* Coming Soon


O - o


o1 n. the eighteenth letter of the alphabet. I osu na na'an gå'ga', tutuhon‑ña O. The word for bear begins with O. Yanggin para un gimin i kaddu, siempri ilek‑mu o'o' i kaddu. If you are to eat the soup, you will say o'o' this soup.


o2 intj. oh, so (expression). O, pues ennåo malago'mu, ti esti no? O, so that is what you want, not this? O, dispensa sa ti hu håsngun tumotpi håo. O, apologies, I did not intend to hit you.


o seha adv. in other words, or. Maila ya ta hånåo guåtu gi tasi oseha maseha i Satduk Susupi? Let us go to the ocean or even Susupe Lake. Kulan ti klåru hafa ilelek‑mu oseha ti hu kumprendi håfa kumeke ilek‑mu. It seems that what you are saying is not clear or else I don't understand what you mean. Variant: useha. From: Sp. o sea.


o sinó cnj. or else, otherwise. Måolekña un kånnu' i na'‑mu o sino ti un manå'i premiu‑mu. You better eat your food or you won't get your reward. Cho'gui i che'cho'‑mu o sino ti un ma'apåsi. Do your work or you will not get paid. Apåsi i dibi‑mu o sino un mana'mutta. Pay your credit or you will get a penalty. Variant: osinó. From: Sp. o sino.


ó'- (from: ó'‑) pref. search for (something); alternative form of é'-. Humånåo umo'guihan i che'lu‑hu gi sadduk. My brother went to look for fish in the lake. Umo'panglåo si Joel gi paingi gi kantun ladera. Joel went to look for crabs on the cliff line last night. Gaigi si tåta gi kantun unai na umo'o'haguhi. My father is at the beach looking for sandcrabs. This bound verb attaches to a noun. Variant: é'‑.


ó'duku' adj. seeming crazy, having an indication of craziness, being absurd or irrational. Kulang o'o'duku' na tåotåo ennåo. That person is sort of crazy. Kalan o'o'duku' si Margarita ositån‑ña. Margarita's jokes are somewhat irrational. Kulang o'o'duku' yu', sa' duru umenna'i yu' ni salappe'‑hu sin råson. I'm acting like a crazy person, because I'm giving away my money without reason. Syn: kadúduku.


o'la intj. 1) hopefully, oh how I wish, usually followed by mohon. O'la mohon ya siña yu' pumasehu gi todu i tanu'. I'm really hopeful that I could travel all around the world. O'la ya manggånna si Becky gi bingo. I'm wishing that Becky would win the bingo. O'la mohon ya tåya' påkyu na såkkan. How I wish that there will be no storm this year. O'la ya guaha suetti para hamyu todu. How I wish that there will be luck for you all. Variant: óhala, ohla.


o'mak vi. take a shower, swim, bathe. Hu na'o'mak i patgun gi talu'åni. I showered the child in the afternoon. Para u nina'o'mak i neni as nanå‑ña. The baby will be bathed by her mother. Pångpang i kakagong‑mu ni hanum åntis di un o'mak gi tasi pat gi båñu. Spatter water on the top of your head before you swim in the ocean or take a shower.


o'o'1 vt. drink (something) by lifting to the mouth. Ha o'o' si Tåta i alåguan. Father drank his porridge soup. Para bai hu o'o' i kaddun månnuk gi tasa. I will be drinking the chicken soup in the bowl. Ha latchai umo'o' i atulin kalamasa. He finished drinking the pumpkin porridge. See: gimin.


o'o'2 vi. crow (of rooster). Umo'o' i gayu gi trongkun lemmai åntis di u tunuk påpa'. The rooster crowed on the breadfruit tree before coming down to the ground. Mano'o'o' i gayu siha an chatangmak. The roosters are crowing at dawn. Mana'a'oppi i gayu gi o'o'‑ñiha. The roosters crowed in response to each other.


o'pan adj. echo. Yanggin umessalåo håo gi halum tånu', guaha na biahi nai o'pan tåtti i essalåo‑mu. When you holler in the forest, there are times when it will echo back to you. See: hongga. Variant: oppan.


o'siosu 1) adj. at leisure, carefree. O'siosu na tåotåo, sa' maguf manayuda. He's a person at leisure, because he's happy to assist. 2) 

adj. opportunist, exploiter. O'siosu ennåo na tåotåo sa' yaña manusa ottru put para bififision‑ña. That person is an opportunist because he likes to use others for his own benefit.


o'sun adj. bored, tired of, exhausted one's patience, exasperated. Ti o'o'sun yu' umatan håo. I am not tired of looking at you. Mana'o'sun i neni, sa' sigi ha' ma'atburota nu i mañe'lu‑ña put para u machiku. The baby became tired from her siblings' persistent fuss to kiss her. Sen na'o'sun esti i kada råtu para ta fanhunta. It is so tiresome for us to be having meetings every time. See: impåtchu, singåo, susongti.


obba' n. fever blister (at corner of the mouth). Na'ma'amti i obbå'‑mu osino mala'la'. Have your blisters attended to or else they will be inflamed.

adj. blistered (of lips). Chumotchu si Ana gada' mångga ya nina'obba' labios‑ña. Ana's lips became blistered when she ate young mangos. Anai umobba' i labios‑su, ti siña yu' chumotchu måolik, sa' sasagi'. When I had blisters at the corner of my mouth, I was not able to eat, because it felt like burning. Syn: påkpak. Variant: abba'.


obehas n. sheep. Guaha ga'‑ña si Jesus meggai na obehas gi lanchon‑ña. Jesus has a lot of sheep at his farm. Mampus manyommuk i ga'‑måmi obehas, sa' meggai na'‑ñiha. Our sheep are plump, because they have a lot of food. Gi paingi masåkki singku na obehas gi lanchun Rita. There were five sheep stolen at Rita's farm. See: kinilu. From: Sp. ovejas.


obispu n. bishop. Ritiråo si Tomas A. Camaho gi kuetpon‑ña kumu obispu gi diocese Chalan Kanoa. Tomas A. Camacho has retired from his post as a bishop of the diocese of Chalan Kanoa. Gumuaha kumfirensian Katoliku giya Saipan ya manpatisipånti i obispu siha. There was a Catholic Conference on Saipan and the bishops participated. From: Sp. obispo.


obra adj. free to act, having liberty, having free time, carefree. Anai maigu' i neni, obra i nana ha cho'gui i ottru che'cho'‑ña. When the baby slept, the mother had free time to do her other work. Manobra i famagu'un manhugåndu gi sanhiyung, sa' dångkulu i lugåt. The children were able to play freely, because the playground is big. An Såbalu i istudiånti obra ha usa i kareta, sa' ti macho'chu' si tåta. On Saturdays, the student is free to use the car, because the father does not work.

vi. work. Umobra si Helen nigap gi lanchon‑ña. Helen worked at her farm yesterday. Manobra ham gi Sabalu na ha'åni, sa' bula para u madiskåtga na kåtga. We worked on Saturday, because there was a lot of cargo to unload. Umobra yu' gi che'chu'‑måmi nigap, sa' meggai para u mana'funhåyan na cho'chu'. Yesterday, I worked on our work, because there was so much work.

vt. design, scheme, outline, sketch. Si nåna ha obra i para malåksen‑ña i magågun i nobia. Mother sketched the way the bride's gown is going to be sewed. Hu obra i para matuge'‑ña i istorian Taga'. I outlined the story of Taga'. From: Sp. obra.


obras kånnai n. handicraft. Meggai na tåotåo‑ta manmåolik gi obras kånnai, låo manyomahlåo. Many of our people are good in making handicrafts, but they are shy.


