* Coming Soon


Y - y


y n. the twenty-fourth letter of the alphabet, pronounced /dz/ and named ye.


ya cnj. and, and then (connects sentences when the time of the first sentence precedes the time of the second sentence). Humånåo yu' asta i lanchu ya hu na'chotchu i mannuk siha. I went as far as the ranch and I fed the chickens. Humånåo yu' guatu gi i gima' ya hu na'fañila' siha i kandit. I went toward the house and turned on all the lights. Ya håyi gai lahi håo, siñot? And whose son are you, sir?


ya-1 (from: ya) vt. like, enjoy. Ya‑mu katdun månnuk ni maletchin niyuk? Do you like chicken soup with coconut milk? Ti ya‑ña ma'istotba yanggin mamaigu' gui'. She doesn't like to be disturbed when she's sleeping. Månu ya‑mu? Which do you like? Bound verb which takes possessive suffixes.


ya-2 (from: ya) pref. way over, at the very. Yaguatutu. Way over there. Na'yapåpapa' håo gi lista. Put yourself at the very bottom of the list. Gaigi i na'ån‑ña gi yahululu' gi lista. His name is at the very top of the list. This prefix attaches to location or direction words to form the superlative; the final syllable of the stem is reduplicated. See: ták.


yá'balak adj. worn out, tattered, decrepit, crumpled. Ya'balak esta i katsunes‑su. My pants are already worn out. Cha'‑mu na un na'ya'balak i balakbak. Do not tear the bag. Håfa na un na'ya'balak i sapatos‑su? Why did you break my shoes?


yå'hu vt. 1) awake (someone), wake (someone) up. Mungnga yu' mayå'hu gi maigo'‑hu. Don’t wake me up from my sleep. Aligåo i famagu'un, sa' ma yå'hu i neni. Go and check the kids because they woke the baby up. Fandispåsiu sa' in ya'hu si Nåna. Slow down because you may wake up Mother. 2) remind, make aware, arouse (a feeling). Ha yå'hu i sinientek‑ku put guiya. She made me remember my feelings about her. Mayå'hu ta'lu i binibu‑hu anai ma tuka put i asuntun tånu'. My anger was aroused again when they brought up the issue about the land. See: pångun. Variant: yå'u.


yå'u vt. 1) wake (someone) up, alert (someone). Yå'u yu' fan yanggin esta para un hånåo? Could you wake me up when you are about to leave? Na'dispåsiu yumå'u ya mungnga na u mahngang. Wake her gently so that she will not be startled. 2) rouse, nudge, prompt. Manyina'u i kumunidåt nu i fino'‑ña put i lingguåhi yan kutturan Chamoru. His speech about the Chamorro language and culture roused the community. Variant: yå'hu.


yabbåo vt. clear a path by chopping (bushes), mow, cut (grass, shrubs), whack at. Yabbåo i cha'guan gi uriyan guma'. Whack at the grass around the house. Si Jose ha yabbåo i beksu' siha. Jose cut the grass. Manyinabbåo todu i tangantångan ni manglu'. The tangantångan were mowed down by the wind. See: salibåo.


yåbi n. key, lock. Chuli' i yabi ya un baba i petta. Take the key and open the door. Kåo un chuchuli' ha' i yabi? Do you still have the key? Månu na yåbi dinanchi para esti na potta? Which key is right for this door?

vt. lock (something). Mayåyabi i kellat. The gate is locked. Siempri bai hu yåbi i sikos‑mu yanggin sigi håo ha' umapbladora. I'll shut your mouth if you keep on gossiping. From: Sp. llave.


yåfai adj. exhausted (physically), weakened, enfeebled, become tired. Manyåfai i famagu'un sa' tududia manhugåndu. The children were exhausted because they were playing all day. Kåo ti un yåfai yanggin kumollat håo guaka? Won't you get tired if you build a cattle fence? Trabiha ti yåyafai yu' manyabbåo tangantångan gi lanchu. I am not tired yet from clearing the tangantångan at the farm. See: mahgif.


yafyaf n. skin condition caused by fungus, involving white spots on the skin. Tinea versicolor. Ha usa si nåna i atkahot para u åmti i yafyaf. Mom used alcohol to heal the skin condition. Siña ha' ginin i masahalum i yafyaf. The skin condition could have been from the sweat. Sessu ha kassas gui' sa' yinafyaf. He keeps scratching because of his skin condition.


yafyaf gådåo n. disfigured skin, resembling a grouper (fish) in mottled color. Guaha siha na tåotåo mannina'yi ni yafyaf gådåo. Some people contracted the skin fungus causing discoloration. Yafyaf gådåo kumeke'ilek‑ña pekas na låssas ni uma'achuli' yan låssas i gadåo na guihan. Yafyaf gådåo means freckled skin similar to the skin of a grouper fish.


yågai vt. 1) beat up, wallop, spank. Na'måolik håo ya mungnga na un yinagai as tatå‑mu. Behave well so that your dad won't spank you. Manmumu yan manyinagai ni kuntråriu. They fought and they lost to their adversaries. See: såolak, planåsus, sapblåsus. 2) get the better of, fool (someone). Yinagai håo ta'lu. He got the better of you again. Ha ke'yagainñaihun yu', låo ti hu sedi. He tried to fool me, but I didn't let him. See: fa'baba. 3) have sexual intercourse (slang). Uma'ayagai i dos. The two are having sexual intercourse. Yinagai i ga'‑hu ga'lågu nu i ga' bisinu. My dog was impregnated by my neighbor's dog. Hinassok‑ku na esta tres mesis disdi mayågai i ga'‑hu ga'lågu ya ti mañåñagu. I thought my dog has been impregnated three months ago and she has yet to give birth. Variant: hotdi, uyu (slang).


yaggin cnj. if, when (future, habitual, irrealis). Yaggin para un iskuela, debi un na'listu i lepblom‑mu. When you're going to school, have your books ready. Yaggin ilek‑mu na ya‑mu yu', neni, pues ekkunguk yu'. If you say that you love me, baby, then listen to me. Yaggin måttu si Jose, tågu' ya u nangga yu'. If Jose arrives, tell him to wait for me. Used by older people.


