* Coming Soon

S - s


s n. the twenty-first letter of the alphabet, named se. See: se.


sa' prep. because of, on account of. Sa' put håfa na para un tuka ennåo na asuntu? What's the reason for raising that issue?

cnj. because, due to the fact that. Yayas yu' sa' tududiha yu' macho'chu'. I am tired because I have been working all day. Ha na'malångu yu' i kinanno'‑hu anistukun sa' tatkilu' hagå'‑hu. The salted fish that I ate made me sick because I have high blood pressure. I istudiåntin Luta manhuyung gi islan‑ñiha sa' tåya' kulehu gi tanu'‑ñiha. The students from Rota left their island due to the fact that there is no college on their island.


sa'- (from: sa'‑) vt. look good on, suited to, becoming to. Sa'‑mu ennåo na moda. That outfit type is becoming on you. Sa'‑ña bumaila sa' gef makalamya tatåotåo‑ña. She is suited to dancing because her body is so nimble. Sa'‑måmi gi litråtu. We look good in the photo. Bound verb that takes possessive agreement. The agreement refers to the one who looks good.


sa' håfa pp. why, for what reason (in questions). Sa' håfa na mungnga håo umiskuela? For what reason don't you want to go school? Sa' put håfa na rason mohon na malilingu i lingguahin Chamorro? For what reason, do you think, is the Chamorro language being lost? Båsta yu' mamokkat. Sa' håfa? Sa' esta yu' yayas. I will stop walking. Why? Because I am tired. See: put håfa.


sa'ånu adj. calm, even-tempered, cool-headed, sensible. I amiguhu mampus sa'ånu an manhassu. My friend's thinking is always very sound. Sa'ånu i plånun i gubietnu. The governor's plan is sound. Variant: sånu, sa'anu.


sa'ang vt. put (something) on top of. Sa'ang i alahås‑su gi hilu' aparadot. Place my jewelry on top of the cabinet. Mungnga masa'ang i addeng‑mu gi hilu' lamasa. Don't place your foot on top of the table. Bai sa'ang ha' yu' gi karetå‑mu. I will just squeeze myself into the car. See: po'lu. Variant: sa'hang.


sa'dang vt. straddle, sit on (something) with one leg on each side, in a straddling position. I nana ha sa'dang i neni para u ketu. The mom straddled the baby so that he would keep still. I neni ha sa'dang i alunan ya nina'maigu' måolik. The baby straddled the pillow and he slept well. Manasa'dang i famagu'un anai manhugågandu gi cha'guan. The children straddled each other on the grass when they were playing. Variant: sadang.


sa'hang vt. put (something) on top of, place (something) on top of, shelve, perch on top. Gof måolik si Ben para mansa'hang kosas maseha månu. Ton placed his hat on the chair. Manmansa'hang ham litråtu gi hilu' tapblita. We placed pictures on top of the shelf. Variant: sa'ang.


sa'-ña (from: sa'‑ña) vt. is becoming, is appealing to look at, looks good with (something)(third person singular). Sa'‑ña i hagå‑mu kulot å'paka' na magågu. Your daughter looks good in white dress. Sa'‑mu madåsai kadada'. You look good with short hair cut.


så'pit vt. cause to suffer. Manmaså'pit i taotåo gi duråntin i gera sa' tåya' nengkanu'. The people faced hardship during the war because there was no food. Mungnga maså'pit håo gi gualu', diskåkansa. Don't overexert yourself at the farm, take breaks. Hu sungun i masappet‑tu para i familiåk‑ku. I carried my hardship for my family.

adj. hard, causing hardship, laborious. Så'pit numåna. Being a mother is hard. Gef sa'pit esti i putin tatalu'. Backache is a real hardship.


så'u vi. weave (fishing net). Kåo un tungu' sumå'u talåya? Do you know how to weave a net? Maila' ya ta så'u talåya. Come and let's weave a net. Kåo sumåsa'u ha' håo esta på'gu? Are you still weaving until now?


sa'us n. roughly woven basket.


Såbalu n. Saturday. Para u fåttu si Påli' gi gima'‑måmi gi mamaila' na Såbalu. The priest will come to our house this coming Saturday. An Såbalu manmachocho'chu' ham gi gualu'. We work on the farm on Saturdays. From: Sp. sábado.


sabåna n. plain, flat land, usually covered with grass, savannah. I sabåna giya Luta måolik para kamuti yan suni. The savannah in Rota is suitable for sweet potato and taro. I hanum ginin i sabåna gef fresku. The water from the sabåna is very fresh. Bunitu i sabåna giya Luta para sumåga. The savannah in Rota is a beautiful place to stay. From: Sp. sabana.


såbanas n. blanket. Guaha såbanas kanifis yan potput. There are thin and thick blankets. Anai måkpu' i gera, bula såbanas låna. After the war, there were lots of woolen blankets. Gi isla siha, måolekña såbanas åtgidun ki låna. In the islands, cotton blankets are better than woolen ones. See: onnu'. From: Sp. sábana.


sabaneta n. small treeless or grassy area, meadow. Manggaigi i apatcha' gi sabaneta. The grasshoppers are in the small grassy field. Bula na klåsin chå'guan manmandodokku' gi sabaneta. Lots of different kinds of grasses grow in the meadow.


Sabanetan Åbas name. place name in Tinian. Yanggin gaigi håo gi Sabanetan Åbas, siña ha' un li'i' guatu Saipan. If you are at the Sabanetan Abas, you can see Saipan. Åntis mansen mamis na åbas gi Sabanetan Åbas. Back then, the guavas were very sweet at the Sabanetan Abas. Sessu i turista pÅ'gu na tiempu ma bisita i Sabanetan Åbas. Nowadays, tourist often visits the Sabanetan Abas.


Sabanetan Tahgung name. place name in Tinian. Åntis na tiempu bula buteyan kok manmayuti' gi Sabanetan Tahgung. Back in the old days there was lots of coke bottles dumped at Sabanetan Tahgung. Guaha lokkui' åtchu' latti manmasodda' gi Sabanetan Tahgung. Latte stones were also found at Sabanetan Tahgung. Guaha unus kuåntus guma' åntis gi Sabanetan Tahgung. Back then there were a few buildings at Sabanetan Tahgung.


Sabanetan Unai Babui name. place name in Tinian. Guaha bomban hånum gi tiempun Hapones gi Sabanetan Unai Babui. There was a water pump during the Japanese time at the Sabanetan Unai Babui. I Sabanetan Unai Babui unu na lugåt na bula tupu manmatånum gi tiempun Hapones. Sabanetan Unai Babui was one of the places where lots of sugarcane was planted during the Japanese period. Gaigi i Sabanetan Unai Babui gi sankattan lågu na bånda giya Tinian. The Sabanetan Unai Babui is located on the northwestern part of Tinian.


Sabanetan Unai Lamlam name. place name in Tinian. Bula kånnat gi Sabanetan Unai Lamlam. There are lots of trenches in Sabanetan Unai Lamlam. Guaha siha trongkun åmut gi Sabanetan Unai Lamlam. There are medicinal trees at Sabanetan Unai Lamlam. På'gu na tiempu guaguaha ha' åtchu' latti gi Sabanetan Unai Lamlam. To date, there are still latte stones at Sabanetan Unai Lamlam.


sabåti' vt. kick (Saipan). Ha sabåti' i patgun i batdi gi hilu' såtgi. The child kicked the bucket on the floor. Un tiempu ginin sessu manhugåndun sabåti' i manhobin na lalåhi. At one time, kicking was a popular sport among young boys. See: påtik.


såbi diós idiom. anyhow, as much as (I want), deep in the heart, God knows. Såbi dios estigi' malago'‑ña para i asaguå‑ña låo ti ha langat, sa' tåya' salappe'‑ña. As much as he would like this for his wife, he could not afford it, because he doesn't have money. Såbi dios i malago'‑hu para famagu'on‑hu, ti nilangat ni nina'siñå‑hu. God knows, my wish for my children is more than what I am able to do. Såbi dios i malago'‑hu i famagu'on‑hu para ma tungu' finu' Chamorro, ti manfinu' Chamomorro esta i famagu'un. As much as I would like for my children to speak Chamorro, children nowadays do not speak it. From: Sp. sabe Dios.


såbiu n. psychic, one who can foresee. I sabiu ha tungu' na siempri guaha fina'måolik ginin esti na cho'chu'. The psychic knows that something good will come out this work. Un såbiu sumienti na para u binisita ni che'lu‑ña ni hagas taigui. One psychic felt that his brother who was gone for a long time will visit him. Suetti sa' ha sangåni yu' i sabiu na para bai måtmus, pues ti pumeska yu' un mes. Fortunately, the psychic told me that I would drown so I did not go fishing for one month.

adj. clairvoyant, wise, psychic. Put manmenhalum i manåmku' siña ta sångan na mansåbiu siha. We can say that elders are wise because they have a lot of experience and knowledge. Ti såbiun tåotåo yu' låo hu tungu' na siempri guaha fina'måolik ginin esti na cho'chu'. I am not a psychic but I can foresee that something good will come out of this work. See: fayi. From: Sp. sabio.


sabót n. taste, flavor. Månngi' sabot‑ña i abunin ayuyu ni mapoksai niyuk. The abdomen of a coconut crab fed with coconut meat is delicious. Nina'månngi' i sabot‑ña i katdu anai ma'åsni. The soup became flavorful when it was seasoned with salt. Na'te'uk i letchin niyuk ya u mås fotti i sabot‑ña i katdu. Make the coconut milk thick to give a richer flavor to the soup. From: Sp. sabor.


sabureha vt. taste. I kusineru ha sabureha i nina'lagu‑ña. The cook tasted his cooking. Anai ha sabureha, ti kuntentu ni sabot i nengkanu'. Having tasted the food, he was not satisfied with the flavor. Håspuk ha' yu' anai sigi hu sabureha i manmaplånta na nengkanu'. I got full from tasting the foods that were set out on the table. Syn: tanña'. See: chagi. From: Sp. saborea.


sådda' vt. lift (a shirt, skirt, or cloth covering) to see what's behind. Sinadda' i chininå‑ña anai guinaifi ni manglu'. The wind lifted her skirt when it blew by her. I neni ha sådda' i kuttina para u aligåo i bola. The baby lifted the curtain to look for the ball. Sigi ha sådda' gui' para u fatta' i mabotda na kamisolå‑ña. She kept lifting her skirt to show her embroidered half-slip.


såddi vt. hold on lap, place on thighs, place on lap. I nana ha såsaddi i patgun kada diha. Every day the mother holds the baby on her lap. Guaha na masåddi i neni siha para u fangetu. At times, babies are held on the lap so they will keep still. Ti malagu' i patgun masåddi sa' ma'å'ñåo made'un. The child refused to sit on the lap because he was afraid to be pinched. Variant: såtdi.


sådduk n. lake. Mandanña' ham yan i amigun‑måmi gi uriyan Sadduk Susupe. We joined our friends around Lake Susupe. Un tiempu guaha milak ginin Sadduk Susupe guatu gi Tasin Susupe. At one time there was a stream that flowed from Susupe Lake to Susupe Beach. Si bihå‑hu ya‑ña kumånnu' i asulin sådduk ni mana'lågu yan mangu'. My grandmother loves to eat freshwater eel cooked with turmeric. Variant: såtduk.


sådi' n. diaper, loincoth. Guaha minappot‑ña an para u magoddi i sadi'. Tying a loincloth is not easy. Åntis ma'ingkokola i sadi' neni gi papa' somnak. Back then the diapers were bleached under the sun.

vt. put diaper on, wear a loin cloth. Adahi håo ni atfilit yanggin para un sådi' i patgun. When putting a diaper on the baby, be careful with the safety pin. Sådi' i neni åntis di un tinani' ni ottru kosa. Put the baby's diaper on before you busy yourself with other things. See: pañålis.


sadi'guåni n. typhoon shelter (traditional). Håssan esta ta li'i' sadi'guånin påkyu giya Mariånas. We rarely see a traditional typhoon shelter in the Marianas. Taimanu mahåtsa i sadi'guånin antigu? How is the traditional typhoon shelter built? Mantinahgui i sadi'guåni ni gima' simentu på'gu na tiempu. Usually an A-frame construction with the lower part of the roof buried underground. Syn: Nowadays, concrete houses have replaced traditional typhoon shelters. Variant: sadigåni.


sadigåni n. shack, hut, traditional Chamorro hut with thatched roof and bamboo. Måolekña i nipa kini hagun niyuk para sadigåni. Nipa fronds are better than coconut fronds for thatching. Manhåtsa si tåta sadigåni para sagan dumiskånsa. Father built a hut for a resting place. Sumåsaga yu' gi sadigåni guihi hulu' gi Sabåna giya Luta. I stayed in the cabin up at Sabana on Rota. Variant: sadi'guåni.


såffi n. 1) duster, brush. Chuli' mågi i pilun månnuk siha ya bai hu fa'tinåsi håo saffem‑mu. Bring chicken feathers and I will make a feather brush for you. Tulaika esti na såffi sa' esta tokpung ha'. Replace this duster because it is worn down to the handle. 2) type of spiritual healing. Båndan såffi ennåo esta ni gaigi håo. You're already in the area of spiritual healing. Hininguk ni saffi anai umali'i' yan i suruhåna. The spiritual healing worked after she went to the traditional healer.

vt. 1) dust (something), brush (something), fan (flames). Såffi i pinigan ya u fañila'. Fan the embers so that they will burn. Såffi i lalu' gi pachot‑mu. Brush off the fly from your mouth. Ha såffi i tararåñas gi kisami. She dusted the cobwebs on the ceiling. 2) exorcise, cleanse the aura of. Bai hu konni' i lahi‑hu para masåffi sa' mana'chetnut maipi. I will bring my son to a healer to be cleansed from sickness caused by spirits. Mananaitai i suruhåna duråntin i sinaffefen‑ña. The healer is praying during her spiritual healing. Mumåolik sinienten‑ña anai masåffi. She felt better after her aura was cleansed.


safu vt. take off (hat), remove, doff (Rota). Ha safu si tåta i tihong‑ña anai para u fanaitai gi lisåyu gi paingi. Father took off his hat when he was going to pray at the rosary last night. Ma safu i matai gå'ga' gi kantun chålan. They removed the dead animal by roadside. Manmatågu' ham na para bai in safu i tihung‑måmi anai para bai in fañotchu gi talu'åni. We were asked to take our hats off when we were going to eat in the afternoon.


såfu' adj. safe, protected. Hu diseseha na u fansåfu mo'na i kareran‑miyu para tåtti gi tanu'‑miyu. My wish is for your safe trip back home. Mansåfu' hit gi pakyu sa' manggaigi hit gi halum liyang. We are safe in the storm because we are in the cave.


såga n. space, place. Gi un tiempu giya Luta guaha madesikna sagan tinanum åmut natibu. At one time in Rota, a place was designated for native herbal medicine. Basiha i sagan åpu sa' esta machuchuda'. Empty the ashtray because it is spilling over. Måolik sagan‑måmi sa' prinitetehi ni ladera. Our place is safe because it is protected by the mountain.

vi. 1) stay, stop by, rest, remain. Sumåganñaihun yu' ya dumiskånsa gi papa' trongkun lemmai. I stopped by and rested for awhile under the breadfruit tree. I pulisiha ha na'såga i kareta siha gi chalan. The policeman stopped the cars on the road. 2) live (in, at), dwell. Manmayamak i lugåt siha sa' la'atman sumagå‑ña i pakyu guihi. The area was destroyed because the typhoon stayed in the area rather long. Mungnga hit sumåga guennåo na asuntu esta ki ta tungu' mås put ennåo. Let us not dwell on that issue until we learn more about it. Syn: Ta fañåga guini na lugåt sa' guaha hånum.


ságamai n. gnat. Ai na mineggai sagamai gi tangkin basula! Oh, there are a lot of gnats in the trash can! Ti måolik i sagamai para u fihuni i patti gi matå‑mu, sa' siempri manhålum gi gui'eng‑mu. The gnats are not good to get closer to your face, because they'll get into your nose. Yan‑ñiha i sagamai gi anai guaha lamas fruta pat gollai. The gnats love to be around rotten fruits or vegetables.


sagåmilun n. type of fish: general name for several types of squirrel fish and soldier fish. Family Holocentridae. Gof månngi' i guihan sagåmilun makåddun niyuk. It is so delicious to cook the sagåmilun with coconut milk. Chumotchu yu' inaflitun sagåmilun nigap gi talu'åni. I ate fried sagåmilun yesterday afternoon. Mamåhan si Denita bulan sagåmilun gi metkåon guihan. Denita bought a lot of sagåmilun at the fish market. This fish is different from saksak mainly in having larger eyes and a larger mouth.


sagåyi vt. stay at, settle in, inhabit. In sagåyi si Thomas gi lugåt‑ña anai mambakasion ham. We stayed at Thomas' place when we were on vacation. Masagåyi i trongku ni abeha para u fanmama'tinas chenchun‑ñiha para miet. The bees settled on the tree to build their nest to make honey. Åtman ti masagåyi i gima' anai mahåtmi. The house was unoccupied for a long time when it was vandalized.


såggui' vt. pull with force, jerk, tug forcefully, whip. Ha såggui' i guaka ni tali. He whipped the bull with the rope. Gef sagi' i petnåk‑ku sa' sinaggui' ni ramas trongku gi pakyu. My thigh really felt like it was burning because the tree trunk whipped it during the storm. Ha såggui' påpa' i ginut gi trongkun niyuk para kulan letchin niyuk. She pulled the coconut fiber from the trunk down forcefully to use for straining coconut milk. See: hålla.


sagi' adj. 1) painful, have a burning sensation. Sagi' mampus i malåssas addeng‑hu. The scratch on my foot is burning. Ha ka'guas i matå‑hu i katu ya sagi'. The cat scratched my face and it's painful. Ha songgi yu' i dangis ya gof sagi'. The candle burned me and it very painful. 2) deeply hurtful, emotionally painful. Un na'sågi' yu' nu i fino'‑mu sa' ti hu honggi na ginin hågu. Your words hurt me deeply because I did not expect that from you. Syn: Sågi' kurason‑hu anai hu li'i i masapet‑ña i amigå‑hu.


sagrådu adj. sacred, holy. Debi di u guaha rispetu gi sagan tåotåomo'na, sa' sagrådu. There should be respect at the ancient sites, because they are sacred. I Santa Lourdes giya Saipan, Luta, yan Tinian mansagrådu na lugåt. The Lourdes shrines in Saipan, Tinian, and Rota are sacred places. Sagrådu na okasion i Påsguan Resureksion. Easter is a sacred occasion. See: såntu. From: Sp. sagrado.


sågu1 n. cold, flu. Siña ha' suminagu håo yanggin ginacha' håo ni ichan ya sosomnak. You can catch cold if you get caught in the rain while the sun is still out. Minikusan i neni sa' sinagu. The baby has a running nose because she has a cold.


sågu2 n. arrowroot, type of root plant. Maranta arundinacea. Ma na'gimin i neni ni binattin asentun sågu. They made the baby drink a mixture of arrowroot starch. Manlå'la' i tinanum sågu gi lanchu. The arrowroot plants are thriving at the farm. Na'te'uk i katdu ni asentun sågu. You make the soup thick with arrowroot starch. Syn: arurú.


sågu3 n. season for (fishing, crabs, hunting, etc.). Måyu esta Huñiu, sågun ti'åo yan i'i'. May to June is the season for small goatfish and baby skipjack. Yanggin manfloris i lemmai, sågun gamsun. When the breadfruit flowers, it's the season for octopus. Usually refers to the time when a large school of fish is making a run.


sagua' n. channel, inlet, canal, narrow passage of water breaking the reef barrier. Ma sodda' i tatåotåo i matmus na prohimu gi sagua'. They found the body of the drowned person in the channel. I sagua' gi Inai Dångkulu gai piniligru. The water channel at Long Beach can be dangerous. Manhånåo manpeska gi sagua' Inai Taga'. They went fishing at the water channel at Taga Beach.


saguåli' n. thatched house, usually made with karisu. Guaha initut karisu para saguåli'. We have bundles of sword grass for the thatched house. Fanmanutut banålu para aligin saguåli'. Cut Pacific rosewood for the thatched roof posts. Fresku i gima' saguåli'. The thatched house is cool.


saguan vi. help (in fighting), join someone's side in a fight. Umasaguan yu' para i amigå‑hu anai mumumu yan i bisinu. I joined my friend when she was fighting with the neighbor. Manasaguan i gurupun Charanka para i gurupun Tanapag kontra i tåotåo San Antonio. The Chalan Kanoa group sided in a fight with Tanapag against the group in San Antonio. Mungnga sumåguan yanggin guaha mumumu. Do not help or interfere when someone is fighting. Sumåguan si Ana anai mumu i amigå‑ña. Ana joined her friend's side when her friend was in a fight.


saguaniyi vt. fill (something) with (something), put in (something), place in (something). Hu saguaniyi i tason alåguan. I filled the bowl with rice porridge. Masaguaniyi i batdi hånum. The bucket was filled with water. Saguaniyi fan dies pesus i putamunedå‑hu. Please put ten dollars in my wallet. See: sini. Variant: sahguani (Guam).


såguat adj. tenacious, persistent. Mampus såguat si Jose, sa' ti pumåra manggågåo esta ki manå'i ni malago'‑ña. Jose is very persistent, he did not stop asking until he got what he wanted. Ta na'fansåguat hit umabiba i kutturå‑ta. Let us be persistent in advancing our culture. Ha na'såguat gui' i patgun tumattiyi i nanå‑ña putno u diningu. So that he won't lose her, the child was tenacious in following his mother.


sågui' vt. support, save, assist, guide, deliver from. Sågui' ham gi lina'la'‑måmi. Assist us in our lives. I mañaina‑hu sumåsagui' yu' gi lina'lå'‑hu. My parents are guiding me in life. Syn: goggui'. Variant: sågui.


sagui'i vt. whip, spank. Tatfoi i kakaroti‑ña si Pankasio, atyu ha' nanå‑ña gi diha i ma sagui'i. Pankasio was so uncontrollable that he regularly got whipped. Tatfoi i kakaroti‑ña si Pablo i ma‑sagui'i ni kuatta ha mireresi. Syn: såolak, bålas.


sågun guihan n. season when schools of fish appear near the shore. Påo mata' i tasi yanggin måttu i sagun guihan. The ocean acquires a fishy smell during the season when schools of fish appear. Manmapåtti i taotåo gi kantun tåsi sa' tiempun sagun guihan. The people at the seashore were given their share because it is the season for schools of fish to appear. Na'fanlistu i chinchulu siha sa' esta ti åtman i sagun guihan. Prepare the nets because it is almost time for the school of fish to come ashore.


såha vt. 1) slice thinly, as if peeling a skin, filleting fish, whittling. Såha ennåo siha i guihan yan i katni ya un tåla'. Fillet the fish and the beef and dry them under the sun. Ha såsaha i hayu para u fa'matinas buttun Ñiñu. He was whittling the wood to carve a statue of the Baby Jesus. Båstus sinahå‑ña nu i lassas babui. He did a rough job of skinning the pig. 2) insert, pierce. Ha såha si Goro' i tiripiyan babui para u na'gåsgas. Goro' turned the pig's small intestines inside out to clean it. Såha fan ennåo i katni para ma kana'. Please pierce the meat to be hung. Para un u'us i manha ni nifen‑mu, debi di un såha. Before you clean the young coconut with your teeth, you must pierce the husk. See: chåchak, såhi.


sahågu n. deep open water. Gaigi i sahågu gi hiyung i mama'ti. Deep ocean water is outside the reef. I halu'u siha gi kantun tåsi mangginin i sahågu. The sharks near shore came through the deep open water. I kapitan ha tungu' månu na gaigi i sahågu para huyung gi tasi. The captain knows the deep open channel through the reef.


sahguan n. container. Håfa para sahguan‑ña i katdu? What would be the container for the soup? Bunitu i sahguan ni mafa'tinas ginin i pi'åo para nina'i. A basket made of bamboo makes a nice gift basket.

vt. put (something) in, place (something) in. Sahguan i kosas iskuela gi katpeta. Put the school supplies in the school bag. Ha sahguaniyi i betsåk‑ku påppit benti anai para bai hånåo para Luta. She slipped a twenty dollar bill in my pocket when I was going to Rota. Syn: sini.

vi. be pregnant (antipassive). Sigun gi inatan‑hu nu ennåo na palåo'an, kalan mañahguan. From my observation of that woman, she appears to be pregnant. Ginin mañahguan låo måffak. She was once pregnant but she lost the baby.


sahguani vt. fill (something) with (something), put (something) in (something), place (something) in (something). Hu sahguani i tasun ni alåguan. I filled the bowl with rice soup (porridge). Masahguani i batdi hånum. They put water in the bucket. Sahguani fan dies pesus i putamunedå‑hu. Please put ten dollars in my purse. See: sini.


såhi n. waxing of the moon. Gåtbu i sinahin pulan på'gu na puengi. The waxing of the moon is beautiful tonight. Tattiyi taimanu i sahin i pilan yanggin para un fama'tinas sinahi para kadenå‑mu. In making the sinahi for your necklace, follow the curve of the waxing of the moon. Åhi', ti u såhi på'gu i pilan na puengi. No, the moon is not waxing tonight.

vi. wax, illuminate and become larger (of the moon). I pilan sigi dumångkulu sa' para u såhi på'gu na puengi. The moon will appear bigger because it will wax tonight. I pilan yanggin sumåhi guaha na tristi sumahi‑ña. When the moon waxes there are times when it appears to be a sad moon.


sahngi adj. 1) strange, peculiar, different. Ha sienti na kalan sahngi gui' anai ti ma'atetendi. She felt like she does not belong when she was not attended to. Sasahngi ha' kinalamten‑ña si Rosa gi gurupu. Rosa's behavior is different amongst the group. Ti siña manadanchi hit sa' sasahngi tiningo'‑mu. We cannot come to terms because your understanding is different from ours. 2) separated, set aside. Na'sahgi i ma'is ni para magugan yan para matunu. Separate the corn to roasted from the corn with the kernel to be removed. Mapput ta na'sahgi i sinientet‑ta yan håfa ta chocho'gui. It is difficult to separate what we feel from our actions.


såhsa1 vt. brush away, brush off, clear, gently clean by hand. Såhsa i tetenan na potbus gi lamasa. Brush away the remaining dust on the table. Såhsa i kaspa gi apagå‑mu. Brush off the dandruff from your shoulder.


såhsa2 n. type of liver dish cooked with gravy. Un tiempu sessu maplånta i såhsa gi fandånggu. At one time, the liver with gravy was often served at wedding feasts. Yanggin para un fama'såhsa, såha i higadu yan na'lågu yan harina yan siboyas. To make såhsa, slice the liver thinly and cook it with flour and onions.


sahuma vt. inhale vapor to clear nasal passages. Hu sahuma yu' ni amut vicks anai sinagu yu'. I inhaled vicks vapor when I had the flu. Sahuma håo ni asun atmahågat. Inhale the boiled sweet basil vapor. Sessu ha sahuma gui' ni vicks. He often breathes in vicks.

adj. suffocating.


såhyan1 n. vehicle, vessel, means of transportation. Håfa na såhyan ma'udai‑mu para i che'chu'? What kind of vehicle did you ride to work? Siempri mapuha i sahyan yanggin ti un giha mo'na gi chaochåo tåsi. The vessel will be overturned if you do not guide it properly in the choppy sea.


såhyan2 vt. set table with (food), put (food) on the table. Såhyan i nengkanu'. Set the food on the table. Si Maria para u såhyan i sintåda para sena. Maria will set the food for dinner. Tåftaf mampus masåhyan i amotsa. It was too early to put breakfast on the table. See: plånta.


sahyan nifin n. gums, flesh around roots of teeth in the jaw. I patgun neni mampus muñeru sa' puti i sahyan nifen‑ña. The child is uncomfortable because his gums hurt. I bingan sumak måolik mangångas para u nina'metgut i sahyan nifin. The sumak tip is good for keeping the gums strong and healthy.


såhyåo adj. speedy, quick, fast, hurried. Nihi ta fanlasahyåo guatu gi gima'. Let's hurry home. Kåo siña un na'lasahyåo håo sa' esta mangeke'atrasåo hit. Can you move more quickly, because we are about to be late.

vt. hurry (someone), push, urge. Ha såhyåo yu' i ma'estrok‑ku ni che'chu' iskuela. My teacher pushed me to hurry with my school work. Esta o'sun yu' masåhyåo para bai hu lataftaf manmåta kada ogga'an. I am fed up being urged to get up earlier every morning. See: gusé'‑, chaddik, alula, insigidas. Variant: såyåo, sahyåo.


saibuk n. starchy food, such as taro, bananas, breadfruit, boiled with coconut milk. Mamåhan si nåna suni para saibuk. Mother bought taro to cook with coconut milk. Umatya i saibuk lemmai yan tininun kåtni. Breadfruit cooked with coconut milk goes well with dried meat.

vi. boil starchy food with coconut milk. Kåo para un saibuk på'gu? Esta sumaibuk yu' gi paingi. Will you be cooking with coconut milk today? I already cooked with coconut milk last night. Syn: gollai åppan (Guam).


saigón n. type of chicken: red pyle game chicken, husky and tall, multicolored. Mamomoksai i lahi‑hu saigón na gåyu. My son is raising a red pyle cock. Håssan yan guaguan i gåyun saigon. The red pyle game chicken is rare and expensive. Sessu manggånna i ga'‑hu saigon gi gayera. My saigon cock often wins in cockfights.


saikíluluk vi. 1) tumble, go every which way, twisted. Hu totpi i iståntin lateriha ya mañaikiluluk påpa' i lateriha. I bumped onto the shelves of canned goods and they tumbled down all over the place. Ti mapput bai hu na'saikiluluk håo an umafulu' hit. It is easy for me to twist you around when we wrestle. Sumaikiluluk i kareta anai påkyu. The car went tumbling around during the typhoon. 2) confused, twisted (of mind). Si Maria ha na'fansaikiluluk hinassun‑ñiha gi ineppepen‑ña. Maria confuses them with her responses. Anai bulåchu yu' ya malinik ilu‑hu, mansaikikiluluk i titanos‑su. When I got drunk and had a headache, I felt a spinning sensation in my brain. Ha na'fansaikikiluluk hinassun‑måmi nu i fino'‑ña. She is twisting our minds with her words. See: tarapatu'.


saina n. 1) parent, father, mother, master, elder. Rispeta i mañaina‑mu. Respect your parents. Hånåo ya un mabindisi ni mañaina‑mu. Go and receive a blessing from your parents. 2) Lord. Gågåo i Saina ya un binindisi. Ask the Lord to be blessed.


