* Coming Soon

I - i


i1 n. the eleventh letter of the alphabet. Guaha benti kuåttru na lettran atfabetu gi finu' Chamorro; i i na lettra såsåonåo gi gurupun i buet. There are twenty-four alphabet letters in the Chamorro language; the letter i is included in the group of vowels.

i2 art. the (definite article). Hu chuli' i lepblu. I took the book Poddung i patgun gi trongkun niyuk. The child fell down from the coconut tree. I, lokkui', nå'i yu' fan maseha lamitå gi i kinenni'‑miyu guihan? Gee, also could you give me at least half of your fish catch? See: ni.

i3 intj. oh, wow, gee. I adai na nina'maguf ha'åni på'gu. Oh, what a pleasant day it is today. I mohon ya la'chatdik munhåyan i che'cho'‑ta gi diksinåriu. Gee, if only we can complete our dictionary work. Variant: ai.

i na intj. oh, wow; i is usually pronounced with emphasis and extra length. I na minalati' i patgun! Wow, what a smart child! Variant: ai na.

i'i' n. type of fish: baby skipjack (under four inches long). Family Carangidae. Bula kininne'‑ña i talayeru i'i' gi tasin Låolåo. The fisherman caught a lot of baby skipjack in Laolao. Månngi' ma'anistukun i i'i'. Baby skipjack are good to pickle.

í'isåo n. sinner, one who commits sin. Derived by reduplication from isåo.

Iba name. nickname for Oliva.

iba'1 n. type of tree whose fruit grows on trunk or branches and has a sour taste that causes the lips to pucker up, gooseberry. phyllanthus acidus. Atån i trongkun iba' sa' meggai tinekcha'‑ña. Look at the iba' tree, because it has lots of fruit on it. Månngi' matotchi i tinekcha' iba' yan i asiga. It is nice to eat the iba' fruit with salt.

iba'2 n. 1) puckered lips, puckering of lips, as when about to cry or feeling discontented. Atan i dångkulun iba'‑ña i neni. Look at the baby's puckered lips. 2) 

vi. pucker one's lips. Umiba' si Jose anai ha åkka' i iba' sa' mampus ma'aksum. Jose puckered his lips when he bit into the iba' fruit for it was too sour. See: muyu'.

ibaluha vt. evaluate, put a value on, estimate, calculate approximately. Ha chuli' si Vicente i mapan i gima' para i kuntratista para u ma'ibaluha. Vicente took the house plan to the contractor to be estimated. I ma'estra tinani' gi egga'an ha ibaluluha' i grådun i istudiånti siha. The teacher was busy this morning calculating the grades of the students. Variant: baluha. From: Sp. evalúa.

ibangheliu n. gospel. I obispu ha taitai i ibangheliu. The bishop read the gospel. I ibangheliu i fina'na'guin Yu'us yan i apostolis. The gospel is the teachings of God and the apostles Variant: bangheliu. From: Sp. evangelio.

Ibe'bu' name. place in Rota. Ibe'bu' i na'an un lugåt gi sanhaya Luta annai bobo'bu' i hanum ginin i papa' tånu' ya ha fotma i milak esta mama'sadduk. Abundånsia ni fresku yan gåsgas na hånum. Ibe'bu' is the name of a place on Rota that denotes its namesake as being a source of underground water located at the foot of the cliff of Mount Minachage (a part of the highest mountain range) on the south-eastern part of the island. The continuous flow of water forms a stream that turns into a river as it make its way down the mountain.

ibidensa n. evidence, proof, facts. Tåya' ibidensa masodda' ni pulisia put i mahåtmin i gima'‑ñiha. There was no evidence found by the police about their home being broken into. Fanu'i yu' ibidensa taimanu cho'guem‑mu nu i liksion‑mu. Show me some proof of how you did your assignment. Variant: ebidensia. From: Sp. evidencia.

Icha' name. nickname for Luisa.

idåt n. age, number of years. Kuåntu mohon idåt‑ña i amku'? How old do you think the elder is? Kåsi manparehu idat‑ñiha ennåo na gurupun famagu'un. Perhaps all the children in the group are the same age. See: åñus, såkkan. From: Sp. edad.

ideha n. idea, notion, belief. Håfa na ideha siña un na'hålum gi kumite para i Kutturan Chamorro? What idea can you suggest to the committe for the Chamorro culture? Unu na ideha para u mapraktika i para u ma'usa i finu' Chamorro gi gima' kada diha. One of the beliefs is to start speaking Chamorro daily at home. From: Sp. idea.

idolu n. idol, image, statue. Manma pega i idolu siha sanme'na gi templu. The idols were placed at the front of the temple. From: Sp. ídolo.

ifektus n. merchandise. Manbaråtu i ifektus gi tenda. The merchandise is cheap at the store. Kada dos simåna, manmabaratura i ifektus. Every two weeks, the merchandise is on sale. Guaha todu klåsin fektus gi as Joeten. There are all kinds of merchandise at Joeten. Variant: fektus. From: Sp. efectos.

ifik n. type of tree, a very hard and heavy wood resembling black walnut in color. intsia bijuga. Ti yinamak nu i manglu', sa' ifik gima'‑ñiha. Their house was not destroyed by the storm, because it is made of ifik wood. Variant: ifit.

ifit n. type of tree: a very hard and heavy wood resembling black walnut in color. intsia bijuga. Kulotdirosa i floris ifit. The flower of the ifit is pink. Mahettuk hayu‑ña yan gatbu na trongku esti i ifit. Ifit is a hard wood and a handsome tree. Variant: ifik.

igi vt. defeat, overcome, beat, vanquish, surpass, overpower. I patgun palåo'an todu i tiempu ha i'igi i che'lu‑ña låhi. The sister always tried to surpass her brother in school. Bai igi håo ha' gi achikak. I will beat you anyway in running.

iha n. daughter; usually used by an elder as a term of address to a daughter or a young girl. Maila' fan, iha, ya un ayuda yu' un råtu. Come here, daughter, and help me for a moment. Månggi i iha na ti manhahamyu na biåhi? Where is the daughter that she is not with you this time? See: håga. From: Sp. hija.

ihemplu n. example, parable. Put i ihemplu, håfa para un cho'gui? For example, what will happen? Fannå'i unu na ihemplu. Please give one example. From: Sp. ejemplo.

ihensia n. agency. Machocho'chu' yu' gi ihensian Gubietnu. I work at the Governor's agency. Håfa na ihensia ni siña ma'ayuda‑yu put tano'‑hu? What agency will be able to assist me about my land? From: Sp. agencia.

ihetsisiu n. exercise. Kåo siña hit umehetsisiu på'gu? Can we exercise today? Humånåo si Juan umehetsisiu. Juan went to exercise. I ehetsisiu måolik para i hinemlo'‑ta. Exercise is good for our health. Variant: etsisiu. From: Sp. ejercicio.

ihu n. son; usually used by an elder to address a young boy or son. Hånåo, ihu, tattiyi si tihu‑mu Vicente para i lanchon‑ña ya in na'chotchu i babui. Son, go follow your uncle Vicente to his farm and feed the pigs. Ihu, manmånggi siha i mangga'chochong‑mu para i kachido'? Son, where are your friends that followed you to the movie? See: låhi. From: Sp. hijo.

ika n. cash donation given to the family of a deceased person for funeral expenses. I ika siha mana'fansetbi gi gastun i interu. The gifts were used to pay for the funeral expenses. Sumåonåo gi ika si Ramona para i matai. Ramona joined in the cash donation for the funeral expenses. Håyi para u nå'i ni ika? Who do we turn in our cash donation to? Manmarikohi todu i ika para u ma'intrega guatu gi familian i matai. All the cash donations were collected and will be given to the family of the deceased.

vi. donate. Kåo para un ika gi as Tun Antonio? Are you going to give a donation to Mr. Antonio? The receiving of ika carries with it the obligation that the recipient reciprocate to the donor at a later date. See: chinchuli'.

ikak vt. defeat, beat in a race, finish first. Ma ikak yu' gi karera asta i iskuela. They defeated me in the race to the school Hu ikak håo chumotchu. I beat you eating (I finished first).

ikglesia n. church (as an institution). Guaha na tåotåo manmanhonggi gi sånta mådri ikglesia. Some people believe in the holy mother church. Syn: guma' Yu'us. From: Sp.

iknurånti adj. ignorant, illiterate, unlettered, untutored, unlearned. Mapput macho'gui i che'chu', sa' todu maniknurånti. They have difficulty doing the job, because all of them are ignorant. Pasensia ha' un nisisita, sa' iknurånti. You only need to be patient, because he is ignorant. From: Sp. ignorante.

ikspekta vt. expect. In ikspekta i gubietnu na u fåttu gi sirimoñias agupa'. We expect the governor to come to the ceremony tomorrow. Ti taiguennåo na kinimprendi in ikspekta ginin esti na gurupu. We did not expect that kind of understanding from this group. Variant: ekspekta.

Iku name. nickname for Juan.

ila'gui vi. stick out one's tongue (an insult or disrepectful act). Ha ila'gui i bisinu‑ña. He stuck out his tongue at his neighbor. Disatentu! Adahi na un fanila'gui tå'lu. You are insulting! Do not dare stick out your tongue again. Variant: hila'gui.

ilangilang n. type of tree. Canagium odoratum. Mafa'kurorona esti i floris ilangilang. The flowers of the ilangilang are used for making mwarmwar. Manpåguan i ilangilang giya Papagu'. The smell of the ilangilang is strong in Papagu'. Åmut lokkui' esti i ilangilang. The ilangilang is also a medicinal plant. Variant: alangilang, langilang.

ilåo vt. look for, search, spy. Hagas ha' ma'ilåo håo. You have been searched for for a long time Ma ilåo i patgun gi uriyan guma'. They looked for the child around the house. Manilåo si Henry pånglåo gi madduk. Henry looked for crabs in the hole. Ya‑ña si Mariano umilåo si Ana yan Maria. Mariano likes to spy on Ana and Maria. See: aligåo, ispiha.

ilehitimu adj. illegitimate. Ma gef guaiya i un ilehitimu na che'lun‑måmi. Our illegitimate sibling is very much cared for. Guaha un che'lu‑hu ilehitimu. I have an illegitimate sibling. See: baståtdu. From: Sp. ilegítimo.

ilek- (from: ilek‑) vt. say. Håfa ilelek‑ña ennåo? What is that person saying? Ilek‑ña si Jamin na para u ågang yu' agupa' Jamin said, that he will call me tomorrow. Ilek‑ñiha i famagu'on‑hu na para u fanmåttu gi Påsguan Resureksion Jesukristu. My children said they will come on Easter. This bound verb shows possessor agreement with its subject.

ileksión n. election. Para u guaha ileksion på'gu na Nubiembri. There will be an election this November. Gumuaha hunta gi iskuela ni para ileksion ufisiålis siha. There was a meeting at school for the election of the officers. Gi ileksion presidenti ma'ilihi si Obama para Presidenti. President Obama was elected on the election for president. From: Sp. elección.

ilektrisidå n. electricity. Adahi na un gini'ut ni elektrisidå. Be careful not to get shocked from the electricity. Håfa mohon para u masusedi yanggin tåya' elektrisidå gi tano'‑ta? What do you think would happen if there were no electricity on the island? Dångkulu prublemå‑ta put elektrisidå guini gi tano'‑ta. We have a big problem with electricity here on our island. From: Sp. electricidad.

iligåt adj. illegal. Meggai na iligåt na cho'chu' masusedi guini. Many illegal actions happened here. From: Sp. ilegal.

ilihi vt. elect, designate for office by a majority or plurality vote, select, choose, appoint, pick out. Ma'ilihi yu' para kaheran i tendan Joeten. I was designated to be a head cashier at Joeten. I taotåo umilihi i animu yan unestu na amigu‑hu. The people elected my hard working and honest friend. Manma'ilihi ham para ufisiålis gi kumite. We were appointed to be the officials in the committee. From: Sp. elige.

ilotis n. 1) type of food: sweet corn boiled with coconut milk. Numa'lagu si Arlene ilotis gi talu'åni. Arlene cooked corn soup in the afternoo. Manmano'o' ham ilotis gi gima' Jesus. We had corn soup at Jesus' house. 2) green corn, sweet corn as used for corn-on-the-cob. Guaha tres na ilotis gi kahun ais. There are three corn on the cobs in the refrigerator. From: Sp. elotes.

iluyi vt. think through, study, analyze, use the head. Ha iluyi taimanu kinalamten‑ña i sakki, pues ha gacha'. He analyzed the movement of the thief, then he caught him. Ma iluyi håfa na bula asuli gi susonyan Susupi. They studied why there is an abundance of eel at Susupe swamp.