yaguátutu adj. way over there. Atan i lepblu gi yaguatutu. Look at the book way over there. Gaigi si Jun gi yaguátutu na fila. Jun is in line way over there. Håfa na in na'fanyaguatutu hamyu? Why did you put yourselves way over there? See: chågugu', tákguatu.


yahålulum adj. way inside, innermost, way in, farthest in. Ha na'yahålulum gui' si Lole' gi misa. Lole' sat way in front at mass. Nå'na' i salappe'‑mu gi yahålulum gi kaohåo. Hide your money way inside the drawer. Yahålulum nai gaigi si Juan. Juan is way inside. Hu po'lu i guinaiyak‑ku nu hågu gi yahålulum gi kurason‑hu. I put my love for you in the innermost part of my heart. See: tákhalum, sanhalulum.


yahåyaya adj. way south, southernmost (Guam); way east, easternmost (Saipan). Po'lu i muhon gi yahåyaya na linderu. Put the boundary marker at the easternmost boundary. Manånum yu' gi yahåyaya gi lugat‑måmi. I planted at the easternmost part of my land. See: tákhaya.


yahúlulu' adj. way up, uppermost. Atan i yahululu' na lista gi pappit. Look at the uppermost list on the paper. Kahulu' gi yahululu' na guå'ut. Get way up on the ladder. Gaigi ennåo na asuntu gi yahululu' gi hinassok‑ku. That topic is uppermost in my mind. See: tákkilu', tátkilu', tákhilu'.


yahúyuyung adj. way out, far out, outermost, farthest from. Gaigi i batku gi yahuyuyung gi mattingan. The ship is way out there at the reef. Bai hu po'lu ennåo gi yahuhuyung gi hinassok‑ku. I'll put that farthest from my mind. See: tákhiyung, tákkiyung.


yaka' vt. knead (dough), work or press into a mass as dough, usually with the hands. Yaka' i buñelus aga'. Knead the banana fritters. Håyi para u yaka' esti na titiyas? Who will knead the tortillas? Båtti i harina yan i hanum, pues yaka'. Mix the flour and the water, then knead. See: båtti.


yakåttatan adj. way east, easternmost (Guam, Rota); way north, northernmost (Saipan). Yakåttatan nai tumotohgi si Jose. Jose is standing the farthest east. Gaigi i gima'‑måmi gi yakåttatan na filan guma'. Our house is at the northernmost line of houses. Para ke yu' kåo yakåttatan pat yalågugu. I could care less whether it's farthest north or farthest west. See: tákkattan.


yåki cnj. now that, given that, since. Yåki esta un sångan ennåo, hågu på'gu un na'funhåyan i istoria. Given that you have said that, you now will finish the story. Yåki un na'fanmamåhlåo ham ni bidå‑mu, sigi på'gu ya un fanggågåo dispensasion. Now that you have humiliated us by your action, go now and ask for forgiveness. Yåki esta un tutuhun i che'chu, bai in ayuda håo på'gu. Since you have started the work, we will now work with you.


yalågugu adj. way north, northernmost (Guam, Rota); way west, westernmost (Saipan). Gaigi i ga'lågu gi yalågugu gi chikeru. The dog is way west in the pigpen. Manmalågu guatu gi yalågugu na halumtånu'. They ran to the westernmost forest. See: táklagu.


yalaka' vt. 1) mix up with the hands, stir (e.g. corn, rice, batter). Yalaka' i koko'. Mix up the pickle. Debi un yalaka' esti na gollai gi tason. You need to mix these vegetables in the bowl. Ya‑hu na bai hu yalaka' i harina yan i soda. I like to mix the flour and the soda together. 2) mess up, stir things up. I sakki ha yalaka' i kosas siha gi gima' låo tåya' ha chuli'. The thief overturned things in the house but did not take anything. Sigi manyalaka' gi hunta esta ki humuyung i fåktu na asuntu. He kept interrogating the matter at the meeting until the actual fact emerged.


yalengyung vt. shake firmly (e.g. a tree or a container). Yalengyung duru i trongku ya u famoddung i tinekcha'. Shake the tree hard so the fruits will drop. Ya‑ña yumalengyung gui' an bumabaila. She likes to shake when she dances. Mayalengyung i gima' anai linåo. The house was shaken when there was an earthquake.


yalibåo vi. move spasmodically (as in epilepsy), move in panic, startle (someone), catch (someone) by surprise, jerk. Yumalilibåo i dadalak guali'ik yanggin må'tut. The tail of the gecko would wiggle when it is cut off. Mañalibåo yu' anai gotpi ma kadidak yu'. I jerked when they suddenly tickled me. Manyinalibåo i trongku ni pakyu. The trees were jerked around by the storm.


yalúchachan adj. way west, westernmost (Guam, Rota); way south, southernmost (Saipan). Atan i yaluchachan na oksu'. Look at the hill farthest south. Fatå'chung gi yaluchachan na siya. Sit in the southernmost chair. Go'ti ennåo esta i yaluchachan gi gima'. Hold that until you reach the southernmost part in the house. See: táklichan.


yama vt. 1) call attention to, bring up. Malagu' yu' na bai u yama atension‑miyu put esti na asuntu. I would like to call your attention to this issue. Tåya' malagu' manyama atension put prublema. No one wants to call attention to problems. 2) object to, oppose, disapprove, offer a reason or argument in. I abugåo ti ha yama i disision i kotti. The lawyer did not object against the decision of the court. Bai yama ennåo na disision. I am going to oppose that decision. From: Sp. llama.


yamågigi adj. closest, nearest to here. Fatå'chung guini gi yamågigi gi fi'on‑hu. Come sit closest to me. Ya‑hu esti i yamågigi na fruta. I like that fruit that’s closest to me. See: tákmagi.


yamak vt. break, destroy. Yamak påpa' ennåo na guma', sa' esta putlilu. Destroy that house, because it is already broken down. Bula yinamak‑ña i pakyu gi ma'pus na såkkan. The typhoon destroyed a lot last year. I neni yumamak i hugeti. The baby destroyed the toy. See: yulang.


yåmåo n. favorite side of cock pit, the side designated for the cock that is favored to win.


