* Coming Soon

U - u


u1 n. the twenty-third letter of the alphabet. I u yan i o gi finu' Chamorro sessu umachuli' i masangån‑ñiha, tatkumu todu yan todo. The Chamorro letters u and o sound often sound similarly, such as in todu and todo.


u2 agr. 1) he, she, it (third person singular agreement for irrealis verbs or adjectives). Para u guaha huntan mañaina ottru simåna. There will be a parents' meeting next week. Håyi para u hånåo para kuentåk‑ku? Who will go on my behalf? Para u mana'gimin åmut i neni, sa' kalintura. The baby will be given medicine, because she has fever. 2) they (third person dual or plural agreement for irrealis intransitive verbs or adjectives).


u nai intj. yes, it is. Ti ilek‑ku ahi' na u nai. I did not say no but yes. U nai magåhit na ti klåru håfa sinangån‑ña put hågu. Yes, it is true that what he said about you is not clear. U nai, kalan mås å'paka' esti na unai ki i inai gi kantun tasin‑måmi. Yes, it appears that the sand here is whiter than the sand around our beach. Variant: u nei, u'u nai, hu'u nai.


u'suosu adj. non-productive. Usuosu si Juan na diha. Juan is non-productive today. Tåya' minaolik para un sodda' yanggin usuosu håo na tåotåo. You will not find any good by being a non-productive person. Variant: tai bida, gagu', flohu; o'siosu.


u'us1 vt. strike (match), start (fire), ignite (Saipan). Ha u'us i matchis ni para u tutuhun i guafi. He struck the match to start the fire. Tågu' si Nicolas ya u u'us i guafi para i tininu. Ask Nicolas to start the fire for the barbeque. U'us i matchis yan songgi i basula. Strike the match and burn the trash. I baban uaia' muna'u'us i kimason. The faulty wire ignited the fire.


u'us2 vt. peel with teeth, remove (skin or husk) with teeth. Ha u'us si Ramon i tipu. Ramon stripped the sugar cane with his teeth. Chaddik si Vicente manu'us låssas månha. Vicente is fast in husking young coconut with his teeth. Ha u'us dos gåhun tupu para subrin må'hu. He husked two sections of sugar cane to quench his thirst.


uåhu n. type of fish: wahoo (a type of tuna). acanthocybium solandri (Family Scombridae). Kada såkkan mana'guaha kumpitisión pumeskan uåhu. The wahoo fishing derby is held every year. Maguaiya esti i uåhu para sasimi'. They like wahoo sasimi'. Mås ya‑hu uåhu yanggin matunu ki ma'aflitu. I like wahoo more if it is roasted rather than fried. From: Eng. wahoo.


uaia' n. wire, cable, metallic thread. Ma hallåyi uaia' i gima' put para u guaha elektrisidå. They extended the wire to the house to provide electricity. Maila' fan i uaia' kosa ki siña bai hu goddi i haligi kontra i trongku. Let me have the wire so that I can tie the pole to the tree.

vt. hit with wire. I patgun ha uauaia' i taia'. The child was hitting the tire with the wire. See: alåmli. From: Eng. wire.


uailis n. 1) cablegram, telegram. Ginin manu ennåo na uailis? Where did that telegram come from? 2) telephone. Oppi i uailis. Answer the phone.

vt. contact by cable or by telephone. Uailis si tatå‑mu na ti måmåolik si tihu‑ña. Wire your father that his uncle is not doing well. See: tilifón, dengua'. From: Eng. wireless.


uang n. bay; inlet used by boat to navigate into the shore. Mama'tinas si Tang gigåo gi uang. Dad made a fishing trap in the bay. Nisisita un atkila i lugåt gi uang yanggin para un plånta i gigåo. You need to rent the area in the bay where you want to place your fish trap. Manñangu i famagu'un gi halum i uang. The kids are swimming in the bay.


uaragumi' n. trouble maker, gang member. Manmåttu i uaragumi' para u fanmanistoba giput. The trouble makers came to create trouble at the party. Manmachalapun i uaragumi' anai manmåttu i pulisiha. The gang members scattered when the police arrived. Variant: uarigumi'.


ubas n. type of plant: grape. vitis vinifera. Bula klåsin ubas, låo i tai simiya mås yahu. There are many types of grapes, but the seedless is my favorite. Åmut esti i hagun ubas para i på'gu mañåñagu na palåo'an. The grape leaf is medicine for a woman who just gave birth. Siña lumå'la yan manokcha' i betdi na ubas guini giya Marianas. Green grape can survive and produce in the Marianas.


ubas tåsi n. seagrape. Coccoloba uvifera. Mana'akalayi' meggai na fruta gi trongkun ubas tåsi. There are lots of fruits hanging from the seagrape tree. Esta manma'utut meggai na ubas tåsi sa' ti ma gof tungu'. Many seagrape trees have been cut because they are not well known. Fetda yan potput i hagun ubas tåsi. The seagrape leaf is wide and thick.


ubidienti adj. obedient, compliant. Si Rita ubidienti gi tinagu' nanå‑ña. Rita is obedient to her mother's requests. Na'ubidienti håo yan tattiyi i areklamentu. Be obedient and follow the instructions. Måolik umubidienti gi manamko'‑mu. It is good to be obedient to your elders. Variant: osgun.


ubri n. breast of pig. Månngi' mafa'chachalun i ubri. The pig's breast is tasty as chachalun.


uchan n. rain. Giya Mariånas guaha tiempun uchan yan tiempun somnak. In the Marianas there is a rainy season and a dry season. Manfotgun i tinala' magågu gi tali ni ichan. The cloths on clothesline got wet from the rain. Esta para u potdung ha' i ichan. The rain will fall sometime soon.

vi. rain. Håfa mohon, kåo para u uchan på'gu na ha'åni? what do you think, will it rain today? Esta u'uchan. It is raining.


uchan somnak n. rain that falls during sunshine, sun shower. Uchan somnak gi talulu' gi taluåni pues tinatiyi ni metmut na uchan dispues. A sun shower fell right at noon then a heavy rain followed after that.


uchenta num. eighty. Anai uchenta åñus si tatå‑hu, måtai. When my father reached eighty years old, he died. Meggai esta na manåmku' manggaigi mås ki uchenta åñus. There are many elders who are more than eighty years old. Si Faustino guaha ga'‑ña uchenta na guaka gi kellåt‑ña. Faustino has eighty cattle in his pasture. Variant: otchenta. From: Sp. ochenta.


uchun vi. groan with sadness, grunt, as when lifting a heavy object or moving bowels. Duru umuchun i neni, sa' mahettuk masinik. The baby is grunting because he is constipated. Umu'uchun i taotåo sa' makkat i ha håhatsa. The man is grunting while lifting a heavy load. Umu'uchun ni piniti‑ña. He was groaning from his misery.