imåhin n. image, statue. Meggai imåhin såntus gi gima'‑måmi. There are many statues of saints at our house. Hu na'mabindisi i imåhin Sånta Maria. I had the statue of Mother Mary blessed. See: estatua. From: Sp. imagen.

imbåtga1 vt. trust, depend, entrust, have faith. Hu imbåtga yu' gi manunestu na tåotåo. I have trust in honest people. Ha imbåtga gui' na para u fanggånna. He was depending on the fact that he might win. Ha imbåtga i hinemlo'‑ña gi mediku. He put his health in the hands of the doctor. Reflexive verb. Variant: båtga. From: Sp. embarga.

imbåtga2 vt. claim or take for oneself (something not owned by the claimant). Mungnga ma'imbåtga håo ni ti idehå‑mu. Do not claim ownership of an idea that is not yours. Håfa na un imbåtga håo nu esti ya ti iyom‑mu? Why did you claim this as yours but it's not? Reflexive verb. From: Sp. embarga.

imbenta vt. invent, contrive something new, create. From: Sp. inventa.

imbentót n. inventor. Ma ispiha i imbentót para u aligåo i prubleman i måkina. They searched for the inventor identify the problem with the machine. Variant: imbentadót.

imbesti vt. challenge, attack, assail, defy. Ha embesti i patgun si tatå‑ña. The child defied his dad. Mungnga ma'imbesti i amko'‑mu. Do not challenge your elders. I istudiånti ha imbesti i ma'estra. The student attacked the teacher. From: Sp. embiste.

imbidia adj. vengeful, envious. Manimbidia na tiempu i taotåo. People are vengeful nowadays. Kumu måttu i ha'åni pulitika, manimbidia i kandidåtu. When politics time comes, candidates are vengeful of each other. See: emmuk; bengga. From: Sp. envidia.

imbidiosu adj. hot-headed , easily angered, hot-tempered, envious. Imbidiosu håo na tåotåo. You are a hothead person. Si Rosa mampus imbidiosa na palåo'an. Rose is easily angered. Manimbidiosa i manamko'‑ta na tiempu. The elders are easily angered these days. From: Sp. envidioso.

imbilikeru adj. nosy, annoying, curious, meddling, snooping. Båsta umimbilikeru. Stop annoying. Imbilikeru håo ni ti bisnes‑mu. You are nosy even if it is not your business. Umimbilikeru yu' put para bai hu tungu' håfa masusesedi. I was curious to know what was happening. Variant: bilikeru.

imbistiga vt. investigate, probe, search, examine closely, inquire, scan, sift. Ma imbistiga anai fåtta mås ki miyon na salåppi' gi sobri. He was investigated when more than one thousand dollars was missing in the envelope. Kada råtu ma imbistiga låo ti siña ma sotda' na guiya lachi. She was frequently investigated but never found to be at fault. See: abirigua. From: Sp. investiga.

imbita vt. invite. Imbita todu i manmalagu' mañåonåo gi botasion. Invite all who wish to join the election. See: kumbida.

imbitasión n. invitation. Tåya' imbitasión put i hunta. There is no invitation about the meeting. Ti siña ma aksepta i imbitasion, sa' guaha achåki. They can't accept the invitation, due to an unexpected incident. See: kumbiti. From: Sp. invitación.

imboku vt. save, put aside. Imboku ennåo i dididi' na salåppi'. Put aside that small amount of money. Ha imboku si nåna i singkuenta pesus para chinchule'‑ña. Mother saved her fifty dollars for her donation. Hu imboku palu tinala' kåtni para i fiesta. I put aside the rest of the dried meat for the fiesta.

imbudu n. funnel. Ma'u'usa i imbudu gi difirentis manera. Funnels are used in different ways. Hu nisisita unu na imbudu para i sensia na leksion. I need one funnel for the science lesson. Na'setbi i imbudu putno u machuda' i lañan niyuk. Use a funnel to avoid spilling the coconut oil. From: Sp. embudo.

imbusteria vi. brag, boast. Ya‑ña u imbusteria si Ana. Ana likes to brag. Håfa ta'lu imbusteriaria‑ña si Ando? What is Ando boasting about again? Umimbusteria si Maria put i nuebu na aniyu‑ña. Maria bragged about her new ring. From: Sp. embustería.

imbusteru adj. liar, deceitful, one in denial, backtalker. Mampus imbustera si Ana na palåo'an. Ana is a deceitful woman. Cha'‑mu hohonggi si Jose sa' imbusteru na pitsona. Don’t believe Jose because he is in denial. Kumu imbusteru i pitsona, pues sakki uttimon‑ña. If a person is a liar, he will end up being a thief. From: Sp. embustero.

imbusteru n. liar, deceitful, denial (m), backtalk. Guaha imbusteru gi entalu' i inetnun guini. There is a deceitful person among our group here. Mapput manadanchi', sa' pinat manimbusteru manguekuentus. They could not come to an agreement, because they are mostly deceitful. From: Sp. embustero.

imbutiyi vt. do inlaid work, do raised or embossed work. Si Maria måolik nu i imbutiyi na cho'chu'. Maria is good in doing inlaid work. Ti libiånu esti i imbutiyi na cho'chu'. Embossed work is not easy.

imbutnåt n. drainage under roadway, ravine, ditch. Poddung si Juan gi imbutnåt ya måhluk addeng‑ña. Juan fell into the ditch and broke his leg. Mantåddung esti siha na imbutnåt gi kantun chålan. These ditches along the road are very deep. Mamoddung bulan mångga gi imbutnåt. Lots of mangos fell into the ravine.

imfitmera n. nurse, nursemaid. I imfitmera umayuyuda i manmalångu gi ospitåt. The nurses help the patients at the hospital. Makonni' yu' unu na imfitmera para u setbi si nanå‑hu. I hired a nursemaid to help my mom. I imfitmera unu na impottånti na sitbientin pupbliku. A nurse is one of the important community helpers. From: Sp. enfermera.

imfitmeria n. infirmary, nursing home, place for the care of the infirm or sick. Sumåsaga si nanå‑hu gi imfitmeria. My mom stays at the nursing home. Hu konni' i lahi‑hu para i imfitmeria para u maduluk flu. I took my son to the infirmary for a flu shot. Ta nisisita imfitmeria giya Saipan. We need a nursing home in Saipan. Puedi ha' ni nungka ni ta nisisita imfitmeria giya Saipan. I hope we will never need to have a nursing home in Saipan. From: Sp. enfermería.

imigrånti n. immigrant. Måolik lina'la'‑ñiha esti i imigrånti giya Saipan. The immigrants in Saipan have a good life. Put i nuebu na lai, todu i imigrånti nisisita uma bira siha tåtti gi tanu'‑ñiha. Due to a new law, all the immigrants have to return to their homeland. From: Sp. inmigrante.

vt. immigrate. I pilgrims ma imigrånti giya Estadus Unidus. The pilgrims were immigrants to the United States.

impanåda n. type of turnover made with rice and fillings of meat and vegetables. Guaha meggai klåsin impañada: papåya, satdinas, mångga, månnuk, put ihemplu. There are many kinds of turnovers: papaya, sardines, mango, chicken, to name a few.

vt. strange look, doubtful look (slang). Ti ha honggi na guaha ga'‑hu fanihi, sa' ha atan impanånada yu'. She did not believe that I have a pet fruit bat, because she was giving me a doubtful look. See: atan buñelus.

impanåda n. fried dish, like a turnover, with meat or seafood inside. Månngi' mama'tinas empanåda si Bolis. Bolis makes delicious empanådas.

vi. make an empanada. Meying si Bedu umenpanåda. Bedu is an expert in making empanådas. Variant: empañåda. From: Sp. empanada.

impåtchu adj. bored (from repetition), sickened, satiated, fed up, tired. Esta yu' impåtchu chumotchu månnuk. I am tired of eating chicken all the time. Impåtchu gui' ni todu i prublemå‑ña. She is fed up with all her problems. Impåtchu yu' sa' kada biråda ma ripiti i istoria. I am so bored because they kept repeating the story. Syn: o'sun.

impåtma vt. couple, patch, mend, splice, join together, sew up. I sastri ha impåtma i katsunes‑su. The tailor mended my pants. Ha impåtma i dos bånda gi kueyu. She joined together the two sides of the collar. Kåo siña un impåtma i madduk chinina‑hu? Will you patch the hole on my shirt?

impåtti vt. transmit, pass on, impart. Lameggai siha na tiningu’ ma impåtti giya guåhu para bai hu atituyi yan adahi. A good number of knowledge was imparted to me to heed and protect. I maga'låhi ha impåtti giya hamyu esti na obligasion. The leader has imparted to you this obligation. From: Sp. imparte.

impedimentu n. impediment, obstruction, obstacle, hindrance (of marriage), barrier. Na'suha i impedimentu kontra håfa para ta kumpli. Remove the impediment against what we want to accomplish. Tåya impedimentu ta lili'i' gi che'chu' guålu' på'gu na såkkan. We do not see obstacles for farming this year. From: Sp. impedimento.

impeña vt. 1) lease, let by contract. I tata ha impeña dididi' gi tanu' familia. The father leased a small part of the family land. 2) pawn. Ha impeña todu i alas nåna si Mariana. Mariana pawned all of mother’s jewelry. Kuntodu kosas hålum guma' ma'impeña. Even the house furniture was pawned. 3) mortgage. Si tåta ha impeña i tanu' gi bangku. Father mortgaged the property to the bank. Ma'impeña i gima'‑måmi anai mandibi yu'. I mortgaged our house when I took out a loan. Kuntodu i aras ha impeña i palåo'an. The woman mortgaged even her wedding coin. From: Sp. empeña.

impeñåo adj. ardent, eager, jealous. Manimpeñåo i famagu'un ni para u fanhånåo para i Zoo. The children were eager to go to the Zoo. Mampus impeñåo i patgun put tinaitai. The child is so eager to read. From: Sp. empeñado.

impeñosu adj. ardent, pressing earnestly, pertinacious, persevering, ambitious. Impenosu si Luis para u na'funåyan i kulehu‑na. Luis is ambitious in his studies. Impeñosu mampus si Juan put i idehå‑ña. John is persistent about his idea. Impeñosu na tåotåo si Bryan. Bryan is an ambitious man. From: Sp. empeñoso.

impeñu n. effort, all possible means to achieve one's objectives or desire. Hu aligåo impeñu para bai na'guaha hao. I did all I could to provide for you. Cho'gui impeñu ni para u måolik gradu‑mu. Do your best effort to get good grades. Håfa na impeñu bidå‑mu ni para un hihut gi guinifi‑mu? What efforts have you exerted to get closer to your dreams? From: Sp. empeño.

imperåo adj. enraged, irritated, excited, agitated. Manimperåo i punidera siha anai lumililiku' i ga'lågu gi uriyan i puyutus. The hens became agitated when the dog was circling the chicks. Imperåo anai ti ya‑ña masangåni håfa para u cho'gui. She got irritated when told what to do. Imperåo put ti ma'atyik para i kumpitensia. He was enraged when he was not selected for the competition. Variant: impiråo.

imperiu n. empire. Manmahåtsa gi sirimonias i banderan i imperiu siha ginin Ispaña, Alimaña, Hapon yan America. The flags of the empire of Spain, Germany, Japan and America were raised during the ceremony.

impetinenti adj. impertinent. Mungnga mana'kuentus sa' dimasiåo impetinenti. Don't let him talk because he is very impertinent. From: Sp. impertinente.

impeya n. chicken fat, oily or greasy meat of fowl or fish. Potput i impeyan esti na månnuk. The fat on this chicken is thick. Måolik i impeya gi satmon. The salmon fat is healthy. Ribåha kumånnu' i impeyan månnuk. Reduce your intake of chicken fat.

impiradót n. emperor. I maga'låhi i imperiu ma'ågan impiradót. The ruler of an empire is called emperor. I impiradót asaguan i impiradora. The emperor is the husband of an empress. I impiradót Hapon ha bisita i isla‑ta. The Japanese Emperor visited our island. From: Sp. emperador.

impitosu adj. impetuous, furious, impulsive, vehement in action or feeling, violent, short-tempered. Ginin impitosu låo esta gef fatkilu. She used to be impetuous but now she is very quiet. From: Sp. impetuoso.

implåsta1 vt. smear, blot out, smudge, daub, raze. Ha implåsta ni tinta i dokumentu. He smeared the ink all over the document. Håyi umimplåsta i chatku gi chinina? Who smudged the stain on the shirt? Guiya u implåsta pintura gi liga. She is the one who will daub the wall with paint. From: Sp. emplasta.

implåsta2 vt. apply a poultice to, soak (wound) in liquid. Chinachak i addeng‑hu, pues hu implåsta gi hanum maipi. I cut my foot so I soaked the wound in lukewarm water. Implasta tokuhon i appling na kannai‑mu. Apply tokuhon poultice to your sprained hand. Implåsta i chetnut o sino mama'chigu'. Apply a poultice to the wound or else it might get infected. From: Sp. emplasta.