yamó'nana adj. way front, frontmost. Tohgi gi yamo'nana gi fila. Stand frontmost in the line. Atan i yamo'nana na påtgun sa' ti ume'ekkunguk. Watch the child in the very front because she is not listening. Manachikak ya siha mås manyamo'nana. They raced and they were in the very front. See: tákfe'na.


yan cnj. 1) and. I rispetu yan i gineftåo tatkilu' gi kutturå‑ta. Respect and generosity are high in our culture. Geppan yan makalåmya ennåo na tåotåo. That person is springy and flexible. Totchi i mangga gi asiga yan donni'. Dip the mango in the salt and hot pepper. See: ya. 2) if, shortened from of yanggin. Sangångani yu' yan håfa sinintem‑mu. Tell me if you're feeling anything. See: an.

prep. with. Humånåo yu' yan si Juan para i tenda. I went with Juan to the store. Umatya tinala' kåtni yan lemmai. Dried meat goes well with breadfruit. Umandi' ta'lu si Juan yan i lamlam magagu‑ña. Juan's showing off his gaudy outfit again.


yånta n. tire, wheel. Dångkulu i yanta mampus para esti na kareta. This tire is too large for this cart. Mayulang i yantan kareta anai lotgun gi hoyu gi chalan. The wheel of the car got damaged when it hit the potholes. Variant: yåntas. From: Sp. llanta.


yåntas n. iron rim, used to hold a wooden wheel. Esta bihu i yåntas gi karetan guaka. The iron rim in the bull cart's wheel is worn out. Ispiha i hireru kåo siña u fa'tinåsi hit yåntas para i karetan guaka. Find out if the blacksmith can forge an iron rim for the bull cart. Variant: yånta. From: Sp. llantas.


yåntu n. dilemma, problem. Annai mumu i dos påtgun, humuyung yåntu gi iskuela. When the two children fought, a problem developed at school. Ai na yåntu esti. Oh, what a dilemma this is. Ai ki yåntu si Tan Mattina si Tan Rosan Binamin, mås ki nungka yu' un guaiya, låo bai hu faisin håo put fin. What a dilemma, Tan Mattina and Tan Rosan Binamin! even if you don't like me, I'll go ahead and ask you anyway (from a song). From: Sp. llanto.


yånu n. flatland, plain. Dångkulu esti na yånu gi entalu' i eksu'. This flatland between the hills is large.

adj. flat (of land), level, not hilly. I yånu na tånu' måolik para i tipu. Flat land is good for sugar cane. Mampus yånu esti na lugåt. This area is too flat. From: Sp. llano; Sp. llano.


yanggin cnj. if, when (future, habitual, irrealis), in case. Yanggin para un iskuela, debi un na'listu i lepblom‑mu. If you are going to school, prepare your books. Chålik yanggin ma kadidak håo. Laugh when they tickle you. Yanggin guåhu mohon, ti bai hu sedi ennåo. If that were me, I would not allow that. Variant: an, anggin, yaggin.


yangkin n. type of game: rock-paper-scissors, played by pounding the fist into the palm of the opposite hand. Guaha kantån‑ña i yangkin po. There's a song that goes with rock-paper-scissors.

vi. play rock-paper-scissors. Manyangkin fine'nena håyi para u tutuhun chumotchu. They played rock-paper-scissors to see who was going to eat first. Ti ha tungu' yumangkin si Ana. Ana doesn't know how to play rock-paper-scissors. Variant: yangkin po. From: Jp. janken.


yåoyåo n. disturbance, fuss, agitation. Ha na'påra i yaoyåo gi entalu' i dos. He stopped the disturbance between the two.

adj. 1) unsettled, disturbed, agitated, fussed. Mungnga na un yinaoyåo put esti na infotmasion. Don’t be agitated about this information. Guaha yinaoyåo gi bisinu. There's a disturbance in the neighborhood. 2) choppy, rough, not calm (of the ocean). Yåoyåo i tasi. The ocean is choppy.


yapak vt.

vt. to detach, rip off (something stuck, as an adhesive bandage). Chåppak i manmama'ais na guihan siha. Break apart the frozen fishes. Ha chåppak i pisåra gi liga. He ripped off the board from the wall. Bai yapak esti na kahita. I will dismantle this box. Syn: dispega, tupa. Variant: chappak, chåppak.


yapåpapa' adj. way down, lowest. Gaigi i mangga gi yapåpapa' na råmas. The mango is at the lowest branch. Ga'ok‑ku na un yahululu' ki un yapåpapa'. I'd rather that you be at the very top than way at the bottom. Gaigi i na'an‑måmi gi yapåpapa' gi lista. Our names are at the bottom of the list. Variant: tákpapa'.


yatåttiti adj. way back, farthest back. Tohgi gi yatåttiti gi fila. Stand way back in the line. I manåmku' manyatåttiti gi likåo. The elders were at the very end of the procession. Ti siña hu li'i' håo sa' gaigi yu' gi yatåttiti gi fila. I could not see you because I was way back in the line. See: táktatti.


yåtdas n. 1) yard (measurement). Kuåntu yåtdas na chita malago'‑mu? How many yards of printed fabric would you like? Sinku yåtdas nahung para un kuttina. Five yards is enough for one curtain. 2) fabric, yardage. Mamåhan yu' yåtdas gi tenda. I bought yardage at the store. Un klåsin yåtdas ha' malåksi para i dåma siha. Only one type of fabric will be sewn for the bridesmaids. From: Sp. yardas.


yatya vt. 1) tear (into pieces). Manmayatya i magågu. The clothes were torn to pieces. 2) shatter, smash, pound (clothes to clean them, medicine). Ma yayatya i magågu gi hilu' i atchu' anai mafa'gågasi. They pounded the clothes on the rock when they were washing them. See: yamak.


yayaguak n. type of bird: edible nest swiftlet. collocalis inexpectata bartschi. Guaha gumuaiya i chemchun yayaguak yanggin makåtdu. Some like the nest of the swiftlet when made into soup. Yan‑ñiha manmama'chemchum i yayaguak gi halum liyang. Swiftlets like to build their nests in caves.