Saipan name. Saipan, the second largest island of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands; pronounced sa'ipan. Gåsgas yan gåtbu i inai yan i tasi giya Sa'ipan. Saipan's beaches and ocean are pristine and beautiful. I finene'na na tåotåo siha giya Sa'ipan manmafana'an Chamorro. The first inhabitants of Saipan are called Chamorros. I Chamorro siha giya Sa'ipan, Tinian, Luta, Guåhan, yan i isla giya Gåni, unu ha' na lingguåhi finu'‑ñiha: Chamorro. The Chamorros of Saipan, Tinian, Rota, Guam and the Northern Islands have only one language: Chamorro. Variant: Sa'ipan.


sais num. six. Hu dingu i isla sais åñus. I left the island for six years. Sais biåhi esta måttu mågi. She came here six times already. See: gunum. From: Sp. seis.


saisai vt. 1) scold, admonish. Masaisai si Tina anai kinenni' ni nubiu‑ña. Tina was scolded when her fiancee took her. Bai hu fåttu tåftåf guatu gi gima' ya mungnga yu' masaisai. I will come early to the house so I will not be scolded. 2) vigorously investigate, evaluate, rethink. Po'lu ya bai hu saisai ennåo i un fafaisin yu'. Let me rethink what you are asking me. Ti ma saisai måolik esti na plånu, atyu na ti måolik humuyong‑ña. They did not evaluate this plan properly, that is why it did not turn out well.


såka vt. liberate, make free. Manmasåka i prisinerun gera. The prisoners of war were liberated. Masåka ginin todu i ma'akuså‑ña. He was set free from all accusations.


sakadatchi' vi. do a somersault, turn head over heels, be upside down, flip over. Gi inalulå‑ña, matompu' pues sumakadatchi' gi kannat. In his haste, he tripped then fell upside down into the ditch. Ilek‑ña, "Na'påra i bisiom‑mu o sino bai hu na'sakadatchi' håo." He said, "Stop that habit or I will flip you over." Mansakadadatchi' påpa' i famagu'un gi fina' oksu'. The children are somersaulting down from the hill. From: Jp.


sakadulis vi. hunt in a group (on land). Mansakadulis i lalåhi babuin halum tånu'. The men went hunting for wild boar. Mansakadudulis i bisinu binådu. The neighbors are hunting deer. Variant: kasadulis (Guam).


sakafakteru n. braggart, one who publicizes the favors he did for others (Rota). Ti maguaiya na tåotåo sa' sakafakteru. People dislike him because he is a braggart. Ti sakafaktera yu'. I am not one who brags. Ti ya‑hu fumaisin gui' fabot sa' sakafakteru. I do not like to ask her for favors because she always brags about the favors she did for others. Variant: sakafatteru.


sakafatteru n. braggart, one who publicize favors she did for others. Mandanña' i sakafattera siha para u masångan i minaolik‑ñiha. The braggarts got together to share about their good deeds. Måolik esti na tåotåo sa' ti sakafatteru. This is good man because he does not brag. Variant: sakafakteru.


sakalumba n. chicken trap.


sakapiku n. pick (tool). I sakapiku ma'u'usa para manhåli', mangguådduk yan para manånum. The pick is used to uproot, dig and for planting. Mama'titinas si Tun Goru' todu klåsin sakapiku yan machetti. Tun Goru makes all types of picks and machetes. Siña ha' un gatcha' i sakapiku‑mu yanggin maleffa håo månu na un po'lu. You might step on your pick if you forget where you left it.

vt. dig with a pick. Ha sakapiku i edda', pues ha tånum i simiya. He dug the soil with a pick, then he planted the seedlings. Suhåyi i mañakapipiku sa' un dinanchi. Stay away from the those who are using the pick because you might get hit. See: piku.


såkat adj. 1) sadistic, cruel, merciless, disposed to give pain to others or hurt others (Saipan). Adahi håo sa' såkat ennåo na tåotåo yanggin bulåchu. Be careful with that person when he drinks, because he is merciless. 2) causing pain (as in hot pepper). Såkat ennåo na donni' såli. That small hot pepper is intensely hot. Syn: fotti. See: malamåña.


sakåti n. sword grass used to feed cattle and other animals, forage used for animal feed. Bula sakåti giya sisonyan na lugåt. There is a lot of sword grass in the swampy area. Kumu tiempun somnak, sessu mankimason i sakåti. The sword grass often catches fire during dry season. Nahung sakåti gi kellat para i babui. There is enough forage in the pen for the pigs.

vi. get sword grass. Nihi ta fansakåti para i ga'ga'. Let's cut swordgrass for the animals. Adahi na un chinachak ni sakåti yanggin sumakåti håo. Be care not to cut yourself with the swordgrass when you are foraging.


sakengguan vt. prone to steal, steal from. Adahi na un masakkengguan ni salappe'‑mu. Take care that your money will not be stolen.


såkkan n. 1) year. Håfa na såkkan nai mafañågu håo? In what year were you born? Para u hånåo i lahi‑hu umiskuela kulehu ottru såkkan. My son will go to college next year. Ti måolik på'gu na såkkan i ma'is. This year the corn is not good. See: åñu, idåt. 2) season (for planting or harvesting). Ti manparehu i sakkan‑ñiha i tinanum. Plants have different seasonal periods.

adj. mature, ready to harvest. Esta mansåkkan i chandiha. The watermelon is ready for harvesting. Ngai'an na u såkkan i pipinu‑mu? When is your cucumber ready for harvesting?


sakki n. thief, robber, burglar. Ma sodda' i sakki gi halum tånu'. They found the burglar in the jungle. Ma sodda' i sakki yan todu i kosas ni sinakken‑ña. They found the robber with all the items he stole. Humålum bintåna i sakki gi gima'‑måmi, pues humuyung potta yan i trastis siha. The burglar entered our house through the window and left through the door with stuff. See: såkki, chekli', ladrón.


såkki vt. steal, rob, take without permission. I yo'amti ha adadahi i tiningo'‑ña putno u masåkki. The traditional healer protects his knowledge from being stolen. Sessu mañåkki låo ti magagacha'. He steals often but he has not been caught. Mañotsut sa' ha såkki i tinige'‑hu ya ti siña ha kumprendi. He was sorry because he stole my writing but was not able to understand it. See: sakki.


sakman n. large boat built by Chamorros of the Marianas. Mama'tinas si Tun Ben dos na sakman para i kumiunidå. Uncle Ben built two large boats for the community. Manmanutut trongkun lemmai para mafa'tinas sakman. They cut the breadfruit tree to build the sakman. Penta agaga' i sakman kosa ki ti mapput mali'i' gi tåsi. Paint the sakman red so it would be easy to identify in the ocean. See: galaidi'.


sakmuneti n. type of fish: goatfish (Rota). Mullidae. Toka i sakmuneti gi talåya. The goatfish got caught in the net. I eskabetchin sakmuneti, katdagan, mangu', letchin niyuk, yan ottru nå'yi, hagas nengkanu' Chamorro. Goatfish cooked with katdagan, turmeric, coconut milk, and spices is a typical Chamorro dish. The goatfish is light green on the back, with a yellow stripe running the length of the fish, a whitish belly, and a spotted tail. See: ti'åo, bukadutsi. Variant: satmuneti.


sakmunetin åtchu' n. type of fish: goatfish. Parupeneus trifasciatus (Family Mullidae). Mangonni' si tåta sakmunetin åtchu'. Father caught goatfish. Månngi' makåddun niyuk i sakmunetin åtchu'. It is delicious to cook goatfish with coconut milk. Variant: satmunetin åtchu'.


sakmunetin le'åo n. type of fish: goatfish. upeneus vittatus (Family Mullidae). Guaguan esti na klåsin guihan i sakmunetin le'åo. This goatfish is a very expensive kind of fish. Mito'lang i sakmunetin le'åo. Goatfish has lots of bones.


sakmunetin maninin n. type of fish: goatfish. mulloidichthys auriflamma (Family Mullidae). Nihi ta famåhan sakmunetin maninin. Let's go buy goatfish. Bula kininne'‑ña i peskadot sakamunetin maninin. The fisherman caught a lot of goatfish.


sakni n. tattle-tale, gossip. Mamta' i istoriå‑ta sa' guaha sakni. Our story is widely known because there is a tattle-tale. Masotni na guiya sakni låo uda gui'. She was accused as the tattle-tale but she is a mute. Adahi i sikretu yanggin gaigi i sakni gi uriya. Be careful of your secrets when the gossip is around.


sakngan adj. gossipy, talkative. Ti ma'angokku sa' sakngan. She is not trusted because she is a gossiper. Mungnga gumai amigu sakngan. Do not befriend one who talks too much. I fino'-ña ti ma gef honggi sa' matungu' na sakngan åntis. His words were not credible because he is known as a gossiper in the past.


sakrafatta vt. 1) discriminate against, humiliate, debase. Mungnga masakrafatta i taotåo anai måmåolik ha' bidåda‑ña. Don't discriminate against the person when he is still doing good work. Ha sakrafatta si Jose i asaguå‑ña anai ha gacha' yan ottru na tåotåo. Jose humiliated his wife when he caught her with another person. 2) accuse, criticize. Gi ma'pus na ileksion, si Fulånu sigi ha sakrafatta i kabayerun i Republikan na pattida. Last election, Fulanu kept criticizing the gentleman from the Republican Party.


sakramentu n. sacrament (religious ceremony). Ha risibi i lahi‑hu i sakramentun umakkamu'. My son received the sacrament of matrimony. Guaha sietti na sakramentu gi rilihon Katoliku. There are seven sacraments in the Catholic religion.


sakrifisia vt. make a sacrifice or offering of, offer up. Hu sakrifisia yu' put para bai hu na'faniskuela i famagu'un kulehu. I sacrificed to send my children off to college. Bula na mañaina ma sakrififisia siha para i famagu'un‑ñiha. Many parents sacrifice themselves for their children.


sakrifisiu n. sacrifice, offering. Bula sakrifisiu hu cho'gui gi lina'la'‑hu. I made a lot of sacrifices in my life. Tåya' tåotåo tai sakrifisiu gi lina'la' gi tanu'. No person is without sacrifice in this life. Gi åntis na tiempu, guaha ni gå'ga' sakrifisiun‑ñiha para i ispiritu. In the ancient times, sometimes it was animals that were their sacrifice to the spirits.


sakrilehu n. sacrilege, desecration. Dångkulu na sakrilehu anai masåkki i kålis yan i siborium. It was a big sacrilege when the chalice and ciborium were stolen. Kumonfisat insigidas anai masangåni na sakrilehu i fino'‑ña kontra i gima' yu'us. She immediately went to confession when she was told that her statement against the church was a sacrilege. Variant: sakrilehiu.


sákristan n. sacristan, one in charge of sacristy. Ha arerekla i attat i sakristan. The sacristan prepares the altar. Håyi i sakristan gi guma'yu'us San Isidru giya Luta? Who is the sacristan at San Isidro church in Rota?


sakristiha n. sacristy, vestry. I sakristiha un påtti gi Gima' Yu'us. The sacristy is a part of the church building. I magagun påli' yan tanoris manggaigi gi sakristiha. The vestments of the priest and the altarboys are in the sacristy.


saksak n. type of fish: squirrelfish. Family Holocentridae. Bula to'lang‑ña i saksak. Squirrelfish has lots of bones. I mås ya‑hu na guihan i saksak. My favorite fish is squirrelfish. A deep red fish with golden shades along the rows of scales below, sometimes called red snapper. See: såksak sumulu'.


såksak fetda n. type of fish. holocentrus tierra (Holocentridae). Mamåhan yu' saksak fetda para sena. I bought holocentrus tierra for dinner. Bula kinenne'‑ña i peskadot saksak fetda. The fisherman caught a lot of holocentrus tierra.


saksofón n. saxophone. Ya‑hu sunidu‑ña i saksofon. I like the sound of the saxophone. Umetyak yu' gumåndu saksofon. I learned to play the saxophone. From: Eng. saxophone.


såku n. coat, jacket, suit, worn esp. on formal occasions. Usa i saku‑mu sa' manenghing. Wear your jacket because it is cold. Manna'ma'si' i lalåhi sa' manma'otdin para u fansinaku achuka' titingting i semnak. It is pitiful that the men were ordered to wear suits even under the searing sun. Ti hu kumprendi håfa na matulaika i kustumbri på'gu ya ma na'sesetbi i saku para fotmalidåt na okasion siha guini gi tanu' maipi. I don't understand why we adopted this custom of wearing suits during formal occasions in the tropics.


sakudi vt. spank, whip. Ya‑ña mañakudi ga'lågu. She likes to spank dogs. Hu sakudi i ga'lågu ni yore'‑hu sa' ha basiha i sagan basula. I spanked the dog with my slippers because he overturned the trash can. See: såolak, ba'ba' (Guam).

intj. go ahead (expresses affirmation). Sakudi, sa' måolik ennåo na ideha. Proceed, because that is a good idea. Sakudi! Sakudi! Go for it! Go for it! See: shut.


sakuseng vi. to scavenge for things, to search for items after WWII in Marianas. Humånåo yu' para bai sakuseng gi plåsan airi anai måkpu' i gera. I went to search for war materials after the war. Sumakuseng i asaguahu gi liyang ya asotda' meggai na båla ginin i Geran Mina Dos. My husband searched and found a lot of WWII munitions in a cave.


sákuseng n. one who steals things (slang). Gaigi i sakuseng, pues gef adahi hamyu. The stealer is around, so be very careful of yourselves.

vt. rummage around for (throwaways), search for (things that have been discarded). Nihi ta fansakuseng brass gi liyang sa' bula båla. Let's go search for brass in the cave because there is a lot of ammunition. Manhåtsa soko' para i sinakuseng‑ña. He built a storage room for the stuff he collected while foraging. Sumakuseng i amigu‑hu gi paingi ya bula sinedda'‑ña buteyan sitbesan Chapanis ginin i tiempun gera. My friend was searching for stuff last night and he found lots of Japanese beer bottles from the war. Variant: sakseng. From: Jp.


sakutåsu vt. spank, whip. Sakutåsu ni sinturon sa' mampus aguaguat. Whip with the belt cause he is very naughty. Suha mientras ti hu sakutåtasu håo. Move away before I whip you. See: sakudi.


såla n. living room. I såla debi di u gåsgas todu i tiempu. The living room should be clean and neat at all times. Dångkulu i salå‑ña si nåna. Mom's living room is huge. Ha lampåsu i såla sa' para u fanmåttu i manmå'gas. She mopped the living room because the dignataries will be arriving.


sala' adj. late, far gone, incurable, hopeless. Sinangåni ni doktu na esta sala' i chetnut. The doctor told her that the sickness is incurable. Måmåolik ha' sa' ti sasala' trabiha. It is still all right because it is not late yet. See: kebra.


salakumba n. chicken trap. Para u fanmamo'lu salakumba gi halum tånu'. They will place a chicken trap in the forest. Mankinenni' i mannuk ni salakumba. The chickens were caught with the chicken trap. Tåya' månnuk måfattu gi salakumbå‑ña. There is no chicken coming to his chicken trap.


salamångka1 vt. outwit, outmaneuver, trick, fool, get the better of by superior ingenuity or cleverness. Ti kabålis i apas i tåotåo‑ña sa' ha håsngun muna'salamångka. The wages were not correct because he intentionally tricked the worker. Ha salamångkan maisa gui' put i babå‑ña. He outwitted himself because of his stupidity. See: laimi, fa'baba.


salamångka2 vi. trip, fall down as one loses one's balance, stumble, be thrown off balance, somersault. Gåddun si tåta i addeng‑ña gi tali ya sumalamångka. Dad's foot got tangled by the rope and he tripped. Sumalamångka i patgun påpa' gi eksu'. The child somersaulted down the hill. Puti tatalo'‑ña sa' tåntu sumalamångka. His back aches from somersaulting often.


salanpión n. measles. I famagu'un gi iskuela mantinatmi nu i salanpion gi ma'pus na mes. The school children contracted measles last month. Esti i salanpion na chetnut ti piligru para i famagu'un, låo piligru para i manåmku'. Measles is not serious for children but could be dangerous for adults. Guaha un klåsin salanpion mafa'nana'an Saranpion Alimån. There is a kind of measles called German measles. Variant: saranpión.


sålang n. land slug, salt water slug (Rota). Genus Limax. Punu' i salang gi uriyan guma' sa' båba para i tinanum. Kill the land slugs around the house because they are not good for plants. Ginin manu mågi i salang? Where do the land slugs come from? Bula sålang giya Luta. There are abundant salt water slugs in Rota. See: tagula.


salangola n. gigolo. Matungu' na' salangola esti na tåotåo. This man is known as a gigolo. Andi' sa' salangola ennåo. That person is a show-off and a gigolo. Puru che'chu' salangola bision‑ña. His habit is all about being a gigolo.


salåppi' n. money, currency. Kåo siña un na'ayåo yu' salåppi'? Can you loan me money? På'gu na tiempu puru kinalamtin salåppi'. Nowadays everything is mostly about money. Bula tåotåo manai salappi' sa' båba i ikunumiha. A lot of people have no money due to the bleak economy. See: kopbli, plåta.


salasa n. shallow water just outside the reef (Rota). I peskadot mangonni' bulan guihan gi salasa. The fisherman caught a lot of fish outside the reef. Piligru malak i salasa. It is dangerous to go just outside the reef.


såli1 n. type of black bird: Micronesian starling. Aplonis opacus guami. Hagas meggai såli giya As Teo. There have always been a lot of Micronesian starlings in As Teo. Yan‑ñiha i sali papåya. Micronesian starlings like papaya.

adj. characteristic (of oneself), being as one is. Såli håo ha' di frumihon gi hunta. All you did at the meeting was to joke. Såli håo ha' di manangokku tåotåo. Depending on people is just who you are.


såli2 n. black people, dark-skinned people. Mungnga mafa'chalik i sali na tåotåo. Do not make fun of black people. I sali ma silebra i kutturan‑ñiha. The black people celebrated their cultural heritage. Sessu si Larry ma'ågan såli put i attilong‑ña. Many times Larry is called såli because of his dark skin. See: bakuku'.


salibåo vt. whack at, swat at, wave away, slap at (Rota). Hu salibåo i fasu‑ña ni trumpon‑hu. I whacked his face with my fist. Salibåo i lalu' gi nengkanu'. Swat the fly away from the food. Anai manhuyung i ñamu, ti hu tungu' månu bai hu salibåo. When the mosquitoes were out, I did not know where to slap at.


salida n. lull in wave action near channel or rocky shore. Adahi i salida gi kantun padiron. Be careful with the calm near the rocky shore. Suhåyi i salida sa' piligru. Stay away from the waves near the channel. I humuyong‑ña yan i hinalom‑ña i napu, atituyi sa' guaha sinåt‑ña na salida. Observe the waves' in and out movement because it tells you something.


saligai n. type of fish: snapper. gnathodentex aureolineatus (Family Lutjanidae). Kuåntu na saligai kininne'‑mu? How many snapper did you catch? Håfa taimanu mana'lagu‑ña i saligai ni para u månngi'? How do you cook the snapper so it is delicious?


saligåo n. centipede. Måtai i babui sa' inakka' ni saligåo. The pig died from being bitten by the centipede. Sessu yu' mañodda' saligåo gi papa' åtchu'. I often find centipedes under rocks. Cha'ot‑tu inakka' saligåo. I am allergic to centipede bites.


salinas n. saltern, a place where salt is made. Hu dalak si nåna para i salinas. I followed my mother to the place where salt is made. Manlotgi yu' hånum tåsi guatu gi salinas. I collected sea water at the place where salt is made

vt. make salt. Nihi ta fansalinas. Let's go make some salt. Dinira putlumenus una ora para u masalinas un galon na hanum tåsi. It takes at least one hour to make sea salt from a gallon of sea water. Gai inapmam esti i mama'tinas salinas. Salt making takes a long time. From: Sp. salinas.


salón n. salon, saloon, bar, beauty parlor. Ya‑ña gumimin gi salón. He likes to drink in the bar. Debi di benti unu años‑mu ni siña håo malak i salón. You have to be twenty one years old to enter the bar. Madåsai i batbås‑ña ni batbera gi salon. The barber cut his beard at the salon. From: Sp. salón.


Salu'u name. a village on Luta. N will provide info later.


salu'u n. women's betelnut purse, made of pandanus leaf. Måolik si nanå‑hu måmfuk salu'u. My mother is an expert at weaving a betelnut purse. Debi di un famaisin nåya yanggin para un baba i salu'un tåotåo. You should ask first if you are are going to touch someone's betelnut


saluda vt. salute, bow, greet, welcome, give respect, show respect. Saluda i bisita. Welcome the visitor. Maila' ya ta saluda i nuebu na kasåo. Let us greet the newlyweds. Mañaluda yu' anai para hu upus i manåmku'. I bowed when I walked past the elders.


saludu n. salute, greeting, bow, address of welcome. Nå'i saludu i sindalu‑ta. Give a salute to our troops. Kun saludu para i Pasgua yan Åñu Nuebu. With greetings for Christmas and the New Year. Hu tutuhun i kattåk‑ku ni saludu. I begin my letter with a salutation.


saluhan n. a hollowed out wooden trough, raised on forked stakes and used for water for cattle, horse, goat, and deer. Lotgi i saluhan hånum sa' manmå'hu i ga'ga' siha. Fill the trough with water because the animals are thirsty.


salungai n. school (of fish or whales), whale. Usa i talåya ni para un konni' i salungai. Use the fishing net to catch the school of fish. Ma sohgui un salungai gi kantun mama'ti. They scooped a school of small fish near the reef. Sessu i salungai atulai dispues di påkyu. The atulai (fish) are often in abundance right after a typhoon.


salút n. health, condition of health. Håfa i kundision i salut‑mu? What is the condition of your health? Adahi i salut‑mu. Take care of your health. Na'yahululu' i salut i famagu'un. Make the children's health a priority.


såmai adj. beautiful. See: masåma.


Samaritånu n. Samaritan. Un Samaritanu umakudi i prohimu ni' mana'dåñu gi karerå‑ña. One Samaritan assisted a man who was attacked on his journey.


såmbu adj. knock-kneed, pigeon-toed.


sampagita n. type of flower. Jasminum sambac. Bula dinekku' sampagita gi uriyan guma'. There are lots of Jasminum sambac seedlings around the house. Manggågåo yu' sampagita gi bisinu para maseta. I asked the neighbor for Jasminum sambac for a flower arrangement. Gåtbu yan påopåo na floris esti i sampagita. The Jasminum sambac is a beautiful flower with a nice scent. Variant: sampakita. From: Tg. sampagita.


sampakita n. type of flower. Jasminum sambac. Variant: sampagita.


san n. form of address for saints. Sessu i tåotåo ma faisin si San Antonio para u na'fanmañodda' siha ni håfa malingun‑ñiha. People often pray to Saint Anthony to help them find what they have lost. Yanggin para u påkyu giya Luta, mandanña' i taotåo ya manmanaitai para si Sainan Ina, era si Sånta Maria, para u prutehi i tanu'. When a storm is imminent in Rota, the people gather and pray to Sainan Ina, which is Mother Mary, to protect the island. Si San Jose asaguan Santa Maria. Saint Joseph is Mother Mary's husband. See: såntu. From: Sp. san.


san- (from: san) pref. directional. Gaigi i pañu gi sanhalum komuda. The handkerchief is inside the dresser. Mayulang i santatti na potta. The back door is broken. Manhålum i sagun atulai gi sanlichan Saipan yan Luta. The school of mackerel enter the southern side of Saipan and Luta. This directional prefix combines with local nouns or directional nouns.


San Ignåsiu n. type of insect: wood boring beetle. Coleoptera buprestidae. Ti sessu esta hu li'i' i San Ignåsiu na gå'ga' gi trongkun talisai. Nowadays, I seldom see the San Ignåsiu insect on the tropical almond tree. Guaha na tåotåo mapopo'lu na gå'ga' suesuetti i San Ignåsiu. Some people consider the San Ignasiu as a good luck insect.


San Roque name. San Roque, a village located at the northern part of Saipan. Åntis giya San Roque matungu' kumu Matånsa. San Roque Village was formerly known as Matånsa. Bula mångga giya San Roque. There are lots of mango trees in San Roque. Siempri un upus San Roque åntis di un fåttu Makpi. You will have to pass San Roque before reaching Marpi.


sanababichi intj. corruption of English son of a bitch. Ti propiu esti na palåbra i sanababichi. This word, son of a bitch, is not appropriate. Ma tugi' gi liga siha, sanababichi. Sanababichi is written on the walls. From: Eng.


sanban n. type of plant. Guaha sanban na tinanum giya Saipan. There are sanban plants on Saipan. Manoda yu' simiyan sanban giya Hawaii. I ordered sanban seeds from Hawaii.


sandålias n. sandal, slipper, open shoe, lounging shoe. Mangguaguan i sandålias gi tenda ya manmåolik na kualidåt. The sandals at the store are expensive and they are of good quality. Sen maguf si Mona anai mafahåni nuebu na sandålias. Mona was very happy when they bought her new slippers. Dångkulu i sandålias para i addeng‑mu. The lounging shoes are too big for your feet. Syn: changkletas.


sanhalum n. inside, interior. Ya‑hu i sanhalum karetå‑mu. I like the interior of your car. Po'lu i salåppi' gi sanhalum pottamuneda. Put the money inside the wallet. Na'maggim i sanhalum kurason‑mu. Soften your inner heart.


sanhilu' n. top, above. Ti hu taka' i sanhilu' na sagan pine'lu. I could not reach the top shelf. Gaigi i gimå'‑hu gi sanhilu' i eksu'. My house is on top of the hill. Mana'sanhilulu' i rispetu gi kustumbrin Chamorro. Respect in Chamorro culture is of the highest importance.


sanhiyung n. outside, outer part, exterior. Na'gåsgas i sanhiyung guma'. Clean the ouside of the house. Mungnga manhugåndu gi sanhiyung, sa' duru i ichan. Do not play outside because of the heavy rain. 2) 

adj. from another place or country. Tåotåo sanhiyung i amiguhu. My friend is from another country. Esta meggai mangginin sanhiyung siha na bisita. There are now many visitors from another country.


sanlagu n. 1) direction toward the ocean (traditional), direction to the west (Northern Marianas), direction to the north (Guåhan). Åntis na tiempu, sanlagu kumeke'ilek‑ña i diriksion anåi un fåfana' i tasi. In the past, the word "sanlagu" referred to the direction when you are facing the ocean. 2) foreign places, such as mainland United States, Japan (during the Japanese time), Europe (during the Spanish administration). Meggai na Chamorro manhånåo para sanlagu. A lot of Chamorros moved to the States. Umiskuekuela i dos påtgun sanlagu. The two kids are attending school in the mainland United States.


sanme'na n. front. Bula floris gi sanme'nan guma'. There are lots of flowers in front of the house. Na'sanme'na i manåmku' gi filan chumotchu. Let the the elders be in front of the food line. Gi atfabetikun Chamorro, i glota gaigi gi sanme'nan i filan i lettra siha. In the Chamorro alphabet, the glotta is at the beginning of the list of letters.


sanpapa' n. below, down under, down low. Sanpapa' pat sanhilu' gi liga, todu ha' nai måolik mapega i litråtu. It is okay whether the picture is placed high or low on the wall. Bunitu mapentån‑ña i sanpapa' i boti. The bottom of the boat is nicely painted. Gaigi i kuåttu gi sanpapapa' gi bibendan i hotet. The room is at the very bottom of the hotel floors.


sansu' n. welding equipment. Mafanå'gui yu' umusa i sansu'. I was taught how to use the welding equipment. Usa i antihos pruteksion måta yanggin un na'sesetbi i sansu'. Use safety googles when using the welding equipment.

vt. weld. Ha sansu' si tatå‑hu i paip. My father welded the pipe. Para u fanmañansu' i sindålu gi boti. The soldiers will be doing welding on the boat. Variant: sanso'.


sånta n. form of address for female saints. Honra si Sånta Maria. Honor Saint Mary. Matutucha i nobenan Sånta Remedio giya Tanapag na Guma' Yu'us. The novena of the patron Saint Remedio is being recited at Tanapag church. Si Sånta Maria asaguan San Jose. Saint Mary is the spouse of Saint Joseph.


Sånta Ana n. type of plant with different colored flowers. Jatropha multifida. Måolik matånum i Santa Åna gi uriyan guma' para kollat. It is good to plant Santa Ana around the house for hedges. Bula kulot‑ña i floris Sånta Åna. The Santa Ana flowers come in many colors. Variant: San Åna, santån.


Sånta Cruz name. place in Rota, located south of Tete’to beach. Manggaigi siha i manåmku' na trongkun mångga giya Santa Cruz giya Luta. The old mango trees are at Santa Cruz in Rota. Sagan fanggualu'an i Santa Cruz giya Luta. Santa Cruz is a farming area in Rota.


Sånta Mådri Ikglesia n. Holy Mother Church, the Catholic Church. Bula na tinagu' guaha siha ginin Sånta Mådri Ikglesia. Many teachings are from the Catholic Church.


Sånta Rita name. village in central Guam. Sumåsaga i tiå‑hu giya Santa Rita na songsung. My aunt lives in the village of Santa Rita. Guaha un dångkulun fiesta giya Santa Rita. There is a big celebration in Santa Rita. Gaigi i sengsung Santa Rita gi fihun Agat giya Guåhan. Santa Rita village is near Agat in Guam.


santa' n. a comic, funny person. Mandanña' i santa' gi tattin guma' para u fanmama'baba. The funny people got together at the back of the house to do mischief. Ti månngi' i giput yanggin taigui i santa'. A party is not enjoyable if the funny person is not there.

adj. comical, funny, humorous (of people). Tåya' nai manli'i' yu' santa' tåotåo ki si Jose. I have not seen a humorous person other than Jose. Ai na sinanta' si tåta gi ha'ånin kumplihaños‑ña. Wow! Dad was so funny on his birthday. Ha na'chåchalik yu' i santa' na ositan siha. The funny jokes kept me laughing.


santån n. type of plant: Santa Ana. Jatropha multifida. Difirentis klåsin kulot i santån na floris. There are different colors of santån flowers. I a'paka na santån gef påopåo. The white suntan is very fragrant. Variant: Sånta Åna.


santatti n. back side, back, behind. Chuli' i santatti na chålan sa' dididi' ha' na kareta. Take the back road because there is less traffic. Huchum i santatti na potta. Close the back door. Gaigi i kusinan sanhiyung gi santatti gi gima'. The outside kitchen is at the back of the house.


santifika vt. sanctify, make holy or sacred. Ma santifika i hostia gi misa. They sanctified the host during mass. Bula siña manmasantifika. There are many things that can be sanctified. Variant: santifiku.


Santísima Trinidåt n. Holy Trinity. Guaha tres påtti gi Santisima Trinidat. There are three parts to the Holy Trinity. I tata, i lahi‑ña, yan i ispiritu såntu fuma'titinas i Santisima Trinidåt. The father, the son, and the holy spirit make up the Holy Trinity.


santísimu n. monstrance, vessel in which the consecrated host is exposed to receive the veneration of the faithful. Esta mapega i santisimu gi hilu' i attat. They have already put the monstrance on the altar. Ma popo'lu i santisimu guini na guma' yu'us kada Huebis. They put out the monstrance in this churce every Thursday.


Santos name. surname. Apuyidu‑hu Santos yan San Nicolas. My surnames are Santos and San Nicolas. In bisita i familian Santos giya sanlagu. We visited our Santos relatives in the mainland.


santót n. type of fruit tree: santol. Sandoricum koetjape. Mamis i frutan santot. The santol fruit is very sweet. Siña lumokka' esti i santot na trongku. The santol can grow to be a tall tree. Variant: santo'. From: Tg. santol.


såntu adj. holy, (male) saint. Såntu, såntu asaina, na'fanlihing ham gi piniligru. Holy, holy lord, protect us from danger. Såntu asaina, nå'i ham ni bendision‑mu. Holy lord, give us your blessing.


såntu benditu n. priest. Yayas i santu benditu. The priest is tired. Rispeta i såntu benditu. Respect the priest.


