N - n
n n. the fifteenth letter of the alphabet.
‑n suf. linker, used to connect a noun that ends in a vowel to a following modifier or possessor. Esta tufai si nanan biha ni inamko'‑ña. Grandmother is fatigued from old age. Ma'udai si Carleen gi batkun airin dikiki' para Tinian. Carleen rode the small airplane to Tinian Banidosu i lahin Juan, sa' gai panak. Juan's son is proud to have his own bat. See: na.
na part. linker, used to connect a noun to a preceding modifier. Chuli' i anakku' na chålan para guatu. Take the long way to go there. Gef mamis esti na åtis. This sweetsop is very sweet. Guaguan esti na magågu, sa' seda na matiriåt. This dress is costly because it is silk.
— cnj. that (introduces embedded clauses). Nisisåriu na bai pripåra i hu nisisita para i biåhi. It is necessary that I prepare the things that I need for the trip. See: ‑n.
na'- (from: na'‑) n. food. Mannge'ña na'‑hu ki i na'‑mu. My food is tastier than yours. In na'lålagu i na'‑måmi na' talu'åni. We are cooking our food for lunch. Chuli'i na'‑ñiha i famagu'un. Bring some food for the kids.
na'- (from: na'‑) pref. cause, make (someone do something), let (someone do something). Na'fakmåta si Juan, sa' esta oran iskuela. Make John wake up, because it is time for school. Na'gåsgas i lamasa. Clean the table. Hu na'draiba si Pete ni kareta. I let Pete drive the car. Mana'maigu' i neni gi kuna. The baby was made to sleep in the crib. Guåhu mana'taitai ni gaseta. I was the one who was made to read the newspaper.
ná'- (from: ná'‑) pref. cause, make (antipassive); also used to form derived adjectives. Na'bubu makuentusi si Juan yanggin esta bulåchu. It is not pleasant to talk to Juan when he is already drunk. Na'chalik tåotåo si Frank yanggin umistoria. Frank is funny when he tells stories. Na'bulachu i amut ni ha nå'i yu' i doktu. The medicine that the doctor prescribed me makes me drowsy.
na' ogga'an n. morning meal, breakfast. I chada' yan tostan pån nengkano'‑hu para na' ogga'an. Egg and toast bread are my morning meals. Håfa na na' ogga'an un kånnu' på'gu? What did you eat for breakfast today? Ya‑hu aruskåddu para na' ogga'an. I like rice porridge for breakfast. Syn: amotsan ogga'an.
na' talu'åni n. lunch, dinner, main meal of the day. Håfa yan‑miyu para na' talu'åni på'gu? What do you want for lunch today? Hu na'lålagu i na' talu'åni para i familia. I am cooking lunch for the family. Tininun guihan yan titiyas para na' talu'åni på'gu. Barbecued fish and tortillas will be for lunch today. Syn: amotsan talu'åni.
na'ádanchi vt. correct, set right, straighten out, make right, fit together properly. Kåo siña un na'adanchi i finono'‑mu, sa' ti hu kumpreprendi håo klåru. Can you be clear with what you are saying, because I am not understanding you correctly. Na'adanchi i dos haligi ya mungnga na u etchung i kellat. Set right the two poles so that the fence won’t be crooked. Bai hu acha'ikak yan hågu kåo håyi fine'na numa'adanchi i påyu'. I will race with you as to who would first fit the puzzles together. Bunitu i bailan båtsu yanggin mana'fana'adanchi i pasun‑ñiha i mambabaila. Waltz dancing is beautiful when the dancers' steps are timed right.
na'ádispatta vt. take apart, separate, disconnect, disunite, split, divorce, disengage. Mana'adispatta i nana yan i neni‑ña anai gumof malångu i nanå‑ña. The mother and her baby were separated when the mother became very ill. Tåya' siña numa'adispatta i ha na'danña' si Yu'us. No one can separate what God has joined together. Ma na'adispatta i katu yan i ga'lågu, sa' sessu mumu. They separated the cat and the dog, because they always fight. Ma na'adispatta i dos tåotåo ni mumumu. They disengaged the two men that were fighting. Syn: sipåra.
na'adotgan vt. pierce through, stick through, run through. Ha na'adotgan i liluk gi hayu. He pierced the nail through. Na'hålum asta ki un na'adotgan. Stick it in until you run through. Ha panak i bola ya ha na'adotgan huyung gi kellat. He hit the ball and ran it through the fence.
na'áfa'måolik vt. cause to reconcile, cause to make up with, cause to make amends to. Ha na'afa'måolik i ma'estra i istudiånti ni manatgumentu. The teacher made the students reconcile their dispute. Ha na'afa'måolik si Nåna i dos patgon‑ña ni ti uma'akumprendi. Mother had her two children reconcile over a misunderstanding. I sinetsut numa'afa'måolik yu' yan i hu isågui. It is repentance that made me make amends to the one I hurt. Anai mañotsut yan manggågåo yu' asi'i, numa'afa'måolik yu' yan si Yu'us ni bulan isåo‑hu. I made peace with God when I atoned for my sins and asked for forgiveness.
na'ágåoli vt. 1) cross (legs). Na'agåoli i dos addeng‑mu yanggin matåta'chung håo. Cross your legs when you are sitting. Hu na'agåoli i dos addeng‑hu åpman ya kumalåmli. I got leg cramps when I crossed my legs for a long time. 2) cross or hook together (two objects). Na'agåoli i dos gånchu ya un istira i tali fitmi. Cross the hooks together and then stretch the line firmly. Na'agåoli i dos råmas i trongku ya mungnga na u måpga'. Cross the two branches of the tree so it won’t split apart.
na'ágihilu'i vt. heap up, lay on top of each other, stack. Mana'aghilu'i i magågu gi hilu' lamasa. They heaped up the clothes on the table. Ha na'agihilu'i todu klåsin nengkanu' gi hilu' plåtu. She heaped up all kinds of food on the plate. Na'fanagihilu'i i atchu' gi un bånda. Heap up the rocks on the side. Mana'fanagihilu'i todu i kahita gi halum kuåttu. They laid all the boxes on top of each other in the room. Na'agihilu'i i lepblu siha gi hilu' lamasa. Stack up all the books on the table. Variant: na'age'hilu'i, na'agitilu'i, na'agitulu'i.
na'ahuståo vt. adjust, set right, put in order. Na'ahuståo i rilos‑mu, sa' lachi. Adjust your watch, because it’s wrong. Ti un na'ahuståo i pinigå'‑mu niyuk annai tumåo håo nigap. You did not set right the coconuts you put when you set the trap yesterday. Ha na'ahuståo i machalapun siha na magågu. She put the scattered clothes in order.
nå'an n. 1) name. Håyi na'ån‑mu? What is your name? I na'ån‑hu si Mike. My name is Mike. Makkat maprununsia i na'ån‑mu. It’s hard to pronounce your name. 2) noun.
na'anåkku' vt. lengthen, extend, cause (something) to be long. Si Påli' ha na'anåkku' i misa. The priest made the mass long. Mampus ma na'anåkku' i fila. They made the line too long. Ha na'anåkku' i fino'‑ña. He made his speech long.
na'ånchu vt. widen (something), broaden (something), cause (something) to be wide. Mana'ånchu i chalan. The road was widened. Debi ta na'ånchu hinassot‑ta put håfa siña ta cho'gui para u inayuda umarekla i ikunumihan i isla‑ta. We must broaden our thinking as to what we can do to help fix our island’s economy. I prisidenti ha na'ånchu i chalan opotunidåt gi bandan cho'chu'. The president has broadened the road for employment opportunities.
na'annuk vt. bring into view, reveal, uncover, expose. Na'annuk håo gi giput kosa ki un matufung. Be visible at the party so that you can be counted. Si Tom ha na'annuk i maolik che'cho'‑ña gi sirimonias. Tom showed his good performance at the ceremony. Mungnga mana'annuk i baban kustumbrem‑mu. Don’t expose your bad habit.
na'ånglu' vt. dry up (something). Na'ånglu' i magågu gi semnak. Dry the clothes under the sun. Na'ånglu' i na'yan åntis di un sahguan gi kahun. Dry up the dishes before you put them in the cabinet. Na'fanånglu' i magågu måolik ya mungnga na u fanpåo hebbu. Dry up the clothes good so they would not have a moldy smell.
na'ápalo'pu' vt. stack up (something), pile up in a stack. Na'apalo'pu' i dos tapbla. Stack up the two pieces of plywood. Na'apalo'pu' i balin i pigas yan i letchi. Add up the cost of the rice and the milk. Ha na'apalo'pu' i chada' gi kahun ais. She stacked up the eggs inside the ice box.
na'apmam vt. prolong, lengthen (the time of), sustain. Ha na'apmam gui' gi lanchu. He extended his time at the ranch. Mungnga mana'apmam sumagå‑mu gi gima' amigu‑mu. Don’t prolong your stay at your friend’s house. Ti ha na'apmam hinanåo‑ña para Guam. He didn’t prolong his trip to Guam.
na'ápplacha' vt. make dirty. Ha usa i lahi‑hu i kareta ya ha na'applacha'. My son used the car and made it dirty. Båsta mana'applacha' i gima'. Stop making the house dirty. Mampus ha na'applacha' i palabrå‑ña. He made his words too dirty.
na'apu' vt. support. Na'apu' guatu i hayu gi ligan i paddit. Lean the wood over to the concrete wall. Ha na'apu' si Vivian i ilu‑ña guatu gi apågan Jose. Vivian leaned her head over to Jose’s shoulder. Mana'apu' yu' pugas, sa' tåya' gi tenda. I was supported with some rice, because there was none at the store.
na'åsgun vt. make dirty, make impure, fog (something) up. Na'asgun i antihus matå‑hu. My eyeglasses are dirty. I kairu' ha na'åsgun i hanum gi halum tångki. The toad made the water impure inside the tank. Ti siña hu li'i' i chalan, sa' na'asgun. I could not see the road, because it’s fogged.
ná'atarantåo adj. undecided, a little off. Kulang na'atarantåo ilu‑ña dispues di aksidenti. He seems to be a little off in the head after the accident. Na'atarantåo i dos, sa' guaha prubleman‑ñiha. The two separated, because they have a problem. Na'atarantåo i hinagong‑ña annai matongtung i ilu‑ña gi ligan i paddit. His mind was a little off when his head hit the concrete wall.
na'atburutåo vt. make demoralized, make cranky, make irascible. I implehåo nina'atburutåo annai linalatdi ni direktot. The employee was demoralized when the director scolded him. Nina'atburutåo i guaka annai magoddi i aga'gå'‑ña. The cow went cranky when her neck was tied. Nina'atburutåo si Juan ni bulan ginimen‑ña sitbesa. Juan goes irascible as a result of drinking a lot of beer.
na'attuk vt. hide (something), conceal (something), make (something) secret. Na'attuk yu' gi gimå'‑mu. Let me hide at your house. Na'attuk i paki‑mu kosa ki mungnga na u sodda' i patgun. Hide your gun so that the child will not find it. Ha na'attuk i prublemå‑ña, sa' mamåhlåo. He hides his problem, because he’s ashamed.
na'ayåo vt. lend (something) to (someone). Kåo siña un na'ayåo yu' dies pesus? Can you loan me ten dollars? Un na'ayåo si Calistu nu i kamyu? Did you let Calistu borrow the coconut grater? Ti un lalålu' ya un na'ayåo esti na prohimu nu i machetem‑mu un råtu ha'? Would you mind lending your machete briefly to this person?
na'balånsa vt. balance (something), pay off (a debt). Hu na'balånsa esta i dibi‑hu. I’ve already paid off my credit. Singku åñus ha' tetenan ni para bai na'balånsa i inayåo‑hu gi bangku. Only five years remaining for me to pay off my loan with the bank. I pilotu siempri ha na'balånsa i katgan i batkun airi putno u poddung. The pilot surely will balance the weight on the airplane’s cargo so it won’t fall.
na'besti vt. decorate (something). Mana'besti i sanhalum gima'yu'us. The church inside was decorated. Ha na'besti floris i gaputilu‑ña si Maria. Maria decorated her hair with flowers. Hu tågu' si Frankie para u na'besti i lamasa para i giput lamu'na. I told Frankie to decorate the table for the party tonight.
na'boka vt. feed (someone or something), cause to eat. Na'boka i babui nu i lemmai siha. Feed the pig with the breadfruits. Si David ha na'boka kåtni i ga'‑ña ga'lågu. David fed his dog meat. Na'boka si Juan nu i hineksa' yan satdinas. Feed Juan with the rice and sardines.
na'bubu vt. make (someone) angry, infuriate, vex, disappoint. Båsta muna'bubu, sa' siempri ti maguaiya håo. Stop causing disappointment, because surely you will not be liked. Ti måttu yu' gi gipot‑mu, sa' un na'bubu yu'. I did not come to your party, because you made me angry. Siempri un na'bubu yu' yanggin ti un na'ayåo yu' nu i karetå‑mu. Surely I will be disappointed if you do not make me borrow your car. Lalålu' si Tom, sa' un na'bubu si Martin. Tom is mad, because you made Martin angry.
