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L - l


l n. the thirteenth letter of the alphabet named le.

la intj. whoa (used to tell a water buffalo to stop). Pumåra gumimin i karabåo anai masangåni "la!" The water buffalo stopped drinking when he was told, "la!" Ha tungu' ha' i karabåo håfa para u cho'gui yanggin masångan i "la!" The carabao knows what to do when someone says, "la!" Hu essalågui i karabåo, "la!" I shouted "la!" at the carabao. See: cho.

lá- (from: lá‑) pref. more (slightly), a little bit (more). Lámåolik kako'‑mu anai yumommukñaihun håo. You looked a little better when you gained a little weight. Manlágagu' anai gumuaha ayudåntin‑ñiha. They become a bit lazy when they have a domestic helper. Na'lábula hånum. Add more water.

Lå' name. nickname for Nicolas. Syn: Kuling, Kulås.

lá'anchu adj. wider, broader. Na'la'anchu i katsunis, sa' lumayommuk. Extend the width of his pants, because he gained weight. Na'la'anchu i kuåttu kosa ki siña omlat dos kåttri. Make the room broader so two beds can fit. Ha na'chettun i dos lamasa para u la'anchu i kåmpu. She put the two tables together to increase the space.

lá'apman adj. for some time, for quite some time. Bai hu hånåo, sa' esta la'apmam yu' guini. I will be going because I have been here a while already. Siña ha' yu' la'apmam, sa' bai in fanmanunu. I might be a bit late because we will be barbequing.

la'chuk vi. sprout, shoot forth, germinate, grow. Bula la'chuk gi etda' anai mabutdosa. A lot of plants sprouted when the soil was bulldozed. I lancheru ha na'la'chuk i simiya. The farmer germinates his seeds. Ginggun dos hagon‑ña pues esta la'chuk i tinanum. See: dokku'.

la'la' vt. peel off (dead skin), skin back (foreskin). Si Tåta ha la'la' ta'lu i chetnut gi addeng‑ña. Dad peeled off the scab on his leg. Mala'la' i temmon‑ña i patgun, sa' matomba. The child's knees got scraped when she fell. Ti siña mågung i chetnut, sa' ha la'la' ta'lu' i lassas. The sore will not heal, because he peeled off the scab. Malála'la' lassas i patgun, sa' tudu diha gi papa' somnak gi tasi. The child’s skin is peeling, because he was under the sun at the beach all day.

lå'la' vi. alive, vivacious, full of life, robust. Lå'la' ennåo na floris. That is a healthy flower. Ti måtai, låla'la' ha'. It is not dead, it is still alive. Na'lå'la' mås i guafi. Make the fire stronger. Låla'la' ha' i mañaina‑ña si Luis. Luis' parents are still alive. Mansen lå'la' i flores‑ña si Bernie, sa' måolik i edda'. Bernie’s flowers are thriving because of the good soil.

la'muk vt. open up, skin back (foreskin), turn inside-out, turn (things) out for the purpose of orderly rearrangement. I lancheru ha la'muk i lassas i chiba. The farmer skinned the goat. I guåtdia ha la'muk i trangka kada ogga'an. The guard opens up the gate each morning.

la'mun adj. 1) responsible for, up to (someone). Po'lu sa' guiya la'mun nu guiya. Leave it because he is responsible for himself. Guåhu la'mun håfa bai hu tånum gi tano'‑hu. It is up to me what to plant on my land. 2) familiar with. Si Juana la'mun nu guiya giya Guam. Juana is very familiar in Guam. Håyi mås la'mun gi halum tånu'? Who is most familiar with the woods? Kåo la'mun håo nu esti na lugåt? Do you know this place?

La'tun name. a place in Rota located southwest of Tete’to Beach. La'tun gaigi giya Luta ya pinat åtchu' ya dididi' oddå'‑ña. La'tun on Rota has more rocks and little soil.

la'un n. sea urchin. diadema. Adahi na un gatcha' i la'un, sa' un diniluk. Do not step on the sea urchin, because you may get pricked. Hokkuk esta la’un gi Inai Nasarinu. There are no more sea urchins at Nasarinu Beach. Guaha gumuaiya kumånnu' i la'un. There are people who love to eat sea urchins. Variant: la'ung.

la'un vi. 1) wander, roam, ramble, wander about aimlessly. I manla'un na tåotåo mantai bali. People who roam have no value. Ya‑mu lumala'un. You like to wander. La'un i palåo'an, sa' kumbokas hinasson‑ña. The lady is so confused that she wanders aimlessly. 2) know one's way around (a place) by virtue of having traveled there. Ti prublema an humånåo, sa' la'un giya Amerika. It will be no problem when he leaves, because he had traveled the States. La'un si Kindu giya Tinian, sa' sumåga gui'. Kindu knows his way around Tinian, because he lived there. Variant: la'ung.

la'un adj. (one who) keeps showing up for no reason, usually at inconvenient time. La'un tåotåo ennåo, sa' todu ora nai siña annuk gi gima'‑måmi. That person keeps showing up at any time at our house. Kada råtu desnik ennåo na la'un tåotåo, achuka' ti makumbibida. That person keeps appearing at any time, even without being invited. See: taffu'. Variant: la'ung.

la'ung n. sea urchin.

vi. wander, roam. Variant: la'un.

la'ung båstus n. Bula kalulut la'ung båstus gi halum tåsi. There are lots of spines from the la'ung bastus in the water. Si Juan ha ke'chuli' i la'ung båstus gi tasi. Juan tried to take the la'ung bastus from the water. Bunitu lokkui' mafa'gatbesa i la'ung båstus gi halum guma'. It's beautiful to use la'ung bastus as a home decoration.

la'uya n. pan, pot. Chuli' mågi i la'uya. Bring the pot over. Usa i la'uyan dångkulu para un saibuk suni. Use the large pot for cooking the taro with coconut milk. The pot is hot. Månu na la'uya ni un po'lu i manggåt‑ta? Which pan did you place our mangoes? Variant: sattén.

la'uyan pappa n. winged basin or pot which may have been used for communal feasts.

la'yak n. mast, sails. Måhluk i la'yak i boti gi pakyu. The boat mast was broken during the storm. Si Ping ha håtsa i la'yak i galaiden‑ña. Ping put a mast on his canoe. Tinitik i la'yak i boti nu i metgut månglu'. The sails on the boat are torn from the powerful wind.

lå'yåo vi. stroll idly, move aimlessly. Ya‑ña si Michael lumå'yåo. Michael loves to stroll. Humånåo lumå'yåo. He went strolling. Lumåla'yåo ha' esti i galaidi gi tasi. The boat is just floating around aimlessly in the ocean. See: låoya.

lå'yiyi adj. 1) especially, really. Ti put ennåo lå'yiyi na lalålu'. It is not really because of that that she got mad. Lå'yiyi put i matai na manggaigi ham. We are here especially for the deceased. Ti lå'yiyi ennåo na cho'chu'. That task is really not easy at all. 2) important, of some measure of importance or necessity. Ti la'yiyi na para un fanggågåo ayudu ginin as tatå‑mu, sa' esta mañotsut håo. It is not of importance that you ask for forgiveness from your father, because you have already repented.

lababot vt. scrub clean. Hånåo ya un lababot håo. Go and scrub yourself. See: guesguis, brotchas.

labåda n. clothes to be laundered. Hu tågu' i hagå‑hu para u na'sahngi i labåda. I asked my daughter to sort the laundry. Chuli' mågi i labåda. Bring the clothes to be washed. Machuchuda' i kanåstra ni bulan labåda. The hamper is overflowing with clothes to be washed. From: Sp. lavada.

labadót n. sink, lavatory. Fa'gåsi i kannai‑mu gi labadót. Wash your hands in the lavatory. Po'lu i anna'yan‑mu gi labadót. Put your dirty dishes in the sink. Guesguis i labadót, sa' applacha'. Scrub the sink, because it is dirty. From: Sp. lavador.

labådu vt. wash (clothes), launder (dirty clothes). Agupa' bai fanlabådu tududiha. Tomorrow I will wash dirty clothes all day. Para u fanlabådu si nåna gi sagan mama'gåsi. Mother would do the washing at the laundromat. From: Sp. lavado.

labåna n. cigar, chewing tobacco. Bula labanå‑ña si tatan bihu. Grandfather has lots of chewing tobacco. Siña ha' nina'yi i taotåo kånsit påchut yanggin ha u'usa labåna. A person may get oral cancer if he uses chewing tobacco. Syn: chigålu.

labandera n. laundress, woman who does laundry. Si Kita labandera gi gima'‑måmi. Kita is the laundress at our house. Macho'chu' i labandera, sa' maleffa nu i habbun. Guess what, the laundress forgot the soap. Makkat esti i che'chu' labandera. Being a laundress is hard work. From: Sp. lavandera.

labanderu n. laundryman, man who takes in laundry. From: Sp. lavandero.

labatoriu n. laboratory, lab, testing place, experimental room. Machuli' i hagå'‑hu gi labatoriu. My blood was drawn at the laboratory. Ma'eksamina i mi'me'‑hu gi labatoriu. My urine was examined at the lab. From: Sp. lavatorio.

labatoriu n. douche.

vt. douche. Esta ha labatoriu gui'. She had already douched. Debi ha' i famalåo'an di u malabatoriu siha kada mes. Women should douche themselves monthly. Na'maipi i hanum ya un labatoriu håo. Warm the water and douche yourself.

låbbit n. violin, fiddle. Meying si Rita dumåndan ni labbit. Rita is good at playing the violin. Bunitu i dandan låbbit para bailan dispåsiu. Fiddle music is nice for slow dancing. Guaguan i labbit na instrumentun musiku. The violin is an expensive musical instrument.

låbbon n. type of chicken with a bob-tail, a tail that has been clipped, or no tail. Tåya' si Akin che'lu‑hu ga'‑ña låbbon. My brother Akin does not have a chicken with no tail. Håssan esta i låbbon giya Saipan. This chicken with bob-tail is rare in Saipan. Månngi' makåtdu i låbbon. The chicken with a bob-tail is delicious for soup.

låbbun vt. trim, clip. Un nisisita malåbbun gapitilu‑mu. You need a hair trim. Maila' ya bai låbbun dididi' i batbås‑mu. Come let me clip some of your beard. Ha tågu' yu' si tåta para bai labbun i floris. Father told me to trim the flowers.

labiniyu n. swelling around feet or ankles.

låbius n. lip, lips. Potput labios‑ña, sa' inakka' ni sasata. That person has thick lips, because he was stung by a wasp. Ånglu' yan malålassas i labios‑su. My lips are dry and chapping. Ha beni labios‑ña si Cathy ni diduk na kulot agaga'. Cathy put a deep red lipstick on. From: Sp. labios.

låbius måta n. eyelids. Guaha penta para låbius måta para famalåo'an. There is make-up with colors for women's eyelids. I labius måta sessu nina'yi otdun. Eyelids are susceptible to eye sores. Si Jose ha lasa i otdun gi labius måta gi as guella. Jose massaged the sore on Grandma's eyelids.

láchaddik adj. hurry up (more, a bit more), move faster. Lachaddik fan! Please hurry up! Na'lachaddik håo, sa' esta para ora. Move faster, because it is almost time. Ha na'lachaddik chumotchu putno u madingu' ni bas iskuela. He hurried eating his breakfast so he wouldn’t miss the school bus.

lachi adj. wrong, incorrect, mistaken. Lachi matuge'‑ña ennåo na palåbra. That word is written incorrectly. Lachi si Juan ni bidå‑ña ya manggågåo asi'i. Juan apologized for his mistake in his actions. Manlachi ham ni chalan ya ti manmåttu ham kuntiempu gi giput. We took the wrong direction and were late for the party.

lachu' intj. darn, heck, oh my. Variant: latu'.

Lada'håo name. principal chief of Sa'ipan in the Marianas, who led a rebellion against the Spaniards and was killed by the Spaniards in 1684. Maga'låhi Lada'håo i mås metgut na må'gas giya Sa'ipan. Chief Lada'håo was the strongest leader in Saipan. Si Maga'låhi Lada'håo ha chånda na ti para u sedi i Ispañot u månda i taotåo Chamorro. Chief Lada'håo challenged the Spaniards from controlling the Chamorros.

ládagu vi. go west, move west (in Saipan, Rota, Tinian), go north, move north (in Guam). Tågu' ya u chonnik ladagu i siyå‑ña. Tell him to move his chair westward. Esta mulaladagu yu'. I am already going west. Na'ladagu dididi' i lamasa ya u omlat i bangku. Move the table a little to the west so the bench could fit. Variant: dádagu.

ladda n. type of plant: Indian mulberry, noni. morinda citrifolia. Todu påtti gi trongkun ladda siña mana'setbi para åmut. All parts of the noni tree can be used for medicine. Yanggin puti håo mamañut, ngångas i tinekcha' ladda ni gai floris. If you have a sore throat, chew the young noni fruit that has flowers. Gai minala'it i ladda yanggin på'gu un kånnu'. The noni fruit tastes bitter the first time you chew it. Variant: latda.

ladera n. mountain. Fresku i ladera na lugåt. The mountain is a cool place. Kada Betnis Såntus, i taotåo Guåhan, Luta, yan Saipan manlukåo hulu' gi ladera para u mana'tachu i kilu'us. Every Good Friday, the people of Guam, Rota, and Saipan walk in procession to the mountain to place a cross. Bula to'lang sindålun Hapones manmasodda' gi papa' i laderan Banzai Cliff. A lot of Japanese soldiers' bones were discovered at the bottom of Banzai Cliff mountain. See: kantít, padirón. From: Sp. ladera.

Laderan Å'paka' name. White Cliffs, a place in Tinian. Guaha masodda' uniku na klåsin åtchu' gi Laderan Å'paka'. There is a unique kind of rock found at the Laderan A'paka'. I kapitan båtku ma u'usa i Laderan Å'paka' para u giha gui' hålum gi saguan Tinian. Ship captains use the Laderan A'paka' to guide themselves into the channel of Tinian. Bula paluma gi Laderan Å'paka'. There are lots of birds at the Laderan A'paka'.

Laderan Bapót name. Ship Cliff, a place on Tinian. Bula åntis bapot manhåhalum Tinian ya mafa'na'an un lugåt Laderan Bapot. Back then, big ships called port on Tinian and one particular place was given the name Laderan Bapot. Sessu i taotåo manpeska gi Laderan Bapot. Lots of people often fish and hunt at the Laderan Bapot. Barångka hålum para i Laderan Bapot. The way into Laderan Bapot is bumpy.

Laderan Masalok name. cliff located at the northern part of Tinian at a place called Masalok; in this location are latte stones evidencing ancient Chamorro settlement. Bula na trongkun ifit gi halum tånu' Laderan Masalok. There is lots of ifil wood in the jungle at Laderan Masalok. Gaigi i lanchun i bihu‑hu gi Laderan Masalok. My grandfather's farm is at Laderan Masalok. Bula umang agaga', ayuyu, yan machålik månnuk gi Laderan Masalok. There are lots of red hermit crabs, coconut crabs, and wild chickens at the Laderan Masalok.

Laderan Suisait name. cliff area on the southeastern part of Tinian, used by the Japanese to commit suicide at the end of World War II. Esta måolik yan libiånu i chalan para i Laderan Suisait. The road to Suicide Cliff is good and easily accessible. Kada såkkan manmåttu bisita ginin Okinawa para u fanmanaitai gi Laderan Suisait. Every year visitors from Okinawa come to pray at Suicide Cliff. Bula na famagu'un Hapones manmåtai gi Laderan Suisait. There were lots of Japanese children who died at Suicide Cliff.

ladriyu n. brick. Sen hassan guma' ladriyu gi islåt‑ta. Brick houses are very rare on our island. Ma'u'usa i ladriyu para manhåtsan hotnu. Bricks are used for outdoor ovens. Kåtsu i petta ni ladriyu. Use the brick as doorstop. From: Sp. ladrillo.

ladrón n. thief, robber. I na ladron tåotåo etyu i chumo'gui esti. Gosh, the person who did this is a really a thief. Ma gacha' i ladrón ni sumåkki i alahås‑su. They caught the thief who stole my jewelry. Na'le'an håo, sa' bula ladron siha gi uriya. Be vigilant, because there are robbers all around. Syn: sakki, chekli'. From: Sp. ladron.

lafók n. hair style. Sa'‑ña i alafok‑ña i hobinsitu. The hair style of the young man is becoming. Ha na'potput pumåda i alafok‑ña. He applied thick pomade in his hair style.

vt. style (one's hair), usually with some kind of pomade. Si Ryan sessu ha lafok i gaputilu‑ña yanggin para u hånåo para i misa. Ryan usually styles his hair with pomade every time he goes to mass. Ti siña un lafok i gaputilu‑mu yanggin ti un nå'yi håfa na klåsin låña. You can't style your hair if you don't put some kind of oil. Si Pedro ti ya‑ña malafok i gaputilu‑ña. Pedro doesn't like his hair to be styled. Variant: alafok.

lagabista n. binoculars, telescope. Mås metgut lagabistan Ben kini lagabistan Herman. Ben's binoculars are more powerful that Herman’s. Ha usa i lagabista para u li'i' mås klåru i binådu gi halumtånu'. He used the binoculars to see the deer in the woods more clearly. Kumu un na'setbi i lagabista, siña un li'i' mås klåru i puti'un siha gi langit. You can see the stars in the sky clearly if you use a telescope. Syn: teliskopiu. Variant: latgabista, kalabista, galabista. From: Sp. largavistas.

lagansåt n. type of grass. Barringtonia racemosa. Unu na klåsin chå'guan esti i lggansåt. Lagansåt is one kind of grass.

lagas vt. thrash around (on the ground, as in a temper tantrum). Ha lagas gui' i patgun påpa' gi satgi anai ti manå'i ni malago'‑ña. The child thrashed around on the floor when he wasn't given what he wanted. Ha lagas gui' gi me'nan i bisita ya ha na'mamåhlåo si nanå‑ña. He thrashed around in front of the visitor and embarrassed his mother. Cha'‑mu lalagas håo påpa', sa' hu såolak håo mås. Don't thrash around, otherwise I'll spank you more. See: lálacha'.

lageta' n. avocado. Persea americana. Ti sakkån‑ña i lageta' på'gu. Now is not the season for avocado. Sustånsia esti i lageta'. Avocado is nutritious. Mamoddung todu i tinekcha' lageta' anai påkyu. The avocado fruits fell when the storm came. Variant: alageta', alagetape'a, lagetape'a.

låggua n. type of fish: parrotfish. Family Scaridae. Ya‑hu makåddun niyuk i laggua. I love parrot fish cooked with coconut milk. Guaguan i laggua na guihan. Parrot fish is expensive. Guaha mås ki un klåsi esti i laggua. There is more than one kind of parrot fish.

lågon n. type of grass. Merremia peltata.

lågon tåsi n. type of grass. Ipomoea littoralis.

lågu n. 1) west (Northern Marianas); north (Guåhan). Chonnik lågu ennåo i lamasa. Push the table to the west. Gaigi i manmalångu gi sanlagun i kuattok‑ku gi hospitåt. The sick are located west of my room in the hospital. 2) toward the ocean. 3) foreign location, such as mainland U.S., Japan (during the Japanese administration), Europe (during the Spanish administration). Gaigi i hagan‑måmi na umiskuekuela gi sanlagu. Our daughter is attending school in the States. Meggai na Chamorro manhånåo lågu. A lot of Chamorros moved to the States. Umiskuekuela i dos påtgun giya lågu, Amerika. The two kids are attending school in the mainland United States.

lågu n. type of fish: sweetlips. Gaterin diagrammus (Family Plectorhinchus).

lagu' vi. melt, liquify. Lagu' i ais, sa' ti masini gi kahun ais. The ice melted, because it was not placed in the ice box. Lagu' i aiskrim, sa' mama'baba i kahun ais. The ice cream melted, because the refrigerator malfunctioned. Lagu' i dangis, sa' masotta ha' gi papa' maipin somnak. The candle melted, because it was left under the hot sun.

lågu' n. tear. I bunitun kånta muna'tuhu lago'‑hu. The beautiful song brought tears to my eyes. Ai na bulan lågu' machuda' gi duråntin i mahåfut i nanan‑ñiha. Oh, so much tears were shed during the burial of their mother. Ha såosåo lago'‑ña para u nå'na' i piniti‑ña. She wiped her tears to hide her grief.

lagua n. net cliffs. San Roque nai meggai Laderan Unai Lagua.

lagua' vt. step over, hop over, skip over (something). Lagua' håo mågi gi puhan mindioka siha. Hop over here over the tapioca mounds. Ha lagua' i fachi. She hopped over the mud puddle. Ti siña hu lagua' i madduk. I can't step over the hole.

lagua' vt. omit, leave out, not include. Kåo un lagua' i asukat gi binattem‑mu kafe? Did you omit the sugar from your coffee? Hu lagua' i na'ån‑mu gi lista. I omitted your name from the list. Syn: omiti.

lågua' n. scoop net, hand net. Usa i lagua' ya un konni' i guihan dikiki'. Use the hand net and catch the small fish. Faisin si tåta ya' u låksi i matitik gi lagua'. Ask father to mend the hole in the hand net. I peskadot guaha dos låguå'‑ña. The fisherman has two hand nets. Syn: talåya, tekkin.

lågua' chåhlåo n. safety net (below batalan). Syn: lågua' inadahi, fañahlåguan. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

láguaha adj. 1) enough, several, plenty, sufficient. Kalan laguaha para un sångan gi hunta. It seems like you have much to say at the meeting. Kåo laguaha pine'lom‑mu? Do you have sufficient savings? Laguaha finahån‑hu kes letchi. I purchased several cases of milk. 2) fairly rich. Manlaguaha esti na familia. This family is fairly rich. Ginin manlaguaha, pues manåya'. At one time they were well-to-do, then they now have nothing. Syn: mangguaha.

laguaná n. type of plant: soursop. Annona muricata. Un manåda pineddung laguana nigap. There was a lot of fallen soursop yesterday. Mamis yan ma'aksum esti i laguana. Soursop tastes sweet and sour. Ma'u'usa i hagun laguana para åmut guha. The leaf of the soursop is used for asthma remedy. From: Sp. la guanábana.

laguas adj. long, skinny, long and slender (of plants or animals). Laguas ramås‑ña i floris rosa. Roses have long and slender stems. Laguas patås‑ña i paluman sihik. The kingfisher bird has long legs.