implåstu n. poultice, soaking of wound in liquid. See: implåsta. From: Sp. emplasto.

impleha vt. employ. Malagu' si Maria para u ma'impleha gi iskuela. Maria wants to be employed at the school. Si Ramona humålum gi kulehu para u istudia put mediku, sa' gof malagu' ma'impleha para doktu. Ramona went to college to study medicine, because she wants to be employed as a doctor. From: Sp. emplea.

impleha vt. employ, hire. Tåya' para u fanma'impleha på'gu na tiempu. No one is hiring these days. Ngai'an ni para un ma'impleha? When will you be employed? Båba i ikonomiha, pues tåya' malagu' manimpleha. No one wants to hire because of the bad economy. From: Sp. emplea.

implehåo n. employee. Guaha dos sientus na implehåo manmachocho'chu' gi gubietnu. There are two hundred employees working for the government. Variant: implihåo, implehu. From: Sp. empleado.

implehu n. employee. I implehu siha gi kotti manfotmat gi che'chu'‑ñiha. The employees at the court are very serious about their job. From: Sp. empleo.

vt. employ. Ma'implehu si Martin gi gubetnu para mama'tinas lamasa. Martin was an employee with the government making tables. Si Ramon malagu' ma'implehu gi iskuela para mañugun bås. Ramon wants to be employed by the school as a bus driver. Variant: implehåo, implihåo.

implihåo n. employee. Si Juan guiya unu na implihåo gi tendan Joeten. Juan is one of the employees at Joeten store. Måolik si Jose na implihåo gi che'chu'. Jose is a good employee at work. Variant: implehåo, implehu. From: Sp. empleado.

impotenti adj. impotent. From: Sp. impotente.

impotta vt. import. I pigas ma'impotta ginin Amerika yan Filipinas na lugåt. Rice is imported from America and the Philippines. I kamabuku na låta ma'impotta ginin Hapon. The can of kamabuku is imported from Japan. From: Sp. importa.

impresa vt. impress.

impresót n. printer. From: Sp. impresor.

imprinta vt. imprint, impress, print. Si Kyle ha imprinta i na'ån‑ña gi me'nan i pettan i iskuela. Kyle printed his name on the front of the door at school. I implihåo mayot ha imprinta impottånti na infutmasion ya ma po'lu gi kada tenda. The Mayor's employees printed important information and posted it at the stores. From: Sp. imprenta.

imprudensia adj. imprudent, heedless of consequences. Hassuyi mås, sa' kalan imprudensia ennåo i para un sangan. Think twice because what you are about to say is imprudent. From: Sp. imprudencia.

impusipbli adj. impossible. Si tåta mampus tristi sa' impusipbli i katgån‑ña para u mana'hånåon batkun airi. Dad is very sad because his cargo would not be able to be sent by airplane. Impusipbli para u fåttu si Juan gi tiempun Påsgua, sa' mampus chågu' yan guaguan i fleti‑ña It would be impossible for Juan to come for the holidays, because he is too far and his airfare is too expensive. Impusipbli na taiguennåo humuyong‑ña para todu i makkat fina'checho'‑mu. It is impossible that it ended that way after all the hard work you have done. From: Sp. imposible.

imputtånti adj. important. Imputtånti na debi ta na'faniskuela i famagu'on‑ta. It is important that we educate our children. Impottånti para ta iduka i famagu'on‑ta gi gimå'‑ta fine'nina. It is important that we start education at home. Gof impottånti para ta adahi i kinanno'‑ta na tiempu sa' bula difirentis klåsi na chetnut esta. It is important that we are careful of what we eat, as there are many different types of illnesses these days. From: Sp. importante.

in1 agr. we (first person exclusive dual or plural agreement for realis transitive verbs and irrealis verbs or adjectives). In na'i håo tiempu para un fattu mågi gi tano'‑mu. We gave you the time for you to come here to your country. Guaha in na'sangi kosas para hågu. There are things we set aside for you.

in2 dem. this; shortened form of ini.

‑in- (from: ‑in‑) infix. 1) passive infix. Guinaiya ni paluma esti i dotsi. Birds love passion fruit. 2) infix used to form derived nouns from verbs or adjectives. Ma rimuebi i pine'lu gi halum kuåttu. They changed the location of things in the room. Tai uttimu i guinaiyan‑ña. Her love is infinite. 3) infix used to form adjectives from nouns. Guinaka. Cowish. Ina'paka'. Whitish. Kinahit Orangeish. Inoru Golden

Ina name. nickname for Alfonsina.

ina vt. illuminate, spot with light, shine on. Hu ina i patgun ni dengki'. I shined the flashlight on the child. Na'fanina todu i kandit ya u ma'lak i lugåt. Turn on all the lights to brighten the place up.

Ina' name. nickname for Rufina.

ina'paka' adj. whitish, containing white color. Esta mås ina'paka' i pañu anai ma tåla' gi semnak. The veil became even more white in color when it was sun dried.

ina'paka'an n. whiteness.

adj. whitish. Ti kulan ina'paka'an na magågu un usa nigap? Wasn't the dress you wore yesterday rather whitish?

inabak n. misunderstanding, error.

adj. puzzled. Nina'mås inabak hinassok‑ku anai sigi un alåba put i sinisedi ni ti un li'i' mismu. I got even more puzzled when you kept talking about the incident that you did not witness yourself.

inábali' n. intercourse. Matugi' gi lepblun mediku chetnut ginin i inábali'. There is a medical book about sickness from sexual intercourse.

ináchatli'i' n. hatefulness, spitefulness, hatred. Ti manafa'måolik na bisinu sa' mampus na inachatli'i'. The neighbors do not get along as there is so much hatefulness. Gef måolik i entalu' Juan yan Maria sa' tåya' inachatli'i'. It is good between Maria and Juan as there is no hatefulness. Mungnga makihåyi, sa' siempri guaha inachatli'i' gi entri hamyu na dos. Don't report on it, because it will create hatred between you two.

inadahi n. something that is protected, conservation, special belongings. In na'na' i inadahi gi kisami. We hid our special belongings in the ceiling. Kumu humuyung yu' guini na guma' iyom‑mu todu i inadahi. When I leave this house, all the special belongings are yours.

inadamellung adj. rounded. Mampus inadamellung ennåo na chandiha. The watermelon is too round. Dimasiåo inadamellung ennåo i ilu‑ña na muñeka. The head of the doll is too round. Variant: in‑adamellung.

inadåyåo adj. arouse interest, become interested.

inadilånta n. improvement. Mampus dångkulu na inadilånta gi lanchu. There is much improvement at the farm. Tåya' inadilånta un cho'gui gi gima'. You have made no improvements at the house. Sen maguf si tåta anai ha li'i' na guaha inadilånta gi lanchu. Father was very happy when he saw the improvement at the farm. Variant: inadilåntu.

inádingan n. talk, forum, discussion. Ya‑hu umekkunguk ennåo na tåotåo yanggin guaha inadingan. I like to listen to that person whenever there is a forum. Humånåo si Rosa anai sigi ha hunguk i manna'bubu gi halum i inadingan. Rosa left when she heard talk that was frustrating. Fanpåra nu ennåo siha na inadingan yanggin manggaigi i famagu'un. Stop such talk when children are present.

inádingu n. departure, leaving, parting. I inadingu mampus na'tristi. The departure was very sad. Ti ya‑hu yanggin måttu esti i tiempun inadingu. I don't like it when it's time for parting. Duru di kumåti i nana anai para oran inadingu. The mother was crying when it was time to leave.

ináfa'måolik n. state of harmony, peace, reciprocity, unity, caring. Klåru na guaha sensian infa'måolik guini na lugåt. It is clear that there is a sense of harmony in this place. In fa'na'an i gurupun‑måmi Inafa'måolik. We named our association Inafa'måolik. I inafa'måolik gi islan Mariånas muna'guguaha inakumprendi gi kumunidå. There is understanding in the community because of the culture of reciprocity.

inaflitu adj. fried. Ti ya‑hu i inaflitu na kåtni. I don't like fried beef. Si Vicente håspuk anai chumotchu inaflitu yan matunun kåtni. Vicente was full when he ate the fried and barbecued beef. Si Miguel ti ya‑ña inaflitu na lemmai. Miguel does not like fried breadfruit. Hu ufresi si Martin inaflitun katchu'. I offered Martin fried tuna.

inaftan n. grave. Mandanña' ham gi inaftan tåta. We gathered at father's grave. Variant: naftan.

inagaga' adj. all in red. Inagaga' si Maria para i giput. Maria wore red for the party. Si nåna ha na'inagaga' i neni yanggin para u maigu. Mother dressed the baby in red for sleeping. Mampus inagaga' i kulot pañu‑ña para i misa. The veil she wore to church is too reddish.

inagguentu n. ointment. Ma bindisi i inagguentu gi as påli'. The ointment was blessed by the priest. Palai gi adeng‑mu dos biahi gi diha nu esti na inagguentu. Apply this ointment twice a day on your leg .

inágofli'i' n. peace, harmony. Bula inagofli'i' gi familian‑måmi. There is much harmony in our family. Bula mampus na inachatli'i' gi halum familia ya tåya' inagofli'i'. There is too much hatred in our family, therefore there is no peace.

ináguaguat n. naughtiness, unruliness. Gai inaguaguat i patgun. The child is somewhat naughty. Ti ya‑hu mamanå'gui sa' manggai inaguaguat i famagu'un. I don't like teaching because the kids are somewhat naughty.

inairi1 n. bolt of lightning. In li'i' bula na inairi anai påkpak i butkan. We saw a lot of lighting bolts when the volcano erupted.

vi. be struck by lightning. Kume'inairi si Bernie låo sinatba sa' pinitseseras oru. Bernie was about to be struck by lightning but the gold bracelet she wore saved her.

inairi2 adj. gassy, having gas, airy, bloatedness. Inairi i rilos Juan ya åsgun i ispehus. Air got inside Juan's watch and it turned foggy. Siña ha' pininu' i taotåo yanggin inairi. People can die from being bloated. Hu alulåyi gumimin i hanum pues inairi yu'. I hurriedly gulped water then I had a feeling of bloatedness.

inakka' vi. be bitten, be stung (passive). Inakka' kalulot‑tu ni imang. My fingers was bitten by a hermit crab. Sulun i patgun anai inakka' ni ga'lågu. The child tripped when the he got bitten by a dog.

inakpå'an n. food from the day before. Månngi' i inakpa'an na inaflitun kåtni. The leftover fried meat from yesterday is tasty. Estagui' inakpa'an kåtdun månnuk. Here is a day old chicken soup.

inaksepta vi. be accepted (passive). Manggågåo si Lucio dispensasion ya inaksepta ha' as Jose. Lucio asked for forgiveness and Jose just accepted it.

inákumprendi n. understanding. Esta guaha inakumprendi gi entalu' Joaquin yan Ana. There is already an understanding between Joaquin and Ana. Nisisåriu na guaha inakumprendi åntis di håfa u macho'gui. There has to be some understanding before anything is done. Na'guaha inakumprendi kosa ki tåya' binibu. Make sure there is understanding to avoid anger.

inalula n. in a hurry, swiftness, hurriedness. Nihi tafan inalula para i plåsan båtkun airi. Let us go in hurry to the airport.

vi. to hurry. Sigi uminalulu håo låo trabiha ti o'ora. You keep being in a hurry but it is not time yet.

inamariyu adj. yellowish; all yellow, dressed in yellow. Kåo malangu håo, sa' kalan inamariyu i tatåotåo‑mu. Are you ill, because your body appears yellowish. Håfa na inamariyu håo på'gu? Why did you dress all in yellow today?

inamti vi. 1) be treated, be cured, be healed (of a patient) (passive). Inamti i lahi‑hu nu as tihu‑ña. My son was treated by his uncle. Ti inamti i palåo'an nu i mediku sa' ma'å'ñåo. The lady was not treated by the doctor because she was scared. 2) be taught a lesson (passive). Inamti si Maria anai sinangåni gi as Cecilia nu i todu linachi‑ña. Maria learned her lesson when Cecilia lectured her about all her mistakes. Ennåogui' na'‑mu sa' inamti håo, no? That should be a good lesson for you, isn't that so? Anai makastiga si Juan gi as Tun Jose, inamti ni atdit. The punishment that Juan received from Tun Jose really taught him a lesson. Rosa mouth was shut after I confronted her. Syn: Kulan inamti i pachot‑ña si Rosa anai hu klaruyi.

inapplacha' n. refuse, excrement, pollution. Suhåyi i lugåt guini sa' puru inapplacha'. Stay away from this place because there is a lot of pollution.

inapu adj. having ashes. Inapu i nengkanu'. The food has ashes in it.

inapu na kulót n. grayish, containing gray color. Inapu na kulot i sakun i nobiu. The groom's suit is grayish in color.

inapulaihan 2. moldy; caused to be moldy, become moldy. Inapulaihan i pan nigap. Yesterday's bread became moldy. Gef chaddik inapulaihan i kek. The kek became moldy very fast.