udai n. means of transportation. I batkun airi para udai‑hu. The airplane will be my means of transportation. Bula na klåsin udai guaha giya Hapon. Japan has many different means of transportation.

vt. Para un udai i biskileta pågu? Are you going to ride the bicycle now? See: ma'udai.


udu adj. dumb, mute, speechless, destitute of the power of speech. Udu i patgun disdi mafañagu‑ña. The child was mute since birth. Nina udu anai kumuentus i kuntrariu. He became speechless when his opponent spoke.


ufa n. type of tree. heritiera littoralis. Ti gef setbi i tronkun ufa para haligin guma' sa' påska. Ufa tree is not a good lumber for house posts because it is brittle.


ufendi vt. offend, transgress, sin, cause to feel hurt or resentful. Ha ufendi yu' ni sinangån‑ña nigap. He offended me by what she said yesterday. Maninifendi siha i taotåo put i hininguk‑ñiha na tåya' salåppi' gubietnu. The people were offended for what they heard about there being no government money. See: isagui. Variant: ofendi.


ufensa vt. commit an offense against. I taotåo manufensa gi lain pupbliku. The person commited an offense against the public law. Variant: ofensa.


ufensa n. offense. Tåya' ufensa ma tugi' gi gaseta put i prohimu. No offense was stated in the newspaper about the individual. Ti bai hu sedi na para u guaha ufensa gi inatdingngan entalu'‑miyu. I will not permit any offense in the discussion among yourselves. From: Sp. ofensa.


ufisiåt n. officer, an official. I ufisiåt ha nå'i tikkit i taotåo siha put mapega i karetan‑ñiha gi ti siña mampark. The officer gave traffic tickets to the people for parking their cars at the non-parking sign. I ufisiåt ha usa i uniform militåt nigap. The officer used the military uniform yesterday. Bula ufisiåt manmåttu para i silibrasion i kumpli'åñus Geran II. Many officials came for the anniversary celebration of WWII.

adj. official. Maila ya tana' ofisiåt esti na dokumentu. Let's make this document official. Ti ofisiåsiat ennåo na areklamentu. That procedure is not official yet. Ofisiåt esti na lai sa' esta ma fitma ni gubietnu. This law is now official because it has been signed by the governor.


ufisina n. office. Taya ofisina‑ña trabiha i presidentin i gurupu. The president of the group does not have an office yet. Yahu esti na ofisina sa' kabålis. I like this office because it is complete. I ufisinan i Gubietnu gaigi giya Capitol Hill. The administration of the Governor is in Capitol Hill.

vt. Ma ofisina i istudianti gi iskeuela sa magacha' ni sigariyu. The student was sent to the office because he was caught with cigarette. Na' maulik håo ya munga na un ma'ofisina. Behave so that you won't be sent to the office. Variant: ofisina.


ufisiu n. job, post, official position, employment, work, career, occupation. Håfa ufisiom‑mu på'gu? What is your job now? I ufisiok‑ku kada ha'åni para mamulan påtgun. My job every day is watching children. Atyu ufision‑ña si Petra i para manasisti manmalångu gi espitåt. Petra's occupation is to assist the patients at the hospital.


ufresi vt. offer, propose, proffer, bid (as a price), make an offer of. Ha ufresi para u bendi i boti‑ña gi risunåbli na presu. He offered to sell his boat for a reasonable price. Mungnga manufresi yanggin ti siguru håo. Don't offer something if you are not sure. Variant: ofresi. From: Sp. ofrece.


ufresimientu n. offer, promise. Bula ufresimientom‑mu giya siha, låo tåya' un kukumpli. You made lots of promises to them, but you have never accomplished any of them Ti annuk i ufresimientu låo guaha prubetchu. The offer is not evident but there will be benefits. I ufresimienton‑ña mampus na'maguf. His offer is very agreeable. Variant: ofresimientu. From: Sp. ofrecimiento.


uga vt. flatter, cajole, soothe. Sigi ha' umuga i patgun sa' siempri ha' mano'osgi. Keep talking to the child and he will give in. Uga ya u båsta lalålu'. Soothe her so she will stop being angry. See: ribirensia.


ugam adj. intense or strong color (red, especially of betel nut). Bula tinanom‑ña ugam na pugua'. He planted a lot of red betel nut. I na inigam matå‑mu ni semnak. Oh, your face is so red from the sun. Maguaiyan‑ña i igam na pugua kini i changnga na pugua Ant: chångnga.


ugas vt. process of making starch by grating. Ha ugas i gapgap para hu fama asentu. She grated starch from Polynesian arrowroot. Nihi ta fanmanugas medioka gi lanchu. Let's grate the tapioca for starch at the farm. Ma sumai i fadang antis di ma ugas. The cycad is soaked in water for some time before being processed for starch.


Ugis name. name of a place in Rota. Yanggin ginin Sinapalu håo, un upus Ugis åntis di un fåttu gi Sengsong. If you are coming from Sinapalu, you pass Ugis before reaching Songsong. Variant: Manggaigi giya Ugis i Liyang Atmariåo yan i atchu' nai gaigi i dangkulu na ma'imprintan atding tåotåo.


ugis adj. pretty, pleasant to look at, sexy, appealing, mainly in reference to females. Ugis ma'atan sa' freska matå‑ña. Her face is nonchalant and pleasant to look at. Ti ugis yu'. I am not sexy. Maggim, atanun yan ugis na palåo'an. The woman is softhearted, attractive and sexy. Variant: ka'lak.


ugu' vt. 1) be (sexually) jealous of, be suspicious of (someone's) infidelity, (sexually) desire, envy. Mungnga yu' ma ugu'i nu atyu na tåotåo sa tåya' ham. Don't be suspicious that there is something between me and that person because there is nothing between us. Tåya' na manugu' nu guåhu sa' ha angngokku yu'. He was never suspicious of me being unfaithful because he trusts me. See: ekgu'i, eggu' (refers to person, noun and adjective). 2) massage (someone) by stepping on the back. I patgon‑ña ha ugu' si tatå‑ña. His child massaged his father by stepping on his back. Variant: ugut.


ugung vi. 1) moan, groan. Manugung i ga'lågu anai mangingi i påo kulebla. The dogs were groaning when they smelled the snake. I sindålu sigi umugung sa' puti addeng‑ña. The soldier was moaning because his leg hurt. 2) 

vt. ask for help. Gi finakpu' påkyun Pongsonga gi Dicembri 2002, giya Luta, manugung i komunidåt ayudu. The Rota community asked for assistance after the December 2002 Pongsonga Typhoon. Munga ma nangga estaki hineksi håo ya atyu ni un ugung. Don't wait until the problem overwhelms you and then you ask for help. Tåya ni umugung na tåya salape'‑ña maseha chachatsaga. She never revealed that she does not have money although she is having difficulty.