Låguas name. Mariana Islands from Saipan south to Guam (excluding Gani, the Northern Islands). Låguas manmafa'nana'an atyu siha na isla disdi Saipan luchan esta Guåhan. Låguas is the name given to the islands in the Marianas on the south from Saipan to Guam. Giya Mariånas, fuera di Låguas, i Gani na isla siha manggaigi gi sankattan disdi Farallon de Pajaros asta Uracas. Beside Låguas in the Marianas, the Gani island group are on the north from Farallon de Pajaros to Uracas.

laguit n. hook, fish hook. Ha usa i laguit anai para u tifi' i mangga. She used the hook to pick the mango. I peskadot meggai klåsin laguit ha u'usa. The fisherman uses many types of fish hooks.

vt. catch with a hook. Ha laguit i guihan. He caught the fish with a hook. Meggai manlalaguit gi bantalån. Many are catching fish with hooks at the dock. Variant: haguit.

laguna n. lagoon. Meggai guihan gi halum i laguna. There are lots of fish in the lagoon. I peskadot mane'tupak gi sanhiyung laguna. The fishermen fished outside the lagoon. See: sagua'. From: Sp. laguna.

lagundi n. type of plant. Vitex negundo (?).

lágusi' adj. hurry (more), move faster, act more quickly. Kaikai håo yan un lagusi' mågi. Get yourself ready and hurry over here. Sangåni fan si Viola ya u lagusi'. Please tell Viola to hurry. Na'lagusi' håo guatu gi gima'. Move yourself faster over to the house. Syn: sahyåo, alula, láchaddik. See: gusi' ha'.

lahát- (from: lahát‑) pref. a little further, a little more in a certain direction. Na'lahátguatu i bangku. Move the bench a little further over there. Lahátmagi ya bai ñangun håo. Move a little more closer so I could whisper to you. Laháttilu' dinepblan katsunes‑mu. Raise the fold of your pants a bit more.

láhaya adj. toward the east (NMI); toward the south (Guam). Lahaya i kareråra‑ña i manglu'. The wind is moving eastward. Para u bira gui' i manglu' ya para u lahaya agupa'. The wind will shift and will move eastward tomorrow. Lahaya i gima'‑måmi kontra i gima'yu'us. Our house is eastward from the church. Na'fanlahaya i tinanum‑miyu niyuk. Plant the coconuts eastward. Variant: láttaya.

låhi n. 1) male, man, boy. Tres lalahi‑ña si Josephine che'lu‑hu. My sister Josephine has three boys. Låhi i maestron‑ña i hagan‑måmi. My daughter’s teacher is a male. Puru ha' låhi patgon‑ña i katu. The cat's litter is all male. 2) male friend, man (used in direct address or in greeting). See: låi. Variant: låi.

låhu vi. walk. Manlåhu i famagu'un para i iskuela. The children walked to school. Adahi na u matomba i patgun, sa' ume'etyak lumåhu. Don't let the child fall, because he is just learning to walk. Lumåhu yu' para i tenda. I walked to the store.

låhyan adj. plenty, many, a lot of. Låhyan na tåotåo gi likåo. There were a lot of people in the procession. Manlåhyan i familian‑måmi. We are a big family. Håspuk ha' yu' anai hu atan i låhyan putåhin nengkanu'. I was full just looking at such a large variety of food. Syn: meggai, bula. Variant: layan (Rota).

låhyåo vi. hurry up, walk faster. Lålahyåo, sa' siempri madingu håo. Walk faster, or else you will be left behind. Lumåhyåo para i gima', sa' u ginacha' ni ichan. She hurried home so she wouldn't be caught by the rain. Variant: layåo (Rota), såhyåo.

lai n. law, jurisprudence, code, rule. Mana'guaguaha lai para i areklamentun i tanu'. Laws are created to have order in the land. I lihislatura fuma'titinas i lai siha gi Notti Mariånas. The legislature makes the laws in the Northern Mariånas. Håfa na lai ti ma tattiyi? Which law did they not follow?

låi n. male friend, man (used in direct address or in greeting). Håfa dai, lai. Hello, friend. Lami' lai, håfa na ti måttu håo? Gosh, my friend, why didn’t you show up? Båsta fan låi, mama'baba. Man, please stop fooling around. Variant: lai (Rota).

laidot n. alibi. Håfa ta'lu laidot‑ña si Jose gi paingi?

laiguan n. type of fish: mullet. Ellochelon vaigiensis (Family Mugilidae). Månngi' guihan esti i laiguan. The mullet fish is delicious. Guaha na biåhi na masodda' i guihan laiguan gi sadduk. The mullet fish can also be found in the lake. Si nanå‑hu ha kåddun niyuk i laiguan para sena. My mother prepared soup of mullet with coconut milk for dinner.

lailai vi. hanging, pending. Guaha siha lumalailai na asuntu gi esti na hunta. There are some issues that are still pending in this meeting. Lumalailai i disision, sa' makkat makubri. The decision is still hanging, because it is difficult to address.

lailai vi. wander, roam aimlessly. Guaha na tåotågui manlalailai ha' gi halum i sengsung. Some people roam aimlessly in the village. Lumalailai i boti gi tasi. The boat is just floating arround in the ocean. Sigi ha' lumailai gi me'nan i tenda, sa' guaha malago'‑ña låo tåya' salappe'‑ña. She keeps hanging around the front of the store, because there is something she wants but she has no money. Ritiråo si Vicente, pues lumalailai ha' gi gima'. Vicente is a retiree, so he just wanders around the house. Mafaiha si Margarita gi che'chu', pues lumalailai ha'. Margarita was fired at work, so she just hangs around wasting time. Ta nisisita umayuda esti siha i manlalailai na tåotåo siha kosa ki u fanggai bali gi kumunidåt‑ta. We need to help these loiterers so that they can become productive members in our society.

lailai vi. move with irregular motion, sway, rock (as of palms in the breeze) (Saipan). Lumalailai i hagun niyuk, sa' guaifun. The coconut leaves are swaying, because it is windy. Lailai i tinala' magågu, sa' bibu i manglu'. The drying clothes are swaying, because it is very windy. Lailai i talin manåla'. The clothesline sways.

lailai vt. shunt (to front or rear of sakman), switch directions in the wind. Gai minapput para malailai i sakman. It is not easy to shunt the sakman.

laiman n. large woven ceremonial mat. Hutu' i laiman ya ta na'åssun i difuntu. Spread out the ceremonial mat for the deceased to lie on. Manmatåta'chung i manåmku' gi laiman ya mane'egga' i måolitåo manbaila. The elders are sitting on the large ceremonial mat while watching the young unmarried women dance.

laimi vt. trick, defraud, deceive by cunning or artifice, ruse, wile, feint. Hu laimin maisa yu' anai ti måttu yu' gi hunta. I lost out when I did not show up at the meeting. I draiban taksi ha laimi i pasaheru, sa' ha chuli' i chagu' na chålan. The taxi driver tricked the passenger, because he took the long way. See: låmin.

laisin vt. fail to meet (someone) unintentionally, inadvertently miss, mistake, confuse, fail to notice, fail to recognize. Ummalaisin ham yan si Påli' gi kapiya. The priest and I inadvertently failed to meet at the chapel. Ha laisin yu' si Siñot Sablan, sa' ha penta i chunge'‑ña. I failed to recognize Mr. Sablan, because he dyed his gray hair. Adahi na un linaisin nu i chalan, sa' siempri abak håo. Don't be confused with the road, because you will lose your direction. Duru kumuentus ya linaisin ni ora. She was talking so much that she missed the time. Umalaisin i dos chume'lu gi kareran‑ñiha para sanlagu. Linaisin si Lourdes ni mididan i hagå‑ña. Variant: álaisin.

lak n. type of wild taro, with large yellow roots. Dångkulu mås hagon‑ña i lak kini i sini. The large yellow type of taro has larger leaves than regular taro. Masisu i lak na nengkanu'. The large yellow taro is firm in texture. Månngi' i lak masaibuk. The large yellow taro is good to cook with coconut milk. Syn: ba'ba'.

lákattan adj. toward the north (NMI), toward the east (Guam). Fanlakattan gi gima' dei ya en fanmanbisita. Go north to the house and visit if you will. Lakattan fan gi siya. Move north from your seat.

lakkåo n. climber, one who is good at climbing. Meying mameddus si Joseph, sa' lakkåo. Joseph is an expert climber. Manmanaliligåo lakkåo, sa' esta såkkan i pigua'. They are looking for a climber, because it is time to harvest the betelnuts. Kalan para lakkåo ennåo na patgun, sa' ya‑ña kumahulu' maseha månu. That child looks like he's going to be a climber, because he likes to climb everywhere. Variant: lekkåo.

laklak vt. 1) shear, or trim with shears (hedges or grass) (Rota). Hu laklak i cha'guan gi uriyan guma'. I trimmed the grass around the house. Ha nisisita i cha'guan tutokpu' malaklak. The low-lying grass needs to be trimmed. 2) give a haircut to, cut off (esp. hair). Un nisisita malaklak i gaputulu‑mu sa' mampus anåkku'. You need a hair cut because your hair is too long. Syn: dåsai.

laknus vt. take out, remove. Kuåntu para un lakngus gi pine'lom‑mu? How much will you take out from your savings? Håyi lumakngus i nuebu na tuåya? Who took out the new towels? Lakngus i lapes‑mu ya un tutuhun månggi'. Take out your pencil and begin writing. Variant: lakngus.

lakngåyåo n. type of plant: mangrove fern. Acrostichum aureum.

lakngus vt. 1) take out, remove. Kuåntu para un lakngus gi pine'lom‑mu? How much will you take out from your savings? Håyi lumakngus i nuebu na tuåya? Who took out the new towels? Lakngus i lapes‑mu ya un tutuhun månggi'. Take out your pencil and begin writing. Variant: laknus. 2) put forth, present (donate). Håfa para un lakngus para i giput? What will you put forth for the party? Kuåntu para un lakngus gi matai? How much will you donate at the funeral? Lakngusi yu' ya bai hu apåsi håo tåtti yanggin umasudda' hit. Give a share on my behalf and I will repay you when we meet.

låksi vt. sew. Ha låksi i katsunis, sa' måkta. She stitched the pants, because they were torn. Ha låksi nuebu na chinina. He sewed a new dress. Måolik manlåksi si Tomasa. Tomasa is a good sewer.

laksi' adj. 1) fluid, smooth, sliding easily, slick. Mapput malåksi' i seda, sa' laksi'. It's difficult to sew silk, because it is slippery. Lumaksi' hålum i boti gi pantalån. The boat glided into the dock. 2) fluent. Laksi' kumuentus gi finu' Chamorro. She speaks Chamorro fluently.

láksisi' vi. ejaculate, utter suddenly. Mampus láksisi' pachot‑ña si Terry. Terry utters suddenly without thought.

lakti' n. type of rock, volcanic rock. Puru lakti' i islat‑ta siha. Our islands are all volcanic rock. I lakti' na åtchu' ginin i pakpak na butkån. The volcanic rock is the result of an erupted volcano.

laktus adj. sharp, pointed (of rock, coral, thorns). Adahi na un diniluk addeng‑mu, sa' laktus i atchu'. Be careful not to puncture your feet, because the rocks are pointed. Guaha siha na kulålling manlaktus. Some corals are sharp.

lakugua n. I niyuk tres åñus, lakugua na råsan niyuk.

lakulakung n. phlegm. Lolo'lu' si Ana lakulakung, sa' sinagu. Ana is coughing phlegm, because she has a cold. I chipa håo todu muna' milakulakung lu'lo'‑mu. It is the smoking that makes you cough phlegm. Bulåña lakulakung ha muta'i i patgun. The child vomited mostly phlegm. Bula lakulakung gi petchun i patgun ya linaknus ni lu’lo’‑ña. There was lots of phlegm in the child’s chest but it was removed by his coughing. Mana’gimin åmut atmagosu i neni ya linaknus i lakulakung ginin i sanhalom‑ña. They gave the baby bitter melon herbal medicine and the phlegm was removed from his internal system. Syn: flema.

lakulakung adj. dirty, filthy, soiled with dirt (Saipan). Ma munton i lakulakung magågun‑ñiha i famagu'un, sa' para u fanmafa'gåsi. The children put all their dirty clothes in a pile for the laundry. Makkat yan lakulakung esti i muna'gåsgas huyung garåch. Cleaning out the garage was a hard and filthy job. Tåya' malagu' umo'mak gi laklakung sadduk. No one wanted to swim in the filthy lake. Mungnga magimin ennåo na hånum, sa’ ti gåsgas yan lakulakung. Don’t drink that water, because it is unclean and filthy. Syn: kossus, akung. Variant: kulakung.

lakuru' intj. expression of surprise about something. Lakuru'! Masåkki i ga'‑hu gåyu. _____! My rooster has been stolen. Lakuru' håo! Båsta yu' madagi. You fool! Stop lying.

lakus intj. form of expressing small anger. Lakus håo! Damn you! Lakus hamyu! Båsta mañatfinu! Damn you! Stop cursing!

lála'it n. gall bladder. Unu na påtti esti lála'it gi tatåotåo‑ta. The gall bladder is one organ in our body. I lála'et‑ta chechettun yan i higadu‑ta. Our gall bladder is attached to our liver. I lála'it ni gaigi i “bile” ni yumayamak i mantika gi halum tatåotåo‑ta. The gall bladder holds the bile that breaks down the fats in our body.

lalå'yak n. navigator (traditional). Matungu' si Mau Pialug na lalå'yak. Mau Pialug is known as a navigator.

lálacha' vi. roll around. Atan i ga'lågu, sa' lumalalacha' gi halum fachi'. Look at the dog rolling in the mud. Lumalacha' si Peter gi hilu' odda'. Peter rolled around on the ground. Lumalacha' i bola gi fachi'. The ball rolled around in the mud. Syn: lagas.

lalacha' mamati n. type of fish. Thalassoma trilobatum (Family Labridae). Ti hu tungu' håfa na klåsin guihan esti i lalacha' mamati. I do not know what kind of fish a thalassoma trilobata is.

lalagu vi. fish using one's bare hands (an old fishing method primarily practiced by women). Humånåo si Rosie yan si matlinå‑ña mulalagu gi Masalok. Rosie and her godmother went hand fishing at Masalok. Ma'å'ñåo yu' ni hakmang yanggin para ta fanlalagu. I am scared of the eel if we are to go hand fishing. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lalaha n. type of tree. Pouteria obovata. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lalåhi n.pl. males, men, boys. Pinat lalåhi ha' manggaigi gi lihislatura. Mostly men are serving in the legialature. I lalåhi ha' manpåpali'. Only males become priests.

lalai vi. sing, chant. Bunitu lumalai si Frances. Frances can chant beautifully. Måolik manlalai i famagu'un iskuela. The school children can sing well. Håyi para u lalai gi prugråman kuttura? Who will chant in the cultural program? Syn: kånta.

lálaksi n. seamstress, tailor, mender, one who can sew, mend or stitch. Angokkuyun na lalaksi si Siñora Catalina. Miss Catalina is a reliable seamstress. Mayulang i makinan i lalaksi. The tailor's sewing machine malfunctioned. Si Trini mås måolik na lalaksi gi isla. Trini is the best seamstress on island.

lálaksi' adj. a little quicker, (hurry) a bit more. Sugun mo'na i sahyan ya u fåttu lalaksi'. Drive the vessel forward so that it will come soon. Nihi ta fanlalaksi' guatu gi gima', sa' i ichan. Let's go quickly to the house, because of the rain.

lalålu' adj. mad, enraged, angry. Lalålu' si Connie sa' ma yulångguan ni selfon‑ña. Connie was mad because they broke her cell phone. Lalålu' i palåo'an anai måttu i asaguå‑ña ya bulåchu. The wife was enraged when her husband came home drunk. Håfa muna'nalålalu' håo? What is making you mad? Variant: nalålu', nanålu'.

Lalan name. nickname for Isidora.

lalånyuk n. type of tree. Xylocarpus granatum (Carapa moluccensis). Håfa taimanu na klåsin trongku esti i lalånyuk? What kind of tree is xylocarpus granatum?

lalångha n. type of plant: sour orange, Seville orange. Citrus grandis. Mandångkulu i lalångha gi lanchun Rosa. The sour oranges at Rosa’s farm are huge. Måolik i lalångha malimunåda. Sour oranges are good for making lemonade. Potput lassås‑ña i lalångha. Sour oranges have thick rind. Variant: lalånga.

lalanghita n. tangerine. Citrus reticulata. Bula trongkun lalanghita gi tattin gima'‑måmi. There are a lot of tangerine trees behind our house. Manmamis i lalanghita na såkkan. The tangerines are sweet this year. Gok‑ku lalanghita kinu kåhit. I prefer tangerine over oranges. Variant: lalangita.

lálangu vi. unconscious, not conscious, faint, fall in a swoon. Lalangu si Rita sa' hinengang ni guali'ik. Rita fainted because a lizard frightened her. Lalangu yu' ya poddung yu' sa' pangpang ilu‑hu gi patdit. I was knocked unconscious when I fell and hit my head on the concrete. Adahi håo, sa' hu na'lalangu håo. Watch it or I will knock you unconscious. Syn: tisu, mamaitaguan.

lálasa n. massager.

lalåtdi vt. scold, chide, reprove, reprimand. Malalåtdi si Kindu, sa' atrasåo måttu gi paingi. Kindu was scolded, because he came late last night. Manmalalåtdi i istudiånti, sa' manmumu. The students were reprimanded for fighting. Båsta malalåtdi i patgun, sa' ti isåo‑ña. Stop scolding the child, because it was not her fault. Variant: nalåtdi.

lalatdiyun adv. guilty, reprehensible, deserving of being scolded. Lalatdiyun i patgun, sa' mampus aguaguat. The child is deserving of being scolded, because he is so naughty. Lalatdiyun si Cynthia, sa' ti ha cho'gui i matago'‑ña. Cynthia is guilty, because she did not do her chores. Lalatdiyun i nana, sa' tåya' måsan sena. The mother is guilty for not having prepared dinner.

lálima vt. file a little more. Lalima i papakes‑mu ya u kadiduk. File your nails a little more so that they will be pointed. Kåo esta un lálima i papakes‑mu? Have you filed your nails a little bit more?

lålu' n. fly, housefly. Pesa lålu' i inaflitun guihan. The fried fish is covered with flies. Punu' i lalu' åntis di u hålum gi gima. Swat the fly before it goes inside the house. Manlåtdun i lalu' gi lemmai. The flies are swarming on the breadfruit.

lålu' guaka n. type of fly: horsefly, type of fly (larger than housefly) that lives around horses, cattle, etc. Family Tabanidae. Bula lalu' guaka giya Dandan nai gaigi i kellat guakan Joeten. There are a lot of horseflies in Dandan where Joeten's cow pasture is located. Mandångkulu miniddong‑ña esti i lalu' guaka. Horseflies are large in size.

lålu' lågu n. type of fly: botfly, large fly resembling bumblebee. Family Oestridae (formerly Gasterophilidae). Tåya' ni hu li'i' esti i lalu' lågu. I have never seen a botfly. Guaha dos pappan‑ña i lalu' lågu na gå'ga'. A botfly is an insect with two wings.

láluchan adj. toward the south (NMI), toward the west (Guam). Laluchan mås i gima' yanggin gaigi håo gi espitåt. The house is more toward the south from where you are at the hospital. Fanlaluchan gi gima' yanggin guaha lugåt‑miyu. Go toward the south to the house if you have time.

lama' intj. oh heck, oh darn, darn it, what now? Lama', sa' manatrasåo hit! Oh heck, we're late! Lama', sa' poddung i ichan ya ti hu na'fanhålum i magågu. Darn it, it rained and I didn't bring the clothes in.

lámagung adj. recuperate, get better from injury or illness, heal (of a wound or sores). Esta la'magung i che'not‑mu. Your wound is healing. Kalan esta lala'magung i sinagu‑mu. It seems like your cold is getting better. Kåo esta lámagung i ma'uperan timmom‑mu? Are you recuperating from your knee operation?

lamahu n. type of tree. Rhus taitensis (?).

lamas adj. rot, decay, become decomposed, putrefy, rotten. Manlamas todu i gellai, sa' ti mana'lålagu. The vegetables are rotten, because they are not being cooked. Guaha na fruta chaddik lamas. Some fruits rot easily. Manlamas i pineddung mångga. The mangos that fell rotted.

lamasa n. desk, table. Plånta i nengkanu' gi lamasa. Put the food on the table. Kuåntu na lamasa manisisita para i giput? How many serving tables are needed for the party? Mannuebu lamasan istudiånti gi kuåttun Ms. Sablan. The student’s desks are new in Mr. Sablan’s class. From: Sp. la mesa.