ná'bubu adj. irritating, obnoxious, annoying, maddening, provoking. Na'bubu mampus, sa' tai rispetu håo. You are irritating, because you have no respect. Mampus na'bubu bidå‑mu nu guåhu. What you did to me is very annoying.
na'bula vt. 1) fill up (something), replenish. Na'bula i karetå‑mu gas. Fill up your car with gas. Na'bula hånum i batdi ya un na'gimin i guaka. Fill up the tank with water and make the cow drink. 2) cause to be a lot. Hu na'bula chinile'‑hu simiyan chotda gi lanchun Joaquin. I took a lot of banana seedlings at Joaquin’s farm.
na'chaddik vt. cause to hurry, expedite. I makinan kåmyu para muna'chaddik mangåmyu niyuk. The coconut grinding machine expedites the grinding of coconuts. I che'cho'‑ña si Roy i para muna'chaddik setbision pupbliku gi dipattamentun tånu'. Roy’s job is to expedite public services at the Department of Lands. Na'chaddik håo mågi gi gima' yanggin måkpu' i iskuela. Hurry home when the school is over. Na'chaddik håo malågu para i tenda. Hurry to the store. Hu faisin si Roy para u na'chaddik muna'fåttu mågi i katga siha ginin Guam. I asked Roy to expedite the cargo from Guam.
ná'chalik adj. funny, humorous, laughable. Na'chalik istoriå‑ña si Bill. Bill’s story is funny. Hu egga' na'chalik na mubi gi paingi. I watched a funny movie last night. Na'chalik na tåotåo si Titu. Titu is a funny guy. Ti na'chalik i ossitan. The joke is not funny.
na'chátsaga vt. annoy, bother. I ñamu ha na'chatsaga i puengi‑ta. The mosquitos had made our night annoying. Ha na'chatsaga hinassok‑ku si Juan annai ti måttu gi gima' gi paingi. My mind was disturbed when Juan did not come home last night. I agga' ha na'chatsaga i lugåt‑mu, sa' ti siña un istotba siha. The Marianas crow is a nuisance to your property, because you cannot disturb them.
— adj. annoying, bothersome. Bula manna'chatsaga, ispisiåtmenti gå'ga' ni muna'dadanña' i tinanom‑hu. There’s a lot of pests, especially insects that are damaging my plants. Ha na'chatsaga i lina'la'‑måmi i guaguan fektus siha gi tenda. The high cost of items in the store created hardship in our lives.
na'chetnudan vt. injure (someone or something), wound (someone or something), hurt (someone or something). Ha na'chetnudan yu' i karetå‑mu. Your car injured me. Ha na'chetnudan yu' i atchu' nigap annai ha chonnik yu' i napu. The rock injured me yesterday when the wave pushed me.
— adj. hurtful, injurious. Na'chetnudan esti na nengkanu' para i tatåotåo‑mu. This food causes sickness to your body.
na'chettun vt. connect, join, bring together. Na'chettun håo guatu gi mañaina‑mu. Be close to your parents. I katpinteru ha na'chettun i tapbla guatu gi dos put kuåttru na håyu. The carpenter has glued the plywood to the 2 x 4 pieces of wood. Na'chettun guatu i pachot‑mu gi maikrofon. Put your mouth close to the microphone. Esti na dangsi måolik para muna'chettun må'pi' kosas. This glue is good for repairing broken things. Måolik si Jose para muna'chettun familia siha. Jose is good at bringing families together.
— adj. sticky. Na'chettun i edda' hagu' gi sapåtus yanggin fotgun. The clay soil sticks to the shoes if wet.
na'chilung vt. equalize, make worthwhile. Bai hu na'chilung i håfa para bai cho'gui gi lanchu yan i gastun gas. I will equalize what I will be doing at the ranch with the cost of the gas. I bisita ha na'chilung i finatton‑ña mågi Luta, sa' bula katgån‑ña ha chuchuli'. The visitor made his trip to Rota worthwhile, because he brought lots of cargo. Debi un na'chilung i gastom‑mu yan i apås‑mu. You should equalize your spending and your pay.
na'danña' vt. combine, mix, integrate, include, put together. Na'danña' i dos na malångu na tåotåo gi tinayuyot‑mu. Include the two sick people in your prayers. Mana'danña' i dos sumilebra i kumpliañus‑ñiha. The two joined together in celebrating their birthday. Si Juan ha na'danña' i mannuk yan i nganga' gi halum tångkat. Juan has put together the chicken and the duck inside the cage.
na'dångkulu vt. make big. Na'dångkulu i lugåt ni para un na'gåsgas ya ta tanumi siha chotda. Make the area big that you’re going to clear so that we can plant bananas. Gimin letchi kosa ki un nina'dångkulu mås. Drink milk so that it will make you grow bigger. I abonu muna'dångkulu esti na chandiha. It’s the fertilizer that made this watermelon big.
na'dekkun vt. cause shame, put to shame. Un na'sen piniti yu', sa' un na'dekkun yu' ni churan bidå‑mu. You really hurt me, because you cause me shame with your misdeeds. Cha'‑mu na'dekkun si nanå‑mu. Do not cause your mom to feel shame. Na'maguf i bunitun bidå‑mu, sa' ti un na'dekkun i mañaina‑mu. Your good work is so delightful, because you did not cause your parents to feel shame.
na'dengha vt. turn upside down, cause to bend over.
na'diluk vt. cause to lower head.
na'dinanchi vt. correct, rectify, set right. See: rektifika, kurihi.
na'dotchun vt. 1) drive in, penetrate, knock in, target, poke in. Na'dotchun i liluk gi hayu. Drive the nail into the wood. Na'dotchun i iståka påpa' gi tanu' para måtkan i prupiadåt. Drive the stake in the ground as a marker for the property. Ha na'dotchun i fuetsan i pakyu i hayun loddu' gi talu' trongkun niyuk . The force of the typhoon knocked a thick piece of wood into the center of a coconut tree. I tiradot ha na'dotchun i bala talulu' gi ilun i guaka. The gunner targeted a bullet right in the center of the cow's head. Hu na'dotchun i haguha gi kalulot‑tu anai manlålåksi yu'. I poked my finger with the needle when I was sewing. 2) fix at, focus (the eyes) on. Hu na'dotchun i inatan‑hu gi butti. My eyes were fixed at an image. Ha na'dotchun si Bernadita i inatan‑ña gi halum i liyang. Bernadita's eyes were focused on the shrine.
nå'du adj. thinned (of blood of bruise). I yo'amti ha chuli' i sibukåo para u na'nå'du i luga' håga gi addeng‑hu. The healer took the sibukåo to treat the bruise on my leg.
na'empas vt. pay off (something), give satisfaction to, get revenge for. Esta hu na'empas i dibi‑hu siha. I already paid up all my bills. Ha na'empas si Jesukristu todu i isåo‑ta gi kilu'us. Jesus had paid up all our sins on the cross. Umana'empas ham esta yan i amigu‑hu put todu i ha faburesi yu' anai hu nisisita ayudu‑ña. I satisfied my friend already for all the favors he had done to me when I needed help. Hu cho'gui ennåo nu guiya, sa' para bai hu na'empas i bidå‑ña nu guåhu. I did that to him in revenge for what he had done to me.
na'éntalu' vt. 1) set in between, put among. Na'entalu' i tali gi halum i dos iståka. Set the rope in between the two stakes. 2) cause to meddle, let interfere. Ennåo na tåotåo ya‑ña numa'entalu' ottru tåotåo gi bisnis ottru. That busybody likes to make others meddle in someone's business. Mungnga mana'entalu' i famagu'un gi linachin i mañaina. Don't let the children interfere with the parent's wrongdoing. Ti måolik para un na'entalu' i upinion‑mu sin un kumprendi håfa ma diskukuti. It is not right for you to insert your opinion without understanding what is being discussed. 3) include. Na'fanentalu' i famagu'un gi halum i manåmku' ya u fanmalitråtu. Include the children among the elders for picture taking. Syn: na'såonåo.
na'espongha vt. make fluffy, shake or puff out (hair, feathers, or nap) into a soft, light, downy mass, swell or puff (something) out. Mama'tinas yu' brohas ya hu na'espongha ya sen månngi'. I made sponge cake and it was fluffy and very good. Ha na'espongha i gaputilu‑hu i hapbun gaputulu ni hu usa. The shampoo that I used made my hair fluffy. Meggai på'gu na nengkanu' mana'fanå'anglu', låo yanggin mana'lågu nina'espopongha kalang fresku ha'. There are many foods available that are dried, but when they are cooked they fluff out as if fresh. Ya‑hu tumåla' i alunån‑hu siha gi figan na somnak, sa' nina'espopongha i atgidun. I like to dry my pillows on a hot sunny day, because it fluffs up the cotton.
ná'espongha n. leavening, yeast, tuba (coconut sap). Gof imputtånti i libaduran 'yeast' na nå'yi para numa'espongha gi panaderia. The yeast is a very important leavening ingredient at a bake shop.
— adj. fluffy, puffy. Ná'espongha i chada' gi todu fina'tinas kek. Egg fluffs up all kinds of cake. Na'espongha pån yan sen månngi' i tiba na libadura. Tuba leavening fluffs and is so good for making bread.
na'etchung vt. bend (something), make crooked, lead in a wrong way. Mana'etchung i fila gi likåo. The people made the line crooked during the procession. Hu na'etchung i chinachåk‑ku ni pappit, sa' ñañu' i tiheras. I cut the papers crooked, because my scissors were dull. Nina'e'etchung si Pedro pokkåt‑ña ni bulachu‑ña. Pedro is walking in a crooked way, because he is drunk. Nina'etchung lina'lå'‑ña i taotåo ni manbåba na amigu‑ña. The man associated with bad friends who led him in a wrong way in his life. Nina'etchung karerå‑ña i patgun, sa' ti umekkunguk ni finu' saina‑ña. The child did not listen to parent's advice and led himself in a wrong way.
na'etnun vt. collect (something), gather (something), bring together into a group. Na'fanetnun i famagu'un ya u fanotchu. Gather the children so they can eat. Na'etnun i hayu para totnin guåfi. Collect wood sticks for the fire. Mana'fanetnun nu i lancheru i kusetchan‑ñiha para i ferian agrikuttura. The farmers gathered their crops for the agriculture fair. Na'etnun i familia para u fanmalitråtu. Group the family togethert for picture taking. Syn: rikohi. Ant: chalapun.
na'fa'na'an vt. name (someone). Si Janet ha na'fa'na'an i che'lu‑ña. Janet has named her brother. Ha na'fa'na'an yu' si Joaquin si Muståfa. Joaquin has named me as Muståfa. Mana'fa'na'an ham as Chå'ka. We were named as Rat.
na'fachi' vt. make watery, mix with much liquid, make muddy. Båtti i arina yan i hanum para madoya, låo mungnga mana'fachi'. Mix flour and water for the banana batter, but don't make it watery. Bula uchan na ogga'an ya nina'fachi' i edda'. There was lots of rain this morning and it made the ground wet. Mampus mana'fachi' i lampåsu ya nina'palaksi' i satgi. The mop was too wet and it made the floor slippery.
ná'fachi' n. liquid added to something.
