated Arsene with money for all his work in the community. Ti siña magratifika si De' ni che'cho'‑ña gi iskuela. They didn't compensate De' for his work at school. Ha keke'kumprendi si Chona' taimanu para u gratifika i malingu‑ña gi bangku. Chona' is trying to understand how to remunerate her loss at the bank. Hekkua' kåo siña si Te' ha gratifika i malingun mañaina‑ña siha gi tiempun gera. I don't know if Te' can remunerate his parents' loss during the war. Ha keke'chagi si Lalang para u gratifika i karetå‑ña tåtti gi bangku. Lalang is trying to remunerate her car back from the bank. From: Sp. gratifica.
gratifikasión n. gratification, gratitude, reward, thanks. Mannå'i yu' gratifikasion gi gima' yu'us. I gave thanks at the church. Si Ton ha nå'i gratifikasion para todu i taotåo‑ña siha. Ton gave thanks to all his workers. Ti ha tungu' si Alfred mannå'i gratifikasion gi taotåo‑ña. Alfred doesn't know how to give thanks to his people. Ha gof tungu' si John mannå'i gratifikasion gi as nanå‑ña. John really knows how to show his gratitude to his mother. Gof måolik mannå'i gratifikasion si siñot Henry. Mr. Henry is very good in showing gratitude. Ti ha tungu' mannå'i gratifikasion si Rita. Rita doesn't know how to show gratitude. Debi di un nå'i gratifikasion i manmacho'chu' makkat. You have to reward those who work hard. Bula ma nå'i na gratifikasion si Cassie anai magraduha. They gave Cassie a lot of rewards when she graduated. Tåya' ni ma nå'i si Tess gratifikasion. They never give Tess a reward. Dångkulu na gratifikasion ginin i Mayot. A big thank you from the Mayor. Hu nåna'i si LeeRoy un dångkulu na gratifikasion put i bidå‑ña gi iskuela. I'm giving thanks to LeeRoy for all the work that he did for the school. Ti ha tungu' mannå'i gratifikasion si Ming. Ming doesn't know how to give thanks. From: Sp. gratificación. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gråtis n. tip, aid. Hu nå'i gråtis i patgun sa' ha såosåo i lamasa. I gave the child a tip for wiping the table. Debi di un agradesi i gråtis nai manå'i håo. Appreciate the aid given to you.
— vt. give (someone) (something) for free, give (someone) (something) as a tip. Mamåhan yu' dies na mai'is ya magråtis yu' dos. I bought ten ears of corn and they gave me two more for free. Mangguåssan yu' gi bisinu ya ma gråtis yu' buñelus aga'. I pulled weeds at the neighbor's and they tipped me with banana bread. Hu na'empas i dibi‑hu gi tenda ya ma gråtis yu' un dusenan chåda'. I paid off all my debts at the store and they tipped me with a dozen eggs. From: Sp. gratis.
gråtu n. gratitude, gratefulness, thanks. Malagu' yu' para bai hu nå'i gråtu i familiåk‑ku. I would like to give thanks to my family. Ti ha tungu' esti siha na tåotåoguis manmannå'i gråtu. These types of people don't know how to give thanks. Gai gratu para i saina‑mu. Have gratitude to your parents.
— adj. grateful. Gof gråtu ennåo na palåo'an gi asaguå‑ña. That lady is very grateful to her husband. Mampus gråtu yu' ni hagå‑hu as Cecilia. I'm so grateful to my daughter Cecilia. Si nanå‑hu mampus gråtu para i famagu'on‑ña. My mother showed gratefulness to her children. Ant: inggråtu. From: Sp. grato.
grifu n. faucet, tap. Fa'gåsi i lampåsu gi grifu. Wash the mop at the faucet. Tulaika i gurifu sa' sumi'. Change the faucet because it's leaking. Ti ya‑hu gumimin hånum gurifu. I don't like to drink tap water. Ma'asin i hanum gurifu giya Saipan. The tap water in Saipan is salty. Variant: gurifu. From: Sp. grifo.
griyus n. male cricket. Mampus buruka i griyus gi me'nan i gima'. The male cricket in front of the house is noisy. Anai hu baba i petta, manggupu huyung i guriyus. When I opened the door, the male crickets flew out. Ti ya‑hu i guriyus na gå'ga'. I don't like the male cricket kind of insect. Variant: guriyus. From: Sp. grillos.
gu'ut vt. hold, support, retain by force, grasp. Gu'ut måolik i lapis yanggin para un fånggi'. Hold the pencil good if you're going to write. Gugu'ut i tali ya un hålla. Hold the rope and then pull it. Si tåta gumugu'ut esti na familia. Father is the one that supporting this family. I haligi gumugu'ut i atuf. The pole is supporting the roof. Bula na estrangheru manmagugu'ut ni imigrånti. There are a lot of aliens who are being held by the immigration. See: go'ti, sustieni, mantieni.
guå'ding vt. cause to stumble, cause to trip. Si Benedicto ha guå'ding si William anai mamomokkat. Benedicto tripped William when he was walking. Ha guå'ding yu' i alåmli. The wire tripped me. Mamokkat yu' gi hemhum ya ha guå'ding yu' i hayu. I walked in the dark and the stick tripped me.
gua'gua' vt. cause regurgitation by sticking one's finger down the throat. Hu gua'gua' i patgun sa' ga'otgan. I stuck my finger in the child's throat because he was choking. Bulåchu si Juan ya ha gua'gua' gui' para u muta'. Juan was drunk and he put his finger down his throat to throw up. Hånåo gua'gua' håo gi kemmun. Go and stick your finger in your throat to throw up in the bathroom. See: gue'gui'. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
guå'guas vt. scrub, as in washing one's body. See: guesgues.
guå'hi vt. reduce heat of. Guå'hi i guafi, sa' måmpus ma'lak. Reduce the heat of the fire, because it's very hot. Dokngus i tininu, sa' ti ha guå'hi si Fred i guafi. The barbeque is burned, because Fred didn't reduce the heat of the fire. Atrasåo si Inas ha guå'hi i guafi ya kimason i kellat. Inas was late reducing the heat of the fire and the fence burned. Variant: guahi.
guå'i vt. transfer (food) to a different container for cooking. Ha guå'i si Carlos i kaddun kåtni sa' mampus dångkulu i sahguan‑ña. Carlos transferred the meat soup because the container was too big. Guå'i i saibuk aga' sa' dididi' ha' esta. Transfer the cooked banana to another container because it's not that much. Mampus dikiki' i la'uya, pues maguå'i para i lamoddung. Because the pot is small, I transferred it to a bigger container. Variant: guåhi. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gua'luk vt. harvest (textile pandanus leaf). Gualuk i akgak. Harvest the pandanus leaf. Variant: guåluk.
gua'uf vi. rev up, as for a high speed race or chase, get excited and ready in anticipation. Esta mangguagua'uf i ga'lågu put para u tuchu i gayu. The dog was getting ready with excitement to attack the rooster. Ha na'guagua'uf i karetå‑ña para u achikak. He was revving up his car for the race.
guå'ut n. stairs, stairway, steps, ladder. Kahulu' i patgun gi gua'ut ya poddung. The child climbed up the stairs and he fell down. Gof ånchu esti na guå'ut. These stairs are very wide. Ti siña un su'un i kalesa hulu' gi gua'ut. You cannot push the wheelchair up the stairway. Ti ma rekumenda na u guaha guå'ut gi iskuela. They don't recommend to have stairways at school. Matomba i gua'ut ya ha huluk i trongku. The ladder fell down and it broke the tree.
guådduk vt. 1) dig, excavate. Ha guådduk i hoyu para u tånum i dagu. He dug a hole to plant the yam. Para u guådduk si Påli' hoyu para sagan hånum. The priest will dig a hole for the water. Ha guådduk i mannuk i tinanom‑hu kalamasa. The chicken excavated my pumpkin plantation. Ha nisisita dångkulu na måkina para u guådduk esti i chalan. To excavate this road it needs the big machine. Gof tåddung esti i Notti Mariånas na tåsi, atyu na ti siña maguådduk ni makinåria. The Northern Marianas trench is so deep, that's why no machine can reach it. Tåddung para u maguådduk na hoyu ni para u mahåtsa i tellai. They're going to dig a deep trench to build the bridge. 2) investigate. Gof måolik ennåo na pulisiha sa' ha guådduk todu i infotmasion siha. That is a good police officer because he investigated all the information. Malagu' yu' para bai hu guådduk tåtti mangginin manu mågi i mangguello‑hu siha. I want to investigate where my ancestors came from. Ya‑hu umegga' put esti siha i para manmangguåddok na mubi. I like to watch a show about people who like to investigate. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
guaddukun n. tool for digging. Ramentan guaddukun esti i fusiñus. The fusiñus is a tool for digging. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
guåfak n. woven mat. Guaha guåfak gi tenda mabebendi. At the store there are lots of woven mats for sale. Gaigi i guåfak gi satgi. There is a woven mat on the floor. Si nånan biha ha nå'i yu' matufuk na guåfak. My grandmother gave me a woven mat.
