* Coming Soon

P - p


p n. the nineteenth letter of the alphabet, named pe.

på'a' n. saying, proverb, slang. Guaha siha nuebu på'a'‑ñiha i famagu'un på'gu na tiempu. Nowadays there are new slang expressions used by the younger generation. Guaha na klåsin på'a' ti akseptåo para i manåmku'. There are some sayings that are not acceptable to the elders. Guaha na manma'usa esti siha na på'a' på'gu' na tiempu: yabbåo, chalapun, ko. These are some of the slang words used nowadays: yabbåo 'eliminate, destroy', chalapun 'all over the place, chaotic', ko 'cripple, disable'. Estigi' un på'a': "Chadekña magacha' un dakun kini un ke'yåo." This is one proverb: "It is easier to catch a liar than a lame person." See: finu' manåmku'.

på'gu adv. now, at this time, today. På'gu na mumentu, esta matutuhun i hunta gi iskuela. At this moment, the meeting is ongoing at school. På'gu måfattu i nutisia ginin i lihislatura na para guaha inekkunguk pupbliku put asuntun tånu'. The notice just arrived from the legislature that there will be a public hearing regarding land issues. Para u uchan gi talu'åni på'gu na ha'åni. It will rain in the afternoon today.

intj. (I'm) at a loss, what a dilemma!, now what! På'gu hit! Now what (are we going to do)? På'gu hit! Ennagui' mågi i pakyu! What a dilemma! The typhoon is approaching! Pa'gu låo! Manabak i famagu'un gi halum tånu'! Oh no! The children are lost in the forest! På'gu! Now, what!

på'gu manana n. daybreak, dawn, morning twilight. Ya‑hu bai hu fanaitai yanggin på'gu manana. At daybreak, I like to first pray. Ilek‑ña si nanå‑hu na debi u fanmababa todu i petta yan i bintåna siha yanggin på'gu manana. My mother said that it is good to open up all the doors and the windows at dawn. Yanggin på'gu manana kada diha, debi na bai hu na'lågu i kafe finene'na. It is a must that I cook coffee first every day at daybreak. See: machakchak.

på'gu yan atyu adv. now if. Måolekña på'gu i inatyek‑ku ki atyu i inatyek‑mu; på'gu yan atyu inatyek‑mu pues achamåolik inatyek‑ta. My choice now is better than yours; now if your choice is like mine, then both of our choices are good.

på'kis vt. scrape, chip the surface of, peel away, pry loose (Rota). Hu på'kis i atchu' gi kontra i floris. I pried loose the rocks from against the flowers. Ha på'kis si Carlos i kayus gi addeng‑ña. Carlos peeled the callus on his foot. Mamå'kis si Gregorio pånglåo hagåf gi atchu' gi paingi. Gregorio pried some soft crabs from the rocks last night. See: påpakis.

på'las vt. dupe, swindle, deceive, hoax, take advantage of the credulity of (someone). Mampus manmapå'las esti na famalåo'an. These ladies are easily deceived. I nana gi familia chaddik mapå'las ni famagu'on‑ña. The mother is easily taken advantage of by her children. Ti libiånu si tåta mapå'las. Father is not easily deceived. See: fa'chada', palai.

pa'ngas vt. smash flat (esp. with an ax), flatten. Mapa'ngas i lata anai hineksi ni trongkun niyuk. The can got flattened when the coconut tree fell on it. Pa'ngas mås i atchu' siha para ta usa gi chalan. Smash the rocks a bit more for us to use on the road. Pa'ngas i lemmai ya ta kånnu'. Smash flat the breadfruit and we'll eat it. Variant: pakngas, pannas.

pa'uk vt. 1) have a ceremony for. Ti mapa'uk si Eduat. Ed didn't go through the ceremony. 2) treat. Si Nan Ami ha pa'uk i hagå‑hu. Auntie Carmen treated my daughter. Syn: såffi. See: pagat, åmti.

adj. all of a sudden (Guam). Håfa na pa'uk i finattom‑mu? Why did you come all of a sudden? Syn: gotpi. Variant: på'uk, på'ut.

på'ut vt. cleanse, spare from evil or harm, aid in returning the body to a more normal, healthy state (esp. of newborn babies). Mapåpa'ut i neni gi tatalu' puengi. The baby gets cleansed during the early morning. Mapå'ut i neni‑hu, sa' manhunguk ni gadåo. My baby was cleansed, because he inherited the gådåo characteristic. Nisisita mapå'ut i neni, sa' manhunguk. It's necessary for the baby to go through cleansing, because it acquired something while in the womb. Syn: såffi.

påbu n. turkey. Mañotchu ham påbu gi Ha'ånin Mannå'in Gråsia. We ate turkey on Thanksgiving Day. Meggai påbu gi tanu' Minnesota giya Amerika. There are a lot of turkeys in Minnesota in America. Månngi' i katnin påbu para sandwich. Turkey meat is good for sandwiches. From: Sp. pavo.

pacha- (from: pacha‑) vt. be skillful at, have a special natural talent for. Ti pachak‑ku i mama'tinas pån. I am not skilled in bread making. Chaddik måsa i aga' ni ha honggu' si Abraham, sa' pachan‑ña. The bananas ripened quickly due to Abraham's skill in harvesting bananas. Ni achuka' håfa ha nå'yi si Rosa gi sukiyaki, ti månngi', sa' ti pachan‑ña. No matter what Rosa puts in her sukiyaki, it still does not taste good because it is not her skill. Bound verb that takes a possessive suffix referring to the one who is skilled; probably related to patcha 'touch'. Ant: båba kannai‑ña. See: meying, hátungu', práktiku. Variant: patcha‑.

pachakåti adj. small (in growth), weak, underdeveloped (in stature). Mampus pachakåti si Andrea na påtgun. Andrea is a weak child. Intri todu i galagitu siha, si Chiubåka mås pachakåti. Among all the puppies, Chiubaka is the smallest and weakest. I mannuk an pachakåti ti siña malågu chaddik, sa' kada biråda matomba. If a chick is small in growth and weak, it cannot run fast, because it falls all the time.

pachang adj. cry-baby, irritable, easy to cry. Anai hohobin esti na tåotåo, mampus pachang. When this person was young, she was really a cry-baby. Si Caleb kulan pumachangñaihun, sa' ti umafakcha' i estomagu‑ña yan i letchi. Caleb seemed to cry easily, because he is allergic to milk. Gof pachang yu' anai neneni ha' yu'. I was a cry-baby when I was just a baby. Variant: pahchang.

pachingku' n. spear gun (locally made), used for spear fishing (Saipan). Guaha siha pachingku' mabebendi para pumeska. There are spear guns on sale for fishing. I fina'tinås‑su na pachingku' mampus måolik. The spear gun I made is really good. See: pakin tokcha'.

vt. shoot (something) with a spear gun. Måhluk i pachingko'‑ña si Andres anai ha pachingku' i gamsun gi madduk. Andres's spear gun broke when he speared the octopus in the hole. From: Jp. pachinko.

pachuchang adj. neat, nice (of girls), pretty, a manner of walking with noticeable hip movement. Si Barbie mampus pachuchang kumuentus na påtgun. Barbie is a girl who speaks very nicely. Guaha na påtgun palåo'an gof pachuchang kinalamten‑ña. Some girls are very neat in walking or talking. Gof pachuchang si Rita yanggin kumuekuentus. Rita is speaking very nicely.

påchut n. mouth. Åntis di un baba i pachot‑mu, hassun måolik nåya håfa para un sångan. Before you open your mouth, think well what you are going to say. I pachut para kumuentus yan chumotchu. The mouth is for eating and talking. Anai manli'i' nengkanu' i ga'lågu, ha baba i pachot‑ña. When the dog saw the food, he opened his mouth.

padåkdak vt. lie to, deceive. Gof ya‑ña si Joaquin pumadåkdak. Joaquin likes to lie. Si Anna ha padåkdak i che'lu‑ña gi Sabalu. Anna lied to her brother on Saturday. Mapadåkdak si Jonie ni taotåo nigap gi egga'an. The man lied to Jonie yesterday morning. Variant: pada'da' (Rota).

padaråo n. long machete, long knife (Saipan). Mana'fanbaratura i padaråo gi tenda. The machetes were put on sale at the store. Måolik manyabbåo chå'guan ni padaråo. It is good to cut grass with the long machete. Måhluk i padaråo‑ña si tatå‑hu anai ha utut i trongkun gågu. My father's long machete broke when he cut down the iron-wood tree. Variant: patdaråo.

padda' n. banana leaf or sheet of non-adhering paper used in patting out tortillas. Fanutut hågun chotda para padda' i titiyas. Cut a banana leaf for the sheet to form tortillas. Esta matitik esti na padda'. This sheet is already torn.

vt. clap, slap, pat. Duru i neni ha padda' i kannai‑ña gi egga'an. The baby was really clapping his hands this morning. Ha hongngan yu' mampus anai ha padda' tenghu‑hu. I was very startled when he slapped my back. Manmamadda' titiyas ma'is gi hagun chotda. They pressed corn tortillas on the banana leaves. See: påmpan.

påddit n. concrete, hard cement. Manhåtsa si Ton guma' påddit gi sition‑ña giya Koblerville. Ton built a concrete house at his residence in Koblerville. I gima' påddit fitmi yanggin påkyu. The concrete house is strong when there's a typhoon. Påddit i chalan guatu para i palapåla. The path to the shed is cement.

vt. cement (something). Maila' ya ta påddit esti. Come and let's cement this. See: simentu. Variant: påtdit.

padesi vt. suffer, endure, bear, stick with, feel the pain of. Ti hu padedesi taiguini kumu gaigi i asaguå‑hu. I won't be suffering like this if my spouse is here. Bai hu padesi i lina'lå'‑hu, sa' guåhu umaligåo. I will bear with my life, because I brought it upon myself. Esta un sen kumprendi håfa bidå‑mu, sa' un padesi. You now fully understand your actions, because you suffered. From: Sp. padece.

padirón n. crag, cliff, esp. bordering the sea. Guaha tåddung padiron gi tattin gima'‑måmi giya Dandan. There is a deep cliff behind our house in Dandan. Manggugupu i paluman tåsi gi padiron gi Chenchun giya Luta. Sea birds are flying over the Bird Sanctuary in Rota. Påpangpang i napu gi padiron. The waves are hitting and making sounds against the cliff. See: ladera, kantít.

padre de familia n. male head of household, head of family. Kumu guiya i padre de familia, rektu yan siriosu gui'. As the head of the family, he is strict and serious. Matanchu' na para guiya i padre de familia. He was designated to be the head of the family. Syn: tåtan i familia. From: Sp. padre de familia.

padrón n. pattern. Hu nisisita padron ni para bai hu låksi i chininan i patgun. I need a pattern to sew the child's dress. Yanggin nuebu ha' håo na såstri, siempri un nisisita meggai na klåsin padron siha. You need all kinds of patterns to follow if you are a new seamstress. Hu usa i padron anai para bai hu yunga' i gimå'‑hu. I used the pattern when I was going to do a sketch for my house. Syn: mostra. From: Sp. patrón.

paduk adj. have a big appetite for food or drink, eating a lot. Gof paduk si Caleb gumimin letchi. Caleb drinks milk a lot. Si Charlene gof paduk chumotchu, låo ti siña yumommuk. Charlene has a big appetite, but she cannot gain weight. I pineksai‑måmi babui mansen paduk. The pigs that we raise have big appetites. See: gulosu, girik.

pagadót n. paymaster. Månggi i pagadot? Where is the paymaster? Kada simåna i pagadot ha såkki dies pesus ginin i pagamentun‑måmi. Every week the paymaster stole ten dollars from our paychecks. Inalulula ya maleffa i pagadot nu i pagamentun‑måmi. The paymaster was in a rush and forgot our payment. From: Sp. pagador.

pagamentu n. payday. Bai hu famåhan sapatos‑su gi pagamentu. I will buy my shoes on payday. Manmamaguf i taotåo yanggin tiempun pagamentu, sa' meggai salåppi'‑ñiha. The people are happy when it's payday, because they have a lot of money.

vi. receive paycheck, be paid. Dos biåhi manpagamementu i litiråo siha gi kada mes. The retirees receive their paychecks twice a month. From: Sp. pagamento.

pagånu adj. pagan, heathen. Maseha pagånu håo, maila' hålum gi gimå'‑hu. Even if you are a heathen, come into my home. Ya håyi ada sumåsangan na manpagånu ham? And who is it that says we are heathens? Ilek‑ña i amigu‑hu na pagånu gui', sa' tåya' rilihon‑ña. My friend stated that he is a pagan, because he does not have a religion. From: Sp. pagano.

pagat vt. participate in a ceremony where one is presented with a chosen name and icon that represents their spirituality. Mapagat si Kika' giya Luta. Frances participated in the spiritual ceremony in Rota. Ma pågat kumu si ammaga' yu'. I was named ammaga' at the ceremony. The Chamorro naming ceremony is called pinagat. Variant: pågat.

pågu n. type of tree: beach hibiscus, tree that grows in wet areas and whose bark is used for making rope. hibiscus tiliaceus. Måolik i trongkun pågu para u mafa'poksai, sa' ñahlalang. The beach hibiscus tree is good to make paddles with, because it's light. Kantidå na trongkun pågu manmandodokku' gi kantun tåsi siha. There are many beach hibiscus trees growing by the shores. Fitmi i hayun trongkun pågu. The beach hibiscus wood is strong.

pagu' vt. 1) irritate (skin), cause skin irritation to. Ha pagu' i kannai‑hu i disu'. The diesel irritated my hands. Anai hu låssas i dagu, ha gof pagu' i lassås‑su. When I skinned the yam, it really irritated my skin. 2) give false praise to, fawn over, flatter. Ha gof tungu' mamagu' nai siña ha chuli' malago'‑ña. She really knows how to flatter to get her way. Ti ma'angokku, sa' gof måolik mamagu'. He is not trusted because he is good in flattery. Mås banidosu anai sessu mapagu'. He became more proud when he was flattered. often. Syn: fa'chada'.

påguan adj. aromatic, smelly, scented, giving off an odor. Påguan i fina'tinås‑mu. Your cooking has a delicious aroma. Gof månngi' i påo‑ña i paopåo, sa' gof påguan. The perfume smells so good, because it has a strong scent. Gof påguan i matai gå'ga' gi kantun chålan. The dead animal near the road gives off a strong odor.

påha vi. spin smoothly. Påha i tulompon‑ña si Glenn. Glenn's top spins smoothly. Måolik tulompon‑ña si Matt, sa' gof påha. Matt's top spins so nicely.

paharitu n. small bird (generic). Meggai todu klåsin paharitu gi uriyan i lanchun‑måmi. There are so many different small birds around our farm. Manggof bunitu i paharitu siha ni manmåfattu gi sitiun‑måmi. The small birds that are coming to our property are so pretty. Guaha un paharitu inakka' ni cha'ka gi paingi. There was one small bird that was bitten by the rat last night. Variant: paharita. From: Sp. pajarito.

pahariya n. spleen. Dumångkulu i pahariyå‑ña, sa' gai chetnut higadu. His spleen got enlarged, due to a liver disease. Ma'upera, sa' måpta' i parahiya. He was operated on, because the spleen ruptured. I pahariya gaigi gi fihun i istomagu. The spleen is next to the stomach. From: Sp. pajarilla.

påharu n. bird (generic). Gumupu i påharu. The bird flew. Gumupu i paharu kåttan. The bird flew north. Gaigi i paharu gi halum i tangkat. The bird is in the cage. From: Sp. pájaro.

pahgan n. type of clam, mother of pearl. Variant: påhgang.

påhgang n. type of clam. Yan‑ñiha påhgang. They like clams. Ti yan‑måmi påhgang. We don't like clams. Manhånåo mane'pahgang. They went clamming. Variant: på'gang, pahgan.

påhina n. page (of paper). Ha kaki' i patgun i påhina. The child scribbled on the page. Matitik i påhina. The page is torn. Meggai påhina gi lepblu. The book has a lot of pages. From: Sp. página.

påhlu n. mast, pole, antenna. Gaigi i pahlu gi panetan i batku. The mast is on the deck of the ship. Tumohgi i taotåo gi fi'un i pahlun i batku. The man stood by the ship's mast. Anåkku' i pahlun i batku. The ship's mast is long. Variant: pålu. From: Sp. palo.

påhngun vt. wake (someone) up. Kåo siña un påhngun gi maigo'‑ña? Can you wake him from his sleep? Mungnga nåya mapåhngun. Do not wake her just yet. Påhngun yu' gi una ora. Wake me in an hour. See: yå'hu, na'fakmåta. Variant: pångun.

påhung n. type of tree: pandanus, screwpine (bearing edible fruit). Pandanus dubius. Manhånåo i famagu'un ya mane'pahung. The kids went looking for pandanus. Ya‑hu i trongkun påhung. I like the pandanus tree. Mibasula i trongkun påhung. The pandanus tree makes a lot of trash. See: kaffu', åkgak.

pahya' adj. unclear (of speech), not enunciated clearly. Mampus pahya' i patgun kumuentus. The child's speech is very unclear. Ti siña hu kumprendi i taotåo, sa' mampus pahya' kumuentus. I cannot understand the man, because his speech is poorly enunciated. Pahya' kumuentus gi finu' English. His speech in English is incompetent.

pai n. pie. Gof yan‑ñiha pai i famagu'un. The children like pie a lot. Mama'tinas kantidån pai si nanå‑hu. My mom made a lot of pies. Ma kånnu' todu i pai. They ate all the pies. From: Eng. pie.

Pai' name. nickname for Josepha. Makaririñu yu' Pai'. My nickname is Pai'. Konni' mågi si Pai'. Bring Pai' over here.

paineta n. ornamental comb, big comb (for women). Ya‑hu ennåo i painetå‑mu. I like your comb. Mafa'tinas ginin i kara' haggan esti na paineta. This comb is made from turtle shell. Akadiduk i paineta ya tinekcha' gui'. The comb is sharp and she got pricked by it. From: Sp. peineta.

paini n. comb. Chuli'i yu' mågi ni paini. Bring me the comb. Ma tugi' na'ån‑hu gi unu na paini, sa' guåhu fuma'tinas. They inscribed my name on one of the combs, because I made it. From: Sp. peine.

vt. comb. Bai hu paini i gaputilu‑hu, sa' todu gåtdun. I will comb my hair, because it is all tangled up. Paini i kala'un gaputilu‑mu. Comb your messy hair.

painin basula n. rake, instrument used for gathering trash or leaves around the yard. Ha na'setbi i painin basula para u na'gåsgas i sanhiyung. He used the rake to clean outside. Guaha luluk na painin basula. There are metal rakes. Måolik lokkui' esti i pi'åo na painin basula. This bamboo rake is also good. Syn: iskoban sanhiyung, reki'.

paingi n. last night. Ti maigu' måolik yu' gi paingi, sa' sen maipi. I did not sleep well last night, because it was so hot. Tåya' hinanåo‑hu gi paingi. I did not go anywhere last night. Guaha guinifi‑hu gi paingi. I had a dream last night. Usually preceded by the case marker gi.

paipai n. type of hardwood tree, very useful for building materials. Guamia mariannae. Ma utut påpa' i trongkun paipai. They cut down the hardwood tree. Ma na'setbi i trongkun paipai para u mafa'tinas i gima'. They used the hardwood tree to build a house. Bihu esta i trongkun paipai. The hardwood tree is old.

paireha vt. impregnate (esp. of animals), cause to be pregnant. I gayu ha paireha atyu na månnuk, pues må'pus para ottru. The rooster impregnated that chicken, then moved on to another. Atyu ha' solu na babui pumaireha i puetka. That pig is the only one who impregnated the sow.

pairi adj. best, the best, champion. Gof pairi umachikak i ga'‑ña ga'lågu. His dog is a champion at the race. Pairi lokkui' i kabåyu. The horse too is a champion.

n. (male) breeder. Pairi esti i ga'‑hu ga'lågu. My dog is a breeder. Esti na pairi bula famagu'on‑ña. This breeder has many offspring. From: Sp. padre.

påkaka' vi. keep quiet, stay silent. Påkaka', sa' hu keke'hunguk i rediu. Be quiet, because I am trying to listen to the radio. Kumeke'maigu' yu', put fabot påkaka'. I am trying to sleep, please be quiet. Ti siña håo pumåkaka'? Can't you be quiet? Mamåkaka' i mannuk anai ma hunguk i hilu. The chickens became quiet when they heard the thunder. See: silensiu.

pakåo n. type of plant: Hawai'i pearls, yellow nicker, beach nicker, a woody climber with spiny stems. Caesalpinia major, Caesalpinia Bonduc? Mampus mahettuk i lassas i pipitas pakåo. The seed casings of beach nicker are very tough. Sumåsåonåo i pipitas pakåo gi amut måpga'. The seeds of the beach nicker are an ingredient in medicine for heavy menstrual bleeding.

pakcha n. thief, one who has light fingers. Guaha pakcha gi gurupu. There is a thief in the group. Kumu pakcha håo, ti ma'angokku håo teneki ni taotåo. If you are a thief, people won't trust you. Mungnga mafa'nå'gui i patgun para u pakcha. Do not teach the child to be a thief. Probably derived from pápatcha. Syn: sakki.

paketi n. parcel, small package. Hu na'hånåo i paketi para i dos lahi‑hu. I sent the parcel to my two sons. Hu po'lu i paketi gi hilu' lamasa. I placed the package on the table. Ha nå'na' i paketi. He hid the package. From: Sp. paquete.

vt. pack. Paketi håo ya un huyung gi gimå'‑hu! Pack and get out of my house! Put fabot ayuda yu' pumaketi i kosås‑su. Please help me pack my things. Hu pakeketi todu i guinaha‑hu. I am packing all my things.

paki n. rifle, pistol, firearm. Ha na'påkpak i paki ya manggupu i paluma. He fired the gun and the birds flew. Mungnga mana'setbi i paki. Do not use the gun.

vt. shoot, fire (a gun) at. Bai hu paki i paluma. I will shoot the bird. Nihi ya ta fanmamaki paluma. Let's go and shoot some birds. Put fabot båsta manmamaki. Please stop firing (the gun).

pakiåo adj. fast, hasty, hurried, speedy but not necessarily accurate or precise. Cho'guin pakiåo, sa' maninalulula. Work fast, because they are in a hurry. Ti ya‑ña i amu che'chu' pakiåo. The boss does not like fast work.

vt. do fast, take short-cuts, do with speed but not necessarily with accuracy or precision. Mungnga mapakiåo i che'cho'‑mu. Do not do your work with short-cuts. See: apritåo.

pakin fisga n. speargun (Guam). Ma na'setbi i pakin fisga para u fanpeska. They used the speargun to go fishing. Malingu i iyok‑ku pakin fisga. I lost my speargun. Ha nå'i yu' i amigu‑hu pakin fisga. My friend gave me a speargun. See: pakin tokcha'.

pakin goma n. slingshot. Malågu i ga'lågu anai hu paki ni pakin goma. The dog ran when I shot him with the slingshot. Ti hu tungu' muna'setbi i pakin goma. I do not know how to use a slingshot. Ha tungu' i che'lu‑hu låhi mama'tinas pakin goma. My brother knows how to make a slingshot. Syn: fletcha.

pakin tokcha' n. spear gun (commercial type). I tata ha fa'nå'gui i lahi‑ña taimanu mana'setbi i pakin tokcha'. The father taught his son how to use the speargun. I pinalåla‑ña ha tokcha' maisa gui' ni pakin tokcha'. He was in such a rush he poked himself with the speargun. Ha nå'na' i pakin tokcha' putno u fanhugåndu i famagu'un. He hid the speargun so the kids wouldn't play with it. Syn: pachingku'. See: pakin fisga.

pakki' adj. arching, bending like an arch; curved (of an eyelash or buttock). Anåkku' yan pakki' babale'‑ña si Taylor. Taylor's eyelashes are long and arched. Dikiki' gui'eng‑hu låo anåkku' yan pakki' babale'‑hu. My nose is small but my eyelashes are long and arched. Pakki' i puntan i dos na pappan i batkun airi. The two ends of the airplane's wings are arched. See: po'dang.

påkku' n. blister (from heat or fire). Måffak i pakku' gi addeng‑ña. The blisters on his feet popped.

adj. blistered. Påkku' todu i addeng‑ña. Her feet are full of blisters. Nina'påkku' ni guafi. He got blisters from the fire. Variant: paku'.

pakngas vt. smash flat, split (with an ax). Tara‑ña para u pakngas i hayu. It is his turn to split the wood. Ha pakngas i hayu, pues ha dåggåo hålum gi guafi. He split the wood, then threw it in the fire. Ayuda yu' mamakngas håyu. Help me split wood. See: gåchai. Variant: pa'ngas, pannas.

påkpak n. 1) explosion. Mampus a'gang i pakpak i paki. The explosion of the gun is very loud. 2) blister. Manpåkpak todu i pakpak kannai‑ña. Her blisters have all popped.

adj. blistered. Påkpak todu i kannai‑ña. Her hands are all blistered. Mamadedesi ni pakpak addeng‑ña. He is suffering from his blistered feet.

vi. 1) explode, pop, burst forth with sudden violence and noise, clatter, boom. Ma'å'ñåo yu' anai ma na'påkpak i kuetis. I was scared when they exploded the firecrackers. Manlåolåo yu' anai påkpak i hilu. I trembled when the thunder exploded. 2) clap (of hands). Na'påkpak i kannai‑mu. Clap your hands. Hu na'påkpak i kannai‑hu. I clapped my hands.

paksihu n. type of food, usually fish or pork, cooked in vinegar broth with additional seasoning. Disti på'gu ti hu tutungu' ha' mama'paksihu. Up to now I still do not know how to make fish soup. Månngi' mama'tinas paksihu si nanå‑hu. My mom makes delicious fish soup. Ti sessu yu' chumotchu paksihu. I do not eat fish soup often. Variant: paksiú. From: Tag. paksiw.

paktik n. kicker, as a dangerous horse. Paktik i ga'‑måmi ga'lågu, kalan ha' i kabåyu. Our dog is a kicker, just like a horse. Gof paktik i lahi ni mumumu. The boy who is fighting is a kicker. Manggånna i paktik gi mimu. The kicker won at the fight. Probably derived from pápatik, from påtik.

paku' adj. blistered (Rota). Håfa muna'paku' ennåo i kannai‑mu? What causes that blister on your hand? Bisbis i sirasami' anai manafliflitu yu' ya ha na'paku' i kannai‑hu. The salad oil squirted when I was frying and caused a blister on my hand. Variant: påkku'.

påkyu n. typhoon, storm, tropical cyclone. Ha hålang yu' i tiempun påkyu. I dread typhoon season. Guaha mamamaila' metgut påkyu para u danchi i islå‑ta. There's a strong typhoon that's coming to hit our island. I tiempun påkyu ha tutuhun gui' gi Agostu na mes. Typhoon season begins in August. Gi antigu na tiempu ma'u'usa i sadigåni para lihing påkyu. In the early days, an underground shelter was used as a typhoon shelter. Duråntin påkyu, piligru humånåo gi chalan. During typhoons, it is dangerous to be out on the road.

påla n. shovel, spade. Ayåo i palan Juan. Borrow Juan's shovel. Hu na'setbi i pala ya hu guadduk i hoyu para i tinanom‑hu. I used the spade to dig the hole for my plants. Ma usa i pala para u masohgui i edda'. They used the shovel to scoop the soil.

vt. shovel, spade. Påla i edda'. Shovel the soil. Ha na'setbi i pala para u påla i edda'. He used the shovel to shovel the dirt.

palåbra n. word. Håfa ennåo na palåbra? What is that word? Ti hu kumprendi i palabrå‑mu. I do not understand your words. Mapput i palåbra ni un na'sesetbi. The words you are using are difficult. From: Sp. palabra.

paladang n. scar, weal, wound mark. Tatfoi i brabu‑hu anai didikiki' yu', guaha paladang siha gi satnot‑tu. I was such an active child that I have scars on my legs. Matman anai ha li'i' i paladang gi kannai‑ña. He was surprised to see a weal on his hand. Kinenni' para hospitåt gi as nanå‑ña put i paladang gi kannai‑ña. His mother took him to the hospital for the weal on his hand.

adj. scarred, have scars or wound marks. Paladang todu i patgun ginin i chetnut. The child is all scarred from the sores. Paladang i tatåotåo‑ña anai poddung gi trongku. He got scars on his body when he fell off the tree. Variant: paladan.

páladat n. palate, roof of the mouth. Chettun i kandi gi paladat‑tu. The candy got stuck to my palate. Guaha chetnut gi paladat‑tu. There are sores on my palate. Puti i paladat‑tu kumu chumotchu yu'. My palate hurts when I eat. From: Sp. paladar.

palai vt. smear (something) on, smear (something) with. Ha palai i patgun fasu‑ña ni mantikiya. The child smeared his face with butter. Hu palai låñan niyuk gi satnot‑tu an kalåmli. I rub oil on my legs when it cramps. Palai esti na åmut gi addeng‑mu. Rub this medicine on your feet.

palåkpak n. cracking noise, such as produced by thunder or a shotgun. A'gang palakpåk‑ña i hilu. The thunder made a loud cracking noise. I paki lokkui' a'gang palakpåk‑ña. The shotgun too makes a loud cracking noise.

vi. 1) make a cracking noise. Hinengngang i neni‑hu anai palåkpak i hilu. My baby was scared when the thunder cracked. 2) chatter, run off at the mouth. Ya‑ña si Maria pumalåkpak. Maria likes to chatter. Palålakpak si Maria kumu guiguiya ha'. Maria chatters when she's alone. Put fabot påra pumalåkpak. Please stop chattering. 3) have sexual intercourse (slang). Variant: påkpak.

palaksi'1 adj. slippery (of surfaces). Palaksi' i chalan anai uchan. The road was slippery when it rained. Palaksi' i satgi. The floor is slippery. Kumu ti fotgun i satgi, ti u palaksi'. If the floor is not wet, it will not be slippery.

palaksi'2 n. type of fish: wrasses, small parrotfish. Family Labridae, Family Scaridae. Ya‑hu inaflitun palaksi'. I like fried parrotfish. Manpeska ya manmangonni' meggai palaksi'. They went fishing and caught a lot of parrotfish. Ti ya‑ña si Maria palaksi'. Maria does not like parrotfish. Name for several of the longer and thicker members of the wrasse family, also for small parrotfish.

palanggåna n. washpan, washtub. Hinågua i magågu gi palanggåna. Rinse the clothes in the washpan. Na'gåsgas i palanggåna kumu munhåyan håo. Clean the washpan when you are done. Mungnga mana'o'mak i ga'lågu gi palanggåna. Do not bathe the dog in the washpan. From: Sp. palangana.

palångpang n. loud noise. Kådada' i palångpang gi paingi. The loud noise last night was brief.

vi. 1) make a loud noise. Palångpang mampus i karetå‑ña si Ramon. Ramon's car is very noisy. Palålangpang i napu. The waves are making a loud noise. Båsta masugun ennåo i palångpang kareta. Stop driving that noisy car. 2) fall down (noisily). Sulun ya palångpang gi hilu' satgi. He slipped and fell on the floor. Palålangpang påpa' gi eksu' i kareta anai aksidenti si Francisco. The car was rolling noisily down the road when Francisco got into an accident. Palångpang i niyuk gi hilu' i atuf sin. The coconut fell noisily on the tin roof. Unproductively derived from pångpang.

palåo'an n. woman, female. Guåhu ha' na palåo'an gi halum gurupu. I am the only female in the group. Guiya atyu na palåo'an muna'ma'udai yu' gi karetå‑ña. That is the woman who gave me a ride in her car. I uttimu na patgon‑hu palåo'an. My last child is a girl. Maggim kurason‑ña i palåo'an. The woman is soft-hearted. I palåo'an na ga'lågu mås matatnga kumu mapotgi'. The female dog is meaner when it is pregnant.

palåo'an chålan n. prostitute, loose woman. Manli'i' yu' palåo'an chålan giya Garapan. I saw a prostitute in Garapan. Syn: bókkungu', palåo'an Lunis, palåo'an kako', tamago'.

palapåla1 n. hut, roofed structure with open walls. Ha na'gåsgas i palapåla i biha. The old lady cleaned the hut. Manggaigi i famagu'un gi palapåla. The children are in the hut. Ta fanetnun gi palapåla. We will gather at the hut. Manlihing gi palapåla anai uchan. They sheltered in the hut when it rained.

palappa vi. make a flapping noise, make a rustling sound. Mangguaifi i manglu' ya pumalappa i tentu'. The wind blew and the tent made a flapping noise. Pumalappa i sin duråntin i pakyu. The tin roof made a flapping noise during the typhoon.

vt. flap. Ha palappa i pappan‑ña i gayu, pues umo'o'. The rooster flapped its wings, then crowed.

palaspas vi. splash. Palaspas i guihan gi halum tåsi. The fish splashed in the ocean. I neni ya‑ña pumalaspas gi halum hånum. The baby likes to splash in the water. Pumalaspas i laña ya tininu si Magdalena anai ha afliflitu i guihan. The oil splashed and burned Magdalena when she was frying the fish. Unproductively derived from paspas.

palåsyu n. palace, castle. Kalan palåsyu i gima' Juan. John's house is like a palace. Palåsyu i gima' i Gubietnu. The Governor's house is a palace. Bibensi i palåsyun i rai. The King's palace is impressive. Variant: palåhyu. From: Sp. palacio.