Inarajan name. village in southern Guam [pronounced Inalahan]. Gaigi Inarajan na songsung giya Guåhan na tånu'. Inarajan is a village in Guam.

inarekkla n. method, system, order, controlled. Tåya' inarekkla guihi na guma'. There is no order in that home. Håfa na klåsin inarekkla in pratitika gi chechu'? What kind of system do you practice at work?

Inas name. nickname for Ignacio.

inasa vi. be swept out to sea, adrift (passive). Maninasa gi tasi dos simåna na tiempu. They were adrift for two weeks. Go'ti i talin i sakman, sa' un inasa nu i napu. Hold on to the rope of the canoe, or the waves will sweep you away. Manmalagu' manhuyung gi tasi låo manma'å'ñåo na u faninasa nu i metgut nåpu. They wished to go out to sea but they were afraid of being swept out to sea by the strong current. Ti ha bira gui' tåtti' i peskadot, sa' inasa. The fisherman did not return because he got swepet away by the strong current. Inasa i boti anai mama'baba i måkina. The boat was blown away by the strong wind when the engine broke down. Variant: hinasa.

inasåhan n. fruit that ripens on tree before harvesting, ripe banana (still on the tree). Honggu' i chetda sa' esta inasåhan. Harvest the ripened banana.

inasi'i n. pardon, forgiveness, absolution. Manggagåo i patgun inasi'i ginin i saina‑ña. The child sought forgiveness from her parents.

inasigåyan n. salt streak forming on the body from dried perspiration. Ti umo'omak si Pedro sa' gaigigi ha' i inasigåyan. Pedro has not showered yet because the streak marks are still there. Todu inasigåyan uriyan pachot‑ña ni te'la' sa' på'gu matmåmata' i patgun. The child who just woke up has streak marks around his mouth from his saliva.

inasigura n. security, warranty, bail. Hu na'tistigu i tano'‑hu para inasigura gi bangku. I collateraled my property as security for a loan at the bank. Kuåttru åñus ha' i inasiguran i kareta. The car only has four years warranty.

inasni n. pickle, something salted, treated, seasoned, or filled with salt. Mampus ma'asin i inasnin guihan. The pickled fish is very salty. Dinanchi i inasnin kåtni. The meat is seasoned just right.

inasút adj. blueish, containing blue color. Inasút i kulot katsunes‑ña. His pants are bluish in color. Kada Lunis inasút si Pat para i che'chu'. Pat wears blue to work every Monday.

inatan n. glance, something seen or watched, as in babysitting. Kalan ya‑ña i inatan‑hu nu guiya. Its like he likes the way I looked at her.

inátattiyi n. line, row, eries, sequeunce. Månu na inátattiyi na siña bai hu sotda' håo? Which row will I be able to find you?

inatburota n. insurrection, uprising, rebellion, disturbed, bothered. Bula manpiligru na inatburota gi tanu'. There are a lot of dangerous uprising in the world.

vi. be disturbed (passive). Inatburota ni katin neni gi maigo'‑ña. The baby's cry disturbed his sleep. I malångu na tåotåo yanggin diduk i chetnot‑ña, inatburota i hinasson‑ña. When a sick person encounters excruciating pain, his mind is disturbed.

inatditi vi. be oppressed, depressed, be made worse (passive). Inatditi ni pinadisi‑ña gi anai ti ha kumpli i amot‑ña. His illness worsened when he did not complete his medication. Inatditi i taotåo ni manilik ulu'. The person's headache has worsened.

inatomtum n. meeting of the minds, mutual understanding. Guaha inatomtum put madibidin i tanu' familia. There was mutual understanding regarding the division of the family land.

ináttilung adj. blackish, containing black color blackness. Yanggin ináttilung håo på'gu na tiempu, ti kumeke'ilek‑ña na' nilulutu håo. If you wear black nowadays, it does not mean you are in mourning. Manináttilung i familia sa' manggai matai. The family wears black because they are in mourning.

inátungu' n. agreement, understanding. Guaha inátungu' gi intri i dos tåotåo. There is an agreement between the two individuals. Kåo guaha inátungu' put i gustun fandånggu gi intri i dos familia? Is there an understanding in regards to the wedding expenses between the two families?

inatyik n. choice, selection, option. Estigi' na matiriåt inatyek‑ña i nobia. This is the material selection made by the bride.

vi. Todu ha' hit manma'ågan låo dididi' ha' manma'atyik. All are called but few are chosen. See: sileksión.

Inåyan name. a place in Rota located north of Manmak. Manmatånum piña siha giya Inåyan. Pineapples were planted at Inåyan.

inbatga vt. claim as if, assert something factual. Ha inbatga na lachi mapula'‑ña i palåbra gi diksinåriu. She asserted that the translation of the word in the dictionary is wrong. Ti hu kumprendi håfa na un fa' kadu' iyom‑mu i ti iyom‑mu, ya sigi ha' un inbatga na hågu i magåhit na dueñu. I can't comprehend why you claim as if you own what you really don't, and you continue to claim that you are the true owner. Ma inbatga na ti siña matulaika i kosas ya para siha ha' u tinilaika. They asserted that no one shall change the item and that they are the only ones that could do so. Variant: imbåtga. From: Sp. embarga.

indiåna n. cloth with striped or checkered pattern. Bunitu na indiåna para chininan misa. The cloth pattern is beautiful for church clothes. I famalåo'an sessu manminagågu indiåna. The women usually wear striped clothing. From: Sp. indiana.

indichu n. affected, impacted. Ha gacha' hit i indichu.

indiheñu adj. indigenous. Indiheñu yu' na tåotåo giya Mariånas. I am an indigenous person in the Marianas. Syn: kosas tåotåo tånu'.

indika vt. indicate, denote, show, manifest, designate. I muhon umindidika i mineddung tano'‑hu. The markers indicate the size of your land. Todo i kuåttru iskina ha indidika ma'o'opagat. All the four corners indicated are not straight. From: Sp. indica.

indikasión n. indication, signifying, showing. Mapega måtka para u guaha indikasion. To show indication, a marker was placed. From: Sp. indicación.

indipindienti adj. independent, self-supporting. Indipindienti mampus i lina'lå'‑ña si Jose. Jose lives independently. Indipindienti kustumbren‑ña esti na påtgun. This child's has an independent character. From: Sp. independiente.

indotsa vt. endorse. I pattidan republikan ma indotsa yu' para kandidåtu. The republican party endorsed my candidacy. From: Sp. endosa.

induktu adj. unprepared at the time. Maninduktu ham anai manginacha' ham nu i ira. We were unprepared when the disaster struck us.

induthensia n. indulgence (Catholic belief to pay for one's sins). Yanggin manaitai håo sientu na Abe Maria, manå'i håo induthensia. Everytime you pray 100 Hail Mary, you are awarded compassion. Para ma asi'i i isåo‑hu, manaitai yu' dies na Abe Maria para induthensia. For my sins to be forgiven, I prayed ten Hail Marys for my indulgence. Variant: indulensia. From: Sp. indulgencia.

invelvad (TBD) vi. involved. Yanggin guaha tinilaika invelvad, put fabot na'tungu' yu'. If there are any changes involved, please let me know. Tåya' invelvad menus di idat gi sinisedi gi paingi. There were no minors involved in the incident last night. Hunggan, guaha invelvad patgun palåo'an gi aksidentin kareta. Yes, there was a young girl involved in the car accident.

inentalu'i vi. be interrupted (passive). Måolik na inentalu'i si Manet gi as Juan nu i fino'‑ña putno u na'piniti gi entalu' i gurupu siha. It was good that Manet's statement was interrupted by Juan to prevent ill feeling among the group.

inengkånta n. fascination, attraction. Ginin i minachum i atdåo nai ha sienti inengkånta. Her fascination was from the beauty of the sunset.

inengkåtga n. arrangement, management, order (as from restaurant or catalogue).

vi. Inengkåtga i muchacha' ni emplihåo‑ña para u na'måolik i che'cho'‑ña. The maid was ordered by the employer to do a good job.

Ineru n. January. Ineru i primet na mes gi sakkan. January is the first month of the year. See: tumaiguini. From: Sp. enero.

Ineru n. January. Ineru i fine'nina na mes gi sakkan. January is the first month of the year. Ta silelebra i Añu Nuebu gi Ineru diha unu. New Year Day is celebrated on January first. Mafañågu yu' gi Ineru na mes. I was born in January. From: Sp. enero.

inetchung n. wrong, fault, injustice. Tåya' inetchung guini na areklamentu. There is nothing wrong with this arrangement. Ti ma ripåra na ginin i inetchung put i mapåttin tånu' na muna'guaha inachatli'i gi entalu'‑ñiha. They did not realize the ill feeling between them was due to the unjust division of the land.

inetnun n. association, club, group, league, corporation, crowd. Guaha huntan i inetnun Lingguåhin Chamorro. There is a meeting for the Chamorro Language group. See: katdumi, gurupu, aliansa.

infelís adj. unhappy, unfortunate. From: Sp. infeliz.

infiét adj. doubting, sceptical, suspicious, unbelieving, free thinking, lacking faith. Guaha tåotåo maninfiét ni rilihon‑ñiha. Some people are doubting their religious belief. From: Sp. infiel.

Infietnu n. hell, inferno. I na'minaipin guåfi kalan guåfin infietnu. The fire is so hot like the fire of hell. Yanggin kimason i tangkin gasulina, siempri infietnu humuyong‑ña. When a gasoline tanker is on fire, it will be like hell. Infietnu na guåfi anai kimason i hotel. It was an inferno when the hotel was on fire. Syn: sasalåguan. From: Sp. infierno.

infietnu n. hell, abyss, inferno. Guaha na tåotåo manmanhonggi na guaha infietnu. Some people believe that there is a hell. See: sasalåguan. From: Sp. infierno.

infín adv. in the end, at last. Infin ti humånåo håo, na'tutungu' yu'. In case you don't go, let me know. Infin ha cho'gui ha', sa' put obligasion. In the end, he did it out of obligation. From: Sp. en fin.

infisisa vt. enforce, emphasize. Infisisa i leksion. Emphasize the lesson. Infisisa put fabot na u ma'usa i lingguahi‑ta. Please emphasize the use of our language. Ma'infisisa na todu i implehåo u fanggai diploma åntis di u fanmacho'chu'. It is enforced that every employee get their diploma before working.

infitmera n. nurse. Ti nahung infitmera gi hospitåt, sa' mampus meggai manmalångu put i chetnut kurason yan daibitis. There are not enough nurses at the hospital, due to the high number of patients with heart disease and diabetes. I infitmera unu na imputtånti na sitbentin pupbliku. A nurse is one of the important public servants. Variant: enfetmera. From: Sp. enfermera.

infotma vt. inform, acquaint, apprise, notify. Ma'infotma yu' put i ha'ånin kottek‑ku. I was informed about my court hearing. From: Sp. informa.

infutmasión n. information, message. Hu risibi i infotmasión na malångu si tatå‑hu. I received the information about my father's illness. See: anunsia, notisia. From: Sp. información.

inhuestisia n. injustice, oppression. Inhuestisia para un sintensia i taotåo sin ebidensia. It is injustice to sentence a person without evidence. Variant: inhustisia. From: Sp. injusticia.

inhuria vt. revile, reproach. See: kalumnia. From: Sp. injuria.

ini dem. this (near speaker); archaic form now mostly replaced by esti. Håfa ini? What is this? See: esti. Variant: in.

inifresi n. offering, promise, proposal, proposition. Måolik i inifresi‑ña gi taotåo siha. His proposal to the people was good.

vi. be offered (passive). Inifresi i patgun as tatå‑ña bola. The father offered the child a ball. Si Jose lalålalu' gi as tatå‑ña sa' inifresi ya dinagi. Jose is upset because his father broke his promise.

inifu mepplu n. hairy beggarticks, Spanish needle, type of plant with daisy-like flowers and cluster of barbed seeds, used a medicine and food in some areas. Bidens pilosa. Cha'ot‑tu inifu mepplu. I am allergic to the hairy beggarticks plant. Mañeñettun i simiyan inifu mepplu gi katsunes‑su. The hairy beggarticks seeds are stuck on my trousers. Siña mafa'åmut esti i inifu mepplu. The hairy beggarticks could be used as medicine. Yan‑ñiha i ababbang esti i floris inifu mepplu. Butterflies are attracted to the hairy beggarticks flower.