— adj. causing to be excessively watery, very wet, muddy. Ná'fachi' i mampus måtmu na uchan. Heavy rain can cause muddy ground. Ná'fachi' i meggai na letchi gi alåguan. A lot of milk can cause the rice porridge to be watery. Gof ná'fachi' i hanum yanggin manå'yi i te'uk na nina'lågun nengkanu'. Water can make thick sauces watery.
ná'failik adj. causing sour or bitter taste, causing sensitivity in one's mouth (like the gum and teeth), causing acidic stomach. Na'failik i kåmias yanggin un kånnu' meggai. Eating a bunch of pickle fruit can give you a sour stomach. Na'failik nifin i manenghing na gimin yanggin mamaipi i nana'‑mu. A cold drink can cause sensitivity in your teeth when you are eating hot food. Guaha kinanno'‑hu na'failik na kalang ha na'ma'aksum i istomagu‑hu. I had eaten something that had caused my sour stomach.
na'fåkpu' vt. 1) cause to end, cause to conclude, cause to finish, finalize, be done with. Ma na'fåkpu' i miting lataftaf. They ended the meeting a bit earlier. Ta na'fåkpu' i nubena åntis di ta fangguput. Let us finish the novena before we celebrate. Na'fåkpu' i che'cho'cho'‑mu, dispues nai ta hånåo. Finish what you are doing, then we will go. 2) close (an agreement). Na'fåkpu' nåya i kuntratå‑mu yan si Juan åntis di un kuntråta yan i ottru. Close your agreement with Juan first, before you start with another one. Syn: na'funhåyan.
na'falingu vt. lose (something), cause to get lost, make disappear, not have (something) any longer, wipe out of existence, annihilate, destroy. Hu na'falingu i lepblok‑ku. I lost my book. Ha na'falingu i nietu‑hu i ga'‑ña kunehu, sa' ti ha huchum i kellat. My grandson lost his rabbit, because he did not close the fence. Ma na'falingu todu i litråtu gi kamera, sa' ti ma adahi. They lost all the pictures in the camera, because they did not save them. Sigi ha' di manakassi asta ki guaha mana'falingu pasensiån‑ña. They teased each other until someone lost his patience.
ná'falingu adj. causing (someone or something) to be lost. Ná'falingu i mineggai tåotåo gi feria. The crowd of people at the fair can easily make you lose someone. Gof ná'falingu guinaha i ga' umaposta salåppi'. A gambler can easily lose his possesions. Ná'falingu manatungu' i dakun na tåotåo. A person who is not trusted can lose friends.
na'faloffan vt. pass (something or something) through, permit through, allow passage to (someone). Kåo siña un na'faloffan yu' gi chalån‑mu? Can you let me pass through your way? Na'faloffan i amku' fine'na. Allow the elder to pass first. Ti siña mana'faloffan i dokumentu sin u mafitma. The document cannot pass through without being signed.
na'famadesi vt. cause physical pain to, make (someone) suffer, harm, hurt, injure. Hu na'famadesi i ga'lågu anai hu totpi. I made the dog suffer when I collided with it. Måolik mana'famadesi dididi' para u tungu' i linachi‑ña. It is good to make him suffer a little to learn his mistake. Nina'famadesi i amku' anai sulun gi halum båñu. My old lady injured herself when she slipped in the shower room. Aksidenti i sinisedi, ti ma'intensiona para un mana'famadesi. It was not intended for you to be hurt, it was only an accident.
na'fañila' vt. light (something) up, burn (something), brighten, cause to glow. Na'fañila' i guafi para kåndit i puengi gi lanchu. Light up the fire for light at night at the farm. Na'fañila' siha i kandit, sa' esta hohomhum. Turn on the lights, because it's getting dark. Debi ta na'fanmañila' i manmåolik siha na che'chocho'‑ta gi kumunidåt. We need to brighten our community with the good works that we are doing.
na'fañotsut vt. 1) cause (someone) to repent or regret for having done wrong. Ha na'fañotsut yu' i ti mambunitu siha na sinangån‑hu. I repented for the unkind words that I had said. Hu kuentusi i hagå‑hu ya nina'fañotsut ni bidå‑ña. I talked to my daughter and she was caused to regret the wrong she had done. Nina'fañotsut anai manå'i måolik na akunsehu. She repented when she was given good advice. 2) cause to refuse. Ha na'fañotsut yu' humånåo para i giput i matmun uchan. I refused to go to the party because of the heavy rain. Nina'fañotsut i amigå‑hu ma'udai ta'lu gi boti, sa' nina'gof bulåchu. My friend refused to go again on the boat, because it made her very drowsy. Mana'fañotsut si Tåta kumonni' i nietu yan nieta siha para i feria, sa' mampus manbråbu. Grandpa refused to take the grandchildren to the fair, because they were too active.
ná'fañotsut adj. regrettable, lamentable, sorrowful, distressing. Ná'fañotsut mamokkat hulu' gi eksu' Tapochåo yanggin maipi i semnak. It is dreadful to walk up Mt. Tapochao on a hot sunny day. Ná'fañotsut mana'ayåo salåppi' i amigå‑hu, sa' gof mapput ha na'na'lu. It is regrettable to loan money to my friend, because she takes forever to return it.
na'fatå'chung vt. 1) make (someone) sit. Na'fatå'chung i patgun ya un kuentusi måolik. Make the boy sit down and have a good talk with him. Na'fatå'chung i taotåo gi siya. Let the man sit on the chair. Mana'fanmatå'chung i famagu'un ya manmataitayi istoria. They made the children sit down and read them a story. 2) set (something) at a place, place (something). Na'fatå'chung i la'uya gi hilu' i feggun. Set the pot on the stove. Hu na'fatå'chung i kestat gollai gi hilu' såtgi. I placed the sack of vegetables on the floor. Mana'fatå'chung ha' i tapbla gi hayu ya ginipu anai manguaifi i manglu'. The board was placed loose on the wood, and it blew away with the wind.
na'fitmi vt. make firm, make certain, make sturdy. Na'fitmi goddem‑mu nu i tali. Make the knot on the rope firm. Kåo siña un na'fitmi håfa malago'‑mu para un cho'gui? Can you make certain of what you want to do? Na'fitmi po'lom‑mu nu i gua'ut åntis di un kahulu'. Make the ladder sturdy before you climb. Ant: na'flohu.
na'flohu vt. slack off with, be careless with. Mana'flohu todu i che'chu'‑ñiha. They slacked off with all their work. Ha na'flohu godden‑ña ni tali ya måppla' insigidas. He slacked off in tying the rope and it loosened right away. Måtgan i kuådrun litråtu gi liga, sa' mana'flohu mapegå‑ña. The picture frame came off the wall, because it was carelessly put up. Ant: na'fitmi.
na'fo'na vt. make (someone or something) go first, cause to precede. Na'fo'na i amku' gi fila. Make the elder go first in the line. Na'fanfo'na i bisita mañotchu gi giput. Make the visitors eat first at the party. Na'fo'na bumendi i manmåolik na pruduktu. Sell the good products first.
na'fófo'na vt. send ahead, send on in advance, place ahead (progressive). Na'fofo'na muna'hånåo i katga siha åntis di i pasaheru. Send the baggages ahead before the passenger. Mana'fofo'na ma'atendi i manatdit na manmalångu gi hospitåt. They were tending first to the very sick people at the hospital. Na'fofo'na mågi i nengkanu' ya bai hu na'lålagu åntis di u fanmåttu i bisita. Send the food here first so I can be cooking before the visitors arrive.
na'fotgun vt. wet, moisten, dampen. Na'fotgun i magågu ya u måolik mañåosåo. Wet the cloth so it can wipe good. Na'fotgun dididi' i kalulot‑mu ya un huchum i sobri. Moisten your finger and seal the envelope. Nina'fotgun i cha'guan ni sirenu. The dew dampened the grass. Ant: na'ånglu'.
na'gai vt. give, put. Na'gai che'chu' i che'lu‑mu mientras bakasiosion i iskuela. Give your brother work to do while school in on vacation. Kåo siña un na'gai salappi' yu' fan para mantension‑hu? Can you give me some money for my needs? Nina'gai sabot i katni anai manå'yi ni achoti. The achote gives flavoring when it is added to the meat. Ant: na'tai.
na'gái sabot vt. give flavor or taste with spices or ingredients. Na'gai sabot i kaddom‑mu månnuk. Give flavor to your chicken soup. Nina'gai sabot i tamålis anai manå'yi donni'. The tamales had taste when pepper was added. Nina'gagai sabot i katni yanggin mana'lågu yan åhus. Garlic gives flavoring to cooked meat.
na'gálilik vt. 1) cause to roll over. Na'galilik guatu i tangki, sa' mampus dångkulu para un uma. Roll the drum can over there, because it's too large to carry. Na'fanggalilik mågi i niyuk siha, dispues nai ta hokka. Roll all the coconuts here, then we'll pick them up. Nina'galilik i taotåo gi hilu' chå'guan ni yayas‑ña. The man is so tired that he just rolled on the grass. 2) stir over (food when cooking). Na'galilik i siboyas yan i katni gi la'uya para amotsa. Stir over the onions and meat in the pot for lunch. Na'galilik ha' håfa i listu para na'‑ta. Just stir over whatever is ready for our food.
nå'gåo adj. ripe without juice, dried, dehydrated (of coconut). I na'gåo na niyuk ti måolik maletchinñaihun. The dehydrated coconut is not good for making coconut milk. Meggai na niyuk gi papa' trongku mannå'gåo ginin i maipin somnak. There are many coconuts under the tree got dried from the hot sun.
na'gåsgas vt. clean, purify. Na'gåsgas i kuattom‑mu. Clean your room. Mana'sen gasgas i gualu' nu i lancherus. The farmers cleaned the farm so well. Hu na'gåsgas esta i guihan para amotsa. I already cleaned the fish for lunch.
ná'gasgas adj. used for cleaning. Usa i ritåsus magågu para na'gasgas gi kusina. Use the cloth rag for cleaning in the kitchen. Manhånåo ham para bai in fanhami yan i gurupun manna'gasgas gi lanchu. We went to join the cleaning group at the farm.
na'gasgåsi vt. clean for (someone). Na'gasgåsi i che'lu‑mu nu i sapatos‑ña. Clean your brother's shoes for him. Ha na'gasgåsi yu' i amigå‑hu ni papakes‑su. My friend cleaned my nails for me. Hu na'gasgåsi i tihu‑hu ni uriyan gimå'‑ña ya sen maguf. My uncle was so happy when I cleaned around his house for him.
na'gåtbu vt. make pretty, beautify, embellish, adorn, decorate. Nina'gåtbu i kuattu ni floris. The flowers made the room pretty. Ha arekla yan na'gåtbu si Meng i lugåt i giput. Meng arranged and beautified the party place. Ha na'gåtbu i kattån‑ña anai ha yunga' litråtu siha. She embellished her letter when she drew pictures on it.
na'getmun vt. chew audibly, crunch. I ga'lågu ha na'getmun i te'lang. The dog crunched the bone. Ha na'gegetmun i pipinu, sa' gof fresku. He's chewing the cucumber audibly, because it is very fresh. Esta un na'gegetmun i nginangas‑mu ni muyeha. You really are chewing the gizzard audibly.
na'guaha vt. have, provide, furnish, supply. Na'guaha miting agupa'. Have a meeting tomorrow. Na'guaha nengkanu' para i famagu'un gi biåhi. Provide food for the children on the trip. Na'guaha rispetu todu i tiempu gi mañaina‑mu. Have respect for your parents always.
ná'guaha adj. bringing out (something) into existence, making (something) exist. Ná'guaha bendision i manåyuyut. In praying you receive blessings. Ná'guaha suetti i mannå'i. It is by giving that you receive. Ná'guaha dinimålas i ti umekkunguk ni saina‑ña. Bad luck comes to those who do not take their parents' advice.
na'gupu vt. make (something) fly. Ha na'gupu i paluma ginin i tangkat. He made the bird fly from the cage. Munana'gupu papaloti si Juanito gi kantun tåsi. Juanito is flying a kite by the seashore. Hu na'fanggupu i petbus anai hu tåntan i magågu. I shook the cloth and made the dust fly around.
na'hå'yan vt. put down (someone) with words, tell off straight, put (someone) in his place verbally, humiliate. Hu na'hå'yan i amigu‑hu. I told my friend off straight. Ha na'hå'yan yu' si Rosa. Rosa put me down. Nina'humitdi i taotåo anai mana'hå'yan. The man became humble after being humiliated.
na'hallum vt. make (someone) think, make (someone) assume, make (someone) imagine. Hu na'hallum i patgun na para bai hu hongngang gui'. I made the boy think that I was going to scare him. Ha na'hallum yu' i hagå‑hu na ha hahassu para u asagua. My daughter made me assume that she is planning to get married. Ma na'hallum si tåta na para u magopti gi kumplihaños‑ña. They made Father think that he is going to be celebrated on his birthday.
na'hålum vt. 1) make (someone or something) go in, let in, bring in. Na'hålum i patgun, sa' u'uchan. Let the boy in, because it's raining. Na'fanhålum i famagu'un, sa' esta homhum. Bring the children in, because it's already dark. Hu na'hålum i magågu siha gi tali, sa' esta manånglu'. I brought the clothes in from the line, because they are already dried. 2) insert. Hu na'hålum i tutniyu gi madduk. I inserted the screw in the hole. Mana'hålum i litråtu gi kuådru. The picture was inserted in the frame. Ha na'hålum i kattån‑ña gi kahita. She inserted her letter in the box.
na'hånåo vt. send, let go, cause to leave. Hu na'hånåo i lahi‑hu para i mubi. I sent my son to the movie. Na'hånåo i chathinassom‑mu siha. Let go of all your worries. Ma na'hånåo i taotåo anai mana'mamåhlåo. They made him leave when he was humiliated.
na'hånum vt. inflame, ignite. Na'hånum i hayun tangantångan. Ignite the tangantangan wood. Ha na'hånum si Kika i angguassån‑ña. Frances ignited the grass she cut. Muna'gasgas gi uriyan guma' si Eduat ya ha na'hånum i basula. Ed cleaned the yard and ignited the trash. Syn: totni.
na'håspuk vt. feed enough, satiate, fill up (someone's stomach). Na'håspuk i neni ya u maffung maigo'‑ña. Feed the baby enough so he'll have a sound sleep. Mana'fanhåspuk i puyitus tåftaf gi egga'an. The chicks were fed enough early in the morning. Mana'håspuk yu' gi tihå‑hu anai hu bisita. My auntie fed me when I visited her.