guåfi n. fire, combustion, conflagration, burning mass of material. Iståba yu' gi lanchu ya hu li'i' dångkulun guåfi gi bisinu. When I was at the farm, I saw a big fire at the neighbor's. Guaha guåfi gi fihun i karetan Anthony. There is a fire near Anthony's car. Maleffa si David, ti ha punu' i ha totni na guåfi. David forgot to put out the fire that he set. Tumaimanu esti na guåfi? How was this combustion started? I taotåo mamunu' guåfi debi di uma tungu' taimanu esti i guåfi yanggin guaha kumason. The firemen should know how the combustion started if there is one. Ti hu tungu' tumaimanu esti na guåfi. I don't know how this combustion started. Gof dångkulun guåfi gi nigapña gi fihun gima' Brenda. There is a big conflagration near Brenda's house. Tinaka' tiempu para u mapunu' esti na guåfi sa' dångkulu. It takes time to put out this conflagration because it's big. I dinangkulon‑ña esti na guåfi, esta mana'fansuha i taotåo gi gima'‑ñiha. Because of the large conflagration, they have to evacuate the people from their houses. Ti hu tungu' håfa masosonggi sa' gof påguan i guafi. I don't know what they were burning because the fire really smells. Pribidu mañonggi guåfi ginin i matiriåt gi halum songsung. It's prohibited to burn materials in the village. Gof kulot åpu i guafi sa' puru matiriåt mankimason. The fire is dark grey because it's all masses of material that burned. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
guåfi vt. make (someone) angry. Na'guåfi i ti magåhit na istoria put i håfa masusedi gi giput. It makes a person angry when they tell untrue stories about what happened at the party. Ha guåfi ha' yu' si Antonia anai ha essalågui yu'. Antonia made me angry when she shouted to me. Ti guåhu mangguåfi nu as Lisa. I'm not the one who made Lisa angry. Mientras mås un essalågui si Ton, mås guinafi. The more you shouted to Ton, the angrier he got. Måolekña un påra, sa' mås un guåguafi gui'. You better stop, because you making him angrier. Anai sigi chumålik yu', mås guinafi si Te'. The more I laughed, the more Te's anger got worse. Ha gogof guåfi yu' si Jose mampus. Jose is agitating me so much. Kada si Belt ha li'i' si Le', mampus guinaguafi. Every time Belt sees Le', she's agitating her. Mampus ha guåguafi yu' ennåo na tåotåo. That man is agitating me so much. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
guåfi' vt. cut down (in order to harvest). Hu guafi' i tupu. I cut down the sugar cane. Variant: gåfi'. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
guagua' n. basket, esp. for fish, fish basket. I peskadot ha nisisita guagua'. The fisherman needs a basket. Mampus dångkulu i guihan para i guagua'. The fish is too big for the basket. Sessu mama'tinas i peskadot guagua' para i guihan. The fisherman always makes baskets for the fish. Hu fanåna'gui i istudiånti manmama'tinas guagua' ni hagun niyuk. I'm teaching the students how to make fish baskets out of coconut leaves. See: åla.
guágualu' n. farmer, someone capable of farming. Ånimu si tatå‑hu na guagualu'. My father is a capable farmer. Måolik na guagualu' si tatå‑hu. My father is a good farmer. I taotåo China mangguágualu' ha' lokkui'. The Chinese are capable of farming. Todu i taotåo Tinian åntis mangguagualu'. All the people of Tinian before were capable of farming. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
guaguan adj. expenseive, costly. Mampus guaguan i fektus giya Tinian. The items on Tinian are very expensive. Ti guaguan i pån gi as Joeten. The bread at Joeten's is not expensive. Guaguan anai manhånåo hami manbakasion. That vacation that we took was costly. Mampus guaguan mamoksai påtgun på'gu na tiempu. It's very costly to raise a child nowadays. Todu ha' mangguaguan på'gu na tiempu. Everything is costly nowadays.
guåguas n. type of fish: soapy. Family Leiognathidae. Buenti palaksi' esti na klåsin guihan i guåguas. I think this type of fish, the soapy, is slimy. Tåya' ni hu chagi ennåo na klåsin guihan i guåguas. I never tried eating that type of fish, the soapy. Ti hu tungu' yan tåya' ni hu li'i' ennåo na klåsin guihan i guåguas. I don't know, and I never see, that type of fish, the soapy.
guåguat vt. discipline, control. Mampus na gustu ma nå'i i patgun‑ñiha ya på'gu ti siña ma guåguat. They spoiled their child so much and now they cannot discipline him. To'a esta titanos‑ña si Carmen ya ti siña un guåguat. It's hard to discipline Carmen now because she's so big already. Guåguat i hagå‑mu sa' teneki ti siña un guåguat dispues. You better discipline your daughter now because later on you cannot. Ti siña esta maguåguat si Dong sa' esta påyun. Dong cannot be controlled now because he's used to it. Bula na famagu'un ti siña manmaguåguat sa' manmanå'i gustu. There are a lot of children who cannot be controlled because they were let go easily. Osgun si David sa' påyun maguåguat. David is obedient because he was nurtured well. Guaguat i hagå‑mu mientras hohobin. You must nurture your daughter while she is young. Nå'i gustu, dispues ti siña maguaguat. Spoil him, then it will be impossible to discipline and nurture him.
guaha vi. there is, there exists. Guaha misa lamu'na gi simintetyu. There is a mass tonight at the cemetery. Guaha hunta agupa' gi iskuela. There is a meeting tomorrow at the school. Guaha bentan kamuti gi Island Store. There is sweet potato for sale at the Island Store. Kåo guaha nu esti na gå'ga' i dinosaur åntis na tiempu? Did the dinosaur exist a long time ago? Guaha un guma' guini åntis na tiempu. There was a house here a long time ago. Tåya' ni guaha tinekchå'‑ña ennåo na trongku. That tree never has fruit at all. Kåo guaha na'‑mu mahongngang? Do you have lobster? Ti siña guaha si Laura sa' ya‑ña sumångan tåya'. Laura never has any because she likes to say she doesn't have any. Tåya' ni guaha håo. You never have anything. Ant: tåya'. See: gai.
guaha na biåhi (Liz starts here) pred. sometimes, occasionally, now and then, once in a while, at times, every so often. Guaha na biåhi na hu tungu' gumimin. Sometimes I know how to drink. Guaha na biåhi na ti manhånåo hami para i misa. Sometimes we didn't go to mass. Guaha na biåhi na hu sienti yayas. Sometimes I feel tired. Ti sessu yu' manbisita gi familia låo guaha na biåhi na hu tånga. I did visit my family often but sometimes I wanted to. Guaha na biåhi ni malagu' yu' chandiha. Every now and then I want to eat watermelon. Si siñora Rios guaha na biåhi na humånåo para Guåhan. Ever now and then Mrs. Rios goes to Guam. Esti na katu guaha na biåhi ni måttu mågi ya chumotchu. Every now and then this cat comes here and eats. Guaha na biåhi ni manhånåo hami para i kantun tåsi. Once in a while we go to the beach. Si tåta guaha na biåhi ni gumimin binu. Father drinks wine once in a while. Guaha na biåhi ni manbåla hami gi gima'. Once in a while we play cards at the house. Ha na'sesen bubu yu' si Linda guaha na biåhi. Linda makes me mad at times. Guaha na biåhi ni ha na'lalålu' yu' i famagu'on‑hu. At times my children will make me angry. Guaha na biåhi i istudiånti ni managuaguat. At times the students will be naughty. Guaha na biåhi ni mañochotchu hami gi resturån. Every so often we eat at the restaurant. Guaha na biåhi ni manhånåo hami para Guam. Every so often we go to Guam. Guaha na biåhi ni manmaigu' hami gi lanchu. Every so often we sleep at the farm.
Guåhan name. Guam, the southernmost island of the Marianas chain. Åntis gi tiempun Ispañot, manmafuetsa i tåotåo Saipan para u fanhånao guatu Guåhan. During the Spanish administration the people of Saipan were forced to move to Guam. Guaha lugåt mafa'na'an Talofo'fu' giya Guåhan yan lokkui' giya Saipan. There is a place called Talofofo in Guam and also in Saipan. I kuttura yan i lingguåhi giya Mariånas unu ha' ya inembrårasa Guåhan, Saipan, Luta, Tinian yan i Gani siha na isla. The culture and language in the Marianas are the same throughout Guam, Saipan, Rota, Tinian and the Northern Islands.
guahi vt. reduce heat, esp. by removing (container of food) from source of heat; remove (pot or food) from stove. Dokngus i titiyas, sa' ti maguahi tåftaf. The titiyas got burned because they were not removed from the stove early. Chuli' i hayu ya un guahinñaihun dididi' i hetnu åntis di un na'hålum i lemmai gi hetnu. Take the stick and reduce the heat before you place the chicken inside the oven.
guahi vt. unearth, dig up.
guåhi vt. make angry, anger, vex, cause anger. Hu guåhi i ma'estrok‑ku. I angered my teacher. Ha guåhi yu' i patgun ni fina'tinås‑ña. The child angered me by his act; I was angry at the child for his act. See: guåfi1, gåpi2. Variant: gua'hi.
guåhlu' vi. fail, not succeed.
guåhni vt. remove (feces) from an improper place. Masinik i mannuk gi barånda låo ha guåhni esta si Melchor. The chicken pooped in the garage and Melchor removed it. Ti ha guåhni si Joaquin i taki' ga'lågu. Joaquin did not remove the dog's feces. Guåhni nåya i taki' katu åntis di u fanhugåndu i famagu'un. Remove the cat's feces first before the children play. Variant: guåni.
guåhnum adj. become watery. Båsta malehgua' i ahu sa' siempri un na'guåhnum. Stop stirring the coconut dumpling because it might become watery. Ti månngi' i charakilis sa' esta guåhnum. The charakilis is no longer tasty because it is watery. Mampus potbus ya ha na'guåhnum i matå‑hu. It's very dusty and it made my eyes watery. Variant: míhanum, mehnum.