Såntu Påpa n. pope. Sen maguf si Sistet Måtta anai umali'i' yan si Såntu Påpa giya Roma. Sister Martha was overjoyed when she met the Pope in Rome. Ha patcha si Såntu Påpa i korason‑hu anai sumetmun. The pope touched my heart when he gave the sermon.


santulón adj. pious, holy, saintly, religious (of a person), devoted. Santulon si sugrok‑ku na tåotåo. My father-in-law is a pious person. Kalan mohon santulon si Jose, låo pitbetsu. Jose acts like a saint, but he is mischievious. Mansessu gi gima' yu'us i mansantulon na tåotåogui. Pious people frequent the church. See: såntus, sinantusan, santót.


såntus n. saint. Para guaha na tåotåo, imputtånti na u guaha buttun såntus gi gimå'‑ña. For some people, it is important to have a statue of a saint at home. Bula klåsin mañåntus si nåna guaha gi halum kuatton‑ña. Mother has a lot of statues of different saints in her room. See: santulón, sinantusan.


såntus olius n. 1) holy oil. Ha usa si påli i såntus olius gi malångu. The priest used the holy oil on the sick. I såntus olius mabindisi na låña. The holy oil is oil that is blessed. 2) extreme unction; the sacrament administered by a priest to one in danger of death. I malångu ha risibi i såntus olius. The sick person received extreme unction.

vt. administer extreme unction to. Ma'ågang si Påli' para u såntus olius i mangeke'matai. The priest was called to administer the holy sacrament to those in danger of death.


sånu adj. calm, even-tempered, cool-headed, of sound mind. I amiguhu mampus sånu an manhassu. My friend's thinking is always very sound. Sånu na lugåt iya Tinian. Tinian is a calm place. Oppan i musiku gi airi sa' sånu i puengi. The music can be heard clearly in the air because it was a quiet night. Variant: sa'anu.


sanye'yi' n. 1) spider, small spider. Kumåti i patgun sa' ma'å'ñåo ni sanye'yi'. The child cried because she's scared of the spider. Ilekña si biåhu na yangin ha yuti' gui i sanye'yi' gi kusina, måulik na sinåt; yangin ha yuti' gui gi halum kuåttu, ti måulik na sinåt. My grandmother said if the spider hangs down in the kitchen it is a good sign; if it hangs down in the rooms, it is not a good sign. Bula tararåñas guini låo ti manli'i' yu' sanye'yi'. There are lots of spiderwebs here but I do not see spiders. See: apayuhak, apayåhak. 2) leafless orchid. Taeniophyllum mariannensis. Guaha åmut mandodokku' gi trongku ma'å'agang sanye'yi'. There is a medicinal plant that grows on trees called sanye'yi'. I floris sanye'yi' floris kalan i sanye'yi' na apayåhak. The leafless orchid's flower resembles the small type of spider.


såña- (from: såña)


sångan vt. say, tell (something). Sångan i minagåhit. Tell the truth. Hu sångan håfa bidå‑hu siha gi duråntin bakasion. I told what I did during vacation. Sångan håfa gaigi gi hinassom‑mu. Say what is on your mind.


sangåni vt. tell (someone), say to. Sangåni ni istoriå‑mu. Tell him your story. Sangåni yu' put i hunta gi paingi. Tell me about the meeting last night. Håfa un sangåni siha? What did you say to them?


sanganiyi vt. 1) interpret, explain, speak on behalf of. Hågu un sanganiyi yu' na ti bai hu fåttu You explain to them that I am not coming. Si nåna sumanganiyi i lahi‑ña put i sinisedi. The mother spoke on behalf of her son about the incident. 2) tell for, relay a message for. Syn: Sanganiyi yu' ni istoria gi finu'‑ñiha.


sanggånu n. loafer, unindustrious person, dissolute, licentious. Ha tulaika kustumbren‑ña i sanggånu ya bumutmuchåchu. The lazy person changed his ways and became a hard worker. Tåya' salappe'‑ña sa' sanggånu. He does not have money because he does not like to work. Mungnga mama'sanggånu, kahulu' ya un fangguåssan. Don't be a laggard, get up and cut the grass.


sånggra vt. draw (blood), drain, cause (something) to bleed. Hånåo para i hospitåt ya u masånggra i hagå'‑mu. Go to the hospital and have your blood drawn. Masånggra i hagå'‑hu para u marikunosi håfa chetnot‑tu. I had my blood drawn to determine my illness.


sangkarón n. bony parts of an animal such as chicken neck, beef neck. Ågan i dos åmku' ya u chotchu kåtdun sangkaron. Invite the two elders to eat beef soup bone. Gef sustånsia i sangkaron. The bone soup is very nutritious. Månngi' kåtdun sangkaron. Beef neck soup is delicious.


såoara' n. type of fish: sailfish, having teeth, scales, and a very large dorsal fin; swordfish. Istiophorus. Mangelaguin ham guihan såoara' gi paingi. We cooked sailfish with lemon and spices last night. Iskåkasu makonni' i såoara' na guihan. The sailfish is rarely caught. From: Jp.


såolak vt. spank, whip. Kuintusi i patgun inlugåt di un såolak. Talk to the child instead of spanking him. Hu såolak gui' ni kuåttan dadalak guaka. I whipped him with a cattle's tail. Ha såsåolak i ga'lågu sa' ha basiha i basula. He is spanking the dog because the dog spilled the trash. Si bihå‑hu tåya' ni mañåolak. My grandma never spanks. See: ba'ba', kastiga, sakudi.


såonåo vi. be involved, be included, join in, participate. Sumåonåo i hagå‑hu gi kumpitensia. My daughter joined the competition. Ya‑ña sumåonåo, låo ti ya‑ña matågu'. He likes to be included, but he does not like to be told what to do. Håyi muna'såonåo håo gi plånu? Who included you in the plan?


såosåo vt. wipe. Såosåo i lago'‑mu. Wipe your tears. Såosåo dispåsiu i lamasa ya mungnga na u måfnas i pintura. Wipe the table lightly so the paint will not fade. Esta yu' munhåyan mañåosåo. I am done wiping.


såosåo magågu n. damp cloth used to dampen fabric before ironing, rag. Månu nai un po'lu i saosåo magågu? Where did you put the damp cloth for ironing? Usa i saosåo magågu para muna'gasgas. Use the damp cloth for cleaning. Tulaika i saosåo magågu åntis di un famrensa. Change the damp cloth before you iron.


sapateru n. shoemaker, one who makes shoes. Håyi un tungu' måolik na sapateru? Do you know anyone who is a good shoemaker? I sapateru ha låksi i un sapåtus tatå‑hu sa' matitik. The shoemaker mended my father's shoe that was torn. Esti na sapateru håssan sinapåtus sa' ga'on‑ña sin dogga. This shoemaker rarely wears shoes because he prefers to go barefooted.


sapatiya n. small shoes, slippers. Manbunitun sapatiya manmåttu gi tenda. Many beautiful slippers arrived at the store. Pinidongguan i patgun ni sapatiyås‑ña. The child dropped his slippers.


sapåtus n. shoes, boots. Kuåntu miniddong‑ña i sapatos‑mu? What size is your shoe? Manmatågu' i istudiånti na u ma'usa åttilung na sapåtus para i iskuela. The students were told to wear black shoes to school. Malagu' yu' changkletas låo ma fahåni yu' sapåtus. I wanted sandals but they bought me shoes.


sapblåsus vt. wallop, knock down, hit, smack, slug, spank, whip. Masapblåsus i prohimu sa' apbletu. The poor guy was beaten up because he likes to gossip. Kumuekuentus put guåhu ya hu sapblåsus. He was talking about me so I smacked him. Mungnga masapblåsus i patgun sa' tåya' isåo‑ña. Do not whip the child because he did nothing wrong.


såpbli n. sword. Ñañu' yan tinaki i sapbli. The sword is dull and rusty. Malåktus i mana'i‑ña na såpbli. The sword that was given to him was sharp. Mafa'såpbli i hayu para u fanhugåndun såpbli. They made sticks into swords in order to play swords.


sapisapi n. type of kite. Matungu' ni istudiånti manmama'tinas sapisapi. The students know how to make kites. Manhugågandu i famagu'un ni sapisapi. The children are playing with the sapisapi type of kite. Syn: papaloti. From: Tg. sapisapi.


sappi intj. go away, scat (when addressing a cat). Umessalåo i patgun "sappi" para i ga'‑ña katu. The boy shouted "scat!" to his pet cat.

vt. shoo away (a cat). Hu sappi i katu sa' humålum gi kusina. I shooed away the cat because it entered the kitchen.


såpu' n. seedling of leafy plant, such as tobacco, vegetables, or weeds; germinating plant. Anai mana'gåsgas i lugåt, meggai mambohbu såpu'. When the land was cleared, a lot of young plants appeared. Mapottu i såpu' chupa sa' mampus motmut. The tobacco seedlings were thinned because they were too crowded.


saragåti1 adj. roguish, rascally, sly. Gof saragåti håo yanggin esta nahung ginimen‑mu. You are a rascal when you have had too much to drink. Gof adahi sa' guaha na tåotåo santulon låo gef saragåti. Beware of a saintly person that could be a real rogue. Ti bunitu bidåda‑ña i saragåti na tåotåo. The behavior of a sly person is not good.


saragåti2 vt. clobber, beat mercilessly, defeat overwhelmingly (Saipan). Måolekña un famatkikilu sa' hu saragåti håo. You better shut up before I beat you up. Ha miresi masaragåti ni baban kustumbren‑ña. He deserved to be clobbered for his bad attitide.


saramata' n. panties, women's underpants (Saipan). Åntis na tiempu ha lålaksi si nåna i kestat harina para saramata'‑måmi. Back then my mother would sew a flour sack to make our underpants. Tåla' i saramata' gi fanalå'an. Hang the underpants on the clothesline. Popoddung i saramata'‑ña i patgun sa' dångkulu para guiya. The girl's panties are falling because they are too large for her. See: katsunsiyu.


saranggola n. type of kite, fighting kite. Fåhan i mås måolik na saranggola para i kumpitensia. Buy the best fighting kite for the competition. Manoda yu' saranggola para i istudiantek‑ku. I ordered fighting kites for my students.


sarentu1 n. sergeant, a rank in the armed forces, police force, etc. Sarentu si Juan pusision‑ña gi militåt. Juan's rank in the military is sergeant. Tatkilu' i sarentu na pusision gi ofisinan pulisia. Sergeant is a high ranking position in the police force.


sarentu2 n. athlete's foot, ringworm of the foot. Nina'yi si Maria ni chetnut sarentu. Maria has ringworm on her foot. Adahi na un nina'yi ni sarentu. Be careful not to get athlete's foot. Bula na buleru manninana'yi sarentu. A lot of baseball players have athlete's foot. See: satbayonis.


Sariguan name. Sariguan, the second island north of Saipan. Esta tåya' tåotåo sumåsaga giya Sariguan. No one is staying in Sariguan now. Bula fanihi giya Sariguan. There are lots of fruit bats in Sariguan. Sen gåsgas tasi‑ña i uriyan Sariguan. The water around Sariguan is very clean.


saru' n. monkey, ape, chimpanzee (Saipan). Manlekkåo i saru'. Monkeys are good climbers. Ginin guaha un låhi yan un palåo'an na saru' giya Saipan. At one time there was a male and a female monkey in Saipan. Meggai såru' giya Angaur, Palau. There are a lot of monkeys in Angaur, Palau. See: matching. From: Jp. saru.


sárukang n. swivel, sinker, turning link in a chain (Saipan). Ma'u'usa i sarukang ni peskadot. The fisherman is using the swivel. Mungnga mana'falingu i sarukang sa' tåya' esta gi tenda. Don't lose the swivel because the store ran out of them.


såsa vt. rub off, wipe gently. Ha såsa matå‑ña i patgun ni amut. She gently wiped the child's eye with a medicine. Såsa i chetnut ni lañan niyuk. Rub the sore gently with coconut oil. Sagi' anai masåsa ni hanum tåsi i malåssas gi kannai‑hu. I felt a burning pain on the scratch on my hand when it was rubbed gently with sea water. Variant: såssa.


sasa' vi. spread apart, open up legs by spreading apart, squat. Tohgi tunas, mungnga sumasa'. Stand straight, don't spread your legs apart. Manbailan sasa' kulan i matching. They danced with their legs spread apart like monkeys. Mampus sasa' i patas lamasa. The table legs are too spread apart.


sasa' puta vi. open legs widely (of females), have immodest posture. Ti bunitu i bisiun guaha na famalåo'an ni mansasa' puta. The habit of some females in opening their legs widely (in public) is not acceptable (attractive). Syn: disunestu na sasa' palåo'an.


sasalåguan n. 1) hell. Guaha na tåotåo manmanhonggi na guaha sasalåguan ni guaha guåfi. Some people believe that there is a hell with fire. I Katoliku manmanhonggi ni langit yan sasalåguan. Catholics believe in heaven and hell. See: infietnu. 2) name of a mountain in southern Guam. Guaha ladera giya Guam ma'å'agang sasalåguan. There is a moutain on Guam that is called Sasalaguan.


sasanhaya n. east side (in Northern Marianas). Gaigi i gima'‑måmi gi sasanhaya. Our house is on the east side.

name. name of a place in Rota. Gaigi i kañon Chapanis gi Sasanhaya giya Luta. The Japanese cannon is in Sasanhaya in Luta. Probably derived from sanhaya.


sasankattan n. north side (in Northern Marianas). Guaha ofisinan tilifon gi sasankattan. There's a communication company on the north side. Gaigi i laderan Taimama' gi sasankattan giya Luta. Mt. Taimama' is on the north side on Rota. Probably derived from sankattan.


sasanlagu n. west side (in Northern Marianas); 24/Oct/2017. Guaha mayulang båtkun Chapanis gi sasanlagu. There's a destroyed Japanese ship on the west side. Gaigi Pinatang Park gi sasanlagu giya Luta. Pinatang Park is on the west side in Rota. Probably derived from sanlagu.


sasanlichan n. south side (in Northern Marianas); 24/Oct/2017. Gaigi i laderan Taipingut gi sasanlichan giya Luta. Wedding Cake Mountain is on the south side in Rota. Bula paluma gi sasanlichan. There are lots of birds on the south side. Probably derived from sanlichan.


sasata n. bee (generic). Inakka' i lancheru ni sasata. The farmer got stung by the bee. Ti siña manmåmfi' hit lalangita sa' bula chomchum sasata. We can't pick tangerines because there are lots of bee hives. Cha'ot‑ña si Bek inakka' sasata. Bek is allergic to bee stings.


sásatba n. savior, one who brings solutions, problem solver. Bula na relihon masåsangan na i saina‑ta i sasatban i tanu'. Many religions state that our lord is the savior of the earth. Si tatan‑måmi måolik na sasatba yanggin guaha prublema gi familia. Our father is a good problem solver when there is conflict in the family. I manfayi na tåotåo manmåolik na mansasatba. Persons who are wise are good in bringing solutions to problems. Derived by reduplication from såtba.


sasi' n. ruler (for measurement), measuring stick (Saipan). Sangåni si nanå‑mu ya un finahåni sasi' para i iskuela. Tell your mom to buy you a ruler for school. Usa i sasi' para un fanmidi. Use the ruler for measuring. Månu malago'‑mu na sasi', i plastik pat i hayu? Which measuring stick do you want, the plastic or the wooden ruler? Variant: rula.


sásimi' n. sashimi, raw sliced fish. Ti ya‑hu chomotchu sasimi'. I do not like to eat raw fish. Sasimi' chesan‑måmi gi paingi. Sashimi was our chaser last night. Maguaiyan‑ña sasimi' unåga kini katchu'. They preferred unaga to tuna sashimi.


sasitdoti n. student priest. Unu si Joseph gi sasitdoti. Joseph is one of the student priests. Guaha difirentis eskaleran istudiu åntis di un hålum gi sasitdoti. There are different levels of prerequisites in becoming a student priest.


såsngat n. type of bird: Micronesian megapode. megpodius laperouse. Åttilung kulot‑ña i sasngat. The Micronesian megapode is a black-colored bird. Manggupu i sasngat para ottru na lugåt put i mattiempu. The Micronesian megapode migrates to other places because of bad weather.


såssa1 vt. 1) brush away (with hand), clean or clear a spot by slow, gentle movement of hand or object, dust, clear away. Såssa i petbus gi hilu' lamasa. Brush away the dust off the table. Såssa i ankannu' gi lamasan chumotchu. Clear away the crumbs on the dining table. 2) prepare (liver) by chopping and frying (Rota). Masåssa i mås månngi' mana'lagu‑ña i higadu. The best way to cook liver is by chopping and sauteeing it. Såssa i higadun månnuk. Sautee the chicken


såstri n. tailor, seamstress. Esti i mås måolik na såstri gi isla. This is the best tailor on the island. Måolik i bisnis såstri na tiempu. The seamstress business is good these days. Manmanlålaksi i sastri siha uniform iskuela. The seamstresses are sewing school uniforms.


satanås n. devil, satan, one who is very cruel. Puru ha' che'chu' satanås un chocho'gui para i familia. What you are doing to your family is totally cruel. Satanås atyu na tåotåo i sumonggi i gima' i amku'. The person who burned down the elderly person's home is a devil. See: aniti, hudas, maknganiti.


såtba vt. save, rescue or deliver from danger, solve. Såtba i taotåo‑mu. Save your people. Såtba i prublemå‑mu sa' un na'siña. Solve your problem because you can. Un såsatba un prublema, un fa'titinas ottru. You are solving one problem, you are creating another one.


satbabida n. life jacket, life buoy, lifesaver. Imputtånti na u guaha satbabida gi boti. It is important to have life jackets on the boat. Usa i satbabida yanggin ti un tungu' munangu. Use the life jacket if you don't know how to swim.


satbadót n. savior, redeemer, protector. Guaha na relihon mapopo'lu na si Hesukristu satbadot. Some religions regard Christ as the redeemer.

name. Salvador. Manågang håo satbadot anai guaha ira gi tanu'. You called a savior when there was a big crisis on the island.


satbåhi adj. rascal, savage, wild. Ai na sinatbåhin tåotåo håo! You're such a rascal! Mampus satbåhi ennåo na palåo'an. The woman is wild.


sátbasat n. de-worming medication. Dispues di Gera II, todu i taotåo mana'fanggimin ni satbasat. After WWII, all the people took de-worming medication. Si nanå‑hu biha, nina'tangnga ni satbasat. My grandmother lost her hearing when she took the de-worming medication. Gi primet åñu, todu i galagitu manmanå'i satbasat. In the first year of their life, puppies are given de-worming medicine.


satbasión n. salvation. Mananaitai para u guaha satbasion i prublemå‑ña. She is praying that there will be salvation for her problem. Manhonggi na gi uttimu, guaha satbasion. She believes that in the end, there is salvation.


satbayonis n. fungus, sores on the foot, athlete's foot. Ma'åmti i satbayonis i addeng‑hu. The fungus sores on my foot. are treated. Cha'ot‑ña i satbayonis masahalum sapåtus. Shoe sweating is bad for fungus sores. Esta mågung i satbayonis i adding tatå‑hu. My father's fungus sores are healed. See: sarentu.


satdinas n. sardines. Månngi' i satdinas na nengkanu'. Sardines is a delicious food. Hu aflitu i satdinas yan hagun kamuti para amotsa. I fried the sardines and sweet potato leaves for lunch. Mafa'denni' i satdinas ya mana'pikakakaka. I mixed the sardines with hot pepper and made it very, very, very hot.


såtduk n. lake. Unu ha' na satduk guaha Saipan, satduk Susupi. There is only one lake in Saipan, Susupe Lake. Åntis masodda' kaimån gi satduk Susupi. Long ago they found a crocodile in Lake Susupe. Humåhnanao i hanum satduk Susupe asta Afetna. The water from Lake Susupe extends all the way to Afetna. Variant: sådduk, satduk.


satén n. satin. Låmlam i satén na magågu. Satin is a shiny material. Ya‑hu i iskato'‑hu ni satén. I like my satin skirt. Puru satén magagu‑ña i nobia. The bride's dress is all made of satin.


såtgi n. floor, platform, stage. Bålli fan i satgi. Please sweep the floor. Ya‑hu såtgin håyu gi gima'. I like wooden floors in the house. Sen gasgas i satgi anai malampåsu. The floor got so clean when it was mopped. Låmlam i satgi anai maballi ni råmas mansanita. The floor shined when it was swept with mansanita branch.

vt. install a floor in. Masåtgi esta i gima'. The house floor has been installed. Ha såtgi si Tåta i sagan diskånsu gi lanchu. Father put flooring at the resting area at the farm. Masåtgi di nuebu i kuåttu sa' nina'putlilu ni anai'. The room got a new floor installed because it was made rotten by termites. Syn: pisu.


satisfetchu adj. satisfied, contented, pleased. Satisfetchu i patgun anai manå'i kandi. The child was satisfied when given a candy. Satisfetchu si Nåna sa' måttu esta i lahi‑ña ginin i gera. Mother is contented because her son returned from his deployment at war. Mansatisfetchu ham ni apas måmi. We were satisfied with our payment.


satmón n. type of fish: salmon. Salmoninae (Family Salmonidae). Satmón amotsan‑måmi gi talu'åni. Salmon was our meal for lunch. Måolik i mantikan satmón para i tatåotåo. Salmon fat is good for the body. Ribåna i satmón ya ta aflitu. Slice the salmon and we will fry it.


satmuera n. salted fish.

vt. preserve (food, such as fish, meat, or vegetables) with salt. Hu satmuera i katni para na' agupa'. I salted the meat for tomorrow's meal. Ma satmuera i guihan para u matunu gi giput. They salted the fish to be barbequed at the party. Nihi ta satmuera i gellai ya u ma'uk. Let's preserve the vegetables with salt so it can last long.n. salted fish.n. salted meat.


satmuneti n. type of fish: goatfish (mature). Variant: sakmuneti.


såtna n. intense rash, tiny skin sores. Hu a'atan i satna gi addeng‑ña. I'm looking at the sores on his feet.

adj. having sores on the body. Makaka i patgun sa' todu såtna. The child is all itchy because of the sores on his body. Mapalai åmut i satna na tåotao ni doktu. The doctor applied medicine to the man with sores. Såtna i taotåo addeng‑ña. The man has sores on his leg.


såtnut n. shin, front part of the leg from the knee to the ankle. Puti i satnot‑tu. My leg hurts. Yanggin mapåtik i satnut tåotåo, siempri poddung påpa'. If a person's shin gets kicked, he'll surely fall. Hu palai lañan niyuk i satnot‑tu sa' para bai hu lasa. I rubbed coconut oil on my legs to massage.


såtpa vt. 1) burn, parch (the ground). 2) squander.


såtpi vt. sow, sprinkle, spread, scatter, throw (grain, dirt, dust, salt, or similar matter) on the ground. Ha såtpi si nanå‑hu i simiyan donni' gi edda'. My mother sowed the pepper seeds on the ground. Såtpi dididi' asiga i katni åntis di un tunu. Sprinkle a little salt on the meat before you barbeque it. Ha såtpi agua bendita si Påli' i gima' anai ha bindisi. The priest sprinkled holy water around the house when he blessed it. Manmasåtpi i apun i sindålu ni manmåtai gi gera gi halum tåsi. The ashes of the soldiers who died at war were scattered in the ocean. Syn: chalapun, rega.


såtpun vi. sprinkle (of rain), spray. I satpun uchan muna'umidu i magågu. The clothes got damp from the sprinkling of the rain. Huchum i petta sa' såsatpun i ichan. Close the door because the rain is going in. Ha baba duru i grifu ya såtpun huyung gi labadot. He opened the faucet all the way and the water sprayed out from the sink.


satpuyidus n. heat rash. Båba makassas i satpuyidus. It is not good to scratch the heat rash.

adj. have heat rash. Satpuyidus i neni sa' tiempun maipi. The baby has heat rash because it's the dry season. Sessu yu' masahalum ya satpuyidus i tatalo'‑hu. I sweat a lot and my back has heat rashes.


såtsa n. salsa. Hu totchi i titiyas gi satsa. I dipped the tortillas in the salsa. Månngi' i satsa gi hilu' i tininun guihan. Salsa is good over barbequed fish. Hu templa i satsa ya hu na'pikaka. I mixed the salsa and made it very spicy.


satteha vt. sort, place in order here and there, as in planting seeds by estimating; line up in row. Satteha i luchan tinanum. Estimate the rows of plants. Satteteha i edda' ni un guåguadduk. Be sorting the dirt as you dig. Satteha mo'na i lichan niyuk ni un tåtatmi. Line up in rows the coconuts that you are planting.


sattén n. large cooking pot. Sotni i kamuti gi satten. Cook the sweet potatoes in the pot. Makåddu tres na månnuk gi satten. Three chickens were cooked in the pot. Hu guesguis i satten sa' mana'dokngus. I scrubbed the pot because it was burned. Syn: la'uya.


såttu adj. exact. Såttu i tinifong‑mu. Your count is exact. Såttu mampus si Victorino ni orå‑ña. Victorino is exact with his time. I tindera ha nå'i yu' ni såttu na tulaika. The storekeeper gave me the exact change. Variant: iksåktu.


såttun adj. faithful, steadfast, loyal, constantly checking in on, keeping one's duty, keeping one's promise, faithful to one's need. I måolik na påtgun såttun gi mañaina‑ña. A good child is faithful to his parents. Gef sattun i amigu‑hu nu guåhu. My friend is very loyal to me. Nina'mamaguf i saina ni sattun na hagå‑ña. A parent is pleased over a faithful daughter. Ant: inggråtu. See: mettun.


såu'u n. small betel nut basket with four compartments for betel nut, lime and pepper leaf. Nå'na' i såu'u sa' ennagi' mågi i gakgåo. Hide the betel nut basket because here comes a person who always asks for chew.


sayáihagun n. type of grass: terrestrial orchid. nervilia aragoana.


se n. the name of s, the twenty-first letter of the alphabet. Un lettra esti i se gi atfabetikun Chamorro. S is a letter in the Chamorro alphabet. Se i primet na lettra gi Sablan. The letter S is the first letter in Sablan.


sé'kanai adj. prone to using one's hands to hurt someone, prone to violence. Mana'suha ennåo na tåotåo gi gurupu sa' se'kanai. That person was removed from the group because he is prone to violence. Nina'ma'å'ñao i palåo'an sa' se'kanai i asaguå‑ña. The wife became frightened because her husband is quick to use his hands to hit. Tai pasiensia yan se'kanai i taotåo ya put ennåo na mapresu. The man was imprisoned because of his intolerance and violent temperament. Variant: gusé'kannai.


se'pi vt. snack on something, have a quick snack, eat a little (especially between main meals). Hu se'pi yu' åntis di bai hånao. I snacked on something before I left. Ha se'pi gui' dididi' si nåna ni pan putno u senñalang gi gima' yu'us. Mother snacked a bit on bread so she won't feel very hungry at mass. Se'pi håo ya mungnga na un mampus ñålang. You eat a little so you won't get so hungry. Reflexive verb.


se'pu n. stuff that gets stuck in one's teeth. Variant: sepu.


se'si' n. knife. Hu ribåna i gellai ni se'si'. I sliced the vegetables with the knife. Hu nisisita kalåktus na se'si' para bai hu pika i katni. I need a sharp knife to cut the meat. Mungnga manå'i i patgun ni se'si' sa' piligru. Don't give the knife to the child because it is dangerous.

vt. cut (with a knife), stab, wound. Ma se'si' i babui para u mapunu'. The pig was stabbed to be killed. Umase'si' i dos gåyu gi gayera ya achamatai. The two roosters at the cockfight died when they stabbed each other with their knives.


se'si' kubettu n. table knife, cutlery with blunt end mainly for cutting cooked or prepared food. Hu pika i na'‑hu mannuk ni se'si' kubettu. I cut up my chicken with the table knife. Usa i se'si' kubettu para un palai mantikiya i pån. I used the butter knife to spread butter on the bread. Ti nisisåriu i se'si' kubettu para u kalåktus. Table knives do not need to be sharp.


se'si' tuberu n. coconut winemaker's knife. Malåktus i se'si' tuberu. The coconut wine maker's knife is sharp. Chinachak si Donald ni se'si' tuberu sa' ha chat'usa. Donald was cut by the wine maker's knife because he didn't use it properly.


se'yun adj. having pain of the chest or upper torso after lifting or hauling something heavy; having a weak, strained, or dislocated back. Se'yun yu' sa' hu håtsa i sen makkat na åtchu'. I have body ache from lifting a very heavy rock. Se'yun i taotåo ni manhåtsa manmakkat na kosas. The man is suffering body ache from hauling heavy things. Lo'lu' sese'yun i che'lu‑hu ni makkat chi'chocho'‑ña. My brother is coughing from working very hard.


se'yun ñiedu n. growing pains in some adolescents, such as lack of appetite. Ma na'gimin i hobinsitu åmut se'yun ñiedu' sa' fina' ti gåggåo ni le'lu' yan tai ganas chumotchu. They made the adolescent male drink the medicine because he is seriously weakened from coughing and lack of appetite. Dispues humomlu' i hobinsitu anai ha latchai un gunut na linemmuk åmut. Afterward he recovered when he finished drinking the pounded medicine from the coconut fiber strainer.


sebu n. fat, grease, lard, tallow, adipose tissue. Bula sebu gi katnin guaka. There is lot of fat in beef. Hu senti i sebu gi paladat‑hu. I tasted the fat in my mouth. An måpåo i katdun guaka, na' suha i mammaya' na sebu siha. When the beef soup cools down, strain the fat that's floating on top. Syn: mantika.


seda n. 1) silk (cloth). Guaguan i seda na magågu. Silk cloth is expensive. Chaddik ånglu' i seda na magågu yanggin mafa'gåsi. Silk cloth is easy to dry when washed. Ya‑hu i magagu‑hu seda, sa' gof ñahlalang gi tatåotåo‑hu. I like my silk dress on me, because it is very light on my body. 2) type of plant: silk tree. morus alba.


sedi vt. allow, let, permit, consent. Hu sedi i patgun para u hugåndu. I allowed the child to play. Masedi yu' para bai hu fåmfi' kåhit gi trongku. I was permitted to pick oranges from the tree. Åntis manmasesedi i lancheru para u fanggualu' giya Chacha. In the past, the farmers were permitted to farm at Chacha. Syn: kunsienti.


sédulas n. identification card, something used to identify a person or thing. Kåo guaha sedulås‑mu? Do you have an identification card? Hu nisisita i sedulås‑su para bai hu hålum gi puettu. I need my identification card to enter the port. Yanggin bumiåbiahi håo, debi di u guaha sedulås‑mu. You always need an I.D. card when traveling.


segundåriu n. second hand (on watch or clock).