yayas adj. tired, weary, fatigued, exhausted, worn out. Yayas yu' esta manrikohi basula. I am already tired collecting trash. Ti u fanyayas i famagu'un manhugåndu. The children will not be tired of playing. Manna'yayas esti na cho'chu' siha. These kinds of tasks are tiresome. Variant: ñåñas.


ye n. the name of y, the twenty-fourth letter of the alphabet.


ye'ti vt. massage lightly or briefly. Ye'ti yu' sa' puti kannai‑hu. Massage my hand because it is hurting. Måolik kannai‑ña manye'ti si Tita. Tita has a healing hand for massage. Hu na'maye'ti tingu‑hu sa' åtman yu' tumekkun. I had a massage on my neck because I was bending for a long time. See: lasa, yemmi.


yeba vi. 1) share a bet, ride on someone's bet by adding to complete the bet. Ta yeba gi huegu. Let’s bet on the game. Yeba yu' benti pesus kumu siña. Put in twenty dollars for me in your bet if possible. 2) debate. Yumeba si Jose yan si Lorenzo put i asuntun attikulu dossi. Joe and Larry had a debate on the Article XII issue. Håyi para u yeba yan i gubetnu? Who will debate with the governor? See: dibåti, logru.


yekti' n. rubbish, anything discarded or thrown away, trash. Puru esti siha yekti' bisinu. All these are discards from the neighbors. Na'sahngi ennåo na lugåt para sågan yekte'‑ta. Set aside that area for our throwaways.

adj. fond of discarding things, (one who) likes to discard things. Yekti' si Juan dogga. Juan likes to throw away his slippers. Ti ya‑hu ennåo i yekti' na påtgun. I don’t like that child who throws things away. Ti yekti' yu' sapåtus. It's not easy for me to discard shoes. Syn: anyuti'.


yellu n. jello, gelatin. Mamis esti na yellu. This jello is sweet. Måolik esti i yellu para i hinemlu' tåotåo. Jello is good for the health. Sessu maplånta i yellu gi iskuela. Jello is often served at the school.


yema n. egg yolk. Måolik mafåla' i yeman fresku na chåda'. It is good to drink the yolk of a freshly laid egg. I bruha ha usa kantidå na yema para u hotnu i manngi' na brohås‑ña. The witch used a lot of egg yolks to bake her delicious sponge cakes. Ha na'setbi si Julie i yema para i flamengku. Julie uses egg yolk to make flamengku. Syn: agaga' chåda'. Variant: yemma. From: Sp. yema.


yemmi' vt. press against with fingers, squeeze using the fingers. Lachi i hu yemmi' na numiru gi tilifon. I pressed the wrong telephone number. Na'siguru na un yemmi' i siladura ya u kandålu i petta. Make sure you press the lock to close the door. Hu yemmi' kalulot‑tu sa' ma'etdut. I pressed my fingers because they are numb. See: honñu'.


yenereta' n. generator. In isa i yenereta' anai måkpu' i pakyu. We used the generator after the typhoon. Gaddai mampus gasolina esti na yenereta'. This generator consumes too much gasoline. Puru ha' burukan yenereta' gi halum i sengsung siha anai tumåya' kåndit gi finakpu' påkyu. When the power went off after the typhoon, all you heard in the villages were the sounds from the generators. From: Eng. generator.


yennåo dem. that (near addressee); older form of ennåo. Håfa na para guåhu ha', yennåo? Why is it only for me, what about that person? Ha tungu' kumuentus put guåhu, yennåo put guiya ti ha tungu'. She knows how to talk about me, and that of herself, she does not know. Yuti' todu, yennåo na sahngi. Discard all and that you set aside. Variant: ya'ennåo.


yengyung vt. shake, vibrate. Yengyung i mangga ya u famoddung i manmåsa. Shake the mango trees to make the ripe fruits fall. Ha yengyung i chemchum gonggung pues inakka'. He got stung when he shook the nest of the bumblebee. 2) stir (a feeling, imagination, emotion). Manyinengyung nu i fino'‑ña put sina'pit familia. His words about the family's suffering stirred their emotions. Ha yengyung kurason‑hu i na'pinitin kantån‑ña. His sad song touched my heart. Manyinengyung sinientin‑ñiha anai ma hunguk na yinengyung i isla ni linåo. Their emotions were shaken when they heard about the earthquake shaking the island.


yeografiha n. geography. Bula tinilaika gi fina'nå'guin yeografiha på'gu. There are lots of changes in the teaching of geography now. Guaha na biåhi na i iståo pulitika muna'matulalaika i yeografihan i nasion. Political status can sometimes change the geography of nations. From: Sp. geografía.


yeogråfiku adj. geographical, relating to geography. Guaha yeogråfiku na infutmasion gi lepblun Tiempun i Manmofo'na. There are geographical information in the Tiempun i Manmofo'na book. From: Sp. geográfico.


yeometria n. geometry. Ha gånna i sinsuran yeometria. She passed the geometry test. Ha usa yeometria para u katkula i tinatkilu' i trongkun niyuk. He used geometry to calculate the height of the coconut tree. Mafa'nåna'gui yeometria gi iskuelan elementariu. Geometry is taught in elementary school. From: Sp. geometría.


yesta adv. already; older form of esta according to Topping, Ogo, and Dungca. Yesta munhåyan. It is already done. Kåo ti måfattu i pulisiha pat esta? Has the policeman not arrived yet or already? Yesta yu' o'osun ni atyu put atyu. I am already tired of the same old stuff.


yesu n. chalk, plaster. Esta måolik i binattin i yesu para ma'implåstu i hetnun ladriyu. The mixture of the plaster is ready for plastering the brick oven. Nina'mipotbus i pisåra anai mafufunas i manmatugi' yesu. The blackboard became very dusty when the chalk writings were being erased. Bula na imåhin mañåntus manmafa'tinas ni yesu. Many statues of saints were made of chalk. From: Sp. yeso.


yetban Santa Maria (TBD) n. type of plant: false camomile, Indian chrysanthemum. See: mansaniya, yetbas Santa Maria.