Ocha' name. nickname for Rosa. Humånåo si Ocha' para i fandånggun Melissa gi Sabalu. Rose went to Melissa's wedding on Saturday. Gef bunita si Ocha' na palåo'an. Rose is a pretty woman. See: Chai'.


ochenta num. eighty. Anai ochenta åñus si tatå‑hu, måtai. When my father reached eighty years old, he died. Meggai esta na manåmku' manggaigi mås ki ochenta åñus. Many elders are over eighty years old. Si Faustino guaha ga'‑ña ochenta na guaka gi kellåt‑ña. Faustino has eighty cattle in his pasture. Variant: uchenta, otchenta. From: Sp. ochenta.


ochentai'unu num. eighty-one. Guaha ochentai'unu na ngånga' gi Sadduk Tåsi. There are eighty-one ducks at Sadduk Tåsi. Variant: otchentai'unu. From: Sp. ochenta y uno.


oda vt. order. Håfa inoda‑mu? What did you order? Bunitu si Ana i matiriåt i magagu‑ña ni ha oda giya Amerika. Ana's clothing material that she ordered from America is beautiful. From: Eng. order.


odda n. type of fish: surgeonfish (blackish brown), Damsel fish. Ctenochaetus striatus (Family Acanthuridae). Mangonni' si Pedro meggai na odda gi egga'an. Pedro caught a lot of surgeonfish in the morning. Gof månngi' i odda na guihan matunu. It is so delicious to barbeque surgeonfish. Chumotchu yu' gi talu'åni tinala' odda yan i titiyas. In the afternoon, I ate dried surgeonfish with the tortillas.


odda' n. dirt, soil, ground. Hu nå'yi i maseta meggai na odda'. I put a lot of soil in the vase. Gef la'la' i tinanum gi maolik na odda'. Plants with good soil grow very well.

adj. dirty. Anai humålum i kareta gi fachi', manodda' i reda siha. When car passed through the mud, the tires became dirty. Anai malålagu i patgun para i primet na di'u, sulun ya umodda' i katsunes‑ña. When the baseball player ran to first base, he slipped and got his pants dirty.


odda' sabåna n. clay. Ti gof måolik manånum gollai gi edda' sabåna. It is not so good to plant vegetables in clay soil. I edda' sabåna mampus mahettuk na odda'. Clay soil is a very hard soil. Måolik i edda' sabåna mafa'pottery. The clay soil is good soil for making pottery.


oddas n. 1) footstool, support. Siña ha' matå'chung håo gi hilu' i eddas ådding. You can sit on the footstool. Måolik un usa i eddas para i dos addeng‑mu putno u fanbula i addeng‑mu. It is good to use the footstool for your feet so that they do not swell. 2) stage, platform. Na'suha i eddas. Remove the platform. Ti metgut esti na oddas. This stage is not strong. Na'takpapa' i eddas. Lower the stage. Syn: satgi.

vt. support, keep (something) in place. Hu o'oddas i trongkun chotda ni iståka. I supported the banana plant with a stake. Si Jessica ha o'oddas i talin magågu ni dinga' håyu. Jessica supported the clothesline with a forked pole. Ma'o'oddas i petta ni siya. The door was propped open by the chair.


oddu n. smoke, smoky fire, fire to smoke out mosquitoes, mosquito coil. Si Susan ha u'usa i eddu gi halum i hatdin‑ña. Susan used a smoky fire in her garden. Yanggin manggaigi ham gi lanchu an puengi, in sesenggi i eddu para mungnga na u guaha ñåmu. If we are at the ranch at night, we burn a smoky fire so there won't be any mosquitos. Ma na'setbi i piñut para oddu. They used the coconut husks to make a smoky fire. See: sengko'. Variant: otdu.


oddu' vt. carry (something) on the head or back. I taotåo ha oddu' i balutan magågu gi ilu‑ña. The man carried the bundle of clothes on his head. Manoddu' si Johnny munton håyu gi ilu‑ña. Johnny carried a bundle of wood on his head. Guaha na tåotåo siha manmåolik manmanoddu' kåtga gi ilun‑ñiha. Some people are good with carrying objects on their head. Syn: ombu'. Variant: oddo', otdu'.


ofisina n. office. Gaigi i sekritåria gi halum i ofisina. The secretary is in the office. Guaha na ofisina siha ti manmabababa gi duråntin amotsan talu'åni. There are some offices that do not open during lunch time. Variant: ufisina. From: Sp. oficina.


ofresi vt. offer. Inefresi si John as Joey ni karetå‑ña. Joey offered his car to John. Manofresi si Bertha para u fanlaknus insalådan batåtas gi giput. Bertha offered to provide potato salad for the party. Manmanofreresi ayudu para i manhobin. They are offering help to youths. Variant: ufresi. From: Sp. ofrece.


ofresimientu n. offer. Ti ma kumpli i ofresimientun‑ñiha. They did not complete what they offered to do. Bula ofresimientun‑ñiha i familian i lahi para i familian i nobia. The family of the groom offered a lot to the family of the bride. Si Antonette bula ofresimienton‑ña gi as nanå‑ña. Antonette offers a lot of things to her mother. Variant: ufresimientu. From: Sp. ofrecimiento.


ógga'an n. morning. Para u fanmåttu i bisita på'gu na ogga'an. The visitors are comming this morning. Nigap gi taftaf ogga'an, man'o'o' i gayu siha gi trongku. Yesterday in the early morning, the roosters in the tree crowed. Månngi' matmåta gi taftaf ogga'an. It feels good to get up at dawn. See: manana.


oggan vi. end up. Oggan i papaloti gi hilu' i trongku. The kite ended up on the treetop. Anai manma'apupunta i ma'estru siha para i isla siha giya Mariånas, oggan yu' Tinian. When teachers were being assigned islands in the Marianas, I ended up on Tinian. Gigimin hånum, ya mungnga na un oggan må'hu. Keep drinking water, so you won't end up thirsty.


oha n. solid covering (of doorway or window). I bintåna mana'guaha dångkulu na oha. A huge solid covering was created for the window. Si tåta ha fa'tinas i oha para i petta. Father built a solid covering for the door. Esta mampus bihu i petta ya poddung i ohå‑ña. The door is too old and the solid covering fell off. From: Sp. hoja.


