M - m
m n. the fourteenth letter of the alphabet.
ma agr. they (third person dual or plural agreement for realis transitive verbs). Ma utut påpa' i trongkun paipai. They cut down the hardwood tree. Manhånåo ya ma konni' i patgun. They went and took the child. Si Eba yan Adan ma kånnu' i mansåna. Eve and Adam ate the apple.
ma- (from: ma‑) pref. 1) passive (attached to transitive verbs). Mali'i' i palåo'an gi egga'an. The woman was seen this morning. Manmasodda' i famagu'un gi halum hatdin. The children were found in the forest. Manmafa'gaga'ga' i taotåo hiyung. The people from outside are being treated badly. Malatchai i hanum nu i famagu'un siha. The children finished the water. Malampåsu i satgi as Monica gi egga'an. Monica mopped the floor this morning. 2) verbalizer (unproductive; attached to certain roots to form intransitive verbs). Manma'udai i famagu'un gi boti para Tinian. The children rode on the boat to Tinian. Manmalåyu siha i floris, sa' maipi. The flowers are wilted, for it's hot. Manma'udai siha gi karetan guaka'. They rode on the bull cart. Ma'aksum i kahit. The orange is sour.
Må' name. nickname for Herman. Månu nai gaigi si Må'? O, kumeke'ilek‑mu, si Hetman? Where is Må'? Oh, you mean Herman?
ma'å'ñåo adj. afraid, scared, frightened, terrified. Ma'å'ñåo si Rosa mañugun an puengi. Manuel is afraid to drive at night. Mungnga ma'å'ñåo nu i ga'lågu. Do not be afraid of the dog. Manma'å'ñåo i fåmagu'un nu i hemhum. The children are afraid of the dark. Na'ma'å'ñåo na mubi para u ma'egga. It's a scary movie that they are going to watch. Mungnga ma'å'ñåo ma'udai gi batkun airi. Don't be scared to ride on the airplane. Si Mariåno ma'å'ñåo mamokkat na maisa para i gima' an esta homhum. Mariano is scared to walk home alone after dark. I patgun ma'å'ñåo nu i pulisia. The child is frightened of the Policeman. Sa' håfa na ma'å'ñåo håo binisikleleta? Why are you frightened to ride the bicycle? Sen ma'å'ñåo si Juan ni dangkulun pakpak gi paingi. Juan was terrified by the loud noise last night. Ma'å'ñåo yu' anai hu li'i' i dangkulun kantit gi kantun chålan. I was frightened by the deep cliff along the road. Duru kumåti i patgun, sa' ma'å'ñåo. The child was really crying, because he was terrified. Ma'å'ñåo humånåo i patgun para i iskuela, sa' sessu ma'ispånta. The boy is scared to go to school, because he is often threatened. Sumåga ha' gi plasan båtkun airi, sa' ma'å'ñåo na u madingu. He just stayed at the airport, because he is afraid to miss his plane. Kåo ma'å'ñåo håo nu i kulepbla? Are you afraid of the snake? Ma'å'ñåo si Jesus gi halum bula na trongkun nunu. Jesus is scared amongst the ficus trees in the boonies. I famagu'un manma'å'ñåo ti manmamaisin petmisu gi halum tånu' åntis di u fantinani'. The children are fearful to urinate or defecate in the jungles without asking permission first. Bula manma'å'ñåo put i lina'la' na tiempu, sa' båba i ikunumian i tanu'. Many people are scared because of the worsening economy of the region. Syn: luhan. Ant: båtbaru.
ma'agoddai adj. excited, angered, fighting mad. Mungnga ma'agoddai nu i neni, sa' un na'malångu. Don't get too excited with the baby, or you will make her sick. Ma'agoddai si Joey ya ti malagu' pumåra pumeska, sa' bula guihan. Joey was so excited and won't stop fishing, because there's a lot of fish. Na'ma'agoddai na mångga, sa' gof ridondu yan bunitu maså‑ña. An exciting ripe mango for its roundness and beautiful color. Ma'agoddai yu' nu i binibu‑hu. I was flustered with anger. I bisita ha na'ma'agoddai i ga'lågu gi egga'an. The visitor made the dog excited this morning. Ma'agoddai yu' nu i binibu‑hu, esta ha na'maleffa yu' månu nai hu po'lu i yabin karetå‑hu. I was so full of anger that I can't remember where I put my car key. Mampus håo ma'agoddai ya ti siña un danchi i bola. You are so excited that you could not hit the ball. Ha anña i che'lu‑ña nu i ma'agoddai‑ña, sa' uma'aguaguat. She spanked her brother, because she was so mad with his mischievousness. Variant: ma'goddai.
ma'akgak vi. be cut on foot, be cut or slashed on sole of foot by a sharp object, such as a broken glass. Ma'akgak yu' nu i pidåsun buteya gi kantun tåsi. I cut my foot from a piece of broken bottle at the beach. Adahi i pinekkåt‑mu, sa' bula pidåsun må'pi' ispehus ya un ma'akgak. Watch your step, for there is a lot of broken glass around and you might cut your foot. Ma'akgak i addeng‑ña i patgun, sa' sumindodogga. The child cut his foot, because he was barefoot. Ma'agak i papa' addeng‑hu. The bottom of my foot is cut. Ti siña yu' sinapåtus, sa' ma'agak addeng‑hu. I cannot wear shoes, because I have a cut on my foot. Ha na'ma'agak yu' i ma'pi' båsu. The broken glass cut the sole of my foot. Syn: chinachak. Variant: agak.
ma'aksum adj. sour, tart, acidic. Ma'aksum na kåhit. This orange is sour. Mampus ma'aksum i tinemplåm‑mu kåtni. Your meat mixture is too sour. Ti ya‑hu nengkanu' ni mampus ma'aksum. I do not like foods that are too sour. Ya‑hu i finadenne'‑mu, sa' ti gof ma'aksum. I liked your finadenni' sauce, because it is not acidic. Chagi i pidåsun piña, sa' chatta' ma'aksum. Try a piece of pineapple for it is not acidic. Nuebu esti na binaklin tuba, trabiha ti sesen ma'aksum. This is a new tuba vinegar, it is barely acidic. Håfa esti na klasin pai na mampus ma'aksum? What kind of pie is this, for it is too tart? Nå'yi mås asukat i fina'tinånas‑mu fruta, sa' mampus ma'aksum. Add more sugar to the fruit you are cooking, for it is too tart. Guaha na biåhi nai un sodda' i binaklin pugas sen ma'aksum. There are times that I found the rice vinegar to be too tart. Variant: ma'apsum, ma'apsun.
Ma'anao name. surname. I apiyidun i patgun sa' Ma'anao. The child's last name is Ma'anao. Manggaigi i familian Ma'anao gi Guma' Yu'us. The Ma'anao family are at the church. Bula na familian Ma'anao giya Luta. There are lots of Ma'anao family members in Luta. See: ma'å'ñåo.
ma'apsum adj. sour, tart, acidic. Na'yiyi mås mamis i limunåda, sa' mampus ma'apsum. Add more sugar to the lemonade, because it is very sour. Mungnga magimin i letchi, sa' esta ma'apsum. Don't drink the milk, because it is already sour. Rikohi todu i nengkanu' ni manfa'it, mala'it, pika, matå'pang, ma'asin, mamis, yan ma'apsum. Collect all the foods that are very salty, bitter, spicy hot, bland, salty, sweet, and sour. Variant: ma'aksum, ma'apsun.
ma'apsun adj. sour, tart, acidic. Na'lama'apsun i katni nu i binakli. Make the meat a little sour with vinegar. Ma'apsun i kahit. The orange is sour. Månngi' i koko' mångga, sa' ti gof ma'apsun. The pickled mango is good, because it is not very sour. Variant: ma'aksum, ma'apsum.
ma'arimåta vi. ring (of the last church bell before mass begins). Kåo un ripåra kåo ma'arimåta i kampåna? Have you noticed whether the last church bell rang? Chaddik, sa' esta ma'arimåta i kampåna. Hurry up, because the last church bell rang. Fa'nå'gui i famagu'un håfa kumeke'ilek‑ña i ma'arimåtan i kampåna. Teach the children the meaning of the ringing of the last church bell. Ma'arimåta i kampåna. The last church bell rang. Malågu chaddik anai ha hunguk na ma'arimåta i uttimu na kampåna åntis di u matutuhun i misa. He ran faster when he heard the last church bell ring before mass began. Syn: dandan.
ma'åsi' adj. merciful, have pity, have sympathy. Ma'åsi' i lahi. The man has mercy. I ma'estru ma'åsi' ni patgun. The teacher had sympathy for the child. Hu rispeta i mina'åsi'. I respect forgiveness. Bula manma'åsi' as Tun Mariano, sa' bula prublimå‑ña. Lots of people felt sorry for Uncle Mariano, because he has lots of problems. Anai munhåyan ha såolak i hagå‑ña, humuyung i nana ma'åsi' ni patgon‑ña. After spanking her daughter, the mother was remorseful over it. Na'måolik håo na påtgun ya ma'åsi' ni anti‑mu. Be a good child and have mercy on your soul.
ma'asin adj. salty, saline, briny, brackish. Ti måolik i ma'asin para i hinemlu' tåotåo. Saltiness is not good for people's health. Inipus asiga ya esta gof ma'asin. There is too much salt and it is already salty. Ha na'lama'asin i tinala' guihan para mungnga na u chaddik båba. She made the dried fish a little salty so that it would not spoil quickly.
ma'asni vi. be salted (passive). Ma'asni i tinala' guihan putno u chaddik båba. The dried fish was salted to prevent it from getting bad quickly. Muma'asin i taotåo yanggin masahalum, kulang ma'asni. When a person sweats, he becomes salty, like he had been salted.
ma'atdi vi. need to defecate. Hu nisisita i kemmun, sa' ma'atdi yu'. I need the restroom because I have a stomachache. Kåo ma'atdi håo? Do you need to defecate? Go'ti i ma'atdem‑mu asta ki måttu hit gi gima'. Hold on until we reach home to use the toilet. Chaddik, put fabot, sa' esta ti hu sungun ma'atdek‑ku. Please, hurry because I can't hold my need to defecate any longer. Hu sesenti ha' yanggin ma'atdi yu'. I feel the urge when I need to defecate.
ma'effung adj. distorted, out of shape. Ma'effung mampus esti na kåntaru. This drum can is out of shape. Manma'effung todu i trongkun niyuk anai sen guaifun. All the coconut trees were twisted out of shape during the powerful storm. Achuka' ma'effung matå‑mu, bai hu guaiya håo todu i tiempu. I will love you for all time even with your distorted face.
ma'empun vi. need to urinate. Hu nisisita i kemmun, sa' ma'empun yu'. I need the restroom, because I need to urinate. Go'ti i ma'empon‑mu asta ki måttu hit gi gima'. Hold on until we reach home to use the toilet. Chaddik, put fabot, sa' esta ti hu susungun ma'empon‑hu. Please, hurry because I can't hold my urination any longer. Mampus yu' ma'empun. I need to urinate badly. Ma'empun mampus i patgun. The child really needs to urinate.
ma'estru n. teacher, instructor. Ginin ma'estru yu'. I was a teacher before. Honoråpbli esti i ma'estru na ofisiu. Teacher is a honorable position. Esta på'gu hu gogof rispeta i manma'estrok‑ku siha. Even to this time I still truly respect all of my teachers. From: Sp. maestro.
ma'etdut adj. numb. Ti siña yu' mamokkat, sa' ma'etdut i addeng‑hu. I cannot walk because my leg is numb. Ma'etdut kannai‑hu, sa' hu hoksi tulanotchi. My hand is numb because I lay on it all night. Guaha na ma'etdut puti. Some types of numbness hurt. Kåo guaha na ma'etdut håo? Have you ever experienced being numb? Nangga, sa' ma'etdut addeng‑hu. Wait, because my foot is numb.
ma'etti vi. be touched slightly, be perceived (passive).
må'gas n. boss, master, superior, foreman, manager. Facho'chu', sa' ennåogui' mågi i ma'gas. Work, because the boss is coming. Famaisin gi ma'gas åntis di un hånåo. Ask the manager before you leave. Todu tåotåo malagu' mumå'gas. Everybody wants to be boss.
ma'gåsi vt. govern, rule, dominate. Ma'ilihi si Ton para guiya u ma'gåsi i otganisasion. Ton was elected to lead the organization. Para u ma'gåsi si Ton i otganisasion manritiråo. Ton is going to be the chairperson of the retiree's organization. I Gubietnu muma'gågasi i tano'‑ta på'gu na tiempu. The Governor is the one who is governing our island at this time.
må'hu adj. thirsty. Na'gimin i taotåo hånum, sa' må'hu. Give some water to the man, because he is thirsty. Gof ånglu' i aga'gå'‑ña, sa' gof må'hu. His throat is really dry, because he is really thirsty. Mungnga mampus asiga, sa' siempri må'hu håo ya tåya' hånum. Do not eat too much salt, because you'll get thirsty and there is no water. Variant: må'u.
ma'i'ing vi. be peeled with one's fingers (of the first layer of husk from a ripe coconut). Tinaka' ha' hit tiempu yanggin para u fanma'i'ing ha' todu ennåo i dies na niyuk. It's going to take us some time if we are going to husk those ten coconuts with only our fingers. Ma'i'ing i niyuk as Manuel. Manuel husked the coconuts with his fingers. Putå'i i babui ni ma'i'ing niyuk siha. Split open the husked coconuts for the pigs. Syn: kåcha'.
ma'i'ut adj. narrow, not wide or broad. Ma'i'ut i chalan gi kantun padiron. The road is narrow alongside the cliff. Mampus ma'i'ut i chinachåk‑mu håli' kontra i trongku. You cut the root too close to the tree. Måolik i initot‑mu tåpbla, sa' ti ånchu o sino fedda'. It's good that you cut the plywood just right, not wide or broad. Mungnga mana'ma'i'ut i dos trongkun mångga yanggin para un tånum. Do not plant the two mango trees in a narrow line. Mampus ma'i'ut i chalan. The road is too narrow. Ma'i'ut i tapbla. The board is not wide. Ti siña i kareta maloffan, sa' ma'i'ut i chalan. The car cannot pass, because the road is too narrow.
ma'is n. type of plant: corn. zea mays. Mama'tinas si Kika' titiyas ma'is. Kika' made some corn tortillas. Kåo un ko'ku' i ma'is siha? Did you harvest the corn? Variant: mai'is. From: Sp. maíz.
ma'lak adj. bright, brilliant, sparkling, glittering, radiant, luminous. Ma'lak i pilan på'gu na puengi. The moon is bright tonight. Na'ma'lak i kandit ya un li'i' i chalån‑mu. Make your light bright so you can see your way. Atyu i ma'lak na flaslait måolik para pumeska. That bright flashlight is good for fishing.
må'ngak vi. tilt, lose balance, teeter, rock. Matomba anai må'ngak un bånda. He fell when he lost his balance. Susteni ilu‑ña i neni, sa' u må'ngak tåtti. Support the baby's head, or it will tilt backward. Mungnga mana'må'ngak i siyå‑mu, sa' un poddung tåtti. Do not rock your chair, or you'll fall back. Syn: asu'.
må'pi' vi. split, break, crack. Må'pi' i kinacha' niyuk ni maipin somnak. The husked coconut cracked because of the heat of the sun. Må'pi' i bintåna anai dinanchi ni atchu'. The window cracked when it got hit by a rock. Adahi na u poddung i buteya sino u må'pi'. Be careful that the bottle does not fall or else it will break.
må'pi' ispehus n. piece of glass, broken glass. Adahi na un chinachak ni ma'pi' ispehus. Be careful that you do not get cut by the piece of broken glass. Chuli' i iskoba yan dåspan ya un rikohi i må'pi' ispehus. Bring the broom and dustpan and collect the broken pieces of glass. Mamoddung meggai na manmå'pi' ispehus gi chalan anai guaha aksidenti. Lots of pieces of broken glass fell on the road when an accident happened.
ma'posña adj. before last, before the preceding. Fåtta håo gi ma'posña na inetnun familia. You were absent at the family gathering before the last one. Manfåtta hamyu gi ma'posña na hunta. You all were absent two meetings ago. Manbendi yu' kåmyu gi ma'posña na feria. I sold a coconut grater at the festival before the last one.
ma'posña na mes n. the month before last, two months ago. Taigui håo gi ma'posña na mes. You were not there two months ago. Ti malagu' håo macho'chu' gi ma'posña na mes. You did not want to work the month before last. Manmåttu i mañe'lu‑hu siha ginin Tinian gi ma'posña na mes. My brothers and sisters came from Tinian two months ago.
ma'posña na såkkan n. the year before last, two years ago. Båba i tiempu gi ma'posña na såkkan anai manpeska hami. The climate was bad two years ago when we went fishing. Måolekña gi ma'posña na såkkan i tinanom‑hu dågun å'paka', sa' bula uchan kini på'gu na såkkan. My wild yam was better the year before last, because there was more rain than this year.
ma'posña na simåna n. the week before last, two weeks ago. Ma'posña na simåna, ti måttu håo. Two weeks ago, you did not come. Ma'posña na simåna, mayulang i kareta. Two weeks ago, the car broke down.
må'pung vi. break (of a point or tip), chip (of a point or tip). Må'pung i machetti annai manu'utut yu' sakåti. The tip of the machete broke off when I was cutting grass. Må'pung i kacha'. The tool for husking coconut has a broken tip. Må'pung i puntan lansåk‑ku anai hu danchi i atchu'. The point of my spear broke off when I hit the rock. Pumåra yu' pumeska anai må'pung i tekchå'‑hu. I stopped fishing when the tip of my spear broke off. Syn: måhluk.
må'pung n. nervous condition, often associated with frequent or uncontolled urination. Sessu gi kemmun, sa' nina'yi må'pung. He often goes to the restroom, because he has urinary problems. Ha fa'tinåsi yu' si Tan Maria gimen‑hu åmut må'pung. Tan Maria made me some ma'pung medicine to drink. Sessu yu' ma'empung, sa' nina'yi yu' ni prubleman må'pung. I often feel like urinating because I have a urinary bladder problem.
må'pus vi. go, leave, depart. Må'pus ha' i sakkan ya ti munhåyan i che'chu'‑måmi. The year just ended and we did not complete our work. Må'pus si tåta para i lanchu gi egga'an. Father left to the ranch this morning.
må'pus na mes n. last month. Gi ma'pus na mes, tåya' taiguennåo. There wasn't anything like that last month. Bula mångga gi ma'pus na mes. There were many mangos last month. Måttu i lahi‑hu ginin Guåhan gi ma'pus na mes. My son came from Guahan last month.
må'pus na såkkan n. last year. Båba i tiempu gi ma'pus na såkkan. The weather was bad last year. Meggaiña guihan gi ma'pus na såkkan kini på'gu. There were more fish last year than today. Påkpak i botkån gi ma'pus na såkkan. The volcano erupted last year.
må'pus na simåna n. last week. Taigui håo gi ma'pus na simåna. You were not here last month. Ti manpeska, sa' båba i tiempu gi ma'pus na simåna. They did not go fishing, because the weather was bad last week. Mungnga kumuentus, sa' fåtta håo gi ma'pus na simåna. Don't talk, because you were absent last month.
må'sun n. coconut that is barely ripe, ripe coconut with green husk. Tifi' dos na må'sun. Pick two ripe coconuts. Pairi makånnu' i ma'sun. It is good to eat ripe coconut.
må'ti vi. at low tide. Må'ti i tasi gi nigap. The ocean was at low tide yesterday Gåddung i galaidi, sa' må'ti i tasi. The canoe was stuck, because it was low tide. Måolik ume'tapun yanggin må'ti i tasi. It is good to collect clams when the sea is at low tide.
må'ting vi. break, break off, break at a point. Må'ting i biyas sinturon‑ña. His belt buckle broke off. Må'ting i tinekchå'‑ña i papåya. The papaya fruit broke off from the tree. Må'ting i dilileng‑ña i balakbak nåna. The handle of Mother's purse broke off. Syn: måtgan, må'tut.
må'tut vi. be cut off (passive). Må'tut i kannai‑ña anai tinaga' ni machetti. His hand was cut off when it was cut by the machete. Må'tut i talin guaka anai gåtdun gi trongku. The rope for the cow was cut off when it got tangled in the tree. Må'tut ha' i fino'‑mu, ti un na'kabålis. You just cut off what you were saying, you didn't make it complete. See: mångku.
må'u adj. thirsty. Na'gimin i taotåo hånum, sa' må'u. Give some water to the man, because he is thirsty. Gof ånglu' i aga'gå'‑ña, sa' gof må'u. His throat is really dry, because he is thirsty. Mungnga mampus asiga, sa' siempri må'u håo ya tåya' hånum. Do not eat too much salt, because you'd get thirsty and there is no water. Må'u yu'. I am thirsty. Mampus må'u i ga'‑hu babui. My pig is very thirsty. Put fabot nå'i si Juan hånum, sa' må'u. Please give John water, because he’s thirsty. Variant: må'hu.
ma'udai vi. ride, be carried (on the back of an animal), be borne (in or on a vehicle). Ma'udai si Tun Juan gi kareta. Tun Juan rode in the car. Ma'udai i neni gi bisikleta. The baby rode on the bicycle. Manma'udai siha gi karetan guaka. They rode on the bull cart. Syn: ångkas.
ma'uk adj. durable, lasting, strong. Hu na'ma'uk i gasilina, sa' mampus guaguan. I am making my gas last long, because it’s very expensive. Bai hu na'ma'uk i salappe'‑hu kosa ki u ginacha' ottru pagamentu. I will make my money last long so that it can reach the next payday. Kåo siña un na'ma'uk i salappe'‑mu ya mungnga na un dispitdisia? Can you make your money last long and not waste it? Ha na'mama'uk i salappe'‑ña, sa' ha hahassu bumiåhi. He is making his money last, because he is planning on going on a trip. Ti manma'uk i hayu siha guini, sa' meggai termait. Wood does not last long here, because there are a lot of termites. Ma'uk håyu i gagu para guåfi. The wood of the Australian pine burns long. Syn: fitmi.
Må'uk name. Maug, the eighth island north of Saipan (pronounced må'uk). Gaigi i islan Må'uk gi sankattan Saipan. The island of Maug is north of Saipan. Ti dångkulu na isla iya Må'uk. Mauk is not a big island. Tåya' tåotåo mañåsaga gi islan Må'uk. No one lives on the island of Mauk.
må'ya vi. floating (on water or liquid), suspended (on something), drifting without sinking, buoyant. Måma'ya i galaidi gi i tasi, sa' ti guaifun. The canoe is floating in the ocean, because it is not windy. Bula na boya manmåma'ya gi tasi. Many floaters are floating in the ocean. Måma'ya ha' i hinassok‑ku. My thoughts are still wandering. Mumå'ya i buteya gi hanum, sa' tai sanhalum. The bottle was floating on the water, because it was empty. Mumå'ya i boti anai umatlibis. The boat floated when it capsized. Mumå'ya i simiya ni baba anai masumai ni hanum. The bad seeds floated when they were soaked in water. Hu sodda' un lålu' ni må'ya gi anibat. I found a fly that is floating on the honey. Syn: gama. Variant: må'ya'.
må'ya' adj. afloat, floating on something, adrift. Ångkala i sahman osino u må'ya'. Anchor the canoe or else it will go afloat. Maya' lini'e'e'‑hu, sa' kulan mumåma'ya' i boti gi tasi. My vision is blurry, because it appears as if the boat is afloat in the ocean. Inasa i batku ya måma'ya' ha' asta på'gu. The ship got adrift and it is still afloat until now. Variant: må'ya.
mabakbak adj. low-cut (of e.g. the neck or back of a dress). Mabakbak i agå'ga' magagu‑ña si Maria. Mary's dress is cut low at the neck. Mampus mabakbak i chininå‑hu. My dress is cut too low. Dimasiåo a'annuk ha'of‑ña ni mabakbak chininå‑ña. Her chest is exposed too much because of her low-cut dress.
mabåtsala n. trolling (method of fishing). Manhånåo manpeskan mabåtsala gi botin Mariano. They went trolling with Mariano's boat. Ti ya‑ña si Elias pumeskan mabåtsala, sa' bulålachu gi boti. Elias does not like trolling, because he gets sick on the boat. Esta ti sessu i taotåo manpeskan mabåtsala, sa' dimasiåo guaguan i gasilina. People do not go trolling too often these days, because gasoline is expensive.
machåbba' vi. be cut on the lip, have a cut lip from hitting against something (passive). Machåbba' i patgun gi lamasa. The child cut his lip on the table. Adahi na un machåbba'. Watch out for you might cut your lip. Duru mahågga' i neni pachot‑ña, sa' machåbba'. The child's mouth is bleeding because he hit the table. Machåbba' yu' annai hu sufa' i ottru kareta. I cut my lip when I hit another car.
machachalani vi. be instructed, be planned, be directed (passive). Machachalani si Tun Jose, sa' ti ha tungu' taimanu. Tun Jose has been instructed because he does not know how. Machachalani Si Pedro taimanu para mahatsan‑ña i gima'. Pedro was instructed on how to build the house. Machachalani si Jose ni ufision‑ña gi che'cho'‑ña. Jose was instructed on his official duties at his work.
machaflakus adj. wrinkled (of skin), used in teasing someone about getting old. Mampus håo machaflakus ni dakon‑mu. You are so wrinkled because of your lying. Gof machaflakus i fasu‑mu. Your face is very wrinkled. Gof machaflakus si Jose ni matakngan‑ña. Jose is very wrinkled because of his meanness. Syn: makalehlu.
machakchak n. dawn, daybreak, dawning. Fattoigui yu' gi machakchak, agupa'. Visit me at dawn tomorrow. Kahuhulu' yu' gi kada machakchak ha'åni. I always get up at the dawn of the day. Gof fresku i tanu' gi machakchak ha'åni. The land is very refreshing at the dawn of the day. Syn: på'gu manana.
— vi. be opened halfway (passive).
machakchak kåttan n. dawn, daybreak (Guam). Fåttu gi machakchak kåttan ya ta hånåo para i lanchu. Come at daybreak and we will go to the farm. Måolik ume'ayuyu gi machakchak kåttan. It is good to go hunting for coconut crabs at daybreak. Fåttu mågi gi machakchak kåttan kada diha. Come over every day during daybreak.
machalapun vi. be scattered (passive).
— adj. messy. Håfa na gof machalapun håo na tåotåo? Why are you such a messy person? Machalapun esti na kuåttu. This room is very messy.
machalehgua' vi. be divulged, be diffused, be spread about (passive). See: lehgua'.
machålik adj. 1) wild, untamed, not domesticated (of animals), barbaric. Gef machålik i ga'‑ña månnuk. Her chicken is very wild. Bula månnuk machålik gi halum tånu'. There are many wild chickens in the forest. Ti malagu' måttu i ga'‑ña ga'lågu, sa' gef machålik. His dog does not want to come over, because it is very wild. 2) evasive (of people), skillful in avoiding people one prefers not to see.
machetti n. machete. Adahi na un tinaga' nu i machetti. Don't cut yourself with the machete. Esta ñañu' i machetek‑ku. My machete is already dull. Malingu i machetten‑ña gi halum tånu'. His machete is lost in the jungle. Lamsi i machetti, sa' mampus ñañu'. Sharpen the machete, because it is dull. Kåo para un lamsin finu pat un lamsin fotda i machetti? Are you going to sharpen the machete on the edge or the entirety? Dos klåsin maguaså'‑ña i machetti, finu yan fotda. There are two ways of sharpening the machete, on the edge or fine. From: Sp. machete.
machettin anåkku' n. long machete. Guaha iyok‑ku machettin anåkku'. I have a long machete. Ma'u'usa i machettin anåkku' para manyabbåo. The long knife is used for clearing. Mabebendi i machettin anåkku' gi tendan Joeten. Joeten store sells long knives.
machettin matadót n. cleaver, butcher's cleaver. Bula iyon‑ña machettin matadot i kusineru. The cook has many cleavers. Malaktosña i machettin matadot kinu i machettin anåkku'. The butcher's cleaver is sharper than a long knife. Måolik i machettin matadot para mamikan to'lang guaka. The butcher's cleaver is better for cutting cow's bones.
maching n. type of fish; whitish mangrove hopper and other small fish. Platycephalidae, Blenniidae, Gobiidae. Bula maching gi tasi. There are many hoppers in the ocean. Ti ya‑hu maching na guihan. I do not like hopper fish. Sessu un sodda' i maching gi hilu' åtchu'. You often find hoppers on the rock.
machis n. match, matches. Båsta humugåndu nu i machis. Stop playing with the matches. Hånåo famåhan machis gi tenda. Go buy matches at the store. Ti siña manila' i machis, sa' fotgun. The match cannot light, because it is wet. From: Eng. matches.
macho'chu' vi. 1) work, labor, toil. Måolik yu' macho'chu' put båndan katpinteru. I am a good worker in carpentry. Bråbu machocho'chu' si Tun Juan, sa' bula famalåo'an gi uriyå‑ña. Tun Juan is working hard, because he is surrounded by women. Mungnga macho'chu' agupa' yanggin malångu håo. Do not work tomorrow if you are sick. 2) do oneself in. Macho'chu' yu', sa' hu huluk i lapis. I did myself in because I broke the pencil. Macho'chu' i katu, sa' ha chuda' i letchi. The cat did itself in, because it spilled the milk. See: cho'chu'.
machora adj. sterile, incapable of becoming pregnant (esp. of animals). Ti siña mapotgi' i ga'‑hu guaka, sa' machora. My cow cannot be pregnant because she is sterile. Tai simiya yu' ginin esti na guaka, sa' machora. I do not have seedlings from this cow, because she is sterile. Mampus potput i mantikå‑ña i ga'‑hu båka ya nina'machora. My female cow's fat is so thick that she became sterile because of it. From: Sp. machorra.
måchum adj. unaggressive male, effeminate man. Gof måchum ennåo na tåotåo. That person is very unaggressive. Mapput un tungu' esti na klåsin tåotåo, sa' gof måchum. It is hard to know such a person, because he is very unaggressive. Disti ki aksidenti, mås mumåchum si Jose. After the accident, Jose became a very unaggressive person. Variant: mamflorita.
madaloggai adj. dented, uneven or caved in on the surface; having an indentation, depression, or notches. Madaloggai i pettan kareta. The car door is dented. Manmadaloggai i satten siha. The pans are dented. I trongkun niyuk manmadaloggai anai mangguinaifi nu i pakyu. When the typhoon hit, the coconut tree trunks were full of notches. See: maheffung, bulengngu', daloggai.
mådduk n. hole, pit, cavity, hollow place. Guaha dos na mådduk fasu‑mu. There are two holes in your face. Hu na'mådduk i kahita anai matomba yu'. I made a hole in the box when I felt down. Mådduk todu i chalan‑måmi anai duru uchan. Our road has many potholes when it rains hard. Syn: ngulu', hoyu.
mådduk atgoya n. hole in which a nose ring of a carabao is inserted. Hu fa'tinåsi mådduk atgoya gi ga'‑hu guaka. I made a hole for a nose ring on my cow. Hu titik i madduk atgoya anai hu såggui' i tali. I tore the hole of the nose ring when I jerked the rope. Loddu' mampus i aniyu para i madduk atgoya. The nose ring is very thick for the nostril.
mådduk gui'ing n. nostril. Humålum i simiya gi madduk gui'ing. The seed went inside his nostril. Måtchum i madduk gui'ing, sa' mañum. His nostril plugged up, because of a runny nose. Dångkulu mådduk gui'eng‑ña si Tun Pedro. Tun Pedro's nostrils are very big.
madduk tåtåotåo n. pores (of human skin). Bula mådduk tatåotåo‑ña gi fasu‑ña. She has a lot of pores on her face. Guaha na mantika i madduk tatåotåo‑mu. Your pores can be oily sometimes. Humuhuyung i masahalum gi madduk tåtåotåo. Sweat comes out of the human pores.
mådduk yabi n. keyhole. Na'hålum i yabi gi madduk yabi para un baba i petta. Insert the key into the keyhole to open the door. Ti siña mababa i petta, sa' lachi na yabi mana'håhalum gi madduk yabi. The door cannot be opened, because the wrong key is being inserted into the keyhole. Ti omlat i yabi‑mu gi madduk yabi. Your key doesn’t fit the keyhole.
mådduluk n. hole (of something).
mådduluk aguha n. eye of the needle.
mådduluk dågan n. anus. Dångkulu mådduluk dagån‑ña si Pedro. Pedro has such a big anus. Magraduha i neni gi madduluk dagån‑ña. The baby's temperature is taken from his anus. Malilengga i amku' gi madduluk dagån‑ña, sa' mapput tuminani'. The elder's rectum is treated for constipation. Syn: mådduk. Variant: maduluk dågan.
mådduluk pånglåo n. crab hole, hollowed-out shelter in the ground made by crabs. Hinatmi hånum i madduluk pånglåo. The crab hole has some water in it.
madeha n. coil of rope, ball of yarn, ball of twine, bundle of rope (Saipan). Chuli' mågi unu na madehan talin punut. Bring over one bundle of coconut husk rope. Bula madehan talin manila gi gima'. There are plenty of coils of manila rope at the house. Manmasåkki todu i madehan tali gi agrikuttura. All the rope bundles were stolen at the agriculture. Syn: chinafulun. Variant: mandeha. From: Sp. madeja.
madentista vi. go to the dentist, have a dental check-up. Madentista si Maria anai esta ti ha sungun i putin nifin. Maria went to the dentist when she could not bear the toothache. See: dentista.
maderas n. lumber for house construction. Bula maderas para i gima' Tun Juan. There is a lot of lumber for Tun Juan's house. Chuli' mågi siha i maderas para i kasiyas månnuk. Bring over the lumber for the chicken cages. Manmabebendi difirentis klåsin maderas giya Guangdong. Guangdong is selling different kinds of lumber. From: Sp. maderas.
madingu vi. be left behind (passive), late. Adahi na un madingu para i hunta. Take care not to be late to the meeting. Ma dingu yu', sa' abak hinanåo‑hu ya madingu yu'. They left me behind, because I lost my way and I was late. Syn: atrasåo.
madoya n. fried ripe banana, dipped in flour before frying. Månngi' i madoyan aga'. Fried banana is delicious. Hånåo famåhan madoyan aga' manila. Go and buy fried manila banana. Mambebendi si Maria madoya gi kattan chalan. Mary is selling fried banana at the northern side of the road.
— vt. fry (ripe bananas). Månngi' mumadoya si Tan Luisa. Tan Luisa is very good at making fried banana. Sigi ya un madoya i aga' siha. Go and fry all the banana.
mådri n. nun (Saipan). Gaigi si mådri gi gima' yu'us. The nun is inside the church. Para u mådri si Maria ottru såkkan. Mary will become a nun next year. Mama'nåna'gui' si mådri luttrina. The nun is teaching catechism. Syn: etmåna, mongha. From: Sp. madre.
mådri superiora n. Mother Superior. Si Mådri Superiora mås takkilu' na etmåna. Mother Superior is the highest nun. Mampus siriosu si Mådri Superiora gi che'cho'‑ña. Mother Superior is very serious at her work. Si Mådri Superiora dumiririhi i inetnun‑ñiha gi duråntin tinaitai. Mother Superior leads the group during their prayers. From: Sp. madre superiora.
maduluk dågan n. anal opening, anus. Grånu matditu i fi'un maduluk dågan i patgun. There was a boil sore around the child's anus area. Masohmuk i amut pudus gi maduluk dågan nu i suruhånu. The hemorrhoid medicine had to be inserted into the anus by the medicine man. Nina'dångkulu i maduluk dågan Edward, sa' masångan i måolik che'cho'‑ña. Edward's good work was talked about and his anus got bigger. Variant: mådduluk dågan.
mafa'hiyungi vi. be considered a stranger, outsider, not belonging to a group (passive). Mabutleha håo sa' mafa'hiyungem‑mu. You were mocked, because you were considered a outsider. Mafa'hiyungem‑mu anai machachatgi håo nu i manailayi na tåotåo. You were considered an outsider when the inconsiderate people laughed at you.
mafåla' chåda' n. raw egg protein, used as sustenance, especially during menstruation.
mafåma vi. be well-known, well-liked, praised, illustrious, famous (of deed or acts) (passive). Gof mafåma si Tatå‑hu nu i taotåo siha. My father is well-liked by the people. Mafåma si Tun Pedro put i maolik i bidå‑ña. Tun Pedro is well-liked due to his good deeds. Mafåma si Joaquin, sa' måolik kumånta. Joaquin is well-liked, because he is a good singer. Variant: matuna.
mafañågu vi. born, brought into existence by birth. Mafañågu yu' giya Saipan. I was born in Saipan. Mafañågu i mås åmku' na lahi‑hu gi tiempun Amerikånu. My elder son was born during the American period. På'gu na ha'åni, ha'ånin mafañagu‑hu. Today is the day I was born.
måffak vi. shatter, burst, break into fragments, crack (on the head). Måffak i platun‑måmi yan si Jose. Joe's and my plates are broken. Måffak ilu‑ña si Jose anai matomba. Jose cracked his head when he felt. Manmåffak i pusuelu anai linåo. The cups shattered during the earthquake. Måffak i båsu anai poddung gi lamasa. The cup was broken when it fell off the table. Syn: pokka'.
måffla n. muffler (of engine). Mampus burukentu i maffura' karetå‑ña. Her car's muffler is very loud. Kana' ha' popoddung i mafflan karetå‑ña. The muffler of his car is about to come off. Guaguan mampus prisu‑ña i maffla. The price of a muffler is very expensive. Variant: måffura'. From: Eng. muffler.
maffung vi. sleep soundly, be sound asleep. Maffung maigo'‑ña si Tun Jose. Tun Jose is sound asleep. Nina'maffung si Tun Juan ni bulachu‑ña. Tun Juan is very sleepy due to his intoxication. Maffung maigo'‑ña i neni anai mabalutan ni sabanas. The baby sleeps soundly when wrapped with the blanket.
måffura' n. muffler (of engine) (Saipan). Mampus a'gang i måffura' karetå‑ña. Her car's muffler is very loud. Burukentu i karetå‑ña, sa' tåya' maffurå'‑ña. His car is very loud, because it does not have a muffler. Pairi i palångpang måffura' karetå‑ña. His car ‘s muffler sounds great. Variant: måffla. From: Eng. muffler.
måfgu' vi. be bent, be fractured, be squeezed (passive). Måfgu' te'lang‑ña si Jose anai poddung gi trongkun mångga. Jose fractured his bone when he fail down the mango tree. Taimanu na måfgu' håo? How did you fracture yourself? Ma'eksure kannai‑ña si Jose sa' måfgu'. Jose's hand has been x-rayed because it is fractured. Variant: mafugu'.
Mafnas name. surname. Guåhu si Juan Mafnas. I am Juan Mafnas. Håfa na Mafnas i apuyidu‑mu? How is it that Mafnas is your last name? Mapresu si Juan Mafnas gi paingi. Juan Mafnas was jailed last night. See: måfnas.
måfnas adj. faded, lose color, wiped out. Måfnas i tinige'‑ña si Jose. Jose's writing is faded. Manmåfnas i kulot magagun‑måmi ni kloraks. The color of our clothes faded because of the clorox. Måfnas i tinige'‑ña i patgun. The child's writing has faded.
måfnut adj. tight, packed tight. Måfnut i godden‑ña. The tying is very tight. Esta måfnut i kosas i sahguan‑ña. The contents of the container are already packed tight. Na'måfñut i gedden‑ña ya mungnga malaknus. Make the tie very tight so that it will not come off. Variant: mafñut.
mafñut adj. tight, packed tight. Na'mafñut i guddem‑mu. Make your tie very tight. Esta mafñut i kosas i sahguan‑ña. The contents of the container are already packed tight. Na'mafñut i gedden‑ña ya mungnga malaknus. Make the tie very tight so that it will not come off. Variant: måfnut.
mafohyan vi. be diminished (passive).
mafondu vi. sink to the bottom, subside, become submerged. Mafondu i batku gi tasi. The ship sank to the bottom of the ocean. Mafondu i addeng‑hu gi fachi'. My feet sank in the mud. Adahi na un mafondu. Watch out, for you might sink. See: fondu.
mafongfung vi. have a pug-nose, have a short nose. Manosgi i patgun gi as tatå‑ña mafongfung. The child takes after the father's pug-nose. Mafongfung i gui'eng‑ña, sa' sessu madommu'. He has a pug-nose, due to constant beating. See: fongfung.
måfti' adj. nicked (of a blade or the sharp edge of a cutting tool), broken (of a tooth). Måfti' nifen‑ña i neni. The baby's tooth is broken. Måfti' i machetti, sa' ha tåga' i atchu'. The machete is nicked, because it hit the rock. Måfti i tiheras nåna anai ha chåchachak i magågu. Mother's scissors became nicked when cutting the yardage. See: doffi', tengting, chebbang.
mafuhåo vi. sleepwalk, experience sleepwalking. Mafuhåo i patgun gi maigo'‑ña anai humuyung gi gima' sin dogga. The child was sleepwalking when she walked out of the house without footware. Gi mafuhåo‑ña i hobinsitu, humanåoguatu gi kusina inlugåt di apusentu. In his sleepwalking, the young man went to the kitchen instead of the bedroom. Gef adahi i famagu'un ni guaha ni manmafuhåo, sa' u fandisgrasiåo. Watch out for children who have experienced sleepwalking, so that they don't get into accidents. Syn: pisadiya.
mafuti' n. type of fish: snapper, pale brown, whitish below. Family Lutjanidae. Bula mafuti' gi tasi. There are many snappers in the ocean. Pairenña i mafuti' na guihan kini ottru na klåsin guihan. Snapper is more the best fish than any other fish. Matunu pat ma'aflitu na mafuti', månu ya‑mu? Barbequed or fried snapper, which one do you like?
måga adj. early, before its proper time. Måga i ichan gi ma'pus na simåna. The rain came early last week. Manmåga i paluma siha kada ogga'an. The birds come out early every morning. Sessu mumåga si Juan kada diha para iskuela. Juan always goes to school early everyday. Syn: tåftaf.
magå'am adj. unable to sleep, awake. Ha na'magå'am yu' i buruka. The noise kept me awake. Variant: magå'an.
magå'an adj. wide awake, fully awake. Gof magå'an si nåna, sa' taigui si tåta. Mother is fully awake, because Father is not here. Håfa, matuhuk håo, pat magå'an? What, are you sleepy or awake? Nina'magå'an, sa' bula ginimen‑ña kafe. It made her fully awake because she drank too much coffee. Nina'maga'um ni ginimen‑ña kafe. The coffee he drank kept him wide awake. Syn: makmåta. Variant: magå'am.
maga'håga n. first lady, in old Chamorro society the wife of the highest ranking male. Måtai i maga'hågan i maga'låhin Ladahao. Chief Ladahao's wife died. Guiya i maga'hågan tånu' Sa'ipan. She is the queen of the island of Saipan. Meggai katgon‑ña i maga'håga. The queen has many duties. Syn: asåguan maga'låhi.
maga'låhi n. ruler, the highest ranking official of a state; chief, chieftain. I ma'gas tånu' Sa'ipan, si Maga'låhin Ladahao. The most superior chief on the island of Saipan is Chief Ladahao. Bula maga'låhi giya tånu' Mariånas siha. There are many chieftains in the Mariana Islands. Metgut mama'tinas disision i maga'låhi. The highest ranking official makes tough decisions.
magå'um adj. 1) sexy, sexually attractive. Gof magå'um si Maria; kada hu atan, ha na'malagu' yu'. Mary is so attractive that when I glance at her, I want her. Manggof magå'um i famalåo'an benta siha. Prostitutes are very attractive. 2) grateful. Gof magå'um hinallum si Noel, sa' agradesidun na tåotåo. Noel is such a grateful person, because of his unselfishness. I taotåo ni magå'um hinallum ha tungu' manggågåo dispensa. A grateful person knows how to ask for forgiveness. Magå'um hinallum si Bill ni mamopbli. Bill is grateful to the poor. Syn: hinallum.
magågu n. clothes, clothing, dress, shirt. Gof bunitu magagu‑ña si Maria. Mary's dress is very nice. Gof guaguan esti na magagu‑hu. This clothing of mine is very expensive. Puru ha' magågu gi tenda manmabebendi. Mostly clothes are sold at the store. Syn: bistidu, chinina.
magåhit adj. 1) true, authentic, genuine. Magåhit na måolik håo bumola. It's true that you are a good ball player. Bula dinagi, låo bula lokkui' magåhit. There are many lies, but many truths also. 2) honest, truthful, frank, sincere. Magåhit yu' na hu ispiha håo gi iskuela. I am truthful that I looked for you at school. Syn: frångku, sinseru, onestu, siguru.
Mågap name. Antares (navigational term).
mågap vi. 1) yawn. Mumåmagap i neni, sa' gof matuhuk. The baby is yawning because he is very sleepy. Båsta mumågap, sigi yan un maigu'. Stop yawning, go to sleep. 2) be carried through the air, waft (of smell). Tappi' i mutung take'‑mu, sa' siempri mumågap. Cover your shit, because it will stink. Mågap i tininu‑ña lemmai mågi. The smell of his cooking the breadfruit over the fire reached me.
magéftungu' vi. popular, well-known. Magéftungu' si Tun Jose, sa' fafacho'chu'. Tun Jose is well-known, because he is such a hard worker. Magéftungu' si Maria, sa' gof måolik na palåo'an. Mary is well-known, because she is such a good woman.
maggim adj. 1) damp, wilted, humid, limp from moisture. Maggim esti na tinestan pån. This toasted bread is damp. Manmaggim todu i biskuchu, sa' ti matåmpi. All the biscuits were damp, because they were not covered. Syn: úmidu, malåyu. 2) soft-hearted. Ya‑hu na tåotåo si Bill, sa' gof maggim kurason‑ña. I like Bill, because he is soft-hearted. 3) silent, cautious, calmed down. Na'maggim i sinigon‑mu. Be cautious in your driving. Na'fanmaggim hamyu gi duråntin i sirimonias. Be silent during the ceremony. Gotpi ha' mumaggim i tiempu. All of a sudden the weather calmed down. Syn: silensiu, påkaka', famatkilu.
mågguak adj. roomy, big. Gof mågguak i gumå'‑ña. Her house is very roomy. Mampus mågguak esti na kuåttu. This room is very big. Bunitu gumå'‑ña si Maria, sa' dimasiåo mågguak. Mary's house is very beautiful, because it is very roomy.
mågi adv. to here (toward or in the direction of the speaker). Chuli' mågi i lepblok‑ku yanggin para un hånåo. Bring me my books if you are leaving. Ispiha guini mågi, sa' gaigi ha'. Look for it over here, because it is here. Fåttu mågi agupa' ya bai hu nå'i håo ni malago'‑mu. Come back tomorrow and I will give what you want. Syn: mågin.
— n. this side of. I pilan gaigi gi magin i atdåo. The moon is on this side of the sun. Gaigi i karetå‑hu gi magin i karetå‑mu. My car is on this side of your car. Gaigi tanu' Tinian gi magin tanu' Aguiguan. Tinian island is on this side of Aguiguan island.
magoddai adj. 1) intensely admired, so attractive that one wants to eat it up or pinch it (of a baby). Bunitan påtgun si Rita, mampus na'magoddai i fasu‑ña. Rita is so pretty I felt like I want to pinch her cheek. Magoddai si Ana as Kiki ni yinimmok‑ña ya esta ha na'malångu ha'. Ana really admired Kiki for her fatness and it made Kiki really sick. Tres åñus idåt‑ña si Joe ya mampus na'magoddai kumuentus. Joe is three years old and I really admire him when he is talking. 2) fuming mad, enraged, irate. Todu pili'åo si Pedro, sa' magoddai si Tåta anai sigi ha såolak. Pedro had welts over all because Father was irate when he was spanking him. Magoddai si Jose ya ha latchai todu i suetdon‑ña gi balåha. Jose was irate and gambled all his paycheck away. Atdit i låstrun nifen‑ña si Anuncia gi kannai i patgun ni magoddai‑ña. There is a strong imprint of Anuncia's teeth on the child's arm from her rage.
magófatan vi. be liked, be beloved, favorite (passive).
magofli'i' vi. beloved, dear, admired. Magofli'i' si Juan na tåotåo, sa' gof måolik kurason‑ña. Juan is a much-admired person because he has a good heart.