yetbas n. small plant. Guaha åmut gi intri esti siha na yetbas. There is medicine among these small plants. Manmayabbåo i yetbas ti maripåra. The small plants were trimmed by accident. Esti na yetbas yetbas babui, ya mana'sesetbi gi amut tininu. This small herb is yetbas babui, used for amut tininu medicine. From: Sp. fi: hierbas.


yetbas babui n. type of grass: pig grass. Blechum brownei. Dodokku' i yetbas babui gi interu giya Mariånas. Yetbas babui grows throughout the Marianas. Siña ha' ma'usa yetbas babui gi amut impåtchu. Yetbas babui is used for appetite-related illness.


yetbas bihu n. type of plant: lichen. Ramalina farinacea. Ya‑ña i yetbas bihu sumusu gi trongku. Yetbas bihu likes to attach itself to a tree. Kumu guaha yetbas bihu gi trongku, kumeke'ilek‑ña na gåsgas i airi. Yetbas bihu on a tree indicates clean air.


yetbas buena n. type of grass. Mentha arvensis. Mano’tu si nanå‑hu yetbas buena para u na’danña’i i mutsiyas para ninahuyong‑ña lamo’na gi finakpulisåyu. For her contribution on the last day of the rosary, my mother picked yetbas buena leaves to mix with the diced chicken pieces wrapped in chicken skin. Ha’ na’såsåonåo si tan Maria yetbas buena gi amut påsmun gugat. Tan Maria would include the yetbas buena as part of the medicine for muscle ache. Variant: yetba buena. From: Sp. yerbabuena.


yetbas Santa Maria n. type of grass. Artemisia vulgaris. Måolik i yetbas Santa Maria para åmut påsmu. Artemisa vulgaris is used when treating stroke deformities of the body. Esta håhassan yetbas Santa Maria sa' ti mageftungu' ma'uså‑ña. Artemisa vulgaris is becoming rare because of the lack of knowledge in its usage. From: Sp.


yetna n. daughter-in-law. Atendida na yetna atyu i gaigi gi gima' nåna. The daughter-in-law at Nåna's house is hospitable. Ya‑hu i yetnåk‑ku sa' måolik mamoksai påtgun. I like my daughter-in-law because she is good in raising children. From: Sp. yerna.


yetnu n. son-in-law. Manmåolik i yetnok‑ku sa' manbrabu manmacho'chu'. My sons-in-law are good because they are hardworking. Ma tarereha siha mismu i yetnok‑ku gi che'chu' familia. The sons-in-law assign themselves family work. From: Sp. yerno.


yettik vt. massage with the hands or fingers, massage by gentle pounding. Yettik fan ta'lu esti i tingu‑hu. Please massage my neck again. Måolik manyettik i ñalalang na kånnai. A light hand is good for giving massage. See: lasa, ugut, ye'ti.


yi suf. applicative suffix that adds an argument to the verb; form of ‑i after a vowel. Hu alulåyi umarekla yu' para i giput. I quickly prepared myself for the party. Ha na'yiyi asiga i katdun månnuk. She added salt to the chicken soup. Maninaligåyi åmut gi halum tånu'. Medicine were being searched for them in the forest.


Yigu name. village in northern Guam; spelled Yigo. Machuli' dångkulu na tånu' giya Yigu para ma'usa ni militåt. A large tract of land in Yigo was taken for military use. Kana' meggaiña na hånum fresku ginin Yigu. Most of the fresh water is from Yigo. Håssan ni hu bisita Yigu, solu guaha dinanña' familia. I rarely visit Yigo except for family gatherings.


yíluluk vt. wad, rub, twist, roll (between two things, as between the two hands). Hu yiluluk i atadok‑ku sa' makaka. I rubbed my eye because it was itchy. Yiluluk i Miana ya un pega gi chetnot‑mu. Rub the Miana between your hands and apply it on your wound. Tinemba i trongku anai yiniluluk ni manglu'. The tree was knocked down when the wind twisted it.


yinabbåo n. cleared field, collection of cut leaves. Para bai in fanmanånum dågu gi yinabbåo. We are going to plant yam in the cleared field. Inrikohi i yinabbåo sakåti para na' guaka. We put together the cut grass for cattle feed. Bålli i yinabbåo gi kantun guma'. Rake the cut grass near the house.


yinaka' n. kneaded dough, batter, mixture of things, such as cement. Dinanchi i yinaka' harina para i pån tuba. The mixture of the dough is just right for making tuba bread. Na'måolik yinaka'‑mu nu i binattin buñelus aga'. Knead well the dough for the banana fritter. Tai bali i yinaka' simentu sa' esta ånglu'. The cement mixture is useless because it dried up.


yinalaka' n. batter, a mixture of things such as flour, other materials. Ti nahung yinalaka' harina para pån. There is insufficient flour batter for bread. Esta listu i yinalaka' potu para mana'lågu. The batter for the potu is ready for cooking.

vi. messed up, stirred up (passive). Yinalaka' i tinanum nu i guaka. The cow messed up the plants. Yinalaka' hinasson‑ña anai ha li'i' bulan salåppi'. He got confused when he saw a large amount of money.


yinaoyåo n. disturbance, confusion, disagreement, something troublesome, confusion, commotion. Guston‑ña si Luis muna'guaha yinaoyåo kada manggimin yan i mangga'chung. Luis has a knack of creating commotion whenever there is drinking with friends. Guaha yinaoyåo gi tasi, pues siña ha' påkyu på'gu na simåna. There is a disturbance at sea, so we may be expecting a storm this week. Maila' ta fanafa'måolik ya båsta i yinaoyåo gi intri hita. Let's have good relations with each other and end the disagreement among us. See: kumbalåchi, plaitu, ingkumbinensia, atburotu, engkibukåo.


yini dem. this (near speaker); older form of ini.


yini'usan adj. 1) godly, of or pertaining to God. Ai na manyini'usan tåotåo hamyu sa' mansen yo'asi'. Oh, you are godly people because you are so merciful. San Antonio, yini'usan na såntus, na'sodda' yu' nu i hu aliligåo. Saint Anthony, godly saint, help me find what I am looking for.