Palau name. islands of Palau, the Republic of Palau. Un biåhi ha' yu' malak Palau. I've been to Palau only once. Humami yan i che'lu‑hu palåo'an malak Palau. I went with my sister to Palau. Ti hu chagi munangu anai iståba yu' Palau. I did not get to swim while I was in Palau.

paleta n. 1) trowel, agitator (in washing machine). Sen ya‑ña humugåndu i nenin‑måmi yan i iyok‑ku paletan hatdin. Our baby loves to play with my garden trowel. Ha na'setbi i paletan hatdin para u påla i edda'. She used the garden trowel to shovel dirt. Ha fa'hugegeti i paleta. He uses the trowel like a toy. 2) palette, painter's palette. Mamåhan paleta i hagå‑hu. My daughter bought a palette. Ha na'setbi i paleta ya ha penta i buttun Santa Maria. She used the palette to paint the statue of Santa Maria. Ha na'gåsgas i paleta anai munhåyan mamenta. She cleaned the palette when she finished painting. 3) rice scoop, made of wood or plastic. Ha na'setbi i paleta gi la'uyan hineksa'. He used the rice scoop in the rice pot. Malingu i paletan hinekså'‑hu. My rice scoop is missing. From: Sp. paleta.

påli' n. priest. Umali'i' si Juan yan si påli' anai ha disidi para u asagua. Juan met with a priest when he decided to get married. Kadada' setmon‑ña si påli'. The priest's sermon is short. Håyi na påli' para u såonåo gi interu? Which priest will participate in the internment?

palitiya n. 1) shoulder blade. Malasa i palitiyå‑ña, sa' puputi. His shoulder blade was massaged, because it was hurting. Ma tatu i lassås‑ña anai gaigi i palitiya. They tattooed his skin where the shoulder blade is. 2) trapezius muscle, loin (of animal). Yan‑ñiha humotnu i palitiyan i guaka. They like to bake beef loin. Makåtdu i palitiyan i guaka. The beef loin was made into soup. I fresku na palitiya mås yan‑ñiha. They like fresh beef loin best. From: Sp. paletilla.

palitu n. 1) small stick, matchstick. Ha fa'dekka' ninifin i palitun machis. He uses the matchstick as a toothpick. Rikohi palitu para totnin guåfi. Gather small sticks for starting a fire. Ha na'fanfila i palitu gi taimanu mineddung‑ñiha. He lined up the sticks according to their lengths. 2) longer stick used for dancing the stick dance. Manbråbu i famagu'un manbailan palitu. The children are energetic in their stick dance performance. Kada puengi i bihu ha fa'nåna'gui i manhobinsitu na lalåhi bailan palitu. Every evening, the old man teaches the young men the stick dance. Måolekña i hayu ki i pi'ao para bailan palitu. A wooden stick is better than a bamboo stick for stick dance. From: Sp. palito.

palo'pu' vt. fall on, lie down on. Ya‑ña i nenin‑måmi pumalo'pu' si bihu‑ña. Our baby girl loves to lie on her grandpa. Si biha ha palo'pu' i alunan. Grandma lay down on the big pillow. Manapalo'pu' i famagu'un anai manhugågandu. The children fell on top of each other when they were playing.

palu adj. some, some more; the rest. Siña un nå'i yu' palu ni na'‑mu? Can you give me some of your food? Na'sahngi ha' i para hågu, ya i palu nå'inñaihun. Just separate what is for you and the rest, give them away. Po'lu palu para i manåtatti. Leave some for others who are coming after.

pålu2 n. dorsal fin of shark. Gigun ha li'i' kantidå na pålu gi uriyan i boti, ha alulåyi gui' guatu gi tanu'. He quickly returned to land as soon as he saw a lot of dorsal fins of sharks. Umuririya i alu'u, atan ha' i palu‑ña. The shark is coming around, just look at its dorsal fin. Dångkulu na alu'u, sa' dångkulu na pålu hu lili'i'. It is a big shark, because I am seeing a big dorsal fin.

paluma n. 1) bird. Manmånsu i paluma. The birds are tame. Na'maguf i chingi' na paluma ma'atan gi airi. The white tern bird is pleasant to see in the air. Entri todu i paluma giya Mariånas, para guåhu, i tettut mås bunitu pilu‑ña. Among all the birds in the Marianas, the fruit dove, for me, has the most beautiful feathers. 2) penis (slang). Mamåhlåo i patgun para u na'annuk i palumå‑ña. The child is embarrassed to show his penis. Sessu i patgun låhi ha tåmpi i palumå‑ña, sa' tåya' katsunes‑ña. The boy often covers his penis, because he does not have pants on. Matitik katsunes‑ña ya annuk i palumå‑ña. His pants are torn and his penis shows. From: Sp. paloma.

paluman karisu n. nightingale reed-warbler. Acrocephalus luscinia. Pribidu un konni' i paluman karisu. Catching the nightingale reed-warbler is prohibited. Un tungu' chumeflan paluman karisu? Do you know how to whistle like the nightingale reed-warbler? Syn: ga'ga' karisu.

paluman kunåo n. type of bird: reddish-brown ground dove. gallicolumba xanthonura. Ya‑ña i paluman kunåo mamokkat gi edda'. The ground dove likes to walk on the ground. Siña masodda' esti i paluman kunåo giya Philippines yan Indonesia. The ground dove can be found in the Philippines and Indonesia. Kana' ha' achadangkulu esti i paluman kunåo yan i paluman månsu. The ground dove is about the same size as the pigeon. This bird is said to be the female of apåka'.

paluman kutbåta n. type of bird: white-throated ground dove. gallicolumba xanthonura. Siña masodda' esti i paluman kutbåta gi halum tånu' Saipan. The white-throated ground dove can be found in the forests of Saipan. I lahi na paluman kutbåta kulot chukulåti tatåotåo‑ña. The male white-throated ground dove has a chocolate brown colored body. Manyomahlåo esti i paluman kutbåta. White-throated ground doves are shy birds. Syn: apåka', paluman kunåo.

paluman na'abak n. type of bird: fantail, bird that can lead one astray. Rhipidura Rufifrons Saipanensis. Fa'na'an abak, sa' ha tattiyi i paluman na'abak gi hatdin. She may have strayed, because she followed the fantail in the forest. Gi dos mit tres, si Noel ha li'i' un å'paka' na paluman na'abak giya San Antonio. In 2003, Noel saw an albino fantail in San Antonio. Syn: chichirika.

palumat n. dovecote, pigeon roost, birdhouse. Mamåhan yu' palumat para i hatdin. I bought a dovecote for the garden. Mama'tinas lokkui' i lahi‑hu palumat. My son also built a dovecote. Guaha på'gu dos na palumat gi hatdin‑hu. There are now two dovecotes in the garden. Mama'tinas i asaguå‑hu tåpbla na palumat. My husband made a wooden birdhouse. Meggai paluma manmåfattu gi palumat. A lot of birds come to the birdhouse. Makakana' i palumat gi trongku. The birdhouse is hanging on a tree. From: Sp. palomar.

påmpan vt. pat repeatedly, pat gently. Yan‑ñiha mammapåmpan i neni an para u mana'fanmaigu'. Babies like to be patted when they are going to be put to sleep. Påmpan i neni esta ki u maigu'. Pat the baby until she goes to sleep. Ti siña i neni maigu' esta ki mapåmpan. The baby could not go to sleep until he was patted gently. See: padda'. Variant: pångpang.

pån n. bread. Sessu si nanå‑hu mama'tinas pån anai mandikiki' ham. My mom often made bread when we were little. Yan‑måmi esti i pån tuba. We love bread made with fermented coconut sap. Månngi' mangingi' i paguan i pån yanggin på'gu måmasa gi hetnu. It feels good to smell the odor of the bread when it is freshly cooked in the oven. From: Sp. pan.

pån mamis n. sweet bread, sweet bun. I pån mamis mås ya‑ña i amigå‑hu. My friend likes the sweet bun best. Ma tosta i pån mamis para u ma'uk. They toasted the sweet bread so it would last long. Månngi' malantiyas lokkui' i pån mamis. Sweet bread also makes delicious lantiyas.

pån royu n. toasted sweet bread, usually ring-shaped or twisted. Tatfoi i guinaiyan‑ña pån royu esta ha nåna'na'. She likes toasted bread so much that she even hides it away. Ha fa'tinas un låtan gånta na pån royu. She made one can of toasted bread. Ti siña i biha chumotchu pån royu, solu ha sumai gi kafe. The old lady cannot eat toasted bread unless she soaks it in coffee.

panaderu n. baker. Månngi' mama'tinas pån atyu na panaderu. That baker makes good bread. Bula panaderu manmachocho'chu' gi tenda. Many bakers work at the store. Bula klåsin fina'mamis siña ha fa'tinas i panaderu. The baker can make many kinds of sweets. From: Sp. panadero.

panak n. bat (in baseball and other sports). Mamåhan si Juan panak. Juan bought a bat. Ha nå'i si Juan i lahi‑ña ni panak. Juan gave his son the bat. Banidosu i lahin Juan, sa' gai panak. Juan's son is proud to have his own bat.

vt. hit, slam, bat. Ha panak i bola si Juan. Juan hit the ball. Ha panak si Juan i haligi. Juan hit the pole. Ha panak i ga'lågu, sa' mangilili zori'. She hit the dog, because the dog carried the slipper away.

panak lålu' n. fly swatter. Tåya' panak lålu' hu lili'i'. I do not see any fly swatter. Hu nisisita na bai famåhan panak lålu'. I do need to buy a fly swatter.

panak tennis n. tennis racket. Guaha munå'i yu' panak tennis, låo ti hu tungu' muna'setbi. Someone gave me a tennis racket, but I don't know how to use it. Malagu' håo nu esti na panak tennis? Would you like this tennis racket?

panakñaihun vt. hold and throw down, as in wrestling. Ha panakñaihun si Juan i amigu‑ña anai umafulu' i dos. Juan held and threw down his friend when they wrestled. Ti siña si Juan pinanakñaihun ni amigu‑ña. Juan's friend could not hold and throw him down. Yan‑ñiha i famagu'un manapanakñaihun an manhugågandu. The kids love to be held and thrown down when they play. Variant: palakñaihun.

pånchu n. raincoat, slicker, poncho. Kumu uchan, siempri bai hu usa i panchu. Should it rain, then I will use the raincoat. Tåya' bali‑ña esti na pånchu, sa' matitik. This poncho is useless, because it is torn. Malingu i iyok‑ku pånchu. My raincoat is lost. Syn: kaputón. From: Sp. poncho.

pandereta n. tambourine, little bell. Dåndan i pandereta, na'fampalångpang. Ring the tambourine, make them sound loudly. Ha tungu' si Maria humugåndu pandereta. Maria knows hows to play the tambourine. Kumåkanta mientras humugågandu ni pandereta. She sings as she plays the little bell. Syn: kampaniya. From: Sp. pandereta.

panelón n. shawl. I biha ha u'usa panelón. The old lady wears a shawl. Bunitu panelon‑ña i biha. The old lady has a pretty shawl. Guaguan na panelon esti. This shawl is expensive. Syn: påñu. From: Sp. pañolón.

paniti vt. punch, hit with the fist. Mungnga mapaniti yu'. Don't punch me. Ha paniti i liga. He punched the wall. Kuentusi, mungnga mapaniti. Talk to him, do not hit him. Syn: dommu', seku, trompunåsu.

pánnaguan n. type of rooster, black in color. Håssan ta li'i' esta esti i pannaguan na gåyu. We seldom see this black variety of rooster anymore. Un tåotåo ha' gai pannaguan giya Saipan. Only one person has this type of black rooster on Saipan. Ta tungu' ha' na åttilung esti i pannaguan. We know that pannaguan rooster is black.

pannas vt. smash flat, flatten, split (esp. wood) with an ax. Ha pannas i titiyas åntis di u na'lågu. She flattened the tortilla before she cooked it. Ha pannas meggai na håyu. He split a lot of wood with the ax. In pannas i tininun lemmai gi hilu' lamasa anai para bai in kannu'. We flattened the roasted breadfruit on the table before eating it. See: hongngang. Variant: pa'ngas.

pånsa n. rumen, stomach, protruding belly of pregnant woman. I guaka na gå'ga' guaha mås ki unu pansan‑ñiha. Cattle have more than one stomach part. Dångkulu pansån‑ña i palåo'an, sa' mapotgi'. The lady's stomach is big, because she is pregnant. Umåppan i pansån‑ña i palåo'an anai mañågu. The lady's stomach flattened when she gave birth. From: Sp. panza.

pantalån n. wharf, pier, dock, quay. Gaigi i batku gi pantalån. The ship is at the wharf. Ti siña i batku malak i pantalån, sa' natata i tasi. The ship cannot go to the dock, because it is low tide. Sessu i famagu'un manñangu gi pantalån. The children often swim at the pier. Variant: bantalån.

pañålis n. diaper. Mambaratura i pañålis gi todu i tenda. The diapers are on sale at all the stores. From: Sp. pañales.

vt. put a diaper on. Ha pañåñalis si Maria i neni. Maria is putting a diaper on the baby. Bai pañålis i neni nu esti na magågu. I am going to put a diaper on the baby with this cloth. See: sådi'.

påñu n. 1) handkerchief, scarf. Dopbla i pañu ya un po'lu. Fold the handkerchief and put it away. Guaha påñu gi ilu‑ña. There is a scarf on her head. Guaha påñu gi botsån‑ña. There is a handkerchief in his pocket. From: Sp. paño. 2) handkerchief used by groom.

pañut vt. swallow, gulp down. Pañut i amut. Swallow the medicine. Ha pañut alis ha' i pitduras. She just swallowed the pills quickly. Ngångas, pues pañut. Chew, then swallow. See: pañut ålis.

pañut ålis vt. swallow without chewing, swallow quickly. I paluma ha pañut ålis i na'‑ña. The bird swallowed without chewing its food. Mungnga mapañut ålis i na'‑mu. Do not swallow your food without chewing. Ha pañut ålis ha' i amut. He just swallowed the medicine quickly.

pangas vt. hold down, put down, beat down. Umapangas i dos tåotåo. The two held each other down. Si BJ ha pangas måolik i kuntrariu‑ña. BJ held his opponent down well. Cha'‑mu yu' muna'lalålalu', sa' hu pangas håo! Don't make me mad, or else I will beat you down! Variant: pakngas.

pangela n. strap used to hold the yoke in place against the neck of the bull. Mayamak i pangelan i karetan guaka. The strap of the bullcart broke. Mafa'tinåsi i karetan guaka pangela, sa' måktus nigap. A strap was made for the bullcart, because it broke yesterday. Debi di un usa i pangela para i karetan guaka. You should use the strap for the bullcart.

vt. strap the yoke against the neck of (a bull). Bai hu pangela i toru. I am going to strap the yoke against the neck of the bull. Ti ya‑ña si Juan na u pangela i guaka. Juan does not like to strap the yoke on the bull.

pångket n. 1) pancake. Mama'tinas i biha pångket. The old lady made pancakes. Meggai fina'tinås‑ña i biha pångket. The old lady made a lot of pancakes. Manmannanangga i famagu'un para u fañotchu pångket. The children are waiting to eat pancakes. From: Eng. pancake. 2) vagina (slang). Mungnga mana'annuk i pangket‑mu. Do not show your vagina. Båsta dumihåda ni pangket‑mu. Stop being careless with your vagina. Variant: pangkek, pångkek.

pångku'1 n. blister from heat.

adj. have heat blisters. Pångku' yu' todu ginin i prensa. I got a lot of blisters from ironing. Pångku' anai ha patcha i maipi na satten. He got blisters when he touched the hot pot. Nina'pångku' todu ni mafñut sapatos‑ña. He/she got blisters from his/her tight shoes. Variant: påkku'.

pångku'2 adj. flat (of tires), deflated, without air as in tires, balloons, etc. Nina'pångku' i taia' ni liluk. The nail flattened the tire. Ha arekla i tata i pångku' i taia'. The father fixed the flat tire. Ti siña hu na'setbi i kareta, sa' pångku' i taia'. I cannot use the car, because the tire is flat. From: Japanese, deflated tire.

pånglåo n. crab (generic). Manhuyung i panglåo, sa' gualåfun. The crabs are out, because it is full moon. Nihi ta fané'panglåo. Let us go crab hunting. Palåo'an esti na pånglåo. This crab is female.

pånglåo orus n. type of crab: golden crab, spotted crab. carpilius maculatus. Håssan ni ta li'i' esta i panglåo orus. The golden crab is rarely seen now.

pånglåo tunas n. type of crab: land crab. cardisoma (family gecarcinidae). Guaha pånglåo tunas yan guaha pånglåo etchung. There are straight crabs and there are crooked crabs. Chaddik malågu i panglåo tunas. The land crab runs fast. Ti meggai esta pånglåo tunas. There are not a lot of land crabs anymore.

pångpang1 vi. explode, blast, make a shattering sound. Pångpang i hilu. The thunder sounded loudly. Pångpang i bala. The bullet exploded. Pångpang i reda. The tire exploded. Syn: påkpak.

pångpang2 vt. splash water on (one's head) by tapping the head with hand. Pångpang i kakagong‑mu ni hanum åntis di un o'mak gi tasi pat gi båñu. Spatter water on the top of your head before you swim in the ocean or take a shower. Umapangpang i dos påtgun gi ilun‑ñiha. The two children splashed water on each other's heads.

pångun vt. 1) wake (someone) up. Pångun si Beck, sa' esta hora. Wake Beck up, because it is already time. Påpangun yu' gi alas kuåttru. Wake me up at 4 o'clock. 2) cause to recollect, make think about, recall. Ha pångun i hinassok‑ku anai un faisin yu' put i håssan ta usa esta na fino'‑ta siha. You brought back memories when you asked me words that we rarely use nowadays.

påo n. 1) odor, smell, scent, aroma. Påo kåtnin binådu i platu. The plate has a smell of deer meat. Påo gas i sanhiyung. The outside has a smell of gas. Påopåo esti na påo. This smell is a pleasant smell. 2) perception, sense (hold for more info from DManglona). Ha tungu' i neni i pao nanå‑ña maseha hommum gi halum kuåttu. The baby can sense her mother even in the dark room. I batchit ha sen tungu' håyi na tåotåo gi familiån‑ña ha adingangani, maseha ti ha huhunguk bos‑ñiha, sa' ha ngingingi' påo‑ñiha. The blind man can perceive who he is talking with even though he cannot hear their voices.

påode'du' n. type of medicinal vine. hedyotis sp. Åmut esti i paode'du'. The påode'du' plant is a medicinal plant. Utut i ramas påode'du' ya un sotni. Cut the branch of a påode'du' plant and boil it. Måolik esti i paode'du' na åmut. The påode'du' plant is a good medicinal plant.

påohebbu adj. old-smelling, musty, smells dirty (esp. of clothes). Påohebbu esta esti i magagu‑hu, sa' ginacha' yu' uchan nigap. My clothes smell musty , because I was caught in the rain yesterday. Fa'gåsi i magågu, sa' esta manpåohebbu. Wash the clothes, because they smell musty.

påola n. stuffing, something stuffed. I mutsiyas bula gollai gi paola. There are lots of vegetables in the stuffed chicken neck. Dimasiåo manngi' i paolan påbu. The turkey stuffing is delicious. Mama’tinas si Nåna påola para i himan dikiki’. Grandma made stuffing for the small clams.

adj. stuffed (from overeating or drinking).

påomata' n. fishy smell, raw or uncooked smell, fleshy odor, as in blood, raw meat, raw egg. Påomata' i tasi. The ocean has a fishy smell. Påomamata' ha' esti na kåtni. This meat still has a raw smell to it. Påomata' i plåtu. The plate has a fishy smell.

påopåo n. sweet smell, good smell, fragrant perfume. Kuåntu bali‑ña esti na påopåo? How much is this perfume?

adj. sweet-smelling, fragrant. Påopåo esti na floris. This flower smells good. Na'påopåo håo. Make yourself smell good.

påopåyi vt. put perfume on (someone). Debi di un påopåyi i neni, sa' putno u gine'hin chålan. You have to perfume the baby to avoid illness from the unknown. Ha påopåyi gui' ni manmetgut na påopåo. She put on herself strong smelling perfumes. Påopåyi håo åntis di un hånåo para i giput. Put perfume before going to the party.

påotaki'1 n. odor of feces, feces odor. Påotaki' guini. It smells like feces here. Påotaki' neni. It smells like baby's feces. Suhåyi sa' påotaki' na lugåt. Stay away because the place smells like feces.

påpa n. 1) pope. Måttu i påpa Guam. The pope came to Guam. Gaigi si såntu påpa giya Roma. The pope is in Rome. Syn: såntu påpa. 2) father, dad. Måttu si påpa gi gima'. Dad came home. From: Sp. papa.

påpa' n. bottom. Guaha mångga siha gi papa' i trongku. There are mangos at the bottom of the tree. Achuka' un pega i litratu mås påpa', måolik ha' para guahu. Even if you place the picture at the bottom, I am ok with it.

adv. down, below, beneath, under. Gaigi påpa' gi lanchu si Manet. Manet is down at the farm. Påpa' mås ni gaigi i lanchu. Farther down is where the farm is.

papa'såtgi n. area under the house below the floor boards (old house style). In setda' i chenchun gonggung gi papa'såtgi. We found the bumblebee nest under the house. Guaha na biåhi na bula haggan otda' gi fihun papa'såtgi. At times there are lots of haggan otda' near the area under our home. Manhugåndu i famagu'un gi papa'såtgi. The children played in the area under the house.

adj. fleshy, meaty.

pápagu'1 n. irritant (of skin). Guaha lokkui' ti papagu' na kadagan. There are also kadagan bushes that are not skin irritants. Manpapagu' na chå'guan esti siha. These grasses cause skin irritation. Siña un na'suha i papagu' i piga' yanggin un sumai gi hanum tåsi. You can get rid of the irritant in wild taro if you soak it in sea water.

pápagu' aniti n. type of vine: devil's ivy. Epipremnum pinnatum. Mapput mapunu' i papagu' aniti. It is difficult to kill devil's ivy. Bunitu i papagu' aniti yanggin mana'kunanaf gi trongkun håyu. The devil's ivy is nice when trained around a tree trunk. Kumu sessu uchan, dumådangkulu i hagon‑ña i papagu' aniti. When it rains often, the leaves of the devil's ivy grow large.

påpakis n. fingernail, toenail, claw, talon, hoof. Utut i papakes‑mu siha, sa' esta mananåkku'. Cut your fingernails, because they are already long. Ha penta i papakes‑ña si Rose. Rose painted her fingernails. Manbunitu i papakis siha gi addeng‑mu. The toenails on your feet look beautiful.

påpakyu vi. the storm is going on, the typhoon is going on (progressive). Påpakyu Tinian. The typhoon is going on on Tinian. Påpakyu ta'lu gi tasi. The storm is going on again on the ocean. Kalan påpakyu guini, sa' i manglu' yan i ichan. It seems like we are having a typhoon here, because of the wind and rain. Derived by reduplication from påkyu.

papalatung n. flattery. This word, which some say is a Filipino word, means praising someone without really meaning it.

papaloti n. kite. Na'gupu i papaloti, sa' måolik i manglu'. Fly the kite, because the wind is good. Gåtdun i papaloti gi trongkun tåotåomo'na. The kite got tangled in the banyan tree. Hu fa'tinas palaloti ginin i hagun lemmai. I made a kite from the breadfruit leaf. From: Sp. papalote.

pápangpang n. type of lobster: slipper lobster. Family Scyllaridae. Ma bebendi pápangpang, ayuyu yan hiting gi metkåo. The market sells slipper lobster, coconut crab and rabbit fish. Ya‑hu todu i dos: pápangpang yan uhang. I like both: slipper lobster and shrimp. An puengi nai mane'enengkanu' i pápangpang. The slipper lobsters search for food at night.

papåya n. papaya. Carica papaya. Esta måsa i papåya. The papaya is ripe already. I floris papåyan låhi mana'sesetbi para åmut. The male papaya flower is used for medicine. Esta meggai na klåsin papåya manmandodokku' giya Mariånas. There are now many different types of papayas growing in the Marianas. From: Sp. papaya.

pappa n. wing, pectoral fin (of fish). Ånchu i pappan‑ña i batkun airi. The wings of the airplane are long. I paluma ha palalappa i pappan‑ña, låo ti siña gumupu tarabiha. The bird was flapping its wings, but it could not fly yet. Bula gå'ga' siha manggai pappa, taiguihi i ababbang, guihan, yan paluma. Lots of animals have wings, like the butterfly, fish, and bird.

påppa vt. strip off (the bark of a tree), skin (an animal), peel off, rip off. Hu påppa i lassas i hayu. I peeled off the bark of the tree. Hu påppa i lassas‑su. I peeled off my skin. Mapåppa i papakes‑su. My nails ripped off.

påppit n. paper. Tugi' na'ån‑mu guini na påppit. Write your name on this paper. Po'lu esti, sa' påppit tånu' esti. Put this away, because this is land paper. Titik todu na klåsin påppit para songgi. Tear all kinds of papers for burning. From: Sp. papel.

påppit aseru n. sandpaper. Na'setbi i pappit aseru para un na'suha i tinaki'. Use the sandpaper to take away the rust. Siña ha' un na'setbi mås ki un biåhi esti na påppit aseru. You can still use this sandpaper more than once. Guaha atyu i finu yan guaha atyu i båstus na påppit aseru. There is fine sandpaper and there is rough sandpaper.

påppit etgui n. toilet paper or tissue. Po'lu i påppit etgui gi kemmun. Put the toilet paper in the restroom. Tåya' esta påppit etgui gi kemmun sanhiyung. There is no more toilet paper in the outside toilet. In fanana'an chirigami i pappit etgui lokkui. We call the toile paper chirigami also.

para prep. 1) to, toward. Para lågu ni gaigi i gima'. The house is toward the west. Hånåo para i gimå'‑mu. Go to your home. Mamomokkat si Juan para i tasi. Juan is walking to the ocean. Para månu håo? Where are you going to? Para esti yu' mågi. I am going here. 2) for (the benefit of). Para hågu esti. This is for you. Para i sanhilu' esti. This is for the top.

aux. be going to, will (irrealis). Para bai hu hånåo para Tinian. I am going to go to Tinian. Måolik esti para un tungu'. This is good for you to know. From: Sp. para.

påra vi. stop, quit. Na'påra i buruka. Make the noise stop. Påra humånåo na maisa. Stop going alone. Påra bumuruka. Stop making noise. Esta pumåra chumupa. She stopped smoking already. From: Sp. para.

para håfa pp. 1) what for? Para håfa esti? What is this for? Un cho'gui esti para håfa? You did this for what? Para håfa ta'lu esti? What is this for again? Syn: put håfa. 2) never mind, forget it, don't bother, it's okay. Para håfa, sa' guaha ha' esti gi gima'. Never mind, because there is this at home. Para håfa håo nu ennåo. Don't bother yourself with that. Para håfa båsta po'lu. Never mind, just let it be (it's okay). Syn: po'lu. Variant: paråfa.

para ke pp. it doesn't matter to (said callously), could care less, who cares, don't care (idiom). Para ke yu' ni tatåotåo‑mu, låo i anti‑mu. I don't care for your body, but your soul. På'gu na tiempu ti manggof áfa'måolik i taotåo, sa' puru ha' para ke. Nowadays people are not too close, because not much matters to them. Hu diseseha na u para mana'påra' ni taotåo esti i "para ke". I wish people would stop using the "who cares" idiom. Para ke gui' nu esti. She has no desire for this. Para ke håo. You are indifferent. Para ke yu'. I don't care. Variant: para kehi. From: Sp. para qué.

para kehi intj. it doesn't matter to (said callously), could care less (Rota). Para kehi håo. It does not matter to you. På'gu na tiempu ti manggof áfa'måolik i taotåo, sa' puru ha' para kehi. Nowadays people are not too close because nothing matters to them. Disatentu para un sangåni si tatå‑mu: para kehi yu'. It is disrespectful to say to your father: I don't care. Variant: para ke. From: Sp. para qué.

para mo'na pp. henceforth, from now on, in the future. Na'måolik håo para mo'na. Make yourself better from now on. Para mo'na tåya' esta uchan. Henceforth, there will be no more rain. Para mo'na ta fåfana'. The future is what we are facing.

paråda n. bet, wager, stake (in gambling), the pot (for betting or gambling). Månggi i paradå‑mu? Where is your bet? Paråda esti. This is the pot (for betting). Tåya' paradå‑hu. I do not have any bet. Syn: aposta.

paradisu n. paradise, Eden. Månggi i chalan para i paradisu? Where is the road to paradise? Kulan paradisu esti na lugåt. This place is like paradise. Paradisu esti, sa' bula paluma yan floris. This is paradise, because there are lots of birds and flowers.

paråfu n. paragraph, clause. Debi di un fa'tinas dos na paråfu para atyu na litråtu. You are to write two paragraphs for that picture. Taitai todu i paråfu guini na påhina, sa' guaha sustånsian‑ñiha. Read all the paragraphs on this page, because there is substance to them. From: Sp. párrafo.

paralitiku n. paralysis, palsy. Håfa måolik para ta cho'gui para i paralitiku? What is good to do for paralysis?

adj. paralytic. Paralitiku esti na tåotåo. This man is paralytic. Umo'omak gi tasi i paralitiku para u inayuda gi hinemlo'‑ña. The paralytic is swimming in the ocean to help in his recovery. From: Sp. paralítico.

parandera n. 1) sow used for breeding. Na'sahngi i yemmuk na babui para ta fa'parandera. Separate the fat pig to be used as a breeder. 2) any female animal used for breeding. Ta nisisita tres na parandera para ta umenta i ga'‑ta chiba. We need three more breeding goats to increase our flock. 3) midwife. Ti malagu' i mapotgi' na palåo'an malak i hospitåt, sa' ga'nan‑ña i parandera. The pregnant woman refused to go to the hospital, because she preferred the midwife. Variant: panandera, parandela. From: Sp. paridera.

parasismu vi. quiver, be at the point of death. Ha dingu ham si Nåna dispues di parasismu. Nana left us (died) after she quivered. I parasismu siñåt para atyu siha ni kumeke'matai. Quivering is a sign that someone is dying. Syn: chaflik. From: Sp. parasismo.

parehu adj. same, alike, equal, identical. Parehu esti yan esti. This and this are the same. Tråta parehu todu i taotåo. Treat all people the same. Guaha lai put påtti parehu giya Notti Mariånas. There is a law to divide properties equally between spouses in the Northern Marianas. See: parerehu. From: Sp. parejo.

paréit n. parade. Manegga' ham paréit gi ha'ånin Liberation. We watched the parade on Liberation day. Sigi ha' lumuchan kåttan yan lågu kulan paréit. Hi kep going north and south like a parade. From: Eng. parade.

påri n. form of address used by the parent of a child to the child's godfather; shortened form of kumpairi. Håfa tatatmanu håo, påri? How are you doing, påri? Måolik na påri håo. You are a good kumpairi. Maila', påri, hålum gi gima'. Come inside the house, påri. See: kumpairi. Variant: pari.

parientis n. relative, a person connected to another by blood or marriage, kin. Manparientis ham yan atyu na tåotåo. We are related to that man. Parientis pat ti parientis, maila' ya ta fan áfa'måolik. Related or not related, let's all care for each other. Guaha parientes‑su giya Guam. I have relatives on Guam. Variant: parentis. From: Sp. parientes.

parioku n. parish. Si Rita gef ayudånti gi parioku. Rita is very helpful at the parish. Matakpångi yu' gi gima' yu'us Chalan Kanoa na parioku. I was baptized at the Chalan Kanoa parish church. Variant: paroku. From: Sp. parroquia.

påris1 adj. paired, divisible by two. Ti pumåris i yure'‑hu. My zories are not paired. Siña pumåris i numiru yanggin un tufung put dos. You can count the numbers by two. Mañågu yu' påris. I gave birth by two. Ti manpåris esti siha na sapåtus. These shoes are not in pairs. Ti påris esti na gurupu. This group is not divisible by two. Guaha sinangan na kada aksidenti siempri gai pares. There is a saying that for every accident, there will be a pair. From: Sp. pares.

påris2 n. placenta, afterbirth. I ga'ga' yanggin manmañågu manmakåkannu' i påris‑ñiha. When the animals give birth they eat their placentas. Yanggin i palåo'an mañågu, debi na u falaknus i pares‑ña. If a woman gives birth, the placenta has to come out. Variant: pares.

påris3 vi. gallop, trot, move by leaps. I kairu' pumåparis yanggin humåhanåo. Frogs leap when they are moving. Ti siña pumåris i kabåyu, sa' puti patås‑ña. The horse cannot gallop, because his foot hurts. Duru pumåris i dos binådu gi halum tånu'. The two deer were leaping in the woods.

parókia adj. parochial. Iskuelan parókia esti. This is a parochial school. Ti umatya i hinasson‑ña yan i hinassun parókia na gurupu. Her thinking does not fit well with the parochial thinking of the group. From: Sp. parroquia.

pås n. peace, quiet, silence. Ngai'an ni u tåya' gera ya u guaha pås? When will there be no war and will there be peace? Ai na pinas esti na lugåt. My, this is such a peaceful place. I pås nai ta gågagåo. Peace, obviously, is what we are asking for. Kåo siña u guaha pås gi entri hita na familia? Can we have peace within our family? Puedi ha' u guaha pås gi hilu' tånu'. We hope there will be peace on earth. Put fabot na'pås gi halum kuåttu. Please be quiet in the room. From: Sp. paz.

påsa vt. 1) pass a course successfully, qualify. Maguf yu', sa' hu påsa i tes gi finu' Chamorro. I am pleased, because I passed the test in the Chamorro language. 2) legislate, enact. Ma påsa i lai låo ti ma na'tungu' i taotåo siha. They passed the law but they did not notify the people. Ma påsa i unu na areklamentu yan ma na'sahngi i ottru na areklamentu as ottru diha. They passed one regulation and set aside another for the next day. From: Sp. pasa.

pasaderu n. 1) passage, crossway, path. Guaha pasaderu gi entalu' i dos na propiedåt. There is a passage between two properties. Esti na pasaderu para guatu gi giput. This path is the way to the party. Bula pasaderu siha para i gima'‑måmi. There are many paths to our house. Hu sodda' i pasaderun i binådu. I found the deer's path. Ta tattiyi esti na pasaderu para ta sodda' i binådu. We will follow this path to find the deer. Gaigi i ofisinan mayot gi pasaderun esti na chålan. The office of the mayor is across this road. Variant: pasadura. 2) a place where certain animals such as cattle or pigs tend to congregate, usually in the shade or under a tree. I fresku na lugåt maguaiya ni guaka para i pasaderun‑ñiha. Cattle like to congregate in a cool place. I kumuderu ni ta sosodda' i ga'ga' halum tåsi; i pasaderu ni ta sosodda' i ga'ga hilu' tånu'. Kumuderu is where you find marine animals congregating; pasaderu is where you find land animals congregating. Syn: kumuderu. From: Sp. pasadero.

pasadura n. lane. Si Jose sessu ha usa esti na pasadura para i iskuela. Jose often uses this lane to the school. Mampus anåkku' esti na pasadura. This lane is very long. Ti debi i kareta na u faloffan gi esti na pasadura. The car is not supposed to pass on this lane. Mafa'måolik i pasadura para pantalån Sasanlagu. The lane at the West dock has been fixed. Gaigi i ayuyu gi ottru na pasadura. The coconut crab is on the other lane. Maloffan i kareta gi lachi na pasadura. The car passed on the wrong lane. Variant: pasaderu.

pasaheru n. passenger. Kuåntu na pasaheru guaha? How many passengers are there? Bula pasaheru manmåttu. Many passengers arrived. Fåfatta unu na pasaheru tetenan para u kahulu' gi batkun airi. There is one more passenger left that needs to get on the airplane. From: Sp. pasajero.

pasåo adj. 1) past (of time). Esta pasåo i ora. The time has already past. Esta pasåo para machuli' i amut. It is already past the time to take the medicine. 2) after (a certain hour). Dies minutus pasåo ala una på'gu. It is ten minutes past one o'clock now. Tres minutus pasåo las dossi. Three minutes past twelve o'clock. Kåo esta pasåo oran alas dies? Is it past ten o'clock? I giput matutuhun gi pasåo oran alas sais. The party started at past six. From: Sp. pasado.

pasapotti n. passport. Måttu i pasapottek‑ku. My passport arrived. Manisisita na uma li'i' i pasapotti giya Hapon. It is necessary that they see the passport in Japan. Malingu i pasapottin i lahi‑hu. My son's passport is missing. From: Sp. pasaporte.