óhala intj. hopefully, I wish. Ohala mohon ya u lå'la' i karetå‑ña si Jose. I wish Jose's car would start. Ohala mohon ya u fanmafa'nå'gui i famagu'un rispetu gi iskuela. I'm hoping the children will be taught respect at school. Ohala ya u homlu', sa' esta o'sun gi ispitåt. Hopefully she will get better, because she's tired of the hospital. Variant: óhala', o'la, ohla, ohálara.


ohålis n. buttonhole. I såstri ha låksi i chininå‑hu ya ha nå'yi singku na ohålis. The seamstress sewed my shirt and made five buttonholes. I katsunis låhi unu ha' ohales‑ña. Jude made three buttonholes in his shirt. Si nåna ha duluki mådduk gi sanme'na gi chinina para u nå'yi ohålis. Mother made holes at the front of the dress to make buttonholes.

vt. make a buttonhole in. Kåo esta un uhålis i chininå‑hu? Have you made a buttonhole in my shirt? Variant: uhålis, ålis. From: Sp. ojales.


ohan bintåna n. shutter, solid covering for a window. Anai para u påkyu, in pega i ohan bintåna siha gi bintåna. We put the window shutters on the windows when there was going to be a typhoon. Si Alex ha nå'yi ohan bintåna gi bintanå‑ña siha. Alex put window shutters on all his windows. I katpinteru ti ha nå'yi ohan bintåna siha gi gima'‑måmi. The carpenter did not put window shutters on our windows.


ohan potta n. solid covering of the door, main body of the door. I palåo'an ha na'chichi' i ohan potta para u hålum i manglu'. The woman made a little opening in the door covering so the breeze can come in. Mayamak i ohan potta anai pinanak ni manglu'. The door covering broke when the wind slammed it. Si Anicia ha kana' i litråtu gi ohan potta. Anicia hung up the picture on the door covering.


ohas n. sheet (of paper). I patgun guaha unu na ohas tetehnan ti ha u'usa gi lepblon‑ña månggi'. The child has one more sheet that he has not used in his writing book. I amigå‑hu ha nå'i yu' singku na ohas påppit. My friend gave me five sheets of paper. Put para bai hu tugi' i infotmasion‑hu, i pulisia ha nå'i yu' un ohas påppit. The policeman gave me a sheet of paper so that I could write my information. See: påhina. From: Sp. hojas.


ohlu' adj. stooped (of a person, usually an older person), slouchy (of posture). Si bihun‑måmi ohlu' na tåotåo. Our grandfather was stooped. I taotåo yanggin mampus lokka', guaha na biåhi na kulang ohlu' pusision‑ña. Sometimes when a person is too tall, he seems to be stooped.


oi' intj. hello, calling attention casually when approaching someone or knocking on door. Oi', tåya' guaha ya bai hålum? Hello, is it ok if I enter? I manåmku' ti yan‑ñiha i bisitan‑ñiha na para uma ågang siha, "Oi'". The elders do not like their visitors to address them with "Oi'".

idiom. without making oneself known. Måttu ha' guini gi sengsung si kumairi ya ni oi' ni oi'. The godmother came here and did not let me know. Variant: hoi', oi, hoi (Rota).


oia' n. marble used as the main shooter, taw, in a marble game (Saipan). Måolik oia'‑ña si Ton, sa' sessu ha danchi i talu'. Ton's marble shooter is good, because it hits the center. Si Eddie tåya' oia'‑ña ya para u hugåndu. Eddie is going to play and he does not have a main marble shooter. Todu ham manggai oia' ya siña ham manhugåndu. We all have a main marble shooter and we all can play. Syn: båkalu.


okasión n. occasion. Manmåttu ha' ham Guam manmanbisita, maseha tåya' ispisiåt na okasion. We came to Guam to visit even without any special occation. Giya Saipan, i Flame Tree Festival dångkulu na okasion para i kumunidåt. On Saipan, the Flame Tree Festival is a big occasion for the community. I Disiembri diha benti singku ispisiåt na okasion para i familia para u fanáya'hu Felis Påsgua. December 25 is a special occasion for families to greet each other with Merry Christmas. Syn: oputtunidåt. From: Sp. ocasión.


ókkudu n. trap, anything by which one is entangled, rat trap. Påkpak i ekkudu gi paingi. The trap snapped last night. Gi plåsan batkunairi manmanå'yi okkudu gi kellat ni para u kinenni' i kulepbla siha. They put traps on the fence at the airport to trap the snakes. Mamåhan ham nigap dies na okkudu gi as Joeten. Yesterday, we bought ten rat traps at Joeten Store.


okra n. type of plant: okra. Hibiscus esculentus (Family Malvaceae). Mamåhan yu' un butsiyun okra gi Såbalu Market. I bought bag of okras at the Såbalu Market. Månngi' matotchi i okra yan i binattin ketchap yan lemmun. Dipping the okra in a mixture of soy sauce and lemon tastes good. Mipipitas i okra na gollai. Okra has a lot of seeds. Syn: neri'.


oksó'hulu' n. uphill. Okso'hulu' i chalan para i gima'‑måmi. The road to our house is uphill. Tattiyi i okso'hulu' na chålan, sa' siempri un sodda' i tendan åmut. Follow the uphill road because you will find the medicine store. Na'yayas mamokkat gi okso'hulu na chålan. It is tiring to walk on an uphill road.


oksó'papa' n. downhill. Ha sugun dispåsiu i kareta anai måttu gi okso'papa' na chålan. She drove the car slowly when she came on a downhill road. Påkpak redå‑ña si Juan anai mañuñugun gi chalan ni okso'papa'. Juan's tire blew out when he was driving on a downhill road.


oksu' n. hill. I oksu' Rapagao giya Saipan guiya esti i ma'å'agan på'gu' Navy Hill. The Rapagao hill on Saipan is what is now called Navy Hill. Manhåtsa si Lou gumå'‑ña gi eksu' ya siña ha li'i' påpa' i tasi. Lou built her home on a hill and she can see the ocean below. See: bokka'.

adj. hilly. Oksu' esti na lugåt i Tapotchåo. Tapotchåo is a hilly place


oktåba n. octave. From: Sp. octava.


oktåbu num. eighth. I agaga' na siya gi mina' dos na fila mina'oktåbu. The red chair in the second row is the eighth chair. Si Jeremy i mina'oktåbu na påtgun gi fila. Jeramy is the eighth child in the line. From: Sp. octavo.


okti vt. give abundantly, fill. Ma'okti si David ni todu i kek. David was given cake abundantly. Manma'okti ham ni aiskrim nigap. We were given ice cream abundantly yesterday. Para u ma'okti si Adam ni hugeti siha. Adam will be given toys abundantly. Syn: nå'i.