yiniti' vi. discarded, thrown away, left behind (passive). Ti u honggi na u yiniti' ni asaguå‑ña sa' hagas dumanña' i dos. I could not believe that she left him because they have been together for a long time. Ha hokka i yiniti' buteya putno u fanchinachak nu i piridoma. She picked the discarded bottle to prevent cuts from broken glass. Manmamamaisin anyiniti' låta para mabendi. They are asking for discarded cans to sell.


yintang n. type of breath mint, a Japanese breath mint. Metgut i yintang para famagu'un siha. This Japanese breath mint is very strong for children. Dikiki' na kalan bålan bibigun esti i yintang. This breath mint is very small like a BB gun pellet. Unu ha' na yintang nahung ni para u na'fresku i pachot‑mu. Only one Japanese breath mint is needed to freshen your mouth. See: hamlak.


yip n. jeep. Anai måkpu' i gera, tåya' sidan, puru ha' yip militåt gi isla. After the war, there were no sedans, only military Jeeps on island. Si bihu‑hu guaha yip‑ña ni makurårangku'. My grandfather had a jeep that requires cranking. From: Eng. jeep.


yippa' n. zipper. Libiånu esti i zippa' gi magågu. The zipper is a convenient part of the garment. Gåtdun i zippa' sa' tinaki'. The zipper got stuck because it is rusty.

vt. zip up, close by zipping. Zippa' ennåo i pachot‑mu esta ki un tungu' klåru håfa para un sångan. Zip your mouth until you are sure you know what to say. Bai hu zippa' ha' i maletå‑hu, ti bai hu kandålu. I will only zip up my luggage and not lock it. From: Eng. zipper.


yirubak n. a type of dance: jitterbug. Fanå'gui yu' fan bumailan yirubak? Would you teach me to dance the jitterbug? Masahalum måolik anai bumaila yirubak. He really sweated when he danced the jitterbug. Åntis gi tiempun Navy sessu i marineru siha manbaila yirubak yan i famalåo'an Chamoru gi fihun i Guma' Aridondu giya Chalan Kanoa. Long time ago, during the Navy time, sailors freqently danced the jitterbug with the Chamorro ladies near the Round House in Chalan Kanoa.

vi. dance the jitterbug. Yumiyirubak gui' mågi put para u faisin yu' bumaila. He was jitterbugging toward me to ask me to dance. Kalan ti umatya ennåo na dåndan para ta yirubak. That rhythm does not sound right for us to dance the jitterbug. Pumåra yumirubak anai nina'yi putin åtayu'. She stopped dancing the jitterbug when she got afflicted with back pain. Variant: yirubok. From: Eng. jitterbug.


yíyinga' n. one who paints, draws or does illustrations, artist. Disareklåo esti na yiyinga' låo guaguan i yininga'‑ña siha. This artist is messy but his paintings are expensive. Mandanña' i manyiyinga' para u mayunga' i guinaha siha gi kutturan Chamorro. The artists gathered to illustrate the material culture of the Chamorros.

adj. artistic. Låstima sa' esta tåya' yiyinga' na maestru gi iskuela. It is a loss that there is no art teacher in the school. Derived by reduplication from yunga'.


'- (from: '‑) pref. full of (intensifier), expert in (something). Hu nisisita un yo'amti sa' sen malangu i patgon‑hu. I need an expert healer because my child is very sick. This prefix is not productive.


yó'amti n. highly skilled healer, family of healers, master in healing. Manyo'amti ennåo na familia. That family has a lot of healers. Guaha a'amti, guaha yo'amti; i yo'amti mås gai tiningu'. There are healers and there are more skillful healers. Yo'amti gui' sa' siña mañåffi, manlasa, yan mañotni åmut siha. She is a highly skilled healer because she can do aural cleansing, massage, and brew herbal medicine. See: á'amti.


yó'amut adj. having a repertoire of medicine. Ai esti na chetnot‑tu; debi di bai aligåo atyu i yo'amut na a'amti. My goodness, with this illness of mine, I will have to look for a healer who has more medicine. Yo'amut esti na palåo'an sa' ha tungu' månu ni manggaigi i amut siha gi halum tånu'. This lady has a repertoire of medicine because she knows where the medicinal plants are in the forest. See: yó'amti.


yó'asi' adj. merciful, forgiving (of a person), kind. Ha na'e'baba' i kastigu i yo'asi' na hues. The lenient judge reduced the punishment. Put i yine'ase'‑ña na matuna gui' gi kumunidåt. He was praised in the community for his compassion. Hu agradesi i yine'ase'‑mu. I am grateful for your kindness. See: gai asi', gai ma'asi'.


yó'dahi adj. thrifty, economical, cautious, careful, protective, good at taking care of one's possessions, good at not wasting things. Ta fanyo'dahi nu i guinaha‑ta gi tano'‑ta. We will be protective of what we have on our land. Yo'dahi esti na familia ya manutas guinahan‑ñiha. This family is very careful with things because they have all that they need. Sessu malingu kosås‑ña sa' ti yo'dahi. Things frequently disappear because he is not careful with his things. Guaha gi familia yo'dahi yan guaha sen geftåo. In the family there some who are careful with their things and some who are overly generous. Måolik nina''‑ña sa' yo'dahi. He has a good life because he takes good care of what he has.


yó'kannai adj. possessing multiple skills with his/her hands, including being a masseuse or having a green thumb, etc. Yo'kannai esti na tåotåo ya måolik manlasa yan mamoksai gå'ga'. This person has multiple skills with his hands and he is a good masseuse and good in raising animals. Adahi sa' ti guse'kannai yu' na yo'kannai yu'. Be aware that I am not quick with my hands but I am good with my hands. Syn: måolik kannai‑ña. See: guse'kannai.


yó'lagu' adj. sensitive, easily made to cry, easily shedding tears. Ai na yine'lagu' si Nan Kita', sa' chaddik tuhu' lago'‑ña. Oh, Nan Kita is very sensitive, because she easily sheds tears. Yo'lagu' i nana gi sinisedin famagu'on‑ña. The mother easily shed tears regarding her children's incident. Mamåhlåo kumuentus put i difuntu na amigu‑ña, sa' yo'lagu'. He is timid about speaking regarding his friend, because he is very sensitive. See: tatkiyung lago'‑ña.