lamasan dångkulu n. large plateaus, resembling a long table, along the coastal line. Humånåo si Sylvestre ume'hagåhaf gi lamasan dångkulu. Sylvestre went to catch sea crabs on the large plateaus along the shore. Sulun yu' gi lamasan dångkulu. I slipped at one of the large coastal plateaus. Ha sodda' i lahi‑hu bula na bunitun karakot gi lamasan dångkulu. My son found some beautiful shells on the large plateaus along the shore.

lamasan díkiki' n. plateaus, resembling a table, along the coastal line. Manaliling ham gi lamasan dikiki'. We went harvesting seashells at the plateaus of the coastal line. Mamokkat yu' gi lamasan dikiki' disdi Inai Chulu asta i Inai Dångkulu. I walked on the plateaus of the coastal line from Zulu Beach to Long Beach. Guaha siha hima gi lamasan dikiki'. There are clams on the plateaus along the coastal line.

lamasan lisåyu n. rosary altar. Håyi umarekla i lamasan lisåyu? Who arranged the rosary altar? Mapo'lu i litråtun tåta gi lamasan lisåyu para guiya. They placed grandfather's picture on the rosary altar. Hokkuk i dangis gi lamasan lisåyu. The candle on the rosary altar burned out.

lamentasión n. lamentation, mourning. I familia yan atungu' manlamentasión anai måtai i che'lun‑ñiha. The families and friends were in mourning when their brother passed away. Bula tåotåo mana'annuk lamentasion‑ñiha anai måtai si Såntu Påpa. A lot of people showed their grief when the Holy Pope passed away. From: Sp. lamentación.

lami' intj. mild expletive. Lami' na gagu' påtgun esti. My goodness, this child is so lazy. Lami', sa' måktus i lestun. Oh no, the ribbon broke. Variant: liami', lani'.

låmin adj. harmed, hurt, wounded, injured, punished. Kakku' malamåña i ga'lågu låo månsu, pues ti un nina'låmin. The dog looked fierce, but it is gentle and will not harm you. Ha na'låmin maisa gui' anai ha dagi i manaina‑ña. He hurt himself by lying to his parents. Put i baban kuentus muna' låmin i reputasíon‑ña. The gossip injured my friend’s reputation. See: dåñu.

låmina n. icon, holy portrait, representation in painting of some sacred personage, poster. Kana' i lamina gi hilu' i intrådan kuattom‑mu. Hang the holy portrait on top of the bedroom’s doorway. Prisisu na u guaha låmina gi gima' para proteksion yan bendision i familia. It is important to have a holy portrait in the home for the protection and blessing of the family. From: Sp. lámina.

lamitå adj. half, half-and-half, part of anything approximately equal in quantity. Mamidin lamitå i tanu' para i dos påtgun. The land is divided in half for the two children. Gimin lamitå na basun åmut. Drink half a glass of medicine. Ha nå'i yu' lamitå gi na'‑ña kandi. She gave me half of her candy. Syn: media. See: empi'. From: Sp. la mitad.

låmlalam adj. very shiny, sparkling, very brilliant. Låmlalam i kareta anai munhåyan mafa'gåsi. The car was very shiny after it was washed. Låmlalam i satgi, sa' maguesguis. The floor looked very shiny, because it was scrubed.

låmlam n. lightning, luster, glare. Duru låmlam nigap. There was a lot of lightning yesterday.

adj. shiny, polished, glossy, radiant, bright. Låmlam i finahån‑hu sapåtus. The shoes I bought are shiny. Ti ya‑hu i lamlam na magågu. I hate bright clothes. Låmlam i aniyu‑hu. My ring is radiant. Syn: mañila'.

lammuk adj. stink, reek with strong scent, be malodorous, emit a strong offensive smell, rotten. Lammuk i matai ga'lågu gi tattin guma'. The dead dog in the backyard stunk. Lammuk i kemmun sanhiyung. The outside restroom emits a strong offensive smell. Lammuk i sepblan nengkanu'. The leftover food is rotten. Syn: mutung.

låmpara n. globe-lamp, the glass part of a lantern which protects the flame from the wind. Na'gasgas i lampara. Clean the lantern. Måffak i lampara. The glass tube of the lantern is broken. Syn: tubu. From: Sp. lámpara.

lampåsu n. mop. Fa'gåsi i lampåsu, sa' mutung. Clean the mop because it is stinky.

vt. rub, wipe with a mop. Lampåsu i satgi. Mop the floor. Ha lampåsun dos biåhi i satgin kusina. He mopped the kitchen floor twice. From: Sp. lampaceo.

lampuayi n. type of plant. Dodonaea viscosa. Binenu i lampuayi. Dodonaea viscosa is poisonous. Ti åmut i lampuayi. Dodonaea viscosa is not a medicinal plant.

lamsi vt. sharpen. Lamsi i machetti, sa' mampus ñañu'. Sharpen the machete, because it is dull. Kåo para un lamsin finu pat un lamsin fotda i machetti? Are you going to sharpen the machete on the edge or the entirety?

lámu'na n. tonight, this evening, this night, after dark to midnight. Bai in fane'panglåo lámu'na. We will go crabbing this evening. Ta fanmanunu lámu'na. We will barbeque tonight. Lámu'na ni para ta áli'i' na dos. This evening the two of us will meet. See: pupuengi. Variant: lámo'na.

lámudung adj. bigger, larger, taller, greater, became bigger, became larger, became greater. Esta manlamudung i tinekcha' åtis. The sweet sop fruit is getting bigger. Manlámudung i pineksai‑hu babui. The piglets I raised are slightly bigger.

låmut n. type of seaweed. Bula låmut gi tasi. There is lots of seaweed in the ocean. Papagu' i lumut. This type of seaweed plant caused itchiness. Guaha na klåsin låmut mafa'a'amut. There are types of seaweed used for medicine. Variant: lumut.

låna n. wool. Fitmi i låna na såbanas. The wool blanket will last long. Fa'gåsi i sabanas låna. Wash the wool blanket. Låna matiriåt‑ña i mås ya‑ña na chininå‑ña maigu'. Her favorite pajama is made of wool material. From: Sp. lana.

lancheriha n. farm, ranch, husbandry, farming, agriculture, gardening. Lancheriha esti siha na lugåt. These are farming areas. Sumåsaga yu' gi fina' lancheriha na lugåt. I am staying at the agricultural compound. From: Sp. ranchería.

lancheru n. rancher, herdsman employed on ranch, owner of ranch, farmer. Manånanum i lancheru difirentis klåsin gollai. The farmer is planting different kinds of vegetables. I lancheru siha bumebendi i gellai gi metkåo. The farmers are selling the vegetables at the market. Syn: sumentereru. From: Sp. ranchero.

lånchu n. ranch, farm. Kada bakasion mañåga ham gi lanchu. Every summer we stayed at the farm. Bula pineksai gå'ga' gi lanchu. There are a lot of livestock at the farm. Esta meggai trongkun kasoi gi gualu' gi lanchun‑måmi. There are a lot of cashew trees at the orchard on our farm. From: Sp. rancho.

lånchun grandi n. makeshift house, temporary house. Sumåsaga gi lanchun grandi, sa' ha arerekla i gimå'‑ña. He is staying at the temporary house, because he is renovating his house. Ti kuntentu yu' sumåga gi lanchun grandi. I am not comfortable staying at the makeshift house.

lani' intj. mild expletive. Lani' na gagu' påtgun esti. My goodness, this child is so lazy. Lani' sa' måktus i lestun. Oh no, the ribbon broke. Variant: liami', lami'.

laniya n. flannel (cloth). Fahåni i neni magagu‑ña ni laniya na matiriåt. Buy the infant’s wear with the flannel material. Måolik i laniya na matiriåt magågu gi tiempun manenghing. Flannel is good for cold weather. From: Sp. lanilla.

lannan vi. snore. Lannan i asaguå‑hu gi maigo'‑ña. My husband snored in his sleep. Håfa muna'fanlalannan i taotåo? What makes people snore? Ti hu honggi na lannan håo gi paingi. I don’t believe that you snored last night. Tatfoi i yayas‑mu, esta lannan håo gi maigo'‑mu. Because you were so tired, you were sound asleep. Variant: lanan.

lånsa n. spear, lance (used on land). Usa i lansa ya un tokcha i ga'lågu. Use the lance to poke the dog. Hu fa'tinas un lånsa para proteksion‑hu. I made a spear for my protection. From: Sp. lanza.

vt. spear. Para u lånsa i babuin halumtånu' agupa'. He is going to spear the wild pig tomorrow. Syn: fisga. See: tokcha'.

lansadera n. bobbin (of sewing machine). Mayulang i lansaderan i makinan manlåksi. The bobbin of the sewing machine is broken. Tåya' mabebendi lansadera gi isla. Bobbins are not sold on island. From: Sp. lanzadera.

lanseta n. large needle, lancet, surgical knife. Ha usa i doktu i lanseta anai manupera. The doctor used the lancet for surgery. Adahi na un tinekcha' yanggin un u'usa i lanseta. Be careful not to get poked when using the large needle. Ha usa i mediku i lanseta duråntin i operasion. The doctor used the surgical knife during the operation. From: Sp. lanceta.

lansi n. type of fish: cardinalfish. Family Apogonidae. Fåhna i lansi na klåsin guihan. Cardinalfish is sellable. Tåya' nai hu li'i' i lansi na guihan. I have never seen the Apogonidae type of fish.

lanta'as n. type of plant: pigeon pea. Cajanus cajan. Tåya' ni esti na tinanum i lanta'as giya Saipan. We do not have pigeon peas on Saipan. Månu nai siña hit mañodda' lanta'as na tinanum? Where can we find pigeon pea plants?

lantana n. lantana, spiny plant with several different colored flowers. Lantana camara. Ya‑hu esti i lantana, låo debi di bai hu låbbun kada råtu. I like the lantana plant, but I need to trim it often. Yan‑ñiha i ababbang floris lantana. Butterflies are attracted to lantana flowers. Gai tituka' esti i lantana. Lantana has thorns.

lantiyas n. dessert made of cake with a top layer of custard. Ha latchai fumåhan i lantiyas gi tenda. She bought all the lantiyas at the store. Lagu' i lantiyas gi papa' somnak. The lantiyas melted under the hot sun. Variant: latiya (Guam). From: Sp. natillas.

låña n. oil (generic). Måolik mama'tinas låña gi duråntin kuaresma. It is good to make coconut oil during Lenten Season. Palåla'i håo låña kada puengi. Apply oil on your body every night.

laña' intj. expletive, expresses feelings ranging from mild surprise to complete disgust. Masåolak si Pedro, sa' ha sangåni si Rosa, “Laña' håo.” Pedro was spanked, because he said “Laña' håo” to Rosa. Ti debi di un sångan esti na palåbra i laña'. You should not say the word laña'.

låñan niyuk n. coconut oil. Ha usa si nåna i lañan niyuk para manaflitun buñelus. Mother used coconut oil for frying donuts. Guaguan i lañan niyuk. Coconut oil is expensive.

lañåyun adj. 1) capable of being oiled. 2) damaged (of produce), due to e.g. falling off the tree. Lañåyun na papåya, sa' poddung. It is a spoiled papaya, because it fell. Lañåyun siha i lemmai anai mamoddung ginin i pakyu. The breadfruits were damaged when they fell down from the strong wind. Lañåyun i kusetchan mellun, sa' barångka i chalan ya matulongtung. The melon harvest was damaged, because the road was bumpy and it was shaken around.

langak vt. strong enough to (do something), withstand, able to carry, able to lift up. Ti ha langak sumungun i pinadesi‑ña. He could not withstand his suffering. Ha langak i patgun sumångan i sinenten‑ña. The child was strong enough to express his concern. Syn: sungun. Variant: langat.

langasi' n. sink. Variant: nangasi'.

langat vt. strong enough to (do something), withstand, able to carry, able to lift up. Ti ha langat sumungun i pinadesi‑ña. He could not withstand his suffering. Ha langat i patgun sumångan i sinienten‑ña. The child was strong enough to express his concern. Syn: sungun. Variant: langak.

langilang n. type of tree. Canagium odoratum. Mafa'kurorona esti i floris langilang. The flowers of the langilang are used for making mwarmwar. Manpåguan i langilang giya Papagu'. The smell of the langilang is strong in Papagu'. Åmut lokkui' esti i langilang. The langilang is also a medicinal plant. Variant: alangilang, ilangilang.

långit n. heaven, sky, outer space. Ha penta i langit yan i tanu'. He painted the heavens and the earth. Gaigi i tanu' gi papa' i langit. The earth is below the sky. Todu tåotåo ni manmåtai manggaigi gi langit. Every person who dies is in heaven.

långiti n. type of tree. Bleekeria mariannensis. Guaha un dångkulun trongkun långiti gi tattin guma'. There is a big bleekeria mariannensis tree behind the house. Utut påpa' i trongkun långiti. Cut down the bleekeria mariannensis tree.

langka' n. type of plant: jackfruit. artocarpus heterophyllus. Mamis i langka' frutå‑ña yanggin måsa. The jackfruit, when ripe, is sweet. Siña makånnu' i langka' måta' yanggin måsa. Ripe jackfruit can be eaten raw. Variant: nangka'.

långli n. defense.

vt. 1) block or stop temporarily, put a barrier or rail. Långli i patgun gi kåttri kosa ki ti u poddung. Put something by the baby on the bed so that she does not fall down. Usa i alunan para un långli i neni. Use the pillow to prevent the baby from falling. Långli i petta ya mungnga na u hånåo i neni. Block the door so the baby doesn't get out. 2) guard, support, benefit, advance.

langnga' vi. gape, hold mouth agape. Ya‑ña lumangnga' He likes to gape. Si tåta lumangnga anai mågap. Father held his mouth agape when yawning. Variant: anglå'a'.

langngat n. 1) rough water, big swell, wave that is not breaking. Mandångkulu i langngat, sa' guaifun. The waves are big, because it is windy. Mungnga pumeska, sa' langngat i tasi. Do not go fishing, because the ocean is rough. 2) Vega (star used for navigation).

langsan n. type of tree. Lansium domesticum. Tanumi i uriyan chålan ni langsan na trongku. Plant the lansium domesticum tree along the road. Hassan i langsan na tinanum. Lansium domesticum is a rare plant. Variant: langasat.

langsi vt. set (fishing net) in position, bring together the two ends of (a net or seine) in order to trap fish. Malangsi i chinchulu dos biåhi anai manpeska ham. The fishing net was set twice when we went fishing. Manågu' si tåta para u malangsi i chinchulu. Father asked for someone to set the fishing Net in position.

låo cnj. but. Na'lågu, låo hågu ha' un kånnu'. Cook it, but eat it yourself. Malångu yu', låo bai chagi nina'siñå‑hu. I am sick, but I will try my best. Variant: lu.

låo'an n. effeminate person. Ha fa' låo'an gui' i taotåo gi bailan chålan. The man pretended to be effeminate at the street dance. Ti siguru yu' kåo låo'an ennåo na tåotåo. I am not certain if that is an effeminate person. See: palåo'an.

låolåo vi. shake, vibrate, quiver, totter, tremble. Håfa na manlålåolåo i neni? Why is the baby shaking? Låolåo i timmok‑ku, sa' yayas yu'. My knees tremble, because I am tired.

låoya vi. saunter, stroll, loiter, walk around, stroll around, wander about idly. Ennåo ha' bidåda‑ña i para mulåoya. All he does is loiter. Manlåoya ham tududiha gi Sabalu. We strolled all day on Saturday. Variant: lå'un.

låpbla vt. 1) slap, causing a cut lip. Ti chagugu' malåpbla sikos‑mu, sa' ya‑mu kumuentus put ottru tåotåo. Soon you will get slapped, because you like to gossip about other people. 2) cut curves, make a zigzag cut, scallop. Na'siguru na un låpblan måolik i lepblu ya u bunitu ma'atan‑ña. Make sure you make a zigzag cut on the book so it will look nice.

låpida n. tombstone, grave marker. Tugi' i na'an i manmåtai gi låpida. Write the names of the deceased on the tombstone. Penta i låpida. Paint the grave marker. Bula mandångkulu na låpida gi simentetyun Chalan Kanoa. There are many huge tombstones in the Chalan Kanoa cemetery. From: Sp. lápida.

låpina n. statue. Guaha dos na låpinan ånghit mapega gi intrådan i gima'. There are two statues of angels at the entrance of the house. Bula låpinan såntus gi gima'‑måmi. We have a lot of statues of saints at home. Hu pega un låpina gi intrådan i gima'. I placed a holy statue at the entrance of our house. See: låmina.

låpis n. pencil, any of various objects suggesting a pencil. Imputtånti na u fañuñuli' i patgun låpis para i iskuela. It is important for the child to bring a pencil to school. Lasgui i lapes‑mu. Sharpen your pencil. Låpis ha' siña ma'usa para i sinsura. Only pencils can be used to write your answers. From: Sp. lápiz.

lapuching intj. expression of surprise or exaggeration, used by males. Lapuching sa' manggånna si Juan gi batu. Would you believe that Juan won at the game of batu! Lapuching na minakkat esti na babui. My golly, this pig is very heavy.

lapukiri' intj. sudden utterance of surprise or shock, unexpected exclamation, anticipated bad situation or happening. Lapukiri'! Alulåyi fanmalågu para i eksu', sa' para u hålum i tasi. ______! Make haste and head for the hills, because a tsunami is coming.

laputa intj. oh my, oh dear, my goodness, shit! (indicates surprise). Laputa na mantekchu' ga'lågu esti siha! Oh dear, what predatory dogs these are! Laputa, manatrasåo hit para i misa ta'lu! Oh shit, we're late for mass again! From: Sp. la puta.

laraina n. queen. Si Ana laraina på'gu na såkkan gi iskuelan Mount Carmel. Ana is the queen for Mount Carmel this year. Meggai nirikohi‑ña salåppi' si Ana, pues guiya matanchu' para laraina. Ana raised a lot of money, so she got picked to be queen. Variant: raraina. From: Sp. la reina.

las part. particle used in telling time (same as alas). Esta las dos gi talu'åni. It is two o’clock in the afternoon. Ha tutuhun manaflitu månnuk gi las singku gi egga'an. He started frying chicken at five o’clock in the morning.

lasa vt. massage, rub, as in massaging. Måolik manlasa si Emy. Emy is a good masseuse. Ti ya‑hu malasa. I hate being massaged. Lalasa si Joseph che'lu‑hu. My brother Joseph is a masseur.

lasaga n. type of creeping vine, found on beaches. Lepturus repens. I lasaga na tinanum mandodokku' gi kantun chålan. Lepturus repens is growing at the beach. Bunitu flores‑ña i lasaga na tinanum. Lepturus repens has beautiful flowers.

lasarinu n. leprosy, Hansen's disease. Tatatmi i lasarinu na chetnut. Leprosy is a contagious disease. Tåya' ninana'yi lasarinu på'gu na tiempu. No one has leprosy at this time. Variant: nasarinu. From: Sp. lazarino.

lasgi' adj. slippery, slick, lubricated, lubricious. Laksi' i chalan. The road is slippery. Nå'yi låña ya un na'lasgi'. Put oil to make it slippery. Variant: laksi'.

lasgui vt. whittle, sharpen, make pointed, cut into pieces or slices, shape by cutting, as sharpening a pencil. Hu faisin i ma'estru para bai hu lasgui i lapes‑su. I asked the teacher for me to sharpen my pencil. Hu lasgui i tekpung iskoba. I sharpened the broom’s handle. Ha lasgui i se'si', sa' ñañu'. He sharpened the knife, because it was dull.

lasnik adj. not quite ripe. Si Sophie mapotgi' ya gof ya‑ña i lasnik na mångga. Sophie is pregnant and she really likes the mango that is not quite ripe. Ya‑hu tumifi' i lasnik na mångga ya bai hu nunuk ni para u måsa. I like to pick the mango that is not quite ripe to ripen it in a dark place. Manlasnik todu i manggan karabåo gi lanchun Tun Juan. All the carabao mangos at Tun Juan's ranch are not quite ripe.

låsrit n. type of plant. Pangium edule. Tåya' nai hu li'i' i lasrit na tinanum. I have never seen pangium edule. Ginin manu i lasrit na tinanum? Where did pangium edule originate from?

låssa cnj. as if, like. An låssa guiya ha' tumungu' put esti na asuntu. As if she is the only one who knows about this matter. Bumuluntåriu i taotåo an låssa ha tungu' manlåksi. She voluntered like she knows how to sew. Manufresi para u hoggui yu', an låssa ha na'siña humoggui yu' si Jose. Jose offered to carry me, as if he can.

låssas n. skin, peel, epidermis, bark, peeling, crust, rind. Na'suha i lassas i mannuk. Remove the skin of the chicken. Rikohi i lassas i trongku. Collect the bark of the tree. Ha nå'yi låssas kåhit i binattin kek. He added orange rind to the cake mix.

vt. peel. Låssas i mendioka. Peel the tapioca.

låssas åtaduk n. eyelid. Anåkku' i lassas atadok‑mu. Your eyelids are long. Huchum i lassas i atadok‑mu. Close your eyelids. Ha penta i lassas atadok‑ña. She painted her eyelids. Syn: bábali'.

låssas chåda' n. eggshell. Adahi na un gotgan ni lassas chåda'. Be careful not to choke on eggshells. Måolik mafa'abonu i lassas chåda'. Eggshells are good as fertilizer. Syn: kåskaran chåda'.

låssas ulu n. scalp. I kaspa ha na'makakaka i lassas ilu‑hu. Dandruff makes my scalp itchy. Fa'gåsin måolik i lassas ilu‑mu. Wash your scalp good.