Magofna name. surname.
magomgum vi. have a contusion, have an internal injury. Magomgum i sanhalom‑ña anai poddung gi trongku. He had internal injuries when he fell from the tree. Båsta malågu, sa' siempri magomgum hålum tiyan‑mu. Stop running because you might injure the organs in your belly. Måtai si Pedro, sa' magomgum ilu‑ña ya umatdit i chitnot‑ña. Pedro died because his head had a concussion and his injury worsened.
magotdai vi. 1) intensely admired, so attractive that one wants to eat it up. 2) fuming mad, enraged, irate. Variant: magoddai.
magraduha vi. graduate. Magraduha yu' gi Unibetsidåt Guåhan. I graduated from the University of Guam. Magraduha i hagan‑måmi gi iskuelan imfitmera. Our daughter graduated from the nursing school. Para u fanmagraduha i dossi grådu på'gu na Huniu. The twelfth graders are graduating this June. Ngai'an nai para un magraduha? When will you graduate? Kåo esta håo magraduha? Did you graduate already? Facho'chu' makkat ya un magraduha chaddik. Work hard so that you can graduate quickly. Manmagraduha i otchu grådu. The eighth grade graduated.
måguan n. type of dish. Månngi' måguan na nengkanu'. This type of dish is very delicious. Håfa na klåsin nengkanu' esti i maguan? What type of dish is måguan? Pairi mama'tinas måguan si Nan Ocha. Nan Ocha is good in cooking måguan.
maguf adj. happy, gay, glad, delighted. Maguf si tatå‑hu, sa' hu fa'nu'i ni kininne'‑hu guihan. My father was very happy when I showed him the fish I caught. Manggof maguf, sa' umasagua si Maria. They are very happy, because Mary got married. Sen maguf si nanå‑hu anai hu nå'i ni pagamentok‑ku. My mother was very happy when I gave her my paycheck. Maguf yu' anai manågang i ñietu‑hu. I was happy when my grandson called. Manmaguf i famagu'un, sa' bakasion. The kids are happy, because it's summer vacation. Maguf si Ben, sa' guaha salappe'‑ña. Ben is happy, because he has money.
mågung adj. healed, recovered. Mågung i chetnut gi addeng‑hu. The wound on my foot is healed. Esta mågung i maninik ilu‑ña anai ha gimin i amut. His headache cleared up when he drank the medicine. Ti siña mågung i chetnot‑ña, sa' tåya' åmut gi gima'‑ñiha. Her wound will not heal, because there is no medicine at their house. Syn: lattu'.
maguru' n. type of fish: yellowfin tuna. neothunnus albacora macropterus. Bula maguru' gi tasi på'gu na mes. There are plenty of yellowfin tuna in the ocean this month. Månngi' tininun maguru' yan lemmai. Barbequed yellowfin tuna is very delicious together with breadfruit. Dångkulu na maguru' kininne'‑ña si Juan gi nigap. Juan caught a big yellowfin tuna yesterday. From: Jp. maguro.
magutus i finihu' idiom. formal family visit by the man's parents to the woman's parents to ask for the woman's hand in marriage. Esta magutus i finihu' gi ma'pus na simåna. The formal family visit to ask for the woman's hand in marriage took place last week. Anai manmåttu i familian i lahi ya magutus i finihu', sen maguf i palåo'an. When the man's family arrived and formally asked for the woman's hand in marriage, the woman was very happy.
maha'yu adj. strong, hardy. Gof maha'yu si Taga' na tåotåo. Taga was a very strong man. I trongkun higas gof maha'yu na trongku. The coral plant is a hardy kind of marine plant. Bula na trongkun gågu manggof maha'yu. Many pine trees are so strong.
mahaderu adj. rascal, rogue, scoundrel, tricky (of a man or woman), hussy (of a woman). Mahaderu håo na tåotåo, Juan. Juan, you are such a rascal. Mahaderu, Pedro, låo håfa chetnot‑mu? You're a soundrel, Peter, but what's your problem? Mampus håo mahadera na palåo'an. You are such a hussy lady. Dimasiåo mahaderan palåo'an, Maria! Mary, you are such a tricky woman! Syn: tulisån, píkaru, pitbetsu. From: Sp. majadero.
måhaduk n. dimple. Gof magoddai i patgun neni, sa' bula mahadok‑ña. The baby is very adorable, because she has many dimples. Bula mahadok‑ña gi fasu‑ña. He has many dimples on his face. Variant: haduk.
mahåga' vi. 1) menstruate, have periods. Esta mahåga' si Maria. Mary has already experienced having her period. 2) be in heat. Ti åtman mahåga' i ga'lågu. The dog will soon be in heat. See: håga'.
mahågga' vi. bleed. Chinachak si Juan kannai‑ña ya mahågga'. Juan's hand was cut and it bled. Mahågga' i chetnot‑tu. My sore is bleeding. See: håga'.
mahagu' vi. be understood (passive). Mahahagu' nu i mane'ekkunguk i setmun gi misa. The listeners understood the sermon at mass. Ti mahagu' ni famagu'un håfa ilek‑ña i ma'estra. The children did not understand what the teacher said. Mahahagu' i manmåolik na akunsehu yanggin un mudedelu i fina'na'guem‑mu. Your good advice will be understood if you are showing examples of what you are teaching.
mahålang adj. lonely, feel lonely for, miss (someone or some place), yearn. Gof mahålang si nåna, sa' esta taigui si tåta. Mother is yearning because Father is not present. Mahålang yu' nu hågu, asaguå‑hu. I missed you very much, my love. Manmahålang todu i famagu'un, sa' esta taigui dos sainan‑ñiha. All the children missed their parents because they are not present anymore. Mahålang yu' ayuyu, sa' gof atman ti hu kånnu'. I yearned for coconut crab, because it has been a long time I haven't eaten it. Mampus mahålang yu' chumotchu ayuyu. I have a yearning desire to eat coconut crab. Mahålang yu' nu i tano'‑hu Luta. I yearn for my island of Rota. Mahålang ham nu i ñietu yan i ñietan‑måmi. We miss our grandsons and granddaughters. Mungnga yu' kumonni' i patgun, sa' siempri mahålang gi as nanå‑ña. I don't want to take the kid, because he will miss his mother. Esta yu' sen mahålang gi as nåna. I really miss Mother.
mahañas vi. deflated, shrunk through loss of air or liquid. Mahañas i taia, sa' susumi'. The tire is deflated, because it is leaking. Mahañas i abubu, sa' tåya' manglo'‑ña. The balloon is deflated, because it doesn't have any air. Mahañas i bolå‑ña anai mafigis ni atchu'. His ball deflated when the rocks crushed it.
mahangi' adj. rancid, stale, not fresh, spoiled (of food). Esta mahangi' i hineksa' i paingi, sa' ti matåmpi. Last night's rice is already spoiled, because it was not covered. Yanggin un tåmpi i nengkanu', siempri ti u mahangi'. If you cover the food, then it will not be spoiled. Mahangi' i na'‑ña si Pedro, sa' ti mabalutan. Pedro's food is spoiled, because it was not covered.
mahatut adj. 1) bitter (in taste or feeling). Gof mahatut i atmagosu na gollai. Bitter melon is a very bitter vegetable. Tåya' kumånnu' nina'lagu‑ña si Pedro, sa' gof mahatut. Nobody ate Pedro's cooking, because it is very bitter. Ti hu tungu' håfa na gof mahatut si Maria gi as Jose. I do not know why Mary is bitter towards Jose. Syn: mala'it. 2) disagreeable, aloof, strong (in personality), difficult to overcome. Gof mahatut si Pedro na kuntråriu, sa' mampus pichipichi. Pedro is a tough opponent, because he is very talkative. Gof mahatut si Tun Juan na tåotåo, sa' sessu lalålu'. Tun Juan is difficult to overcome, because he is always angry. Gai mahatut si Jose na tåotåo put i umiskuela kulehu. Jose is such a very disagreeable person because he attended college. Syn: metgut.
mahåyu adj. strong, hardy, well-trained, indefatigable. Mahåyu si Pedro na tåotåo, sa' gof malåti'. Pedro is such a well-trained person, because he is very smart. Nina'mahåyu si Joe gi lanchu disti anai påpatgun. Jose was well-trained at the farm since his childhood. Gof mahåyu' si Pedro na tåotåo, sa' mapoksai gi lanchu. Pedro is such a well-trained person, because he grew up on the farm. Debi na u mahåyu' si Pedro, sa' gof ñamma' na tåotåo. Pedro must be hardy because he is such a slow person. Nina'malåti yan mahåyu' si Joe gi lanchu. Jose became very smart and well-trained at the farm. I nenin Sally mampus mamahåyu na neni. Sally's baby was a hardy baby. Anai macho'chu' yu' gi Hyatt Hotel, magef mahåyu yu'. I was well-trained at Hyatt Hotel when I worked there. Debi i taotåo na u mamahåyu gi maseha håfa na klåsin training para cho'chu'. People have to be well-trained in any kind of training for work. Syn: metgut. Variant: muhåyu, mahåyu'.
maheddu vi. shrink, contract. Maheddu i nuebu na chininå‑hu anai mafa'gåsi. My brand new cloth shrunk after being washed. Siempri mumaheddu i guihan yanggin un tåla' gi semnak. The fish will eventually shrink when dried under the sun. Mungnga mafa'gåsi i sapatos‑su, sa' siempri mumaheddu. Do not wash my shoes, because they will shrink.
maheffung adj. dented, dull (of a point), flat (of nose), crumbled, caved in. Hu na'maheffung i lapes‑mu. I caused your pencil to have a dull point. Maheffung i karetå‑ña anai ha sufa' i trongku gi nigap. His car was dented when he hit the tree yesterday. Gof maheffung i gui'eng‑ña, sa' si Pedro sessu madommu' fasu‑ña. Pedro's nose is very flat because he was constantly being punched in the face. Syn: bulengngu', madaloggai.
mahegat adj. muscular, strong. Gof mahegat si Juan disti anai påpatgun. Juan is such a strong person since childhood. Manggof mahegat i lancheru siha, sa' bula che'chu'‑ñiha. Farmers are such strong people, because they have plenty of work. Yanggin sigi håo macho'chu' kada diha, siempri mahegat tatåotåo‑mu. If you keep working every day, then eventually you will have a muscular body. Si Jesse mampus mahegat na tåotåo. Jesse is so muscular. Todu atyu siha na tåotåo i maneksisisiu manmahegat. Those people who exercise are muscular. Gof mahegat si Mariano, sa' siña ha håtsa i boti. Mariano is a strong man, because he can lift up a boat. Mahegat si Eric ginin che’chu’ kånnai. Eric is muscular as he works out physically. Syn: fuetsudu.
mahettuk adj. 1) hard, firm. Esta mumahettuk i pigua'. The betelnut became hardened. Mumahettuk esta i guihan ni hu po'lu gi friya. The fish in the freezer became hard. Si Maria guaha gi gima'‑ña bunitu yan mahettuk na åtchu'. Maria has a very nice and firm rock at her house. Syn: sugat. 2) hardened in feeling, stubborn. Mampus mahettuk kurason‑ña si Maria disdi anai mafa'ga'ga'. Mary has a stubborn heart ever since she was fooled. Mumahettuk kurason‑ña i che'lu‑hu anai mana'piniti. My sister felt bad when someone hurt her feelings. Dimasiåo mahettuk si Jose na tåotåo disdi anai masufa' ni kareta. Jose is extremely stubborn after he was hit by a car. Na'maggim kurason‑mu, Tomas, sa' gof mala'it yan mahettuk. Soften your heart, Tomas, because it is very bitter and stubborn.
mahgif adj. tired (physically), weary, tired from doing something for too long. Gof mahgif tatåotåo‑ña si tatå‑hu, sa' esta åmku'. My father's body is very weary, because he is very old. Sessu mahgif si nanan‑måmi ginin i fanggualu'an. Our mother is always tired from the plantation. Mampus mamahgif si Tun Pedro disti anai ma'upera tatalo'‑ña. Tun Pedro is always tired after his back operation. Syn: yåfai.
måhgung adj. 1) calm, peaceful. Esta måhgung i ha'åni anai måkpu' i inetnun pulitika. Everything is now peaceful after the political gathering. See: pås. 2) healed (of a wound). Gof åtman mumåhgung i chetnot‑tu disti anai aksidenti yu'. My wound took time to heal ever since my accident. Måhgung i minala'it familia anai måtai i tatan‑ñiha. The family's bitterness healed after their father died. Variant: mågung.
måhluk vi. 1) fractured, broken (by bending, twisting, etc.). Måhluk i haguha anai hu lålaksi i magagu‑hu. The needle broke when I was sewing my clothes. Måhluk i trongkun gågu, sa' sessu masonggi. The pine tree broke off, because of constant burning. Måhluk kannai‑ña si Jose anai poddung gi trongkun gågu. Jose broke his hand when he fell from the pine tree. 2) wrinkled (of starched clothes).
måhlus adj. smooth, not rough, frictionless. Månngi' i tininun lemmai måhlus yan tinala' guihan. Barbequed smooth breadfruit is very delicious together with dried fish. Gof måhlus fasu‑ña yan petnan‑ña si Maria. Mary's face and legs are very smooth. Gof bunitu yan måhlus i lamasan Pedro anai munåyan. Pedro's table was very nice and smooth when completed. Syn: finu.
måhnanåo adv. long gone, went all the way, remained as is forever. Måhnanåo ti manotsut nu i bidå‑ña. She never did repent for her action. Manmalingu gi tasi ya måhnanåo ti manmasotda'. They were lost at sea and they were never found. Tumaiguihi ha' måhnanåo. It remained as is forever. Variant: humåhnanåo.
måhñåo vi. fail to happen, not occur. Måhñåo i hinanåo‑ña si Jose para Hawaii. Jose's trip to Hawaii was canceled. Mana'måhñåo i hunta gi paingi, sa' tåya' kåndit. The meeting was postponed last night, because there was no light. Måhñåo i finatton‑ña si Juan, sa' ma'å'ñåo ma'udai gi batkun airi. Juan's trip didn't happen, because he is afraid to ride on the airplane.
mahngang vi. startled, stupefied, stunned, frightened suddenly, start or move suddenly, as in surprise, fear, etc. Mahngang yu' anai un patcha i apagå‑hu. I was startled when you touched my shoulder. Mahngang si Jose anai gotpi manbisita si nanå‑ña. Jose was surprised when his mother suddenly came to visit. Mahngang i neni anai umessalåo si Maria. The baby startled when Mary yelled. Variant: manghang.
måhnguk adj. public, celebrated, well-known. Gof måhnguk si Pedro na tåotåo, sa' gof malåti'. Pedro is such a well-known person because he is educated. Malåti' yan måhnguk na palåo'an si Maria. Maria is a smart and well celebrated lady. Yanggin para un måhnguk na tåotåo, tutuhun muna'annuk håo gi huntan pupbliku. If you want to be well-known, begin showing yourself at public meetings.
mahodi vi. ordered in command.
maholuk håyu n. type of plant. geniostoma micranthum (?). Bula tinanum maholuk håyu gi lanchun Tun Pedro. There are many geniostoma micranthum plants at Tun Pedro's farm. Para i mana'a'amti, åmut esti i maholuk håyu na tinanum. For healers, geniostoma micranthum is a medicinal plant. Gof håssan tinanum maholuk håyu giya Sa'ipan. Geniostoma micranthum plants are very rare on Saipan.
maholuk låyu n. type of plant. timonius nitidus (?). Bula maholuk låyu gi lanchun‑måmi. We have many timonius nitidus plants at our farm. Ma'u'usa i hagun maholuk låyu para åmut ni suruhånu. The leaf of the timonius nitidus plant is used as medicine by the healers. Gof håssan tinanum maholik låyu giya Tinian. The timonius nitidus plant is very rare on Tinian.
mahongngang n. lobster, langouste. Bula mahongngang gi tasi på'gu na mes. There are many lobsters in the ocean this month. Mannge'ña mahongngang kini gåmsun. Lobster is more delicious then octopus. Kåo guaha mahongngan gi tendan Long Feng? Is there lobster at the Long Feng store? Kuåntu bali‑ña i mahongngang gi tenda? How much is the lobster at the store? Dies pesus i libra bali‑ña i mahongngang na tiempu. These days, lobster sells for ten dollars a pound. Variant: mahongngan.
mahongngang n. type of lobster.
mahót n. mayor (Guam). Atman mumahot ennåo na palåo'an. That lady has been a mayor for a long time. Syn: atkåtdi. Variant: mayót.
mahotdi vi fe. commit adultery.
mahulat n. infection in the lower throat. Yotti i amut gi halum agå'ga' an mahulat. Insert and apply the medicine for infection in the lower throat. Mapput masodda' håfa chetnot‑ña, sa' ti matungu' na mahulat. Finding what was his illness was not easy because it was infection of the lower throat.
måhyåo adj. 1) curved down, cascading down (of branches weighed down with fruit). Mampus måhyåo esti na trongkun åbas. This guava tree has a lot of branches cascading down. Ai na minayåo esti na trongkun mångga, ni i tinekchå'‑ña. My goodness, this mango tree's branches are curving down, because of the fruit. Måmayåo i trongkun åbas. This guava tree's branches are curving down. 2) shady (of trees). I trongkun talisai mampus måhyåo hagon‑ña. The almond tree's leaves are very shady. Si nanå‑hu ya‑ña dumiskånsa gi papa' trongkun mångga, sa' mampus måhyåo. My mom likes to rest under the shady mango tree. Kumu i trongku mampus bunitu måhyåo‑ña, pues guaha tåotåo ti måolik ya na'malangu. When a shady tree is very calm and nice, it means there are bad people who will make you sick. Variant: måyåo.
mai'ågas n. type of vine: a parasitic vine, false dodder. cassytha filiformis. I suruhånu ha u'usa esti i mai'ågas na tinanum para åmut famalåo'an. Local healers use the cassytha vine as medicine for women. Machangkokotcha mai'ågas na åmut para magimin. The cassytha vine is boiled for drinking. Bula mai'ågas gi padiron giya Luta. There are lots of cassytha vines on the cliff sides in Rota.
mai'imut adj. stingy, tight with money. Mampus mai'imut si Tun Juan ni salappe'‑ña. Tun Juan is very tight with his money. Nina'riku si Maria ni mai'imot‑ña. Mary became very rich because of her stinginess. Ti ya‑ña mamåhan magågu si Pedro, sa' gof mai'imut na tåotåo. Pedro does not like to puchase clothes, because he is such a stingy person. Syn: hambientu, miskinu.
mai'is n. type of plant: corn. zea mays. Gaigi si tåta na manånanum mai'is gi lanchon‑ña. Father is planting corn at his farm. Månngi' makånnu' i mai'is yanggin machangkotcha. Corn is good to eat when boiled. Esta gof håssan tinanum mai'is giya Sa'ipan. Corn plants are very rare on Saipan. Variant: ma'is. From: Sp. maíz.
maiåna n. type of plant: Juba's bush. iresine diffusa. Bula maiåna na tinanum gi lanchun‑måmi. There are many Juba's bush plants at our farm. Mafa'a'amut esti i maiåna na tinanum. This Juba's bush plant is used for medicine. Yanggin puti tiyån‑mu, gimin i amut maiåna. If you have a stomach ache, drink Juba's bush medicine.
maigu' vi. sleep, slumber, hibernate, spin so quickly and smoothly that the motion is imperceptible. Maigu' si Pedro gi hilu' lamasa ni bulachu‑ña. Pedro slept on the table due to his drunkeness. Måffung maigo'‑ña si Maria, sa' gof malångu. Maria is sleeping deeply, because she is very ill. Na'maigu' i neni, sa' gof matuhuk. Put the baby to sleep, because she is very sleepy.
maigu' lålu' n. type of plant: six o'clock. phyllanthus amarus. Bula maigu' lålu' gi uriyan guma'. There is lots of phyllanthus amarus grass around the house. I maigu' lålu' ma'u'usa gi amut labatoriu. Phyllanthus amarus grass is used in douches. Ma'u'usa i maigu' lålu' para åmut famalåo'an ni suruhånu. Healers use phyllananthus amarus grass as a medicine for women. Måolik i maigu' lålu' na åmut. This phyllananthus amarus grass is a good medicine. Bula maigu' lålu' gi uriyan guma' Maria. There is plenty of phyllananthus amarus grass outside Mary's house.
maigu'an n. place for sleeping. Esta hu na'lampåsu i maigu'an. I have mopped the sleeping place.
maila' vi. come, come over (imperative). Maila' mågi ya ta baila na dos. Come over here and let's dance together. Maila' ya un nå'i yu' guini mågi. Come and hand it over to me here. Fanmaila', mañe'lu‑hu, sa' esta ti atman ha dingu hit si nanå‑ta. Come, my brothers and sisters, for our mother will leave us soon. Maila' yan un apåsi yu' tåtti ni salappe'‑hu. Come and pay me back my money. Syn: hånåo mågi.
Maimu n. February. Gi mamaila' na Maimu, ta fanhånåo guatu Guåhan para i finatai familia. This coming February, we will go to Guam for the family funeral. Bula mahongngang yan gåmsun gi Maimu na mes. There are many octopus and lobsters in the month of February. Syn: Febreru.
maipi adj. 1) hot in temperature. Maipi i ha'åni, sa' gof ma'lak i atdåo. It is a hot day, because the sun is very bright. Chine'mi si Juan tatalo'‑ña ni hanum maipi. Hot water spilled on Juan's back. 2) fiery, angry. Mungnga mana'maipi yu' put i bidå‑mu. Don't make me angry for what you have done. 3) in native medicine, as in chetnut maipi.
mairåstra n. stepmother. Håyi na'ån‑ña mairastråm‑mu? What is the name of your stepmother? Si Joaquina nanå‑hu, låo si Maria mairastråk‑ku. Joaquina is my mother, but Maria is my stepmother. Gof mamis si Joaquina na mairaståk‑ku. My stepmother Joaquina is such a sweet stepmother. From: Sp. madrastra.
maisa adv. alone, by oneself. Guåhu ha' na maisa tumungu' håfa masusedi gi nigap. I am the only one who knows what happened yesterday. Guiya ha' na maisa malak guatu gi lanchun Tun Jose. She is the only one who went to Tun Jose's farm. Si Pedro ha' na maisa gaigi gi halum guma'. Pedro is the only one inside the house. 2) self (reflexive). Matomba i biha, sa' ti siña ha dollan maisa gui'. The old lady fell because she couldn't balance herself. Ha na'låmin maisa gui' anai ha dagi i mañaina‑ña. He harmed himself by lying to his parents.
makabebi' adj. crippled, lame, physically disabled in the leg or foot. Nina'makabebi' si Jose anai måhluk addeng‑ña. Joe became crippled when he broke his leg. Esta si Tun Pedro makabebi', sa' gof åmku'. Tun Pedro is already crippled, because he is old. Iståba gof makalåmya, låo på'gu gof makabebi'. Before she was very active, but now crippled. Syn: chångku, ke'yåo.
makachichi' adj. wrinkled (of skin). Mampus makachichi' lassås‑ña, sa' sessu gi tasi. His skin is very wrinkled, because he is always in the ocean. Anai hohobin si Maria, gof måhlus fasu‑ña, låo på'gu gof makachichi' ni amko'‑ña. During her teenage years, Mary had a smooth face, but is now wrinkled due to old age. Syn: makalehlu.
makadudu n. piece of turtle shell plate, woven pandanus, or mother of pearl shell, used by ancient Chamorro women to cover their genitalia. Tåya' litratun makadudu, låo guaha matugi' put usu‑ña. There is no illustration of the makadudu, but there is written information about it.
makahna vi. cursed, possessed.
makaka n. itch, sexual climax.
— adj. feel itchy. Makaka mampus i kannai‑ña si Tolia. Tolia's hand is very itchy. Gof makaka kannai‑ña si Tomas, sa' ha patcha i hagun dågu. Tomas's hand is very itchy, because he touched the leaf of the wild yam. Yanggin ha åkka' yu' i etdut, ti puti låo makaka. When ants bite me, it doesn't hurt but it's itchy. Nina'makaka si Jose chili‑ña, sa' ti ya‑ña umo'mak. Jose's penis is itchy, because he does not like to take showers. Sessu makaka si Pedro, sa' ya‑ña umengngulu' gi bisinu. Pedro is always feeling itchy, because he likes to peek at the neighbor.
makalåmya adj. dexterous, agile, active, nimble, quick. Gof metgut yan makalåmya si Pedro na tåotåo. Pedro is a very strong and active person. Nina'makalåmya si Pedro anai pumåra chumupa. Pedro became very active when he stopped smoking. Mampus manmakalåmya familian Babauta, sa' manggof metgut tåotåo. The Babauta family are very active, because they are very strong people. Variant: kalåmya.
makalatun adj. rough. Mampus makalatun i fina'chu'cho'‑ña, sa' ti gof åmtåo. His work is very rough, because he is not very experienced. Na'finu mulima i lamasa, sa' gof makalatun. Smooth out sanding the table, because it is very rough. Dimasiåo makalatun i pinentan‑ña si Jose, sa' ti ha taitai i direksion. Jose's painting is extremely rough, because he did not read the instructions. Syn: båstus.
makalehlu adj. wrinkled, creased, puckered, slightly folded. Gof makalehlu fasu‑ña si Tan Maria, sa' esta sisenta años‑ña. Tan Maria's face is very wrinkled, because she is already 60 years old. Dimasiåo makalehlu lassås‑ña si Jose, sa' i tasi ha' sumåsaga. Jose's skin is extremely wrinkled, because he is always in the ocean. Iståba måhlus fasu‑ña, låo på'gu åmku' yan makalehlu. Before his face is smooth, but now old and wrinkled. Variant: makalelu.
makaroni n. macaroni. Månngi' makaroni na nengkanu' yanggin dinanchi nina'lagu‑mu. Macaroni is a delicious food when you cook it right. Bula klåsin makaroni gi tendan Joeten. There are many kinds of macaroni at Joeten store. Gok‑ku ha' makaroni yan kesu kini tinala' kåtni. I like macaroni and cheese better than dried meat. From: Eng. macaroni.
makaru' n. type of fish: mackerel. euthynnus affinis yaito. Manununu si Jose makaru' para si Maria, sa' gof ñålang. Jose is barbequing mackerel for Mary, because she is very hungry. Månngi' makaru' na guihan yanggin matunu. Mackerel is very delicious when barbequed. From: Eng. mackerel.
makatrefi adj. really evil, unacceptable (of people). Makatrefi håo! You're worthless, evil, stupid! Båsta mumakatrefi kontra i familiåm‑mu. Stop being an asshole to your family.
måkina n. engine, machine. Bula klåsin måkinan manlåksi gi tendan Joeten. There are many kinds of sewing machines at Joeten store. Guaha iyok‑ku nuebu na måkinan kareta. I have a brand new car engine. Ti siña lå'la', sa' tåya' makinå‑ña. It cannot turn on, because it does not have its own engine. From: Sp. máquina.
måkinan chåchak n. sawmill, electric saw. Guaha iyon‑ña si Juan måkinan chåchak. Juan has his own sawmill. Ha u'utut i hayu si Pedro ni makinan chåchak. Pedro is cutting the wood with the electric saw. Chaddekña ma'utut i hayu ni makinan chåchak kini machetti. It is faster to cut wood with an electric saw than with a machete.
måkinan manlåksi n. sewing machine. Ha gof tungu' si Maria mu'usa i makinan manlåksi. Mary really knows how to use the sewing machine. Nuebu iyon‑ña måkinan manlåksi si Joaquina. Joaquina has a brand new sewing machine. Bula måkinan manlåksi gi tendan Joeten. There are many sewing machines at Joeten store.
måkinan mañotda n. welding machine. Manungu' si Jose ginin as Tun Pedro taimanu ma'uså‑ña i måkinan mañotda. Jose learned from Tun Pedro how to operate the welding machine. Gof piligru i makinan mañotda yanggin ti un tungu' taimanu mapatchan‑ña. A welding machine is very dangerous if you do not know how to operate it. Masåkki iyon‑ña måkinan mañotda si Jose gi nigap. Jose's welding machine was stolen yesterday.
måkinan månggi' n. typewriter. Pairi månggi' si Maria gi makinan månggi'. Mary is good at writing with the typewriter. Guaha iyok‑ku nuebu na måkinan månggi'. I have a brand new typewriter. Bula difirentis klåsin måkinan månggi' gi tendan Joeten. There are many kinds of typewriters at Joeten store.
måkineriha n. machinery. Bula måkineriha gi dipattamentu gubetnu. There is a lot of machinery in government departments. Manyinamak todu i makineriha nu i pakyu gi dipattamentun gubetnu. The storm destroyed all the machinery in the government departments. Bula klåsin måkineriha gi gima' Tun Jose. There are many kinds of machinery at Tun Jose's house. From: Sp. maquinaria.
makinista n. mechanic, machinist. Pairi si Jose mumakinista. Jose is such a good mechanic. Måolekña mumakinista kini kumusineru. It is better to be a mechanic than a cook. Tåya' tiningo'‑ña si Tomas put cho'chu' ofisina sa' makinistan kareta. Tomas doesn't know anything about office work because he is a car mechanic. From: Sp. maquinista.
makkat adj. 1) heavy, weighty, ponderous, cumbrous, cumbersome. Ti siña ha kåhat, sa' gof makkat. She cannot carry it, because it is too heavy. Gof makkat si Maria, sa' sen yommuk. Mary is heavy, because she is very fat. 2) difficult, hard (to do, make, or carry out), not easy. Makkat gumai patgun på'gu na tiempu. It's difficult to have children nowadays. Makkat ha cho'gui si Maria, sa' ti mafa'nå'gui taimanu. It is very hard for Mary to do it, because nobody taught her how. Makkat manungu' i patgun yanggin sessu ma'essalågui. It is very difficult for the child to learn when he is constantly being yelled at. Makkat macho'gui, sa' ti kabålis i ramenta. It is hard to do, because the tools are incomplete. Syn: chatsaga. See: mapput.
Makmåmåo n. May. Mafañågu yu' gi Makmåmåo na mes. I was born in the month of May. Malinåo i tasi gi Makmåmåo na mes. The ocean is very calm in the month of May. Måolik mulåyak gi Makmåmåo na mes, sa' gof malinåo. It is good to sail in the month of May, because it is very calm. Syn: Måyu.
makmåta vi. wake up, get up. Makmåta yu' gi chatanmak, låo taigui håo. I woke up at midnight, but you were not there. Kada puengi, makmåta si nåna ya ha totni i guafi. Every night, Mother wakes up and makes the fire. Kada humåohåo i ga'lågu, makmåta si tatå‑hu. Every time the dog barked, my father wakes up. Variant: matmåta.
makna huegu n. type of plant: yam. dioscorea bulbifera (?). Bula makna huegu gi halum tånu'. There are many dioscorea bulbifera in the jungle. Esta gof håssan makna huegu giya Tinian. Dioscorea bulbifera is very rare on Tinian. Mafa'a'amut i makna huegu na tinanum. Dioscorea bulbifera is used for medicine.
maknitu n. magnet. Usa i maknitu ya un rikohi i liluk siha. Use the magnet and collect all the nails. Gof na'manman esti i maknitu na kosas. The magnet is such a puzzling thing. Gai maknitu esti na tiheras. These scissors has magnetic substance. Syn: aseru. From: Sp. magneto.
makñu' vi. sink in, be sunk in. Makñu' i galaidi, sa' bula maddok‑ña. The canoe sank, because it has a lot of holes. Makñu' i kareta, sa' gof fachi' i chalan. The car sank, because the road is very muddy. Makñu' si Tomas gi halum fachi'. Tomas sank in the mud. Syn: luñu'.
maknganiti n. devil, Satan (Rota). Kulan maknganiti si Juan kada bumulåchu. Juan looks like a devil every time he gets drunk. Mungnga mahonggi si Juan, sa' kulan maknganiti. Do not believe Juan, because he is like a devil. Gof dakun si Pedro, kulan maknganiti. Pedro is such a liar, like a devil. Syn: aniti, hudas, satanås, diåblu, dimoniu. Variant: manganiti.
makolehiu vi. get a college education, be educated in college. Siempri mås måolik i kualidåt lina'la' yanggin manmakolehiu todu i taotåo. The quality of life will increase if all the people get a college education. Variant: makulehu.
Måkpi' name. Marpi, Marpe, a point (village) on the north end of Saipan. Sumåsaga yu' gi Måkpi' na sengsung. I reside at Makpi' village. Bula paluma giya Måkpi' na lugåt. There are many birds at the Marpe area. Gof bunitu i Måkpi' na lugåt. The Marpe area is such a beautiful place.
Makpo' name. place in Tinian (Marpo). Ti meggai na tåotåo mañåsaga Makpo'. Not many people live in Marpo. Makpo' nai gaigi i bomban hånum. Marpo is where the main water pump for the island is located. Chågu' Makpo' kontra i sengsung San Jose. Marpo is far from San Jose village.
måkpu' vi. ended, finished, over, come to an end, terminated, adjourned. Måkpu' i mubi gi maposña na simåna. The movie ended last week. Pasensia, sa' ti atman måkpu' i hunta. Be patient, because the meeting will end soon. Syn: munåyan, munhåyan.
— intj. There it is! There! Måkpu'! Ma tulaika hinassun‑ñiha! There it is! They changed their minds! Måkpu', sa' gotpi ha yulang i kellat chiba! There, he suddenly demolished the goat fence!
måkpung n. condition of the body often involving frequent urination, health imbalance with many possible causes. Ha gof tungu' mama'tinas åmut måkpung si Donald. Donald really knows how to prepare medicine for the måkpung ailment. Mama'tinas si Maria åmut måkpung. Maria made medicine for frequent urination. Siña si Juan nina'yi chetnut måkpung. Possibly Juan may have a condition of frequent urination. Håfa na hågun siha mana'fansesetbi para åmut måkpung? What leaves are being used for medicine for frequent urination?
— adj. have the måkpung condition, involving frequent urination or generalized imbalance with many possible causes. Bula manmalångu famagu'un, sa' manmåkpung. Many children got sick, because they have the måkpung ailment.
måktan n. gutter, downspout, channel for carrying away water. Måolik ma'usa i pi'åo para måktan hånum. It is good to use bamboo as a water gutter. Tåya' hånum gi halum tångki, sa' mayulang i maktan. There is no water in the tank, because the gutter is broken. Bula måktan gi guma'‑ña si Tun Pedro. Tun Pedro has many gutters at his house.
maktingan n. deep part of the ocean (outside the reef). Bula guihan gi maktingan. There are a lot of fish in the ocean outside the reef. Pairi pumeska gi maktingan na lugåt. It's good to fish in the deep area of the ocean beyond the reef. Piligru pumeskan pachingku gi maktingan na lugåt. It is dangerous to spearfish in the deep ocean area beyond the reef. Pumeska si Ton gi kantun maktingan gi paingi ya mangonni' dångkulun gådåo. Ton went fishing outside the reef last night and caught a big grouper. Mampus mandångkulu na nåpu gi maktingan nigap. The waves were so huge outside the reef yesterday. Poddung i taotåo gi kantun maktingan anai pinanak ni dangkulun nåpu. The man fell off at the edge of the reef when he was swept by the big wave. See: tåddung. Variant: mattingan, mattinan.
måktus vi. snap (of a string, rope, rubber band, etc.), break off. Måktus i tali‑hu anai hu gogoddi i galaidi. My rope snapped when I was tying the canoe. Goddin måolik låo adahi na u måktus. Tie it good so it won't break off. Na'metgut goddem‑mu ya mungnga na u måktus. Tie it good so that it won't break off. Måktus i talin i batku ya humånåo sin kapitan. The ship's rope broke and left without the captain. I goman i yure'‑hu måktus anai malålagu yu'. The rubber of my zori broke when I was running. Måktus i alåmlin i batirihan karetan Juan ya ti siña kalamtin. The wire in Juan's car battery broke and it couldn't start. Måktus i tali. The rope snapped. Hu goddi i pappit ni goma ya måktus. I tied the paper with the rubber band and it broke off. Måktus tali‑ña i chiba ya malågu para i halumtånu'. The rope for the goat broke off and he went into the woods.
makulehu vi. get a college education, be educated in college. Unu ha' na patgun‑ñiha si Tun Henry makulehu. Only one of the children of Elder Henry went to college. Variant: makolehiu.
makupa n. type of tree: mountain apple. Syzygium samarangense, Syzygium malaccensis. Månngi' makånnu' i masa na tinekcha' makupa. It is good to eat the ripe makupa fruit. Mafa'a'amut esti na tinanum i makupa. Makupa is a medicinal plant. Lokka' ha' esti na trongku i makupa. Makupa is a tall tree.
makusidu adj. soft-boiled (of eggs). Esta hu na'chotchu si Nang ni makusidun chåda'. I fed Mother soft boiled eggs. Variant: matkusidu, matkrusidu.
måla adj. bad, evil. Todu ennåo måla bidå‑ña. All those are his wrongdoings. Hu suspetcha i måla intension‑ña. I suspected his evil intentions. Måla bida asta la siputtura. Bad deeds lead you to death (a proverb). From: Sp. malo.
mala agradesidu adj. ungrateful. Mala agradesidu si Juan na tåotåo. Juan is an ungrateful person. Ti un tungu' mafa'måolik, pues mala agradesidu håo. You don't know when someone is trying to help you; therefore, you are ungrateful. Variant: malagradisidu. From: Sp. mal agradecido.
mala'it adj. 1) bitter (in taste), distasteful. Sen mala'it i atmagosu. Bitter melon is very bitter. 2) bitter (in feeling), caustic, acrimonious. Mala'it kurason‑ña ennåo na tåotåo. That man has a bitter heart. Mungnga yu' ma'atan mala'it. Do not give me a bitter look.
mala'it n. type of vine: mile-a-minute plant. Mikania scandens, Mikania micrantha. Båba esti i mala'it na tinanum. The mile-a-minute plant is not a good plant. Mantinampi i gellai ni mala'it, pues manpininu'. The vegetables were covered with the mile-a-minute plant and were not able to survive.
mala'it na sensia n. unfriendly attitude, malevolent attitude, malicious character, bitter character. I taotåo ni gai mala'it na sensia ti magóflamin. No one really likes an unfriendly person.
mala'la' vi. be inflamed or exposed (of skin) (passive). Manmala'la' i chetnot‑ña, sa' ti ma'åmti insigidas. Her skin became inflamed, because it was not treated in time.
malagånas adj. lacking appetite, have no appetite. Ti hu kånnu' i na'‑hu, sa' mampus yu' malagånas. I didn't eat my food, because I have no appetite. Kumu mohon ti i malaganås‑su, siña ha' hu latchai un tason soba'. If it were not for my loss of appetite, I would finish a bowl of noodles. Kada diha måfattu i malaganås‑su. Everyday I have no appetite. Syn: tái ganas. From: Sp. mala gana.
Malaghalom name. a location in Rota, rich with wildlife and herbal medicine. Gaigi esti na lugåt gi papa' i paderun Fanlagon gi kattan As Onan yan hilu' Ayulajag. Tåddung esti halumtano'‑ña ya hassan mafattoigui, sa' tåya' chalån‑ña. It is located at the foot of the cliff of mount Fanlagon (a part of the highest mountain range of Rota). It is bordered on the south by As Onan and to the east by Ayulajag. It is dominated by deep forest and has no road access.
malagradisidu adj. ungrateful, merciless, thankless. Ti hu honggi si Patricio na mampus malagradisidu. I do not believe Patricio is very ungrateful. Masangåni yu' na mampus malagradisidu si Manuel. I was told that Manuel is merciless. Malagradisidu mampus si Ben, tai agradisimentu gi taotåo. Ben is so ungrateful, he has no appreciation of the people. Syn: inggråtu, táilayi, tái kurason, tái agradisimentu. Variant: mala agradesidu. From: Sp. mal agradecido.
malågu vi. run, take flight, make off rapidly, dash. Malågu si Tito para i tenda. Tito ran to the store. Ti matungu' na manmalågu i familian Pudos para sanlagu gi paingi. Nobody knew that the Pudos family took flight to the mainland last night. Kada diha malålagu si Ana para i iskuelå‑ña. Every day Ana runs to her school.
malagu' vi. want, desire, wish for, long for. Malagu' gui' humånåo para Amerika. She wants to go to America. I minalago'‑ña ha' ha chocho'gui. He only does what he wants. Ti ya‑ña si Rosa kek, låo dispues mumalagu'. Rosa doesn't like cake, but then she wished for it. Syn: tångnga, diseha.
malahichura adj. disfigured. Esta ti hu ripåra si Benita ni malahichuran fasu‑ña. I almost did not recognize Benita due to her disfigured face. I meggai penta ti muna'a'annuk i malahichuran fasu‑ña. Too much makeup on your face makes you look disfigured. Manna'ma'ñåo atyu siha i manmalahichura na bufon. Those disfigured masks are so scary. From: Sp. mala hechura.
malak vi. go to, depart for. Malagu' yu' malak Honolulu. I want to go to Honolulu. Malak månu håo nigap? Where did you go yesterday? Ti siña yu' malak i hunta. I cannot go to the meeting. Syn: hånåo.
malakåra adj. sour-faced, mean-looking, have an unhappy face. Cha'‑mu yu' fa'nunu'i ni malakåran fasu‑mu. Do not show me your sour face. Kumu lalålu' si Isabel, umannuk ha' gotpi i churan malakarå‑ña. If Isabel gets mad, her sour face shows instantly. Gof kunusidu i malakåran fasu‑ña si Ana yanggin ti manå'i ni malago'‑ña. Ana's sour face is obvious if she does not get what she wants. Ai adai, sa' hu chagi i kahit ya gof ma'aksum ya esta ha na'malakåra i pusision matå‑hu. Gosh! I tasted the orange and it is very sour and it made me have a sour face. Todu nengkanu' ni manma'aksum siempri ha na'malakåra hit. All sour foods will make us sour-faced. Gof bunitu matå‑ña i neni anai ha chagi i kuttådun letchi ya nina'i malakåra. The baby's face was so pretty when she tried the spoiled milk and it gave her a sour face. From: Sp. mala cara.
malakis n. 1) penis (slang). Yippa i katsunes‑mu, sa' u annuk i malakes‑mu. Zip your pants or your penis might show. Adahi i malakes‑mu, Juan. Watch your penis, Juan. 2) nonsense; You are full of baloney. Puru håo ha', Jose, malakis. You are full of nonsense, Jose. Syn: malaña'. Variant: malakus.
malaknus vi. bulge, be released, come out. Kalang guaha malaknus gi kodu‑mu. It is like there is a bulge on your arm. Agupa' na ha'åni malaknos‑ña si Goro' para interu‑ña. Goro's remains will be out tomorrow for his funeral. Malaknus si Felipe gi presu. Felipe is released from prison.
malåktus adj. 1) sharp. Mampus malåktus machetten‑ña si Leo. Leo's machete is very sharp. Variant: kalåktus. 2) bright. Malåktus esti na påtgun ilu‑ña. This boy is very bright. Syn: tomtum. 3) forked (of tongue). Adahi håo as Rosa, sa' malåktus hila'‑ña. Beware of Rosa, because she has a forked tongue. Malåktus si Ana hila'‑ña, kalan kulepbla. Ana's forked tongue is like the tongue of a snake. 4) stern, severe, serious. Guaha nai ma'å'ñåo yu' as Ben, sa' mampus malåktus manatan. Sometimes I am scared of Ben, because he looks at things very sternly.
malakuenta adj. held responsible. Hånåo ya hamyu ha' en fanggimin, mungnga yu' malakuenta yanggin håfa masusedi. Go ahead and drink, I don't want to be held responsible if anything happens. Ti bai hu malakuenta put sinisedin i giput, sa' taigui yu' guihi. I won't be held responsible for what happened at the party, because I was not there. Bai hu cho'gui i pappit, låo hågu para un malakuenta para un apåsi. I will do the paperwork, but you will be responsible to pay. Ti siña ma'angokku i palåo'an, sa' ti malagu' na u malakuenta. The woman can't be trusted, because she doesn't want to be held responsible. Guåhu lokkui', cha'‑mu yu' malakuekuenta. Me too, do not hold me responsible either. Mungnga yu' mamalakuenta put ennåo na malabida. I do not want to be held responsible of that bad work. From: Sp. mala cuenta.
malakuka adj. brazen, feisty, hot-tempered (of women). Gef malakuka ennåo na palåo'an. That woman is feisty. Masuhåhayi, sa' mampus malakuka. They stayed away from her, because she's very feisty. Ginin i malakukå‑mu na tåya' amigu‑mu. Because of your hot temper, you have no friends.
malamåña adj. merciless, mean, fierce, cruel. Inipus malamañå‑ña si Patricia. Patricia's meanness is too much. Gof malamåña si Andres, ti ha tungu' mandispensa. Andres is so merciless, he doesn't know how to forgive. Adahi na un lachi, sa' malamåña esti na ma'estru. Don't make mistakes, because this teacher is merciless. Syn: daddåo. See: bruha, kuba, sasatan amariyu.
malaña' n. penis as object (slang). A'annuk malaña'‑ña i kabåyu. The horse's penis is showing. Syn: chili, kosas låhi.