seha vi. back up, back off, go backward, reverse. Seha sa' piligru. Back off because it's dangerous. Mañeseha i kareta sa' mahuchum i trangka. The cars are backing up because the gate is closed. Anai umachikak si Antonio gi iskuela, mañeha i pumalu na famagu'un sa' putno u fansinifa'. When Antonio ran in a race at school, some of the children moved backward so they wouldn't be run over.


sehas n. eyebrow. Potput sehås‑ña i patgun. The kid has thick eyebrows. Bunitu i naturåt na sehas. Natural eyebrows are beautiful. Ti bunitu mabåtbas i sehas. It is ugly to shave the eyebrow.


sehyun n. type of fish: rabbitfish. Ma konni' abundånsia na sehyun. They caught a lot of rabbitfish. Maletchi niyuk i kaddun sehyun. The rabbitfish was cooked with coconut milk. Inaflitun sehyun tenguakku para i che'chu'. The lunch that I brought to work today is fried rabbitfish. Variant: sesyun.


seku vt. punch, hit with the fist, strike with the fist, elbow or open fist. Ha seku i taotåo. He punched the guy. Båba pachot‑ña ya ha gågagåo para u maseku. His mouth is disrespectful and he's asking to be punched. Ti manmañeñeku sa' mane'ekunguk finene'na para ma kumprendi. They were not hitting with their fist because they are listening first to understand. Variant: sekus. From: Jp. seku.


sekus n. mouth. Dispåsiu i sekos‑mu. Watch your mouth. Adahi i sekos‑mu gi me'nan tatåmu. Watch what you say in front of your father. Syn: påchut.

vt. strike or hit (someone) in the mouth. Si Jose ha sekus si Juan gi paingi. Jose struck Juan last night. Sinekus ni tronkun kamachili anai ha sufa'. He got struck on the mouth by the kamachili tree when he ran into it. Variant: seku.


séluloit n. celluloid, plexiglass (Guam).


seminåriu n. 1) seminarian, one who studies for priesthood. Manluluchan i seminåriu siha guatu gi kumfision. The seminarians are lining up to the confessional. Ma'utdena i seminåriu gi ha'ånin kumpliaños‑ña. The seminarian was ordained on his birthday. 2) seminary, place for seminarians. Gaigi i seminåriu gi hilu' sabåna. The seminary is located at the top of the plain. Hihut i seminåriu yan i iskuelan seminåriu. The seminary is close to the school for


sen adv. very, extremely, greatly. Sen måolik håo na påtgun. You are a very good child. Mansen mamis i mangga na fruta. Mangos are extremely sweet fruit. Masen agradesi håo nu i familia. The family greatly appreciated you. Sumen kadada' i puengi. The night became very short. Sumen måolik i patgun gi iskuela. The child became very good at school. This stressed prefix is written as a separate word in the orthography. See: gof.


sena n. dinner, supper, dinner before the wedding. Ha pripåra si Nåna esta i sena. Mother made dinner ready. Nisisåriu i familia u fandadanña' kada oran sena. It is necessary for the family to gather at every dinner time. Mañesena ham gi oran alas sais an pupuengi. Our supper time is six o'clock in the evenings.


senadót n. senator. I senadot mabobota kada kuåttru åñus. A senator is elected every four years. Malagu' yu' sumenadot gi mamamaila' un diha. I want to be a senator one of these days. Ma sohyu i senadot na para u falågu un bihai tå'lu. The senator was urged to run one more time.


senådu n. senate; upper branch of the bicameral legislature.


sensia n. 1) character, sense. Guaha na biahi ti kumprendiyun i sensia gi taotåo. There are times when we can understand characters of people. Båba esti na tåotåo sensiån‑ña kumu lalålu'. This person's character is not good when he gets angry. Ha senti na' guaha inangngokku na sensia gi familia. He felt that there is a good sense caring in the family. 2) science. Håfa na klåsin sensia mås ma'istutudia på'gu? What kinds of science is being studied these days?


sensin n. 1) flesh. Dotchun i liluk asta i sensin. The nail pierced into the flesh. I mediku ha chuli' påtti gi sensin dågan para u ma'arekla i fasu‑ña i taotåo. The doctor took a piece of flesh from the bottock to fix the person's face. Ha låssas pues ha åsni i sensin guihan. She skinned then salted the flesh of the fish. Manåla' yu' dididi' sensin guaka para tininu. I dried some beef meat for barbeque. See: kåtni.


sensu n. census. Ha na'guaguaha infutmasion i sensu para i prugråman gubetnamentu. The census provides information for government programs. Manmatutufung i taotåo gi sensu. People are counted during the census. Manmasohyu i taotåo para ufanma sensu. The people were urged to be counted.


sentidu n. temple, the flattened part on either side of the forehead. Dilikåo i sentidu gi ilun i taotåo. The temple is a delicate part of a person's head. Hu palai åmut i sentidu‑hu sa' malinik. I put medicine on my temple because I have a headache.

adj. sensitive, easily hurt or offended. Sentidu i matå‑hu gi ininan kåndit. My eyes are sensitive to light. Mampus sentidu i patgun yanggin makassi. The kid is very sensitive when teased. Gof sentidu i pueston‑ña i che'lu‑hu gi che'chu'. My sister has a very sensitive position at work.


sentimentu n. sentiment, thoughts or feelings, admiration, regret. Guaha sentimentok‑ku nu hågu. I have feelings toward you. I sentimentok‑ku ni asaguå‑hu ti siña matulaika. My sentiment toward my husband can never be changed. Bula sentimentun‑måmi put i sinisedi gi familia. The experience inspired sentiments in the family. Kåo guaha sentimentom‑mu nu i sinisedi? Do you have sentiments in the matter? Guåhu måolik ha', låo i che'lu‑hu bula sentimenton‑ña. For me it was all right, but my sister is full of sentiments. Ya‑hu umegga' mubi, låo yanggin na'piniti na istoria, ha na'gagai sentimentu yu'. I like watching movie, but when it is a sad story, it gives me sentiments. Variant: sentimientu.


séntimus n. pennies, cents. Dies sentimu presiu‑ña i kandi. The price of the candy is ten cents. Ti siña kabålis i un pesu yanggin fåfatta un sentimu. A dollar will not be complete if a penny is missing. Esta sitentai singku sentimu bali‑ña i gaseta. The newspaper's price is already seventy-five cents. Syn: memus.


sentinåt n. sentinel. Todu i tiempu guaha sentinåt gi lugåt. There is always a sentinel at the premises. Mana'tohgi i sentinåt gi me'nan i tenda. A sentinel stood in front of the store. I sentinåt mamumulan mientras i pumalu mandiskåkansa. The sentinel watches while the others are resting.


sentru n. center, core, middle, nucleus. Istira i tali ya un måtka i sentru. Stretch the rope and mark the middle point. Gaigi si tatå‑hu gi sentrun i litråtu. My father is in the center of the picture. Guaha sentru gi kada cho'chu'. There is a core in every task. Syn: talu'.


señas vt. give a signal to. Hu señas i patgun para u hånåo mågi. I signaled the boy to come here. Manasseñas i taotåo para u fandimu. The people signaled each other to kneel down. Hu håtsa kannai‑hu ya hu señas i kareta para u såga. I raised my hand to signal the car to stop.


sengko' n. mosquito coil (Saipan), mosquito repellent. Ti ya‑hu mungingi' i sengko'. I don't like smelling the mosquito coil. Ha sosonggi si Nåna i sengko' kada puengi. Mother lights a mosquito coil every night. Måolik i sengko' ma'usa para i sanhiyung guma' ha'. Mosquito coils are good to use only outside of the home. Syn: oddu, punu' ñåmu. Variant: sengku'. From: Jp. katorisenkoo.


Septembri n. September. Mina'nuebi i Septembri na mes gi sakkan. September is the ninth month of the year. Mes mafañagu‑hu i Septembri. September is my birth month. Masilelebra i ha'ånin mamfafacho'chu' gi Septembri na mes. Labor Day is celebrated in the month of September. Syn: Lumåmlam.


séptimu num. seventh. Håfa i séptimu na diha gi simåna? What is the seventh day of the week? I séptimu na tinagu' Yu'us, i cha'‑mu fañåñakki. Thou shall not steal is the seventh commandment of God. Mahugågandu i séptimu tiru på'gu. The seventh inning is being played now.


sepu n. small particles of food between teeth. Kada chumotchu yu', bula siempri sepu. Every time I eat, there are lots of food particles stuck between my teeth.


seputkru n. sepulcher.


sera1 n. beeswax. Palai i lamasa ni sera. Rub the table with beeswax.


sera2 vt. accept, agree to, take willingly, accede to, consent to, allow. Hu sera i rigålu kun minaguf. I accepted the gift graciously. Bai hu sera i kundision sa' måolik ha'. I will agree to the condition because I think it is alright. Maila' ya ta sera i magutus i finihu' gi kuntråtan kasamentu. Let us agree to the final conditions for the marriage. Variant: siera.


serå adv. maybe, perhaps. Serå ti ya‑mu yu'. Maybe you don't like me. Ti humånåo håo, serå un tungu' ha' håfa para u masusedi. Perhaps you know what was going to happen that you did not go. Serå ti prisisu i hinassosom‑mu. Perhaps what you think is not important.


seru num. zero. Nå'yi dos na seru i sais ya humuyung sais sientus. Add two zeros to 6 and get 600. Hu risibi seru gi ripot‑tu ya ti måolik esti. I received zero in my report and this is not good. Hu na'empas i dibi‑hu ya seru i balånsa. I paid my bill and the balance is zero. Sigi ha' di hu gåsta i salåppi' asta ki seru uttimon‑ña. I keep spending the money until I end up with zero.


seruroidu n. celluloid, plexiglass, stiff plastic (Saipan). Meggai na nå'yan manmafa'titinas ginin i seruroidu. Many dishes are made from celluloid. På'gu na tiempu kantidå na kosas ta u'usa ni manmafa'tinas ginin i seruroidu, låo nisisåriu na ta ta'lun umu'usa para ta adahi i guinaha. We are using a lot of things that are made of celluloid, it is necessary that we recycle them to preserve our resources. See: karái. Variant: seluloit.


sesgåo adj. diagonal. Machåchak sesgåo i hayu. The wood is cut slanted. Malåksin sesgåo i sikato'‑hu. My skirt is sewn on the diagonal. Sen bunitu i liga ni mapega sesgåo i ladriyu. The wall looks very nice when the bricks were placed diagonally.


sesi n. type of plant: wart fern. microsorum scolopendria. See: galak, kahlåo.


sesiun n. session, sitting of court, council, legislature, etc., any meeting. Chaddik munhåyan i sesiun na ogga'an. The session this morning ended early. Mansesesiun i Kunggresu . The legislature is in session. Para u guaha sesiun put hinemlu' gi iskuela. There will be a health session at school. From: Eng. or Sp.


sessi vi. remove (nits) off of hair, delouse. Hu sessi i letsa gi gapitulun i hagå‑hu. I removed the nits off the hair of my daughter. Un nisisita masessi sa' bula lotsåm‑mu. Your hair has a lot of nits and needs to be deloused. Esta gåsgas gaputulu‑hu sa' ha sessi si nåna todu i letsa. My hair is all clean because mother removed all the nits.


sessu adj. often, frequent, many times. Sessu yu' humugåndu bola. I often play ball. Sessu ham mandanña' yan i bisinu. Oftentimes we gather with the neighbor. Kåo sessu håo bumiåhi para Guåhan? Do you go to Guam often? Syn: fihu.


sessuyi vt. do frequently, happen often, happen repeatedly. Ha sessuyi hit i ichan ya mampus fotgun i tanu'. We frequently have rain and the ground is very saturated. Hu sessuyi gumimin åmut natibu ya kalang ha ayuyuda yu' I frequently take herbal medicine and it is helping me. Sinessuyi malångu ya sessu malak i hospitåt. She frequently got sick and is often at the hospital.


sesyun n. type of fish: rabbitfish. siganus spinus (Family Siganidae). Manaflitu yu' sesyun para amotsan talu'åni. I fried rabbitfish for lunch. I sesyun ginin i mañåhak yanggin dumångkulu. The rabbitfish is from mañåhak when it grows bigger. Månngi' i sesyun makåddun niyuk yan i tumåtis. The rabbitfish is good to cook with coconut milk and tomatoes. Variant: sehyun.


setbenti n. server, servant, maid. I setbenti ha pripåra i lamasan chumotchu. The server set the dining table. I setbentin gima'yu'us ha asisisti si påli' gi misa. The altar servers assist the priest at mass. I måolik na setbenti mañeñetbi ginin i kurason‑ña. A good servant serves from the heart. Bula setbenti para u fanmanayuda gi giput. There are many servants to help at the party. Kåo esta manmåttu i setbenti ya u matutuhun i misa insigidas? Have the helpers arrived so that they can start the mass right away? Kåo esta un apåsi i sitbenti nu i nengkanu'? Have you paid the servant for the meal? Syn: tintågu'. Variant: sitbienti.


setbi vt. serve, give service to, perform duties for. Hu setbi i tano'‑hu. I served my country. Ha setbi yu' gimin. He served me a drink. I familia man'a'asetbi unu yan ottru. The family serves one another. Na'tungu' yu' kåo siña hu setbi håo gi kuatkuet na manera. Let me know if I can serve you in any way. See: usa.


setbisiu n. 1) service. Måolik na setbisiu ha nåna'i i kumpaniha. The company gives good service. I setbisiu ni hu nå'i håo ginin i kurason. The service I gave you is from the heart. Bula setbisiu ha nisisita i iskuela. The school needs a lot of service. 2) military duty, military service. Gaigi i lahi‑hu gi setbisiu. My son is at military duty. Iståba i asaguå‑hu Vietnam anai gaigi gi setbisiu. My husband was in Vietnam when he was in the service. Meggai na manhobin ma'a'atyik i militåt na setbisiu para lina'la'‑ñiha. Many young people are choosing military service for their career.


setbisiun sibit n. civil service, service in the government other than the military, legislature, or judiciary. I memeggaiña na prugråma yan aktibidåt gi gubietnu manggaigi yan manmasiñåla kumu setbision sibit. Most of the programs and activities in government are assigned as civil service positions. Mahåtsa i suetdun setbisiun sibit kada såkkan. Every year the salary for civil service is raised. Manmahuchum esta i pusision setbisiun sibit. The civil service positions are now closed.


setbiyeta n. napkin. Tåya' esta setbiyeta gi lamasa. There are no more napkins on the table. Ti hu u'usa setbiyeta para bai hu chotchu. I don't use napkins when I eat.


setlas n. type of plant: pomelo. citrus grandis.


setmun n. sermon, homily, lecture. Hana fan hasu yu' tåtdung i setmun Påli' gi misa pågu. The priest's homily at mass today made me think deeply. Ha praktitika si Siñot Ubispu sumetmun gi finu' Chamorro. The Bishop practices his sermons in Chamorro. Ha setmuni yu' si tatå‑hu ni manma'pus siha na bidå‑hu. My father lectured me of my past deeds.


setpienti n. 1) serpent. I taotåo ni ya‑ña manenta kalang ha' i setpienti. A cunning person is like a serpent. Meggai istoria put i setpienti gi biblia. There are lots of stories about the serpent in the bible. 2) Devil, Satan. I setpienti tumenta si Eba. The serpent tempted Eve. Variant: setpenti.


settifika vt. certify, attest, approve, register (a document). Masettifika na umiskuela yu' put lingguåhi. I am certified that I studied about language. Ha settifika i gubetnu i dokumentu. The governor attests the document. I ma'gas i kumpaniha ha settifika na unestu yan angokkuyun si Jose gi che'chu'. The company's manager certified that Jose is honest and reliable at work.


settifikasión n. certification. På'gu i ha'ånin settifikasion i manma'estru. Today is the day for teachers' certification. Malagu' yu' mañuli' kopian i settifikasion‑hu. I would like to get a copy of my certification. Siña yu' på'gu macho'chu' maseha månu sa' guaha settifikasion‑hu esta. Now I will be able to work anywhere because I have a certification.


settifiku n. certificate, document. Hu nisisita settifiku para bai marihistra gi iskuela. I need my certificate to register at school. Chuli' i settifiku‑mu yanggin para un biåhi. Bring your certificate when you are traveling. Siña mapput håo makonni' macho'chu' yanggin tåya' settifiku‑mu. You may find it hard to be hired when you don't have a certificate.


settru n. scepter. Unu gi simbulun i ubispu i settru. A scepter is one of a bishop's symbol. Ha u'usa si Siñot Ubispu i settron‑ña kada guaha espisiåt na ukasion. The Bishop uses his scepter at every special occasion. Siñåt gai aturidåt i settru. The scepter is a sign of authority.


setya n. young woman who has never had sex.


seyu n. stamp, seal. Debi u guaha seyu gi todu ufisiåt na settifiku. All official documents should have a seal. Åntis di un na'hånåo kåtta, debi di u maseyu i sobri. A letter has to be stamped before you mail it. I seyun Notti Mariånas gaigi gi settifikun mafañagu‑hu. I have the Northern Marianas seal on my birth certificate. Syn: iståmpu'.


si case. unmarked case marker for proper names. Hu dåkut i petta ya manoppi si Antonio. I knocked on the door and Antonio answered. Si Juan chumuli' i gua'ut. Juan took the ladder. Håyi siha mangaigi yan kåo gaigi lokkui' si Sebastian? Who are present and is Sebastian also there?


si Yu'us ma'åsi' intj. thank you. Si Yu'us ma'åsi' put todu i ayudu‑mu. Thank you for all your help. Ha nå'i si Yu'us ma'åsi' si Rita todu i mangaigi gi hunta. Rita gave thanks to all present at the meeting. Manå'i si Yu'us ma'åsi' i ma'estra nu i istudiånti. The students said thank you to the teacher.


si'i n. type of tool for preparing weaving materials (used to split the stem from the leaves), usually made of metal sheet, cut out in a triangular shape with sharp edges. Gai si'i si tatå‑hu para mañisi. Ma father has a tool for splitting. Ma'u'usa i si'i para u masipåra i kakayu kontra i hagun yan para u masisi lokkui'. This type of tool is used to split the stem from the leaves and to slice also. Ha chuli' si Manuel i si'i para u tutuhun macho'chu'. Manuel took the tool to start working.

vt. prepare (weaving materials). Ha si'i esta si Tåta i hagun niyuk. Father already prepared the leaves for weaving. Masi'i pues matåla' i hagun åntis di u matufuk. The leaves are split then dried before weaving. Esta hu si'i yan listu i matiriåt‑hu para bai fanufuk. I have prepared and readied all my materials for weaving.


si'ing vt. crowd in, elbow one's way in a crowd, squeeze together--to let someone sit down. Si'ing håo. Push yourself in. Variant: sa'ang.


si'uk vt. 1) stab. Hu si'uk i babui I stabbed the pig. Manmumu ya ma si'uk i taotåo. They fought and stabbed a man. 2) hurt, wound (someone's feelings) sharply or deeply, injure (someone's feelings). Ha si'uk kurason‑hu i båba na fino'‑mu. My feelings were hurt by your unkind words. Un si'uk i kurason‑hu anai un sangåni yu' na para un dingu yu'. You stabbed my heart when you told me that you are leaving. Manasi'uk ginin tatti i mangga'chung anai manafa'baba. The team "stabbed" each other in the back when they cheated each other. Variant: sihuk.


siakåsu adv. perhaps, in case. Put siakåsu ti måttu yu', hånåo ha' na maisa. In case I don't come, you go by yourself. Put siakåsu na mapetdi yu' ni salappe'‑mu, pues bai hu nå'i håo ni chek‑ku. In case I lost your money, then I will give you my check. Yanggin siakåsu na esta bråbu yu', pues ta fanhånåo manbakasion. If I'm healthy enough, then we will go on vacation. Yanggin siakåsu na måttu håo, baba ha' i petta. In case you come, just open the door. Siakåsu na ti humånåo yu', pues siempri humita. Perhaps I didn't go, then we'll be together. Syn: engkåsu, akåsu. Variant: siangkåsu. From: Sp. si acaso.


siåmu' n. type of chicken, resembling red pyle game.


siangkåsu cnj. if, in case. Siangkåsu ti hu bira yu' tåtti, put fabot mungnga chathinassu. Should I not come back, please do not worry. Hahassu yu' siangkåsu gumefsaga håo, ha? Think of me when you make it big, will you? Siangkåsu na guaha tiempom‑mu, bisisita yu'. If you have time, visit me. Variant: akåsu, angkåsu, engkåsu, siakåsu. From: Sp. si acaso.


sibåda n. barley, millet. Guaha na arina mafa'titinas ginin i sibåda. There is flour made from barley. Matotosta i sibåda para u mafa'chá. Barley is toasted to make tea. Yanggin mana'bulåchu i sibåda, siña mafa'maneska. When barley is fermented, it can be used as liquor.


sibilisa vt. civilize, educate, inform of civilized ways. Tåya' gai diretchu na para masångan na guaha na kuttura ti manmasibilisa. No one has the right to say that some cultures are not civilized. Ti nahung para un masångan na esta sibilisa håo put umiskuela håo. Being educated is not enough to say that you are civilized.


sibilisåo adj. civilized, informed of civilized ways. Mansibilisåo ennåo siha na lugåt. Those places are civilized. I sibilisåo na tåotåo ha tungu' i kutturå‑ña. A civilized person knows his culture. Yahululu gi karaktet sibilisåo na tåotåo i para u fa'nu'i rispetu i manåmku' yan i achatåotåo‑ña. The prominent characteristic of a civilized person is one who shows respect to the elders and his peers.


sibilisasión n. civilization; a condition in human society that reflects a relatively high degree of cultural and other developments. I tatkilu' na gradun sibilisasion gi kumunidåt dumitetmimina i adilåntun i siudadånu. The level of civilization in a community reflects the level of progress among its citizens. I sibilisasion Mariånas ha tutuhun gi finattun i Españot. Civilization of the Marianas began after the Spaniards' arrival. Yanggin ti ta prutehi i kutturå‑ta på'gu, siempri malingu i sibilisasion ManChamorro. If we do not preserve our culture now, our Chamorro civilization would be lost. Ti siña pumåra i sibilisasion mientras ki låla'la' ha' i taotåo. Civilization does not stop as long as a person lives. Sibilisasion kumeke'ilek‑ña i situasion gi kumunidåt anai i aktibidåt sosiåt, edukasion, yan kuttura tatkilu'. Civilization means a condition in society in which social activity, education, and culture are high.


Sibis name. Seabees, a unit within a Marine military division. Dispues di Gera II giya Tinian, mañåga i militåt Amerikånu ni manmafanana'an Sibis. American military after WWII known as the Seabees occupied a place in Tinian. Anai manmåttu i Seabees Tinian, manmahåtsa i chalan yan nus kuåntus na guma'. When the Seabees came to Tinian, roads and a couple of houses were built. Bula na Chamorro ma hassu na i sibis måolik siha na cho'chu' bidan‑ñiha para i kumunidåt. There are many Chamorros that remembered the Seabees doing lots of good things for the community. 2) 

n. unemployed person, jobless and available for any type of work. Tåya' chochu' på'gu ya sibis ha' yu'. There is no work now and I am jobless. From: Eng. seabees.


sibít n. civilian, non-military person. Ha u'usa i sindålu magågun sibit yanggin ti oran cho'chu'. The soldier uses civilian clothes when he is not on duty. Manmasipåra i sibit yan i militåt gi sirimonihas. The civilians and armed forces are separated at the ceremony. Bula cho'chu' para i mansibit gi finakpu' i gera. There were many jobs for the civilians after the war.


siboyas n. type of plant: onion. allium cepa. Gof ya‑hu siboyas gi nengkanu'. I really like onions on food. Hu gisa i siboyas yan i katni para amotsa. I stir-fried onions and meat for lunch. Guaha kuåttru klasin siboyas gi gualu'. There are four different kinds of onions at the farm.


siboyas agaga' n. small red onion. Månngi' i siboyas agaga' yan soba. The small red onions in soba is delicious. Libiånu matånum siboyas agaga'. It's easy to plant the small red onions. Guaha dos klåsin siboyas agaga' gi metkåo. There are two kinds of red onions at the market.


siboyas gollai n. scallions. Meggai usuña i siboyas gollai para muna'lagu. Scallions are used in many cooking. Na' labula siboyas gollai gi fina'deni. Add more scallions in the red pepper sauce.


siboyas halumtånu' n. 1) type of plant: orchid. calanthe, bulbophyllum, luisia, etc. 2) type of plant whose leaves look like chives.


sibu n. metal liner for hub of wagon wheel. Ha nisisita i sibu gi karetiya malañåyi. The metal liner of the wagon needs oil. Gof tinaki' i sibu gi karetiya. The wagon's metal liner is very rusty. Ha disåtma i makinista i sibu gi karetiya. The mechanic disassembled the liner on the wagon.


sibukåo n. type of tree whose wood is medicinal. caesalpinia sappan. Guaha trongkun sibukåo gi lanchun‑måmi. We have a sibukåo tree at our ranch. Måolik masotni i hayun sibukåo ya un gimin para åmut gotpi. Sibukåo wood is good to boil and drink for internal injuries. Agaga' i hanum sibukåo, ya yanggin un nå'yi dididi' binaklin tuba, matulaika i kulot‑ña. åmut. Sibukåo water is red, and if you add a little tuba vinegar, its color changes. Variant: subukåo.


sidán n. sedan, car, automobile, vehicle. Manma'udai ham gi sidán para i misa. We rode the sedan to mass. Dikiki' i sidán‑hu, ti meggai manomlat. My car is small; not many can fit in it. Ai, sa' pångku' i sidán‑mu, un nisisita tumulaika. Oh, your car has a flat tire, you need to change it.


siembra n. sowing, sown field. Mandångkulu i siembra siha. The sowings were big. I måolik na siembra, måolik lokkui' prudukton‑ña. A good sowing yields good harvest. Annuk na meggai cho'chu' macho'gui sa' bunitu i siembra. It shows that a lot of work was put in because the sown field looks good.


siempri adv. surely, certainly, definitely; used to indicate certain future. Yanggin nuebu ha' håo na såstri, siempri un nisisita meggai na klåsin padron siha. You need all kinds of patterns to follow if you are a new seamstress. Siempri håo då'us yanggin sigi håo chumotchu donni'. Eventually you will have diarrhea if you keep eating hot peppers. Mungnga maditeni marikunosi sa' siempri pininu' håo nu i chetnut riñon. Don't delay in having a checkup because your kidney problem will kill you.


siempribiba n. type of plant: spiderwort. commelina diffusa. Humånåo si nåna manaligåo siempribiba para åmut. Grandma left to look for some spiderwort plants for medicine. Dodokku' siempribiba gi fina' fanggualu'an. Commelina diffusa grows wild on farmlands. Para åmut sanhiyung ha' ni ma'u'usa i siempribiba. The spiderwort is used only for external remedies.


sien num. hundred. Mambendi i lancheru sien libras na pruduktu. The farmer sold one hundred pounds of produce. Mangonni' i peskadot sien libra na minakkat hiting nigap. The fsiherman caught a hundred pounds of rabbitfish yesterday. Mangusetcha si tåta sien libra na chandiha. Father harvested a hundred pounds of watermelons. Variant: sientu.


sien mit num. one hundred thousand. Ha bendi i gimå'‑ña put sien mit pesus gi Chapanis. She sold her house to the Japanese for a hundred thousand dollars. I balin i dibi‑hu guaha sien mit pesus. The total cost of my loan is about a hundred thousand dollars.


sienti vt. feel. Hu sienti anai dotchun i haguha gi talanga‑hu. I felt it when the needle was pierced into my ear lobe. Ha råspa gui' guatu giya guåhu put para bai hu sienti gui'. He brushed against me so that I would notice him. Manyinengyung sinientin‑ñiha anai ma hunguk na yinengyung i isla ni linåo. Their emotions were shaken when they heard about the earthquake shaking the island.


sientu num. one hundred. Tugi' i numiru disdi unu asta sientu. Write the numbers from one to one hundred. Dos sientus libra ha' na kamuti para ayudu‑hu. I am donating only one hundred pounds of sweet potatoes. Variant: sien.


sientu'unu num. one hundred and one. Esta sientu'unu idåt‑hu. I am already 101 years old. Guaha salappe'‑ña i patgun sientu'un pesus. The child has one hundred and one dollars. Variant: sientu i unu.


sierå adv. maybe, perhaps. Variant: serå.


siesta n. afternoon nap. Debi i neni na u chuli' i siestån‑ña kada diha. The baby has to take his nap everyday. Guaha na fafa'cho'chu' prisisu na u machuli' i siestan‑ñiha åntis di u matutuhun i che'chu'‑ñiha. Some laborers must take their nap before resuming their work.

vi. take a nap, sleep, rest. I manåmku' gi gima' debi na u fansiesta gi an talu'åni. The elders at home have to take their nap in the afternoon.


sietbi vt. serve, work for, be in the service of (Rota). Hu sietbi i ma'gås‑su dos åñus. I served my boss for two years. I chi'cho'‑hu gi sagan chumotchu para mañetbi nu i kåstuma siha. My work at the restaurant is to serve the costumers. Si Angelina sumetbi i nanan Maria anai esta malångu. Angelina cared for Maria's mother when she became sick. Variant: setbi.


sietbu n. servant of God; used only in prayers. Sietbun Yu'us. God's servant Si Tun Kiku' i sietbun i Katidråt kada diha. Mr. Francisco is the servant everyday at the Cathedral. Meggai ha' na lalåhi mansietbun i Gima'Yu'us. Many men are the servants of the church.


sietti num. seven. I nietu‑ña si Anna esta sietti åñus idåt‑ña. Anna's grandson is seven years old. Gai ga' si Antonio sietti na mampairin ga'lågu. Antonio has seven great pet dogs.


sigariyu n. cigarette. Mamåhan yu' tres katton sigariyu gi Duty Free Shoppers gi Huebis anai para bai hu falak Guåhan. I bought three cartons of cigarettes at Duty Free Shoppers when I was going to Guam on Thursday. Gof gaddai yu' sigariyu. I go through a lot of cigarettes. Gof guaguan i sigariyu giya Luta. Cigarettes are very expensive in Rota. See: chupa.


sigi vi. go on, advance, continue, forward. Na'sigi mo'na i kareta. Move the car forward. Jose, sigi tåtti gi tattin Mario. Jose, move behind Mario. Sigi mågi fan Josefina. Come here, Josefina. Sigi hålum, Bertholomiu, gi gima'. Bertholomiu, get inside the house. Kumu sigi ha' håo nu i asiga, siempri tatkilu hagå‑mu. If you continue eating salt, you will have hypertension.


sigi mo'na vi. advance, go ahead. Mansisigi mo'na ham gi pinekkat‑måmi gi halumtånu' anai matomba yu'. We were advancing our tour in the woods when I fell down. Mansigi mo'na i taotåo anai duru i kanta gi Gima'Yu'us. The people move forward when the choir was in progress in the church. Mansigi mo'na i filan tåotåo anai på'gu mababa i pettan i ufisina. The line of people advanced forward when the office door was opened.


sigidas adj. immediately, quick, with rapidity, fast. Sigidas mågi. Hurry over right away here. Sigidas humånåo para iskuela. Hurry up and go to school. Sigidas malågu si Bernard para i hospitåt. Bernard quickly ran to the hospital. See: chaddik, listu. Variant: insigidas.