na'-hu (from: na'‑hu) adj. my food. Esti na nengkanu', na'‑hu, na'‑mu, na'‑måmi, era na'‑ta todu. This food is my food, your food, our food, in fact it is food for all of us.
na'huyung vt. 1) invent, devise, find out. Ginin in na'huyung un areklamentu ni para ta fanáfa'måolik. At one time, we promulgated one policy to create a good relationship among ourselves. 2) beget, create. Ilek‑ña na i ti gof libiånu para u na'huyung un ihemplu put esti na sinisedi. She said it was not very easy to create an example of this particular phenomenon.
na'huyungi vt. furnish, supply, equip, pay for someone or on behalf of. Manna'huyungi ham kosas yan salåppi' anai mangginacha' i bisinu nu i ira. We supplied materials and money when our neighbor suffered a disaster. Na'huyungi yu' fan ya bai apåpasi håo dispues. Please donate for me and I will pay you later.
nå'i vt. give, deliver, provide, donate, grant, distribute. Hu nå'i i patgun ga'‑ña ga'lågu. I gave the boy a pet dog. Fanmannå'i, sa' siempri guaha suetti gi dispues. Do donate, as there will be something good in return.
nå'i påtti vt. impart, give (someone) a share, give (someone) notice.
nå'i prenda vt. post bail for, be responsible for.
na'kapåt vt. make room.
na'lågu vt. cook. Anai hu na'lågu i lemmai, hinanun. When I cooked the breadfruit, it scorched. Muna'lagu si tåta kåtdu gi katdiritu. Father cooked soup in a small pot. I achoti ha na'agagaga' yan måmanngi' sabot‑ña i nina'lagun kåtnin babui. The achoti gives red coloring and good flavoring to cooked pork dishes.
na'lálangu vt. 1) make (someone) faint. Si Bernadita ha na'lalangu si Jose anai ha panak ni lampåsu. Bernadita made Jose faint when she hit him with the mop. Kana' un na'lalangu yu' anai un ispånta yu' ginin santatti. You almost caused me to faint when you surprised me from behind. 2) blanch. Na'lalangu ha' i gellai; mungnga mana'lokkluk mås ki singku minutus. Just blanch the vegetable; don't boil it more than five minutes.
na'latfe'na vt. improve, prosper, thrive. Ma'eduka ya muna'latfe'na i linalå'‑ña. She was educated, which improved her life. Debi di un na'latfe'na mås i guinifi‑mu para i minåolik i pupbliku. You ought to enhance your ideas more for the good of the public.
na'lifit vt. smuggle, import without paying customs duties. I biha ha na'lifit i pigua' asta Saipan. The old woman smuggled the betelnut to Saipan.
na'lu vi. return. Numa'lu i pakyu'. The typhoon returned. Na'lu guatu gi gimå'‑mu, sa' ninanangga håo as nanå‑mu. Return to your home, because your mother is waiting for you.
na'ma'åsi' vt. cause (someone) to be merciful, make (someone) have compassion.
ná'ma'asi' adj. miserable, pitiful, wretched, pathetic. Variant: ná'ma'si'.
ná'ma'si' adj. miserable, pitiful, wretched, pathetic. Na'ma'si' i patgun, sa' måtai i nanå‑ña. The child is pitiful, because his mother died.
ná'mafnas n. clorox, bleach, any bleaching agent.
ná'magung n. healer, curer, one who restores good health or condition. Un ná'magung hu tungu', si Donald Mendiola. One healer that I know is Donald Mendiola. Esta meggai manhåñao na manna'magung gi listan yo'amti. Many who are healers already passed on this list of traditional healers.
ná'malagu' adj. desirable, appetizing, worth having. Na'malagu' makånnu' i mansåna ni agaga'‑ña. The apple is desirable to be eaten for its redness.
ná'mamahlåo adj. embarrassing, bashful, shameful, humiliating. Na'mamahlåo bumulåchu gi chalan. It is shameful to be drunk on the road.
ná'manman adj. incredible, unbelievable, exciting, awe-inspiring. Na'manman håo na a'atti. You are an incredible magician.
na'måsa vt. make ready, place (food) in vinegar, cook.
ná'massa' adj. nauseous, loathesome, odious, offensive.
nå'na' vt. hide (something). Mungnga manå'na' i piniti‑mu. Don't hide your hurt. Ha nå'na' si nåna i mångga para u nunuk. Mother hid the mangoes so that they would ripen. Nå'na' i lampåsu; mungnga mapo'lu gi me'nan potta. Hide the mop; don't put it in front of the door.
na'na'lu vt. return (something) borrowed, usually something other than money. I istudiånti ha na'na'lu i inayåo‑ña gi amigu‑ña. The student returned that which he borrowed to his friend. Variant: nana'lu.
ná'o'sun adj. boring, tiring, exhausting.
na'setbi vt. use, employ. Na'setbi ilu‑mu kumu para un kuentus. Use your head if you are to speak. Ti bai na'setbi i tahung ayuyu, sa' esta kå'ka'. I will not use the carapace of the coconut crab, because it is already cracked. Taimanu mana'setbi i sipit? How do we use chopsticks? Ha na'setbi i nuebun sapatos‑ña ya ha andi'i i famalåo'an. He wore his new shoes and showed off to the girls. Variant: na'sietbi.
na'sietbi vt. use, employ. Ha na'sietbi i lapis. He used the pencil. See: aplika, gåsta, usa. Variant: na'setbi.
na'sininuk vt. ignite, inspire, touch. Ha na'sininuk i anti‑hu nu i ginifli'e'‑mu. Your love has touched my soul. I mañaina mana'sininuk kurason‑ñiha ni manmåolik na che'chu' i famagu'un‑ñiha. The good actions of the children touched the hearts of the elders. I fino'‑mu put inafa'måolik gi intri todu tåotåo siha, ha na'sininuk hinassun‑måmi. Your words about harmony among all peoples have inspired our thinking.
na'siña vt. be able to. Ha na'siña i patgun mamokkat sin ma'ayuda. The child is able to walk without any help. Kåo un na'siña muna'funhåyan håfa un tutuhun? Are you able to finish what you started? Kumu un nå'i ånimu, un na'siña chumo'gui maseha håfa. If you give it all you got, you will be able to do anything.
na'siñayun adj. feasible, practicable.
na'suha vt. remove, set aside, exclude, eliminate, separate. See: remotki, remueba.
na'taiguennåo vt. do like that, make (something) like that (close to addressee). Na'taiguennåo i karetå‑hu i karetå‑mu. Make my car look like your car.
na'taiguihi vt. do like that, make (something) like that (away from speaker and addressee). Na'taiguihi kulot‑ña guatu. Make its color like that there.
na'taiguini vt. do like this, make (something) like this. Na'taiguini. Do it like this. Debi di un na'taiguini. You need to do it like this.
na'tåtti vt. hesitate, hang back.
na'tungu'ñaihun vt. insinuate, hint, suggest indirectly.
nå'yan n. 1) dish, plate, cup, eating container. Ti siña si Cecilia ha habuni i na'yan, sa' tåya' håbbun nå'yan. Cecilia cannot wash the dishes, because there is no dish soap. Puru måmaffak na'yan‑ña si nåna. Mother's dishes are all fragile. 2) food, dish, or gifts from a party or novena. Kalan månngi' i na'yan gi lamasa, no? The food on the table looks delicious, right? Håfa na nå'yan guini para un na'yåni si tåta? Which dish here will you serve Father?
— vt. serve (food), place (food) on dish or (liquid) in cup. Hu nå'yan i kaddu gi tasa. I filled the cup with soup. Ha nå'yan i palåo'an i katni gi platu. The woman served the meat on the plate.
nå'yan måta' n. unprepared food, given in lieu of a party.
nå'yan me'mi' n. urinal.
nå'yi n. flavoring. Håfa siha na nå'yi guåha måolik para techet‑ta på'gu na talu'åni? What flavorings do we have for our lunch today?
— vt. add in, contaminate, pollute, infect, apply. Kåo un nå'yi ayi' i nina'lagu‑mu? Have you put some ajinomoto in your cooking? Na'ketu i addeng‑mu, sa' bai hu nå'yi ni amut. Keep your legs still, because I am going to apply the medicine. Gimin limunåda yanggin nina'yi håo nu i le'lu'. Drink lemonade if you get the coughs.
na'yiyi vt. 1) add to, mix in. Para u mås te'uk i kafe, na'menus hånum o sino na'yiyi ta'lu un kicharitan kafe. For stronger coffee, reduce the water or add another teaspoon of coffee. Mungnga mana'yiyi asiga i kaddu, sa' cha'ot‑tu ma'asin. Don't add salt to the soup, because I'm allergic to salty food. Un pirisitun donni' ha' para un na'yiyi, sa' siempri mampus pika. Add only a tiny piece of hot pepper, because it will be too hot. 2) add (something) for (someone), put (food) for (someone). Na'yiyi si Jose un plåtun kåtni yan hineksa'. Put a plate of meat and rice for Jose. Na'yiyi yu' fan ta'lu fina'denni'. Please add more hot sauce for me. Adahi na ti un na'yiyi na'‑ña si tatå‑mu gi giput. Do not forget to put food for your dad at the party.
nabåha n. pocketknife, jackknife. From: Sp. navaja.
nabaheru n. knifeman. Hu suhåyi i nabaheru. I avoided the knifeman. Ha lasgui i si'se'‑hu i nabaheru. The knifeman sharpened my knife. From: Sp. navajero.
Nabidåt n. Christmas. Felis Nabidåt. Merry Christmas. See: påsgua. From: Sp. Navidad.
nabigadót n. navigator. From: Sp. navegador.
Nådit name. nickname for Bernadita.
Nådu' name. nickname for Bernardo.
naftan n. grave. Ti siña si Juan ha sodda' i inaftan nanå‑ña gi simintetyu. Juan was not able to find his mother's grave at the cemetery. Bai hu na'gåsgas i naftan siha åntis di i giput manmåtai. I will clean all the graves before All Souls Day. Ha bendisi si Påli' i inaftan siha gi simintetyu. The priest blessed all the graves at the cemetery. Variant: nåftan.
någa adj. flooded, covered with water.
nagasi' n. sink, lavatory (Saipan). See: labadót. Variant: nangasi'.
nagung vi. take shelter from the rain or typhoon. Alulåyi fan nagung, sa' i typhoon. Better hasten and find shelter from the typhoon. Guaha lugåt para ta fannagung? Is there a place where we can take shelter from the rain? Variant: ñagung.
nahung adj. 1) enough, sufficient. Ti nahung kåmpu gi gima' Yu'us, sa' bohbu' tåotåo. There was no space in church, because it was crowded. Bråbu i kinalamtin i tatåotåo yanggin nahung sustansiån‑ña. The movement of the human body is healthy when it is well- nourished. 2) having enough, satisfied. Na'lågu todu ya ta fannahung. Cook everything so that we have enough. See: båsta.
nai case. of, by, at, with (oblique case marker). Si Vicente ha na'ayåo si Beato nai machetti. Vicente made Beato borrow the machete. Mañotsut si Maria nai isåo‑ña. Maria repented on her sin. Ma sugun i binådu nai ga'lågu. They chased the deer using the dog. Variant: ni, nu i, ni i.
nai cnj. that (conjunction in relative clauses and questions). Bula siha na atopalang gi kantun tåsi nai siña manmakonni'. There are many box crabs on the beach that they can catch. Månu nai siña yu' mamåhan dångkulu na tentu'? Where can I purchase the big sized tent? Guaha na biåhi nai ti maguf si Ramon yanggin ma'ågang Bo. Sometimes Ramon is not happy if someone calls him Bo. Variant: ni, ni'.
naili adj. tall and slender.
nakpå'ña n. day after tomorrow (Guam). See: agupå'ña. Variant: inakpå'ña.
nåla' vt. dry (in the sun).
nalang adj. hungry. Nalang yu'. I'm hungry. Lalangu si Maria, sa' nalang. Maria fainted, because she's hungry. Puti sinientin nalang. It hurts to feel hungry. Variant: ñålang.
namaiki' adj. snobbish, stand-offish. From: Jp.
Namauleg name.
nåna n. mother, grandmother. I nana gi gima' må'gas. The mother is the head of the house. Yanggin håfa ti un tungu', faisin si nanå‑mu. If there's anything you don't know, ask your mother. Si Nåna yan si Tåta mampus ma adadahi i famagu'un‑ñiha. Mother and Father always watch the children carefully.
nåna n. type of plant. pterocarpus indicus (?).
nána'huyung n. creator, the one who caused things to be. Håyi nána'huyung i minaolik para i taotåo siha? Who is the creator of all good things for humanity?
nána'libri n. savior.
nanagu n. type of tree. alyxia torresiana.
nånalåo intj. my goodness, goodness gracious (mild expletive). Nånalåo si Maria, sa' humånåo. My goodness, Maria left.