— adj. dissolute, worthless (of a person), a fool. Båsta di malaña', Jose. Stop it, Jose, you're being worthless. Båsta mumalaña'. Stop being worthless. Sigi ha' yu' un fa'malaña'. You keep making me look like a fool. Mampus malaña' si Juan na tåotåo. Juan is a dissolute man. Syn: á'baba', sångganu.
malångu vi. sick, ill, not well. Malångu si Antonio, sa' tinatsi ni ihang. Antonio is sick, because he got poisoned by the shrimp. Mampus hamalangu si Ana. Ana is very sickly. Esta malålangu i amku'. The old man is getting sickly.
malångun pulan n. 1) menstrual period. Ha nå'yi yu' i malångun pulan. I got my period. Ha nåna'yi yu' i malångun pulan kada tutuhun i mes. I get my period in the early part of the month. Guaha nai dos biåhi gi mes ha nåna'yi yu' i malångun pulan. Sometimes I get my period two times a month. Syn: rekla, malångun mes, malångun palåo'an. 2) bad mood.
målas n. points from one through nine in the card game tres sietti. Adahi, sa' esta ham sietti målas gi tres sietti. Beware, we already have seven points in tres sietti. Kuåntu målas hamyu esta? How many points do you have? Asta på'gu singku måmalas ha' ham. Up to now we only have five points. Variant: malas.
malåssas vi. peel off, be skinned off, be scabbed, be bruised. Matomba si Tito gi kaskåo ya todu malåssas kannai‑ña. Tito fell down on the gravel and his arm was bruised. Esta malåssus i chetnot‑ña si Juan, sa' anglu'. Juan's sore has peeled off, because it dried up. Todu malåssas fasu‑ña i Chapanis, sa' dåggua. The Japanese face got scabbed due to sunburn. Syn: malatti', masufan.
malåti' adj. smart, intelligent, clever, alert. Malåti' na påtgun si Maria. Maria is a smart child. Fuera ha' di malåti' si Benito, tomtum mampus. Benito is not only smart, but intelligent. Tatfoi i minalate'‑ña, asta abugåo på'gu. Because of his cleverness, he is now a lawyer. Syn: tomtum, fayi, kalåktus, malåktus, kabilosu.
malatti' vi. scab over, peel off (of a sore scab), come off (of a scab). Malatti' i chetnot‑tu. My sore has healed and the scab has fallen off. Manmalalatti' todu i lassås‑su. My skin is peeling off. Variant: malati.
malåyu vi. wilt, wither, dry up (of leaves). Esta malåyu i initot‑tu åmut. The medicinal plant I cut has already wilted. Todu manmalåyu i flores‑su ni tåya' uchan. All my flowers have wilted due to lack of rain. Kalang håo ha' un tinanum ni malåyu. You are like a wilted plant.
maleffa vi. forget, neglect, be unable to recall. Maleffa yu' ni lepblu. I forgot the book. Mumaleffa i patgun ni pinalalå‑ña. The child forgot because he was in a rush. Ha na'maleleffa ha' yu' i bulan cho'chu'. Too much work makes me forgetful. Variant: malefa.
maleta n. baggage, suitcase, luggage, trunk (for clothes). Kada humånåo si Berno para sanlagu, mañuñuli' dos na maleta. Everytime Berno goes to the mainland, he brings two luggages. Na'chalik si Rosa, sa' dangkulonña i maletå‑ña ki guiya. Rosa is very funny, because her luggage is taller than she is. Bula mampus sinahguan‑ña esti na maleta. This luggage has plenty of things inside. From: Sp. maleta.
målik adj. good, fine, well, abbreviated form of måolik. Malekña un famatkilu, sa' ti måolik siempri uttimom‑mu. You better shut up, otherwise what you will end up with will not be good. Målik ha' yu' kumu målik ha' håo. I am okay if you are okay.
malinåo adj. calm, still (of a body of water, such as the ocean). Mamifila i boti siha gi tasi, sa' mampus malinåo. The boats are lining up at sea, because it is very calm. Kalang ha' låña i tasi ni malinåo‑ña. The ocean is like oil due to its calmness. Siña ha' un li'i' Anatåhan ginin Saipan kumu malinåo i tasi. You can see Anatahan from Saipan if the ocean is calm. Ya‑hu pumeskan fisga kumu malinåo i tasi. I like to go spearfishing when the ocean is calm. Syn: kåtma.
malinik ulu n. 1) headache. Gof atdit i malinik ilu‑hu. My headache is severe. Sessu yu' ha nå'yi malinik ulu. I always have headaches. Mampus malinik ilu‑hu ya esta ti hu susungun. I have a very bad headache and I can hardly stand it. Ti ya‑hu i sinientin malinik ulu. I don't like the feeling of headaches. 2) problems, annoyance. Mampus bula malinuk ilu‑hu. I have too many problems. Syn: prublema, istotbu, atburotu.
malingu vi. lost, disappeared, vanished, missing; I slept. Ha na'ma'åsi' yu' i malingu na tåotåo. I feel sorry for the lost man. Gotpi ha' malingu i salappe'‑hu gi lamasa. Suddenly my money disappeared from the table. Malingu‑mu ha' kumu ti un ho'yi. It's your loss if you don't accept.
malinguaihun vi. trip, stumble. Malinguaihun yu' anai mamomokkat yu' gi halum tånu'. I stumbled when I was walking inside the jungle. Puti i addeng‑ña, sa' malinguaihun anai malålagu. His feet hurt, because he stumbled when he was running.
malingunhalum vi. suddenly disappear, disappear without notice, vanish. Manhahami ha' guini, dispues malingunhalum ha'. We were just together here, then she suddenly vanished. Mungnga iya' na un falingunhalum ha' gi giput. Please don't just disappear at the party.
malingunñaihun vi. disappear for awhile; I dozed off. Malingunñaihun ha' i ga'lågu gi biradå‑hu. The dog has just disappeared on my return. Ti hu sienti si Jose na må'pus anai malingunñaihun maigo'‑hu. I didn't know that Jose left when I dozed off. Hu na'falingunñaihun ha' maigo'‑hu gi talu'åni. I just dozed off this afternoon.
malisia n. malice, ill will, grudge. Meggai siha che'chu' malisia gi tanu'. There is much ill will on earth. Puru ha' hinassun malisia gaigi gi ilu‑ña. Just thoughts of malice are in his mind. From: Sp. malicia.
— adj. malicious, having ill will. Gof malisian tåotåo si Jose. Jose is a very malicious person. Un na'malisia håo gi fino'‑ta na dos. You made yourself malicious in our conversation. Ya‑mu na un na'malisia i bidan tåotåo. You like to make people's actions malicious. Hu ripåra na un na'malilisia mampus i palabråk‑ku. I noticed that you really are making my words malicious. From: Sp. malicia.
malisiosu adj. malicious, evil minded, slanderous. Mampus malisiosu håo na tåotåo. You are a very evil-minded person. Todu ha' i un li'i' malisiosu. Everything you see is malicious. Puru ha' malisiosu na mensåhi un såsangan. All the messages you're saying are malicious. From: Sp. malicioso.
målli' n. godmother, abbreviated form of kumairi. Malak Luta si målli'. My kumairi went to Rota. Guston‑ña si målli' bumaila. Kumairi likes to dance. Dudus mampus si målli'. Kumairi is very flirty. Variant: mali'.
maloffan vi. 1) pass by. Maloffan yu' gi gima'‑miyu gi paingi. I passed by your house last night. 2) past (of time), recent, previous, (a specified amount of time) ago. Maloffan esta i tiempu anai para u fåttu mågi. The time is past already when he would be here. Tres dihas maloffan ti hu li'i' håo. I haven't seen you for three days. Iståba yu' Tinian guini gi maloffan na såkkan. I was in Tinian this past year. Syn: halatcha.
maloffan vi. exceedingly, notably, excessively, extremely. Maloffan yu' yayas. I am excessively tired. Maloffan i patgun åguaguat. The child is extremely naughty. Maloffan håo tontu. You are extremely foolish. Syn: inipus, mampus.
maloria vi. be punished, be spanked (after some delay). Siempri maloria håo gi Sabalun Gloria. You are going to be spanked on Holy Saturday. Sigi ha' un gågåo na un maloria. You keep asking to be spanked. Nangga ha', sa' ti åpmam maloria håo. Just wait, you will soon be punished.
malulasa adj. smooth. Malulasa lassås‑ña si Bennett. Bennett's skin is smooth. Todu i hu papatcha na magågu manmalulasa. All the clothes I touched are smooth. Kumu malulasa lassås‑ña i kahit, pues mamis. If the skin of an orange is smooth, then it is sweet. Syn: måhlus. Variant: mahlulåsa.
maluluk n. successful hunting or fishing.
— adj. gorged, satiated, filled to repletion, rich (of something), have more than ample supply (of something). Maluluk si Jacinta ni orå‑ña. Jacinta has more than ample time. Maluluk yu' gumimin kok gi giput. I had as much coke as I wanted to drink at the party. Maluluk si Pedro chumotchu mångga. Peter had eaten his fill of mangos. Syn: daffluk, tuhus, dafflokgui, go'dan.
malumót adj. sickening in odor, contagious. Ti hu tungu' håfa guaha gi halum dipositu na mampus påo malumot. I don't know what's in the storeroom but it has a sickening odor. Adahi, sa' esta malumomot de'do'‑ña si Andres. Be careful, because Andres' fart has a sickening odor. Mampus påguan i matai chå'ka esta minalumot entieru i halum guma'. The smell of the dead rat has a sickening odor that fills the whole house. Syn: lammuk. From: Sp.
malumurådu adj. bad-humored, bad character. Ti na'chalik ennåo na sinangan, sa' malumurådu. That is not a funny phrase, because it is bad humored. Butlon esti na tåotåo, sa' puru ha' sinangångan‑ña. This man is a mocker, because he is full of bad humor. Cha'‑mu chocho'gui i manmalumurådu na aksion, sa' ti mambunitu. Don't do bad-humored actions, because they are not nice. Si David båba ma'ositani, sa' malumurådu. Is it not good to joke to David, because he has bad humor. Guaha atyu siha na tåotåo manmalumurådu kustumbrin‑ñiha. There are some people who are bad-humored. Sessu lalålu' si Maria put malumurådu‑ña. Maria always gets upset because of her bad humor. From: Sp. mal humorado.
målus adj. smooth. Patcha ha' esti i kannai‑hu, sa' målus. Just touch my hand, because it's smooth. Ti målus i chalan para i lanchok‑ku. The road to my ranch is not smooth. Målus i lassås‑ña i trongkun pi'åo. The skin of the bamboo tree is smooth. Variant: måhlus.
mama'- (from: mama'‑) pref. change into, become, turn into (realis antipassive). Mama'kaddu i nina'lagu‑hu batåtas. The potatoes I cooked became liquid. Mama'hanum i asukat. The sugar turned into a liquid. Mama'buregu' si Juan gi paingi. Juan changed into a ghost last night.
måma' vi. chew betel nut mixed with lime, pepper leaf, and tobacco. Maila' ya un måma', sa' abundånsia i pigua'. Come and chew betel nut, because they are in abundance. Mumåma' si Juan ya nina'bulåchu. Juan chewed betel nut and it made him dizzy. Meggai na famagu'un na tiempu manmåmama'. Many children nowadays chew betel nuts. See: mamå'un.
måma' n. false alarm. Nina'bubu i taotåo anai ha tungu' na måma' ha' i businan kimason. The man got mad when he found out the fire alarm is just a false alarm. Guaha måma' gi che'chu'‑måmi na guaha bomb threat. There was a false alarm that there was a bomb threat. Dumilingding i fire alarm gi gima' ya mumåma'. The fire alarm rang at the house and it was a false alarm.
— vt. 1) give a false alarm to. Mamåma' si Jose na malågu i ga'‑ña babui. Jose was given a false alarm that his pig ran away. 2) neglect to keep (an appointment), fail to respond to (a call). Ha håsngun ha' si Jose mumåma' i masitå‑ña gi dentista. Jose just meant to neglect his appointment at the dentist. Ti måttu si Noel, sa' ti ha måma' i ma'agång‑ña. Noel did not come, because he failed to respond to a call.
mama'baba vi. fool around, goof around, act silly, not be serious, be bad, became bad (realis antipassive). Mama'bababa ha' si Benny gi huegon‑ña. Benny is not being serious with his game. Bision‑ña ha' si Diego mama'baba. Diego has the habit of fooling around. Sigi ha' si Vinancio mama'baba gi tes asta ki lachi. Vinancio keeps goofing around with the test until he made a mistake.
mama'che'chu' vi. struggle, put forth great effort, scuffle. Mama'che'chu' si Fran anai ha pula' i tampin bintåna. Fran struggled when he took down the window cover. Mapremiu si Tomas gi iskuela, sa' mama'che'chu' duru gi leksion‑ña. Tomas was given an award at school, because he put forth great effort in his lesson. Mama'che'chu' duru si Alex gi kumpitensian bola. Alex really scuffled in his ball game competition.
mama'chigu' vi. get infected (of a sore), contain pus, form an abscess. Adahi, sa' mama'chichigu' esta i pekpok‑mu. Be careful, because your boil is getting infected. Atyugui' muna'kalentutura si Jesus, sa' mama'chigu' i chetnot‑ña. That's why Jesus is having a fever because his sore contains pus. Mampus mama'chigu' addeng‑ña si Goro'. Greg has severe abscesses in his feet.
mamå'gas n. type of fish: bigeye. Family Priacanthidae. Makåddun niyuk esti i mamå'gas nai mås månngi'. Cooking this mama'gas in coconut milk is the best. Månngi' lokkui' i mamå'gas fish manå'yi mayonnaise yan kimche' yan mabalutan, pues matunu. The mama'gas fish is delicious when cooked in mayonnaise and kimchee, wrapped and barbequed. Gai minapput makonni' i mamå'gas na guihan, sa' gaigi gi taddung na tåsi. It is quite hard to catch the mama'gas, because it is a deep sea fish.
mama'gasiyan n. washbasin. På'gu na tiempu ti ma'å'agang i labadot mama'gasiyan. Nowadays, the sink is not called a washbasin. Guaha na tåotåo todu ha' ha fa'gågasi gi mama'gasiyan. Some people use the washbasin for all purposes. Åntis na tiempu ma'u'usa i mama'gasiyan para mama'gåsin magågu. The washbasin was used for washing clothes in the earlier days.
mama'lahi vi. manly, courageous. Mampus mama'lalahi si Lino put i lahin riku gui'. Lino is acting manly just because he is the son of a rich man. Mama'lahi si Jose ya ha kontra i napu. Jose is courageous and went against the wave. Ha fa'gui' sen metgut si Juan ya mama'lahi gi mimu nigap. Juan pretended he was very strong and acted manly at the fight yesterday. Syn: mama'pairi, mama'pilung.
mama'loma vi. look like a ridge. Na'ma'si' i patgun, sa' esta mama'loma tatalo'‑ña ni ginin i poddong‑ña. It is pitiful for the child, because his back resembles a ridge affected by his fall. Kada duru uchan, mama'loma i chalan‑måmi. Every time heavy rain pours, our road looks like a ridge. Bula siha na kañåda giya Luta mamama'loma. Many valleys in Luta look like ridges.
mama'ma'gas vi. act bossy, act controlling, make oneself be a boss. Gof ya‑ña si Carlos mama'magas gi mangga'chong‑ña siha. Carlos likes to act like a boss among his co-workers. Mama'mama'gas ennåo na tåotåo, låo tai bali. That man is controlling, but it doesn't work. Todu i tiempu mama'mama'gas si Ramon yanggin kumuentus. Ramon acts bossy every time he talks.
mama'tatti vi. straggle, lag behind. Ti hu kumprendi si Berno na mama'tatti gi iskuela. I do not understand why Berno lags behind in school. Bision‑ña ha' si Ramon mama'tatti yanggin mangarerera ham. Ramon has a habit to straggle when we are walking. Gof ya‑ña ha' si Jose mama'tatti yanggin man'afotmat hit. Jose likes to lag behind when we are serious with our decisions.
máma'ti n. reef. Ma'å'ñao yu' ume'aliling gi mama'ti, sa' mampus barångka. I am afraid to hunt shells on the reef, because it is very rough. Kumu må'ti i tasi, gof klåru un li'i' huyung i mama'ti. If it is low tide, you can easily see the reef. Todu malåssas satnot‑ña si Jose anai pinanak ni napu gi mama'ti. Jose's leg got all scratched when the wave slammed him on the reef. Syn: rubentasión, ribentasión.
måma'ti vi. becoming low tide, shallow (of the ocean) (progressive). Pumåra yu' tumalåya, sa' esta måma'ti i tasi. I stopped fishing using my throw net, because it was getting low tide. Ti siña un yotti i talayå‑mu gi måma'ti na tåsi. You cannot cast your net in the shallow water. Yanggin para hu peska, hu na'siguru na esta måma'ti i tasi. If I plan to go fishing, I make sure the tide is becoming low.
Mama'tin Talu' name. a coastal area in Tinian. Gaigi i Mama'tin Talu' gi entalu' Unai Dångkulu yan Masalok. Mama'tin Talu' is located between Long Beach and Masalok. Hassan manpeska i taotåo gi Mama'tin Talu', sa' mampus barångka. People rarely go fishing at Mama'tin Talu', because it is rough. Yanggin gaigi håo gi Mama'tin Talu', siña un li'i' Saipan. If you are at Mama'tin Talu', you can see Saipan.
máma'udai n. rider. Ha tungu' si Juan lumå'la', sa' mama'udai gi maseha håfa na klåsin cho'chu'. Juan knows how to live, because he can be a rider of any kind of work. Siña ha' ti un honggi na mama'udai kabåyu si Jose. You will not believe that Jose is a horse rider. Mama'udai yu' gi maseha håfa na klåsin udai. I am a rider of any kind of rides.
mamå'un n. betel nut, mixed with lime pepper leaf, tobacco, etc. Bula mamå'un giya Luta. There is lots of betel nut with its ingredients in Rota. Un na'malalagu' yu' mumåma' ni paopåo mama'on‑mu. You make me feel like chewing betel nut, smelling your betel nut mix. Nisisita u kabålis i na'yen‑ña nai para u månngi' i mamå'un. The ingredients need to be complete for the mamå'un to be delicious.
máma'ya vi. 1) navigable, bouyant, floating (progressive). Måma'ya i matai trongkun pi'åo gi hilu' tåsi. The dead bamboo tree is floating on top of the ocean. Mayuti' i tilipas guaka gi tasi ya mama'ya. The cow’s intestines were thrown in the ocean and it’s floating. Guaha boya siha manmåma'ya gi tasin Tete'to. There were buoys floating at the Tete’to beach. Variant: måma'ya. 2) superficial, not thorough, indecisive, wandering (of mind). Mama'ya ha' trabiha i hinassok‑ku håyi para bai hu bota. My mind is still indecisive on who to vote for. Kåo mama'ya ha' i planu‑mu para un falak Japan? Is your plan to go to Japan still indecisive? Hu ripåra si Pedro na mama'ya i hinasson‑ña kåo para u bendi i karetå‑ña. I noticed that Pedro’s mind is indecisive about whether he will be selling his car.
mamadót n. baby bottle with nipple. På'gu na tiempu difirentis klåsin pusision mamadot manmabebendi. Nowadays, different shapes of baby bottles are sold. Guaha lokkui' na kumpaniha ha fa'titinas mamadot para sigun gi idåt påtgun. There's also a company that makes baby bottles for different age groups of children. Meggaiña na manneni ma u'usa mamadot kinu u fañusu. Most babies use bottles instead of breastfeeding. From: Sp. mamador.
mámaguantis n. boxer, one who fights or boxes. Todu i tiempu manggåganna si Luis gi mumun guåntis, sa' hagas ha' mamaguantis. Luis wins at boxing all the time, because he is a long-time boxer. Un tungu' ha' i taotåo kumu mamaguantis, sa' ha tungu' pumusision i tatåotåo‑ña. You can tell if a person is a boxer, because he knows how to position his body. Måolik si Ramon na mama'guantis. Ramon is a good boxer. See: guåntis.
mamåhlåo adj. ashamed, bashful, shy, embarrassed. Mamåhlåo si Ana para u matungu' na umasagua gui'. Ana is ashamed for people to know that she is married. Mumamåhlåo si Tita anai ha taitai i gaseta put i malabidå‑ña. Tita was embarrassed when she read in the paper of her wrongdoing. Mampus minamahlåo‑ña si Presy anai magacha' yan i atungo'‑ña. Presy was very ashamed when she was caught with her boyfriend. Mumamåhlåo sa' guaha lachi bidå‑ña. He was ashamed of his wrongdoing. Måolekña mana'mamåhlåo kinu muna'mamåhlåo. It is better to be humiliated than to humiliate. Mumamåhlåo yu' put i fino'‑hu. I was embarrashed for what I said. Do'du' si Ken ya mamåhlåo. Ken farted and was embarrassed. Mamåhlåo yu' malak i giput, sa' tåya' nina'i‑hu. I'm embarrassed to go the party, because I have nothing to give. Mamåhlåo si Juan måttu put i guaha bidå‑ña. Juan is embarrassed to come because of what he did. Syn: yómahlåo. Variant: mamalåo.
måmahna n. calf, the fleshy back part of the leg below the knee, shin, leg muscle. Atyugui' ya‑hu i mamahna‑ña i binådu. The one I like is the hind quarter of a deer. Bunitu mamahnå‑ña ennåo na guaka. That cow has a nice hind. Ti nahung mamahnå‑ña ennåo i ga'ga'. The animal lacks a good hind. Metgut yan figu' na måmahna. The leg muscle is strong and fit. I måmahna gi lalåhi na sindålu manloddu'. The leg muscles on the soldiers are big. Todu dagga' i akakgui na måmahna. The left leg muscle is red and sore. Variant: mámanha.
mamaiche'chu' adv. every which way, no order, haphazardly. I chinalapun gi kusana ginin mamaiche'chu' i ga'lågu. The mess in the kitchen was from the dog's messing around.
mamaila'ña na mes n. month after next, two months later (Rota). Si Jose para u asagua gi mamaila'ña na mes. Jose will be getting married the month after next. I fiesta para esta i mamaila'ña na mes. The fiesta will be the month after next. Para u fåttu si Ana ginin Guam gi mamaila'ña na mes. Ana will come from Guam in the month after next. Syn: ottronña na mes.
mamaila'ña na såkkan n. year after next, two years later (Rota). Para u magraduha i lahi‑hu gi mamaila'ña na såkkan. My son will graduate the year after next. Tåya' ileksion på'gu na såkkan esta i mamaila'ña na såkkan. There is no election this year until the year after next. I pastot i Gima' Yu'us Songsong para u matahgui gi mamaila'ña na såkkan. The pastor of the Church in Songsong will be replaced the year after next. Syn: otronña na såkkan.
mamaila'ña na simåna n. week after next, two weeks later (Rota). Bai hu hånåo para Guam gi mamaila'ña na simåna. I will be going to Guam the week after next. Siña guaha manmåsa kåhit gi mamaila'ña na simåna. There may be ripe oranges the week after next. Syn: otronña na simåna.
mámaisa adj. alone, by oneself, sole, solitary (progressive). Hu yuti' i ås, sa' mamaisa ha' gi kattåk‑ku. I dropped the ace, because it was alone in my cards. Ha na'ma'åsi' yu' i patgun ya hu konni' para i gima', sa' mamaisa ha' gi papa' såtgi. I felt sorry for the child and took him to my house, because he was alone under the house. Syn: sósolu, guíguiya.
mamaisin saina vi. ask the bride's parents for hand in marriage. Esta mamaisin saina si Dikto gi mañainan i nubiå‑ña para u asagua i hagan‑ñiha. Dikto already asked his fiancée's parents to marry their daughter. Disdi ki mamaisin saina si Antonio, kana' gui' ha pupunu' macho'chu' para u na'guaha para i fandanggon‑ña. From the time Antonio asked the bride's parents for her hand in marriage, he almost killed himself working to finance the wedding. På'gu na tiempu guaha na tåotåo ti ha praktitika i mamaisin saina. Nowadays, some people do not practice the custom of asking the bride's parents for their daughter's hand in marriage.
mamaitaguan vi. weakened, lethargic, flop down without support. Ti hu tungu' håfa chetnot‑ña si Ana na mamaitaguan. I do not know what Ana's problem is that she just flopped down. Hu li'i' ha' na duru bumaila si Rosa, dispues gotpi ha' mamaitaguan. I saw Rosa really dancing and suddenly she went unconscious. Bråbun tåotåo si Feliz, dispues gotpi ha' mamaitaguan. Felix was a healthy person and suddenly he lost energy. See: tisu, lálangu.
mámakannu' adj. edible, fit to be eaten as food. Ti hu tungu' na mamakannu' i hagun kamuti. I did not know that sweet potato leaves are edible. Bubula ha' tinanum ti hu tungu' na manmamakannu'. There are still many plants I did not know are edible. Gof adahi na un kånnu' i ti mamakannu' na tinanum, sa' un hinina. Be careful not to eat the plants, because you will be poisoned.
mamålåo adj. embarrassed, shy, ashamed, humiliated. Mamålåo yu' malak i giput, sa' tåya' nina'i‑hu. I am embarrassed to go to the party, because I didn't donate anything. Mamålåo si Juan måttu, sa' guaha bidå‑ña. Juan is ashamed to come over, because he did something. Variant: mamåhlåo.
mamåli' n.pl. priests, pastors, preachers, ministers. Bula mamåli' giya Guåhan. Guam has many priests. Guaha siha difirentis na mamåli'. There are different kinds of priests. Ta nisisita bula mamåli' guini gi tano'‑ta. We need many priests here in our place.
mámamaila' na mes n. coming month. Masiñåla' i giput San Vicente para i mamamaila' na mes. The San Vicente fiesta is earmarked for the coming month. Para u asagua si Melissa gi mamamaila' na mes. Melissa is getting married this coming month. Esta maplanuyi i baotismu para i mamamaila' na mes. The christening party is for this coming month. Syn: ottru na mes.
mámamaila' na såkkan n. coming year. Para bai hu ma'upera matå‑hu gi mamamaila' na såkkan. I will have an eye surgery this coming year. Siempri matutuhun ta'lu i kuåttru åñus na atministrasion gubetnamentu gi mamamaila' na såkkan. Another four years of administration in the government will start this coming year. Guaha siñåt na para u måolik i ikunumiha gi mamamaila na såkkan. There is a sign that there will be a good economy this coming year. Syn: ottru såkkan.
mámamaila' na simåna n. coming week. Para u tutuhun mumantieni i imigrasion i fidiråt gi mamamaila' na simåna. Federal immigration will begin this coming week. Måttu siempri si Kunggresun Kilili' gi mamamaila' na simåna. Congressman Kilili' will come this coming week. Dångkulu na suettu para u hålum gi mamamaila' na simåna. A big fortune will come this coming week. Syn: ottru simåna.
mámamfuk n. weaver (of mats or baskets). Mamamfuk si nåna dångkulu na guåfak. Mother is a weaver of big mats. Åntis na tiempu i manmamamfuk manmåmamfuk gi papa' i gima' higai. Long time ago the weavers wove under the thatch house. Mamamfuk si Tan Ana todu klåsin kanåstra. Tan Ana is a weaver of all kinds of baskets.
mámanha n. calf, the fleshy back part of the leg below the knee. Mampus sugat mamanhån‑ña si Jose. Joe's calf is very solid. I fafacho'chu' na tåotåo loddu' tengnga mamanhån‑ña. A hard-working person usually has big calves. Guaha na tåotåo kadada' satnot‑ña låo potput mamanhån‑ña. Some people's legs are short but their calves are large. Inakka' yu' nigap ni ga'lågu gi måmanhan addeng‑hu. The dog bit me on the calf of my leg yesterday. Poddung si Jose ya chinachak måmanha satnot‑ña ni sin. Jose fell and got cut on the calf of his leg with the tin. Puti mampus måmanha addeng‑hu anai duru yu' malågu. The calves of my legs got really hurt when I ran very fast. Variant: måmahna.
måmanha adj. difficult to face (of a situation or issue).
mamantieni vi. be impounded (passive). Ti ma'apåsi i bangku sais mesis, atyu numa'mamantieni i kareta. The bank did not receive payments for six months, that is why the car is impounded. Ti marihistra atyu siha i manmasodda' na paki, muna' manmamantieni. Those guns are not registered, that is why they were impounded. Mamantieni i ibidensiu ni machuli' ginin as Serbino. They impounded the evidence that was taken from Serbino.
måmas adj. wet, damp. Todu måmas i magågu gi tali anai uchan duru gi talu'åni. All the clothes were wet when it rained very hard this afternoon. Ginacha' yu' ni durun uchan anai mamomokkat yu' para i tenda ya gof måmas yu'. I was caught in hard rain when I was walking to the store and got very wet. Todu i mannuk manmåmas ni ichan gi papa' trongkun tangantångan. All the chickens were wet with rain under the tangantangan trees.
mámatagu' n. inferior, subordinate. Hågu ha' mamatagu' gi intri i gurupu‑mu. You are the only subordinate among your group. Guiya ha' si Jose mamatagu' yanggin guaha fina'cho'chu'. Jose is the only subordinate wherever there is work to be done. Ti mamatagu'‑miyu yu' na todu ha' para bai hu cho'gui. I am not inferior to you that I have to do everything.
mamatåni' adj. obstinate, stubborn, disrespectful. Mamatåni i patgun anai ti ma sedi para u hugåndu. The child became obstinate when he was not allowed to play.
mamatkilu adj. silent, quiet, hushed, shut up. Mamatkilu si Juan anai humålum i ma'estru gi kuåttu iskuela. John was silent when the teacher went into the classroom. Manmamatkilu i linahyan anai mahunguk påkpak paki. The crowd became silent when they heard the gunshot. Syn: påkaka'.
mambotcha vi. swell.
mambula adj. 1) swollen, filled. Todu mambula kannai‑hu. My hands are swollen. Chumotchu yu' meggai kelaguin ya nina'fambula i addeng‑hu. I ate too much kelaguin and my feet got swollen. Kulang para u måpta' tatåotåo‑hu ni mambulå‑hu. I feel my body will erupt due to my being swollen. 2) pregnant. Esta singku mes ni mambula i suttera. The young woman has been pregnant for five months. Ti hu tungu' na mambula i hadå‑hu. I did not know that my goddaughter is pregnant. Maguf yu', sa' mambula i ga'‑hu babui. I am happy, because my pig is pregnant. Syn: mapotgi'. See: mambotcha.
måmfi' vi. pick (fruit), break (fruit off a tree) (antipassive). Manmåmfi' ham manmåsa na mångga giya Achugao. We picked ripe mangos in Achugao. Måmfi' si Bino' alageta para i giput. Bino' picked avocados for the party. Duru måmfi' si Manuel lemmai ya manggagada' ha' trabiha. Manuel keeps picking breadfruit and they are still not ready for cooking. Variant: manifi'.
mamfloris vi. bloom, produce, yield (blossoms), flourish. Manmamfloris todu i trongkun mångga gi ma'pus na mes. All the mango trees blossomed last month. Tåya' nai mamfloris i trongkun kaimitu gi gima'‑måmi. The star apple tree at my house never produces any fruit. Mamfloris i kusetchå‑hu pipinu na såkkan. My cucumber harvest flourished this year.
mamflorita adj. hermaphrodite, homosexual, effeminate (male); bisexual (goat). Guaha siha na lalåhi manmamflorita. Some men are effeminate. Masodda' ni manåmku' na guaha na gåyu mamflorita, sa' siña mañåda'. Old people found out that some roosters are bisexual, because they lay eggs. Ti siña ta poni na guaha siha mamflorita. We cannot ignore the fact that there are homosexuals. Syn: palåo'ånan.
måmfuk vi. weave, plait, knit (antipassive). Anai låla'la' ha' si nanå‑hu, sessu måmfuk mambunitu na tisagi'. When my mother was alive, she always wove beautiful baskets. Måmamfuk yu' tengnga kottut para sagan måma'. I usually weave baskets for betelnut mix containers. Manmåmfuk i manåmku' mambunitu na kuronan åkgak. The elders weave beautiful pandanus neckware. Variant: mantufuk, manufuk.
måmfung vi. count (antipassive). Yanggin måmamfung yu', hu na'dispåsiu, sa' bai abak. When I am counting, I make it slow, so I do not get confused. Todu i famagu'un gi klas manmåmamfung unu asta sientu. All children in class count from 1 to 100. Måmfung si Dina un munton påppit. Dina counted a whole pile of papers.
‑måmi suf. our (first person exclusive du. or pl. possessor agreement). Karetan‑måmi esti. This is our car. Buninitu mo'na i huntan‑måmi ni gurupun Guinifi. Our Guinifi Team is getting better. Yanggin ti tanu'‑miyu esti, pues tanu'‑måmi. If this is not your land, then it is ours.
Mami' name. nickname for Carmen, used for younger women. Osgun mampus si Mami' na påtgun. Carmen is an obedient child. Sessu si Mami' mamokkat para u etsisiu. Carmen always walks to exercise. Ha fa'bisiu si Mami' manaitai an ogga'an. Carmen makes it a habit to pray in the morning. Variant: Åmmi'.
mamis n. sugar. Si nanå‑hu mama'tinas mamis ginin i tipu. My mother made sugar from sugar cane. Nå'yi mås mamis i un na'lålagu na åhu. Add more sugar to the ahu that you are cooking.
— adj. 1) sweet, sugary (in taste). Ti gof ya‑hu manmamis na nengkanu'. I do not really like foods that are sweet. Inipus mames‑ña ennåo na kek. That cake is too sweet. 2) sweet (in character), kind. Gef ya‑hu umatan si Maria, sa' mamis påtgun. I like watching Maria, because she is a sweet child. Un tugi'i yu' mamis na kåtta. You wrote me a sweet letter. Mamis fino'‑ña, låo mala'it hinasson‑ña. Her words are sweet, but her thoughts are bitter.
mamo'lu vi. cease to reproduce, die back (of plants that are annuals). I tinanum gapgap mamomo'lu. The Polynesian arrowplant plant dies back. Manmamo'lu i dagu siha manmanokcha' ni para u na'nuebu tinekcha'‑ñiha. The yams ceased to produce bearing fruits in order to start new sprouts. Tåya' esta tumåtis chå'ka, sa' manmamo'lu. There's no medicinal tomato, because it died. Syn: mamunu'.
mamo'lu vi. do carelessly, in a perfunctory way, in order to get rid of a duty. Ti ha na'gof bali si Juan i che'cho'‑ña, atyu na mamo'lu. Juan does not really value his job; that's why he did it carelessly. Mamo'lu si Jose ni che'cho'‑ña, sa' atyu ha' ha chocho'gui kada diha. Jose gets tired performing the same work everyday. Manmamo'lu i pulisiha, sa' tåya' måolik na binifisiu manmanåna'i. The police officers are doing their work carelessly, because there is no incentive given to them.
mamokkat vi. walk, roam, stroll, rove. Mamomokkat yu' kada diha para bai hu etsisiu. I walk everyday to exercise. Mamokkat i nini‑hu gi nuebi mesis. My baby walked at nine months. Manmamokkat ham gi halum Garapan. We walked around Garapan.
mamopbli adj.pl. poor, needy. Bula mamopbli gi interu i tanu'. There are many needy people in the whole world. Mamopbli ham salåppi', låo riku i kutturan‑måmi. We are poor financially, but we are rich in our culture. Maseha mamopbli ham na familia, låo bula guinaiya gi kurason‑måmi. Even though we are a poor family, but our hearts are full of love.
Mamotgue name. a place at the foot of Mount Fanlagon in Rota. Gaigi esti na lugåt gi kattan Ayulajag ya i kattån‑ña iya Kattan Afato. I hayån‑ña iya As Ge'hilo'. Tåddung halumtano'‑ña ya hassan mafattoigui, sa' tåya' chalån‑ña. Bula påharu siha yan ayuyu gi halum tano'‑ña esti na lugåt. This place is located at the foot of the cliff of Mount Fanlagon (a part of the highest mountain range on Rota). It is bordered to the north by Katan Afato. To the east is As Ge’hilo’. It is dominated by deep forest with no road access. This is a natural habitat for birds and wildlife.
mámpo'lu adj. customary, proper, usual. Po'lu gi anai mampo'lu. Put it where things can be placed. Sen mampo'lu ennåo na fino'‑mu gi kurason‑hu. Those words of yours are well-placed in my heart. Ti mampo'lu esti i sinientin guinaiya gi palåbra. This feeling of love is not expressible in words. I salappe'‑ña gaigi gi sen mampo'lu na lugåt, era, gi bangku. Her money is at a very proper location, that is, at the bank.
mampus adv. extremely, so (much), too. Mampus håo mapput makumprendi. You are extremely hard to understand. Siempri malångu i patgun, sa' mampus yommuk. The child will get sick, because he is too fat. Mampus takkilu' i puestom‑mu gi che'chu'. Your position is extremely high at work. Syn: sen, gof, manupus, inipus.
måmta' vi. 1) increase (in number). Måmamta' i dinekku' nappa' ni hu såtpi. The seedlings of the Chinese cabbage that have germinated are increasing in numbers. Måmamta' esta i Hocog na apiyidu. The last name Hocog is increasing in number. 2) be spread around, be publicized. Måmta' i fina'nå'guin tatå‑hu put i åmut Chamorro. My father's teaching about Chamorro medicine is known to many people. Variant: mångta'.
mamuda vi. get dressed, dress up, doll up, change clothes, wear clothes. Sigi ya un mamuda, sa' u fåttu i bisita. Go and change your clothes, because the visitor may come. Nisisita un mamumuda yanggin para un hosmi misa. You need to be dressing up if you are going to attend mass. Mamuda hiya', sa' para un guput. Change your clothes, because you are going to the party. Mamuda i lahi para i giput. He dressed up for the party. Hånåo mamuda ya ta falak i tenda. Go get dressed and we'll go to the store. See: muda.
mamuga' vi. 1) split widely open (antipassive). Mamuga' si Benigno meggai hima ni ginin Palau. Benigno split open a lot of clams from Palau. 2) fart. Taimanu ti manngingi' yu' mutung, sa' mamuga' si Tan Ana. No wonder I smell something stinky, because Tan Ana farted. Guaha na biåhi nai kulang mamuga' i fanihi kumu mågap påo‑ña. Sometimes the fruit bat looks like it farted when it released its odor.
mamulan vi. watch over, keep guard, keep vigil (antipassive); watch for while hunting at night. Mamulan yu' gi espitåt gi paingi. I kept vigil at the hospital last night. Mamumulan yu' neni kada Damenggu. I watch over a baby every Sunday. Mamulan i guatdia gi kantun tåsi. The guard keeps guard at the beach.
mamulan n. type of fish: large skipjack, weighing from fifteen to a hundred pounds or more. Family Carangidae. Na'ma'añåo esti i mamulan, sa' siña ha' ha atåka i taotåo. A large skipjack is scary, because it can attack a human. Mafa'na'an esti na guihan mamulan, sa' ha pupulan i mattingan. This type of fish is called mamulan, because it guards the reef line. Yanggin ume'e'aliling yu', ma'essalågui yu' na adahi i mamulan. If I am looking for topshell, someone will yell at me to beware of the skipjack.
mamunu' vi. dry up, turn yellow (of plants such as ginger, yams, etc.); stage in certain plants that signifies time to harvest. Nangga esta ki mamunu' i hagun kamuti, pues na un kusetcha. Wait until the sweet potato leaves dry up, then harvest. Ti todu i tiempu guaguaha tumåtis chå'ka, sa' manmamumunu' na tinanum. Physalis angulata plants are not always around, because they are annual plants.
mamuti vi. ache, be in pain, have a painful feeling. Todu mamuti i sinsen‑hu gi manenghing anai gaigi yu' Amerika. My whole body was in pain from the cold when I was in America. Siguru para bai hu sinagu na todu yu' mamuti. For sure I am going to catch cold because I'm all in pain. Kumu di'åriu un gigimin åmut Chamorro, ti un siesienti mamuti. If you are drinking Chamorro medicine daily, you will not be feeling pain.
man- (from: man‑) pref. 1) plural (attached to human nouns). I ma'gas manChamorro as Huråo, ha pruklåma na guaha i manChamorro fuetsan‑ñiha, sa' mandididi' ha' i manåotåo lågu gi halum i isla. Chamorro Chief Hurao proclaimed that the Chamorros were stronger, as there were but a few foreigners in the island. 2) plural subject agreement (for adjectives and intransitive verbs). Manhånåo i taotåo Saipan guatu Istadus Unidus. People from Saipan went to the United States. Mañåga ham giya Tamuning. We stayed in Tamuning. Mañotchu ham kelaguin ti'åo yan titiyas. We ate fish prepared with lemon and salt and corn tortillas.
man- (from: man‑) pref. antipassive (turns transitive verbs into intransitive verbs). Ya‑hu manespiha karetå‑hu giya Guam. I would like to look for a car for my own on Guam. Yan‑ñiha i manhobin mandraiba ni ispot na kareta. Teenagers like to drive fancy cars. Mañufa' yu' un yommuk babui gi paingi. I ran over a fat pig last night.
mån n. type of plant. dicranopteris linearis (?).
maná'echan n. matching area at the cockpit of a cockfight, where owners of the cocks meet to decide which cocks are to be paired off for fighting.
— vi. be paired off (of cocks). Dumanña' i dos dueñun gåyu gi lugåt anai mana'echan para u madisidi månu na gåyu para u mumu. The two owners met at the matching area in the cockpit to decide which cock will fight. Kada guaha gayera, madisidi månu i mana'echan. Every time there is a cockfight, an area is decided for pairing off. Un gåyu gi kada dueñu ha' siña makonni' guatu gi mana'echan. Only one cock per owner can be taken to the pairing off site.
mana'suha ofisialis n. impeachment. I maga'lahi esta gaigi gi iståo mana'suha ofisialis. The governor is going through the impeachment process. Ha nisisita bula na ebidensia para i mana'suha ofisialis na ramienta pulitika. There has to be lots of evidence for impeachment as a political tool to be activated. Bula na gastun salåppi' yan tiempu para mana'suha ofisialis. It is costly in terms of money and time for the impeachment process.
manåchang n.pl. the lower class in pre-Spanish Chamorro society. Åntis na tiempu, todu i manåchang mañåsaga gi kantun tåsi. In the old days, all lower-class Chamorros lived along the beach area. Ti siña mandanña' i matua yan i manåchang na Chamorro åntis na tiempu. The high-class Chamorros and the lower-class Chamorros could not be together in the old days. I manåchang na Chamorro sumesetbi i matua. The manåchang served the matua. See: achang.
manåchang adj. bashful, shy. Ti malagu' si Tito kumuentus gi prugråma, sa' manåchang. Tito did not want to talk at the program, because he is shy. Gof manåchang na påtgun si Ana. Ana is a very bashful child. Achuk ha' para u suetti si Dina gi che'chu', ti siña, sa' mampus manåchang. Even though there is luck for Dina at work, she could not get it, because she is very bashful. Syn: mamåhlåo.
manachihit n. adherent.
manåda adj. plenty, lots of, a lot of. Manådan tåotåo manmåttu gi giput. A crowd of people came to the party. Guaha un manåda na aga' gi gima' ni nina'in Maria. There are lots of bananas at the house that Maria gave me. Maseha månu håo ni gaigi, un lili'i' manådan mångga gi trongku siha. Wherever you are, you are seeing plenty of mangos on the trees. Variant: un manåda. From: Sp. manada.
manadahi vi. 1) keep (something) in good condition, make good use of (something). Måolik manadahi si Tan Rita ni irensian nanå‑ña. Rita is good at keeping her mom's souvenirs in good condition. Manmanadahi i famagu'un ni todu esti siha na ramenta ni ginin åntis. The children accumulated and made good use of all these tools from long ago. 2) budget, save (money), use (money) wisely. Ha tungu' manadahi si Jose ni salappe'‑ña. Jose knows how to save and use his money wisely. Syn: imboku, manakihum.
managaga' vi. blush, turn red. Tungu'un ha' kumu mandagi si Roy, sa' todu managaga'. You can tell when Roy lied, because he blushes out. Managaga' todu i uriyan pekpok‑ña si Ray. Ray's swollen sore turned red. Kumu gai puti i patgun, managaga' ha' fasu‑ña. If the child is in pain, he blushes out.
manaitai vi. 1) read (antipassive). Manaitai yu' lepblu put si Mådri Teresa. I read a book about Mother Teresa. Bula na tåotåo ti yan‑ñiha manmanaitai. Many people do not like to read. 2) say prayers, pray. Mananaitai yu' kada diha. I say my prayers every day. Bula na tåotåo ti yan‑ñiha manmanaitai. Many people do not like to pray.
manakihum vi. frugal, thrifty, parsimonious. Kumu bandan salåppi', måolik si Maria manakihum. When it comes to money, Maria is good at being frugal. Nos put i måolik si Jose manakihum, låo inipus chattåo‑ña. It is not because Jose is good at being frugal, but he is too stingy. Debi ta fanmåolik manmanakihum, sa' ti gof måolik i ikumumiha. We must be good at being frugal, because the economy is not really good.
manåmku' n.pl. elders. Manespisiåt i manåmku' na tiempu. The elders are special today. Mansen måolik i manåmku' manmama'tinas. The elders are very good in cooking. I manåmku' bula tiningu'‑ñiha put lina'la' tånu'. The elders have a lot of knowledge about life on earth.
Manan name. nickname for Hermana, Amalia, or Mariana. Kariñosan påtgun si Manan. Manan is a friendly child. Gof rispetåo na påtgun si Manan. Manan is a very respectful child. Mafa'na'an si Manan Mariana ni esti na nå'an put i Islas Mariånas. Manan is named Mariana because of the Mariana Islands.
manana adj. 1) daylight, daytime, light (of day). Grasias adios manana si Yu'us. Thank God, it is daylight. Kahulu' gi kamå‑mu, sa' esta manana. Get up from your bed, because it is daytime already. Duru man'o'o' i gayu åntis di u manana. The roosters are crowing before daylight. 2) clear, easily distinguished, clear-headed. Esta manana inatan‑hu anai mana'gåsgas i antihos‑su. My vision is clear when my eyeglasses were cleaned. Mananana ha' na siempri u måolik i tiempu mo'na. It is obviously clear that the time ahead will be good. 3) cleared (e.g. of brush). Esta mana'manana i lanchun‑måmi. Our farm is already cleared. Para bai u na'manana i lugåt‑tu. I'm going to do some clearing on my land.
Mananaf name. June. Mafañågu si Jun gi Mananaf diha dies. Jun was born on June 10. Mananaf i mina'sais na mes gi sakkan. June is the sixth month of the year. Meggai tåotåo mambakasiosion gi Mananaf na mes. Plenty of people are having vacation in the month of June. Syn: Huniu.
manánana adv. clearly.
manåtanu' n. travelers, pilgrims, migrants. Kada såkkan manmåfattu i manåtanu' para Santa Lourdes giya AsTeo. Every year the pilgrims come Santa Lourdes at AsTeo.
manåtma adj. headstrong, stubborn, mulish. Manåtma ennåo na tåotåo kustumbren‑ña. That person has a stubborn attitude. Ti siña mangumprendi si Martin, sa' gof manåtma. Martin cannot understand, because he is very stubborn. Kåo guaha nai manli'i' håo manåtma na tåotåo? Have you ever seen a headstrong person?
måncha n. stain, spot. Puru ha' månchan åttilung i chininan Juan. Juan's shirt has all black spots. Matulaika kulot magågun Tita, sa' puru ha' månchan kloraks. Tita's dress changed color, because it is full of Clorox stain.