inifuk n. type of grass: burr, stickerburr. chrysopogon aciculatus. Mañettun gi magagu‑hu bula na simiyan inifuk. There are lots of stickerburr seeds stuck on my clothes. Adahi na un faloffani anai manggaigi i inifuk. Be careful should you go throught the stickerburr area.

iniga vi. be caressed (passive). Iniga si Ana as Jose. Ana was caressed by Jose. Ti ya‑hu na un iniga as Juan. I don't like Juan to caress you. Mungnga na un iniga nu i lahi. Don't let the guy caress you.

inigas n. type of starch made from tapioca or arrowroot. Fañuli' mågi mindioka ya bai fa'tinåsi håo inigas. Bring over tapioca and I will prepare starch for you. Finu i inigas. The starch is fine.

inigu' n. envy, jealousy. Tåya' inigu' gi entalu'‑måmi. Jealousy has no place among us.

adj. envious, jealous. Nina'inigu, sa' ti ma'atyik para i kumpitensia. She became jealous because she was not selected for the competition.

inigung n. moaning, lamentation. In hihinguk inigung gi ispitat. We were hearing moaning at the hospital.

inimigu n. enemy, foe, hostile force, adversary, opponent, challenger, competitor. Manma'abisa ham na metgut i inimigu. We were advised that the opponents are powerful. Bula kontråriu kandidåtun gubietnu para på'gu na botasion låo tåya' inimigu gi entalu'‑ñiha. There are many opposing competitors for the governor's seat in this election but among themselves, they are not enemies. I inimigu na sensian tåotåo ti måolik para i kumunidåt, ispisiåt gi dikiki' na tånu'. Hostile feelings among people are not healthy, especially in small communities. From: Sp. enemigo.

ininan åtdåo n. sunlight. I ininan åtdåo mås maipi gi talu'ha'ani. The sunlight is very hot in the afternoon. Manmalåyu i tinanum siha ginin i atdit na ininan atdåo. The plants are withered from too much sunlight.

inistukun n. brine, pickling solution, something pickled. Ya‑hu inistukun mañåhak. I like pickled mañåhak. Nihi ta fanmama'tinas inistukun. Let's make some brine. See: chigu'an, asnintukun, anistukun.

inkuenta prep. on behalf (of). inkuenta i familia on behalf of the family inkuenta si Juan on behalf of Juan inkuenta ginin hami on behalf of us The object of this preposition is either unmarked or preceded by the preposition ginin. From: Sp. en cuenta.

inlugåt di prep. instead of.

cnj. instead of, in place of. Inlugåt di bai fanegga' mubi, manegga' ham telebision. We watched television instead of going to the movie. Inlugåt di hu nå'yi mantikiya, hu na'yiyi mantika. Instead of adding butter, I used lard. Inlugåt di u fanistudia, humånåo humugåndu. He went to play instead of studying. Variant: putnó. From: Sp. en lugar de.

inoru na kulót n. gold color. Atan ennåo na inoru na kulot. Look at that gold color. Ya‑hu inoru na kulot. I like the gold color.

insalåda n. salad. Mama'tinas yu' insalådan batåtas para i giput. I made potatoe salad for the party. Insalåda pipinu mås mana'hulu' ni manhobin. The youngsters’ favorite is cucumber salad. Todu klåsin gollai siña mafa'insalåda. Salads can be made with all kinds of vegestables. From: Sp. ensalada.

insåtta vt. draw string or thread through, pass a thread through the eye of, make a collection by stringing (things) on a wire or thread. I famagu'un manmafa'nå'gui manmaninsåtta kulålis para kadena. The children were taught to string beads for a necklace. I peskadót ha insåtta i kinenne'‑ña guihan. The fisherman used wire to string his catch. Si tåta ha insåtta i kåtni para matåla'. Father strings the meat on skewers to dry.

insåttu n. collection of (things) put together by stringing on a wire, thread, etc. so as to hold them together, as a string of fish, shishkabob, string of beads. Insåttun kulålis. String of beads. Insåttun karakot. String of shells. Insåttun batunis. String of buttons. Håfa ennåo na klåsin insåttu, sa' kalan manekalao para guåhu. What are those objects that are strung together, because they appear disorganized to me.

insåyu n. rehearsal, practice session. Para u guaha insåyu lamu'na gi oran alas sietti. There will be a practice session this evening at seven. From: Sp. ensayo.

vi. rehearse, have a rehearsal, practice. Maninsåyu i kantoran Gima' Yu'us Chalan Kanoa. Chalan Kanoa’s choirs are rehearsing.

insigidas adj. immediately, promptly, right away. Insigidas malågu yu'. I ran immediately. Anai måttu yu' gi lanchu, insigidas mangåti i babui, sa' manñålang. When I arrived at the farm, the pigs started crying right away, because they were hungry. From: Sp. enseguida.

insigin vi. go that way, go through, go by way of. Insigin tattin guma' putno un magacha'. Go through the back way to the house to avoid being caught. Mås libiånu para i tasi guatu kumu maninsigin halum tånu hamyu. It is much easier to go toward the ocean if you go through the forest. Variant: ingis, sigin, isik.

insik vi. move or go through. Para u insik tåtti si Jose gi kusina. Jose was going to go through the back of the kitchen. Insik mo'na lai sa' tåya' do'gas nu i påra un sulun. Move on, friend, because there are no shells to prevent you from slipping. Variant: ingis, sigin, insigin, isik.

insima vt. put in (money) as shares, donate, add in. Maila' ya ta fanensima para i gipot‑ta. Let’s add in for our party. Esta hu insima dididi' gi bangku para i patgon‑hu. I put money in the bank for my child. Guaha prublema annai hu na'ensima pulitika gi huntan mañaina. There were problems when I added events of the politics during our parents meeting. From: Sp. encima.

insisti vt. insist, urge, demand persistently. Hu insisti na un ekkunguk. I urge you to listen. Ha insisti para u hånåo. He insisted that he should go. Ha insisti si Juan para bai in asagua. Juan insisted for us to get married. From: Sp. insiste.

inspekta vt. inspect. Ma inspekta i gima'. They inspected the house. Ha inspekta i gellai gi tenda. He inspected the vegetables at the store.

instrumentu n. instrument. Mamåhan yu' unu na instrumentu gi tenda. I bought an instrument at the store. From: Sp. instrumento.

insutta vt. insult, mock, deride. Mungnga yu' ma'insutta. Don’t insult me. Dispensa. Ti hu åsngun na para bai insutta håo. I am sorry. I did not intend to insult you. From: Sp. insulta.

insuttu n. insult, affront. Tåya' sagå‑ña esti i insuttu guini na dinanña'. There is no room for insults in this gathering. Ti bai insutta håo tåtti put i insuttu ginin hagu. I will not return your insult. See: dispresiu. From: Sp. insulto.

intelihenti adj. intelligent, smart. Intelihenti håo na påtgun. You are an intelligent child. Mandanña' i manintelihenti para u matugi' put i istorian‑ñiha. The intelligent people got together to write about their life. Syn: malåti'. From: Sp. inteligente.

intensión n. intention. Måolik intension‑hu. My intention is good. Ti ennåo intension‑hu. That is not my intention. From: Sp. intención.

intensiona vt. intend. Ti hu intensiona na bai hånåo. I don’t intend to go. Hu intensiona para bai kuentusi håo. I intend to talk to you. Ha intensiona måolik para hågu. He intended something good for you.

interinu n. intern. Ha chocho'gui i interinu gi iskuela. He is doing his internship at school.

interu n. funeral, interment. Sumiha si Rosa yan si Ana para i interu. Rosa went to the funeral with Ana. Para u gaigi si Påli' yan i tanoris siha gi interu. The priest and the alter boys will be at the funeral. From: Sp. entierro.

vi. attend a funeral. Variant: intieru.

interu et mundu n. whole world. Mangginacha' interu et mundu ni tinilaikan tiempu. The whole world was affected by climate change. Hu taitai kada diha i manmasusesedi gi interu et mundu. I read daily about events around the world. From: Sp. el mundo entero.

intetnu adj. internal. Intetnu chetnot‑ña si Juan. Juan’s sickness is internal. Intetnu prublemå‑mu. Your problem is internal. From: Sp. interno.

intétpiti n. interpreter, translator. Måolik yu' na intetpiti. I am a good interpreter. From: Sp. intérprete.

intirisånti adj. interesting, pleasing. Guaha na biahi na hu sotda' tinigi' ni intirisånti para guåhu. I sometimes find written materials interesting for me. From: Sp. interesante.

intirisåo adj. 1) interested, attentive. Manintirisåo hamyu put i istorian‑måmi gi tiempun Aliman? Are you interested in our story during the German administration? Bai fåttu gi hunta, sa' gef intirisåo yu' put unu na asuntu. I will attend the meeing because I am very interested about one item. 2) self interest, selfish, self-centered. Puru put che'chu' intirisåo ha chocho'gui gi ofisina. His work at the office is all for his self interest. From: Sp. interesado.

intråda n. entrance, entry, gateway, passageway. Månggi i intrådan i ufisinan i Mayot? Where is the entrance to the Mayor’s office? Estagui' i intråda mågi. Here is the entry. Hålum gi intråda. Enter the gateway. From: Sp. entrada.

intrega vt. deliver (to), submit (to), yield, release, hand over (to), present. Hu intrega håo nu i che'cho'‑ta. I handed over our work to you. Hu intrega hålum i che'cho'‑ta esta. I submitted our work. Håyi umintrega håo nu i salåppi' para i hagå‑mu? Who presented you with the money for your daughter? Syn: nå'i, presenta. From: Sp. entrega.

intri prep. among, amid, amidst, between. Kåo guaha malagu' humånåo gi intri hita? Is there anyone among us who wants to leave? Håyi gi intri hita mås bråbu? Who among us is the most active? Guaha yinengyung gi intri i mangga'chung. There is animosity amidst the friends. From: Sp. entre.

intritåntu adv. meanwhile, in the meantime, for the time being. Intritåntu mientras ta fanmanangga, maila' ta fanboka. In the meantime, let’s eat while we wait. Intritåntu si Joaquin para ma'estrun sirimonias. Jack will be the master of ceremonies for the time being. From: Sp. entretanto.

introdusi vt. introduce, lead. Put fabot introdusi i che'lu‑mu. Please introduce your brother. From: Sp. introduce.

introdusión n. introduction. Tugi' i introdusion gi pappit. Write your introduction on the paper. From: Sp. introducción.

inturompi vt. interrupt, interfere abruptly. Mungnga na un inturompi ham. Don’t interrupt us. Mangåti i famagu'un mandikiki' anai ma'inturompi i huegun‑ñiha ni manbåstus na hobinsitu. The little children cried when their game was interrupted by the rough adolescents. Ma'inturompi i silensiun hinassok‑ku anai mana'tungu' yu' un makkat na nutisia. My silent thought was interrupted when I received a difficult message. Påra i bision‑mu maninturompi gi ti konbitsasion‑mu. Stop your habit of interfering in conversations that are not yours. From: Sp. interrumpe.

inus vi. capable of squeezing through, able to fit. Chagi muna'inus i lepblu gi maleta. Try to fit the books in the bag. Mås inus yanggin un na' fanassun i tabla gi papa' såtgi. It will fit much better if you lay down the lumber underneath the house. Na'la'inus fan i kosås‑mu ya u la'omlat gi komuda. Will you squeeze your things a bit so that they will fit in the drawer.

inusenti adj. innocent, not guilty. Inusenti esti na påtgun. This child is innocent. Masotda' nu i hues na inusenti atyu na prohimu. They judge found that the individual is innocent. From: Sp. inocente.

inutit adj. 1) paralyzed. Mungnga masångan na inutit yu'. Don’t say that I am paralyzed. 2) unfit. Inutit yu'. I am unfit.

inggråtu adj. ungrateful. Inggråtu na påtgun kontra i mañaina‑ña. He was an ungrateful child toward his parents. I inggråtu na bisinu manlalålalu' put maseha dididi' ha' na buruka. The ungrateful neighbor complained about every little noise. Syn: malagradesidu. From: Sp. ingrato.

ingguenti n. ointment. Åntis giya Saipan, kana' todu chetnut ma'u'usa i Vicks na ingguenti. In the past in Saipan, Vicks was pretty much the ointment used for any illness. Variant: engguenti. From: Sp. ungüento.

ingkåhi2 adj. snagged, entangled, caught. Ingkåhi i guihan gi kutdet. The fish was hooked. Na'ingkåhi i guihan. Hook the fish. I dikiki' na guihan ingkåhi. The small fish was hooked.

ingkantåo adj. mixed up, confused. Esta i famagu'un maningkantåo titanus‑ñiha. The kids' minds are mixed up already.

ingkåsu cnj. if, in case. Ingkåsu na ti måttu yu' på'gu, pues asta agupa'. In case I do not come today, then I will come tomorrow. Ingkåsu ti u fåttu si Jesus, låo si Maria para u fåttu ha'. In case Jesus does not come, Maria will. Ingkåsu na humånåo yu' tåftaf, huhuchum i ufisina. In case I leave early, just lock the office. Variant: akåsu, angkåsu, siakåsu, siangkåsu. From: Sp. en caso.

ingkatgåo n. caretaker, custodian. I kapitan ingkatgåo ni che'chu' i gurupu. The captain is the custodian of the group’s work. I inkatgåo muna'siguguru na gåsgas i iskuela. The custodian is responsible for the cleanliness of the school building. Guåhu inkatgåo ni as nanå‑hu. I am the caretaker for my aging mother. Variant: sobrekåtgu. From: Sp. encargado.

ingkibukåo adj. confused, aroused. Mungnga mana'ingkibukåo i hinassok‑ku. Don't confuse my thinking. Sessu maningkibukåo i taotåo sa' ti kabålis na infutmasion manmanå'i siha. The people are frequently confused because they were not given complete information. Maningkibukåo i taotåo anai tumåya' salåppi' para i iskuela siha. The public became aroused when funding for schools was exhausted. See: engkibukåo.

ingkilinåtu re. leasehold, property held by lease. Ingkilinåtu i lugåt. The property is under lease. Ti ya‑hu na para bai na'ingkilinåtu i lugåt‑tu. I don’t like to lease out my land.