påsas n. raisins. I pasas gi halum i kahita mampus ånglu'. The raisins in the box are very dry. Esti na tenda mambebendi betdi na påsas. This store is selling green raisins. I pasas siña ma'usa gi insalådan fruta. The raisins can be used in fruit salad. Måolik i pasas para i tatåotåo‑mu. Raisins are good for your body. Hu sodda' påsas gi pan mamis nai hu fåhan gi tenda. I found raisins inside the sweet bread that I bought at the store. Kuåntu bali‑ña i un kahitan påsas gi tenda? How much is one box of raisins at the store? From: Sp. pasas.

pasehu vi. travel in leisurely way, take a trip, tour, stroll. Pumasesehu yu' gi minachum åtdåo. I go strolling at sunset. Para bai in fanpasehu para Guam. We are going to take a trip to Guam. Esta håssan yu' ni pumasehu. It is already seldom that I take a trip. From: Sp. paseo.

pasensia n. patience. Tåya' esta pasensiåk‑ku. I do not have patience anymore. Gai pasensia esti na tåotåo. This person has patience. Måolik para u guaha pinasensia gi taotåo. It is good for a person to have patience. From: Sp. paciencia.

adj. patient, lenient, yielding. Manpasensia ham. We are patient. Pasensia nu guåhu. Be patient with me. Na'pasensia håo. Be patient. Put fabot fanpasensia asta ki måttu i chek‑miyu. Please be patient until your check comes. Variant: pasiensia.

påsgua n. Easter, Christmas. Felis påsgua para hågu. Merry Christmas to you. Påsguan resureksion agupa'. Tomorrow is Easter of the resurrection. Måttu esta ta'lu i tiempun påsgua. Christmas time has come again. Manmaguf i taotåo, sa' måttu i pasgua. The people are happy, because Christmas is here. Yan‑ñiha i famagu'un i tiempun påsgua. The children like Christmas time. Variant: påskua. From: Sp. Pascua.

pasiadót n. traveler, tourist, adventurer, sightseer, wanderer. Manmåttu i pasiadot. The travelers have come. Ya‑ña pumasiadot. He likes to be a traveler. Ginin manu esti na pasiadot? Where is this traveler from? See: pasehu. From: Sp. paseador.

pasiåndu vi. travel, roam. Nihi ta fanpasiåndu. Let us go roaming around. Ya‑ña pumasiåndu si Ne'. Ne' likes to go traveling around. Munhåyan yu' esta pumasiåndu. I am done roaming around. Mampus ya‑ña i sutteru i pasiåndu. The young man likes traveling very much. From: Sp. paseando.

pasiensia n. patience. Gai pasensia esti na tåotåo. This person has patience.

adj. patient. Na'pasiensia i kurason‑mu. Let your heart be patient. Na'fanpasiensia hamyu nu i istudiånti. Have patience with the students. Bula manpasiensia na tåotåo gi hospitåt. A lot of people are patient at the hospital. Variant: pasensia. From: Sp. paciencia.

pasifiku adj. 1) peaceful, pacific. Na'pasifiku kurason‑mu. Make your heart peaceful. Pasifiku esti na tåotåo. This person is peaceful. Na'pasifiku i tanu'. Let there be peace on earth. Pasifiku i tanu' Luta. Rota is a peaceful island. 2) Pacific (Ocean), Pacific Islands. Manggaigi hit gi islan Pasifiku. We are on the Pacific islands. Bunitu i Pasifiku na lugåt. The Pacific is a beautiful place. From: Sp. pacífico.

pasión n. passion, deep feeling or excitement. Gai pasion esti na tåotåo månggi'. This person has a passion for writing. Na'annuk i pasion‑mu. Show your passion. Debi di un na'guaha pasion‑mu para i famagu'un. You should have passion for kids. From: Sp. pasión.

påska adj. 1) brittle, easily broken or snapped. Chaddik må'tut, sa' påska. It easily breaks, because it is brittle. Mampus påska esti na buteya. This bottle can be easily broken. Påska i tampin i tasa. The cover of the bowl is brittle. Kåo påska ennåo i kanastråm‑mu? Does your basket easily break? 2) crispy, crunchy. Påska esti na låssas babui. This pig's skin is crunchy. Påska na to'lang guihan esti. This fish bone is crispy.

påsmu n. pneumonia. Gimin esti i amut påsmu. Drink this medicine for pneumonia.

adj. 1) faded in color. Påsmu kulot‑ña i chininå‑hu. The color of my dress is faded. Ti påpasmu tarabiha kulot‑ña. Its color has not faded yet. Ti u påsmu kulot‑ña esti na sapåtus. The color of these shoes will not fade away. 2) partially cooked (of starch food such as potatoes, yams, rice, when an insufficient amount of water has been used). Ha na'påsmu si Ne' i hineksa'. Ne's cooking of the rice was not fully cooked. Na'nahung hånum i satten, sa' u påsmu i sini yanggin mana'lågu. Put enough water in the pot because the taro will not be well cooked. Påsmu esti na nengkanu'. This food is not fully cooked. 3) have a type of sickness whose symptoms are chilling and stiff joints; often associated with sudden chilling from cold water or air (as in a cold resulting in pneumonia). Sinagu håo, mungnga humuyung, sa' siña ha' håo påsmu. You have a cold, do not go outside, because you might not rid yourself of your cold and you could have another illness. Kåo kume'pasmu si Lolita? Is Lolita getting pneumonia? Pumåsmu si Kika' gi paingi. Kika' had pneumonia last night. 4) grow or develop incompletely, fail to complete full development. Kana' påsmu si Juan anai dikiki'. John almost did not grow up normally when he was small. Påsmu esti na chandiha. This watermelon did not develop well. From: Sp. pasmo.

påsmun ulu n. stroke. Kana' basnak påpa' gi padiron i taotåo anai nina'yi nu i pasmun ulu. The person almost fell down the cliff when he suffered a stroke.

adj. have a stroke. Nina'sen figan nu i asaguå‑ña ya pumåsmun ulu. She had a stroke when her spouse made her very angry. Sessu manpåsmun ulu i manhobin siha på'gu na tiempu ti parehu yan åntis. Young people frequently suffer from stroke now, unlike in the past.

paspas vi. splash (lightly). Gof ya‑hu maigu' yanggin u'uchan, sa' ha na'måmaffung maigo'‑hu i paspas i ichan kontra i sin. I enjoy sleeping when it is raining because the splashing of the rain on the tin roof lulls me into a deep sleep. Adahi na un fotgun guennåo, sa' papaspas i hanum ginin i paip. Be careful not to get wet there, because the water is splashing from the pipe. Maguaiya i famagu'un mano'mak yanggin mampinaspapas ni i hanum. Children enjoy showering when water is splashing on them. Sangåni si Ann ya mungnga pumaspas gi satgi. Tell Ann not to splash on the floor. Ha paspåsi yu' si Lucy ni binu. Lucy splashed the wine on me. Syn: palaspas.

paståhi n. pasture, fenced grazing land. Manggaigi i guaka gi paståhi. The cattle are in the pasture. Umånglu' i paståhi. The pasture dried up. Variant: pastai. From: Sp. pastaje.

påstit n. pastries, large turnover (usually round) filled with papaya preserve. Månngi' esti na påstit. This large turnover is delicious. Para u guaha påstit gi giput? Will there be pastries at the party? Guaha papåya esta para påstit. There are papayas already for turnover. From: Sp. pastel.

pastót n. pastor. Håyi pastot esti na lugåt? Who is the pastor of this place? Pastot‑ñiha si Juan. John is their pastor. 2) herder, shepherd. Gaigi i pastot gi paståhi. The shepherd is in the pasture. From: Sp. pastor.

påstri n. pastry. Månngi' i pastri yan kafe. Pastry is delicious with coffee. Manlakngus si Anicia påstri para i lisåyu. Anicia brought pastries to the rosary. Difirentis klåsin påstri mabebendi gi as Hetman. Different kinds of pastries are sold at Herman's. From: Eng. pastry.

påstu n. pasture. Mås betdi i pastu gi ottru kollat. The pasture is greener in the other fence. Syn: paståhi.

vt. feed on growing grass, put (cattle or flocks) to graze, pasture. Si Ko' ha påstu i kabåyu gi lanchu. Ko' put the horse to graze at the farm. Påstu fan i chiba. Kindly put the goat to graze. From: Sp. pasto.

pasturisa vt. pasteurize. Pasturisa i letchi. Pasteurize the milk. Bai hu pasturisa i letchin i chiba. I will pasteurize the goat's milk. Variant: pasterisa. From: Sp. pasteuriza.

påsu2 n. urn. Esti na påsu mampus makkat. This urn is very heavy. I pasu gaigi gi lamasan såntus. The urn is on the alter. Si Juan ha usa i pasu para u setbi kafe i bisitå‑ña siha. Juan used the urn to serve coffee to his visitors. Ma'usa i pasu anai måtai si Nan Tona'. The urn was used when Nan Tona' died. From: Sp. paso.

påsu 1 (from: påsu n. 1) step, footstep, pace. Famokkat fan tres påsu. Kindly walk three steps. Na'fanchaddik i pasun‑miyu. Make your pace faster. 2) story, narrative, biography, autobiography. Bunitu tinige'‑ña si Sue put i pasu‑ña. Sue wrote beautifully about her story. Esti na påsu put anai gaigi yu' America. This narrative is about when I was in America. From: Sp. paso.

pat cnj. or. Håfa malago'‑mu, esti pat ennåo? What do you want, this or that? Pat håfa mohon? Or what do you think? Manparehu todu i taotåo gi matan Yu'us, maseha håo åttilung pat å'paka'. All are created equal in the eyes of God, whether you are black or white.

påt n. pair, couplet, match, twosome. Ti dinanchi esti na påt sapåtus. This pair of shoes does not match. Na'fanpåt hamyu gi fila. Make yourselves be a twosome in the line. Ha bebendi i påt na paluma. He is selling a pair of birds (a male and a female). From: Sp. par.

patang vt. block (something) from its continuous course. Patang i mannuk gi petta. Block the chicken at the door. Patang gi dos bånda. Block from both sides. Mungnga mapatang si Manny. Don't block Manny on his way. Syn: taggam. Variant: pattang.

påtas n. foot, leg (of animal). Na'lågu i patas månnuk. Cook the chicken leg. Kuåttru patås‑ña i katu. Cats have four legs. Anåkku' patås‑ña i chiba. The goat has long legs. Guaha siha rastrun påtas gå'ga' gi halum tirenun tinanum. There were animal footprints amongst the rows of crops. I mås umachule'‑ña i adding tåotåo yan påtas ga'ga' i maching. Amongst the animals, the monkey's feet have a striking similarity to that of human beings. Tåya' gi patas gå'ga' guaha dama'gas taiguihi i taotåo. None of the animals has big toes like humans do. From: Sp. patas.

påtas nganga' n. type of vine: goosefoot, arrowhead vine. Syngonium angustatum. Kana' pumarehu esti i patas ngaga' yan papagu' aniti, sa' mapput manmapunu'. Goosefoot and devil's ivy are similar, in that they can be very invasive. Hu po'lu i patas nganga' gi maseta para i halum guma'. I put the arrowhead vine in a planter in the house. Hu li'i' påtas nganga' kumukunanaf gi sen tatkilu' na trongku. I saw a goosefoot plant attached to a very tall tree.

patcha1 vt. touch, be in contact with, perceive by feeling. Ha patcha i patgun i maipi na foggun. The child touched the hot stove. Hu patcha i floris tituka' gi hatdin nigap. I touched the thorny flowers yesterday in the garden. Anai hu patcha i maipi na la'uya, ha na'påkku' i kannai‑hu. When I touched the hot pot, it burned my hand. Anai kumuentus si Jackie gi kunfirensia, mampus ha patcha i sinientek‑ku. My heart was touched when Jackie did her speech at the conference. Mampus ha patcha kurason‑hu si Jessica anai sigi ha sångan i piniti‑ña. When Jessica was saying all her pain, my heart was really touched. Hu li'i' i patgun pinadesi‑ña ya ha gof patcha i kurason‑hu. My heart was really touched when I saw the little girl's suffering. See: bensi, yå'u, yengyung, etti.

påtchi vt. 1) patch, mend. Påtchi i taia', sa' flat. Patch the tire, because it is flat. Patchi matå‑mu ni amut. Patch up your face with the medicine. Patchi i magågu, sa' matitik. Mend the cloth, because it is torn. 2) punch, hit (slang). Mapåtchi i pachut i taotåo nu i ga' kumuentus put sinisedin ottru. They punch the mouth of a person who talks about others' incidents. Duru i kareta gi chalan ya ha påtchi i patgun nu i fachi. Syn: The child got splashed with the mud from the speeding cars on the road. From: Sp. parche.

patda' vt. pat (something). Patda' fan i kannai‑ña i patgun ya u fakmåta. Pat the child's hand to wake him up. Åhi, ti ha patmada yu' na ha patda' ha' i ilu‑hu. No, he did not slap me; he just patted me on the head.

patdaråo n. machete. Maila' i baina para i patdaråo. Bring me the sheath for the machete. Måolekña un guåsa' i ñañu na patdaråo o sino un chinachak. You better sharpen the dull machete or else you will cut yourself. Variant: padaråo.

påtdit n. concrete. Guma' patdit ha kahat i taotåo. The person built a concrete house. Ta fanbola gi patdit. We'll play ball on the concrete.

vt. cement (something), pave (something). Para u mapåtdit i chalan. The road is going to be paved. Påtdit fan esti i sagan ga'lågu. Kindly cement this place for the dog.

patenti adj. clear, evident, open (for public perusal). I pali' ha na'patenti i Santisimu. The priest put the Eucharist out in the open. I kalesan nengkanu' patenti para i pupbliku. The food wagon is open for the public. I Gima' Yu'us patenti para i pupbliku. The church is open for the public. I gubetnu debi u na'patenti håfa siha manmasusesedi gi halum gubetnamentu para i pupbliku. The governor must put out in the open to the public what is happening inside the government. I kandidåtu para kunggresu ha na'patenti i planu‑ña nu håfa para u cho'guiyi i taotåo. The candidate for congress has put out his plan on what to do for the people. Si Jose ha na'patenti i båban kunduktån‑ña. Jose made his bad behavior obvious. From: Sp. patente.

påtgun n. child, infant, kid, baby. Pulan i patgun gi sanhiyung. Watch the child outside. Måolik na påtgun håo. You are a good kid. Påtgun yu' guennåo na tiempu. I was a child at that time.

påtgun kabåyu n. colt, pony. Dos na påtgun kabåyu guaha gi kellat. There are two ponies in the corral. Dångkulu esta esti na påtgun kabåyu. This colt is already big.

påtgun katu n. kitten, kitty. Bula påtgun katu gi papa' lamasa. There are a lot of kittens under the table. Bunitu esti na påtgun katu. This kitty is very beautiful.

påtgun tátaga' n. type of fish: small surgeonfish. naso unicornis (acanthuride). Yommuk esti na påtgun tataga'. This small surgeonfish is fat. Mantika esti na påtgun tataga'. This small surgeonfish is fatty. See: guåsa'.

påtik vt. kick, strike with foot. Påtik i bola. Kick the ball. Mungnga mapåtik si Juan. Do not kick Juan. Påtik na'duru. Kick hard.

påtiu n. patio. Manhåtsa si Martin bunitu na påtiu gi tattin gimå'‑ña. Martin built a nice patio in the back of his house. Gaigi si Tom na gumigimin gi patiu yan i amigu‑ña. Tom is drinking on the patio with his friend. Ya‑hu matå'chung gi patiu ya bai atan hulu' i bunitun mapagåhis. I like to sit at the patio and look up at the beautiful sky. From: Sp. patio.

patlinu n. godfather. Patlinu‑hu si Kåtu'. Kåtu' is my godfather. Para bai hu patlinu. I am going to be a godfather. Ha pressen yu' si patlinu‑hu. My godfather gave me a present. From: Sp. padrino.

påtma n. 1) young coconut palm leaf. Fañuli' påtman niyuk ya un tampi i guafi. Take coconut palm leaves and cover the fire. Påtma bendita esti. This is a blessed coconut leaf. 2) palm (of hand). Fa'gåsi i patman kannai‑mu. Wash the palm of your hand. Mungnga mana'fanu'i ni patman kannai‑mu. Don't show him your palm. 3) hand-rolled cigarette. Mungnga masonggi ennåo i patma. Do not burn the hand-rolled cigarette. From: Sp. palma.

patmåda vt. slap, strike with open hand on the face. Patmåda i ñamu. Slap the mosquito. Ha patmåda i katu i dadalåk‑ña. The cat struck his tail with his paws. Mungnga mamatmåda. Do not slap. From: Sp. palmada.

patmadasu vt. slap with open hand. Mampus imbustera si Casimira, atyu muna' sessu mapatmadasu fasu‑ña. Casimira lies so much that she frequently got slapped on the cheeks. Patmadasu kumeke'ilek‑ña patmåda ni patman kånnai. Patmadasu means to slap with the open hand. From: Sp. palmetazo.

patnitus n. heart of coconut palm or other plants or trees. Månngi' esti i patnitus niyuk. The heart of the coconut palm is delicious. Para bai fa'insalåda esti i patnitus trongkun niyuk. I am going to make a salad out of this coconut tree heart. Åmut esti i patnitus gålak. The heart of the gålak plant is medicinal. From: Sp. palmitos.

patngas vt. chop down. Ha patngas si tåta‑hu i hayu para i nina'lågu. My father chopped down the firewood for our cooking. Manmåttu i familia para uma ayuda si Tun Juan para uma patngas påpa' i trongkun gågu. The family all came to help Tun Juan chop down the ironwood tree. Si Antonio ha patngas påpa' i ramas tangantångan gi atchu'. Antonio chopped down the branch of tangantangan against the boulder.

patola n. type of vine, used as a vegetable when young; when dried, the fibers can be used as a sponge. Syn: lufa. From: Tag. patola.

patriåtka n. patriarch. Guiya i patriåtkan i familia. He is the patriarch of the family. Matungu' si San Jose kumu patriåtka gi rilihon Katoliku. St. Joseph is known as a patriarch in the Catholic religion. From: Sp. patriarca.

adj. patriotic. Debi ta fanpatriotiku para i nasion‑ta. We must be loyal to our nation. From: Sp. patriótico.

patrón n. patron, protector. Håyi patron esti na guma' yu'us? Who is the patron of this church? Si San Roque i patron i guma' yu'us San Roque. San Roque is the patron of San Roque Church. Si Tagga' patron lokkui'. Taga is a patron also. Si San Isidro patron i distritu kuåttru. Saint Isidro is the patron of District 4. Si San Jose patron todu i katpinteru. Saint Jose is the protector of all carpenters. From: Sp. patrón.

pattang vt. hold off (something or someone), block, prevent from moving forward, cut off (course of action), anticipate (arrival). Papattang i katgåm‑mu, sa' esta hu mail gi egga'an. Wait for your package, because I mailed it this morning. Papattang guennåo, sa' siempri u faloffan gi me'nan gimå'‑mu. Block over there because it will surely pass in front of your house. Ha pattang i chiba anai para u falågu huyung gi kellat‑ña. He prevented the goat from escaping from its pen. Syn: chomma'. Variant: patang.

pattera n. midwife, obstetrician, woman assisting in childbirth. Pattera i bihå‑hu. My grandmother is a midwife. Måolik u guaha pattera gi hospitåt. It is good to have a midwife at the hospital. I pattera muna'fañågu i nana. The midwife helped the mother deliver.. From: Sp. partera.

påtti n. part, portion. I mata unu na påtti gi fasun tåotåo. The eyes are one part of a person's face. I pakyu ha yamak påtti gi atuf i gima'. The typhoon destroyed a portion of the house roof. From: Sp. parte.

vt. share, divide, apportion. Påtti esti siha i guihan. Share these fish. Para u mapåtti i tanu' para i famagu'un. The land is going to be divided for the children. Påtti parehu. Divide equally. From: Sp. parte.

pattida n. (political) party. Kuåttru na pattida guaha esta. There are four political parties already. Bota maseha taigui gi pattidå‑mu. Vote even if it is not in your party. 2) share, dividend, portion, part, ration. Estagui' i pattidå‑mu kåtni. Here is your share of meat. Guaha pattida gi nengkanu' gi duråntin i pakyu. There were cooked food rations during the typhoon. From: Sp. partida.

pattik adj. energetic, active. Konni' i manpattik na tåotåo ya ta alulåyi muna'funhåyan i che'chu'. Bring the energetic individuals and we will finish the job quickly.

pattikulåt adj. particular, fastidious, squeamish, hard to please. Mampus pattikulåt håo na tåotåo. You are a very particular person. Mungnga mampus pumattikulåt. Do not be too particular. From: Sp. particular.

n. particle.

påttin ti'åo vt. ration (something) in small portions. Ha na'mamåhlåo yu', sa' ha påttin titi'ao i denni' såli, låo hu li'i' na guaha kantidå gi gimå'‑ña gi egga'an. I was embarrassed that he was rationing the hot peppers, because I saw a large quantity at his house this morning. Dididi' ha' na kandin niyuk gi platu, pues si Nåna ha påttin ti'åo para i famagu'un. There was a small portion of the coconut candy on the plate, so Mother rationed it for the children.

pattisipåo vi. participate, partake, share. Meggai tåotåo manpattisipåo. A lot of people participated. Hu nisisita todus hamyu para en fanpattisipåo. I need all of you to participate. Guaha siha na tåotåo manmamåhlåo manpattisipåo. There are some people who are ashamed to participate. From: Sp. participado.

pattisipasión n. participation. Bunitu i pattisipasión gi huntan iskuela gi paingi. The participation at the meeting at school was nice last night. Gof måolik yanggin guaha pattisipasión ginin i gurupu. It's good if there is participation from the group. Todu i tiempu dångkulu na pattisipasión machocho'gui ni taotåo yanggin guaha interu. All the time there is huge participation by people at funerals. From: Sp. participación.

påttu n. birth, childbirth, delivery, labor. Måolik patton‑ña i puetka. The delivery of the sow was good. Kumplikåo i patton‑ña si Maria. Maria's delivery was complicated. From: Sp. parto.

påttun adj. crunchy, crispy. Ha ñuñukut yu' i nengkanu' ni påttun. Crispy food chokes me. Mås månngi' inaflitun atulai yanggin mana'påttun. Fried atulai is more tasty if it is made crispy. Yanggin ti påttun esta i cookies, pues kumeke'ilek‑ña na esta maggim. If the cookies are not crispy, then they are stale. Guaha na tåotåo yan‑ñiha yanggin mana'påttun i inaflitun guihan. Some people like fried fish when it is crunchy. Kumu dikiki' i guihan taiguihi i mañåhak, gof månngi' mana'påttun. If the fish is small such as the baby rabbitfish, it is good to make it crispy.

patuleku adj. bow-legged, pigeon-toed. Patuleku yu'. I am bow-legged. Lasa ya mungnga na u patuleku. Massage it so that he does not become bow-legged. From: Sp. patuleco.

patut adj. 1) weakened (of a person), exhausted. I gurupun baila mampatut dispues di dos oras na mambaila. The dance group became exhausted after two hours of dancing. Mampus patut pusision‑ña si Fred. Fred's appearance is very weak. Patut i amku' si Tan Ben. Uncle Ben is a feeble old man. Patut si Juan, sa' esta gef malangu. Juan is weak, because he is very sick. 2) having lost interest, uninterested. Si Jose ha na'fanpatut i gurupu duråntin i huegu. Jose made the the group lose interest during the game. I ichan ha na'fanpatut i lancheru gi mina'tres dihas. The farmers lose interest after three days of rain.

påya' vi. slur (one's speech), speak indistinctly. Ti påya' si Ed. Ed doesn't have slurred speech. Achapaya' i dos. The two both slur their speech. Påya' mampus si Kika yanggin kumuentus. Frances really slurs her speech when she speaks. Syn: chátkuentus. Variant: paya'.

paya'ya' vi. 1) soar, glide, float in the air at random. I paluma ya‑ña pumaya'ya' guatu gi hilu' guma'. The bird likes to glide over the house. Si Juan ha na'paya'ya' todu i pappit kommun hulu' gi airi ya lalålu' si nanå‑ña. Juan made all the toilet paper fly up and his mom got mad. 2) be too much in a hurry. Esta pumaya'ya' si Maria nai bulan fina'gasen‑ña. Maria is so in a hurry because she has a lot of laundry to wash. Syn: pinalålala.

paye'yi' n. type of bird: swiftlet (lives around caves and comes out at sundown). Variant: payesyis.

påyu n. umbrella, parasol. Chuli' i payu, sa' u'uchan. Take the umbrella, because it is raining. Baba i payu. Open the umbrella. Håyi esti gai payu? Whose umbrella is this?

påyun adj. accustomed, used to. Påyun yu' chumotchu hineksa'. I am accustomed to eating rice. Ti påyun yu' guini na lugåt. I am not used to this place. Na'påyun håo maigu' tåftaf. Make yourself get used to sleeping early.

påyun duendis n. type of plant: mushroom (generic). Guaha påyun duendis gi halum tånu'. There are mushrooms in the forest. Dångkulu esti na påyun duendis. This mushroom is large. Ti makåkannu' esti na påyun duendis. This mushroom is not edible.

payuni vt. become accustomed to, familiar with. Hu payuni esti na gurupun tåotåo. I am familiar with these people. I ga'lågu ti ha payuni i sagå‑ña. The dog is not accustomed to its place yet. Ha payuni yu' esta si Maria. Maria is already accustomed to me.

pe n. the name of p, the nineteenth letter of the alphabet. Nå'yi pe esti na palåbra. Put a p in this word. Na'dångkulu esti na pe. Make letter p big. Dos guini na pe guaha. There are two p's here.

n. foot (measurement). Hu midi pues fåtta dos pie para u chettun i dos håyu. I measured and two feet more is needed for the two lumbers to join. Variant: pié. From: Sp. pie.

pe'chalan n. type of plant, used in herbal medicine. deeringia amaranthoides. Kåo mana'sesetbi pe'chalan guennåo na åmut? Is pe'chalan used in that medicine? Si nåna ha usa esti i pe'chalan gi amot‑ña. Mother uses pe'chalan in her herbal medicine. I pe'chalan manlå'la' giya Sabana na lugåt. The pe'chalan herbal medicine plants are healthy in the Sabana area.

Pechang name. nickname for Priscilla. Månggi si Pechang? Where is Pechang? Hagå‑hu si Pechang. Pechang is my daughter. Machocho'chu' si Pechang. Pechang is working. Syn: Ilang, Chilang, Pres, Pris.

pechudu adj. chesty (of a person) big breasted (of a woman), busty, referring to a woman with a large breast. Pechudu esti na tåotåo. This man has a big chest. Ti pechudu yu'. My chest isn't big. Yanggin pechudu håo, pues siempri metgut håo. If your chest is big, then surely you are strong. See: letchera. From: Sp. pechuga.

peddi adj. weak, weakling, feeble, frail, loser. Peddi esti na tåotåo. This man is a loser. Peddi esta i tatåotåo‑hu. My body is already weak. Peddi yu' na puengi. I was a loser this evening. Syn: dångngi', dolli. Variant: petdi. From: Sp. pierde.

pega vt. stick on, attach to, place against (something). I pulisia ha pega i tabpleru gi kantun chålan. The policeman placed the sign on the side of the road. Pega tåtti esti gi sagå‑ña gi liga. Put this back in its place on the wall. Cha'‑mu såsangan pega esti påpa' yanggin kumeke'ilek‑mu na para un po'lu i kosas påpa' gi satgi. Do not use the word pega if you mean to place something on the floor. From: Sp. pega.

peggi'1 adj. pregnant. Ti annuk kåo peggi', sa' ti dångkulu tiyån‑ña. She doesn't look like she's pregnant, because her belly is not large. Guaha siha mampus manhobin manpeggi'. Some people are pregnant too young. Esta peggi' i ga'‑hu babui. My pig is already pregnant. See: mapotgi'. Variant: pekgi'.

peggi'2 n. new-born agguas fish. Bula kininne'‑ña si Tåta peggi' ni talåya. Dad caught a lot of baby fish with the fishing net. Månngi' si Tiha mama'tinas asnintukun peggi'. My aunt makes good small fish pickle. Si Maria ha aflitu i peggi' ya ha balutan ni titiyas ma'is. Maria fried the baby fish, then wrapped it with corn tortillas. Variant: pekgi'.

peha n. compress, hot or cold (applied to a sore or bruise). Nå'yi maipi na peha gi tatalo'‑mu. Put a hot compress on your back. Pega manenghing na peha gi ha'i‑mu ya u nina'mågung i puti‑mu. Put a cold compress on your forehead to heal your pain. Yanggin mantisu todu i muscles gi tatalo'‑mu, pues nå'yi maipi na peha. If you have stiff muscles on your back, then put a hot compress on it.

vt. put a compress on. Bai hu peha ennåo i chitnot‑mu siha. I will put a compress on your sores. Hu peha i appling kannai‑hu. I put a compress on my sprained hand. Peha i maipi na låtda yan låñan niyuk, pues guatu gi tatalo'‑mu.

pekadót n. sinner. Pekadot yu' . Many people on earth are sinners. I pekadot siña ma'asi'i gi as pali'. A sinner could be forgiven by a priest. From: Sp. pecador.

pekas n. spot, freckle, mildew. Puru ha' pekas agaga' un lili'i' gi magagu‑mu. All you're seeing on your clothing are red spots. Pekas esta i pån. The bread is already mildewed. Gai pekas i pappan i ababbang. The wings of the butterfly have spots. See: chåtku, måncha, pentu, pellun. From: Sp. pecas.

pekgi' n. pregnant woman. Esta i pekgi' kana' ha' ti mamomokkat. The pregnant woman hardly walks. Gigun gualåfun i pilan, mañågu siempri i pekgi'. As soon as there's a full moon, the pregnant woman delivers. Gof sa'‑ña i pekgi' minagågun mapotgi'. The pregnant woman looks so good in maternity outfits. See: mapotgi'. Variant: peggi'.

pekka' n. dignity.

pekki vt. peg, tuck in, fasten, keep fixed, insert (Saipan). Si nåna ha pepekki i hafyin lamasa. Mother fastened the table cover. Mapekki i neni gi as nanå‑ña. The baby was tucked in by her mother. Hu pekki i tampin lamasa gi kåntu siha. I fastened the table cover on the sides. Ya‑ña si Ray pumekki i chininå‑ña. Ray likes to tuck in his shirt.

peknu' n. murderer, one capable of killing. Peknu' esti na ga'lågu. This dog is capable of killing. I binenu na åmut peknu'. A poisonous medicine can kill. Kåo peknu' håo na tåotåo? Are you a murderer? Probably derived from pípinu'.

pellun adj. spotted (usually of pigs). Pellun esti na babui. This pig has a spotted body. Todu manpellun i famagu'un babui. All the piglets have spots on their bodies. See: pentu.

pena1 n. punishment, penalty. I sakki na tåotåo ha miresi i pena. A thief deserves punishment. Kuåntu penå‑mu gi tax? How much was your tax penalty? Dångkulu i pena an mamunu' håo. The punishment is large when you kill. See: kastigu. From: Sp. pena.

penchi' n. pliers. Un na'sisita penchi' para un na'suha ennåo. You need pliers to take that away.

vt. hold with pliers (Saipan). Penchi' fan esti. Hold this with the pliers, please. Penchi' i alåmli, pues bira. Hold the wire with pliers, then turn it.

pendan vt. cut into thin portions. Kåo siña un pendan i katni? Can you slice the meat thin? Ha fåhan si Ed guihan ni esta mapendan. Ed bought fish that was sliced thin. Syn: såha.

pendiks n. appendicitis. Kåo guaha nai un chagi ma'opera put pendiks? Have you ever tried being operated on because of your appendicitis? Kana' pininu' si Josephine anai inatåka ni pendiks. Josephine almost died when she was attacked by appendicitis.

adj. have appendicitis. Masodda' na pendiks yu' anai ma'opera yu'. I was found to have appendicitis when I had surgery. From: Eng. appendix.

pensét n. paintbrush. Na'gåsgas i penset. Clean the paintbrush. Usa i dikiki' na penset. Use the small paintbrush. Måolik esti na penset. This paintbrush is good. From: Sp. pincel.

penta vt. paint (something), color (something), draw (something), design (something). Penta i kuattom‑mu. Paint your room. Penta esti agaga'. Color this red. Penta papakes‑mu. Color your fingernails. Manmamenta ham nigapña. We painted the day before yesterday. See: yunga'. From: Sp. pinta.

pentan låbius n. lipstick. Tåya' esta pentan låbios‑su. I do not have lipstick anymore. Cha'ot‑tu pentan låbius. I am allergic to lipsticks. Ha fa'pentan låbius i achoti. She used the achiote as lipstick. Syn: beni'.

Pentikostis n. Pentecost, the seventh Sunday after Easter, the descent of the Holy Spirit to the apostles. Nihi ta fanutut hågun niyuk para Damenggun Pentikostis. Let's cut some coconut fronds for Pentecost Sunday. Siempri magopti i Damenggun Pentikostis gi Abrit na mes. Pentecost Sunday will be commemorated in the month of April. Gaigi i gima' yu'us Pentikostis giya Sinapalu. The Pentecostal church is at Sinapalu. From: Sp. Pentecostés.

pentu adj. spotted, pinto, marked with spots. Pentu esti na månnuk. This chicken is marked with spots. Bunitu penton‑ña i guihan. The fish has beautiful spots. Tåya' pentu guini. There are no spots here. See: pellun. From: Sp. pinto.

pengka n. coconut shoot, just before it opens up. Dångkulu esti na pengka. This coconut shoot is big. Måolik esti na pengka magoddi para tuba. This coconut shoot is good for tying to make tuba. Pengkan niyuk agaga' esti. This is the shoot of a red coconut.

pengnga n. habit, way of doing things, custom. In gagagåo håo ginin i ginasgas i antin‑måmi yan minaolik i pengngan‑måmi. We are asking you from the purity of our souls and the goodness of our habits. Hu diseseha na gi lina'lå'‑hu, bai hu cho'cho'gui manmåolik na pengnga siha. I am hoping that in my lifetime I will do good deeds. Mandifirensiåo i taotåo pengngan‑ñiha. Different people have different ways of doing things. Manmåolik na pengnga gof imputtånti gi halum familia. A disciplined way of doing things is very important within a family. Syn: kustumbri. Variant: pengnga', pennga'.

pengnga' n. custom, way of doing things. Ti gof bunitu i pengnga' i patgun. The child's way of doing things is not appropriate. Ya‑hu pengnga' Luis an mannå'i istoria. I like Luis' ways when he tells a story. Hu gef tungu' i pengnga' i bisinu kada pagamentu. I know very well the neighbors' custom when it is payday. Variant: pennga', pengnga.