— adj. stained, discolored with foreign matter. Sessu lalålu' si nanå‑hu, sa' kada yu' chumotchu månha, hu na'måncha magagu‑hu. My mom always gets mad, because I always stain my clothes each time I eat young coconut. Syn: chåtku, pekas. From: Sp. mancha.
månda vt. command, order, rule. Månda fan si Pipito ya u na'chotchu i babui. Please command Pipito to feed the pig. Håyi mumånda håo para un konni' si Antonio para i giput? Who commanded you to bring Antonio to the party? Håyi på'gu mumåmanda i lina'lå'‑mu? Who is ruling your life now? Syn: nombra, tågu', gubietna, dimånda. From: Sp. manda.
mandolina n. mandolin. Ti mana'gof usu esti mandolina ni danderu guini giya Saipan. Mandolins are not of much use to the music players here in Saipan. Ya‑hu sunidu‑ña esti na dåndan i mandolina. I like the sound of the mandolin instrument. Guaha nai manli'i' yu' danderu dumådandan ni mandolina gi kantun chålan. Sometimes I saw a musician playing the mandolin along the road. From: Sp. mandolina.
måndu n. person in authority, supervisor, one in a position of responsibility, person in command. Tåya' mandun‑måmi gi che'chu'‑måmi. We don't have a supervisor at our work. I mås åmku' na påtgun mumåmandu gi mañe'lu‑ña. The oldest child becomes in charge of his siblings. Mungnga yu' mana'måndu nu ennåo na klåsin cho'chu'. Do not make me assume responsibility for that kind of work. From: Sp. mando.
maneha vt. manage, operate, supervise, guide, control, direct, lead. Malagu' yu' na hågu un maneha esti na prugråma. I want you to manage this program. Bai hu nå'i håo singku na implehåo ya hågu un maneha. I will give you five employees and you supervise them. Kåo hågu mumaneha esti na gurupu? Did you head this group? From: Sp. maneja.
manehånti n. manager, leader, person in charge. I prinsipåt i manehånti gi Sinapalu na iskuela. The pricipal is the person in charge of Sinapalu school. I atkåtdi i manehånti gi islan Luta. The leader for the island of Luta is the Mayor. Variant: manihånti.
manehyuk vi. have severe pain, ache. Kumu tiempun manenghing, manmanehyuk todu sensen‑hu. If it is cold weather, all my muscles have severe pain. Mumanehyuk satnot‑tu ginin i dagga'‑hu. My leg has severe pain due to my eczema. Siguru para bai hu sinagu na todu yu' manmanehyuk. Maybe I am catching a flu, that's why my whole body aches. Variant: maneyuk.
manenghing adj. cold, frigid, chilled. Måttu esta i tiempun manenghing. Cold weather has arrived. Masåsangan na inipus maningheng‑ña på'gu na tiempu Amerika. It is said that cold weather is too much in America. Mientras manenghing i gimin, mås ya‑hu. The colder the drink, the more I like it. Mampus manenghing i ais krem. The ice cream is very cold. Manenghing mampus i kuåttu para guåhu. The room is too cold for me. Syn: fugu. Variant: manengnging.
manera n. manner, way, mode, style, fashion, method. Todu klåsin manera fina'tinas siña in cho'gui ni spam. All kinds of cooking methods you can do with spam. Un manera nai siña u guaha mås salåppi' i ta fana'ayuda. One way to collect more money is to help each other. Bula difirentis klåsin manera nai siña mana'bunitu i gaputilu‑mu. There are different styles of hairdo to make your hair look nice. From: Sp. manera.
maneska n. liquor, alcoholic drink, alcoholic beverage. Ha fa'nå'gui yu' si tatå‑hu mama'tinas maneska ni fruta siha. My father taught me how to make liquor from fruits. Måolik i maneska para mokmuk yanggin afagåo håo. Liquor is good for gargling if you have a hoarse voice. Bulåchu si Tun Miguel, sa' bula ginimin maneska. Tun Miguel got drunk, because he drank a lot of alcoholic beverages.
manfruta vi. bear fruit. Ti sumetbi i simiyan peras giya Saipan, sa' ha nisisita minanenghing na klema para u fanfruta. The pear seed is useless in Saipan because it needs cold weather to bear fruit. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
månha n. green coconut. Månngi' chumotchu sensin månha yanggin mañaña'. It good to eat the meat of the young coconut when it is still soft. Ma'u'usa i sensin månha para u ma'åhu. The meat of the young coconut is being used for making åhu. Siña ha' lumå'la' i taotåo ni sensin månha. A person can survive with only the meat of the young coconut. Måolik i manha para na' neni. The green coconut is good for baby food. Gof ya‑hu umåhu i manha. I like to make porridge with the green coconut. Månngi' manå'yi i insaladan fruta ni manha. It is good to put green coconut in the fruit salad. Variant: månna.
manhåli' vi. grow roots, sprout roots. Manhåli' i niyuk. The coconut grows roots. Manmanhåli' i floris ni sinimai‑hu. The flower that I soaked grew roots. Manhåli' i kansit gi sisu‑hu. The cancer took root in my breast.
månhan biha n. stage of the coconut after månha and before niyuk.
manhobin n.pl. youngsters, young people. Mambråbu na tiempu i manhobin. Young people are very active nowadays. Gustun‑ñiha i manhobin mangguput. It's a habit of the youngsters to party. Manhånåo i manhobin maniskuela giya Amerika. The youngsters left to go to school in America.
manhufa vi. stretch out both arms, extended arms. Manhufa fan ya bai hu espiha kåo atdit i chetnot‑mu. Stretch out both arms so I can see your sore. Manhuhufa i peskadot put para u taggam i tarpon guihan. The fisherman stretches out both arms to block the school of fish. Sigi ha' si Brandon di manhufa put para u ke'konni' i ga'‑ña ga'lagitu. Brandon keeps stretching out both of his arms trying to catch his puppy.
manhunguk vi. 1) hear (antipassive). Manhunguk yu' dandan nigap. I heard music yesterday. 2) have the characteristic traits, features, personality (of someone else), take after. Manhunguk i neni giya guåhu. The baby has some of my traits. Mapopotgi' håo, pus mungnga bumubu gi taotåo, sa' u fanhunguk i patgon‑mu. You're pregnant, so do not be angry at anyone, because your child may take after them. Syn: manosgi.
manifesta vt. manifest, show. I baban ikunumiha ha manifesta gui' guatu gi chinatsagan i taotåo. The bad economy manifested itself in the hardships of the people. Mungnga mamanifesta i baban che'cho'‑mu. Do not show your bad deeds. Put fabot manifesta huyung i sikretun planu‑mu. Please manifest your secret plans. Variant: manifiesta. From: Sp. manifiesta.
manifestasión n. manifestation, showing, exhibition. Dångkulu na manifestasion macho'gui put i masåkkin i kåha gi bangku. A big manifestation was done about the safe that was stolen at the bank. Todu i taotåo tumungu' i manifestasion put i mahuchum i chalan San Roque. All the people knew the manifestation of the road closed in San Roque. Meggai na manifestasion macho'gui gi silibrasion i Flame Tree. Lots of exhibitions were done at the Flame Tree Festival. From: Sp. manifestación.
manifestu n. manifest, list of cargo, manifesto. Todu i tiempu guaha manifestu gi batku para u matungu' håfa ma kåkatga. All the time there is a manifest to know what they have on board. Mana'guaguaha manifestu lokkui' gi batkun airi. The plane also provides a manifest. Prisisu esti i manifestu na dokumentu. The manifest is an important document. From: Sp. manifiesto.
manila' vi. aflame, be illuminated, be lighted. Manila' i kandit gi paingi gi kuåttu. The light was on in the room last night. Manila' i dangis i mañåntus gi attat. The candles for the Saints are aflame at the altar. Manila' i kandit sin mapatcha. The light went on without being touched. I kamlait bunitu manila'‑ña gi halum homhum. The camplight illuminates beautifully in the dark. Ma'lak i finanila' i betdi na kamlait. The green camplight illuminates brightly. Si Dorothy ha huluk i kamlait para u fanila' måolik. Dorothy twisted the camplight stick so it would illuminate more brightly. Gi duråntin i Påsgua, bula kåndit Påsgua manmanila'. During Christmas time, there were a lot of Christmas lights lighted.
manimpeya adj. fatty, greasy. Tungu'un ha' na mamunu' håo mantika na babui, sa' todu chininå‑mu manimpeya. It is obvious that you slaughtered a pig, because your shirt is all greasy. Inipus manimpeyå‑ña esti i babuin makollat. The pig in the corral has too much fat. Todu nengkanu' ni manimpeya na'ma'añåo makånnu'. All foods that are greasy are scary to eat.
manimpluma vi. grow feathers, moult, have new feathers. Tåya chada'‑ñiha i punidera, sa' manmanimpluma. The hens did not lay eggs because they are in the process of growing new feathers. Esta i puyitus duru manimpluma. The chicks already grew feathers. 2) have renewed courage, be stronger or bolder, become better (slang). Hinasson‑ña na gof metgut gui' si Kirino na manimpluma. Kirino thinks he is so strong that he acts too courageous. Manimpluma ta'lu i balåku. The guy has gotten bolder again. Ti manimpluma na hagas matatnga ennåo na tåotåo. That person did not become bolder, because he has always been courageous.
manispiga vi. tasseling (of corn), have tassel, bear tassel. Mambunitu i mai'is, sa' duru manmanispiga. The corn plants are very beautiful because they are really tasseling. Maná'atahgui manmanispiga i tirenun mai'is. The fields of corn took turns tasseling. Tiempun kusetcha ta'lu na manmanispiga i tinanum pugas. It is harvest time that the rice plants are tasseling.
måniya n. manager. Si Roman i måniyan i tendan‑måmi. Roman is our store manager. Bula måniya siha gi kada dipattamentun cho΄chu΄. At every work department, there are managers. Mumåmaniya si Linda gi unu na sagan chumotchu. Linda is a manager at one of the restaurants. From: Eng. manager.
Manmak name. a place in Rota located south of Tete’tu Beach. Manlå'la' i trongkun fruta siha giya Manmak, sa' måolik oddå'‑ña. The fruit trees at Manmak are healthy, because of the good soil.
manman adj. 1) slow-moving. Guaha na tåotåo mampus manman. Some people are very sluggish. Si Anastasia na palåo'an manman, kana' ha' ti kalalamtin. Anastasia is a sluggish person, hardly moving. I neni‑hu kulang manman mubimienton‑ña. My baby's movement seems sluggish. I akaleha' manman hinanånåo‑ña gi hilu' åtchu'. The snail is moving very slowly on the rock. See: ñamma'. 2) astonished, amazed, surprised, astounded, staring blankly, perplexed. Ha na'manman yu' si Evelyn anai ha gånna i todu i tes‑ña. I'm astonished that Evelyn passed all of her tests. Mumanman si Isa anai mapotgi' i hagå‑ña. Isa was astonished when her daughter got pregnant. Mampus manman si Tang anai bumunitu i litråtu hiniyong‑ña. Father was surprised when the photos came out right. Mampus si nanå‑hu manman håfa taimanu nai ma såkki i kareta. Mother was so perplexed about how they stole the car. Kulang manman si Denise put i matmus i patgon‑ña gi anai guaha guåtdia. Denise was perplexed about his child's drowning when there was a guard. Mampus manman si Daniel ni manmalågun i ga'‑ña babui ni gof måolik yan fitmi i kellat. Daniel was very perplexed about how his pigs got out of the pen when they are good and strong pens. Variant: matman.
månna n. green coconut. Månngi' chumotchu sensin månha yanggin mañaña'. It good to eat the meat of the young coconut when it is still soft. Ma'u'usa i sensin månha para u ma'åhu. The meat of the young coconut is being used for making åhu. Siña ha' lumå'la' i taotåo ni sensin månha. A person can survive with only the meat of the young coconut. Variant: månha.
månnuk n. chicken, poultry (generic). Bula ga'‑måmi månnuk gi lanchun‑måmi. We have a lot of chickens at our farm. I kiñadu‑hu bula ga'‑ña månnuk para mumu. My brother in-law has a lot of fighting chickens. Månngi' i mannuk, sa' siña un fa'tinas todu klåsin putåhi. You can cook all kinds of menus with the chicken. See: bulik, kuba, heni, reguhón, rodu', siamu', talisåya.
manñå'ut vi. have eggs, carry eggs (of a crab). Manñå'ut i panglåo siha. The crabs have eggs on them. Hu li'i' i ayuyu na manñå'ut. I saw the coconut crab carrying its eggs. I panglåo, ayuyu, yan i imang manmanñåña'ut. The crabs, the coconut crabs and the hermit crabs carry their eggs.
månngi' adj. delicious, exquisite, highly pleasing to the senses, taste, or mind. Månngi' nina'lågun Susan adobun månnuk. Susan's chicken adobu is delicious. I mandarin kek ni maplånta gi giput gof månngi'. The mandarin cake that was served at the party is so delicious. Mama'tinas yu' tamålis gisu ya gof månngi' sabot‑ña. I made tamales gisu and it was so delicious. Manmånngi' i na'‑ñiha i Hyatt gi Magellan Restaurant. The foods are so exquisite in Magellan Restaurant at the Hyatt Hotel. I nengkanu' siha ni manmabebendi gi Street Market manmånngi'. The foods that are being sold at the Street Market are exquisite. Humånåo si Florencia chumotchu gi Restaurant Indian ya manggof månngi' na'‑ñiha. Florence went to eat at the Indian Restaurant and their foods are so exquisitely delicious. Si Johnny na påtgun gof månngi'. Johnny is highly pleasing to the mind (a sweet boy). Meggai ha' na famagu'un manggof månngi', sa' put i måolik kustumbrin‑ñiha. There are a lot of children who are highly pleasing, because of their sweet personalities. Mampus månngi' na palåo'an si Bek, sa' gof ayudånti, pasensia, kumprendiyun yan todu. Bek is highly pleasing, because of her helpfulness, patience, understanding, and all. Gof månngi' i kelaguin månnuk. The chicken kelaguin is very delicious. Månngi' i inaflitun atulai. The fried atulai fish is very delecious. Syn: dilisiosu.
manngingi' vi. kiss the hand as a sign of respect for Chamorro and Carolinians in the Mariana Islands (antipassive). Manngingi' i patgun gi matlinå‑ña. The child kissed her godmother's hand as a sign of respect. Anai måkpu' i lisåyu, manmanngingi' ham gi manåmku'. After the rosary, we kissed the hands of the elders as a sign of respect. Mungnga madåggåo an manngingi' håo. Do not do your kissing of the hand as a sign of respect from afar.
manó n. bundle, sheaf, bunch of things tied together, such as onions, beans, wood, etc. (Rota). Ha chuli' si Jack i manohun håyu para i gima'. Jack took the bundle of wood to the house. Manhokka si Matilde un manohun påppit. Matilde picked up a bundle of papers. Måmfi' si Frank tres manohun tupu gi ma'pus na simåna. Frank harvested three bundles of sugar cane last week. See: fuñut, gineddi. Variant: manohu. From: Sp. manojo.
manohu n. bundle, sheaf, bunch of things tied together, such as onions, beans, wood, etc. Guaha un manohun chå'guan gi kantun guma'. There is a bundle of grass by the house. Bula manmanohun siboyas gi halum hatdin. There are many bunches of green onions in the garden. From: Sp. manojo.
— vt. tie together in a bundle, bind, fasten, tie on. Bai hu manohu esti siha i tipu. I will tie together all these sugar canes. Manmanonohu ham siboyas gi metkåo. We are tying together green onions at the market. Si Menguante ha manohu i hinekkån‑ña tupu. Menguante tied together the sugar canes he picked. In manohu todu i sakåti ni para bain senggi. We tied together all the grasses that we are to burn. See: fuñut, gineddi. Variant: manó.
manokcha' vi. sprout, bring forth fruit. Esta para u fanmanokcha' i trongkun manggan‑måmi. Our mango tree is about to sprout. Esta manonokcha' i bilimbinis gi bisinu. The star apple tree is already sprouting at the neighbor's. I simiyan papåya duru manmanokcha' huyung. The papaya seeds are sprouting vigorously. Manmanokcha' siha i trongkun laguaná gi as Terry. The soursop tree at Terry's is producing fruits. Esta hagas manokcha' i trongkun niyuk gi lugåt Cecilia. The coconut tree at Cecilia's place had sprouted quite some time ago. I chetdan‑måmi dångkulu rasimu‑ña anai manokcha'. Our banana plant had a big bunch of fruits when it brought forth its fruits. See: tinekcha'.
manosgi vi. resemble, have the same genes as, have the characteristics of (antipassive). Si Bertilia manosgi gi as nanå‑ña. Bertilia resembles her mother. Manosgi i figuran matå‑ña si Cherry gi as difuntu tatå‑ña. Cherry's face resembles her deceased father. Manmanosgi ham gi as tatan‑måmi ni kustumbren‑ña. We resemble our father in personality. Syn: gåpi.
mansåna n. apple. Chumotchu i patgon‑hu mamis mansåna gi talu'åni. My child ate a sweet apple in the afternoon. Guaha amariyu, betdi, yan agaga' na mansåna siha. There are yellow, green, and red apples. Gi mansåna siña un fa'tinas 'pie', binakli, yan un fa'gimin. With apples, you can make apple pie, vinegar, and something to drink. From: Sp. manzana.
mansånan påotåki' n. type of fruit tree: Philippine apple. zizyphus mauritania. Ga'ok‑ku na u ko'ku' i to'a na tinekcha' mansånan påotåki' ki i papåya. I prefer pickling the Philippine apple when it is about to ripen but still green than papaya. Ti meggai tumungu' i mansånan påotåki'. Not many people know about the fruit called mansånan påotåki'. Ti meggai esta manmandodokku' mansånan påotåki' giya Saipan. Very few mansånan påotåki' are growing in Saipan now.
mansånan rosåt n. type of fruit tree: rose apple. Syzygium jambos. Å'paka i frutan mansånan rosåt yanggin esta måsa. The rose apple is white when it ripens. Håssan esta esti i mansånan rosåt. The rose apple is rare now. Kalan uma'achuli' i mansånan rosåt yan makupa, låo mamesña i mansånan rosåt. The rose apple and the makupa sort of resemble each other, but the rose apple is sweeter.
mansanita n. type of plant: Panama cherry. Muntingia calabura. Åntis bula mansanita manmandodokku' siha gi todu lugåt. Before there were many Panama cherries growing all over the place. Gof månngi' i tinekcha' mansanita. The fruit of the Panama cherry is so good. Måolik dumiskånsa gi papa' i trongkun mansanita, sa' måhyåo. It is good to relax under the Panama cherry tree, because it is shady. Åntis ma'u'usa i ramas mansanita para mana'låmlam i satgin håyu. In the old days, the leafy branch of the Panama cherry was used to make wood floors shiny. From: Sp. manzanita.
mansaniya n. type of plant: chrysanthemum. chrysanthemum morifolium. Ma'u'usa i mansaniya para åmut. They use the chrysanthemum plant for medicine. I mansaniya na tinanum dikiki'. The chrysanthemum plant is small. I mansaniya gai floris dikiki' yan å'paka'. The chrysanthemum plant has small white flowers. Syn: yetbas Santa Maria. From: Sp. manzanilla.
månsu adj. tame, docile, domesticated, timid, harmless. I sparrow siha na paluman dikiki' mampus manmånsu. The little sparrow birds are very tame. Månsu si Champs na ga'lågu. Champs is a tame dog. I ga'‑måmi guaka siha manmånsu yan mambråbu. Our cows are tame and healthy. From: Sp. manso.
månsu' vi. split (a nut) in half, remove (nut meat) from shell (antipassive).
månta n. shawl, coarse cotton cloth, unbleached muslin. From: Sp. manta.
mantelis n. tablecloth, white tablecloth used for special occasions. Si Martha ha usa i mantelis para u tåmpi i lamasan nobia. Martha used the white tablecloth to cover the bride's table. Mabebendi siha i mantelis gi as Joeten. They are selling white tablecloths at Joeten department store. Matåmpi i lamasan guput siha ni mantelis anai umasagua si Jerry yan Jenny. The party tables were covered with white tablecloths when Jerry and Jenny got married. From: Sp. manteles.
mantensión n. supplies, provisions, food, subsistence, act of providing. Si nanan‑måmi ha nå'i mantension‑måmi para i hinanåo‑måmi para i Sangkattan na Isla siha. Our mother gave us our supplies for our trip to the Northern Islands. Manmanå'i ham meggai na mantension ginin i mayot. We were given a lot of provisions from the mayor. In chichili' siha i mantension para i famagu'un. We have with us the supplies for the children. Syn: prubensión. From: Sp. manutención.
mantieni vt. hold, seize, grasp, receive and keep in the hand. Måolik manmantieni si Dora binibu gi taotåo. Dora is good at holding grudges against the person. Anai madibutsia si Fred yan si Ana, si Fred mumantieni i patgun. When Fred and Ana were divorced, Fred seized custody of his child. Mangunfotmi ham na para unu gi che'lun‑måmi u mantieni i responsabilidåt put i asuntun tanu'‑måmi. We are in agreement that one of our siblings will be responsible for matters relating to our land. Syn: sustieni, go'ti, gu'ut. From: Sp. mantiene.
mantika n. lard, fat, grease. Hu usa i mantika gi titiyas. I used lard in the tortillas. Båba chumotchu mantika yanggin takkilu' hagå'‑mu. It is not good to eat fats if you have high blood pressure. I famalåo'an mås bula mantika gi tiyan‑ñiha ki lalåhi. Women have more fat on their stomach than men. Bula poksai mantika gi tatåotåo Isidro. There are lots of fat lumps in Isidro's body. Nina'yi ni chetnut kurason, sa' bula mantika gi kinanno'‑ña. He has heart disease from the high fat content of his diet. From: Sp. manteca.
— adj. lardy, fatty, greasy, oily. I inaflitun hineksa' gef mantika. The fried rice is so greasy.
mantikan letchi n. cream, oily or buttery part of milk. Sumaibuk yu' lemmai ya guaha potput na mantikan letchin niyuk gi sampapa'. I cooked breadfruit with coconut milk and there was thick coconut milk cream at the bottom. Månngi' i mantikan letchi mafa'puding. Cream is delicious when it's made into pudding. I mantikan letchin niyuk siña ha' mafa'låña. The cream of the coconut milk can be made into oil.
mantikiya n. butter, margarine. Hu nå'yi i pån mantikiya yan yam. I put butter and jam on the bread. I biskuchu yan mantikiya mås månngi' yanggin mana'danña' yan kafe. Buttered ship biscuit is more delicious with coffee. Siña ha' lokkui' un usa i mantikiya para muna'lagu. You can also use butter for cooking. From: Sp. mantequilla.
mantiya n. mantilla, head shawl. Ha usa si Tan Maria mantiya para i gima' yu'us. Maria wore the mantilla to church. Meggai na manåmku' umu'usa i mantiya yanggin para i misa siha. Many of our female elders wear the mantilla to attend mass. I mantiya siha guaha anåkku' pat kadada', yan guaha lokkui' åttilung pat å'paka' na kulot. There are mantillas that are long or short, and black or white colors. From: Sp. mantilla.
mantu n. robe. Ini i mañotsut na i'isåo ni i lumihing gi papa' i mantun atyu i gasgas na Bithen. Here is the repentant sinner who takes shelter under the robe of that pure Virgin. From: Sp. manto.
manu n. the one who starts a card game. Hågu manu. You're the one who's starting the card game. I manu para u tutuhun i balåha. The manu should start the card game. From: Sp. mano.
månu n. millstone, roller, the smaller of the two pieces of stone used for grinding corn, rice, etc. I suruhåna ha u'usa i månu para u lommuk i amut siha. The native healer uses the millstone to grind the medicines. Gai iyu si tatå‑hu månu ya ha lolommuk i piguå'‑ña. My father has a millstone that he grinds his betelnuts with. Hu gulik i pigas ni manu. I ground the rice with the millstone. From: Sp. mano.
månu adj. which? (interrogative), whichever. Månu mås ya‑mu na lugåt? Which place do you like best? Månu guini na potta? Which one of the doors? Para månu guatu håo? Which place are you going to? Maseha månu na alunan guennåo. Whichever pillow there. Maseha månu na kareta ni baråtu. Whichever car that is cheap. Maseha månu malago'‑mu. Whichever you want.
— adv. where? (interrogative). Para månu håo guatu? Where are you going? Månu nai sumåsaga håo? Where are you staying? Månu nai un sodda' i lapes‑mu? Where did you find your pencil? Syn: månggi. Variant: amånu.
manu'un n. direction east.
manugung vi. take off (with high speed), dash, rush, bolt (antipassive). Manugung i ga'lågu huyung gi petta. The dog took off out the door. Manugung gotpi i kareta ya ha sufa' i trongku. The car took off suddenly and hit the tree. Anai para u masåolak si Manuel gi as tatå‑ña, manugung chaddik para u eskapåyi. When Manuel was to be spanked by his father, he quickly took off to avoid it. Manugung i taotåo mo'na para u anña i che'lu‑ña. The man rashly moved forward to beat up his brother. Måttu si Ramona ya manugung guatu gi as Roberta para u få'um ni hayu. Ramona came and dashed to Roberta to hit her with the stick. Mumu i dos chume'lu ya manugung hålum si tatan‑ñiha ya mangginaluti. The two brothers were fighting and their father dashed in and hit them.
Manung name. nickname for Manuel. I kariñu‑ña i na'an as Manuel, sa' si Manung. Manuel's nickname is Manung. Si Manung ha na'chotchu i guaka siha. Manuel fed the cows. Måttu si Manung ginin Astrålia. Manuel came from Australia. Syn: Maning, Ne', Mani, Nenggu.
manungu' vi. 1) know (antipassive). Ti manmanungu' ham put esti. We did not know about this. I istudiåntin i Iskuelan Mariånas manmanungu' put i areklamentu yan regulasion siha gi iskuelan‑ñiha. The students of Marianas High School know about the rules and regulations of their school. 2) literate, knowledgeable. Esta manmanungu' ham todu put i Lain i Commonwealth. We are already all knowledgeable of the Commonwealth Law. Manungu' esti na tåotåo. This man is knowledgeable. Hu taitai i istorian Taga' ya manungu' yu' mås put i fina'pos‑ña. I read the story of Taga and I am more knowledgeable about his past.
månut num. the indigenous Chamorro word for the number ten. Syn: dies.
måña n. custom, habit, tradition. Båba mañå‑ña si Antonio, sa' benggatibu. Antonio has a bad habit, because he is revengeful. I måñan i neni ti gof måolik. The baby's custom is not pleasing. Mampus taklalu' mañå‑ña si Brenda. Brenda has a mean custom. Guaha mañå‑ña si Rosa guini gi nuebu na såkkan. Rosa has a new habit this new year. I mañå‑hu guini na biåhi para bai hu butmuchåchu. This time, my habit will be industrious. Ti ya‑hu i mañå‑mu nu i bisiun chumupa. I do not like your habit of smoking. I mañan i Chamorro, sa' yan‑ñiha mangguput. The tradition of the Chamorro is they like to party. I måñan‑måmi gi gima'‑måmi, sa' debi na bai in fana'ayuda gi todu manera. Our tradition at our home is that we have to be helping each other in all ways. Meggai måñan‑ñiha i Refaluwasch. The Carolinians have many traditions. See: kustumbri, bisiu.
mañåda' vi. lay (eggs). Mañåda' i mannuk gi kahun. The chicken laid eggs in the box. Mañåda' i haggan gi halum unai gi egga'an. The turtle laid eggs in the sand in the morning. Mañåda' i paluma singku na mambunitun chåda'. The bird laid five beautiful eggs.
— idiom. It's raining and sunny at the same time (said when this is actually happening). See: uchan måtai. Variant: Mañågu i bruha.
mañåggui' vi. 1) pull forcefully, haul, drag, tug, draw, jerk (antipassive). Ti mañåggui' gui' åmut anai para u chuli' gi trongku. He did not pull the medicine with force when he got it from the plant. 2) have a convulsion, have convulsive quivering, usually indicating approaching death, twitch (of body). Sessu mañåggui' i che'lu‑hu palåo'an. My sister often has convulsions. Måtai si Edward anai mañåggui' atdit ya anåkku'. Edward died when he had a severe and long convulsion attack. Mampus kinastitiga si Ramon yanggin sessu mañåggui'. Ramon suffers a lot when he gets frequent convulsions. Ti anåkku' mañaggue'‑ña si Juan åntis di u måtai. Juan did not have a long twitching of the body before he died. Variant: mañagui'.
mañagi vi. experience being rich. Ai, sa' mañagi si Maria anai ma'irensia ginin as bihå‑ña. Well, Maria experienced being rich with the inheritance from her grandmother. Tarehan‑ñiha på'gu manmañagi. It's their turn now to experience wealth.
mañågu vi. give birth, bear a child. Mañågu yu' dinga' gi paingi. I gave birth to twins last night. Mapput mañågu i hagå‑hu, sa' dångkulu i neni. My daughter had a hard time delivering, because the baby was big. Si Tan Beata ha tungu' åmut muna'fañågu. Tan Beata knows a medicine to help women to give birth. See: mafañågu.
— idiom. It is raining while the sun is shining. See: uchan måtai. Variant: Mañåda' i bruha.
mañagui' vi. have a convulsion, have convulsive quivering, usually indicating approaching death, have a seizure. Mañagui' i lahi‑hu anai tres mesis i idåt‑ña. My son had a convulsion when he was three months old. Mañagui' yu' annai maipi i semnak. I had a seizure when the sun was very hot. Mañagui' si Jose gi lanchu. Jose had a seizure at the farm. Ti måolik esti na chetnut i mañagui'. A convulsion is not a good sickness. Variant: mañåggui'.
mañåhak n. type of fish: rabbitfish. Family Siganidae. Bula mañåhak mabebendi gi tendan Olivia. There are plenty of rabbitfish being sold at Olivia's store. Månngi' ma'anistukun i mañåhak. It is good to eat the salted rabbitfish. Månngi' ma'aflitu i mañåhak ya mana'påttun. It good to fry rabbitfish and to make it crispy. See: daggi', hiting, sesyun.
mañahguan vi. 1) fill in, put in, place in (antipassive). 2) pregnant. Kalan mañahgan si Lourdes, sigun gi kakoko'‑ña. It seems like Lourdes is pregnant, according to the way she looks. Syn: mañini. See: mapotgi'.
mañaina n.pl. 1) parents. Manmåtai esta mañaina‑hu disdi må'pus na såkkan. My parents have passed away since last year. Meggai mañaina gi huntan iskuela gi paingi. There were many parents at the school meeting. Esta bula manaigui na mañaina siha. There are many parents who have gone. 2) aunts and uncles. Bula mañaina‑hu manggaigi Guam. I have many aunts and uncles who are on Guam. 3) elders. Måolik ta ekkunguk i finu' mañaina‑ta. It's good for us to listen to what our elders say.
mañakki vi. steal, rob (antipassive). Ti si Jose mañakki, na si Juan. It was not Jose who stole, but Juan. Mañakki si Josefa kamuti gi lanchun Maria, sa' para u na'chotchu i famagu'on‑ña. Josefa stole sweet potatoes from Maria's farm to feed her children. Ti siña ta sångan na mañakki kamuti si Josefa yanggin ti ha tungu' na si Maria duenan i lanchu. We cannot really say that Josefa stole the sweet potato if she was not aware that Maria owns the farm.
máñaña' adj. 1) soft, tender, easily yielding to physical pressure. Ti månngi' chumotchu mañaña' na kåtni. It is no fun eating soft meat. Mampus mañaña' i alunan nanå‑hu. My mother's pillow is so soft. Meggai pugua' mañaña' gi gima' Peter. There are so many soft betelnuts at Peter's house. Esti na kåtnin stek månngi', sa' mañaña'. This steak meat is delicious, because it's tender. I katnin guaka anai mana'lågu mumañaña'. The beef meat was tender when it was cooked. I katnin torun guaka ti mañaña' na kåtni. The meat of an old cow is not tender. Esta mumañaña' i katni, sa' hagas mana'lågu. The meat has been cooked for a long time and has softened already. Siempri mumañaña' i alageta yanggin måsa. The avocado will soften when it is ripe. Máñaña' i tiyån‑mu. Your stomach is soft. Ha fa'tinas i katnin guaka ya ha na'máñaña'. He cooked the cow meat and made it soft. Kånnu' i aga', sa' máñaña'. Eat the banana, because it's soft. Mumañaña' i edda' anai fumotgun. The soil loosened when it got wet. 2) lenient, gentle. Mampus mañaña' si Bernadita na palåo'an. Bernadita is a gentle woman. Si Doris gof mañaña' kustumbren‑ña. Doris has a gentle personality. Manmañaña' ham na familia siha. We are a gentle family. Nina'mañaña' i kurason‑ña anai ha li'i' i guinaiyan‑ña. Her heart softened when she realized his affection for her.
mañañu vi. bribed, softened up to get one's way. Mañañu si Francisco put para u apreba i propositu. Francisco was bribed to approve the proposal. Si nang ha konsenti mañañu si Rosa put para u kunfotmi macho'chu'. Mother consented to have Rosa bribed so she would agree to work. Mañañu i patgun put para u sångan i magåhit. The child was bribed so he would tell the truth. Kunfotmi ha' si Maria an mañañu'. Maria is agreeable even when she is bribed. Mañañu' ha' dididi' si Rita, sa' mannå'i ha'. All you have to do is bribe Rita and she will give in. Yanggin ti mañañu' si tåta, ni ngai'an na u sedi hit manhånåo. If you don't bribe Dad, he would never allow us to go. See: fa'mansu, uga, kumplåsi. Variant: mafa'chada'.
mañe'lu n.pl. siblings, brothers, sisters. Guaha singku ham na mañe'lu. There are five of us siblings. Mañe'lu ham yan si Jose. We are brothers with Jose. Mañe'lu si Anunsia, si Brenda, yan si Josefina gi tata. Anunsia, Brenda, and Josefina are sisters on the father's side. I nanan‑ñiha si Rita, si Petra, yan si Anuncia mañe'lu yan si Chong. The mothers of Rita, Petra, and Anuncia are sisters of Consolasion.
mañetnut adj. infected, esp. with sores. Mañetnut i addeng‑hu anai inakka' oddut. My foot was infected by the ant's bite. Mañetnut kannai‑ña si Toni anai kina'guas ni katu. Toni's hand got infected when the cat scratched her. Manmañetnut i pachut‑ñiha i neni siha. The babies' mouths are infected with sores.
mañila' n. blaze, lightning, glare. Ma'lak na mañila'. It is a brilliant glare.
— vi. inflame, light up, burst into flame, become inflamed. Mañila' i gima'. The house burst into flames. Mañila' i chetnot‑tu. My wound got inflamed. Mañila' gotpi i guafi. The fire suddenly became bright. Syn: lamlam.
mañini vi. 1) put (antipassive). 2) pregnant. Esta i hagå‑hu as Susie mañini. My daughter Susie is pregnant. Mañini si Sheila esta. Sheila is already pregnant. Guaha tres mesis disdi anai manini yu'. I am three months pregnant. Syn: mañahguan. See: mapotgi'. Variant: manini.
mañokñuk vi. sunken, submerged. Mañokñuk i batkun Jesus gi entalu' Saipan yan Tinian. Jesus's ship has sunk between Saipan and Tinian. Mañokñuk i adding Johnny gi kuik san. Johnny's feet were submerged in the quicksand. Anai aksidenti i batkun airi, mañokñuk påpa' gi fondun i tasi. When the airplane got into an accident, it sank to the bottom of the ocean. Syn: makñu'. See: mafondu.
mañotsut vi. regretful, remorseful, feel guilty. Ti mañotsut si Merced ni bidå‑ña as nanå‑ña. Merced did not feel guilty about how she treated her mother. Ti matråta måolik i famagu'un siha ya mañotsut i tata put ennåo. The children were not treated well and the father regretted it. I tratamientu i Hapones gi taotåo tånu' dimasiåo båba ya tåya' mañotsut put ennåo na ekspirensia. The Japanese treated the native people really badly and they seemed to have no remorse over that.
mañotta vi. lose control, go berserk, go crazy (antipassive).
mañugu' vi. 1) generate pus or juice, ooze, fester. Mañugu' i chetnot‑ña si Susie gi addeng‑ña. Susie's sore on her feet has pus. Mañugu' i granu matditu gi kannai‑ña i patgun. The pus on the boil on the child's hand came out. Mañugu' i gel, sa' mådduk i buteyå‑ña. The gel oozed out, because the bottle has a hole. Kumeke'mañugu' i chetnut Joaquin. Joaquin's sore is generating pus. Mampus te'uk i chigu' i chetnot‑tu anai mañugu' nigap. The pus of my sore was so thick when it oozed. Mumatomba si Dwayne gi ma'posña na simåna ya malåssas, pues mumañetnut atdit ya mumañugu' meggai. Dwayne fell two weeks ago and got some scratches, then it got infected badly then it oozed a lot. 2) have an orgasm, ejaculate. Anai uma'abali' i dos ga'lågu, mumañugu' i lahi. When the two dogs were having sex, the male ejaculated. Parehu ha' i dos taotåo manunugu' yanggin uma'abali'. Both persons are ejaculating when they are having sex. Si John Doe yan i asaguå‑ña umabali' ya manugu' si John. John Doe and his wife had sex and he ejaculated. Variant: manugu'.
mañum n. cold, flu, runny nose. Mampus atdit i mañom‑hu. My runny nose is bad. I mañom‑ña si Rita esta gof åpmam. Rita's runny nose has lasted quite long. Esti i mañom‑hu ti måmagung. My runny nose is not going away.
— adj. have a cold, flu, runny nose. Mañum yu'. I have cold. Mañum i neni‑hu disdi paingi. My baby has had a cold since last night. Manmañum ham todu guini mågi. We all have colds here.
mañusu vi. bud, have buds or suckers. Manmañusu i trongkun chotda siha. The bananas produced suckers. Esta i floris rosa siha manmañuñusu meggai. The roses are already budding a lot. Atrasåo manmañusu i sini anai tiempun fañomnågan. Taro plants will produce suckers late during dry season.
Mång name. nickname for Herman. Humånåo si Mång para i giput gi paingi. Herman went to the party last night. Si Mång gof måolik na tåotåo. Herman is a very good person. Sessu pumasehu si Mång para Guam yan i che'lu‑ña as Francisco. Herman and his brother Francisco always travel to Guam. Variant: Mang.
manganiti n. devil, Satan. Yanggin ti malagu' håo humosmi an Damenggu, sa' put gagu' håo, pues kumeke'ilek‑ña na i manganiti tumetenta håo. If you did not want to go to mass on Sunday, because you are lazy, then it means that the devil is tempting you not to. Bula manganiti gi sasalåguan. There are many devils in hell. I manganiti ya‑ña manienta ni para un cho'gui i baba na fina'tinas siha. It is the devil that likes to tempt you to do bad things. Syn: birak. Variant: maknganiti.
mangåo n. type of plant: turmeric. Curcuma longa. I yo'amti manånum mangåo yan sibukåo para usun åmut. The healer planted turmeric and sibukåo for medicinal use. Liti mangåo, met, yan chigu' lemmun gi hanum mamaipi pues gimin. Stir the turmeric, honey and lemon juice in warm water then drink it. Variant: mangu'.
mångfung vi. reckon, count, compute (antipassive). Mangfung si nåna ni salåppi' gi Carnival. Mother counted the money at the Carnival. Manmångfung ham ni katga ni manmåttu gi paingi. We counted the cargo that came last night. Mumångfung si Eddie lokkui' ni chinile'‑ña na pugua'. Eddie also participated in counting the betel nuts he brought. Variant: mangfung, måmfung.
mångga n. mango. Mangifera indica. Mandångkulu månggan‑ñiha si Dorothy gi lanchu. Dorothy's mangos at the farm are big. Manmånngi' i manggan Lulita, sa' mampus manmamis. Lulita's mangos are good, because they are sweet. Månngi' i ko'ku' mångga yanggin pika. The pickled mango is good if it is hot.
mångga n. manganese.
manggåfa n. family. Mandanña' i manggåfan sankattan yan sanlichan para u fanchinchulu. The northern and southern families gathered to go net fishing. Gaigi na påtti yu' guennåo na manggåfa. I am part of that family. Dångkulu manggafå‑ña i mås åmku na chi'lu‑hu. My oldest sibling has a large family.
manggågåo dispensasión vi. apologize, beg pardon (antipassive). Manggågåo dispensasion si Bertha gi as Thelma put i na'puti sinienten‑ña. Bertha apologized to Thelma for hurting her feelings. Manmanggågåo ham dispensasion gi as Siñot Borja, sa' put in chennik i istudiånti siha gi gua'ut. We apologized to Mr. Borja, because we pushed the students on the stairs. Manggågåo si tatå‑hu dispensasion gi as nanå‑hu, sa' put ti måttu gui' gi ora. My father apologized to my mother, because he did not come on time. Manggågåo yu' dispensasion gi as Yu'us ni para u asi'i yu' ni isåo‑hu. I asked the Lord forgiveness to forgive me with all my sins. Manggågåo si Ben dispensasion as Tina put fina'bababa gui'. Ben asked Tina for forgiveness for cheating on her. Manmanggågåo todu i taotåo dispensasion gi as Yu'us ni para u fanmama'asi'i nu i todu isåo‑ñiha. All the people have asked God for forgiveness to be forgiven for their sins.
månggan aniti n. type of thick-skinned mango that tastes like medicine. Guaha unu na trongkun månggan aniti giya Chalan Kanoa gi kantun tåsi. There is a thick-skinned mango tree that grows in Chalan Kanoa.
månggan karabåo n. carabao mango. Nunuk i manggan karabåo, sa' chátmasa. Conceal the carabao mango until ripens, because it is immature. Manlasnik todu i manggan karabåo gi lanchun Tun Juan. All the carabao mangos at Tun Juan's ranch are not quite ripe.
månggan Palau n. type of mango.
manggånna vi. win (something), benefit (from something) (antipassive). Manggånna i istudiåntin Luta gi kumpitensian Chamorro giya Guåhan. The student from Rota won the Chamorro Competition in Guam. Ti manmanggånna ham, låo esta in tingu' håfa para bai in che'gui ottru biåhi. We did not win, but we now know what to do the next time.
månggas n. sleeve. Dopbla hulu' i manggas chininå‑mu. Roll up your sleeves. Matitik i manggas chininå‑hu. My shirt sleeve is torn. Mampus anåkku' i manggas chininå‑mu. Your shirt sleeve is too long. Variant: mangas. From: Sp. mangas.
månggi vi. where is (interrogative). Månggi si Juan? Where is Juan? Månggi nai un po'lu i sapatos‑su? Where did you put my shoes? Månggi i kahun ramentåk‑ku? Where is my tool box? Syn: månu nai gaigi.
månggi' vi. write, inscribe, transcribe, jot down (antipassive). Månggi' yu' kåtta para i lahi‑hu. I wrote a letter to my son. Månggi' i patgun gi lamasa. The child wrote on the table. Månggi' si Jose kånta put kutturå‑ta. Jose wrote a song about our culture.
manggosni vi. 1) molt (of a crustacean), as when a crab becomes soft after it sheds its shell. Kuåntu na ayuyu kinenne'‑mu ni manggosni? How many molted coconut crabs did you catch? 2) at the stage of carrying eggs in abdomen (of a crab). Mungnga makonni' i ayuyu yanggin manggosni. Don't take the coconut crab when it is carrying eggs. Esta ti åtman manmanggosni i ayuyu siha giya Anatahan. Pretty soon the coconut crabs at Anatahan will be loaded with eggs. I ayuyu yanggin manggosni humånåo para i tasi para u fañåda' duråntin gualåfun pulan yan hafnut. When coconut crabs are carrying eggs, they go to the ocean to deposit their eggs during full moon when it is high tide. See: pinipu. Variant: manggosña.
manggosña vi. molt (of a crustacean), as when a crab becomes soft after it sheds its shell. Variant: manggosni.
manggu n. steering wheel.
manggua' n. cartoon (Saipan). Umegga' i neni mubin manggua' gi channel 51. The baby watched cartoons on channel 51. Kana' todu i famagu'un yan‑ñiha manegga' mubin manggua'. Almost all children like to watch cartoon movies. Guaha lokkui' na biåhi na månngi' umegga' manggua'. There are times that it is nice to watch cartoons, too. From: Jp. manga.
— adj. do funny acts, be a joker, be a jester (Saipan). Si Antonio ya‑ña mumanggua' ni para u na'fañålik ham. Antonio likes to do funny acts to make us laugh. Duru mumanggua' i taotåo i circus gi carnival. The man at the circus was doing a lot of funny acts at the carnival. Si Andres mumamanggua' gi giput‑ñiha si James gi egga'an. Andres was doing some funny acts at James's party this morning. Mampus manggua' si Bernadita na palåo'an. Bernadita is a humorous lady. Guaha na tåotåo manggua' ha' disdi mafañagu‑ña. Some people were just born humorous. Si Santiago bula siha manmanggua' na ossitån‑ña. Santiago has a lot of humorous jokes.
mangguetna vt. harness (a runaway cow behind a water buffalo in order to bring it back to its proper place); drag (a child) by force. Mangguetna i guaka siha tåtti gi kellat. The runaway cows were harnessed back into the fence. Mangguetna i babui tåtti gi chikeru. The runaway pigs were harnessed back into the sty.
manghang adj. startled, frightened suddenly but not seriously, shocked, scared. Sessu manghang yu'. I am always startled. Guaha tåotåo siha ginin ottru lugåt manhámanghang. There are some people from other places who are startled a lot. Yanggin dumispåsiu håo måttu gi fi'on‑hu, siempri manghang yu'. If you come quietly near me, then I startle. Ha fa'ñagui yu' i birak gi paingi, ya manghang yu'. The ghost frightened me last night, and I was startled. I minanghang‑ña si Susan esta poddung gi gua'ut. For being so scared, Susan fell off the stairs. Mumanghang si Rita anai hinenggang as Carmen. Rita was startled when Carmen scared her off. Syn: luhan, sustu. See: hongngang. Variant: mahngang.
Mangilao name. village in central Guam. Gaigi i primå‑hu as Lydia na sumåga giya Mangilao. My cousin Lydia lives in Mangilao. Gaigi i unibetsidåt giya Mangilao. The university is in Mangilao. I Dipattamentun Hinemlu' gaigi lokkui' giya Mangilao. The Department of Public Health is also in Mangilao.
mångku adj. crippled, one-armed, amputated, pruned, cut off, bow-legged. Guaha un låhi ni mångku un kannai‑ña. There is a man with a crippled arm. Tuma'yuk i taotåo ni mångku påpa' gi trongku. The man with the crippled arm jumped down the tree. Chaddik umachikak i mångku gi kumpitision. The crippled person raced at the competition. Mumångku kodu‑hu, sa' ma'utut ni diabites‑su. My arm was amputated, because of my diabetes. Mana'mångku addeng‑ña si Lydia put chetnudan. Lydia's leg was amputated because of her sore . Hagas mångku si Fidel disdi i hinoben‑ña anai chenglung gi entalu' dos tråk. Fidel has been an amputee since he was young when he got squashed in between two trucks. Meggai na neni manmångku, sa' put manmahogguin‑ñiñiha. There are a lot of babies that are bow-legged, because of the way they were being carried. Guaha na neni esta mångku ha' disdi anai mafañågu. There are some babies that have been bow-legged since they were born. Si Christine na påtgun mampus mångku. Christine is a bow-legged child. From: Sp. manca.
mangkuetnas n. cufflink. I nobiu ha usa i mangkuetnas para i chininå‑ña. The groom used the cufflinks for his shirt. Yanggin makkat mabatunis i chinina, pues usa i mangkuetnas. If you are having trouble buttoning your shirt, then you can use the cufflinks. Måolik i mangkuetnas para manayudan minagågu. Cufflinks are so useful to help in dressing up. From: Sp. mancuerna.
mangli adj. moocher, sponger, beggar (Guam). Si Edwin mangli na tåotåo. Edwin is a moocher. I palåo'an kumeke'mangli gi tenda. The woman is trying to mooch at the store. I bisitå‑ña si Linda kulang mangli na bisita. Linda's visitor seems to be a moocher. Variant: mångli.
mångli n. type of plant: mangrove tree. rhizophora, bruguiera. Bula trongkun mångli gi guatu gi American Memorial Park. There are a lot of mangrove trees over at American Memorial Park. I mångli na trongkun håyu mihali' ni mangkahuhulu' gi supin tånu'. The mangrove tree has a lot of roots that surface on the ground. I trongkun mångli mandodokku' gi anai guaha hånum. The mangrove tree is growing where there is water.
mångli hembra n. type of mangrove tree. Rhizophora mucronata.
mångli machu n. type of mangrove tree. Bruguiera gymnorrhiza.