guåhu pro. I, me (first person singular independent pronoun). Hågu yan guåhu para u pinenta i liga. You and me are going to paint the wall. Ga'ok‑ku na ottru u chinili' ennåo na onru ki guåhu. I would rather have someone else take that honor than me. Guåhu la'mun kåo bai hu påra macho'chu'. It is up to me to decide whether I will stop working. Variant: gåu (Luta).
guahuf vt. scratch the ground (of a chicken looking for food), paw the earth (of a horse or bull), dig (of a dog). Duru i mannuk manmangguahuf gi halum suni. The chickens are scratching for food in the taro patch. Atan i ga'lågu sa' ha guaguahuf i edda'. Look at the dog because he's digging the ground with his paw. I mannuk ha punu' i dinekku' donni' anai ha guahuf i edda'. The chicken killed the hot pepper seedling when it scratched the ground.
guaifi vt. blow, force a current air upon, puff. Ha guaifi si Romeo i guafi ya mås ma'lak. Romeo blew the fire and it became bigger. Mangguaifi i manglu' ya lafresku. The wind blew and it became fresh. Si Kika' ha guaguaifi i petbus gi hilu' lamasa. Kika' is blowing the dust off the table.
guaifun adj. wind, gusty, stormy. Pumeska si Alex gi paingi låo ti mangonni' sa' guaifun. Alex went fishing last night but he didn't catch anything because it was gusty. Gof måolik muna'gupu papaloti på'gu sa' gof guaifun. It's good to fly a kite now because it's gusty. Ilek‑ña på'gu i radio na para u guaifun. The radio announced today that it will be a stormy.
guáilayi adj. it takes, it needed, necessary. Guailayi ha' u masohyu' ni todu i famagu'on‑ña, ni kuntentu para u falak sanlagu. It took the urging of all her children to make her satisfied to go to the States. Guailayi ha' na u påkyu ya atyu na mamo'lu tampin bintåna. It took a typhoon for him to put up window coverings. Guailayi ha' un ma'anña, ni un tungu' na ti måolik mumu. It takes you being beaten for you to know not to fight. Syn: hinasngun. See: ti guáilayi.
guaili n. pole with hook on the end for picking fruit. Chuli', Juan, i guaili ya un tifi' i mangga. Juan, take that pole and harvest the mango. Ti hu taka' i lemmai, pues hu na'setbi i guaili. I cannot reach the breadfruit so I took the pole with the hook on the end and I picked the breadfruit. Hu lånsa i guaili ya måhluk. I threw the pole with the hook on the end and it broke. Variant: gåoli.
guaiya vt. love, be fond of, like. Hu sen guaiya i asaguå‑hu para todu i tiempu. I love my husband dearly for ever. Si Jun ha sen guaiya todu i hugeti‑ña, ispisiåtmenti i ga'ga' siha. Jun likes his toys dearly, especially the toy animals. Ti guinaiya si Hilario gi as Maria. Maria doesn't have affection for Hilario.
guaiyayun adj. loveable, desirable, likeable, pleasing, agreeable. Guaiyayun na påtgun si Veronica. Veronica is a loveable child. Ti siña ma sångan na ti guaiyayun håo na påtgun. They cannot say that you're not a loveable child. Ti guaiyayun ennåo na tåotåo sa' gof gagu'. That guy is not a likeable one because he's very lazy.
guaka n. cow, cattle. Manggaigi bula na guaka gi chalan. There are a lot of cows on the road. Bula ga'‑ña guaka si Hilario. Hilario has a lot of cows. I guaka na gå'ga' ha nisisita bula na hånum. The cow needs a lot of water. Todu manmåtai i cha'guan gi kellat guaka. All the grass in the cattle pasture is dead. From: Sp. vaca.
guakkli vt. empty contents from (a hole, sack or other container), rummage through in a disorganized manner, disgorge, clear out, purge, ransack. Hu sodda' i tenidut anai hu tutuhun gumuakkli i sagan basula. I found the fork when I started emptying the trash container. Båsta mangguåkkli gi maletan Rufina. Don't empty the contents from Rufina's suitcase. Ha guakkli i aparadot Rufina anai ti malagu' ha sangåni månu na ha nå'na' i kuatta. He ransacked Rufina's closet when she refused to tell him where she hid the whip. Hu guåkkli huyung i aparadot Carmen. I emptied Carmen's closet. Sigi ha' mangguakkli esta ki masotni na guiya sumåkki i alåhas. He kept ransacking until he was accused of stealing the jewelry.
guåknas n. type of fish: white-bar surgeonfish. Acanthurus leucopareius (Family Acanthuridae). Ti hu tungu' håfa ennåo na guihan i guaknas. I don't know what that type of fish the guaknas is. Tåya' ni hu kånnu' esti na guihan i guaknas. I never try this type of guaknas fish. Håfa esti na guihan i guaknas? What is this type of fish?
Guaksalu'u name. a place in Rota located north of Tatachuk. Tåya' hu lili'i' gumuagualu' giya Guaksalu'u, sa' mampus åtchu'. I have not seen anyone farming at Guaksalu'u, because it's too rocky.
guåksi n. scouring brush. Nuebu ennåo na guåksi gi tenda låo gof måolik. That scouring brush is new at the store but it's very good. Esta bihu ennåo na guåksi. That scouring brush is old already.
— vt. scrub, scour, brush, rub vigorously. Si Ignacia ha guåksi i båñu sa' applacha'. Ignacia scrubbed the bathroom because it's dirty. Ha guåksi si Rumaldo i sapatos‑ña sa' fachi'. Rumaldo scrubbed his shoes because they were dirty. Si Vicente ha guåksi i addeng‑ña sa' chine'mi sirasimi'. Vicente scrubbed his feet because the salad oil spilled on them. Ha nisisita ennåo na la'uya maguåksi månu siña. That pot needs to be scoured harder. Ya‑hu maguåksi tatalo'‑hu. I like to be rubbed on the back. Duru si Ding ha guåksi i chetnot‑ña. Ding is really scratching her sore. Yanggin para u maigu' si Chilang, debi di u maguåksi. When Chilang is going to sleep, she needs to be rubbed. Metgut mangguåksi si Ling. Ling is very good at rubbing vigorously. Ya‑hu mangguåksi si Chilang sa' metgut kannai‑ña. I like Chilang to rub me vigorously because her hand is hard. Ti ya‑hu si Josh mangguåksi sa' ti måolik kannai‑ña. I don't like Josh to rub me because his hand is not good.
guålaf adj. full, new (of moon). Gof måolik ume'mahongngang yanggin guålaf i pilan. It's good to go for lobster when it's full moon. Bula kininne'‑ña si Luis fanihi sa' guålaf na puengi. Luis caught a lot of fruitbat because it's a new moon. Ti mangonni' si John hagåhaf sa' guålaf na puengi. John didn't catch sea crabs because it's full moon. Menha si Joaquin hagåhaf sa' guålaf i pilan. Joaquin caught a lot of sea crabs because of the full moon. Ti bai hu peska sa' guålaf. I will not fish, because the moon is full.
— vi. hunt crabs at night during full moon. Kåo para un guålaf lamu'na? Are you going fishing in the full moon? See: gualåfun.
gualåfun n. full moon, harvest moon. Måolik sumagåmilun sa' gualåfun. It's good to catch red fish during full moon. Nihi ya ta fane'mahongngang sa' gualåfun. Let's catch lobster because it's full moon. Antigu na manChamorro manmanånanum suni pat dågu gi duråntin gualåfun. The ancient Chamorros planted root crops during full moon. Utut i pi'åo yanggin gualåfun sa' ti pinipu. It's best to cut down bamboo if it's full moon because it will not turn powdery from insects.
— adj. risque, suggestive, racy, bawdy, lewd (of conversations), filled with sexual connotations or adult themes. Dilikåo i kuentus gualåfun sa' ti todu siña sumungun. Racy conversations are sensitive because not everyone can tolerate them. Guaha na biåhi ni ti ta ripåra håfa kuentus‑ñiñiha i manåmku' sa' mangualålafun. At times the elders' conversations are not easy to grasp because they are using adult themes. Humallum yu' na manggualålafun sa' sigi i chalik gi un bånda. I suspect they are being bawdy because they keep snickering on the side.
guali'ik n. gecko, Pacific gecko, small lizard usually found in house or yard. Gehyra mutilata. Kumåti i guali'ik pues ti åtman, uchan. The lizard made a sound and then it rained. Kumeke'halum i dangkulu na guali'ik gi halum i gima' anai kinannu' nu i katu. A large lizard was trying to get inside the house when it got eaten by the cat. Guaha na tåotåo ma'å'ñåo guali'ik låo måolik esti na gå'ga', sa' i na'‑ña gå'ga' siha gi halum guma' lokkui', kuntodu kukuråcha yan otdut siha. Some people find the gecko disgusting but it is a useful animal, because it eats insects in the house, including cockroaches and ants.
guålu' n. farm, farmland, place where crops are farmed or planted. Manmalågu i babui ya mansalimunus gi halum guålu'. The pigs ran away and they played around the farm. Gof mahettuk i edda' ni para u ma'alådu gi gualu'. The soil at the farm is very hard to till. Guaha dikiki' gualo'‑ña si May gi hiyung gumå'‑ña. May has a small garden outside her house.
— vi. till soil, farm, raise crops, garden. Ya‑ña gumuålu' si Tikku' gi Oksu' Tapotchåo. Tikku' likes to farm at Mt. Tapotchao. Bula si Bill ha gualulu'i na lugåt. Bill is farming in many places. Esta impåtchu yu' gumuålu' sa' kada råtu masakkenguan i tinanom‑hu. I am fed up with farming because my plants are constantly stolen.
guålu' num. the indigenous Chamorro word for the number eight. Variant: otchu. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
guåluk vt. harvest. Guåluk i akgak. Harvest the pandanus. Nihi ta guåluk i ma'is sa' såkkan. Let's harvest the corn because it's the season. Guåluk i kamuti på'gu. Harvest the sweet potato today. Tågu' si Cris ya u guåluk i mendioka. Tell Cris to harvest the tapioca. Variant: gua'luk.