sigidiyas n. type of plant: winged bean. psophocarpus tetragonolobus. Gof månngi' i sigidiyas makema yan meggai na siboyas. The winged bean is very good in sauteeing with a lot of onions. Manånum si Juan singku na filan tinanum sigidiyas gi lanchon‑ña. Juan planted five rows of winged beans at his farm. Ma'uk esti i sigidiyas na tinanum kumu un adahi. The winged bean plant will last long if you care for it. Variant: sirigidiyas.


sigidu adv. successive, consecutive. Dies sigidu kinenne'‑ña na guihan. He caught ten fish successively Tres biåhi sigidu na masåolak si Jennifer gi as nanå‑ña. Jennifer was spanked three consecutive times by her mother. Tuma'yuk si Hercules kuåttru biåhi sigidu ginin i sen lokka' na bibiendan guma'. Hercules jumped four consecutive times from the very tall building. Variant: sigilu.


sigienti adj. following, succeeding, successive, sequential, that is now to follow. Mehna håo guihan gi sigienti puengi. You caught a great number of fish on the following night. Mumalångu yu' gi sigienti diha. I became sick the following day. Humånåo si Rita para Afrika gi sigienti simåna. Rita left for Africa on the following week.


sigilu adv. in succession. Manggånna si Jerome gi bola tres biåhi sigilu. Jerome won the ball game three times in succession. Malågu si Derik gi uriyan i track and field singku biåhi sigilu. Derik ran around the track and field five successive times. Sigi mamanak si Jesse chiba bulan biåhi sigilu. Jesse kept hitting the goats many successive times. Variant: sigidu.


sigin vi. go by way of, via. Isa, sigin San Vicente mågi na chålan. Isa, go by way of San Vicente road coming here. Sumigin tatti si Jose gi gima'. Jose went by the back side of the house. Sumigin kåttan i batkun airi. The airplane flew via the north side. Variant: esgin, (i)nisgin.


siginpapa'i vt. ask indirectly, ask a trick question or action to obtain information, ask a deceptive question to get information. Ha siginpapa'i si Tåta i famagu'un ya masångan i minagåhit. The children told the truth inadvertently when Tåta asked them an indirect question. Masiginpapa'i si Mateo, låo ti magacha' håfa bidå‑ña. Mateo was questioned indirectly but they did not find anything about what he did. Manmasiginpapa'i dos tåotåo ni pulisiha ya ma tungu' manimputtånti na infutmasion. The police questioned the two men indirectly and they learned important information. Variant: esginpapa'i, sikpapa'i.


sigua num. the indigenous Chamorro word for the number nine. Ha tanchu' i sinåt para sigua. He pointed the sign for the number 9. Syn: nuebi.


sigún prep. depending on, according to. Sigun gi finu' nanå‑mu, siña håo ma'angokku. According to your mother's statement, you are trustworthy. Sigun gi lai debi fanmatråta todu tåotåo parehu. According to the law, all people should be treated equal. Sigun i mabendin i guihan, a'annuk na guaha fåtta salåppi'. According the sales of the fish, it shows that some money is missing.


sigunda n. second (measurement of time). Sinigugunda si Bertha gi as Mariana gi hunta. Mariana seconded Bertha's motion at the meeting. Sumigunda i finattok‑ku gi kuåttu. I was the second one to come to the room. Sinigunda si Dora ni chetnut. Dora had the disease the second time around.


sigundåyi vt. sing alto, play alto part of a song.


sigundu adj. second. Si Segundo sigundu gi fila. Segundo is second in line. Sinigunduyi si Duwayne gi as Don ni sinangån‑ña. Don seconded what Dwayne had said. Guåhu i sigundun i mås åmku' na påtgun. I was the second oldest child


sigunduyi vt. second (a motion), support (a statement which is delivered), assist, aid, remedy. Masigunduyi i mahuchum i hunta gi as Ariel nigap. Ariel seconded to adjourn the meeting yesterday. Anai manmanbota ham ni ufisiålis i kumite, masigunduyi ni pumalu miembru siha. The rest of the members seconded when we voted the committee members.


siguramenti adv. certainly. Gef guaha siguramenti na para u machuli' i pappit tes siha giya hita. It is certainly that they will take the test papers from us. Tåya' siguramenti na para ta fanpedei gi Betnis. It is certainly that there won't be any pay check this Friday. Hunggan, guaha siguramenti na para u fåttu mågi si Andresina ginin Luta. Yes, it is certainly that Andresina will be here from Rota


siguridå n. certainty, security. Guaha siguridå na para u fåttu i patgun ginin Guåhan. There is a certainty that the child will come from Guam. Mampus guaha siguridå na para u tunuk i Presidenti giya Anderson Air Force Base. There is a certainty that the President will land at Anderson Air Force Base. Tåya' siguridå na para u påra i gera giya i Middle East na lugåt. There is no certainty that the war will stop in the Middle East.


siguridåt n. assurance, insurance, security, safety, certitude, certainty, confidence, self-reliance. Guaha siguridåt na para u mana'fanggånna gi botasion. There is an assurance that he will win in the ballot. Gof guaha siguridåt na para u fåttu si nanå‑hu agupa'. There is so much of an assurance that my mother will come tomorrow. Bula siguridåt na måolik esti na lugåt. There is a lot of certainty that this is a good place.


siguru adj. sure, certain, positive, cocksure, authentic, definite. Gef siguru na para u fanlaknus infutmasion gi hunta agupa'. For sure she will produce information at the meeting tomorrow. Ha na'siguru na para u na'funhåyan i chi'cho'‑ña pågu na simåna. She made certain that she will complete her work this week. Mana'siguru na debi na u fåttu gi inetnun kumpliåñus bihu‑ña. They confirmed that he will come to his grandfather's birthday gathering. See: unestu, sinseru, frångku.


siha1 pro. they, them (third person dual or plural weak pronoun and independent pronoun). Manhugåndu siha bola. They played ball Hu ispiha siha gi bola. I looked for them at the ball game Siha manmanggånna gi huegun papaloti. They were the ones who won the kite game. Manmåttu siha ginin i lisåyu. They came from the rosary.

vi. do (something) together (of more than one third person). Sumisiha si Maria yan si Ana gi tenda. Maria and Ana are together at the store. Sumisiha i babui yan i chiba gi lanchu. The pig and the goat are together at the farm. Sumisiha si Tåta yan si Nåna gi gima'. Father and Mother are together at the house.


siha2 part. plural marker for noun phrases. Manmanaitai i taotåo siha. The people prayed. Bula siha manmåttu ginin otru tånu'. Many of them came from other countries. Manu guini siha para ta yuti? Which of these should we discard?


sihik n. 1) type of bird: Micronesian kingfisher (blue and rust), collared kingfisher. halcyon cinnamomina cinnamomina. Mampus meggai sihik gi uriyan lanchun‑måmi. There are so many Micronesian kingfisher birds around our ranch. Kinannu' i sihik ni cha'ka gi paingi gi hilu' trongku. The rat ate the Micronesian kingfisher bird last night on the tree. I sihik bunitu kulot‑ña. The Micronesian kingfisher birds have pretty colors. 2) type of fish: snapper. scolopsis cancellatus (Family Lutjanidae). Gof månngi' i sihik na guihan. The snapper fish is so delicious. Manmangonni' si tatå‑hu bulan sihik giya Tanapag. My father caught a lot of snapper fish in Tanapag. Ya‑ña umetupak si Roman sihik gi hiyung i mama'ti. Roman likes to catch snapper fisher outside the reef. Also includes members of the Families Apigonidae, Holocentridae.


sihuk vt. stab, pierce with a knife or pointed weapon (Rota). Masihuk kalaguåk‑ña ya gaigi på'gu gi hospitåt. His torso was pierced and he is now at the hospital. Sinihuk ni råmas kamachili gi pakyu. The kamachili branch pierced him during the typhoon. Fatinåsi yu' ramenta para mansihuk. Make me a tool for piercing. Variant: si'uk.


sikat1 vi. 1) take a short nap, nod off, nod one's head, make a downward motion of the head involuntarily because of sleepiness or drowsiness. Bai hu sikat dididi' ya u lamåolik sinientek‑ku. I am going to take a short nap so I can feel good. Sumikat i patgun gi klas sa' ti nahung maigo'‑ña gi paingi. The boy was nodding his head in class because he did not sleep well last night. Sigi ha' sumikat i taotåo gi ta'chong‑ña asta ki put fin senmaigu'. The man kept nodding off while he sat until he surely went into a deep sleep. Esta gef matuhuk i neni ya sumisikat gi fata'chong‑ña. The baby is so sleepy and she's nodding off while sitting. 2) spar (of cocks), be matched for a fight, be prepared (of cocks) to fight in the arena, to practice fighting before the match. Mana'sisikat i gayu åntis di u mumu. Roosters are sparred before putting in the arena. Mana'sikat i dos gåyu ya chattekung. The two roosters were sparred and both were aggressive. The cocks are held, allowed to peck at each other, then are placed on the ground and held by the tail feathers while they begin to scratch, raise the neck feathers, and bob their heads up and down.


sikat2 vi. creep, stalk, still-hunt, move furtively or slinkingly, sneak, steal (so as to be unobserved). Sumikat yu' hålum asta i kuattok‑ku. I crept into my room. Ya‑ña sumikat i patgun hålum gi gima' an puengi putno u masienti. The child crept in the house at night in order not to be known. Sessu sumikat yu' yanggin håfa bai hu chuli' gi kusina. I often creep into the kitchen if I'm going to take something. See: kahat.


sikera adv. at least, if it matters. Sikera un pu'luyi yu' dos grånun melon. At least you should leave me two pieces of cantaloupe. Sikera un na'hånåo mågi un tåotåo ya u ayuda yu' gi lanchu. You should at least send over one person to help me at my farm. Sikera ha lasa yu' i lalasa sin u ma'apåsi. At least the masseur should massage me without being paid for. See: maskiseha, maseha. Variant: sikiera.


sikiera adv. at least, if it matters. See: maskeseha, kidera. Variant: sikera.


siklu n. century, period (of time), epoch. Ginin tiempun siklu nai masosodda' i te'lang. The bones are from a century ago. Ma istudiåyi i klema sigun gi håfa sinetda' niha kada siklu. They studied the climate based on what they learned each period of time. Esta guaha un siklu disdi manmagubietna hit ni tåotåo hiyung. It has been a century since we were governed by outsiders.


siknifika n. symbol, significance. Guåha nai gai siknifika esti para hita todus. Sometimes there is significance for us. Tåya' siknifika para i lugåt. This place doesn’t have any symbol. Hu li'i' i siknifika gi pappit. I saw the symbol on the paper.

vt. signify, symbolize, manifest, indicate. Ha signinifika na guaha piligru gi halum tånu' It is indicating that there is danger in the forest. Meggai esti kumeke'ilek‑ña sa' manmasiknifika na taiguennåo. There are many interpretations here because it was manifested as such.


siknifikånti adj. significant. Ai na siknifikånti esti na cho'chu'! What a significant work this is! Bula siknifikånti guini na lugåt. There’s a lot that is significant in this place. Kåo siknifikanti esti para hågu? Is this significant for you?


siknifikasión n. significance. Håfa siknifikasion esti na dokumentu? What is the significance of this document? Sangåni yu' nu i siknifikasion esti. Tell me the significance of this. Kåo un tungu' ha' i siknifikasion i istoria? Do you know what the significance of the story is?


siknu vt. signal. Siknu håo gi chalan. Use the signal on the road. Mungnga masiknu yu' gi klas. Don’t signal me in class. I famagu'un manasiknu gi huegu. The children signal each other during the game.


sikpapa'i vt. ask indirectly, discover indirectly, seek indirectly. Hu sikpapa'i ya hu sodda' na mandadagi. I got to him indirectly and I found that he was lying. Sikpapa'i fan ennåo kåo para u såonåo gi kumpaniha. Find out indirectly whether he's going to join the business. Variant: siginpapa'i, esginpapa'i.


sikretu n. secret. Tåya' sikretu guini na guma'. There is no secret in this house. Guaha sikretu bai sangåni håo. I havea secret to tell you. Sångan i sikretu kumu ma otdin håo nu i hues. State the secret if he judge orders you.


sikumstånsia n. circumstance, situation, position, state, predicament, condition. Ekunguk fan i sikumstånsia. Listen to the situation. Ti måolik esti na sikumstånsia. This is not a good situation. Håfa esti na sikumstånsia? What is this situation? See: situasión.


silåba n. syllable. Kuåntu na silåba guaha gi "fañalik"? How many syllables are in fañalik? Kuåntu na silåba guaha gi "bisbis"? How many syllables are in bisbis? Guaha na ti in hinguk i "h" gi fine'nena na silåba, låo debi di ma tugi' ha'; put i hemplu: "tohgi". There are times we do not hear the "h" in the first syllable but it must be written; such as: tohgi. From: Sp. sílaba.


siladura n. lock. Managai siladura i petta. A lock was put on the door. Hana' falingngu i yabin i siladura. She misplaced the key for the lock.

vt. lock. Mungnga masiladura i petta para i ufisina. Do not lock the door to the office. Masåkki i tenda sa' ti masiladura. The store was robbed because it was not locked. Gigun måkpu' i iskuela, ma siladudura i intråda. The front entrance is always locked as soon as school is out. Hu siladura esta i kahun limosna. I already locked the donation box. Syn: adåba. See: kandålu. Variant: seladura, seradura, aseradura.


silebra vt. celebrate, glorify, praise, honor. Ta silebra hit ginggun munhåyan i che'chu'. We shall celebrate as soon as we are done with the work. Guaha sumilelebra i ha'ånin todu i mañantus. Some celebrate all saints' day. Ma silebra pues manmañotsut. They celebrated then they regretted. Syn: gopti.


silebrasión n. celebration, glorification. Håfa na silebrasion para ta atendi? What celebration are we attending? Kåo ya‑mu muna' guaha silebrasion para i kumpliåños‑mu? Would you like to have a celebration for your birthday? Bai na'guåha silebrasion kuttura ottru simåna. We will have a cultural celebration next week. See: glorifika.


sileksión n. selection, choice. See: inatyik.


silensiu n. silence, quiet, hush. Na'guaha silensiu gi gima'. Have silence in the house. I silensiu muna' mågung manilik i luhu. The silence relieved my headache.

adj. silent, quiet. Silensiu i hatdin gi chatatmak. The forest is quiet at dawn. I paluma siha yumamak i silensiun oga'an. The birds broke the silence in the morning.

vi. be silent, shut up, hold your tongue. Put fabot, silensiu! Quiet, please! Fan silensiu sa' mamaigu' i neni. Be quiet because the baby is sleeping. See: pakaka', famatkilu.


silindru n. cylinder. Mayamak i silindru gi kareta. The car cylinder is broken. Mamåhan yu' silindru gi tenda. I bought a cylinder at the store. Ma arekla i silindru gi kareta. They fixed the car cylinder.


silisiu n. priest's vestment. Hu bisita i silisiu. I visited the priest. Malångu i silisiu. The priest is sick. Fanngingi' nu i silisiu. Amen the priest.


siluk vt. visit excessively, visit (someone else) often enough to become a nuisance, mooch food, eat (someone else's) food, refers to birds that eat freshly sown seeds. Sessu hu siluk si Maria. I often visit Maria. Mungnga yu' masiluk gi gima'. Don’t visit me at home. Kåo ya‑mu na bai hu siluk gi gimå'‑mu? Do you want me to visit you at home?


simåna n. week. Kuåntu na simåna guaha gi mes? How many weeks in a month? Manlibettåo ham un diha gi ma'pus na simåna. We had a day off last week. Kada simåna manayuda yu' gi as bihå‑hu. Every week I help out at my grandmother's.


simåna sånta n. holy week. Ti siña bumuruka gi simåna sånta. We cannot be making noise on Holy week. Ti siña chumotchu kåtni gi simåna sånta. We can’t eat meat during Holy week. Ti siña buruka gi simåna sånta. Noise is prohibited during Holy Week.


símbalu n. cymbals. Na'a'gang i simbalu ki i tambut, fan. Could you make the cymbals lounder than the drum. Ha adahin måolik i iyon‑ña simbalu sa' sen låmlam. She takes very good care of her cymbals because they are very shiny.


símbulu n. symbol. I atchu' latti simbulu para i Chamorro. The latte stone is the symbol for Chamorros. Hafa siha na simbulu guaha i banderan Notti Marianas? What symbols are on the Northern Marianas flag? Guaha siha na simbula meggai kumekeilekña. There are symbols that carry many meanings.


simentineru n.


simentu n. cement. Ti nahung unai para esti na kantidan simentu. There is not enough sand for this much cement. Mankå'ka i liga gi gima' simentu ginin i linåo. The walls of the cement house cracked from the earthquake.

vt. Masimentu i chalan. The road was cemented. See: påtdit. Variant: simientu.


simetrikåt adj. symmetrical. Ti ya‑hu sa' ti simetrikåt. I don't like it because it is not symmetrical. Na' simetrikat i raya para umatya. Make the lines symmetrical to match.


simientu n. cement. Matompu yu' gi simientu. I stumbled on the cement. Manputlilu i simientu anai kimason i gima'. The cement became fragile when the house burnt. Variant: simentu.


simintereru n. farmer, peasant, one who works on the farm. Macho'chu' i simintereru gi lanchu. The farmer is working at the farm. Manånum i simintereru gollai. The farmer planted vegetables. Kåo ya‑mu na para un simintereru? Do you want to be a farmer? See: lancheru. Variant: suminterera.


simintetyu n. cemetery, burial ground, churchyard. Guaha misa gi simintetyu gi Lunis na ha'åni. There was a mass at the cemetery on Monday. Manhånåo i taotåo para i simintetyu para i interu. The people went to the cemetery for the funeral. In bisisita sessu i mañ difuntu na mañainan måmi gi simintetyu. See: sipputura. Variant: siminteyu.


simiya n. seed, progeny, seedling, bud, any propagative portion of a plant. Hu tånum i simiya gi lanchu. I planted the seeds at the farm. Guaha siha na simiya manbinenu. There are some seeds that are poisonous. I bayogu na simiya gai bali. The bayogu seed has value. See: pipitas.


simping adj. brand new, new (of an article) (Saipan). Simping esti na kareta. This is a brand new car. Kåo simping esti na katsunis? Is this a brand new pair of pants? Simping i metyås‑su. The socks are brand new.


sin1 n. tin, corrugated metal used for roofing, roof, zinc. Tinaki' i sin sa' ihut i gima' gi tasi. The tin roof is rusty because of the proximity of the house to the sea. Si tåta ha fatinåsi ham botin sin. Father made us a boat made of tin. Ha båtsala i sin guatu gi fihun kolat. He dragged the tin over near the fence.


sin2 prep. without, except, not, excluding, bare. Bai hånåo sin hågu. I will go without you. Sin hami, ti hu tungngu' kåo mana'siña enåo na cho'chu'. Without us, I don't know whether they can do that job.

cnj. without. Yuti' i basula sin un famaisin. Just throw away your trash without asking. See: fuera.


sin ennåo pp. notwithstanding, regardless. Sin ennåo na kareta, siña ha' yu' mamokkat. Regardless if I don’t have a car, I will just walk. Sin ennåo na siya, siña ha' yu' tumohgi. Without that chair, I can stand. Sin ennåo na påtgun ti un prupbleblema. Without that child, you will not have a problem.


sin paråt adv. incessantly, without stopping, endlessly. Håfa na sin paråt håo kumåti? Why are you incessantly crying? Sigi ha' manguentus sin paråt. They keep talking without end. Kalan mohon i chingi' manggugupu sin paråt. It seems like the white terns fly endlessly. From: Sp.


Sina name. nickname for Andresina.


sina'pit n. exhaustion, torture, agony of mind or body. Bula sina'pit gi familia. There was a lot of exhaustion in the family. Mungnga chathinassu sa' tåya' sina'pit gi entri hita. Don’t be disturbed because there is no problem between us Adahi na un sina'pit nu i patgon‑mu. Don’t let torture your child.


Sinajaña name. village in central Guam. Gåtbu na lugåt Sinajaña sa' gaigi gi eksu'. Sinajaña is a beautiful place because it is on a hilltop. Håfa siha un håssu put antigu na tiempu giya Sinajaña? What do you recall about the ancient times in Sinajaña?


sinagoga n. synagogue. Ti bai sinagoga esta. I will not get synagogue. Håfa sinagoga na palåbra? What is a synagogue word? Sa' håfa na sinagoga håo? Why do you have synagogue?


sinagu vi. catch a cold or influenza. Sinagu yu'. I have influenza. Adahi na un sinagu. Be careful about catching a cold. Gimin åmut sa' un sinagu sa' esta tiempun sågu. Drink the medicine to prevent influenza because it is flu season.



sinagui' n. protection, guard. Adahi na un sinagui'. Don’t be guarded. Mungnga na un sinagui' nu i tali. Don’t be guarded with the rope. Gimin åmut kumu sinagui' håo. Drink medicine if you get guarded.


sinahguan n. contents. Kåo gai sinahguan esti na kahita? Does this box contain something? Tåya' sinahguan esti na kareta. There are no contents in this car. Håfa sinahguan ennåo na låtan gånta? What is the content in this container?


sinahi n. new moon. Sinahi lamu'na. It is new moon this evening. Yunga' i sinahi gi pappet‑mu. Draw the new moon on your paper. Ya‑hu i sinahi gi agagå'‑mu. I like the sinahi necklace you are wearing.


sinaipas n. bedraggled person. Hånåo ya un arekla håo sa' kalan håo un sinaipas. Go and fix yourself up because you look like an unkempt person.

adj. 1) unkempt, shabby, messy. Ha håsngun ha' fuma'sinaipas gui' sa' ti ya‑ña ma'istotba. He purposely made himself appear shabby so that people will not bother him. 2) untrustworthy, tricky, disloyal. Suhåyi ennåo sa' sinaipas. Avoid her because she is untrustworthy. Ilek‑ña para u bota yu' låo sinaipas sa' ha bota i kuntrariu‑hu putfin. He promised to vote for me but he is disloyal as he subsequently voted for my opponent.


sinamomu n. type of flower. lawsonia intermis. Påopåo i sinamomu. The lawsonia intermis flower smells good. Manånum yu' sinamomu. I planted lawsonia intermis flowers. Bunitu kulot i sinamomu. There are a lot of colors for the lawsonia intermis flower.


sinantusan n. saint, holy person, believer. Ti sinantusan yu'. I am not a holy person.

adj. holy (of person), religious. Sinantusan i linalå'‑ña disdi mafañagu. Her life has been a holy one since she was born. Todu finu' sinatusan ha' gi kuentos‑ña. All her conversations were of religious nature. See: såntus, santulón.


sinangan n. saying, statement, speech, recitation, narrative, quotation, passage from some author or speaker, story. Håfa na sinangan esti? What kind of speech is this? Ti bai ekkunguk ennåo na sinangan. I will not listen to that statement. Taitai i sinangan i manmofo'na sa' manmenhalum. Read the sayings of our ancestors for their wisdom.


sinaolak n. spanking, whipping. Håyi sinaolak as Jose? Who got spanking from Jose? Ti sinaolak si Ana as Maria. Ana did not get spanking from Maria. Bai na'sinaolak håo nu i ma'estra. I will let the teacher spank you.


Sinapalu name. place in Rota where the airfield is located. In dingu Songsong ya mañåsaga ham på'gu giya Sinapalu. We moved from Songsong Village and we are now residing at Sinapalu. Umiskuela yu' gi iskuelan elementåriu giya Sinapalu. I attended elementary school at Sinapalu. Trabiha silensiu Sinapalu. Sinapalu is still very quiet.


sinasalaguan adj. fiendish, hellish. Adahi na un sinasalaguan nu i lahi. Watch out, the guy is hellish. Ti ya‑hu sinasalaguan. I don’t like to be fiendish. Debi un sinasalaguan sa' ti gof maguf yu'. You will be fiendish because you are not happy.


sindålu n. soldier, warrior. Sindålu yu' ana Geran Dos. I was a solder during World War II. Manhålum i sindalun Aliman gi islåt‑ta ya ma plånta i banderan‑ñiha. The German soldiers entered our island and planted their flag. I sindålu siha manmakonni' para u fanmanayuda gi ira. The solders were brought in to help in disasters.


sindogga adj. barefoot, go barefoot, without footwear. Mungnga na un sindogga gi tasi. Don’t be barefooted in the ocean. Sindogga gi halum guma' sa' kustumbri ennåo. Don't use footwear in the house because that is the custom. Ya‑hu sumindogga gi inai sa' fresku. I enjoy going barefoot in the sand because it feels cool.


sine'si' n. thrust, stab. Sine'si' si Jose nu i bulåchu na låhi. Jose was stabbed by the drunken guy. Adahi na un sine'si' as Jose. Don't let Jose stab you. Mungnga na un sine'si' as Jose sa' ti ume'ekkunguk håo. Don't let Jose stab you because you are not listening.


sine'su' n. copra, coconut meat (ripe) taken from its shell. Bula sine'su' gi lanchu. There's a lot of copra at the farm. Manmatåla' i sine'su'. The shelled coconuts were sun dried. Åntis meggai sine'su' manmabendi para mafa'tinas låñan niyuk. In the past, a lot of copra were sold to produce coconut oil.


sinenti n. feeling, sense. Ti klåru i sinenti gi gurupu put esti. The groups feeling is not clear about this. Esti i sinentin tåotåo, guaha na sen dilikåo. The feeling of a person can sometimes be sensitive. Fugu yu' sa' guaha sinintek‑ku gi halum tånu'. I shivered because I sensed something in the forest. Variant: sinienti.


sinetna n. alibi, excuse for. Mungnga mafa'sinetna i patgon‑mu sa' ti måolik. Don't use your child as an excuse because it is not proper. Hayi i yommu sinetna? Who is your alibi?


sinetnan n. boiled starchy food, such as taro, yam, and breadfruit. Kånnu' i sinetnan lemmai. Eat the boiled breadfruit. Umatya i sinetnan chotda yan matåla' kåtni. The boiled banana goes well with sun dried meat. Megai klåsin sinetnan nengkanu' ma plånta gi fandångun umasagua. There were many kinds of boiled starchy foods served at the marriage feast.


sinetsut n. repentance. Na'guaha sinetsot‑mu nu i isåo‑mu siha. Have repentance on your sins. Na'gai sinetsut håo. Have some repentance. Atdid na sinetsut hu kåkatga. I am burdened with a deep repentance.


sini vt. place in, put into. Sini i magågu gi yahalulum i komuda. Place the clothes way inside the closet. Sini fan esti i mamå'un gi balakbak‑mu? Could you pease put this betelnut mix in your bag? Manmasini todu i salåppi' gi kahun. All the money was placed in the box. See: sahguan.


sini'åbi n. gentleness, mildness, meekness. Na'guaha sini'abi‑mu kontra i patgun. Be gentle to the other child.

adj. gentle, mild, meek. Ti bai sini'åbi på'gu. I will not be gentle today. Sini'åbi si Maria na påtgun. Maria is a gentle child. See: s‑in‑u'åbi.


sinibi n. improvement. Tåya' sinibi gi iskuela. There is no improvement at school. Gai sinibi si Jose gi iskuela. Jose has improvement at school. Bai na'guaha sinibi gi klas. I will have an improvement in class.


sinienti n. perception, feeling, sense. Tåya' sinienti gi kannai‑hu. I don't feel anything on my hand. Kåo gai sinienti håo? Do you feel anything? Variant: sinenti.


siniguelas n. Jamaica plum. Spondias purpurea. Månngi' esti i siniguelas yanggin måsa yan lokkui' kumu gada' yan asiga. The Jamaica plum is delicious when ripe and also good to eat with salt when green. Manutut yu' råmas siniguelas para bai hu na'dokku' gi lugåt‑tu. I cut a branch of Jamaica plum to plant at my place. Esta ti åtman bula frutan siniguelas sa' esta mamotdung todu hagon‑ña. There will be lots of Jamaica plum since it shed all its leaves already. Variant: siniguera.


siniguera n. type of berry imported from the Philippines. Bula siniguera gi tattin gima'‑måmi Tinian. There are lots of Philippine berry trees in back of our house in Tinian. Ha na'setbi nus kuåntus na siniguera gi buñuelos‑ña si Nang. Mom used a couple of Philippine berries in her buñuelus. Tinaka' singku åñus i trongkun siniguela para u fanokcha'. It takes five years for the Philippine berry tree to bear fruit. Variant: siniguelas.


sinikretu n. secrecy. Tai sinikretu si Maria gi gima'. Maria doesn't have any secrecy. Bai na'guaha sinikretu kontra as Ana. I will have a secret from Ana. Ti ha tungu' sinikretu si Juan. Juan doesn't know how to have any secrets.


sinilu' vi. 1) become worse (of sickness or pain), become aggravated, get worse. Sinilu' si Juan i chetnot‑ña. Juan's sore has gotten worse. Adahi na u sinilu' i li'lo'‑mu. Don't let your cough get worse. Sinilu' i ma'uperå‑ña. His surgery has gotten much more painful. See: tåohan. 2) lose one's temper, fly off the handle, become extremely angry. Mungnga mana'sinilu' håo. Don't let yourself get out of hand. Masuhåyi insigidas sa' gotpi suminilu'. They moved away from her because she suddenly became extremely angry. 3) when a school of fish (mañåhak/atulai/ti'åo) is turned into a state of confusion as result of threats from predators, to be aggitated. Sinilu'i katdumin atulai nui tekchu' ni mangaigi gi uriya. The school of young mackerel became aggitated by predators nearby.


sinimai n. pickle (Guam). Ga'ok‑ku sinimain iba' ki sinimain kåmias. I prefer pickled iba over pickled kåmias. Nå'yi asiga, binakli yan donni' i sinimai‑mu papåya. Add salt, vinegar and hot peppers in your papaya pickle. Syn: koko'.


sinimbåtgu adv. nevertheless, still, yet. Sinimbåtgu ekkunguk si nåna. Nevertheless, listen to your mother. Sinimbåtgu tugi' na'ån‑mu. You still need to write your name. Ekkunguk, sinimbåtgu. Nevertheless, listen. Variant: sininbåtgu.


sininbåtgu adv. nevertheless, still; regardless. Sininbåtgu maila' ya ta na fåkpu esti na dibati på'gu. Nevertheless, let's end this debate today. Sininbågu, bai hånåo para i hunta sin i man ga'chong‑hu. Regardless, I will go to the meeting without my group. Variant: sinimbåtgu.




sinisa1 n. 1) Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. Kåo para ta atendi i Sinisa? Are we attending Ash Wednesday? 2) ash used to anoint the forehead on Ash Wednesday.

adj. ash colored, gray.


sinisa2 n. type of chicken, resembling gray Andalusian. Variant: sinisu.


sinisedi n. incident, occurrence, event, happening, phenomenon, something that occurs. Guaha sinisedi gi paingi. There was an incident last night. Sen ti u hongi na un sedi esti na sinisedi. I really can't believe that you allowed this incident (to happen). Hafa sinisedin i mañainata yan hafa kumekeilekna ennåo na sinisedi? What did our ancestors experienced during the Spanish administration and what are the implications of that incident? See: susedi.