Mangloña name. surname.
månglu' n. wind, current of air, draft. Duru i guinaifin i manglu' nigap. Yesterday the wind was blowing hard. Mampus i manglu' metgut, sa' esta ha na'fanggugupu i basula. The wind is very strong, because the trash is flying. Månngi' i guinaifin i manglu', sa' fresku. The breeze of the wind is good, because it's cool. Yanggin metgugut i manglu', pues påpakyu. If the wind is very strong, then it is storming. Syn: airi.
mångta' vi. be spread, be publicized. I kamutin lila mångta' na mamis. The purple sweet potato is widely known to be sweet. I tilifon alaihai ha na'mångta' i magåhit na sinisedi. The rumor has exposed the truth about the event. Variant: måmta'.
mångtu' adj. fine-grained, fine-textured, softened, crumbly, consisting of small pieces. Manngångangas måma' i biha ya ha na'måmangtu' i mamå'‑ña. The old lady is chewing betel nut and she's making it crumbly. I neni yanggin tai nifin, ma ngangåsi ya ma na'mångtu'. If the baby does not have teeth, they chew food for her to a very soft texture. Manggulik yu' ma'is ya hu na'mångtu'. I was grinding some corn and I made it fine-grained.
mangu' n. type of plant: turmeric. Curcuma longa. I mangu' ma'u'usa para unu gi na'yin i eskabetchi na putåhi. Turmeric is used as one of the ingredients for eskabetchi. I mangu' guiya esti munåna'i kulot i eskabetchi. The turmeric gives color to the eskabetchi. Månngi' påo‑ña i mangu' na tinanum. The aroma of the turmeric plant is nice. Variant: mangåo.
måoheha n. stomach illness (of babies less than one year old). Variant: måohea.
måolekña adj. better (comparative), to the contrary, better off. Måolekña yu' kini si Remedio. I am better than Remedio. Måolekña na bai hu mamaigu' kini bai hu bulålachu. I am better off sleeping than getting drunk. Måolekña na yanggin humånåo si Kathy para i giput kini u såga gi gima'. Kathy was better off if she went to the party than stayed home. Måolekña yan mannge'ña i na'‑hu stek kini i na'‑mu. My steak is much better and more delicious than yours. Bunituña yan måolekña si Dolores kini si Rose. Dolores is much better and prettier than Rose. Måolekña atyu i na' Benita na inaflitun månnuk kini i na' Maria na kåddun uhang. Benita's fried chicken is much better than Maria's shrimp soup.
måolik adj. good, fine, well. Måolik esta sinientek‑ku anai hu gimin i amut. I am already fine since I took the medicine. Kåo todu måolik håo? Hunggan, todu måolik ha' yu'. Are you fine? Yes, I am fine. Mumåolik i kareta anai ma nå'yi låña. The car became good when they put oil. Måolekña yu' nu i fina'måolek‑ku kini hågu ni inangokkok‑ku. I am better off with what I secured for myself than my reliance on you. Variant: målik.
måolitåo n. single (unmarried) Chamorro female tasked with certain obligations, such as cermonial dances, chants, songs, and other entertainment. Åntis, guaha na cho'chu' para i måolitåo ha' siña chumo'gui. In the past, there are certain activities that are only reserved for the måolitåo.
måpa n. map, chart. Guaha gi ofisinan‑måmi måpan Saipan. There is a map of Saipan in our office. Kada lugåt siempri guaha mapå‑ña. At every place there should be a map. I agramensot ha u'usa i måpa para u giha gui' ni mineddung i lugåt. The surveyor uses the map to guide him on the size of the place. I ma'estra ha atan i måpan i risuttan i tes famagu'un. The teacher looked at the chart of the students' test results. I Statistic na Ofisina ma cho'gui måpa put håfa na råsan tåotåo mås meggai guini Saipan. The Office of Statistics did a chart on what ethnic group is the largest here on Saipan. Mañuli' yu' måpan daibitis gi Dipattamentun Hinemlu' Pupbliku. I took a diabetes chart from the Department of Public Health. From: Sp. mapa.
mapagåhis n. cloud. Guaha na biåhi i mapagåhis na gai figura figuran gå'ga'. The clouds sometimes have the shape of an animal. Guaha tres klåsi na mapagåhis: stratus, cirrus, yan cumulus. There are three types of clouds: stratus, cirrus and cumulus. Yanggin humomhum i mapagåhis, pues para u guaha uchan. If the clouds are dark, then there will be rain.
mapagolum vi. be loaded with work, charged with many tasks. Mampus mapagolum yu' nu i gurupu, sa' matungu' na angokkuyun yu' na tåotåo. The group charged me with many tasks, because they know I am a reliable person. Si Rita ha' sessu mapagolum nu i che'chu' gi gimå'‑ña. Rita is the one that is loaded with too much work at her house. Ti ya‑hu humånåo para i lanchu, sa' mampus mapagogolum yu'. I don't like going to the farm, because I'm often being loaded with work.
mapaknas vi. be flattened, squashed, flattened out (passive). Variant: mapatnas, mapatngas, mapannas, mapakngas.
mapannas vi. be flattened, made flat, squashed, flattened out (passive). Si Sandra ha na'mapannas i titiyas gi hilu' i kemmat. Sandra flattened the tortillas on top of the grill. In na'mapannas i tininun lemmai gi hilu' lamasa. We flattened the barbequed breadfruit on the table. Yanggin para un titiyas harina, debi na un na'mapannas i titiyas ni para un na'aridondu. If you are to make flour tortillas, you must flatten the tortilla to make it round. Ti omlat i magagu‑hu gi maleta, pues hu honñu' påpa' ni para u mapannas ni para u omlat. My clothes could not fit in the luggage, then I had to squash it down to make it fit. Si Antonette ha sini i buchibuchi gi balakbak‑ña ya mapannas. Antonette put the turnover in her purse and it got squashed. Si Carmelita ha fata'chungi i pån gi siyan kareta ya mapannas todu. Carmelita sat on the bread on the car seat and flattened them all. Variant: mapaknas, mapakngas, mapatnas.
måpåo vi. quiet down, cool off, become cool. Esta mapåoñaihun i buruka ginin i paingi. The noise from last night has already quieted down. Mumapåoñaihun i kati‑ña i neni anai manå'i ni letchen‑ña. The cry of the baby quieted down when they gave him his milk. Lalålu', låo måpåo esta. He was angry, but he has already cooled off. I manglu' gi paingi kulang dumuru, låo kulang esta mapåoñaihun på'gu. The wind was kind of blowing hard last night, but has now quieted down. Na'måpåo nåya i hanum maipi. Let the hot water cool down first.
mapatnas vi. be flattened, squashed, flattened out (passive). Variant: mapannas, mapaknas, mapatngas.
mapatngas vi. be flattened, squashed, flattened out (passive). Variant: mapannas, mapaknas, mapatnas.
mapeddi vi. lose (in a contest with an opponent), be defeated, be beaten. Mapeddi si Andre gi mimun‑ñiha yan si Muhamed. Andre was defeated in his fight with Muhamed. I iskuelan Umang manmapeddi gi bola kontra Kanårio. The Umang school were defeated by the Kanårio school. Manmapeddi i istudiåntin Garapan gi contest mandilitreha kontra San Antonio. The students of Garapan lost a spelling contest with their opponents from San Antonio. Guaha kompitision kuentas ya mapeddi si Joel. There was a math competition and Joel lost to his opponent. Umachikak si Maryann yan si Victorina ya mapeddi si Maryann. Maryann and Victorina raced and Maryann lost. See: peddi. Variant: mapetdi.
mapetdi vi. lose (in a contest with an opponent), be defeated, be beaten. Mapetdi si Andre gi mimun‑ñiha yan si Muhamed. Andre was defeated in his fight with Muhamed. I iskuelan Umang manmapetdi gi bola kontra Kanårio. The Umang school were defeated by the Kanårio school. See: peddi. Variant: mapeddi.
mapetsigi vi. be persecuted, be pursued, suffer persecution (passive).
måpga' vi. 1) split (of something forked), spread widely apart. Måpga' i patas i lamasa. The leg of the table split up. Mapuga' i petta ya måpga' huyung. They pried the door and it split up. Umahalla i dos påtgun ni iskoba ya måpga' i tekpong‑ña. The two children pulled the broom between each other and the handle split. 2) become dislocated (of pelvic bones). Sulun si Angelina ya måpga' trongkun pietnån‑ña. Angelina slipped and her hips dislocated. I palåo'an yanggin poddung, chaddik måpga'. If the woman falls, she is very quick to have a dislocated hip. Båba lokkui' sessu para un hagu' takkilu', sa' chaddik måpga' håo. It is not good to always reach high, because you can get a dislocated hip.
måpgåo vi. be scattered (of a flock or group), dispersed. Manmåpgåo i paluman loru. The parrots are all scattered. Bula ngånga' manmåpgåo gi gurupun‑ñiha. A lot of ducks are scattered from their group. I ngånga' palåo na paluma siha mampus manmåpgåo gi difirentis lugåt. The mallard birds are all scattered in different places. Atan i mapagåhis, sa' måpgåo. Look at the clouds, they are scattered. Ti måpgåo i mapagåhis, sa' mampus kåtma. The clouds are not scattered, because it is too calm. Måpgåo na uchan gi paingi, sa' guaifun. It was windy last night and the rain was scattered.
måpla' vi. come off, peel off. Måpla' i hilu gi magagu‑hu. The thread came off in my dress. Variant: måppla'.
mapola n. type of flower: hibiscus. Hibiscus mutabilis (Family Malvaceae). Esti na mapola bunitu kulot‑ña. This hibiscus has a nice color. I mapola na floris ti chå'tan na tinanum. The hibiscus is not a delicate plant. Guaha na mapola ma'u'usa para åmut. Some hibiscus are used for medicine.
mapotgi' adj. pregnant. Mapotgi' ta'lu si Marsha. Marsha is pregnant again. Mumapotgi' si Helen gi ma'pus na såkkan ni mina'tres na påtgun. Helen was pregnant again last year with her third child. Mapotgi' atyu na palåo'an Chinu ya påtgun Bryan. That Chinese woman is pregnant and it is Bryan's child. See: mañahguan.
måppa vi. become detached, separated, disjoined. Måppa i petta gi sagå‑ña. The door became detached from its place. Måppa i balan stepol gi kahita. The staple on the box came off. Måppa i tampin i lepblu. The cover is separated from the book. Måppa i sin gi hilu' i atuf i gima'. The roofing tin of the house became detached. Måppa i tapbla gi liga. The plywood fell down from the wall. See: tupa.
måppla' vi. loose, become loosened, untangled, untied, or undone. Måppla' i godden‑ña i ga'lågu. The dog's leash became untied. Måppla' i yippa' katsunes‑su. The zipper of my pants became unzipped. Måppla' i laksi gi katsunes‑su gi egga'an. The stitches on my pants came undone in the morning. Måppla' i manggas i magagu‑hu nigap. The sleeve of my dress got detached yesterday. Variant: måpla'.
mapput adj. difficult, hard, not easy, hard to do, make, or carry out. Mampus mapput esti na tes. This test is very difficult. Mapput masåtba esti na prublema gi halum familia. This problem is difficult to solve within the family. Kulang mapput makåtga i kareta gi batku, sa' esta makkat mampus. It seems hard to load the car on the ship, because the ship is already too heavy. Mapput para bai hu sungun i prubleman Susana. It is hard for me not to mind Susana's problem. Mapput ennåo na familia ni para u fanafa'måolik esta. It is hard for that family to have peace within them. Syn: chátsaga, makkat.
måpta' vi. 1) burst, crack open, rupture, split. Måpta' i niyuk anai madåggåo gi trongku. The coconut cracked open when it was thrown at the tree. Måpta' i malaksen‑ña si Augustine anai poddung ya ma'ottu. Augustine's incision cracked open when he stumbled. Måpta' i chandiha anai ha yuti' si Erleen gi hilu' såtgi. The watermelon cracked open when Erleen dropped it on the floor. Måpta' i buteyan kok anai fumros gi friya. The bottle of coke burst when it got frozen in the freezer. Måpta' i latan gas anai masonggi i basula. The empty can of butane gas burst when the trash was burnt. Måpta' i abubu anai maguaifi dångkulu. The balloon burst out when it was blown up real big. Måpta' i katsunes‑ña si Mariano anai manggaloppi. Mariano's pants split open when he jumped. Måpta' i manggas frañelå‑hu anai hu istira i kannai‑hu. When I stretched my arms, my sleeves split open. Anai in halla i sabanas, måpta' dångkulu. When we pulled the sheet, it split open wide. 2) break (of a wave on the shore). Mampus mandångkulu i napu siha ya esta manmåmapta'. The waves are so big and they are breaking. Yanggin måmapta' i napu, månngi' umo'mak gi tasi. It is nice to swim in the ocean if there are big waves breaking. Bula guihan manhåhalum gi kantun unai yanggin måmapta' i napu. There are many fish going close to shore when big waves are breaking on the shore. Ant: risåki.
mapugasi vi. be showered with (e.g. riches).
mapulakis vi. hatch (of an egg), be hatched. Meggai na chåda' kulepbla manmapulakis nigap. There were a lot of snake eggs being hatched yesterday. Tres na chåda' månnuk ti manmapulakis. There are three eggs that did not hatch. Si nåna ha chuli' siha i chada' ni ti manmapulakis. Mother took all the eggs that did not hatch. Rikohi i mapulakis na chåda', sa' i cha'ka. Gather the eggs that were hatched, because of the rats. Tres na chåda' ti mapulakis, sa' fotgun gi ichan. Three eggs were not hatched, because they got wet from the rain. I punidera ha dingu i chemchum, sa' todu i chåda' manmapulakis. The hen had abandoned its nest, because all of the eggs were hatched.
mapuñåo n. type of tree endemic to the Mariana Islands, now found on Rota but not on Tinian. aglaia mariannensis. Bula trongkun mapuñåo gi kantun halum tånu'. There are many mapuñåo on the edge of the woods. Måhluk i mapuñåo anai dumuru i manglu'. The mapuñåo tree broke when the wind blew hard. Måhyåo mampus i trongkun mapuñåo. The mapuñåo tree has lots of shade.
marabiya n. type of flower. Mirabilis jalapa (Family Nyctaginaceae). Bula floris marabiya gi uriyan guma'‑måmi. There are a lot of mirabilis jalapa flowers around our house. Mambunitu siha i floris marabiya. The mirabilis jalapa flowers are pretty. Si Lorraine ya‑ña i floris marabiya. Lorraine likes the mirabilis jalapa flowers. From: Sp. maravilla.
marasón n. marathon, long race. Sumåsåonåo si Jesse gi gurupun marason. Jesse participated in the marathon group. From: Sp. maratón.
— vi. run a marathon, have a long race. Mumarason si Kurt Barnes yan si Winfield disdi Garapan asta San Antonio. Kurt Barnes and Mr. Winfield had a long race from Garapan to San Antonio. I gurupun Taga' Marathon manmarason gi uriyan Makpe' na area . The Taga' Marathan group had a long race around Marpi area. I famagu'un iskuela manmarason gi uriyan i iskuelan‑ñiha. The students at school had a long race around the school campus. Manmarason i gurupun Triathlon gi ma'pus na Såbalu. The Triathlon Group went on a marathon last Saturday. Para u fanmarason i taotåo siha gi Makpi'. The people will run a marathon in Marpe.
måri n. ancient Chamorro debating skill. Mandanña' i maga'låhi siha para u fanmåri. The chiefs congregated to debate.
— vi. argue (about a specific subject matter) in a formal way. Måolik mumåri i maga'låhi. The chief is an expert in debating.
Mariånas name. island group in Micronesia, named after the Spanish queen Mariana of Austria (or Maria Anna). Guaha kinsi na isla siha guini gi islas Mariånas. There are fifteen islands here in the Marianas. Sumåsaga si Tun Enrique giya Mariånas. Enrique lives in the Mariana Islands. Yan‑ñiha i taotåo Mariånas mangguput. The people of the Marianas like to have parties.
Marikita name. nickname for Maria. Si Marikita yu'. I am Maria.
marimåta n. last bell for mass or prayers at church, the beginning of mass or church prayers.
— vi. be rung (of the last bell for mass) (passive). Esta para bai hu madingu ni misa, sa' esta marimåta i kampånan Guma' Yu'us. I am about to be late to church, because the last bell to start the mass has already rung. Mungnga humånåo para i misa yanggin esta marimåta i kampåna. Do not go to church if the last bell has already rung.
marineru n. sailor, crew. Si Lingko' ginin mumarineru gi batkun dångkulu. Lingko' was a crew member on a big ship. I marineru siha sessu manhånåo para i pumalun tånu' siha. The crew of the ship travel a lot to other countries. Si Roman mumarineru gi batkun Rananim. Roman was a crew man on Rananim Ship. From: Sp. marinero.
marinu n. marine, Marine Corps, sailor. Si Jeffrey gaigi gi marinu. Jeffrey is in the Marines. Mumarinu si Daniel gi tiempun gera. Daniel became a marine during the war. Malagu' yu' mumarinu på'gu na tiempu. I want to be a marine these days. From: Sp. marino.
marinun mantikiya n. navy steward, sailor. Si Greg marinun mantikiya gi batkun Navy. Greg is a steward on the Navy ship. Mumarinun mantikiya si Cristine gi tiempun Chapanis. Cristine was a Navy steward during the Japanese time. Humånåo si Andrew para u marinun mantikiya giya Amerika. Andrew went to join the stewardship on the Navy ship in America. See: bayineru.
maronggai n. type of tree. Moringa oleifera (Family Moringaceae). Guaha trongkun maronggai gi gima'‑måmi. We have this maronggai plant at our house. Månngi' i hagun i maronggai para u makåddu yan månnuk. The maronggai leaves are good for making soup with chicken. I hagun maronggai kulang hagun tangantångan. The maronggai leaves seem like tangantangan leaves. Variant: malonggai.
måru n. box kite. Muna'gupu si Filipe papalotin måru gi nigapña. Felipe flew a box kite the day before yesterday. Bula manggugupu måru gi kantun tåsi nigap. There were a lot of box kites flying at the beach site yesterday. Bunitu maru' Josephine. Josephine's box kite is pretty.
mås adv. 1) more (comparative). Nigap mås meggai na tåotåo gi tasi. Yesterday there were more people at the beach. 2) most (superlative). Humånåo yu' para i mås chågu' na tenda. I went to the farthest store. På'gu ni mås bula salappe'‑hu. Now I have the most money. From: Sp. más.
måsa adj. ripe, cooked. Måsa i hineksa'. The rice is cooked. Ya‑hu i måsa na mångga. I like ripe mango. Manmåsa esta i kahit. The oranges are ripe already.
masahalum n. sweat. Fa'gåsi i masahalum gi magagu‑mu. Wash the sweat from your clothes.
— vi. perspire, sweat. Masahalum yu', sa' maipi i ha'åni. I sweat, because the day is hot. Sessu håo masahalum, sa' machocho'chu' håo makkat. You often sweat, because you are working hard. Masahalum kannai‑mu. Your hands are sweaty.
masahegat adj. muscular. Si Rambo mampus masahegat. Rambo is a very muscular man. Mumu i dos masahegat na tåotåo para uma apreba i masahegat‑ñiha. The two muscular guys fought to prove who is more muscular. Si Andre the Giant masahegat. Andre the Giant is a muscular man. See: metgut. Variant: masegat.
masailagu' vi. 1) cry, weep, sob. Sessu yu' masailagu' yanggin piniti pat mahålang yu' nu i famagu'on‑hu. I often weep when my heart aches or I miss my children. Chaddik masailagu' si Carmen. Carmen cries easily. Minasailagu' si Maria anai måttu i che'lu‑ña ginin Africa. Maria wept for joy when her sister arrived from Africa. Håfa na masailagu' håo? Why are you sobbing? 2) teary-eyed. Kalan masailagu' si Juana anai kuinintusi ni amigå‑ña put i mafondun i batkun‑ñiha gi ma'pus na puengi. Juana appeared teary-eyed when her friend informed her of the sinking of their boat at sea the night before. Sessu masailagu' si Juan, sa' makaka i atadok‑ña. Juan's frequent teary eyes are due to an eye irritation. Syn: tångis, kåsåo, tákhiyung lago'‑ña. Variant: masalågu'.
masakåda adj. brave (of a woman). Mampus si Magdalena na palåo'an masakåda, sa' para u hånåo sumåonåo manaligåo ni malingu na tåotåo. Magdalena is a very brave woman, because she is going to participate in the search for the lost person. I neni mampus masakåda, sa' para u patcha ha' i ga'lågu ni daddåo. The baby is very brave, because she wants to touch the mean dog. Si Henorah masakåda na palåo'an, sa' humånåo para i taddung na halumtånu' na maisa. Henorah is so brave that she just went to the deep forest by herself. See: matatnga.
masalågu' vi. cry, weep, sob. Variant: masailagu'.
Masaluk name. an ancient site in northern Tinian.
masåma adj. beautiful. Syn: géfpa'gu. Variant: masåmai.
masåmai adj. beautiful. In sasangan na hågu sen masåmai. We say that you are most beautiful. Variant: masåma.
masångan vi. be said, be mentioned (passive). Mungnga masångan na ti ya‑mu i taotåo. Don't say that you dislike the person. Masåsangan na para u upus hit i pakyu. It was said that the storm will bypass us. Manmasåsangan gi inetnun pulitika na para uma utut mås oran gubietnamentu. It was mentioned at the political gathering that more government hours will be cut.
masegat adj. muscular, strong, powerful, vigorous, firm (of body). Si Andre Aquire mampus masegat na låhi. Andre Aquire is a muscular person. Put i mampus metgut si Rambo, esta nina'masegat. Because Rambo is so strong, he becomes so powerful. Mampus masegat si Steven Segal ya ha na'siña ha' mumu na maisa yan ottru siha na tåotåo. Steven Segal is so strong that he can fight alone with other people. Syn: masisu. Variant: masahegat.
maseha adv. 1) either. Maseha esti na chinina pat ennåo na katsunis debi un fåhan. You must buy either this dress or that pants. Maseha i adobu pat i kaddun månnuk bai hu kåddu. I will cook either the adobo or the chicken soup. 2) (what)ever, (which)ever, any at all, no matter. Maseha månu gi dos na alunan, chuli' mågi. Bring me whichever of the two pillows.
maseha cnj. even though (Rota). Maseha malångu yu', debi na bai hu hånåo para i giput gi Sabalu. Even though I am sick, I will still go to the party this Saturday. Maseha påpakyu, debi na bai hu falak Amerika. Even though it's storming, I must go to America. Si Julie para u guput ha' gi Sabalu maseha malålangu. Julie will still have her party on Saturday even though she's sick. Variant: maskiseha.
maseha håfa pro. whatever, anything at all, no matter what. Si Ana guaha gupot‑ña ya ilek‑ña chuli' mågi maseha håfa in na'lågu. Ana will have a party and said to bring anything you cook. Maseha håfa un sångan put guåhu, ti bai hu ma'åñåo. Whatever you say about me, I will not be afraid. Usa maseha håfa na sapåtus ya un hånåo para i misa. Use whatever kind of shoes and go to mass.
maseha håyi pro. whoever, anyone at all, no matter who. Maseha håyi siña gumuput gi Memorial Park. Anyone can have a party at Memorial Park. Maseha håyi para uma atyik para i kandidåtun‑ñiha. They can choose anyone for their candidate. Kåo maseha håyi siña chumuli' i paketi? Can anyone pick up the package?
maseha kuåntu adj. no matter how many, no matter how much, whatever the number.
maseha månu adv. wherever, anywhere at all, no matter where. Si Andresina ha po'lu maseha månu i sapatos‑ña. Andresina puts her shoes anywhere at all. Hånåo ha' maseha månu malago'‑mu. Just go anywhere you want. Todu ha' si Joseph na humåhanåo maseha månu. Joseph goes anywhere he wants to.
maseha ngai'an adv. whenever, anytime at all, no matter when. Siña ha' måttu håo maseha ngai'an malago'‑mu. You can come anytime you want to. Bai hu tugi' i katta maseha ngai'an nai siña. I will write the letter whenever I can. Para u baila si Dora maseha ngai'an na malagu'. Dora will dance anytime she wants.
maseha taimanu adv. any way whatever, anyhow, no matter how. Siempri malågu si Patrick para kunggresu maseha taimanu na chinatsaga i tiempu. Patrick will run for congress no matter how the economy situation is. Maseha taimanu, siempri måttu ha' Saipan. No matter how, I will still come to Saipan. Goddi i chiba maseha taimanu na gineddi. Tie the goat any way it can be tied.
maseta n. flowerpot. Bula masetan floris manmabebendi gi tendan Kevin Department. Kevin's Department Store is selling a lot of flowerpots. Meggai lokkui' mambunitu na maseta siha. There are also a lot of nice flowerpots. Meggai flores‑su manggaigi gi mandångkulu na maseta. I have a lot of flowers and they are in big flower pots. From: Sp. maceta.
Masga name. surname.
måsga vi. learn one's lesson, have learned (from being punished or some other painful experience), stop (because of having experienced unpleasantness). Esta måsga yu' masåolak gi as nanå‑hu. I've learned my lesson from getting spanked by my mother. Esta måsga si Dorothy mañuli' låpis ottru påtgun gi iskuela. Dorothy has stopped taking other students' pencils at school because of her unpleasant experience. Si Norbert måsga mumu yan si Norman. Norbert stopped fighting with Norman because it was so unpleasant. Ti måmasga yu' chumotchu mantika. I haven't learned my lesson about eating fat. Måsga si Aleo, sa' magacha' na chumuchupa ya mapatmåda as Tang. Aleo learned his lesson, because he was caught smoking and was slapped by Dad. Kana' ha' måtmus si Luis gi Inai Dångkulu ya måsga pumeska guihi na lugåt. Luis almost drowned fishing at Long Beach and has learned his lesson not to fish there anymore. Inakka' i kalulut Kilana ni ayuyu ya måsga ha' mamatcha maseha håfa na gå'ga'. Kilana's finger was bitten by a coconut crab and she has learned her lesson not to touch any animal. Tininu si Josephina ni guafi ya måsga mama'tinas gi guafi. Josephina got burned and learned not to cook over the fire.
måsgi' vi. slip away, get away, become free from entanglement (Rota). Mangonni' si Tang katchu' ya måsgi'. Father had caught a tuna fish and then it slipped away. Måsgi' i kinenne'‑hu fanihi gi paingi. The fruitbat I caught slipped away last night. Manggacha' si Benny paluma ya måsgi' gi kannai‑ña. Benny caught a bird and it slipped away from his hands. Variant: måski'.
masi' n. penny. Un sen bali‑ña i masi'. The value of a penny is one cent. Suetti esti na masi' i sinidda'‑hu gi edda'. I found a lucky penny on the ground. Puru ha' masi' gi halum kåhan nåna. Mother's piggy bank is full of pennies. Ha po'lu si Juan i masi' gi kahun salappe'‑ña. Juan is putting the penny in his piggy bank.
masiksik n. type of shrub: Siam weed, bitter bush. Chromolaena odorata. Mandodokku' masiksik maseha månu gi tanu'‑måmi. The Siam weed grows anywhere on our land. Kada simåna manbobokbuk yu' masiksik, sa' chaddik manmandokku'. I am uprooting Siam weed every week, because they grow rapidly. Åmut i masiksik. Siam weed is a medicinal plant.
masiksik hembra n. type of grass. Triumfetta procumbens (Family Malvaceae). Bula manmandodokku' masiksik hembra gi fina' halum tånu'. There is a lot of triumfetta procumbens grass growing wild in the woods. Mambunitu esti siha na klåsin chå'guan i masiksik hembra. These types of triumfetta procumbens grass are beautiful. Manmanbo'uk ham nu i esti i masiksik hembra na chå'guan para bai in fanmanadotna lamasa. We harvested some of this triumfetta procumbens grass to decorate the tables.
masiksik låhi n. type of grass: burweed. Triumfetta semitriloba. Meggai ni esti i masiksik låhi na chå'guan gi lanchun‑måmi. We have a lot of triumfetta semitriloba grass at our farm. Manmaguåssan todu i masiksik låhi gi hiyung gimå'‑ña si Antonetta. The triumfetta semitriloba grass was all mowed at Antonetta's house. Esta bula manmandodokku' na masiksik låhi gi halum i hatdin. There are a lot triumfetta semitriloba grass growing in the garden.
masinik vi. defecate, have a bowel movement. Masinik si Åndre gi hilu' såtgi gi egga'an. Andre defecated on the floor this morning. Ya‑ña si Manuel masinik gi kemmun‑måmi. Manuel likes to defecate in our restroom. Humånåo si Derrick para u masinik gi kemmun pupbliku. Derrick went to defecate in the public restroom. Masisinik yu' anai måttu si Anuncia. When Anuncia came, I was in the restroom defecating. Manmasinik i tres lalåhi gi tattin trongkun åtbut. The three men defecated behind the flametree. Syn: då'us.
masisinik håga' vi. have the condition of bloody feces, have dysentery (progressive). Masisinik håga' si Joel ya debi na u ali'i' yan i doktu. Joel has the condition of defecating bloody feces and he has to see the doctor. Yanggin masisinik håga' håo, pues aligåo ya un ma'åmti. If you have the illness of having bloody feces, you must be treated. Pininu' si Jolly ni masinenek‑ña håga' gi paingi. Jolly died from defecating bloody feces last night.
masisu adj. muscular, solid (of flesh), strong, fleshy, not hollow or mushy. Mampus masisu si Cathy tatåotåo‑ña. Cathy's body is so solid. Hu li'i' un påtgun palåo'an gi paingi ya mampus masisu. I saw a young girl last night and she looked so solid. Na'magoddai si Margarita ni masisu‑ña. Margarita's solidness makes her so cute. Masisu i chandiha ni in kannu' nigap. The watermelon we ate yesterday was not mushy or hollow. Månngi' i masisu na mansåna. The apple is good for its solidness. I tamålis mendioka mampus masisu. The tapioca cake is so filled and solid. Syn: masegat, måsu'.
måskara n. 1) form (of face), look (of face), face (of person). Si Francisco ha fa'nu'i yu' ni churan måskaran matå‑ña. Francisco showed me the ugly look of his face. Yanggin malalålatdi håo, mungnga muna'fa'nu'i ni baban maskaran matå‑mu. If you are being scolded, do not show the bad look on your face. Ya‑ña si Modesta muna'annuk i maskaran fasu‑ña. Modesta likes to show her facial form. 2) mask (used to cover face or eyes). I manggua' ya‑ña umusa i maskara gi sho. The clown likes to wear a mask at the show. Gi duråntin i Halloween, bula umu'usa i maskara. During Halloween, many wear masks. Guaha manna'ma'a'ñåo na måskara yan guaha mambunitu lokkui'. There are some scary masks and there are some pretty ones, too. From: Sp. máscara.
— adj. dirty, muddy (of face). Si Augustina mampus måskara matå‑ña. Augustina's face is very dirty. Sessu måskara yu' yanggin humugågandu yu' gi edda'. I often have a dirty face when I'm playing in the dirt. Måskara i fasu‑ña i neni‑hu. My baby's cheeks are dirty. Manmåskara i taotåo kunstråksion ni petbus i edda'. The construction people have dirty faces from the dust from the ground. Mumåskara si Dianna anai machuda' i kaskåo. Dianna's face became dirty when they emptied the gravel. Syn: kossus, akung.
måskaran måta n. face shape, facial feature. Bunita måskaran måtan Susana. Susana's face shape is beautiful. Guaha na tåotåo bunitu måskaran matå‑ña. Some people have nice facial features. Si Linda gåtbu måskaran matå‑ña. Linda has beautiful facial features.
måski' vi. slip away. Si nåna ha låksi chininan Rita ya måsgi' i magågu. Mother sewed Rita's dress and the material slipped away. Si tatå‑hu ha limemenda i talayå‑ña ya måsgi' i hilun i talåya. My father was repairing the fish net and the net's string slipped away from its place. Si Helena ha susuri' i hilu ya måsgi' i magågu. Helena was gathering the thread on the cloth and it slipped away. Variant: måsgi'.
maskiseha cnj. although, even though, though, even if, for all that, despite the fact that, even, supposing. Bai hu hånåo para i giput maskiseha tåya' chinile'‑hu. I will go the party even though I have nothing to bring. Siempri måttu si Jessica maskiseha esta atrasåo. Jessica will still come even though it's late. Si Chris para u chotchu ta'lu, maskiseha esta håspuk gui'. Chris will still eat, even though he's already full. Maskiseha esta un yuti' i basula, debi na un hokka ya un laknus i tutniyu. Despite the fact that you already threw out the trash, you must pick it back and take out the screw. Maskiseha esta un gåsta i chek ni para si Romana, debi na un nana'lu tåtti. Despite the fact that you already spent the check that was for Romana, you must return the money. Maskiseha esta humånåo para i matai, debi na un bira håo ta'lu ya un atendi i misa. Despite the fact that you already went to the funeral, you must go back and attend the mass. Variant: maseha. From: Sp. más que sea.
måsku' n. face mask, mask protecting the face of a catcher in baseball (Saipan). I måsku' måta ma'u'usa ni peskadot siha. The free diving fishermen are using the goggle mask. I taotåo mansansu' debi na u usa i måsku' sansu'. The welder has to wear the welding mask. Todu para mambarohu debi na uma usa i måsku'. All who do the work of drilling have to wear a mask. Syn: tampin måta. From: Jp. masuku.
måsmai adj. wet, soaked, drenched, watery. Manmåsmai i magågu siha gi sanhiyung gi alåmlin manåla' anai tumunuk i ichan. The clothes on the clothesline outside were drenched when the rain came down. Si nanå‑hu lalålu', sa' manmåsmai todu i tuhåya gi halum i bañu. My mother was mad, because all the towels in the bathroom were soaking wet. Mungnga, Juan, mana'måsmai i sapatos‑mu, sa' siempri mayamak. Juan, do not make your shoes soaking wet, because they will break apart. See: fotgun. Variant: måsmas.
måsmas adj. wet, damp, moist. Variant: måsmai.
måsña adv. more than, much more (comparative). Måsña dinanchi esti na fino'‑ta kini ennåo. This word in our language is more appropriate than that. Måsña mamis i tipun‑miyu ki i tipun‑måmi. Your sugar cane is much sweeter than our sugar cane.
masoksuk adj. thin, skinny, lean, gaunt. Malångu si Pedro, ennåo na mampus masoksuk. Pedro is ill, that is why he is very thin. Masoksuk i neni, sa' ti ya‑ña chigu' susu. The baby is skinny, because she does not like breast milk. Mampus masoksuk si Leni nu i chitnot‑ña. Leni is consumed with her illness. Masoksuk esti na påtgun kulan malångu. This child is so skinny that she appears to have some illness. See: soksuk, mayåyi.
masón n. 1) concrete mason. Si Joaquin mason, måolik manhåtsa guma' siha. Joaquin is a mason, he is good at building houses. 2) Masons, a fraternity organization. Si Thomas humålum gi mason. Thomas joined the Masons. From: Sp. masón.
masotka n. ear (of corn). Manmatå'chung i famagu'un para uma gugan i masotkan ma'is. The children sat down to remove the kernels from the ears of corn. I atmåtyas ginin i masotkan ma'is. Ground corn soup is made from ears of corn. I cha'ka yan‑ñiha i masotkan ma'is. Rats like ears of corn. Variant: hotka. From: Sp. mazorca.
måspuk vi. accidentally step in water or mud, be wet all over from water. Ti ha ripåra ya måspuk gui' gi halum fachi'. He did not realize it and he stepped into the mud. Anai måspuk yu' gi halum fachi', matomba yu' ya appling addeng‑hu. When I stepped into the mud, I fell down and sprained my foot. Måspuk si Juan, sa' poddung gi tasi. Juan is wet all over, because he fell in the ocean..
måssa' adj. 1) find (food) not inviting, due to its intrinsic nature (i.e. due to something coming from within it). Måssa' yu' para bai kånnu' i fritådan babui. The pig fritåda is not an inviting food for me to eat. 2) abhor, find (something) repulsive. Na'massa' mama'tinas gi kusinan sanhiyung, sa' bula mampus lålu'. It is repulsive to cook in the outside kitchen, because there are too many flies. 3) uneasy, hesitant. Ha na'måssa' yu' i chetnut Jose annai para bai hu åmti ni amut. Jose's wound made me uneasy when I was going to put some medication on it.
masu n. type of insect: praying mantis. mantidae, orthoptera. Esta ti bula masu gi trongku siha. There are not a lot of praying mantises on the trees anymore. Esti na masu ha kåkannu' i kulot betdi na ulu'. This praying mantis eats green worms.
måsu n. sledgehammer, a large heavy hammer. Hu u'usa i masu yanggin para bai hu mattiyu i liluk dångkulu gi patdit. I use the sledge hammer when I hammer a big nail into concrete. I masu lokkui' ma'u'usa para i mandångkulu yan manmetgut na kosas. The sledge hammer is also used for big and strong objects.
måsu adj. healed (of wound). Måsu si Rose i chetnot‑ña gi addeng‑ña. Rose's wound on her feet has healed. Si Manuel kada diha ha åmti i chetnot‑ña put para u måsu. Manuel treats his wound everyday so that it will be healed. Variant: måsu' (?).
måsu' adj. muscular, full of muscle. Dikiki' na tåotåo låo måsu' mampus. He is a small person but he is very muscular. Mampus si Ben måsu', ha na'siña ha' humåtsa i makinan karetå‑ña na maisa. Ben is very muscular, he can lift the engine of his car by himself. Si Jose maso'ña ki guåhu. Jose is more muscular than me. Syn: fuetsudu. See: masisu, masegat.
masubi vi. be raised (in salary), have one's salary increased (passive). Masubi yu' gi che'cho'‑hu. I got my raise at work.
måta n. eye, eyeball, face (used only for humans). Si Maria ha nisisita antihus, sa' båba matå‑ña. Maria needs glasses, because her eyes do not see clearly. Ma'opera si Jose matå‑ña. Jose's eyes were operated on. Na'maguf ma'atan matå‑ña atyu na tåotåo. It is pleasing to look at the face of that person.
måta n. 1) hole for planting, area where a plant grows. Tres måtan dågu guaha gi santatti gi gima'. There are three yams growing at the back of the house. Mangguadduk si Manuel un lucha para måtan kamuti. Manuel dug a row of holes for planting sweet potatoes. 2) opening. Esti ni gaigi i matan hånum. This is where the opening is located for the spring of water. Na'hålum esti i hilu gi matan i haguha. Poke this thread into the eye of the needle.
måta' adj. raw, uncooked, not done. Para bai hu tåla' esti i mata' guihan. I am going to dry this raw fish. Si Ben ya‑ña kumelaguin i mata' kåtni. Ben likes to make raw meat into kelaguen. Måta' esti na cho'chu', tåya' chumo'gui. This work is not done, no one did it.
matå'chung vi. sit. Matå'chung yu' nigap. I sat down yesterday. Maila' hålum ya in fanmatå'chung gi sofa. Come inside and sit on the sofa. Para u fanmatå'chung i taotåo siha gi inai. People are going to sit down on the sand. Mana'fanmatå'chung i famagu'un ya manmataitayi istoria. They made the children sit down and they read them a story.
matå'chung pakngas vi. fall down flat on buttocks, have a pratfall. Sulun si Bironica gi fachi' ya matå'chung pakngas. Veronica slid on the mud and fell down flat on her buttocks. Matå'chung pakngas yu' påpa' gi edda'. I took a pratfall down on the ground. Si Jose annai matå'chung pannas påpa', kana' måhluk i addeng‑ña. When Jose fell flat on his buttocks, he almost broke his leg. Syn: matå'chung gotpi påpa'. Variant: matå'chung pannas.
Matå'pang name. the Chamorro chief who killed Father Sanvitores. Si Matå'pang, guiya esti na tåotåo i pumunu' si Påli' Sanvitores. About Matå'pang, he is the one who killed Fr. Sanvitores. Si Matå'pang metgut na maga'låhi. Matå'pang is a strong chief. Si Matå'pang yan ottru siha na manmaga'låhi manggaigi gi tiempun Ispañot giya Mariånas. Matå'pang and other chiefs were there during the Spanish time in the Marianas. See: matå'pang.
matå'pang adj. 1) bland, tasteless, flavorless (of food). I nengkanu' yanggin ti un nå'yi asiga, mumatå'pang siempri. If you do not put salt in food, it will have a bland taste. Si nanå‑hu ti interesåo ha bendi i chandiha, sa' puru ha' manmatå'pang. My mother is not interested in selling the watermelons, because they all have a bland taste. 2) unfriendly, snobbish, rude, inhospitable, discourteous, unreceptive. Ti siña mabisita si Carmen gi gimå'‑ña, sa' mampus matå'pang. Carmen cannot be visited at her house, because she is not very hospitable. I asaguå‑ña si Rose mampus matå'pang gi familian Rose. Rose's husband is very uncivil to Rose's family. Mungnga mumatå'pang gi taotåo. Do not be discourteous to people.
mataderu n. butcher, one who slaughters animals or cuts up meat. Machocho'chu' si Juan gi as Joeten kumu mataderu. Juan works at Joeten's as a butcher. Si Jose mataderun gå'ga' gi Agrikuttura na dipåttamentu. Jose is the one who slaughters animals in the Agriculture department. From: Sp. matadero.
matadót n. slaughterer. I manmatadot na tåotåo debi di u fanmapresu. Those people who slaughter should be put in prison. See: peknu'. From: Sp. matador.
Matagolai name. surname.
matahlik vi. be entangled, twisted, crooked (passive). Si Jude ha keke'chagi pumula' i matahlik i talin guaka. Jude is trying to untie the entangled rope of the cow. Si Maria ha matahlik na maisa i talin manåla' magågu. Maria twisted by herself the line for hanging clothes. Variant: matalik, natahlik.
måtai n. dead person, corpse. Kada primet Lunis gi mes, todu siha i manmåtai manmamisåsayi gi simintetyun Chalan Kanoa. Every first Monday of the month, mass is offered for all the dead at the Chalan Kanoa cementary.
— vi. die. I asaguå‑hu måtai gi ma'pus na såkkan. My husband died last year. Manmåtai todu i tinanum gi lanchu anai ti manmarerega kada diha. All the plants at the farm died when they were not watered every day.
mataiñålang vi. die of hunger.
matåla' vi. be dried out, be hung to dry (passive).
— adj. outgoing, self-confident, open to people, sociable, not shy. Matåla' påtgun si Ana. Ana is a very sociable child. Si Pedro mampus matåla' kumånta na maisa gi iskuela pat maseha månu na lugåt. Pedro is very self-confident in singing by himself at the school or anywhere.
matalik vi. be entangled, tangled (by twisting) (passive). See: kokas. Variant: matahlik.
matan achihak n. slanted eyes. See: bátchigu' (?).
matan åmku' adj. have an old face, appear old. I che'lu‑hu palåo'an mampus måtan åmku', sa' gof ya‑ña lalålu'. My sister looks so old, because she's always angry. Ti ya‑hu humånåo para i giput, sa' mampus yu' måtan åmku'. I don't like going to party, because I look very old. I pusision i tatåotåo‑hu mampus muna'måtan åmku'. The appearance of my body makes me look old.
matan hågun n. type of fish: broad bodied snapper. monotaxis grandoculis (Family Lutjanidae). Si Alex anai pumeska, mangonni' dångkulun måtan hågun na guihan ya ha bendi gi sagan chumotchu. When Alex went fishing, he caught a big snapper and sold it at the restaurant. I matan hågun na guihan sen månngi' makåddun niyuk ya mana'danña' yan tumåtis. The snapper fish is very delicious when cooked with coconut milk and mixed with tomatoes.
matan hånum n. source of a spring, a source or opening where water comes out. Gåsgas i hanum kumu ginin i matan hånum mågi ya fresku para u magimin. The water is clean if it is coming from the spring and it cools you when you drink it. Piligru para un fangonni' famagu'un guatu gi matan hånum giya Luta. It is dangerous to take children to the source of the spring water on Rota. I taotåo Luta mampus manmaguf sa' ti u måtai i hanum‑ñiha, sa' guaha måtan hånum. The people of Rota are so happy that their water supply will not die, because there is a water source.
matan kåmyu n. unsightly face, unpleasant face. Ha atan yu' kalan un måtan kåmyu. He gave me an unpleasant face when he looked at me. Ga'ok‑ku i matan kamyu ki i matan dakun. I rather prefer an unsightly face than a face of a liar.
— adj. ugly, have an unsightly face, unpleasing to look at (usually used when poking fun or teasing). Måolik ha’ si Maria u fanbutleleha yanggin mohon ti matan kåmyu gui’. It would be okay for Maria make fun of others if she didn’t have an unpleasant-looking face.
matan katu n. cat's eyes, blue eyes, gray eyes, green eyes.
— adj. Si Mitch måtan katu mampus. Mitch very much has cat's eyes. Gof måolik si Tenta matå‑ña yanggin puengi, sa' måtan katu. Tenta's eyes are very good at night, because she has cat's eyes. Kulot åpu matå‑mu na måtan katu. Your eyes have the gray color of cat's eyes.
matan låhi n. face of a male.
— adj. have a masculine look or face. I hagå‑ña si Maria matan låhi. Maria's daughter's face looks masculine. Kulan matan låhi si Kika yanggin ha usa i tihung. Kika's face looks like a man's face when she wears the hat.
matan lalålu' n. frown, angry face.
— adj. have an angry face. Matan lalålu' i ma'gås‑su anai ti hu na'funhåyan i che'cho'‑hu. My boss had an angry face when I did not complete my work. Yanggin sessu håo un na'matan lalålu', siempri chaddik håo biha. If you often have an angry face, then you will age quickly. Mungnga mumatan lalålu' yanggin gaigi håo gi halum guma' Yu'us. Do not frown when you are inside the church. Variant: matan nanålu'.
matan neni n. baby face. Mampus si Victoria matan neni matå‑ña. Victoria very much has a baby face.
— adj. have a baby face. Bunitu håo na tåotåo yanggin matan neni håo. You are a good-looking person if you have a baby face.
måtan papåya n. papaya seedling. Manånum yu' otchu na måtan papåya gi egga'an. I planted eight papaya seedlings in the morning. Bai hu nå'i i bisinu‑hu måtan papåya, sa' dangkulu tano'‑ña. I will give my neighbor papaya seedlings, because she has a large piece of land. Guaha måtan papåya mandokku' ginin i simiya ni mayuti' gi sagan basula. There are papaya seedlings that sprouted from the seeds that were discarded in the garbage.
Matånsa name. village on Saipan, now called San Roque. Ginin un tiempu mafa'nana'an San Roque, Matånsa, sa' atyu na lugåt na gaigi i matånsa åntis. At one time, San Roque was called Matånsa, because the slaughterhouse was there. See: matånsa.
matånsa n. slaughterhouse. Gaigi esta i babui gi matånsa. The pig is already in the slaughterhouse. From: Sp. matanza.