Guam name. Guam, the southernmost island in the Marianas chain. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
‑guan suf. (do) in a way harmful to, (do) in spite of (adversative). Pinidongguan si Antonia nu i plåtu. Antonio inadvertently dropped the plate. Mahulokguan si tåta ni kuhå‑ña. Someone broke the handle of father's hoe. Maleffångguan tåotåo si Fulånu sa' bula mampus tinane'‑ña på'gu na ha'åni. Fulanu is being forgetful today because he has a lot on his mind.
guåni vt. remove droppings or feces with a flat object or shovel and burying them. Ti ha guåni si Joaquin i taki' ga'lågu. Joaquin did not remove the dog's feces. Ti maguånin måolik i taki katu sa' påpaguan ha' tarabiha. The cat's feces were not properly buried because their scent is still noticeable. Ha alulåyi gumuåni i taki' babui, pues humånåo maigu'. He hurriedly buried the pig's dung, then went to take a nap. Variant: guåhni.
guåntis n. glove (long or short), mitt, mitten. Ha usa si Matteo i guantis anai para u fangguådduk. Matteo used the gloves when he was going to dig. Ti parehu i påt i guantis ni hu fåhan. The pair of gloves that I bought are not the same. Debi di un usa i guantis yanggin para un hugåndu bola. You have to wear the mitt to play ball. Mamåhan yu' kuåttru grånu na guåntis ni para bai hu na'setbi kada mama'tinas yu'. I bought four pairs of mitts to use in the kitchen every time I cook.
— vi. fight with boxing gloves. Ma'ipi' i kriadås‑ña si Juan anai mangguåntis. Juan’s jaw was broken during the boxing bout. From: Sp. guantes.
guåña adv. really, truly, seemingly, likely, is it true? Håfa guåña ilek‑ña si Bernie? Really, what did Bernie say? Umayuti' guåña si Rita yan i asaguå‑ña? Is it true that Rita separated with her husband? Åhi' guåña, ti umayuti' si Rita yan i asaguå‑ña. Not at all, Rita and her husband did not separate. Ilek‑ña nu guåhu, "Adahi, guåña na un nina'abak." She said to me, "Be careful, as he will likely lead you astray."
guåsa' vt. sharpen. Na'guåsa' si Herman nu i se'si', sa' ñañu'. Make Herman sharpen the knife, because it's dull. Guåsa' i nabåhan i gayu. Sharpen the rooster's razor. Kåo siña un guåsa' esti na se'si' ya u kalåktus? Can you sharpen this knife and make it sharp? Tåya' guaså'un para bai hu guåsa' esti na se'si'. There is no grindstone for me to make this knife sharp.
guåsa' n. type of fish: surgeon fish. acanthurus metoprosophron (Family Acanthuridae).
guåsa' vt. fish by poisoning.
guaså'un n. sharpener (for metal tools), grindstone, whetstone. Poddung i guaså'un ya må'pi'. The sharpener fell down and it broke. Gof måolik esti i guaså'un åntis ki på'gu. The older type of grindstone is better than today's. På'gu na tiempu puru guaså'un ilektrisidå. The grindstones today are all electric. Siña ha' ha na'kalåktus i guaså'un gi liluk. He can sharpen the sharpener with the metal.
guasang n. gill (of fish). Na'suha i guasang i guihan åntis di un sotni. Remove the gills of the fish before you boil it. Ha kilili i ga'lågu i guasang i guihan. The dog dragged the gill of the fish. Fresku i guihan yanggin gef agaga' i guasang‑ña. Fish is fresh if its gills are bright red.
guasguas vt. 1) scrub, as in washing one's body. Tågu' si Joaquin ya u guasguas gui'. Tell Joaquin to scrub himself. Guasguas i papa' i adding i patgun sa' fachi'. Scrub the bottom of that child's foot because it's muddy. Umo'mak si Asinta låo ti ha guasguas måolik gui'. Asinta showered but she didn't scrub herself good. Si nåna ha guasguas i neni kada diha. Mother washes the baby's body every day. Anai malångu yu', i asaguå‑hu gumuaguasguas yu'. When I was sick, my husband would wash my body. Si Anita gumuaguasguas si nanå‑ña biha. Anita is the one that is washing her grandma's body. Ha guasguas si Esther i kemmun. Esther scrubbed the bathroom. Ha nisisita i satgin kusina maguasguas. The kitchen floor needs to be scrubbed. Gof makkat maguasguas i labadot i kemmun. It's hard to scrub the bathroom sink. 2) work on one's credibility. Ombrin guasguas håo. There, you are pulling my leg.
guasguåsun n. pumice, sponge-like volcanic rock. Mafa'a'amut ha' esti lokkui' i guasguåsun. This pumice can also be used for medicine. Manmañodda' ham guasguåsun giya Talafo'fu'. We found some pumice at Talafo'fo'. Manchinennik påpa' i guasguåsun ni milak. The pumice stones were washed down by the river.
guåssan vt. cut (grass), cut or trim (weeds) in garden. Gaigi si Kika' gi lanchu para u fangguåssan. Kika' is at the farm to cut grass. Chuli' i kuha ya un fangguåssan gi gualu'. Take the hoe and cut the grass at the farm. Ha nisisita maguåssan i uriyan i gima'. The weeds around the house need to be trimmed. Ti ha na'siña si Ton gumuåssan esti na dångkulun lugåt na maisa. Ton cannot cut the grass in this big field by himself. See: ripåsa.
guåtdia n. guardian, guard, protector. I guåtdia manachu gi me'nan i palåsyun i rai. The guards stood in attention in front of the king's palace. Masakkengguan i bangku anai tåya' guåtdia gi paingi. The bank was robbed when there was no guard last night. Para håfa yu' guåtdia sa' hu na'siña ha' na maisa. I don't need a protector because I can manage on my own.
— vt. 1) protect, defend, shield from, guard. Maguåguatdia i gima' gubietnu. They are guarding the governor's house. Bula gumuåguatdia i presidentin Istådus Unidus. There are a lot of guards protecting the President of the United States. Debi di u maguåtdia i tanu'‑ñiha. They have to defend their island. 2) celebrate, observe (holiday). Kada såkkan maguåtdia i giput manmåtai. Every year we observe All Souls' Day. From: Sp. guardia.
guatu adv. there, over there, in that direction (away from speaker or addressee). Humånåo yu' guatu gi gimå'‑hu. I went over there to my house. Nihi ya atyu hit guatu. Let's go so we can be over there. Guaha guput gi guatu. There is a party over there.
guatu guennåo adv. there, over there, in a direction toward the addressee. Chuli' esti i siya guatu guennåo. Take this chair over there. Chuli' guatu guennåo i balakbak‑mu. Take your purse over there. Ti åpmam yu' guatu guennåo ya ta hita. I'11 be there soon to be with you. Bula guennåo guatu tåotåo. There are a lot of people over there.
guatu guihi adv. there, over there, in a direction away from speaker and addressee. Humånåo guatu guihi. He went over there in that direction. Abak si Joaquin ya humånåo guatu guihi. Joaquin was lost and he went over there. Taitai i direksion sa' ilelek‑ña na guatu guihi, åhi' ti mågi guini. Read the direction because it says that it's over there, not over here.
gubietna n. control. Tåya' esta gubietna guini na guma'. There is no control in this house anymore. Mampus gubietna ennåo na tåotåo kumuentus. That person is very direct when he talks.
— vt. govern, rule, regulate, determine, direct, control. Ti guiya para u fanggubietna guini gi gima'. He's not the one to control everything in the house. Esta si Joe guiya ha' gumubiebietnan maisa gui'. Joe is already in control of himself. Håfa na lai mafa'tinas, siempri i dipåttamentu gumubiebietna. Whatever law is made, the department has to regulate it. Åntis di u malaknus ennåo na lai, debi i manmå'gas dipåttamentu uma tungu' taimanu magubietna finene'na. Before they enforce the law, the directors have to know how to regulate it. Magubietna si Rosa kontra i che'cho'‑ña. Rosa was restrained from her work. Håyi para u gubietna esti na klåsin cho'chu'? Who determined this kind of work? I kotti para u gubietna håyi para u kinenni' i famagu'un. The court will determine who will take the children. I iyom‑mu sinsura para u gubietna kåo para un mahåtsa. Your test will determine if you're going to be promoted. Ti ha tungu' ennåo na pulisiha manggubietna kareta. That police officer doesn't know how to direct traffic. Måolik manggubietna ennåo na kapitan. That captain is very good at giving direct orders. Ti siña esta magubietna si Kika'. Kika' cannot be controlled anymore. Si Mary ha gubietna i che'lu‑ña låhi annai para u hånåo pumeska. Mary restrained her brother when he was going to go fishing. Hu gubietna todu i disision i famagu'on‑hu. I control all my children's decisions. From: Sp. gobierna.
gubietnadót n. governor, one who governs. Syn: maga'låhi. Variant: gubetnadót.
gubietnu n. 1) governor. I gubietnu ha diklåra na esta mababa i sagan manåmku'. The governor declared that the place for the elders is now open. Para u falågu para gubietnu esti i hagå‑hu. My daughter is running for governor. Ti malagu' i patgun para u go'ti kannai‑ña i gubietnu. The child refused to shake hands with the governor. 2) government, abbreviated form of gubietnamentu. Mababa i ofisinan gubietnu på'gu? Is the government office open today? I gubietnu ha' nai siña un sodda' ennåo na dokumentu. You can only find that document in the government. Tai fundu i gubietnu para esti na klåsin nisisidåt. The government does not have funds for this kind of need. From: Sp. gobierno.
gue'gui' vt. 1) stick one's finger down the throat, usually to cause to vomit. Ha gue'gui' gui' para u muta'. He stuck his finger down his throat so that he would vomit. Ha gue'gui' gui' para u lakngus i atkahot gi istomagu‑ña. He put his finger down his throat to let the alcohol out of his stomach. Variant: guå'gua'. 2) beat up. Adahi na hu gue'gui' håo. Be careful lest I beat you up
gue'gui' n. brush, duster, whisk, wisp, toothpick. See: brotchas, guesguis.
