ng n. the seventeenth letter of the alphabet, pronounced /ŋ/.
ngå'nga' vi. open-mouthed; look up with mouth open while staring blankly, gape, stare helplessly. Ngumå'nga' yu' gotpi anai mana'påkpak paki. My mouth was wide open when the gun exploded. Anai kume'poddung i neni gi siya, ngumå'nga' si nanå‑ña, sa' ti siña ha taggam putno u poddung. When the baby was about to fall down from the chair, his mother was staring helplessly with her mouth open. Hu na'ngå'nga' i patgun anai hu rikononosi i chetnut gi halum pachot‑ña. When I was checking the child's sore in his mouth, I made him open his mouth wide.
ngåha vt. not know, not understand. Ti ma ngåha håfa esti na kosas. They did not know what this thing is. Ti ngumåha si Jerry put esti na tinigi'. Jerry did not know about this writing. Ti manngåha ham nu i esti na palåbra. We did not understand this word. Ti hu ngåha ennåo na klåsin cho'chu'. I do not understand that kind of work. Ti manmanngåha siha nu i håfa para u macho'gui. They do not understand what to do.
ngaha' vi. tilt (one's) head, look up with head tilted back. Ngumaha' si John anai para u marikunosi i nifen‑ña ni doktu. John tilted his head when his teeth were to be checked by the doctor. Anai ngumaha' yu', hu sienti pumuti aga'gå'‑hu. When I tilted my head, I felt pain in my neck. Ngaha' tåtti i ilu‑mu ya bai hu paini i gaputulu‑mu. Tilt your head back and I'll comb your hair.
ngai'an adv. when? (interrogative adverb). Ngai'an nai mafañågu håo? When were you born? Ni ngai'an na bai hu maleffa nu hågu. I will never forget about you. Variant: nai'an.
ngånga' n. duck (waterbird). Ginin meggai ngånga' gi sadduk hagoi. There are a lot of ducks at Susupe lake. Na'magotdai i nganga' na puyitus. Syn: Duck chicks are irresitibly cute.
ngånga' n. type of plant growing in mangrove areas. Lumnitzera littorea. Håssan i tinanum ngånga' giya Saipan. Lumitzera littorea is rare in Saipan.
ngånga' palåo n. type of bird: Marianas mallard. Anas oustaleti. Mambunitu i ngånga' palåo na ngånga'. The Marianas mallard ducks are beautiful. I nganga' palåo na ngånga' gai minakkat gumupu. The Marianas mallard duck has difficulty flying. I uttimu hu li'i' ngånga' palåo giya susonyan Sengsung Oleai gi mit nuebi sientus sisentai sietti. The last time I saw the Marianas mallard was at the swamp in Oleai Village in 1967. I nganga' palåo, ayuyu, yan fanihi, påtti gi kutturan nengkanu' Chamorro giya Mariånas. The Marianas mallard, coconut crab, and fruit bat are traditional food sources for the Chamorro people in the Marianas. Variant: ngånga' pallåo.
ngangas adj. balding. Variant: dakngas.
ngångas vt. chew, bite and work (food) with the teeth. Manngångas yu' pugua' mahettuk nigap. I chewed a mature betelnut yesterday. Hu ngångas i te'lang månnuk, sa' mañaña'. I chewed the chicken bones, because they are soft. Nginangas i mama' gi as Dolores. The betelnut mixture was chewed by Dolores.
ngasan vi. arrange rocks in a round shape to hold water and trap fish. Nihi ta fanngasan. Let's go trap fish in the bay. Måolik manngasan an hafnut. It's good to trap fish during high tide. Måolik manmafa'nå'gui i famagu'un manngasan. It's good to teach children how to fish by trapping them.
ngåsan n. straw, used to make objects such as hats, bags, slippers. Si nåna ha fa'tinas tuhung, balakbak, yan guåfak ngåsan. Mother made a straw hat, bag, and guåfak.
ngåtnan n. leftover food, usually in small amounts. Manå'i i ga'lågu ni ngatnan siha. The dogs were given the leftover food. In rikokohi todu i ngatnan siha para i babui. We are collecting all the leftover foods for the pig. Manmahangi' i ngatnan siha ni manggaigi gi tasa. The leftover foods that were in the bowl were spoiled. See: ánkannu'.
ngatyu vi. collect firewood. Hånåo ya un ngatyu, Francisco! Go and collect firewood, Francisco! Para bai ngatyu yan si Juan. Juan and I will collect firewood.
nge'lu' adj. peeping tom, voyeur, one who peeks surreptitiously. Adahi håo nu i nge'lu' an puengi. Beware of the peeping tom at night. See: le'an, éngngelu', negllu'.
ngellu' vt. peep at, peek at, as through a crevice or small hole. Mangellu' si Ana gi as Peter gi paingi. Ana was peeped at by Peter last night. Manmangellu' ham ni pumalu na famagu'un gi kuåttu. We were peeked at by some children in the room. Hu ngellu' si Dung gi ka'ka' i båñu. I peeked at Dung through the crevice of the bathroom. See: adu. Variant: éngngelu'.