Nanan Kilisyanu n. Christian Mother, religious organization for married women.
nanåsu n. 1) type of plant: fan flower. scaevola taccada. 2) type of tree. geniostoma micranthum.
nanåsun gaifigu' n. type of medicinal plant. Masångan ni manåmku' na gof amut esti i nanåsun gaifigu'. An old saying by the elders that this nanåsun gaifigu' is a potent medicinal plant. Tungu'un ha' esti i nanåsun gaifigu', sa' kalan låna i hagon‑ña. Nanåsun gaifigu' is obvious from its wool-like appearance. Ma'u'usa i nanåsun gaifigu' para åmut måpga' mañågu. The nanåsun gaifigu' plant is used as medicine for post-delivery illness medicine in women.
nani intj. goat call, word used for calling goats.
nåni' n. shoals, sandbank, shallow stretch of water.
nanning n. ripe talisai (terminalia) nut. Hokka todu i nanning na talisai gi tattin guma'. Pick all the ripe talisai nuts behind the house. Ma kåkannu' i gada' yan i nanning na talisai. The young and ripe terminalia nuts are edible. Mamis i nanning na talisai låo na'mancha lokkui'. The ripe talisai is sweet but it also can stain. Bula esta mannanning na talisai gi plaset Taga. There are lots of ripe tropical almond nuts at the Taga Park.
— vi. fall suddenly and without warning. Sigi håo ha' di mama'baba esta ki poddung nanning håo ha'. You keep fooling around until you fall down like a ripe almond nut. Duråntin i kunbetsasion, poddung nanning i bihu. During the conversation, the old man suddenly fell.
nånu n. dwarf, a diminutive human being. From: Sp. enano.
nangasi' n. sink. Poddung i nangasi' gi satgi ya må'pi. The sink fell on the floor and broke. Ha fa'bateha i nangase'‑ña gi halum guma', sa' kå'ka' bateha‑ña gi sanhiyung. She used her sink in the house as a washing board, because her washing board outside the house is cracked. Mapega i na'yan siha gi nangasi' para u mafa'gåsi. The dishes were placed in the sink to be washed. Variant: langasi'. From: Jp.
nangga vt. wait, wait for. Yanggin måttu si Jose, tågu' ya u nangga yu'. If Jose comes, tell him to wait for me. Mungnga manangga na u dångkulu i prublema esta ki ti siña mapruponi. Do not wait for the problem to grow until it cannot be resolved. Humånåo si Juana, sa' o'sun mannangga nu i amigå‑ña. Juana left, because she had exhausted her patience waiting for her friend.
nangka' n. type of plant: jackfruit. artocarpus heterophyllus. Mandokku' frutan nangka' gi hali'. The root of the jackfruit produced fruit. Sen mamis i frutan nangka' yanggin esta måsa. The jackfruit is very sweet when ripe. Ya‑hu i matunu na pipitas nangka'. I like roasted nangka seed. Variant: langka'.
nangu vi. swim. Manchaddik mannangu i hakmang kulålis gi papa' tåsi. The genus myrichthys eels are fast swimmers in the ocean. Usa i satbabida yanggin ti un tungu' munangu. Use the life jacket if you don't know how to swim. Esta guaha nai hu likuku'i numangu Mañagåha. I have already swum around Managaha. Variant: ñangu.
nåo'åo adj. clear (of liquid), transparent (of liquid), capable of being seen through.
nåofrågu n. shipwrecked person. From: Sp. náufrago.
nåonåo vi. quiver, shake (like jelly or fat flesh). Variant: låolåo.
nåpa n. type of grass: napier grass.
nappa' n. type of plant: Chinese cabbage. brassica. Månngi' i nappa' na gollai. Chinese cabbage is a good vegetable.
nåpu n. wave, rough water, surf. Ti siña yu' pumeska, sa' nåpu. I cannot go fishing, because the water is rough. Hu li'i' mandångkulun nåpu siha giya Tete'to. I saw big waves at Tete'to. Malåssas i temmo‑hu, sa' ha panak yu' i napu esta i atchu'. My knee was scratched, because the wave slammed me against the rock.
nåsa n. fish trap; portable, movable fish trap, usually made from chicken wire and wooden posts, sometimes made of bamboo strips. Guaha tres klåsin nåsa gi gima' para tres klåsin guihan. There are three types of fish traps at home for three types of fish. Humålum i nosnus gi nåsa ya ha yulang. The octopus got inside the fish trap and broke it.
nåsan pånglåo n. crab trap (for land crabs). See: ókkudun pånglåo.
Nasarét name. Nazareth. I bipblian Kristiånu ma tugi' na dumångkulu si Hesu Kristu giya Nasarét.
Nasarinu n. Nazarene. From: Sp. nazareno.
nasarinu n. leprosy, leper. Antis, ginin manmapo'lu i mannasarinu giya Tinian. In the past, the lepers were placed on Tinian. Guaha esta åmut para chetnut nasarinu ti parehu yan åntis. There is a cure for leprosy unlike in the past. Variant: lasarinu.
nasión n. nation, folk. From: Sp. nación.
nasionåt n. nationality, national. From: Sp. nacional.
natahlik adj. crooked, winding, curved, bending. Variant: matahlik.
nåtas n. scum that forms on the surface of a soupy food or liquid. Esta ti måolik esti na åmut, sa' bula nåtas. This medicine is no longer good, because it has scum. Chuda' i nåtas gi sanhilu' i katdu. Pour off the scum on the surface of the soup. Mangahulu' i nåtas put chåochåo i napu. The scum appeared on the surface due to the choppy waves. Variant: ñåtas.
nátata adj. 1) shallow, not deep. Na'fano'mak i famagu'un gi nátata na hånum. Let the kids swim in the shallow water. Hu usa nátata na nå'yan para i titiyas. I used a shallow dish for the titiyas. Hu sumai addeng‑hu gi nátata na palanggåna ya machuchuda' i hanum. I soaked my feet in a shallow basin and the water is spilling. Nátata i tasi, sa' må'ti. The sea is shallow, because it's low tide. 2) lacking depth of thought. Nátata manhassu na tåotåo. The man is shallow-minded
nåtdu n. type of flower. zephyranthes rosea. Manggof bunitu esti i floris nåtdu siha. The nåtdu flowers are beautiful flowers. Anai mangguåssan si Jose, ha utut todu i natdu siha. When Jose cut the grass, he also cut the nåtdu flowers. Bunitu mapega i floris nåtdu gi hilu' lamasa. The nåtdu flowers are nice to put on the table. From: Sp. nardo.
natibidåt n. nativity scene. Maplånta i natibidåt gi fi'un i trongkun krismas. The nativity is placed by the Christmas tree. Kada såkkan in hatsa i natibidåt gi halum gima'‑måmi. Every year we built a nativity scene in our home. From: Sp. Natividad.
natibu adj. native, indigenous. Natibun Mariånas yu'. I am a native of the Marianas. Manpasifiku yan manggeftåo i mannatibu guini giya Mariånas. The natives are peaceful and gracious here in the Marianas. From: Sp. nativo.
naturåt adj. natural, produced by nature. Naturåt i kulot gaputilu‑hu. The color of my hair is natural. Naturåt na hu guaiya i famagu'un. It is natural that I love the children. Gof atendida naturåt‑ña si Maria. Maria's charm is natural. From: Sp. natural.
Nauta name.
nåya adv. 1) for a while, yet. Cha'‑mu chumochotchu nåya. Don't eat for awhile. Mungnga nåya mafåhan i kareta. Don't buy the car for awhile. Ti o'ora nåya i amotsan talu'åni. It is not yet time for lunch. 2) first. Hånåo nåya ya un bisita si nanå‑mu. Go first and visit your mother. Chotchu nåya åntis di un kånnu' i amot‑mu. Eat first before you take your medicine. Na'funhåyan i che'cho'‑mu nåya åntis di un ma'apåsi. Finish your work first before you get paid.
Ne' name. nickname for Manuel.
negritus n. black race, negrito, people with very dark or black skin. Umasagua i che'lu‑hu yan negritus ni ginin Afrika. My sibling got married with a Black person from Africa.
— adj. have very dark or black skin. Gof negritus i primu‑hu, sa' sessu umo'mak gi tasi. My cousin has very dark skin, because he often swims in the ocean. From: Sp. negritos.
negru n. Black person. Måolik na kakanta i amigu‑hu negru. My Black friend is a good singer.
— adj. black-complexioned, dark-skinned. Negru i kuñadu‑hu. My brother-in-law is dark-skinned. Syn: bakuku', åttilung. From: Sp. negro.
nehnang adj. watery.
nehung vi. duck, stoop, hunch over. Nehung påpa', sa' un mali'i'. Duck down so they won't see you. Numehung påpa' ya tåya' lumi'i'. He hunched over and no one saw him. Mannehung ham para bai in hengngang. We ducked down to surprise her.
nekglu adj. black-complexioned, dark-skinned. Variant: negru.
Nelung name. nickname for Cornelio.
nena n. beloved one, dear one. Si Oling nenan‑måmi. Oling is our beloved one. Si Princess i nenan‑måmi gi familia. Princess is our dear one in the familly. From: Sp. nena.
Nena' name. nickname for Anna or Magdalena. See: Nenang.
nena' n. pig's call. Syn: bu.
Nenang name. nickname for Magdalena. Syn: Denang, Maggie, Nena'.
neni n. baby, infant, child, kid. Kumåkati i neni para u mana'chotchu. The baby cries to be fed. Kumabåbayu esta i neni. The baby is already crawling. Hulus tatalo'‑ña i neni ya u maigu'. Rub the baby's back and it will sleep. Syn: påtgun. From: Sp. nene.
nenin bihu n. one past infancy who exhibits childlike characteristics, toddler who seems to act as an adult.
Nenggu name. nickname for Manuel. Humånao si Nenggu para Amerika. Manuel left for the States. Ma'atyik si Nenggu para u reprisenta i lugåt‑ta. Manuel was chosen to represent our area.
nenggui vt. wait, agree to rendevous at a specific place. Si Maria ti ya‑ña mannenggui gi fila. Maria does not want to wait too long in line. Si Tåta ti mesgun mannenggui gi as Nåna para dos åñus na tiempu. Dad is not patient waiting for two years at Mom's. Si Rosa ha prometi si Jesus para u nenggui gui' maseha ngai'an na tiempu tinaka' ni para u asagua i dos. Rosa promised Jesus to wait for however long it takes for them to marry. Ai nobia, hagas ha' hu nenggui håo. My beloved, I have longed for you ever since.
néngkanu' n. food, aliment, nutriment, nourishment, sustenance, what is eaten. Plånta i néngkanu' ya ta fañotchu. Serve the food so we can eat. Chotchu måolik na néngkanu' ya un bråbu. Eat good food to stay healthy. Riku i tano'‑ta nu i manmåolik na néngkanu'. Our island is rich in good food.
neri' n. okra. Unu esti i neri' na gollai ni sen ya‑hu. Okra is one of my favorites among all the veggies. Libiånu esti i neri' matånum, sa' ti chå'tan. Okra is easy to plant, because it does not require much care.
nesiu adj. perverse, obstinate, stubborn, foolish. Mampus nesiu ennåo na påtgun. That child is just very perverse. Ti ume'ekkunguk ni masanganenen‑ña i nesiu na tåotåo. A perverse person does not listen to what he is being told. Nesiu na tåotåo i che'lu‑hu, ya sessu gumai chinatkinimprendi. My brother is a stubborn man and often had a misunderstanding. See: åguaguat. From: Sp. necio.
netbius adj. nervous, apprehensive, uneasy. Ha na'fansen netbius todu i taotåo Marianas anai ma'anunsia put i minetgut Typhoon Yutu. The people in the Mariana Islands were very uneasy when the announcement was made about the strength of Typhoon Yutu. Ti ya‑hu kumuentus gi pupbliku, sa' sessu yu' netbius. I don't like speaking in public, because I usually get nervous. Variant: metbius.
netti n. type of plant: sword grass. miscanthus floridulus. Mankimason i netti gi eksu' Tanapag. The netti on the hill in Tanapag got burnt. I netti mandodokku' gi anglu' na lugåt låo i karisu gi susonyan. Netti grows in dry areas but the swampgrass grows in swampy areas. Puru chinachak netti esti siha gi addeng‑hu yan kannai‑hu. The cuts on my legs and my hands were from the netti. Syn: chachachak.
ni case. of, by, at, with (oblique case marker). Hu na'puti ni fino'‑hu. I hurt her by my words. Nå'yi i pigas ni achoti. Put achoti in the rice. Pika i katni ni se'si'. Chop the meat with the knife. Ha fåhan si Kai i kandi ni salappe'‑ña. Kai bought the candy with her money. Variant: ni', nu, nai.