Pepe name. nickname for Jose. Guåhu si Jose, mås matungo'‑hu as Pepe. I am Jose, better known as Pepe. Ågan mågi si Pepe, sa' ti ha chocho'gui i matago'‑ña. Call Pepe over, because he hasn't done what he has been instructed to do. Syn: Ping, Pingko', Pingkiling.

pépeska n. fisherman, hunter. Maseha ha' ti ha tungu' katpinteru, låo måolik na pepeska si Jose. Even though he is not a carpenter, Jose is a good fisherman. Mandanña' i manpepeska, lancheru, yan mantai bida ya duru manadingan put kinalamtin i tanu'. The fishermen, the farmers, and the do-nothings got together and were excitedly discussing about world affairs. Håfa na klåsin pepeska håo, ni haguit tåya' guinaha‑mu? What kind of a fisherman are you, you don't even have hooks? Derived by reduplication from peska. Syn: gof sipik. Variant: pípeska.

peras n. pear, fruit pear. Guaha meggai na klåsin peras ginin ottru siha na tånu'. There are many types of pears from different parts of the world. Ti sumetbi i simiyan peras giya Saipan, sa' ha nisisita minanenghing na klema para u fanfruta. The pear seed is useless in Saipan, because it needs cold weather to bear fruit. Ya‑hu i peras ni mamis yan påska sinsen‑ña. I like pears that are sweet and crunchy. From: Sp. peras.

peregrinu n. pilgrim. Manmåttu siha i peregrinu ginin Luta para u fanmanaitai. The pilgrims arrived from Rota to pray. Manggof rilihon esti siha i peregrinu na tåotåo. These pilgrims are very religious people. Bula peregrinu giya tånu' Guåhan. There are many pilgrims on the island of Guam. Variant: piligrinu. From: Sp. peregrino.

periodiku adj. periodic, again and again at regular intervals. Marikokohi i infotmasion siha kada periodiku gi mes. Information is collected periodically every month. Manmåfattu i paluman chungi' kada periodiku. The white dove arrives periodically. Måfattu i chetnot‑ña kada periodiku. His sore comes periodically. From: Sp. periódico.

pes vt. put (someone) on a restrictive diet, prohibit (someone) from eating certain foods, usually prescribed by a herb doctor, to aid in curing an ailment (Saipan). Mapes yu' chumotchu gåmsun. I was prohibited to eat octopus. I mediku ha pes yu' chumotchu ma'asin. The doctor prohibited me to eat salty food. Mapes si Maria na ti siña chumotchu mångga. Maria has been prohibited from eating mango. Syn: dieta.

pesa1 vt. weigh, hoist. Pesa ya ta li'i' kuåntu. Weigh it so that we can see how much. Ha yulang si Pedro i pesadot anai ha pesa gui'. Pedro broke the scale when he weighed himself. Esta mapesa i kinenne'‑ña si Juan guihan. Juan's fish catch has been weighed. Syn: talang, tahlang, kalang. From: Sp. pesa.

pesa2 adj. covered with. Pesa lålu' i guihan. The fish is covered with flies. Pesa umang gi hilu' i pån. The top of the bread is covered with hermit crabs.

pesadót n. scale, balance. Manmarikunosi yan ma'apreba esti siha na pesadot. These scales have been checked and approved. Mayulang i pesadót anai ha tahlang gui' si Pedro. The scale broke when Pedro weighed himself. Usa i dies libra na kostat pugas para pesadot ya un pesa i lemmai. Use the ten-pound sack of rice as a scale to weigh the breadfruit. From: Sp. pesador.

pésasa adj. packed. Mampus pesasa i aoditoriu. The auditorium is really packed. Chatguåhu, sa' pesasa i kuattu. I feel nauseous, because the room is packed. Pesasa i lugåt yanggin maguaiya i aktibidåt. The place is packed if the activity is attractive.

peska vi. catch fish, hunt. Hånåo peska lamu'na para i gupot‑ta agupa'. Go and fish tonight for our party tomorrow. Pairi pumeskan pachingku si Pedro. Pedro is good at spearfishing. Pumeskan halum tånu' yu' yan i amigu‑hu. I went hunting in the forest with my friend. Si tatå‑hu fuma'nå'gui yu' taimanu pumeskan tånu' yan tåsi. My father taught me how to fish and hunt. See: sipik. From: Sp. pesca.

peskadoris n.pl. fishermen, hunters. Manpairi esti siha i peskadoris na tåotåo. These fishermen are awesome people. Iståba ginin makinista, låo på'gu peskadoris. Before they were mechanics, but now they are fishermen. Manmasotda' på'gu i maninasa na peskadoris. The fishermen who were swept out to sea were found today. From: Sp. pescadores.

peskadót n. fisherman, hunter. Åntis meggai manpeskadot giya Saipan. Back then there were many fishermen in Saipan. Måolekña mamåhan guihan ginin i peskadót kini i tenda. It is better to buy fish from a fisherman than at the store. Suetti yu' sa' manungu' yu' pumeskadot ginin i tihu‑hu. I am fortunate to have learned how to be a fisherman from my uncle. Syn: gof sipik. From: Sp. pescador.

pesti n. plague, pest, epidemic, pandemic, scourge. Åntis na tiempu bula klåsin pesti gi tanu'. A long time ago there were many kinds of plague in the world. I cha'ka masodda' na mangångatga pesti. It was found that the rat carries plague. Guaha na klåsin ñamu yan i lalu' pesti para i taotåo. There are certain mosquitoes and flies that can be the cause of plague for humans. From: Sp. peste.

pesu n. dollar, peso, unit of money. Singku pesus ha' salappe'‑ña si Tomas. Tom has only five dollars. Hånåo tulaika esti i benti pesus. Go and change this twenty dollars. Ti nahung ni dos pesu. It is not enough with two dollars. From: Sp. peso.

petchåo vi. make a quick movement, dash (away), dart, zoom, startle, jump suddenly. Petchåo i katu gi halum tånu'. The cat dashed away into the forest. Petchåo ha' i paluma gi me'nan matå‑hu. The bird just darted away in front of my eyes. Petchåo hulu anai hinengngan ni hilu. He jumped up when he was startled by the thunder. Syn: chispas.

petchu n. 1) chest (of humans), mainly the fleshy part of the chest. Tåmpi i petchom‑mu, sa' i ñamu. Cover your chest, because of the mosquitos. Puputi i petchon‑ña. His chest hurts. From: Sp. pecho. 2) breast (of chicken). Na'lågu i petchun månnuk. Cook the chicken breast. Syn: ha'uf.

petchun n. young (of birds). Mañodda' yu' dos na petchun paluma gi chenchun. I found two young birds in the nest. Guaha umå'aluk na gof månngi' i petchun ma'estufåo. Someone says that stir-fried young bird is delicious. Gof ya‑hu umatan i petchun paluma, sa' na'magoddai. I love to watch young birds, because they are so irresitible.

petdi adj. weak, feeble, frail. Go'tin måolik i petchun paluma, sa' gof petdi. Hold the baby bird carefully, because it is very frail. Gof dilikåo yan petdi i patgon‑ña si Maria, sa' på'gu mafañåñagu. Mary's baby is very delicate and weak, because it is newly born. Gof adahi i famokkåt‑mu gi tollai, sa' gof petdi. Watch your step on the bridge, because it is very weak. Syn: putlilu. Variant: peddi. From: Sp. pierde.

pétdidu adj. no longer to be found, lost opportunities. Manpétdidu siha i ga'‑ña ngånga' gi duråntin i pakyu. His ducks got lost during the storm. Manpétdidu i familia ni i tanu'‑ñiha anai manmapetdi gi kotti. The family lost their home when they lost their case in court. Petdidu i esti na påtgun. This is a lost child. From: Sp. perdido.

pétduras n. pill. Håfa malago'‑mu: petduras pat maduluk? Which would you prefer: pills or a shot? Kåo guaha iyom‑mu petduras malinik ulu? Do you have pills for headache? Binenu na petduras si Juan ha pañut gi nigap. It was a poisonous pill that John swallowed yesterday. Variant: pítdulas, pítduras. From: Sp. píldoras.

petlas n. pearl, pearl jewelry. Måolik si Pedro mama'tinas alåhas petlas yan oru. Pedro is good at making pearl and gold jewelry. Bula klåsin petlas gi tasi. There are many types of pearls in the ocean. Gof guaguan esti i petlas na akaleha'. Pearl shells are very expensive. Syn: pahang. From: Sp. perlas.

petmamenti adj. permanent, lasting, enduring. Petmamenti esti na dukumentu, sa' mafitma. This document is permanent, because it is signed. Bula petmamenti na paladang‑ña si Juan ginin i sessu masåolåk‑ña. John has many permanent scars from being frequently lashed. Petmamenti i che'cho'‑ña si Maria gi hospitåt. Mary's work at the hospital is permanent. Variant: petmanenti. From: Sp. permanente.

petmisu n. permission, permit, authorization. Nå'i yu' petmisu ya bai hu cho'gui malago'‑mu. Give me permission and I will do what you want. Ha gogo'ti i petmisu para u disponi put i tanu'‑miyu. He is holding the permit to do as he pleases with your land. Masedi para u karera, sa' gai petmisu. He was allowed to travel, because he has permission. Variant: pitmisu. From: Sp. permiso.

petmiti vt. permit, consent, allow, give permission for. Ha petmiti yu' i ma'estra para bai kuentus. The teacher permitted me to talk. Mapetmiti si Maria ni hues para u bisita i famagu'on‑ña. Mary was allowed by the judge to visit her children. Mungnga, Juan, humålum gi halum guma' Jose, sa' ti ha petmiti håo. Juan, do not enter Joe's house, because he does not permit you. Syn: kunsienti. From: Sp. permite.

petna n. thigh. Ha punu' i ga'‑ña guaka si Jose ya ha bendi un petna. Joe killed his cow and he sold one thigh. Mannge'ña petnan chiba kini petnan babui. Goat thigh is more delicious than pig thigh. Gof ya‑ña si Maria mande'un petna. Mary likes to pinch thighs. Variant: pietna. From: Sp. pierna.

pi'ai n. foot (measurement) (Rota). Kuåntu na pi'ai un tufung? How many feet did you count? Otchu pi'ai siha anakko'‑ña i iståkan i kollat guaka. Eight feet long is the length of all posts for the cow's fence. Midi i hayu kada pi'ai siha. Measure the wood each by a foot long. Syn: pié.

pi'åo n. type of plant: bamboo (generic). bambusa arundinacea. Gof måolik i pi'åo para mama'tinas båtsa. Bamboo is good for making a raft. Bula trongkun pi'åo gi kantun i sadduk. There are many bamboo trees near the river. Guaha iyok‑ku ålan pi'åo yan pisåon pi'åo. I have a bamboo basket and a bamboo fishing pole.

pi'åo låhi n. type of plant: thorny bamboo. Pairi esti i pi'åo låhi para såtgi. Thorny bamboo is great for flooring. Bula pi'åo låhi giya Saipan. There is plenty of thorny bamboo on the island of Saipan. Fitmi esti i pi'åo låhi para haligin guma'. Thorny bamboo is excellent for house columns. Syn: pi'åo títuka'.

pi'åo palåo'an n. type of plant: smooth bamboo. bambusa arundinacea. Hu tånum un lucha na pi'åo palåo'an yan dos lucha na pi'åo låhi. I planted a row of smooth bamboo and two rows of thorny bamboo. Måolik esti i pi'åo palåo'an para saguan hånum. Smooth bamboo is great for water containers. Bula pi'åo palåo'an giya Chalan Pi'åo na lugåt. There is a lot of smooth bamboo in the Chalan Pi'åo area.

pi'åo títuka' n. type of plant: thorny bamboo. bambusa blumeana. Bula pi'åo tituka' gi lanchok‑ku. There are many thorny bamboo plants at my ranch. Pairi esti i pi'åo tituka' para pisåo. Thorny bamboo is great for fishing poles. Gof hassan pi'åo tituka' giya Luta. Thorny bamboo is very rare in Rota. Syn: pi'åo låhi.

pi'us n. type of fish: mullet, notably slender. Family Mugilidae. Gof månngi' esti i pi'us na guihan. Mullet fish is a delicious fish Bula guihan pi'us gi tasi. There are many mullet fish in the ocean. Mannge'ña matunu i pi'us kini ma'aflitu. Mullet fish is much more delicious barbequed than fried.

pi'ut n. type of plant with cherry-like fruit found in the Marianas, now rare. Ti dokku' i simiyan pi'ut ginin Luta. The pi'ut seed from Rota did not sprout. In sedda' trongkun pi'ut gi halum tånu' giya Saipan. We found a pi'ut tree in the forest in Saipan. Månngi' matotchi i pi'ut gi asiga yan donni' såli. It is delicious to dip the pi'ut in salt and tiny chili peppers. Variant: apiut (Rota).

piånu n. piano, musical instrument. Måolik si Maria gumåndu piånu låo ti ha tungu' tumattiyi i sotfa. Mary is good at playing the piano but she cannot read notes. Ha tungu' gumåndu piånu, gitåla, kutneta, yan tåmbut. He knows how to play piano, guitar, trumpet, and drums. Esta i piånu gi gima' gef sintunåo. The piano at home is so out of tune already. From: Sp. piano.

pichipichi' adj. talkative, garrulous. Ai na dinikiki' påtgun låo gof pichipichi'. Oh, what a small child but so talkative. I pichipiche'‑ña na esta masuhåhayi. She is avoided because she is talkative. Dumanña' i pichipichi' yan i tangnga para u kumbitsasion. The talkative person and the deaf person got together to converse. From: Jp.

pichura adj. big-breasted. Ha pega i litratun pichura na palåo'an. She hung a painting of a big-breasted female. Gof pichura i ga'‑hu guaka. My cow has a big breast. Ti ulat gi magagu‑ña, sa' pichura. She cannot fit her dress, because she is big-breasted. Syn: pechuda, apupang. From: Sp. pechera.

pidasitu n. small portion, tiny part, little bit, particle. Hu nå'i i patgun un pidasitu na bukåyu. I gave the child a tiny portion of coconut candy. Pidasitu ha' un nisisita na åmut petduras. Only a little portion of the pill is all you need. Pidasitu ha' na nengkanu' ha kåkannu', sa' tai ganas. The child eats very little, because she has no appetite. Variant: pidatsitu, pirisitun. From: Sp. pedacito.

pidåsu n. piece, part, chunk, crumb. Ti siña bula i sinahguan, sa' tres pidåsu ha' na lemmai chinilele'‑ña. The container cannot be full, because he brought only three pieces of breadfruit. Ñahlalang i kahita, sa' un pidåsu ha' na matiriåt sinahguaguan‑ña. The box is very light, because it contains only one piece of material. Dikiki' na pidåsu låo kantidå. Small pieces but numerous. Syn: empi'. From: Sp. pedazo.

pidigón n. pellet. Bula klåsin pidigón mabebendi gi tendan Joeten. Joeten store sells many kinds of pellet. Pidigón balå‑ña si Tomas. Tom's gun uses pellet shells. Ti gof puti pakin pidigón. Pellet guns are not really harmful. Syn: petdigón. From: Sp. perdigón.

Pidus Kalahi name. place name. Gaigi Pidus Kalåhi gi san kattan giya Saipan. Pidus Kalåhi is located in the northern part of Saipan.

pié n. foot, 12 inches (measurement). Midi kuåntu pie i hayu. Measure how many feet the stick is. Kuåntu pie tinifong‑mu? How many feet did you count? Atåni kada dos pie. Nail it every two feet. Syn: pi'ai. Variant: . From: Sp. pie.

piesan metåt n. metal sheet. Mabebendi piesan metåt gi tendan Joeten. Joeten store sells metal sheets. Mantinaki' esta i piesan metåt, sa' fofotgun gi papa' uchan. The metal sheets are already rusted, because they are getting wet in the rain. Syn: teppang.

pietna n. thigh, upper part of leg of any two-legged animal; refers only to the back legs of a four-legged animal. Ha punu' i ga'‑ña guaka si Juan ya ha nå'i yu' un pietna. John killed his cow and he gave me one thigh. Gof månngi' i pietnan chiba kini babui. Goat thigh is more delicious than pig's. Guaguan i pietnan guaka gi tendan. Cow thighs are very expensive at the store. Syn: cháchaga'. Variant: petna. From: Sp. pierna.

piga' n. type of taro, acrid and not edible, wild taro, elephant ear taro. Alocasia macrorrhiza. Gof yan‑ñiha i babui piga' hålum tånu'. Pigs enjoy wild taro from the forest. Masosotni i sensin piga' para na' babui. The roots of alocasia indica are boiled for swine feed. Ma'u'usa i halli' piga' para se'yun nietu. The roots of wild taro are used as an ingredient to aid adolescent boys through puberty.

pika1 adj. hot (spicy), burning (of hot pepper). Nina'pika i pachot‑ña nu i denni'. His mouth was burned by the hot pepper. Gof pika i denni' yanggin malommuk. Hot peppers are very hot if pounded. Pika i donni' såli låo adahi, sa' gof pika. Chop the small chili pepper but be careful, because it is very hot. From: Sp. pica.

pika2 vt. mince, chop, cut into slices, cut by striking, esp. repeatedly with a sharp instrument. Hu pika i pipinu para i insalåda. I chopped the cucumber for the salad. Na'finu pikå‑mu nu i siboyas. Finely chop the green onion. Ti måolik pinikå‑ña nu i katni, sa' ñañu i se'si'. He did not chop the meat well because the knife is dull. From: Sp. pica.

pikadót n. crook, villain, dishonest person. Mapongli gi kalabosu, sa' pikadot. He was imprisoned, because he was a dishonest person. Suhåyi ennåo, sa' pikadot. Avoid him, because he is a villain. Ginin pikadot, pues ha tulaika gui' på'gu. He used to be a crooked man, then he became a different person now. From: Sp. pecador.

píkaru adj. rascally, tricky, mischievous (of a person). Gof pikaru yan dåkun ennåo. He is very tricky and a liar. I pikaru siempri sinedda' ni finana' nu i parehu‑ña. The tricky person will eventually come to face his own likeness. Suhåyi, sa' puru bidan pikaru guennåo na lugåt. Stay away, because that place is full of mischievious activities. Syn: pitbetsu. From: Sp. pícaro.

pikatdiha n. villainy, roguery, knavery, bad deed, mischievous deed. Bula na pikatdiha gi puengi. There are lots of mischievous deeds at night. Kada pupuengin Såbalu bula pikatdiha gi gumå'‑ña. Every Saturday night there were many bad deeds at his house. Iståba gof måolik, låo på'gu gof bula pikatdihå‑ña. Before she was good, but now she has lots of bad deeds. From: Sp. picardía.

piknik n. picnic. Ta na'guaha piknik ottru simåna? Shall we have a picnic next week? Ti piknik esti na dinanña' på'gu. This gathering today is not a picnic.

vi. have a picnic. Nihi ta fanpiknik gi talu'åni. Let's have a picnic in the afternoon. Manggaigi i familia manpipiknik giya tasin Låolåo. The families are picnicking at Laolao beach. From: Eng. picnic.

piku1 n. gunnysack, sack that holds 200 pounds or more. Sahguan todu i niyuk gi halum i piku. Put all the coconuts inside the gunnysack. Singku ha' na pikun niyuk siña hu bendi. Only five gunnysacks of coconuts I can sell.

piku2 n. 1) beak, bill (of bird, fish, turtle, or other animal). Todu i paluma gi tanu' manggai piku. All the birds in the world have a beak. Åntis na tiempu, i pikun båttu ma'u'usa para puntan fisga. Long time ago, the beak of a marlin was used for a spear point. Måolik esti i pikun båttu para fisgan guihan, sa' gof anåkkuku' yan mahettuk. The beak of a marlin is great for fish spears, because it is very long and hard. 2) pick (tool), hoe. Ha guåguadduk si Juan i naftan tatå‑ña nu i piku. Juan is digging his father's grave with the pick. Ha guaguahi si Pedro i edda' nu i piku. Pedro is digging up the dirt with the pick. Syn: sakapiku. From: Sp. pico.

pikura vt. work hard at, do one's best at, persevere with. Ha pikura i iskuelå‑ña. He worked hard at his school. Ma pikura mana'funhåyan i che'chu'‑ñiha. They persevered to finish their work. Pikura chumotchu asiga ya un nangga i ma'hom‑mu. Keep on eating salt and you'll end up thirsty. Variant: prikura. From: Sp. procura.

pila n. basin for holy water by the front of a church. Åntis di un hålum gi halum guma' Yu'us, debi na un totchi kalulot‑mu gi hanum i pila. Before entering the church, dip your fingers inside the basin. Manggaigi i pila siha gi kantun pottan guma' Yu'us. The basins are located near the church door. From: Sp. pila.

vt. pile up (something). Anai munåyan si Juan ha guåssan i cha'guan, ha pilåpat, pues ha songgi. When John finished cutting the grass, he piled it up, then burned it. Esta mapilåpat siha i hayu gi hilu' chåhan. All the wood is already piled up in the underground pit. Ha pilåpat mo'na i guinassån‑ña. He piled up the weeds that he cut.

piligrosu adj. dangerous, hazardous, precarious, perilous, risky. Piligrosu na lugåt gi kantun ladera. The cliff side is a very dangerous place. Mampus piligrosu tånu' Saipan gi finakpu' gera. Saipan was a very dangerous island after the war. Bula ti tumungu' esti na lugåt na gof piligrosu. Many do not know that this is a hazardous place. From: Sp. peligroso.

Piling name. nickname for Jose or Felix. Guåhu si Jose, låo mås matungo'‑hu as Piling. I am Jose, but I am better known as Pileng. Si Chu', Dung, yan Piling manhånåo para i lanchun Tun Pepi. Chu (Jesus), Dung (Pedro), and Piling (Jose) went to Tun Pepi's (Jose's) ranch. Syn: Ping.

pilota n. dumpling made from fadang flour or wheat flour. Gof månngi' mama'tinas si Maria pilota. Maria makes delicious dumplings.

pilotu n. pilot, guide. Ti åtman pilotu i hagå‑hu. My daughter will soon be a pilot. Ha gof tungu' sumugun i batku, sa' guiya i pilotu. He really knows how to steer the ship, because he is the pilot. Uma'atahgui i dos pilotu sumugun i eruplånu. The two pilots are taking turns flying the airplane. From: Sp. piloto.

pilun dulili n. type of chicken, similar to Plymouth Rock. Gof månngi' esti i pilun dulili. This pilun dulili chicken is very delicious. Bula pilun dulili giya Luta. There are many pilun dulili chickens in Rota. Syn: buremu.

pilung n. great chief, most influential person in a community, champion (Saipan). Guiya i pilung esti na sengsung. He is the chief of this village. I mås matungu' na pilung giya Sa'ipan si Jose. Jose is the most influential person on Saipan. Guåhu sigundu, låo si Pedro i pilung. I am second, but Pedro is the champion. Syn: maga'låhi.

pimentus n. sweet pepper, pimento. Månngi' esti i pimentus mana'lågu yan kåtni. Sweet pepper is delicious when cooked with meat. Bula tinanom‑ña pimentus gi lanchun Tun Jose. Tun Jose has planted many sweet peppers at the ranch. Bula difirentis klåsin pimentus gi tendan Joeten. There are many different varieties of sweet peppers at Joeten store. From: Sp. pimientos.

pimienta n. pepper, Spanish pepper. Tåya' fakterian pimienta giya Sa'ipan. There is no pepper factory on Saipan. Månngi' mana'yiyi pimienta gi kaddun kåtni. It is delicious to put peppers with meat soup. Bula difirentis klåsin pimienta gi tendan Joeten. There are many different varieties of peppers at Joeten store. From: Sp. pimienta.

Pin name. nickname for Jose. Gof ya‑ña si Pin manaitai lepblu. Pin loves to read books. Si Ping humånåo para i iskuela kada diha. Ping goes to school everyday. Si Pi'leng gumånna i bailan Chamorro. Pi'leng won the Chamorro dance. Variant: Ping, Pi'leng.

pinadesi n. agony, pangs of death, suffering, pain, misery. Gof makkat na pinadesi på'gu na tiempu. Today's suffering is very hard. Dångkulu na pinadesi ha kåkatga para i bidå‑ña. He is carrying a lot of suffering due to his bad deeds. Pinadesi i kastigu‑mu, sa' un miresi. Suffer your miseries, because you deserve it.

pinagat n. sermon, preaching, gospel, advice, counsel. In gef ekkunguk i pinagat nåna yan tåta. We were very attentive to the advice from grandmother and grandfather. Ti hu hunguk i pinagat gi misa på'gu. I did not hear the sermon at mass today.

vt. Ha pinagat si Pali' Jose i pupbliku put hinenggin‑ñiha. Father Joe sermoned to the public regarding their beliefs. Lålalu' i tata ya ha pinagat i patgon‑ña. The father was angry and he advised his child. Mamaisin si Maria kåo siña si Pali' Jose ha pinagat i familiån‑ña. Mary asked Father Joe if he could counsel her family.

pinalakse'guan vi. make a slip of the tongue, slip away against one's intentions or plans. Pinalakse'guan yu' gi fino'‑hu gi hunta. I made a slip of the tongue at the meeting. Sessu gui' pinalakse'guan kada bulåchu. He frequently makes slips of the tongue when drunk. Ekat kumuentus, sa' siempri pinalakse'guan håo. Slow down in talking, because you might make a slip of the tongue.

pinalaksi' adj. fluent, voluble, smooth-talking. Mampus pinalaksi' si Tomas kumuentus. Tom is such a smooth talker. Båsta mahonggi, sa' sessu pinalaksi' i fino'‑ña. Stop believing her because she is constantly smooth-talking. I taotåo ni sessu pinalakse'guan fino'‑ña, manggof dakun. People who are constantly smooth talkers are usually liars.

pinalåla vi. rush, hurry, dash, hasten. Sessu si Juan pinalåla guatu gi tenda, sa' gaigi i nobiå‑ña. Juan alway rushes to the store, because his girlfriend is there. Mungnga pinalåla, sa' siempri lachi håo. Don't rush, because you might make a mistake. Manpinalåla manmamåhan i taotåo pugas gi tenda, sa' ti åtman hokkuk. The people rushed to buy rice at the store, because it was almost all gone.

pinalåo'ånan adj. effeminate man, male person with feminine characteristics. Esta i amigu‑hu pinalåo'ånan disti anai påpatgun. My friend has been an effeminate man since his childhood. Ha na'klåru na pinalåo'ånan gui'. He affirmed that he is effeminate. Syn: paluhana, manflorita.

pinat adv. too much, excess of, a lot of, plenty of, lots of, mostly. Pinat asukat i gimen‑mu kafe. There is too much sugar in your coffee. Ti gof meggai asiga, låo pinat asukat. There's not enough salt, but mostly sugar. Tåya' gada' mångga, låo pinat to'an mångga. There's no young mango, but mostly mature mangos. Variant: piñat.

pinayongguan adj. habitual. Pinayongguan mama'baba. He is habitually foolish. Atrasåo ma'adingani si Juan, sa' esta pinayongguan gof dakun. It is too late to talk to Juan, because he is an habitual liar. Ha nisisita masangåni taimanu mapatchan‑ña, sa' pinayongguan ti ya‑ña umekkunguk. He needs to be informed on its operation, because he habitually does not like to listen.

pindehu n. rascal, rogue. Månggi si pindehu? Where is the rascal? Ai, sa' måttu si pindehu. Oh my, because the rascal came. Pindehu, maila'. Rascal, you come. Syn: mahaderu, píkaru. From: Sp. pendejo.

pine'lu n. presumption, assumption, thought, opinion. Pine'lok‑ku na hågu humånåo asta Guam. I thought you were the one who left for Guam. Pine'lom‑mu na ume'essitan yu'. You presumed I was joking. Ti ma honggi yu', sa' pine'lon‑ña na hu dakukuni siha. They did not believe me, because they assumed I was lying to them.

pineddung åtdåo n. sundown. Dispues di pineddung åtdåo, siempri homhum. After sundown, it will be dark. Pairi pumeska gi pineddung åtdåo. It's great to fish during sundown. Fåttu mågi gi pineddung åtdåo yanggin malalagu' håo. Come over at sundown if you still want to. Syn: pineddung somnak, minatchum åtdåo.

pineddung somnak n. sundown. Esta ti maipi gi pineddung somnak. It is not hot after sundown. Bula tåotåo manmåttu gi gumå'‑hu gi pineddung somnak. Many people came to my house after sundown. Bula guihan gi tasi kada pineddung somnak. There are many fish in the ocean at every sundown. Syn: pineddung åtdåo, minatchum åtdåo.

pinekkat n. walk, stroll, way of doing things. Tattiyi i råstrun pinekkat tatå‑mu, sa' ti un abak. Follow the footprints of your father, for you will not lose your way. Bula råstrun pinekkat tåotåo gi inai. There are many human footprints on the sand. Gi kada pinekkat tåotåo, guaha rastron‑ña. From every person's walk, there will be footprints. Syn: pokkat.

pineksu' adj. hard (of feces). Masinik i guaka ya pineksu' take'‑ña. The cow defecated and its feces are hard. I pineksu' na taki' gof mutung. Hard feces are very smelly. Puti masinik, sa' pineksu' take'‑ña. He is having a hard time defecating, because his feces are hard.

pinenta n. picture, design, painting, drawing. Bula pinenta gi gima' Jose. There are many paintings at Jose' house. Esti siha na pinenta ginin as tatå‑hu. These paintings are from my father. Bula pinenta manmabebendi gi tendan Joeten. There are many paintings that have been sold at Joeten store. Syn: litråtu.

pinepbli n. poverty. Achukka' gai pinepbli, låo gof riku kurason‑ña. Even in his poverty, his heart is very rich. In sisedi pinepbli åntis, låo manggofsaga ham på'gu. We experienced poverty in the past but we are well off today.

pinidongguan vi. 1) drop accidentally. Pinidongguan ni salappe'‑ña, sa' tinani' kumuentus. She accidentally dropped her money, because she was distracted talking. Hekkua' månu nai pinidongguan yu' nu i kosås‑su. I have no idea where I lost my things. 2) say something accidentally or by mistake that reveals what was not intended. Ai, sa' fa'na'an pinidongguan gi fino'‑ña nu hågu. Oh dear, he must have had a slip-of-the tongue in his statement to you.

pínigan n. cinder, ember, charcoal, glowing fragment of coal, metal, etc. Tininu si Juan ni pinigan. John burned himself from the charcoal. Guaifi i pinigan ya u fañila' i guafi ta'lu. Blow the embers to start the flame again. Tåya' sopbla na i pinigan yan åpu ha' anai kimason i gima'. Nothing was left except the embers and ashes when the house burned down. Syn: tessun.

piniguan n. eating at dusk. Ngai'an na chumotchu håo? Gi kanuguan, talu'guan, pat piniguan? When did you eat? Early in the morning, midday, or in the evening? Tåya' pinigan para piniguan. We do not have burning wood coals for our food this evening. Syn: sena.

pinipu vi. molt, be in a molting state (of coconut crab). Ginin puminipu i panglåo. The crab had molted. Yanggin para u fanpinipu i ayuyu, ma guådduk siha gi halum odda'. When the coconut crabs are going to molt, they dig themselves into the dirt. See: manggosni.

pinipun n. group of, bunch of. Bula pinipun otdut yan umang gi lanchok‑ku. There are plenty of ant hills at my farm. Adahi i trongkun åbas, sa' bula pinipun sasata. Watch out for the guava tree, because it has many bees.

piniti n. grief, anguish, pain, sorrow, heartache. Tai piniti si Rosa gi as Jose. Rosa has no sorrow for Jose. Anai mana'suha i sanme'na na nifen‑hu, ai na piniti. When my front tooth was removed, I was in pain.

adj. sad, saddened, hurt. Piniti yu' anai humånåo håo. I was sad when you left. Manpiniti ham todu anai måtai si tatan‑måmi. We were all saddened when our father passed away. Esta si Ana ti måfattu mågi, sa' nina'piniti gi as Rosa. Ana does not come over any more, because Rosa hurt her. Piniti si Juan, sa' måtai i asaguå‑ña. Juan is hurt, because his wife passed away. Cha'‑mu sangångani si Vicenta, sa' un na'piniti. Don't tell Vicenta because you will hurt her. Syn: tristi.

pinitiyi vt. grieve for, lament. Ha pinitiyi yu' si Maria put i malangu‑hu. Mary grieved for me due to my sickness. Ta pinitiyi atyu i maolik påtgun, sa' masåpit kinahulo'‑ña. We grieve for that good child, because he had a difficult upbringing. In pinitiyi i manmalångu na tåotåo‑ta. We grieve for our people who are sick. Syn: piniti.

pinsiåna n. louver, as in a window. Na'gåsgas i pinsiåna siha. Clean the louvers. Åntis ma'sesetbi håyu para pinsiåna. In the old days, wood was used for louvers. Mankå'ka' i pinsiåna ginin i pakyu. The louvers cracked from the storm. Variant: pensiåna, petsiåna, punsiåna. From: Sp. persiana.

pintót n. painter, artist. Hu nisisita pintot para u penta i gima'. I need a painter to paint the house. Ispihåyi yu' i finu na pintot, mungnga i bastus. Find me a painter that does fine work, not the rough kind. Ha båtti i pintot tres kulot pintura: agaga', kulot fachi', yan åttilung. The painter mixed three paint colors: red, brown, and black. From: Sp. pintor.

pintu' n. will. Un na'taka' ham nu atyu i sen santus na pinto'‑ña. You made us reach his most holy will.

pintura n. paint, dye. Ånglu' esta i pintura. The paint has dried already. I atdåo chaddik ha na'måfnas i pintura gi hiyung guma'. The sun can quickly fade paint outside the house. Båttin måolik i dos kulot pintura ya u dinanchi i kulot. Mix the two paint colors well to get the right color. Guaha na pintura siña mafa'tinas ginin tinanum siha. There are dyes that are made from plants. From: Sp. pintura.

pinu n. type of tree: pine (typically Australian pine). Bula trongkun pinu gi lanchok‑ku. I have many pine trees at my ranch. Gof håssan trongkun pinu giya tånu' Tinian. Pine trees are very rare on the island of Tinian. Pairi esti i hayun trongkun pinu para guåfi. Pine tree wood is the best for firewood. From: Sp. pino.

piña n. type of plant: pineapple. ananas comosus. Bula tinanom‑hu piña gi lanchok‑ku. I have a lot of pineapple planted at my ranch. Ma fa'kurona i lassas piña, sa' månngi' påo‑ña. They make lei from the pineapple skin, because it has a nice scent. I dikiki' na piña ginin Mariånas sen mamis. The small pineapple from the Marianas is very sweet. From: Sp. piña.

piñat adv. too much, excess of, lots of, full of, mostly. Puru piñat pikatdiha guaha guini na lugåt. This place is full of mischief. Piñat manhobin manmåttu gi hunta. Mostly young people came to the meeting. Variant: pinat.

Ping name. nickname for Jose. I na'ån‑hu si Jose, låo Ping mås matungo'‑hu. Joe is my name, but I'm better known as Ping. Humånåo si Ping yan si Pedro para i tasi. Ping and Pete left for the beach. Machocho'chu' si Ping gi tendan Joeten. Ping is working at Joeten store.

pingga vt. carry (something) by using a stick on one's shoulder. Ha pingga si Jose todu i hayu siha. Joe carried all the sticks (on his shoulder). Mapingga i babui gi halum tangkåt‑ña. The pig was carried from within its cage. Yanggin gof makkat, pingga gi apagå‑mu. If it's very heavy, carry it on your shoulder. Syn: osngan.