nget n. type of plant. allophylus timorensis (?). Ti hu tungu' håfa esti i nget na tinanum. I do not know what kind of plant allophylus timorensis is. Tåya' na hu li'i' i nget na tinanum. I have never seen the allophylus timorensis plant. Ti hu tånum i nget na tinanum gi uriyan gima'‑måmi. I did not plant the allophyllus timorensis plant around our house. (Information forthcoming. Please check later.)
ngingi' vt. 1) sniff, smell (something). Hu ngingi' i katni kåo båba esta. I smelled the meat to see if it was already rotten. Ningingi' i nengkanu' gi as Maria para u na'siguru na ti båba. The food was smelled by Maria to make sure that it was not spoiled. Mangingi' si Jonnie magagu‑ña gi as Jennie put månngi' påo‑ña. Jennie smelled Jonnie's dress, because it really has a good smell. 2) kiss the back part of (someone)'s right hand upon meeting as a sign of respect. Manngingi' yu' gi as tåta. I kissed my grandfather's hand. I famagu'un debi na u fanmanngingi' nu i manåmku'‑ñiha. The children have to kiss the right hand of their elders to show respect. Hu ngingi' si Tan Antonia anai umasodda' ham gi finakpu' i misa. I kissed the right hand of Auntie Antonia when we met at after the mass to show the sign of respect.
ngisut adj. short (in length), tight. Hu na'ngisut i tali‑ña i guaka. I shortened the cow's rope. Ngisut i magagu‑ña i palåo'an. The woman's dress was short. Mana'ngisåt i katsunes‑ña si Gabriel gi as Martha. Martha shortened Gabriel's pants. Para u mana'ngisut i talin magågu. They will shorten the clothesline. Nina'ngisut i lestun rigålu gi as Josie. Josie made the gift ribbon tight. Ngumisut i geddin i ga'lågu anai duru ha hålla gui'. The tie of the dog became tighter when he kept pulling himself. Hu na'ngisut i geddin magagu‑hu. I made the tie of my dress tighter.
— vt. shorten, make short, make tight. Mangisut i ha filak i gaputulu‑hu gi as nanå‑hu. My mother made my braided hair tight.
ngofnguf vi. blow (one's nose). Para u ngofnguf i patgun gi chininå‑ña. The child will blow his nose on his shirt. Ngumofnguf yu'. I blew my nose. Mana'ngofnguf i neni gi pañu. The baby was made to blow his nose on the handkerchief. Ngumongofnguf i patgun, sa' mampus minikusan ginin i sinagu‑ña. The child is blowing his nose, because he has a runny nose from his cold.
ngoknguk vi. have unclear speech, sometimes a temporary condition resulting from accident. Anai kumuekuentus i patgun, ti siña hu kumprendi, sa' ngumongoknguk ha'. I could not understand the child when he was talking, because his speech was not understandable.
ngosngus vt. suck (something) to get at food, such as hard-to-get-to parts of meat or marrow in bone. Chumotchu si tåta kåddun kåtnin guaka ya duru ha ngosngus huyung i sustansiån‑ña. Father ate seven-bone beef soup and he kept sucking into where the good part is. Ha kåkannu' si Jane i måsan mångga ya ha ngongosngus i pipitas. Jane is eating the ripe mango and sucking into the outer part of the seed. I neni ha ngongosngus i kalulut i gamsun ya kinakassi, sa' sessu poddung. The baby is sucking the tentacle of the octopus and he's getting mad, because it keeps falling down. Ngosngus huyung i mikos‑mu gi gui'eng‑mu. Blow the phlegm from your nose.
ngulu' n. hole, crack, slit, aperture. Hu na'hålum i kalulot‑tu gi ngulu' liga. I put my finger through the hole of the wall. Umengngulu' si Joey gi ngulu' i petta. Joey peeked through the hole of the door. Ha li'i' yu' si Maggie ginin i ngulu' i kisami. Maggie saw me from the crack in the ceiling. Sumusumi' hålum ginin i ngulu' åtuf. It leaks in from the crack in the roof.
— adj. porous, capable of being seen through, as porous cloth. Guaha na materiåt magågu ngulu' kalan gåya. Some see-through fabrics are like gauze.

adj. adjective
adv. adverb
agr. agreement prefix
art. article
aux. auxiliary
cnj. conjunction
dem. demonstrative
Eng. English
infx. infix
intj. Interjection
Jp. Japanese
n. noun plural noun
neg. negative
num. numeral
part. particle
pp. prepositional phrase
pred. predicate
pref. prefix
prep. preposition
pro. pronoun
Sp. Spanish
suf. suffix
Syn synonym
vi. intransitive verb
vt. transitive verb