ugut vt. Chamorro traditional massage (with the feet), by stepping on the prone position of the body. Umoppup si tåta gi guafak, pues ma'ugut ni patgun. Father lay on the mat on his belly then the child massaged him by stepping on his back. Ha palala'i låñan niyuk i tatalo'‑ña i bihu ya ha ugut. She used coconut oil to massage grandmother's hand. Manmåolek‑ña i famagu'un manmanugut sa' manñahlalang. Children are better for stepping on the body to massage because they are light. See: lasa, yettik.


uha'1 vt. pry open. Ha uha' i tampi. She pried open the lid. Maleffa ni yabi‑ña, pues ha uha' i petta. He forgot his keys, so he pried open the door.


uha'2 vi. gag, retch, heave with nausea. Duru umuha' i palåo'an sa' mapotgi'. The woman kept retching because she is pregnant. Na'uha' i patgun sa' gotgan. Make the child gag because she is choking. Nina'uha' ni påomata'. The strong fishy smell made her gag.


uhålis n. buttonhole. Tåya' uhålis mana'yen‑ña esti na sukåto'. There is no buttonhole placed on this skirt. Kuåntu na uhålis bai duluk? How many buttonholes shall I make?

vt. make a buttonhole in. Kåo esta un uhålis i chininå‑hu? Have you made a buttonhole in my shirt? Yanggin para un fanuhålis, na' fanunas. If you are to make bottonholes, make them line up. Variant: uålis. From: Sp. ojales.


uhang n. shrimp. Hu tåtanga kelaguin uhang. I am craving for shrimp kelaguen. Áchuka' mana'taimanu mana'lagu‑ña i ihang, månngi' humuyong‑ña. No matter how shrimp is cooked, it is always delicious.


uhang tåsi n. type of shrimp: salt water shrimp. enoplometopus antillensis. Guaha siha na tåotåo ga'un‑ñiha uhang tåsi kini uhang sadduk. Some people prefer salt water shrimp over fresh water shrimp. Mehna uhang tåsi si tåta. Father caught a lot of salt water shrimp. Månngi' magisa i uhang tåsi. Stir-fried salt water shrimp is delicious.


uhi dem. that (away from speaker and addressee). Håfa uhi ilek‑mu? What was that you said? Chuli' uhi mågi. Take that over here. Variant: yuhi.


uhu pred. here, take it--expression used to attract (someone's) attention when giving something. Uhu, ya basta yu' ma istotba. Take it and stop bothering me. Uhu, ya hågu la'mun håfa para un cho'gui disti på'gu. Here it is and it is up to you to do as you please from here on. See: éstagui'.


uhu' vi. use sparingly, use economically, use in small quantities. Na' uhu' ha' i asiga sa' ti atman hokkuk. Be economical with the salt because we are almost out. Sinangåni nu i mediku na para u uhu' mantika gi kinano‑ña disti på‑gu. The doctor told her to use fat sparingly in her diet.


uki' vt. carry piggyback, carry (something) on the shoulders. Ha uki' si Tom si Tolia gi tatalo'‑ña. Tom piggybacked Tolia. Ha uki' si Tåta i hayu ginin i lanchu esta i gima'. Dad carried the wood from the farm to the house. Variant: uma, ombu'.


ulat vi. fit, fit into. Ti ulat yu' nu i katsunes‑su sa' kulang yumommuk yu'. I can't fit into my pants because I sort of gained weight. Chagi i frañela kåo ulat håo. Try the shirt and see if you can fit. Achuka' taimanu bidå‑mu, ti siña ulat ennåo todu. Whatever you do, all those will not fit. Variant: omlat.


uli1 n. plastic, something made of plastic, oilcloth. Debi di ta na'påra umusa mampus i butsiyun uli, sa' ti måolik para i tano'‑ta. We must stop using a lot of plastic bags, because it is not good for our environment. Håfyi nu i tampin uli i lamasa. Cover the table with the plastic tablecloth. Guaha minaolik na esti i uli na materiåt, piot yanggin para ta rikohi basula siha. Plastic materials have some good uses, especially for collecting trash.


uli2 n. banner. Na'tachu i uli gi me'nan chålan. Plant the banner in front of the road. Guaha infutmasion gi uli? Is there information on the banner?


ulu n. head. Ha atchan ulu yu' si Sue nu i iskoba. Sue hit me on the head with a broom. Ha pakin ulu si Bing i fanihi. Bing shot the fruitbat on the head.


ulu' n. worm, germ, bacteria, caterpillar, maggot. Ma'å'a'ñåo si nåna ulu'. Mom is scared of worms. Ha usa si tåta ulu' para katnadå‑ña. Dad uses worms for his bait.


ulu' ababbang n. caterpillar. Si Amelia gof ma'å'ñåo nu i ulu' ababbang. Amelia is very scared of caterpillars.


ulun mattiyu na halu'u n. type of shark: hammerhead shark. sphyrnalewinii (sphyrnidae). Ha li'i' si Kel i ulun mattiyu na halu'u gi halum tåsi. Kel saw a hammerhead shark in the water. Ti ma'å'ñåo si Tomas nu i ulun mattiyu na halu'u. Tomas is not afraid of the hammerhead shark.


‑um-1 (from: ‑um‑) infx. 1) sg. or du. agreement for realis intransitive verbs. Gumupu i paluma. The bird flew. 2) become (sg. or du. agreement for realis inchoative adjectives and nouns). Mumahettuk i titiyas. The tortilla became hard. Mumåolik i istudiånti. The student became good. Yanggin bråbu håo macho'chu', siempri ha' gumofsaga håo. If you work hard, you can become rich.