lastik n. elastic. Usa i lastik sinturå‑ña na katsunis. Use the elastic waist pants. Na'malåksi i lastik i chinina‑mu, sa' matitik. Have the elastic on your dress sewn, because it is torn. From: Eng. elastic.

låstima adj. wasted, of no use or purpose. Låstima i finahån‑hu floris, sa' manmåtai ni tåya' hånum. The flowers I brought were wasted because of lack of water. Låstima i bulan tinekcha' mångga, sa' manyiniti' ni manglu'. The mango fruits got wasted because the strong wind destroyed them. Låstima i kumpiuta, sa' måffak i skrin‑ña. The computer is of no use because the monitor cracked.

låstra n. trace, faint mark. Ha sodda' guaha låstra gi inai. He found that there are some traces on the sand. Ni håfafa ha' ginin i taotåo na låstra a'annuk guini na liyang. Not even a trace of humans can be seen in this cave. From: Sp. rastro.

vt. trace, mark slightly. Ha låstra i matå‑ña nu i apu. She streaked her face with ashes. Nilastra fasu‑ña ni tituka' trongku anai ha upus. Her check was faintly scratched by the tree thorn when she passed by it.

låstru n. footprint, track. Ti parehu låstrun‑ñiha i katu yan i ga'lågu. The footprints of a cat and a dog are different. Tattiyi i lastru para un tungu' ginin manu. Follow the tracks to find out where they came from. Funas i lastrot‑ta ya mungnga ta masodda'. Erase our footprints so they will not find us. Syn: feggi'. Variant: råstru. From: Sp. rastro.

lasu n. lasso. From: Sp. lazo.

vt. trap (with rope), catch (with a lasso). Hu lasu i guaka. I lassoed the cow. Si tåta ha lasu i manmachålik na månnuk. Father trapped the wild chickens.

lasu' n. penis, testicle. Guaha lasu'‑ñiha i lalåhi. Males have testicles. Mungnga masedi ni unu u patcha i laso'‑mu. Do not let anyone touch your testicles. I buleru debi di u ma'usa i basun lasu' para proteksion. Baseball players need to wear a child cup for their protection. Variant: balasu'.

lasu' katu n. type of grass, having burr-like seed pod. cenchrus echinatus. Na'makaka i lasu' katu na chå'guan. Cenchuras echinatus makes you itchy. Manmandodokku' i lasu' katu gi eksu'. Cenchuras echinatus are growing on the hill. Mala'it na åmut i lasu' katu. Cenchrus echinatus is a very bitter herb. Mitituka' i simiyan lasu' katu. The seeds of cenchrus echinatus are spiny.

lát- (from: lát‑) pref. further, a little more, a bit more (intensifier). Na'lattatti i karetå‑mu. Move your car a little further back. Na'latfehna i siyå‑mu. Move your chair a little more to the front.

låta n. can (container). Manrikokohi yu' låta. I am collecting cans. Bula basulan låta gi kantun chålan. There are a lot of trash cans along the roadside. Usa i lata para un supuk hulu' i hanum. Use the container to scoop up the water. From: Sp. lata.

låtan gånta n. gallon can, container equal to a gallon. Måmfi' yu' un låtan gånta na donni'. I picked a gallon of hot pepper. Chuli'i si nåna un låtan gånta na pugas. Get a can of rice for Mother. Na'bula i latan gånta hånum. Fill the gallon can with water.

látaya vi. move eastward (CNMI), move southward (Guam). Manlátaya i sakman siha, sa' guaifun. The sakman moved eastward, because it is windy. Håfa na manlátaya i bayena siha? Why did the whales move eastward? See: láhaya.

latchai vt. dispose of, consume, finish off. Ti hu honggi na malatchachai i alåguan. I couldn’t believe that they consumed all the porridge. Ha latchai fumåhan i tetenan na aga' gi metkåo. He purchased the remaining bananas at the market. Håyi lumatchai yumuti' i sepblan nengkanu'? Who disposed all of the leftover food?

latda n. type of tree, used for medicine. Morinda citrifolia. Bula latda gi uriyan gima'yu'us. There are a lot of Morinda citrifolia growing around the church. Ma'u'usa i latda para åmut. Morinda citrifolia is used for medicine. I hagun latda masosotni para fa'gas chetnut. The leaves of Morinda citrifolia are boiled and used to cleanse wounds. Variant: lahda, ladda.

låtdun adj. pile on top of each other (of flies or insects), covered with (flies or insects). Låtdun i nengkanu' ni ababbang. The food was covered with butterflies. Manlåtdun i anai' gi papa' trongku. The termites are swarming under the tree.

låtga adj. spendthrift, extravagant, insatiable. Låtga ennåo na palåo'an. That lady is a spendthrift. Låtga i lahi‑hu. My son is a spendthrift. Låtga si Abbie na palåo′an. Abbie is an extravagant lady. Ti parehu na palåo'an si Pai' yan si Chai'. sa' si Chai' gof låtga. Pai' and Chai' are different from each other, because Chai' is extravagant. Ti gof måolik ennåo yanggin låtga håo. It’s not good to be insatiable. See: alåtga.

latgabista n. binoculars. Hu usa i latgabista annai hu li'i' i bayena. I used the binoculars when I saw the whale. Usa i latgabista para un li'i' klåru i chagu' na kosas pat lugåt. Use binoculars to see things clearly from a distance. Variant: lagabista. From: Sp. largavistas.

latgeru n. shaft, part of a bull cart, the shafts or poles that attach to the harness of a bull or horse. Debi di u matulaika i latgerun i kalesa, sa' esta båba. You have to change the shaft of the cart, because it is broken. I latgeru unu na påtti gi karetan guaka. The shaft is one part of the bull’s cart.

latigåsu vt. lash, spank, whip, hurt. Malatigåsu si Jose, sa' ti ume'ekunguk. Jose got whipped, because he was not listening. Para u malatigåsu ta'lu si Anton, sa' poddung i gradu‑ña. Anton will get a spanking again, because his grades are below average. See: latigu. From: Sp. latigazo.

latigu n. spanking, whipping, belting. Atdit latigu‑ña i patgun, sa' ha pokka' i ispehus kareta. The child’s whipping was severe, because he broke the car’s window. Atdit latigu‑ña si nåna ni manåguaguat na famagu'un. Mother’s spanking is hard for the naughty kids. See: latigåsu. From: Sp. látigo.

latik n. crispy residue of coconut milk after oil is cooked out. Guesguis i latik gi satten. Scrape the crispy residue in the cooking pot. Inapulaihan i latik gi halum satten. The crispy residue was moldy in the pot.

Latinu n. Latin, Roman language, classical language. Hu tungu' i Latinu na lingguåhi. He knows the Roman language. Kumuekuentus Latinu. He speaks Latin.

latiriha n. canned goods, cans of merchandise, esp. meat and fish; canned food. Mangguaguan i latiriha på'gu na tiempu. Canned goods are very expensive these days. Yanggin di'åriu ta kånnu' i latiria, ti måolik para i hinemlo'‑ta. When canned goods are eaten daily, it is not healthy. See: låta.

latiya n. dessert made of cake with a top layer of custard. Variant: lantiyas.

latnan adj. sound asleep, in deep sleep, snore. Duru latnan si tåta ni yinayas‑ña. Dad was snoring because he was very tired. Latnan si Luis gi hunta. Luis was sound asleep at the meeting. Variant: lannan.

láttanåo vi. get away, move away, move out, get out. Latttanåo gi gimå'‑hu. Move out from my house. Lattanåo gi inimigu‑mu. Get away from your enemy.

latti n. large stone carving, presumed to be made by the Chamorro people in pre-historical times. Bula åtchu' latti giya Tinian. There are lots of latte stones in Tinian. I amigu‑hu manhåtsa dos na åtchu' latti gi intrådan gimå'‑ña. My friend built two latte stones at the entrance of his house. Guaha siha åtchu' latti giya Monchong. There are latte stones in Monchong.

latti' vt. pull a scab off, take the skin off a sore, wound, etc. Mungnga malatti' i chetnot‑mu. Do not skin off the crust of your sore. Puti malatti' i chetnut. It hurts when you skin off the wound.

lattu' vi. heal. Esta lalattu' i chetnut i neni. The baby’s wound is healing. Lattu' chetnot‑tu, sa' hu åmti. My wound healed, because I applied medicine. Syn: mågung.

latu' intj. heck, darn; mild expletive. Latu' gui' ennåo na tåotåo. The heck with that guy. Latu' adai. Darn it, for goodness sake.

latyu' adj. feel emotionally hurt, have hurt feelings. Latyu' si Joaquin, sa' ti makumbida gi giput. Joaquin felt bad, because he was not invited to the party. Ha na'latyu' si Ton si nanå‑ña, sa' måttu ya ti mambisita. Mother felt bad because Ton was here but did not visit with her. Si tåta ha nå'i lokkui' si Tan Ana un månnuk putno u latyu'. Father also gave one chicken to Auntie Ana so she won't feel bad. Variant: layu'.

låyak n. mast, sails. Guaha dos botin låyak gi tasi. There are two sailboats in the ocean. I manglu' muna'håhanåo i botin låyak. The strong wind moves the sailboat in the water. Åtma i layak kaffu' gi boti. Install the pandanus sail on the boat. Dångkulu layåk‑ña i boti‑mu. Your boat has a huge sail.

vi. sail. Månu guatu ni para un layak? Where would you sail? Ha tungu' lumåyak? He knows how to sail?

layu' vi. feel emotionally hurt, have hurt feelings. Hu na'layu' si Del, sa' ti hu kumbida para i giput. I hurt Del’s feelings, because I didn’t invite her to the party. Kåo layu' håo put ti måttu yu'? Did I hurt your feelings by not showing up? Variant: latyu'.

le n. the name of l, the thirteenth letter of the alphabet. Guaha le gi kantan "Le, lu, le, lu, le, lu, le." There is le in the song, "Le, lu, le, lu, le, lu, le."

le'an 1) adj. sharp-eyed, keen-sighted, have an eagle-eye, clairvoyant. Manle'an i tres na rai. The three wise men are claivoyant. Mampus le'an si Kiku'. Kiku' is keen-sighted. 2) 

adj. one who attends events such as funerals, birthdays, etc. Ma gef tungu' gui' sa' le'an maseha håfa na sinisedi. She is well known because she is frequently in attendance of events. Syn: såbiu.

le'li' n. act of kidding, act of fooling, joking with. Puru ha' si Jose di le'li'. Joe is full of joking around. Puru le'li' håo. You are not being serious (you're pulling my leg).

le'yuk n. water hole (in reef), hole (in the road). I gurupun istudiånti manhånåo para u mali'i' i le'yuk. A group of students went to see the water hole in the reef. Piligru i le'yuk gi chalan, sa' siña ha' muna' aksidenti. The hole on the road is dangerous because it may cause an accident.

le'yuk adj. rough, uneven (of surface). Adahi i pinekkat‑mu, sa' le'yuk i sagan mamokkat. Watch your step, because the pathway’s surface is uneven. Le'yuk esti na lugåt. This is a rough place.

le'yuk vi. stand (on toes), tiptoe (Rota). Mule'yuk si nåna, sa' maimaigu' i neni. Mother tiptoed, because the baby is sleeping. I manbabailan ballerina manle'yuk. Ballerina dancers stand on their toes. Syn: deggu.

lebbuk adj. muddy, cloudy (of liquid). Lebbuk i hanum. The water is muddy. Lebbuk i hanum gi tangki, sa' ti ma na'gåsgas tres mesis. The water in the tank is muddy, because they didn’t clean it for three months.

legua n. league (measurement), about three miles. I buleru manlegua. The baseball team jogged about three miles. I legua para esti na tånu' kasi dos hektaria. The measurement of this lot is about two hectares. From: Sp. legua.

lehgua' vt. stir, agitate. Lehgua' i katdu. Stir the soup. Chalehgua' ya u fanmakmåta. Agitate so they will wake up. Kumu sigi un legua' esti na asuntu, siempri mås klåru pat mås manatburutåo i taotåo siha. If you keep talking about this matter, it will become more clear or it will agitate the people. Syn: chalehgua', båtti. Variant: legua'.

lehislatura n. legislature. Variant: leyislatura. From: Sp. legislatura.

lehngi n. awning. Kåtsa hulu' i lehngi, sa' må'pus esta i ichan. Secure the awning, because the rain's already gone. Kada guma' Chamorro guaha lehngi. Every Chamorro house has an awning.

vt. shield, screen, furnish shade to, protect by shielding with something or with one's body (Rota). Bai hu lehngi i tinanum siha gi maipin somnak. I'm going to shade the plants from the hot sun. Lehngi i kunan i patgun gi manglu'. Shield the baby's crib from the wind. Syn: choffi2.

lehngun adj. shady. Lehngun i lugåt‑ña. His place is shady. Ya‑hu manunu gi lanchu, sa' lehngun. I like to barbeque at the ranch, because it has lots of shade. Variant: lengun, lenghun, ñehngun.

lekkåo n. climber, one who's good at climbing. Faisin si Pedro ya u fåmfi' månha, sa' lekkåo. Ask Pedro to pick coconuts, because he is a climber. Lekkåo ennåo na tåotåo. That guy is a climber. Variant: lakkåo.

leklik vt. guide, bring, direct. Leklik i famagu'un guatu gi dinanchi' na direksion. Guide the students to the right path. Malingu i patgun ya hu leklik guatu gi mañaina‑ña. The boy got lost so I brought him to his parents.

leklik vt. masturbate, perform masturbation. Ha leleklik gui' si Lucas. Lucas is masturbating. Mamåhlåo si tåta anai ginacha' as nåna na ha leleklik gui'. Father was ashamed when Mother caught him masturbating.

lekngai adj. have a stiff neck. Sigi ya un malasa, sa' lekngai håo. Go have a massage, because you have a stiff neck. Usa i alunån‑mu kosa ki ti un lekngai. Use your pillow to avoid a stiff neck. Variant: lengngai.

leksión n. lesson, something learned or taught. Håfa na leksion manmafanå'gui hamyu? What lesson did they teach you? I ma'estra ha introdusi nuebu na leksion på'gu. The teacher introduced a new lesson today. From: Sp. lección.

lektura n. lecture, formal discourse on any subject. From: Sp. lectura.

vt. give a lecture to. Manmalektura i istudiånti put basula gi uriyan iskuela. The students were lectured about littering on the school campus.

Lela' name. nickname for Manuela.

lemåsa n. type of plant. Artocarpus integer (Family Moraceae). Månu nai siña hit mañodda' ni esti na tinanum i lemåsa? Where can we find Artocarpus integer? Håfa lemåsa? What is Artocarpus integer?

lemlim vt. cause (someone) to fail to recognize what one is used to seeing, surprise (someone) through changes. Ha lemlim yu' i lugåt, sa' bula tinilaika. The place surprised me because of the many changes. Un lemlim yu' ni madasai‑mu. I failed to recognize you because of your hairstyle.

lemlim tåotåo n. dusk, darker phase of twilight. Huchum i bintånan i gima' åntis di lemlim tåotåo. Close all the windows at home before sunset. Mungnga mana'huyung i neni gi gima' gi lemlim tåotåo. Do not let the baby out at twilight.

lemmai n. type of plant: seedless breadfruit. Artocarpus altilis. I lemmai unu gi nengkanu' tåotåo tånu'. Breadfruit is one of our local foods. Siña un fa'tinas difirentis klåsin sintåda ginin i lemmai. You can make different menus out of seedless breadfruit.

lemmuk vt. pound. Månngi' i linemmuk lemmai. The pounded breadfruit is delicious. Ha nå'i yu' si Tan Didang åmut ni nilemmok‑ña gi paingi. Tan Didang gave me herbal medicine that she pounded last night. Variant: lommuk.

lemmun n. type of plant: lime. Citrus aurantifolia. Fotgi i lemmun para limunåda. Squeeze the lemon for lemonade. I lemmun siña ma'usa gi difirentis manera. Lemon is useful in many ways.

lemmun China n. type of bush. Triphasia trifolia. Ti mamåmama' i lemmun china giya Saipan. Triphasia trifolia is not chewable on Saipan. Guaha nai ma'usa i lemmun china para adotnun i lamasan nengkanu' gi giput. Sometimes triphasia trifolia is used for a centerpiece on buffet tables at parties. Variant: lemmun dichina.

lemmun dichina n. type of bush. Triphasia trifolia. Variant: lemmun China.

lemmun riåt n. type of plant: lemon. Citrus limon. Lemmun riåt i mås månngi' na klåsin lemmun. Citrus limon is the best kind of lemon. Mapput manlå'la' i lemmun riåt. It is difficult to propagate citrus limon.

lenti n. lens. Måffak i lentin i antios‑su. The lens of my eyeglasses is broken. Estagui' i mås måolik na lenti siha. These are the best lenses. From: Sp. lente.

lengga vt. use a suppository, lubricate anus for aid in defecation. Puti malengga. It hurts to use a suppository. Ti siña i patgun ha pañut i amut, pues malengga. The child couldn’t take the medicine orally, so we used a suppository. Variant: hilengga, lilengga.

lenggua n. tongue. Guaha na tåotåo kumåkannu' i lengguan i guaka. Some people eat the tongue of the cow. Syn: hula'. From: Sp. lengua.

lenggua i baka n. type of plant: cactus. Opuntia cochenillifera or Euphorbia neriifolia. Manfloris kulot agaga' i lenggua i baka na tinanum. The cactus flower is red. Lumolokka' esti na tinanum i lenggua i baka. This cactus plant is growing tall.

lengngai adj. have a stiff neck. Kume'yåo, sa' lengngai tatalo'‑ña ginin maigo'‑ña. He is limping, because he has a stiff back from the way he slept. Dispensa, sa' kalan lengngai yu' anai åtman yu' umapu' gi liga. Sorry, I have a stiffness from leaning too long against the wall. Variant: lekngai.

lepblu n. book, notebook, article (in periodical), magazine. Debi di kada påtgun u fañuli' sais na lepblun para månggi' gi mababan iskuela. Each student should bring six notebooks at the opening of the school year. Chuli' i lepblun‑miyu guatu gi gima' ya in na'yi tåmpi. Take your books home and cover them. From: Sp. libro.

lepra n. leper. Tatmi i lepra na chetnut. Leprosy is a contagious disease. Mana'fansasahngi i taotåo siha ni manchetnut lepra. People with leprosy were isolated. From: Sp. lepra.

leprosa n. leprosy. Tåya' leprosa giya Saipan på'gu na tiempu. Nobody has leprosy on Saipan these days. Na'ma'si' i taotåo kumu nina'yi ni leprosa. A person is pitiful if he has leprosy. Syn: nasarinu. Variant: leprosu. From: Sp. leproso.

lessu' n. juvenile rabbitfish. Mangonni' i talayeru bulan lessu' giya Malesso. The fisherman caught a lot of juvenile fish at Malesso. Månngi' ma'aflitun påttun i lessu'. This type of fish is delicious to fry crispy. Syn: mañahak.

lessuk n. type of fish: squirrel fish. Holocentrus unipunctatus (Family Holocentridae). Tåya' nai hu li'i' i lessuk. I have never seen squirrel fish. Mangonni' i peskadot munton lessuk. The fisherman caught many squirrel fish.

lestun n. 1) ribbon, bow. Na'siguru na un pega lestun i rigalu‑mu. Make sure you put ribbon on your gift box. Bunitu kumu un nå'yi lestun i gaputulun påtgun palåo'an. It is nice to put ribbons on girls' hair. Usa å'paka' na lestun para i chininan i neni. Use white ribbon for the baby's cloth. Lestun hagun niyuk ma'usa para i kapitulun i bailadora siha. The hair adornments for the dancers are bows made from coconut leaves. 2) lining (in carpentry). I katpinteru ha pega lestun gi uriyan i hayu para i paradot. The carpenter used lining around the wood for the cabinet.

lestun n. type of flower. Ophioglossum pendulum. Tånum i lestun gi tanu', mungnga gi maseta. Plant the Ophioglossum pendulum in the ground, not in the flower pot. Ti dilikåo i lestun na floris. Ophioglossum pendulum is not a delicate flower.

lestun puyitus n. type of plant. Codiaeum variegatum. Månu nai måolik mapo'lu i lestun puyitus, gi semnak pat gi nihung? Where is it best to put the Codiaeum variegatum, under sunlight or in a shady place? Månu nai siña mañodda' hit lestun puyitus? Where can we find Codiaeum variegatum?

letchi n. 1) milk, cream. Måolik i letchi para i tatåotåo‑ta. Milk is good for our body. 2) sperm. From: Sp. leche.

vt. add coconut milk to (cooking food). Hu letchin niyuk i kaddun guihan. I cooked the fish with coconut milk.

letchi intj. gee, golly, gosh; expression considered taboo by older speakers, describes action done to boast self, or action for another. Letchi na åguaguat påtgun. Gosh, he is a naughty kid. Letchi na binaråtun guma' ennåo. Gee, that house is cheap.

letchin niyuk n. coconut milk. Nå'yi letchin niyuk i dagu. Add coconut milk to the yam.

vt. cook in coconut milk. Ha letchin niyuk si nana i ayuyu. Mother cooked the coconut crab in coconut milk.

letchun n. litter (of pigs), young pig, piglet, suckling pig. Mamomoksai si tåta bulan letchun. Father is raising lots of piglets. Manmanbebendi i panaderiha letchun. The bakery is selling suckling pigs. From: Sp. lechón.

letgi vt. give abundantly, give in excess. Mungnga maletgi i patgun ni ti manmåolik na nengkanu'. Do not give the child too much junk food. Håfa na un letgi yu' nu i todu i chi'cho'‑mu? Why did you load me with all your work? Un letgi i tinanum ni hanum. You overwatered the plant.

letki vt. dodge, avoid. Hu letki i ga'lågu, sa' u åkka' yu'. I avoided the dog so it wouldn't bite me. Ha letki gui' kontra i gurupu. She dodged from the group. Bai hu letki umåguaguat, sa' siempri yu' masåolak. I avoided being naughty, because I would surely be spanked.

lettra n. letter (of the alphabet). Guaha benti sais na lettra gi atfabetikun English. There are twenty-six letters in the English alphabet. Tugi' i lettra siha gi atfabetikun Chamorro. Write the letters of the Chamorro alphabet. From: Sp. letra.

li'e'un adj. visible, able to be seen. I puti'un manli'e'un an puengi. The stars are visible at night. Ti manli'e'un i fanihi an ha'åni, sa' manmamaigu'. Bats cannot be seen at daylight, because they are asleep.

li'i' vt. see, look, perceive, understand. Kulan hu lili'i' håfa para u masusedi agupa'. It’s like I could perceive what would happen tomorrow. Håyi muli'i' håfa masusedi gi iskuela? Who saw what happened at school? På'gu na un li'i' na ti mandagi si Jose. Now you understand that Jose did not lie. Si tåta ha li'i' un dångkulun ayuyu gi halumtånu'. Father saw a large coconut crab in the forest. Mangumprendi na ti libiånu ennåo na hinassu, sa' mapput mali'i' håfa kumeke'ilek‑ña. She understood that that concept is not convenient, because it is difficult to interpret.

li'i'an n. window, place to look out from. I sagan li'i'an gima'‑måmi ha fåfana' sanlagu. The windows of house face west. Sigi guatu gi li'i'an ya un atan håyi manbururuka gi sanhiyung. Go to the window and see who are creating commotions outside.

li'uf vi. dive, submerge. I buseru manlili'uf gi taddung tåsi. The scuba divers are diving in deep water. I submarine lumi'uf. The submarine submerged.