yó'layu' n. one whose feelings are easily hurt. Mungnga manhita yan i yo'layu' gi hunta ya ta fanmunhåyan chaddik. Let's not invite to the meeting a person whose feelings are easily hurt so that we can end the meeting quickly. Adahi håfa para in sangan, sa' ennagui' mågi i yo'layu'. Be careful what you say, because here comes the person whose feelings are easily hurt.

adj. having the characteristic of being easily offended. Ti yo'layu' yu' na tåotåo, pues sångan håfa para un sångan. I am not easily offended, so say what you want to say. Ti sungunun i yo'layu' na tåotåo. It is not easy to tolerate a person who is easily offended. Syn: hálayu'.


yó'mahlåo adj. shy, bashful, shamefaced, timid, modest, demure, unobtrusive, timorous. Mapeddi håo yanggin mampus håo yo'mahlåo. You are at a disadvantage if you are too timid. I yo'mahlåo na påtgun, ti ha sungun i kompitensia. The shy child was not able to stand the competition. Mungnga yumommahlåo gi me'nan tåotåo. Don't be embarrassed being in front of people. Variant: yómmahlåo.


Yo'ña name. village in central Guam. Meggai istoria put Yo'ña giya Guåhan disdi tiempun antigu. Yo'ña in Guam has a lot stories since ancient times. Manafañaga i taotåo giya Manenggon, Yo'ña, gi tiempun Geran Dos. People were moved to Manenggon, Yo'ña during WWII.


yogga' n. type of tree, Yoga. Elaeocarpus joga. Siña un sodda' yogga' giya Marianas yan Palau. You can find yogga' in the Mariana islands and Palau. Aridondu yan kulot asut tinekcha'‑ña i yogga'. The fruit of the yogga' is round and blue in color.


yoggua vt. 1) discard. Yoggua esti siha na sapåtus sa' esta ti manusåyun. Discard these shoes because they are no longer usable. Atyik i ya‑mu ya un yoggua i ti ya‑mu. Select what you like and discard what you don't like. 2) punish, cast into hell, scourge. Manmafa'nå'gui ham na in fanmayoggua gi guafi yanggin guaha isåo‑måmi. We were taught that we will be thrown into the fire if we have sins.


yokyuk n. 1) fire made from rubbing sticks together. Gåsgas esti na yokyuk sa' ti mi'asu. This fire is clean because there not much smoke. 2) flint used in starting a fire. I asga' gi matchis, atyu yekyok‑ña. Fire is created from the flint of the match stick. Ha sodda' meggai na asga' para yokyuk gi halum tånu'. He found in the forest a lot of flint for making fire.

vt. shake, rub (wood) for fire. Ha yokyuk i dos na håyu para guåfi. He rubbed the two sticks to make fire. Na'laduru yokyok‑mu ni håyu ya u chaddik manila'. Rub the sticks faster so that the fire will start sooner. Syn: asiga', asga'.


yommuk adj. fat, fleshy, plump, stocky, obese, stout, corpulent. Yommuk låo måolik bumaila yirubak ennåo na palåo'an. That lady is fat but is a good jitterbug dancer. Ginin yommuk, pues ha ribåha kinanno'‑ña hineksa' put para u lamasoksuk. Previously he was obese, then he reduced eating rice to be a bit slimmer. Manmarikunosi i famagu'un gi iskuela taimanu yinemmuk‑ñiha. They tested the students at school to determine their obesity level. Guaha na klåsin tåotåo manyommuk låo manmasisu lokkui'. Some people are fat but muscular also.

n. person who is obese, stocky, corpulent, etc. Sen masoksuk låo makakassi si Yommuk. She is very thin but they tease her as the one who is fat. See: chebut, fedda', yomsan.


yomsan adj. fleshy, plump, stocky, stout, well-built. I na yinemsan håo na tåotåo. My, you are stocky person. Na'fanyomsan todu ennåo siha i pineksai‑mu gå'ga'. Fatten all the animals that you are raising. See: yommuk, chebut.


yori' n. slipper, Japanese slipper. Ha na'palalappa i yori' an mamomokkat. She is making a flapping sound with the yori when she walks. Ga'ok‑ku yori' ki getta'. I prefer yori' to getta'. Chinachak anai umatdotgan i piridoma kontra i yore'‑ña. She got cut when the broken glass pierced through her yori'. From: Jp. yori.


yoriko' vt. bombard, attack, e.g. with artillary or rocks in a continuous motion. Manmayoriko' ham ni atchu' anai manmumu ham. We were bombarded with rocks when we fought. From: Jp.


yotti vt. throw, cast, fling, hurl, pitch, toss (a short distance). Umayotti i dos palåbra gi kampein pulitika. The two of them were tossing words to each other at the political campaign. Yotti mågi i galuti; mungnga madåggåo. Toss the stick over; don't throw it. Yotti i simiyan åtis gi hiyung guma', pues rega hånum. Toss the sweetsop seeds outside the house, then sprinkle water on them. See: blångku, dåggåo.


yu dem. that (away from speaker and addressee); shortened form of yuhi. Mangginin månu yuhi na istudiånti? Where did those students come from? Håyi yuhi na bihu, sa' kulan atyu i a'amti chetnut låssas. Who is that elderly man, because he is like the healer of skin diseases.


yu' pro. I, me (first person singular weak pronoun). Mungnga yu' mafa' i tai nina'siña na tåotåo. Do not treat me as if I am a helpless person. Ayuda yu' på'gu, pues bai ayuda håo ottru biåhi. Help me today, then I will help you next time. Tåya' yu' yanggin ti hamyu. I am nobody it wasn't for you.


yu'us name. supreme being, God. Manhonggi gi as yu'us. She believes in God. Anai atdit na påkyu nai manmanaitai gi as yu'us. It was when the storm is at its worst that they prayed to God. Kadakuåt na yu'us siha gi hinenggin tåotåo. Every belief has its own supreme being. See: saina.


yudo' n. judo, type of martial art originated in Japan. Si tåta umetyak yudo' gi tiempun Hapones giya Mariånas. Father learned judo during the Japanese administration of the Marianas. Kuntodu famalåo'an mañåonåo gi kumpitensian yudo'. Even females joined the judo competition. Ha na'annuk na respitåo gui' gi kumpitensian judo'. He showed that he is respectful in the judo competition. Appling addeng‑hu anai ha gua'ding yudo' yu'. My leg got sprained when he applied yudo to trip me.