ni cnj. that (conjunction in relative clauses and questions). Iyok‑ku i kareta ni poddung gi sadduk. The car which fell in the river is mine. Tatå‑hu i taotåo ni kumuekuentus. The man who is talking is my father. Hu kånnu' i pan ni para si Maria. I ate the bread that is for Maria. Atan i floris ni agaga'. Look at the flower that is red. Manaitai yu' lepblu ni put haggan. I read a book that was about a turtle. Hu usa i lapis ni iyun i ma'estra. I used the teacher's pencil. Variant: ni', nai.
ni adv. 1) not; combines with certain indefinite pronouns to form negative expressions and negative concord items. See: ni håfa, ni håyi, ni kuåntu, ni månu, ni ngai'an, ni taimanu, ni unu. 2) (not) even. Ni si Jose ti munhåyan ni che'cho'‑ña. Even Jose did not finish his work.
ni- (from: ni‑) pref. passive prefix. Niñaka' i guaka ni tali anai ha hålla gui' duru. The cow got hung with the rope when it pulled it hard. Nilemlim ni tinilaika, esta nina'anglå'a'. She was surprised at the changes, it left her agape.
ni- (from: ni‑) pref. used to form derived nouns from verbs or adjectives. Put i niñalång‑ña, ha logra i galon ais krim. Because of his hunger, he gorged a gallon of ice cream. Meggai nirikohi‑ña salåppi' i laraina. The queen raised a lot of money.
ni håfa pro. nothing, none at all, whatever. Ni håfa bali‑ña i che'cho'‑hu. My work is worth nothing. Ni håfa siña muna'såga yu'. There is nothing that can make me stay. Ni håfa siña un cho'gui para bai hu kuntentu. Whatever you do, I will not be content
ni håyi pro. nobody, no one, not a one, never a one. Ni håyi atungo'‑hu guini gi giput. There is no one that I know here at the party. Ni håyiyi umå'ñåo yu'. Not even anybody is stronger than me. Ni håyi siña humånåo para i tasi, sa' ti manmanosgi hamyu. Nobody can go to the beach, because you did not obey.
ni kuåntu adj. no matter how much, in no manner or degree. Ni kuåntu bali‑ña, bai hu fåhan ha'. I will buy it no matter how much it cost. Ni kuåntu tinakkilo'‑mu, siempri ha' un tunuk. No matter how high you are, somehow you'll come down. Ni kuåntu na kumbensi, ti un tulaika i planu‑hu. No matter what degree of encouragement, you will not change my plan.
ni månu adv. nowhere, not anywhere, at no place. Ni månu nai siña mamåhan yu' pugua'. There is nowhere I can buy betelnut. Ni månu nai guaha kåmpu. There is nowhere to find space. Esta ni månu yu' guatu. I had nowhere to go anymore.
ni ngai'an adv. never, not ever. Ni ngai'an nai u fåkpu'. It will never end. Ni ngai'an na un tungu', solu un chagi. You will never know unless you try. Bai hu prumeti håo na ni ngai'an na u masusedi. I will promise you that it will never happen.
ni put diós adv. not at all. Cha'‑mu yu' na'hunguk ni put dios ni håfa bidå‑mu. I do not at all want to hear what you did. Achuka' put essitan, mungnga macho'gui ennåo ni put dios. Even if it is a joke, do not do it at all. Ni achuka' ha li'i' si Jose na lalalacha' yu' gi fachi', ni put dios ti u ayuda yu'. Even if Jose sees me lying in the mud, he would not help me.
ni sikiera adv. not even, at least, could have. Dalai, ni sikiera un na'tungu' yu' na para un hånåo. How come, you could have told me that you were going. Ennåo ha'? Ni sikiera un nå'i ham lameggai, adai. Only that? You could at least give us a bit more, please?
ni taimanu adv. no matter how, no way, by no means, in no respect. Ni taimanu, ti un gånna yu'. No matter how, you will not defeat me. Ni taimanu, ti un sodda' amånu nai hu nå'na'. No matter how, you will not find where I hid it. Ni taimanu chinago'‑mu, bai hu hanågui håo ha'. No matter how far you are, I will still come to you.
ni unu pro. nobody, no one. Ni unu siña humålum gi petta. Nobody can enter the door. Ni unu bumisita yu'. No one visited me. Ni unu chumochotchu trabiha, sa' ti måfattu i kumbiti. No one has eaten yet, because the guest has not arrived.
Nia' name. nickname for Estefania.
nibenu adj. ninth. Guåhu i nibenu gi lista. I am the ninth on the list. Hu gånna i nibenu na premiu. I won the ninth prize. I numiru desimu dispues di nibenu. The number tenth is after the ninth. Syn: mina'nuebi. From: Sp. noveno.
nibét n. level (carpenter's). Ha usa i katpinteru i nibét para u na'tunas i satgi. The carpenter used the level to level the floor. Ti ma'usa nibét gi gua'ut, atyu na etchung. The level was not used for the stairs, that's why they're crooked. Ti måolik i katpinteru ni tåya' nibét‑ña. A carpenter without a level is not right. Variant: nubét, mubét. From: Sp. nivel.
nichu n. crypt, niche. From: Sp. nicho. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
niebi n. snow. Å'paka' i niebi. The snow is white. Potput i niebi duråntin i Disembri na mes giya Oregon. The snow is thick during the month of December in Oregon. Tåtnai guaha niebi gi islan Pasifiku. There has never been snow in the Pacific Islands. From: Sp. nieve.
niega vt. deny. Ha niega i taotåo ni mannanangga ayudu. He denied the man when who was waiting for help. Maniega ni manamigu‑ña. His friends denied him. Si Pedro ha niega si Jesukristu tres biåhi åntis di u o'o' i gåyu. Peter denied Jesus three times before the cock crowed (Matt 26:34). Syn: puni. Variant: ñega. From: Sp. niega.
nieta n. granddaughter. Humånåo i nietå‑hu para i iskuela. My granddaughter went to school. Manhugåndu ham yan i nieta yan nietu siha. I played with my granddaughters and grandsons.
nietkut n. type of vine, similar to fofgu. suriana maritima, pemphis acidula.
nietu n. grandson. Guaha kuåttru nietu‑hu. I have four grandsons. Na'maguf gumai nietu yan nieta siha. It's fun to have grandsons and granddaughters.
nifin n. tooth, teeth. Puti i nifen‑hu. I have a toothache. Hu guesguis nifen‑hu dos biåhi gi diha. I brush my teeth twice a day. I dentista ha sosoyu' hit para ta adahi i nifen‑ta. The dentist encourages us to take care of our teeth.
nigap n. yesterday. Chatha'an yan guaifun nigap. Yesterday was rainy and windy. Barångka nigap hinanåo‑ta. Our journey yesterday was rough. Anåkku' i ha'åni nigap. Yesterday was a long day. Manmambisita ham nigap gi manmalångu. We visited the sick yesterday. Nigap ha' ni mañochotchu ham lemmai. It was just yesterday that we ate breadfruit. Esta må'pus nigap, hassu para agupa'. Yesterday is gone, plan for tomorrow.
nigapña n. day before yesterday. Duru uchan gi nigapña. It rained hard the day before yestersday. Manhånåo i familia para Guåhan gi nigapña. The family went to Guåhan the day before yesterday. Manhunta ham gi nigapña ya madisidi na para ta fanhunta ta'lu gi agupå'ña. We met the day before yesterday and decided to meet again the day after tomorrow.
nigas n. type of tree. pemphis acidula. Guaha dos klåsin nigas, i a'paka yan amariyu flores‑ña. There are two types of nigas, one has white and the other has yellow flowers. Mahettuk yan fitmi i hayun nigas. Nigas wood is hard and strong. Måolik mafa'tinas lånsa ginin i hayun nigas. Nigas is good for making lances. Esta håssan ta sotda' nigas gi kantun tåsi. It is now rare to find nigas near the shore.
nigas tåsi n. type of coral that comes in red, black or pink colors. I alåhas‑su mafa'tinas ginin i attilung na nigas tåsi. My jewelry was made from black coral. Manggaigi gi taddung i nigas tåsi. Black, pink and red corals are found in the deep ocean. Syn: gågun tåsi.
nigosiånti n. negotiator, mediator, arbitrator. I nigosiånti muna'pusipbli i che'chu'. The negotiator made the work possible. I nana nigosiånti anai manatgumentu i famagu'un. The mother was the mediator when the children argued. I nigosiånti ha ekkunguk todu i ebidensia para u na'guaha kinimprendi. The arbitrator listened to all the evidence to bring a settlement.
nigosiu vi. negotiate, talk over and arrange terms. Mannigosiu para u guaha pås. They negotiated for peace. Mannigosiu i dos familia para u fanapatti ni gastu. The two families negotiated to split the expense.
— vt. arrange for, agree on, negotiate. Hu nigosiu yan i primu‑hu i tano'‑ña. My cousin and I agreed upon his property. I nigosiånti ha nigosiu i mabendin i gima'. The negotiator negotiated the sale of the house. Ha nigosiu i gubetnu i kuntråta yan i palu manmå'gas. The governor negotiated the contract with the rest of the leaders. Ma nigosiu para u fandanña' gi huegu. They negotiated to be together at the game. From: Sp. negocio.
nihi aux. let us, let's (do something). Nihi ta chotchu. Let's eat. Nihi ta fanggågåo ayudu. Let us ask for help. Nihi ta fana'eppuk. Let's encourage each other.
nika n. type of yam. dioscorea esculenta; variety fasciculate. Mañotchu ham sinetnan nika. We ate boiled nika. I nika mås ya‑hu na åggun natibu. Nika is my favorite of all the local starchy foods. Mahåli' i nika para u masaibuk para i giput. The yam is harvested to be cooked with coconut milk for the party. See: gaddu', nikan palåo'an, nikan lahi, nikan asumsión.
nikai' n. two-story house, two-story building. Manmahåtsa nikai' na guma' gi tiempun Chapanis. Two-story houses were built during the Japanese Administration. Guaha nai piligru i gima' nikai kumu ti gof måolik macho'guen‑ña. Sometimes a two-story house is not safe if it wasn't built right. Variant: nikai.
nikan asumsión n. type of yam: purple in color, hairy root with thorny vines, found only in certain areas. Månngi' i nikan asumsion, låo håssan. This nikan asumsion is good, but it is rare. Tai poksi' esti i nikan asumsion. This nikan asumsion has no meat fiber. Mamis yan finu sensen‑ña i nikan asumsion. The texture of the nikan asumsion is sweet and fine. See: gaddu', nika. Variant: nikan asunsión.
nikan låhi n. type of yam.
nikan palåo'an n. type of yam.
nikan simarón n. type of plant. dioscorea esculenta (?). Manmåtai todu i nikan simaron gi halum hatdin. All the simaron nika died in the garden. Gof dilikåo matånum i nikan simaron. The nikan simaron is so difficult to plant. Si Jerome ha displånta i nikan simaron para i kahun håyu. Jerome transplanted the nikan simaron to the wooden box.
nilaisin vi. caught unaware, off guard (passive). Linaisin, sa' hu sigin papa'i put i bidå‑ña. She was caught off guard when I indirectly tried to find out what she did. Manlinaisin put i minetgut månglu', sa' ti ma ekkunguk i anunsiu. They were unaware about the strength of the storm, because they did not listen to the announcement. Variant: linaisin.
Nina name. short form of address for (my) godmother. Ha tayuyuyuti yu' si Nina. My godmother is praying for me. Gaigi si Nina yan si Ninu gi umasaguak‑ku. My godmother and my godfather were at my wedding. Ya‑hu bumisita sessu si Nina. I like visiting my godmother often. Variant: matlina, Ninang.
nina'hålum n. income, that which is caused to be in. Meggai nina'hålum ginin i rifa. There was a good income from the raffle. I nina'hålum i che'lu‑hu låhi umayuyuda yu'. The income of my brother is what is helping me. Todu i mangga'chung manggai nina'halum, ya atyu fumondu i che'chu'. Everyone in the team put some help in, and that's what funded the work.
nina'huyung n. 1) creation. Nina'huyung Yu'us yu'. God made me. Todu i guaha gi tanu' yan i tasi nina'huyung Yu'us. All that there is in land and water was created by God. I taotåo i mas takkilu' na nina'huyung. Man is the greatest of all creations. 2) something given or brought out as help. Nina'huyung i familia i babui. The pig was donated by the family. Meggai nina'huyung gi che'chu' i matai. There was much help given for the funeral. I nina'huyung tåotåo muna'bunitu i fiestan San Vicente. The help given by the people made the San Vicente fiesta successful.
nina'i n. gift, present, donation, thing that is given away. Ennåo na nina'i gof imputtånti. That gift is very important. I nina'i‑hu sinseru para hågu. My gift is sincere to you. Todu nina'in Yu'us mansen måolik, guåhu i ti uma'agradesi. All gifts from God are good, it is me who does not appreciate it. Nina'in‑måmi i nengkanu'. The food is from us. Nina'i‑ña si Juan i tinanum. The plant is given by Juan.
nina'siña n. power, ability, strength, capability, might, force, energy, stamina. Kada tåotåo manå'i nina'siña ginin i Saina. Every person is given ability from the Lord. Siña ha' ti parehu i nina'siñå‑hu yan i nina'siñå‑mu. My ability might be different from yours. Gai nina'siña i palåo'an para muna'homlu'. The lady has a power to heal. Syn: fuetsa, minetgut, kapasidåt.
nina'yi vi. contaminated, polluted, tainted, defiled, stained, soiled or corrupted by contact. Nina'yi applacha' i hanum. The water is contaminated. Todu i airi nina'yi ni petbus butkån. The air is polluted with the volcanic sulfur. Nina'yi i asaguå‑hu ni atdit na sågu. My husband contracted a bad cold.
nina'yi masisinik vi. have diarrhea. Nina'yi masisinik i lahi‑hu anai ha kånnu' i mata' kåtni. My son had diarrhea after he ate raw meat. Guaha måolik na amut Chamorro para i nina'yi masisinik. There is a herbal Chamorro medicine that is good for a person with diarrhea.