sinisu1 n. shoot (of a plant), offshoot, scion, bud (of plant). Manmåtai i trongkun lemnai ginin i pakyu. Nå'i ham fan maseha dos na sinisu? The breadfruit trees died from the typhoon. Could you please give us at least two offshoots? Guaha bentåha gi metkåo bula na klåsin sinisu. At the market, there are many kinds of plant shoots for sale. I mannuk, ha guådduk todu i sinisu gi gualu. The chicken dug up all the plant shoots at the farm.


sinisu2 n. breed of grey rooster bred with imported fighting rooster and local fighting rooster (which produces a sinisu). I ga'‑hu sinisu yan bulik manggåna gi gayera. My fighting cocks won at the cockfight. Variant: sinisa.


siniyi vt. fill, put in, place in. Siniyi esti i betsakku salappi, fan. How about filling my pocket with money. Siniyi mås abonu gi uriyan tronkun laguana. Put more fertilizer around the soursop tree. Chuli esti i batdi ya un siniyi dos na måsan papaya. Take this bucket and fill it with two papayas. See: sahguan.


sinlasu' adj. 1) naked, without pants or clothing. Mungnga na un sin lasu' gi gima'. Don’t be naked at home. Sinlasu' anai ma kastiga. He was naked when he was punished. 2) left without any possessions at all, stripped of possessions. Mana'sinlasu' yu' ni todu kosas‑su. I was stripped of all my possessions.


sinmagågu adj. naked, without clothes. Mansinmagågu anai mano'mak gi tasi. They were naked when they swam in the ocean. Ha na'sinmagågu i neni para u maigu' sa' sen figan i semnak na ha'åni. She made the baby sleep without clothes because it was an extremely hot day. Håfa na ya‑mu suminmagågu gi chalan? Why do you enjoy going naked on the road?


sinmagågu adj. naked, without clothes. Suminmagågu anai mu' nangu gi tasi. He swam without clothes in the ocean. Mana' sinmagågu para ma palai låñan niyuk i tatåotåo‑ña. They took off his cloths to apply coconut oil on his body.


sinó cnj. otherwise, else, or. Rega hånum i floris sino siempri måtai. Sprinkle the flower with water; otherwise it will die Suetti na ha li'i' i patgun gi tasi sino siña ha' måtmus. It is lucky that he saw the child at the sea; otherwise the child might have drowned. Cho'gui hafa masanggannemu gi sainamu sino un ma lalåtdi. Do what you elders tell you or you will be chastised.


sinónimu n. synonym.


sinparåt adv. incessantly, without stopping, persistently. Disdi nigap uchan sinparåt. Its been raining non stop since yesterday. Maila' ya ta fanafa'måolik sinparåt. Come let us forever be in harmony. Esta mansisikat i taotåo sa' sigi ha' sumetmun sinparåt. The people are already nodding to sleep because he kept preaching on and on. From: Sp.


sinsåga vi. live in some one else's house. Guåhu yan i asaguå‑hu suminsåga ham gi gima' bihå‑hu anai umasagua ham. My husband and I lived at my grandmother's house when we got married. Ti obra i lina'lå'‑mu yanggin suminsåsaga håo. Your life is not as free when you are living in someone else's house. Para bai in sinsåga gi gima' che'lu‑hu låo ti para åtman. We will stay with my sister but it won't be for long.


sinseramenti n. sincerity, frankness, seriousness. Sinseramenti todu i modu‑ña giya hami. All her actions toward us are with sincerity. Ha fitma i kattån‑ña: Sinseramenti, i hagå‑mu. She signed here letter: Sincerely, your daughter. Klåru na' sinseramenti yan rispetu gaigi gi tråtamentu siha. It is clear that the treatment is with sincerity and respect.


sinseru adj. sincere, unadulterated, serious, wholehearted, heartfelt, unfeigned. Mansinseru ham put håfa malagu'‑måmi. We are sincere about what we desire. Sinseru i kumfiånsan‑miyu nu guiya? Are you sincere in your confidence of him? Ha chachagi månu nina'siñå‑ña para u na'annuk na sinseru gui'. He is trying his best effort to show that he is sincere. See: frångku, magåhit.


sinsét n. chisel, a tool for cutting. Hu usa i sinsét para bai hu åtti i hayu. I used the chisel to carve the wood. Ha guåsa' si Tåta i sinsét para u ipi' i paddit. Father sharpened the chisel to cut through the concrete. Ma puta' dos i atchu' nu i sinsét para u mana'balånsa i eddas. The stone was cut in two with the chisel to balance the footings.

vt. chisel, cut with a chisel. Ma sinsét i låpida para u mana'tunas. They chiseled the tombstone to straighten it. Hu sinsét i dos luluk ni tinaki' para bai na'adispatta. I chiseled the two rusty pieces of metal to split them apart. Gaigi i a'atti na ha sinseset i istatua gi simintetyu. The sculptor is chiseling the statue at the cemetery.


sinsiyu n. coins, loose change. Bula sinsiyu gi betsåk‑ku. I have lot of coins in my pocket. Hu sahguan todu i sinsiyu‑hu gi kåha. I dropped all my coins in the safe.

adj. 2) easygoing, affable, carefree. Tai atburotu i sinsiyu na tåotåo. An easygoing person does not fuss. Fatkilu yan sinsiyu i amigu‑hu. My friend is reticent and easygoing. 3) only one, single. Sinsiyu ha' i un nå'i yu' na påppit. You only gave me a single paper. Nå'i nu i sinsiyu na kopia si påli'. Give the priest the single copy. 4) chaste, pure. Ya‑hu umistoria gi famagu'un sa' mansinsiyu hinassun‑ñiha. I like to tell stories to the kids because their thoughts are pure.


sinsoru n. censor, faultfinder. Guaha sinsoru gi kareta. The car has sensors. Kumåti i sinsoru gi halum i gima'. The sensor in the house activated. Ma pega sinsorun guåfi gi halum kuåttun iskuela para mås pruteksion. They installed a fire sensor inside the classroom for more protection.


sinsura n. examination, test. Para u guaha sinsura gi uttimun i simåna put esti na cho'chu'. There will be a test at the end of the week for this work.

vt. examine. Masinsura yu' på'gu gi iskuela. I was examined today at school. Debi un masinsura para un manå'i lisensian mañugun. You need to be examined before you are given a driver's license.


sinsuradót n. census-taker, one who takes census (Saipan). Måttu i sinsuradót para u chuli' i sensun‑måmi. The census-taker came to take our census. Mana'fan hula' todu i sinsuradot åntis di ma tutuhun i sensu. All the census-takers were sworn under oath before conducting the census. Meggai na sinsuradót manmacho'chu' para u makubri todu i isla. There were many census-takers who worked to cover the whole island.


sinta n. edging, border. Syn: kåntu.


sintåbu n. cent, one hundredth. Sin unsintåbu tihukabålis sientu. Without a penny, there can never be a hundred. Fåtta un sintabu para hu kabålis sinku pesus. A penny is missing to make it five dollars. Nå'i yu' benti‑singku sintåbna diskuenta. Give me twenty-five cents discount. Variant: sentimu.


sintåda n. 1) meal, food serving. Esta para u maplånta i sintådan ogga'an. Breakfast is about to be served. Manmånngi' todu i sintåda ni manggaigi gi lamasa. All the food served on the table is delicious. 2) event of serving food. Anåkku' i sintåda gi fandånggu. The food serving at the wedding was long.


sintensia n. sentence. Tugi' kadada' ha' na sintensia. Write only a short sentence. Bunitu tinige'‑ña na sintensia. She wrote a nice sentence. Gai fundamentu i sintensia ni ha sångan. The sentence she said has substance.

vt. sentence, pass judgement on , make a decision (of a judge or court). Masintensia i sakki para i presu. The burglar was sentenced to jail. Para u masintensia i taotåo agupa'. The man is to be sentenced tomorrow. Manmasintensia i dos para u ma'apåsi i mottan‑ñiha gi kotti. The two were sentenced to pay their fines to the court.


sintensiadót n. referee, one who determines the winner in boxing or a cockfight.


sintura n. waist, waistline, bodice. Ti siña mamokkat i patgun sa' litiku disdi i addeng‑ña esta i sintura. The child is unable to walk because she is paralized from the waist to her legs. Si Rosa ha tulaika i katsunis sa' mampus ånchu i sintura. Rosa replaced the trousers because the waistline is too wide. Masotda' ni doktu na guaha chetnut gi sintura yan i adding i patgun. The doctor found that there is a problem with the waist and the leg of the baby.


sinturón n. belt, strap. Poddung katsunes‑ña sa' ti ha na'mafñut sinturon‑ña. His pants fell down because he didn't tie his belt well. Ha hannan i sinturon para u fanosgi i patgun. He threatened with the belt so the child would obey. Kueru i sinturon‑ña. His belt is leather. See: kurehas.


siña aux. can, be able, may. Tåya ti siña para bai hu cho'gui kumu humihita na dos. There is nothing that I cannot do if we two are together. Siña un fanu'i yu' mangi i siñat para Chalan Kiya? Can you show me where is the sign to Chalan Kiya? Ha fanå'gui ham hafa siha na klåsin tinanum siña mafa åmut. He taught us what kinds of plants could be used for medicine.


siña buenti aux. maybe, possible, perhaps. See: buenti, kåsi.


siña ha' aux. maybe, perhaps, it's possible.


siñåla vt. 1) mark (a place where something is to be planted or attached). Hånåo ha' sa' esta hu siñåla i lugåt. Go ahead (and do it) because I have already marked the place. 2) appoint, designate. 3) initiate, start, set a mark, begin. Ha siñåla i che'chu' sin u manå'i direksion. He started the work without a given direction. Maila' ta siñåla i priparasion ya u masosodda' ni palu. Let's begin the preparation and let the others come later. Ha siñåla gui' i semnak gi egga'an, dispues numupblådu. The morning started with a bright sun, then it became cloudy. Syn: tutuhun.


siñåt n. sign, signal, mark, indication, clue. I chatanmak siñåt i nuebu na ha'åni. Dawn is the sign of a new day. Nå'yi siñåt i petta. Put a sign on the door. Fa'tinas i siñåt i santus kilu'us kada diha. Siñåt para måolik na ha'åni på'gu sa' fresku i tiempu. It is a sign of a good day today because the weather is cool Variant: måtka.


siñora n. formal address for older female, mrs., madam, lady. Halum gi gima'‑måmi, Sinora. Come inside our house, Madame. Manmåttu i mansiñora gi giput. The ladies came at the party.


siñorita n. miss, young lady, single woman. Buenas dihas, Siñorita! Good morning, Miss! Ågang i Siñorita ya ta gågåo hånum. Call the young lady and we'll ask her for water. Grasiosa bumaila si Siñorita Ria. Miss Rita danced graciously.


siñoritu n. young gentleman, single man, Mr. Si Siñoritu Ben umayuyuda ham gi bola. Mr. Ben was helping us at the baseball. Måttu un siñoritu para u bisita i hagå‑hu. A young gentleman came to visit my daughter. Siñoritu, kåo siña un ayuda yu' sumodda' i chalån‑hu? Young man, would you please help me find my way?


siñót n. Mr., sir, gentleman. Siñot, maila' halum ya un diskånsa dididi. Sir, come inside and rest a bit. Siñot, kåo siña bai hu bisita håo gi ufisinå‑mu? Sir, may I visit you at your office? Ha kuentusi ham på'gu gi iskuela si Siñot Villagomez. Mr Villagomez talked to us at school today.


singåo adj. sick from repetition, satiated, fed up, tired bored. Tulaika fan i balakbak‑mu sa' esta na'singåo. Could you please change your bag because it is already boring. Na'singåo ennåo na tåotåo kumuentus. That person is tiresome when he talks. Ni ngaian na bai hu singåo nu hågu. I will never get tired of you. See: impåtchu, o'sun, sosongti.


Singgapót name. Republic of Singapore. Meggai klåsin tåotåo yan hingengi giya Singgapot. There are many different ethnic groups and religions in Singapore. Variant: Singgapoa.


singku num. five. Guaha singku mañe'lu‑hu put todu. I have five siblings in all. Mangonni' si tatå‑hu singku na binådu. My dad caught five deer. Mina' sinku esti na guma gi sitiu. This is the fifth house in the area.


singkuenta num. fifty. Singkuenta åñus si tihå‑hu, Ana. My aunt Ana is fifty years old. Mangonni' si Gregorio singkuenta na guihan. Gregorio caught fifty fish.


singkuentai unu num. fifty-one. Singkuentai unu años‑ña i amigu‑hu låo tåtnai malångu. My friend is 51 years old but has never been sick. Tufung i pokkåt‑mu gi chalan asta singkuentai unu. Count your paces on the street up to fifty-one. Esta sessu yu' mangingi' sa' hu gacha' singkuentai unu åñus. Now I am being kissed on the hand because I reached 51 years old.


siobo' even up, tie game, draw match, equal in contest, come out even (Saipan). Syn: parehu, tåpbla.


siónganai' pred. no way, too bad, can't be helped, nothing can be done (Saipan). Tåya' siña bai hu sångan sa' sionganai'. I have nothing to say because it can't be helped. Esta ta chagi kumuentusi pues sionganai' yanggin ti ha osgi hit. We tried advising her so nothing can be done about it if she does not obey. Na'piniti ennåo na sinisedi, låo sionganai'. This incident is saddening but too bad.


siori adj. short, small. Makakasi yu' "siori" sa put ti lokka' yu' parehu yan i pumalu siha. I am being teased as "siori" because I am not tall like the others. From: English, short.


sipåra vt. separate, part, divide. Sipåra i niyuk yan i daddik. Separate the mature and very young coconuts. Ti klåru håfa guaha na kosas sa' ti manmasipåra. It is confusing to know what things are available because they are not sorted. Manmasipåra i gayu yan i punidera. The roosters and hens were separated. See: dipåtta, ádingu, ádispatta.


siparåo adj. separated, parted, separable, divided. Separåo mampus i gimå'‑ta na dos. Our homes are very much separated. I hinengin‑miyu muna' mana' fan siparåo hamyu. You are separated because of your religion. Maput mana' fan siparåo i familia guini na isla. It is difficult for families in this island to be divided.


siparasión n. separation. I siparasion pulitika siha giya Micronesia na humuyung i manindipendensia na tånu' Palau, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of the Marshall Islands, yan Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The political separation of the island in Micronesia resulted in the independent nations of Palau, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of the Marshall Islands and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Na' siguru na klåru håfa na rason na para guaha siparasion gi entalu' gurupun tåotåo gi hospitåt. Be sure to have a clear reason for the separation of groups of people in the hospital. Ti ha angokku na para taiguihi na klåsin separasion para ma cho'gui gi famagu'un siha. She did not anticipate that a separation of that kind would be done among the children.


sipik vi. catch fish. Manpairi i mañaina‑ta mansipik. Our ancestors are expert in fishing. Gofsipik ennåo na tåotåo sa' sessu mehna kininne'‑ña tagåfi. That person is an expert fisher because he freqently catch a lot of a red snapper.


sipit n. chopsticks. Ha dossuk maisa gui' ni sipit. He poked himself with the chopsticks. Kåo siña ta attulaika sipit? Can we exchange chopsticks? Kalan mapput bai usa i sipit gi sintåda. It's a little difficult for me to use chopstick to eat. Syn: palitu.


sipu vt. corner, move it into a corner when fighting or chasing something.


sipudera adv. should have, wish (contrary to fact). Sipudera un asi'i gui' sa' ginagagåo håo asi'i. You should've forgiven him because he asked you for forgiveness. Sipudera bai hu tai salåppi' kumu hu apåsi i dibi‑hu siha. Even if I end up having no money, as long as I pay my debts. Sipudera u matomba sa' i mata'pång‑ña. She deserves to fall down because of her aloofness. Variant: pudera, asipudera.


sipútkuru n. sepulcher. Mapo'lu i tatåotåo i pali' gi siputkuru anai måtai. The priest's body was put in the sepulcher when he died. Meggai na mañåntus manggaigi tatåotåo‑ñiha gi siputkuru. Many saints's bodies are in sepulchers. Syn: siputtura. Variant: siputkru.


siputtura n. cemetery, burial ground. Mahåfut si tatå‑hu gi siputturan Chalan Kanoa. My father was buried at the Chalan Kanoa cemetery. Sessu i che'lu‑hu mangguåssan gi siputtura. My brother often weeds the grass at the cemetery. Gaigi kuåttru na tåotåo manmangguaguadduk gi siputtura para u mahåfut i matai. There are four people digging the burial ground to bury the dead. Syn: simintetyu.


siradura n. padlock, lock. Kallu i siradura. The padlock is loose. Pinat siradura i kalabosu guini. The jail here is full of locks. I toru ha yamak i siradura gi kellåt‑ña. The bull broke the lock of his fence. See: andåba. Variant: aseradura, siladura.


sirásimi' n. salad oil, cooking oil, frying oil. Ma'aflitu i mannuk ni sirasimi'. The chicken is fried in oil. Kema i gellai gi dididi' na sirasimi'. Sautee the vegetables in little oil. Templa i ensalåda ya un nå'yi dididi' ha' na sirasimi'. Mix the salad and add only very little oil. Syn: låña, asaiti.


Sirena n. mermaid, fabled marine creature with a woman's body and a fish's tail. Na' piniti i istoria put si Sirena. The story about Sirena makes one sad.


sirenu n. dew, morning mist. Mungnga mana'huyung i neni sa' mampus sirenu. There's dew, do not take the baby out. Mungnga gi halum sirenu yanggin sinagu håo sa' un påsmu. Don't go outside into the morning dew whenever you have the flu otherwise you will get worse. Usa i tihong‑mu sa' i sirenu. Wear your hat because of the night dew.


sirialis 2. cereal.


sirigidiyas n. winged beans, four-cornered bean, tropical bean, Goa bean. Psophocarpus tetragonolobus. Aflitu i sirigidiyas yan satdinas para senå‑ta. Fry the winged beans with sardines for our dinner. Chaddik hokkuk i sirigidiyas sa' maguaiya na gollai. The winged beans go fast because it is a favored vegetable. Ti mapput matånum i sirigidiyas. It is easy to grow winged beans. Variant: sigidiyas.


sirik vt. have sexual intercourse. Ti hu li'i na u masirik i taotåo. I did not witness that the person had sexual intercourse. Ilek‑ña i hues, kåo un sedi i taotåo na para un sinirik? The judge asked whether she allowed the person to have sexual intercourse with her. See: baggai, dålli, kichi'.


sirimonias n. ceremony, ritual. Hu atendi i sirimonias para manmagraduha siha. I attended the ceremony for the graduates. Makumbida yu' para i sirimonias umasagua. I am invited to a wedding ceremony. Meggai tåotåo gi sirimonias para ma silebra i manmangånna gi kumpitensian lingguahin Chamorro. There were many people at ceremony to celebrate the winners of the Chamorro language competition.


sirinåta n. serenade, evening music in the air. Guaha sirinåta hu huhunguk na puengi. There's a serenade I am hearing tonight.

vt. serenade. Kada puengi guaha sumirinånata gi bisinu. There is someone serenading at the neighbor every night. Ya‑ña i che'lu‑hu sumirinåta i nubiå‑ña. My brother loves to serenade his girlfriend.


siruånu n. herb doctor, quack doctor, witch doctor. Konni' i lahi‑mu para i siruåna. Take your son to a herb doctor. Variant: suruhåna.


sis intj. because of, then why did...alternative form of fv: sa'. Sis håfa nai na un sedi para u hånåo? Then why did you allow her to go? Ñating i boti sis katgådu. The boat is slow because it is loaded. Sis ilelek‑ta ha'. Because we have been saying that.


sisenta num. sixty. I palåbra sisenta sa' numiru. The word sixty is a number. Guaha sisentai sietti na diha fåfatta gi sakkan. There are sixty-seven days remaining in the year. Gi mit nuebi sientu sisentai såis na såkkan na masusedi i mås metgut na påkyu, Typhoon Jean. In 1968, the strongest typhoon, Typhoon Jean, Saipan.


sisentai unu num. sixty-one. I palåbra sisentai unu sa' numiru. The word sixty-one is a number. I numiru sisenta pues nai sisentai unu. The number sixty then sixty-one.


sisgåo n. diagonal line. Utut sisgåoi matiriåt. Cut the material diagonally. Chåchak sisgåo i guiha dispues åsni. Cut the fish diagonally then put salt on it. I graminsot hamidin sisgåo i pidåsun tånu'.


sisi vt. rip, split, tear off, saw. Hu sisi i pappit ya hu yuti' gi sagan basula. I tore the paper and threw it in the trash can. Ta sisi i hayun i liga. We split the lumber for the wall. Matå'chung yu' gi mayulang na siya, pues ha sisi i kadada' na katsunes‑su. I sat on a broken chair, then it tore off my short pants. See: titik.


sísi'uk n. type of fish: squirrelfish (dark red), menpachi. Family Holocentridae. Gef adahi an para un go'naf i sisi'uk sa' gai didiluk. Be very careful when scaling the squirrelfish because it has spines. Atalak esti i sisi'uk. The squirrelfish has wide eyes. Inagaga' i sisi'uk kulot‑ña. The color of the squirrelfish is reddish.


sisiñå-mu (from: sisiñå‑mu) n. your (sg) power.


sisitan adj. aggravated (of sore or wound), made worse (of sore or wound). Mana'fañagun sisitan esti na palåo'an. This woman had a forced delivery. Mafoksin sisitan i granu matditu. The pus in the boil was forced out. Sisitan i chetnot‑ña anai umo'mak gi tasi. Her illness got worse when she went swimming at the beach. See: tinåohan.


Siska name. nickname for Francisca.


siso' n. see-saw, teeter-totter. Si tåta hafatinåsi ham siso'. Father build us a see-saw. Potdung yu' gi siso' ya mahluk adeng‑hu. I fell from the teeter-totter and broke my leg. See: balånsa.


Sisonyan name. Wetland; name of a place in Tinian. Giya Tinian, dos guaha na lugåt sisonyan. On Tinian, there are two places considered wetlands. I Sisonyan gi san kattan na bånda giya Tinian guaha na biåhi na ångnglu'. The wetland on the northern part on Tinian sometimes dries up. Na'ma'a'ñåo yan gai piniligru i sisonyan giya Makpu. The wetland in Marpo is scary and can be dangerous.


sisonyan n. swamp, marsh, bog. Måspuk i taotåo gi halum sisonyan. The man plunged in the swamp. Bula ñamu gi sisonyan. There are lots of mosquitoes in the swamp. Mankimason i karisu gi sisonyan anai umanglu'. The marsh grasses got burned when the marsh dried up. Variant: sisonyan, sisomyan.


sistema vt,2. system, arrangement, systematize, orderly, method. Guaha un sistema para ta diskuti. There is one system that we will discuss. Klåru i sistema ni para ta tattiyi. The system we are to follow is clear.


sistet n. nun. From: English.


sita vt. cite (someone), summon (someone), send for, serve with a writ.


sítåra n. sitar, a musical instrument from India.


sitasión n. citation, summons, official call or notice.


sitbentin sibit n. civil servant, one employed in the civil service. Sitbentin sibit kumeke'ilek‑ña indibiduat ni machocho'chu' gi sitbision sibit/pupbliku.


sitbesa n. beer. Na'bulachu i sitbesa. Beer can make you drunk. Ti debi di un sugun i kareta yanggin bula ginimen‑mu sitbesa. You should not drive when you have drunk a lot of beer. Siña mamåhan håo sitbesa yanggin esta gai idåt håo. You can buy beer if you are of age.


sitbienti n. servant, person employed in domestic duties, person in the service of another. I kandidåtu ha prumeti hit na sitbienti gui' para i publiku. The candidate promised us that he is a servant for the public. Ti nahung sitbienti gi sagan chumotchu sa' meggai manmannannanga kada diha. There is not enough servants in the eating place because there are many people waiting every day. Ti sitbienti yu' para hamyu. I am not your servant. Variant: setbente.


sitbisiun sibit n. civil service. Guaha ma istablesi sitbisiun sibit gi gubetnamentun Marianas. There is established a civil service within the government of the Marianas. Impottånti i sitbisiun sibit para u prutehi i implehåo siha gi che'chu'‑ñiha. Civil service is important to protect the employees on their job. Bula na implehåo esta manprinitehi ni sitbisiun sibit. There are lots of employees already protected by civil service.


sitenta num. seventy. I mås åmku' na che'lu‑hu palåo'an ha silebra i sitenta åñus na kumpliaños‑ña nigap. My oldest sister celebrated her seventieth birthday yesterday. Manmåttu sitenta na istudiånti ginin i Oleai Elementåriu na iskuela guatu gi Joeten Kiyu Liberian Publiku. Seventy students from Oleai Elementary School came to Joeten Kiyu Public Library. I Prufisot na ma'estrok‑ku gi Kulehu mås ki sitenta åñus i idåt‑ña. My Professor at the College is much older than seventy years.


sitenta sopblu (Manny ends here) num. seventy left over. Hu tufung i salåppi' ya guaha sitenta pesus sopblu. I counted the money and there's seventy dollars left over. Si Martha ha na'setbi i sitenta sopblu na salappe'‑ña gi Feria. Martha spent her left over seventy dollars at the Fair. Håfa para un cho'gui nu i sitenta sopblu na mångga? What are you going to do with the seventy left over mangoes?

seventy-one. I Gubietnu ha kumbida sitentai unu na manåmku' ginin i Sentru para i Trongkun Åtbut na Feria. The Governor invited seventy-one elders from the Center to the Flame Tree Festival. Magopti si Ben nu i famagu'on‑ña anai ha gacha' sitentai unu na kumplihaños‑ña. A birthday party was given for Ben by his children on his seventy-first birthday. Matånum sitentai unu na trongkun åtbut gi kantun chålan para guatu gi plasan båtkun airi. They planted seventy-one flame trees along-side to the Airport.


sitiu n. place, site, lot (of land), location. Manmanå'i si Lourdes yan si Joseph sitiun‑ñiha guatu giya Kagman na lugåt. They gave Lourdes and Joseph a lot in Kagman. I Dipåttamentun Tånu' ha ririfa dos na sitiu gi mes para atyo siha i mankualifikåo na individuåt. The Departmen of Land raffled two lots a month for those individuals who are qualified. Bunitu i sanlichan na lugåt giya Saipan sa' ha fåfana' guatu i islan Tinian. The south side of Saipan has a beautiful site for it's facing the island of Tinian. Si Siñot Cabrera ha nå'i i Ubispu un dångkulo na sitiu para u mahåtsa i Kapiya. Mr. Cabrera donated to the Bishop a large piece of land to build the Chapel. Syn: lugåt. See: tånu'.


sitkulu n. circle. Mafotma sitkulu nu i famagu'un para u fanhugåndu. The children formed a circle to play. Bunitu i floris matanom‑ña sa' ma na'sitkulu gi uriyan i hatdin. The flowers were beautifully planted because they encircle the garden. I paluma manggugupu sitkulu gi uriyan kanohan hånum guaka. The birds flew in a circle around the cattle's trough. Syn: ridondu, aridondu.


sitrón n. type of plant: pomelo. citrus medica. Guaha trongkun sitron gi gualu'‑måmi. We have citrus plants at our farm. Måolik i pomelo na sitron matånum sa' gof fahna. Pomelo is a good citrus tree to plant because it is very marketable. Meggai tinifi'‑ñiha i famagu'un na klåsin sitron kuntodu lalangita gi gualu' Siñot Guerrero. The children picked many kinds of citrus including tangerines from Mr. Guerrero's farm. Variant: setlas.


situasión n. situasion, circumstances, predicament, condition. I situasion ni manggaigi hit på'gu mampus makkat i lina'la'. Life is very hard under the circumstances that we are in today Håfa i situasion put i biahi‑ta para Honolulu? What is the situation regarding our trip to Honolulu? I abugåon‑måmi para u ina i situasion tånu' i familia ni machuli' gi finakpu' i Gera. Our lawyer will shed light on the circumstances related to the family land which was taken after the War. Syn: sikumstånsia.


siudå n. city, metropolis, town. Bula tåotåo mañåsaga gi siudå sa' hihut guatu påra i che'chu'‑ñiha. A lot of people live in the city because it's close to where they work. Amånu na påtti gi siudå nai mañåsaga hamyu? Which part of the city do you all live in? Lameggai na Chamorro ginin Saipan mañåsaga gi siudån Portland. There are a lot of Chamorros from Saipan who are living in the metropolis of Oregon. I nuebu na siudå giya Kagman, guaha elementåriu na iskuela, sigundu yan high school mahåtsa hihut gi kumunidåt. The new town of Kagman has elementary, junior and high schools built close to the community. Kåo un tungu' månu nai gaigi na siudå i ofisinan abugåo as Guerrero yan Aldan? Do you know in which town the law office of Guerrero and Aldan is located? Variant: siudåt.


siudadånu n. citizen, resident of a state. I Chamolinian na residenti gi San Kattan na Isla mansiudadånun Estådus Unidus. The Chamolinian residents of the Northern Mariana Islands are citizens of the United States. I patgon‑ña neni i låhi‑hu ni mafåñagu mientras machocho'chu' gui' Australia sumiudadånun Australia. My son's child who was born while he was working in Australia became an Australian citizen. Siudadånun månu håo lugåt? Which state are you a resident of?


siudåt n. city, town, metropolis. Bula tåotåo mañåsaga gi siudå sa' hihut guatu påra i che'chu'‑ñiha. A lot of people live in the city because it's close to where they work. Amånu na påtti gi siudå nai mañåsaga hamyu? Which part of the city do you all live in? Ma'udai yu' gi transpottasion siudå kada diha påra i Unibetsidåt. I ride the city transportation daily to the University. Variant: siudå.


siya n. seat, chair. Månu guini siyå‑mu? Which one is your seat? Todu i siya gi halum i Gima' Yu'us manmafata'chuchungi. All the seats in the Church have been taken. I katpinteru ni umayuyuda ham gi gima'‑måmi måolik mama'tinas siya. The carpenter who helped us at home is good at making chairs. Variant: tå'chung.


siyan kabåyu n. saddle. Si Ping ha na'hanågui ginin Kalifornia si tatå‑ña siyan kabåyu para i kumplihaños‑ña. Ping sent from California a saddle to his father for his birthday. Mungnga ma'udai gi kabåyu sin un usa i siyan kabåyu sa' siempri puti dagån‑mu. Do not ride on a horse without a saddle because it will hurt your buttocks. I siyan kabåyu manmafabrika nu i mankualidåt na kueru. Saddles are manufactured with quality leather.


siyan machukan n. rocking chair. Si bihå‑hu ya‑ña matå'chung gi siyan machukan dispues di talu'åni gi birånda. My grandmother likes to sit on the rocking chair in the late afternoon on the porch. Hu li'i' bunitu na pi'åo na siyan machukan I saw a beautiful rocking chair at Joeten's store last week. Yan‑ñiha i neni manmachukan gi siyan machukan, piot yanggin manatburutåtåo, sa' nina'fansilelensiu. Babies like to be rocked on the rocking chair, especially when they are very fussy, for it quiets them down.


skerosu adj. squeamish, fussy.


skopulu n. chisel; type of hand tool for carving wood. Chinachak yu' anai hu habåo i skopulu. I cut cut when I snatched the chisel from my friend. Guaha måolik na skopulu para håyun ifit? Is there a good chisel for the ifit wood?