‑um-2 (from: ‑um‑) infx. 1) subject agreement for realis transitive verbs in questions, relative clauses, and focus. Si Pete tumokcha' i guihan. Pete is the one who speared the fish I istudiånti umistudia. The student is the one who studied. 2) infinitive marker. Ti ya‑hu humami yan tåotåo ni ya‑ña botlas. I don’t like being with someone who is very sarcastic.


uma1 agr. they (third person dual or plural agreement for irrealis transitive verbs). Ma na'setbi i anggariya para uma kåtga i malångu. They used a stretcher to carry the patient.


uma2 vt. carry (on the shoulder), tote, bear. Uma mågi siha i hayu. Carry over all the wood. Håfa na un na'uma si Tolia nu i balakbak‑mu? Why did you make Tolia carry your bag? Variant: uki'.


umá'abali' vi. committing adultery (sg. or du. progressive). Matugi' gi biblia, "Cha'‑mu umá'abali'." It is written in the bible, "Thou shall not commit adultery". Ilek‑ña si nåna, "Cha'‑mu na bai hu gacha' håo umá'abali', sa' un tungu' ha' na esta håo umasagua." Mom said, " I'd better not catch you commiting adultery, because you are already married".


umá'andi' vi. flirt, show off (sg. or du. progressive). Umá'andi' fan ta'lu si Jorob gi as Natasha. Jorob is flirting again with Natasha. Ilek‑ña si Mel na umá'andi' si Ton gi as Tara. Mel said that Ton is showing off to Tara.


umá'apaniti vi. box, fight (sg. or du. progressive). Umá'apaniti ta'lu i dos chume'lu. The two siblings are punching each other again. Båsta yu' na bai hu li'i' hamyu umá'apaniti ta'lu. I don't ever want to see the two of you fighting again.


umá'uyu vi. have intercourse, have sex (sg. or du.). Umá'uyu i palåo'an na ga'lågu yan i lahi na ga'lågu. The female dog and the male dog had intercourse. Duru umessalåo i lahi na ga'lågu sa' guaha gi uriya esta palåo'an na ga'lågu listu para uma'uyu. The male dog was making noise because nearby there was a female dog ready to have sex.


umáchuli' vi. look alike, resemble each other (sg. or du.). Umáchuli' fasun‑ñiha i dos chume'lu. The facial features of the two siblings are similar. Umáchuli' si Tolia yan si nanå‑ña. Tolia resembles her mom. Variant: uma'achuli'.


umádispatta vi. separate (from) (sg. or du.), come apart. Umádispatta i subrina‑hu yan i asaguå‑ña. My niece and her husband separated. Umádispatta i taia' kontra i kareta. The tires separated from the car. Umadispatta gotpi i dos låhi anai manchinemma' ni tatan‑ñiha. The two men who were fighting suddenly separated when their father intervened.


umáfa'baba vi. cheat each other (sg. or du.). Båsta na dos umáfa'baba nu i salåppi'. The two of you better stop cheating each other with the money. Esta ti umamigu i dos sa' ginin uma'a'fababa put tanu'. They are no longer friends because they both were previously cheating each other about their land.


umáfakcha' vi. 1) matched, go well together. Umfakcha' i hinassosot‑ta. Our thinking is the same. Umafakcha' i tihong‑mu yan i chininå‑mu. Your hat matches your dress. Syn: umatya. 2) happen to meet each other. Umafakcha' yu' yan i bisinu‑hu gi chalan para i lisåyu. My neighbor and I happened to meet each other on the way to the rosary.


umáfulu' vi. wrestle (with someone), wrestle with each other, with one another (sg. or du.). Umafulu' i dos patgun. The two children wrestled one another Manafulu' i manchampion siha. All the champions wrestled one another. Manafulu' i rason gi titanus‑måmi asta ki ti manádanchi ham håfa na tumaiguihi. Variant: We wrestled in our minds on the reasons until we ended up not agreeing how things happened.


umagonias adj. be in the last throes of death (sg. or du.). Sigi umagonias i dos låhi. The two boys are in the last throes of death. Duru umagonias i dos gåyu. The two roosters are in the last throes of death.


umaki' vt. give a bonus to, add more to. Alakuenta ha umaki' hit i tinderu. The salesman gave us a bonus, as we can see now. Muma'åsi' i gai tenda, ya ha umaki' i patgun mås biskuchu. The owner of the store felt pity, and gave a bonus biscuit to the child. From: Jp.


umákkamu' vi. get married, wed, marry (sg. or du.). Umákkamu' i hagå‑hu yan i nobiu‑ña nigap. My daughter and her fiancee got married yesterday.


umanidåt n. humanity. Ta fanmanhassu put i chinatsagan tanu' yan umanidåt pa'gu na tiempu. Let us ponder on the challenges of the world and humanity at this time. Gai mina'åsi sa' umanidåt para ta ayuda. Be merciful because it is humanity that we are helping.

adj. humane. Ti umanidåt ennåo i bidåda‑mu. What you are doing is inhumane. Sumåonåo i maestru gi umanidåt na gurupu. The teacher joined the humane society group. From: Sp. humanidad.


umang n. hermit crab. Paguridae. I dos umang uma'atuk gi papa åtchu'. The two hermit crabs are hiding under the rock. Usa umang para katnådan guihan. Use the hermit crab for fish bait. Si Juana ha tunu umang para amotsån‑ña gi talu'åni. Juana grilled some hermit crab for her lunch. Ya‑ña si tåta mamoksai umang. Father likes to raise hermit crabs. Mangonni' si Danny bula na umang gi paingi. Danny caught a lot of hermit crabs last night.


umang duk TBD n. small hermit crab. Mangonni' si Ann unu na umang duk gi tasi. Ann caught one small hermit crab by the beach. Hu sotta i umang duk ya u ladangkulu. I let go of the small hermit crab so it can grow bigger.


umang manganiti n. hermit crab, red and hairy on its shell, also brownish and spotted on the larger pincher. Coenobita rugosus. Ti makåkannu' i umang manganiti. The red hairy hermit crab is not edible. Hu sotta i umang manganiti sa' ti makåkannu'. I let the red hairy hermit crab loose because it is not edible. Bula umang manganiti gi Inai Dångkulu. There are lots of devil's crab at Long Beach. Måolik esti na mineddung umang manganiti para ga'‑hu. This size devil's crab is good for my pet. Variant: umang maknganiti.


umang yu'us n. hermit crab with smooth pinkish shell; the best kind of its species for food. Coenobita rugosus. Ya‑hu kumånnu' i umang yu'us. I like to eat the smooth pinkish hermit crab. Mamisu' i umang yu'us para i giput. The smooth pinkish hermit crab was cooked with miso' for the party.


Umåtac name. village in southern Guam; pron. umatak. Sumåsaga i biha Umatac. The old lady lives in Umatac. Masilelebra i kutturan Chamorro giya Umåtac kada såkkan. Chamorro culture is celebrated every year at Umatac. Ma'udai yu' karabåo gi lanchun‑måmi giya Umatac. I rode on the carabao at our farm in Umatac.