Matanguihan name. surname.
matåo n. higher class, overseers in pre-Spanish Chamorro society. Sagan i matåo esti. This place is for the higher class people. Esti na kusina para atyu siha i manmatåo. This kitchen is for those of matåo group. See: matuha.
matarabiran tånu' n. dizziness, spinning of the earth. Yanggin malinik ilu‑hu, kulang mohon sinientin matarabiran tånu'. When I have a headache, it seems like the feeling of the earth spinning. Syn: kumíkiluluk i tanu'.
matatnga adj. strong (in personality), fearless, brave. Si Congressman David mampus matatnga dumibåti gi halum i huntan i Kunggresu. Congressman David is so fearless debating during congressional meetings. Matatnga si nanå‑hu yanggin kumuekuentus yan ottru tåotåo siha. My mother has a strong personality when she talks with other people. Matatnga si Taga' na maga'låhi. Chief Taga was a brave leader. Si tatå‑hu malåti' yan matatnga gi duråntin i gera. My father was a smart and brave man during the war. Ha nisisita u matatnga yan malåktus manhassu i taotåo gi halum i dibåti. The person must be fearless and sharp in a debate. Syn: malahenti (?). See: tái ma'a'ñåo. Variant: mataknga.
måtbas n. type of bush: abutilon, monkeybush. abutilon indicum. Bula måtbas gi kantun chålan Måkpi'. There are a lot of abutilon along the road side in Marpi. Sumåsåonåo i måtbas gi amut guha. Abutilon is an ingredient in asthma medicine
måtcha vi. march, parade, walk with regular and measured tread. I famagu'un iskuela manmåtcha guatu gi sagan chumotchu. The students marched over to the eating place. I Boys Scout sessu manmåtcha. The Boys Scout often march. From: Sp. marcha.
matching n. monkey, ape. Kulan ha' i matching håo. You are like a monkey. Båsta manadda', sa' ti matching håo. Stop copying, because you are not a monkey. Båsta mama'matching. Stop acting like a monkey. Syn: saru'.
måtchum adj. 1) closed, impassable, stopped up, covered with vines, trees, bushes, etc. Måtchum i chalan para i sadduk. The road to the river is impassable. Ti siña malågu i hanum huyung, sa' måtchum i grifu. The water cannot flow out, because the faucet is clogged up. Ti siña inalitus, sa' måtchum i madduk talanga‑ña si Maria. Maria cannot wear earrings, because her ear's hole is closed up. Måtchum matå‑hu, sa' inakka' yu' ni sasata ya pokpuk. My eyes are closed up, because I was stung by a wasp and they swelled up. 2) closed, quiet (of people) (Rota). Ant: matåla'.
matdisi vt. curse, denounce, swear, wish calamity on. Mungnga manmatdisi tåotåo, sa' ti måolik. Do not curse people, because it is not good. Mamatdisi si Sirena as nanå‑ña, atyu na mama'guihan lamitå gi tatåotåo‑ña. Sirena was cursed by her mother, that was why half of her body became fish. Hu matdisi håo esta: inlugåt di un riku, siempri humuyung håo mama'buliku. I curse you: instead of becoming prosperous, you will turn into a donkey. From: Sp. maldice.
matdisión n. evil spell, curse, act of casting evil spell, something cursed. I matdision na palåbra makkat para uta hunguk ginin i mañaina siha pat ginin ottru tåotåo. A curse from parents or anybody is a hard word to hear. Gai matdision ennåo na tåotåo. That person has the ability to cast a spell. From: Sp. maldición.
matditu adj. cursed, wicked, savage, untamed, cruel, fierce. Yanggin matditu håo na tåotåo, tåya' para un guinaiya gi lina'lå'‑mu. If you are a wicked person, no one would love you in your life. Ai na matditun tåotåo ennåo. My, he is such a wicked person. From: Sp. maldito.
måtfit n. marble (a type of stone). See: måtmut. From: Sp. marfil.
måtfus vi. go bald (but not completely), fall out (of hair). I ga'lågu måtfus i pilu‑ña yanggin ha kånnu' i gamsun. The dog loses its hair when it eats an octopus. Manmåtfus gaputilu‑ña si tåta anai kånsit gui'. My father was losing his hair when he had cancer. Måtfus gaputilu‑hu anai sen chathinasu yu' put i malangun i patgon‑hu. I had hair loss due to stress about my child's sickness. See: dåkngas.
måtgan vi. pop off, come off, as a fruit falling off a tree, a button from a shirt, a handle off a suitcase. Manmåtgan todu i tinekcha' mångga anai dururu i guinaifin månglu'. All the fruits of the mango tree fell down when the wind was blowing very hard. Si Mary måtgan i gaputilu‑ña anai ha na'mapenta gi sagan mandåsai. Mary's hair fell out when she had it dyed at the barber shop. Mampus puti nifen‑ña si Juan ya esta måtgan ha' anai duru kumåti. Juan had a severe toothache and the tooth came out when he continuously cried. See: må'ting, iting.
matgua' vi. term used in game of batu when the stick is knocked down. Anai ha tira si Jose i batu, matgua' i teppun i batu anai mana'totohgi. When Jose threw the batu, the stick that was standing for the game fell down.
matguiya vi. angry, not in good form. Syn: chátanti.
matheniu adj. ill-tempered, testy, touchy, snappish, moody, ill-humored. Si Rosa matheniu i kustumbren‑ña yanggin mana'lalålu. Rosa is ill-tempered when angered. Matheniu yu' yanggin aguaguat i patgon‑hu. I am moody when my child is naughthy. From: Sp. mal genio.
matirialisa vi. materialize, become a realized fact. I planu‑ña si Juan ni para u iskuela mediku ti mumatirialisa, sa' mumalångu. Juan's plan to attend medical school did not materialize, because he became sick. Si Jose ha na'matirialisa i hinasson‑ña para u fanhatsa guma', maseha i gima' dikiki'. Jose caused his plan to build a house to materialize, even though the house is small. From: Sp. materializa.
matiriåt n. material, building materials, timber, fabric. I matiriåt ginin i tendan mandikiki' mampus manputlilu. The materials from the small stores break easily. I matiriåt siha ni para u mana'fansetbi para u mahatsa i gima' nanå‑hu sumen guaguan på'gu na tiempu gi tenda. The building materials to be used in building my mother's house are very expensive nowadays. Bunitu si Ana i matiriåt i magagu‑ña ni ha oda giya Amerika. Ana's clothing material that she ordered from America is beatiful. From: Sp. material.
matitik vi. be torn, be split (esp. of cloth)(passive). Anai malålagu i patgun, matomba ya matitik talu' i katsunes‑ña. When the child was running, he fell down and he tore his pants in two. Matitik todu i hafyin lamasa anai duru i ga'lågu humugåndu gi hilu' lamasa. The tablecloth got all torn when the dog was playing on the table. See: ádispatta.
måtka vt. mark, engrave, put a mark upon. Si Ben ha måtka si Manuel gi balotu anai malålagu gi kunggresu. Ben marked Manuel's name on the ballot when he was running for congress. Mampus maguf si nanå‑hu anai mamåtka i na'ån‑hu gi gaseta na hu gånna i tes militåt giya Guam. My mother was very happy when my name was marked in the paper that I passed the military test on Guam. From: Sp. marca.
måtkadót n. engraver, etcher, sculptor. Måtkadot si Fred. Fred is an engraver. Måolik na måtkadot si Goru. Goru is a good etcher. From: Sp. marcador.
matkrusidu adj. soft-boiled (of eggs) (Rota). I patgun ya‑ña i chada' mana'matkrusidu ya para u mana'danña' yan i hineksa'. The child likes for the egg to be soft-boiled and mixed with rice. Yanggin sessu håo chumotchu matkrusidu na chåda', siempri nina'metgut håo. If you often eat soft-boiled eggs, it will make you strong. Måolik i matkrusidu chåda' para yanggin på'gu munhåyan mañågu i palåo'an. Soft-boiled egg is good for a woman who has just finished giving birth. Variant: matkusidu, makusidu.
måtku n. German coin (mark). From: Sp. marco.
matkusidu adj. soft-boiled (of eggs). Variant: matkrusidu, makusidu.
matlina n. godmother. Ya‑hu si matlinå‑hu. I like my godmother. Guåhu matlina gi as Joan anai umasagua gi ma'pus na såkkan. I was the godmother of Joan when she got married last year. Matlinå‑hu si Aiha. Aiha is my godmother. Ya‑mu mumatlina? Do you like being a godmother? Para u matlina si Rosa gi patgun Remedio. Rosa is going to be a godmother for Remedio's child. Mampus makkat yan guaguan para un matlina på'gu na tiempu. It is very hard and expensive to be a godparent nowadays. From: Sp. madrina.
måtmu adj. 1) heavy (of rain), gush (of water). Måtmu i ichan nigap. It rained heavily yesterday. Måtmu na hånum gi sumi' i grifu. The faucet gushed so much water from its leak. Måtmumu na uchan giya Capitol Hill gi egga'an. There was so much rain in Capitol Hill in the morning. 2) plenty of, lots of, many. Måtmu guihan gi halum i sadduk. There are a lot of fish in the lake. Gof måtmu mañaina gi huntan PTA gi iskuelan Oleai. There were many parents at the PTA meeting at Oleai school. Syn: bula.
måtmus vi. drown, be drowned. Anai mampipiknik ham, kana' ha' måtmus unu na patgun gi tasin Låolåo. One child almost got drowned in the ocean when we were having a picnic at Laolao beach. Måtmus i kareta gi anai ma chochonnik i boti huyung gi tasi. The car drowned when they were hauling the boat out to the ocean. Guaha måtmus palåo'an Chapanis gi swimming pool i Hyatt gi Damenggu. There was a Japanese woman who drowned at the Hyatt swimming pool on Sunday.
måtmut n. marble (a type of stone). Ha cho'guiyi yu' si Adriane låpidan måtmut para i che'lu‑hu gi simintetyu. Adriane made me a marble tombstone for my brother at the cemetery. Bunitu i måtmut ni ha fa'tinas si Nicolas. Nicolas made a nice marble stone. Ma'uk i låpida yanggin ma na'setbi i måtmut. The tombstone is durable if they use marble. See: måtfit. From: Sp. mármol.
matohling vi. trip (while walking, running, etc.), stumble, lose one's footing. Matohling yu' ni atchu' anai ti hu a'atan i chalån‑hu. I tripped on the rock when I was not looking at my way. Matohling si tåta ni hoyu anai mamomokkat gi cha'guan. Father stumbled in a hole when he was walking on the grass. Matohling i patgun anai malålagu. The child tripped when he was running. Syn: matompu'.
matomba vi. fall down, fall over. Ha gua'ding yu' si Cecilia ni addeng‑ña ya matomba yu'. Cecilia tripped me with her feet and I fell down. Matomba i patgun anai dinilalak ni ga'lågu gi chalan. The child fell down when the dog chased him on the road. Ai, sa' guaha kåsi humahassu, sa' matomba. Oh, somebody must be thinking of him, because he fell. Syn: måppa.
matompu' vi. stumble, trip (in walking, running, etc.). Matompu' si Bob gi paingi. Bob stumbled last night Matompu' yu' gi atchu' ya malåssas i timmok‑ku. I stumbled on the rock and scratched my knee. Matompu' i patgun ya machuda' i na'‑ña cereal. The child stumbled and spilled her cereal. Syn: matohling.
matråba vi. be tangled up (esp. with a rope), be entangled (passive). Matråba i chiba gi trongku, sa' sessu malågu. The goat was tied up to the tree, because it often runs away. Matråba i patas i gåyu anai para u mana'mumu gi gayera. They entangled the feet of the rooster when they were to make it fight at the cockfight. Matråba i månnuk gi gayera. It entangled roosters at the cockfight.
matråka n. wooden rattle or noisemaker, spun to call attention to announcements. Fanmamatkilu, ya in e'kunguk i matråka. Quiet down and listen to the wooden rattle. An Betnis Såntu, ma'u'usa i matråka para u ma'anunsia i oran i sirimonias gi gima' yu'us. On Good Friday, the noisemaker is used to announce the time of the ceremony at church.
— adj. have a rattle. Guaha kulepbla kalan matråka dadalak‑ña. There is a snake whose tail sort of rattles. From: Sp. matraca.
matrimoniu n. matrimony, marriage, married state. Guaha planun matrimoniu gi halum i familia. There is a marriage plan in the family. From: Sp. matrimonio.
matris n. matrix, womb. Ma'upera i matris i malångu. They operated on the sick person's womb. Tåya' matris i malångu na palåo'an, sa' mana'suha. The lady does not have a womb, because it was removed. From: Sp. matriz.
Måtsu n. March (month). På'gu na fetcha Måtsu diha tressi, dos mit dossi. Today's date is March 13, 2012. Ha'ånin Såntu Patrisiu gi Måtsu diesisietti. St. Patrick's Day is March 17. Måtsu i mina'tres na mes gi sakkan. March is the third month of the year. Syn: Umåtalaf. From: Sp. marzo.
måtsun n. stage of coconut, synonym of månhan biha.
mattenis kibet adv. whatsoever, whatever. Mattenis kibet, para ke yu'. Whatsoever, I do not care.
matteru' adj. too much.
mattetsiu n. abuse, curse. Bula na tinigi' palabran mattetsiu gi pappit. Lots of abuse words are written on the paper. Mattetsiu esti na sinangan "U basnak nai i tendåm‑mu." This is a curse saying "Your store will fall." From: Sp. mal tercio.
mattiempu n. stormy weather, bad weather. Hu kansela kumarera, sa' mattiempu. I cancelled my travel plan, because of stormy weather. Manna'ma'si' i peskadot, sa' mangginacha' mattiempu. The poor fishermen, they were caught in the stormy weather. I mattiempu tutuhon‑ña i pakyu. Typhoons start with inclement weather. Ti siña yu' pumeska, sa' mattiempu. I can't go fishing because of bad weather. Ti måttu i batku, sa' mattiempu. The ship didn't arrive because of bad weather. Ti ya‑hu kumarera para Guam yanggin mattiempu. I don't like to travel to Guam when the weather is bad. From: Sp. mal tiempo.
mattingan n. beyond the reef, place where the waves break on the reef, ocean side of the reef. Na'ma'a'ñåo pumeska gi mattingan yanggin mampus nåpu. It is very scary to go fishing beyond the reef due to high waves. I boti chenglung gi mattingan ya ma'åosiliu. The boat got stuck on the reef and was rescued. I napu dumispåsiu dispues di ha upus i mattingan. The wave weakens after it passes through the edge of the reef. Variant: mattinan, maktingan.
mattiriu n. punishment, suffering, torture, torment. Bula na mattiriu i Chamorro giya Luta ma miresi gi duråntin i gera. Lots of suffering the Chamorros in Luta experienced during the war. Cho'gui ha' i måolik na cho'chu', sa' tåya' mattiriu para hågu. Do the right thing, no punishment for you. See: kastigu. From: Sp. martirio.
Måttis n. Tuesday. I Måttis i mina'tres na ha'åni gi simåna. Tuesday is the third day of the week. Para bai hu hånåo para Tinian gi Måttis na ha'åni gi oran ala una gi talu'åni. I will be going to Tinian on Tuesday at one o'clock in the afternoon. Gumuput si Arlene gi ma'pus na Måttis. Arlene had a party last Tuesday. From: Sp. martes.
måttit n. martyr. Bula manmåttit gi hinenggin Katoliku. There are many martyrs in the Catholic faith. Makunsidera si Maga'låhi Ladahåo kumu unu na måttit para i manChamorro. Chief Ladahao was considered a martyr by the Chamorros. From: Sp. mártir.
mattiyu n. hammer. Hu usa i mattiyu para bai hu atåni i liluk gi tapbla. I used the hammer to hammer the nail into the plywood. Malingu i mattiyu‑ña si tåta nigap. Father lost his hammer yesterday. From: Sp. martillo.
— vt. hammer. Ha mattiyu i liluk gi liga. He hammered the nail into the wall.
mattråta n. mistreatment, abuse, oppression. I mattratåta‑ña i muchåcha esta nina'falågu gi gimå'‑ña. The mistreatment of the housekeeper caused her to run away from her house. Ginin i mattratåta‑ña i patgun na tumaiguihi kustumbren‑ña. The child's behavior is from the abuse.
— vt. maltreat, mistreat, treat badly. I pairåstron‑ña ha gogof mattråta gui'. His stepfather has been treating him very badly. I muchåcha mamattråta ni amu‑ña. The house maid was treated badly by her employer. From: Sp. maltrata.
mattråtu n. mistreatment, ill-treatment, abuse. From: Sp. maltrato.
måttu vi. arrive, come, reach destination. Ti måfattu si Gregoria ginin Hawaii. Gregoria has not arrived yet from Hawaii. Esta måttu si Edward gi gima' ginin iskuela. Edward has already come home from school. Esta måttu chi‑ña i minalago'‑hu para bai hu båsta gumagu'. I've reached the point where I want to stop being lazy. See: annuk, desnik.
matuba n. notches in trunk of coconut tree to facilitate climbing. See: tuba.
matuha n. one of two upper classes in pre-Spanish Chamorro society, higher than matåo. See: matåo. Variant: matua.
matuhuk adj. sleepy, drowsy, half-asleep. Tåftaf yu' matuhuk gi paingi. I felt sleepy early last night. Kumåkati i neni, sa' esta matuhuk. The baby is crying, because it's already sleepy. Matuhukñaihun yu', pues poddung yu' gi siya. I felt drowsy for awhile and then I fell off the chair.
matulaihun vi. stagger, walk unsteadily, stumble, hobble.
matulongtung vi. jolted, shaken, rattled. I barångkan i chalan muna'matulongtung yu'. The bumpy condition of the road caused me to be jolted. Matulolongtung i tatåotåo‑hu gi hilu' boti, sa' mampus chåochåo i napu. My body was being jolted in the boat because of the choppy waves. Matulongtung i ilu‑hu anai sulun yu'. My head got shaken when I slipped.
matupeha n. word whose pronunciation imitates the sound associated with what it names; onomatopoeia. Guaha palåbra siha matupeha kumu kaskas pat pångpang. Some words are onomatopoeia, such as kaskas or pångpang. I matupeha na palåbra bulåña ni ha ripiti i sunidu, tatkumu bisbis pat pippip. Onomatopoeic words in Chamorro usually repeat themselves, such as bisbis or pippip. From: Eng. or Sp.
Matusalén name. Mathuselah. Esti na istoria disdi i tiempun Matusalen. This story is from time immemorial. Esti na tinanum disdi i tiempun Matusalen na åmut. This plant was medicinal from the very ancient times. Ai na Matusalen håo! Wow, you're a real caveman! From: Sp. Matusalén.
maya' adj. blurry, blurred, obscure, dim. Mumaya' i matå‑hu anai ma åmti ni amut. My eyes become blurred when they put medicine in them. Mumaya' i inatan‑hu, sa' esta lemlim tåotåo. My sight became indistinct, because it was about twilight. Mumaya' i kandit åntis di u måtai. The light became dimmed before it shut off. Maya' i inatan‑hu. My eyesight is blurred. Maya' i tanu'. The world is obscured. Ma'upera i matå‑hu ya gof maya' inatan‑hu. My eye was operated and my vision is very blurry.
mayåbuk vt. soil, make dirty.
mayamak vi. be broken down, be collapsed, go to pieces (passive). Mayamak i ispehus anai poddung i båsu gi hilo'‑ña The mirror broke when the drinking glass fell on it. Poddung i 2x4 gi hilu' siya ya mayamak i siya. The 2x4 fell on the chair and the chair broke. Pinidongguan si Anna ni plåtu ya mayamak. Anna accidentally dropped the plate and broke.
måyåo adj. shady (of trees). Mampus måyåo i trongku siha gi lanchun‑måmi ya sen månngi' para dumiskånsa. The trees are so shady at our farm and it is a good resting place. I trongkun mansanita måyåo na trongku. The wild berry tree is a shady tree. Bunitu i trongku yanggin måyåo. The shady tree is nice. Variant: måhyåo.
mayåyi adj. weakened (of a person), weak from weight loss. Anai guaha prublemå‑hu, ha na'mayåyi yu' mampus. When I had a problem, it made me lose so much weight. Nina'mayåyi si Ana anai malångu. Ana lost weight when she got sick. Mayåyi si Maria, sa' sessu manhassu put i famagu'on‑ña. Maria has weight loss, because she's been thinking of her children. See: patut, debit.
mayengyung vi. be shaken, quake, (passive). Bulan lemmun mamoddung anai mayengyung i trongku as David. There were lemons fell off the tree when David shook it. Anai luminåo iya Hapon gi ma'pus na såkkan, mampus mayengyung i tanu'. Last year's earthquake in Japan, it really shook off the country. Poddung i niyuk anai mayengyung i trongku ya dinanchi i ilu‑ña si Juan. A coconut fell on Juan's head when they shook the tree.
mayidoma n. stewardess, hostess, person in charge of a household or a big party. Machocho'chu' si Rose kumu mayidoma gi batkunairi. Rose works as a stewardess in the plane. Si Juliet i mayidoman i gima'‑ñiha. Juliet is in charge of their household. Mumayidoma si Amelia ni Tupperware. Amelia was the Tupperware hostess. Variant: mayutdoma.
mayoriha adj. majority. Mayoriha na kumbiti manmåttu gi giput‑måmi gi Sabalu. The majority of the guests came to our party on Saturday. Mayoriha na istudiåntin kulehu manmagraduha på'gu na såkkan. The majority of the college students graduated this year. Variant: mayoria. From: Sp. mayoría.
mayót n. 1) mayor. I mayot‑måmi ginin mayot gi militåt. Our mayor was once a major in the military. Bula manma'implepleha gi ufisinan Mayot. Many are employed at the Mayor's office. Variant: atkåtdi. 2) major, an army officer of high rank. Ha setbi måolik i pueston‑ña anai mumayot gi militåt. He did well in his position as a major in the military.
— adj. majority. Mayot na tåotåo esta ti ma gef tungu' mangginin månu siha. A majority of the people do not know where they came from. Variant: mayoriha. From: Sp. mayor.
Måyu n. May. Humånåo yu' para Amerika gi Måyu na mes gi ma'pus na såkkan. I went to America last year in the month of May. Para u primet kumunion si Susan gi Måyu na mes. Susan will receive her First Holy Communion in May. Mafañågu si Ben and si Bryce gi Måyu na mes. Ben and Bryce were born in the month of May. See: Makmåmåo.
mayulang vi. be broken, inoperable (passive). Mayulang i makinan boti. The outboard motor is broken. Mayulang i måkinan manlåksi nigap. The sewing machine broke down yesterday. Manggåganna si Juan salåppi' kada manarekla mayulang kareta. Juan earns money every time he fixes a broken car.
mayutdoma n. female who assumes the role of a supervisor or a manager based on her personal wish. Si Lianna ha fa' gui' i mayutdoma gi gurupun famalåo'an. Lianna pretended to be the boss of the ladies' group. Guiya ennåo na palåo'an mayutdoma gi inetnun. That woman is in charge of the group. Esti na påtgun hinasson‑ña guiya i mayutdoma gi gima'. This kid thinks she is the boss in the house. Variant: mayidoma. From: Sp. mayordoma.
mayutdomu n. majordomo, head of an organization, chief. Si Ray Alvares i mayutdomu i Taewondo. Ray Alvares is the head of the Taewondo organization. Mayutdomu si Jose gi otganisasion i bola. Jose is the head of the basell organization. Si Dr. Ike i mayutdomu i otganisasion mediku. Dr. Ike is the head of medical organization. From: Sp. mayordomo.
mayuti' vi. be cast out, be thrown away (passive). Mayuti' huyung si Daniel gi miembrun motusaiku'. Daniel was cast out from the motorcycle members. Mayuti' yu' ginin i gurupun bisikleta. I was dropped from the bicycle group. Manmayuti' ham gi otganisasion. We were thrown out from the organization.
mayutmenti adv. especially, mainly, chiefly, particularly, mostly. Ti ya‑ña i asaguå‑hu gumimin sitbesa, mayutmenti yanggin malångu. My husband does not want to drink beer, especially when he's sick. Ti ya‑hu humånåo pumasehu, mayutmenti yanggin taigui i asaguå‑hu. I don't like strolling, especially if my husband is not around. From: Sp. mayormente.
me'i vt. urinate on, discharge urine on. Ha me'i gui' i patgun gi katsunes‑ña. The child urinated on his pants. Anai duru chumålik si nåna, ha me'i i saramata'‑ña. When Mother was really laughing, she discharged urine on her panty. Hu me'i yu', sa' esta mampus ma'empun yu'. I urinated on myself, because I really needed to urinate. See: me'mi'.
me'mi' n. urine. Gai påo i me'mi' i ga'lågu. The dog's urine has an odor. Bula asukat gi me'mi' i daibitis. There is a lot of sugar in the urine of diabetics.
— vi. urinate. Me'mi' i hagå‑ña si Maria gi hilu' kåttri. Maria's daughter urinated on the bed. Ilek‑ñiha i manåmku' na yanggin para un me'mi' pat masinik gi halum tånu', debi di un famaisin. The elders say that if you're going to urinate or defecate in the forest, you have to ask permission from the spirits first. Prisisu na ta fanme'mi' gi diha ya mungnga na uta fanmalångu. It is important that we urinate every day so that we will not get sick. Me'mi' si Ernesto gi kåntun floris gi paingi. Ernesto urinated next to the flowers last night. Malagu' me'mi' i patgun gi kemmun‑ñiha. The child wants to urinate in their bathroom. Mungnga me'mi' gi katsunes‑mu, Jesse, sa' siempri masåolak håo. Jesse, do not urinate on your pants, because you're going to get a spanking.
me'nan n. (in) front of. Gaigi gi me'nan i tenda si Juan yan i asaguå‑ña na ha nanangga i karetan‑ñiha. Juan and his wife are in front of the store waiting for their car. I sirimonias i masonggin dangis kada tiempun kuaresma masosonggi gi me'nan i Gima'Yu'us. The candle lighting ceremony during Lent was in front of the church. Bula siha floris rosåt gi me'nan i gima' Maria giya Tottotville. There are lots of roses in front of Maria's house in Tottotville.
me'nan Yu'us intj. honest to God. Si Domingo ya‑ña para u sångan "me'nan Yu'us" gi kada kumentus maseha mandadagi. Domingo likes to say "honest to God" even if he is lying. Mungnga masångan "me'nan Yu'us" sin nisisidåt. Do not say "honest to God" if it is not necessary. Masåsangan "me'nan Yu'us" yanggin malagu' i kumekuentus para u mahonggi. "Honest to God" is used if the speaker wants to be believed. Variant: gi me'nan Yu'us.
media adj. half, one of two equal parts. Si Rosa ha nå'i media na kek si Ana para amotsån‑ña. Rosa gave half of the cake to Ana for her breakfast. Hu nå'i si Jose media na pugua' para u måma'. I gave Jose half of my betelnut to chew. I asaguå‑hu malititira gi che'cho'‑ña gi oran alas kuåttru i media. My husband is released from his work at four-thirty. Syn: empi'. Variant: mediu.
mediånu adj. medium, average, middle, moderate. I tenda siha manmambebendi mediånu na chandiha put singku pesus. The stores are selling medium watermelon for five dollars. Si tatå‑hu bula kininne'‑ña manmediånu na guihan anai pumeska nigap. My father caught plenty of medium-sized fish when he went fishing yseterday. Sessu hu po'lu i guinaifin i fan gi mediånu na frinesku. I always put the fan on medium temperature while blowing. From: Sp. mediano.
médiku n. doctor, physician, surgeon. I medikun i hagå‑hu gaigi giya Palau ya ti siña manå'i ni amut. My daughter's doctor is in Palau and she couldn't get her medicine. Mampus makkat i mediku siha che'cho'‑ñiha gi manmalångu. Doctors work so hard taking care of patients. I che'lu‑hu låhi humånåo umiskuelan mediku giya Amerika. My brother went to medical school in the States. Syn: doktu. From: Sp. médico.
mediu adj. half, one of two equal parts. Si nanå‑hu mama'tinas kek para i giput i bisinu ya ha usa ha' mediu na mantikiya put para u nina'månngi'. My mom baked cake for our neighbor's party and she used half of the butter to make it taste good. Para ta fanmacho'chu' mediu diha ha' agupa'. We're going to work only a half day tomorrow. Si Ana ha midi mediu ha' na hånum anai para u sotni i chada'. Ana measured half of the water when she was going to boil the eggs. Variant: media. From: Sp. medio.
mediu di prep. for the sake of. Humånåo si Juan para u atiendi i klas, sa' mediu di para guiya ha'. Juan went to attend class just for his own sake. Mediu di i hagå‑mu, Rosa, na'hånåo ya u hålum gi militåt. For the sake of your daughter, Rosa, send her to join the military. Si nanå‑hu yan tatå‑hu sessu humånåo para i misa mediu di para u fanmanaitai yan u fanmanggågåo ayuda para i famagu'un‑ñiha. My mom and dad always went to mass to pray and ask for help for the sake of their children. From: Sp. medio de.
mediu diha adv. for half a day, half of the day (often from morning till noon). Si Vicky machocho'chu' gi plasan batkun airi mediu diha ha' gi simåna. Vicky works at the airport for only half a day each week. Si Rosa mama'gåsi mediu diha ha' nigap, sa' duru uchan ya ti siña ha tåla' i magågu. Rosa washed for only half a day yesterday, because it was raining and she could not hang the clothes. Anai måtai si tatå‑hu nigap, mediu diha yu' ni kumåti ni piniti‑hu. When my Dad died yesterday, I cried half of the day because of my hurt. From: Sp. medio día.
mefgu' adj. 1) juicy, having lots of liquid. Mesgu' esti na lemmun China i ginin Luta. This lemon from Rota has lots of juice. Guaha si tatå‑hu simiya‑ña niyuk ni michigu'. My Dad has a coconut seed that has lots of juice in it. 2) soaking wet. Mesgu' yu' todu anai ha gacha' yu' i matmun uchan. I was all wet when the heavy rain came down. Mesgu' i magagu‑mu. Your clothes are soaking wet. Variant: mesgu', míchigu'.
mefnu' adj. talkative, loquacious, wordy. Si Martin mampus mefnu' yanggin esta sen bulåchu. Martin was very talkative when he was very drunk. Mampus mefnu' si Ana gi halum klas, atyu na sessu manalåtdi. Ana is so talkative in class, that is why she always gets scolded. Si nanå‑hu ti ya‑ña bisitå‑ña ni mampus mefnu', piot ya ti mamprisisu. My mom didn't like her visitors to be very talkative, especially when it is not necessary to say.
meggai adj. many, plenty, lots of, much. Mamåhan yu' meggai na nengkanu' gi as Joeten para mantension un mes. I brought lots of food at Joeten for one month's supplies. Gi lanchun tatå‑hu meggai tinanom‑ña chandiha ya mai'is para u bendi yanggin såkkan. My Dad planted lots of watermelon and corn at the ranch so that he can sell them when it is time to harvest. Mampus låhyan na tåotåo gi giput Maria nubena ya ti ya‑hu humånåo, sa' mamåhlåo yu'. There were so many people at Maria's novena party that I didn't want to go, because I am very shy. Syn: bula, låhyan.
meggai na biåhi n. many times. Meggai na biåhi nai lalålu' yu' ni famagu'on‑hu yanggin ti mane'ekkunguk håfa hu sangånani siha. So many times I get mad when I am talking to my children and they are not listening to what I am telling them. Si Pedro meggai na biåhi ni ti måttu gi gima'‑ñiha gi finakpu' i che'chu'. Many times Pedro would not come home after work. Sessu ha nå'yi yu' meggai na biåhi bulåchun ulu yanggin ti chumotchu yu' an ogga'an. So many times I will have a headache if I don't eat in the morning.
meggaiña adj. more, greater in number, quantity, or extent (comparative). Meggaiña salappe'‑ña si Juan ki si Pedro gi bangku. Juan has more money than Pedro in the bank Si Tun Manuel meggaiña ga'‑ña chiba manmåtai gi lanchu ki i manlåla'la' på'gu na tiempu. Tun Manuel has more of his goats that died at the ranch than the ones that are alive nowadays. Meggaiña palabrå‑ña si Rose anai hu gågåo salappe'‑hu. Rose has extended words when I asked her for money.
mehga' adj. bloody. Mihaga' i babui anai ma punu', esta ha na'bula ha' un båtdi. When they killed the pig it was so bloody that it filled up one bucket. Mehga i katu anai chinigit ni kareta. The cat was bloody when it was run over by the car. Mihaga' i kannai‑hu anai chinachak ni i sesi'. My hand was bloody when I got cut by the knife. Variant: míhaga'.
Mehlin name. nickname for Melinda.
mehna adj. catch a lot (in hunting or fishing), have lots of luck (in hunting or fishing). Humånåo si Jose pumeska nigap ya sen mehna. Jose went fishing yesterday and he caught lots of fish. Mehna aliling si Ramon gi paingi ya ma kelaguin ha' para chesan‑ñiha. Ramon caught lots of cateye shells last night and they just mixed it for their chaser. Si Pedro yan Bino humånåo pumeskan halumtånu' ya mehna kinenni'‑ñiha ayuyu giya Mochon. Pedro and Bino went hunting and caught lots of coconut crabs at Mochon. Variant: menha, mena.
méhnalum adj. wise, intelligent, sage, knowledgeable. Mehnalum si Kiana na påtgun. Kiana is an intelligent child. I hagå‑ña si Maria mehnalum kumuentus gi halum manåmku'. Maria's daughter is so wise in talking in front of the elders. Si Juan mehnalum na påtgun, etyu na chaddik magraduha gi iskuelan doktu. Juan is so intelligent that he was very fast to graduate as a doctor. Variant: ménhalum.
mehnum adj. watery. Mungnga mana'mehnum i katdu. Don't make the soup watery. Mehnum mampus i chandiha yanggin fanuchånan. The watermelon is too watery when it is rainy season. Syn: fachi', nåo'åo.
mehtu adj. lousy, infested with lice. Si Rosa mehtu mampus esta todu hålum ilu‑ña manchetnut. Rosa's hair is infested with lice and all over her head has wounds. Yanggin mehtu i patgon‑mu, ti siña un na'skuela; debi di un na'gåsgas finene'na. If your child's hair is infested with lice, do not send her to school until you clean it first. Duru si Ana kumåti, sa' ma kakassi na mehtu. Ana was really crying, because everyone is teasing her because of her lice. Variant: mettu.
mekpi' adj. overgrown, bushy. Esta gof mekpi' i cha'guan gi uriyan hatdin. The grass is so overgrown around the garden. Atan i tinanum floris rosa, sa' gof mekpi'. Look at the rose flowers, because they are so bushy. Esta i siboyas manggof mekpi'. The onions are overgrown. Syn: chomchum.
Meksikånu adj. Mexican. Umasagua si Pedro yan palåo'an Meksikåna. Pedro married a Mexican lady. Meksikånu yan‑ñiha manggimin sitbesa. Mexicans love to drink beer. I mañaina‑hu ti yan‑ñiha Meksikånu para asaguå‑hu. My parents don't like me to marry a Mexican.
Méksiku name. Mexico. I che'lu‑hu palåo'an sumåsaga giya Méksiku. My sister lives in Mexico. Piligru Méksiku na lugåt yanggin ya‑mu bumulåchu. Mexico is dangerous if you are a drinker. Si nanå‑hu yan tatå‑hu mañåsaga Meksiku gi bandan lanchu anai siña gumuålu' yan mamoksai gå'ga' siha. My Mom and Dad are staying in Mexico at a place where they can farm and raise animals. From: Eng. Mexico.
Melang name. nickname for Emelia. Si Tenta ha fa'na'an i hagå‑ña Melang anai matakpångi gi ma'pus na Såbalu. Tenta named her daughter Melang when she was baptized last Saturday. Si Melang mampus ya‑ña kumånta yanggin gaigi gi misa. Melang really loves to sing when she is at mass. Bunitu esti i Melang na nå'an, sa' ti meggai manggai na'an. Melang is a nice name, for not many have this name here on Saipan.
melindris n. type of flower. lagerstroemia. Si nanå‑hu bula ha tånum na floris melindris gi me'nan i gima'‑måmi ya mansen bunitu yanggin manfloris. My Mom planted lots of lagerstroemia flowers in front of our house and they are so beautiful when they bloom. Si Tan Carmen lokkui' mambebendi floris melindris gi ha'ånin metkåo kada Såbalu ya mampus fåhna'. Mrs. Carmen also is selling lagerstroemia flowers during Saturday's market and it is very sellable. I melindris na floris mampus chomchum ya guaha na biåhi na bula sasata. The lagerstroemia is very bushy and sometimes there are lots of bees.
mellun n. 1) type of plant: melon. cucumis melo. Ti manmamis i mellun yanggin bula mampus uchan kada diha. The melon won't be sweet if there's plenty of rain every day. Si tatå‑hu bula tinanom‑ña mellun gi lanchun‑måmi, sa' esti ha' nai ha sosodda' para kinannu'‑måmi yan såkkan ya ha bendi. My Dad planted lots of melon at our farm, because this is the only way he's finding for our food when it's time for harvesting and selling it. I lancheru yanggin såkkan i tinanum‑ñiha mellun, ma bebendi gi metkåo kada Såbalu ya manapatti ni salåppi'. If the melons are to be harvested, the farmers will take them to the Saturday market and sell them and they split the money among them. 2) cantaloupe, muskmelon (generic). Si Kumairi ha nå'i yu' dos na mellun ya mampus mamis. My friend gave me two cantaloupes and they were very sweet. Gi as Joeten mangguaguan i presiun i mellun. At Joeten store, the prices of cantaloupes are so expensive. Guaha lokkui' siha na mellun mansen matå'pang. There are some cantaloupe that are not sweet. From: Eng. melon.
melodiha n. melody. Si Juan guiya kumåkanta melodiha gi misan Damenggu. Juan is the one who sings the melody at Sunday mass. Ti bunitu i kanta yanggin tåya' melodiha gi halum gurupu. The music is not going to be nice if there's no one to sing the melody in the group. I bos‑ña si Mary Ann mampus bunitu para melodiha. Mary Ann's voice is so beautiful for melody. From: Sp. melodía.
memmang n. auntie (nickname). Si memmang ya‑ña humugåndu balåha kada diha gi gima' kumairen‑ña. My auntie likes to play cards every day at her godsister's house. I memmang mampus kariñosa para i taotåo yanggin ma'å'agang håo. Memmang is so sweet to people when you are called it. Bunitu i memmang na kariñu nå'an para i manamko'‑ta siha. Memmang is so sweet a name for all our elders.
memmung n. 1) pubic region, extending down from navel. 2) sex organ.
memorias n. remembrance, capacity for recalling or recognizing previous experiences. I mane'lu‑hu hu sangåni memorias ginin hami yan i famagu'on‑hu giya Saipan. I told my brothers and sisters that I am extending our remembrance to them from me and my children on Saipan. I memoriås‑su anai måtai si tatå‑hu, ni ngai'an na bai hu maleffa. My memories of the death of my father, I will never forget. Si Juan ti siña maleffa ni memorias‑ña siha gi anai machocho'chu' giya Saipan. Juan will never forget his previous experiences while he was working here on Saipan. From: Sp. memorias.
memus n. penny, cent. Bula si Kika memos‑ña gi halum kåhun magagu‑ña. Kika has lots of pennies in her dresser drawer. Si Ana puru ha' sentimus gi sanhalum i pottamunedå‑ña. Ana has only pennies in her wallet.
ménchagu' adj. 1) far. Menchagu' dinaggåo‑ña si Antonio. Tony's throw is far. Manmenchagu' i pinanak‑ñiñiha i boleru. When the baseball players hit, they hit far. Annuk na menchagu' hinanåo‑ña i laña gi tasi. It shows that the oil has spread out far into the ocean. 2) Ménchagu' yu' nigap. I went many places yesterday. See: chågu'.
mendioka n. type of plant: tapioca, manioc, cassava. manihot esculenta. I mendioka na åggun Chamorro månngi' masaibuk yan tinala' kåtni. Tapioca is a Chamorro staple food that is tasty to cook with dried meat. I manåmku' ma'u'usa i asientun mendioka para buñelus dågu pat titiyas månha. The elders use tapioca starch to make yam doughnuts or coconut tortillas. Si matlinå‑hu sessu mama'tinas tamålis mendioka ya ha bebendi kada diha gi tenda. My godmother always makes tapioca tamales and sells them at the store every day. Variant: mindioka. From: Sp. mandioca.
menha vi. catch a lot (in hunting or fishing). Menha yu' ayuyu gi paingi. I caught a lot of coconut crab last night. Pumeska yu' nigap ya menha yu'. I went fishing yesterday and I caught a lot. Puedi ha' in fanmenha kinenni'‑miyu na umang. Hopefully you will catch a lot of hermit crabs. Variant: mena, mehna.
ménhalum adj. smart, intelligent, knowledgeable, wise. Menhalum esti na tåotåo. This man has a lot of knowledge. Manmenhalum esti siha na famagu'un. These children are intelligent. Manmenhalum esti siha na man'åmku'. These elders are wise. Variant: méhnalum.
menning vi. barely touch, delicately touch. Hu paki i paluma ya chatta' menning gi piku‑ña. I shot the bird and barely touched its beak. Syn: råspa.
mennung n. 1) pubic region, extending down from navel. Mana'såga si Jose gi espitåt nigap, sa' sen puti i mennong‑ña. Jose was hospitalized yesterday, because his groin was hurting. Si Pedro ma'upera i pekpuk gi fi'un i mennong‑ña, sa' siempri nina'kånsit. Pedro had surgery to remove a cyst near his pubic region before it becomes cancerous. 2) sex organ. Si Joaquin sessu puti i mennong‑ña yanggin manhåtsa makkat na kosas siha. Juan's sex organ always hurts whenever he lifts something heavy. Variant: memmung, memmeng.
menót adj. miniature, minor, extremely small, young. Si Pedro menót idåt‑ña ya ginacha' as tatå‑ña chumuchupa ya masåolak. Pedro is too young and his Dad caught him smoking and spanked him. From: Sp. menor.
menót di idåt adj. underage, minor. Mapresu si Deigo, sa' menót di idåt ya bulåchu. Deigo was in prison, because he is young and he got drunk. Ti siña mabendi sitbesa yanggin menót di idåt‑mu, sa' siempri mahuchum i tendåm‑mu. Beer cannot be sold to minors, because then your store will be closed down. From: Sp. menor de edad.
mensåhi n. message, announcement, information, topic. I mensåhin i gubietnu gi kumfirensia mampus klåru ya sen bunitu. The messages that the governor gave us during the conference are very clear and nice. Klåru i mensåhi put anunsion manmåtai siha gi estasion i rediu. The death announcement on the radio station is clear. I infitmasion i put i primet kumunion esta manmasangåni i mañaina siha. The information regarding the First Holy Communion was sent to all the parents. From: Sp. mensaje.
mensiona vt. mention, refer to, discuss casually. Hu mensiona gi as Ben na tåya' salappe'‑hu para bai apåsi i kandet‑tu. I discussed with Ben that I didn't have money to pay my electric bill. Hu mensiona gi miting nigap na para bai hånåo para Palau ya ti siña bai såonåo gi giput i fandånggun Ana. I mentioned yeaterday at the meeting that I will be off-island to Palau and I won't be able to make it to Ana's wedding. Si Maria ha mensiona i prubleman i hagå‑ña guatu gi ma'gas i pulisiha ya para u ma'arekla. Maria referred her daughter's problem to the police officer so that they can take care of the matter. Syn: hentra, mentra. From: Sp. menciona.
menta vt. mention, refer to, discuss casually. Kåo siña un menta gi familia na para bai hu asagua ottru simåna? Can you mention to the family that I will be getting married next week? Put fabot, menta gi huntåt‑ta na ti siña yu' måttu, sa' malångu yu'. Please, mention at our meeting that I cannot come, because I’m sick. Båsta mamenta i na'ån‑hu annai ti prisisu. Stop mentioning my name if it’s not important. Syn: mensiona. See: hentra. Variant: mentra, mientra. From: Sp. mienta.
mentra vt. mention. Variant: mientra.
mentu' n. host, hostess, person in charge of a party or fiesta, boss. Anai måtai si tatå‑hu, mana'mentu' si Tania, sa' guiya mås åmku' gi familia. When my Dad died, Tania was in charge of everything, for she is the oldest in the family. Mentu' si Frances kada såkkan gi Fiestan San Antonio. Frances is in charge of the San Antonio Fiesta every year. I familian Rose manmentu' gi giput i fandånggun Ana. Rose family is the host of Ana's wedding.
menus adj. less, fewer, not as great. Si tatå‑hu ha påtti ham ni guihan ya menus pattek‑ku ki si Ana. My father shared the fish and I had less fish than Ana. Mås menus kinanno'‑hu nigap na ha'åni ki på'gu na ogga'an. I ate much less food yesterday than this morning. Si Rosa menus kampon‑ña gi halum kuatton‑ña ki si Joan. Rosa has less space in her room than Joan. From: Sp. menos.
menggua adj. lessened, reduced in quantity. Si Chong ha na'menggua i kelaguin månnuk anai mañuli' para i gimå'‑ña. Chong reduced the amount of chicken kelaguin when she took some home. I pipinu na gollai meggai yanggin ti un fa'titinas para ko'ku', låo yanggin esta un ko'ku' na'masåolak, sa' memenggua påpa'. The cucumber is plenty when you are not mixing it for pickle yet, but once you mix it, it reduces the amount of cucumber, so that people would think that we took some and hid it or gave it to others.
meppa' adj. fruitful, fertile (for reproduction), prolific, productive. I trongkun lemmai sen meppa', sa' måolik i lugåt anai matånum. The breadfruit tree was so fertile, because the spot where it was planted was good. Manmeppa' i trongkun fruta siha på'gu na såkkan. The fruit trees are producing in abundance this year. Meppa' mampus i trongkun lemmon‑ña si Frank ya esta manmåmating yan manlålastima. Frank's lemon tree is very productive and all the lemons were dropping and are getting wasted.
mepplu adj. hairy. Mepplu i gaputilu‑ña si Rosario ya mampus anåkku' ya mapput mapaini. Rosario's hair is very hairy and it is so long and it is hard to comb. Mepplu si Juan i petchu‑ña ya nina'mamaipi mampus. Juan's chest is very hairy and it is making him very hot. Mepplu si Jose todu i tatåotåo‑ña. Jose's body is hairy all over. Syn: batbudu.
merienda n. afternoon snack. Mama'tinas si Nan Kai buñelus aga' para meriendan i famagu'un yanggin måkpu' i iskuelan‑ñiha. Nan Kai made banana doughnuts for her children's snack after school. I kutturå‑ta åntis na tiempu debi ha' di u guaha merienda kada diha para i manåmko'‑ta. In our culture a long time ago, it was a must to have a snack in the afternoon for our elders. Si Nana‑hu sessu mama'tinas inaflitun mamis lemmai para merienda i mamåli' siha gi kunbentu. My mom always fries ripe breadfruit for all the priests' snack at the convent. Variant: mirenda, mirienda. From: Sp. merienda.
Merizo name. village in southern Guam (pronounced malessu). Si Lola ti ya‑ña sumåga Merizo na lugåt. Lola does not want to stay at Merizo village. Mampus chågu' Merizo maseha para tenda, espitåt, pat gubietnamentu. Merizo is very far even for going to the store, hospital, or any of the government offices. Giya Merizo bula manbunitu na lugåt para pumiknik. In Merizo there are lots of beautiful places to go for a picnic.
méritu n. merit, chance, hope. Bula si Ana iyon‑ña meritu gi iskuelå‑ña, sa' mampus malåti'. Ana has lots of merits from her school, for she's a very smart girl. Guaha meritu‑hu para bai chuli' i degri‑hu gi kulehu. I have hope that I will receive my college degree. Si Pedro gof ayudånti gi kumunidåt ya bula siha difirentis klåsi na meritu ha risibi. Pedro was very helpful in the community, that was why he received different kinds of merits. From: Sp. mérito.
mes n. 1) calendar month, lunar month, solar month. Si Ana ha'ånin mafañagu‑ña ottru mes Agostu diha singku ya para u magopti. Ana's birthday is next month, August 5th, and they are going to celebrate it. Kada primet Lunis gi mes, humåhanåo yu' ya hu atetiendi i misa gi simintetyun Chalan Kanoa. Every first Monday of the month, I attend the mass at Chalan Kanoa cementary. 2) menstrual cycle. Si Maria ti malångun mes ya anai ha na'machek gui' gi espitåt, masodda' na mapotgi'. Maria did not menstruate so she had herself checked at the hospital and found that she is pregnant.
mesgi' adj. unafraid, without shame. Mampus mesgi' håo na tåotåo, ya‑mu manggågåo nengkanu' gi gima' bisinu. You are such a shameless person that you like to ask for food at the neighbor's house. Ti maguaiya håo na tåotåo, sa' mampus mesgi'. People do not like you, because you are so unafraid. Mesgi' si Juan na tåotåo, sa' maseha håfa na kosas ha li'i', ha gågåo. Juan is such an unafraid person that anything he sees, he will ask for. Syn: hásupak, tái mamahlåo.
mesgu' adj. juicy, have a lot of juice. Mesgu' na lemmun china esti. This lemon is very juicy. Guaha lokkui' na kåhit mampus mamis ya mesgu'. Some oranges are so sweet and have lot of juice. I lemmun kukuracha maguaiya, sa' dångkulu ya mesgu' mampus, måolik para kelaguin siha. The kukuracha lemon is loved, because it is big, has lots of juice, and is good for kelaguin.
meskinu adj. stingy, selfish, miserly. Meskinu si tatå‑hu mampus, maseha håfa un gågåo ti un nina'i. My father is very stingy, if you ask for anything he won't give it to you. Meskinu si Pedro ni karetå‑ña. Pedro is selfish with his car. Meskina si nanå‑hu ni nengkano'‑ña, ti u fannå'i gi ottru tåotåo. My mother is so stingy that she will not give out her food to other people. See: chattåo, gåki'. From: Sp. mezquino.
meskla n. cement mixer. Si tatå‑hu ha atkila i mesklan simentu anai para u mahåtsa i gima'‑måmi. My Dad rented the cement mixer when he was going to build our house. Guaguan mampus i mesklan simentu gi kada ora. The cement mixer is very expensive to rent by the hour. Chaddik un båtti i simentu yanggin un usa i meskla. It is very fast to mix the cement when you use the cement mixer.