Ingkola vt. bleach, whiten, blanch, make white or whiter, esp. in the sun. Si nåna ha Ingkola i såbanas å'paka'. Mother bleached the white sheets in the sun. Ingkola fan i medyas‑su å'paka'. Please whiten my white socks under the sun. Ingkola i fañelan Jonakin sa' gai chatku. Blanch Jonakin’s T-shirt because it has a stain.

ingkotdiu n. venereal disease, gonorrhea. Tatami esti na chetnut i ingkotdiu. Venereal disease is communicable. Kumu nina'yi i taotåo ingkotdiu, ha nisisita ma'åmti. A person with gonorrhea needs medical treatment. Chetnut umabali' i ingkotdiu. Veneral disease is a sexually transmitted disease.

ingkumbinensia n. inconvenience, worry, disadvantage. Ti ingkumbinensia para bai gai bisita maseha ngai'an. It is not an inconvenience for me to have visitors any time. From: Sp. inconveniencia.

adj. inconvenienced, worried. Ti inkumbinensia yu' nu i che'cho'‑hu. I am not worried about my work.

ingkumbinienti adj. inconvenient, troublesome. Dispensa, sa' ingkumbinienti esti i para bai sångan. Apologies, because what I have to say is troublesome. Ti ingkumbinienti na para un såga gi gimå'‑hu. It is not inconvenient for you to stay at my house.

ingkuråpbli adj. incurable. I kansit na chetnut ingkuråpbli. Cancer is incurable. From: Sp. incurable.

ipi' vt. cut open, split. Ipi' i niyuk. Split the coconut. Ipi' talu' i mangga. Cut the mango in half. Ipi' i atchu'. Split the rock in half.

ira n. disaster, calamity. I ira ginin i linåo sen atdit. The disaster from the earthquake was very devastating. Manna'ma'si' hit kumu guaha ira. We feel sad if there is a disaster. From: Sp. ira.

irensia n. inheritance. I tanu' irensiak‑ku. My inheritance is the land. From: Sp. herencia.

iresa n. eraser. Mayamak i iresa. The eraser is broken. Syn: musigomu'. From: Eng. eraser.

irida1 n. will, inheritance. Guaha irida‑hu ginin as nanå‑hu. I have some inheritance from my mom.

irida2 n. wound, sore. Kalan meggai irida gi tatalo'‑mu. It appears that you have many sores on your back. See: chetnut. Variant: hirida. From: Sp. herida.

iridåo n. victim.

adj. wounded. Iridåo si Juan gi chalan. Juan was wounded on the road. Ti iridåo yu' gi gera. I was not wounded from the war.

irideru n. heir. Sessu hu tulaika håyi para irideruhu siha. I frequently change who will be my heirs. Tåya' irideru‑hu para i tano'‑hu siha. I don’t have an heir for my lands. From: Sp. heredero.

iridu n. incident when someone got hurt, accident. Guaha iridu gi chalan gi egga'an. There was an incident and someone got hurt on the road this morning. Ti sumåonåo yu' gi ma'pus na iridu put paki. I was not involved in the past incident involving guns. Manmafaisin i bisinu kåo guaha lumi'i' i iridu gi gima' un familia. The neighbors were questioned whether they saw the incident in the home of one family. Variant: ridu. From: Sp. herido.

iriku' n. type of small fish, often used as tuna bait; obtained in dried form from Japan. Ya‑hu iriku' yan miso'. I like the small fish with the miso’. From: iriko', Japanese.

Iropa name. Europe. Humånåo para Iropa. He went to Europe. Gaigi Roma giya Iropa. Rome is in Europe.

isa n. rainbow. Dopbli na isa gi egga'an. There was a double rainbow this morning.

isagui vt. offend, transgress, hurt someone's feeling, displease. Un isagui yu' nu i fino'‑mu. Your words hurt my feelings. Syn: ufendi.

isåo n. sin, offense. Tai isåo i patgun, sa' trabiha inusesenti ha'. The child is without sin, because she is still innocent.

adj. guilty. Ti isåo‑ña na isåo‑hu i masusedi nigap. He is not guilty of what happened last night; I am.

isåo dångkulu n. mortal sin. Ti siguru yu' kåo isåo må'gas, pat isåo makkat, pat isåo dangkulu i isåo‑hu. I can't determine whether my sin is a high level sin, a heavy sin or a big sin. Variant: isåo makkat, isåo må'gas.

isåo díkiki' n. venial sin. Para hafa, i isåo dikiki' ha' un cho'gui. Don't give a thought; you committed only a small sin. Variant: isåo ñahlalang.

isåo må'gas n. mortal sin. Ilek‑ña i pali' na isåo må'gas esti i mamunu'. The priest said that murder is a mortal sin. Variant: isåo makkat.

isåo ñáhlalang n. venial sin. Kumomfisat ya pinat isåo ñahlalang ha' isåo‑ña. She confessed and most of her sins are venial sins. Syn: isåo díkiki'.

isåo orihinåt n. original sin. Guaha humohonggi na todu i taotåo manggai isåo orihinåt. Some people believe that all the people have original sin.

isgaihun vt. escort; watch over, guide, accompany as an escort, lead the way for. Si Bernie para u inisgaihun gui'. Bernie will escort her. Isgaihun si nåna para i gima' Yu'us. Accompany mom to the church. Kåo sina un isgaihun i fila para i lamasan chumotchu? Can you lead the way to the food table? Syn: pipit, akumpåna, chungi.

isgayan n. 1) grainy sweet parts (of watermelon). I chandiha esta maninisgagayan ni mina'mes‑ña. The grainy watermelon is so sweet. Ti ya‑ña si nanå‑hu i chandiha sa' isgayan. My mom doesn't like the watermelon because it is too grainy and sweet. 2) dried sweat. Si Juan esta inisgagayan agagå'‑ña ginin i masahalom‑ña. Juan neck is covered with dried sweat from sweating.

isik vi. pass through. I taotåo isik gi chalan. The people passed through the road. Isik gi papa' tentu'. Pass through the tent. Duru malågu si Juan ya ha isik gi chalan. Juan was running and he passed through the road. Variant: insik, ingis, insigin.

iskåla n. plateau. Kantidå na tinanum tupu gi iskåla. There's so rice being planted on the plateau.

iskåma n. 1) mark. Tåya' iskama gi as Juan. John has no mark. 2) attitude. Ti manhonggi yu' nu iskåma. I don't believe in attitude. 3) 

adj. way of combing the hair to make it curly at the front. I sa' ha iskåma gaputulu‑ña ta'lu. Look at that, he curled his hair at the front again.

iskandålu n. slander, defamatory talk. Eskandålu ennåo para i familia. That is a slander to the family. Eskandålu ennåo na cho'chu'. That is a defamatory act. Puru kuentu eskandålu. It's all slander. From: Sp. escándalo.

iskandilisa vt. scandalize. Eskandilisa ennåo na fina'tinas. That is an act of scandalize. Todus fina'tinas sino che'chu' eskandilisa ti måolik. All scandalize act are not good. From: Sp. escandaliza.

iskapåyi vt. escape, avoid, evade, elude. Si tatå‑hu ha iskapåyi i ottru na kareta. My father avoided the other car. Iskapåyi todu piligru na cho'chu'. Avoid all dangerous work.

iskapulåriu n. medallion, medal made of cloth (esp. a religious insignia). Hu u'usa todu i tiempu i iskapulåriu. I always wear the medallion. Bunitu na iskapulåriun Santa Maria i un u'usa. You are wearing a nice medallion of our Blessed Mother. Bunitu na iskapulåriu manmanå'i i istudianti gi kumpitensian finu' Chamorro. The students were given beautiful medals at the Chamorro language competition. Syn: milåya. From: Sp. escapulario.

iskasés n. scarcity, lack, difficulty, esp. of food. Måttu i tiempun iskåsis. The time of scarcity is here. Makkat i lina'lå'‑ta yanggin iskåsis i ikunomia. Life is so hard when economic scarcity hit us. Esta ha palopu' hit i iskåsis pugas. The scarcity of rice is upon us. See: ha'ilas. From: Sp. escasez.

iskåsu adv. rarely, seldom, scarce, not often. Iskåsu ma'udai yu' gi batku. I rarely ride on a ship. Si Maria iskåsu ha bisita yu'. Maria seldom visits me. Iskåsu i bentan pugua' mahettuk na tiempu. The sales of hard betelnut are scarce nowadays. Syn: apenas, hassan. From: Sp. escaso.

iskatlatina n. scarlet fever. Adahi i patgun sa' nina'yi ni chetnut iskatlatina. Be aware because the child has scarlet fever. Ti måolik esti i chetnut eskatlatina sa' pipinu'. Scarlet fever is a deadly disease. Bula tåotåo manpininu' ni eskatlatina. A lot of people died of scarlet fever. From: Sp. escarlatina.

iskatu' n. skirt. Mafñut i sinturan i iskato'‑ña si Remedio. The waist band of Remedio's skirt is very tight. Månu ni ma låksi iskato'‑mu? Where did they tailor your skirt? Bunitu kulot iskato'‑ña si Bek sa' ma'lak. Bek's colorful skirt is beautiful. Variant: sukåtu'.

isketyu' n. schedule. Mampus si Pedro adilantåo gi isketyu' i chi'cho'‑ña gi kada diha. Pedro has been very efficient on his schedule at his work every day.

vt. schedule (something). I doktok‑ku ha isketyu' yu' para bai hu ma'opera gi Måyu diha dossi gi egga'an. My doctor scheduled me for an operation on May twelfth in the morning. From: Eng. schedule.

iskina n. corner (of building) outside corner. Hånåo guatu gi eskina. Go to the corner. Guaha kuåttru na eskina gi gima'. The house has four corners. Uma'attuk gi eskina. He is hiding in the corner. From: Sp. esquina.

isklåbu n. slave, human being held in bontage. Mungnga mafa'isklåbu i taotåo. Do not treat a person like a slave. Ti esklabu‑mu yu'. I am not your slave. Na'ma'asi' i palåo'an sa' fina'isklåklabu asaguå‑ña. The woman is pitiful because her husband treats her like a slave. From: Sp. esclavo.

iskoba n. broom, rake, brush. Guaha dos klåsin iskoba: iskoban halum guma' yan iskoban sanhiyung. There are two types of brooms: indoor brooms and outdoor brooms. Maila' mågi i iskoba ya bai hu bålli i satgi. Hand me the broom and I will sweep the floor. From: Sp. escoba.

iskoban nuhut n. broom of coconut rib or leaf. Mampus tisu i iskoban nuhut. The coconut rib broom is very stiff. Ha såolak i katu ni iskoban nuhut. He struck the cat with the coconut broom.

iskoban sanhiyung n. rake. Hagun niyuk na iskoban sanhiyung in i'isa. We are using the outside broom made from coconut leaves. Syn: painin basula.

iskohi vt. 1) pay due attention, defer, hope to avoid. Debi di un iskohi si tatå‑mu, sa' amko'‑mu. You must pay due attention to your father, because he is your elder. Hu iskokohi na bai in asudda' yan i pulisiha gi chalan, sa' gumimin yu' dididi' atkohot. I am hoping to avoid meeting the policeman on the road, because I drank a little alcohol. 2) open-mouthed when talking; not thinking of the consequences at the receiving end of the communication. Humånanåo ha' hålum si Jose gi hunta ya ti ha iskokohi i håfa madiskukuti gi hilu' lamasa. Jose went right into the meeting without paying attention to what was being discussed at the table. Si Francisco na tåotåo yanggin kumuentus, ha såsangan ha' håfa malago'‑ña, ti ha iskokohi kåo ha na'puputi i ottru tåotåo siha. When Francisco talks, he says whatever he wants without thinking whether others would be hurt.