Umåtalaf n. March (month). Mafañågu i patgun gi Umåtalaf na mes. The child was born in March. Para bai hu retiråo gi Umåtalaf på'gu na såkkan. I will retire in March this year. Variant: Måtsu.


umåtang n. type of fish: black bass. kuhlia rupestris (Family Kuhlidae). Mangonni' yu' umatang gi sadduk. I caught a black bass at the river. Ha kånnu' i katu i umatang. The cat ate the black bass. Refers to fresh-water mountain black bass found esp. in the Fena reservoir of Guam.


umátungu' vi. agree, know each other (sg. or du.). Umátungu' ha' si Jun yan si Tel. Jun and Tel know each other. Kåo umátungu' ha' hamyu put i disision‑miyu? Did the two of you agree about your decision? 2) 

adj. be in an intimate relationship. Ginin umátungu' i dos åntis di umasagua. They were in a relationship before they got married.


umatya vi. fit, suitable, appropriate, well matched, complement. Na'siguru na umatya i magagu‑mu para i giput. Make sure that your clothes are matched for the party. Ti umatya håfa un såsangan yan i bidåda‑mu. What you are saying does not match with what you are doing. See: apropositu.


Umayangan n. December. Ya‑ña si nåna i Umayangan na mes. Mom likes the month of December. Mafañågu si Cliff gi Umayangan na mes. Cliff was born in the month of December. Variant: Disiembri.


umáyuti' vi. divorce, dissolve a marriage contract (sg. or du.). Umáyuti' si Ana yan si Pedro. Ana and Pedro are divorced. Kåo un tungu' ha' na umáyuti' si Pedro yan Maria? Did you know that Pedro and Maria are divorced?


umbå' vi. give the call for cattle. Umumbå' si Ton para u na'fandanña' i guaka siha. Ton called the cows to gather them. Umumbå' i patgun para u adda' i guaka. The child imitated the call of the cow.

vt. call (cattle). Ma'umbå' i guaka siha para u fanmåttu manggimin. They called the cows to come to drink. See: '.


Umbai' name. nickname for Jesus. Amånu na gaigi si Umbai'? Where is Umbai'? Hu li'i' si Umbai gi tenda. I saw Umbai' at the store.


umé'fohmu' vi. fish using baskets (sg. or du.), a method primarily practiced by women. Humånåo si Tan Ichi' ume'fohmu' gi Inai Tachogña. Elder Ichi' went basket fishing at Tachogña Beach. Bula kininne'‑ña ni ginin ume'fohmu'. She caught a lot from basket fishing. Mampus nåpu ya ti siña ume'fohmu' si Loli'. It is too rough and Loli' is not able to go basket fishing. In this fishing method, which is primarily practiced by women, large woven baskets are sunk by putting rocks into them. The baskets are placed amongst the corals so that small black fish found amongst the coral will come into the basket.


umé'gagåo vi. beg, ask alms (sg. or du.). Basta umé'gagåo salåppi', sa' un na'mamåmahlåo yu'. Stop begging for money, because you are embarrassing me. Sigi umé'gagåo si Tel salåppi' para i gima' Yu'us. Tel keeps asking for money for the church.


umé'suetti vi. seek one's luck, chance something (sg. or du.).


umenta vt. add on to. Kåo siña bai umenta mås put i kunfirensia? May I please add more about the conference? Umentåyi fan i finaisesen‑hu? Could you please make further additions to what I requested? See: åomenta. From: Sp. aumentar.


uméntalu' vi. interfere, come between (sg. or du.). Båsta umentalu' an ti un tungu' håfa masåsangan. Stop interfering if you don't know what is being said. Cha'mu umentalu' gi ti entalo'mu. Mind your own business.


umesgin vi. go by way of, take a certain route (sg. or du.). Umesgin i halum tånu' anai umabak. She went by way of the forest when she got lost. Mungnga umesgin i lugåt bisinu sa' bula ga'lågu. Don't go by the neighbor's property because there are lots of dogs. Variant: sumigin.


umespongha vi. swell up from absorption, like a sponge (sg. or du.). Ti ha kånnu' si Roy i soba' insigidas ya umespongha. Roy did not eat the noodles right away and they became soggy. Umespongha i ma'is sa masumai åtman gi hanum. The corn swelled up because they were immersed in water for a long time. From: Sp. esponja.


uméssalåo vi. shout, howl (sg. or du.). Un hongngang i patgun anai uméssalåo håo. You startled the child when you shouted. Uméssalåo na guiya gumånna i kumpitensian finu' Chamorro. He shouted that he won the Chamorro language competition.


umidåt n. humility. Ma ripåra i umidåt i maestru gi tinige‑ña put istorian Chamorro yan Carolinian giya Marianas. They recognized the humility of the teacher in his writing about the history of the Chamorro and the Carolinian in the Marianas. Put i umidåt‑ña na ti ha sedi para uma tuna put i che'cho‑ña. She did not allow for her work to be honored due to her humility. From: Sp. humildad.


úmidu n. moisture. Mumalångu si Sue, sa' puru ha' úmidu i halum gimå'‑ña. Sue got sick, because her house was filled with moisture.

adj. moist, damp, humid. Yuti' huyung i úmidu na alunan. Throw out the damp pillow. See: maggim. From: Sp. humedo.


umiskuela vi. attend school, go to school (sg. or du.), get an education. Må'pus si Tolia umiskuela. Tolia went to get an education. Malagu' si Amelia umiskuela giya Guam. Amelia wants to go to school in Guam. Ginin umiskuela håo gi Marianas High School? Did you attend school at Marianas High School? From: Sp. escuela.


umitdi adj. humble, meek. Umitdi na palåo'an si Sandra. Sandra is a humble person. Ya‑hu si Tina sa' umitdi mampus na tåotåo. I like Tina because she is a very meek person. Variant: humitdi. From: Sp. humilde.


umiti vt. omit (something, such as information), not include (something). Na'kabålis i tinige'‑mu ni håfa ha såsangan, mungnga ma'umiti ni håfafa ha'. Write down completely what she is saying, do not omit anything at all. Manma'umiti palu na infotmasion siha gi aplikasion. Some information on the application is omitted. Guaha ma'umiti gi istorian Taga'. Some things were omitted from the story of Taga'. Variant: omiti.


umiya vt. humiliate, make humble, humble (oneself). Put fabot mungnga ma'umiya yu' gi me'nan tåotåo. Please don't humiliate me in front of people. Tåya' umagradesi ma'umiya gi me'nan tåotåo. No one appreciates being humiliated in front of people. From: Sp. humillar.


umpang vt. haul, carry (large or heavy objects), heave (a heavy load). Put sessu si Petra manumpang makkat na tråstis, esta nina'se'yun. Petra became disabled due to carrying heavy loads often. Ha umpang gi apaga‑ña i maleta. He heaved the bag on his shoulder. Variant: umpan.


umugung vi. groan, lament (sg. or du.). Si Juan umugung anai i hagå‑ña ha gatcha' i dama'gås‑ña. Juan groaned, when his daughter stepped on his toe. Umugung si Maria annai ha totpi i trongku. Maria groaned when she hit the tree. Umugung i neni annai ti manå'i nu i mamadot‑ña. The baby groaned when she didn't get her bottle.


umuk n. type of plant. digitaria, eleusine indica (?). Sumåssåonåo hågun umuk, akangkang, åhgåo, batbena yan hågun tagu'a gi amut takhalum minaipin åmku'. The leaf of the umuk together with akangkang, åhgåo, batbena and tagu'a leaf is a medicine for severe internal body pain.