Pingki' name. nickname for Jose, used for small boys. Humånåo si Pingki' yan si Ton para i tenda. Pingki' and Tony left to the store. I na'ån‑hu si Jose, mås matungo'‑ña as Pingki'. My name is Joe, better known as Pingki'. Gumågandu si Pingki' huegun tåmma'. Pingke' is playing a game of marbles.

Pingkili' name. nickname for Jose. Guåhu si Jose, låo ågang yu' Pingkili'. I am Joe, but call me Pingkili'. Dinga' si Pingkili' yan si Pedro. Pingkili' and Pedro are twins.

pingut n. without a handle, no place to hold on to. Taipingut esti na håra. This pitcher does not have a handle

pión n. checker, round object used in the game of checkers; disc or any object used to cover numbers in the game of bingo. Malingu un pión. One of the checkers is lost. Tåmpi i numiru ni pión. Cover the numbers with the checkers. Guaha påppit bingo, låo tåya' pión. There is bingo paper, but no checkers. From: Sp. peón.

piót adv. especially. Gof sa'‑ña si Tita gi bistidu‑ña, piot ya sinapatus lokka'. Tita really looks good in her dress, especially when she wears high heels. Gof månngi' i saibuk chotda, piot ya mangge'hilu' ni tinala' kåtni. Banana cooked in coconut milk is so delicious, especially if the dried beef is cooked on top of it. Na'maguf na okasion esti i dinañña' familia, piot ya todu manggaigi. Family gatherings are very special occasions, especially when everyone is present. Variant: kiót.

pipa n. large barrel. Bula pugua' gi halum pipa. There are many betelnuts inside the large barrel. Ha gof tungu' si Jose mama'tinas pipa ginin i hayu. Joe really knows how to make wooden barrels. Ma'u'usa i pipa para masahguan i tinala' kåtni. Large barrels are used to store dried meat. From: Sp. pipa.

pípenta n. painter, artist. Manmåolik na tåotåo esti siha i manpipenta. Painters are such good people. Ti ha tungu' si Jose kumatpinteru, låo pipenta. Joe doesn't know carpentry, but he is a painter. Måolekña na si Roy u cho'gui i project, sa' ma gef tungu' na pipenta gui'. It is better if Roy does the project, because he is well known as an artist. Derived by reduplication from penta. Variant: pépenta.

pípeska n. fisherman, hunter. Siña ha' un sångan na gagu' si Juan, låo gef måolik na pípeska. You can say Juan is lazy, but he is an excellent fisherman. Dimasiåo måolik na pípeska si Pedro. Pete is such a good fisherman. Ti ha tungu' muñangu, sa' ti pípeska. She doesn't know how to swim, because she is not a fisherwoman. Derived by reduplication from peska. Syn: pépeska.

pipinu n. type of plant: cucumber, type of melon. cucumis sativus. Mama'tinas si Maria insalådan pipinu para i gipot‑ña. Mary made cucumber salad for her party. Bula tinanom‑ña si Pedro pipinu gi lanchon‑ña. Pedro planted plenty of cucumber at his ranch. Ga'ok‑ku ha' pipinu kini chandiha. I prefer cucumber to watermelon. From: Sp. pepino.

pípinu' n. assassin, killer, murderer. Bula manpipinu' na tåotåo gi halum kalabosu. There are plenty of murderers inside the jail. Makollat i ga'lågu, sa' kalan pipinu' månnuk. The dog was fenced, because it appears to prey on chicken. Pipinu' i dengdeng para i tinanum. Snails are plant killers. Derived by reduplication from punu'. Syn: peknu'.

pipinun makka n. type of vine: ivy gourd, with white flowers and red fruits. Coccinia grandis. Machalapun i pipinun makka gi tanu' Saipan. The ivy gourd is widespread in Saipan. Månngi' magisa i hagun pipinun makka yan uhang. Stewing ivy gourd leaves with shrimp makes a delicious meal. I måsa na frutan pipinun makka maguaiya ni paluma siha. Birds like the ripe ivy gourd fruits.

pipit vt. lead (by the hand), guide (by the hand). Hu pipit i batchit gi chalan. I led the blind person by the hand on the road. Hu pipit patgon‑hu guatu gi iskuela. I led my child by the hand to school. Esta si Tan Rosa mapipipit guatu gi kuatton‑ña, sa' sessu matompu'. Tan Rosa is constantly being led by hand to her room, because she frequently trips. Syn: isgaihun.

pipitas n. seed, nut. Ha tånum si Juan i pipitas papåya nigap. Juan planted the papaya seeds yesterday. Bula pipitås‑ña i masan papåya. Ripe papaya has many seeds. Binenu esti i pipitas kulålis. Crab's eye seeds are very poisonous. Syn: simiya. From: Sp. pepitas.

piråda n. nonsense, nuisance. Puru håo piråda finono'‑mu. Your sayings are just full of nonsense. Sångan i minagåhit ya båsta kumuentus piråda. Say the truth and stop saying nonsense. Mampus håo piråda tåotåo. You are such a nuisance person. From: Sp. pirada.

piråta n. pirate. Mafondu i båtkun piråta gi tasi. The pirate ship sank in the ocean. Gof piligru i batkun piråta. Pirate ships are dangerous. Manggof subetbiu esti siha i taotåo piråta. Pirate people are very brave. From: Sp. pirata.

pirfektu adj. perfect, exactly. Tåya' ni unu na tåotåo pirfektu gi hilu' tånu'. There is no perfect person in the world. Magåhit na pirfektu håo matan tatå‑mu. You really look exactly like your father. Ti pirfektu yu' na tåotåo, sa' bula nilachi‑hu. I am not a perfect person because I have many mistakes. Variant: prifektu. From: Sp. perfecto.

piri' n. cleft lip, congenital openings or splits in the upper lip. Mapput i patgun kumentus yanggin piri'. The child with a harelip has a hard time speaking clearly. Ma'upera i neni, sa' piri'. The baby was operated on, because of her harelip. Syn: a'pi'.

piridoma n. pieces of broken glass. Meggai piridoma ginin i manmapokka' i buteyan binu guini mågi. There are lots of broken pieces of glass where they broke the wine bottles. Manlålamlam i piridoma gi inai. The broken pieces of glass in the sand are shining. Chinachak yu' ni piridoma anai måffak i ispehus. I got cut with pieces of broken glass when the mirror cracked.

pirisitun n. tiny piece, minute piece, small piece. Ya‑hu ha' umåkka' atyu na pirisitun påtgun, sa' gof na'ma'agoddai. I feel like biting that tiny child because she is very cute. Adahi, sa' puru ha' pirisitun ridoma gi kantun potta. Be careful because it's full of tiny pieces of broken glass by the door. Puru ha' pirisitun guihan kininne'‑ña si tåta gi paingi. It's all tiny fish that my dad caught last night. Variant: pidasitu, pidatsitu. From: Sp. pedacito.

pisågra n. board, chalkboard. Tugi' i na'ån‑mu gi pisågra. Write your name on the chalkboard. Kåda kuåttu gi iskuela manggai pisågra. Every classroom at school has a chalkboard. Put fabot, na'gåsgas i pisågra ni talåpus. Please clean the chalkboard with the rag. Variant: pisåra. From: Sp. pizarra.

pisåo n. fishing pole. Ha fa'pisåo i hayun tangantångan. She made a fishing pole out of tangantångngan. Åntis na tiempu, gof sumetbi i pisåo pi'åo para umettupak. Long time ago, bamboo poles were very useful for fishing. Bula na klåsin pisåo pi'åo gi tendan‑måmi. There are many different types of bamboo fishing poles at our store.

pisåra n. blackboard, writing board. Ha tugi' i ma'estru na'ån‑ña gi pisåra. The teacher wrote his name on the blackboard. Todu iskuela manggai pisåra gi kada kuåttu. Every classroom in all schools has a writing board. Manmalista gi pisåra i manggaigi na famagu'un siha. The children who were present were listed on the blackboard. Variant: pisågra. From: Sp. pizarra.

pisatdiya n. nightmare. From: Sp. pesadilla.

adj. have nightmares. Nina'pisatdiya si Maria anai måtai i ga'‑ña ga'lågu. Maria had nightmares when her dog died. Båsta mahahassu åntis na tiempu, sa' siempri nina'pisatdiya håo. Stop thinking about the past, for you might have nightmares. Gof malångu si Pedro, sa' sessu pisatdiya. Pedro is very sick because of constant nightmares. Variant: pisadiya.

pisu n. floor, platform. Bunitu pisun gumå'‑ña si Maria. The floor of Mary's house is very beautiful. Munhåyan i gumå'‑ña, låo tåya' pisu‑ña. His house is finished, but it has no flooring. Pairi i gumå'‑ña, sa' håyu pisu‑ña. His house is the best, because it has a wooden floor. Syn: såtgi. From: Sp. piso.

pitbetsu adj. rascally, tricky, jocular. Dimasiåo pitbetsu esti na påtgun. This child is very tricky. Mungnga mahonggi mampus i pitbetsu na tåotåo. Don't believe the rascally person too much. I taotåo ni pitbetsu siempri ya‑ña lokkui' mandagi. A tricky person will also be one who likes to lie. Båsta pumitbetsu, sa' siempri ti ma angokku håo. Stop being a rascal, because eventually no one will trust you. Syn: píkaru. From: Sp. perverso.

pitdidu adj. lost, strayed. Manpitdidu siha i mannuk gi halum tånu'. Wild chickens are astray inside the jungle. Esta si Juan pumitdidu hinasson‑ña anai malingu i ga'‑ña guaka. John already lost his mind when he lost his cow. Todu i ga'‑ña si Tomas guaka manpitdidu anai mayulang i kollat. All Thomas' cows went astray when the fence broke. Syn: malingu, machålik. From: Sp. perdido.

pitdika vt. insist, persist, urge, demand, press earnestly (Rota). Mungnga mapitdika yu' yanggin ti hu na'siña chumo'gui håfa ti hu tungu'. Don't insist that I do what I cannot do if I do not know. Mapitdika si Jose para u fanosgi gi as Juan. Joe was urged to obey by John. Mapitdika si Maria para u sångan i minagåhit ni pulisiha. Maria was pressed to tell the truth by the police. Syn: insisti. From: Sp. predica.

pitdón n. forgiveness, pardon. Mamaisin pitdon si Jose, sa' mulachi. Joe asked for forgiveness, because he did wrong.

vt. forgive, pardon. Mapitdon si Tomas gi as Påli' put i baban bidå‑ña. The priest pardoned Tomas for his wrongdoings. Mamaisin si Maria gi as tatå‑ña kåo siña mapitdon i che'lu‑ña, sa' esta manggågåo asi'i. Mary asked her father if her brother could be pardoned, because he already asked for forgiveness. Syn: dispensa. From: Sp. perdón.

pitduras n. pill. Gumimin si Juan pitduras ya nina'malångu. John drank the pill and it made him sick. Bula pitduras ha yuti' ni esta manbihu. He got rid of a lot of pills that are expired. Lachi na pitduras manå'i si Maria. Mary was given the wrong pill. Variant: pitdulas. From: Sp. píldoras.

Piti name. village in central Guam. Gaigi si Juan giya Piti na sengsung. John is at Piti village. Mafañågu yu' giya Piti na sengsung. I was born in the village of Piti. Bula tåotåo giya sengsung Piti. There are many people at the village of Piti.

pitisión n. petition, entreaty, solemn request. Muliliku' i pitision para u mana'suha i atkatdi. A petition is circulating for the removal of the mayor. Guaha pitision para mana'påra i chipa. There is a petition to ban tobacco. Ti nahung tåotåo manmanfitma nu esti na pitision. This petition lacks the required number of people. Syn: ginagåo. From: Sp. petición.

pitroliu n. petroleum, kerosene. Mås guaguan på'gu i pitroliu ki åntis. Petroleum is more expensive now than before. Kimason i lanchu anai machuda' i pitroliu gi kantun guåfi. The farmhouse burned down when the petroleum spilled beside the fire. Ha usa i pitroliu para u na'gåsgas i makina. She used kerosene to clean the machine. Variant: pritoliu. From: Sp. petróleo.

pitsigi vt. persist, continue; pursue, esp. with intent to harm. Lalålu' nu guåhu ya ha pitsigi yu' para u na'låmin yu'. She was mad at me and she continued to find a way to harm me. Båsta mapitsigi si Tomas, sa' tåya' bidåda‑ña. Stop pursuing Tom, because he is not doing anything. Ma gof chatli'i' si Juan, sa' gof ya‑ña manpitsigi tåotåo. John is much hated, because he likes to pursue other people. From: Sp. persigue.

pitsona n. person. Måolik na pitsona esti na palåo'an. This woman is a good person. Håyi na pitsona tumungu' håfa masusedi? Who is the person who knows what's happening? Guåhu ha' na pitsona ma'atyik. I am the only person chosen. From: Sp. persona.

pítuma n. a type of children's game, similar to båtu, but using a wooden or bamboo ring with the objective of tossing and inserting the ring onto the vertical stick.

plaitu1 n. checker, the round object used in the game of checkers; disc or any object used to cover numbers in bingo game. See: pión.

plaitu2 n. fuss, trouble, quarrel, troublesomeness. Ti åtman guaha plaitu, sa' manggof bulåchu i lalåhi. Soon there will be trouble, because the men are drunk.

vi. quarrel, make trouble, make a fuss. Manplaitu i taotåo sankattan yan sanlichan. The northern and southern people had a quarrel. Måttu para u plaitu i bisinu put i ga'lågu. The neighbors had a fuss about the dogs. Syn: atburotu, engkubukåo, yinaoyåo. From: Sp. pleito.

plåka n. 1) vinyl record (phonograph). Gof håssan kantan Johnny Sablan gi plaka esta. Johnny Sablan's songs are now very rare on records. Esta håssan plåka na tiempu. Phonograph records are hard to find nowadays. 2) reel, a strip of motion picture film, wound on a spool. From: Sp. placa.

plånas n. plains. Gof plånas na lugåt i sabånan Luta. Rota's savanna is a plain. Bula chå'guan gi planas na lugåt. There are many grasses on the plains. Gof guaifun i planas na lugåt. It is very windy on the plains. Syn: sabåna. From: Sp. planas.

planåsus vt. beat up, knock down, smack, hit. Planåsus i ga'lågu, sa' sigi ha' i sagan basu. Beat up the dog if he keeps on bothering. Ti atman håo maplanåsus yanggin sigi ha' un baba pachot‑mu. Soon you will be knocked down if you keep opening your mouth. Maplanåsus si Pedro gi as Juan, sa' gof dakun. John smacked Pete, because he is such a liar. Syn: yagai, sapblåsus, såolak. From: Sp. planazos.

plåncha n. sheet metal. Bula plåncha mabebendi gi tendan Joeten. Joeten sells a lot of sheet metal. Ma'usa i plancha para lugan guma'. Metal sheets were used for the house walls. Ha nå'i i Gima' Yu'us unu na plåncha. He gave the church one metal sheet. From: Sp. plancha.

planeha n. plan. Na'guaha planeha taimanu para un cho'gui. Make a plan on how you will do it.

vt. plan, form a plan. Todu guma' debi na u maplaneha. All houses must have a plan. Yanggin ti un tungu' taimanu fama'tinas, planeha. If you don't know how, make a plan. See: plånu. From: Sp. planea.

planeta n. planet. Bula planeta ti manmasosodda' trabiha. There are many planets yet to be discovered. Siña ha' un li'i' i guaha na planeta an pupuengi. You can see certain planets at night. Guaha na planeta mås ma'lak gi Disiembri na mes. There is a planet that appears more bright in December. From: Sp. planeta.

plånta (from: planta vt. set up, set, fix in position, place. Hu plånta i platu siha gi hilu' lamasa. I set the plates on the table. Åntis di un plånta håo gi siya, arekla nåya i kuattom‑mu. Before you sit down, first clean your room. Plånta siha i ramentåm‑mu åntis di un tutuhun. Set up your tools before you begin. Syn: pripåra, såhyan. From: Sp. planta.

plantåsma n. ghost, specter, phantom. Manli'i' yu' plantåsma gi paingi. I saw a ghost last night. Bula plantåsma gi halum tånu'. There are many ghosts in the forest. Sumåsaga i plantåsman palåo'an gi kantun tåsi. The female ghost is living near the ocean. Syn: fantåsma, birak. From: Sp. fantasma.

plåntit n. plant nursery. Gaigi i mås dångkulu na plåntit gi sengsung Kagman. The biggest plant nursery is at Kagman village. Guaha plåntit giya i kulehun Notti Mariånas. There is a plant nursery at the Northern Marianas College. Bula tinanum gi halum plåntit. There are many plants inside the plant nursery.

plantiyas n. 1) mold, model, form, template. Fama'tinas plantiyas para i satgi. Make a form for the foundation. Ha gof tungu' si Tomas mama'tinas plantiyas para boti. Tomas really knows how to make a form for making a boat. Ti un lachi yanggin un usa i plantiyas. You will not make a mistake if you use the form. Syn: hotma. 2) inner sole of shoe or slipper. Puti addeng‑ña si Juan, sa' tåya' plantiyås‑ña. John's foot hurts, because it has no inner sole. Bula plantiyas gi tendan Joeten. There are many inner soles at Joeten's store. Esta båba i plantiyas sapatos‑su. My shoe's inner sole is already no good. From: Sp. plantillas.

plånu n. plan, design, plot, scheme, project. Meggai na plånu ma ina, låo tåya' ma atyik. They reviewed many plans, but did not select any of them. Manlachi todu i planun i gurupu, sa' ti mahassun måolik. The group's project turned out all wrong, because it was not well thought out. Esta guaha plånu gi entalu' siha para u mana'suha gi lugåt‑ña. They already have a scheme among themselves to remove him from his place. From: Sp. plano.

plåsa n. plaza, field, court. Manhugågandu siha i famagu'un gi plasa. The children are playing in the field. Bula paluma mañochotchu gi plasa. Many birds are feeding in the field. Esta dångkulu i cha'guan gi plasa. The grass is already tall in the field. From: Sp. plaza.

plåsan båtkun airi n. airport, airstrip, airfield, terminal. Ma hahassu na para uma håtsa ladangkulu na plåsan båtkun airi giya Saipan. They are thinking to build a bigger airport in Saipan. Piligru para i batkun airi i paluma gi plasan batkun airi. Birds are hazardous to airplanes at the airport. Mampus guaifun gi plasan batkun airi. It is very windy at the airfield.

plåsta vt. put a bandage on, apply a poultice to, soak (a wound) in liquid. Maplåsta i kannai‑ña si Juan, sa' måhluk. John's hand had been bandaged, because it fractured. Maplåsta i chetnot‑ña si Maria ni amut anai malatti'. Mary's sore was soaked with medicine after it had become scabbed. Maplåsta i chetnut kannai‑hu. My sore hand has been bandaged. Variant: implåsta.

plastik n. plastic, plasticity. Bula basulan buteyan plastik manmarikohi gi kantun tåsi. Many discarded plastic bottles were collected near the beach. Pairi i tason plastik, sa' ti u måffak. A plastic bowl is the best, because it will not shatter. Utas i plastik na matiriåt. Plastic materials last long. From: Eng. plastic.

plåsu2 n. make-believe story, made-up episode, meaningless story. Håfa på'gu plasu‑mu? Now what is your story? See: iskusa.

vi. 1) talk aimlessly. Ti ma a'atendi håo, sa' sigi håo ha' plumåsu. They weren't listening to you because you kept on just talking aimlessly. 2) walk aimlessly (e.g. while waiting). Anåkku i plasu‑mu nigap. Your walking went on yesterday.

plåta n. silver, silver (as a form of money). Guaguanña oru kini plåta. Gold is more expensive than silver. Ga'ok‑ku alåhas plåta kini oru, sa' ti cha'ot‑tu. I prefer silver jewelry to gold, because I am not allergic (to silver). Matampi ni plåta unu na nifen‑hu. . One of my teeth is capped with silver. Syn: salåppi', kopbli. From: Sp. plata.

plateha n. silver plate. Bula si Maria platehå‑ña gi gumå'‑ña. Mary has many silver plates at her house. Manbebendi si Joeten plateha siha. Joeten sells many silver plates.

vt. cover with silver plate. Hu plateha i na'yan siha. I silver-plated the dishes. From: Sp. platea.

plateru n. silversmith. I plateru ha chagi mama'tinas buttun såntus låo hinalang. The silversmith tried to create a bust of a saint but he gave up. Ti plateru yu' låo buleru yu'. I am not a silversmith but a ball player. Ti parehu yan åntis sa' håssan esta plateru gi islan Mariånas. Unlike in the old days, silversmiths are now rare in the Marianas. From: Sp. platero.

platitu n. saucer, small plate, usually used to mix hot sauce. Nå'yi finadenni' gi platitu. Pour hot sauce on the saucer. Miskina ennåo na palåo'an sa' un platitun påstit ha' ha lakngus para hami. That lady is stingy because she only brought us one small plate of pastries. Maningkåtga si nåna platitu giya Amerika. Mother ordered saucers from America. From: Sp. platito.

platón n. platter, large plate, usually oval-shaped. Bula platón plastik manma'usa gi giput. Many large plastic plates were used at the feast. Sahguan i tininun lemmai gi platón plastik. Place the roasted breadfruit on the platter. Platón luluk mås måolik kini platón plastik. Metal platters are much better than plastic. From: Sp. platón.

platón bandeha n. platter, large plate having oval shape. Po'lu i katnin guaka guatu gi platon bandeha gigun måsa. Put the meat on the platter as soon as it's done. Månggi i platon bandeha? Where is the platter? Syn: nå'yan, bandeha.

plåtu n. plate, dish. Guaha tres na klåsin matiriåt plåtu; måmaffak, karai, yan aluminium. There are three kinds of plate materials: stone, plastic, and aluminum. Gof ya‑hu chumotchu gi platun måmaffak. I love to eat on a stone plate. Måolik i platun aluminium sa' siña un usa åpmam na tiempu. The aluminum plate is good because it lasts long. From: Sp. plato.

plegis n. pleat. Prensan måolik i plegis. Press the pleat well. From: Sp. pliegues.

vt. pleat, make a pleat in. Bunitu i maplegis na sukåtu' para i mandalalai. Pleated skirts are nice for those who are thin. Mapput maprensa i maplegis na sukåtu'. It is hard to iron the pleated skirt. Si Antonio ha tungu' manplegis. Antonio knows how to make pleats.

pliegu n. page, sheet of paper. Gi pliegu nai gaigi i direksion para i plasan batkun airi. On the sheet of paper is where the directions to the airport are. I palåo'an ha gogo'ti i pliegu para u taitai. The woman is holding the sheet of paper to read. Mungnga månggi' gi pliegu på'gu. Do not write on the paper now. See: påhina, ohas påppit. Variant: plegu. From: Sp. pliego.

plimenta n. black or white pepper (ground), the fruit of the piper nigrum species. Månngi' i sopas kumu miplimenta. Soup is delicious if it has lots of pepper. Guaha na tåotåo cha'ot‑ña plimenta. Some people are allergic to pepper. Guaguan esta na tiempu i plimenta. Pepper is expensive nowadays. Variant: primienta. From: Sp. pimienta.

plinåta na kulót n. silver color. Ya‑hu i karetå‑hu gi plinåta na kulot. I like my car to be a silver color. Makkat i satten ni plinåta na kulot para u mana'gåsgas. It is hard to clean the pot with silver color. Mapput para un fañodda' prifektu na plinåta na kulot sinsiyu. It is hard to find real silver color. Syn: kulót salåppi'.

plomu n. lead, sinker on fishing net or line. Gai minakkat i talåya sa' miplomu. Throw nets are quite heavy because they have lots of lead. Nisisita ha' i kutdet manå'yi plomu para u inangkla. Fishing lines need lead to sink. Siña ha' mafa'åmut i plomu gi inakka' ga'lågu. Lead could be used as medicine for dog bites. From: Sp. plomo.

pluma n. fountain pen, ballpoint pen. Måolik si Jose månggi' ni pluma. Joe is good at writing with the pen. Kada pluma un kulot tinta guaha‑ña. Every pen has one ink color. Meggaiña na tåotåo umu'usa pluma na tiempu. More people use pens nowadays. From: Sp. pluma.

plumisu adj. made of lead, leaden. Kana' ha' todu ramenta manmaplumisu. Almost all tools contain lead. I alåhas siha manggai plumisu. Pieces of jewelry contain lead. Guaha na åmut manggai plumisu. Some medicines are made of lead. From: Sp. plomizo.

plumuyi vt. put sinker on (a fishing line), put weights on (a fishing net or line). Hu plumuyi i talayå‑hu. I put sinkers on my throw nets. Maplumuyi i kabiyun put para u inangkla ya ti u fanhålum i ñamu. The mosquito net was fastened with lead to hold it down so mosquitos will not enter. Gof makkat i talåya anai maplumuyi ni leddu' na plomu. The net was very heavy when it was fastened with lead.

po'dak adj. protruding, budding (esp. of developing breasts of adolescent females). Esta suttetera si Maria sa' popo'dak susu‑ña. Marie is getting to be an adolescent because her breasts are developing. Manggågåo brassiha sa' esta po'dak susu‑ña. She asked for a bra because her breasts have developed. Variant: poddak.

po'dang adj. have big buttocks. Gof sa'‑ña si Ina i po'dang dagån‑ña. Ina looks cute with her big buttocks. Guaha na låhi po'dang kalang palåo'an. Some guys have big buttocks like a woman. Inipus pine'dang dagån‑ña si Tan Rosa. Tan Rosa's buttocks are too much.

po'lu vt. 1) put, place, establish. Po'lu fan todu siha i hugeti gi un sahguan. Please place all the toys in one container. Syn: pega, sa'ang, dipusita. 2) put it aside, leave it up (to me). Po'lu nåya asta ki guaha tiempok‑ku na bai hu ina esti na kosas. Leave it for now until I find time to examine this item. Po'lu guåña ya u tungu' håfa magåhit masusedi gi entalu' i familia. Let it be so that she will learn what really happened within the family. 3) leave, abandon. Po'lu ya guiya la'mun nu i prublemå‑ña. Leave him to his problem. 4) assume, presume, think, believe. Todu i tiempu hu popo'lu na manmåmåolik ha' hamyu. I assume at all times that you all are well. Cha'‑mu popo'lu na in na'siña chumo'gui esti sin hami lokkui'. Don't think that you can do this without us also. 5) invest, save. Hu po'lu todu i salappe'‑hu gi bangku putno bai hu gåsta. I saved all my money at the bank so that I would not spend it. Po'luyi na'‑ña i nganga' sa' på'gu dedesnik. Save food for the duck because it just now suddenly appeared. 6) let it be. Po'lu ha'. That's okay.

po'lu ya intj. let, well then, leave it up to. Po'lu ya guåhu bai hu hånåo para Guåhan. Let me be the one to go to Guam. Po'lu ya u sigi ha' mama'baba sa' hinasson‑ña na u måolik lina'lå'‑ña. Let him continue to do his crazy work because he thinks his life will be good. Po'lu ya guiya u fa'tinas disision‑ña. Leave it up to him to make his decision. Syn: pues po'lu.

po'lunñaihun vt. delay, detain, hold up, set aside for a while. Po'lunñaihun ha' fan ennåo na prublema sa' ha na'malilinik ilu‑hu. Please set that problem aside because it is giving me a headache. Kåo siña mohon mapo'lunñaihun esti na påtgun gi kalabosu ya u ma'arekla? Can you detain this child in jail so that he could be disciplined? Nisisita ta po'lunñaihun esti na plånu ya ta hassuyan måolik. We need to set aside for a while this plan so that we can make a better decision.

po'yit adj. extremely small in size, diminutive, midget. Esta benti åñus esti i che'lu‑hu palåo'an låo asta på'gu popo'yit ha'. My sister is twenty years old but until now she is still small. Mafa'nana'an i palåo'an ni dikiki' chibi' sa' put i po'yit. A small woman is called a midget due to her diminutive size. I po'yit na babui mafa'nana'an che'chi' kumu dikiki'. A pig, if small in size, is referred as che'chi'. Syn: che'chi', chibi', dichiching, påsmu, dikiki'.

poddak n. protrusion on the skin like a pimple or sunburn blister, vesicle.

vt. depimple, squeeze (pimple). Poddak fan ennåo siha i etdun gi tatalo'‑hu. Please squeeze all the pimples on my back. Cha'‑mu popoddak kuatkuet na otdun sa' guaha nai mama'chetnut. Do not make it a habit to squeeze any pimple because they sometimes get infected. Ha na'mamaigu' hit yanggin mapopoddak i tatalo'‑ta. Squeezing pimples on the back can sooth us to sleep. Syn: foksi. Variant: potdak.

poddung vi. fall down, drop, collapse, stumble. Gof adahi i neni na u poddung. Be sure the baby does not fall. Ti hu tungu' håfa na gotpi ha' pumoddung yu' påpa'. I do not understand why I suddenly just collapsed. Tinani' si Tita mama'baba ya sigi ha' pumoddung i gradu‑ña gi iskuela. Tita keeps fooling around and her grades keep falling. Fanmanhokka' sa' bula pineddung mångga gi egga'an. Go and collect because there are lots of fallen mangos this morning. Syn: basnak. Variant: potdung.

pohni vt. smoke out (someone or something). Nisisita mapohni esti na trongku kosa ki u fampininu' i ga'gå'‑ña. This tree needs to be smoked out to kill the bugs. Pohni fan todu ennåo siha manma'utut na trongku ya u fanmåtai. Smoke out all the trees that were cut so that they will die. Chaddik makonni' i ayuyu gi madduk yanggin mapohni. Catching coconut crabs in their burrows is quick if you smoke them out. Variant: fohni, fohngi.

poiu n. spherical sinker, made of stone and coconut shell. Mañodda' si tang åtchu' ni siña ha fa'tinas poiu. Dad found some rocks that can be used as round sinkers. Mama'tinas i tiu‑hu hu talin poksi' para magoddi esta i poiu. My uncle made some hibiscus bark rope to tie to the round sinkers. I manantigu na Chamorro diåriu i poiu ma usa. The ancient Chamorro normally used round sinkers.

pokka' vt. 1) shatter, crack open. Adahi na un pokka' siha i chada' månnuk gi halum chonchun. Be careful not to break the chicken eggs in the nest. Ha dåggåo si Juan i bintåna ya ha pokka' i ispehus. Juan threw something at the window and shattered the glass. 2) abort. Put fabot cha'‑miyu popokka' i neni gi halum tiyan‑miyu sa' isåo må'gas ennåo. Please do not commit abortion because that is a mortal sin. Anai poddung i mapotgi' gi kannat, pinekka'. The pregnant woman aborted when she fell into the ditch. Ti malagu' na u mapokka' achuka' ha tungu' na siña guiya lokkui' dimålas. She refused to be aborted even when she knows that she may also not survive.

pokkat n. pace, step, footstep, gait. Kada diha hu pukkåkati singku miyas na etsisiu put para i himemlo'‑hu. Eveyday I walk five miles to exercise for my health. Tres pokkat ha' i neni‑hu siña ha fa'tinas. My baby can only make three steps. Yayayas ha' yu' gi ha'åni ni meggai pokkat hu fa'titinas. I get tired during the day from so much walking. I pokkåt‑ña kumihåyi na ti maguf malak i lanchu. I could tell from the way he walked that he did not want to go to the farm. Syn: påsu. See: mamokkat.

pokpuk n. swelling, bulge, boil (on skin). Guaha dångkulun pokpuk gi tatalo'‑hu, låo ti ha tungu' i mediku håfa na klåsin pokpuk. I have a swelling on my back, but the doctor does not know what it is. Kana' ha' kada mes humuhuyung pokpuk gi addeng‑hu. Almost every month a boil appears on my leg. Mana'atattiyi ha' manhuyung bulan klåsin pokpuk gi tatåotåo‑hu. Different kinds of boils come out one after the other on my body. Syn: bokka', botcha.

poksai vt. 1) paddle, propel, row. Hu poksai i galaidi' asta i mama'ti. I paddled the canoe up to the reef. Måolik yan bibu mamoksai galaidi' si Pedro. Pedro paddles the canoe good and fast. Yanggin lumili'uf håo gi halum tåsi, un popoksai håo ni dos kannai‑mu. You propel yourself with your two arms when you are swimming in the water. Syn: tulus. 2) raise, nurture. Hu poksai i ga'‑hu guaka gi paståhi. I raised my pet cattle at the pasture. Mamomoksai yu' månnuk para nengkano'‑hu. I raise chickens for my subsistence. Hu poksai sais na famagu'un che'lu‑hu asta ki munhåyan i iskuelan‑ñiha. I raised my sister's six children until they finished their education.

poksi' n. 1) type of hibiscus plant, a type of fiber tree. Anai maloffan yu' giya Agat, Guåhan, puru ha' trongkun poksi' mamifila gi kantun chålan. When I was passing along in Agat, Guam, there were hibiscus trees all lined up along the roadside. I manåmku' åntis na tiempu ma na'gof usu esti i trongkun poksi'. Our elders before made good use of the hibiscus tree. Ma'u'usa lokkui' i hagun poksi' para åmut månglu'. The hibiscus tree leaves are also used as medicine for bloating. 2) fiber from hibiscus plant, used for making rope, grass skirts, etc. Mama'tåtali ni peksi' para tålin guaka. They are making rope out of the hibiscus fiber for cattle rope. Muna' ma'u'usa i peksi' para goddi sa' gof metgut matiriåt‑ña. The reason why hibiscus fiber is used for tying is that it is strong. Mampus usu esti i peksi' para mama'tinas lupis. Hibiscus fiber is very useful for making grass skirts. Syn: pågu.

poksiun vi. stink, smell bad (of anything that becomes spoiled or begins to stink from soaking in liquid too long). Yuti' ennåo na kåddun guihan sa' esta poksiun ya u hina hit. Throw that fish soup because it is spoiled and it will poison us. Chaddik poksiun i nengkanu' kumu tiempun chata'an. Food gets bad fast during the rainy season. Guaha na råsan tåotåo mana'popoksiun nåya i guihan ya atyu nai makåkannu'. Some groups of people ferment fish; then they eat it. Variant: poksin.

poksu' vt. guess (something) without much information, aim or shoot at. Hu poksu' ha' ya hu danchi. I just guessed and I got it right. Mungnga mapoksu' mo'na håfa para u macho'gui.

adj. expert at aiming or shooting. Ha talulu' i matan halu'u sa' poksu' manlånsa. He struck right at the eye of the shark because he is an expert with the spear. Potsu si Jose mandåggåo bola. Jose is a sharp ball thrower. Guiya esti na papaki mås potsu. He is the best sharp shooter with guns. Variant: potsu'.