skuiyi n. type of brush made from coconut husk, used for scrubbing or polishing. Åntis na tiempu i skuiyi mana'sesetbi para umaguesguis i satgin i gima' para u mana'gåsgas yan lamlam. In the old days the coconut husk brush was used to scrub the floor to make it clean and shiny. Si Tun Ignåsio Muña ha bebendi i fina'tinås‑ña skuiyi guatu gi Såbålu Market giya Susupe. Mr. Ignacio Muña make coconut husk brush and sale it at the Saturday Market in Susupe. Chuli' mågi i skuiyi ya bai hu guesguis i attilung gi la'uya. Bring over the coconut husk brush so I can scrub the black spot on the cooking pot. From: Eng.


slait n. slide, sliding board. Manggof maguf i famagu'un anai mali'i' na guaha slait gi Sentrun Headstart. The children were very happy when they saw the slide at the Headstart Center. Si Cindy ti malagu' ha tattiyi si nanå‑ña asta ki humugåndu gi slait. Cindy does not want to follow her mother until she gets on the slide. Manpasehu ham yan i amigu‑hu para i World Resort Hotel ya manhugåndu ham gi slait hånum; månngi' yan bula minaguf. My friend and I went to World Resort Hotel and we went on the water slide; it's wonderful and we had a lot of fun. Ha fa'tinas si Siñot Juan i famagu'on‑ña slait gi tattin guma'‑ñiha. Mr. Juan built a sliding board behind his house for his children. Guaha lokkui' slait manmahåtsa para i feria. There are also sliding boards that were built at the fair. Kåo malagu' håo un tattiyi ham para i slait ya uta fanhugåndu? Would you like to follow us to the sliding board to play? Variant: suberidai'. From: Eng.


so'gui vt. empty (water) out of something, bail, scoop, dip out. Hu li'i' i palåo'an gi plasan hugåndu ha so'gui i hanum gi girifu gi patman kannai‑ña para u na'gimin i ga'‑ña ga'lågu. I saw a lady at the playground cupping her hand under a faucet to bail water for her dog. Chuli' i batdi ya un so'gui i hanum sa' machuchuda'. Take the bucket and scoop out the water for its over-flowing. Ha so'gui i hanum nu i kannai‑ña gi satten hineksa' sa' mampus meggai i midida. She scooped some water out of the rice cooker for the water measurement was too much. Variant: sohgui.


so'on vi. 1) stagger, stumble, jerk, about to stop, about to fall. Duru manso'on i famagu'un guatu gi kuattun‑ñiha sa' manyayas manmalågu. The children were staggering to their classroom for they were exhausted from running. Meggai na manlokka' na guma' manso'on gi duråntin i linåo yan hinatmin i tasi ni masedi giya Hapon. Many tall buildings were jerking and stumbling during the most recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan. 2) bark, growl (of a dog when after a prey). Mana'so'on i ga'lågu anai mali'i' i sakki gi kantun guma'. They provoked the dog to bark and growl when they saw the burglar close to the house. Variant: sohon, so'hon.


so'su' vt. 1) slice to extract out (coconut meat) from the shell, make copra. Si Belan ha so'su' i manha para un påtti i famagu'un siha. Belan pried out the coconut meat from its shell for you to share among the children. Åntis na tiempu, bula na lancheru manmañoño'su' niyuk para u mabendi para lina'la' i familia. Back then many farmers extract coconut meat to sell to support the family. See: sine'su', fusu'. 2) pry loose, scrape (with thrusting motion), as scraping a pancake from the griddle. I patgun ha so'su' i dekngus i hineksa' gi satten. The child scraped out the burnt rice from the pot.


soba' n. noodle soup. I mås ya‑hu na soba' i soba' spam. My favorite noodle soup is spam noodle soup. From: Jp. soba.


sobri n. envelope. Po'lu i dokumentu siha gi ladangkulu na sobri åntis di un na'hånåo. Put all the documents in a large envelope before you send it. Håfa na kulot sobri malago'‑mu para un na'setbi para i kumplihåñus Chicha? What color envelope would you like to use for Chicha's birthday? Mungnga maleffa na ti un pega i seyu gi sobri åntis di un na'hånåo i kattåm‑mu. Don't forget to put the stamp on the envelope before you send your letter.


sodåliti n. sodality, religious organization for young women. Guaha huntan i sodåliti gi Damenggu guatu gi Sånta Carmen na Guma' Yu'us giya Chalan Kanoa. There will be a sodality meeting on Sunday at Mount Carmel Church in Chalan Kanoa. Kuåntu put todu manmiembru gi sodåliti giya Saipan? How many are members of the sodality in Saipan? Malagu' i amigå‑hu as Nora sumåonåo gi gurupun sodåliti. My friend Nora wants to join the religious young women's group. Syn: asosiasión.


sodda' vt. find, come upon, gain the use of. Hu sodda' i ga'‑måmi toru ni malingu gi kantun tåsi. I found our missing bull near the ocean. Ha sodda' i lepblun tradisionåt na kustumbrin Chamorro. She/He found the book of the traditional Chamorro culture. Inistototba si Meling sa' ti siña umådanchi yan i karetå‑ña, låo dispues ha sodda' na i manggu i prublemå‑ña; ha na'ma'arekla ya dispues mumåolik. Meling was annoyed for she couldn't figure out what was wrong with her car, and then she found out that the wheel was the problem; she had it fixed and gained the use of her car once again. Variant: sotda'.


sofa n. sofa, a long, upholstered piece of furniture designed for several sitters. Maila' hålum ya in fanmatå'chung gi sofa. Come inside and sit on the sofa. Kåo siña un nå'i dididi' kåmpu si Bedu ya u måolik fata'chong‑ña gi sofa? Can you give a little space for Bedu so she can feel comfortable sitting on the sofa? I lugåt nai manmiting ham dångkulu yan puru sofa siyå‑ña. The area where the meeting was held is large, all with sofas to sit on. From: Eng.


sogra n. mother-in-law. I familian i sogra‑ku mañåsaga giya Luta. My mother-in-law's family are living on Rota. Fåttu gi gima'‑måmi gi Påsgua ya un chagi i fina'tinas sogrå‑ku sa' gof månngi' mama'tinas na' guput. Come to our house for Easter and try my mother-in-law's cooking, for she makes great party dishes. I sogrå‑ku sessu bumuluntåriu gi iskuelan San Vicente. My mother-in-law frequently volunteers at San Vicente School. Variant: suegra, sugra.


sogru n. father-in-law. I sogrok‑ku unu na konggresistu ha riprisesenta i san kattan na isladuråntin i gurupun Kunggresun Micronesia na tiempu. My father-in-law was one of the congressman representing the Northern Mariana Islands during the Congress of Micronesia era. Bula tanu'‑ñiha i familian sogrok‑ku giya Saipan. My father-in-law's family own a large piece of land in Saipan. Gof ya‑ña i sogrok‑ku pumeska gi boti‑ña. My father-in-law loves to go fishing in his boat. Variant: suegru, sugru.


sohgui vt. empty (water) out of something, scoop, bail, dip out. Ma sohgui i hanum huyung ginin i tangki. They dipped out the water from the tank. I peskadot yayas sumohgui i boti‑ña gi halum tåsi. The fisherman is exhausted bailing out his boat in the ocean. Si Jose ha na'setbi i hos para u sohgui i hanum ginin i tangki guatu gi kanohan guaka. Jose is using the hose to drain the water from the drum can to the cattle trough. Variant: so'gui.


sohgun adj. soaked with sweat or rain. Sohgun si Ramon ni masahalom‑ña sa' ginin mungatyu gi lanchu. Ramon is soaked with sweat for he was busy collecting firewood at the farm. Mungnga masedi i patgun na u sohgun ni masahalom‑ña ya ti u matulaika i magagu‑ña, sa' u malångu. Don't allow the child to get soaking wet with sweat and not change clothes right away, for he might get sick. Sohgun yu' nu i ichan. I'm soaking from the rain. Todu i bulan uchan kada diha ha na'sohgun i tanu'. The heavy rainfall eery day has soaked the earth well. Syn: fotgun, måsmai. Variant: sosgun.


sohmuk vt. stuff into a hole, squeeze in tightly into a hole, cram tightly into a hole, shove into a hole, pack into a hole. Sohmuk i pappit hålum gi madduk. Shove the papers into the hole. Si Lourdes ha sohmuk i na'‑ña kandi gi balakbak‑ña para mungnga mali'i' nu i mangga'chong‑ña. Lourdes stuffed the candy into her purse so the others wouldn't see. Duråntin i pakyu, guaha siha famagu'un masohmuk siha gi un dikiki' kåmpu para ufan ulat. During a typhoon, some children will squeeze in tightly into a small room with others for comfort.


sohon vi. stagger. Variant: so'on.


sohyu' vt. influence, convince, invite, persuade. I tiå‑hu as Annai ha sohyu' yu' para bai hu iskuelan doktu. My aunt Annai persuaded me to go to school and become a doctor. Måolik si Lorenzo kumuentus gi inetnun pupbliku sa' kabilosu yan sohyu'. Lorenzo is a good public speaker for he is intelligent and very persuasive. I mangga'chong‑hu gi che'cho'‑hu gi kotti mansohyu' na gurupu. My colleagues at the courthouse are a very influential group. Ha so’hyu si Tomas para u fangassi. He was egging Tomas to tease. Manmaso’hyu i taotåo siha na u fanispiha safe na lihing duråntin i pakyu. People were urged to seek safe shelters during the typhoon. Syn: kumbida, eppuk. Variant: so'yu', ho'yu'.


sokka vt. hold down, pin against, clamp. Sokka påpa' i munton gaseta ya bai hu goddi, sa' u fanginipu nu i manglu'. Hold down the stack of newspaper so I can tie it before the wind blows them. Umafulu' si Nicolås yan i amigu‑ña ya ha sokka i kodun amigu‑ña kontra i lamasa. Nicolas wrestled with his friend and he pinned his friend's arm against the table. Mahålla i ramas orkit ya ma sokka kontra i trongkun niyuk. They pulled the orchid branch and clamped it onto the coconut tree.


sokkai vt. snag, (cloth), rip or tear off (something) by being caught on something. I alåmlin i kellat guaka ha sokkai i katsunes‑su. The barbed wire from the cattle fence snagged my pants. Chuli' mågi i mansinekkai na magågu ya bai hu sotsi. Bring the torn clothes and I will mend them. I liluk ha sokkai i franela‑hu gi tattin guma'. The nail ripped my T-shirt behind the house.


sokkuk vt. elbow, nudge, jog, jostle, jolt, poke (with the elbow), kick (with the knee), thrust. Ha sokkuk yu' si Juan para bai hu fåna' mo'na i silibrasion i misa. Juan nudged me to turn around and face the celebration in the mass. I istudiånti ha sokkuk i ga'chong‑ña gi fila sa' put para u inipus mo'na. The student elbowed his classmate so that he could cut to the front of the line. Ya‑hu sumokkuk gi minachum åtdåo sa' fresku. I love to jog at sunset because it's cooler. Motmut tåotåo gi pantalån ya ma soksuk yu' ya kana' hu sufa' i biha gi me'nå‑hu. It was crowded at the wharf and I got jostled and almost knocked the old lady in front of me. See: trukus. Variant: toyu'.


sokkus1 adj. born feet first, breech (birth). Si Vicente mafañågun sokkus. Ben was a breech birth baby. Kåo puti i sokkus na påttu? Is it difficult to give a breech birth delivery? Yayas i doktu na ogga'an sa' dos na sokkus na påttu ha cho'gui gi chatanmak. The doctor is exhausted this morning because he performed two breech birth deliveries before dawn.


sokkus2 adj. dirty. Sokkus i chininå‑ña si Lusia nu i fåchi'. Lusia's dress is muddy. Fa'gåsi i kareta sa' mampus sokkus. Wash the dirty car. Mansokkus todu i pineddung mångga ya nisisåriu na un hinagua. The fallen mangoes are dirty, you need to rinse them. Variant: ápplacha'.


sokni vt. accuse (someone), charge (someone) with, suspect (someone). Mungnga masokni si Maria na guiya tumutuhun i mimu. Do not accuse Maria that she started the fight. I pulisiha ma aresta i kriminåt ya ma sokni nu i bidå‑ña. The police arrested the criminal and charged him with the crime. Masokni i implehåo i tenda na ti ha chocho'gui todu i che'cho'‑ña. They accused the store employee that he was not doing all his work. Syn: suspetcha, faisiknåni.


soko' n. shed, storage room, warehouse. Dångkulu soko' tatå‑hu sa' bula ramentån‑ña. My father's storage room is big because he has a lot of tools. Po'lu i siya yan lamasa siha gi halum soko'. Put the chairs and tables in the storage. Todu kosas siha ni ti sessu manma'usa manmapopo'lu gi soko'. All things that are not use often are placed in the warehouse. Syn: dipositu, famo'luyan. From: Jp.


soksuk1 n. tuberculosis. Gi finakpu' i gera, lameggai na tåotåo mannina'yi nu i chetnut soksuk. Right after the war, quite a few individuals contracted tuberculosis. Syn: tibi.


soksuk2 vt. insert into soil, stick into something. Soksuk hålum i hayu gi etda'. Insert the stick into the soil. Soksuk ha' i råmas lodugåo sa' siempri mandokku'. Just stick the branch of the lodugao into the soil and it will grow.


soku-pån (from: soku‑pån) n. special bread. Ya‑ña si Tata i soku‑pån para merienda. Tata likes the special bread for afternoon snack. Påopåo i soku‑pån an på'gu mafa'tinas. The special bread smells good when freshly baked. Kada diha mamåhan i asaguå‑hu soku‑pån para bento' yan amotsa. Every day my husband buys special bread for lunch and breakfast. From: Jp.


solamenti adv. except, provided that, unless, only, alone. I tendan‑måmi mabababa kada diha, solamenti an Damenggu. Our store is open daily except on Sunday. Bai hu gupu para Tinian solamenti måolik i tiempu. I will fly to Tinian provided that the weather is clear. Bai hu baila solamenti ti meggai tåotåo gi giput. I will dance unless there's not a lot of people at the party. Malagu' yu' humånåo solamenti na maisa. I want to go alone.


solemni adj. solemn, formal, serious, somber. I nuebu na profesot mampus solemni na indibiduåt. The new professor is a solemn individual. I inetnun i miting gi paingi mampus solemni yan futmåt. The group meeting last night was formal and serious. I litråtu gi liga guaha solemni na kualidåt ha nåna'i hit. The picture on the wall gives us a somber feeling.


solisita vt. solicit, ask, invite, request, plea, try to obtain by asking for. Manmansolisita infotmasion i istudiånti put i apas kulehu. The students are soliciting information regarding college tuition. Masolisita si Roman kåo siña macho'chu' gi Damenggu. They asked Roman if he can work on Sunday. Masolisita si Vikki para i fandånggun i che'lu‑hu palåo'an. They invited Vicky to my sister's wedding. I prinsipåt i iskuela ha solisita na un fåttu gi miting sa' mampus impottånti. The school principal requested that you come to the meeting because it is very important. I gurupun istudiånti ma solisita gi maestran‑ñiha para u fannina'i siha mås tiempu para u mana'funhåyan i sinsuran‑ñiha. The group of students pleaded with their teacher to give them more time to finish their exam. Sessu måttu i lancheru para u fansolisita kalamasa para i ga'‑ña babui The farner often came to ask for pumpkin to feed his pig.


solu adv. alone, unless, only. Bai hu nangga si Maria solu asta ki måttu håo. I will wait for Maria alone until you come back. Ti bai hu hånåo para i giput solu humita na dos. I will not go to the party unless we go together. Yanggin solu mohon sessu ha praktika dumåndan i gitalå‑ña, siempri humuyung måolik na dandera. If only she practiced playing her guitar diligently, she would have become a great guitarist.


sombra n. shade (e.g. of a tree). I trongkun floris måyu ha nåna'i sombra i mannuebu na tinanum floris gi fihon‑ña. The plumeria tree gives shade to the newly planted flowers nearby.

vt. cause to be in the shade, give shade to. I motmut uchan gi mapagåhis ha sombra i tanu' kontra i maipin atdåo. The heavy rain clouds in the sky have given shade to the land from the hot sun. Hu sombra yu' gi papa' trongkun mångga sa' mampus maipi! I took shelter under the mango tree for it's too hot!


somnak n. sunshine, sunlight, ray (from the sun). Ma'lak somnak pågu na ogga'an. The sunlight is bright this morning. I tinanum ha nisisita somnak para u fa'tinas i nengkano'‑ña. A plant needs sunlight to produce its food. I ininan i semnak ginin i bintåna siempri u na'manana i halum kuåttu. The sun rays from the window will lighten up the room.

pp. in the shade.


son n. tone, music, song, chant. Kada musika na instrumentu difirensia i son‑ña. Every musical instrument has a different tone. Bunitu i danderu dandan‑ñiha gi fandånggu. Beautiful music was played by the band at the wedding. Ha gånna si Martha i primet premiu anai kumånta solo gi musika na kompitision gi iskuela. Martha won first place in the inter-schools singing competition. I kanta ni tinattitiyi nu i lalai bunitu ma'egga' yan ma'ekkunguk. Music that is followed by chanting is beautiful to watch and listen to.


songgi vt. burn, light, set on fire, ignite. Ha songgi i basula. He burned the trash. I tanoris ha chuli' i matchis para u songgi i dangis. The altar boy brought the matches to light the candles. Si Ken ha songgi i trongkun tupu gi gualu'‑måmi. Ken set fire to our sugar cane plantation at the farm. Anai un insutta yu', un songgi i binibu‑hu. When you insulted me, you ignited my anger. Syn: totngi.


songgiyun adj. flammable, combustible. Atan måolik i hugeti sa' guaha mansonggiyun. Look closely at the toys for some are flammable. Na'suha i pintura gi un bånda, sa' mansonggiyun na matiriåt. Put the paints aside, because they are flammable materials. Songgiyun i pinut yan chaddik para u fama'guåfi. Coconut husks are combustible and easy to get the fire going. Mungnga mapo'lu talåpus ni masåosåo låña o sino kosas ni mansonggiyun gi maipi na lugåt. Don't store rags soaked with oil or combustible materials in a warm area.


Songsong name. name of village in Rota, a bay in Pagan (Songsong Bay).


songsung1 n. town, village. Meggai na tåotåo mañåsaga gi sengsung Garapan. A lot of people are living in the town of Garapan. Amånu na songsung mås bula tåotåo‑ña giya Saipan? Which village on Saipan has more people in it?

name. the principal village on Rota. I kapitåt na songsung giya Luta mafa'nana'an Songsung. The capital village of Rota is called Songsung.


songsung2 n. stopper. Hu fåhan i sengsung para i fama'gasiyan. I bought the stopper for the sink. Månu nai un po'lu i sengsung i fano'måkan? Where did you put the plug for the bathtub? Malingu un songsung para i un bateha. One stopper for the wash tub is lost.

vt. plug up, close up (hole) stopper, plug. Ma songsung i simi' na tubu. They plugged up the leaking pipe. Mañongsung yu' mådduk. I plugged up the hole. Manmañongsung ham sumi' gi atuf guma'‑måmi. We plugged up the leaks on our house roof. Mañongsung si David mådduk pånglåo gi hilu' odda'. David plugged up the crabhole in the ground.


sopas n. soup, a liquid food prepared from using meat, fish, poultry, vegetables stock, and other ingredients, mixing liquid with solid. Si nanå‑hu mama'tinas månngi' na sopas patåtas. My mother made a delicious potato soup. Gi iskuela sessu manmanå'yan i famagu'un sopas gi amotsan talu'åni. In school the children are often served soup for lunch. Maila' ya uta fanhita sa' månngi' na sopas kåtdun guaka yan dågu. Come and join us for a delicious soup of beef and yam.

vt. 1) pour liquid into. 2) meddle, do (something) wrong.


sopbla n. remains, leftovers, remainder. Ma na'gåsgas i lamasa låo guaha sopblan plåtu gi un bånda. They cleared the table but there were leftover plates on the side. I istudiånti manhånåo para i kafeteria lao sopbla tres gi halum kuåttu. The students left for the cafeteria but there are three left in the classroom. Maloffan i pakyu ya bula sopblan basula. The storm passes and what remains is the debris. Ma påtti i guihan parehu, låo guaha unu sopbla. They shared the fish equally, but there's a fish left over. Mungnga mana'sopbla i nengkanu' sa' låstima. Eat, don't leave food left over to be wasted. Tåya' sopbla gi salape'‑hu, hokkuk gi tenda. There's no money left, I spent it all shopping. Syn: tétehnan.


sopblånti n. something that is left, excess, leftover. Ta ispiha taimanu ta bendi i soblånti siha na gollai yan fruta. We will look for ways to sell the leftover vegetables and fruits.


soppla vt. suck in (as in smoking), suck (as through a straw), suck (noodles, soup, or other liquid), slurp. I biha ha soppla hålum i katdun sopas. The old lady slurped in the soup. Ya‑ña i patgun limunåda sa' ha sosoppla hålum gi ngasan. The child likes lemonade for he sucks it through a straw. Gi gima' chumotchu in li'i' tåotåo siha ma sosoppla i sopas utdon. At the restaurant we saw people sucking in their noodle soups. I lahi ha soppla i chupå‑ña. The man sucked in his cigarette. Si Ping ha soppla i chigu' månha. Ping sucked in the coconut water.


sopplu vi. remain, be left over, take opponent's pieces in a game because he did not make a move during his turn. Ha gånna si Jeffrey i tamma' sa' sopplu gi huegu‑ña. Jeffrey won all the leftover marbles from the game. Hu na'sopplu dos na mådduk i kuntråriu gi chongka påra u fanggånna. I skipped two full pockets from the opponent's side in the chongka game so she can win. Håyi sopplu ti humugågandu trabiha? Who hasn't played yet?


sosgun adj. soaking wet with sweat. Sosgun si Manuet sa' ginin mambålli gi sanhiyung. Manuel is soaking wet after raking the yard. Pågu umo'omak låo sososgun ha'. She was soaking with sweat although she just finished showering. I maipin i ha'åni muna'fansosgun i famagu'un. The heat of the day caused the children to perspire a lot.


sosiåt n. social, pertaining to all the people in the community, pertaining to the general public. I asuntun sosiåt imputtånti na uma diskuti. It is important to discuss social issues. Debi di u guaha mås måolik na sitbisiun sosiåt para heniråt pupbliku. It's a must to improve the social services for the general public.

sosogun uncontrolled sweat.


sossi vt. mend. Dalai, håfa na ti un sossi i katsunes‑mu? Why is it, that you did not mend your trousers? Ti maripåra na masossi i magagu‑hu sa' sen finu masossen‑ña. They did not notice that my dress was mended because it was finely done. Sossiyi yu' fan nu i tampin kåttri? Could you please mend the bed cover for me? Variant: sotsi.


sota n. jack (in cards).


sotadót n. one who holds the fighting cock during sikat. I sotadot gumogo'ti i mannuk. He is the one holding the fighting rooster.


sotda vt. weld. Hu sotda i sumi' karetå‑hu. I welded the leak in my car Kåo guaha makinå‑mu makinan sotda? Do you have a welding machine?


sotdadura n. welding machine. Mayamak i makinan sotdadura. The welding machine is broken. Usa i makinan sotdadura para un fañotda. Use the welding machine to weld. Syn: makinan mañotda.


sotdi vt. check the trap (tåo), mainly for coconut crab. Nihi ta sotdi i tåo‑ta ni ta kana' nigap. Let's go check our coconut crab trap that we set yesterday. Ta rikohi i niyuk para tåo, ya ta sotdi agupa'. Let's gather coconut to make a coconut crab trap, and we will check the trap tomorrow. Kada unu ha sotdi i tåo‑ña. Each one checked his own coconut crab trap.


sotfa n. note (musical), tune, written notes. Måolik dumåndan ya ha tungu' sotfa lokkui'. He plays well and he also can read notes. Adumididi ha na'bunitu i sotfa para i kanta. She slowly improved the notes of the song. Hu irensia ginin tihå‑hu Rosa todu lepblon‑ña sotfa. I inherited from my aunt, Rosa, all her music books.

vt. tune. Si Jose ha sotfa i gitåla. Joe tuned the guitar.


sotgan prolific. Syn: hafñak.


sotni vt. 1) cook by boiling or steaming (usually starchy food). Åntis di un sotni i aga' tanduki, debi di un fa'gåsi nåya. Before you boil the tanduki banana, you should wash it. Totni i guafi ya ta sotni i kamuti. Make a fire and we will boil the sweet potato. Månngi' na åggun i dågu yanggin un sotni. The yam is a good source of starch when cooked. 2) blame or accuse (someone). Mungnga masotni i taotåo yanggin ti siguru håo na guiya chumuli' i atchu' para manmulinu. Don't blame Fulanu if you are not sure that he was the one who took the pestle. Manmañotni na mandigeru i kuntråriu. They accused that the opponents cheated.


sotsi vt. mend, sew, stitch, darn. Hu sotsi i matitik na katsunis i lalåhi. I mended the torn pants for the boys. Masotsi i magagu‑hu; ti mafåhan gi tenda. My dress was sewn; it was not store-bought. See: låksi.


sotsut vt. repent. Mañotsut si Maria nai isåo‑ña. Maria repented on her sin.


sotta vt. release, set free, make free. Ha sotta si Juan i asaguå‑ña. Juan set his wife free. Sotta ya guiya la'mun. Let him mind his own way. Go'ti maulik i tali; mungnga ma sotta sa' un basnak. Hold tight to the rope; don't let go or you will fall.


sottåyi vt. slacken for; loosen; release. Sottåyi dididi' i tali. Loosen the rope a little. Gåtdun i tali låo anai ha sottåyi, måppla'. The rope was twisted tight but after loosening, it unfolded. Sottåyi lugåt‑ña ya po'lu ya guiya la'mun. Give him space and he can decide on his own.


sotti vt. insert, squeeze (something, e.g. medicine) into. Ha sotti i amut gi halum agå'ga' i patgun sa' nina'yi ni chetnut mahulat. She inserted medicine inside the child's throat because he contracted a disease of the throat. Sotti dididi' binakli yan asiga gi fina'denni'. Squeeze a bit of vinegar and salt in the hot pepper sauce. Variant: chotti.


soyuk vt. push, elbow. Ha soyuk si Jose para u falågu para senadot. He pushed Jose to run for senator. Variant: soyu', sohyu'.


spinåsu Variant: ispinåsu.


strechu adj. under stress, strained, tense.


su'ånu adj. calm, even tempered, cool-headed. Ennåo na klåsin tratamentu kuntra i patgun imås su'ånu yan mås propiu para pa’gu na tiempu. The treatment/intervention to the child is the most appropriate and sound for the present. Put basula yan kuchinada gi globus pues esti i mås su'ånu, baratu yan pitmanenti na ideha para i hinemlutodu. This idea is the most reasonable, sound and long lasting intervention for environmental pollution. Su'ånu hinasonña durantin i ridun debåti. She was cool-headed during the heated debate. Variant: sånu.


su'uk vt. persuade, induce, prevail upon, lure. Ha su'uk yu' si Maria para bai facho'chu'. Maria persuaded me to work. Syn: eppuk, Tinian (soh'yu).


su'un vt. push, shove, elbow one's way in. Fanasu'un hålum ya u fanomlat i pumalu. Squeeze together so the rest can fit. Ta su'un hit ha' ya ta såonåo umekkunguk i hunta. We'll push ourselves in so we can listen to the meeting. Su'un i tessun hålum gi guafi. Push the charcoal in the fire. Syn: chonnik. Variant: si'ing.


suåbi adj. sophisticated, refined, cultured (of a person). Mampus suåbi si Frances yanggin kumuentus. Frances acts sophisticated when she talks. Variant: su'åbi.


suberidai' n. slide, sliding board found on the playground. Adahi hamyu gi suberidai' sa' palaksi' an uchan. Be careful on the sliding board for it's slippery when it rains. Amånu na bånda nai ma po'lu i suberidai' gi plasan iskuela? Where did they put the sliding board on the school ground?

vi. slide, go on the slide. Mansuberidai' håm nigap yan i gurupun istudiånti gi plasan i feria. We went on the sliding board yesterday with a group of students at the fairground. Variant: slait. From: Jp.


suberudai n. slide. Yan‑ñiha i famagu'un gi suberudai. The children enjoy the slide.

vi. slide. Sumuberudai i patgun påpa' ginin i eksu' sa palaksi'. The child slid down the hill because it was slippery. From: Jp.


subetbiu adj. brave, courageous, stubborn. I mås åmku' na låhi gef subetbiu. My eldest son is so brave. Mampus subetbiu i mås påtgun na lahi‑hu. My youngest boy is so stubborn. Malingu subetbion‑ña anai gumai familia. He lost his stubbornness when he had a family.


subetbiunchosa n. giant sensitve plant. Mimosa diplotricha. Hu guadduk hulu' todu i subetbiunchosa gi santattin gimå'‑hu. I uprooted all the giant sensitive plant at the back of my house. Ha duluk yu' i subetbiunchosa anai hu palo'pu' sa' basnak‑ku. I got pricked by the giant sensitive plant when I fell and landed on it. Mungnga mapatcha i subetbiunchosa sa' bula tituka'‑ña. Do not touch the giant sensitve plant because it has a lot of spines.


subi vt. raise in salary, upgrade in rank, promote. Masubi yu' gi che'cho'‑hu. I got my raise at work. From: Sp. sube.


subida vt. promote, advance in position. Para bai masubida gi che'chu'. I'm being promoted at my job. Guaha ideha put subida para i manehanti. There is a promotion idea for the management. Åtman esti na prohimu gi che’cho’‑ña, pues manå’i ni mås tatkiluna subida. This individual has the most seniority and was given the highest promotion. Dimasiåo ti ginaganna i subida gi che’chu’ yan i presiun fektus siha. The raise was barely adequate for the cost of goods.


subikåtgu n. cargo chief, caretaker, custodian. I subikåtgu tumutufung i katgan i batku. Variant: subrikåtgu.


subintåna n. liturgical vestment, outfit for church services.


subis adj. in fact; even though, as a result of. Mansubis hit put tåya' salåppi'. In fact we are out of cash. Esta subis yan mamtana tåyasalapi’. It is a fact and well known that there is no money. Subris malångu, guaha mås kungustu gi lina’’‑ña. Even though he is ill, he has a lot of joy in his life. Subris ennåo na bula minalångu ginin kuchinadan i klobus. Pollution of the global environment and as a result, there are many illnesses.


subri n. pay raise, salary increase, increase in amount. Guaha subri kada såkkan. There will a salary increase every year. Makkat i lina'la' sa' sigi ha' masubri i presiun kosas gi tenda. Life is difficult because the cost of items keeps increasing in the stores.


subrikåma n. bed sheet, quilt, bedspread. Fa'gåsi i subrikamå‑mu. Wash your bedsheet.




subrikåtgu n. cargo chief, caretaker, custodian. Ha tufung i subrikåtgu i katga. The custodian counted the cargo on the boat. Variant: sobikåtgu.


subrina n. niece. Guaha dos subrinå‑hu. I have two nieces. Mansen osgun i subrinå‑hu yan i nietå‑hu siha. My nieces and grandaughters are very obedient. Humanåo i subrinan‑måmi para u tattiyi si nanan‑måmi. Our niece went to accompany our parents.