— vt. pick teeth with a toothpick.
gue'ha n. fan made from coconut fronds. Mama'tinas si Benedicto kuåttru na gue'ha. Benedicto made four fans from coconut fronds. Dikiki' na gue'ha manå'i yu'. They gave me a small fan made from coconut fronds. Ya‑hu i gue'ha ni ha gogo'ti si Vicenta. I like the fan that Vicenta is holding. Syn: abaniku. See: gueha.
guegui' vt. douche (with water or vapor); spray into the body for hygienic or medicinal purpose. Si Tan Rosa manaliligåo yetbas babui yan maigu' lålu' para u guegui' gui'. Tan Rosa is looking for yetbas babui and maigu' lålu' to use for her douche. Guegui' kumeke'ilek‑ña tå'pang pat labatoriu pat mafa'gåsin i sanhalum pat sanhiyung gi tatåotåo para ginasgas pat hinemlu'. Guegui' means a rinse or douche or wash of the inside or outside of the body for cleanliness or health.
gueha n. fan, blower, instrument used to cause air to blow. Na'gåsgas i gueha sa' applacha'. Clean the fan because it's dirty. Debi di u guaha gueha guini na kuåttu. There should be a fan in this room. Guaha dångkulu na gueha gi espitåt. There is a big fan at the hospital. Måmfuk si Dolores gueha ni hagun niyuk. Dolores wove a fan out of coconut leaves. Syn: abaniku, goia.
— vt. fan, ventilate. Kana' ha' ti humågung i patgun sa' tåya' mådduk ni para u gueha gui' i guinaifin månglu'. The child almost didn't breathe because there was no opening for the wind to blow itself in. Gueha ennåo i pinigan ya un na'fanila'. Fan the charcoal to make the fire light up. Syn: bohåo, bohu, boha. Variant: gue'ha.
gueku adj. hollow, empty, usually in reference to anything with liquid inside such as coconut. Chåochåo i niyuk kåo gueku. Shake the coconut to hear if it is empty. Mungnga makåcha' i gueku na niyuk sa' siguru inapulai'an. Don't husk the empty coconut because it is likely moldy. Magåhit na gueku håo manhassu. You are really not thinking well. Syn: tái sinahguan.
guella n. grandmother, female ancestor. Prisisu para ta fa'nå'gui i famagu'on‑ta put i guellån‑niha. It's very important to teach our children about their female ancestors Ti hu gacha' hulu' i guellåk‑ku gi bandan tatå‑hu. I did not get to know my grandmother from my father's side. I guella ha' gi bandan nanå‑hu hu fakcha'i. I only got to know my grandmother from my mother's side.
guellu n. grandfather, male ancestor. I guello‑hu ginin as tatå‑hu na bånda na'ån‑ña si Miguel. The name of my grandfather from my father's side is Miguel. Ginin as nanå‑hu i guello‑hu na'ån‑ña si Francisco. My grandfather's name from my mother's side is Francisco. Gof manngi' na sinienti esti yanggin gagaigi ha' i dos guello‑hu. It's a very good feeling if both our grandparents are still alive. Anai dumådangkulu yu' hulu', ni unu gi guello‑hu hu li'i'. When I was growing up I never saw any of my grandparents from either side. I kuattru grådu ma istudiådiayi put mangginin månu mågi i mangguellot‑ta. The fourth grade are studying about where their ancestors came from. Mangginin Espåña i mangguello‑hu ginin as nanå‑hu na bånda. My ancestors from my mother's side came from Spain. Bula litratun mangguellon‑ña si LeeRoy gi gima'‑ñiha. LeeRoy has a lot of pictures of his ancestors at his house. Håyi guellon‑ña si siñora Jen? Who is Jen's ancestor? Si Kiko' ha ispipiha håyi siha guellon‑ña. Kiko' is looking for his ancestors. Ti ha tungu' si nanå‑hu håyi guellon‑ña ginin as nanå‑ña na bånda. My mother doesn't know who is her ancestor from her mom's side.
guennåo adv. there, in a location near the addressee. Juan, chuli' i bangku ya un po'lu guennåo gi fihon‑mu. Juan take the chair and put it there near you. Fatå'chung guennåo ya un ketu. Sit there and keep still. Po'lu esti guennåo gi hilu' lamasa. Put this over there on the table.
guennåo guatu adv. over there, in the direction of the addressee.
guengguing vi. mutter, show vexation or anger by muttering under one's breath. Ti siña si Martha matågu' ya ti u guengguing. it is not possible to tell Martha to do something without her muttering. Kada lalålu' si Jun, gueguengguing gi me'nan fasu‑mu. When Jun gets angry, he will mutter in front of your face. Tåya' ni hu li'i' si Juan gumuengguing taiguihi gi as Maria. I've never seen Juan get angry like Maria.
gueran sibít n. civil war, war between factions or segments of a nation. Disdi 1861 asta 1865, manggueran sibit i San Hilu' kontra i San Papa' na påtti gi Estådus Unidus. From 1861 to 1865, the North and the South fought a civil war in the United States. Gueran sibit kumeke'ilek‑ña guera intri påtti pat seksiona gi nasion. A civil war means an internal war in a country.
gueru adj. 1) spoiled, rotten, not fully developed (of eggs). Bula chåda' gueru gi halum tångkat. There were a lot of spoiled eggs in the cage. Ya‑ña si Tåta chumotchu chåda' gueru. Father likes to eat undeveloped eggs. Gai påo i chada' gueru. The spoiled eggs smell. Gof manngi' esti i guerun chåda' yan finadenni' asiga. The undeveloped egg tastes good with salt and hot pepper. Si Rita ha tåtanga para u kånnu' guerun chåda'. Rita is craving for undeveloped eggs. Manlåstima todu i chada' sa' todu manggueru. Too bad all the eggs are rotten. 2) unfertilized (of eggs). Ti siña kumuleka i punidera sa' gueru todu i chadå'‑ña. The hen cannot lay eggs because all her eggs are unfertilized. Yanggin ti siña mañågu i palåo'an, pues gueru i chada' gi sanhalom‑ña. If the women cannot get pregnant, then the eggs inside are unfertilized. 3) sterile (of a male). Ti siña gumai patgun si Ko' sa' gueru. Ko' cannot produce a child because he's sterile. Ti siña na u patgun Ike ennåo sa' gueru si Ike. It's impossible to be Ike's child because Ike is sterile. Ti ya‑ña si Ton gumai patgun, atyu na ha na'gueru gui'. Ton doesn't want to have a child, that is why he became sterile.
guesguis n. brush. Tåla' i guesguis ya u ånglu chaddik. Hang the brush to dry and it will dry quickly.
— vt. 1) brush, scrub, scrape, rub. Anai makmåta si Frank, ha guesguis i nifen‑ña. When Frank woke up, he brushed his teeth. Puti si Rudy nifen‑ña ya ti siña ha guesguis. Rudy's tooth hurts and he cannot brush it. Applacha' i yore'‑ña si Amanda ya atyu na ha guesguis. Amanda's slipper is dirty, that is why she brushed it. Debi di uma guesguis i liga åntis di uma penta. They have to scrape the wall before they paint it. Ha na'keke'maigu' yu' yanggin ma gueguesguis i ilu‑hu. When they rub my head, it makes me fall asleep. Syn: brotchas. 2) fool someone. Un guesguis håo! Ti hu honggi håfa ilelek‑mu! You're fooling! I don't believe what you're saying!
gufan adj. scaly (of skin). Dimasiåo ånglu' lassås‑su ya ha na'gufan yu'. My skin is so dry that it's scaly. Na'yiyi potbus i neni sa' gufan. Put power on the baby because her skin is scaly. Mientras åmku' esti i taotåo, siempri mås gufan. The older a person gets, the scalier his skin will be.
gufgufan adj. scaly (of skin).
gugan vt. 1) remove the kernel of (corn or rice). Esta munhåyan i ma'is manmagugan. They finished husking the corn already. Gof mapput magugan esti siha i pigas. It's hard to husk the kernels of rice. 2) knock (someone's) teeth out (slang). Anai mañufa' si Rita, ha gugan ha' i nifen‑ña. When Rita fell down, she knocked out her tooth. See: tugan.
gugat n. 1) vein, artery. Mana'suha un gugat gi satnot‑tu. They removed one vein in my legs. Hu na'iridåo i gugåt‑tu gi kannai‑hu. I injured the vein in my hand. Ti ha tungu' i mediku månu na gugat måtchum. The doctor doesn't know what artery is plugged up. 2) muscle, tendon. Månngi' manlasa gugat si Marcel. Marcel is good in massaging muscles. Anai malågu yu', mamuti todu i gugåt‑tu. When I ran, all my muscles were painful. I doktu ha utut i gigat addeng‑ña si Tony. The doctor cut Tony's tendon on his feet.