Oktubri name. October. Bula uchan gi mes Oktubri. There's a lot of rain in the month of October. Gi Oktubri benti kuåttru masilelebra i giput United Nations. United Nations Day is celebrated on October 24. Syn: Faguålu'. From: Sp. Octubre.


okum n. sealer (ropelike sealer) to seal in-between wooden cracks. Mama'tinas i che'lu‑hu botin galaidi' ya ha nå'yi okum siha i ka'ka' putno u hålum i hanum. My brother built a canoe and he put sealers in-between the cracks to prevent leaks on the canoe. Mamåhan si tatå‑hu okum gi Ace Hardware para u usa gi fina'tinås‑ña kåhun. My father bought a sealer at Ace Hardware to use on a newly built wooden box. Gef sumetbi i okum gi manpåchit kå'ka' pat mådduk. The sealer is so useful for patching cracks or holes.


okupa vt. 1) occupy. I taotåo kunfirensia ma okukupa todu i kuåttu siha gi hotel. The people at the conference are occupying all the rooms in the hotel. Esta i bisinu ma okukupa i nuebu na guma'‑ñiha. The neighbors are already occupying their new home. 2) keep engaged. Ha okukupa todu i tiempun‑måmi. He's taking up all our time. I che'chu' guma' mampus manokukupa ora. Housework takes a lot of time. From: Sp. ocupa.


okupånti n. occupant. I dångkulu na kuåttu gi hotel esta guaha marehista na okupånti. There is already a registered occupant in the suite at the hotel. Manmalista i na'an i okupånti para i kareran i batku. The names of the occupants going on the ship were announced. From: Sp. ocupante.


okupåo adj. 1) occupied (of space). I sitiun Mario esta okupåo. Mario's land is already occupied. I kuåttu siha gi Hyatt todu manokupåo. All the rooms at the Hytatt are occupied. 2) able to be occupied (of space). Okupåo esti na guma', sa' tåya' sumåsaga. This house can be occupied, because no one is staying there. From: Sp. ocupado.


okupasión n. occupation, profession, career, trade. Yanggin para un ma'interview, siempri mafaisin håo håfa siha okupasion‑mu gi manmaloffan siha na tiempu. When you are going to be interviewed, you are going to be asked what your occupations were in the past. Si Fulånu sigi ha' ni ha tulaika i okupasion‑ña. John Doe keeps changing his career. From: Sp. ocupación.


Olang name. nickname for Viola. Variant: Ulang.


Oleai name. a village on Saipan, north of Susupe, also called San Jose. Sumåsaga yu' giya Oleai gi fi'un i iskuela. I am staying in Oleai near the school. Guaha Carolinian yan Chamorro mañåsaga giya Oleai. There are some Carolinians and Chamorros living in Oleai.


olibas n. olives. Guaha dos na klåsin kulot olibas, åttilung yan betdi. There are two colors of olives, black and green. Manaitai si Jesus gi atdin olibas. Jesus prayed in the garden of olives. From: Sp. olivas.


ólius n. unction, extreme unction. Gaigi freskitun lañan olius gi lamasa. The small bottle of oil used for extreme unction is on the table.

vt. give extreme unction to. Esta ma'olius i malångu gi paingi gi ispitåt. The sick person was given extreme unction last night. Ti ma'o'olius i patgun trabiha. The child has not yet been given extreme unction. From: Sp. oleos.


Ollu' name. nickname for Consuelo, Congalo, Elohio, Noel. Ma'å'agan si Consuelo Olu' gi familian‑ñiha. Consuelo's family calls him Olu'. Si Congalo yan Elohio lokkui' ma'å'agang Olu'. Congalo and Elohio are also called Olu'. Si Noel ma'å'agang "Olu'" ni mañe'lu‑ña. Noel's siblings call him Olu'.


Olu' name. nickname for Pedro. Variant: Elo'.


ombri adv. come on, please; usually has a connotation that the addressee has already been asked or warned before. Chuli' ombri esti i chinchule'‑hu. Come on, please take my contribution. Ombri chagi esti na sapåtus ni hu fåhan para hågu. Please try these shoes that I bought for you. Ombri ga'chung, dispensa i che'lu‑mu. Come on, please, partner, forgive your brother. From: Sp. hombre.


ombris cnj. although, even though, despite the fact. Ombris hågu ni misalappi' ti bula linakngos‑mu, kuastariha yu' ni tai salappi'. Even though you, who have a lot of money, did not contribute much, how much more for me, who has no money. Ombris chachatmata yu', un nå'i yu' ni i hilu para bai hotni i haguha. Despite the fact that I have poor eyesight, you still gave me the thread to thread the needle. Ombris hu nå'i håo sulåt para un fanånum gollai, ni sikera un na'chagi yu' un puntan kalamasa. Though I gave you a piece of land to plant vegetables, you have yet to give me a pumpkin tip to try. Variant: ombris ki.


ombris ki cnj. although, even though. Ombris ki tataklalu', para un sigi kumassi? Are you going to continue teasing him, even though he's easily angered?


ombu' vt. carry (something or someone) on one's back, piggyback. Ma'ombu' i patgun gi tatalu' nanå‑ña. The child was carried on her mother's back. I lahi‑hu ya‑ña ma'ombu'. My son likes to be carried piggyback. Ti siña ma'ombu' yu', sa' mampus yu' makkat. I could not be carried piggyback, as I was heavy. Syn: uki'. From: Jp. onbu.


omlat vi. fit, fit into. Omlat i aniyu gi kalulot‑tu. The ring fits my finger. Ti omlat yu' gi katsunes‑su ni bihu. I did not fit in my old pants. Gi tiempun gera, dikiki' i liyang låo siña manomlat ha' bula na tåotåo. During the war, the cave was small but it could fit a lot of people. Umomlat i nobia gi magågu‑ña. The bride fit into her wedding dress. Variant: ulat.


ómumu n. type of flowering tree. pisonia grandis. Bula trongkun omumu gi gualu'‑ñiha si Augustin. There a lot of pisonia grandis trees at Augustin's farm. Måhluk påpa' i ramås‑ña i trongkun omumu gi egga'an. The branch of the pisonia grandis tree broke in the morning. Kahulu' si Anthony gi trongkun omumu gi Damenggu. Anthony got up on the pisonia grandis tree on Sunday. Variant: úmumu.


oni' n. the "it" person tagged to find others in the children's game hide-and-seek. Guahu mantanchu' para oni'. I was tagged as the "it" person. Humåhnanåo ti ha sotda' yu' i oni'. The "it" person never did find me at all. Nihi ta fandi'u ya hågu oni'. Let's play hide and seek and you be the oni'. From: Jp.


Onin name. nickname for Antonia. See: Tona'.


onnu' n. covering, blanket, linen. Hu usa i ennu' para bai hu tåmpi addeng‑hu. I used the blanket to cover my feet. Manmadopbla siha i ennu' gi hilu' lamasa. The blankets are folded on the table. Mamåhan si nåna nuebu na onnu' para i neni. Mother bought a covering for the baby.

vi. cover oneself with a blanket or linen, be covered with a blanket or linen, cuddle. Umonnu' si Magdalena, sa' manenghing. Magdalena cuddled herself under the blanket, because it was cold. Mana'onnu' i neni gi as nanå‑ña gi paingi, sa' sirenu. The baby was put under a cover by her mother last night, because the air was cold and damp. Mano'onnu' todu i taotåo anai manmamaigu'. The people were all under the blankets while they were sleeping. See: såbanas.


onra2 n. honor, fame, credit, good name. Manå'i onra si Lorraine put i måolik chi'cho'‑ña gi giput. Lorraine was given credit for her good job at the party. Ti manå'i si Inez onra put ha aksepta i che'chu'. Inez was not given credit for accepting the job.

vt. honor. Hu onra håo mampus, sa' måolik håo na palåo'an. I honored you so much, because you are a very good lady. Ti ya‑ña ennåo na tåotåo ma'onra. That person does not like to be honored. Maila' ya ta onra si nanå‑ta yan tatå‑ta. Let us honor our mother and father. Syn: tuna. From: Sp. honra.