úmumu n. type of plant. Pisonia grandis. Variant: ómumu.


un1 art. 1) a, an, (indefinite article). Nå'i yu' un låpis. Give me a pencil 2) one. Na'ayåo gui' un pesu. Lend him one dollar. Maila' fan un alunan. Please give me one pillow. Ha nå'i yu' si Ton un siya. Ton gave me one chair. From: Sp. un.


un2 agr. you (sg.) (second person singular agreement for realis transitive verbs and irrealis verbs or adjectives). Hånåo ya un chuli' i lepblom‑mu. Go and get your book. Maila' ya un fatå'chung. Come and sit down.


‑un suf. able to, capable of (abilitative). Kumprendiyun esti na istoria para mataitai. This story is comprehensable to read. Kannu'un esti na månha. This coconut is able to be eaten. Taitayun atyu na lepblu manaitai. That reading book is readable. Guaiyayun atyu na palåo'an ni gaigi gi fi'un Brenda. That woman next to Brenda is lovable. Tulaikayun ennåo na tåotåo as Aaron. Aaron is a changeable man. This suffix attaches to transitive verbs to form adjectives; its form is yun after a vowel.


un bånda n. beside, on the side, next to, one side. Bula trongkun pugua' gi un båndan gi gima' Juan. There are lot of betelnut plants next to Juan's house. Falak i un bånda ya un chuli' mågi i lamasa. Go to the side and bring the table over. Esgin i un bånda gi gima' an para un fåmfi' pupulu. Go beside the house if you are going to pick lime leaf. See: bånda, uriya. From: Sp. una banda.


un biåhi adv. once. Un biahi ha' para bai sångan i na'ån‑mu. I'll read out the list of names once. Bai taitai i lepblu ta'lu un biåhi. I'll read the book once again. Un biåhi ha' na para bai ågang na'ån‑mu. I'll call on your name only once.


un manåda adj. plenty, lots of, many, full of. Un manåda mangaigi gi finakpu' lisåyun måtai. A lot of people were at the final rosary for the deceased. Mangeftåo i taotåo sa' un manåda nina'in‑ñiha na niyuk para i giput. The people were generous because they contributed a lot of coconuts for the feast. Variant: meggai, bula; manåda.


un mumentu adv. a moment, awhile, briefly, shortly. Un mumentu ha' para sagå‑ña i bus guini na lugåt. The bus will stop in this place just briefly. Un mumentu ha' ya bai hu aligåo si Juan. One moment please and I'll look for Juan. Un mumentu ha' ya bai hu ripåsa ha' i håfa para bai hu taitai. One moment please and I'll review what I have to read. See: un råtu. From: Sp. un momento.


una n. one (o'clock). Ala una på'gu. It is one o'clock now. Måttu si Tomas ala una i media gi egga'an. Tomas came at one thirty this morning. Mañotchu ham amotsan talu'åni gi ala una i media. We ate lunch at half past one this afternoon. From: Sp: una.


unåga n. type of fish, ruby snapper, scaarlet snapper. Etelis coruscans. Mås guaguan i unåga ki i tataga'. Unåga is more expensive than the unicorn fish. Månngi' i unåga ma katdu, ma aflitu yan ma hotnu kuntodu ma sashimi'. The ruby snapper is delicious as soup, fried and baked in addition to sashimi. From: Japanese, onaga.


unai n. sand. Humugåndu i patgun yan i inai. The child played with the sand. Håfa na puru ha' unai i addeng‑mu? Why are your feet covered with sand? Guaha siha difirentis siha na kulot unai giya Luta. There are many different colors of sand in Rota.


Unai Chiget name. place name in Tinian (Chiget Beach). Dididi' ha' unai‑ña i Unai Chiget. Not much sand at Unai Chiget. Måolik pumiknik gi Unai Chiget. It's good to have a picnic at Unai Chiget. Sessu i turista ma bisita esti na bunitun lugåt i Unai Chiget. Tourists often visit the beautiful Unai Chiget.


Unai Låmlam name. Lightning Strike Beach. Manpiknik i familia gi Unai Låmlam. The family had a picnic at Låmlam Beach. Pumeska si Tang disdi Unai Chulu esta i Unai Låmlam. Dad went fishing from Zulu to Låmlam Beach. Kantidå na karakot sinedda'‑måmi gi Unai Låmlam. We found lots of sea shells at Låmlam Beach.


Unai Masalok name. place name in Tinian. Bula åtchu' latti gi Unai Masalok. There are plenty of latte stones at Masalok Beach. Unai Masalok unu na lugåt anai mañåga palu antigun na Chamorro. Unai Masalok was one of the places where ancient Chamorros settled. Måolik lokkui' pumeska gi Unai Masalok. It is also good to fish at Unai Masalok.


Uncha' name. nickname for Anunciacion. Nå'an palåo'an i Uncha'. Uncha' is a girl's name. Malak i giput si Uncha'. Uncha' went to the party. Nanå‑hu si Uncha'. Uncha' is my mom.


unestu adj. honest, truthful, frank, sincere. Mampus unestu si Rita na påtgun. Rita is a very honest girl. Unestu si Brigid gi palabrå‑ña. Brigid is honest with her words. Yanggin mafaisin håo kuestion, debi na un unestu. You have to be truthful when you are asked a question. Si Tan Ko' gof unestu ni minagof‑ña para u fanayuda gi Gima' Yu'us. Tang Ko' is very sincere with his desire to help in the church. See: frångku, sinseru, magåhit, siguru. Variant: onestu.


unibetsiha n. university. Bula istudiånti gi unibetsiha. There are a lot of students at the university. Gaigi si Ton gi unibetsiha na umiskuekuela. Ton is attending school at the university. Variant: unibetsia, unibetsidåt. From: Sp. universidad.


unifotmi n. uniform. Manunifotmi i istudiåntin Luta. The students in Rota are in uniform. Ha usa si Jan i unifotmi annai sumåonåo gi baila. Jana used a uniform when she joined the dance. Manmanoda i ma'estra unifotmi para u ma'usa gi iskuela. The teachers ordered some uniforms to use at school. From: Sp. uniforme.