Guguan name. Guguan, the third island north of Saipan. Butkån i islan Guguan yan gai unai gi uriya. Guguan is a volcanic island with sandy soil around the edges. Bula paluma giya Guguan. There are lots of birds on Guguan. I unbåndan Guguan oksu' låo gi ottru, yånu. On one side of Guguan is a mountain but the other is flat.
guguiyi vt. gang up on, as in a fight. Maguguiyi ga'‑måmi ga'lågu ni ga' bisinu siha. Our neighbors' dogs ganged up on our dog. Ma guguiyi si Diego anai ma sodda' na guiguiya ha' na maisa. They ganged up on Diego when they found that he was alone. Maila' ya ta guguiyi i gurupun‑ñiha, sa' ti ma lili'i' hit tarabiha. Let's gang up on their group, because they have not noticed us yet.
guha n. asthma, pain. Nina'yi i subrinå‑hu nu i guha na chetnut. My nephew developed the sickness of asthma. Nina'masoksuk sa' haguha. She lost weight because she frequently has asthma. Ha keke'taka' hinagong‑ña si Joseph anai nina'yi ni guha. Joseph was trying to catch his breath when the asthma attacked him. Ti ya‑hu muli'i' si nåna yanggin ninana'yi ni guha, sa' esta ti nina'håhagung. I don't like to see my mother being attacked by asthma, because she could hardly breathe.
gui' pro. he, she, him, her (third person singular weak pronoun). Gai lugåt gui' giya Luta. He has a place on Rota. Ha goddin maisa gui' gi kotti nigap. He trapped himself yesterday at the courthouse. Ha ko'ku' gui' sa' para u mapresu. He got lost and he's going to jail.
gui'ing n. nose. Na'gåsgas i gui'ing i neni sa' kossus. Clean the baby's nose because it's dirty. Såosåo i gui'ing Jun sa' bula mukus. Wipe Jun's nose because it has a lot of mucus. Ha chigit i gui'eng‑hu si nina sa' ti manngingi' yu insigidas. My godmother clinched my nose because I failed to kiss her hand.
guifi vt. dream (of), have a dream about. Si Barbara ha guifi na bula salappe'‑ña. Barbara dreamed of having a lot of money. Mangguifi yu' gi paingi put bayena siha. I had a dream last night about whales. Guaha guinifi‑hu put si nanå‑hu. I had a dream about my mother.
guiguiyi vi. gang up on, overwhelm, prevail over as in a fight or battle. Maguiguiyi i taotåo Tanapag ni taotåo Afetna anai manmumu. The people from Achugåu were overwhelmed by the people from Afetna in a fight.
guihan n. fish (generic). Ya‑hu i hamoktan na guihan. I like the hamoktan fish. Påo odda' i mafuti' na guihan. The mafuti' fish smells like dirt. Månngi' yan sustånsia i guihan na nengkanu'. Fish is a delicious and nutritious food.
guihan påbu n. type of fish: turkey fish. Pterois (Family Scorpaenidae). Ti hu tungu' håfa esti i guihan påbu. I don't know what this turkey fish is. Tåya' nai hu li'i' esti i guihan påbu. I've never seen this type of fish, the turkey fish. Ti hu tungu' håfa sabot‑ña esti i guihan påbu. I don't know what the taste of the turkey fish is. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
guihi adv. there, in a location away from speaker and addressee. Mungnga humånåo guihi na lugåt. Don't go over there in that place. Bula tåotåo guihi na lugåt anai bula fungsion. There are a lot of people over there in that place where there are lots of activities. Ya‑ña humånåo si Lucy guatu guihi na lugåt. Lucy likes to go over there to that place.
guihi guatu adv. over there, in a location away from speaker and addressee.
guili n. type of fish; rudder fish. Family Kyphosidae. I guili na guihan sessu mantika. The rudder fish is usually fatty. Månngi' i guili na guihan makåddun letchin niyuk. The rudder fish is delicious when cooked with coconut milk. Ga'ñak‑ku guili kinu i mafuti'. I like the rudder fish than the snapper.
guilin puengi n. type of fish: rudder fish. kyphosus vaigiensis (Family Kyphosidae).
guinadduk n. ditch, trench, hole, moat. I guinadduk gi kantun chålan para u mahåfut i basula siha. The trench by the road will be used to bury trash. Lachi na guinadduk nai ma'istira i paip hånum. The water pipe was placed in the wrong ditch. Guaha tåddung na guinadduk åntis gi tasin Tinian. There was a deep trench a long time ago in the ocean in Tinian.
guinaha n. wealth, affluence, riches, possessions. Gof suetti ennåo na påtgun sa' bula guinaha ginin i mañaina‑ña. That child is very lucky because she has lot of wealth from her parents. Adahi i guinaha, sa' ti ta tungu' håfa para u masusedi agupa'. Protect the possessions, because we do not know what will happen tomorrow. Mungnga madispitdisia i guinaha‑ta, sa' ginin i guellot‑ta siha. Don't misuse our wealth because it is from our ancestors. Syn: fringkas.
guinaifin airi n. little movement, movement that is sluggish or slow. Måttu nutisia na gaigi si Kiliano gi hospitåt put guinafin airi. The news arrived that Kiliano is in the hospital because of sluggish movement. See: tisu, lálangu. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
guinaiya n. affection, love, fondness, desire. Esti i guinaiya intri i dos tåotåo gof bunitu yanggin umadanchi. The love between the couple is very nice if they understand each other. In sen agradesi i guinaiya yan rispetun‑miyu. We greatly appreciate your affection and respect. Tumåddung i guinaiya gi entalu' i dos patgun anai mumalångu atdit i unu. The love deepened between the two siblings when one of them became very ill.
guinassan n. weeded or cleared area, material from weeded area. Ti ya‑hu i guinassan sa' ti dinanchi. I don't like the cleared area because it was not done properly. Rikohi i guinassan ya un na'sahngi guini mågi. Gather the material from the cleared area and place it separately over here. Na'gåsgas i guinassan Ton sa' para u fanånum guihi. Clean the area that Ton cleared because he will be planting over there.
guini adv. here, in this location (near the speaker). Kika', maila' guini mågi ya ta hita. Kika', come over here and be with me. Ni atyu guatu pat guini mågi, tåya' u maguf. Neither over there nor here, no one will be happy. Yanggin taigui guini, pues esta guaha chumuli'. If you don't find it here, then someone took it.
guini n. ancient Chamorro necklaces.
guini mågi adv. over here, in a location near the speaker. Po'lu guini mågi ennåo i kahita. Put that box over here. Na'láhihut guini mågi i floris siha gi uriyan i gima'. Have the flowers brought closer over here around the house. Håfa na gaigi håo guini mågi? Why are you over here?
guinifi n. dream. Måolik esti na guinifi, sa' siña ma'adilånta i lina'la'. This dream is good because it can improve the life of others. Gof baba i guinifin Francisco gi paingi. Francisco's dream last night was bad. Malagu' yu' na u magåhit esti i guinifi‑hu. I want my dream to come true.
guitgueru n. throat. Puti i guitgueru‑hu gi paingi. My throat hurt last night. Pokpuk i guitgueru‑ña sa' inakka' nu i saligåo. His throat is swollen because it was bitten by a centipede.
— vt. grab by the throat, typically in a fight. Ma guitgueru i taotåo anai mumu nigap. They grabbed him by the throat when he fought last night. Variant: gutgueru.
guiya pro. he, she, him, her (third person singular independent pronoun). Guiya si Ton chumuli' i karetan tatå‑ña. It was he, Ton, who took his father's car. Guiya ennåo na tåotåo munå'i si Nang salåppi'. It is that man who gave Mother money. Fa'na'an guiya ennåo i tumotpi yu'. I think he is the one who hit me.
guleta n. canoe, dinghy, small boat, small ship. Bula guleta gi islan Saipan. There are a lot of small ships in Saipan. Mana'fañesetbi esti siha i guleta para mangåtgan kåtga. They're using this small ship to transfer cargo. Guaha guletå‑ña si Tåta para pumeska. Father has a small ship for fishing. I patgun ya‑ña i guleta ni chaddik. The child loves a canoe that sails fast. Ti hu tungu’ kumapitåni i guleta. I don't know how to navigate a small boat. Bula guleta giya Tinian ti manlisinsiåo. There are lots of small boats in Tinian that are not licensed. From: Sp. goleta.
gulik n. grinder, machine for grinding. Esta ñañu' manggulik atyu i gulek‑ña si Maria, sa' bihu. Maria's grinding machine is dull, because it's old. Tåya' gulik para u magulik i ma'is. There's no grinder to grind the corn.