— vt. mix. Si Maria ha meskla i letchi yan sitbesa ya sen månngi'. Maria mixed the milk and the beer and it is very good. Månngi' mameskla i aga' yan i chikulati na aiskrem. It is good to mix the ripe banana and chocolate ice cream. Na'bulachu yanggin un meskla i tiba yan i sitbesa. You will get drunk if you mix the coconut sap and beer. From: Sp. mezcla.
mesklåo adj. 1) mixed, mixed up, blended. Si Pedro mesklåo hagå'‑ña. Pedro has mixed blood. Todu mesklåo i tinige'‑ña si Fulånu, sa' ti ha hassun måolik håfa para u tugi'. Fulanu's writing was all mixed up, because it was not well thought out. 2) of mixed race, descended from different races. Mesklåo si nanå‑ña si Ana, atyu na mampus bunita. Ana's mom is mixed-race, that is why she is so pretty. Si Lola nina'fañågu nu i mesklåo Negru. Lola has kids from a mixed-race Black person. See: mestisu. From: Sp. mezclado.
Mesngon name. surname. See: mesngun.
mesngun adj. tolerant, patient, able to endure, resilient. Si Kika mesngun mampus ni kustumbrin i asaguå‑ña yanggin bulåchu. Kika is so tolerant of her husband's attitude when he is drunk. Mesngun yu' mampus na palåo'an gi ottru tåotåo, maseha ti måolik bidan‑ñiñiha nu guåhu. I am a woman who can endure others even if they are doing bad things to me. Mesngun yu' chumotchu donni' maseha sen pika. I am able to endure eating hot pepper even though it is extremely hot. Si Daniel metgut yan mesngun gi halum tåsi. Daniel is strong and resilient in the ocean. Muñera si Chong, sa' ti mesngun gi halum gurupu. Chong is not strong or resilient in group settings and cries easily. Si Ignacio mesngun ma'atåka ni idehå‑ña gi halum i dikiki' na kumunidåt. Ignacio is very strong and persevered in the midst of criticism of his ideas in such a small community.
mespi' adj. rich, wealthy, have lots of money. Si Juan mespi' na tåotåo ya ti chattåo para u fanayuda ni mamopbli. Juan has lots of money and he is not selfish to help the poor. I mespi'‑ñiha si Maria yan si Pedro, esta manhåtsa dos bibienda na guma'. Maria and Pedro are so rich they are able to build a two-story house. Tatfoi i mespe'‑ña si Luisa esta kada simåna mannå'i misa yan floris para i manånimas yan todu i Gima'Yu'us. Because Luisa is so rich, she will always give mass and flowers to all the departed souls and all the churches.
mestisu adj. of mixed race, descended from different races. Sen bunitu i lahi‑ña si Rosa, sa' mestisu si tatå‑ña. Rosa's son is so handsome, because his father is a person of mixed blood. Yanggin mestisu håo, guaha na biåhi na båba i kustumbrem‑mu, sa' ti parehu hagå'‑mu ya ottru tåotåo. If you are a person of mixed race, sometimes your attitude is bad, because your blood is not the same as other people's. Manaliligåo yu' asaguå‑hu mestisu na tåotåo. I am looking for a person of mixed race for my husband. From: Sp. mestizo.
met n. honey. Hu u'usa i met gi gimen‑hu inlugåt di asukat. I use honey in my drink instead of sugar. Mungnga manå'i i neni met, sa' ti måolik. Do not feed honey to infants, because it's not good. Variant: miét.
metåt n. metal. I metåt i brek kareta esta sen båba. The metal of the car brake is so bad. Mayulang i metåt i kattri anai umåssun dos na yommuk tåotåo. The metal of the bed broke when two fat persons lay down. Mampus makkat esti na metåt yanggin para ta uma gi tatalo'‑ta. This metal is so heavy if we are to carry it on our backs. From: Sp. metal.
metati n. millstone. I metati mana'sesetbi ni manamko'‑ta para uma mulinu i ma'is. The millstone was used by our elders to grind corn. Masåkki i metati gi gimå'‑hu. The millstone was stolen at my house. Guaha hu li'i' metati mamomostra gi liyang. I have seen a millstone being displayed at the cave. Variant: mitati. From: Sp. metate.
metbius n. high blood pressure. Si nanå‑hu metbius chetnot‑ña ya sessu gumimin åmut. My mom has high blood pressure and she always drinks her medicine. Yanggin lalålu' si Pedro, kahulu' mampus i metbios‑ña. If Pedro is mad, his blood pressure will really go up. Si Ana metbius chetnot‑ña ya ti ma'å'añåo maseha håyi na tåotåo. When Ana has high blood pressure, she's not scared of anybody.
— adj. nervous. Mampus metbius si nåna ya nina'kahulu' i hagå'‑ña. Mother is so nervous and it makes her blood pressure rise. Gof båba si Evelyn, sa' gof metbius ya chaddik poddung. Evelyn's nervousness is so bad and she collapses fast. Båba i taotåo yanggin metbius, sa' gof chaddik tisu. It is not good for a person to be nervous, because he passes out fast. From: Sp. nervios.
metcha n. wick. I metchan i fallut yanggin para u masonggi gi pupuengi, debi di u anåkku' ya u tinaka' manana. The wick of the lantern, if it's to be lit at night, must be long so that it will last until morning. Ma'u'usa ha' lokkui' talåpus para metcha para kåndit an puengi. Rags are also used as wicks for lights at night time. Båba ma'usa i kanifis na talåpus para metcha. It is not good to use thin cloth for wicks. From: Sp. mecha.
metchiu' n. sharp-shooter, bull's eye, esp. in marble game (Saipan). Åntis na tiempu sessu i famagu'un lalåhi manhugåndu tåmma' kada måkpu' i iskuela ya guaha metchu' tamma'‑ñiha. A long time ago boys often played marbles after school and they had sharp-shooting marbles. Si Pedro ya'‑ña humånåo para i sagan atibidåt siha para u hugåndu metchiu'. Pedro loves to go to the activity place just to play the bulls-eye. Si tatå‑hu sessu humånåo ya humugåndu metchiu' gi sagan mamaki. My dad always went to play shooter at the gun sites. Variant: metchu'.
metgut adj. strong, sturdy, powerful, vigorous, tough. Metgut esti na guma' sin, sa' nichuka' månglu' ti mayuyulang. This tin house is so strong, even if the wind is so powerful it never broke down. Si Taga na tåotåo gi isturiå‑ña, todu ha' tumungu' na sen metgut. Taga was the person that everyone knew from his story that he is very strong and powerful. Matatnga yan metgut si Taga na tåotåo. Taga is strong and powerful.
meti n. merit, right, privilege. Si Jose ti meti na para u manå'i karetå‑ña, sa' tåya' ni manayuda gi familia. Jose has no right to be given a car, for he never helped the family. Tåya' si Kai meti ginin i iskuelå‑ña, sa' ti ha pas i tes‑ña. Kai has no merit from her school, because she did not pass her test. Tai meti si John para u iskuela kulehu, sa' ti magraduha gi dossi grådu. John has no right to go to college, because he did not graduate from the twelfth grade.
metkåo n. market. Kada Såbalu si nanå‑hu humåhanåo para i metkåo ya mamåmahan chåda' fresku para si tatå‑hu. Every Saturday my mom would go to the public market to buy fresh eggs for my dad. Bula gollai siha manmabebendi gi metkåo. There are lots of vegetables being sold at the public market. Bula katnin fresku manmabebendi gi metkåo. Lots of fresh meat is sold at the market. From: Sp. mercado.
Métkulis n. Wednesday. Mañågu si Petra as Toby gi Metkulis na ha'åni. Petra delivered Toby on Wednesday. I Metkulis na ha'åni i nubenan Perpetual Help nai matutucha. Wednesday is the day for the novena of Perpetual Help. Si Ben debi di u maduluk daibitis kada Metkulis na ha'åni. It is a must for Ben to take his diabetic shot every Wednesday. From: Sp. miércoles.
metru n. 1) meter (unit of measurement). Kuåntu metru ennåo i bangku åntis di un kåtga gi kareta? How many meters is that bench before you transport it in the car? 2) measuring device. Håfa iyon‑ña metru i kareta anai åntis di un hånåo para Garapan? What is the meter of the car before you go to Garapan? I taksi siha manmapo'luyi metru put para u matungu' kuåntu ginasta. All the taxis had meters so that they can monitor how much they are charging. From: Sp. metro.
mettun adj. certain, firm, definite, absolute, sure, attached to, true, steadfast, meticulous. Mettun yu' mampus gi as nanå‑hu gi todu i manera. I am true to my Mom in everything. Mettun yu' mampus gi famagu'un ya hu nå'i maseha håfa i ma gågåo yu'. I am very attached to my children whenever they ask me anything Mettun yu' ni palabrå‑hu ya ti bai tulaika. I am sure of what I said, and I will never change it. See: såttun.
metyas n. socks, stockings. Mangguaguan i metyas gi tenda. Socks are expensive at the store. Si Jose mampus mutung i metyås‑ña yanggin fotgun. Jose's socks get so stinky when they are wet. Måolik i metyas para un usa yanggin manenghing håo. It is good to wear socks when you are cold. From: Sp. medias.
meying adj. good at, expert, skillful, professional, proficient (Saipan). Si nanå‑hu mampus meying mama'tinas hineksa' agaga'. My Mom is good at cooking red rice. Gof meying Juan dumandan gitåla. Juan is expert in playing guitar. Meying mampus si Rose kumuentus Chamorro. Rose is so expert in speaking Chamorro. Si Ana para u dekorit i Gima' Yu'us gi para i umasaguan i che'lu‑ña gi Sabalu, sa' meying. Ana is going to decorate the Church for her brother's wedding this Saturday, for she's so professional. Ha fa'meyiying gui' si Jose manaitai finu' Ispañot. Jose is acting as if he is an expert in reading Spanish. Syn: pairi. From: Jp. meijin.
meyu n. penny, smallest denomination of Spanish coin. Kuåntu mohon na meyu nahung i asukat gi tenda? How many pennies would be enough for the sugar at the store? Bula si nanå‑hu meyu‑ña gi halum i kahon‑ña. My Mom has plenty of coins in her drawer. Bai tulaika i meyu gi bangku. I am going to change the pennies at the bank.
mí- (from: mí‑) pref. have lots of, have many, have plenty. Michinina si Kika' ginin Amerika. Kika has lots of clothes from United States. Micha'guan uriyan gimå'‑ña si Ton. Ton has lots of grass around his house. Mitinanum pugua' si Rose gi lanchun‑ñiha giya Luta. Rose has plenty of betelnut trees at her farm on Rota.
mí'atchu' adj. rocky, have lots of rocks. Tåsin Luta mi'atchu', måolik para pumeskan aliling. It is good to catch cateye shells on Rota because it very rocky. Mi'atchu' mampus i uriyan i gimå'‑hu. I have lots of rocks around my house. Si tatå‑hu ha u'usa tabi kada para u peska, sa' mampus mi'atchu' atyu na lugåt anai pumepeska. My Dad would always use the fishing shoes, because the place he went fishing had lots of rocks.
mí'unai adj. sandy, have lots of sand. Mi'unai esti na lugåt. This place has lots of sand. Mi'unai i yure'‑hu anai mamokkat yu' gi kantun tåsi. My zories had lots of sand when I walked on the beach. Anai umo'mak gi tasi si Jen, mumi'unai i katsunes‑ña. When Jen swam in the ocean, her pants collected a lot of sand.
michi' n. path or groove made by a player to guide the marble to the target (Saipan). Malågu tunas i tamma' gi michi'. The marble ran straight on the path. Hu fa'tinåsi michi' i tammå'‑hu åntis di bai hu paki. I made a path for my marble before I shot it. Bumokka' i michi' hånum anai umuchan. The groove was filled with water when it rained. From: Jp. michi.
michi' adj. poor, needy. Anai hokkuk salappe'‑hu, mumichi' yu'. When my money ran out, I became poor. Manmichi' ham gi tiempun Chapanis. We were poor during the Japanese time. Mumichi' si Dan nu bulan famagu'on‑ña. Dan's many children made him poor. I manmichi' na tåotåogui ma nisisita meggai na ayudu. The needy people need a lot of assistance. Munana'hanåo si Bernie salåppi' para i manmichi'. Bernie sends money to the needy.
midi vt. measure (something), mark the bounds or limits of (something). Midi i amut. Measure the medicine. Mungnga iya' mamidi i chalan. Please do not go out for a long time (lit. Don't make it such that you measure the road). See: midida. From: Sp. mide.
midida n. 1) measurement. Håfa i mididan i kahita? What is the measurement of the box? Na'måolik put fabot mididå‑mu nu i chinina. Please make your measurement of the shirt a good one. 2) measuring tool, measuring device. Mididan para åmut esti. This measuring device is for medicine. Fitmi esti na midida. This measuring tool is sturdy. From: Sp. medida.
miembru n. 1) member. Manmiembru ham guini na asosiasion. We are members in this association. Kåo miembru håo gi 4‑H club? Are you a member of the 4-H club? Ti nahung miembru guini na pattida. There are not enough members in this party. 2) bodily part or organ. Variant: membru. From: Sp. miembro.
mientra vt. mention, speak of, make known, inform, refer to, discuss. Syn: mensiona. See: hentra. Variant: mentra.
mientras cnj. while, meanwhile, in the meantime. Måolekña ta fanhånåo mientras ti u'uchan. We better go while it is not raining. Bai hu tataitai esti i lepblu mientras hu nanangga håo. I will be reading this book while I wait for you. Mungnga hit manburuka mientras ki mamaigu' ha' i neni. Let us not make noise while the baby is still sleeping.
miét n. honey. Hånåo fan famåhan miet gi tenda. Please go and buy honey at the store. Ai na minanngi' esti na miet, sa' ginin i lanchun‑måmi. Oh, this is such a delicious honey, because it is from our farm. Ti måolik mana'chotchu miet i neni ni menus ki un åñu na idåt. It is not good to feed honey to babies under one year old. See: anibat. Variant: met. From: Sp. miel.
miganchiu' n. eyeglass wearer, one who wears eyeglasses, a person with poor eyesight (Saipan). Makakassi i patgun miganchiu' put inantio'ohus. The child was being teased as miganchiu' because he wears eyeglasses. Bula miganchiu' siha na tåotåo manggaigi gi library. There are many eyeglass wearers at the library. Variant: miganchi'. From: Jp.
míguinaha adj. wealthy, rich, affluent, have an abundance of. Manmiguinaha esti siha na tåotåo. These people have lots of wealth. Miguinaha i tasi guihan. The ocean has a lot of fish. Esti na tåotåo miguinaha tånu'. This man has a lot of land. Syn: mangguaha.
míhinallum adj. intelligent, wise. Ennåo na ideha annuk ha’ na mihinallum. This idea came from deep thoughts. Kunsigi manistudia yan un mås mihinallum. Continue to study so that you are insightful. Nisisita mås guaha inistudia para u guaha mås sustånsia ya u annuk na mihinallum i propositu. There must be more research so that there is more substance and it appears that the proposal has deep insight. Variant: ménhalum.
míhinilat adj. powerful, full of strength, efficient. Mihinilat i industrian militåt gi Estådus Unidus. The U.S. military industry has great strengths. Mihinilat i sensian Antonio kontra i manparentis siha. Antonio has strengths in his relationships with families. Mihinilat i Katolismu gi halum Mariånas. Catholicism carries strengths in the Marianas.
míhitu adj. infested with lice, have lots of lice. Mihitu esti na påtgun. This child has a lot of lice. Ti manmihitu esta i famagu'un. The children are not infested with lice anymore. Na'ma'åmti i ilu‑mu, sa' mihitu håo. Have your head treated, because you have lots of lice. Variant: mehtu.
míkulot adj. colorful, have a lot of colors. Mikulot esti na yåtdas. This yardage has a lot of colors. Na'mikulot i pinentåm‑mu. Make your painting have lots of colors. Bunitu esti na floris sa' mikulot. This flower is beautiful because it has a lot of colors.
mílachi adj. have a lot of mistakes or errors. Milachi atyu na ineppi. That answer contained a lot of mistakes. Ti milachi si Juan på'gu na ha'åni. Juan did not have a lot of mistakes today. Ta fanman'istudia ya mungnga hit na uta fanmilachi gi tes. Let us study so that we do not have a lot of mistakes in the test.
milagrosu adj. miraculous, capable of performing miracles. Todus hit manmilagrosu. We are all miraculous. Milagrosu si Juan, sa' guaha milågru ha cho'gui. Juan is capable of performing miracles, because there is a miracle that he made. From: Sp. milagroso.
milågru n. miracle. Hu iskpepekta milågru på'gu. I am expecting a miracle now. Milågru muna'homlu' i patgun låhi. The boy was healed by a miracle. Milågru i lina'la'. Life is a miracle. From: Sp. milagro.
milak n. stream, river. Guaha uhang guini na milak. There is shrimp in this stream. Åppan esta i milak. The stream has dried up. Anåkku' esti na milak. This river is long.
— vi. flow, overflow, flood, inundate. Milak påpa' i lago'‑ña i sindålu. The soldier's tears flowed down. Na'milak hålum i bendision guini na guma'. Flood this house in with blessings. I tiba gi halum i buteya milak påpa' gi hiyung i buteya, sa' bumula tuba gi halum i buteya. The coconut wine in the bottle overflowed outside the bottle, because the coconut wine inside the bottle expanded. See: dilubiu.
milåya n. medal, medallion. Bula milayå‑ña si Juan. John has a lot of medals. Dångkulu esti na milåya. This medallion is big. Yanggin munhåyan esti un cho'gui, manå'i håo siempri milåya. When you finish doing this, you will then be given a medal. See: iskapulåriu. From: Sp. medalla.
Milin name. nickname for Carmen. Variant: Åmmi', Ming, Min.
milindis n. crepe myrtle. lagerstroemia. Variant: melindris.
milisia n. militia. From: Sp. milicia.
milisiånu n. militia. Syn: militåt. From: Sp. miliciano.
militåt n. military, armed forces, body of soldiers. Para u hålum gi militåt. He is joining the military. Gaigi gi militåt i asaguå‑hu. My spouse is in the military. Para u fanmåttu i militåt giya Tinian. The military is coming to Tinian.
— vi. be in the military. Para u fanmilitåt i famagu'un. The children are going to be in the military.
mimitung kabåyu n. type of medicinal plant. Variant: mumutung kabåyu.
Mimu' name. nickname for Maximo.
Min name. nickname for Carmen. Si Min yu'. I’m Carmen. Variant: Åmmi', Ming.
mina n. 1) mine, quarry. Bula mina gi tasi. There are many mines in the ocean. Duråntin i tiempun Chapanis, guaha minan guano siha giya Mariånas. During the Japanese time, there were guano mines in the Marianas. 2) treasure. Håfa na un guåguadduk ennåo, kåo para un fañodda' mina? Why are you digging that, are you going to find treasure? Bula mina manmasodda' gi Nuestra Señora de la Concepcion na båtkun Españot. Lots of treasure was found in the Spanish ship Nuestra Señora de la Concepcion. From: Sp. mina.
mina' cnj. the reason that, because, is why. Atyu mina' hu sangåni håo sa' putno un lalålu'. The reason why I told you was so that you would not get upset. I guinaiyam‑mu nu guåhu muna' måmåolik yu' mo'na. Your love for me is the reason I am advancing well forward. Esti muna' malångu yu', i katnin tenda. This is what caused me to be sick, the store-bought meat. Variant: muna'.
mina'- (from: mina'‑) pref. ordinal marker. I mina'kuåttru. The fourth. Mina'dos esti. This is the second one.
mina'å'ñåo n. fear, fright, terror, horror. Tåya' mina'a'ñåo‑ña si Manet. Manet has no fear. Ai na mina'å'ñåo si Tan Maria ma'udai gi batkun airi. Tan Maria has so much fear riding on airplanes. Ai na mina'å'ñåo yu'. My, I am so much afraid. See: kinibåtdi.
mina'åsi' n. forgiveness, compassion, pity, mercy. Guaha mina'ase'‑ña si Juan nu i patgun. Juan has compassion for the child. Fanggai mina'åsi' nu i taotåo siha. Have mercy on the people. Gai mina'åsi' nu guåhu. Have mercy on me.
mina'gas n. state of having a managerial position, having a high position, being a boss. Ai na mina'gas håo. My, you are in such a high position. Put i mina'gås‑ña ha' ennåo muna' malilinik ilu‑ña. It is because he is boss that he is having headaches. I mina'gas‑ñiha muna' manma'a'atan siha hulu'. Their being looked up to is due to their having a high position.
mina'hu n. thirst. I mina'ho‑hu muna'lo'lu' yu' My thirst made me cough. Ai na mina'hu yu'. My, I am so thirsty. Gimin ya u mågung i mina'ho‑mu. Drink so that your thirst is quenched.
mina'kuåttu adj. fourth. Esti i mina'kuåttu na finattom‑mu. This is the fourth time you came. Sumåsaga i amigu‑hu gi mina'kuåttu bibenda. My friend lives on the fourth floor. Hågu mina'kuåttu gi fila. You are the fourth in line.
mina'lak n. brightness, glare, brilliance, splendor, luster. I mina'lak i kandit ha' atyu. That is just the brightness of the light. Ai na mina'lak i pilan. My, the moon is so brignt. I mina'lak kandet‑mu muna' ti siña hu li'i' håo. The brightness of your headlights was the reason I could not see you.
mina'uk n. lasting long, having duration, long-lasting, endurance. Tai mina'uk esti na gimin. This drink is not long-lasting. Ai na minana'uk esti na salåppi'. My, this money is lasting so long. Måolik mina'ok‑ña. Its duration is good.
minachum åtdåo n. sunset. Manbunitu i minachum åtdåo siha. Sunsets are beautiful. Ta fanhånåo åntis di i minachum åtdåo. We will go before sunset. Ti måolik mañuli' åmut gi minachum åtdåo. It is not good to take medicinal plants at sunset.
minafak n. bankruptcy (?).
minagågu vi. wear clothes, put clothes on, get dressed. Bunitu minagågu ni ma'asenta. It nice to wear the clothes that are ironed. Na'fanminagågu i famagu'un. Make the children wear clothes. Ha na'minagågu i muñeka nu i sabanas. She clothed the doll with the blanket. Ti ha tungu' minagågu i patgun. The child does not know how to get dressed.
minagåhit n. truth, fact, reality. Gi minagåhit, måolik håo. In reality, you are good. Gi minagåhit, bula si Mimi salappe'‑ña. In truth, Mimi has a lot of money. Tai minagåhit ennåo na kuentus. That saying does not have any truth to it.
minaggim n. 1) soft-heartedness. I minaggim kurason‑mu muna' ya‑hu håo. Your soft-heartedness caused me to like you. Tåya' minaggim kurason‑ña. He has no soft-heartedness. 2) dampness, limpness from moisture. Ai na minaggim esta esti na biskuchu. My, this biscuit is so stale already.
minaguf n. 1) happiness, pleasure, joy, delight. Guaha minaguf guini. There is happiness here. Ta nisisita minaguf guini gi isla‑ta. We need happiness here on our island. Kuåntu para un nå'i yu'? Månu ha' i minaguf i kurason‑mu. How much are you going to give me? Just what is from the pleasure of your heart. I "si Yu'us ma'åsi'," atyu i minagof‑hu. The "thank you," that is my happiness. Hu ayuda si Juan gi lanchu kumu minagof‑hu. I helped Juan at the ranch as a gesture. Mungnga mafåhan esti i chandiha, sa' hu nåna'i håo kumu minagof‑hu. Don't buy this watermelon, because i'm giving it to you as a gesture. 2) sexual pleasure.
minahålang n. loneliness, forlornness, deprivation of companionship. Gai minahålang si Bek. Bek has some loneliness in her. Ti ya‑hu minahålang. I do not like deprivation of companionship. Ai na minahålang yu' esta. My, I am already feeling forlornness.
minaipi n. a condition related to a type of illness (cultural knowledge, Chamorro). Nina'yi nu i chetnut minaipi.
minakkat n. 1) heaviness, weight. Gai minakkat esti na kosas. This thing has some heaviness to it. Ti makkat i minakkat‑tu. My weight is not heavy. Gai minakkat esti na kåtga. This cargo is kind of heavy. Ti siña hu håtsa i kestat pugua', sa' gai minakkat. I cannot lift the sack of rice because it's kind of heavy. Un na'puti yu', sa' gai minakkat ositån‑mu. You hurt me because your joke is kind of drastic. 2) challenge, difficulty, not an easy thing to do. Gai minakkat esti i mamoksai påtgun. Raising children is not an easy thing to do. Gai minakkat esti na kareta masugun. This car is challenging to drive.
minalagu' n. desire, ambition. Håfa i minalago'‑mu, atyu ta cho'gui. What you desire, that is what we will do. Minalagu' nanå‑hu esti na para bai hu taitai. It was my mother's desire that I read this. Tåya' esta minalago'‑ña macho'chu'. He has no more ambition to work.
minalångu n. sickness, illness, state of being sick. Guaha minalångu gi familia. There is someone who is sick in the family. I minalångu ti ta ikspepekta. Sickness, we are not expecting it. Ai na minalångu i ga'‑hu babui. My, my pig is so sick.
minaleffa n. state of having forgotten. Ai na minaleffa yu' nu hågu. My, I have completely forgotten you. I ti minaleffån‑ña nu hågu, esta ha areklåyi håo na'‑mu. Having not forgotten you, he even has prepared some food for you. Tåya' minaleffåk‑ku? I have not forgotten anything?
minaluluk n. overabundance.
minamis n. sweetness. Ai na minamis esti na lalangita. My, this tangerine is so sweet. I minames‑mu tai hinekkuk. Your sweetness does not end. Mampus na minamis esti na palåo'an gi maseha håyi na tåotåo. This lady is so sweet to anybody.
minampus n. excess, superfluity, state of being too much. Ai na minampus kustumbrem‑mu. My, your attitude is too much. See: inipus.
minanggåo pulan n. rising of the moon. Ma’lak i minanggåo pulan. The rising of the moon was bright.
minanglu' odda' n. winded soil, Gamma Corvi.
minåolik n. goodness. Todu tåotåo manggai minaolik. All people have goodness in them. I minaolik gi taotåo ta atan. The goodness in the person is what we look at. Para minaolek‑ta ha' esti yanggin ta cho'gui. This is just for our own good if we do it.
minapput n. difficulty, state of being challenging. Gai minapput esti na påtgun tumohgi. This child has difficulty standing. Gai minapput esti na trongku makahulu'i. This tree is challenging to climb. Ai na minapput esti na cho'chu'. My, what a difficult work this is.
minatai n. death. Mantai minatai ham gi ma'pus na såkkan. We had no deaths last year. Variant: finatai.
minatatnga n. bravery, fearlessness, valor, meanness. Ai na minatatnga håo. My, you have such bravery. Gai minatatnga esti na påtgun. This child has some valor in him. I minatatngan‑ña muna' ti maguaiya gui'. His meaness is the reason he is not liked.
minatåyan n.
minattråta n. mistreatment, ill-treatment. Mapresu si Ramon put minattråta kontra i famagu'un siha. Ramon was imprisoned because of mistreatment of the children. Bula minattråta kontra ga’lågu yan ottru siha na gå’ga’. There have been a lot of incidents of mistreatment of dogs and other animals. Masodda’ ni pulisiha na bula minattråta kontra i manåmku' gi halum familia. The police discovered lots of mistreatment of the elders within the family.
minayulang n. 1) destruction, demolition. Ai na minayulang i karetå‑hu. My goodness, my car is so broken. Bula minayulang gi hålum kollat. There is a lot of destruction inside the fence. 2) something with broken parts. I minayulang, hågu un fa'måolik. The broken parts, you will be the one to fix them.
mindioka n. type of plant: tapioca, manioc, cassava. manihot esculenta. I mendioka na åggun Chamorro månngi' masaibuk yan tinala' kåtni. Tapioca is a Chamorro staple food that is tasty to cook with dried meat. I manåmku' ma'u'usa i asientun mendioka para buñelus dågu pat titiyas månha. The elders use tapioca starch to make yam doughnuts or coconut tortillas. Si matlinå‑hu sessu mama'tinas tamålis mendioka ya ha bebendi kada diha gi tenda. My godmother always makes tapioca tamales and sells them at the store every day. Variant: mendioka. From: Sp. mandioca.
mineddung n. size, dimensions, measurement. Kuåntu mohon mineddong‑ña i siboyas gi lanchu? What do you think is the size of the onions in the farm? Taimanu mineddong‑ña i mangga? How big is the size of the mango? Dångkulu mineddong‑ña esti na kahita. This box is a large-sized one.
minesngun n. endurance, patience, forbearance. Måolik minesngon‑mu. Your endurance is good. Ai na minesngun håo. My, you are so patient. Tai minesngun yu' esta. I do not have any patience anymore.
minetgut n. strength, power, force, stamina. Ai na minetgut håo. My, you are so strong. Gai minetgut esti na tåotåo. This man has some strength. Måolik minetgot‑mu. Your strength is good. Syn: fuetsa, nina'siña.
minetyas vi. put socks on. Minetyas fan. Put your socks on, please. Na'minetyas i neni. Put socks on the baby. Na'minetyas yu' fan. Put socks on me, please.
minidiyi vi. have the right size, get just enough or the right amount. Puedi u minidiyi esti na åmut gi sahguan‑ña. Hopefully this medicine will be just enough for its container. Pika ha' i gellai para u minidiyi i mineddung i satten. Just cut enough vegetables to fit the size of the pot. Anai minidiyiyi si Ana gi chininå‑ña. Ana's dress just fits her with the right size. See: midi, omlat.
minigu'an adj. have matter in the eyes. Minigu'an i neni. The baby has matter in his eyes. Manminigu'an ham. We have this condition of having matter in our eyes. Minigu'an yu'. I have matter in my eyes.
ministét adj. 1) necessary, must, have to, need to. Ministet ha' un lampåsu para u suha i petbus. You just need to mop to get rid of the dust. Ministet ha' un bålli i basula ya mungnga na u machalapun. You just need to sweep the dirt so it doesn't scatter. Ministet ha' un såonåo para un matufung. You need to be present to be counted. Ministet un lachaddik sino madingu håo gi giput. You have to hurry or you will be late for the party. Ministet un maigu', sa' esta håo matuhuk. You have to sleep, because you are already sleepy. 2) instead of, in lieu of. Ministet sigi kumåti, hånåo ya un baila. You have to go dancing instead of crying. Syn: instét.
ministru n. minister (religious or political). Si Bob Davis i ministrun i gima'yu'us prutestånti. Bob Davis is the minister for the Protestant Church. Si Påli' Charley i ministrun i St. Jude. St. Jude's minister is Father Charley. Meggai na ministru siha ginin iya Filipina na tånu'. There are many ministers here from the Philippines. Taigui i gume'hilulu'i i ministrun edukasion. The minister of education is not available. I primet ministrun Hapon dimasiåo inistotba ni distrosun i linåo gi halatcha. The Prime Minister of Japan was very disturbed over the destruction caused by the earthquake. I ministru ni gume'hilulu'i i fundun gubietnamentu ha li'i' na makkat para u akudi todu nisisidåt i taotåo. The minister for the finance department believes it is very difficult for the government to take care of needs of the people. From: Sp. ministro.
minitu' n. purpose, intention, prayer. I minitu' esti na prugråma para u faninayuda siha i manhobin na henerasion. The purpose of this program is to help the the young generation. I minitu' esti na inetnun para ta aligåo håfa siña ta cho'gui para i adilåntun i sengsong‑ta. The intention of this gathering is to find what we can do to help the improvement of our village. Guaha minitu' ni para ta na'guaha hunta. There is a purpose that we have to have a meeting. I minitu' i hunta sa' para u mana'guaha hinekkunguk pupbliku. The purpose of the meeting is to provide a public hearing. Meggai minito'‑ña i hunta gi kada mes gi halum i implehåo siha gi che'chu'. The monthly meeting among the employees has many purposes in the workplace. Tåya' minito'‑ña i finatton‑ña si nåna ginin Amerika. Mother's visit from America has no purpose.
minót di idåt n. minor, person under legal age, youngster, teen-ager. I minot di idåt ti siña ma'aksepta para u hålum gi salon. A minor cannot be accepted to enter a bar. Si Jose ti siña mañugun kareta, sa' minot di idåt. Jose cannot drive a car, because he is a minor. Disisietti añus para påpa' makunsidera kumu minot di idåt. Seventeen years old and below are considered as minors. From: Sp. menor de edad.
minuteru n. minute hand (on watch or clock). Mayulang i minuterun i rilos James. The minute hand of James' watch broke. Kahlu i minuterun i rilos‑måmi. The minute hand of our clock is loose. Poddung i rilos ya umetchung i minuteru‑ña. The minute hand of the clock got crooked when it fell down. From: Sp. minutero.
minutu n. minute. Kuåntu minutus tetehnan? How many minutes remaining? Kada dies minutus, påra. Every ten minutes, stop. Kada minutu guaha chålik. Every minute there is laughter. From: Sp. minuto.
miña adj. have lots of, have more than an ample supply of. Maguf si Jose, sa' mana'miña gui' katsunis. Jose is happy, as he was given lots of pants. Lalålu' si Rudy, sa' ti mana'miña gui' nengkanu'. Rudy is upset, because he was not indulged with food. Esta si Juan ha po'lu na guiya kiridu, sa' todu gui' ni mana'miña. Juan was indulged and thinks he is the favorite child.
— vt. overindulge, provide with a lot of. Ha miña yu' si matlinå‑hu ni todu klåsin magågu. My godmother indulged me with an ample supply of clothes. Mampus miniña si Doris as nanå‑ña ni meggai alåhas. Doris has lots of jewelry given by her mother. Miniña i patgun as tatå‑ña ni todu klåsin kattan huegu siha. The child has a lot of different kinds of game cards from his father. See: daffluk, maluluk.
Ming name. nickname for Carmen. Variant: Åmmi', Min.
mipi adj. hairy, covered with hair (not feathers), furry. Mipi i ga'‑hu katu. My pet cat is furry. Ai na minipi si Jose anai hohobin, låo på'gu, esta todu dåkngas. My, Jose was very hairy when he was younger, but now he is completely bald. I manmipi siha na gå'ga' siña ma sungun i manenghing siha na lugåt. Furry animals can tolerate cold places. Syn: mepplu. See: pulu.
mípilu adj. hairy, fibrous, stringy. Mipilu i galagitu. The puppy has lots of hair. Mipilu esti na niyuk. This coconut is very fibrous. Mipilu i kannai‑hu. My hand is hairy. See: batbudu. Variant: mepplu.
mípipitas adj. full of seeds.
mira n. myrrh, an aromatic gum resin. Guaha mira gi kuåttu. There is myrrh in the room. Påopåo esti na mira. This myrrh smells sweet. Nå'i si Ne' ni mira. Give the myrrh to Ne'. From: Sp. mirra.
mirenda n. snack, light meal (usually in the middle of the afternoon). Nihi ta fanmirenda. Let us go and have a light meal. Esta oran mirenda. It is already time for a light meal. Alas tres i mirenda. The light meal is at three o'clock. Variant: merienda, mirienda. From: Sp. merienda.
miresi vt. deserve. Un miresi milåya. You deserve a medal. Ti hu miresi esti. I do not deserve this. Ta miresi bula. We deserve a lot. From: Sp. merece.
mirón adj. inattentive, usually distracted from one's work. Miron håo mampus gi chi'cho'‑mu. You are very inattentive to your work Gof miron si David kontra i inistudiu‑ña. David is so inattentive to his studies. Esta matotompu' håo nu i mirón‑mu. Now you are stumbling because of your inattentiveness. Syn: tatnun (mås ki tatnun). From: Sp. mirón.
misa n. mass (eucharistic service). Ki ora i misa? What time is the mass? Kuåntu na misa guaha på'gu na ha'åni? How many masses do we have today?
— vi. celebrate mass. Para u misa si påli' agupa'. The priest is going to say mass tomorrow. From: Sp. misa.
misan ånimas n. eucharistic service for the deceased. Misan ånimas esti. This is a mass for the deceased. Para bai fannå'i misan ånimas. I am going to give for a mass for the deceased.
misan gåyu n. midnight mass. Para bai hu hosmi misan gåyu. I am going to attend midnight mass. Måkpu' esta i misan gåyu. The midnight mass is over already.
misan kantåda n. high mass. Para u guaha misan kantåda agupa'. There will be a high mass tomorrow. Iståba manmakåkanta i misa gi finu' Latin. In the past, the high mass was sung in Latin. From: Sp. misa cantada.
misan mo'na n. first mass of the day, other than a midnight mass. Esta madåndan i misan mo'na. The bell for the first mass has rung. Guaha misan mo'na yan misan tåtti an Damenggu. There is the first mass and the last mass on Sunday.
misan risåda n. low mass. Nigap ni guaha misan risåda. It was yesterday when we had the low mass. Ti makåkanta esti i misan risåda. There is no singing during low mass. From: Sp. misa rezada.
misan talu' n. middle mass, the second of three daily masses. Ya‑hu na ora atyu i misan talu'. I like the hour of the middle mass.
misan tátalu'puengi n. midnight mass. Bai hu hosmimisan tatalu'puengi gi Pasgua. I will attend the midnight mass on Easter Sunday. Ki ora i misan tatalu'puengi? What time is the midnight mass? Ti humosmimisan tatalu'puengi si Juana, sa' madingu. Juana did not attend the midnight mass, because she was late. See: misan gåyu, misan mo'na.
misan tåtti n. late mass, last mass of the day. Guaha mås tåotåo gi misan tåtti. There are more people at the last mass of the day.
misåt n. missal, prayer book for Catholic church. Hu u'usa i lepblun misåt gi duråntin i misa. I use the missal book during mass. I patgun ha titik i lepblun misåt. The child tore up the missal book. Manatrasåo i lepblun misåt manma'imprenta på'gu na såkkan. The missal books were printed late this year. From: Sp. misal.
miseråpbli adj. miserable, cheerless. Ai na miniseråpblin tåotåo håo. My, you are such a miserable person. Chålik fan, kalan miseråpbli håo. Kindly smile, you seem to be cheerless. From: Sp. miserable.
miseriha n. misery, poverty. Dångkulu na prubleman miseriha giya Africa. There is a big problem of poverty in Africa. Mampus takhilu' i miseriha giya Nigeria. The poverty crisis is so high in Nigeria. Guaha lokkui' giya Filipina prubleman miseriha. In the Philippines also has a poverty problem. From: Sp. miseria.
— adj. miserable. I lina'lå'‑ña si Jerome mampus miseriha. Jerome's life is a misery. Bula na mamopbli na tånu' ya i lina'la' manmiseriha. There are many places where people are in poverty. Sumåsaga si Crispin gi miseriha na kinalamtin lina'la'. Crispin lives in a miserable kind of life. From: Sp. miseria.
miseta n. vase (of flowers). Gof gåtbu i misetan floris gi hilu' lamasa. The flower vase on the table is so beautiful. Hu na'hanågui si nanå‑hu misetan floris rusåt. I sent my mom a vase of roses. Mansen guaguan i miseta siha gi tenda. The vases at the store are very expensive. See: maseta. From: Sp. maceta.
misin adj. 1) full of liquid. Misin esti na tupu. This sugar cane is full of liquid. Ai na minisin månha esti! My, this young coconut is full of liquid! Misin lago'‑ña i nana anai humånåo i patgon‑ña para u iskuela gi sanlagu. The mother's tears are full when her daughter went abroad to attend school. 2) big and plentiful (of root crops). Misin i dagu. The yam yielded plentifully. I minisen‑ña i kamuti, esta man'a'annuk huyung ginin i edda'. The sweet potatoes yielding so much, the crops are showing up from the soil.
misirikotdia vi. ask for mercy or help. Gaigi si Luis na mumisirikokotdia gi as nanå‑ña. Luis is with his mom and asking for help. Mamumuti i taotåo ya mumisirikokotdia hulu'. The person is suffering and he is yelling out for help. From: Sp. misericordia.
misiuneru n. missionary. Misiuneru si Pedro. Pedro is a missionary. Manmåttu i misiuneru para u matulaika i tiningu' tåotåo tånu' put i espiritu siha gi tanu'. Missionaries came to change the beliefs of the indigenous people about the spirits of the land. Bula misiuneru siha guaha gi bula na relihon siha gi tanu'. There are many missionaries in the many religions in the world. From: Sp. misionero.
misklåda n. mix, mixture, combination of something. Ti ma danchi i misklåda gi lingguåhi. They could not get the way the language is combined. Ma sen adahi i misklåda para i amut minaipi. They protected the medicine mixture for bloated illness. From: Sp. mezclada.
mismu adj. same, one's own. Ha traiduti i mismu che'lu‑ña. She betrayed her own sibling. Tinempu' i patgun ni mismu hugeti‑ña. The child was tripped by his own toy.
— adv. personally, very own, by oneself (emphatic). Hågu mismu pumatcha i mamaipi na prensa. You yourself touched the hot iron. Hågu mismu sumångan ennåo. You personally said that. From: Sp. mismo.
miso' n. soybean paste. Na'lågu i kaddun miso'. Cook the miso soup. Månngi' esti na miso'. This soybean paste is delicious. Variant: misu'. From: Jp. miso.
mistériu n. 1) mystery, enigma, conundrum, profound secret, riddle, puzzle. Si Ana ha nå'na' i tiningo'‑ña ya ha fa' misteriu na sinisedi. Ana hid her knowledge and treated the incident as a mystery. From: Sp. misterio. 2) rosary (beads). Ha nå'i yu' si bihå‑hu i misteriu para u protehi yu' gi hinanåo‑hu para i tasi. My grandmother presented me with the rosary to protect me on my sea voyage.
— adj. mysterious. Mampus misteriu si Antonio na tåotåo. Antonio is a mysterious person.
mistisa n. formal blouse, worn esp. by elder women at religious or formal ceremonies. I manbiha siha ma usa magågun mistisa yanggin para u fanbailan båtsu. The elderly women wore a formal blouse when they danced the waltz. Si Tia Maria ya‑ña ministisa kada misan Damenggu. Aunt Maria likes to wear formal blouses to Sunday's mass. Sa'‑ña si Chong i mistiså‑ña anai ha usa para i fandånggun Ana gi ma'pus na Såbalu. Chong looked good in her formal blouse when she wore it to Ana's wedding last Saturday. Variant: mestisa. From: Sp. mestiza.
mit num. thousand, one thousand. Guaha mit salappe'‑ña si Matide. Matide has a thousand dollars. Mit na tåotåo manmåttu. A thousand people came. Mås ki mit esti. This is more than a thousand. From: Sp. mil.
mit buettas adv. thousand times. Måolekña si Juan mit buettas ki si Jose. Juan is one thousand times better than Jose. From: Sp. mil vueltas.
mit leguas n. type of plant. telosma cordata (?).
mitåti n. millstone, a flat stone use for grinding corn, rice, etc; the base against which the månu is rolled. Si nanå‑hu ha u'usa mitåti yanggin para u gulik i pigas. My Mom used the milsltone if she was going to grind the rice grain. Mampus ta adahi i mitåti na kosas, sa' espisiåt åntis na tiempu esta på'gu gi kutturå‑ta. We kept the millstone as a very special thing a long time ago as well as nowadays in our culture. Si Tun Juan ha bendi i mitåti‑ña gi guaguan na presiu. Tun Juan sold his millstone at a very expensive price. Variant: metati. From: Sp. metate.
miting n. meeting. Para u guaha miting agupa'. There will be a meeting tomorrow. Para håfa esti na miting? What is this meeting for? Kada såkkan guaha miting. Every year there is a meeting. Syn: hunta. From: Eng. meeting.
mítitanus adj. 1) wise, have a lot of brain or intelligence. Ta na'fanmititanus hit agupa' para i tes. We should make ourselves be full-brained for the test tomorrow. Åmku' si Juan ya mititanus magåhit. Juan is old and he is wise indeed. 2) have physically a big brain. Mititanus esti na guihan. This fish has a big brain. Ti mititanus esti na gå'ga'. This animal does not have a big brain.
mítituka' adj. thorny, have lots of thorns. Mitituka esti na rosåt. This rose has a lot of thorns. Ti mitituka esti na trongku. This tree is not thorny.
mitto' n. baseball mitt (Saipan). Gi hugåndun bola, i katcha' ha' umu'usa i mitto'. In baseball, only the catcher uses the mitt. Ti hulat i kannai‑ña si Juan nu ennåo na mitto'. Juan's hand can't fit in that mitt. I mitto' na palåbra finu' Hapones, låo ma'ayåo lokkui' ni Hapones ginin i finu' English para hugåndun bola. The word 'mitt' came from the Japanese word for mitt, which in turn is borrowed from an English word from the game of baseball. See: guåntis, gurobu'. From: Jp. mitto.
miyas n. mile. Kuåntu miyas asta i gimå'‑mu? How many miles to your house? Ti måttu gi kinsi miyas i inanakko'‑ña Saipan. The length of Saipan does not come to 15 miles. Kuåntu rebulasion‑ña i ruedan kareta gi un miyas? How many revolutions does a tire make in a mile? From: Sp. millas.
miyón num. million. Tåya' miyon na tåotåo giya CNMI. There are not a million people in the CNMI. Miyon yan miyon na puti'un guaha. There are millions and millions of stars. Miyon salappe'‑ña si Matt. Matt's money is in the millions. From: Sp. millón.
‑miyu suf. your (second person dual or plural possessor agreement). Iyun‑miyu ennåo. That is yours. Bula nina'siñan‑miyu. You have a lot of power that you can do.
miyunåriu n. millionaire. Bula manmiyunåriu gi tanu'. There are a lot of millionaires in the world. Todu siña manmiyunåriu. All can be millionaires. From: Sp. millonario.
mo'na adj. front, ahead, in front of, forward. Sigi mo'na gi che'chu'‑miyu. Move forward in your work. Fila gi sanme'na. Stand in line in the front. Manmo'na i famagu'un manmåttu kini i ma'estra. The students came first before the teacher.
mocha vt. cut off (ear), cut off (part or all of the ear of a person or animal). Hu mocha talanga‑ña i ga'‑hu babui. I cut the ear off my pig. Nimocha si James gi as Eugene gi paingi. Eugene cut off James' ear last night. Manmamocha todu i talangan guaka para u fanmamåtka. The ears of the cows were slit for marking. From: Sp. mocha.
moda n. fashion, conventional custom of dress. Moda esti na chinina på'gu. This dress is the fashion now. Bula modan chinina gi tenda siha. There are a lot of fashionable dresses in the stores. From: Sp. moda.
moddung n. size, depth. Kuåntu mineddung sapatos‑mu? What size are your shoes?