úniku adj. sole, only, unique, rare, singular. Uniku na påtgun gi giput. The only child at the party. From: Sp. unico.


unråtu adv. a moment, an instant; also written as un ratu. Desnik unråtu pues malingun halum ta'lu. He appeared for an instant then disappeared into nowhere again. Unråtu ha' ennåo bai hu latchai kuman‑nu'. I can eat that in an instant. See: mumentu. From: Sp. un rato.


unu adj. one. Unu ha' na påtgun måttu gi giput. Only one child came to the party. From: Sp. uno.


unus kuåntus adj. several, a couple of, a few, some, more than two or three (but not many). Unus kuåntus na tåotåo umatendi i misa. There were a few people who attended the mass. Variant: nuskuåntus. From: Sp. unos cuantos.


uñión n. cash donations for family functions such as baptismal, wedding, and funeral. Sumåonåo si Roke manayuda gi uñion. Roke helped by enlisting in the team for the cash donation. Si tåta para u maneha umapåsi i gåstu siha ginin i rinikohin i uñion. Grandfather will manage the donated cash and will pay for all the expenses incurred. Sen håssan i uñion mapraktika gi på'gu na tiempu. Cash donations amongst the family are rarely practiced these days.


ungak vt. knock off balance, cause to tilt. Matompu' i taotåo sa' un håsngun umungak. The man stumbled because you purposely knocked him off balance. Atan ha' sa ha keke ungak i makkat lamasa. Look at him, he is trying to tilt the heavy table. Variant: må'ngak.


upbliga vt. oblige (someone), bind (someone) by an obligation, bring or place (someone) under moral or legal duty or constraint. Ta upbliga i patgun u humånåo para i iskuela. We obliged the child to go to school. In upbliga ham na kada Betnis debi na bai in fanna'gasgas. We are bound by an obligation to clean every Friday. I tata gi familia ma'upbliga siha na u fanmasetbi måolik i familian‑ñiha . The fathers in the families are bound by an obligation to take good care of their families. Todu i pulisiha manma'upbliliga na u famparehu tratamientun‑ñiha nu i taotåo siha. All policemen are encouraged to do their legal duties in treating the people the same. See: afuetsas.


upera vt. operate on, perform an operation on. Para u ma'upera si Jerome agupa'. Jerome will be operated on tomorrow. In upera i kairu' gi klas‑måmi nigap. We operated on the frog in our class yesterday. Ma'upera si Jeffrey gi put i kurason‑ña. Jeffrey was operated on of his heart.


upiñón n. opinion. E'kunguk nai upiñón tåotåo. Listen then to others' opinion. Analisa todu i upiñón ni ma tugu' gi gaseta. Analyze all the opinions published in the news. From: Sp. opinion.


upung vt. break (the point of), cut off (the point of). Kåo siña un upung i hayu? Can you cut off the wood? Upungngi yu' fan tres na hagun lemmai. Cut off three breadfruit leaves for me, please.


upus vt. pass, go beyond, surpass, transcend, exceed. Ha upus i håfa para u cho'gui. He went beyond what he was going to do.


uranggutånu n. orangutan. Hu litråtu i urangguttånu gi sagan gå'ga'. I took a picture of the orangutan at the zoo. From: Sp. orangutan.


urihinåt adj. original. Guiya esti i urihinåt na istorian Taga'. This is the original story of Taga. I che'lu‑hu malago'‑ña na para u manå'i ni i urihinåt na litråtun Tåta. My sister's wish is to be given the original picture of my father. Esti i tinemplan buñelus ginin i urihinåt na tinigi' nanå‑hu. This doughnut mixture is from my mother's original writings. From: Sp. original.


urinola n. bedpan. Ha usa i urinola para u me'mi' i malångu. The sick person uses the bedpan to urinate. Variant: ninola.


uritåo n. young men or bachelors in ancient Chamorro culture. Dos na tunas manmafatinas para i uritåo. Two long sticks were made for the young bachelors. Man etnun i uritåo gi gima uritåo. The young men gathered at the young men's house.


uriya n. nearby, proximity, vicinity, surrounding environment, locality, neighborhood, neighboring. Hu sotda' i cha'ka gi uriyan sagan basula. I found the rat nearby the trash bin. Sigi umuriya i mannuk gi hiyung kasiyas asta ki tinichu' ni ga'lågu. The hen kept going around outside the chicken coop until it was attacked by the dog. Variant: oriya.


uriyå-mu (from: uriyå‑mu) adj. around you, your surrounding. Gef ripåra håfa mangaigi gi uriyå‑mu an håhågu ha' an puengi. Be vigilant of your surrounding when you are by yourself at night. Suetti sa' i bisinu gi uriyå‑mu manlistu para un ma'ayuda todu i tiempu. It is fortunate that the neighbors around you are always ready to help you.


uriyan tåsi n. coast, seaside, seacoast, seashore. Manggaigi i haguihi gi uriyan tåsi. The ghost crabs are at the seaside. Matotni guåfi gi uriyan tåsi åntis di lemlim tåotåo. They lit the coast with fire before dusk.


uriyåyi vt. surround, approach nearby, encompass, encircle. Ma uriyåyi i lahi anai para ma konni ni pulisiha. They surrounded the man when he was caught by the police. Maniniriyåyåyi i punidera ni gayu siha. The hens were being surrounded by the roosters.


urupa vt. cover up, conceal, hide by covering (Rota). Ma'uropa si Juan ni che'lu‑ña putno na u masåolak. Juan was concealed by his brother so he won't be spanked. Ya‑ña si Isabel umuropa i famagu'on‑ña. Isabel likes to cover up her children. Manma'uropa ham ni ma'estran‑måmi para mungnga na bai in fanmasuspendi. Our teacher covered for us so we won't be suspended. See: tåmpi.


usa vt. 1) use, employ, utilize, spend, use up, waste. Ha usa i nuebu na sapåtus kueru. He used the new pair of leather shoes. Usa i umatyam‑mu na kulot magågu. Use the color of the dress that looks good on you. 2) wear (clothes). Hafa para in isa para i kareran‑miyu sanlagu? What are you going to wear for your trip to the mainland? Mapput para bai atchik hafa para bai usa para i misa. I have difficulty deciding what to wear to mass. See: gåsta, na'setbi. From: Sp. usar.


usåo 1) adj. used, second-hand. Usåo i karetå‑hu. My car is a used car. 2) 

adj. usable, capable of being used. Esta ti usåo esti na kåmyu. This coconut grater is no longer usable. From: Sp. usado.


useha cnj. or else. Maseha håfa ilek‑ku, tatiyi; useha un gatdun gi hinasom‑mu. Whatever I say, follow; or else you will get confused. Variant: Mungnga kumeha useha bai hu keha put hågu lokkui'.