— vt. grind, reduce to powder by friction, crush into small fragments. Si nåna ha na'setbi i mitåti para u gulik i ma'is. Mother used the mortar to grind the corn. Ha ayåo yu' i mulinu para u gulik i denni'. She borrowed my grinder to grind the hot pepper. Ti ginilik måolik i pigas ni ennåo na måkina. The rice wasn't ground well with that machine. Hu gulik håo kumu un na'bubu yu'. I will crush you if you make me angry. Mungnga mana'lalålu' si Tåta, sa' siña ha' ha gulik håo. Don't make Father mad, because he can crush you into small pieces.
guliya n. gullet. Gof dikiki' guliyå‑ña esti i mannuk siha. All the chickens have small gullets. Gof puti esti i guliyå‑hu. My gullet is very painful. Gaigi i te’lang guihan na ketu gi guliya. The fish bone is stuck in the throat. Guaha åmut para i guliya siha gi manneni. There is herbal medicine for babys' throats. Ga'otgan i ga'lagitu ya gaigi i trosun nengkanu’ gi guliya. The puppy choked and there was a piece of food in its throat. Variant: gutgueru.
gulosu adj. greedy, ravenous, having a keen appetitite for food or drink. Gulosu si Nora yanggin ya‑ña i nengkanu'. Nora is very greedy if she likes the food. Siña ha' ha na'gulosu yu' i dinanchi na fina'denni'. The right hot pepper sauce mix can make me ravenous. Todu i manmånngi' na nengkanu' ha na'fanggulolosu hit. All the delicious foods make us ravenous. See: paduk, girik, hambientu.
gululumi vt. 1) fight, surround, assault. Magululumi ya inakka' ni sasata anai ha dossuk i chenchun. The wasps surrounded and stung him when he poked the nest. Sumeha putno u magululumi nu i babuin halum tånu'. He moved aside to avoid being surrounded by wild pigs. Malingunhalum åntis di magululumi nu i taotåo siha. He disappeared from sight before he was assaulted by the people. Magululumi yu' ni bulan sasata gi halum tånu'. A group of bees surrounded me in the forest. 2) devour. Magululumi un lamasan nengkanu' ni un batkådan tåotåo. A crowd devoured the table of food.
gulundrina n. type of kite, fighting kite. Difirentis na gulundrina guaha gi gima'. There are different kites at the house. From: Sp. golondrina.
gulundrina n. type of plant: garden spurge, used in mixture for douching. euphorbia hirta. Lå'la' i gulundrina gi lanchu. The gulundrina plant at the farm is very healthy. Na'setbi i gulundrina para labatoriu. Use that grass for douching. Variant: Guaha un tinanum kalan gulundrina, låo åhi'. There is a plant that looks like gulundrina, but it isn't.; gulondrena. From: Sp. golondrina.
gulus n. type of small fruit-bearing tree. Cynometra ramiflora. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gulusina n. sweet fruit, such as pineapple, watermelon, orange, guava. Ma plånta bula na klåsin gulusina para uma bendi gi metkåo. They displayed many different kinds of fruits for sale at the market. Måolik i gulusina para hinemlo'‑ta. Fruits are good for our health. Maipi i chandiha na gulusina para i famagu'un. The watermelon is not good for children. From: Sp. golosina.
guma' n. house, home, shelter, dwelling, building. Ti ya‑ña si Nåna atyu na guma' anai sumåsaga. Mother doesn't like the house that she's staying in now. Tåya' mås kumu i gimå'‑ta, ilek i manåmku'. The old saying is there is no place like home. Iståba sessu mañåga hami gi gima' typhoon. Before we used to stay in the house built to sustain typhoons.
guma' fañotchuyan n. cafetería, snack bar, dining place, restaurant, eating place. Nihi ta fanmalak i gima' fañotchuyan. Let's go to the eating place.. Iståba guaha iyun‑måmi guma' fañotchuyan. Before we had a snack bar. Gof fresku atyu i gima' fañotchuyan gi lanchu. It's very cool at the eating place at my farm.
guma' matånsa n. slaughterhouse, house for slaughtering (larger) animals and c1eaning and processing their meat. Mayulang i gima' matånsa giya Tinian. The slaughterhouse on Tinian is broken. Rektu i areklamentun federåt gi bandan guma' matånsa. The federal regulations are very strict when it comes to slaughterhouses. Manhånåo hami para i gima' matånsa para bai in fanmamåhan påtas guaka para kåtdun to'lang. We went to the slaughterhouse to buy a leg of cattle for soup bones.
guma' Yu'us n. church, chapel. Humosmi yu' misa gi gima' Yu'us I went to mass at the church. Guaha un dikiki' na guma' Yu'us para si San Isidro gi lanchun‑måmi. There is a small chapel for Saint Isidro at my farm. Umasagua si Ben yan si Tess gi dikiki' na guma' Yu'us. Ben and Tess got married in a small chapel.
Guma'taotao name. family name. Meggaiña familian Guma'tåotåo giya Guåhan ki Saipan. The Guma'taotao family is more common in Guahan than in Saipan.
gumå'un adj. house-bound, having the character of a homebody.
gumå'un adj. house-bound, having the character of a homebody.
gumamela n. type of plant: hibiscus. hibiscus rosa-sinensis. Håfa ennåo na tinanum i gumamela? What is that hibiscus rosa-sinensis plant? Tåya' ni hu li'i' ennåo na tinanum i gumamela. I've never seen that hibiscus rosa-sinensis plant. Siguru na esta tåya' nu ennåo na tinanum i gumamela. I'm pretty sure that there is no more of that type of hibiscus rosa-sinensis plant. From: Tag. gumamela.
gunum vt. squeeze with arms or legs in fighting. Si Lucas ha gunum si Ron anai mumu. Lucas squeezed Ron when he fought with him. Ti siña si Rodney ha gunum si Carlos sa' loddu'. Rodney cannot squeeze Carlos because he's huge. Sumiha si Alex yan si Manuel para uma gunum si Antonio. Alex and Manuel partnered up to squeeze Antonio.
gunum num. the indigenous Chamorro word for the number six. Guaha gunum na ha'åni åntis di bai hu diskånsa. There are six days of work before I rest. Hu didibi håo gunum na lemmai låo un didibi yu' mås ki ennåo. I owe you six breadfruits but you owe me more than that. Ilek‑ña i mediku na para bai hu gimin gunum na basun hånum para i hinemlo'‑hu. The doctor said to drink six glasses of water for my health. Syn: sais.
gunus vt. wean. Esta magunus ennåo na babui. The piglet is already weaned. Mungnga makonni' ennåo na ga'lagitu sa' trabiha ti gununosun. Don't take that puppy yet because it has not been weaned. Makkat magunus esti na påtgun sa' hámalangu. This child was difficult to wean because he is sickly.
gunut n. coconut fiber from the trunk of the coconut tree, used esp. for straining tuba and other liquids. Si Tåta ha na'setbi i ginut para u kula i tiba. Father used the coconut fiber to strain the coconut sap. Måolik yan chaddik i ginut para mañonggin basula. Coconut fiber is good and quick for burning trash. Na'sahngi i ginut yan i pinut ya ta usa para i mamaila' na guput familia. Sort the coconut trunk fiber and coconut husk fiber and we will use them for the upcoming family feast.
guñut vt. choke (someone). Hu guñut håo kumu un dagi yu'. I will choke you if you lie to me. Ha guñut aga'gå'‑ña anai para u punu' i mannuk. He twisted the neck of the chicken when he was going to kill it.
Gupallåo n. Carolinian, a native or inhabitant of the Caroline Islands; also used to refer to Carolinians on Saipan. Mañåga ham gi kantun tåsi fihun gima' Gupallåo siha. We stayed near the beach next to the house of the Carolinians. Guaha pali'‑måmi Gupallåo. We have a Carolinian priest. Mangginin Carolinas esti siha i manggaigi på'gu na tåotåo Gupallåo giya Mariånas. The Carolinians in the Marianas came from the Caroline Islands.
gupó'ula n. large lobster.
gupu vi. fly, move through the air, travel through the air. Ma'å'a'ñåo si Lucia yanggin para u gupu gi dikiki' na eruplånu. Lucia is scared to fly in a small airplane. Tatkilu' i papaloti ginipu‑ña sa' dinanchi macho'guen‑ña yan metgut i manglu'. The kite's flight was high because it was well made and the wind was strong. Mås obra yanggin matattiyi taimanu gumupu i manglu' ki makontra. It is better to go with how the wind blows than to go against it.
gupu' n. skin fungus. Åmti i gipu' gi fasu‑mu nu i mimitung kabåyu. Apply the mimitung kabåyu on the fungal infection on your cheek. Chuma'ut i gupu' na chetnut yan fina'denni'. The skin fungus is allergic to hot pepper sauce. Yanggin masahalum håo nai mås lalålu' i gupu' na chetnut. It is when you sweat that the skin fungus gets more aggressive.
guput n. party, celebration, fiesta, festivity, holiday, feast. Ginin un tiempu, bula ayuyu, fanihi, yan binådu kada guaha guput i familia. At one time, there were lots of coconut crab, fruit bats, and deer whenever there is a family feast. I giput i bihun‑måmi put ha gacha' sientu åñus. Our grandfather's feast is about his reaching one hundred years. Gupot‑mu, ti gupot‑tu, pues hånåo ya un na'annuk håo. It is your party, not mine, so go and show up.
— vi. put on a party or feast, celebrate. Para u fangguput i manåmku' agupa'. The e1ders will have a party tomorrow. Bai hu lakngus un la'uya na inaflitun guihan, un kanåstra na dågu yan lemmai, yanggin para un guput. I will bring a pan of fried fish, a basket of yam and breadfruit, if you are going to make a feast.