Lia' name. nickname for Emelia or Maria.

liami' intj. mild expletive. Liami' na manåguaguat istudiånti. Gosh, they’re naughty students. Liami', kåo un tungu' na ha sakkengguan yu' ni salappe'‑hu? Shucks, did you know that she stole my money? Variant: lami'.

libadura n. yeast, leaven, ferment. Nå'yi i binattin pån libadura ni para u nina'ispongha. Add yeast to the bread mixture to make it rise. I libadura muna' ispopongha i hechura. The yeast is making the dough spongy. I libadura ha na'bulålachu i hechuran pån. The yeast makes the bread dough rise. From: Sp. levadura.

libenda n. story (of building), floor (of building).

liberasión n. liberation, deliverance. Ta silelebra i liberasion kada Huliu dia kuåttru guini giya Saipan. We are celebrating Liberation Day every July 4th here on Saipan. Difirentis prugråma machocho'gui kada puengi gi silebrasion liberasion. Different performances were presented every night at the liberation celebration. From: Sp. liberación.

libetta adj. on leave, on vacation. Bai hu libetta ottru mes. I’ll be on vacation next month.

vt. liberate. Bai hu libetta yu' gi familiåk‑ku ottru mes. I'll free myself from my family next month. Manmalibetta i prisineru. The prisoners were liberated. From: Sp. liberta.

libettåo adj. at leisure, free from demands, at liberty. Ha nisisita oran libettåo. She needs leisure time. Libettåo si Jeff på'gu, sa' guiguiya ha'. Jeff is free now, because he is alone. Variant: dibettåo. From: Sp. libertado.

libettåt n. liberty, freedom. Ekspresia håfa sinentem‑mu, sa' libettåt i sinangan. Express how you feel, because it is freedom of speech. Manå'i yu' un mes na libettåt. I was given one month of liberty. From: Sp. libertad.

libettåt sibit n. civil liberty, rights of citizens to practice religion and free speech, to congregate, etc. Gi Sankattan na Mariånas, i siudadånu ma praktitika propiu yan anchu i libettåt sibit ni manmagarantiha gi Konstitusion. The people of the Northern Marianas practice proper and extensive rights that are guaranteed under the Constitution (of the Northern Marianas). Libettåt sibit kumeke'ilek‑ña diretchun siudadånu, tatkumu libettåt para manadora pat kumuentus. Civil liberty means the rights of citizens, such as freedom to practice religion or to speak. From: Sp. libertad_civil.

libetti vt. liberate, set (someone) free, cause (someone) to relax. Ma libetti siha i ma'estra gi bakasion. Teachers are free during the summer time. Ma libetti, sa' ti sumåonåo. He was set free, because he was not involved. From: Sp. liberte.

libiånu adj. easy, effortless, not laborious, not burdensome, easily done. Libiånu masångan låo ti libiånu macho'gui. It is easy to say but not easy to do. Libiånu munhåyan yanggin todu mana'ayuda. It is easily done if everyone will be of service. From: Sp. liviano.

libra n. pound (unit of weight). Kuåntu libra na guihan kininne'‑mu? How many pounds of fish did you catch? Hånåo ya un famåhan un kostat singkuenta libras na pugas. Go and buy a fifty pound sack of rice. From: Sp. libra.

libri adj. saved, made safe, safeguarded, rescued, delivered from danger. Libri i patgun kontra i piligru. The boy is out of danger. I hinasa na boti nina'libri ni batkun Hapones. The capsized boat was rescued by the Japanese ship. See: lihing. From: Sp. libre.

liching vt. 1) raise (with pulley). I pulisiha ha liching i bandera. The police raised the flag with a pulley. Ha liching si tåta i batdi gi tipu' hånum. Father lowered the pail in the water well. 2) hang onto (something) securely. I patgun ha liching gui' gi apågan nanå‑ña. The child clung tightly to its mother's shoulder. Ha liliching gui' i patgun gi tali. The child hung onto the rope.

liensu n. linen. Fa'gåsi todu i liensu. Wash all the linens. Guaha na klåsin liensu dilikåo mafa'gåsin landri. There are some kinds of linens that are delicate to wash in washers. Variant: linu. From: Sp. lienzo.

lifit vi. slink away, creep away. Mulifit si nåna anai maigu' i neni. Mother crept away when the baby slept. I kulepbla mulifit anai manhunguk buruka. The snake slunk away when it heard noise.

liga n. wall. I pentot‑tu pumenta i liga. My painter painted the wall. Hu nå'i lahi‑hu petmisu para u penta i ligan kuatton‑ña kulot asut. I gave my son permission to paint the wall of his room blue. Variant: luga.

ligalisa vt. legalize. I kumetsiånti manmaligalisa na u fanhålum ya u fanmama'salappi' gi CNMI. Investors are legalized to come in and do business in the CNMI. Maligalisa i huegun salåppi' giya Saipan. Gambling is legalized in Saipan. From: Sp. legaliza.

ligas n. garter, fastener. Fåhan i metyas ni gai ligas. Buy the stockings with garters. Hu usa i ligas para u gine'ti i metyas. I used the garter to hold up my stockings. From: Sp. ligas.

ligåt adj. legal, lawful, legitimate. Ligåt esti na asuntu. This is a legal matter. I tutok gai aturidåt put asuntu ligåt irensian mañaina‑ña. The administrator has the authority in all legal matters in regards to his family’s inheritance. From: Sp. legal.

ligirik n. type of cricket that makes a din at night, tiny insect. Puti manåkka' i ligirik na ga'ga'. Ligirik's bites are painful. Mañetnut i inakka' ligirik. The ligirik's bite became infected.

liheslatura n. legislature, an elected group in a state or nation with power to create, alter, and repeal laws. I liheslatura na manggaigi i fuetsa para u fanmama'tinas lai. The power to create laws is in the legislature. Bula manmalagu' manhålum gi liheslatura, låo ti todu muna'siña i che'chu'. Many desire to be in the legislature, but not all can do the job. I liheslatura ni manggaigi i ufisiålis ni ma prumeti para uma setbi i taotåo siha. The officials who promised to serve the people are in the legislature. Variant: lehislatura.

lihing n. shelter, refuge. Kåo guaha lihing‑miyu gi lanchu? Do you have a shelter at the farm?

adj. saved, safeguarded, rescued, sheltered. Lumihing i lancheru gi papa' trongku anai uchan. The farmer sheltered under the tree when it rained. I punidera ha na'fanlihing i puyitos‑ña gi pappan‑ña kontra i ichan. The hen protected its chicks with its wings from the rain.

lihítimu adj. legitimate, lawful, legalized, appropriate, admissible, justifiable. I salappi' ni magåsta lihitimu. The money spent was justifiable. Lihitimu i rason‑ña put i areklamentu. His reasons for the rules were appropriate. See: ligåt. From: Sp. legítimo.

likidu adj. only, lone. I yetnåk‑ku likidu na påtgun gi familia. My daughter-in-law is the only child in the family. I islan Luta likidu na tånu' ni mama'guå'ut laderå‑ña. The island of Rota is the only island that has a mountain that forms like a ladder. Todu i tiempu guaha likidu gi halum familia ni sahngi kustumbren‑ña. Every family has a lone child that has a different attitude.

likót n. liquor. Mampus fotti i likót para guåhu. Liquor is very strong for me. Båba mampus likót para i hinemlu' tåotåo. Too much liquor is bad for people's health. Båsta gumimin likót, sa' un bulåchu. Stop drinking liquor, or else you'll get drunk. Syn: atkahót, aguayenti, maneska. From: Sp. licor.

líkuku' vi. revolve, roll in a circle, turn around (as on an axis), spin. Påha likuku'‑ña i tulompu. The top spins smoothly. Ha na'likuku' i karetå‑ña ni binibu‑ña. He spun his car because he was angry. Na'fanlikuku' i famagu'un gi uriyan siya siha esta ki pumåra i dandan. Make the children go around the chairs until the music stops. Syn: kíluluk. Variant: líliku'.

likuku'i vt. circumscribe, encircle, go around completely. Ha likuku'i i isla si Jose anai måttu mambisita Saipan. Jose went around the island when he came for a visit to Saipan. Sigi ha' di ha liliku'i i kosas ni ha espipiha låo ti ha sosodda' ha'. He kept going around the object he was looking for but he could not find it. Esta guaha nai hu likuku'i numangu Mañagåha. I have already swum around Managaha. Variant: liliku'i.

lila adj. purple (color). Ha engkåtga yu' si nanå‑hu na yanggin måtai gui', kulot lila para magagu‑ña. My mother instructed me that when she dies, she should be dressed in purple. Ha gåga'um kurason‑hu esti i lila na kulot. Purple color touches my heart. Ha usa si påli' i lila na kulot para i primet na Damenggun Atbientu. The priest uses purple vestment for the first Sunday of Advent. From: Sp. lila.

lilengga vt. lubricate anus to aid in defecation, use a suppository as an aid in defecation. Ha lilengga i imfitmera i patgun, sa' mapput tuminani' put i pineksu'. The nurse used a suppositrory lubricant on the child, because he was having problems defecating due to constipation. Yamak lumilengga ni kalulut kannai‑mu i taki' i patgun ya u chaddik malaknus take'‑ña. Try softening the child's feces with your finger to make him defecate quickly. Malilengga i amku' para u libiånu tuminani'. A suppository was used to help the old man defecate with ease. Variant: hilengga, lengga.

líli'uf n. diver. Si Bacha' unu na lili'uf ni maguf tungu' giya Islas Mariånas. Bacha' was one well-known diver in the Mariana Islands. Meggai famalåo'an Hapon manlili'uf petlas. Many Japanese women are pearl divers. Guaha siha na lili'uf tåddung ti ma u'usa tangkin airi. There are deep sea divers who do not use oxygen tanks. Syn: buseru.

líliku' vi. revolve, spin, roll in a circle. Gof liliku' i tulompu. The top spins smoothly. Lumiliku' i bolan gåf gi uriyan i madduk, pues nai poddung hålum. The golf ball rolled around the edge of the hole, then it fell in. Ha na'liliku' duru i karetå‑ña gi uriyan guma'‑ñiha put i binibu‑ña. He speedily drove his car around their house because of his anger. Syn: kíliluk, kíluluk. Variant: líkuku'.

lililuk n. type of fish found in deep water when mature. Gof månngi' makåddun niyuk i lililuk, piot ya manå'yi kåmias. Lililuk fish is so delicious, especially when cooked with coconut milk and pickles. Ti gof puti didilok‑ña i lililuk ki i sehyun. The lililuk spines are not as painful as the rabbitfish.

name. name of land. Manli'i' yu' haggan giya Lililuk. I saw a turtle at Lililuk. Mampus barångka i chalan para guatu Lililuk. The road to Lililuk is very bumpy.

lilis vt. father, procreate. Linilis ottru tåotåo ennåo na påtgun. That child was fathered by a different person. Linilis German Shepherd esti na ga'lågu. This dog was sired by a German Shepherd. See: tåta.

líliu n. lily; 25/Jun/2017. From: Sp. lirio. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lílogru n. odds maker, one who determines the odds in gambling, esp. at cockfights. Si Antonio lilogru gi gayera. Antonio is the odds maker at the cockfights. Håyi lumililogru gi huegun båtu? Who is the odds maker at the batu game? Debi di u måolik tiningo'‑ña i taotåo put i huegu ni lumililogru . The odds maker must have good knowledge of the game he set odds in. Variant: apostadót. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lima n. file. Debi i katpinteru di u gai lima. A carpenter must have a file. Guaha liman håyu yan liman luluk. There are wood files and metal files. Chuli' i lima yan un na'måhlus i peksai. Get the file and smooth the paddle. From: Sp. lima.

vt. rub smooth or cut with a file. Lima fan i peksai ya u lamahlus. Please, file the paddle to make it smoother. Ha lima si Manuel i machetti para u na'malåktus. Manuel filed the machete to make it sharp. Malima i rehas guå'ut, sa' u guaha sinekkai. The stair's rail was filed to prevent anyone from being pricked. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lima num. the indigenous Chamorro word for the number five. I lima numiru singku åntis na tiempu. Lima was the word for "five" a long time ago. Maila' guennåo lima na ohas påppit. Please, give me five pages of papers there. Guaha ga'‑hu lima na ga'lågu. I have five dogs. Syn: singku. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

limångga vt. tuck, pull up (in a fold or folds), roll up to shorten, tighten by drawing up together in folds. Ya‑hu na hu limangga i manggas chininå‑hu. I like to roll up my shirt sleeve. Yan‑ñiha i lalåhi åntis lumimångga i katsunis‑ñiha. Men a long time ago liked to fold up their pants legs. Malimångga hulu' dididi' i katsunis i patgun sino u ma'aråstra gi edda'. Roll up the leg of the child's pants a little so that they will not drag on the ground. Syn: dopbla, dopbladura. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

limbu adj. in limbo, in a state or condition of oblivion, confusion, or neglect. Esta på'gu lilimbu ha' hinasson‑ña i malångu. The sick person's mind is still in limbo. Mungnga iya' muna'fanlimbu titanus‑ñiha i pupbliku ni upinion‑mu. Please, do not confuse the minds of the public about your opinion. Esta på'gu manlimbu i taotåo ni disision i Gubietnu put i fedirasion. The people are still in limbo on the Governor's decision about federalization. Syn: aburidu, bulåchu ulu, gåtdun, kumbalåchi, yinaoyåo. From: Sp. limbo. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

limenda vt. mend (clothes), patch (tire), repair (shoes or other things). Ha limenda i sapateru i sapatos‑su. The shoemaker repaired my shoes. Hu na'malimenda i ruedan kareta nigap. I had the car tire patched yesterday. Malimenda i matitik chininå‑hu. I had the torn shirt mended. Syn: låksi, påtchi, sotsi. From: Sp. remienda. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

limosna n. donation (money), contribution (money), alms, gift (money). Marikokohi limosna siha gi misa kada Damenggu. Donations are collected at mass every Sunday. Sessu yu' muna'hålum limosna gi kahun limosna para i Red Cross. I often put money in the donation box for the Red Cross. Guaha limosna magågagåo para i malångu ni para u mariferi guatu Manila. Donations are being solicited for the patient that is going to be referred to Manila. Syn: chinchuli', ineggagåo, karidåt, kontribusión, nina'i. From: Sp. limosna. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

limosneru n. beggar, one who collects money versus giving money. Meggai limosneru siha giya Filipinas. There are a lot of beggars in the Philippines. Kulang ha' limosneru si Vicente ni manggågåo salåppi'. Vicente is like a beggar because he begs for money. Manna'ma'si' esti i limosneru siha, sa' mamopbli. Beggars are pitiful, because they are poor. Syn: bagamondu, mangli. See: limosna, ångkas. From: Sp. limosnero. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

limpiesa vt. clean (outside the house) thoroughly. Manlimpiesa yu' tududiha. I clean all day. Apasiyun si Bing, sa' bråbu manlimpiesa. It is worth paying Bing, because she works hard cleaning. Matågu' si Felix para u fanayuda manlimpiesa gi lanchu. Felix was asked to help do the thorough cleaning at the farm. See: lampåsu. Variant: rimpiesa. From: Sp. limpieza.

limunåda n. lemonade. Hu fugu' bulan lemmun para i limunåda. I squeezed a lot of lemons for the lemonade. Manmanbebendi i famagu'un limunåda gi kantun chålan. The children are selling lemonade by the road. From: Sp. limonada. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

limunåyas vi. put lights on at night in the front of the house, so as to provide light for travelers on the road. Impottånti limunåyas para i bisita gi tano'‑ta. It is important to put on lights in front of the house for our visitors on island. Bunitu ma'atan‑ña i gimå'‑mu an puengi yanggin un limunåyas. Your house looks beautiful at night if you put lights on in the front.

lina n. line, long narrow mark. Dalalaki i lina. Follow the line. Fila låo mungnga ma'upus i lina. Line up and do not go over the line. Fitma na'ån‑mu gi hilu' i lina. Sign your name above the line. Syn: råya. Variant: liña. From: Sp. línea. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lina'chuk n. sprouting, growth, germination. Ha rega i lina'chuk i donni'. He sprinkled the pepper sprouts. Ya‑hu kumånnu' i faha' gi nuebu na lina'chuk niyuk. I like eating the embryo in the new coconut sprouts. Månngi' magisanñaihun i lina'chuk monggus. Mongo bean sprouts are delicious when lightly stirred. Syn: dinekku'. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lina'la' n. life, existence, living. Gof makkat i lina'la' na tiempu. Life is very hard nowadays. Puru ha' lina'la' matiriåt mahahassu ni taotåo siha enlugåt di espirituåt. All the people think about is material life instead of spiritual life. Debi di u maprutehi i lina'la' kada tåotåo. The life of each person must be protected. Gof mapput i lina'la' tåotåo dispues di gera. People's lives were very hard after the war. I taotåo ni fafa'cho'chu' måolik lina'lå'‑ña. A working person has good life. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lina'mun n. experience, skill. Guaha lina'mon‑ña si Mariano gi put katpinteru. Mariano has experience in carpentry. Måolik lina'mon‑ña si Anselmo gi manareklan kareta. Anselmo has good experience in car repairs. Måolik lokkui' gumai lina'mun gi bandan huegu siha. It is also good to get experience in different sports. Syn: ekspirensia, pinayun, nina'siña, tiningu'.

linachi n. mistake, error, falsity, fallacy, wrongness, wrongdoing. Maseha meggai bidå‑mu måolik, i linachi‑mu ha' mås siempri mahassu. Although you have done many good things, it is your errors that are mostly remembered. Mås manunungu' i taotåo siha yanggin ma kumprendi i linachin‑ñiha. People learn more if they understand their mistakes. Todu tåotåo siha pumadedesi i linachi gi lina'la'. All people experience making mistakes in life. Syn: malabida. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

linahyan n. group, crowd, assemblage, gathering, group of, place in a group. Måolik ha' na linahyan gi miting. It was quite a crowd at the meeting. Ispiha fan håfa guaha gi as Kumpairin Ken, sa' hu li'i' na guaha linahyan anai maloffan yu'. Please, check what is happening at Compadre Ken's, because I saw a gathering there when I passed by. Syn: dinanña', gurupu, inetnun, katdumi. Variant: linayan, lana'yan. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

linaisin vi. be fooled, caught off guard, unaware (passive). Manlinaisin na guiya i lahin‑ñiha, sa' åtman taigui. They were unaware that he is their son, because he was away for a long time. Linaisin sa' hu siginpapa'i put i bidå‑ña. She was caught off guard when I indirectly tried to find out what she did. Manlinaisin put i minetgut månglu', sa' ti ma ekkunguk i anunsiu. They were unaware of the strength of the storm, because they did not listen to the announcement. Variant: nilaisin.