onråo adj. honorable. Megai man onråo na tåotåo mangaigi gi hunta. Many honorable persons were present at the meeting. Ma gef tungu' na onråo gui' låo guaha lokkui' ti tumungngu'. He is well known as an honorable person but there are also those who don't know about it. Syn: diknu. From: Sp. honrado.


onru n. honor. Onru ennåo i para un mafaisin para hågu un riprisenta i islåm‑mu. To be asked to represent your island is an honor. I honestu na påtgun bula na onru siha ha risibi gi iskuelå‑ña. The child who is honest received a lot of honors at his school. Ha adadahi gui', sa' ha hahassu i onrun i familia. She is being careful of herself, because she is keeping in mind the honor of her family. From: Sp. honro.


onsi1 num. eleven. Onsi åñus sumagå‑hu giya Amerika. I lived in America for eleven years. Hu li'i' onsi na månnuk gi kellat babui. I saw eleven chickens in the pig pen. From: Sp. once.


onsi2 n. harness, yoke. Mana'usa i karabåo ni onsi para u fanalådu gi gualu'. A yoke was placed on the carabao to be able to plow the field. Mama'titinas si Tun Juan onsi para u na'setbi gi torun guaka. Tun Juan is making a yoke to use on the bull.

vt. put harness or yoke on. Ma'onsi i torun guaka ni lancheru, sa' esta para u ma'udai gi karetan guaka. The farmer put a yoke on the bull, because he is ready to ride the bull-cart. From: Sp. unce.


ongngu' adj. 1) flat (of nose). I på'gu mafañåñagu na neni ongngu' gui'eng‑ña. The new-born baby has a flat nose. I burudog na ga'lågu siha manongngu'. The bull dogs have flat noses. 2) nasal, through the nose (of speech). Ennåo na tåotåo ongngu' kumuentus. That person speaks through his nose. Guaha na biåhi na yanggin sinagu yu', ongngu' yu' kumuentus. Sometimes when I have a cold, I have nasal speech.


opbligåo adj. obligated, compulsory, bound. Manopbligåo na u fanmåttu i ma'estra siha gi iskuela gi ora. The teachers are obligated to come to school on time. Ti opbligåo na un fanapåsi insurans guma'. It is not compulsory for you to pay house insurance. Opbligåo na un ripot i humålum na salappe'‑mu gi tax. You are obligated to report your tax income. See: afuetsas. From: Sp. obligado.


opbligasión n. obligation, duty, responsibility, commitment. Esta mampus bula na opbligasion manå'i yu' gi gima'. I was given lots of obligations at home. Kada saina gai obligasion ni para u atendi i famagu'on‑ña. Every parent has an obligation to attend to their children. Opbligasion i Dipattamentun Hinemlu' Pupbliku para u nutisia i pupbliku put i mantatmi na chetnut siha. It is the duty of the Department of Public Health to notify the public of all the contagious diseases. See: responsabilidåt. From: Sp. obligacion.


opela n. opal. Guaha aniyu‑hu opela. I have an opal ring. I opela na åtchu' gof bunitu. The opal gem is very beautiful. I aniyu‑ña si Elizabeth kulot betdi na opela. Elizabeth's ring is a green opal.


operasión n. 1) operation. I kuattun operasion gi hospitåt manma'lak kandit‑ñiha. The lights are bright in the hospital's operating room. Dångkulu na operasion macho'gui gi malångu na ga'lågu. The sick dog undertook a big operation. 2) activity, set-up. I gurupun lancheru ha baba un operasion binendin kamuti. The farmers opened a sweet potato sales operation. From: Sp. operación.


ophetu n. object. Anai humåhanåo yu' gi chalan, manli'i' yu' ophetu. I saw an object when I was going on the road. I bola na ophetu guaha dångkulu yan dikiki'. The object of a ball has some big and small ones. Masufa' ophetu as Joseph gi chalan. Joseph ran over the object on the road. From: Sp. objeto.


opili' n. sea snails found attached to rocks and shaped like a Chinese hat or mushroom. Bula si Joseph ha konni opili' para ma aruskåddu. Joseph harvested lots of Chinese Hat sea snails to make porridge. Mandikiki' dimasiåo i opili'. The Chinese Hat sea snails are too small. Bula opili' gi Inai Dångkulu. There are lots of Chinese Hat sea snails at the Long Beach.


oppan adj. projected (of sound), audible. Oppan hulu' i pangpang i napu gi ladera. The sound of the waves breaking can be heard at the top of the mountain. Yanggin umessalåo gi halum tånu', gof oppan i bos‑mu. When you shout in the woods, your voice is very audible. Gi paingi gi duråntin i graduation i kulehu, ti gef oppan i kuentus ginin i microphone. The speech from the microphone was not loud enough last night during the college graduation. See: hongga. Variant: o'pan.


oppi vt. reply, answer, respond to. Uma'a'oppi i dos kantot Chamorrita gi kantan‑ñiha. The two Chamorrita singers responded to each other while singing. Manmanoppi i famagu'un anai manma'ågang gi as nanan‑ñiha. The children answered when they were called by their mother. Ti hu o'oppi trabiha i katta ginin i iskuela. I have not replied to the letter from the school.


oppuk1 vi. 1) lie with face down, lie on one's stomach. Esta siña i neni umoppuk na maisa. The baby can already turn around and lie on his stomach by himself. Si nåna ha na'oppuk i patgun para u maigu'. Mother laid the baby face down to put her to sleep. Maigu' umoppuk si Glenn gi hilu' såtgi. Glenn lay on his stomach to sleep on the floor. 2) turn or flip over from normal position. Umoppuk i kareta anai aksidenti. The car flipped over when it got into an accident. Na'oppuk i manggåsgas na båsu gi tapblita. Turn the clean glasses upside-down on the shelf. Variant: oppup, o'puk.


oppuk2 vt. urge. Sigi ha' yu' ma'oppuk para bai hu dalak siha giya sanlagu. They kept urging me to join them to live in the States. I gurupun hinemlu' ha o'oppuk i kumunidå para u adahi i kinannu'‑ñiha. The wellness program is urging the community to watch what they eat. Si nåna ha oppuk yu' para bai hu na'funåyan i iskuelå‑hu. Mother urged me to finish school. Variant: eppuk.


oppup vi. lie down on stomach; recline on stomach, lie with face down. Ya‑hu maigu' umoppup. I like sleeping on my stomach. I neni ha na'oppup maisa gui'. The baby turned herself to lie on her stomach. Variant: oppuk, o'puk.


oppus n. ashes from cigarette or cigar, smoking items. I sahguan oppus gi barånda esta bula. The container for cigarette ashes is full. Maseha tåya' chumuchupa, kumu guaha oppus gi uriya, ha na'lo'lu' ha' yu'. Even if nobody is smoking and there are ashes around from cigarettes, it still makes me cough.. Guaha na tåotåo ha yuyuti' ha' i oppos‑ña kuatkuet lugåt. Some people discharge their cigarette ashes just anywhere. Variant: otpus.


oputtunidåt n. opportunity. Guaha oputtunidåt cho'chu' para i taotåo nu i magraduha gi unibetsidå. There are job opportunities for people who graduate from university. Meggai oputtunidåt‑ñiha i famagu'un para u fanmanungu' måolik. The children have a lot of opportunity to learn so much. Ha nå'i yu' i Saina oputtunidåt para bai hu bråbu ya bai hu na'fandångkulu i famagu'on‑hu anai måtai si tatan‑ñiha. The Lord gave me the opportunity to be healthy enough to raise my children when their father passed away. From: Sp. oportunidad.