subrinaturåt adj. unnatural.


subrinu n. nephew. Guaha dos subrinu‑hu. I have two nephews. Manmafalåggui todu i subrinu yan subrina para gima' tåta. All the nephews and nieces were summoned to father's house. Subrinu‑hu esti achuka' amko'‑ña yu' ki guiya. He is my nephew even if I am older than he.


subris intj. an expletive calling attention to a negative situation. Subris un chuli' i salåppi', på'gu, mamamaisin håo. You took my money and now you're asking again. Subris lokka' håo, sigi håo ha' sinapåtus lokka'. Look, you are already tall, and yet you are still wearing high heels. Variant: ombris, kustariha.


subukåo n. type of tree whose wood is medicinal. caesalpinia sappan. Subukåo sasåonåo gi amut sanhalum. Caesalpinia sappan is an ingredient in internal medicine. Mahettuk i hayun subukåo. The wood of the caesalpinia sappan tree is very hard. Variant: sibukåo.


suegru n. in-laws. Åmku' i suegrun che'lu‑hu. My sister's in-laws are old. Variant: sogru.


suekus n. wooden Japanese slipper. Mamåhan yu' suekus gi tenda. I bought Japanese slippers at the store. Manmabotda i suekus nåna. My grandmother's slippers are embroidered. Håsan esta tali'i suekus antigu. It is now rare to see the slippers of long ago. See: geta'.


suelas n. shoe, sole. Esta åmku' i suelas sapatos‑su. My shoe's sole is already old.


suena1 adj. popular. Suena esta i na'ån‑mu gi prugråman Mariånas Agupa'. Your name is popular on the Marianas Agupa Show. Atendida esti na palåo'an yan gef suena. This lady is gracious and very popular.


suena2 adj. audible, easily perceived (of noise) when everything else is quiet.


suetdu n. wage, salary; stipend, fee. Tatkilu' esta i suetdom‑mu. Your salary is high. Chumilung i suetdu yan i che'cho'‑mu. Your work is commensurate with your salary. Ti suetdu hu tåtanga na i agradesimentu ginin hamyu. It's not the salary that I am hoping for but your gratitude. Syn: åpas.


suetti adj. lucky, have luck, good fortune. Suetti si Jose sa' ha bendi i tano'‑ña. Joe was lucky because he sold his land. Hananangga i suetti na para u fåttu giya guiya. He is waiting for good fortune to come to him. Mansuetti ham sa' manmåolik i bisinun‑måmi. We are fortunate because we have good neighbors.


suettu adj. free, unbound, carefree. Suettu na tåotåo si Juan. John is a carefree man.


sufa' vt. 1) rush at; charge at with head lowered, push one's way through, shove one's way through. 2) root (as a pig). Mañufa' i babui halum tånu' gi halum suni. The wild pig rooted in the taro patch. I babui yanggin para u fanmangguådduk manmañuñufa' gi edda'. If the pigs are to dig, they are rooting in the dirt. I chiba lokkui' siña manmañufa' ni tinanum yanggin para u fañotchu. The goats can also root on the plants if they are to eat. 3) fall on one's face; an expression meaning to have intercourse with a married woman. Mañufa' gi atchu' sa' ti a'atan i pinekkåt‑ña. He fell on his face because he was not watching where he walked. Manmañufa' i taotåo anai mabrek i bås gotpi. The people in the bus fell on their faces when the bus was braked suddenly. Anai ha chonnik yu' si Andie, mañufa yu' påpa' gi chalan. When Andie pushed me, I fell on my face on the road. Ha sufa' i mama'ti si Jose anai malågu para kunggresu. Jose ran for congress without thinking.


sufan vt. 1) pare, peel, cut away by slicing. Ha sufan i dågu. She peeled the yam. Sufan finu esti i papåya. Peel the papaya thinly. Manmapåtti i famagu'un masufan mångga. Pared mangos were distributed to the children. 2) examine (layers of information). Ta sufan måolik esti na asuntu åntis di ta disidi håfa para ta cho'gui. We will examine the layers of this matter before we decide what action to take.


sufisienti adj. sufficient, enough, adequate. Esta sufisienti i fundu para ta håtsa i gimå'‑ta. We have adequate funds to build our house. Sufisienti i che'chu' i manåotåo‑hu. The work done by my employees is sufficient.


sufoka vi. suffocate. Siempri sufoka håo yanggin bula åsu. You will suffocate from the smoke.


sugat n. hard wood. Måolik i sugat ifit para haligi. The ifit wood is good for the post. Ma usa i sugat para i guafi. They used the hard wood for the fire.

adj. solid, tough.


sugu' vi. stop by, stop for a while, visit for a few minutes. Sugu' nåya. Stop by for a while. Sugu' mågi yanggin para un hånåo para i che'chu'. Stop by on your way to work. Mansugu' i familia gi gima nigap. The family visited our house for a while last night.


sugun vt. 1) steer, guide, drive. Ha sugun i kareta. He drove the car. 2) chase. Ma sugun i binådu ni ga'lågu. They chased the deer using the dog.


suha vi. move away, scram, step aside, get away. Suha guennåo. Move away from there. Suha fan guennåo gi petta ya bai hålum. Step aside from the door so I can come in. Na' suha i basula gi uriyan i gima'. Remove the trash around the house.


suhåyi vt. avoid, dodge, evade, keep away. Suhåyi i binenu. Stay away from drugs. Yanggin guaha mumu, suhåyi. When there's a fight, avoid it.


suheta vt. subdue, control, overpower, discourage. Masuheta i gurupun pulitika ginin i pupbliku. The political party was overpowered by the public. Mapput para bai suheta, sa' esta ha disidi na para båsta macho'chu'. It was difficult to persuade her, because she already decided to quit working.


suhetu n. subject, theme. Bunitu na suhetu para i kumfirensia. The conference theme is very nice.


suhu vt. dip water (with container). Suhu i hanum esta i tinanum. Scoop water to the plants. Bai suhu i katdu gi la'uya. I will scoop the soup from the pot. Hu suhu i hanum ginin i tipu'. I scoop water from the well. Kåo siña un suhu i hanum para si Nåna? Can you scoop water for mother?


Suitas n. Jesuit, religious order of Jesuits. Gai minakkat humalum para Suitas. It is not easy to be a Jesuit. I Suitas tumutuhun i iskuelan Xavier giya Truk. The Jesuits started the school at Xavier in Chuuk. Si Påli Francis X. Hezel unu na Suitas atman giya Micronesia. One of the Jesuits in Micronesia is Father Francis X. Hezel. Variant: hesuitas.


suito' n. water container, usually metal, used during Japanese Administration in the Pacific. In sedda' kantida na suito' gi liyang anai måkpu' i Geran Mina'dos. We found numerous water containers in the caves after WWII. Hu nå'i i "museum" giya Saipan todu iyun tatå‑hu suito'. I donated all of my father's water containers to the museum in Saipan. From: Jp.


sukato' n. skirt (Saipan). Kulot asut ennåo na sukato'. The color of that skirt is blue. Matitik i sukato'‑hu. My skirt is torn. Sen asentådu i sukato'‑mu. Your skirt is very becoming. Syn: lupis, sikato'.


suki n. venereal disease, syphilis, gonorrhea, lymphogranuloma. Ti hu tungu' kåo gai suki si Maria. I don’t know whether Maria has syphilis. Na'ma'asi' i gai suki na tåotåo. I feel sorry for a person with gonorrhea.

adj. have venereal disease. Suki si Maria. Maria has a venereal disease.


sukori vt. succor, help, assist, aid (Guam). Variant: sukoru.


sukoru n. succor, help, aid. Manisisita sukoru giya Hapon. Japan needs aid. Todu lugåt nai guaha iran Yu'us manisisita sukoru. All the places that have catastrophes need aid. Ti ha nisisita sukoru iya Luta. Luta doesn’t need any help. Variant: sukori.


sukus n. snout, mouth. Mamuti sukus‑ñiha sa' ginin manapaniti. Their mouths were painful because they were in a fist fight. Adahi na un panak sukos‑su. Don’t hit my mouth.


sukus babui n. mouth of pig. Mutung ennåo na sukus babui. The mouth of the pig is stinky. Mayamak na sukus babui hu litråtu. I took a picture of the broken pig's mouth. Hu yunga' sukus babui. I drew the skinned mouth of the pig.


sulåt n. piece of land. Guaha dos na sulåt ma irensia yu'. There are two lots that I inherited. Midin måolik i sulåt ni para bai hu bendi. Survey well the piece of land that I will sell. Ti umadanchi i dos chume'lu put un sulåt. The two siblings disagreed about one piece of From: Eng. lot land.


suleras n. joist, beam, stud; any small timbers ranged parallelwise from wall to wall, to support the floor or support the laths or furring strips of a ceiling. Poddung i suleras i gima'. The beam of the house fell. Mampus kanifis i suleras. The beam is very thin. See: haligi.


sulitåriu n. type of card game. Mandikiki' esti siha na sulitåriu. These cards are small. Hu egga' i patgun humugåndu sulitåriu. I watched the child play cards. Umaposta si Maria yan si Juan gi huegun sulitåriu. Maria and Juan bet on the card game.


sulu' vi. go torch-fishing, hunt (with a light), fish or hunt with a lighted torch or flashlight. Bai hu sulu' lamu'na. I will go hunting tonight. Si Juan para u sulu' ayuyu agupa'. Tomorrow Juan will go hunting for coconut crab.


sulun vi. slip, slide. Sulun yu' påpa' gi eksu'. I slid down the hill. Sulun si Juan gi takkilu' na oksu'. Juan slid on the steep hill. Adahi na un sulun gi fachi'. Be careful not to slide in the mud. 2) let slip inadvertently, slip of the tongue.

v. Sulun gi pachot‑hu put i sinisedin måmi nigap. I inadvertently mentioned about our incident last night. Syn: palåga'.


suma vt. 1) combine. Hu suma i harina yan i asukat gi la'uya. I combined the flour and the sugar in the pot. Suma i lemmun yan i hanum. Combine the lemon and the water. 2) add together. Suma dos na bola yan unu na påppit. Add two balls and one paper. Hu suma i singku na paluma yan i singku na babui. I added five birds and five pigs together. Bai suma i dos yan kuåttru. I will add two and four together. From: Sp. suma.


sumagågayi vt. occupy. Håyi sumagågayi i lanchu? Who occupied the farm?


sumai1 vt. soak, saturate, drench, impregnate with liquid. Sumai i papåya gi asiga. Soak the papaya in salt. Ya‑hu na bai sumai i kukamba' yan i lemmun. I like to soak the cucumber with the lemon. Ha sumai si Ton i katni gi asiga. Ton soaked the meat in salt.


sumai2 vt. expression used in tres siette, telling the dealer to give each player ten cards straight when four people are playing. Si Maria ha sumai i balåha. Maria gave straight the players the cards. Ti malagu' na bai sumai i balåha. He doesn’t want me to just pass the cards. Ti måolik masumai i balåha. It is not good to just pass out the cards.


sumak1 n. gourd with big mouth used to store water. Huchum i pachut i sumak dispues di unna'bula hånum. Cover the mouth of the gourd after you fill it with water.


sumak2 n. type of plant. tarenna sambucina, randia cochinchinensis, Aidia cochinchinensis. Ma u'usa i sumak gi amut. The grass is being used in the medicine.


sumak lådda n. type of tree. tarenna sambucina, timonius nitidus. Ma sosotni i sumak lådda para gimin. They can boil the tree to drink.


suman n. type of food made from rice and coconut milk, usually served as a dessert. Chumotchu yu' suman gi giput. I ate rice with coconut milk at the party. Mamis i suman. The rice with coconut milk is sweet. After rice is cooked in coconut milk, it is wrapped in a banana leaf and steamed.


sumåria n. summary. Fånggi' sumåria put i hinanåo‑mu para Guåhan. Write a summary about your trip to Guahan.

vt. summarize. Sumåria i istorian Taga'. Summarize the story about Taga'. Bai sumåria i tiningo'‑hu. I will summarize what I understood.


sumåsala vi. disapprove.


sumåt vt. do addition (in arithmetic). Sumåt esti na numiru. Add this number. Bai hu sumåt dies yan dos. I add will ten and two together. Hu sumåt siha i numiru. I add all the numbers.


sumi' n. leak. I simi' gi gima' ginin Typhoon Yutu. The leak in the house is from Typhoon Yutu. Guaha sumi' gi charera. There is a leak in the kettle. vi. leak. Sumi' i payu sa' guaha mådduk. The umbrella leaked because there is a hole. Mansumi' todu i kisami sa' mankinannu' nu i anai. All the ceiling leak because they were infested with termites. See: tu'u'.


Sumongsung n. November. Mafañågu yu' gi Sumongsung. I was born in November. Para bai assagua gi Sumongsung. I will get married in November. Ha'ånin manmåtai gi Sumongsung. All Souls' Day is in November. Syn: Nubiembri.


sumugu' vi. conceive (a child). Sumugu' yu' gi Huliu na mes. I was conceived on July. Sumugu' i ga'lågu nigap. The dog was conceived yesterday. Sumugu' i neni gi espitåt. The baby was conceived at the hospital.


sumusulu vi. rising.


sunchu n. hoop, metal band on cask or barrel. Mamåhan yu' sunchu gi tenda. I bought a hoop at the store. Mayamak i sunchu. The hoop broke. Kulot amariyu i sunchu. The hoop is yellow.


suni n. type of plant: taro (generic). colocasia esculenta. Hu na'gåsgas atyu na suni ya hu po'lu gi halum kostat. I cleaned that taro and I put it in the sack. Mafåhan singku kostat suni gi gima'. They bought five sacks of taro at the house. Guaha otru siha na klåsin suni giya Saipan. There are other kinds of taro in Saipan.


sunidu n. sound which can be heard. Kåo un hunguk ha' i sunidu? Did you hear the sound? Sangåni yu' nu i sunidu. Tell me the sound. Ekkunguk i sunidu siha gi ma'estra. Listen to the sounds from the teacher. See: suena.


sunin agaga' n. type of taro, reddish in color, which grows on dry or swampy land. Hu saibuk i sunin agaga'. I cooked the taro with the coconut milk. Ma sen guaiya i sunin agaga' ginin Luta. The red taro from Rota is very much sought after. Guaha na na'makaka i sinin agaga'. There are times when the red taro can cause itchiness.


sunin Hapón n. type of taro introduced by the Japanese. Kulot å'paka' i sunin Hapon. The Japanese taro is white. Mandikiki' i sunin Hapon. The Japanese taro is small.


sunin Honolulu n. type of plant: taro. xanthosoma violacea. Chadek‑ña ma sotni i sunin Honolulu ki i sunin agaga'. The Honolulu taro cooks faster than the red taro. Mångi i sunin Honolulu ma kåtdu yan i te'lang guaka. It is delicious to make soup with the Honolulu taro and beef shank.


sunin sisonyan n. wetland taro. Manggaigi siha i sunin sisonyan gi entalu' karisu. The wetland taro are among the tall wetland grasses. Dångkulu hagon‑ña i sunin sisonyan. The wetland taro has huge leaves.


sungasi' adj. busy. Kada diha yu' sungasi' gi gima'. I'm busy every day at home. Maleffa yu' ni i huntåk‑ku nigap, sa' ai na sinangasi' yu'. I forgot about my meeting yesterday, because boy, was I busy! Mansungasi' i famagu'un manhugåndu. The children are busy playing. Syn: tinani'. From: Jp.


sungun vt. tolerate, endure, sustain, bear, tolerate with patience, withstand, last, strong enough. Ha sungun i bulan cho'chu' gi iskuela. He tolerates much work at the school. I nana ha sungun i chinatsaga gi familia. The mother endured the hardship in the family. Mansiningun ham ni ma'estran‑måmi asta ki in tingu' i na'an i manmå'gas Chamorro siha. Our teachers were patient with us until we learned the names of the Chamorro leaders. See: aguanta.


sungun ha' vt. accept (something), face the fact of. Sungun ha' sa' guinaiya håo. Accept it because he loves you. Sungun ha' i bidåda‑ña. Accept what he is doing..


supi1 vi. foul (of a ball), indirect (of a hit), glance off. Ha dåggåo si Juan i bola ya supi. Juan threw a foul ball. Supi dinaggåo‑ña si Maria. Maria threw a foul ball. Supi i bola gi ilu‑hu. The ball indirectly hit me.


supin tåsi n. surface of the ocean. Gotpi annuk i pålun halu'u gi supin tåsi. The shark's dorsal fin suddenly appeared on the surface of the ocean. Manggugupu i paluman tåsi hihut gi hilu' supin tåsi. The seabirds are flying just over the surface of the ocean. Ha guifi na mamomokkat gui' gi supin tåsi åntis di u losgun gi fachi'. He dreamed that he was walking on the surface of the ocean before he slipped into the mud.


supiriót adj. 1) superior, high ranking, higher, high quality. Todu tiempu guaha mås supiriot ki hita. There is always someone more superior than us. Mås supiriot i gellai gi lanchun‑måmi ki i metkåo. The vegetables from our farm are of higher quality than from the market. 2) deluxe. Hu kånnu' månngi' na supiriót kek. I ate a delicious deluxe cake. Supiriót ennåo na ais krim! That is an ice cream deluxe! Maigu' yu' gi supiriót na kuåttu.


supiyu n. (carpenter's) plane, paring tool. Kalåktus esti na supiyu. This plane is sharp. Hu ayåo i supiyu yan i skopulu ginin i gima'. I borrowed the plane and the chisel from my grandfather.


suplenta vt. supplant. Hu suplenta håo materiåt. I supplant you with materials. Kåo siña un suplenta yu' nengkanu'? Can you supplant me with food. Ha suplenta si Kika' i famagu'un iskuela lepblu. Kika' supplant the students at school with books.


suplika1 vt. supply, furnish with what is lacking, provide with (Rota). Hu nisisita siha suplika gi gima'. I needed some supplies at the house. Famaisin suplika gi ottru tåotåo. Ask for supplies from others. Mamåhan yu' suplika gi tenda. I bought supplies from the store.


suplika2 vt. supplicate, entreat. Hu suplika håo na un nå'i yu' ni nisisidåt‑tu salåppi'. I entreat you to lend me the money that I need.


supmarinu n. submarine. Malagu' yu' ma'udai gi supmarinu. I want to ride on the submarine. Mayamak i supmarinu. The submarine is broken. Ti ya‑hu esti i supmarinu. I don’t like this submarine. Syn: baput lumi'uf.


suponi vt. suppose, assume, expect. Hu suponi na un chuli' i salappe'‑mu para i tenda. I assumed that you took your money to the store. Hu suponi na yamu yu'. I assumed that you liked me. Syn: asuma.


supotta vt. provide (financial or legal) support. Bai hu supotta håo kumu para un iskuela. I will support you if you are going to school. Hu sapotta i patgun gi hinanåo‑ña. I supported the child on his journey. Hu supotta si Jose gi gima'. I support Jose at the house. Variant: sapotta, sapotti (Guam).


supuk vt. immerse, plunge into, insert something. Supuk i pappit gi halum i matduk. Insert the paper into the hole. Ti bai supuk håo gi tasi. I will not let you submerge in the water. Ha supuk ha' gui' hålum gi fila. She just cut into the line. See: assupak. Variant: ñokñuk, lumus.


suri' vt. gather (e.g. thread).


surohu n. sliding bar to lock door. Fama'tinas surohun potta. Make a sliding door lock. Båba i sorohun i pettåk‑ku. The bar lock on my door is bad.


surón n. sack of dried cattle hides, used for carrying beef; hide of cattle made into a sack. Guaha suron gi lanchu. There is a sack at the farm. Kulot chikulåti i suron. The sack is brown. Matitik i suron. The sack is torn.


suruhånu n. traditional healer. Ma åmti yu' ni suruhånu. The traditional healer treated me. Ma tågu' yu' ni suruhånu para bai rikohi un klåsin hågun. I was told to collect a type of leaf by the traditional healer. I suruhanu sumangan na tiåtman para un homlu'. It was the traditional healer who said that you will be well soon.


surusomuk vi. catch fish by setting screen traps near coral and then hitting the coral to get the fish to move into the trap. Manhånåo i famalåo'an para u fansurusomuk gi tasi. Surusomuk kumeke'ilek‑ña un åtti para pumeska guihan ni mapraktitika giya Luta. Mapribi i pumeska surusomuk sa' madistrosa i cho'chu'. Refers to a fishing practice used in Rota, in which screen traps are set near corals and anchored with coral. Then the fishermen start hitting surronding corals to get the fish out of their habitat and into the screen trap. Variant: susomuk.


susedi vt. experience, happen. Hu susedi mafaña'gui gi gima'. I experienced being scared at the house. Ti bai susedi makotti kumu hu apåsi i tenda. I will not experience going to court if I pay my debt at the store. 2) happening, event. Guaha sinisedi nigap gi kantit. Something happened at the cliff yesterday. Tåya' para masusedi på'gu sa' ti para un gaigi. Nothing will happen today because you will not be present.


susiadét n. occurrence, happening. Guaha susiadet gi iskuela. There is something happening at the school. Ti hu tungu' na guaha susiadet gi gima'. I don’t know that there is something happening at the house.


susomyan n. wetland. Ma tanum i sini gi susumyan na lugåt. They planted taro on the wetland area. Ti siña manånum todu klåsin tinanum guini sa' sosomyan i lugåt. One cannot plant all sorts of vegetables because this is wetland. Variant: sisonyan, susunyan.


susongti adj. tired, bored, fed up with. Esta yu' sosongti nai bisiom‑mu. I'm tired of your attitude. Syn: o'sun, singåo, impåtchu.


suspendi vt. suspend, dismiss, expel, put off. Masuspendi yu' gi iskuela sa' mumu yu'. I was suspended from school because I fought. Maila' ya ta suspendi nåya esti na asuntu. Let's suspend this topic for a while. Ti ya‑hu masuspendi sa' na'mamahlåo. I don’t like being suspended because it’s shameful.


suspetcha n. suspect. Håyi suspetcha nu esti na tinailayin cho'chu'? Who is the suspect for this terrible deed? Ti guåhu suspetcha na hågu. I am not the suspect; you are.

vt. suspect, distrust. Hu suspetcha i amigå‑mu na mapotgi'. I suspect that your friend is pregnant. Kåo un suspetcha na taigui i salappe'‑mu sa' machule'guan håo? Did you suspect that your money is gone because it was stolen? Hu suspetcha na mama'bababa ennåo i dos. I suspect that those two are having an affair. Syn: sokni, faisiknåni; suspetchu.


suspetchadót n. suspicious person (m). Suspetchadot si Juan na tåotåo. Juan is a suspicious person. Amånu nai gaigi i suspetchadot? Where is the suspicious person? Må'pus i suspetchadot para i gima'. The suspicious person went home.


suspetchåo adj. suspect, under suspicion. Suspetchåo si Juan na guiya chumuli' i salåppi'. Juan is under suspicion that he took the money. Håyi suspetchåo guini? Who is suspect here? Ti suspetchåo yu' na guåhu bumaba i kelat chiba. I am not suspected of being the one who opened the goat fence.


suspetchosu adj. suspicious, suspected, questionable. Suspetchosu håo na tåotåo. You are a suspicious person. Sigi malågu i suspetchosu na tåotåo annai madudulalak. The suspicious person ran when they were chasing him. Suspetchosu i ma'estra na kumåkanta gi klas. The teacher is suspicous of singing in the class.


suspetchu1 n. one who is suspected, suspect. See: suspetchosu.


suspetchu2 n. tuberculosis. Mana'såga i patgun gi sagan suspetchu gi hospitåt giya Maturana. They admitted the child in the tuberculosis ward at the hospital in Maturana. Nina'yi ni suspetchu i bisinu‑hu ya sessu chaddik yåfai. My neighbor contracted tuberculosis and she tires easily. Masuspetcha na ti chetnut suspetchu esti, sa' ti karintutura. It was suspected that this is not tuberculosis because there is no fever.


suspidus n. crying violently; crying hard. Atdit yan åtmam na suspidus gi as Francisca put i finatai i hagå‑ña. Francisca was crying violently for a long time over the death of her daughter. Anåkku' i suspidus Tomas sa' ti makonni' para i lanchu. Tomas was crying hard for a long time because he was not taken to the farm. Yiniti' si Joaquin as Maria ya mahunguk i atmam yan a'gang na suspidus. Maria left Joaquin and loud crying was heard for a long time. Variant: suspirus.


suspirus vi. 1) cry violently, sob, wail. Atdit yan åpmam na sumispirus i nana put i finatai i hagå‑ña. The mother was crying long and hard over the death of her daughter. Sumuspirus i korason‑hu put hågu. My heart is sobbing for you. 2) sigh. Suspirus si Juan annai masakudi gi gima'. Juan sighed when he got spanked at home. I neni suspirus gi maigo'‑na. The baby sighed while sleeping. Kåo guaha nai suspirus håo? Have you ever sighed?


suspirus agonias vi. breathe silently due to grief or emotional pain or agony. Sumuspirus agonias i lahi anai diningu ni asaguå‑ña. The man breathed silently with grief when his wife left him. I asagua yan famagu'un siha mansumuspirus agonias gi finatai i tatan‑ñiha. The wife and children wept with grief at the death of their father.


sustånsia n. 1) rationale, substance, purpose. Mana'klåru håfa na sustånsia guaha gi tinigi' i manmenhalum siha. The substance in the writings of the wise was made clear. Kåo gai sustånsia i fino'‑mu gi me'nan i hues? Does your word before the judge have any substance? Håfa na sustånsia humuyung anai un ina mås i sinisedi? What rationale emerged when you assessed the event in depth? 2) nourishment, nutrition, nutritional value. Gai sustånsia i letchi. Milk has nutritional value. Yanggin para u gai sustånsia i gellai, mungnga mana'lågu åpmam. To keep the nutritional value of the vegetable, do not cook it long. Ha nisisita sustånsia i malångu sa' tai ganas. The invalid needs nourishment because he does not have an appetite.


sustansiåo adj. nutritious. Sustansiåo i tinanum i lanchu. The plants at the farm are nutritious. I asaguå‑hu ha plånta sustansiåo na nengkanu'. My spouse serves nutritious food. I nengkanu' i iskuela yan hospitåt debi di u sustansiåo. The food at school and hospital needs to be nutritious.


sustieni vt. sustain, hang on to, hold on to, brace, support. Sustieni esti i petta sa' u poddung. Brace this door because it might fall. Sigi ya un sustieni i siya sa' u alipatu si Juan. Go and hold on to the chair because Juan might fall. Mañustieni yu' nu i hayu sa' bulåchu i ilu‑hu. I took a grip on the wood because I had a dizziness. Variant: susteni.


sustu adj. terrified, horrified, fear, shocked, frightened, scared. Sustu yu' annai månglu'. I was terrified during the storm. Nina'sustu i patgun anai para mabakuna. The child became frightened when he was to be vaccinated. Mungnga sustu sa' tåya' birak guini siha na halumtånu'. Do not be scared because these forests do not have evil spirits. Syn: luhan, manghang.


susu n. breast. Esta donni' susu‑ña. Her breasts are already budding. Gai sustånsia i letchin susu para i neni. Breast milk is good nourishment for the baby. Marikunosi kåo kånsit i sisun‑ñiha. Their breasts were examined to see whether they are cancerous.

vi. 1) suck, suckle, breastfeed. Siempri bråbu esti na neni sa' mana'susu dos åñus. This baby will be healthy because he was breastfed for two years. Ha palai chigu' donni såli gi susu‑ña put para u påra i patgun sumusu. She applied hot pepper juice to her breast to wean the baby from breastfeeding. Otchu na på'gu manmafañågu na babui mansususu. Eight newly born piglets are suckling. 2) depend on for support, seek support from, rely on. Umasagua esta låo sumususu asta pågu gi as nanå‑ña. She is already married but she continues to depend on her mother. Sigi ha' sumusu gi mañaina‑ña sa' masedi. He kept relying on his parents because they allowed him. Mamåhlåo ya ha nåna'na na sumususu gi familiån‑ña. He was ashamed and he hid the fact that he is still depending on his family.


Susupe name. Susupe, a village on Saipan near Chalan Kanoa. Susupe nai gaigi i uniku na sadduk giya Saipan. The only lake in Saipan is in Susupe. Mangguagualu' ham giya Susupe sa' måolik i hanum yan i edda'. We are farming in Susupe because the water and soil are good. Ginin i sadduk giya Susupe esti na asuli yan talåpia. This eel and talapia are from the lake in Susupe.


sut n. south; used especially in describing the direction that a typhoon is coming from. I manglu' ginin sut. The wind is coming from the south. Atan guatu i sut na bånda. Look at the south side. Ha dåggåo si Juan i bola esta i sut na bånda. Juan threw the ball to the south.


sutåna n. 1) robe, loose outer garment worn by females. Kulot å'paka' i sutåna. The robe is white. Matitik i sutåna. The robe is torn. Mamåhan yu' sutåna giya Guåhan. I bought a robe in Guahan. 2) vestment. Ha usa si Påli' i sutåna. The priest used the vestment. Mafa'gåsi i sutåna para si Påli'. They washed the vestment for the priest. Malåksi' i sutåna gi gima'. They sewed the vestment at the house.


sutanghu n. rice noodle. Variant: sutangu.


sutangu n. rice noodle. Variant: sutanghu; sutanghu.


sutku vt. plow a row, heap up small branches or leaves for burning. Fanrikohi sutku para i guafi. Collect small branches for the fire. Hu yuti' i sutku ginin i kareta. I threw the branches from the car.


sutsa vt. cut (meat) in a certain way. Sutsa, tasahus, pendan, osino satmera i katni. Cut the meat in different ways.


suttera n. single woman, woman who has reached puberty. Esta suttera i mås påtgun na hagå‑hu. My youngest daughter has reached puberty. Suttera ta'lu si Frances anai madibutsia. Frances became a single woman after her divorce. Suttetera ha' i hagåhu sa' ti umasagua. My daughter is still a bachelorette because she is not married.


sutteritu n. teenager. Guaha tres na sutteritu gi gima'. We have three teenagers at home. Manåguaguat esti siha i mansutteritu. These teenagers are unruly. Si tåta ha fanå'gui i mansutteritu taimanu mangguålu'. Father taught the teenagers how to farm.


sutteru n. single man, bachelor. Trabiha sutteteru ha' yu'. I am still a single man. Hagas ha' sutteru si Jose ya esta kanna' bibihu. Jose has been a bachelor and he is getting old. Sigi umarima i sutteru gi gima' i nobiå‑ña. The bachelor kept going around his fiance's home.




adj.  adjective
adv.  adverb
agr.  agreement prefix
art.  article
aux.  auxiliary
cnj.  conjunction
dem.  demonstrative
Eng.  English
infx.  infix
intj.  Interjection
Jp.  Japanese
n.  noun
n.pl.  plural noun
neg.  negative
num.  numeral
part.  particle
pp.  prepositional phrase
pred.  predicate
pref.  prefix
prep.  preposition
pro.  pronoun
Sp.  Spanish
suf.  suffix
Syn  synonym
vi.  intransitive verb
vt.  transitive verb