linaksi n. seam, stitch at edge of clothes or dress. Måppla' i linaksi gi fundiyus katsunes‑su. The seam at the crotch of my pants is loose. Måolik i linaksin dopbladuran chininå‑ña. The stitch at the hem of her dress is good. Yanggin para un famåhan magågu, gogof atan i linaksi siha. If you are buying clothes, take a close look at the seam. Syn: limenda, sinetsi. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

linalålu' n. anger, vexation. Ai, linalalo'‑ña i patgun anai machule'guan ni na'‑ña kandi. My, how angry the child was when somebody took his candy! Guaha na biåhi na i empitu muna'guaguaha linalålu'. There are times when bad temper creates anger. Atendi fan i patgun ya un na'suha linalalo'‑ña. Please, pay attention to the child to ease away his anger. Syn: binibu. Variant: linahlalu'. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

linalu' adj. infested with flies. Gigun un plålanta i inaflitun guihan gi lamasa, insigidas ha' linalu'. As soon as you put the fried fish on the table, it gets infested by flies. Tungu'un ha' yanggin guaha måtai gå'ga', sa' linalu' atyu na lugåt. You can tell when there's a dead animal somewhere, because it gets infested by flies. Mampus linalu' i tinala' kåtni. The dried meat is infested by the flies. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

linamas adj. decayed, rotten. Puru ha' otdut i linamas aga' gi kanåstra. The decayed bananas in the basket are full of ants. Ni para u mabuñelus, esta esti na linamas aga' tai bali. Even to make doughnuts with the decayed bananas is worthless. Mampus ha na'puti yu' anai måttu yu' gi lanchu, sa' meggai linamas fruta manlalailai ha' gi edda'. I felt really bad when I came to the farm, because there were lots of decayed fruits all over the ground. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

linangitan adj. heavenly, sublime, resembling heaven. I para'isu kulang ha' linangitan na lugåt. Paradise is like heaven. Si Yu'us Tåta guiya i linangitan na pitsona. God the father is the heavenly father. Taitayi i manlinangitan na mañåntus siha. Pray to the heavenly saints. Variant: linanghitan. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

linåo n. earthquake. Mafondu i tanu' anai duru linåo. The land sank during a big earthquake. Gof piligru gi halum lokka' na fina'guma' yanggin guaha linåo. It is very dangerous inside a tall building when there is an earthquake. Esta manengkibukåo hinassun‑ñiha i taotåo siha gi duråntin i linåo. The people were in a state of confusion during the earthquake. Syn: ira, hinigua. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

linatga adj. avaricious, having a strong desire to amass wealth, greedy, spendthrift. Ai, na linatga si Ana salåppi'. My, Ana sure is a spendthrift for money. Ha na'linatga gi todu i tatåotåo‑ña Ana ni alåhas oru siha. Ana has overwhelmed her body with gold jewelry. Che'chu' banidå ennåo i para un na'linatgåyi håo ni kosas siha ni ti mamprisisu. To overwhelm yourself with things that are not important is just ostentatious behavior. See: banidosu, fåtta, fattadosa, fattadót, gastadót, gastadoru. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

linderu n. boundary, border. Matanumi i linderu niyuk. Coconuts were planted in the boundary. Ha måtka i linderu gi tano'‑ña. He put markers on the border of his land. From: Sp. lindero.

line'guan adj. emotionally clingy, sad and emotionally needy, having separation anxiety. I manåmku' ma honggi na an mapotgi' i palåo'an, sessu i mås påtgun line'guan. The old folks believe that when a woman is pregnant, the youngest child becomes emotionally clingy with his mother. Guaha lokkui' na line'guan i asagua yanggin mapotgi' i palåo'an. Sometimes the husband of a pregnant woman becomes very clingy. Sen makkat para u tutuhun umiskuela si David, sa' dimasiåo line'guan. It's very difficult for David to start school, because he is very clingy. Variant: linehguan. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

linehguan adj. 1) weak, disoriented or distorted because one is affected by something. Linehguan si Ariel anai mafañågu si Abel. Ariel was affected when Abel was born. Gof linehguan i neni, sa' put i guaha esta ottru che'lu‑ña. The baby become weak and fragile because he has another sibling. 2) emotionally clingy, emotionally needy, having separation anxiety. Linehguan si David, sa' mapotgi' si nanå‑ña. David is clingy, because his mother is pregnant. Guaha lokkui' na linehguan i asagua an mapotgi' i palåo'an. Sometimes the husband becomes too clingy when the wife is pregnant. Dimasiåo mamanman i lahi yanggin mapotgi' i asaguå‑ña, sa' linehguan. The husband becomes too slow when his wife is pregnant and he can be clingy to her. 3) weak (of a baby) due to the mother's pregnancy. Hamalangu mampus i neni, sa' linehguan. The baby is sickly because her mom is expecting. Na'chotchu ennåo i patgun, sa' mampus linehguan. Feed that child because she is very sickly. Nisisita u magunus i neni, sa' gof linehguan. The baby needs to stop breastfeeding, because she's sickly. Variant: line'guan. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

linekka' n. altitude, height, elevation. Singku bibenda linekkå'‑ña atyu na guma'. That building is five floors high. Prisisu i linekkå'‑mu na imfotmasion para i lisensian mañugun. Your height is an important piece of information for the driver's license. Kuåntu putgådas mås linekkå'‑ña si Chong kinu hågu? How many inches taller is Chong than you? Syn: dinangkulu, tinatkilu'. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

linetchi vi. be talked about, be gossiped about (passive). Ti ha tungu' si Maria na todu linetchi ni amigå‑ña. Maria didn't know that her friend gossiped about her. Cha'‑mu hohonggi si Ana sa' todu håo lineletchi. Don't believe Ana because she's really talking about you. Gof såttun håo as Fulåna ya ti un tungu' na sigi håo linetchi. You are very close to Fulana and you didn't know that she keeps gossiping about you.

linihan n. panic, fright, fear, thing feared. Gaigi linihån‑mu no, anai mana'katiyi håo ni businan pulisiha. You must have had a real panic when the policeman sounded the siren on you. Kana' ha' lalangu i palåo'an ni linihån‑ña. The lady almost fainted with fear. Guaha na biåhi nai i linihan umatåtaka kurason tåotåo. There were times when fright would make a person have a heart attack. Syn: kinibåtdi, mina'å'nåo. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

linila adj. purplish, containing purple color. Linila sutanå‑ña si Påli' gi misan Simåna Sånta. Father wore a purplish robe during Holy Week mass. Mamåhan si nanå‑hu linila na yåtdas magågu para u laksiyi yu' chininå‑hu. My mother bought a purplish yardage material so she could sew me a shirt. Linila kulot‑ña i floris lavender. The lavender flower is purplish. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

linimutan adj. moldy, covered with mold. Yuti' i pan gi halum sagan na' babui, sa' esta linimutan. Throw the bread in the pig's food pail because it is already moldy. Tungu'un ha' yanggin båba esta maseha håfa na nengkanu', sa' siempri linimutan. You could tell if the food is already spoiled, because it would be moldy. Manlinimutan i ampula' magågu siha, sa' åpman ti manmafa'gåsi. The dirty laundry became moldy, because it hadn't been washed for a long time. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

linipa n. fraud, deceit. Na'siguru na tåya' linipa gi håfa na kuntråta para un fitma. Make certain that there is no fraud in whatever contract you are going to sign. Mungnga i linipa gi huegun salåppi'. Do not cheat in any game that involves money. Syn: dinigiruyi, fina'baba, dinagi. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

linipis (Manny ends here, assigned 9/27/2012) vi. dominated by his wife (of a husband). Kumu linipis i lahi, tåya' bali‑ña gi familia. If the husband is dominated by his wife, he has no voice in the family. Na'ma'si' si Mateo, sa' linilipis. It's so pitiful for Mathew, because he is dominated by his wife. Akumprendi yan i asaguå‑mu kosa ki ti un linipis. Be understanding with your spouse in order not to be dominated. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

liniti (Tita starts here, assigned 9/27/2012) n. mortar, mixture. I simentu nui munhåyan na liniti manmaleffa ya mama'åtchu' . The mortar became hard rock because they forgot about it. Mungnga mamåhan sof dring, sa' esta guaha liniti‑ña si nåna kulet. Do not buy any soft drink, because Mother has already mixed some koolaid. Na'yiyi ta'lu mås hånum i kafe na liniti, sa' mampus te'uk. Put some more water in the coffee mixture, because it's too strong.

linteha Franchesa n. type of plant: French bean. Kåo guaha na un chagi i linteha Franchesa? Have you tried the French beans? Båba makånnu' i linteha Franchesa yanggin puputi kuyinturå‑mu. It is not good to eat French beans if you have an arthritis problem. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lintik n. Filipino (slang). Åntis anai dikiki' yu', sessu di ma'ågang yu' lintik put i Filipinu tatå‑hu. Before when I was small, I was often called lintik because my father was Filipino. Håyi håo na lintik para un kefa'baba yu' put i tano'‑hu? Who are you (Filipino) to try to fool me over my land? Kassin Tagålu ennåo i lintik. Lintik is a tease for the Filipinos. Syn: atut, Filipinu, tagålu.

linu n. linen, a cloth made from flax. Amånu na tenda mabebendi linun kåttri? Which stores sell linens? Adahi na un na'alachi i linu siha. Be sure not to mix up the linens. I mås måolik na klåsin linu atyu siha i mamfinu manmalaksin‑ñiha. The best kind of linens are those that were finely woven. Syn: liensu. From: Sp. lino.

liña n. line (on paper). Dalalaki i liña. Follow the line See: råya. From: Sp. línea. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

Ling name. nickname for Dolores. Månu ni sumåsaga si Ling che'lu‑mu? Where does your sister Ling live? Amko'ña si Ling che'lu‑mu kini guåhu. Your sister Ling is older than me. Sumåsåonåo si Ling gi korun Gima' Yu'us San Vicente. Ling is a member of the church choir in San Vicente. See: Do', Dolo, Loling, Liling.

lingguåhi n. language, dialect, speech. Na'banidosu håo ni lingguahi‑mu. Be proud of your language. Kana' guaha dies na lingguåhi tiningo'‑ña si Donald. Donald can speak about ten languages. From: Sp. lenguaje.

linghig n. small gourd used as bucket.

lión n. lion. Tåya' lión Saipan. There is no lion on Saipan. Dångkulu yan piligru i lión na gå'ga'. Lions are big and dangerous animals. Machålik na gå'ga' i lión. A lion is a wild animal. From: Sp. león.

lipa vt. 1) give vent to (anger), let off steam, ease (feelings), pacify. Hu dommu' i lamasa put para bai hu lipa i binibu‑hu. I hit the table in order to let off my anger. Ha na'dururu i karetå‑ña ni para u lipa i magoddai‑ña. He drove his car speedily to vent his bad feeling. Hågung tåddung ya u lipa luhån‑mu. Take deep breaths to let off your fear. See: laknus. 2) side with (someone) in an argument, favor (someone), cover up for. Hu lipa si Pedro. I sided with Pedro. Ha lipa i linachin i amigu‑ña. He covered the mistake of his friend. Lipa yu' fan ya bai falagunñaihun para i gima'. Please cover for me so I can run home for a while. Linipa si Jose as Manases ni salåppi' tånu'. Jose was deceived by Manases about the land's money.

lipåra vt. notice. Hu lipåpara na ti maguf håo. I notice you're unhappy. I ma'gas ha lipåra na i chi'cho'‑mu guaha prublema. The boss noticed that there's a problen with your work. Lipåra i uriyå‑mu. Notice your surroundings. Variant: ripåra. From: Sp. repara.

lipis n. petticoat, underskirt, slip (underwear). Atan ha' si Monica, sa' anakko'ña lipes‑ña kinu i chininå‑ña. Just look at Monica, because her underskirt is longer than her dress. Memeggaiña lipis å'paka' gi tenda kinu ottru na kulot. There are more white slips than any other color at the store. Dispues di gera ma'u'usa i kestat harina para materiåt lipis famalåo'an. After the war, flour sacks were used as material for women's underskirts. Syn: kamisola, sukåtu'. Variant: lupis.

liriu n. type of flower: lily. Meggai floris liriu gi kantun gima'‑måmi. There are a lot of lilies around our house. Guaha difirentis kulot liriu siha. There are many different colors of lilies. Guaha atyu i munana'dokku' liriu para u bendi. There are those who grow lilies to sell. From: Sp. lirio.

liriu di pålu n. type of plant: century plant, noble plant. agave vivipara. Potput yan misensin hagon‑ña i liriu di pålu. Liriu di palu has thick and fleshy leaves. Siña ha' fa'na'an mafa'a'amut i liriu di pålu. The liriu di palu might have been used for medicinal purposes. Måsña bula liriu di pålu giya Amerika. Liriu di palu is more common in America. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

liriun sadduk n. water hyacinth. Eichhornia crassipes. Hu rikohi i liriun sadduk para bai hu fa'abonu. I collected water hyacinth for fertilizer. Gef ya‑hu i floris liriun sadduk, sa' kulot lila. I like the flower of the water hyacinth, because it is purple. Mansen la'la i liriun sadduk, sa' sessu uchan. The water hyacinth are growing profusely, because it rains frequently.

lisåyu n. 1) rosary, necklace, string of beads used in counting prayers. Ha nå'i yu' si matlinå‑hu lisayu‑hu annai maprimet kumunion yu'. My godmother gave a rosary at my first holy communion. Ha u'usa i tetcha i lisåyu gi duråntin tinaitai lisåyu. The leader of the prayer uses the rosary while praying the rosary. Måolik ha' gumai lisåyu para manaitai. It is good to have a rosary for praying. 2) the event of saying the prayers of the rosary. Sangåni i mamparentis siha na esta para u matutuhun i lisåyun kumplihåñus finatai tåta. Inform all relatives that the annual death rosary for Father will commence soon. I lisåyun tåta para u matucha gi Gima' Yu'us Kristo Rai. The rosary for Father will be said at the Kristo Rai Church. Ministet di lisåyu para u guaha misa kada diha. Rather than rosary there will be mass every day. Bai hu atiendi i lisåyu gi oran alas otchu gi pupuengi. I will attend the rosary at eight in the evening. Amånu guatu na ma tutucha i lisåyu? Where do they say the rosary? Para u matucha i lisåyu gi alas dossi gi talu'åni. The rosary will start at twelve noon. From: Sp. rosario. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lisåyun guma' n. family rosary. Para u matucha lisåyun guma' agupa' na puengi. The family rosary will start tomorrow night. Håyi para u tinicha i lisåyun guma'? Who will lead the family rosary? Ngai'an finakpo'‑ña i lisåyun guma'? When is the final day of the family rosary?

lisåyun linahyan n. public rosary. Matututcha i lisåyun linahyan gi Gima' Yu'us. The public rosary will be said at the church. Låhyan tåotåo manlisåyu gi lisåyun linahyan. There were lots of people who attended the public rosary. Difirentis klåsin tåotåo manlisåyu gi lisåyun linahyan. There were many people of different backgrounds who attended the public rosary.

lisayunu n. formal breakfast, morning meal. Plantåo esta i lisayunu para hita. The breakfast has already been set for us. Variant: amotsa, na' ogga'an. From: Sp. desayuno.

vi. have formal breakfast. Manmakumbibida hit para ta fanlisayunu yan i gubetnu på'gu na ogga'an. We are being invited to have formal breakfast with the governor this morning. Fåttu ya un lisayunu gi gima' dispues di i misa. Come for breakfast at the house after mass. Variant: disayunu. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lisensia n. license, permission, authorization. Debi di un fañuli' lisensia yanggin para un fañonggi basula. You must get a license if you are going to burn trash. Syn: aturisasión, petmisu. From: Sp. licencia.

vt. license, authorize, permit. Malisensia yu' para bai fañugun. I am licensed to drive. Debi di un na'malisensia i paki‑mu. You have to have your firearm licensed.

lista n. list, index. Atan i listan pasaheru kåo humånao håo gi esti na hinanåo båtkun airi. Check the passengers list to see if you are going to go on this flight.

vt. list (something). Ha lista siha i na'an i kanta. He listed the names of the songs. Hånåo ya un lista håfa siña un ayuda para i giput nanå‑mu. Go, list what you are going to help for your mom's party. From: Sp. lista.

listu adj. quick, alert, brisk, prompt, apt, ready (of people). Na'listu håo malågu gigun mana'påkpak i paki. Get ready to run as soon as the gun is fired. Esta listu i patgun para u hånåo para i lanchu. The child is already set to go to the farm. Na'listu håo sino un madingu. Make yourself ready or else you'll be left behind. See: esta. From: Sp. listo. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lisu adj. plain. Ga'ok‑ku umusa i lisu ha' na aniyu. I prefer using the plain ring. Gof ya‑hu umatan i palåo'an ni umu'usa magågun lisu. I love to look at a lady wearing a plain dress. Lisu chininå‑ña atyu i chumuli' mågi i floris. The one who delivered the flowers wore a plain shirt. From: Sp. liso.

litaniha n. litany. Kåo un tungu' håfa siha na tinaitai manmasåsangan gi litaniha? Do you know what prayers are said in the litany? Kuåntu biåhi maripiti "tayuyuti ham" gi litaniha? How many times is "pray for us" repeated in a litany? Esta para u fåkpu' i lisåyu, sa' manggaigi gi litaniha. The rosary is almost over, because they are at the litany. Syn: tinaitai. Variant: litanihas. From: Sp. letanía. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

litanihas n. litany. Kåo un tungu' kuåntu put todu na tinaitai manggaigi gi litanihas? Do you know how prayers are said in the litany? Kuåntu biåhi maripiti i "gai'åsi' nu hami" gi litanihas? How many times is "have mercy on us" repeated in the litany? På'gu ha' matututuhun i lisåyu, sa' manggagaigi ha' gi litanihas. The rosary has just started, because they are only at the litany. Syn: tinaitai. Variant: litaniha. From: Sp. letaniás. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

litchera adj. full of milk, dairy, milking cow, big-breasted (slang). Litchera ennåo na palåo'an. That lady has a big breast. Litchera i chiba. The goat has lots of milk. Variant: letchera. From: Sp. lechera. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

liti vt. mix, stir (liquid), dilute, mix something with liquid. Liti i gimen‑mu kafe. Mix your coffee. Hu liti i asukat yan letchi gi gimen‑hu kafe. I mixed the sugar with the milk in my coffee. Liti i letchi para i neni. Mix the baby's milk bottle. Syn: lehgua'.

lítiku n. polio, infantile paralysis (poliomyelitis), Parkinson's dementia. Nina'yi si Bernadita litiku. Bernadita has polio. Guaha mannina'yi litiku na tåotåo. There were people who got polio. Siriosu esti i litiku na chetnut. Polio is a serious disease. See: boddik. Variant: inutit, paralitiku. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

litira vt. dismiss, permit to leave an assignment, release someone. I ma'gas ha litira i famagu'un. The boss dismissed the children. I ma'estra ha litira i patgun para u falak i hospitåt. The teacher dismissed the child to go to the hospital. Ha litiran maisa gui' si Ton sin aturidåt. Ton dismissed himself without authority. Syn: humanåo, sedi, sotta. From: Sp. retira.

litiråda n. end of working period, quitting time. Kada alas kuatru imedia gi talu'ani litiråda i emplihåo siha gi ofisian Gubietnu. Every four thirty in the afternoon is the government offices' quitting time. Humånåo si Jose para i gima'‑ñiha, sa' esta litiråda. Jose went home, because it was already quitting time. Fåtta dies minutus para litiråda. Ten minutes more before quitting time. Syn: ora. From: Sp. retirada.

litratista n. photography, photographer. Malak i litratista yu' para bai malitråtu para i paspottek‑ku. I went to the photographer to have my picture taken for my passport. Litratistan tånu' si Carlos. Carlos is a landscape photographer. Debi i taotåo manrepot gaseta di u litratista lokkui'. A newspaper reporter must be a photographer too. From: Sp. retratista.

litråtu n. 1) camera. Ha chuli' i litratu‑ña para u fanlitråtu giya Suicide Cliff. She took her camera to take pictures at Suicide Cliff. Guaguan ennåo na klåsin litråtu. That kind of camera is expensive. Syn: kamera. 2) photo, picture. Håyi chumuli' ennåo na litråtu? Who took that picture? Annuk ha' i gima'‑måmi gi atyu na litråtu. Our house could be seen in that picture. Gof klåru i litråtu. The picture is very clear. Syn: pinenta.

vt. take a photo of. Maila' ya bai litråtu håo. Come and I'll take your picture. From: Sp. retrato.

liyang n. natural cave, cavern. Gof homhum i liyang Kalabera. Kalabera cave is very dark. Tåddung ha' dididi' i liyang Kalabera. Kalabera cave is a little deep. Kulang na'ma'ñåo humålum gi halum liyang. It is kind of scary going into a cave. Syn: bókungu'.

liyanggua n. small cave. Guaha liyanggua gi lanchun‑måmi. There is a small cave at our farm. Ha fa'dipopositu si tåta i liyanggua gi lanchu. Father uses the small cave at the farm as a shed. Mañåsaga i ga'‑ña chiba siha gi halum i liyanggua. His goats are staying the the small cave. Syn: bókungu', liyang.

liyangtånu' n. place where the earth caved in or eroded, underground cave, large hole in the ground. Anai påkpak i butkån, bula liyangtånu' manmafa'tinas. Many caves were formed when the volcano erupted. I liyangtånu' gi as bihan‑måmi hagas mafa'sagan basula, pues matåmpi. The large hole at my grandmother's was used as a trash dump site, then it was sealed. Ginin i milak na mama'liyangtånu' ennåo na lugåt. That place became an underground cave from the flood.

lo'lu' vi. cough, hack. Duru i patgun lo'lu' gi maigu'‑na. The child hack while as sleep. Kana ha' måma'pi' ilu‑ña kada lo'lu'. His head feels like cracking up everytime he coughs. Gimin limunåda yanggin nina'yi håo nu i le'lu'. Drink lemonade if you get the coughs.

lo'lu' se'yun n. deep cough; type of illness.

lo'u n. type of seaweed, greenish-brown, which grows in bunches and is usually found in shallow water. Ume'e'lo'u i taotåo gi kantun tåsi. The man is gathering seaweed at the beach. Mama'kannu' ha' i lo'u siha. Seaweeds are edible. Guaha na tåotåo ha u'usa i lo'u gi fina' insalåda. Some people use the seaweed in their salads. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lobrigu n. Falak i lobrigu sa' mampus maipi i semnak.