opyat vt. rub slightly hard. Usa låñan niyuk ya un opyat fan i tatalo‑hu. Please use coconut oil on my back and rub slightly hard. Mås manehyuk kanai‑hu anai sigi ha' hu opyat. My hand ached more when I kept rubbing it hard. Variant: hopyat.


ora n. hour, time. Esta ora para i che'cho'‑hu. It is time for my work. Guaha tres oras anai humånåo håo para i tenda. It has been three hours since you left to the store. I kadada' na kånnai gi rilos, ha såsangan i ora. The short hand on the clock tells the hour.

vt. time. Nangga ya bai ora håo gi finalagu‑mu. Wait and I will time you in your run. Ora i nina'lagu‑mu nu i chada' gueru para u lokkluk. Time your cooking of the spoiled egg to boil.


oran birak n. time past midnight; hour of the ghost, hour of the bad spirit. Ti debi na en fanbururuka esta dispues di oran alas dossi, sa' esta ennåo oran birak ya siempri manmafa'ñagui hamyu. Past midnight, you should not be making noise, because the bad spirit will haunt you. Ta na'masåffi i neni gi as Tun Adot, sa' kada oran birak, kumåkati ha' esta ki mananan ogga'an. We will take the baby to Tun Adot to be healed, because he keeps crying past midnight until dawn.


oråriu n. 1) hour hand (on watch or clock). Måhluk i oråriun i rilos gi paingi. The hour hand on the clock broke last night. Esta dispåsiu i baterihan i rilos ya ha na'ñañating i oråriu. The clock's battery is getting weak and it's making the hour hand move slowly. Bunitu i oråriun i rilos kulot‑ña. The hour hand of the watch has a nice color. From: Sp. horario.


orasión n. oration, prayer time. Matutucha i orasion gi Gima' Yu'us San Antonio. They are doing the oration at San Antonio church. Ha chocho'gui si Ton i orasion kada ogga'an. Ton is doing his prayer every morning. Esta måkpu' i orasion gi paingi. The oration was already over last night. From: Sp. oración.


orienti n. Orient; countries east of the Mediterranean or in east Asia.

adj. Oriental. I taotåo Chinu manorienti. The people of China are Orientals. Si Ching Neng orienti na tåotåo. Mr. Ching Neng is an Oriental. I Chapanis, Kuriånu, Chinu, yan Okinawa manorienti na gurupun tåotåo. The Japanese, Koreans, Chinese and Okinawans are groups of Orientals. From: Sp. oriente.


oru n. gold. I libran oru mampus guaguan na tiempu. The price of gold per pound is very expensive. Bula putserås‑su oru. I have many gold bracelets. Esti i famagu'un gi familia mås båli ki i oru. The children in the family are more valuable than gold.


orus n. (card in the suit of) diamonds. Manbalåha ham gi paingi, ya guåhu chumuli' todu i orus. We played card games last night, and I took all the diamond cards. Si Achi' chumuli' i singku na orus. Achi' took the five of diamonds. Manggånna yu' flås gi balåha, sa' todu orus kattåk‑ku. I won flush on the game, because I had all diamonds. Dumigeru si Jose gi balåha, sa’ ha susteni todu i orus. Ha yotti i uttimu na orus. I orus mås metgut guini na huegun balåha.


osgåo n. triangle. Kåo siña un yunga' dos na osgåo? Can you draw two triangles?

adj. diagonal. Pikan osgåo i guihan yan i siboyas. Slice the fish and the spring onion diagonally. Hå'fi osgåo i hayu. Erect the poles to form a triangle. Syn: sesgåo.


osgi1 vt. do what is asked of one, pay attention to, give heed to, be obedient to. Todu i famagu'un debi na u fanmanosgi ni ma'estran‑ñiha siha. All children should pay attention to their teachers. Ti malagu' si Juana manosgi ni amku' na che'lu‑ña. Juana refused to obey her older sister. Osgi håfa i ilelek‑ku o sino mañotsut håo dispues. You do as I say or you will regret later.


osgi2 vt. resemble, look like, take after. Ha osgi yu' i hagå‑hu måolik macho'chu'. My daughter takes after me in being industrious. Manosgi si Betnadita gi as tihå‑ña Debra. Betnadita resembles her aunt Debra. Todu i famagu'un Jesus manmanosgi gi matan tatan‑ñiha. All of Jesus' children have their father's feature. Syn: mañuli'. See: gapi, parehu.


osgun adj. amenable, submissive, dutiful, obedient. Mampus osgun si Antonio na tåotåo. Antonio is a very amenable person. Gof osgun yu' kontra todu i matago'‑hu. I'm so amenable to all that I am asked to do. Ti osgun si Ignacio gi as nanå‑ña. Ignacio is not amenable to his mother. See: obidienti.


osinó cnj. or, or else. Måolekña un kånnu' i na'‑mu osino ti un manå'i premiu‑mu. You better eat your food or you won't get your reward. Cho'gui i che'cho'‑mu osino ti un ma'apåsi. Do your work or you will not get paid. Apåsi i dibi‑mu osino un mana'mutta. Pay your credit or you will get a penalty. Variant: o sinó. From: Sp. o sinó.


osngan vt. carry (something) by putting a stick over one's shoulder. Ma'osngan i kanåstran magågu ni dos tåotåo. The two people carried the basket of clothes by putting a stick over their shoulders. I taotåo Indonesia manggof måolik manmanosngan gi apågan‑ñiha. The Indonesian people skillful in carrying something over their shoulders. Ti libiånu para ma'osngan i kestat odda', sa' kadada' na håyu un atyik. It won't be easy to carry the sack of dirt with the short stick you selected. See: pingga.


ospitåt n. hospital, clinic, infirmary, sick bay, dispensary. Mana'såga i nenin Julia gi espitåt. Julia's baby was admitted at the hospital. Bula mampus manmalångu mana'fañåga gi ispitåt gi ma'pus na mes. Too many patients were being admitted at the hospital last month. Ti malagu' si Tåta malak ispitåt, sa' ma'åñåo para u fåna' håfa chetnot‑ña. My father refuses to go to the hospital, because he does not want to know what is making him sick. Variant: espitåt.