poktu vt. cause jilting. Gof lalålu' si Juan anai pinektu as Jose ni nubiå‑ña. John was very angry when Jose jilted him from his girlfriend. Guaha na låhi achuka' mapoktu ni nubiå‑ña, para ke gui'. Some guys even if they are jilted by their girlfriends they do not care. Kumu gof mangguaiya i taotåo palåo'an, ha gof sienti na puti mapoktu. If a guy really loves a woman, he really feels the pain if he gets jilted. Variant: pottu.

ponni n. bait for coconut crabs, spoiled coconut meat. Mama'tinas yu' un båtdi na niyuk para ponnek‑ku. I made a bucket of coconut bait to lure coconut crabs.

vt. lure (coconut crabs) by smearing spoiled coconut meat on a tree, roots of a tree, or similar object so that odor will attract the crabs. Hu ponni i ayuyu siha giya sabåna gi paingi. I lured the coconut crabs by smearing coconut bait on the plain last night. Nisisita un na'påguan i kinamyun niyuk åntis di un hånåo pumonni. You have to make the grated coconut smell bad to lure the crab.

pontan n. ripe (brown) coconut, usually one that has fallen from the tree. Manlalalacha' ha' i pontan niyuk gi tattin gima'‑måmi. The ripe coconuts are lying all over behind our house. Meggai na pontan esta mandodokku'. Many of the ripe coconuts are sprouting. Kumu tai chigu' i pontan, pues yanggin ti puru ha' fåha' sanhalum, osino båba. If the coconut has no liquid inside, it is either ready to sprout or it has gone bad. See: gåfu'.

pongga vt. strike (a top or marble) with another top or marble of the same type. Mapeddi si Juan huegun tulompu pues mapongga i tulompon‑ña. Juan lost the game of tops so his top was struck. Duru mapongga i tulompun Antonio esta ki må'pi'. Antonio's top was struck continuously until it cracked. Singku ga'‑ña na tåmma' si Vicente mapongga. Ben's five marbles were struck.

pongli vt. cage (something), confine, box in, jail. Mapongli i ga'‑hu ga'lågu sa' gof daddåo. My dog was caged because he is very mean. Pinengli si Victor ni pulisiha gi kalabosu sa' mampos bulåchu. The police jailed Victor because he was very drunk. Guåhu pumongli i mannuk ni para u mana'hånåo para Luta. I was the one who caged the chicken that is to be sent to Rota.

pongpung n. particle, scum, any solid-like substance floating on top of liquid, dirty matter on surface of liquid, such as dust. Un pongpung ha' ha na'sopbla gi lamasa. She left just one particle on the table. Hekkua' håfa gai pengpung mamoddung gi na'‑hu alåguan. I do not know what particles landed on my rice porridge. Adahi na un kånnu' i kaddun kåtni sa' puru ha' pongpung. Do not eat the beef soup because there are plenty of small substances in it. Pinengpungi i na'‑hu kalamai. There are particles on my corn pudding. Syn: poppu.

popbli adj. poor, needy, impoverished, inadequate, sterile. Tatfoi i pinepblen‑ña i taotåo, ha agradesi ha' maseha håfa i mana'i‑ña. Just because the man is needy, he appreciates what was given to him. Meggai mamopbli gi tanu'. There are plenty of poor people on earth. Guaha atyu na tåotåo i pepbli put gago'‑ña. Some people are poor because of their laziness. Ti månngi' sinientin popbli. It's not a good feeling to be poor. Popbli esti i tano'‑ta yanggin put bandan salåppi'. Our island is poor when it comes to money. Popbli si Juan na tåotåo. Juan is a poor man. From: Sp. pobre.

popblikånu n. poor people (biblical). I popblikånu na palåbra ma'u'usa para i mamopbli na tåotåo gi sinangan i bipblia. The word poplikånu is used for poor people in biblical terms. Ti ma'u'usa esti i popblikånu gi på'gu na hinirasion. The word popblikånu is not used in this generation. Ti na'mamahlåo yanggin mafa'na'an ham poplikånu. It is not shameful for us to be labeled as poor people.

poppu n. scum, powdery substance from a decayed plant, termite droppings, dirty substance such as dust or soot, not fungus. Meggai poppu mamopoddung gi trongkun mångga. Powdered substance keeps falling off from the mango tree. Puru ha' poppu manggagama gi ilotis. There is a lot of scum floating in the corn soup. Pineppu i barakilan i gima'‑måmi. The wooden structures of our house are filled with termite droppings. Syn: pongpung. Variant: popu.

poppun otdut n. army of ants. Guaha poppun otdut gi tattin guma'. There is an army of ants at the back of the house. Guse'ña guaha poppun otdut yanggin guaha mamis kini yanggin guaha påomata'. It is easier to find an army of ants when there is something sweet than when there is a rotten scent. Manbula addeng‑hu sa' nilaisin yu' ya hu gatcha' i poppun otdut. My leg is swollen because I was distracted and stepped on an army of ants.

pos vi. pose (Guam). Pumos ta'lu i taotåo ya ha fa' gui' må'gas. The man positioned himself again as if he was the boss. Manpos para u fanmalitråtu. They posed for their picture to be taken. Håyi atyu i pumos kumu guiya i mås malåti' na tåotåo? Who was it who posed as if he was the smartest person? See: kåkku', pustura. From: Eng. pose.

posa1 n. pose (as for a picture). I adai na bunitun posa ennåo. My, that is a beautiful pose.

vt. pose (as for a picture). Un gof tungu' pumosa håo para malitråtu. You really know how to pose for a picture. Ombres ki masosoksuk håo, un posan kalalang håo guennåo. Despite being very slim, you still pose like a skinny bird. From: Sp. posa.

posa2 vt. handcuff. Maposa i lahi sa' ha paniti un tåotåo. The man was handcuffed because he punched a person. Kumu ti umekkunguk håo ya un kontra i lai, siempri maposa håo. When you don't listen and go against the law, you will surely be handcuffed. Si pulisiha pumosa i bulåcheru sa' sigi umatburutåo gi hospitåt. The police officer handcuffed the drunk when he was causing a disturbance at the hospital. Syn: esposa. From: Sp. esposa.

postri n. pastry. Nahung ha' yu' ni postri na ogga'an. Pastry is enough for me in the morning Mampus meggai postri maplålanta gi giput. Too many pastries are being served at parties. Gof ya'‑hu i na' natibu siha na postri. I like the local pastries. Syn: fina'mamis. Variant: påstri. From: Eng. pastry.

pótbula n. gunpowder. Ha sodda' i pulisiha na tåya' potbula gi halum i bala. The police officer found no gunpowder inside the bullet. Anai ha paki si Chu' i ga'lågu, nina'yi i kannai‑ña potbula. When Jesse shot the dog, his hands were covered with gunpowder. In li'i' na puru ha' potbula gi hilu' i chalan. We saw gunpowder all over the road. Syn: kaiaku'. See: asga'. From: Sp. pólvora.

potbus n. powder, talcum powder, dust; a powdery medicinal, cosmetic, or other preparation. Ha tungu' ha' si Maria an applacha' i gima' sa' cha'ot‑ña potbus. Maria knows if the house is dirty because she is allergic to dust. Humånåo si Juan para i tenda para u famåhan potbus para i neni. Juan went to the store to buy powder for the baby. Ha papagu' fasu‑hu yanggin hu nå'yi potbus. My face gets irritated when I apply powder. Mipetbus i chalan sa' håssan esta uchan på'gu na såkkan. The road is very dusty because it has rarely rained this year. From: Sp. polvos.

potdak n. protrusion on the skin like a pimple or sunburn blister, vesicle. Guaha makaka na potdak gi aga'gå'‑hu. I have an itchy blister on my neck. Ti potdak guåña ennåo sa' disputsi ha' påtti gi fasu‑ña disdi ki mafañågu. That is not a pimple; it has been on his face since he was born.

vt. depimple, scratch (a protrusion, usually tiny) on the skin. Ha poddak si nåna i etdun gi fasu‑hu. My mom squeezed the boil on my face. Månngi' yanggin mapopotdak i petdak siha gi tatalo'‑hu. It is relaxing when the pimples on my back are being picked. Guston‑ña mamotdak si Ana otdun. Ana enjoys squeezing pimples. Syn: foksi. Variant: poddak.

potgui vt. 1) pluck feathers of, remove hair from by plucking. Ma potgui i mannuk para u mana'lågu. They plucked the chicken to cook it. Hu usa hånum maipi para bai hu potgui i babui. I used the hot water to remove the pig's hair. 2) remove (sticker burrs from clothing). Hu potgui i ispåña gi magågun nanå‑hu. I plucked the sticker burr off my mom's clothes. Variant: potgi.

potni vt. burn, destroy by fire. Mapotni i hayu para i tininu. They burned the wood for the barbeque. Ha potni si Juan i pappit Maria sa' lalålu'. John destroyed Maria's paper because he was mad. Pinetni i kareta ni dangkulun kimason. The fire destroyed the car. Syn: songgi. Variant: pohni.

pótpuput n. type of plant. peperomia pellucida. Prisisu i potpuput gi amut måkpung. Peperomia pellucida is an essential ingredient for internal body cleansing medicine. Siña difirentis klåsin manera nai ma'u'usa potpuput para åmut. There are different ways to make medicine out of potpuput. Esta gof håssan masodda' i petpuput gi halum tånu'. It is very rare to find potpuput in the jungle.

potput adj. thick, dense, compact. Sa'‑ña si Ana i madasai‑ña sa' i potput gaputilu‑ña. Ana looks good with her haircut because she has thick hair. Sessu si Maria bulåchun ulu sa' anåkku' yan potput gaputilu‑ña. Maria always gets headaches from her long thick hair. Ti ya‑ña si Juan na u ma'adobu i balåku na babui sa' potput lassås‑ña. Juan does not like to cook male pig for adobo because the skin is too thick. Na'lamitå ennåo i pappit siha sa' mampus potput. Reduce the papers by half because they are too thick.

potput palåo'an n. type of medicinal plant. peperomia spp. (?). Gof makkat masodda' esti na åmut i potput palåo'an. It is hard to find the medicinal plant potput palåo'an. Ma'u'usa i potput palåo'an gi para amut yanggin sessu håo nina'yi malinik ulu. Peperomia is used as medicine if you have frequent headaches. Nisisita matånum ha' gi hatdin i petput palåo'an putno u måtai. The potput palåo'an must be planted in the garden or it will die. Syn: dadangsi, dadangsin machinga'.

potsan vi. protrude, stick out, come out. Adahi na u potsan huyung i chigu' ginin i pekpok‑mu. Be careful not to have the pus come out of your sore. Ti hu tungu' håfa mampopotsan huyung gi tatåotåo‑hu. I do not know what are sticking out of my body. Guaha na biåhi nai todu mesgu' yu' gi kantun chålan sa' popotsan ha' huyung i hanum ginin i paip. Sometimes I am soaking wet along the road because the sprinkler automatically sprinkles out water.

potsu n. heartbeat, pulse. Mampus bibu potson‑ña i neni. The baby's heartbeat is very fast. Hinassok‑ku na kumu bibu i petsun kurason, pues gof bråbu i taotåo. I thought that if a person's heartbeat is very fast, it means he is very healthy. Chumålik i mediku sa' luhan mampus si Laura anai ilek‑ña na bibu i petsun kurason‑ña låo ha papatcha i agapa' gi ha'of‑ña. The doctor laughed when Laura said that her heartbeat was very fast but was touching the right side of her chest. From: Sp. pulso.

potsu' adj. accurate at shooting, good at shooting, good as a marksman, accurate at aiming (at something). Humugåndu si Juan yan si Maria tåmma' para u mali'i' håyi mås potsu' manapunta. Juan and Maria played marbles to see who is more accurate in shooting. Ai na pinetsu' si Rosa sa' ha danchi i paluma gi hilu' i trongku anai ha fletcha. Rosa is good at aiming because she hit the bird that was on top of the tree with the slingshot. Ma'atyik i mås potsu' na sindålu gi entalu' todu para u prutehi i ma'gas tånu'. The soldier who was the best marksman was selected among all to protect the head of the country.

potta n. door, passageway, entrance, entry. Yanggin para un huyung gi gima', debi un usa i pettan sanme'na. If you are going out of the house, you have to use the front door. Na'guaha dos pottan santatti para mås siguru kumu guaha kimason. Provide two rear doors for better security in case of fire. Baba dididi' i kurason‑mu sa' dångkulu na så'pit si tåta ha sungun put hågu. Open your heart a little because your father made a huge sacrifice for your sake. From: Sp. puerta.

pottamuneda n. purse, wallet, pocketbook, billfold. Todu i taotåo manggai pottamuneda. Everyone has a wallet or purse. Bula siha gi tenda manmabebendi pottamuneda. There are many purses sold at the stores. Si Maria ha nå'i si Pedro pottamuneda para rigalu‑ña para i kumpliåñus mafañagu‑ña. Maria gave Pedro a wallet for his birthday gift. Finalaguaihun nu i pottamunedå‑ña anai tumunuk ginin i karetan amigå‑ña. She inadvertently left her wallet when she stepped down from her friend's car. Kalan potput ennåo i pottamunedå‑mu. Your wallet looks kind of bulky. Variant: putumoneda. From: Sp. portamonedas.

pottu vt. 1) thin (a group of seedlings), pull up (seedlings) in order to let other seedlings grow. Nisisita pumottu i tinanom‑hu pipinu, kosa ki u guaha chånsa para u fanlå'la'. It's necessary to thin my cucumber plants, so that they'll have a chance to grow. 2) take away (someone's sweetheart). Kumåti i palåo'an sa' mapottu. The woman was crying because her sweetheart was taken away. Ha pottu i asaguan i bisinu pues ha abandona ti atman. He took the wife of his neighbor and shortly after, he abandoned her. Variant: poktu.

potu n. rice cake, rice pudding. Sessu si Pedro mamåhan potu gi as Nan Nena'. Pedru frequently buys rice cakes at Aunt Nena's. Muna'hanåo si Maria potu para si Ana giya Saipan. Maria sent rice cakes for Ana in Saipan. Manoda yu' potu para linakngos‑su gi lisåyu. I ordered rice cake as my contribution for the rosary.

poya n. young female hen. Kulot agaga' i ga'‑hu poya. My hen is red-colored. Malågu i poya gi papa' i gima'. The hen ran under the house. Håyi gai poya esti hu sodda'? Whose hen is this I found? From: Sp. polla.

poyu n. young cock. Ha popoksai i ga'‑ña poyu para u na'fandångkulu para gayera. He is raising his pet cocks to make them big for cockfighting. Ha tufung kuåntu guaha na poyu put todu gi kasiyas. He counted how many cocks there are altogether in the cages. Ti todu i poyu siha mamparehu kulot‑ñiha. Not all the cocks are of the same color.

praktika vt. practice, apply, put into application. Hu praktika umusa i tiningo'‑hu gi che'cho'‑hu. I applied my knowledge in my work. Yanggin para un påsa i tes, debi di un sigi prumaktika i fina'na'guin i ma'estrom‑mu. If you want to pass your test, you must keep applying the lessons from your teacher. Ti siña hit manmanungu' yanggin ti ta praktitika i leksion‑ta. We cannot learn if we do not practice our lessons. From: Sp. practica.

praktikånti n. practitioner. Giya Luta guaha dos na praktikånti gi espitåt. In Rota, there are two practitioners at the hospital. Kada diha gi espitåt bula che'chu'‑ñiha i praktikånti. Every day at the hospital the practitioners have a lot of work. See: médiku, doktu. From: Sp. practicante.

praktikåt adj. practical, reasonable, sensible. Meggai areklamentu siha giya Saipan låo ti praktikåt para i tano'‑ta. There are many regulations in Saipan but they are not practical in our place. Duru i famagu'on‑ta manhånåo para sanlagu para u faniskuela, låo ti todu i istudiun‑ñiha manpraktikåt para i nisisidåt‑ta siha. Our children are all going to school in the mainland, but not everything they study is practical for our needs. Ti i lepblu ha' praktikåt na tiningu', låo i ekspirensia lokkui'. It is not only the book that is practical knowledge, but also experience. Mås i mapraktitika na kosas praktikåt ki i tiningu' ginin i lepblu sin ma'aplika. It is more sensible if something practical is being applied than if only read about in the books without being practiced. From: Eng. practical.

práktiku adj. skilled, experienced. Mampraktiku i ma'estran Chamorro mamfinu' Chamorro. The Chamorro teachers are skilled in speaking Chamorro. I manantigu' na Chamorro mampraktiku gi bandan peska. The ancient Chamorros were skilled fishermen. Mampratiku i taotåo Luta gi bandan guålu'. The people of Rota are skillful farmers. From: Sp. práctico.

premiu n. prize, reward, award. Manacha'ikak i famagu'un gi iskuela ya i manggånna manå'i premiu. The children ran a race at school and the winner was given a prize. Para u fannå'i si Juan premiun dos mit para i sumodda' i malingu na ga'‑ña ga'lågu. Juan will give a two thousand dollar reward to the one who finds his lost dog. Yanggin malåti' håo na istudiånti gi iskuela, siempri manå'i håo premiu. If you are a smart student at school, you will receive an award. From: Sp. premio.

vt. award (someone), give a prize to (someone). Mapremiu yu' sa' mangånna yu'. They gave me a prize because I won.

prenda vt. give (to someone) as a token of affection. Ha prenda i lahi i nubiå‑ña ni kadenå‑ña. The guy gave his chain to his girlfriend as a token. Guiya si Antonio prumenda si Tita ni pañun mabotda. It was Anthony gave Tita his ruffled handkerchief. Maprenda i sikritåria milåya ni ma'gås‑ña put i minaolik chi'cho'‑ña. The secretary was given a medal by her boss for her good work. From: Sp. prenda.

prendi vt. fasten, attach, pin (something) together by sewing up. Prendi i litråtu kontra i liga. Fasten the picture against the wall. Mamrendi yu' floris gi benti na mannåna gi ha'anin‑ñiha. I pinned corsages on twenty mothers on Mother's Day. Adahi yanggin un prendi i lestun gi tihong‑mu, sa' kalåktus i haguha. Be careful when fastening the ribbon on your hat with the sharp pin. From: Sp. prende.

prendienti adj. permanent (of someone moving with someone else). Esta i nobiu prendienti gi familian i nobia. The boyfriend is permanent at his girlfriend's family. Prumendiedienti i nobiu gi mañainan i nobia. The boyfriend is becoming permanent at the girlfriend's parents. I haligi prendienti gi gima'. The pillar is permanent in the house. I haligin i gima' prendienti. The pillar of the house is permanent. Variant: pendienti, pendenti. From: Sp. pendiente.

prensa n. iron (used to smooth cloths). Gef hassan ta li'i' esta i prensan pinigan. It is rare now to see the charcoal iron. Guaha na prensa ñalalang ya libiånu para un famrensa. Some irons are light and it makes it easier for you to iron. Måolik manhålla mita' esti i prensa. The iron is good in consuming power.

vt. iron (clothes). Prensa fan i magågu siha gi kanåstra. Please iron the clothes in the basket. I mås ti ya‑hu na cho'chu' i mamrensa. The work I dislike most is ironing. I che'lu‑hu suttera prumeprensa todu i katsunis lalåhi. My young sister is the one who irons all the pants for the boys. Syn: asienta. From: Sp. prensa.

presiu n. price, value. Kuåntu presiu‑ña esti na aniyu? What is the price of this ring? Kåo gai presiu esti na kosas gi lina'lå'‑ta? Does this thing have a value in our life? Mampus mangguaguan na tiempu i presiun nengkanu'. The price of food commodities is very high. From: Sp. precio.

presta vt. 1) borrow (basic food items, e.g. salt, sugar) for consumption purposes with the intention of paying back. Hu presta un buteyan sirasimi' gi bisinu. I borrowed a bottle of salad oil from the neighbor. Mamresta yu' un katton asiga as Tan Ana. I borrowed a box of salt from Auntie Anne. Gof ti ya‑ña si nanå‑hu na bai in fanmamresta maseha håfa. My mother dislikes us borrowing anything. 2) ask (someone) for (basic food items). Presta yu' dos pusuelun pugas. Give me two cups of rice. Ha presta yu' singku tasan pugas. She asked me for five cups of rice. Syn: ayåo, abona. See: gågåo. From: Sp. presta.

presu n. prison, jail. Guaha på'gu meggai na prisineru gi presu. There are many prisoners in prison now. Guaha presu para manhobin yan guaha para manåmku'. There is a prison for youth and there is one for adults. I mediku ha bisita i presu nigap sa' guaha malångu. The doctor visited the prison yesterday because someone was sick. Syn: kalabosu, tribunåt. From: Sp. preso.

vt. put (someone) in prison. Cha'‑mu chocho'gui i baba sa' un mapresu. Do not do something bad because you will be imprisoned. I kotti ha disidi na ti siña mapresu i palåo'an sa' ti guiya umisåo. The court determined that the woman should not be put in prison because she did not commit the crime. Guaha siha na tåotåo i manmapresu tempuråriu ha'. Some people are put in prison temporarily.

pribeni vt. provide, furnish, supply. Hu pribiniyi i lahi‑hu magågu yan lepblu para i mababan iskuela. I provided my son clothes and books for school opening. Ti ma tungu' na ti kumbieni u fanmapribeni esti siha na gurupu sa' ti manisisita ayudu. They were not aware that it was not appropriate to supply this group because they did not need assistance. Anai måkpu' i mås metgut na månglu', Typhoon Jean, gi 1968, manmapribiniyi i taotåo siha hånum, nengkanu', yan magågu mås ki kuåttru mesis. After the supertyphoon, Typhoon Jean, in 1968, the people were supplied with water, food, and clothing for more than four months. Variant: prubeni, pribieni. From: Sp. previene.

pribensión n. provisions, supplies. Yanggin para u påkyu, debi un na'guaha pribension nengkanu' putlumenus para kuåttru asta singku dihas. If there is going to be a typhoon, you should have food provisions for at least four to five days. Hassu håfa na pribension manisisita åntis di un karera para ottru tånu'. Plan what supplies will be needed before you travel to another place. Manmasåkki i pribension ni mana'fansahngi para i mamopbli gi ma'pus na simåna. The supplies set aside for the needy were stolen last week. Variant: prubensión. From: Sp. prevención.

pribi vt. prohibit, restrict, forbid, deny, disallow. Mapribi yu' para bai fandibi gi tenda. I was restricted from credit at the store. Hu pribi i hagå‑hu para u ali'i' yan i nubiu‑ña. I prohibited my daughter from meeting with her boyfriend. Asta på'gu mapripribi ha' yu' na bai hu hånåo gi chalan. Up to now I am still forbidden to go strolling. Meggai na lugåt prumibi i mama'. Many places do not allow betelnut chewing. Variant: pruibi. From: Sp. prohíbe.

pribidu adj. prohibited, restricted, off-limits, not allowed. Pribidu humånåo para i Forbidden Island. It is restricted to go to Forbidden Island. Mana'pribidu i sagan gumimin atkahot para i manhobin. Young people are restricted from establishments that serve alcohol. Ti siña manhuyung i famagu'un siha dispues di oran alas dies gi pupuengi sa' pribidu. Children cannot go outside past ten o'clock at night because they are prohibited. Variant: pruibidu. From: Sp. prohibido.

pribilehu n. privilege, a special right. Ti parehu i pribilehu para i manggai iståo yan i mantai iståo guini na tånu'. The privileges for the status holder and those without status are different. Ma tåmpi i pribilehu kontra i taotåo ya ma fa'baba. They hid the privilege from that person and defrauded him. Mansuetti hit på'gu sa' meggai pribilehu para i taotåo siha. We are fortunate these days because there are numerous privileges for the public. From: Sp. privilegio.

pridika vt. predict, forecast, foretell. Hu pridika na para u måolik i tiempu på'gu. I predict that there will be fair weather today. Mampredika i suruhåna na para bai hu fattoigui gui' på'gu. The witch doctor predicts that I will come to see her today. Mapridika na para bai hu fanggånna gi kumpitensian Chamorro. It was predicted that I would win at the Chamorro competition. From: Sp. predica.

pridikadót n. 1) preacher (Guam). From: Sp. predicador. 2) predicament. Bula pridikadot giya Iraq. There are lots of predicaments in Iraq.

pridikamentu n. predicament, crisis, serious problem, dilemma. I ikunumiha na pridikamentu ha na'makkat i lina'la' meggai na tåotåo yan i familian‑ñiha. The economic predicament made life hard for many people and their families. Put i båba na disision‑ña, gaigi gui' på'gu gi pridikamentu na bånda. Because of her bad decision, she is now in a predicament. Yanggin mohon i taotåo ha sångan i magåhit, ti u gaigi guini na pridikamentu. If the person had told the truth, he would not be in this predicament. From: Sp. predicamento.

prifektu adj. perfect, flawless, exactly, precisely, accurately. Prifektu kalang ha' si tatå‑ña si Ben. Ben looks exactly like his dad. Gof suetti kumu prifektu i che'chu' ni macho'gui. It is lucky if the work is perfectly done. Ta fanakumprendi sa' tåya' tåotåo prifektu. We should be tolerant because no one is perfect. Na'prifektu esti na tinigi'. Perfect this writing. Dilikåo sa' sigi ha' ha na'prifektu i fina'tinas siha esta ki kuntentu. She is a perfectionist because she persisted in perfecting her work until she is satisfied. Variant: pirfektu. From: Sp. perfecto.

priferi vt. prefer, like better, favor. Mås hu priferi macho'chu' gi silensiu na lugåt. I prefer working in a quiet place. Månu mås un priferi na lugåt, Hawaii pat sanlagu? Which place do you prefer, Hawaii or the mainland? Gof makkat i che'chu' guma', atyu na hu priferi ma'impleha gi sanhiyung. Housework is very hard, that is why I prefer being employed. From: Sp. prefiere.

prifiråpbli adj. preferable, preferred. Mampus ti prifiråpbli esti na klema para i fongksion‑ta. This weather is very unpreferable for our function. Håfa bidå‑mu muna'prifiråpbli håo gi ma'gås‑mu? What did you do to be preferred by your boss? Makkat masångan håfa prifiråpbli para hita na maisa sa' manhihita todu mo'na gi todu kinalamten‑ta. It is difficult to say what is preferable for us alone because we are altogether working toward the same thing. From: Sp. preferible.

prikura vt. persist in, put more effort into, remain fixed in, push ahead with. Prikura iya' i leksion‑mu gi iskuela. Now, put more effort into your school lesson. Sigi ha' ha prikurayi mo'na i planu‑mu. He keeps persisting ahead with your plan. Tåya' suettem‑mu yanggin tåya' prinikura gi lina'lå'‑mu. There will not be any reward if you do not put effort in your life. Variant: prukura. From: Sp. procura.

prima n. female cousin. Prumima ham yan si Maria. Maria and I are cousins. Meggai primå‑hu primet grådu ginin as nanå‑hu na bånda. I have many first cousins from my mother's side. Hihihut ha' na prima siha disdi primet asta tetset grådu, para i kustumbrin Chamorro. First to third cousins are still close cousins in Chamorro culture. From: Sp. prima.

primeru adj. first, best, first (in time). I primeru na premiu, boti. The first prize is a boat. Guåhu i primeru na makinista. I am the best mechanic. Primera umachikat kada guaha kumpitensia. She is a first rate runner in every competition. From: Sp. primero.

primét adj. first. Esti na guihan i primet na kinenne'‑hu. This is the first fish I have caught. Gaigi i hagå‑hu gi primet grådu. My daughter is in the first grade. I primet na hu chagi ma'udai gi feria anai sisentai dos åñus yu'. The first time I rode on the rides at the carnival was when I was sixty-two years old. From: Sp. primer.

Primét Agua di Abrit n. first few days of rain in April; the time that traditional farmers start planting (yam, taro, bananas). Prisisu i Primet Agua di Abrit dispues di tiempun ånglu'. The first few days of rain in April are important after the dry season. Yanggin måttu i Primet Agua di Abrit, siempri tinattitiyi ni tiempun uchan. When the first few days of rain in April arrive, the rainy season will follow. Manmaguf i tinanum, hatdineru, yan lancheru yanggin måttu i Primet Agua di Abrit. The plants, gardener, and farmer are happy when the first few days of rain in April arrive. There will be a spell of dry weather after the first 3 or 4 days until the end of April when it will rain again for a few days, followed by another dry spell until around June, when the rainy season begins; some say it's in May. From: Sp. primer agua de abril.

primienta n. pepper. Gustok‑ku i fina'sopas kumu hu nå'yi meggai na primienta. I enjoy soup dishes when I put lots of pepper. Guaha na kusineru gof ya‑ña numå'yi meggai primienta i fina'tinås‑ña. Some cooks like to put lots of pepper in their cooking. I primientan å'paka' mås månngi' gi fina'sopas. White pepper is the best to put in soup dishes. Variant: primenta, plimenta. From: Sp. pimienta.

primirisa n. first-born, primogeniture. Påtgun låhi i primirisa na påtgon‑hu. My first-born is a boy. Ilek‑ñiha na gof puti yanggin para un fañågu i primirisa. It is said that it is very painful to deliver the first baby. Guaha siha na primirisa mansen dångkulu. Some first-born children are very big. From: Sp. primeriza.

primu n. male cousin. Primu‑hu si Juan sigundu grådu ginin as nanan‑måmi. John is my second cousin from our mother's side. Meggai mamprimu‑hu primet grådu ginin as tatå‑hu låo dididi' ha' as nanå‑hu. I have many first cousins from my dad's side but not many from my mom's. Mås manadanchi i primu siha ginin i nana ki i tata. Cousins from the mother's side get along more than from the father's side. From: Sp. primo.

prinimeti n. vow, assurance, oath, pledge, promise. Matataitai i prinimeti gi leksion Chamorro gi kada kuåttu. The pledge is read in every room in the Chamorro class. Meggai siha prinimeti gi tiempun pulitika låo puru ha' fina'baba. There are many promises during election time but they are all not true. I prinimeti‑hu as Yu'us i para bai hu tungu', hu guaiya, yan hu setbi Gui'. My vow to God is to know, love and serve him. See: prumesa, prumeti.

prinsesa n. princess. Ya‑ña si Juanita mafa'prinsesa. Juanita likes to be treated as a princess. Ti malagu' mafa'prinsesa esti na palåo'an. This woman does not want to be treated as a princess. Bula gi istorian famagu'un put prinsesa siha. There are many stories for children about princesses. From: Sp. princesa.

prinsipåt adj. main, primary, principal, leading, first. I prinsipåt na påtti gi istoria i mås impottånti para ta dimimoria. The main part of the story is the most important section to remember. I prinsipåt na obligasion i iskuela para u eduka i famagu'on‑ta. The primary obligation of the schools is to educate our children. I mås prisipåt yan ayudånti gi bisnes‑mu yanggin meggai kapitåt‑mu. The most important and helpful in your business is having a large capital investment. Syn: impottånti, fine'nena, yamó'nana, yahúlulu'. From: Sp. principal.

n. 1) monetary capital, principal (of an investment). Si tatå‑hu ha po'lu i prinsipåt gi konstraksion mahåtsan i tenda. My father put the principal in our store toward the construction of the building. Ti matugi' kuåntu i prinsipåt gi pappit. The amount of the principal is not written on the paper. Syn: kapitåt. From: Sp. principal. 2) principal (of school). Si Siñot Sablan guiya i prinsipåt gi iskuelan‑måmi. Mr. Sablan is the principal of our school. Syn: må'gas. From: Eng. principal.

prinsipatmenti adv. principally, mainly, especially. Mampus meggai cho'chu', prinsipatmenti esti i che'chu' maribisan diksinåriu. There is a lot of work, especially the work to revise the dictionary. Meggai tiempu si tatå‑hu ha gågasta gi che'chu', prinsipatmenti put i takkilu' risponsabilidåt‑ña. My dad spends lots of time at work, mainly because his responsibility is high. Hu chocho'gui esti prinsipatmenti put i minaolek‑mu nu guåhu. I am doing this principally because of your goodness to me. From: Sp. principalmente.

prinsipiu n. 1) origin, commencement, beginning. Estagui' i prinsipiu na hinanåo‑mu para sanlagu. This is the first trip you are making to the mainland. Håfa i prinsipiu na lugåt nai un dingu? What is the origin of your departure? Estagui' i prinsipiun esti na istoria. This is the beginning of this story. 2) principle, issue. From: Sp. principio.

pripåra vt. prepare, make ready. Pripåra fan i ripot put i gastun i giput. Please prepare the report on the party's expenses. Ma pripåpara siha para i tiempun manglu'. They prepared themselves for the stormy weather. Priparåyi yu' fan dos na buteyan hånum ya bai hu chuli' para i lanchu. Please prepare two bottles of water for me to bring to the farm. From: Sp. prepara.

priparåo adj. prepared, ready. Esta yu' priparåo para i karerå‑hu. I am prepared for my trip. Na'siguru na priparåo håo todu i tiempu. Make sure you are ready at all times. Priparåo si Antonio åntis di u fåttu i pakyu. Anthony was prepared before the typhoon came. Esta manpriparåo i nengkanu'. The food has been prepared. Na'priparåo todu i magågu ya bai hu fa'gåsi. Get all the clothes ready and I'll wash them. Kåo priparåo håo yanggin måttu i pakyu? Are you ready when the typhoon comes? From: Sp. preparado.

priparasión n. preparation. Dångkulu na priparasion machocho'gui ni ti manresidentin i Estadus Unidus. The non-U.S. residents are making big preparations. Makkat na priparasion esti i giput Chamorro. A Chamorro party is a hectic preparation. I un putåhin nengkanu' ha' tinataka' anåkku' na priparasion. Just one course of food takes a long preparation. From: Sp. preparación.

prisenta vt. present, perform, act, introduce, give. Ha prisenta i taotåo todu tiningo'‑ña gi gaseta. The man presented all his knowledge on the paper. Para u fanmanprisenta i famagu'un lamu'na. The children will present tonight. Guiya prumisenta i taotåo‑ña guatu gi manmå'gas. He introduced his people to the officials. From: Sp. presenta.

prisenti n. at present, present time, the time being, the way it stands now. Meggai siha ta huhunguk ni ti manakseptåyun på'gu gi prisenti. We are hearing many unacceptable things at the present. Diskåkansa guennåo gi prisenti mientras manmåfattu. Be resting for the time being while they are coming. Gi prisenti, ti mana'annuk tarabiha i fanihi. At present, the fruit bats are not appearing yet. From: Sp. presente.

prisidenti n. president, chief executive, head of government. Håyi prisidentin esti na gurupu? Who is the president of this group? Guaha ha' lokkui' prisidenti gi otganisasion i iskuela. There is also a president for the organization in the school. Ma'u'usa i prisidenti na titulu para i gume'hilulu' i gubietnamentu giya Filipinas. The Philippines is also using the title of president for the person who is heading the government. From: Sp. presidente.

prisimida adj. unfriendly, discourteous, arrogant. Gof prisimidan palåo'an atyu na tindera. That cashier is very unfriendly. Låstima i bunitå‑ña låo sen prisimida. It is a waste being pretty but unfriendly. Maseha gof malåti' håo, låo prisimida tumai bali ha'. No matter how smart you are, it is useless if you are discourteous. Syn: matå'pang. From: Sp. presumida.