Ninang name. nickname for Catalina, Angelina, Victorina. Hu faisin si Ninang håfa magåhit i na’ån‑ña gi baotismu. I asked Ninang what exactly is her baptismal name. Ilek‑ña si Angelina para bai ågang gui' Ninang. Angelina said to call her Ninang. Mampus maguf si Victorina yanggin ma'ågang Ninang. Victorina is very happy when she is called Ninang.
nineni n. praise. finene'na na nineni the first praise
Ninong name. nickname for Victor or Victorino. Ninong makariñu‑ña si Victorino. Victorino’s nickname is Ninong. Anai umessalåo i palåo'an, “Ninong,” ha bira siha si Victor yan si Victorino. When the lady shouted, “Ninong,” both Victor and Victorino turned. Syn: Biktot, Ninung.
Ninu name. short form of address for (my) godfather. Si Ninu kumonni' yu' para i Gima'Yu'us. My godfather took me to church. Hu kuentusi si Ninu kumu guaha dudå‑hu. I talked to my godfather when I had doubts. Si Ninu umakonseseha yu' yanggin guaha prublemå‑hu. My godfather counsels me when I have problems. Variant: patlinu.
Niñu n. Baby Jesus, statue of Baby Jesus. Manmabendisi todu i Niñu gi Gima’ Yu’us San Jose. All the statues of Baby Jesus were blessed at San Jose church. Kada tiempun Påsgua mana’liliku i Niñu gi sensung. Every Christmas season the Baby Jesus is brought to homes in the villages. Todu tiempu hu na'fåfakpu' i nubenan Niñu kada ha’ånin Åñu Nuebu. I always ended the Baby Jesus novena on New Year’s Day. Variant: Ñiñu.
nipa n. type of plant: nipa palm, a palm that grows by the rivers, good for making thatch. Hu tufuk i nipa para åtuf. I wove nipa palm for a roof top. Ma åfti i palapåla ni nipa. They put a roof cover with nipa palm on the hut. Nipa atof‑ña i gima' piknik gi kantun tåsi. The roofing material of the picnic hut at the beach is nipa palm.
nira' n. chives, flat-leaf onion. Hu tåtmi i nira' gi halum kåhun. I planted leeks in the box. Månngi' i nira' gi kelaguin kåtni. Leek is a good ingredient in beef kelaguin. Ya‑hu munå'yi nira' i kaddun månnuk. I like to add leeks in chicken soup. Variant: ñira'. From: Jp.
nisisåriu adj. necessary, needed, essential, required. Nisisåriu i nengkanu' para i tatåotåo. Food is necessary for the body. Nisisåriu na bai pripåra i hu nisisita para i biåhi. It is necessary that I prepare the things that I need for the trip. From: Sp. necesario.
nisisidåt n. necessity, need. Nisisidåt i gimin yan nengkanu'. Water and food are necessities. Bula nisisidåt, låo dididi' i kapasidåt. There are many necessities, but little capability. Pripåra håo para yanggin måttu i oran nisisidåt. Prepare yourself for the time of necessity to come. From: Sp. necesidad.
nisisita vt. need, necessary. Hu nisisita para bai hu hånåo para Luta. I need to go to Rota. Ma gof nisista i ayudu‑mu på'gu. They really need your help now. Ha nisisita para u facho'chu' para i lina'lå'‑ña. It is necessary for him to work for a living. Variant: na'sisita. From: Sp. necesita.
nisisitåo adj. needy, poor, destitute. Hånåo ya un ayuda i nisisitåo siha. Go and help the needy. I mannisisitåo ma agradesi todu klåsin ayudu. The needy appreciate all kinds of help. Bula mannisisitåo guini gi tano'‑ta. There are many needy here in our island. From: Sp. necesitado.
niyoron n. type of flowering tree: kou, sea trumpet tree. Cordia subcordata.
niyuk n. 1) type of plant: coconut palm. cocos nucifera. Todu klåsin niyuk siña ma'usa para åmut. All kinds of coconut palms can be used for medicine. I niyuk trongkun lina'la' giya Mariånas. The coconut palm is the tree of life in the Marianas. 2) husked coconut, meat of ripe coconut. Kåo siña un kåmyu i niyuk? Can you grate the coconut? Hu kåcha' dos na pontan niyuk para u maletchi i saibuk lemmai. I husked two ripe coconuts to cook the breadfruit in. Kinannu' i niyuk ni ayuyu. The coconut crab ate the coconut.
niyuk kannu'un n. coconut with sweet and edible husk, milk, etc. while still green. Mamis esti i niyuk kannu'un. This coconut has a sweet taste. Ya‑ña i cha'ka niyuk kannu'un. The rat likes the niyuk kannu'un.
no intj. yes? (in rhetorical question), right? (request for affirmation), is that so? Chumotchu håo kandi, no? You ate candy, right? Humånåo håo no sin petmisu? You went, right, without permission? Un atrebi håo ha' no sin matågu'? You dare to do it, right, without being asked?
nobia n. girlfriend, bride. Gai nobia esta i lahi‑hu. My son has a girlfriend already. Manmabisita ham ni nobia yan i nobiu. The bride and groom visited us. Bunita i kariñosa na nobia. A charming bride is beautiful. From: Sp. novia.
nobisiu n. novice. I palåo'an sumåsaga gi kumbientun mannobisiu. From: Sp. novicio.
nobiu n. boyfriend, fiance, groom, bridegroom. Måttu i nobiu manbisita gi nobiå‑ña. The boyfriend came to visit his girlfriend. Bula responsabilidåt‑ña i nobiu gi nubiå‑ña. A bridegroom has lots of responsibilities to his bride. I måolik na nobiu bula rispetu‑ña. A good groom is respectful. From: Sp. novio.
Nochibuena n. Christmas Eve. Na'maguf i ha'ånin Nochibuena para i taotåo. Christmas Eve is an exciting day for the people. Mannubebena ham Ñiñu Jesus ya måmakpu' gi Nochibuena. We pray the novena for the Infant Jesus and it ends on Christmas Eve. Bula guput gi tiempun Nochibuena. There are many celebrations during Christmas Eve. From: Sp. Nochebuena. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
nombra vt. 1) appoint. Hu nombra håo para un riprisenta yu'. I appointed you to represent me. 2) command, force, rule. Manmanombra ham håfa para bai in che'gui. They commanded us what to do. Manombra håo para un testigu gi kotti. You are forced to testify in court. See: månda. From: Sp. nombra.
nombråyun adj. eligible, legally qualified. Nombråyun håo para un facho'chu'. You are eligible to work. Todu i pumåsa i tes mannombråyun para i kumpitensia. All that pass the test are qualified for the competition. Nombråyun håo esta para un mabota para kunggresu. You are already qualified to be voted for congress.
noni vt. greet.
nonis adj. odd, not divisible by two, unmatched, not a pair. Ti ya‑hu i nonis na numiru. I don't like the odd numbers. Mannonis i numiru tres, singku, yan sietti. Three, five, and seven are odd numbers. Guaha nonis guini na sapåtus, sa' taigui i ga'chong‑ña. There is an odd shoe here, because its mate is missing.
nonnak n. type of plant: lantern tree, mago. hernandia sonora. Åmut lokkui' esti i trongkun nonnak. The nonnak tree is also a medicinal plant. Gof håssan ta sodda' i nonnak gi halum tånu'. It is very seldom to find nonnak plants in the woods. Tåya' esta nonnak mandodokku' giya Tinian. There are no more nonnak plants growing in Tinian. Mafa'å'amut i nonnak na tinanum. Nonnak is used for medicine.
nopbli adj. noble, high and great by birth, rank, or title. I nopbli na tåotåo rispetåo gi halum i kumunidåt. A noble person is respected in the community. I oru i mås nopbli intri todu klåsin luluk. Gold is the most noble of all metals. I mås nopbli na imåhi para guåhu, i kilu'us. The crucifix is the most noble image for me. From: Sp. noble.
nos adv. instead, not, not really. Hu kåkannu' i gollai nos put i gof ya‑hu låo put måolik para hinemlo'‑hu. I am eating vegetables, not because I really like to, but because it is good for my health. Adahi håo ha', sa' nos put i kantidå låo i fina'tinås‑mu nu guåhu. Be careful, because it's not the quality but it's what you did to me. Cho'gui i che'cho'‑mu, sa' prisisu nos put guåhu. Do your work because it is important, not because of me.
nosa' n. type of bird: (green) bridled white-eye. zosterops conspicillatus, zosterops rotensis, zosterops saypani. Sessu i nosa' manohgi gi trongkun håyu gi fi'un i gima'‑måmi. Often the bridled white-eye birds are on the tree by our house. Na'magoddai i nosa', sa' dikiki' na paluma. The bridled white-eye type of green bird is cute, because they are tiny. Makåkannu' ni nosa' i floris gi trongkun håyu. The bridled white-eye birds eat the flowers on the tree. See: chuchurika. Variant: nosa' Luta.
nosnus n. squid, cuttlefish. Mañotchu ham tininun nosnus gi kantun tåsi. We ate barbequed squid at the beach. Meggai putåhi ni siña un guaiya kumånnu' i nosnus, tåtkumu makelaguin, makåddu, matempura', yan matunu. There are many dishes that you can enjoy eating squid in, such as kelaguen, soup, tempura, or barbequed.
nota vt. note, record, set down in writing, make special mention of. Hu nota na mamensiona i na'ån‑hu gi hunta. I noted that my name was mentioned at the meeting. Kåo siña un nota håfa masåsangan? Can you record what is being said? Manmanota todu i membru gi kunfirensia. All the members were mentioned at the conference. From: Sp. nota.
notchi n. evening, nighttime. Mambisita yu' un notchi gi che'lu‑hu ni malångu. On one evening I visited my sick brother. Meggai notchi nai ti siña yu' maigu'. On many evenings, I couldn't sleep. Todu i notchi humåohåo i ga'lågu ya ti siña yu' dumiskånsa. All night long a dog was barking and I couldn't rest. From: Sp. noche.
notchis n.pl. evenings, nights. From: Sp. noches.
notifika vt. notify, inform. Hu notifika esta i familia put i sinisedi. I notified the family already about the incident. Manotifika yu' na para u fåttu i hagå‑hu. I was notified that my daughter is coming. Manmanotifika i membru siha put i hunta. The members are informed about the meeting. Syn: infotma. From: Sp. notifica.
notifikasión n. notification. Måttu i notifikasion na para u hånåo i lahi‑hu para i militåt. A notification came for my son to leave for the military. Hu risibi notifikasion ginin i bangku na esta empas i dibi‑hu. I received a notification from the bank that my loan is all paid. Guaha na notifikasion na'maguf låo guaha lokkui' nai na'piniti. Some notifications are exciting , but some also are sad. From: Sp. notificación.
notti n. north, a direction opposite from south. Tåotåo i notti na isla yu'. I am from the northern islands. Mansinsiyu mås lina'la'‑ñiha i taotåo notti na isla. The people of the north have simpler lives. Malagu' yu' humånåo notti. I want to go north. Syn: kåttan. From: Sp. norte.