— intj. now we're done for!, what now! (said when in a bind or at a loss). Guput hit på'gu, sa' manmaleffa hit nu i salåppi' para i chinchuli'. What now! We forgot the money for the donation! Guput! Håfa para ta cho'gui på'gu? Now we are in a bind! What shall we do? Guput! Håfa esti na disareklåo siha? What now! What are these messes?
guput manmåtai n. All Souls Day. Masilebra i giput manmåtai kada diha dos gi Nubembri. All Souls Day is celebrated every November 2nd. Måttu si Jose ginin Saipan para u atendi i giput manmåtai. Jose came from Saipan to attend the All Souls Day ceremony. Masilebra i misa gi simentetyu gi ha'ånin guput manmåtai. There is celebration of mass at the cemetary on All Souls Day.
guput salungai idiom. an expression of excitement (Luta). Guput salungai sa' machalapun todu i na'yan. The excitement due to the dishes being scattered. Guput salungai na atulai gi chinchulu. The net is packed with atulai fish so it's a party. Guput salungai anai sulun yu' ya pångpang gi halum fachi'. I was excited when I slipped and fell in the mud.
gurifu n. faucet, tap. Tinaki' esta i gurifu gi hiyung guma'. The faucet outset the house is already rusty. Variant: grifu. From: Sp. grifo.
guriyus n. type of insect: male cricket. Orthoptera Gryllidae. Mampus buruka i guriyus gi me'nan i gima'. The male cricket in front of the house is noisy. Anai hu baba i petta, manggupu huyung i guriyus. When I opened the door, the male crickets flew out. Ti ya‑hu i guriyus na gå'ga'. I don't like the male cricket kind of insect. Variant: griyus. From: Sp. grillos.
gurobu' n. baseball glove (Saipan). Ha u'usa si Dylan i gurobu' amigu‑ña. Dylan is using his friend's baseball glove. Debi di un usa i gurobu' yanggin para un fañålåo bola. You have to use the baseball glove if you're going to catch a ball. Ottru na klåsin gurobu' ma'u'usa ni kache'. The catcher uses a different kind of glove. From: Jp. guroobu.
gurupa vi. win a hand but fail to make any points in the card game tres sietti. Manggurupu hamyu anai mantres sietti hit nigap. You won a hand but failed to make points when we played tres sietti yesterday. Variant: gurupu.
gurupu n. 1) group, aggregation, crowd, assemblage. Ti siña yu' nu atyu na gurupu i para manmaigu' ha'. I cannot be with the group that sleeps all the time. Guaha dos gurupu na sessu mandanña' gi papa' trongkun lemmai kada talu'åni. There are two groups that frequently gather under the breadfruit tree. Ti maguaiya i gurupu ni manetnun gi paingi. They don't like the group that gathered last night.
— vi. form a group, gather together, cluster. Na'fanggurupu fan ennåo i palåbra siha? Can you group those words together? Manggururupu mo'na i famagu'un para u fanmanå'i hugeti siha. The children are moving forward in groups to be given toys. Na'manman esti siha na guihan sa' manggururupu låo ti manparehu na klåsi. These fish are unusual as they move in groups but they are not similar types. Manggurupu ya ma aguiguiyi i kuntråriu siha. They grouped and attacked their opponents. Variant: grupu. 2) win a hand but fail to make any points in the card game tres sietti. Variant: gurupa. From: Sp. grupo.
gurupus n. very tiny mites, found esp. on chickens. Duru i mannuk ha ka'guas gui', sa' bula gurupos‑ña. The chicken is scratching itself, because it has a lot of mites. Mapput mali'i' låo ti mapput masienti esti i gurupus, sa' siempri un tutuhun kumassas håo. Mites are difficult to see but easy to feel, as you will start scratching yourself. Mampus makaka i addeng‑hu sa' cha'ot‑tu gurupus månnuk. My legs are very itchy because I am allergic to chicken mites.
gusan n. scaly skin, scaling of skin. Variant: gofgufan, gufgufan, gufan. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gusé'kannai adj. quick to use the hand, quick to hit. Cha'‑mu na'lalålalu' si Ambrosia, sa' mampus guse'kannai. Don't make Ambrosia mad, because she is very quick to hit you. Si Juanito ha hannan si Andres ya trinikus, sa' guse'kannai. Juanito raised his hand to hit Andres, because he's very quick to hit. Syn: lágusi'. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
guse'ña adj. probably, more likely. Ti taiguennåo masangån‑ña, guse'ña taiguini. That's not how to say it, it is more like this. Guse'ña na ha na'hånåo tåftaf i pappet‑ña åntis di u fåttu i tiempu. It is more likely that she will send her paper early before the due date. Cha'‑mu luluhan sa' guse'ña na gaigi yu' guennåo åntis di puengi. Don't be afraid because I probably will be there before nighttime.
gusé'pachut quick to speak. Dimasiåo si Teresita guse'pachut. Teresita is too quick to say something. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
gusi' vi. come on, can you (used to urge someone). Gusi' fan ya un lasa yu'. Come on, will you, and massage me. Gusi' ya ta fanlatakfe'na dididi'. Come on, let's move up a bit. Gusi' fan ya ta na'fangåsgas i simintetyu agupa'. Come on, let's clean the cemetary tomorrow. Variant: lágusi'.
gustu n. 1) pleasure. Gustok‑ku chumotchu yanggin guaha donni'. It's my pleasure to eat well if there is hot pepper. Tåya' para guåhu gustu nu ennåo i chipa. I don't have any relish in a cigarette. Ti gustok‑ku humånåo para i mubi. It's not a pleasure for me to go to the movie. Ti gustok‑ku ennåo i fina'mamis. The pastry is not a pleasure for me. Guston‑ña si Kika' maigu'. Kika's pleasure is to sleep. Gustok‑ku chumotchu asnintukun. I love to taste the salted fish. Guston‑ña si Maria i fina'mamis siha. Maria loves to taste the sweets. Gustun‑ñiha i famagu'un aiskeki'. The children love to taste aiskeki'. 2) (pleasing) taste, (pleasing) flavor. Bula guston‑ña i kek umasagua. There is a lot of flavor in the wedding cake. I ais krim bula guston‑ña. The ice cream has a lot of flavor. Ti ya‑hu nengkanu' ni bula guston‑ña. I don't like food that has a lot of flavor. 3) joy. Ti gustok‑ku kumånta. Singing is not a joy for me. Bula gustu gi duråntin Kristmas. There is a lot of joy at Christmas. Anai umasagua i lahi‑hu, bula gustok‑ku. When my son got married, it brought a lot of joy.
— adj. enjoy, take pleasure in. Ti gustu yu' nu ennåo i mumaneska. I don't have any relish on alcohol. Variant: gostu. From: Sp. gusto.
gutai vt. harvest entire root crop at one time, pick all the fruits at one time. I sakki ha gutai i kamuti gi lanchun Guellu'. The thief harvested all the sweet potatoes at Guellu's farm. Lalålu' si Andres ya ha gutai todu i guaha na suni sin prubetchu. Andres got angry and he picked all the taro unnecessarily. Magutai si Ramon ni kahet‑ña gi gima'. Someone picked all of Ramon's oranges at the house.
gutgohu n. weevils (family of beetles). Coleoptera. Båba i pigas ni hu fåhan gi tenda, sa' bula gutgohu. The rice that I bought at the store is bad, because there are a lot of weevils in it. Yuti' i harina, sa' bula gutgohu. Throw the flour away, because there are a lot of weevils in it. Kana' ha' ti siña ta li'i' ni dos matå‑ta esti i chada' gutgohu. We cannot see weevil eggs with our naked eye. Variant: gotgu.
gutgoreta n. water container used by ancient Chamorros, made from a gourd. Bula gutgoreta gi lanchun‑måmi. There are lots of water containers at my farm. Debi di u fanmapo'lu esti siha i ginin antigu na gutgoreta gi museum. These ancient water containers should be placed in the museum. Tåya' esta fuma'titinas esti i gutgoreta na klåsin sagan hånum på'gu'. Nowadays no one is making this type of water container.
gutgueru n. vocal cords, larynx. Finakulu'an ya nina'puti gutgueru‑ña. She swallowed wrongly, which caused pain in her larynx. Mamuti i gutgueru‑hu gi paingi. My vocal cords hurt last night. Ma upera i gutgueru‑ña si Alex ya ti siña esta kumånta. They operated on Alex's vocal cords and now he cannot sing anymore. Syn: gekmun. Variant: guitgueru.
gutpeha vt. move suddenly, do (something) suddenly. Ti ya‑hu na bai hu gutpeha kumalamtin. I don't like to move suddenly. Guaha prublemå‑ña si Te', sa' ha gutpeha manhånåo para sanlagu. Te' has a problem; that is why they moved suddenly to the States. Ti siña ta gutpeha si Ana sa' gof pachang. We cannot move Ana suddenly because she cries a lot. Ti ya‑hu na bai hu gutpeha manuma. I don't like to carry suddenly. Puti i tatalu' Marian sa' ha gutpeha manuma. Marian's back is hurt because she moved suddenly. Gutpeha pumångun ya u fatmåta. Wake him up suddenly.
gutus vt. break off (a rubber band, string, etc.), snap (neck of a chicken, a root). Si Domingo ha gutus i tali anai ha hålla. Domingo broke the rope when he pulled. Hålla ginin i trongku låo adahi na un gutus i hali'. Pull from the trunk but make sure you don't break off from root. Gutus aga'gå'‑ña i mannuk åntis di un na'hålum gi la'uyan hånum maipi. Snap the chicken's neck before you put it in the pot of boiling water. See: magutus i finihu'.
guyuriha n. small, round, hard crispy cookie, small sugar-coated biscuit. Mahettuk mampus i fina'tinås‑ña si Alice na guyuriha. The guyuriha that Alice made is very hard. Månngi' i guyuriha yan i kafe. Guyuriha is very good with coffee. Muna'hanåo hami guyuriha nigap para sanlagu. We sent guyuriha yesterday to the States.
Total number of entries: 498

adj. adjective
adv. adverb
agr. agreement prefix
art. article
aux. auxiliary
cnj. conjunction
dem. demonstrative
Eng. English
infx. infix
intj. Interjection
Jp. Japanese
n. noun
n.pl. plural noun
neg. negative
num. numeral
part. particle
pp. prepositional phrase
pred. predicate
pref. prefix
prep. preposition
pro. pronoun
Sp. Spanish
suf. suffix
Syn synonym
vi. intransitive verb
vt. transitive verb