adj. gloomy. Mampus lobrigu i chalan para iya hami. The road to my house is very gloomy. Masångan na kumu lobrigu i lugåt, pues gai taotåo. There's a saying that if the place is gloomy, it has bad spirits. Debi di u fanma'utut påpa' todu i ramas, sa' ha na'lolobrigu i lugåt. All the branches must be cut off, because it makes the place gloomy.

lobu n. wolf, large doglike carnivorous mammals of the genus canes. Gå'ga' machålik esti i lobu. A wolf is a wild animal. Piligru sa' mampeknu' lokkui' i lobu siha. Wolves are dangerous because they are killers, too. Kulang ha' ga'lågu i lobu siha. Wolves are like dogs. From: Sp. lobo.

lobu n. balloon, bulb. Chuli'i yu' fan singku lobun siboyas. Please, bring me five bulbs of onions. Adotna i gima' nu i lobu siha para i giput. Decorate the house with the balloons for the party. Bomba i lobu siha ya u lachaddik manispongha. Pump the balloons to inflate them quickly. Syn: abubu. From: Sp. globo. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

loddu' adj. fat, obese, husky, muscular, stout, thick (esp. of a long object such as a root plant). Loddu' mampus i panak. The baseball bat is thick. Måktus i batunis katsunis esti i loddu' na patgun . The button broke on the pants of this husky person. Usa i loddu' na tangantångan para håyun gaifi. Cut the thick tangantangan wood for fire. Syn: debu', fedda', yommuk, yomsan. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lódichan vi. go west, move west (in Guam), go south, move south (in Saipan, Rota). Sessu lodichan siha. They often went west. Para u lodichan Mañagåha si Anton. Anton is going west to Mañagåha. Hatmagi, sa' mampus håo lodichan. Come closer, because you are too far west. See: luchan. Variant: dódichan. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lódigåo n. type of plant, garden quinine, seaside clerodendrum. clerodendruin inerme. Hånåo ya un gågåo si matlinå‑mu hågun lodigåo ya bai hu lommuk para åmut. Go ask your godmother for some for me to pound for medicine. Guaha meggai tinanum lodigåo gi halum tånu'. There are a lot of lodigao plants in the jungle. Masosotni i lodigåo para magimin yanggin lolo'lu' håo. The garden guinine is boiled as cough medicine. Variant: lódugåo, ládigåo.

lódugåo n. type of plant, garden quinine, seaside clerodendrum. clerodendruin inerme. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

Lower Base name. place name in Saipan, created after the new housing complex was built on Army (Capitol) Hill in 1957 also known then as "Old Base".

loffan vt. transfer, haul, transport, carry. Nangga, sa' para bai hu loffan nåya i finahan hålum gi gima'. Please wait, I have to first carry the groceries into the house. Ågang i ufisinan munisipåt ya u maloffan i mayulang kareta siha. Call the municipal office to haul away the broken cars. Siña ha' maloffan i katgåm‑mu guatu Tinian gi batku. Your cargo can be transported to Tinian by boat. Syn: chuli', kåtga. Variant: lofan (Luta).

logan n. type of plant. nephelium (?). Tinanum esti i logan. Logan is a plant. Esti na trongku i logan ma u'usa gi amut. This plant is used for local medicine. Håfa taimanu tinekchå'‑ña i logan? How does the fruit of a logan tree look? (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

logra vt. 1) acquire, win by conquest. Hu logra i tano'‑ña si Juan gi aposta. I acquired Juan's land by betting. Ha logra si Basilio todu i pion‑hu siha gi huegun dåma. Basilio won all of my chips in a checkers game. Ha logra i Estådus Unidus iya Mariånas ginin Hapon gi Geran Mundu Dos. The United States acquired the Marianas from Japan in the Second World War. Syn: gånna. 2) indulge. Hu logra chumotchu meggai melon gi lanchu. I consumed a lot of melon at the ranch. Put i niñalång‑ña ha logra i galon ais krim. Because of his hunger, he gorged on a gallon of ice cream. Mungnga iya' malogra håo ni nengkanu', sa' guaha siha ti mañochotchu tarabiha. Do not indulge yourself with the food, because there are others who haven't eaten yet. Syn: dafflokgui, biliba. See: aprubetcha. From: Sp. logra.

logru vt. give odds (gambling), offer a higher bet. Hu logru si Jose singku put unu gi båtu. I bet Jose at the odds of five to one at the batu game. Hu logru si Ton gi afulu' ya u gånna yu'. I gave Ton a chance at wrestling so he could beat me. Logru mås ya u meggai ginannåm‑mu. Bet more so your winnings will increase. Syn: yeba.

loka adj. crazy, mentally unsound, stupid (of a female). Dispensa i che'lu‑hu, sa' loka. Pardon my sister, because she is a lunatic. Båsta mama'baba, sa' kulang håo ha' i loka. Stop fooling around, because you look crazy. I loka na palåo'an ti ha kumprendi håfa ha chocho'gui. The mentally unsound woman does not understand what she is doing. Syn: atmariåo, bruta, kaduka, langnga'. From: Sp. loca. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lokka' adj. tall, high, lofty. Atan ha' atyu na lokka' tåotåo. Look at that tall person. Gof lokka' ennåo na aligin tilifon. That telephone pole is very tall. Lokkå'ña si Maria kinu si Ana. Maria is taller than Ana . Variant: loka' (Luta). (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lokkluk vi. boil, bubble (from heat). Na'lokkluk i hanum para kafe. Boil the water for coffee. Debi di u lokkluk i hanum åntis di un dåggåo hålum i lodigåo para åmut. The water should be boiled first before you could throw in the lodigao for medicine. Mungnga ma'usa i lokkluk na hånum para umo'mak. Do not use boiled water for showering. Lalannan kulang lolokkluk hånum. He is snoring like boiling water. Atan ha', sa' esta lokkluk i tasi nu i mineggain atulai. Look, the sea is bubbling because of the large school of mackerel. Lokkluk i pachot‑ña, sa' ha momokmuk gui'. His mouth was gurgling, because he was gargling. Syn: bulokbuk. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lokkluk håga' n. hives, a kind of skin rash. Nina'yi si Kindo' addit na lokkluk håga'. Kindo has a severe kind of skin rash. Sagi' i lokkluk håga' yanggin masahalum. Hives itch with perspiration. Guaha na biåhi nai nina'yi lokkluk håga' i tåotåo gi entalu' kuyunturan siha. There are times that skin rashes grow between a person's body joints. Syn: bosbus, satpuyidus. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lokkui' adv. also, too. Humånåo lokkui' si Antonio para Luta. Antonio also went to Rota. Måolik tåotåo lokkui' si Noel. Noel is also a good person. Parehu "lokkui'" yan "yan". "Too" is the same as "and". Maila' lokkui' ya un chotchu. Come also and eat. See: yan. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

loksa' n. lice eggs. Na'suha i leksa' gi gapitulu‑ña. Remove the lice eggs in her hair. Fakkut, sa' gai leksa'. Get rid of his lice, because he has lice.

loku adj. crazy, lunatic, stupid, mentally unsound. Dispensa i che'lu‑hu, sa' loku. Pardon my brother, because he is a lunatic. Båsta mama'baba, sa' kulan håo ha' i loku. Stop fooling around, because you look crazy. I loku na låhi ti ha kumprendi håfa ha chocho'gui. The mentally unsound man does not understand what he is doing. Syn: atmariåo, brutu, kaduku, langnga'. From: Sp. loco. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

Lola name. nickname for Dolores. Måttu mambisita si Lola gi paingi. Lola came for a visit last night. Amånu nai umiskuela kulehu si Lola? Where did Lola attend college? Kumbida si Lola para i giput kumplihaños‑mu. Invite Lola to your birthday party. Variant: Do', Dolo, Ling, Loli', Loling.

Loli' name. nickname for Dolores. Måttu mambisita si Loli' gi paingi. Loli' came for a visit last night. Amånu nai umiskuela kulehu si Loli'? Where did Loli' attend college? Kumbida si Loli' para i giput kumplihaños‑mu. Invite Loli' to your birthday party. Variant: Do', Dolo, Ling, Lola, Loling.

lolu adj. dull, unintelligent, slow in understanding. Put fabot gai pinasensia, sa' lolu na påtgun. Please have patience, because he is slow in understanding. Lolu na påli' sumetmun. The priest is a dull preacher. Ekkunguk i ma'estrå‑mu o sino un lolu gi iskuela. Listen well to your teacher or else you will be slowest in class. Syn: dispåsiu, mudoru, ñating. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

loma n. ridge, top of a long hill, mound. Ha håtsa gumå'‑ña gi loma na eksu' Terlaje. He built his house on top of Terlaje Hill. Mandådaggåo i pitcha' gi loma na plasan bola. The pitcher throws from the pitcher's mound of the baseball field. Fresku i loma giya Sabåna. It is cool at the ridge of the cliff. From: Sp. loma. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lommu n. hip, loin, haunch (of animals). Mamåhan yu' lommu para bai hu tunu. I bought beef loin to barbeque. Potput yan mañaña' i sensin lommu gi guaka. The loin is a thick and tender part of cows. Mapåtti yu' sensin lommu gi finakpu' nubena. I was given a piece of loin at the conclusion of the rosary. Syn: atayu', kaderas, nanggu. From: Sp. lomo.

lommuk n. pestle used for pounding. Adahi na u galilik i lommuk ginin i lamasa esta påpa' gi paddit, sa' siempri må'pi' talu'. Take care that the pestle does not roll off the table to the cement, because it will split in half.

vt. pound, beat, pulverize, make into pulp by beating, strike heavily or repeatedly with fist. Ha lommuk i mahettuk na pugua' para u ngångas si nanan biha. He pounded the hard betelnut for Grandmother to chew. Botcha todu matå‑ña gi baksing, sa' malommuk. His whole face was swollen from boxing like it was pounded repeatedly. Ayuda si nåna mulommuk i ma'is para atmåyas. Help Mother grind the corn for gruel. Lommuk fan esti siha i hagun para i amut. Please pound these leaves for medicine. Chuli' mågi i lommuk yan i putut ya bai hu lommuki håo amut. Bring the pestle and mortar and I will mix some medicine for you.

lonnat n. mole, birthmark, dots. Guaha gi atfabetun Chamorro lonnat "a" na lettra. There is in the Chamorro alphabet a dotted "a" letter. Gof sa'‑mu ni lonnat matå‑mu. You really look good with the birthmark on your face. Bunitu i chinina ni lonnat åttilung. The dress with black dots is pretty. Gof sa'‑mu i lonnat gi fasu‑mu. You really look good with the birthmark on your face. Bunitu i chinina nu i gai lonnat åttilung. The dress with black dots is nice. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

longtung vt. pound (Rota).

Loria name. 1) Holy Saturday, the day after Good Friday. Para u guaha misan Loria gi alas sais på'gu na puengi. There will be Holy Mass at six o'clock tonight. Tåya' siña bumuruka duråntin Loria. Nobody should make noise during Holy Saturday. 2) spanking day. Sessu åntis di manmasåsåolak i famagu'un gi ha'ånin Loria. Kids were often spanked on Holy Saturday. Si tåta ya‑ña rumikohi i båba na che'chu'‑måmi para i Sabalun Loria. Father likes to collect all the bad doings during holy week and gives us the punishment on Holy Saturday. Yanggin måttu i Sabalun Loria, manmaloria ham nåya, dispues manhånåo mankatsadulis. When Holy Saturday comes, we get our spanking and then go hunting.

loru n. type of bird: parrot. Bunitu yan dångkulu na paluma i loru. A parrot is a big and beautiful bird. Guaha na loru siha siña manguentus. There are some parrots that can talk. Tåya' loru giya Mariånas. There are no parrots in the Marianas. From: Sp. loro. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

los Tumunuk påpa' gi losinfietnus. He descended into hell. Variant: lus.

losa n. porcelain. Manggof finu i losa siha na plåtu. Porcelain plates are very fine. Mangguaguan lokkui' i losa siha na nå'yan. Porcelain dishes are also expensive. Atyu ha' nai ha u'usa i iyon‑ña plåtun losa yanggin guaha bisita gi gima'. The only time that she uses her procelain plates is when there are visitors at home. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

losgui vt. charm. Linesgui håo nu i ginefli'i' Yu'us. You were charmed by God's love. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

losgun vi. slip into. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

loskuåntus adj. several, a couple of, some. Chaddik guatu gi as Joeten, sa' fafatta ha' loskuåntus na kostat pugas sopbla. Hurry on to Joeten, because there are only a couple sacks of rice left. Maseha loskuåntus ha' guaha, måolekña kini tåya'. Even there are only a couple available, it is better than none. Esta loskuåntus ha' salappe'‑hu ya ti nahung para atyu i para bai fåhan. I only have some money and it would not be enough for what I wanted to purchase. From: Sp. los cuantos. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lossus adj. hoarse, grating (of voice), harsh (of voice), snoring, wheezing. Lossus i bos i patgon, sa' afagåo. The child has a hoarse voice, because he has a sore throat. Gof lossus maigu' i neni, sa' fresku yan tåya' buruka. The baby was snoring while sleeping, because it was fresh and quiet. Mampus lossus bos‑ña. He has a very harsh voice. Syn: lonan, lokkluk.

lotgi vt. fill up, carry (water or other liquid) in (a container). Hu lotgi i basu‑hu nu i sitbesa. I filled up my cup with beer. Ha lotgi gui' i palåo'an nu i guaha na cho'chu'. The lady carried all of the work that was there. Hånåo ya un lotgi hånum para i gima'. Go fetch water

lotgun vi. fall into a hole or pit. Måhluk addeng‑ña si Rosa anai lotgun gi madduk. Rosa broke her leg when she fell into the hole. Lotgun hålum i kareta gi hoyu ya mayamak. The car fell into the pit and broke. Mungnga mampus guatu guennåo, sa' un lotgun hålum hoyun basula. Do not go too close there, or you might fall into the trash pit. Syn: poddung.

lotsa n. nits, egg (of louse). Makakaka ilu‑ña ni mineggai lotsån‑ña. Her head itches because she has a lot louse eggs. Adahi na un tinatmi lotsa as Ana. Be careful that you do not get nits from Ana. Gof na'massa' si Ana ni binulan lotsa gi ilu‑ña. Ana looked very repulsive because of the amount of nits in her hair. Syn: utu.

lottut adj. full of lice, full of ticks. Amuti i galagitu, sa' gof lottut. Apply medication on the puppy, because it has a lot of ticks. Gof lottut esta mama'chechetnut i tatåotåo‑ña. Its body is so full of lice that it has sores all over. Kumu ti sessu un fa'gågasi gaputulu‑mu, siempri lottut humuyong‑mu. If you do not wash your hair often, you will become someone with a lot of lice. Syn: mehtu. See: lotsa, hutu.

lu cnj. but. Bai hu hånåo lu bai fåttu ha' ta'lu. I will go but I shall return. Hånåo lu mungnga machuli' i kareta. Go but do not take the car. Kulang na'ma'si' lu meggai salappe'‑ña gi bangku. He looks poor but he has a lot of money at the bank.

lu'an adj. frightened. Lalangu si nåna, sa' lu'an anai måttu i pulisiha gi gima'. Grandma fainted from fright when the police came to the house. Na'lu'an i sakki ya u falågu. Frighten the robber so that he runs away. Siña ha' un sienti i bongbung kurason‑mu yanggin lu'an håo. You could feel your heart pound due to fright. Syn: ma'å'ñåo. Variant: luhan.

lu'åo n. type of bird: brown booby, Pacific man-o-war, least man-o-war. sula leucogaster plotus. Kåo guaha nai manli'i' håo lu'åo? Have you eve seen a brown booby? Mama'kannu' ha' i lu'åo. Brown boobies are edible. Humånåo si tåta para u e'lu'åo. Father went to catch some brown boobies.

lubrådu n. cloudy. I prublemå‑ña siha muna'lubråbradu hinasson‑ña si Juan. Juan's problems make his mind cloudy. Lubrådu i hanum anai sigi i patgun tuma'yuk gi halum sådduk. The water became cloudy when the child kept jumping in the lake. Ha na'lubrådu i tasun hånum nu i letchi. He made the cup of water cloudy with the milk. Variant: nubrådu, nupblådu.

lucha n. row, column, line. Espiha i lepblu gi mina'dos lucha na istånti. Look for the book on the second row of shelves. Guaha tinanom‑hu sais lucha na ma'is. I have planted six rows of corn. Na'fanfila i famagu'un kuåttru lucha. Line up the children in four rows. Na'fanlatunas ennåo na luchan siboyas. Straighten that row of onions. Gai tinanum ma'is si Tan Ko, kasi guaha dies lucha. Tan Ko has about ten rows of corn plants. Syn: fila. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lucha n. outrigger (sakman). See: påtgun (add in p later). (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

luchan n. 1) south (Northern Marianas), west (Guåhan). Yanggin gaigi håo Saipan ya para un falak Tinian, siempri humånåo håo luchan. If you are on Saipan and you are traveling to Tinian, you will have to go south. På'gu, yanggin gaigi håo Guam ya para un falak Tinian, siempri humånåo håo luchan. Now if you are in Guam and you want to travel to Tinian, you will say that you are going west. Mungnga humånåo luchan, sa' un fotgun ni ichan. Do not go south, because you might get wet in the rain. Må'pus gui' luchan. He went west. 2) towards one's left as one faces the ocean. Syn: påpa'.

ludosung n. type of vine. entada. Fåmfi' fan hågun ludosung ya un na'lokkluk gi halum hånum para si nåna. Please, pick some ludosung leaves and boil them in water for Mother. Un tungu' ha' na suruhåna, sa' siempri un sodda' lokkui' tinanum ludosung gi uriyan gumå'‑ña. You can tell a herb doctor, because you can find some ludosung plants around her house. Trongku esti i ludosung na klåsin tinanum. Lodosong is a type of tree. Variant: lodisung. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

ludosung tåsi n. type of vine. canavalia microcarpa. Taimanu ha' i na'ån‑ña, i tasi ha' nai dodokku' i ludosung tåsi. Just as its name, ludosung tasi grows in the ocean. Mabebendi ludosung tåsi gi as Joeten. Ludosung tasi is sold at Joeten. Sessu si nåna manrikohi ludosung tåsi åntis. Mother often gathered ludosung tasi long ago. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lufa n. dried plant material for scrubbing (gourd). See: patola. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

luga n. wall, partition, the upright enclosing parts of a building or a room. Kulot asut i ligan gima'‑måmi. The color of our house's wall is blue. Pega i litråtun che'lu‑mu gi sanhåya na luga. Put your brother's picture on the east wall. Ai, adai i famagu'un sa' todu ma penta i liga. Man, the children painted the wall.

luga' vt. spit out (mouthful), spew or spray out of mouth by blowing (such as a mouthful of chewed coconut meat after juice is gone). Ha luga' huyung i bagåsun piñut pugua' dispues di ha latchai mungångas. He spat out the pulp of betelnut husk after he finished chewing. Sigi di ha luga' i bagåsun niyuk huyung anai esta ha latchai chumopchup i chigu'. He continued spitting out the chewed pulp of the coconut meat after he finished swallowing the milk. Luga' huyung i bagåsu, mungnga makånnu'. Spit out the pulp, do not swallow it. Syn: bohbu, boyuk.

luga' vt. apply shampoo or pomade to. Ha luga' gaputulu‑ña nu i pumåda. He applied pomade on his hair. Hånåo ya un luga' ilu‑mu ya u gåsgas. Go and clean your hair with shampoo. Åntis i famalåo'an sessu ma luga' gaputilu‑ña nu i låñan niyuk. Long ago women often applied coconut oil to their hair.

luga' vt. drain, flow to the ocean (of water). Åntis i hanum ginin Sadduk Susupe ha luga' gui' guatu gi Sugar Dock. Before, the water from Susupe Lake flowed to Sugar Dock.

luga' håga' n. bruise, blood blister, a darkening of skin caused from pinching or mashing, such as a finger mashed by a blow from a hammer. Luga' håga' hålum kannai‑hu annai duru yu' manyabbåo. The palm of my hand got a blood blister when I cleared the brush. Puti i luga' håga' gi kalulot‑tu. The blister on my finger hurts. Umåttilung i luga' håga' gi kannai‑hu. The blister on my hand turned black. Syn: dinigridu.

lugåt n. 1) place, area, location, residential area, region, locality, spot, site. Måolik i lugåt para huegun bola. The place is good for ball game. Amånu guatu lugåt‑mu? Where is your place of residence? Såga ha' guennåo na lugåt. Just stay at that spot. Syn: puestu, såga, sitiu. From: Sp. lugar. 2) spare time, extra time, time to kill. Fåfattu kada guaha lugåt‑mu ya an tåya' para un cho'gui. Come spend some time with me whenever you have some spare time and do not have anything to do. Todu mañaina manmasosoyu' para u mana'guaha lugåt‑ñiha ya uma chuli' i ripot kat famagu'un‑ñiha siha. All parents are being encouraged to make time to pick up their children's report card. Yanggin guaha lugåt‑mu para un yuti', hånåo ya un peska, sa' gai benefisiu. If you have time to kill, go fishing, because it is beneficial.

luhan adj. frightened, scared, terrified, horrified, afraid. Lalangu si George nu i linihån‑ña anai måttu i pulisiha para u finaisin kuestion siha. George fainted of fright when the police came to question him. Na'luhan i sakki ya u falågu. Frighten the robber to make him run away. Siña ha' un sienti i bongbung kurason‑ña nu i linihån‑ña. You could feel his heart pound due to his fright. Syn: manghang, sustu. Variant: lu'an.