Notti Mariånas name. Northern Marianas, the northern islands of the Marianas island chain. Gaigi i tano'‑hu gi Notti Mariånas. My island is in the Northern Marianas. Guaha katotsi na isla siha gi halum Notti Mariånas. There are fourteen islands in the Northern Marianas. Kulot asut i banderan Notti Mariånas. The Northern Marianas flag is blue.
nu case. of, by, at, with (oblique case marker). Ti nina'homlu' håo nu i amut. You were not healed by the medicine. Malagu' nu guåhu para bai riprisenta gui'. She wants me to represent her. Bula rispetun‑ñiha nu hågu. They have lots of respect for you. Variant: ni.
nu intj. uh (used when hesitating). Mañotchu ham nu...inaflitun atulai. We ate uh...fried atulai. Malagu' yu' nu...umekkunguk hemplu. I want to uh...listen to a story.
nubegilla n. cloud.
nubena n. novena, devotional prayers to a saint (usually for nine consecutive days). Kada diha hu tataitai i nubena para i animas. Every day I pray a novena for the deceased souls. Kada såkkan in titicha i nubena para i Santa Lourdes. Every year we pray the novena for Our Lady of Lourdes. Bunitu na dibusion i nubena para todu familia. A novena devotion is beautiful for every family. From: Sp. novena.
nubenta num. ninety. Nubenta åñus esta i tihu‑hu ya brårabu ha'. My uncle is already ninety years old and still healthy. Ohala' mohon ya hu gacha' i nubenta åñus. I wish to reach ninety years old. I mit nuebi sientus nubenta na såkkan nai mafañågu yu'. I was born in the year 1990. From: Sp. noventa.
nubentai'unu num. ninety-one. Nubentai'unu idåt‑ña si Tåta anai måtai. Grandfather died at ninety-one years old. From: Sp. noventa y uno.
nubét n. level (carpenter's tool); a device for establishing a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line. Pega i nubet ya un li'i' kåo tunas i lamasa. Place the level to see if the table is straight. Prisisu i nubet na ramenta para i katpinteru. A level is a necessary tool for a carpenter. Umetchung i gua'ut, sa' ti ma'usa i nubet. The stairs are crooked, because the level was not used. Variant: mubét, nibét. From: Sp. nivel.
nubidåt n. novelty. From: Sp. novedad.
Nubiembri n. November. Guaha trenta dihas gi Nubembri na mes. There are thirty days in the month of November. Masilelebra i giput Todu Los Såntus gi Nubembri diha unu. We celebrate All Saints Day on the first of November. Bula ha'ånin silebrasion gi mes Nubiembri. There are many holidays in the month of November. Syn: Sumongsung. Variant: Nubembri. From: Sp. Noviembre.
nubilidåt n. nobility, royalty. Tåya' Sa'ipan nubilidåt. Saipan does not have nobility. Gof nubilidåt si Princess Diana. Princess Diana is royalty.
nubiyitu n. young steer, young male ox. Ha popoksai si Tåta i nubiyitu. Father is raising a young steer. Ma sakatitiyi i nubiyitu para u chaddik bråbu. They are feeding hay to the young steer so it will grow healthy. Ti mapupunu' i nubiyitu esta ki kåsi un åñu idåt‑ña. Young bulls are not slaughtered until one year old at least. From: Sp. novillito.
nubiyu n. ox, steer, castrated bull. Månngi' i katnin nubiyu. Ox meat is delicious. Kumåkaddu si Nåna ni fresku na kåtnin nubiyu. Mother is cooking fresh steer meat soup. Manyommuk todu i pineksai Tåta nubiyu. All of Father's bulls are fat. Variant: nobiyu. From: Sp. novillo.
nudu n. knot; any type of knot, including a knot on a tree or a knot tied with rope. Na'mafñut i nudu ya mungnga na u måppla'. Fasten the knot tightly so it won't get loose. Na'dångkulu i nudu kosa ki ti u falaknus gi madduk. Make a large knot so it won't come out of the hole. Tåga' siha i nudu gi hayu ya u finu. Cut out the knots in the wood so it will be smooth. Syn: to'chung. See: ñudu. From: Sp. nudo.
nuebi num. nine. Nuebi åñus i años‑su på'gu. I am nine years old now. Guaha nuebi tammå‑hu gi betsåk‑ku. I have nine marbles in my pocket. Mamåhan si Antonia nuebi na babui gi lancheru. Antonia bought nine pigs from the rancher. From: Sp. nueve.
nuebu adj. new, modern, unfamiliar, fresh. Mannuebu i katsunis‑måmi ginin i tihan‑måmi. Our pants are new from our auntie. I iPod na kosas nuebu na huegu. The iPod is a modern game. Kulang nuebu esti na sinisedi. This is a strange incident. From: Sp. nuevo.
nufu' n. type of fish: stonefish, scorpionfish, highly poisonous if dorsal spines penetrate the skin. Family Scorpaenidae; Echinothrix sp. Guaha na nufu' makåkannu' nu i taotåo. There are stonefish that are eaten by some people. Manmasodda' na manmåtai meggai na nufu' gi hilu' unai nigap. A lot of stonefish were found dead on the sand yesterday. I lassas trongkun talisai åmut para i binenun i nifu'. The bark of the terminalia is a medicinal remedy for the scorpionfish's sting. Kumu dotchun i nifu' gi addeng‑mu, siempri manehyuk. If the stonefish spines penetrate into your foot, it will be very painful. Variant: ñufu'.
nufu' påbu n. type of fish: scorpionfish, turkeyfish, lionfish. Pterois antennata (Family Scorpaenidae). Manggof bunitu i nufu' påbu siha. The scorpionfishes are beautiful. Si Ellen gai ga' nufu' påbu gi iyon‑ña akuerum. Ellen has a scorpionfish in her aquarium.
nuhung adj. shady, shaded, shadowy. Matåta'chung yu' gi papa' nuhung ya kumåkanta yu'. I'm sitting and singing in the shaded area. Meggai i trongkun åtbut nuhong‑ña. The flame trees are shady. Dumiskånsa i haggan gi nihung nåya. The turtle rested in the shaded area for awhile. See: lehngun.
nuhut n. stem or midrib of coconut frond. Måolik mambålli i nihut niyuk. The coconut midrib is good for sweeping. Fitmi i iskoban nuhut ni un na'ayåo yu'. The nuhut broom that you lent me is sturdy. I nihut siña manmafa'tinas kabob stiks. The midribs of the coconut leaves could be made into shiskabob sticks.
nukeru vi. not care for, want no part of, dislike, have no desire for. Nukeru bumaila. I have no desire to dance Nukeru yu' chumotchu donni'. I do not care to eat hot peppers. Nukeru siha si Andrew yan si Patrick pumeskan halum tånu'. Andrew and Patrick do not care for hunting. Variant: nukieru. From: Sp. no quiero. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
nukieru vi. not care for, want no part of, have no desire for. Nukieru yu' såonåo gi planun‑miyu. Never will I join in your plan.
— adv. never (will it happen); expression of dislike. Nukieru bai hu bendi håo ni gimå'‑hu. I will never sell you my house. Para bai hu nå'i siha chånsa? Nukieru! For me to give them a chance? It will never happen! Variant: nukeru. From: Sp. no quiero. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
nulu adj. null, void. I chek ni ha tugi' si Andy nulu. The check that Andy wrote is voided. I nulu i umasagua‑ña si Glenda yan si Jovin. Glenda and Jovin's marriage is annulled. Manmanulu todu i chek siha ni manmasåkki gi bangku. All the checks that were stolen from the bank are null and void. From: Sp. nulo.
numa'lu vi. revive, do again, return. Numa'lu i pakyu. The typhoon returned. Kume'matai i floris låo numa'lu tåtti anai mana'yiyi hånum insigidas. The flower revived when it was watered right away. Numa'lu ta'lu i minetgut i kurenti gi tasi. The current in the sea returned. See: ta'lu.
númiru n. number. I numirun i karetå‑hu 279. The number of my car is 279. Siña hu tufung i numiru siha disdi unu asta sientu. I can count the numbers from one to a hundred. Gaigi gui' gi numiru onsi gi fila. He is number eleven in line. From: Sp. numero.
nunu n. type of tree: banyan tree. Ficus prolixa. Guaha un dångkulun trongkun nunu gi hiyung gima'‑måmi. There is a very big banyan tree outside our house. I trongkun nunu gai tåotåo. The banyan tree has bad spirits. Båba i trongkun nunu gi uriyan guma'. The banyan tree is not very good to be around the house.
nunuk vt. 1) cause (fruit) to ripen by putting in dark place or bag, wait (for something) to ripen. Hu nunuk i na'‑hu mångga gi halum kåhun. I put my mango in the box to make it ripe. Mannge'ña i mangga yanggin mana'måsan manunuk. Mangos taste better if they are ripened (in a dark place). Manmanunuk i aga' ni para u mana'fanmåsa. The bananas were placed in a box to make them ripe. Variant: nunu. 2) prolong (a situation). Mungnga manunuk i sagu, sa' siempri mås umatdit. Don't ignore a cold, because it will get worse. Ha nunuk yu' si Herman gi tenda nigap. Herman made me wait at the store yesterday.
nungka adv. never, at no time. Nungka yu' nai mandagi. I have never lied. Nungka si Rosa na fåtta gi iskuela. Rosa is never absent from school. Ni nungka si Roselle na kumuentus gi huntan‑måmi. Roselle never talks at our meeting. Syn: ni ngai'an. See: tåya'. From: Sp. nunca.
nupblådu adj. cloudy. Fresku i ha'åni, sa' nupblådu. It's a cool day, because it's cloudy. Homhum i ha'åni yanggin nupblådu. It is dark if it's a cloudy day. I semnak yanggin tinampi ni chemchum ni åpu na mapagåhis, pues nupblådu i ha'åni. Whenever the sun is covered by gray clouds, then it is a cloudy day. Mungnga matåla' i asientu, sa' nupblådu i ha'åni. Do not dry out starch, because it is cloudy. Variant: nublådu. From: Sp. nublado.
nupi n. type of vine, formerly used for lashing in building houses. Meggai nupi manmandodokku' gi halum tånu'. There are many vines growing in the jungle. I manåmku' na lalåhi ma u'usa i nupi para u magoddi i gima' ni ma håhatsa ni para u mana'metgut. The male elders used to use nupi to tie the house they built to make it sturdy. Åntis na tiempu meggai umu'usa i nupi para hinatsan‑ñiñiha boti pat guma'. There were a lot of people using the nupi vine to tie down what they were building, whether boats or houses, in the old days.
nuseha ki cnj. otherwise, in case. Na'hassu, nuseha ki u maleffa. Remind him, otherwise he forgets. Na'tungu' na piligru, nuseha ki u guaha aksidenti. Warn him that it is dangerous, otherwise there might be an accident. Ta fanlachaddik, nuseha ki ta fanggof atrasåo. Let us hurry, otherwise we will be too late. Variant: nuseha na. From: Sp. no sea que.
nuseha na cnj. in case, otherwise. Mungnga mapatcha, nuseha na u båba. Don't touch it, otherwise it might become bad. Bai hu pulan i famagu'un, nuseha na u guaha aksidenti. I will watch the children, for there might be an accident. Chotchu, nuseha na un åpmam ya un nålang. Eat, in case you take long and get hungry. Variant: nuseha ki.
nuskuåntus adj. several, a few, some. Noskuåntus ha' na tåotåo umatendi i miting. Only a few people attended the meeting. Ti meppa' i trongkun lalanghita, noskuåntus grånu ha' tinekchå'‑ña. The tangerine tree is not fruitful, there are only a few fruits. Noskuåntus grånu ha' suettek‑ku gi peska. My luck in fishing is just a few. Variant: unus kuåntus, los kuåntus. From: Sp. unos cuantos.
nuspoku adj. at least. Nuspoku i ayudu‑hu. At least I helped. Nuspoku esti na salåppi' para u ayuda hami. At least this money is able to help us. Si Yu'us Ma'åsi', nospoku esti na ayudu. Thank you, at least this helps. Variant: inespoku, nospoku. From: Sp. unos pocos.
nutantu adj. unconcerned. Nutantu yu' nu i orå‑mu, cho'gui håfa i hu tågu' håo. I am unconcerned about your time, do what I asked you to do. Syn: ni isukasu. From: Sp. no tanto. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
nutisia n. notice, news, message, information, announcement, warning. Måttu un na'maguf na nutisia. A piece of good news came. Hu risibi i nutisia put i håfa para bai hu cho'gui. A notice came about what I am supposed to do. Manmanå'i nutisia i mañainan i nobia anai para u fammamaisin saina i nobiu. The bride's family was given notice when the groom's family was to come and finalize the plan. Guaha nutisia gi rediu put i para humålum i tasi. There is an announcement on the radio about a tsunami warning. Syn: infotmasión, anunsiu, abisu. From: Sp. noticia.
nutråt adj. neutral, unbiased. Si Janice ilek‑ña na nutråt kuntra i prubleman i dos che'lu‑ña. Janice said she is unbiased towards the problems of her two sisters. Todu i tiempu yu' nutråt gi maseha håfa na prublema. I am always neutral in whatever problems there may be. I hues debi na u nutråt gi kåosa gi kotti. The judge has to be neutral in cases before the court. From: Sp. neutral.

adj. adjective
adv. adverb
agr. agreement prefix
art. article
aux. auxiliary
cnj. conjunction
dem. demonstrative
Eng. English
infx. infix
intj. Interjection
Jp. Japanese
n. noun
n.pl. plural noun
neg. negative
num. numeral
part. particle
pp. prepositional phrase
pred. predicate
pref. prefix
prep. preposition
pro. pronoun
Sp. Spanish
suf. suffix
Syn synonym
vi. intransitive verb
vt. transitive verb