óssitan n. joke. Esti na lepblu puru ossitan siha. This book has a lot of jokes. I essitan Matthew nigap kulang na'bubu. Matthew's jokes yesterday were rather irritating. Lalålu' si Peter gi as Henry put i kutchinun ossitan‑ña. Peter was angry at Henry for his dirty jokes.

vi. joke, tell jokes. Duru umossitan si Juan guatu gi as Annie. Juan is cracking jokes at Annie. Sigi umossitan si Andrew ni manbåba na palåbra siha. Andrew was joking using inappropriate words. Umossitan yu' gi paingi gi giput ya esta hu na'fanggagalilik i taotåo ni chalik‑ñiha. Last night, I joked at the party and the people were rolling on the ground with laughter. Variant: éssitan.


ostia n. eucharist, before or after consecration, the wafer (host) used for holy communion. Mantekkun ilun‑ñiha i taotåo anai mabindisi i ostia gi misa. The people bowed their heads at the blessing of the host. Si pali' lumiliku' gi entalu' tåotåo siha ya ha intrega i ostia gi kada unu. The priest went around to the people and offered the consecreted host to each one. Åntis di un risibi i ostia, debi na un risibi i primet kumuñon finene'na. Before receiving the Holy bread, you have to receive the sacrament of the Holy Communion. From: Sp. hostia.


osu n. bear. Guaha tres na klåsin kulot osu siha. There are three different colors of bear. I osun å'paka guiya esti i sumåsaga gi manenghing na lugåt, tåtkumu gi ais. The white bear lives in cold places, such as on ice. Gai minetgut esti i osu na gå'ga'. The bear is a powerful animal.


otchenta num. eighty. Anai otchenta åñus si tatå‑hu, måtai. When my father reached eighty years old, he died. Meggai esta na manåmku' manggaigi mås ki otchenta åñus. Many elders are over eighty years old. Si Faustino guaha ga'‑ña otchenta na guaka gi kellåt‑ña. Faustino has eighty cattle in his pasture. Variant: uchenta, ochenta. From: Sp. ochenta.


otchentai'unu num. eighty-one. Guaha otchentai'unu na ngånga' gi sadduk mano'omak. There are eighty-one ducks swimming in the pond. Guaha otchentai'unu na lepblu gi lamasan i ma'estråk‑ku. There are eighty-one books on my teacher's desk. Dos na kuarenta yan unu humuyung otchentai'unu. Forty twice and one once is eighty-one. Variant: ochentai'unu, ochenta i unu.


otchu num. eight. Esta ha kumpli otchu åñus si Jonas gi Måtsu diha benti. Jonas became eight years old on March 20. Guaha otchu na binådu ga'‑måmi gi lanchu. We own eight deer at our farm. Tufuk otchu na hagun niyuk, pues balutan i guihan siha para machahan. Weave eight coconut leaves, then wrap the fishes for cooking (underground).


otdin vt. command, give an order to, order, direct, instruct, prescribe. Ma'otdin si Remedio na u fåttu gi kotti gi Lunis. Remedio was given an order to come to court on Monday. In etdin si Ramona na debi na u apåsi i bangku. We ordered Ramona that she must pay the bank. Manma'otdin i sindålu siha ni Kapitan para u fanmalågu sais miyas kada diha. The Captain commanded the soldiers to run six miles each day. See: kumånda. From: Sp. orden.


otdinåriu adj. ordinary, usual, normal, common. I presiun i fektus gi tenda siha esta otdinåriu na u fanmahåtsa. It is normal to increase the prices at the stores. Manotdinåriu esta i iskuela siha na u fanmababa gi Agostu. The opening of the schools in August is normal. Ti otdinåriu na para u gupu i mannuk chågu'. It is uncommon for a chicken to fly. Si Mario mambendi mambaråtun kåtni siha, ya ti otdinåriu esti bidå‑ña. Mario sold some very cheap meat, and it is unusual for him to do so. From: Sp. ordinario.


otdu n. insect repellent, bug repellent; coconut husk burned to create smoke, which acts as insect repellent. Ma songgi i puñut para otdu, sa' bula ñåmu. They burn the coconut husk as insect repellent, because there are a lot of mosquitos. I sengko' lokkui' ma'u'usa para otdu. Mosquito coils are also used as insect repellent. Syn: sengko'. Variant: oddu.


otdu' vt. carry (something) on the head or back. I palåo'an ha oddu' i kanåstran magågu gi ilu‑ña. The woman carried the basket of clothes on her head. I imang ha o'otdu' i gimå'‑ña gi tatalo'‑ña. The hermit crab carries its shell on its back. Ha otdu' si Marlyn i balutan håyu gi ilu‑ña. Marlyn carried a bundle of wood on her head. See: do'an. Variant: oddu'.


otdun n. sty, an inflamed swelling of eyelid, pimple. Nina'yi i patgun otdun gi akagui na matå‑ña. The child has a sty on her left eye. Mañugu' i etdun gi matan i hagå‑hu nigap. The sty on my daughter's eye developed pus. Dumångkulu i etdun gi kantun i gui'eng‑ña. The pimple near her nose grew in size.


Otdut name. village in central Guam, also spelled Ordot. Sumåsaga i amigu‑hu giya Otdut na songsung. My friend lives in Ordot village. Umasodda' ham yan si Edwin gi Gima' Yu'us Otdut gi Damenggu. Edwin and I met at Ordot's Church on Sunday. Guaha meggai na tenda siha gi sengsung Otdut. There are many stores at Ordot village


otdut n. ant. Mampus dångkulu i etdut ni umåkka' i kannai‑ña si Demitry gi paingi. The ant was really big that bit Demitry's hand last night. Meggai guaha na klåsin otdut siha gi gima'‑ñiha. There are many kinds of ants in their home. I etdut agaga' mås daddåo na otdut. The red ants are the most vicious. Ha titigis i etdut gigun manhuhuyung gi tasan asukat. She is smashing the ants as they come out of the sugar bowl. See: håting.


otdut agaga' n. red ant. Adahi na un inakka' ni etdut agaga', sa' mampus puti. Do not get bitten by the red ants, because it is very painful. Bula otdut agaga' manhuhuyung yanggin tiempun somnak. There are a lot of red ants crawling around on sunny days. Cha'ot‑tu inakka' ni etdut agaga'. I'm allergic to the sting of the red ants.


otdut åttilung n. black ant. Ti mana'akka' i etdut åttilung. The black ants are not vicious. Yan‑ñiha i etdut åttilung mañåga gi papa' åtchu'. The black ants like to live under rocks. Meggai gi halum guma'‑måmi otdut åttilung. We have a lot of black ants in our house.


otdut díkiki' n. type of ant, especially fond of sweets. Hinatmi i asukat ni etdut dikiki'. The small ants got into the sugar container. I etdut dikiki' gof chaddik manngingi' mamis. The small ants are fast in detecting sweets. Bula otdut dikiki' gi hilu' såtgi, sa' guaha pengpung fina'mamis. There are a lot of ants on the floor, because of the sweet pastry crumbs.


otdut såkkan n. small black ant. Esti i etdut såkkan manggof daddåo. The small black ants are also very vicious. Gigun chettun i etdut såkkan gi addeng‑mu, siguru na inakka' håo. Once the small ants get on your feet, it is sure that they bite you. Inakka' si Thomas ni etdut såkkan ya gof cha'ot‑ña. Thomas was bitten by the small ant and he's really allergic.


otganisa adj. organized. Mampus si Laura otganisa na palåo'an. Laura is a very organized woman. Måolik un otganisa, sa' chaddik un sodda' håfa un aliligåo. It is good to be organized because you can quickly find what you are looking for.

vt. organize, form, make, shape. Ti manotganisa i famagu'un. The children are not organized. Ma otganisa un inetnun Chamorro giya San Diego. They formed a Chamorro group in San Diego. I istudiånti siha ma otganisa i selebrasion kuttura. The students organized the cultural celebration. See: fa'tinas, fotma. From: Sp. organiza.