vt. use judo, apply judo to. I sakki yinido' ni pulisiha anai para u falågu. The policeman used judo to prevent the thief from running away. Fatkilu yan yommahlåo na tåotåo låo gef siña yinido' håo. He is a quiet and shy man but can easily throw you judo style. From: Jp. judo.


yugi vt. strike (match), rub against, start fire, ignite (Saipan). Hu yugi i matchis låo ti kimason, sa' umidu. I struck the match but it did not burn, because it's damp. Yugi esti kontra i simentu ya ta li'i' kåo fañila'. Strike this against the cement and see if it catches fire. Ha yugi i bayogu para u na'tininu yu'. She rubbed the bayogu seed to burn me with it.


yugu n. yoke; the v-shaped frame placed over neck of bull when harnessed to a cart. Pegan måolik i yugu gi tinghun guaka sa' u poddung. Put the yoke properly on the cow or it will fall off. Aligåo i ramas trongku ni måolik para yugun guaka. Look for a tree branch that can make a good yoke.

vt. have (someone) do much work. Åntis di u asagua, mayugu si Pedro ni familian i nobia. Before marrying his fiancee, Pedro was made to work very hard by the fiancee's family. Si tatan‑måmi ha yuyugu' ham gi lanchu an bakasion i iskuela. Our father makes us work much at the farm during vacation. From: Sp. yugo.


yuhi dem. that (away from speaker and addressee). Sangåni yuhi åntis di un hånåo. Tell that before you leave. Håfa yuhi na ti malagu' matå'chung yan hita guini? Why is that person not willing to sit with us here? Ti parehu yuhi yan i masåsangan na asuntu gi hunta nigap. That is different from the matter that was being discussed at the meeting yesterday. Syn: atyu. Variant: yu.


yuka' cnj. although, even though. Yuka' yayas esta, sigi ha' mamokkat. Although she is already exhausted, she kept walking. Yuka' un lásaga, bai u hånåo ha'. Even though you stay a bit longer, I am still going. Yuka' sigi ha' un gågåo, ti un nina'i. Although you keep asking, he will not give it to you.


yulang vt. destroy, wreck, break. Arekla i gima' kuntodu håfa siha un yulang na kosas gi sanhiyung. Fix up the house, including the things you destroyed outside. Put un chinatkumprendi na mayulang i entalu' i dos familia. Due to a misunderstanding, the relationship between the two families was destroyed. Ha keke'yulang i lamasa, låo uttimon‑ña ha yamak. He tried to break the table, but ended up smashing it instead. See: yamak.


yulang månglu' n. windbreak, trees or plants that provide shelter from the wind. Manånum si Tang bula na trongkun niyuk para yulang månglu'. Dad planted lots of coconut trees as windbreaks. Mamoddung i trongkun gågu para yulang månglu' anai kinannu' i inai nu i napu. The pine tree windbreaks toppled when the waves eroded the sand. Ti sen bula dåñu ginin i manglu', sa' meggai trongkun talisai na yulang månglu'. There was not much damage from the storm, because there are lots of tropical almond trees as windbreaks.


yuma vt. 1) use, make use of. Esta manmayuma esti siha na pen, låo mansesen måolik ha' manmånggi'. These pens have been used, but they can still write well. Ti manmayuyuma esti siha na buteyan hånum. These water bottles are intact. Esti na nengkanu' guini na lamasa ti manmayuyuma. The food on this table has not been touched. 2) deflower, deprive (someone) of virginity. Ti ma yuma esti na palåo'an. This female is a virgin.


yun suf. ‑able (abilitative); form of un following a vowel. Guaiyayun na påtgun si Rita. Rita is a lovable child. Tulaikayun ha' esti na magågu gi tenda. This dress i exchangeable at the store. Tunåyun si San Antonio na såntus. Saint Anthony is praisable.


yunga' n. drawing, painting, picture (Saipan). Manggåtbu na yunga' manmapega gi ligan i ofisinan atkåtdi. The paintings on the wall at the mayor's office are beautiful. På'gu na tiempu, sessu hu li'i' fina'yunga' na mafanana'an graffiti. These days, I often observe a type of painting called graffiti. Håyi esta gai yininga'? Whose drawing is this?

vt. draw (a picture), paint. Ottru klåsin yininga' ha yuyunga' anai mula'amku'. He painted a different type of painting when he got older. Mapput makumprendi håfa ha yunga', låo åtman manohgi para uma'atan måolik. The painting was not easy to understood, but many stood for a long time to stare at it. See: penta, yiyinga'.


yungki n. anvil. Put fin malingu i yungki anai sessu mampus ma'åyåo. The anvil eventually disappeared when it was borrowed too often. Ha gof adahi si tatå‑hu i yungki ni irensian tatå‑ña. My father really treasured the anvil that he inherited from his father. From: Sp. yunque.


yuti' vt. throw away, dump, drop down, cast away, discard. Hokka tåtti håfa un yuti'. Pick up what you discarded. Ha yuti' i asaguå‑ña sa' esta o'sun nu i bision‑ña gumimin. He left his spouse because he got fed up with her drinking. Manmayuti' meggai na dokumentun tånu' anai mankinannu' ni anai'. A lot of land documents were thrown away when they were eaten by termites. Todu esti manmayuti'ñaihun na kosas, låo ti debi di u fanmayuti'. All these were discarded items, but they should not be discarded. See: blångku, dåggåo, foyang.




adj.  adjective
adv.  adverb
agr.  agreement prefix
art.  article
aux.  auxiliary
cnj.  conjunction
dem.  demonstrative
Eng.  English
infx.  infix
intj.  Interjection
Jp.  Japanese
n.  noun
n.pl.  plural noun
neg.  negative
num.  numeral
part.  particle
pp.  prepositional phrase
pred.  predicate
pref.  prefix
prep.  preposition
pro.  pronoun
Sp.  Spanish
suf.  suffix
Syn  synonym
vi.  intransitive verb
vt.  transitive verb