iskopplu n. 1) adze. Ha usa si Tang i iskopplu para u fa'tinas i estatua. Dad used the adze to make the statue. Chinachak i kalulut Luis ni iskopplu. Luis' fingers got cut from the adze. Ha guasa' si Tang i iskopplu. Dad sharpened the adze. 2) chisel. Guaha tres klåsin mineddung iskopplu. There are three different sizes of chisel. Ha nisisita iskopplu i katpinteru ni para u na'funhåyan fuma'tinas i kahun. The carpenter needs a chisel in order to finish making the box. Chinachak kalulot‑ña si Ramon nu i iskopplu. Ramon's finger got cut by the chisel.

iskrepa n. scraper, heavy equipment vehicle which scrapes. Ma'atkila i iskrepa' nu i taotåo manmåmaolik chålan. The roadside construction workers rented a scraper. Mayulang i iskrepa', pues mana'påra i che'chu'. The scraper was broken, so they stopped the work. From: Eng. scraper.

iskribenti n. clerk. Bula dimasiåo iskribenti gi gubetnamentu. There are too many clerks in the government. Atendida yan ayudånti ennåo na iskribenti. This clerk is very attentive and helpful. Malagu' si Juanita para u iskribenti gi unu na sagan dumiskånsa. Juanita wants to be a clerk at one of the hotels. Variant: eskribienti. From: Sp. escribiente.

iskuela n. school, schoolhouse, institution for teaching children. Kuåntu na iskuela guaha giya Mariånas? How many schools are there in the Marianas? Manma'udai bås i famagu'un para i iskuela. The children took the bus to school. Månu nai umiskuekuela håo? Which school do you attend? From: Sp. escuela.

iskuelan påli' n. catechism, school for religious instruction. Mama'nåna'gui yu' iskuelan påli'. I teach catechism. Kada guma' yu'us mana'guaguaha iskuelan påli'. Each church administers religious instruction. Iskuelan påli' makondudukta an Såbalu. Catechism is taught on Saturdays. See: katisisimu, luttrina, dottrina.

iskuelan rai n. public school. Bulåña na famagu'un maniskuekuela gi iskuelan rai. Most children attend classes in the public schools. Todu dibåtdi gi iskuelan rai. Everything in the public school is free. Manmakollat todu i iskuelan rai giya Mariånas. All the public school campuses in the Marianas are fenced.

iskuelånti n. student, scholar. Bula manmalåti' na iskuelåntin kulehu. Most college students are intelligent. Todu tiempu manggaigi i iskuelånti gi library manmanistutudia. The scholars are always in the library studying. From: Sp. escuelante.

iskupita n. shotgun. Ha usa i iskupita para u mapunu' i guaka. He used the shotgun to slaughter the cow. Gef adahi i iskupita ni famagu'un. Be careful with the shotgun when the children are around. See: paki. From: Sp. escopeta.

iskurosu adj. squeamish, queasy, fussy. Mampus si Chu iskirosu na tåotåo. Jess is a squeamish person. Mungnga un iskirosu ni i asaguå‑mu. Do not be fussy over your spouse. Nå'i tiempu i patgun sa' kalan iskirosu ginin i fakmatå‑ña. Give the child time, he is queasy because he just woke up. Syn: chacha'.

iskusa n. excuse, reason, pretense. O'sun yu' esta ni iskusu‑mu siha. I am tired of your excuses. Håfa ta'lu iskusu‑mu na biåhi? What is your reason this time? A'annuk ha' na para ke håo ginin i iskusu‑mu. I can see your indifference through your pretense. From: Sp. excusa.

isla n. island. Guaha mantatkilu' yan manyånu na isla siha. There are high and flat islands. Yanggin ma'akumpåra yan iya Hapon, i Islas Mariånas gof dikiki'. Compared with Japan, the Mariana Islands are very small. Meggaiña isla giya Filipinas ki i Mariånas. There are more islands in the Philippines than in the Marianas. From: Sp. isla.

isleta n. small island, islet. Guaha isleta gi fihun Luta. There is an islet near Rota. Nuebu ennåo na isleta nai mafotma. That islet is newly formed. Oggan i buteya gi unu na isleta giya Indonesia. The bottle beached on one of the islets in Indonesia. From: Sp. isleta.

ismeru n. zeal, eagerness. Put i esmeru‑ña si Jose, guiya mana'må'gas i gurupu. Because of Jose’s eagerness, we made him our group leader. Mi'esmeru i ma'estrun i lahi‑hu. My son's teacher is full of zeal. I esmeru dumiririhi i gurupu para u makumpli i che'chu'. It is the zeal that drives everyone to finish the task. From: Sp. esmero.

ispåda1 n. sword, rapier, saber, scimitar. Ha laknus ispadå‑ña si Pedro sa' ha utut i talangan i sindålu. Pedro took his sword and sliced off the soldier’s ear. Todu sindålu Romåna ma u'usa ispåda gi gera. Roman soldiers used rapiers in battle. From: Sp. espada.

ispåda2 n. spade, a digging instrument. Figo'ña i ispådan aseru ki i padaron. A spade with iron is stronger than a machete. Mana'setbi ispåda para mabåtti i simentu. They used a spade to mix the cement.

ispådas n. spades (in cards). I ispåda mås tatkilu' gi gurupun balåha. The spades are the highest suit in a deck of cards. Puru ispåda mapattek‑ku gi tres sietti. They only dealt spades for my 3-7 hand.

ispånta vt. threaten, menace, frighten, scare. Ti humånåo yu' gi giput, sa' ha ispånta yu' i bulan tåotåo. I did not go to the party because I was frightened by the large crowd. Kumåti i patgun sa' inispånta ni katu. The baby cried because the cat scared him. Syn: fa'ñagui, hongngang, aminåsa. From: Sp. espanta.

ispantåhu n. scarecrow. Ma'u'usa ispantåhu giya Luta sa' bula paluman åga. A scarecrow is used in Rota because there are a lot of crows. I buteyan hånum ma'u'usa para ispantåhun ga'lågu. Water gallons filled with water are used in people’s yards as scarecrows. Variant: ispåntu, ispantåo. From: Sp. espantajo.

ispantåo adj. easily scared, or frightened, menaced, threatened. ispantåo i patgun sa' put i sinisedi nigap. Because of the incident yesterday, the child is frightened. Ispantåo i palåo'an sa' mampus malamåña i asaguå‑ña. The woman is easily scared because her husband is very mean. Manispantåo i ga'ga' siha sa' sessu mantinichu' ni ga'lågu.

ispåntu n. 1) threat, menace. Ispåntu i paki gi uriya. A gun is a threat to have around. Ispåntu i tres na ga'lågu gi me'nan potta. The three dogs in front of the house are a menace. See: animåsu. 2) scarecrow. Variant: ispantåhu.

Ispåña name. Spain. Gaigi Ispåña giya Uropa. Spain is a country in Europe. Bunitu yan antigu na lugåt i Ispåña. Spain is a beautiful and ancient country.

ispåña n. burr, sandbur, sticker burr. Bula ispåna gi uriyan guma'‑måmi. Sticker burr plants are abundant around our house. Puti i diniluk ispåña. Sticker burr pricks are painful. Variant: espåna.

Ispañót n. Spaniard, Spanish. Esta lameggai lingguåhin Ispañot gi lingguåhin Chamorro. There are many Spanish words in the Chamorro language now. I rilihon Katoliku fina'nå'guin i mamåli' Ispañot. The Catholic religion is the teaching of the Spanish priests. I mistisa na chinina, ginin Ispañot. The mestiza is from the Spaniards.

ispehus n. mirror, looking glass. Guaha ispehus gi kada kuåttu gi gima'. There is a mirror in every room in the house. Mampus dudus si Chea, sa' kada biråda ha atan gui' gi ispehus. Chea is a show off, she’s always looking at herself in the mirror. Variant: espehus. From: Sp. espejos.

ispeki vt. pry; raise, move, or pull (apart) with a pry. I labandera ha ispeki i talin fanalå'an magågu. The launderer raised the clothesline. Ma usa i dinga' tangantångan para ispeki trongkun chotda. A fork-shaped tangantangan tree is used to raise the banana tree. Hu ispeki i tampin i kahun ni krobar. I pried the crate open with a crowbar.

ispichi' n. patch. I sepblan ispichi' atkitrån gi chalan ha chuli' si Juan para u na'setbi gi gimå'‑ña. Juan took the leftover tar from the road to use to patch his house. Si Jose ha patcha i ispichi' ya chettun todu gi kannai‑ña ya mampus makkat para u na'suha. Jose touched the tar and it was hard to remove it from his hand. Si tatå‑hu ha u'usa i ispichi' gi hilu' guma' para u prutehi i simi'. My dad used the tar to patch and protect some of the holes on top of the house.

ispiga n. spoke (of wheel), tassel (of corn). Ispiga ennåo para reda. That is a spoke for a wheel. Ti luluk na håyu i ispiga gi karetan guaka. The spoke of the bullcart is wood not iron. From: Sp. espiga.

ispiha vt. 1) seek, search, look for, locate. Ma'ispipiha håo gi as nanå‑mu. Your mother is looking for you.- Ayuda yu' umispiha i antios‑su. Help search for my eyeglasses. Kåo un ispiha i switch? Did you locate the light switch? Ispiha i bola. Look for the ball. Humånåo manispiha chi'cho'‑ña. He went to seek a job. Syn: aligåo, buska, båndu. 2) spy, watch secretly. Guaha siha na tåotåo ispiha che'chu'‑ñiha. Some people work as spies. Bula Chamorro mana'fanispiha duråntin i gera. A lot of Chamorros were made spies during the war. Variant: espiha. From: Sp. espia.

ispisiåt adj. special, noteworthy, unique, distinguished by some unusual quality. Mampus ispisiåt esti na amigu‑hu. My friend is very special. Ispisiåt esti i fandånggu na okasion. A wedding is a very special occasion. Ispisiåt na lugåt sa' ti todu siña mana'fanhålum. It is a special place because not everyone can enter. From: Sp. especial.

ispisiåtmenti adv. especially. Esti na aniyu ispisiatmenti para i mås påtgun na hagå‑hu. This ring is especially for my youngest daughter. Buenas dihas, mane'lu‑hu yan mañaina‑hu, ispisiatmenti i bisita ginin Luta yan Tinian. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and most especially to our visitors from Rota and Tinian. From: Sp. especialmente.

ispitåt n. hospital. Humånåo para i ispitåt. He went to the hospital. Machocho'chu' gi ispitåt (CHC). She is working at the hospital (CHC). Variant: ospitåt. From: Sp. hospital.

ispiyu n. plane (carpenter’s tool). I katpinteru ha nasisita i ispiyu. The carpenter needs a plane. Nalalu' si tåta sa' mana'falingu i ispiyu. Father was upset because they lost his plane. From: Sp. cepillo.

vt. use a carpenter's plane on. Ispiyu i tapbla. Plane the lumber. Variant: supiyu.

isplika vt. explain. Isplikan måolik håfa un keke'sangan. Clearly explain what you are trying to say. Ekkunguk yanggin ma'isplika i direksion. Listen when the direction is explained. Variant: eksplika. From: Sp. explica.

isplikåyi vt. interpret for, translate for. Hu isplikåyi i mañaina put i leksion siha. I interpreted the lessons to the parents. Ha isplikåyi håfa matutugi' gi papit. She translated what was written on the paper. Manma'isplikåyi i manåmku' håfa para u macho'gui guihi na ha'åni. It was interpreted to the elders what was to be done on that day.

isposa n. handcuff. Mamåhlåo i taotåo anai ma'isposa ni pulisiha. The man was humiliated when he was handcuffed by the policeman. From: Sp. esposa.

ispót adj. neat, dainty, fastidious, dressed up, sharp in appearance. Ya‑hu muna'ispot i hagå‑hu. I like to dress-up my daughter. Ispot ennåo na chinina. That is a dainty dress. Kaku' ispot håo ni nuebu na modå‑mu. You look fastidious in your new outfit. Syn: bunitu.

ispuelas n. riding spurs. Ti siña hu gatcha' i ispuelas gi ennåo na kabåyu. I could not reach the riding spurs on that horse.

ispuma n. foam, froth, scum; the inedible residue that forms on top of a liquid during cooking. Na'suha i ispuma. Remove the foam. Hu na'suha i ispuma gi kaddun kåtni. I removed the froth from the beef soup. From: Sp. espuma.

istablesi vt. establish, set up, found, decree, ordain, start. Ma istablesi siha esta giya California. They established themselves in California. Guaha esta ma'establesi areklamentu put ennåo na asuntu. A regulation has been set up for that purpose. From: Sp. establece.