prisineru n. prisoner. Lameggai ha' esta na prisineru manggaigi gi presu‑ta. There are quite a number of prisoners in our prison. Ha na'ma'å'asi' yu' atyu siha i prisineru sa' manmalångu. I feel sorry for the prisoners because they are sick. Hu tungu' ha' na guaha siha na prisineru manmañotsut ni bidan‑ñiha. I know there are some prisoners who regret their actions. Variant: prisuneru. From: Sp. prisionero.

prisión n. prison. Gaigi si Katlitu gi prision disdi nigap. Carlito is in the prison since yesterday. Dångkulu på'gu i prision giya Susupe. The prison in Susupe is big now. Måolik macho'guen‑ña i prision sa' todu mana'guahåyi fuera di i implehåo ni gai kapasidåt gi kada tiningu'. The prison facility is well done because everything is available except the people who specialize in specific fields. Syn: presu, tribunåt, kalabosu. From: Sp. prisión.

prisiosu adj. precious, valuable, of great value, dear. Mås prisiosu i famagu'on‑ta ki i guinaha‑ta. Our children are more precious than our property. Hu na'gof prisiosu i mana'i‑hu ki i finahån‑hu. I consider gifts more precious than what I buy myself. Todu i fina'nå'guin mañaina‑hu hu tråta kumu prisiosu yan dångkulu bali‑ña gi lina'lå'‑hu. I treat all my parents' teachings as precious and very valuable in my life. From: Sp. precioso.

prisisu adj. important, necessary, crucial, urgent, essential, indispensable, vital; I couldn't care less, it's unimportant to me. Prisisu na u guaha inafa'måolik gi intri i taotao siha. It is important to have peace among all people. Ti mana'prisisu i inetnun tåotåo sa' ti ma kumprendi i finu' Chamorro. The meeting of people was not crucial because they didn't understand the Chamorro language. Gof prisisu na un tungu' manaitai gi lingguahi‑mu yan gi finu' Englis. It is important to know how to read in your language as well as in English. Syn: imputtånti. From: Sp. preciso.

prisuneru n. prisoner. Lameggai ha' esta na prisuneru manggaigi gi presu‑ta. There are quite a number of prisoners in our prison. Ha na'ma'å'asi' yu' atyu siha i prisuneru sa' manmalångu. I feel sorry for the prisoners because they are sick. Hu tungu' ha' na guaha siha na prisuneru manmañotsut ni bidan‑ñiha. I know there are some prisoners who regret their actions. Variant: prisineru. From: Sp. prisionero.

prisunidu adj. arrogant, proud. Guaha ha' na tåotåo yuhi i prisunidu. Some people are naturally arrogant. Gof na'bubu atyu na tåotåo i un tungu' håfa gui' na klåsi låo prisunidu. It is so insulting to find an arrogant person yet you know who he is. Gof prisunidu si Beltran yan i tai bali‑ña. Beltran is very proud but worthless. Variant: prisumidu. From: Sp. presumido.

pritendi vt. pretend, feign, sham, make believe. Hu pritendi na ti hu li'i gui'. I pretended that I did not see her. Ti malagu' na para bai hu pritendi na ti umatungu' ham. She did not want me to pretend that we are not having a relationship. Fa' malångu håo ya bai hu pritendi na infitmera yu'. Act sick and I will make believe that I am a nurse. Syn: kadu', fa'‑. From: Sp. pretende.

pritendienti n. suitor, a person who is seriously considering marriage and has the approval of parents to enter their home anytime. Dispues di sais mesis na plåsu, esta på'gu pritendenti i lahin‑måmi. After six months of waiting, our son is now allowed to see his fiancée anytime. Maguf i lahi sa' esta pritendienti gi nubiå‑ña. The man is very happy because he is approved to see his fiancée often. Esta esti pritendenti na hinassu tåya' na tiempu. This stage in courting is not being practised nowadays. Variant: pritendenti. From: Sp. pretendiente.

pritina n. waistband (of trousers or skirt). Meggai na tåotåo ti ma fa'usu esti i pritina på'gu na tiempu. Nowadays many people do not make use of the waistband. Gef atanun esti i taotåo yanggin ha u'usa i pritina. A person who wears a waisband is pleasant to look at. Måolik manlåksi si nåna pritina para lalåhi. Mother is an expert at making waistbands for men. From: Sp. pretina.

pritoliu n. petroleum, kerosene. Åntis na tiempu puru ha' pritoliu ma'u'usa para kandit‑ñiha. In the old days people were using only kerosene for their lamps. Kana' ha' ti ma'u'usa esta i pritolu na tiempu. Petroleum is hardly used nowadays. Gof baråtu åntis prisiu‑ña i pritoliu. Petroleum was very cheap before. Variant: pitroliu (Rota). From: Sp. petróleo.

prófesias n. prophecy. Meggai na profesias siha manhuhuyung magåhit. Many prophecies became true. Guaha siha na profesias manna'manman. Some prophesies are puzzling. I profesias Såntu Påpa ha predidikta na yanggin ti manmañotsut i taotåo siha ni isao‑ñiha, siempri guaha atdit na ira. The Pope's prophecy predicted that if people did not repent their sins, there would be a great calamity. I profesias sessu mangginin i manmenhalum siha na indibiduåt. Prophecies often come from wise individuals. Ti malagu' na para u tulaika i hinenggen‑ña sa' ti manhonggi nu i profesias siha. He did not want to change his belief because he did not believe in the prophecies. Syn: pridiksión. See: adibina. From: Sp. profecías.

profesót n. professor. Profesot kulehu atyu na tåotåo. That person is a college professor. Matanchu' i hagan‑måmi para unu na profesot kulehu. Our daughter was selected as one of the college professors. Maguaiya ennåo na profesot sa' rektu yan kapås gi tiningo'‑ña siha. That professor is well-liked because he is strict and well-qualified in his field. See: ma'estru. From: Sp. profesor.

profeta n. wise man, prophet, seer, one who prophesies future events. Madiklåra na profeta esti na tåotåo. It was declared that this person is a prophet. Kalan profeta i ma'estra sa' ha tungu' håfa para u masusedi yanggin guaha ira. The teacher is almost prophet-like because she understands what will happen when there is a natural disaster. Båsta mafa' profeta håo sa' in tingu' ha' na dåkun håo na tåotåo. Stop pretending to be a prophet because we know you are a fraud. Syn: profesiadót. From: Sp. profeta.

progresu n. progress, improvement, advancement. Meggai esti progresu esta manmafa'tinas giya Mariånas. There is a lot of progress made in the Marianas. I ekonomia umafefekta i progresun i tanu'. The economy affects island's progress. Guaha progresu‑ña si Jose gi iskuela. Jose has shown progress in school. Syn: adilåntu, kinalamtin. From: Sp. progreso.

proha n. bow, front part of boat. Falak mo'na gi proha. Go to the bow. Ti un gof bulåchu kumu matå'chung håo gi proha na bånda. You will not get very seasick on the boat if you sit at the bow. Måmapta' i napu gi papa' i proha. The wave is breaking up below the bow. From: Sp. proa.

prohibisión n. prohibition, restriction. Guaha prohibisión put areklun mañugun. There are restrictions on driving school. Ti båli mumembru guihi na gurupu sa' bula prohibisión. It is not worthwhile to become a member of that group because there are too many restrictions. Hu nisisita tumungu' håfa siha i prohibisíon put esti na lugåt. I need to know what the prohibitions are about this place. From: Sp. prohibición.

próhimu n. fellow, fellow man. Hámalangu i prohimu. The fellow is sickly. Håyi na'ån‑ña ennåo na prohimu? What is the name of that fellow? Ispiha i prohimu sa' lalangu. Check on that fellow because he fainted. Syn: amigu, ga'chung. From: Sp. prójimo.

propiedåt komunidåt n. community property, property acquired by a married couple through joint efforts during marriage. I finahan Jose na pidåsun tanu' dispues di umasagua yan si Maria, humuyung propiedåt komunidåt, ya gai diretchu lokkui' si Maria guennåo na propriedåt. The piece of land that Jose bought after he married Maria becomes community property, and Maria also has rights to that property. Propriedat komunidåt kumeke'ilek‑ña todu propriedåt pat guinaha pat fingkas ginin i fina'cho'chu' i lahi pat palåo'an duråntin i umasaguan‑ñiha. Community property means all the property or possessions or goods from the labor of the man or woman during their marriage.

propiu adj. proper, specific, exact, particular. Cho'gui i che'chu' gi propiu na manera. Do the work in the proper manner. Gof propiu ennåo na moda para i okasion. That attire is very proper for the occasion. Na'siguru na un nå'i i sastri ni propiu na mididå‑mu. Make sure that you provide the seamstress with your specific measurement. Syn: pattikulåt, espisifiku, eksåktu, dinanchi, siguru. From: Sp. propio.

proputsión n. proportion. Esti na proputsion tånu' para u machuli' ni gubietnu agupa'. The government will take this proportion of land tomorrow. Meggai na proputsion tånu' para u fanmapåtti i taotåo. There are proportions of land to be given out to the people. Esti na proputsion nengkanu' manå'i si Patricia. Patricia was given this proportion of food. From: Sp. proporción.

prubensia n. province. Ma'atototga ha' ni taotåo prubensia giya Manila, Philippines put para u fanmanispiha cho'chu'. People from the provinces in the Philippines have the courage to go to Manila to look for work. Ti mandångkulu sengsong‑ta para u mafa'na'an prubensia. Our villages are not big enough to be considered provinces. Giya Estådus Unidus ma'u'usa siudå enlugåt di prubensia. In the United States they use city instead of province. From: Sp. provincia.

prubensión n. 1) provision, supplies. Sessu ti måolik i tiempu, nisisita prubension para yanggin måttu i ira. The weather has not been good, it is necessary to have food supplies should there be a typhoon. Mampus meggai na prubension nengkanu' rasion gi halatcha na mana'lålastima ha' ni taotåo, atyu na måolekña i 'foodstamp'. In the past there were large supplies of food commodities from USDA and people were wasting them, that is why foodstamps are better. 2) stipulation (in law or contract). Guaha gi lai prubension ni ilelek‑ña na siña ha' i peskadot ma talåya i ti'åo pat i'i' gi tiempon‑ña. There is a provison in the law that allows the fishermen to use nets to the fish such as ti'ao and i'i' when in season. Variant: pribensión. From: Sp. provisión.

prubetchu n. benefit. Gai prubetchu håo. You have some benefits. Dångkulu para prubetchom‑mu kumu un setbi i mañaina‑mu. You will have a big benefit if you take care of your parents. Puru ha' prubetchu en hahassu, låo mungnga hamyu manmacho'chu'. All you think of is benefits, but you do not want to work. From: Sp. provecho.

prubichosu adj. beneficial, of benefit. Prubichosu i risulusion i kunggresu para i pupbliku. The congress' resolution is beneficial to the public. Meggai siha mamprubichosu na tinanum gi halum tånu' låo ti matungu'. There are lots of beneficial plants in the jungle but they are not known. Kumu prubichosu i ma'ufrisi‑mu gi che'chu', pues ho'yi sa' gai minaolik. If the offer at work is good, take it because it is probably good. From: Sp. provechoso.

prubidu adj. forbidden, prohibited. Prubidu makonni' i binådu på'gu na tiempu. Hunting deer is prohibited at this time. Prubidu malak i Forbidden Island yanggin nåpu i tasi. Going to Forbidden Island is forbidden if the waves are bad. Prubibidu ha' mabendi atkahot i manhobin. Selling of alcohol to minors is still prohibited. Variant: pribidu, puibidu. From: Sp. prohibido.

prublema n. problem, questions proposed for solution. Kåo guaha prublemå‑mu? Do you have a problem? Oppi yu' fan ni esti na prublema i hu fafana'. Please give an answer to the problem that I am facing. Dångkulu esti na prublema ya ti ta tungu' sumåtba. It is a big problem and we do not know how to solve it. Syn: achåki, istotbu, katgueti, ingkombinensia. From: Sp. problema.

adj. have a problem (with something previously mentioned). Ti prublema yu'. I don't have a problem with it.

pruduktu n. product, produce, yield. Meggai pruduktu manmabebendi kada Såbalu gi metkåo. Much produce is being sold at the Saturday Market. Esta mansen guaguan i pruduktu ginin Hapon. Produce from Japan is now very expensive. I låñan niyuk ginin Luta gef fahna na pruduktu på'gu. The coconut oil from Luta is a very sellable product now. From: Sp. producto.

prudusi vt. produce. Si Tun Jose prumudusi i mås dångkulu na papåya ni maprisenta gi kumpitensia. Uncle Joe produced the biggest papaya that was displayed at the competition. Ha prududusi lokkui' difirentis klåsin gollai. He is also producing different kinds of vegetables. Guåhu prumudusi i mas bunitu na gåyu gi lanchok‑ku. I am the one who produces the nicest rooster at the farm. From: Sp. produce.

pruebasión n. proof, evidence. Bai hu sångan un ebidensia para pruebasion put esti. I will tell one evidential proof about this. Para pruebasion put håyi gai isåo, taitai i ripot pulisia. For proof on who was at fault, read the police report. Gi sisteman hustisia, gaigi i katgun pruebasion put håyi isåo gi kehadot. In the judicial system, the burden of proof as to who is at fault is on the accuser. Syn: ebidensia. Variant: prebasión.

prufisienti adj. proficient, adept (Saipan). Manggof prufisienti esti na istudiånti siha gi finu' Chamorro. These students are very proficient in the Chamorro language. Umitdi esti na tåotåo, låo matungu' na prufisienti gi bandan sensia siha. That man is humble, but he is known to be proficient in the sciences. Atyu na tåotåo gof profisienti gi kantan Chamorrita siha. That person is very proficient in Chamorrita songs. Syn: kapås, påyun. From: Sp. proficiente.

prugråma n. program, performance. Bunitu i prugråman‑ñiha i famagu'un gi iskuela gi paingi. The children's program at school was very nice last night. I Buriku na prugråma sessu macho'gui gi tiempun krismas. The Buriku program is often performed at Christmastime. Påtti i prugråma åntis di u matutuhun i kumfirensia. Distribute the program before the conference starts. Syn: åtti. From: Sp. programa.

pruhibi vt. prohibit, ban, forbid. Esta mapruhibi chupa gi halum lugåt pupbliku siha. Smoking has already been banned in public places. Guaha siha na bisnis mapruhibi i famagu'un para u fanhålum. There are businesses that prohibit children from entering. Ha pruhibi i nana i patgon‑ña na u atrasåo an puengi. The mother forbids her child to be late at night. Syn: chånda, na'påra. Variant: pribi. From: Sp. prohibe.

pruklåma vt. proclaim, declare, publicize, assert openly, announce, publish. Kåo un hunguk na mapruklåma håo må'gas i tanu'? Have you heard that you were declared the leader of the land? Pruklåma esti na areklamentu insigidas. Publish this regulation immediately. Ha pruklåma na guiya mismu manayuda anai guaha ira. He asserted that he himself helped when there was a disaster. See: diklåra. Variant: proklåma. From: Sp. proclama.

pruklåma vt. proclaim, announce, make known to the general public. I ma'gas manChamorro as Huråo, ha pruklåma na guaha i manChamorro fuetsan‑ñiha sa' mandididi' ha' i mantåotåo lågu gi halum i isla. Chamorro Chief Hurao proclaimed that the Chamorros were stronger as there were but a few foreigners. I maga'låhi ha pruklåma na guaha piniligru ginin i machuda' binenu ginin i atamik. The Governor proclaimed that there is danger due to the nuclear waste spill. I Santu Påpa ha proklåma na giya Mariånas, mayuria manKatoliku i Chamorro. The Pope has proclaimed that in the Marianas, the majority of the people are Catholics. Variant: proklåma.

prumera adj. first. Prumera kumuñion yu' anai sitentai‑ochu años‑hu. I received holy communion when I was 78 years old.

prumesa vt. promise, pledge, vow. Ha prumesa i patgun si nanå‑ña na esta ti u disasientu gi manamko'‑ña siha. The child promised her mother that she would not be disrespectful to her elders again. Umaprumesa i dos umasagua na para u fiet i dos gi lina'la'‑ñiha todu i tiempu. The married couple pledged that they would be faithful to each other all their life. Ti debi i prumesa u madiroga. A promise should not be broken. Syn: prumeti. Variant: prumesi, prumesu. From: Sp. promesa.

prumeti vt. promise, pledge, vow, assure, guarantee. Ha prumeti i nobiu i nobia ni lina'lå'‑ña. The groom promised the bride his life. Hu prumeti si tatå‑hu na bai na'na'lu i machetten‑ña. I assured my father that I would return his machete. I abugådu ha prumeti na para u gaigi i difendånti gi kotti. The lawyer guaranteed that the defendant will be present in court. Syn: prumesa, prumesu. See: asigura, garantiha, prumesa, garentia. From: Sp. promete.

prununsia vt. pronounce, articulate. Prununsia fan na'ån‑mu. Please pronounce your name. I doktu ha prununsia na måtai i aksidenti na tåotåo gi finatton‑ña gi hospitåt. The doctor pronounced the person involved in the accident dead on arrival at the hospital. Maprununsia i ha'ånin umasaguan‑ñiha. They announced the day of their wedding. Syn: sångan. From: Sp. pronuncia.

prununsiasión n. pronunciation. Ti klåru prununsiasion‑ña i patgun ni palåbra siha. The child's pronunciation of the words is not clear. Mampus mapput i prununsiasion esti na palåbra. The pronunciation of this word is hard. Debi na bai hu na'klåru prununsiasion‑hu ni kada palåbra gi kumpitensian mandilitreha. I have to make my pronunciation clear on each word at the spelling contest. From: Sp. pronunciación.

prupela n. propeller. Ha nisisita i batkun airi prupela para u gupu. The airplane needs a propeller to fly. Prupela lokkui' chumochonnik i batku gi tasi. A propeller also pushes the ship at sea. Sahngi ha' i prupelan båtku kontra i prupelan batkun airi. The ship's propeller is different from the propeller of a ship. From: Eng. propeller.

pruponi vt. resolve, prepare. Ha pruponi i prublema. He resolved the problem. Guiya prumuponi i planun kasamientu. He prepared the wedding plan. Mungnga manangga na u dångkulu i prublema esta ki ti siña mapruponi. Do not wait for the problem to grow until it cannot be resolved. Syn: pripåra, såtba, kurihi. From: Sp. propone.

pruposisión n. proposition. Guaha pruposision hu pripåra para i hunta. I have prepared a proposition for the meeting. I ma'estra ha sångan un pruposision para i famagu'un na kada påtgun uniku sa' tåya' parehu‑ña. The teacher gave a proposition to the students that each one is unique because no one is like the other. I pruposision‑hu ti mapput para bai fanaplika cho'chu' sa' bai hu aksepta maseha håfa i manå'i yu' na cho'chu'. My proposition to apply for a job is simple because I will accept whatever job is given to me. From: Sp. proposición.

prupósitu n. purpose, aim, intent. I prupositu‑hu guini atyu i para bai fanayuda ha'. My purpose here is to provide assistance only. Syn: minalagu', minitu'. From: Sp. propósito.

vt. propose, aim. Hu prupositu para bai hu gånna i premiu. I aim to win the prize.

adv. especially. Ti ya‑hu pumeska, prupositu yanggin nåpu i tasi. I do not like to fish, especially when the water is rough.

prutehi vt. protect, defend, guard, shield from injury. Hu prutehi i patgun anai para u basnak. I protected the child when he was going to fall. Ha prutehi yu' i mafitma na kuntråta. The signed contract protected me. Debi hita ni mañaina ta prutehi i famagu'on‑ta kontra håfa na dåñu gi lina'la'‑ñiha. We parents must protect our children from all harm in their life. From: Sp. protege.

pruteksión n. protection. Ti manå'i kabålis na pruteksion para i hinanåo‑ña para i tano'‑ña. She was not given enough protection on her journey to her country. Måolik i gellai para pruteksion i hinemlo'‑ta. Vegetables help protect our health. Chuli' i payu para pruteksion‑mu siakåsu uchan. Take the umbrella to protect yourself in case it rains. From: Sp. protección.

prutektót n. protector, defender, guardian. Guåhu ma'asikna prutektot i familia. I am the assigned protector of the family. Hågu prutektot i patgun anai tumaigui i nanå‑ña. You are the guardian of the child in the absence of the mother. Si Esteban prutektot i famagu'un ni manminot idåt‑ñiha. Esteban is the protector of the minor children. Syn: engkatgåo. From: Sp. protector.

prutesta n. protest, renunciation, remonstration.

vt. protest, renounce, remonstrate. Ha prutetesta i mapunin diretchon‑ña. He is protesting denial of his rights. Tohgi yan prutesta para i minaolik i tanu'. Stand up and protest for the betterment of the land. Ha prutetesta i patgun håfa na ti mana'hånåo gui'. The boy was protesting why he was not allowed to go. From: Sp. protesta.

prutestasión n. protestation, declaration. Ta nanangga i prutestasion na guaha esta nuebu na ubispu para i Diosesis Chalan Kanoa. We are waiting for a declaration that there is a new bishop for the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa. Gumuaha prutestasion esta na inusenti i taotåo ni makåkåosa. There is a protestation already that the man is innocent in the case. Mungnga yu' sumåonåo gi che'chu‑ñiha, ennao i prutestasion‑hu nu siha. My protestation to them is that I would not be involved with their work. Syn: diklarasión. From: Sp. protestación.

prutistånti n. Protestant. Unu ottru na relihon guini Saipan atyu i Prutistånti. The other religion here on Saipan is that of the Protestants. Guaha Guma' Yu'us Prutistånti guini. There is a Protestant Church here. Mankristiånu ha' esti i protistånti, put i ti mahonggi si Sånta Maria. Protestants are Christians, except that they do not believe in Saint Mary. From: Sp. protestante.

Pua name. family name.

puchu n. pouch, sack, receptacle, container, small bag (Saipan). Ha nå'na' si Rosa i puchu alåhas gi papa' kotchun. Rosa hid the pouch of jewelry under the mattress. Go'tiyi yu' fan ni esti i puchu‑hu. Please hold on to my small bag. Håfa sinahguan‑ña ennåo na puchu? What is the content of that sack? Syn: kostat.

adj. economical, thrifty. På'gu na tiempu ta na'sisista manpuchu. sa' dididi' ha' na salåppi'. We need to be economical these days. because we have little money. Esta mampus puchu si Maria ni salappe'‑ña. Maria is overly thrifty with her money. Syn: miskinu.

pudera adv. should have, wish (contrary to fact). Pudera u uchan på'gu. I wish it would rain today. Pudera na un fåhan meggai nu ennåo, sa' baråtu. I wish you had bought a lot of that, because they are cheap. Pudera u chaddik si che'lu‑ta mågi ya ta fanggigigu. I wish our siblings had come sooner so that we could go together. Sipudera un ågan yu' anai malångu håo. You could have called me when you were sick. Variant: sipudera, asipudera, pudiera. From: Sp. pudiera.

pudét n. authority, power, capability. I kunggresu na gaigi i pudet para u fanmama'lai. The congress has the power to make laws. Hayi munå'i håo pudet para un diroga i planu siha? Who gave you the authority to change the plans? Nå'i yu' pudet ya bai bendiyi håo ni tano'‑mu. Give me the authority to sell your land for you. Syn: aturidåt, fuetsa, nina'siña. From: Sp. poder.

pudiera adv. wish, should have (contrary to fact). Atan i ihemplu siha para i palåbra pudera. See the examples for the word pudera. Siña un tulaika palåbra pudera ni pudiera gi sintensia siha. You can replace pudera with pudiera in the sentences. Syn: diseha, mohon. Variant: pudera. From: Sp. pudiera.

puding n. pudding. Gof ya‑ña i neni puding. The baby really likes pudding. Cha'ot‑tu puding yan letchi. I am allergic to pudding and milk. Månngi' ha' mana'yiyi i kek puding. It is also good to put pudding on cakes. From: Eng. pudding.

pudus n. hemorrhoid. I amigå‑hu ti umiskuela sa' malaknus pudos‑ña, ya sen puti. My friend did not go to school because she has hemorrhoids and it is so painful. Ma'upera i amku' nigap sa' ti siña esta ma'åmti sa' mampus addit i pidos‑ña. Yesterday, the old person had surgery on his hemorrhoid because it is incurable.

vi. follow all the time out of insecurity (e.g. of a child trailing after its mother). Sessu i patgun masåolak as nanå‑ña, sa' ya‑ña pumudus kada para u hånåo si nanå‑ña para i tenda. The child often gets spanked because she always wants to follow whenever her mother is going to the store.

puedi adv. hopefully. Puedi manggånna yu' premiu. Hopefully I may win a prize. Puedi humånåo yu' agupa' para Guam. Hopefully I will be going to Guam tomorrow. Puedi nahung sopbla ya kosa ki siña hit mamåhan na'‑ta sa' gef ñålang hit. Hopefully there would be enough change so that we can buy some food because we are very hungry. Syn: mohon. See: pudera, pudiera. From: Sp. puede.

puengi n. night. Chaddik sa' u homhum sa' ti åtman puengi. Hurry before it gets dark because it is almost night. Ha'åni pat puengi, bai hu såga gi fihon‑mu. Day or night, I will be by your side. Para u fåttu gi puengin Lunis. He is coming on Monday night. Syn: homhum.

pues adv. then, afterward, hereafter. Humånåo para Luta, pues nai Guam. He went to Rota, then Guam. I ga'lågu ha dulalak i bola, pues ha po'lu gi pachot‑ña. The dog chased the ball, then he picked it up in his mouth. Plånta i nengkanu', pues ågang i bisita ya u fañotchu. Set the table, then call the guests to eat. Syn: dispues. Variant: pus. From: Sp. pues.

pues po'lu pred. well then, so then. Pues po'lu esta ki måolik sinenten‑ña. Well then, wait until she is in a good mood. Pues po'lu ya adahi na un layu' yanggin madingu håo. Well then, do not feel bad if they leave you behind. Pues po'lu ya bai na'fañuli' håo ha' ya i dispues ni un apåpasi yu'. Well then, I will let you go ahead to get something and then you pay me later on. Variant: po'lu ya.

puestu n. 1) territory, place, private property. Guaha gå'ga' ma måtka i puestun‑ñiha ni me'mi'‑ñiha. There are animals that mark their territory with their urine. Gaigi puestun Tåta gi hilu' Gualu' Rai. My father's private property is above Gualo' Rai. Håyi gai puestu esti? Whose place is this? Syn: lugåt, propiedåt. Ant: dispuestu. 2) position, job. Ma'apunta para tatkilu' na puestu. She was appointed to a high position. Ha nåna'i animu sa' makkat na puestu ha kåkatga. She is working diligently because her job is very challenging. Sigi ha' umentalu' achuka' ti pueston‑ña. He keeps interfering even though it is not his job. From: Sp. puesto.

puetka n. sow (with litter), female pig. Dångkulun puetka mabendi gi ferian agrikuttura. A large sow was sold at the agriculture fair. Malagu' håo ta na'pinaireha i ga'‑mu puetka ni ga'‑hu balåku? Would you like to have my boar breed with your sow? Kuåntu letchon‑ña i ga'‑mu puetka? How many piglets does your sow have? Syn: babui. From: Sp. puerca.

puetkasita n. young pig, piglets. Mambebendi i dipattamentun agrikuttura puetkasita siha para mapoksai. The department of agriculture is selling young piglets for raising. Matunu i puetkasita para i giput familia. The young piglet was roasted for the family feast. Ispiha i kellat sa' manmalågu i puetkasita siha. Check the pigpen because the piglets escaped.

puettu n. harbor, channel, port. Gaigi i batkun peska gi Puerto Rico na puetta. The fishing boat is at the Puerto Rico port. Dikiki' i puettu gi Chalan Kanoa. The port in Chalan Kanoa is small. Parehu ha' i puettu yan bantalån. A harbor is the same as a dock. Syn: bantalån, sågua'. From: Sp. puerto.

puga' vt. open (wide) with force, spread apart (something joined together), rip widely open. Ta puga' i dama'gas i ayuyu. We ripped apart the claws of the coconut crab. Ayuda yu' pumuga' i bintåna ya bai ke'hagu' i yabi sa' maleffa yu' ti hu chuli'. Please help me pry open the window so I can reach in for the key because I forgot to take it. Ha puga' i adding i babui anai para u upera. He spread apart the legs of the pig when he was going to operate on it. Syn: baba, na'sasa'.

pugåo vt. cause to scatter, scatter (a group, flock, herd, school of fish, etc.). Hu pugåo i inetnun fanihi gi halum tånu'. I scattered the group of bats in the woods. Ume'kahat sino u pugåo i muntohun i'i'. He moved slowly or else he would scatter the school of i'i'. Ha pugåo si Vicente i simiyan ma'is gi inalådun tirenu. Vicente scattered the corn seeds in the plowed field. Syn: chalapun.

pugas n. uncooked rice. Mamåhan si Nåna kostat pugas. Mother bought a sack of rice. Tåya' nai fåtta i pigas gi halum kusinan Chamorro. Rice is never missing in the Chamorro kitchen. Ti nahung pugas gi charakilis. There isn't enough rice in the charakilis. See: hineksa'.

pugasi n. native traditions, beliefs, stories, etc., preserved through generations. Estagui' unu na pugasi: un talu'åni, duråntin i mås di trenta dihas anai inasa si Moses yan Antonio, gotpi tuma'yuk un dångkulu na guihan hålum gi boti. Here is one story: One afternoon during the more than thirty days when Moses and Antonio were adrift, a huge fish suddenly jumped into the boat. Håfa pugasi? I kustumbri yan hinenggin i manantigu siha na tåotåo. What is pugasi? The custom and beliefs of the ancient peoples.

pugi vt. lure, entice. Hu pugi i amigu‑hu na para bai in fanayuda gi lanchu. I lured my friend so that we could help at the farm. Si Pedro ha pugi si Juan para u hånåo i dos para i sagan gumimin. Pedro lured Juan into going to the bar. Hu pugi si Carmen dididi' salåppi' put para u fa'gasiyi yu' ni magagun‑måmi. I enticed Carmen with a small amount of money so she could do our laundry.

pugua' n. type of plant: betel nut, betel palm. areca catechu. Maila' ya ta fanmåma' sa' bula pugua'. Come chew betel nuts with us. Gof ugam i pigua'. The betel nut is very red. Dispensa sa' guaha pugua' låo tåya' pupulu yan åfuk. Sorry that there is betel nut but no pepper leaf or lime. Syn: måma'.

pugua' China n. type of plant: Manila palm, white betel. veitchia merrillii. Ha tånum si tatå‑hu i pigua' China gi kantun chålan. My father planted the pugua' China alongside the road. Mungnga mamåma' i pigua' China sa' un nina'malångu. Do not chew the pugua' China for it might make you sick. Si Ping ha rerega i trongkun pugua' China kada diha. Ping watered the pugua' China trees everyday.

pugua' machena n. type of bush. davallia solida. Chuli' i machetti yan un låbbun i pigua' machena gi kantun chålan. Get the machete and trim the davallia solida bush near the road. Meggai pugua' machena gi lanchun‑måmi. There are a lot of davallia solida bushes at our farm. Istotbun tinanum esti i pigua' machena para i lancheru siha. The pugua' machena is a pest to farmers. Såsåonåo pugua' machena gi amut såggui'. Davallia solida is an ingredient for severe stomach cramps or pain after a surgery. I halli' ha' ma'u'usa gi pigua' machena para åmut. Only the roots of davallia solida are used for medicine.

pugua' ugam n. 1) type of plant: betel nut palm. areca catechu. 2) fruit of the betel nut palm at the stage when it is red in color before maturity. Sumåsåonåo i pugua' ugam gi amut såggui'. Pugua' ugam is an ingredient for stomach cramp medicine. Fåhna i pugua' ugam giya Saipan. Pugua' ugam is easily sold on Saipan. Ga'ok‑ku i pigua' ugam ki i pigua' mahettuk. I prefer the red type of betel nut to the mature betel nut.

puha n. mound (of dirt), esp. for planting. Manånum yu' tres puhan dågu. I planted three mounds of yams. Maguadduk ni mannuk i puhan tinanum. The chickens dug up the mound of plants. Yayas yu' mama'tinas puha gi lanchu. I'm tired of making mounds at the farm. Variant: puhan.

vt. capsize, turn over. Mapuha i batku ni dångkulu na nåpu siha. The ship was capsized by the big waves. Esta mapuha karetå‑ña ni bulachu‑ña. His car overturned because he was very drunk. Puha i tangkin hånum ya un fa'gåsi. Turn over the water tank and wash it. Syn: ålingking.

puhan n. cultivated earth mound, for planting. I mannuk ha yalaka' i puhan kamuti. The hen messed up the potato mound. Ti mantunas i puhan siha ni in che'gui gi ma'pus na mes. The mounds that you prepared last month are uneven. Manyinamak i puhan siha ni ichan. The earth mounds were destroyed by the rain. Variant: puha.

puhut vt. press (something) into a ball by pressing palms of hands together, as making a rice ball, etc. Hu puhut i inai ni kannai‑hu. I pressed the sand into a ball with my hands. Hu puhut i kinamyun niyuk para bai bukåyu. I pressed the grated coconut into a ball to make coconut candy. Mapuhut i hineksa' pues manå'yi asiga para mafa'tinas musubi'. They pressed the rice and added salt for making musubi'. Syn: fuñut.

puka n. necklaces made of shells. Ma sotda' antigu na alåhas puka gi guinatduk giya San Antonio. Ancient shell necklaces were found at the digging in San Antonio.

pula' vt. 1) untie, unwrap, unfold, unravel. Pula' esti na goddi. Untie this knot. Pula' i talin guaka gi trongkun mångga, ya un goddi guatu gi trongkun lageta. Untie the cow's rope from the mango tree and tie it around the avocado tree. 2) take off, undress. Hu pula' i sapatos‑su. I took off my shoes. Ha pula' gui' si Maria. Maria got undressed. 3) translate. Hu pula' i istoria gi finu' Inglis. I translated the story into English. 4) interpret, explain. Si Andres yan si Angelo ma pula' håfa ilelek‑ña si Casandra. Andres and Angelo interpreted what Casandra was saying. Todu siha kumumprendi yan ma pula' håfa kumeke'ilek‑ñiha i kunggresu. All of them understood and interpreted what the congressmen are driving at. I mapula' i sustånsian i kuentus‑ñiha, guiya esti i munana'kumprendi. The interpretation of the conversation means it gives a better understanding. I ma'estra siha ma pula' i leksion gi ti mapput na manera. The teachers explained the lessons in an easy manner. Bai pulå'yi i bisita håfa i fino'‑ña nu i taotåo siha. I will interpret what he said to the people. Bai pulå'i håfa kumeke'ilek‑ña gi finu' Alimån. I will translate what he meant in German.

pulainas n. leggings. Guaha ha' na tåotåo umu'usa esti i modun pulainas låo ti todu i tiempu. Some people use the leggings style but not all the time.