usiosu adj. sociable, friendly. Esta mås usiosu si Ton anai manotda nobia‑ña. Ton became more sociable when he found a girl friend. Maguaya i hagå‑hu para u fan atendi bisita sa gef usiosu. They like for my daughter to attend visitors because she is very sociable.


usosiu adj. non-productive. Usosiu si Juan na diha. Juan is non-productive today. Tåya' minaolik para un sodda' yanggin usosiu håo na tåotåo. You will not find any good by being a non-productive person. Variant: tai bida, gagu', flohu; usuosu, o'siosu.


usu n. custom, habit. Esta usu para u makånta i kantan Luta. It is the custom to sing Rota songs. Variant: kustumbri, bisiu.


usuni vt. persevere in, persist in, put more effort, remain fixed in. Ta usuni para u mana' dinanchi i finu' Chamorro. We will persevered to correct the Chamorro language. I patgun ha usuni para mås osgun gi mañaina‑ña. The child worked hard to be more obedient to his parents. Variant: prikura, putfiha.


uta agr. we (first person inclusive dual or plural agreement for irrealis verbs and adjectives). Uta chagi manu siña ta cho'gui. We will try what we can do. Variant: ta.


utak n. owl; a legendary bird, said to come out at night and be heard only by a few people, esp. when an unmarried girl is pregnant. Hu li'i' i itak gi paingi. I saw an owl last night. Hu li'i' i paluman utak gumupu gi hilu' gima' gi paingi. I saw a black owl fly last night above my house.


utas adj. sufficient, lasting, enough. Kalan esta utas i salappe'‑ta para ta fåhan un tånu'. It looks like we have enough funds to buy a piece of land. Manutas i guinahan‑ñiha sa' ti mane'egagåo. They have sufficient things because they are not begging.


utdena vt. ordain, enact, predestine, introduce into the office of the Christian ministry. Ti chågugu' ma'utdena si Mr. Balajadia para u påli'. Mr. Balajadia will be ordained not far from now. Meggai lalåhi siha manma'utdedena para påli. There are a lot of men being ordained for the priesthood. Guaha dos na mamåli' ma'utdena gi mina'singku åñus gi pumali'‑ñiha. There were two priests ordained in their five years of priesthood.


utdena vt. ordain, enact, predestine, introduce into the office of the Christian ministry. Manmautdena esta esti siha na påli' giya Marianas. The priests in the Marianas have already been ordained. I ubispu umutdena i lahi‑hu para u påli'. The bishop ordained my son in the priesthood. From: Sp. ordena.


utdón n. noodle. Hånåo fan, Mack, ya un famåhan un paketin utdón gi tenda. Mack, please go and buy a pack of noodles at the store. From: Jp. udon.


utguyosu adj. self-opinionated, stuck-up, avaricious. Gof utgoyosu si Mariano na tåotåo. Mariano is a very self-opinionated person. Ti siña masangåni si Jerome ni håfa sa' gof utguyosu. Jerome is very self-opinionated and you can't tell him anything. I utguyosu‑ña si James, esta ti malagu' måttu gi as nanå‑ña. James' self-opinionated attitude is such that he does not want to go to his mother. Variant: atguyosu, otguyosu.


uttimamenti adv. ultimately, eventually. Mandagi i amigu‑hu na pumeska gui' gi paingi, låo uttimamenti ha atmiti na ti pumeska gui'. My friend lied that he went fishing last night, but then he eventually admitted that he did not go fishing. Ti ya‑hu i nina'lagu‑ña si nanå‑hu na nengkanu', låo uttimamenti hu kånnu' sa' gof ñålang yu'. I did not like the food that my mother cooked, but eventually I had to eat it because I was very hungry. See: alosúttimu.


úttimu adj. ultimate, extreme, farthest, last, final. Anåkkuku' i filan i istudiånti gi iskuela ya si Estherlita mås uttimu gi fila. Estherlita was the farthest in the long line of all the students at school. Si tatå‑hu mås uttimu gi filan i bangku. My father was the last in the line in the bank. Esta uttimu siningon‑hu ni bidåda‑ña i bisinu‑hu nu i ga'‑hu ga'lågu siha. My patience has come to an end with what my neighbor is doing to my dog pets.


úttimun i tanu' n. doomsday. Gi uttimun i tanu' siempri u tåya' lina'la'. There will be no life on doomsday. Siempri manluhan yan manma'å'ñåo todu i taotåo yanggin måttu i uttimun i tanu'. On doomsday, the people will be extremely frightened and scared. Åntis di u fåttu i uttimun i tanu', debi todu i taotåo u fanmañotsut nu i todu i isåo‑ñiha ya u fanmanayuyut amånu i siña. All the people must repent their sins and pray as much as they can before doomsday comes.


utu n. edible seed of the type of breadfruit called dokduk. Guaha dos klåsin utu gi dokduk. There are two kinds of seeds of the breadfruit. Hu sotni utu para senan‑måmi. I boiled the seeds of the breadfruit for our dinner.


utugrafiha n. orthography. spelling system Ma adopta i ufisiåt na utugrafihan CNMI ni mina' disisieti na liheslatura gi diha disisieti, Diciembri dos mit dies. The official CNMI orthography was adopted by the 17th CNMI Legislature on December 17, 2010. I ma ribisa na utugrafihan Chamorro, ma adopta ni Kumision put Lingguåhi yan Areklamentun Lingguahin Chamorro yan Carolinian gi Abrit 23, 2010. The revised Chamorro orthography was adopted by the Chamorro and Carolinian Language Policy Commission on April 23, 2010. From: [check if from Sp.].


utut vt. cut, sever, gash, incise, chop, amputate. Utut påpa' i trongku sa' esta putlilu. Cut down the tree because it is already rotten. Ma'utut adeng‑ña i amku' sa' esta kanggrena. Because of the gangrene on his foot, the old man's foot was amputated.


uyu vt. do (something). Uyu fan esti sa ti hu na'siña esta. Could you please do this because I can't anymore. Kåo un uyu esti? Did you do this?





adj.  adjective
adv.  adverb
agr.  agreement prefix
art.  article
aux.  auxiliary
cnj.  conjunction
dem.  demonstrative
Eng.  English
infx.  infix
intj.  Interjection
Jp.  Japanese
n.  noun
n.pl.  plural noun
neg.  negative
num.  numeral
part.  particle
pp.  prepositional phrase
pred.  predicate
pref.  prefix
prep.  preposition
pro.  pronoun
Sp.  Spanish
suf.  suffix
Syn  synonym
vi.  intransitive verb
vt.  transitive verb