iståka n. post. Poddung i iståka. The post is down. Na'famila' i iståka. Line up the post. Ma usa i iståkan tangantångan para i kellat guaka. They used the tangantangan post for the cattle fencing. From: Sp. estaca.

iståmpa n. stamp. Pega iståmpa gi katta. Put a stamp on the letter.

vt. stamp, put a stamp on. Na'ma'iståmpa i dokumentu. Have the document stamped. Ma'iståmpa i katta anai marisibi. The letter was stamped when received. Syn: iståmpu'. From: Sp. estampa.

iståmpu' n. 1) stamp, mark, that which stamps. Tai kulot esti na iståmpu'. This stamp doesn't have any color. Pega i iståmpu' gi sobri. Put the stamp on the envelope. 2) picture. Maila' ennåo na iståmpu' i un na'funhåyan. Give me that picture that you finished.

vt. stamp, mark, distinguish. Para un iståmpu' i pahina gi lepblu. You will stamp the page in the book.

istani vt. 1) fool, joke with. Ti siña ma'istani si Jose sa' esta menhalum put ennåo na asuntu siha. Jose cannot be fooled because he is already very knowledgeable about that subject. Ha istani yu' ya estagui' på'gu na ti hu angokku esta. He fooled me so now I do not trust him. Båsta fan umistani si nåna. Will you stop joking with mother. 2) commit illicit sexual action with, commit incest with, rape. Kumeha i patgun gi as nanå‑ña na ma'istani gui' gi gima' amigå‑ña. The child reported to her mother that she was raped at her friend's house. Ma'isposa i taotåo sa' ha istani i patgun. The man was handcuffed because he committed sexual abuse of a child.

istånti n. counter, shelf. Na'gåsgas i istånti. Clean the counter. Chuli'i yu' mågi ni i lepblu ni gaigi gi istånti. Bring me the book that is on the counter. Po'lu i yabi gi istånti. Put the key on the shelf. See: taplita, tapblita. From: Sp. estante.

iståñu n. tin, tin plating. Sahguan hålum i ramienta gi kahun iståñu. Put the tools in the tin box. I aniyu mapenta iståñu. The ring is tin-plated. From: Sp. estaño.

iståo1 n. situation, status, condition, state of being, position in a place. Kritikåt na iståo nai manggaigi hit. We are in a critical situation. Kritikåt na iståo ekonomiha nai manggaigi hit. We are in critical economic status. Ti måolik iståo Kiko. Kiko's status is not good. Ti måolik iståo hinemlo'‑ña si Kiko. Kiko’s health condition is not good. From: Sp. estado.

iståo2 n. public land, government land. Bula na iståo manmaprutetehi ni dipattamentun Natural Resources. There are a lot of public lands that are being protected by the Department Of Natural Resources. Guaha iståo manma'atkikila. There are public lands on lease.

isterit adj. sterile, barren, producing little or no crop. Machera i ga'‑hu babui ya ti siña mañågu sa' esta isterit. My pig is sterile because she cannot produce. Isterit esti na trongku mångga sa' tåya' nai gai tinekcha'. This mango tree is barren because it never bears fruit. From: Sp. estéril.

istiba vt. stockpile, store up. Manma'istiba i katga gi halum soku. The cargos are stored up in the warehouse. Kåo siña un istiba i lepblu siha gi istånti? Can you stockpile the books on the shelf?

istila vt. distill, obtain by or as if by distillation. Hu fåhan i ma'istila na galon hånum. I purchased a distilled water bottle. Hu li'i' taimanu ma'istilå‑ña i sitbesa. I saw the distillation process of beer. From: Sp. destila.

istira vt. stretch, expand, strain. Hu istira i deddigok‑ku. I strained my ankle. Maila' ya ta istira i orå‑ta, sa' ta na'funhåyan i che'chu'. Let us stretch our time so we can complete our task. Variant: estira. From: Sp. estira.

istómagu n. stomach, belly. Måfnut i istomagu‑hu sa' håspuk yu'. My stomach is tight because I am full. Puti i istomagu‑na si Jerry. Jerry has a stomachache. Syn: tuyan. From: Sp. estómago.

istoria n. 1) story, episode, occurrence, happening, event, tale. Estagui' un istoria put i familiak‑ku. Here is my family’s story. Håfa istoriå‑ña i tren giya Garapan? What is tale about the train in Garapan? 2) history. Taitai i istoria. Read the history. Kadada' esti na istoria. This history is short. Tugi' i istoria. Write the history. See: sinisedi, hemplu. From: Sp. historia.

Istoria Sagråda n. Bible history. Ma pula' gi finu' Chamorro i finu' English na Istoria Sagråda. From: Sp. historia sagrada.

istotba vt. annoy, vex, irk, bother, hinder, disturb, irritate, harass, trouble. Mungnga ma'istotba i patgun, sa' mamaigu'. Do not disturbe the child, because he is sleeping. Båsta manistotba. Stop annoying. Mapresu i bihu sa' manistotba hobensitu. The old man was jailed because he molested a youth. Syn: estråña. From: Sp. estorba.

istotbu n. nuisance, hindrance, annoyance, burden. Istotbu ennåo para guåhu. That is a burden for me. Kumu guaha istotbu, dispåsiu i che'chu'. If there is a hindrance, the workforce will slow down. Syn: katguenti, ingkumbinensia, prublema. From: Sp. estorbo.

istråña vt. alienate, annoy, disturb, bother, trouble, irritate, harass, irk, vex. Ha istråña yu' i finu' i ma'estru. The teacher’s statement irritated me. Mungnga ma'istråña i taotåo yanggin kumekuentus. Do not disturb someone when he is talking. Syn: istotba. From: Sp. extraña.

istrena vt. use, try, wear (for the first time). Hu istrena i nuebu na chinina‑hu gi Pasgua. I wore my new outfit on Christmas. I pulisiha ma istrena i nuebu na tihung‑ñiha. The policemen wore their new hats for the first time.

istretchu adj. narrow. Istretchu esti na chålan. This is a narrow path. Gof adahi i pinekkat‑mu, sa' istretchu i lugåt. Watch your step, because the place is narrow. From: Sp. estrecho.

istribu n. stirrup. Para proteksión kada kabåyu, debi di u guaha istribu gi duråntin umachikat. Every horse should have a stirrup for safety purposes during a race. I istribu ma usa para proteksión i kabayeru. The horseman used the stirrup for safety. From: Sp. estribo.

istriktu adj. strict, unyielding, stern. Istriktu na areklamentu gi Gima'Yu'us. The church regulations are strict. Si nåna istriktu ni hagå‑ña. Mom is strict with her daughter. Syn: rektu. Variant: estriktu. From: Sp. estricto.

istrupeha vt. startle, demand at the last minute. Ti ya‑hu ma'istrupeha. I do not appreciate last minute demands. Ya‑ña umistrupeha yu' sa' akatcha na tåotåo ennåo. He enjoys startling me because he is a practical joker.

istudia vt. study, acquire knowledge, apply the mind, educate oneself. Fanistudia, båsta humugåndu. Study, stop playing. Mås manungu' yu' yanggin sigi ha' yu' manistudia. I learn more as if I continue to study. From: Sp. estudia.

istudiånti n. student, learner, scholar. I istudiåntin iskuelan Mt. Carmel gumånna i kompitision tinaitai. The Mt. Carmel School student won the reading competition. Bula istudiånti manhuyung gi iskuelan rai. Many students drop out from the public school. From: Sp. estudiante.

istudiåyi vt. study, do research on, analyze. Hu istudiåyi håyi fine'nena humålum iya Mariånas na islas. I researched who first came to the Mariana Islands. Istudiåyin måolik i prublema åntis di ta chuli' hålum gi kotti. Analyze the problem before we take it to court. Syn: analisa.

istudiosu adj. studious. Si Ana mampus istudiosu na istudiånti. Ana is a very studious student. Debi di un istudiosu para un fanggånna premiu yanggin magraduha håo. You have to be very studious to be given an award as you graduate. From: Sp. estudioso.

istudiu n. lesson, that which is learned or taught, study, academic attainment. I patgun gof tatkilu' gi istudiu. That child has a high academic attainment. I istudiånti ha kumprendi todus i istudiu gi iskuela. The student understands the lessons taught at school. Syn: leksión. From: Sp. estudio.

Isus ti guåtdi intj. my goodness. Isus ti guåtdi na påtgun, dos åñus ha' i idåt‑ña låo mampus malåti' kumuentus. Goodness gracious this child, he is only two years old and very well spoken. Isus ti guåtdi na yinemmuk håo anai sumåga håo Amerika. My goodness, you were fat when you stayed in America.

Italang name. nickname for Rita. Variant: Kitalang.

Italia name. Italy. Malagu' yu' muli'i' Italia. I want to visit Italy.

Italiånu adj. Italian. Italiånu amigu‑hu. My friend is Italian.

itbana n. quilting seam. Manmatitik todu i itbåna ni finahån‑hu. All the quilting seams that I bought were torn.

iting vt. pick, break off. Iting i aga'. Pick the banana. Ya‑hu para bai iting ennåo na aga'. I like to pick that banana. Iting påpa' i hagåmham låo mungnga matifi i månha. Pull down the coconut frond but don't pick the young coconuts. See: tugan, tifi'.

itmånu n. lay brother, friar, monk. Manmañeñetbi i etmånu gi gima' Yu'us. The lay brothers are helping at the church. Åntis giya Marianas, guaha na mamåli' yan itmånu mangginin Ispåña. In the past there were priests and brothers from Spain. Variant: Etmånu. From: Sp. hermano.

itmås adv. best, most (superlative). Si Juan itmås ya‑hu. I like Juan the best. Guihan itmås ya‑hu na nengkanu'. I like fish the best. I asaguå‑hu itmås guinaiyak‑ku. My husband is my best friend. See: mås. From: Sp. el mas.

ityenti n. agent. Sikretu na ityenti si Paul. Paul is a secret agent. From: Sp. agente.

iya case. unmarked case marker for geographical place names and independent pronouns. Iya, fana'an manggaigi iya San Lagu para u fanma'åmti. Incidentally, they may be in the Mainland to be treated. Variant: giya.

iya' adv. by the way, incidentally (used to begin a new thought or give a subtle nudge or reminder)); shortened form of hiya'. Atan mågi iya'. By the way, look over here. Baila iya' gi giput. Dance at the party, will you? Iya', håfa para ta cho'gui agupa'? By the way, what are we going to do tomorrow? Iya', ngai'an na para u funhåyan i che'chu' diksinåriu? Oh, by the way, when will the dictionary work be completed? Gusi' iya fan, maila' ya ta fanafamaolik yan i bisinu siha. Shall we, please, let us get along with the neighbors. Håyi iya' na'ån‑ña i lahi‑mu? Oh, by the way, what is your son's name? Variant: hiya'.

Iyang name. nickname for Juana.

‑iyi suf. for (used to form applicative verbs from transitive verbs). Maguiguiyi ham anai manmumu gi paingi. We were overwhelmed when we fought last night. Variant: ‑i.

iyo- (from: iyo‑) n. possession, belonging to. Iyok‑ku ennåo låo iyom‑mu esti. That belongs to me but this belongs to you. Iyot‑ta ennåo. That belongs to us. Bound noun that must have a possessor.

iyun n. possession; belonging to. Iyun Juan esti låo iyun Maria ennåo. This belongs to Juan but that belongs to Maria. Iyun‑ñiha esti låo inyum‑måmi ennåo. This belongs to them but that belongs to us.

iyun låhi n. 1) belonging to males. Iyun låhi i metyas. The socks belong to the males. Iyun låhi i sapåtus. The shoes belong to the males. 2) penis. Ha rikunosi i mediku i iyun låhi kåo gai chetnut. The doctor examined the penis if it is infected.

iyun palåo'an n. 1) belonging to females. Iyun palåo'an ennåo. That belongs to the females. Iyun palåo'an esti na yori'. This slipper belongs to the females. 2) vagina, female sex organ. Ti debi na un kuentus put iyun palåo'an gi maseha månu na manera siha. You should not be discussing about the female sex organ in any manner. Iyun palåo'an ennåo na amut ni ma'u'usa. That medicine is for the female sex organ.


Total number of entries: 67


adj.  adjective
adv.  adverb
agr.  agreement prefix
art.  article
aux.  auxiliary
cnj.  conjunction
dem.  demonstrative
Eng.  English
infx.  infix
intj.  Interjection
Jp.  Japanese
n.  noun
n.pl.  plural noun
neg.  negative
num.  numeral
part.  particle
pp.  prepositional phrase
pred.  predicate
pref.  prefix
prep.  preposition
pro.  pronoun
Sp.  Spanish
suf.  suffix
Syn  synonym
vi.  intransitive verb
vt.  transitive verb