vt. wrap (one's) legs with a strip of cloth, as a Japanese soldier's uniform. Åntis na tiempu manmapulalainas siha i famalåo'an yanggin manmañågu putno u fanhinatmi månglu'. In the old days women wrapped their legs after delivering babies to protect them from having gastric pain. Kana' ha' tåya' na tiempu pumulalainis siha fuera di i sindålu. Hardly anybody wears leggings other than the soldiers. From: Sp. polainas.

pulakis1 vt. peel, unwrap, open up. Hu pulakis i aga'. I peeled the ripe banana. Manmapulakis i chada' siha. The eggs were cracked open. Hu pulakis i måsan chåda'. I peeled the hardboiled egg. Syn: låssas, pokka'.

pulakis2 vt. 1) get lost, get out of it, darn (mild expletive). Ombri un pulakis håo. Gee, get lost. Pulakis siha. Darn them. 2) trick, fool. Mungnga mapulakis yu'. Don't use me as a joke; don't trick me; don't fool me. Ha ke'pulakis i pepbli låo ti sinedi. He tried to fool the poor man but did not succeed.

pulan1 n. 1) moon. Gualåfun i pilan. The moon is full. Gof ma'lak i pilan gi paingi. The moon was very bright last night. 2) operculum, eye of the aliling or aliling pulan. Sessu ume'pulan do'gas yu' gi kantun tåsi. I often look for cateye shells at the beach.

pulan2 vt. watch over, keep guard, guard. Hu pulan i che'lu‑hu neni kada diha. I watched my baby sister every day. I guatdia ni para u pinilan i pantalån ha na'fanila' todu i kandit gigun homhum. The guard at the wharf turned all the lights on as soon as it got dark. Si Juan ha pupulan håyi manhåhalum gi duråntin i miting. Juan watches who are coming in during the meeting. Ma pulan tulanotchi i ga'ga' sa' chatfañagu. They kept watch over the animal throughout the night because of a birth complication. Pulåni yu' fan ni neni‑hu sa' bai hu falak i tenda. Please watch over my baby so I can go to the store. Syn: atan, adahi. See: guåtdia.

pulan3 n. type of fish: tarpon. megalops cyprinoides (Family Megalopidae). Para bai peska pulan na klåsin guihan. I am going to fish for tarpon. Månngi' i pilan na klåsin guihan. The pulan is a good fish to eat. Måolik si Tata pumeska guihan pulan. Father is good in fishing for the pulan kind of fish.

pulåttat n. 1) type of bird: gallinule. gallinula chloropus guami. 2) type of bird: common coot. fulica atra atra. 3) type of bird: black-bellied plover. pluvialis squatarola. Meggai pulåttat gi halum karisu. There are a lot of pulattat in the reeds. Månngi' matunu i pulåttat. The pulattat is good when roasted. Machålik esti i pulåttat na klåsin paluma. The pulattat is a wild kind of bird. Syn: paluman karisu.

pulisiha n. police, constabulary, safety patrol. Meggai na pulisiha manhålum gi militåt ya ti munahung setbisiu gi kuminidåt. Many police joined the military and the community is short of service. Mampus takpapa' suetdun‑ñiha i pulisiha. The police salary is very low. Ti meggai na benifisiu manåna'i i pulisiha låo piligru na cho'chu'. There are not a lot of benefits given to the police but it is a dangerous job. From: Sp. policía.

vt. guard, patrol, police (something). I lahi‑hu pumulisiha esti na lugåt gi paingi anai ha sodda' na mahåtmi i gima'. My son patrolled this place last night when he came upon the house being burglarized. Ti mapulisiha i iskuela sa' esta manhånåo i famagu'un para i gima'‑ñiha. The school was not guarded because all the children already went home. Kada diha ma pulisisiha i lugåt‑ñiha sa' meggai na pikatdihas manmasusesedi. Every day they are policing their place because there is a lot of vandalism.

pulista adj. of working age. Siña ha' macho'chu' si Antonio sa' esta pulista. Anthony can work because he is of working age. Guaha siha na tåotåo esta mampulista lao ti manmachocho'chu'. Some people are of working age but are not working. Tåya' åoturidåt‑mu manggåsta meggai asta ki pulista håo. You have no authority spending much until you are of working age.

pulítika n. politics. Bula pulitika gi entalu' ennåo na gurupu. There is a lot of politics among that group. Dimasiåo atdit i pulitika gi duråntin i para u ma'ilihi i gubietnu. The politics gets too hot during the gubernatorial election. From: Sp. política.

pulítiku adj. political. Håfa na pattidan pulitiku malago'‑mu tumattiyi? Which political party would you like to follow? From: Sp. político.

pulonnun n. type of fish: triggerfish. Family Balistidae. Mapput malaknus i pulonnun gi madduk. It is hard to take out the pulonnun from the hole. Mahettuk i lassas pulonnun. The pulonnun's skin is tough. Sessu matunu i pulonnun gi kantun tåsi ni peskadot siha. The pulonnun is often barbequed at the beach by the fishermen. Kuåtu i pulonnun åttilung, pulonnun sasådu yan pulonnun lågu? How much are the black trigger fish, the sasådu trigger fish and the lågu trigger fish?

pulu n. feather, hair. Kulot åttilung pilu‑ña i sali. The color of the sali's feather is black. Sinenggi pilun kannai‑hu ni dangis. The candle scorched my arm's hair. Gof bunitu, ma'lak, yan mikulot i pilun loru. The parrot's feathers are beautiful, bright, and colorful.

pumåda n. pomade. Mamåhan si Tåta pumåda. Father bought pomade. Mampus dimasiåo i pumåda gi kapitulun i sutteritu. There is too much pomade on the young man's hair. Tisu mampus kapitulun Kindu sa' ha na'yiyi pumåda. Kindu's hair is stiff because he puts pomade on it. From: Sp. pomada.

pumalu adj. others, the rest. Manmånggi i pumalu na gurupu siha? Where are the other groups? Håyi chumuli' i pumalu na lepblu? Who took the rest of the books? Nå'i i pumalu chånsa. Give the others a chance.

pun agr. you will; contracted form of the auxiliary para plus the 2sg. agreement un. Ha sangåni yu' si Betsy na pun hånåo para sanlagu. Betsy told me that you are going to the mainland. Kåo pun sigi ha' chumo'gui i malabidå‑mu? Are you going to keep doing your bad deed? Ilek‑ña si Ana na pun tucha i nubenan Santa Ana gi Sabalu. Ana said that you will lead the Santa Ana novena on Saturday. Variant: pon.

punchi n. mixed drink, such as whiskey mixed with milk and sugar, similar to eggnog mixed with whiskey, or alcohol mixed with fruit juice; punch. Litiyi yu' fan punchi. Please mix me a punchi. Syn: linitin fina'gimin. See: puns (Saipan), flamengku. Variant: ponchi. From: Sp. ponche.

vt. mix (a drink). Gof ya‑hu pumunchi i sitbeså‑hu ni tiba. I really like to mix my beer with tuba. Punchiyi i neni flamengku. Prepare a mixture of egg and milk with sugar for the baby.

puni vt. deny, contradict. Ha puni na gaigi gui' anai malingu i salåppi' i patgun. He denied that he was present when the child's money was lost. Ha puni na ha tungu' i taotåo ni hagas atungo'‑ña. He denied that he knew the guy who was his old friend. Syn: dagi.

punidera n. brood hen, young chicken (at the stage of development ready for laying eggs). Meppa' esti na klåsin punidera. This kind of brood hen is productive. Ti manbråbu i punidera på'gu na såkkan sa' sessu uchan. The young hens are not healthy this year because it has been raining frequently. Ilek‑ñiha na mås månngi' makåddu i gayu ki i punidera. They said soup made from the rooster is tastier than the young hen. Esta kumuleleka i punidera. The hen is already laying eggs. See: månnuk. From: Sp. ponedera.

punsiåna n. louver. Iståba meggai na tåotåo guaha punsiåna gi gima'‑ñiha. Plenty of people used to have louvers in their houses before. Mås fresku i gima' kumu guaha punsiåna sa' mås obra i manglu' humålum. The house is much cooler if the louver is used because the breeze comes in easily. Unu ha' prublemå‑ña i punsiåna, mapput mana'gåsgas. The louver has only one disadvantage, which is that it is hard to clean. Variant: petsiåna, pensiåna. From: Sp. persiana.

punsón n. punch, a device for making holes in paper. Nisisita dångkulu na punson para ennåo na cho'chu'. You need a big punch for that job. From: Sp. punzón.

vt. punch (something), countersink, open (a metal tank, tin can, etc.). Punson i tangki para un baba. Punch the tank to open it.

punta n. point, end of a long object. Lasgui i punta ya u kalåktus. Whittle the point to make it sharp. Meggai mampepeska gi puntan Agingan. Many are fishng at Agingan Point. Måhluk i puntan lapes‑ña. His pencil's point is broken. From: Sp. punta.

puntåda n. stick. Nå'i i biha ni puntåda para baston‑ña. Give the old lady the stick for her cane. Ha såolak i guaka ni puntåda. He whipped the cow with the stick. Chuli' i puntåda ya un punta håfa malago'‑mu guihi hulu'. Take the stick and point to what you want up there. See: galuti, håyu, ramas håyu. From: Sp. puntada.

Puntan name. mythological man, associated with his sister Fu'una in the Chamorro creation story. Gi istoria, i atdåo ginin i matan Puntan. In the legend, the sun is from the eye of Puntan. Gi istoria, i isa ginin i sehas Puntan. In the legend, the rainbow is from the eyebrow of Puntan. Si Fu'una ha osgi i tinagu' i che'lu‑ña as Puntan. Fu'una followed the requests of her brother Puntan.

puntu n. 1) period, decimal point. Nå'yi puntu gi kada uttimun sintensia. Put a period at the end of every sentence. I puntu ha sipåpara i pesu kontra i sentimus. The period separates the dollars from the cents. Gi sikuenta put sientu, gaigi i puntu gi me'nan i sikuenta na numiru. In 50 percent, the decimal point is before the number 50. 2) point, unit of scoring, mark, score. Fåtta un puntu ha' para u gånna i tes. He needed only one point to pass the test. Håfa puntom‑mu gi gåf? What is your golf score? Meggaiña puntok‑ku gi dama ki hågu. I have more points in checkers than you. See: tåntus. 3) point, motive, objective, cause, reason, substance. Kåo un kumprendi i puntu gi håfa ilek‑ña i ma'estra? Did you understand the point of what the teacher said? I puntu guini atyu i håfa para un cho'gui gi ottru, atyu i håfa i ottru para u cho'gui giya hågu. The point here is to do unto others what others will do unto you. Gogof ekkunguk yanggin para un kumprendi i puntu siha. Listen carefully if you are going to understand the meaning of things. Syn: sustånsia. From: Sp. punto.

punu' vt. 1) kill, murder, slay, assassinate, execute. Manpininu' i tinanum siha anai tåya' uchan un mes na tiempu. The plants were killed when there was no rain for one month. 2) shut off, turn off, extinguish. Punu' i grifu yanggin munhåyan håo manrega tinanum siha. Shut the faucet off if you are finished watering the plants. Syn: huchum.

punu' guåfi n. fire extinguisher. Debi di u guaha punu' guåfi gi kada guma'. There should be a fire extinguisher in every house. Chuli' i pinu' guåfi yan un punu' i kimason. Take the fire extinguisher and extinguish the fire. Na'machechek i pinu' guåfin‑miyu regulatmenti. Have your fire extinguisher checked regularly. Syn: punu' kimasón.

punu' lålu' n. fly swatter, insect spray, fly killer. Famåhan punu' lålu' sa' esta tiempun lålu' ta'lu. Buy a fly swatter because it is fly season again. Punu' i lalu' ni pinu' lålu'. Kill the fly with the fly swatter. Håyi ta'lu muna'falingu i pinu' lalu'! Who misplaced the fly swatter again! Syn: panak lålu'.

punu'un adj. deserving of death, punishable by death. Punu'un i taotåo. The man is deserving of death. Ti ta tungu' kåo punu'un, sa' ti ta tungu' håfa bidå‑ña. We don't know if he is deserving of death, because we don't know what he did. Punu'un esti siha na ga'lågu sa' mantekchu'. These dogs deserve to be put to death because they are killers.

punut n. coconut husk. Songgi dos na punut ya un fa'etdu. Light two coconut husks to use as a mosquito repellant. Måolik lokkui' i pinut para totnin guåfi. The coconut husk is also good as a fire starter. Ha kåcha' i pinut niyuk. He husked the coconut.

puñåt n. dagger, hunting knife. Månu nai un po'lu i puñåt‑tu? Where did you put my hunting knife? Adahi na un chinachak ni puñåt, sa' gof malåktus. Be careful not to get cut by the dagger, because it is very sharp. Ha ispånta yu' i sakki anai ha hannan i puñat gi me'nan matå‑hu. The robber threatened me when he aimed the dagger at my face. Syn: se'si'. From: Sp. puñal.

puñetu intj. darn guy (mild expletive, term of mild abuse when used in addressing someone). Håfa na på'gu måfattu håo, puñetu? Why is it that you just came, darn guy? Gugusi' mågi, puñetu! Hurry over, darn guy! See: puñiteru. From: Sp. puñeta.

puñu n. handful. Un puñun hineksa' ha' pattek‑ku. My portion is just a handful of rice. I puñut kånnai mana'sesetbi para mididan i amut gi amut natibu. The handful is used to measure medicine in native medicine. From: Sp. puño.

pupblika vt. announce, publicize, make known, make public, spread word of, advertise. I sikretariun dipattamentun hinemlu' ha pupblika na guaha chetnut sarampion gi isla. The secretary of public health announced that there is a measles epidemic on island. Mapupblika esta na para u asagua si Jose yan si Maria. It was already publicized that Jose and Maria are going to get married. Pupblika i intension‑mu. Make known what is your intention. Syn: na'matungu', sångan, anunsiu. From: Sp. publica.

pupbliku n. public, people in general (of mankind, a nation, a state, or community). Manmakumbibida todu i pupbliku hinirat. The general public is invited. Cha'‑mu ma'å'ñåo tumohgi gi me'nan i pupbliku. Do not be afraid to stand in front of the public. From: Sp. público.

pupo vt. expel.

pupuengi n. evening. Para u hånåo para Luta gi pupuengin Såbalu. He is going to leave for Rota on Saturday evening. Para u guaha guput gi gima' gi pupuengin Betnis. There is going to be a party at my house on Friday evening. Måmatchum i atdåo gi oran alas såis i media gi pupuengi. The sun sets at six thirty in the evening. See: puengi, notchi.

pupulasión n. population. Gotpi ha' dumångkulu i pupulasion anai manmåttu i meggai Chinu yan Filipinu para u fanmacho'chu'. Suddenly the population grew when the Chinese and Filipinos came to work. Dikiki' i pupulasion tano'‑ta låo ti nanahung tarabiha setbisiun hånum yan kåndit. The population of our island is small but the service for water and power is still inadequate. I pupulasion dumititmimina kuåntu para u fanma'ilihi gi sanpapa' na guma' lihislatura. The population determines how many will be elected in the lower house. Syn: tinaotåo.

pupulu n. type of plant: piper betel. Piper betle. Guaha puguå'‑hu låo tåya' pupulu. I have pugua' but not pupulu. Ti ha u'usa pupulu yanggin måmama'. He does not use pupulu when chewing. Kulan tinanum salåppi' esti i pupulu. Pupulu is like a money plant.

pupulun aniti n. type of plant. piper guamensis. Meggai pupulun aniti giya Ponape. There are a lot of pupulun aniti in Pohnpei. Mafa'sakåkåo i pupulun aniti giya Ponape. They are making sakåo out of the pupulun aniti in Pohnpei. Mafa'a'amut i pupulun aniti. Pupulun aniti is used for medicine.

pupun n. group of, bunch of, gathering of (small things). Håfa na guaha pupun unai gi halum guma'? Why is there a pile of sand in the house? Adahi håo guennåo na trongku, sa' bula pupun atting. Watch yourself on that tree, because there is a group of black ants. Håyi pumo'lu esti na pupun åpu gi lamasa? Who put this pile of ash on the table? Always followed by a noun. Syn: inetnun, gurupu, muntohon. See: pinipun.

pupung n. roof ridge, peak (of roof). Adahi ilu‑mu na u chinachak ni pipung guma'. Watch your head or you might get cut by the roof ridge. Atan kåo tunas i pipung guma'. See if the roof ridge is straight. Pega un kåndit gi pipung i atuf. Attach a light bulb on the roof ridge. Tatkilu' pupong‑ña esti na guma'. The roof ridge of this house is high. Esta munhåyan i pipung guma' higai. The peak of the thatched roof hut is completed.

puresu pp. for that reason, that's why. Puresu, taiguennåo lina'lå'‑hu gi tanu'. For that reason, my life in this world is like that. Puresu na kana' ha' yu' måmatai macho'chu' put para hu adilånta i lina'lå'‑ta. That's why I work myself to death, to improve our life. Puresu na debi un fama'måolik tåotåo, sa' fanatahguiyan esti i lina'la'. That's why you need to be good to people, because life is changeable. Variant: put esu. From: Sp. por eso.

purifika vt. purify. Mapurifika i hanum ni ma'u'usa gi hospitåt. The water used at the hospital is purified. Ha purififika gui' ni isåo‑ña siha kada kumonfisat. She purifies herself of her sins every time she goes to confession. From: Sp. purifica.

puru adj. all just, entirely, mostly. Puru ha' ennåo siha babarihas. Those are all just nonsense. Puru ha' åggun ya dididi' ha' totchi gi giput. There was just a lot of starch and only a little protein at the party. Syn: pinat. See: todu. From: Sp. puro.

pus adv. then, shortened form of pues. Pus para månu håo yanggin munhåyan i klas? Then where are you going after this class? Na'gåsgas i gima', pus fama'tinas para sena. Clean the house, then cook for dinner. Sigi håo ha' guennåo mama'baba, pus umatlibis håo ha'. You keep fooling around there, then you'll end up upside-down. Variant: pues.

pusåda n. curve (in road). Gaigi i gimå'‑hu gi pusådan i chalan. My house is at the curve of the road. Piligru esti na chålan sa' atdit pusadå‑ña. This road is dangerous because its curve is hard.

adj. curvy. Dispåsiu sa' pusåda i chalan. Slow down because the road is curvy. Syn: biråda, kåbu'.

pusipbli adj. possible, doable. Todu pusipbli para i kurason ni malagu'. Everything is possible to a willing heart. Achuka' mamakkat i che'chu', hu chachagi muna'pusisipbli kumumpli gi todu nina'siñå‑hu. Although the work is strenuous, I keep trying to make it possible to complete with all my might. Ti hu kumprendi håfa na guaha na tåotåo ti siña ha na'pusipbli i planu‑ña. I do not understand why some people cannot make their plans possible. From: Sp. posible.

pusisión n. position, location, job, occupation. Månu na matanchu' para i pusision? Which position was she assigned to? Umatya i sensian‑ña yan i pusision‑ña gi gubietnamentu. Her personality fits her position in government. Ti umatya i pusision i pettan esti na guma' yan i mineddong‑ña. The position of the door does not fit the size of this house. From: Sp. posición.

puspus1 n. corn, ground and toasted and cooked in chicken or beef broth. Åntis sessu i manåmku' manmama'puspus. The elders often made puspus long ago. Mama'tinas si Nåna puspus månnuk. Mother made chicken puspus. Måolik esti i puspus para i famagu'un. Puspus is good for the children. Syn: aroskåtdu.

puspus2 vt. have sexual intercourse with. Pinatmåda i taotåo nu i palåo'an anai ha usa esti na palåbra i puspus. The lady slapped him when he used the word for sexual intercourse. Ha usa i puspus gi tinige'‑ña, pues sinaolak gi as nanå‑ña. He used the word for sexual intercourse in his writing and got belted by his mother. Syn: abali', baggai, få'um, dålli, kichi, paireha, sirik.

pustisu1 n. 1) prosthesis, artificial part of a human body. Måolekña yanggin un na'setbi i pustisu‑mu. It is better if you use your artificial limb. Matulaika i pustisu‑ña sa' ha dingu. He changed his prosthesis because he outgrew it. 2) dentures. Ti ha payuni i nuebu na pustisun nifen‑ña. He is not used to his new dentures. From: Sp. postizo.

pustisu2 n. embroidery frame. Kumu un usa i pustisu, libiånu para un na'bunitu i binetdåm‑mu. It is easy to do nice embroidery when you use the embroidery frame. Ya‑hu i hayu na pustisu. I like the wooden embroidery frames. Esta på'gu gagaigi ha' i pustisu‑hu ginin i iskuelan Påli'. My embroidery frame from grade school is still with me even now.

pustura n. posture, body language, appearance. Churan pusturåra‑mu gi chalan anai un gogo'ti i tapbleru. You had an ugly pose when you were holding the sign by the road. I pusturå‑mu muna'gencha' håo. Your body language gave you away. From: Sp. postura.

vi. pose (of a model or figure). Pumustura håo fan ta'lu guennao para un dagi ham. You posed there again just to deceive us.

pusturåyi vt. pose for (Saipan). Guiya si Benita pumusturåyi i linahyan kun fuetsa put para u fanggånna gi kumpitensia. Benita is the one that posed energetically to the audience to win the competition. Gof sa'‑ñå si Donna i litratu‑ña sa' ha pusturårayi i litratista. Donna's picture looks good because she poses for the cameraman.

pusuelu n. cup. Na'yiyi yu' fan un pusuelun kafe. Please pour me a cup of coffee. Poddung i pusuelu ya må'pi'. The cup fell and broke. Hineksa' dos pusuelun pugas. Cook two cups of rice. Syn: tåsa. Variant: putsuelu. From: Sp. pozuelo.

put prep. 1) because of, on account of, for the sake of, about. Hu cho'gui esti put hågu. I did this for your sake. 2) by (in measurement). Dos put dos. Two by two. Sigi ha' manhånåo dos put dos i etdut. The ants keep leaving in pairs. Hu nisisita tres put trenta pie na inanakku' yåtdas para i lamasa‑hu. I need a three-by-thirty-foot length of yardage for my table. From: Sp. por.

cnj. because, so that. Tåftaf makmåta yu' gi egga'an put para bai hu atendi i misa. I woke up very early this morning so that I could attend mass.

put di mås adv. even more, at most. Put di mås, atyu ha' un chuli' i håfa ha' guinaha‑mu. At most, you only take what you have. Put di mås, maila' ta fana'ayuda månu i siña. Even more, let's help each other as much as we can. Ant: putlumenus.

put Diós intj. for God's sake. Cha'‑mu na'lålamin i patgun, put Dios! For God's sake, do not hurt the child! Ma'åsi' put Dios ya un påra manistotba tåotåo! For God's sake, have mercy and stop bothering people! Båsta, put Dios, masångan i baban tåotåo sa' ni hågu ti tunas håo. For God's sake, stop talking about people's faults because you are not righteous yourself! Syn: put Diós Såntu. From: Sp. por Dios.

put esu pp. now therefore, so now. Esta manggaigi hit guini, put esu ta fanguntentu. We're already here, so now let's be content. Manmangumbida hit para i giput, put esu maila' ya ta pripåra månu i siña. We invited them to the party, so now let's prepare ourselves as best we can. Variant: puresu. From: Sp. por eso.

put fabót adv. please. Put fabot ayuda yu' ni esti i che'cho'‑hu. Please help me with my work. Put fabot, atan fan i magagu‑hu kåo ti matitik? Could you please check my dress to see whether it is torn? Gai ma'asi' nu guåhu, put fabot. Have pity on me, please. From: Sp. por favor.

put fin adv. finally, at last. Tåntus di ålingking asta ki put fin. With so many struggles, until you did it at last. Put fin mañodda' si Rosario asaguå‑ña. At last, Rosario found a husband. Sigi ha' yu' manrikohi adumididi' asta ki put fin hu håtsa i gimå'‑hu. I kept saving little by little until finally I built my house. From: Sp. por fin.

put i siñåt vi. make the sign of the cross. Åntis di u tutuhun si Påli' i misa, todu i tiempu pumut i siñåt. Before the Priest begins the mass, he makes the sign of the cross. Gi tutuhun i lisåyu, debi di un put i siñåt. At the beginning of the rosary, you must make the sign of the cross. Yanggin Katoliku håo, debi di un put i siñåt yanggin maloffan håo gi me'nan i gima' Yu'us. If you are Catholic, you must make the sign of the cross when you pass the church.

put ihemplu pp. for example, for instance. Guaha siha na istorian åntis, put ihemplu, si Sirena yan si Tagga'. There are stories from the old days, for example, Sirena and Taga. Guaha manmåolik chi'cho'‑mu, put ihemplu, manayuda håo gi manmalångu. You have done some good deeds, for example, you helped the sick. From: Sp. por ejemplo.

put ke mutibu pp. why, for what reason, for what motive. Put ke mutibu, Juan, na un chuli' salappe'‑ña si Maria? What is your reason, Juan, for taking Maria's money? Put ke mutibu, håfa na un na'kåti i neni? For what reason did you make the baby cry? Put ke mutibu, ti hu tungu' na ti ha kuentutusi yu' si Manet. I do not know for what reason Manet is not speaking to me. From: Sp. por qué motivo.

put sientu n. percent. Sigi ha' manatgumentu i taotåo kåo tres put sientu pat dies put sientu i para påttin‑ñiha na salåppi'. People keep arguing whether their dividend is three percent or ten percent. From: Sp. por ciento.

put úttimu pp. eventually, ultimately, at the very end, at last, finally, in conclusion. Esta kuåntu simåna ti uchan, put uttimu siempri ha' poddung i grasian Yu'us. It has been how many weeks that it hasn't rained, eventually God's grace will fall. Mañe'lu‑hu yan mañaina‑hu, put uttimu hu nåna'i hamyu agradesimientu para todu i supottasiun‑miyu. My brothers, sisters, and elders, in conclusion, I am extending my appreciation for all your support. Put uttimu mumentu, ti hu honggi na lachi bidå‑ña i patgun. Finally, I do not believe that the child's actions are wrong. From: Sp. por último.

puta n. whore, prostitute. Båsta chumålan sa' un masångan na puta håo. Stop roaming about because otherwise they'll say you're a prostitute. E'kahat pumenta fasu‑mu, sa' ti puta håo. Don't paint your face, because you're not a whore. Manma'esposa todu i manputa gi kantun chålan. All the prostitutes by the roadside were handcuffed. Syn: palåo'an benta, palåo'an chålan. See: laputa. From: Sp. puta.

puta' vt. split open, cut open. Ha puta' i niyuk para na' månnuk. He split open the coconuts for chicken feed. Maputa' i chandiha para u maplånta. The watermelon was split open to be served. Puta' i niyuk ya un kåmyu. Split the coconut and grate it. Syn: ipi'.

putåhi n. serving, helping, portion (of food), part of the menu. Meggai na klåsin putåhi gi giput. There are different kinds of food at the party. Na'yiyi si Nana todu i guaha na putåhi. Get all the different kinds of food for Mother. Guaha singku na putåhi manmaplånta gi kada lamasa. There are five types of servings placed on each table. From: Sp. potaje.

putfiha vt. persist, persevere, be steadfast, maintain one's efforts, pursue relentlessly. Hu putfiha kume'fahan i kareta. I persisted in trying to buy the car. Malångu sinientek‑ku låo hu putfiha humånåo para i interu. I was not feeling well but I persisted in attending the funeral. Mampus guaguan i boti låo hu putfiha fumåhan para i asaguå‑hu put i guinaiyak‑ku. The boat is very expensive but I persisted in buying it for my husband to show my love. From: Sp. porfia.

putgåda n. inch, one-twelfth of a foot. Inipus dos putgådas i inanakko'‑ña. It is over two inches long. Singku pie kuåttru putgådas ha' si Juan linekkå'‑ña. Juan is only five feet four inches tall. Na'yiyi tres putgådas ta'lu ya u la'anakku'. Add three inches more so it would be longer. Gof finu si Tun Ignacio kumu ha rikunonosi che'cho'‑mu, sa' ha a'atan putgåda put putgåda. Uncle Ignacio is very strict when checking your work, because he looks at every single inch. Ni ngai'an håo munhåyan che'cho'‑mu, sa' kada biåhi un putgåda ha' un chocho'gui. You will never finish your work, because you do it inch by inch. Manacha'ikak si Lucia, Maria, yan si Ana, ya madingu gi as Pedro un putgåda. Lucia, Maria, and Ana raced, and Pedro beat them by an inch. Humånåo si Maria para i sastri para u fañuli' dies putgådas ta'lu na yåtdas. Maria went to the seamstress to get ten more inches of yardage. Anai ha prensa si Lucia i bistidå‑ña, kumason dos putgådas gi magagu‑ña. Lucia ironed her dress and burned two inches of the material. See: dedu. From: Sp. pulgada.

putgatoriu n. purgatory. Kalan manggaigi hit gi putgatoriu, sa' ta nanangga para u la'adilanta i tiempu. It is like being in purgatory, because we have been waiting for things to improve. Si påli' ilek‑ña na guaha putgatoriu yan guaha lokkui' långit. The preacher said there is purgatory and there is also heaven. Guaha na tåotåo ti manmanhonggi na guaha putgatoriu. Some people do not believe that purgatory exists. From: purgatorio.

puti vi. hurt, ache, feel pain. Ma'a'ñåo i patgun maduluk sa' ilek‑ña na puti siempri. The child is afraid of being given a shot because she said it will hurt. Puti i ilu‑hu anai ma'ottu yu' gi liga. My head hurt when I bumped against the wall. Mungnga makassi i patgun sa' siempri piniti. Don't make fun of the child because you will hurt his feelings.

puti táinobiu n. type of flower: bougainvillea. Bunitu i puti tainobiu na floris. The puti tainobiu flower is nice. Måolik lokkui' i puti tainobiu na floris mafa'kollat gi uriyan guma'. It is also good to use the bougainvillea as hedges around the house. I puti tainobiu na floris gai tituka'. The bougainvillea plant has thorns. Syn: funainis.

puti'un n. star. Atan ha' atyu i ma'lak na puti'un. Just look at the bright star. Bula puti'un manmanå'i na'an‑ñiha. Many stars have been given names. Guaha na puti'un ma'usa ni taotåo para gihan‑ñiha. There are stars that people use to guide them. Kalan puti'un siha hu lili'i' anai ma'ottu yu' gi atchu'. When I bumped on the rock, it was like seeing stars. Syn: istreyas.

puti'un chatanmak n. North star, morning star. Atyugui' i puti'un chatanmak. There is the North Star. Tattiyi i puti'un chatanmak. Follow the North Star. I puti'un chatanmak mås ma'lak gi langit. The North Star is the brightest star in heaven. Syn: luseru.

puti'un tåsi starfish. Hu gatcha' i puti'un tåsi ya sulun yu'. I stepped on the starfish and slipped. Bula hu rikohi puti'un tåsi gi Obyan. I collected a lot of starfish at Obyan.

puting n. type of tree, used for poisoning fish. barringtonia asiatica. Mañuñuli' hågun puting kada pumeska. He brings puting leaves whenever he goes fishing. Binenu para i guihan esti i puting. Puting is poisonous for fishes. Ma'u'usa i puting para åmut hininan guihan. Barringtonia asiatica is used as remedy for fish poisoning. Syn: deris.

putkeriha n. filth, filthy act or word, worthless stuff, junk. Puru ha' ennåo i che'cho'‑mu fina'putkeriha. All your acts are worthless. Gof ya‑ña sumångan putkeriha na palåbra siha. She likes to say filthy words. Cha'‑mu gumogof honggi si Jose an kumuentus, sa' puru ha' fina'putkeriha ha såsangan. Do not really believe Joe when he talks, because it is all full of junk. From: Sp. porquería.

putlilu adj. fragile, easily damaged, liable to break. Esta manputlilu i iståka. The fence posts are already worn. Tåntus di ginacha' i tapblon ni ichan gi sanhiyung asta ki pumutlilu. The board got caught in the rain so often that it became soft and easy to break.

putlumenus adv. at least, at minimum. Nå'i yu' fan putlumenus kuåttru na puyitus månnuk. Please give me at least four baby chicks. Putlumenus singkuenta na tåotåo manggaigi gi giput. At minimum fifty people were at the party. Ni sikera putlumenus un kattåyi yu' anai gaigi håo Amerika. You didn't even at least write to me when you were in America. See: atu'åsi. From: Sp. por lo menos.

putnó cnj. or else, in order not to. Hu hoggui i neni putno u kåti. I carried the baby so that it will not cry. Ma na'na'lu i salåppi' putno u fanmapresu. They returned the money so that they would not be arrested. Malatchai ma'aflitu i guihan putno u fambåba. They fried all the fish so that it would not go to waste. From: Sp. por no.

pútpitu n. pulpit. Na'gåsgas i putpitu. Clean the pulpit. Ha po'lu si påli' i hostia gi hilu' i putpitu. The priest put the eucharist bread on the top of the pulpit. Sagråda na lugåt i putpitu. The pulpit is a sacred place. Syn: åttat. From: Sp. púlpito.

putseras n. bracelet, arm ring. Ha fahåni si Juan si Maria putserås‑ña para u fanu'i ni guinaiyan‑ña. Juan bought Maria a bracelet to show his love for her. Ha chuli' si Teresita i putserås‑ña para u na'ma'arekla sa' madaloggai. Teresita took her bracelet to have it fixed because it got dented. Manå'i si Rosa putseras para rigalu‑ña gi pasgua. Rosa received a bracelet for her Christmas present. From: Sp. pulseras.

putsuelu n. cup, cup with handle. Maila' ennåo i ladangkulu na putsuelu para si Tåta. Bring over that larger cup for Father. Finalaguaihun nu i putsuelu ya måffak. He dropped the cup by accident and it cracked. Ti manatya i putsuelu yan i platitu siha. The cups and saucers don't match. Variant: pusuelu. From: Sp. pozuelo.

putut n. small mortar used by the ancient Chamorros for pounding and mixing medicinal herbs and food items. Ha usa si nåna i putut yan lommuk para u yamak i pipitas para i amut. Grandmother used the mortar and pestle to mash the seeds for medicine. Faisin fan si Nåna kåo siña bai usa i pitot‑ña. Please ask Grandma if I can use her mortar. Guaha lameggai na putut yan lommuk giya Anatåhan. There are a number of mortars and pestles in Anatahan. See: lommuk.

puyitus n. chick, baby chicken. Dossi puyitos‑ña i punidera. The hen has twelve chicks. Manggof na'magoddai i puyitus siha. The chicks are very cute. Mankulot amariyu i puyitus siha. The chicks are yellowish in color. From: Sp. pollitos.


Total number of entries: 876


adj.  adjective
adv.  adverb
agr.  agreement prefix
art.  article
aux.  auxiliary
cnj.  conjunction
dem.  demonstrative
Eng.  English
infx.  infix
intj.  Interjection
Jp.  Japanese
n.  noun
n.pl.  plural noun
neg.  negative
num.  numeral
part.  particle
pp.  prepositional phrase
pred.  predicate
pref.  prefix
prep.  preposition
pro.  pronoun
Sp.  Spanish
suf.  suffix
Syn  synonym
vi.  intransitive verb
vt.  transitive verb