luhuriosu adj. playboy, characterized by playing around or seeking worldly pleasures, hedonist. Luhuriosu i taotåo nu i guaha bula salape'‑na. A person with plenty of money seeks worldly pleasures. Ti ha tungu' amånu gui' na palåo'an, sa' gof luhuriosu. He can not make up his mind on which girl he'd like, because he is a playboy. Andi' esti i luhuriosu na tåotåo. A playboy is a show-off. Gai piligru esti i luhuriosu na tiempu, sa' bula chetnut. Being a playboy these days is very dangerous, due to the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases. Syn: andi', banidosu. From: Sp. lujurioso.

lukåo n. procession, usually a religious procession, wandering around. Sumåonåo yu' gi likåo San Jose. I joined the San Jose procession. Kada fiesta guaha lukåo yan guput. Every fiesta there is a procession and party.

lulai n. type of fishing: night fishing in the moonlight on the reef with a fishing line or with a pole and a line. Guihan mattingan siha manmakokonni' gi peskan lulai. The kinds of fish being caught by moonlight reef fishing are reef fishes.

vi. go night fishing in the moonlight on the reef with a fishling line or with a pole and a line. Humånåo si tåta lumulai gi mattingan i puengin Betnis. Father went moonlight fishing on the reef Friday night. Chuli' i pisåo yan kotdet‑mu ya ta lulai gi huyung. Bring your fishing pole and line so that we can fish out there. Syn: peska. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lulu' vi. lift head, so as to display the front neck. Lulu' ya bai hu midi agagå'‑mu. Lift up your neck so I can measure it. Annuk i matka gi agagå'‑ña anai ha na'lulu'. The mark on her neck showed when she lifted up her head. Ma na'lululu' i aga'ga'‑ñiha i ga'lågu siha kada manhåohåo. Dogs lift their head when they bark. Syn: ngaha'. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

luluhut n. type of vine. maytenus thompsonii. Kumukunanaf esti i luluhut na tinanum. The luluhut is a vine type of plant. Ya‑ña chumotchu luluhut i guaka. Cows like to eat the luluhut vine. Måolik ha' masakatiyi luluhut i babui siha. Luluhot is good to make forage for the pigs.

luluk n. metal, steel, iron, nail. Attani luluk i liga para kana' litråtu. Hammer a nail in the wall to hang the picture frame. Guaguan åntis i liluk na matiriåt. Iron was an expensive material a long time ago. I liluk ni ma'u'usa para kareta ti manggof metgut på'gu na tiempu. The metals used for cars these days are not very strong.

vt. concentrate and enjoy doing (something), as in eating food or engaging in passionate activity. Ha luluk gui' nu i kaddun påtas guaka ya gi sigienti diha, pokpuk i addeng‑ña ya ti siña mamokkat. As he enjoyed eating the cow feet soup bone, he ate a lot of it, and on the following day his feet were swollen and he could not walk. Ha luluk gui' nu i chandiha gi talu'åni ya malinik ilu‑ña. She engrossed herself eating watermelon in the afternoon and she got a headache. Syn: gosa. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

luluki vt. nail, fasten. Luluki fan i suelas sapattos‑su. Please, nail the sole of my shoe. Ma luluki eskrin gi bintåna siha. They fastened all the window screen. Ha luluki si tåta i måppla' na sin gi atuf. Father nailed the loose tin on the roof. Syn: attani. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lumámaguf adj. relieved, become freed from pain, become happier (realis sg. or du.). Lumámaguf si Noel anai mana'na'lu i ramentån‑ña. Noel became a little happy when his tools were returned. Lumámaguf yu' anai sumuha dididi' i malinik ilu‑hu. I became happier when my headache went away. Lumámaguf i patgun anai ha li'i' na måttu si tatå‑ña ginin i che'chu'. The child became happier when he saw that his dad has come from work.

lumámåolik adj. improved, become better (realis sg. or du.). Lumámåolik esta i karetå‑hu anai hu tulaika i gasulinå‑ña. My car became better when I changed its gas. Esta lumámåolik kustumbren‑ña dispues di måttu ginin i gera. His behavior became better after he came from the war. Lumámåolik i kabåyu anai mana'månsu. The horse became better when it was tamed.

lumámeggai adj. increasing (in number), enlarged, enhanced (realis sg. or du.). Lumámeggai i pagamentok‑ku na biåhi. My paycheck increased this time. I famagu'un ma na'lameggai i tinifi'‑ñiha mångga. The children increased in number the mangos they picked. Luma'meggai i responsibilidåt‑tu gi che'chu'. My responsibilities at work increased. They cleared the land further, so they could enlarge the space for planting. Lumameggai na bisita manmåttu gi Fiesta. At the Fiesta the visitors enlarge the number of participants. Lumameggai na istudiånti kada såkkan manhåhalum gi Akademik Chalins para u ina mås i tiningu'‑ñiha. An increased number of students each year joined in the Academic Challenge to enhance their education. Lumámeggai suetdon‑ña dispues di umiskuela. His salary increased after he finished school. Ha na'mahotdi i ga'‑ña babui ya lumámeggai. He had his pig sired and his number of pigs increased. Hu nå'i nu i kininne'‑hu ya lumámeggai patten‑ña. I gave him what I caught and his share increased. Syn: åomenta, masubi. Variant: Ma na'gåsgas i gualu' mås, sa' para u ma na'lameggai i tinanum‑ñiha.

Lumamlam n. September. Bai hu silebra i kumplihaños‑su gi Lumamlam diha singku. I will be celebrating my birthday on September the fifth. I iskuelan pupbliku mababa gi Lumamlam diha sietti. The public schools open on September the seventh. Humånåo i asaguå‑ña para Amerika gi Lumamlam na mes. His wife went to America in the month of September. Mafañågu yu' gi Lumamlam na mes. I was born in the month of September. I Lumamlam na mes, mina'nuebi na mes gi såkkan. September is the seventh month in the year. Syn: Septiembri. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lumayak vi. sail, be moved by a sail (realis sg. or du.). Lumayak i boti para Tinian. The sail boat sails to Tinian. Variant: låyak.

lumbang n. type of plant. aleurites moluccana (?). Put fabot, nå'i yu' simiyan lumbang. Please give me lumbang seedlings. Ti hu tungu' håfa kakko'‑ña i lumbang na tinanum. I do not know how the lumbang plant looks. Ilek‑ku na siña ha' mafa'amut i lumbang. I am certain that lumbang could be used for medicine.

Lumuhu n. April. Påra u fanbakasion i familia gi Lumuhu na mes. The family are going on vacation in the month of April. Kuåntu na istudiånti ginin Kalifornia para u bisita hit gi Lumuhu na mes? How many students from California are visiting us in April? In silebra i anibetsåriun singkuenta åñus na umasaguå‑ña i che'lu‑hu palåo'an gi Lumuhu diha dies. We celebrated my sister and her husband's 50th wedding anniversary on April 10th. I Lumuhu mina'kuåttru na mes gi sakkan. April is the fourth month of the year. Tåya' patgon‑hu mafañågu gi mes Lumuhu. None of my children are born in April. Trenta dihas guaha gi Lumuhu na mes. There are only thirty days in the month of April. Syn: Abrít. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lumulai vi. go fishing on a moonlit night on the reef with a fishing line or a pole and a line (realis sg. or du.). Lumulai si tata gi paingi ya masuetti, sa' bula kininne'‑ña guihan. Father went moonlit night reef fishing, and he was so lucky he caught a lot of fish. Håyi para gachong‑mu lumulai? Who is going reef fishing with you tonight? Ha arerekla i pisåo‑ña si tata para u lumulai gi tasin Låolåo. Father is fixing his fishing pole to fish tonight at Laolao Bay.

lumus vt. cause to sink under water, dip, drown, suffocate. I ma'estrun umo'mak ha lumus yu' gi praktikan ñangu. The swimming instructor held me under water during swimming practice. Pulan i patgun gi fano'måkan sa' u lumus gui'. Watch the child in the bathtub so she won't sink under water. I famagu'un duru ha lumus siha gi halum tåsi. The children were enjoying themselves swimming as they pushed each other under water. Ha konni' i neni para u lumus gi tasi. She took the baby to dip in the ocean. I patgun ha lumus påpa' i guihan gi tarai para u na'gåsgas. The child dipped the fish in the tub to clean. Ha tomba yu' i dångkulun nåpu ya ha lumus yu'. The huge wave knocked me down and I suffocated. Chaddik i ginimen‑ña hånum i palåo'an ya kana' linimus. The lady drank her water too quickly and it almost suffocated her. Baba i bintåna yan i petta yanggin un na'gåsgas båñu nu i kloraks, sa' un linimus. Open the bathroom window and door if you are using clorox to clean so you won't suffocate. Guaha siha na klåsin kemikåt manlulumus. There are several kinds of chemicals that can cause suffocation. Kana' ha lumus i patgun nu i amigå‑ña. The kid was almost drowned by his friend. Syn: ñokñuk, måtmus, supuk.

lumut n. moss, lichen, type of seaweed, greenish clumpy mass of plants growing on cool damp places. Bula lumut gi uriyan i tangkin påtdit, sa' todu i tiempu fofotgun. There are many mosses growing around the cement water catchment, because it's always damp. Humånåo si Joseph påra u fanaligåo lumut gi kantun sådduk. Joseph went to look for mosses at the edge of the lake. Kåo guiya esti na lumut i ma na'sesetbi gi gualu'? Is this the type of moss they use in the farm? Dodokku' bula na lumut gi halum tåsi. Moss grows in the water. Esti na lumut mafanana'an chå'guan tåsi. This moss is call weed of the sea. Guaha na klåsin lumut makåkannu' nu i taotåo siha. There are some kind of seaweed that people can eat.

lumut katdiniyu n. green moss covering still water, a type of algae. Na'gåsgas i tangkin hånum, sa' dokku' esta i lumut katdiniyu. Clean the water tank, because green moss is already growing inside. Yanggin masotta i hanum para u ketu ha', siempri mandokku' i lumut katdiniyu. If water is left standing still, green moss will grow in it. Kulot betdi kulot‑ña i limut katdiniyu. Green is the color of the moss. Hinåtmi i tipu' nu i lumut katdiniyu. The well is covered with algae. Kåo guaha lumut katdiniyu gi chepchup sådduk? Is there green moss at the edge of the lake? Håfa ni siña makusetcha i lumut katdiniyu? What is the beneficial use of the green moss? (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)

lunåtiku n. lunatic. Håfa hinasosom‑mu, kåo lunåtiku håo? What were you thinking? You lack good sense. Iståba i taotåo gi kantun chålan ya duru chumålik yan kumuentus na maisa kulan i lunåtiku. The man was by the road laughing very hard and talking to himself like a lunatic. Puru hinassun lunåtiku ennåo siha. All those are lunatic ways of thinking. Mapo'lu i lunåtiku na tåotåo gi sagan mangaduku siha. The lunatic person was put in the mental ward. Syn: kaduku, atmariåo. From: Sp. lunático.

Lunis n. Monday. Para u makotti si Mariano gi Lunis. Mariano is going to court on Monday. Bisiu esta ennåo i para un fåtta kada Lunis. It is already becoming a habit for you to be absent every Monday. Måttu tåtti i Gubietnu gi Lunis na ha'åni ginin islan Guåhan. The Governor came back from the island of Guam on Monday. På'gu na ha'åni, Lunis. Today is Monday. Kumplihaños‑ña si Martha gi Lunis diha tres. Martha's birthday is on Monday the third. Håfa planun‑miyu yan si Vicente gi pupuengin Lunis? What is your plan with Vicente on Monday evening? From: Sp. lunes.

luñu' adj. soft (of ground), caves in when one walks on it, as in walking on the sand or swamp. Adahi, sa' luñu' i susonyan. Be careful because the swamp is a sinkhole. Piligru i sisonyan, sa' luñu'. The swamp is dangerous, because it is a sinkhole. Nina'sulun i patgun anai ha gacha' i liñu' fachi'. The child slipped when he stepped into the soft mud. Syn: fokfuk. Variant: luñut.

luñu' vt. insert (something) in a pliable substance, such as mud or dough, cause to sink in, as in soft dirt, sand, or swamp. Ha luñu' gui' i panglåo gi halum odda'. The crab sunk itself into the sand. Adahi na un luñu' gi sisonyan. Be careful not to sink in the swamp. Ha luñu' i adeng‑ña gi inai. He dipped his feet in the sand. I panaderu ha luñu' i kannai‑ña gi hechuran pån. The baker wedged the soft dough with his hands. Matomba si Lusia ya ha luñu' i kannai‑ña gi halum fachi'. Lucy slipped and fell right into the mud with both hands submerged in the muddy pit. I peskadot ha luñu' i addeng‑ña gi sisonyan gi kantun sådduk. The fisherman soaked his feet in the swampy area by the lake.

luñut adj. soft (of ground), caves in when one walks on it, as in walking on the sand or swamp. Adahi, sa' luñut i susonyan. Be careful, because the swamp is a sinkhole. Piligru i sisonyan, sa' luñut. The swamp is dangerous, because it is a sinkhole. Nina'sulun i patgun anai ha gacha' i liñut fachi'. The child slipped when he stepped into the soft mud. Syn: fokfuk. Variant: luñu'.

lupis n. skirt, petticoat. Anakko'‑ña i lupes‑ña kinu i chininå‑ña. Her pettocoat is longer than her dress. Sahngi ha' lupis‑ñiha i famalåo'an Chuk. Chukese women have different kinds of slips. Dispues di gera, i famalåo'an siha ma u'usa i kestat harina para lupis. After the war, women used flour sacks to make petticoats. Månu na lupis para un håtmi? Which skirt are you wearing? I famagu'un famalåo'an ni para u fanbaila para uma håtmi i mestisan å'paka' yan agaga' na lupis. The female students who are dancing are going to wear a white blouse and a red skirt. Manggåtbu na kulot i lipes‑ñiha i bisita. The visitors' skirts are very colorful. Si siñora ha usa i lipis para u na'busu' i magagu‑ña. The lady is wearing a petticoat to give a puffy look to her dress. Åntis na tiempu meggai na famalåo'an sessu ma håtmi i lipis. In the old days women wore the petticoat often. Syn: sukåtu'.

lupis å'paka' n. half slip (ladies' undergarment). Sessu åntis i famalåo'an siha ma usa i kestat harina para iyun‑ñiha lupis å'paka'. After the war, women often used the flour sack to make their half slips. Mana'gof tatkilu' åntis esti i lupis å'paka'. A long time ago the half slips were very important. I fineni'na na biåhi anai ha chagi umusa si Ana lupis å'paka' gi anai maprimet kumunion. The first time Ana used a slip was on her first communion. A'annuk i lipes‑mu å'paka'. Your half slip is showing. Bula bentan lupis å'paka' gi tenda. There are many half slips for sale at the store. Håtmi i lupis å'paka', sa' kanifis i chininå‑mu. Wear an undergarment, for your dress is very thin. Syn: kamisola.

lupuk n. well, deep hole in the ground, crevasse. Poddung i patgun hålum gi lipuk. The child fell into the crevasse in the ground. Fanlupuk hånum gi lipuk Tan Rosa. Get some water from Auntie Rosa's water well. Guaha lupuk gi halum gualu'‑måmi. Kana' poddung si Jessi gi lipuk, sa' ti ha a'atan i pokkat‑ña. Jessi almost fell into the well, for he was not watching closely where he was going. Syn: mådduk, tupu'.

vt. dip (water) in bucket or other comparable vessel, get (water) in bucket, siphon. In lipuk i hanum gi tipu'. We dipped water in the well. Hånåo ya un fanlupuk hånum. Go and fetch water from the water hole. Fanlupuk hånum gi tipu' para o'mak‑ña si tatan bihu. Fetch water from the water hole for Grandpa's shower. I lancheru ha lupuk i hanum guatu gi kanohan guaka. The farmer bucketed water to the cow's trough. Fanlupuk hånum ya un fa'gåsi i na'yan. Haul a bucket of water and wash the dishes. Chuli' i sahguan ya un lupuk i hanum, sa' machuchuda gi tangki. The tank is over-flowing, so bring the container to siphon the water.

lus Variant: los.

lusériu n. shooting star, comet. From: Sp. lucero.

luseru n. North Star, morning star. Ma'lak i luseru. The North Star is bright. Esta kahulu' i luseru. The morning star has already risen. Chumalalamlam i luseru. The North Star is sparkling. Ma'lak i luseru gi langit. The morning star is very bright. Si nanå‑hu ha tanchu' i puti'un luseru ya ilek‑ña na guiya i puti'un chatanmak. My mother pointed to the morning star and says, "it's the star before dawn." Syn: puti'un chatanmak. Variant: laseru. From: Sp. lucero.

lusong n. mortar, usually large. Usa i lisung ya un lommuki yu' pugua' para mamå'‑hu . Use the mortar to pound me some betelnut to chew. Meggai åntis lusong giya Mariånas. There were many mortars in the Marianas long ago. Gof impottånti i lisong para i suruhåna siha. The mortar is very important to the herbal doctors. I amigå‑hu ha nå'i iyok‑ku lusong. My girlfriend gave me a wooden mortar. In sedda' un dångkulu na åtchu' lusong gi halum tånu'. We found a large stone mortar in the woods. I taotåo mo'na ma na'setbi i lusung para uma lommuk i nengkanu'‑ñiha yan åmut siha. The ancient Chamorro used the stone mortar to pound their foods and herbal medicine. Variant: lusung.

lusu vt. release, untie, slacken, loosen. Hu lusu i abubu ni mågoddi gi tilifon gi finakpu' i giput. I untied the balloons that were tied to the telephone pole after the party. Si Ken ha lusu i tålin godden‑ña i gå'‑ña ga'lågu. Ken released the leash on his pet dog. Hu lusu i guaka, sa' gåtdun i kanghilon‑ña gi kellat. I released the cow whose horn got stuck on the barbed wire. Ha lusu i kuttina gi såla. She untied the curtain in the living room. Na'lusu i gineddem‑mu tåli gi kahun tumåtis. Loosen the rope that you tied on the tomato box. Ha lusu i tali, sa' mampus mafñut. He slackened the rope, for it was too tight. Si Siñora ha lusu i lestun gi gaputulun i hagå‑ña. The lady loosened the ribbon on her daughter's hair. I ma'estru ha lusu i kutbatå‑ña gi aga'gå'‑ña. The teacher loosened his tie around his neck. Hu lusu i lasu gi agå'ga' i guaka. I released the lasso on the cow's neck. Ha na'lusu si Juan i goddin sapatos‑ña ya ha pula'. Juan loosened the laces of his shoes and took them off. Guaha muna'lusu i geddin guaka ya malågu. Somebody loosened the cow's rope and it ran away. Syn: na'kallu.

lusung n. mortar, usually large. Usa i lisung ya un lommuki yu' pugua' para mamå'‑hu . Use the mortar to pound me some betelnut to chew. Meggai åntis lusung giya Mariånas. There were many mortars in the Marianas long ago. Gof impottånti i lisung para i suruhåna siha. The mortar is very important to the herbal doctors. I amigå‑hu ha nå'i iyok‑ku lusung. My girlfriend gave me a wooden mortar. In sedda' un dångkulu na åtchu' lusung gi halum tånu'. We found a large stone mortar in the woods. I taotåo mo'na ma na'setbi i lusung para uma lommuk i nengkanu'‑ñiha yan åmut siha. The ancient Chamorro used the stone mortar to pound their foods and herbal medicine. Variant: lusong.

Luta name. Rota, the southernmost island of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Bunitu i islan Luta. The island of Rota is beautiful. Meggai parentes‑su siha giya Luta. I have a lot of relatives in Rota. Gof hihut Luta kontra Guam. Rota is very close to Guam. I amigå‑hu as Maria tåotåo Luta. My friend Maria is from Rota. Bunitu na lugåt iya Luta. Rota is a beautiful place. Kåo guaha familiåm‑mu giya Luta? Do you have family in Rota?

luttrina n. catechism. Variant: dottrina.

lutu n. black clothes worn in mourning. Todu i familia debi na u ma'usa i lutu para i interu. All the family members must wear black for the funeral. Kustumbri i lutu duråntin i primet na såkkan gi finatai. Black is traditionally worn during the first year after death of the loved one. I lutu mås prisisu yanggin para fungsion Gima' Yu'us prinsipåtmienti yan maseha håfa na tinaitai. Black is very important to wear to attend church functions and especially for mass or any kind of praying activities. Si siñora ha u'usa i lutu kada Damenggu para i misa. The lady wears a black dress every Sunday for mass. Ta li'i' fan i chininå‑mu lutu? May I see your black dress for mourning? From: Sp. luto.

vi. wear black in mourning. Manlulutu i familia sa' guaha matai‑ñiha. The family is in mourning because there is a death in the family. Kulang mohon guaha matai‑mu na linilitu håo. It seems as if you have somebody who died that you are all in black. Hu u'usa i kulot åttilung na magågu sa' ya‑hu, ti put lumulutu yu'. I just like wearing black clothes, not because I am in mourning. Anai måtai si tatå‑ña, manlutu i familia, sa' manpininiti. When their father died, the family wore black clothing, because they were grieving.



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Total number of entries: 497




adj.  adjective
adv.  adverb
agr.  agreement prefix
art.  article
aux.  auxiliary
cnj.  conjunction
dem.  demonstrative
Eng.  English
infx.  infix
intj.  Interjection
Jp.  Japanese
n.  noun
n.pl.  plural noun
neg.  negative
num.  numeral
part.  particle
pp.  prepositional phrase
pred.  predicate
pref.  prefix
prep.  preposition
pro.  pronoun
Sp.  Spanish
suf.  suffix
Syn  synonym
vi.  intransitive verb
vt.  transitive verb