otganisasión n. 1) organization, association, any group formed for a purpose. Ti nahung otganisasion kuttura gi tano'‑ta. We lack cultural associations in our country. Ha gåsta i tiempun‑ñiha gi che'chu' i otganisasion famalåo'an. They spent their time on the women's organization activities. 2) the way things are organized, arranged, formatted. Ti klåru taimanu i otganisasion esti na dokumentu. The format of this document is unclear. Måolik otganisasion‑ña esti iskuela ya kabålis i matiriåt yan i maestra siha. This school is well-organized and with adequate materials and teachers.


otguyosu adj. stubborn, self-opinionated. Mampus otguyosu si Maria yanggin nalålu'. Maria is a very self-opinionated if she's mad. Si Pedro gof otguyosu kustumbren‑ña. Pedro's attitude is very self-opinionated. I famagu'un Mariano siha manggof otguyosu. Mariano's children are self-opinionated. Variant: atguyosu. From: Sp. orgulloso.


otku n. small (house) foundation. Ti metgut i otkun i gimå'‑mu. Your house foundation is not strong. Variant: hotku.


otkun n. pride, arrogance marked with boastfulness. See: otkuyun.


otpus n. ashes from burned tobacco, butt from cigarette or cigar. I lahi‑ña si Juan ha chuda' i etpus chupa gi hilu' lamasa. Juan's son spilled the cigarette ashes on the table. I neni ha hoflak i etpus chupa gi kannai‑ña. The baby licked the cigarette ashes on her hand. I etpus chupa mampus påoguan. The smell of the cigarette ashes is very strong.


ottronña na mes n. month after next. Si Juan yan si Maryann para u asagua gi ottronña na mes. Juan and Maryann will be getting married the month after next. Bai hu hånåo para Luta ya bai hu atendi i misan manmåtai gi ottronña na mes. I will go to Rota and attend the mass for the souls the month after next. I hagå‑hu para u magraduha gi ottronña na mes gi Saipan Southern High School. My daughter will be graduating from Saipan Southern High School the month after next.


ottronña na såkkan n. year after next. Si Antonietta para u fambaila giya Guam gi ottronña na såkkan. Antonietta will be dancing in Guam the year after next. Bai hu famåhan karetå‑hu gi ottronña na såkkan yanggin guaha salappe'‑hu. If I have money the year after next, I will be buying my car. Gi ottronña na såkkan para u fåttu i Presidenti ginin Amerika. The year after next, the President will be coming from America. Para u falak Amerika si nanå‑hu gi ottronña na såkkan. My mother will be going to the U.S. mainland the year after next year. Si Pedro ha hassu na para u fanhåtsa gumå'‑ña tres bibienda gi ottronña na såkkan. Pedro is planning to build his three-story house the year after next year. See: mamaila'ña na såkkan. Variant: ottroñña såkkan.


ottronña na simåna n. week after next. Si Jose para u pripåra gui' gi ottronña na simåna, sa' para u hånåo sumindålu. Jose will be preparing himself, because he is leaving to join the military the week after next. Para u famunu' guaka si tatå‑hu gi ottronña na simåna ya para u bendi. My father will butcher a cow to sell the week after next week. Para u na'gåsgas i che'lu‑hu låhi i simintetyu gi ottronña na simåna, sa' esta ti åpmam i ha'ånin manmåtai. My brother is going to clean the cemetery the week after next, because of the celebration of All Souls Day. See: mamaila'ña na simåna. Variant: ottroñña simåna.


ottru adj. other, else, different, additional (additionally), another. Kåo guaha ottru ta'lu? Is there another one? Håfa ottru guennåo? What else is there? Håyi ottru humånåo para i lisåyu? Who else went to the rosary? Ottru, ti ya‑hu na un atrasåo nu i che'chu' diksinåriu, sa' manmannanangga i taotåo siha. Additionally, I would not like you to be late with the dictionary work, because people are waiting. From: Sp. otro.


ottru mes n. next month, coming month. Si Anicia para u hånåo ottru mes para Amerika. Anicia will ba going to the mainland next month. Manmababa todu i iskuelan pupbliku ottru mes gi Septembri. All public schools will be opened next month in September. På'gu na mes Ineru ya ottru mes Fibreru. This month is January and next month is February. See: mamamaila' na mes. Variant: ottru na mes.


ottru såkkan n. next year. Para u asagua i hagå‑hu as Rosa ottru såkkan gi Ineru. My daughter Rosa will be getting married next year in January. Si Manuel para u magraduha iskuelan mediku ottru såkkan Manuel will graduate from medical school next year. See: mamamaila' na såkkan. Variant: ottru na såkkan.


ottru simåna n. next week. Para u fama'tinas si Doris fina'mamis ottru simåna para i mamamaila' siha na tiempun guput. Doris will be baking some pastries next week for the coming holiday celebrations. Ottru simåna para bai hu tutuhun mama'nå'gui gi iskuelan påli'. I will be teaching Catholic class next week. Si Rita para u hånåo para Guam ottru simåna para u fanatendi hunta. Next week, Rita will be going to Guam to attend a meeting. See: mamamaila' na simåna. Variant: ottru na simåna.


ottu vt. bump, bang, thump, poke, butt, jolt, jostle. Ma'ottu i ilu‑ña si Fred gi ligan i gima' gi paingi. Fred bumped his head on the wall of the house last night. Ma'ottu i kannai‑hu gi pettan i kareta anai para bai hu baba i petta. I banged my hand on the door of the car when I was opening the door. Adahi na un diluk påpa' ya un ma'ottu gi kåntun i bintåna. Be watchful when you stoop forward, because you might bump yourself on the window's edge. Inettu ni ramas bilimbinis ya sinekkai talanga‑ña. The bilimbinis branch poked him and scraped his ear. See: toyu', totpus.


ottut n. type of tree. discocalyx megacarpa. Meggai na trongkun ottut gi lanchun‑måmi giya Luta. We have a lot of discocalyx megacarpa trees at our farm in Rota. Poddung si Thomas gi trongkun ottut nigap ya måhluk kudu‑ña. Thomas fell from the dixcocalyx megacarpa tree yesterday and broke his arm. Tinemba i trongkun ottut ni metgut månglu' gi Sabalu. The dixcocalyx megacarpa tree fell from the strong wind on Saturday.


otubái' n. motor scooter, motorcycle. Kulot fachi' i otubai'‑ña si Tan Rosa. Tan Rosa's motorscooter is brown. Kåo ga'ñam‑mu otubai' pat karetan guaka para i lanchu? Would you prefer a motor scooter or bull cart for the farm? Ti metgut ennåo na otubai', sa' esta gai usu. That motorcycle is weak, because it has been used for a while. Syn: motusaikut. From: Jp. ootobai.





adj.  adjective
adv.  adverb
agr.  agreement prefix
art.  article
aux.  auxiliary
cnj.  conjunction
dem.  demonstrative
Eng.  English
infx.  infix
intj.  Interjection
Jp.  Japanese
n.  noun
n.pl.  plural noun
neg.  negative
num.  numeral
part.  particle
pp.  prepositional phrase
pred.  predicate
pref.  prefix
prep.  preposition
pro.  pronoun
Sp.  Spanish
suf.  suffix
Syn  synonym
vi.  intransitive verb
vt.  transitive verb