— adj. have a certain size. Achamoddung i addeng‑hu yan i adding Anicia. My feet and Anicia's feet have the same size. Ti achamoddung i dos ådding i neni. The feet of the baby do not have the same size. Moddongña si Juan ki si Jose. Juan’s size is bigger than Jose. I tano'‑hu moddungña ki i tano'‑mu. My land’s size is bigger than your land. Håfa achamoddung tano'‑ta? What size (in comparison) is our land? Variant: mudung.
moddung n. boat, ship.
moderasión n. moderation. Måolik u guaha moderasion. It is good to have moderation. Todu mampus ti måolik, i moderasion måolik. Everything in excess is not good, moderation is good. Ilek‑ñiha na gimin binu, låo na'guaha moderasion. They said to drink wine, but in moderation. From: Sp. moderación.
moderåtu adj. moderate, temperate, mild, tolerant, compassionate. I minaipin i atdåo kulang moderåtu na ha'åni. The heat of the sun seems to be moderate today. Ha na'moderåtu si Lillian i nina'maipen‑ña hånum. Lillian heated the water at a moderate temperature. Nina'moderåtu i minaipin i atdåo anai numupblådu. The heat of the sun became moderate when it was cloudy. From: Sp. moderado.
modestu adj. modest, unpretentious. Modestu na tåotåo håo. You are a modest person. Ta fanmodestu. Let us be modest. Modestu si Rosa. Rosa is unpretentious. From: Sp. modesto.
modetnu adj. modern, existing in present or recent times. Manggaigi hit gi modetnu na tiempu. We are in modern time. Ti modetnu esti na kosas. This thing is not modern. Ya‑ña i manmodetnu na kosas siha si Mary. Mary likes modern things. From: Sp. moderno.
modu n. way of acting, manner, mode, mood. Ti ya‑hu modu‑ña. I do not like his manner. Tattiyi i modu‑ña. Follow his mood. Hu lipåpara i modu‑ña si Ne' gi hunta. I am observing Ne's way of acting in the meeting. Syn: kåkku'. See: manera. From: Sp. modo.
modu hechura n. ways and means of finding solutions. I lehislatura trabiha ti ma sosodda' håfa na modu hechura anai siña ma adilånta i ekonomiha. Syn: manera, sistema. From: Sp. modo, hechura.
mofa vi. ridicule. Sessu chumålik mofa si Tina. Tina often made a ridiculing laugh. Gof ya‑ña mumofa si Pedro yanggin matågu'. Pedro often ridicules when asked to do something. Ti gof måolik i taotåo yanggin mumomofa. If a person likes to ridicule then it is not so good. See: mofeha. From: Sp. mofa.
mofeha vt. mock, deride, ridicule, laugh at, insult, make fun of, tease. See: kassi, chatgi, botleha, mofa. Variant: mufeha.
mohmu n. sediment, dregs, remnant of betelnut that is discarded after chewing.
— vt. chew (something) for the purpose of feeding (someone), chew food for (a baby), feed (someone) mouth-to-mouth. Ha mohmu yu' si tatå‑hu ni na'‑ña guihan yan titiyas. My dad fed me with his fish and titiyas after chewing them. Bai hu mohmu i patgon‑hu. I am going to feed my child (after I chew the food for him first). Bai hu mohmu i bihu, sa' tåya' nifen‑ña. I am going to chew the food for the old man, because he does not have teeth. See: ammi, bagåsu. Variant: momu.
mohon adv. expresses wish, desire, thought, or something contrary to fact. Håfa mohon? What do you think? Yanggin hu tungu' mohon na para hu taiguini, ti bai hu cho'gui atyu. If I had known that I would be like this, I would not have done that. Gi minagåhit, esti mohon debi bai hu cho'gui. Truthfully, this is what I should have done.
mohón n. marker for land boundary. Esta guaha mohón gi tanu'‑måmi. There are boundary markers on our land already. Nuebu ha' esti na mohón ni mapo'lu. This land boundary marker is just recently placed. From: Sp. mojón.
mokmuk vt. gargle, wash (one's throat) with a liquid held in the mouth, swish water around in (one's mouth). Mokmuk håo ni asiga yan hånum. Gargle with salt and water. Mokmuk håo kada diha. Gargle every day. Yanggin puti nifen‑mu, mokmuk håo ni Listerine. If you have a toothache, gargle with Listerine. Kada ogga'an, hu mokmuk pachot‑tu. I rinse my mouth every morning.
momentu n. moment, instant. Un momentu, put fabot. One moment, please. Annuk, pues gi ottru momentu taigui. He is seen, then in another instant he is not there. Guihi na momentu ni hu hassu gui'. It was at that moment when I remembered him. See: råtu. Variant: mumentu. From: Sp. momento.
mommu' n. short-eared owl. Kumåti i memmu'. The owl cried. Dångkulu esti na mommu'. This is a big owl. Å'paka' esti na mommu' This owl is white.
momyi vt. scold, insult harshly or severely or continually. Nangga ya bai u momyi siha. Wait and I will scold them continuously. Ya‑mu manmomyi. You like to scold repeatedly. Momyi si Ne', sa' atrasåo. Scold Ne' repeatedly, because he is late.
mondai' n. something at issue, situation, case. From: Jp. mondai.
monesteriu n. monastery, priests' friary. Gaigi gi monesteriu. He is in the monastery. Para u hålum gi monesteriu. He is joining the monastery. Dångkulu esti na monesteriu. This monastery is big. From: Sp. monasterio.
monhi n. monk. Bula monhi giya Israel na tånu'. There are many monks in Israel. Ottru esti i monhi na klåsin hinenggi. The monk has different beliefs. Humålum si Antonio gi gurupun monhi. Antonio had joined the monks' group. From: Sp. monje.
montesiyu n. shrubbery, bush. Giya California bula manggai montesiyu gi huyung gima'‑ñiha. There are many people in California that have shrubbery outside their house. Bunitu na tinanum i montesiyu na tinanum. The shrubbery plant is a nice plant. Sessu hu na'gåsgas i uriyan montesiyu siha. I often clean around the shrubbery. From: Sp. montecillo.
monti n. type of card game. Humånåo si Ricardo para u aposta gi huegun monti. Ricardo went to the monte card game to bet. Dumigeru si Lucia gi uttimu na huegun monti. Lucia cheated on the last monte card game. Bula na manhobin manhugågandu monti. Lots of young were playing monte card games. From: Sp. or Eng. monte.
monumentu n. monument, memorial, masterpiece. Håyi esti gai monumentu? Whose monument is this? I monumentun i gera dos mahåtsa gi Puntan Muchut ya mafana'an American Memorial Park. The WWII monument was built at Puntan Muchut and is called American Memorial Park. Mahåtsa monumentu para si Kapitan Vicente Concepcion giya Måkpi' put i meggai na bidå‑ña para i bisita ni mane'egga' ni guinahan halum tåsi. A monument was erected to Captain Vicente Concepcion at Marpi for his many contributions for the visitors to enjoy the beauty of the ocean. Dångkulu esti na monumentu. This is a big monument. Po'lu monumentu siha gi kantun chålan. Put monuments along the road. Variant: munumentu. From: Sp. monumento.
monggus n. type of plant: mung bean, mongo bean, lentils. vigna mungo. Na'lågu i menggus. Cook the mongo beans. Tinanum monggus esti. This is a mongo bean plant.
monggus ayuki' n. type of plant: azuki beans. vigna angularis. Esta manokcha' i menggus ayuki'. The ayuki' bean plant has beans already. Mana'sesetbi monggus ayuki' gi manyu'. Ayuki' beans are used in the manyu' pastry.
monggus paluma n. type of plant: smaller variety of monggus. Guaha tinanum monggus paluma gi gima'. There is a monggus paluma plant at the house. Mandikiki' esti i menggus paluma. The monggus paluma beans are small.
mongha n. nun. Guaha tres na monghan Chamorro gi Kumbentun Mådri. There are three Chamorro nuns at Sisters Convent. Esta i mongha siha ti ma u'usa i anåkku' na magågu. The nuns are no longer using the long outfit. Humånåo si Anuncia para u mongha. Anuncia left to be a nun. From: Sp. monja.
Mongmong name. village in central Guam (pronounced Mongmung), linked with Toto and Maite. Sumåsaga si Juan giya Mongmong. Juan is staying in Mongmong. Para bai hånåo para Mongmong agupa'. I am going to Mongmong tomorrow.
mongmung n. echo with vibrating sensation. A'gang na mongmung hu hunguk anai poddung si Rosa gi siya. I heard a loud sound when Rosa fell off the chair.
— adj. hollow-sounding (of a drum or heartbeat), having a powerful pulsating sound. Duru hulu' gi paingi ya esta mongmung ha' gi halum kuåttu. The thunder was so bad last night, the room had echoes. Yanggin un panak i liga, siempri un hunguk ha' na mongmung. If you hit the wall, you can feel the sound through the wall. Anai duru dumåndan si John, esta momongmung ni ina'gang‑ña. When John was playing his music very loud, it sounded like rolling thunder. I kareta momongmung i maffulå'‑ña anai humåhanåo gi chalan. When the car was running on the street, its muffler really sounded like rolling thunder. I chandiha mongmung sanhalom‑ña. The inside of the watermelon sounded hollow. Syn: bongbung, pongpung.
moru adj. 1) pagan, (person) with no religion, homeless (person) (Rota), also refers to the Moro people of the Philippines. Tåya' rilihon‑ña si Menguanti ya ma'å'agang na moru, sa' ti manhonggi ni håyi na espiritu fuera di i guella yan guellun Chamorro ha'. Menguanti does not have a religion and he is known as a pagan, because he does not believe in any spirit except his Chamorro ancestors. I moru na tåotåo ti kumeke'ilek‑ña na båba na tåotåo. A person without religion should not be construed as an evil person. Si Patrick anai måtai moru ha'. When Patrick passed away, he was still a pagan. Bula na moru mañåga gi Islan Aguiguan. There were lots of pagans that lived on Aguiguan. I moru na tåotåo manaliligåo lugåt para u lihing. A pagan searches for places to live. I moru na tåotåo manmahatsåyi guma', sa' manna'ma'si'. Houses were built for the pagans, because they were in poverty. From: Sp. moro. 2) unlicensed, such as a gun or car, illegal. I ti manmarehistra na åtmas siha manmakonsidera moru. Unregistered weapons are considered illegal. Guaha paki‑hu moru. I have an illegal gun. Mamaki si Jerome binådu ni moru na paki anai pribidu mamunu' binådu na mes. Jerome shot a deer with the unlicensed gun during the month when deer hunting was prohibited.
moseria vt. employ. Esta si Esther mamoseria gi Town House. Esther was already employed at Town House. Ti manmamoseseria esta i dipattamentun gubetnu. The government is not employing anymore. See: mosu.
mosión n. 1) motion (proposal). Mama'tinas si Kunggresun Dela Cruz mosion para u masu'un mo'na i hunta. Congressman Dela Cruz made a motion to proceed the meeting. Mama'tinas si Jesse mosion ni para u makunsigi i hunta. Jesse made a motion to proceed with the meeting. Si Armi mama'tinas mosion na para u mana'fåkpu' i kumfirensia. Armi made a motion to close the conference. Mama'tinas si Judge Castro mosion na para u guaha kotti gi pupuengi. Justice Castro made a proposal to hold a court hearing in the evenings. From: Sp. moción. 2) motion, movement. Tåya' mosion‑ña i taotåo anai masodda' ni pulisiha. The man had no motion when he was found by the police. Anai mafañågu i neni, esta tåya' mosion‑ña. When the baby was born, it had no motion.
moskas vt. use carpenter's joinery methods to secure pieces of wood together without nails. Mama'tinas si Alex lamasa ya ha moskas ha'. Alex built a table and he just fit the pieces of wood together without nails. Siña i katpinteru mama'tinas kosas ni para u moskas ha'. The carpenter can make things by just securing wood without nails. Hu moskas i kuådrun litråtu nigap. I put the picture frame together yesterday without nails.
mostra n. sample, copy, a part to show what the rest is like. Chuli' i mostran i asut na magågu para i nuebu na chinina. Get a sample of the blue material for the new dress. Nå'i ni mostra para u mali'i' håfa kumeke'ilek‑mu. Give them the sample so that they can see what you are talking about.
— vt. copy. Ha mostra si nanå‑hu i sanme'nan i gima' i che'lu‑ña. My mother copied the look of the front of her sister's house. Variant: muestra. From: Sp. muestra.
mosu n. servant, someone employed on a 24-hour basis who is treated as one of the family. Si Dolores mumomosu gi as Tan Maria. Dolores is serving Maria as her servant. Tåya' mosu‑ña si Diana. Diana has no servant. Yanggin gaigi håo giya Filipina, siña ha' gai mosu håo meggai. If you are in the Philippines, you can have many servants. Bunitu atyu na mosu. He is a good-looking servant. I mosu na tåotåo kariñosu. The servant is very loving. I mosu na tåotåo bula rikuetdon‑ña gi langit. Servants will have many rewards in heaven. From: Sp. mozo.
motas adj. defective (of sewing), weak (of stitching), caused from imbalance of two threads on sewing machine. Ti la'yiyi i linaksek‑ku, sa' sessu motas. My sewing is not so good, because of the defective stitching. Yanggin ti para u motas i linaksi, debi di un na'atya i hilu ni para un usa yan i magågu ni para un låksi. If you are not going to have unbalanced threading, you must choose the right thread for the right type of material to be sewn. Ripåsa i motas gi magågun Ana, sa' ti bunitu. Rip off the defective stitching in Ana's dress, because it is not nice. From: Sp. motas.
motgan vi. have too much fun, have a good time, have access, have available, have surplus, overindulge, overdo (Saipan). Motgan håo gi giput. You had too much fun at the party Motgan ham sitbesa. We had access to all the beer we wanted. Ha na'motgan gui' si Edward ni maneska gi paingi. Edward overindulged on alcohol last night.
— vt. have too much fun, have a good time. Ha gof motgan gui' i patgun anai gumuaha ga'chong‑ña humugåndu. The child had too fun playing when he had someone to play with. Anai humånåo yu' para Amerika, hu gof motgan yu' yan i familiåk‑ku. When I left to America, I had too much fun with my family. Todu i ga'lagitu magof motgan siha, sa' bula mañe'lun‑ñiha. All the puppies had too much fun with all their siblings. See: daffluk, muteru', go'dan, dafflokgui, tuhus, maluluk.
motmurasión n. indecisiveness, potential source of confusion. Mapput munhåyan chaddik i che'chu', sa' bula motmurasion. The work is difficult to complete because there is so much confusion. Motmurasion guiya ennåo i situasion ni siña ha na'huyung chinatkumprendi yan disgustu. Indecisiveness is that situation where can give rise to misundersanding and quarrels. From: Sp. murmuración.
motmut adj. full, crowded, filled (with a crowd), ready to overflow, unable to hold more, packed. Motmut tåotåo para i misa gi Gima'Yu'us. The church was packed with people for mass. Motmut kumbiti gi fandånggu. The wedding party was full of guests. Gof inalula chumotchu ya esta ha na'momotmut i pachot‑ña. He was so rushed in eating that he fills his mouth with his food. Motmut manmalångu gi hospitåt. The hospital overflows with sick people. Mampus motmut trongku siha gi uriyan gima'‑måmi. We are surrounded with so many trees around our house. Motmut kumbiti‑ña si Jose gi fandånggu. Jose's wedding party was full of guests. Motmut pachot‑ña nengkanu' si Juan. Juan's mouth is full of food.
motón n. block and tackle, a mechanism consisting of pulley and chain or rope, used to lift heavy objects. Si Pedro gof ya‑ña mumoton. Pedro likes to block and tackle. Si tåta ha tungu' mumoton yan i mangga'chung. Dad knows how to block and tackle with his friends. Metgut si Jose mumoton atyu na ma'atyik para u såonåo gi gyrupu. Jose was strong in block and tackle and he was chosen to be in the group. From: Sp. motón.
mottåt adj. mortal, living, human. Todu i manlåla'la' manmottåt. All human beings are mortal. Todu manmottåt na tåtåotåo mambula pinadesi yan chetnut. All mortal flesh has many pains and diseases. Yanggin måtai i taotåo, lumamas i tatåotåo låo i anti mottåt. When a person dies the body decomposes, but the soul is mortal. From: Sp. mortal.
motu n. motor, engine. Mayulang i motun i boti. The boat's motor broke down. Motun ilektrisidå i makinå‑hu manlåksi. My sewing machine uses an electric motor. Manlå'la' i manåmku' gi puru che'chu' kånnai, låo på'gu na tiempu puru måkinan motu. The elders labored by hand, while today's generation work with motorized tools.
motusaiku' n. motorcycle, a two-wheeled vehicle powered by a motor. Ma'u'udai yu' gi motusaiku' kada diha. I ride my motorcycle every day. See: otubái'. Variant: motusaikut. From: Eng. motorcycle.
motusaikut n. motorcycle, a two-wheeled vehicle powered by a motor. Ma'u'udai yu' gi motusaikut kada diha. I ride my motorcycle every day. Mama'måmåolik motusaikut i che'lu‑hu. My brother is a motorcycle repairman. Mampus buruka ennåo na motusaikut. That motorcycle is too noisy. Mama'måmåolik yu' motusaikut che'cho'‑hu. My work is to fix motorcycles. See: otubái'. Variant: motusaiku'. From: Eng. motorcycle.
moyung n. grindstone, millstone. Ha u'usa si Tåta i moyung para u na'kalåktus i ramentån‑ña siha. Father uses the grindstone to sharpen all his tools.
mu- (from: mu‑) pref. 1) sg. or du. agreement for realis intransitive verbs. Muñangu si Ben ginin As Måtamam esta i inai Tachogña. Ben swam from As Måtamam to Tachogña Beach. Muliliku' i pitisión para u mana'suha i gubietnu. A petition is circulating for the removal of the governor. 2) become (sg. or du. agreement for realis inchoative adjectives or nouns). Ta arienda i tanu' kosa ki siña hit mulalibiånu. We will lease the land so that our lives can become a little easier.
mu- (from: mu‑) pref. 1) subject agreement for realis transitive verbs in questions, relative clauses, and focus. Håyi mulaknus i nuebu na tuåya? Who took out the new towels? Håfa muna'fanlalannan i taotåo? What makes people snore? 2) infinitive marker. Ti hu tungu' muna'setbi sipit. I do not know how to use chopsticks. Ya‑hu muli'i' apatcha' gi hatdín. I like seeing grasshopers in the garden.
‑mu suf. your (second person sg. possessor agreement). Fa'gåsi i kannai‑mu. Wash your hands. Manmaguf ham nu i binisitå‑mu. We enjoyed your visit. Iyom‑mu ennåo. That's yours. Anakko'ña i iyok‑ku ki i iyom‑mu. Mine is longer than yours.
mubét n. level (carpenter's tool). Ha u'usa i katpinteru i mubet para u na'tunas i liga. The carpenter used the level to straighten the wall. Ha usa si Jose i mubet para u na'tunas i tapblita gi liga. Jose used the level to make the shelf straight on the wall.
— vt. make (something) level. Ha nisisita mamubet i sanhilu' i lamasa para u na'siguru na tunas. The table needs to be leveled to make sure that it's even. Variant: nubét, nebét. From: Sp. nivel.
mubi n. 1) movie, motion picture. Umegga' yu' mubi gi paingi. I watched a movie last night. Ti siña måtai i iståring gi mubi. The star of the movie cannot die. 2) cinema, theater. Kåo siña un ke'tungu' håfa manma'e'egga' gi mubi på'gu? Can you check what is showing at the movie today? Syn: káchido'. From: Eng. movie.
mubimientu n. movement, motion, maneuver, behavior, body language. Ti ya‑hu mubimienton‑ña i taotåo anai måttu gi gima'‑måmi nigap. I did not like the behavior of that person when he came to our house yesterday. Kalan mampus mubimienton‑ña si Elizabeth yanggin mamaigu'. Elizabeth seems overly restless when she is sleeping. I mubimientun i ikonomiha på'gu na tiempu ti sen måolik. The way the economy is moving at this time is not very good. Ya‑hu i mubimientu as Juan yanggin bumaila. I love the way Juan moves when he dances. Ñating i mubimientu yanggin esta åmku' i taotåo. Movement is slow when people age. Si Manuel ha sienti i mubimientu i linåo gi halatcha. Manuel felt the movement of the last earthquake. Variant: mubimentu. From: Sp. movimiento.
muchåchu n. servant, domestic worker. I muchåcha bula mampus chi'chocho'‑ña kada diha. A servant does a lot of work every day. Hu agradesi mampus i che'chu'‑ñiñiha i muchåcha, sa' mana'libiåbianu i lina'lå'‑hu. I am very thankful for the work of domestic servants, for it is making my life easier. I muchåchu siña ha tungu' bula na klåsin cho'chu'. A servant would know many trades of work. From: Sp. muchacho.
muchumås adj. especially, more than others, chiefly, particularly. Ya‑hu manayuda muchumåmas gi manmalångu. I love to help, especially those who are sick. Esti na lepblu madesikna muchumås para usun i istudiånti gi halum kuåttu. This book is especially designed for the use of students in the classroom. Manmaguf ham, muchumås si Nåna, anai måttu i che'lun‑måmi sindålu ginin gumera. We were joyful, Mother in particular, when our brother came home from serving in the war. From: Sp. mucho más.
muda n. dress-up clothes, nice clothes, Sunday clothes, fresh set of clothes. Håtmi i mudan Damenggu yanggin para i misa håo. If you are going to mass, wear your Sunday clothes. See: mamuda. From: Sp. muda.
mudelu n. model, pattern, example, design, example for imitation. Måolik esti na mudelu. This is a good model. Kopia i mudelu. Copy the model. Tattiyi i mudelu. Follow the pattern. Variant: modelu. From: Sp. modelo.
mudista n. dressmaker, one whose work is making or altering women's dresses and other clothing. I mudista ha chåchachak fine'na i padron åntis di u chåchak i magågu. The dressmaker cuts the pattern first before she cuts the clothing. Måolik na mudista si Fatima. Fatima is a good dressmaker. I mudista bula pasensiån‑ña gi magågun famalåo'an ni dilikåo yan bula adotnu. A dressmaker has a lot of patience with women's clothing having delicate designs and decorations. Syn: såstri. From: Sp. modista.
mudoru adj. illiterate, not smart, stupid. Tåya' mudoru gi tanu'. There is no one who is not smart in the world. Ti mudoru håo. You are not illiterate. Ha fa' mudodoru ha' gui'. He is just pretending that he is stupid. From: Sp. modorro.
mudu n. act, action, behavior. Ha istototba yu' si Jose ni churan mudu‑ña. Jose's attitude really bothers me. Gai mudu si Juan gi halum tåotåo ya sen na'mamahlåo. Juan has an attitude in front of people that is so embarrassing. Guaha na biåhi nai sinedda' si Ben gi dinanchi na mudu. Sometimes Ben is in the right mood. From: Sp. modo.
muebi vt. move, change place, shift. Muebi fan i kosas siha gi halum guma'. Please move things around in the house. Muebi i siyå‑mu para i ottru båndan lamasa. Move your chair to the other side of the table. Ti siña hu sodda' i pine'lok‑ku, sa' manmamuebi i kosas siha gi sagan‑ñiha. I cannot find the things that I'm looking for, because they shifted things around. From: Sp. mueve.
muelas n. molars. Guaha tres muelås‑su. I have three molars. Ti mandokku' i muelås‑ña si tåta. Father's molars didn't grow. Kalintura i neni, sa' mandodokku' i muelas‑ña. The baby has a fever, because her molars are erupting. From: Sp. muelas.
muestra n. sample. Håfa na muestra bai hu usa para bai ribåha i inanåkku' katsunes‑mu? What sample will I use to trim the length of your pants? Usa esti na muestra para un laksiyi yu' ottru na chinina. Use this sample to sew me another shirt. Mungnga matattiyi ennåo na muestra, sa' ti gef måolik. Don’t follow that sample, because it’s not really good. From: Sp. muestra.
muettu adj. very short (of haircut). Muettu i madasai‑ña. He got a very short haircut. Håfa na ya‑mu madåsai muettu? Why do you like to have a very short haircut? I sindålu manmuettu madåsai‑ñiha. The soldiers got very short haircuts.
mueyi n. spring, a metal coil or device that returns to its former shape when released. Dångkulu yan metgut i mueyi gi tråk basula. The dumptruck has a large and strong spring. Esta ti gof metgut i mueyi gi trelan boti. The boat trailer's spring is not so strong anymore. Metgut mueyi‑ña i tråk. The spring of the truck is strong. From: Sp. muelle.
mufeha vt. mock, deride, ridicule. Sessu ha mufeha yu' si Ana put i chatpa'gok‑ku. Ana always mocks me because of my ugliness. Mamufeha si Adriane gi as Andrew put mudoru‑ña. Adriane was mocked by Andrew because of his stupidity. Mamufeha si Jane as nanå‑ña sa' i churan che'cho'‑ña. Jane was derided by her mother for her clumsy work. See: kassi, chatgi, botleha, mofa. Variant: mofeha.
mugu' n. matter (from eyes), a purulent substance that secretes from the eyes. Gai mugu' i matå‑hu, sa' puti. My eyes have matter in them, because they hurt. Hinatmi gå'ga' i matå‑hu ya nina'gef sagi' yan bula mugu'. An insect got into my eye and it got very irritated and discharges matter. Minigu'an i neni, sa' che'tan. The baby's eyes have matter in them, because he may have body aches. Mampus meggai maigo'‑mu, ya esta bula mugu' gi matå‑mu. I slept too much, and already there's a lot of matter in my eyes.
muhåyu adj. strong, sturdy.
mukus n. mucus, snot. Bula mukos‑su, sa' sinagu yu'. I have a lot of mucus, because I have a cold. Måtchum gui'eng‑hu ni mikus ya ti ha na'maigu' yu' gi paingi. My nose was congested with mucus and it did not let me sleep well last night. Minikusan i neni, sa' mampus manenghing. It is so cold that the baby has a runny nose. From: Eng. mucus.
mukusan adj. have a runny nose.
mula n. mule, offspring of a male donkey and a female horse. Amku' i mula idåt‑ña. The mule is old. Gagu' i ga'‑hu mula, sa' mampus yommuk. My mule is lazy, because it's very fat. Si Nana guaha ga'‑ña dikiki' na mula. Mother has a small mule. From: Sp. mula.
mulali vi. a fishing practice between the hours of 8:00 pm to 7:00 pm, still low tide, using fishing line dropped into holes to catch fishes like saksak, alado, gadåo, etc.
mulåtu n. curl, tress of hair, ringlet.
— adj. 1) curly (of hair or leaves), wavy (of hair). Kalang mulåtu dididi' gaputulu‑ña i amigu‑hu. My friend's hair is a little curly. Manmulåtu i hagun atyu na trongku, sa' manggina'ga'. The leaves of that tree are curly, because they are bug-infested. Gef ya‑hu mulatå‑ña i palåo'an. I really like the way that lady's hair curls. Na'ma'agoddai i patgun, sa' gef mulåta i gaputulu‑ña. The little girl is so cute with her curly hair. Humånåo yu' para i salon para bai hu mana'mulåta gaputulu‑hu. I went to the salon to get my hair curled. Syn: kingki. 2) have curly hair. Meggai manmulåtu gi rasan manåttilung na tåotåo. Many of the black people have curly hair. From: Sp. mulato.
mulestia n. bothersome or unimportant concern, hassle, hindrance, annoyance, nuisance. Bula mulestiåm‑mu. You have a lot of unimportant concerns. Puru håo ha' mulestia. You are full of nuisance. Na'påra i mulestia kosa ki sina ta na'funhåyan esti. Stop the hassle so that we can finish this. Syn: istotbu. From: Sp. molestia.
— vt. molest. Mapresu, sa' ha mulestia i patgun. He is imprisoned, because he molested a child. Mungnga mamulestia i patgun. Do not molest the child. Variant: mulesta.
mulidu n. 1) bruise, an injury to the body, caused by a fall or blow, that breaks blood vessels without breaking the skin. Kumulot åttilung yan asut i mulidu gi kannai‑hu. The bruise on my arm turned black and blue. From: Sp. morado. 2) an injury to the outside of fruit or vegetables. Esta gai mulidu siha åttilung i peras. The pear has bruises of dark spots.
— adj. 1) bruised (of parts of the body). Mumulidu i petnåk‑ku ni ma'ottu gi siya. My leg got bruised when it bumped against the chair. Maseha ti chinachak, låo mumulidu i temmon‑ña anai poddung. Though not cut, his knees were bruised when he fell. Syn: dinigridu, hiridu. 2) bruised (of the outside of fruit or vegetables). Mungnga mafåhan i mansåna ni mulidu esta lassås‑ña. Don't buy the apples that have bruised skins.
mulinu n. grinder, grindstone. Makkat mabira i mulinu yanggin para mana'finu, låo ñahlalang yanggin para mana'båstus. It is hard to turn the grinder for fine grinding, but easier for coarse grinding. From: Sp. molino.
— vt. grind. Kåo siña un mulinu i mai'is ni para titiyas? Can you grind the corn for making tortillas? Tosta i pigas, dispues mulinu para charakilis. Toast the rice, then grind it to make charakilis soup. Manmulinu yu' meggai na donni' para i che'lu‑hu giya Guam. I ground a lot of hot peppers for my sibling in Guam.
mumu n. combat, battle, fight. Guaha mumu gi iskuela, sa' manádigeruyi gi huegu. There was a fight at school, because they cheated each other at the game. Hu li'i' i mimu ya hu suhåyi. I saw the fight and I moved away from it.
— vi. fight, argue, quarrel. Mumu i dos umamigu ya esta på'gu ti uma'akuentusi. The two friends had a quarrel and they are still not talking.
mumun linahyan n. revolution, uprising, civil disobedience. Guaha siempri mumun linahyan yanggin i manmå'gas ti ma espipiha i minaolik i pupbliku. Revolution can happen when political leaders do not put the interest of the people first. I mumun linahyan siña ha na'fanhuyung i manmå'gas ni ti manmåolik bidan‑ñiñiha. Public uprising can overthrow leaders that are not doing their job. I mumun linahyan guiya i fuetsan i pupbliku. Civil disobedience is the strength of the people.
mumun påchut vi. bicker, quarrel, squabble. Duru mumun påchut i dos bisinu nigap. The two neighbors were quarreling yesterday. Siña i mumun påchut mås na'dåñu ki i umadommu'. Bickering could be more damaging than fighting physically. Mumun påchut i dos chume'lu, låo dispues umagagåo dispensasion. The two sisters quarreled, but later they made up and asked each other for forgiveness.
mumutung n. type of bush. ageratum conyzoides, hyptis capitata. Ha nisisita si Tan Chong dididi' hågun mumutung para i amut ni ha gågagåo si Jose. Tan Chong needs some bush leaves to prepare the herbal medicine that Jose asked for. Si Manuel ha fa'nu'i hit taimanu mapripåra esti na hågun mumutung para mafa'amut. Manuel showed us how to prepare the mumutung bush's leaves for medicinal use. Tåya' Tinian mumutung para åmut. Tinian does not have the mumutung plant for use for medicine.
mumutung kabåyu n. type of medicinal plant. Ma'u'usa i hagun mumutung kabåyu para åmut gupu'. The leaves of mumutung kabayu are used to treat ringworm. Kulot amariyu flores‑ña esti i mumutung kabåyu. The flowers of mumutung kabayu are yellow in color. Mana'sesetbi i mumutung kabåyu para åmut. They used this mumutung kabåyi for medicine.
mumutung palåo'an n. type of bush: comb bushmint, comb hyptis. Hyptis pectinata. Si nåna manånum mumutung palåo'an para åmut tininu. Mother planted comb bushmint for medicine to restore equilibrium in the body. I mumutung palåo'an na åmut dimasiåo mapput masotda' gi halum tånu'. The comb bushmint is very hard to find in the forest. Syn: mumutung adamellung.
mumutung såpbli n. type of bush used for medicine. cassia occidentalis. Bula mumutung såpbli gi lanchun‑måmi. We have a lot of mumutung såpbli at our farm. Mañuli' i suruhåna mumutung såpbli gi lanchun‑måmi para åmut. The local healer took some mumutung såpbli at our farm for medicine. I taotåo ha guåssan todu i mumutung såpbli gi hiyung guma'. The man mowed all the mumutung såpbli outside the house.
muna' cnj. the reason that, because, is why. Hågu muna' poddung i pine'lu. You made the thing fall. Put hamyu muna' måttu yu' mågi. I came here because of you. Variant: mina'.
munchón adj. plentiful, many, in bunches. Munchon na abeha guaha gi chemchum. There is a plentiful bunch of bees on the nest. Bula mångga gi trongku esta manmunchochon. There are a lot of mangos on the tree that are in bunches. Ti munchon na tåotåo guaha gi giput. There wasn't a whole bunch of people at the party.
mundonggu n. stomach of cow, used for fritåda, rumen, reticulum, tripe. I mundonggu mana'lålagu para fritåda ya gef månngi', sa' getmun. Tripe is cooked for fritada, and it's delicious, because it's chewy. I mundonggu i finene'na yumayamak i nengkanu' i guaka. The rumen is where rough feeds are digested in cattle. I mundonggu mafa'nana'an lokkui' tuhåya yan lepblu. The reticulum is also called the honeycomb tripe. From: Sp. mondongo.
muneda n. coins. Munedan åntis todu esti siha. These are all old-time coins. Mamomo'lu yu' muneda siha. I am saving coins. Sahguan i muneda gi puttamuneda. Put the coins in the coin purse. See: salåppi'. From: Sp. moneda.
munhåyan vi. finished, completed, done. Yanggin munhåyan un cho'gui i iyom‑mu homework, maigu'. When you are done with your homework, sleep. Ti åtman yu' munhåyan. I am almost done. Para bai hu na'funhåyan esti. I am going to complete this. "Esta munhåyan" finu' Jesukristu gi kilu'us put uttimu biåhi. "It is finished" were Jesus's last words on the cross. Munhåyan esta i che'chu'‑måmi. Our work is completed. Munhåyan ham esta mañotchu. We are done eating. Munhåyan esta ha cho'gui i checho'‑ña sin u famaisin. He is done with his work without asking how.
munidensia n. guts, vital organs located in the thoracic part of the interior of the body, consisting of the heart, lungs, liver, intestines, etc. I munidensia gi babui ma'u'usa para fritåda. The organs of the pig are used for fritåda. Ma punu' i guaka ya manayuda i che'lu‑hu numa'gasgas i munidensia. They slaughtered the cow and my brother helped in cleaning the guts and organs.
munisipåt n. municipality, a community under municipal jurisdiction. I mayot må'gas i munisipåt. The mayor is the head of the municipality. I munisipåt ha ayuyuda i taotåo sengsung siha. The municipality assists the people in the community. I munisipåt umarerekla i chalan mandikiki' siha gi halum i sengsung. The municipality is responsible for the secondary roads in the village. From: Sp. municipal.
munsåpbli vi. fight with a sword. Manmunsåpbli i dos lalåhi. The two boys fought with swords. Håssan na manmunsåpbli i taotåoguis na tiempu. It is rare for people to fight with their swords nowadays. Guaha na gurupu yan‑ñiha manmunsåpbli disdi på'gu. Some groups still like to fight with a sword today. Syn: chambara'. Variant: mumun såpbli.
muntohun n. bundle, pile, congregation, gathering, assemblage (Rota). Na'muntohun i hayu siha guini. Pile the wood together here. See: rikohi, etnun, bula. Variant: muntón.
muntón n. bundle, cluster, pile. Hu li'i' munton paluma siha manggugupu gi hilu' i lanchok‑ku. I saw a cluster of birds flying above my ranch.
— vi. be clustered, form a cluster, form a pile. Manmunton i taotåo siha gi un lugåt. The people were clustered in one area. Ha na'munton i atchu' siha. He piled the rocks. Variant: muntohon. From: Sp. montón.
munumentu n. monument, memorial. I munumentun i gera dos mahåtsa gi Puntan Muchut ya mafa'nana'an American Memorial Park. The WWII monument is erected at Puntan Muchut and is called American Memorial Park. Mahåtsa munumentu para si Kapitan Vicente Concepcion giya Makpi' put i meggai na bidå‑ña siha para i turista ni mane'egga' ni guinahan halum tåsi. A monument was erected for the late Captain Vicente Concepcion at Marpi for his many contributions to the tourists in enjoying the beauty of the ocean. I Kilu'us i munumentun Jesukristu para hita todus. The Cross is the monument of Christ Jesus for us all. Mahåtsa munumentu para si Taga' giya Luta. A monument was built to honor Chief Taga on Rota. Variant: monumentu. From: Sp. monumento.
muñeka n. doll, puppet. Bula muñekå‑ña i patgun. The child has many dolls. I tihå‑hu gof måolik manlåksi magågun muñeka. My aunt is very good at sewing doll's clothes. Kalang muñeka i hagå‑mu. Your daughter looks like a doll. Ya‑hu umegga' bailan fina'muñeka. I like to watch a puppet show. Nina'kalalamtin i fina'muñeka nu i dos kannai‑hu. My two hands made the puppet move. From: Sp. muñeca.
muñeru adj. 1) crybaby, timid, grouchy, cranky. Muñeru na påtgun. The child is a crybaby. Mampus muñeru i neni‑hu, sa' malångu. My baby is grouchy, because she is sick. Gof muñera i che'lu‑hu ya guiya todu i tiempu u'uttimu. My sister is so timid that she is always late. 2) hard to please, hard to get, hard to convince, reluctant. Muñeru i tihu‑hu muna'ayåo ni ramentån‑ña. My uncle is reluctant to loan his tools. Muñera i nobia, sa' duru uchan gi fandanggon‑ña. The bride is hard to please, because it rained hard on her wedding party (superstition).
mungnga vi. 1) don't, let it not be (imperative). Mungnga yu' ma'atan. Don't look at me. Mungnga bumulåchu. Don't get drunk. Mungnga makassi i ga'lågu. Don't tease the dog. 2) not (in an either-or situation in the future). Hu adibibina kåo para bai hu fåhan pat mungnga. I am deciding whether I should buy it or not. Ha hahassu kåo para u kånnu' pat mungnga. He is thinking if he should eat it or not. See: cha'‑.
muralidåt n. morality, the right or wrong of an action. I muralidåt gi familia mapåpasa ginin i mañaina para i famagu'un. Morality in the family is passed down from parents to the children. I muralidåt i ottru ha fa'nåna'gui hit leksion para hita. Others' morality teaches us lessons for ourselves. Mana'afaisin ni muralidåt i doktu. They were questioning the morality of the doctor. From: Sp. moralidad.
muråt n. morals, good influence. Debi i famagu'un u fanmafa'nå'gui ni muråt lina'la'. Children should be taught the morals of life. Manaitai yu' lepblu put muråt. I read a book about a good influence.
— adj. moral, good in character or conduct, just, having a good influence. I muråt na aksion i muråt na tåotåo u måolik na ihemplu. The moral action of a moral man should be a good example. From: Sp. moral.
muråya n. rampart, surrounding wall. I gubietnu ha na'manå'yi i sengsung Gualu' Rai muråya siha. The governor had ordered to put ramparts around the Gualo Rai village.
— vt. surround. I plåsan batkun airi mamuråya uriyå‑ña. The airport was surrounded with walls. Hami lokkui' mamuråya i uriyan gima'‑måmi. Our house is also surrounded with walls. From: Sp. muralla.
murenu adj. fair (of complexion), neither dark nor light, tea-colored. Memeggaiña gi ManChamorro manmurenu lassas‑ñiha. The majority of the Chamorro race have fair complexions. Sessu i che'lu‑hu pumeska gi tasi ya tinilaika i murenun lassås‑ña. My brother is often out fishing and his fair complexion has turned darker. I murenan i raraina numa'gof bunita gui'. The queen's fair complexion made her so beautiful. From: Sp. moreno.
muri' adj. impossible. Mampus muri' esti na cho'chu' para guåhu. This job is beyond my ability. From: Jp. muri.
— vt. overexert without benefit, try too hard. Mungnga mamuri' håo put para un riku. Don't try hard to become rich. Ha muri' gui', achuka' inutit, put para ufanayuda gi familia. He tried too hard to help the family, even though he is incapacitated.
murón adj. 1) be in a state of staring or focusing intensely. Muron yu' na tåotåo. I am a person that likes to stare at things. Ya‑hu mumuron. I like to be staring at things. Guaha mu'istototba si Jose, sa' sessu muron. Something is bothering Joe, because he frequently stares. 2) feeble-minded, like a moron. Si Manuel muron na tåotåo. Manuel is a feeble-minded person. Giya Amerika meggai ha' lokkui' manmuron siha na tåotåo. There are many feeble-minded people in America, too. Guaha siha manmuron na tåotåo guini gi lugåt‑ta. There are people who are morons here in our island. From: Sp. morón.
musigomu' n. rubber (flexible), eraser. Kåo siña bai hu ayåo i musigomo'‑mu? Can I borrow your eraser? Musigomu' ma'u'usa para fletcha. Stretchable rubber is used for slingshots. Musigomu' ma'u'usa para mamunas tinigi' låpis. The eraser is used to erase pencil writings. Syn: goma, iresa. From: Jp. musigomu.
músika n. music. Ume'ekkunguk musika i hagå‑hu gi halum kuåttu. My daughter is listening to music in her room. Madådandan ni danderu mambunitu na musika gi giput. The band is playing nice music at the party. Mambunitu na musika manmadådandan gi rediun Marianas Agupa' na prugråma. Nice music is being played on the Marianas Agupa' radio talk show. From: Sp. música.
músiku n. band, orchestra. Gof bunitu yan a'gang i musiku gi paret. The band was nice and loud at the parade. Nina'bibu i fandånggu ni musiku. The wedding party was lively with the band. Umegga' yu' musiku gi Unibesidåt Guåhan. I watched an orchestra at the University of Guam. From: Sp. músico.
muståsa n. type of plant: mustard. brassica juncea. Manånum si Tatå‑hu muståsa gi hatdin gi gima'‑måmi. My dad planted some mustard plants in our garden at home. Månngi' yanggin manå'yi muståsa i flitåda. Mustard is good in fritada. Guiya bula simiyå‑ña difirentis klåsin muståsa. He has lots of different varieties of mustard plants. From: Sp. mostaza.
músubi' n. pressed rice ball, usually with other ingredients added in the center, such as pickled plum (Japanese food). Maguåiya musubi' ni famagu'un. The children like the musubi'. Ha bentu'i yu' si nanå‑hu tres klåsin musubi'. My mother made three kinds of musubi' for my lunch. Påo åsu i musubi', sa' dokngus na hineksa' ma usa. The musubi' smelled burnt, because they used the rice that got burnt. From: Jp. musubi.
muta' vi. vomit, throw up, regurgitate. Muta' i patgun, sa' malångu. The boy vomited, because he is sick. Yanggin mampus håo håspuk, siña ha' muta' håo. If you eat too much, you might vomit. Ti umiskuela yu' nigap, sa' nina'yi yu' ni minita'. I did not go to school yesterday because I was vomiting. Muta' yu', sa' chumatguahu. I vomited, because I was nauseous.
muteru' n. leader of a group. Hayi muteru' para esti na gurupun manpeska? Who is leading this fishing group? I muteru' guiya i uttimu para mama'tinas disision. The leader is always the last to make the decision. I muteru' debi di u gef ekkunguk i gurupu‑ña. The leader must be a good listener to his team.
— adj. have too much fun, overindulge. Duru håo di muteru, dispues ti siña håo makmåta tåftaf. You’re having so much fun that it will be hard to wake up early.
mutibu n. motive, reason, thought or feeling that makes a person act, grounds for. Guaha mutibu gi todu sinisedi. There's always a reason for everything that happens. I mutibu na humånåo i gubietnu para Amerika, sa' para u atendi i manhula' i fine'na na diligådun i Notti Mariånas. The governor's motive in going to America was to attend the swearing in of the Northern Marianas' first delegate to Congress. Sangåni yu' håfa i mutibu na ti ya‑mu gui'. Tell me your reasons for not liking him. Put guaha mutibu na hu cho'gui esti. I have my own reasons for doing this. From: Sp. motivo.
mutsiyas n. stuffed neck of chicken. Sen månngi' i mutsiyas, låo bula priparasion‑ña. Mutsiyas is so delicious, but it has a lot of preparation. Esta si nåna ha pika i mannuk yan i gellai ni para u matempla para mutsiyas. Mother already chopped the chicken and vegetables to be mixed for mutsiyas. Hågun donni', hågun tumåtis, yan puntan kalamasa na gollai manmanåna'yi i mannuk para mutsiyas. The vegetables added to the chicken for mutsiyas are pepper leaves, tomato leaves, and pumpkin tips. From: Sp. morcillas.
mutta n. fine, penalty. Guaha mutta para i kaosan‑ña. There is a fine for this case. Gai mutta si Jose nu i bidå‑ña. Jose has a fine for what he did. From: Sp. multa.
— adj. penalized, fined. Mutta håo! You are fined! Mutta yu', sa' ti hu apåsi i dibi‑hu gi ha'ani‑ña. I was fined for not paying my debt on time. Na'mutta si tatå‑hu! Fine my father! From: Sp. multa.
muttiplika vi. multiply, increase in number or amount. Maila' ya ta po'lu i salappe'‑ta gi bangku ya u muttiplilika. Let us invest our money in the bank so it can multiply. Fanmanprudusi yan muttiplika. Be fruitful and multiply (Gen. 1:22).
— vt. multiply (numbers). Chuli' i singku ya un muttiplika yan tres, kumeke'ilek‑ña chuli' i singku tres biåhi ya humuyung kinsi. To multiply five by three means to take five three times, making fifteen. From: Sp. multiplica.
muttiplikåt n. multiplication, act or process of multiplying. I muttiplikåt i mås ya‑hu na etsisiu gi matematika. Multiplication is my favorite exercise in math class.
mutu' n. desire, feeling, disposition, mood, state of mind. Kumu nina'yi ni minito'‑ña, tåya' siña ta cho'gui. If he is in that disposition, there is nothing we can do. Gai mutu' ya ti siña un tulaika. He has a disposition and you cannot change him. Måttu ta'lu i mito'‑ña ya para ta fanatgumentu ha'. He is in that mood again and we will just end up arguing.
mutung adj. stinky, bad-smelling, foul (of odor). Mutung ennåo na degga. Those shoes stink. Guaha mumutung guini gi uriyan guma'. There is a stench around the house. Bai hu na'o'mak i ga'‑hu ga'lågu, sa' esta kalang mumutung. I need to bathe my dog, because he is getting stinky. Syn: påguan.
muyeha n. gizzard, a muscular part of a bird's stomach. Ya‑ña si nåna ma'istufåo i muyeha gi mannuk. Grandma's favorite is sauteed chicken gizzard. Baråtu i bentan muyehan påbu gi tiendan Tun Manuel. Turkey gizzards are cheap at Elder Manuel's store. Matågu' si Pricilla para u fåhan muyehan månnuk. Priscilla was tasked to buy chicken gizzards. Ya‑hu i muyeha, sa' masisu and getmun. I like gizzards, because they are firm and chewy. Månngi' ma'adobu i muyehan månnuk. Chicken gizzards are good to cook adobu-style. Impottånti i muyeha che'chocho'‑ña gi para manyamak nengkanu'. The gizzard has an important function in food processing. From: Sp. molleja.
muyu' vi. pout, frown, show displeasure by showing protruded lips or mouth. Håfa na mumuyu' si Juan? Why is Juan pouting? Siempri chaddik håo matan åmku' yanggin sessu muyu' håo. You will have an old face fast if you frown often. Sen chatpa'gu esti i palåo'an yanggin mumuyu' gi television. A frowning woman is not appealing on television.
muyu'i vt. sneer at, frown at. Ha muyuyu'i yu', sa' ti hu sedi ni malago'‑ña. She is frowning at me, because I did not let her do as she pleases. Håfa na miniyuyu'i håo? Why is he sneering at you? Ti debi di un muyuyu'i i mañaina‑mu, sa' manmaså'pit nu hågu. You should not be sneering at your parents, because they suffered for your benefit.
Total number of entries: 969

adj. adjective
adv. adverb
agr. agreement prefix
art. article
aux. auxiliary
cnj. conjunction
dem. demonstrative
Eng. English
infx. infix
intj. Interjection
Jp. Japanese
n. noun
n.pl. plural noun
neg. negative
num. numeral
part. particle
pp. prepositional phrase
pred. predicate
pref. prefix
prep. preposition
pro. pronoun
Sp. Spanish
suf. suffix
Syn synonym
vi. intransitive verb
vt. transitive verb